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kernel(_raw_qread_trylock)kernel(_raw_qread_unlock_bh)kernel(_raw_qread_unlock_irqrestore)kernel(_raw_qspin_lock)kernel(_raw_qspin_lock_irq)kernel(_raw_qwrite_lock)kernel(_raw_qwrite_lock_bh)kernel(_raw_qwrite_lock_irq)kernel(_raw_qwrite_lock_irqsave)kernel(_raw_qwrite_trylock)kernel(_raw_qwrite_unlock_bh)kernel(_raw_qwrite_unlock_irqrestore)kernel(_raw_read_lock)kernel(_raw_read_lock_bh)kernel(_raw_read_lock_irq)kernel(_raw_read_lock_irqsave)kernel(_raw_read_trylock)kernel(_raw_read_unlock_bh)kernel(_raw_read_unlock_irqrestore)kernel(_raw_spin_lock)kernel(_raw_spin_lock_bh)kernel(_raw_spin_lock_irq)kernel(_raw_spin_lock_irqsave)kernel(_raw_spin_trylock)kernel(_raw_spin_trylock_bh)kernel(_raw_spin_unlock)kernel(_raw_spin_unlock_bh)kernel(_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore)kernel(_raw_write_lock)kernel(_raw_write_lock_bh)kernel(_raw_write_lock_irq)kernel(_raw_write_lock_irqsave)kernel(_raw_write_trylock)kernel(_raw_write_unlock_bh)kernel(_raw_write_unlock_irqrestore)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_bb8192c_config_parafile)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_calculate_bit_shift)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_dbm_to_txpwr_idx)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_fw_rf_serial_read)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_fw_rf_serial_write)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_init_bb_rf_register_definition)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_read)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_rf_serial_write)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_set_rf_sleep)kernel(_rtl92c_phy_txpwr_idx_to_dbm)kernel(_rtl92c_store_pwrIndex_diffrate_offset)kernel(_snd_ctl_add_slave)kernel(_snd_hda_set_pin_ctl)kernel(_snd_hdac_read_parm)kernel(_snd_pcm_hw_param_setempty)kernel(_snd_pcm_hw_params_any)kernel(_snd_pcm_lib_alloc_vmalloc_buffer)kernel(_snd_pcm_stream_lock_irqsave)kernel(_submit_bh)kernel(a8293_attach)kernel(ablk_decrypt)kernel(ablk_encrypt)kernel(ablk_exit)kernel(ablk_init)kernel(ablk_init_common)kernel(ablk_set_key)kernel(ablkcipher_walk_done)kernel(ablkcipher_walk_phys)kernel(abort_creds)kernel(abort_exclusive_wait)kernel(ac97_bus_type)kernel(account_page_dirtied)kernel(account_page_redirty)kernel(account_page_writeback)kernel(ack_all_badblocks)kernel(acomp_request_alloc)kernel(acomp_request_free)kernel(acpi_acquire_global_lock)kernel(acpi_attach_data)kernel(acpi_bind_one)kernel(acpi_bios_error)kernel(acpi_bios_warning)kernel(acpi_bus_can_wakeup)kernel(acpi_bus_generate_netlink_event)kernel(acpi_bus_get_device)kernel(acpi_bus_get_ejd)kernel(acpi_bus_get_private_data)kernel(acpi_bus_get_status)kernel(acpi_bus_power_manageable)kernel(acpi_bus_private_data_handler)kernel(acpi_bus_register_driver)kernel(acpi_bus_scan)kernel(acpi_bus_set_power)kernel(acpi_bus_trim)kernel(acpi_bus_unregister_driver)kernel(acpi_bus_update_power)kernel(acpi_check_address_range)kernel(acpi_check_dsm)kernel(acpi_check_region)kernel(acpi_check_resource_conflict)kernel(acpi_clear_event)kernel(acpi_clear_gpe)kernel(acpi_cppc_processor_exit)kernel(acpi_cppc_processor_probe)kernel(acpi_create_platform_device)kernel(acpi_current_gpe_count)kernel(acpi_dbg_layer)kernel(acpi_dbg_level)kernel(acpi_debugfs_dir)kernel(acpi_decode_pld_buffer)kernel(acpi_detach_data)kernel(acpi_dev_add_driver_gpios)kernel(acpi_dev_filter_resource_type)kernel(acpi_dev_found)kernel(acpi_dev_free_resource_list)kernel(acpi_dev_get_property)kernel(acpi_dev_get_resources)kernel(acpi_dev_gpio_irq_get)kernel(acpi_dev_irq_flags)kernel(acpi_dev_pm_attach)kernel(acpi_dev_pm_detach)kernel(acpi_dev_resource_address_space)kernel(acpi_dev_resource_ext_address_space)kernel(acpi_dev_resource_interrupt)kernel(acpi_dev_resource_io)kernel(acpi_dev_resource_memory)kernel(acpi_dev_resume_early)kernel(acpi_dev_runtime_resume)kernel(acpi_dev_runtime_suspend)kernel(acpi_dev_suspend_late)kernel(acpi_device_fix_up_power)kernel(acpi_device_hid)kernel(acpi_device_modalias)kernel(acpi_device_set_power)kernel(acpi_device_uevent_modalias)kernel(acpi_device_update_power)kernel(acpi_disable)kernel(acpi_disable_all_gpes)kernel(acpi_disable_event)kernel(acpi_disable_gpe)kernel(acpi_disabled)kernel(acpi_dma_controller_free)kernel(acpi_dma_controller_register)kernel(acpi_dma_request_slave_chan_by_index)kernel(acpi_dma_request_slave_chan_by_name)kernel(acpi_dma_simple_xlate)kernel(acpi_driver_match_device)kernel(acpi_ec_add_query_handler)kernel(acpi_ec_remove_query_handler)kernel(acpi_enable)kernel(acpi_enable_all_runtime_gpes)kernel(acpi_enable_event)kernel(acpi_enable_gpe)kernel(acpi_enable_subsystem)kernel(acpi_enter_sleep_state)kernel(acpi_enter_sleep_state_prep)kernel(acpi_enter_sleep_state_s4bios)kernel(acpi_error)kernel(acpi_evaluate_dsm)kernel(acpi_evaluate_integer)kernel(acpi_evaluate_object)kernel(acpi_evaluate_object_typed)kernel(acpi_evaluate_ost)kernel(acpi_evaluate_reference)kernel(acpi_exception)kernel(acpi_execute_simple_method)kernel(acpi_extract_package)kernel(acpi_find_child_device)kernel(acpi_format_exception)kernel(acpi_gbl_FADT)kernel(acpi_get_cpuid)kernel(acpi_get_current_resources)kernel(acpi_get_data)kernel(acpi_get_data_full)kernel(acpi_get_devices)kernel(acpi_get_event_resources)kernel(acpi_get_event_status)kernel(acpi_get_gpe_device)kernel(ac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nel(add_wait_queue_exclusive)kernel(addrconf_add_linklocal)kernel(addrconf_prefix_rcv_add_addr)kernel(address_space_init_once)kernel(adf_cfg_add_key_value_param)kernel(adf_cfg_dev_add)kernel(adf_cfg_dev_remove)kernel(adf_cfg_section_add)kernel(adf_clean_vf_map)kernel(adf_cleanup_etr_data)kernel(adf_dev_get)kernel(adf_dev_in_use)kernel(adf_dev_init)kernel(adf_dev_put)kernel(adf_dev_shutdown)kernel(adf_dev_start)kernel(adf_dev_started)kernel(adf_dev_stop)kernel(adf_devmgr_add_dev)kernel(adf_devmgr_in_reset)kernel(adf_devmgr_pci_to_accel_dev)kernel(adf_devmgr_rm_dev)kernel(adf_devmgr_update_class_index)kernel(adf_disable_aer)kernel(adf_disable_sriov)kernel(adf_enable_aer)kernel(adf_enable_vf2pf_comms)kernel(adf_exit_admin_comms)kernel(adf_exit_arb)kernel(adf_init_admin_comms)kernel(adf_init_arb)kernel(adf_init_etr_data)kernel(adf_iov_putmsg)kernel(adf_isr_resource_alloc)kernel(adf_isr_resource_free)kernel(adf_reset_flr)kernel(adf_reset_sbr)kernel(adf_send_admin_init)kernel(adf_sriov_configure)kernel(adf_vf2pf_init)kernel(adf_vf2pf_shutdown)kernel(adf_vf_isr_resource_alloc)kernel(adf_vf_isr_resource_free)kernel(adjust_managed_page_count)kernel(adjust_resource)kernel(admin_timeout)kernel(adt7x10_dev_pm_ops)kernel(adt7x10_probe)kernel(adt7x10_remove)kernel(aead_geniv_alloc)kernel(aead_geniv_exit)kernel(aead_geniv_free)kernel(aead_geniv_init)kernel(aer_irq)kernel(aer_recover_queue)kernel(af9005_rc_decode)kernel(af9013_attach)kernel(af9033_attach)kernel(af_alg_accept)kernel(af_alg_cmsg_send)kernel(af_alg_complete)kernel(af_alg_free_sg)kernel(af_alg_make_sg)kernel(af_alg_register_type)kernel(af_alg_release)kernel(af_alg_release_parent)kernel(af_alg_unregister_type)kernel(af_alg_wait_for_completion)kernel(agp3_generic_cleanup)kernel(agp3_generic_configure)kernel(agp3_generic_fetch_size)kernel(agp3_generic_sizes)kernel(agp3_generic_tlbflush)kernel(agp_add_bridge)kernel(agp_alloc_bridge)kernel(agp_alloc_page_array)kernel(agp_allocate_memory)kernel(agp_backend_acquire)kernel(agp_backend_release)kernel(agp_bind_memory)kernel(agp_bridge)kernel(agp_bridges)kernel(agp_collect_device_status)kernel(agp_copy_info)kernel(agp_create_memory)kernel(agp_device_command)kernel(agp_enable)kernel(agp_find_bridge)kernel(agp_free_key)kernel(agp_free_memory)kernel(agp_generic_alloc_by_type)kernel(agp_generic_alloc_page)kernel(agp_generic_alloc_pages)kernel(agp_generic_alloc_user)kernel(agp_generic_create_gatt_table)kernel(agp_generic_destroy_page)kernel(agp_generic_destroy_pages)kernel(agp_generic_enable)kernel(agp_generic_free_by_type)kernel(agp_generic_free_gatt_table)kernel(agp_generic_insert_memory)kernel(agp_generic_mask_memory)kernel(agp_generic_remove_memory)kernel(agp_generic_type_to_mask_type)kernel(agp_memory_reserved)kernel(agp_num_entries)kernel(agp_off)kernel(agp_put_bridge)kernel(agp_remove_bridge)kernel(agp_try_unsupported_boot)kernel(agp_unbind_memory)kernel(ahash_attr_alg)kernel(ahash_free_instance)kernel(ahash_register_instance)kernel(ahci_check_ready)kernel(ahci_dev_classify)kernel(ahci_do_softreset)kernel(ahci_em_messages)kernel(ahci_fill_cmd_slot)kernel(ahci_host_activate)kernel(ahci_ignore_sss)kernel(ahci_init_controller)kernel(ahci_kick_engine)kernel(ahci_ops)kernel(ahci_pmp_retry_srst_ops)kernel(ahci_port_resume)kernel(ahci_print_info)kernel(ahci_qc_issue)kernel(ahci_reset_controller)kernel(ahci_reset_em)kernel(ahci_save_initial_config)kernel(ahci_sdev_attrs)kernel(ahci_set_em_messages)kernel(ahci_shost_attrs)kernel(ahci_start_engine)kernel(ahci_start_fis_rx)kernel(ahci_stop_engine)kernel(aio_complete)kernel(aio_put_req)kernel(akcipher_register_instance)kernel(alg_test)kernel(all_vm_events)kernel(alloc_anon_inode)kernel(alloc_buffer_head)kernel(alloc_c_can_dev)kernel(alloc_can_err_skb)kernel(alloc_can_skb)kernel(alloc_candev)kernel(alloc_cc770dev)kernel(alloc_chrdev_region)kernel(alloc_cpu_rmap)kernel(alloc_cpumask_var)kernel(alloc_cpumask_var_node)kernel(alloc_dax)kernel(alloc_dax_region)kernel(alloc_dca_provider)kernel(alloc_disk)kernel(alloc_disk_node)kernel(alloc_etherdev_mqs)kernel(alloc_etherdev_mqs_rh)kernel(alloc_fcdev)kernel(alloc_file)kernel(alloc_hdlcdev)kernel(alloc_iova)kernel(alloc_iova_fast)kernel(alloc_iova_mem)kernel(alloc_mdio_bitbang)kernel(alloc_netdev_mqs)kernel(alloc_nfs_open_context)kernel(alloc_page_buffers)kernel(alloc_pages_current)kernel(alloc_pages_exact)kernel(alloc_pages_exact_nid)kernel(alloc_rtllib)kernel(alloc_sja1000dev)kernel(alloc_skb_with_frags)kernel(alloc_vm_area)kernel(alloc_xenballooned_pages)kernel(allocate_resource)kernel(allow_signal)kernel(altera_ci_init)kernel(altera_ci_irq)kernel(altera_ci_release)kernel(altera_ci_tuner_reset)kernel(altera_hw_filt_init)kernel(altera_hw_filt_release)kernel(altera_init)kernel(altera_pid_feed_control)kernel(amd64_get_dram_hole_info)kernel(amd756_smbus)kernel(amd_cache_northbridges)kernel(amd_decode_mce)kernel(amd_df_indirect_read)kernel(amd_e400_c1e_detected)kernel(amd_flush_garts)kernel(amd_get_nb_id)kernel(amd_iommu_bind_pasid)kernel(amd_iommu_complete_ppr)kernel(amd_iommu_device_info)kernel(amd_iommu_domain_clear_gcr3)kernel(amd_iommu_domain_direct_map)kernel(amd_iommu_domain_enable_v2)kernel(amd_iommu_domain_set_gcr3)kernel(amd_iommu_enable_device_erratum)kernel(amd_iommu_flush_page)kernel(amd_iommu_flush_tlb)kernel(amd_iommu_free_device)kernel(amd_iommu_get_v2_domain)kernel(amd_iommu_init_device)kernel(amd_iommu_pc_get_max_banks)kernel(amd_iommu_pc_get_max_counters)kernel(amd_iommu_pc_get_set_reg_val)kernel(amd_iommu_pc_supported)kernel(amd_iommu_register_ga_log_notifier)kernel(amd_iommu_register_ppr_notifier)kernel(amd_iommu_rlookup_table)kernel(amd_iommu_set_invalid_ppr_cb)kernel(amd_iommu_set_invalidate_ctx_cb)kernel(amd_iommu_unbind_pasid)kernel(amd_iommu_unregister_ppr_notifier)kernel(amd_iommu_update_ga)kernel(amd_iommu_v2_supported)kernel(amd_nb_has_feature)kernel(amd_nb_misc_ids)kernel(amd_nb_num)kernel(amd_pmu_disable_virt)kernel(amd_pmu_enable_virt)kernel(amd_register_ecc_decoder)kernel(amd_report_gart_errors)kernel(amd_smn_read)kernel(amd_smn_write)kernel(amd_unregister_ecc_decoder)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_destroy)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_get_max_payload)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_init)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_pcm_abort)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_pcm_pointer)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_pcm_prepare)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_set_pcm_format)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_set_rate)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_start)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_stop)kernel(amdtp_out_stream_update)kernel(anon_inode_getfd)kernel(anon_inode_getfile)kernel(anon_transport_class_register)kernel(anon_transport_class_unregister)kernel(aout_dump_debugregs)kernel(apei_exec_collect_resources)kernel(apei_exec_ctx_init)kernel(apei_exec_noop)kernel(apei_exec_post_unmap_gars)kernel(apei_exec_pre_map_gars)kernel(apei_exec_read_register)kernel(apei_exec_read_register_value)kernel(apei_exec_write_register)kernel(apei_exec_write_register_value)kernel(apei_get_debugfs_dir)kernel(apei_hest_parse)kernel(apei_map_generic_address)kernel(apei_mce_report_mem_error)kernel(apei_osc_setup)kernel(apei_read)kernel(apei_resources_add)kernel(apei_resources_fini)kernel(apei_resources_release)kernel(apei_resources_request)kernel(apei_resources_sub)kernel(apei_write)kernel(apic)kernel(apple_bl_register)kernel(apple_bl_unregister)kernel(apply_to_page_range)kernel(ar9003_get_pll_sqsum_dvc)kernel(ar9003_hw_bb_watchdog_check)kernel(ar9003_hw_bb_watchdog_dbg_info)kernel(ar9003_hw_disable_phy_restart)kernel(ar9003_is_paprd_enabled)kernel(ar9003_mci_cleanup)kernel(ar9003_mci_get_interrupt)kernel(ar9003_mci_get_next_gpm_offset)kernel(ar9003_mci_send_message)kernel(ar9003_mci_send_wlan_channels)kernel(ar9003_mci_set_bt_version)kernel(ar9003_mci_setup)kernel(ar9003_mci_state)kernel(ar9003_paprd_create_curve)kernel(ar9003_paprd_enable)kernel(ar9003_paprd_init_table)kernel(ar9003_paprd_is_done)kernel(ar9003_paprd_populate_single_table)kernel(ar9003_paprd_setup_gain_table)kernel(arbitrary_virt_to_machine)kernel(arch_add_memory)kernel(arch_debugfs_dir)kernel(arch_dma_alloc_attrs)kernel(arch_phys_wc_add)kernel(arch_phys_wc_del)kernel(arch_register_cpu)kernel(arch_unregister_cpu)kernel(argv_free)kernel(argv_split)kernel(arp_create)kernel(arp_find)kernel(arp_invalidate)kernel(arp_send)kernel(arp_tbl)kernel(arp_xmit)kernel(arpt_alloc_initial_table)kernel(arpt_do_table)kernel(arpt_register_table)kernel(arpt_unregister_table)kernel(asn1_ber_decoder)kernel(asus_wmi_register_driver)kernel(asus_wmi_unregister_driver)kernel(asymmetric_keyid_match)kernel(async_gen_syndrome)kernel(async_memcpy)kernel(async_raid6_2data_recov)kernel(async_raid6_datap_recov)kernel(async_schedule)kernel(async_schedule_domain)kernel(async_synchronize_cookie)kernel(async_synchronize_cookie_domain)kernel(async_synchronize_full)kernel(async_synchronize_full_domain)kernel(async_syndrome_val)kernel(async_trigger_callback)kernel(async_tx_quiesce)kernel(async_tx_submit)kernel(async_unregister_domain)kernel(async_xor)kernel(async_xor_val)kernel(ata_acpi_cbl_80wire)kernel(ata_acpi_gtm)kernel(ata_acpi_gtm_xfermask)kernel(ata_acpi_stm)kernel(ata_base_port_ops)kernel(ata_bmdma32_port_ops)kernel(ata_bmdma_dumb_qc_prep)kernel(ata_bmdma_error_handler)kernel(ata_bmdma_interrupt)kernel(ata_bmdma_irq_clear)kernel(ata_bmdma_port_intr)kernel(ata_bmdma_port_ops)kernel(ata_bmdma_port_start)kernel(ata_bmdma_port_start32)kernel(ata_bmdma_post_internal_cmd)kernel(ata_bmdma_qc_issue)kernel(ata_bmdma_qc_prep)kernel(ata_bmdma_setup)kernel(ata_bmdma_start)kernel(ata_bmdma_status)kernel(ata_bmdma_stop)kernel(ata_cable_40wire)kernel(ata_cable_80wire)kernel(ata_cable_ignore)kernel(ata_cable_sata)kernel(ata_cable_unknown)kernel(ata_common_sdev_attrs)kernel(ata_dev_classify)kernel(ata_dev_disable)kernel(ata_dev_next)kernel(ata_dev_pair)kernel(ata_dev_printk)kernel(ata_dev_set_feature)kernel(ata_do_dev_read_id)kernel(ata_do_eh)kernel(ata_do_set_mode)kernel(ata_dummy_port_info)kernel(ata_dummy_port_ops)kernel(ata_eh_analyze_ncq_error)kernel(ata_eh_freeze_port)kernel(ata_eh_qc_complete)kernel(ata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sable)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_enable)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_2wire)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_3wire)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_mci)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_init_scheme)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_concur_txprio)kernel(ath9k_hw_btcoex_set_weight)kernel(ath9k_hw_check_alive)kernel(ath9k_hw_check_nav)kernel(ath9k_hw_computetxtime)kernel(ath9k_hw_deinit)kernel(ath9k_hw_disable)kernel(ath9k_hw_disable_interrupts)kernel(ath9k_hw_disable_mib_counters)kernel(ath9k_hw_enable_interrupts)kernel(ath9k_hw_gen_timer_start)kernel(ath9k_hw_gen_timer_stop)kernel(ath9k_hw_get_tsf_offset)kernel(ath9k_hw_get_txq_props)kernel(ath9k_hw_getchan_noise)kernel(ath9k_hw_getnf)kernel(ath9k_hw_getrxfilter)kernel(ath9k_hw_gettsf32)kernel(ath9k_hw_gettsf64)kernel(ath9k_hw_gettxbuf)kernel(ath9k_hw_gpio_free)kernel(ath9k_hw_gpio_get)kernel(ath9k_hw_gpio_request_in)kernel(ath9k_hw_gpio_request_out)kernel(ath9k_hw_init)kernel(ath9k_hw_init_btcoex_hw)kernel(ath9k_hw_init_global_settings)kernel(ath9k_hw_intrpend)kernel(ath9k_hw_kill_interrupts)kernel(ath9k_hw_loadnf)kernel(ath9k_hw_name)kernel(ath9k_hw_numtxpending)kernel(ath9k_hw_phy_disable)kernel(ath9k_hw_process_rxdesc_edma)kernel(ath9k_hw_putrxbuf)kernel(ath9k_hw_puttxbuf)kernel(ath9k_hw_releasetxqueue)kernel(ath9k_hw_reset)kernel(ath9k_hw_reset_calvalid)kernel(ath9k_hw_reset_tsf)kernel(ath9k_hw_resettxqueue)kernel(ath9k_hw_resume_interrupts)kernel(ath9k_hw_rxprocdesc)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_gpio)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_interrupts)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_rx_bufsize)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_sta_beacon_timers)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_tsfadjust)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_tx_filter)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_txpowerlimit)kernel(ath9k_hw_set_txq_props)kernel(ath9k_hw_setantenna)kernel(ath9k_hw_setmcastfilter)kernel(ath9k_hw_setopmode)kernel(ath9k_hw_setpower)kernel(ath9k_hw_setrxabort)kernel(ath9k_hw_setrxfilter)kernel(ath9k_hw_settsf64)kernel(ath9k_hw_setup_statusring)kernel(ath9k_hw_setuprxdesc)kernel(ath9k_hw_setuptxqueue)kernel(ath9k_hw_startpcureceive)kernel(ath9k_hw_stop_dma_queue)kernel(ath9k_hw_stopdmarecv)kernel(ath9k_hw_txstart)kernel(ath9k_hw_updatetxtriglevel)kernel(ath9k_hw_wait)kernel(ath9k_hw_wow_apply_pattern)kernel(ath9k_hw_wow_enable)kernel(ath9k_hw_wow_wakeup)kernel(ath9k_hw_write_associd)kernel(ath_bus_type_strings)kernel(ath_cmn_process_fft)kernel(ath_gen_timer_alloc)kernel(ath_gen_timer_free)kernel(ath_gen_timer_isr)kernel(ath_hw_cycle_counters_update)kernel(ath_hw_get_listen_time)kernel(ath_hw_keyreset)kernel(ath_hw_setbssidmask)kernel(ath_is_49ghz_allowed)kernel(ath_is_mybeacon)kernel(ath_is_world_regd)kernel(ath_key_config)kernel(ath_key_delete)kernel(ath_printk)kernel(ath_reg_notifier_apply)kernel(ath_regd_find_country_by_name)kernel(ath_regd_get_band_ctl)kernel(ath_regd_init)kernel(ath_rxbuf_alloc)kernel(atm_alloc_charge)kernel(atm_charge)kernel(atm_dev_deregister)kernel(atm_dev_lookup)kernel(atm_dev_register)kernel(atm_dev_release_vccs)kernel(atm_dev_signal_change)kernel(atm_init_aal5)kernel(atm_pcr_goal)kernel(atm_proc_root)kernel(atomic_dec_and_mutex_lock)kernel(atomic_notifier_call_chain)kernel(atomic_notifier_chain_register)kernel(atomic_notifier_chain_unregister)kernel(attach_capi_ctr)kernel(attach_hdlc_protocol)kernel(attribute_container_classdev_to_container)kernel(attribute_container_find_class_device)kernel(attribute_container_register)kernel(attribute_container_unregister)kernel(au8522_analog_i2c_gate_ctrl)kernel(au8522_attach)kernel(au8522_get_state)kernel(au8522_i2c_gate_ctrl)kernel(au8522_init)kernel(au8522_led_ctrl)kernel(au8522_readreg)kernel(au8522_release_state)kernel(au8522_sleep)kernel(au8522_writereg)kernel(audit_enabled)kernel(audit_log)kernel(audit_log_end)kernel(audit_log_format)kernel(audit_log_secctx)kernel(audit_log_start)kernel(audit_log_task_context)kernel(audit_log_task_info)kernel(auth_domain_find)kernel(auth_domain_lookup)kernel(auth_domain_put)kernel(autoremove_wake_function)kernel(avail_to_resrv_perfctr_nmi_bit)kernel(avenrun)kernel(avmcard_dma_alloc)kernel(avmcard_dma_free)kernel(azx_bus_init)kernel(azx_codec_configure)kernel(azx_free_streams)kernel(azx_get_pos_lpib)kernel(azx_get_pos_posbuf)kernel(azx_get_position)kernel(azx_init_chip)kernel(azx_init_streams)kernel(azx_interrupt)kernel(azx_probe_codecs)kernel(azx_stop_all_streams)kernel(azx_stop_chip)kernel(b1_alloc_card)kernel(b1_detect)kernel(b1_free_card)kernel(b1_getrevision)kernel(b1_interrupt)kernel(b1_irq_table)kernel(b1_load_config)kernel(b1_load_firmware)kernel(b1_load_t4file)kernel(b1_loaded)kernel(b1_parse_version)kernel(b1_register_appl)kernel(b1_release_appl)kernel(b1_reset_ctr)kernel(b1_send_message)kernel(b1ctl_proc_fops)kernel(b1dma_interrupt)kernel(b1dma_load_firmware)kernel(b1dma_register_appl)kernel(b1dma_release_appl)kernel(b1dma_reset)kernel(b1dma_reset_ctr)kernel(b1dma_send_message)kernel(b1dmactl_proc_fops)kernel(b1pciv4_detect)kernel(b2c2_flexcop_debug)kernel(backlight_device_register)kernel(backlight_device_registered)kernel(backlight_device_unregister)kernel(backlight_force_update)kernel(ba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devt)kernel(blk_make_request)kernel(blk_max_low_pfn)kernel(blk_mq_add_to_requeue_list)kernel(blk_mq_alloc_request)kernel(blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx)kernel(blk_mq_alloc_tag_set)kernel(blk_mq_can_queue)kernel(blk_mq_complete_request)kernel(blk_mq_debugfs_rq_show)kernel(blk_mq_delay_kick_requeue_list)kernel(blk_mq_delay_queue)kernel(blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue)kernel(blk_mq_end_request)kernel(blk_mq_finish_request)kernel(blk_mq_flush_busy_ctxs)kernel(blk_mq_free_request)kernel(blk_mq_free_tag_set)kernel(blk_mq_freeze_queue)kernel(blk_mq_freeze_queue_wait)kernel(blk_mq_freeze_queue_wait_timeout)kernel(blk_mq_init_allocated_queue)kernel(blk_mq_init_queue)kernel(blk_mq_kick_requeue_list)kernel(blk_mq_pci_map_queues)kernel(blk_mq_queue_stopped)kernel(blk_mq_quiesce_queue)kernel(blk_mq_register_dev)kernel(blk_mq_reinit_tagset)kernel(blk_mq_request_started)kernel(blk_mq_requeue_request)kernel(blk_mq_rq_ctx_init)kernel(blk_mq_run_hw_queue)kernel(blk_mq_run_hw_queues)kernel(blk_mq_sched_free_hctx_data)kernel(blk_mq_sched_move_to_dispatch)kernel(blk_mq_sched_request_inserted)kernel(blk_mq_sched_try_insert_merge)kernel(blk_mq_sched_try_merge)kernel(blk_mq_start_hw_queue)kernel(blk_mq_start_hw_queues)kernel(blk_mq_start_request)kernel(blk_mq_start_stopped_hw_queues)kernel(blk_mq_stop_hw_queue)kernel(blk_mq_stop_hw_queues)kernel(blk_mq_tag_to_rq)kernel(blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter)kernel(blk_mq_unfreeze_queue)kernel(blk_mq_unique_tag)kernel(blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues)kernel(blk_peek_request)kernel(blk_pm_runtime_init)kernel(blk_post_runtime_resume)kernel(blk_post_runtime_suspend)kernel(blk_pre_runtime_resume)kernel(blk_pre_runtime_suspend)kernel(blk_put_queue)kernel(blk_put_request)kernel(blk_queue_alignment_offset)kernel(blk_queue_bio)kernel(blk_queue_bounce)kernel(blk_queue_bounce_limit)kernel(blk_queue_bypass_end)kernel(blk_queue_bypass_start)kernel(blk_queue_chunk_sectors)kernel(blk_queue_dma_alignment)kernel(blk_queue_dma_drain)kernel(blk_queue_dma_pad)kernel(blk_queue_end_tag)kernel(blk_queue_find_tag)kernel(blk_queue_flush)kernel(blk_queue_flush_queueable)kernel(blk_queue_free_tags)kernel(blk_queue_init_tags)kernel(blk_queue_invalidate_tags)kernel(blk_queue_io_min)kernel(blk_queue_io_opt)kernel(blk_queue_lld_busy)kernel(blk_queue_logical_block_size)kernel(blk_queue_make_request)kernel(blk_queue_max_discard_sectors)kernel(blk_queue_max_hw_sectors)kernel(blk_queue_max_segment_size)kernel(blk_queue_max_segments)kernel(blk_queue_max_write_same_sectors)kernel(blk_queue_merge_bvec)kernel(blk_queue_physical_block_size)kernel(blk_queue_prep_rq)kernel(blk_queue_resize_tags)kernel(blk_queue_rq_timed_out)kernel(blk_queue_rq_timeout)kernel(blk_queue_segment_boundary)kernel(blk_queue_softirq_done)kernel(blk_queue_stack_limits)kernel(blk_queue_start_tag)kernel(blk_queue_unprep_rq)kernel(blk_queue_update_dma_alignment)kernel(blk_queue_update_dma_pad)kernel(blk_queue_virt_boundary)kernel(blk_recount_segments)kernel(blk_register_queue)kernel(blk_register_region)kernel(blk_requeue_request)kernel(blk_rq_count_integrity_sg)kernel(blk_rq_err_bytes)kernel(blk_rq_init)kernel(blk_rq_map_integrity_sg)kernel(blk_rq_map_kern)kernel(blk_rq_map_sg)kernel(blk_rq_map_user)kernel(blk_rq_map_user_iov)kernel(blk_rq_prep_clone)kernel(blk_rq_set_block_pc)kernel(blk_rq_unmap_user)kernel(blk_rq_unprep_clone)kernel(blk_run_queue)kernel(blk_run_queue_async)kernel(blk_set_default_limits)kernel(blk_set_preempt_only)kernel(blk_set_queue_depth)kernel(blk_set_queue_dying)kernel(blk_set_stacking_limits)kernel(blk_stack_limits)kernel(blk_start_plug)kernel(blk_start_queue)kernel(blk_start_request)kernel(blk_stat_add_callback)kernel(blk_stat_alloc_callback)kernel(blk_stat_free_callback)kernel(blk_stat_remove_callback)kernel(blk_stat_rq_ddir)kernel(blk_stop_queue)kernel(blk_sync_queue)kernel(blk_trace_remove)kernel(blk_trace_setup)kernel(blk_trace_startstop)kernel(blk_unprep_request)kernel(blk_unregister_region)kernel(blk_update_request)kernel(blk_verify_command)kernel(blkcg_activate_policy)kernel(blkcg_deactivate_policy)kernel(blkcg_policy_register)kernel(blkcg_policy_unregister)kernel(blkcg_print_blkgs)kernel(blkcg_root)kernel(blkcipher_walk_done)kernel(blkcipher_walk_phys)kernel(blkcipher_walk_virt)kernel(blkcipher_walk_virt_block)kernel(blkdev_aio_read)kernel(blkdev_aio_write)kernel(blkdev_fsync)kernel(blkdev_get)kernel(blkdev_get_by_dev)kernel(blkdev_get_by_path)kernel(blkdev_ioctl)kernel(blkdev_issue_discard)kernel(blkdev_issue_flush)kernel(blkdev_issue_write_same)kernel(blkdev_issue_zeroout)kernel(blkdev_put)kernel(blkdev_reread_part)kernel(blkg_conf_finish)kernel(blkg_conf_prep)kernel(blkg_lookup)kernel(blkg_lookup_create)kernel(blkg_prfill_rwstat)kernel(blkg_prfill_stat)kernel(blkg_rwstat_recursive_sum)kernel(blkg_stat_recursive_sum)kernel(blkio_subsys)kernel(block_all_signals)kernel(block_commit_write)kernel(block_invalidatepage)kernel(block_invalidatepage_range)kernel(block_is_partially_uptodate)kernel(block_page_mkwrite)kernel(block_read_full_page)kernel(block_truncate_page)kernel(block_write_begin)kernel(block_write_end)kernel(block_write_full_page)kernel(blocking_notifier_call_chain)kernel(blocking_notifier_chain_cond_register)kernel(blocking_notifier_chain_register)kernel(blocking_notifier_chain_unregister)kernel(blowfish_dec_blk)kernel(blowfish_dec_blk_4way)kernel(blowfish_setkey)kernel(bmap)kernel(boot_cpu_data)kernel(boot_cpu_physical_apicid)kernel(boot_option_idle_override)kernel(boot_tvec_bases)kernel(bprintf)kernel(bprm_change_interp)kernel(br_dev_queue_push_xmit)kernel(br_fdb_test_addr_hook)kernel(br_forward)kernel(br_forward_finish)kernel(br_handle_frame_finish)kernel(br_multicast_enabled)kernel(br_multicast_has_querier_adjacent)kernel(br_multicast_has_querier_anywhere)kernel(br_multicast_list_adjacent)kernel(br_netfilter_enable)kernel(br_should_route_hook)kernel(br_vlan_enabled)kernel(brcmu_boardrev_str)kernel(brcmu_d11_attach)kernel(brcmu_dotrev_str)kernel(brcmu_pkt_buf_free_skb)kernel(brcmu_pkt_buf_get_skb)kernel(brcmu_pktq_flush)kernel(brcmu_pktq_init)kernel(brcmu_pktq_mdeq)kernel(brcmu_pktq_mlen)kernel(brcmu_pktq_pdeq)kernel(brcmu_pktq_pdeq_match)kernel(brcmu_pktq_pdeq_tail)kernel(brcmu_pktq_peek_tail)kernel(brcmu_pktq_penq)kernel(brcmu_pktq_penq_head)kernel(brcmu_pktq_pflush)kernel(bridge_tunnel_header)kernel(brioctl_set)kernel(bsearch)kernel(bsg_job_done)kernel(bsg_register_queue)kernel(bsg_request_fn)kernel(bsg_setup_queue)kernel(bsg_unregister_queue)kernel(bstr_printf)kernel(bt878)kernel(bt878_device_control)kernel(bt878_num)kernel(bt878_start)kernel(bt878_stop)kernel(bt_accept_dequeue)kernel(bt_accept_enqueue)kernel(bt_accept_unlink)kernel(bt_debugfs)kernel(bt_err)kernel(bt_err_ratelimited)kernel(bt_info)kernel(bt_procfs_cleanup)kernel(bt_procfs_init)kernel(bt_sock_ioctl)kernel(bt_sock_link)kernel(bt_sock_poll)kernel(bt_sock_reclassify_lock)kernel(bt_sock_recvmsg)kernel(bt_sock_register)kernel(bt_sock_stream_recvmsg)kernel(bt_sock_unlink)kernel(bt_sock_unregister)kernel(bt_sock_wait_ready)kernel(bt_sock_wait_state)kernel(bt_to_errno)kernel(bt_warn)kernel(btbcm_check_bdaddr)kernel(btbcm_finalize)kernel(btbcm_initialize)kernel(btbcm_patchram)kernel(btbcm_set_bdaddr)kernel(btbcm_setup_apple)kernel(btbcm_setup_patchram)kernel(btcx_align)kernel(btcx_calc_skips)kernel(btcx_riscmem_alloc)kernel(btcx_riscmem_free)kernel(btcx_screen_clips)kernel(btcx_sort_clips)kernel(btintel_check_bdaddr)kernel(btintel_enter_mfg)kernel(btintel_exit_mfg)kernel(btintel_hw_error)kernel(btintel_load_ddc_config)kernel(btintel_read_version)kernel(btintel_regmap_init)kernel(btintel_secure_send)kernel(btintel_set_bdaddr)kernel(btintel_set_diag)kernel(btintel_set_diag_mfg)kernel(btintel_set_event_mask)kernel(btintel_set_event_mask_mfg)kernel(btintel_version_info)kernel(btmrvl_add_card)kernel(btmrvl_check_evtpkt)kernel(btmrvl_enable_hs)kernel(btmrvl_enable_ps)kernel(btmrvl_interrupt)kernel(btmrvl_process_event)kernel(btmrvl_pscan_window_reporting)kernel(btmrvl_register_hdev)kernel(btmrvl_remove_card)kernel(btmrvl_send_hscfg_cmd)kernel(btmrvl_send_module_cfg_cmd)kernel(btracker_complete)kernel(btracker_create)kernel(btracker_destroy)kernel(btracker_issue)kernel(btracker_nr_demotions_queued)kernel(btracker_nr_writebacks_queued)kernel(btracker_promotion_already_present)kernel(btracker_queue)kernel(btree_alloc)kernel(btree_destroy)kernel(btree_free)kernel(btree_geo128)kernel(btree_geo32)kernel(btree_geo64)kernel(btree_get_prev)kernel(btree_grim_visitor)kernel(btree_init)kernel(btree_init_mempool)kernel(btree_insert)kernel(btree_last)kernel(btree_lookup)kernel(btree_merge)kernel(btree_remove)kernel(btree_update)kernel(btree_visitor)kernel(btrtl_setup_realtek)kernel(bttv_get_pcidev)kernel(bttv_gpio_enable)kernel(bttv_read_gpio)kernel(bttv_sub_register)kernel(bttv_sub_unregister)kernel(bttv_write_gpio)kernel(budget_debug)kernel(buffer_check_dirty_writeback)kernel(buffer_migrate_page)kernel(build_skb)kernel(bus_create_file)kernel(bus_find_device)kernel(bus_find_device_by_name)kernel(bus_for_each_dev)kernel(bus_for_each_drv)kernel(bus_get_device_klist)kernel(bus_get_kset)kernel(bus_register)kernel(bus_register_notifier)kernel(bus_remove_file)kernel(bus_rescan_devices)kernel(bus_set_iommu)kernel(bus_sort_breadthfirst)kernel(bus_unregister)kernel(bus_unregister_notifier)kernel(bxt_sst_dsp_cleanup)kernel(bxt_sst_dsp_init)kernel(bxt_sst_init_fw)kernel(byte_rev_table)kernel(c_can_power_down)kernel(c_can_power_up)kernel(cache_check)kernel(cache_create_net)kernel(cache_destroy_net)kernel(cache_firmware)kernel(cache_flush)kernel(cache_purge)kernel(cache_register_net)kernel(cache_seq_next)kernel(cache_seq_start)kernel(cache_seq_stop)kernel(cache_unregister_net)kernel(cad_pid)kernel(call_fib_notifier)kernel(call_fib_notifiers)kernel(call_lsm_notifier)kernel(call_netdevice_notifiers)kernel(call_netdevice_notifiers_info)kernel(call_netevent_notifiers)kernel(call_rcu_bh)kernel(call_rcu_sched)kernel(call_srcu)kernel(call_switchdev_notifiers)kernel(call_usermodehelper)kernel(call_usermodehelper_exec)kernel(call_usermodehelper_setup)kernel(camellia_cbc_dec_16way)kernel(camellia_crypt_ctr)kernel(camellia_crypt_ctr_2way)kernel(camellia_ctr_16way)kernel(camellia_dec_blk)kernel(camellia_dec_blk_2way)kernel(camellia_decrypt_cbc_2way)kernel(camellia_ecb_dec_16way)kernel(camellia_ecb_enc_16way)kernel(camellia_xts_dec)kernel(camellia_xts_dec_16way)kernel(camellia_xts_enc)kernel(camellia_xts_enc_16way)kernel(can_bus_off)kernel(can_dlc2len)kernel(can_do_mlock)kernel(can_free_echo_skb)kernel(can_get_echo_skb)kernel(can_ioctl)kernel(can_led_event)kernel(can_len2dlc)kernel(can_proto_register)kernel(can_proto_unregister)kernel(can_put_echo_skb)kernel(can_rx_register)kernel(can_rx_unregister)kernel(can_send)kernel(cancel_delayed_work)kernel(cancel_delayed_work_sync)kernel(cancel_dirty_page)kernel(cancel_work_sync)kernel(capable)kernel(capable_wrt_inode_uidgid)kernel(capi20_get_manufacturer)kernel(capi20_get_profile)kernel(capi20_get_serial)kernel(capi20_get_version)kernel(capi20_isinstalled)kernel(capi20_manufacturer)kernel(capi20_put_message)kernel(capi20_register)kernel(capi20_release)kernel(capi_cmd2str)kernel(capi_cmsg2message)kernel(capi_cmsg2str)kernel(capi_cmsg_header)kernel(capi_ctr_down)kernel(capi_ctr_handle_message)kernel(capi_ctr_ready)kernel(capi_ctr_resume_output)kernel(capi_ctr_suspend_output)kernel(capi_info2str)kernel(capi_message2cmsg)kernel(capi_message2str)kernel(capilib_data_b3_conf)kernel(capilib_data_b3_req)kernel(capilib_free_ncci)kernel(capilib_new_ncci)kernel(capilib_release)kernel(capilib_release_appl)kernel(cast5_setkey)kernel(cast6_setkey)kernel(cast_s1)kernel(cast_s2)kernel(cast_s3)kernel(cast_s4)kernel(cb710_pci_update_config_reg)kernel(cb710_set_irq_handler)kernel(cb710_sg_dwiter_read_next_block)kernel(cb710_sg_dwiter_write_next_block)kernel(ccp_enqueue_cmd)kernel(ccp_present)kernel(ccp_version)kernel(cdc_ncm_bind_common)kernel(cdc_ncm_change_mtu)kernel(cdc_ncm_fill_tx_frame)kernel(cdc_ncm_rx_fixup)kernel(cdc_ncm_rx_verify_ndp16)kernel(cdc_ncm_rx_verify_nth16)kernel(cdc_ncm_select_altsetting)kernel(cdc_ncm_tx_fixup)kernel(cdc_ncm_unbind)kernel(cdc_parse_cdc_header)kernel(cdebbuf_free)kernel(cdev_add)kernel(cdev_alloc)kernel(cdev_del)kernel(cdev_device_add)kernel(cdev_device_del)kernel(cdev_init)kernel(cdev_set_parent)kernel(cdrom_check_events)kernel(cdrom_get_last_written)kernel(cdrom_get_media_event)kernel(cdrom_ioctl)kernel(cdrom_media_changed)kernel(cdrom_mode_select)kernel(cdrom_mode_sense)kernel(cdrom_number_of_slots)kernel(cdrom_open)kernel(cdrom_release)kernel(ceph_alloc_page_vector)kernel(ceph_auth_create_authorizer)kernel(ceph_auth_destroy_authorizer)kernel(ceph_auth_invalidate_authorizer)kernel(ceph_auth_is_authenticated)kernel(ceph_auth_update_authorizer)kernel(ceph_auth_verify_authorizer_reply)kernel(ceph_buffer_new)kernel(ceph_buffer_release)kernel(ceph_calc_file_object_mapping)kernel(ceph_caps_for_mode)kernel(ceph_check_fsid)kernel(ceph_client_addr)kernel(ceph_client_gid)kernel(ceph_cls_break_lock)kernel(ceph_cls_lock)kernel(ceph_cls_lock_info)kernel(ceph_cls_set_cookie)kernel(ceph_cls_unlock)kernel(ceph_compare_options)kernel(ceph_con_close)kernel(ceph_con_init)kernel(ceph_con_keepalive)kernel(ceph_con_open)kernel(ceph_con_send)kernel(ceph_copy_from_page_vector)kernel(ceph_copy_page_vector_to_user)kernel(ceph_copy_to_page_vector)kernel(ceph_copy_user_to_page_vector)kernel(ceph_create_client)kernel(ceph_create_snap_context)kernel(ceph_debugfs_cleanup)kernel(ceph_debugfs_init)kernel(ceph_destroy_client)kernel(ceph_destroy_options)kernel(ceph_entity_type_name)kernel(ceph_flags_to_mode)kernel(ceph_free_lockers)kernel(ceph_get_direct_page_vector)kernel(ceph_get_snap_context)kernel(ceph_messenger_fini)kernel(ceph_messenger_init)kernel(ceph_monc_blacklist_add)kernel(ceph_monc_do_statfs)kernel(ceph_monc_get_version)kernel(ceph_monc_get_version_async)kernel(ceph_monc_got_map)kernel(ceph_monc_init)kernel(ceph_monc_open_session)kernel(ceph_monc_renew_subs)kernel(ceph_monc_stop)kernel(ceph_monc_validate_auth)kernel(ceph_monc_wait_osdmap)kernel(ceph_monc_want_map)kernel(ceph_msg_data_add_bio)kernel(ceph_msg_data_add_pagelist)kernel(ceph_msg_data_add_pages)kernel(ceph_msg_dump)kernel(ceph_msg_get)kernel(ceph_msg_new)kernel(ceph_msg_put)kernel(ceph_msg_type_name)kernel(ceph_msgr_exit)kernel(ceph_msgr_flush)kernel(ceph_msgr_init)kernel(ceph_object_locator_to_pg)kernel(ceph_oid_aprintf)kernel(ceph_oid_copy)kernel(ceph_oid_destroy)kernel(ceph_oid_printf)kernel(ceph_open_session)kernel(ceph_osdc_alloc_messages)kernel(ceph_osdc_alloc_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_call)kernel(ceph_osdc_cancel_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_cleanup)kernel(ceph_osdc_flush_notifies)kernel(ceph_osdc_get_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_list_watchers)kernel(ceph_osdc_maybe_request_map)kernel(ceph_osdc_new_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_notify)kernel(ceph_osdc_notify_ack)kernel(ceph_osdc_put_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_readpages)kernel(ceph_osdc_setup)kernel(ceph_osdc_start_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_sync)kernel(ceph_osdc_unwatch)kernel(ceph_osdc_update_epoch_barrier)kernel(ceph_osdc_wait_request)kernel(ceph_osdc_watch)kernel(ceph_osdc_writepages)kernel(ceph_pagelist_append)kernel(ceph_pagelist_free_reserve)kernel(ceph_pagelist_release)kernel(ceph_pagelist_reserve)kernel(ceph_pagelist_set_cursor)kernel(ceph_pagelist_truncate)kernel(ceph_parse_ips)kernel(ceph_parse_options)kernel(ceph_pg_pool_name_by_id)kernel(ceph_pg_poolid_by_name)kernel(ceph_pg_to_acting_primary)kernel(ceph_pr_addr)kernel(ceph_print_client_options)kernel(ceph_put_page_vector)kernel(ceph_put_snap_context)kernel(ceph_release_page_vector)kernel(ceph_str_hash)kernel(ceph_str_hash_name)kernel(ceph_zero_page_vector_range)kernel(cfag12864b_buffer)kernel(cfag12864b_disable)kernel(cfag12864b_enable)kernel(cfag12864b_getrate)kernel(cfag12864b_isenabled)kernel(cfag12864b_isinited)kernel(cfb_copyarea)kernel(cfb_fillrect)kernel(cfb_imageblit)kernel(cfg80211_abandon_assoc)kernel(cfg80211_assoc_timeout)kernel(cfg80211_auth_timeout)kernel(cfg80211_cac_event)kernel(cfg80211_calculate_bitrate)kernel(cfg80211_ch_switch_notify)kernel(cfg80211_ch_switch_started_notify)kernel(cfg80211_chandef_compatible)kernel(cfg80211_chandef_create)kernel(cfg80211_chandef_dfs_required)kernel(cfg80211_chandef_usable)kernel(cfg80211_chandef_valid)kernel(cfg80211_check_combinations)kernel(cfg80211_check_station_change)kernel(cfg80211_classify8021d)kernel(cfg80211_conn_failed)kernel(cfg80211_connect_done)kernel(cfg80211_cqm_beacon_loss_notify)kernel(cfg80211_cqm_pktloss_notify)kernel(cfg80211_cqm_rssi_notify)kernel(cfg80211_cqm_txe_notify)kernel(cfg80211_crit_proto_stopped)kernel(cfg80211_del_sta_sinfo)kernel(cfg80211_disconnected)kernel(cfg80211_find_ie_match)kernel(cfg80211_find_vendor_ie)kernel(cfg80211_free_nan_func)kernel(cfg80211_ft_event)kernel(cfg80211_get_bss)kernel(cfg80211_get_drvinfo)kernel(cfg80211_get_p2p_attr)kernel(cfg80211_get_station)kernel(cfg80211_gtk_rekey_notify)kernel(cfg80211_ibss_joined)kernel(cfg80211_inform_bss_data)kernel(cfg80211_inform_bss_frame_data)kernel(cfg80211_iter_combinations)kernel(cfg80211_mgmt_tx_status)kernel(cfg80211_michael_mic_failure)kernel(cfg80211_nan_func_terminated)kernel(cfg80211_nan_match)kernel(cfg80211_new_sta)kernel(cfg80211_notify_new_peer_candidate)kernel(cfg80211_pmksa_candidate_notify)kernel(cfg80211_probe_status)kernel(cfg80211_put_bss)kernel(cfg80211_radar_event)kernel(cfg80211_ready_on_channel)kernel(cfg80211_ref_bss)kernel(cfg80211_reg_can_beacon)kernel(cfg80211_reg_can_beacon_relax)kernel(cfg80211_remain_on_channel_expired)kernel(cfg80211_report_obss_beacon)kernel(cfg80211_report_wowlan_wakeup)kernel(cfg80211_roamed)kernel(cfg80211_rx_assoc_resp)kernel(cfg80211_rx_mgmt)kernel(cfg80211_rx_mlme_mgmt)kernel(cfg80211_rx_spurious_frame)kernel(cfg80211_rx_unexpected_4addr_frame)kernel(cfg80211_rx_unprot_mlme_mgmt)kernel(cfg80211_scan_done)kernel(cfg80211_sched_scan_results)kernel(cfg80211_sched_scan_stopped)kernel(cfg80211_sched_scan_stopped_rtnl)kernel(cfg80211_shutdown_all_interfaces)kernel(cfg80211_stop_iface)kernel(cfg80211_tdls_oper_request)kernel(cfg80211_tx_mlme_mgmt)kernel(cfg80211_unlink_bss)kernel(cfg80211_unregister_wdev)kernel(cfg80211_vendor_cmd_reply)kernel(cgroup_add_cftypes)kernel(cgroup_attach_task_all)kernel(cgroup_is_descendant)kernel(cgroup_load_subsys)kernel(cgroup_next_descendant_post)kernel(cgroup_next_descendant_pre)kernel(cgroup_path)kernel(cgroup_rightmost_descendant)kernel(cgroup_taskset_cur_cgroup)kernel(cgroup_taskset_first)kernel(cgroup_taskset_next)kernel(cgroup_taskset_size)kernel(cgroup_unload_subsys)kernel(chacha20_block)kernel(channel5g)kernel(channel5g_80m)kernel(check_disk_change)kernel(check_disk_size_change)kernel(check_signature)kernel(check_tsc_disabled)kernel(check_tsc_unstable)kernel(chosen_elevator)kernel(class_compat_create_link)kernel(class_compat_register)kernel(class_compat_remove_link)kernel(class_compat_unregister)kernel(class_create_file_ns)kernel(class_destroy)kernel(class_dev_iter_exit)kernel(class_dev_iter_init)kernel(class_dev_iter_next)kernel(class_find_device)kernel(class_for_each_device)kernel(class_interface_register)kernel(class_interface_unregister)kernel(class_remove_file_ns)kernel(class_unregister)kernel(cleancache_register_ops)kernel(cleanup_srcu_struct)kernel(clear_bdi_congested)kernel(clear_inode)kernel(clear_nlink)kernel(clear_page)kernel(clear_page_dirty_for_io)kernel(clear_user)kernel(clflush_cache_range)kernel(clk_add_alias)kernel(clk_disable)kernel(clk_divider_ops)kernel(clk_enable)kernel(clk_fixed_factor_ops)kernel(clk_fixed_rate_ops)kernel(clk_fractional_divider_ops)kernel(clk_gate_ops)kernel(clk_get)kernel(clk_get_parent)kernel(clk_get_rate)kernel(clk_get_sys)kernel(clk_mux_ops)kernel(clk_notifier_register)kernel(clk_notifier_unregister)kernel(clk_prepare)kernel(clk_put)kernel(clk_register)kernel(clk_register_clkdevs)kernel(clk_register_fractional_divider)kernel(clk_round_rate)kernel(clk_set_parent)kernel(clk_set_rate)kernel(clk_unprepare)kernel(clk_unregister)kernel(clkdev_add)kernel(clkdev_alloc)kernel(clkdev_create)kernel(clkdev_drop)kernel(clock_t_to_jiffies)kernel(clockevent_delta2ns)kernel(clockevents_config_and_register)kernel(clockevents_notify)kernel(clockevents_register_device)kernel(clockevents_unbind_device)kernel(clocksource_change_rating)kernel(clocksource_register)kernel(clocksource_unregister)kernel(clone_private_mount)kernel(close_candev)kernel(cm_class)kernel(cmp_connection_break)kernel(cmp_connection_destroy)kernel(cmp_connection_establish)kernel(cmp_connection_init)kernel(cmp_connection_update)kernel(cn_add_callback)kernel(cn_del_callback)kernel(cn_netlink_send)kernel(cnic_register_driver)kernel(cnic_unregister_driver)kernel(cnl_dsp_free)kernel(cnl_sst_dsp_cleanup)kernel(cnl_sst_dsp_init)kernel(cnl_sst_init_fw)kernel(color_table)kernel(commit_creds)kernel(compat_alloc_user_space)kernel(compat_dccp_getsockopt)kernel(compat_dccp_setsockopt)kernel(compat_get_timespec)kernel(compat_get_timeval)kernel(compat_ip_getsockopt)kernel(compat_ip_setsockopt)kernel(compat_ipv6_getsockopt)kernel(compat_ipv6_setsockopt)kernel(compat_mc_getsockopt)kernel(compat_mc_setsockopt)kernel(compat_nf_getsockopt)kernel(compat_nf_setsockopt)kernel(compat_put_timespec)kernel(compat_put_timeval)kernel(compat_sock_common_getsockopt)kernel(compat_sock_common_setsockopt)kernel(compat_sock_get_timestamp)kernel(compat_sock_get_timestampns)kernel(compat_tcp_getsockopt)kernel(compat_tcp_setsockopt)kernel(complete)kernel(complete_all)kernel(complete_and_exit)kernel(complete_request_key)kernel(completion_done)kernel(component_add)kernel(component_bind_all)kernel(component_del)kernel(component_master_add)kernel(component_master_add_child)kernel(component_master_add_with_match)kernel(component_master_del)kernel(component_match_add)kernel(component_unbind_all)kernel(con_copy_unimap)kernel(con_debug_enter)kernel(con_debug_leave)kernel(con_is_bound)kernel(con_set_default_unimap)kernel(config_group_find_item)kernel(config_group_init)kernel(config_group_init_type_name)kernel(config_item_get)kernel(config_item_init)kernel(config_item_init_type_name)kernel(config_item_put)kernel(config_item_set_name)kernel(configfs_depend_item)kernel(configfs_register_subsystem)kernel(configfs_remove_default_groups)kernel(configfs_undepend_item)kernel(configfs_unregister_subsystem)kernel(congestion_wait)kernel(console_blank_hook)kernel(console_blanked)kernel(console_conditional_schedule)kernel(console_drivers)kernel(console_lock)kernel(console_set_on_cmdline)kernel(console_start)kernel(console_stop)kernel(console_suspend_enabled)kernel(console_trylock)kernel(console_unlock)kernel(consume_skb)kernel(cont_write_begin)kernel(context_tracking)kernel(context_tracking_enabled)kernel(context_tracking_enter)kernel(context_tracking_exit)kernel(convert_art_to_tsc)kernel(cookie_ecn_ok)kernel(cookie_timestamp_decode)kernel(copy_from_user_nmi)kernel(copy_from_user_overflow)kernel(copy_from_user_toio)kernel(copy_in_user)kernel(copy_page)kernel(copy_page_from_iter)kernel(copy_page_to_iter)kernel(copy_reserved_iova)kernel(copy_strings_kernel)kernel(copy_to_user_fromio)kernel(copy_user_enhanced_fast_string)kernel(copy_user_generic_string)kernel(copy_user_generic_unrolled)kernel(cordic_calc_iq)kernel(core_allocate_nexus_loss_ua)kernel(core_alua_check_nonop_delay)kernel(core_tmr_alloc_req)kernel(core_tpg_check_initiator_node_acl)kernel(core_tpg_deregister)kernel(core_tpg_get_initiator_node_acl)kernel(core_tpg_register)kernel(core_tpg_set_initiator_node_queue_depth)kernel(core_tpg_set_initiator_node_tag)kernel(cper_estatus_check)kernel(cper_estatus_check_header)kernel(cper_estatus_print)kernel(cper_mem_err_type_str)kernel(cper_next_record_id)kernel(cper_severity_str)kernel(cper_severity_to_aer)kernel(cppc_get_perf_caps)kernel(cppc_get_perf_ctrs)kernel(cppc_get_transition_latency)kernel(cppc_set_perf)kernel(cpu_active_mask)kernel(cpu_all_bits)kernel(cpu_bit_bitmap)kernel(cpu_clock)kernel(cpu_core_map)kernel(cpu_down)kernel(cpu_dr7)kernel(cpu_info)kernel(cpu_is_hotpluggable)kernel(cpu_khz)kernel(cpu_maps_update_begin)kernel(cpu_maps_update_done)kernel(cpu_number)kernel(cpu_online_mask)kernel(cpu_possible_mask)kernel(cpu_present_mask)kernel(cpu_rmap_add)kernel(cpu_rmap_put)kernel(cpu_rmap_update)kernel(cpu_sibling_map)kernel(cpu_subsys)kernel(cpu_up)kernel(cpufreq_boost_enabled)kernel(cpufreq_boost_supported)kernel(cpufreq_cpu_get)kernel(cpufreq_cpu_put)kernel(cpufreq_driver_fast_switch)kernel(cpufreq_driver_target)kernel(cpufreq_enable_fast_switch)kernel(cpufreq_freq_attr_scaling_available_freqs)kernel(cpufreq_freq_attr_scaling_boost_freqs)kernel(cpufreq_freq_transition_begin)kernel(cpufreq_freq_transition_end)kernel(cpufreq_frequency_get_table)kernel(cpufreq_frequency_table_cpuinfo)kernel(cpufreq_frequency_table_get_index)kernel(cpufreq_frequency_table_target)kernel(cpufreq_frequency_table_verify)kernel(cpufreq_generic_attr)kernel(cpufreq_generic_frequency_table_verify)kernel(cpufreq_generic_get)kernel(cpufreq_generic_init)kernel(cpufreq_generic_suspend)kernel(cpufreq_get)kernel(cpufreq_get_current_driver)kernel(cpufreq_get_global_kobject)kernel(cpufreq_get_policy)kernel(cpufreq_global_kobject)kernel(cpufreq_governor_dbs)kernel(cpufreq_put_global_kobject)kernel(cpufreq_quick_get)kernel(cpufreq_quick_get_max)kernel(cpufreq_register_driver)kernel(cpufreq_register_governor)kernel(cpufreq_register_notifier)kernel(cpufreq_set_update_util_data)kernel(cpufreq_show_cpus)kernel(cpufreq_sysfs_create_file)kernel(cpufreq_sysfs_remove_file)kernel(cpufreq_table_validate_and_show)kernel(cpufreq_unregister_driver)kernel(cpufreq_unregister_governor)kernel(cpufreq_unregister_notifier)kernel(cpufreq_update_policy)kernel(cpuid_query_maxphyaddr)kernel(cpuidle_disable_device)kernel(cpuidle_enable_device)kernel(cpuidle_get_cpu_driver)kernel(cpuidle_get_driver)kernel(cpuidle_pause_and_lock)kernel(cpuidle_register)kernel(cpuidle_register_device)kernel(cpuidle_register_driver)kernel(cpuidle_resume_and_unlock)kernel(cpuidle_unregister)kernel(cpuidle_unregister_device)kernel(cpuidle_unregister_driver)kernel(cpumask_local_spread)kernel(cpumask_next_and)kernel(cpumask_next_wrap)kernel(cpuset_mem_spread_node)kernel(crash_vmclear_loaded_vmcss)kernel(crc16)kernel(crc16_table)kernel(crc32_be)kernel(crc32_le)kernel(crc32_le_combine)kernel(crc32c)kernel(crc32c_csum_stub)kernel(crc8)kernel(crc8_populate_lsb)kernel(crc8_populate_msb)kernel(crc_ccitt)kernel(crc_ccitt_table)kernel(crc_itu_t)kernel(crc_itu_t_table)kernel(crc_t10dif)kernel(crc_t10dif_generic)kernel(crc_t10dif_update)kernel(create_empty_buffers)kernel(create_l1)kernel(create_syslog_header)kernel(cred_to_ucred)kernel(cryptd_ablkcipher_child)kernel(cryptd_aead_child)kernel(cryptd_ahash_child)kernel(cryptd_alloc_ablkcipher)kernel(cryptd_alloc_aead)kernel(cryptd_alloc_ahash)kernel(cryptd_free_ablkcipher)kernel(cryptd_free_aead)kernel(cryptd_free_ahash)kernel(cryptd_shash_desc)kernel(crypto_ablkcipher_type)kernel(crypto_aead_setauthsize)kernel(crypto_aead_type)kernel(crypto_aes_decrypt_x86)kernel(crypto_aes_encrypt_x86)kernel(crypto_aes_expand_key)kernel(crypto_aes_set_key)kernel(crypto_ahash_digest)kernel(crypto_ahash_final)kernel(crypto_ahash_finup)kernel(crypto_ahash_setkey)kernel(crypto_ahash_type)kernel(crypto_ahash_walk_first)kernel(crypto_alg_extsize)kernel(crypto_alg_list)kernel(crypto_alg_lookup)kernel(crypto_alg_mod_lookup)kernel(crypto_alg_sem)kernel(crypto_alg_tested)kernel(crypto_alloc_ablkcipher)kernel(crypto_alloc_acomp)kernel(crypto_alloc_aead)kernel(crypto_alloc_ahash)kernel(crypto_alloc_akcipher)kernel(crypto_alloc_base)kernel(crypto_alloc_instance)kernel(crypto_alloc_instance2)kernel(crypto_alloc_kpp)kernel(crypto_alloc_pcomp)kernel(crypto_alloc_shash)kernel(crypto_alloc_skcipher)kernel(crypto_alloc_tfm)kernel(crypto_attr_alg2)kernel(crypto_attr_alg_name)kernel(crypto_attr_u32)kernel(crypto_authenc_extractkeys)kernel(crypto_blkcipher_type)kernel(crypto_chain)kernel(crypto_check_attr_type)kernel(crypto_create_tfm)kernel(crypto_default_rng)kernel(crypto_dequeue_request)kernel(crypto_destroy_tfm)kernel(crypto_dh_decode_key)kernel(crypto_dh_encode_key)kernel(crypto_dh_key_len)kernel(crypto_drop_spawn)kernel(crypto_enqueue_request)kernel(crypto_find_alg)kernel(crypto_fl_tab)kernel(crypto_ft_tab)kernel(crypto_get_attr_type)kernel(crypto_get_default_rng)kernel(crypto_givcipher_type)kernel(crypto_grab_aead)kernel(crypto_grab_akcipher)kernel(crypto_grab_skcipher)kernel(crypto_grab_spawn)kernel(crypto_has_alg)kernel(crypto_hash_walk_done)kernel(crypto_hash_walk_first)kernel(crypto_il_tab)kernel(crypto_inc)kernel(crypto_init_ahash_spawn)kernel(crypto_init_queue)kernel(crypto_init_shash_spawn)kernel(crypto_init_spawn)kernel(crypto_init_spawn2)kernel(crypto_it_tab)kernel(crypto_larval_alloc)kernel(crypto_larval_kill)kernel(crypto_larval_lookup)kernel(crypto_lookup_aead)kernel(crypto_lookup_skcipher)kernel(crypto_lookup_template)kernel(crypto_mod_get)kernel(crypto_mod_put)kernel(crypto_nivaead_type)kernel(crypto_probing_notify)kernel(crypto_put_default_rng)kernel(crypto_register_acomp)kernel(crypto_register_acomps)kernel(crypto_register_ahash)kernel(crypto_register_akcipher)kernel(crypto_register_alg)kernel(crypto_register_algs)kernel(crypto_register_instance)kernel(crypto_register_kpp)kernel(crypto_register_notifier)kernel(crypto_register_pcomp)kernel(crypto_register_scomp)kernel(crypto_register_scomps)kernel(crypto_register_shash)kernel(crypto_register_shashes)kernel(crypto_register_template)kernel(crypto_remove_final)kernel(crypto_remove_spawns)kernel(crypto_rng_type)kernel(crypto_sha1_finup)kernel(crypto_sha1_update)kernel(crypto_sha256_finup)kernel(crypto_sha256_update)kernel(crypto_sha512_finup)kernel(crypto_sha512_update)kernel(crypto_shash_digest)kernel(crypto_shash_final)kernel(crypto_shash_finup)kernel(crypto_shash_setkey)kernel(crypto_shash_update)kernel(crypto_shoot_alg)kernel(crypto_spawn_tfm)kernel(crypto_spawn_tfm2)kernel(crypto_tfm_in_queue)kernel(crypto_unregister_acomp)kernel(crypto_unregister_acomps)kernel(crypto_unregister_ahash)kernel(crypto_unregister_akcipher)kernel(crypto_unregister_alg)kernel(crypto_unregister_algs)kernel(crypto_unregister_instance)kernel(crypto_unregister_kpp)kernel(crypto_unregister_notifier)kernel(crypto_unregister_pcomp)kernel(crypto_unregister_scomp)kernel(crypto_unregister_scomps)kernel(crypto_unregister_shash)kernel(crypto_unregister_shashes)kernel(crypto_unregister_template)kernel(crypto_xor)kernel(css_depth)kernel(css_id)kernel(css_lookup)kernel(csum_ipv6_magic)kernel(csum_partial)kernel(csum_partial_copy_from_user)kernel(csum_partial_copy_fromiovecend)kernel(csum_partial_copy_nocheck)kernel(csum_partial_copy_to_user)kernel(csum_partial_copy_to_xdr)kernel(ct_sip_get_header)kernel(ct_sip_get_sdp_header)kernel(ct_sip_parse_address_param)kernel(ct_sip_parse_header_uri)kernel(ct_sip_parse_numerical_param)kernel(ct_sip_parse_request)kernel(current_fs_time)kernel(current_is_async)kernel(current_kernel_time)kernel(current_task)kernel(current_umask)kernel(cx18_claim_stream)kernel(cx18_ext_init)kernel(cx18_release_stream)kernel(cx18_reset_ir_gpio)kernel(cx18_start_v4l2_encode_stream)kernel(cx18_stop_v4l2_encode_stream)kernel(cx22700_attach)kernel(cx22702_attach)kernel(cx231xx_capture_start)kernel(cx231xx_demod_reset)kernel(cx231xx_dev_init)kernel(cx231xx_dev_uninit)kernel(cx231xx_disable656)kernel(cx231xx_enable656)kernel(cx231xx_enable_i2c_port_3)kernel(cx231xx_init_bulk)kernel(cx231xx_init_isoc)kernel(cx231xx_init_vbi_isoc)kernel(cx231xx_register_extension)kernel(cx231xx_send_gpio_cmd)kernel(cx231xx_send_usb_command)kernel(cx231xx_set_alt_setting)kernel(cx231xx_set_mode)kernel(cx231xx_tuner_callback)kernel(cx231xx_uninit_bulk)kernel(cx231xx_uninit_isoc)kernel(cx231xx_uninit_vbi_isoc)kernel(cx231xx_unmute_audio)kernel(cx231xx_unregister_extension)kernel(cx2341x_ctrl_get_menu)kernel(cx2341x_ctrl_query)kernel(cx2341x_ext_ctrls)kernel(cx2341x_fill_defaults)kernel(cx2341x_handler_init)kernel(cx2341x_handler_set_50hz)kernel(cx2341x_handler_set_busy)kernel(cx2341x_handler_setup)kernel(cx2341x_log_status)kernel(cx2341x_mpeg_ctrls)kernel(cx2341x_update)kernel(cx24110_attach)kernel(cx24113_agc_callback)kernel(cx24113_attach)kernel(cx24116_attach)kernel(cx24123_attach)kernel(cx24123_get_tuner_i2c_adapter)kernel(cx8802_buf_prepare)kernel(cx8802_buf_queue)kernel(cx8802_cancel_buffers)kernel(cx8802_get_driver)kernel(cx8802_register_driver)kernel(cx8802_unregister_driver)kernel(cx88_audio_thread)kernel(cx88_core_get)kernel(cx88_core_irq)kernel(cx88_core_put)kernel(cx88_dsp_detect_stereo_sap)kernel(cx88_enum_input)kernel(cx88_free_buffer)kernel(cx88_get_stereo)kernel(cx88_ir_start)kernel(cx88_ir_stop)kernel(cx88_newstation)kernel(cx88_print_irqbits)kernel(cx88_querycap)kernel(cx88_reset)kernel(cx88_risc_buffer)kernel(cx88_risc_databuffer)kernel(cx88_risc_stopper)kernel(cx88_set_freq)kernel(cx88_set_scale)kernel(cx88_set_stereo)kernel(cx88_set_tvaudio)kernel(cx88_set_tvnorm)kernel(cx88_setup_xc3028)kernel(cx88_shutdown)kernel(cx88_sram_channel_dump)kernel(cx88_sram_channel_setup)kernel(cx88_sram_channels)kernel(cx88_tuner_callback)kernel(cx88_vdev_init)kernel(cx88_video_mux)kernel(cx88_wakeup)kernel(cxd2820r_attach)kernel(cxgb3_alloc_atid)kernel(cxgb3_alloc_stid)kernel(cxgb3_free_atid)kernel(cxgb3_free_stid)kernel(cxgb3_insert_tid)kernel(cxgb3_ofld_send)kernel(cxgb3_queue_tid_release)kernel(cxgb3_register_client)kernel(cxgb3_remove_tid)kernel(cxgb3_unregister_client)kernel(cxgb4_alloc_atid)kernel(cxgb4_alloc_sftid)kernel(cxgb4_alloc_stid)kernel(cxgb4_bar2_sge_qregs)kernel(cxgb4_best_aligned_mtu)kernel(cxgb4_best_mtu)kernel(cxgb4_clip_get)kernel(cxgb4_clip_release)kernel(cxgb4_create_server)kernel(cxgb4_create_server6)kernel(cxgb4_create_server_filter)kernel(cxgb4_crypto_send)kernel(cxgb4_dbfifo_count)kernel(cxgb4_flush_eq_cache)kernel(cxgb4_free_atid)kernel(cxgb4_free_stid)kernel(cxgb4_get_tcp_stats)kernel(cxgb4_iscsi_init)kernel(cxgb4_l2t_alloc_switching)kernel(cxgb4_l2t_get)kernel(cxgb4_l2t_release)kernel(cxgb4_l2t_send)kernel(cxgb4_ofld_send)kernel(cxgb4_pktgl_to_skb)kernel(cxgb4_port_chan)kernel(cxgb4_port_idx)kernel(cxgb4_port_viid)kernel(cxgb4_read_sge_timestamp)kernel(cxgb4_read_tpte)kernel(cxgb4_register_uld)kernel(cxgb4_remove_server)kernel(cxgb4_remove_server_filter)kernel(cxgb4_remove_tid)kernel(cxgb4_select_ntuple)kernel(cxgb4_sync_txq_pidx)kernel(cxgb4_tp_smt_idx)kernel(cxgb4_unregister_uld)kernel(cxgb4_update_root_dev_clip)kernel(cxgb_find_route)kernel(cxgb_find_route6)kernel(cxgb_get_4tuple)kernel(cxgbi_attr_is_visible)kernel(cxgbi_bind_conn)kernel(cxgbi_cleanup_task)kernel(cxgbi_conn_alloc_pdu)kernel(cxgbi_conn_init_pdu)kernel(cxgbi_conn_pdu_ready)kernel(cxgbi_conn_tx_open)kernel(cxgbi_conn_xmit_pdu)kernel(cxgbi_create_conn)kernel(cxgbi_create_session)kernel(cxgbi_ddp_ppm_setup)kernel(cxgbi_ddp_set_one_ppod)kernel(cxgbi_destroy_session)kernel(cxgbi_device_find_by_lldev)kernel(cxgbi_device_find_by_netdev)kernel(cxgbi_device_find_by_netdev_rcu)kernel(cxgbi_device_portmap_cleanup)kernel(cxgbi_device_portmap_create)kernel(cxgbi_device_register)kernel(cxgbi_device_unregister)kernel(cxgbi_device_unregister_all)kernel(cxgbi_ep_connect)kernel(cxgbi_ep_disconnect)kernel(cxgbi_ep_poll)kernel(cxgbi_get_conn_stats)kernel(cxgbi_get_ep_param)kernel(cxgbi_get_host_param)kernel(cxgbi_hbas_add)kernel(cxgbi_hbas_remove)kernel(cxgbi_iscsi_cleanup)kernel(cxgbi_iscsi_init)kernel(cxgbi_parse_pdu_itt)kernel(cxgbi_ppm_init)kernel(cxgbi_ppm_make_ppod_hdr)kernel(cxgbi_ppm_ppod_release)kernel(cxgbi_ppm_ppods_reserve)kernel(cxgbi_ppm_release)kernel(cxgbi_set_conn_param)kernel(cxgbi_set_host_param)kernel(cxgbi_sock_act_open_req_arp_failure)kernel(cxgbi_sock_check_wr_invariants)kernel(cxgbi_sock_closed)kernel(cxgbi_sock_established)kernel(cxgbi_sock_fail_act_open)kernel(cxgbi_sock_free_cpl_skbs)kernel(cxgbi_sock_purge_wr_queue)kernel(cxgbi_sock_rcv_abort_rpl)kernel(cxgbi_sock_rcv_close_conn_rpl)kernel(cxgbi_sock_rcv_peer_close)kernel(cxgbi_sock_rcv_wr_ack)kernel(cxgbi_sock_select_mss)kernel(cxgbi_sock_skb_entail)kernel(cxgbi_tagmask_set)kernel(cypress_load_firmware)kernel(d_add_ci)kernel(d_alloc)kernel(d_alloc_name)kernel(d_alloc_pseudo)kernel(d_delete)kernel(d_drop)kernel(d_find_alias)kernel(d_find_any_alias)kernel(d_genocide)kernel(d_hash_and_lookup)kernel(d_instantiate)kernel(d_instantiate_unique)kernel(d_invalidate)kernel(d_lookup)kernel(d_make_root)kernel(d_materialise_unique)kernel(d_move)kernel(d_obtain_alias)kernel(d_path)kernel(d_prune_aliases)kernel(d_rehash)kernel(d_set_d_op)kernel(d_splice_alias)kernel(d_tmpfile)kernel(d_validate)kernel(da7219_aad_exit)kernel(da7219_aad_init)kernel(da7219_aad_jack_det)kernel(dapm_clock_event)kernel(dapm_kcontrol_get_value)kernel(dapm_mark_endpoints_dirty)kernel(dapm_regulator_event)kernel(datagram_poll)kernel(dax_alive)kernel(dax_direct_access)kernel(dax_get_by_host)kernel(dax_get_private)kernel(dax_inode)kernel(dax_iomap_fault)kernel(dax_iomap_rw)kernel(dax_pfn_mkwrite)kernel(dax_read_lock)kernel(dax_read_unlock)kernel(dax_region_put)kernel(dax_writeback_mapping_range)kernel(dbgp_external_startup)kernel(dbgp_reset_prep)kernel(dbs_check_cpu)kernel(dca3_get_tag)kernel(dca_add_requester)kernel(dca_get_tag)kernel(dca_register_notify)kernel(dca_remove_requester)kernel(dca_unregister_notify)kernel(dcache_dir_close)kernel(dcache_dir_lseek)kernel(dcache_dir_open)kernel(dcache_readdir)kernel(dcb_getapp)kernel(dcb_ieee_delapp)kernel(dcb_ieee_getapp_mask)kernel(dcb_ieee_setapp)kernel(dcb_setapp)kernel(dcbnl_cee_notify)kernel(dcbnl_ieee_notify)kernel(dccp_ackvec_parsed_add)kernel(dccp_ackvec_parsed_cleanup)kernel(dccp_check_req)kernel(dccp_child_process)kernel(dccp_close)kernel(dccp_connect)kernel(dccp_create_openreq_child)kernel(dccp_ctl_make_reset)kernel(dccp_death_row)kernel(dccp_destroy_sock)kernel(dccp_disconnect)kernel(dccp_done)kernel(dccp_feat_list_purge)kernel(dccp_feat_nn_get)kernel(dccp_feat_signal_nn_change)kernel(dccp_getsockopt)kernel(dccp_hashinfo)kernel(dccp_init_sock)kernel(dccp_insert_option)kernel(dccp_insert_option_elapsed_time)kernel(dccp_invalid_packet)kernel(dccp_ioctl)kernel(dccp_make_response)kernel(dccp_orphan_count)kernel(dccp_packet_name)kernel(dccp_parse_options)kernel(dccp_poll)kernel(dccp_rcv_established)kernel(dccp_rcv_state_process)kernel(dccp_recvmsg)kernel(dccp_reqsk_init)kernel(dccp_reqsk_send_ack)kernel(dccp_send_ack)kernel(dccp_send_sync)kernel(dccp_sendmsg)kernel(dccp_set_state)kernel(dccp_setsockopt)kernel(dccp_shutdown)kernel(dccp_statistics)kernel(dccp_syn_ack_timeout)kernel(dccp_sync_mss)kernel(dccp_timestamp)kernel(dccp_v4_conn_request)kernel(dccp_v4_connect)kernel(dccp_v4_do_rcv)kernel(dccp_v4_request_recv_sock)kernel(dccp_v4_send_check)kernel(dcdbas_smi_request)kernel(dchannel_senddata)kernel(dcookie_register)kernel(dcookie_unregister)kernel(ddebug_add_module)kernel(ddebug_remove_module)kernel(deactivate_locked_super)kernel(deactivate_super)kernel(dead_socket)kernel(debug_locks)kernel(debug_locks_off)kernel(debug_locks_silent)kernel(debugfs_create_atomic_t)kernel(debugfs_create_blob)kernel(debugfs_create_bool)kernel(debugfs_create_devm_seqfile)kernel(debugfs_create_dir)kernel(debugfs_create_file)kernel(debugfs_create_regset32)kernel(debugfs_create_size_t)kernel(debugfs_create_symlink)kernel(debugfs_create_u16)kernel(debugfs_create_u32)kernel(debugfs_create_u32_array)kernel(debugfs_create_u64)kernel(debugfs_create_u8)kernel(debugfs_create_x16)kernel(debugfs_create_x32)kernel(debugfs_create_x64)kernel(debugfs_create_x8)kernel(debugfs_initialized)kernel(debugfs_lookup)kernel(debugfs_print_regs32)kernel(debugfs_read_file_bool)kernel(debugfs_remove)kernel(debugfs_remove_recursive)kernel(debugfs_rename)kernel(debugfs_write_file_bool)kernel(dec_zone_page_state)kernel(decode_rs8)kernel(default_backing_dev_info)kernel(default_blu)kernel(default_file_splice_read)kernel(default_file_splice_write)kernel(default_grn)kernel(default_iommu_map_sg)kernel(default_llseek)kernel(default_qdisc_ops)kernel(default_red)kernel(default_wake_function)kernel(del_dma_domain)kernel(del_gendisk)kernel(del_mtd_blktrans_dev)kernel(del_random_ready_callback)kernel(del_timer)kernel(del_timer_sync)kernel(delayacct_on)kernel(delayed_work_timer_fn)kernel(delete_from_page_cache)kernel(dell_micmute_led_set)kernel(dell_rbtn_notifier_register)kernel(dell_rbtn_notifier_unregister)kernel(dell_smbios_clear_buffer)kernel(dell_smbios_error)kernel(dell_smbios_find_token)kernel(dell_smbios_get_buffer)kernel(dell_smbios_release_buffer)kernel(dell_smbios_send_request)kernel(dentry_needs_remove_privs)kernel(dentry_open)kernel(dentry_path_raw)kernel(dentry_unhash)kernel(dentry_update_name_case)kernel(dequeue_signal)kernel(deregister_atm_ioctl)kernel(deregister_mtd_blktrans)kernel(deregister_mtd_parser)kernel(des_ekey)kernel(desc_to_gpio)kernel(destroy_workqueue)kernel(detach_capi_ctr)kernel(detach_hdlc_protocol)kernel(dev2t3cdev)kernel(dev_activate)kernel(dev_add_offload)kernel(dev_add_pack)kernel(dev_addr_add)kernel(dev_addr_del)kernel(dev_addr_flush)kernel(dev_addr_init)kernel(dev_alert)kernel(dev_alloc_name)kernel(dev_attr_em_message)kernel(dev_attr_em_message_type)kernel(dev_attr_link_power_management_policy)kernel(dev_attr_sw_activity)kernel(dev_attr_unload_heads)kernel(dev_attr_usbip_debug)kernel(dev_base_lock)kernel(dev_change_carrier)kernel(dev_change_flags)kernel(dev_change_net_namespace)kernel(dev_change_proto_down)kernel(dev_change_xdp_fd)kernel(dev_close)kernel(dev_coredumpm)kernel(dev_coredumpv)kernel(dev_crit)kernel(dev_deactivate)kernel(dev_disable_lro)kernel(dev_driver_string)kernel(dev_emerg)kernel(dev_err)kernel(dev_fill_metadata_dst)kernel(dev_forward_skb)kernel(dev_get_by_index)kernel(dev_get_by_index_rcu)kernel(dev_get_by_name)kernel(dev_get_by_name_rcu)kernel(dev_get_by_napi_id)kernel(dev_get_drvdata)kernel(dev_get_flags)kernel(dev_get_gen_pool)kernel(dev_get_iflink)kernel(dev_get_nest_level)kernel(dev_get_phys_port_id)kernel(dev_get_phys_port_name)kernel(dev_get_regmap)kernel(dev_get_stats)kernel(dev_getbyhwaddr_rcu)kernel(dev_getfirstbyhwtype)kernel(dev_graft_qdisc)kernel(dev_hard_start_xmit)kernel(dev_is_pf)kernel(dev_kfree_skb_any)kernel(dev_kfree_skb_irq)kernel(dev_load)kernel(dev_loopback_xmit)kernel(dev_mc_add)kernel(dev_mc_add_excl)kernel(dev_mc_add_global)kernel(dev_mc_del)kernel(dev_mc_del_global)kernel(dev_mc_flush)kernel(dev_mc_init)kernel(dev_mc_sync)kernel(dev_mc_sync_multiple)kernel(dev_mc_unsync)kernel(dev_notice)kernel(dev_num_vf)kernel(dev_open)kernel(dev_pm_domain_set)kernel(dev_pm_get_subsys_data)kernel(dev_pm_put_subsys_data)kernel(dev_pm_qos_add_ancestor_request)kernel(dev_pm_qos_add_global_notifier)kernel(dev_pm_qos_add_notifier)kernel(dev_pm_qos_add_request)kernel(dev_pm_qos_expose_flags)kernel(dev_pm_qos_expose_latency_limit)kernel(dev_pm_qos_expose_latency_tolerance)kernel(dev_pm_qos_flags)kernel(dev_pm_qos_hide_flags)kernel(dev_pm_qos_hide_latency_limit)kernel(dev_pm_qos_hide_latency_tolerance)kernel(dev_pm_qos_remove_global_notifier)kernel(dev_pm_qos_remove_notifier)kernel(dev_pm_qos_remove_request)kernel(dev_pm_qos_update_request)kernel(dev_pm_qos_update_user_latency_tolerance)kernel(dev_printk)kernel(dev_printk_emit)kernel(dev_queue_xmit)kernel(dev_queue_xmit_accel)kernel(dev_queue_xmit_sk)kernel(dev_remove_offload)kernel(dev_remove_pack)kernel(dev_set_allmulti)kernel(dev_set_drvdata)kernel(dev_set_group)kernel(dev_set_mac_address)kernel(dev_set_mtu)kernel(dev_set_name)kernel(dev_set_promiscuity)kernel(dev_trans_start)kernel(dev_uc_add)kernel(dev_uc_add_excl)kernel(dev_uc_del)kernel(dev_uc_flush)kernel(dev_uc_init)kernel(dev_uc_sync)kernel(dev_uc_sync_multiple)kernel(dev_uc_unsync)kernel(dev_valid_name)kernel(dev_vprintk_emit)kernel(dev_warn)kernel(device_add)kernel(device_add_properties)kernel(device_attach)kernel(device_bind_driver)kernel(device_create)kernel(device_create_bin_file)kernel(device_create_file)kernel(device_create_vargs)kernel(device_create_with_groups)kernel(device_del)kernel(device_destroy)kernel(device_dma_supported)kernel(device_find_child)kernel(device_for_each_child)kernel(device_for_each_child_reverse)kernel(device_get_child_node_count)kernel(device_get_dma_attr)kernel(device_get_mac_address)kernel(device_get_named_child_node)kernel(device_get_next_child_node)kernel(device_get_phy_mode)kernel(device_init_wakeup)kernel(device_initialize)kernel(device_move)kernel(device_pm_wait_for_dev)kernel(device_property_match_string)kernel(device_property_present)kernel(device_property_read_string)kernel(device_property_read_string_array)kernel(device_property_read_u16_array)kernel(device_property_read_u32_array)kernel(device_property_read_u64_array)kernel(device_property_read_u8_array)kernel(device_register)kernel(device_release_driver)kernel(device_remove_bin_file)kernel(device_remove_file)kernel(device_remove_file_self)kernel(device_remove_properties)kernel(device_rename)kernel(device_reprobe)kernel(device_rh_alloc)kernel(device_schedule_callback_owner)kernel(device_set_wakeup_capable)kernel(device_set_wakeup_enable)kernel(device_show_bool)kernel(device_show_int)kernel(device_show_ulong)kernel(device_store_bool)kernel(device_store_int)kernel(device_store_ulong)kernel(device_unregister)kernel(device_wakeup_disable)kernel(device_wakeup_enable)kernel(devlink_alloc)kernel(devlink_dpipe_action_put)kernel(devlink_dpipe_entry_clear)kernel(devlink_dpipe_entry_ctx_append)kernel(devlink_dpipe_entry_ctx_close)kernel(devlink_dpipe_entry_ctx_prepare)kernel(devlink_dpipe_header_ethernet)kernel(devlink_dpipe_header_ipv4)kernel(devlink_dpipe_header_ipv6)kernel(devlink_dpipe_headers_register)kernel(devlink_dpipe_headers_unregister)kernel(devlink_dpipe_match_put)kernel(devlink_dpipe_table_counter_enabled)kernel(devlink_dpipe_table_register)kernel(devlink_dpipe_table_unregister)kernel(devlink_free)kernel(devlink_port_register)kernel(devlink_port_split_set)kernel(devlink_port_type_clear)kernel(devlink_port_type_eth_set)kernel(devlink_port_type_ib_set)kernel(devlink_port_unregister)kernel(devlink_register)kernel(devlink_sb_register)kernel(devlink_sb_unregister)kernel(devlink_unregister)kernel(devm_acpi_dev_add_driver_gpios)kernel(devm_acpi_dev_remove_driver_gpios)kernel(devm_acpi_dma_controller_free)kernel(devm_acpi_dma_controller_register)kernel(devm_add_action)kernel(devm_can_led_init)kernel(devm_clk_get)kernel(devm_clk_put)kernel(devm_clk_register)kernel(devm_clk_unregister)kernel(devm_create_dev_dax)kernel(devm_free_irq)kernel(devm_gpio_free)kernel(devm_gpio_request)kernel(devm_gpio_request_one)kernel(devm_gpiod_put)kernel(devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups)kernel(devm_hwmon_device_unregister)kernel(devm_init_badblocks)kernel(devm_input_allocate_device)kernel(devm_ioport_map)kernel(devm_ioport_unmap)kernel(devm_ioremap)kernel(devm_ioremap_nocache)kernel(devm_ioremap_resource)kernel(devm_ioremap_wc)kernel(devm_iounmap)kernel(devm_kasprintf)kernel(devm_kfree)kernel(devm_kmalloc)kernel(devm_kmemdup)kernel(devm_kstrdup)kernel(devm_kvasprintf)kernel(devm_led_classdev_register)kernel(devm_led_classdev_unregister)kernel(devm_mdiobus_alloc_size)kernel(devm_mdiobus_free)kernel(devm_memremap)kernel(devm_memremap_pages)kernel(devm_memunmap)kernel(devm_nsio_disable)kernel(devm_nsio_enable)kernel(devm_nvdimm_memremap)kernel(devm_nvmem_cell_get)kernel(devm_nvmem_cell_put)kernel(devm_of_pwm_get)kernel(devm_pinctrl_get)kernel(devm_pinctrl_put)kernel(devm_pinctrl_register)kernel(devm_pinctrl_unregister)kernel(devm_power_supply_register)kernel(devm_power_supply_register_no_ws)kernel(devm_pwm_get)kernel(devm_pwm_put)kernel(devm_regmap_init)kernel(devm_regmap_init_i2c)kernel(devm_regmap_init_spi)kernel(devm_release_resource)kernel(devm_remove_action)kernel(devm_request_and_ioremap)kernel(devm_request_resource)kernel(devm_request_threaded_irq)kernel(devm_rtc_device_register)kernel(devm_rtc_device_unregister)kernel(devm_snd_soc_register_card)kernel(devm_snd_soc_register_component)kernel(devm_snd_soc_register_platform)kernel(devres_add)kernel(devres_alloc_node)kernel(devres_close_group)kernel(devres_destroy)kernel(devres_find)kernel(devres_for_each_res)kernel(devres_free)kernel(devres_get)kernel(devres_open_group)kernel(devres_release)kernel(devres_release_group)kernel(devres_remove)kernel(devres_remove_group)kernel(dfs_pattern_detector_init)kernel(dget_parent)kernel(dib0070_attach)kernel(dib0070_ctrl_agc_filter)kernel(dib0070_get_rf_output)kernel(dib0070_set_rf_output)kernel(dib0070_wbd_offset)kernel(dib0090_dcc_freq)kernel(dib0090_fw_register)kernel(dib0090_gain_control)kernel(dib0090_get_current_gain)kernel(dib0090_get_tune_state)kernel(dib0090_get_wbd_offset)kernel(dib0090_get_wbd_target)kernel(dib0090_pwm_gain_reset)kernel(dib0090_register)kernel(dib0090_set_dc_servo)kernel(dib0090_set_switch)kernel(dib0090_set_tune_state)kernel(dib0090_set_vga)kernel(dib0090_update_rframp_7090)kernel(dib0090_update_tuning_table_7090)kernel(dib3000mb_attach)kernel(dib3000mc_attach)kernel(dib3000mc_get_tuner_i2c_master)kernel(dib3000mc_i2c_enumeration)kernel(dib3000mc_pid_control)kernel(dib3000mc_pid_parse)kernel(dib3000mc_set_config)kernel(dib7000m_attach)kernel(dib7000m_get_i2c_master)kernel(dib7000m_pid_filter)kernel(dib7000m_pid_filter_ctrl)kernel(dib7000p_attach)kernel(dib7000p_ctrl_timf)kernel(dib7000p_get_agc_values)kernel(dib7000p_get_i2c_master)kernel(dib7000p_i2c_enumeration)kernel(dib7000p_pid_filter)kernel(dib7000p_pid_filter_ctrl)kernel(dib7000p_set_agc1_min)kernel(dib7000p_set_gpio)kernel(dib7000p_set_wbd_ref)kernel(dib7000p_update_pll)kernel(dib7000pc_detection)kernel(dib7090_get_adc_power)kernel(dib7090_get_i2c_tuner)kernel(dib7090_slave_reset)kernel(dib7090_tuner_sleep)kernel(dib8000_attach)kernel(dib8000_ctrl_timf)kernel(dib8000_get_adc_power)kernel(dib8000_get_i2c_master)kernel(dib8000_get_slave_frontend)kernel(dib8000_get_tune_state)kernel(dib8000_i2c_enumeration)kernel(dib8000_pid_filter)kernel(dib8000_pid_filter_ctrl)kernel(dib8000_pwm_agc_reset)kernel(dib8000_remove_slave_frontend)kernel(dib8000_set_gpio)kernel(dib8000_set_slave_frontend)kernel(dib8000_set_tune_state)kernel(dib8000_set_wbd_ref)kernel(dib8000_update_pll)kernel(dib8090p_get_dc_power)kernel(dib8096p_get_i2c_tuner)kernel(dib8096p_tuner_sleep)kernel(dibusb2_0_power_ctrl)kernel(dibusb2_0_streaming_ctrl)kernel(dibusb_dib3000mc_frontend_attach)kernel(dibusb_dib3000mc_tuner_attach)kernel(dibusb_i2c_algo)kernel(dibusb_pid_filter)kernel(dibusb_pid_filter_ctrl)kernel(dibusb_power_ctrl)kernel(dibusb_rc_query)kernel(dibusb_read_eeprom_byte)kernel(dibusb_streaming_ctrl)kernel(dibx000_exit_i2c_master)kernel(dibx000_get_i2c_adapter)kernel(dibx000_i2c_set_speed)kernel(dibx000_init_i2c_master)kernel(dibx000_reset_i2c_master)kernel(digsig_verify)kernel(dio_end_io)kernel(directly_mappable_cdev_bdi)kernel(dirty_writeback_interval)kernel(disable_irq)kernel(disable_irq_nosync)kernel(disable_kprobe)kernel(disable_percpu_irq)kernel(disallow_signal)kernel(disk_get_part)kernel(disk_map_sector_rcu)kernel(disk_part_iter_exit)kernel(disk_part_iter_init)kernel(disk_part_iter_next)kernel(disk_stack_limits)kernel(dlci_ioctl_set)kernel(dlm_lock)kernel(dlm_new_lockspace)kernel(dlm_posix_get)kernel(dlm_posix_lock)kernel(dlm_posix_unlock)kernel(dlm_release_lockspace)kernel(dlm_unlock)kernel(dm_array_cursor_begin)kernel(dm_array_cursor_end)kernel(dm_array_cursor_get_value)kernel(dm_array_cursor_next)kernel(dm_array_cursor_skip)kernel(dm_array_del)kernel(dm_array_empty)kernel(dm_array_get_value)kernel(dm_array_info_init)kernel(dm_array_new)kernel(dm_array_resize)kernel(dm_array_set_value)kernel(dm_array_walk)kernel(dm_bio_detain)kernel(dm_bio_prison_alloc_cell)kernel(dm_bio_prison_alloc_cell_v2)kernel(dm_bio_prison_create)kernel(dm_bio_prison_create_v2)kernel(dm_bio_prison_destroy)kernel(dm_bio_prison_destroy_v2)kernel(dm_bio_prison_free_cell)kernel(dm_bio_prison_free_cell_v2)kernel(dm_bitset_clear_bit)kernel(dm_bitset_cursor_begin)kernel(dm_bitset_cursor_end)kernel(dm_bitset_cursor_get_value)kernel(dm_bitset_cursor_next)kernel(dm_bitset_cursor_skip)kernel(dm_bitset_del)kernel(dm_bitset_empty)kernel(dm_bitset_flush)kernel(dm_bitset_new)kernel(dm_bitset_resize)kernel(dm_bitset_set_bit)kernel(dm_bitset_test_bit)kernel(dm_block_data)kernel(dm_block_location)kernel(dm_block_manager_create)kernel(dm_block_manager_destroy)kernel(dm_bm_block_size)kernel(dm_bm_checksum)kernel(dm_bm_flush)kernel(dm_bm_is_read_only)kernel(dm_bm_read_lock)kernel(dm_bm_set_read_only)kernel(dm_bm_set_read_write)kernel(dm_bm_unlock)kernel(dm_bm_write_lock)kernel(dm_bm_write_lock_zero)kernel(dm_btree_cursor_begin)kernel(dm_btree_cursor_end)kernel(dm_btree_cursor_get_value)kernel(dm_btree_cursor_next)kernel(dm_btree_cursor_skip)kernel(dm_btree_del)kernel(dm_btree_empty)kernel(dm_btree_find_highest_key)kernel(dm_btree_find_lowest_key)kernel(dm_btree_insert)kernel(dm_btree_insert_notify)kernel(dm_btree_lookup)kernel(dm_btree_lookup_next)kernel(dm_btree_remove)kernel(dm_btree_remove_leaves)kernel(dm_btree_walk)kernel(dm_bufio_client_create)kernel(dm_bufio_client_destroy)kernel(dm_bufio_forget)kernel(dm_bufio_get)kernel(dm_bufio_get_aux_data)kernel(dm_bufio_get_block_data)kernel(dm_bufio_get_block_number)kernel(dm_bufio_get_block_size)kernel(dm_bufio_get_client)kernel(dm_bufio_get_device_size)kernel(dm_bufio_issue_flush)kernel(dm_bufio_mark_buffer_dirty)kernel(dm_bufio_new)kernel(dm_bufio_prefetch)kernel(dm_bufio_read)kernel(dm_bufio_release)kernel(dm_bufio_release_move)kernel(dm_bufio_set_minimum_buffers)kernel(dm_bufio_write_dirty_buffers)kernel(dm_bufio_write_dirty_buffers_async)kernel(dm_cache_policy_create)kernel(dm_cache_policy_destroy)kernel(dm_cache_policy_get_hint_size)kernel(dm_cache_policy_get_name)kernel(dm_cache_policy_get_version)kernel(dm_cache_policy_register)kernel(dm_cache_policy_unregister)kernel(dm_cell_error)kernel(dm_cell_get_v2)kernel(dm_cell_lock_promote_v2)kernel(dm_cell_lock_v2)kernel(dm_cell_promote_or_release)kernel(dm_cell_put_v2)kernel(dm_cell_quiesce_v2)kernel(dm_cell_release)kernel(dm_cell_release_no_holder)kernel(dm_cell_unlock_v2)kernel(dm_cell_visit_release)kernel(dm_consume_args)kernel(dm_deferred_entry_dec)kernel(dm_deferred_entry_inc)kernel(dm_deferred_set_add_work)kernel(dm_deferred_set_create)kernel(dm_deferred_set_destroy)kernel(dm_device_name)kernel(dm_dirty_log_create)kernel(dm_dirty_log_destroy)kernel(dm_dirty_log_type_register)kernel(dm_dirty_log_type_unregister)kernel(dm_disk)kernel(dm_disk_bitset_init)kernel(dm_exception_store_create)kernel(dm_exception_store_destroy)kernel(dm_exception_store_type_register)kernel(dm_exception_store_type_unregister)kernel(dm_get_cell)kernel(dm_get_dev_t)kernel(dm_get_device)kernel(dm_get_md)kernel(dm_get_queue_limits)kernel(dm_get_reserved_bio_based_ios)kernel(dm_get_reserved_rq_based_ios)kernel(dm_get_table_device)kernel(dm_hold)kernel(dm_internal_resume)kernel(dm_internal_resume_fast)kernel(dm_internal_suspend_fast)kernel(dm_internal_suspend_noflush)kernel(dm_io)kernel(dm_io_client_create)kernel(dm_io_client_destroy)kernel(dm_kcopyd_client_create)kernel(dm_kcopyd_client_destroy)kernel(dm_kcop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quot_dirty)kernel(dquot_operations)kernel(dquot_quota_off)kernel(dquot_quota_on)kernel(dquot_quota_on_mount)kernel(dquot_quota_sync)kernel(dquot_quotactl_ops)kernel(dquot_reclaim_space_nodirty)kernel(dquot_release)kernel(dquot_resume)kernel(dquot_scan_active)kernel(dquot_set_dqblk)kernel(dquot_set_dqinfo)kernel(dquot_transfer)kernel(dquot_writeback_dquots)kernel(drain_workqueue)kernel(driver_attach)kernel(driver_create_file)kernel(driver_find)kernel(driver_find_device)kernel(driver_for_each_device)kernel(driver_register)kernel(driver_remove_file)kernel(driver_unregister)kernel(drm_add_edid_modes)kernel(drm_add_modes_noedid)kernel(drm_agp_acquire)kernel(drm_agp_alloc)kernel(drm_agp_bind)kernel(drm_agp_bind_pages)kernel(drm_agp_enable)kernel(drm_agp_free)kernel(drm_agp_info)kernel(drm_agp_init)kernel(drm_agp_release)kernel(drm_agp_unbind)kernel(drm_ati_pcigart_cleanup)kernel(drm_ati_pcigart_init)kernel(drm_atomic_add_affected_connectors)kernel(drm_atomic_add_affected_planes)kernel(drm_atomic_check_only)kernel(drm_atomic_clean_old_fb)kernel(drm_atomic_commit)kernel(drm_atomic_crtc_set_property)kernel(drm_atomic_get_connector_state)kernel(drm_atomic_get_crtc_state)kernel(drm_atomic_get_mst_topology_state)kernel(drm_atomic_get_plane_state)kernel(drm_atomic_get_private_obj_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_async_check)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_async_commit)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_best_encoder)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_check)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_check_modeset)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_check_planes)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_cleanup_planes)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_cleanup_done)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_duplicated_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_hw_done)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_modeset_disables)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_modeset_enables)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_planes)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_planes_on_crtc)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_tail)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_commit_tail_rpm)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_connector_destroy_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_connector_duplicate_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_connector_reset)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_crtc_destroy_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_crtc_duplicate_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_crtc_reset)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_disable_all)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_disable_plane)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_disable_planes_on_crtc)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_duplicate_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_legacy_gamma_set)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_page_flip)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_page_flip_target)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_plane_destroy_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_plane_duplicate_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_plane_reset)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_prepare_planes)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_resume)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_set_config)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_setup_commit)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_shutdown)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_suspend)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_swap_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_update_legacy_modeset_state)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_update_plane)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_dependencies)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_fences)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_flip_done)kernel(drm_atomic_helper_wait_for_vblanks)kernel(drm_atomic_nonblocking_commit)kernel(drm_atomic_normalize_zpos)kernel(drm_atomic_private_obj_fini)kernel(drm_atomic_private_obj_init)kernel(drm_atomic_set_crtc_for_connector)kernel(drm_atomic_set_crtc_for_plane)kernel(drm_atomic_set_fb_for_plane)kernel(drm_atomic_set_fence_for_plane)kernel(drm_atomic_set_mode_for_crtc)kernel(drm_atomic_set_mode_prop_for_crtc)kernel(drm_atomic_state_alloc)kernel(drm_atomic_state_clear)kernel(drm_atomic_state_default_clear)kernel(drm_atomic_state_default_release)kernel(drm_atomic_state_init)kernel(drm_av_sync_delay)kernel(drm_bridge_add)kernel(drm_bridge_attach)kernel(drm_bridge_disable)kernel(drm_bridge_enable)kernel(drm_bridge_mode_fixup)kernel(drm_bridge_mode_set)kernel(drm_bridge_mode_valid)kernel(drm_bridge_post_disable)kernel(drm_bridge_pre_enable)kernel(drm_bridge_remove)kernel(drm_calc_timestamping_constants)kernel(drm_calc_vbltimestamp_from_scanoutpos)kernel(drm_class_device_register)kernel(drm_class_device_unregister)kernel(drm_clflush_pages)kernel(drm_clflush_sg)kernel(drm_clflush_virt_range)kernel(drm_color_lut_extract)kernel(drm_compat_ioctl)kernel(drm_connector_attach_scaling_mode_property)kernel(drm_connector_cleanup)kernel(drm_connector_init)kernel(drm_connector_list_iter_begin)kernel(drm_connector_list_iter_end)kernel(drm_connector_list_iter_next)kernel(drm_connector_register)kernel(drm_connector_unregister)kernel(drm_crtc_accurate_vblank_count)kernel(drm_crtc_add_crc_entry)kernel(drm_crtc_arm_vblank_event)kernel(drm_crtc_check_viewport)kernel(drm_crtc_cleanup)kernel(drm_crtc_enable_color_mgmt)kernel(drm_crtc_force_disable)kernel(drm_crtc_force_disable_all)kernel(drm_crtc_from_index)kernel(drm_crtc_handle_vblank)kernel(drm_crtc_helper_set_config)kernel(drm_crtc_helper_set_mode)kernel(drm_crtc_init)kernel(drm_crtc_init_with_planes)kernel(drm_crtc_send_vblank_event)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_count)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_count_and_time)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_get)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_off)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_on)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_put)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_reset)kernel(drm_crtc_vblank_waitqueue)kernel(drm_crtc_wait_one_vblank)kernel(drm_cvt_mode)kernel(drm_debug)kernel(drm_debugfs_create_files)kernel(drm_debugfs_remove_files)kernel(drm_default_rgb_quant_range)kernel(drm_detect_hdmi_monitor)kernel(drm_detect_monitor_audio)kernel(drm_dev_alloc)kernel(drm_dev_fini)kernel(drm_dev_init)kernel(drm_dev_printk)kernel(drm_dev_ref)kernel(drm_dev_register)kernel(drm_dev_set_unique)kernel(drm_dev_unplug)kernel(drm_dev_unref)kernel(drm_dev_unregister)kernel(drm_display_info_set_bus_formats)kernel(drm_do_get_edid)kernel(drm_dp_atomic_find_vcpi_slots)kernel(drm_dp_atomic_release_vcpi_slots)kernel(drm_dp_aux_init)kernel(drm_dp_aux_register)kernel(drm_dp_aux_unregister)kernel(drm_dp_bw_code_to_link_rate)kernel(drm_dp_calc_pbn_mode)kernel(drm_dp_channel_eq_ok)kernel(drm_dp_check_act_status)kernel(drm_dp_clock_recovery_ok)kernel(drm_dp_downstream_debug)kernel(drm_dp_downstream_id)kernel(drm_dp_downstream_max_bpc)kernel(drm_dp_downstream_max_clock)kernel(drm_dp_dpcd_read)kernel(drm_dp_dpcd_read_link_status)kernel(drm_dp_dpcd_write)kernel(drm_dp_dual_mode_detect)kernel(drm_dp_dual_mode_get_tmds_output)kernel(drm_dp_dual_mode_max_tmds_clock)kernel(drm_dp_dual_mode_read)kernel(drm_dp_dual_mode_set_tmds_output)kernel(drm_dp_dual_mode_write)kernel(drm_dp_find_vcpi_slots)kernel(drm_dp_get_adjust_request_pre_emphasis)kernel(drm_dp_get_adjust_request_voltage)kernel(drm_dp_get_dual_mode_type_name)kernel(drm_dp_link_configure)kernel(drm_dp_link_power_down)kernel(drm_dp_link_power_up)kernel(drm_dp_link_probe)kernel(drm_dp_link_rate_to_bw_code)kernel(drm_dp_link_train_channel_eq_delay)kernel(drm_dp_link_train_clock_recovery_delay)kernel(drm_dp_mst_allocate_vcpi)kernel(drm_dp_mst_deallocate_vcpi)kernel(drm_dp_mst_detect_port)kernel(drm_dp_mst_dump_topology)kernel(drm_dp_mst_get_edid)kernel(drm_dp_mst_get_vcpi_slots)kernel(drm_dp_mst_hpd_irq)kernel(drm_dp_mst_port_has_audio)kernel(drm_dp_mst_reset_vcpi_slots)kernel(drm_dp_mst_topology_mgr_destroy)kernel(drm_dp_mst_topology_mgr_init)kernel(drm_dp_mst_topology_mgr_resume)kernel(drm_dp_mst_topology_mgr_set_mst)kernel(drm_dp_mst_topology_mgr_suspend)kernel(drm_dp_psr_setup_time)kernel(drm_dp_read_desc)kernel(drm_dp_start_crc)kernel(drm_dp_stop_crc)kernel(drm_dp_update_payload_part1)kernel(drm_dp_update_payload_part2)kernel(drm_edid_block_valid)kernel(drm_edid_duplicate)kernel(drm_edid_get_monitor_name)kernel(drm_edid_header_is_valid)kernel(drm_edid_is_valid)kernel(drm_edid_to_eld)kernel(drm_edid_to_sad)kernel(drm_edid_to_speaker_allocation)kernel(drm_encoder_cleanup)kernel(drm_encoder_init)kernel(drm_event_cancel_free)kernel(drm_event_reserve_init)kernel(drm_event_reserve_init_locked)kernel(drm_fb_helper_add_one_connector)kernel(drm_fb_helper_alloc_fbi)kernel(drm_fb_helper_blank)kernel(drm_fb_helper_cfb_copyarea)kernel(drm_fb_helper_cfb_fillrect)kernel(drm_fb_helper_cfb_imageblit)kernel(drm_fb_helper_check_var)kernel(drm_fb_helper_debug_enter)kernel(drm_fb_helper_debug_leave)kernel(drm_fb_helper_deferred_io)kernel(drm_fb_helper_fill_fix)kernel(drm_fb_helper_fill_var)kernel(drm_fb_helper_fini)kernel(drm_fb_helper_hotplug_event)kernel(drm_fb_helper_init)kernel(drm_fb_helper_initial_config)kernel(drm_fb_helper_ioctl)kernel(drm_fb_helper_modinit)kernel(drm_fb_helper_pan_display)kernel(drm_fb_helper_prepare)kernel(drm_fb_helper_remove_one_connector)kernel(drm_fb_helper_restore_fbdev_mode_unlocked)kernel(drm_fb_helper_set_par)kernel(drm_fb_helper_set_suspend)kernel(drm_fb_helper_set_suspend_unlocked)kernel(drm_fb_helper_setcmap)kernel(drm_fb_helper_single_add_all_connectors)kernel(drm_fb_helper_sys_copyarea)kernel(drm_fb_helper_sys_fillrect)kernel(drm_fb_helper_sys_imageblit)kernel(drm_fb_helper_sys_read)kernel(drm_fb_helper_sys_write)kernel(drm_fb_helper_unlink_fbi)kernel(drm_fb_helper_unregister_fbi)kernel(drm_flip_work_allocate_task)kernel(drm_flip_work_cleanup)kernel(drm_flip_work_commit)kernel(drm_flip_work_init)kernel(drm_flip_work_queue)kernel(drm_flip_work_queue_task)kernel(drm_format_horz_chroma_subsampling)kernel(drm_format_info)kernel(drm_format_num_planes)kernel(drm_format_plane_cpp)kernel(drm_format_plane_height)kernel(drm_format_plane_width)kernel(drm_format_vert_chroma_subsampling)kernel(drm_framebuffer_cleanup)kernel(drm_framebuffer_init)kernel(drm_framebuffer_lookup)kernel(drm_framebuffer_plane_height)kernel(drm_framebuffer_plane_width)kernel(drm_framebuffer_remove)kernel(drm_framebuffer_unregister_private)kernel(drm_gem_create_mmap_offset)kernel(drm_gem_create_mmap_offset_size)kernel(drm_gem_dmabuf_export)kernel(drm_gem_dmabuf_release)kernel(drm_gem_dumb_destroy)kernel(drm_gem_dumb_map_offset)kernel(drm_gem_fb_create)kernel(drm_gem_fb_create_handle)kernel(drm_gem_fb_create_with_funcs)kernel(drm_gem_fb_destroy)kernel(drm_gem_fb_get_obj)kernel(drm_gem_fb_prepare_fb)kernel(drm_gem_fbdev_fb_create)kernel(drm_gem_free_mmap_offset)kernel(drm_gem_get_pages)kernel(drm_gem_handle_create)kernel(drm_gem_handle_delete)kernel(drm_gem_mmap)kernel(drm_gem_mmap_obj)kernel(drm_gem_object_free)kernel(drm_gem_object_init)kernel(drm_gem_object_lookup)kernel(drm_gem_object_put)kernel(drm_gem_object_put_unlocked)kernel(drm_gem_object_release)kernel(drm_gem_prime_export)kernel(drm_gem_prime_fd_to_handle)kernel(drm_gem_prime_handle_to_fd)kernel(drm_gem_prime_import)kernel(drm_gem_prime_import_dev)kernel(drm_gem_private_object_init)kernel(drm_gem_put_pages)kernel(drm_gem_vm_close)kernel(drm_gem_vm_open)kernel(drm_get_cea_aspect_ratio)kernel(drm_get_connector_status_name)kernel(drm_get_edid)kernel(drm_get_edid_switcheroo)kernel(drm_get_format_info)kernel(drm_get_format_name)kernel(drm_get_pci_dev)kernel(drm_get_subpixel_order_name)kernel(drm_global_item_ref)kernel(drm_global_item_unref)kernel(drm_gtf_mode)kernel(drm_gtf_mode_complex)kernel(drm_handle_vblank)kernel(drm_has_preferred_mode)kernel(drm_hdmi_avi_infoframe_from_display_mode)kernel(drm_hdmi_avi_infoframe_quant_range)kernel(drm_hdmi_vendor_infoframe_from_display_mode)kernel(drm_helper_connector_dpms)kernel(drm_helper_crtc_in_use)kernel(drm_helper_crtc_mode_set)kernel(drm_helper_crtc_mode_set_base)kernel(drm_helper_disable_unused_functions)kernel(drm_helper_encoder_in_use)kernel(drm_helper_hpd_irq_event)kernel(drm_helper_mode_fill_fb_struct)kernel(drm_helper_move_panel_connectors_to_head)kernel(drm_helper_probe_detect)kernel(drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes)kernel(drm_helper_resume_force_mode)kernel(drm_ht_create)kernel(drm_ht_find_item)kernel(drm_ht_insert_item)kernel(drm_ht_just_insert_please)kernel(drm_ht_remove)kernel(drm_ht_remove_item)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_commit)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_destroy)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_detect)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_dpms)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_init)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_mode_fixup)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_mode_set)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_prepare)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_restore)kernel(drm_i2c_encoder_save)kernel(drm_invalid_op)kernel(drm_ioctl)kernel(drm_ioctl_flags)kernel(drm_ioctl_kernel)kernel(drm_ioctl_permit)kernel(drm_irq_install)kernel(drm_irq_uninstall)kernel(drm_is_current_master)kernel(drm_kms_helper_hotplug_event)kernel(drm_kms_helper_poll_disable)kernel(drm_kms_helper_poll_enable)kernel(drm_kms_helper_poll_fini)kernel(drm_kms_helper_poll_init)kernel(drm_legacy_addbufs_agp)kernel(drm_legacy_addbufs_pci)kernel(drm_legacy_addmap)kernel(drm_legacy_getsarea)kernel(drm_legacy_idlelock_release)kernel(drm_legacy_idlelock_take)kernel(drm_legacy_ioremap)kernel(drm_legacy_ioremap_wc)kernel(drm_legacy_ioremapfree)kernel(drm_legacy_mmap)kernel(drm_legacy_pci_exit)kernel(drm_legacy_pci_init)kernel(drm_legacy_rmmap)kernel(drm_legacy_rmmap_locked)kernel(drm_lspcon_get_mode)kernel(drm_lspcon_set_mode)kernel(drm_master_get)kernel(drm_master_put)kernel(drm_match_cea_mode)kernel(drm_mm_init)kernel(drm_mm_insert_node_in_range)kernel(drm_mm_print)kernel(drm_mm_remove_node)kernel(drm_mm_replace_node)kernel(drm_mm_reserve_node)kernel(drm_mm_scan_add_block)kernel(drm_mm_scan_color_evict)kernel(drm_mm_scan_init_with_range)kernel(drm_mm_scan_remove_block)kernel(drm_mm_takedown)kernel(drm_mode_config_cleanup)kernel(drm_mode_config_init)kernel(drm_mode_config_reset)kernel(drm_mode_connector_attach_encoder)kernel(drm_mode_connector_list_update)kernel(drm_mode_connector_set_link_status_property)kernel(drm_mode_connector_set_path_property)kernel(drm_mode_connector_set_tile_property)kernel(drm_mode_connector_update_edid_property)kernel(drm_mode_copy)kernel(drm_mode_create)kernel(drm_mode_create_aspect_ratio_property)kernel(drm_mode_create_dvi_i_properties)kernel(drm_mode_create_from_cmdline_mode)kernel(drm_mode_create_scaling_mode_property)kernel(drm_mode_create_suggested_offset_properties)kernel(drm_mode_create_tile_group)kernel(drm_mode_create_tv_properties)kernel(drm_mode_crtc_set_gamma_size)kernel(drm_mode_debug_printmodeline)kernel(drm_mode_destroy)kernel(drm_mode_duplicate)kernel(drm_mode_equal)kernel(drm_mode_equal_no_clocks)kernel(drm_mode_equal_no_clocks_no_stereo)kernel(drm_mode_find_dmt)kernel(drm_mode_get_hv_timing)kernel(drm_mode_get_tile_group)kernel(drm_mode_hsync)kernel(drm_mode_is_420)kernel(drm_mode_is_420_also)kernel(drm_mode_is_420_only)kernel(drm_mode_legacy_fb_format)kernel(drm_mode_object_find)kernel(drm_mode_object_get)kernel(drm_mode_object_put)kernel(drm_mode_parse_command_line_for_connector)kernel(drm_mode_plane_set_obj_prop)kernel(drm_mode_probed_add)kernel(drm_mode_prune_invalid)kernel(drm_mode_put_tile_group)kernel(drm_mode_set_config_internal)kernel(drm_mode_set_crtcinfo)kernel(drm_mode_set_name)kernel(drm_mode_sort)kernel(drm_mode_validate_basic)kernel(drm_mode_validate_size)kernel(drm_mode_validate_ycbcr420)kernel(drm_mode_vrefresh)kernel(drm_modeset_acquire_fini)kernel(drm_modeset_acquire_init)kernel(drm_modeset_backoff)kernel(drm_mod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ce_init)kernel(dvb_usb_generic_rw)kernel(dvb_usb_generic_write)kernel(dvb_usb_get_hexline)kernel(dvb_usb_nec_rc_key_to_event)kernel(dvb_usbv2_disconnect)kernel(dvb_usbv2_generic_rw)kernel(dvb_usbv2_generic_rw_locked)kernel(dvb_usbv2_generic_write)kernel(dvb_usbv2_generic_write_locked)kernel(dvb_usbv2_probe)kernel(dvb_usbv2_reset_resume)kernel(dvb_usbv2_resume)kernel(dvb_usbv2_suspend)kernel(dw_dma_cyclic_free)kernel(dw_dma_cyclic_prep)kernel(dw_dma_cyclic_start)kernel(dw_dma_cyclic_stop)kernel(dw_dma_disable)kernel(dw_dma_enable)kernel(dw_dma_filter)kernel(dw_dma_get_dst_addr)kernel(dw_dma_get_src_addr)kernel(dw_dma_probe)kernel(dw_dma_remove)kernel(e4000_attach)kernel(e820_any_mapped)kernel(each_symbol_section)kernel(ebt_do_table)kernel(ebt_register_table)kernel(ebt_unregister_table)kernel(ec100_attach)kernel(ec_burst_disable)kernel(ec_burst_enable)kernel(ec_get_handle)kernel(ec_read)kernel(ec_transaction)kernel(ec_write)kernel(ecryptfs_fill_auth_tok)kernel(ecryptfs_get_auth_tok_key)kernel(ecryptfs_get_versions)kernel(edac_atomic_assert_error)kernel(edac_device_add_device)kernel(edac_device_alloc_ctl_info)kernel(edac_device_alloc_index)kernel(edac_device_del_device)kernel(edac_device_free_ctl_info)kernel(edac_device_handle_ce)kernel(edac_device_handle_ue)kernel(edac_err_assert)kernel(edac_get_sysfs_subsys)kernel(edac_handler_set)kernel(edac_handlers)kernel(edac_has_mcs)kernel(edac_layer_name)kernel(edac_mc_add_mc_with_groups)kernel(edac_mc_alloc)kernel(edac_mc_del_mc)kernel(edac_mc_find)kernel(edac_mc_find_csrow_by_page)kernel(edac_mc_free)kernel(edac_mc_handle_error)kernel(edac_mem_types)kernel(edac_op_state)kernel(edac_pci_add_device)kernel(edac_pci_alloc_ctl_info)kernel(edac_pci_alloc_index)kernel(edac_pci_create_generic_ctl)kernel(edac_pci_del_device)kernel(edac_pci_free_ctl_info)kernel(edac_pci_handle_npe)kernel(edac_pci_handle_pe)kernel(edac_pci_release_generic_ctl)kernel(edac_pci_reset_delay_period)kernel(edac_put_sysfs_subsys)kernel(edac_raw_mc_handle_error)kernel(edac_report_status)kernel(edac_subsys)kernel(edd)kernel(edid_info)kernel(eeprom_93cx6_multiread)kernel(eeprom_93cx6_read)kernel(eeprom_93cx6_wren)kernel(eeprom_93cx6_write)kernel(efi)kernel(efi_query_variable_store)kernel(efivar_entry_add)kernel(efivar_entry_delete)kernel(efivar_entry_find)kernel(efivar_entry_get)kernel(efivar_entry_iter)kernel(efivar_entry_iter_begin)kernel(efivar_entry_iter_end)kernel(efivar_entry_remove)kernel(efivar_entry_set)kernel(efivar_entry_set_get_size)kernel(efivar_entry_set_safe)kernel(efivar_entry_size)kernel(efivar_init)kernel(efivar_run_worker)kernel(efivar_sysfs_list)kernel(efivar_validate)kernel(efivar_work)kernel(efivars_kobject)kernel(efivars_register)kernel(efivars_sysfs_init)kernel(efivars_unregister)kernel(efuse_one_byte_read)kernel(efuse_power_switch)kernel(efuse_read_1byte)kernel(efuse_shadow_read)kernel(ehci_adjust_port_wakeup_flags)kernel(ehci_cf_port_reset_rwsem)kernel(ehci_handshake)kernel(ehci_hub_control)kernel(ehci_init_driver)kernel(ehci_reset)kernel(ehci_resume)kernel(ehci_setup)kernel(ehci_suspend)kernel(elevator_alloc)kernel(elevator_aux_find)kernel(elevator_change)kernel(elevator_exit)kernel(elevator_init)kernel(elfcorehdr_addr)kernel(elv_add_request)kernel(elv_bio_merge_ok)kernel(elv_dispatch_add_tail)kernel(elv_dispatch_sort)kernel(elv_rb_add)kernel(elv_rb_del)kernel(elv_rb_find)kernel(elv_rb_former_request)kernel(elv_rb_latter_request)kernel(elv_register)kernel(elv_register_queue)kernel(elv_rq_merge_ok)kernel(elv_rqhash_add)kernel(elv_rqhash_del)kernel(elv_unregister)kernel(elv_unregister_queue)kernel(em28xx_alloc_urbs)kernel(em28xx_audio_analog_set)kernel(em28xx_audio_setup)kernel(em28xx_gpio_set)kernel(em28xx_init_usb_xfer)kernel(em28xx_read_ac97)kernel(em28xx_read_reg)kernel(em28xx_register_extension)kernel(em28xx_set_mode)kernel(em28xx_stop_urbs)kernel(em28xx_tuner_callback)kernel(em28xx_uninit_usb_xfer)kernel(em28xx_unregister_extension)kernel(em28xx_write_ac97)kernel(em28xx_write_reg)kernel(em28xx_write_reg_bits)kernel(em28xx_write_regs)kernel(emergency_restart)kernel(empty_aops)kernel(empty_zero_page)kernel(enable_irq)kernel(enable_kprobe)kernel(enable_percpu_irq)kernel(enclosure_add_device)kernel(enclosure_component_alloc)kernel(enclosure_component_register)kernel(enclosure_find)kernel(enclosure_for_each_device)kernel(enclosure_register)kernel(enclosure_remove_device)kernel(enclosure_unregister)kernel(encode_rs8)kernel(end_buffer_async_write)kernel(end_buffer_read_sync)kernel(end_buffer_write_sync)kernel(end_page_writeback)kernel(enic_api_devcmd_proxy_by_index)kernel(errata)kernel(erst_clear)kernel(erst_disable)kernel(erst_get_record_count)kernel(erst_get_record_id_begin)kernel(erst_get_record_id_end)kernel(erst_get_record_id_next)kernel(erst_read)kernel(erst_write)kernel(eth_change_mtu)kernel(eth_commit_mac_addr_change)kernel(eth_get_headlen)kernel(eth_gro_complete)kernel(eth_gro_receive)kernel(eth_header)kernel(eth_header_cache)kernel(eth_header_cache_update)kernel(eth_head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link_speed_update)kernel(fcoe_queue_timer)kernel(fcoe_start_io)kernel(fcoe_transport_attach)kernel(fcoe_transport_detach)kernel(fcoe_validate_vport_create)kernel(fcoe_wwn_from_mac)kernel(fcoe_wwn_to_str)kernel(fcp_avc_transaction)kernel(fcp_bus_reset)kernel(fd_install)kernel(fg_console)kernel(fget)kernel(fget_light)kernel(fget_raw)kernel(fib4_rule_default)kernel(fib6_get_table)kernel(fib6_rule_default)kernel(fib_default_rule_add)kernel(fib_notifier_ops_register)kernel(fib_notifier_ops_unregister)kernel(fib_rule_matchall)kernel(fib_rules_dump)kernel(fib_rules_lookup)kernel(fib_rules_register)kernel(fib_rules_seq_read)kernel(fib_rules_unregister)kernel(fib_table_lookup)kernel(fiemap_check_flags)kernel(fiemap_fill_next_extent)kernel(fifo_create_dflt)kernel(fifo_set_limit)kernel(file_ns_capable)kernel(file_open_root)kernel(file_ra_state_init)kernel(file_remove_privs)kernel(file_update_time)kernel(filemap_check_errors)kernel(filemap_fault)kernel(filemap_fdatawait)kernel(filemap_fdatawait_range)kernel(filemap_fdatawrite)kernel(filemap_fdatawrite_range)kernel(filemap_flush)kernel(filemap_page_mkwrite)kernel(filemap_write_and_wait)kernel(filemap_write_and_wait_range)kernel(fill_inquiry_response)kernel(filp_close)kernel(filp_open)kernel(filter_current_check_discard)kernel(filter_match_preds)kernel(find_extend_vma)kernel(find_first_bit)kernel(find_first_zero_bit)kernel(find_font)kernel(find_get_entries_tag)kernel(find_get_page)kernel(find_get_pages_contig)kernel(find_get_pages_tag)kernel(find_get_pid)kernel(find_inode_number)kernel(find_iova)kernel(find_last_bit)kernel(find_lock_page)kernel(find_mci_by_dev)kernel(find_module)kernel(find_next_bit)kernel(find_next_zero_bit)kernel(find_or_create_page)kernel(find_pid_ns)kernel(find_symbol)kernel(find_vma)kernel(find_vpid)kernel(finish_no_open)kernel(finish_open)kernel(finish_swait)kernel(finish_wait)kernel(fips_enabled)kernel(firmware_kobj)kernel(first_ec)kernel(fixed_phy_add)kernel(fixed_phy_register)kernel(fixed_phy_set_link_update)kernel(fixed_phy_unregister)kernel(fixed_phy_update_state)kernel(fixed_size_llseek)kernel(fixup_user_fault)kernel(fl6_merge_options)kernel(fl6_sock_lookup)kernel(fl6_update_dst)kernel(flex_array_alloc)kernel(flex_array_clear)kernel(flex_array_free)kernel(flex_array_free_parts)kernel(flex_array_get)kernel(flex_array_get_ptr)kernel(flex_array_prealloc)kernel(flex_array_put)kernel(flex_array_shrink)kernel(flexcop_device_exit)kernel(flexcop_device_initialize)kernel(flexcop_device_kfree)kernel(flexcop_device_kmalloc)kernel(flexcop_dma_allocate)kernel(flexcop_dma_config)kernel(flexcop_dma_config_timer)kernel(flexcop_dma_control_size_irq)kernel(flexcop_dma_control_timer_irq)kernel(flexcop_dma_free)kernel(flexcop_dma_xfer_control)kernel(flexcop_dump_reg)kernel(flexcop_eeprom_check_mac_addr)kernel(flexcop_i2c_request)kernel(flexcop_pass_dmx_data)kernel(flexcop_pass_dmx_packets)kernel(flexcop_pid_feed_control)kernel(flexcop_sram_ctrl)kernel(flexcop_sram_set_dest)kernel(flexcop_wan_set_speed)kernel(flock_lock_inode_wait)kernel(flow_cache_fini)kernel(flow_cache_init)kernel(flow_cache_lookup)kernel(flow_get_u32_dst)kernel(flow_get_u32_src)kernel(flow_hash_from_keys)kernel(flow_keys_dissector)kernel(flush_delayed_work)kernel(flush_kthread_work)kernel(flush_kthread_worker)kernel(flush_old_exec)kernel(flush_scheduled_work)kernel(flush_signals)kernel(flush_work)kernel(flush_workqueue)kernel(follow_down)kernel(follow_down_one)kernel(follow_pfn)kernel(follow_pte_pmd)kernel(follow_up)kernel(font_vga_8x16)kernel(force_sig)kernel(fpu_finit)kernel(fput)kernel(framebuffer_alloc)kernel(framebuffer_release)kernel(free_anon_bdev)kernel(free_buffer_head)kernel(free_c_can_dev)kernel(free_candev)kernel(free_cc770dev)kernel(free_cpumask_var)kernel(free_css_id)kernel(free_dca_provider)kernel(free_dma)kernel(free_fib_info)kernel(free_inode_nonrcu)kernel(free_iova)kernel(free_iova_fast)kernel(free_iova_mem)kernel(free_irq)kernel(free_irq_cpu_rmap)kernel(free_mdio_bitbang)kernel(free_netdev)kernel(free_pages)kernel(free_pages_exact)kernel(free_percpu)kernel(free_rs)kernel(free_rtllib)kernel(free_sja1000dev)kernel(free_task)kernel(free_vm_area)kernel(free_xenballooned_pages)kernel(freeze_bdev)kernel(freeze_super)kernel(freeze_wake)kernel(freezing_slow_path)kernel(freq_reg_info)kernel(from_kgid)kernel(from_kgid_munged)kernel(from_kprojid)kernel(from_kprojid_munged)kernel(from_kqid)kernel(from_kqid_munged)kernel(from_kuid)kernel(from_kuid_munged)kernel(frontswap_curr_pages)kernel(frontswap_register_ops)kernel(frontswap_shrink)kernel(frontswap_tmem_exclusive_gets)kernel(frontswap_writethrough)kernel(fs_bio_set)kernel(fs_kobj)kernel(fs_overflowgid)kernel(fs_overflowuid)kernel(fscache_add_cache)kernel(fscache_cache_cleared_wq)kernel(fscache_check_aux)kernel(fscache_enqueue_operation)kernel(fscache_fsdef_index)kernel(fscache_init_cache)kernel(fscache_io_error)kernel(fscache_mark_page_cached)kernel(fscache_mark_pages_cached)kernel(fscache_object_destroy)kernel(fscache_object_init)kernel(fscache_object_lookup_negative)kernel(fscache_object_mark_killed)kernel(fscache_object_retrying_stale)kernel(fscache_object_sleep_till_congested)kernel(fscache_obtained_object)kernel(fscache_op_complete)kernel(fscache_op_debug_id)kernel(fscache_operation_init)kernel(fscache_put_operation)kernel(fscache_withdraw_cache)kernel(fsnotify)kernel(fsnotify_get_cookie)kernel(fsstack_copy_attr_all)kernel(fsstack_copy_inode_size)kernel(fsync_bdev)kernel(ftdi_elan_gone_away)kernel(ftrace_dump)kernel(ftrace_event_reg)kernel(ftrace_output_call)kernel(ftrace_print_array_seq)kernel(ftrace_print_flags_seq)kernel(ftrace_print_hex_seq)kernel(ftrace_print_symbols_seq)kernel(ftrace_raw_output_prep)kernel(ftrace_set_filter)kernel(ftrace_set_filter_ip)kernel(ftrace_set_global_filter)kernel(ftrace_set_global_notrace)kernel(ftrace_set_notrace)kernel(full_name_hash)kernel(fuse_abort_conn)kernel(fuse_conn_get)kernel(fuse_conn_init)kernel(fuse_conn_kill)kernel(fuse_conn_put)kernel(fuse_dev_operations)kernel(fuse_dev_release)kernel(fuse_direct_io)kernel(fuse_do_ioctl)kernel(fuse_do_open)kernel(fuse_file_poll)kernel(fuse_get_req)kernel(fuse_get_req_for_background)kernel(fuse_put_request)kernel(fuse_request_alloc)kernel(fuse_request_send)kernel(fuse_request_send_background)kernel(fuse_sync_release)kernel(fw_bus_type)kernel(fw_cancel_transaction)kernel(fw_card_add)kernel(fw_card_initialize)kernel(fw_card_release)kernel(fw_core_add_address_handler)kernel(fw_core_add_descriptor)kernel(fw_core_handle_bus_reset)kernel(fw_core_handle_request)kernel(fw_core_handle_response)kernel(fw_core_remove_address_handler)kernel(fw_core_remove_card)kernel(fw_core_remove_descriptor)kernel(fw_csr_iterator_init)kernel(fw_csr_iterator_next)kernel(fw_csr_string)kernel(fw_device_enable_phys_dma)kernel(fw_fill_response)kernel(fw_get_request_speed)kernel(fw_high_memory_region)kernel(fw_iso_buffer_destroy)kernel(fw_iso_buffer_init)kernel(fw_iso_context_create)kernel(fw_iso_context_destroy)kernel(fw_iso_context_flush_completions)kernel(fw_iso_context_queue)kernel(fw_iso_context_queue_flush)kernel(fw_iso_context_start)kernel(fw_iso_context_stop)kernel(fw_iso_resource_manage)kernel(fw_iso_resources_allocate)kernel(fw_iso_resources_destroy)kernel(fw_iso_resources_free)kernel(fw_iso_resources_init)kernel(fw_iso_resources_update)kernel(fw_rcode_string)kernel(fw_run_transaction)kernel(fw_schedule_bus_reset)kernel(fw_send_request)kernel(fw_send_response)kernel(fw_workqueue)kernel(fwnode_handle_put)kernel(fwnode_property_match_string)kernel(fwnode_property_present)kernel(fwnode_property_read_string)kernel(fwnode_property_read_string_array)kernel(fwnode_property_read_u16_array)kernel(fwnode_property_read_u32_array)kernel(fwnode_property_read_u64_array)kernel(fwnode_property_read_u8_array)kernel(fwtty_port_get)kernel(fwtty_port_put)kernel(fx_init)kernel(g_attr_logical_length)kernel(g_make_token_header)kernel(g_token_size)kernel(g_verify_token_header)kernel(garp_init_applicant)kernel(garp_register_application)kernel(garp_request_join)kernel(garp_request_leave)kernel(garp_uninit_applicant)kernel(garp_unregister_application)kernel(gcd)kernel(gdt_page)kernel(gen_estimator_active)kernel(gen_estimator_read)kernel(gen_kill_estimator)kernel(gen_new_estimator)kernel(gen_pool_add_virt)kernel(gen_pool_alloc)kernel(gen_pool_avail)kernel(gen_pool_best_fit)kernel(gen_pool_create)kernel(gen_pool_destroy)kernel(gen_pool_first_fit)kernel(gen_pool_for_each_chunk)kernel(gen_pool_free)kernel(gen_pool_set_algo)kernel(gen_pool_size)kernel(gen_pool_virt_to_phys)kernel(gen_replace_estimator)kernel(generate_random_uuid)kernel(generate_resume_trace)kernel(generic_access_phys)kernel(generic_block_bmap)kernel(generic_block_fiemap)kernel(generic_check_addressable)kernel(generic_cont_expand_simple)kernel(generic_delete_inode)kernel(generic_end_io_acct)kernel(generic_error_remove_page)kernel(generic_fh_to_dentry)kernel(generic_fh_to_parent)kernel(generic_file_aio_read)kernel(generic_file_aio_write)kernel(generic_file_buffered_write)kernel(generic_file_direct_write)kernel(generic_file_fsync)kernel(generic_file_llseek)kernel(generic_file_llseek_size)kernel(generic_file_mmap)kernel(generic_file_open)kernel(generic_file_readonly_mmap)kernel(generic_file_remap_pages)kernel(generic_file_splice_read)kernel(generic_file_splice_write)kernel(generic_fillattr)kernel(generic_getxattr)kernel(generic_handle_irq)kernel(generic_listxattr)kernel(generic_make_request)kernel(generic_mii_ioctl)kernel(generic_permission)kernel(generic_pipe_buf_confirm)kernel(generic_pipe_buf_get)kernel(generic_pipe_buf_map)kernel(generic_pipe_buf_release)kernel(generic_pipe_buf_steal)kernel(generic_pipe_buf_unmap)kernel(generic_read_dir)kernel(generic_readlink)kernel(generic_removexattr)kernel(generic_rndis_bind)kernel(generic_ro_fops)kernel(generic_segment_checks)kernel(generic_setlease)kernel(generic_setxattr)kernel(generic_show_options)kernel(generic_shutdown_super)kernel(generic_splice_sendpage)kernel(generic_start_io_acct)kernel(generic_write_checks)kernel(generic_write_end)kernel(generic_write_sync)kernel(generic_writepages)kernel(geneve_dev_create_fb)kernel(genl_family_attrbuf)kernel(genl_lock)kernel(genl_notify)kernel(genl_register_family)kernel(genl_unlock)kernel(genl_unregister_family)kernel(genlmsg_multicast_allns)kernel(genlmsg_put)kernel(genphy_aneg_done)kernel(genphy_config_aneg)kernel(genphy_read_status)kernel(genphy_restart_aneg)kernel(genphy_resume)kernel(genphy_suspend)kernel(genphy_update_link)kernel(get_acl)kernel(get_agp_version)kernel(get_anon_bdev)kernel(get_cached_msi_msg)kernel(get_compat_timespec)kernel(get_compat_timeval)kernel(get_cpu_device)kernel(get_cpu_idle_time)kernel(get_cpu_idle_time_us)kernel(get_cpu_iowait_time_us)kernel(get_current_tty)kernel(get_dcookie)kernel(get_default_font)kernel(get_dev_data)kernel(get_device)kernel(get_device_system_crosststamp)kernel(get_disk)kernel(get_fs_type)kernel(get_gendisk)kernel(get_governor_parent_kobj)kernel(get_h225_addr)kernel(get_hwpoison_page)kernel(get_ibs_caps)kernel(get_io_context)kernel(get_kernel_page)kernel(get_kernel_pages)kernel(get_max_files)kernel(get_monotonic_boottime)kernel(get_mtd_device)kernel(get_mtd_device_nm)kernel(get_net_ns_by_fd)kernel(get_net_ns_by_pid)kernel(get_next_bframe)kernel(get_next_dframe)kernel(get_next_ino)kernel(get_nfs_open_context)kernel(get_online_cpus)kernel(get_option)kernel(get_options)kernel(get_phv_bit)kernel(get_phy_device)kernel(get_phys_to_machine)kernel(get_pid_task)kernel(get_random_bytes)kernel(get_random_bytes_arch)kernel(get_random_int)kernel(get_random_long)kernel(get_scattered_cpuid_leaf)kernel(get_seconds)kernel(get_securelevel)kernel(get_super)kernel(get_super_thawed)kernel(get_task_comm)kernel(get_task_exe_file)kernel(get_task_io_context)kernel(get_task_mm)kernel(get_task_pid)kernel(get_thermal_instance)kernel(get_tz_trend)kernel(get_unmapped_area)kernel(get_unused_fd_flags)kernel(get_user_pages)kernel(get_user_pages_fast)kernel(get_user_pages_locked)kernel(get_user_pages_remote)kernel(get_user_pages_unlocked)kernel(get_write_access)kernel(get_xsave_addr)kernel(get_zeroed_page)kernel(get_zone_device_page)kernel(getboottime)kernel(getnstimeofday64)kernel(getrawmonotonic64)kernel(gf128mul_4k_bbe)kernel(gf128mul_4k_lle)kernel(gf128mul_64k_bbe)kernel(gf128mul_64k_lle)kernel(gf128mul_bbe)kernel(gf128mul_free_64k)kernel(gf128mul_init_4k_bbe)kernel(gf128mul_init_4k_lle)kernel(gf128mul_init_64k_bbe)kernel(gf128mul_init_64k_lle)kernel(gf128mul_lle)kernel(gf128mul_x8_ble)kernel(gf128mul_x_ble)kernel(gfn_to_hva)kernel(gfn_to_hva_memslot)kernel(gfn_to_memslot)kernel(gfn_to_page)kernel(gfn_to_page_many_atomic)kernel(gfn_to_pfn)kernel(gfn_to_pfn_atomic)kernel(gfn_to_pfn_memslot)kernel(gfn_to_pfn_memslot_atomic)kernel(gfn_to_pfn_prot)kernel(ghes_edac_register)kernel(ghes_edac_report_mem_error)kernel(ghes_edac_unregister)kernel(gigaset_add_event)kernel(gigaset_blockdriver)kernel(gigaset_dbg_buffer)kernel(gigaset_debuglevel)kernel(gigaset_fill_inbuf)kernel(gigaset_freecs)kernel(gigaset_freedriver)kernel(gigaset_handle_modem_response)kernel(gigaset_if_receive)kernel(gigaset_initcs)kernel(gigaset_initdriver)kernel(gigaset_isdn_rcv_err)kernel(gigaset_m10x_input)kernel(gigaset_m10x_send_skb)kernel(gigaset_shutdown)kernel(gigaset_skb_rcvd)kernel(gigaset_skb_sent)kernel(gigaset_start)kernel(gigaset_stop)kernel(give_up_console)kernel(global_cache_flush)kernel(global_cursor_default)kernel(glue_cbc_decrypt_128bit)kernel(glue_cbc_encrypt_128bit)kernel(glue_ctr_crypt_128bit)kernel(glue_ctr_crypt_final_128bit)kernel(glue_ecb_crypt_128bit)kernel(glue_xts_crypt_128bit)kernel(glue_xts_crypt_128bit_one)kernel(gnet_stats_copy_app)kernel(gnet_stats_copy_basic)kernel(gnet_stats_copy_queue)kernel(gnet_stats_copy_rate_est)kernel(gnet_stats_finish_copy)kernel(gnet_stats_start_copy)kernel(gnet_stats_start_copy_compat)kernel(gnttab_alloc_grant_references)kernel(gnttab_batch_copy)kernel(gnttab_batch_map)kernel(gnttab_cancel_free_callback)kernel(gnttab_claim_grant_reference)kernel(gnttab_empty_grant_references)kernel(gnttab_end_foreign_access)kernel(gnttab_end_foreign_access_ref)kernel(gnttab_end_foreign_transfer)kernel(gnttab_end_foreign_transfer_ref)kernel(gnttab_free_auto_xlat_frames)kernel(gnttab_free_grant_reference)kernel(gnttab_free_grant_references)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_access)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_access_ref)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_access_subpage)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_access_subpage_ref)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_access_trans)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_access_trans_ref)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_transfer)kernel(gnttab_grant_foreign_transfer_ref)kernel(gnttab_init)kernel(gnttab_map_refs)kernel(gnttab_max_grant_frames)kernel(gnttab_query_foreign_access)kernel(gnttab_release_grant_reference)kernel(gnttab_request_free_callback)kernel(gnttab_setup_auto_xlat_frames)kernel(gnttab_subpage_grants_available)kernel(gnttab_trans_grants_available)kernel(gnttab_unmap_refs)kernel(gov_queue_work)kernel(gpio_free)kernel(gpio_free_array)kernel(gpio_lock_as_irq)kernel(gpio_request)kernel(gpio_request_array)kernel(gpio_request_one)kernel(gpio_to_desc)kernel(gpio_unlock_as_irq)kernel(gpiochip_add_data)kernel(gpiochip_add_pin_range)kernel(gpiochip_add_pingroup_range)kernel(gpiochip_find)kernel(gpiochip_generic_config)kernel(gpiochip_irqchip_add)kernel(gpiochip_is_requested)kernel(gpiochip_line_is_irq)kernel(gpiochip_remove)kernel(gpiochip_remove_pin_ranges)kernel(gpiochip_set_chained_irqchip)kernel(gpiod_cansleep)kernel(gpiod_direction_input)kernel(gpiod_direction_output)kernel(gpiod_export)kernel(gpiod_export_link)kernel(gpiod_get_direction)kernel(gpiod_get_raw_value)kernel(gpiod_get_raw_value_cansleep)kernel(gpiod_get_value)kernel(gpiod_get_value_cansleep)kernel(gpiod_is_active_low)kernel(gpiod_lock_as_irq)kernel(gpiod_put)kernel(gpiod_set_debounce)kernel(gpiod_set_raw_value)kernel(gpiod_set_raw_value_cansleep)kernel(gpiod_set_value)kernel(gpiod_set_value_cansleep)kernel(gpiod_sysfs_set_active_low)kernel(gpiod_to_chip)kernel(gpiod_to_irq)kernel(gpiod_unexport)kernel(gpiod_unlock_as_irq)kernel(grab_cache_page_nowait)kernel(grab_cache_page_write_begin)kernel(gre_add_protocol)kernel(gre_del_protocol)kernel(gre_parse_header)kernel(gretap_fb_dev_create)kernel(gro_find_complete_by_type)kernel(gro_find_receive_by_type)kernel(groups_alloc)kernel(groups_free)kernel(groups_sort)kernel(gru_copy_gpa)kernel(gru_create_message_queue)kernel(gru_free_message)kernel(gru_get_next_message)kernel(gru_read_gpa)kernel(gru_send_message_gpa)kernel(gsm_activate_mux)kernel(gsm_alloc_mux)kernel(gsm_cleanup_mux)kernel(gsm_free_mux)kernel(gspca_coarse_grained_expo_autogain)kernel(gspca_debug)kernel(gspca_dev_probe)kernel(gspca_dev_probe2)kernel(gspca_disconnect)kernel(gspca_expo_autogain)kernel(gspca_frame_add)kernel(gspca_resume)kernel(gspca_suspend)kernel(gss_mech_get)kernel(gss_mech_put)kernel(gss_mech_register)kernel(gss_mech_unregister)kernel(gss_pseudoflavor_to_service)kernel(gssd_running)kernel(guid_gen)kernel(guid_null)kernel(guid_parse)kernel(h4_recv_buf)kernel(half_md4_transform)kernel(halt_poll_ns)kernel(halt_poll_ns_grow)kernel(halt_poll_ns_shrink)kernel(handle_bad_irq)kernel(handle_edge_irq)kernel(handle_level_irq)kernel(handle_mm_fault)kernel(handle_mmio_page_fault)kernel(handle_nested_irq)kernel(handle_simple_irq)kernel(handle_sysrq)kernel(handle_untracked_irq)kernel(harvest_user)kernel(has_capability)kernel(has_newer_microcode)kernel(hash_algo_name)kernel(hash_digest_size)kernel(hashlen_string)kernel(have_governor_per_policy)kernel(have_submounts)kernel(hci_alloc_dev)kernel(hci_cmd_sync)kernel(hci_conn_check_secure)kernel(hci_conn_security)kernel(hci_conn_switch_role)kernel(hci_free_dev)kernel(hci_get_route)kernel(hci_mgmt_chan_register)kernel(hci_mgmt_chan_unregister)kernel(hci_recv_diag)kernel(hci_recv_frame)kernel(hci_register_cb)kernel(hci_register_dev)kernel(hci_reset_dev)kernel(hci_resume_dev)kernel(hci_set_fw_info)kernel(hci_set_hw_info)kernel(hci_suspend_dev)kernel(hci_unregister_cb)kernel(hci_unregister_dev)kernel(hda_codec_driver_unregister)kernel(hda_extra_out_badness)kernel(hda_get_autocfg_input_label)kernel(hda_main_out_badness)kernel(hdac_get_device_id)kernel(hdac_hdmi_jack_init)kernel(hdac_hdmi_jack_port_init)kernel(hdlc_change_mtu)kernel(hdlc_close)kernel(hdlc_ioctl)kernel(hdlc_open)kernel(hdlc_start_xmit)kernel(hdmi_audio_infoframe_init)kernel(hdmi_audio_infoframe_pack)kernel(hdmi_avi_infoframe_init)kernel(hdmi_avi_infoframe_pack)kernel(hdmi_infoframe_pack)kernel(hdmi_spd_infoframe_init)kernel(hdmi_spd_infoframe_pack)kernel(hdmi_vendor_infoframe_init)kernel(hdmi_vendor_infoframe_pack)kernel(hest_disable)kernel(hex2bin)kernel(hex_asc)kernel(hex_asc_upper)kernel(hex_dump_to_buffer)kernel(hex_to_bin)kernel(hid_add_device)kernel(hid_alloc_report_buf)kernel(hid_allocate_device)kernel(hid_check_keys_pressed)kernel(hid_connect)kernel(hid_debug)kernel(hid_debug_event)kernel(hid_destroy_device)kernel(hid_disconnect)kernel(hid_dump_device)kernel(hid_dump_field)kernel(hid_dump_input)kernel(hid_dump_report)kernel(hid_field_extract)kernel(hid_ignore)kernel(hid_input_report)kernel(hid_open_report)kernel(hid_output_report)kernel(hid_parse_report)kernel(hid_register_report)kernel(hid_report_raw_event)kernel(hid_resolv_usage)kernel(hid_set_field)kernel(hid_snto32)kernel(hid_unregister_driver)kernel(hid_validate_values)kernel(hiddev_hid_event)kernel(hidinput_calc_abs_res)kernel(hidinput_connect)kernel(hidinput_count_leds)kernel(hidinput_disconnect)kernel(hidinput_find_field)kernel(hidinput_get_led_field)kernel(hidinput_report_event)kernel(hidp_hid_driver)kernel(hidraw_connect)kernel(hidraw_disconnect)kernel(hidraw_report_event)kernel(high_memory)kernel(hisax_init_pcmcia)kernel(hisax_register)kernel(hisax_unregister)kernel(hmm_device_new)kernel(hmm_device_put)kernel(hmm_devmem_add)kernel(hmm_devmem_fault_range)kernel(hmm_devmem_remove)kernel(hmm_entry_fault)kernel(hmm_mirror_register)kernel(hmm_mirror_unregister)kernel(hmm_vma_alloc_locked_page)kernel(hmm_vma_fault)kernel(hmm_vma_get_pfns)kernel(hmm_vma_range_done)kernel(hpet_mask_rtc_irq_bit)kernel(hpet_register_irq_handler)kernel(hpet_rtc_dropped_irq)kernel(hpet_rtc_interrupt)kernel(hpet_rtc_timer_init)kernel(hpet_set_alarm_time)kernel(hpet_set_periodic_freq)kernel(hpet_set_rtc_irq_bit)kernel(hpet_unregister_irq_handler)kernel(hpi_send_recv)kernel(hrtimer_cancel)kernel(hrtimer_forward)kernel(hrtimer_get_remaining)kernel(hrtimer_get_res)kernel(hrtimer_init)kernel(hrtimer_init_sleeper)kernel(hrtimer_start)kernel(hrtimer_start_range_ns)kernel(hrtimer_try_to_cancel)kernel(ht_create_irq)kernel(ht_destroy_irq)kernel(hv_hypercall_pg)kernel(hv_is_hypercall_page_setup)kernel(hv_pkt_iter_close)kernel(hv_pkt_iter_first)kernel(hv_remove_crash_handler)kernel(hv_remove_kexec_handler)kernel(hv_remove_vmbus_irq)kernel(hv_ringbuffer_get_debuginfo)kernel(hv_setup_crash_handler)kernel(hv_setup_kexec_handler)kernel(hv_setup_vmbus_irq)kernel(hv_vp_index)kernel(hvc_alloc)kernel(hvc_instantiate)kernel(hvc_kick)kernel(hvc_poll)kernel(hvc_remove)kernel(hw_breakpoint_restore)kernel(hwmon_device_register)kernel(hwmon_device_register_with_groups)kernel(hwmon_device_unregister)kernel(hwpoison_filter)kernel(hwpoison_filter_dev_major)kernel(hwpoison_filter_dev_minor)kernel(hwpoison_filter_enable)kernel(hwpoison_filter_flags_mask)kernel(hwpoison_filter_flags_value)kernel(hwpoison_filter_memcg)kernel(hwrng_register)kernel(hwrng_unregister)kernel(hypercall_page)kernel(hyperv_cleanup)kernel(hyperv_cs)kernel(hyperv_report_panic)kernel(hypervisor_kobj)kernel(i1480_cmd)kernel(i1480_fw_upload)kernel(i1480_rceb_check)kernel(i2c_acpi_find_bus_speed)kernel(i2c_adapter_type)kernel(i2c_add_adapter)kernel(i2c_add_numbered_adapter)kernel(i2c_bit_add_bus)kernel(i2c_bit_add_numbered_bus)kernel(i2c_bit_algo)kernel(i2c_bus_type)kernel(i2c_clients_command)kernel(i2c_del_adapter)kernel(i2c_del_driver)kernel(i2c_dw_clear_int)kernel(i2c_dw_disable)kernel(i2c_dw_disable_int)kernel(i2c_dw_enable)kernel(i2c_dw_init)kernel(i2c_dw_is_enabled)kernel(i2c_dw_probe)kernel(i2c_dw_read_comp_param)kernel(i2c_for_each_dev)kernel(i2c_generic_gpio_recovery)kernel(i2c_generic_scl_recovery)kernel(i2c_get_adapter)kernel(i2c_handle_smbus_alert)kernel(i2c_hid_ll_driver)kernel(i2c_lock_adapter)kernel(i2c_master_recv)kernel(i2c_master_send)kernel(i2c_new_device)kernel(i2c_new_dummy)kernel(i2c_new_probed_device)kernel(i2c_new_secondary_device)kernel(i2c_pca_add_bus)kernel(i2c_pca_add_numbered_bus)kernel(i2c_probe_func_quick_read)kernel(i2c_put_adapter)kernel(i2c_recover_bus)kernel(i2c_register_driver)kernel(i2c_release_client)kernel(i2c_setup_smbus_alert)kernel(i2c_smbus_read_block_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_read_byte)kernel(i2c_smbus_read_byte_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated)kernel(i2c_smbus_read_word_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_write_block_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_write_byte)kernel(i2c_smbus_write_byte_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_write_word_data)kernel(i2c_smbus_xfer)kernel(i2c_transfer)kernel(i2c_unlock_adapter)kernel(i2c_unregister_device)kernel(i2c_use_client)kernel(i2c_verify_adapter)kernel(i2c_verify_client)kernel(i40e_register_client)kernel(i40e_unregister_client)kernel(i40evf_register_client)kernel(i40evf_unregister_client)kernel(i8042_check_port_owner)kernel(i8042_command)kernel(i8042_install_filter)kernel(i8042_lock_chip)kernel(i8042_remove_filter)kernel(i8042_unlock_chip)kernel(i8253_lock)kernel(i915_gpu_busy)kernel(i915_gpu_lower)kernel(i915_gpu_raise)kernel(i915_gpu_turbo_disable)kernel(i915_read_mch_val)kernel(iTCO_vendor_check_noreboot_on)kernel(iTCO_vendor_pre_keepalive)kernel(iTCO_vendor_pre_set_heartbeat)kernel(iTCO_vendor_pre_start)kernel(iTCO_vendor_pre_stop)kernel(ib_alloc_cq)kernel(ib_alloc_device)kernel(ib_alloc_fmr)kernel(ib_alloc_mr)kernel(ib_alloc_odp_umem)kernel(ib_alloc_xrcd)kernel(ib_attach_mcast)kernel(ib_cache_gid_parse_type_str)kernel(ib_cache_gid_type_str)kernel(ib_cancel_mad)kernel(ib_check_mr_status)kernel(ib_close_qp)kernel(ib_cm_init_qp_attr)kernel(ib_cm_insert_listen)kernel(ib_cm_listen)kernel(ib_cm_notify)kernel(ib_copy_ah_attr_to_user)kernel(ib_copy_path_rec_from_user)kernel(ib_copy_path_rec_to_user)kernel(ib_copy_qp_attr_to_user)kernel(ib_create_ah_from_wc)kernel(ib_create_cm_id)kernel(ib_create_cq)kernel(ib_create_flow)kernel(ib_create_fmr_pool)kernel(ib_create_qp)kernel(ib_create_qp_security)kernel(ib_create_rwq_ind_table)kernel(ib_create_send_mad)kernel(ib_create_srq)kernel(ib_create_wq)kernel(ib_dealloc_device)kernel(ib_dealloc_fmr)kernel(ib_dealloc_pd)kernel(ib_dealloc_xrcd)kernel(ib_dereg_mr)kernel(ib_destroy_cm_id)kernel(ib_destroy_cq)kernel(ib_destroy_flow)kernel(ib_destroy_fmr_pool)kernel(ib_destroy_qp)kernel(ib_destroy_rwq_ind_table)kernel(ib_destroy_srq)kernel(ib_destroy_wq)kernel(ib_detach_mcast)kernel(ib_dispatch_event)kernel(ib_drain_qp)kernel(ib_drain_rq)kernel(ib_drain_sq)kernel(ib_event_msg)kernel(ib_find_cached_gid)kernel(ib_find_cached_gid_by_port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rlen)kernel(ieee80211_ie_split_ric)kernel(ieee80211_iter_chan_contexts_atomic)kernel(ieee80211_iter_keys)kernel(ieee80211_iter_keys_rcu)kernel(ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces_atomic)kernel(ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces_rtnl)kernel(ieee80211_iterate_interfaces)kernel(ieee80211_iterate_stations_atomic)kernel(ieee80211_manage_rx_ba_offl)kernel(ieee80211_mandatory_rates)kernel(ieee80211_mark_rx_ba_filtered_frames)kernel(ieee80211_nan_func_match)kernel(ieee80211_nan_func_terminated)kernel(ieee80211_nullfunc_get)kernel(ieee80211_operating_class_to_band)kernel(ieee80211_parse_p2p_noa)kernel(ieee80211_probereq_get)kernel(ieee80211_proberesp_get)kernel(ieee80211_pspoll_get)kernel(ieee80211_queue_delayed_work)kernel(ieee80211_queue_stopped)kernel(ieee80211_queue_work)kernel(ieee80211_radar_detected)kernel(ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_init)kernel(ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_next)kernel(ieee80211_rate_control_register)kernel(ieee80211_rate_control_unregister)kernel(ieee80211_ready_on_channel)kernel(ieee80211_register_hw)kernel(ieee80211_remain_on_channel_expired)kernel(ieee80211_remove_key)kernel(ieee80211_report_low_ack)kernel(ieee80211_report_wowlan_wakeup)kernel(ieee80211_request_smps)kernel(ieee80211_reserve_tid)kernel(ieee80211_restart_hw)kernel(ieee80211_resume_disconnect)kernel(ieee80211_rts_duration)kernel(ieee80211_rts_get)kernel(ieee80211_rx_ba_timer_expired)kernel(ieee80211_rx_irqsafe)kernel(ieee80211_rx_napi)kernel(ieee80211_scan_completed)kernel(ieee80211_sched_scan_results)kernel(ieee80211_sched_scan_stopped)kernel(ieee80211_send_bar)kernel(ieee80211_send_eosp_nullfunc)kernel(ieee80211_set_key_rx_seq)kernel(ieee80211_sta_block_awake)kernel(ieee80211_sta_eosp)kernel(ieee80211_sta_ps_transition)kernel(ieee80211_sta_pspoll)kernel(ieee80211_sta_set_buffered)kernel(ieee80211_sta_uapsd_trigger)kernel(ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe)kernel(ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session)kernel(ieee80211_stop_queue)kernel(ieee80211_stop_queues)kernel(ieee80211_stop_rx_ba_session)kernel(ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe)kernel(ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_session)kernel(ieee80211_tdls_oper_request)kernel(ieee80211_tkip_add_iv)kernel(ieee80211_tx_dequeue)kernel(ieee80211_tx_prepare_skb)kernel(ieee80211_tx_status)kernel(ieee80211_tx_status_ext)kernel(ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe)kernel(ieee80211_txq_get_depth)kernel(ieee80211_unregister_hw)kernel(ieee80211_unreserve_tid)kernel(ieee80211_update_mu_groups)kernel(ieee80211_update_p2p_noa)kernel(ieee80211_vif_to_wdev)kernel(ieee80211_wake_queue)kernel(ieee80211_wake_queues)kernel(ieee802154_alloc_hw)kernel(ieee802154_free_hw)kernel(ieee802154_hdr_peek)kernel(ieee802154_hdr_peek_addrs)kernel(ieee802154_hdr_pull)kernel(ieee802154_hdr_push)kernel(ieee802154_max_payload)kernel(ieee802154_register_hw)kernel(ieee802154_rx_irqsafe)kernel(ieee802154_stop_queue)kernel(ieee802154_unregister_hw)kernel(ieee802154_wake_queue)kernel(ieee802154_xmit_complete)kernel(iget5_locked)kernel(iget_failed)kernel(iget_locked)kernel(igrab)kernel(ihold)kernel(iio_alloc_pollfunc)kernel(iio_buffer_init)kernel(iio_buffer_read_length)kernel(iio_buffer_register)kernel(iio_buffer_show_enable)kernel(iio_buffer_store_enable)kernel(iio_buffer_unregister)kernel(iio_buffer_write_length)kernel(iio_bus_type)kernel(iio_channel_cb_get_channels)kernel(iio_channel_get)kernel(iio_channel_get_all)kernel(iio_channel_get_all_cb)kernel(iio_channel_release)kernel(iio_channel_release_all)kernel(iio_channel_release_all_cb)kernel(iio_channel_start_all_cb)kernel(iio_channel_stop_all_cb)kernel(iio_convert_raw_to_processed)kernel(iio_dealloc_pollfunc)kernel(iio_device_alloc)kernel(iio_device_free)kernel(iio_device_register)kernel(iio_device_unregister)kernel(iio_enum_available_read)kernel(iio_enum_read)kernel(iio_enum_write)kernel(iio_get_channel_type)kernel(iio_kfifo_allocate)kernel(iio_kfifo_free)kernel(iio_map_array_register)kernel(iio_map_array_unregister)kernel(iio_pollfunc_store_time)kernel(iio_push_event)kernel(iio_push_to_buffers)kernel(iio_read_channel_processed)kernel(iio_read_channel_raw)kernel(iio_read_channel_scale)kernel(iio_read_const_attr)kernel(iio_scan_mask_query)kernel(iio_scan_mask_set)kernel(iio_str_to_fixpoint)kernel(iio_sw_buffer_preenable)kernel(iio_trigger_alloc)kernel(iio_trigger_free)kernel(iio_trigger_generic_data_rdy_poll)kernel(iio_trigger_notify_done)kernel(iio_trigger_poll)kernel(iio_trigger_poll_chained)kernel(iio_trigger_register)kernel(iio_trigger_unregister)kernel(iio_triggered_buffer_postenable)kernel(iio_triggered_buffer_predisable)kernel(iio_update_buffers)kernel(iio_update_demux)kernel(iio_validate_scan_mask_onehot)kernel(il_add_beacon_time)kernel(il_add_station_common)kernel(il_alloc_txq_mem)kernel(il_apm_init)kernel(il_apm_stop)kernel(il_bcast_addr)kernel(il_bg_watchdog)kernel(il_cancel_scan_deferred_work)kernel(il_check_rxon_cmd)kernel(il_chswitch_done)kernel(il_clear_bit)kernel(il_clear_ucode_stations)kernel(il_cmd_queue_free)kernel(il_cmd_queue_unmap)kernel(il_connection_init_rx_config)kernel(il_dbg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)kernel(inet_getname)kernel(inet_getpeer)kernel(inet_hash)kernel(inet_hash_connect)kernel(inet_hashinfo_init)kernel(inet_ioctl)kernel(inet_listen)kernel(inet_offloads)kernel(inet_peer_base_init)kernel(inet_peer_xrlim_allow)kernel(inet_proto_csum_replace16)kernel(inet_proto_csum_replace4)kernel(inet_put_port)kernel(inet_putpeer)kernel(inet_recvmsg)kernel(inet_register_protosw)kernel(inet_release)kernel(inet_rtx_syn_ack)kernel(inet_select_addr)kernel(inet_sendmsg)kernel(inet_sendpage)kernel(inet_shutdown)kernel(inet_sk_diag_fill)kernel(inet_sk_rebuild_header)kernel(inet_sk_rx_dst_set)kernel(inet_sock_destruct)kernel(inet_stream_connect)kernel(inet_stream_ops)kernel(inet_twdr_hangman)kernel(inet_twdr_twcal_tick)kernel(inet_twdr_twkill_work)kernel(inet_twsk_alloc)kernel(inet_twsk_deschedule)kernel(inet_twsk_purge)kernel(inet_twsk_put)kernel(inet_twsk_schedule)kernel(inet_unhash)kernel(inet_unregister_protosw)kernel(inetdev_by_index)kernel(inetpeer_invalidate_tree)kernel(init_buffer)kernel(init_cdrom_command)kernel(init_dummy_netdev)kernel(init_fpu)kernel(init_iova_domain)kernel(init_level4_pgt)kernel(init_net)kernel(init_pid_ns)kernel(init_rs)kernel(init_rs_non_canonical)kernel(init_special_inode)kernel(init_srcu_struct)kernel(init_task)kernel(init_timer_key)kernel(init_user_ns)kernel(init_uts_ns)kernel(injectm)kernel(inode_add_bytes)kernel(inode_add_rsv_space)kernel(inode_change_ok)kernel(inode_claim_rsv_space)kernel(inode_dax)kernel(inode_dio_done)kernel(inode_dio_wait)kernel(inode_get_bytes)kernel(inode_init_always)kernel(inode_init_once)kernel(inode_init_owner)kernel(inode_needs_sync)kernel(inode_newsize_ok)kernel(inode_owner_or_capable)kernel(inode_permission)kernel(inode_reclaim_rsv_space)kernel(inode_sb_list_add)kernel(inode_set_bytes)kernel(inode_set_flags)kernel(inode_sub_bytes)kernel(inode_sub_rsv_space)kernel(inode_wait)kernel(input_alloc_absinfo)kernel(input_allocate_device)kernel(input_allocate_polled_device)kernel(input_class)kernel(input_close_device)kernel(input_event)kernel(input_event_from_user)kernel(input_event_to_user)kernel(input_ff_create)kernel(input_ff_create_memless)kernel(input_ff_destroy)kernel(input_ff_effect_from_user)kernel(input_ff_erase)kernel(input_ff_event)kernel(input_ff_upload)kernel(input_flush_device)kernel(input_free_device)kernel(input_free_minor)kernel(input_free_polled_device)kernel(input_get_keycode)kernel(input_get_new_minor)kernel(input_grab_device)kernel(input_handler_for_each_handle)kernel(input_inject_event)kernel(input_mt_assign_slots)kernel(input_mt_destroy_slots)kernel(input_mt_get_slot_by_key)kernel(input_mt_init_slots)kernel(input_mt_report_finger_count)kernel(input_mt_report_pointer_emulation)kernel(input_mt_report_slot_state)kernel(input_mt_sync_frame)kernel(input_open_device)kernel(input_register_device)kernel(input_register_handle)kernel(input_register_handler)kernel(input_register_polled_device)kernel(input_release_device)kernel(input_reset_device)kernel(input_scancode_to_scalar)kernel(input_set_abs_params)kernel(input_set_capability)kernel(input_set_keycode)kernel(input_unregister_device)kernel(input_unregister_handle)kernel(input_unregister_handler)kernel(input_unregister_polled_device)kernel(insert_inode_locked)kernel(insert_inode_locked4)kernel(insert_resource)kernel(install_exec_creds)kernel(int_sqrt)kernel(int_to_scsilun)kernel(intel_enable_gtt)kernel(intel_gmch_probe)kernel(intel_gmch_remove)kernel(intel_gtt_chipset_flush)kernel(intel_gtt_clear_range)kernel(intel_gtt_get)kernel(intel_gtt_insert_page)kernel(intel_gtt_insert_sg_entries)kernel(intel_iommu_enabled)kernel(intel_iommu_gfx_mapped)kernel(intel_lpss_prepare)kernel(intel_lpss_probe)kernel(intel_lpss_remove)kernel(intel_lpss_resume)kernel(intel_lpss_suspend)kernel(intel_pinctrl_probe)kernel(intel_pinctrl_remove)kernel(intel_pinctrl_resume)kernel(intel_pinctrl_suspend)kernel(intel_pt_handle_vmx)kernel(intel_sst_pm)kernel(interruptible_sleep_on)kernel(interruptible_sleep_on_timeout)kernel(interval_tree_insert)kernel(interval_tree_iter_first)kernel(interval_tree_iter_next)kernel(interval_tree_remove)kernel(intlog10)kernel(intlog2)kernel(invalidate_bdev)kernel(invalidate_bh_lrus)kernel(invalidate_inode_buffers)kernel(invalidate_inode_pages2)kernel(invalidate_inode_pages2_range)kernel(invalidate_mapping_pages)kernel(invalidate_partition)kernel(inverse_translate)kernel(io_schedule)kernel(io_schedule_timeout)kernel(ioat_dma_setup_interrupts)kernel(ioc4_register_submodule)kernel(ioc4_unregister_submodule)kernel(ioc_list)kernel(ioc_lookup_icq)kernel(ioctl_by_bdev)kernel(iomap_fiemap)kernel(iomap_file_buffered_write)kernel(iomap_file_dirty)kernel(iomap_page_mkwrite)kernel(iomap_seek_data)kernel(iomap_seek_hole)kernel(iomap_truncate_page)kernel(iomap_zero_range)kernel(iomem_resource)kernel(iommu_area_alloc)kernel(iommu_attach_device)kernel(iommu_attach_group)kernel(iommu_capable)kernel(iommu_detach_device)kernel(iommu_detach_group)kernel(iommu_domain_alloc)kernel(iommu_domain_free)kernel(iommu_domain_get_attr)kernel(iommu_domain_set_attr)kernel(iommu_domain_window_disable)kernel(iommu_domain_window_enable)kernel(iommu_get_domain_for_dev)kernel(iommu_group_add_device)kernel(iommu_group_alloc)kernel(iommu_group_for_each_dev)kernel(iommu_group_get)kernel(iommu_group_get_by_id)kernel(iommu_group_get_iommudata)kernel(iommu_group_id)kernel(iommu_group_put)kernel(iommu_group_register_notifier)kernel(iommu_group_remove_device)kernel(iommu_group_set_iommudata)kernel(iommu_group_set_name)kernel(iommu_group_unregister_notifier)kernel(iommu_iova_to_phys)kernel(iommu_map)kernel(iommu_present)kernel(iommu_set_fault_handler)kernel(iommu_unmap)kernel(ioport_map)kernel(ioport_resource)kernel(ioport_unmap)kernel(ioread16)kernel(ioread16_rep)kernel(ioread16be)kernel(ioread32)kernel(ioread32_rep)kernel(ioread32be)kernel(ioread8)kernel(ioread8_rep)kernel(ioremap_cache)kernel(ioremap_nocache)kernel(ioremap_page_range)kernel(ioremap_prot)kernel(ioremap_wc)kernel(iosf_mbi_available)kernel(iosf_mbi_call_pmic_bus_access_notifier_chain)kernel(iosf_mbi_modify)kernel(iosf_mbi_punit_acquire)kernel(iosf_mbi_punit_release)kernel(iosf_mbi_read)kernel(iosf_mbi_register_pmic_bus_access_notifier)kernel(iosf_mbi_unregister_pmic_bus_access_notifier)kernel(iosf_mbi_write)kernel(iounmap)kernel(iov_iter_advance)kernel(iov_iter_copy_from_user)kernel(iov_iter_copy_from_user_atomic)kernel(iov_iter_fault_in_readable)kernel(iov_iter_single_seg_count)kernel(iov_shorten)kernel(iova_cache_get)kernel(iova_cache_put)kernel(iowrite16)kernel(iowrite16_rep)kernel(iowrite16be)kernel(iowrite32)kernel(iowrite32_rep)kernel(iowrite32be)kernel(iowrite8)kernel(iowrite8_rep)kernel(ip4_datagram_connect)kernel(ip4_datagram_release_cb)kernel(ip6_append_data)kernel(ip6_datagram_connect)kernel(ip6_datagram_recv_ctl)kernel(ip6_datagram_release_cb)kernel(ip6_datagram_send_ctl)kernel(ip6_dst_hoplimit)kernel(ip6_dst_lookup)kernel(ip6_dst_lookup_flow)kernel(ip6_expire_frag_queue)kernel(ip6_find_1stfragopt)kernel(ip6_flush_pending_frames)kernel(ip6_frag_init)kernel(ip6_frag_match)kernel(ip6_local_out)kernel(ip6_local_out_sk)kernel(ip6_push_pending_frames)kernel(ip6_redirect)kernel(ip6_route_lookup)kernel(ip6_route_me_harder)kernel(ip6_route_output)kernel(ip6_sk_dst_lookup_flow)kernel(ip6_sk_redirect)kernel(ip6_sk_update_pmtu)kernel(ip6_tnl_change_mtu)kernel(ip6_tnl_get_cap)kernel(ip6_tnl_get_iflink)kernel(ip6_tnl_get_link_net)kernel(ip6_tnl_parse_tlv_enc_lim)kernel(ip6_tnl_rcv)kernel(ip6_tnl_rcv_ctl)kernel(ip6_tnl_xmit)kernel(ip6_tnl_xmit_ctl)kernel(ip6_update_pmtu)kernel(ip6_xmit)kernel(ip6t_alloc_initial_table)kernel(ip6t_do_table)kernel(ip6t_register_table)kernel(ip6t_unregister_table)kernel(ip_build_and_send_pkt)kernel(ip_check_defrag)kernel(ip_cmsg_recv_sk)kernel(ip_compute_csum)kernel(ip_ct_attach)kernel(ip_defrag)kernel(ip_do_fragment)kernel(ip_frag_ecn_table)kernel(ip_generic_getfrag)kernel(ip_getsockopt)kernel(ip_idents_reserve)kernel(ip_local_out_sk)kernel(ip_mc_check_igmp)kernel(ip_mc_dec_group)kernel(ip_mc_inc_group)kernel(ip_mc_join_group)kernel(ip_mc_leave_group)kernel(ip_options_compile)kernel(ip_options_rcv_srr)kernel(ip_queue_xmit)kernel(ip_route_input_noref)kernel(ip_route_me_harder)kernel(ip_route_output_flow)kernel(ip_send_check)kernel(ip_set_add)kernel(ip_set_alloc)kernel(ip_set_del)kernel(ip_set_free)kernel(ip_set_get_byname)kernel(ip_set_get_extensions)kernel(ip_set_get_ip4_port)kernel(ip_set_get_ip6_port)kernel(ip_set_get_ip_port)kernel(ip_set_get_ipaddr4)kernel(ip_set_get_ipaddr6)kernel(ip_set_hostmask_map)kernel(ip_set_name_byindex)kernel(ip_set_netmask_map)kernel(ip_set_nfnl_get_byindex)kernel(ip_set_nfnl_put)kernel(ip_set_put_byindex)kernel(ip_set_range_to_cidr)kernel(ip_set_test)kernel(ip_set_type_register)kernel(ip_set_type_unregister)kernel(ip_setsockopt)kernel(ip_tos2prio)kernel(ip_tunnel_change_mtu)kernel(ip_tunnel_changelink)kernel(ip_tunnel_delete_net)kernel(ip_tunnel_dellink)kernel(ip_tunnel_encap)kernel(ip_tunnel_encap_add_ops)kernel(ip_tunnel_encap_del_ops)kernel(ip_tunnel_encap_setup)kernel(ip_tunnel_get_iflink)kernel(ip_tunnel_get_link_net)kernel(ip_tunnel_get_stats64)kernel(ip_tunnel_init)kernel(ip_tunnel_init_net)kernel(ip_tunnel_ioctl)kernel(ip_tunnel_lookup)kernel(ip_tunnel_metadata_cnt)kernel(ip_tunnel_need_metadata)kernel(ip_tunnel_newlink)kernel(ip_tunnel_rcv)kernel(ip_tunnel_setup)kernel(ip_tunnel_uninit)kernel(ip_tunnel_unneed_metadata)kernel(ip_tunnel_xmit)kernel(ip_vs_conn_in_get)kernel(ip_vs_conn_in_get_proto)kernel(ip_vs_conn_new)kernel(ip_vs_conn_out_get)kernel(ip_vs_conn_out_get_proto)kernel(ip_vs_conn_put)kernel(ip_vs_new_conn_out)kernel(ip_vs_nfct_expect_related)kernel(ip_vs_proto_data_get)kernel(ip_vs_proto_get)kernel(ip_vs_proto_name)kernel(ip_vs_scheduler_err)kernel(ip_vs_tcp_conn_listen)kernel(ipath_debug)kernel(ipcomp_destroy)kernel(ipcomp_init_state)kernel(ipcomp_input)kernel(ipcomp_output)kernel(ipmi_addr_length)kernel(ipmi_addr_src_to_str)kernel(ipmi_alloc_smi_msg)kernel(ipmi_create_user)kernel(ipmi_destroy_user)kernel(ipmi_free_recv_msg)kernel(ipmi_get_maintenance_mode)kernel(ipmi_get_my_LUN)kernel(ipmi_get_my_address)kernel(ipmi_get_shadow_smi_handlers)kernel(ipmi_get_smi_info)kernel(ipmi_get_version)kernel(ipmi_poll_interface)kernel(ipmi_register_for_cmd)kernel(ipmi_register_smi)kernel(ipmi_request_settime)kernel(ipmi_request_supply_msgs)kernel(ipmi_set_gets_events)kernel(ipmi_set_maintenance_mode)kernel(ipmi_set_my_LUN)kernel(ipmi_set_my_address)kernel(ipmi_smi_add_proc_entry)kernel(ipmi_smi_msg_received)kernel(ipmi_smi_watchdog_pretimeout)kernel(ipmi_smi_watcher_register)kernel(ipmi_smi_watcher_unregister)kernel(ipmi_unregister_for_cmd)kernel(ipmi_unregister_smi)kernel(ipmi_validate_addr)kernel(ips_link_to_i915_driver)kernel(ipt_alloc_initial_table)kernel(ipt_do_table)kernel(ipt_register_table)kernel(ipt_unregister_table)kernel(iptunnel_handle_offloads)kernel(iptunnel_metadata_reply)kernel(iptunnel_xmit)kernel(iput)kernel(ipv4_redirect)kernel(ipv4_sk_redirect)kernel(ipv4_sk_update_pmtu)kernel(ipv4_specific)kernel(ipv4_update_pmtu)kernel(ipv6_chk_addr)kernel(ipv6_chk_addr_and_flags)kernel(ipv6_chk_prefix)kernel(ipv6_dev_get_saddr)kernel(ipv6_dup_options)kernel(ipv6_ext_hdr)kernel(ipv6_find_hdr)kernel(ipv6_find_tlv)kernel(ipv6_fixup_options)kernel(ipv6_getsockopt)kernel(ipv6_mc_check_mld)kernel(ipv6_mod_enabled)kernel(ipv6_opt_accepted)kernel(ipv6_proxy_select_ident)kernel(ipv6_push_nfrag_opts)kernel(ipv6_recv_error)kernel(ipv6_select_ident)kernel(ipv6_setsockopt)kernel(ipv6_skip_exthdr)kernel(ipv6_sock_mc_drop)kernel(ipv6_sock_mc_join)kernel(ipv6_stub)kernel(ir_raw_event_handle)kernel(ir_raw_event_set_idle)kernel(ir_raw_event_store)kernel(ir_raw_event_store_edge)kernel(ir_raw_event_store_with_filter)kernel(ir_raw_handler_register)kernel(ir_raw_handler_unregister)kernel(irq_bypass_register_consumer)kernel(irq_bypass_register_producer)kernel(irq_bypass_unregister_consumer)kernel(irq_bypass_unregister_producer)kernel(irq_cpu_rmap_add)kernel(irq_create_direct_mapping)kernel(irq_create_mapping)kernel(irq_create_of_mapping)kernel(irq_create_strict_mappings)kernel(irq_dispose_mapping)kernel(irq_domain_add_legacy)kernel(irq_domain_add_linear)kernel(irq_domain_add_nomap)kernel(irq_domain_add_simple)kernel(irq_domain_add_tree)kernel(irq_domain_associate_many)kernel(irq_domain_remove)kernel(irq_domain_simple_ops)kernel(irq_domain_xlate_onecell)kernel(irq_domain_xlate_onetwocell)kernel(irq_domain_xlate_twocell)kernel(irq_find_host)kernel(irq_find_mapping)kernel(irq_fpu_usable)kernel(irq_free_descs)kernel(irq_free_hwirqs)kernel(irq_from_evtchn)kernel(irq_get_irq_data)kernel(irq_linear_revmap)kernel(irq_modify_status)kernel(irq_poll_complete)kernel(irq_poll_disable)kernel(irq_poll_enable)kernel(irq_poll_init)kernel(irq_poll_sched)kernel(irq_regs)kernel(irq_remapping_cap)kernel(irq_set_affinity_hint)kernel(irq_set_affinity_notifier)kernel(irq_set_chip)kernel(irq_set_chip_and_handler_name)kernel(irq_set_chip_data)kernel(irq_set_default_host)kernel(irq_set_handler_data)kernel(irq_set_irq_type)kernel(irq_set_irq_wake)kernel(irq_set_vcpu_affinity)kernel(irq_stat)kernel(irq_to_desc)kernel(irq_work_queue)kernel(irq_work_queue_on)kernel(irq_work_run)kernel(irq_work_sync)kernel(is_bad_inode)kernel(is_dock_device)kernel(is_fw_load)kernel(is_hpet_enabled)kernel(is_jack_detectable)kernel(is_module_sig_enforced)kernel(is_nd_btt)kernel(is_nd_dax)kernel(is_nd_pfn)kernel(is_nvdimm_bus_locked)kernel(is_skb_forwardable)kernel(is_skl_dsp_running)kernel(is_uv_hubless)kernel(is_uv_system)kernel(isa_dma_bridge_buggy)kernel(isac_d_l2l1)kernel(isac_init)kernel(isac_irq)kernel(isac_setup)kernel(isacsx_irq)kernel(isacsx_setup)kernel(iscsi_add_session)kernel(iscsi_alloc_session)kernel(iscsi_block_scsi_eh)kernel(iscsi_block_session)kernel(iscsi_boot_create_ethernet)kernel(iscsi_boot_create_host_kset)kernel(iscsi_boot_create_initiator)kernel(iscsi_boot_create_kset)kernel(iscsi_boot_create_target)kernel(iscsi_boot_destroy_kset)kernel(iscsi_change_param_sprintf)kernel(iscsi_change_queue_depth)kernel(iscsi_complete_pdu)kernel(iscsi_complete_scsi_task)kernel(iscsi_conn_bind)kernel(iscsi_conn_error_event)kernel(iscsi_conn_failure)kernel(iscsi_conn_get_addr_param)kernel(iscsi_conn_get_param)kernel(iscsi_conn_login_event)kernel(iscsi_conn_queue_work)kernel(iscsi_conn_send_pdu)kernel(iscsi_conn_setup)kernel(iscsi_conn_start)kernel(iscsi_conn_stop)kernel(iscsi_conn_teardown)kernel(iscsi_create_conn)kernel(iscsi_create_endpoint)kernel(iscsi_create_flashnode_conn)kernel(iscsi_create_flashnode_sess)kernel(iscsi_create_iface)kernel(iscsi_create_session)kernel(iscsi_destroy_all_flashnode)kernel(iscsi_destroy_conn)kernel(iscsi_destroy_endpoint)kernel(iscsi_destroy_flashnode_sess)kernel(iscsi_destroy_iface)kernel(iscsi_destroy_session)kernel(iscsi_eh_abort)kernel(iscsi_eh_device_reset)kernel(iscsi_eh_recover_target)kernel(iscsi_eh_session_reset)kernel(iscsi_eh_target_reset)kernel(iscsi_find_flashnode_conn)kernel(iscsi_find_flashnode_sess)kernel(iscsi_find_param_from_key)kernel(iscsi_flashnode_bus_match)kernel(iscsi_free_session)kernel(iscsi_get_discovery_parent_name)kernel(iscsi_get_ipaddress_state_name)kernel(iscsi_get_port_speed_name)kernel(iscsi_get_port_state_name)kernel(iscsi_get_router_state_name)kernel(iscsi_host_add)kernel(iscsi_host_alloc)kernel(iscsi_host_for_each_session)kernel(iscsi_host_free)kernel(iscsi_host_get_param)kernel(iscsi_host_remove)kernel(iscsi_host_set_param)kernel(iscsi_is_flashnode_conn_dev)kernel(iscsi_is_session_dev)kernel(iscsi_is_session_online)kernel(iscsi_itt_to_ctask)kernel(iscsi_itt_to_task)kernel(iscsi_lookup_endpoint)kernel(iscsi_offload_mesg)kernel(iscsi_ping_comp_event)kernel(iscsi_pool_free)kernel(iscsi_pool_init)kernel(iscsi_post_host_event)kernel(iscsi_prep_data_out_pdu)kernel(iscsi_put_task)kernel(iscsi_queuecommand)kernel(iscsi_recv_pdu)kernel(iscsi_register_transport)kernel(iscsi_remove_session)kernel(iscsi_requeue_task)kernel(iscsi_scan_finished)kernel(iscsi_segment_init_linear)kernel(iscsi_segment_seek_sg)kernel(iscsi_session_chkready)kernel(iscsi_session_event)kernel(iscsi_session_failure)kernel(iscsi_session_get_param)kernel(iscsi_session_recovery_timedout)kernel(iscsi_session_setup)kernel(iscsi_session_teardown)kernel(iscsi_set_param)kernel(iscsi_suspend_queue)kernel(iscsi_suspend_tx)kernel(iscsi_switch_str_param)kernel(iscsi_target_alloc)kernel(iscsi_target_check_login_request)kernel(iscsi_tcp_cleanup_task)kernel(iscsi_tcp_conn_get_stats)kernel(iscsi_tcp_conn_setup)kernel(iscsi_tcp_conn_teardown)kernel(iscsi_tcp_dgst_header)kernel(iscsi_tcp_hdr_recv_prep)kernel(iscsi_tcp_r2tpool_alloc)kernel(iscsi_tcp_r2tpool_free)kernel(iscsi_tcp_recv_segment_is_hdr)kernel(iscsi_tcp_recv_skb)kernel(iscsi_tcp_segment_done)kernel(iscsi_tcp_segment_unmap)kernel(iscsi_tcp_set_max_r2t)kernel(iscsi_tcp_task_init)kernel(iscsi_tcp_task_xmit)kernel(iscsi_unblock_session)kernel(iscsi_unregister_transport)kernel(iscsi_update_cmdsn)kernel(iscsi_verify_itt)kernel(iscsit_aborted_task)kernel(iscsit_add_cmd_to_immediate_queue)kernel(iscsit_add_reject)kernel(iscsit_allocate_cmd)kernel(iscsit_build_datain_pdu)kernel(iscsit_build_logout_rsp)kernel(iscsit_build_nopin_rsp)kernel(iscsit_build_r2ts_for_cmd)kernel(iscsit_build_reject)kernel(iscsit_build_rsp_pdu)kernel(iscsit_build_task_mgt_rsp)kernel(iscsit_build_text_rsp)kernel(iscsit_cause_connection_reinstatement)kernel(iscsit_check_dataout_hdr)kernel(iscsit_check_dataout_payload)kernel(iscsit_find_cmd_from_itt)kernel(iscsit_find_cmd_from_itt_or_dump)kernel(iscsit_free_cmd)kernel(iscsit_get_datain_values)kernel(iscsit_handle_logout_cmd)kernel(iscsit_handle_snack)kernel(iscsit_handle_task_mgt_cmd)kernel(iscsit_immediate_queue)kernel(iscsit_increment_maxcmdsn)kernel(iscsit_logout_post_handler)kernel(iscsit_process_nop_out)kernel(iscsit_process_scsi_cmd)kernel(iscsit_process_text_cmd)kernel(iscsit_queue_rsp)kernel(iscsit_register_transport)kernel(iscsit_reject_cmd)kernel(iscsit_release_cmd)kernel(iscsit_response_queue)kernel(iscsit_sequence_cmd)kernel(iscsit_set_unsoliticed_dataout)kernel(iscsit_setup_nop_out)kernel(iscsit_setup_scsi_cmd)kernel(iscsit_setup_text_cmd)kernel(iscsit_stop_dataout_timer)kernel(iscsit_tmr_post_handler)kernel(iscsit_unregister_transport)kernel(isdn_ppp_register_compressor)kernel(isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor)kernel(isdn_register_divert)kernel(isdnhdlc_decode)kernel(isdnhdlc_encode)kernel(isdnhdlc_out_init)kernel(isdnhdlc_rcv_init)kernel(ishtp_bus_remove_all_clients)kernel(ishtp_cl_allocate)kernel(ishtp_cl_connect)kernel(ishtp_cl_disconnect)kernel(ishtp_cl_driver_unregister)kernel(ishtp_cl_flush_queues)kernel(ishtp_cl_free)kernel(ishtp_cl_io_rb_recycle)kernel(ishtp_cl_link)kernel(ishtp_cl_send)kernel(ishtp_cl_unlink)kernel(ishtp_device_init)kernel(ishtp_fw_cl_by_uuid)kernel(ishtp_get_device)kernel(ishtp_put_device)kernel(ishtp_recv)kernel(ishtp_register_event_cb)kernel(ishtp_reset_compl_handler)kernel(ishtp_reset_handler)kernel(ishtp_send_resume)kernel(ishtp_send_suspend)kernel(ishtp_start)kernel(isl6405_attach)kernel(isl6421_attach)kernel(isl6423_attach)kernel(iso_packets_buffer_destroy)kernel(iso_packets_buffer_init)kernel(it913x_attach)kernel(it913x_fe_attach)kernel(itd1000_attach)kernel(iter_div_u64_rem)kernel(iterate_dir)kernel(iterate_fd)kernel(iterate_supers_type)kernel(iunique)kernel(ivtv_api)kernel(ivtv_claim_stream)kernel(ivtv_clear_irq_mask)kernel(ivtv_debug)kernel(ivtv_ext_init)kernel(ivtv_firmware_check)kernel(ivtv_init_on_first_open)kernel(ivtv_release_stream)kernel(ivtv_reset_ir_gpio)kernel(ivtv_set_irq_mask)kernel(ivtv_start_v4l2_encode_stream)kernel(ivtv_stop_v4l2_encode_stream)kernel(ivtv_udma_alloc)kernel(ivtv_udma_prepare)kernel(ivtv_udma_setup)kernel(ivtv_udma_unmap)kernel(ivtv_vapi)kernel(ivtv_vapi_result)kernel(iw_cm_accept)kernel(iw_cm_connect)kernel(iw_cm_disconnect)kernel(iw_cm_init_qp_attr)kernel(iw_cm_listen)kernel(iw_cm_reject)kernel(iw_create_cm_id)kernel(iw_destroy_cm_id)kernel(iwcm_reject_msg)kernel(iwe_stream_add_event)kernel(iwe_stream_add_point)kernel(iwe_stream_add_value)kernel(iwl_abort_notification_waits)kernel(iwl_clear_bits_prph)kernel(iwl_cmd_groups_verify_sorted)kernel(iwl_dump_desc_assert)kernel(iwl_force_nmi)kernel(iwl_free_fw_paging)kernel(iwl_fw_dbg_collect)kernel(iwl_fw_dbg_collect_desc)kernel(iwl_fw_dbg_collect_trig)kernel(iwl_fw_error_dump)kernel(iwl_fw_get_nvm)kernel(iwl_fw_runtime_init)kernel(iwl_fw_start_dbg_conf)kernel(iwl_fwrt_handle_notification)kernel(iwl_get_bios_mcc)kernel(iwl_get_cmd_string)kernel(iwl_get_shared_mem_conf)kernel(iwl_init_notification_wait)kernel(iwl_init_paging)kernel(iwl_init_sbands)kernel(iwl_notification_wait)kernel(iwl_notification_wait_init)kernel(iwl_nvm_check_version)kernel(iwl_opmode_deregister)kernel(iwl_opmode_register)kernel(iwl_parse_eeprom_data)kernel(iwl_parse_nvm_data)kernel(iwl_parse_nvm_mcc_info)kernel(iwl_phy_db_free)kernel(iwl_phy_db_init)kernel(iwl_phy_db_set_section)kernel(iwl_poll_bit)kernel(iwl_poll_direct_bit)kernel(iwl_read32)kernel(iwl_read_direct32)kernel(iwl_read_eeprom)kernel(iwl_read_prph)kernel(iwl_read_prph_no_grab)kernel(iwl_remove_notification)kernel(iwl_send_phy_db_data)kernel(iwl_set_bits_mask_prph)kernel(iwl_set_bits_prph)kernel(iwl_set_hw_address_from_csr)kernel(iwl_trans_send_cmd)kernel(iwl_wait_notification)kernel(iwl_write32)kernel(iwl_write64)kernel(iwl_write8)kernel(iwl_write_direct32)kernel(iwl_write_direct64)kernel(iwl_write_prph)kernel(iwl_write_prph64_no_grab)kernel(iwl_write_prph_no_grab)kernel(iwlwifi_mod_params)kernel(ix2505v_attach)kernel(jbd2__journal_restart)kernel(jbd2__journal_start)kernel(jbd2_complete_transaction)kernel(jbd2_inode_cache)kernel(jbd2_journal_abort)kernel(jbd2_journal_ack_err)kernel(jbd2_journal_begin_ordered_truncate)kernel(jbd2_journal_blocks_per_page)kernel(jbd2_journal_check_available_features)kernel(jbd2_journal_check_used_features)kernel(jbd2_journal_clear_err)kernel(jbd2_journal_clear_features)kernel(jbd2_journal_destroy)kernel(jbd2_journal_dirty_metadata)kernel(jbd2_journal_errno)kernel(jbd2_journal_extend)kernel(jbd2_journal_file_inode)kernel(jbd2_journal_flush)kernel(jbd2_journal_force_commit)kernel(jbd2_journal_force_commit_nested)kernel(jbd2_journal_forget)kernel(jbd2_journal_free_reserved)kernel(jbd2_journal_get_create_access)kernel(jbd2_journal_get_undo_access)kernel(jbd2_journal_get_write_access)kernel(jbd2_journal_init_dev)kernel(jbd2_journal_init_inode)kernel(jbd2_journal_init_jbd_inode)kernel(jbd2_journal_invalidatepage)kernel(jbd2_journal_load)kernel(jbd2_journal_lock_updates)kernel(jbd2_journal_release_jbd_inode)kernel(jbd2_journal_restart)kernel(jbd2_journal_revoke)kernel(jbd2_journal_set_features)kernel(jbd2_journal_set_triggers)kernel(jbd2_journal_start)kernel(jbd2_journal_start_commit)kernel(jbd2_journal_start_reserved)kernel(jbd2_journal_stop)kernel(jbd2_journal_try_to_free_buffers)kernel(jbd2_journal_unlock_updates)kernel(jbd2_journal_update_sb_errno)kernel(jbd2_journal_wipe)kernel(jbd2_log_start_commit)kernel(jbd2_log_wait_commit)kernel(jbd2_trans_will_send_data_barrier)kernel(jiffies)kernel(jiffies_64)kernel(jiffies_64_to_clock_t)kernel(jiffies_to_clock_t)kernel(jiffies_to_msecs)kernel(jiffies_to_timespec)kernel(jiffies_to_timeval)kernel(jiffies_to_usecs)kernel(jprobe_return)kernel(jump_label_rate_limit)kernel(kallsyms_lookup_name)kernel(kallsyms_on_each_symbol)kernel(kasprintf)kernel(kbl_sst_dsp_init)kernel(kblockd_schedule_delayed_work)kernel(kblockd_schedule_delayed_work_on)kernel(kblockd_schedule_work)kernel(kcrypto_wq)kernel(kd_mksound)kernel(kdb_current_task)kernel(kdb_get_kbd_char)kernel(kdb_grepping_flag)kernel(kdb_poll_funcs)kernel(kdb_poll_idx)kernel(kdb_printf)kernel(kdb_register)kernel(kdb_register_repeat)kernel(kdb_unregister)kernel(kdbgetsymval)kernel(kern_mount_data)kernel(kern_path)kernel(kern_path_create)kernel(kern_path_mountpoint)kernel(kern_unmount)kernel(kernel_accept)kernel(kernel_bind)kernel(kernel_connect)kernel(kernel_cpustat)kernel(kernel_getpeername)kernel(kernel_getsockname)kernel(kernel_getsockopt)kernel(kernel_halt)kernel(kernel_kobj)kernel(kernel_listen)kernel(kernel_power_off)kernel(kernel_read)kernel(kernel_recvmsg)kernel(kernel_restart)kernel(kernel_sendmsg)kernel(kernel_sendpage)kernel(kernel_setsockopt)kernel(kernel_sock_ioctl)kernel(kernel_sock_shutdown)kernel(kernel_stack)kernel(kernel_write)kernel(kernfs_find_and_get_ns)kernel(kernfs_get)kernel(kernfs_notify)kernel(kernfs_put)kernel(kexec_crash_loaded)kernel(key_alloc)kernel(key_create_or_update)kernel(key_instantiate_and_link)kernel(key_invalidate)kernel(key_link)kernel(key_payload_reserve)kernel(key_put)kernel(key_reject_and_link)kernel(key_revoke)kernel(key_set_timeout)kernel(key_task_permission)kernel(key_type_asymmetric)kernel(key_type_encrypted)kernel(key_type_keyring)kernel(key_type_logon)kernel(key_type_trusted)kernel(key_type_user)kernel(key_unlink)kernel(key_update)kernel(key_validate)kernel(keyring_alloc)kernel(keyring_clear)kernel(keyring_search)kernel(kfree)kernel(kfree_call_rcu)kernel(kfree_const)kernel(kfree_put_link)kernel(kfree_skb)kernel(kfree_skb_list)kernel(kfree_skb_partial)kernel(kgd2kfd_init)kernel(kgdb_active)kernel(kgdb_breakpoint)kernel(kgdb_connected)kernel(kgdb_register_io_module)kernel(kgdb_schedule_breakpoint)kernel(kgdb_unregister_io_module)kernel(kick_all_cpus_sync)kernel(kick_process)kernel(kill_anon_super)kernel(kill_bdev)kernel(kill_block_super)kernel(kill_dax)kernel(kill_fasync)kernel(kill_litter_super)kernel(kill_mtd_super)kernel(kill_pgrp)kernel(kill_pid)kernel(kill_pid_info_as_cred)kernel(kiocb_set_cancel_fn)kernel(klist_add_after)kernel(klist_add_before)kernel(klist_add_head)kernel(klist_add_tail)kernel(klist_del)kernel(klist_init)kernel(klist_iter_exit)kernel(klist_iter_init)kernel(klist_iter_init_node)kernel(klist_next)kernel(klist_node_attached)kernel(klist_prev)kernel(klist_remove)kernel(klp_disable_patch)kernel(klp_enable_patch)kernel(klp_register_patch)kernel(klp_shadow_alloc)kernel(klp_shadow_free)kernel(klp_shadow_free_all)kernel(klp_shadow_get)kernel(klp_shadow_get_or_alloc)kernel(klp_unregister_patch)kernel(km_is_alive)kernel(km_migrate)kernel(km_new_mapping)kernel(km_policy_expired)kernel(km_policy_notify)kernel(km_query)kernel(km_report)kernel(km_state_expired)kernel(km_state_notify)kernel(kmalloc_caches)kernel(kmalloc_dma_caches)kernel(kmalloc_order_trace)kernel(kmem_cache_alloc)kernel(kmem_cache_alloc_bulk)kernel(kmem_cache_alloc_node)kernel(kmem_cache_alloc_node_trace)kernel(kmem_cache_alloc_trace)kernel(kmem_cache_create)kernel(kmem_cache_destroy)kernel(kmem_cache_free)kernel(kmem_cache_free_bulk)kernel(kmem_cache_shrink)kernel(kmemdup)kernel(kmsg_dump_get_buffer)kernel(kmsg_dump_get_line)kernel(kmsg_dump_register)kernel(kmsg_dump_rewind)kernel(kmsg_dump_unregister)kernel(kobj_sysfs_ops)kernel(kobject_add)kernel(kobject_create_and_add)kernel(kobject_del)kernel(kobject_get)kernel(kobject_get_path)kernel(kobject_init)kernel(kobject_init_and_add)kernel(kobject_put)kernel(kobject_rename)kernel(kobject_set_name)kernel(kobject_uevent)kernel(kobject_uevent_env)kernel(krealloc)kernel(ks0108_address)kernel(ks0108_displaystate)kernel(ks0108_isinited)kernel(ks0108_page)kernel(ks0108_startline)kernel(ks0108_writecontrol)kernel(ks0108_writedata)kernel(kset_create_and_add)kernel(kset_register)kernel(kset_unregister)kernel(ksize)kernel(kstat)kernel(kstrdup)kernel(kstrdup_const)kernel(kstrndup)kernel(kstrtobool)kernel(kstrtobool_from_user)kernel(kstrtoint)kernel(kstrtoint_from_user)kernel(kstrtol_from_user)kernel(kstrtoll)kernel(kstrtoll_from_user)kernel(kstrtos16)kernel(kstrtos16_from_user)kernel(kstrtos8)kernel(kstrtos8_from_user)kernel(kstrtou16)kernel(kstrtou16_from_user)kernel(kstrtou8)kernel(kstrtou8_from_user)kernel(kstrtouint)kernel(kstrtouint_from_user)kernel(kstrtoul_from_user)kernel(kstrtoull)kernel(kstrtoull_from_user)kernel(kthread_bind)kernel(kthread_create_on_node)kernel(kthread_freezable_should_stop)kernel(kthread_park)kernel(kthread_parkme)kernel(kthread_should_park)kernel(kthread_should_stop)kernel(kthread_stop)kernel(kthread_unpark)kernel(kthread_worker_fn)kernel(ktime_add_safe)kernel(ktime_get)kernel(ktime_get_boottime)kernel(ktime_get_clocktai)kernel(ktime_get_mono_fast_ns)kernel(ktime_get_monotonic_offset)kernel(ktime_get_raw)kernel(ktime_get_raw_fast_ns)kernel(ktime_get_real)kernel(ktime_get_snapshot)kernel(ktime_get_ts64)kernel(kvasprintf)kernel(kvasprintf_const)kernel(kvfree)kernel(kvm_after_handle_nmi)kernel(kvm_apic_match_dest)kernel(kvm_apic_set_eoi_accelerated)kernel(kvm_apic_update_irr)kernel(kvm_apic_update_ppr)kernel(kvm_apic_write_nodecode)kernel(kvm_arch_end_assignment)kernel(kvm_arch_has_assigned_device)kernel(kvm_arch_has_noncoherent_dma)kernel(kvm_arch_register_noncoherent_dma)kernel(kvm_arch_start_assignment)kernel(kvm_arch_unregister_noncoherent_dma)kernel(kvm_async_pf_task_wait)kernel(kvm_async_pf_task_wake)kernel(kvm_before_handle_nmi)kernel(kvm_clear_guest)kernel(kvm_clear_guest_page)kernel(kvm_clock)kernel(kvm_complete_insn_gp)kernel(kvm_cpu_get_interrupt)kernel(kvm_cpu_has_interrupt)kernel(kvm_cpu_has_pending_timer)kernel(kvm_cpuid)kernel(kvm_debugfs_dir)kernel(kvm_default_tsc_scaling_ratio)kernel(kvm_define_shared_msr)kernel(kvm_disable_largepages)kernel(kvm_disable_tdp)kernel(kvm_emulate_cpuid)kernel(kvm_emulate_halt)kernel(kvm_emulate_hypercall)kernel(kvm_emulate_wbinvd)kernel(kvm_enable_efer_bits)kernel(kvm_enable_tdp)kernel(kvm_exit)kernel(kvm_fast_pio_out)kernel(kvm_find_cpuid_entry)kernel(kvm_flush_remote_tlbs)kernel(kvm_get_apic_base)kernel(kvm_get_cr8)kernel(kvm_get_cs_db_l_bits)kernel(kvm_get_dirty_log)kernel(kvm_get_dirty_log_protect)kernel(kvm_get_dr)kernel(kvm_get_kvm)kernel(kvm_get_linear_rip)kernel(kvm_get_msr)kernel(kvm_get_msr_common)kernel(kvm_get_pfn)kernel(kvm_get_rflags)kernel(kvm_gfn_to_hva_cache_init)kernel(kvm_has_tsc_control)kernel(kvm_init)kernel(kvm_init_shadow_ept_mmu)kernel(kvm_init_shadow_mmu)kernel(kvm_inject_nmi)kernel(kvm_inject_page_fault)kernel(kvm_inject_pending_timer_irqs)kernel(kvm_inject_realmode_interrupt)kernel(kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu)kernel(kvm_io_bus_write)kernel(kvm_irq_has_notifier)kernel(kvm_is_linear_rip)kernel(kvm_is_visible_gfn)kernel(kvm_lapic_expired_hv_timer)kernel(kvm_lapic_find_highest_irr)kernel(kvm_lapic_hv_timer_in_use)kernel(kvm_lapic_reg_read)kernel(kvm_lapic_reg_write)kernel(kvm_lapic_set_eoi)kernel(kvm_lapic_switch_to_hv_timer)kernel(kvm_lapic_switch_to_sw_timer)kernel(kvm_lmsw)kernel(kvm_max_guest_tsc_khz)kernel(kvm_max_tsc_scaling_ratio)kernel(kvm_mce_cap_supported)kernel(kvm_mmu_clear_dirty_pt_masked)kernel(kvm_mmu_invlpg)kernel(kvm_mmu_load)kernel(kvm_mmu_page_fault)kernel(kvm_mmu_reset_context)kernel(kvm_mmu_set_mask_ptes)kernel(kvm_mmu_set_mmio_spte_mask)kernel(kvm_mmu_slot_largepage_remove_write_access)kernel(kvm_mmu_slot_leaf_clear_dirty)kernel(kvm_mmu_slot_set_dirty)kernel(kvm_mmu_sync_roots)kernel(kvm_mmu_unload)kernel(kvm_mmu_unprotect_page)kernel(kvm_mmu_unprotect_page_virt)kernel(kvm_mpx_supported)kernel(kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type)kernel(kvm_mtrr_valid)kernel(kvm_no_apic_vcpu)kernel(kvm_page_track_register_notifier)kernel(kvm_page_track_unregister_notifier)kernel(kvm_para_available)kernel(kvm_put_kvm)kernel(kvm_queue_exception)kernel(kvm_queue_exception_e)kernel(kvm_rdpmc)kernel(kvm_read_and_reset_pf_reason)kernel(kvm_read_guest)kernel(kvm_read_guest_atomic)kernel(kvm_read_guest_cached)kernel(kvm_read_guest_page)kernel(kvm_read_guest_page_mmu)kernel(kvm_read_guest_virt)kernel(kvm_read_l1_tsc)kernel(kvm_rebooting)kernel(kvm_release_page_clean)kernel(kvm_release_page_dirty)kernel(kvm_release_pfn_clean)kernel(kvm_requeue_exception)kernel(kvm_requeue_exception_e)kernel(kvm_require_cpl)kernel(kvm_require_dr)kernel(kvm_scale_tsc)kernel(kvm_set_apic_base)kernel(kvm_set_cr0)kernel(kvm_set_cr3)kernel(kvm_set_cr4)kernel(kvm_set_cr8)kernel(kvm_set_dr)kernel(kvm_set_memory_region)kernel(kvm_set_msi_irq)kernel(kvm_set_msr)kernel(kvm_set_msr_common)kernel(kvm_set_pfn_accessed)kernel(kvm_set_pfn_dirty)kernel(kvm_set_posted_intr_wakeup_handler)kernel(kvm_set_rflags)kernel(kvm_set_shared_msr)kernel(kvm_set_xcr)kernel(kvm_slot_page_track_add_page)kernel(kvm_slot_page_track_remove_page)kernel(kvm_spurious_fault)kernel(kvm_task_switch)kernel(kvm_tsc_scaling_ratio_frac_bits)kernel(kvm_valid_efer)kernel(kvm_vcpu_block)kernel(kvm_vcpu_cache)kernel(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_hva)kernel(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_page)kernel(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_pfn)kernel(kvm_vcpu_gfn_to_pfn_atomic)kernel(kvm_vcpu_halt)kernel(kvm_vcpu_init)kernel(kvm_vcpu_is_reset_bsp)kernel(kvm_vcpu_kick)kernel(kvm_vcpu_mark_page_dirty)kernel(kvm_vcpu_on_spin)kernel(kvm_vcpu_read_guest)kernel(kvm_vcpu_read_guest_atomic)kernel(kvm_vcpu_read_guest_page)kernel(kvm_vcpu_reload_apic_access_page)kernel(kvm_vcpu_uninit)kernel(kvm_vcpu_wake_up)kernel(kvm_vcpu_write_guest)kernel(kvm_vcpu_write_guest_page)kernel(kvm_vcpu_yield_to)kernel(kvm_vector_hashing_enabled)kernel(kvm_write_guest)kernel(kvm_write_guest_cached)kernel(kvm_write_guest_offset_cached)kernel(kvm_write_guest_page)kernel(kvm_write_guest_virt_system)kernel(kvm_write_tsc)kernel(kvm_x86_ops)kernel(kvmalloc_node)kernel(kvmgt_mpt)kernel(kzfree)kernel(l1_event)kernel(l2cap_add_psm)kernel(l2cap_chan_close)kernel(l2cap_chan_connect)kernel(l2cap_chan_create)kernel(l2cap_chan_del)kernel(l2cap_chan_put)kernel(l2cap_chan_send)kernel(l2cap_chan_set_defaults)kernel(l2cap_conn_get)kernel(l2cap_conn_put)kernel(l2cap_is_socket)kernel(l2cap_register_user)kernel(l2cap_unregister_user)kernel(l2tp_ioctl)kernel(l2tp_nl_register_ops)kernel(l2tp_nl_unregister_ops)kernel(l2tp_recv_common)kernel(l2tp_session_create)kernel(l2tp_session_delete)kernel(l2tp_session_find)kernel(l2tp_session_find_by_ifname)kernel(l2tp_session_find_nth)kernel(l2tp_session_free)kernel(l2tp_session_get)kernel(l2tp_session_queue_purge)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_closeall)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_create)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_delete)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_find)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_find_nth)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_sock_lookup)kernel(l2tp_tunnel_sock_put)kernel(l2tp_udp_encap_recv)kernel(l2tp_xmit_skb)kernel(l64781_attach)kernel(laptop_mode)kernel(layoutstats_timer)kernel(lcd_device_register)kernel(lcd_device_unregister)kernel(lcm)kernel(lease_get_mtime)kernel(lease_modify)kernel(leave_mm)kernel(led_blink_set)kernel(led_blink_set_oneshot)kernel(led_classdev_register)kernel(led_classdev_resume)kernel(led_classdev_suspend)kernel(led_classdev_unregister)kernel(led_set_brightness)kernel(led_stop_software_blink)kernel(led_trigger_blink)kernel(led_trigger_blink_oneshot)kernel(led_trigger_event)kernel(led_trigger_register)kernel(led_trigger_register_simple)kernel(led_trigger_remove)kernel(led_trigger_rename_static)kernel(led_trigger_set)kernel(led_trigger_set_default)kernel(led_trigger_show)kernel(led_trigger_store)kernel(led_trigger_unregister)kernel(led_trigger_unregister_simple)kernel(leds_list)kernel(leds_list_lock)kernel(ledtrig_flash_ctrl)kernel(ledtrig_torch_ctrl)kernel(lg2160_attach)kernel(lg_global_lock)kernel(lg_global_unlock)kernel(lg_local_lock)kernel(lg_local_lock_cpu)kernel(lg_local_unlock)kernel(lg_local_unlock_cpu)kernel(lg_lock_init)kernel(lgdt3305_attach)kernel(lgdt330x_attach)kernel(lgs8gxx_attach)kernel(lib80211_crypt_delayed_deinit)kernel(lib80211_crypt_info_free)kernel(lib80211_crypt_info_init)kernel(lib80211_get_crypto_ops)kernel(lib80211_register_crypto_ops)kernel(lib80211_unregister_crypto_ops)kernel(libceph_compatible)kernel(libfc_vport_create)kernel(line6_alloc_sysex_buffer)kernel(line6_disconnect)kernel(line6_init_midi)kernel(line6_init_pcm)kernel(line6_midi_id)kernel(line6_pcm_acquire)kernel(line6_pcm_release)kernel(line6_probe)kernel(line6_read_data)kernel(line6_read_serial_number)kernel(line6_resume)kernel(line6_send_raw_message_async)kernel(line6_send_sysex_message)kernel(line6_start_timer)kernel(line6_suspend)kernel(line6_version_request_async)kernel(line6_write_data)kernel(linear_hugepage_index)kernel(linkwatch_fire_event)kernel(lirc_dev_fop_close)kernel(lirc_dev_fop_ioctl)kernel(lirc_dev_fop_open)kernel(lirc_dev_fop_poll)kernel(lirc_dev_fop_read)kernel(lirc_dev_fop_write)kernel(lirc_get_pdata)kernel(lirc_register_driver)kernel(lirc_unregister_driver)kernel(lis3_dev)kernel(lis3lv02d_init_device)kernel(lis3lv02d_init_dt)kernel(lis3lv02d_joystick_disable)kernel(lis3lv02d_joystick_enable)kernel(lis3lv02d_poweroff)kernel(lis3lv02d_poweron)kernel(lis3lv02d_remove_fs)kernel(list_del)kernel(list_lru_add)kernel(list_lru_count_node)kernel(list_lru_del)kernel(list_lru_destroy)kernel(list_lru_init_key)kernel(list_lru_walk_node)kernel(list_sort)kernel(ll_rw_block)kernel(llc_add_pack)kernel(llc_build_and_send_ui_pkt)kernel(llc_mac_hdr_init)kernel(llc_remove_pack)kernel(llc_sap_close)kernel(llc_sap_find)kernel(llc_sap_list)kernel(llc_sap_list_lock)kernel(llc_sap_open)kernel(llc_set_station_handler)kernel(llist_add_batch)kernel(llist_del_first)kernel(llist_reverse_order)kernel(lnbh24_attach)kernel(lnbp21_attach)kernel(lnbp22_attach)kernel(load_nls)kernel(load_nls_default)kernel(load_pdptrs)kernel(local_apic_timer_c2_ok)kernel(local_bh_disable)kernel(local_bh_enable)kernel(local_bh_enable_ip)kernel(local_clock)kernel(local_touch_nmi)kernel(lock_fb_info)kernel(lock_may_read)kernel(lock_may_write)kernel(lock_rename)kernel(lock_sock_fast)kernel(lock_sock_nested)kernel(lock_two_nondirectories)kernel(lockd_down)kernel(lockd_up)kernel(lockref_get)kernel(lockref_get_not_dead)kernel(lockref_get_not_zero)kernel(lockref_get_or_lock)kernel(lockref_mark_dead)kernel(lockref_put_or_lock)kernel(locks_alloc_lock)kernel(locks_copy_conflock)kernel(locks_copy_lock)kernel(locks_end_grace)kernel(locks_free_lock)kernel(locks_in_grace)kernel(locks_init_lock)kernel(locks_lock_inode_wait)kernel(locks_mandatory_area)kernel(locks_release_private)kernel(locks_remove_posix)kernel(locks_start_grace)kernel(look_up_OID)kernel(lookup_address)kernel(lookup_bdev)kernel(lookup_one_len)kernel(lookup_one_len_unlocked)kernel(loop_register_transfer)kernel(loop_unregister_transfer)kernel(loops_per_jiffy)kernel(lowpan_header_compress)kernel(lowpan_header_decompress)kernel(lowpan_nhc_add)kernel(lowpan_nhc_del)kernel(lowpan_register_netdev)kernel(lowpan_register_netdevice)kernel(lowpan_unregister_netdev)kernel(lowpan_unregister_netdevice)kernel(lp55xx_deinit_device)kernel(lp55xx_init_device)kernel(lp55xx_is_extclk_used)kernel(lp55xx_read)kernel(lp55xx_register_leds)kernel(lp55xx_register_sysfs)kernel(lp55xx_unregister_leds)kernel(lp55xx_unregister_sysfs)kernel(lp55xx_update_bits)kernel(lp55xx_write)kernel(lro_flush_all)kernel(lro_flush_pkt)kernel(lro_receive_frags)kernel(lro_receive_skb)kernel(lrw_camellia_exit_tfm)kernel(lrw_camellia_setkey)kernel(lrw_crypt)kernel(lrw_free_table)kernel(lrw_init_table)kernel(lrw_serpent_exit_tfm)kernel(lrw_serpent_setkey)kernel(lrw_twofish_exit_tfm)kernel(lrw_twofish_setkey)kernel(lwtunnel_build_state)kernel(lwtunnel_cmp_encap)kernel(lwtunnel_encap_add_ops)kernel(lwtunnel_encap_del_ops)kernel(lwtunnel_fill_encap)kernel(lwtunnel_get_encap_size)kernel(lwtunnel_input)kernel(lwtunnel_output)kernel(lwtunnel_state_alloc)kernel(lzo1x_1_compress)kernel(lzo1x_decompress_safe)kernel(m2p_add_override)kernel(m2p_find_override_pfn)kernel(m2p_remove_override)kernel(m88rs2000_attach)kernel(mISDNDevName4ch)kernel(mISDN_FsmAddTimer)kernel(mISDN_FsmChangeState)kernel(mISDN_FsmDelTimer)kernel(mISDN_FsmEvent)kernel(mISDN_FsmFree)kernel(mISDN_FsmInitTimer)kernel(mISDN_FsmNew)kernel(mISDN_FsmRestartTimer)kernel(mISDN_clear_bchannel)kernel(mISDN_clock_get)kernel(mISDN_clock_update)kernel(mISDN_ctrl_bchannel)kernel(mISDN_dsp_element_register)kernel(mISDN_dsp_element_unregister)kernel(mISDN_freebchannel)kernel(mISDN_freedchannel)kernel(mISDN_initbchannel)kernel(mISDN_initdchannel)kernel(mISDN_register_Bprotocol)kernel(mISDN_register_clock)kernel(mISDN_register_device)kernel(mISDN_unregister_Bprotocol)kernel(mISDN_unregister_clock)kernel(mISDN_unregister_device)kernel(mISDNipac_init)kernel(mISDNipac_irq)kernel(mISDNisac_init)kernel(mISDNisac_irq)kernel(mISDNisar_init)kernel(mISDNisar_irq)kernel(mac_pton)kernel(macb_ethtool_ops)kernel(macb_get_hwaddr)kernel(macb_get_stats)kernel(macb_ioctl)kernel(macb_mii_init)kernel(macb_set_hwaddr)kernel(macb_set_rx_mode)kernel(machine_check_poll)kernel(machine_to_phys_mapping)kernel(machine_to_phys_nr)kernel(macvlan_common_newlink)kernel(macvlan_common_setup)kernel(macvlan_dellink)kernel(macvlan_link_register)kernel(macvlan_start_xmit)kernel(macvtap_get_socket)kernel(make_bad_inode)kernel(make_flow_keys_digest)kernel(make_kgid)kernel(make_kprojid)kernel(make_kuid)kernel(mangle_path)kernel(mantis_ca_exit)kernel(mantis_ca_init)kernel(mantis_dma_exit)kernel(mantis_dma_init)kernel(mantis_dvb_exit)kernel(mantis_dvb_init)kernel(mantis_frontend_power)kernel(mantis_frontend_soft_reset)kernel(mantis_get_mac)kernel(mantis_gpio_set_bits)kernel(mantis_i2c_exit)kernel(mantis_i2c_init)kernel(mantis_pci_exit)kernel(mantis_pci_init)kernel(mantis_stream_control)kernel(mantis_uart_exit)kernel(mantis_uart_init)kernel(map_destroy)kernel(map_vm_area)kernel(mapping_tagged)kernel(mark_buffer_async_write)kernel(mark_buffer_dirty)kernel(mark_buffer_dirty_inode)kernel(mark_hardware_deprecated)kernel(mark_hardware_unsupported)kernel(mark_info_dirty)kernel(mark_mounts_for_expiry)kernel(mark_page_accessed)kernel(mark_page_dirty)kernel(mark_tech_preview)kernel(mark_tsc_unstable)kernel(match_hex)kernel(match_int)kernel(match_octal)kernel(match_strdup)kernel(match_string)kernel(match_strlcpy)kernel(match_token)kernel(match_u64)kernel(math_state_restore)kernel(max2165_attach)kernel(max98090_mic_detect)kernel(max_session_slots)kernel(may_umount)kernel(may_umount_tree)kernel(mb86a16_attach)kernel(mb86a20s_attach)kernel(mb_cache_create)kernel(mb_cache_destroy)kernel(mb_cache_entry_alloc)kernel(mb_cache_entry_find_first)kernel(mb_cache_entry_find_next)kernel(mb_cache_entry_free)kernel(mb_cache_entry_get)kernel(mb_cache_entry_insert)kernel(mb_cache_entry_release)kernel(mb_cache_shrink)kernel(mbox_chan_received_data)kernel(mbox_chan_txdone)kernel(mbox_client_peek_data)kernel(mbox_client_txdone)kernel(mbox_controller_register)kernel(mbox_controller_unregister)kernel(mbox_free_channel)kernel(mbox_request_channel)kernel(mbox_request_channel_byname)kernel(mbox_send_message)kernel(mc44s803_attach)kernel(mce_inject_log)kernel(mce_is_memory_error)kernel(mce_notify_irq)kernel(mce_register_decode_chain)kernel(mce_unregister_decode_chain)kernel(mcryptd_ahash_child)kernel(mcryptd_ahash_desc)kernel(mcryptd_alloc_ahash)kernel(mcryptd_arm_flusher)kernel(mcryptd_flusher)kernel(mcryptd_free_ahash)kernel(mcsafe_key)kernel(md5_transform)kernel(md_allow_write)kernel(md_check_no_bitmap)kernel(md_check_recovery)kernel(md_do_sync)kernel(md_done_sync)kernel(md_error)kernel(md_find_rdev_nr_rcu)kernel(md_finish_reshape)kernel(md_flush_request)kernel(md_handle_request)kernel(md_integrity_add_rdev)kernel(md_integrity_register)kernel(md_kick_rdev_from_array)kernel(md_new_event)kernel(md_rdev_clear)kernel(md_rdev_init)kernel(md_reap_sync_thread)kernel(md_register_thread)kernel(md_run)kernel(md_set_array_sectors)kernel(md_stop)kernel(md_stop_writes)kernel(md_unplug)kernel(md_unregister_thread)kernel(md_update_sb)kernel(md_wait_for_blocked_rdev)kernel(md_wakeup_thread)kernel(md_write_end)kernel(md_write_inc)kernel(md_write_start)kernel(mddev_congested)kernel(mddev_init)kernel(mddev_init_writes_pending)kernel(mddev_resume)kernel(mddev_suspend)kernel(mddev_unlock)kernel(mdev_bus_type)kernel(mdev_dev)kernel(mdev_from_dev)kernel(mdev_get_drvdata)kernel(mdev_parent_dev)kernel(mdev_register_device)kernel(mdev_register_driver)kernel(mdev_set_drvdata)kernel(mdev_unregister_device)kernel(mdev_unregister_driver)kernel(mdev_uuid)kernel(mdio45_ethtool_gset_npage)kernel(mdio45_ethtool_spauseparam_an)kernel(mdio45_links_ok)kernel(mdio45_nway_restart)kernel(mdio45_probe)kernel(mdio_bus_type)kernel(mdio_mii_ioctl)kernel(mdio_set_flag)kernel(mdiobus_alloc_size)kernel(mdiobus_free)kernel(mdiobus_read)kernel(mdiobus_read_nested)kernel(mdiobus_scan)kernel(mdiobus_unregister)kernel(mdiobus_write)kernel(mdiobus_write_nested)kernel(mei_cancel_work)kernel(mei_cldev_disable)kernel(mei_cldev_driver_unregister)kernel(mei_cldev_enable)kernel(mei_cldev_enabled)kernel(mei_cldev_get_drvdata)kernel(mei_cldev_recv)kernel(mei_cldev_register_event_cb)kernel(mei_cldev_send)kernel(mei_cldev_set_drvdata)kernel(mei_cldev_uuid)kernel(mei_cldev_ver)kernel(mei_deregister)kernel(mei_device_init)kernel(mei_fw_status2str)kernel(mei_hbm_pg)kernel(mei_hbm_pg_resume)kernel(mei_irq_compl_handler)kernel(mei_irq_read_handler)kernel(mei_irq_write_handler)kernel(mei_register)kernel(mei_reset)kernel(mei_restart)kernel(mei_start)kernel(mei_stop)kernel(mei_write_is_idle)kernel(mem_cgroup_subsys)kernel(mem_section)kernel(memalloc_socks)kernel(memcg_kmem_enabled_key)kernel(memcg_socket_limit_enabled)kernel(memcg_tcp_enter_memory_pressure)kernel(memchr)kernel(memchr_inv)kernel(memcmp)kernel(memcpy)kernel(memcpy_flushcache)kernel(memcpy_fromiovec)kernel(memcpy_fromiovecend)kernel(memcpy_fromiovecend_partial_flushcache)kernel(memcpy_fromiovecend_partial_nocache)kernel(memcpy_mcsafe_unrolled)kernel(memcpy_toiovec)kernel(memcpy_toiovecend)kernel(memdup_user)kernel(memdup_user_nul)kernel(memmove)kernel(memory_add_physaddr_to_nid)kernel(memory_failure)kernel(memory_failure_queue)kernel(memory_read_from_buffer)kernel(memparse)kernel(mempool_alloc)kernel(mempool_alloc_pages)kernel(mempool_alloc_slab)kernel(mempool_create)kernel(mempool_create_node)kernel(mempool_destroy)kernel(mempool_free)kernel(mempool_free_pages)kernel(mempool_free_slab)kernel(mempool_kfree)kernel(mempool_kmalloc)kernel(mempool_resize)kernel(memremap)kernel(memscan)kernel(memset)kernel(memstick_add_host)kernel(memstick_alloc_host)kernel(memstick_debug_get_tpc_name)kernel(memstick_detect_change)kernel(memstick_free_host)kernel(memstick_init_req)kernel(memstick_init_req_sg)kernel(memstick_new_req)kernel(memstick_next_req)kernel(memstick_register_driver)kernel(memstick_remove_host)kernel(memstick_resume_host)kernel(memstick_set_rw_addr)kernel(memstick_suspend_host)kernel(memstick_unregister_driver)kernel(memunmap)kernel(memweight)kernel(memzero_explicit)kernel(metadata_dst_alloc)kernel(mfd_add_devices)kernel(mfd_cell_disable)kernel(mfd_cell_enable)kernel(mfd_clone_cell)kernel(mfd_remove_devices)kernel(microcode_sanity_check)kernel(microtune_attach)kernel(migrate_page)kernel(migrate_vma)kernel(mii_check_gmii_support)kernel(mii_check_link)kernel(mii_check_media)kernel(mii_ethtool_gset)kernel(mii_ethtool_sset)kernel(mii_link_ok)kernel(mii_nway_restart)kernel(misc_deregister)kernel(misc_register)kernel(mktime)kernel(mlx4_ACCESS_PTYS_REG)kernel(mlx4_ALLOCATE_VPP_get)kernel(mlx4_ALLOCATE_VPP_set)kernel(mlx4_CLOSE_PORT)kernel(mlx4_FLOW_STEERING_IB_UC_QP_RANGE)kernel(mlx4_INIT_PORT)kernel(mlx4_SET_MCAST_FLTR)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_BEACON)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_PRIO2TC)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_SCHEDULER)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_VXLAN)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_fcs_check)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_general)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_qpn_calc)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_user_mac)kernel(mlx4_SET_PORT_user_mtu)kernel(mlx4_SET_VPORT_QOS_get)kernel(mlx4_SET_VPORT_QOS_set)kernel(mlx4_SYNC_TPT)kernel(mlx4_alloc_cmd_mailbox)kernel(mlx4_alloc_hwq_res)kernel(mlx4_assign_eq)kernel(mlx4_bf_alloc)kernel(mlx4_bf_free)kernel(mlx4_bond)kernel(mlx4_buf_alloc)kernel(mlx4_buf_free)kernel(mlx4_buf_write_mtt)kernel(mlx4_config_dev_retrieval)kernel(mlx4_config_roce_v2_port)kernel(mlx4_config_vxlan_port)kernel(mlx4_counter_alloc)kernel(mlx4_counter_free)kernel(mlx4_cq_alloc)kernel(mlx4_cq_free)kernel(mlx4_cq_modify)kernel(mlx4_cq_resize)kernel(mlx4_db_alloc)kernel(mlx4_db_free)kernel(mlx4_eq_get_irq)kernel(mlx4_find_cached_mac)kernel(mlx4_find_cached_vlan)kernel(mlx4_flow_attach)kernel(mlx4_flow_detach)kernel(mlx4_flow_steer_promisc_add)kernel(mlx4_flow_steer_promisc_remove)kernel(mlx4_fmr_alloc)kernel(mlx4_fmr_enable)kernel(mlx4_fmr_free)kernel(mlx4_fmr_unmap)kernel(mlx4_free_cmd_mailbox)kernel(mlx4_free_hwq_res)kernel(mlx4_gen_guid_change_eqe)kernel(mlx4_gen_pkey_eqe)kernel(mlx4_gen_port_state_change_eqe)kernel(mlx4_gen_slaves_port_mgt_ev)kernel(mlx4_get_active_ports)kernel(mlx4_get_admin_guid)kernel(mlx4_get_base_gid_ix)kernel(mlx4_get_base_qpn)kernel(mlx4_get_counter_stats)kernel(mlx4_get_cpu_rmap)kernel(mlx4_get_default_counter_index)kernel(mlx4_get_devlink_port)kernel(mlx4_get_eqs_per_port)kernel(mlx4_get_internal_clock_params)kernel(mlx4_get_is_vlan_offload_disabled)kernel(mlx4_get_module_info)kernel(mlx4_get_parav_qkey)kernel(mlx4_get_protocol_dev)kernel(mlx4_get_roce_gid_from_slave)kernel(mlx4_get_slave_default_vlan)kernel(mlx4_get_slave_from_roce_gid)kernel(mlx4_get_slave_node_guid)kernel(mlx4_get_slave_pkey_gid_tbl_len)kernel(mlx4_get_slave_port_state)kernel(mlx4_get_vf_config)kernel(mlx4_get_vf_stats)kernel(mlx4_handle_eth_header_mcast_prio)kernel(mlx4_hw_rule_sz)kernel(mlx4_is_eq_shared)kernel(mlx4_is_eq_vector_valid)kernel(mlx4_is_slave_active)kernel(mlx4_map_phys_fmr)kernel(mlx4_map_sw_to_hw_steering_id)kernel(mlx4_map_sw_to_hw_steering_mode)kernel(mlx4_max_tc)kernel(mlx4_mr_alloc)kernel(mlx4_mr_enable)kernel(mlx4_mr_free)kernel(mlx4_mr_hw_change_access)kernel(mlx4_mr_hw_change_pd)kernel(mlx4_mr_hw_get_mpt)kernel(mlx4_mr_hw_put_mpt)kernel(mlx4_mr_hw_write_mpt)kernel(mlx4_mr_rereg_mem_cleanup)kernel(mlx4_mr_rereg_mem_write)kernel(mlx4_mtt_addr)kernel(mlx4_mtt_cleanup)kernel(mlx4_mtt_init)kernel(mlx4_multicast_attach)kernel(mlx4_multicast_detach)kernel(mlx4_multicast_promisc_add)kernel(mlx4_multicast_promisc_remove)kernel(mlx4_mw_alloc)kernel(mlx4_mw_enable)kernel(mlx4_mw_free)kernel(mlx4_pd_alloc)kernel(mlx4_pd_free)kernel(mlx4_phys_to_slave_port)kernel(mlx4_phys_to_slaves_pport)kernel(mlx4_phys_to_slaves_pport_actv)kernel(mlx4_port_map_set)kernel(mlx4_put_slave_node_guid)kernel(mlx4_qp_alloc)kernel(mlx4_qp_free)kernel(mlx4_qp_modify)kernel(mlx4_qp_query)kernel(mlx4_qp_release_range)kernel(mlx4_qp_remove)kernel(mlx4_qp_reserve_range)kernel(mlx4_qp_to_ready)kernel(mlx4_query_diag_counters)kernel(mlx4_read_clock)kernel(mlx4_register_interface)kernel(mlx4_register_mac)kernel(mlx4_register_vlan)kernel(mlx4_release_eq)kernel(mlx4_replace_zero_macs)kernel(mlx4_set_admin_guid)kernel(mlx4_set_vf_link_state)kernel(mlx4_set_vf_mac)kernel(mlx4_set_vf_rate)kernel(mlx4_set_vf_spoofchk)kernel(mlx4_set_vf_vlan)kernel(mlx4_slave_convert_port)kernel(mlx4_srq_alloc)kernel(mlx4_srq_arm)kernel(mlx4_srq_free)kernel(mlx4_srq_lookup)kernel(mlx4_srq_query)kernel(mlx4_sync_pkey_table)kernel(mlx4_test_async)kernel(mlx4_test_interrupt)kernel(mlx4_tunnel_steer_add)kernel(mlx4_uar_alloc)kernel(mlx4_uar_free)kernel(mlx4_unbond)kernel(mlx4_unicast_attach)kernel(mlx4_unicast_detach)kernel(mlx4_unicast_promisc_add)kernel(mlx4_unicast_promisc_remove)kernel(mlx4_unregister_interface)kernel(mlx4_unregister_mac)kernel(mlx4_unregister_vlan)kernel(mlx4_update_qp)kernel(mlx4_vf_get_enable_smi_admin)kernel(mlx4_vf_set_enable_smi_admin)kernel(mlx4_vf_smi_enabled)kernel(mlx4_wol_read)kernel(mlx4_wol_write)kernel(mlx4_write_mtt)kernel(mlx4_xrcd_alloc)kernel(mlx4_xrcd_free)kernel(mlx5_add_flow_rules)kernel(mlx5_alloc_bfreg)kernel(mlx5_buf_alloc)kernel(mlx5_buf_free)kernel(mlx5_cmd_alloc_uar)kernel(mlx5_cmd_cleanup)kernel(mlx5_cmd_comp_handler)kernel(mlx5_cmd_create_vport_lag)kernel(mlx5_cmd_destroy_vport_lag)kernel(mlx5_cmd_exec)kernel(mlx5_cmd_exec_cb)kernel(mlx5_cmd_free_uar)kernel(mlx5_cmd_init)kernel(mlx5_core_access_reg)kernel(mlx5_core_alloc_pd)kernel(mlx5_core_alloc_q_counter)kernel(mlx5_core_alloc_transport_domain)kernel(mlx5_core_arm_srq)kernel(mlx5_core_attach_mcg)kernel(mlx5_core_create_cq)kernel(mlx5_core_create_mkey)kernel(mlx5_core_create_mkey_cb)kernel(mlx5_core_create_psv)kernel(mlx5_core_create_qp)kernel(mlx5_core_create_rq)kernel(mlx5_core_create_rq_tracked)kernel(mlx5_core_create_rqt)kernel(mlx5_core_create_sq_tracked)kernel(mlx5_core_create_srq)kernel(mlx5_core_create_tir)kernel(mlx5_core_create_tis)kernel(mlx5_core_dealloc_pd)kernel(mlx5_core_dealloc_q_counter)kernel(mlx5_core_dealloc_transport_domain)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_cq)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_mkey)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_psv)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_qp)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_rq)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_rq_tracked)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_rqt)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_sq_tracked)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_srq)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_tir)kernel(mlx5_core_destroy_tis)kernel(mlx5_core_detach_mcg)kernel(mlx5_core_dump_fill_mkey)kernel(mlx5_core_eq_query)kernel(mlx5_core_get_srq)kernel(mlx5_core_mad_ifc)kernel(mlx5_core_modify_cq)kernel(mlx5_core_modify_cq_moderation)kernel(mlx5_core_modify_hca_vport_context)kernel(mlx5_core_modify_rq)kernel(mlx5_core_modify_sq)kernel(mlx5_core_modify_tis)kernel(mlx5_core_page_fault_resume)kernel(mlx5_core_qp_modify)kernel(mlx5_core_qp_query)kernel(mlx5_core_query_cq)kernel(mlx5_core_query_ib_ppcnt)kernel(mlx5_core_query_mkey)kernel(mlx5_core_query_q_counter)kernel(mlx5_core_query_rq)kernel(mlx5_core_query_sq)kernel(mlx5_core_query_srq)kernel(mlx5_core_query_vendor_id)kernel(mlx5_core_query_vport_counter)kernel(mlx5_core_reserved_gids_count)kernel(mlx5_core_roce_gid_set)kernel(mlx5_core_set_delay_drop)kernel(mlx5_core_xrcd_alloc)kernel(mlx5_core_xrcd_dealloc)kernel(mlx5_create_auto_grouped_flow_table)kernel(mlx5_create_lag_demux_flow_table)kernel(mlx5_create_map_eq)kernel(mlx5_db_alloc)kernel(mlx5_db_alloc_node)kernel(mlx5_db_free)kernel(mlx5_debugfs_root)kernel(mlx5_del_flow_rules)kernel(mlx5_destroy_flow_table)kernel(mlx5_destroy_unmap_eq)kernel(mlx5_fill_page_array)kernel(mlx5_fill_page_frag_array)kernel(mlx5_free_bfreg)kernel(mlx5_fs_add_rx_underlay_qpn)kernel(mlx5_fs_remove_rx_underlay_qpn)kernel(mlx5_get_flow_namespace)kernel(mlx5_get_protocol_dev)kernel(mlx5_get_uars_page)kernel(mlx5_lag_get_roce_netdev)kernel(mlx5_lag_is_active)kernel(mlx5_modify_nic_vport_mac_address)kernel(mlx5_modify_nic_vport_mac_list)kernel(mlx5_modify_nic_vport_mtu)kernel(mlx5_modify_nic_vport_promisc)kernel(mlx5_modify_nic_vport_vlans)kernel(mlx5_modify_port_ets_rate_limit)kernel(mlx5_modify_vport_admin_state)kernel(mlx5_nic_vport_disable_roce)kernel(mlx5_nic_vport_enable_roce)kernel(mlx5_nic_vport_query_local_lb)kernel(mlx5_nic_vport_update_local_lb)kernel(mlx5_put_uars_page)kernel(mlx5_query_hca_vport_context)kernel(mlx5_query_hca_vport_gid)kernel(mlx5_query_hca_vport_node_guid)kernel(mlx5_query_hca_vport_pkey)kernel(mlx5_query_hca_vport_system_image_guid)kernel(mlx5_query_min_inline)kernel(mlx5_query_module_eeprom)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_mac_address)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_mac_list)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_min_inline)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_mtu)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_node_guid)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_promisc)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_qkey_viol_cntr)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_system_image_guid)kernel(mlx5_query_nic_vport_vlans)kernel(mlx5_query_port_admin_status)kernel(mlx5_query_port_autoneg)kernel(mlx5_query_port_eth_proto_oper)kernel(mlx5_query_port_ets_rate_limit)kernel(mlx5_query_port_ib_proto_oper)kernel(mlx5_query_port_link_width_oper)kernel(mlx5_query_port_max_mtu)kernel(mlx5_query_port_oper_mtu)kernel(mlx5_query_port_pause)kernel(mlx5_query_port_pfc)kernel(mlx5_query_port_prio_tc)kernel(mlx5_query_port_proto_admin)kernel(mlx5_query_port_proto_cap)kernel(mlx5_query_port_ptys)kernel(mlx5_query_port_tc_bw_alloc)kernel(mlx5_query_port_tc_group)kernel(mlx5_query_port_vl_hw_cap)kernel(mlx5_query_port_wol)kernel(mlx5_query_vport_admin_state)kernel(mlx5_query_vport_state)kernel(mlx5_rdma_netdev_alloc)kernel(mlx5_rdma_netdev_free)kernel(mlx5_register_interface)kernel(mlx5_rl_add_rate)kernel(mlx5_rl_is_in_range)kernel(mlx5_rl_remove_rate)kernel(mlx5_set_port_admin_status)kernel(mlx5_set_port_caps)kernel(mlx5_set_port_mtu)kernel(mlx5_set_port_pause)kernel(mlx5_set_port_pfc)kernel(mlx5_set_port_prio_tc)kernel(mlx5_set_port_ptys)kernel(mlx5_set_port_tc_bw_alloc)kernel(mlx5_set_port_tc_group)kernel(mlx5_set_port_wol)kernel(mlx5_toggle_port_link)kernel(mlx5_unregister_interface)kernel(mlx5_vector2eqn)kernel(mlxfw_firmware_flash)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_append_counter)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_append_drop)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_append_fid_set)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_append_fwd)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_append_trap)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_append_vlan_modify)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_commit)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_continue)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_create)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_destroy)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_first_set)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_first_set_kvdl_index)kernel(mlxsw_afa_block_jump)kernel(mlxsw_afa_create)kernel(mlxsw_afa_destroy)kernel(mlxsw_afk_create)kernel(mlxsw_afk_destroy)kernel(mlxsw_afk_encode)kernel(mlxsw_afk_key_info_block_encoding_get)kernel(mlxsw_afk_key_info_blocks_count_get)kernel(mlxsw_afk_key_info_get)kernel(mlxsw_afk_key_info_put)kernel(mlxsw_afk_key_info_subset)kernel(mlxsw_afk_values_add_buf)kernel(mlxsw_afk_values_add_u32)kernel(mlxsw_cmd_exec)kernel(mlxsw_core_bus_device_register)kernel(mlxsw_core_bus_device_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_core_driver_priv)kernel(mlxsw_core_driver_register)kernel(mlxsw_core_driver_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_core_event_listener_register)kernel(mlxsw_core_event_listener_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_core_flush_owq)kernel(mlxsw_core_lag_mapping_clear)kernel(mlxsw_core_lag_mapping_get)kernel(mlxsw_core_lag_mapping_set)kernel(mlxsw_core_max_ports)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_clear)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_driver_priv)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_eth_set)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_fini)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_ib_set)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_init)kernel(mlxsw_core_port_type_get)kernel(mlxsw_core_res_get)kernel(mlxsw_core_res_valid)kernel(mlxsw_core_rx_listener_register)kernel(mlxsw_core_rx_listener_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_core_schedule_dw)kernel(mlxsw_core_schedule_work)kernel(mlxsw_core_skb_receive)kernel(mlxsw_core_skb_transmit)kernel(mlxsw_core_skb_transmit_busy)kernel(mlxsw_core_trap_register)kernel(mlxsw_core_trap_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_i2c_driver_register)kernel(mlxsw_i2c_driver_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_pci_driver_register)kernel(mlxsw_pci_driver_unregister)kernel(mlxsw_reg_query)kernel(mlxsw_reg_trans_bulk_wait)kernel(mlxsw_reg_trans_query)kernel(mlxsw_reg_trans_write)kernel(mlxsw_reg_write)kernel(mm_kobj)kernel(mm_track_exit)kernel(mm_track_init)kernel(mm_tracking_struct)kernel(mmc_abort_tuning)kernel(mmc_add_host)kernel(mmc_align_data_size)kernel(mmc_alloc_host)kernel(mmc_app_cmd)kernel(mmc_calc_max_discard)kernel(mmc_can_discard)kernel(mmc_can_erase)kernel(mmc_can_gpio_cd)kernel(mmc_can_reset)kernel(mmc_can_sanitize)kernel(mmc_can_secure_erase_trim)kernel(mmc_can_trim)kernel(mmc_cleanup_queue)kernel(mmc_command_done)kernel(mmc_detect_card_removed)kernel(mmc_detect_change)kernel(mmc_erase)kernel(mmc_erase_group_aligned)kernel(mmc_fixup_device)kernel(mmc_flush_cache)kernel(mmc_free_host)kernel(mmc_get_card)kernel(mmc_get_ext_csd)kernel(mmc_gpio_get_cd)kernel(mmc_gpio_get_ro)kernel(mmc_gpio_request_cd)kernel(mmc_gpio_request_ro)kernel(mmc_gpio_set_cd_isr)kernel(mmc_gpiod_request_cd)kernel(mmc_gpiod_request_cd_irq)kernel(mmc_gpiod_request_ro)kernel(mmc_hw_reset)kernel(mmc_interrupt_hpi)kernel(mmc_is_req_done)kernel(mmc_of_parse)kernel(mmc_power_restore_host)kernel(mmc_power_save_host)kernel(mmc_put_card)kernel(mmc_read_bkops_status)kernel(mmc_register_driver)kernel(mmc_regulator_get_supply)kernel(mmc_release_host)kernel(mmc_remove_host)kernel(mmc_request_done)kernel(mmc_retune_pause)kernel(mmc_retune_timer_stop)kernel(mmc_retune_unpause)kernel(mmc_send_tuning)kernel(mmc_set_blockcount)kernel(mmc_set_blocklen)kernel(mmc_set_data_timeout)kernel(mmc_start_bkops)kernel(mmc_start_req)kernel(mmc_stop_bkops)kernel(mmc_switch)kernel(mmc_unregister_driver)kernel(mmc_vddrange_to_ocrmask)kernel(mmc_wait_for_app_cmd)kernel(mmc_wait_for_cmd)kernel(mmc_wait_for_req)kernel(mmc_wait_for_req_done)kernel(mmput)kernel(mmu_notifier_call_srcu)kernel(mmu_notifier_register)kernel(mmu_notifier_register_rhel7)kernel(mmu_notifier_synchronize)kernel(mmu_notifier_unregister)kernel(mmu_notifier_unregister_no_release)kernel(mmu_notifier_unregister_rhel7)kernel(mnt_clone_write)kernel(mnt_drop_write)kernel(mnt_drop_write_file)kernel(mnt_set_expiry)kernel(mnt_want_write)kernel(mnt_want_write_file)kernel(mntget)kernel(mntput)kernel(mod_delayed_work_on)kernel(mod_timer)kernel(mod_timer_pending)kernel(mod_timer_pinned)kernel(mod_zone_page_state)kernel(modify_user_hw_breakpoint)kernel(module_layout)kernel(module_mutex)kernel(module_put)kernel(module_refcount)kernel(monotonic_to_bootbased)kernel(mount_bdev)kernel(mount_mtd)kernel(mount_nodev)kernel(mount_ns)kernel(mount_pseudo)kernel(mount_single)kernel(mount_subtree)kernel(movable_zone)kernel(mpage_readpage)kernel(mpage_readpages)kernel(mpage_writepage)kernel(mpage_writepages)kernel(mpi_alloc)kernel(mpi_cmp)kernel(mpi_cmp_ui)kernel(mpi_free)kernel(mpi_get_buffer)kernel(mpi_get_nbits)kernel(mpi_powm)kernel(mpi_read_buffer)kernel(mpi_read_from_buffer)kernel(mpi_read_raw_data)kernel(mpi_read_raw_from_sgl)kernel(mpi_set_buffer)kernel(mpi_write_to_sgl)kernel(mpt_GetIocState)kernel(mpt_HardResetHandler)kernel(mpt_Soft_Hard_ResetHandler)kernel(mpt_alloc_fw_memory)kernel(mpt_attach)kernel(mpt_clear_taskmgmt_in_progress_flag)kernel(mpt_config)kernel(mpt_deregister)kernel(mpt_detach)kernel(mpt_device_driver_deregister)kernel(mpt_device_driver_register)kernel(mpt_event_deregister)kernel(mpt_event_register)kernel(mpt_findImVolumes)kernel(mpt_free_fw_memory)kernel(mpt_free_msg_frame)kernel(mpt_fwfault_debug)kernel(mpt_get_msg_frame)kernel(mpt_halt_firmware)kernel(mpt_print_ioc_summary)kernel(mpt_put_msg_frame)kernel(mpt_put_msg_frame_hi_pri)kernel(mpt_raid_phys_disk_get_num_paths)kernel(mpt_raid_phys_disk_pg0)kernel(mpt_raid_phys_disk_pg1)kernel(mpt_register)kernel(mpt_reset_deregister)kernel(mpt_reset_register)kernel(mpt_resume)kernel(mpt_send_handshake_request)kernel(mpt_set_taskmgmt_in_progress_flag)kernel(mpt_suspend)kernel(mpt_verify_adapter)kernel(mptbase_sas_persist_operation)kernel(mptscsih_IssueTaskMgmt)kernel(mptscsih_abort)kernel(mptscsih_bios_param)kernel(mptscsih_bus_reset)kernel(mptscsih_change_queue_depth)kernel(mptscsih_dev_reset)kernel(mptscsih_event_process)kernel(mptscsih_flush_running_cmds)kernel(mptscsih_get_scsi_lookup)kernel(mptscsih_host_attrs)kernel(mptscsih_host_reset)kernel(mptscsih_info)kernel(mptscsih_io_done)kernel(mptscsih_ioc_reset)kernel(mptscsih_is_phys_disk)kernel(mptscsih_qcmd)kernel(mptscsih_raid_id_to_num)kernel(mptscsih_remove)kernel(mptscsih_resume)kernel(mptscsih_scandv_complete)kernel(mptscsih_show_info)kernel(mptscsih_shutdown)kernel(mptscsih_slave_configure)kernel(mptscsih_slave_destroy)kernel(mptscsih_suspend)kernel(mptscsih_taskmgmt_complete)kernel(mptscsih_taskmgmt_response_code)kernel(mrp_init_applicant)kernel(mrp_register_application)kernel(mrp_request_join)kernel(mrp_request_leave)kernel(mrp_uninit_applicant)kernel(mrp_unregister_application)kernel(ms_hyperv)kernel(msecs_to_jiffies)kernel(msleep)kernel(msleep_interruptible)kernel(msrs_alloc)kernel(msrs_free)kernel(mt2060_attach)kernel(mt2063_attach)kernel(mt2131_attach)kernel(mt2266_attach)kernel(mt312_attach)kernel(mt352_attach)kernel(mtd_add_partition)kernel(mtd_blktrans_cease_background)kernel(mtd_block_isbad)kernel(mtd_block_markbad)kernel(mtd_concat_create)kernel(mtd_concat_destroy)kernel(mtd_del_partition)kernel(mtd_device_parse_register)kernel(mtd_device_unregister)kernel(mtd_erase)kernel(mtd_erase_callback)kernel(mtd_get_device_size)kernel(mtd_get_fact_prot_info)kernel(mtd_get_unmapped_area)kernel(mtd_get_user_prot_info)kernel(mtd_is_locked)kernel(mtd_is_partition)kernel(mtd_kmalloc_up_to)kernel(mtd_lock)kernel(mtd_lock_user_prot_reg)kernel(mtd_panic_write)kernel(mtd_point)kernel(mtd_read)kernel(mtd_read_fact_prot_reg)kernel(mtd_read_oob)kernel(mtd_read_user_prot_reg)kernel(mtd_table_mutex)kernel(mtd_unlock)kernel(mtd_unpoint)kernel(mtd_write)kernel(mtd_write_user_prot_reg)kernel(mtd_writev)kernel(mtrr_add)kernel(mtrr_del)kernel(mtrr_state)kernel(mult_to_ib_rate)kernel(mutex_lock)kernel(mutex_lock_interruptible)kernel(mutex_lock_killable)kernel(mutex_trylock)kernel(mutex_unlock)kernel(mwifiex_add_card)kernel(mwifiex_add_virtual_intf)kernel(mwifiex_alloc_dma_align_buf)kernel(mwifiex_cancel_hs)kernel(mwifiex_deauthenticate_all)kernel(mwifiex_del_virtual_intf)kernel(mwifiex_disable_auto_ds)kernel(mwifiex_dnld_fw)kernel(mwifiex_drv_info_dump)kernel(mwifiex_enable_hs)kernel(mwifiex_handle_rx_packet)kernel(mwifiex_init_shutdown_fw)kernel(mwifiex_main_process)kernel(mwifiex_multi_chan_resync)kernel(mwifiex_process_hs_config)kernel(mwifiex_process_sleep_confirm_resp)kernel(mwifiex_queue_main_work)kernel(mwifiex_reinit_sw)kernel(mwifiex_remove_card)kernel(mwifiex_shutdown_sw)kernel(mwifiex_upload_device_dump)kernel(mwifiex_write_data_complete)kernel(mxcsr_feature_mask)kernel(mxl111sf_demod_attach)kernel(mxl111sf_tuner_attach)kernel(mxl5005s_attach)kernel(mxl5007t_attach)kernel(mxm_wmi_call_mxds)kernel(mxm_wmi_call_mxmx)kernel(mxm_wmi_supported)kernel(n_tty_compat_ioctl_helper)kernel(n_tty_inherit_ops)kernel(n_tty_ioctl_helper)kernel(name_to_dev_t)kernel(names_cachep)kernel(napi_alloc_frag)kernel(napi_complete)kernel(napi_complete_done)kernel(napi_consume_skb)kernel(napi_disable)kernel(napi_get_frags)kernel(napi_gro_flush)kernel(napi_gro_frags)kernel(napi_gro_receive)kernel(napi_hash_add)kernel(napi_hash_del)kernel(napi_schedule_prep)kernel(nat_callforwarding_hook)kernel(nat_h245_hook)kernel(nat_q931_hook)kernel(nat_rtp_rtcp_hook)kernel(nat_t120_hook)kernel(native_io_delay)kernel(native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath)kernel(native_read_tsc)kernel(nau8825_enable_jack_detect)kernel(nd_blk_region_provider_data)kernel(nd_blk_region_set_provider_data)kernel(nd_blk_region_to_dimm)kernel(nd_btt_arena_is_valid)kernel(nd_btt_probe)kernel(nd_btt_version)kernel(nd_cmd_bus_desc)kernel(nd_cmd_dimm_desc)kernel(nd_cmd_in_size)kernel(nd_cmd_out_size)kernel(nd_dax_probe)kernel(nd_dev_to_uuid)kernel(nd_device_attribute_group)kernel(nd_device_notify)kernel(nd_device_register)kernel(nd_device_unregister)kernel(nd_fletcher64)kernel(nd_integrity_init)kernel(nd_mapping_attribute_group)kernel(nd_namespace_blk_validate)kernel(nd_numa_attribute_group)kernel(nd_pfn_probe)kernel(nd_pfn_validate)kernel(nd_region_acquire_lane)kernel(nd_region_attribute_group)kernel(nd_region_provider_data)kernel(nd_region_release_lane)kernel(nd_region_to_nstype)kernel(nd_sb_checksum)kernel(nd_synchronize)kernel(nd_tbl)kernel(ndisc_mc_map)kernel(ndo_dflt_bridge_getlink)kernel(ndo_dflt_fdb_add)kernel(ndo_dflt_fdb_del)kernel(ndo_dflt_fdb_dump)kernel(need_conntrack)kernel(need_ipv4_conntrack)kernel(need_load_eval)kernel(neigh_app_ns)kernel(neigh_changeaddr)kernel(neigh_compat_output)kernel(neigh_connected_output)kernel(neigh_destroy)kernel(neigh_direct_output)kernel(neigh_event_ns)kernel(neigh_for_each)kernel(neigh_ifdown)kernel(neigh_lookup)kernel(neigh_lookup_nodev)kernel(neigh_parms_alloc)kernel(neigh_parms_release)kernel(neigh_proc_dointvec)kernel(neigh_proc_dointvec_jiffies)kernel(neigh_proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies)kernel(neigh_rand_reach_time)kernel(neigh_resolve_output)kernel(neigh_seq_next)kernel(neigh_seq_start)kernel(neigh_seq_stop)kernel(neigh_sysctl_register)kernel(neigh_sysctl_unregister)kernel(neigh_table_clear)kernel(neigh_table_init)kernel(neigh_update)kernel(net_dec_egress_queue)kernel(net_dec_ingress_queue)kernel(net_disable_timestamp)kernel(net_dma_find_channel)kernel(net_enable_timestamp)kernel(net_inc_egress_queue)kernel(net_inc_ingress_queue)kernel(net_msg_warn)kernel(net_namespace_list)kernel(net_ns_type_operations)kernel(net_ratelimit)kernel(netdev_adjacent_get_private)kernel(netdev_alert)kernel(netdev_all_lower_get_next)kernel(netdev_all_lower_get_next_rcu)kernel(netdev_all_upper_get_next_dev_rcu)kernel(netdev_alloc_frag)kernel(netdev_bonding_info_change)kernel(netdev_boot_setup_check)kernel(netdev_change_features)kernel(netdev_class_create_file_ns)kernel(netdev_class_remove_file_ns)kernel(netdev_crit)kernel(netdev_default_l2upper_neigh_construct)kernel(netdev_default_l2upper_neigh_destroy)kernel(netdev_emerg)kernel(netdev_err)kernel(netdev_features_change)kernel(netdev_has_any_upper_dev)kernel(netdev_has_upper_dev)kernel(netdev_has_upper_dev_all_rcu)kernel(netdev_increment_features)kernel(netdev_info)kernel(netdev_is_rx_handler_busy)kernel(netdev_lower_dev_get_private)kernel(netdev_lower_dev_get_private_rcu)kernel(netdev_lower_get_first_private_rcu)kernel(netdev_lower_get_next)kernel(netdev_lower_get_next_private)kernel(netdev_lower_get_next_private_rcu)kernel(netdev_lower_state_changed)kernel(netdev_master_upper_dev_get)kernel(netdev_master_upper_dev_get_rcu)kernel(netdev_master_upper_dev_link)kernel(netdev_master_upper_dev_link_rh)kernel(netdev_max_backlog)kernel(netdev_notice)kernel(netdev_notify_peers)kernel(netdev_printk)kernel(netdev_refcnt_read)kernel(netdev_rss_key_fill)kernel(netdev_rx_csum_fault)kernel(netdev_rx_handler_register)kernel(netdev_rx_handler_unregister)kernel(netdev_set_default_ethtool_ops)kernel(netdev_state_change)kernel(netdev_stats_to_stats64)kernel(netdev_update_features)kernel(netdev_upper_dev_link)kernel(netdev_upper_dev_unlink)kernel(netdev_upper_get_next_dev_rcu)kernel(netdev_walk_all_lower_dev)kernel(netdev_walk_all_lower_dev_rcu)kernel(netdev_walk_all_upper_dev_rcu)kernel(netdev_warn)kernel(netif_carrier_off)kernel(netif_carrier_on)kernel(netif_device_attach)kernel(netif_device_detach)kernel(netif_get_num_default_rss_queues)kernel(netif_napi_add)kernel(netif_napi_del)kernel(netif_receive_skb)kernel(netif_rx)kernel(netif_rx_ni)kernel(netif_schedule_queue)kernel(netif_set_real_num_rx_queues)kernel(netif_set_real_num_tx_queues)kernel(netif_set_xps_queue)kernel(netif_skb_features)kernel(netif_stacked_transfer_operstate)kernel(netif_tx_wake_queue)kernel(netif_wake_subqueue)kernel(netlink_ack)kernel(netlink_add_tap)kernel(netlink_alloc_skb)kernel(netlink_broadcast)kernel(netlink_broadcast_filtered)kernel(netlink_capable)kernel(netlink_has_listeners)kernel(netlink_kernel_release)kernel(netlink_net_capable)kernel(netlink_ns_capable)kernel(netlink_rcv_skb)kernel(netlink_register_notifier)kernel(netlink_remove_tap)kernel(netlink_set_err)kernel(netlink_unicast)kernel(netlink_unregister_notifier)kernel(netpoll_cleanup)kernel(netpoll_parse_options)kernel(netpoll_print_options)kernel(netpoll_rx_disable)kernel(netpoll_rx_enable)kernel(netpoll_send_skb_on_dev)kernel(netpoll_send_udp)kernel(netpoll_setup)kernel(netpoll_trap)kernel(new_inode)kernel(nf_afinfo)kernel(nf_br_ops)kernel(nf_connlabel_set)kernel(nf_connlabels_get)kernel(nf_connlabels_put)kernel(nf_connlabels_replace)kernel(nf_conntrack_alloc)kernel(nf_conntrack_alter_reply)kernel(nf_conntrack_broadcast_help)kernel(nf_conntrack_destroy)kernel(nf_conntrack_expect_lock)kernel(nf_conntrack_find_get)kernel(nf_conntrack_flush_report)kernel(nf_conntrack_free)kernel(nf_conntrack_get_ht)kernel(nf_conntrack_hash_check_insert)kernel(nf_conntrack_hash_rnd)kernel(nf_conntrack_helper_register)kernel(nf_conntrack_helper_try_module_get)kernel(nf_conntrack_helper_unregister)kernel(nf_conntrack_htable_size)kernel(nf_conntrack_in)kernel(nf_conntrack_l3proto_generic)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_dccp4)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_dccp6)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_sctp4)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_sctp6)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_tcp4)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_tcp6)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp4)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp6)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_udplite4)kernel(nf_conntrack_l4proto_udplite6)kernel(nf_conntrack_locks)kernel(nf_conntrack_max)kernel(nf_conntrack_register_notifier)kernel(nf_conntrack_set_hashsize)kernel(nf_conntrack_tuple_taken)kernel(nf_conntrack_unregister_notifier)kernel(nf_ct_alloc_hashtable)kernel(nf_ct_attach)kernel(nf_ct_delete)kernel(nf_ct_deliver_cached_events)kernel(nf_ct_destroy)kernel(nf_ct_expect_alloc)kernel(nf_ct_expect_find_get)kernel(nf_ct_expect_hsize)kernel(nf_ct_expect_init)kernel(nf_ct_expect_put)kernel(nf_ct_expect_register_notifier)kernel(nf_ct_expect_related_report)kernel(nf_ct_expect_unregister_notifier)kernel(nf_ct_extend_register)kernel(nf_ct_extend_unregister)kernel(nf_ct_frag6_consume_orig)kernel(nf_ct_frag6_gather)kernel(nf_ct_free_hashtable)kernel(nf_ct_get_tuple)kernel(nf_ct_get_tuplepr)kernel(nf_ct_gre_keymap_add)kernel(nf_ct_gre_keymap_destroy)kernel(nf_ct_gre_keymap_flush)kernel(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_name)kernel(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_find_by_symbol)kernel(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_register)kernel(nf_ct_helper_expectfn_unregister)kernel(nf_ct_helper_ext_add)kernel(nf_ct_helper_hash)kernel(nf_ct_helper_hsize)kernel(nf_ct_helper_log)kernel(nf_ct_invert_tuple)kernel(nf_ct_invert_tuplepr)kernel(nf_ct_iterate_cleanup)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_find_get)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_module_put)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_pernet_register)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_pernet_unregister)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_put)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_register)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_try_module_get)kernel(nf_ct_l3proto_unregister)kernel(nf_ct_l3protos)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_find_get)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_pernet_register)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_pernet_register_one)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_pernet_unregister)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_pernet_unregister_one)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_put)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_register)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_register_one)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_unregister)kernel(nf_ct_l4proto_unregister_one)kernel(nf_ct_nat_ext_add)kernel(nf_ct_port_nla_policy)kernel(nf_ct_port_nlattr_to_tuple)kernel(nf_ct_port_nlattr_tuple_size)kernel(nf_ct_port_tuple_to_nlattr)kernel(nf_ct_remove_expectations)kernel(nf_ct_seq_adjust)kernel(nf_ct_seq_offset)kernel(nf_ct_seqadj_init)kernel(nf_ct_seqadj_set)kernel(nf_ct_tcp_seqadj_set)kernel(nf_ct_timeout_find_get_hook)kernel(nf_ct_timeout_put_hook)kernel(nf_ct_tmpl_alloc)kernel(nf_ct_tmpl_free)kernel(nf_ct_unexpect_related)kernel(nf_ct_unlink_expect_report)kernel(nf_ct_zone_dflt)kernel(nf_defrag_ipv4_enable)kernel(nf_defrag_ipv6_enable)kernel(nf_dup_ipv4)kernel(nf_dup_ipv6)kernel(nf_getsockopt)kernel(nf_hook_slow)kernel(nf_hooks)kernel(nf_hooks_needed)kernel(nf_ip6_checksum)kernel(nf_ip_checksum)kernel(nf_ipv6_ops)kernel(nf_log_bind_pf)kernel(nf_log_buf_add)kernel(nf_log_buf_close)kernel(nf_log_buf_open)kernel(nf_log_dump_packet_common)kernel(nf_log_dump_sk_uid_gid)kernel(nf_log_dump_tcp_header)kernel(nf_log_dump_udp_header)kernel(nf_log_packet)kernel(nf_log_register)kernel(nf_log_set)kernel(nf_log_trace)kernel(nf_log_unbind_pf)kernel(nf_log_unregister)kernel(nf_log_unset)kernel(nf_logger_find_get)kernel(nf_logger_put)kernel(nf_logger_request_module)kernel(nf_nat_alloc_null_binding)kernel(nf_nat_amanda_hook)kernel(nf_nat_decode_session_hook)kernel(nf_nat_follow_master)kernel(nf_nat_ftp_hook)kernel(nf_nat_icmp_reply_translation)kernel(nf_nat_icmpv6_reply_translation)kernel(nf_nat_ipv4_fn)kernel(nf_nat_ipv4_in)kernel(nf_nat_ipv4_local_fn)kernel(nf_nat_ipv4_out)kernel(nf_nat_ipv6_fn)kernel(nf_nat_ipv6_in)kernel(nf_nat_ipv6_local_fn)kernel(nf_nat_ipv6_out)kernel(nf_nat_irc_hook)kernel(nf_nat_l3proto_register)kernel(nf_nat_l3proto_unregister)kernel(nf_nat_l4proto_in_range)kernel(nf_nat_l4proto_nlattr_to_range)kernel(nf_nat_l4proto_register)kernel(nf_nat_l4proto_unique_tuple)kernel(nf_nat_l4proto_unregister)kernel(nf_nat_mangle_udp_packet)kernel(nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4)kernel(nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4_register_notifier)kernel(nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4_unregister_notifier)kernel(nf_nat_masquerade_ipv6)kernel(nf_nat_masquerade_ipv6_register_notifier)kernel(nf_nat_masquerade_ipv6_unregister_notifier)kernel(nf_nat_need_gre)kernel(nf_nat_packet)kernel(nf_nat_pptp_hook_exp_gre)kernel(nf_nat_pptp_hook_expectfn)kernel(nf_nat_pptp_hook_inbound)kernel(nf_nat_pptp_hook_outbound)kernel(nf_nat_redirect_ipv4)kernel(nf_nat_redirect_ipv6)kernel(nf_nat_sdp_addr_hook)kernel(nf_nat_sdp_media_hook)kernel(nf_nat_sdp_port_hook)kernel(nf_nat_sdp_session_hook)kernel(nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook)kernel(nf_nat_setup_info)kernel(nf_nat_sip_expect_hook)kernel(nf_nat_sip_hook)kernel(nf_nat_sip_seq_adjust_hook)kernel(nf_nat_snmp_hook)kernel(nf_nat_tftp_hook)kernel(nf_nat_used_tuple)kernel(nf_queue_entry_get_refs)kernel(nf_queue_entry_release_refs)kernel(nf_register_afinfo)kernel(nf_register_hook)kernel(nf_register_hooks)kernel(nf_register_queue_handler)kernel(nf_register_sockopt)kernel(nf_reinject)kernel(nf_reject_ip6_tcphdr_get)kernel(nf_reject_ip6_tcphdr_put)kernel(nf_reject_ip6hdr_put)kernel(nf_reject_ip_tcphdr_get)kernel(nf_reject_ip_tcphdr_put)kernel(nf_reject_iphdr_put)kernel(nf_send_reset)kernel(nf_send_reset6)kernel(nf_send_unreach)kernel(nf_send_unreach6)kernel(nf_setsockopt)kernel(nf_skb_duplicated)kernel(nf_unregister_afinfo)kernel(nf_unregister_hook)kernel(nf_unregister_hooks)kernel(nf_unregister_queue_handler)kernel(nf_unregister_sockopt)kernel(nf_xfrm_me_harder)kernel(nfnetlink_has_listeners)kernel(nfnetlink_parse_nat_setup_hook)kernel(nfnetlink_send)kernel(nfnetlink_set_err)kernel(nfnetlink_subsys_register)kernel(nfnetlink_subsys_unregister)kernel(nfnetlink_unicast)kernel(nfnl_acct_find_get)kernel(nfnl_acct_put)kernel(nfnl_acct_update)kernel(nfnl_lock)kernel(nfnl_unlock)kernel(nforce2_smbus)kernel(nfq_ct_hook)kernel(nfq_ct_nat_hook)kernel(nfs3_set_ds_client)kernel(nfs40_setup_sequence)kernel(nfs41_maxgetdevinfo_overhead)kernel(nfs41_sequence_done)kernel(nfs41_setup_sequence)kernel(nfs4_acl_get_whotype)kernel(nfs4_acl_nfsv4_to_posix)kernel(nfs4_acl_posix_to_nfsv4)kernel(nfs4_acl_write_who)kernel(nfs4_client_id_uniquifier)kernel(nfs4_decode_mp_ds_addr)kernel(nfs4_delete_deviceid)kernel(nfs4_dentry_operations)kernel(nfs4_disable_idmapping)kernel(nfs4_find_get_deviceid)kernel(nfs4_find_or_create_ds_client)kernel(nfs4_fs_type)kernel(nfs4_init_deviceid_node)kernel(nfs4_init_ds_session)kernel(nfs4_label_alloc)kernel(nfs4_mark_deviceid_unavailable)kernel(nfs4_pnfs_ds_add)kernel(nfs4_pnfs_ds_connect)kernel(nfs4_pnfs_ds_put)kernel(nfs4_pnfs_v3_ds_connect_unload)kernel(nfs4_print_deviceid)kernel(nfs4_proc_getdeviceinfo)kernel(nfs4_put_deviceid_node)kernel(nfs4_schedule_lease_moved_recovery)kernel(nfs4_schedule_lease_recovery)kernel(nfs4_schedule_migration_recovery)kernel(nfs4_schedule_session_recovery)kernel(nfs4_schedule_stateid_recovery)kernel(nfs4_sequence_done)kernel(nfs4_set_ds_client)kernel(nfs4_set_rw_stateid)kernel(nfs4_test_deviceid_unavailable)kernel(nfs4_test_session_trunk)kernel(nfs_access_add_cache)kernel(nfs_access_set_mask)kernel(nfs_access_zap_cache)kernel(nfs_alloc_client)kernel(nfs_alloc_fattr)kernel(nfs_alloc_fhandle)kernel(nfs_alloc_inode)kernel(nfs_alloc_server)kernel(nfs_async_iocounter_wait)kernel(nfs_atomic_open)kernel(nfs_auth_info_match)kernel(nfs_callback_set_tcpport)kernel(nfs_check_flags)kernel(nfs_clear_inode)kernel(nfs_client_init_is_complete)kernel(nfs_client_init_status)kernel(nfs_clone_sb_security)kernel(nfs_clone_server)kernel(nfs_close_context)kernel(nfs_commit_free)kernel(nfs_commit_inode)kernel(nfs_commitdata_alloc)kernel(nfs_commitdata_release)kernel(nfs_create)kernel(nfs_create_rpc_client)kernel(nfs_create_server)kernel(nfs_debug)kernel(nfs_dentry_operations)kernel(nfs_destroy_inode)kernel(nfs_do_submount)kernel(nfs_dreq_bytes_left)kernel(nfs_drop_inode)kernel(nfs_fattr_init)kernel(nfs_fhget)kernel(nfs_file_fsync_commit)kernel(nfs_file_llseek)kernel(nfs_file_mmap)kernel(nfs_file_operations)kernel(nfs_file_read)kernel(nfs_file_release)kernel(nfs_file_set_open_context)kernel(nfs_file_splice_read)kernel(nfs_file_splice_write)kernel(nfs_file_write)kernel(nfs_filemap_write_and_wait_range)kernel(nfs_fill_super)kernel(nfs_flock)kernel(nfs_force_lookup_revalidate)kernel(nfs_free_client)kernel(nfs_free_server)kernel(nfs_fs_mount)kernel(nfs_fs_mount_common)kernel(nfs_fs_type)kernel(nfs_fscache_open_file)kernel(nfs_generic_pg_test)kernel(nfs_generic_pgio)kernel(nfs_get_client)kernel(nfs_get_lock_context)kernel(nfs_getattr)kernel(nfs_idmap_cache_timeout)kernel(nfs_inc_attr_generation_counter)kernel(nfs_init_cinfo)kernel(nfs_init_client)kernel(nfs_init_commit)kernel(nfs_init_server_rpcclient)kernel(nfs_init_timeout_values)kernel(nfs_initiate_commit)kernel(nfs_initiate_pgio)kernel(nfs_inode_attach_open_context)kernel(nfs_instantiate)kernel(nfs_invalidate_atime)kernel(nfs_kill_super)kernel(nfs_link)kernel(nfs_lock)kernel(nfs_lookup)kernel(nfs_map_string_to_numeric)kernel(nfs_mark_client_ready)kernel(nfs_may_open)kernel(nfs_mkdir)kernel(nfs_mknod)kernel(nfs_net_id)kernel(nfs_pageio_init)kernel(nfs_pageio_init_read)kernel(nfs_pageio_init_write)kernel(nfs_pageio_resend)kernel(nfs_pageio_reset_read_mds)kernel(nfs_pageio_reset_write_mds)kernel(nfs_path)kernel(nfs_permission)kernel(nfs_pgheader_init)kernel(nfs_pgio_current_mirror)kernel(nfs_pgio_header_alloc)kernel(nfs_pgio_header_free)kernel(nfs_post_op_update_inode)kernel(nfs_post_op_update_inode_force_wcc)kernel(nfs_probe_fsinfo)kernel(nfs_put_client)kernel(nfs_put_lock_context)kernel(nfs_put_super)kernel(nfs_refresh_inode)kernel(nfs_remount)kernel(nfs_remove_bad_delegation)kernel(nfs_rename)kernel(nfs_request_add_commit_list)kernel(nfs_request_add_commit_list_locked)kernel(nfs_request_remove_commit_list)kernel(nfs_retry_commit)kernel(nfs_revalidate_inode)kernel(nfs_rmdir)kernel(nfs_sb_active)kernel(nfs_sb_deactive)kernel(nfs_server_copy_userdata)kernel(nfs_server_insert_lists)kernel(nfs_server_remove_lists)kernel(nfs_set_sb_security)kernel(nfs_setattr)kernel(nfs_setattr_update_inode)kernel(nfs_setlease)kernel(nfs_setsecurity)kernel(nfs_show_devname)kernel(nfs_show_options)kernel(nfs_show_path)kernel(nfs_show_stats)kernel(nfs_sops)kernel(nfs_statfs)kernel(nfs_submount)kernel(nfs_symlink)kernel(nfs_sync_inode)kernel(nfs_try_mount)kernel(nfs_umount_begin)kernel(nfs_unlink)kernel(nfs_wait_bit_killable)kernel(nfs_wait_client_init_complete)kernel(nfs_wb_all)kernel(nfs_write_inode)kernel(nfs_writeback_update_inode)kernel(nfs_zap_acl_cache)kernel(nfsacl_decode)kernel(nfsacl_encode)kernel(nfsd_debug)kernel(nfsiod_workqueue)kernel(nft_af_ipv4)kernel(nft_af_ipv6)kernel(nft_bridge_ip6hdr_validate)kernel(nft_bridge_iphdr_validate)kernel(nft_chain_validate_dependency)kernel(nft_chain_validate_hooks)kernel(nft_data_dump)kernel(nft_data_init)kernel(nft_data_uninit)kernel(nft_do_chain)kernel(nft_dump_register)kernel(nft_masq_dump)kernel(nft_masq_init)kernel(nft_masq_policy)kernel(nft_masq_validate)kernel(nft_meta_get_dump)kernel(nft_meta_get_eval)kernel(nft_meta_get_init)kernel(nft_meta_policy)kernel(nft_meta_set_destroy)kernel(nft_meta_set_dump)kernel(nft_meta_set_eval)kernel(nft_meta_set_init)kernel(nft_parse_register)kernel(nft_parse_u32_check)kernel(nft_redir_dump)kernel(nft_redir_init)kernel(nft_redir_policy)kernel(nft_redir_validate)kernel(nft_register_afinfo)kernel(nft_register_chain_type)kernel(nft_register_expr)kernel(nft_register_set)kernel(nft_reject_dump)kernel(nft_reject_icmp_code)kernel(nft_reject_icmpv6_code)kernel(nft_reject_init)kernel(nft_reject_policy)kernel(nft_set_elem_destroy)kernel(nft_set_ext_types)kernel(nft_set_gc_batch_alloc)kernel(nft_set_gc_batch_release)kernel(nft_trace_enabled)kernel(nft_unregister_afinfo)kernel(nft_unregister_chain_type)kernel(nft_unregister_expr)kernel(nft_unregister_set)kernel(nft_validate_register_load)kernel(nft_validate_register_store)kernel(nfulnl_log_packet)kernel(nl_table)kernel(nl_table_lock)kernel(nla_append)kernel(nla_find)kernel(nla_memcmp)kernel(nla_memcpy)kernel(nla_parse)kernel(nla_policy_len)kernel(nla_put)kernel(nla_put_64bit)kernel(nla_put_nohdr)kernel(nla_reserve)kernel(nla_reserve_64bit)kernel(nla_reserve_nohdr)kernel(nla_strcmp)kernel(nla_strlcpy)kernel(nla_validate)kernel(nlm_debug)kernel(nlmclnt_done)kernel(nlmclnt_init)kernel(nlmclnt_proc)kernel(nlmsg_notify)kernel(nlmsvc_ops)kernel(nlmsvc_unlock_all_by_ip)kernel(nlmsvc_unlock_all_by_sb)kernel(nmi_panic)kernel(no_llseek)kernel(no_pci_devices)kernel(no_seek_end_llseek)kernel(no_seek_end_llseek_size)kernel(nobh_truncate_page)kernel(nobh_write_begin)kernel(nobh_write_end)kernel(nobh_writepage)kernel(node_data)kernel(node_states)kernel(node_to_amd_nb)kernel(node_to_cpumask_map)kernel(nonseekable_open)kernel(noop_backing_dev_info)kernel(noop_fsync)kernel(noop_llseek)kernel(noop_qdisc)kernel(notify_change)kernel(notify_remote_via_irq)kernel(notify_wx_assoc_event)kernel(nr_cpu_ids)kernel(nr_free_buffer_pages)kernel(nr_irqs)kernel(nr_node_ids)kernel(nr_online_nodes)kernel(nr_swap_pages)kernel(ns_capable)kernel(ns_to_timespec)kernel(ns_to_timeval)kernel(nsecs_to_jiffies)kernel(nsecs_to_jiffies64)kernel(ntb_clear_ctx)kernel(ntb_db_event)kernel(ntb_link_event)kernel(ntb_register_device)kernel(ntb_set_ctx)kernel(ntb_transport_create_queue)kernel(ntb_transport_free_queue)kernel(ntb_transport_link_down)kernel(ntb_transport_link_query)kernel(ntb_transport_link_up)kernel(ntb_transport_max_size)kernel(ntb_transport_qp_num)kernel(ntb_transport_register_client)kernel(ntb_transport_register_client_dev)kernel(ntb_transport_rx_enqueue)kernel(ntb_transport_rx_remove)kernel(ntb_transport_tx_enqueue)kernel(ntb_transport_tx_free_entry)kernel(ntb_transport_unregister_client)kernel(ntb_transport_unregister_client_dev)kernel(ntb_unregister_client)kernel(ntb_unregister_device)kernel(num_physpages)kernel(num_registered_fb)kernel(numa_node)kernel(nvdimm_attribute_group)kernel(nvdimm_badblocks_populate)kernel(nvdimm_blk_region_create)kernel(nvdimm_bus_add_poison)kernel(nvdimm_bus_attribute_group)kernel(nvdimm_bus_check_dimm_count)kernel(nvdimm_bus_lock)kernel(nvdimm_bus_register)kernel(nvdimm_bus_unlock)kernel(nvdimm_bus_unregister)kernel(nvdimm_clear_poison)kernel(nvdimm_cmd_mask)kernel(nvdimm_create)kernel(nvdimm_flush)kernel(nvdimm_forget_poison)kernel(nvdimm_has_flush)kernel(nvdimm_kobj)kernel(nvdimm_name)kernel(nvdimm_namespace_attach_btt)kernel(nvdimm_namespace_capacity)kernel(nvdimm_namespace_common_probe)kernel(nvdimm_namespace_detach_btt)kernel(nvdimm_namespace_disk_name)kernel(nvdimm_pmem_region_create)kernel(nvdimm_provider_data)kernel(nvdimm_region_notify)kernel(nvdimm_revalidate_disk)kernel(nvdimm_setup_pfn)kernel(nvdimm_volatile_region_create)kernel(nvme_alloc_request)kernel(nvme_cancel_request)kernel(nvme_change_ctrl_state)kernel(nvme_complete_async_event)kernel(nvme_complete_rq)kernel(nvme_disable_ctrl)kernel(nvme_enable_ctrl)kernel(nvme_fc_register_localport)kernel(nvme_fc_register_remoteport)kernel(nvme_fc_rescan_remoteport)kernel(nvme_fc_set_remoteport_devloss)kernel(nvme_fc_unregister_localport)kernel(nvme_fc_unregister_remoteport)kernel(nvme_init_ctrl)kernel(nvme_init_identify)kernel(nvme_io_timeout)kernel(nvme_kill_queues)kernel(nvme_put_ctrl)kernel(nvme_queue_async_events)kernel(nvme_queue_scan)kernel(nvme_remove_namespaces)kernel(nvme_reset_ctrl)kernel(nvme_set_queue_count)kernel(nvme_setup_cmd)kernel(nvme_shutdown_ctrl)kernel(nvme_start_ctrl)kernel(nvme_start_freeze)kernel(nvme_start_keep_alive)kernel(nvme_start_queues)kernel(nvme_stop_ctrl)kernel(nvme_stop_keep_alive)kernel(nvme_stop_queues)kernel(nvme_submit_sync_cmd)kernel(nvme_unfreeze)kernel(nvme_uninit_ctrl)kernel(nvme_wait_freeze)kernel(nvme_wait_freeze_timeout)kernel(nvme_wq)kernel(nvmem_cell_get)kernel(nvmem_cell_put)kernel(nvmem_cell_read)kernel(nvmem_cell_write)kernel(nvmem_register)kernel(nvmem_unregister)kernel(nvmet_ctrl_fatal_error)kernel(nvmet_fc_rcv_fcp_abort)kernel(nvmet_fc_rcv_fcp_req)kernel(nvmet_fc_rcv_ls_req)kernel(nvmet_fc_register_targetport)kernel(nvmet_fc_unregister_targetport)kernel(nvmet_register_transport)kernel(nvmet_req_complete)kernel(nvmet_req_init)kernel(nvmet_req_uninit)kernel(nvmet_sq_destroy)kernel(nvmet_sq_init)kernel(nvmet_unregister_transport)kernel(nvmf_connect_admin_queue)kernel(nvmf_connect_io_queue)kernel(nvmf_free_options)kernel(nvmf_get_address)kernel(nvmf_reg_read32)kernel(nvmf_reg_read64)kernel(nvmf_reg_write32)kernel(nvmf_register_transport)kernel(nvmf_should_reconnect)kernel(nvmf_unregister_transport)kernel(nvram_check_checksum)kernel(nvram_read_byte)kernel(nvram_write_byte)kernel(nxt200x_attach)kernel(nxt6000_attach)kernel(od_register_powersave_bias_handler)kernel(od_unregister_powersave_bias_handler)kernel(of_pwm_get)kernel(of_pwm_xlate_with_flags)kernel(ohci_hub_control)kernel(ohci_hub_status_data)kernel(ohci_init_driver)kernel(ohci_restart)kernel(ohci_resume)kernel(ohci_setup)kernel(ohci_suspend)kernel(on_each_cpu)kernel(on_each_cpu_cond)kernel(on_each_cpu_mask)kernel(oops_begin)kernel(oops_in_progress)kernel(open_candev)kernel(open_exec)kernel(opens_in_grace)kernel(or51132_attach)kernel(or51211_attach)kernel(orderly_poweroff)kernel(orderly_reboot)kernel(ore_calc_stripe_info)kernel(ore_check_io)kernel(ore_create)kernel(ore_get_io_state)kernel(ore_get_rw_state)kernel(ore_put_io_state)kernel(ore_read)kernel(ore_remove)kernel(ore_truncate)kernel(ore_verify_layout)kernel(ore_write)kernel(osd_auto_detect_ver)kernel(osd_dev_fini)kernel(osd_dev_init)kernel(osd_end_request)kernel(osd_execute_request)kernel(osd_execute_request_async)kernel(osd_finalize_request)kernel(osd_req_add_get_attr_list)kernel(osd_req_add_get_attr_page)kernel(osd_req_add_set_attr_list)kernel(osd_req_create_object)kernel(osd_req_create_partition)kernel(osd_req_decode_get_attr_list)kernel(osd_req_decode_sense_full)kernel(osd_req_flush_collection)kernel(osd_req_flush_object)kernel(osd_req_flush_obsd)kernel(osd_req_flush_partition)kernel(osd_req_format)kernel(osd_req_get_attributes)kernel(osd_req_list_collection_objects)kernel(osd_req_list_dev_partitions)kernel(osd_req_list_partition_collections)kernel(osd_req_list_partition_objects)kernel(osd_req_op_alloc_hint_init)kernel(osd_req_op_cls_init)kernel(osd_req_op_cls_request_data_pagelist)kernel(osd_req_op_cls_request_data_pages)kernel(osd_req_op_cls_response_data_pages)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_dup_last)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_init)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_osd_data)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_osd_data_bio)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_osd_data_pagelist)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_osd_data_pages)kernel(osd_req_op_extent_update)kernel(osd_req_op_init)kernel(osd_req_op_raw_data_in_pages)kernel(osd_req_op_xattr_init)kernel(osd_req_read)kernel(osd_req_read_kern)kernel(osd_req_read_sg)kernel(osd_req_read_sg_kern)kernel(osd_req_remove_object)kernel(osd_req_remove_partition)kernel(osd_req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_bus)kernel(pci_store_saved_state)kernel(pci_test_config_bits)kernel(pci_try_reset_bus)kernel(pci_try_reset_function)kernel(pci_try_reset_slot)kernel(pci_try_set_mwi)kernel(pci_unlock_rescan_remove)kernel(pci_unmap_biosrom)kernel(pci_unmap_rom)kernel(pci_unregister_driver)kernel(pci_user_read_config_byte)kernel(pci_user_read_config_dword)kernel(pci_user_read_config_word)kernel(pci_user_write_config_byte)kernel(pci_user_write_config_dword)kernel(pci_user_write_config_word)kernel(pci_vfs_assigned)kernel(pci_vpd_find_info_keyword)kernel(pci_vpd_find_tag)kernel(pci_wait_for_pending_transaction)kernel(pci_wake_from_d3)kernel(pci_walk_bus)kernel(pci_write_config_byte)kernel(pci_write_config_dword)kernel(pci_write_config_word)kernel(pci_write_vpd)kernel(pci_xen_swiotlb_init_late)kernel(pcibios_align_resource)kernel(pcibios_bus_to_resource)kernel(pcibios_resource_to_bus)kernel(pcibios_scan_specific_bus)kernel(pcie_aspm_support_enabled)kernel(pcie_bus_configure_settings)kernel(pcie_capability_clear_and_set_dword)kernel(pcie_capability_clear_and_set_word)kernel(pcie_capability_clear_word)kernel(pcie_capability_read_dword)kernel(pcie_capability_read_word)kernel(pcie_capability_set_word)kernel(pcie_capability_write_dword)kernel(pcie_capability_write_word)kernel(pcie_flr)kernel(pcie_get_minimum_link)kernel(pcie_get_mps)kernel(pcie_get_readrq)kernel(pcie_port_bus_type)kernel(pcie_port_service_register)kernel(pcie_port_service_unregister)kernel(pcie_relaxed_ordering_enabled)kernel(pcie_set_mps)kernel(pcie_set_readrq)kernel(pcie_update_link_speed)kernel(pcim_enable_device)kernel(pcim_iomap)kernel(pcim_iomap_regions)kernel(pcim_iomap_regions_request_all)kernel(pcim_iomap_table)kernel(pcim_iounmap)kernel(pcim_iounmap_regions)kernel(pcim_pin_device)kernel(pciserial_init_ports)kernel(pciserial_remove_ports)kernel(pciserial_resume_ports)kernel(pciserial_suspend_ports)kernel(pcix_get_max_mmrbc)kernel(pcix_get_mmrbc)kernel(pcix_set_mmrbc)kernel(pcmcia_get_socket)kernel(pcmcia_get_socket_by_nr)kernel(pcmcia_parse_events)kernel(pcmcia_parse_uevents)kernel(pcmcia_put_socket)kernel(pcmcia_register_socket)kernel(pcmcia_reset_card)kernel(pcmcia_socket_class)kernel(pcmcia_socket_list)kernel(pcmcia_socket_list_rwsem)kernel(pcmcia_unregister_socket)kernel(pcpu_base_addr)kernel(pdptrs_changed)kernel(peernet2id)kernel(peernet2id_alloc)kernel(percpu_counter_batch)kernel(percpu_counter_destroy)kernel(percpu_counter_set)kernel(percpu_ida_alloc)kernel(percpu_ida_destroy)kernel(percpu_ida_for_each_free)kernel(percpu_ida_free)kernel(percpu_ida_free_tags)kernel(percpu_ref_exit)kernel(percpu_ref_init)kernel(percpu_ref_kill_and_confirm)kernel(percpu_ref_reinit)kernel(percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic)kernel(percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic_sync)kernel(percpu_ref_switch_to_percpu)kernel(perf_assign_events)kernel(perf_aux_output_flag)kernel(perf_check_microcode)kernel(perf_event_addr_filters_sync)kernel(perf_event_create_kernel_counter)kernel(perf_event_disable)kernel(perf_event_enable)kernel(perf_event_read_value)kernel(perf_event_refresh)kernel(perf_event_release_kernel)kernel(perf_get_x86_pmu_capability)kernel(perf_guest_get_msrs)kernel(perf_pmu_migrate_context)kernel(perf_pmu_register)kernel(perf_pmu_unregister)kernel(perf_register_guest_info_callbacks)kernel(perf_swevent_get_recursion_context)kernel(perf_tp_event)kernel(perf_trace_buf_prepare)kernel(perf_unregister_guest_info_callbacks)kernel(pfifo_fast_ops)kernel(pfifo_qdisc_ops)kernel(pgprot_writecombine)kernel(phy_aneg_done)kernel(phy_attach)kernel(phy_attach_direct)kernel(phy_connect)kernel(phy_connect_direct)kernel(phy_detach)kernel(phy_device_create)kernel(phy_device_free)kernel(phy_device_register)kernel(phy_device_remove)kernel(phy_disconnect)kernel(phy_driver_register)kernel(phy_driver_unregister)kernel(phy_drivers_register)kernel(phy_drivers_unregister)kernel(phy_ethtool_get_eee)kernel(phy_ethtool_get_wol)kernel(phy_ethtool_gset)kernel(phy_ethtool_set_eee)kernel(phy_ethtool_set_wol)kernel(phy_ethtool_sset)kernel(phy_find_first)kernel(phy_get_eee_err)kernel(phy_init_eee)kernel(phy_init_hw)kernel(phy_mac_interrupt)kernel(phy_mii_ioctl)kernel(phy_print_status)kernel(phy_register_fixup)kernel(phy_register_fixup_for_id)kernel(phy_register_fixup_for_uid)kernel(phy_start)kernel(phy_start_aneg)kernel(phy_start_interrupts)kernel(phy_stop)kernel(phy_stop_interrupts)kernel(phys_base)kernel(phys_wc_to_mtrr_index)kernel(pid_nr_ns)kernel(pid_task)kernel(pid_vnr)kernel(pin_is_valid)kernel(pinconf_generic_dump_config)kernel(pinctrl_add_gpio_range)kernel(pinctrl_add_gpio_ranges)kernel(pinctrl_dev_get_devname)kernel(pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata)kernel(pinctrl_dev_get_name)kernel(pinctrl_find_and_add_gpio_range)kernel(pinctrl_find_gpio_range_from_pin)kernel(pinctrl_force_default)kernel(pinctrl_force_sleep)kernel(pinctrl_free_gpio)kernel(pinctrl_get)kernel(pinctrl_get_group_pins)kernel(pinctrl_gpio_direction_input)kernel(pinctrl_gpio_direction_output)kernel(pinctrl_gpio_set_config)kernel(pinctrl_lookup_state)kernel(pinctr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el(posix_acl_valid)kernel(posix_clock_register)kernel(posix_clock_unregister)kernel(posix_lock_file)kernel(posix_lock_inode_wait)kernel(posix_test_lock)kernel(posix_timer_event)kernel(posix_timers_register_clock)kernel(posix_unblock_lock)kernel(power_group_name)kernel(power_supply_am_i_supplied)kernel(power_supply_changed)kernel(power_supply_class)kernel(power_supply_external_power_changed)kernel(power_supply_get_by_name)kernel(power_supply_get_drvdata)kernel(power_supply_get_property)kernel(power_supply_is_system_supplied)kernel(power_supply_powers)kernel(power_supply_property_is_writeable)kernel(power_supply_put)kernel(power_supply_register)kernel(power_supply_register_no_ws)kernel(power_supply_set_battery_charged)kernel(power_supply_set_property)kernel(power_supply_unregister)kernel(powercap_register_control_type)kernel(powercap_register_zone)kernel(powercap_unregister_control_type)kernel(powercap_unregister_zone)kernel(pp_msgs)kernel(ppp_channel_index)kernel(ppp_dev_name)kernel(ppp_input)kernel(ppp_input_error)kernel(ppp_output_wakeup)kernel(ppp_register_channel)kernel(ppp_register_compressor)kernel(ppp_register_net_channel)kernel(ppp_unit_number)kernel(ppp_unregister_channel)kernel(ppp_unregister_compressor)kernel(pppox_ioctl)kernel(pppox_unbind_sock)kernel(pps_event)kernel(pps_lookup_dev)kernel(pps_register_source)kernel(pps_unregister_source)kernel(pptp_msg_name)kernel(prandom_bytes)kernel(prandom_bytes_state)kernel(prandom_seed)kernel(prandom_u32)kernel(prandom_u32_state)kernel(preempt_notifier_register)kernel(preempt_notifier_unregister)kernel(prepare_binprm)kernel(prepare_creds)kernel(prepare_kernel_cred)kernel(prepare_to_swait)kernel(prepare_to_swait_event)kernel(prepare_to_wait)kernel(prepare_to_wait_exclusive)kernel(print_hex_dump)kernel(print_stack_trace)kernel(print_tuple)kernel(printk)kernel(printk_emit)kernel(printk_timed_ratelimit)kernel(probe_irq_mask)kernel(probe_irq_off)kernel(probe_irq_on)kernel(probe_kernel_read)kernel(probe_kernel_write)kernel(proc_create_data)kernel(proc_dointvec)kernel(proc_dointvec_jiffies)kernel(proc_dointvec_minmax)kernel(proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies)kernel(proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies)kernel(proc_dopipe_max_size)kernel(proc_dostring)kernel(proc_douintvec)kernel(proc_douintvec_minmax)kernel(proc_doulongvec_minmax)kernel(proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax)kernel(proc_get_parent_data)kernel(proc_mkdir)kernel(proc_mkdir_data)kernel(proc_mkdir_mode)kernel(proc_remove)kernel(proc_set_size)kernel(proc_set_user)kernel(proc_symlink)kernel(process_srcu)kernel(processors)kernel(prof_on)kernel(profile_event_register)kernel(profile_event_unregister)kernel(profile_hits)kernel(profile_pc)kernel(proto_register)kernel(proto_unregister)kernel(ps2_begin_command)kernel(ps2_cmd_aborted)kernel(ps2_command)kernel(ps2_drain)kernel(ps2_end_command)kernel(ps2_handle_ack)kernel(ps2_handle_response)kernel(ps2_init)kernel(ps2_is_keyboard_id)kernel(ps2_sendbyte)kernel(psample_group_get)kernel(psample_group_put)kernel(psample_sample_packet)kernel(psched_ratecfg_precompute)kernel(pskb_expand_head)kernel(pskb_put)kernel(pstore_cannot_block_path)kernel(pstore_register)kernel(ptp_clock_event)kernel(ptp_clock_index)kernel(ptp_clock_register)kernel(ptp_clock_unregister)kernel(ptp_find_pin)kernel(public_key_destroy)kernel(public_key_subtype)kernel(public_key_verify_signature)kernel(put_cmsg)kernel(put_compat_timespec)kernel(put_compat_timeval)kernel(put_dax)kernel(put_device)kernel(put_disk)kernel(put_io_context)kernel(put_iova_domain)kernel(put_mtd_device)kernel(put_nfs_open_context)kernel(put_online_cpus)kernel(put_page)kernel(put_pages_list)kernel(put_pid)kernel(put_pid_ns)kernel(put_rpccred)kernel(put_tty_driver)kernel(put_unused_fd)kernel(put_zone_device_page)kernel(pv_apic_ops)kernel(pv_cpu_ops)kernel(pv_info)kernel(pv_irq_ops)kernel(pv_lock_ops)kernel(pv_mmu_ops)kernel(pv_time_ops)kernel(pvclock_gtod_register_notifier)kernel(pvclock_gtod_unregister_notifier)kernel(pvclock_pvti_cpu0_va)kernel(pwm_can_sleep)kernel(pwm_config)kernel(pwm_disable)kernel(pwm_enable)kernel(pwm_free)kernel(pwm_get)kernel(pwm_get_chip_data)kernel(pwm_put)kernel(pwm_request)kernel(pwm_request_from_chip)kernel(pwm_set_chip_data)kernel(pwm_set_polarity)kernel(pwmchip_add)kernel(pwmchip_remove)kernel(qat_crypto_dev_config)kernel(qdisc_class_hash_destroy)kernel(qdisc_class_hash_grow)kernel(qdisc_class_hash_init)kernel(qdisc_class_hash_insert)kernel(qdisc_class_hash_remove)kernel(qdisc_create_dflt)kernel(qdisc_destroy)kernel(qdisc_get_rtab)kernel(qdisc_hash_add)kernel(qdisc_hash_del)kernel(qdisc_put_rtab)kernel(qdisc_put_stab)kernel(qdisc_reset)kernel(qdisc_tree_reduce_backlog)kernel(qdisc_warn_nonwc)kernel(qdisc_watchdog_cancel)kernel(qdisc_watchdog_init)kernel(qdisc_watchdog_schedule_ns)kernel(qed_get_eth_ops)kernel(qed_get_fcoe_ops)kernel(qed_get_iscsi_ops)kernel(qed_get_rdma_ops)kernel(qed_put_eth_ops)kernel(qed_put_fcoe_ops)kernel(qed_put_iscsi_ops)kernel(qede_rdma_register_driver)kernel(qede_rdma_unregister_driver)kernel(qid_eq)kernel(qid_lt)kernel(qid_valid)kernel(qlt_abort_cmd)kernel(qlt_enable_vha)kernel(qlt_free_cmd)kernel(qlt_free_mcmd)kernel(qlt_lport_deregister)kernel(qlt_lport_register)kernel(qlt_rdy_to_xfer)kernel(qlt_stop_phase1)kernel(qlt_stop_phase2)kernel(qlt_unreg_sess)kernel(qlt_xmit_response)kernel(qlt_xmit_tm_rsp)kernel(qt1010_attach)kernel(qtree_delete_dquot)kernel(qtree_entry_unused)kernel(qtree_read_dquot)kernel(qtree_release_dquot)kernel(qtree_write_dquot)kernel(query_amp_caps)kernel(queue_ch_frame)kernel(queue_delayed_work_on)kernel(queue_kthread_work)kernel(queue_work_on)kernel(queued_read_lock_slowpath)kernel(queued_spin_unlock_wait)kernel(queued_write_lock_slowpath)kernel(quota_send_warning)kernel(qword_add)kernel(qword_addhex)kernel(qword_get)kernel(r5c_journal_mode_set)kernel(r820t_attach)kernel(radix_tree_delete)kernel(radix_tree_delete_item)kernel(radix_tree_gang_lookup)kernel(radix_tree_gang_lookup_slot)kernel(radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag)kernel(radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag_slot)kernel(radix_tree_lookup)kernel(radix_tree_lookup_slot)kernel(radix_tree_maybe_preload)kernel(radix_tree_next_chunk)kernel(radix_tree_preload)kernel(radix_tree_range_tag_if_tagged)kernel(radix_tree_tag_clear)kernel(radix_tree_tag_get)kernel(radix_tree_tag_set)kernel(radix_tree_tagged)kernel(raid5_set_cache_size)kernel(raid6_2data_recov)kernel(raid6_call)kernel(raid6_datap_recov)kernel(raid6_empty_zero_page)kernel(raid6_gfexi)kernel(raid6_gfexp)kernel(raid6_gfinv)kernel(raid6_gfmul)kernel(raid6_vgfmul)kernel(raid_class_attach)kernel(raid_class_release)kernel(raid_component_add)kernel(ras_userspace_consumers)kernel(rate_control_send_low)kernel(rate_control_set_rates)kernel(raw_hash_sk)kernel(raw_notifier_call_chain)kernel(raw_notifier_chain_register)kernel(raw_notifier_chain_unregister)kernel(raw_seq_next)kernel(raw_seq_open)kernel(raw_seq_start)kernel(raw_seq_stop)kernel(raw_unhash_sk)kernel(rawv6_mh_filter_register)kernel(rawv6_mh_filter_unregister)kernel(rb_erase)kernel(rb_first)kernel(rb_first_postorder)kernel(rb_insert_color)kernel(rb_last)kernel(rb_next)kernel(rb_next_postorder)kernel(rb_prev)kernel(rb_replace_node)kernel(rbt_ib_umem_for_each_in_range)kernel(rbt_ib_umem_lookup)kernel(rc_allocate_device)kernel(rc_core_debug)kernel(rc_free_device)kernel(rc_g_keycode_from_table)kernel(rc_keydown)kernel(rc_keydown_notimeout)kernel(rc_keyup)kernel(rc_map_af9005_table)kernel(rc_map_af9005_table_size)kernel(rc_map_dibusb_table)kernel(rc_map_get)kernel(rc_map_register)kernel(rc_map_unregister)kernel(rc_register_device)kernel(rc_repeat)kernel(rc_unregister_device)kernel(rcu_barrier)kernel(rcu_barrier_bh)kernel(rcu_barrier_sched)kernel(rcu_batches_completed)kernel(rcu_batches_completed_bh)kernel(rcu_batches_completed_sched)kernel(rcu_bh_force_quiescent_state)kernel(rcu_force_quiescent_state)kernel(rcu_idle_enter)kernel(rcu_idle_exit)kernel(rcu_is_watching)kernel(rcu_note_context_switch)kernel(rcu_sched_force_quiescent_state)kernel(rcu_scheduler_active)kernel(rcutorture_record_progress)kernel(rcutorture_record_test_transition)kernel(rdc_reset_state)kernel(rdev_clear_badblocks)kernel(rdev_set_badblocks)kernel(rdma_accept)kernel(rdma_addr_cancel)kernel(rdma_addr_find_l2_eth_by_grh)kernel(rdma_addr_find_smac_by_sgid)kernel(rdma_addr_register_client)kernel(rdma_addr_size)kernel(rdma_addr_unregister_client)kernel(rdma_bind_addr)kernel(rdma_connect)kernel(rdma_consumer_reject_data)kernel(rdma_copy_addr)kernel(rdma_create_ah)kernel(rdma_create_id)kernel(rdma_create_qp)kernel(rdma_destroy_ah)kernel(rdma_destroy_id)kernel(rdma_destroy_qp)kernel(rdma_disconnect)kernel(rdma_event_msg)kernel(rdma_get_service_id)kernel(rdma_init_qp_attr)kernel(rdma_is_consumer_reject)kernel(rdma_join_multicast)kernel(rdma_leave_multicast)kernel(rdma_listen)kernel(rdma_modify_ah)kernel(rdma_nl_chk_listeners)kernel(rdma_nl_multicast)kernel(rdma_nl_register)kernel(rdma_nl_unicast)kernel(rdma_nl_unicast_wait)kernel(rdma_nl_unregister)kernel(rdma_node_get_transport)kernel(rdma_notify)kernel(rdma_port_get_link_layer)kernel(rdma_query_ah)kernel(rdma_reject)kernel(rdma_reject_msg)kernel(rdma_resolve_addr)kernel(rdma_resolve_ip)kernel(rdma_resolve_ip_route)kernel(rdma_resolve_route)kernel(rdma_rw_ctx_destroy)kernel(rdma_rw_ctx_destroy_signature)kernel(rdma_rw_ctx_init)kernel(rdma_rw_ctx_post)kernel(rdma_rw_ctx_signature_init)kernel(rdma_rw_ctx_wrs)kernel(rdma_rw_mr_factor)kernel(rdma_set_afonly)kernel(rdma_set_ib_paths)kernel(rdma_set_reuseaddr)kernel(rdma_set_service_type)kernel(rdma_translate_ip)kernel(rdmsr_on_cpu)kernel(rdmsr_on_cpus)kernel(rdmsr_safe_on_cpu)kernel(rdmsr_safe_regs)kernel(rdmsr_safe_regs_on_cpu)kernel(rdmsrl_on_cpu)kernel(rdmsrl_safe_on_cpu)kernel(read_bytes_from_xdr_buf)kernel(read_cache_page)kernel(read_cache_page_async)kernel(read_cache_page_gfp)kernel(read_cache_pages)kernel(read_code)kernel(read_dev_sector)kernel(read_dst)kernel(read_efuse_byte)kernel(recalc_sigpending)kernel(recalibrate_cpu_khz)kernel(reciprocal_value)kernel(recover_lost_locks)kernel(recv_Bchannel)kernel(recv_Bchannel_skb)kernel(recv_Dchannel)kernel(recv_Dchannel_skb)kernel(recv_Echannel)kernel(redirty_page_for_writepage)kernel(redraw_screen)kernel(ref_module)kernel(refcount_dec_and_lock)kernel(refcount_dec_and_mutex_lock)kernel(refcount_dec_if_one)kernel(refcount_dec_not_one)kernel(reg_initiator_name)kernel(regcache_cache_bypass)kernel(regcache_cache_only)kernel(regcache_drop_region)kernel(regcache_mark_dirty)kernel(regcache_sync)kernel(regcache_sync_region)kernel(region_intersects_pmem)kernel(region_intersects_ram)kernel(register_8022_client)kernel(register_acpi_bus_type)kernel(register_acpi_hed_notifier)kernel(register_acpi_notifier)kernel(register_asymmetric_key_parser)kernel(register_atm_ioctl)kernel(register_atmdevice_notifier)kernel(register_blkdev)kernel(register_c_can_dev)kernel(register_candev)kernel(register_capi_driver)kernel(register_capictr_notifier)kernel(register_cc770dev)kernel(register_cdrom)kernel(register_chrdev_region)kernel(register_con_driver)kernel(register_console)kernel(register_cpu_notifier)kernel(register_dca_provider)kernel(register_dcbevent_notifier)kernel(register_die_notifier)kernel(register_exec_domain)kernel(register_fib_notifier)kernel(register_filesystem)kernel(register_framebuffer)kernel(register_ftrace_event)kernel(register_ftrace_function)kernel(register_gifconf)kernel(register_hdlc_protocol)kernel(register_hotplug_dock_device)kernel(register_inet6addr_notifier)kernel(register_inetaddr_notifier)kernel(register_ip_vs_app)kernel(register_ip_vs_app_inc)kernel(register_ip_vs_pe)kernel(register_ip_vs_scheduler)kernel(register_isdn)kernel(register_jprobe)kernel(register_jprobes)kernel(register_key_type)kernel(register_keyboard_notifier)kernel(register_kprobe)kernel(register_kprobes)kernel(register_kretprobe)kernel(register_kretprobes)kernel(register_lsm_notifier)kernel(register_mce_write_callback)kernel(register_md_personality)kernel(register_memory_isolate_notifier)kernel(register_memory_notifier)kernel(register_module_notifier)kernel(register_mtd_blktrans)kernel(register_mtd_chip_driver)kernel(register_mtd_parser)kernel(register_mtd_user)kernel(register_net_sysctl)kernel(register_netdev)kernel(register_netdevice)kernel(register_netdevice_notifier)kernel(register_netdevice_notifier_rh)kernel(register_netevent_notifier)kernel(register_nfs_version)kernel(register_nls)kernel(register_oldmem_pfn_is_ram)kernel(register_oom_notifier)kernel(register_pernet_device)kernel(register_pernet_subsys)kernel(register_pm_notifier)kernel(register_pppox_proto)kernel(register_qdisc)kernel(register_quota_format)kernel(register_reboot_notifier)kernel(register_shrinker)kernel(register_shrinker2)kernel(register_sja1000dev)kernel(register_snap_client)kernel(register_sound_dsp)kernel(register_sound_midi)kernel(register_sound_mixer)kernel(register_sound_special)kernel(register_sound_special_device)kernel(register_switchdev_notifier)kernel(register_syscore_ops)kernel(register_sysctl)kernel(register_sysctl_paths)kernel(register_sysctl_table)kernel(register_sysrq_key)kernel(register_tcf_proto_ops)kernel(register_user_hw_breakpoint)kernel(register_virtio_device)kernel(register_virtio_driver)kernel(register_vt_notifier)kernel(register_wide_hw_breakpoint)kernel(register_xenbus_watch)kernel(register_xenstore_notifier)kernel(registered_fb)kernel(regmap_add_irq_chip)kernel(regmap_async_complete)kernel(regmap_async_complete_cb)kernel(regmap_bulk_read)kernel(regmap_bulk_write)kernel(regmap_can_raw_write)kernel(regmap_del_irq_chip)kernel(regmap_exit)kernel(regmap_get_val_bytes)kernel(regmap_init)kernel(regmap_init_i2c)kernel(regmap_init_spi)kernel(regmap_irq_chip_get_base)kernel(regmap_irq_get_domain)kernel(regmap_irq_get_virq)kernel(regmap_multi_reg_write)kernel(regmap_parse_val)kernel(regmap_raw_read)kernel(regmap_raw_write)kernel(regmap_raw_write_async)kernel(regmap_read)kernel(regmap_reg_in_ranges)kernel(regmap_register_patch)kernel(regmap_reinit_cache)kernel(regmap_update_bits)kernel(regmap_update_bits_async)kernel(regmap_update_bits_check)kernel(regmap_update_bits_check_async)kernel(regmap_write)kernel(regmap_write_async)kernel(regulatory_hint)kernel(regulatory_set_wiphy_regd)kernel(regulatory_set_wiphy_regd_sync_rtnl)kernel(relay_buf_full)kernel(relay_close)kernel(relay_file_operations)kernel(relay_flush)kernel(relay_late_setup_files)kernel(relay_open)kernel(relay_reset)kernel(relay_subbufs_consumed)kernel(relay_switch_subbuf)kernel(release_and_free_resource)kernel(release_dentry_name_snapshot)kernel(release_evntsel_nmi)kernel(release_firmware)kernel(release_pages)kernel(release_perfctr_nmi)kernel(release_resource)kernel(release_sock)kernel(relocate_imr_addr_mrfld)kernel(remap_pfn_range)kernel(remap_vmalloc_range)kernel(remap_vmalloc_range_partial)kernel(remove_arg_zero)kernel(remove_conflicting_framebuffers)kernel(remove_irq)kernel(remove_memory)kernel(remove_proc_entry)kernel(remove_proc_subtree)kernel(remove_resource)kernel(remove_wait_queue)kernel(rename_lock)kernel(replace_mount_options)kernel(replace_page_cache_page)kernel(reprogram_counter)kernel(reprogram_fixed_counter)kernel(reprogram_gp_counter)kernel(request_any_context_irq)kernel(request_dma)kernel(request_firmware)kernel(request_firmware_nowait)kernel(request_key)kernel(request_key_async)kernel(request_key_async_with_auxdata)kernel(request_key_with_auxdata)kernel(request_resource)kernel(request_threaded_irq)kernel(reservation_object_add_excl_fence)kernel(reservation_object_add_shared_fence)kernel(reservation_object_copy_fences)kernel(reservation_object_get_fences_rcu)kernel(reservation_object_reserve_shared)kernel(reservation_object_test_signaled_rcu)kernel(reservation_object_wait_timeout_rcu)kernel(reservation_seqcount_class)kernel(reservation_seqcount_string)kernel(reservation_ww_class)kernel(reserve_evntsel_nmi)kernel(reserve_iova)kernel(reserve_perfctr_nmi)kernel(reset_devices)kernel(reset_hung_task_detector)kernel(reset_shadow_zero_bits_mask)kernel(resource_list_create_entry)kernel(resource_list_free)kernel(restore_online_page_callback)kernel(resume_device_irqs)kernel(retp_enabled_key)kernel(reuseport_add_sock)kernel(reuseport_alloc)kernel(reuseport_detach_sock)kernel(reuseport_select_sock)kernel(revalidate_disk)kernel(revert_creds)kernel(rfc1042_header)kernel(rfkill_alloc)kernel(rfkill_blocked)kernel(rfkill_destroy)kernel(rfkill_get_led_trigger_name)kernel(rfkill_init_sw_state)kernel(rfkill_pause_polling)kernel(rfkill_register)kernel(rfkill_resume_polling)kernel(rfkill_set_hw_state)kernel(rfkill_set_led_trigger_name)kernel(rfkill_set_states)kernel(rfkill_set_sw_state)kernel(rfkill_unregister)kernel(rh_boot_cpu_data)kernel(rh_cpu_info)kernel(rh_kabi_7_0)kernel(rh_kabi_7_2)kernel(rhashtable_destroy)kernel(rhashtable_free_and_destroy)kernel(rhashtable_init)kernel(rhashtable_insert_slow)kernel(rhashtable_walk_enter)kernel(rhashtable_walk_exit)kernel(rhashtable_walk_next)kernel(rhashtable_walk_peek)kernel(rhashtable_walk_start)kernel(rhashtable_walk_stop)kernel(rhltable_init)kernel(ring_buffer_alloc_read_page)kernel(ring_buffer_bytes_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_change_overwrite)kernel(ring_buffer_commit_overrun_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_consume)kernel(ring_buffer_discard_commit)kernel(ring_buffer_dropped_events_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_empty)kernel(ring_buffer_empty_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_entries)kernel(ring_buffer_entries_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_event_data)kernel(ring_buffer_event_length)kernel(ring_buffer_free)kernel(ring_buffer_free_read_page)kernel(ring_buffer_iter_empty)kernel(ring_buffer_iter_peek)kernel(ring_buffer_iter_reset)kernel(ring_buffer_lock_reserve)kernel(ring_buffer_normalize_time_stamp)kernel(ring_buffer_oldest_event_ts)kernel(ring_buffer_overrun_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_overruns)kernel(ring_buffer_peek)kernel(ring_buffer_read)kernel(ring_buffer_read_events_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_read_finish)kernel(ring_buffer_read_page)kernel(ring_buffer_read_prepare)kernel(ring_buffer_read_prepare_sync)kernel(ring_buffer_read_start)kernel(ring_buffer_record_disable)kernel(ring_buffer_record_disable_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_record_enable)kernel(ring_buffer_record_enable_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_record_off)kernel(ring_buffer_record_on)kernel(ring_buffer_reset)kernel(ring_buffer_reset_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_resize)kernel(ring_buffer_size)kernel(ring_buffer_swap_cpu)kernel(ring_buffer_time_stamp)kernel(ring_buffer_unlock_commit)kernel(ring_buffer_write)kernel(rl6231_calc_dmic_clk)kernel(rl6231_get_clk_info)kernel(rl6231_get_pre_div)kernel(rl6231_pll_calc)kernel(rl6347a_hw_read)kernel(rl6347a_hw_write)kernel(rndis_command)kernel(rndis_rx_fixup)kernel(rndis_status)kernel(rndis_tx_fixup)kernel(rndis_unbind)kernel(roccat_common2_receive)kernel(roccat_common2_send)kernel(roccat_common2_send_with_status)kernel(roccat_connect)kernel(roccat_disconnect)kernel(roccat_report_event)kernel(roce_gid_type_mask_support)kernel(rodata_test_data)kernel(root_device_unregister)kernel(round_jiffies)kernel(round_jiffies_relative)kernel(round_jiffies_up)kernel(round_jiffies_up_relative)kernel(rpc_add_pipe_dir_object)kernel(rpc_alloc_iostats)kernel(rpc_bind_new_program)kernel(rpc_calc_rto)kernel(rpc_call_async)kernel(rpc_call_null)kernel(rpc_call_start)kernel(rpc_call_sync)kernel(rpc_cap_max_reconnect_timeout)kernel(rpc_clnt_add_xprt)kernel(rpc_clnt_iterate_for_each_xprt)kernel(rpc_clnt_setup_test_and_add_xprt)kernel(rpc_clnt_test_and_add_xprt)kernel(rpc_clnt_xprt_switch_add_xprt)kernel(rpc_clnt_xprt_switch_has_addr)kernel(rpc_clnt_xprt_switch_put)kernel(rpc_clone_client)kernel(rpc_clone_client_set_auth)kernel(rpc_count_iostats)kernel(rpc_count_iostats_metrics)kernel(rpc_create)kernel(rpc_d_lookup_sb)kernel(rpc_debug)kernel(rpc_delay)kernel(rpc_destroy_pipe_data)kernel(rpc_destroy_wait_queue)kernel(rpc_exit)kernel(rpc_find_or_alloc_pipe_dir_object)kernel(rpc_force_rebind)kernel(rpc_free)kernel(rpc_free_iostats)kernel(rpc_get_sb_net)kernel(rpc_get_timeout)kernel(rpc_init_pipe_dir_head)kernel(rpc_init_pipe_dir_object)kernel(rpc_init_priority_wait_queue)kernel(rpc_init_rtt)kernel(rpc_init_wait_queue)kernel(rpc_killall_tasks)kernel(rpc_localaddr)kernel(rpc_lookup_cred)kernel(rpc_lookup_cred_nonblock)kernel(rpc_lookup_generic_cred)kernel(rpc_lookup_machine_cred)kernel(rpc_malloc)kernel(rpc_max_bc_payload)kernel(rpc_max_payload)kernel(rpc_mkpipe_data)kernel(rpc_mkpipe_dentry)kernel(rpc_net_ns)kernel(rpc_ntop)kernel(rpc_peeraddr)kernel(rpc_peeraddr2str)kernel(rpc_pipe_generic_upcall)kernel(rpc_pipefs_notifier_register)kernel(rpc_pipefs_notifier_unregister)kernel(rpc_print_iostats)kernel(rpc_proc_register)kernel(rpc_proc_unregister)kernel(rpc_protocol)kernel(rpc_pton)kernel(rpc_put_sb_net)kernel(rpc_put_task)kernel(rpc_put_task_async)kernel(rpc_queue_upcall)kernel(rpc_release_client)kernel(rpc_remove_pipe_dir_object)kernel(rpc_restart_call)kernel(rpc_restart_call_prepare)kernel(rpc_rmdir)kernel(rpc_run_task)kernel(rpc_setbufsize)kernel(rpc_shutdown_client)kernel(rpc_sleep_on)kernel(rpc_sleep_on_priority)kernel(rpc_switch_client_transport)kernel(rpc_uaddr2sockaddr)kernel(rpc_unlink)kernel(rpc_update_rtt)kernel(rpc_wake_up)kernel(rpc_wake_up_first)kernel(rpc_wake_up_next)kernel(rpc_wake_up_queued_task)kernel(rpc_wake_up_status)kernel(rpcauth_create)kernel(rpcauth_cred_key_to_expire)kernel(rpcauth_destroy_credcache)kernel(rpcauth_generic_bind_cred)kernel(rpcauth_get_gssinfo)kernel(rpcauth_get_pseudoflavor)kernel(rpcauth_init_cred)kernel(rpcauth_init_credcache)kernel(rpcauth_key_timeout_notify)kernel(rpcauth_list_flavors)kernel(rpcauth_lookup_credcache)kernel(rpcauth_lookupcred)kernel(rpcauth_register)kernel(rpcauth_stringify_acceptor)kernel(rpcauth_unregister)kernel(rpcb_getport_async)kernel(rpipe_clear_feature_stalled)kernel(rpipe_destroy)kernel(rpipe_ep_disable)kernel(rps_may_expire_flow)kernel(rps_sock_flow_table)kernel(rsa_parse_priv_key)kernel(rsa_parse_pub_key)kernel(rt2800_ampdu_action)kernel(rt2800_check_firmware)kernel(rt2800_clear_beacon)kernel(rt2800_conf_tx)kernel(rt2800_config)kernel(rt2800_config_ant)kernel(rt2800_config_erp)kernel(rt2800_config_filter)kernel(rt2800_config_intf)kernel(rt2800_config_pairwise_key)kernel(rt2800_config_shared_key)kernel(rt2800_disable_radio)kernel(rt2800_disable_wpdma)kernel(rt2800_efuse_detect)kernel(rt2800_enable_radio)kernel(rt2800_gain_calibration)kernel(rt2800_get_key_seq)kernel(rt2800_get_survey)kernel(rt2800_get_tsf)kernel(rt2800_get_txwi_rxwi_size)kernel(rt2800_link_stats)kernel(rt2800_link_tuner)kernel(rt2800_load_firmware)kernel(rt2800_mcu_request)kernel(rt2800_probe_hw)kernel(rt2800_process_rxwi)kernel(rt2800_read_eeprom_efuse)kernel(rt2800_reset_tuner)kernel(rt2800_rfkill_poll)kernel(rt2800_rt2x00debug)kernel(rt2800_set_rts_threshold)kernel(rt2800_sta_add)kernel(rt2800_sta_remove)kernel(rt2800_txdone_entry)kernel(rt2800_vco_calibration)kernel(rt2800_wait_csr_ready)kernel(rt2800_wait_wpdma_ready)kernel(rt2800_write_beacon)kernel(rt2800_write_tx_data)kernel(rt2800mmio_autowake_tasklet)kernel(rt2800mmio_clear_entry)kernel(rt2800mmio_enable_radio)kernel(rt2800mmio_fill_rxdone)kernel(rt2800mmio_get_entry_state)kernel(rt2800mmio_get_txwi)kernel(rt2800mmio_init_queues)kernel(rt2800mmio_init_registers)kernel(rt2800mmio_interrupt)kernel(rt2800mmio_kick_queue)kernel(rt2800mmio_pretbtt_tasklet)kernel(rt2800mmio_queue_init)kernel(rt2800mmio_rxdone_tasklet)kernel(rt2800mmio_start_queue)kernel(rt2800mmio_stop_queue)kernel(rt2800mmio_tbtt_tasklet)kernel(rt2800mmio_toggle_irq)kernel(rt2800mmio_txstatus_tasklet)kernel(rt2800mmio_write_tx_desc)kernel(rt286_mic_detect)kernel(rt298_mic_detect)kernel(rt2x00debug_dump_frame)kernel(rt2x00lib_beacondone)kernel(rt2x00lib_dmadone)kernel(rt2x00lib_dmastart)kernel(rt2x00lib_get_bssidx)kernel(rt2x00lib_pretbtt)kernel(rt2x00lib_probe_dev)kernel(rt2x00lib_remove_dev)kernel(rt2x00lib_resume)kernel(rt2x00lib_rxdone)kernel(rt2x00lib_set_mac_address)kernel(rt2x00lib_suspend)kernel(rt2x00lib_txdone)kernel(rt2x00lib_txdone_noinfo)kernel(rt2x00lib_txdone_nomatch)kernel(rt2x00mac_add_interface)kernel(rt2x00mac_bss_info_changed)kernel(rt2x00mac_conf_tx)kernel(rt2x00mac_config)kernel(rt2x00mac_configure_filter)kernel(rt2x00mac_flush)kernel(rt2x00mac_get_antenna)kernel(rt2x00mac_get_ringparam)kernel(rt2x00mac_get_stats)kernel(rt2x00mac_remove_interface)kernel(rt2x00mac_rfkill_poll)kernel(rt2x00mac_set_antenna)kernel(rt2x00mac_set_key)kernel(rt2x00mac_set_tim)kernel(rt2x00mac_sta_add)kernel(rt2x00mac_sta_remove)kernel(rt2x00mac_start)kernel(rt2x00mac_stop)kernel(rt2x00mac_sw_scan_complete)kernel(rt2x00mac_sw_scan_start)kernel(rt2x00mac_tx)kernel(rt2x00mac_tx_frames_pending)kernel(rt2x00mmio_flush_queue)kernel(rt2x00mmio_initialize)kernel(rt2x00mmio_regbusy_read)kernel(rt2x00mmio_rxdone)kernel(rt2x00mmio_uninitialize)kernel(rt2x00pci_probe)kernel(rt2x00pci_remove)kernel(rt2x00pci_resume)kernel(rt2x00pci_suspend)kernel(rt2x00queue_flush_queue)kernel(rt2x00queue_flush_queues)kernel(rt2x00queue_for_each_entry)kernel(rt2x00queue_get_entry)kernel(rt2x00queue_map_txskb)kernel(rt2x00queue_pause_queue)kernel(rt2x00q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ernel(rtl_lps_leave)kernel(rtl_ops)kernel(rtl_p2p_info)kernel(rtl_pci_disconnect)kernel(rtl_pci_probe)kernel(rtl_pci_resume)kernel(rtl_pci_suspend)kernel(rtl_phy_scan_operation_backup)kernel(rtl_process_phyinfo)kernel(rtl_ps_disable_nic)kernel(rtl_ps_enable_nic)kernel(rtl_query_rxpwrpercentage)kernel(rtl_recognize_peer)kernel(rtl_rfreg_delay)kernel(rtl_rx_ampdu_apply)kernel(rtl_send_smps_action)kernel(rtl_signal_scale_mapping)kernel(rtl_swlps_beacon)kernel(rtl_tid_to_ac)kernel(rtl_tx_mgmt_proc)kernel(rtl_tx_report_handler)kernel(rtl_usb_disconnect)kernel(rtl_usb_probe)kernel(rtl_usb_resume)kernel(rtl_usb_suspend)kernel(rtl_wowlan_fw_cb)kernel(rtllib_DisableIntelPromiscuousMode)kernel(rtllib_EnableIntelPromiscuousMode)kernel(rtllib_MgntDisconnect)kernel(rtllib_act_scanning)kernel(rtllib_get_beacon)kernel(rtllib_legal_channel)kernel(rtllib_ps_tx_ack)kernel(rtllib_reset_queue)kernel(rtllib_rx)kernel(rtllib_softmac_start_protocol)kernel(rtllib_softmac_stop_protocol)kernel(rtllib_sta_ps_send_null_frame)kernel(rtllib_start_scan_syncro)kernel(rtllib_start_send_beacons)kernel(rtllib_stop_scan)kernel(rtllib_stop_scan_syncro)kernel(rtllib_stop_send_beacons)kernel(rtllib_wlan_frequencies)kernel(rtllib_wpa_supplicant_ioctl)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_encode)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_essid)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_freq)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_mode)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_name)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_power)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_rate)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_rts)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_scan)kernel(rtllib_wx_get_wap)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_auth)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_encode)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_encode_ext)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_essid)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_freq)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_gen_ie)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_mlme)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_mode)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_power)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_rate)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_rawtx)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_rts)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_scan)kernel(rtllib_wx_set_wap)kernel(rtllib_xmit)kernel(rtlwifi_rate_mapping)kernel(rtnetlink_put_metrics)kernel(rtnl_af_register)kernel(rtnl_af_unregister)kernel(rtnl_configure_link)kernel(rtnl_create_link)kernel(rtnl_delete_link)kernel(rtnl_is_locked)kernel(rtnl_kfree_skbs)kernel(rtnl_link_get_net)kernel(rtnl_link_register)kernel(rtnl_link_unregister)kernel(rtnl_lock)kernel(rtnl_nla_parse_ifla)kernel(rtnl_notify)kernel(rtnl_put_cacheinfo)kernel(rtnl_register)kernel(rtnl_set_sk_err)kernel(rtnl_trylock)kernel(rtnl_unicast)kernel(rtnl_unlock)kernel(rtnl_unregister)kernel(rtnl_unregister_all)kernel(rtsx_pci_add_cmd)kernel(rtsx_pci_card_exclusive_check)kernel(rtsx_pci_card_exist)kernel(rtsx_pci_card_power_off)kernel(rtsx_pci_card_power_on)kernel(rtsx_pci_card_pull_ctl_disable)kernel(rtsx_pci_card_pull_ctl_enable)kernel(rtsx_pci_complete_unfinished_transfer)kernel(rtsx_pci_dma_map_sg)kernel(rtsx_pci_dma_transfer)kernel(rtsx_pci_dma_unmap_sg)kernel(rtsx_pci_read_phy_register)kernel(rtsx_pci_read_ppbuf)kernel(rtsx_pci_read_register)kernel(rtsx_pci_send_cmd)kernel(rtsx_pci_send_cmd_no_wait)kernel(rtsx_pci_start_run)kernel(rtsx_pci_stop_cmd)kernel(rtsx_pci_switch_clock)kernel(rtsx_pci_switch_output_voltage)kernel(rtsx_pci_transfer_data)kernel(rtsx_pci_write_phy_register)kernel(rtsx_pci_write_ppbuf)kernel(rtsx_pci_write_register)kernel(rtsx_usb_add_cmd)kernel(rtsx_usb_card_exclusive_check)kernel(rtsx_usb_ep0_read_register)kernel(rtsx_usb_ep0_write_register)kernel(rtsx_usb_get_card_status)kernel(rtsx_usb_get_rsp)kernel(rtsx_usb_read_ppbuf)kernel(rtsx_usb_read_register)kernel(rtsx_usb_send_cmd)kernel(rtsx_usb_switch_clock)kernel(rtsx_usb_transfer_data)kernel(rtsx_usb_write_ppbuf)kernel(rtsx_usb_write_register)kernel(rvt_add_retry_timer)kernel(rvt_add_rnr_timer)kernel(rvt_alloc_device)kernel(rvt_check_ah)kernel(rvt_comm_est)kernel(rvt_compute_aeth)kernel(rvt_cq_enter)kernel(rvt_dealloc_device)kernel(rvt_del_timers_sync)kernel(rvt_error_qp)kernel(rvt_fast_reg_mr)kernel(rvt_get_credit)kernel(rvt_init_port)kernel(rvt_invalidate_rkey)kernel(rvt_lkey_ok)kernel(rvt_mcast_find)kernel(rvt_qp_iter)kernel(rvt_qp_iter_init)kernel(rvt_qp_iter_next)kernel(rvt_rc_error)kernel(rvt_rc_rnr_retry)kernel(rvt_register_device)kernel(rvt_rkey_ok)kernel(rvt_rnr_tbl_to_usec)kernel(rvt_stop_rc_timers)kernel(rvt_unregister_device)kernel(rwsem_down_read_failed)kernel(rwsem_down_write_failed)kernel(rwsem_downgrade_wake)kernel(rwsem_wake)kernel(rxe_add)kernel(rxe_dev_put)kernel(rxe_remove)kernel(rxe_remove_all)kernel(rxe_set_mtu)kernel(s5h1409_attach)kernel(s5h1411_attach)kernel(s5h1420_attach)kernel(s5h1420_get_tuner_i2c_adapter)kernel(s921_attach)kernel(saa7134_boards)kernel(saa7134_devlist)kernel(saa7134_devlist_lock)kernel(saa7134_dmasound_exit)kernel(saa7134_dmasound_init)kernel(saa7134_g_ctrl_internal)kernel(saa7134_pgtable_alloc)kernel(saa7134_pgtable_build)kernel(saa7134_pgtable_free)kernel(saa7134_queryctrl)kernel(saa7134_s_ctrl_internal)kernel(saa7134_s_std_internal)kernel(saa7134_set_dmabits)kernel(saa7134_set_gpio)kernel(saa7134_ts_qops)kernel(saa7134_ts_register)kernel(saa7134_ts_unregister)kernel(saa7134_tuner_callback)kernel(saa71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scsi_device_resume)kernel(scsi_device_set_state)kernel(scsi_device_type)kernel(scsi_dh_activate)kernel(scsi_dh_attach)kernel(scsi_dh_attached_handler_name)kernel(scsi_dh_detach)kernel(scsi_dh_handler_exist)kernel(scsi_dh_set_params)kernel(scsi_dma_map)kernel(scsi_dma_unmap)kernel(scsi_driverbyte_string)kernel(scsi_eh_finish_cmd)kernel(scsi_eh_flush_done_q)kernel(scsi_eh_get_sense)kernel(scsi_eh_prep_cmnd)kernel(scsi_eh_ready_devs)kernel(scsi_eh_restore_cmnd)kernel(scsi_execute)kernel(scsi_execute_req_flags)kernel(scsi_extd_sense_format)kernel(scsi_finish_command)kernel(scsi_flush_work)kernel(scsi_free_host_dev)kernel(scsi_get_command)kernel(scsi_get_device_flags_keyed)kernel(scsi_get_device_handler_aux)kernel(scsi_get_host_dev)kernel(scsi_get_sense_info_fld)kernel(scsi_get_vpd_page)kernel(scsi_host_alloc)kernel(scsi_host_get)kernel(scsi_host_get_command)kernel(scsi_host_lookup)kernel(scsi_host_put)kernel(scsi_host_put_command)kernel(scsi_host_set_state)kernel(scsi_hostbyte_string)kernel(scsi_init_io)kernel(scsi_internal_device_block)kernel(scsi_internal_device_block_nowait)kernel(scsi_internal_device_unblock)kernel(scsi_ioctl)kernel(scsi_is_fc_rport)kernel(scsi_is_fc_vport)kernel(scsi_is_host_device)kernel(scsi_is_sas_phy)kernel(scsi_is_sas_port)kernel(scsi_is_sas_rphy)kernel(scsi_is_sdev_device)kernel(scsi_is_target_device)kernel(scsi_kmap_atomic_sg)kernel(scsi_kunmap_atomic_sg)kernel(scsi_logging_level)kernel(scsi_mlreturn_string)kernel(scsi_mode_select)kernel(scsi_mode_sense)kernel(scsi_nl_sock)kernel(scsi_nonblockable_ioctl)kernel(scsi_normalize_sense)kernel(scsi_partsize)kernel(scsi_print_command)kernel(scsi_print_result)kernel(scsi_print_sense)kernel(scsi_print_sense_hdr)kernel(scsi_put_command)kernel(scsi_queue_work)kernel(scsi_register)kernel(scsi_register_device_handler)kernel(scsi_register_driver)kernel(scsi_register_interface)kernel(scsi_release_buffers)kernel(scsi_remove_device)kernel(scsi_remove_host)kernel(scsi_remove_target)kernel(scsi_report_bus_reset)kernel(scsi_report_device_reset)kernel(scsi_report_opcode)kernel(scsi_rescan_device)kernel(scsi_reset_provider)kernel(scsi_sanitize_inquiry_string)kernel(scsi_scan_host)kernel(scsi_scan_target)kernel(scsi_schedule_eh)kernel(scsi_sd_probe_domain)kernel(scsi_sense_desc_find)kernel(scsi_sense_key_string)kernel(scsi_set_medium_removal)kernel(scsi_target_block)kernel(scsi_target_quiesce)kernel(scsi_target_resume)kernel(scsi_target_unblock)kernel(scsi_test_unit_ready)kernel(scsi_tgt_alloc_queue)kernel(scsi_tgt_cmd_to_host)kernel(scsi_tgt_free_queue)kernel(scsi_tgt_it_nexus_create)kernel(scsi_tgt_it_nexus_destroy)kernel(scsi_tgt_queue_command)kernel(scsi_tgt_tsk_mgmt_request)kernel(scsi_track_queue_full)kernel(scsi_unblock_requests)kernel(scsi_unregister)kernel(scsi_unregister_device_handler)kernel(scsi_verify_blk_ioctl)kernel(scsi_vpd_lun_id)kernel(scsi_vpd_tpg_id)kernel(scsicam_bios_param)kernel(scsilun_to_int)kernel(sctp_do_peeloff)kernel(sctp_for_each_endpoint)kernel(sctp_for_each_transport)kernel(sctp_get_sctp_info)kernel(sctp_transport_lookup_process)kernel(sdev_disable_disk_events)kernel(sdev_enable_disk_events)kernel(sdev_evt_alloc)kernel(sdev_evt_send)kernel(sdev_evt_send_simple)kernel(sdev_prefix_printk)kernel(sdhci_add_host)kernel(sdhci_alloc_host)kernel(sdhci_calc_clk)kernel(sdhci_enable_clk)kernel(sdhci_enable_irq_wakeups)kernel(sdhci_execute_tuning)kernel(sdhci_free_host)kernel(sdhci_get_of_property)kernel(sdhci_pci_get_data)kernel(sdhci_pci_spt_drive_strength)kernel(sdhci_pltfm_clk_get_max_clock)kernel(sdhci_pltfm_free)kernel(sdhci_pltfm_init)kernel(sdhci_pltfm_pmops)kernel(sdhci_pltfm_register)kernel(sdhci_pltfm_unregister)kernel(sdhci_remove_host)kernel(sdhci_reset)kernel(sdhci_resume_host)kernel(sdhci_runtime_resume_host)kernel(sdhci_runtime_suspend_host)kernel(sdhci_send_command)kernel(sdhci_set_bus_width)kernel(sdhci_set_clock)kernel(sdhci_set_power)kernel(sdhci_set_power_noreg)kernel(sdhci_set_uhs_signaling)kernel(sdhci_setup_host)kernel(sdhci_suspend_host)kernel(sdio_align_size)kernel(sdio_claim_host)kernel(sdio_claim_irq)kernel(sdio_disable_func)kernel(sdio_enable_func)kernel(sdio_f0_readb)kernel(sdio_f0_writeb)kernel(sdio_get_host_pm_caps)kernel(sdio_memcpy_fromio)kernel(sdio_memcpy_toio)kernel(sdio_readb)kernel(sdio_readl)kernel(sdio_readsb)kernel(sdio_readw)kernel(sdio_register_driver)kernel(sdio_release_host)kernel(sdio_release_irq)kernel(sdio_run_irqs)kernel(sdio_set_block_size)kernel(sdio_set_host_pm_flags)kernel(sdio_unregister_driver)kernel(sdio_writeb)kernel(sdio_writeb_readb)kernel(sdio_writel)kernel(sdio_writesb)kernel(sdio_writew)kernel(search_binary_handler)kernel(secpath_dup)kernel(secure_dccp_sequence_number)kernel(secure_dccpv6_sequence_number)kernel(secure_ipv4_port_ephemeral)kernel(secure_ipv6_port_ephemeral)kernel(secure_tcpv6_sequence_number)kernel(security_d_instantiate)kernel(security_dentry_create_files_as)kernel(security_dentry_init_security)kernel(security_ib_alloc_security)kernel(security_ib_endport_man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lloc_table_chained)kernel(sg_alloc_table_from_pages)kernel(sg_copy_buffer)kernel(sg_copy_from_buffer)kernel(sg_copy_to_buffer)kernel(sg_free_table)kernel(sg_free_table_chained)kernel(sg_init_one)kernel(sg_init_table)kernel(sg_last)kernel(sg_miter_next)kernel(sg_miter_skip)kernel(sg_miter_start)kernel(sg_miter_stop)kernel(sg_nents)kernel(sg_nents_for_len)kernel(sg_next)kernel(sg_pcopy_from_buffer)kernel(sg_pcopy_to_buffer)kernel(sg_scsi_ioctl)kernel(sg_zero_buffer)kernel(sget)kernel(sget_userns)kernel(sha_transform)kernel(shake_page)kernel(shash_ahash_digest)kernel(shash_ahash_finup)kernel(shash_ahash_update)kernel(shash_attr_alg)kernel(shash_free_instance)kernel(shash_register_instance)kernel(shmem_add_seals)kernel(shmem_file_setup)kernel(shmem_get_seals)kernel(shmem_read_mapping_page_gfp)kernel(shmem_truncate_range)kernel(should_remove_suid)kernel(show_class_attr_string)kernel(shrink_dcache_parent)kernel(shrink_dcache_sb)kernel(si21xx_attach)kernel(si_mem_available)kernel(si_meminfo)kernel(sigprocmask)kernel(sigset_from_compat)kernel(simple_attr_open)kernel(simple_attr_read)kernel(simple_attr_release)kernel(simple_attr_write)kernel(simple_dir_inode_operations)kernel(simple_dir_operations)kernel(simple_dname)kernel(simple_empty)kernel(simple_fill_super)kernel(simple_getattr)kernel(simple_link)kernel(simple_lookup)kernel(simple_nosetlease)kernel(simple_open)kernel(simple_pin_fs)kernel(simple_read_from_buffer)kernel(simple_readpage)kernel(simple_release_fs)kernel(simple_rename)kernel(simple_rmdir)kernel(simple_setattr)kernel(simple_statfs)kernel(simple_strtol)kernel(simple_strtoll)kernel(simple_strtoul)kernel(simple_strtoull)kernel(simple_transaction_get)kernel(simple_transaction_read)kernel(simple_transaction_release)kernel(simple_transaction_set)kernel(simple_tuner_attach)kernel(simple_unlink)kernel(simple_write_begin)kernel(simple_write_end)kernel(simple_write_to_buffer)kernel(single_open)kernel(single_open_net)kernel(single_open_size)kernel(single_release)kernel(single_release_net)kernel(single_task_running)kernel(sis_info133_for_sata)kernel(sja1000_interrupt)kernel(sk_alloc)kernel(sk_attach_filter)kernel(sk_busy_loop)kernel(sk_chk_filter)kernel(sk_clear_memalloc)kernel(sk_clone_lock)kernel(sk_common_release)kernel(sk_detach_filter)kernel(sk_dst_check)kernel(sk_filter_release_rcu)kernel(sk_filter_trim_cap)kernel(sk_free)kernel(sk_mc_loop)kernel(sk_page_frag_refill)kernel(sk_prot_clear_portaddr_nulls)kernel(sk_receive_skb)kernel(sk_release_kernel)kernel(sk_reset_timer)kernel(sk_reset_txq)kernel(sk_run_filter)kernel(sk_send_sigurg)kernel(sk_set_memalloc)kernel(sk_setup_caps)kernel(sk_stop_timer)kernel(sk_stream_error)kernel(sk_stream_kill_queues)kernel(sk_stream_wait_close)kernel(sk_stream_wait_connect)kernel(sk_stream_wait_memory)kernel(sk_stream_write_space)kernel(sk_unattached_filter_create)kernel(sk_unattached_filter_destroy)kernel(sk_wait_data)kernel(skb_abort_seq_read)kernel(skb_add_rx_frag)kernel(skb_append)kernel(skb_append_datato_frags)kernel(skb_append_pagefrags)kernel(skb_checksum)kernel(skb_checksum_help)kernel(skb_checksum_setup)kernel(skb_checksum_trimmed)kernel(skb_clone)kernel(skb_clone_sk)kernel(skb_clone_tx_timestamp)kernel(skb_complete_tx_timestamp)kernel(skb_complete_wifi_ack)kernel(skb_consume_udp)kernel(skb_copy)kernel(skb_copy_and_csum_bits)kernel(skb_copy_and_csum_datagram_iovec)kernel(skb_copy_and_csum_dev)kernel(skb_copy_bits)kernel(skb_copy_datagram_const_iovec)kernel(skb_copy_datagram_from_iovec)kernel(skb_copy_datagram_iovec)kernel(skb_copy_expand)kernel(skb_copy_ubufs)kernel(skb_cow_data)kernel(skb_csum_hwoffload_help)kernel(skb_defer_rx_timestamp)kernel(skb_dequeue)kernel(skb_dequeue_tail)kernel(skb_ensure_writable)kernel(skb_find_text)kernel(skb_flow_dissector_init)kernel(skb_free_datagram)kernel(skb_free_datagram_locked)kernel(skb_get_hash_perturb)kernel(skb_gro_receive)kernel(skb_gso_transport_seglen)kernel(skb_gso_validate_mtu)kernel(skb_insert)kernel(skb_kill_datagram)kernel(skb_mac_gso_segment)kernel(skb_make_writable)kernel(skb_morph)kernel(skb_orphan_partial)kernel(skb_pad)kernel(skb_page_frag_refill)kernel(skb_partial_csum_set)kernel(skb_prepare_seq_read)kernel(skb_pull)kernel(skb_pull_rcsum)kernel(skb_push)kernel(skb_put)kernel(skb_queue_head)kernel(skb_queue_purge)kernel(skb_queue_tail)kernel(skb_realloc_headroom)kernel(skb_recv_datagram)kernel(skb_scrub_packet)kernel(skb_segment)kernel(skb_seq_read)kernel(skb_splice_bits)kernel(skb_split)kernel(skb_store_bits)kernel(skb_to_sgvec)kernel(skb_to_sgvec_nomark)kernel(skb_trim)kernel(skb_try_coalesce)kernel(skb_tstamp_tx)kernel(skb_tx_error)kernel(skb_udp_tunnel_segment)kernel(skb_unlink)kernel(skb_vlan_pop)kernel(skb_vlan_push)kernel(skb_vlan_untag)kernel(skb_zerocopy)kernel(skb_zerocopy_headlen)kernel(skcipher_geniv_alloc)kernel(skcipher_geniv_exit)kernel(skcipher_geniv_free)kernel(skcipher_geniv_init)kernel(skip_spaces)kernel(skl_clear_module_cnt)kernel(skl_dsp_free)kernel(skl_dsp_get_core)kernel(skl_dsp_put_core)kernel(skl_dsp_sleep)kernel(skl_dsp_wake)kernel(skl_get_pvt_id)kernel(skl_get_pvt_instance_id_map)kernel(skl_ipc_bind_unbind)kernel(skl_ipc_create_pipeline)kernel(skl_ipc_delete_pipeline)kernel(skl_ipc_get_large_config)kernel(skl_ipc_init_instance)kernel(skl_ipc_load_modules)kernel(skl_ipc_restore_pipeline)kernel(skl_ipc_save_pipeline)kernel(skl_ipc_set_d0ix)kernel(skl_ipc_set_dx)kernel(skl_ipc_set_large_config)kernel(skl_ipc_set_pipeline_state)kernel(skl_ipc_unload_modules)kernel(skl_put_pvt_id)kernel(skl_sst_dsp_cleanup)kernel(skl_sst_dsp_init)kernel(skl_sst_init_fw)kernel(skl_sst_ipc_load_library)kernel(sleep_on)kernel(sleep_on_timeout)kernel(slhc_compress)kernel(slhc_free)kernel(slhc_init)kernel(slhc_remember)kernel(slhc_toss)kernel(slhc_uncompress)kernel(slow_virt_to_phys)kernel(sm501_find_clock)kernel(sm501_misc_control)kernel(sm501_modify_reg)kernel(sm501_set_clock)kernel(sm501_unit_power)kernel(smca_banks)kernel(smca_names)kernel(sme_me_mask)kernel(smp_call_function)kernel(smp_call_function_any)kernel(smp_call_function_many)kernel(smp_call_function_single)kernel(smp_call_function_single_async)kernel(smp_num_siblings)kernel(smp_ops)kernel(smpboot_register_percpu_thread)kernel(smpboot_unregister_percpu_thread)kernel(smpboot_update_cpumask_percpu_thread)kernel(sms_board_event)kernel(sms_board_led_feedback)kernel(sms_board_lna_control)kernel(sms_board_load_modules)kernel(sms_board_power)kernel(sms_board_setup)kernel(sms_get_board)kernel(smsclient_sendrequest)kernel(smscore_get_board_id)kernel(smscore_get_device_mode)kernel(smscore_getbuffer)kernel(smscore_onresponse)kernel(smscore_putbuffer)kernel(smscore_register_client)kernel(smscore_register_device)kernel(smscore_register_hotplug)kernel(smscore_registry_getmode)kernel(smscore_set_board_id)kernel(smscore_start_device)kernel(smscore_translate_msg)kernel(smscore_unregister_client)kernel(smscore_unregister_device)kernel(smscore_unregister_hotplug)kernel(smsendian_handle_message_header)kernel(smsendian_handle_rx_message)kernel(smsendian_handle_tx_message)kernel(sn_coherency_id)kernel(sn_partition_id)kernel(sn_region_size)kernel(sn_rtc_cycles_per_second)kernel(snd_ac97_bus)kernel(snd_ac97_get_short_name)kernel(snd_ac97_mixer)kernel(snd_ac97_pcm_assign)kernel(snd_ac97_pcm_close)kernel(snd_ac97_pcm_double_rate_rules)kernel(snd_ac97_pcm_open)kernel(snd_ac97_read)kernel(snd_ac97_resume)kernel(snd_ac97_set_rate)kernel(snd_ac97_suspend)kernel(snd_ac97_tune_hardware)kernel(snd_ac97_update)kernel(snd_ac97_update_bits)kernel(snd_ac97_update_power)kernel(snd_ac97_write)kernel(snd_ac97_write_cache)kernel(snd_ak4113_build)kernel(snd_ak4113_check_rate_and_errors)kernel(snd_ak4113_create)kernel(snd_ak4113_external_rate)kernel(snd_ak4113_reg_write)kernel(snd_ak4113_reinit)kernel(snd_ak4113_resume)kernel(snd_ak4113_suspend)kernel(snd_ak4114_build)kernel(snd_ak4114_check_rate_and_errors)kernel(snd_ak4114_create)kernel(snd_ak4114_external_rate)kernel(snd_ak4114_reg_write)kernel(snd_ak4114_reinit)kernel(snd_ak4114_resume)kernel(snd_ak4114_suspend)kernel(snd_akm4xxx_build_controls)kernel(snd_akm4xxx_init)kernel(snd_akm4xxx_reset)kernel(snd_akm4xxx_write)kernel(snd_array_free)kernel(snd_array_new)kernel(snd_card_add_dev_attr)kernel(snd_card_disconnect)kernel(snd_card_file_add)kernel(snd_card_file_remove)kernel(snd_card_free)kernel(snd_card_free_when_closed)kernel(snd_card_new)kernel(snd_card_register)kernel(snd_card_set_id)kernel(snd_cards)kernel(snd_component_add)kernel(snd_compr_stop_error)kernel(snd_compress_deregister)kernel(snd_compress_new)kernel(snd_compress_register)kernel(snd_cs8427_create)kernel(snd_cs8427_iec958_active)kernel(snd_cs8427_iec958_build)kernel(snd_cs8427_iec958_pcm)kernel(snd_cs8427_init)kernel(snd_cs8427_reg_write)kernel(snd_ctl_activate_id)kernel(snd_ctl_add)kernel(snd_ctl_add_vmaster_hook)kernel(snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info)kernel(snd_ctl_boolean_stereo_info)kernel(snd_ctl_enum_info)kernel(snd_ctl_find_id)kernel(snd_ctl_find_numid)kernel(snd_ctl_free_one)kernel(snd_ctl_get_preferred_subdevice)kernel(snd_ctl_make_virtual_master)kernel(snd_ctl_new1)kernel(snd_ctl_notify)kernel(snd_ctl_register_ioctl)kernel(snd_ctl_register_ioctl_compat)kernel(snd_ctl_remove)kernel(snd_ctl_remove_id)kernel(snd_ctl_rename_id)kernel(snd_ctl_replace)kernel(snd_ctl_sync_vmaster)kernel(snd_ctl_unregister_ioctl)kernel(snd_ctl_unregister_ioctl_compat)kernel(snd_device_disconnect)kernel(snd_device_free)kernel(snd_device_initialize)kernel(snd_device_new)kernel(snd_device_register)kernel(snd_dma_alloc_pages)kernel(snd_dma_alloc_pages_fallback)kernel(snd_dma_disable)kernel(snd_dma_free_pages)kernel(snd_dma_pointer)kernel(snd_dma_program)kernel(snd_ecards_limit)kernel(snd_emu10k1_memblk_map)kernel(snd_emu10k1_ptr_read)kernel(snd_emu10k1_ptr_write)kernel(snd_emu10k1_synth_alloc)kernel(snd_emu10k1_synth_bzero)kernel(snd_emu10k1_synth_copy_from_user)kernel(snd_emu10k1_synth_free)kernel(snd_emu10k1_voice_alloc)kernel(snd_emu10k1_voice_free)kernel(snd_emux_free)kernel(snd_emux_lock_voice)kernel(snd_emux_new)kernel(snd_emux_register)kernel(snd_emux_terminate_all)kernel(snd_emux_unlock_voice)kernel(snd_free_pages)kernel(snd_fw_transaction)kernel(snd_hda_activate_path)kernel(snd_hda_add_imux_item)kernel(snd_hda_add_new_ctls)kernel(snd_hda_add_new_path)kernel(snd_hda_add_nid)kernel(snd_hda_add_verbs)kernel(snd_hda_add_vmaster_hook)kernel(snd_hda_apply_fixup)kernel(snd_hda_apply_pincfgs)kernel(snd_hda_apply_verbs)kernel(snd_hda_attach_beep_device)kernel(snd_hda_bus_type)kernel(snd_hda_check_amp_caps)kernel(snd_hda_check_amp_list_power)kernel(snd_hda_codec_amp_init)kernel(snd_hda_codec_amp_init_stereo)kernel(snd_hda_codec_amp_stereo)kernel(snd_hda_codec_amp_update)kernel(snd_hda_codec_cleanup)kernel(snd_hda_codec_configure)kernel(snd_hda_codec_eapd_power_filter)kernel(snd_hda_codec_get_pin_target)kernel(snd_hda_codec_get_pincfg)kernel(snd_hda_codec_load_dsp_cleanup)kernel(snd_hda_codec_load_dsp_prepare)kernel(snd_hda_codec_load_dsp_trigger)kernel(snd_hda_codec_new)kernel(snd_hda_codec_pcm_new)kernel(snd_hda_codec_pcm_put)kernel(snd_hda_codec_prepare)kernel(snd_hda_codec_set_name)kernel(snd_hda_codec_set_pin_target)kernel(snd_hda_codec_set_pincfg)kernel(snd_hda_codec_set_power_to_all)kernel(snd_hda_codec_setup_stream)kernel(snd_hda_codec_update_widgets)kernel(snd_hda_correct_pin_ctl)kernel(snd_hda_create_dig_out_ctls)kernel(snd_hda_create_spdif_in_ctls)kernel(snd_hda_create_spdif_share_sw)kernel(snd_hda_ctl_add)kernel(snd_hda_detach_beep_device)kernel(snd_hda_enable_beep_device)kernel(snd_hda_enum_helper_info)kernel(snd_hda_ext_driver_register)kernel(snd_hda_ext_driver_unregister)kernel(snd_hda_find_mixer_ctl)kernel(snd_hda_gen_add_kctl)kernel(snd_hda_gen_build_controls)kernel(snd_hda_gen_build_pcms)kernel(snd_hda_gen_check_power_status)kernel(snd_hda_gen_fix_pin_power)kernel(snd_hda_gen_free)kernel(snd_hda_gen_hp_automute)kernel(snd_hda_gen_init)kernel(snd_hda_gen_line_automute)kernel(snd_hda_gen_mic_autoswitch)kernel(snd_hda_gen_parse_auto_config)kernel(snd_hda_gen_path_power_filter)kernel(snd_hda_gen_spec_init)kernel(snd_hda_gen_stream_pm)kernel(snd_hda_gen_update_outputs)kernel(snd_hda_get_bool_hint)kernel(snd_hda_get_conn_index)kernel(snd_hda_get_conn_list)kernel(snd_hda_get_connections)kernel(snd_hda_get_default_vref)kernel(snd_hda_get_dev_select)kernel(snd_hda_get_hint)kernel(snd_hda_get_input_pin_attr)kernel(snd_hda_get_int_hint)kernel(snd_hda_get_num_devices)kernel(snd_hda_get_path_from_idx)kernel(snd_hda_get_path_idx)kernel(snd_hda_get_pin_label)kernel(snd_hda_input_mux_info)kernel(snd_hda_input_mux_put)kernel(snd_hda_jack_add_kctl)kernel(snd_hda_jack_add_kctls)kernel(snd_hda_jack_detect_enable)kernel(snd_hda_jack_detect_enable_callback)kernel(snd_hda_jack_detect_state)kernel(snd_hda_jack_poll_all)kernel(snd_hda_jack_report_sync)kernel(snd_hda_jack_set_dirty_all)kernel(snd_hda_jack_set_gating_jack)kernel(snd_hda_jack_tbl_get)kernel(snd_hda_jack_tbl_get_from_tag)kernel(snd_hda_jack_unsol_event)kernel(snd_hda_load_patch)kernel(snd_hda_lock_devices)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_switch_get)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_switch_get_beep)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_switch_info)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_switch_put)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_switch_put_beep)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_tlv)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_volume_get)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_volume_info)kernel(snd_hda_mixer_amp_volume_put)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_analog_cleanup)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_analog_open)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_analog_prepare)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_dig_cleanup)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_dig_close)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_dig_open)kernel(snd_hda_multi_out_dig_prepare)kernel(snd_hda_override_amp_caps)kernel(snd_hda_override_conn_list)kernel(snd_hda_parse_pin_defcfg)kernel(snd_hda_pick_fixup)kernel(snd_hda_pick_pin_fixup)kernel(snd_hda_pin_sense)kernel(snd_hda_register_beep_device)kernel(snd_hda_sequence_write)kernel(snd_hda_set_dev_select)kernel(snd_hda_set_power_save)kernel(snd_hda_set_vmaster_tlv)kernel(snd_hda_shutup_pins)kernel(snd_hda_spdif_ctls_assign)kernel(snd_hda_spdif_ctls_unassign)kernel(snd_hda_spdif_out_of_nid)kernel(snd_hda_sync_vmaster_hook)kernel(snd_hda_unlock_devices)kernel(snd_hdac_acomp_get_eld)kernel(snd_hdac_add_chmap_ctls)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_add_device)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_alloc_stream_pages)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_enter_link_reset)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_exec_verb)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_exec_verb_unlocked)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_exit)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_exit_link_reset)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_free_stream_pages)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_get_response)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_handle_stream_irq)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_init)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_init_chip)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_init_cmd_io)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_parse_capabilities)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_queue_event)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_remove_device)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_send_cmd)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_stop_chip)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_stop_cmd_io)kernel(snd_hdac_bus_update_rirb)kernel(snd_hdac_calc_stream_format)kernel(snd_hdac_channel_allocation)kernel(snd_hdac_check_power_state)kernel(snd_hdac_chmap_to_spk_mask)kernel(snd_hdac_codec_modalias)kernel(snd_hdac_codec_read)kernel(snd_hdac_codec_write)kernel(snd_hdac_device_exit)kernel(snd_hdac_device_init)kernel(snd_hdac_device_register)kernel(snd_hdac_device_set_chip_name)kernel(snd_hdac_device_unregister)kernel(snd_hdac_display_power)kernel(snd_hdac_dsp_cleanup)kernel(snd_hdac_dsp_prepare)kernel(snd_hdac_dsp_trigger)kernel(snd_hdac_exec_verb)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_device_exit)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_device_init)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_device_remove)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_exit)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_get_link)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_get_ml_capabilities)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_init)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_get)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_power_down)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_power_down_all)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_power_up)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_power_up_all)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_put)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_ppcap_enable)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_bus_ppcap_int_enable)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_link_clear_stream_id)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_link_set_stream_id)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_link_stream_clear)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_link_stream_reset)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_link_stream_setup)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_link_stream_start)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stop_streams)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_assign)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_decouple)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_drsm_enable)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_get_spbmaxfifo)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_init)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_init_all)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_release)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_set_dpibr)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_set_lpib)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_set_spib)kernel(snd_hdac_ext_stream_spbcap_enable)kernel(snd_hdac_get_active_channels)kernel(snd_hdac_get_ch_alloc_from_ca)kernel(snd_hdac_get_connections)kernel(snd_hdac_get_stream)kernel(snd_hdac_get_sub_nodes)kernel(snd_hdac_i915_exit)kernel(snd_hdac_i915_init)kernel(snd_hdac_i915_register_notifier)kernel(snd_hdac_i915_set_bclk)kernel(snd_hdac_is_supported_format)kernel(snd_hdac_link_free_all)kernel(snd_hdac_link_power)kernel(snd_hdac_make_cmd)kernel(snd_hdac_override_parm)kernel(snd_hdac_power_down)kernel(snd_hdac_power_down_pm)kernel(snd_hdac_power_up)kernel(snd_hdac_power_up_pm)kernel(snd_hdac_print_channel_allocation)kernel(snd_hdac_query_supported_pcm)kernel(snd_hdac_read)kernel(snd_hdac_read_parm_uncached)kernel(snd_hdac_refresh_widget_sysfs)kernel(snd_hdac_refresh_widgets)kernel(snd_hdac_register_chmap_ops)kernel(snd_hdac_regmap_add_vendor_verb)kernel(snd_hdac_regmap_exit)kernel(snd_hdac_regmap_init)kernel(snd_hdac_regmap_read_raw)kernel(snd_hdac_regmap_update_raw)kernel(snd_hdac_regmap_write_raw)kernel(snd_hdac_set_codec_wakeup)kernel(snd_hdac_setup_channel_mapping)kernel(snd_hdac_spk_to_chmap)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_assign)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_cleanup)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_clear)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_free_all)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_init)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_release)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_reset)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_set_params)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_setup)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_setup_periods)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_start)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_stop)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_sync)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_sync_trigger)kernel(snd_hdac_stream_timecounter_init)kernel(snd_hdac_sync_audio_rate)kernel(snd_hwdep_new)kernel(snd_i2c_bus_create)kernel(snd_i2c_device_create)kernel(snd_i2c_device_free)kernel(snd_i2c_probeaddr)kernel(snd_i2c_readbytes)kernel(snd_i2c_sendbytes)kernel(snd_ice1712_akm4xxx_build_controls)kernel(snd_ice1712_akm4xxx_free)kernel(snd_ice1712_akm4xxx_init)kernel(snd_info_create_card_entry)kernel(snd_info_create_module_entry)kernel(snd_info_free_entry)kernel(snd_info_get_line)kernel(snd_info_get_str)kernel(snd_info_register)kernel(snd_interval_list)kernel(snd_interval_ranges)kernel(snd_interval_ratnum)kernel(snd_interval_refine)kernel(snd_jack_add_new_kctl)kernel(snd_jack_new)kernel(snd_jack_report)kernel(snd_jack_set_key)kernel(snd_jack_set_parent)kernel(snd_lookup_minor_data)kernel(snd_lookup_oss_minor_data)kernel(snd_major)kernel(snd_malloc_pages)kernel(snd_midi_channel_alloc_set)kernel(snd_midi_channel_free_set)kernel(snd_midi_channel_set_clear)kernel(snd_midi_event_decode)kernel(snd_midi_event_encode)kernel(snd_midi_event_encode_byte)kernel(snd_midi_event_free)kernel(snd_midi_event_new)kernel(snd_midi_event_no_status)kernel(snd_midi_event_reset_decode)kernel(snd_midi_event_reset_encode)kernel(snd_midi_process_event)kernel(snd_mpu401_uart_interrupt)kernel(snd_mpu401_uart_interrupt_tx)kernel(snd_mpu401_uart_new)kernel(snd_opl3_create)kernel(snd_opl3_find_patch)kernel(snd_opl3_hwdep_new)kernel(snd_opl3_init)kernel(snd_opl3_interrupt)kernel(snd_opl3_load_patch)kernel(snd_opl3_new)kernel(snd_opl3_regmap)kernel(snd_opl3_reset)kernel(snd_opl3_timer_new)kernel(snd_oss_info_register)kernel(snd_pci_quirk_lookup)kernel(snd_pci_quirk_lookup_id)kernel(snd_pcm_2_1_chmaps)kernel(snd_pcm_add_chmap_ctls)kernel(snd_pcm_alt_chmaps)kernel(snd_pcm_format_big_endian)kernel(snd_pcm_format_linear)kernel(snd_pcm_format_little_endian)kernel(snd_pcm_format_name)kernel(snd_pcm_format_physical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heck_cookie)kernel(sock_diag_put_filterinfo)kernel(sock_diag_put_meminfo)kernel(sock_diag_register)kernel(sock_diag_register_inet_compat)kernel(sock_diag_save_cookie)kernel(sock_diag_unregister)kernel(sock_diag_unregister_inet_compat)kernel(sock_edemux)kernel(sock_efree)kernel(sock_from_file)kernel(sock_gen_put)kernel(sock_get_timestamp)kernel(sock_get_timestampns)kernel(sock_i_ino)kernel(sock_i_uid)kernel(sock_init_data)kernel(sock_kfree_s)kernel(sock_kmalloc)kernel(sock_no_accept)kernel(sock_no_bind)kernel(sock_no_connect)kernel(sock_no_getname)kernel(sock_no_getsockopt)kernel(sock_no_ioctl)kernel(sock_no_listen)kernel(sock_no_mmap)kernel(sock_no_poll)kernel(sock_no_recvmsg)kernel(sock_no_sendmsg)kernel(sock_no_sendpage)kernel(sock_no_setsockopt)kernel(sock_no_shutdown)kernel(sock_no_socketpair)kernel(sock_prot_inuse_add)kernel(sock_prot_inuse_get)kernel(sock_queue_err_skb)kernel(sock_queue_rcv_skb)kernel(sock_recvmsg)kernel(sock_register)kernel(sock_release)kernel(sock_rfree)kernel(sock_sendmsg)kernel(sock_setsockopt)kernel(sock_tx_timestamp)kernel(sock_unregister)kernel(sock_update_classid)kernel(sock_update_memcg)kernel(sock_update_netprioidx)kernel(sock_wake_async)kernel(sock_wfree)kernel(sock_wmalloc)kernel(sockfd_lookup)kernel(soft_cursor)kernel(softnet_data)kernel(sonet_copy_stats)kernel(sonet_subtract_stats)kernel(sony_pic_camera_command)kernel(sort)kernel(sound_class)kernel(sp8870_attach)kernel(sp887x_attach)kernel(sparse_keymap_entry_from_keycode)kernel(sparse_keymap_entry_from_scancode)kernel(sparse_keymap_free)kernel(sparse_keymap_report_entry)kernel(sparse_keymap_report_event)kernel(sparse_keymap_setup)kernel(spc_emulate_evpd_83)kernel(spc_emulate_inquiry_std)kernel(spc_emulate_report_luns)kernel(spc_parse_cdb)kernel(spec_ctrl_pcp)kernel(speedstep_detect_processor)kernel(speedstep_get_freqs)kernel(speedstep_get_frequency)kernel(spi_add_device)kernel(spi_alloc_device)kernel(spi_alloc_master)kernel(spi_async)kernel(spi_async_locked)kernel(spi_attach_transport)kernel(spi_bus_lock)kernel(spi_bus_type)kernel(spi_bus_unlock)kernel(spi_busnum_to_master)kernel(spi_display_xfer_agreement)kernel(spi_dv_device)kernel(spi_finalize_current_message)kernel(spi_get_device_id)kernel(spi_get_next_queued_message)kernel(spi_master_resume)kernel(spi_master_suspend)kernel(spi_new_device)kernel(spi_populate_ppr_msg)kernel(spi_populate_sync_msg)kernel(spi_populate_width_msg)kernel(spi_print_msg)kernel(spi_register_driver)kernel(spi_register_master)kernel(spi_release_transport)kernel(spi_schedule_dv_device)kernel(spi_setup)kernel(spi_sync)kernel(spi_sync_locked)kernel(spi_unregister_master)kernel(spi_write_then_read)kernel(splice_direct_to_actor)kernel(splice_from_pipe_begin)kernel(splice_from_pipe_end)kernel(splice_from_pipe_feed)kernel(splice_from_pipe_next)kernel(splice_to_pipe)kernel(splice_write_to_file)kernel(split_page)kernel(sprint_OID)kernel(sprint_oid)kernel(sprint_symbol)kernel(sprint_symbol_no_offset)kernel(sprintf)kernel(srcu_barrier)kernel(srcu_batches_completed)kernel(srcu_init_notifier_head)kernel(srcu_notifier_call_chain)kernel(srcu_notifier_chain_register)kernel(srcu_notifier_chain_unregister)kernel(srp_attach_transport)kernel(srp_cmd_queue)kernel(srp_iu_get)kernel(srp_iu_put)kernel(srp_parse_tmo)kernel(srp_reconnect_rport)kernel(srp_release_transport)kernel(srp_remove_host)kernel(srp_rport_add)kernel(srp_rport_del)kernel(srp_rport_get)kernel(srp_rport_put)kernel(srp_start_tl_fail_timers)kernel(srp_stop_rport_timers)kernel(srp_target_alloc)kernel(srp_target_free)kernel(srp_tmo_valid)kernel(srp_transfer_data)kernel(ssb_admatch_base)kernel(ssb_admatch_size)kernel(ssb_bus_may_powerdown)kernel(ssb_bus_powerup)kernel(ssb_bus_resume)kernel(ssb_bus_sdiobus_register)kernel(ssb_bus_suspend)kernel(ssb_bus_unregister)kernel(ssb_chipco_gpio_control)kernel(ssb_clockspeed)kernel(ssb_commit_settings)kernel(ssb_device_disable)kernel(ssb_device_enable)kernel(ssb_device_is_enabled)kernel(ssb_dma_translation)kernel(ssb_driver_unregister)kernel(ssb_pcicore_dev_irqvecs_enable)kernel(ssb_pcihost_register)kernel(ssb_pmu_set_ldo_paref)kernel(ssb_pmu_set_ldo_voltage)kernel(ssb_pmu_spuravoid_pllupdate)kernel(ssb_set_devtypedata)kernel(sscanf)kernel(sst_acpi_check_hid)kernel(sst_acpi_codec_list)kernel(sst_acpi_find_machine)kernel(sst_acpi_find_name_from_hid)kernel(sst_acpi_find_package_from_hid)kernel(sst_alloc_blocks)kernel(sst_alloc_drv_context)kernel(sst_block_alloc_scratch)kernel(sst_block_free_scratch)kernel(sst_configure_runtime_pm)kernel(sst_context_cleanup)kernel(sst_context_init)kernel(sst_dma_free)kernel(sst_dma_new)kernel(sst_dsp_boot)kernel(sst_dsp_dma_copyfrom)kernel(sst_dsp_dma_copyto)kernel(sst_dsp_dma_get_channel)kernel(sst_dsp_dma_put_channel)kernel(sst_dsp_dump)kernel(sst_dsp_free)kernel(sst_dsp_get_offset)kernel(sst_dsp_inbox_read)kernel(sst_dsp_inbox_write)kernel(sst_dsp_ipc_msg_rx)kernel(sst_dsp_ipc_msg_tx)kernel(sst_dsp_mailbox_init)kernel(sst_dsp_new)kernel(sst_dsp_outbox_read)kernel(sst_dsp_outbox_write)kernel(sst_dsp_register_poll)kernel(sst_dsp_reset)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_read)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_read64)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_read64_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_read_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_update_bits)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_update_bits64)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_update_bits64_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_update_bits_forced)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_update_bits_forced_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_update_bits_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_write)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_write64)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_write64_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_shim_write_unlocked)kernel(sst_dsp_sleep)kernel(sst_dsp_stall)kernel(sst_dsp_wake)kernel(sst_free_blocks)kernel(sst_fw_free)kernel(sst_fw_free_all)kernel(sst_fw_new)kernel(sst_fw_reload)kernel(sst_fw_unload)kernel(sst_hsw_device_set_config)kernel(sst_hsw_dsp_free)kernel(sst_hsw_dsp_init)kernel(sst_ipc_drop_all)kernel(sst_ipc_fini)kernel(sst_ipc_init)kernel(sst_ipc_reply_find_msg)kernel(sst_ipc_tx_message_nopm)kernel(sst_ipc_tx_message_nowait)kernel(sst_ipc_tx_message_wait)kernel(sst_ipc_tx_msg_reply_complete)kernel(sst_mem_block_register)kernel(sst_mem_block_unregister_all)kernel(sst_memcpy_fromio_32)kernel(sst_memcpy_toio_32)kernel(sst_module_alloc_blocks)kernel(sst_module_free)kernel(sst_module_free_blocks)kernel(sst_module_get_from_id)kernel(sst_module_new)kernel(sst_module_runtime_alloc_blocks)kernel(sst_module_runtime_free)kernel(sst_module_runtime_free_blocks)kernel(sst_module_runtime_get_from_id)kernel(sst_module_runtime_new)kernel(sst_module_runtime_restore)kernel(sst_module_runtime_save)kernel(sst_register_dsp)kernel(sst_shim32_read)kernel(sst_shim32_read64)kernel(sst_shim32_write)kernel(sst_shim32_write64)kernel(sst_unregister_dsp)kernel(st33zp24_pm_resume)kernel(st33zp24_pm_suspend)kernel(st33zp24_probe)kernel(st33zp24_remove)kernel(starget_for_each_device)kernel(start_tty)kernel(static_key_deferred_flush)kernel(static_key_enabled)kernel(static_key_initialized)kernel(static_key_slow_dec)kernel(static_key_slow_dec_deferred)kernel(static_key_slow_inc)kernel(stb0899_attach)kernel(stb6000_attach)kernel(stb6100_attach)kernel(stop_machine)kernel(stop_tty)kernel(stp_proto_register)kernel(stp_proto_unregister)kernel(strcasecmp)kernel(strcat)kernel(strchr)kernel(strchrnul)kernel(strcmp)kernel(strcpy)kernel(strcspn)kernel(strim)kernel(string_get_size)kernel(string_unescape)kernel(strlcat)kernel(strlcpy)kernel(strlen)kernel(strlen_user)kernel(strncasecmp)kernel(strncat)kernel(strnchr)kernel(strncmp)kernel(strncpy)kernel(strncpy_from_user)kernel(strndup_user)kernel(strnicmp)kernel(strnlen)kernel(strnlen_user)kernel(strnstr)kernel(strpbrk)kernel(strrchr)kernel(strsep)kernel(strspn)kernel(strstr)kernel(stv0288_attach)kernel(stv0297_attach)kernel(stv0299_attach)kernel(stv0367cab_attach)kernel(stv0367ter_attach)kernel(stv0900_attach)kernel(stv090x_attach)kernel(stv090x_set_gpio)kernel(stv6110_attach)kernel(stv6110x_attach)kernel(submit_bh)kernel(submit_bio)kernel(submit_bio_wait)kernel(subsys_dev_iter_exit)kernel(subsys_dev_iter_init)kernel(subsys_dev_iter_next)kernel(subsys_find_device_by_id)kernel(subsys_interface_register)kernel(subsys_interface_unregister)kernel(subsys_system_register)kernel(subsys_virtual_register)kernel(sunrpc_cache_lookup)kernel(sunrpc_cache_pipe_upcall)kernel(sunrpc_cache_register_pipefs)kernel(sunrpc_cache_unregister_pipefs)kernel(sunrpc_cache_update)kernel(sunrpc_destroy_cache_detail)kernel(sunrpc_init_cache_detail)kernel(sunrpc_net_id)kernel(suspend_device_irqs)kernel(suspend_set_ops)kernel(suspend_valid_only_mem)kernel(svc_addsock)kernel(svc_age_temp_xprts_now)kernel(svc_alien_sock)kernel(svc_auth_register)kernel(svc_auth_unregister)kernel(svc_authenticate)kernel(svc_bind)kernel(svc_close_xprt)kernel(svc_create)kernel(svc_create_pooled)kernel(svc_create_xprt)kernel(svc_destroy)kernel(svc_drop)kernel(svc_exit_thread)kernel(svc_find_xprt)kernel(svc_max_payload)kernel(svc_pool_map)kernel(svc_pool_map_get)kernel(svc_pool_map_put)kernel(svc_pool_stats_open)kernel(svc_prepare_thread)kernel(svc_print_addr)kernel(svc_proc_register)kernel(svc_proc_unregister)kernel(svc_process)kernel(svc_recv)kernel(svc_reg_xprt_class)kernel(svc_reserve)kernel(svc_rpcb_cleanup)kernel(svc_rpcb_setup)kernel(svc_rqst_alloc)kernel(svc_rqst_free)kernel(svc_seq_show)kernel(svc_set_client)kernel(svc_set_num_threads)kernel(svc_shutdown_net)kernel(svc_sock_update_bufs)kernel(svc_unreg_xprt_class)kernel(svc_wake_up)kernel(svc_xprt_copy_addrs)kernel(svc_xprt_do_enqueue)kernel(svc_xprt_enqueue)kernel(svc_xprt_init)kernel(svc_xprt_names)kernel(svc_xprt_put)kernel(svcauth_gss_flavor)kernel(svcauth_gss_register_pseudoflavor)kernel(svcauth_unix_purge)kernel(svcauth_unix_set_client)kernel(swake_up)kernel(swake_up_all)kernel(swake_up_locked)kernel(swiotlb_alloc_coherent)kernel(swiotlb_dma_mapping_error)kernel(swiotlb_dma_supported)kernel(swiotlb_free_coherent)kernel(swiotlb_map_page)kernel(swiotlb_map_sg)kernel(swiotlb_map_sg_attrs)kernel(swiotlb_max_size)kernel(swiotlb_nr_tbl)kernel(swiotlb_sync_sg_for_cpu)kernel(swiotlb_sync_sg_for_device)kernel(swiotlb_sync_single_for_cpu)kernel(swiotlb_sync_single_for_device)kernel(swiotlb_tbl_map_single)kernel(swiotlb_tbl_sync_single)kernel(swiotlb_tbl_unmap_single)kernel(swiotlb_unmap_page)kernel(swiotlb_unmap_sg)kernel(swiotlb_unmap_sg_attrs)kernel(switchdev_deferred_process)kernel(switchdev_port_attr_get)kernel(switchdev_port_attr_set)kernel(switchdev_port_bridge_dellink)kernel(switchdev_port_bridge_getlink)kernel(switchdev_port_bridge_setlink)kernel(switchdev_port_fdb_add)kernel(switchdev_port_fdb_del)kernel(switchdev_port_fdb_dump)kernel(switchdev_port_obj_add)kernel(switchdev_port_obj_del)kernel(switchdev_port_obj_dump)kernel(switchdev_port_same_parent_id)kernel(switchdev_trans_item_dequeue)kernel(switchdev_trans_item_enqueue)kernel(symbol_put_addr)kernel(sync_blockdev)kernel(sync_dirty_buffer)kernel(sync_file_create)kernel(sync_file_get_fence)kernel(sync_filesystem)kernel(sync_inode)kernel(sync_inode_metadata)kernel(sync_inodes_sb)kernel(sync_mapping_buffers)kernel(sync_page_io)kernel(synchronize_hardirq)kernel(synchronize_irq)kernel(synchronize_net)kernel(synchronize_rcu_bh)kernel(synchronize_rcu_expedited)kernel(synchronize_sched)kernel(synchronize_sched_expedited)kernel(synchronize_srcu)kernel(synchronize_srcu_expedited)kernel(synproxy_build_options)kernel(synproxy_check_timestamp_cookie)kernel(synproxy_init_timestamp_cookie)kernel(synproxy_net_id)kernel(synproxy_options_size)kernel(synproxy_parse_options)kernel(synproxy_tstamp_adjust)kernel(sys_close)kernel(sys_copyarea)kernel(sys_fillrect)kernel(sys_imageblit)kernel(sys_tz)kernel(syscore_resume)kernel(syscore_suspend)kernel(sysctl_ip_default_ttl)kernel(sysctl_ip_early_demux)kernel(sysctl_local_reserved_ports)kernel(sysctl_max_syn_backlog)kernel(sysctl_nf_log_all_netns)kernel(sysctl_optmem_max)kernel(sysctl_rmem_max)kernel(sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale)kernel(sysctl_tcp_low_latency)kernel(sysctl_tcp_notsent_lowat)kernel(sysctl_tcp_reordering)kernel(sysctl_tcp_rmem)kernel(sysctl_tcp_syncookies)kernel(sysctl_tcp_wmem)kernel(sysctl_udp_mem)kernel(sysctl_udp_rmem_min)kernel(sysctl_udp_wmem_min)kernel(sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure)kernel(sysctl_wmem_max)kernel(sysfs_add_file_to_group)kernel(sysfs_add_link_to_group)kernel(sysfs_chmod_file)kernel(sysfs_create_bin_file)kernel(sysfs_create_file_ns)kernel(sysfs_create_files)kernel(sysfs_create_group)kernel(sysfs_create_groups)kernel(sysfs_create_link)kernel(sysfs_create_mount_point)kernel(sysfs_format_mac)kernel(sysfs_merge_group)kernel(sysfs_notify)kernel(sysfs_remove_bin_file)kernel(sysfs_remove_file_from_group)kernel(sysfs_remove_file_ns)kernel(sysfs_remove_files)kernel(sysfs_remove_group)kernel(sysfs_remove_groups)kernel(sysfs_remove_link)kernel(sysfs_remove_link_from_group)kernel(sysfs_remove_mount_point)kernel(sysfs_rename_link_ns)kernel(sysfs_schedule_callback)kernel(sysfs_streq)kernel(sysfs_unmerge_group)kernel(sysfs_update_group)kernel(system_entering_hibernation)kernel(system_freezable_power_efficient_wq)kernel(system_freezable_wq)kernel(system_freezing_cnt)kernel(system_highpri_wq)kernel(system_long_wq)kernel(system_power_efficient_wq)kernel(system_serial_number)kernel(system_state)kernel(system_trusted_keyring)kernel(system_unbound_wq)kernel(system_wq)kernel(systime)kernel(t1pci_detect)kernel(t3_l2e_free)kernel(t3_l2t_get)kernel(t3_l2t_send_event)kernel(t3_l2t_send_slow)kernel(t3_register_cpl_handler)kernel(t4_cleanup_clip_tbl)kernel(tag_pages_for_writeback)kernel(take_dentry_name_snapshot)kernel(take_over_console)kernel(target_alloc_session)kernel(target_alloc_sgl)kernel(target_backend_unregister)kernel(target_complete_cmd)kernel(target_complete_cmd_with_length)kernel(target_configure_unmap_from_queue)kernel(target_depend_item)kernel(target_execute_cmd)kernel(target_free_sgl)kernel(target_get_sess_cmd)kernel(target_get_session)kernel(target_lun_is_rdonly)kernel(target_nacl_find_deve)kernel(target_put_nacl)kernel(target_put_sess_cmd)kernel(target_put_session)kernel(target_register_template)kernel(target_sess_cmd_list_set_waiting)kernel(target_setup_cmd_from_cdb)kernel(target_show_dynamic_sessions)kernel(target_submit_cmd)kernel(target_submit_cmd_map_sgls)kernel(target_submit_tmr)kernel(target_to_linux_sector)kernel(target_tpg_has_node_acl)kernel(target_undepend_item)kernel(target_unregister_template)kernel(target_wait_for_sess_cmds)kernel(task_active_pid_ns)kernel(task_cputime_adjusted)kernel(task_current_syscall)kernel(task_handoff_register)kernel(task_handoff_unregister)kernel(task_nice)kernel(task_tgid_nr_ns)kernel(task_user_regset_view)kernel(task_xstate_cachep)kernel(tasklet_hrtimer_init)kernel(tasklet_init)kernel(tasklet_kill)kernel(tboot)kernel(tcf_action_dump_1)kernel(tcf_action_exec)kernel(tcf_block_get)kernel(tcf_block_put)kernel(tcf_chain_get)kernel(tcf_chain_put)kernel(tcf_classify)kernel(tcf_em_register)kernel(tcf_em_tree_destroy)kernel(tcf_em_tree_dump)kernel(tcf_em_tree_validate)kernel(tcf_em_unregister)kernel(tcf_exts_change)kernel(tcf_exts_destroy)kernel(tcf_exts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tm6000_xc5000_callback)kernel(to_nd_blk_region)kernel(to_nd_btt)kernel(to_nd_dax)kernel(to_nd_desc)kernel(to_nd_pfn)kernel(to_nd_region)kernel(to_ndd)kernel(to_nfit_uuid)kernel(to_nvdimm)kernel(to_nvdimm_bus)kernel(to_nvdimm_bus_dev)kernel(topology_phys_to_logical_pkg)kernel(totalram_pages)kernel(touch_atime)kernel(touch_buffer)kernel(touch_nmi_watchdog)kernel(touch_softlockup_watchdog)kernel(tpacpi_led_set)kernel(tpm2_calc_ordinal_duration)kernel(tpm2_get_tpm_pt)kernel(tpm2_probe)kernel(tpm_calc_ordinal_duration)kernel(tpm_chip_alloc)kernel(tpm_chip_register)kernel(tpm_chip_unregister)kernel(tpm_do_selftest)kernel(tpm_get_random)kernel(tpm_get_timeouts)kernel(tpm_getcap)kernel(tpm_is_tpm2)kernel(tpm_pcr_extend)kernel(tpm_pcr_read)kernel(tpm_pm_resume)kernel(tpm_pm_suspend)kernel(tpm_put_ops)kernel(tpm_seal_trusted)kernel(tpm_send)kernel(tpm_tis_core_init)kernel(tpm_tis_remove)kernel(tpm_tis_resume)kernel(tpm_transmit_cmd)kernel(tpm_try_get_ops)kernel(tpm_unseal_trusted)kernel(tpmm_chip_alloc)kernel(trace_buffer_unlock_commit)kernel(trace_buffer_unlock_commit_regs)kernel(trace_clock_local)kernel(trace_current_buffer_discard_commit)kernel(trace_current_buffer_lock_reserve)kernel(trace_current_buffer_unlock_commit)kernel(trace_define_field)kernel(trace_event_buffer_lock_reserve)kernel(trace_event_raw_init)kernel(trace_seq_printf)kernel(trace_seq_putc)kernel(trace_seq_vprintf)kernel(trace_set_clr_event)kernel(trace_vbprintk)kernel(trace_vprintk)kernel(tracepoint_iter_next)kernel(tracepoint_iter_reset)kernel(tracepoint_iter_start)kernel(tracepoint_iter_stop)kernel(tracepoint_probe_register)kernel(tracepoint_probe_register_noupdate)kernel(tracepoint_probe_unregister)kernel(tracepoint_probe_unregister_noupdate)kernel(tracepoint_probe_update_all)kernel(tracing_generic_entry_update)kernel(tracing_is_on)kernel(tracing_off)kernel(tracing_on)kernel(tracing_snapshot)kernel(tracing_snapshot_alloc)kernel(translation_pre_enabled)kernel(transport_add_device)kernel(transport_alloc_session_tags)kernel(transport_backend_register)kernel(transport_check_aborted_status)kernel(transport_class_register)kernel(transport_class_unregister)kernel(transport_configure_device)kernel(transport_copy_sense_to_cmd)kernel(transport_deregister_session)kernel(transport_deregister_session_configfs)kernel(transport_destroy_device)kernel(transport_free_session)kernel(transport_generic_free_cmd)kernel(transport_generic_handle_tmr)kernel(transport_generic_new_cmd)kernel(transport_generic_request_failure)kernel(transport_handle_cdb_direct)kernel(transport_init_se_cmd)kernel(transport_init_session)kernel(transport_init_session_tags)kernel(transport_kmap_data_sg)kernel(transport_kunmap_data_sg)kernel(transport_lookup_cmd_lun)kernel(transport_lookup_tmr_lun)kernel(transport_register_session)kernel(transport_remove_device)kernel(transport_send_check_condition_and_sense)kernel(transport_set_vpd_assoc)kernel(transport_set_vpd_ident)kernel(transport_set_vpd_ident_type)kernel(transport_set_vpd_proto_id)kernel(transport_setup_device)kernel(transport_wait_for_tasks)kernel(truncate_inode_pages)kernel(truncate_inode_pages_final)kernel(truncate_inode_pages_range)kernel(truncate_pagecache)kernel(truncate_pagecache_range)kernel(truncate_setsize)kernel(try_get_online_cpus)kernel(try_module_get)kernel(try_offline_node)kernel(try_test_sas_gpio_gp_bit)kernel(try_to_del_timer_sync)kernel(try_to_free_buffers)kernel(try_to_release_page)kernel(try_to_writeback_inodes_sb)kernel(try_to_writeback_inodes_sb_nr)kernel(try_wait_for_completion)kernel(ts2020_attach)kernel(ts3a227e_enable_jack_detect)kernel(tsc_khz)kernel(tso_build_data)kernel(tso_build_hdr)kernel(tso_count_descs)kernel(tso_start)kernel(ttm_agp_tt_create)kernel(ttm_agp_tt_populate)kernel(ttm_agp_tt_unpopulate)kernel(ttm_base_object_init)kernel(ttm_base_object_lookup)kernel(ttm_base_object_lookup_for_ref)kernel(ttm_base_object_unref)kernel(ttm_bo_acc_size)kernel(ttm_bo_add_to_lru)kernel(ttm_bo_clean_mm)kernel(ttm_bo_create)kernel(ttm_bo_default_io_mem_pfn)kernel(ttm_bo_del_sub_from_lru)kernel(ttm_bo_device_init)kernel(ttm_bo_device_release)kernel(ttm_bo_dma_acc_size)kernel(ttm_bo_evict_mm)kernel(ttm_bo_eviction_valuable)kernel(ttm_bo_global_init)kernel(ttm_bo_global_release)kernel(ttm_bo_init)kernel(ttm_bo_init_mm)kernel(ttm_bo_init_reserved)kernel(ttm_bo_kmap)kernel(ttm_bo_kunmap)kernel(ttm_bo_lock_delayed_workqueue)kernel(ttm_bo_manager_func)kernel(ttm_bo_mem_compat)kernel(ttm_bo_mem_put)kernel(ttm_bo_mem_space)kernel(ttm_bo_mmap)kernel(ttm_bo_move_accel_cleanup)kernel(ttm_bo_move_memcpy)kernel(ttm_bo_move_to_lru_tail)kernel(ttm_bo_move_ttm)kernel(ttm_bo_pipeline_move)kernel(ttm_bo_swapout_all)kernel(ttm_bo_synccpu_write_grab)kernel(ttm_bo_synccpu_write_release)kernel(ttm_bo_unlock_delayed_workqueue)kernel(ttm_bo_unmap_virtual)kernel(ttm_bo_unref)kernel(ttm_bo_validate)kernel(ttm_bo_wait)kernel(ttm_dma_page_alloc_debugfs)kernel(ttm_dma_populate)kernel(ttm_dma_tt_fini)kernel(ttm_dma_tt_init)kernel(ttm_dma_unpopulate)kernel(ttm_eu_backoff_reservation)kernel(ttm_eu_fence_buffer_objects)kernel(ttm_eu_reserve_buffers)kernel(ttm_fbdev_mmap)kernel(ttm_get_kernel_zone_memory_size)kernel(ttm_io_prot)kernel(ttm_lock_init)kernel(ttm_mem_global_alloc)kernel(ttm_mem_global_free)kernel(ttm_mem_global_init)kernel(ttm_mem_global_release)kernel(ttm_mem_io_free)kernel(ttm_mem_io_lock)kernel(ttm_mem_io_reserve)kernel(ttm_mem_io_unlock)kernel(ttm_object_device_init)kernel(ttm_object_device_release)kernel(ttm_object_file_init)kernel(ttm_object_file_release)kernel(ttm_page_alloc_debugfs)kernel(ttm_pool_populate)kernel(ttm_pool_unpopulate)kernel(ttm_prime_fd_to_handle)kernel(ttm_prime_handle_to_fd)kernel(ttm_prime_object_init)kernel(ttm_read_lock)kernel(ttm_read_unlock)kernel(ttm_ref_object_add)kernel(ttm_ref_object_base_unref)kernel(ttm_ref_object_exists)kernel(ttm_round_pot)kernel(ttm_suspend_lock)kernel(ttm_suspend_unlock)kernel(ttm_tt_bind)kernel(ttm_tt_fini)kernel(ttm_tt_init)kernel(ttm_tt_set_placement_caching)kernel(ttm_vt_lock)kernel(ttm_vt_unlock)kernel(ttm_write_lock)kernel(ttm_write_unlock)kernel(ttpci_budget_debiread)kernel(ttpci_budget_debiwrite)kernel(ttpci_budget_deinit)kernel(ttpci_budget_init)kernel(ttpci_budget_init_hooks)kernel(ttpci_budget_irq10_handler)kernel(ttpci_budget_set_video_port)kernel(ttpci_eeprom_decode_mac)kernel(ttpci_eeprom_parse_mac)kernel(ttusbdecfe_dvbs_attach)kernel(ttusbdecfe_dvbt_attach)kernel(tty_buffer_request_room)kernel(tty_chars_in_buffer)kernel(tty_check_change)kernel(tty_devnum)kernel(tty_do_resize)kernel(tty_driver_flush_buffer)kernel(tty_driver_kref_put)kernel(tty_encode_baud_rate)kernel(tty_find_polling_driver)kernel(tty_flip_buffer_push)kernel(tty_free_termios)kernel(tty_get_pgrp)kernel(tty_hangup)kernel(tty_hung_up_p)kernel(tty_init_termios)kernel(tty_insert_flip_string_fixed_flag)kernel(tty_insert_flip_string_flags)kernel(tty_kref_put)kernel(tty_ldisc_deref)kernel(tty_ldisc_flush)kernel(tty_ldisc_ref)kernel(tty_ldisc_ref_wait)kernel(tty_lock)kernel(tty_mode_ioctl)kernel(tty_mutex)kernel(tty_name)kernel(tty_pair_get_pty)kernel(tty_pair_get_tty)kernel(tty_perform_flush)kernel(tty_port_alloc_xmit_buf)kernel(tty_port_block_til_ready)kernel(tty_port_carrier_raised)kernel(tty_port_close)kernel(tty_port_close_end)kernel(tty_port_close_start)kernel(tty_port_destroy)kernel(tty_port_free_xmit_buf)kernel(tty_port_hangup)kernel(tty_port_init)kernel(tty_port_install)kernel(tty_port_link_device)kernel(tty_port_lower_dtr_rts)kernel(tty_port_open)kernel(tty_port_put)kernel(tty_port_raise_dtr_rts)kernel(tty_port_register_device)kernel(tty_port_register_device_attr)kernel(tty_port_tty_get)kernel(tty_port_tty_hangup)kernel(tty_port_tty_set)kernel(tty_port_tty_wakeup)kernel(tty_prepare_flip_string)kernel(tty_prepare_flip_string_flags)kernel(tty_put_char)kernel(tty_register_device)kernel(tty_register_device_attr)kernel(tty_register_driver)kernel(tty_register_ldisc)kernel(tty_schedule_flip)kernel(tty_set_operations)kernel(tty_set_termios)kernel(tty_standard_install)kernel(tty_std_termios)kernel(tty_termios_baud_rate)kernel(tty_termios_copy_hw)kernel(tty_termios_encode_baud_rate)kernel(tty_termios_hw_change)kernel(tty_termios_input_baud_rate)kernel(tty_throttle)kernel(tty_unlock)kernel(tty_unregister_device)kernel(tty_unregister_driver)kernel(tty_unregister_ldisc)kernel(tty_unthrottle)kernel(tty_vhangup)kernel(tty_wait_until_sent)kernel(tty_wakeup)kernel(tty_write_room)kernel(tua6100_attach)kernel(tua9001_attach)kernel(tun_get_socket)kernel(tuner_count)kernel(tuners)kernel(tveeprom_hauppauge_analog)kernel(tveeprom_read)kernel(twofish_cbc_dec_8way)kernel(twofish_ctr_8way)kernel(twofish_dec_blk)kernel(twofish_dec_blk_3way)kernel(twofish_dec_blk_cbc_3way)kernel(twofish_ecb_dec_8way)kernel(twofish_ecb_enc_8way)kernel(twofish_enc_blk)kernel(twofish_enc_blk_ctr)kernel(twofish_enc_blk_ctr_3way)kernel(twofish_setkey)kernel(twofish_xts_dec)kernel(twofish_xts_dec_8way)kernel(twofish_xts_enc)kernel(twofish_xts_enc_8way)kernel(typec_altmode2port)kernel(typec_altmode_update_active)kernel(typec_cable_set_identity)kernel(typec_partner_register_altmode)kernel(typec_partner_set_identity)kernel(typec_plug_register_altmode)kernel(typec_port_register_altmode)kernel(typec_register_cable)kernel(typec_register_partner)kernel(typec_register_plug)kernel(typec_register_port)kernel(typec_set_data_role)kernel(typec_set_pwr_opmode)kernel(typec_set_pwr_role)kernel(typec_set_vconn_role)kernel(typec_unregister_altmode)kernel(typec_unregister_cable)kernel(typec_unregister_partner)kernel(typec_unregister_plug)kernel(typec_unregister_port)kernel(uart_add_one_port)kernel(uart_console_write)kernel(uart_get_baud_rate)kernel(uart_get_divisor)kernel(uart_handle_cts_change)kernel(uart_handle_dcd_change)kernel(uart_insert_char)kernel(uart_match_port)kernel(uart_parse_options)kernel(uart_register_driver)kernel(uart_remove_one_port)kernel(uart_resume_port)kernel(uart_set_options)kernel(uart_suspend_port)kernel(uart_unregister_driver)kernel(uart_update_timeout)kernel(uart_write_wakeup)kernel(ubi_close_volume)kernel(ubi_do_get_device_info)kernel(ubi_flush)kernel(ubi_get_device_info)kernel(ubi_get_volume_info)kernel(ubi_is_mapped)kernel(ubi_leb_change)kernel(ubi_leb_erase)kernel(ubi_leb_map)kernel(ubi_leb_read)kernel(ubi_leb_unmap)kernel(ubi_leb_write)kernel(ubi_open_volume)kernel(ubi_open_volume_nm)kernel(ubi_open_volume_path)kernel(ubi_register_volume_notifier)kernel(ubi_sync)kernel(ubi_unregister_volume_notifier)kernel(ucode_cpu_info)kernel(ucs2_as_utf8)kernel(ucs2_strlen)kernel(ucs2_strncmp)kernel(ucs2_strnlen)kernel(ucs2_strsize)kernel(ucs2_utf8size)kernel(ucsi_notify)kernel(ucsi_register_ppm)kernel(ucsi_unregister_ppm)kernel(udp4_hwcsum)kernel(udp4_lib_lookup)kernel(udp4_lib_lookup_skb)kernel(udp6_csum_init)kernel(udp6_lib_lookup)kernel(udp6_lib_lookup_skb)kernel(udp6_set_csum)kernel(udp_destruct_sock)kernel(udp_disconnect)kernel(udp_encap_enable)kernel(udp_flush_pending_frames)kernel(udp_gro_complete)kernel(udp_gro_receive)kernel(udp_init_sock)kernel(udp_ioctl)kernel(udp_lib_get_port)kernel(udp_lib_getsockopt)kernel(udp_lib_rehash)kernel(udp_lib_setsockopt)kernel(udp_lib_unhash)kernel(udp_memory_allocated)kernel(udp_poll)kernel(udp_proc_register)kernel(udp_proc_unregister)kernel(udp_prot)kernel(udp_push_pending_frames)kernel(udp_sendmsg)kernel(udp_seq_open)kernel(udp_set_csum)kernel(udp_skb_destructor)kernel(udp_sock_create4)kernel(udp_sock_create6)kernel(udp_table)kernel(udp_tun_rx_dst)kernel(udp_tunnel6_xmit_skb)kernel(udp_tunnel_drop_rx_port)kernel(udp_tunnel_notify_add_rx_port)kernel(udp_tunnel_notify_del_rx_port)kernel(udp_tunnel_push_rx_port)kernel(udp_tunnel_sock_release)kernel(udp_tunnel_xmit_skb)kernel(udplite_prot)kernel(udplite_table)kernel(udpv6_encap_enable)kernel(ufshcd_init)kernel(ufshcd_remove)kernel(ufshcd_resume)kernel(ufshcd_suspend)kernel(uhci_check_and_reset_hc)kernel(uhci_reset_hc)kernel(uhid_hid_driver)kernel(uio_event_notify)kernel(uio_unregister_device)kernel(umc_bus_type)kernel(umc_controller_reset)kernel(umc_device_create)kernel(umc_device_register)kernel(umc_device_unregister)kernel(umc_driver_unregister)kernel(umc_match_pci_id)kernel(umc_normaddr_to_sysaddr)kernel(unbind_con_driver)kernel(unbind_from_irqhandler)kernel(unblock_all_signals)kernel(uncache_firmware)kernel(unix_domain_find)kernel(unix_inq_len)kernel(unix_outq_len)kernel(unix_peer_get)kernel(unix_socket_table)kernel(unix_table_lock)kernel(unlazy_fpu)kernel(unlink_framebuffer)kernel(unload_nls)kernel(unlock_buffer)kernel(unlock_new_inode)kernel(unlock_page)kernel(unlock_rename)kernel(unlock_two_nondirectories)kernel(unmap_kernel_range_noflush)kernel(unmap_mapping_range)kernel(unmap_underlying_metadata)kernel(unpoison_memory)kernel(unprotected_firmware_begin)kernel(unprotected_firmware_end)kernel(unregister_8022_client)kernel(unregister_acpi_bus_type)kernel(unregister_acpi_hed_notifier)kernel(unregister_acpi_notifier)kernel(unregister_asymmetric_key_parser)kernel(unregister_atmdevice_notifier)kernel(unregister_binfmt)kernel(unregister_blkdev)kernel(unregister_c_can_dev)kernel(unregister_candev)kernel(unregister_capi_driver)kernel(unregister_capictr_notifier)kernel(unregister_cc770dev)kernel(unregister_cdrom)kernel(unregister_chrdev_region)kernel(unregister_con_driver)kernel(unregister_console)kernel(unregister_cpu_notifier)kernel(unregister_dca_provider)kernel(unregister_dcbevent_notifier)kernel(unregister_die_notifier)kernel(unregister_exec_domain)kernel(unregister_fib_notifier)kernel(unregister_filesystem)kernel(unregister_framebuffer)kernel(unregister_ftrace_event)kernel(unregister_ftrace_function)kernel(unregister_hdlc_device)kernel(unregister_hdlc_protocol)kernel(unregister_hotplug_dock_device)kernel(unregister_hw_breakpoint)kernel(unregister_inet6addr_notifier)kernel(unregister_inetaddr_notifier)kernel(unregister_ip_vs_app)kernel(unregister_ip_vs_pe)kernel(unregister_ip_vs_scheduler)kernel(unregister_jprobe)kernel(unregister_jprobes)kernel(unregister_key_type)kernel(unregister_keyboard_notifier)kernel(unregister_kprobe)kernel(unregister_kprobes)kernel(unregister_kretprobe)kernel(unregister_kretprobes)kernel(unregister_lsm_notifier)kernel(unregister_md_personality)kernel(unregister_memory_isolate_notifier)kernel(unregister_memory_notifier)kernel(unregister_module_notifier)kernel(unregister_mtd_chip_driver)kernel(unregister_mtd_user)kernel(unregister_net_sysctl_table)kernel(unregister_netdev)kernel(unregister_netdevice_many)kernel(unregister_netdevice_notifier)kernel(unregister_netdevice_notifier_rh)kernel(unregister_netdevice_queue)kernel(unregister_netevent_notifier)kernel(unregister_nfs_version)kernel(unregister_nls)kernel(unregister_nmi_handler)kernel(unregister_oldmem_pfn_is_ram)kernel(unregister_oom_notifier)kernel(unregister_pernet_device)kernel(unregister_pernet_subsys)kernel(unregister_pm_notifier)kernel(unregister_pppox_proto)kernel(unregister_qdisc)kernel(unregister_quota_format)kernel(unregister_reboot_notifier)kernel(unregister_shrinker)kernel(unregister_shrinker2)kernel(unregister_sja1000dev)kernel(unregister_snap_client)kernel(unregister_sound_dsp)kernel(unregister_sound_midi)kernel(unregister_sound_mixer)kernel(unregister_sound_special)kernel(unregister_switchdev_notifier)kernel(unregister_syscore_ops)kernel(unregister_sysctl_table)kernel(unregister_sysrq_key)kernel(unregister_tcf_proto_ops)kernel(unregister_virtio_device)kernel(unregister_virtio_driver)kernel(unregister_vt_notifier)kernel(unregister_wide_hw_breakpoint)kernel(unregister_xenbus_watch)kernel(unregister_xenstore_notifier)kernel(unshare_fs_struct)kernel(unuse_mm)kernel(unwind_get_return_address)kernel(unwind_next_frame)kernel(up)kernel(up_read)kernel(up_write)kernel(update_region)kernel(uprobe_register)kernel(uprobe_unregister)kernel(usb_acpi_power_manageable)kernel(usb_acpi_set_power_state)kernel(usb_add_hcd)kernel(usb_alloc_coherent)kernel(usb_alloc_dev)kernel(usb_alloc_streams)kernel(usb_alloc_urb)kernel(usb_altnum_to_altsetting)kernel(usb_amd_dev_put)kernel(usb_amd_find_chipset_info)kernel(usb_amd_hang_symptom_quirk)kernel(usb_amd_prefetch_quirk)kernel(usb_amd_quirk_pll_disable)kernel(usb_amd_quirk_pll_enable)kernel(usb_anchor_empty)kernel(usb_anchor_resume_wakeups)kernel(usb_anchor_suspend_wakeups)kernel(usb_anchor_urb)kernel(usb_asmedia_modifyflowcontrol)kernel(usb_autopm_get_interface)kernel(usb_autopm_get_interface_async)kernel(usb_autopm_get_interface_no_resume)kernel(usb_autopm_put_interface)kernel(usb_autopm_put_interface_async)kernel(usb_autopm_put_interface_no_suspend)kernel(usb_block_urb)kernel(usb_bulk_msg)kernel(usb_bus_idr)kernel(usb_bus_idr_lock)kernel(usb_calc_bus_time)kernel(usb_cdc_wdm_register)kernel(usb_choose_configuration)kernel(usb_clear_halt)kernel(usb_control_msg)kernel(usb_create_hcd)kernel(usb_create_shared_hcd)kernel(usb_cypress_load_firmware)kernel(usb_debug_root)kernel(usb_deregister)kernel(usb_deregister_dev)kernel(usb_deregister_device_driver)kernel(usb_disable_autosuspend)kernel(usb_disable_lpm)kernel(usb_disable_ltm)kernel(usb_disable_xhci_ports)kernel(usb_disabled)kernel(usb_driver_claim_interface)kernel(usb_driver_release_interface)kernel(usb_driver_set_configuration)kernel(usb_enable_autosuspend)kernel(usb_enable_intel_xhci_ports)kernel(usb_enable_lpm)kernel(usb_enable_ltm)kernel(usb_ep0_reinit)kernel(usb_find_alt_setting)kernel(usb_find_interface)kernel(usb_for_each_dev)kernel(usb_free_coherent)kernel(usb_free_streams)kernel(usb_free_urb)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_edset_empty)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_edset_flush)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_edset_input)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_edset_output)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_edset_setup)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_edset_single)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_read_pcimem)kernel(usb_ftdi_elan_write_pcimem)kernel(usb_get_current_frame_number)kernel(usb_get_descriptor)kernel(usb_get_dev)kernel(usb_get_from_anchor)kernel(usb_get_hcd)kernel(usb_get_intf)kernel(usb_get_status)kernel(usb_get_urb)kernel(usb_hc_died)kernel(usb_hcd_amd_remote_wakeup_quirk)kernel(usb_hcd_check_unlink_urb)kernel(usb_hcd_end_port_resume)kernel(usb_hcd_giveback_urb)kernel(usb_hcd_irq)kernel(usb_hcd_is_primary_hcd)kernel(usb_hcd_link_urb_to_ep)kernel(usb_hcd_map_urb_for_dma)kernel(usb_hcd_pci_pm_ops)kernel(usb_hcd_pci_probe)kernel(usb_hcd_pci_remove)kernel(usb_hcd_pci_shutdown)kernel(usb_hcd_platform_shutdown)kernel(usb_hcd_poll_rh_status)kernel(usb_hcd_resume_root_hub)kernel(usb_hcd_start_port_resume)kernel(usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep)kernel(usb_hcd_unmap_urb_for_dma)kernel(usb_hcd_unmap_urb_setup_for_dma)kernel(usb_hcds_loaded)kernel(usb_hid_driver)kernel(usb_hub_claim_port)kernel(usb_hub_clear_tt_buffer)kernel(usb_hub_find_child)kernel(usb_hub_release_port)kernel(usb_ifnum_to_if)kernel(usb_init_urb)kernel(usb_interrupt_msg)kernel(usb_kill_anchored_urbs)kernel(usb_kill_urb)kernel(usb_lock_device_for_reset)kernel(usb_match_id)kernel(usb_match_one_id)kernel(usb_mon_deregister)kernel(usb_mon_register)kernel(usb_otg_state_string)kernel(usb_poison_anchored_urbs)kernel(usb_poison_urb)kernel(usb_put_dev)kernel(usb_put_hcd)kernel(usb_put_intf)kernel(usb_queue_reset_device)kernel(usb_register_dev)kernel(usb_register_device_driver)kernel(usb_register_driver)kernel(usb_register_notify)kernel(usb_remove_hcd)kernel(usb_reset_configuration)kernel(usb_reset_device)kernel(usb_reset_endpoint)kernel(usb_root_hub_lost_power)kernel(usb_scuttle_anchored_urbs)kernel(usb_serial_deregister_drivers)kernel(usb_serial_generic_chars_in_buffer)kernel(usb_serial_generic_close)kernel(usb_serial_generic_get_icount)kernel(usb_serial_generic_open)kernel(usb_serial_generic_process_read_urb)kernel(usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback)kernel(usb_serial_generic_resume)kernel(usb_serial_generic_submit_read_urbs)kernel(usb_serial_generic_throttle)kernel(usb_serial_generic_tiocmiwait)kernel(usb_serial_generic_unthrottle)kernel(usb_serial_generic_wait_until_sent)kernel(usb_serial_generic_write)kernel(usb_serial_generic_write_bulk_callback)kernel(usb_serial_generic_write_start)kernel(usb_serial_handle_break)kernel(usb_serial_handle_dcd_change)kernel(usb_serial_handle_sysrq_char)kernel(usb_serial_port_softint)kernel(usb_serial_register_drivers)kernel(usb_serial_resume)kernel(usb_serial_suspend)kernel(usb_set_configuration)kernel(usb_set_device_state)kernel(usb_set_interface)kernel(usb_sg_cancel)kernel(usb_sg_init)kernel(usb_sg_wait)kernel(usb_show_dynids)kernel(usb_speed_string)kernel(usb_state_string)kernel(usb_stor_Bulk_reset)kernel(usb_stor_Bulk_transport)kernel(usb_stor_CB_reset)kernel(usb_stor_CB_transport)kernel(usb_stor_access_xfer_buf)kernel(usb_stor_adjust_quirks)kernel(usb_stor_bulk_srb)kernel(usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf)kernel(usb_stor_bulk_transfer_sg)kernel(usb_stor_clear_halt)kernel(usb_stor_control_msg)kernel(usb_stor_ctrl_transfer)kernel(usb_stor_disconnect)kernel(usb_stor_host_template_init)kernel(usb_stor_post_reset)kernel(usb_stor_pre_reset)kernel(usb_stor_probe1)kernel(usb_stor_probe2)kernel(usb_stor_reset_resume)kernel(usb_stor_resume)kernel(usb_stor_sense_invalidCDB)kernel(usb_stor_set_xfer_buf)kernel(usb_stor_suspend)kernel(usb_stor_transparent_scsi_command)kernel(usb_store_new_id)kernel(usb_string)kernel(usb_submit_urb)kernel(usb_unanchor_urb)kernel(usb_unlink_anchored_urbs)kernel(usb_unlink_urb)kernel(usb_unlocked_disable_lpm)kernel(usb_unlocked_enable_lpm)kernel(usb_unpoison_anchored_urbs)kernel(usb_unpoison_urb)kernel(usb_unregister_notify)kernel(usb_wait_anchor_empty_timeout)kernel(usb_wakeup_notification)kernel(usb_wwan_chars_in_buffer)kernel(usb_wwan_close)kernel(usb_wwan_dtr_rts)kernel(usb_wwan_ioctl)kernel(usb_wwan_open)kernel(usb_wwan_port_probe)kernel(usb_wwan_port_remove)kernel(usb_wwan_resume)kernel(usb_wwan_suspend)kernel(usb_wwan_tiocmget)kernel(usb_wwan_tiocmset)kernel(usb_wwan_write)kernel(usb_wwan_write_room)kernel(usbatm_usb_disconnect)kernel(usbatm_usb_probe)kernel(usbhid_lookup_quirk)kernel(usbip_alloc_iso_desc_pdu)kernel(usbip_debug_flag)kernel(usbip_dump_header)kernel(usbip_dump_urb)kernel(usbip_event_add)kernel(usbip_event_happened)kernel(usbip_header_correct_endian)kernel(usbip_in_eh)kernel(usbip_pack_pdu)kernel(usbip_pad_iso)kernel(usbip_recv)kernel(usbip_recv_iso)kernel(usbip_recv_xbuff)kernel(usbip_start_eh)kernel(usbip_stop_eh)kernel(usbnet_cdc_bind)kernel(usbnet_cdc_status)kernel(usbnet_cdc_unbind)kernel(usbnet_change_mtu)kernel(usbnet_defer_kevent)kernel(usbnet_device_suggests_idle)kernel(usbnet_disconnect)kernel(usbnet_generic_cdc_bind)kernel(usbnet_get_drvinfo)kernel(usbnet_get_endpoints)kernel(usbnet_get_ethernet_addr)kernel(usbnet_get_link)kernel(usbnet_get_msglevel)kernel(usbnet_get_settings)kernel(usbnet_link_change)kernel(usbnet_manage_power)kernel(usbnet_nway_reset)kernel(usbnet_open)kernel(usbnet_pause_rx)kernel(usbnet_probe)kernel(usbnet_purge_paused_rxq)kernel(usbnet_read_cmd)kernel(usbnet_read_cmd_nopm)kernel(usbnet_resume)kernel(usbnet_resume_rx)kernel(usbnet_set_msglevel)kernel(usbnet_set_settings)kernel(usbnet_skb_return)kernel(usbnet_start_xmit)kernel(usbnet_status_start)kernel(usbnet_status_stop)kernel(usbnet_stop)kernel(usbnet_suspend)kernel(usbnet_tx_timeout)kernel(usbnet_unlink_rx_urbs)kernel(usbnet_update_max_qlen)kernel(usbnet_write_cmd)kernel(usbnet_write_cmd_async)kernel(usbnet_write_cmd_nopm)kernel(use_mm)kernel(usecs_to_jiffies)kernel(used_vectors)kernel(user_describe)kernel(user_destroy)kernel(user_instantiate)kernel(user_match)kernel(user_path_at)kernel(user_path_create)kernel(user_read)kernel(user_return_notifier_register)kernel(user_return_notifier_unregister)kernel(user_revoke)kernel(user_update)kernel(usermodehelper_read_lock_wait)kernel(usermodehelper_read_trylock)kernel(usermodehelper_read_unlock)kernel(usleep_range)kernel(utf16s_to_utf8s)kernel(utf32_to_utf8)kernel(utf8_to_utf32)kernel(utf8s_to_utf16s)kernel(uuid_gen)kernel(uuid_is_valid)kernel(uuid_null)kernel(uuid_parse)kernel(uv_apicid_hibits)kernel(uv_bios_call)kernel(uv_bios_change_memprotect)kernel(uv_bios_freq_base)kernel(uv_bios_get_sn_info)kernel(uv_bios_mq_watchlist_alloc)kernel(uv_bios_mq_watchlist_free)kernel(uv_bios_reserved_page_pa)kernel(uv_bios_set_legacy_vga_target)kernel(uv_hub_info_version)kernel(uv_min_hub_revision_id)kernel(uv_possible_blades)kernel(uv_setup_irq)kernel(uv_teardown_irq)kernel(uv_type)kernel(uv_undefined)kernel(uverbs_alloc_spec_tree)kernel(uverbs_free_spec_tree)kernel(uwb_dev_for_each)kernel(uwb_dev_try_get)kernel(uwb_est_find_size)kernel(uwb_est_register)kernel(uwb_est_unregister)kernel(uwb_ie_next)kernel(uwb_notifs_deregister)kernel(uwb_notifs_register)kernel(uwb_pal_init)kernel(uwb_pal_register)kernel(uwb_pal_unregister)kernel(uwb_radio_start)kernel(uwb_radio_stop)kernel(uwb_rc_add)kernel(uwb_rc_alloc)kernel(uwb_rc_cmd)kernel(uwb_rc_cmd_async)kernel(uwb_rc_dev_addr_get)kernel(uwb_rc_get_by_dev)kernel(uwb_rc_get_by_grandpa)kernel(uwb_rc_ie_add)kernel(uwb_rc_ie_rm)kernel(uwb_rc_init)kernel(uwb_rc_mac_addr_get)kernel(uwb_rc_neh_error)kernel(uwb_rc_neh_grok)kernel(uwb_rc_post_reset)kernel(uwb_rc_pre_reset)kernel(uwb_rc_put)kernel(uwb_rc_reset_all)kernel(uwb_rc_rm)kernel(uwb_rc_vcmd)kernel(uwb_rsv_accept)kernel(uwb_rsv_create)kernel(uwb_rsv_destroy)kernel(uwb_rsv_establish)kernel(uwb_rsv_get_usable_mas)kernel(uwb_rsv_modify)kernel(uwb_rsv_state_str)kernel(uwb_rsv_terminate)kernel(uwb_rsv_type_str)kernel(v4l2_calc_aspect_ratio)kernel(v4l2_chip_ident_i2c_client)kernel(v4l2_chip_match_host)kernel(v4l2_chip_match_i2c_client)kernel(v4l2_compat_ioctl32)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_activate)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_add_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_add_handler)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_auto_cluster)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_check)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_cluster)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_fill)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_find)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_g_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_g_ctrl_int64)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_get_menu)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_get_name)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_grab)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_handler_free)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_handler_init_class)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_handler_log_status)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_log_status)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_merge)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_modify_range)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_new_custom)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_new_int_menu)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_new_std)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu_items)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_next)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_notify)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_poll)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_query_fill)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_query_menu)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_query_menu_valid_items)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_radio_filter)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_replace)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_s_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_s_ctrl_int64)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_sub_ev_ops)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_subdev_log_status)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_subdev_subscribe_event)kernel(v4l2_ctrl_subscribe_event)kernel(v4l2_detect_cvt)kernel(v4l2_detect_gtf)kernel(v4l2_device_disconnect)kernel(v4l2_device_put)kernel(v4l2_device_register)kernel(v4l2_device_register_subdev)kernel(v4l2_device_register_subdev_nodes)kernel(v4l2_device_set_name)kernel(v4l2_device_unregister)kernel(v4l2_device_unregister_subdev)kernel(v4l2_event_dequeue)kernel(v4l2_event_pending)kernel(v4l2_event_queue)kernel(v4l2_event_queue_fh)kernel(v4l2_event_subdev_unsubscribe)kernel(v4l2_event_subscribe)kernel(v4l2_event_unsubscribe)kernel(v4l2_event_unsubscribe_all)kernel(v4l2_fh_add)kernel(v4l2_fh_del)kernel(v4l2_fh_exit)kernel(v4l2_fh_init)kernel(v4l2_fh_is_singular)kernel(v4l2_fh_open)kernel(v4l2_fh_release)kernel(v4l2_field_names)kernel(v4l2_find_nearest_format)kernel(v4l2_g_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_g_ext_ctrls)kernel(v4l2_get_timestamp)kernel(v4l2_i2c_new_subdev)kernel(v4l2_i2c_new_subdev_board)kernel(v4l2_i2c_subdev_addr)kernel(v4l2_i2c_subdev_init)kernel(v4l2_i2c_tuner_addrs)kernel(v4l2_norm_to_name)kernel(v4l2_prio_change)kernel(v4l2_prio_check)kernel(v4l2_prio_close)kernel(v4l2_prio_init)kernel(v4l2_prio_max)kernel(v4l2_prio_open)kernel(v4l2_queryctrl)kernel(v4l2_querymenu)kernel(v4l2_s_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_s_ext_ctrls)kernel(v4l2_spi_new_subdev)kernel(v4l2_spi_subdev_init)kernel(v4l2_subdev_g_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_subdev_g_ext_ctrls)kernel(v4l2_subdev_init)kernel(v4l2_subdev_queryctrl)kernel(v4l2_subdev_querymenu)kernel(v4l2_subdev_s_ctrl)kernel(v4l2_subdev_s_ext_ctrls)kernel(v4l2_subdev_try_ext_ctrls)kernel(v4l2_try_ext_ctrls)kernel(v4l2_type_names)kernel(v4l2_video_std_construct)kernel(v4l2_video_std_frame_period)kernel(v4l_bound_align_image)kernel(v4l_match_dv_timings)kernel(v4l_printk_ioctl)kernel(vb2_buffer_done)kernel(vb2_common_vm_ops)kernel(vb2_create_bufs)kernel(vb2_dqbuf)kernel(vb2_expbuf)kernel(vb2_fop_mmap)kernel(vb2_fop_poll)kernel(vb2_fop_read)kernel(vb2_fop_release)kernel(vb2_fop_write)kernel(vb2_get_contig_userptr)kernel(vb2_get_vma)kernel(vb2_ioctl_create_bufs)kernel(vb2_ioctl_dqbuf)kernel(vb2_ioctl_expbuf)kernel(vb2_ioctl_prepare_buf)kernel(vb2_ioctl_qbuf)kernel(vb2_ioctl_querybuf)kernel(vb2_ioctl_reqbufs)kernel(vb2_ioctl_streamoff)kernel(vb2_ioctl_streamon)kernel(vb2_mmap)kernel(vb2_ops_wait_finish)kernel(vb2_ops_wait_prepare)kernel(vb2_plane_cookie)kernel(vb2_plane_vaddr)kernel(vb2_poll)kernel(vb2_prepare_buf)kernel(vb2_put_vma)kernel(vb2_qbuf)kernel(vb2_querybuf)kernel(vb2_queue_init)kernel(vb2_queue_release)kernel(vb2_read)kernel(vb2_reqbufs)kernel(vb2_streamoff)kernel(vb2_streamon)kernel(vb2_vmalloc_memops)kernel(vb2_wait_for_all_buffers)kernel(vb2_write)kernel(vbin_printf)kernel(vc_cons)kernel(vc_resize)kernel(vc_scrolldelta_helper)kernel(vcc_hash)kernel(vcc_insert_socket)kernel(vcc_process_recv_queue)kernel(vcc_release_async)kernel(vcc_sklist_lock)kernel(vchan_dma_desc_free_list)kernel(vchan_find_desc)kernel(vchan_init)kernel(vchan_tx_submit)kernel(vcpu_load)kernel(vcpu_put)kernel(vector_used_by_percpu_irq)kernel(verify_mem_not_deleted)kernel(verify_signature)kernel(verify_spi_info)kernel(ves1820_attach)kernel(ves1x93_attach)kernel(vfio_add_group_dev)kernel(vfio_del_group_dev)kernel(vfio_device_data)kernel(vfio_device_get_from_dev)kernel(vfio_device_put)kernel(vfio_external_check_extension)kernel(vfio_external_group_match_file)kernel(vfio_external_user_iommu_id)kernel(vfio_group_get_external_user)kernel(vfio_group_put_external_user)kernel(vfio_group_set_kvm)kernel(vfio_info_add_capability)kernel(vfio_info_cap_add)kernel(vfio_info_cap_shift)kernel(vfio_iommu_group_get)kernel(vfio_iommu_group_put)kernel(vfio_pin_pages)kernel(vfio_register_iommu_driver)kernel(vfio_register_notifier)kernel(vfio_set_irqs_validate_and_prepare)kernel(vfio_unpin_pages)kernel(vfio_unregister_iommu_driver)kernel(vfio_unregister_notifier)kernel(vfree)kernel(vfs_cancel_lock)kernel(vfs_clone_file_range)kernel(vfs_copy_file_range)kernel(vfs_create)kernel(vfs_fallocate)kernel(vfs_follow_link)kernel(vfs_fstat)kernel(vfs_fstatat)kernel(vfs_fsync)kernel(vfs_fsync_range)kernel(vfs_getattr)kernel(vfs_getxattr)kernel(vfs_kern_mount)kernel(vfs_link)kernel(vfs_listxattr)kernel(vfs_llseek)kernel(vfs_lock_file)kernel(vfs_lstat)kernel(vfs_mkdir)kernel(vfs_mknod)kernel(vfs_open)kernel(vfs_path_lookup)kernel(vfs_read)kernel(vfs_readlink)kernel(vfs_readv)kernel(vfs_removexattr)kernel(vfs_rename)kernel(vfs_rmdir)kernel(vfs_setlease)kernel(vfs_setpos)kernel(vfs_setxattr)kernel(vfs_stat)kernel(vfs_statfs)kernel(vfs_submount)kernel(vfs_symlink)kernel(vfs_test_lock)kernel(vfs_truncate)kernel(vfs_unlink)kernel(vfs_whiteout)kernel(vfs_write)kernel(vfs_writev)kernel(vga_client_register)kernel(vga_con)kernel(vga_default_device)kernel(vga_get)kernel(vga_put)kernel(vga_set_legacy_decoding)kernel(vga_switcheroo_client_fb_set)kernel(vga_switcheroo_fini_domain_pm_ops)kernel(vga_switcheroo_get_client_state)kernel(vga_switcheroo_handler_flags)kernel(vga_switcheroo_init_domain_pm_ops)kernel(vga_switcheroo_init_domain_pm_optimus_hdmi_audio)kernel(vga_switcheroo_lock_ddc)kernel(vga_switcheroo_process_delayed_switch)kernel(vga_switcheroo_register_audio_client)kernel(vga_switcheroo_register_client)kernel(vga_switcheroo_register_handler)kernel(vga_switcheroo_set_dynamic_switch)kernel(vga_switcheroo_unlock_ddc)kernel(vga_switcheroo_unregister_client)kernel(vga_switcheroo_unregister_handler)kernel(vga_tryget)kernel(vgacon_text_force)kernel(vhost_add_used)kernel(vhost_add_used_and_signal)kernel(vhost_add_used_and_signal_n)kernel(vhost_add_used_n)kernel(vhost_chr_poll)kernel(vhost_chr_read_iter)kernel(vhost_chr_write_iter)kernel(vhost_dequeue_msg)kernel(vhost_dev_check_owner)kernel(vhost_dev_cleanup)kernel(vhost_dev_has_owner)kernel(vhost_dev_init)kernel(vhost_dev_ioctl)kernel(vhost_dev_reset_owner)kernel(vhost_dev_reset_owner_prepare)kernel(vhost_dev_set_owner)kernel(vhost_dev_stop)kernel(vhost_disable_notify)kernel(vhost_discard_vq_desc)kernel(vhost_enable_notify)kernel(vhost_enqueue_msg)kernel(vhost_get_vq_desc)kernel(vhost_has_work)kernel(vhost_init_device_iotlb)kernel(vhost_init_used)kernel(vhost_log_access_ok)kernel(vhost_log_write)kernel(vhost_new_msg)kernel(vhost_poll_flush)kernel(vhost_poll_init)kernel(vhost_poll_queue)kernel(vhost_poll_start)kernel(vhost_poll_stop)kernel(vhost_signal)kernel(vhost_vq_access_ok)kernel(vhost_vq_avail_empty)kernel(vhost_vring_ioctl)kernel(vhost_work_flush)kernel(vhost_work_init)kernel(vhost_work_queue)kernel(vid_from_reg)kernel(vid_which_vrm)kernel(video_devdata)kernel(video_device_alloc)kernel(video_device_release)kernel(video_device_release_empty)kernel(video_ioctl2)kernel(video_output_register)kernel(video_output_unregister)kernel(video_unregister_device)kernel(video_usercopy)kernel(videobuf_alloc_vb)kernel(videobuf_dma_free)kernel(videobuf_dma_init)kernel(videobuf_dma_init_kernel)kernel(videobuf_dma_init_overlay)kernel(videobuf_dma_init_user)kernel(videobuf_dma_map)kernel(videobuf_dma_unmap)kernel(videobuf_dqbuf)kernel(videobuf_dvb_alloc_frontend)kernel(videobuf_dvb_dealloc_frontends)kernel(videobuf_dvb_find_frontend)kernel(videobuf_dvb_get_frontend)kernel(videobuf_dvb_register_bus)kernel(videobuf_dvb_unregister_bus)kernel(videobuf_iolock)kernel(videobuf_mmap_free)kernel(videobuf_mmap_mapper)kernel(videobuf_mmap_setup)kernel(videobuf_next_field)kernel(videobuf_poll_stream)kernel(videobuf_qbuf)kernel(videobuf_querybuf)kernel(videobuf_queue_cancel)kernel(videobuf_queue_core_init)kernel(videobuf_queue_is_busy)kernel(videobuf_queue_sg_init)kernel(videobuf_queue_to_vaddr)kernel(videobuf_queue_vmalloc_init)kernel(videobuf_read_one)kernel(videobuf_read_start)kernel(videobuf_read_stop)kernel(videobuf_read_stream)kernel(videobuf_reqbufs)kernel(videobuf_sg_alloc)kernel(videobuf_stop)kernel(videobuf_streamoff)kernel(videobuf_streamon)kernel(videobuf_to_dma)kernel(videobuf_to_vmalloc)kernel(videobuf_vmalloc_free)kernel(videobuf_waiton)kernel(virtio_break_device)kernel(virtio_check_driver_offered_feature)kernel(virtio_config_changed)kernel(virtio_device_freeze)kernel(virtio_device_restore)kernel(virtio_transport_connect)kernel(virtio_transport_deliver_tap_pkt)kernel(virtio_transport_destruct)kernel(virtio_transport_dgram_allow)kernel(virtio_transport_dgram_bind)kernel(virtio_transport_dgram_dequeue)kernel(virtio_transport_dgram_enqueue)kernel(virtio_transport_do_socket_init)kernel(virtio_transport_free_pkt)kernel(virtio_transport_get_buffer_size)kernel(virtio_transport_get_credit)kernel(virtio_transport_get_max_buffer_size)kernel(virtio_transport_get_min_buffer_size)kernel(virtio_transport_inc_tx_pkt)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_poll_in)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_poll_out)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_recv_init)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_recv_post_dequeue)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_recv_pre_block)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_recv_pre_dequeue)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_send_init)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_send_post_enqueue)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_send_pre_block)kernel(virtio_transport_notify_send_pre_enqueue)kernel(virtio_transport_put_credit)kernel(virtio_transport_recv_pkt)kernel(virtio_transport_release)kernel(virtio_transport_set_buffer_size)kernel(virtio_transport_set_max_buffer_size)kernel(virtio_transport_set_min_buffer_size)kernel(virtio_transport_shutdown)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_allow)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_dequeue)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_enqueue)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_has_data)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_has_space)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_is_active)kernel(virtio_transport_stream_rcvhiwat)kernel(virtqueue_add_inbuf)kernel(virtqueue_add_outbuf)kernel(virtqueue_add_sgs)kernel(virtqueue_detach_unused_buf)kernel(virtqueue_disable_cb)kernel(virtqueue_enable_cb)kernel(virtqueue_enable_cb_delayed)kernel(virtqueue_enable_cb_prepare)kernel(virtqueue_get_avail_addr)kernel(virtqueue_get_buf)kernel(virtqueue_get_desc_addr)kernel(virtqueue_get_used_addr)kernel(virtqueue_get_vring)kernel(virtqueue_get_vring_size)kernel(virtqueue_is_broken)kernel(virtqueue_kick)kernel(virtqueue_kick_prepare)kernel(virtqueue_notify)kernel(virtqueue_poll)kernel(visitor128)kernel(visitor32)kernel(visitor64)kernel(visitorl)kernel(vlan_dev_real_dev)kernel(vlan_dev_vlan_id)kernel(vlan_dev_vlan_proto)kernel(vlan_ioctl_set)kernel(vlan_uses_dev)kernel(vlan_vid_add)kernel(vlan_vid_del)kernel(vlan_vids_add_by_dev)kernel(vlan_vids_del_by_dev)kernel(vm_brk)kernel(vm_brk_flags)kernel(vm_event_states)kernel(vm_get_page_prot)kernel(vm_insert_mixed)kernel(vm_insert_page)kernel(vm_insert_pfn)kernel(vm_iomap_memory)kernel(vm_map_ram)kernel(vm_memory_committed)kernel(vm_mmap)kernel(vm_munmap)kernel(vm_sockets_get_local_cid)kernel(vm_stat)kernel(vm_unmap_aliases)kernel(vm_unmap_ram)kernel(vma_kernel_pagesize)kernel(vmalloc)kernel(vmalloc_32)kernel(vmalloc_32_user)kernel(vmalloc_base)kernel(vmalloc_node)kernel(vmalloc_to_page)kernel(vmalloc_to_pfn)kernel(vmalloc_user)kernel(vmap)kernel(vmbus_allocate_mmio)kernel(vmbus_are_subchannels_present)kernel(vmbus_close)kernel(vmbus_connection)kernel(vmbus_driver_unregister)kernel(vmbus_establish_gpadl)kernel(vmbus_free_mmio)kernel(vmbus_get_outgoing_channel)kernel(vmbus_hvsock_device_unregister)kernel(vmbus_open)kernel(vmbus_prep_negotiate_resp)kernel(vmbus_proto_version)kernel(vmbus_recvpacket)kernel(vmbus_recvpacket_raw)kernel(vmbus_send_tl_connect_request)kernel(vmbus_sendpacket)kernel(vmbus_sendpacket_mpb_desc)kernel(vmbus_sendpacket_pagebuffer)kernel(vmbus_set_chn_rescind_callback)kernel(vmbus_set_event)kernel(vmbus_set_sc_create_callback)kernel(vmbus_setevent)kernel(vmbus_teardown_gpadl)kernel(vmci_context_get_priv_flags)kernel(vmci_datagram_create_handle)kernel(vmci_datagram_create_handle_priv)kernel(vmci_datagram_destroy_handle)kernel(vmci_datagram_send)kernel(vmci_doorbell_create)kernel(vmci_doorbell_destroy)kernel(vmci_doorbell_notify)kernel(vmci_event_subscribe)kernel(vmci_event_unsubscribe)kernel(vmci_get_context_id)kernel(vmci_is_context_owner)kernel(vmci_qpair_alloc)kernel(vmci_qpair_consume_buf_ready)kernel(vmci_qpair_consume_free_space)kernel(vmci_qpair_dequeue)kernel(vmci_qpair_dequev)kernel(vmci_qpair_detach)kernel(vmci_qpair_enqueue)kernel(vmci_qpair_enquev)kernel(vmci_qpair_get_consume_indexes)kernel(vmci_qpair_get_produce_indexes)kernel(vmci_qpair_peek)kernel(vmci_qpair_peekv)kernel(vmci_qpair_produce_buf_ready)kernel(vmci_qpair_produce_free_space)kernel(vmci_send_datagram)kernel(vmcore_cleanup)kernel(vmemmap_base)kernel(vmf_insert_pfn_pmd)kernel(vmf_insert_pfn_pud)kernel(vnic_dev_get_pdev)kernel(vnic_dev_get_res)kernel(vnic_dev_get_res_count)kernel(vnic_dev_register)kernel(vnic_dev_unregister)kernel(vp3054_i2c_probe)kernel(vp3054_i2c_remove)kernel(vprintk)kernel(vprintk_default)kernel(vprintk_emit)kernel(vq_iotlb_prefetch)kernel(vring_create_virtqueue)kernel(vring_del_virtqueue)kernel(vring_interrupt)kernel(vring_new_virtqueue)kernel(vring_transport_features)kernel(vringh_abandon_kern)kernel(vringh_abandon_user)kernel(vringh_complete_kern)kernel(vringh_complete_multi_user)kernel(vringh_complete_user)kernel(vringh_getdesc_kern)kernel(vringh_getdesc_user)kernel(vringh_init_kern)kernel(vringh_init_user)kernel(vringh_iov_pull_kern)kernel(vringh_iov_pull_user)kernel(vringh_iov_push_kern)kernel(vringh_iov_push_user)kernel(vringh_need_notify_kern)kernel(vringh_need_notify_user)kernel(vringh_notify_disable_kern)kernel(vringh_notify_disable_user)kernel(vringh_notify_enable_kern)kernel(vringh_notify_enable_user)kernel(vscnprintf)kernel(vsnprintf)kernel(vsock_add_pending)kernel(vsock_add_tap)kernel(vsock_addr_bound)kernel(vsock_addr_cast)kernel(vsock_addr_equals_addr)kernel(vsock_addr_init)kernel(vsock_addr_unbind)kernel(vsock_addr_validate)kernel(vsock_bind_table)kernel(vsock_connected_table)kernel(vsock_core_exit)kernel(vsock_core_get_transport)kernel(vsock_deliver_tap)kernel(vsock_enqueue_accept)kernel(vsock_find_bound_socket)kernel(vsock_find_connected_socket)kernel(vsock_for_each_connected_socket)kernel(vsock_insert_connected)kernel(vsock_pending_work)kernel(vsock_remove_bound)kernel(vsock_remove_connected)kernel(vsock_remove_pending)kernel(vsock_remove_sock)kernel(vsock_remove_tap)kernel(vsock_stream_has_data)kernel(vsock_stream_has_space)kernel(vsock_table_lock)kernel(vsprintf)kernel(vsscanf)kernel(vt_get_leds)kernel(vtime_common_account_irq_enter)kernel(vtime_guest_enter)kernel(vtime_guest_exit)kernel(vunmap)kernel(vxlan_dev_create)kernel(vzalloc)kernel(vzalloc_node)kernel(wa_create)kernel(wa_dti_start)kernel(wa_process_errored_transfers_run)kernel(wa_urb_dequeue)kernel(wa_urb_enqueue)kernel(wa_urb_enqueue_run)kernel(wait_for_completion)kernel(wait_for_completion_interruptible)kernel(wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout)kernel(wait_for_completion_io)kernel(wait_for_completion_io_timeout)kernel(wait_for_completion_killable)kernel(wait_for_completion_killable_timeout)kernel(wait_for_completion_timeout)kernel(wait_for_device_probe)kernel(wait_for_key_construction)kernel(wait_for_stable_page)kernel(wait_for_tpm_stat)kernel(wait_iff_congested)kernel(wait_on_page_bit)kernel(wait_on_page_bit_killable_timeout)kernel(wait_on_sync_kiocb)kernel(wait_rcu_gp)kernel(wait_woken)kernel(wake_bit_function)kernel(wake_bit_function_rh)kernel(wake_up_atomic_t)kernel(wake_up_bit)kernel(wake_up_process)kernel(wakeup_source_add)kernel(wakeup_source_create)kernel(wakeup_source_destroy)kernel(wakeup_source_drop)kernel(wakeup_source_prepare)kernel(wakeup_source_register)kernel(wakeup_source_remove)kernel(wakeup_source_unregister)kernel(warn_slowpath_fmt)kernel(warn_slowpath_fmt_taint)kernel(warn_slowpath_null)kernel(watchdog_init_timeout)kernel(watchdog_register_device)kernel(watchdog_unregister_device)kernel(wbinvd_on_all_cpus)kernel(wbinvd_on_cpu)kernel(wdev_to_ieee80211_vif)kernel(whci_wait_for)kernel(wiphy_apply_custom_regulatory)kernel(wiphy_free)kernel(wiphy_new_nm)kernel(wiphy_register)kernel(wiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state)kernel(wiphy_rfkill_start_polling)kernel(wiphy_rfkill_stop_polling)kernel(wiphy_to_ieee80211_hw)kernel(wiphy_unregister)kernel(wireless_nlevent_flush)kernel(wireless_send_event)kernel(wmi_evaluate_method)kernel(wmi_get_event_data)kernel(wmi_has_guid)kernel(wmi_install_notify_handler)kernel(wmi_query_block)kernel(wmi_remove_notify_handler)kernel(wmi_set_block)kernel(woken_wake_function)kernel(work_busy)kernel(work_on_cpu)kernel(workqueue_congested)kernel(workqueue_set_max_active)kernel(would_dump)kernel(wpan_phy_find)kernel(wpan_phy_for_each)kernel(wpan_phy_free)kernel(wpan_phy_new)kernel(wpan_phy_register)kernel(wpan_phy_unregister)kernel(write_bytes_to_xdr_buf)kernel(write_cache_pages)kernel(write_dirty_buffer)kernel(write_dst)kernel(write_inode_now)kernel(write_msi_msg)kernel(write_one_page)kernel(writeback_in_progress)kernel(writeback_inodes_sb)kernel(writeback_inodes_sb_nr)kernel(wrmsr_on_cpu)kernel(wrmsr_on_cpus)kernel(wrmsr_safe_on_cpu)kernel(wrmsr_safe_regs)kernel(wrmsr_safe_regs_on_cpu)kernel(wrmsrl_on_cpu)kernel(wrmsrl_safe_on_cpu)kernel(wusb_cluster_id_get)kernel(wusb_cluster_id_put)kernel(wusb_dev_destroy)kernel(wusb_et_name)kernel(wusbd)kernel(wusbhc_b_create)kernel(wusbhc_b_destroy)kernel(wusbhc_chid_set)kernel(wusbhc_create)kernel(wusbhc_destroy)kernel(wusbhc_giveback_urb)kernel(wusbhc_handle_dn)kernel(wusbhc_mmcie_rm)kernel(wusbhc_mmcie_set)kernel(wusbhc_reset_all)kernel(wusbhc_rh_control)kernel(wusbhc_rh_start_port_reset)kernel(wusbhc_rh_status_data)kernel(ww_mutex_unlock)kernel(x509_cert_parse)kernel(x509_check_signature)kernel(x509_decode_time)kernel(x509_free_certificate)kernel(x509_get_sig_params)kernel(x509_request_asymmetric_key)kernel(x86-64)kernel(x86_bios_cpu_apicid)kernel(x86_cpu_to_acpiid)kernel(x86_cpu_to_apicid)kernel(x86_cpu_to_node_map)kernel(x86_dma_fallback_dev)kernel(x86_emulate_instruction)kernel(x86_family)kernel(x86_hyper)kernel(x86_hyper_kvm)kernel(x86_hyper_ms_hyperv)kernel(x86_hyper_vmware)kernel(x86_hyper_xen_hvm)kernel(x86_match_cpu)kernel(x86_model)kernel(x86_msi)kernel(x86_platform)kernel(x86_set_memory_region)kernel(x86_spec_ctrl_base)kernel(x86_stepping)kernel(xattr_getsecurity)kernel(xc2028_attach)kernel(xc4000_attach)kernel(xc5000_attach)kernel(xdr_buf_from_iov)kernel(xdr_buf_read_netobj)kernel(xdr_buf_subsegment)kernel(xdr_buf_trim)kernel(xdr_commit_encode)kernel(xdr_decode_array2)kernel(xdr_decode_netobj)kernel(xdr_decode_string_inplace)kernel(xdr_decode_word)kernel(xdr_encode_array2)kernel(xdr_encode_netobj)kernel(xdr_encode_opaque)kernel(xdr_encode_opaque_fixed)kernel(xdr_encode_string)kernel(xdr_encode_word)kernel(xdr_enter_page)kernel(xdr_init_decode)kernel(xdr_init_decode_pages)kernel(xdr_init_encode)kernel(xdr_inline_decode)kernel(xdr_inline_pages)kernel(xdr_partial_copy_from_skb)kernel(xdr_process_buf)kernel(xdr_read_pages)kernel(xdr_reserve_space)kernel(xdr_restrict_buflen)kernel(xdr_set_scratch_buffer)kernel(xdr_shift_buf)kernel(xdr_skb_read_bits)kernel(xdr_stream_pos)kernel(xdr_terminate_string)kernel(xdr_truncate_encode)kernel(xdr_write_pages)kernel(xen_balloon_init)kernel(xen_biovec_phys_mergeable)kernel(xen_clear_irq_pending)kernel(xen_create_contiguous_region)kernel(xen_destroy_contiguous_region)kernel(xen_domain_type)kernel(xen_event_channel_op_compat)kernel(xen_features)kernel(xen_has_pv_and_legacy_disk_devices)kernel(xen_has_pv_devices)kernel(xen_has_pv_disk_devices)kernel(xen_has_pv_nic_devices)kernel(xen_have_vector_callback)kernel(xen_hvm_evtchn_do_upcall)kernel(xen_hvm_need_lapic)kernel(xen_irq_from_gsi)kernel(xen_pci_frontend)kernel(xen_physdev_op_compat)kernel(xen_pirq_from_irq)kernel(xen_platform_pci_unplug)kernel(xen_poll_irq_timeout)kernel(xen_privcmd_fops)kernel(xen_remap_domain_mfn_range)kernel(xen_set_callback_via)kernel(xen_set_domain_pte)kernel(xen_setup_shutdown_event)kernel(xen_start_info)kernel(xen_store_domain_type)kernel(xen_store_evtchn)kernel(xen_store_interface)kernel(xen_swiotlb_alloc_coherent)kernel(xen_swiotlb_dma_mapping_error)kernel(xen_swiotlb_dma_supported)kernel(xen_swiotlb_free_coherent)kernel(xen_swiotlb_map_page)kernel(xen_swiotlb_map_sg_attrs)kernel(xen_swiotlb_sync_sg_for_cpu)kernel(xen_swiotlb_sync_sg_for_device)kernel(xen_swiotlb_sync_single_for_cpu)kernel(xen_swiotlb_sync_single_for_device)kernel(xen_swiotlb_unmap_page)kernel(xen_swiotlb_unmap_sg_attrs)kernel(xen_test_irq_shared)kernel(xen_unmap_domain_mfn_range)kernel(xen_vcpu_id)kernel(xen_xenbus_fops)kernel(xenbus_alloc_evtchn)kernel(xenbus_bind_evtchn)kernel(xenbus_dev_attrs)kernel(xenbus_dev_cancel)kernel(xenbus_dev_changed)kernel(xenbus_dev_error)kernel(xenbus_dev_fatal)kernel(xenbus_dev_probe)kernel(xenbus_dev_remove)kernel(xenbus_dev_request_and_reply)kernel(xenbus_dev_resume)kernel(xenbus_dev_shutdown)kernel(xenbus_dev_suspend)kernel(xenbus_directory)kernel(xenbus_exists)kernel(xenbus_free_evtchn)kernel(xenbus_frontend_closed)kernel(xenbus_gather)kernel(xenbus_grant_ring)kernel(xenbus_map_ring)kernel(xenbus_map_ring_valloc)kernel(xenbus_match)kernel(xenbus_mkdir)kernel(xenbus_otherend_changed)kernel(xenbus_printf)kernel(xenbus_probe)kernel(xenbus_probe_devices)kernel(xenbus_probe_node)kernel(xenbus_read)kernel(xenbus_read_driver_state)kernel(xenbus_read_otherend_details)kernel(xenbus_register_driver_common)kernel(xenbus_register_frontend)kernel(xenbus_rm)kernel(xenbus_scanf)kernel(xenbus_strstate)kernel(xenbus_switch_state)kernel(xenbus_transaction_end)kernel(xenbus_transaction_start)kernel(xenbus_unmap_ring)kernel(xenbus_unmap_ring_vfree)kernel(xenbus_unregister_driver)kernel(xenbus_watch_path)kernel(xenbus_watch_pathfmt)kernel(xenbus_write)kernel(xfrm4_mode_tunnel_input_deregister)kernel(xfrm4_mode_tunnel_input_register)kernel(xfrm4_prepare_output)kernel(xfrm4_protocol_deregister)kernel(xfrm4_protocol_init)kernel(xfrm4_protocol_register)kernel(xfrm4_rcv)kernel(xfrm4_rcv_cb)kernel(xfrm4_rcv_encap)kernel(xfrm4_tunnel_deregister)kernel(xfrm4_tunnel_register)kernel(xfrm6_find_1stfragopt)kernel(xfrm6_input_addr)kernel(xfrm6_mode_tunnel_input_deregister)kernel(xfrm6_mode_tunnel_input_register)kernel(xfrm6_prepare_output)kernel(xfrm6_protocol_deregister)kernel(xfrm6_protocol_register)kernel(xfrm6_rcv)kernel(xfrm6_rcv_cb)kernel(xfrm6_rcv_spi)kernel(xfrm6_rcv_tnl)kernel(xfrm6_tunnel_alloc_spi)kernel(xfrm6_tunnel_deregister)kernel(xfrm6_tunnel_register)kernel(xfrm6_tunnel_spi_lookup)kernel(xfrm_aalg_get_byid)kernel(xfrm_aalg_get_byidx)kernel(xfrm_aalg_get_byname)kernel(xfrm_aead_get_byname)kernel(xfrm_alloc_spi)kernel(xfrm_audit_policy_add)kernel(xfrm_audit_policy_delete)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_add)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_delete)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_icvfail)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_notfound)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_notfound_simple)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_replay)kernel(xfrm_audit_state_replay_overflow)kernel(xfrm_calg_get_byid)kernel(xfrm_calg_get_byname)kernel(xfrm_count_pfkey_auth_supported)kernel(xfrm_count_pfkey_enc_supported)kernel(xfrm_dst_ifdown)kernel(xfrm_ealg_get_byid)kernel(xfrm_ealg_get_byidx)kernel(xfrm_ealg_get_byname)kernel(xfrm_find_acq)kernel(xfrm_find_acq_byseq)kernel(xfrm_garbage_collect)kernel(xfrm_get_acqseq)kernel(xfrm_init_replay)kernel(xfrm_init_state)kernel(xfrm_inner_extract_output)kernel(xfrm_input)kernel(xfrm_input_register_afinfo)kernel(xfrm_input_resume)kernel(xfrm_input_unregister_afinfo)kernel(xfrm_lookup)kernel(xfrm_lookup_route)kernel(xfrm_migrate)kernel(xfrm_migrate_state_find)kernel(xfrm_output)kernel(xfrm_output_resume)kernel(xfrm_policy_alloc)kernel(xfrm_policy_byid)kernel(xfrm_policy_bysel_ctx)kernel(xfrm_policy_delete)kernel(xfrm_policy_destroy)kernel(xfrm_policy_flush)kernel(xfrm_policy_hash_rebuild)kernel(xfrm_policy_insert)kernel(xfrm_policy_register_afinfo)kernel(xfrm_policy_unregister_afinfo)kernel(xfrm_policy_walk)kernel(xfrm_policy_walk_done)kernel(xfrm_policy_walk_init)kernel(xfrm_prepare_input)kernel(xfrm_probe_algs)kernel(xfrm_register_km)kernel(xfrm_register_mode)kernel(xfrm_register_type)kernel(xfrm_sad_getinfo)kernel(xfrm_spd_getinfo)kernel(xfrm_state_add)kernel(xfrm_state_alloc)kernel(xfrm_state_check_expire)kernel(xfrm_state_delete)kernel(xfrm_state_delete_tunnel)kernel(xfrm_state_flush)kernel(xfrm_state_insert)kernel(xfrm_state_lookup)kernel(xfrm_state_lookup_byaddr)kernel(xfrm_state_migrate)kernel(xfrm_state_register_afinfo)kernel(xfrm_state_sort)kernel(xfrm_state_unregister_afinfo)kernel(xfrm_state_update)kernel(xfrm_state_walk)kernel(xfrm_state_walk_done)kernel(xfrm_state_walk_init)kernel(xfrm_stateonly_find)kernel(xfrm_tmpl_sort)kernel(xfrm_unregister_km)kernel(xfrm_unregister_mode)kernel(xfrm_unregister_type)kernel(xfrm_user_policy)kernel(xhci_dbg_trace)kernel(xhci_gen_setup)kernel(xhci_init_driver)kernel(xhci_resume)kernel(xhci_run)kernel(xhci_suspend)kernel(xmit_recursion)kernel(xor_blocks)kernel(xp_cpu_to_nasid)kernel(xp_expand_memprotect)kernel(xp_max_npartitions)kernel(xp_pa)kernel(xp_partition_id)kernel(xp_region_size)kernel(xp_remote_memcpy)kernel(xp_restrict_memprotect)kernel(xp_socket_pa)kernel(xpc_clear_interface)kernel(xpc_connect)kernel(xpc_disconnect)kernel(xpc_interface)kernel(xpc_registrations)kernel(xpc_set_interface)kernel(xprt_adjust_cwnd)kernel(xprt_alloc)kernel(xprt_alloc_slot)kernel(xprt_complete_rqst)kernel(xprt_destroy_backchannel)kernel(xprt_disconnect_done)kernel(xprt_force_disconnect)kernel(xprt_free)kernel(xprt_get)kernel(xprt_load_transport)kernel(xprt_lock_and_alloc_slot)kernel(xprt_lookup_rqst)kernel(xprt_pin_rqst)kernel(xprt_put)kernel(xprt_register_transport)kernel(xprt_release_rqst_cong)kernel(xprt_release_xprt)kernel(xprt_release_xprt_cong)kernel(xprt_reserve_xprt)kernel(xprt_reserve_xprt_cong)kernel(xprt_set_retrans_timeout_def)kernel(xprt_set_retrans_timeout_rtt)kernel(xprt_setup_backchannel)kernel(xprt_unpin_rqst)kernel(xprt_unregister_transport)kernel(xprt_wait_for_buffer_space)kernel(xprt_wake_pending_tasks)kernel(xprt_write_space)kernel(xstate_size)kernel(xt_alloc_entry_offsets)kernel(xt_alloc_table_info)kernel(xt_check_entry_offsets)kernel(xt_check_match)kernel(xt_check_target)kernel(xt_compat_add_offset)kernel(xt_compat_calc_jump)kernel(xt_compat_check_entry_offsets)kernel(xt_compat_flush_offsets)kernel(xt_compat_init_offsets)kernel(xt_compat_lock)kernel(xt_compat_match_from_user)kernel(xt_compat_match_offset)kernel(xt_compat_match_to_user)kernel(xt_compat_target_from_user)kernel(xt_compat_target_offset)kernel(xt_compat_target_to_user)kernel(xt_compat_unlock)kernel(xt_copy_counters_from_user)kernel(xt_find_jump_offset)kernel(xt_find_match)kernel(xt_find_revision)kernel(xt_find_table_lock)kernel(xt_find_target)kernel(xt_free_table_info)kernel(xt_hook_link)kernel(xt_hook_unlink)kernel(xt_percpu_counter_alloc)kernel(xt_percpu_counter_free)kernel(xt_proto_fini)kernel(xt_proto_init)kernel(xt_rateest_lookup)kernel(xt_rateest_put)kernel(xt_recseq)kernel(xt_register_match)kernel(xt_register_matches)kernel(xt_register_table)kernel(xt_register_target)kernel(xt_register_targets)kernel(xt_replace_table)kernel(xt_request_find_match)kernel(xt_request_find_target)kernel(xt_table_unlock)kernel(xt_unregister_match)kernel(xt_unregister_matches)kernel(xt_unregister_table)kernel(xt_unregister_target)kernel(xt_unregister_targets)kernel(xts_camellia_setkey)kernel(xts_crypt)kernel(xts_serpent_setkey)kernel(xts_twofish_setkey)kernel(xz_dec_end)kernel(xz_dec_init)kernel(xz_dec_reset)kernel(xz_dec_run)kernel(yield)kernel(yield_to)kernel(zalloc_cpumask_var)kernel(zalloc_cpumask_var_node)kernel(zap_vma_ptes)kernel(zero_fill_bio)kernel(zero_pfn)kernel(zgid)kernel(zl10036_attach)kernel(zl10039_attach)kernel(zl10353_attach)kernel(zlib_deflate)kernel(zlib_deflateEnd)kernel(zlib_deflateInit2)kernel(zlib_deflateReset)kernel(zlib_deflate_workspacesize)kernel(zlib_inflate)kernel(zlib_inflateEnd)kernel(zlib_inflateIncomp)kernel(zlib_inflateInit2)kernel(zlib_inflateReset)kernel(zlib_inflate_blob)kernel(zlib_inflate_workspacesize)kernel(zpool_evict)kernel(zpool_register_driver)kernel(zpool_unregister_driver)kernel(zs_create_pool)kernel(zs_destroy_pool)kernel(zs_free)kernel(zs_get_total_pages)kernel(zs_malloc)kernel(zs_map_object)kernel(zs_unmap_object)kernel-drmkernel-drm-nouveaukernel-modesetkernel-uname-rkernel-x86_64 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Wilson [3.10.0-31.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-30.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-29.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-28.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-27.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-26.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-25.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-24.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-23.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-22.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-21.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-20.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-19.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-18.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-17.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-16.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-15.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-14.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-13.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-12.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-11.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-10.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-9.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-8.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-7.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-6.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-5.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-4.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-3.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-2.el7]Jarod Wilson [3.10.0-1.el7]Kyle McMartin - Apply debranding changes- [x86] spec_ctrl: Fix late microcode problem with AMD (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] entry: Add missing "$" in IBRS macros (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Clean up entry code & remove unused APIs (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Mask off SPEC_CTRL MSR bits that are managed by kernel (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] spec_ctrl: add support for SSBD to RHEL IBRS entry/exit macros (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [fs] proc: Use CamelCase for SSBD (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] bugs: Rename _RDS to _SSBD (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [kernel] seccomp: Enable speculation flaw mitigations (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [fs] proc: Provide details on speculation flaw mitigations (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] nospec: Allow getting/setting on non-current task (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] speculation: Add prctl for Speculative Store Bypass mitigation (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] process: Allow runtime control of Speculative Store Bypass (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [uapi] prctl: Add speculation control prctls (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] kvm/vmx: Expose SPEC_CTRL Bit(2) to the guest (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] bugs/amd: Add support to disable RDS on Fam[15, 16, 17]h if requested (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Sync up RDS setting with IBRS code (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] bugs: Provide boot parameters for the spec_store_bypass_disable mitigation (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] bugs: Expose /sys/../spec_store_bypass (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] bugs: Read SPEC_CTRL MSR during boot and re-use (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Use separate PCP variables for IBRS entry and exit (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639} - [x86] cpufeatures: Make CPU bugs sticky (Waiman Long) [1566904 1566905] {CVE-2018-3639}- [x86] kpti/kexec: fix wrong page address in clear_page (Dave Young) [1573173 1571162] - [x86] kvm: fix icebp instruction handling (Paolo Bonzini) [1566849 1566845] {CVE-2018-1087} - [x86] entry/64: Don't use IST entry for #BP stack (Paolo Bonzini) [1567084 1567083] {CVE-2018-8897} - [kernel] perf/hwbp: Simplify the perf-hwbp code, fix documentation (Eugene Syromiatnikov) [1569878 1569874] {CVE-2018-1000199}- [md] dm: fix dropped return code from dm_get_bdev_for_ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1567746 1562962] - [crypto] aesni: Add support for 192 & 256 bit keys to AESNI RFC4106 (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1570537 1568167]- [x86] kexec/64: Clear control page after PGD init (Waiman Long) [1565700 1540061] - [x86] pti: Rework the UEFI data corruption fix (Waiman Long) [1565700 1540061] - [powerpc] tm: Flush TM only if CPU has TM feature (David Gibson) [1563773 1544676] {CVE-2018-1091} - [gpu] drm/i915/glk: IPC linetime watermark workaround for GLK (Lyude Paul) [1563711 1548651] - [x86] apic: Remove the (now) unused disable_IO_APIC() function (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003] - [x86] apic: Fix restoring boot IRQ mode in reboot and kexec/kdump (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003] - [x86] apic: Split disable_IO_APIC() into two functions to fix CONFIG_KEXEC_JUMP=y (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003] - [x86] apic: Split out restore_boot_irq_mode() from disable_IO_APIC() (Baoquan He) [1563108 1521003] - [netdrv] i40e: Close client on suspend and restore client MSIx on resume (Stefan Assmann) [1563106 1538847] - [fs] nfs: Fix unstable write completion (Scott Mayhew) [1563103 1544647] - [x86] kvm: Fix device passthrough when SME is active (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1563098 1557911] - [powerpc] powernv: Support firmware disable of RFI flush (Mauricio Oliveira) [1563096 1553927] - [powerpc] pseries: Support firmware disable of RFI flush (Mauricio Oliveira) [1563096 1553927] - [powerpc] pseries: Add H_GET_CPU_CHARACTERISTICS flags & wrapper (Mauricio Oliveira) [1563096 1553927] - [nvme] fixup nvme_sysfs_delete() (David Milburn) [1563092 1543716] - [x86] smpboot: Fix uncore_pci_remove() indexing bug when hot-removing a physical CPU (Prarit Bhargava) [1563091 1527731] - [x86] tsc: Fix erroneous TSC rate on Skylake Xeon (Prarit Bhargava) [1563088 1466058] - [x86] tsc: Print tsc_khz, when it differs from cpu_khz (Prarit Bhargava) [1563088 1466058] - [x86] tsc: Future-proof native_calibrate_tsc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1563088 1466058] - [scsi] csiostor: add support for 32 bit port capabilities (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgbvf: Handle 32-bit fw port capabilities (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: define get_fecparam ethtool callback (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163] - [netdrv] cxgb4: ethtool forward error correction management support (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163] - [netdrv] cxgb4: core hardware/firmware support for Forward Error Correction on a link (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561906 1526163] - [iscsi-target] Fix panic when adding second TCP connection to iSCSI session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1561900 1544670] - [crypto] chelsio: Fix src buffer dma length (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047] - [crypto] chelsio: Move DMA un/mapping to chcr from lld cxgb4 driver (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047] - [crypto] chelsio: Remove unused parameter (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047] - [crypto] chelsio: Remove allocation of sg list to implement 2K limit of dsgl header (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047] - [crypto] chelsio: introduce __skb_put_zero() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047] - [crypto] chelsio: make skb_put & friends return void pointers (Arjun Vynipadath) [1561899 1548047] - [gpu] drm/i915/cfl: Remove alpha support protection (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Map VBT DDC Pin to BSpec DDC Pin (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911] - [gpu] drm/i915: Add retries for LSPCON detection (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911] - [gpu] drm/i915: Don't give up waiting on INVALID_MODE (Rob Clark) [1561897 1464911] - [nvme] pci: Fix EEH failure on ppc (Mauricio Oliveira) [1561894 1558499] - [net] netfilter: ebtables: fix erroneous reject of last rule (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068} - [net] netfilter: ebtables: CONFIG_COMPAT: don't trust userland offsets (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068} - [net] netfilter: bridge: ebt_among: add more missing match size checks (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068} - [net] netfilter: bridge: ebt_among: add missing match size checks (Florian Westphal) [1552366 1552370] {CVE-2018-1068} - [net] ipsec: Fix aborted xfrm policy dump crash (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1517292 1517290] {CVE-2017-16939}- [netdrv] i40e: Fix attach VF to VM issue (Stefan Assmann) [1528123] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add check for ixgbe_mbox_api_13 to ixgbevf_probe when setting max_mtu (Ken Cox) [1556696] - [md] dm btree: fix serious bug in btree_split_beneath() (Mike Snitzer) [1557849] - [x86] pti: Disable PTI user page table update in EFI virtual mode (Waiman Long) [1540061]- [netdrv] tg3: prevent scheduling while atomic splat (Jonathan Toppins) [1554590] - [nvme] validate admin queue before unquiesce (David Milburn) [1549733]- [acpi] sbshc: remove raw pointer from printk() message (Baoquan He) [1547009] {CVE-2018-5750} - [fs] gfs2: fixes to "implement iomap for block_map" (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594] - [x86] kvm: svm: disable virtual GIF and VMLOAD/VMSAVE (Paolo Bonzini) [1552090]- [media] v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: refactor compat ioctl32 logic fixup (Jarod Wilson) [1548430] {CVE-2017-13166} - [kernel] futex: Prevent overflow by strengthen input validation (Joe Lawrence) [1547585] {CVE-2018-6927} - [fs] Revert dcache_readdir back to ->readdir() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1525541] - [md] dm-raid: fix incorrect sync_ratio when degraded (Mike Snitzer) [1547979] - [mm] page_alloc: fix memmap_init_zone pageblock alignment (Daniel Vacek) [1525121] - [mm] revert kvmalloc: stress the vmalloc path in the debugging kernel (Jeff Moyer) [1550094] - [powerpc] 64s: Allow control of RFI flush via debugfs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1543067] - [powerpc] 64s: Improve RFI L1-D cache flush fallback (Mauricio Oliveira) [1543067] - [powerpc] 64s: Wire up cpu_show_meltdown() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1543067] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Cache IA32_DEBUGCTL in memory (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] spec_ctrl: avoid rmb() on full retpoline kernels (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] spec_ctrl: replace boot_cpu_has with a static key for IBRS checks (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] spec_ctrl: actually use static key for retpolines (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: vmx: optimize IBRS handling at vmenter/vmexit (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: vmx: mark RDMSR path as unlikely (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: use native_read_msr to read SPEC_CTRL (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm/nvmx: Set the CPU_BASED_USE_MSR_BITMAPS if we have a valid L02 MSR bitmap (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] nvmx: Properly set spec_ctrl and pred_cmd before merging MSRs (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm/vmx: Allow direct access to MSR_IA32_SPEC_CTRL (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: Add IBPB support (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: vmx: make MSR bitmaps per-VCPU (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Do not disable intercepts for BNDCFGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: vmx: introduce alloc_loaded_vmcs (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Eliminate vmcs02 pool (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: single function for switching between vmcs (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] kvm: Update the reverse_cpuid list to include CPUID_7_EDX (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] cpuid: Fix up "virtual" IBRS/IBPB/STIBP feature bits on Intel (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] cpufeatures: Clean up Spectre v2 related CPUID flags (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] cpufeatures: Add Intel feature bits for Speculation Control (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] cpufeatures: Add AMD feature bits for Speculation Control (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] cpufeatures: Add CPUID_7_EDX CPUID leaf (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379] - [x86] cpu: Fill in feature word 13, CPUID_8000_0008_EBX (Paolo Bonzini) [1537379]- [tools] revert perf: Fix swap for samples with raw data (Jiri Olsa) [1458228] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix early release of login buffer (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Clean RX pool buffers during device close (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Free RX socket buffer in case of adapter error (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix NAPI structures memory leak (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix login buffer memory leaks (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Wait until reset is complete to set carrier on (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1545578] - [block] disable runtime-pm for blk-mq (Ming Lei) [1548269] - [mm] revert memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1548593 1517028] - [mm] revert cgroup: kill css_id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1548593 1517028]- [media] v4l2-compat-ioctl32.c: refactor compat ioctl32 logic (Jarod Wilson) [1548430] {CVE-2017-13166} - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix use-after-free at creating a port (CVE-2017-15265) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1503381] {CVE-2017-15265} - [gpu] drm/radeon: insist on 32-bit DMA for Cedar on PPC64/PPC64LE (Rob Clark) [1546022] - [edac] disable only ghes_edac by default (Aristeu Rozanski) [1543078] - [edac] ghes: Model a single, logical memory controller (Aristeu Rozanski) [1543078] - [fs] cifs: release cifs root_cred after exit_cifs (Leif Sahlberg) [1525874] - [fs] gfs2: Fix fallocate chunk size (Andreas Grunbacher) [1545329] - [fs] gfs2: Fixes to "Implement iomap for block_map" (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up (lookup,fillup)_metapath (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594] - [fs] iomap: warn on zero-length mappings (Andreas Grunbacher) [1542594] - [md] raid0: remove blank line printk from dump_zones() (John Pittman) [1534272] - [md] dm: use blkdev_get rather than bdgrab when issuing pass-through ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1513037] - [mm] kvmalloc: stress the vmalloc path in the debugging kernel (Mikulas Patocka) [1523567] - [mm] fs: rework do_invalidatepage (Eric Sandeen) [1546079] - [net] netfilter: fix NULL ptr dereference in nf_send_reset() (Paolo Abeni) [1546148]- [infiniband] ipoib: Add ipoib_enhanced module parameter (Slava Shwartsman) [1533013] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove skb->protocol checks in ibmvnic_xmit (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset long term map ID counter (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: queue reset when CRQ gets closed during reset (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Ensure that buffers are NULL after free (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix rx queue cleanup for non-fatal resets (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix empty firmware version and errors cleanup (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix firmware version when no firmware level has been provided by the VIOS server (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1544356] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix offloading of E-Switch TC pedit actions (Slava Shwartsman) [1545640] - [netdrv] qed: Correct setting the number of completion queues for FCoE functions (Chad Dupuis) [1542188] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix crash in build_skb Rx code path (Ken Cox) [1520428] - [netdrv] tg3: APE heartbeat changes (Jonathan Toppins) [1546217] - [powerpc] pseries/vio: Dispose of virq mapping on vdevice unregister (Gustavo Duarte) [1544009] - [s390] qeth: fix underestimated count of buffer elements (Hendrik Brueckner) [1544698] - [x86] kvm: fix singlestepping over syscall (Paolo Bonzini) [1464481] {CVE-2017-7518} - [x86] paravirt: fix kabi breakage in pv_mmu_ops (Jeff Moyer) [1546027] - [x86] uaccess: introduce copy_from_iter_flushcache for pmem / cache-bypass operations (Jeff Moyer) [1471678]- [crypto] algif_skcipher: Remove custom release parent function (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1529441] - [crypto] algif_hash: Remove custom release parent function (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1537376] - [mailbox] pcc: Drop uninformative output during boot (Kazuhito Hagio) [1515571] - [edac] skx_edac: Fix detection of single-rank DIMMs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482248] - [md] free unused memory after bitmap resize (Nigel Croxon) [1532767] - [fs] sunrpc: ensure correct error is reported by xs_tcp_setup_socket() (Steve Dickson) [1536582] - [fs] Revert "fixing infinite OPEN loop in 4.0 stateid recovery" (Steve Dickson) [1542191] - [scsi] use 'scsi_device_from_queue()' for scsi_dh (Mike Snitzer) [1546212] - [scsi] dh: add a common helper to get a scsi_device from a request_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1546212] - [scsi] qedi: Drop cqe response during connection recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1543503] - [scsi] qedi: Fix a possible sleep-in-atomic bug in qedi_process_tmf_resp (Chad Dupuis) [1543503] - [scsi] qla4xxx: skip error recovery in case of register disconnect (Himanshu Madhani) [1541766] - [x86] spectre: fix the kernel build without CONFIG_RETPOLINE (Josh Poimboeuf) [1543939]- [tools] perf: Fix swap for samples with raw data (Jiri Olsa) [1458228] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Enable Thinkpad Dock device for ALC298 platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1469623] - [crypto] rng: prevent entry into drbg test path from algif_rng (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1485815] - [net] macvtap: add namespace support to the sysfs device class (Davide Caratti) [1544499] - [net] sched: cls_u32: fix cls_u32 on filter replace (Ivan Vecera) [1542013] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: add more sanity tests on tcph->doff (Florian Westphal) [1543088] {CVE-2017-18017}- [sound] alsa: seq: Make ioctls race-free (CVE-2018-1000004) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1537203] {CVE-2018-1000004} - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: move write protect handler out of mmio emulation function (Paul Lai) [1525419] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Factor intel_vgpu_page_track (Paul Lai) [1525419] - [fs] xfs: eliminate duplicate icreate tx reservation functions (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: refactor inode chunk alloc/free tx reservation (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: include an allocfree res for inobt modifications (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: truncate transaction does not modify the inobt (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: fix up agi unlinked list reservations (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: include inobt buffers in ifree tx log reservation (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: print transaction log reservation on overrun (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: dump transaction usage details on log reservation overrun (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: refactor xlog_cil_insert_items() to facilitate transaction dump (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [fs] xfs: separate shutdown from ticket reservation print helper (Brian Foster) [1397653] - [s390] gs: add compat regset for the guarded storage broadcast control block (Hendrik Brueckner) [1537067] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: avoid negative static key counts (Joe Lawrence) [1524901] - [x86] efi: Fix boot crash by always mapping boot service regions into new EFI page tables (Lenny Szubowicz) [1535243]- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix the 'Invalid VF' id check in bnxt_vf_ndo_prep routine (Jonathan Toppins) [1532863] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix population of flow_type in bnxt_hwrm_cfa_flow_alloc() (Jonathan Toppins) [1532863] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix sources of spurious netpoll warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1532863] - [mm] memcg, slab: do not destroy children caches if parent has aliases (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818] - [mm] memcg, slab: fix races in per-memcg cache creation/destruction (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818] - [mm] memcg, slab: clean up memcg cache initialization/destruction (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818] - [mm] memcg, slab: kmem_cache_create_memcg(): fix memleak on fail path (Aristeu Rozanski) [1502818] - [block] Invalidate cache on discard v2 (Ming Lei) [1515920] - [x86] mm: Fix use-after-free of ldt_struct (Oleg Nesterov) [1543352] {CVE-2017-17053}- [kernel] acct.c: fix the acct->needcheck check in check_free_space() (Oleg Nesterov) [1520791] - [mm] pm/hibernate: touch NMI watchdog when creating snapshot (Aristeu Rozanski) [1487022] - [mm] userfaultfd: clear the vma->vm_userfaultfd_ctx if UFFD_EVENT_FORK fails (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531285] - [block] blk-mq: Take tagset lock when updating hw queues (Ming Lei) [1528644] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: avoid deadlock in pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity (Ming Lei) [1528644] - [block] blk-mq: avoid IO hang during CPU hotplug by freezing queues in order (Ming Lei) [1528644] - [nvme] kick requeue list when requeueing a request instead of when starting the queues (Ming Lei) [1528644] - [scsi] dual scan thread bug fix (Ewan Milne) [1509331] - [scsi] fix our current target reap infrastructure (Ewan Milne) [1509331] - [s390] crypto: fix aes/paes Kconfig dependeny (Hendrik Brueckner) [1538139] - [s390] mm: fix BUG_ON in crst_table_upgrade (Hendrik Brueckner) [1500580] - [x86] paravirt: Remove 'noreplace-paravirt' cmdline option (Josh Poimboeuf) [1538911] - [x86] microcode/amd: Add support for fam17h microcode loading (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104] - [x86] Use __nostackprotect for sme_encrypt_kernel (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104] - [x86] mm: Encrypt the initrd earlier for BSP microcode update (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104] - [x86] mm: Prepare sme_encrypt_kernel() for PAGE aligned encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104] - [x86] mm: Centralize PMD flags in sme_encrypt_kernel() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104] - [x86] mm: Use a struct to reduce parameters for SME PGD mapping (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104] - [x86] mm: Clean up register saving in the __enc_copy() assembly code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1540104]- [crypto] chelsio - Check error code with IS_ERR macro (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351] - [crypto] chelsio - Use x8_ble gf multiplication to calculate IV (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351] - [crypto] gf128mul - The x8_ble multiplication functions (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351] - [crypto] gf128mul - rename the byte overflow tables (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351] - [crypto] gf128mul - remove xx() macro (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351] - [crypto] chelsio - Fix memory leak (Arjun Vynipadath) [1542351] - [scsi] libcxgbi: use GFP_ATOMIC in cxgbi_conn_alloc_pdu() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: remove the stid on listen create failure (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: when flushing, complete all wrs in a chain (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: reflect the original WR opcode in drain cqes (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Only validate the MSN for successful completions (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: only insert drain cqes if wq is flushed (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: put ep reference in pass_accept_req() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1541085] - [netdrv] be2net: restore properly promisc mode after queues reconfiguration (Ivan Vecera) [1535897] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Set DMA attributes individually (Ken Cox) [1536455] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix security bug in PN checking (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1538028] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Wait for device response when changing MAC (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1540838] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Don't handle RX interrupts when not up (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1532345] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix pending MAC address changes (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1535368] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Include header descriptor support for ARP packets (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1529748] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Increase maximum number of RX/TX queues (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1529748] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Rename IBMVNIC_MAX_TX_QUEUES to IBMVNIC_MAX_QUEUES (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1529748] - [net] cls_u32: fix use after free in u32_destroy_key() (Paolo Abeni) [1540821] - [net] properly release (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1535775] - [net] netlink: Add netns check on taps (William Townsend) [1538738] {CVE-2017-17449} - [net] netfilter: xt_osf: Add missing permission checks (Florian Westphal) [1539230] {CVE-2017-17448} - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_cthelper: Add missing permission checks (Florian Westphal) [1539230] {CVE-2017-17448}- [tools] perf vendor events powerpc: Remove duplicate events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1521091] - [tools] perf vendor events powerpc: Update POWER9 events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1521091] - [thermal] doc change updates expected cur_state behavior (Brad Peters) [1211434] - [hid] Add PCI ID for Cannon Lake and Coffee Lake (Brad Peters) [1530141] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix missing DIMM sysfs entries with KNL SNC2/SNC4 mode (Aristeu Rozanski) [1536995] - [fs] sysfs: Use only return value from is_visible for the file mode (Jeff Moyer) [1533361] - [fs] nfsd: auth: Fix gid sorting when rootsquash enabled (Thiago Becker) [1516978] - [block] silently forbid sending any ioctl to a partition (Paolo Bonzini) [1438809] - [mm] fix collision between DAX PMD and PTEs (Jeff Moyer) [1528957] - [mm] always enable thp for dax mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1472025] - [mm] improve readability of transparent_hugepage_enabled() (Jeff Moyer) [1472025] - [acpi] acpi, nfit: validate commands against the device type (Al Stone) [1471819] - [acpi] acpi, nfit: add support for the _LSI, _LSR, and _LSW label methods (Al Stone) [1471819]- [kernel] lockdep: Increase MAX_STACK_TRACE_ENTRIES for debug kernel (Waiman Long) [1532959] - [kernel] make groups_sort calling a responsibility group_info allocators (Thiago Becker) [1516978] - [kernel] watchdog: Prevent false positives with turbo modes (Jiri Olsa) [1493859] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: enable device after manual module load (Eduardo Otubo) [1472220] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix IPv6 packet descriptors (Gustavo Duarte) [1536746] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix IP offload control buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1536746] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't print Link speed -1 no longer supported messages (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Uninitialized variable in bnxt_tc_parse_actions() (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Need to unconditionally shut down RoCE in bnxt_shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: wildcard smac while creating tunnel decap filter (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix dst/src fid for vxlan encap/decap actions (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix a variable scoping in bnxt_hwrm_do_send_msg() (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ETH_RESET_AP support (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] net: ethtool: add support for reset of AP inside NIC interface (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix an error handling path in 'bnxt_get_module_eeprom()' (Jonathan Toppins) [1522743] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Provide information about hardware/firmware CVE workarounds (Serhii Popovych) [1532077] {CVE-2017-5754} - [powerpc] powernv/pci: Enable 64-bit devices to access >4GB DMA space (Mauricio Oliveira) [1506259] - [powerpc] powernv/pci: Add helper to check if a PE has a single vendor (Mauricio Oliveira) [1506259] - [x86] kvm: svm: Fix up enable_smi_window due to out-of-order backport (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] kvm: svm: Enable Virtual GIF feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] kvm: svm: Add Virtual GIF feature definition (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] cpufeature,kvm/svm: Rename (shorten) the new virtualized VMSAVE/VMLOAD CPUID flag (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] kvm: svm: Enable Virtual VMLOAD VMSAVE feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] kvm: svm: Add Virtual VMLOAD VMSAVE feature definition (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] kvm: svm: Rename lbr_ctl field in the vmcb control area (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] kvm: svm: Prepare for new bit definition in lbr_ctl (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1135003] - [x86] fpu: Use early_param() for clearcpuid (Scott Wood) [1539423]- [dma-buf] fix reservation_object_wait_timeout_rcu once more v2 (Lyude Paul) [1535631] - [fs] nfsd: fix panic in posix_unblock_lock called from nfs4_laundromat (Dave Wysochanski) [1539866] - [fs] xfs: validate sb_logsunit is a multiple of the fs blocksize (Bill O'Donnell) [1538495] - [fs] nfsv4: always set NFS_LOCK_LOST when a lock is lost (Steve Dickson) [1540324] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix memory corruption during hba reset test (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix logo flag for qlt_free_session_done() (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset the logo flag, after target re-login (Himanshu Madhani) [1524717] - [block] dm: fix incomplete request_queue initialization (Mike Snitzer) [1517771] - [block] allow gendisk's request_queue registration to be deferred (Mike Snitzer) [1517771] - [block] Protect less code with sysfs_lock in blk_(un,) register_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1517771] - [block] properly protect the 'queue' kobj in blk_unregister_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1517771]- [infiniband] iser-target: avoid reinitializing rdma contexts for isert commands (Don Dutile) [1540434] - [netdrv] nfp: implement ethtool FEC mode settings (John Linville) [1519199] - [netdrv] nfp: add helpers for FEC support (John Linville) [1519199] - [netdrv] nfp: add get/set link settings ndos to representors (John Linville) [1519199] - [netdrv] nfp: resync repr state when port table sync (John Linville) [1519199] - [netdrv] nfp: refactor nfp_app_reprs_set (John Linville) [1519199] - [netdrv] nfp: don't depend on compiler constant propagation (John Linville) [1519199] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: repair memory leak (Neil Horman) [1525354] - [cpufreq] governor: Serialize governor callbacks (David Arcari) [1538572] - [cpufreq] governor: split cpufreq_governor_dbs() (David Arcari) [1538572] - [cpufreq] governor: register notifier from cs_init() (David Arcari) [1538572] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove use of get_target_pstate_use_cpu_load(() (Prarit Bhargava) [1537502] - [cpufreq] revert intel_pstate: Use load-based P-state selection more widely (Prarit Bhargava) [1537502] - [cpufreq] Fix intel_pstate driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1537502] - [x86] fpu: Fix get_xsave_addr() behavior under virtualization ("Dr. David Alan Gilbert") [1534309] - [x86] kvm: fix usage of uninit spinlock in avic_vm_destroy() (Wei Huang) [1537402] - [x86] KVM: Fix CPUID function for word 6 (80000001_ECX) (Wei Huang) [1533358] - [kernel] print kdump kernel loaded status in stack dump (Lianbo Jiang) [1535754] - [kernel] kexec: add a kexec_crash_loaded() function (Lianbo Jiang) [1535754]- [watchdog] hpwdt: remove indirect call in watchdog/hpwdt.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [kernel] x86/spec_ctrl: cleanup __ptrace_may_access (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] bugs: Drop one "mitigation" from dmesg (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Make indirect call speculation safe (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] kvm: x86: Make indirect calls in emulator speculation safe (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline: Optimize inline assembler for vmexit_fill_RSB (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] mce: Make machine check speculation protected (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: fix ptrace IBPB optimization (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: Avoid returns in IBRS-disabled regions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spectre/meltdown: avoid the vulnerability directory to weaken kernel security (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] unwind: fix livepatch regression with CALL_NOSPEC macro (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: Document retpolines and ibrs_enabled=3 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: upgrade GCC retpoline warning to an error (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] Use IBRS for firmware update path (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: stuff RSB on context switch with SMEP enabled (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: enforce sane combinations of IBRS and retpoline (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: use upstream RSB stuffing function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: add ibrs_enabled=3 (ibrs_user) (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [kernel] x86/jump_label: warn on failed jump label patch (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: detect unretpolined modules (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline: Add LFENCE to the retpoline/RSB filling RSB macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline: Fill return stack buffer on vmexit (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline/xen: Convert Xen hypercall indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline/hyperv: Convert assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline/ftrace: Convert ftrace assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline/entry: Convert entry assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline/crypto: Convert crypto assembler indirect jumps (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] retpoline: Add initial retpoline support (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] jump_label: add asm support for static keys (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] asm: Make asm/alternative.h safe from assembly (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [tools] objtool: Support new GCC 6 switch jump table pattern (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [tools] objtool: Detect jumps to retpoline thunks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spectre: Add boot time option to select Spectre v2 mitigation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: print features changed by microcode loading (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: refactor the init and microcode loading paths (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: move initialization of X86_FEATURE_IBPB_SUPPORT (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove SPEC_CTRL_PCP_IBPB bit (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove ibrs_enabled variable (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: add ibp_disabled variable (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: add X86_FEATURE_IBP_DISABLE (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove IBP disable for AMD model 0x16 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove performance measurements from documentation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: make ipbp_enabled read-only (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove ibpb_enabled=2 mode (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] cpu: Implement CPU vulnerabilites sysfs functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [base] sysfs/cpu: Add vulnerability folder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644] - [x86] cpu: Merge bugs.c and bugs_64.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1535644]- [tools] perf record: Fix wrong size in perf_record_mmap for last kernel module (Jiri Olsa) [1509073] - [testmgr] disable ECDH and DH in FIPS mode (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1523357] - [kernel] cpumask: Fix cpumask leak in partition_sched_domains() (Joe Lawrence) [1534918] - [kernel] pm / hibernate: Restore processor state before using per-CPU variables (Prarit Bhargava) [1418896] - [x86] power/64: Fix hibernation return address corruption (Prarit Bhargava) [1418896] - [x86] pti/mm: Fix trampoline stack problem with XEN PV (Andrea Arcangeli) [1533542] - [x86] mm: Rework wbinvd, hlt operation in stop_this_cpu() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1522676] - [mm] swap: zswap: maybe_preload & refactoring (Jerome Marchand) [1532517] - [mm] ksm: add cond_resched() to the rmap_walks (Rafael Aquini) [1519517] - [mm] mprotect: add a cond_resched() inside change_pmd_range() (Rafael Aquini) [1519517] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix the RoCE firmware version reported (Selvin Xavier) [1538406] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix possible deadlock (Arjun Vynipadath) [1439204] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the receive buffer size limit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1532169] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: vxlan: ensure no sleep in atomic context (John Linville) [1537927] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: prioritize stats updates (John Linville) [1537141] - [net] Fix double free and memory corruption in get_net_ns_by_id() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1531551] {CVE-2017-15129}- [media] xc2028: avoid use after free (Torez Smith) [1402893] {CVE-2016-7913} - [kernel] module: avoid ifdefs for sig_enforce declaration (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1531454] - [fs] sysfs: Do not warn about missing kernfs_node if kobj is not active (Vivek Goyal) [1534568] - [md] not clear ->safemode for external metadata array (Xiao Ni) [1526283] - [md] always clear ->safemode when md_check_recovery gets the mddev lock (Xiao Ni) [1526283] - [block] blk-mq: don't allow write on attributes of .seq_ops (Ming Lei) [1535949] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SCSI io host reset causing kernel crash (Dick Kennedy) [1530120] - [scsi] lpfc: FLOGI failures are reported when connected to a private loop (Dick Kennedy) [1532307] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NULL pointer crash due to probe failure (Himanshu Madhani) [1525810] - [scsi] core: check for device state in __scsi_remove_target() (Ewan Milne) [1537459] - [scsi] fixup kernel warning during rmmod() (Ewan Milne) [1537459] - [nvme] rdma: fix concurrent reset and reconnect (David Milburn) [1517602] - [nvdimm] btt: fix uninitialized err_lock (Jeff Moyer) [1524775] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix nfit_test buffer overflow (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix nfit_test shutdown crash (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: make iset cookie predictable (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: support for sub-dividing a pmem region (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix allocation range for mock flush hint tables (Jeff Moyer) [1375501]- [crypto] aesni: add wrapper for generic gcm(aes) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1525527] - [crypto] aesni: fix typo in generic_gcmaes_decrypt (Sabrina Dubroca) [1525527] - [infiniband] iser-target: Fix possible use-after-free in connection establishment error (Don Dutile) [1519131] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Change GPADL teardown order according to Hyper-V version (Mohammed Gamal) [1529436] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Split netvsc_revoke_buf() and netvsc_teardown_gpadl() (Mohammed Gamal) [1529436] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix SGE FL buffer initialization logic for 64K pages (Arjun Vynipadath) [1538425] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: export a common switchdev PARENT_ID for all reps of an adapter (Jonathan Toppins) [1536308] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Allocate and request vpd in init_resources (Gustavo Duarte) [1537433] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Revert to previous mtu when unsupported value requested (Gustavo Duarte) [1537433] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Modify buffer size and number of queues on failover (Gustavo Duarte) [1537433] - [netdrv] revert mlx5: Expose command polling interface (Don Dutile) [1533670] - [netdrv] revert mlx5: Add fast unload support in shutdown flow (Don Dutile) [1533670] - [net] ipv4: fib: Fix metrics match when deleting a route (Phil Sutter) [1526442] - [net] sched: fix use-after-free in tcf_block_put_ext (Ivan Vecera) [1533034] - [net] sched: get rid of rcu_barrier() in tcf_block_put_ext() (Ivan Vecera) [1533034] - [net] use for_each_netdev_safe() in rtnl_group_changelink() (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1523618] - [net] openvswitch: Fix pop_vlan action for double tagged frames (Eric Garver) [1522739] - [net] openvswitch: fix list corruption on force commit (Eric Garver) [1531680] - [net] tcp: Split BUG_ON() in tcp_tso_should_defer() into two assertions (Stefano Brivio) [1532373] - [net] ethtool: add support for forward error correction modes (Ivan Vecera) [1530634] - [net] vxlan: restore dev->mtu setting based on lower device (Stefano Brivio) [1520310] - [net] xfrm: add UDP encapsulation port in migrate message (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790] - [net] xfrm: extend MIGRATE with UDP encapsulation port (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790] - [net] xfrm: fix state migration copy replay sequence numbers (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790] - [net] xfrm: Cleanup error handling of xfrm_state_clone (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790] - [net] xfrm: checkpatch errors with foo * bar (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1460790]- [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: fix memory corruption with legacy/sou connectors (Rob Clark) [1525872] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/disp/gf119: add missing drive vfunc ptr (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Apply Display WA #1183 on skl, kbl, and cfl (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Disable DC states around GMBUS on GLK (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/skl+: debugfs entry to control IPC (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/bxt+: Enable IPC support (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9+: Add has_ipc flag in device info structure (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen10: Calculate and enable transition WM (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/skl+: Optimize WM calculation (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Fixed point fixed16 wrapper cleanup (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Flush pending GTT writes before unbinding (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm: Add retries for lspcon mode detection (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: bypass lru touch for KIQ ring submission (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Fix vblank timestamp/frame counter jumps on gen2 (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Use unsigned ring indices in amdgpu_queue_mgr_map (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Prevent zero length "index" write (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Don't try indexed reads to alternate slave addresses (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Correct ADDR_4K/2M/1G_MASK definition (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915/fbdev: Serialise early hotplug events with async fbdev config (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Re-register PMIC bus access notifier on runtime resume (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/i915: Fix false-positive assert_rpm_wakelock_held in i915_pmic_bus_access_notifier v2 (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Set adev->vcn.irq.num_types for VCN (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: move UVD/VCE and VCN structure out from union (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/edid: Don't send non-zero YQ in AVI infoframe for HDMI 1.x sinks (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/fb_helper: Disable all crtc's when initial setup fails (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amd/pp: fix typecast error in powerplay (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/ttm: once more fix ttm_buffer_object_transfer (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/radeon: fix atombios on big endian (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/vblank: Tune drm_crtc_accurate_vblank_count() WARN down to a debug (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/vblank: Fix flip event vblank count (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Remove check which is not valid for certain VBIOS (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Properly allocate VM invalidate eng v2 (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: fix error handling in amdgpu_bo_do_create (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: correct reference clock value on vega10 (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: Potential uninitialized variable in amdgpu_vm_update_directories() (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: potential uninitialized variable in amdgpu_vce_ring_parse_cs() (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [gpu] revert "drm/radeon: dont switch vt on suspend" (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [x86] gpu: add CFL to early quirks (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [x86] gpu: CNL uses the same GMS values as SKL (Rob Clark) [1532388] - [x86] gpu: GLK uses the same GMS values as SKL (Rob Clark) [1532388]- [i2c] designware: Find bus speed from ACPI (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Add function for finding the bus speed from ACPI, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Cleanup I2C ACPI namespace, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Enable high speed mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: set the common config before the if else (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Enable fast mode plus (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: get fast plus and high speed *CNT configuration (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Move clk_freq into struct dw_i2c_dev (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] i2c / acpi: add support for ACPI reconfigure notifications (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [acpi] add support for ACPI reconfiguration notifiers (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [acpi] scan: fix enumeration (visited) flags for bus rescans (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] use pr_fmt in the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] print more info when acpi_i2c_space_handler() fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add error message when obtaining idr fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] improve error messages in i2c_register_adapter() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] cleanup i2c_register_adapter() by refactoring recovery init (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] free idr when sanity checks in i2c_register_adapter() fail (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware-pci: Make bus number allocation robust (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] only check scl functions when using generic recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] let I2C masters ignore their children for PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: use new 8 bit address helper function (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [kernel] i2c: introduce helper function to get 8 bit address from a message (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] immediately mark ourselves as registered (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] do not use internal data from driver core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Add generic support passing secondary devices addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] always enable RuntimePM for the adapter device (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] i2c / acpi: Rework I2C device scanning (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Add support for best effort block read emulation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] doc: dt: describe generic bindings (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] slave: print warning if slave flag not set (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] support 10 bit and slave (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: add and export of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node() interface (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: manage i2c bus device refcount in i2c_get/put_adapter (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] fix leaked device refcount on of_find_i2c_* error path (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] take address space into account when checking for used addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] make address check indpendent from client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] rename address check functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: only use set_scl for bus recovery after calling prepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Reduce stack size of acpi_i2c_space_handler() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] check for proper length of the reg property (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: fix typo in comment (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] apply address offset for slaves, too (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [kernel] i2c: add a flag to mark clients as slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] slave: add error messages to slave core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Mark adapter devices with pm_runtime_no_callbacks (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Export bus recovery functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] change input parameter to i2c_adapter for prepare/unprepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] documentation: i2c: describe the new slave mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] clarify comments about the dev_released completion (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Only include slave support if selected (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Do not calculate SCL timing parameters needlessly (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] simplify boilerplate code for attribute groups (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] do not try to load modules for of-registered devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Pick the first address if device has multiple (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Remove support for legacy PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core changes for slave support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: remove unneeded variable initialization (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Fix NULL Pointer dereference (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] move acpi code back into the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add debug info when class instantiation was dropped (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Clean up I2C ACPI code and Add CONFIG_I2C_ACPI config (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Add i2c ACPI operation region support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for SMBUS (ver 2) (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for I2C (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add deprecation warning for class based instantiation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Use stable dev_name for ACPI enumerated I2C slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] attach/detach I2C client device to the ACPI power domain (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [acpi] pm: allow child devices to ignore parent power state (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Not all adapters have a parent (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Remove redundant 'driver' field from the i2c_client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [media] core: Don't use i2c_client->driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [acpi] pm: Make messages in acpi_device_set_power() print device names (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]- [powerpc] pseries: Make RAS IRQ explicitly dependent on DLPAR WQ (Serhii Popovych) [1533857] - [s390] cpuinfo: show facilities as reported by stfle (Hendrik Brueckner) [1535082] - [x86] locking/qspinlock: Fix kabi problem in a non-KVM/XEN VM (Waiman Long) [1533529] - [x86] platform/uv: Mark tsc_check_sync as an init function (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [x86] platform/uv: Add check of TSC state set by UV BIOS (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [x86] tsc: Provide a means to disable TSC ART (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [x86] tsc: Drastically reduce the number of firmware bug warnings (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [x86] tsc: Skip TSC test and error messages if already unstable (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [x86] tsc: Add option that TSC on Socket 0 being non-zero is valid (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [x86] tsc: Remove the TSC_ADJUST clamp (Frank Ramsay) [1526066] - [crypto] chcr - Avoid algo allocation in softirq (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Select device in Round Robin fashion (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Ensure Destination sg entry size less than 2k (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Add debug counters (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Add ctr mode and process large sg entries for cipher (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Avoid changing request structure (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Return correct error code (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Fix fallback key setting (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Pass lcb bit setting to firmware (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Fix error handling related to 'chcr_alloc_shash' (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Add fallback for AEAD algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Set hmac_ctrl bit to use HW register HMAC_CFG 456 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Increase priority of AEAD algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Fix Smatch Complaint (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Fix wrong typecasting (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Change algo priority (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Change cra_flags for cipher algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Use cipher instead of Block Cipher in gcm setkey (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Fix key length for RFC4106 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Fix panic on dma_unmap_sg (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] chcr - Add AEAD algos (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] aead - move aead_request_cast helper to aead.h (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [crypto] scatterwalk - Add scatterwalk_ffwd helper (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458315] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: fix DMA memory mapping / unmapping (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] ath10k: fix build errors with !CONFIG_PM (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] ath10k: fix core PCI suspend when WoWLAN is supported but disabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix tx99 potential info leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] i40e: don't remove netdev->dev_addr when syncing uc list (Stefan Assmann) [1469354] - [netdrv] cxgb3: assign port id to net_device->dev_port (Arjun Vynipadath) [1530123] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Improve reliability in case of nested PCI errors (Michal Schmidt) [1529860]- [thermal] initialize thermal zone device correctly (Lenny Szubowicz) [1487411] - [net] bluetooth: Prevent stack info leak from the EFS element (Gopal Tiwari) [1519633] {CVE-2017-1000410} - [tools] cpupower: fix potential memory leak (Prarit Bhargava) [1422951] - [tools] cpupower: bench: parse.c: fix several resource leaks (Prarit Bhargava) [1422951] - [usb] core: prevent malicious bNumInterfaces overflow (Torez Smith) [1536886] {CVE-2017-17558} - [misc] genwqe: Take R/W permissions into account when dealing with memory pages (Gustavo Duarte) [1528752] - [md] Call wait_barrier twice when underlaying device is blocked (Xiao Ni) [1527875] - [ata] ahci: Add Intel Cannon Lake PCH-H PCI ID (David Milburn) [1533333 1457266] - [block] elevator: lookup mq vs non-mq elevators (Ming Lei) [1526859] - [block] elevator: remove redundant warnings on IO scheduler switch (Ming Lei) [1526859] - [block] blk-mq: set mq-deadline as default scheduler for single queue device (Ming Lei) [1154525] - [nvme] dm mpath: backport blk_path_error() (Mike Snitzer) [1535615] - [nvme] fabrics: initialize default host->id in nvmf_host_default() (Ewan Milne) [1533963] - [nvme] fabrics: generate spec-compliant UUID NQNs (Ewan Milne) [1533963] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix ndlp ref count for pt2pt mode issue RSCN (Dick Kennedy) [1532295] - [scsi] lpfc: Linux LPFC driver does not process all RSCNs (Dick Kennedy) [1532295] - [scsi] lpfc: Driver fails to detect direct attach storage array (Dick Kennedy) [1532303] - [fs] gfs2: Use rhashtable walk interface in glock_hash_walk (Andreas Grunbacher) [1526134] - [fs] gfs2: Glock dump performance regression fix (Andreas Grunbacher) [1526134] - [fs] rhashtable: Add rhastable_walk_peek (Andreas Grunbacher) [1526134] - [fs] nfs: commit direct writes even if they fail partially (Benjamin Coddington) [1132610] - [fs] simple_xattr: permit 0-size extended attributes (Miklos Szeredi) [1532490] - [fs] xfs: don't change inode mode if ACL update fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1480671] - [fs] pnfs: fix nfs_direct_req ref leak when i/o falls back to the mds (Scott Mayhew) [1519649]- [mm] cgroup: kill css_id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325] - [mm] memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325] - [mm] device-dax: implement ->split() to catch invalid munmap attempts (Jeff Moyer) [1523344] - [mm] mm, hugetlbfs: introduce ->split() to vm_operations_struct (Jeff Moyer) [1523344] - [mm] move split_huge_page_pud/pmd sanity checks under the pte lock (Jeff Moyer) [1523344] - [mm] filemap: get rid of radix tree gfp mask for pagecache_get_page (Yasuyuki Kobayashi) [1469247] - [iommu] vt-d: Use domain instead of cache fetching (Peter Xu) [1531367] - [nvme] rdma: don't fully stop the controller in error recovery (David Milburn) [1532621] - [fs] don't call file_pos_write() if vfs_read/write(, v) fails (Ivan Vecera) [1534483] - [x86] syscall: int80 must not clobber r12-15 (Oleg Nesterov) [1531686] - [x86] syscall: change ia32_syscall() to create the full register frame in ia32_do_call() (Oleg Nesterov) [1531686] - [x86] KVM: VMX: remove I/O port 0x80 bypass on Intel hosts (Radim Krcmar) [1520349] {CVE-2017-1000407} - [kernel] livepatch: add locking to force and signal functions (Joe Lawrence) [1522957] - [kernel] livepatch: force transition to finish (Joe Lawrence) [1522957] - [kernel] livepatch: send a fake signal to all blocking tasks (Joe Lawrence) [1522957] - [infiniband] hfi1: Prevent a NULL dereference (Alex Estrin) [1535166] - [infiniband] qib: Fix comparison error with qperf compare/swap test (Alex Estrin) [1526145 1520402] - [infiniband] cm: Change sgid to IB GID when handling CM request (Alex Estrin) [1526145 1520402] - [infiniband] hfi1: Mask the path bits with the LMC for 16B RC Acks (Alex Estrin) [1526145 1520402]- [x86] platform/uv/bau: Replace hard-coded values with MMR definitions (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix UV4A BAU MMRs (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix GAM MMR references in the UV x2apic code (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix GAM MMR changes in UV4A (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [x86] platform/uv: Add references to access fixed UV4A HUB MMRs (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix UV4A support on new Intel Processors (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [x86] platform/uv: Update uv_mmrs.h to prepare for UV4A fixes (Frank Ramsay) [1535031] - [md] dm raid: use rs_is_raid*() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: simplify rs_get_progress() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: ensure 'a' chars during reshape (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: avoid keeping raid set frozen (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514215] - [md] dm raid: validate current raid sets redundancy (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514500] - [md] dm-raid: bump target version to reflect numerous fixes (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514215] - [md] dm raid: small cleanup and remove unsed struct raid_set member (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: fix rs_get_progress() synchronization state_ratio (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1508070] - [md] dm raid: avoid passing array_in_sync variable to raid_status() callees (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: display a consistent copy of the MD status via raid_status() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: fix raid_resume() to keep raid set frozen as needed (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: add component device size checks to avoid runtime failure (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: fix raid set size revalidation (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: correct resizing state relative to reshape space in ctr (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: consume sizes after md_finish_reshape() completes changing them (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [md] dm raid: fix deadlock caused by premature md_stop_writes() (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632 1514215] - [md] dm raid: add raid4_5_6 journal write-back support via journal_mode option (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1388632] - [tools] power turbostat: Make turbostat quiet by default (Prarit Bhargava) [1531825] - [acpi] battery: Fix doubly added battery on system suspend (Lenny Szubowicz) [1518210]- [md] limit mdstat resync progress to max_sectors (Nigel Croxon) [1520449] - [mailbox] acpi/pcc: Use pr_debug() for debug messages in pcc_init() (Prarit Bhargava) [1529885] - [bluetooth] btusb: Update firmware filename for Intel 9x60 and later (Gopal Tiwari) [1530359] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix ALC700 family no sound issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1520733] - [pci] Create SR-IOV virtfn/physfn links before attaching driver (Kamal Heib) [1416270] - [powercap] rapl: handle missing MSRs (Xiaolong Wang) [1369918] - [powercap] rapl: add package reference per domain (Xiaolong Wang) [1369918] - [powercap] rapl: reduce ipi calls (Xiaolong Wang) [1369918] - [block] blk-mq: fix kernel oops in blk_mq_tag_idle() (Ming Lei) [1517640] - [block] blk-mq: make sure the variable of 'blk_mq_aux_ops' is per variable of 'blk_mq_ops' (Ming Lei) [1525468] - [usb] core: Don't print a warning if interface driver rebind is deferred at resume (Jerry Snitselaar) [1459718] - [input] serio: drop warnings in case of EPROBE_DEFER from serio_find_driver() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1459718] - [base] bus: don't warn on deferred probe (Jerry Snitselaar) [1459718] - [kernel] stop using 'pK' for /proc/kallsyms pointer values (Lenny Szubowicz) [1532366] - [kernel] kallsyms.c: use __seq_open_private() (Lenny Szubowicz) [1532366] - [kernel] perf/core: Change the default paranoia level to 2 (Lenny Szubowicz) [1532366] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s hv: Always flush TLB in kvmppc_alloc_reset_hpt() (David Gibson) [1528958] - [s390] sclp: single increment assignment control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1456517]- [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix mlx5_ib_alloc_mr error flow (Kamal Heib) [1534242] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Serialize access to the VMA list (Kamal Heib) [1534242] - [netdrv] mlx5: Stay in polling mode when command EQ destroy fails (Kamal Heib) [1534242] - [kernel] mlx5: Cleanup IRQs in case of unload failure (Kamal Heib) [1534242] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix steering memory leak (Kamal Heib) [1534242] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix error flow in CREATE_QP command (Kamal Heib) [1534242] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Prevent possible races in VXLAN control flow (Kamal Heib) [1533796] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add refcount to VXLAN structure (Kamal Heib) [1533796] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix possible deadlock of VXLAN lock (Kamal Heib) [1533796] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix ETS BW check (Kamal Heib) [1532746] - [netdrv] revert "mlx5: move affinity hints assignments to generic code" (Kamal Heib) [1532632] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Make room for mapping HW contexts beyond 32 entries (Selvin Xavier) [1532770] - [infiniband] core: Verify that QP is security enabled in create and destroy (Kamal Heib) [1533205] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix for notify send CQ failure messages (Don Dutile) [1528386] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Avoid use after free due to QP/CQ/SRQ destroy (Don Dutile) [1531668] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Call ib_umem_release on destroy QP path (Don Dutile) [1531668] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: only clear the ARMED bit if a notification is needed (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: atomically flush the qp (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: only call the cq comp_handler when the cq is armed (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Fix possible circular dependency locking warning (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: remove BUG_ON() usage (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Protect from possible dereference (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: add referencing to wait objects (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each ep object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each qp object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each cq object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: allocate wait object for each memory object (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: change pr_debug to appropriate log level (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Remove __func__ parameter from pr_debug() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Remove some dead code (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: drop listen destroy replies if no ep found (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Convert PDBG to pr_debug the second (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Convert PDBG to pr_debug (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526289] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix entries dump of the adjacency table (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for controlling nexthop counters (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for adjacency table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for setting counters on nexthops (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add support for counters on RATR (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add initial support for the router adjacency table (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add helpers for nexthop access (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use helper to check for last neighbor (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Keep nexthops in a linked list (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add fields for mlxsw's meta header for adjacency table (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix indentation in header description (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for controlling IPv6 neighbor counters (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for setting counters on IPv6 neighbors (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for IPv6 host table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Make host entry fill handler more generic (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add IPv6 neighbor access helper (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add IPv6 host table initial support (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Export IPv6 link local address check helper (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix host table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: compile-in dpipe support only if devlink is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [scripts] kbuild: Allow to specify composite modules with modname-m (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [scripts] kbuild: handle multi-objs dependency appropriately (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for controlling neighbor counters (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add support for IPv4 host table dump (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for setting counters on neighbors (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Make flow counter set type enum to be shared (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Add IPv4 host table initial support (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix label name (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add helpers for neighbor access (Ivan Vecera) [1521104] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix erif table op name space (Ivan Vecera) [1521104]- [thunderbolt] Mark TB3 as tech_preview (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] introduce a function to find the first physical device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] create empty dmi_table (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpi / scan: Enable GPEs before scanning the namespace (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: Make it possible to enable runtime GPEs earlier (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: Dispatch active GPEs at init time (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] nvmem: include linux/err.h from header (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpi / sysfs: Provide quirk mechanism to prevent GPE flooding (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] efi: Add device path parser (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] acpi / bus: Make acpi_get_first_physical_node() public (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: events: Introduce acpi_mask_gpe() to implement GPE masking mechanism (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] nvmem: core: remove regmap dependency (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] device property: don't bother the drivers with struct property_set (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpi / osi: Collect _OSI handling into one single file (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpi / osi: Cleanup _OSI("Linux") related code before introducing new support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] nvmem: Add backwards compatibility support for older EEPROM drivers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] nvmem: Add flag to export NVMEM to root only (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [lib] ucs2_string: Add ucs2 -> utf8 helper functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] nvmem: Add a simple NVMEM framework for consumers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] nvmem: Add a simple NVMEM framework for nvmem providers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: events: Add support to return both enable/status register values for GPE and fixed event (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: events: Cleanup GPE dispatcher type obtaining code (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: Save current masks of enabled GPEs after enable register writes (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] Support _OSI("Darwin") correctly (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [pci] Suspend/resume quirks for Apple thunderbolt (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] pci: Add pci_fixup_suspend_late quirk pass (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: fix divergences of the commit - acpica: Expose OSI version (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [acpi] acpica: Add acpi_update_interfaces() public interface (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix reset response_type (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Allow clearing the key (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Make key root-only accessible (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Remove superfluous check (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Do not enumerate more ports from DROM than the controller has (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] icm: Ignore mailbox errors in icm_suspend() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] use uuid_t instead of uuid_be (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Correct access permissions for active NVM contents (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] fix spelling mistake: "missmatch" -> "mismatch" (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add support for host and device NVM firmware upgrade (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add support for Internal Connection Manager (ICM) (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Do not touch the hardware if the NHI is gone on resume (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add support for DMA configuration based mailbox (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Store Thunderbolt generation in the switch structure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add support for NHI mailbox (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add new Thunderbolt PCI IDs (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Rework control channel to be more reliable (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Let the connection manager handle all notifications (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Expose make_header() to other files (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Expose get_route() to other files (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Move control channel messages to tb_msgs.h (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Read vendor and device name from DROM (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Refactor and fix parsing of port drom entries (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Do not fail if DROM data CRC32 is invalid (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fail switch adding operation if reading DROM fails (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Convert switch to a device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Introduce thunderbolt bus and connection manager (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Allow passing NULL to tb_ctl_free() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Rework capability handling (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add MSI-X support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Do not warn about newer DROM versions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Do not try to read UID if DROM offset is read as 0 (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] No need to read UID of the root switch on resume (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Use const buffer pointer in write operations (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Macro rename (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Compile on x86 only (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] efi: Fix Kconfig dependencies harder (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] efi: Fix Kconfig dependencies (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Use Device ROM retrieved from EFI (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Don't declare Falcon Ridge unsupported (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add support for INTEL_FALCON_RIDGE_2C controller (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix double free of drom buffer (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Support 1st gen Light Ridge controller (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix typos and magic number (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [kernel] pci: Add Intel Thunderbolt device IDs (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Allow loading of module on recent Apple MacBooks with thunderbolt 2 controller (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Clear hops before overwriting (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Use kcalloc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Correct the size argument to devm_kzalloc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] select CRC32 in Kconfig (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Make tb_eeprom_get_drom_offset static (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Make enum tb_drom_entry_type unsigned (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix header declaration of tb_find_cap (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add casts to prevent endianness warnings (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] fix format string for size_t (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] add PCI dependency (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Staticize nhi_ids (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Use NULL instead of 0 in nhi.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Use NULL instead of 0 in ctl.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Use NULL instead of 0 in switch.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix build error in switch.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix build error in eeprom.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Fix nontrivial endpoint devices (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Read port configuration from eeprom (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add suspend/hibernate support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Read switch uid from EEPROM (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add support for simple pci tunnels (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add path setup code (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Handle hotplug events (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Scan for downstream switches (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Enable plug events (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add thunderbolt capability handling (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Initialize root switch and ports (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add tb_regs.h (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Setup control channel (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add control channel interface (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010] - [thunderbolt] Add initial cactus ridge NHI support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1172010]- [x86] x86: vdso: use __pvclock_read_cycles (Prarit Bhargava) [1516321] - [x86] x86/vdso/pvclock: Protect STABLE check with the seqcount (Prarit Bhargava) [1516321] - [x86] x86, vdso, pvclock: Simplify and speed up the vdso pvclock reader (Prarit Bhargava) [1516321] - [x86] fpu: Make XSAVE check the base CPUID features before enabling (Scott Wood) [1457543] - [kernel] bitops: Add clear/set_bit32() to linux/bitops.h (Scott Wood) [1457543] - [x86] fpu: Remove the explicit clearing of XSAVE dependent features (Scott Wood) [1457543] - [x86] cpuid: Prevent out of bound access in do_clear_cpu_cap() (Scott Wood) [1457543] - [x86] fpu: Parse clearcpuid= as early XSAVE argument (Scott Wood) [1457543] - [x86] cpuid: Add generic table for CPUID dependencies (Scott Wood) [1457543] - [x86] Don't rely on VMWare emulating PAT MSR correctly (Cathy Avery) [1528577] - [x86] efifb: Add support for 64-bit frame buffer addresses (Rob Clark) [1529100] - [x86] mm: Change cachemode exports to non-gpl (Alex Williamson) [1528122] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Defer processing of GS IOCB calls (Himanshu Madhani) [1527540] - [scsi] qedf: Limit number of CQs (Chad Dupuis) [1525916] - [scsi] libcxgbi: simplify task->hdr allocation for mgmt cmds (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] libcxgbi: fix skb use after free (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] cxgb4i: fix Tx skb leak (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] libcxgbi: in case of vlan pass 0 as ifindex to find route (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] libcxgbi: remove redundant check and close on csk (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] cxgb4i: call neigh_event_send() to update MAC address (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] libcxgbi: use ndev->ifindex to find route (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] libcxgbi: add check for valid cxgbi_task_data (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526290] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix scsi_cmd error assignments in storvsc_handle_error (Cathy Avery) [1502601] - [scsi] storvsc: Avoid excessive host scan on controller change (Cathy Avery) [1502601] - [scsi] storvsc: Allow only one remove lun work item to be issued per lun (Cathy Avery) [1502601] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: Simplify autorelease logic (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: support panel front button (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: support KEY_ROTATE_LOCK_TOGGLE (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [uapi] input: add KEY_ROTATE_LOCK_TOGGLE (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: Support separate press/release events (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: support SW_TABLET_MODE (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: reduce unnecessary messages for normal users (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: match power button on press rather than release (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: add volume up and down (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: intel-vbtn: Switch to use devm_input_allocate_device (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] x86: Use ACPI_FAILURE at appropriate places (Scott Wood) [1445052] - [platform] intel-vbtn: new driver for Intel Virtual Button (Scott Wood) [1445052]- [target] cxgbit: Abort the TCP connection in case of data out timeout (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526291] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Fill all counters under one call of stats lock (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix wrong calculation of free counters (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Fix selftest for small MTUs (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Increase maximal message size under UD QP (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Use __force to fix a sparse warning in TX datapath (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix cast warning in fw.c (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [netdrv] net/mlx4: Fix endianness issue in qp context params (Kamal Heib) [1525610] - [netdrv] aquantia: Increment driver version (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix typo in ethtool statistics names (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Update hw counters on hw init (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Improve link state and statistics check interval callback (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fill in multicast counter in ndev stats from hardware (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fill ndev stat couters from hardware (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Extend stat counters to 64bit values (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix hardware DMA stream overload on large MRRS (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix actual speed capabilities reporting (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] aquantia: Make local functions static (David Arcari) [1500365] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526288] - [netdrv] cxgb4: do DCB state reset in couple of places (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526288] - [netdrv] cxgb4: avoid stall while shutting down the adapter (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526288] - [scsi] csiostor: enable PCIe relaxed ordering if supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526951] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use new PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_RELAXED_ORDERING flag (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526951] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Use new PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_RELAXED_ORDERING flag (Arjun Vynipadath) [1526951] - [netdrv] add .ndo_size to struct i40evf_netdev_ops (Stefan Assmann) [1520869] - [netdrv] revert e1000e: Avoid receiver overrun interrupt bursts (David Arcari) [1520875] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix rx hang on MTU change with 5717/5719 (Jonathan Toppins) [1528017] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix the use of ndo_change_mtu (Kamal Heib) [1528820] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix the use of ndo_change_mtu (Kamal Heib) [1522612] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix RoCE Address Path fields (Kamal Heib) [1525603] - [infiniband] mlx5: Assign send CQ and recv CQ of UMR QP (Kamal Heib) [1525603] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add rollback on add VLAN failure (Kamal Heib) [1525603] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Rename VLAN related variables and functions (Kamal Heib) [1525603] - [netdrv] nfp: fix port stats for mac representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: fix vlan receive MAC statistics typo (Jonathan Toppins) [1518337] - [netdrv] nfp: output control messages to trace_devlink_hwmsg() (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add set tcp and udp header action flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add set ipv6 source and destination address (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add set ipv4 header action flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add set ethernet header action flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add IPv6 ttl and tos match offloading support (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add IPv4 ttl and tos match offloading support (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add mpls match offloading support (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: flower vxlan neighbour keep-alive (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: flower vxlan neighbour offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: offload vxlan IPv4 endpoints of flower rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: offload flower vxlan endpoint MAC addresses (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: compile flower vxlan tunnel set actions (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: compile flower vxlan tunnel metadata match fields (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add helper to get flower cmsg length (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: wait for the NSP resource to appear on boot (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: wait for board state before talking to the NSP (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: build the flower offload by default (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: be drop monitor friendly (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: move the start/stop app callbacks back (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: base lifetime of representors on existence of lower vNIC (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: separate app vNIC init/clean from alloc/free (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add basic SR-IOV ndo functions to representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add basic SR-IOV ndo functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: fix copy paste in names and messages regarding vNICs (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add ethtool statistics for representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add pointer to vNIC config memory to nfp_port structure (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: report MAC statistics in ethtool (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: store pointer to MAC statistics in nfp_port (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: split software and hardware vNIC statistics (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: add helper for printing ethtool strings (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: don't report standard netdev statistics in ethtool (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: allow retreiving management FW logs on representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: provide ethtool_drvinfo on representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: link basic ethtool ops to representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: process control messages in workqueue in flower app (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: send control message when MAC representors are created (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: only use direct firmware requests (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [kernel] firmware: define a facade for request_firmware_direct() (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [base] firmware loader: simplify holding module for request_firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: look for firmware image by device serial number and PCI name (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: remove the probe deferral when FW not present (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] nfp: set config bit (ifup/ifdown) on netdev open/close (Jonathan Toppins) [1468286] - [netdrv] igb: Use smp_rmb rather than read_barrier_depends (Corinna Vinschen) [1533447] - [netdrv] igb: Fix TX map failure path (Corinna Vinschen) [1533447] - [netdrv] igb: check memory allocation failure (Corinna Vinschen) [1533447] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix e1000_check_for_copper_link_ich8lan return value (David Arcari) [1532240] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix the use of magic numbers for buffer overrun issue (David Arcari) [1532240]- [crypto] cryptd: Add cryptd_max_cpu_qlen module parameter (Jon Maxwell) [1522991] - [netdrv] revert "include linux/if.h, linux/ip.h and linux/in6.h" (Ivan Vecera) [1525606] - [netdrv] mlxsw: include explicitly linux/if.h to avoid build failure (Ivan Vecera) [1525606] - [x86] hyper-v: do kaiser_add_mapping() for HVCLOCK_TSC_PAGE (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1533184] - [x86] spec_ctrl: move vmexit rmb in the last branch before IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1533250] - [x86] spec_ctrl: satisfy the barrier like semantics of IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1533250] - [s390] add ppa to system call and program check path (Jon Masters) [1532708] - [s390] spinlock: add gmb memory barrier (Jon Masters) [1532708] - [s390] introduce CPU alternatives (Jon Masters) [1532708] - [powerpc] spinlock: add gmb memory barrier (Mauricio Oliveira) [1531710] - [powerpc] Prevent Meltdown attack with L1-D$ flush (Mauricio Oliveira) [1531710]- [kernel] locking/barriers: prevent speculative execution based on Coverity scan results (Josh Poimboeuf) [1519786] {CVE-2017-5753} - [kernel] x86/spec_ctrl: don't call ptrace_has_cap in the IBPB ctx switch optimization (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531362] - [x86] kaiser/efi: unbreak tboot (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531851] - [x86] cpuidle_idle_call: fix double local_irq_enable() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1528420] - [x86] x86/kaiser/efi: unbreak EFI old_memmap (Andrea Arcangeli) [1531559] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix RSM when PCID is non-zero (Paolo Bonzini) [1530711] - [x86] x86/smpboot: Do not use smp_num_siblings in __max_logical_packages calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1519503] - [x86] x86/topology: Add topology_max_smt_threads() (Prarit Bhargava) [1519503] - [net] ipv6: fix a potential deadlock in do_ipv6_setsockopt() (Hangbin Liu) [1527255] - [net] ipv4: fix a potential deadlock in mcast getsockopt() path (Hangbin Liu) [1527255] - [net] xfrm: fix null pointer dereference on state and tmpl sort (Sabrina Dubroca) [1522665] - [net] sit: update frag_off info (Hangbin Liu) [1518472] - [lib] idr_ext: Refactor idr_alloc_ext(), remove cast from idr_get_next_ext() (Ivan Vecera) [1509477] - [net] netfilter: uapi: correct UNTRACKED conntrack state bit number (Florian Westphal) [1526883] - [net] preserve behavior of ether_setup and allocate_etherdev_mqs (Ivan Vecera) [1527175] - [net] remove MTU limits for dummy and ifb device (Ivan Vecera) [1527175] - [net] dummy: expend mtu range for dummy device (Ivan Vecera) [1527175] - [net] remove MTU limits on a few ether_setup callers (Ivan Vecera) [1527175] - [net] dccp: use-after-free in DCCP code (Stefano Brivio) [1526271] {CVE-2017-8824} - [crypto] aesni: fix ivsize for generic gcm(aes) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1523032] - [net] ipv6: set all.accept_dad to 0 by default (Florian Westphal) [1515785] - [net] vsock: Don't set sk_state to TCP_CLOSE before testing it (Stefano Brivio) [1524204] - [net] devlink: Fix devlink_dpipe_table_register() stub signature. (Ivan Vecera) [1521093] - [net] devlink: Add IPv6 header for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1521093] - [net] devlink: Move dpipe entry clear function into devlink (Ivan Vecera) [1521093] - [net] devlink: Add support for dynamic table size (Ivan Vecera) [1521093] - [net] devlink: Add IPv4 header for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1521093] - [net] devlink: Add Ethernet header for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1521093] - [net] geneve: only configure or fill UDP_ZERO_CSUM6_RX/TX info when CONFIG_IPV6 (Hangbin Liu) [1520210] - [net] geneve: fix fill_info when link down (Hangbin Liu) [1520210] - [net] sched: cbq: create block for q->link.block (Eelco Chaudron) [1515911] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix race between dump and swap (Davide Caratti) [1488131] - [net] netfilter: ipset: fix race condition in ipset save, swap and delete (Davide Caratti) [1488131] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Make sure listing doesn't grab a set which is just being destroyed. (Davide Caratti) [1487985]- [fs] mnt: Take unprivileged use of the mntns out of tech preview ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Make may_detach_mounts one-way and use it in copy_mnt_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] selftests/capabilities: Fix the test_execve test ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Make propagate_umount less slow for overlapping mount propagation trees ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: In propgate_umount handle visiting mounts in any order ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: In umount propagation reparent in a separate pass ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] don't forget to put old mntns in mntns_install ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] make sure that mntns_install() doesn't end up with referral for root ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] path_init(): don't bother with checking MAY_EXEC for LOOKUP_ROOT ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] make sure that fchdir() won't accept referral points, etc ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Tuck mounts under others instead of creating shadow/side mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Better permission checking for submounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] reorganize do_make_slave() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] namespace.c: constify struct path passed to a bunch of primitives ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Constify path_is_under()'s arguments ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] namespace.c: path_is_under can be boolean ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Add a per mount namespace limit on the number of mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Treat foreign mounts as nosuid ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Limit file caps to the user namespace of the super block ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] userns: Remove the now unnecessary FS_USERNS_DEV_MOUNT flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] userns: Remove implicit MNT_NODEV fragility ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Simplify mount_too_revealing ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: Generalize filesystem nodev handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] ipc/mqueue: The mqueue filesystem should never contain executables ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: The cgroup filesystem also benefits from SB_I_NOEXEC ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Move the FS_USERNS_MOUNT check into sget_userns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Add user namespace member to struct super_block ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] proc: Convert proc_mount to use mount_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: Pass data, ns, and ns->userns to mount_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Refactor fs_fully_visible into mount_too_revealing ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Account for MS_RDONLY in fs_fully_visible ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: fs_fully_visible test the proper mount for MNT_LOCKED ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: If fs_fully_visible fails call put_filesystem ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] saner calling conventions for copy_mount_options() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] locks: Don't allow mounts in user namespaces to enable mandatory locking ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] locks: Allow disabling mandatory locking at compile time ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: fs_fully_visible enforce noexec and nosuid if !SB_I_NOEXEC ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: Commit to never having exectuables on proc and sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Update fs_fully_visible to test for permanently empty directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysctl: Allow creating permanently empty directories that serve as mountpoints ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: Create mountpoints with sysfs_create_mount_point ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: Add support for permanently empty directories to serve as mount points ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: Add support for always empty directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] proc: Fix unbalanced hard link numbers ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] proc: Allow creating permanently empty directories that serve as mount points ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] gut proc_register() a bit ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Add helper functions for permanently empty directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: Ignore unlocked mounts in fs_fully_visible ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Modify fs_fully_visible to deal with locked ro nodev and atime ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Refactor the logic for mounting sysfs and proc in a user namespace ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] new helper: __legitimize_mnt() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Fix fs_fully_visible to verify the root directory is visible ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] namespace: convert devname allocation to kstrdup_const ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Carefully set CL_UNPRIVILEGED in clone_mnt ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] umount: Disallow unprivileged mount force ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Implicitly add MNT_NODEV on remount when it was implicitly added by mount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: move getname() from callers to do_mount() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] namespace: suppress 'may be used uninitialized' warnings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Change the default remount atime from relatime to the existing value ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Correct permission checks in do_remount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Move the test for MNT_LOCK_READONLY from change_mount_flags into do_remount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] mnt: Only change user settable mount flags in remount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: Fix a regression in mounting proc ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] fs_is_visible only needs namespace_sem held shared ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix warning when creating a sysfs group without attributes ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] exit: proc: don't try to flush /proc/tgid/task/tgid ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] proc: Have net show up under /proc//task/ ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kobject: fix NULL pointer derefernce in kobj_child_ns_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: don't depend on d_find_any_alias() when generating notifications ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: Now that kernfs has been rebuilt reenable INTEL_RDT ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: kernfs_notify() must be useable from non-sleepable contexts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: introduce kernfs_pin_sb() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: move the last knowledge of sysfs out from kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix attribute_group bin file path on removal ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs.h: don't return a void-valued expression in sysfs_remove_file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: make sure read buffer is zeroed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs, sysfs, cgroup: restrict extra perm check on open to sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add back missing error check in kernfs_fop_mmap() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: fix a subdir count leak ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: make kernfs_notify() trigger inotify events too ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_root->supers list ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: protect lazy kernfs_iattrs allocation with mutex ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: cache atomic_write_len in kernfs_open_file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: fix off by one error ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix namespace refcnt leak ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: create bin_attributes under the requested group ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: fix kernfs_node_from_dentry() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: fix hash calculation in kernfs_rename_ns() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add CONFIG_KERNFS ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kobject: add sysfs wrapper for kernfs_enable_ns() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_get_parent(), kernfs_name/path() and friends ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_node_from_dentry(), kernfs_root_from_sb() and kernfs_rename() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add kernfs_open_file->priv ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_ops->atomic_write_len ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: allow nodes to be created in the deactivated state ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add missing kernfs_active() checks in directory operations ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_syscall_ops->remount_fs() and ->show_options() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: rename kernfs_dir_ops to kernfs_syscall_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: invoke dir_ops while holding active ref of the target node ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs, sysfs, driver-core: implement kernfs_remove_self() and its wrappers ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: remove KERNFS_REMOVED ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: remove KERNFS_ACTIVE_REF and add kernfs_lockdep() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: remove kernfs_addrm_cxt ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: invoke kernfs_unmap_bin_file() directly from kernfs_deactivate() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: restructure removal path to fix possible premature return ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: replace kernfs_node->u.completion with kernfs_root->deactivate_waitq ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: make kernfs_deactivate() honor KERNFS_LOCKDEP flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] fix "queues" uevent between network namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: associate a new kernfs_node with its parent on creation ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add struct dentry declaration in kernfs.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: fix get_active failure handling in kernfs_seq_*() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kobject: Fix source code comment spelling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add kernfs_dir_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: allow negative dentries ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: update kernfs_rename_ns() to consider KERNFS_STATIC_NAME ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: mark static names with KERNFS_STATIC_NAME ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add REMOVED check to create and rename paths ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: add @mode to kernfs_create_dir[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in internal functions and whatever is left ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in global variables ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in constants ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in various data structures ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: drop s_ prefix from kernfs_node members ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs_dirent/kernfs_node/ and rename its friends accordingly ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix use-after-free in sysfs_kill_sb() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: bail early from kernfs_file_mmap() to avoid spurious lockdep warning ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kobject: fix memory leak in kobject_set_name_vargs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove duplicated include from file.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kobject: remove kset from sysfs immediately in kset_unregister() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: implement "trusted.*" xattr support ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: update sysfs_init_inode_attrs() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove cross inclusions of internal headers ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: implement kernfs_ns_enabled() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make sysfs_dirent definition public ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move mount core code to fs/kernfs/mount.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare mount path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make super_blocks bind to different kernfs_roots ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make inode number ida per kernfs_root ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: Update __compat_only_sysfs_link_entry_to_kobj to it's upstream form ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: implement kernfs_create/destroy_root() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce sysfs_root_sd ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] Don't return 0 from get_anon_bdev ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: no need to kern_mount() sysfs from sysfs_init() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make sysfs_super_info->ns const ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: drop unused params from sysfs_fill_super() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move symlink core code to fs/kernfs/symlink.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move file core code to fs/kernfs/file.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move dir core code to fs/kernfs/dir.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move inode code to fs/kernfs/inode.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move internal decls to fs/kernfs/kernfs-internal.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs[_find_and]_get() and kernfs_put() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: revamp sysfs_dirent active_ref lockdep annotation ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: reorganize SYSFS_* constants ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_notify() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add kernfs_ops->seq_{start|next|stop}() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove sysfs_add_one() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_file[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove SYSFS_KOBJ_BIN_ATTR ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add sysfs_dirent->s_attr.size ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move sysfs_open_file to linux/kernfs.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare open, release, poll paths for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare mmap path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare write path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare read path for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_dir[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: replace sysfs_dirent->s_dir.kobj and ->s_attr.[bin_]attr with ->priv ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_setattr() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_rename[_ns]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_link() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_remove[_by_name[_ns]]() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add skeletons for kernfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kernfs: Temporarily remove kernfs the change from sysfs to kernfs can be replayed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: make __sysfs_add_one() fail if the parent isn't a directory ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: drop kobj_ns_type handling, take #2 ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] revert "sysfs: handle duplicate removal attempts in sysfs_remove_group()" ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: use a separate locking class for open files depending on mmap ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: handle duplicate removal attempts in sysfs_remove_group() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] revert "sysfs: drop kobj_ns_type handling" ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: rename sysfs_assoc_lock and explain what it's about ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: use generic_file_llseek() for sysfs_file_operations ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: return correct error code on unimplemented mmap() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: separate out dup filename warning into a separate function ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: move sysfs_hash_and_remove() to fs/sysfs/dir.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove unused sysfs_get_dentry() prototype ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: honor bin_attr.attr.ignore_lockdep ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: merge sysfs_elem_bin_attr into sysfs_elem_attr ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix sysfs_write_file for bin file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs/bin: Fix size handling overflow for bin_attribute ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: make sysfs_file_ops() follow ignore_lockdep flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: merge regular and bin file handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: prepare open path for unified regular / bin file handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: copy bin mmap support from fs/sysfs/bin.c to fs/sysfs/file.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_bin_read() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: prepare path write for unified regular / bin file handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: collapse fs/sysfs/bin.c::fill_read() into read() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: skip bin_buffer->buffer while reading ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: use seq_file when reading regular files ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: use transient write buffer ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_open_file->sd and ->file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: rename sysfs_buffer to sysfs_open_file ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_open_file_mutex ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove sysfs_buffer->ops ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove sysfs_buffer->needs_read_fill ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove unused sysfs_buffer->pos ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: introduce [__]sysfs_remove() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: make __sysfs_remove_dir() recursive ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove sysfs_addrm_cxt->parent_sd ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: Allow mounting without CONFIG_NET ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: @name comes before @ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: clean up sysfs_get_dirent() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: drop kobj_ns_type handling ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: Remove namespace handling from __compat_only_sysfs_link_entry_to_kobj ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove ktype->namespace() invocations in symlink code ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove ktype->namespace() invocations in directory code ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: make attr namespace interface less convoluted ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: drop semicolon from to_sysfs_dirent() definition ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: Restrict mounting sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] userns: Better restrictions on when proc and sysfs can be mounted ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs.h: remove attr_name() macro ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix up minor coding style issues in sysfs.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: sysfs.h: fix coding style issues ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: file.c: fix up broken string warnings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: dir.c: fix up odd do/while indentation ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix up uaccess.h coding style warnings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix up 80 column coding style issues ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix up space coding style issues ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: remove trailing whitespace ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: fix placement of EXPORT_SYMBOL() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs.h: fix __BIN_ATTR_RW() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] convert sysfs ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] kobject: sanitize argument for format string ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs_notify is only possible on file attributes ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: kill sysfs_sb declaration in fs/sysfs/inode.c ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] sysfs: sysfs_link_sibling(): fix typo in comment ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] overlayfs: Replace vfs_readdir with iterate_dir ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] vfs: delete vfs_readdir function declaration ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] switch dcache_readdir() users to ->iterate() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] introduce ->iterate(), ctx->pos, dir_emit() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] introduce iterate_dir() and dir_context ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] powerpc/pci: Reorder pci bus/bridge unregistration during PHB removal ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] scsi: mpt: Move scsi_remove_host() out of mptscsih_remove_host() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] scsi: sas: move scsi_remove_host call into sas_remove_host ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751] - [fs] scsi_transport_sas: move bsg destructor into sas_rphy_remove ("Eric W. Biederman") [1487751]- [x86] entry: Invoke TRACE_IRQS_IRETQ in paranoid_userspace_restore_all (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] cpu: fix get_scattered_cpu_leaf for IBPB feature (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: show added cpuid flags in /proc/cpuinfo after late microcode update (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: svm: spec_ctrl at vmexit needs per-cpu areas functional (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: init_tss is supposed to go in the PAGE_ALIGNED per-cpu section (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Eliminate redundnat FEATURE Not Present messages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kaiser/mm: skip IBRS/CR3 restore when paranoid exception returns to userland (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: set IBRS during resume from RAM if ibrs_enabled is 2 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: allow use_ibp_disable only if both SPEC_CTRL and IBPB_SUPPORT are missing (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Documentation spec_ctrl.txt (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove irqs_disabled() check from intel_idle() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: use enum when setting ibrs/ibpb_enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: undo speculation barrier for ibrs_enabled and noibrs_cmdline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: introduce ibpb_enabled = 2 for IBPB instead of IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: introduce SPEC_CTRL_PCP_ONLY_IBPB (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: cleanup s/flush/sync/ naming when sending IPIs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: set IBRS during CPU init if in ibrs_enabled == 2 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: use IBRS_ENABLED instead of 1 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: allow the IBP disable feature to be toggled at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: always initialize save_reg in ENABLE_IBRS_SAVE_AND_CLOBBER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: ibrs_enabled() is expected to return > 1 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: issue a __spec_ctrl_ibpb if a credential check isn't possible (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] ibpb: don't optimize spec_cntrl_ibpb on PREEMPT_RCU (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: clear registers after 32bit syscall stackframe is setup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: reload spec_ctrl cpuid in all microcode load paths (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: Prevent unwanted speculation without IBRS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] entry: Remove trampoline check from paranoid entry path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] entry: Fix paranoid_exit() trampoline clobber (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] entry: Simplify trampoline stack restore code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: remove SPEC_CTRL_DEBUG code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: add noibrs noibpb boot options (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] syscall: Clear unused extra registers on 32-bit compatible syscall entrance (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: cleanup unnecessary ptregscall_common function (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: CLEAR_EXTRA_REGS and extra regs save/restore (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] syscall: Clear unused extra registers on syscall entrance (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: rescan cpuid after a late microcode update (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: add debugfs ibrs_enabled ibpb_enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: consolidate the spec control boot detection (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm/spec_ctrl: allow IBRS to stay enabled in host userland (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: add debug aid to test the entry code without microcode (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: move stuff_RSB in spec_ctrl.h (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] entry: Stuff RSB for entry to kernel for non-SMEP platform (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: Only set IBPB when the new thread cannot ptrace current thread (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: Set IBPB upon context switch (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] idle: Disable IBRS when offlining cpu and re-enable on wakeup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] idle: Disable IBRS entering idle and enable it on wakeup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: implement spec ctrl C methods (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: save IBRS MSR value in save_paranoid for NMI (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] enter: Use IBRS on syscall and interrupts (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: swap rdx with rsi for nmi nesting detection (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: spec_ctrl_pcp and kaiser_enabled_pcp in same cachline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] spec_ctrl: use per-cpu knob instead of ALTERNATIVES for ibpb and ibrs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] enter: MACROS to set/clear IBRS and set IBPB (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm: x86: add SPEC_CTRL to MSR and CPUID lists (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm: svm: add MSR_IA32_SPEC_CTRL and MSR_IA32_PRED_CMD (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] svm: Set IBPB when running a different VCPU (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm: vmx: add MSR_IA32_SPEC_CTRL and MSR_IA32_PRED_CMD (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm: vmx: Set IBPB when running a different VCPU (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm: x86: clear registers on VM exit (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kvm: Pad RSB on VM transition (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] cpu/amd: Control indirect branch predictor when SPEC_CTRL not available (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] feature: Report presence of IBPB and IBRS control (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] feature: Enable the x86 feature to control Speculation (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [tools] objtool: Don't print 'call dest' warnings for ignored functions (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [fs] udf: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [kernel] fs: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [kernel] userns: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [scsi] qla2xxx: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [netdrv] p54: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [netdrv] carl9170: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [media] uvcvideo: prevent speculative execution (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] cpu/amd: Remove now unused definition of MFENCE_RDTSC feature (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] cpu/amd: Make the LFENCE instruction serialized (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [kernel] locking/barriers: introduce new memory barrier gmb() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kaiser/mm: consider the init_mm.pgd a kaiser pgd (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kaiser/mm: convert userland visible "kpti" name to "pti" (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kaiser/mm: __load_cr3 in resume from RAM after kernel gs has been restored (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] kaiser/mm: fix pgd freeing in error path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: disable global pages by default with KAISER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] revert "x86/mm/kaiser: Disable global pages by default with KAISER" (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: Replace kaiser with kpti to sync with upstream (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: add "kaiser" and "nokaiser" boot options (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: map the trace idt tables in userland shadow pgd (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: fix RESTORE_CR3 crash in kaiser_stop_machine (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [security] x86/mm/kaiser: use stop_machine for enable/disable knob (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: use atomic ops to poison/unpoison user pagetables (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: use invpcid to flush the two kaiser PCID AISD (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: use two PCID ASIDs optimize the TLB during enter/exit kernel (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: stop patching flush_tlb_single (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: use PCID feature to make user and kernel switches faster (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: If INVPCID is available, use it to flush global mappings (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/64: Fix reboot interaction with CR4.PCIDE (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/64: Initialize CR4.PCIDE early (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: Add a 'noinvpcid' boot option to turn off INVPCID (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: Add the 'nopcid' boot option to turn off PCID (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: validate trampoline stack (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] entry: Move SYSENTER_stack to the beginning of struct tss_struct (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [kernel] x86/mm/kaiser: isolate the user mapped per cpu areas (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: selective boot time defaults (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: handle call to xen_pv_domain() on PREEMPT_RT (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser/xen: Dynamically disable KAISER when running under Xen PV (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [security] x86/mm/kaiser: add Kconfig (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: avoid false positives during non-kaiser pgd updates (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: Respect disabled CPU features (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: trampoline stack comments (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: stack trampoline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: remove paravirt clock warning (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: re-enable vsyscalls (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: allow to build KAISER with KASRL (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: allow KAISER to be enabled/disabled at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: un-poison PGDs at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: add a function to check for KAISER being enabled (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: add debugfs file to turn KAISER on/off at runtime (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: disable native VSYSCALL (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: map virtually-addressed performance monitoring buffers (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: map debug IDT tables (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: add kprobes text section (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: map trace interrupt entry (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: map entry stack per-cpu areas (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: map dynamically-allocated LDTs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: make sure static PGDs are 8k in size (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: allow NX poison to be set in p4d/pgd (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: unmap kernel from userspace page tables (core patch) (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: mark per-cpu data structures required for entry/exit (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: introduce user-mapped per-cpu areas (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: add cr3 switches to entry code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: remove scratch registers (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: prepare assembly for entry/exit CR3 switching (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/kaiser: Disable global pages by default with KAISER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: Document X86_CR4_PGE toggling behavior (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm/tlb: Make CR4-based TLB flushes more robust (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] mm: Do not set _PAGE_USER for init_mm page tables (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] increase robusteness of bad_iret fixup handler (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix memory leaks on allocation failures (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754} - [mm] fix bad rss-counter if remap_file_pages raced migration (Andrea Arcangeli) [1519801 1519798 1519786] {CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754}- [tty] serial: 8250_pci: Add Amazon PCI serial device ID (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1527545] - [tools] perf vendor events: Use more flexible pattern matching for CPU identification for mapfile.csv (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [tools] perf vendor events powerpc: remove suffix in mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add POWER9 PVRs to mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add POWER9 PMU events (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [tools] perf pmu-events: Support additional POWER8+ PVR in mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [tools] perf pmu: Extract function to get JSON alias map (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [tools] perf pmu: Add helper function is_pmu_core to detect PMU CORE devices (Jiri Olsa) [1523766] - [powerpc] Fix /proc/cpuinfo revision for POWER9 DD2 (David Gibson) [1526339] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add support for Gemini Lake (Steve Best) [1456555] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Broxton support (Steve Best) [1456555] - [security] ima: log message to module appraisal error (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1469473] - [security] ima: check signature enforcement against cmdline param instead of CONFIG (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1469473] - [kernel] module: export module signature enforcement status (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1469473] - [firmware] fw_cfg: write vmcoreinfo details (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] fw_cfg: do DMA read operation (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] fw_cfg: add DMA register (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] fw_cfg: fix driver remove (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] fw_cfg: fix the command line module name (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg.c: potential unintialized variable (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg.c: hold ACPI global lock during device access (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg: don't leak kobj on init error (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] fw_cfg register offsets on supported architectures only (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] qemu_fw_cfg.c: fix typo FW_CFG_DATA_OFF (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] create directory hierarchy for sysfs fw_cfg entries (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [firmware] introduce sysfs driver for QEMU's fw_cfg device (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [acpi] acpi / platform: provide default DMA mask (Baoquan He) [1493125] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add contig support for control objects (Kamal Heib) [1520141] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use optimal numbers of MTT entries (Kamal Heib) [1520141] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix RSS's QPC attributes assignments (Kamal Heib) [1520141] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add report for RSS capabilities by vendor channel (Kamal Heib) [1520141] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Fix general protection fault (Don Dutile) [1523865] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix RSS hash fields restrictions (Don Dutile) [1523865] - [infiniband] ib/core: Don't enforce PKey security on SMI MADs (Don Dutile) [1523865] - [infiniband] ib/core: Bound check alternate path port number (Don Dutile) [1523865]- [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after bad bar setup on driver attachment (Dick Kennedy) [1441965] - [fs] cifs: fix NULL deref in SMB2_read (Leif Sahlberg) [1508380] - [fs] nfs: don't wait on commit in nfs_commit_inode() if there were no commit requests (Scott Mayhew) [1514371] - [fs] cifs: check rsp for NULL before dereferencing in SMB2_open (Leif Sahlberg) [1516680] - [fs] nfs: fix a deadlock in nfs client initialization (Scott Mayhew) [1506382] - [fs] nfsv4.0: Fix a lock leak in nfs40_walk_client_list (Scott Mayhew) [1506382] - [fs] nfs: Create a common nfs4_match_client() function (Scott Mayhew) [1506382] - [fs] blktrace: use existing disk debugfs directory (Eric Sandeen) [1521092] - [fs] debugfs: add debugfs_lookup() (Eric Sandeen) [1521092] - [x86] mm: revert x86_64 and arm64 ELF_ET_DYN_BASE base changes (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288] - [fs] binfmt_elf: safely increment argv pointers (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288] - [powerpc] move ELF_ET_DYN_BASE to 4GB / 4MB (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288] - [x86] binfmt_elf: use ELF_ET_DYN_BASE only for PIE (Bhupesh Sharma) [1432288] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: support version 7 of the SCAN_REQ_UMAC FW command (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1525027] - [netdrv] mac80211_hwsim: Fix memory leak in hwsim_new_radio_nl() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: change driver unbind order of the sdio function devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: enable RX offloading with TKIP and WEP (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1516644 1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix packet injection (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for 9260 and 22000 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: flush queue before deleting ROC (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: don't use transmit queue hang detection when it is not possible (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: mark MIC stripped MPDUs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1516644 1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix PCI IDs and configuration mapping for 9000 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for 8260 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for 8265 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new cards for a000 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: sort IDs for the 9000 series for easier comparisons (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add a new a000 device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix wrong struct for a000 device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: fix firmware names for 9000 and A000 series hw (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: fix uninitialized rtlhal->last_suspend_sec time (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: rtl8192ee: Fix memory leak when loading firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882] - [netdrv] rt2x00usb: mark device removed when get ENOENT usb error (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501882]- [netdrv] liquidio: do not consider packets dropped by network stack as driver Rx dropped (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: Fix an issue with multiple switchdev enable disables (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: bump up driver version to 1.7.0 to match newer NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: synchronize VF representor names with NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove redundant setting of inst_processed to zero (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: Configure switchdev with devlink (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: switchdev support for LiquidIO NIC (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: get rid of false alarm "Unknown cmd 27" in dmesg (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix kernel panic in VF driver (Felix Manlunas) [1506085 1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: xmit_more support (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: deprecate 1-bit flag indicating watchdog kernel thread is running (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: pass date and time info to NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix timespec64_to_ns typo (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: mark expected switch fall-through in octeon_destroy_resources (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove unnecessary NULL check before kfree in delete_glists (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: update module parameter fw_type to reflect firmware type loaded (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: verify firmware version when auto-loaded from flash (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] liquidio: allow override of firmware present in flash (Felix Manlunas) [1510590] - [netdrv] nfp: fix XPB register reads in debug dump (John Linville) [1525879] - [netdrv] nfp: fix absolute rtsym handling in debug dump (John Linville) [1525879] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: improve hashing of flows (John Linville) [1525600] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: restore RTNL locking around representor updates (John Linville) [1525600] - [netdrv] nfp: process MTU updates from firmware flower app (John Linville) [1525600] - [netdrv] nfp: process control messages in workqueue in flower app (John Linville) [1525600] - [netdrv] nfp: dump indirect ME CSRs (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dump CPP, XPB and direct ME CSRs (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dump firmware name (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dump single hwinfo field by key (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dump all hwinfo (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dump rtsyms (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dumpspec TLV traversal (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: dump prolog (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: load debug dump spec (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] nfp: debug dump ethtool ops (John Linville) [1520411] - [netdrv] qede: Configure UDP ports in local context (Don Dutile) [1462432] - [netdrv] qede: Move all UDP port notifiers to single function (Don Dutile) [1462432]- [i2c] revert I2C updates changeset (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [misc] rtsx: Fix symbol clashes (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800] - [misc] rtsx: Add support for RTS5260 (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800] - [misc] mfd: rtsx: Do retry when DMA transfer error (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800] - [misc] mfd: rts5249: Add support for RTS5250S power saving (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1457800] - [scsi] run queue if SCSI device queue isn't ready and queue is idle (Ming Lei) [1523029] - [hwmon] ntc_thermistor: Fix dependencies (Gopal Tiwari) [1524404] - [block] drain queue before waiting for q_usage_counter becoming zero (Ming Lei) [1523022] - [target] tcmu: reconfigure netlink attr changes (Maurizio Lombardi) [1507794] - [target] tcmu: Make dev_size configurable via userspace (Maurizio Lombardi) [1507794] - [target] tcmu: allow max block and global max blocks to be settable (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] return SAM_STAT_TASK_SET_FULL for TCM_OUT_OF_RESOURCES (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: fix crash when removing the tcmu device (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: make ring buffer timer configurable (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: Use sense_reason_t in tcmu_queue_cmd_ring (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: sync up configfs attr setup (Mike Christie) [1507794 1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: Fix possbile memory leak / OOPs when recalculating cmd base size (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: Fix flushing cmd entry dcache page (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: Recalculate the tcmu_cmd size to save cmd area memories (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [target] tcmu: add io size helpers (Mike Christie) [1480721 1480434] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T6 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T6 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1515315]- [fs] ovl: don't follow redirects if redirect_dir=off (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: Put upperdentry if ovl_check_origin() fails (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: lockdep annotate of nested OVL_I(inode)->lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: do not cleanup unsupported index entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: handle ENOENT on index lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix EIO from lookup of non-indexed upper (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: Return -ENOMEM if an allocation fails ovl_lookup() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: add NULL check in ovl_alloc_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix regression caused by exclusive upper/work dir protection (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix missing unlock_rename() in ovl_do_copy_up() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix dentry leak in ovl_indexdir_cleanup() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix dput() of ERR_PTR in ovl_cleanup_index() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix error value printed in ovl_lookup_index() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix false positive ESTALE on lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check for bad and whiteout index on lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: do not cleanup directory and whiteout index entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix xattr get and set with selinux (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: remove unneeded check for IS_ERR() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix origin verification of index dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: mark parent impure on ovl_link() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix random return value on mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: mark parent impure and restore timestamp on ovl_link_up() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: document copying layers restrictions with inodes index (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: cleanup orphan index entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: persistent overlay inode nlink for indexed inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: implement index dir copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: move copy up lock out (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: rearrange copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: add flag for upper in ovl_entry (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: use struct copy_up_ctx as function argument (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: base tmpfile in workdir too (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: factor out ovl_copy_up_inode() helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: extract helper to get temp file in copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: defer upper dir lock to tempfile link (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: hash overlay non-dir inodes by copy up origin (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: cleanup bad and stale index entries on mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: lookup index entry for copy up origin (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: verify index dir matches upper dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: verify upper root dir matches lower root dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: introduce the inodes index dir feature (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: generalize ovl_create_workdir() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: relax same fs constrain for ovl_check_origin() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: get exclusive ownership on upper/work dirs (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] vfs: introduce inode 'inuse' lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: move cache and version to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: use ovl_inode mutex to synchronize concurrent copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: move impure to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: move redirect to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: move __upperdentry to ovl_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: compare inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: use i_private only as a key (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: simplify getting inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: allocate an ovl_inode struct (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix nlink leak in ovl_rename() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: don't set origin on broken lower hardlink (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: copy-up: don't unlock between lookup and link (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] tmpfs: generate random sb->s_uuid (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: filter trusted xattr for non-admin (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: mark upper merge dir with type origin entries "impure" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: mark upper dir with type origin entries "impure" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: remove unused arg from ovl_lookup_temp() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: handle rename when upper doesn't support xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: don't fail copy-up if upper doesn't support xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check on mount time if upper fs supports setting xattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix creds leak in copy up error path (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: select EXPORTFS (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: update documentation w.r.t. constant inode numbers (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: persistent inode numbers for upper hardlinks (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: merge getattr for dir and nondir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: constant st_ino/st_dev across copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: persistent inode number for directories (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: set the ORIGIN type flag (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: lookup non-dir copy-up-origin by file handle (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: use an auxiliary var for overlay root entry (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: store file handle of lower inode on copy up (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check if all layers are on the same fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: do not set overlay.opaque on non-dir create (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check IS_APPEND() on real upper inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] vfs: ftruncate check IS_APPEND() on real upper inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: Use designated initializers (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: lockdep annotate of nested stacked overlayfs inode lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: drop CAP_SYS_RESOURCE from saved mounter's credentials (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: properly implement sync_filesystem() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: concurrent copy up of regular files (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: introduce copy up waitqueue (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: copy up regular file using O_TMPFILE (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: rearrange code in ovl_copy_up_locked() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check if upperdir fs supports O_TMPFILE (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix possible use after free on redirect dir lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix reStructuredText syntax errors in documentation (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix return value of ovl_fill_super (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: clean up kstat usage (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fold ovl_copy_up_truncate() into ovl_copy_up() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: create directories inside merged parent opaque (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: opaque cleanup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: show redirect_dir mount option (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: allow setting max size of redirect (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: allow redirect_dir to default to "on" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check for emptiness of redirect dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: redirect on rename-dir (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: lookup redirects (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: consolidate lookup for underlying layers (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: fix nested overlayfs mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check namelen (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: split super.c (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: use d_is_dir() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: simplify lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check lower existence of rename target (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: rename: simplify handling of lower/merged directory (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: get rid of PURE type (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: check lower existence when removing (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: add ovl_dentry_is_whiteout() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: don't check sticky (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: don't check rename to self (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: treat special files like a regular fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: rename ovl_rename2() to ovl_rename() (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: use vfs_clone_file_range() for copy up if possible (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] Revert "ovl: get_write_access() in truncate" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] ovl: update doc (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] vfs: fix vfs_clone_file_range() for overlayfs files (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] vfs: wire up compat ioctl for CLONE/CLONE_RANGE (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] vfs: allow vfs_clone_file_range() across mount points (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] Revert "vfs: rename: check backing inode being equal" (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] overlayfs: VFS: (Scripted) Convert S_ISLNK/DIR/REG(dentry->d_inode) to d_is_*(dentry) (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] overlayfs: Fix setting IOP_XATTR flag (Miklos Szeredi) [1485392] - [fs] allow O_TMPFILE to work with O_WRONLY (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] autofs - revert: take more care to not update last_used on path walk (Ian Kent) [1489542]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add FC-NVMe port discovery and PRLI handling (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add FC-NVMe command handling (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add FC-NVMe F/W initialization and transport registration (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Send FC4 type NVMe to the management server (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Use FC-NVMe FC4 type for FDMI registration (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert fix a bunch of typos and spelling mistakes (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert avoid unused-function warning (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Fix NVMe entry_type for iocb packet on BE system (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Cleanup FC-NVMe code (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Move function prototype to correct header (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Added change to enable ZIO for FC-NVMe devices (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Simpify unregistration of FC-NVMe local/remote ports (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Fix remoteport disconnect for FC-NVMe (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add command completion for error path (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Fix WWPN/WWNN in debug message (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert add missing includes for qla_isr (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Clear fc4f_nvme flag (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add support for minimum link speed (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add LR distance support from nvram bit (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Reset the logo flag, after target re-login (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Allow SCSI-MQ to be enabled selectively (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Move #include qla_nvme.h to fix compile errors on RHEL 7 (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Update driver version to (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add module param ql2xenablemsix (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Add ATIO-Q processing for INTx mode (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Allow MBC_GET_PORT_DATABASE to query and save the port states (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Changes to support N2N logins (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Use ql2xnvmeenable to enable Q-Pair for FC-NVMe (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Query FC4 type during RSCN processing (Ewan Milne) [1511452] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Revert Update driver version to (Ewan Milne) [1511452]- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix incorrect available receive user context count (Don Dutile) [1520270 1452831] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: used RHEL extended struct for min/max_mtu params (Don Dutile) [1520270 1452831] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix use workqueue without WQ_MEM_RECLAIM (Don Dutile) [1523349] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid crash on pkey enforcement failed in received MADs (Don Dutile) [1523349] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Avoid that a cable pull can trigger a kernel crash (Don Dutile) [1523349] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix memory corruption in handling CM request (Don Dutile) [1523349] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Do not accept invalid initiator port names (Don Dutile) [1523349] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Initialize bth1 in 16B rc ack builder (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allow MgmtAllowed on B2B setups (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Race condition between user notification and driver state (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allow meta version 4 for platform configuration (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add parsing for platform configuration format version 4 (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/core: Use __be32 for LIDs in opa_is_extended_lid (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/core: Do not warn on lid conversions for OPA (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/core: Convert OPA AH to IB for Extended LIDs only (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not warn on lid conversions for OPA (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Mask out A bit from psn trace (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Eliminate allocation while atomic (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Mask upper 16Bits of Extended LID prior to rvt_cq_entry (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Don't wait for resources in QP reset (Alex Estrin) [1519368] - [scsi] hpsa: bump driver version to 3.4.20-0-RH2 (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538] - [scsi] hpsa: correct logical volume removal (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538] - [scsi] hpsa: correct smart path enabled (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538] - [scsi] hpsa: change timeout for internal cmds (Joseph Szczypek) [1516538] - [nvme] nvme-fc: remove double put reference if admin connect fails (Ewan Milne) [1520954] - [char] ipmi: Prefer ACPI system interfaces over SMBIOS ones (Frank Ramsay) [1517935] - [x86] Mark Cascade Lake as unsupported (David Arcari) [1519949] - [md] fix deadlock error in recent patch (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] raid1: prevent freeze_array/wait_all_barriers deadlock (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] fix test in md_write_start() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] allow metadata update while suspending (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] use mddev_suspend/resume instead of ->quiesce() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] move suspend_hi/lo handling into core md code (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] don't call bitmap_create() while array is quiesced (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] always hold reconfig_mutex when calling mddev_suspend() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] dm-raid: fix a race condition in request handling (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] fix a race condition for flush request handling (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] separate request handling (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] fix deadlock between mddev_suspend() and md_write_start() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] initialise ->writes_pending in personality modules (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] use per-cpu counter for writes_pending (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] raid5: use md_write_start to count stripes, not bios (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] close a race with setting mddev->in_sync (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] factor out set_in_sync() (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] raid5: don't test ->writes_pending in raid5_remove_disk (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] fix relationship between wait_barrier and allow_barrier (Nigel Croxon) [1506338] - [md] mddev->writes_pending is incorrect (Nigel Croxon) [1506338]- [hid] intel-ish-hid: Enable Gemini Lake ish driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: Enable Cannon Lake ish driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: use dev_groups and not dev_attrs for bus_type (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: enable compile testing (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: fix format string for size_t (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: clarify locking in client code (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: fix potential uninitialized data usage (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: constify device_type structure (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: check FW status to distinguish ISH resume paths (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: format 32-bit integers with X (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: add printf attribute to print_log() (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: Remove unneeded linux/miscdevice.h include (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: use pUL for uuid formatting (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: Fix potential race condition (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: use msleep_interrupt() for wait (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: change timed_wait_for_timeout() to be a function (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc: remove unused macro (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: initialize ts_format.reserved (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: request_irq failure (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: Fix driver reinit failure (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: Move DMA disable code to new function (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: consolidate ish wake up operation (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: Fix !CONFIG_PM build warning (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: Remove duplicated include from bus.c (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc/memset (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: Convert list_for_each to entry variant (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: use module_pci_driver to simplify the code (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] maintainers: Add Intel ISH (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] hid-sensor-hub: Add ISH quirk (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensor-hub: Implement batch mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensor: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime_enable error (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensor: Store restore poll and hysteresis on S3 (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Set default unit of measure for report interval (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensor-trigger: Change get poll value function order to avoid sensor properties losing after resume from S3 (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: avoid unused function warning (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: use asynchronous resume (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: common: hid-sensors: use tab for indention (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] hid-sensor: Fix suspend/resume delay (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] hid-sensor-hub: Enhance feature report set API (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] hid-sensor-hub: Enhance get feature report API (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Add api to get poll value (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid_sensor_hub: Common PM functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid_sensor_hub: Fix indio_dev->trig assignment (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Get feature report from sensor hub after changing power state (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Add API to power on/off (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensor-hub: Remove hard coded indexes (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid-sensors: Fix power and report state (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: hid_sensors: fix crash during trigger unregister (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] iio: call sensor hub open close function (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: ISH HID client driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel-ish-hid: ipc layer (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] intel_ish-hid: ISH Transport layer (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] documentation: hid: Intel ISH HID document (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] sensor: fix attributes in HID sensor interface (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [hid] sensor: Custom and Generic sensor support (Gopal Tiwari) [1475903] - [gpu] drm/ttm: Always and only destroy bo->ttm_resv in ttm_bo_release_list (Lyude Paul) [1522929] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: reserve root PD while releasing it (Lyude Paul) [1522929] - [gpu] dma-buf: make reservation_object_copy_fences rcu save (Lyude Paul) [1522929] - [gpu] drm/ttm: fix ttm_bo_cleanup_refs_or_queue once more (Lyude Paul) [1522929] - [gpu] drm/i915: avoid division by zero on cnl_calc_wrpll_link (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Do not add an extra page for precaution in the Gen10 LRC size (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: avoid potential uninitialized variable use (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/glk, cnl: Implement WaDisableScalarClockGating (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Add support slice/subslice/eu configs (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Add Gen10 LRC size (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnp: display wa #1179: WaHardHangonHotPlug (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: Shrink cnl_ddi_buf_trans (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnp: Don't touch other PCH clock gating bits (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Change the macro name to DPLL_CFGCR0_DCO_FRACTION_SHIFT (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Extend WM workaround with IPC for CNL (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaThrottleEUPerfToAvoidTDBackPressure:cnl(pre-prod) (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: Display WA #1133 WaFbcSkipSegments:cnl, glk (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Allow the reg_read ioctl to read the RCS TIMESTAMP register (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnp: wa 1181: Fix Backlight issue (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix DP max voltage (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix DDI hdmi level selection (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Move ddi buf trans related functions up (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Move voltage check into ddi buf trans functions (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: Enable voltage swing before enabling DDI_BUF_CTL (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: Align vswing sequences with old ddi buffer registers (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: decouple gen9 and gen10 dp signal levels (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: Introduce intel_ddi_dp_level (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Avoid ioremap_wc on Cannonlake as well (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaDisableI2mCycleOnWRPort (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WA FtrEnableFastAnisoL1BankingFix (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915: Stop using long platform names on clock gating functions (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: don't hardcode DPCLKA_CFGCR0_DDI_CLK_SEL_SHIFT (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaForceContextSaveRestoreNonCoherent (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaPushConstantDereferenceHoldDisable (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cfl: Coffee Lake works on Kaby Lake PCH (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: extract cnl_set_procmon_ref_values (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: simplify cnl_procmon_values handling (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Apply large line width optimization (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: WaDisableEnhancedSBEVertexCaching (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Add WaDisableReplayBufferBankArbitrationOptimization (Rob Clark) [1520639] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Introduce initial Cannonlake Workarounds (Rob Clark) [1520639]- [net] ipv6: fib: Provide offload indication using nexthop flags (Ivan Vecera) [1519937] - [net] vxlan: fix the issue that neigh proxy blocks all icmpv6 packets (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1512250] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Fix allocation size of prefixes storage for hash:net, iface.t sets (Stefano Brivio) [1517397] - [net] gso: fix payload length when gso_size is zero (Lorenzo Bianconi) [1503996] - [net] ip6_gre: update dst pmtu if dev mtu has been updated by toobig in __gre6_xmit (Paolo Abeni) [1508318] - [net] ip6_gre: ip6gre_tap device should keep dst (Paolo Abeni) [1508318] - [net] ip_gre: ipgre_tap device should keep dst (Paolo Abeni) [1508318] - [net] tun: do not arm flow_gc_timer in tun_flow_init() (Hangbin Liu) [1510281] - [net] tun: avoid extra timer schedule in tun_flow_cleanup() (Hangbin Liu) [1510281] - [net] tun: do not block BH again in tun_flow_cleanup() (Hangbin Liu) [1510281] - [net] tun: Turn tun_flow_init() into void fn (Hangbin Liu) [1510281] - [net] route: Use ipv4_mtu instead of raw rt_pmtu (Davide Caratti) [1477041] - [net] ipv4: Don't increase PMTU with Datagram Too Big message (Davide Caratti) [1477041] - [net] tcp: limit GSO packets to half cwnd (Davide Caratti) [1477041] - [net] sched: crash on blocks with goto chain action (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] sched: fix crash when deleting secondary chains (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_u32: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_tcindex: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_rsvp: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_route: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_matchall: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_fw: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_flower: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_flow: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_cgroup: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_bpf: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] cls_basic: use tcf_exts_get_net() before call_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: introduce tcf_exts_get_net() and tcf_exts_put_net() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: acquire RTNL in tc_action_net_exit() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [tools] tc-testing: fix arg to ip command: -s -> -n (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: remove tcf_block_put_deferred() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [tools] selftests: Introduce a new test case to tc testsuite (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [tools] selftests: Introduce a new script to generate tc batch file (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [tools] tc-testing: add test for testing ife type (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [tools] selftests: Introduce tc testsuite (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: fix call_rcu() race on act_sample module removal (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: add rtnl assertion to tcf_exts_destroy() (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in tcindex filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in rsvp filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in route filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in u32 filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in matchall filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in fw filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in flower filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in flow filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in cgroup filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in bpf filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: use tcf_queue_work() in basic filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] net_sched: introduce a workqueue for RCU callbacks of tc filter (Ivan Vecera) [1513639] - [net] vsock: add sock_diag interface (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]- [mm] devm_memremap_pages: use multi-order radix for ZONE_DEVICE lookups (Jeff Moyer) [1489187] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix SMART Health DSM payload definition (Jeff Moyer) [1457571] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: fix btt claim class crash (Jeff Moyer) [1493833] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: fix format string warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1493833] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, nfit: move the check on nd_reserved2 to the endpoint (Jeff Moyer) [1455961] - [acpi] libnvdimm, nfit: export an 'ecc_unit_size' sysfs attribute (Jeff Moyer) [1489186] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: check memory allocation failure (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: fix index block size calculation (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [acpi] nfit: Fix COMPLETION_INITIALIZER_ONSTACK() abuse (Jeff Moyer) [1455958] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, dax: limit namespace alignments to the supported set (Jeff Moyer) [1472049] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, dax: show supported dax/pfn region alignments in sysfs (Jeff Moyer) [1472049] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: rename nd_sector_size_{show, store} to nd_size_select_{show, store} (Jeff Moyer) [1472049] - [acpi] nfit: cleanup long de-reference chains in acpi_nfit_init_interleave_set (Jeff Moyer) [1471684] - [nvdimm] nfit, libnvdimm, region: export 'position' in mapping info (Jeff Moyer) [1508785] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: clean up warning and error messages (Jeff Moyer) [1493833] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix integer overflow static analysis warning (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [dax] convert to bitmask for flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555] - [kernel] dax, pmem: introduce an optional 'flush' dax_operation (Jeff Moyer) [1457556] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: rework error clearing (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix potential deadlock while clearing errors (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: cache sector_size in arena_info (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: ensure that flags were also unchanged during a map_read (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: refactor map entry operations with macros (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: fix a missed NVDIMM_IO_ATOMIC case in the write path (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix the clear-error check in nsio_rw_bytes (Jeff Moyer) [1471792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: fix btt_rw_page not returning errors (Jeff Moyer) [1471795] - [nvdimm] acpi, nfit: quiet invalid block-aperture-region warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: BTT updates for UEFI 2.7 format (Jeff Moyer) [1472028 1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, nfit: enable support for volatile ranges (Jeff Moyer) [1455961] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix persistence warning (Jeff Moyer) [1465367] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Stop using HPAGE_SIZE (Jeff Moyer) [1472049] - [dax] device-dax: fix 'passing zero to ERR_PTR()' warning (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix badblock range handling of ARS range (Jeff Moyer) [1475473 1492054] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: record 'lbasize' for pmem namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] acpi/nfit: Issue Start ARS to retrieve existing records (Jeff Moyer) [1457571] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: New ACPI 6.2 DSM functions (Jeff Moyer) [1508785] - [acpi] nfit: Show bus_dsm_mask in sysfs (Jeff Moyer) [1508785] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, acpi, nfit: Add bus level dsm mask for pass thru (Jeff Moyer) [1508785] - [nvdimm] acpi, nfit: Enable DSM pass thru for root functions (Jeff Moyer) [1508785] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: passthru functions clear to send (Jeff Moyer) [1508785] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: convert some info messages to warn/err (Jeff Moyer) [1493833] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region, pmem: fix 'badblocks' sysfs_get_dirent() reference lifetime (Jeff Moyer) [1457571] - [acpi] nfit: Add support of NVDIMM memory error notification in ACPI 6.2 (Jeff Moyer) [1457571] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: Add sysfs notifications to badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1457571] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: switch to using v1.2 labels by default (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add address abstraction identifiers (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add v1.2 label checksum support (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: update 'nlabel' and 'position' handling for local namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: populate 'isetcookie' for blk-aperture namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: populate the type_guid property for v1.2 namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: honor the lba size specified in v1.2 labels (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add v1.2 interleave-set-cookie algorithm (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: add v1.2 nvdimm label definitions (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [kernel] uuid: Take const on input of uuid_is_null() and guid_is_null() (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [kernel] acpi, nfit: Switch to use new generic UUID API (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [lib] uuid: hoist uuid_is_null() helper from libnvdimm (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [lib] uuid: don't export guid_index and uuid_index (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [lib] uuid: hoist helpers uuid_equal() and uuid_copy() from xfs (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [fs] xfs: use uuid_be to implement the uuid_t type (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [fs] xfs: use uuid_copy() helper to abstract uuid_t (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [lib] uuid: rename uuid types (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] uuid: remove uuid_be defintions from the uapi header (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [block] badblocks: fix overlapping check for clearing (Jeff Moyer) [1504042] - [block] badblocks: badblocks_set/clear update unacked_exist (Jeff Moyer) [1504042] - [dax] device-dax: fix sysfs duplicate warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1492048] - [dax] device-dax: fix 'dax' device filesystem inode destruction crash (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [acpi] nfit: Fix the memory error check in nfit_handle_mce() (Jeff Moyer) [1471692] - [x86] mce: Export memory_error() (Jeff Moyer) [1471692] - [dax] fix false CONFIG_BLOCK dependency (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [fs] filesystem-dax: fix broken __dax_zero_page_range() conversion (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: ensure that initializing metadata clears poison (Jeff Moyer) [1472053] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: add an atomic vs process context flag to rw_bytes (Jeff Moyer) [1472053] - [dax] device-dax: kill NR_DEV_DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] block, dax: move "select DAX" from BLOCK to FS_DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix 'npfns' vs section alignment (Jeff Moyer) [1472049] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: handle locked label storage areas (Jeff Moyer) [1457557] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: convert NDD_ flags to use bitops, introduce NDD_LOCKED (Jeff Moyer) [1457557] - [fs] block, dax: use correct format string in bdev_dax_supported (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [dax] device-dax: fix sysfs attribute deadlock (Jeff Moyer) [1472044] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: restore "libnvdimm: band aid btt vs clear poison locking" (Jeff Moyer) [1472053] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix nvdimm_bus_lock() vs device_lock() ordering (Jeff Moyer) [1472042] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: rework region badblocks clearing (Jeff Moyer) [1457560] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix clear poison locking with spinlock and GFP_NOWAIT allocation (Jeff Moyer) [1472053] - [acpi] nfit: kill ACPI_NFIT_DEBUG (Jeff Moyer) [1457567] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix clear length of nvdimm_forget_poison() (Jeff Moyer) [1457560] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: add support for clear poison list and badblocks for device dax (Jeff Moyer) [1457560] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix a NULL pointer BUG in nd_pmem_notify (Jeff Moyer) [1472038] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region: sysfs trigger for nvdimm_flush() (Jeff Moyer) [1457556] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Add 'resource' sysfs attribute to regions (Jeff Moyer) [1457560] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: add mechanism to publish badblocks at the region level (Jeff Moyer) [1457560] - [block] hide badblocks attribute by default (Jeff Moyer) [1471822] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix phys_addr for nvdimm_clear_poison (Jeff Moyer) [1457560] - [kernel] x86, dax, pmem: remove indirection around memcpy_from_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] block: remove block_device_operations ->direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] block, dax: convert bdev_dax_supported() to dax_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] filesystem-dax: convert to dax_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] ext2, ext4, xfs: retrieve dax_device for iomap operations (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] dm: teach dm-targets to use a dax_device + dax_operations (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region: fix flush hint detection crash (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [kernel] dm: add dax_device and dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [md] dm: introduce upstream's cleanup_mapped_device() (Mike Snitzer) [1457559] - [kernel] dax: introduce dax_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [s390] dcssblk: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [block] brd: fix uninitialized use of brd->dax_dev (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [block] brd: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [powerpc] axon_ram: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [tools] pmem: add dax_operations support (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: use devm_add_action_or_reset() (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] dax: introduce dax_operations (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] dax: add a facility to lookup a dax device by 'host' device name (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [x86] mce: Make the MCE notifier a blocking one (Jeff Moyer) [1471692] - [tools] acpi, nfit: fix module unload vs workqueue shutdown race (Jeff Moyer) [1472037] - [acpi] nfit: limit ->flush_probe() to initialization work (Jeff Moyer) [1472037] - [acpi] nfit: collate health state flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555] - [acpi] nfit: support "map failed" dimms (Jeff Moyer) [1457555] - [acpi] nfit: add support for acpi 6.1 dimm state flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555] - [acpi] nfit: remove unnecessary newline (Jeff Moyer) [1455958] - [acpi] nfit: allow specifying a default DSM family (Jeff Moyer) [1455958] - [acpi] nfit: allow override of built-in bitmasks for nvdimm DSMs (Jeff Moyer) [1455958] - [acpi] nfit, libnvdimm: fix interleave set cookie calculation (64-bit comparison) (Jeff Moyer) [1471684] - [nvdimm] nfit, libnvdimm: fix interleave set cookie calculation (Jeff Moyer) [1471684] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: test acpi 6.1 health state flags (Jeff Moyer) [1457555] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: dynamic label support (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: add manufacturing_{date|location} dimm properties (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: add virtual ramdisk range (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: test get_config_size DSM failures (Jeff Moyer) [1375501] - [nvdimm] revert "libnvdimm: band aid btt vs clear poison locking" (Jeff Moyer) [1472053] - [tools] dax: refactor dax-fs into a generic provider of 'struct dax_device' instances (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [dax] device-dax: rename 'dax_dev' to 'dev_dax' (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [dax] device-dax: improve fault handler debug output (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [tools] device-dax, tools/testing/nvdimm: enable device-dax with mock resources (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: band aid btt vs clear poison locking (Jeff Moyer) [1465372] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix reconfig_mutex, mmap_sem, and jbd2_handle lockdep splat (Jeff Moyer) [1471676] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix blk free space accounting (Jeff Moyer) [1471683] - [dax] device-dax: utilize new cdev_device_add helper function (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [dax] device-dax: fix cdev leak (Jeff Moyer) [1457559] - [edac] x86/ras, edac, acpi: Assign MCE notifier handlers a priority (Jeff Moyer) [1471692] - [x86] mce: Dump MCE to dmesg if no consumers (Jeff Moyer) [1471692]- [input] Fix device_rh memory leak (Prarit Bhargava) [1510344] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Add support for PCIe extended configuration space (Paul Lai) [1458032] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Add emulation for BAR2 (aperture) with normal file RW approach (Paul Lai) [1458032] - [gpu] drm/i915/kvmgt: Sanitize PCI bar emulation (Paul Lai) [1458032] - [pci] Move config space size macros to pci_regs.h (Paul Lai) [1458032] - [kernel] memremap: don't modify flags (Paul Lai) [1458032] - [virt] kvm: eventfd: fix NULL deref irqbypass consumer (Radim Krcmar) [1417618] - [net] vsock: fix outdated sk_state value in hvs_release() (Cathy Avery) [1505839] - [hv] hv_sock: add locking in the open/close/release code paths (Cathy Avery) [1505839] - [hv] vmbus: hvsock: add proper sync for vmbus_hvsock_device_unregister() (Cathy Avery) [1505839] - [mm] revert "memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs" (Rafael Aquini) [1510790] - [mm] revert "cgroup: kill css_id" (Rafael Aquini) [1510790] - [fs] ext4: fix fault handling when mounted with -o dax,ro (Eric Sandeen) [1488468] - [s390] disassembler: increase show_code buffer size (Hendrik Brueckner) [1516667] - [s390] disassembler: add missing end marker for e7 table (Hendrik Brueckner) [1520837] - [s390] qeth: unbreak OSM and OSN support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1519447] - [s390] qeth: handle sysfs error during initialization (Hendrik Brueckner) [1519447] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix error return code in mlxsw_sp_port_create() (Ivan Vecera) [1521069] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Configure TIGCR on init (Ivan Vecera) [1521069] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Tunneling IPinIP General Configuration Register (Ivan Vecera) [1521069] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix possible deadlock (Ivan Vecera) [1521069] - [netdrv] nfp: inherit the max_mtu from the PF netdev (John Linville) [1515619] - [netdrv] nfp: fix flower offload metadata flag usage (John Linville) [1518327] - [netdrv] nfp: refuse offloading filters that redirects to upper devices (John Linville) [1519464] - [netdrv] nfp: handle page allocation failures (John Linville) [1519464] - [netdrv] nfp: fix ethtool stats gather retry (John Linville) [1519464] - [netdrv] nfp: add whitelist of supported flow dissector (John Linville) [1519464] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix use after free in case of multiple resize requests (Serhii Popovych) [1516238] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Drop prepare_done from struct kvm_resize_hpt (Serhii Popovych) [1516238] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Check for kmalloc errors in ioctl (Serhii Popovych) [1516238] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Set QP state in case of response completion errors (Jonathan Toppins) [1516610] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Flush CQ notification Work Queue before destroying QP (Jonathan Toppins) [1516610] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: synchronize poll_cq and req_notify_cq verbs (Jonathan Toppins) [1516610] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: fix a crash in qp error event processing (Jonathan Toppins) [1515709] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: changing the ip address shouldn't affect new connections (Jonathan Toppins) [1515770] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add memory barriers when processing CQ/EQ entries (Jonathan Toppins) [1515777]- [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Modify rdma netdev allocate and free to support PKEY (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface ethtool ops (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface ndos (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface nic profile (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Use hash-table to map between QPN to child netdev (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Support for setting PKEY index to underlay QP (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] ib/ipoib: Add ability to set PKEY index to lower device driver (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] ib/ipoib: Grab rtnl lock on heavy flush when calling ndo_open/stop (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Support for attaching multiple underlay QPs to root flow table (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Move underlay QP init/uninit to separate functions (Kamal Heib) [1517570 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: PTP code migration to driver core section (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: File renaming towards ptp core implementation (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add FGs and FTEs memory pool (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Allocate FTE object without lock (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Support multiple updates of steering rules in parallel (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Replace fs_node mutex with reader/writer semaphore (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor FTE and FG creation code (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Export building of matched flow groups list (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Move the entry index allocator to flow group (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid NULL pointer dereference on steering cleanup (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix creating a new FTE when an existing but full FTE exists (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Increase Striding RQ minimum size limit to 4 multi-packet WQEs (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set page to null in case dma mapping fails (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix napi poll with zero budget (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Stop NAPI when irq balancer changes affinity (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Cancel health poll before sending panic teardown command (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Loop over temp list to release delay events (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e/core/en_fs: fix pointer dereference after free in mlx5e_execute_l2_action (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: DCBNL, Implement tc with ets type and zero bandwidth (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly deal with encap flows add/del under neigh update (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Delay events till mlx5 interface's add complete for pci resume (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix health work queue spin lock to IRQ safe (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix wrong indentation in enable SRIOV code (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix static checker warning on steering tracepoints code (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix calculated checksum offloads counters (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't add/remove 802.1ad rules when changing 802.1Q VLAN filter (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Print netdev features correctly in error message (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Check encap entry state when offloading tunneled flows (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disallow TC offloading of unsupported match/action combinations (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix erroneous freeing of encap header buffer (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Check device capability for maximum flow counters (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix FPGA capability location (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Fix access to invalid memory address (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Distribute RSS table among all RX rings (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use kernel's mechanism to avoid missing NAPIs (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Slightly increase RX page-cache size (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't recycle page if moved to far NUMA (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove unnecessary fields in ICO SQ (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Type-specific optimizations for RX post WQEs function (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Non-atomic RQ state indicator for UMR WQE in progress (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Non-atomic indicator for ring enabled state (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor data-path lro header function (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Early-return on empty completion queues (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: NAPI busy-poll when UMR post is in progress (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Small enhancements for RX MPWQE allocation and free (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use memset to init skbs_frags array to zeros (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove unnecessary wqe_sz field from RQ buffer (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Replace multiplication by stride size with a shift (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Reorganize struct mlx5e_rq (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support RSS for GRE tunneled packets (Kamal Heib) [1467198 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support TSO and TX checksum offloads for GRE tunnels (Kamal Heib) [1467198 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use IP version matching to classify IP traffic (Kamal Heib) [1467198 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: make mlx5e_profile const (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add tracepoints (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add hash table for flow groups in flow table (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add hash table to search FTEs in a flow-group (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Don't store reserved part in FTEs and FGs (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Convert linear search for free index to ida (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong code indentation in conditional statement (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Remove a leftover unused variable (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add a blank line after declarations V2 (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use size_t to store byte offset in statistics descriptors (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use kernel types instead of uint*_t in ethtool callbacks (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Place constants on the right side of comparisons (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid using multiple blank lines (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly indent within conditional statements (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add a blank line after declarations (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid blank lines after/before open/close brace (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add outbound PCI buffer overflow counter (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add RX buffer fullness counters (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add RX buffer fullness counters infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add PCIe outbound stalls counters (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add PCIe outbound stalls counters infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1385322 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add support for get_link_ksettings in ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Fix driver name retrieved by ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Send PAOS command on interface up/down (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: ensure 0 is returned when vport is zero (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Increase the maximum flow counters supported (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix counter list hardware structure (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Delay events till ib registration ends (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add CONFIG_MLX5_ESWITCH Kconfig (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Separate between E-Switch and MPFS (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Unify vport manager capability check (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: NIC netdev init flow cleanup (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Rearrange netdevice ops structures (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix spelling mistake: "alloated" -> "allocated" (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Enable local loopback in loopback selftest (Kamal Heib) [1456684 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix CQ moderation mode not set properly (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix inline header size for small packets (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Unload the representors in the correct order (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly resolve TC offloaded ipv6 vxlan tunnel source address (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't override user RSS upon set channels (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix dangling page pointer on DMA mapping error (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Remove the flag MLX5_INTERFACE_STATE_SHUTDOWN (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Skip mlx5_unload_one if mlx5_load_one fails (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix arm SRQ command for ISSI version 0 (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix DCB_CAP_ATTR_DCBX capability for DCBNL getcap (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Check for qos capability in dcbnl_initialize (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix mlx5_add_flow_rules call with correct num of dests (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Schedule overflow check work to mlx5e workqueue (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong delay calculation for overflow check scheduling (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add missing support for PTP_CLK_REQ_PPS request (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Change 1PPS out scheme (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix broken disable 1PPS flow (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add field select to MTPPS register (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix mlx5_ifc_mtpps_reg_bits structure size (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix outer_header_zero() check size (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Modify add/remove underlay QPN flows (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix command bad flow on command entry allocation failure (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix command completion after timeout access invalid structure (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Consider tx_enabled in all modes on remap (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Clean SRIOV eswitch resources upon VF creation failure (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: IPSec, fix 64-bit division correctly (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Initialize CEE's getpermhwaddr address buffer to 0xff (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add Makefiles for subdirectories (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Build wq.o even if MLX5_CORE_EN is not selected (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Fix datatype mismatch (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, make mlx5_fpga_device_brb static (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: IPSec, Fix 64-bit division on 32-bit builds (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add missing include in lib/gid.c (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix memcpy limit? (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix spelling mistake: "Allodating" -> "Allocating" (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Add IPSec ethtool stats (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Add Innova IPSec offload TX data path (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Add Innova IPSec offload RX data path (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Accel, Add IPSec acceleration interface (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add SBU infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add SBU bypass and reset flows (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add high-speed connection routines (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add FW commands for FPGA QPs (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Move FPGA init/cleanup to init_once (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add QP WQ support (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Make get_cqe routine not ethernet-specific (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Respect mlx5_core reserved GIDs (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add support for multiple RoCE enable (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add reserved-gids support (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Set interface flags before cleanup in unload_one (Kamal Heib) [1456677 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix TX carrier errors report in get stats ndo (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Cancel delayed recovery work when unloading the driver (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix driver load error flow when firmware is stuck (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use device ID defines (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix offset of hca cap reserved field (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add header re-write offloading of IPv6 hop-limit (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use macro for TC header re-write offload field mapping (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on ip ttl (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Relocate the TC match on ip tos offload code section (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce RX Page-Reuse (Kamal Heib) [1460489 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Enhance RX SKB headroom logic (Kamal Heib) [1460489 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Build SKB with exact frag_size (Kamal Heib) [1460489 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support bpf_xdp_adjust_head() (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add fast unload support in shutdown flow (Kamal Heib) [1456670 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Expose command polling interface (Kamal Heib) [1456670 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Optimize update stats work (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move and optimize query out of buffer function (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Reduce number of heap allocated buffers for update stats (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Rename physical symbol errors counter (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix typo in warning if CQ moderation is not supported (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use function to map aRFS into traffic type (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Undo LAG upon request to create virtual functions (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid space after casting (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Align to match opening parenthesis (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid blank lines before/after closing/opening braces (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid using multiple blank lines (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix some spelling mistakes (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update eqe_type_str() event names (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fill advertised and supported port data from Hardware info (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for reading connector type from PTYS (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update flow table commands layout (Kamal Heib) [1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support header re-write of partial fields in TC pedit offload (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use modify header ID cache for offloaded TC NIC flows (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use modify header ID cache for offloaded TC E-Switch flows (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add cache for HW modify header IDs (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use short attribute form when adding/deleting offloaded TC flows (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on ip tos / traffic-class (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on tcp flags (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove TC header re-write offloading of ip tos (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix warnings around parsing of TC pedit actions (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly enforce disallowing of partial field re-write offload (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Allow TC csum offload if applied together with pedit action (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add offloading of NIC TC pedit (header re-write) actions (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add parsing of TC pedit actions to HW format (Kamal Heib) [1456687 1456694]- [i2c] introduce helper function to get 8 bit address from a message (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add a flag to mark clients as slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi / scan: fix enumeration (visited) flags for bus rescans (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: add support for ACPI reconfiguration notifiers (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi / pm: allow child devices to ignore parent power state (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Find bus speed from ACPI (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi / pm: Make messages in acpi_device_set_power() print device names (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Enable high speed mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: set the common config before the if else (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Enable fast mode plus (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: get fast plus and high speed *CNT configuration (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Move clk_freq into struct dw_i2c_dev (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware-pci: Make bus number allocation robust (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] designware: Do not calculate SCL timing parameters needlessly (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: fix NULL pointer dereference under race condition (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] export i2c_adapter_depth() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Add function for finding the bus speed from ACPI, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Cleanup I2C ACPI namespace, take 2 (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] use pr_fmt in the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] print more info when acpi_i2c_space_handler() fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add error message when obtaining idr fails (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] improve error messages in i2c_register_adapter() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] cleanup i2c_register_adapter() by refactoring recovery init (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] free idr when sanity checks in i2c_register_adapter() fail (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] i2c / acpi: add support for ACPI reconfigure notifications (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Add generic support passing secondary devices addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] only check scl functions when using generic recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] allow adapter drivers to override the adapter locking (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] let I2C masters ignore their children for PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: use new 8 bit address helper function (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] immediately mark ourselves as registered (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] do not use internal data from driver core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] always enable RuntimePM for the adapter device (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] i2c / acpi: Rework I2C device scanning (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Add support for best effort block read emulation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] slave: print warning if slave flag not set (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] support 10 bit and slave addresses in sysfs 'new_device' (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] take address space into account when checking for used addresses (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] make address check indpendent from client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] rename address check functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] apply address offset for slaves, too (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: add and export of_get_i2c_adapter_by_node() interface (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: manage i2c bus device refcount in i2c_[get|put]_adapter (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] fix leaked device refcount on of_find_i2c_* error path (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: only use set_scl for bus recovery after calling prepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Reduce stack size of acpi_i2c_space_handler() (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: fix typo in comment (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] check for proper length of the reg property (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] slave: add error messages to slave core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Mark adapter devices with pm_runtime_no_callbacks (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core: Export bus recovery functions (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] change input parameter to i2c_adapter for prepare/unprepare_recovery (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] clarify comments about the dev_released completion (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Only include slave support if selected (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] do not try to load modules for of-registered devices (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] simplify boilerplate code for attribute groups (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Pick the first address if device has multiple (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Remove support for legacy PM (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] core changes for slave support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: remove unneeded variable initialization (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Fix NULL Pointer dereference (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] move acpi code back into the core (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add debug info when class instantiation was dropped (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Clean up I2C ACPI code and Add CONFIG_I2C_ACPI config (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] acpi: Add i2c ACPI operation region support (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for SMBUS [ver #2] (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Add message transfer tracepoints for I2C (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] add deprecation warning for class based instantiation (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Use stable dev_name for ACPI enumerated I2C slaves (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] attach/detach I2C client device to the ACPI power domain (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Not all adapters have a parent (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] Remove redundant 'driver' field from the i2c_client struct (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] dt: describe generic bindings (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] documentation: i2c: describe the new slave mode (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705] - [i2c] media: core: Don't use i2c_client->driver (Gopal Tiwari) [1456705]- [scsi] cxlflash: Fix vlun resize failure in the shrink path (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid double mutex unlock (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unnecessary existence check (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix an error handling path in 'cxlflash_disk_attach()' (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: return -EFAULT if copy_from_user() fails (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Update debug prints in reset handlers (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Update send_tmf() parameters (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid double free of character device (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Update TMF command processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove zeroing of private command data (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support WS16 unmap (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support AFU debug (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support LUN provisioning (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Refactor AFU capability checking (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Introduce host ioctl support (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Separate AFU internal command handling from AFU sync specifics (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Create character device to provide host management interface (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Add scsi command abort handler (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Flush pending commands in cleanup path (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Track pending scsi commands in each hardware queue (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Handle AFU sync failures (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Schedule asynchronous reset of the host (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Reset hardware queue context via specified register (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Update cxlflash_afu_sync() to return errno (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Combine the send queue locks (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Select IRQ_POLL (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Introduce hardware queue steering (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Add hardware queues attribute (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support multiple hardware queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Improve asynchronous interrupt processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix warnings/errors (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix power-of-two validations (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unnecessary DMA mapping (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fence EEH during probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support up to 4 ports (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: SISlite updates to support 4 ports (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Hide FC internals behind common access routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove port configuration assumptions (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support dynamic number of FC ports (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Update sysfs helper routines to pass config structure (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Implement IRQ polling for RRQ processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Serialize RRQ access and support offlevel processing (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Separate RRQ processing from the RRQ interrupt handler (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Enable PCI device ID for future IBM CXL Flash AFU (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Cleanup prints (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Support SQ Command Mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Refactor context reset to share reset logic (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Migrate scsi command pointer to AFU command (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Migrate IOARRIN specific routines to function pointers (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Cleanup queuecommand() (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Cleanup send_tmf() (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove AFU command lock (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Wait for active AFU commands to timeout upon tear down (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove private command pool (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Use cmd_size for private commands (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Allocate memory instead of using command pool for AFU sync (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unused buffer from AFU command (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Set sg_tablesize to 1 instead of SG_NONE (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix context reference tracking on detach (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Refactor WWPN setup (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Update documentation (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove adapter file descriptor cache (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Transition to application close model (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Add kref to context (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Cache owning adapter within context (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid mutex when destroying context (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494] - [scsi] maintainers: Update cxlflash maintainers (Gustavo Duarte) [1456494]- [x86] mm: fix get_user_pages() vs device-dax pud mappings (Luiz Capitulino) [1516984] - [x86] revert "fix get_user_pages() vs device-dax pud mappings" (Luiz Capitulino) [1516984] - [ata] libata: sata_down_spd_limit should return if driver has not recorded sstatus speed (David Milburn) [1457140] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: use kvmalloc_array for mlx5_ib_wq (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: use kvmalloc_array to allocate wrid (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [security] treewide: use kv[mz]alloc* rather than opencoded variants (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [security] keys: use kvfree() in add_key (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [kernel] wait: fix bit_waitqueue() to allow the use of vmalloc'd memory (Mike Snitzer) [1511159] - [net] use kvmalloc with __GFP_REPEAT rather than open coded variant (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [lib] rhashtable.c: simplify a strange allocation pattern (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [md] dm: allocate struct mapped_device with kvzalloc (Mike Snitzer) [1511159] - [md] dm ioctl: restore __GFP_HIGH in copy_params() (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [mm] swap: use kvzalloc to allocate some swap data structures (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [md] dm-ioctl.c: use kvmalloc rather than opencoded variant (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [fs] select: add vmalloc fallback for select(2) (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [fs] xattr.c: zero out memory copied to userspace in getxattr (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [fs] xattr: Use kvfree() (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [mm] support __GFP_REPEAT in kvmalloc_node for >32kB (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [mm] vmalloc: properly track vmalloc users (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [kernel] mm: introduce kv[mz]alloc helpers (Don Dutile) [1511159] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Implement hybrid PV queued/unfair locks (Waiman Long) [1511001] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Improve readability (Waiman Long) [1511001] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Move lock stealing count tracking code into pv_queued_spin_steal_lock() (Waiman Long) [1511001] - [kernel] tracing: Call clear_boot_tracer() at lateinit_sync (Jerome Marchand) [1477115] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix increment of vb->num_pfns in fill_balloon() (Andrew Jones) [1517280] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix deadlock on OOM (Andrew Jones) [1517280] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use smp_rmb rather than read_barrier_depends (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: Use smp_rmb rather than read_barrier_depends (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: restore promiscuous after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix client notify of l2 params (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix FLR reset timeout issue (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: fix the calculation of VFs mac addresses (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for NUP NVM image downgrade failure (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: revert "i40e/i40evf: bump tail only in multiples of 8" (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: only redistribute MSI-X vectors when needed (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: Add programming descriptors to cleaned_count (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix incorrect use of tx_itr_setting when checking for Rx ITR setup (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] virtchnl: Add pad fields to a couple of structures (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: rename vf_offload_flags to vf_cap_flags in struct virtchnl_vf_resource (Stefan Assmann) [1517143] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: remove warning when unloading module (Eduardo Otubo) [1472220] - [infiniband] ib/core: Only enforce security for InfiniBand (Don Dutile) [1515295] - [infiniband] ib/core: Only maintain real QPs in the security lists (Don Dutile) [1515295] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid unnecessary return value check (Don Dutile) [1515295]- [gpu] drm/i915: Deconstruct struct sgt_dma initialiser (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [uapi] drm/i915: Reject unknown syncobj flags (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: Fix Ubuntu 17.10 Wayland black screen issue (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: constify vmw_fence_ops (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: allow harvesting check for Polaris VCE (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: return -ENOENT from uvd 6.0 early init for harvesting (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Check incoming alignment for unfenced buffers (on i915gm) (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Hold rcu_read_lock when iterating over the radixtree (vma idr) (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Hold rcu_read_lock when iterating over the radixtree (objects) (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/edp: read edp display control registers unconditionally (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Do not rely on wm preservation for ILK watermarks (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Cancel the modeset retry work during modeset cleanup (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50: use the correct state for base channel notifier setup (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Adding ACTHD mmio read handler (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Extract mmio_read_from_hw() common function (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: Refine MMIO_RING_F() (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/gvt: properly check per_ctx bb valid state (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/perf: fix perf enable/disable ioctls with 32bits userspace (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/amd/amdgpu: Remove workaround check for UVD6 on APUs (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/amd/powerplay: fix uninitialized variable (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Use a mask when applying WaProgramL3SqcReg1Default (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Report -EFAULT before pwrite fast path into shmemfs (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix PLL initialization for HDMI (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/cnl: Fix PLL mapping (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Use bdw_ddi_translations_fdi for Broadwell (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Fix eviction when the GGTT is idle but full (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] revert "drm/amdgpu: discard commands of killed processes" (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/fbcon: fix oops without fbdev emulation (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/kms/nv50: fix oops during DP IRQ handling on non-MST boards (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/bsp/g92: disable by default (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/mmu: flush tlbs before deleting page tables (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/bios: parse DDI ports also for CHV for HDMI DDC pin and DP AUX channel (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Read timings from the correct transcoder in intel_crtc_mode_get() (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Order two completing nop_submit_request (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Silence compiler warning for hsw_power_well_enable() (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915: Use crtc_state_is_legacy_gamma in intel_color_check (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/edp: Increase the T12 delay quirk to 1300ms (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/i915/edp: Get the Panel Power Off timestamp after panel is off (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/amdgpu: fix placement flags in amdgpu_ttm_bind (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [gpu] drm/atomic: Unref duplicated drm_atomic_state in drm_atomic_helper_resume() (Rob Clark) [1512612] - [drm] qxl: alloc & use shadow for dumb buffers (Rob Clark) [1512097] - [drm] qxl: replace QXL_INFO with DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER (Rob Clark) [1512097]- [fs] dcache.c: avoid soft-lockup in dput() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] dealing with the rest of shrink_dentry_list() livelock (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] dcache: add missing lockdep annotation (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] shrink_dentry_list(): take parent's ->d_lock earlier (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] expand dentry_kill(dentry, 0) in shrink_dentry_list() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] split dentry_kill() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] fold d_kill() and d_free() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] fold try_prune_one_dentry() (Miklos Szeredi) [1431297] - [fs] fanotify: fix fsnotify_prepare_user_wait() failure (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: fix pinning group in fsnotify_prepare_user_wait() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: pin both inode and vfsmount mark (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: clean up fsnotify_prepare/finish_user_wait() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: make dnotify_fsnotify_ops const (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] maintainers: Update entries for notification subsystem (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] audit: Receive unmount event (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] audit: Fix use after free in audit_remove_watch_rule() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fanotify: don't expose EOPENSTALE to userspace (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: remove a stray unlock (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move ->free_mark callback to fsnotify_ops (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Add group pointer in fsnotify_init_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Drop inode_mark.c (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_find_{inode|vfsmount}_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_detach_group_marks() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Rename fsnotify_clear_marks_by_group_flags() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Inline fsnotify_clear_{inode|vfsmount}_mark_group() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_recalc_{inode|vfsmount}_mask() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_set_mark_{, ignored_}mask_locked() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fanotify: Release SRCU lock when waiting for userspace response (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Pass fsnotify_iter_info into handle_event handler (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Provide framework for dropping SRCU lock in ->handle_event (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove special handling of mark destruction on group shutdown (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Detach mark from object list when last reference is dropped (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move queueing of mark for destruction into fsnotify_put_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] inotify: Do not drop mark reference under idr_lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fanotify: fix up KABI breakage due to mnt_fsnotify_marks type change (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fanotify: fix up KABI breakage due to i_fsnotify_marks type change (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Free fsnotify_mark_connector when there is no mark attached (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Lock object list with connector lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove useless list deletion and comment (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Avoid double locking in fsnotify_detach_from_object() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove indirection from fsnotify_detach_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Determine lock in fsnotify_destroy_marks() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move locking into fsnotify_find_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move locking into fsnotify_recalc_mask() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move fsnotify_destroy_marks() (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove indirection from mark list addition (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Make fsnotify_mark_connector hold inode reference (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move object pointer to fsnotify_mark_connector (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Move mark list head from object into dedicated structure (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Update comments (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] audit_tree: Use mark flags to check whether mark is alive (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] audit: Abstract hash key handling (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fanotify: Move recalculation of inode / vfsmount mask under mark_mutex (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] inotify: Remove inode pointers from debug messages (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fsnotify: Remove unnecessary tests when showing fdinfo (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] fanotify: simplify the code of fanotify_merge (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] trim fsnotify hooks a bit (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] undo "fs: allow d_instantiate to be called with negative parent dentry" (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] untangle fsnotify_d_instantiate() a bit (Miklos Szeredi) [1372260] - [fs] sysctl: check for UINT_MAX before unsigned int min/max (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] pipe: add proc_dopipe_max_size() to safely assign pipe_max_size (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] pipe: avoid round_pipe_size() nr_pages overflow on 32-bit (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] pipe: match pipe_max_size data type with procfs (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: add unsigned int range support (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: simplify unsigned int support (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: fold sysctl_writes_strict checks into helper (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: kdoc'ify sysctl_writes_strict (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: fix lax sysctl_check_table() sanity check (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: don't print negative flag for proc_douintvec (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: add sanity check for proc_douintvec (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: handle error writing UINT_MAX to u32 fields (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: enable strict writes (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: allow for strict write position handling (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: refactor sysctl string writing logic (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] sysctl: clean up char buffer arguments (Joe Lawrence) [1488518] - [fs] pipe: cap initial pipe capacity according to pipe-max-size limit (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: make account_pipe_buffers() return a value, and use it (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: fix limit checking in alloc_pipe_info() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: simplify logic in alloc_pipe_info() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: fix limit checking in pipe_set_size() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: refactor argument for account_pipe_buffers() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: move limit checking logic into pipe_set_size() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268] - [fs] pipe: relocate round_pipe_size() above pipe_set_size() (Joe Lawrence) [1478268]- [block] wake up all tasks blocked in get_request() (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] blk-mq: Avoid that request queue removal can trigger list corruption (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] scsi: Make SCSI quiesce and resume work reliably (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] Add the QUEUE_FLAG_PREEMPT_ONLY request queue flag (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] ide, scsi: Tell the block layer at request allocation time about preempt requests (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] Introduce BLK_MQ_REQ_PREEMPT (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] Introduce blk_get_request_flags() (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] Make q_usage_counter also track legacy requests (Ming Lei) [1491296] - [block] blk-mq: don't allocate driver tag upfront for flush rq (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: move blk_mq_put_driver_tag*() into blk-mq.h (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq-sched: decide how to handle flush rq via RQF_FLUSH_SEQ (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-flush: use blk_mq_request_bypass_insert() (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] pass 'run_queue' to blk_mq_request_bypass_insert (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-flush: don't run queue for requests bypassing flush (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: put the driver tag of nxt rq before first one is requeued (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] directly insert blk-mq request from blk_insert_cloned_request() (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: improve tag waiting setup for non-shared tags (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: fix issue with shared tag queue re-running (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: put driver tag if dispatch budget can't be got (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: don't handle failure in .get_budget (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] scsi: don't get target/host busy_count in scsi_mq_get_budget() (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: don't restart queue when .get_budget returns BLK_STS_RESOURCE (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] scsi: implement .get_budget and .put_budget for blk-mq (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] scsi: allow passing in null rq to scsi_prep_state_check() (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq-sched: improve dispatching from sw queue (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: introduce .get_budget and .put_budget in blk_mq_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] kyber: check if there are requests in ctx in kyber_has_work() (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] sbitmap: introduce __sbitmap_for_each_set() (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq-sched: move actual dispatching into one helper (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq-sched: dispatch from scheduler IFF progress is made in ->dispatch (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: move .map_queues into aux_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: move .reinit_request into aux_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: introduce blk_mq_aux_ops (Ming Lei) [1471956] - [block] blk-mq: allocate space of 'request_aux' for flush rq (Ming Lei) [1471956]- [x86] Mark Intel Gemini Lake supported (Steve Best) [1471103] - [x86] cpufeature: Add feature bit for Intel's Silicon Debug CPUID bit (Mohammed Gamal) [1517830] - [x86] x86/entry: add a few missing unwinder annotations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1518139] - [x86] x86/unwind: fix interrupt unwinding (Josh Poimboeuf) [1518139] - [x86] x86/dumpstack: Handle NULL stack pointer in show_trace_log_lvl() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1518139] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix vmx->nested freeing when no SMI handler (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: svm: detect opening of SMI window using STGI intercept (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nsvm: fix SMI injection in guest mode (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nsvm: refactor nested_svm_vmrun (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix SMI injection in guest mode (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: set IDTR and GDTR limits when loading L1 host state (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: x86: introduce ISA specific smi_allowed callback (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: x86: introduce ISA specific SMM entry/exit callbacks (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Refactor nested_vmx_run() (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Split VMCS checks from nested_vmx_run() (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Refactor nested_get_vmcs12_pages() (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Prepare for checkpointing L2 state (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix instruction skipping during emulated vm-entry (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Move skip_emulated_instruction out of nested_vmx_check_vmcs12 (Ladi Prosek) [1488203] - [fs] ext4: Switch to iomap for SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] Do not defer completion for fs without FS_HAS_DIO_IODONE2 (Lukas Czerner) [1518054] - [fs] xfs: truncate pagecache before writeback in xfs_setattr_size() (Bill O'Donnell) [1516604] - [fs] more bio_map_user_iov() leak fixes (Ming Lei) [1503592] {CVE-2017-12190} - [fs] fix unbalanced page refcounting in bio_map_user_iov (Ming Lei) [1503592] {CVE-2017-12190} - [x86] kvm: svm: obey guest PAT (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1478185] - [pci] pciehp: Fix race condition handling surprise link down (Myron Stowe) [1435819] - [crypto] shash - Fix has_key setting (Herbert Xu) [1505817] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix dma_mapping_error call (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1515843] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Feature implementation of Vital Product Data (VPD) for the ibmvnic driver (Desnes Augusto Nunes do Rosario) [1515843] - [kernel] kbuild: Fix tar-pkg with relative $(objtree) (Don Zickus) [1518298] - [kernel] mm: cma: fix incorrect type conversion for size during dma allocation (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1495406] {CVE-2017-9725} - [kernel] mm: Sanitize 'move_pages()' permission checks (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1499610] {CVE-2017-14140} - [kernel] ptrace: use fsuid, fsgid, effective creds for fs access checks (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1499610] {CVE-2017-14140} - [kernel] __ptrace_may_access() should not deny sub-threads (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1499610] {CVE-2017-14140} - [kernel] x86/mm/32: Enable full randomization on i386 and X86_32 (Bhupesh Sharma) [1495406] {CVE-2017-9725} - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix host crash on changing HPT size (David Gibson) [1512780] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix exclusion between HPT resizing and other HPT updates (Serhii Popovych) [1512780 1510771] - [powerpc] pseries: Report DLPAR capabilities (Gustavo Duarte) [1182019]- [infiniband] bnxt_re: Don't issue cmd to delete GID for QP1 GID entry before the QP is destroyed (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix memory leak in FRMR path (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Remove RTNL lock dependency in bnxt_re_query_port (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix race between the netdev register and unregister events (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Free up devices in module_exit path (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix compare and swap atomic operands (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Stop issuing further cmds to FW once a cmd times out (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] bnxt_re: Fix update of qplib_qp.mtu when modified (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: remove unnecessary call to memset (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Implement the alloc/get_hw_stats callback (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Allocate multiple notification queues (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: fix spelling mistake: "Deallocte" -> "Deallocate" (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Allow posting when QPs are in error (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add vlan tag for untagged RoCE traffic when PFC is configured (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Delete unsupported modify_port function (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix the value reported for local ack delay (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Report MISSED_EVENTS in req_notify_cq (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix return value of poll routine (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Enable atomics only if host bios supports (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Specify RDMA component when allocating stats context (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fixed the max_rd_atomic support for initiator and destination QP (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Report supported value to IB stack in query_device (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Do not free the ctx_tbl entry if delete GID fails (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix WQE Size posted to HW to prevent it from throwing error (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Free doorbell page index (DPI) during dealloc ucontext (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR() (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Remove FMR support (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fix RQE posting logic (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add HW workaround for avoiding stall for UD QPs (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Dereg MR in FW before freeing the fast_reg_page_list (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: HW workarounds for handling specific conditions (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Fixing the Control path command and response handling (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL where appropriate (Don Dutile) [1384857] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: remove redundant initialization of rc to zero (Don Dutile) [1384857]- [netdrv] revert "ath10k: fix napi_poll budget overflow" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] ath10k: rebuild crypto header in rx data frames (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [net] mac80211: don't compare TKIP TX MIC key in reinstall (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [net] mac80211: validate user rate mask before configuring driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [net] cfg80211: fix connect/disconnect edge cases (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [net] mac80211: use constant time comparison with keys (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [net] nl80211: Define policy for packet pattern attributes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [net] mac80211: accept key reinstall without changing anything (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: nvm: set the correct offsets to 3168 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: nvm-parse: unify channel flags printing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: return -ENODATA when reading the temperature (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: stop dbgc recording before stopping DMA (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: do not print security error in monitor mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] brcmsmac: make some local variables 'static const' to reduce (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: Add check for short event packets (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: rtl8821ae: Fix connection lost problem (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] ath10k: mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: setup passive scan if requested by user-space (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: add length check in brcmf_cfg80211_escan_handler() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix reorder buffer for 9000 devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: set status before calling (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: initialize status in (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: handle FIF_ALLMULTI when setting multicast (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: use IWL_HCMD_NOCOPY for MCAST_FILTER_CMD (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: wake the correct mac80211 queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: change state when queueing agg start work (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: send all non-bufferable frames on the probe (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: Flush non STA TX queues (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix wowlan resume failed to load INIT ucode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1501877] - [netdrv] mac80211: fix STA_SLOW_THRESHOLD htmldocs failure (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport mac80211_hwsim driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1486746 1477495] - [netdrv] Backport brcmsmac driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport brcmfmac driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport rtlwifi driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport rtl8187 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport mwl8k driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport marvell driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport carl9170 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport wil6210 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport ath10k driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport ath9k driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport iwlegacy driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495 1486992 1486999] - [netdrv] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport mac80211 from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495] - [netdrv] Backport wireless core from linux-4.14-rc2 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1477495]- [kernel] Enable -Werror also for s390 builds in the main Makefile (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [kernel] crash_core: Fix warning about CRASH_CORE_NOTE_BYTES redefinition (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [kernel] time/timekeeping: Work around false positive GCC warning (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [kernel] module: Fix downstream-only compiler warning in find_module_sections() (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [security] selinux: security_load_policy: Silence frame-larger-than warning (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [s390] Wire up seccomp syscall (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [s390] kernel/ptrace: Move NT_S390_GS_CB/BC hunks to right table (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [pci] msi: Silence compiler warning about unused variable on s390x (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [fs] gfs2/dir: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Thomas Huth) [1500170] - [fs] mpage.c: fix mpage_writepage() for pages with buffers (Eric Sandeen) [1476389] - [fs] nfsd: Incoming xdr_bufs may have content in tail buffer (Steve Dickson) [1515992] - [hv] hv_netvsc: hide warnings about uninitialized/missing rndis device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618] - [hv] hv_netvsc: netvsc_teardown_gpadl() split (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618] - [hv] vmbus: Fix bugs in rescind handling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618] - [hv] vmbus: Fix rescind handling issues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1516618] - [hv] hv_netvsc: preserve hw_features on mtu/channels/ringparam changes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1513264] - [usb] xhci: Identify USB 3.1 capable hosts by their port protocol capability (Torez Smith) [1456724] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix hung task messages when a cleanup response is not received during abort (Chad Dupuis) [1515346] - [block] nvme-pci: avoid dereference of symbol from unloaded module (Ming Lei) [1508298] - [block] Fix a race between blk_cleanup_queue() and timeout handling (Ming Lei) [1513725] - [block] blk-mq-tag: check for NULL rq when iterating tags (Ming Lei) [1513419] - [infiniband] vmw_pvrdma: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Don Dutile) [1454965] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Change number of TX wqe to 64 (Honggang Li) [1445667] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use NAPI in UD/TX flows (Honggang Li) [1445667] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Get rid of the tx_outstanding variable in all modes (Honggang Li) [1445667] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Convert timers to use timer_setup() (Honggang Li) [1445667]- [netdrv] bnxt_re: add MAY_USE_DEVLINK dependency (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] rdma/bnxt_re: add DCB dependency (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix IRQ coalescing regression (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix typo in bnxt_set_coalesce (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix randconfig build errors (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: alloc tc_info{} struct only when tc flower is enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: query cfa flow stats periodically to compute 'lastused' attribute (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add hwrm FW cmds for cfa_encap_record and decap_filter (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add support for Flower based vxlan encap/decap offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor and simplify coalescing code (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reorganize the coalescing parameters (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool reset method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check maximum supported MTU from firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Optimize .ndo_set_mac_address() for VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Get firmware package version one time (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check for zero length value in bnxt_get_nvram_item() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface to (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt: Move generic devlink code to new file (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix possible corruption in DCB parameters from firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix possible corrupted NVRAM parameters from firmware response (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF resource checking (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF PCIe link speed and width logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't use rtnl lock to protect link change logic in workqueue (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve VF/PF link change logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: don't consider building bnxt_tc.o if option not enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove redundant unlikely() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt: use setup_timer() helper (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: check for ingress qdisc in flower offload (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add a dummy definition for bnxt_vf_rep_get_fid() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add code to query TC flower offload stats (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add TC flower offload flow_alloc/free FW cmds (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: bnxt: add TC flower filter offload support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix clearing devlink ptr from bnxt struct (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reduce default rings on multi-port cards (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve -ENOMEM logic in NAPI poll loop (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt: initialize board_info values with proper enums (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: assign CPU affinity hints to bnxt_en IRQs (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve tx ring reservation logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec. to (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do not setup MAC address in bnxt_hwrm_func_qcaps() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Free MSIX vectors when unregistering the device from bnxt_re (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix .ndo_setup_tc() to include XDP rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix spelling mistake: "swtichdev" -> "switchdev" (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix switchdev port naming for external-port-rep and vf-reps (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: use SWITCHDEV_SET_OPS() for setting vf_rep_switchdev_ops (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: include bnxt_vfr.c code under CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV switch (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt: fix unused variable warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt: fix unsigned comparsion with 0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use SWITCHDEV_SET_OPS() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add support for port_attr_get and and get_phys_port_name (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add vf-rep RX/TX and netdev implementation (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: add support to enable VF-representors (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set ETS min_bw parameter for older firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Report firmware DCBX agent (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allow the user to set ethtool stats-block-usecs to 0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add bnxt_get_num_stats() to centrally get the number of ethtool stats (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement ndo_bridge_{get|set}link methods (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Retrieve the hardware bridge mode from the firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec to 1.8.0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix SRIOV on big-endian architecture (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix bug in ethtool -L (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix race conditions in .ndo_get_stats64() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix netpoll handling (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add missing logic to handle TPA end error conditions (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bpf: bnxt: Report bpf_prog ID during XDP_QUERY_PROG (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix xmit_more with BQL (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Pass in sh parameter to bnxt_set_dflt_rings() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement xmit_more (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Optimize doorbell write operations for newer chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add additional chip ID definitions (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add a callback to inform RDMA driver during PCI shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add PCI IDs for BCM57454 VF devices (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Support for Short Firmware Message (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Restrict a PF in Multi-Host mode from changing port PHY configuration (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add 100G link speed reporting for BCM57454 ASIC in ethtool (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Pass DCB RoCE app priority to firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use short TX BDs for the XDP TX ring (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add interrupt test to ethtool -t selftest (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add PHY loopback to ethtool self-test (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool mac loopback self test (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic ethtool -t selftest support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add suspend/resume callbacks (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool set_wol method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool get_wol method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add pci shutdown method (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic WoL infrastructure (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix DMA unmapping of the RX buffers in XDP mode during shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Added PCI IDs for BCM57452 and BCM57454 ASICs (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add hardware NTUPLE filter for encapsulated packets (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ethtool -l pre-set max combined channel (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for XDP_TX action (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic XDP support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor tx completion path (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add a set of TX rings to support XDP (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add tx ring mapping logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Centralize logic to reserve rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use event bit map in RX path (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add RX page mode support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Parameterize RX buffer offsets (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add bp->rx_dir field for rx buffer DMA direction (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't use DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR to store DMA address in RX path (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor rx SKB function (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add IPV6 hardware RFS support (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use napi_complete_done() (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659] - [netdrv] broadcom: use core min/max MTU checking (Jonathan Toppins) [1459659]- [netdrv] nfp: convert to use .ndo_setup_tc_rh (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: enable CONFIG_NFP_APP_FLOWER (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: double free on error in probe (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove incorrect mask check for vlan matching (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: fix supported key layers calculation (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: fix unchecked flow dissector use (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: TX time stamp packets before HW doorbell is rung (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: avoid buffer leak when representor is missing (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: make sure representors are destroyed before their lower netdev (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't hold PF lock while enabling SR-IOV (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: fix infinite loop on umapping cleanup (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: do not update MTU from BH in flower app (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: Initialize RX and TX ring 64-bit stats seqcounts (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: freeing the wrong variable (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: add missing clean up call to avoid memory leaks (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: default to chained metadata prepend format (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove legacy MAC address lookup (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: improve order of interfaces in breakout mode (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add control message passing capabilities to flower offloads (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add a stats handler for flower offloads (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add metadata to each flow offload (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add basic action capabilities to flower offloads (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: extend flower matching capabilities (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: extend flower add flow offload (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: provide infrastructure for offloading flower based TC filters (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add phys_switch_id support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: flower: add Kconfig for flower app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: allocate a private workqueue for driver work (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: reorder SR-IOV config and nfp_app SR-IOV callbacks (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: handle SR-IOV already enabled when driver is probing (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: wire get_phys_port_name on representors (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: allow converting representor's netdev into nfp_port (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move representors' struct net_device_ops to shared code (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: make the representor get stats app-independent (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: spawn nfp_ports for PF and VF ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add nfp_app cleanup callback and make flower use it (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove unused nfp_cpp_area_check_range() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add helper for mapping runtime symbols (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move area mapping helper into nfpcore (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: explicitly check if application FW is loaded (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add VF and PF representors to flower app (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add flower app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for control messages for flower app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for tx/rx with metadata portid (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: provide nfp_port to of nfp_net_get_mac_addr() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: app callbacks for SRIOV (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add stats and xmit helpers for representors (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: general representor implementation (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: map mac_stats and vf_cfg BARs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move physical port init into a helper (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: devlink add support for getting eswitch mode (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: xdp: report if program is offloaded (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add support for XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: release the reference on offloaded programs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: don't offload XDP programs in DRV_MODE (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: xdp: move driver XDP setup into a separate function (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add VLAN filtering support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] bpf: nfp: Report bpf_prog ID during XDP_QUERY_PROG (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: report application FW build name in ethtool -i (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: keep MIP object around (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove automatic caching of HWInfo (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove automatic caching of RTsym table (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: make sure to cancel port refresh on the error path (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: advertise support for NFD ABI 0.5 (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: create control vNICs and wire up rx/tx (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: allow non-equal distribution of IRQs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: slice the netdev spawning function (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't clutter init code passing fw_ver around (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: map all queue controllers at once (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: make vNIC ctrl memory mapping function reusable (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add control vNIC datapath (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: prepare config and enable for working without netdevs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: allow allocation and initialization of netdev-less vNICs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: make sure debug accesses don't depend on netdevs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: prepare print macros for use without netdev (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move nfp_net_vecs_init() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: reuse ring free code on close (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: split out the allocation part of open (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: reorder open and close functions (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: move basic eBPF stats to app-specific code (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: move bpf offload code to the BPF app (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: move eBPF offload files to BPF app directory (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: report app name in ethtool -i (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: move port init to apps (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: turn reading PCIe RTsym parameters into a helper (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add missing fall through statements (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: don't keep count for free buffers delayed kick (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: don't add ring size to index calculations (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: fix print format for ring pointers in ring dumps (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't wait for resources indefinitely (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: support variable NSP response lengths (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: shorten CPP core probe logs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: support long reads and writes with the cpp helpers (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: only try to get to PCIe ctrl memory if BARs are wide enough (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't set aux pointers if ioremap failed (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: set driver VF limit (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add set_mac_address support while the interface is up (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add MAY_USE_DEVLINK dependency (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: support port splitting via devlink (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: calculate total port lanes for split (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: register ports as devlink ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add helper for cleaning up vNICs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add devlink support (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move mutex init out of net code (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: refresh port state before reporting autonegotiation (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: mark port state as stale if update failed (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: mark port state as stale after reconfig (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: provide linking on port structures (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move refresh tracking into the port structure (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: update port state in place (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: introduce nfp_port (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: disallow mixing vNICs with and without NSP port entry (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: introduce very minimal nfp_app (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add nfp_net_pf_free_vnic() function (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: rename netdev/port to vNIC (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: make nfp_net alloc/init/cleanup/free not depend on netdevs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add nfp_cppcore_pcie_unit() helper (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: eliminate an if statement in calculation of completed frames (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add a helper for wrapping descriptor index (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: complete the XDP TX ring only when it's full (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add CHECKSUM_COMPLETE support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: version independent support for chained RSS metadata (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: don't assume RSS and IRQ moderation are always enabled (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: support LSO2 capability (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: rename l4_offset in struct nfp_net_tx_desc to lso_hdrlen (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: don't enable TSO on the device when disabled (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: provide 256 bytes of XDP headroom in all configurations (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: don't completely refuse to work with old flashes (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: avoid reading TX queue indexes from the device (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: do simple XDP TX buffer recycling (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: drop rx_ring param from buffer allocation (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: replace -ENOTSUPP with -EOPNOTSUPP (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: remove the refresh of all ports optimization (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: fix free list buffer size reporting (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add NSP routine to get static information (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: parse metadata prepend before XDP runs (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: make use of the DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC attr (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: don't dereference a null nn->eth_port to print a warning (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for .set_link_ksettings() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: NSP backend for link configuration operations (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add extended error messages (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: turn NSP port entry into a union (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: allow multi-stage NSP configuration (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: separate high level and low level NSP headers (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: report port type in ethtool (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: report auto-negotiation in ethtool (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: report link speed from NSP (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add port state refresh (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: track link state changes (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add mutex protection for the port list (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't spawn netdevs for reconfigured ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for .get_link_ksettings() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: disable FW on reconfiguration errors (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove defensive checks around ndo_open()/ndo_close() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: flush xmit_more on error paths (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: remove RX queue pointers (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't use netdev_warn() before netdev is registered (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: fix nfp_cpp_read()/nfp_cpp_write() error paths (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: fix invalid area detection (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: don't ignore return value of wait_event_interruptible (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: correct return codes when msleep gets interrupted (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: lock area cache earlier (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: document expected locking in the core (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move mutex code out of nfp_cppcore.c (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: remove cpp mutex cache (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: fail graciously when someone tries to grab global lock (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: disallow sharing mutexes on the same machine (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for xdp_adjust_head() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: prepare metadata handling for xdp_adjust_head() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: reorganize pkt_off variable (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: validate rx offset from the BAR and size down it's field (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: store dma direction in data path structure (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: switch to using data path structures for reconfiguration (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry xdp_prog at reconfig time (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry mtu at reconfig time (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry fl_bufsz at reconfig time (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: use dp to carry number of stack tx rings and vectors (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: pass new data path to ring reconfig (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: move control BAR pointer into data path structure (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: separate data path information from the reset of adapter structure (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: prevent theoretical buffer overrun in nfp_eth_read_ports (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: add metadata format bit (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: avoid rearming the interrupts when in busy poll (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: store device pointer for the fastpath (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: reorder variables in nfp_net_tx() (John Linville) [1454745 1454760] - [netdrv] nfp: move more ring debug info to debugfs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: implement .ndo_get_phys_port_name() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for reporting CRC32 hash function (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: fix potential use after free on xdp prog (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: correct DMA direction in XDP DMA sync (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: Use PCI_DEVICE_ID_NETRONOME_NFP* defines (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] bpf: add initial bpf tracepoints (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] bpf, xdp: drop rcu_read_lock from bpf_prog_run_xdp and move to caller (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] bpf: drop unnecessary context cast from BPF_PROG_RUN (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for offload of XDP programs (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: remove unnecessary parameters from nfp_net_bpf_offload() (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add XDP support in the driver (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] sched: tc_mirred: Rename public predicates 'is_tcf_mirred_redirect' and 'is_tcf_mirred_mirror' (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: zero extend 4 byte context loads (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: improve handling for disabled BPF syscall (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add offload of TC direct action mode (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add support for legacy redirect action (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add packet marking support (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: allow offloaded filters to update stats (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: bpf: add hardware bpf offload (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: add BPF to NFP code translator (John Linville) [1454760 1454745] - [netdrv] nfp: use centralized net_device min/max MTU checking (John Linville) [1454760 1454745]- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Avoid expensive lookup during route removal (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Track RIF of IPIP next hops (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Move VRF refcounting (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Only handle IPv4 and IPv6 events (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Prevent mirred-related crash on removal (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix EEPROM access in case of SFP/SFP+ (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] uapi/linux/if_tunnel.h: include linux/if.h, linux/ip.h and linux/in6.h (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support GRE tunnels (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add loopback accessors (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Register for IPIP_DECAP_ERROR trap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use existing decap route (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support IPv4 underlay decap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support IPv6 overlay encap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support IPv4 overlay encap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make nexthops typed (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extract mlxsw_sp_rt6_is_gateway() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extract mlxsw_sp_fi_is_gateway() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Introduce loopback RIFs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Support FID-less RIFs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add mlxsw_sp_ipip_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Publish mlxsw_sp_l3proto (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Give mlxsw_reg_ratr_pack a type parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Extract mlxsw_reg_ritr_mac_pack() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Routing Tunnel Decap Properties Register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add mlxsw_reg_ralue_act_ip2me_tun_pack() (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Move enum mlxsw_reg_ratr_trap_id (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RATR to support IP-in-IP tunnels (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RITR to support loopback device (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set abort trap in all virtual routers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Forbid linking to devices that have uppers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Offload goto_chain termination action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Provide helper to lookup ruleset (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Allow to get group_id value for a ruleset (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Offload multichain TC rules (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Fix mrouter flag update (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use correct config option (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for nexthop group consolidation for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Prepare nexthop group's hash table for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use one LPM tree for all virtual routers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Pass argument explicitly (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Return void from deletion functions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: make mlxsw_config_profile const (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Release multicast groups during fini (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't warn about valid situations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't ignore IPv6 notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1452524] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Abort on source-specific routes (Ivan Vecera) [1452524] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for route replace (Ivan Vecera) [1452524] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for IPv6 routes addition / deletion (Ivan Vecera) [1452524] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Sanitize IPv6 FIB rules (Ivan Vecera) [1452524] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Demultiplex FIB event based on family (Ivan Vecera) [1452524] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Refresh offload indication upon group refresh (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't check state when refreshing offload indication (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Provide offload indication using nexthop flags (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Use correct EMAD transaction ID in debug message (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify a piece of code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Clarify a piece of code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify a piece of code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg.h: Namespace IP2ME registers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Update specification of reg_ritr_type (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix a typo (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg.h: Fix a typo (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl: Fix a typo (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix build when IPv6 isn't enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't batch neighbour deletion (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't offload routes next in list (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Update prefix count for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Rename functions to add / delete a FIB entry (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Drop unnecessary parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Mark IPv4 specific function accordingly (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Create IPv4 specific entry struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set abort trap for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allow IPv6 routes to be programmed (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RALUE register with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extend virtual routers with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make FIB node retrieval family agnostic (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't create FIB node during lookup (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't assume neighbour type (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Set activity interval according to both neighbour tables (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Periodically dump active IPv6 neighbours (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RAUHTD register with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Reflect IPv6 neighbours to the device (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Update RAUHT register with IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Configure RIFs based on IPv6 addresses (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Flood unregistered multicast packets to router (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for IPv6 traps (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Enable IPv6 on router interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Enable IPv6 router (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Improve IPv6 unregistered multicast flooding (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for IPv6 MLDv1/2 traps (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Trap IPv4 packets with Router Alert option (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Mark packets trapped in router (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add support for ip tos (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add tos to the ipv4 acl block (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Add ip tos acl element (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add support for ip ttl (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add ttl to the ipv4 acl block (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Add ip ttl acl element (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Check status of memory allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Remove unused variable (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix use-after-free in route replace (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add missing rollback (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix NULL pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for access cable info via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add MCIA register for cable info access (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Pass port argument to module mapping functions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Simplify port split flow (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Mark only first LPM tree as reserved (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove support for bridge bypass FDB add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Add support for learning FDB through notification (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Change switchdev notifier API (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove support for bypass bridge port attributes/vlan set (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Add support for querying supported bridge flags (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove support for bridge FDB learning sync (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] spectrum_flower: Implement gact trap TC action offload (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] acl: Introduce ACL trap action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce ACL trap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Fix size of trap_id field in CQE (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Align RIF index allocation with existing code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix typo inside enumeration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Tidy up header file (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Rename the firmware file (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement the ethtool flash_device callback (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add bridge dependency for spectrum (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: add helper for updating statistics on all actions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement common RIF core (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement common FID core (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Determine VR first when creating RIF (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Flood packets to router after RIF creation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Destroy RIF only based on its struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Configure RIFs based on RIF struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Extend the RIF struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allocate RIF prior to its configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allocate FID prior to RIF configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Replace vPorts with Port-VLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't create FIDs upon creation of VLAN uppers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't lose bridge port device during enslavement (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Replace vPorts with Port-VLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change signature of FID leave function (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce Port-VLAN structure (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set port's mode according to FID mappings (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Adjust RIF configuration for new firmware versions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Validate firmware revision on init (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Create the mlxsw_fw_rev struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add the needed callbacks for mlxfw integration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Component Data Access register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Component Control register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Component Query Information register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Add support for tcp flags (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add acl block containing tcp flags for ipv4 (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Add tcp flags acl element (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Avoid possible NULL pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix sparse warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix rif counter freeing routine (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_dpipe: Fix incorrect entry index (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Default ports to non-virtual mode (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move PVID code to appropriate place (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't batch learning operations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't batch STP operations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Don't batch VLAN operations (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Remove redundant check (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Initialize RIFs in a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Move FIB notification block to router struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Move RIFs array to its rightful place (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Reduce scope of bridge struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Reduce scope of router struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffer: Reduce scope of shared buffer struct (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify VRF enslavement (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add FID miss trap (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allow ports to work under OVS master (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] add netif_is_ovs_port helper (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Teach mlxsw_sp_port_vlan_set to accept any vlan range (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Set dummy FID before forward action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add dummy FID initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement action to set FID (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix indent in mlxsw_sp_netdevice_port_upper_event (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: convert to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add Support for erif table entries access (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add rif helper functions (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Support for counters on router interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Interface Counter Register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add definition for egress rif table (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add placeholder for dpipe (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add counter fields to RITR register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_kvdl: Cosmetic kvdl allocator API change (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Query cell size from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Refactor port buffer configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Query shared buffer size from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Query maximum number of ports from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Query number of LPM trees from firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Remove debugfs interface (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: fix swapped order of arguments packets and bytes (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Cosmetic naming change (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't abort on l3mdev rules (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for VRFs on top of bridges (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for VRFs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't destroy RIF if L3 slave (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Associate RIFs with correct VR (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix SPVMLR max record count (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix SPVM max record count (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for TC flower offload statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for counters on TCAM entries (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for Policing and Counting action block (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add periodic ACL rule activity update (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for direct rule access (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_acl_tcam: Add support for retrieving TCAM entry activity (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for generic flow counter allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring General Purpose Counter Set register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for counter allocator (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make abort mechanism VR-aware (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Explicitly Associate RIFs with VRs (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Refactor virtual router handling (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify LPM tree allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Place RIF related code with router code (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Allow more route types to be programmed (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Destroy RIFs based on last removed address (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Associate PVID vPort with appropriate netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't assume upper device's type (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Sanitize bridge's upper devices (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for flower matches on VLAN ID, PCP (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for vlan modify TC action (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Remove unused bit (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix helper function and port variable names (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change ipv6 unregistered mc table (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Update mc_disabled flag by switchdev attr (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Extend port_orig_get for bridge devices (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add an option to flood mc by mc_router_port (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Separate bc and mc floods (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change max vfid (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make port flood update more generic (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Break flood set func to be per table (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mellanox: switchx2: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: add psample dependency for spectrum (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix HTGT register length (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add packet sample offloading support (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: add the Monitoring Packet Sampling Configuration Register (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: cmd: Fix API name comments for event-queues (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix mlxsw_i2c_write return value (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Adjust placement of FIB abort warning (Ivan Vecera) [1486860] - [netdrv] mlxsw: use net core MTU range checking in more drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1486860]- [x86] mm: Unbreak modules that rely on external PAGE_KERNEL availability (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] efi: Perform a single memremap() of efi memmap (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] efi: Mark any EFI boot services areas as encrypted before freeing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add invalid memory type to memremap_should_map_decrypted() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use FIXMAP_PAGE_NOCACHE in set_fixmap_nocache() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] serial/8250/8250_early: Use set_fixmap_io in serial driver (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] realmode: Fix decryption of trampoline area (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] iommu/amd: Do not disable SWIOTLB if SME is active (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] kvm/x86: Avoid clearing the C-bit in rsvd_bits() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Make the SME mask a u64 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] xen: do not use _PAGE_IOMAP PTE flag for I/O mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] xen: do not use _PAGE_IOMAP in xen_remap_domain_mfn_range() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Fix SME encryption stack ptr handling (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Fix regression with huge pages on PAE (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Enable PAT to use cache mode translation tables (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] acpi, x86/mm: Remove encryption mask from ACPI page protection type (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm, kexec: Fix memory corruption with SME on successive kexecs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support to make use of Secure Memory Encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [kernel] compiler-gcc.h: Introduce __nostackprotector function attribute (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Add early cmdline parsing for options with arguments (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Pass in size to early cmdline parsing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Simplify early command line parsing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Fix early command-line parsing when partial word matches (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Fix early command-line parsing when matching at end (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support to encrypt the kernel in-place (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Use proper encryption attributes with /dev/mem (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Clean up types in xlate_dev_mem_ptr() some more (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Clean up types in xlate_dev_mem_ptr() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] xen/x86: Remove SME feature in PV guests (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm, kexec: Allow kexec to be used with SME (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] kvm/x86/svm: Support Secure Memory Encryption within KVM (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] drm, fbdev: Do not specify encrypted memory for video mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/realmode: Check for memory encryption on the APs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] iommu/amd: Allow the AMD IOMMU to work with memory encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] cpu/amd: Make the microcode level available earlier in the boot (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] swiotlb: Add warnings for use of bounce buffers with SME (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] swiotlb: Add memory encryption support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] arch/x86/kernel/pci-dma.c: fix dma_generic_alloc_coherent() when CONFIG_DMA_CMA is enabled (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] dma-mapping: fix GFP_ATOMIC macro usage (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] realmode: Decrypt trampoline area if memory encryption is active (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support for changing the memory encryption attribute (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support to access persistent memory in the clear (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Use memremap() to map the MPF and MPC data (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support to access boot related data in the clear (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] memremap: add arch specific hook for MEMREMAP_WB mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] memremap: check pfn validity before passing to pfn_to_page() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] memremap: add MEMREMAP_WC flag (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] efi: Update EFI pagetable creation to work with SME (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm/pat: Don't implicitly allow _PAGE_RW in kernel_map_pages_in_pgd() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] efi: Update efi_mem_type() to return an error rather than 0 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] efi: Add an EFI table address match function (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/e820: Add support to determine the E820 type of an address (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Insure that boot memory areas are mapped properly (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support for early encryption/decryption of memory (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Extend early_memremap() support with additional attrs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add SME support for read_cr3_pa() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Provide general kernel support for memory encryption (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in memtype related functions (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in setting page attributes (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in arch/x86/mm/init_64.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in track_pfn_remap() and track_pfn_insert() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in mm/ioremap.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in mm/iomap_32.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] Use new cache mode type in asm/pgtable.h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Simplify p[g4um]d_page() macros (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] asm: Move PUD_PAGE macros to page_types.h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] asm: Add pud/pmd mask interfaces to handle large PAT bit (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] asm: Fix pud/pmd interfaces to handle large PAT bit (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add support to enable SME in early boot processing (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Split read_cr3() into read_cr3_pa() and __read_cr3() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] init: Clear 'init_level4_pgt' earlier (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Micro-optimize reset_early_page_tables() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Remove phys_to_virt() usage in ioremap() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Add Secure Memory Encryption (SME) support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] cpu/amd: Handle SME reduction in physical address size (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] cpu/amd: Add the Secure Memory Encryption CPU feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mpparse, x86/acpi, x86/pci, x86/dmi, sfi: Use memremap() for RAM mappings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm/pat: Set write-protect cache mode for full PAT support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] cpu/amd: Document AMD Secure Memory Encryption (SME) (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] efi: Add NV memory attribute (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/64: Put __startup_64() into .head.text (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/64: Rewrite startup_64() in C (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot: Simplify kernel load address alignment check (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/64: Use 'push' instead of 'call' in start_cpu() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/64: Optimize fixmap page fixup (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] boot/64: Use defines for page size (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] head: Remove useless zeroed word (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Remove flush_tlb() and flush_tlb_current_task() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] mm: Audit and remove any unnecessary uses of module.h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287] - [x86] asm: Make sure verify_cpu() has a good stack (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1361287]- [net] ipv4: fib: Only flush FIB aliases belonging to currently flushed table (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Dump tables during registration to FIB chain (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] Add module reference to FIB notifiers (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Add helpers to hold / drop a reference on rt6_info (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: Regenerate host route according to node pointer upon loopback up (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Unlink replaced routes from their nodes (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Don't assume only nodes hold a reference on routes (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Add offload indication to routes (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib_rules: Dump rules during registration to FIB chain (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Add in-kernel notifications for route add / delete (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib: Add FIB notifiers callbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv6: fib_rules: Check if rule is a default rule (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] fib_rules: Implement notification logic in core (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] rocker: Ignore address families other than IPv4 (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Ignore address families other than IPv4 (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] core: Make the FIB notification chain generic (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv4: fib: Set offload indication according to nexthop flags (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv4: fib_rules: Dump FIB rules when registering FIB notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv4: fib_rules: Add notifier info to FIB rules notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv4: fib_rules: Check if rule is a default rule (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv4: fib: Remove redundant argument (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] ipv4: fib: Move FIB notification code to a separate file (Ivan Vecera) [1500886] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix race between nf_conntrack proc read and hash resize (Matteo Croce) [1487465] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix lookup race during hash resize (Matteo Croce) [1487465] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: move generation seqcnt out of netns_ct (Matteo Croce) [1487465] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix mismatch in big-endian system (lorenzo bianconi) [1451551] - [net] xdp: Build a facade of the driver facing xdp code to ease backports (Neil Horman) [1510502]- [fs] ext4: Don't clear SGID when inheriting ACLs (Lukas Czerner) [1473480] - [fs] ext4: preserve i_mode if __ext4_set_acl() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1473480] - [fs] Avoid invalidation in interrupt context in dio_complete() (Lukas Czerner) [1457517] - [fs] Fix page cache inconsistency when mixing buffered and AIO DIO (Lukas Czerner) [1457517] - [fs] nfs: revert "nfs: Move the flock open mode check into nfs_flock()" (Benjamin Coddington) [1497225] - [fs] xfs: trim writepage mapping to within eof (Brian Foster) [1472081] - [fs] gfs2: Add calls to gfs2_holder_uninit in two error handlers (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505889] - [fs] ext4: fix data corruption for mmap writes (Lukas Czerner) [1461267] - [fs] gfs2: Implement SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA via iomap (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] gfs2: Switch fiemap implementation to use iomap (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] gfs2: Implement iomap for block_map (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] gfs2: Make height info part of metapath (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] gfs2: Clarify gfs2_block_map (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] iomap: Add IOMAP_F_DATA_INLINE flag (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] iomap: Switch from blkno to disk offset (Andreas Grunbacher) [1132508] - [fs] xfs: fix contiguous dquot chunk iteration livelock (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] vfs: in iomap seek_{hole, data}, return -ENXIO for negative offsets (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] xfs: Switch to iomap for SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] xfs: rewrite xfs_dq_get_next_id using xfs_iext_lookup_extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] vfs: Add iomap_seek_hole and iomap_seek_data helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] vfs: Add page_cache_seek_hole_data helper (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] xfs: new inode extent list lookup helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] xfs: provide helper for counting extents from if_bytes (Bill O'Donnell) [1469359] - [fs] xfs: wait on new inodes during quotaoff dquot release (Bill O'Donnell) [1429193] - [fs] xfs: update ag iterator to support wait on new inodes (Bill O'Donnell) [1429193] - [fs] xfs: support ability to wait on new inodes (Bill O'Donnell) [1429193] - [fs] ext4: prevent data corruption with inline data + DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1493850] - [fs] ext4: prevent data corruption with journaling + DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1493850] - [fs] ext4: add ext4_should_use_dax() (Eric Sandeen) [1493850] - [fs] rbd: use GFP_NOIO for parent stat and data requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1510600] - [fs] ceph: unlock dangling spinlock in try_flush_caps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1510600] - [fs] kabi: Adjust O_TMPFILE support to use kABI safe struct inode_operations_wrapper (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] xfs: initialize default acls for ->tmpfile() (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] xfs: add O_TMPFILE support (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] ext[34]: fix double put in tmpfile (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] ext4: fix a BUG when opening a file with O_TMPFILE flag (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] ext4: ->tmpfile() support (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] Fix file mode for O_TMPFILE (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] path_openat(): fix double fput() (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] allow build_open_flags() to return an error (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] Safer ABI for O_TMPFILE (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] Allow do_tmpfile set I_LINKABLE inode state (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] Implement O_TMPFILE (Carlos Maiolino) [1428677] - [fs] fuse: allow server to run in different pid_ns (Miklos Szeredi) [1438767] - [fs] fuse: Add support for pid namespaces (Miklos Szeredi) [1438767] - [fs] cifs: fix oplock break deadlocks (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: Fix some return values in case of error in 'crypt_message' (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: Improve readdir verbosity (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: transport: Use time_after for time comparison (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] smb2: Fix share type handling (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: cifsacl: Use a temporary ops variable to reduce code length (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] Don't delay freeing mids when blocked on slow socket write of request (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: silence lockdep splat in cifs_relock_file() (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: add misssing SFM mapping for doublequote (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: fix CIFS_IOC_GET_MNT_INFO oops (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: fix mapping of SFM_SPACE and SFM_PERIOD (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: fix CIFS_ENUMERATE_SNAPSHOTS oops (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: fix leak in FSCTL_ENUM_SNAPS response handling (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: fix IPv6 link local, with scope id, address parsing (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: small underflow in cnvrtDosUnixTm() (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280] - [fs] cifs: don't check for failure from mempool_alloc() (Leif Sahlberg) [1513280]- [net] rtnetlink: fix missing size for IFLA_IF_NETNSID (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] rtnetlink: use netnsid to query interface (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: reliable interface indentification in port dumps (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] export peernet2id_alloc (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] rtnetlink: advertise the new nsid when the netns iface changes (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] rtnelink: Move link dump consistency check out of the loop (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] rtnetlink: Improve handling of failures on link and route dumps (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Fix an error handling path in 'ovs_nla_init_match_and_action()' (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: fix skb_panic due to the incorrect actions attrlen (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unnecessary newlines from OVS_NLERR uses (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: fix potential out of bound access in parse_ct (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Optimize operations for OvS flow_stats (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Optimize updating for OvS flow_stats (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Fix for force/commit action failures (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: fix mis-ordered comment lines for ovs_skb_cb (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Avoid using stack larger than 1024 (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: warn about missing first netlink attribute (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add eventmask support to CT action (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Typo fix (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Delete conntrack entry clashing with an expectation (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_flow_key_update() (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Fix refcount leak on force commit (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor sample and recirc actions implementation (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Optimize sample action for the clone use cases (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor recirc key allocation (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Deferred fifo API change (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add missing case OVS_TUNNEL_KEY_ATTR_PAD (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Set the ipv6 source tunnel key address attribute correctly (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: actions: fixed a brace coding style warning (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Set event bit after initializing labels (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Set internal device max mtu to ETH_MAX_MTU (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Pack struct sw_flow_key (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add force commit (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add original direction conntrack tuple to sw_flow_key (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Inherit master's labels (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor labels initialization (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify labels length logic (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Unionize ovs_key_ct_label with a u32 array (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Do not trigger events for unconfirmed connections (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify do_execute_actions() (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: upcall: Fix vlan handling (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add a missing break statement (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: allow L3 netdev ports (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: add Ethernet push and pop actions (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: netlink: support L3 packets (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: add processing of L3 packets (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: support MPLS push and pop for L3 packets (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: pass mac_proto to ovs_vport_send (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: add mac_proto field to the flow key (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: use hard_header_len instead of hardcoded ETH_HLEN (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: remove unnecessary EXPORT_SYMBOLs (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: remove unused functions (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: use alias for genetlink family names (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: 802.1ad uapi changes (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Free tmpl with tmpl_free (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: use __u32 from linux/types.h (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Only set mark and labels with a commit flag (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Set mark and labels before confirming (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add packet len info to upcall (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: Add packet truncation support (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] ip_tunnels: define IP_TUNNEL_OPTS_MAX and use it (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] oenvswitch: Change pseudohdr argument of inet_proto_csum_replace* to be a bool (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: remove extraneous include (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] ipv6: orphan skbs in reassembly unit (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove unused netns_ct member (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: avoid excess memory allocation (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: support a fixed size of 128 distinct labels (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netfilter: connlabels: move helpers to xt_connlabel (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: correctly fragment packet with mpls headers (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: use mpls_hdr (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: move mpls_hdr to a common location (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: mpls: set network header correctly on key extract (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] veth: Set features for MPLS (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: Fixups for GSO (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: Allow mpls_gso and mpls_router to be built as modules (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: spelling: s/conceved/conceived/, s/as/a/ (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: Refactor how the mpls module is built (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] Remove MPLS GSO feature (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: Allow mpls_gso to be built as module (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] mpls: Fix mpls_gso handler (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: Make family a signed integer (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: Fix generic netlink family unregister (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: fix counting regression on ctrl_dumpfamily() (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: fix error return code in genl_register_family() (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: use idr to track families (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [kernel] kabi: add RH_KABI_CONST (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: statically initialize families (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] drop_monitor: fix the value of maxattr (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: no longer support using static family IDs (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: introduce and use genl_family_attrbuf() (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] nfnetlink: remove nfnetlink_alloc_skb (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] revert "genl: Add genlmsg_new_unicast() for unicast message allocation" (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] openvswitch: revert: "Enable memory mapped Netlink i/o" (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netlink: remove mmapped netlink support (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: simplify genl_notify (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: synchronize socket closing and family removal (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] genetlink: document parallel_ops (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netlink: call unbind when releasing socket (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netlink: update listeners directly when removing socket (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netlink: rename netlink_unbind() to netlink_undo_bind() (Jiri Benc) [1497774] - [net] netlink: implement unbind to netlink_setsockopt NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP (Jiri Benc) [1497774]- [md] dm bufio: fix integer overflow when limiting maximum cache size (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm: clear all discard attributes in queue_limits when discards are disabled (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm: do not set 'discards_supported' in targets that do not need it (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm: discard support requires all targets in a table support discards (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm mpath: remove annoying message of 'blk_get_request() returned -11' (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm space map metadata: use ARRAY_SIZE (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm: small cleanup in dm_get_md() (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm: fix race between dm_get_from_kobject() and __dm_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache: lift common migration preparation code to alloc_migration() (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache: remove usused deferred_cells member from struct cache (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache policy smq: allocate cache blocks in order (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache policy smq: change max background work from 10240 to 4096 blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache background tracker: limit amount of background work that may be issued at once (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache policy smq: take origin idle status into account when queuing writebacks (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache policy smq: handle races with queuing background_work (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache: pass cache structure to mode functions (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [md] dm cache: fix race condition in the writeback mode overwrite_bio optimisation (Mike Snitzer) [1512095] - [md] dm raid: fix panic when attempting to force a raid to sync (Mike Snitzer) [1512096] - [x86] x86/smpboot: Fix __max_logical_packages estimate (Prarit Bhargava) [1474709] - [x86] x86/topology: Avoid wasting 128k for package id array (Prarit Bhargava) [1474709] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Cache logical pkg id in uncore driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1474709] - [x86] kvm: mmu: always terminate page walks at level 1 (Paolo Bonzini) [1500381] {CVE-2017-12188} - [x86] kvm: nvmx: update last_nonleaf_level when initializing nested EPT (Paolo Bonzini) [1500381] {CVE-2017-12188} - [net] act_tunnel_key: fix NULL pointer dereference in tunnel_key_release() (Davide Caratti) [1511309] - [net] act_tunnel_key: fix wrong pointer dereference in tcf_idr_create() (Davide Caratti) [1511309] - [net] packet: in packet_do_bind, test fanout with bind_lock held (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649} - [net] packet: hold bind lock when rebinding to fanout hook (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649} - [net] packet: Do not call fanout_release from atomic contexts (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649} - [net] packet: fix races in fanout_add() (Hangbin Liu) [1505429] {CVE-2017-15649} - [net] bonding: remove rtmsg_ifinfo called after bond_lower_state_changed (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGELOWERSTATE event process back to rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] bonding: remove rtmsg_ifinfo called in bond_master_upper_dev_link (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: do not set notification for tx_queue_len in do_setlink (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: check DO_SETLINK_NOTIFY correctly in do_setlink (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGEUPPER event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_POST_TYPE_CHANGE event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGE_TX_QUEUE_LEN event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: bring NETDEV_CHANGEMTU event process back in rtnetlink_event (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] revert "rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for CHANGEADDR event" (Stefano Brivio) [1505975] - [net] rtnetlink: use the new rtnl_get_event() interface (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnl: Add support for netdev event to link messages (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for NETDEV_CHANGE_TX_QUEUE_LEN event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for NETDEV_CHANGEUPPER event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for CHANGELOWERSTATE event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for PRECHANGEUPPER event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for POST_TYPE_CHANGE event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for CHANGEADDR event (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notification for UDP_TUNNEL_PUSH_INFO (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Do not generate notifications for MTU events (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [net] rtnetlink: Convert rtnetlink_event to white list (Vlad Yasevich) [1438106] - [crypto] rsa: Disable fips admission of rsa crypto (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] testmgr - add test cases for CRC32 (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] Add missing chunk from addition of zlib tests (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] acomp - update testmgr with support for acomp (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - avoid an uninitialized variable warning (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - comply with crypto_akcipher_maxsize() (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - comply with crypto_kpp_maxsize() (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] testmgr - fix !x==y confusion (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] scomp - add support for deflate rfc1950 (zlib) (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] scomp - allow registration of multiple scomps (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] acomp - allow registration of multiple acomps (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] kpp - constify buffer passed to crypto_kpp_set_secret() (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - increase number of supported devices (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - modify format of dev top level debugfs entries (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - replace hardcoded BIT(0) in vf_isr (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - fix comments describing adf_disable_sriov() (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] qat - fix indentation (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] acomp - add support for deflate via scomp (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] acomp - add driver-side scomp interface (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [crypto] acomp - add asynchronous compression api (Neil Horman) [1475478] - [kernel] audit: Record fanotify access control decisions (Steve Grubb) [1451872]- [fs] vfs: fix softlockup in shrink_dcache_for_umount() (Miklos Szeredi) [1471875] - [fs] cifs: check MaxPathNameComponentLength != 0 before using it (Leif Sahlberg) [1484619] - [fs] cifs: remove endian related sparse warning (Leif Sahlberg) [1484619] - [fs] cifs: return ENAMETOOLONG for overlong names in cifs_open()/cifs_lookup() (Leif Sahlberg) [1484619] - [fs] dlm: Eliminate CF_CONNECT_PENDING flag (Robert S Peterson) [1498538] - [fs] dlm: use sock_create_lite inside tcp_accept_from_sock (Robert S Peterson) [1498538] - [fs] dlm: Fix saving of NULL callbacks (Robert S Peterson) [1498538] - [pci] Detach driver before procfs & sysfs teardown on device remove (Alex Williamson) [1447196] - [hid] wacom: switch Dell canvas into highres mode (Benjamin Tissoires) [1507821] - [x86] module: Detect and skip invalid relocations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1512763] - [x86] kvm: svm: add support for RDTSCP (Eduardo Habkost) [1511805] - [x86] tsc: Force TSC_ADJUST register to value >= zero (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Validate cpumask pointer before accessing it (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Try to adjust TSC if sync test fails (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Prepare warp test for TSC adjustment (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Move sync cleanup to a safe place (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Sync test only for the first cpu in a package (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Verify TSC_ADJUST from idle (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Store and check TSC ADJUST MSR (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [x86] tsc: Detect random warps (Prarit Bhargava) [1497055] - [s390] noexec: execute kexec datamover without DAT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1513893] - [s390] fix transactional execution control register handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1513894] - [nvme] update timeout module parameter type (David Milburn) [1507889] - [virt] kvm: make pid available for uevents without debugfs (Paolo Bonzini) [1469484] - [virt] revert "kvm: introduce guest count uevent" (Paolo Bonzini) [1469484] - [virt] kvm: trigger uevents when creating or destroying a VM (Paolo Bonzini) [1469484] - [netdrv] bonding: fix slave stuck in BOND_LINK_FAIL state (Jarod Wilson) [1500430 1496837 1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: discard lowest hash bit for 802.3ad layer 3+4 (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: speed/duplex update at NETDEV_UP event (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] e1000e: Be drop monitor friendly (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: apply burst mode settings only on default (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix buffer overrun while the I219 is processing DMA transactions (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: Avoid receiver overrun interrupt bursts (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: Separate signaling for link check/link up (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix return value test (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix wrong comment related to link detection (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix error path in link detection (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] e1000e: use setup_timer() helper (David Arcari) [1505547] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Add vnic client data to login buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Set state UP (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix failover error path for non-fatal resets (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Update reset infrastructure to support tunable parameters (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Let users change net device features (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Enable TSO support (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Enable scatter-gather support (Gustavo Duarte) [1508849]- [mm] huge pagecache: mmap_sem is unlocked when truncation splits pmd (Eric Sandeen) [1514874] - [mm] thp: skip file huge pmd on copy_huge_pmd() (Jeff Moyer) [1513722] - [mm] fix memory leak in copy_huge_pmd() (Jeff Moyer) [1513722] - [mm] dax: fix DAX PMD pgoff usage (Jeff Moyer) [1513605] - [kernel] fix device-dax pud write-faults triggered by get_user_pages() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [dax] explicitly set noop_backing_dev_info (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [tools] fix mock pmem_direct_access() implementation (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [x86] Remove paravirt ops pmd_update[_defer] and pte_update_defer (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [dax] switch to srcu, fix rcu_read_lock() vs pte allocation (Larry Woodman) [1471656 1457572 1457561] - [mm] fix cache mode tracking in vm_insert_mixed() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [kernel] fix cache mode of dax pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] update with WRITE_ONCE/READ_ONCE (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [kernel] do not hint for NUMA balancing on VM_MIXEDMAP mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] skip VM_HUGETLB and VM_MIXEDMAP VMA for lazy mbind (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [x86] Honour passed pgprot in track_pfn_insert() and track_pfn_remap() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [dax] revert "rhel: device-dax: only support page-sized faults" (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [x86] fix get_user_pages() vs device-dax pud mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [dax] fix pud fault fallback handling (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [dax] fix pmd/pte fault fallback handling (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] replace FAULT_FLAG_SIZE with parameter to huge_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [dax] Support for transparent PUD pages for device DAX (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] dd support for PUD-sized transparent hugepages (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] change ->pmd_fault to ->huge_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] change pmd_fault() to take only vmf parameter (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] make pmd_fault() and friends be the same as fault() (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] join struct fault_env and vm_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561] - [mm] do not pass mm_struct into handle_mm_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1457561]- [security] keys: trusted: fix writing past end of buffer in trusted_read() (David Howells) [1509152 1503242] - [security] keys: return full count in keyring_read() if buffer is too small (David Howells) [1509152 1503242] - [lib] assoc_array: Fix a buggy node-splitting case (David Howells) [1503242 1501286] {CVE-2017-1219} - [security] keys: load key flags and expiry time atomically in proc_keys_show() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: Load key expiry time atomically in keyring_search_iterator() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: load key flags and expiry time atomically in key_validate() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: don't let add_key() update an uninstantiated key (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: Fix race between updating and finding a negative key (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: encrypted: fix dereference of NULL user_key_payload (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: big_key: Use key preparsing (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: properly zero out sensitive key material in big_key (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: use kmemdup() in request_key_auth_new() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: reset parent each time before searching key_user_tree (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: prevent KEYCTL_READ on negative key (David Howells) [1503242 1498371] - [security] keys: prevent creating a different user's keyrings (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: fix writing past end of user-supplied buffer in keyring_read() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: fix key refcount leak in keyctl_read_key() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: fix key refcount leak in keyctl_assume_authority() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: don't revoke uninstantiated key in request_key_auth_new() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: fix cred refcount leak in request_key_auth_new() (David Howells) [1503242] - [lib] oid_registry.c: x.509: fix the buffer overflow in the utility function for OID string (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] crypto : asymmetric_keys : verify_pefile:zero memory content before freeing (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: sanitize key structs before freeing (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: trusted: sanitize all key material (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: encrypted: sanitize all key material (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: user_defined: sanitize key payloads (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: sanitize add_key() and keyctl() key payloads (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: fix freeing uninitialized memory in key_update() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: encrypted: use constant-time HMAC comparison (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] hash - Add helpers to zero stack request/descriptor (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: encrypted: fix race causing incorrect HMAC calculations (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: Fix stale key registration at error path (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: encrypted: fix buffer overread in valid_master_desc() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: put keyring if install_session_keyring_to_cred() fails (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in get_derived_key() (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] use READ_ONCE instead of deprecated ACCESS_ONCE (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: add CONFIG_KEYS_COMPAT to Kconfig (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] pkcs#7: pkcs7_validate_trust(): initialize the _trusted output argument (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] x.509: Handle midnight alternative notation in GeneralizedTime (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] x.509: Support leap seconds (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] x.509: Fix leap year handling again (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] x.509: Fix the time validation [ver #2] (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] pkcs#7: Improve and export the X.509 ASN.1 time object decoder (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] asymmetric_keys - Fix unaligned access in x509_get_sig_params() (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] pkcs7 - Fix unaligned access in pkcs7_verify() (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] pkcs#7: Handle PKCS#7 messages that contain no X.509 certs (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] pkcs#7: Better handling of unsupported crypto (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] keys: Set pr_fmt() in asymmetric key signature handling (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] keys: Fix public_key asymmetric key subtype name (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] rsa: Don't select non-existent symbol (David Howells) [1503242] - [crypto] keys: The RSA public key algorithm needs to select MPILIB (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] ima: provide support for arbitrary hash algorithms (David Howells) [1503242] - [security] keys: fix dereferencing NULL payload with nonzero length (David Howells) [1464851] - [security] keys: Fix handling of stored error in a negatively instantiated user key (David Howells) [1466457 1411622] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472} - [security] keys: fix keyctl_set_reqkey_keyring() to not leak thread keyrings (David Howells) [1466457 1450158] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472} - [security] keys: Differentiate uses of rcu_dereference_key() and user_key_payload() (David Howells) [1466457] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472} - [security] keys: Use memzero_explicit() for secret data (David Howells) [1466457] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472} - [security] keys: Fix an error code in request_master_key() (David Howells) [1466457] {CVE-2015-8539 CVE-2017-7472}- [fs] writeback: fix a subtle race condition in I_DIRTY clearing (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] ext4: fix data corruption with EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_ZERO (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] dax: fix deadlock due to misaligned PMD faults (Eric Sandeen) [1492040] - [fs] fs/dax.c: fix inefficiency in dax_writeback_mapping_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] dax: fix race between colliding PMD & PTE entries (Eric Sandeen) [1492052] - [fs] dax: fix PMD data corruption when fault races with write (Eric Sandeen) [1492051] - [fs] dax: fix data corruption when fault races with write (Eric Sandeen) [1492051] - [fs] ext4: return to starting transaction in ext4_dax_huge_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1492051] - [fs] mm: fix data corruption due to stale mmap reads (Eric Sandeen) [1492051] - [fs] Revert "block: use DAX for partition table reads" (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] dax: prevent invalidation of mapped DAX entries (Eric Sandeen) [1492051] - [fs] dax: fix radix tree insertion race (Eric Sandeen) [1473838] - [fs] mm,fs,dax: mark dax_iomap_pmd_fault as const (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] iomap: constify struct iomap_ops (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] dax: fix build warnings with FS_DAX and !FS_IOMAP (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [fs] ext4: Add select for CONFIG_FS_IOMAP (Eric Sandeen) [1492058] - [mm] dax: wrprotect pmd_t in dax_mapping_entry_mkclean (Larry Woodman) [1457572] - [mm] add follow_pte_pmd() (Larry Woodman) [1457572] - [mm] x86/include/asm/pgtable.h: add pmd_[dirty|mkclean] for THP (Larry Woodman) [1457572] - [mm] mincore: add support for DAX huge page mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572] - [mm] ext2/4, xfs: call thp_get_unmapped_area() for pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572] - [mm] thp, dax: add thp_get_unmapped_area for pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572] - [mm] dax: re-enable dax pmd mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493] - [mm] allow GFP_{FS, IO} for page_cache_read page cache allocation (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493] - [mm] fix compilation issues is DAX PMD code (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493] - [mm] mm, x86: get_user_pages() for dax mappings (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493] - [mm] mm, dax: dax-pmd vs thp-pmd vs hugetlbfs-pmd (Larry Woodman) [1457572 1383493] - [mm] dax: add tracepoint to dax_insert_mapping() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoint to dax_writeback_one() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_writeback_mapping_range() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_load_hole() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_pfn_mkwrite() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_iomap_pte_fault() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] ext4: Simplify DAX fault path (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: Call ->iomap_begin without entry lock during dax fault (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: Finish fault completely when loading holes (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: Avoid page invalidation races and unnecessary radix tree traversals (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] Invalidate DAX radix tree entries only if appropriate (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_pmd_insert_mapping() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoints to dax_pmd_load_hole() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: update MAINTAINERS entries for FS DAX (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: add tracepoint infrastructure, PMD tracing (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] tracing: add __print_flags_u64() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: clear dirty entry tags on cache flush (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: protect PTE modification on WP fault by radix tree entry lock (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] dax: make cache flushing protected by entry lock (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] export follow_pte() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] change return values of finish_mkwrite_fault() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] provide helper for finishing mkwrite faults (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] pass vm_fault structure into do_page_mkwrite() (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] move handling of COW faults into DAX code (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] allow full handling of COW faults in ->fault handlers (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] factor out functionality to finish page faults (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572] - [mm] extend struct vm_fault (Larry Woodman) [1457569 1383493 1457572]- [tools] revert "tools/power turbostat: stop migrating, unless '-m'" (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: update version number (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: decode MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE only on Intel (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: stop migrating, unless '-m' (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: if --debug, print sampling overhead (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: hide SKL counters, when not requested (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: update version number (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: fix impossibly large CPUc1 value (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: turbostat.8 add missing column definitions (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: update HWP dump to decimal from hex (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: enable package THERM_INTERRUPT dump (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: show missing Core and GFX power on SKL and KBL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: bugfix: GFXMHz column not changing (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: version 17.02.24 (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: bugfix: --add u32 was printed as u64 (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: show error on exec (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: dump p-state software config (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: show package number, even without --debug (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: support "--hide C1" etc (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: move --Package and --processor into the --cpu option (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: turbostat.8 update (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: update --list feature (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: use wide columns to display large numbers (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: Add --list option to show available header names (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: fix zero IRQ count shown in one-shot command mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: add --cpu parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: print sysfs C-state stats (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: extend --add option to accept /sys path (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: skip unused counters on BDX (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: fix decoding for GLM, DNV, SKX turbo-ratio limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: skip unused counters on SKX (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] turbostat: Move functions to correct location (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: use tsc_tweak everwhere it is needed (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: Baytrail c-state support (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: print system config, unless --quiet (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: decode MSR_MISC_FEATURE_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: decode CPUID(6).TURBO (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [x86] x86 msr_index.h: Define MSR_MISC_FEATURE_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: dump Atom P-states correctly (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [x86] x86 msr-index.h: Define Atom specific core ratio MSR locations (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: add precision to --debug frequency output (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: use new name for MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [x86] msr-index.h: Define MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: update MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL decoding (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: decode Baytrail CC6 and MC6 demotion configuration (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: BYT does not have MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [powercap] x86/cpu: Rename Merrifield2 to Moorefield (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: Display HWP OOB status (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290] - [tools] power turbostat: Replace MSR_NHM_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT (Prarit Bhargava) [1514290]- [infiniband] rdma/nldev: Enforce device index check for port callback (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: OOPs in rdma_nl_rcv_msg() from misinterpreted flag (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Parse vlan priority as sl (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Parse VLAN ID correctly and ignore the value of zero (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix label order in error path handling (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] rdma/iwpm: Properly mark end of NL messages (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Unsuccessful PCIe caps tuning should not fail driver load (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: On error, fix use after free during user context setup (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return correct value in general interrupt handler (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check eeprom config partition validity (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Only reset QSFP after link up and turn off AOC TX (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Turn off AOC TX after offline substates (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix NULL deference on mlx5_ib_update_xlt failure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Simplify mlx5_ib_cont_pages (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix inconsistency with free_netdev and free_rdma_netdev (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix sysfs Pkey create<->remove possible deadlock (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] ib: Correct MR length field to be 64-bit (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix qp_sec use after free access (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix typo in the name of the tag-matching cap struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Fix reporting correct opcodes for completion (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: fix debugfs cleanup (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: fix incorrect fall-through on switch statement (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Suppress the retry related completion errors (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix for core panic (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: remove unnecessary call to memset (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: fix sprintf format warning (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: clean up message validity array initializer (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdam/netlink: Fix out-of-bound access while checking message validity (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Use xprt_pin_rqst in rpcrdma_reply_handler (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] sunrpc: fix a list corruption issue in xprt_release() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] sunrpc: Add a separate spinlock to protect the RPC request receive list (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] sunrpc: Don't hold the transport lock across socket copy operations (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] sunrpc: Fix up socket autodisconnect (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] svcrdma: Estimate Send Queue depth properly (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma core: Add rdma_rw_mr_payload() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] svcrdma: Limit RQ depth (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] svcrdma: Populate tail iovec when receiving (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use ARRAY_SIZE macro (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: fix incorrect size allocation for dev->caps.spec_qps (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: fix memory leaks on error exit path (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/core: Expose ioctl interface through experimental Kconfig (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Assign root to all drivers (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add completion queue (cq) object actions (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add legacy driver's user-data (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Export ioctl enum types to user-space (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Explicitly destroy an object while keeping uobject (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add macros for declaring methods and attributes (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add uverbs merge trees functionality (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add DEVICE object and root tree structure (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Declare an object instead of declaring only type attributes (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add new ioctl interface (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Fix a signedness (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Report network header type in WC (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add might_sleep() annotation to ib_init_ah_from_wc() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix sleeping in atomic when RoCE is used (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: fix spelling mistake: "calescing" -> "coalescing" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support to finalize objects in one transaction (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add a generic way to execute an operation on a uobject (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add user mac FW update support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix misplaced brackets of sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Make explicit conversion to 64bit value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Dynamically allocate structs at mlx4_slave_cap (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] documentation: Hardware tag matching (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support IB_SRQT_TM (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add XRQ support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fill XRQ capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Expose XRQ capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Add new SRQ type IB_SRQT_TM (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Add XRQ creation parameter to UAPI (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add new SRQ type IB_SRQT_TM (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Separate CQ handle in SRQ context (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add XRQ capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update HW layout definitions (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Handle NETDEV_CHANGE events (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Avoid ICRC errors by copying into the skb first (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Another fix for broken receive queue draining (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove unneeded initialization in prepare6() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix up rxe_qp_cleanup() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add dst_clone() in prepare_ipv6_hdr() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix destination cache for IPv6 (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix up the responder's find_resources() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove dangling prototype (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Disable completion upcalls when a CQ is destroyed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Move refcounting earlier in rxe_send() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Handle dereg of inuse MRs properly (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Convert qp_stats debugfs interface to use new iterator API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Convert qp_stats debugfs interface to use new iterator API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Convert hfi1_error_port_qps() to use new QP iterator (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add QP iterator API for QPs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use accessor to determine ring size (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Stricter bounds checking for copy to buffer (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hif1: Remove static tracing from SDMA hot path (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Acquire QSFP cable information on loopback (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: constify vm_operations_struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: check for allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add opcode states to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add received request info to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix whitespace alignment issue for MAD (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move structure and MACRO definitions in user_sdma.c to user_sdma.h (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move structure definitions from user_exp_rcv.c to user_exp_rcv.h (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove duplicate definitions of num_user_pages() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix the bail out code in pin_vector_pages() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up pin_vector_pages() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up user_sdma_send_pkts() function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up hfi1_user_exp_rcv_setup function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Improve local kmem_cache_alloc performance (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ratelimit prints from sdma_interrupt (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Stricter bounds checking for copy and array access (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove unnecessary memory allocation for boardname (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/{qib, hfi1}: Avoid flow control testing for RDMA write operation (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Use rvt_put_swqe() in rvt_clear_mr_ref() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Report mlx5 enhanced multi packet WQE capability (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Allow posting multi packet send WQEs if hardware supports (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for multi underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix integer overflow when page_shift == 31 (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix memory leak in clean_mr error path (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Decouple MR allocation and population flows (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable UMR for MRs created with reg_create (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose software parsing for Raw Ethernet QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1462433] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: fix spelling mistake: "invlaid" -> "invalid" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [infiniband] ib: Avoid ib_modify_port() failure for RoCE devices (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Update device query parameters and port caps (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Add RoCEv2 support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Enable ioctl for to IPoIB rdma netdevs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Remove zeroed parameter from port query callback (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Properly annotate link layer variable (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1456694] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx5: Limit scope of get vector affinity local function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Make rxe_counter_name static (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Sync between remove_one to sysfs calls that use rtnl_lock (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Check that reserved fields in mlx4_ib_create_qp_rss are zero (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove redundant attribute in mlx4_ib_create_qp_rss struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix struct mlx4_ib_create_wq alignment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix RSS QP type in creation verb (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add necessary delay drop assignment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix some spelling mistakes (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix some spelling mistakes (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/mthca: Make explicit conversion to 64bit value (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/usnic: Fix remove address space warning (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Remove gfp_mask argument from acquire_group call (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Refactor get link layer wrapper (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Delete BUG() from unreachable flow (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] core: Cleanup device capability enum (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] (core, ulp): Convert register/unregister event handler to be void (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Fix create qp command alignment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Don't use uninitialized variable (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Introduce and use helper functions to copy ah attributes (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix erroneous validation of supported default GID type (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: make mlx4_profile const (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] Autoload netlink client modules (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma: Allow demand loading of NETLINK_RDMA (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma: Fix return value check for ib_get_eth_speed() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Re-arrange struct rx_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] ib/pvrdma: Remove unused function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add kernel receive context info to debugfs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove HFI1_VERBS_31BIT_PSN option (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove pstate from hfi1_pportdata (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Stricter bounds checking of MAD trap index (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Load fallback platform configuration per HFI device (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add flag for platform config scratch register read (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Document phys port state bits not used in IB (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check xchg returned value for queuing link down entry (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: fix spelling mistake: "Maximim" -> "Maximum" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Enable RDMA_CAP_OPA_AH in hfi driver to support extended LIDs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Enhance PIO/SDMA send for 16B (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add 16B RC/UC support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, hfi1, qib: Enhance rdmavt and hfi1 to use 32 bit lids (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add 16B trace support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add 16B UD support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Determine 9B/16B L2 header type based on Address handle (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support to process 16B header errors (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support to send 16B bypass packets (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support to receive 16B bypass packets (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, hfi1, qib: Modify check_ah() to account for extended LIDs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hf1: User context locking is inconsistent (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Protect context array set/clear with spinlock (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use host_link_state to read state when DC is shut down (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove lstate from hfi1_pportdata (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove pmtu from the QP structure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Revert egress pkey check enforcement (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix input len in multiple user verbs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Replace PCI pool old API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4: Replace PCI pool old API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Replace PCI pool old API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] Add OPA extended LID support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: add const to bin_attribute structures (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: add const to bin_attribute structures (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799] - [infiniband] infiniband: avoid overflow warning (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove unneeded check (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Convert pr_info to pr_warn (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1454965] - [infiniband] pvrdma: constify pci_device_id (Don Dutile) [1499364 1454965] - [infiniband] nes: constify pci_device_id (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] mthca: constify pci_device_id (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: fix spelling mistake in variable name continious (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: fix spelling mistake: "failng" -> "failing" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799] - [infiniband] iwcm: Don't allocate iwcm workqueue with WQ_MEM_RECLAIM (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] cm: Don't allocate ib_cm workqueue with WQ_MEM_RECLAIM (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/core: make ib_device.add method optional (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix spelling mistake: "availible" -> "available" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4: sizeof style usage (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove imul instructions from chunk list encoders (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove imul instructions from rpcrdma_convert_iovs() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [netdrv] Change Kconfig description (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [netdrv] Allow Mellanox switch devices to be configured if only I2C bus is set (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up rpcrdma_bc_marshal_reply() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Harden chunk list encoding against send buffer overflow (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Set up an xdr_stream in rpcrdma_marshal_req() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpclen from rpcrdma_marshal_req (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up rpcrdma_marshal_req() synopsis (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export node_type (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Provide port state and physical link state (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export LID mask control (LMC) (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netink: Export lids and sm_lids (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Advertise IB subnet prefix (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export node_guid and sys_image_guid (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Export FW version (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] Simplify get firmware interface (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Expose device and port capability masks (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Implement nldev port doit callback (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add nldev port dumpit implementation (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add nldev device doit implementation (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Implement nldev device dumpit calback (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add nldev initialization flows (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Add netlink device definitions to UAPI (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Update copyright (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Convert LS to doit callback (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Reduce indirection access to cb_table (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Add and implement doit netlink callback (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] core: Add and expose static device index (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Add iterator over ib_devices (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Rename netlink callback struct (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Simplify and rename ibnl_chk_listeners (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Rename and remove redundant parameter from ibnl_multicast (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Rename and remove redundant parameter from ibnl_unicast* (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Simplify the put_msg and put_attr (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Add flag to consolidate common handling (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/iwcm: Remove extra EXPORT_SYMBOLS (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/iwcm: Remove useless check of netlink client validity (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Avoid double pass for RDMA netlink messages (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Remove redundant owner option for netlink callbacks (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] netlink: Remove netlink clients infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] core: Add wait/retry version of ibnl_unicast (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] mlx5: support ->get_vector_affinity (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] core: expose affinity mappings per completion vector (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: move affinity hints assignments to generic code (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [kernel] pci: add an API to get node from vector (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5e: don't assume anything on the irq affinity mappings of the device (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: convert to generic pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Set appropriate slid and dlid when handling CM request (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Create appropriate path records when handling CM request (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Add OPA Path record support to CM (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Change wc.slid from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Change port_attr.sm_lid from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Change port_attr.lid size from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Change slid in RMPP recv from 16 to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Increase local_lid to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Increase lid and sm_lid to 32 bits (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Convert ah_attr from OPA to IB when copying to user (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up XDR decoding in rpcrdma_update_granted_credits() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_rep::rr_len (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove opcode check in Receive completion handler (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Replace rpcrdma_count_chunks() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] sunrpc: Add generic helpers for xdr_stream encode/decode (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_reply_handler() (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Harden backchannel call decoding (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [net] xprtrdma: Add xdr_init_decode to rpcrdma_reply_handler() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Always perform offline transition (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent link down request double queuing (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Create workqueue for link events (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/{rdmavt, hfi1, qib}: Fix panic with post receive and SGE compression (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Disambiguate corruption and uninitialized error cases (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Only set fd pointer when base context is completely initialized (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not enable disabled port on cable insert (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Harden state transition to Armed and Active (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Split copy_to_user data copy for better security (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Verify port data VLs credits on transition to Armed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move saving PCI values to a separate function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix initialization failure for debug firmware (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix code consistency for if/else blocks in chip.c (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Send MAD traps until repressed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Pass the context pointer rather than the index (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use context pointer rather than context index (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Size rcd array index correctly and consistently (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused user context data members (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Assign context does not clean up file descriptor correctly on error (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Serve the most starved iowait entry first (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix bar0 mapping to use write combining (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check return values from PCI config API calls (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix default RoCE type setting (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: notify user application of supported WIDs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: notify user application if DPM is supported (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: enhanced per queue max coalesce value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Read per queue coalesce from hardware (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for vf coalesce configuration (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Add ethtool support for Energy efficient ethernet (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for Energy efficient ethernet (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qed/qede: Add setter APIs support for RX flow classification (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Add getter APIs support for RX flow classification (Don Dutile) [1499364 1462433 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove unnecessary error check (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove unnecessary returned value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add receiving queue info to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Expose RSS capabilities (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for RSS QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for WQ indirection table related verbs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for WQ related verbs (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] (ib, net)/mlx4: Add resource utilization support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add inline-receive support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456692 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose extended error counters (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix cached MR allocation flow (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Report RX checksum capabilities for IPoIB (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Report enhanced capabilities for IPoIB (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add multicast flow steering support for underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for QP with a given source QPN (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Enable QP creation with a given source QP number (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Enable QP creation with a given source QP number (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for RoCEv2 multicast (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Set RoCEv2 MGID according to spec (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix the validations of a multicast LID in attach or detach operations (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add delay drop configuration and statistics (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support to dropless RQ (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce general notification event (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce set delay drop command (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce delay drop for a WQ (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Restore IB guid/policy for virtual functions (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add debug control parameters for congestion control (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Change logic for dispatching IB events for port state (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add raw ethernet local loopback support (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add raw ethernet local loopback firmware command (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456694] - [infiniband] rdma: Remove useless MODULE_VERSION (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add generic function to extract IB speed from netdev (Don Dutile) [1499364] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Implement get_netdev hook (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: remove duplicate code (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Set default gid type to RoCEv2 (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Constify static rxe_vm_ops (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use __func__ to print function's name (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use DEVICE_ATTR_RO macro to show parent field (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Prefer 'unsigned int' to bare use of 'unsigned' (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use "foo *bar" instead of "foo * bar" (Don Dutile) [1499364 1456704 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Handle missing magic values in config file (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Resolve kernel panics by reference counting receive contexts (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Initialize TID lists to avoid crash on cleanup (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789 1451799] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Replace deprecated pci functions with new API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add traces for TID operations (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use a template for tid reg/unreg (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove reading platform configuration from EFI variable (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Create common expected receive verbs/PSM code (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Set proper logging levels on QSFP cable error events (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix DC 8051 host info flag array (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib: Do not send QKey trap for UD qps (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Modify handling of physical link state by Host Driver (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/core: Allow QP state transition from reset to error (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add error checking for buffer overrun in OPA aggregate (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove subtraction of uninitialized value (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use QPN mask to avoid overflow (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix spelling mistake in linkdown reason (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Remove duplicated functions (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix up sdma_init function comment (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reclassify type of messages printed for platform config logic (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove atomic SDMA_REQ_HAS_ERROR bit operation (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove atomic SDMA_REQ_SEND_DONE bit operation (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452831 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/core, rdmavt, hfi1, opa-vnic: Send OPA cap_mask3 in trap (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452831 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Replace deprecated pci functions with new API (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Name function prototype parameters for affinity module (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Optimize cachelines for user SDMA request structure (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Don't remove RB entry when not needed (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Compress adjacent SGEs in rvt_lkey_ok() (Don Dutile) [1499364 1451799 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Setup common IB fields in hfi1_packet struct (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Separate input/output header tracing (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add functions to parse BTH/IB headers (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused mk_qpn function (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unnecessary initialization from tx request (Don Dutile) [1499364 1452789] - [net] sunrpc: Allow xprt->ops->timer method to sleep (Don Dutile) [1499364]- [x86] mce/amd: Always give panic severity for UC errors in kernel context (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1493197] - [x86] acpi/cstate: Allow ACPI C1 FFH MWAIT use on AMD systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508650] - [x86] kvm: x86: don't print warning messages for unimplemented msrs (Bandan Das) [1297021] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix erp_action use-before-initialize in REC action trace (Hendrik Brueckner) [1503935] - [scsi] sd: Do not override max_sectors_kb sysfs setting (Ewan Milne) [1507941] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix hard lock up NMI in els timeout handling (Dick Kennedy) [1503933] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix a precedence bug in lpfc_nvme_io_cmd_wqe_cmpl() (Dick Kennedy) [1513061] - [nvme] fixup wwid_show() check for null_uuid (David Milburn) [1513142] - [nvme] lpfc: tie in to new dev_loss_tmo interface in nvme transport (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: decouple ns references from lldd references (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: fix localport resume using stale values (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvmet: fix fatal_err_work deadlock (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: add dev_loss_tmo timeout and remoteport resume support (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] allow controller RESETTING to RECONNECTING transition (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: check connectivity before initiating reconnects (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: add a dev_loss_tmo field to the remoteport (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: change ctlr state assignments during reset/reconnect (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: merge __nvme_fc_schedule_delete_work into __nvme_fc_del_ctrl (David Milburn) [1508583] - [nvme] nvme-fc: avoid workqueue flush stalls (David Milburn) [1508583] - [iommu] amd: Free already flushed ring-buffer entries before full-check (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Remove amd_iommu_disabled check from amd_iommu_detect() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Free IOMMU resources when disabled on command line (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Set global pointers to NULL after freeing them (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Check for error states first in iommu_go_to_state() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Add new init-state IOMMU_CMDLINE_DISABLED (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Rename free_on_init_error() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Suppress IO_PAGE_FAULTs in kdump kernel (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Remove queue_release() function (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Add per-domain timer to flush per-cpu queues (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Add flush counters to struct dma_ops_domain (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Add locking to per-domain flush-queue (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Make use of the per-domain flush queue (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Add per-domain flush-queue data structures (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Rip out old queue flushing code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Reduce delay waiting for command buffer space (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [iommu] amd: Reduce amount of MMIO when submitting commands (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1508644] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove redundant zero check on retries counter (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: add const to bin_attribute structure (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: remove unnecessary static in qlcnic_dump_fw() (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix tunnel offload for 82xx adapters (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug in qlcnic_82xx_hw_write_wx_2M and qlcnic_82xx_hw_read_wx_2M (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.66 (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix link configuration with autoneg disabled (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix unchecked return value (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlogic: qlcnic_sysfs: constify bin_attribute structures (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlogic: qlcnic: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix a memory leak in error handling path (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Harish Patil) [1479140] - [netdrv] qlogic: use core min/max MTU checking (Harish Patil) [1479140]- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: update to new mmu_notifier semantic (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/umem: update to new mmu_notifier semantic (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Always return success for RoCE modify port (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix Raw Packet QP event handler assignment (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid accessing non-allocated memory when inferring port type (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enable 4K UAR if SRIOV module parameter is not enabled (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix NULL pointer dereference during device removal (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/core: Protect sysfs entry on ib_unregister_device (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Report CQ missed events (Don Dutile) [1499363 1454965] - [netdrv] qed: Fix a memory allocation failure test in 'qed_mcp_cmd_init()' (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] rdma/mlx5: Fix existence check for extended address vector (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix device cleanup (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Prevent leak of reserved field (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix race condition in resolving IP to MAC (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fixes missing capability bit in flags2 capability dump (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix namespace misalignment in QinQ VST support commit (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix sl_to_vl_change bit offset in flags2 dump (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix wrong indication of Wake-on-LAN (WoL) support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Notify on modify QP failure only when relevant (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove double pointer assigning (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Clean error paths in add port (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add get statistics support to SRIOV VF (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add multicast packets statistics (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Set IPOIB_NEIGH_TBL_FLUSH after flushed completion initialization (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Prevent setting negative values to max_nonsrq_conn_qp (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Make sure no in-flight joins while leaving that mcast (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use cancel_delayed_work_sync when needed (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix race between light events and interface restart (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Initialize port_num in qp_attr (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Fix the check for port number (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix reference count leak when no ipv4 addresses are set (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/iser: don't send an rkey if all data is written as immadiate-data (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rxe: fix broken receive queue draining (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Prevent memory overrun in verbs' user responses (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix CM REQ retries in paravirt mode (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Setting of QP timeout can overflow jiffies computation (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix a warning message (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix error codes in ocrdma_create_srq() (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix an error code in ocrdma_alloc_pd() (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix error code in ipoib_add_port() (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Set dma_mask and coherent_dma_mask (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix kernel panic from skb destructor (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456704] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Let lower driver handle get_stats64 call (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add ordered workqueue for RoCE GID management (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Clean mr_cache debugfs in case of failure (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/core: Remove NOIO QP create flag (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] {net, ib}/mlx4: Remove gfp flags argument (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/{rdmavt, qib, hfi1}: Remove gfp flags argument (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Convert IPoIB to memalloc_noio_* calls (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Forward MTU change to driver below (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456699] - [infiniband] ib: Convert msleep below 20ms to usleep_range (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Make use of ib_modify_qp variant to avoid resolving DMAC (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce modify QP operation with udata (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/core: Don't resolve IP address to the loopback device (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/core: Namespace is mandatory input for address resolution (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix connection teardown race condition (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Document confusing code (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] mlx5: Avoid that mlx5_ib_sg_to_klms() overflows the klms[] array (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ensure dd->gi_mask can not be overflowed (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452789] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove unnecessary returned value check (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix documenting comments in frwr_ops.c (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Replace PAGE_MASK with offset_in_page() (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: FMR does not need list_del_init() (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Demote "connect" log messages (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Don't defer MR recovery if ro_map fails (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix FRWR invalidation error recovery (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix client lock-up after application signal fires (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Rename rpcrdma_req::rl_free (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Pass only the list of registered MRs to ro_unmap_sync (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: Pre-mark remotely invalidated MRs (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] xprtrdma: On invalidation failure, remove MWs from rl_registered (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: fix an incorrect check on -E2BIG and -EINVAL (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: do not copy extra stack memory to skb (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_chunk_ctxt::cc_dir field (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: use offset_in_page() macro (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up after converting svc_rdma_recvfrom to rdma_rw API (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Clean-up svc_rdma_unmap_dma (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Remove frmr cache (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Remove unused Read completion handlers (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Properly compute .len and .buflen for received RPC Calls (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Use generic RDMA R/W API in RPC Call path (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up svc_rdma_build_read_chunk() (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Add recvfrom helpers to svc_rdma_rw.c (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] qed: Fix printk option passed when printing ipv6 addresses (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Handle lack of memory management extentions correctly (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] iser-target: Avoid isert_conn->cm_id dereference in isert_login_recv_done (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Make a debug statement in srpt_abort_cmd() more informative (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] ib/core, opa_vnic, hfi1, mlx5: Properly free rdma_netdev (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Check port number supplied by user verbs cmds (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: make mlx4_log_num_mgm_entry_size static (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] qed: Add iWARP support for physical queue allocation (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: Add iWARP protocol support in context allocation (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add error handling (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: iWARP implement disconnect flows (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add active side connect (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add passive side connect (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: initialize ll2_syn_handle at start of function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM add listener functions and initial SYN processing (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: iWARP CM - setup a ll2 connection for handling SYN packets (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: Add iWARP support in ll2 connections (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: Rename some ll2 related defines (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: Implement iWARP initialization, teardown and qp operations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] qed: Introduce iWARP personality (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462435] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Do not allocate redundant TX queues when TC is disabled (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add dynamic variable to hold the number of user priorities (UP) (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [infiniband] ib/opa_vnic: Use spinlock instead of mutex for stats_lock (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452831] - [infiniband] ib/opa_vnic: Use GFP_ATOMIC while sending trap (Don Dutile) [1499363 1452831] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix spelling mistake: "enforcment" -> "enforcement" (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [net] svcrdma: Don't account for Receive queue "starvation" (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Improve Reply chunk sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Improve Write chunk sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Improve Read chunk sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_marshal.c (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Avoid Send Queue overflow (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [net] svcrdma: Squelch disconnection messages (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPSec, Innova IPSec offload infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix spelling mistake: "coalesing" -> "coalescing" (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Support the flash device ethtool callback (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support the flash device ethtool callback (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add mlxfw callbacks (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add helper functions to set/query MCC/MCDA/MCQI registers (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlx5: Enhance MCAM reg to allow query on access reg support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add MCC (Management Component Control) register definitions (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] qed*: Rename qed_roce_if.h to qed_rdma_if.h (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Split rdma content between qed_rdma and qed_roce (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Duplicate qed_roce.[ch] to qed_rdma.[ch] (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Cleanup qed_roce before duplicating it (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Fix compilation without QED_RDMA (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: SPQ async callback registration (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Wait for resources before FUNC_CLOSE (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed*: Set rdma generic functions prefix (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed*: qede_roce.[ch] -> qede_rdma.[ch] (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Disable RoCE dpm when DCBx change occurs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: RoCE EDPM to honor PFC (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Chain support for external PBL (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add ioctl support to IPoIB device driver (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PTP support to IPoIB device driver (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Get more TX statistics (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Handle change_mtu (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use hard_mtu as part of the mlx5e_priv struct (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Change parameters default values (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add new profile function update_carrier (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add ethtool support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Prevent PFC call for non ethernet ports (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Move to a separate directory (Don Dutile) [1499363 1385325] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Refactor mlx4_en_free_tx_desc (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Replace TXBB_SIZE multiplications with shift operations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Increase default TX ring size (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Improve stack xmit function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Improve transmit CQ polling (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Improve receive data-path (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Optimized single ring steering (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove unused argument in TX datapath function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] qed: Fix an off by one bug (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [infiniband] ib: nes: convert to use DRIVER_ATTR_RW (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: add qed_int_sb_init() stub function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: collect GSI port statistics (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Call rx_release_cb() when flushing LL2 (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: No need for LL2 frags indication (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed*: LL2 callback operations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: LL2 code relocations (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Cleaner seperation of LL2 inputs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Revise ll2 Rx completion (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: LL2 to use packed information for tx (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove limitation of single NIC offloaded TC action per rule (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456692] - [netdrv] qed: VFs to try utilizing the doorbell bar (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Multiple qzone queues for VFs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: IOV db support multiple queues per qzone (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Make VF legacy a bitfield (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Assign a unique per-queue index to queue-cid (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Pass vf_params when creating a queue-cid (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed*: L2 interface to use the SB structures directly (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Create L2 queue database (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Add bitmaps for VF CIDs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for changing iSCSI mac (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: No need to reset SBs on IOV init (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Reset IGU CAM to default on init (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Hold a single array for SBs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Provide auxiliary for getting free VF SB (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Remove assumption on SB order in IGU (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Encapsulate interrupt counters in struct (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Add aux. function translating sb_id -> igu_sb_id (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Distinguish between sb_id and igu_sb_id (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] qed: IGU read revised (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Minor refactoring in interrupt code (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Make qed_int_cau_conf_pi() static (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Cache alignemnt padding to match host (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Mask parities after occurance (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Print multi-bit attentions properly (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Diffrentiate adapter-specific attentions (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Get rid of the attention-arrays (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Support dynamic s-tag change (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: QL41xxx VF MSI-x table (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Don't inherit RoCE DCBx for V2 (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Correct DCBx update scheme (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Add missing static/local dcbx info (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] mlxfw: Properly handle dependancy with non-loadable mlx5 (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlxfw: Make the module selectable (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlxfw: fix a NULL dereference (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlxfw: remove redundant goto on error check (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] mlxfw: select CONFIG_XZ_DEC (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] Add the mlxfw module for Mellanox firmware flash process (Don Dutile) [1499363 1466367] - [netdrv] qed: Replace set_id() api with set_name() (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Log probe of PCI device (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Provide MBI information in dev_info (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Enable RoCE parser searching on fp init (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Flush slowpath tasklet on stop (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Remove BB_A0 references (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Drop the 's' from num_ports_in_engines (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Log incorrectly installed board (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: !main_ptt for tunnel configuration (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Align DP_ERR style with other DP macros (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Fix sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] update drivers to handle HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NTP_ALL (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] qede: Support 1G advertisment (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Fix setting of Management bitfields (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: qedr closure after setting state (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Correct print in iscsi error-flow (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Revise alloc/setup/free flow (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Free previous connections when releasing iSCSI (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] qede: Don't use an internal MAC field (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Add missing Status-block free (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Honor user request for Tx buffers (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qede: Allow WoL to activate by default (Don Dutile) [1499363] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix possible memory leak (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [netdrv] qed: Remove unused including (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [netdrv] qed: Utilize FW (Don Dutile) [1499363 1462433] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Bump driver version (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: FPGA, Add basic support for Innova (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456672] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce trigger_health_work function (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update the list of the PCI supported devices (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456690] - [netdrv] {net, ib}/mlx5: Replace mlx5_vzalloc with kvzalloc (Don Dutile) [1499363 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix static analysis warning in ib_policy_change_task (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix uninitialized variable use in check_qp_port_pkey_settings (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux: Add a cache for quicker retreival of PKey SIDs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux: Add IB Port SMP access vector (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux: Implement Infiniband PKey "Access" access vector (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux: Allocate and free infiniband security hooks (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux: Create policydb version for Infiniband support (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [infiniband] ib/core: Enforce security on management datagrams (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux lsm ib/core: Implement LSM notification system (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [infiniband] ib/core: Enforce PKey security on QPs (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [infiniband] ib/core: IB cache enhancements to support Infiniband security (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478] - [security] selinux: Update policy version to support constraints info (Don Dutile) [1499363 1464478]- [infiniband] i40iw: Fix port number for query QP (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing memory barriers (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add support for port reuse on active side connections (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing VLAN priority (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Call i40iw_cm_disconn on modify QP to disconnect (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Prevent multiple netdev event notifier registrations (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fail open if there are no available MSI-X vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: make some structures const (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Remove unused argument (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Improve CQP timeout logic (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix potential fcn_id_array out of bounds (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Use correct alignment for CQ0 memory (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix typecast of tcp_seq_num (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Correct variable names (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix parsing of query/commit FPM buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: fix spelling mistake: "allloc_buf" -> "alloc_buf" (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fixes for static checker warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Simplify code (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] ib/i40iw: Fix error code in i40iw_create_cq() (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Free QP PBLEs when the QP is destroyed (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Avoid memory leak of CQP request objects (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Update list correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing memory barrier (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Free QP resources on CQP destroy QP failure (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Release cm_id ref on PCI function reset (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Utilize iwdev->reset during PCI function reset (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Do not poll CCQ after it is destroyed (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix order of cleanup in close (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: fix duplicated code for different branches (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix device initialization error path (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: ACK MPA Reject frame (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Don't set 0-length FULPDU RTR indication control flag (Stefan Assmann) [1466401] - [infiniband] ib/i40iw: use setup_timer (Stefan Assmann) [1466401]- [scsi] remove various unused blist flags (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: remove synchronous STPG support (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_devinfo: remove synchronous ALUA for NETAPP devices (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh: move .rescan to an auxiliary structure (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh: fix RHEL7 kABI breakage (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [scsi] revert: scsi: handle more device handler setup/teardown in common code (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [scsi] Add scsi_vpd_tpg_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [scsi] Add scsi_vpd_lun_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Warn if the first argument of alua_rtpg_queue() is NULL (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Ensure that alua_activate() calls the completion function (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Check scsi_device_get() return value (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix RCU annotations (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix a reference counting bug (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fix missing kref_put() in alua_rtpg_work() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix memory leak in alua_rtpg() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: do not fail for unknown VPD identification (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: uninitialized variable in alua_rtpg() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Declare local functions static (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Update version to 2.0 (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh: add 'rescan' callback (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Send TEST UNIT READY to poll for transitioning (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: update all port states (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Recheck state on unit attention (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Add new blacklist flag 'BLIST_SYNC_ALUA' (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Allow workqueue to run synchronously (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Use workqueue for RTPG (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: remove 'rel_port' from alua_dh_data structure (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: move optimize_stpg evaluation (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] revert commit a8e5a2d593cb ("[scsi] scsi_dh_alua: ALUA handler attach should succeed while TPG is transitioning") (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: simplify alua_initialize() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use unique device id (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Use separate alua_port_group structure (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: allocate RTPG buffer separately (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: switch to scsi_execute_req_flags() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: call alua_rtpg() if stpg fails (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Make stpg synchronous (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: separate out alua_stpg() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Pass buffer as function argument (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Remove stale variables (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use scsi_vpd_tpg_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: simplify sense code handling (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: rework alua_check_tpgs() to return the tpgs mode (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use unaligned access macros (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use flag for RTPG extended header (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: fixup description of stpg_endio() (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: return standard SCSI return codes in submit_rtpg (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: use standard logging functions (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: sanitze sense code handling (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: improved logging (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Use vpd_pg83 information (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Disable ALUA handling for non-disk devices (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] fix device handler detach oops (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] handle more device handler setup_teardown in common code (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] device handlers must have attach and detach methods (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] remove struct scsi_dh_devlist (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] use container_of to get at device handler private data (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh: get module reference outside of device handler (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] scsi_dh_hp_sw: fix return value on failed allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1499107] - [scsi] revert "scsi_dh_alua: Fix memory leak in alua_bus_attach()" (Mike Snitzer) [1499107]- [pinctrl] intel: Read back TX buffer state (Xiaolong Wang) [1511744] - [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Denverton pin controller support (Xiaolong Wang) [1384731] - [net] revert "net: use lib/percpu_counter API for fragmentation mem accounting" (Jesper Brouer) [1508499] - [net] inet_diag: Fix up addresses in v4-mapped SYN-RECV TCP pseudo sockets (Stefano Brivio) [1372520] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sip: allow tab character in SIP headers (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sip: correct allowed characters in Call-ID SIP header (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sip: correct parsing of continuation lines in SIP headers (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipvs: update real-server binding of outgoing connections in SIP-pe (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipvs: make drop_entry protection effective for SIP-pe (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipvs: don't alter conntrack in OPS mode (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipvs: optimize release of connections in OPS mode (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipvs: handle connections started by real-servers (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipvs: rerouting to local clients is not needed anymore (Davide Caratti) [1461348] - [net] ipv4: Namespecify the tcp_keepalive_intvl sysctl knob (Hangbin Liu) [1476667] - [net] ipv4: Namespecify tcp_keepalive_probes sysctl knob (Hangbin Liu) [1476667] - [net] ipv4: Namespaceify tcp_keepalive_time sysctl knob (Hangbin Liu) [1476667] - [mm] mm/memory_hotplug: define find_{smallest|biggest}_section_pfn as unsigned long (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1500440] - [mm] mm/memory_hotplug: change pfn_to_section_nr/section_nr_to_pfn macro to inline function (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1500440] - [mm] filemap: don't plant shadow entries without radix tree node (Waiman Long) [1509891] - [mm] Fix panic due to NULL pointer dereference in __memcg_kmem_get_cache() (Larry Woodman) [1490495] - [usb] xhci: set missing SuperSpeedPlus Link Protocol bit in roothub descriptor (Torez Smith) [1496645] - [drm] i915: Add interface to reserve fence registers for vGPU (Paul Lai) [1449711] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix GPU hang after reusing vGPU instance across different guest OS (Paul Lai) [1458689] - [pci] pci/msi: Ignore affinity if pre/post vector count is more than min_vecs (Myron Stowe) [1509390] - [pci] pci/msi: fix the pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity stub (Myron Stowe) [1509390] - [virt] vfio/pci: Virtualize Maximum Read Request Size (Alex Williamson) [1499021] - [virt] vfio/pci: Virtualize Maximum Payload Size (Alex Williamson) [1499021] - [virt] vfio: Stall vfio_del_group_dev() for container group detach (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio: fix noiommu vfio_iommu_group_get reference count (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio/pci: Fix handling of RC integrated endpoint PCIe capability size (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio/pci: Use pci_try_reset_function() on initial open (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio: Remove unnecessary uses of vfio_container.group_lock (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio: New external user group/file match (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] kvm-vfio: Decouple only when we match a group (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio: Fix group release deadlock (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [virt] vfio: fix a typo in comment of function vfio_pin_pages (Alex Williamson) [1499022] - [scsi] virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling (Paolo Bonzini) [1501309] - [edac] skx_edac: Handle systems with segmented PCI busses (Yasuyuki Kobayashi) [1492511 1500572] - [block] loop: Add PF_LESS_THROTTLE to block/loop device thread (Ming Lei) [1511107] - [crypto] x86/sha1 - Fix reads beyond the number of blocks passed (Herbert Xu) [1469200] - [netdrv] sfc: remove redundant variable start (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: don't warn on successful change of MAC (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: support rx-fcs and rx-all (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [kernel] percpu-refcount: support synchronous switch to atomic mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619] - [kernel] percpu_ref: allow operation mode switching operations to be called concurrently (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619] - [kernel] percpu_ref: restructure operation mode switching (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619] - [kernel] percpu_ref: unify staggered atomic switching wait behavior (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619] - [kernel] percpu_ref: reorganize __percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic() and relocate percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic() (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619] - [kernel] percpu_ref: remove unnecessary RCU grace period for staggered atomic switching confirmation (Prarit Bhargava) [1511619]- [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid doing a cleanup call if the profile doesn't have it (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Properly check applicability of devlink eswitch commands (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix min inline value for VF rep SQs (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix timestamping capabilities reporting (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Wait for FW readiness before initializing command interface (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix memory leak in create child syscall (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix access to un-initialized napi struct (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Delete napi in device uninit default (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Limit call to free rdma_netdev for capable devices (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix memory leaks for child interfaces priv (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] rxe: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug in post_one_send (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Add 64KB PAGE_SIZE support to user-space queues (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Initialize byte_len in WC of READ and SEND commands (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: fix dump of context data (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Enable 4K UAR only when page size is bigger than 4K (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong indications in DIM due to counter wraparound (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Added BW check for DIM decision mechanism (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Remove several module events out of ethtool stats (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Continue health polling until it is explicitly stopped (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix create vport flow table flow (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: Check if Granular QoS per VF has been enabled before updating QP qos_vport (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix the check in attaching steering rules (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/sa: Fix kernel panic in CMA request handler flow (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/umem: Fix missing mmap_sem in get umem ODP call (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/core: not to set page dirty bit if it's already set (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Declare local function static and add brackets to sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/netlink: Reduce exposure of RDMA netlink functions (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/srp: Fix NULL deref at srp_destroy_qp() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/ipoib: Limit the ipoib_dev_uninit_default scope (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/ipoib: Replace netdev_priv with ipoib_priv for ipoib_get_link_ksettings (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: add null check before pointer dereference (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx5: set UMR wqe fence according to HCA cap (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Define interface bits for fencing UMR wqe (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/mlx4: Fix MAD tunneling when SRIOV is enabled (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: change PCI bar addr assignments to Linux API functions (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: fix array termination by appending NULL to attr array (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: ACK MPA Reply frame (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Don't set 0-length FULPDU RTR indication control flag (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: avoid build warning for uniprocessor (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in xprt_rdma_bc_setup() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix bug reading rss_hash_type from CQE (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, handle RX packet correctly (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use the correct delete call on offloaded TC encap entry detach (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: add CONFIG_INET dependency (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Fix uninitialized data in aRFS infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use min3 to select number of MSI-X vectors (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Use underlay QPN from the root name space (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Only support regular RQ for now (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix setup TC ndo (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix ethtool pause support and advertise reporting (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use the correct pause values for ethtool advertising (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [uapi] smc_diag.h: fix include from userland (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [uapi] includes linux/types.h before exporting files (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Split PF/VF ndos (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Correct doorbell configuration for !4Kb pages (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Tell QM the number of tasks (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Fix VF removal sequence (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Reduce harmless SRIOV error message to debug level (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Avoid adding steering rules with invalid ring (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [kernel] treewide: spelling: correct diffrent[iate] and banlance typos (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Avoid that aborting a command triggers a kernel warning (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix abort handling (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] rxe: expose num_possible_cpus() cnum_comp_vectors (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Update caller's CRC for RXE_MEM_TYPE_DMA memory type (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up on context initialization failure (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix an assign/ordering issue with shared context IDs (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up context initialization (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correctly clear the pkey (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Search shared contexts on the opened device, not all devices (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove atomic operations for SDMA_REQ_HAVE_AHG bit (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use filedata rather than filepointer (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Name function prototype parameters (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix a subcontext memory leak (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return an error on memory allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust default eager_buffer_size to 8MB (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Get rid of divide when setting the tx request header (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix yield logic in send engine (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, ib/rdmavt: Move r_adefered to r_lock cache line (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix checks for Offline transient state (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Enable IPoIB acceleration (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Fix possible misconfiguration of advertised autoneg value (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Fix overriding of supported autoneg value (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed*: Fix possible overflow for status block id field (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed*: Fix issues in the ptp filter config implementation (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Fix concurrency issue in PTP Tx path processing (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: fix out of bounds access to local buffer (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix incorrect order of formal and actual parameters (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Change flush logic so it adheres to the variable name (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix mlx5_ib_map_mr_sg mr length (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Don't clamp residual length to mtu (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Add support to query OPA path records (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Add OPA path record type (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Add OPA addr header (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Split struct sa_path_rec based on IB and ROCE specific fields (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Introduce path record specific types (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Rename ib_sa_path_rec to sa_path_rec (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Add braces when using sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Define 'opa' rdma_ah_attr type (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Define 'ib' and 'roce' rdma_ah_attr types (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Use rdma_ah_attr accessor functions (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add accessor functions for rdma_ah_attr fields (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/pvrdma: Rename ib_ah_attr related functions (Don Dutile) [1454965 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Rename to_ib_ah_attr to to_rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Rename to_ib_ah_attr to to_rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Rename to_ib_ah_attr to to_rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_destroy_ah to rdma_destroy_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_query_ah to rdma_query_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_modify_ah to rdma_modify_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename ib_create_ah to rdma_create_ah (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename struct ib_ah_attr to rdma_ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Initialize ib_ah_attr during query_ah (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Check for global flag when using ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add braces when using sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove 'else' when the 'if' has a return (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Add identifier names to function definitions (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent warning without CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: output the DPM status and WID count (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: align DPI configuration to HW requirements (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: verify RoCE resource bitmaps are released (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: add error handling flow to TID deregistratin posting failure (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: remove unused SQ error state (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: configure the RoCE max message size (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Unlock on error in qed_vf_pf_acquire() (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Avoid redundant memory allocation (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disable HW LRO when PCI is slower than link on striding RQ (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use u8 as ownership type in mlx5e_get_cqe() (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use prefetchw when a write is to follow (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Optimize poll ICOSQ completion queue (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Act on delay probe time updates (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [kernel] [netdrv] mlx5e: Update neighbour 'used' state using HW flow rules counters (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support to neighbour update flow (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add neighbour hash table to the representors (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [net] add addrconf.h to ip6_route.h (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [kernel] locking/refcount: Remove the half-implemented refcount_sub() API (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [lib] locking/refcount: Create unchecked atomic_t implementation (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [lib] refcount: change EXPORT_SYMBOL markings (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [lib] locking/refcount: Add refcount_t API kernel-doc comments (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687] - [lib] locking/refcounts: Change WARN() to WARN_ONCE() (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687] - [kernel] locking/refcounts: Add missing kernel.h header to have UINT_MAX defined (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [lib] locking/refcounts: Out-of-line everything (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [lib] refcount_t: Introduce a special purpose refcount type (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [kernel] locking/atomics: Add _{acquire|release|relaxed}() variants of some atomic operations (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Read neigh parameters with proper locking (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use flag to properly monitor a flow rule offloading state (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove output device parameter from create encap header helpers definition (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move the encap entry structure from the eswitch header (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Remove encap entry pointer from the eswitch flow attributes (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Extendable vport representor netdev private data (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456694] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Add support to query opa classport info (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [trace] iommu: Remove pci.h include from trace/events/iommu.h (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Move opa_class_port_info definition to header file (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add rdma_cap_opa_ah to expose opa address handles (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Modify SA to implicitly cache Class Port info (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Move functions update_sm_ah() and ib_sa_event() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Remove unwanted braces (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Add braces when using sizeof (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Fix lines longer than 80 columns (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use bool in process_ecn (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi: Protect against writable mmap (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix unbalanced braces around else (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Convert Lx to llx (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix misspelling in comment (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Permanently enable P_Key checking in HFI (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Cache neighbor secure data after link up (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust high temperature warning for QSFP cable (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix softlockup issue (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use defines from common headers (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add functions to parse 9B headers (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Rename hdr2sc to hfi1_9B_get_sc5 (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return SC2VL mappings to FM with VL15 instead of ILLEGAL_VL (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Validate the TID count before using it (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt/hfi1/qib: Use the MGID and MLID for multicast addressing (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: For multicast functions, verify that LIDs are multicast LIDs (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct MulticastMask/CollectiveMask info to SMA output (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: If the MGID/MLID pair is not on the list return an error (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/qib: use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/nes: use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/nes: Fix incorrect type in assignment (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Simplify the code to balance loc/unlock calls (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Explicitly include usnic headers (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Mark local uverbs_std_types functions to be static (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: fix typo: "algorithmi" -> "algorithm" (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: restore IRQs on error path in rvt_create_ah() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: add support for send+invalidate in poll CQ (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: destroy CQ only after HW releases it (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: enhance destroy flow for GSI QP (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: properly check atomic capabilities (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: reset access control when registering a MR (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Acquire/release ptt_ptp lock when enabling/disabling PTP (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Remove the un-needed ptp header file (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for PTP resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for PTP resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for MFW resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Clean out old XDR encoders (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Remove the req_map cache (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Remove unused RDMA Write completion handler (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Reduce size of sge array in struct svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up RPC-over-RDMA backchannel reply processing (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Report Write/Reply chunk overruns (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up RDMA_ERROR path (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Use rdma_rw API in RPC reply path (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Introduce local rdma_rw API helpers (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up svc_rdma_get_inv_rkey() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Add helper to save pages under I/O (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Eliminate RPCRDMA_SQ_DEPTH_MULT (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Add svc_rdma_map_reply_hdr() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] svcrdma: Move send_wr to svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_buffer::rb_pool (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Squelch ENOBUFS warnings (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Annotate receive workqueue (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Revert commit d0f36c46deea (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Restore transport after device removal (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_ep_connect (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Support unplugging an HCA from under an NFS mount (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Use same device when mapping or syncing DMA buffers (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_ia_open() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Detect unreachable NFS/RDMA servers more reliably (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] sunrpc: Export xprt_force_disconnect() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: Cancel refresh worker during buffer shutdown (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Spare annotate imm_data (Don Dutile) [1454965 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add ODP support to MW (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Extract page fault code (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/umem: Add support to huge ODP (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add contiguous ODP support (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/umem: Add contiguous ODP support (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Decrease verbosity level of ODP errors (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix implicit MR GC (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix UMR size calculation (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix function updating xlt emergency path (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib: Replace ib_umem page_size by page_shift (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use pcie_flr() instead of duplicating it (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [kernel] pci: Export pcie_flr() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: change the return type to void (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi: Fix up comments in engine mapping (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] uverbs: Fix integer overflows (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] {net, ib}/{rxe, usnic}: Utilize generic mac to eui32 function (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Remove unused functions (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/iser: fix spelling mistake: "unexepected" -> "unexpected" (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qed: fix invalid use of sizeof in qed_alloc_qm_data() (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed - VF tunnelling support [VXLAN/GENEVE/GRE] (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed/qede: Add UDP ports in bulletin board (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Disable tunnel offloads for non offloaded UDP ports (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed/qede: Enable tunnel offloads based on hw configuration (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: refactor tunnelling - API/Structs (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [kernel] [netdrv] qed: Add support for static dcbx (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Support dcbnl IEEE selector field (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Add additional DCBx debug messages (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Separate RoCE DCBx support for V2 (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Cleanup DCBx unnecessary parameters (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix warning about missing prototype (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: hide unused functions (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add control for encapsulation (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Refactor fast path FDB table creation in switchdev mode (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for active_width and active_speed in RoCE (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set mlx5_query_roce_port's return value to void (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add HDR speed enum (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set correct SL in completion for RoCE (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Send MRA for reply messages (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support congestion related counters (Don Dutile) [1456663 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Check validity of output parameter pointer (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add drop flow steering rule support (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce drop flow specification (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use IP version matching to classify IP traffic (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add inner spec and IPv6 validation in user's flow attribute list (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix wrong use of kfree at bad flow in create_cq_user (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enlarge autogroup flow table (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Check supported flow table size (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Change vma from shared to private (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Take write semaphore when changing the vma struct (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Change vma from shared to private (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Take write semaphore when changing the vma struct (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Reduce SRIOV multicast cleanup warning message to debug level (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix ib device initialization error flow (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Support RAW Ethernet when RoCE is disabled (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix sysfs registration error flow (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix kernel crash during fail to initialize device (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix deadlock between ipoib_stop and mcast join flow (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Cache dst in QP instead of getting it for each send (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Offload CRC calculation when possible (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Do not export module's private function (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Avoid accessing timers for non RC QPs (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add port protocol stats (Don Dutile) [1456664 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Fix error handling in mlx5_rdma_netdev_alloc() (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Coding style improvement (make sizeof use safer) (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove intermediate var in hfi1_user_sdma_alloc_queues() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use kcalloc() in hfi1_user_sdma_alloc_queues() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use kcalloc() in hfi1_user_exp_rcv_init() (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [netdrv] qede: allocate enough data for ->arfs_fltr_bmap (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Convert PDBG to pr_debug (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [net] locking/atomic, kref: Add kref_read() (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Use more common logging style (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Support acceleration options callbacks (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use defined function for netdev_priv function (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Rename qpn to be dqpn in ipoib_send and post_send functions (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Separate control from HW operation on ipoib_open/stop ndo (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Separate control and data related initializations (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Introduce RDMA netdev interface and IPoIB structs (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: VNIC SDMA support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Virtual Network Interface Controller (VNIC) HW support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: suppress 'may be used uninitialized' warning (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: OPA_VNIC RDMA netdev support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC Ethernet Management Agent (VEMA) function (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC Ethernet Management Agent (VEMA) interface (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC MAC table support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC statistics support (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: VNIC Ethernet Management (EM) structure definitions (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: Virtual Network Interface Controller (VNIC) netdev (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: Virtual Network Interface Controller (VNIC) interface (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/opa-vnic: RDMA NETDEV interface (Don Dutile) [1452831 1499362] - [infiniband] rdma/uverbs: Initialize cq_context appropriately (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename uverbs event file structure (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Don't use is_async in event files to infer events size (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: A small refactor in destroy WQ handler (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Nullify ib_uobject during allocation (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Don't pass the lock state to _rdma_remove_commit_uobject (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Rename write flag to exclusive in rdma_core (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Add aRFS support (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: aRFS infrastructure support (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] hw/mlx5: Add New bit to check over QP creation (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: E-switch vport manager is valid for ethernet only (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, RX handler (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: RX handlers per netdev profile (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Xmit flow (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Xmit flow break down (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Basic netdev ndos open/close (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, TX TIS creation (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, RSS flow steering tables (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, RX steering RSS RQTs and TIRs (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: IPoIB, Add netdevice profile skeleton (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: More generic netdev management API (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Enable flow-steering for IB link (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor create flow table method to accept underlay QP (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add IPoIB enhanced offloads bits to mlx5_ifc (Don Dutile) [1385325 1499362] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for ingress headroom (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qede: Update receive statistic once per NAPI (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set default RX moderation parameters on driver load (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Reuse alloc cq code for all CQs allocation (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Show board id in ethtool driver information (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Change FW sub_minor display to 4 zeros padding (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Make mlx5e_modify_rqs_vsd a static function (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for RXFCS feature flag (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update the list of the PCI supported devices (Don Dutile) [1481607 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Make OOO archipelagos into an array (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Provide iSCSI statistics to management (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Add missing stat for new isles (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Don't close the OUT_EN during init (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Configure cacheline size in HW (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Don't use main-ptt in unrelated flows (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Warn PTT usage by wrong hw-function (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: trust shinfo->gso_segs (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: fix missing break in OOO_LB_TC case (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: fix build error without CONFIG_SYSFS (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Eliminate synchronize_rcu() in mr delete (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add transmit fault injection feature (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add receive fault injection feature (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [lib] fault-inject: add ratelimit option (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ensure VL index is within bounds (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Avoid reseting wqe send_flags in unreserve (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1: Fix timer migration regressions (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add a patch value to the firmware version string (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check for QSFP presence before attempting reads (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check device id early during init (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add swqe completion trace (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add tracing for cq entry and poll (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add additional fields to post send trace (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Make wc opcode translation driver dependent (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: NULL pointer dereference when freeing rhashtable (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Cache registers during state change (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Race hazard avoidance in user SDMA driver (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Force logical link down (Don Dutile) [1452789 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: ibx: failed to create mcg debug file (Don Dutile) [1456699 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Change completion channel to use the reworked objects schema (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for fd objects (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add lock to multicast handlers (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Change idr objects to use the new schema (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add idr based standard types (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for idr types (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/core: Refactor idr to be per uverbs_file (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Add a missing error code (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Manage with less memory regions for RoCE (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: RoCE doesn't need to use SRC (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Correct TM ILT lines in presence of VFs (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Fix TM block ILT allocation (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Revise QM cofiguration (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en_ethtool.c: fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/en_main.c: fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [net] add explicit interrupt.h includes (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Use BDQ resource for storage protocols (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Utilize resource-lock based scheme (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Support management-based resource locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Send pf-flr as part of initialization (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Move to new load request scheme (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: hw_init() to receive parameter-struct (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Correct HW stop flow (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add offloading of E-Switch TC pedit (header re-write) actions (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce alloc/dealloc modify header context commands (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce modify header structures, commands and steering action definitions (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Reorder few command cases to reflect their natural order (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add helper to initialize a flow steering actions struct instance (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly deal with resource cleanup when adding TC flow fails (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add intermediate struct for TC flow parsing attributes (Don Dutile) [1456687 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add NIC attributes for offloaded TC flows (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add prefix for e-switch offloaded TC flow attributes (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456687] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe mtu and lro setting (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456659] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe tc setup (Don Dutile) [1499362 1456659] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe cqe compressing/moderation mode setting (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fail safe ethtool settings (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce switch channels (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Minimize mlx5e_{open/close}_locked (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: CQ and RQ don't need priv pointer (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Isolate open_channels from priv->params (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Split open/close channels to stages (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor refresh TIRs (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Redirect RQT refactoring (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce mlx5e_channels (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set netdev->rx_cpu_rmap on netdev creation (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set SQ max rate on mlx5e_open_txqsq rather on open_channel (Don Dutile) [1456659 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Different SQ types (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Generalize SQ create/modify/destroy functions (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Proper names for SQ/RQ/CQ functions (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Generalize tx helper functions for different SQ types (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move mlx5e_rq struct declaration (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: XDP TX forwarding support (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Single bfreg (UAR) for all mlx5e SQs and netdevs (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Xmit, no write combining (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use dma_rmb rather than rmb in CQE fetch routine (Don Dutile) [1456694 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Reserve VF feature before PF (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Don't waste SBs unused by RoCE (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Reduce verbosity of unimplemented MFW messages (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Correct endian order of MAC passed to MFW (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Pass src/dst sizes when interacting with MFW (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Revise MFW command locking (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Always publish VF link from leading hwfn (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Raise verbosity of Malicious VF indications (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Make qed_iov_mark_vf_flr() return bool (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Deprecate VF multiple queue-stop (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Uniform IOV queue validation (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Correct default VF coalescing configuration (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Set HW-channel to ready before ACKing VF (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Clean VF malicious indication when disabling IOV (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [netdrv] qed: Increase verbosity of VF -> PF errors (Don Dutile) [1462433 1499362] - [infiniband] utilize the new cdev_set_parent function (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/ucm: utilize new cdev_device_add helper function (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [kernel] chardev: add helper function to register char devs with a struct device (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove duplicate code in mlx4_en_process_rx_cq() (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: make validate_loopback() more generic (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: factorize page_address() calls (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: do not access rx_desc from mlx4_en_process_rx_cq() (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: add rx_alloc_pages counter in ethtool -S (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: add page recycling in receive path (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: use order-0 pages for RX (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: removal of frag_sizes[] (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: reduce rx ring page_cache size (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: rx_headroom is a per port attribute (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: get rid of frag_prefix_size (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove order field from mlx4_en_frag_info (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: dma_dir is a mlx4_en_priv attribute (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4: xdp: Reserve headroom for receiving packet when XDP prog is active (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mellanox: use core min/max MTU checking (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: use napi_complete_done() return value (Don Dutile) [1456692 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: double free on error (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Suppress sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1456704 1499362] - [infiniband] ib/bnxt_re: Fix frame stack compilation warning (Don Dutile) [1384857 1499362] - [net] xprtrdma: fix double include of module.h (Don Dutile) [1499362] - [infiniband] vmw_pvrdma: fix [un]register_netdevice_notifier (Don Dutile) [1454965 1499362]- [x86] intel_rdt: Turn off most RDT features on Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1486121] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add command line options for resource director technology (Jiri Olsa) [1486121] - [x86] intel_rdt: Move special case code for Haswell to a quirk function (Jiri Olsa) [1486121] - [x86] intel_rdt: Remove redundant ternary operator on return (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Improve limbo list processing (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Fix MBM overflow handler during CPU hotplug (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Modify the intel_pqr_state for better performance (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Clear the default RMID during hotcpu (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Show bitmask of shareable resource with other executing units (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Documentation for resctrl based RDT Monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Fix a typo in Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] documentation, x86, resctrl: Recommend locking for resctrlfs (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Handle counter overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Add mbm counter initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/mbm: Basic counting of MBM events (total and local) (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add CPU hotplug support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add sched_in support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Introduce rdt_enable_key for scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add mount,umount support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add rmdir support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Separate the ctrl bits from rmdir (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add mon_data (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Prepare for RDT monitor data support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add cpus file support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Prepare to add RDT monitor cpus file support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add tasks file support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Change closid type from int to u32 (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add mkdir support for RDT monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Prepare for RDT monitoring mkdir support (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add info files for RDT monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Simplify info and base file lists (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add RMID (Resource monitoring ID) management (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt/cqm: Add RDT monitoring initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Make rdt_resources_all more readable (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Cleanup namespace to support RDT monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Mark rdt_root and closid_alloc as static (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Change file names to accommodate RDT monitor code (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] maintainers: Add maintainer for Intel RDT resource allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Introduce a common compile option for RDT (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] intel_rdt: Select KERNFS when enabling INTEL_RDT_A (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] perf/cqm: Wipe out perf based cqm (Jiri Olsa) [1457533] - [x86] documentation, x86: Intel Memory bandwidth allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Fix memory leak on mount failure (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Return error for incorrect resource names in schemata (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Trim whitespace while parsing schemata input (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Fix padding when resource is enabled via mount (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Get rid of anon union (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Add schemata file support for MBA (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Make schemata file parsers resource specific (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Add info directory files for Memory Bandwidth Allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Make information files resource specific (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Add primary support for Memory Bandwidth Allocation (MBA) (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt/mba: Memory bandwith allocation feature detect (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add resource specific msr update function (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Move CBM specific data into a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Cleanup namespace to support multiple resource types (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Organize code properly (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Init padding only if a device exists (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add cpus_list rdtgroup file (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Cleanup kernel-doc (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Update schemata read to show data in tabular format (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [x86] intel_rdt: Implement "update" mode when writing schemata file (Jiri Olsa) [1379551] - [kernel] tracing/kprobes: Allow to create probe with a module name starting with a digit (Jiri Olsa) [1422117] - [kernel] trace/kprobes: Allow return probes with offsets and absolute addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1422117]- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix calculation of number of TX header descriptors (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: generalize napi_complete_done() (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: constify vio_device_id (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct 'unused variable' warning in build (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Add netdev_dbg output for debugging (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Clean up resources on probe failure (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Report rx buffer return codes as netdev_dbg (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Implement .get_channels (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Implement .get_ringparam (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Convert vnic server reported statistics to cpu endian (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Implement per-queue statistics reporting (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Initialize SCRQ's during login renegotiation (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Check for transport event on driver resume (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix assignment of RX/TX IRQ's (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct return code checking for ibmvnic_init during probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix error handling when registering long-term-mapped buffers (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix incorrectly defined ibmvnic_request_map_rsp structure (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Return from ibmvnic_resume if not in VNIC_OPEN state (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: driver initialization for kdump/kexec (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Exit polling routine correctly during adapter reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove VNIC_CLOSING check from pending_scrq (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Sanitize entire SCRQ buffer on reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Ensure that TX queues are disabled in __ibmvnic_close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Activate disabled RX buffer pools on reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove netdev notify for failover resets (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Client-initiated failover (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Return failure on attempted mtu change (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove module author mailing address (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset sub-crqs during driver reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset tx/rx pools on driver reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Reset the CRQ queue during driver reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Check adapter state during ibmvnic_poll (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Deactivate RX pool buffer replenishment on H_CLOSED (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Halt TX and report carrier off on H_CLOSED return code (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Non-fatal error handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix cleanup of SKB's on driver close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Send gratuitous arp on reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Handle failover after failed init crq (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Track state of adapter napis (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix missing unlock on error in __ibmvnic_reset() (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move queue restarting in ibmvnic_tx_complete (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Record SKB RX queue during poll (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Continue skb processing after skb completion error (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Check for driver reset first in ibmvnic_xmit (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Wait for any pending scrqs entries at driver close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Clean up tx pools when closing (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Whitespace correction in release_rx_pools (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Delete napi's when releasing driver resources (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Updated reset handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Replace is_closed with state field (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move resource initialization to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move initialization of sub crqs to ibmvnic_init (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Split initialization of scrqs to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Free skb's in cases of failure in transmit (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Validate napi exist before disabling them (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Add set_link_state routine for setting adapter link state (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move initialization of the stats token to ibmvnic_open (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Only retrieve error info if present (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Insert header on VLAN tagged received frame (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Set real number of rx queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove unused bouce buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Allocate zero-filled memory for sub crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Disable irq prior to close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct crq and resource releasing (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove inflight list (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Do not disable IRQ after scheduling tasklet (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fixup atomic API usage (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Unmap longer term buffer before free (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix ibmvnic_change_mac_addr struct format (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Report errors when failing to release sub-crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Cleanup failure path in ibmvnic_open (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init/release routines for stats token (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Merge the two release_sub_crq_queue routines (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init and release routines for the rx pool (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init and release routines for the tx pool (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Create init and release routines for the bounce buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Update main crq initialization and release (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove debugfs support (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Remove unused net_stats member from struct ibmvnic_adapter (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Correct ibmvnic handling of device open/close (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move ibmvnic adapter intialization to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move login to its own routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Move login and queue negotiation into ibmvnic_open (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Free tx/rx scrq pointer array when releasing sub-crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Allocate number of rx/tx buffers agreed on by firmware (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix overflowing firmware/hardware TX queue (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Make CRQ interrupt tasklet wait for all capabilities crqs (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Use common counter for capabilities checks (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Handle processing of CRQ messages in a tasklet (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix endian errors in error reporting output (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix endian error when requesting device capabilities (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix initial MTU settings (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Call napi_disable instead of napi_enable in failure path (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Initialize completion variables before starting work (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: drop duplicate header seq_file.h (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix size of debugfs name buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: use net core MTU range checking (Gustavo Duarte) [1391561]- [fs] gfs2: Take inode off order_write list when setting jdata flag (Robert S Peterson) [1492678] - [fs] gfs2: flush the log and all pages for jdata as we do for WB_SYNC_ALL (Robert S Peterson) [1492678] - [fs] gfs2: Move log buffer accounting to transaction (Robert S Peterson) [1492678] - [fs] gfs2: Move log buffer lists into transaction (Robert S Peterson) [1492678] - [fs] gfs2: Fix use-after-free race when calling gfs2_remove_from_ail (Robert S Peterson) [1492678] - [fs] gfs2: aggressively issue revokes in gfs2_log_flush (Robert S Peterson) [1492678] - [fs] xfs: reinit btree pointer on attr tree inactivation walk (Carlos Maiolino) [1469296] - [fs] xfs: toggle readonly state around xfs_log_mount_finish (Eric Sandeen) [1395978] - [fs] xfs: write unmount record for ro mounts (Eric Sandeen) [1395978] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: reset skb network header before checksum (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: add support for IPv6 offloads (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: use new skb_checksum_setup function (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854] - [net] consolidate duplicate code is skb_checksum_setup() helpers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854] - [net] add skb_checksum_setup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854] - [xen] xen-netback: handle IPv6 TCP GSO packets from the guest (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487854] - [x86] x86/vmware: Skip timer_irq_works() check on VMware (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1507026 1507025] - [x86] x86/vmware: Skip lapic calibration on VMware (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1507026 1507025] - [scsi] ipr: Set no_report_opcodes for RAID arrays (Gustavo Duarte) [1456498] - [scsi] ipr: Fix scsi-mq lockdep issue (Gustavo Duarte) [1456498] - [s390] mm: fix write access check in gup_huge_pmd() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1506126] - [s390] cpcmd, vmcp: avoid GFP_DMA allocations (Hendrik Brueckner) [1496111] - [powerpc] hotplug-mem: Fix missing endian conversion of aa_index (Serhii Popovych) [1508331] - [security] Introduce v3 namespaced file capabilities ("Eric W. Biederman") [1467386] - [security] selinux: Perform both commoncap and selinux xattr checks ("Eric W. Biederman") [1467386]- [mm] userfaultfd: provide pid in userfault msg - add feat union (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: provide pid in userfault msg (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: add feature to request for a signal delivery (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] fs/userfaultfd.c: drop dead code (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: report UFFDIO_ZEROPAGE as available for shmem VMAs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: wire up shmem_mfill_zeropage_pte (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: mcopy_atomic: introduce mfill_atomic_pte helper (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: add shmem_mfill_zeropage_pte for userfaultfd support (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] shmem: introduce shmem_inode_acct_block (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: notify about unmap of destination during mremap (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: closing the uffd without triggering SIGBUS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: flush event_wqh at release time (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: replace ENOSPC with ESRCH in case mm has gone during copy/zeropage (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd_zeropage: return -ENOSPC in case mm has gone (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: prevent UFFDIO_COPY to fill beyond the end of i_size (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: fix fork use after free (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: remove superfluous page unlock in VM_SHARED case (Andrea Arcangeli) [1476833] - [mm] zram, ppc64: enable zram on ppc64 (Jerome Marchand) [1441166] - [mm] mm/zsmalloc: simplify zs_max_alloc_size handling (Jerome Marchand) [1441166] - [kernel] cpuset: Allow v2 behavior in v1 cgroup (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cgroup: Add mount flag to enable cpuset to use v2 behavior in v1 cgroup (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: fix the WARN_ON() in update_nodemasks_hier() (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: export effective masks to userspace (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: allow writing offlined masks to cpuset.cpus/mems (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: enable onlined cpu/node in effective masks (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: refactor cpuset_hotplug_update_tasks() (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: make cs->{cpus, mems}_allowed as user-configured masks (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: apply cs->effective_{cpus,mems} (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: initialize top_cpuset's configured masks at mount (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: use effective cpumask to build sched domains (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: inherit ancestor's masks if effective_{cpus, mems} becomes empty (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: update cs->effective_{cpus, mems} when config changes (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: update cpuset->effective_{cpus, mems} at hotplug (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: add cs->effective_cpus and cs->effective_mems (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: Add a dummy cgroup_on_dfl() function (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: fix a regression in validating config change (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: rename @cont to @cgrp (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: fix to migrate mm correctly in a corner case (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: allow to move tasks to empty cpusets (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: allow to keep tasks in empty cpusets (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: introduce effective_{cpumask|nodemask}_cpuset() (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: record old_mems_allowed in struct cpuset (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: remove async hotplug propagation work (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: let hotplug propagation work wait for task attaching (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: re-structure update_cpumask() a bit (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: remove cpuset_test_cpumask() (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: remove unnecessary variable in cpuset_attach() (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: cleanup guarantee_online_{cpus|mems}() (Waiman Long) [947004] - [kernel] cpuset: remove redundant check in cpuset_cpus_allowed_fallback() (Waiman Long) [947004]- [fs] xfs: add support for superblock writeback list (Brian Foster) [1497235] - [fs] fs/fs-writeback.c: add a new writeback list for sync (Brian Foster) [1497235] - [fs] inode: rename i_wb_list to i_io_list (Brian Foster) [1497235] - [fs] sync: serialise per-superblock sync operations (Brian Foster) [1497235] - [fs] inode: convert inode_sb_list_lock to per-sb (Brian Foster) [1497235] - [fs] xfs: use iomap new flag for newly allocated delalloc blocks (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: Honor FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE when punching ends of files (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: resurrect debug mode drop buffered writes mechanism (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: clear delalloc and cache on buffered write failure (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: defer should abort intent items if the trans roll fails (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: add xfs_trim_extent (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] libxfs: v3 inodes are only valid on crc-enabled filesystems (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: unset MS_ACTIVE if mount fails (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: don't take the IOLOCK exclusive for direct I/O page invalidation (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: add some 'static' annotations (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: refactor swapext code (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: various swapext cleanups (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: return work remaining at the end of a bunmapi operation (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: update atime before I/O in xfs_file_dio_aio_read (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remote attribute blocks aren't really userdata (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: Propagate dentry down to inode_change_ok() (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: defer should allow ->finish_item to request a new transaction (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: count the blocks in a btree (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: create a standard btree size calculator code (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: track log done items directly in the deferred pending work item (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: don't log the entire end of the AGF (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: don't perform lookups on zero-height btrees (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: fix bogus space reservation in xfs_iomap_write_allocate (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: move (and rename) the deferred bmap-free tracepoints (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: collapse single use static functions (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove unnecessary parentheses from log redo item recovery functions (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove unnecesary lshift/rshift key initialization (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: add tracepoints and error injection for deferred extent freeing (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: refactor redo intent item processing (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: rename flist/free_list to dfops (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: change xfs_bmap_{finish, cancel, init, free} -> xfs_defer_* (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: rework xfs_bmap_free callers to use xfs_defer_ops (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: enable the xfs_defer mechanism to process extents to free (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: clean up typedef usage in the EFI/EFD handling code (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: add tracepoints for the deferred ops mechanism (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: move deferred operations into a separate file (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: refactor btree owner change into a separate visit-blocks function (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: add function pointers for get/update keys to the btree (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: during btree split, save new block key & ptr for future insertion (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: set *stat=1 after iroot realloc (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: fix locking of the rt bitmap/summary inodes (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: fix attr shortform structure alignment on cris (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove EXPERIMENTAL tag from sparse inode feature (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] libxfs: directory node splitting does not have an extra block (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove dax code from object file when disabled (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove __arch_pack (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_dir2_inou_t (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_dir2_sf_off_t (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove the magic numbers in xfs_btree_block-related len macros (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: indentation fix in xfs_btree_get_iroot() (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: don't allow negative error tags (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: refactor btree maxlevels computation (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: convert list of extents to free into a regular list (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: separate freelist fixing into a separate helper (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: rearrange xfs_bmap_add_free parameters (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: check for a valid error_tag in errortag_add (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: enable buffer deadlock postmortem diagnosis via ftrace (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: check offsets of variable length structures (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_reserve_blocks() to handle ENOSPC correctly (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: reduce lock hold times in buffer writeback (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: define XFS_IOC_FREEZE even if FIFREEZE is defined (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: make several functions static (Brian Foster) [1479473] - [fs] xfs: remove spurious shutdown type check from xfs_bmap_finish() (Brian Foster) [1479473]- [fs] xfs: report zeroed or not correctly in xfs_zero_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: fix integer truncation issues in the zeroing and dirtying helpers (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: disable per-inode DAX flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: actually report xattr extents via iomap (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] mm, fs: check for fatal signals in do_generic_file_read() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: break out of iomap_file_buffered_write on fatal signals (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: Fix sleep in atomic contex in grab_mapping_entry() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: rip out get_block based IO support (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: rip out DAX handling from direct IO path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: convert DAX faults to iomap infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: avoid split extents for DAX writes (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: DAX iomap write support (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: use iomap for zeroing blocks in DAX mode (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: factor out checks from ext4_file_write_iter() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] ext4: convert DAX reads to iomap infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: Introduce IOMAP_FAULT flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: use struct iomap based DAX PMD fault path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: add struct iomap based DAX PMD support (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: dax_iomap_fault() needs to call iomap_end() (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: add dax_iomap_sector() helper function (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: correct dax iomap code namespace (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: use iomap to implement DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_setfilesize (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: take the ilock shared if possible in xfs_file_iomap_begin (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: provide an iomap based fault handler (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] dax: provide an iomap based dax read/write path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: Do to trim high file position bits in iomap_page_mkwrite_actor (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: add IOMAP_REPORT (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: expose iomap_apply outside iomap.c (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: add IOMAP_F_NEW flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: Add buffered IO support back to get_block for splice (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: rewrite and optimize the delalloc write path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_inode_set_eofblocks_tag cheaper for the common case (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: factor our a helper to calculate the EOF alignment (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: move xfs_bmbt_to_iomap up (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: add a flag to report shared extents (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: add iomap_file_dirty (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: don't set FIEMAP_EXTENT_MERGED for extent based filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: (re-)implement FIEMAP_FLAG_XATTR (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_file_iomap_begin (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: mark ->iomap_end as optional (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: prepare iomap_fiemap for attribute mappings (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] iomap: fiemap should honor the FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC flag (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_zero_remaining_bytes (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_free_file_space in manageable pieces (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_zero_range in xfs_zero_eof (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: handle 64-bit length in xfs_iozero (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: use iomap infrastructure for DAX zeroing (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: use iomap fiemap implementation (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: implement iomap based buffered write path (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: reorder zeroing and flushing sequence in truncate (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_bmbt_to_iomap available outside of xfs_pnfs.c (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: iomap based fiemap implementation (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: support DAX based iomap zeroing (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: introduce iomap infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] fs: move struct iomap from exportfs.h to a separate header (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] block_dev: remove DAX leftovers (Eric Sandeen) [1496513] - [fs] block: remove BLK_DEV_DAX config option (Eric Sandeen) [1496513]- [kernel] livepatch: __klp_disable_patch() should never be called for disabled patches (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Correctly call klp_post_unpatch_callback() in error paths (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add transition notices (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: move transition "complete" notice into klp_complete_transition() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add (un)patch callbacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Add more checks for FTRACE_FL_DISABLED in processing ip records (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] stacktrace: Avoid recording save_stack_trace() wrappers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack: Remove raw stack dump (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] unwind: Fix oprofile module link error (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Fix show_stack() task pointer regression (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Remove dump_trace() and related callbacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Convert show_trace_log_lvl() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] oprofile/x86: Convert x86_backtrace() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] stacktrace: Convert save_stack_trace_*() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] perf/x86: Convert perf_callchain_kernel() to use the new unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Remove NULL task pointer convention (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Remove unnecessary stack pointer arguments (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] oprofile/x86: Add regs->ip to oprofile trace (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] perf/x86: Check perf_callchain_store() error (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: unpatch all klp_objects if klp_module_coming fails (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Small shadow variable documentation fixes (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: __klp_shadow_get_or_alloc() is local to shadow.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: introduce shadow variable API (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack: Fix interrupt and exception stack boundary checks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Fix stacking of patches with respect to RCU (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Make livepatch dependent on !TRIM_UNUSED_KSYMS (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Reduce the time of finding module symbols (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add missing printk newlines (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Cancel transition a safe way for immediate patches (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: make klp_mutex proper part of API (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: allow removal of a disabled patch (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add /proc//patch_state (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: change to a per-task consistency model (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: store function sizes (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: use kstrtobool() in enabled_store() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: move patching functions into patch.c (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: remove unnecessary object loaded check (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: separate enabled and patched states (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch/x86: add TIF_PATCH_PENDING thread flag (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: create temporary klp_update_patch_state() stub (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/entry: define _TIF_ALLWORK_MASK flags explicitly (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] stacktrace/x86: add function for detecting reliable stack traces (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/unwind: update unwinder for livepatch (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/entry: annotate entry code call locations for livepatch unwinder (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: doc: remove the limitation for schedule() patching (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] documentation/livepatch: Fix stale link to gmame (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/boot: Move the _stext marker to before the boot code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/boot/64: Put a real return address on the idle task stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/boot/64: Use a common function for starting CPUs (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/unwind: Add new unwind interface and implementations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack: Add recursion checking for all stacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack: Add support for unwinding empty IRQ stacks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Add get_stack_info() interface (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Simplify in_exception_stack() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Allow preemption in show_stack_log_lvl() and dump_trace() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Add get_stack_pointer() and get_frame_pointer() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack: Make printk_stack_address() more generally useful (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack/ftrace: Don't print unreliable addresses in print_context_stack_bp() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack/ftrace: Mark function graph handler function as unreliable (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] ftrace/x86: Implement HAVE_FUNCTION_GRAPH_RET_ADDR_PTR (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] x86/dumpstack/ftrace: Convert dump_trace() callbacks to use ftrace_graph_ret_addr() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Add ftrace_graph_ret_addr() stack unwinding helpers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Add return address pointer to ftrace_ret_stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove CONFIG_HAVE_FUNCTION_GRAPH_FP_TEST from config (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Only allocate the ret_stack 'fp' field when needed (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Remove 64-byte gap at end of irq stack (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Remove extra brackets around "" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/asm/head: Rename 'stack_start' -> 'initial_stack' (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Remove show_trace() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: use arch_klp_init_object_loaded() to finish arch-specific tasks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Try harder to get a call trace on stack overflow (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/dumpstack: Honor supplied @regs arg (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86: avoid avoid passing around 'thread_info' in stack dumping code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: make object/func-walking helpers more robust (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Add some basic livepatch documentation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: robustify klp_register_patch() API error checking (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Allow architectures to specify an alternate ftrace location (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: reuse module loader code to write relocations (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] module: preserve Elf information for livepatch modules (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] elf: add livepatch-specific Elf constants (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] sscanf: implement basic character sets (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch/module: remove livepatch module notifier (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] modules: split part of complete_formation() into prepare_coming_module() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Fix the error message about unresolvable ambiguity (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] klp: remove CONFIG_LIVEPATCH dependency from klp headers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] klp: remove superfluous errors in asm/livepatch.h (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] perf: generalize perf_callchain (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace/module: remove ftrace module notifier (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace/module: Call clean up function when module init fails early (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: change the error message in asm/livepatch.h header files (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix the race between ftrace and insmod (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Add infrastructure for delayed enabling of module functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Cleanup of global variables ftrace_new_pgs and ftrace_update_cnt (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Cleanup module page permission changes (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: function, sympos scheme in livepatch sysfs directory (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add sympos as disambiguator field to klp_reloc (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add old_sympos as disambiguator field to klp_func (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] module: Add module_{enable,disable}_ro() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] module: Use the same logic for setting and unsetting RO/NX (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: x86: fix relocation computation with kASLR (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Fix crash with !CONFIG_DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Improve error handling in klp_disable_func() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] ftrace: Format MCOUNT_ADDR address as type unsigned long (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add module locking around kallsyms calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: annotate klp_init() with __init (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: introduce patch/func-walking helpers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: make kobject in klp_object statically allocated (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Prevent patch inconsistencies if the coming module notifier fails (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: match return value to function signature (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: x86: make kASLR logic more accurate (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add support on s390 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: Fix subtle race with coming and going modules (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: remove unnecessary call to klp_find_object_module() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: fix RCU usage in klp_find_external_symbol() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86/kernel: Fix output of show_stack_log_lvl() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: RCU protect struct klp_func all the time when used in klp_ftrace_handler() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: remove extern specifier from header files (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: fix format string in kobject_init_and_add() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: simplify disable error path (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: add missing newline to error message (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: rename config to CONFIG_LIVEPATCH (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: fix uninitialized return value (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: change ARCH_HAVE_LIVE_PATCHING to HAVE_LIVE_PATCHING (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: support for repatching a function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: enforce patch stacking semantics (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: fix deferred module patching order (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: handle ancient compilers with more grace (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: kconfig: use bool instead of boolean (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: samples: fix usage example comments (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: use FTRACE_OPS_FL_IPMODIFY (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: move x86 specific ftrace handler code to arch/x86 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: samples: add sample live patching module (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] livepatch: kernel: add support for live patching (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] powerpc/ftrace: simplify prepare_ftrace_return (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86: Fix dumpstack_64 irq stack handling (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86: Fix dumpstack_64 to keep state of "used" variable in loop (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] x86: Clean up dumpstack_64.c code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] dumpstack: Fix printk_address for direct addresses (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [kernel] s390/ftrace: prepare_ftrace_return() function call order (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637] - [x86] revert "dumpstack: Remove raw stack dump" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1430637]- [usb] xhci: Bad Ethernet performance plugged in ASM1042A host (Torez Smith) [1459020] - [usb] lib/string: add sysfs_match_string helper (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: include linux/device.h in ucsi.h (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: ucsi: Add ACPI driver (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: Add support for UCSI interface (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: Add a sysfs node to manage port type (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: update partner power delivery support with opmode (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: Don't prevent using constant typec_mode_desc initializers (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] typec: add driver for Intel Whiskey Cove PMIC USB Type-C PHY (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] USB Type-C connector class (Torez Smith) [1456565] - [usb] usb-storage: enable use of host wide tags for UAS driver (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] hso: register netdev later to avoid a race condition (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] hso: fix module unloading (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] plusb: Add support for PL-27A1 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] kaweth: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] ch9200: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] lan78xx: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] sr9700: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] cx82310_eth: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] smsc75xx: use skb_cow_head() to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] smsc95xx: Use skb_cow_head to deal with cloned skbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] qmi_wwan: add QMI_QUIRK_SET_DTR for Telit PID 0x1201 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usbnet: make sure no NULL pointer is passed through (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: The Microsoft Surface docks also use R8152 v2 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Manually give back cancelled URB if we can't queue it for cancel (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Set URB actual length for stopped control transfers (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] fix linked-list corruption in rh_call_control() (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: prevent the driver from transmitting packets with carrier off (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: fix the rx early size of RTL8153 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: set the RMS of RTL8153 according to the mtu (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] qmi_wwan: Add USB IDs for MDM6600 modem on Motorola Droid 4 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] qmi_wwan: add Dell DW5811e (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: fix the list rx_done may be used without initialization (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: qcserial: add Dell DW5811e (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] hub: Fix crash after failure to read BOS descriptor (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usbtmc: fix probe error path (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usbtmc: add missing endpoint sanity check (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: option: add Quectel UC15, UC20, EC21, and EC25 modems (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usb-core: Add LINEAR_FRAME_INTR_BINTERVAL USB quirk (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] wusbcore: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] uss720: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] lvtest: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] idmouse: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] scripts/spelling.txt: add "disble(d)" pattern and fix typo instances (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci-dbg: HCIVERSION should be a binary number (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: remove dummy extra_priv_size for size of xhci_hcd struct (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci-mtk: check hcc_params after adding primary hcd (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usb-storage: Add ignore-residue quirk for Initio INIC-3619 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] iowarrior: fix NULL-deref in write (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] iowarrior: fix NULL-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: safe_serial: fix information leak in completion handler (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: io_ti: fix information leak in completion handler (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: omninet: drop open callback (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: omninet: fix reference leaks at open (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: io_ti: fix NULL-deref in interrupt callback (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: digi_acceleport: fix OOB-event processing (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] asix_devices: fix missing return code check on call to asix_write_medium_mode (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] cdc-wdm: remove logically dead code (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: keyspan: drop header file (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: io_edgeport: drop io-tables header file (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] misc: usbtest: remove redundant check on retval < 0 (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: upd78f0730: sort device ids (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: upd78f0730: add ID for EVAL-ADXL362Z (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] lan78xx: fix build errors when linux/phy*.h is removed from dsa.h (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] ohci-hub: fix typo in dbg_port macro (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: mos7840: fix another NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: console: clean up sanity checks (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop redundant URB reinitialisation (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop function-tracing debugging (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop redundant URB unlink (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: metro-usb: drop unused interrupt-out callback (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci-mtk: make the reference clock optional (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: remove dead code (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: sierra: fix bogus alternate-setting assumption (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix line-status over-reporting (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add new IDs for GE Bx50v3 boards (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] misc: adutux: remove redundant error check on copy_to_user return code (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: keyspan_pda: fix receive sanity checks (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: digi_acceleport: fix incomplete rx sanity check (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: digi_acceleport: fix OOB data sanity check (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ark3116: use port device for info and error messages (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ark3116: remove redundant interrupt-urb check (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ark3116: fix endpoint-check return value (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] uvcvideo: (cosmetic) Remove a superfluous assignment (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix TIOCGSERIAL flags (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: add uPD78F0730 USB to Serial Adaptor Driver (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: drop unused ASYNC flags (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: clean up ioctl handler (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: fix the wrong spelling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix extreme low-latency setting (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: refactor xhci_urb_enqueue (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: simplify how we store TDs in urb private data (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Rename variables related to transfer descritpors (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: rename size variable to num_tds (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: add xhci_virt_device tracer (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: remove newline from tracer (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: convert several if() to a single switch statement (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: add urb_enqueue/dequeue/giveback tracers (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: make a generic TRB tracer (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: combine event TRB completion debugging messages (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: convert to list_for_each_entry_safe() (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: use the trb_to_noop() helper for command trbs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Introduce helper to turn one TRB into a no-op (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: unconditionally call xhci_unmap_td_bounce_buffer() (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: check for a valid ring when unmapping bounce buffer (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: remove bogus __releases()/__acquires() annotation (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: introduce xhci_td_cleanup() (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: reorder variable definitions (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: use slightly better list helpers (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: remove unneded semicolon (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: simplify irq handler return (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: rename completion codes to match spec (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: print HCIVERSION on debug (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: change pre-increments to post-increments (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary return in xhci_pci_setup() (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: use list_is_singular for cmd_list (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: avoid unnecessary calculation (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary assignment (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: add quirk flag for broken PED bits (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Put warning message on a single line (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] host: xhci: Remove unused 'addr_64' variable in xhci_hcd structure (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary second abort try (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary check for pending timer (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: detect stop endpoint race using pending timer instead of counter (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: rename EP_HALT_PENDING to EP_STOP_CMD_PENDING (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: simplify if statement to make it more readable (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] storage: sddr09: Remove a set-but-not-used variable (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] ulpi: Support device discovery via DT (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci-mtk: add reference clock (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] hcd: initialize hcd->flags to 0 when rm hcd (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] storage: ene_ub6250: remove unused variable (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] core: update comments for send message functions (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: opticon: fix CTS retrieval at open (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ssu100: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: spcp8x5: fix modem-status handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: quatech2: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: pl2303: fix line-setting error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: mos7840: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: mos7720: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: mct_u232: fix modem-status error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: iuu_phoenix: remove unused buffer from open (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix descriptor error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix epic-descriptor handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix latency-timer error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: fix modem-status error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ark3116: fix open error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ark3116: fix register-accessor error handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: remove unused termios structure (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: clean up struct definition (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: remove dead code (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: make logging less verbose (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ch341: change initial line-control settings (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ch341: rename LCR variable in set_termios (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ch341: rename modem-status register (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ch341: rename shadow modem-control register (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ch341: clean up control debug messages (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix modem-status handling (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] serial: cypress_m8: remove unused variable (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] locking/atomic, kref: Avoid more abuse (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] cdc-ether: usbnet_cdc_zte_status() can be static (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] Increase usbfs transfer limit (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] make the MTK XHCI driver compile for older MIPS SoCs (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] Replace with globally (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] treewide: remove redundant #include (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] Skip auto handoff for TI and RENESAS usb controllers (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Fix race related to abort operation (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] xhci: Use delayed_work instead of timer for command timeout (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] tty: vt, cleanup and document con_scroll (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] r8152: reset the bmu (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] uas: remove can_queue set in host template (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] scsi: rename SCSI_MAX_{SG, SG_CHAIN}_SEGMENTS (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] uas: Limit qdepth at the scsi-host level (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] uas: Fix slave queue_depth not being set (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] usb-storage: Fix scsi-sd failure "Invalid field in cdb" for USB adapter JMicron (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] scsi: use host wide tags by default (Torez Smith) [1435752] - [usb] scsi: always assign block layer tags if enabled (Torez Smith) [1435752]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: don't trust VF to reset itself (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Retry AQC GetPhyAbilities to overcome I2CRead hangs (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bundle more descriptors when allocating buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bump tail only in multiples of 8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: always set the CLEARPBA flag when re-enabling interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix incorrect default ITR values on driver load (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix mac filter removal timing issue (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: organize and re-number feature flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: enable support for VF VLAN tag stripping control (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Display error message if module does not meet thermal requirements (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: redfine I40E_PHY_TYPE_MAX (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: spread CPU affinity hints across online CPUs only (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Stop dropping 802.1ad tags - eth proto 0x88a8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: make i40evf_map_rings_to_vectors void (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: Enable VF to request an alternate queue allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: use admin queue for setting LEDs behavior (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for 'ethtool -m' (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix reporting of supported link modes (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor FW version checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix ring to vector mapping (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: shutdown all IRQs and disable MSI-X when suspended (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: lower message level (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: rename bytes_per_int to bytes_per_usec (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: use setup_timer() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid dynamic ITR updates when polling or low packet rate (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove ULTRA latency mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: invert logic for checking incorrect cpu vs irq affinity (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: initialize our affinity_mask based on cpu_possible_mask (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: support for VF VLAN tag stripping control (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix possible snprintf truncation of q_vector->name (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: prevent snprintf format specifier truncation (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Store the requested FEC information (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: use netdev variable in reset task (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use cmpxchg64 when updating private flags in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: separate hw_features from runtime changing flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: prevent VF close returning before state transitions to DOWN (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: adjust packet size to account for double VLANs (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove unnecessary __packed (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use le32_to_cpu before evaluating HW desc fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: add some missing includes (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove mismatched type warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: update WOL and I40E_AQC_ADDR_VALID_MASK flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: assign num_active_queues inside i40evf_alloc_queues (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: proper update of the page_offset field (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add support for Adaptive Virtual Function (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] virtchnl: finish conversion to virtchnl interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf/virtchnl: whitespace cleanups (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] virtchnl: rename i40e to generic virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: create and use new unified header file (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: drop i40e_type.h include (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: disable unused flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix merge error in older patch (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix duplicate lines (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: hide unused variable (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: allocate queues before we setup the interrupts and q_vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove I40E_FLAG_FDIR_ATR_ENABLED (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove needless min_t() on num_online_cpus()*2 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: separate PF and VSI state flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary msleep() delay in i40e_free_vfs (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: remove I40E_FLAG_IN_NETPOLL entirely (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: new AQ commands (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add tracepoints (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix support for flow director programming status (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove VF Rx csum offload for tunneled packets (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use build_skb to build frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for padding start of frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for using order 1 pages with a 3K buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: remove I40E_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add capability exchange for outer checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change the way we limit the maximum frame size for Rx (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add legacy-rx private flag to allow fallback to old Rx flow (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Break i40e_fetch_rx_buffer up to allow for reuse of frag code (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull out code for cleaning up Rx buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull code for grabbing and syncing rx_buffer from fetch_buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: use register for XL722 control register read/write (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: enforce descriptor write-back mechanism for VF (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: dereference VSI after VSI has been null checked (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop FCoE code from core driver files (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean-up process_skb_fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix use after free in Rx cleanup path (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update code to better handle incrementing page count (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change version from 1.6.27 to 2.1.7 (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for mapping pages with DMA attributes (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] i40evf: add client interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454890] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454890]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: don't trust VF to reset itself (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix link reporting (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix memory leak related filter programming status (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix comment about locking for __i40e_read_nvm_word() (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Avoid some useless variables and initializers in NVM functions (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix a typo (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use a local variable instead of calculating multiple times (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Retry AQC GetPhyAbilities to overcome I2CRead hangs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: add check for return from find_first_bit call (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: allow XPS with QoS enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bundle more descriptors when allocating buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bump tail only in multiples of 8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: reduce lrxqthresh from 2 to 1 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: always set the CLEARPBA flag when re-enabling interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix incorrect default ITR values on driver load (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use the safe hash table iterator when deleting mac filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix flags declaration (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: organize and re-number feature flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: ignore skb->xmit_more when deciding to set RS bit (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: do not enter PHY debug mode while setting LEDs behaviour (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: implement split PCI error reset handler (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Properly maintain flow director filters list (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Display error message if module does not meet thermal requirements (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix merge error (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix incorrect register definition (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: redfine I40E_PHY_TYPE_MAX (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: re-enable PTP L4 capabilities for XL710 if FW >6.0 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: spread CPU affinity hints across online CPUs only (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: add private flag to control source pruning (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix a typo in i40e_pf documentation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Stop dropping 802.1ad tags - eth proto 0x88a8 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix client notify of VF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix handling of vf_states variable (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: ensure reset occurs when disabling VF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: make use of i40e_vc_disable_vf (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: drop i40e_pf *pf from i40e_vc_disable_vf() (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: don't hold spinlock while resetting VF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use admin queue for setting LEDs behavior (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for 'ethtool -m' (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix reporting of supported link modes (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a potential NULL pointer dereference (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove logically dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: limit lan queue count in large CPU count machine (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor FW version checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Enable VF to negotiate number of allocated queues (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] virtchnl: Add compile time static asserts to validate structure sizes (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: shutdown all IRQs and disable MSI-X when suspended (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: prevent service task from running while we're suspended (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: don't clear suspended state until we finish resuming (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use newer generic PM support instead of legacy PM callbacks (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use separate state bit for miscellaneous IRQ setup (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix for flow director counters not wrapping as expected (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: relax warning message in case of version mismatch (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: simplify member variable accesses (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix link down message when interface is brought up (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix unqualified module message while bringing link up (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: rename bytes_per_int to bytes_per_usec (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid dynamic ITR updates when polling or low packet rate (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove ULTRA latency mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: invert logic for checking incorrect cpu vs irq affinity (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: initialize our affinity_mask based on cpu_possible_mask (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: move enabling icr0 into i40e_update_enable_itr (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove workaround for resetting XPS (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for unused value issue found by static analysis (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: 25G FEC status improvements (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: support for VF VLAN tag stripping control (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: force VMDQ device name truncation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Use correct flag to enable egress traffic for unicast promisc (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: prevent snprintf format specifier truncation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Store the requested FEC information (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Update state variable for adminq subtask (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: synchronize nvmupdate command and adminq subtask (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: prevent changing ITR if adaptive-rx/tx enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: move check for avoiding VID=0 filters into i40e_vsi_add_vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use cmpxchg64 when updating private flags in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Detect ATR HW Evict NVM issue and disable the feature (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove workaround for Open Firmware MAC address (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: separate hw_features from runtime changing flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a bug with VMDq RSS queue allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: adjust packet size to account for double VLANs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Initialize 64-bit statistics TX ring seqcount (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: handle setting administratively set MAC address back to zero (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: display correct UDP tunnel type name (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove mismatched type warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: make IPv6 ATR code clearer (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix odd formatting and indent (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix up 32 bit timespec references (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Handle admin Q timeout when releasing NVM (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove WQ_UNBOUND and the task limit of our workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for trace found with S4 state (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix incorrect variable assignment (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: don't hold RTNL lock for the entire reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Handle PE_CRITERR properly with IWARP enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: clear only cause_ena bit (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix disabling overflow promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for OEM firmware version (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: genericize the partition bandwidth control (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Add message for unsupported MFP mode (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Support firmware CEE DCB UP to TC map re-definition (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix potential out of bound array access (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: comment that udp_port must be in host byte order (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use dev_dbg instead of dev_info when warning about missing routine (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: update WOL and I40E_AQC_ADDR_VALID_MASK flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] networking: make skb_put & friends return void pointers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a sleep-in-atomic bug (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix handling of HW ATR eviction (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: proper update of the page_offset field (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix state flags for bit set and clean operations of PF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/virtchnl: move function to virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] virtchnl: finish conversion to virtchnl interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40evf/virtchnl: whitespace cleanups (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/virtchnl: refactor code for validate checks (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] virtchnl: convert to new macros (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] virtchnl: move some code to core driver (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] virtchnl: rename i40e to generic virtchnl (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use new unified virtchnl header file (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: create and use new unified header file (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Check for memory allocation failure (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: check for Tx timestamp timeouts during watchdog (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use pf data structure directly in i40e_ptp_rx_hang (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid permanent lock of *_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix race condition with PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS bits (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove hw_disabled_flags in favor of using separate flag bits (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use DECLARE_BITMAP for state fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: separate PF and VSI state flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary msleep() delay in i40e_free_vfs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: amortize wait time when disabling lots of VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Reprogram port offloads after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: rename index to port to avoid confusion (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: make use of i40e_reset_all_vfs when initializing new VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: properly spell I40E_VF_STATE_* flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use i40e_stop_rings_no_wait to implement PORT_SUSPENDED state (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: reset all VFs in parallel when rebuilding PF (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: split some code in i40e_reset_vf into helpers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix CONFIG_BUSY checks in i40e_set_settings function (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: factor out queue control from i40e_vsi_control_(tx|rx) (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: don't hold RTNL lock while waiting for VF reset to finish (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: new AQ commands (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add tracepoints (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: dump VF information in debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix support for flow director programming status (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use build_skb to build frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for padding start of frames (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for using order 1 pages with a 3K buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up historic deprecated flag definitions (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove I40E_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove extraneous loop in i40e_vsi_wait_queues_disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: allow look-up of MAC address from Open Firmware or IDPROM (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Simplify i40e_detect_recover_hung_queue logic (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Decrease the scope of rtnl lock (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Swap use of pf->flags and pf->hw_disabled_flags for ATR Eviction (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: update error message when trying to add invalid filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add capability exchange for outer checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix for queue timing delays (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change the way we limit the maximum frame size for Rx (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add legacy-rx private flag to allow fallback to old Rx flow (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Break i40e_fetch_rx_buffer up to allow for reuse of frag code (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull out code for cleaning up Rx buffers (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Pull code for grabbing and syncing rx_buffer from fetch_buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove FDIR_REQUIRES_REINIT driver flag (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove a useless goto statement (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Check for new arq elements before leaving the adminq subtask loop (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use register for XL722 control register read/write (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Clean up handling of private flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop FCoE code that always evaluates to false or 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop FCoE code from core driver files (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean-up process_skb_fields (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: removed no longer needed delays (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Fixed race conditions in VF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix use after free in Rx cleanup path (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix configuration of RSS table with DCB (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update code to better handle incrementing page count (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: make use of hlist_for_each_entry_continue (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: add support for SCTPv4 FDir filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: implement support for flexible word payload (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: add parsing of flexible filter fields from userdef (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: partition the ring_cookie to get VF index (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: allow changing input set for ntuple filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: restore default input set for each flow type (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: check current configured input set when adding ntuple filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: correctly honor the mask fields for ETHTOOL_SRXCLSRLINS (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: always remove old filter when adding new FDir filter (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: explicitly fail on extended MAC field for ethtool_rx_flow_spec (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: add counters for UDP/IPv4 and IPv4 filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: don't re-enable ATR when flushing filters if SB has TCP4/IPv4 rules (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: reset fd_tcp_rule count when restoring filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: remove redundant check for fd_tcp_rule when restoring filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: exit ATR mode only when adding TCP/IPv4 filter succeeds (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: return immediately when failing to add fdir filter (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: rework exit flow of i40e_add_fdir_ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: don't use arrays for (src|dst)_ip (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: send correct port number to AdminQ when enabling UDP tunnels (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: rename auto_disable_flags to hw_disabled_flags (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Change version from 1.6.27 to 2.1.7 (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Allow untrusted VFs to have more filters (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for mapping pages with DMA attributes (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: Clarify steps in MAC/VLAN filters initialization routine (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] i40e: fix ethtool to get EEPROM data from X722 interface (Stefan Assmann) [1454892] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Stefan Assmann) [1454892]- [net] rename ndo_setup_tc callback and remove it from kABI (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: avoid matching qdisc with zero handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Set egress_dev mark when calling into the HW driver (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove cls_flower idr on failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: don't use GFP_KERNEL under spin lock (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix use-after-free in tcf_action_destroy and tcf_del_walker (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Change act_api and act_xxx modules to use IDR (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Change cls_flower to use IDR (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [lib] idr: implement extended variant of idr (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [lib] idr: fix NULL pointer dereference when ida_remove(unallocated_id) (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [lib] idr: fix unexpected ID-removal when idr_remove(unallocated_id) (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [lib] idr: fix overflow bug during maximum ID calculation at maximum height (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix order of queue length updates in qdisc_replace() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: hfsc: fix curve activation in hfsc_change_class() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: always reset qdisc backlog in qdisc_reset() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: fix scaling error in bytes/packets samples (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: carefully handle tcf_block_put() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix reference counting of tc filter chain (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: get rid of tcfa_rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix pointer check in gen_handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix memleak for chain zero (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Use __qdisc_drop instead of kfree_skb in sch_prio and sch_qfq (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: add reverse binding for tc class (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_tbf: fix two null pointer dereferences on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_sfq: fix null pointer dereference on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_netem: avoid null pointer deref on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_fq_codel: avoid double free on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_cbq: fix null pointer dereferences on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_hfsc: fix null pointer deref and double free on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_hhf: fix null pointer dereference on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_multiq: fix double free on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_htb: fix crash on init failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ife: use registered ife_type as fallback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] if_ether: add forces ife lfb type (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sfq: drop packets after root qdisc lock is released (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix a refcount_t issue with noop_qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: kill u32_node pointer in Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove tc class reference counting (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: introduce tclass_del_notify() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: get rid of more forward declarations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add couple of goto_chain helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: don't do tcf_chain_flush from tcf_chain_destroy (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix use after free when tcf_chain_destroy is called multiple times (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Fix the logic error to decide the ingress qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix p_filter_chain check in tcf_chain_flush (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Add the invalid handle check in qdisc_class_find (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix NULL pointer dereference when action calls some targets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_flower: fix ndo_setup_tc type for stats call (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: add tracepoint qdisc:qdisc_dequeue for dequeued SKBs (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: hfsc: opencode trivial set_active() and set_passive() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: call qlen_notify only if child qdisc is empty (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove warning from qdisc_hash_add (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sfq: update hierarchical backlog when drop packet (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: reset pointers to tcf blocks in classful qdiscs' destructors (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: hfsc: allocate tcf block for hfsc root class (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove cops->tcf_cl_offload (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: use newly added classid identity helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: propagate classid down to offload drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Add helpers to identify classids (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: set xt_tgchk_param par.nft_compat as 0 in ipt_init_target (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: set xt_tgchk_param properly in ipt_init_target (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: get rid of some forward declarations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: get rid of struct tc_to_netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: change return value of ndo_setup_tc for driver supporting mqprio only (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: move prio into cls_common (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: push cls related args into cls_common structure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: rename cls arg in matchall processing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: push cls_flower and cls_matchall setup_tc processing into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [netdrv] mlx5e_rep: push cls_flower setup_tc processing into a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [netdrv] mlx5e: push cls_flower and mqprio setup_tc processing into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [netdrv] ixgbe: push cls_u32 and mqprio setup_tc processing into separate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [netdrv] cxgb4: push cls_u32 setup_tc processing into a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: make egress_dev flag part of flower offload struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: rename TC_SETUP_MATCHALL to TC_SETUP_CLSMATCHALL (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: make type an argument for ndo_setup_tc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: use void pointer for filter handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: refactor notification code for RTM_DELTFILTER (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: avoid atomic swap in tcf_exts_change (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_u32: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_route: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_flow: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_cgroup: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_bpf: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_basic: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_matchall: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_fw: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_flower: no need to call tcf_exts_change for newly allocated struct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_fw: rename fw_change_attrs function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_bpf: rename cls_bpf_modify_existing function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: use tcf_exts_has_actions instead of exts->nr_actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove check for number of actions in tcf_exts_exec (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix return value of tcf_exts_exec (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove redundant helpers tcf_exts_is_predicative and tcf_exts_is_available (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: use tcf_exts_has_actions in tcf_exts_exec (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: change names of action number helpers to be aligned with the rest (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove unneeded tcf_em_tree_change (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_atm: use Qdisc_class_common structure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: add time filter for action dumping (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: dump more than TCA_ACT_MAX_PRIO actions per batch (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: Use proper root attribute table for actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netlink: Add new type NLA_BITFIELD32 (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: rename act_get_notify() to tcf_get_notify() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Fix one possible panic when no destroy callback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: make UDP checksum configurable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: request UDP checksum by default (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_pedit: fix an error code (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: move tcf_lock down after gen_replace_estimator() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] propagate tc filter chain index down the ndo_setup_tc call (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: introduce helper to identify gact trap action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: introduce a TRAP control action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: select cls when cls_act is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_flower: add support for matching on ip tos and ttl (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add helper for updating statistics on all actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: only create filter chains for new filters/actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: flower: add support for matching on tcp flags (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_api: make reclassify return all the way back to the original tp (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_matchall: fix null pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix filter flushing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: properly assign RCU pointer in tcf_chain_tp_insert/remove (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add termination action to allow goto chain (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: push tp down to action init (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: introduce multichain support for filters (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: push chain dump to a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: introduce helpers to work with filter chains (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: move TC_H_MAJ macro call into tcf_auto_prio (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: replace nprio by a bool to make the function more readable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: rename tcf_destroy_chain helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: introduce tcf block infractructure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: move tc_classify function to cls_api.c (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] fix compile error in skb_orphan_partial() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netem: fix skb_orphan_partial() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: optimize class dumps (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_csum: Add accessors for offloading drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove redundant null check on head (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add helpers to handle extended actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] flower: check unused bits in MPLS fields (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: Complete the JUMPX opcode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_flower: add support for matching MPLS fields (v2) (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove useless NULL to tp->root (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: move the empty tp check from ->destroy() to ->delete() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] allow configuring default qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: check noop_qdisc before qdisc_hash_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: choke: remove some dead code (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: use setup_deferrable_timer (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: choke: remove dead filter classify code (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_csum: don't mangle TCP and UDP GSO packets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_dsmark: fix invalid skb_cow() usage (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fq_codel: Avoid set-but-unused variable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_ife: Staticfy find_decode_metaid() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] mqprio: Modify mqprio to pass user parameters via ndo_setup_tc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] mqprio: Change handling of hw u8 to allow for multiple hardware offload modes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] replace callings of .ndo_setup_tc by wrapper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netem: apply correct delay when rate throttling (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_tbf: Remove bogus semicolon in if() conditional. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_connmark: avoid crashing on malformed nlattrs with null parms (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: make default fifo qdiscs appear in the dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_skbmod: remove unneeded rcu_read_unlock in tcf_skbmod_dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: decrement module reference count after table flush. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: Remove useless qdisc_stab_lock (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_u32: Reflect HW offload status (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: have stub for tcf_destroy_chain in case NET_CLS is not configured (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Fix accidental removal of errout goto (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix error recovery at qdisc creation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: check negative err value to safe one level of indent (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add missing curly braces in else branch in tc_ctl_tfilter (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: move err set right before goto errout in tc_ctl_tfilter (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: push TC filter protocol creation into a separate function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: move tcf_proto_destroy and tcf_destroy_chain helpers into cls_api (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: rename tcf_destroy to tcf_destroy_proto (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_pedit: Introduce 'add' operation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_pedit: Support using offset relative to the conventional network headers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_mirred: remove duplicated include from act_mirred.c (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_ife: Change to use ife module (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Introduce ife encapsulation module (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_ife: Unexport ife_tlv_meta_encode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_psample: Remove unnecessary ASSERT_RTNL (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_sample: Fix error path in init (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Introduce sample tc action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Introduce psample, a new genetlink channel for packet sampling (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Add accessor functions to pedit keys for offloading drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] fq_codel: Avoid regenerating skb flow hash unless necessary (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: fix refcnt when GETing of action after bind (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_csum: compute crc32c on SCTP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Kconfig: select LIBCRC32C if NET_ACT_CSUM is selected (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_u32: don't bother explicitly initializing ->divisor to zero (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc: convert tc_at to tc_at_ingress (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc: convert tc_verd to integer bitfields (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc: extract skip classify bit from tc_verd (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc: make MAX_RECLASSIFY_LOOP local (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc: remove unused tc_verd fields (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] dev_weight: TX/RX orthogonality (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix soft lockup in tc_classify (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_netem: use rb_entry() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_fq: use rb_entry() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: complete rewrite of rate estimators (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] uapi: export tc_skbmod.h (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: account for timer drifts (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: pedit: make sure that offset is valid (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Export tc_tunnel_key so its UAPI accessible (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] bpf: reuse dev_is_mac_header_xmit for redirect (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: filters: fix filter handle ID in tfilter_notify_chain() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_fq: use hash_ptr() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: filters: pass netlink message flags in event notification (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc_act: Remove tcf_act macro (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: catch misconfig of attaching qdisc to tx_queue_len zero device (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: IFF_NO_QUEUE drivers should use consistent TX queue len (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] make default TX queue length a defined constant (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: actions: use nla_parse_nested() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: filters: fix notification of filter delete with proper handle (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] skbedit: allow the user to specify bitmask for mark (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_htb: do not report fake rate estimators (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: em_meta: Fix 'meta vlan' to correctly recognize zero VID frames (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_mirred: Implement ingress actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_mirred: Refactor detection whether dev needs xmit at mac header (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_mirred: Rename tcfm_ok_push to tcfm_mac_header_xmit and make it a bool (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: reorder pernet ops and act ops registrations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: do not broadcast RTM_GETTFILTER result (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] skbuff: Limit skb_vlan_pop/push() to expect skb->data at mac header (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_vlan: Push skb->data to mac_header prior calling skb_vlan_*() functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: pkt_cls: change tc actions order to be as the user sets (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ife: Fix false encoding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ife: Fix external mac header on encode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_fq: account for schedule/timers drifts (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_fq: add low_rate_threshold parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: fix GETing actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_vlan: Introduce TCA_VLAN_ACT_MODIFY vlan action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] skbuff: Export __skb_vlan_pop (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: check NULL on error path in route4_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions police: peg drop stats for conforming traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: ife action: Introduce skb tcindex metadata encap decap (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: ife action: add 16 bit helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add and use qdisc_skb_head helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: replace __skb_dequeue with __qdisc_dequeue_head (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove qdisc arg from __qdisc_dequeue_head (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: don't use skb queue helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pie: use qdisc_dequeue_head wrapper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: use proper locking in fq_dump_stats() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: Introduce skbmod action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for built-in or module (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] minor optimization in qdisc_qstats_cpu_drop() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: fix a module refcount leak in qdisc_create_dflt() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix encoding to use real length (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: properly handle failure case of tcf_exts_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: avoid duplicates in qdisc dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix handling of singleton qdiscs with qdisc_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: allow flushing tc police actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: unify the init logic for act_police (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: convert tcf_exts from list to pointer array (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove an unnecessary list_del() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove the leftover cleanup_a() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] fix up a few missing hashtable.h conflict resolutions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: convert qdisc linked list to hashtable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] resolve symbol conflicts with generic hashtable.h (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: remove unused cl_myfadj (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: keep fsc and virtual times in sync; fix an old bug (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: get rid of struct tcf_common (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: move tc_action into tcf_common (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_htb: clamp xstats tokens to fit into 32-bit int (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] hfsc: reduce hfsc_sched to 14 cachelines (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: skbedit convert to use more modern nla_put_xxx (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: actions: skbedit add support for mod-ing skb pkt_type (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] simplify and make pkt_type_ok() available for other users (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: anchor virtual curve at proper vt in hfsc_change_fsc() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: go passive after vt update (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: remove leftover dlist and droplist (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: add unlikely() in qdisc_peek_len() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: handle corner cases where head may change invalidating calculated deadline (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: netem: do not call qdisc_drop() with a NULL skb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: generalize bulk dequeue (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_htb: export class backlog in dumps (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fq_codel: cache skb->truesize into skb->cb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: drop packets after root qdisc lock is released (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ife: acquire ife_mod_lock before reading ifeoplist (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ife: only acquire tcf_lock for existing actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] htb: call qdisc_root with rcu read lock held (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_fq: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_pie: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_netem: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_htb: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_hhf: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fq_codel: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_fq: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_codel: defer skb freeing in codel_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_choke: defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: add the ability to defer skb freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched actions: bug fix dumping actions directly didnt produce NLMSG_DONE (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: make tcf_hash_check() boolean (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ipt: fix a bind refcnt leak (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: prio: insure proper transactional behavior (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_police: rename tcf_act_police_locate() to tcf_act_police_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove internal use of TC_POLICE_* (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: prio: properly report out of memory errors (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove NET_XMIT_POLICED (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove generic throttled management (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: netem: remove qdisc_is_throttled() use (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: cbq: remove a flaky use of qdisc_is_throttled() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sch_plug: use a private throttled status (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix qdisc->running lockdep annotations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: place state, next_sched and gso_skb in same cacheline again (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove qdisc->drop (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: remove qdisc_rehape_fail (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cbq: remove TCA_CBQ_POLICE support (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cbq: remove TCA_CBQ_OVL_STRATEGY support (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qfq: don't leak skb if kzalloc fails (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_u32: be more strict about skip-sw flag for knodes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_u32: catch all hardware offload errors (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix missing doc annotations (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: add missing paddattr description (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix tc_should_offload for specific clsact classes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_police: fix a crash during removal (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: do not acquire qdisc spinlock in qdisc/class stats dump (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: transform qdisc running bit into a seqcount (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_u32: fix error code for invalid flags (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: avoid too many hrtimer_start() calls (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] also make sch_handle_egress() drop monitor ready (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched: ife action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched: skbedit action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched: simple action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched: mirred action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched: ipt action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net sched: vlan action fix late binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] export tc ife uapi header (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] make sch_handle_ingress() drop monitor ready (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] add __sock_wfree() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: constify meta_type_ops structures (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix a memory leak in tc action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: dsmark: use qdisc_dequeue_peeked() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_ife: fix a typo in kmemdup() parameters (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: use pfifo_fast for non real queues (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_mqprio: Fix build with older gcc. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Support to encoding decoding skb prio on IFE action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Support to encoding decoding skb mark on IFE action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] introduce IFE action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: update hierarchical backlog too (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: add network namespace support for tc actions (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: prepare tcf_hashinfo_destroy() for netns support (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] bpf: try harder on clones when writing into skb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: Improve readability of filter processing (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched fix: reclassification needs to consider ether protocol changes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pack tc_cls_u32_knode struct slighter better (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: drr: check for NULL pointer in drr_dequeue (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [kernel] timer: add setup_deferrable_timer macro (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add clsact qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: add skb_at_tc_ingress helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: make qdisc_tree_decrease_qlen() work for non mq (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix qdisc_tree_decrease_qlen() races (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: kill dead code in sch_choke.c (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_hhf: fix return value of hhf_drop() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: make sch_blackhole.c explicitly non-modular (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_mirred: always release tcf hash (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] revert "net_sched: move tp->root allocation into fw_init()" (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_connmark: Remember the struct net instead of guessing it. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_dsmark: improve memory locality (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: don't break line in tc_classify loop notification (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: consolidate tc_classify{, _compat} (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: convert rsvp to call tcf_exts_destroy from rcu callback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: convert tcindex to call tcf_exts_destroy from rcu callback (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: make tcf_hash_destroy() static (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: add direction support for zones (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_mirred: avoid calling tcf_hash_release() when binding (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_choke: drop all packets in queue during reset (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_plug: purge buffered packets during reset (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: fix a use-after-free in sfq (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: remove unused member of struct qfq_sched (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: gen_estimator: extend pps limit (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Simplify em_ipset_match (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: remove redundant -if- control statement (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: pkt_cls: remove unused macros from uapi (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] dev: reduce both ingress hook ifdefs (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] add CONFIG_NET_INGRESS to enable ingress filtering (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: deprecate enqueue_root() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: gred: use correct backlog value in WRED mode (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Call skb_get_hash_perturb in sch_hhf (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: act_connmark: don't zap skb->nfct (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: move tp->root allocation into fw_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: move tp->root allocation into route4_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: export tc_connmark.h so it is uapi accessible (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Remove state argument from skb_find_text() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] ematch: Fix auto-loading of ematch modules. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] gen_stats.c: Duplicate xstats buffer for later use (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_connmark: fix dependencies better (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_basic: return from walking on match in basic_get (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_bpf: fix auto generation of per list handles (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cls_bpf: fix size mismatch on filter preparation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_connmark: Add missing dependency on NF_CONNTRACK_MARK (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Introduce connmark action (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: sch_teql: Remove unused function (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] skbuff: don't zero tc members when freeing skb (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] kconfig: use bool instead of boolean for type definition attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Update old iproute2 and Xen Remus links (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc_act: export uapi header file (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix act file names in header comment (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] add rbnode to struct sk_buff (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_pie: schedule the timer after all init succeed (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: restore qdisc quota fairness limits after bulk dequeue (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] ematch: Fix early ending of inverted containers. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: implement qstat helper routines (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] ematch: Fix matching of inverted containers. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: fix compile warning in cls_u32 (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: cls_u32: rcu can not be last node (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: use __skb_queue_head_init() where applicable (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sfq: remove unused macro (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netfilter: xt_string: Remove unnecessary initialization of struct ts_state (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cbq: now_rt removal (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] cbq: incorrectly low bandwidth setting blocks limited traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: remove exceptional & on function name (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: cancel nest attribute on failure in tcf_exts_dump() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] em_canid: remove useless statements from em_canid_change (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: drr: warn when qdisc is not work conserving (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] use the new API kvfree() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_hhf: fix comparison of qlen and limit (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: lock imbalance in hhf qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Allow tc changes in user namespaces (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: return nla_nest_end() instead of skb->len (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_tbf: Remove holes in struct tbf_sched_data. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_netem: replace magic numbers with enumerate in get_loss_clg (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_netem: replace magic numbers with enumerate in GE model (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_netem: change some func's param from "struct Qdisc *" to "struct netem_sched_data *" (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_netem: return errcode before setting params (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Cleanup PIE comments (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] add and use skb_gso_transport_seglen() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_netem: replace magic numbers with enumerate (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: act: pick a different type for act_xt (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] replace macros net_random and net_srandom with direct calls to prandom (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] hhf qdisc: fix jiffies-time conversion. (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: PIE AQM scheme (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch: fix the typo in register_qdisc() (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] hhf: make qdisc ops static (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_dsmark: use correct func name in print messages (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_htb: use /* comments (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: replace pr_warning with pr_warn (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_cbq: remove unnecessary null pointer check (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] act_police: remove unnecessary null pointer check (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: hhf: Heavy-Hitter Filter (HHF) qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sch_htb: remove unnecessary NULL pointer judgment (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: expand control flow of macro SKIP_NONLOCAL (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: sfq: put sfq_unlink in a do - while loop (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: add space around '>' and before '(' (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] net_sched: cls_bpf: use tabs to do indent (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: htb: fix the calculation of quantum (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] Fix FSF address in file headers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] include/net/: Fix FSF address in file headers (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netem: fix loss 4 state model (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netem: markov loss model transition fix (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netem: free skb's in tree on reset (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] tc: export tc_defact.h to userspace (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: basic classifier - remove unnecessary initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] qdisc: meta return ENOMEM on alloc failure (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] netem: Introduce skb_orphan_partial() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: remove forward declaration of qfq_update_agg_ts (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] pkt_sched: sch_qfq: improve efficiency of make_eligible (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] sched: Add __GFP_NOWARN to k.alloc calls with v.alloc fallbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] kabi: prepare protection for struct Qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] kabi: remove RH_KABI_ macros from sch_generic.h (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] kabi: use different sch_generic.h for checksums generation (Ivan Vecera) [1445420] - [net] kabi: introduce shadow sch_generic.h for generating correct checksums (Ivan Vecera) [1445420]- [fs] nfs: RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE is in bytes ("J. Bruce Fields") [1495321] - [fs] gfs2: Support negative atimes (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505849] - [fs] gfs2: Update ctime in setflags ioctl (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505822] - [fs] gfs2: Fix xattr fsync (Andreas Grunbacher) [1505552] - [fs] locks: Remove fl_nspid and use fs-specific l_pid for remote locks (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486] - [fs] locks: Filter /proc/locks output on proc pid ns (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486] - [fs] Make file credentials available to the seqfile interfaces (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486] - [fs] locks: Use allocation rather than the stack in fcntl_getlk() (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486] - [fs] locks: pass kernel struct flock to fcntl_getlk/setlk (Benjamin Coddington) [1449486] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix incorrect use of do_div() in NMI warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1501587] - [iommu] amd: don't sleep in invalid context (Jerry Snitselaar) [1505837] - [block] blktrace: Fix potential deadlock between delete & sysfs ops (Waiman Long) [1351904] - [video] video/logo: tidyup fb_logo_late_init initcall timing (Rob Clark) [1509707] - [video] video/logo: prevent use of logos after they have been freed (Rob Clark) [1509707] - [video] fbdev: Nuke FBINFO_MODULE (Rob Clark) [1509707] - [netdrv] xen-netfront, xen-netback: Use correct minimum MTU values (Mohammed Gamal) [1502554] - [netdrv] use core MTU range checking in virt drivers (Mohammed Gamal) [1502554 1497228] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Check and handle the dma mapping errors (Arjun Vynipadath) [1459387 953400] - [netdrv] amd: fix pci device ids (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046] - [kernel] module_device_table: fix some callsites (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046] - [kernel] module: fix types of device tables aliases (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046] - [kernel] module: remove MODULE_GENERIC_TABLE (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046] - [kernel] module: allow multiple calls to MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() per module (Prarit Bhargava) [1486046] - [kernel] sched/topology: Fix memory leak in __sdt_alloc() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Simplify sched_group_mask() usage (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Rewrite get_group() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched: Use cached value of span instead of calling sched_domain_span() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched: Fix memory leakage in build_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Add a few comments (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Fix overlapping sched_group_capacity (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Small cleanup (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Fix overlapping sched_group_mask (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Remove FORCE_SD_OVERLAP (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Move comment about asymmetric node setups (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Optimize build_group_mask() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Verify the first group matches the child domain (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Simplify build_overlap_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Fix building of overlapping sched-groups (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/fair, cpumask: Export for_each_cpu_wrap() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched/topology: Refactor function build_overlap_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [kernel] sched: Rename a misleading variable in build_overlap_sched_groups() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1373534] - [powerpc] uprobes: Implement arch_uretprobe_is_alive() (Gustavo Duarte) [1357435] - [security] capabilities: fix logic for effective root or real root (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465626]- [md] raid5-ppl: check recovery_offset when performing ppl recovery (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5-ppl: don't resync after rebuild (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5: preserve STRIPE_ON_UNPLUG_LIST in break_stripe_batch_list (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5: fix a race condition in stripe batch (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] bitmap: disable bitmap_resize for file-backed bitmaps (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5-ppl: Recovery support for multiple partial partiy logs (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] Runtime support for multiple ppls (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] cleanup mddev flag clear for takeover (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] notify about new spare disk in the container (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5: add thread_group worker async_tx_issue_pending_all (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] Raid5 should update rdev->sectors after reshape (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] don't use flush_signals in userspace processes (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] md0: optimize raid0 discard handling (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] don't return -EAGAIN in md_allow_write for external metadata arrays (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5-ppl: use a single mempool for ppl_io_unit and header_page (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5-ppl: partial parity calculation optimization (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5-ppl: use resize_stripes() when enabling or disabling ppl (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5: use consistency_policy to remove journal feature (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid5-ppl: move no_mem_stripes to struct ppl_conf (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] add raid4/5/6 journal mode switching API (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid1: stop using bi_phys_segment (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] raid1, raid10: move rXbio accounting closer to allocation (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] r5cache: disable write back for degraded array (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] revert "fix suspend/write deadlock" (Nigel Croxon) [1455932] - [md] revert "fix single core deadlock" (Nigel Croxon) [1455932]- [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version 07.702.06.00-rh2 (Tomas Henzl) [1506606] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Resize MFA frame used for IOC INIT to 4k (Tomas Henzl) [1506606] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update current host time to FW during IOC Init (Tomas Henzl) [1506606] - [nvme] nvme-fc: remove NVME_FC_MAX_SEGMENTS (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] nvme-fc: add support for duplicate_connect option (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: add support for duplicate_connect option (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: fixup "nvme: add helper to compare options to controller" (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] add helper to compare options to controller (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] add duplicate_connect option (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: fixup "nvme: add hostid token to fabric options" (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] add hostid token to fabric options (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [nvme] nvme-fc: fix backporting error (Ewan Milne) [1508065] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to v16.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Adding support for SAS3616 HBA device (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix possibility of using invalid Enclosure Handle for SAS device after host reset (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Display chassis slot information of the drive (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updated MPI headers to v2.00.48 (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix IO error occurs on pulling out a drive from RAID1 volume created on two SATA drive (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix removal and addition of vSES device during host reset (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Reduce memory footprint in kdump kernel (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fixed memory leaks in driver (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Processing of Cable Exception events (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: remove redundant copy_from_user in _ctl_getiocinfo (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix pr_info message continuation (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix memory allocation failure test in 'mpt3sas_base_attach()' (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix format overflow warning (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Replace PCI pool old API (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] mpt3sas: remove redundant wmb (Tomas Henzl) [1458161] - [scsi] libfc: fix a deadlock in fc_rport_work (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105] - [scsi] libfc: Fixup disc_mutex handling (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105] - [scsi] fcoe: Stop fc_rport_priv structure leak (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105] - [scsi] libfc: Update rport reference counting (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1507105]- [net] ipv6: remove from fib tree aged out RTF_CACHE dst (Paolo Abeni) [1412920] - [net] netfilter: allow logging from non-init namespaces (Stefano Brivio) [1506324] - [net] openvswitch: add ct_clear action (Eric Garver) [1501415] - [net] geneve: Fix function matching VNI and tunnel ID on big-endian (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: maximum value of VNI cannot be used (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: add missing rx stats accounting (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: fix needed_headroom and max_mtu for collect_metadata (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: fix fill_info when using collect_metadata (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: fix incorrect setting of UDP checksum flag (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: lock RCU on TX path (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: fix ip_hdr_len reserved for geneve6 tunnel (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: Optimize geneve device lookup (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: Remove redundant socket checks (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: Merge ipv4 and ipv6 geneve_build_skb() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: Unify LWT and netdev handling (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: avoid using stale geneve socket (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] geneve: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Jakub Sitnicki) [1467288] - [net] devlink: Prevent port_type_set() callback when it's not needed (Ivan Vecera) [1497105] - [net] devlink: rename devlink_eswitch_fill to devlink_nl_eswitch_fill (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: use nla_put_failure goto label instead of out (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: allow to fillup eswitch attrs even if mode_get op does not exist (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: fix potential memort leak (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: fix return value check in devlink_dpipe_header_put() (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: Support for pipeline debug (dpipe) (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: Add E-Switch encapsulation control (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [net] devlink: fix the name of eswitch commands (Eelco Chaudron) [1497105] - [crypto] aesni: add generic gcm(aes) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] scatterwalk: Remove unnecessary BUG in scatterwalk_start (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: make AVX2 AES-GCM work with all valid auth_tag_len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: make AVX2 AES-GCM work with any aadlen (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: make AVX AES-GCM work with all valid auth_tag_len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: make AVX AES-GCM work with any aadlen (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: make non-AVX AES-GCM work with all valid auth_tag_len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: make non-AVX AES-GCM work with any aadlen (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: fix build on x86 (32bit) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [crypto] aesni: AVX and AVX2 version of AESNI-GCM encode and decode (Sabrina Dubroca) [1493112] - [net] vsock: always call vsock_init_tables() (Stefano Brivio) [1470203] - [tools] vsock: add tools/testing/vsock/vsock_diag_test (Stefano Brivio) [1470203] - [net] vsock: add sock_diag interface (Stefano Brivio) [1470203] - [net] vsock: use TCP state constants for sk_state (Stefano Brivio) [1470203] - [net] vsock: move __vsock_in_bound/connected_table() to af_vsock.h (Stefano Brivio) [1470203] - [net] vsock: export socket tables for sock_diag interface (Stefano Brivio) [1470203]- [drm] upstream sync to v4.14-rc4 (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097] - [sound] alsa: x86: Register multiple PCM devices for the LPE audio card (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097] - [sound] drm/i915: Clean up the LPE audio platform data (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097] - [sound] drm/i915: Remove hdmi_connected from LPE audio pdata (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097] - [sound] drm/i915: Replace tmds_clock_speed and link_rate with just ls_clock (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097] - [drm] upstream sync to v4.13 (Rob Clark) [1450372 1457050 1457047 1451447 1453043 1421907 1441862 1449539 1469438 1457374 1457377 1458281 1458625 1470097] - [kernel] workqueue: Provide destroy_delayed_work_on_stack() (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [lib] bitmap: add alignment offset for bitmap_find_next_zero_area() (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] platform/intel/iosf_mbi: Add a PMIC bus access notifier (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] platform/intel/iosf_mbi: Add a mutex for P-Unit access (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] platform/iosf_mbi: Source cleanup (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] platform/iosf_mbi: Move to dedicated folder (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] platform/intel/iosf: Add debugfs config option for IOSF (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] platform/intel/iosf: Add Braswell PCI ID (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [x86] iosf: Add debugfs support (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] workqueue: declare system_highpri_wq (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] linux/kernel.h: Add ALIGN_DOWN macro (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] pci: Recognize Thunderbolt devices (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [kernel] locking/atomic, kref: Add kref_read() (Rob Clark) [1470097] - [dma] dma-buf: avoid scheduling on fence status query v2 (Rob Clark) [1478422]- [acpi] ghes: invert logic for enabling GHES (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916] - [edac] Fix PAGES_TO_MiB macro misuse (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916] - [edac] ghes_edac: Remove redundant memory_type array (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916] - [edac] ghes_edac: Use snprintf() to silence a static checker warning (Aristeu Rozanski) [1451916] - [x86] x86: kvm: use alternatives for VMCALL vs. VMMCALL if kernel text is read-only (Rafael Aquini) [1048983] - [x86] x86: cpufeature: Fix AMD AVIC bit (Rafael Aquini) [1048983] - [mm] configs: Enable DEBUG_PAGEALLOC on debug kernels (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] s390: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] powerpc: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] x86/mm: Disable 1GB direct mappings when disabling 2MB mappings (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] x86: also use debug_pagealloc_enabled() for free_init_pages (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] x86: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] x86/mm/pat: Make split_page_count() check for empty levels to fix /proc/meminfo output (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] sound: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] vmalloc: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] slub: query dynamic DEBUG_PAGEALLOC setting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] slab: clean up DEBUG_PAGEALLOC processing code (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] debug_pagealloc: ask users for default setting of debug_pagealloc (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] debug-pagealloc: make debug-pagealloc boottime configurable (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] debug-pagealloc: prepare boottime configurable on/off (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] page_ext: resurrect struct page extending code for debugging (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] debug-pagealloc: cleanup page guard code (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [mm] debug-pagealloc: correct freepage accounting and order resetting (Waiman Long) [1481847] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: Fix memory leak in alua_bus_attach() (Waiman Long) [1448308] - [kernel] module: Fix memory leakage of module_ext structure (Waiman Long) [1448308] - [kernel] debugobjects: Make kmemleak ignore debug objects (Waiman Long) [1452625 1448308] - [kernel] s390/kexec: consolidate crash_map/unmap_reserved_pages() and arch_kexec_protect(unprotect)_crashkres() (Xunlei Pang) [1486982] - [kernel] kexec: do a cleanup for function kexec_load (Xunlei Pang) [1486982] - [kernel] kexec: make a pair of map/unmap reserved pages in error path (Xunlei Pang) [1486982] - [kernel] kexec: provide arch_kexec_protect(unprotect)_crashkres() (Xunlei Pang) [1486982] - [kernel] kexec: introduce a protection mechanism for the crashkernel reserved memory (Xunlei Pang) [1486982] - [kernel] ptrace: fix wait_on_bit(JOBCTL_TRAPPING_BIT) on big endian machines (Oleg Nesterov) [1481590]- [fs] nfsv4.2: fix size storage for nfs42_proc_copy (Steve Dickson) [1468276] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a race where CB_NOTIFY_LOCK fails to wake a waiter (Benjamin Coddington) [1476344] - [fs] xfs: Capture state of the right inode in xfs_iflush_done (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385] - [fs] xfs: Properly retry failed inode items in case of error during buffer writeback (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385] - [fs] xfs: Add infrastructure needed for error propagation during buffer IO failure (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_trans_ail_delete_bulk (Carlos Maiolino) [1352385] - [fs] smb3: Work around mount failure when using SMB3 dialect to Macs (Leif Sahlberg) [1506433] - [fs] Set unicode flag on cifs echo request to avoid Mac error (Leif Sahlberg) [1506433] - [mm] filemap: fix mapping->nrpages double accounting in fuse (Waiman Long) [1493455] - [mm] Using BUG_ON() as an assert() is _never_ acceptable (Waiman Long) [1493455] - [mm] fix deadlock when using dm-thin on loopback device (Mikulas Patocka) [1382654] - [mm] memcg, slab: never try to merge memcg caches (Aristeu Rozanski) [1442618] - [x86] boot/kaslr: Work around firmware bugs by excluding EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_* and EFI_LOADER_* from KASLR's choice (Kazuhito Hagio) [1458129] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: don't use seqlock when fetching old counters (Florian Westphal) [1503702] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: make xt_replace_table wait until old rules are not used anymore (Florian Westphal) [1503702] - [edac] edac, skx_edac: Fix non static symbol warnings (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482253] - [edac] edac, ie31200: Add Intel Kaby Lake CPU support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482253] - [edac] edac, ie31200_edac: Add Skylake support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1482253] - [tools] perf scripting python: Add ppc64le to audit uname list (Gustavo Duarte) [1487498] - [sound] alsa: hda: Abort capability probe on invalid capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1456631] - [sound] alsa: hda: Abort capability probe at invalid register read (Jaroslav Kysela) [1456631] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: coding format cleanup (David Hildenbrand) [1503473] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: deflate via a page list (David Hildenbrand) [1503473] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: disable VIOMMU support (David Hildenbrand) [1503473] - [virtio] allow drivers to validate features (David Hildenbrand) [1503473] - [netdrv] aquantia: Bad udp rate on default interrupt coalescing (David Arcari) [1505539] - [netdrv] aquantia: Enable coalescing management via ethtool interface (David Arcari) [1505539] - [netdrv] aquantia: mmio unmap was not performed on driver removal (David Arcari) [1505539] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fixed transient link up/down/up notification (David Arcari) [1505539] - [netdrv] aquantia: Add queue restarts stats counter (David Arcari) [1505539] - [netdrv] aquantia: Reset nic statistics on interface up/down (David Arcari) [1505539] - [kernel] sched: Move h_load calculation to task_h_load() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1460641] - [powerpc] mm/hugetlb: Filter out hugepage size not supported by page table layout (Steve Best) [1495748]- [hid] wacom: Always increment hdev refcount within wacom_get_hdev_data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Clear ABS_MISC when tool leaves proximity (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Send MSC_SERIAL and ABS_MISC when leaving prox (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Correct coordinate system of touchring and pen twist (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Properly report negative values from Intuos Pro 2 Bluetooth (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: leds: Dont try to control the EKRs read-only LEDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: bits shifted too much for 9th and 10th buttons (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] hid_wacom: revert hid_wacom: temporaly disable power_supply usage from driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Do not completely map WACOM_HID_WD_TOUCHRINGSTATUS usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Improve generic name generation (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] introduce hid_is_using_ll_driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Remove comparison of u8 mode with zero and simplify (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: fix mistake in printk (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Refactor generic battery handling (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Add ability to provide explicit battery status info (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Report AES battery information (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Ignore HID_DG_BATTERYSTRENTH == 0 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Scale battery capacity measurements to percentages (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Have wacom_tpc_irq guard against possible NULL dereference (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Override incorrect logical maximum contact identifier (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Treat HID_DG_TOOLSERIALNUMBER as unsigned (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Move wacom_remote_irq and wacom_remote_status_irq (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: sync pad events only for actual packets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Bamboo One Medium does not have touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: call _query_tablet_data() for BAMBOO_TOUCH (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Dont add ghost interface as shared data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Wacom mouse is only provided for opaque tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: dont manually release resources for the EKR (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Correct Intuos Pro 2 resolution (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: support touch on/off softkey (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: add mode change touch key (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: add 3 tablet touch keys (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Bluetooth IRQ for Intuos Pro should handle prox/range (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: dont apply generic settings to old devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Fix poor prox handling in wacom_pl_irq (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: support generic touch switch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: add vendor defined touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: add support for touchring (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: remove input_event_flag (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Support 2nd-gen Intuos Pros Bluetooth classic interface (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Move WAC_CMD_* into wacom_wac.h (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Enable HID_GENERIC codepath for Bluetooth devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: do not attempt to switch mode while in probe (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: remove warning while disconnecting devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: release the resources before leaving despite devm (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Fix sibling detection regression (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] remove use of DRIVER_LICENSE (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Dont sync input on empty input packets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Pad supports more than buttons (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Send data only when the interface is defined (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Dont return a value for wacom_wac_event (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Declare tool ID 0x84a as an Intuos eraser (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Dont clear bits unintentionally (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Extend pad support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for battery status on pen and pad interfaces (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Introduce pad support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for sensor offsets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Fix sensor outbounds and redefine as offsets from each edge (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Support tool ID and additional tool types (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Read and internally use corrected Intuos tool IDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for vendor-defined "Sense" usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for vendor-defined "Fingerwheel" usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for vendor-defined "Distance" usage (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Support and use Custom HID mode and usages (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Add support for height, tilt, and twist usages (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: generic: Strip off excessive name prefixing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Detect and correct descriptors missing HID_DG_BARRELSWITCH2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Refactor button-to-key translation into function (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Have WACOM_PEN_FIELD and WACOM_FINGER_FIELD recgonize more fields (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: Update vendor-defined usage names to better match standards (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: fix return value of get_property (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference on early uevent (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Fix NULL pointer dereference during bq27x00_battery probe (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Increment power supply use counter when obtaining references (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Add power_supply_put for decrementing device reference counter (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] wacom: switch battery to devres (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Change ownership from driver to core (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Add API for safe access of power supply function attrs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Move run-time configuration to separate structure (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Add driver private data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363] - [hid] power_supply: Move of_node out of the #ifdef CONFIG_OF (Aristeu Rozanski) [1475409 1462363]- [s390] hwrng: remember rng chosen by user (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266] - [s390] hwrng: use rng source with best quality (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266] - [s390] trng: Introduce s390 TRNG device driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266] - [s390] crypto: Provide s390 specific arch random functionality (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266] - [s390] crypto: Add new subfunctions to the cpacf PRNO function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266] - [s390] crypto: Renaming PPNO to PRNO (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375266] - [s390] qeth: use diag26c to get MAC address on L2 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479463] - [s390] diag: add diag26c support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479463] - [s390] qeth: no ETH header for outbound AF_IUCV (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479461] - [s390] qeth: size calculation outbound buffers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1479461] - [s390] qdio: clear DSCI prior to scanning multiple input queues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1467954] - [s390] pageattr: handle numpages parameter correctly (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] pageattr: avoid unnecessary page table splitting (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] add no-execute support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] mm: align swapper_pg_dir to 16k (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] vmem: simplify vmem code for read-only mappings (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] pageattr: allow kernel page table splitting (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] pgtable: make pmd and pud helper functions available (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] mm: always use PAGE_KERNEL when mapping pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] vmem: introduce and use SEGMENT_KERNEL and REGION3_KERNEL (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] vmem: align segment and region tables to 16k (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] pgtable: introduce and use generic csp inline asm (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] pageattr: do a single TLB flush for change_page_attr (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] mm: make use of ipte range facility (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] mm: remove change bit override support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] mm: implement dirty bits for large segment table entries (Hendrik Brueckner) [1489742] - [s390] s390/ptrace: guarded storage regset for the current task (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375261] - [s390] s390/gs: add regset for the guarded storage broadcast control block (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375261] - [s390] add a system call for guarded storage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375261] - [s390] s390/3270: fix allocation of tty3270_screen structure (Daniel Vacek) [1495587] - [s390] s390/3270: fix use after free of tty3270_screen structure (Daniel Vacek) [1495587] - [s390] s390/3270: fix return value check in tty3270_resize_work() (Daniel Vacek) [1495587]- [net] netfilter: ipset: pernet ops must be unregistered last (Florian Westphal) [1505215] - [net] ipvs: fix ipv6 route unreach panic (Davide Caratti) [1503766] - [net] macsec: add genl family module alias (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: double accounting of dropped rx/tx packets (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: fix validation failed in asynchronous operation. (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: remove first zero and add attribute name in comments (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: Fix header length if SCI is added if explicitly disabled (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: set network devtype (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] macsec: enable GRO and RPS on macsec devices (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] gro_cells: gro_cells_receive now return error code (Sabrina Dubroca) [1467335] - [net] bridge: switchdev: Use an helper to clear forward mark (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: switchdev: Clear forward mark when transmitting packet (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: add tracepoint in br_fdb_update (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fdb add and delete tracepoints (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: check for null fdb->dst before notifying switchdev drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fix dest lookup when vlan proto doesn't match (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: mdb: fix leak on complete_info ptr on fail path (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: allow ext learned entries to change ports (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: constify attribute_group structures. (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Receive notification about successful FDB offload (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Add support for notifying devices about FDB add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] switchdev: Change notifier chain to be atomic (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Add support for calling FDB external learning under rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Add support for offloading port attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] switchdev: Add support for querying supported bridge flags by hardware (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fix a null pointer dereference in br_afspec (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Export multicast enabled state (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Export VLAN filtering state (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: netlink: account for IFLA_BRPORT_{B, M}CAST_FLOOD size and policy (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Fix improper taking over HW learned FDB (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: add per-port broadcast flood flag (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: notify on hw fdb takeover (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: allow to add externally learned entries from user-space (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: allow SW learn to take over HW fdb entries (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: resolve a false alarm of lockdep (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Fix error path in nbp_vlan_init (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: don't indicate expiry on NTF_EXT_LEARNED fdb entries (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: vlan_tunnel: explicitly reset metadata attrs to NULL on failure (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fdb: converge fdb_delete_by functions into one (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fdb: add proper lock checks in searching functions (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fdb: converge fdb searching functions into one (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] switchdev: bridge: Offload mc router ports (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: mcast: Merge the mc router ports deletions to one function (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] switchdev: bridge: Offload multicast disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: vlan tunnel id info range fill size calc cleanups (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: avoid unnecessary read of jiffies (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: remove unnecessary check for vtbegin in br_fill_vlan_tinfo_range (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: tunnel: fix attribute checks in br_parse_vlan_tunnel_info (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: remove redundant check to see if err is set (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: fdb: write to used and updated at most once per jiffy (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: move write-heavy fdb members in their own cache line (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: move to workqueue gc (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: modify bridge and port to have often accessed fields in one cache line (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: vlan dst_metadata hooks in ingress and egress paths (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: per vlan dst_metadata netlink support (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: uapi: add per vlan tunnel info (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: move maybe_deliver_addr() inside #ifdef (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: multicast to unicast (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: sparse fixes in br_ip6_multicast_alloc_query() (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: Replace with globally (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: shorten ageing time on topology change (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: add helper to set topology change (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: add helper to offload ageing time (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: mcast: add MLDv2 querier support (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: mcast: add IGMPv3 query support (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] switchdev: Remove redundant variable (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] bridge: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Ivan Vecera) [1500896] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: set pktinfo->thoff at AH header if found (Stefano Brivio) [1358624] - [net] nf_log: Report attempt to load conflicting logger (Stefano Brivio) [1349358] - [net] arp: fixed -Wuninitialized compiler warning (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] arp: always override existing neigh entries with gratuitous ARP (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] arp: postpone addr_type calculation to as late as possible (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] arp: decompose is_garp logic into a separate function (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] arp: fixed error in a comment (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] neighbour: update neigh timestamps iff update is effective (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] arp: honour gratuitous ARP _replies_ (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] ipv4: arp: update neighbour address when a gratuitous arp is received and arp_accept is set (Eric Garver) [1450205] - [net] vxlan: factor out VXLAN-GPE next protocol (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] ether: add NSH ethertype (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix remcsum when GRO on and CHECKSUM_PARTIAL boundary is outer UDP (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] geneve/vxlan: offload ports on register/unregister events (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280] - [net] geneve/vxlan: add support for NETDEV_UDP_TUNNEL_DROP_INFO (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280] - [net] call udp_tunnel_get_rx_info when NETIF_F_RX_UDP_TUNNEL_PORT is toggled (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280] - [net] add infrastructure to un-offload UDP tunnel port (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280] - [net] check UDP tunnel RX port offload feature before calling tunnel ndo ndo (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280] - [net] add new netdevice feature for offload of RX port for UDP tunnels (Jiri Benc) [1308630 1467280] - [net] vxlan: correctly set vxlan->net when creating the device in a netns (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix incorrect nlattr access in MTU check (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: allow multiple VXLANs with same VNI for IPv6 link-local addresses (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix snooping for link-local IPv6 addresses (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: check valid combinations of address scopes (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: improve validation of address family configuration (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: get rid of redundant vxlan_dev.flags (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: refactor verification and application of configuration (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: dont migrate permanent fdb entries during learn (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: use a more suitable function when assigning NULL (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix ND proxy when skb doesn't have transport header offset (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: vxlan dev should inherit lowerdev's gso_max_size (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: don't age NTF_EXT_LEARNED fdb entries (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix ovs support (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: use appropriate family on L3 miss (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: lock RCU on TX path (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: don't allow overwrite of config src addr (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: correctly validate VXLAN ID against VXLAN_N_VID (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: remove unused variable saddr in neigh_reduce (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: add changelink support (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: remove vni zero check and drop for COLLECT_METADATA (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: support fdb and learning in COLLECT_METADATA mode (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] ip_tunnels: new IP_TUNNEL_INFO_BRIDGE flag for ip_tunnel_info mode (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: do not age static remote mac entries (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: don't flush static fdb entries on admin down (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: preserve type of dst_port parm for encap_bypass_if_local() (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix byte order of vxlan-gpe port number (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: Set ports in flow key when doing route lookups (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: fix a potential issue when create a new vxlan fdb entry (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: Fix uninitialized variable warnings (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: remove unsed vxlan_dev_dst_port() (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: simplify vxlan xmit (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: simplify RTF_LOCAL handling (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: improve vxlan route lookup checks (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: simplify exception handling (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: avoid checking socket multiple times (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: avoid vlan processing in vxlan device (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: hide unused local variable (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: avoid using stale vxlan socket (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: use core MTU range checking in core net infra (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: Update tx_errors statistics if vxlan_build_skb return err (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: call peernet2id() in fdb notification (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: remove the useless header file protocol.h (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: lwt: Fix vxlan local traffic (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan: lwt: Use source ip address during route lookup (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] fixup comments after "Future-proof tunnel offload handlers" (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] vxlan/geneve: Remove deprecated tunnel specific UDP offload functions (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [netdrv] fm10k: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (Jiri Benc) [1467280] - [net] ipv6: fix net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_dad behaviour for real (Matteo Croce) [1334439] - [net] ipv6: fix net.ipv6.conf.all interface DAD handlers (Matteo Croce) [1334439] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: Fix recursive spin lock call (Matteo Croce) [1334439] - [net] ipv6: Add a sysctl to make optimistic addresses useful candidates (Matteo Croce) [1334439]- [hid] i2c-hid: Limit reads to wMaxInputLength bytes for input events (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: do not blindly set EV_KEY or EV_ABS bits (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: optimize the sticky fingers timer (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: fix rare Win 8 cases when the touch up event gets missing (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: use BIT macro (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: Support PTP Stick and Touchpad device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: change for touch height/width (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: fix LG Melfas touchscreen (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: do not retrieve all reports for all devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: handle external buttons for Precision Touchpads (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: enable palm rejection for Windows Precision Touchpad (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] input: automatically set EV_ABS bit in input_set_abs_params (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] revert "hid: multitouch: enable palm rejection if device implements confidence usage" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] multitouch: Add MT_QUIRK_NOT_SEEN_MEANS_UP to Surface Pro 3 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237] - [hid] alps: fix multitouch cursor issue (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: fix error return code in alps_input_configured() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: fix stick device not working after resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: Fix memory leak (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: a few cleanups (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: pass correct sizes to hid_hw_raw_request() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: struct u1_dev *priv is internal to the driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] alps: match alps devices in core (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] add Alps I2C HID Touchpad-Stick support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1489630] - [hid] i2c: Call acpi_device_fix_up_power for ACPI-enumerated devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: move header file out of I2C realm (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] remove initial reading of reports at connect (Benjamin Tissoires) [1411429] - [hid] i2c-hid: Add sleep between POWER ON and RESET (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] fix missing irq field (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: fix build (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Disable IRQ before freeing buffers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: force the IRQ level trigger only when not set (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: add a simple quirk to fix device defects (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: set power sleep before shutdown (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c_hid: enable i2c-hid devices to suspend/resume asynchronously (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: fix OOB write in i2c_hid_set_or_send_report() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Add hid-over-i2c name to i2c id table (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Prevent sending reports from racing with device reset (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Fill in physical device providing HID functionality (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Do not set the ACPI companion field in the HID device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: fix harmless test_bit() issue (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: The interrupt should be level sensitive (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Do not free buffers in i2c_hid_stop() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: prevent buffer overflow in early IRQ (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: fix race condition reading reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: print the correct data in dbg msg (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: hid report descriptor retrieval changes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: don't push static constants on stack for *ph (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] acpi / i2c-hid: replace open-coded _DSM code with helper functions (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: Stop querying for init reports (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: convert acpi_evaluate_object() to acpi_evaluate_integer() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630] - [hid] i2c-hid: use correct type for ACPI _DSM parameter (Benjamin Tissoires) [1452237 1489630]- [x86] perf/x86/msr: Merge fixes (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86/msr: Add missing Intel models (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86/msr: Use Intel family macros for MSR events code (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86/msr: Fix SMI overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86/msr: Add AMD PTSC (Performance Time-Stamp Counter) support (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_msr.c .............. => x86/events/msr.c (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] arch/x86/kernel/cpu/perf_event_msr.c: use sign_extend64() for sign extension (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86: Change test_aperfmperf() and test_intel() to static (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86/msr: Fix the MSR driver build (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix MSR PMU driver (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86: Add an MSR PMU driver (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf stat: Add support to measure SMI cost (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] tools lib api fs: Add sysfs__write_int function (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [x86] perf/x86: Add sysfs entry to freeze counters on SMI (Jiri Olsa) [1457458] - [tools] perf tests attr: Make hw events optional (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix group stat tests (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf test attr: Fix ignored test case result (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf test attr: Fix python error on empty result (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix task term values (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Add optional term (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix stat sample_type setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix precise_ip setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix sample_period setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix cpu test disabled term setup (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Add proper return values (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix no-delay test (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Fix record dwarf test (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Add 1s for exclude_kernel and task base bits (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Rename compare_data to data_equal (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Make compare_data global (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Add test_attr__ready function (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests attr: Do not store failed events (Jiri Olsa) [1308907] - [tools] perf tests: Add platform dependency to test 15 (Jiri Olsa) [1308907]- [block] fix warning when I/O elevator is changed as request_queue is being removed (Ming Lei) [1492441] - [block] warn if sharing request queue across gendisks (Ming Lei) [1492441] - [block] move .issue_stat from request to request_aux (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] disable blk-stat (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: use rq_aux()->internal_tag (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: introduce request_aux (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-tag: don't touch .internal_tag (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] configs: add CONFIG_BLK_DEBUG_FS (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] configs: add CONFIG_MQ_IOSCHED_KYBER (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] configs: add CONFIG_MQ_IOSCHED_DEADLINE (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: mark_tech_preview on mq-deadline and kyber (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix another kabi warning (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix kabi warning (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] avoid to break kabi for blk-mq io scheduler backporting (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] call elevator callback via aux->ops (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] kyber: pass mq callback to aux-> (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mq-deadline: pass mq callback to aux-> (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] cfq: pass new callback to aux->ops.sq (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] introduce elevator_type_aux for fixing kabi violation (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: use RH_KABI_EXTEND for sched_data and sched_tags (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: remove poll_stat (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] scsi_error: fix nasty allocating request on stack (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: fix device sched directory for default scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mq-deadline: add debugfs attributes (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] kyber: add debugfs attributes (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: allow schedulers to register debugfs attributes (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: untangle debugfs and sysfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move debugfs declarations to a separate header file (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Do not invoke queue operations on a dead queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: get rid of a bunch of boilerplate (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: rename hw queue directories from to hctx (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: don't open code strstrip() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: error on long write to queue "state" file (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: clean up flag definitions (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: separate flags with | (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Show operation, cmd_flags and rq_flags names (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Make blk_flags_show() callers append a newline character (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Move the "state" debugfs attribute one level down (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Unregister debugfs attributes earlier (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Only unregister hctxs for which registration succeeded (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: Rename functions for registering and unregistering the mq directory (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Let blk_mq_debugfs_register() look up the queue name (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Register /queue/mq after having registered /queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: register device instead of disk (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Show symbolic names for hctx state and flags (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Export queue state through /sys/kernel/debug/block/*/state (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mq-deadline: Enable auto-loading when built as module (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] add code to track actual device queue depth (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: merge bio into sw queue before plugging (Ming Lei) [1458104 1154525] - [block] blk-mq: ensure that bd->last is always set correctly (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix performance regression with shared tags (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Restart a single queue if tag sets are shared (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Make it safe to use RCU to iterate over blk_mq_tag_set.tag_list (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mtip32xx: avoid to read HOST_CAP from HW in .queue_rq() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: fix performance regression of mq-deadline (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: convert blk-stat bucket callback to signed (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: introduce Kyber multiqueue I/O scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: make completed_request() callback more useful (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: export helpers (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: add shallow depth option for blk_mq_get_tag() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: add sbitmap_get_shallow() operation (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] scsi: add new scsi-command flag for tagged commands (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix leak of q->stats (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] fix stacked driver stats init and free (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: convert to callback-based statistics reporting (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: move BLK_RQ_STAT_BATCH definition to blk-stat.c (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: use READ and WRITE instead of BLK_STAT_{READ, WRITE} (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: fix blk_stat_sum() if all samples are batched (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move debugfs_remove() of disk dir to blk_release_queue() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] use same block debugfs directory for blk-mq and blktrace (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blktrace: make do_blk_trace_setup() static (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] fix debugfs config conditional in struct request_queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debug: Introduce debugfs_create_files() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debug: Make show() operations interruptible (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debug: Avoid that sparse complains about req_flags_t usage (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-debugfs: Add missing __acquires() / __releases() annotations (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix debugfs compilation issues (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move hctx and ctx counters from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move hctx io_poll, stats, and dispatched from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: add tags and sched_tags bitmaps to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move tags and sched_tags info from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: export software queue pending map to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: add helpers for dumping to a seq_file (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: add extra request information to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move hctx->dispatch and ctx->rq_list from sysfs to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: add hctx->{state,flags} to debugfs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: create debugfs directory tree (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: fix a few cases of missing batch flushing (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-stat: fix a typo (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] add scalable completion tracking of requests (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mtip32xx: convert internal command issue to block IO path (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mtip32xx: abstract out "are any commands active" helper (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mtip32xx: kill atomic argument to mtip_quiesce_io() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mtip32xx: get rid of 'atomic' argument to mtip_exec_internal_command() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mtip32xx: use runtime tag to initialize command header (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix direct issue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: pass correct hctx to blk_mq_try_issue_directly (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] get rid of blk-mq default scheduler choice Kconfig entries (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: Fix preempt count imbalance (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix schedule-while-atomic with scheduler attached (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: use true instead of 1 for blk_mq_queue_data.last (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: make driver tag failure path easier to follow (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: provide hooks for initializing hardware queue data (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: separate mark hctx and queue restart operations (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: use sbq wait queues instead of restart for driver tags (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix schedule-under-preempt for blocking drivers (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] block-mq: don't re-queue if we get a queue error (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: streamline blk_mq_make_request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: split the plug and sync cases in blk_mq_make_request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: improve blk_mq_try_issue_directly (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: merge mq and sq make_request instances (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] deal with stale req count of plug list (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: remove BLK_MQ_F_DEFER_ISSUE (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: immediately dispatch big size request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] immediately dispatch big size request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: remap queues when adding/removing hardware queues (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: fix crash in switch error path (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: set up scheduler tags when bringing up new queues (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: refactor scheduler initialization (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: use the right hctx when getting a driver tag fails (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: errors in did_work calculation (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] do not put mq context in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: don't run the queue async from blk_mq_try_issue_directly() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: move update of tags->rqs to __blk_mq_alloc_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: kill blk_mq_set_alloc_data() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: make blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx() allocate a scheduler request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: Allocate sched reserved tags as specified in the original queue tagset (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] don't defer flushes on blk-mq + scheduling (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: ask scheduler for work, if we failed dispatching leftovers (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: don't special case flush inserts for blk-mq-sched (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: don't add flushes to the head of requeue queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: have blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list() return if we queued IO or not (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] do not allow updates through sysfs until registration completes (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: don't hold queue_lock when calling exit_icq (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] set make_request_fn manually in blk_mq_update_nr_hw_queues (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: pass bio to blk_mq_sched_get_rq_priv (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] move req_set_nomerge to blk.h (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] factor out req_set_nomerge (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: (un)register elevator when (un)registering queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] free merged request in the caller (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: bypass the scheduler for flushes entirely (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-merge: return the merged request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] elevator: fix loading wrong elevator type for blk-mq devices (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: don't fail allocating driver tag for stopped hw queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: add flush insertion into blk_mq_sched_insert_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: change ->dispatch_requests() to ->dispatch_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: fix starvation for multiple hardware queues and shared tags (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: release driver tag on a requeue event (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: fix potential race in queue restart and driver tag allocation (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: improve scheduler queue sync/async running (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: check for successful allocation before assigning tag (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: don't lose flags passed in to blk_mq_alloc_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: only apply active queue tag throttling for driver tags (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: allow resize of scheduler requests (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: stop hardware queue in blk_mq_delay_queue() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-tag: remove redundant check for 'data->hctx' being non-NULL (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] elevator: fix unnecessary put of elevator in failure case (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-cgroup: don't quiesce the queue on policy activate/deactivate (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: fix wakeup hang after sbq resize (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: use smp_mb__after_atomic() in sbq_wake_up() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-cgroup: ensure that we clear the stop bit on quiesced queues (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: allow setting of default IO scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] mq-deadline: add blk-mq adaptation of the deadline IO scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-sched: add framework for MQ capable IO schedulers (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: split tag ->rqs[] into two (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: abstract out helpers for allocating/freeing tag maps (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq-tag: cleanup the normal/reserved tag allocation (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: export some helpers we need to the scheduling framework (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: un-export blk_mq_free_hctx_request() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] move rq_ioc() to blk.h (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] move existing elevator ops to union (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-flush: run the queue when inserting blk-mq flush (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] elevator: make the rqhash helpers exported (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: abstract out blk_mq_dispatch_rq_list() helper (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] cfq-iosched: fix the setting of IOPS mode on SSDs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] Make CFQ default to IOPS mode on SSDs (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] do not merge requests without consulting with io scheduler (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: get rid of confusing blk_map_ctx structure (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: remove non-blocking pass in blk_mq_map_request (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: get rid of manual run of queue with __blk_mq_run_hw_queue() (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: initialize weight to zero (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: don't update the allocation hint on clear after resize (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: re-initialize allocation hints after resize (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: randomize initial alloc_hint values (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: push alloc policy into sbitmap_queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: push per-cpu last_tag into sbitmap_queue (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] sbitmap: allocate wait queues on a specific node (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: abstract tag allocation out into sbitmap library (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] blk-mq: add tag allocation policy (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] support different tag allocation policy (Ming Lei) [1458104] - [block] revert "blk-mq-tag: fix wakeup hang after tag resize" (Ming Lei) [1458104]- [scsi] fnic: do not call host reset from command abort (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: fix format string overflow warning (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: changing queue command to return result DID_IMM_RETRY when rport is init (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: correct speed display and add support for 25, 40 and 100G (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: added timestamp reporting in fnic debug stats (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: Zero io_cmpl_skip on fw reset completion (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: Adding debug IO and Abort latency counter to fnic stats (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: Adding Check Condition counter to misc fnicstats (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: Avoid false out-of-order detection for aborted command (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: Fix for "Number of Active IOs" in fnicstats becoming negative (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: minor cleanup in fnic_fcpio_itmf_cmpl_handler, removing else case (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: Ratelimit printks to avoid flooding when vlan is not set by the switch.i (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [scsi] fnic: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Govindarajulu Varadarajan) [1448553] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Convert nvmf_transports_mutex to an rwsem (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: retry initial controller connections 3 times (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: fix iowait hang (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet: synchronize sqhd update (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: correct io timeout behavior (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: correct io termination handling (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: move remote port get/put/free location (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: create fc class and transport device (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: add uevent for auto-connect (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet: bump NVMET_NR_QUEUES to 128 (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fcloop: fix port deletes and callbacks (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fc: sync header templates with comments (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fc: ensure target queue id within range (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fc: on port remove call put outside lock (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] fix sqhd reference when admin queue connect fails (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet: implement valid sqhd values in completions (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] allow timed-out ios to retry (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] stop aer posting if controller state not live (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fc: fix failing max io queue connections (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: use transport-specific sgl format (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme: add transport SGL definitions (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] remove FC transport-specific error values (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [scsi] qla2xxx: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [scsi] lpfc: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fcloop: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fc: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: remove use of FC-specific error codes (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fc: simplify sg list handling (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvme-fc: Reattach to localports on re-registration (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [nvme] nvmet-fcloop: remove ALL_OPTS define (Ewan Milne) [1503181] - [scsi] sd: Implement blacklist option for WRITE SAME w/ UNMAP (Ewan Milne) [1462594]- [x86] dumpstack: Remove raw stack dump (Scott Wood) [1479560] - [x86] kvm: hyperv: fix locking of struct kvm_hv fields (Ladi Prosek) [1504524] - [x86] kvm: document lock orders (Ladi Prosek) [1504524] - [x86] kvm: x86: Hyper-V tsc page setup (Ladi Prosek) [1504524] - [x86] kvm: x86: always fill in vcpu->arch.hv_clock (Ladi Prosek) [1504524] - [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V internal helper to read MSR HV_X64_MSR_TIME_REF_COUNT (Ladi Prosek) [1504524] - [x86] mm: add page_cache_get_speculative() protection when .flush_tlb_others is overridden (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] mm: add IPIs to pmdp_invalidate() when .flush_tlb_others is overridden (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyperv: Fix hypercalls with extended CPU ranges for TLB flushing (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyperv: Don't use percpu areas for pcpu_flush/pcpu_flush_ex structures (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyperv: Clear vCPU banks between calls to avoid flushing unneeded vCPUs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] tracing/hyper-v: Trace hyperv_mmu_flush_tlb_others() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Support extended CPU ranges for TLB flush hypercalls (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Use hypercall for remote TLB flush (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] mm: Enable RCU based page table freeing (CONFIG_HAVE_RCU_TABLE_FREE=y) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Globalize vp_index (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Implement rep hypercalls (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Use fast hypercall for HVCALL_SIGNAL_EVENT (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Introduce fast hypercall implementation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Make hv_do_hypercall() inline (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyper-v: Include hyperv/ only when CONFIG_HYPERV is set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hv: Issue explicit EOI when autoeoi is not enabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hyperv: fix warning about missing prototype (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] vmbus: remove no longer used signal_policy (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] kvm/x86: Rename Hyper-V long spin wait hypercall (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471] - [x86] hv: Move VMBus hypercall codes into Hyper-V UAPI header (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1465471]- [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Gemini Lake pin controller support (Steve Best) [1457198] - [char] Do not disable driver and bus shutdown hook when class shutdown hook is set (Jerry Snitselaar) [1500155] - [char] tpm: Issue a TPM2_Shutdown for TPM2 devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1500155] - [drivers] Add "shutdown" to "struct class" (Jerry Snitselaar) [1500155] - [kernel] rh_taint: Add management approval to documentation (Prarit Bhargava) [1505972] - [kernel] cgroup: kill css_id (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325] - [mm] memcontrol: fix cgroup creation failure after many small jobs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1470325] - [mm] memcg: fix thresholds for 32b architectures (Waiman Long) [1487852] - [mm] hmm: synchronize hmm with upstream (Jerome Glisse) [1470733] - [nvme] revert "kick requeue list when requeueing a request instead of when starting the queues" (David Milburn) [1504584] - [nvme] nvmet: preserve controller serial number between reboots (David Milburn) [1480179] - [nvme] fix uninitialized prp2 value on small transfers (David Milburn) [1493707] - [netdrv] tun: add device name(iff) field to proc fdinfo entry (John Linville) [1503209] - [netdrv] tg3: use setup_timer() helper (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662] - [netdrv] tg3: clean up redundant initialization of tnapi (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662] - [netdrv] tg3: Be drop monitor friendly (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662] - [netdrv] tg3: Add the ability to conditionally build w/ HWMON (Jonathan Toppins) [1459662] - [netdrv] enic: use setup_timer() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1448560] - [netdrv] enic: use setup_timer() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1448560] - [netdrv] cisco: enic: Fic an error handling path in 'vnic_dev_init_devcmd2()' (Stefan Assmann) [1448560] - [netdrv] enic: Fix format truncation warning (Stefan Assmann) [1448560] - [netdrv] enic: unmask intr only when napi is complete (Stefan Assmann) [1448560] - [security] selinux: Generalize support for NNP/nosuid SELinux domain transitions (Paul Moore) [1480521] - [security] selinux: allow per-file labeling for cgroupfs (Paul Moore) [1429573] - [security] selinux: wrap cgroup seclabel support with its own policy capability (Paul Moore) [1429573] - [security] selinux: allow changing labels for cgroupfs (Paul Moore) [1429573] - [security] selinux: renumber the superblock options (Paul Moore) [1429573] - [security] selinux: rename SE_SBLABELSUPP to SBLABEL_MNT (Paul Moore) [1429573]- [bluetooth] Add support for Intel Bluetooth device 9460/9560 [8087:0aaa] (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add protocol check to hci_uart_tx_wakeup() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add protocol check to hci_uart_dequeue() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add protocol check to hci_uart_send_frame() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add missing clear HCI_UART_PROTO_READY (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Ensure hu->hdev set to NULL before freeing hdev (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Add missing return in hci_uart_init_work() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_uart: remove unused hci_uart_init_tty (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_uart: add support for word alignment (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: remove unnecessary wakeup interrupt number sanity check (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: disable platform wakeup interrupt in suspend failure path (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_intel: add missing tty-device sanity check (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: add missing tty-device sanity check (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: cleanup code in return from btmrvl_sdio_suspend() (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Support platform enumeration (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btrtl: Change message for missing config file (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] Added support for Rivet Networks Killer 1535 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_intel: Add support Intel Bluetooth device 9160/9260 for UART (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_intel: Fix firmware file name to use hw_variant (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add support for Intel Bluetooth devices 9160/9260 [8087:0025] (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] Use switch statement for Intel hardware variants (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] bluecard: use setup_timer (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Fix clock (un)prepare (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: fix spelling mistake: "unregester" -> "unregister" (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btqcomsmd: fix compile-test dependency (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_qca: fix spelling mistake: "Spurrious" -> "Spurious" (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: fix spelling mistake: "caibration" -> "calibration" (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btqcomsmd: Allow driver to build if COMPILE_TEST is enabled (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] Add another AR3012 04ca:3018 device (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Add support for BCM2E95 and BCM2E96 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btbcm: Add a delay for module reset (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add support for 413c:8143 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btusb: Use an error label for error paths (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btqcomsmd: Fix module autoload (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085] - [bluetooth] btusb: add support for 0bb4:0306 (Gopal Tiwari) [1457085]- [md] dm ioctl: fix alignment of event number in the device list (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [md] dm raid: fix incorrect status output at the end of a "recover" process (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm ioctl: constify ioctl lookup table (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm: constify argument arrays (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm rq: do not update rq partially in each ending bio (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm rq: make dm-sq requeuing behavior consistent with dm-mq behavior (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: do not lock up a CPU with requeuing activity (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm raid: avoid mddev->suspended access (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm raid: fix activation check in validate_raid_redundancy() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm raid: remove WARN_ON() in raid10_md_layout_to_format() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm raid: stop using BUG() in __rdev_sectors() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm: fix printk() rate limiting code (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm: convert DM printk macros to pr_ macros (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm bio prison: use rb_entry() rather than container_of() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm ioctl: report event number in DM_LIST_DEVICES (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [md] dm ioctl: add a new DM_DEV_ARM_POLL ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [md] dm: add basic support for using the select or poll function (Mike Snitzer) [1475380] - [md] dm thin: do not queue freed thin mapping for next stage processing (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm bufio: make the parameter 'retain_bytes' unsigned long (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm bufio: check new buffer allocation watermark every 30 seconds (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm bufio: avoid a possible ABBA deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: make it easier to detect unintended I_O request flushes (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: cleanup QUEUE_IF_NO_PATH bit manipulation by introducing assign_bit() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: micro-optimize the hot path relative to MPATHF_QUEUE_IF_NO_PATH (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm: introduce enum dm_queue_mode to cleanup related code (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: verify __pg_init_all_paths locking assumptions at runtime (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm: verify suspend_locking assumptions at runtime (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm rq: check blk_mq_register_dev() return value in dm_mq_init_request_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: delay requeuing while path initialization is in progress (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: avoid that path removal can trigger an infinite loop (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm mpath: split and rename activate_path() to prepare for its expanded use (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm ioctl: prevent stack leak in dm ioctl call (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm ioctl: remove double parentheses (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm: remove dummy dm_table definition (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm table: replace while loops with for loops (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm raid: select the Kconfig option CONFIG_MD_RAID0 (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm crypt: replace custom implementation of hex2bin() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm crypt: remove obsolete references to per-CPU state (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm crypt: use WQ_HIGHPRI for the IO and crypt workqueues (Mike Snitzer) [1492250] - [md] dm block manager: remove an unused argument from dm_block_manager_create() (Mike Snitzer) [1492250]- [net] udp: fix bcast packet reception (Paolo Abeni) [1493238] - [net] udp: perform source validation for mcast early demux (Paolo Abeni) [1493238] - [net] ipv4: early demux can return an error code (Paolo Abeni) [1493238] - [net] ipv6: expose RFC4191 route preference via rtnetlink (Hangbin Liu) [1500463] - [net] check type when freeing metadata dst (Paolo Abeni) [1497116] - [net] store port/representator id in metadata_dst (Paolo Abeni) [1497116] - [net] tcp: avoid fragmenting peculiar skbs in SACK (Hangbin Liu) [1499039] - [net] handle NAPI_GRO_FREE_STOLEN_HEAD case also in napi_frags_finish() (Hangbin Liu) [1469357] - [net] Drop secpath on free after gro merge (Hangbin Liu) [1469357] - [net] adjust skb->truesize in ___pskb_trim() (Hangbin Liu) [1469357] - [net] tcp: do not underestimate skb->truesize in tcp_trim_head() (Hangbin Liu) [1469357] - [net] skb_condense() can also deal with empty skbs (Hangbin Liu) [1469357] - [net] udp: under rx pressure, try to condense skbs (Hangbin Liu) [1469357] - [drm] i915: Revert "don't rcu-sync from shrinker" (Waiman Long) [1488956] - [kernel] cpu/hotplug: Disable prove_locking for cpu_hotplug.mutex (Waiman Long) [1488956] - [kernel] rcu: Eliminate deadlock between CPU hotplug and expedited grace periods (Waiman Long) [1488956] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Prevent double-free on HPT resize commit path (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Advertise availablity of HPT resizing on KVM HV (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: KVM-HV HPT resizing implementation (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Outline of KVM-HV HPT resizing implementation (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Create kvmppc_unmap_hpte_helper() (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Allow KVM_PPC_ALLOCATE_HTAB ioctl() to change HPT size (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Split HPT allocation from activation (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Don't store values derivable from HPT order (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Gather HPT related variables into sub-structure (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Rename kvm_alloc_hpt() for clarity (David Gibson) [1305400] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: HPT resizing documentation and reserved numbers (David Gibson) [1305400]- [x86] kvm: mmu: fix permission_fault() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: use ept a/d in vmcs02 iff used in vmcs12 (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix AD condition when handling EPT violation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Don't use INVVPID when EPT is enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: allow A/D bits to be disabled in an mmu (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: make spte mmio mask more explicit (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: dead code thanks to access tracking (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] mmu: don't pass *kvm to spte_write_protect and spte_*_dirty (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix EPT permissions as reported in exit qualification (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: off by one in vmx_write_pml_buffer() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] nvmx: Advertise PML to L1 hypervisor (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] nvmx: Implement emulated Page Modification Logging (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: Add a hook for arch specific dirty logging emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: support EPT accessed/dirty bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: MMU support for EPT accessed/dirty bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: remove bogus check for invalid EPT violation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] vmx: refine validity check for guest linear address (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Verify that restored PTE has needed perms in fast page fault (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Move pgtbl walk inside retry loop in fast_page_fault (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Update comment in mark_spte_for_access_track (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Set SPTE_SPECIAL_MASK within mmu.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Rename EPT_VIOLATION_READ/WRITE/INSTR constants (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Lockless access tracking for Intel CPUs without EPT A bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Do not use bit 63 for tracking special SPTEs (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Introduce a no-tracking version of mmu_spte_update (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix typos (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Refactor accessed/dirty checks in mmu_spte_update/clear (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Fast Page Fault path retries (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Use symbolic constants for EPT Violation Exit Qualifications (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: hyperv: support HV_X64_MSR_TSC_FREQUENCY and HV_X64_MSR_APIC_FREQUENCY (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V HV_X64_MSR_VP_RUNTIME support (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V HV_X64_MSR_VP_INDEX export for QEMU (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm/x86: Hyper-V HV_X64_MSR_RESET msr (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: speedup update_permission_bitmask (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] doc: add "an user" pattern and fix typo instances (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Correct a VMX instruction error code for VMPTRLD (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Don't validate disabled secondary controls (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Shadow "high" parts of shadowed 64-bit VMCS fields (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Check memory operand to INVVPID (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported RDSEED (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported RDRAND (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: cache secondary exec controls (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: use general helpers for some cpuid manipulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: generalize guest_cpuid_has_ helpers (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: X86_FEATURE_NRIPS is not scattered anymore (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: allow host to access guest MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Check value written to IA32_BNDCFGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: Guest BNDCFGS requires guest MPX support (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: INVPCID support (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: don't flush VMCS12 during VMXOFF or VCPU teardown (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: do not pin the VMCS12 (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Refactor handle_vmptrld() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: mark vmcs12 pages dirty on L2 exit (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix interrupt window request with "Acknowledge interrupt on exit" (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: support RDRAND and RDSEED exiting (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: add missing exit reasons (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix posted intr delivery when vcpu is in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] irq: Define a global vector for nested posted interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: vmx_complete_nested_posted_interrupt() can't fail (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: kmap() can't fail (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: remove unused field (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix loss of L2's NMI blocking state (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: track NMI blocking state separately for each VMCS (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix invalid guest state detection after task-switch emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: async_pf: avoid async pf injection when in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: we support 1GB EPT pages (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: keep preemption timer enabled during L2 execution (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: introduce vm_{entry, exit}_control_reset_shadow (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] revert "kvm: nested vmx: disable perf cpuid reporting" (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix exception injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Don't enable EPT A/D feature if EPT feature is disabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix nested EPT detection (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix enable VPID conditions (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix nested VPID vmx exec control (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: reset nested_run_pending if the vCPU is going to be reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix pending events injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: do not warn when MSR bitmap address is not backed (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: vmx: advertise support for ept execute only (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: track read permission explicitly for shadow EPT page tables (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: don't set the present bit unconditionally (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: remove is_present_gpte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: mmu: extend the is_present check to 32 bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Consolidate BUG_ON checks for reverse-mapped sptes (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Remove is_rmap_spte() and use is_shadow_present_pte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Rename spte_is_locklessly_modifiable() (Paolo Bonzini) [1469685]- [scsi] be2iscsi: Update driver version (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove A-circumflex character in copyright marking (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix misc static analysis errors (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add cmd to set host data (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Modify IOCTL to fetch user configured IQN (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix _get_initname buffer overflow (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix _modify_eq_delay buffer overflow (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Free msi_name and disable HW intr (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix return value in mgmt_open_connection (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix boot flags in sysfs (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Replace PCI pool old API (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: switch to pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update driver version (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update Copyright (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Check size before copying ASYNC handle (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove free_list for ASYNC handles (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Use num_cons field in Rx CQE (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Increase HDQ default queue size (Chris Leech) [1457833] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Query FC4 type during RSCN processing (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use ql2xnvmeenable to enable Q-Pair for FC-NVMe (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Changes to support N2N logins (Chad Dupuis) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow MBC_GET_PORT_DATABASE to query and save the port states (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ATIO-Q processing for INTx mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add module param ql2xenablemsix (Chad Dupuis) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move #include qla_nvme.h to fix compile errors on RHEL 7 (Chad Dupuis) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow SCSI-MQ to be enabled selectively (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset the logo flag, after target re-login (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add LR distance support from nvram bit (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for minimum link speed (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear fc4f_nvme flag (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: add missing includes for qla_isr (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix WWPN/WWNN in debug message (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add command completion for error path (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix remoteport disconnect for FC-NVMe (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Simpify unregistration of FC-NVMe local/remote ports (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Added change to enable ZIO for FC-NVMe devices (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move function prototype to correct header (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup FC-NVMe code (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NVMe entry_type for iocb packet on BE system (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: avoid unused-function warning (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix a bunch of typos and spelling mistakes (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use FC-NVMe FC4 type for FDMI registration (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Send FC4 type NVMe to the management server (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FC-NVMe F/W initialization and transport registration (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FC-NVMe command handling (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FC-NVMe port discovery and PRLI handling (Himanshu Madhani) [1316281] - [target] iscsi-target: Set session_fall_back_to_erl0 when forcing reinstatement (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Always wait for kthread_should_stop() before kthread exit (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Fix initial login PDU asynchronous socket close OOPs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/iscsi: Fix indentation in iscsi_target_start_negotiation() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Fix early sk_data_ready LOGIN_FLAGS_READY race (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix missing complete during ABORT_TASK + CMD_T_FABRIC_STOP (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/iscsi: Fix double free in lio_target_tiqn_addtpg() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix race between iscsi-target connection shutdown + ABORT_TASK (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix missing complete during ABORT_TASK + CMD_T_FABRIC_STOP (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] configfs: make configfs compatible with new API (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] allow ALUA setup for some passthrough backends (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcmu: Allow cmd_time_out to be set to zero (disabled) (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/user: PGR Support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcmu: Convert cmd_time_out into backend device attribute (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] export lio pgr/alua support as device attr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] add a new add_wwn_groups fabrics method (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] initialize the nacl base CIT begfore init_nodeacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove ->fabric_cleanup_nodeacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] ib_srpt: Convert acl lookup to modern get_initiator_node_acl usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] configfs: switch ->default groups to a linked list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix target_release_cmd_kref shutdown comp leak (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Avoid DataIN transfers for non-GOOD SAM status (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove enum transport_lunflags_table (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/iblock: pass WRITE_SAME to device if possible (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_fc: Convert to TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF I/O + TMR krefs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] sbp-target: Convert to TARGET_SCF_ACK_KREF I/O krefs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] sbp-target: Conversion to percpu_ida tag pre-allocation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_fc: Convert to target_alloc_session usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert demo-mode only drivers to target_alloc_session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add target_alloc_session() helper function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop incorrect ABORT_TASK put for completed commands (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/transport: add flag to indicate CPU Affinity is observed (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix incorrect unmap_zeroes_data_store return (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop legacy se_cmd->task_stop_comp + REQUEST_STOP usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix race with SCF_SEND_DELAYED_TAS handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix remote-port TMR ABORT + se_cmd fabric stop (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix TAS handling for multi-session se_node_acls (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix LUN_RESET active TMR descriptor handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix LUN_RESET active I/O handling for ACK_KREF (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix WRITE_SAME/DISCARD conversion to linux 512b sectors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Obtain se_node_acl->acl_kref during get_initiator_node_acl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert ACL change queue_depth se_session reference usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Fix potential dead-lock during node acl delete (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_fc: Convert acl lookup to modern get_initiator_node_acl usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_fc: Wait for command completion before freeing a session (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix a memory leak in target_dev_lba_map_store() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Support aborting tasks with a 64-bit tag (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove an unused variable (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix indentation in target_core_configfs.c (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/fcoe: Add tag support to tcm_fc (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] qla2xxx: Add selective command queuing (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] use offset_in_page macro (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] fix deprecated attribute names in dmesg (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/sbc: Add LBPRZ attribute + control CDB emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] sbp-target: Remove a superfluous forward declaration (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Fix indentation + spelling + unreachable code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix spelling + remove set-but-not-used variables (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [kernel] configfs: Drop unused parameter from configfs_undepend_item() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_loop: Show address of tpg in configfs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] fix COMPARE_AND_WRITE non zero SGL offset data corruption (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Invoke release_cmd() callback without holding a spinlock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix race for SCF_COMPARE_AND_WRITE_POST checking (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: return -ENOMEM instead of -1 in case of failed kmalloc() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] use per-attribute show and store methods (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Avoid OFMarker + IFMarker negotiation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Make TCM_WRITE_PROTECT failure honor D_SENSE bit (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix target_sense_desc_format NULL pointer dereference (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Propigate backend read-only to core_tpg_add_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix PR registration + APTPL RCU conversion regression (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove no-op conditional (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix max_cmd_sn increment w/o cmdsn mutex regressions (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Attach EXTENDED_COPY local I/O descriptors to xcopy_pt_sess (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/qla2xxx: Honor max_data_sg_nents I/O transfer limit (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop iSCSI use of mutex around max_cmd_sn increment (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop unlikely before IS_ERR(_OR_NULL) (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Shrink struct se_cmd by rearranging fields (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove cmd->se_ordered_id (unused except debug log lines) (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] add support for START_STOP_UNIT SCSI opcode (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] improve unsupported opcode message (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] allow underflow/overflow for PR OUT etc. commands (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove initiatorname field in se_acl_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove unused lun_flags field from se_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Return descriptor format sense data in case the LU spans 64bit sectors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Return ABORTED_COMMAND sense key for PI errors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Split transport_send_check_condition_and_sense() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Inline transport_get_sense_codes() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_loop: Send I_T_NEXUS_LOSS_OCCURRED UA (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_loop: Remove SAS vestigies (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/rd: always chain S/G list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix handling of small allocation lengths in REPORT LUNS (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] REPORT LUNS should return LUN 0 even for dynamic ACLs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/iscsi: Fix double free of a TUR followed by a solicited NOPOUT (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Perform RCU callback barrier before backend/fabric unload (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/configfs: handle match_int() errors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Do not return 0 from aptpl and alua configfs store functions (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Indicate success if writing 0 to pi_prot_type (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/rd: Set ramdisk as non rotational device (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add extra TYPE_DISK + protection checks for INQUIRY SPT (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/spc: Set SPT correctly in Extended INQUIRY Data VPD page (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/pr: Fix possible uninitialized variable usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Bump core version to v5.0 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove target_core_configfs.h (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove unused TARGET_CORE_CONFIG_ROOT define (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] consolidate version defines (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] implement WRITE_SAME with UNMAP bit using ->execute_unmap (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] simplify UNMAP handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] replace se_cmd->execute_rw with a protocol_data field (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Send UA when changing LUN inventory (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Send UA upon LUN RESET tmr completion (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Send UA on ALUA target port group change (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert se_lun->lun_deve_lock to normal spinlock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] use 'se_dev_entry' when allocating UAs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove 'ua_nacl' pointer from se_ua structure (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove TARGET_MAX_LUNS_PER_TRANSPORT (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] use 64-bit LUNs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop duplicate + unused se_dev_check_wce (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop unnecessary core_tpg_register TFO parameter (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop se_lun->lun_active for existing percpu lun_ref (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop lun_sep_lock for se_lun->lun_se_dev RCU usage (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Subsume se_port + t10_alua_tg_pt_gp_member into se_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Simplify LUN shutdown code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] simplify backend attribute implementation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] consolidate backend attribute implementations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] simplify backend driver registration (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop left-over se_lun->lun_status (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Only reset specific dynamic entries during lun_group creation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop unused se_lun->lun_acl_list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert core_tpg_deregister to use list splice (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert se_tpg->acl_node_lock to ->acl_node_mutex (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert se_portal_group->tpg_lun_list to RCU hlist (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/pr: cleanup core_scsi3_pr_seq_non_holder (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/pr: Change alloc_registration to avoid pr_reg_tg_pt_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/pr: Use atomic bitop for se_dev_entry->deve_flags reservation check (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert se_node_acl->device_list to RCU hlist (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: fix variable name typo in iscsi_check_acceptor_state() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] fix a log message in se_dev_set_emulate_rest_reord() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove ->put_session method (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target_core_configfs.h is not needed in fabric drivers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove struct target_fabric_configfs_template (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] put struct target_fabric_configfs on a diet (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] don't copy fabric ops (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove set-but-not-used-variables (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Move task tag into struct se_cmd + support 64-bit tags (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] move transport ID handling to the core (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [lib] introduce crc_t10dif_update() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove the get_fabric_proto_ident method (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] change core_tpg_register prototype (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_fc: stop using se_tpg_fabric_ptr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_loop: stop using se_tpg_fabric_ptr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/iscsi: stop using se_tpg_fabric_ptr (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] handle odd SG mapping for data transfer memory (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix inconsistent address passed to kunmap_atomic() in sbc_dif_copy_prot() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] move node ACL allocation to core code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] refactor node ACL allocation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] refactor init/drop_nodeacl methods (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] make the tpg_get_default_depth method optional (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] sbp_target: remove struct sbp_nacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_loop: remove struct tcm_loop_nacl (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/transport: Always initialize bidi fields in se_cmd (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/loop: Enable VARLEN CDB support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: remove support for obsolete markers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] fix DPO and FUA bit checks (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/sbc: Fix sbc_dif_verify inconsistent map/unmap (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/file: Remove fd_prot bounce buffer (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Merge sbc_verify_dif_read|write (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] use kvfree() in session alloc and free (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Correct a comment (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Move passthrough CDB parsing into a common function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix se_tpg_tfo->tf_subsys regression + remove tf_subsystem (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Drop signal_pending checks after interruptible lock acquire (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add missing parentheses (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Fix bidi command handling (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi: fix minor memory leak (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Make core_tmr_abort_task() skip TMFs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/sbc: Update sbc_dif_generate pr_debug output (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/sbc: Make internal DIF emulation honor ->prot_checks (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/sbc: Return INVALID_CDB_FIELD if DIF + sess_prot_type disabled (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Ensure sess_prot_type is saved across session restart (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/rd: Don't pass incomplete scatterlist entries to sbc_dif_verify_* (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Remove the unused flag SCF_ACK_KREF (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] simplify the target template registration API (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Update fabric_ops to latest code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] replace strict_strtoul() with kstrtoul() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] simplify target_xcopy_init_pt_lun (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] remove the unused SCF_CMD_XCOPY_PASSTHROUGH flag (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/rd: reduce code duplication in rd_execute_rw() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] tcm_loop: fixup tpgt string to integer conversion (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi/iser-target: Add fabric_prot_type attribute support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] loopback: Add fabric_prot_type attribute support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/rd: Add checks for backend DIF emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/iblock: Add checks for backend DIF emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] target/file: Add checks for backend DIF emulation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add internal READ_INSERT support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Move cmd->prot_op check into target_read_prot_action (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add internal WRITE_STRIP support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Move cmd->prot_op check into target_write_prot_action (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Update SPC/SBC emulation for sess_prot_type (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add protected fabric + unprotected device support (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert DIF emulation to use cmd->prot_type (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] add missing sense_reason_t annotations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] add __releases annotation to target_release_cmd_kref (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] mark tcm_loop_primary static (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] move external declarations to a headers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Better handling of AllRegistrants reservations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Drop legacy iscsi_target_tq.c logic (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: don't export static symbol (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Convert fabric module autoload failures to pr_debug (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] iscsi-target: Expose per endpoint dynamic_sessions attribute (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062] - [target] Add target_show_dynamic_sessions attribute helper (Maurizio Lombardi) [1366062]- [kernel] radix-tree: RHEL-only kABI patch (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree tests: properly initialize mutex (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree tests: add iteration test (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree: fix sibling entry handling in radix_tree_descend() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: Test radix_tree_replace_slot() for multiorder entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix comment about "exceptional" bits (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] tools/testing/radix-tree/linux/gfp.h: fix bitrotted value (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: implement radix_tree_maybe_preload_order() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] testing/radix-tree: fix a macro expansion bug (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_iter_retry() for tagged iterators (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: free up the bottom bit of exceptional entries for reuse (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: make radix_tree_descend() more useful (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: introduce radix_tree_replace_clear_tags() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: tidy up __radix_tree_create() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: tidy up range_tag_if_tagged (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: tidy up next_chunk (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: change naming conventions in radix_tree_shrink (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rename radix_tree_is_indirect_ptr() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rename indirect_to_ptr() to entry_to_node() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rename ptr_to_indirect() to node_to_entry() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rename INDIRECT_PTR to INTERNAL_NODE (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: remove root->height (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: remove dependencies on height (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: remove a use of root->height from delete_node (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: replace node->height with node->shift (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: split node->path into offset and height (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: miscellaneous fixes (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: add copyright statements (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_dump() for multi-order entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_range_tag_if_tagged() for multiorder entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: add test for radix_tree_locate_item() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_locate_item (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix radix_tree_create for sibling entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree test suite: add multi-order tag test (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_tag_get (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_tag_clear (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite radix_tree_tag_set (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: multi-order iteration test (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: add support for multi-order iterating (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix multiorder BUG_ON in radix_tree_insert (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: rewrite __radix_tree_lookup (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix several shrinking bugs with multiorder entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: start adding multiorder tests (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix extending the tree for multi-order entries at offset 0 (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: introduce radix_tree_load_root() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: remove restriction on multi-order entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix deleting a multi-order entry through an alias (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix sibling entry insertion (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: add missing sibling entry functionality (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: introduce CONFIG_RADIX_TREE_MULTIORDER (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: remove unused looping macros (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: rebuild when headers change (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: keep regression test runs short (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: allow testing other fan-out values (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: add tests for radix_tree_locate_item() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test suite: fix build (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: introduce radix_tree_empty (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree tests: add test for radix_tree_iter_next (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree tests: add regression3 test (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree, shmem: introduce radix_tree_iter_next() (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix_tree: add radix_tree_dump (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix_tree: add support for multi-order entries (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix_tree: loop based on shift count, not height (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix_tree: tag all internal tree nodes as indirect pointers (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix tree test harness (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: add an explicit of bitops.h (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: fix oops after radix_tree_iter_retry (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] linux/radix-tree.h: fix error in docs about locks (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] radix-tree: replace preallocated node array with linked list (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] lib/radix-tree.c: change to simpler include (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] lib/radix-tree.c: kernel-doc warning fix (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] mm: replace __get_cpu_var uses with this_cpu_ptr (Larry Woodman) [1383492] - [kernel] lib/radix-tree.c: swapoff tmpfs radix_tree: remember to rcu_read_unlock (Larry Woodman) [1383492]- [powerpc] perf: Cleanup of PM_BR_CMPL vs. PM_BRU_CMPL in Power9 event list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add PM_LD_MISS_L1 and PM_BR_2PATH to power9 event list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Factor out PPMU_ONLY_COUNT_RUN check code from power8 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Update default sdar_mode value for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add POWER9 alternate PM_RUN_CYC and PM_RUN_INST_CMPL events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix SDAR_MODE value for continous sampling on Power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix branch event code for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix oops when kthread execs user process (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix Power9 test_adder fields (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add Power8 mem_access event to sysfs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Support to export SIERs bit in Power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Support to export SIERs bit in Power8 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Support to export MMCRA[TEC*] field to userspace (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Export memory hierarchy info to user space (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Handle sdar_mode for marked event in power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix perf_get_data_addr() for power9 DD1 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: use is_kernel_addr macro in perf_get_misc_flags() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Avoid FAB_*_MATCH checks for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add restrictions to PMC5 in power9 DD1 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Use Instruction Counter value (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Use PM_INST_DISP for generic instructions sample (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add alternative event table and function for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add PM_INST_DISP event to Power9 event list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Factor out event_alternative function (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Use MSR to report privilege level on P9 DD1 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix PM_BRU_CMPL event code for power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: macros for power9 format encoding (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: power9 raw event format encoding (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: update attribute_group data structure (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: factor out the event format field (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] sparse: Make a bunch of things static (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix incorrect event codes in power9-event-list (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Export Power9 generic and cache events to sysfs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Power9 PMU support (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Add power9 event list macros for generic and cache events (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: factor out power8 pmu functions (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: factor out power8 pmu macros and defines (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix ABIv2 kernel backtraces (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Clear all MMCR settings before calling compute_mmcr() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Replace raw event hex values with #defines (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Fix misleading comment in pmao_restore_workaround() (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf/hv-gpci: Increase request buffer size (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Remove PPMU_HAS_SSLOT flag for Power8 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf/powerpc: Add support for PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_CALL (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] perf: Change type of the bhrb_users variable (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] book3s: Add a cpu table entry for different POWER9 revs (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] Add POWER9 cputable entry (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] Add HWCAP bits for Power9 (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] Use defines for __init_tlb_power[78] (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix flush_tlb cpu_spec hook to take a generic argument (Mauricio Oliveira) [1494439]- [s390] virtio/s390: deprecate old transport (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio: change virtio_feature_desc:features type to __le32 (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: virtio: constify virtio_config_ops structures (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: add missing \n to end of dev_err message (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: support READ_STATUS command for virtio-ccw (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio: make ccw explicitly non-modular (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: size of SET_IND payload (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: use dev_to_virtio (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio: make find_vqs() [s390x part] (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: handle error values in irb (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: handle failures of READ_VQ_CONF ccw (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] virtio/s390: rename s390/kvm -> drivers/s390/virtio (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] kvm: s390: virtio-ccw: don't overwrite config space values (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] kvm: s390: virtio_ccw: remove unused variable (Thomas Huth) [1495285] - [s390] s390/crypt: use the correct module alias for paes_s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380348] - [s390] s390/crypt: fix missing unlock in ctr_paes_crypt on error path (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380348] - [s390] s390/crypt: Add protected key AES module (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380348] - [iommu] vt-d: Tylersburg isoch identity map check is done too late (Jerry Snitselaar) [1457037] - [pinctrl] pinctrl/amd: save pin registers over suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279] - [pinctrl] pinctrl: amd: fix error return code in amd_gpio_probe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279] - [pinctrl] pinctrl/amd: Use regular interrupt instead of chained (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279] - [pinctrl] pinctrl/amd: Update contact information for AMD pinctrl/amd (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279] - [pinctrl] pinctrl: amd: make use of raw_spinlock variants (Prarit Bhargava) [1499279] - [cpufreq] Fix suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1499802]- [iommu] kvm: svm: Add irqchip_split() checks before enabling AVIC (Jerry Snitselaar) [1484757] - [iommu] kvm: Add struct kvm_vcpu pointer parameter to get_enable_apicv() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1484757] - [iommu] kvm: svm: Refactor AVIC vcpu initialization into avic_init_vcpu() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1484757] - [iommu] amd: Check if domain is NULL in get_domain() and return -EBUSY (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Fix section mismatch warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Fix compiler warning in copy_device_table() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Disable iommu only if amd_iommu=off is specified (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Disable IOMMUs at boot if they are enabled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Don't copy GCR3 table root pointer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Allocate memory below 4G for dev table if translation pre-enabled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Use is_attach_deferred call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] Add is_attach_deferred call-back to iommu-ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Do sanity check for address translation and irq remap of old dev table entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Copy old trans table from old kernel (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Add function copy_dev_tables() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Define bit fields for DTE particularly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Add several helper functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Detect pre enabled translation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1062729] - [iommu] amd: Enable ga_log_intr when enabling guest_mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix interrupt remapping when disable guest_mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix IOMMU lookup for SR-IOV Virtual Functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Make sure RMRRs are mapped before domain goes public (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Split up get_domain_for_dev function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] kvm: svm: fix unsigned compare less than zero comparison (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711] - [iommu] svm: Implements update_pi_irte hook to setup posted interrupt (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711] - [iommu] svm: Introduce AMD IOMMU avic_ga_log_notifier (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711] - [iommu] svm: Introduces AVIC per-VM ID (Jerry Snitselaar) [1133711] - [iommu] kvm: Provide function for VCPU lookup by id (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix the left value check of cmd buffer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Missing error code in amd_iommu_init_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix group refcounting (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Tell kmemleak about the irq_remap_table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Allow taking a reference on a group directly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Use irte_ops->set_affinity() function hook (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Handle 32 and 128-bit interrupt remapping table entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Enable vAPIC interrupt remapping mode by default (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Implements irq_set_vcpu_affinity() hook to setup vapic mode for pass-through devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Introduce amd_iommu_update_ga() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Adding GALOG interrupt handler (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Detect and initialize guest vAPIC log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Add support for multiple IRTE formats (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] x86/irq: Add struct amd_ir_data pointer in struct irq_2_irte (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Introduce interrupt remapping ops structure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Move and introduce new IRTE-related unions and structures (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Detect and enable guest vAPIC support (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix boot warning when device 00:00.0 is not iommu covered (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Adding Extended Feature Register check for PC support (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: No need to wait iommu completion if no dte irq entry change (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Free domain id when free a domain of struct dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Use standard bitmap operation to set bitmap (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Clean up the cmpxchg64 invocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Don't put completion-wait semaphore on stack (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove AMD_IOMMU_STATS (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix non static symbol warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Simplify and fix ida handling (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Simplify init function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove unnecassary qi clflushes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't reject NTB devices due to scope mismatch (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Initialize dma-ops domains with 3-level page-table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Update Alias-DTE in update_device_table() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Use container_of to get dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Flush iova queue before releasing dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Handle IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA in ops->domain_free call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Use dev_data->domain in get_domain() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Optimize map_sg and unmap_sg (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Introduce dir2prot() helper (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Implement timeout to flush unmap queues (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Implement flush queue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Allow NULL pointer parameter for domain_flush_complete() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Set up data structures for flush queue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove align-parameter from __map_single() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove other remains of old address allocator (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Make use of the generic IOVA allocator (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove special mapping code for dma_ops path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Pass gfp-flags to iommu_map_page() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Implement apply_dm_region call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Create a list of reserved iova addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Allocate iova_domain for dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Select IOMMU_IOVA for AMD IOMMU (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Add apply_dm_region call-back to iommu-ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] remove unused priv field from struct iommu_ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Add MMIO mapping type (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] provide of_xlate pointer unconditionally (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Update struct iommu_ops comments (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Init unity mappings only for dma_ops domains (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove create_workqueue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Set AMD iommu callbacks for platform bus driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix infinite loop in free_all_cpu_cached_iovas (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Initialize devid variable before using it (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix overflow of iommu->domains array (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] iova: Disable preemption around use of this_cpu_ptr() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Enable QI on all IOMMUs before setting root entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Use per-cpu IOVA caching (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] iova: introduce per-cpu caching to iova allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: change intel-iommu to use IOVA frame numbers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: only unmap mapped entries (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] intel-iommu: integrate DMA CMA (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: correct flush_unmaps pfn usage (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: per-cpu deferred invalidation queues (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: refactoring of deferred flush entries (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Remove statistics code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Don't use IS_ERR_VALUE to check integer values (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Signedness bug in acpihid_device_group() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Set AMD iommu callbacks for amba bus (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Manage iommu_group for ACPI HID devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Add iommu support for ACPI HID devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] acpi: Add acpi_device_uid() for convenience (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Make call-sites of get_device_id aware of its return value (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Introduces ivrs_acpihid kernel parameter (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Add new map for storing IVHD dev entry type HID (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix checking of pci dma aliases (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Use the most comprehensive IVHD type that the driver can support (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Modify ivhd_header structure to support type 11h and 40h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Allow selecting page sizes per domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] x86/vt-d: Fix comment for dma_pte_free_pagetable() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Improve fault handler error messages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Ratelimit fault handler (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Silence an uninitialized variable warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Don't overwrite domain pointer when there is no default_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Fix second argument of trace_map() to report correct paddr (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Make a symbol static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] perf/x86/amd: Add IOMMU Performance Counter resource management (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Use BUS_NOTIFY_REMOVED_DEVICE in hotplug path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Detach device from domain before removal (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Apply workaround for ATS write permission check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Correct the wrong setting of alias DTE in do_attach (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix 64-bit accesses to 32-bit DMAR_GSTS_REG (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix up error handling in alloc_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Check the return value of iommu_device_create() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Preallocate dma_ops apertures based on dma_mask (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Use trylock to aquire bitmap_lock (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Make dma_ops_domain->next_index percpu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Relax locking in dma_ops path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Initialize new aperture range before making it visible (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Build io page-tables with cmpxchg64 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Allocate new aperture ranges in dma_ops_alloc_addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Optimize dma_ops_free_addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove need_flush from struct dma_ops_domain (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Iterate over all aperture ranges in dma_ops_area_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Flush iommu tlb in dma_ops_free_addresses (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Rename dma_ops_domain->next_address to next_index (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove 'start' parameter from dma_ops_area_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Flush iommu tlb in dma_ops_aperture_alloc() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Retry address allocation within one aperture (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Move aperture_range.offset to another cache-line (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Add dma_ops_aperture_alloc() function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Pass correct shift to iommu_area_alloc() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Flush the IOMMU TLB before the addresses are freed (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Flush IOMMU TLB on __map_single error path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Introduce bitmap_lock in struct aperture_range (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Move 'struct dma_ops_domain' definition to amd_iommu.c (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Warn only once on unexpected pte value (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Constify mmu_notifier_ops structures (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Cleanup error handling in do_fault() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Do proper access checking before calling handle_mm_fault() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Move default domain allocation to iommu_group_get_for_dev() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Remove is_pci_dev() fall-back from iommu_group_get_for_dev (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Add device_group call-back to x86 iommu drivers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Add generic_device_group() function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Export and rename iommu_group_get_for_pci_dev() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] Revive device_group iommu-ops call-back (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove find_last_devid_on_pci() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove first/last_device handling (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Initialize amd_iommu_last_bdf for DEV_ALL (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Cleanup buffer allocation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove cmd_buf_size and evt_buf_size from struct amd_iommu (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Align DTE flag definitions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Remove old alias handling code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Set alias DTE in do_attach/do_detach (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: WARN when __[attach|detach]_device are called with irqs enabled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Don't disable IRQs in __detach_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Do not iterate over alias-list in __[attach|detach]_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Do not BUG_ON in __detach_device() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix return value check of parse_ioapics_under_ir() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Propagate error-value from ir_parse_ioapic_hpet_scope() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Adjust the return value of the parse_ioapics_under_ir (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix ATSR handling for Root-Complex integrated endpoints (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Switch from ioremap_cache to memremap (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Don't clear DTE flags when modifying it (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix BUG when faulting a PROT_NONE VMA (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Fix NULL pointer deref on device detach (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Prevent binding other PCI drivers to IOMMU PCI devices (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Drop null test before destroy functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] amd: Return positive value in amd_iommu_detect() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix memory leak in dmar_insert_one_dev_info() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Access iomem correctly (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Make two functions static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Use BUG_ON instead of if () BUG() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Return false instead of 0 in irq_remapping_cap() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] amd: Use BUG_ON instead of if () BUG() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] vt-d: Report domain usage in sysfs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] vt-d: Avoid format string leaks into iommu_device_create (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325] - [iommu] Make the iova library a module (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] iova: Export symbols (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] iova: Move iova cache management to the iova library (Jerry Snitselaar) [1411581] - [iommu] iova: Avoid over-allocating when size-aligned (Jerry Snitselaar) [1499325]- [netdrv] igbvf: convert msleep to mdelay in atomic context (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] igbvf: after mailbox write, wait for reply (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] igbvf: add lock around mailbox ops (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] igbvf: Use net_device_stats from struct net_device (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Add VF MAC filter request capabilities (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] igbvf: use new API ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Corinna Vinschen) [1454905] - [netdrv] igb: do not drop PF mailbox lock after read of VF message (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: expose mailbox unlock method (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: add argument names to mailbox op function declarations (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Remove incorrect "unexpected SYS WRAP" log message (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: protect TX timestamping from API misuse (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Fix error of RX network flow classification (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: make a few local functions static (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Remove useless argument (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: check for Tx timestamp timeouts during watchdog (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: avoid permanent lock of *_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: fix race condition with PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS bits (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Explicitly select page 0 at initialization (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Enable reading of wake up packet (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Add VF MAC filter request capabilities (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: improve MAC filter handling (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: use new API ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb/ixgbe: Fix typo in igb_build_skb and/or ixgbe_build_skb code comment (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Re-add support for build_skb in igb (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Break out Rx buffer page management (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for padding packet (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for using order 1 pages to receive large frames (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for ethtool private flag to allow use of legacy Rx (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Use page_address offset from page instead of masking virtual address (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Only sync size of expected frame in ethtool testing (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Limit maximum frame Rx based on MTU (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Don't bother clearing Tx buffer_info in igb_clean_tx_ring (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Clear Rx buffer_info in configure instead of clean (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for DMA_ATTR_WEAK_ORDERING (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] scripts/spelling.txt: add "overwritting" pattern and fix typo instances (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] mm: rename __page_frag functions to __page_frag_cache, drop order from drain (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: update code to better handle incrementing page count (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] igb: update driver to make use of DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] ptp: igb: Use the high resolution frequency method (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Corinna Vinschen) [1454902]- [netdrv] netxen_nic: netxen_netdev_ops fields for MTU range checking (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] qlogic: make device_attribute const (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] netxen: fix incorrect loop counter decrement (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Remove unused pointer hdr in netxen_setup_minidump() (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: set rcode to the return status from the call to netxen_issue_cmd (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: remove redundant check if retries is zero (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] qlogic: netxen: constify bin_attribute structures (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] qlogic: netxen: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] use net core MTU range checking in more drivers (Tony Camuso) [1457478] - [netdrv] be2net: fix TSO6/GSO issue causing TX-stall on Lancer/BEx (Ivan Vecera) [1449601] - [netdrv] benet: fix set but not used warning (Ivan Vecera) [1449601] - [netdrv] benet: Use time_before_eq for time comparison (Ivan Vecera) [1449601] - [netdrv] ethernet: use net core MTU range checking in more drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1449601] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use pci_ari_enabled() instead of local copy (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use setup_timer() helper (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use core min/max MTU checking (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix format overflow warning (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: make a couple of const arrays static (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't log mc removal needlessly (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix pf2vf bulletin DMA mapping leak (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix Multi-Cos (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove open coded carrier check (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: spelling: correct diffrent[iate] and banlance typos (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Get rid of useless temporary variable (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Reuse bnx2x_null_format_ver() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Replace custom scnprintf() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix spelling mistake in macros HW_INTERRUT_ASSERT_SET_* (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix typos in comment (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: generalize napi_complete_done() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] bnx2x: switch to napi_complete_done() (Michal Schmidt) [1479145] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Bump version number (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Resolve warnings for -Wimplicit-fallthrough (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Resolve truncation warning for q_vector->name (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Enables TSO for MPLS encapsulated packets (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Check for RSS key before setting value (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix errors in retrieving RETA and RSS from PF (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix size of queue stats length (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: get rid of custom busy polling code (Ken Cox) [1454899] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Return error when getting PHY address if PHY access is not supported (Ken Cox) [1372079] - [netdrv] i40e: use cpumask_copy instead of direct assignment (Stefano Brivio) [1483724]- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Don't allow L2 to access the hardware CR8 (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: do not use KVM_REQ_EVENT for APICv interrupt injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm/x86: update the comment of memory barrier in the vcpu_enter_guest() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm/x86: Call smp_wmb() before increasing tlbs_dirty (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: do not scan IRR twice on APICv vmentry (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: move sync_pir_to_irr from apic_find_highest_irr to callers (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: preparatory changes for APICv cleanups (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: avoid atomic operations on APICv vmentry (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: move nested events check to kvm_vcpu_running (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: do not scan IRR when delivering an interrupt (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: do not set KVM_REQ_EVENT unnecessarily on PPR update (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: remove unnecessary KVM_REQ_EVENT on PPR update (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: speed up TPR below threshold vmexits (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: add VCPU stat for KVM_REQ_EVENT processing (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: clear pending interrupts on KVM_SET_LAPIC (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: make hwapic_isr_update and hwapic_irr_update look the same (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: Fix reentrancy issues with preempt notifiers (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: Fix lapic timer injection delay (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: reorganize restart_apic_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: reorganize start_hv_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix preempt the preemption timer cancel (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: make function static to avoid compiling warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: use ktime_get instead of seeking the hrtimer_clock_base (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: add APIC Timer periodic/oneshot mode VMX preemption timer support (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: rename start/cancel_hv_tscdeadline to start/cancel_hv_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: introduce kvm_get_lapic_target_expiration_tsc() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: guarantee the timer is in tsc-deadline mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: extract start_sw_period() to handle periodic/oneshot mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: adjust preemption timer correctly when goes TSC backward (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: fix access preemption timer stuff even if kernel_irqchip=off (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: avoid incorrect preemption timer vmexit in nested guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix missed cancellation of TSC deadline timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: introduce cancel_hv_tscdeadline (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix underflow in TSC deadline calculation (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: hook preemption timer support (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: support using the vmx preemption timer for tsc deadline timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: lapic: separate start_sw_tscdeadline from start_apic_timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: make backwards_tsc_observed a per-VM variable (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: Introduce kvm_write_guest_offset_cached() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix residual mmio emulation request to userspace (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: mmu: Fix softlockup due to mmu_lock is held too long (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: use list_last_entry (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix load damaged SSEx MXCSR register (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix maintaining of kvm_clock stability on guest CPU hotplug (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: remaster kvm_write_tsc code (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Disallow userspace-injected exceptions in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix user triggerable warning in kvm_apic_accept_events() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: x86: cleanup the page tracking SRCU instance (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm/x86: Avoid async PF to end RCU read-side critical section early in PREEMPT=n kernel (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm/x86: Handle async PF in RCU read-side critical sections (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: async_pf: make rcu irq exit if not triggered from idle task (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: async_pf: fix rcu_irq_enter() with irqs enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm, powerpc: Serialize wq active checks in ops->vcpu_kick (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: Serialize wq active checks in kvm_vcpu_wake_up() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm,async_pf: Use swq_has_sleeper() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] sched/wait: Add swq_has_sleeper() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm, x86: Fix apf_task_wake_one() wq serialization (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm,lapic: Justify use of swait_active() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] sched/wait: Remove the lockless swait_active() check in swake_up*() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm, rt: change async pagefault code locking for PREEMPT_RT (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: Use simple waitqueue for vcpu->wq (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] wait.[ch]: Introduce the simple waitqueue (swait) implementation (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] iommu/vt-d: Add a command line parameter for VT-d posted-interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: simplify and fix vmx_vcpu_pi_load (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: avoid double list add with VT-d posted interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: extract __pi_post_block (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: rename vmx_pre/post_block to pi_pre/post_block (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] kvm: vmx: do not change SN bit in vmx_update_pi_irte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473] - [x86] fix hot-unplug races in VT-d posted interrupt patches (Paolo Bonzini) [1498473]- [net] xfrm: move xfrm_garbage_collect out of xfrm_policy_flush (Paul Moore) [1453103] - [net] l2tp: initialise session's refcount before making it reachable (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006] - [net] l2tp: fix race condition in l2tp_tunnel_delete (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006] - [net] l2tp: prevent creation of sessions on terminated tunnels (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006] - [net] l2tp: fix duplicate session creation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006] - [net] l2tp: fix race in l2tp_recv_common() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1492006] - [net] ipv6: do not set sk_destruct in IPV6_ADDRFORM sockopt (Xin Long) [1499475] - [net] use is_vlan_dev() helper function (Ivan Vecera) [1500976] - [net] constify netif_is_* helpers net_device param (Ivan Vecera) [1500976] - [net] hyper-v: hv_sock mark as Tech Preview (Cathy Avery) [1485358] - [netdrv] vmbus: don't acquire the mutex in vmbus_hvsock_device_unregister() (Cathy Avery) [1485358] - [net] hv_sock: implements Hyper-V transport for Virtual Sockets (AF_VSOCK) (Cathy Avery) [1485358] - [net] sk_buff: remove support for csum_bad in sk_buff (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497092] - [net] switchdev: add SET_SWITCHDEV_OPS helper (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] introduce __skb_put_[zero, data, u8] (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] add and use skb_put_u8() (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] make skb_push & __skb_push return void pointers (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] make skb_pull & friends return void pointers (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] make skb_put & friends return void pointers (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] pktgen: use reset to set mac header (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] move pskb_put() to core code (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] introduce and use skb_put_data() (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] convert many more places to skb_put_zero() (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] skbuff: make skb_put_zero() return void (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] skbuff: introduce skb_put_zero() (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] ether: MAC address helpers (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [kernel] params: Add module param type 'ullong' (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [kernel] params: improve standard definitions (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [kernel] params: fix handling of signed integer types (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [kernel] replace strict_strto*() with kstrto*() (Jiri Benc) [1497085] - [net] flow_dissector: add support for dissection of misc ip header fields (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: add support for dissection of tcp flags (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: add mpls support (v2) (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: correct size of storage for ARP (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: Move GRE dissection into a separate function (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: rename "proto again" goto label (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: Fix GRE header error path (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: Move MPLS dissection into a separate function (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] flow_dissector: Move ARP dissection into a separate function (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] tcp: __tcp_hdrlen() helper (Jonathan Toppins) [1497129] - [net] tun: handle register_netdevice() failures properly (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497100] - [net] mac80211: free netdev on dev_alloc_name() error (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497100] - [net] Fix inconsistent teardown and release of private netdev state (Sabrina Dubroca) [1497100] - [net] vsock: Add virtio vsock vsockmon hooks (Stefano Brivio) [1470219] - [net] vsock: Add vsockmon device (Stefano Brivio) [1470219] - [net] vsock: Add vsockmon tap functions (Stefano Brivio) [1470219] - [net] ethtool: add CRC32 as an RSS hash function (Ivan Vecera) [1481580]- [s390] pkey: Introduce new API for secure key verification (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] pkey: Fix wrong handling of secure key with old MKVP (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] pkey: Introduce pkey kernel module (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: Add PCKMO inline function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: simplify CPACF encryption / decryption functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: cpacf function detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: simplify init / exit functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: simplify return code handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: cleanup cpacf function codes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: allow to query all known cpacf functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: cleanup and move the header with the cpacf definitions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix missing newlines at some debug feature messages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Add some debug messages on failure (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Removed unneeded debug feature directory creation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: tracepoint definitions for zcrypt device driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Rework ap init in case of out of range domain param (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Rework debug feature invocations (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix blocking queue device after unbind/bind (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: export additional symbols (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Enable request count reset for cards and queues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: use spin_lock_bh for all queue locks and unlocks (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: get rid of variable length arrays (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: add missing memory clobber to ap_qci inline assembly (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix ap_max_domain_id for older machine types (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Correct function bits for CEX2x and CEX3x cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fixed attrition of AP adapters and domains (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Introduce new zcrypt device status API (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: add multi domain support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Introduce workload balancing (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: get rid of ap_poll_requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: header for the AP inline assmblies (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: simplify message type handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Move the ap bus into kernel (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix zcrypt suspend/resume behavior (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] crypto: use basic blocks for ap bus inline assemblies (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix cryptographic device id in kernel messages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix AP queue handling if queue is full (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix initialisation when zcrypt is built-in (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix kernel crash on systems without AP bus support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: use system work queue for ap_scan_bus (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: remove support for PCICC and PCICA cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: introduce state machine for the AP bus (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: use explicit return code for flushed requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: cleanup AP bus timer code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: fix suspend/resume of AP bus devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: fix memory leak with ap configuration data (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: remove duplicate low level functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: enable odd RSA modulus sizes in CRT format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: enable s390 hwrng to seed kernel entropy (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fix invalid domain handling during ap module unload (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: fixed ap poll timer behavior (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] ap_bus: remove 31 bit support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: Fixed possible race condition in zcrypt module handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] ap_bus: Make modules parameters visible in sysfs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: add length check for aligned data to avoid overflow in msg-type 6 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349] - [s390] zcrypt: additional check to avoid overflow in msg-type 6 requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380349]- [fs] nfsd: Fix general protection fault in release_lock_stateid() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1500815] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: fix oops when freeing filelayout segment (Steve Dickson) [1463784] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: Fix racy setting of fl->dsaddr in filelayout_check_deviceid() (Steve Dickson) [1463784] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: fix NULL pointer dereference in fl_pnfs_update_layout() (Steve Dickson) [1463784] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: call GETDEVICEINFO after pnfs_layout_process completes (Steve Dickson) [1463784] - [fs] NFS store nfs4_deviceid in struct nfs4_filelayout_segment (Steve Dickson) [1463784] - [fs] nfs: flexfilelayout: remove v3-only data server limitation (Scott Mayhew) [1495198] - [mm] mm, hugetlb: use pte_present() instead of pmd_present() in follow_huge_pmd() (Rafael Aquini) [1472460] - [mm] fix invalid node in alloc_migrate_target() (Rafael Aquini) [1472460] - [mm] add !pte_present() check on existing hugetlb_entry callbacks (Rafael Aquini) [1472460] - [mm] fs/proc/meminfo.c: include cma info in proc/meminfo (Serhii Popovych) [1430990] - [mm] cma: split cma-reserved in dmesg log (Serhii Popovych) [1430990] - [lib] swiotlb: ensure that page-sized mappings are page-aligned (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1487054] - [sound] alsa - fix saa7134-alsa module unload oops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1474569] - [block] blk-mq: map all HWQ also in hyperthreaded system (Ming Lei) [1489737] - [x86] pinctrl: intel: Add Intel Lewisburg GPIO support (Prarit Bhargava) [1490513] - [x86] apic: Update TSC_DEADLINE quirk with additional SKX stepping (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] apic: Silence "FW_BUG TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata" on hypervisors (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] apic: Silence "FW_BUG TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata" on CPUs without the feature (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] apic: Add TSC_DEADLINE quirk due to errata (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] apic: Change the lapic name in deadline mode (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] timers/apic: Fix imprecise timer interrupts by eliminating TSC clockevents frequency roundoff error (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] apic: Serialize LVTT and TSC_DEADLINE writes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1503160] - [x86] kaslr: Enable KASLR by default (Baoquan He) [1491226] - [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Prefer mirrored memory regions for the kernel physical address (Baoquan He) [1446684] - [x86] efi: Introduce efi_early_memdesc_ptr to get pointer to memmap descriptor (Baoquan He) [1446684] - [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Rename process_e820_entry() into process_mem_region() (Baoquan He) [1446684] - [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Switch to pass struct mem_vector to process_e820_entry() (Baoquan He) [1446684] - [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Wrap e820 entries walking code into new function process_e820_entries() (Baoquan He) [1446684] - [x86] ftrace/x86: Set ftrace_stub to weak to prevent gcc from using short jumps to it (Jerome Marchand) [1502872] - [x86] pci: vmd: Free up IRQs on suspend path (Myron Stowe) [1498945] - [x86] x86/intel_idle: add Gemini Lake support (Steve Best) [1464886] - [x86] intel_idle: add BXT support (Steve Best) [1464886] - [mfd] intel-lpss: Add Intel Gemini Lake PCI IDs (Steve Best) [1457134] - [mfd] lpss: Add PCI IDs for Intel Broxton B-Step platform (Steve Best) [1457134] - [mfd] lpss: Add Intel Broxton PCI IDs (Steve Best) [1457134] - [kernel] audit: add ambient capabilities to CAPSET and BPRM_FCAPS records (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465614] - [kernel] audit: remove unnecessary curly braces from switch/case statements (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465614] - [kernel] sched: add macros to define bitops for task atomic flags (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: Replace BUG(!spin_is_locked()) with assert_spin_lock (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] sched: fix confusing PFA_NO_NEW_PRIVS constant (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: implement SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: allow mode setting across threads (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: introduce writer locking (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: split filter prep from check and apply (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] sched: move no_new_privs into new atomic flags (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: add "seccomp" syscall (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: split mode setting routines (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: extract check/assign mode helpers (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] seccomp: create internal mode-setting function (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278] - [kernel] maintainers: create seccomp entry (Bruno Eduardo de Oliveira Meneguele) [1458278]- [net] netfilter: xtables: add scheduling opportunity in get_counters (Florian Westphal) [1485515] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: pack percpu counter allocations (Florian Westphal) [1485515] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: pass xt_counters struct to counter allocator (Florian Westphal) [1485515] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: pass xt_counters struct instead of packet counter (Florian Westphal) [1485515] - [net] sched: cls_matchall: fix crash when used with classful qdisc (Davide Caratti) [1460213] - [net] Define SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO on all architectures (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] ethernet: update drivers to make both SW and HW TX timestamps (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] allow simultaneous SW and HW transmit timestamping (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] add new control message for incoming HW-timestamped packets (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] add function to retrieve original skb device using NAPI ID (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] tcp: fix SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS for normal skbs (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] skbuff: Introduce skb_mac_offset() (Hangbin Liu) [1421164] - [net] ip6_tunnel: do not allow loading ip6_tunnel if ipv6 is disabled in cmdline (Xin Long) [1491091] - [net] ip6_gre: skb_push ipv6hdr before packing the header in ip6gre_header (Xin Long) [1491105] - [net] ipv6: avoid unregistering inet6_dev for loopback (Hangbin Liu) [1491465] - [net] ipv4: do metrics match when looking up and deleting a route (Xin Long) [1475642] - [net] udp: force symbol checksum change for lookup functions (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: inuse checks can quit early for reuseport (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp reuseport: fix packet of same flow hashed to different socket (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] soreuseport: Resolve merge conflict for v4/v6 ordering fix (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] revert: "udp_offload: put sk before returning" (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: no longer use SLAB_DESTROY_BY_RCU (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] add SOCK_RCU_FREE socket flag (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] sock: introduce sk_destruct() (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] soreuseport: fix ordering for mixed v4/v6 sockets (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] soreuseport: fix NULL ptr dereference SO_REUSEPORT after bind (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: fix potential infinite loop in SO_REUSEPORT logic (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] soreuseport: fast reuseport UDP socket selection (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] soreuseport: define reuseport groups (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp6: Drop SCORE2_MAX optimization in socket lookup (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: Neaten and reduce size of compute_score functions (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: Neaten function pointer calls and add braces (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: remove blank line between set and test (Paolo Abeni) [1444980] - [net] udp: remove else after return (Paolo Abeni) [1444980]- [sound] alsa: SoC - codecs - regmap fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: SoC - codecs - fix the of header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: uapi: Add new tokens for module common data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: SoC - Intel SST Haswell - add missing trace header file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: add const to snd_soc_codec_driver structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Add DMI match for Geminilake reference platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: disable IRQ when jack is NULL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix jack type detect error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Add DMI match for Broxton-P reference platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix null deref on acpi driver data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix capture doesn't work at some cases (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: reset AD dilter is there is no MCLK (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Don't enable IRQ in i2c_probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: enable IRQ for jack detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix remove unnedded clk setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: fix wrong setting of gpio2_en (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: Make rt298_index_def const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: correct index default value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: set register non-volatile by default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rl6347a: Clean up unneeded inclusion of header files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt298: remove meanless pr_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add rt298 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Allow bespoke configuration post widget creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: make function stub static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix boot warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Constify reg_default tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmi: Mark all struct dmi_system_id instances const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: constify gpio_chip structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Constify snd_soc_dai_ops variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: add const to snd_soc_codec_driver structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: reset dma_offset at hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the sanity checks of the buffer related address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Support the DSP recording continuously after the hotwording triggered (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514-spi: Remove unneeded linux/miscdevice.h include (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Remove superfluous linux/kthread.h inclusion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514-spi: Convert to use devm_* API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Fix the issue that the variable dereferenced before checking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Guard Hotword Model bytes loading (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: expose Hotword Model control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: make array rt5514_dai static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Eliminate the noise in the ASRC case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Use the IS_ENABLED to supports the module build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: constify acpi_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the I2S ASRC support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Support the TDM docking mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Move the auto disable DSP function to set_bias_level() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add ACPI match ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add more width and channels support in the TDM mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: fix gcc-7 warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Unconfuse the rt5514 at probe / resume time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Avoid relying on uninitialized "val" value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Mark rt5514_i2c_driver as static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the DMIC initial delay to wait it ready (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: make the volume TLV to match the units 0.01dB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5514 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: Add the MCLK handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: add rt5514 SPI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5514: add rt5514 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Changed device property read function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Modified DAPM widget and map to enable/disable VI sense path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Added PM suspend and resume function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Modified chip default register values (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Added missing \n to end of dev_err messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98927: Updated volatile register list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove cache_bypass from snd_soc_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add support for Maxim Integrated MAX98927 Amplifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Add delay for jack plug in (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Fine tune for the headphone output pop sound (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Seprate the DC offset between headphone and headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Add the delay time to correct the calibration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: constify acpi_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Correct the mixer switch setting and remove redundant routing path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Modify the default value for ASRC function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Add the manual offset field to compensate the DC offset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: add in missing loop counter to avoid infinite loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Modify the power sequence for reducing the pop sound (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Optimize the Jack Type detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Update the calibration funciton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Update the HW default values based on the shipping version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Check the JD status in the resume function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: Fix the IRQ issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: rename rt5668 as rt5663 v2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add jd function for rt5663 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: fix a debug statement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: fix platform_no_drv_owner.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: fix sparse warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5663: refine error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add rt5663 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add es8316 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Update driver to use device_property* FW functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Fix incorrect usage of bitwise '&' operator for SRM check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: add ACPI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on da7213 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Improve 32KHz mode PLL locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Refactor sysclk(), pll() functions to improve handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Improve driver efficiency with regards to MCLK usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Default to 64 BCLKs per WCLK to support all formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Allow PLL disable/bypass when using 32KHz sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Update PLL ranges to improve locking at frequency boundary (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Default PC counter to free-running when DAI disabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add checking of SRM lock status before enabling DAI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add DAI DAPM event to control DAI clocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add support to handle mclk data provided to driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Add DT support to codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Replace TLV_DB_RANGE_HEAD with DECLARE_TLV_DB_RANGE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Replace direct snd_soc_codec dapm field access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Move bias level update to the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add snd_soc_kcontrol_codec() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec: Simplify ASoC probe code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Use SOC_ENUM_SINGLE_DECL() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Use params_width() rather than memory format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7213: Fix setting dmic_samplephase and dmic_clk_rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: Add da7213 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: max98090: remove superflous check for 'micbias' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: spi: Drop owner assignment from spi_drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Revise the wrong name in the header file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove never used variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Refactor code to avoid comparison unsigned >= 0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Hide platform data in the module sources (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Move platform code to board file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Introduce proper table for ACPI enumeration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add OF device ID table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add ACPI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5677 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: use gpiochip data pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Avoid duplicate the same test in each switch case (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: set PLL_CTRL2 non-volatile (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Reconfigure PLL1 after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: use 'active low' logic for reset pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Avoid the pop sound that comes from the filter power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Allow arbitrary block read/write via SPI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fix rt5677 spi driver build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace TLV_DB_RANGE_HEAD with DECLARE_TLV_DB_RANGE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add function "rl6231_get_pre_div" to correct the dmic clock calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Return error if devm_gpiod_get_optional return ERR_PTR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove NULL test for desc before gpiod_set_value_cansleep call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Switch to use unified device property API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Switch to use descriptor-based gpiod API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Include gpio driver header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Prefix hexadecimal ID register value with 0x in error print (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace direct snd_soc_codec dapm field access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add reset-gpio dts option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add DMIC ASRC detect function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add i2s asrc clk src selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fixed wrong DMIC ref clock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Move bias level update to the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Route all bias level updates through the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add register patch for PLL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add API to select ASRC clock source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Keep the LDO2 powered while used in the suspend mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the chip type to distinguish the setting of the clock source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Correct the routing paths of that after IF1/2 DACx Mux (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fix SPI dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace w->codec snd_soc_dapm_to_codec(w->dapm) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the slot_width "25" support in the TDM mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Use the regmap functions instead of the snd_soc functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Modify the behavior that updates the PLL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the MICBIAS VDD setting in the platform data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Adjust the routing of "PLL1" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the ASRC support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Revise the filter powers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fixed rt5677_dsp_vad_put rt5677_dsp_vad_get panic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: make volume TLV closer to reality (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Fix the issue that the regmap_range "rt5677_ranges" cannot be accessed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Set the slow charge of the vref in the end of the power sequences (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Follow the gpio naming rule to rename the irq function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Align the reg_default table with tab character (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Modify the default value of the MX-8E[4] for ASRC function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add TDM channel mux in DAC side of IF1 and IF2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Use specific r/w function for DSP mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Minor coding style and typo fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add TDM channel mapping function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: rt5677_irq_init() can be static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: add GPIO IRQ support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: fix build when kernel compiled without GPIOLIB support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Print more information if setting DAI clock failed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Support DSP function for VAD application (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add option to configure gpio as floating/pullup/pulldown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add dts properties for input/output differential configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add a configuration option for LDO2_POW pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add sidetone function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the TDM function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Remove return value checking for gpiochip_remove() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add the GPIO function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add DMIC2 clock selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove the redundant definition in head file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: correct mismatch widget name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Modify the voltage level in the BIAS OFF stage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use rl6231_pll_calc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Add a PMD case to MICBIAS1 event (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace the string "Gain" to "Volume" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace the string "source" to "Source" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Replace the string "micbias1" to "MICBIAS1" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Remove unneeded goto in rt5677_i2c_probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use rl6231_calc_dmic_clk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use rl6231_get_clk_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5677: Convert to use module_i2c_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add RT5677 CODEC driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Fix HP detection procedure for all MCLK frequencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Connect output enable register to DAIOUT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Improve pop/click performance for sensitive HPs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: fix inappropriate condition statement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Disable AAD if codec is not a wake-up source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Reset codec gracefully, if still active (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Support HP detect procedure when MCLK not present (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: software reset codec at probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on da7219 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Make more efficient use of MCLK within driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Convert driver to use generic device/fwnode functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7129: Add missing of acpi.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Add initial ACPI id for device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Disallow unsupported 32KHz clock setting in set_dai_sysclk() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Update PLL ranges and dividers to improve locking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Correct BCLK inversion for DSP DAI format mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Add regmap patch to support old silicon (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Remove support for 32KHz PLL mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Add support for 1.6V micbias level (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Remove internal LDO features of codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Update REFERENCES reg default, in-line with HW (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Disable regulators on probe() failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Fix Sidetone to work regardless of DAI capture (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Use logical instead of bitwise OR for boolean expression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Fix da7219->alc_en state when enabling ALC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Improve error checking of mclk enable/disable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Use of_match_ptr() when assigning match table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: da7219: Improve error handling for regulator supplies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: Add da7219 codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: correct typo of semaphore comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: change crosstalk-bypass property to bool type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: debug message of crosstalk bypass (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: make crosstalk function optional (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: fix jack type detection issue after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: default value for property (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: automatic BCLK and LRC divde in master mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rt286: add Thinkpad Helix 2 to force_combo_jack_table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: Add "10EC3276" ACPI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: use msleep() for long delays (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: move DAC2 Power to rt5640_dapm_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: set high voltage for capless power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add jack detection workaround for MINIX Z83-4 based devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: make rt5645_platform_data const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5645: add quirks for Asus T100HA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add quirk override by module option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: enable speaker protection features (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: del btn_check_timer on remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add jack detection workaround for GPD Win (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add inv_jd1_1 flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: rename jd_invert flag in platform data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: read jd1_1 status for jd detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add OF device ID table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: fix error handling for gpio detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add ACPI ID 10EC3270 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: add jack detection quirk for Dell Venue 5585 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: add symmetric_rates flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: merge ADC L/R Mux (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: fix incompatible pointer type of set_sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: move set_sysclk to codec level (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: remove duplicate route (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: fix wrong audio route (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: fix jd mode for Lenovo Miix 2 10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: add Thinkpad Tablet 10 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codecs: rt5670: add quirk for Lenovo Thinkpad 10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5651: remove unexisting Muxes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: ssm4567: Add OF device ID table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add the vendor nid for Geminilake HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Update sig_bits based on converter capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: don't update the iterator in pcm list remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: avoid reference to invalid variable of the pin list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add device id for Geminilake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add machine pin widget for each port (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Use ASoC jack instead of snd_jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add support for multiple ports to a PCM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Configure pin verbs for MST (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Handle MST pin jack detection at boot/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add MST verb support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add support to handle MST capable pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Begin to add support for DP Multi-stream audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Move channel info from pin to PCM structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Register widget event handlers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: use audio component framework to read ELD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Enable pin and converter in prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec: use enable pin to control dmic start and stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec: add DT support in dmic codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-utils: make snd_soc_platform_driver const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: show index in debug when adding DAPM routes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Dont free template strings whilst they are in use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: rephrase deferred binding warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Fix usage of SND_SOC_TPLG_INDEX_ALL during load (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: remove unused 'err' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Add new widget type for constructing DAPM graphs on DSPs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Allow bespoke configuration post widget creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: use j for internal loop counter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Fix to store enum text values (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: do not close shared backend dailink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: jack: Manage gpios via devres (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: jack: fix snd_soc_codec_set_jack return error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: handle probe deferrals (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: fix some pointer error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: device property: Fix usecount for of_graph_get_port_parent() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: snd_soc_unregister_component() unregister all component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: use snd_soc_component_get_dapm() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add a sanity check before using dai driver name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: Allow searching dai driver name in snd_soc_find_dai (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level set_jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level set_pll (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level set_sysclk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove duplicate definition of dapm_routes/num_dapm_routes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove duplicate definition of dapm_widgets/num_dapm_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove duplicate definition of controls/num_controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: use snd_soc_rtdcom_add() and convert to consistent operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: add snd_soc_rtdcom_xxx() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: bunch up bit field for snd_soc_pcm_runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove snd_soc_platform_trigger() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove .bespoke_trigger from snd_soc_platform_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove .delay from snd_soc_platform_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Introduce SOC_SINGLE_S8_TLV() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove snd_soc_pcm_set/get_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: jack - check status of GPIO-based pins on resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: jack: add snd_soc_codec_set_jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-pcm: Remove unused 'debugfs_dpcm_state' entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove cache_bypass from snd_soc_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove duplicate mutex_unlock from snd_soc_unregister_component() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: rename "cmpnt" to "component" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: Remove unneeded dentry member from snd_soc_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: fix pcm-creation regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop invalid DMI fields when setting card long name from DMI info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add snd_soc_get_dai_id() function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Provide a dummy wrapper of snd_soc_set_dmi_name() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: verify Sound Card normality (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: remove pointless auxiliary from snd_soc_component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: don't dereference NULL pcm_{new,free} (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add space around '=' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Drop unnecessary debugfs ifdef (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_card_name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_audio_prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_audio_simple_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: remove OF adjusting for snd_soc_of_parse_audio_routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: add optional pcm_new callback for DAI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: Add API to use DMI name in sound card long name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Fixup some small kernel-doc typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level pcm_new/pcm_free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Fix use-after-free at card unregistration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: enable "dai-format" on snd_soc_of_parse_daifmt() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Set reasonable compress id string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Delete error messages for a failed memory allocation in snd_soc_new_compress() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Derive substream from stream based on direction (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add IPC to configure the copier secondary pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add map for Maxim IV Feedback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add jack port initialize in kbl machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add MST route change to kbl machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update module id in pin connections (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse and update module config structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Populate module data from topology manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add driver structures to be filled from topology manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Commonize parsing of format tokens (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse multiple manifest data blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix uninitialized return (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix DSP core ref count for init failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to free correct dev id in free_irq (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to free resources for dsp_init failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to free dsp resource on ipc_init failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: Fix GPIO headset detection regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Remove superfluous snd_soc_jack_free_gpios() call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Headset button support in kabylake machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Enabling ASRC for RT5663 codec on kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl_rt5663_rt5514_max98927: Add rt5514 spi dailink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: medfield: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_mfld_mc_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: constify snd_compr_codec_caps structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: make skl_dsp_fw_ops const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: make snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: make snd_soc_platform_driver const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: constify pci_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: add pci id for cnl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: add dsp ops for cannonlake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: Add sst library functions for cnl platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: Unstatify common ipc functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move platform specific init to platform dsp_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cnl: Add cnl dsp functions and registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add dsp cores management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use num_core to allocate instead of macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add num of cores in dsp ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add map for new DAIs for Multi-Playback & Echo Ref (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add DAI links for Multi-Playback & Echo-reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: Add new FEs for Multi-Playback & Echo-Reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use correct nuvoton codec ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix potential null pointer dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove return check for skl_codec_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Remove code loader reference in cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Reset the controller in probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Enabling 4 slot IV feedback for max98927 on Kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Use MCLK instead of BLCK as the sysclock for RT5514 codec on kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Enabling ASRC for RT5663 codec on kabylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake RT5663 machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake machine driver for RT5663 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: Fix missing sentinel for bxt_board_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix missing sentinels in sst_acpi_mach (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: Add Geminilake platform support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: Remove .owner initialization in bxt_rt298 driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: constify snd_soc_dai_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix type in debug message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix default dma_buffer_size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove driver debugfs exit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: explicitly add the headers sst-dsp.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support to read firmware registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add sram address to sst_addr structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Debugfs facility to dump module config (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add debugfs support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht_bsw_rt5672: 19.2MHz clock for Baytrail platforms (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Move codec sysclk config to codec_init function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: skl_rt286: Add deepbuffer dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix dma buffer size calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add deep buffer support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake RT5663+RT5514+MAX98927 machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Convert all sst_codecs data definition to c99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake machine driver for RT5514, RT5663 and MAX98927 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: byt-max98090: Add GPIO ACPI mapping table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skl: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: byt: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add machine driver for BYT/CHT + ES8316 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Add 4-channel DMIC fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add enum control for mic selection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add mic-select module type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: Delete sst_shim_regs64; saved regs are never used (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake RT5663+MAX98927 machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Kabylake Realtek Maxim machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Improve machine driver selection based on quirk data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Move quirk to identify correct machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Create a helper to search for matching machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Convert skl machine data to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Convert atom machine data to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Support for multiple data blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to parse consecutive string tkns in manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix IPC rx_list corruption (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: Remove unused function sst_restore_shim64() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: cht_bsw_max98090_ti: Remove unused function cht_get_codec_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: fix spelling mistake: "allocationf" -> "allocation" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: localize variable without external linkage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix typo for token d0i3 caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move i915 registration to worker thread (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Return negative error code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix unused variable warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix uninitialized pointer use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add loadable module support on KBL platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Modify load_lib_ipc arguments for a nowait version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Register dsp_fw_ops for kabylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Modify arguments to reuse module transfer function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Commonize library load (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move sst common initialization to a helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: bytcr_rt5640: log quirk configuration errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: bytcr_rt5640: Fix a typo and quirk parameter type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Fix PM and non-atomic crash in bytcr drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: bytcr_rt5640: Allow quirk set via module option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Call snd_soc_set_dmi_name() unconditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix a couple user after free bugs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Uninitialized variable in probe_codec() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: update Thinkpad 10 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support for deferred DSP module bind (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: fix spelling mistake: "Timout" -> "Timeout" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix module state after unbind and delete (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix DMA position reporting for capture stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Rearrangement of code to cleanup SKL SST library (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: remove hard coded ACPI path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove redundant vmixer handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't unload module when in use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add 16-bit constraint to FE bxt_rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use the sig_bits to define dai bps capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove unused variable data and associated code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Don't print FW version repeatedly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Update bxt_da7219_max98357a to add a new (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix parameter overwrite for KPB Module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix module load when module size > DMA buffer size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove get dsp_ops in cleanup routine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Disable notifications at boot after DSP FW init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove BE prepare ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Reload the firmware in case of D3 failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Update DSP core state in D0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Disable interrupt when DSP is in D3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix not to stop src pipe in pre pmd event handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to delete DSP pipe after stopping pipe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Enable bytcht_nocodec machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: add card for MinnowBoardMax/Up I2S access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: enable BYT/CHT+DA7213 machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add machine driver for BYT/CHT + DA7213 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: code cleanup for pin fixup limitation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: use a helper macro to rounding-up calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix invalid memory access due to wrong reference of pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: optimize ROM init retries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Store the FW/Library context at boot (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bdw-rt5677: Use devm_gpiod_get() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix spelling mistake: "allocationf" -> "allocation" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add jack port initialize in bxt_rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add Geminlake IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Check device type to get endpoint configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add jack port initialize in da7219_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add jack port initialize in nau88l25_ssm4567 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add jack port initialize in nau88l25_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add jack port initialize in rt286 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in bxt_da7219_max98357 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in bxt_rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in nau88l25_ssm4567 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in skl_nau88l25_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create ASoC jack for hdmi in rt286 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add route change to nau88l25_ssm4567 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add route change to nau88l25_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add route change to rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Report Platform ID info from NHLT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: add channel map support in bxt_da7219_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Add route change to da7219_max98357a machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add route change to rt286 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: add channel map support in rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: cht-bsw-rt5645: fix unused variable compiler warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht-bsw-rt5645: fix DAI formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add support for ALC3270 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht-bsw-rt5645: select ASRC source based on routing quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht-bsw-rt5645: add quirks for SSP0/AIF1/AIF2 routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: baytrail: add quirk for Lenovo Thinkpad 10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht_bsw_rt5645: harden ACPI device detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: add machine driver for baytrail-rt5645 hardware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add support for RT5648 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add support for Realtek 5651 on Cherrytrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Add HP Pavilion x2 10-p000 machine entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht_bsw_rt5645: add Baytrail MCLK support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix frame polarity (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: remove .pm_ops in all Atom/DPCM machine drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Configure media_loop1 and sprot_loop in stereo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use set_tdm_slot to set the dma channel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Remove ignore_suspend for WoV streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: set the resume point to LPIB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't reset pass-through pipe in BE prepare (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Use DMI name for sound card long name in Broadwell machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove ignored dependencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: select DW_DMAC_CORE since it's mandatory (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: rename SND_SST_MFLD_PLATFORM to SND_SST_ATOM_HIFI2_PLATFORM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove redundant select SND_SOC_INTEL_SST (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Use DSP poll API to poll FW status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: common: Update dsp register poll implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Clean up manifest info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: quirks for Insyde devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Removed unused skl_get_format() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add helper function to setup host/link dma (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Configure DMA in PRE_PMD handler of Mixer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update link_index and format in pipe params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: remove unused 'ret_val' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: remove unused 'msg_high' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: remove unused 'ops' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: remove unused 'ret' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: revert "[sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: pass platform data via struct dw_dma_chip" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: export probe()/remove() and Co to users (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: some Intel devices has no memcpy support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: define DW_DMA_MAX_NR_MASTERS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: amend description of dma_dev field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: split dma-dw.h to platform and private parts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: move private definitions to regs.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: move dw_dmac.h to where it belongs to (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: pci: add ID for WildcatPoint PCH (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: use dw_dmac autoconfiguration in PCI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: always export dw_dma_{en,dis}able (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: add PCI IDs for Braswell DMAs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: convert to use SET_LATE_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: Add suspend and resume handling for PCI mode DW_DMAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: add a PCI ID for Intel Haswell SoC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: add PCI part of the driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: introduce dw_dma_on() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: move clock operations to platform.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: introduce generic filter function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: apply both HS interfaces and remove slave_id usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: convert dw_dma_slave to use explicit HS interfaces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: avr32: at32ap700x: don't rely on default DMA masters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: don't perform DMA when dmaengine_submit is called (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: add debug message to dwc_dostart_first_queued (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: introduce dwc_dostart_first_queued() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: check return code of dma_async_device_register() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: fix regression in dw_probe() function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: enable clock before access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: went back to plain {request,free}_irq() calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: allocate memory in two stages in probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: remove leftovers in the comment blocks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: use pad instead of casting dma_addr_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: join split up messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: fix style of multiline comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: use DMA_COMPLETE for dma completion status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: return DMA_PAUSED only if cookie status is DMA_IN_PROGRESS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: return DMA_SUCCESS immediately from device_tx_status() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: allow shared interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: improve comparison with ~0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: dw: split driver to library part and platform code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dma: move dw_dmac driver to an own directory (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: gpio: acpi: Add managed variant of acpi_dev_add_driver_gpios() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: acpi / gpio: Driver GPIO mappings for ACPI GPIOs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: regmap: Mark reg_defaults in regmap_multi_reg_write as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: regmap: new API regmap_multi_reg_write() definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: device property: Add function to search for named child of device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of_graph: add of_graph_get_endpoint_count() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of_graph: add of_graph_get_port_parent() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of_graph: add of_graph_get_remote_endpoint() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: introduce of_graph_get_remote_node (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: errno.h in of_graph.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: fix a build error to of_graph_get_endpoint_by_regs function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: add helper for getting endpoint node of specific identifiers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: Explicitly linux/types.h in of_graph.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: Add of_graph_get_port_by_id function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: Add for_each_endpoint_of_node helper macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: Fix of_graph_parse_endpoint stub for !CONFIG_OF builds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: move common endpoint parsing to of (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: v4l: of: Remove struct v4l2_of_endpoint remote field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: of: move graph helpers from media/v4l2-core to of (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: v4l: of: Return an int in v4l2_of_parse_endpoint() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Avoid MST pipe handling for LPE audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Remove the unused pending_notify from LPE platform data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Stop pretending to mask/unmask LPE audio interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Split snd_intelhad into card and PCM specific structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Prepare LPE audio ctls for multiple PCMs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Clear the pdata.notify_lpe_audio pointer before teardown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Fix runtime PM for LPE audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Don't enable runtime PM as default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Use runtime PM autosuspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Don't bail out from PCM ops when disconnected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Minor code rearrangement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Stop the stream when buffer is processed after disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Avoid register accesses during disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Don't return an error from chmap ctl at disconnected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fix memory leak in had_build_channel_allocation_map() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Use snd_pcm_stop_xrun() for connection / disconnection paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Implement jack control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused stream.running field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Handle reset at prepare callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Support S16 format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Support S32 format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Allow no-period-wakeup setup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Allow single period PCM operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Don't pass SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BATCH flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Cache AUD_CONFIG register value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Rearrange defines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: mark hdmi suspend/resume functions as __maybe_unused (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fix driver name string overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Rename had_enable_audio_int() to had_ack_irqs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop suspicious U24 format support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Refactor PCM process engine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Unify local function prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Minor cleanup of reset buffer procedure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Don't check connection in lowlevel accessors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Explicit specify 32bit DMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Rename drv_status to connected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Yet more tidy-up and clean-ups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Simplify comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Set CA bits for DisplayPort too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Create ELD control element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Clean up unused defines and inclusions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Reduce redundant register field names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Use the standard ELD bytes definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Move stream status into pcm_stream_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Implement runtime PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Properly manage PCM substream lifetype (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused fields from pcm_stream_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop redundant had_stream_pvt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop superfluous state field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop flag_underrun field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fix racy access to chmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Remove superfluous irqsave flags (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Constfy tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Remove _v[12] suffices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Tidy up codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop had_get_hwstate() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Remove superfluous check at resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fix sleep-in-atomic via i915 notification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop superfluous PCM private_free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused fields from snd_intelhad struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Remove indirect call of snd_pcm_period_elapsed() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fix for CONFIG_PM=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Replace pr_xxx() with dev_xxx() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fold intel_hdmi_audio_if.c into main file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Flatten two abstraction layers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused hdmi_audio_query() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Call snd_card_register() at the end (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Embed snd_intelhad into snd_card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Move dma_mask debug print into intel_hdmi_lpe_audio.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused hw_silence field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Move the global underrun_count to struct snd_intelhad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop the global platform device reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Fix possible stale interrupt calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Fix use after free in lpe_audio_platdev_destroy() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: gpu: drm: i915l intel_lpe_audio: Fix kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Pass platform device to LPE audio notifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Pass pipe to LPE audio notification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: add DisplayPort amp unmute for LPE audio mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: add DP support in LPE audio mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Add support for audio driver notifications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: setup bridge for HDMI LPE audio driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Handle the error from hdmi_audio_probe() properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Use config base depending on the pipe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: fix resource_size.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop unused mid_hdmi_audio_is_busy() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Call event callback directly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop useless mutex at probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Pass snd_intelhad object to helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop snd_intel_had_interface indirect calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Replace indirect query_ops with direct calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Replace indirect register ops with direct calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Don't set PCM state to DISCONNECTED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: hdmi: fix returnvar.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Drop indirect calls of had_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: Remove v1 ops and structs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: intel_hdmi: add definitions and logic for DP audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: hdmi: continue playback even when display resolution changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: x86: hdmi: Add audio support for BYT and CHT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: add Intel HDMI LPE audio driver for BYT/CHT-T (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: 6fire: Use common error handling code in usb6fire_chip_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usx2y: Use common error handling code in submit_urbs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: us122l: Use common error handling code in us122l_create_card() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usx2y: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-midi: Use common error handling code in __snd_usbmidi_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add delay quirk for H650e/Jabra 550a USB headsets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add DSD support for new Amanero PID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: don't retry snd_usb_ctl_msg after timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add mute TLV for playback volumes on C-Media devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Apply sample rate quirk to Sennheiser headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb: caiaq: audio: Delete two error messages for a failed memory allocation in alloc_urbs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usx2y: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: line6: remove unnecessary initialization to PODHD500X (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: line6: add support for POD HD500X (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb: Avoid VLA in mixer_us16x08.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb: Fix a typo in Tascam US-16x08 mixer element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: revert "alsa: usb-audio: purge needless variable length array" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: us122l: enable compile testing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: us122l: clean up US144 handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: fix Amanero Combo384 quirk on big-endian hosts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: replace /proc/bus/usb by /dev/bus/usb (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fake also USB device id when alias is given (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: lib/vsprintf.c: remove Z support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Tidy up mixer_us16x08.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix memory leak and corruption in mixer_us16x08.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: purge needless variable length array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: localize function without external linkage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: localize one-referrer variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Tascam US-16x08 DSP mixer quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Implement mic-mute LED mode enum (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - rename dell_led_set_func to dell_micmute_led_set_func (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - use dell_micmute_led_set() instead of dell_app_wmi_led_set() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda_intel: add card number to irq description (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Remove superfluous header inclusions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132 - Fix memory leak at error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix forget to free resource in error handling code path in hda_codec_driver_probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Enable jack detection function for Intel ALC700 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix regression of hdmi eld control created based on invalid pcm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add stereo mic quirk for Lenovo G50-70 (17aa:3978) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix pincfg for Dell XPS 13 9370 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: 6fire: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Add Cannonlake PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix speaker output from VAIO VPCL14M1R (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add mute led support for HP ProBook 440 G4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - No loopback on ALC225/ALC295 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Update headset mode for ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Update headset mode for ALC298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add missing NVIDIA GPU codec IDs to patch table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add hdmi id for a Geminilake variant (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codec device ID for ALC1220 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Protect call to dma_mmap_coherent() by check for HAS_DMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - change the location for one of two front microphones (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix unbalance of i915 module refcount (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Remove GPIO_MASK (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix typo of pincfg for Dell quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codecs support for ALC215/ALC285/ALC289 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Remove ALC285 device ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix doubly initialization of i915 component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: constify attribute_group structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC3271 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Minor code refactoring for Intel HDMI codec parsers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Bind with i915 component before codec binding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Skip card registration when no codec is found (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix endless loop of codec configure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - set input_path bitmap to zero after moving it to new place (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - There is no loopback mixer in the ALC234/274/294 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add default procedure for suspend and resume state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Support headset mode for ALC234/ALC274/ALC294 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix potential race at unregistration and unsol events (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add AZX_DRIVER_SKL for simplification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply quirks to Broxton-T, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add ALC256 HP depop function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add Coffelake PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Reorder ALC269 ASUS quirk entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek: Fix mic and headset jack sense on Asus X705UD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix applying MSI dual-codec mobo quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - apply STAC_9200_DELL_M22 quirk for Dell Latitude D430 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Provide dual-codecs model option for a few Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply dual-codec quirk for MSI Z270-Gaming mobo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: opl3: Kill unused set_fs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix a typo in comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Remove the use of set_fs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Remove the generic bind ctl helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Move bind-mixer switch codes to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix cpu lockup when stopping the cmd dmas (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add mute led support for HP EliteBook 840 G3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add HP ZBook 15u G3 Conexant CX20724 GPIO mute leds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Move common haswell init to a helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - add DP MST audio support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Add Geminilake id to SKL_PLUS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Allow to enable/disable vmaster build explicitly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - set intel audio clock to a proper value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - add more ML register definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Improved position reporting on SKL+ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Move SKL+ vendor specific register definitions to hda_register.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Avoid tricky macros (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132: Limit values for chip addresses to 32-bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix LLCH register read (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132: Remove double parentheses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: platform/x86: dell-laptop: import dell_micmute_led_set() from leds/dell-led.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Add Geminilake HDMI codec ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add Geminilake PCI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: check stream decoupled register state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: Fix forgotten dependency fix for tristate OSS sequencer kconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emux: Fix/cleanup old ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: atmel: Convert to snd_card_new() with a device pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: atmel_abdac: clk_round_rate() can return a zero upon error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: atmel: Fix possible array overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: oxygen: xonar dg(x): make model_xonar_dg const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asihpi: Kill BUG_ON() usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ymfpci: Use common error handling code in snd_ymfpci_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ymfpci: Use common error handling code in snd_card_ymfpci_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hdspm: Use common error handling code in snd_hdspm_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Use common code in hdsp_get_iobox_version() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: maestro3: Use common error handling code in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Remove null check before kfree (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: asihpi: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: vx: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: opl3: Put missing KERN_CONT prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cmipci: Use common error handling code in snd_cmipci_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Use common error handling code in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcsp: Use common error handling code in snd_card_pcsp_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ice1712: Add support for STAudio ADCIII (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Fix forgotten user-copy conversion in init code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Use common error handling code in two functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mpu401: Adjust four checks for null pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mpu401: Use common error handling code in snd_mpu401_uart_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mpu401: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_mpu401_uart_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: opl3: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_opl3_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ca0106: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_ca0106_pcm_open_capture_channel() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mixart: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_mixart_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcxhr: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in pcxhr_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Adjust seven checks for null pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Improve eight size determinations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_hdspm_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Adjust five checks for null pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Use common error handling code in snd_rme96_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Delete two error messages for a failed memory allocation in snd_rme96_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: trident: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in snd_trident_tlb_alloc() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcxhr: fix string overflow warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: fix format overflow warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mixart: fix string overflow warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: fm801: Initialize chip after IRQ handler is registered (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: opl4: Move inline before return type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: synth: Select snd-emux-synth explicitly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: vx: vx_pcm: constify vx_pcm_playback_ops and vx_pcm_capture_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: alsa : pcsp: pcsp_lib: constify snd_pcsp_playback_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme32: Deliver indirect-PCM transfer error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Deliver indirect-PCM transfer error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: Deliver indirect-PCM transfer error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Get rid of set_fs() usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cs4281: Fix the leftover comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ak411x: Use array instead of offsetof() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: vx222: Use container_of() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ali5451: fix spelling mistake in "ali_capture_preapre" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: oxygen: simply setting of the shortname for Xonar DG cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: avoid theoretical uninitialized access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Fix the incorrect check of dma_set_mask() call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Fallback DMA mask to 32bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: vx: remove 'out of memory' message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: scripts/spelling.txt: add "overwriten" pattern and fix typo instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: scripts/spelling.txt: add "an union" pattern and fix typo instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: scripts/spelling.txt: add "swith" pattern and fix typo instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: nm256: constify snd_ac97_res_table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: make hw structures const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: intel8x0: constify ac97_pcm structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: atiixp: constify ac97_pcm structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pci: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mpu401: constify pnp_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: make snd_kcontrol_new const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcxhr: make snd_kcontrol_new const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pci: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ymfpci: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: trident: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: riptide: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcxhr: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mixart: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: lx6464es: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: lola: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cs5535audio: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: korg1212: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ca0106: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: aw2: make snd_pcm_hardware const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: trident: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: sis7019: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: intel8x0m: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: intel8x0: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: echoaudio: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ali5451: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usbusx2y: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: us122l: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ua101: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: snd-usb-caiaq: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: bcd2000: constify usb_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ice1712: add const to snd_akm4xxx structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ice1712: add const to snd_ak4xxx_private structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: constify pci_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: via82xx: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: sonicvibes: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hdspm: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hdsp: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme32: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: nm256: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: intel8x0: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ice1724: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ice1712: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hda: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: es1938: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ens137x: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: fm801: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cmipci: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: bt87x: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: azt3328: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: atiixp: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ali5451: Constify hw_constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: mixart: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: ice1712: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-line6: constify snd_kcontrol_new strucutre array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: line6: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pci: constify snd_kcontrol_new structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: constify snd_emux_operators structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: cage TLV_DB_RANGE_HEAD in kernel land because it was obsoleted (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rename TLV-related macros so that they're friendly to user applications (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: move layout of TLV payload to UAPI header (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: topology: Export ID types for TLV controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix negative appl_ptr handling in pcm-indirect helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: doc: Fix enum snd_jack_types comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: compress: fix documentation errors (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: memalloc.h - fix wrong truncation of dma_addr_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: probe events when parameters are changed actually (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add tracepoints for final selection process of hardware parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Skip ack callback without actual appl_ptr update (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add 'applptr' event of tracepoint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: unify codes to operate application-side position on PCM buffer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: localize snd_pcm_hw_params_choose() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add local header file for snd-pcm module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Remove unused functions declaration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Remove unused SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL1_{FALSE,TRUE} defines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: fix the comments that refers to kernel-doc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Use static inline for snd_pcm_lib_alloc_vmalloc_buffer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix kerneldoc for params_*() functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Convert params_*() with static inline functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Define dummy snd_pcm_suspend() for CONFIG_PM=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: Use IS_ENABLED() in common headers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: compress: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hwdep: prevent a harmless shift wrapping bug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Cancel pending autoload work at unbinding device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: core: Use pS printk format for direct addresses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Unify ioctl functions for playback and capture streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: Get rid of card power_lock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix power lock unbalance via OSS emulation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Correct broken procfs set up (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: TLV data is unavailable at initial state of user-defined element set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: queue TLV event for a set of user-defined element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: delegate TLV eventing to each driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Adjust nine function calls together with a variable assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Use common error handling code in _snd_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: core: Fix unexpected error at replacing user TLV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: use counting semaphore as write lock for ELEM_WRITE operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: code refactoring for ELEM_READ/ELEM_WRITE operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: queue events within locking of controls_rwsem for ELEM_WRITE operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: 2nd attempt at fixing race creating a queue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix CONFIG_SND_SEQ_MIDI dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: code refactoring for TLV request handler to user element set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: code refactoring TLV ioctl handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: obsolete user_ctl_lock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: use counting semaphore as write lock for TLV write/command operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: queue events within locking of controls_rwsem for TLV operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Simplify check for dma_mmap_coherent() availability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: constify attribute_group structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Disable only control mmap for explicit appl_ptr sync (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Add an ioctl to specify the supported protocol version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Add the explicit appl_ptr sync support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix possible inconsistent appl_ptr update via mmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: core: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Don't treat NULL chmap as a fatal error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: remove SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL1_INFO internal command (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Use common PCM_RUNTIME_CHECK() for sanity checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Preprocess PAUSED or SUSPENDED stream before PREPARE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Allow dropping stream directly after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Apply power lock globally to common ioctls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Clean up SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_PAUSE code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use s instead of c for format of PCM buffer tracepoints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Allow the modular sequencer registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: return error immediately for parameters handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Reorganize kconfig and build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Allow the tristate build of OSS emulation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: Make CONFIG_SND_OSSEMUL user-selectable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use friendly name for id of PCM substream in trace print (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: move fixup of info flag after selecting single parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: calculate non-mask/non-interval parameters always when possible (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use helper functions to refer parameters as constants (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add comment about application of rule to PCM parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use helper functions to check whether parameters are determined (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: adaption of code formatting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: remove function local variable with alternative evaluation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use goto statement instead of while statement to reduce indentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add a helper function to apply parameter rules (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add a helper function to constrain interval-type parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add a helper function to constrain mask-type parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: obsolete RULES_DEBUG local macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: enable parameter tracepoints only when CONFIG_SND_DEBUG is enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: tracepoints for refining PCM parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Build OSS writev/readv helpers conditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Kill set_fs() in PCM OSS layer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Direct in-kernel read/write support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Simplify snd_pcm_playback_silence() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Unify read/write loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: More unification of PCM transfer codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Call directly the common read/write helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Shuffle codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Check PCM state by a common helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Drop the old copy and silence ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: hdsp: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: rme32: Convert to the new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: korg1212: Convert to the new PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: nm256: Convert to new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: es1938: Convert to the new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: dummy: Convert to new PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Introduce copy_user, copy_kernel and fill_silence ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: pcm_local.h and remove some extraneous tabs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: declare snd_kcontrol_new structures as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Call ack() whenever appl_ptr is updated (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: remove entry limitation for list operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Remove set_fs() in PCM core code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: control: Simplify snd_ctl_elem_list() implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Simplify forward/rewind codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Use a common helper for PCM state check and hwsync (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm/oss: mark snd_pcm_plug_slave_format arg as const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use "do {} while (0)" for empty macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: constify function local and read-only table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm/oss: refer to parameters instead of copying to reduce usage of kernel stack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: use helper function to refer parameter as read-only (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add const qualifier for read-only table for sampling rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: opl4: Use IS_REACHABLE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Build pcm notifier code conditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Don't break snd_use_lock_sync() loop by timeout (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix race during FIFO resize (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix racy cell insertions during snd_seq_pool_done() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix link corruption by event error handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1463624]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Move initialization of work element earlier (Himanshu Madhani) [1500417] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix uninitialized work element (Himanshu Madhani) [1500417] - [scsi] lpfc: change version to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: correct nvme sg segment count check (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix oops of nvme host during driver unload (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Extend RDP support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Ensure io aborts interlocked with the target (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix secure firmware updates (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in lpfc_nvme_fcp_io_submit during LIP (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Disable NPIV support if NVME is enabled (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix oops if nvmet_fc_register_targetport fails (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Revise NVME module parameter descriptions for better clarity (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Set missing abort context (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Reduce log spew on controller reconnects (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FCP hba_wqidx assignment (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Move CQ processing to a soft IRQ (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Make ktime sampling more accurate (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: PLOGI failures during NPIV testing (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix warning messages when NVME_TARGET_FC not defined (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix lpfc nvme host rejecting IO with Not Ready message (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash receiving ELS while detaching driver (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix pci hot plug crash in list_add call (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix pci hot plug crash in timer management routines (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Cocci spatch "pool_zalloc-simple" (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: remove redundant null check on eqe (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: use proper format string for dma_addr_t (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: avoid false-positive gcc-8 warning (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: avoid an unused function warning (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: lpfc version bump (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix "integer constant too large" error on 32bit archs (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add Buffer to Buffer credit recovery support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: remove console log clutter (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix bad sgl reposting after 2nd adapter reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme target failure after 2nd adapter reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix relative offset error on large nvmet target ios (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix MRQ > 1 context list handling (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Limit amount of work processed in IRQ (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct issues with FAWWN and FDISCs (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME PRLI handling during RSCN (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in lpfc nvmet when fc port is reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix duplicate NVME rport entries and namespaces (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix handling of FCP and NVME FC4 types in Pt2Pt topology (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct return error codes to align with nvme_fc transport (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: convert info messages to standard messages (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix oops when NVME Target is discovered in a nonNVME environment (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix rediscovery on switch blade pull (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix loop mode target discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix plogi collision that causes illegal state transition (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: remove useless code in lpfc_sli4_bsg_link_diag_test (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Replace PCI pool old API (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: support nvmet_fc defer_rcv callback (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: don't double count abort errors (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: spin_lock_irq() is not nestable (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix refcount error on node list (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme io stoppage after link bounce (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: update to revision to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Driver responds LS_RJT to Beacon Off ELS - Linux (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put when nvmet gets an abort request (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash doing IO with resets (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after firmware flash when IO is running (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI3 drivers attempting NVME ELS commands (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Break up IO ctx list into a separate get and put list (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Reduce time spent in IRQ for received NVME commands (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Vport creation is failing with "Link Down" error (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme_info sysfs output to be consistent (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix system panic when express lane enabled (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: update to revision to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add auto EQ delay logic (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix defects reported by Coverity Scan (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix vports not logging into target (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix PRLI retry handling when target rejects it (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix System panic after loading the driver (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash on powering off BFS VM with passthrough device (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix return value of board_mode store routine in case of online failure (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix counters so outstandng NVME IO count is accurate (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Port going offline after multiple resets (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvmet node ref count handling (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Lun Priority level shown as NA (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add changes to assist in NVMET debugging (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme port role handling in sysfs and debugfs handlers (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix transition nvme-i rport handling to nport only (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add nvme initiator devloss support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: make a couple of functions static (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix spelling mistake "entrys" -> "entries" (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: debugfs: get rid of pointless access_ok() (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: prevent potential null pointer dereference (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Avoid NULL pointer dereference in lpfc_els_abort() (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvmet_fc: fix format string (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] nvmet-fc: remove target cpu scheduling flag (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix build issue if NVME_FC_TARGET is not defined (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NULL pointer dereference during PCI error recovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: update version to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add MDS Diagnostic support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVMEI's handling of NVMET's PRLI response attributes (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Cleanup entry_repost settings on SLI4 queues (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix debugfs root inode "lpfc" not getting deleted on driver unload (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME I+T not registering NVME as a supported FC4 type (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Added recovery logic for running out of NVMET IO context resources (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Separate NVMET RQ buffer posting from IO resources SGL/iocbq/context (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Separate NVMET data buffer pool fir ELS/CT (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NMI watchdog assertions when running nvmet IOPS tests (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVMEI driver not decrementing counter causing bad rport state (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvmet RQ resource needs for large block writes (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Adding additional stats counters for nvme (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix system crash when port is reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix used-RPI accounting problem (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: ensure els_wq is being checked before destroying it (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: double lock typo in lpfc_ns_rsp() (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: lpfc_get_wwpn at wrong offset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix memory corruption of the lpfc_ncmd->list pointers (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: revison (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Update ABORT processing for NVMET (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix implicit logo and RSCN handling for NVMET (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add Fabric assigned WWN support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix max_sgl_segments settings for NVME / NVMET (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after issuing lip reset (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver load issues when MRQ=8 (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove hba lock from NVMET issue WQE (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] Fix nvme initiator handling when not enabled (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver usage of 128B WQEs when WQ_CREATE is V1 (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver unload/reload operation (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix PRLI ACC rsp for NVME (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix extra line print in rqpair debug print (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove NULL ptr check before kfree (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove unused defines for NVME PostBuf (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix spelling in comments (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Add debug messages for nvme/fcp resource allocation (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix log message in completion path (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix rejected nvme LS Req (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme unregister port timeout (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Standardize nvme SGL segment count (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] nvmet_fc: Rework target side abort handling (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] nvmet_fc: add req_release to lldd api (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] nvmet_fc: add target feature flags for upcall isr contexts (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix potential buffer overflow (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix building without debugfs support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix PT2PT PRLI reject (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc version bump for rhel7.5 nvme to (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Finalize Kconfig options for nvme (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework lpfc Kconfig for NVME options (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: add missing Kconfig NVME dependencies (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: replace init_timer by setup_timer (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: use div_u64 for 64-bit division (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator base (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: remove dead sli3 nvme code (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: correct double print (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Rename LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY to LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY_EQID_CNT (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: add NVME exchange aborts (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme allocation bug on failed nvme_fc_register_localport (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix IO submission if WQ is full (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME CMD IU byte swapped word 1 problem (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix RCTL value on NVME LS request and response (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [lpfc] Fix crash during Hardware error recovery on SLI3 adapters (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: fix missing spin_unlock on sql_list_lock (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: don't dereference dma_buf-> iocbq before null check (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: sanity check hrq is null before dereferencing it (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: remove redundant assignment of sgel (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] Update lpfc version to for rhel7.5 with NVME support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyrights (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME: Target: Add debugfs support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME: Target: bind to nvmet_fc api (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Target: Merge into FC discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Target: Receive buffer updates (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Target: Base modifications (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: Add debugfs support (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: bind to nvme_fc api (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: Merge into FC discovery (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: nvme: Initiator: Base modifications (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: refactor debugfs queue dump routines (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: refactor debugfs queue prints (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768] - [scsi] lpfc: minor code cleanups (Dick Kennedy) [1385844 1461977 1387768]- [infiniband] lx5e: Fix race in mlx5e_sw_stats and mlx5e_vport_stats (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Fix ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL handling (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Fix small packet threshold (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Fix UAR memory leak (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Make sure the FW max encap size is enough for ipv6 tunnels (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Make sure the FW max encap size is enough for ipv4 tunnels (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Fix driver load bad flow when having fw initializing timeout (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Fix issue in populating the PFC config paramters (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Fix possible system hang in the dcbnl-getdcbx() path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Fix sending an invalid PFC error mask to MFW (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Fix possible error in populating max_tc field (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: set XPT_CONG_CTRL flag for bc xprt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/qib: fix false-postive maybe-uninitialized warning (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/cq: Don't process more than the given budget (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: increment msn only when completing a request (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] uapi: fix rdma/mlx5-abi.h userspace compilation errors (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Update documentation link (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: fix a type issue in ocrdma_put_pd_num() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Activate device on link up (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Dont hardcode QP header page (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/vmw_pvrdma: Cleanup unused variables (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] Fix alignment of mmap cookies to support VIPT caching (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Protect against self-requeue of a cq work item (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Avoid supporting udp tunnel port ndo for VF reps (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Use the proper UAPI values when offloading TC vlan actions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] xprtrdma: Squelch kbuild sparse complaint (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Fix interrupt flags on Rx LL2 (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Prevent creation of too-big u32-chains (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: add IPV6 dependency (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Don't use attention PTT for configuring BW (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Fix race with multiple VFs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] sunrpc: flag transports as having congestion control (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_en: Use __skb_fill_page_desc() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4: Change ENOTSUPP to EOPNOTSUPP (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma_cm: fail iwarp accepts w/o connection params (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed*: Fix link indication race (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Don't allocate SBs using main PTT (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qede: Prevent index problems in loopback test (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Reflect PF link when initializing VF (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qede: Free netdevice only after stoping slowpath (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qede: Initialize lock and slowpath workqueue early (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Reserve doorbell BAR space for present CPUs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Read queue state before releasing buffer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Release CQ resource under lock on failure (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] mlx4: fix potential divide by 0 in mlx4_en_auto_moderation() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Drain the send queue before destroying a QP (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for draining IB_POLL_DIRECT completion queues (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Improve an error path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Make a diagnostic message more informative (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Document locking conventions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Fix some error handling (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Expose vendor error to ULPs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: use size_t for passing array length (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove redudant label (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: remove the unnecessary memory free (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Code reuse with memdup_copy (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib, rdmavt: Move AETH defines to rdma/ib_hdrs.h (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add rvt_rnr_tbl_to_usec function (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not set physical link state if DC is in the shutdown state (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Modify logging frequency of DCC errors (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Correct ack count for passive (RTR) QPs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Updates to use rdmavt's SGE helper routines (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, rdmavt: Move SGE state helper routines into rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, rdmavt: Update copy_sge to use boolean arguments (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use new rdmavt timers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use new rdmavt timers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Adding timer logic to rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib, rdmavt: Move AETH credit functions into rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib, rdmavt: Move two IB event functions into rdmavt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check upper-case EFI variables (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reduce oversized fields in struct hfi1_packet (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add additional fields to qp_stats (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allocate context data on memory node (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Use per-CPU reference count for MRs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Access hfi1_ibport through rcd pointer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct error calldown locking (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use static CTLE with Preset 6 for integrated HFIs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ensure read of producer s_head is correct (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct defered count after processing qp_wait_list (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: use setup_timer to simplify the code (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Protect completion context active_qps update (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] mlx4: do not fire tasklet unless necessary (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qede: Add driver support for PTP (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Add infrastructure for PTP support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] mlx4: do not use rwlock in fast path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Destination and source addr families must match (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Add default RoCE TOS to CMA configfs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Remove pointer casting from void to net_device (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix configuration of port capabilities (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix blue flame buffer size calculation (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove unused variable from function declaration (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib: Query ports via the core instead of direct into the driver (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib: Add protocol for USNIC (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Support raw packet protocol (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support raw packet protocol (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add raw packet protocol (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add implicit MR support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose MR cache for mlx5_ib (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add null_mkey access (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/umem: Indicate that process is being terminated (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/umem: Update on demand page (ODP) support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add implicit MR flag (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add port counter support for Receive WQs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose Q counters groups only if they are supported by FW (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove deprecated module parameter (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Assign DSCP for R-RoCE QPs Address Path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Avoid SMP MADs from VFs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add additional checks before processing MADs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Return error for unsupported signature type (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix out-of-bound access (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rhel-only: Add CONFIG_INFINIBAND_BNXT_RE (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: fix for "bnxt_en: Update to firmware interface spec 1.7.0." (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add bnxt_re driver build support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/bnxt_re: Add bnxt_re RoCE driver (Don Dutile) [1456687 1456667 1409099 1386645 1385649 1385309] - [infiniband] xprtrdma: Refactor management of mw_list field (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] xprtrdma: Handle stale connection rejection (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] xprtrdma: Properly recover FRWRs with in-flight FASTREG WRs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] sunrpc: fix build errors when linux/phy*.h is removed from sa.h (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Poll CQs in "workqueue" mode (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Combine list fields in struct svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Remove unused sc_dto_q field (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Clean up backchannel send header encoding (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Clean up RPC-over-RDMA Call header decoder (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Clean up RPC-over-RDMA Reply header encoder (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] svcrdma: Another sendto chunk list parsing update (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: fix another maybe-uninitialized false-positive (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_en: fix a condition (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Bring back bfreg uar map dedicated pointer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Tx, no inline copy on ConnectX-5 (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: TX WQE update (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Configure cache line size for start and end padding (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Fix static checker warnings (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] cxgb4: get rid of custom busy poll code (Don Dutile) [1456687 1456667 1409099 1386645 1385649 1385309] - [infiniband] lx4_en: Check the enabling pptx/pprx flags in SET_PORT wrapper flow (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_en: Check the enabling mtu flag in SET_PORT wrapper flow (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_en: Pass user MTU value to Firmware at set port command (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_core: Get num_tc using netdev_get_num_tc (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_core: Add resource alloc/dealloc debugging (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4_core: Device revision support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4: Replace ENOSYS with better fitting error codes (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add inline function to validate port (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix reversed test (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove the unnecessary error check (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove empty function (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: create struct ib_port_cache (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: function interface change (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Allow port reuse for rdma_id (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Add debug messages to error flows (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove unnecessary returned value check (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/isert: fix spelling mistake: "teminating" -> "terminating" (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Add port_num to error message (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Remove unused qp_type (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix typo in comment (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: CQE compression control code reuse (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Reduce memory consumption on kdump kernel (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable Eth VFs to query their min-inline value for user-space (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Push min-inline mode resolution helper into the core (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Add support for setting VF min rate (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Support SRIOV TC encapsulation offloads for IPv6 tunnels (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Maximize ip tunnel key usage on the TC offloading path (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Use the full tunnel key info for encapsulation offload house-keeping (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: TC ipv4 tunnel encap offload cosmetic changes (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Add TC offloads matching on IPv6 encapsulation headers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Use exact encap header size for the FW input buffer (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx4: use rb_entry() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] mlx4: support __GFP_MEMALLOC for rx (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5e: Receive s-tagged packets in promiscuous mode (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Add support to s-tag in mlx5 firmware interface (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Fix version printout in case of health issue (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Remove information print after attempt to load mlx5_ib module (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed: Replace memset with eth_zero_addr (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/cma: use cached port state when bind loopback (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/cma: resolve to first active ib port (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: export ib_get_cached_port_state (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: add port state cache (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Change list_del to list_del_init in the tx object (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Replace list_del of the neigh->list with list_del_init (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use debug prints instead of warnings in RNR WC status (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add detailed error message to dev_queue_xmit call (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: rtnl_unlock can not come after free_netdev (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix deadlock between rmmod and set_mode (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix deadlock over vlan_mutex (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Set device connection mode only when needed (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: When given an invalid UD MTU, give debug msg (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Replace BUG() with BUG_ON() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Fix incorrect structure packing for booleans (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: restructure functions that create/destroy QPs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/qib: use rb_entry() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: drop pci_link_reset() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/qib: drop qib_pci_link_reset() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: use designated initializers (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix an skb leak (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix reference leaks in memory key invalidation code (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix a MR reference leak in check_rkey() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Generate a completion for all failed work requests (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Introduce functions for queue draining (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add a runtime check in alloc_index() (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Issue warnings once (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Let the compiler check the type of the cleanup functions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Enable type checking on SKB_TO_PKT() and PKT_TO_SKB() arguments (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove superfluous casts (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove an unused variable and an unused argument (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove an unused function (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Constify the pool name (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma: Adding ethertype ETH_P_IBOE (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Unify style of IOCTL commands (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Rename RDMA magic number (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Move HFI1 IOCTL declarations to common file (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Avoid redeclaration error (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Move legacy MAD IOCTL declarations to common file (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Commonize RDMA IOCTL declarations location (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Activate support for 4K UARs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support 4k UAR for libmlx5 (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Allow future extension of libmlx5 input data (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use blue flame register allocator in mlx5_ib (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Add interface to get reference to a UAR (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Introduce blue flame register allocator (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix retrieval of index to first hi class bfreg (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix naming convention with respect to UARs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix error handling order in create_kernel_qp (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix kernel to user leak prevention logic (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Improve MR check (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add ODP atomics support (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] {net,ib}/mlx5: Refactor page fault handling (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Update PAGE_FAULT_RESUME layout (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add MR cache for large UMR regions (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for big MRs (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Refactor UMR post send format (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Support new MR features (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add helper mlx5_ib_post_send_wait (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Reorder code in query device command (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] lx5: Fix offset naming for reserved fields in hca_cap_bits (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687] - [infiniband] qed*: Add support for ndo_set_vf_trust (Don Dutile) [1385309 1385649 1386645 1409099 1456667 1456687]- [kernel] audit: ensure that 'audit=1' actually enables audit for PID 1 (Paul Moore) [1487352] - [tools] perf c2c: Fix remote HITM detection for Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1485994] - [tools] perf test: Add test cases for new data source encoding (Jiri Olsa) [1485994] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for printing new mem_info encodings (Jiri Olsa) [1485994] - [uapi] perf/x86: Fix data source decoding for Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1485994] - [x86] perf/x86: Move Nehalem PEBS code to flag (Jiri Olsa) [1485994] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix potential preemption when get the current kvmclock timestamp (Marcelo Tosatti) [1496522] - [x86] kvm: x86: remove irq disablement around KVM_SET_CLOCK/KVM_GET_CLOCK (Marcelo Tosatti) [1496522] - [x86] nmi: Use raw lock (Scott Wood) [1465546] - [dma] s390, ppc: Remove dma_supported for s390 and powerpc (Don Dutile) [1499440] - [s390] Cleanup arch/s390/Kconfig DMA_ATTRS (Don Dutile) [1499440] - [s390] qdio: avoid reschedule of outbound tasklet once killed (Hendrik Brueckner) [1499699] - [s390] lib: export udelay_simple for systemtap (Hendrik Brueckner) [1499014] - [scsi] csiostor: fail probe if fw does not support FCoE (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: update module version (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: add check for supported fw version (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Avoid content leaks and casts (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: add support for Chelsio T6 adapters (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: fix use after free in csio_hw_use_fwconfig() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Fix completion usage (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: fix an error code in csio_hw_init() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Use firmware version from cxgb4/t4fw_version.h (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: T5 Firmware fix and cleanup (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Removed file csio_hw_t4.c (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Remove T4 FCoE Support (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: fix sparse warnings (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: firmware upgrade fix (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [scsi] csiostor: Remove superfluous call to pci_disable_msix() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458318] - [char] ipmi:ssif: Add missing unlock in error branch (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: constify bmc_dev_attr_group and bmc_device_type (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: get rid of field-by-field __get_user() (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: get COMPAT_IPMICTL_RECEIVE_MSG in sync with the native one (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi:ssif: Use i2c_adapter_id instead of adapter->nr (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: Use the proper default value for register size in ACPI (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi_ssif: remove redundant null check on array client->adapter->name (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: Pick up slave address from SMBIOS on an ACPI device (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi/watchdog: fix watchdog timeout set on reboot (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi_ssif: unlock on allocation failure (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi/watchdog: fix wdog hang on panic waiting for ipmi response (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi_si: use smi_num for init_name (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] Move platform device creation earlier in the initialization (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: bt-bmc: Add ast2500 compatible string (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi/bt-bmc: change compatible node to 'aspeed, ast2400-ibt-bmc' (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi_ssif: use setup_timer (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi: Fix kernel panic at ipmi_ssif_thread() (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [char] ipmi_si: Clean up printks (Tony Camuso) [1457807] - [mm] page_cgroup: Fix Kernel bug during boot with memory cgroups enabled (Larry Woodman) [1483747] - [fs] ext4: fix off-by-one on max nr_pages in ext4_find_unwritten_pgoff() (Bill O'Donnell) [1458728] - [fs] flexfiles: fix leak of nfs4_ff_ds_version arrays (Steve Dickson) [1496533] - [fs] nfs: Fix 2 use after free issues in the I/O code (Steve Dickson) [1496506] - [fs] pnfs: Use the standard I/O stateid when calling LAYOUTGET (Steve Dickson) [1496503] - [fs] nfsv4: Use correct inode in _nfs4_opendata_to_nfs4_state() (Steve Dickson) [1496500] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a race in nfs4_proc_layoutget (Steve Dickson) [1478509] - [fs] nfsv4: fix a reference leak caused WARNING messages (Steve Dickson) [1478507] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix an rcu lock leak (Steve Dickson) [1478505] - [fs] nfs: Don't write back further requests if there is a pending write error (Steve Dickson) [1478486] - [fs] nfs: flexfiles: fix kernel OOPS if MDS returns unsupported DS type (Steve Dickson) [1478511] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Handle expired layout segments in ff_layout_initiate_commit() (Steve Dickson) [1478511] - [fs] nfs: Fix another COMMIT race in pNFS (Steve Dickson) [1478511] - [fs] nfs: Fix a COMMIT race in pNFS (Steve Dickson) [1478511] - [fs] pnfs: Ensure we commit the layout if it has been invalidated (Steve Dickson) [1478487] - [fs] flexfiles: Fix up the ff_layout_write_pagelist failure path (Steve Dickson) [1478487] - [fs] PNFS for stateid errors retry against MDS first (Steve Dickson) [1458863] - [fs] PNFS fix EACCESS on commit to DS handling (Steve Dickson) [1458863] - [fs] PNFS fix fallback to MDS if got error on commit to DS (Steve Dickson) [1458863] - [fs] pnfs: Fix a deadlock when coalescing writes and returning the layout (Steve Dickson) [1478500] - [fs] pnfs: Don't clear the layout return info if there are segments to return (Steve Dickson) [1478500]- [nvme] fix the definition of the doorbell buffer config support bit (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] pci: use dma memory for the host memory buffer descriptors (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: default MR page size to 4k (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: set cqe_seen on polled completions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fabrics: fix reporting of unrecognized options (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: eliminate incorrect static markers on local variables (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: correct use after free on list teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] don't overwrite identify sn/fr with 0-bytes (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fix nvme reset command timeout handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: fix CMB sysfs file removal in reset path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: add defer_req callback for deferment of cmd buffer return (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] strip trailing 0-bytes in wwid_show (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: fix HMB size calculation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: revise TRADDR parsing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: address target disconnect race conditions in fcp io submit (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fabrics commands should use the fctype field for data direction (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] also provide a UUID in the WWID sysfs attribute (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] don't report 0-bytes in serial number (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Move serial number from controller to subsystem (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] prefix version configfs file with attr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: Fix an error handling path in 'nvme_probe()' (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: Remove nvme_setup_prps BUG_ON (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix byte swapping in nvmet_fc_ls_create_association (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: add module parameter for io queue depth (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: compile warnings in nvme_alloc_host_mem() (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Accept variable pad lengths on Create Association LS (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: revise Create Association descriptor length (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: unconditionally recycle the request mr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] split nvme_uninit_ctrl into stop and uninit (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] kick requeue list when requeueing a request instead of when starting the queues (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: remove race conditions from IB signalling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: use blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue instead of open-coding it (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: update tagset nr_hw_queues after queues reinit (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: update tagset nr_hw_queues after reconnecting/resetting (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: update tagset nr_hw_queues after reconnecting/resetting (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: don't override opts->nr_io_queues (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: rename to nvme_pci_configure_admin_queue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move ctrl cap to struct nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move queue_count to the nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Quirks for PM1725 controllers (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: register ib_client to not deadlock in device removal (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix error recovery on link down (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix crashes on bad opcodes (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Fix crash when nvme controller connection fails (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: replace ioabort msleep loop with completion (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix double calls to nvme_cleanup_cmd() (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fabrics: verify that a controller returns the correct NQN (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] simplify nvme_dev_attrs_are_visible (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] read the subsystem NQN from Identify Controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1454365 1456486] - [nvme] remove a misleading comment on struct nvme_ns (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] explicitly disable APST on quirked devices (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] use a single NVME_AQ_DEPTH and relax it to 32 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: factor out the cqe reading mechanics from __nvme_process_cq (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: factor out cqe handling into a dedicated routine (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: Introduce nvme_ring_cq_doorbell (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: Fix stuck nvme reset (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] implement NS Optimal IO Boundary from 1.3 Spec (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] no need to wait for the reset when keepalive fails (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move reset workqueue handling to common code (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] pci: Remove watchdog timer (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move protection information check into nvme_setup_rw (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] mark shutdown_timeout static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: fix error code in nvme_rdma_create_ctrl() (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fabrics: keep track of nvmet connect error status (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] add fields into identify controller data structure (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Remove a set-but-not-used variable (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] use ctrl->device consistently for logging (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] allow overriding the NVMe VS via configfs (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] add uuid field to nvme_ns and populate via configfs (David Milburn) [1451199] - [nvme] implement namespace identify descriptor list (David Milburn) [1451199] - [nvme] provide UUID value to userspace (David Milburn) [1451199] - [nvme] get list of namespace descriptors (David Milburn) [1451199] - [nvme] rename uuid to nguid in nvme_ns (David Milburn) [1451199] - [nvme] introduce NVMe Namespace Identification Descriptor structures (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] use NVME_IDENTIFY_DATA_SIZE (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] [lib] add sg_zero_buffer() helper (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] nvme-pci: remove redundant includes (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] nvme-pci: remap BAR0 to cover admin CQ doorbell for large stride (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move nr_reconnects to nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] queue ns scanning and async request from nvme_wq (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Move transports to use nvme-core workqueue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Don't allow to reset a reconnecting controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: Get rid of CONNECTED state (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: rework rdma connection establishment error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: make nvme_rdma_(create|destroy)_queue_ib symmetrical (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: Make queue flags bit numbers and not shifts (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: get rid of unused ctrl lock (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: get rid of unused controller lock (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: implement host memory buffer support (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] [kernel] dma-mapping: introduce the DMA_ATTR_NO_WARN attribute (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] save hmpre and hmmin in struct nvme_ctrl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] add dword 12 - 15 fields to struct nvme_features (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] add struct nvme_host_mem_buf_desc and HMB flags (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] relax APST default max latency to 100ms (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] only consider exit latency when choosing useful non-op power states (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix missing put reference on controller create failure (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: on lldd/transport io error, terminate association (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: fast fail incoming requests while we reconnect (David Milburn) [1468743] - [nvme] pci: fix multiple ctrl removal scheduling (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] fix hang in remove path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Quirk APST on Intel 600P/P3100 devices (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] replace is_flags field in nvme_ctrl_ops with a flags field (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: consistencly use ctrl->device for logging (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: remove extra controller reference taken on reconnect (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: correct nvme status set on abort (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: set logging level on resets/deletes (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: revise comment on teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Support ctrl_loss_tmo (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: get rid of local reconnect_delay (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: support devices with queue size < 32 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] release the sq ref on rdma read errors (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: remove target cpu scheduling flag (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: stop queues on error detection (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: require target or discovery role for fc-nvme targets (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: correct port role bits (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] unmap CMB and remove sysfs file in reset path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] scsi: remove nvme_trans_security_protocol (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] scsi: Consider LBA format in IO splitting calculation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: avoid memory corruption caused by calling nvmf_free_options() twice (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Add nvme_core.force_apst to ignore the NO_APST quirk (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] Display raw APST configuration via DYNAMIC_DEBUG (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] Fix APST comment (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] fcloop: mark two symbols static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: properly endian swap sq_head (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: mark the sqhd field as __le16 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix endianess annoations for nvmet_fc_format_rsp_hdr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: mark nvmet_fc_handle_fcp_rqst static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: mark two symbols static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: add controller reset support (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: add aen abort to teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix command id check (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Change traddr field separator to a colon (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Add ls aborts on remote port teardown (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Move LS's to rport (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: add missing reference in add_port (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Rework target side abort handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fcloop: split job struct from transport for req_release (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: add req_release to lldd api (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: add target feature flags for upcall isr contexts (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] convert from kmap to nvmet_copy_from_sgl (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] improve performance for virtual NVMe devices (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] pci: Don't set reserved SQ create flags (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Quirk APST off on THNSF5256GPUK TOSHIBA (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] Adjust the Samsung APST quirk (David Milburn) [1389600] - [nvme] make nvme_error_status private (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] split nvme status from block req->errors (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] fc: fix status code handling in nvme_fc_fcpio_done (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Fix sqsize wrong assignment based on ctrl MQES capability (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: Fix sqsize wrong assignment based on ctrl MQES capability (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: Fix sqsize wrong assignment based on ctrl MQES capability (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move the retries count to struct nvme_request (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] mark nvme_max_retries static (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] cleanup nvme_req_needs_retry (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] move ->retries setup to nvme_setup_cmd (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] factor request completion code into a common helper (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: drop ctrl for all command completions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: increment request retries counter before requeuing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: increment request retries counter before requeuing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: increment request retries counter before requeuing (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Clean up host fcpio done status handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Clear SG list to avoid double frees (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: correct LS validation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Sync NVME LS reject reasons with spec (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Add check of status_code in ERSP_IU (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: Sync FC-NVME header with standard (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: retrieve iod from the cqe command_id (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: remove unneeded (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: fix module_init (theoretical) error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: fix module_init (theoretical) error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: fix module_init (theoretical) error path (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] use symbolic constants for log identifiers (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Introduced helper routine for controller status check (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fixed avoided printing nvmet: twice in error logs (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: remove some code duplication (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: Give some more grace for rdma connection establishment (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fix byte swap in nvmet_parse_io_cmd (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] add missing byte swap in nvmet_get_smart_log (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: handle cpu unplug when re-establishing the controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: handle cpu unplug when re-establishing the controller (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] confirm sq percpu has scheduled and switched to atomic (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] loop: fix a possible use-after-free when destroying the admin queue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: add support for host_traddr (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: Fix error handling (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: use nvme cm status helper (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: move nvme cm status helper to .h file (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] rdma: use rdma connection reject helper functions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: don't bother to validate ioccsz and iorcsz (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: No special case for queue busy on IO (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] core: Fix race kicking freed request_queue (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: Disable on removal when disconnected (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Enable autonomous power state transitions (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] [base] pm/qos: Export dev_pm_qos_update_user_latency_tolerance (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] [base] pm/qos: Fix writing 'auto' to pm_qos_latency_tolerance_us (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] [base] pm/qos: Improve sysfs pm_qos_latency_tolerance validation (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Add a quirk mechanism that uses identify_ctrl (David Milburn) [1454365 1456486 1457880] - [nvme] make nvmf_register_transport require a create_ctrl callback (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Use CNS as 8-bit field and avoid endianness conversion (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] add semicolon in nvme_command setting (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] avoid dereferencing nvmet_req (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Make controller state visible via sysfs (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] Make cntlid globally unique (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] fc: cleanup of abort flag processing in fcp_op_done (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] admin-cmd: fix spelling mistake: Counld -> Could (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] pci: Don't mark IOD as aborted if abort wasn't sent (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365] - [nvme] scsi: don't rely on BLK_MAX_CDB (David Milburn) [1457880 1456486 1454365]- [s390] pci: correct hotplug related issues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: recognize name clashes with uids (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: provide more debug information (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: fix handling of PEC 306 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: improve pci hotplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: introduce clp_get_state (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: improve error handling during fmb (de)registration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: improve unreg_ioat error handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: improve error handling during interrupt deregistration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] pci: don't cleanup in arch_setup_msi_irqs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1486403] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: trace HBA FSF response by default on dismiss or timedout late response (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix payload with full FCP_RSP IU in SCSI trace records (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix missing trace records for early returns in TMF eh handlers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix passing fsf_req to SCSI trace on TMF to correlate with HBA (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix capping of unsuccessful GPN_FT SAN response trace records (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494576] - [media] stk1160: Remove '.' from Kconfig (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: Regenerate *.c_shipped files after previous changes (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: Introduce the "imply" keyword (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: Regenerate shipped zconf.{hash, lex}.c files (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: warn of unhandled characters in Kconfig commands (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: allow use of relations other than (in)equality (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: re-generate *.c_shipped files after previous change (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: don't silently ignore unhandled characters (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kbuild: trivial - use tabs for code indent where possible (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: make allnoconfig disable options behind EMBEDDED and EXPERT (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: remove unused definition from scanner (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: regenerate bison parser (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [scripts] kconfig: do not special-case 'MODULES' symbol (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [kernel] modules: do not depend on kconfig to set 'modules' option to symbol MODULES (Prarit Bhargava) [1498552] - [acpi] acpi / dptf: move int340x_thermal.c to the DPTF folder (Prarit Bhargava) [1496811] - [acpi] acpi / dptf: Add DPTF power participant driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1496811] - [scsi] storvsc: fix memory leak on ring buffer busy (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [scsi] storvsc: use default I/O timeout handler for FC devices (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [scsi] storvsc: remove unnecessary channel inbound lock (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [scsi] storvsc: use in place iterator function (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [scsi] storvsc: Add support for FC rport (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Add dummy initiator role to rport (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [scsi] storvsc: remove return at end of void function (Cathy Avery) [1469095] - [tools] perf bench: Copy kernel files needed to build mem{cpy, set} x86_64 benchmarks (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] mce: Fix copy/paste error in exception table entries (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] mce: Improve memcpy_mcsafe() (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] mm, x86/mce: Fix return type/value for memcpy_mcsafe() (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] mm, x86/mce: Add memcpy_mcsafe() (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] mce: Check for faults tagged in EXTABLE_CLASS_FAULT exception table entries (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] mce: Add PCI quirks to identify Xeons with machine check recovery (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] x86/cpufeature: Carve out X86_FEATURE_* (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] x86/headers: Don't asm/processor.h in asm/atomic.h (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [kernel] jump_label: remove bug.h, atomic.h dependencies for HAVE_JUMP_LABEL (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [x86] x86/mm: add mcsafe exception table mechanism (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [tools] perf bench mem: Prepare the x86-64 build for upstream memcpy_mcsafe() changes (Jeff Moyer) [1437205] - [pci] dpc: Add local struct device pointers (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] dpc: Add eDPC support (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] dpc: Fix control register setting (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] dpc: Skip DPC event if device is not present (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] dpc: Wait for Root Port busy to clear (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] dpc: Decode extended reasons (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] Make DPC explicitly non-modular (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] Remove DPC tristate module option (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] Bind DPC to Root Ports as well as Downstream Ports (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] Fix whitespace in struct dpc_dev (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [pci] Convert Downstream Port Containment driver to use devm_* functions (Myron Stowe) [1499031] - [security] selinux: fix double free in selinux_parse_opts_str() (Paul Moore) [1456843] - [s390] report new vector facilities (Hendrik Brueckner) [1375265] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix queuecommand for scsi_eh commands when DIX enabled (Hendrik Brueckner) [1494577] - [s390] qeth: fix L3 next-hop in xmit qeth hdr (Hendrik Brueckner) [1490787] - [ata] libata: Fix device_rh removal warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1455942] - [i2c] i801: Add support for Intel Gemini Lake (Steve Best) [1457268] - [tools] power turbostat: initial Gemini Lake SOC support (Steve Best) [1465246] - [powercap] intel_rapl: Add support for Gemini Lake (Steve Best) [1464887]- [fs] ext4: in ext4_seek_{hole, data}, return -ENXIO for negative offsets (Bill O'Donnell) [1494317] - [fs] cifs: show 'soft' in the mount options for hard mounts (Leif Sahlberg) [1490774] - [fs] cifs: Reconnect expired SMB sessions (Leif Sahlberg) [1477052] - [fs] nfsd: give out fewer session slots as limit approaches (Dave Wysochanski) [1492234] - [fs] nfsd: increase DRC cache limit (Dave Wysochanski) [1492234] - [fs] ext4: fix off-by-in loop termination in ext4_find_unwritten_pgoff() (Bill O'Donnell) [1469363] - [fs] ext4: fix SEEK_HOLE (Bill O'Donnell) [1469363] - [netdrv] atlantic: fix iommu errors (David Arcari) [1490698] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix transient invalid link down/up indications (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix Tx queue hangups (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: use centralized core mtu check (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Setup max_mtu in ndev to enable jumbo frames (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: set net_device mtu when mtu is changed (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fixes for aq_ndev_change_mtu (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Show info message if bad firmware version detected (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for multicast filter handling (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for incorrect speed index (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Workaround for HW checksum bug (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for number of RSS queues (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: Extra spinlocks removed (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: atlantic: remove declaration of hw_atl_utils_hw_set_power (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] aquantia: remove redundant checks on error status (David Arcari) [1452077] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] e1000e: Initial Support for IceLake (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] e1000e: add check on e1e_wphy() return value (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] e1000e: Undo e1000e_pm_freeze if __e1000_shutdown fails (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] e1000e: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix race condition around skb_tstamp_tx() (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] update drivers to make both SW and HW TX timestamps (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix PTP on e1000_pch_lpt variants (David Arcari) [1454906] - [netdrv] sfc: don't try and read ef10 data on non-ef10 NIC (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: Add ethtool -m support for QSFP modules (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: don't read beyond unicast address list (Jarod Wilson) [1474250 1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: correct comment on efx_mcdi_process_event (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: change Unknown MCDI event message to print full event (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: fix attempt to translate invalid filter ID (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix MCDI command size for filter operations (Jarod Wilson) [1449449 1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: remove duplicate up_write on VF filter_sem (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: revert changes to NIC revision numbers (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: don't rearm interrupts if busy polling (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [netdrv] sfc: use core min/max MTU checking (Jarod Wilson) [1479400] - [scsi] cxgb4i: assign rxqs in round robin mode (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458307] - [scsi] cxgbi: fix build with EXTRA_CFLAGS (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458307] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Call into recently added cxgb4 ipv6 api (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458307] - [iscsi] target: fix invalid flags in text response (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312] - [iscsi] target: fix memory leak in iscsit_setup_text_cmd() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312] - [iscsi] cxgbit: add missing __kfree_skb() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312] - [iscsi] cxgbit: fix sg_nents calculation (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312] - [iscsi] cxgbit: Add an #include directive (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458312] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: don't use WR keys/addrs for 0 byte reads (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix error codes in c4iw_create_cq() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Fix memory leaks during module exit (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Avoid touch after free error in ARP failure handlers (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: check return value of alloc_skb (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use more common logging style (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: clean up send_connect() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Use AF_INET for sin_family field (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Handle NET_XMIT return codes (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Wake up waiters after flushing the qp (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Limit MRs to < 8GB for T4/T5 devices (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458304]- [netdrv] ixgbe: Disable flow control for XFI (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not support flow control autonegotiation for X553 (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update NW_MNG_IF_SEL support for X553 (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable LASI interrupts for X552 devices (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Ensure MAC filter was added before setting MACVLAN (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: pci_set_drvdata must be called before register_netdev (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve cppcheck format string warning (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix writes to PFQDE (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Bump version number (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: check for Tx timestamp timeouts during watchdog (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add statistic indicating number of skipped Tx timestamps (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: avoid permanent lock of *_PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix race condition with PTP_TX_IN_PROGRESS bits (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve warnings for -Wimplicit-fallthrough (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve truncation warning for q_vector->name (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add error checking to setting VF MAC (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct thermal sensor event check (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable L3/L4 filtering for Tx switched packets (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove MAC X550EM_X 1Gbase-t led_[on|off] support (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: initialize u64_stats_sync structures early at ixgbe_probe (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Enables TSO for MPLS encapsulated packets (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check for RSS key before setting value (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add 1000Base-T device based on X550EM_X MAC (Ken Cox) [1452905 1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow setting zero MAC address for VF (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clean macvlan MAC filter table on VF reset (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Acquire PHY semaphore before device reset (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix output from ixgbe_dump (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for maximum headroom when using build_skb (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add check for VETO bit when configuring link for KR (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unused define (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not use adapter->num_vfs when setting VFs via module parameter (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: return early instead of wrap block in if statement (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: move num_vfs_macvlans allocation into separate function (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add default setup_link for x550em_a MAC type (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: list X553 backplane speeds correctly (Ken Cox) [1452908 1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X552 XFI backplane support (Ken Cox) [1452908 1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Complete support for X553 sgmii (Ken Cox) [1452908 1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove driver config for KX4 PHY (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove pr_cont uses (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Avoid Tx hang by not allowing more than the number of VFs supported (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] igb/ixgbe: Fix typo in igb_build_skb and/or ixgbe_build_skb code comment (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] intel: ixgbe: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit use of 2K buffers on architectures with 256B or larger cache lines (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update the rss key on h/w, when ethtool ask for it (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] scripts/spelling.txt: add "applys" pattern and fix typo instances (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Don't bother clearing buffer memory for descriptor rings (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for build_skb (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add private flag to control buffer mode (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for padding packet (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Break out Rx buffer page management (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use length to determine if descriptor is done (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make use of order 1 pages and 3K buffers independent of FCoE (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update code to better handle incrementing page count (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update driver to make use of DMA attributes in Rx path (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Only DMA sync frame length (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add function for checking to see if we can reuse page (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: prefix Data Center Bridge ops struct (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Support 2.5Gb and 5Gb speed (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: get rid of custom busy polling code (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Flip to the new dev walk API (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] intel: use core min/max MTU checking (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Error handler for duplicate filter locations in hardware for cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix deleting link filters for cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Match on multiple headers for cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for redirect action to cls_u32 offloads (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Extend cls_u32 offload to support UDP headers (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix cls_u32 offload support for L4 ports (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix cls_u32 offload support for fields with masks (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix error handling in TC cls_u32 offload routines (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] cls_u32: move TC offload feature bit into cls_u32 offload logic (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: abort with cls u32 divisor groups greater than 1 (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for tc_u32 offload (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] ixgbe: limit combined total of macvlan and SR-IOV VFs (Ken Cox) [1452423] - [netdrv] bnx2: use setup_timer() helper (Ken Cox) [1479143] - [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Ken Cox) [1479143] - [netdrv] bnx2: use READ_ONCE() instead of barrier() (Ken Cox) [1479143] - [netdrv] bnx2: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ken Cox) [1479143] - [netdrv] bnx2: Wait for in-flight DMA to complete at probe stage (Ken Cox) [1374594 1479143] - [netdrv] bnx2: RHEL only patch to use new min/max MTU code without breaking KABI (Ken Cox) [1479143] - [netdrv] ethernet/broadcom: use core min/max MTU checking (Ken Cox) [1479143]- [fs] ceph: fix __choose_mds() for LSSNAP request (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: avoid panic in create_session_open_msg() if utsname() returns NULL (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: don't allow bidirectional swap of pg-upmap-items (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: stop on-going cached readdir if mds revokes FILE_SHARED cap (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: fix message order check in handle_cap_export() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: fix NULL pointer dereference in ceph_flush_snaps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: adjust 36 checks for NULL pointers (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: delete an unnecessary return statement in update_dentry_lease() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: ENOMEM pr_err in __get_or_create_frag() is redundant (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: check negative offsets in ceph_llseek() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: more accurate statfs (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: properly set snap follows for cap reconnect (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: don't use CEPH_OSD_FLAG_ORDERSNAP (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: include snapc in debug message of write (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: make sure flushsnap messages are sent in proper order (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: fix -EOLDSNAPC handling (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: send LSSNAP request to auth mds of directory inode (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: cleanup ceph_readdir_prepopulate() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: new cap message flags indicate if there is pending capsnap (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: nuke startsync op (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] rbd: silence bogus uninitialized use warning in rbd_acquire_lock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: validate correctness of some mount options (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: limit osd write size (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: limit osd read size to CEPH_MSG_MAX_DATA_LEN (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: remove unused cap_release_safety mount option (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: make RECOVERY_DELETES feature create a new interval (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: upmap semantic changes (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] crush: assume weight_set != null imples weight_set_size > 0 (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: fallback for when there isn't a pool-specific choose_arg (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: don't call ->reencode_message() more than once per message (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: make encode_request_*() work with r_mempool requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: potential NULL dereference in ceph_msg_data_create() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: fix race in concurrent readdir (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: don't call encode_request_finish() on MOSDBackoff messages (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: use alloc_pg_mapping() in __decode_pg_upmap_items() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: set -EINVAL in one place in crush_decode() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: NULL deref on osdmap_apply_incremental() error path (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: fix old style declaration warnings (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: advertise support for NEW_OSDOP_ENCODING and SERVER_LUMINOUS (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: osd_state is 32 bits wide in luminous (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] crush: remove an obsolete comment (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] crush: crush_init_workspace starts with struct crush_work (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph, crush: per-pool crush_choose_arg_map for crush_do_rule() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] crush: implement weight and id overrides for straw2 (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: apply_upmap() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: compute actual pgid in ceph_pg_to_up_acting_osds() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: pg_upmap[_items] infrastructure (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: ceph_decode_skip_* helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: kill __{insert, lookup, remove}_pg_mapping() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: introduce and switch to decode_pg_mapping() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: don't pass pgid by value (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: respect RADOS_BACKOFF backoffs (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: make DEFINE_RB_* helpers more general (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: avoid unnecessary pi lookups in calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: use target pi for calc_target() calculations (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: always populate t->target_{oid, oloc} in calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: make sure need_resend targets reflect latest map (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: delete from need_resend_linger before check_linger_pool_dne() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: resend on PG splits if OSD has RESEND_ON_SPLIT (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: drop need_resend from calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: MOSDOp v8 encoding (actual spgid + full hash) (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: ceph_connection_operations::reencode_message() method (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: encode_{pgid,oloc}() helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: introduce ceph_spg, ceph_pg_to_primary_shard() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: new pi->last_force_request_resend (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: fold [l]req->last_force_resend into ceph_osd_request_target (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: support SERVER_JEWEL feature bits (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: advertise support for OSD_POOLRESEND (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: handle non-empty dest in ceph_{oloc, oid}_copy() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: new features macros (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: remove ceph_sanitize_features() workaround (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: update ceph_dentry_info::lease_session when necessary (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: avoid accessing freeing inode in ceph_check_delayed_caps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: avoid invalid memory dereference in the middle of umount (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: getattr before read on ceph.* xattrs (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: don't re-send interrupted flock request (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: cleanup writepage_nounlock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: redirty page when writepage_nounlock() skips unwritable page (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: remove useless page->mapping check in writepage_nounlock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: update the 'approaching max_size' code (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: re-request max size after importing caps (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: unify inode i_ctime update (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: check i_nlink while converting a file handle to dentry (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] ceph: check that the new inode size is within limits in ceph_fallocate() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: cleanup old messages according to reconnect seq (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: NULL deref on crush_decode() error path (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: fix error handling in process_one_ticket() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: validate blob_struct_v in process_one_ticket() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: drop version variable from ceph_monmap_decode() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: make ceph_msg_data_advance() return void (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426] - [fs] libceph: use kbasename() and kill ceph_file_part() (Ilya Dryomov) [1489426]- [netdrv] liquidio: fix build errors when CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG=y and both PF and VF drivers are built as loadable modules (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix crash in presence of zeroed-out base address regs (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: show NIC's U-Boot version in a dev_info() message (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: change manner of detecting whether or not NIC firmware is loaded (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: make VF driver notify NIC firmware of MTU change (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: move macro definition to a proper place (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix use of pf in pass-through mode in a virtual machine (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove support for deprecated f/w cmd OCTNET_CMD_RESET_PF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix Smatch error (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: with embedded f/w, issue droq credits before enablement (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: with embedded f/w, don't reload f/w, issue pf flr at exit (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix spelling mistake: "interuupt" -> "interrupt" (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: update VF's netdev->extended->max_mtu if there's a change in PF's MTU (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: added support for ethtool --set-channels feature (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved octeon_setup_interrupt to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_legacy_intr_handler to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_msix_intr_handler to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix issues with fw_type module parameter (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: added support for ethtool --set-ring feature (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_setup_io_queues to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_napi_poll to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_napi_drv_callback to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved liquidio_push_packet to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved octeon_setup_droq to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved update_txq_status to lio_core.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved wait_for_pending_requests to octeon_network.h (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix duplicated code for different branches (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: update debug console logging mechanism (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved ptp_enable to octeon_device structure (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: removed check for queue size alignment (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: rx/tx queue cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: napi cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix misspelled firmware image filenames (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix wrong info about vf rx/tx ring parameters reported to ethtool (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: moved console_bitmask module param to lio_main.c (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: add missing strings in oct_dev_state_str array (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: set sriov_totalvfs correctly (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: bump up driver version to match newer NIC firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: cleanup: removed cryptic and misleading macro (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: standardization: use min_t instead of custom macro (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix implicit irq include causing build failures (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: lio_main: remove unnecessary static in setup_io_queues() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: lio_vf_main: remove unnecessary static in setup_io_queues() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: lowmem: init allocated memory to 0 (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: lowmem: do not dereference null ptr (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: lowmem: init allocated memory to 0 (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: support new firmware statistic fw_err_pki (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix possible eeprom format string overflow (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix bug in soft reset failure detection (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: stop using huge static buffer, save 4096k in .data (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: replace info-pointer mode with buffer-pointer-only mode (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: implement vlan filter enable and disable (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix VF driver off-by-one bug when setting ethtool -C ethX rx-frames (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: disallow enabling firmware debug from a VF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Fix checkpatch errors with references crossing single line (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: VF interrupt initialization cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix inaccurate count of napi-processed rx packets reported to Octeon (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix rare pci_driver.probe failure of VF driver (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: handle HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NTP_ALL (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: make the spinlock octeon_devices_lock static (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix PF falsely indicating success at setting MAC address of a nonexistent VF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix insmod failure when multiple NICs are plugged in (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: silence a locking static checker warning (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove unnecessary variable assignment (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix VF incorrectly indicating that it successfully set its VLAN (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix Octeon core watchdog timeout false alarm (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: clear the correct memory (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: add explicit interrupt.h includes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: refactor interrupt moderation code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: do not reset Octeon if NIC firmware was preloaded (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix tx completions in napi poll (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: allocate RX buffers in OOM conditions in PF and VF (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix Coverity scan errors (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix for vf mac addr command sent to nic firmware (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: add debug error messages to report command timeout (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove duplicate code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix wrong information about link modes reported to ethtool (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: use meaningful names for IRQs (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove/replace invalid code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: optimize DMA in NUMA systems (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: add support for XPS (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: improve UDP TX performance (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix build errors when linux/phy*.h is removed from dsa.h (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: do not dereference pointer if it's NULL (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix for iq and droq cnts going negative (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: generalize napi_complete_done() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Avoid accessing skb after submitting to input queue (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Remove usage of net_device last_rx member (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: use fallback for selecting txq (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio vf: reduce load time of module (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove unnecessary code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: store the L4 hash of rx packets in skb (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: simplify octeon_flush_iq() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix wrong information about channels reported to ethtool (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio vf: fix incorrect struct being used (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove PTP support in 23XX adapters (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: optimize reads from Octeon PCI console (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio VF error handling (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio VF timestamp (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio VF ethtool stats (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio VF vxlan (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio VF vlan support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio VF rx data and ctl path (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF TX buffers (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF xmit (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF scatter gather lists (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF mac address (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF link status (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF offload features (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF init and destroy (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF interrupt (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF mailbox (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: init VF softcommand queues (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF register access (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF queue setup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF config setup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF registration (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF register definitions (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: bitwise vs logical AND typo (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: fix for new check patch errors (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: copyrights changes and alignment (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: code cleanup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: device states (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: VF related operations (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: mailbox interrupt processing (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: Mailbox support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: sysfs VF config support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio cn23xx: HW config for VF support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: use core min/max MTU checking (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: cn23xx: fix a loop timeout (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX pause frame support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX napi support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX health monitoring (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: ethtool and led control support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX octeon3 instruction (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX IQ access (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: RX control commands (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: link and control commands (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX firmware download (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: MSIX support for CN23XX (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX queue manipulation (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX register setup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX device init and sriov config (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX queue definitions (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: CN23XX register definitions (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Common enable irq function (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Firmware version management (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Consolidate common functionality (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: declare liquidio_set_rxcsum_command static (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Response header changes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Remove redundant code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Droq validation (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: MTU limits (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: free resources during shutdown (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: iq/oq limits (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: softcommand delay (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: IQ synchronization (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Macro replacements (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Vxlan support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: remove unused including (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: ddr timeout (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Support priv flag (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: ptp info (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: New xaui info (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: New statistics support (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: tx rx interrupt moderation (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: chip reset changes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: New unload state (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Firmware image download (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Napi rx/tx traffic (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Vlan filtering (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Vlan offloads changes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: soft command buffer limits (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Introduce new octeon2/3 header (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Replace ifidx for FW commands (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: New driver FW command structure (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Consider PTP for packet size calculations (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: RX desc alloc changes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: RX queue alloc changes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Scatter gather list per IQ (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Host queue mapping changes (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Avoid double free during soft command (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: Remove deprecated create_workqueue (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: request_manager: Remove create_workqueue (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: response_manager: Remove create_workqueue (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: use kmemdup (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: replace netdev->trans_start update with helper (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: fix check for in progress flag (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: Return correct error code (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: use helpers ns_to_timespec64() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] cavium: liquidio: constify pci_error_handlers structures (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: use kzalloc in setup_glist() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: Delete unnecessary checks before the function call "vfree" (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] liquidio: fix some error handling in lio_set_phys_id() (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] Modify liquidio Kconfig for crc lib (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] Fix Cavium liquidio build related errors and warnings (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] reference new cavium directory in Makefile and Kconfig (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [netdrv] Add support of Cavium liquidio ethernet adapters (Felix Manlunas) [1451436] - [kernel] pci: Add Cavium PCI vendor id (Felix Manlunas) [1451436]- [char] tpm: do not suspend/resume if power stays on (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: use tpm2_pcr_read() in tpm2_do_selftest() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: use tpm_buf functions in tpm2_pcr_read() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: make ilb_base_addr static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: consolidate the TPM startup code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Enable CLKRUN protocol for Braswell systems (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: fix priv->cmd_size initialisation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix a kernel memory leak in tpm-sysfs.c (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/tpm_atmel: remove unnecessary NULL check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: vtpm_proxy: Prevent userspace from sending driver command (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: vtpm_proxy: Implement request_locality function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: vtpm_proxy: Suppress error logging when in closed state (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm, tpmrm: Mark tpmrm_write as static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: remove struct tpm_pcrextend_in (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm, tpm_infineon: remove useless snprintf() calls (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix byte order related arithmetic inconsistency in tpm_getcap() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Apply a sane minimum adapterlimit value for retransmission (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: Consolidate the platform and acpi probe flow (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: Use platform_get_irq (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: Fix IRQ autoprobing when using platform_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: convert to using locality callbacks (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: move TPM 1.2 code of tpm_pcr_extend() to tpm1_pcr_extend() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: move endianness conversion of ordinals to tpm_input_header (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: move endianness conversion of TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND to tpm_input_header (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] acpica: Add header support for TPM2 table changes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Fix reference count to main device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix handling of the TPM 2.0 event logs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_crb: remove a cruft constant (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: Enable TPM CRB interface for ARM64 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] acpica: Update TPM2 ACPI table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: fix unused warnings on suspend/resume functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: add sleep only for retry in i2c_nuvoton_write_status() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] vtpm: Fix missing NULL check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm2: add session handle context saving and restoring to the space code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: expose spaces via a device link /dev/tpmrm (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: split out tpm-dev.c into tpm-dev.c and tpm-common-dev.c (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: infrastructure for TPM spaces (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: validate TPM 2.0 commands (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: export tpm2_flush_context_cmd (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: move length validation to tpm_transmit() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: select CONFIG_CRYPTO (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: msleep() delays - replace with usleep_range() in i2c nuvoton driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis_core: Choose appropriate timeout for reading burstcount (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: declare tpm2_get_pcr_allocation() as static (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Fix expected number of response bytes of TPM1.2 PCR Extend (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix misspelled "facilitate" in module parameter description (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: silence an array overflow warning (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix the type of owned field in cap_t (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: add securityfs support for TPM 2.0 firmware event log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: enhance read_log_of() to support Physical TPM event log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: enhance TPM 2.0 PCR extend to support multiple banks (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: implement TPM 2.0 capability to get active PCR banks (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix RC value check in tpm2_seal_trusted (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: fix iTPM probe via probe_itpm() function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Begin the process to deprecate user_read_timer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: remove tpm_read_index and tpm_write_index from tpm.h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Check size of response before accessing data (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: use default timeout value if chip reports it as zero (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Do not print an error message when doing TPM auto startup (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm, tpm_crb: Handle 64-bit resource in crb_check_resource() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/tpm_tis_spi: drop duplicate header module.h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Remove unneeded linux/miscdevice.h include (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/vtpm: fix kdoc warnings (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tmp: use pdev for parent device in tpm_chip_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm/tpm2-chip: fix kdoc errors (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: add kdoc for tpm_transmit and tpm_transmit_cmd (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: adjust return value of tpm_read_log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: vtpm_proxy: conditionally call tpm_chip_unregister (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Fix handling of missing event log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Check the bios_dir entry for NULL before accessing it (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: return -ENODEV if np is not set (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: cleanup of printk error messages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: replace of_find_node_by_name() with dev of_node property (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: redefine read_log() to handle ACPI/OF at runtime (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix the missing .owner in tpm_bios_measurements_ops (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: have event log use the tpm_chip (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: drop tpm1_chip_register(/unregister) (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: replace dynamically allocated bios_dir with a static array (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: replace symbolic permission with octal for securityfs files (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: fix kerneldoc tpm2_unseal_trusted name typo (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: Allow tpm_tis to be bound using DT (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm, tpm_vtpm_proxy: add kdoc comments for VTPM_PROXY_IOC_NEW_DEV (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: define a generic open() method for ascii & bios measurements (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] documentation: tpm: add the Physical TPM device tree binding documentation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] documentation: tpm: add the IBM Virtual TPM device tree binding documentation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Get rid of TPM_CHIP_FLAG_REGISTERED (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm tis: Do not print timeout messages twice (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm_tis: Check return values from get_burstcount (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: place kdoc just above tpm_pcr_extend (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: sanitize constant expressions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Clean up reading of timeout and duration capabilities (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] tpm: Check return code of wait_for_tpm_stat (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939] - [char] ima: the reason for TPM-bypass mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1456939]- [scsi] bnx2fc: Plug CPU hotplug race (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: remove obsolete bnx2fc_eh_host_reset() definition (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update version number to 2.11.8 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Make rport_terminate_io callback a NOOP (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: If IO is still in cleanup then do not return to SCSI layer (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Adjust bnx2fc_npiv_create_vports for WWNNs from NVRAM that are zero (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update copyright for 2017 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Check for connection offload before sending RRQ (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Add filters to the non-offload FCoE receive path (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461963] - [scsi] smartpqi: update driver version (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: cleanup raid map warning message (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update controller ids (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: remove the smp_handler stub (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: change driver version to 1.1.2-125 (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add in new controller ids (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update kexec and power down support (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: cleanup doorbell register usage (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update pqi passthru ioctl (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: enhance BMIC cache flush (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add pqi reset quiesce support (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: remove sanitize_inquiry_string (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: limit transfer length to 1MB (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: mark PM functions as __maybe_unused (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: bump driver version (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: remove writeq/readq function definitions (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add module parameters (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: cleanup list initialization (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add raid level show (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: make ioaccel references consistent (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: enhance device add and remove messages (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update timeout on admin commands (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: map more raid errors to SCSI errors (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: cleanup controller branding (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update rescan worker (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update device offline (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: correct aio error path (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add lockup action (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: remove qdepth calculations for logical volumes (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: change return value for LUN reset operations (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add ptraid support (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: update copyright (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: cleanup messages (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add new PCI device IDs (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: minor driver cleanup (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: correct BMIC identify physical drive (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: eliminate redundant error messages (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: make pdev pointer names consistent (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add pqi_wait_for_completion_io (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: correct bdma hw bug (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add heartbeat check (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add suspend and resume support (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: enhance resets (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add supporting events (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: add in controller checkpoint for controller lockups (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: set pci completion timeout (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: cleanup interrupt management (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: correct remove scsi devices (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] smartpqi: raid bypass lba calculation fix (Don Brace) [1457414] - [scsi] bnx2i: missing error code in bnx2i_ep_connect() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1461965] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix an integer overflow in sysfs code (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix slow mem alloc behind lock (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not call abort handler function during chip reset (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Ability to process multiple SGEs in Command SGL for CT passthrough commands (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Skip zero queue count entry during FW dump capture (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Increase ql2xmaxqdepth to 64 (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable Async TMF processing (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup NPIV host in target mode during config teardown (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove potential macro parameter side-effect in ql_dump_regs() (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print correct mailbox registers in failed summary (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix task mgmt handling for NPIV (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow SNS fabric login to be retried (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add timeout ability to wait_for_sess_deletion() (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move logging default mask to execute once only (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use sp->free instead of hard coded call (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prevent sp->free null/uninitialized pointer dereference (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ability to autodetect SFP type (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use fabric name for Get Port Speed command (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change ha->wq max_active value to default (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove extra register read (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NPIV host enable after chip reset (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use BIT_6 to acquire FAWWPN from switch (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle PCIe error for driver (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update fw_started flags at qpair creation (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix target multiqueue configuration (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix spelling mistake of variable sfp_additonal_info (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: use dma_mapping_error to check map errors (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix system crash while triggering FW dump (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Off by one in qlt_ctio_to_cmd() (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix crash due to NULL pointer dereference of ctx (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Protect access to qpair members with qpair->qp_lock (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Include Exchange offload/Extended Login into FW dump (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move target stat counters from vha to qpair (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove datasegs_per_cmd and datasegs_per_cont field (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unused tgt_enable_64bit_addr flag (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add debug logging routine for qpair (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add function call to qpair for door bell (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: use shadow register for ISP27XX (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: move fields from qla_hw_data to qla_qpair (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add fw_started flags to qpair (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix mailbox failure while deleting Queue pairs (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable Target Multi Queue (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Preparation for Target MQ (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Combine Active command arrays (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: don't include (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix compile warning (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: remove redundant null check on tgt (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove extra register read (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unused irq_cmd_count field (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Accelerate SCSI BUSY status generation in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove redundant wait when target is stopped (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ql2xiniexchg parameter (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Turn on FW option for exchange check (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup debug message IDs (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change scsi host lookup method (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix name server relogin (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Convert 32-bit LUN usage to 64-bit (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use flag PFLG_DISCONNECTED (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Do not allow aborted cmd to advance (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix path recovery (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Retain loop test for fwdump length exceeding buffer length (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace usage of spin_lock with spin_lock_irqsave (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow ABTS, PURX, RIDA on ATIOQ for ISP83XX/27XX (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove an unused structure member (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix crash due to mismatch mumber of Q-pair creation for Multi queue (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NULL pointer access due to redundant fc_host_port_name call (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix recursive loop during target mode configuration for ISP25XX leaving system unresponsive (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: don't disable a not previously enabled PCI device (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: remove some redundant pointer assignments (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix delayed response to command for loop mode/direct connect (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add DebugFS node to display Port Database (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Only allow operational MBX to proceed during RESET (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use IOCB interface to submit non-critical MBX (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add async new target notification (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Export DIF stats via debugfs (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Improve T10-DIF/PI handling in driver (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow relogin to proceed if remote login did not finish (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sess_lock & hardware_lock lock order problem (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix inadequate lock protection for ABTS (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix request queue corruption (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix memory leak for abts processing (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix ql_dump_buffer (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix spelling mistake: "seperator" -> "separator" (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix response queue count for Target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix a warning reported by the "smatch" static checker (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid using variable-length arrays (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Simplify usage of SRB structure in driver (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Improve RSCN handling in driver (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unused reverse_ini_mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add Dual mode support in the driver (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add framework for async fabric discovery (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Track I-T nexus as single fc_port struct (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use d_id instead of s_id for more clarity (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove direct access of scsi_status field in se_cmd (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly initialize IO statistics (Himanshu Madhani) [1460030] - [scsi] hpsa: fix spelling mistake: "encrypytion" -> "encryption" (Joseph Szczypek) [1457412]- [netdrv] cxgb4: ptp_clock_register() returns error pointers (Arjun Vynipadath) [1466404] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Support for get_ts_info ethtool method (Arjun Vynipadath) [1466404] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add PTP Hardware Clock (PHC) support (Arjun Vynipadath) [1466404] - [netdrv] cxgb4: time stamping interface for PTP (Arjun Vynipadath) [1466404] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix memory leak (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix pause frame count in t4_get_port_stats (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Ignore MPS_TX_INT_CAUSE Bubble for T6 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix stack out-of-bounds read due to wrong size to t4_record_mbox() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Clear On FLASH config file after a FW upgrade (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: display serial config and vpd versions (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update register ranges of T4/T5/T6 adapters (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use Firmware params to get buffer-group map (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update T6 Buffer Group and Channel Mappings (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T6 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix memory leak in init_one() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix tids count for ipv6 offload connection (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: implement ndo_set_vf_rate() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix incorrect cim_la output for T6 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: FW upgrade fixes (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: keep carrier off before registering netdev (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new T5 pci device id (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove redundant code in t4_uld_clean_up() (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add new T5 and T6 pci device id's (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update proper netdev stats for rx drops (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: hide unused warnings (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove redundant memset before memcpy (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix misleading packet/frame count stats (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Support compressed error vector for T6 (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: mark cxgb_setup_tc() static (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix missing initialization of win0_lock (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458296]- [mfd] intel-lpss: Add Intel Cannonlake PCI IDs (David Arcari) [1457647] - [clk] fractional-divider: support for divider bypassing (David Arcari) [1457647] - [i2c] i801: Add support for Intel Cannon Lake (David Arcari) [1457647] - [i2c] i801: sort IDs alphabetically (David Arcari) [1457647] - [i2c] i801: Cleanup Intel Kaby Lake support (David Arcari) [1457647] - [vt] fix Scroll Lock LED trigger name (Benjamin Tissoires) [1470932 1256895] - [vt] keyboard: define LED triggers for VT keyboard lock states (Benjamin Tissoires) [1470932 1256895] - [vt] keyboard: define LED triggers for VT LED states (Benjamin Tissoires) [1470932 1256895] - [input] export LEDs as class devices in sysfs (Benjamin Tissoires) [1470932 1256895] - [edac] pnd2: Properly toggle hidden state for P2SB PCI device (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2: Build in a minimal sideband driver for Apollo Lake (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2: Conditionally unhide/hide the P2SB PCI device to read BAR (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2: Mask off the lower four bits of a BAR (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2: Fix Apollo Lake DIMM detection (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2: Make function sbi_send() static (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2: Return proper error value from apl_rd_reg() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2_edac: Fix reported DIMM number (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2_edac: Fix !EDAC_DEBUG build (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [edac] pnd2_edac: Add new EDAC driver for Intel SoC platforms (Aristeu Rozanski) [1479627 1273769] - [kernel] rh_taint: Document functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1489896] - [cpufreq] revert "intel_pstate: skip scheduler hook when in "performance" mode" (Prarit Bhargava) [1497253]- [fs] nfsv4: Fix memory and state leak in _nfs4_open_and_get_state (Steve Dickson) [1478450] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix a hang in OPEN related to server reboot (Steve Dickson) [1478458] - [fs] flexfiles: never nfs4_mark_deviceid_unavailable (Steve Dickson) [1478456] - [fs] flexfiles: If the layout is invalid, it must be updated before retrying (Steve Dickson) [1478454] - [fs] pnfs: Fix a reference leak in _pnfs_return_layout (Steve Dickson) [1478449] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a deadlock in layoutget (Steve Dickson) [1478447] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix client recovery when server reboots multiple times (Steve Dickson) [1478443] - [fs] flexfiles: delete deviceid, don't mark inactive (Steve Dickson) [1478439] - [fs] flexfiles: Fix ff_layout_add_ds_error_locked() (Steve Dickson) [1478438] - [fs] pnfs: Release NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN when invalidating the layout stateid (Steve Dickson) [1478431] - [fs] pnfs: Fix use after free issues in pnfs_do_read() (Steve Dickson) [1478460] - [fs] pnfs: Ensure we check layout segment validity in the pg_init() callback (Steve Dickson) [1478460] - [fs] cifs: store results of cifs_reopen_file to avoid infinite wait (Leif Sahlberg) [1496637] - [fs] cifs: remove bad_network_name flag (Leif Sahlberg) [1496637] - [fs] cifs: reconnect thread reschedule itself (Leif Sahlberg) [1496637] - [fs] cifs: handle guest access errors to Windows shares (Leif Sahlberg) [1496637] - [fs] Reset TreeId to zero on SMB2 TREE_CONNECT (Leif Sahlberg) [1496637] - [fs] cifs: Fix build failure with smb2 (Leif Sahlberg) [1496637] - [fs] cifs: Fix maximum SMB2 header size (Leif Sahlberg) [1484099] - [fs] cifs: Add support for writing attributes on SMB2+ (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] cifs: Add support for reading attributes on SMB2+ (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] cifs: Use smb 2 - 3 and cifsacl mount options setacl function (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] cifs: prototype declaration and definition to set acl for smb 2 - 3 and cifsacl mount options (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] cifs: Use smb 2 - 3 and cifsacl mount options getacl functions (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] cifs: prototype declaration and definition for smb 2 - 3 and cifsacl mount options (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] Minor cleanup of xattr query function (Leif Sahlberg) [1110709] - [fs] cifs: implement get_dfs_refer for SMB2+ (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: use DFS pathnames in SMB2+ Create requests (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: set signing flag in SMB2+ TreeConnect if needed (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: let ses->ipc_tid hold smb2 TreeIds (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: add use_ipc flag to SMB2_ioctl() (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: add build_path_from_dentry_optional_prefix() (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: move DFS response parsing out of SMB1 code (Leif Sahlberg) [1481303] - [fs] cifs: Fix null pointer deref during read resp processing (Leif Sahlberg) [1403319] - [fs] cifs: Handle mismatched open calls (Leif Sahlberg) [1403319] - [fs] revert "cifs: Fix null pointer deref during read resp processing" (Leif Sahlberg) [1403319]- [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add Goldmont Plus CPU PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1464895] - [x86] x86/mce: Enable PPIN for Knights Landing/Mill (Scott Wood) [1440834] - [x86] x86/mce: Include the PPIN in MCE records when available (Scott Wood) [1440834] - [x86] xen/vcpu: Handle xen_vcpu_setup() failure at boot (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482594] - [x86] xen/vcpu: Handle xen_vcpu_setup() failure in hotplug (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482594] - [x86] xen/pvh*: Support > 32 VCPUs at domain restore (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482594] - [x86] xen/vcpu: Simplify xen_vcpu related code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482594] - [x86] xen: globalize have_vcpu_info_placement (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482594] - [xen] grant: Implement an grant frame array struct (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482876] - [xen] grant-table: Refactor gnttab_init (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482876] - [xen] grants: Remove gnttab_max_grant_frames dependency on gnttab_init (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482876] - [xen] Grant table address, xen_hvm_resume_frames, is a phys_addr not a pfn (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1482876] - [misc] mei: drop amthif internal client (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: replace callback structures used as list head by list_head (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: drop unreachable code in mei_start (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: validate the message header only in first fragment (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: hw: fix a spelling mistake (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: make mei_cl_bus_rescan static (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: implement fsync (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: bus: elminate variable length arrays (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: hbm: remove variable length arrays (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532] - [misc] mei: add pci driver ops shutdown handler (Jeremy McNicoll) [1457532]- [fs] nfsv4: Fix up mirror allocation (Scott Mayhew) [1483654] - [fs] xfs: bad assertion for delalloc an extent that start at i_size (Carlos Maiolino) [1449075] - [fs] pnfs: Force a retry of LAYOUTGET if the stateid doesn't match our cache (Steve Dickson) [1477346] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't check file access when reclaiming state (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Don't mark the layout as freed if the last lseg is marked for return (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Sync the layout state bits in pnfs_cache_lseg_for_layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Fix bugs in _pnfs_return_layout (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Clear all layout segment state in pnfs_mark_layout_stateid_invalid (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Prevent unnecessary layoutreturns after delegreturn (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Enable layoutreturn operation for return-on-close (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Add encode/decode of the layoutreturn op in OPEN_DOWNGRADE (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Clean up - add a helper to initialise struct layoutreturn_args (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Add encode/decode of the layoutreturn op in DELEGRETURN (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Add encode/decode of the layoutreturn op in CLOSE (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix missing operation accounting in NFS4_dec_delegreturn_sz (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Don't mark layout segments invalid on layoutreturn in pnfs_roc (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Get rid of unnecessary layout parameter in encode_layoutreturn callback (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Ignore LAYOUTRETURN result if the layout doesn't match or is invalid (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Skip checking for return-on-close if the layout is invalid (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Fix race in pnfs_wait_on_layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Remove spurious wake up in pnfs_layout_remove_lseg() (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Do not free layout segments that are marked for return (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: On error, do not send LAYOUTGET until the LAYOUTRETURN has completed (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Delay getting the layout header in CB_LAYOUTRECALL handlers (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't ask for the change attribute when reclaiming state (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Clear NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN_REQUESTED when invalidating the layout stateid (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] pnfs: Don't clear the layout stateid if a layout return is outstanding (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfs: nfs_prime_dcache must validate the filename (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Optimise away forced revalidation when we know the attributes are OK (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't request close-to-open attribute when holding a delegation (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't request a GETATTR on open_downgrade (Steve Dickson) [1477353] - [fs] nfsv4: If recovery failed for a specific open stateid, then don't retry (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Even if the stateid is OK, we may need to recover the open modes (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix retry issues with nfs41_test/free_stateid (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4: Open state recovery must account for file permission changes (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_copy_delegation_stateid() must fail if the delegation is invalid (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4: Mark the lock and open stateids as invalid after freeing them (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't test open_stateid unless it is set (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfs: Always call nfs_inode_find_state_and_recover() when revoking a delegation (Steve Dickson) [1477336] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't report revoked delegations as valid in nfs_have_delegation() (Steve Dickson) [1477336]- [mm] swap: Remove WARN_ON_ONCE() in free_swap_slot() (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: don't BUG_ON() due to uninitialized swap slot cache (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swapfile.c: fix swap space leak in error path of swap_free_entries() (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: Fix a race in free_swap_and_cache() (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: skip readahead only when swap slot cache is enabled (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: enable swap slots cache usage (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: add cache for swap slots allocation (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: free swap slots in batch (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: allocate swap slots in batches (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: skip readahead for unreferenced swap slots (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: split swap cache into 64MB trunks (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: add cluster lock (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: fix kernel message in swap_info_get() (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] don't use radix tree writeback tags for pages in swap cache (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: add swap_cluster_list (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: make cluster allocation per-cpu (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: fix races exposed by swap discard (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: make swap discard async (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mm] swap: change block allocation algorithm for SSD (Jerome Marchand) [1400689] - [mmc] mmc: sdhci-pci: Add support for Intel CNP (David Arcari) [1457650] - [mmc] mmc: sdhci-pci: Use macros in pci_ids definition (David Arcari) [1457650] - [mmc] mmc: sdhci-pci: Move a function to avoid later forward declaration (David Arcari) [1457650] - [netdrv] bonding: use ETH_MAX_MTU as max mtu (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: fix tlb_dynamic_lb default value (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: Fix transmit load balancing in balance-alb mode if specified by sysfs (Jarod Wilson) [1493777 1492980] - [netdrv] bonding: ratelimit failed speed/duplex update warning (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: require speed/duplex only for 802.3ad, alb and tlb (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: constify attribute_group structures (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: warn user when 802.3ad speed is unknown (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: fix 802.3ad support for 14G speed (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: Prevent duplicate userspace notification (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: Don't update slave->link until ready to commit (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: check nla_put_be32 return value (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: deliver link-local packets with skb->dev set to link that packets arrived on (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] bonding: trivial: style fixes (Jarod Wilson) [1493777] - [netdrv] add definition of ETH_MAX_MTU (Jarod Wilson) [1493777 1480542]- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the real number of queues of non-vRSS cases (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: make const array ver_list static, reduces object code size (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: fix send buffer failure on MTU change (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: increase default receive buffer size (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: avoid unnecessary wakeups on subchannel creation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: fix deadlock on hotplug (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the channel limit in netvsc_set_rxfh() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Simplify the limit check in netvsc_set_channels() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Simplify num_chn checking in rndis_filter_device_add() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Clean up an unused parameter in rndis_filter_set_rss_param() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: allow driver to be removed even if VF is present (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: cleanup datapath switch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix deadlock betwen link status and removal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix rndis_filter_close error during netvsc_remove (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add ethtool handler to set and get UDP hash levels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Clean up unused parameter from netvsc_get_rss_hash_opts() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Clean up unused parameter from netvsc_get_hash() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] vmbus: remove unused vmbus_sendpacket_ctl (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] vmbus: remove unused vmubs_sendpacket_pagebuffer_ctl (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] vmbus: remove unused vmbus_sendpacket_multipagebuffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: keep track of some non-fatal overload conditions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: allow controlling send/recv buffer size (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove unnecessary check for NULL hdr (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove unnecessary cast of void pointer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: whitespace cleanup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: no need to allocate send/receive on numa node (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: check error return when restoring channels and mtu (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: propagate MAC address change to VF slave (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: don't signal host twice if empty (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: delay setup of VF device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: make sure and unregister datapath (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix rtnl deadlock on unregister of vf (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: transparent VF management (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] hyperv: netvsc: Neaten netvsc_send_pkt by using a temporary (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: signal host if receive ring is emptied (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix error unwind on device setup failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: optimize receive completions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove unnecessary indirection of page_buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: don't print pointer value in error message (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix warnings reported by lockdep (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix return value for set_channels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove no longer used max_num_rss queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: rtnetlink.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix netvsc_set_channels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: prefetch the first incoming ring element (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: Remove redundant use of ipv6_hdr() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove bogus rtnl_unlock (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix ptr_ret.cocci warnings (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: add rtnl annotations in rndis (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: save pointer to parent netvsc_device in channel table (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: need rcu_derefence when accessing internal device info (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: use ERR_PTR to avoid dereference issues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: change logic for change mtu and set_queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: change order of steps in setting queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: add some rtnl_dereference annotations (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784] - [netdrv] netvsc: force link update after MTU change (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1474300 1477784]- [rdma] ib/core: Restore I/O MMU, s390 and powerpc support (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [rdma] ib/rxe, ib/rdmavt: Use dma_virt_ops instead of duplicating it (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-virt: remove dma_supported and mapping_error methods (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [rdma] ib/core: Remove ib_device.dma_device (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Modify a debug statement (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/ehca: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove a pointless indirection layer (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/qedr: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/nes: Remove a superfluous assignment statement (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/i40iw: Remove a superfluous assignment statement (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Switch from dma_device to dev.parent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb4: Set dev.parent instead of dma_device (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb3: Set dev.parent instead of dma_device (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/core: Use dev.parent instead of dma_device (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/core: Initialize earlier (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove DMA mapping code (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [infiniband] ib/hf1: Remove DMA mapping code (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [net] ib/core: Change the type of an ib_dma_alloc_coherent() argument (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [rdma] ib/core: Remove ib_dma_*map_single_attrs() (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-virt: Add dma_virt_ops (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] treewide: Consolidate get_dma_ops() implementations (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] treewide: Consolidate set_dma_ops() implementations (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [iommu] treewide: Move dma_ops from struct dev_archdata into struct device (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma: add calls for dma_map_page_attrs and dma_unmap_page_attrs (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping.h: preserve unmap info for CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: add dma_{map,unmap}_resource (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-debug: add support for resource mappings (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-debug: Fix dma_debug_entry offset calculation (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-debug: prevent early callers from crashing (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-debug: introduce dma_debug_disabled (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma debug: account for cachelines and read-only mappings in overlap tracking (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [lib] dma-debug: fix overlap detection (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [mm] dma-debug: introduce debug_dma_assert_idle() (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: add {map, unmap}_resource to dma_map_ops (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: avoid oops when parameter cpu_addr is null (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: use offset_in_page macro (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: always provide the dma_map_ops based implementation (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: tidy up dma_parms default handling (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: Clarify output of dma_map_sg (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: consolidate dma_set_mask (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: consolidate dma_supported (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: cosolidate dma_mapping_error (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: consolidate dma_{alloc, free}_noncoherent (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [x86] dma-mapping: Fix arch_dma_alloc_attrs() oops with NULL dev (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [x86] pci/dma: Fix gfp flags for coherent DMA memory allocation (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] dma-mapping: consolidate dma_{alloc, free}_{attrs, coherent} (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [kernel] arm: 7795/1: mm: dma-mapping: Add dma_max_pfn(dev) helper function (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [s390] Use bool function return values of true/false not 1/0 (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [s390] Implement dma_{alloc,free}_attrs() (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [s390] dma: remove gratuitous brackets (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [x86] Deinline dma_free_attrs() (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [x86] Deinline dma_alloc_attrs() (Don Dutile) [1494648] - [of] platform: Allocate rh extension to device struct earlier (Don Dutile) [1494648]- [netdrv] netvsc: fix race on sub channel creation (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: Initialize 64-bit stats seqcount (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] revert "netvsc: optimize calculation of number of slots" (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the carrier state error when data path is off (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Remove unnecessary var link_state from struct netvsc_device_info (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: don't access netdev->num_rx_queues directly (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fold in get_outbound_net_device (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: pass net_device to netvsc_init_buf and netvsc_connect_vsp (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: mark error cases as unlikely (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: use typed pointer for internal state (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: use hv_get_bytes_to_read (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: optimize calculation of number of slots (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: move filter setting to rndis_device (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix net poll mode (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix rcu dereference warning from ethtool (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: Add #include's for csum_* function declarations (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: make sure napi enabled before vmbus_open (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix calculation of available send sections (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix use after free on module removal (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: Deal with rescinded channels correctly (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix RCU warning in get_stats (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Exclude non-TCP port numbers from vRSS hashing (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the queue index computation in forwarding case (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: use napi_consume_skb (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: Initialize all channel related state prior to opening the channel (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix dereference before null check errors (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: Properly initialize the return value (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: Fix a bug in sub-channel handling (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix and cleanup rndis_filter_set_packet_filter (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: eliminate unnecessary skb == NULL checks (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: use refcount_t for keeping track of sub channels (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove unnecessary lock on shutdown (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: uses RCU instead of removal flag (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: use RCU to protect inner device structure (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: change max channel calculation (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: handle offline mtu and channel change (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix NAPI performance regression (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove unused #define (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: add comments about callback's and NAPI (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: avoid race with callback (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix hang on netvsc module removal (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: need napi scheduled during removal (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: handle select_queue when device is being removed (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] hyperv: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: replace netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align with napi_alloc_skb (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: enable GRO (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469 1408651] - [netdrv] netvsc: implement NAPI (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [kernel] vmbus: introduce in-place packet iterator (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: don't overload variable in same function (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix use-after-free in netvsc_change_mtu() (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix typo on statistics (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: call netif_receive_skb (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: simplify get next send section (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: report per-channel stats in ethtool statistics (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: account for packets/bytes transmitted after completion (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: eliminate per-device outstanding send counter (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: simplify rndis_filter_remove (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: don't pass void * to internal device_add (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: optimize receive path (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: group all per-channel state together (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove unused variables (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: enhance transmit select_queue (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: allow get/set of RSS indirection table (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: allow more flexible setting of number of channels (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: add ethtool ops to get/set RSS key (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: report rss field values (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: report number of rx queues in ethtool (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: negotiate checksum and segmentation parameters (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469] - [netdrv] netvsc: remove no longer needed receive staging buffers (Mohammed Gamal) [1465469]- [mm] introduce dedicated WQ_MEM_RECLAIM workqueue to do lru_add_drain_all (Waiman Long) [1476040] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add support for Intel Bay Trail SoC (David Arcari) [1491814] - [xen] xen: don't copy bogus duplicate entries into kernel page tables (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487754] - [xen] xen/pvh: MMU changes for PVH (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1487754] - [tty] serial: 8250_pnp: Enable PNP_CONSOLE for console ports (Prarit Bhargava) [1489468] - [tty] pnp: Allow console to override ACPI device sleep (Prarit Bhargava) [1489468] - [tty] tty: serial: 8250_core: provide a function to export uart_8250_port (Prarit Bhargava) [1489468] - [tty] serial: Move "uart_console" def to core header file (Prarit Bhargava) [1489468] - [pci] Allow PCI express root ports to find themselves (Myron Stowe) [1492839] - [pci] fix oops when try to find Root Port for a PCI device (Myron Stowe) [1492839] - [pci] Disable Relaxed Ordering for some Intel processors (Myron Stowe) [1492839] - [pci] Disable PCIe Relaxed Ordering if unsupported (Myron Stowe) [1492839] - [x86] x86/hyperv: Read TSC frequency from a synthetic MSR (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1457866] - [x86] x86/hyperv: Handle unknown NMIs on one CPU when unknown_nmi_panic (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1457866] - [x86] x86/mm/kaslr: Do not adapt the size of the direct mapping section for SGI UV system (Baoquan He) [1457046] - [x86] x86/uv: Introduce a helper function to check UV system at earlier stage (Baoquan He) [1457046] - [x86] amd: Limit cpu_core_id fixup to families older than F17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477397] - [x86] cpu/amd: Fix Zen SMT topology (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477397] - [x86] cpu/amd: Bring back Compute Unit ID (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477397] - [x86] cpu/amd: Fix Bulldozer topology (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477397] - [x86] cpu/amd: Clean up cpu_llc_id assignment per topology feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477397] - [x86] cpu: Get rid of compute_unit_id (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477397] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Do not BUG() on out-of-bounds guest IRQ (Paolo Bonzini) [1490781] {CVE-2017-1000} - [sound] alsa: timer: Use common error handling code in alsa_timer_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Adjust a condition check in snd_timer_resolution() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Follow standard EXPORT_SYMBOL() declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Wrap with spinlock for queue access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Improve user queue reallocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix missing queue indices reset at SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_SELECT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix race between read and ioctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Info leak in snd_timer_user_tinterrupt() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: remove some dead code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [sound] alsa: timer: Reject user params with too small ticks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1465999] {CVE-2017-1000380} - [kernel] procfs: treat parked tasks as sleeping for task state (Joe Lawrence) [1488504] - [kernel] rcutree: Fix panic_on_rcu_stall() (Pratyush Anand) [1490673] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid using pending command interface slots (Don Dutile) [1463367] - [powerpc] perf: Fix book3s kernel to userspace backtraces (Gustavo Duarte) [1492669]- [tools] perf probe: Fix probe definition for inlined functions (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf unwind: Report module before querying isactivation in dwfl unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build with ARCH=x86_64 (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf clang: Update test case to use real BPF script (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf evsel: Fix probing of precise_ip level for default cycles event (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf symbols: Kill dso__build_id_is_kmod() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf symbols: Keep DSO->symtab_type after decompress (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tests: Decompress kernel module before objdump (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Consolidate error path in __open_dso() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Decompress kernel module when reading DSO data (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Use dso__decompress_kmodule_path() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce dso__decompress_kmodule_{fd, path} (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Fix a memory leak in __open_dso() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix symbolic link of build-id cache (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script python: Remove dups in documentation examples (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script python: Updated trace_unhandled() signature (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script python: Fix wrong code snippets in documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script: Fix documentation errors (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script: Fix outdated comment for perf-trace-python (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Fix examples section of documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Add missing powerpc triplet (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf symbols: Use correct filename for compressed modules in build-id cache (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf symbols: Set module info when build-id event found (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf header: Set proper module name when build-id event found (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Only print NMI watchdog hint when enabled (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix branch instruction with multiple operands (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix failure when filename has special chars (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Put caller above callee in --children mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Do not drop last inlined frame (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Always honor callchain order for inlined nodes (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script: Add --inline option for debugging (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Fix off-by-one for non-activation frames (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Fix memory leak in addr2line when called by addr2inlines (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Don't crash on invalid maps in `-g srcline` mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools build: Fixup sched_getcpu feature test (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tests kmod-path: Don't fail if compressed modules aren't supported (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix AArch64 comment char (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Fix spelling mistakes (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf config: Refactor a duplicated code for obtaining config file name (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf symbols: Allow user probes on versioned symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools lib string: Adopt prefixcmp() from perf and subcmd (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf units: Move parse_tag_value() to units.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf ui gtk: Move gtk .so name to the only place where it is used (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move HAS_BOOL define to where perl headers are used (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf memswap: Split the byteswap memory range wrappers from util.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move event prototypes from util.h to event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf buildid: Move prototypes from util.h to build-id.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] powerpc/perf: Define big-endian version of perf_mem_data_src (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] treewide: Fix typos in printk (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Fix the code to strip command name (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Use just forward declarations for struct thread where possible (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Add the right header to obtain PERF_ALIGN() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove poll.h and wait.h from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove string.h, unistd.h and sys/stat.h from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove stale prototypes from builtin.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove string.h from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove sys/ioctl.h from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove a few more needless includes from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Include sys/param.h where needed (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf callchain: Move callchain specific routines from util.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Add compress.h for the *_decompress_to_file() headers (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf mem: Fix display of data source snoop indication (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf debug: Move dump_stack() and sighandler_dump_stack() to debug.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf kvm: Make function only used by 'perf kvm' static (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move timestamp routines from util.h to time-utils.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move units conversion/formatting routines to separate object (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Add signal.h to places using its definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf unwind: Provide only forward declarations for pointer types (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Ditch unused strchrnul() reimplementation (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove regex.h and fnmatch.h from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove include dirent.h from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove misplaced __maybe_unused in some functions (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Use api/fs/tracing_path.h where needed (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: No need to include bitops.h in util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move path related functions to util/path.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Don't include terminal handling headers in util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf str{filter, list}: Disentangle headers (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Include errno.h where needed (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move extra string util functions to util/string2.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move srcline definitions to separate header (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move print_binary definitions to separate files (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Include missing headers for fls() and types in linux/log2.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Move sane ctype stuff from util.h to sane_ctype.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Ditch unused PATH_SEP, STRIP_EXTENSION (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Replace STR() calls with __stringify() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove PRI[xu] macros from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Including missing inttypes.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unused macros from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Drop ARRAY_SIZE() definition from linux/hashtable.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Add include where ARRAY_SIZE() is used (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] objtool: Drop ARRAY_SIZE() definition, tools/include/linux/kernel.h has it now (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Move ARRAY_SIZE() to linux/kernel.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Adopt __same_type() and __must_be_array() from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Introduce linux/bug.h, from the kernel sources (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove FLEX_ARRAY definition (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf unwind arm64: Add missing errno.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] revert "perf tools: Fix include of linux/mman.h" (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf util: Hint missing file when tool tips fail to load (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools build: Fix feature detection redefinion of build flags (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Disable JVMTI if no ELF support available (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf trace: Add usage of --no-syscalls in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Fix bug in handling events in error state (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Pass PYTHON config to feature detection (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Use stripped line instead of raw disassemble line (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Refactor the code to parse disassemble lines with {l, r}trim() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Do not print missing features in pipe-mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf session: Don't rely on evlist in pipe mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Process attr and build_id records (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Describe pipe mode in (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf inject: Copy events when reordering events in pipe mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf inject: Don't proceed if perf_session__process_event() fails (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate s390: Implement jump types for perf annotate (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf string: Simplify ltrim() implementation (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Refactor the code to strip command name with {l, r}trim() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf pmu: Refactor wordwrap() with ltrim() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf ui browser: Refactor the code to parse color configs with ltrim() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Refactor the code to strip csv output with ltrim() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf evsel: Return exact sub event which failed with EPERM for wildcards (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script: Use strtok_r() when parsing output field list (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf callchains: Switch from strtok() to strtok_r() when parsing options (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix missing number of samples for source_line_samples (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Don't die on a print function (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Handle allocation failures gracefully (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove die() call (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add missing space in json descriptions (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore_arb JSON support (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Skylake client (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Broadwell client (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Haswell client (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Ivy Bridge client (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Sandy Bridge client (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add missing UNC_M_DCLOCKTICKS for Broadwell DE uncore (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf sdt powerpc: Add argument support (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify statx syscall 'flag' and 'mask' arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Do not fail in case of empty HOME env variable (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include uapi: Grab copies of stat.h and fcntl.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf utils: fix spelling mistake: "Invalud" -> "Invalid" (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf trace: Handle unpaired raw_syscalls:sys_exit event (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Drop cycles 0 for LBR print (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf/sdt/x86: Move OP parser to tools/perf/arch/x86/ (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf/sdt/x86: Add renaming logic for (missing) 8 bit registers (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove support for command aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf utils: Readlink /proc/self/exe to find the perf binary (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf utils: Null terminate buf in read_ftrace_printk() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf utils: use sizeof(buf) - 1 in readlink() call (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tests: Do not assume that readlink() returns a null terminated string (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf test: Add a test case for SDT event (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf buildid: Do not assume that readlink() returns a null terminated string (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf buildid: Do not update SDT cache with null filename (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix a bug of division by zero when calculating percent (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix a bug following symbolic link of a build-id file (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Enable sorting by srcline as key (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Show inline stack for browser mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Show inline stack for stdio mode (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Introduce --inline option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Find the inline stack for a given address (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Refactor common code in srcline.c (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unused 'prefix' from builtin functions (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf list sdt: Show option in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Fix no_size logic in addr_filter__resolve_kernel_syms() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf trace: Fixup thread refcounting (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf trace: Fix up error path indentation (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf trace: Check for vfs_getname.pathname length (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf list: Move extra details printing to new option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf pmu: Add support for MetricName JSON attribute (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf list: Support printing MetricExpr with --debug (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Output JSON MetricExpr metric (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf pmu: Support MetricExpr header in JSON event list (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Update Intel uncore JSON event files (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Add a simple expression parser for JSON (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf pmu: Special case uncore_ prefix (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf pmu: Expand PMU events by prefix match (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Factor out PMU matching in parser (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Handle partially bad results with merging (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Collapse identically named events (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Factor out callback for collecting event values (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: Add comment clarifying how the source code line is parsed (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf annotate: More exactly grep -v of the objdump command (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf sdt x86: Add renaming logic for rNN and other registers (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Add sdt probes arguments into the uprobe cmd string (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf sdt: Add scanning of sdt probes arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Return errno when not hitting any event (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Change MAX_CMDLEN (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools headers: Sync {tools/, }arch/powerpc/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Fix concat_probe_trace_events (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Correct --no-aggr description (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Handle partial AUX records and print a warning (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Sync {, tools/}include/uapi/linux/perf_event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Introduce sysfs__read_bool (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf timechart: Use OPT_PARENT for common options (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf lock: Make 'f' part of the common 'lock_options' (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf lock: Subcommands should include common options (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf script: Add 'brstackinsn' for branch stacks (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Make perf_event__synthesize_mmap_events() scale (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Introduce util func is_sdt_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf powerpc: Choose local entry point with kretprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf kretprobes: Offset from reloc_sym if kernel supports it (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Factor out the ftrace README scanning (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add --next option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix typo in function switch_data_file (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Document +field style argument support for --field option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf sort: Fix segfault with basic block 'cycles' sort dimension (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Ignore generated files pmu-events/{jevents, pmu-events.c} for git (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Missing c2c command in command-list (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf c2c: Fix display bug when using pipe (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf c2c: Clarify help message of --stats option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf report: Hide tip message when -q option is given (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools build: Use the same CC for feature detection and actual build (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf bench futex: Fix build on musl + clang (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf bench futex: Use __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools build: Add test for sched_getcpu() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Force uncore events to system wide monitoring (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf intel-pt/bts: Add missing initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf probe: Generalize probe event file open routine (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf ftrace: Use pager for displaying result (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for -a and -C option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf cpumap: Introduce cpu_map__snprint_mask() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf ftrace: Add support for --pid option (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf tools: Allow sorting by symbol size (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf evlist: Clarify a bit the use of perf_mmap->refcnt (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf thread_map: Convert thread_map.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf thread: convert thread.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf evlist: Convert perf_map.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf map: Convert map_groups.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf map: Convert map.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf dso: Convert dso.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf comm: Convert comm_str.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf cpumap: Convert cpu_map.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf cgroup: Convert cgroup_sel.refcnt from atomic_t to refcount_t (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Adopt kernel's refcount.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Add UINT_MAX def to kernel.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Provide gcc based cmpxchg fallback for !x86 (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Introduce atomic_cmpxchg_{relaxed, release}() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools arch x86: Introduce atomic_cmpxchg() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools arch x86: Include asm/cmpxchg.h (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] tools include: Adopt __compiletime_error (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf stat: Issue a HW watchdog disable hint (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add mapping for KnightsMill PMU events (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add 1G DTLB load/store miss support for SKL (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [kernel] perf/aux: Correct return code of rb_alloc_aux() if !has_aux(ev) (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [kernel] perf/callchain: Force USER_DS when invoking perf_callchain_user() (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix Broadwell-EP DRAM RAPL events (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix spurious NMI with PEBS Load Latency event (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Allow the disabling of branch tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Handle VMX better (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [kernel] perf/core: Add a flag for partial AUX records (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [kernel] perf/core: Keep AUX flags in the output handle (Jiri Olsa) [1480522] - [x86] perf/x86: Add Top Down events to Intel Goldmont (Jiri Olsa) [1480522]- [x86] kvm, pkeys: do not use PKRU value in vcpu->arch.guest_fpu.state (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm: x86: simplify handling of PKRU (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm: x86: block guest protection keys unless the host has them enabled (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm, pkeys: expose CPUID/CR4 to guest (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm, pkeys: add pkeys support for permission_fault (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm, pkeys: introduce pkru_mask to cache conditions (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm, pkeys: save/restore PKRU when guest/host switches (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm, pkeys: add pkeys support for xsave state (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm, pkeys: disable pkeys for guests in non-paging mode (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm: x86: remove magic number with enum cpuid_leafs (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [x86] kvm: mmu: return page fault error code from permission_fault (Paul Lai) [1387360] - [kernel] s390/mm: simplify arch_get_unmapped_area[_topdown] (Adrian Reber) [1466682] - [kernel] s390/mm: make TASK_SIZE independent from the number of page table levels (Adrian Reber) [1466682] - [kernel] s390: wire up separate socketcalls system calls (Adrian Reber) [1466682] - [kernel] s390: wire up memfd_create syscall (Adrian Reber) [1466682] - [kernel] s390/gup: handle zero nr_pages case correctly (Adrian Reber) [1466682] - [kernel] s390: TASK_SIZE for kernel threads (Adrian Reber) [1466682] - [netdrv] ena: implement RHEL7.5 version of change_mtu (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: update ena driver to version 1.2.0 (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: update driver's rx drop statistics (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: use lower_32_bits()/upper_32_bits() to split dma address (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: separate skb allocation to dedicated function (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: use napi_schedule_irqoff when possible (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: add support for out of order rx buffers refill (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: add reset reason for each device FLR (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: change sizeof() argument to be the type pointer (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: add hardware hints capability to the driver (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: change return value for unsupported features unsupported return value (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: update ena driver to version 1.1.7 (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: bug fix in lost tx packets detection mechanism (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: disable admin msix while working in polling mode (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix theoretical Rx hang on low memory systems (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: add missing unmap bars on device removal (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix race condition between submit and completion admin command (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: add missing return when ena_com_get_io_handlers() fails (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix bug that might cause hang after consecutive open/close interface (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix rare uncompleted admin command false alarm (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: remove superfluous check in ena_remove() (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: update driver version to 1.1.2 (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: change condition for host attribute configuration (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: change driver's default timeouts (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: reduce the severity of ena printouts (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: use READ_ONCE to access completion descriptors (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix potential access to freed memory during device reset (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: refactor ena_get_stats64 to be atomic context safe (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix NULL dereference when removing the driver after device reset failed (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix RSS default hash configuration (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix ethtool RSS flow configuration (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: fix queues number calculation (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: remove ntuple filter support from device feature list (John Linville) [1478896] - [netdrv] ena: use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (John Linville) [1478896]- [fs] vfs: clear remainder of 'full_fds_bits' in dup_fd() (Mateusz Guzik) [1462034] - [fs] vfs: Fix pathological performance case for __alloc_fd() (Mateusz Guzik) [1462034] - [fs] vfs: conditionally clear close-on-exec flag (Mateusz Guzik) [1462034] - [fs] file.c: don't acquire files->file_lock in fd_install() (Mateusz Guzik) [1462034] - [fs] gfs2: Fix debugfs glocks dump (Andreas Grunbacher) [1493067] - [fs] gfs2: Replace rhashtable_walk_init with rhashtable_walk_enter (Andreas Grunbacher) [1493067] - [fs] gfs2: Deduplicate gfs2_{glocks,glstats}_open (Andreas Grunbacher) [1493067] - [net] remove explicit do_softirq() from busy_poll_stop() (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] Busy polling should ignore sender CPUs (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] solve a NAPI race (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] napi_watchdog() can use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] remove __napi_complete() (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] netpoll: more efficient locking (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] busy-poll: return busypolling status to drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] busy-poll: remove need_resched() from sk_can_busy_loop() (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] busy-poll: allow preemption in sk_busy_loop() (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] netpoll: Drop budget parameter from NAPI polling call hierarchy (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] netpoll: Close race condition between poll_one_napi and napi_disable (Ivan Vecera) [1489406] - [net] ip6_gre: update mtu properly in ip6gre_err (Xin Long) [1487475] - [net] sctp: fix missing wake ups in some situations (Marcelo Leitner) [1442784] - [net] tcp: don't annotate mark on control socket from tcp_v6_send_response() (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] netfilter: use fwmark_reflect in nf_send_reset (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] tcp: fix mark propagation with fwmark_reflect enabled (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] Documentation: Add missing descriptions for fwmark_reflect for ipv4 and ipv6 (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] ipv6: data of fwmark_reflect sysctl needs to be updated on netns construction (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] Use fwmark reflection in PMTU discovery (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] add a sysctl to reflect the fwmark on replies (Matteo Croce) [1469857] - [net] team: fix memory leaks (Matteo Croce) [1448266] - [net] ipv6: accept 64k - 1 packet length in ip6_find_1stfragopt() (Stefano Brivio) [1477010] {CVE-2017-7542} - [net] ipv6: avoid overflow of offset in ip6_find_1stfragopt (Sabrina Dubroca) [1477010] {CVE-2017-7542} - [scsi] ses: Fix wrong page error (Maurizio Lombardi) [1380720] - [scsi] ses: make page2 support optional (Maurizio Lombardi) [1380720] - [scsi] ses: Fixup error message 'failed to get diagnostic page 0xffffffea' (Maurizio Lombardi) [1380720] - [scsi] ses: check return code from ses_recv_diag() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1380720] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: call megasas_dump_frame with correct IO frame size (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: modified few prints in OCR and IOC INIT path (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: replace internal FALSE/TRUE definitions with false/true (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Return pended IOCTLs with cmd_status MFI_STAT_WRONG_STATE in case adapter is dead (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: use vmalloc for crash dump buffers and driver's local RAID map (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use SMID for Task abort case only (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Check valid aen class range to avoid kernel panic (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix endianness issues in DCMD handling (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not re-fire shutdown DCMD after OCR (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Call megasas_complete_cmd_dpc_fusion every 1 second while there are pending commands (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use synchronize_irq in target reset case (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: set minimum value of resetwaittime to be 1 secs (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: mismatch of allocated MFI frame size and length exposed in MFI MPT pass through command (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix allocate instance->pd_info twice (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid: remove DRIVER_ATTR() usage (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid: Replace PCI pool old API (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix memleak in megasas_alloc_cmdlist_fusion (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] megaraid: remove expensive inline from megasas_return_cmd (Tomas Henzl) [1458133] - [scsi] qedi: off by one in qedi_get_cmd_from_tid() (Chad Dupuis) [1461962] - [scsi] qedi: Limit number for CQ queues (Chad Dupuis) [1461962] - [scsi] qedi: Fix return code in qedi_ep_connect() (Chad Dupuis) [1461962] - [scsi] qedi: Add ISCSI_BOOT_SYSFS to Kconfig (Chad Dupuis) [1461962] - [scsi] qedi: fix another spelling mistake: "alloction" -> "allocation" (Chad Dupuis) [1461962] - [scsi] qedf: drop bus reset handler (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Fix up modinfo parameter name for 'debug' in modinfo output (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Covert single-threaded workqueues to regular workqueues (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Corrent VLAN tag insertion in fallback VLAN case (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Use granted MAC from the FCF for the FCoE source address if it is available (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Set WWNN and WWPN based on values from qed (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: fix spelling mistake: "offlading" -> "offloading" (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Merge a few quoted strings split across lines (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Use 'dma_zalloc_coherent' to reduce code verbosity (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Fix a return value in case of error in 'qedf_alloc_global_queues' (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Check if sense buffer has been allocated during completion (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Add change_queue_depth member to scsi_host_template() (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Change cmd_per_lun in scsi_host_template to 32 to increase performance (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Move some prints to a debug level so they do not print when no debugging is enabled (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Fixup unnecessary parantheses around test_bit operations (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Add non-offload receive filters (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Add bus_reset No-op (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Use same logic for SCSI host reset and FC lip_reset (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Set qed logging level to QED_LEVEL_NOTICE (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Add fka_period SCSI host attribute to show fip keep alive period (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Check that fcport is offloaded before dereferencing pointers in initiate_abts|cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Look at all descriptors when processing a clear virtual link (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Honor qed_ops->common->set_fp_int() return code (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Update copyright to 2017 (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Enable basic FDMI information (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Avoid reading past end of buffer (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Cleanup the type of io_log->op (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: properly update arguments position in function call (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedi: qedf: Use designated initializers (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Fix crash due to unsolicited FIP VLAN response (Chad Dupuis) [1461960] - [scsi] qedf: Use vsprintf extension pad (Chad Dupuis) [1461960]- [block] blk_mq: linux/blk-mq.h does not include all the headers it depends on (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [block] blk-mq: kill unused blk_mq_create_mq_map() (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [kernel] blk-mq: get rid of the cpumask in struct blk_mq_tags (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [nvme] remove the post_scan callout (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [nvme] switch to use pci_alloc_irq_vectors (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] blk-mq: provide a default queue mapping for PCI device (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [kernel] blk-mq: remove ->map_queue (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [block] blk-mq: really fix plug list flushing for nomerge queues (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [block] fix plug list flushing for nomerge queues (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [block] blk-mq: free hctx->ctxs in queue's release handler (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [kernel] blk-mq: fix iteration of busy bitmap (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [block] blk-mq: reduce unnecessary software queue looping (Ming Lei) [1389540 1458104] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Fix calculating vectors to assign (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] irq/affinity: Fix extra vecs calculation (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] irq/affinity: Fix CPU spread for unbalanced nodes (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Update MSI/MSI-X bits in PCIEBUS-HOWTO (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Document pci_alloc_irq_vectors(), deprecate pci_enable_msi() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Return -ENOSPC if pci_enable_msi_range() can't get enough vectors (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] portdrv: Use pci_irq_alloc_vectors() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Check that we have a legacy interrupt line before using it (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Return failure when msix_setup_entries() fails (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Update PCI support to use new IRQ functions (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Fix msi_capability_init() kernel-doc warnings (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Don't apply affinity if there aren't enough vectors left (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Fix node generation from cpumask (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Check for NULL affinity mask in pci_irq_get_affinity() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Use default affinity mask for reserved vectors (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Take reserved vectors into account when spreading irqs (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] pci: Remove the irq_affinity mask from struct pci_dev (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] pci/msi: Provide pci_alloc_irq_vectors_affinity() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] msi: Propagate IRQ affinity description through the MSI code (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Handle pre/post vectors in irq_create_affinity_masks() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Handle pre/post vectors in irq_calc_affinity_vectors() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Introduce struct irq_affinity (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] doc: Add missing parameter for msi_setup (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] pci/msi: Retrieve affinity for a vector (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Remove old irq spread infrastructure (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/msi: Switch to new irq spreading infrastructure (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Provide smarter irq spreading infrastructure (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/msi: Add cpumask allocation to alloc_msi_entry (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] Call pci_intx() when using legacy interrupts in pci_alloc_irq_vectors() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] pci: Use positive flags in pci_alloc_irq_vectors() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/affinity: Use get/put_online_cpus around cpumask operations (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] pci: Spread interrupt vectors in pci_alloc_irq_vectors() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] pci: Provide sensible IRQ vector alloc/free routines (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] Make the "entries" argument to pci_enable_msix() optional (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] Switch msix_program_entries() to use pci_msix_desc_addr() (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [pci] Add pci_msix_desc_addr() helper (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq: Add a helper to spread an affinity mask for MSI/MSI-X vectors (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq/msi: Make use of affinity aware allocations (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq: introduce _affinity version of irq_alloc_hwirq (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq: Use affinity hint in irqdesc allocation (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq: Add affinity hint to irq allocation (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq: Introduce IRQD_AFFINITY_MANAGED flag (Ming Lei) [1389540] - [kernel] genirq: Provide and use __irq_can_set_affinity() (Ming Lei) [1389540]- [fs] pnfs: Fix a deadlock between read resends and layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [1477350] - [fs] pnfs: Ensure LAYOUTGET and LAYOUTRETURN are properly serialised (Steve Dickson) [1477343] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix regression in callback retry handling (Steve Dickson) [1477306] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure we don't re-test revoked and freed stateids (Dave Wysochanski) [1459733] - [fs] nfsd: Limit end of page list when decoding NFSv4 WRITE ("J. Bruce Fields") [1485509] - [fs] xfs: stop searching for free slots in an inode chunk when there are none (Carlos Maiolino) [1472639] - [fs] xfs: remove bli from AIL before release on transaction abort (Bill O'Donnell) [1428663] - [fs] xfs: release bli from transaction properly on fs shutdown (Bill O'Donnell) [1428663] - [fs] gfs2: Fix non-recursive truncate bug (Robert S Peterson) [1486061] - [fs] ext4: drop the EXT4_STATE_DELALLOC_RESERVED flag (Lukas Czerner) [1433215] - [fs] ext4: prepare to drop EXT4_STATE_DELALLOC_RESERVED (Lukas Czerner) [1433215] - [fs] ext4: pass allocation_request struct to ext4_(alloc, splice)_branch (Lukas Czerner) [1433215] - [fs] cifs: Fix null pointer deref during read resp processing (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Fix possible use after free in demultiplex thread (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Allow to switch on encryption with seal mount option (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: RHEL 7 Changes to replace bvec iter (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add capability to decrypt big read responses (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add a modified cifs_read_page_from_socket() (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: RHEL 7 Changes to replace kvec iter (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Decrypt and process small encrypted packets (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add copy into pages callback for a read operation (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add mid handle callback (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add transform header handling callbacks (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: RHEL 7 modifications for aead differences (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Encrypt SMB3 requests before sending (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Enable encryption during session setup phase (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add capability to transform requests before sending (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Separate RFC1001 length processing for SMB2 read (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Separate SMB2 sync header processing (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Send RFC1001 length in a separate iov (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Make send_cancel take rqst as argument (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Make SendReceive2() takes resp iov (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Separate SMB2 header structure (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Add soft dependencies (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Only select the required crypto modules (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Simplify SMB2 and SMB311 dependencies (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] Fix default behaviour for empty domains and add domainauto option (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: use 16phN for formatting md5 sum (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs_readv_receive: use cifs_read_from_socket() (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: merge the hash calculation helpers (Sachin Prabhu) [1429710] - [fs] cifs: Check for timeout on Negotiate stage (Leif Sahlberg) [1426555] - [fs] cifs: Fix df output for users with quota limits (Leif Sahlberg) [1464155]- [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Fix incorrect cleanup on pvrdma_pci_probe error path (Don Dutile) [1454965] - [infiniband] ib/vmw_pvrdma: Don't leak info from alloc_ucontext (Don Dutile) [1454965] - [kernel] vmxnet3: Move PCI Id to pci_ids.h (Don Dutile) [1454965] - [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Cannon Lake PCH-H pin controller support (David Arcari) [1457654] - [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Cannon Lake PCH pin controller support (David Arcari) [1457654] - [pinctrl] intel: Make it possible to specify mode per pin in a group (David Arcari) [1457654] - [pinctrl] intel: Add support for variable size pad groups (David Arcari) [1457654] - [pinctrl] intel: unlock on error in intel_config_set_pull() (David Arcari) [1457654] - [pinctrl] intel: Add support for 1k additional pull-down (David Arcari) [1457654] - [pinctrl] intel: Add support for hardware debouncer (David Arcari) [1457654] - [kernel] pinctrl / gpio: Introduce .set_config() callback for GPIO chips (David Arcari) [1457654] - [kernel] pinctrl: Allow configuration of pins from gpiolib based drivers (David Arcari) [1457654] - [vhost] vhost_net: correctly check tx avail during rx busy polling (Jason Wang) [1487551] - [tools] power/cpupower: allow running without cpu0 (Prarit Bhargava) [1375782] - [xen] balloon: don't online new memory initially (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1490770] - [kernel] audit: unswing cap_* fields in PATH records (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465558] - [kernel] module: keep percpu symbols in module's symtab (Joe Lawrence) [1451907] - [security] selinux: remove AVC init audit log message (Richard Guy Briggs) [1465625]- [s390] syscalls: Fix out of bounds arguments access (Jiri Olsa) [1436323] - [x86] ras/therm_throt: Do not log a fake MCE for thermal events (Prarit Bhargava) [1465345] - [x86] early_ioremap: Increase FIX_BTMAPS_SLOTS to 8 (Lenny Szubowicz) [1487221] - [pci] Identify Enhanced Allocation (EA) BAR Equivalent resources in sysfs (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] Use cached copy of PCI_EXP_SLTCAP_HPC bit (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] Supply CPU physical address (not bus address) to iomem_is_exclusive() (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] Add Downstream Port Containment driver (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] Add Downstream Port Containment portdrv service type (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] Widen portdrv service type from 4 bits to 8 bits (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] Fix spelling errors (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] pci: acpiphp_ibm: Avoid uninitialized variable reference (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [pci] pci: Refine PCI support check in pcibios_init() (Myron Stowe) [1489540] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not enqueue mailbox when host not ready (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: disable receive queue when configuring ring (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: update function header comment for fm10k_get_stats64 (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: allow service task to reschedule itself (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: future-proof state bitmaps using DECLARE_BITMAP (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: use a BITMAP for flags to avoid race conditions (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: correctly check if interface is removed (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove FM10K_FLAG_DEBUG_STATS (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: report the receive timestamp in FM10K_CB(skb)->tstamp (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: Limit dma sync of RX buffers to actual packet size (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: bump version number (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not clear global mailbox interrupt bits (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: request reset when mbx->state changes (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove extraneous variable definition in fm10k_ethtool.c (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] fm10k-shared: use mac-> instead of hw->mac (Neil Horman) [1454908] - [netdrv] i40e: point wb_desc at the nvm_wb_desc during i40e_read_nvm_aq (Stefan Assmann) [1484232] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid NVM acquire deadlock during NVM update (Stefan Assmann) [1484232] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Initialize mdio_addr before using it (Arjun Vynipadath) [1458299] - [target] fix SAM_STAT_BUSY/TASK_SET_FULL handling (Mike Christie) [1480052] - [target] do not require a transport_complete for SCF_TRANSPORT_TASK_SENSE (Mike Christie) [1412979] - [tcmu] fix sense handling during completion (Mike Christie) [1412979] - [tcmu] target: add helper to copy sense to se_cmd buffer (Mike Christie) [1412979] - [tcmu] export alua support in configfs (Mike Christie) [1469773] - [net] l2cap: prevent stack overflow on incoming bluetooth packet (Neil Horman) [1489789] {CVE-2017-1000251} - [lib] rbtree: Make lockless searches non-fatal (Waiman Long) [1472994]- [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Correct the busy calculation for KNL (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix ratio setting for min_perf_pct (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: constify attribute_group structures (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: skip scheduler hook when in "performance" mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove max/min fractions to limit performance (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid division by 0 in min_perf_pct_min() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: use updated msr-index.h HWP.EPP values (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [x86] msr-index.h: define HWP.EPP values (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Eliminate intel_pstate_get_min_max() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not walk policy->cpus (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Drop struct cpu_defaults (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Modify check in intel_pstate_update_status() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Drop driver_registered variable (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Skip unnecessary PID resets on init (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set HWP sampling interval once (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Clean up intel_pstate_busy_pid_reset() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fold intel_pstate_reset_all_pid() into the caller (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Initialize pid_params statically (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Drop pointless initialization of PID parameters (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Eliminate struct perf_limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid transient updates of cpuinfo.max_freq (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Active mode P-state limits rework (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use load-based P-state selection more widely (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Support HWP processors in all operation modes (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix policy data management in passive mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: One set of global limits in active mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid percentages in limits-related computations (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Correct frequency setting in the HWP mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Update pid_params.sample_rate_ns in pid_param_set() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Drop redundant wrapper function (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not reinit performance limits in ->setpolicy (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix intel_pstate_verify_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix global settings in active mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid triggering cpu_frequency tracepoint unnecessarily (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix intel_cpufreq_verify_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not use performance_limits in passive mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] sched/headers: Prepare for new header dependencies before moving code to (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix limits issue with operation mode switching (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Calculate guaranteed performance for HWP (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Make HWP limits compatible with legacy (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Lower frequency than expected under no_turbo (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Operation mode control from sysfs (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Expose global sysfs attributes upfront (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix sysfs limits enforcement for performance policy (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Always keep all limits settings in sync (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use locking in intel_cpufreq_verify_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use locking in intel_pstate_resume() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not expose PID parameters in passive mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Support for energy performance hints with HWP (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add locking around HWP requests (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: fix intel_pstate_exit_perf_limits() prototype (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set EPP/EPB to 0 in performance mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: increase precision of performance limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: round up min_perf limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Generic governors support (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] cpufreq: Support for fast frequency switching (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Make read and write operations more efficient (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] Introduce cpufreq_start_governor() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] Rename __cpufreq_governor() to cpufreq_governor() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] cpufreq: intel_pstate: Request P-states control from SMM if needed (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use CPU load based algorithm for PM_MOBILE (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: protect limits variable (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Reduce impact due to rounding error (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Per CPU P-State limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Always set max P-state in performance mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set P-state upfront in performance mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove PID debugfs when not used (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix struct pstate_adjust_policy kerneldoc (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Clarify comment in get_target_pstate_use_performance() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add more out-of-band IDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Check cpuid for MSR_HWP_INTERRUPT (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Update cpu_frequency tracepoint every time (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: clean remnant struct element (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix MSR_CONFIG_TDP_x addressing in core_get_max_pstate() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Replace MSR_NHM_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Declare pid_params/pstate_funcs/hwp_active __read_mostly (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix incorrect placement of __initdata (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not clear utilization update hooks on policy changes (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Adjust _PSS[0] freqeuency if needed (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix ->set_policy() interface for no_turbo (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Downgrade print level for _PPC (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Simplify conditional in intel_pstate_set_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Clean up get_target_pstate_use_performance() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use sample.core_avg_perf in get_avg_pstate() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Clarify average performance computation (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid unnecessary synchronize_sched() during initialization (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Clean up intel_pstate_get() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Ignore _PPC processing under HWP (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix intel_pstate_get() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix HWP on boot CPU after system resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Enable PPC enforcement for servers (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Adjust policy->max (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Enforce _PPC limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix processing for turbo activation ratio (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use average P-State instead of current P-State (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid getting stuck in high P-states when idle (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use pr_fmt (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid pointless FRAC_BITS shifts under div_fp() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Documenation for structures (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: fix inconsistency in setting policy limits (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] cpufreq: Move scheduler-related code to the sched directory (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Avoid extra invocation of intel_pstate_sample() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not set utilization update hook too early (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not call wrmsrl_on_cpu() with disabled interrupts (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Do not skip samples partially (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove freq calculation from intel_pstate_calc_busy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Move intel_pstate_calc_busy() into get_target_pstate_use_performance() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Optimize calculation for max/min_perf_adj (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove extra conversions in pid calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] cpufreq: Add mechanism for registering utilization update callbacks (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Replace timers with utilization update callbacks (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: disable HWP notifications (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Account for IO wait time (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cpufreq / cppc: Initialize policy->min to lowest nonlinear performance (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] Make startup and shutdown ops optional (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [sound] scripts/spelling.txt: add regsiter -> register spelling mistake (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] skip complete wait event if timer expired (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] handle empty message in tx_tick (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] always wait in mbox_send_message for blocking Tx mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: add sysfs entries for CPPC perf capabilities (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Read lowest nonlinear perf in cppc_get_perf_caps() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] check ->last_tx_done for NULL in case of timer-based polling (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Fix per-CPU pointer management in acpi_cppc_processor_probe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Fix crash in acpi_cppc_processor_exit() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: set an error code on probe error path (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] sched/x86: Change CONFIG_SCHED_ITMT to CONFIG_SCHED_MC_PRIO (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [x86] sched: Add SD_ASYM_PACKING flags to x86 ITMT CPU (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] acpi/bus: Set _OSC for diverse core support (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] bus: Enable HWP CPPC objects (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use CPPC to get max performance (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [x86] sysctl: Add sysctl for ITMT scheduling feature (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [x86] topology: Define x86's arch_update_cpu_topology (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [x86] Enable Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] sched: Extend scheduler's asym packing (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] sched: Move CFS tasks to CPUs with higher capacity (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] sched: Add struct rq::cpu_capacity_orig (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cpufreq / cppc: Add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE for cppc_cpufreq driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cppc: Correct desired_perf calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Support PCC with interrupt flag (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cppc: Avoid overflow when calculating desired_perf (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cppc: Force reporting values in KHz to fix user space interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Add prefix cppc to cpudata structure name (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Add support for functional fixed hardware address (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: check for error bit in PCC status field (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: move all PCC related information into pcc_data (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: add sysfs support to compute delivered performance (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: set a non-zero value for transition_latency (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: support for batching CPPC requests (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: acquire pcc_lock only while accessing PCC subspace (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: restructure read/writes for efficient sys mapped reg ops (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Prevent cpc_desc_ptr points to the invalid data (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] cppc: Return error if _CPC is invalid on a CPU (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] acpi / cppc: Add module support for cppc_cpufreq driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] Stop using ENOSYS for anything other than unimplemented syscalls (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: use MRTT/MPAR to decide if/when a req can be sent (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: replace writeX/readX to PCC with relaxed version (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: optimized cpc_read and cpc_write (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Optimize PCC Read Write operations (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cppc: Initialize and check CPUFreq CPU co-ord type correctly (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Use h/w reduced version of the PCCT structure (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] cppc: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call kfree() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: Fix potential memory leak (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpi / cppc: signedness bug in register_pcc_channel() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [cpufreq] acpi / cppc: Add a CPUFreq driver for use with CPPC (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] Introduce CPU performance controls using CPPC (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] mailbox: switch to hrtimer for tx_complete polling (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] mailbox: Add ability for clients to request channels by name (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] Fix up error handling in mbox_request_channel() (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] mailbox: Make mbox_chan_ops const (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] check for bit set before polling (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] Add support for Platform Communication Channel (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] mailbox: add tx_prepare client callback (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [mailbox] Don't unnecessarily re-arm the polling timer (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] mailbox: Introduce framework for mailbox (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpica: acpi 5.1: Update for PCCT table changes (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Add full support for the PCCT table, update table definition (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] acpi / i915: Fix incorrect inclusions via (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [kernel] of: make of_property_for_each_{u32|string}() use parameters if OF is not enabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349] - [x86] io: implement dummy relaxed accessor macros for writes (Prarit Bhargava) [1465349]- [hv] vmbus: re-enable channel tasklet (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] x86/mshyperv: Remove excess #includes from mshyperv.h (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] x86/hyperv: Check frequency MSRs presence according to the specification (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Close timing hole that can corrupt per-cpu page (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Reuse uuid_le_to_bin() helper (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Increase the time between retries in vmbus_post_msg() (Mohammed Gamal) [1491843 1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Get the current time from the current clocksource (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] properly delay KVP packets when negotiation is in progress (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Fix rescind handling (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] util: Make hv_poll_channel() a little more efficient (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Fix error code returned by vmbus_post_msg() (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] Base autoeoi enablement based on hypervisor hints (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] Fix a typo (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: expose debug info for drivers (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: make channel_message table constant (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: make channel_message table constant (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] hyperv: remove unnecessary return variable (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: fix spelling errors (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: remove unnecessary initialization (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: remove useless return's (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: only reschedule tasklet if time limit exceeded (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Don't leak memory when a channel is rescinded (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Don't leak channel ids (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] util: move waiting for release to hv_utils_transport itself (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: remove hv_event_tasklet_disable/enable (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: use rcu for per-cpu channel list (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: replace modulus operation with subtraction (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: constify parameters where possible (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: expose hv_begin/end_read (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: remove conditional locking of vmbus_write (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: add direct isr callback mode (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: change to per channel tasklet (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: callback is in softirq not workqueue (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: put related per-cpu variable together (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: remove unused kickq argument to sendpacket (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: drop no longer used kick_q argument (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: use kernel bitops for traversing interrupt mask (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] Fix the bug in generating the guest ID (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] Log the negotiated IC versions (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Use all supported IC versions to negotiate (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] balloon: add a fall through comment to hv_memory_notifier() (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] hv: vmbus: Cleanup hyperv_vmbus.h (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Define an APIs to manage interrupt state (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Define an API to retrieve virtual processor index (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Define APIs to manipulate the synthetic interrupt controller (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Define APIs to manipulate the event page (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Define APIs to manipulate the message page (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Get rid of an unsused variable (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Restructure the clockevents code (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] hv: Move struct hv_timer_message_payload into UAPI Hyper-V x86 header (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Move the code to signal end of message (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] hv: Move struct hv_message into UAPI Hyper-V x86 header (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] hv: Move HV_SYNIC_STIMER_COUNT into Hyper-V UAPI x86 header (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] util: backup: Fix a rescind processing issue (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] util: fcopy: Fix a rescind processing issue (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] util: kvp: Fix a rescind processing issue (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Get rid of the unused irq variable (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] hv: vmbus: Prevent sending data on a rescinded channel (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a rescind handling bug (Mohammed Gamal) [1467258]- [net] tcp: initialize rcv_mss to TCP_MIN_MSS instead of 0 (Davide Caratti) [1487061] {CVE-2017-14106} - [net] tcp: fix 0 divide in __tcp_select_window() (Davide Caratti) [1487061] {CVE-2017-14106} - [net] ip6mr: fix notification device destruction (Matteo Croce) [1445046] - [net] ip6mr: fix static mfc/dev leaks on table destruction (Matteo Croce) [1445046] - [net] openvswitch: Use inverted tuple in ovs_ct_find_existing() if NATted (Aaron Conole) [1457439] - [net] dev: add per net_device packet type chains (Florian Westphal) [1462344] - [net] add a postfix to old ndo_change_mtu (Ivan Vecera) [1480542] - [net] report right mtu value in error message (Ivan Vecera) [1480542] - [net] deprecate eth_change_mtu, remove usage (Ivan Vecera) [1480542] - [net] centralize net_device min/max MTU checking (Ivan Vecera) [1480542] - [net] sit: use __GFP_NOWARN for user controlled allocation (Matteo Croce) [1472074] - [mm] add documentation for page fragment APIs (Ivan Vecera) [1476339] - [mm] rename __page_frag functions to __page_frag_cache, drop order from drain (Ivan Vecera) [1476339] - [mm] rename __alloc_page_frag to page_frag_alloc and __free_page_frag to page_frag_free (Ivan Vecera) [1476339] - [mm] add support for releasing multiple instances of a page (Ivan Vecera) [1476339] - [netdrv] pppoe: fix memory corruption in padt work structure (Matteo Croce) [1382363] - [net] tcp: reset sk_rx_dst in tcp_disconnect() (Jamie Bainbridge) [1467770] - [net] mangle zero checksum in skb_checksum_help() (Xin Long) [1485791] - [net] sctp: Avoid out-of-bounds reads from address storage (Stefano Brivio) [1484355] {CVE-2017-7558} - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: fix expiration getter (Matteo Croce) [1427111] - [net] make ndo_get_stats64 a void function (Ivan Vecera) [1481795] - [net] ipv4: Do not allow MAIN to be alias for new LOCAL w/ custom rules (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] ipv4: Fix memory leak in exception case for splitting tries (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] ipv4: Restore fib_trie_flush_external function and fix call ordering (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] ipv4: Remove fib_local variable (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] ipv4: fill in table id when replacing a route (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Cleanup ip_fib_net_exit code path (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Fix warning on fib4_rules_exit (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Provide a deterministic order for fib_alias w/ tables merged (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Avoid NULL pointer if local table is not allocated (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Only display main table in /proc/net/route (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Fix uninitialized variable warning (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] ipv4: FIB Local/MAIN table collapse (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] fib_trie: Make fib_table rcu safe (Ivan Vecera) [1464119] - [net] ipv6: dad: don't remove dynamic addresses if link is down (Matteo Croce) [1319674] - [pci] dma: add calls for dma_map_page_attrs and dma_unmap_page_attrs (Ivan Vecera) [1477162] - [net] add missing dev_put() in __netdev_adjacent_dev_insert (Lance Richardson) [1467801] - [net] sctp: ensure ep is not destroyed before doing the dump (Xin Long) [1466107] - [net] sctp: return next obj by passing pos + 1 into sctp_transport_get_idx (Xin Long) [1466107] - [net] xfrm_user: validate XFRM_MSG_NEWAE incoming ESN size harder (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1435670] {CVE-2017-7184} - [net] xfrm_user: validate XFRM_MSG_NEWAE XFRMA_REPLAY_ESN_VAL replay_window (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1435670] {CVE-2017-7184}- [block] blk-mq-tag: fix wakeup hang after tag resize (Ming Lei) [1472434] - [x86] xen/x86: Don't BUG on CPU0 offlining (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1464095] - [ipc] mqueue: fix a use-after-free in sys_mq_notify() (Davide Caratti) [1476126] {CVE-2017-11176} - [net] ping: check minimum size on ICMP header length (Matteo Croce) [1481573] {CVE-2016-8399} - [net] udp: consistently apply ufo or fragmentation (Davide Caratti) [1481535] {CVE-2017-1000112} - [net] udp: account for current skb length when deciding about UFO (Davide Caratti) [1481535] {CVE-2017-1000112} - [net] ipv4: Should use consistent conditional judgement for ip fragment in __ip_append_data and ip_finish_output (Davide Caratti) [1481535] {CVE-2017-1000112} - [net] packet: fix tp_reserve race in packet_set_ring (Stefano Brivio) [1481940] {CVE-2017-1000111} - [net] ethernet: update drivers to handle HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NTP_ALL (Ivan Vecera) [1481817] - [net] define receive timestamp filter for NTP (Ivan Vecera) [1481817] - [net] netfilter: ipset: move registration message to init from net_init (Sabrina Dubroca) [1226051] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Add net namespace for ipset (Sabrina Dubroca) [1226051] - [net] netfilter: ipset: Rename simple macro names to avoid namespace issues (Sabrina Dubroca) [1226051] - [net] netfilter: ipset: order matches and targets separatedly in xt_set.c (Sabrina Dubroca) [1226051] - [net] sunrpc: fix regression in connection error reporting (Davide Caratti) [1446453] - [net] tcp: remove poll() flakes when receiving RST (Davide Caratti) [1446453] - [net] ipv6: only call ip6_route_dev_notify() once for NETDEV_UNREGISTER (Matteo Croce) [1468935] - [net] sctp: fix ICMP processing if skb is non-linear (Matteo Croce) [1450529] - [net] Remove usage of net_device last_rx member (Ivan Vecera) [1476348] - [net] batch of last_rx update avoidance in ethernet drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1476348] - [net] add a comment on netdev->last_rx (Ivan Vecera) [1476348] - [net] tcp: don't use F-RTO on non-recurring timeouts (Jakub Sitnicki) [1257096] - [hv] x86/vdso: Add VCLOCK_HVCLOCK vDSO clock read method (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] x86/hyperv: Move TSC reading method to asm/mshyperv.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] x86/hyperv: Implement hv_get_tsc_page() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] x86/hyperv: Hide unused label (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] Turn off write permission on the hypercall page (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] export current Hyper-V clocksource (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] restore TSC page cleanup before kexec (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] restore hypervcall page cleanup before kexec (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] vmbus: Move the check for hypercall page setup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] vmbus: Move the crash notification function (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] vmbus: Move the extracting of Hypervisor version information (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] hv: vmbus: Consolidate all Hyper-V specific clocksource code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] hv: vmbus: Move Hypercall invocation code out of common code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] hv vmbus: Move Hypercall page setup out of common code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] vmbus: Move the definition of generate_guest_id() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] vmbus: Move the definition of hv_x64_msr_hypercall_contents (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [hv] x86, hyperv: Move a variable to avoid an unused variable warning (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1410023] - [fs] lockd: fix lockd shutdown race (Scott Mayhew) [1430517] - [fs] xfs: use GPF_NOFS when allocating btree cursors (Carlos Maiolino) [1238562] - [fs] gfs2: Withdraw for IO errors writing to the journal or statfs (Robert S Peterson) [1429547] - [fs] gfs2: stuffed directories not setting nfs cookies (Robert S Peterson) [1397414] - [fs] cifs: Fix SMB3 mount without specifying a security mechanism (Leif Sahlberg) [1083869] - [fs] smb2: Enforce sec= mount option (Leif Sahlberg) [1083869] - [fs] nfsv4: Add missing nfs_put_lock_context() (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [fs] nfs: discard nfs_lockowner structure (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [fs] nfsv4: enhance nfs4_copy_lock_stateid to use a flock stateid if there is one (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [fs] nfsv4: change nfs4_select_rw_stateid to take a lock_context inplace of lock_owner (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [fs] nfsv4: change nfs4_do_setattr to take an open_context instead of a nfs4_state (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [fs] nfsv4: add flock_owner to open context (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [fs] nfs: remove l_pid field from nfs_lockowner (Benjamin Coddington) [1476826] - [mm] fix huge zero page accounting in smaps report (Oleg Nesterov) [1409913 1447952] - [mm] workingset: turn shadow node shrinker bugs into warnings (Waiman Long) [1441710] - [mm] workingset: fix crash in shadow node shrinker caused by replace_page_cache_page() (Waiman Long) [1441710] - [mm] hugetlb: warn the user when issues arise on boot due to hugepages (Steve Best) [1484498] - [powerpc] mm: use hugetlb_bad_size() (Steve Best) [1484498]- [scsi] ses: do not add a device to an enclosure if enclosure_add_links() fails (Maurizio Lombardi) [1473286] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Mark Target Mode operation as Tech Preview (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable Exchange offload support (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable Extended Logins support (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix wrong argument in sp done callback (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove SRR code (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Make trace flags more readable (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Cleanup TMF code translation from qla_target (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable out-of-order processing by default in firmware (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix erroneous invalid handle message (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reduce exess wait during chip reset (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Terminate exchange if corrupted (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix crash due to null pointer access (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Collect additional information to debug fw dump (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset reserved field in firmware options to 0 (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set tcm_qla2xxx version to automatically track qla2xxx version (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Include ATIO queue in firmware dump when in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix wrong IOCB type assumption (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Add SCSI command jammer/discard capability (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add DebugFS node for target sess list (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use ATIO type to send correct tmr response (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix stale pointer access (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix TMR ABORT interaction issue between qla2xxx and TCM (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix warning reported by static checker (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxxx: avoid type mismatch in comparison (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for online flag instead of active reset when transmitting responses (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set all queues to 4k (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable ZIO at start time (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move atioq to a different lock to reduce lock contention (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add irq affinity notification (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove dependency on hardware_lock to reduce lock contention (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace QLA_TGT_STATE_ABORTED with a bit (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Wait for all conflicts before ack'ing PLOGI (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Delete session if initiator is gone from FW (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Added interface to send explicit LOGO (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FW resource count in DebugFS (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable Target counters in DebugFS (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: terminate exchange when command is aborted by LIO (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: added sess generations to detect RSCN update races (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: drop cmds/tmrs arrived while session is being deleted (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: disable scsi_transport_fc registration in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Abort stale cmds on qla_tgt_wq when plogi arrives (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: delay plogi/prli ack until existing sessions are deleted (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: cleanup cmd in qla workqueue before processing TMR (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: kill sessions/log out initiator on RSCN and port down events (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix command initialization in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove msleep in qlt_send_term_exchange (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: release request queue reservation (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add flush after updating ATIOQ consumer index (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable target mode for ISP27XX (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix hardware lock/unlock issue causing kernel panic (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: adjust debug flags (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: pass timeout as HZ independent value (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [treewide] Add missing vmalloc.h inclusion (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Set TARGET_PROT_ALL for sup_prot_ops (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [qla2_target] remove MSG_*_TAG defines (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [qla_target] improve qlt_unmap_sg() (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [qla_target] make some global functions static (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [qla_target] remove unused parameter (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add memory barrier before ringing doorbell (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add flags for tracing the target commands (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix hang due to cmd_kref not decrementing (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not send SS_RESIDUAL_UNDER with SAM_STAT_BUSY (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for QFull throttling and Term Exchange retry (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Increase the request queue size to 8K for ISP2031 (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Host reset handling in ABTS path (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle chip reset in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add Host reset handling in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add counter for message (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable SLER conditionally in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove verbose messages in target mode (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use correct offset to req-q-out for reserve calculation (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix schedule_delayed_work() for target timeout calculations (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warnings in tcm_qla2xxx.c (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning in qla_target.c (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix qlt_lport_register base_vha callback race (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ABTS cause double free of qla_tgt_cmd + (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix sparse warnings introduced by previous target mode t10-dif patch (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix kernel NULL pointer access (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Convert to percpu_ida session tag pre-allocation (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: T10-Dif: add T10-PI support (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix kernel panic on selective retransmission request (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Fix NAA formatted name for NPIV WWPNs (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check + fail when npiv_vports_inuse exists in shutdown (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Perform configfs depend/undepend for base_tpg (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] tcm_qla2xxx: Add NPIV specific enable/disable attribute logic (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Configure NPIV fc_vport via tcm_qla2xxx_npiv_make_lport (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enhancements to enable NPIV support for QLOGIC ISPs with TCM/LIO (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [target] Add TFO->abort_task for aborted task resources release (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [target] make queue_tm_rsp() return void (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [target] Remove TF_CIT_TMPL macro (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [qla_target] remove qlt_check_fcport_exist (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [target] Pass in transport supported PI at session initialization (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [target] qla2xxx: Remove QLA_TPG_ATTRIB macro (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [target] qla2xxx: Make demo_mode_login_only modifiable (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: rename vendor|hba _indentifer to vendor|hba _identifer (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: make msix_entries const (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: silence -Wformat-security warning (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable CONFIG_TCM_QLA2XXX (Himanshu Madhani) [1327621]- [x86] x86/mm: Remove CONFIG_DEBUG_NX_TEST (Rafael Aquini) [1301699] - [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Fix kexec crash due to 'virt_addr' calculation bug (Baoquan He) [1467561] - [x86] x86/boot/kaslr: Add checking for the offset of kernel virtual address randomization (Baoquan He) [1467561] - [x86] revert "boot/kaslr: Skip kernel text relocation if no kaslr action is done" (Baoquan He) [1467561] - [x86] dell-laptop: Add keyboard backlight timeout AC settings (Gopal Tiwari) [1457415] - [x86] amd: Derive L3 shared_cpu_map from cpu_llc_shared_mask (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477399] - [mm] page_alloc: ratelimit PFNs busy info message (Jonathan Toppins) [1383179] - [pci] Fix source include in drivers/pci/Kconfig (Prarit Bhargava) [1484168] - [lib] devres: add a helper function for ioremap_wc (Ivan Vecera) [1482223] - [s390] Disable KVM code in the s390x kernel (Thomas Huth) [1456183] - [netdrv] igb: support BCM54616 PHY (John Linville) [1471984] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: don't set CHECKSUM_COMPLETE on SCTP packets (Davide Caratti) [1462059] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: fix possible buffer overflow in brcmf_cfg80211_mgmt_tx() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1474784] {CVE-2017-7541} - [kernel] radix-tree: 'slot' can be NULL in radix_tree_next_slot() (Larry Woodman) [1471710] - [kernel] ftrace/graph: Add ftrace_graph_max_depth kernel parameter (Pratyush Anand) [1478331] - [kernel] sched: fix typo on topology error message ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1477479] - [powerpc] tm: Fix saving of TM SPRs in core dump (Gustavo Duarte) [1480652] - [cpupower] Add support for new AMD family 0x17 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477317] - [cpupower] Fix bug where return value was not used (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1477317]- [tools] perf tools: Update x86's syscall_64.tbl, adding pkey_(alloc, free, mprotect) (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Do not skip PKRU register if debug registers are not used (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] debug: Only print out DR registers if they are not power-on defaults (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] cpufeature, x86/mm/pkeys: Fix broken compile-time disabling of pkeys (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] pkeys: remove cruft from never-merged syscalls (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [powerpc] Ignore the pkey system calls for now (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [s390] ignore pkey system calls (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [kernel] x86/pkeys: Fix pkeys build breakage for some non-x86 arches (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [uapi] generic syscalls: kill cruft from removed pkey syscalls (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] pkeys: Update documentation (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] pkeys: Allow configuration of init_pkru (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [kernel] x86/pkeys: Default to a restrictive init PKRU (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] pkeys: Add details of system call use to Documentation/ (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Add missing Documentation (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [uapi] generic syscalls: Wire up memory protection keys syscalls (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] Wire up protection keys system calls (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] x86/pkeys: Allocation/free syscalls (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] x86/pkeys: Make mprotect_key() mask off additional vm_flags (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] Implement new pkey_mprotect() system call (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] mprotect.c: don't imply PROT_EXEC on non-exec fs (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Fix compact mode by removing protection keys' XSAVE buffer manipulation (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] pkey: introduce write_pkru() for KVM (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Fix mismerge of protection keys CPUID bits (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [uapi] mm/pkeys: Fix siginfo ABI breakage caused by new u64 field (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Fix access_error() denial of writes to write-only VMA (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] core, x86/mm/pkeys: Add execute-only protection keys support (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] mmap: use offset_in_page macro (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Create an x86 arch_calc_vm_prot_bits() for VMA flags (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [kernel] x86/mm/pkeys: Allow kernel to modify user pkey rights register (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] fpu: Allow setting of XSAVE state (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm: Factor out LDT init from context init (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] core, x86/mm/pkeys: Add arch_validate_pkey() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] core, arch, powerpc: Pass a protection key in to calc_vm_flag_bits() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] mpx: add "vm_flags_t vm_flags" arg to do_mmap_pgoff() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] do_mmap_pgoff: cleanup the usage of file_inode() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Actually enable Memory Protection Keys in the CPU (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Add Kconfig prompt to existing config option (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [fs] x86/mm/pkeys: Dump pkey from VMA in /proc/pid/smaps (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Dump PKRU with other kernel registers (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] core, x86/mm/pkeys: Differentiate instruction fetches (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Optimize fault handling in access_error() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] core: Do not enforce PKEY permissions on remote mm access (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [iommu] amd: Correctly set flags for handle_mm_fault call (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] gup, x86/mm/pkeys: Check VMAs and PTEs for protection keys (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] gup: Factor out VMA fault permission checking (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Add functions to fetch PKRU (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Fill in pkey field in siginfo (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [kernel] signals, pkeys: Notify userspace about protection key faults (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Pass VMA down in to fault signal generation code (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] vm: add VM_FAULT_SIGSEGV handling support (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [kernel] x86/mm/pkeys: Add arch-specific VMA protection bits (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] core, x86/mm/pkeys: Store protection bits in high VMA flags (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Add new 'PF_PK' page fault error code bit (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Add PTE bits for storing protection key (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] fpu, x86/mm/pkeys: Add PKRU xsave fields and data structures (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] cpu, x86/mm/pkeys: Define new CR4 bit (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] cpufeature, x86/mm/pkeys: Add protection keys related CPUID definitions (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [x86] mm/pkeys: Add Kconfig option (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [media] ivtv: Convert to get_user_pages_unlocked() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [virt] mm/gup: Introduce get_user_pages_remote() (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] gup: use get_user_pages_unlocked (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] process_vm_access: tidy up a bit (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] process_vm_access: don't bother with returning the amounts of bytes copied (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] process_vm_rw_pages(): pass accurate amount of bytes (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] process_vm_access: take get_user_pages/put_pages one level up (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] process_vm_access: switch to copy_page_to_iter/iov_iter_copy_from_user (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] process_vm_access: switch to iov_iter (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] untangling process_vm_..., part 4 (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] untangling process_vm_..., part 3 (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] untangling process_vm_..., part 2 (Rui Wang) [1272615] - [mm] untangling process_vm_..., part 1 (Rui Wang) [1272615]- [tools] perf symbols: Fix symbols__fixup_end heuristic for corner cases (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] scripts/spelling.txt: add "overide" pattern and fix typo instances (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] scripts/spelling.txt: add "disble(d)" pattern and fix typo instances (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] Provide a definition of WARN_ON (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf record: Honor --quiet option properly (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf annotate: Add -q/--quiet option (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf diff: Add -q/--quiet option (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf report: Add -q/--quiet option (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf utils: Check verbose flag properly (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf utils: Add perf_quiet_option() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf record: Add -a as default target (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf stat: Add -a as default target (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Fail on using multiple bits long terms without value (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Move new_term arguments into struct parse_events_term template (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf build: Add special fixdep cleaning rule (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Replace _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF with max_present_cpu in cpu_topology_map (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf header: Make build_cpu_topology skip offline/absent CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf cpumap: Add cpu__max_present_cpu() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf session: Fix DEBUG=1 build with clang (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: It's preempt not prempt (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf python: Filter out -specs=/a/b/c from the python binding cc options (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools perf scripting python: clang doesn't have -spec, remove it (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] scripts/spelling.txt: add "an one" pattern and fix typo instances (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] scripts/spelling.txt: add "an union" pattern and fix typo instances (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] scripts/spelling.txt: add "an user" pattern and fix typo instances (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] cgroup, perf_event: make perf_event controller work on cgroup2 hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] lib/find_bit.c: micro-optimise find_next_*_bit (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] lib, traceevent: add PRINT_HEX_STR variant (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing parse_events_error() prototype (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf pmu: Fix check for unset alias->unit array (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf intel pt decoder: clang has no -Wno-override-init (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf evsel: Do not put a variable sized type not at the end of a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf probe: Avoid accessing uninitialized 'map' variable (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Do not put a variable sized type not at the end of a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf record: Do not put a variable sized type not at the end of a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tests: Synthesize struct instead of using field after variable sized type (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf bench numa: Make sure dprintf() is not defined (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] revert "perf bench futex: Sanitize numeric parameters" (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Make it an error to pass a signed value to OPTION_UINTEGER (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] Set the maximum optimization level according to the compiler being used (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] Suppress request for warning options not existent in clang (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf symbols: dso->name is an array, no need to check it against NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tests record: No need to test an array against NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf symbols: No need to check if sym->name is NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf evsel: Inform how to make a sysctl setting permanent (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools lib traceevent plugin function: Initialize 'index' variable (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Initialize lenght on OLD_RING_BUFFER_TYPE_TIME_STAMP (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf scripting perl: Fix compile error with some perl5 versions (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf diff: Change default setting to "delta-abs" (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf diff: Add diff.compute config option (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf diff: Add diff.order config option (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf diff: Add 'delta-abs' compute method (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools include: Introduce linux/compiler-gcc.h (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Use __fallthrough (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tests: Avoid possible truncation with dirent->d_name + snprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf bench numa: Avoid possible truncation when using snprintf() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf header: Fix handling of PERF_EVENT_UPDATE__SCALE (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf thread_map: Correctly size buffer used with dirent->dt_name (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf top: Use __fallthrough (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools strfilter: Use __fallthrough (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools string: Use __fallthrough in perf_atoll() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools include: Add a __fallthrough statement (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Broadwell DE (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Xeon Phi (Knights Landing) (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Sandy Bridge Server (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for IvyBridge Server (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Broadwell Server (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf vendor events intel: Add uncore events for Haswell Server processor (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Fix include of linux/mman.h (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Robustify do_generate_dynamic_list_file (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Use zfree() to avoid keeping dangling pointers (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Use zfree() instead of ad hoc equivalent (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing check for failure in a zalloc() call (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf tools: Only increase index if perf_evsel__new_idx() succeeds (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf probe: Add option --symfs (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf symbols: Take into account symfs setting when reading file build ID (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf sdt: Show proper hint when event not yet in place via 'perf probe' (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf list: Add debug support for outputing alias string (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf pmu: Support event aliases for non cpu// pmus (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf pmu: Support per pmu json aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf jevents: Add support for parsing uncore json files (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] perf jevents: Parse eventcode as number (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [tools] x86/events: Remove last remnants of old filenames (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [x86] perf/x86: Avoid exposing wrong/stale data in intel_pmu_lbr_read_32() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Better explain the inherit magic (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Simplify perf_event_free_task() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix event inheritance on fork() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix use-after-free in perf_release() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix the perf_cpu_time_max_percent check (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix perf_event_enable_on_exec() timekeeping (again) (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Remove confusing comment and move put_ctx() (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add Kaby Lake support (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Allow kernel filters on CPU events (Jiri Olsa) [1478485] - [kernel] perf/core: Do error out on a kernel filter on an exclude_filter event (Jiri Olsa) [1478485]- [fs] sunrpc: Handle EADDRNOTAVAIL on connection failures (Dave Wysochanski) [1479043] - [fs] gfs2: Defer deleting inodes under memory pressure (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: gfs2_evict_inode: Put glocks asynchronously (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: Get rid of gfs2_set_nlink (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: gfs2_glock_get: Wait on freeing glocks (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: gfs2_create_inode: Keep glock across iput (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up glock work enqueuing (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: Protect gl->gl_object by spin lock (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: Get rid of flush_delayed_work in gfs2_evict_inode (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] revert "gfs2: Wait for iopen glock dequeues" (Andreas Grunbacher) [1321079] - [fs] gfs2: fix code parameter error in inode_go_lock (Andreas Grunbacher) [1480789] - [fs] gfs2: Clear gl_object when deleting an inode in gfs2_delete_inode (Robert S Peterson) [1471151] - [fs] gfs2: Clear gl_object if gfs2_create_inode fails (Robert S Peterson) [1471151] - [fs] gfs2: Set gl_object in inode lookup only after block type check (Robert S Peterson) [1471151] - [fs] gfs2: Introduce helpers for setting and clearing gl_object (Robert S Peterson) [1471151] - [fs] gfs2: Switch to rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_fast (Andreas Grunbacher) [1477688] - [fs] rhashtable: Add rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_fast (Andreas Grunbacher) [1477688] - [fs] gfs2: forcibly flush ail to relieve memory pressure (Abhijith Das) [1389079] - [fs] gfs2: Fix glock rhashtable rcu bug (Andreas Grunbacher) [1477721] - [fs] gfs2: Non-recursive delete (Robert S Peterson) [1359239] - [fs] gfs2: Remove gl_spin define (Andreas Grunbacher) [1433507] - [fs] xfs: Move handling of missing page into one place in xfs_find_get_desired_pgoff() (Bill O'Donnell) [1460446] - [fs] xfs: Fix off-by-in in loop termination in xfs_find_get_desired_pgoff() (Bill O'Donnell) [1460446] - [fs] xfs: Fix missed holes in SEEK_HOLE implementation (Bill O'Donnell) [1460446] - [fs] locks: don't check for race with close when setting OFD lock (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: only validate the lock vs. f_mode in F_SETLK codepaths (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: rename FL_FILE_PVT and IS_FILE_PVT to use "*_OFDLCK" instead (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] arm: fix handling of F_OFD_... in oabi_fcntl64() (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: rename file-private locks to "open file description locks" (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: require that flock->l_pid be set to 0 for file-private locks (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: add new fcntl cmd values for handling file private locks (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: skip deadlock detection on FL_FILE_PVT locks (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: pass the cmd value to fcntl_getlk/getlk64 (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: report l_pid as -1 for FL_FILE_PVT locks (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: make /proc/locks show IS_FILE_PVT locks as type "FLPVT" (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: rename locks_remove_flock to locks_remove_file (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: consolidate checks for compatible filp->f_mode values in setlk handlers (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: fix posix lock range overflow handling (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: add __acquires and __releases annotations to locks_start and locks_stop (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] locks: remove "inline" qualifier from fl_link manipulation functions (Jeff Layton) [1444778] - [fs] cifs: Add new system calls to cifs in kABI compatible way (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] cifs: do not return number of bytes written for ioctl CIFS_IOC_COPYCHUNK_FILE (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] cifs: introduce cifs_copy_file_range() (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] smb3: Rename clone_range to copychunk_range (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] cifs: Fix duplicate line introduced by clone_file_range patch (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] cifs: avoid unused variable and label (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] vfs: pull btrfs clone API to vfs layer(cifs_only) (Sachin Prabhu) [1416385] - [fs] include/linux/printk.h: include pr_fmt in pr_debug_ratelimited (Sachin Prabhu) [1472823] - [fs] printk: pr_debug_ratelimited: check state first to reduce "callbacks suppressed" messages (Sachin Prabhu) [1472823]- [kernel] clocksource: Use a plain u64 instead of cycle_t (Ivan Vecera) [1476351] - [net] gso: Validate assumption of frag_list segementation (Matteo Croce) [1447695] - [net] gso: Support frag_list splitting with head_frag (Matteo Croce) [1447695] - [net] tcp: tcp_make_synack() should clear skb->tstamp (Matteo Croce) [1473533] - [net] vlan: Set correct source MAC address with TX VLAN offload enabled (Jarod Wilson) [1474741] - [net] ipv4: ip_do_fragment: fix headroom tests (Stefano Brivio) [1474927] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: fix use-after-free of proc entry (Stefano Brivio) [1474438] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: do not hold dev (Stefano Brivio) [1472892] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: fix build error without procfs (Stefano Brivio) [1472892] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: check duplicate config when initializing (Stefano Brivio) [1472892] - [net] ipv6: Don't increase IPSTATS_MIB_FRAGFAILS twice in ip6_fragment() (Stefano Brivio) [1470627] - [net] ipv6: ip6_fragment: fix headroom tests and skb leak (Stefano Brivio) [1470627] - [net] netfilter: kill the fake untracked conntrack objects (Paolo Abeni) [1317099] - [net] netfilter: add and use nf_ct_set helper (Paolo Abeni) [1317099] - [net] skbuff: add and use skb_nfct helper (Paolo Abeni) [1317099] - [net] netfilter: reduce direct skb->nfct usage (Paolo Abeni) [1317099] - [net] netfilter: reset netfilter state when duplicating packet (Paolo Abeni) [1317099] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: no need to pass ctinfo to error handler (Paolo Abeni) [1317099] - [net] l2tp: Make l2tp_ip6 namespace aware (Xin Long) [1465711] - [net] udp: avoid ufo handling on IP payload compression packets (Stefano Brivio) [1464161] - [net] don't global ICMP rate limit packets originating from loopback (Jesper Brouer) [1461282] - [net] ip6_tunnel: disable caching when the traffic class is inherited (Stefano Brivio) [1396593] - [net] ipv6: use TOS marks from sockets for routing decision (Stefano Brivio) [1396593] - [net] neighbour: Really delete an arp/neigh entry on "ip neigh delete" or "arp -d" (Hangbin Liu) [1383691] - [net] neighbour: fix nlmsg_pid in notifications (Hangbin Liu) [1383691] - [net] neighbour: remove dynamic neigh table registration support (Hangbin Liu) [1383691] - [net] neigh: guard against NULL solicit() method (Xin Long) [1463887] - [net] packet: Allow packets with only a header (but no payload) (Jakub Sitnicki) [1444521] - [net] packet: bail out of packet_snd() if L2 header creation fails (Jakub Sitnicki) [1444521] - [net] packet: make packet_snd fail on len smaller than l2 header (Jakub Sitnicki) [1444521]- [scsi] bnx2fc: fix race condition in bnx2fc_get_host_stats() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1455520] - [scsi] hpsa: bump driver version (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: remove abort handler (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: send ioaccel requests with 0 length down raid path (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: separate monitor events from rescan worker (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: correct queue depth for externals (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup reset handler (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: correct resets on retried commands (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: rescan later if reset in progress (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: do not reset enclosures (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: update reset handler (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: do not get enclosure info for external devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] hpsa: update identify physical device structure (Joseph Szczypek) [1404073] - [scsi] qedi: Add support for offload iSCSI Boot (Chad Dupuis) [1459312] - [net] qed: Support NVM-image reading API (Chad Dupuis) [1459312] - [net] qed: Share additional information with qedf (Chad Dupuis) [1459312] - [net] qed: Correct order of wwnn and wwpn (Chad Dupuis) [1459312] - [net] qed: Inform qedi the number of possible CQs (Chad Dupuis) [1459312] - [net] vti: Add pmtu handling to vti_xmit (Xin Long) [1467521] - [s390] af_iucv: correctly copy SKB data (add missing hunk from 04d0ec) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1459782] - [net] sctp: change to save MSG_MORE flag into assoc (Xin Long) [1409365] - [net] sctp: add support for MSG_MORE (Xin Long) [1409365] - [net] dccp: call inet_add_protocol after register_pernet_subsys in dccp_v6_init (Xin Long) [1462417] - [net] dccp: call inet_add_protocol after register_pernet_subsys in dccp_v4_init (Xin Long) [1462417] - [net] 6lowpan: fix fragmentation hash locking (David Arcari) [1461542] - [net] 6lowpan: re-enable support for the secret rebuild timer (David Arcari) [1461542] - [net] sctp: disable BH in sctp_for_each_endpoint (Xin Long) [1451569] - [net] dst: Fix an intermittent pr_emerg warning about lo becoming free (Xin Long) [1458111] - [net] ipv6: fix calling in6_ifa_hold incorrectly for dad work (Xin Long) [1459493] - [net] sctp: fix src address selection if using secondary addresses for ipv6 (Xin Long) [1460106] - [net] ipv6: check sk sk_type and protocol early in ip_mroute_set/getsockopt (Xin Long) [1460115] - [net] packet: deliver VLAN TPID to userspace (Eric Garver) [1427245] - [net] packet: fill the gap of TPACKET_ALIGNMENT with zeros (Eric Garver) [1427245] - [net] ipv6: check raw payload size correctly in ioctl (Jamie Bainbridge) [1447240] - [net] bridge: netlink: check vlan_default_pvid range (Ivan Vecera) [1464444] - [net] fix mistake with TCP cgroup memory pressure check (Florian Westphal) [1456547]- [fs] ceph: use pd to print dentry (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix memory leak in __ceph_setxattr() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix file open flags on ppc64 (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: choose readdir frag based on previous readdir reply (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: exclusive map option (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: return ResponseMessage result from rbd_handle_request_lock() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: kill rbd_is_lock_supported() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: support updating the lock cookie without releasing the lock (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: store lock cookie (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: ignore unlock errors (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: fix error handling around rbd_init_disk() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: move rbd_unregister_watch() call into rbd_dev_image_release() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: move rbd_dev_destroy() call out of rbd_dev_image_release() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: when seeing write errors on an inode, switch to sync writes (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: handle epoch barriers in cap messages (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: add an epoch_barrier field to struct ceph_osd_client (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: abort already submitted but abortable requests when map or pool goes full (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: allow requests to return immediately on full conditions if caller wishes (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: remove req->r_replay_version (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: make seeky readdir more efficient (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: close stopped mds' session (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix potential use-after-free (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: allow connecting to mds whose rank >= mdsmap::m_max_mds (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix wrong check in ceph_renew_caps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: supported_features module parameter (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph, ceph: always advertise all supported features (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix recursion between ceph_set_acl() and __ceph_setattr() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: force GFP_NOIO for socket allocations (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: osd_request_timeout option (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: supported_features bus attribute (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: fix crush_decode() for older maps (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph, rbd, ceph: WRITE | ONDISK -> WRITE (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: get rid of ack vs commit (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: remove special ack vs commit behavior (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: tidy some white space in get_nonsnap_parent() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: fix dprintk compilation (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: do is_out test only if we do not collide (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: remove req from unsafe list when unregistering it (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: constify device_type structure (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: kill obj_request->object_name and rbd_segment_name_cache (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: store and use obj_request->object_no (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: RBD_V{1,2}_DATA_FORMAT macros (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: factor out __rbd_osd_req_create() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: set offset and length outside of rbd_obj_request_create() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: support for data-pool feature (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: introduce rbd_init_layout() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: use rbd_obj_bytes() more (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: remove now unused rbd_obj_request_wait() and helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: switch rbd_obj_method_sync() to ceph_osdc_call() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: pass reply buffer length through ceph_osdc_call() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: do away with obj_request in rbd_obj_read_sync() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: initialize rbd_dev->header_oloc early (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: kill rbd_image_header::{crypt_type, comp_type} (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: use kstrndup() in rbd_header_from_disk() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: bump CEPH_PG_MAX_SIZE to 32 (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: don't go through with the mapping if the PG is too wide (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: merge working data and scratch (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: remove mutable part of CRUSH map (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: add osdmap_set_crush() helper (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: remove unneeded stddef.h include (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: do a LOOKUP in d_revalidate instead of GETATTR (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: call update_dentry_lease even when r_locked dir is not set (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: vet the target and parent inodes before updating dentry lease (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't update_dentry_lease unless we actually got one (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: add a new flag to indicate whether parent is locked (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: convert bools in ceph_mds_request to a new r_req_flags field (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: drop session argument to ceph_fill_trace (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: remove "Debugging hook" from ceph_fill_trace (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: avoid calling ceph_renew_caps() infinitely (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: make sure flushing inode in proper session's cap_flushing list (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: update readpages osd request according to size of pages (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix bogus endianness change in ceph_ioctl_set_layout (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: use BUG() instead of BUG_ON(1) (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: avoid updating mds_wanted too frequently (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: pass parent inode info to ceph_encode_dentry_release if we have it (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix unsafe dcache access in ceph_encode_dentry_release (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: pass parent dir ino info to build_dentry_path (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: clean up unsafe d_parent accesses in build_dentry_path (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: clean up unsafe d_parent access in __choose_mds (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix bad endianness handling in parse_reply_info_extra (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix endianness bug in frag_tree_split_cmp (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix endianness of getattr mask in ceph_d_revalidate (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: make sure ceph_aes_crypt() IV is aligned (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix ceph_get_caps() interruption (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix get_oldest_context() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix mds cluster availability check (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: remove now unused finish_request() wrapper (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: always signal completion when done (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: avoid creating orphan object when checking pool permission (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: properly set issue_seq for cap release (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: add flags parameter to send_cap_msg (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: update cap message struct version to 10 (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: define new argument structure for send_cap_msg (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: move xattr initialzation before the encoding past the ceph_mds_caps (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix minor typo in unsafe_request_wait (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: record truncate size/seq for snap data writeback (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: check availability of mds cluster on mount (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: try getting buffer capability for readahead/fadvise (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix scheduler warning due to nested blocking (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix printing wrong return variable in ceph_direct_read_write() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: include mapper.h in mapper.c (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] fix ceph_write_end() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't set req->r_locked_dir in ceph_d_revalidate (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: initialize last_linger_id with a large integer (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix uninitialized dentry pointer in ceph_real_mount() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix readdir vs fragmentation race (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix error handling in ceph_read_iter (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: remove redundant local variable (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] crush: don't normalize input of crush_ln iteratively (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: ceph_build_auth() doesn't need ceph_auth_build_hello() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: use CEPH_AUTH_UNKNOWN in ceph_auth_build_hello() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: use kmalloc_array() in rbd_header_from_disk() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: use list_move instead of list_del/list_add (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: handle CEPH_SESSION_REJECT message (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: avoid accessing / when mounting a subpath (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix mandatory flock check (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: ignore error from invalidate_inode_pages2_range() in direct write (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix error handling of start_read() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: add rbd_obj_request_error() helper (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: img_data requests don't own their page array (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: don't call rbd_osd_req_format_read() for !img_data requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: rework rbd_img_obj_exists_submit() error paths (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: don't crash or leak on errors in rbd_img_obj_parent_read_full_callback() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: move bumping img_request refcount into rbd_obj_request_submit() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: mark the original request as done if stat request fails (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: clean up asserts in rbd_img_obj_request_submit() helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: change rbd_obj_request_submit() signature (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: do not modify fi->frag in need_reset_readdir() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: initialize pathbase in the !dentry case in encode_caps_cb() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: nuke the 32-bit pool id check (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix null pointer dereference in ceph_flush_snaps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: Correctly return NXIO errors from ceph_llseek (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: Mark the file cache as unreclaimable (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: optimize cap flush waiting (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: cleanup ceph_flush_snaps() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: kick cap flushes before sending other cap message (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: introduce an inode flag to indicates if snapflush is needed (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: avoid sending duplicated cap flush message (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: unify cap flush and snapcap flush (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: use list instead of rbtree to track cap flushes (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: update types of some local varibles (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: include 'follows' of pending snapflush in cap reconnect message (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: update cap reconnect message to version 3 (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: mount non-default filesystem by name (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: fsmap.user subscription support (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: handle LOOKUP_RCU in ceph_d_revalidate (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: allow dentry_lease_is_valid to work under RCU walk (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: clear d_fsinfo pointer under d_lock (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: remove ceph_mdsc_lease_release (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix NULL dereference in ceph_queue_cap_snap() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: wait unsafe sync writes for evicting inode (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix use-after-free bug in ceph_direct_read_write() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: reduce i_nr_by_mode array size (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: set user pages dirty after direct IO read (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix d_obtain_alias() misuses (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix wake_up_session_cb() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't use truncate_pagecache() to invalidate read cache (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: handle interrupted ceph_writepage() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: make ceph_update_writeable_page() uninterruptible (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] libceph: make ceph_osdc_wait_request() uninterruptible (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: handle -EAGAIN returned by ceph_update_writeable_page() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: make fault/page_mkwrite return VM_FAULT_OOM for -ENOMEM (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: block non-fatal signals for fault/page_mkwrite (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: make logical calculation functions return bool (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: improve fragtree change detection (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: keep leaf frag when updating fragtree (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: fix dir_auth check in ceph_fill_dirfrag() (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't assume frag tree splits in mds reply are sorted (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: using hash value to compose dentry offset (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't forbid marking directory complete after forward seek (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: record 'offset' for each entry of readdir result (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: define 'end/complete' in readdir reply as bit flags (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: define struct for dir entry in readdir reply (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: simplify 'offset in frag' (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: remove unnecessary checks in __dcache_readdir (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: search cache postion for dcache readdir (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: use CEPH_MDS_OP_RMXATTR request to remove xattr (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: report mount root in session metadata (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't show symlink target in debugfs/mdsc (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: don't call truncate_pagecache in ceph_writepages_start (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: renew caps for read/write if mds session got killed. (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph: CEPH_FEATURE_MDSENC support (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] ceph_fill_trace(): don't bother with d_instantiate(dn, NULL) (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262] - [fs] rbd: replace IS_ERR and PTR_ERR with PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO (Ilya Dryomov) [1450262]- [fs] dentry name snapshots (Miklos Szeredi) [1470403] {CVE-2017-7533} - [fs] Make statfs properly return read-only state after emergency remount (Carlos Maiolino) [1411446] - [fs] xfs: fix off-by-one on max nr_pages in xfs_find_get_desired_pgoff() (Eryu Guan) [1458997] - [fs] xfs: rework the inline directory verifiers (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: verify inline directory data forks (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: sanity check inode di_mode (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: sanity check inode mode when creating new dentry (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: replace xfs_mode_to_ftype table with switch statement (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: add missing include dependencies to xfs_dir2.h (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: sanity check directory inode di_size (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: make the ASSERT() condition likely (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: don't allow di_size with high bit set (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] xfs: return an error when an inline directory is too small (Brian Foster) [1440716] - [fs] nfs: Always wait for I/O completion before unlock (Benjamin Coddington) [1462270] - [fs] locks: fix unlock when fcntl_setlk races with a close (Benjamin Coddington) [1462270] - [fs] locks: remove conditional lock release in middle of flock_lock_file (Jeff Layton) [1461552] - [pci] pci/aspm: Handle PCI-to-PCIe bridges as roots of PCIe hierarchies (Myron Stowe) [1441156] - [pci] pci/aspm: Don't retrain link if ASPM not possible (Myron Stowe) [1441156] - [pci] Enumerate switches below PCI-to-PCIe bridges (Myron Stowe) [1441156] - [scsi] Add STARGET_CREATED_REMOVE state to scsi_target_state (Ewan Milne) [1468727] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix extraneous ref on sp's after adapter break (Himanshu Madhani) [1448909] - [s390] compat: fix sys_sched_getattr compat wrapper (Arjun Vynipadath) [1471677] - [nvme] Test unit Ready broken for nvme drvices (David Milburn) [1478457] - [netdrv] aquantia: Switch to use napi_gro_receive (David Arcari) [1444348]- [x86] efi: Setup separate EFI page tables in kexec paths (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix support for EFI_OLD_MEMMAP after BIOS callback updates (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Map in physical addresses in efi_map_region_fixed (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] platform/uv: Skip UV runtime services mapping in the efi_runtime_disabled case (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] uv: Update uv_bios_call() to use efi_call_virt_pointer() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Convert efi_call_virt() to efi_call_virt_pointer() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Enable runtime call flag checking (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [firmware] efi/runtime-wrappers: Remove redundant #ifdefs (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Move to generic {__, }efi_call_virt() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [firmware] efi/runtime-wrappers: Add {__, }efi_call_virt() templates (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Build our own page table structures (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Hoist page table switching code into efi_call_virt() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Clean up the efi_call_phys_[prolog|epilog]() save/restore interaction (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Fix 7-parameter efi_call()s (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] asm/efi: Create a stack frame in efi_call() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] platform/uv: Bring back the call to map_low_mmrs in uv_system_init (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] mm/pat: Ensure cpa->pfn only contains page frame numbers (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [kernel] efi/x86: Move UEFI Runtime Services wrappers to generic code (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] platform/uv: Remove EFI memmap quirk for UV2+ (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [kernel] efi: Use correct type for struct efi_memory_map::phys_map (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Fix boot crash by mapping EFI memmap entries bottom-up at runtime, instead of top-down (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Disable interrupts around EFI calls, not in the epilog/prolog calls (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Mark initialization code as such (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Update comment regarding required phys mapped EFI services (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Clear EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES if failing to enter virtual mode (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [kernel] efi: Move noefi early param code out of x86 arch code (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] arch/x86: Do not access EFI memory map if it is not available (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [firmware] efi: Use early_mem*() instead of early_io*() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Use early_memunmap() to squelch sparse errors (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] mm: sparse warning fix for early_memremap (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Move all workarounds to a separate file quirks.c (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [x86] efi: Delete out-of-date comments of efi_query_variable_store (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454] - [kernel] efi: Move facility flags to struct efi (Bhupesh Sharma) [1102454]- [pci] aer: Log aer_inject error injections (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Log actual error causes in aer_inject (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Use dev_warn() in aer_inject (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Fix aer_inject error codes (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Use list_first_entry_or_null() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Restore pci_ops pointer while calling original pci_ops (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Rename pci_ops_aer to aer_inj_pci_ops (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] aer: Flush workqueue on device remove to avoid use-after-free (Myron Stowe) [1466886] - [pci] Fix unaligned accesses in VC code (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Do not treat EPROBE_DEFER as device attach failure (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Fix BUG on device attach failure (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Simplify pci_create_attr() control flow (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Don't leak memory if sysfs_create_bin_file() fails (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Wait for up to 1000ms after FLR reset (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Support SR-IOV on any function type (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Consolidate PCI DMA constants and interfaces in linux/pci-dma-compat.h (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Move pci_dma_* helpers to common code (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Cleanup pci/pcie/Kconfig whitespace (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Include pci/hotplug Kconfig directly from pci/Kconfig (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Include pci/pcie/Kconfig directly from pci/Kconfig (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Fix broken URL for Dell biosdevname (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Remove includes of asm/pci-bridge.h (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Remove empty asm-generic/pci-bridge.h (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Remove includes of empty asm-generic/pci-bridge.h (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] pme: Restructure pcie_pme_suspend() to prevent compiler warning (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] pme: Remove redundant port lookup (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] Check device_attach() return value always (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] pci / pm: handle failure to enable wakeup on PCIe PME (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] pci / pm: Make PCIe PME interrupts wake up from suspend-to-idle (Myron Stowe) [1466891] - [pci] shpchp: Constify hpc_ops structure (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Use to_pci_dev() instead of open-coding it (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for Lite-On/Plextor M6e/Marvell 88SS9183 (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Avoid iterating through memory outside the resource window (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Fix minimum allocation address overwrite (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] ibmphp: Remove unneeded NULL test (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] hotplug: Use list_for_each_entry() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] acpiphp_ibm: Fix null dereferences on null ibm_slot (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [x86] pci: Simplify pci_bios_{read,write} (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Simplify config space size computation (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [x86] pci: Clarify AMD Fam10h config access restrictions comment (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Print warnings for all invalid expansion ROM headers (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] Check for PCI_HEADER_TYPE_BRIDGE equality, not bitmask (Myron Stowe) [1462837] - [pci] aspm: Make sysfs link_state_store() consistent with link_state_show() (Myron Stowe) [1462837]- [pinctrl] intel: Set pin direction properly (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: set default handler to be handle_bad_irq() (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Only restore pins that are used by the driver (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Configure GPIO chip IRQ as wakeup interrupts (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Protect set wake flow by spin lock (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Prevent force threading of the interrupt handler (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Use raw_spinlock for locking (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: implement gpio_irq_enable (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: fix offset calculation issue of register PAD_OWN (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: fix bug of register offset calculation (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: make the high level interrupt working (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Use devm_pinctrl_register() for pinctrl registration (David Arcari) [1467490] - [kernel] gpio/pinctrl: sunxi: stop poking around in private vars (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: use gpiochip data pointer (David Arcari) [1467490] - [kernel] gpio: add a data pointer to gpio_chip (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Allow requesting pins which are in ACPI mode as GPIOs (David Arcari) [1467490] - [pinctrl] intel: Add support for multiple GPIO chips sharing the interrupt (David Arcari) [1467490] - [gpio] handle also nested irqchips in the chained handler set-up (David Arcari) [1467490] - [gpio] set parent irq on chained handlers (David Arcari) [1467490] - [gpio] do not set up hardware for IRQ_TYPE_NONE (David Arcari) [1467490] - [kernel] gpio: support threaded interrupts in irqchip helpers (David Arcari) [1467490] - [kernel] gpio: unmap gpio irqs properly (David Arcari) [1467490] - [gpio] set data first, then chip and handler (David Arcari) [1467490] - [i2c] i801: Allow ACPI SystemIO OpRegion to conflict with PCI BAR (David Arcari) [1464196] - [i2c] i801: Add runtime PM support with autosuspend (David Arcari) [1464196] - [rtc] interface: Validate alarm-time before handling rollover (Steve Best) [1458401] - [rtc] interface: fix infinite loop in initializing the alarm (Steve Best) [1458401] - [rtc] opal: Handle disabled TPO in opal_get_tpo_time() (Steve Best) [1458401] - [hid] plantronics: Update to map volume up/down controls (Torez Smith) [1245271] - [hid] plantronics: remove superfluous .probe() (Torez Smith) [1245271] - [hid] plantronics: fix errant mouse events (Torez Smith) [1245271] - [misc] mei: make sysfs modalias format similar as uevent modalias (Pratyush Anand) [1451599] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add Support for 38.4MHZ frequency (David Arcari) [1475413] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add Support for CannonLake (David Arcari) [1475413] - [netdrv] e1000e: Initial Support for CannonLake (David Arcari) [1475413] - [netdrv] bonding: commit link status change after propose (Jarod Wilson) [1469987 1469790] - [netdrv] bonding: avoid NETDEV_CHANGEMTU event when unregistering slave (Jarod Wilson) [1470603]- [x86] platform/uv/bau: Disable BAU on single hub configurations (Frank Ramsay) [1473353 1472455] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Fix congested_response_us not taking effect (Frank Ramsay) [1472455] - [x86] mce: Look in genpool instead of mcelog for pending error records (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1468257] - [x86] Avoid using object after free in genpool (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1468257] - [x86] kvm: svm: suppress unnecessary NMI singlestep on GIF=0 and nested exit (Ladi Prosek) [1440025] - [x86] kvm: svm: don't NMI singlestep over event injection (Ladi Prosek) [1440025] - [x86] kvm: svm: hide TF/RF flags used by NMI singlestep (Ladi Prosek) [1440025] - [x86] kvm: nsvm: do not forward NMI window singlestep VM exits to L1 (Ladi Prosek) [1440025] - [x86] kvm: svm: introduce disable_nmi_singlestep helper (Ladi Prosek) [1440025] - [x86] intel-family.h: Add GEMINI_LAKE SOC (Steve Best) [1461882] - [tools] perf machine: Fix segfault for kernel.kptr_restrict=2 (Jiri Olsa) [1464682] - [tools] perf symbols: Accept symbols starting at address 0 (Jiri Olsa) [1464682] - [powerpc] perf: Add per-event excludes on Power8 (Jiri Olsa) [1458868] - [powerpc] perf: Pass the struct perf_events down to compute_mmcr() (Jiri Olsa) [1458868] - [powerpc] fadump: provide a helpful error message (Pingfan Liu) [1438695] - [powerpc] fadump: avoid holes in boot memory area when fadump is registered (Pingfan Liu) [1438695] - [powerpc] fadump: avoid duplicates in crash memory ranges (Pingfan Liu) [1438695] - [powerpc] fadump: Update fadump documentation (Pingfan Liu) [1438695] - [powerpc] fadump: Reserve memory at an offset closer to bottom of RAM (Pingfan Liu) [1438695] - [powerpc] Fix dedotify for binutils >= 2.26 (Gustavo Duarte) [1464009] - [powerpc] Simplify module TOC handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1464009]- [mm] rmap: use pte lock not mmap_sem to set PageMlocked (Andrea Arcangeli) [1450367] - [mm] rmap: cleanup ttu_flags (Andrea Arcangeli) [1450367] - [mm] rmap: don't call mmu_notifier_invalidate_page() during munlock (Andrea Arcangeli) [1450367] - [mm] thp: respect MPOL_PREFERRED policy with non-local node (Larry Woodman) [1476709] - [mm] page-writeback.c: fix divide by zero in bdi_dirty_limits() (Jerome Marchand) [1465430] - [fs] proc: revert /proc//maps [stack:TID] annotation (Waiman Long) [1448534] - [x86] kvm: vmx: check apicv is active before using VT-d posted interrupt (Paul Lai) [1377197] - [x86] vmware: Use tsc_khz value for calibrate_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [1475716] - [x86] apic: Handle zero vector gracefully in clear_vector_irq() (Prarit Bhargava) [1441091] - [char] ipmi: use rcu lock around call to intf->handlers->sender() (Tony Camuso) [1419765] - [misc] cxl: Force context lock during EEH flow (Steve Best) [1457389] - [kernel] alarmtimer: Prevent overflow of relative timers (Prarit Bhargava) [1458643] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix netdev_features flag (Arjun Vynipadath) [1361097] - [netdrv] cxgb4: avoid crash on PCI error recovery path (Gustavo Duarte) [1456990] - [netdrv] bonding: fix 802.3ad support for 5G and 50G speeds (Jarod Wilson) [1461334] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix unsafe HWP MSR access (Steve Best) [1457552]- [fs] xfs: use ->b_state to fix buffer I/O accounting release race (Brian Foster) [1452228] - [fs] fix the regression from "direct-io: Fix negative return from dio read beyond eof" (Eric Sandeen) [1473549] - [fs] direct-io: Fix negative return from dio read beyond eof (Eric Sandeen) [1473549] - [pci] hv: Use vPCI protocol version 1.2 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1459202] - [pci] hv: Add vPCI version protocol negotiation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1459202] - [pci] hv: Use page allocation for hbus structure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1459202] - [pci] hv: Fix comment formatting and use proper integer fields (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1459202] - [nvme] Free bio_aux struct when done with bio (David Milburn) [1455553] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: occasionally flush ongoing controller teardown (Slava Shwartsman) [1467998] - [crypto] api - Move alg ref count init to crypto_check_alg (Herbert Xu) [1473593] - [netdrv] cxgb4: reduce resource allocation in kdump kernel (Sai Vemuri) [1379762] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix a NULL dereference (Sai Vemuri) [1379762] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix BUG() on interrupt deallocating path of ULD (Mauricio Oliveira) [1465554] - [netdrv] bonding: Fix transmit load balancing in balance-alb mode (Jarod Wilson) [1473481] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix partial hotplug criterion (Gustavo Duarte) [1458508] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix wrong argument passed to eeh_rmv_device() (Gustavo Duarte) [1458508] - [firewire] net: guard against rx buffer overflows (Neil Horman) [1393792] {CVE-2016-8633}- [x86] crypto: sha1-ssse3 - Disable avx2 (Benjamin Coddington) [1346106] - [net] geneve: fix hlist corruption (Jiri Benc) [1464292] - [net] vxlan: fix hlist corruption (Jiri Benc) [1464292] - [net] vxlan: fix use-after-free on deletion (Jiri Benc) [1464292]- [pci] Avoid FLR for Intel 82579 NICs (Jarod Wilson) [966840] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_dccp/sctp: fix memory leak after netns cleanup (Davide Caratti) [1458687] - [net] netfilter: udplite: Remove duplicated udplite4/6 declaration (Davide Caratti) [1458687] - [net] netfilter: nat: merge udp and udplite helpers (Davide Caratti) [1458687] - [net] netfilter: merge udp and udplite conntrack helpers (Davide Caratti) [1458687] - [netdrv] mlx5: Tolerate irq_set_affinity_hint() failures (Kamal Heib) [1465830] - [netdrv] bonding: Restore old symlink names in sysfs to preserve ABI (Neil Horman) [1461892]- [redhat] spec: Update dracut dependency to enable more algorithms as FIPS compliant (Rafael Aquini) [1466097]- [mm] fix new crash in unmapped_area_topdown() (Larry Woodman) [1463241] {CVE-2017-1000364} - [mm] larger stack guard gap, between vmas (Larry Woodman) [1463241] {CVE-2017-1000364} - [mm] Revert "enlarge stack guard gap" (Larry Woodman) [1463241] {CVE-2017-1000364} - [crypto] testmgr - Reenable sha1/aes in FIPS mode (Herbert Xu) [1465234] - [crypto] testmgr - mark more algorithms as FIPS compliant (Herbert Xu) [1465234] - [target] tcmu: break up free_device callback (Mike Christie) [1430225] - [target] tcmu: perfom device add and del synchronously (Mike Christie) [1430225] - [target] tcmu: use idr for se_device dev index (Mike Christie) [1430225] - [target] tcmu: prep for sync add/rm device support (Mike Christie) [1430225]- [net] bridge: allow IPv6 when multicast flood is disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1464167]- [s390] move _text symbol to address higher than zero (Jiri Olsa) [1464800] - [netdrv] cxgb4: notify uP to route ctrlq compl to rdma rspq (Sai Vemuri) [1463324] - [powerpc] Add HAVE_PERF_USER_STACK_DUMP support (Jiri Olsa) [1449182] - [tools] perf report: Ensure the perf DSO mapping matches what libdw sees (Jiri Olsa) [1449182] - [tools] perf report: Include partial stacks unwound with libdw (Jiri Olsa) [1449182] - [tools] perf: libdw support for powerpc (Jiri Olsa) [1449182] - [firmware] efi/esrt: Cleanup bad memory map log messages (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi/esrt: Fix typo in pr_err() message (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi/esrt: Use memremap not ioremap to access ESRT table in memory (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi: Work around ia64 build problem with ESRT driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi/esrt: Don't preformat name (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi: Make efi/esrt.c driver explicitly non-modular (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi/esrt: Fix some compiler warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi: Add esrt support (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812] - [firmware] efi: Rename efi_guid_unparse to efi_guid_to_str (Prarit Bhargava) [1380812]- [fs] mntns: Remove incorrect put_mnt_ns ("Eric W. Biederman") [1463072] - [md] dm raid: fix oops on upgrading to extended superblock format (Mike Snitzer) [1464274] - [md] dm io: fix duplicate bio completion due to missing ref count (Mike Snitzer) [1461519] - [net] gro_cells: mark napi struct as not busy poll candidates (Eelco Chaudron) [1460078] - [x86] boot/kaslr: Skip kernel text relocation if no kaslr action is done (Baoquan He) [1458738] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: enter the low power state upon device suspend (Jerry Snitselaar) [1463001] - [input] wacom: fix Wacom Cintiq 27QHD max pressure (Aristeu Rozanski) [1461910] - [kernel] nohz: Fix spurious warning when hrtimer and clockevent get out of sync (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [kernel] nohz: Fix buggy tick delay on IRQ storms (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [kernel] nohz: Reset next_tick cache even when the timer has no regs (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [kernel] nohz: Fix collision between tick and other hrtimers, again (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [kernel] nohz: Add hrtimer sanity check (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [kernel] revert "nohz: Fix collision between tick and other hrtimers" (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [powerpc] do not make the entire heap executable (Denys Vlasenko) [1330064]- [fs] nfsv4.1: Keep a reference on lock states while checking (Scott Mayhew) [1458721] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID in nfs4_reclaim_open_state (Scott Mayhew) [1458721] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't call close if the open stateid has already been cleared (Scott Mayhew) [1458721] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix CLOSE races with OPEN (Scott Mayhew) [1458721] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a regression in DELEGRETURN (Scott Mayhew) [1458721] - [fs] nfs: nfs_rename() - revalidate directories on -ERESTARTSYS (Benjamin Coddington) [1459404] - [fs] revert "nfs: nfs_rename() handle -ERESTARTSYS dentry left behind" (Benjamin Coddington) [1459404] - [s390] pci: moving check and allocation of device_rh ahead (Wei Xu) [1455117] - [netdrv] cxgb4: handle serial flash interrupt (Sai Vemuri) [1462266] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix to bring link down after adapter crash (Sai Vemuri) [1462266] - [netdrv] cxgb4: handle interrupt raised when FW crashes (Sai Vemuri) [1462266] - [security] keys: Change the name of the dead type to ".dead" to prevent user access (David Howells) [1439264] {CVE-2017-6951} - [security] keys: Protect request_key() against a type with no match function (David Howells) [1433216] {CVE-2017-2647} - [security] keys: Disallow keyrings beginning with '.' to be joined as session keyrings (David Howells) [1389309] {CVE-2016-9604}- [mm] enlarge stack guard gap (Larry Woodman) [1452733] {CVE-2017-1000364} - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: handle coredumping in handle_userfault() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1462267] - [fs] nfs: Don't send mode again in post-EXCLUSIVE4_1 SETATTR with umask (Benjamin Coddington) [1449466] - [hid] hid_wacom: temporaly disable power_supply usage from driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1458348] - [drm] mgag200: Fix to always set HiPri for G200e4 V2 (Rob Clark) [1461985] - [nvme] submit nvme_admin_activate_fw to admin queue (David Milburn) [1456978] - [netdrv] i40e: set VFs to untrusted mode by default (Stefan Assmann) [1462105] - [netdrv] tun: use symmetric hash (Jason Wang) [1458645] - [crypto] qat: copy back iv on completion (Neil Horman) [1446394] - [crypto] chcr - Fix txq ids (Sai Vemuri) [1457392] - [crypto] chcr - fix itnull.cocci warnings (Sai Vemuri) [1426189] - [crypto] chcr - Change flow IDs (Sai Vemuri) [1426189] - [crypto] chcr - Check device is allocated before use (Sai Vemuri) [1426189]- [crypto] cryptd - process CRYPTO_ALG_INTERNAL (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - don't use interruptible wait in tests (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - use CRYPTO_ALG_INTERNAL (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - Disable fips-allowed for authenc() and des() ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: twofish_avx - mark Twofish AVX helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: serpent_sse2 - mark Serpent SSE2 helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: serpent_avx - mark Serpent AVX helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: serpent_avx2 - mark Serpent AVX2 helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: cast6_avx - mark CAST6 helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: camellia_aesni_avx - mark AVX Camellia helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: cast5_avx - mark CAST5 helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: camellia_aesni_avx2 - mark AES-NI Camellia helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: clmulni - mark ghash clmulni helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [x86] crypto: aesni - mark AES-NI helper ciphers (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - add aead cbc des, des3_ede tests (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - add aead null encryption test vectors (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] algif_skcipher - initialize upon init request (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] af_alg - zeroize key data (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] fix broken crypto_register_instance() module handling (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] api - remove instance when test failed (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] api - Change crypto_unregister_instance argument type (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] api - Fix races in crypto_unregister_instance (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] rng - Zero seed in crypto_rng_reset (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] cmac - allow usage in FIPS mode (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] drbg - remove FIPS 140-2 continuous test (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - mark authenticated ctr(aes) also as FIPS able (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] drbg - do not call drbg_instantiate in healt test (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] rsa - allow keys >= 2048 bits in FIPS mode (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - mark ctr(des3_ede) as fips_allowed (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] testmgr - Allow ecb(cipher_null) in FIPS mode (Herbert Xu) [1459191] - [crypto] ansi_cprng - ANSI X9.31 DRNG is not allowed in FIPS 140-2 (Herbert Xu) [1459191]- [mm] hmm: RHEL specific, properly handle pte_file() case within HMM (Jerome Glisse) [1460044] - [mm] hmm: remove extra sanity check to avoid crash (Jerome Glisse) [1459259] - [md] revert "dm mirror: use all available legs on multiple failures" (Mike Snitzer) [1436374] - [md] dm-raid: up target version to show MD deadlock fixes are present (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1443999] - [md] fix suspend/write deadlock (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1443999] - [md] fix single core deadlock (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1443999] - [x86] complete introduction of feature word 16 (Paolo Bonzini) [1413348] - [drm] amdgpu: Program ring for vce instance 1 at its register space (Rob Clark) [1458391] - [drm] amdgpu: change wptr to 64 bits (Rob Clark) [1458391] - [scsi] lpfc: Null pointer dereference when log_verbose is set to 0xffffffff (Maurizio Lombardi) [1459443] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Use the revised wakeup rule for suspending constrained dl tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix dl_bw comment (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Zero out positive runtime after throttling constrained tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Use deadline instead of period when calculating overflow (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Throttle a constrained deadline task activated after the deadline (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Make sure the replenishment timer fires in the next period (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add missing update_rq_clock() in dl_task_timer() (Xunlei Pang) [1433064] - [target] tcmu: increase ring buffer size (Mike Christie) [1407015] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't post statistics to malicious VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1449872] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Allow vfs to disable txvlan offload (Michal Schmidt) [1449872] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: fix the calculation of ipv6 header size (Sai Vemuri) [1458389]- [char] random: Fix crashes with sparse node ids (Herbert Xu) [1457281 1270982] - [char] random: use for_each_online_node() to iterate over NUMA nodes (Herbert Xu) [1457281 1270982] - [char] random: strengthen input validation for RNDADDTOENTCNT (Herbert Xu) [1457281 1270982] - [char] random: add backtracking protection to the CRNG (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: make /dev/urandom scalable for silly userspace programs (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: replace non-blocking pool with a Chacha20-based CRNG (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: properly align get_random_int_hash (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: print a warning for the first ten uninitialized random users (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: initialize the non-blocking pool via add_hwgenerator_randomness() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [kernel] random: Add callback API for random pool readiness (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: Fix fast_mix() function (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: limit the contribution of the hw rng to at most half (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: check for increase of entropy_count because of signed conversion (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: use registers from interrupted code for CPU's w/o a cycle counter (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: use an improved fast_mix() function (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: clean up interrupt entropy accounting for archs w/o cycle counters (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: only update the last_pulled time if we actually transferred entropy (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: remove unneeded hash of a portion of the entropy pool (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: always update the entropy pool under the spinlock (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix nasty entropy accounting bug (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix BUG_ON caused by accounting simplification (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [kernel] random: Add arch_has_random[_seed]() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: If we have arch_get_random_seed*(), try it before blocking (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: Use arch_get_random_seed*() at init time and once a second (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [kernel] x86, random: Enable the RDSEED instruction (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: use the architectural HWRNG for the SHA's IV in extract_buf() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: clarify bits/bytes in wakeup thresholds (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: entropy_bytes is actually bits (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: simplify accounting code (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: tighten bound on random_read_wakeup_thresh (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: forget lock in lockless accounting (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: simplify accounting logic (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix comment on "account" (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: simplify loop in random_read (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix description of get_random_bytes (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix comment on proc_do_uuid (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix typos / spelling errors in comments (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: add debugging code to detect early use of get_random_bytes() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: initialize the last_time field in struct timer_rand_state (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: don't zap entropy count in rand_initialize() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: make add_timer_randomness() fill the nonblocking pool first (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: convert DEBUG_ENT to tracepoints (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: push extra entropy to the output pools (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: drop trickle mode (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: adjust the generator polynomials in the mixing function slightly (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: speed up the fast_mix function by a factor of four (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: cap the rate which the /dev/urandom pool gets reseeded (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: optimize the entropy_store structure (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: optimize spinlock use in add_device_randomness() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: fix the tracepoint for get_random_bytes(_arch) (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281] - [char] random: mix in architectural randomness earlier in extract_buf() (Herbert Xu) [1270982 1457281]- [fs] mnt: Move unprivileged use of the mntns to tech preview ("Eric W. Biederman") [1350553] - [fs] nfs: Don't print a pNFS error if we aren't using pNFS (Benjamin Coddington) [1459899] - [fs] pnfs: add a new mechanism to select a layout driver according to an ordered list (Benjamin Coddington) [1459899] - [fs] pnfs: track multiple layout types in fsinfo structure (Benjamin Coddington) [1459899] - [fs] nfsd: Fix up the "supattr_exclcreat" attributes ("J. Bruce Fields") [1460376] - [fs] nfsd: encoders mustn't use unitialized values in error cases ("J. Bruce Fields") [1460365] - [fs] nfs: Fix initialization of nfs_page_array->npages (Benjamin Coddington) [1457284] - [net] ipv6: Fix leak in ipv6_gso_segment() (Eric Garver) [1459950] {CVE-2017-9074} - [net] ipv6: xfrm: Handle errors reported by xfrm6_find_1stfragopt() (Eric Garver) [1459950] {CVE-2017-9074} - [net] ipv6: Check ip6_find_1stfragopt() return value properly (Eric Garver) [1459950] {CVE-2017-9074} - [net] ipv6: Prevent overrun when parsing v6 header options (Eric Garver) [1459950] {CVE-2017-9074} - [net] document that no more GSO bits can be added (Jiri Benc) [1439252] - [net] fix GSO_PARTIAL support (Jiri Benc) [1439252] - [net] udp: remove remote checksum offload (Jiri Benc) [1439252] - [net] vxlan: remove remote checksum offload for egress (Jiri Benc) [1439252] - [net] ip6_offload: check segs for NULL in ipv6_gso_segment (Jiri Benc) [1439252] - [net] vxlan: eliminate cached dst leak (Lance Richardson) [1396552] - [net] bridge: start hello timer only if device is up (Xin Long) [1452093] - [net] bridge: fix hello and hold timers starting/stopping (Xin Long) [1452093] - [net] bridge: start hello_timer when enabling KERNEL_STP in br_stp_start (Xin Long) [1452093] - [net] vlan: Propagate MAC address to VLANs (Jarod Wilson) [1446356] - [s390] crash: Fix KEXEC_NOTE_BYTES definition (Xunlei Pang) [1458988] - [scsi] cxgb4i, libcxgbi: in error case RST tcp conn (Sai Vemuri) [1457996] - [scsi] cxgb4i: update module description (Sai Vemuri) [1457995] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update IngPad and IngPack values (Sai Vemuri) [1439468] - [netdrv] cxgb4: avoid enabling napi twice to the same queue (Sai Vemuri) [1457993] - [netdrv] cxgb4: retrieve port information from firmware (Sai Vemuri) [1457987] - [netdrv] cxgb4: save tid while creating server filter (Sai Vemuri) [1451448] - [netdrv] qed: Don't log missing periodic stats by default (Harish Patil) [1456338] - [netdrv] qed: Fix error in the dcbx app meta data initialization (Harish Patil) [1456338] - [crypto] algif_skcipher - Add key check exception for cipher_null ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] algif_hash - Require setkey before accept(2) ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] hash - Add crypto_ahash_has_setkey ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] algif_skcipher - Add nokey compatibility path ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] af_alg - Add nokey compatibility path ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] af_alg - Fix socket double-free when accept fails ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] af_alg - Disallow bind/setkey/... after accept(2) ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [crypto] algif_skcipher - Require setkey before accept(2) ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1386234] {CVE-2015-8970} - [kernel] ptrace: fix fork event messages across pid namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1458353] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Increase epd buff size for debug interface (Sai Vemuri) [1457999] - [infiniband] rdma/iser: Fix possible mr leak on device removal event (Sai Vemuri) [1457984] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: calculate t4_eq_status_entries properly (Sai Vemuri) [1458002] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Guard against null cm_id in dump_ep/qp (Sai Vemuri) [1457403]- [fs] buffer.c: call thaw_super during emergency thaw (Mateusz Guzik) [1375033] - [fs] block_dev.c: return the right error in thaw_bdev() (Mateusz Guzik) [1375033] - [fs] revert "xfs: fix bogus space reservation in xfs_iomap_write_allocate" (Bill O'Donnell) [1446484] - [hv] vmbus: Raise retry/wait limits in vmbus_post_msg() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1452009] - [md] raid1: ignore discard error (Nigel Croxon) [1435822] - [usb] ohci-pci: add qemu quirk (Gerd Hoffmann) [1301872] - [x86] boot/kaslr: Change the 'KASLR disabled' message from warning to debug printing (Baoquan He) [1458644] - [drm] nouveau/tmr: fully separate alarm execution/pending lists (Ben Skeggs) [1450742] - [drm] nouveau: enable autosuspend only when it'll actually be used (Ben Skeggs) [1450742] - [drm] nouveau: replace multiple open-coded runpm support checks with function (Ben Skeggs) [1450742] - [virt] kvm: fix spin_lock_init order on x86 (Luiz Capitulino) [1459739] - [acpi] nfit: Fix memory corruption/Unregister mce decoder on failure (Prarit Bhargava) [1448312] - [tools] perf trace: Add mmap alias for s390 (Jiri Olsa) [1436323 1347055] - [tools] perf test: Disable breakpoint signal tests for powerpc (Jiri Olsa) [1436323 1347055] - [netdrv] sfc-falcon: register proper netdevice_notifier (Jarod Wilson) [1389671] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Correctly deal with inline mode on ConnectX-5 (Kamal Heib) [1456551] - [netdrv] vfio/pci: Add Intel XXV710 to hidden INTx devices (Stefan Assmann) [1458160] - [netdrv] pci: Add Intel XXV710 to broken INTx masking quirk (Stefan Assmann) [1458160] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Shutdown adapter if firmware times out or errors out (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Increase max number of tc u32 links (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix uld_send() for ctrl pkts (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add support for drop and redirect actions (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add support for offloading u32 filters (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [security] selinux: allow security_sb_clone_mnt_opts to enable/disable native labeling behavior (Scott Mayhew) [1454617] - [infiniband] target: Fix unknown fabric callback queue-full errors (Sai Vemuri) [1454788] - [infiniband] iscsi-target: Propigate queue_data_in + queue_status errors (Sai Vemuri) [1454788] - [infiniband] iser-target: Fix queue-full response handling (Sai Vemuri) [1454788] - [infiniband] iser-target: avoid posting a recv buffer twice (Sai Vemuri) [1454788] - [infiniband] ib/addr: Fix setting source address in addr6_resolve() (Paolo Abeni) [1414097] - [infiniband] avoid dereferencing uninitialized dst on error path (Paolo Abeni) [1414097] - [infiniband] call ipv6 route lookup via the stub interface (Paolo Abeni) [1414097] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix kernel panic in send (Kamal Heib) [1459549]- [scsi] kabi workaround for scsi_internal_device_block (Tomas Henzl) [1450206] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Avoid sleeping in interrupt context (Tomas Henzl) [1450206] - [scsi] scsi-mq: Wait for .queue_rq() if necessary (Tomas Henzl) [1450206] - [fs] nfsd: fix supported attributes for acl & labels (Scott Mayhew) [1449877] - [fs] nfsd4: fix null dereference on replay ("J. Bruce Fields") [1452242] - [fs] pnfs: Fix the check for requests in range of layout segment (Benjamin Coddington) [1452929] - [fs] vfs: fix locks_lock_file_wait() on overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1456242] - [hv] hv_utils: fix TimeSync work on pre-TimeSync-v4 hosts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1447906] - [hv] hv_utils: drop .getcrosststamp() support from PTP driver (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1447906] - [mm] mempolicy.c: fix error handling in set_mempolicy and mbind ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1443541] {CVE-2017-7616} - [mm] shmem: fix shm fallocate() list corruption (Waiman Long) [1438389] - [md] raid1: prefer disk without bad blocks (Nigel Croxon) [1456741] - [dma] dmaengine: ioatdma: add BDX-EP PCI dev IDs (Xiaolong Wang) [1369330] - [drm] i915: Do not drop pagetables when empty (Lyude Paul) [1454339] - [drm] i915/gvt: not to restore in-context mmio (Paul Lai) [1448762] - [char] ipmi: create hardware-independent softdep for ipmi_devintf (Tony Camuso) [1456865] - [nvme] Correct NVMF enum values to match NVMe-oF rev 1.0 (David Milburn) [1455784] - [block] blk-mq: remove blk_mq_abort_requeue_list() (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [nvme] avoid to use blk_mq_abort_requeue_list() (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [nvme] use blk_mq_start_hw_queues() in nvme_kill_queues() (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [block] block new I/O just after queue is set as dying (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [block] rename blk_mq_freeze_queue_start() (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [block] add a read barrier in blk_queue_enter() (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [block] blk-mq: comment on races related with timeout handler (Ming Lei) [1445595] - [netdrv] net, virtio_net: replace the magic value (Jason Wang) [1450300] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix incorrect status check (Ken Cox) [1452421] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add missing configuration for rate select 1 (Ken Cox) [1452421] - [netdrv] ixgbe: always call setup_mac_link for multispeed fiber (Ken Cox) [1452421] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add write flush when configuring CS4223/7 (Ken Cox) [1452421] - [netdrv] ixgbe: correct CS4223/7 PHY identification (Ken Cox) [1452421] - [netdrv] ath9k_htc: fix NULL-deref at probe (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449094] - [netdrv] ath9k_htc: Add support of AirTies 1eda:2315 AR9271 device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449094] - [netdrv] mwifiex: pcie: fix cmd_buf use-after-free in remove/reset (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449094] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: rtl8821ae: setup 8812ae RFE according to device type (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449094] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: Ensure pointer correctly set if skb data location changes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449094] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: Make skb header writable before use (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449094] - [netdrv] be2net: Update the driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [1455768] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix UE detection logic for BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [1455768] - [netdrv] e1000e: Don't return uninitialized stats (Jarod Wilson) [1455721] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Remove MSS change support (Stefan Assmann) [1448168] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent kernel QP post send hard lockups (Alex Estrin) [1451917] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Protect the global dev_cntr_names and port_cntr_names (Alex Estrin) [1454919]- [net] pending_confirm is not used anymore (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] use dst_confirm_neigh for UDP, RAW, ICMP, L2TP (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] add confirm_neigh method to dst_ops (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] tcp: replace dst_confirm with sk_dst_confirm (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] sctp: add dst_pending_confirm flag (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] add dst_pending_confirm flag to skbuff (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] sock: add sk_dst_pending_confirm flag (Lance Richardson) [1450203] - [net] macvlan: Fix performance issues with vlan tagged packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1289475] - [net] sctp: do not inherit ipv6_{mc|ac|fl}_list from parent (Florian Westphal) [1455609] {CVE-2017-8890 CVE-2017-9075 CVE-2017-9076 CVE-2017-9077} - [net] ipv6/dccp: do not inherit ipv6_mc_list from parent (Florian Westphal) [1455609] {CVE-2017-8890 CVE-2017-9075 CVE-2017-9076 CVE-2017-9077} - [net] dccp/tcp: do not inherit mc_list from parent (Florian Westphal) [1455609] {CVE-2017-8890 CVE-2017-9075 CVE-2017-9076 CVE-2017-9077} - [net] tcp: do not inherit fastopen_req from parent (Florian Westphal) [1455609] {CVE-2017-8890 CVE-2017-9075 CVE-2017-9076 CVE-2017-9077} - [netdrv] virtio_net: enable TSO/checksum offloads for Q-in-Q vlans (Eric Garver) [1423935] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix offload features for Q-in-Q packets (Eric Garver) [1423935] - [net] vlan: Fix tcp checksum offloads in Q-in-Q vlans (Eric Garver) [1423935] - [net] sched: act_mirred: Use passed lastuse argument (Ivan Vecera) [1455296] - [net] sched: act_mirred: allow statistic updates from offloaded actions (Ivan Vecera) [1455296] - [net] sctp: set new_asoc temp when processing dupcookie (Xin Long) [1450786] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix false CRC32c mismatch using paged skb (Davide Caratti) [1353218] - [net] ipv6: fix out of bound writes in __ip6_append_data() (Hangbin Liu) [1453057] - [net] skbuff: improve description of CHECKSUM_{COMPLETE, UNNECESSARY} (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] openvswitch: more accurate checksumming in queue_userspace_packet() (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] more accurate checksumming in validate_xmit_skb() (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] use skb->csum_not_inet to identify packets needing crc32c (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] introduce skb_crc32c_csum_help (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] Elaborate on checksum offload interface description (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] skbuff: add stub to help computing crc32c on SCTP packets (Davide Caratti) [1072503] - [net] ipv6: reorder ip6_route_dev_notifier after ipv6_dev_notf (Xin Long) [1450281] - [net] ipv6: initialize route null entry in addrconf_init() (Xin Long) [1450281] - [net] l2tp: hold tunnel socket when handling control frames in l2tp_ip and l2tp_ip6 (Florian Westphal) [1441554] {CVE-2016-10200} - [net] l2tp: fix address test in __l2tp_ip6_bind_lookup() (Florian Westphal) [1441554] {CVE-2016-10200} - [net] l2tp: fix lookup for sockets not bound to a device in l2tp_ip (Florian Westphal) [1441554] {CVE-2016-10200} - [net] l2tp: fix racy socket lookup in l2tp_ip and l2tp_ip6 bind() (Florian Westphal) [1441554] {CVE-2016-10200} - [net] l2tp: hold socket before dropping lock in l2tp_ip{, 6}_recv() (Florian Westphal) [1441554] {CVE-2016-10200} - [net] ipv6: lock socket in ip6_datagram_connect() (Florian Westphal) [1441554] - [net] l2tp: fix racy SOCK_ZAPPED flag check in l2tp_ip{, 6}_bind() (Florian Westphal) [1441554] {CVE-2016-10200} - [net] sched: cls: also reject deleting all filters when TCA_KIND present (Ivan Vecera) [1450137] - [net] sched: cls: allow for deleting all filters for given parent (Ivan Vecera) [1450137] - [net] sched: act_vlan: Add priority option (Ivan Vecera) [1450145] - [net] sched: indentation and other OCD stylistic fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1450145]- [powerpc] fadump: update about offset where fadump is reserved (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [powerpc] fadump: add a warning when 'fadump_reserve_mem=' is specified (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [powerpc] fadump: update documentation about crashkernel parameter reuse (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [powerpc] fadump: reuse crashkernel parameter for fadump memory reservation (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [powerpc] fadump: remove dependency with CONFIG_KEXEC (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [kernel] ia64: reuse append_elf_note() and final_note() functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [kernel] crash: move crashkernel parsing and vmcore related code under CONFIG_CRASH_CORE (Gustavo Duarte) [1384941] - [kernel] sched/cputime: Fix NO_HZ_FULL getrusage() monotonicity regression (Aaron Tomlin) [1452621] - [kernel] sched/cputime: Guarantee stime + utime == rtime (Aaron Tomlin) [1452621] - [kernel] sched: Use swap() macro in scale_stime() (Aaron Tomlin) [1452621] - [kernel] sched, time: Fix build error with 64 bit cputime_t on 32 bit systems (Aaron Tomlin) [1452621] - [kernel] userns: Preserve bug compatibility on failure for chrome ("Eric W. Biederman") [1443482] - [kernel] ptrace: fix PTRACE_LISTEN race corrupting task->state (Oleg Nesterov) [1450683] - [x86] kvm: x86: Expose Intel VPOPCNTDQ feature to guest (Paul Lai) [1415961] - [x86] cpufeature: Add AVX512_VPOPCNTDQ feature (Paul Lai) [1415961] - [x86] kvm: x86: Expose Intel AVX512IFMA/AVX512VBMI/SHA features to guest (Paul Lai) [1415961] - [x86] cpufeatures: Enable new AVX512 cpu features (Paul Lai) [1415961] - [x86] kaslr: Use the right memcpy() implementation (Baoquan He) [1440928] - [x86] documentation/kernel-parameters.txt: Update 'memmap=' boot option description (Baoquan He) [1440928] - [x86] kaslr: Handle the memory limit specified by the 'memmap=' and 'mem=' boot options (Baoquan He) [1440928] - [x86] kaslr: Parse all 'memmap=' boot option entries (Baoquan He) [1440928] - [x86] boot/param: Move next_arg() function to lib/cmdline.c for later reuse (Baoquan He) [1440928] - [x86] params: handle quotes properly for values not of form foo="bar" (Baoquan He) [1440928] - [x86] efi: Correct ident mapping of efi old_map when kalsr enabled (Baoquan He) [1441185] - [x86] kaslr: Fix kexec kernel boot crash when KASLR randomization fails (Baoquan He) [1449443] - [x86] efi-bgrt: Fix kernel panic when mapping BGRT data (Gopal Tiwari) [1447685] - [x86] mark AMD Naples SP3 processors supported (David Arcari) [1455601] - [x86] set x86_model_id in early_identify_cpu for unsupported check (David Arcari) [1455601] - [s390] cpum_cf: use perf software context for hardware counters (Hendrik Brueckner) [1454881] - [perf] symbols: Accept symbols starting at address 0 (Jiri Olsa) [1140522] - [perf] tools: Be consistent on the type of map->symbols[] interator (Jiri Olsa) [1140522]- [mm] hmm: workaround kABI breakage because of new migrate mode enum (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] migrate: allow migrate_vma() to alloc new page on empty entry v2 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] migrate: support un-addressable ZONE_DEVICE page in migration v2 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] migrate: migrate_vma() unmap page from vma while collecting pages (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] migrate: new memory migration helper for use with device memory v4 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] migrate: new migrate mode MIGRATE_SYNC_NO_COPY (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm/devmem: support device memory in CPU snapshot helpers (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm/devmem: dummy HMM device for ZONE_DEVICE memory v3 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm/devmem: device memory hotplug using ZONE_DEVICE v4 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] private-memory: new type of ZONE_DEVICE for unaddressable memory v2 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] put_page: move ZONE_DEVICE page reference decrement v2 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] memory_hotplug: introduce add_pages (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm/mirror: device page fault handler (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm/mirror: helper to snapshot CPU page table v3 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm/mirror: mirror process address space on device with HMM helpers v3 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm: heterogeneous memory management (HMM for short) v3 (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm: heterogeneous memory management documentation (Jerome Glisse) [1444991] - [mm] hmm: remove old code to prepare for lastest patchset backport (Jerome Glisse) [1444991]- [mm] hugetlbfs: fix offset overflow in hugetlbfs mmap (Andrea Arcangeli) [1455315] - [mm] hugetlbfs: initialize shared policy as part of inode allocation (Andrea Arcangeli) [1455315] - [mm] hugetlb: don't call region_abort if region_chg fails (Andrea Arcangeli) [1455315] - [mm] ksm: optimize refile of stable_node_dup at the head of the chain (Andrea Arcangeli) [1447745] - [mm] ksm: swap the two output parameters of chain/chain_prune (Andrea Arcangeli) [1447745] - [mm] ksm: cleanup stable_node chain collapse case (Andrea Arcangeli) [1447745] - [mm] ksm: fix use after free with merge_across_nodes = 0 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1447745] - [mm] vmscan: Do not wait for page writeback for GFP_NOFS allocations (Rafael Aquini) [1433103] - [mm] vmscan: disable memcg direct reclaim stalling if cgroup writeback support is in use (Rafael Aquini) [1433103] - [mm] add private lock to serialize memory hotplug operations (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] validate device_hotplug is held for memory hotplug (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] devm_memremap_pages: hold device_hotplug lock over mem_hotplug_{begin, done} (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] fix devm_memremap_pages crash, use mem_hotplug_{begin, done} (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] hotplug: fix concurrent memory hot-add deadlock (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] mem-hotplug: implement get/put_online_mems (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] cpu/mem hotplug: add try_online_node() for cpu_up() (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [mm] x86/mm/hotplug: Don't remove PGD entries in remove_pagetable() (Jeff Moyer) [1438579] - [x86] mm: Tighten x86 /dev/mem with zeroing reads ("Bruno E. O. Meneguele") [1449677] {CVE-2017-7889} - [x86] mce/amd: Give a name to MCA bank 3 when accessed with legacy MSRs (David Arcari) [1454807] - [x86] boot/kaslr: Disable KASLR by default (Baoquan He) [1449762] - [x86] microcode/intel: access the initrd at the relocated address (Pingfan Liu) [1448767] - [x86] toshiba_acpi: Do not register vendor backlight when acpi_video bl is available (Jeremy McNicoll) [1305617] - [drm] i915: don't rcu-sync from shrinker (Rob Clark) [1443028] - [pci] msi: Stop disabling MSI/MSI-X in pci_device_shutdown() (Prarit Bhargava) [1207693] - [kernel] workqueue: schedule WORK_CPU_UNBOUND work on wq_unbound_cpumask CPUs (Waiman Long) [1452675] - [kernel] workqueue: handle NUMA_NO_NODE for unbound pool_workqueue (Waiman Long) [1452675]- [target] Add target_core_user.h to included headers (Andy Grover) [1451522] - [scsi] qedi: Fix endpoint NULL panic during recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [scsi] qedi: set max_fin_rt default value (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [scsi] qedi: Set firmware tcp msl timer value (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [scsi] qedi: Fix endpoint NULL panic in qedi_set_path (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [scsi] qedi: Set dma_boundary to 0xfff (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [scsi] qedi: Correctly set firmware max supported BDs (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [scsi] qedi: Fix bad pte call trace when iscsiuio is stopped (Chad Dupuis) [1452748] - [fs] nfs: Fix use after free in write error path (Steve Dickson) [1441883] - [fs] fs: return -EOPNOTSUPP if clone is not supported ("J. Bruce Fields") [1449156] - [fs] btrfs: use linux/sizes.h to represent constants (Bill O'Donnell) [1451546] - [fs] cifs: Do not send echoes before Negotiate is complete (Sachin Prabhu) [1452060] - [md] raid1: Use a new variable to count flighting sync requests (Xiao Ni) [1379764] - [md] raid1: handle flush request correctly (Xiao Ni) [1379764] - [md] raid1: fix a use-after-free bug (Xiao Ni) [1379764] - [md] raid1: avoid unnecessary spin locks in I/O barrier code (Xiao Ni) [1379764] - [md] raid1: a new I/O barrier implementation to remove resync window (Xiao Ni) [1379764] - [md] raid1: Refactor raid1_make_request (Xiao Ni) [1379764] - [md] handle read-only member devices better (Nigel Croxon) [1442776] - [base] pm / sleep: prohibit devices probing during suspend/hibernation (Don Zickus) [1184229] - [base] drivercore: Make probe deferral more quiet (Don Zickus) [1184229] - [base] drivercore: deferral race condition fix (Don Zickus) [1184229] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Support ctrl_loss_tmo (David Milburn) [1452321 1442735] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Allow ctrl loss timeout configuration (David Milburn) [1452321 1442735] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: get rid of local reconnect_delay (David Milburn) [1452321 1442735] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Fix a possible uninitialized variable dereference (David Milburn) [1437723] - [block] fix bio_will_gap() for first bvec with offset (Ming Lei) [1443807] - [tools] power turbostat: denverton: use HW CC1 counter, skip C3, C7 (Prarit Bhargava) [1447265] - [tools] power turbostat: bug fixes to --add, --show/--hide features (Prarit Bhargava) [1447265] - [tools] power turbostat: Add --show and --hide parameters (Prarit Bhargava) [1447265] - [tools] power turbostat: fix bugs in --add option (Prarit Bhargava) [1447265] - [netdrv] bonding: fix randomly populated arp target array (Jarod Wilson) [1450184] - [netdrv] bonding: fix accounting of active ports in 3ad (Jarod Wilson) [1368265] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: ensure that adapter is in proper state during force_close (Neil Horman) [1449021] - [netdrv] tg3: don't clear stats while tg3_close (Jonathan Toppins) [1455222] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix race condition in tg3_get_stats64() (Jonathan Toppins) [1455222] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: add get_link_ksettings in ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1450970] - [infiniband] ib/device: Convert ib-comp-wq to be CPU-bound (Kamal Heib) [1437727]- [drm] nouveau/kms/nv50: skip core channel cursor update on position-only chang (Ben Skeggs) [1451524] - [drm] nouveau/kms/nv50: fix source-rect-only plane updates (Ben Skeggs) [1451524] - [drm] nouveau/kms: Increase max retries in scanout position queries (Ben Skeggs) [1451524] - [drm] nouveau/therm: remove ineffective workarounds for alarm bugs (Ben Skeggs) [1449338] - [drm] nouveau/tmr: avoid processing completed alarms when adding a new one (Ben Skeggs) [1449338] - [drm] nouveau/tmr: fix corruption of the pending list when rescheduling an ala (Ben Skeggs) [1449338] - [drm] nouveau/tmr: handle races with hw when updating the next alarm time (Ben Skeggs) [1449338] - [drm] nouveau/tmr: ack interrupt before processing alarms (Ben Skeggs) [1449338] - [drm] nouveau/fb/ram/gf100-: remove 0x10f200 read (Ben Skeggs) [1371629] - [drm] nouveau/fb/gf100-: Fix 32 bit wraparound in new ram detection (Ben Skeggs) [1371629] - [drm] nouveau/fb/gf100-: rework ram detection (Ben Skeggs) [1371629] - [drm] nouveau/fb/gm200: split ram implementation from gm107 (Ben Skeggs) [1371629] - [drm] nouveau/fb/gf108: split implementation from gf100 (Ben Skeggs) [1371629] - [drm] nouveau/fb/gf100-: modify constructors to allow more customisation (Ben Skeggs) [1371629] - [media] usb: uvc: remove unnecessary & operation (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] usb: uvc: make use of new usb_endpoint_maxp_mult() (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Correct speed testing (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Disable hardware timestamps by default (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Fix incorrect bandwidth with Chicony device 04f2:b50b (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Set buffer field to V4L2_FIELD_NONE (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] v4l: uvcvideo: Fix buffer completion size check (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] v4l2: uvcvideo: Allow using larger buffers (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvc: fix sparse warning (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Fix clock param realtime setting (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Fix marking buffer erroneous in case of FID toggling (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Do not use usb_set_interface on bulk EP (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvcvideo: Update uvc_endpoint_max_bpi to handle USB_SPEED_WIRELESS devices (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [media] uvc/lirc_serial: Fix some warnings on parisc arch (Torez Smith) [1444758] - [sound] alsa: hda - Simplify bound-beep mute control for ALC268 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - No loopback on ALC299 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add Dual Codecs support for Lenovo P520/420 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use a helper function for renaming kctl names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Support Gigabyte Gaming board with dual Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset microphone detection for ASUS N551 and N751 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix a problem for lineout on a Dell AIO machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Adding a group of pin definition to fix headset problem (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix speaker support for Asus AiO ZN270IE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic and speaker on Asus X441SA/X441UV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix headset and mic on several Asus laptops with ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix headset mic on several Asus laptops with ALC255 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add support for Acer Aspire E5-475 headset mic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add subwoofer support for Dell Inspiron 17 7000 Gaming (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix micmute hotkey problem for a lenovo AIO machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - Allow to enable/disable vmaster build explicitly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328] - [sound] alsa: hda - A new flag to enforce prefix to each pin (Jaroslav Kysela) [1422328]- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Call bnxt_dcb_init() after getting firmware DCBX configuration (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check status of firmware DCBX agent before setting DCB_CAP_DCBX_HOST (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: allocate enough space for ->ntp_fltr_bmap (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check the FW_LLDP_AGENT flag before allowing DCBX host agent (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec to (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF attributes reporting (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Cap the msix vector with the max completion rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1451915] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Don't allow changing inline mode when flows are configured (Jonathan Toppins) [1446112] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Change the TC offload rule add/del code path to be per NIC or E-Switch (Jonathan Toppins) [1446112] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add missing entries for set/query rate limit commands (Jonathan Toppins) [1446112] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Enlarge the FDB size for the switchdev mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1446117] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid wrong identification of rules on deletion (Jonathan Toppins) [1446119] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support adding ingress tc rule when egress device flag is set (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disable preemption when doing TC statistics upcall (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support TC encapsulation offloads with upper devices (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix a -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly handle FW errors while adding TC rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix kbuild warnings for uninitialized parameters (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set inline mode requirements for matching on IP fragments (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly get address type of encapsulation IP headers (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: TC ipv4 tunnel encap offload error flow fixes (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Warn when rejecting offload attempts of IP tunnels (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Properly handle offloading of source udp port for IP tunnels (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC matching on packets being IP fragments (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove flow encap entry in the correct place (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor tc del flow to accept mlx5e_tc_flow instance (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove redundant hashtable lookup in configure flower (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Correct cleanup order when deleting offloaded TC rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Enforce min inline mode when offloading flows (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support HW (offloaded) and SW counters for SRIOV switchdev mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add basic TC tunnel set action for SRIOV offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TC tunnel release action for SRIOV offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Support encap id when setting new steering entry (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add creation flags when adding new flow table (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Handle matching on vlan priority for offloaded TC rules (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add tc support for FWD rule with counter (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add multi dest support (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] sched: tc_mirred: Rename public predicates 'is_tcf_mirred_redirect' and 'is_tcf_mirred_mirror' (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: shut up maybe-uninitialized warning (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TC vlan match parsing (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TC vlan action for SRIOV offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Put elements related to offloaded TC rule in one struct (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Set the vport when registering the uplink rep (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use correct flow dissector key on flower offloading (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TC offload support for the VF representors netdevice (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TC HW support for FDB (SRIOV e-switch) offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TC drop and mirred/redirect action parsing for SRIOV offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Adjustments in the TC offload code towards reuse for SRIOV (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Offload TC flow counters only when supported (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor mlx5_add_flow_rule (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Hardware offloaded flower filter statistics support (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor mlx5e flow steering structs (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add user chosen levels when allocating flow tables (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support offload cls_flower with skbedit mark action (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support offload cls_flower with drop action (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Improve set features ndo resiliency (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce tc offload support (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5e: revert commented out flow dissector changes (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add devlink interface (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217] - [net] net_sched: act_vlan: add helper inlines to access tcf_vlan info (Jonathan Toppins) [1383217]- [scsi] smartpqi: bump driver version for RHEL-7.4 (Don Brace) [1441396] - [scsi] smartpqi: ensure controller is in SIS mode at init (Don Brace) [1441396] - [scsi] smartpqi: enhance kdump (Don Brace) [1441396] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix scsi task management error message (Maurizio Lombardi) [1451022] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Express lane queue creation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1451022] - [scsi] lpfc: correct rdp diag portnames (Maurizio Lombardi) [1451022] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct WQ creation for pagesize (Maurizio Lombardi) [1451022] - [net] mac80211: reject ToDS broadcast data frames (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [net] mac80211: fix MU-MIMO follow-MAC mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [net] mac80211: unconditionally start new netdev queues with iTXQ support (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [net] cfg80211: check rdev resume callback only for registered wiphy (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: support ibss in dqa mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: writing zero bytes to debugfs causes a crash (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix accessing fw_id_to_mac_id (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [net] nl80211: fix dumpit error path RTNL deadlocks (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [netdrv] ath10k: fix incorrect wlan_mac_base in qca6174_regs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1449091] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book 3s: xics: Don't lock twice when checking for resend (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book 3s: xics: Implement ICS P/Q states (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Counters for passthrough IRQ stats (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Set server for passed-through interrupts (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] opal: Add real mode call wrappers (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Update irq stats for IRQs handled in real mode (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Handle passthrough interrupts in guest (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Convert kvmppc_read_intr to a C function (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] Add simple cache inhibited MMIO accessors (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Enable IRQ bypass (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: select IRQ_BYPASS_MANAGER (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] powernv: Provide facilities for EOI, usable from real mode (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Introduce kvmppc_passthru_irqmap (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book 3s: xics: Fix potential issue with duplicate IRQ resends (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book 3s: xics: correct the real mode ICP rejecting counter (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book 3s: xics cleanup: remove XICS_RM_REJECT (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] 64: Fix race condition in setting lock bit in idle/wakeup code (David Gibson) [1430371] - [powerpc] powernv: Rename idle_power7.S to idle_book3s.S (David Gibson) [1430371]- [fs] NFS append COMMIT after synchronous COPY (Steve Dickson) [1445418] - [fs] nfs: Fix O_DIRECT verifier problems (Steve Dickson) [1445418] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix reboot recovery in copy offload (Steve Dickson) [1445418] - [fs] nfsv4.2: Fix writeback races in nfs4_copy_file_range (Steve Dickson) [1445418] - [fs] nfs: Ensure we reset the write verifier 'committed' value on resend (Steve Dickson) [1445418] - [fs] nfs: Cache aggressively when file is open for writing (Scott Mayhew) [1415203] - [fs] nfs: Don't flush caches for a getattr that races with writeback (Scott Mayhew) [1415203] - [fs] super.c: fix race between freeze_super() and thaw_super() (Brian Foster) [1383739] - [md] dm space map disk: fix some book keeping in the disk space map (Mike Snitzer) [1450419] - [md] dm thin metadata: call precommit before saving the roots (Mike Snitzer) [1450419] - [usb] revert "xhci: Workaround to get Intel xHCI reset working more reliably" (Torez Smith) [1376639] - [pci] Add ACS quirk for Intel Union Point (Myron Stowe) [1449796] - [drm] virtio: fix virtio_gpu_cursor_formats (Laurent Vivier) [1436557] - [drm] virtio: fix virtio_gpu_mode_dumb_create (Laurent Vivier) [1436960] - [drm] virtio: add virtio_gpu_translate_format (Laurent Vivier) [1436960] - [x86] kvm: x86: lower default for halt_poll_ns (Paolo Bonzini) [1365428] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: initialize PML fields in vmcs02 (Paolo Bonzini) [1440022] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: do not leak PML full vmexit to L1 (Paolo Bonzini) [1440022] - [scsi] virtio_scsi: Always try to read VPD pages (David Gibson) [1436675] - [tools] perf annotate s390: Fix perf annotate error -95 (Jiri Olsa) [1443651] - [vhost] tun: rx batching (Wei Xu) [1401433] - [vhost] tun: tx batching (Wei Xu) [1401433] - [vhost] better detection of available buffers (Wei Xu) [1401433] - [vhost] tun: Use netif_receive_skb instead of netif_rx (Wei Xu) [1401433] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix loopback selftest (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: remove IEEE/CEE mode check when setting DCBX mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5: Don't save PCI state when PCI error is detected (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix create autogroup prev initializer (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix wrong CQE decompression (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Update MPWQE stride size when modifying CQE compress state (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix broken CQE compression initialization (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Do not reduce LRO WQE size when not using build_skb (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Register/unregister vport representors on interface attach/detach (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] mlx5e: s390 system compilation fix (Jonathan Toppins) [1448565] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Align RX buffers (Michal Schmidt) [1440648] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid dereferencing uninitialized pointer (Kamal Heib) [1450735] - [netdrv] i40e: reduce wait time for adminq command completion (Stefan Assmann) [1447212] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: avoid crashing on resume after a failure in talk_to_netback() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1447293] - [netdrv] cxgb4: avoid disabling FEC by default (Sai Vemuri) [1449482] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: change netvsc device default duplex to FULL (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1450371] - [powerpc] kprobe: Fix oops when kprobed on 'stdu' instruction (Pratyush Anand) [1448286] - [powerpc] mm: Ensure IRQs are off in switch_mm() (David Gibson) [1437794] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix race conditions related to task management (Don Dutile) [1444155] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Avoid that duplicate responses trigger a kernel bug (Don Dutile) [1444155] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Avoid using IB_MR_TYPE_SG_GAPS (Don Dutile) [1444155] - [infiniband] ib/qib, ib/hfi1: Fix MR reference count leak on write with immediate (Don Dutile) [1366458] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Defer setting VL15 credits to link-up interrupt (Alex Estrin) [1451290]- [md] dm cache metadata: fail operations if fail_io mode has been established (Mike Snitzer) [1448904] - [md] dm cache: handle kmalloc failure allocating background_tracker struct (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache policy smq: don't do any writebacks unless IDLE (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache: simplify the IDLE vs BUSY state calculation (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache: track all IO to the cache rather than just the origin device's IO (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache policy smq: stop preemptively demoting blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache policy smq: put newly promoted entries at the top of the multiqueue (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache policy smq: be more aggressive about triggering a writeback (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache policy smq: only demote entries in bottom half of the clean multiqueue (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [md] dm cache: fix incorrect 'idle_time' reset in IO tracker (Mike Snitzer) [1450483] - [acpi] button: Do not propagate wakeup-from-suspend events (Lenny Szubowicz) [1246944] - [acpi] button: fix button driver compile error when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is undefined (Lenny Szubowicz) [1246944] - [s390] dasd: allow 0 for path_threshold attribute (Hendrik Brueckner) [1447738] - [s390] dasd: suppress command reject error for query host access command (Hendrik Brueckner) [1440709] - [s390] dasd: check if query host access feature is supported (Hendrik Brueckner) [1440709] - [x86] mm: Fix boot crash caused by incorrect loop count calculation in sync_global_pgds() (Baoquan He) [1440196] - [x86] efi: Consolidate region mapping logic (Bhupesh Sharma) [1446102] - [x86] efi: Map RAM into the identity page table for mixed mode (Bhupesh Sharma) [1446102] - [powerpc] mm: Add support for runtime configuration of ASLR limits (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [mm] aslr: use get_random_long() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [kernel] char: random: add get_random_long() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [x86] mm: support ARCH_MMAP_RND_BITS (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [mm] mmap: add new /proc tunable for mmap_base ASLR (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [x86] use simpler API for random address requests (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [kernel] random: simplify API for random address requests (Bhupesh Sharma) [1412802] - [kernel] powerpc: Wire up sys_seccomp(), sys_getrandom() and sys_memfd_create() (Herbert Xu) [1432218] - [kernel] s390: wire up seccomp and getrandom syscalls (Herbert Xu) [1432218] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Change the error print to debug print (Kamal Heib) [1334054] - [netdrv] nfp: add missing .ndo_size to net_device_ops structure (John Linville) [1449381] - [netdrv] enic: Add missing ndo_size param to net_device_ops struct (Stefan Assmann) [1449376] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix "ethtool -S" crash when adapter down (David Arcari) [1446250] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add missing ndo_size param to net_device_ops struct (Don Dutile) [1449379] - [netdrv] fjes: Do not load fjes driver if extended socket device is not power on (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1436380] - [netdrv] fjes: Do not load fjes driver if system does not have extended socket device (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1436380]- [net] ethtool: remove unused __ethtool_get_settings (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [net] core: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [net] sysfs: Print link speed as signed integer (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [net] 8021q: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [scsi] fcoe: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [net] team: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [net] macvlan: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1449330] - [net] sched: actions: allocate act cookie early (Ivan Vecera) [1447674] - [net] sched: actions: do not overwrite status of action creation (Ivan Vecera) [1447674] - [net] sched: actions: Add support for user cookies (Ivan Vecera) [1447674] - [net] netlink: Add nla_memdup() to wrap kmemdup() use on nlattr (Ivan Vecera) [1447674] - [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: Fix setting UDP dst port in metadata under IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1445398] - [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: Add UDP dst port option (Ivan Vecera) [1445398] - [net] dst: Add dst port to dst_metadata utility functions (Ivan Vecera) [1445398] - [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: add helper inlines to access tcf_tunnel_key (Ivan Vecera) [1445398] - [net] sched: act_tunnel_key: Remove rcu_read_lock protection (Ivan Vecera) [1445398] - [net] sched: Introduce act_tunnel_key (Ivan Vecera) [1445398] - [net] vxlan: do not output confusing error message (Jiri Benc) [1445054] - [net] vxlan: correctly handle ipv6.disable module parameter (Jiri Benc) [1445054] - [net] sched: actions: aggregate dumping of actions timeinfo (Ivan Vecera) [1442088] - [net] sched: actions: introduce timestamp for firsttime use (Ivan Vecera) [1442088] - [net] sched: actions: use tcf_lastuse_update for consistency (Ivan Vecera) [1442088] - [net] sched: actions: policer missing timestamp processing (Ivan Vecera) [1442088] - [net] sched: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1442088] - [net] ipvs: explicitly forbid ipv6 service/dest creation if ipv6 mod is disabled (Paolo Abeni) [1439235] - [net] ipv6: implement ipv6_mod_enabled (Paolo Abeni) [1439235]- [fs] sunrpc: fix refcounting problems with auth_gss messages (Steve Dickson) [1406925] - [fs] sunrpc: allow for upcalls for same uid but different gss service (Steve Dickson) [1406925] - [fs] nfs: move rw_mode to nfs_pageio_header (Benjamin Coddington) [1441370] - [fs] nfs: move nfs_pgarray_set() to open code (Benjamin Coddington) [1441370] - [fs] nfs: Use GFP_NOIO for two allocations in writeback (Benjamin Coddington) [1441370] - [fs] nfsd: move blocked lock handling under a dedicated spinlock (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfsd: set the MAY_NOTIFY_LOCK flag in OPEN replies (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfsd: add a LRU list for blocked locks (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfsd: have nfsd4_lock use blocking locks for v4.1+ locks (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfsd: plumb in a CB_NOTIFY_LOCK operation (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfsd: Get reference of lockowner when coping file_lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfsd: New helper nfs4_get_stateowner() for atomic_inc sop reference (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] locks: Copy fl_lmops information for conflock in locks_copy_conflock() (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] locks: defer freeing locks in locks_delete_lock until after i_lock has been dropped (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] locks: don't reuse file_lock in __posix_lock_file (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] locks: New ops in lock_manager_operations for get/put owner (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] locks: Rename __locks_copy_lock() to locks_copy_conflock() (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: allow blocking locks to be awoken by lock callbacks (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: move nfs4 lock retry attempt loop to a separate function (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: move nfs4_set_lock_state call into caller (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: add handling for CB_NOTIFY_LOCK in client (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: track whether server sets MAY_NOTIFY_LOCK flag (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: add a new NFS4_OPEN_RESULT_MAY_NOTIFY_LOCK constant (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: use safe, interruptible sleeps when waiting to retry LOCK (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: eliminate pointless and confusing do_vfs_lock wrappers (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] nfs: the length argument to read_buf should be unsigned (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] Move locks API users to locks_lock_inode_wait() (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [fs] locks: introduce locks_lock_inode_wait() (Benjamin Coddington) [1377710] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix panic on BFS configuration (Maurizio Lombardi) [1443116] - [scsi] lpfc: The lpfc driver does not issue RFF_ID and RFT_ID in the correct sequence (Ewan Milne) [1430272]- [i2c] piix4: Request the SMBUS semaphore inside the mutex (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Fix request_region size (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Avoid race conditions with IMC (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Pre-shift the port number (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Always use the same type for port (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Support alternative port selection register (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: don't regress on bus names (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Fully initialize SB800 before it is registered (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Fix SB800 locking (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: remove unneeded assignments (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Add adapter port name support for SB800 chipset (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Add support for multiplexed main adapter in SB800 (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Convert piix4_main_adapter to array (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] i2c-piix4: Use Macro for AMD CZ SMBus device ID (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] delete non-required instances of include (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Standardize log messages (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Use different message for AMD Auxiliary SMBus Controller (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Add support for AMD ML and CZ SMBus changes (David Arcari) [1446660] - [i2c] piix4: Add support for secondary SMBus on AMD SB800 and AMD FCH chipsets (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Add I2C_CLASS_HWMON to detection class (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Add support for Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Add support for additional IDT temperature sensors (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Allow negative hysteresis temperatures (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Fix integer overflow when writing hysteresis value (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Fix integer overflow (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Use sign_extend32 for sign extension (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Add support for STTS2004 and AT30TSE004 (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Convert function macros into functions (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Rearrange code to avoid forward declarations (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) fix coccinelle warnings (David Arcari) [1446660] - [hwmon] (jc42) Convert to use devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups (David Arcari) [1446660]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow vref count to timeout on vport delete (Himanshu Madhani) [1441897] - [vfio] type1: Reduce repetitive calls in vfio_pin_pages_remote() (Alex Williamson) [1438403] - [vfio] type1: Prune vfio_pin_page_external() (Alex Williamson) [1438403] - [vfio] type1: Remove locked page accounting workqueue (Alex Williamson) [1438403] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Update FADT handling (Lenny Szubowicz) [1411246] - [acpi] acpica: acpi 6.0: Add changes for FADT table (Lenny Szubowicz) [1411246] - [misc] vmci: Use 32bit atomics for queue headers on X86_32 (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: Guard against overflow in queue pair allocation (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: Check userland-provided datagram size (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: Fix two UVA mapping bugs (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: integer overflow in vmci_datagram_dispatch() (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: fix error handling path when registering guest driver (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmw_vmci: Convert driver to use get_user_pages_fast() (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: Add support for virtual IOMMU (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [misc] vmci: Remove non-blocking/pinned queuepair support (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [net] vsock: Only check error on skb_recv_datagram when skb is NULL (Cathy Avery) [1437109] - [x86] xen: don't crash under Xen hypervisors which present bogus topology (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1443627] - [fs] gfs2: Allow glocks to be unlocked after withdraw (Robert S Peterson) [1404005] - [fs] svcrpc: fix memory leak in gssp_accept_sec_context_upcall ("J. Bruce Fields") [1447776] - [fs] cifs_get_root shouldn't use path with tree name (Sachin Prabhu) [1373153] - [fs] Fix match_prepath() (Sachin Prabhu) [1418107] - [fs] locks: __break_lease cleanup in preparation of allowing direct removal of leases (Scott Mayhew) [1444338] - [fs] xfs: bufferhead chains are invalid after end_page_writeback (Brian Foster) [1445158] - [md] dm cache policy smq: cleanup free_target_met() and clean_target_met() (Mike Snitzer) [1448210] - [md] dm cache policy smq: allow demotions to happen even during continuous IO (Mike Snitzer) [1448210] - [md] dm cache policy smq: make the cleaner policy write-back more aggressively (Mike Snitzer) [1437251] - [md] dm cache: set/clear the cache core's dirty_bitset when loading mappings (Mike Snitzer) [1437251] - [md] dm crypt: rewrite (wipe) key in crypto layer using random data (Mike Snitzer) [1444337 1445816] - [md] dm mpath: requeue after a small delay if blk_get_request() fails (Mike Snitzer) [1445816] - [md] dm era: save spacemap metadata root after the pre-commit (Mike Snitzer) [1445816] - [md] dm thin: fix a memory leak when passing discard bio down (Mike Snitzer) [1445816] - [md] dm btree: fix for dm_btree_find_lowest_key() (Mike Snitzer) [1445816] - [block] fix blk_integrity_register to use template's interval_exp if not 0 (Mike Snitzer) [1445816] - [block] blk: Ensure users for current->bio_list can see the full list (Ming Lei) [1447313] - [block] blk: improve order of bio handling in generic_make_request() (Ming Lei) [1447313] - [netdrv] macvtap: read skb from skb array (Wei Xu) [1447143] - [netdrv] Change TECH Preview message to match driver name (David Arcari) [1444721] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix driver name reported by ethtool (David Arcari) [1444721] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Add port_xmit_wait to counter registers read (Kamal Heib) [1448020 1447995 1447788] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Add missing hw counters (Kamal Heib) [1448020 1447995 1447788] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Initialize ndo_size (Kamal Heib) [1448020 1447995 1447788] - [powerpc] eeh: Refactor EEH PE reset functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1428706]- [fs] nfsd: stricter decoding of write-like NFSv2/v3 ops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1443204] {CVE-2017-7895} - [fs] nfsd4: minor NFSv2/v3 write decoding cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1443204] {CVE-2017-7895} - [fs] nfsd: check for oversized NFSv2/v3 arguments ("J. Bruce Fields") [1442407] {CVE-2017-7645} - [net] macsec: dynamically allocate space for sglist (Sabrina Dubroca) [1445545] {CVE-2017-7477} - [net] macsec: avoid heap overflow in skb_to_sgvec (Sabrina Dubroca) [1445545] {CVE-2017-7477} - [net] bridge: move bridge multicast cleanup to ndo_uninit (Xin Long) [1434682] - [net] bridge: netlink: register netdevice before executing changelink (Xin Long) [1434682] - [net] bridge: implement missing ndo_uninit() (Xin Long) [1434682] - [net] team: call netdev_change_features out of team lock (Xin Long) [1429679] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add support for inverted logic in nft_lookup (Hangbin Liu) [1441103] - [netdrv] bonding: avoid defaulting hard_header_len to ETH_HLEN on slave removal (Honggang Li) [1425030] - [kernel] kallsyms: don't overload absolute symbol type for percpu symbols (Josh Poimboeuf) [1447175] - [kernel] kallsyms: fix percpu vars on x86-64 with relocation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1447175] - [kernel] kallsyms: generalize address range checking (Josh Poimboeuf) [1447175] - [powerpc] Update TM user feature bits in scan_features() (David Gibson) [1445883] - [powerpc] Update cpu_user_features2 in scan_features() (David Gibson) [1445883] - [powerpc] tm: Abort syscalls in active transactions (David Gibson) [1445883] - [powerpc] selftests/powerpc: Add transactional syscall test (David Gibson) [1445883] - [powerpc] selftests/powerpc: Make git ignore all binaries in powerpc test suite (David Gibson) [1445883] - [powerpc] Disable CPU_FTR_TM if TM is disabled by firmware (David Gibson) [1445883]- [x86] kvm: x86: fix emulation of RSM and IRET instructions (Ladi Prosek) [1441510] - [pci] hv: Allocate interrupt descriptors with GFP_ATOMIC (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1442282] - [pci] hv: Specify CPU_AFFINITY_ALL for MSI affinity when >= 32 CPUs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1442282] - [pci] hv: Lock PCI bus on device eject (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1442282] - [pci] hv: Properly handle PCI bus remove (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1442282] - [edac] sb_edac: Add Knights Mill support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1432437] - [edac] {sb, skx}_edac: Use Intel model macros instead of open-coding them (Aristeu Rozanski) [1432437] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix Knights Landing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1432437] - [edac] sb_edac: Readd accidentally dropped Broadwell-D support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1432437] - [edac] sb_edac: Use cpu family/model in driver detection (Aristeu Rozanski) [1432437] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add missing configuration of VF VLAN filters (Michal Schmidt) [1445770] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix incorrect filter count in an error message (Michal Schmidt) [1445770] - [netdrv] bnx2x: do not rollback VF MAC/VLAN filters we did not configure (Michal Schmidt) [1445770] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix detection of VLAN filtering feature for VF (Michal Schmidt) [1445770] - [netdrv] bnx2x: lower verbosity of VF stats debug messages (Michal Schmidt) [1445770] - [powerpc] powernv: Expose OPAL firmware symbol map (Gustavo Duarte) [1444807]- [drm] config: enable GVT (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] makefile: update DRM version (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/gvt: set the correct default value of CTX STATUS PTR (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] fb-helper: Allow var->x/yres(_virtual) < fb->width/height again (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] nouveau: initial support (display-only) for GP107 (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] nouveau/kms/nv50: fix double dma_fence_put() when destroying plane state (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] nouveau/mmu/nv4a: use nv04 mmu rather than the nv44 one (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] nouveau/mpeg: mthd returns true on success now (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Do .init_clock_gating() earlier to avoid it clobbering watermarks (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Avoid rcu_barrier() from reclaim paths (shrinker) (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Stop using RP_DOWN_EI on Baytrail (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Drop support for I915_EXEC_CONSTANTS_* execbuf parameters (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Only enable hotplug interrupts if the display interrupts are enabled (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Reject HDMI 12bpc if the sink doesn't indicate support (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Avoid tweaking evaluation thresholds on Baytrail v3 (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Nuke debug messages from the pipe update critical section (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Store a permanent error in obj->mm.pages (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/gen9: Increase PCODE request timeout to 50ms (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Squelch any ktime/jiffie rounding errors for wait-ioctl (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/fbdev: Stop repeating tile configuration on stagnation (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Move updating color management to before vblank evasion (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Fix forcewake active domain tracking (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: actually drive the BDW reserved IDs (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: more .is_mobile cleanups for BDW (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: fix INTEL_BDW_IDS definition (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] edid: constify edid quirk list (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] vmwgfx: fix integer overflow in vmw_surface_define_ioctl() (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] vmwgfx: Remove getparam error message (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] ttm, drm/vmwgfx: Relax permission checking when opening surfaces (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] vmwgfx: avoid calling vzalloc with a 0 size in vmw_get_cap_3d_ioctl() (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] vmwgfx: NULL pointer dereference in vmw_surface_define_ioctl() (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] vmwgfx: Type-check lookups of fence objects (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Split intel_engine allocation and initialisation (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] nouveau/kms/nv50: fix setting of HeadSetRasterVertBlankDmi method (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] vfio: Rework group release notifier warning (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix firmware loading interface for GVT-g golden HW state (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: remove the redundant info NULL check (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: adjust mem size for low resolution type (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: exclude cfg space from failsafe mode (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Activate/de-activate vGPU in mdev ops (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Use force single submit flag to distinguish gvt request from i915 request (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915: make context status notifier head be per engine (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: set shadow entry to scratch page while p2m failed (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix guest fail to read EDID leading to black guest console issue (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix wrong offset when loading RCS mocs (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add write handler for mmio mbctl (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix gvt scheduler interval time (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: scan shadow indirect context image when valid (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/kvmgt: fix suspicious rcu dereference usage (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Remove bogus retry around i915_wait_request (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: correct the ggtt valid bit check in pipe control command (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: replace the gvt_err with gvt_vgpu_err (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: handle force-nonpriv registers, cmd parser part (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: set ring buffer size to default for guc submission (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: change some gvt_err to gvt_dbg_cmd (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: protect RO and Rsvd bits of virtual vgpu configuration space (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: handle workload lifecycle properly (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix an error for F_RO flag (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: use pfn_valid for better checking (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: set SFUSE_STRAP properly for vitual monitor detection (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix an error for one register (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add more registers into handlers list (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: have more registers with F_CMD_ACCESS flags set (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add some new MMIOs to cmd_access white list (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix pcode mailbox write emulation of BDW (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add resolution definition for vGPU type (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Add more edid definition support (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: adjust to fixed vGPU types (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: remove unnecessary error msg from gtt write (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: refine pcode write emulation (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: clear the vGPU reset logic (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: decrease priority of output msg for untracked mmio (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: set default value to 0 for unhandled mmio regs (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add cmd_access to GEN7_HALF_SLICE_CHICKEN1 (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: force-nopriv register handling (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add more registers to context save/restore list (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix unhandled mmio warnings (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add a NULL pointer check to avoid kernel panic (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: enter failsafe mode when guest requires more resources (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: handle fence reg access during GPU reset (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: introduced failsafe mode into vgpu (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix check error on opregion.c (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: return error code if dma map iova failed (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: optimize the inhibit context mmio load (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add sprite plane flip done support (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add missing display part reset for vGPU reset (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix shadow context descriptor (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix crash at function release_shadow_wa_ctx (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: enable IOMMU for gvt (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: map pfn for PTE entry in kvm (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: Map shadow page before using it in shadow page table (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: reduce the line of interrupt logs and log friendly (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: remove a redundant end of line in debug log (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: remove a noisy unimportant log in sched_policy (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt/kvmgt: remove some dead code (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: fix vgpu type size init (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: use normal mmio read function for firmware exposure (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: remove detect_host() MPT hook (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: move intel iommu detection to intel_gvt_init() (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915: make intel_gvt_init() later instead of too early (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915/gvt: add more resolutions in virtual edid (Rob Clark) [1380115] - [drm] i915: A hotfix for making aliasing PPGTT work for GVT-g (Rob Clark) [1380115 1422186] - [drm] i915: Let execlist_update_context() cover !FULL_PPGTT mode (Rob Clark) [1380115 1422186] - [drm] i915: Move the release of PT page to the upper caller (Rob Clark) [1380115 1422186] - [drm] i915/kvmgt: Hold struct kvm reference (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] radeon: Override fpfn for all VRAM placements in radeon_evict_flags (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] reference count event->completion (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] amd/amdgpu: add POLARIS12 PCI ID (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] amdgpu: reinstate oland workaround for sclk (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] amdgpu/si: add dpm quirk for Oland (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/lspcon: Fix resume time initialization due to unasserted HPD (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/gen9+: Enable hotplug detection early (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/lspcon: Enable AUX interrupts for resume time initialization (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/gvt: Fix superfluous newline in GVT_DISPLAY_READY env var (Rob Clark) [1380115 1422186] - [drm] i915: Fix not finding the VBT when it overlaps with OPREGION_ASLE_EXT (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Pass timeout==0 on to i915_gem_object_wait_fence() (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Check for timeout completion when waiting for the rq to submitted (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Avoid spurious WARNs about the wrong pipe in the PPS code (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915: Recreate internal objects with single page segments if dmar fails (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] Cancel drm_fb_helper_resume_work on unload (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] Cancel drm_fb_helper_dirty_work on unload (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] i915/gvt: Disable access to stolen memory as a guest (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] atomic: fix an error code in mode_fixup() (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] ttm: Make sure BOs being swapped out are cacheable (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] edid: Add EDID_QUIRK_FORCE_8BPC quirk for Rotel RSX-1058 (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] radeon: handle vfct with multiple vbios images (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] ast: Fix AST2400 POST failure without BMC FW or VBIOS (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] ast: Call open_key before enable_mmio in POST code (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] ast: Fix test for VGA enabled (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] revert "drm/amdgpu: update tile table for oland/hainan" (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] amdgpu/pm: check for headless before calling compute_clocks (Rob Clark) [1422186] - [drm] amdgpu: add more cases to DCE11 possible crtc mask setup (Rob Clark) [1422186]- [scsi] sd: Consider max_xfer_blocks if opt_xfer_blocks is unusable (Ewan Milne) [1436582] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Revert: Fix eh_deadline setting for sli3 adapters" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Correct WQ creation for pagesize" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: minor code cleanups" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: refactor debugfs queue prints" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: refactor debugfs queue dump routines" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Initiator: Base modifications" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Initiator: Merge into FC discovery" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Initiator: bind to nvme_fc api" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Initiator: Add debugfs support" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Target: Base modifications" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Target: Receive buffer updates" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Target: Merge into FC discovery" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Target: bind to nvmet_fc api" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: NVME Target: Add debugfs support" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Update copyrights" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "Update lpfc version to with NVME support" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: remove redundant assignment of sgel" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: sanity check hrq is null before dereferencing it" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: don't dereference dma_buf-> iocbq before null check" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: fix missing spin_unlock on sql_list_lock" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Fix crash during Hardware error recovery on SLI3 adapters" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Fix RCTL value on NVME LS request and response" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Fix NVME CMD IU byte swapped word 1 problem" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Fix IO submission if WQ is full" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Fix nvme allocation bug on failed nvme_fc_register_localport" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: add NVME exchange aborts" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Rename LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY to LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY_EQID_CNT" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: correct double print" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: remove dead sli3 nvme code" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: correct rdp diag portnames" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator discovery" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Fix eh_deadline setting for sli3 adapters" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: replace init_timer by setup_timer" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: add missing Kconfig NVME dependencies" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Rework lpfc Kconfig for NVME options" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Finalize Kconfig options for nvme" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: The lpfc driver does not issue RFF_ID and RFT_ID in the correct sequence" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc version bump for nvme to" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: cleanup of abort flag processing in fcp_op_done" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme-fc: don't bother to validate ioccsz and iorcsz" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: Sync FC-NVME header with standard" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: Add check of status_code in ERSP_IU" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: Sync NVME LS reject reasons with spec" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: correct LS validation" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: Clear SG list to avoid double frees" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: Clean up host fcpio done status handling" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: add target feature flags for upcall isr contexts" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: add req_release to lldd api" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fcloop: split job struct from transport for req_release" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: Rework target side abort handling" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvmet_fc: add missing reference in add_port" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: Move LS's to rport" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: Add ls aborts on remote port teardown" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: fix command id check" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: add aen abort to teardown" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: add controller reset support" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme-fc: add .map_queue entry to blk_mq_ops" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [nvme] revert "nvme_fc: avoid double kfree(), don't call nvme_cleanup_cmd() in nvme_fc_unmap_data()" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: Mark NVMe and NVMe Target support as tech preview" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] revert "lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator base" (Ewan Milne) [1444045] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update message for module parameter (Himanshu Madhani) [1445879]- [kernel] tick/broadcast-hrtimer: Set name of the ce_broadcast_hrtimer (Prarit Bhargava) [1443846] - [kernel] sched: Transform resched_task() into resched_curr() (Waiman Long) [1418778] - [kernel] sched/core: Remove false-positive warning from wake_up_process() (Waiman Long) [1436128] - [iommu] vt-d: Make sure IOMMUs are off when intel_iommu=off (Baoquan He) [1441413] - [fs] xfs: drop iolock from reclaim context to appease lockdep (Brian Foster) [1441364] - [fs] xfs: fix eofblocks race with file extending async dio writes (Brian Foster) [1441364] - [fs] xfs: sync eofblocks scans under iolock are livelock prone (Brian Foster) [1441364] - [fs] xfs: pull up iolock from xfs_free_eofblocks() (Brian Foster) [1441364] - [mm] memblock: fix memblock_next_valid_pfn() (Frank Ramsay) [1438940] - [mm] page_alloc: skip over regions of invalid pfns where possible (Frank Ramsay) [1438940] - [x86] llvmlinux: Fix "incomplete type const struct x86cpu_device_id" (Ming Lei) [1367596 1437476] - [x86] xen: do not re-use pirq number cached in pci device msi msg data (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1433831] - [x86] kvm: x86: Add MSR_AMD64_DC_CFG to the list of ignored MSRs (Ladi Prosek) [1440025] - [x86] perf/intel/rapl: Fix module name collision with powercap intel-rapl (David Arcari) [1445833] - [x86] Mark AMD Naples/Ryzen as unsupported (David Arcari) [1444841] - [x86] mpx: saving FPU in do_bounds() (Rui Wang) [1443281] - [x86] mm: fix gup_pte_range() vs DAX mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1443284] - [x86] mm/gup: Simplify get_user_pages() PTE bit handling (Jeff Moyer) [1443284] - [x86] revert "mm: Fix gup_huge_p?d() to handle large PAT bit" (Jeff Moyer) [1443284] - [x86] revert "mm: Simplify get_user_pages() PTE bit handling" (Jeff Moyer) [1443284] - [x86] revert "mm: fix gup_pte_range() vs DAX mappings" (Jeff Moyer) [1443284] - [scsi] Avoid that SCSI queues get stuck (Ming Lei) [1441114] - [scsi] blk-mq: Introduce blk_mq_delay_run_hw_queue() (Ming Lei) [1441114] - [scsi] qedi: Add PCI device-ID for QL41xxx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1432622] - [netdrv] qed: Correct MSI-x for storage (Harish Patil) [1432196] - [netdrv] qed*: Add support for QL41xxx adapters (Harish Patil) [1432196] - [netdrv] qedf: fix wrong le16 conversion (Harish Patil) [1432196] - [netdrv] qed*: Utilize Firmware (Harish Patil) [1432196] - [netdrv] qed: Don't free a QP more than once (Harish Patil) [1432196] - [netdrv] be2net: VxLAN offload should be re-enabled when only 1 UDP port is left (Ivan Vecera) [1427258]- [virtio] virtio_balloon: prevent uninitialized variable use (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: use actual number of stats for stats queue buffers (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: init 1st buffer in stats vq (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [virtio] update balloon size in balloon "probe" (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: Allow to resize and update the balloon stats in parallel (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: Use a workqueue instead of "vballoon" kthread (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: do not call blocking ops when !TASK_RUNNING (David Hildenbrand) [1439570] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix timing for 82579 Gigabit Ethernet controller (Jarod Wilson) [1442918 1383529] - [netdrv] revert "e1000e: driver trying to free already-free irq" (Jarod Wilson) [1442918 1383529] - [netdrv] sfc: tx ring can only have 2048 entries for all EF10 NICs (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: limit the number of receive queues (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: don't insert mc_list on low-latency firmware if it's too long (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: cleanup a condition in efx_udp_tunnel_del() (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fix IPID endianness in TSOv2 (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: avoid max() in array size (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fix "an one" typo instances (Jarod Wilson) [1389480] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent crash when accessing PTP with interface down (Michal Schmidt) [1344743] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix possible overrun of VFPF multicast addresses array (Michal Schmidt) [1445814] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Verify that Q counters are supported (Kamal Heib) [1442597] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Count LRO packets correctly (Kamal Heib) [1440660] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Count GSO packets correctly (Kamal Heib) [1440660] - [powerpc] Emulation support for load/store instructions on LE (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] sstep: Return directly after a failed address_ok() in emulate_step() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] sstep: Fix emulation fall-through (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] sstep: Fix sstep.c compile on powerpcspe (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] Fix compilation of emulate_step() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] Implement emulation of string loads and stores (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] Emulate icbi, mcrf and conditional-trap instructions (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294] - [powerpc] Split out instruction analysis part of emulate_step() (Bhupesh Sharma) [1436294]- [netdrv] qed: Enable iSCSI Out-of-Order (Harish Patil) [1432632] - [netdrv] qed: Correct out-of-bound access in OOO history (Harish Patil) [1432632] - [netdrv] qed: Fix mapping leak on LL2 rx flow (Harish Patil) [1432632] - [netdrv] qed: Align CIDs according to DORQ requirement (Harish Patil) [1432632] - [vhost] introduce O(1) vq metadata cache (Wei Xu) [1425127 1283257] - [vhost] add missing __user annotations (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [vhost] make interval tree static inline (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [vhost] detect 32 bit integer wrap around (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [uapi] vhost: new device IOTLB API (Wei Xu) [1425127 1283257] - [vhost] convert pre sorted vhost memory array to interval tree (Wei Xu) [1425127 1283257] - [vhost] introduce vhost memory accessors (Wei Xu) [1425127 1283257] - [vhost] remove unnecessary forward declarations in vhost.h (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [vhost] replace with & on data path (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [uapi] virtio: new feature to detect IOMMU device quirk (Wei Xu) [1425127 1283257] - [virtio] virtio_pci: Use the DMA API if enabled (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [virtio] virtio_mmio: Use the DMA API if enabled (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [virtio] Silence uninitialized variable warning (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [kernel] virtio: Add improved queue allocation API (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [tools] virtio_ring: Support DMA APIs (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [virtio] vring: Introduce vring_use_dma_api() (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [kernel] s390/dma: Allow per device dma ops (Wei Xu) [1425127 1283257] - [lib] dma: Provide simple noop dma ops (Wei Xu) [1283257 1425127] - [fs] ext4: fix an ext3 collapse range regression in xfstests (Lukas Czerner) [1435541] - [fs] btrfs: Use __u64 in exported linux/btrfs.h (Bill O'Donnell) [1437489] - [fs] nfs: Fix missing pg_cleanup after nfs_pageio_cond_complete() (Benjamin Coddington) [1358574] - [fs] pnfs: return status from nfs4_pnfs_ds_connect (Benjamin Coddington) [1350261] - [fs] lockd: Introduce nlmclnt_operations (Benjamin Coddington) [1240357] - [fs] nfs: Add an iocounter wait function for async RPC tasks (Benjamin Coddington) [1240357] - [fs] nfs: Use wait_on_atomic_t() for unlock after readahead (Benjamin Coddington) [1240357] - [fs] locks: Set FL_CLOSE when removing flock locks on close() (Benjamin Coddington) [1240357] - [fs] nfs: Move the flock open mode check into nfs_flock() (Benjamin Coddington) [1240357] - [fs] nfs4: remove a redundant lock range check (Benjamin Coddington) [1240357] - [fs] sunrpc: don't pass on-stack memory to sg_set_buf (Benjamin Coddington) [1346106] - [fs] nfs: Fix old dentry rehash after move (Benjamin Coddington) [1349647] - [fs] locks: allow __break_lease to sleep even when break_time is 0 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1088012] - [fs] nfsd: opt in to labeled nfs per export ("J. Bruce Fields") [1406885] - [fs] NFSv4.1 fix infinite loop on IO BAD_STATEID error (Steve Dickson) [1437584] - [fs] NFS prevent double free in async nfs4_exchange_id (Steve Dickson) [1431756] - [fs] NFSv4.1 respect server's max size in CREATE_SESSION (Steve Dickson) [1431757] - [fs] nfs: Don't disconnect open-owner on NFS4ERR_BAD_SEQID (Steve Dickson) [1431755] - [fs] nfs: fix the fault nrequests decreasing for nfs_inode COPY (Steve Dickson) [1436301] - [fs] sunrpc, nfs: Add and use dprintk_cont macros (Steve Dickson) [1436301] - [fs] vfs: guard end of device for mpage interface (Ming Lei) [1309318] - [fs] vfs: make guard_bh_eod() more generic (Ming Lei) [1309318] - [fs] autofs: dont hold spin lock over direct mount expire (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] autofs: constify misc struct path instances (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] autofs: use path_has_submounts() to fix unreliable have_submount() checks (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] autofs: use path_is_mountpoint() to fix unreliable d_mountpoint() checks (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] autofs: change autofs4_wait() to take struct path (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] autofs: change autofs4_expire_wait()/do_expire_wait() to take struct path (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] vfs: add path_has_submounts() (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] vfs: add path_is_mountpoint() helper (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] vfs: change d_manage() to take a struct path (Ian Kent) [1320588] - [fs] xfs: handle array index overrun in xfs_dir2_leaf_readbuf() (Carlos Maiolino) [1440860] - [fs] xfs: use dedicated log worker wq to avoid deadlock with cil wq (Brian Foster) [1422225] - [fs] xfs: fix bogus space reservation in xfs_iomap_write_allocate (Brian Foster) [1435738]- [md] dm raid: fix table line argument order in status (Mike Snitzer) [1435020] - [fs] proc: fix GPF in /proc/$PID/map_files (Carlos Maiolino) [1438001] - [fs] gfs2: Re-enable fallocate for the rindex (Andrew Price) [1399830] - [fs] config: enable dlm for ppc64le (Andrew Price) [1429822] - [fs] configs: enable gfs2 for ppc64le (Andrew Price) [1429830] - [fs] nfs: Allow getattr to also report readdirplus cache hits (Dave Wysochanski) [1442068] - [fs] nfs: Be more targeted about readdirplus use when doing lookup/revalidation (Dave Wysochanski) [1442068] - [fs] nfs: Fix a performance regression in readdir (Dave Wysochanski) [1442068] - [fs] nfs: tidy up nfs_show_mountd_netid (Steve Dickson) [1395068] - [fs] pnfs: consolidate the different range intersection tests (Steve Dickson) [1436736] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Only send layoutstats updates for mirrors that were updated (Steve Dickson) [1436736] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Don't attempt to send layoutstats if there are no entries (Steve Dickson) [1436736] - [x86] cpufeature: Enable RING3MWAIT for Knights Mill (Xiaolong Wang) [1387697] - [x86] cpufeature: Enable RING3MWAIT for Knights Landing (Xiaolong Wang) [1387697] - [x86] cpufeature: Add RING3MWAIT to CPU features (Xiaolong Wang) [1387697] - [x86] elf: Add HWCAP2 to expose ring 3 MONITOR/MWAIT (Xiaolong Wang) [1387697] - [x86] msr: Add MSR_MISC_FEATURE_ENABLES and RING3MWAIT bit (Xiaolong Wang) [1387697] - [x86] Fix typo preventing msr_set/clear_bit from having an effect (Xiaolong Wang) [1387697] - [x86] kvm: x86: bump KVM_(SOFT_)MAX_VCPUS to 384 (Radim Krcmar) [1433954] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix out-of-bounds accesses of rtc_eoi map (Radim Krcmar) [1433954] - [x86] kvm: x86: bump KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID to 1023 (Radim Krcmar) [1433954] - [x86] kvm: introduce KVM_MAX_VCPU_ID (Radim Krcmar) [1433954] - [x86] kvm: fix page struct leak in handle_vmon (Paolo Bonzini) [1417825] {CVE-2017-2596} - [x86] intel_rdt: Fix the notifier priority crash (Jiri Olsa) [1442204] - [xen] balloon: Set balloon's initial state to number of existing RAM pages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1437309] - [pci] Avoid output of ioapic probe error (David Arcari) [1377960] - [scsi] storvsc: remove bogus code to transfer struct scatterlist (Cathy Avery) [1429882] - [scsi] storvsc: properly handle SRB_ERROR when sense message is present (Cathy Avery) [1429882] - [scsi] storvsc: use tagged SRB requests if supported by the device (Cathy Avery) [1429882] - [scsi] storvsc: Enable multi-queue support (Cathy Avery) [1429882] - [scsi] storvsc: Remove the restriction on max segment size (Cathy Avery) [1429882] - [gpio] acpi: Return -EPROBE_DEFER if the gpiochip was not found (Gopal Tiwari) [1415450] - [block] blk-mq: don't complete un-started request in timeout handler (Ming Lei) [1429353] - [kernel] compiler-gcc: integrate the various compiler-gcc[345].h files (Rafael Aquini) [1367596] - [kernel] compiler-gcc.h: neatening (Rafael Aquini) [1367596] - [kernel] lib: make memzero_explicit more robust against dead store elimination (Rafael Aquini) [1367596] - [kernel] lib: memzero_explicit: use barrier instead of OPTIMIZER_HIDE_VAR (Rafael Aquini) [1367596] - [kernel] compiler: introduce __alias(symbol) shortcut (Rafael Aquini) [1367596] - [kernel] compiler-intel.h: Remove duplicate definition (Rafael Aquini) [1367596] - [powerpc] mm: Add missing global TLB invalidate if cxl is active (Steve Best) [1440776]- [documentation] ipvs: Document sysctl pmtu_disc (Hangbin Liu) [1415642] - [documentation] ipvs: Document sysctl sync_ports (Hangbin Liu) [1415642] - [documentation] ipvs: Document sysctl sync_qlen_max and sync_sock_size (Hangbin Liu) [1415642] - [documentation] ipvs: fix sync_threshold description and add sync_refresh_period, sync_retries (Hangbin Liu) [1415642] - [net] neigh: do not modify unlinked entries (Jakub Sitnicki) [1389292] - [net] revert "tcp: fix the timid additive increase on stretch ACKs" (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418870] - [net] revert "tcp: fix stretch ACK bugs in Reno" (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418870] - [net] revert "tcp: fix tcp_cong_avoid_ai() credit accumulation bug with decreases in w" (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418870] - [netdrv] macvtap: fix use after free for skb_array during release (Wei Xu) [1414006] - [netdrv] macvtap: correctly free skb during socket destruction (Wei Xu) [1414006] - [netdrv] macvtap: switch to use skb array (Wei Xu) [1414006] - [netdrv] macvtap: Do not double-count received packets (Wei Xu) [1414006] - [netdrv] macvlan: fix leak in macvlan_handle_frame (Wei Xu) [1414006] - [net] tun: remove unnecessary sk_receive_queue (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] tun: Don't assume type tun in tun_device_event (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] tun: fix build warnings (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] tun: switch to use skb array for tx (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] introduce NETDEV_CHANGE_TX_QUEUE_LEN (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] ptr_ring: fix race conditions when resizing (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] skb_array: add wrappers for resizing (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] ptr_ring: support resizing multiple queues (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] skb_array: minor tweak (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] ptr_ring: support zero length ring (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] skb_array: resize support (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] ptr_ring: resize support (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] skb_array: array based FIFO for skbs (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] ptr_ring: array based FIFO for pointers (Wei Xu) [1352741] - [net] packet: fix overflow in check for tp_reserve (Hangbin Liu) [1441172] {CVE-2017-7308} - [net] packet: fix overflow in check for tp_frame_nr (Hangbin Liu) [1441172] {CVE-2017-7308} - [net] packet: fix overflow in check for priv area size (Hangbin Liu) [1441172] {CVE-2017-7308} - [net] tcp: minimize false-positives on TCP/GRO check (Marcelo Leitner) [1438309] - [net] audit: normalize NETFILTER_PKT (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382494] - [net] netfilter: use consistent ipv4 network offset in xt_AUDIT (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382494] - [net] netfilter: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382494]- [scsi] sg: check length passed to SG_NEXT_CMD_LEN ("Ewan D. Milne") [1439047] {CVE-2017-7187} - [scsi] ipr: do not set DID_PASSTHROUGH on CHECK CONDITION (Steve Best) [1441747] - [scsi] storvsc: Support manual scan of FC hosts on Hyper-V (Cathy Avery) [1425469] - [fs] proc/kcore: update physical address for kcore ram and text (Pratyush Anand) [1419888] - [pci] pciehp: Leave power indicator on when enabling already-enabled slot (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Prioritize data-link event over presence detect (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] cpqphp: Add missing call to pci_disable_device() (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Remove useless pciehp_get_latch_status() calls (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Clean up dmesg "Slot(s)" messages (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Remove unnecessary guard (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Don't re-read Slot Status when handling surprise event (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Don't re-read Slot Status when queuing hotplug event (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Process all hotplug events before looking for new ones (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Return IRQ_NONE when we can't read interrupt status (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Rename pcie_isr() locals for clarity (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] Fix all whitespace issues (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [pci] pciehp: Always protect pciehp_disable_slot() with hotplug mutex (Myron Stowe) [1435818] - [netdrv] bonding: handle link transition from FAIL to UP correctly (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: attempt to better support longer hw addresses (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: fix active-backup transition (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: refine bond_fold_stats() wrap detection (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: avoid printing while holding a spinlock (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: correctly update link status during mii-commit phase (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: make speed, duplex setting consistent with link state (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: improve link-status update in mii-monitoring (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: split bond_set_slave_link_state into two parts (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: reduce scope of some global variables (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: remove "port-moved" state that was never implemented (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: remove hardcoded value (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: Remove unnecessary returned value check (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: quit messing with IOCTL (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: Fix bonding crash (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: fix the typo (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [netdrv] bonding: Enforce active-backup policy for IPoIB bonds (Jarod Wilson) [1412921] - [kernel] uapi: Fix exposed undefined u32 and u64 types to userland through /usr/include/linux/md_p.h (Rafael Aquini) [1443158] - [powerpc] mm: Use appropriate ESID mask in copro_calculate_slb() (Gustavo Duarte) [1437942]- [kernel] x86/e820: Don't merge consecutive E820_PRAM ranges (Jeff Moyer) [1351098] - [kernel] x86/boot: Fix kdump, cleanup aborted E820_PRAM max_pfn manipulation (Jeff Moyer) [1351098] - [kernel] scripts/sortextable: support objects with more than 64K sections (Joe Lawrence) [1440222] - [kernel] sched/idle: Add missing checks to the exit condition of cpu_idle_poll() (Gustavo Duarte) [1437869] - [md] raid5-ppl: runtime PPL enabling or disabling (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [md] raid5-ppl: support disk hot add/remove with PPL (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [md] raid5-ppl: load and recover the log (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [md] add sysfs entries for PPL (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [md] raid5-ppl: Partial Parity Log write logging implementation (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [md] raid5: separate header for log functions (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [md] superblock changes for PPL (Nigel Croxon) [1434872] - [x86] mm: fix gup_pte_range() vs DAX mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1436283] - [x86] mm: Simplify get_user_pages() PTE bit handling (Jeff Moyer) [1436283] - [x86] mm: Fix gup_huge_p?d() to handle large PAT bit (Jeff Moyer) [1436283] - [x86] Mark Intel Knights Mill processor as supported (Steve Best) [1381298] - [x86] kvm: x86: Add AVX512_4VNNIW and AVX512_4FMAPS support (Paul Lai) [1382116] - [x86] cpuid: Provide get_scattered_cpuid_leaf() (Paul Lai) [1382116] - [x86] cpuid: Cleanup cpuid_regs definitions (Paul Lai) [1382116] - [x86] cpufeature: Add AVX512_4VNNIW and AVX512_4FMAPS features (Paul Lai) [1382116 1380821] - [x86] smpboot: Prevent false positive out of bounds cpumask access warning (Baoquan He) [1440629] - [hid] hid-wacom: support 27QHDT using the new driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1391668] - [scsi] ses: don't get power status of SES device slot on probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1434768] - [char] tpm_tis_spi: Add small delay after last transfer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1385571] - [char] tpm_tis_spi: Remove limitation of transfers to MAX_SPI_FRAMESIZE bytes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1385571] - [char] tpm_tis_spi: Check correct byte for wait state indicator (Jerry Snitselaar) [1385571] - [char] tpm_tis_spi: Abort transfer when too many wait states are signaled (Jerry Snitselaar) [1385571] - [char] tpm_tis_spi: Use single function to transfer data (Jerry Snitselaar) [1385571] - [block] nvme: Complete all stuck requests (David Milburn) [1439623] - [block] blk-mq: Provide freeze queue timeout (David Milburn) [1439623] - [block] blk-mq: Export blk_mq_freeze_queue_wait (David Milburn) [1439623] - [netdrv] mlx5: Increase number of max QPs in default profile (Kamal Heib) [1436238] - [netdrv] i40e: only register client on iWarp-capable devices (Stefan Assmann) [1437246] - [netdrv] i40e: close client on remove and shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: register existing client on probe (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: remove client instance on driver unload (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: fix RSS queues only operating on PF0 (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: initialize params before notifying of l2_param_changes (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: KISS the client interface (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: fix up recent proxy and wol bits for X722_SUPPORT (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: Acquire NVM lock before reads on all devices (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [netdrv] i40e: Do not enable NAPI on q_vectors that have no rings (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [infiniband] i40iw: Receive netdev events post INET_NOTIFIER state (Stefan Assmann) [1429866] - [powerpc] prom: Increase minimum RMA size to 512MB (Gustavo Duarte) [1411321]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Turn ql2xmqsupport off by default (Himanshu Madhani) [1441782] - [scsi] lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator base (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Mark NVMe and NVMe Target support as tech preview (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: avoid double kfree(), don't call nvme_cleanup_cmd() in nvme_fc_unmap_data() (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme-fc: add .map_queue entry to blk_mq_ops (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: add controller reset support (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: add aen abort to teardown (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: fix command id check (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: Add ls aborts on remote port teardown (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: Move LS's to rport (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: add missing reference in add_port (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: Rework target side abort handling (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fcloop: split job struct from transport for req_release (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: add req_release to lldd api (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: add target feature flags for upcall isr contexts (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: Clean up host fcpio done status handling (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: Clear SG list to avoid double frees (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: correct LS validation (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: Sync NVME LS reject reasons with spec (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: Add check of status_code in ERSP_IU (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme_fc: Sync FC-NVME header with standard (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvme-fc: don't bother to validate ioccsz and iorcsz (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: cleanup of abort flag processing in fcp_op_done (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc version bump for nvme to (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: The lpfc driver does not issue RFF_ID and RFT_ID in the correct sequence (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Finalize Kconfig options for nvme (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Rework lpfc Kconfig for NVME options (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: add missing Kconfig NVME dependencies (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: replace init_timer by setup_timer (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix eh_deadline setting for sli3 adapters (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: code cleanups in NVME initiator discovery (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: correct rdp diag portnames (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: remove dead sli3 nvme code (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: correct double print (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Rename LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY to LPFC_MAX_EQ_DELAY_EQID_CNT (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: add NVME exchange aborts (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix nvme allocation bug on failed nvme_fc_register_localport (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix IO submission if WQ is full (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix NVME CMD IU byte swapped word 1 problem (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix RCTL value on NVME LS request and response (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash during Hardware error recovery on SLI3 adapters (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: fix missing spin_unlock on sql_list_lock (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: don't dereference dma_buf-> iocbq before null check (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: sanity check hrq is null before dereferencing it (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: remove redundant assignment of sgel (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] Update lpfc version to with NVME support (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyrights (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Target: Add debugfs support (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Target: bind to nvmet_fc api (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Target: Merge into FC discovery (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Target: Receive buffer updates (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Target: Base modifications (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Initiator: Add debugfs support (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Initiator: bind to nvme_fc api (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Initiator: Merge into FC discovery (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: NVME Initiator: Base modifications (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: refactor debugfs queue dump routines (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: refactor debugfs queue prints (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: minor code cleanups (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct WQ creation for pagesize (Ewan Milne) [1384922] - [scsi] lpfc: Revert: Fix eh_deadline setting for sli3 adapters (Ewan Milne) [1384922]- [gpu] drm/ast: Handle configuration without P2A bridge (Rob Clark) [1422342 1415055 1351050 1406119] - [gpu] drm/vmwgfx: Work around drm removal of control nodes (Rob Clark) [1425111 1406119] - [video] efifb: prevent null-deref when iterating dmi_list (Rob Clark) [1358107 1406119] - [kernel] pm / sleep: add configurable delay for pm_test (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [gpu] drm/mgag200: Added support for the new device G200eH3 (Rob Clark) [1385845 1385100 1406119] - [documentation] rhel: remove drm from DocBook build (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [drm] upstream sync to v4.10 (Rob Clark) [1390444 1390443 1330441 1330436 1310324 1406119 1386946 1385880 1385851 1385820 1385760 1385757 1384392 1380814 1377723 1373255 1339127 1305619 1211380] - [acpi] acpi / video: Fix lockdep issue (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] virtio: make find_vqs() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] sched: Export sched_setscheduler_nocheck (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] relay: add global mode support for buffer-only channels (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] kthread: export kthread functions (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] locking/atomic, arch/x86: Implement atomic{, 64}_fetch_{add, sub, and, or, xor}() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [sound] drm/i915/dp: DP audio API changes for MST (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] drm/i915: Remove .is_mobile field from platform struct (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] drm/i915: Account for TSEG size when determining 865G stolen base (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] Silence 32bit compiler warning in intel_graphics_stolen() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] drm/i915: Function per early graphics quirk (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] drm/i915: Canonicalize stolen memory calculations (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] Provide atomic_{or,xor,and} (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] Force inlining of atomic ops (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] asm: Always inline atomics (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [asm-generic] locking, arch: Use ACCESS_ONCE() instead of cast to volatile in atomic_read() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [x86] locking,x86: Kill atomic_or_long() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] kernel.h: add u64_to_user_ptr() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] io-mapping: Fixup for different names of writecombine (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] io-mapping.h: s/PAGE_KERNEL_IO/PAGE_KERNEL/ (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] io-mapping: Always create a struct to hold metadata about the io-mapping (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] io-mapping: Specify mapping size for io_mapping_map_wc() (Rob Clark) [1406119] - [kernel] rcu: Add rcu_pointer_handoff() (Rob Clark) [1406119]- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_flower: Remove bogus warns in mlxsw_sp_flower_destroy (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Use PBS type for forward action (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] spectrum: flower: Treat ETH_P_ALL as a special case and translate for HW (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: acl: Fix mlxsw_afa_block_commit error path (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] spectrum: acl_tcam: Fix catchall prio value (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement TC flower offload (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce ACL core with simple TCAM implementation (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: resources: Add ACL related resources (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce basic set of flexible key blocks (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Introduce flexible actions support (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Introduce flexible keys support (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [kernel] include/linux/rwsem.h: add '' include (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Extended Flexible Action Register (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Policy Based Switching Register (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Rules Copy Register (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine Port Binding Table (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine TCAM Entry Register Version 2 (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine TCAM Allocation Register (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine ACL Group Table register (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Policy-Engine ACL Register (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: item: Add helpers for getting pointer into payload for char buffer item (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: item: Add 8bit item helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1434591] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for route replace (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add support for route append (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Correctly handle identical routes (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [net] ipv4: fib: Add events for FIB replace and append (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't reflect LINKDOWN nexthops (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Flush resources when RIF is deleted (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Reflect nexthop status changes (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use trap action only for some route types (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Determine offload status using generic function (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: More accurately set offload flag (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Refactor nexthop init routine (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove FIB info from FIB entry struct (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Store routes in a more generic way (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add gateway indication to nexthop group (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use nexthop's scope to set action type (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Store nexthops in a hash table (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Store nexthop groups in a hash table (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Nullify nexthop's neigh pointer (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix typo in comment (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't read 'nud_state' without lock (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove redundant check (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Simplify neighbour reflection (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use ordered workqueue for neigh updates (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Queue work immediately instead of delaying it (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Fix EQE structure definition (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Fix memory leak at skb reallocation (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix memory leak at skb reallocation (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change ENOTSUPP to EOPNOTSUPP (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix order of commands in port remove function (Ivan Vecera) [1434587] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make the add_matchall_tc_entry symmetric (Ivan Vecera) [1434587]- [net] sctp: get sock from transport in sctp_transport_update_pmtu (Xin Long) [1412865] - [net] sctp: check for dst and pathmtu update in sctp_packet_config (Xin Long) [1412865] - [net] sctp: remove return value from sctp_packet_init/config (Xin Long) [1412865] - [net] revert "inet: frag: remove hash size assumptions from callers" (David Arcari) [1431878] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Defer marking device lost when receiving an RSCN (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix typo in driver (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix crash in qla2xxx_eh_abort on bad ptr (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid that issuing a LIP triggers a kernel crash (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add fix to read correct register value for ISP82xx (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable the adapter and skip error recovery in case of register disconnect (Himanshu Madhani) [1436940] - [scsi] ses: Fix SAS device detection in enclosure (Maurizio Lombardi) [1394089] - [scsi] lpfc: Make default for lpfc_use_blk_mq to off (Ewan Milne) [1438933] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup PCI IDs in hpsa driver (Joseph Szczypek) [1433008] - [scsi] storvsc: Workaround for virtual DVD SCSI version (Cathy Avery) [1437552] - [scsi] drivers: add blist flags (Cathy Avery) [1437552] - [iommu] vt-d: fix range computation when making room for large pages (Alex Williamson) [1435612] - [target] replace ALUA transition wait/flush with mutex (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] tcmu: Allow cmd_time_out to be set to zero (disabled) (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] fix race during implicit transition work flushes (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] allow userspace to set state to transitioning (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] fix ALUA transition timeout handling (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] export protocol identifier (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] Use system workqueue for ALUA transitions (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] fail ALUA transitions for pscsi (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] allow ALUA setup for some passthrough backends (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] Use a PASSTHROUGH flag instead of transport_types (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] user: Fix use-after-free of tcmu_cmds if they are expired (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] tcmu: Convert cmd_time_out into backend device attribute (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] tcmu: make cmd timeout configurable (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] tcmu: add helper to check if dev was configured (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] tcmu: return on first Opt parse failure (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [target] tcmu: allow hw_max_sectors greater than 128 (Mike Christie) [1429008 1407016] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support creation of a WQ with scatter FCS offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable QP creation with cvlan offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable WQ creation and modification with cvlan offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose vlan offloads capabilities (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Enable QP creation with cvlan offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Enable WQ creation and modification with cvlan offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Expose vlan offloads capabilities (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [rdma] ib/core: Add scatter FCS flag to use in WQ creation (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [rdma] ib/core: Enable QP creation with cvlan offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [rdma] ib/core: Enable WQ creation and modification with cvlan offload (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [rdma] ib/core: Expose vlan offloads capabilities (Kamal Heib) [1409510] - [netdrv] mlx4: reduce OOM risk on arches with large pages (Kamal Heib) [1438409] - [netdrv] ib/mlx4: Take source GID by index from HW GID table (Kamal Heib) [1438404] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix overflow in mlx4_en_init_timestamp() (Kamal Heib) [1438400] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix VF overwrite of module param which disables DMFS on new probed PFs (Kamal Heib) [1438385] - [netdrv] mlx4: && vs & typo (Kamal Heib) [1438373] - [netdrv] mlx4: Spoofcheck and zero MAC can't coexist (Kamal Heib) [1438373] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Avoid delays during VF driver device shutdown (Kamal Heib) [1438365] - [powerpc] Add ppc64 hard lockup detector support (Gustavo Duarte) [1226123] - [powerpc] oprofile: Disable oprofile NMI timer on ppc64 (Gustavo Duarte) [1226123] - [powerpc] boot: Fix zImage TOC alignment (Gustavo Duarte) [1395838] - [powerpc] pseries: Don't give a warning when HPT resizing isn't available (David Gibson) [1431922]- [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Avoid potential packets loss (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Remove unused variable (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Correctly reallocate adjacency entries (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Correctly remove nexthop groups (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Mark split ports as such (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [net] ipv4: fib: Replay events when registering FIB notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] rocker: Register FIB notifier before creating ports (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] rocker: Implement FIB offload in deferred work (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] rocker: Create an ordered workqueue for FIB offload (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement FIB offload in deferred work (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Create an ordered workqueue for FIB offload (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Don't reflect dead neighs (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Change order of operations in removal path (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add missing rollback in error path (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Limit size of pools (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: resources: Add maximum buffer size (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchib: add MLXSW_PCI dependency (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add policers for trap groups (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add QoS Policer Configuration Register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: resources: Add max cpu policers resource (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Create a different trap group list for each device (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add BGP trap (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Change trap groups setting (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: resources: Add max trap groups resource (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Change emad trap group settings (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add option to choose trap group (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Change trap set function (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchib: Use generic listener struct for events (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Use generic listener struct for events (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use generic listener struct for events (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Introduce generic macro for event (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Use generic listener struct for rx traps (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use generic listener struct for rx traps (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Expose generic macros for rx trap (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Create a generic function to register / unregister traps (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove unused traps (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Implement thermal zone (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management Fan Speed Limit register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: minimal: Add I2C support for Mellanox ASICs (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Invoke driver's init/fini methods only if defined (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Introduce support for I2C bus (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add bus capability flag (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Flush FIB tables during fini (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add FIB abort warning (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix pwm_frequency field size in MFCR register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Correctly dump neighbour activity (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix refcount bug on span entries (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Ignore FIB notification events for non-init namespaces (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix handling of neighbour structure (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Fix the FW ready mask length (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Remove unused including (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix incorrect reuse of MID entries (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchib: Introduce SwitchIB and SwitchIB silicon driver (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Add IB port support (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Add eth prefix to port create and remove (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add port type (Eth/IB) set API (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add "eth" prefix to mlxsw_core_port_set (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Add Infiniband switch partition (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Make devlink port instances independent of spectrum/switchx2 port instances (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add local-port to Infiniband port mapping (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Infiniband support to PTYS (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add eth prefix to PTYS pack and unpack (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Fix port speed configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Add support for physical port names (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Move port used check outside port remove function (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Move port used check outside port remove function (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Check if port is usable before calling port create (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Zero payload buffers for couple of registers (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Set physical device for port netdevice (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set physical device for port netdevice (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Move PCI id table definitions into driver modules (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Rename header with HW definitions (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove extra whitespace (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Compare only trees which are in use during tree get (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Save requested prefix bitlist when creating tree (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Convert resources into array (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: cmd: Push resource query defines to cmd.h (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Generare register names automatically (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Use helper macro to define registers (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: item: Make char *buf arg constant for getters (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: item: Make struct mlxsw_item args const (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Fix reset wait for SwitchX2 (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Fix ethernet port initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Make mlxsw_sp_router_fib4_del return void and remove warn (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use correct tree index for binding (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Flip to the new dev walk API (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Fix misuse of hard_header_len (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix misuse of hard_header_len (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: avoid potential uninitialized data usage (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] doc: update switchdev L3 section (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [net] switchdev: remove FIB offload infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] rocker: use FIB notifications instead of switchdev calls (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Use FIB notifications instead of switchdev calls (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: remove redundant check if err is zero (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement max rif resource (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add max router interface resource (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add some miscellaneous resources (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement max virtual routers resource (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add max virtual routers resource (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: profile: Add KVD resources to profile config (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add KVD size relate resources (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: lag resources- use resources data instead of consts (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add lag related resources to resources query (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make offloads stats functions static (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Change the RX LAG hash function from XOR to CRC (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix sparse warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement offload stats ndo and expose HW stats by default (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for new ethtool API (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Indicate support of multiple port types (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Report port type according to operational speed (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Report link partner's advertised speeds (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Correctly report autonegotiation (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set port type before setting its address (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix error path in mlxsw_sp_router_init (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use existing flood setup when adding VLANs (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't take multiple references on a FID (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix netevent notifier registration (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix error path in mlxsw_sp_module_init (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix fib entry update path (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix failure caused by double fib removal from HW (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Mirror certain packets to CPU (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allow different traps to have different actions (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Simplify traps definition (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't set learning when creating vPorts (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove unnecessary check in FDB processing (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Offload learning to the switch ASIC (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Configure learning for VLAN-aware bridge port (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't abort on first error when removing VLANs (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make VLAN deletion function symmetric (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Limit number of FDB records per learning session (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: router: Enable neighbors to be created on stacked devices (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add missing flood to router port (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Fix pool value handling in mlxsw_sp_sb_tc_pool_bind_set (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allow packets to be trapped from any PG (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Unmap 802.1Q FID before destroying it (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add missing rollbacks in error path (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix missing op field fill-up (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Trap loop-backed packets (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add missing packet traps (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Mark port as active before registering it (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Create PVID vPort before registering netdevice (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove redundant errors from the code (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't return upon error in removal path (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Fix use after free (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add missing DCB rollback in error path (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Do not override PAUSE settings (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Do not assume PAUSE frames are disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix compilation error when CLS_ACT isn't set (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support in matchall mirror TC offloading (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add the Monitoring Port Analyzer register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Monitoring Port Analyzer Table register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Shared Buffer Internal Buffer register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add max span resources to resources query (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Add resources query implementation (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Expose per-tc counters via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Expose per-priority counters via ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Prevent invalid ingress buffer mapping (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Prevent overwrite of DCB capability fields (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't emit errors when PFC is disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Indicate support for autonegotiation (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Force link training according to admin state (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Return -ENOENT in case of error (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Trace EMAD messages (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add the unresolved next-hops probes (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add the nexthop neigh activity update (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement next-hop routing (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM ECMP Update Register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Adjacency Table register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Introduce simplistic KVD linear area manager (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Define sizes of KVD areas (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add KVD sizes configuration into profile (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Offload neighbours based on NUD state change (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Periodically update the kernel's neigh table (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM Unicast Host Table Dump register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM Unicast Host Table register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add private neigh table (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Enable L3 interfaces on top of bridge devices (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Configure FIDs based on bridge events (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Unsplit the vFID range (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce support for router interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Edit RIF properties based on netdev events (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add couple of lower device helper functions (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement fib4 add/del switchdev obj ops (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM Unicast Entry Register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add virtual router management (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement LPM trees management (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM Tree Binding Register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM Structure Tree Register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Algorithmic LPM Tree Allocation Register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Implement private fib (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add traps needed for router implementation (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use action 'discard' when removing traps (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router Interface Table Register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add FDB action to forward to router (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add router interface struct (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_router: Add basic ipv4 router initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Initialize ports at the end of init sequence (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Router General Configuration Register (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove RIF from PVID vPort when joining / leaving LAG (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Sync PVID vPort LAG status (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove VLANs configuration via SELF flag (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Send untagged packets through a port netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add debug prints (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Free resources upon vPort destruction (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Refactor FDB flushing logic (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't count on FID being present (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add FID get / set functions (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Check if port is vPort using its VID (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use per-FID struct for the VLAN-aware bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove unused function argument (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use join / leave functions for vFID operations (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make vFID struct generic (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use FID instead of vFID to setup flooding (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Create a function to map vPort's FID (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use only one function to create vFIDs (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove redundant function argument (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use DECLARE_BITMAP() macro (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Centralize VLAN-aware bridge ref counting (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove unnecessary function argument (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make unlinking functions return void (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use WARN_ON() return value (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Remove unnecessary checks from event processing (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Forbid LAG slave from having VLAN uppers (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Sanitize port netdev upper devices (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use notifier_from_errno() in notifier block (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Don't count internal TX header bytes to stats (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't count internal TX header bytes to stats (Ivan Vecera) [1414400] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Remove deprecated create_workqueue (Ivan Vecera) [1414400]- [x86] intel_rdt: Put group node in rdtgroup_kn_unlock (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Remove duplicate inclusion of linux/cpu.h (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Implement show_options() for resctrlfs (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Call intel_rdt_sched_in() with preemption disabled (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Update task closid immediately on CPU in rmdir and unmount (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Fix setting of closid when adding CPUs to a group (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Update percpu closid immeditately on CPUs affected by changee (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Reset per cpu closids on unmount (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Prevent deadlock against hotplug lock (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Protect info directory from removal (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add info files to Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Export the minimum number of set mask bits in sysfs (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Propagate error in rdt_mount() properly (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add a missing #include (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add scheduler hook (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add schemata file (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add tasks files (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add cpus file (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add mkdir to resctrl file system (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add "info" files to resctrl file system (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add basic resctrl filesystem support (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Build structures for each resource based on cache topology (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] documentation, x86: Documentation for Intel resource allocation user interface (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] cqm: Share PQR_ASSOC related data between CQM and CAT (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Pick up L3/L2 RDT parameters from CPUID (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add Haswell feature discovery (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_rdt: Add CONFIG, Makefile, and basic initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] cpufeature: Add RDT CPUID feature bits (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] cpufeature: Move some of the scattered feature bits to x86_capability (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel: Add get_cpu_cache_id function (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] intel_cacheinfo: Enable cache id in cache info (Jiri Olsa) [1288964] - [x86] cacheinfo: Introduce cache id (Jiri Olsa) [1288964]- [tty] n_hdlc: get rid of racy n_hdlc.tbuf ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1429920] {CVE-2017-2636} - [fs] mnt: Prevent pivot_root from creating a loop in the mount tree (Aristeu Rozanski) [1151483] {CVE-2014-7970} - [fs] ceph: remove bogus warnings from ceph_releasepage (Jeff Layton) [1428973] - [fs] ceph: get caps when handling splice() (Jeff Layton) [1428973] - [fs] jbd2: avoid infinite loop when destroying aborted journal (Lukas Czerner) [1433886] - [fs] jbd2: fix checkpoint list cleanup (Lukas Czerner) [1433886] - [fs] jbd2: simplify calling convention around __jbd2_journal_clean_checkpoint_list (Lukas Czerner) [1433886] - [fs] sunrpc: Silence WARN_ON when NFSv4.1 over RDMA is in use (Sachin Prabhu) [1428039] - [fs] sunrpc: Don't engage exponential backoff when connection attempt is rejected ("J. Bruce Fields") [1433390] - [net] ping: implement proper locking (Jakub Sitnicki) [1438998] {CVE-2017-2671} - [lib] Remove string from parman config selection (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: cls_matchall: Reflect HW offloading status (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: cls_matchall: Dump the classifier flags (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Send notification before deleting FIB alias (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Send deletion notification with actual FIB alias type (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Notify about nexthop status changes (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [lib] Introduce priority array area manager (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] list: introduce list_for_each_entry_from_reverse helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: tc_mirred: Rename public predicates 'is_tcf_mirred_redirect' and 'is_tcf_mirred_mirror' (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fix value of ->nlmsg_flags reported in RTM_NEWROUTE events (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: include NLM_F_APPEND flag in append route notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] for rate-limited ICMP replies save one atomic operation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1428684] - [net] reduce cycles spend on ICMP replies that gets rate limited (Sabrina Dubroca) [1428684] - [net] icmp: add a global rate limitation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1428684] - [net] diag: add missing declarations (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: use GFP_USER for user-controlled kmalloc (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: Add process name and pid to deprecation warnings (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: Reduce log spamming for sctp setsockopt (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: sctp_association_init: put refs in reverse order (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: process fwd tsn chunk only when prsctp is enabled (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: sctp gso should set feature with NETIF_F_SG when calling skb_segment (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: sctp_transport_lookup_process should rcu_read_unlock when transport is null (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: change sk state only when it has assocs in sctp_shutdown (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: assign assoc_id earlier in __sctp_connect (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: fix SSN comparision (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: forbid negative length (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: remove the old ttl expires policy (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: change to check peer prsctp_capable when using prsctp polices (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: remove prsctp_param from sctp_chunk (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: move sent_count to the memory hole in sctp_chunk (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: fix the handling of SACK Gap Ack blocks (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: fix overrun in sctp_diag_dump_one() (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: always initialise sctp_ht_iter::start_fail (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: terminate rhashtable walk correctly (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: fix error return code in sctp_init() (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: use in_compat_syscall for sctp_getsockopt_connectx3 (Xin Long) [1430276] - [net] sctp: keep owned chunk in destructor_arg instead of skb->cb (Xin Long) [1430276] - [x86] build: Build compressed x86 kernels as PIE when !CONFIG_RELOCATABLE as well (Scott Wood) [1438995] - [x86] build: Build compressed x86 kernels as PIE (Scott Wood) [1438995] - [block] blk-mq: Fix tagset reinit in the presence of cpu hot-unplug (David Milburn) [1437721]- [fs] kernfs: Enable kernfs build by default in RHEL7 (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: Fix kernfs interface differences (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: move the last knowledge of sysfs out from kernfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs: fix namespace refcnt leak (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs, sysfs, cgroup: restrict extra perm check on open to sysfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add back missing error check in kernfs_fop_mmap() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: fix a subdir count leak (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: protect lazy kernfs_iattrs allocation with mutex (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: cache atomic_write_len in kernfs_open_file (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: fix off by one error. (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: fix kernfs_node_from_dentry() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: fix hash calculation in kernfs_rename_ns() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add CONFIG_KERNFS (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_get_parent(), kernfs_name/path() and friends (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_node_from_dentry(), kernfs_root_from_sb() and kernfs_rename() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add kernfs_open_file->priv (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_ops->atomic_write_len (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: allow nodes to be created in the deactivated state (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add missing kernfs_active() checks in directory operations (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: implement kernfs_syscall_ops->remount_fs() and ->show_options() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: rename kernfs_dir_ops to kernfs_syscall_ops (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: invoke dir_ops while holding active ref of the target node (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs, sysfs, driver-core: implement kernfs_remove_self() and its wrappers (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: remove KERNFS_REMOVED (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: remove KERNFS_ACTIVE_REF and add kernfs_lockdep() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: remove kernfs_addrm_cxt (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: invoke kernfs_unmap_bin_file() directly from kernfs_deactivate() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: restructure removal path to fix possible premature return (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: replace kernfs_node->u.completion with kernfs_root->deactivate_waitq (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: make kernfs_deactivate() honor KERNFS_LOCKDEP flag (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: associate a new kernfs_node with its parent on creation (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add struct dentry declaration in kernfs.h (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: fix get_active failure handling in kernfs_seq_*() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add kernfs_dir_ops (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: allow negative dentries (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: update kernfs_rename_ns() to consider KERNFS_STATIC_NAME (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: mark static names with KERNFS_STATIC_NAME (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add REMOVED check to create and rename paths (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: add @mode to kernfs_create_dir[_ns]() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in internal functions and whatever is left (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in global variables (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in constants (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs/kernfs/ in various data structures (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: drop s_ prefix from kernfs_node members (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: s/sysfs_dirent/kernfs_node/ and rename its friends accordingly (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs: bail early from kernfs_file_mmap() to avoid spurious lockdep warning (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: implement "trusted.*" xattr support (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] kernfs: update sysfs_init_inode_attrs() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: remove cross inclusions of internal headers (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: implement kernfs_ns_enabled() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make sysfs_dirent definition public (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move mount core code to fs/kernfs/mount.c (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: prepare mount path for kernfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: make inode number ida per kernfs_root (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: implement kernfs_create/destroy_root() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move symlink core code to fs/kernfs/symlink.c (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move file core code to fs/kernfs/file.c (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move dir core code to fs/kernfs/dir.c (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move inode code to fs/kernfs/inode.c (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move internal decls to fs/kernfs/kernfs-internal.h (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs[_find_and]_get() and kernfs_put() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: revamp sysfs_dirent active_ref lockdep annotation (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_notify() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add kernfs_ops->seq_{start|next|stop}() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_file[_ns]() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_ops (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: move sysfs_open_file to include/linux/kernfs.h (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_dir[_ns]() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_setattr() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_rename[_ns]() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_create_link() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: introduce kernfs_remove[_by_name[_ns]]() (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983] - [fs] sysfs, kernfs: add skeletons for kernfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1396983]- [ntb] ntb_netdev not covering all receive errors (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] use ethtool_cmd_speed_set helper to set ethtool speed value (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_netdev: Fix list_for_each_entry exit issue (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_netdev: Fix skb free issue in open (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] correct ntb_peer_spad_read for case when callback is not supplied (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] correct ntb_spad_count comment typo (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Make _addr functions optional in the API (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix documentation for ntb_peer_db_clear (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_transport: Remove unnecessary call to ntb_peer_spad_read (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix 'request_irq()' and 'free_irq()' inconsistancy (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] fix SKX NTB config space size register offsets (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_transport: Limit memory windows based on available, scratchpads (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Register and offset values fix for memory window (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] add support for hotplug feature (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Adding Skylake Xeon NTB support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: potential info leak in debugfs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_hw_intel: init peer_addr in struct intel_ntb_dev (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] make DMA_OUT_RESOURCE_TO HZ independent (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_transport: make DMA_OUT_RESOURCE_TO HZ independent (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_hw_intel: Fix typo in module parameter descriptions (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_pingpong: Fix db_init parameter description (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] add DMA error handling for RX DMA (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] add DMA error handling for TX DMA (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_hw_intel: use local variable pdev (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_hw_intel: show BAR size in debugfs info (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: clear link_is_up flag when the link goes down (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_pingpong: Add a debugfs file to get the ping count (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_tool: Add link status and files to debugfs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_tool: Postpone memory window initialization for the user (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: Wait for link before running test (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: Return results by reading the run file (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: Improve thread handling to increase robustness (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: Schedule based on time not on performance (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_transport: Check the number of spads the hardware supports (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_tool: Add memory window debug support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_perf: Allow limiting the size of the memory windows (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] allocate number transport entries depending on size of ring size (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_tool: bug: Ensure the buffer size is large enough to return all spads (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_tool: Fix infinite loop bug when writing spad/peer_spad file (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Remove _addr functions from ntb_hw_amd (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix incorrect clean up routine in ntb_perf (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix incorrect return check in ntb_perf (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] fix possible NULL dereference (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] add missing setup of translation window (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] stop link work when we do not have memory (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] stop tasklet from spinning forever during shutdown (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] perf test: fix address space confusion (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix macro parameter conflict with field name (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add support for AMD PCI-Express Non-Transparent Bridge (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb perf tool (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Address out of DMA descriptor issue with NTB (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Clear property bits in BAR value (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] ntb_process_tx error path bug (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] fix 32-bit compiler warning (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] unify translation addresses (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] invalid buf pointer in multi-MW setups (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] remove unused variable (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] fix access of free-ed pointer (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix issue where we may be accessing NULL ptr (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix range check on memory window index (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Improve index handling in B2B MW workaround (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Use unique DMA channels for TX and RX (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Remove dma_sync_wait from ntb_async_rx (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Clean up QP stats info (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Make the transport list in order of discovery (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add PCI Device IDs for Broadwell Xeon (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add flow control to the ntb_netdev (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] avoid format string in dev_set_name (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix dereference before check (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix zero size or integer overflow in ntb_set_mw (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Schedule to receive on QP link up (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix oops in debugfs when transport is half-up (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix transport stats for multiple devices (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix ntb_transport out-of-order RX update (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add split BAR output for debugfs stats (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Change WARN_ON_ONCE to pr_warn_once on unsafe (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Print driver name and version in module init (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Increase transport MTU to 64k from 16k (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Rename Intel code names to platform names (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Default to CPU memcpy for performance (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Improve performance with write combining (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Use NUMA memory in Intel driver (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Use NUMA memory and DMA chan in transport (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Rate limit ntb_qp_link_work (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add tool test client (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add ping pong test client (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add parameters for Intel SNB B2B addresses (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Reset transport QP link stats on down (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Do not advance transport RX on link down (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Differentiate transport link down messages (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Check the device ID to set errata flags (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Enable link for Intel root port mode in probe (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Read peer info from local SPAD in transport (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Split ntb_hw_intel and ntb_transport drivers (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add NTB hardware abstraction layer (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Move files in preparation for NTB abstraction (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] initialize max_mw for Atom before using it (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] iounmap MW reg and vbase in error path (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Adding split BAR support for Haswell platforms (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] use errata flag set via DID to implement workaround (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] conslidate reading of PPD to move platform detection earlier (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] move platform detection to separate function (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] debugfs device entry (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Add alignment check to meet hardware requirement (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] correct the spread of queues over mw's (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Split ntb_setup_msix() into separate BWD/SNB routines (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Use pci_msix_vec_count() to obtain number of MSI-Xs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Code Style Clean-up (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] client event cleanup (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix leakage of ntb_device::msix_entries[] array (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix typo in setting one translation register (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Disable interrupts and poll under high load (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Enable Snoop on Primary Side (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Document HW errata (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] remove duplicate defines (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] correct dmaengine_get/put usage (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix ntb_transport link down race (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix missed call to pci_enable_msix() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Fix NTB-RP Link Up (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Xeon Doorbell errata workaround (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] convert to dmaengine_unmap_data (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Update Version (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Comment Fix (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Remove unused variable (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Remove References of non-B2B BWD HW (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] NTB-RP support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Rename Variables for NTB-RP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Use DMA Engine to Transmit and Receive (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Enable 32bit Support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Update Device IDs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] BWD Link Recovery (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [ntb] Xeon Errata Workaround (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [dma] async_memcpy: convert to dmaengine_unmap_data (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [dma] dmaengine: reference counted unmap data (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [dma] dmaengine: add support to provide error result from a DMA transation (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [dma] dmaengine: Add helper function to prep for error reporting (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727] - [dma] dmaengine: prepare for generic 'unmap' data (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303727]- [kernel] userns: Avoid panics by reserving space in user_table for future ucounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [mm] slab.h: fix argument order in cache_from_obj's error message (Aristeu Rozanski) [1437645] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix calculation of Global Physical Address (Frank Ramsay) [1434837] - [pci] Support INTx masking on ConnectX-4 with firmware x.14.1100+ (Myron Stowe) [1437132] - [pci] Convert Mellanox broken INTx quirks to be for listed devices only (Myron Stowe) [1437132] - [pci] Convert broken INTx masking quirks from HEADER to FINAL (Myron Stowe) [1437132] - [acpi] apei: Fix leaked resources (Jerome Marchand) [1173433] - [acpi] apei: erst: Fixed leaked resources in erst_init (Jerome Marchand) [1173433] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.6.4 (Gustavo Duarte) [1406512] - [scsi] ipr: Fix SATA EH hang (Gustavo Duarte) [1406512] - [scsi] ipr: Error path locking fixes (Gustavo Duarte) [1406512] - [scsi] ipr: Fix abort path race condition (Gustavo Duarte) [1406512] - [scsi] ipr: Remove redundant initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1406512] - [scsi] ipr: Fix missed EH wakeup (Gustavo Duarte) [1406512] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix endian issue in logical link config command (David Arcari) [1384389] - [netdrv] fjes: Fix wrong netdevice feature flags (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1435603] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Correct the order of arguments to netdev_err() in bnxt_set_tpa() (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix NULL pointer dereference in reopen failure path (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Ignore 0 value in autoneg supported speed from firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check if firmware LLDP agent is running (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Call bnxt_ulp_stop() during tx timeout (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Perform function reset earlier during probe (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: use eth_hw_addr_random() (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: fix pci cleanup in bnxt_init_one() failure path (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix NULL pointer dereference in a failure path during open (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reject driver probe against all bridge devices (Jonathan Toppins) [1433476] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Reorder update stats (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5: Move cached hca caps to designated caps struct (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Expose PCIe statistics to ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add MPCNT register infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Expose physical layer statistical counters to ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add PPCNT physical layer statistical group infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5: Query and cache PCAM, MCAM registers on initialization (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5: Implement PCAM, MCAM access register commands (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5: Expose PCAM, MCAM registers infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1409101] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Implement 1PPS support (Kamal Heib) [1386723] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add MTPPS and MTPPSE registers infrastructure (Kamal Heib) [1386723] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Replace ENOTSUPP usage with EOPNOTSUPP (Kamal Heib) [1386747] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add flow tag support (Kamal Heib) [1386747] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Add support for flow tag (Kamal Heib) [1386747] - [rdma] ib/core: Introduce flow tag specification (Kamal Heib) [1386747] - [netdrv] mlx5: Consolidate flow rules regardless their flow tag (Kamal Heib) [1386747]- [net] flow_dissector: check if arp_eth is null rather than arp (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_rsvp: complete rcu conversion (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_tcindex: fix another crash in cls_tcindex (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: act_mirred: fix a typo in get_dev (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: mark tech preview (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Reflect HW offload status (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Properly handle classifier flags dumping (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: expose priority to offloading netdevice (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Correct matching on ICMPv6 code (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: reduce fl_change stack size (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Disallow duplicate internal elements (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Support matching on ARP (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] flow_disector: ARP support (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Fix missing addr_type in classify (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Mandate mask when matching on flags (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Use masked key when calling HW offloads (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Use mask for addr_type (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Support matching on ICMP type and code (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Add support for matching on flags (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Set the filter Hardware device for all use-cases (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Add offload support using egress Hardware device (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: move tc offload macros to pkt_cls.h (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: avoid unused variable warning (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: act_mirred: Add new tc_action_ops get_dev() (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Provide a filter to replace/destroy hardware filter functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Try to offload only if skip_hw flag isn't set (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: Add separate check for skip_hw flag (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: remove from hashtable only in case skip sw flag is not set (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: respect rcu grace period on cls destruction (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Add UDP port to tunnel parameters (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Allow setting encapsulation fields as used key (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Support matching on SCTP ports (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: merge filter delete/destroy common code (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: add missing unbind call when destroying flows (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Use a proper mask value for enc key id parameter (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: stylistic cleanups (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Specify vlan attributes format in the UAPI header (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Remove an unused field from the filter key structure (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Support masking for matching on tcp/udp ports (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Classify packet in ip tunnels (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] dst: Utility functions to build dst_metadata without supplying an skb (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] ip_tunnels: Introduce tunnel_id_to_key32() and key32_to_tunnel_id() (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: fix use of uninitialized ethertype variable in cls_flower (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Add vlan support (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Avoid dissection of unmasked keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Return error when hw can't offload and skip_sw is set (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: fix tc_should_offload for specific clsact classes (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Introduce support in SKIP SW flag (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Hardware offloaded filters statistics support (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Fix pointer cast (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Introduce hardware offload support (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: set key address type when present (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: fix panic on filter replace (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: flower fix typo (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Add full IPv6 addresses to flow_keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Get skb hash over flow_keys structure (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: Fix compile error (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375] - [net] sched: cls_flower: introduce Flower classifier (Jonathan Toppins) [1393375]- [pci] Enable access to non-standard VPD for Chelsio devices (Sai Vemuri) [1241921] - [x86] efi: Do not handle BGRT image in kdump kernel (Bhupesh Sharma) [1268946] - [net] qed: Add support for hardware offloaded FCoE (Chad Dupuis) [1384085] - [scsi] qedf: Add QLogic FastLinQ offload FCoE driver framework (Chad Dupuis) [1384085] - [scsi] qedi: Fix memory leak in tmf response processing (Chad Dupuis) [1384083] - [scsi] qedi: Fix possible memory leak in qedi_iscsi_update_conn() (Chad Dupuis) [1384083] - [scsi] qedi: fix build, depends on UIO (Chad Dupuis) [1384083] - [scsi] qedi: Add QLogic FastLinQ offload iSCSI driver framework (Chad Dupuis) [1384083] - [misc] mei: don't wait for os version message reply (Jerry Snitselaar) [1435102] - [misc] mei: me: add lewisburg device ids (Jerry Snitselaar) [1435102] - [char] tpm_crb: request and relinquish locality 0 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402149] - [char] tpm: make check_locality return bool (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402149] - [char] tpm_crb: check for bad response size (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402149] - [char] tpm_crb: encapsulate crb_wait_for_reg_32 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402149] - [char] tpm_crb: map locality registers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402149] - [char] tpm crb: Work around BIOS's that report the wrong ACPI region size (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402149] - [tools] perf bench numa: Add more comment for -c option (Jiri Olsa) [1018964] - [crypto] ccp - Assign DMA commands to the channel's CCP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1420977] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: cleanup pending frames in DQA mode (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1431840] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Adding support of turning off link autonegotiation via ethtool (Kamal Heib) [1409502] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Disable energy efficiency optimization (Prarit Bhargava) [1408828] - [powerpc] powernv: Handle OPAL_WRONG_STATE in opal_get_sensor_data() (Steve Best) [1412551] - [powerpc] powerpc/64: Fix checksum folding in csum_add() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/64: Use optimized checksum routines on little-endian (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/64: Fix checksum folding in csum_tcpudp_nofold and ip_fast_csum_nofold (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] Update parameters for csum_tcpudp_magic & csum_tcpudp_nofold (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/32: Fix again csum_partial_copy_generic() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/32: Fix csum_partial_copy_generic() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] lib: Clarify that adde is an instruction and we mean plural (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] simplify csum_add(a, b) in case a or b is constant 0 (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/32: optimise csum_partial() loop (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/32: optimise a few instructions in csum_partial() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/32: rewrite csum_partial_copy_generic() based on copy_tofrom_user() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] inline ip_fast_csum() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] powerpc/32: checksum_wrappers_64 becomes checksum_wrappers (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] mark xer clobbered in csum_add() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] add support for csum_add() (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [powerpc] put csum_tcpudp_magic inline (Gustavo Duarte) [1430834] - [firmware] efi: Expose underlying UEFI firmware platform size to userland (Lenny Szubowicz) [1434959]- [x86] mm/kaslr: EFI region is mistakenly included into KASLR VA space for randomization (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] kconfig: Remove misleading note regarding hibernation and KASLR (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [kernel] uaccess.h: Include linux/sched.h (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] microcode/amd: Fix load of builtin microcode with randomized memory (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] microcode/amd: Make amd_ucode_patch[] static (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] microcode/amd: Fix initrd loading with CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_MEMORY=y (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] asm, x86/microcode: Add __PAGE_OFFSET_BASE define on 32-bit (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] microcode/intel: Fix initrd loading with CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_MEMORY=y (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] microcode: Fix loading precedence (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [kernel] kexec: export the value of phys_base instead of symbol address (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [kernel] kexec: export KERNEL_IMAGE_SIZE to vmcoreinfo (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] revert "kdump, vmcoreinfo: report memory sections virtual addresses" (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [kernel] kdump, vmcoreinfo: report memory sections virtual addresses (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm/64: Enable KASLR for vmemmap memory region (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] ptdump: Add section for EFI runtime services (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm/kaslr: Increase BRK pages for KASLR memory randomization (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm/kaslr: Fix physical memory calculation on KASLR memory randomization (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Do not reference phys addr beyond kernel (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Add memory hotplug support for KASLR memory randomization (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Enable KASLR for vmalloc memory regions (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Enable KASLR for physical mapping memory regions (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] asm: Remove unused L3_PAGE_OFFSET (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Implement ASLR for kernel memory regions (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Separate variable for trampoline PGD (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Add PUD VA support for physical mapping (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Use pte_none() to test for empty PTE (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] mm: Update physical mapping variable names (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [x86] revert "Use pte_none() to test for empty PTE" (Baoquan He) [1424943] - [kernel] sched: Remove lockdep check in sched_move_task() (Oleg Nesterov) [1388158] - [kernel] sched/autogroup: Do not use autogroup->tg in zombie threads (Oleg Nesterov) [1388158] - [kernel] sched/autogroup: Fix autogroup_move_group() to never skip sched_move_task() (Oleg Nesterov) [1388158] - [kernel] sched: Change autogroup_move_group() to use for_each_thread() (Oleg Nesterov) [1388158] - [kernel] audit: log module name on delete_module (Richard Guy Briggs) [1426659] - [kernel] audit: add feature audit_lost reset (Richard Guy Briggs) [1249813] - [kernel] audit: Audit proc//cmdline aka proctitle (Richard Guy Briggs) [1299527] - [kernel] mm: Create utility function for accessing a tasks commandline value (Richard Guy Briggs) [1299527] - [kernel] perf/core: Introduce PMU_EV_CAP_READ_ACTIVE_PKG (Jiri Olsa) [1434753] {CVE-2017-6001} - [kernel] perf/core: Generalize event->group_flags (Jiri Olsa) [1434753] {CVE-2017-6001} - [kernel] perf/core: Fix concurrent sys_perf_event_open() vs. 'move_group' race (Jiri Olsa) [1434753] {CVE-2017-6001} - [kernel] powerpc: Fix copy_file_range syscall (Prarit Bhargava) [1436879] - [kernel] s390: set NR_syscalls to 376 (Prarit Bhargava) [1436879] - [kernel] userns: Remove user namespaces from tech preview status ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: By default allow 0 user namespaces in RHEL7 ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] ucount: Remove the atomicity from ucount->count ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: Make ucounts lock irq-safe ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: When the per user per user namespace limit is reached return ENOSPC ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kenrel] userns: Document per user per user namespace limits ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] mntns: Add a limit on the number of mount namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238 1322495] {CVE-2016-6213} - [kernel] netns: Add a limit on the number of net namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] ipcns: Add a limit on the number of ipc namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] ipc: Initialize ipc_namespace->user_ns early ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] utsns: Add a limit on the number of uts namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] pidns: Add a limit on the number of pid namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: Generalize the user namespace count into ucount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: Make the count of user namespaces per user ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: Add a limit on the number of user namespaces ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: Add per user namespace sysctls ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] userns: Free user namespaces in process context ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238] - [kernel] sysctl: Stop implicitly passing current into sysctl_table_root.lookup ("Eric W. Biederman") [1340238]- [md] dm error: add DAX support (Jeff Moyer) [1384648 1384644] - [dax] rhel: device-dax: only support page-sized faults (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [md] dm: allow bio-based table to be upgraded to bio-based with DAX support (Jeff Moyer) [1384648 1384644] - [md] dm snap: add fake origin_direct_access (Jeff Moyer) [1384648 1384644] - [md] dm stripe: add DAX support (Jeff Moyer) [1384644] - [md] dm linear: add DAX support (Jeff Moyer) [1384648] - [uapi] dm: add infrastructure for DAX support (Jeff Moyer) [1384648 1384644] - [kernel] dax: enable dax in the presence of known media errors (badblocks) (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [dax] device-dax: fix pmd/pte fault fallback handling (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] fix debug output typo (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix memmap reservation size versus 4K alignment (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: fix acpi_nfit_flush_probe() crash (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: do not delete namespace-id 0 (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] constify device_type structures (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: fix pmem namespace leak, delete when size set to zero (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] pmem: return EIO on read_pmem() failure (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix mishandled nvdimm_clear_poison() return value (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: replace mutex_is_locked() warnings with lockdep_assert_held (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix align attribute (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: unit test acpi_nfit_ctl() (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: fix bus vs dimm confusion in xlat_status (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: validate ars_status output buffer size (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [kernel] acpi, nfit, libnvdimm: fix / harden ars_status output length handling (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: fix extended status translations for ACPI DSMs (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, e820: use module_platform_driver (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: use octal for permissions (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: avoid multiple sector calculations (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: remove else after return in nsio_rw_bytes() (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: fix the type of name variable (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: use consistent naming for request_mem_region() (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [dax] add region 'id', 'size', and 'align' attributes (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] device-dax: fix private mapping restriction, permit read-only (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] device-dax: fail all private mapping attempts (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] device-dax: check devm_nsio_enable() return value (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] device-dax: fix percpu_ref_exit ordering (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] use correct dev_t value (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] convert devm_create_dax_dev to PTR_ERR (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] fix mapping size check (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] fix device-dax region base (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] check resource alignment at dax region/device create (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] unmap/truncate on device shutdown (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [uapi] dax: define a unified inode/address_space for device-dax mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] convert to the cdev api (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] embed a struct device in dax_dev (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] rename fops from dax_dev_ to dax_ (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] reorder dax_fops function definitions (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] cleanup needlessly global symbol warnings (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [dax] use devm_add_action_or_reset() (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [nvdimm] use the right length of "pmem" (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: check and clear poison before writing to pmem (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] make CONFIG_NVDIMM_DAX 'bool' (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [nvdimm] pmem: report error on clear poison failure (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: potential NULL deref on allocation error (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: allow a platform to force enable label support (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: use generic iostat interfaces (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [kernel] blk: introduce generic io stat accounting help function (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] /dev/dax: fix Kconfig dependency build breakage (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: allow creation of multiple pmem-namespaces per region (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: lift single pmem limit in scan_labels() (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: filter out of range labels in scan_labels() (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: enable allocation of multiple pmem namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: update label implementation for multi-pmem (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: expand pmem device naming scheme for multi-pmem (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region: update nd_region_available_dpa() for multi-pmem support (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [kernel] libnvdimm, namespace: sort namespaces by dpa at init (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [kernel] libnvdimm, namespace: allow multiple pmem-namespaces per region at scan time (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: unify blk and pmem label scanning (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: refactor uuid_show() into a namespace_to_uuid() helper (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, label: convert label tracking to a linked list (Jeff Moyer) [1383827] - [kernel] libnvdimm, region: move region-mapping input-paramters to nd_mapping_desc (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] reduce duplicated wpq flushes (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [kernel] libnvdimm: clear the internal poison_list when clearing badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] pmem: reduce kmap_atomic sections to the memcpys only (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [kernel] x86, pmem: use memcpy_mcsafe() for memcpy_from_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: don't start a full scrub by default for an MCE (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, region: fix flush hint table thinko (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] remove duplicate nd_mapping declaration (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, namespace: debug invalid interleave-set-cookie values (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: fail DSMs that return non-zero status by default (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix devm_nvdimm_memremap() error path (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] fix PHYS_PFN/PFN_PHYS mixup (Jeff Moyer) [1428115] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: allow legacy (e820) pmem region to clear bad blocks (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit, mce: Fix SPA matching logic in MCE handler (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Fix nvdimm_probe error on NVDIMM-N (Jeff Moyer) [1385037] - [nvdimm] Spelling s/unacknoweldged/unacknowledged/ (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: unit test for acpi_nvdimm_notify() (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [kernel] acpi, nfit: add dimm device notification support (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: unit test for acpi_nfit_notify() (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix SIGTERM vs hotplug crash (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: check for the correct event code in notifications (Jeff Moyer) [1369563] - [nvdimm] btt: add a size attribute for BTTs (Jeff Moyer) [1379275] - [acpi] libnvdimm, nd_blk: mask off reserved status bits (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm-btt: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "__nd_device_register" (Jeff Moyer) [1379275] - [tools] nfit: do an ARS scrub on hitting a latent media error (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: move to nfit/ sub-directory (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [mm] /dev/dax, core: file operations and dax-mmap (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [tools] /dev/dax, pmem: direct access to persistent memory (Jeff Moyer) [1383489] - [kernel] nfit, libnvdimm: allow an ARS scrub to be triggered on demand (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: register nvdimm_bus devices with an nd_bus driver (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [nvdimm] pmem: clarify a debug print in pmem_clear_poison (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] nfit, tools/testing/nvdimm/: unify shutdown paths (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] libnvdimm: move ->module to struct nvdimm_bus_descriptor (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [tools] nfit: cleanup acpi_nfit_init calling convention (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: fix _FIT evaluation memory leak + use after free (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [acpi] nfit: treat virtual ramdisk SPA as pmem region (Jeff Moyer) [1383825] - [kernel] block: add QUEUE_FLAG_DAX for devices to advertise their DAX support (Jeff Moyer) [1384648 1384644] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: IS_ERR() usage cleanup (Jeff Moyer) [1383825]- [netdrv] mark the aquantia ethernet driver as tech-preview (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Reset is_gso flag when EOP reached (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for LSO with IPv6 (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Missing spinlock initialization (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix packet type detection (TCP/UDP) for IPv6 (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Remove adapter re-opening when MTU changed (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fix for RX checksum offload (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Copying tx buffers is not needed (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fixed memory allocation if AQ_CFG_RX_FRAME_MAX > 1 page (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fixed incorrect buff->len calculation (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Call netdev_register after all initialized (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Null pointer check for aq_nic_ndev_alloc (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Using NETDEV_TX_OK instead 0 (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Fixed missing rtnl_unlock (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Superfluous initialization of "err" (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Using module_pci_driver (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Removed busy_count field (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Removed extra assignment for skb->dev (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: remove function aq_ring_tx_deinit (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Add 2500/5000 mbit link modes support (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: fix dma_mapping_error test (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: atlantic: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: return -ETIME in macro AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: remove another redundant err check (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: remove redundant err check (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Integrate AQtion 2.5/5 GB NIC driver (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Receive side scaling (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Ethtool support (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Hardware interface and utility functions (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Atlantic hardware abstraction layer (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: PCI operations (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Vector operations (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Atlantic A0 and B0 specific functions (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Support for NIC-specific code (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Low-level hardware interfaces (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Add ring support code (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Common functions and definitions (David Arcari) [1406021] - [netdrv] aquantia: Make and configuration files (David Arcari) [1406021] - [uapi] ethtool: add support for 2500BaseT and 5000BaseT link modes (David Arcari) [1406021] - [uapi] ethtool: add support for 1000BaseX and missing 10G link modes (David Arcari) [1406021]- [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: fix driver to work with older firmware versions (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] at86rf230: Allow slow GPIO pins for "rstn" (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: do not use the stack for address fetching to make it DMA able (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: make sure we set a randaom extended address if fetching fails (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: do not use the stack for buffers to make them DMA able (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: drop duplicate header slab.h (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: implement .set_frame_retries ops callback (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: try to read permanent extended address from device (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: store firmware version after retrieval for later use (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: sync header file from firmware for new features (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: fakelb: print number of created fake devices during probe (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] at86rf230: fix cca ed values for rf233 (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: check device type (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_qca: Use setup_timer Kernel API instead of init_timer (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_h5: Use setup_timer Kernel API instead of init_timer (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_bcsp: Use setup_timer Kernel API instead of init_timer (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: __ variants of u8 and friends are not neccessary inside kernel (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: drop duplicate header delay.h (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix using the correct source address type (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: constify ieee802154_ops structures (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btwilink: Fix probe return value (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix append max 11 bytes of name to scan rsp data (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Fix autosuspend PM for Lenovo ThinkPad 8 (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btusb: Fix atheros firmware download error (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Refactor append name and appearance (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add appearance to default scan rsp data (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix local name in scan rsp (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btusb: add entry for Marvell 8997 chipset (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Use single return in hci_uart_tty_ioctl() call (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] BCSP fails to ACK re-transmitted frames from the peer (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Tidy-up coding style in hci_bcsp.c (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btwilink: Save the packet type before sending (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix not updating scan rsp when adv off (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Add a new 04ca:3011 QCA_ROME device (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix NULL pointer dereference in mgmt context (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Set appearance only for LE capable controllers (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix missing ext info event when setting appearance (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add supported data types to ext info changed event (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add appearance to Read Ext Controller Info command (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Factor appending EIR to separate helper (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Refactor read_ext_controller_info handler (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_uart: Add Marvell support (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_uart: Add Nokia Protocol identifier (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Change protocol name (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Increment management interface revision (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix advertising instance validity check for flags (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Unify advertising instance flags check (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Remove unused parameter from tlv_data_is_valid function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add support for appearance in scan rsp (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add support for local name in scan rsp (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btrtl: Add RTL8822BE Bluetooth device (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix not registering BR/EDR SMP channel with force_bredr flag (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc/memset (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Increase the subsystem minor version number (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix reason code used for rejecting SCO connections (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btqca: remove null checks on edl->data as it is an array (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix wrong New Settings event when closing HCI User Channel (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Send control open and close messages for HCI user channels (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] fakelb: fix schedule while atomic (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Append local name and CoD to Extended Controller Info (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add framework for Extended Controller Information (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btusb: Mark CW6622 devices to have broken link key commands (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Handle HCI raw socket transition from unbound to bound (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Send control open and close messages for HCI raw sockets (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add extra channel checks for control open/close messages (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Assign the channel early when binding HCI sockets (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Send control open and close only when cookie is present (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Use numbers for subsystem version string (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Introduce helper functions for socket cookie handling (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] add WCNSS dependency for HCI driver (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Use command status event for Set IO Capability errors (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix wrong Get Clock Information return parameters (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Use individual flags for certain management events (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: mgmt: Fix sending redundant event for Advertising Instance (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add support for sending MGMT commands and events to monitor (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add support for sending MGMT open and close to monitor (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Introduce helper to pack mgmt version information (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Store control socket cookie and comm information (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Check SOL_HCI for raw socket options (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] bcm203x: don't print error when allocating urb fails (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add support for 0cf3:e009 (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: add printf format attribute to hci_set_[fh]w_info() (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btusb, hci_intel: Fix wait_on_bit_timeout() return value checks (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Introduce Qualcomm WCNSS SMD based HCI driver (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add HCI device identifier for Qualcomm SMD (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: ndisc: no overreact if no short address is available (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add combined LED trigger for controller power (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Put led_trigger field behind CONFIG_BT_LEDS (David Arcari) [1415327] - [char] miscdevice: Use module_misc_device() macro (David Arcari) [1415327] - [kernel] miscdevice: Add helper macro for misc device boilerplate (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix hci_sock_recvmsg when MSG_TRUNC is not set (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix bt_sock_recvmsg when MSG_TRUNC is not set (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: split sk_filter in l2cap_sock_recv_cb (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix memory leak at end of hci requests (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] mac802154: use rate limited warnings for malformed frames (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] mac802154: don't warn on unsupported frames (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] mac802154: set phy net namespace for new ifaces (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: reset is_suspending flag in failure path (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] bpa10x: Add support for hci_set_fw_info (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add debugfs fields for hardware and firmware info (David Arcari) [1415327] - [lib] kasprintf.c: introduce kvasprintf_const (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Move hci_recv_frame and hci_recv_diag prototypes (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix l2cap_sock_setsockopt() with optname BT_RCVMTU (David Arcari) [1415327] - [kernel] misc: ti-st: Use int instead of fuzzy char for callback status (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Increment management interface revision (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add Authentication Failed reason to Disconnected Mgmt event (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] mrf24j40: avoid uninitialized byte in SPI transfer to radio (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Add support of 13d3:3490 AR3012 device (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_intel: Remove LPM enabling from setup procedure (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Rename HCI_BREDR into HCI_PRIMARY (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] fakelb: allow to run as monitor (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: cleanup WARN_ON for fc fetch (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] atusb: don't change csma settings while set channel (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: ndisc: set invalid unicast short addr to unspec (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: fix skb get fc on big endian (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: 6lowpan: fix intra pan id check (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: add ieee802154_skb_src_pan helper (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: add ieee802154_skb_dst_pan helper (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btusb: add support for device 0489:e092 (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: fix slab-out-of-bounds access in btmrvl_sdio (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix hci_sock_recvmsg return value (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix bt_sock_recvmsg return value (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: allow netns create of lowpan interface (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: add netns support (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] nl802154: move PAD to right position (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: ndisc: add missing 802.15.4 only check (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: ndisc: fix double read unlock (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: add support for 802.15.4 short addr handling (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: add support for getting short address (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: introduce 6lowpan-nd (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ipv6: introduce neighbour discovery ops (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ipv6: export several functions (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ndisc: add __ndisc_fill_addr_option function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ndisc: add __ndisc_opt_addr_data function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ndisc: add __ndisc_opt_addr_space function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] addrconf: put prefix address add in an own function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: remove ipv6 module request (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: add 802.15.4 short addr slaac (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: add private neighbour data (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: fix logic error in ieee802154_llsec_parse_dev_addr (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154/adf7242: syntax error ifdef DEBUG (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] Add USB ID 13D3:3487 to ath3k (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: fix power_on vs close race (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_intel: Fix null gpio desc pointer dereference (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] btmrvl: add platform specific wakeup interrupt support (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Add defines for SPI and I2C (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] ath3k: Silence uninitialized variable warning (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: update my copyright years for this driver (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: implement .set_cca_mode ops callback (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: implement .set_cca_ed_level ops callback (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154: atusb: implement .set_csma_params ops callback (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] at86rf230: increase sleep to off timings (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: move mac802154 header (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: add lowpan_is_ll function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: move eui64 uncompress function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: iphc: remove unnecessary zero data (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: iphc: rename add lowpan prefix (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: move lowpan_802154_dev to 6lowpan (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: change naming for lowpan private data (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: 6lowpan: fix short addr hash (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] nl802154: avoid address change while running lowpan (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ieee802154: add short address helpers (David Arcari) [1415327] - [kernel] ieee802154: cleanups for ieee802154.h (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] mrf24j40: apply the security-enabled bit on secured outbound frames (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] mrf24j40: fix security-enabled processing on inbound frames (David Arcari) [1415327] - [kernel] ieee802154: add security bit check function (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_bcsp: fix code style (David Arcari) [1415327] - [netdrv] ieee802154/adf7242: fix memory leak of firmware (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] 6lowpan: iphc: fix handling of link-local compression (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Allow setting BT_SECURITY_FIPS with setsockopt (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_ldisc: Fix null pointer derefence in case of early data (David Arcari) [1415327] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Add BCM2E71 ACPI ID (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Ignore unknown advertising packet types (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] bluetooth: Fix setting NO_BREDR advertising flag (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] ipv6: Add checks for 6LOWPAN ARP type (David Arcari) [1415327] - [net] tcp: avoid infinite loop in tcp_splice_read() (Davide Caratti) [1430580] {CVE-2017-6214} - [net] ipv4: keep skb->dst around in presence of IP options (Sabrina Dubroca) [1433201] {CVE-2017-5970} - [net] neigh: only allow init_net to change the default neigh_parms (Hangbin Liu) [1434277] - [net] neigh: no need to call lookup_neigh_parms in neigh_parms_alloc (Hangbin Liu) [1434277] - [net] ipv6: Paritially checksum full MTU frames (Vlad Yasevich) [1420109] - [net] ipv6: Should use consistent conditional judgement for ip6 fragment between __ip6_append_data and ip6_finish_output (Vlad Yasevich) [1420109] - [net] udp: disallow UFO for sockets with SO_NO_CHECK option (Vlad Yasevich) [1420109] - [net] udp: only allow UFO for packets from SOCK_DGRAM sockets (Vlad Yasevich) [1420109] - [net] ipv6: make ECMP route replacement less greedy (Xin Long) [1430267] - [net] ipv6: fix multipath route replace error recovery (Xin Long) [1430267] - [net] ipv6: fix ECMP route replacement (Xin Long) [1430267] - [net] ipv6: do not delete previously existing ECMP routes if add fails (Xin Long) [1430267]- [net] flow_dissector: skb_flow_get_be16() can be static (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Update pptp handling to avoid null pointer deref. (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow dissector: ICMP support (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: __skb_flow_dissect() must cap its return value (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add enums for encapsulation keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: __skb_get_hash_symmetric arg can be const (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: fix vlan tag handling (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Check skb for VLAN only if skb specified. (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: rps: Fix uninitialized flow_keys used in __skb_get_hash possibly (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: rps: Add the const for the parameter of flow_keys_have_l4 (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Get vlan priority in addition to vlan id (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: For stripped vlan, get vlan info from skb->vlan_tci (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] rps: Inspect PPTP encapsulated by GRE to get flow hash (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] pptp: fix byte order warnings (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] packet: Use symmetric hash for PACKET_FANOUT_HASH. (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Make dissector_uses_key() and skb_flow_dissector_target() public (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] eth: Pull header from first fragment via eth_get_headlen (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Use same pointer for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Correctly handle parsing FCoE (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Fix fragment handling for header length computation (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Check for IP fragmentation even if not using IPv4 address (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Copy inner L3 and L4 headers as unaligned on GRE TEB (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Fix unaligned access in __skb_flow_dissector when used by eth_get_headlen (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Use 'const' where possible. (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Fix function argument ordering dependency (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Move __get_hash_from_flowi{4, 6} into flow_dissector.c (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Don't use bit fields. (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Ignore flow dissector return value from ___skb_get_hash (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add control/reporting of encapsulation (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add flag to stop parsing when an IPv6 flow label is seen (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add flag to stop parsing at L3 (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Support IPv6 fragment header (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] ipv6: introduce ipv6_authlen and IP6_OFFSET (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add control/reporting of fragmentation (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add flags argument to skb_flow_dissector functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Jump to exit code in __skb_flow_dissect (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flowi: Abstract out functions to get flow hash based on flowi (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] Make __skb_set_sw_hash a general function (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add functions to get skb->hash based on flow structures (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] Set sk_txhash from a random number (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] break flow vs skbuff header dependency (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Move skb related functions to skbuff.h (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Pre-initialize ip_proto in __skb_flow_dissect() (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: fix ipv6 dst, hop-by-hop and routing ext hdrs (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: add support for dst, hop-by-hop and routing ext hdrs (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Fix MPLS entropy label handling in flow dissector (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add MPLS entropy label in flow_keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] mpls: Change reserved label names to be consistent with netbsd (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] mpls: Move reserved label definitions (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add GRE keyid in flow_keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add IPv6 flow label to flow_keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add VLAN ID to flow_keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Get rid of IPv6 hash addresses flow keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add keys for TIPC address (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add full IPv6 addresses to flow_keys (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Get skb hash over flow_keys structure (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Remove superfluous setting of key_basic (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] mpls: Add definition for IPPROTO_MPLS (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Simplify GRE case in flow_dissector (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: do not break if ports are not needed in flowlabel (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: remove bogus return in tipc section (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: call init_default_flow_dissectors() earlier (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: change port array into src, dst tuple (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: introduce support for Ethernet addresses (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: introduce support for ipv6 addressses (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: add missing header includes (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: use programable dissector in skb_flow_dissect and friends (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: introduce programable flow_dissector (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: fix doc for skb_get_poff (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] move __skb_tx_hash to dev.c (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] move __skb_get_hash function declaration to flow_dissector.h (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: fix doc for __skb_get_hash and remove couple of empty lines (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] move *skb_get_poff declarations into correct header (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: remove unused function flow_get_hlen declaration (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] change name of flow_dissector header to match the .c file name (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] sched: sch_choke: Use flow_keys_digest (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Add flow_keys digest (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] sched: Call skb_get_hash_perturb in sch_sfq (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] sched: Call skb_get_hash_perturb in sch_sfb (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] sched: Call skb_get_hash_perturb in sch_fq_codel (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: add tipc support (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] sched: fix skb->protocol use in case of accelerated vlan path (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Fix alignment issue in __skb_flow_get_ports (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] fix comments for __skb_flow_get_ports() (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: Use IPv6 flow label in flow_dissector (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] Convert uses of __constant_ to (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: small optimizations in IPv4 dissect (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: add 802.1ad support (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: add support for IPPROTO_IPV6 (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557] - [net] flow_dissector: clean up IPIP case (Jonathan Toppins) [1428557]- [scsi] megaraid_sas: Driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1433861] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: raid6 also require cpuSel check same as raid5 (Tomas Henzl) [1433861] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add correct return type check for ldio hint logic for raid1 (Tomas Henzl) [1433861] - [scsi] hpsa: fix volume offline state (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: update version to 3.4.18-0-RH1 (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: do not timeout reset operations (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: limit outstanding rescans (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: update check for logical volume status (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: remove coalescing settings for ioaccel2 (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: remove memory allocate failure message (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: fallback to use legacy REPORT PHYS command (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: use phN for short hex dumps (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: add 'ctlr_num' sysfs attribute (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: use correct DID_NO_CONNECT hostbyte (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: use bus '3' for legacy HBA devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct logical resets (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: Remove unneeded void pointer cast (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct call to hpsa_do_reset (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct scsi 6byte lba calculation (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: Check for null devices in ioaccel submission patch (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: Prevent sending bmic commands to externals (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: Check for vpd support before sending (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: Check for null device pointers (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: Determine device external status earlier (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: change hpsa_passthru_ioctl timeout (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: update driver to 3.4.16-0-RH1 (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct handling of HBA device removal (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct ioaccel2 error procecssing (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct ioaccel state change operation (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: add timeouts for driver initiated commands (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: add sas_address to sysfs device attibute (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: correct initialization order issue (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: set the enclosure identifier to zero (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611] - [scsi] hpsa: remove function definition for sanitize_inquiry_string (Joseph Szczypek) [1384611]- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Process qp wait list in IRQ thread periodically (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add destination address when re-queue packet (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use cq quota in SRIOV when creating completion EQs (Don Dutile) [1429188 1417286] - [uapi] rdma: Don't reference kernel private header from UAPI header (Don Dutile) [1385326 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix mem_check_range integer overflow (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix resid update (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: Invoke softirqs after napi_reschedule (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix memory leak after mlx4_en_update_priv() (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Avoid command timeouts during VF driver device shutdown (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286 1429188] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Check ets capability before ets query FW command (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix update of hash function/key via ethtool (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Modify TIRs hash only when it's needed (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Re-enable RoCE on mode change only after FDB destroy (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Err when retrieving steering name-space fails (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Return EOPNOTSUPP when failing to get steering name-space (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Change ENOTSUPP to EOPNOTSUPP (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/cma: Fix unknown symbol when CONFIG_IPV6 is not enabled (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Prevent from completer to operate on non valid QP (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix rxe dev insertion to rxe_dev_list (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/umem: Release pid in error and ODP flow (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Dispatch port active event from qedr_add (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Fix and simplify memory leak in PD alloc (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Fix RDMA CM loopback (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Fix formatting (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Mark three functions as static (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Don't reset QP when queues aren't flushed (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Don't spam dmesg if QP is in error state (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Remove CQ spinlock from CM completion handlers (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Return max inline data in QP query result (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [uapi] rdma/qedr: Add uapi header qedr-abi.h (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Fix MTU returned from QP query (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [rdma] core: Add the function ib_mtu_int_to_enum (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [uapi] ib/cxgb3: fix misspelling in header guard (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/iser: remove unused variable from iser_conn struct (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix sg_tablesize calculation (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/srp: fix invalid indirect_sg_entries parameter value (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/srp: fix mr allocation when the device supports sg gaps (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Do not recycle pages from emergency reserve (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] qed: avoid possible stack overflow in qed_ll2_acquire_connection (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove unused variable (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove unnecessary checks when setting num channels (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove unnecessary checks when setting num channels (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Eliminate warning messages for SRQ_LIMIT under SRIOV (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix when to save some qp context flags for dynamic VST to VGT transitions (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286 1429188] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix racy CQ (Completion Queue) free (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286 1429188] - [netdrv] mlx4: do not call napi_schedule() without care (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [net] svcrdma: avoid duplicate dma unmapping during error recovery (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Only cancel recovery work when cleaning up device (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove WARN_ONCE from adaptive moderation code (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Un-register uplink representor on nic_disable (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: do not send RX_DATA_ACK CPLs after close/abort (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417286] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: free EQ queue memory on last deref (Don Dutile) [1417517 1385866 1417286] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: refactor sq/rq drain logic (Don Dutile) [1416914 1385866 1417286] - [kernel] mlx4_core: Fix raw qp flow steering rules under SRIOV (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix type mismatch for 32-bit systems (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove BUG_ON from ICM allocation routine (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix bad WQE issue (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286 1429188] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use-after-free causes a resource leak in flow-steering detach (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disable netdev after close (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't sync netdev state when not registered (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Check ets capability before initializing ets settings (Don Dutile) [1386547 1385330 1417286] - [kernel] revert "net/mlx5: Add MPCNT register infrastructure" (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] revert "net/mlx5e: Expose PCIe statistics to ethtool" (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Prevent setting multicast macs for VFs (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Release FTE lock in error flow (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Mask destination mac value in ethtool steering rules (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid shadowing numa_node (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Cancel recovery work in remove flow (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Check FW limitations on log_max_qp before setting it (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Disable RoCE on the e-switch management port under switchdev mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix user prio field in XDP forward (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Don't check for null ptr in send() (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Drop future atomic/read packets rather than retrying (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use BTH_PSN_MASK when ACKing duplicate sends (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: Always notify the verb consumer of flushed CQEs (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: clear the vendor error field in the work completion (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: post_send/recv according to QP state (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: ignore inline flag in read verbs (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: modify QP state to error when destroying it (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: return correct value on modify qp (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: return error if destroy CQ failed (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: configure the number of CQEs on CQ creation (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [rdma] ib/cma: Fix a race condition in iboe_addr_get_sgid() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds: use rb_entry() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: use rb_entry() (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix a memory leak in rxe_qp_cleanup() (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [netdrv] chelsio: cxgb3: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: fix improper return value (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: fix bad initialization (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417286] - [infiniband] nes: return value of skb_linearize should be handled (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/core: fix unmap_sg argument (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Replace pci_pool_alloc by pci_pool_zalloc (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] mlx5, calc_sq_size(): Make a debug message more informative (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove a set-but-not-used variable (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] mlx5: Use { } instead of { 0 } to init struct (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Make writing the add_target sysfs attr interruptible (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Make mapping failures easier to debug (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Make login failures easier to debug (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Introduce a local variable in srp_add_one() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/multicast: Check ib_find_pkey() return value (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid reading an uninitialized member variable (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Fix an array index check (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Rework special QP creation error path (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: simplify IS_ERR_OR_NULL to IS_ERR (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/core: Issue DREQ when receiving REQ/REP for stale QP (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/nes: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/isert: do not ignore errors in dma_map_single() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] rdma: fix buggy code that the compiler warns about (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Avoid queuing work into a destroyed cq kthread worker (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: avoid bogus -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [uapi] rdma uapi: Use __kernel_sockaddr_storage (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib_isert: log the connection reject message (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds_rdma: log the connection reject message (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib_iser: log the connection reject message (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [rdma] rdma_cm: add rdma_consumer_reject_data helper function (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [rdma] rdma_cm: add rdma_is_consumer_reject() helper function (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [rdma] rdma_cm: add rdma_reject_msg() helper function (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: remove pointless NULL check in qedr_post_send() (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: Use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: Fix possible memory leak in qedr_create_qp() (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [infiniband] qedr: return -EINVAL if pd is null and avoid null ptr dereference (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417286] - [rdma] ib/mad: Eliminate redundant SM class version defines for OPA (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Properly adjust rate limit on QP state transitions (Don Dutile) [1385326 1385330 1417286] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Extend modify_qp and support packet pacing (Don Dutile) [1385326 1417286] - [rdma] ib/core: Support rate limit for packet pacing (Don Dutile) [1385326 1417286] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Report mlx5 packet pacing capabilities when querying device (Don Dutile) [1385326 1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support RAW Ethernet when RoCE is disabled (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Rename RoCE related helpers to reflect being Eth ones (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Refactor registration to netdev notifier (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use u64 for UMR length (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Avoid system crash when enabling many VFs (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Assign SRQ type earlier (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix out-of-range array index in destroy qp flow (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Make create/destroy_ah available to userspace (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Use kernel driver to help userspace create ah (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [rdma] ib/core: Let create_ah return extended response to user (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Report that device has udata response in create_ah (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [rdma] ib/core: Change ib_resolve_eth_dmac to use it in create AH (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support to match inner packet fields (Don Dutile) [1386703 1385330 1417286] - [rdma] ib/core: Introduce inner flow steering (Don Dutile) [1386703 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support Vxlan tunneling specification (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Add support for Vxlan protocol (Don Dutile) [1386703 1417286] - [rdma] ib/core: Align structure ib_flow_spec_type (Don Dutile) [1386703 1417286] - [rdma] ib/core: Add flow spec tunneling support (Don Dutile) [1386703 1417286] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Add support for CQE compressing (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Report mlx5 CQE compression caps during query (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Report mlx5 multi packet WQE caps during query (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Report multi packet WQE capabilities (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Increase max number of completions to 32k (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Check if GRH is available before using it (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: When no DMFS for IPoIB, don't allow NET_IF QPs (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Hold refs when running tasklets (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Wait for tasklets to finish before tearing down QP (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix ref leak in duplicate_request() (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix ref leak in rxe_create_qp() (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add support for IB_CQ_REPORT_MISSED_EVENTS (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Add support for zero-byte operations (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Unblock loopback by moving skb_out increment (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Don't update the response PSN unless it's going forwards (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Advance the consumer pointer before posting the CQE (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove buffer used for printing IP address (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove unneeded cast in rxe_srq_from_attr() (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Use DEFINE_SPINLOCK() for spinlock (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: avoid putting a large struct rxe_qp on stack (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Define platform_config_table_limits once (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: constify mmu_notifier_ops structure (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Add inlines for mtu division (Don Dutile) [1382806 1381986 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, ib/qib: use rvt swqe mr deref helper (Don Dutile) [1382806 1381986 1417286] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Add swqe mr deref helper (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Avoid credit return allocation for cpu-less NUMA nodes (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Use new send completion helper (Don Dutile) [1382806 1381986 1417286] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Add a send completion helper (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use standard refcount wrapper for QPs (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use reference count wrapper for MRs (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Replace qp->refcount release code with standard driver wrapper (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Preserve external device completed bit (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove critical section gap in sc_buffer_alloc() (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove usage of qp->s_cur_sge (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add trace of MR segs (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add special setting for low power AOC (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove definition of unused hfi1_affinity struct (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove dependence on qp->s_cur_size (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Show statistics counters under IB stats interface (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Fix trace hierarchy (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417286] - [uapi] ib/hfi1: Disable header suppression for short packets (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Export 8051 memory and LCB registers via debugfs (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use non-atomic __test_and_clear_bit in hot path (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix dc8051 multiple qword memory reads (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Read new EPROM format (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: use pad format string for dma_addr_t (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Remove deprecated module parameters (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417286] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Fix error return code in c4iw_rdev_open() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417286] - [crypto] chcr - checking for IS_ERR() instead of NULL (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: use reset to set mac header (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] remove WARN that is not kernel bug (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove and fix debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/isert: Remove and fix debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Remove and fix debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Remove and fix debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/usninc: Remove and fix debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/nes: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb4: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb3: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/core: Release allocated memory in cache setup failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/core: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix use-after-free in mlx4_en_fold_software_stats() (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Save the represntor netdevice as part of the representor (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: skip loopback selftest with !CONFIG_INET (Don Dutile) [1386660 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Create UMR MKey per RQ (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move function mlx5e_create_umr_mkey (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5e: Implement Fragmented Work Queue (WQ) (Don Dutile) [1368400 1428349 1417286 1385330] - [net] svcrdma: Further clean-up of svc_rdma_get_inv_rkey() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Break up dprintk format in svc_rdma_accept() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Remove unused variable in rdma_copy_tail() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Remove unused variables in xprt_rdma_bc_allocate() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_op_ctxt::wc_status (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Remove DMA map accounting (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Remove BH-disabled spin locking in svc_rdma_send() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Renovate sendto chunk list parsing (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] svcrdma: Clear xpt_bc_xps in xprt_setup_rdma_bc() error exit arm (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] ethernet :mellanox :mlx5: Replace pci_pool_alloc by pci_pool_zalloc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] ethernet :mellanox :mlx4: Replace pci_pool_alloc by pci_pool_zalloc (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [kernel] pci: mm: add pci_pool_zalloc() call (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Move tfm ctx variable to request context (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Use SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Adjust Dest. buffer size (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Calculate Reverse round key in setkey callback (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Remove dynamic allocation (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Fixes Unchecked dereference inside function (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Added new structure chcr_wr (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [crypto] chcr - Cosmetic change (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Relocate connection helper functions (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Update dprintk in rpcrdma_count_chunks (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Shorten QP access error message (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Squelch "max send, max recv" messages at connect time (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Update documenting comment (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor FRMR invalidation (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Avoid calls to ro_unmap_safe() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Address coverity complaint about wait_for_completion() (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Support for SG_GAP devices (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Make FRWR send queue entry accounting more accurate (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] xprtrdma: Cap size of callback buffer resources (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: give precise rx/tx bytes/packets counters (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [scsi] srp_transport: Move queuecommand() wait code to SCSI core (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add CQE compression user control (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Moves pflags to priv->params (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for loopback selftest (Don Dutile) [1386660 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for ethtool self diagnostics test (Don Dutile) [1386660 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add DCBX control interface (Don Dutile) [1386547 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: ConnectX-4 firmware support for DCBX (Don Dutile) [1386547 1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Add DCBX firmware commands support (Don Dutile) [1386547 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Read ETS settings directly from firmware (Don Dutile) [1386547 1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5e: Support DCBX CEE API (Don Dutile) [1386547 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add qos capability check (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: do not use priv->stats_lock in mlx4_en_auto_moderation() (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: remove a duplicate condition (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix memory leak on txq_info (Don Dutile) [1385330 1385866 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: reorganize struct mlx4_en_tx_ring (Don Dutile) [1385330 1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add control for inline mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Enable to query min inline for a specific vport (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support VF vport link state control for SRIOV switchdev mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4: avoid unnecessary dirtying of critical fields (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [target] cxgb4: Allocate Tx queues dynamically (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Expose PCIe statistics to ethtool (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Add MPCNT register infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Set driver version into firmware (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Set driver version infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add port module event counters to ethtool stats (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Add handling for port module event (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Port module event hardware structures (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Make the command interface cache more flexible (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use device ID defines (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [kernel] pci: Add Mellanox device IDs (Don Dutile) [1387321 1417286] - [net] rds: tcp: Force every connection to be initiated by numerically smaller IP address (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds: tcp: Track peer's connection generation number (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds: tcp: set RDS_FLAG_RETRANSMITTED in cp_retrans list (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: remove napi_hash_del() calls (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove napi_hash_del() call (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix port query for 56Gb Ethernet links (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Put non zero value in max_ah device attribute (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Handle well-known-gid in mad_demux processing (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [rdma] ib/mlx4: Handle IPv4 header when demultiplexing MAD (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Set traffic class in AH (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove can't use GFP_NOIO warning (Don Dutile) [1362586 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Limit mkey page size to 2GB (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix reported max SGE calculation (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Wait for all async command completions to complete (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Put non zero value in max_ah (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix atomic cap in indirect UMR (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Replace numerical constant with predefined MACRO (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/core: Save QP in ib_flow structure (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Optimize pio_buf and send_context structs (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Get rid of divide in pio buffer allocator (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add active channel and backplane support for integrated devices (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Optimize devdata cachelines (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Unify access to GUID entries (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Optimize pio cachelines (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [rdma] ib/rdmvat: Organize hot path calldowns into a single cacheline (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [rdma] ib/hfi1: Optimize lkey validation structures (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Inline sdma_txclean() for verbs pio (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add unique txwait_lock for txreq events (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add basic TC tunnel set action for SRIOV offloads (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add ndo_udp_tunnel_add to VF representors (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Support encap id when setting new steering entry (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Add creation flags when adding new flow table (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Check max encap header size capability (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Move alloc/dealloc encap commands declarations to common header file (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [net] rds: tcp: start multipath acceptor loop at 0 (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds: tcp: report addr/port info based on TCP socket in rds-info (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [scsi] replace custom approach to hexdump small buffers (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Refactor the XDP forwarding rings scheme (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: add xdp forwarding and data write support (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add TX_XDP for CQ types (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add tc support for FWD rule with counter (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add option to add fwd rule with counter (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Add multi dest support (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Group similer rules under the same fte (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor find_flow_rule (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Use fte status to decide on firmware command (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Don't unlock fte while still using it (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add SRIOV VF max rate configuration support (Don Dutile) [1386713 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce E-switch QoS management (Don Dutile) [1386713 1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Introduce TSAR manipulation firmware commands (Don Dutile) [1386713 1385330 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add ConnectX-5 PCIe 4.0 VF device ID (Don Dutile) [1385330 1387321 1417286] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix length of async_event_mask (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Ensure SRQ physical address structure endianness (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [kernel] mlx5: Update struct mlx5_ifc_xrqc_bits (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Skip handling unknown events (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Flip to new dev walk API (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/core: Flip to the new dev walk API (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds: Remove duplicate prefix from rds_conn_path_error use (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [net] rds: Remove unused rds_conn_error (Don Dutile) [1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix sending out loopback packet on netdev interface (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Avoid scheduling tasklet for userspace QP (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417286]- [net] pktgen: add needed include file (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Add net-device param to the get offloaded stats ndo (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] core: Correctly iterate over lower adjacency list (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] switchdev: Execute bridge ndos only for bridge ports (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Fix compilation error when CLS_ACT isn't set (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Add couple of lower device helper functions (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] pktgen: fix UDP checksum computation (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] pktgen: Add UDPCSUM flag to support UDP checksums (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] devlink: Add E-Switch inline mode control (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] neigh: Fix netevent NETEVENT_DELAY_PROBE_TIME_UPDATE notification (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: cls_matchall: Fix error path (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: matchall: Fix configuration race (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Allow for consistent FIB dumping (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Convert FIB notification chain to be atomic (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Add fib_info_hold() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: fib: Export free_fib_info() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] neigh: Send netevent after marking neigh as dead (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: respect rcu grace period on cls destruction (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] fib: introduce FIB info offload flag helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] fib: introduce FIB notification infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] core: Add offload stats to if_stats_msg (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] netdevice: Add offload statistics ndo (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: act_mirred: Add helper inlines to access tcf_mirred info. (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: act_mirred: add helper inlines to access tcf_mirred info (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: Add match-all classifier hw offloading. (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: introduce Match-all classifier (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] devlink: fix trace format string (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] tracing: change owner name to driver name for devlink hwmsg tracepoint (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] devlink: add hardware messages tracing facility (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] neigh: Send a notification when DELAY_PROBE_TIME changes (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] list_nulls: fix missing header (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] gro: use min_t() in skb_gro_reset_offset() (Slava Shwartsman) [1371812] - [net] gro: Disable frag0 optimization on IPv6 ext headers (Slava Shwartsman) [1371812] - [net] gro: Enter slow-path if there is no tailroom (Slava Shwartsman) [1371812] - [scsi] be2iscsi: do not lock the session->lock spinlock twice (Maurizio Lombardi) [1436346] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix closing of connection (Maurizio Lombardi) [1394016] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Check tag in beiscsi_mccq_compl_wait (Maurizio Lombardi) [1394016]- [tools] perf diff: Fix -o/--order option behavior (again) (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf diff: Fix segfault on 'perf diff -o N' option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf ftrace: Add ftrace.tracer config option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Create for_each_event macro for tracepoints iteration (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Add bpf_fs filesystem detector (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools perf util: Make rm_rf(path) argument const (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf callchain: Reference count maps (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Propagate perf_config() errors (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf config: Do not consider an error not to have any perfconfig file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf ftrace: Remove needless code setting default tracer (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf ftrace: Make 'function_graph' be the default tracer (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf ftrace: Introduce new 'ftrace' tool (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf util: Add more debug message on failure path (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf util: Save pid-cmdline mapping into tracing header (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf scripting perl: Do not die() when not founding event for a type (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Delete an unnecessary assignment in try_to_find_absolute_address() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Delete an unnecessary check in try_to_find_absolute_address() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Fix wrong register name for arm64 (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Coalesce by default only by pid, iaddr (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Display Total records column in offset view (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf hists browser: Add e/c hotkeys to expand/collapse callchain for current entry (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf hists browser: Put hist_entry folding logic into single function (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf unwind: Fix looking up dwarf unwind stack info (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix typo in deliver_sample() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move two variables usied in libperf from perf.c (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Show total wait times for summary (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add --state option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Account thread wait time separately (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf script: Also allow forcing reading of non-root owned files by root (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf script: Fix man page about --dump-raw-trace option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Fix missing member name (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unneccessary feature-dwarf warning (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf pmu: Factor out scale conversion code (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Add switch-output time option argument (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Add switch-output size warning (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Add switch-output size option argument (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Change switch-output option to take optional argument (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Add struct switch_output (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Add unit_number__scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix typo in perf_evlist__start_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf trace: Allow specifying list of syscalls and events in -e/--expr/--event (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf kallsyms: Introduce tool to look for extended symbol information on the running kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf machine: Add a kallsyms loading constructor (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Add missing linux/kernel.h include to subcmd.h (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jvmti: Create libdir directory before installing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to probe on gcc generated functions in modules (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Add error checks to offline probe post-processing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to show correct locations for events on modules (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to probe on gcc generated symbols for offline kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Fix --funcs to show correct symbols for offline module (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf symbols: Robustify reading of build-id from sysfs (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Install tools/lib/traceevent plugins with install-bin (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Fix prev/next_prio for deadline tasks (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Fix --switch-output documentation and comment (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Make __record_options static (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Add OPT_STRING_OPTARG_SET option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to get correct modname from elf header (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Show total scheduling time (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Fix invalid period calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Remove hardcoded 'comm_width' check at print_summary (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Enlarge default 'comm_width' (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Honour 'comm_width' when aligning the headers (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf diff: Do not overwrite valid build id (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Don't throw error for zero length symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf bench futex: Fix lock-pi help string (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix jump target outside of function address range (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Support jump instruction with target as second operand (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Force ignore_missing_thread for uid option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf evsel: Allow to ignore missing pid (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf thread_map: Add thread_map__remove function (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf evsel: Use variable instead of repeating lengthy FD macro (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf mem: Fix --all-user/--all-kernel options (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Remove some needless __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Show callchains for idle stat (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add -I/--idle-hist option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Skip non-idle events when necessary (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Save callchain when entering idle (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Introduce struct idle_time_data (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Split is_idle_sample() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move headers check into bash script (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] make use of make variable CURDIR instead of calling pwd (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] add more bitmap functions (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Explicitly document that --children is enabled by default (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Cleanup idle_max_cpu handling (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Handle zero sample->tid properly (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf callchain: Introduce callchain_cursor__copy() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched: Cleanup option processing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Improve error message when analyzing wrong file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move perf build related variables under non fixdep leg (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Force fixdep compilation at the start of the build (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move PERF-VERSION-FILE target into rules area (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf build: Check LLVM version in feature check (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Show raw form for jump instruction with indirect target (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Add non config targets (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Cleanup build directory before each test (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move python/ target into rules area (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move install-gtk target into rules area (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Move tabs to spaces where suitable (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Make the .cmd file more readable (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf build: Add clang and llvm compile and linking support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Add feature detection for clang (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Add feature detection for LLVM (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Pass context to perf hook functions (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Fix objtool build with clang (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Make fixdep parsing wait for last target (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: AArch64 support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Use arch->objdump.comment_char in dec__parse() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Add option to specify time window of interest (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf kmem: Add option to specify time window of interest (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add option to specify time window of interest (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf script: Add option to specify time window of interest (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Move parse_nsec_time to time-utils.c (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Add time-based utility functions (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf script: Add option to stop printing callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf kmem stat: Track memory freed (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf test: Remove "test" and similar strings from test descriptions (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce perf hooks (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf trace: Update tid/pid filtering option to leverage symbol_conf (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Handle cpu migration events (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Show invalid jump offset in error message (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf ui helpline: Provide a printf variant (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing struct definition in probe_event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Fix segfault when running with suid and kptr_restrict is 1 (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Enlarge max stack depth by 2 (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Mark schedule function in callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf callchain: Add option to skip ignore symbol when printing callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Initial PowerPC support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Improve support for ARM (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Allow arches to have a init routine and a priv area (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Introduce alternative method of keeping instructions table (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Remove duplicate 'name' field from disasm_line (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add -V/--cpu-visual option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add call graph options (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add -w/--wakeups option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Add summary options (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched timehist: Introduce timehist command (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf evsel: Support printing callchains with arrows (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf symbols: Print symbol offsets conditionally (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Support cascading options (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Display total HITMs on default (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add struct c2c_stats::tot_hitm field (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add -f/--force option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Setup browser after opening (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Show event fd in debug output (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add retrieval of preempt count and latency flags (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Use USECS_PER_SEC instead of hardcoded number (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Add per arch instructions annotate handlers (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Allow arches to specify functions to skip (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf annotate: Start supporting cross arch annotation (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Show branch info in callchain entry for browser mode (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Show branch info in callchain entry for stdio mode (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Calculate and return the branch flag counting (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Create a symbol_conf flag for showing branch flag counting (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Add branch flag to callchain cursor node (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf config: Mark where are config items from (user or system) (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf config: Add support setting variables in a config file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf config: Validate config variable arguments before trying use them (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf config: Add support for getting config key-value pairs (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf kvmti: Remove unused Makefile file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jvmti: Plug compilation into perf build (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Add jvmti feature detection support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools build: Add CFLAGS_REMOVE_* support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Update documentation about context switch events (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf callchain: Fixup help/config for no-unwinding (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing object file to the python binding linkage list (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf scripting: Don't die if scripting can't be setup, disable it (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf scripting: Avoid leaking the scripting_context variable (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] Update asm-generic/mman-common.h copy from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf list: Support matching by topic (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce timestamp__scnprintf_usec() (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched map: Always show task comm with -v (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched map: Apply cpu color when there's an activity (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf sched: Make common options cascading (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Suppport cascading options (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf bench futex: Sanitize numeric parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf bench futex: Avoid worker cacheline bouncing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf list: Make vendor event matching case insensitive (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf trace: Use the syscall raw_syscalls:sys_enter timestamp (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf trace: Remove thread_trace->exit_time (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf bench futex: Cache align the worker struct (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Use normal error reporting when processing PERF_RECORD_READ events (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Normalize sq_quote_argv() error reporting (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf bench mem: Move boilerplate memory allocation to the infrastructure (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf trace: Implement --delay (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf hists browser: Dynamically change verbosity level (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf pmu: Only print Using CPUID message once (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Add jitdump format specification document (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Check JITHEADER_VERSION (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Generate .eh_frame/.eh_frame_hdr in DSO (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Add unwinding support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Do not assume pgoff is zero (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Make perf skip unknown records (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Remove unecessary padding in jitdump file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Enable jitdump support without dwarf (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Improve error messages from JVMTI (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Add NT_GNU_BUILD_ID definition for older distros (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf jit: Avoid returning garbage for a ret variable (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf tools: Implement branch_type event parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf record: Improve documentation of event parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf header: Display feature name on write failure (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf header: Display missing features (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf report: Move captured info to generic header info (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib: Add for_each_clear_bit macro (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add version for traceevent shared object (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Rename LIB_FILE to LIB_TARGET (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add do_install_mkdir Makefile function (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add install_headers target (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf script: Support insn and insnlen (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf intel-pt/bts: Report instruction bytes and length in sample (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf intel-pt/bts: Tidy instruction buffer size usage (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add --show-all option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add --no-source option (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Add man page and credits (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add help windows (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Iterate node display in browser (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add support to manage symbol name length (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add cacheline index entry (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Recalc width of global sort entries (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Allow to set cacheline sort fields (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add support to choose local HITMs (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Limit the cachelines table entries (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Allow to report callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add c2c related stats stdio output (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add shared cachelines stats stdio output (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add global stats stdio output (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add TUI cacheline browser (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add main TUI browser (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add stdio output support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Set final resort fields (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Setup number of header lines for hists (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add src line sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'cpucnt' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add stats related sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'node' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'symbol' and 'dso' sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'tid' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'pid' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add dram related sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add hitm/store percent related sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add hitm percent sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add total loads sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add total record sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add llc load miss dimension key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add llc and remote loads related dimension keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add loads related dimension keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add stores related dimension keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add hitm related dimension keys (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'iaddr' dimension key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'offset' dimension key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add 'dcacheline' dimension key (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add header macros (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Decode c2c_stats for hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add cacheline hists processing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add sample processing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Fallback to standard dimensions (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add sort_entry dimension support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c report: Add dimension support (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Add report subcommand (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Add record subcommand (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Add c2c command (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Introduce c2c_add_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf c2c: Introduce c2c_decode_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Support couple more POWER8 PVRs in mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add power8 PMU events (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add WestmereEX V2 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add WestmereEP-SP V2 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add WestmereEP-DP V2 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add SandyBridge V15 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Silvermont V13 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Skylake V24 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add NehalemEX V2 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add NehalemEP V2 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add KnightsLanding V9 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Jaketown V20 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add IvyTown V19 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add IvyBridge V18 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add HaswellX V17 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Haswell V24 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Goldmont V8 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Bonnell V4 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add BroadwellX V10 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add Broadwell V17 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] perf vendor events: Add BroadwellDE V5 event file (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add format strings for PTWRITE and power event tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/core: Try parent PMU first when initializing a child event (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/core: Optimize event rescheduling on active contexts (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/core: Don't re-schedule CPU flexible events needlessly (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 prot/flags for anonymous memory (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix use-after-free bug (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Handle exclusive threadid correctly on CPU hotplug (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86: Reject non sampling events with precise_ip (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/x86/intel: Account interrupts for PEBS errors (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix sys_perf_event_open() vs. hotplug (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Use ULL constant to prevent undefined shift behaviour (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix overlap counter scheduling bug (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86/pebs: Fix handling of PEBS buffer overflows (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [tools] hw_breakpoint: Allow watchpoint of length 3, 5, 6 and 7 (Jiri Olsa) [1425612] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix exclusion of BTS and LBR for Goldmont (Jiri Olsa) [1425612]- [crypto] tcrypt - Add new mode for sha512_mb (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha512-mb - Crypto computation (x4 AVX2) (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha512-mb - Algorithm data structures (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha512-mb - submit/flush routines for AVX2 (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha512-mb - Enable SHA512 multibuffer support (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha512-mb - SHA512 multibuffer job manager and glue code (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] tcrypt - Add speed tests for SHA multibuffer algorithms (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha256-mb - Crypto computation (x8 AVX2) (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha256-mb - Algorithm data structures (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha256-mb - submit/flush routines for AVX2 (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha256-mb - Enable multibuffer support (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha256-mb - SHA256 multibuffer job manager and glue code (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha1-mb - async implementation for sha1-mb (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha1-mb - stylistic cleanup (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha-mb - Fix load failure (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] mcryptd - Fix load failure (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] sha-mb - mark Multi buffer SHA1 helper cipher (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] tcrypt - print cra driver name in tcrypt tests output (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] tcrypt - Added speed tests for AEAD crypto alogrithms in tcrypt test suite (Herbert Xu) [1379518] - [crypto] jitterentropy - drop duplicate header module.h (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - use ktime_get_ns as fallback (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - remove unnecessary information from a comment (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - use safe format string parameters (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - Delete unnecessary checks before the function call "kzfree" (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - avoid compiler warnings (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] drbg - use pragmas for disabling optimization (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - remove timekeeping_valid_for_hres (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] jitterentropy - add jitterentropy RNG (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] algif_rng - zeroize buffer with random data (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] algif_rng - fix sparse non static symbol warning (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] algif_rng - enable RNG interface compilation (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] algif_rng - add random number generator support (Herbert Xu) [1270982] - [crypto] fips - allow tests to be disabled in FIPS mode (Herbert Xu) [1314179] - [crypto] xts - fix compile errors (Herbert Xu) [1314179] - [crypto] xts - consolidate sanity check for keys (Herbert Xu) [1314179] - [crypto] memneq - fix for archs without efficient unaligned access (Herbert Xu) [1314179] - [crypto] more robust crypto_memneq (Herbert Xu) [1314179] - [crypto] crypto_memneq - add equality testing of memory regions w/o timing leaks (Herbert Xu) [1314179] - [crypto] testmgr - Fix GCM test vector IV overrun (Herbert Xu) [1386657] - [crypto] qat - Fix DMA on stack memory (Herbert Xu) [1364724] - [crypto] algif_hash - Only export and import on sockets with data (Herbert Xu) [1387632] {CVE-2016-8646}- [fs] userfaultfd: remove wrong comment from userfaultfd_ctx_get() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: use __SetPageSwapBacked in shmem_mcopy_atomic_pte() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: userfaultfd_remove revalidate vma in MADV_DONTNEED (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: fix fork fctx->new memleak (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: shmem: __do_fault requires VM_FAULT_NOPAGE (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: release all ctx in dup_userfaultfd_complete (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: robustness check (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [kernel] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: rollback userfaultfd_exit (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [documentation] userfaultfd: documentation update (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] scripts/spelling.txt: add "an user" pattern and fix typo instances (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd_copy: return -ENOSPC in case mm has gone (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: mcopy_atomic: return -ENOENT when no compatible VMA found (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [kernel] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add event for exit() notification (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add event for memory unmap to mm/fremap.c (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add event for memory unmaps (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: rename *EVENT_MADVDONTNEED to *EVENT_REMOVE (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add madvise() event for MADV_REMOVE request (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] mprotect: use pmd_trans_unstable instead of taking the pmd_lock (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: backport build fixes (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: add UFFDIO_COPY support for shared mappings (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [uapi] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: UFFD_FEATURE_MISSING_SHMEM (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: backport build fixes (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: avoid a lockup resulting from corrupted page->flags (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: avoid leaking blocks and used blocks in UFFDIO_COPY (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: lock the page before adding it to pagecache (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [uapi] userfaultfd: shmem: allow registration of shared memory ranges (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: add userfaultfd hook for shared memory faults (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: use shmem_mcopy_atomic_pte for shared memory (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: introduce vma_is_shmem (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: shmem: add shmem_mcopy_atomic_pte for userfaultfd support (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: introduce vma_can_userfault (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [uapi] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: UFFD_FEATURE_MISSING_HUGETLBFS (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: reserve count on error in __mcopy_atomic_hugetlb (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: gup: support VM_FAULT_RETRY (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: userfaultfd_huge_must_wait for hugepmd ranges (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [uapi] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: allow registration of ranges containing huge pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: add userfaultfd hugetlb hook (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: fix __mcopy_atomic_hugetlb retry/error processing (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: add __mcopy_atomic_hugetlb for huge page UFFDIO_COPY (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: add hugetlb_mcopy_atomic_pte for userfaultfd support (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: hugetlbfs: add copy_huge_page_from_user for hugetlb userfaultfd support (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: wake userfaults after UFFDIO_UNREGISTER (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: avoid MADV_DONTNEED race condition (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add madvise() event for MADV_DONTNEED request (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: optimize mremap_userfaultfd_complete() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add mremap() event (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: dup_userfaultfd: use mm_count instead of mm_users (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [kernel] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: Add fork() event (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: report all available features to userland (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: add ability to report non-PF events from uffd descriptor (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: non-cooperative: Split the find_userfault() routine (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] userfaultfd: use vma_is_anonymous (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: convert BUG() to WARN_ON_ONCE() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: correct comment about UFFD_FEATURE_PAGEFAULT_FLAG_WP (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [uapi] userfaultfd: document _IOR/_IOW (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [mm] introduce vma_is_anonymous(vma) helper (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606] - [fs] userfaultfd: fix SIGBUS resulting from false rwsem wakeups (Andrea Arcangeli) [1373606]- [mm] hugetlb.c: fix reservation race when freeing surplus pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: use huge_pte_lock instead of opencoding the lock (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: use the right pte val for compare in hugetlb_cow (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix huge page reservation leak in private mapping error paths (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] remove unnecessary condition in remove_inode_hugepages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: improve locking in dissolve_free_huge_pages() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: check for reserved hugepages during memory offline (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix memory offline with hugepage size > memory block size (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix incorrect hugepages count during mem hotplug (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix huge_pte_alloc BUG_ON (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: avoid soft lockup in set_max_huge_pages() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hwpoison: remove incorrect comments (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: simplify hugetlb unmap (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix huge page reserve accounting for private mappings (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: add same zone check in pfn_range_valid_gigantic() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: use first_memory_node (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: introduce hugetlb_bad_size() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: optimize minimum size (min_size) accounting (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: hugetlb_no_page: rate-limit warning message (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: fix incorrect proc nr_hugepages value (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [fs] hugetlbfs: unmap pages if page fault raced with hole punch update locking (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [fs] mm/hugetlbfs: unmap pages if page fault raced with hole punch (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [fs] hugetlbfs/inode.c: fix bugs in hugetlb_vmtruncate_list() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] fix locking order in mm_take_all_locks() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: fix resv map memory leak for placeholder entries (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix hugepage memory leak caused by wrong reserve count (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [fs] mm/hugetlbfs: fix bugs in fallocate hole punch of areas with holes (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: trivial comment fix (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: optimize when NUMA=n (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: use memory policy when available (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: make node_hstates array static (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [fs] hugetlbfs: add hugetlbfs_fallocate() update locking (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: add hugetlbfs_fallocate() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: New huge_add_to_page_cache helper routine (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: alloc_huge_page handle areas hole punched by fallocate (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: vma_has_reserves() needs to handle fallocate hole punch (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: truncate_hugepages() takes a range of pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [fs] hugetlbfs: hugetlb_vmtruncate_list() needs to take a range to delete (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: expose hugetlb fault mutex for use by fallocate (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: add region_del() to delete a specific range of entries (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: add cache of descriptors to resv_map for region_add (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: compute/return the number of regions added by region_add() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: make vma_has_reserves() return bool (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb.c: make vma_shareable() return bool (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: handle races in alloc_huge_page and hugetlb_reserve_pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: document the reserve map/region tracking routines (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: introduce minimum hugepage order (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: accept subpool min_size mount option and setup accordingly (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: add minimum size accounting to subpools (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlbfs: add minimum size tracking fields to subpool structure (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: abort __get_user_pages if current has been oom killed (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: close race when setting PageTail for gigantic pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: fix type of hugetlb_treat_as_movable variable (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: move the error handle logic out of normal code path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: use vma_resv_map() map types (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: remove resv_map_put (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172] - [mm] hugetlb: use already existing interface huge_page_shift (Andrea Arcangeli) [1430172]- [lib] locking/rwsem: Fix rwsem kABI issues (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Scan the wait_list for readers only once (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Return void in __rwsem_mark_wake() (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Streamline the rwsem_optimistic_spin() code (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Improve reader wakeup code (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [kernel] locking/rwsem: Protect all writes to owner by WRITE_ONCE() (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Add reader-owned state to the owner field (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [asm-generic] locking/rwsem: Remove rwsem_atomic_add() and rwsem_atomic_update() (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Convert sem->count to 'atomic_long_t' (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Optimize write lock by reducing operations in slowpath (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Rework zeroing reader waiter->task (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Enable lockless waiter wakeup(s) (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Reduce spinlock contention in wakeup after up_read()/up_write() (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Fix lock optimistic spinning when owner is not running (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking: Remove ACCESS_ONCE() usage (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Check for active lock before bailing on spinning (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Avoid deceiving lock spinners (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Set lock ownership ASAP (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Document barrier need when waking tasks (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Use task->state helpers (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [kernel] locking/mcs: Better differentiate between MCS variants (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Avoid double checking before try acquiring write lock (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Move EXPORT_SYMBOL() lines to follow function definition (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Add CONFIG_RWSEM_SPIN_ON_OWNER (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [kernel] locking/rwsem: Reduce the size of struct rw_semaphore (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [kernel] locking/spinlocks/mcs: Micro-optimize osq_unlock() (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/spinlocks/mcs: Introduce and use init macro and function for osq locks (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/spinlocks/mcs: Convert osq lock to atomic_t to reduce overhead (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [kernel] locking/spinlocks/mcs: Rename optimistic_spin_queue() to optimistic_spin_node() (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Allow conservative optimistic spinning when readers have lock (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Fix warnings (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [kernel] locking/rwsem: Fix warnings for CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] locking/rwsem: Support optimistic spinning (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] rwsem: Add comments to explain the meaning of the rwsem's count field (Waiman Long) [1416924] - [lib] asmlinkage: Mark rwsem functions that can be called from assembler asmlinkage (Waiman Long) [1416924]- [md] dm cache metadata: fix metadata2 format's blocks_are_clean_separate_dirty (Mike Snitzer) [1434155] - [pci] hv: Use device serial number as PCI domain (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1429743] - [pci] hv: Fix wslot_to_devfn() to fix warnings on device removal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1429743] - [net] bridge: netlink: call br_changelink() during br_dev_newlink() (Ivan Vecera) [1433293] - [net] Reduce queue allocation to one in kdump kernel (Sai Vemuri) [1379762] - [net] sched: Reflect HW offload status (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32: be more strict about skip-sw flag (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: fix a typo in tc_for_each_action() (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: act_gact: Update statistics when offloaded to hardware (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: Enable netdev drivers to update statistics of offloaded actions (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32: Add support for skip-sw flag to tc u32 classifier. (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: Move TCA_CLS_FLAGS_SKIP_HW to uapi header file. (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: act_skbedit: Utility functions for mark action (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: Macro instead of CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACT ifdef (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32 add bit to specify software only rules (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32: move TC offload feature bit into cls_u32 offload logic (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: consolidate offload decision in cls_u32 (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: tc: helper functions to query action types (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: add cls_u32 offload hooks for netdevs (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: avoid calling tcf_unbind_filter() in call_rcu callback (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32 changes to knode must appear atomic to readers (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32: fix missed pcpu_success free_percpu (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [net] sched: cls_u32: add missing rcu_assign_pointer and annotation (Ivan Vecera) [1390693] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Fix HUB errors by remove initial write to sw-ack register (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Implement uv4_wait_completion with read_status (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Add wait_completion to bau_operations (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Add status mmr location fields to bau_control (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Cleanup bau_operations declaration and instances (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Add payload descriptor qualifier (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Add uv_bau_version enumerated constants (Frank Ramsay) [1422564] - [x86] platform: Remove warning message for duplicate NMI handlers (Frank Ramsay) [1433021] - [s390] vmlogrdr: fix IUCV buffer allocation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1431699] - [s390] dcssblk: fix device size calculation in dcssblk_direct_access() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1431700] - [tools] power turbostat: Support Knights Mill (KNM) (Steve Best) [1381293] - [vhost] lockless enqueuing (Wei Xu) [1401436] - [vhost] simplify work flushing (Wei Xu) [1401436] - [netdrv] i40e: don't add more vectors to num_lan_msix than number of CPUs (Stefan Assmann) [1396127] - [netdrv] bonding: add 802.3ad support for 25G speeds (Jarod Wilson) [1431202] - [powercap] rapl: Add Knights Mill CPUID (Steve Best) [1381291] - [wireless] Update rt2x00 driver to work with cfg80211 from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Update mwifiex driver to compile with cfg80211 from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Update brcmfmac driver to compile with cfg80211 from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Update iwlegacy driver to compile with cfg80211 from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1387986 1385917 1385746 1351045 1421597] - [wireless] Backport wil6210 driver from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Backport ath10k driver from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1385738 1351053 1351049 1421597] - [wireless] Backport ath9k driver from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Backport net/mac80211 from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597] - [wireless] Backport net/wireless from linux-4.11-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1421597]- [staging] usbip: remove staged driver (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] sierra_net: Skip validating irrelevant fields for IDLE LSIs (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] sierra_net: Add support for IPv6 and Dual-Stack Link Sense Indications (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] catc: Use heap buffer for memory size test (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] catc: Combine failure cleanup code in catc_probe() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] rtl8150: Use heap buffers for all register access (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] pegasus: Use heap buffers for all register access (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: pl2303: add ATEN device ID (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: check rx after napi is enabled (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: re-schedule napi for tx (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: avoid start_xmit to schedule napi when napi is disabled (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: avoid start_xmit to call napi_schedule during autosuspend (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] Add quirk for WORLDE easykey.25 MIDI keyboard (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan/cdc_ether: add device ID for HP lt2523 (Novatel E371) WWAN card (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: don't execute runtime suspend if the tx is not empty (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add device ID for HP lt2523 (Novatel E371) (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: fix rtl8152_post_reset function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: qcserial: add Dell DW5570 QDL (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the sw rx checksum is unavailable (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix deadlock at host remove by running watchdog correctly (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix control-message error handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: fix rx issue for runtime suspend (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: split rtl8152_suspend function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: Fix one more crypto-on-the-stack bug (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: fix line-state error handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix baud rate and line-control handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix line settings after reset-resume (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix open error handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix modem-control and B0 handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix open and resume after B0 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: fix initial modem-control state (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] fix problems with duplicate endpoint addresses (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: unusual_uas: Add JMicron JMS56x to unusual device (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: Move hub_port_disable() to fix warning if PM is disabled (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: asix_devices: add .reset_resume for USB PM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: spcp8x5: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: quatech2: fix sleep-while-atomic in close (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: pl2303: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: oti6858: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: omninet: fix NULL-derefs at open and disconnect (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7840: fix misleading interrupt-URB comment (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7840: remove unused write URB (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7840: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7720: remove obsolete port initialisation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7720: fix parallel probe (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7720: fix parport use-after-free on probe errors (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7720: fix use-after-free on probe errors (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7720: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: kobil_sct: fix NULL-deref in write (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: keyspan_pda: verify endpoints at probe (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: iuu_phoenix: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_ti: bind to interface after fw download (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_ti: fix I/O after disconnect (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_ti: fix another NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_ti: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: garmin_gps: fix memory leak on failed URB submit (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cyberjack: fix NULL-deref at open (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci: handle COMP_STOP from SETUP phase too (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: apply XHCI_PME_STUCK_QUIRK to Intel Apollo Lake (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: hold lock over xhci_abort_cmd_ring() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: Handle command completion and timeout race (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci: Fix possible wild pointer when handling abort command (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix possible wild pointer (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] return error code when platform_get_irq fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix return value of xhci_setup_device() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: free xhci virtual devices with leaf nodes first (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add dlink dwm-158 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Telit LE922A PIDs 0x1040, 0x1041 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] lan78xx: add LAN7801 MAC only support (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: cdc_mbim: add quirk for supporting Telit LE922A (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: rio500: fix result type for error message (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: usbport: Use proper LED API to fix potential crash (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: set error code when usb_alloc_urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: hcd.h: construct hub class request constants from simpler constants (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: add device id for GW Instek AFG-125 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] fsl/usb: Workarourd for USB erratum-A005697 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: Wait for connection to be reestablished after port reset (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: qmi_wwan: add support for Telit LE922A PID 0x1040 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] cdc_ether: Fix handling connection notification (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: Fix AX88772_suspend() USB vendor commands failure issues (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: abort on open exception path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: kl5kusb105: fix open error path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] fix improper return value when kzalloc fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] return correct errno on failures (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] return correct errno code when krealloc fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ohci: use dma_pool_zalloc (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: use tcflag_t to fix incompatible pointer type (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: handle read pipe errors (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: remove is_int_ep from acm structure (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: store in and out pipes in acm structure (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: refactor killing urbs (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: avoid interface_to_usbdev call (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: reindent log messages (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: urb make use of usb_endpoint_maxp_mult (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: Fix auto-remount of safely removed or ejected USB-3 devices (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add ID for the Zone DPMX (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: lan78xx: Utilize phy_ethtool_nway_reset (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] Fix USB CB/CBI storage devices with CONFIG_VMAP_STACK=y (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci-mem: use passed in GFP flags instead of GFP_KERNEL (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: move slot_id from xhci_hcd to xhci_command structure (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: remove the use of xhci->addr_dev (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: cleanup cmd_completion in xhci_virt_device (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: add helper to get the endpoint state of a endpoint context (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: clean up error_bitmask usage (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: Remove duplicate xhci urb giveback functions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: Giveback urb in finish_td directly (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: refactor handle_tx_event() urb giveback (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix non static symbol warning (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: cleanup and refactor td_to_noop() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: refactor and cleanup process_isoc_td() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: rename endpoint related trb variables (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: cleanup and refactor process_bulk_intr_td() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: cleanup and refactor process_ctrl_td() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: remove extra URB_SHORT_NOT_OK checks in xhci, core handles most cases (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: add trb_is_noop() helper function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: use trb helper functions when possible (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: don't try to reset the host if it is unaccessible (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: cleanup error message if halting the host failed (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary xhci_quiesce call before xhci_halt (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: Fix error path in open function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] uhci: report non-PME wakeup signalling for Intel hardware (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: fix invalid user-pointer checks (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: use get_icount tty operation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix invalid user-pointer check (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix TIOCMIWAIT (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] net driver: Add Cypress GX3 VID=04b4 PID=3610 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add support for TI CC3200 LaunchPad (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: drop freezer.h usage (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: wusbhc: use permission-specific DEVICE_ATTR variants (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: dev-sysfs: use permission-specific DEVICE_ATTR variants (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix uninitialized variable (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbtest: remove unnecessary & operation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: ehci: remove unnecessary max_packet() macro (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: endpoint: remove unnecessary & operation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: devices: remove unnecessary & operation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci: purge GET_MAX_PACKET() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [uapi] usb: ch9: make usb_endpoint_maxp() return only packet size (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbtest: make use of new usb_endpoint_maxp_mult() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci: make use of new usb_endpoint_maxp_mult() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: ehci: make use of new usb_endpoint_maxp_mult() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: devices: make use of new usb_endpoint_maxp_mult() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Use irq_domain for phy interrupt from USB Int. EP (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [uapi] usb: add helper to extract bits 12:11 of wMaxPacketSize (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: Fix broken RX checksums (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: add missing license information to some files (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] kalmia: avoid potential uninitialized variable use (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci-mtk: make IPPC register optional (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-da8xx a separate driver (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: Added devspec sysfs entry for devices behind the usb hub (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] tty: vgacon+sisusb, move scrolldelta to a common helper (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: add debug output for chip version (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: add support for parity, frame length, stop bits (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: reinitialize chip on reconfiguration (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ch341: add register and USB request definitions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ohci-da8xx: Remove code that references mach (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hwrng: chaoskey - drop workaround for old hwrng core limitation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ehci: merge all cases that disable the IO watchdog (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ehci: elide I/O watchdog on AMD parts (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] usbtmc: Add, clarify and fix comments (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: fix a typo in usb_class_driver documentation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] increase ohci watchdog delay to 275 msec (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: return -EIO on short control transfers (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: clean up CSIZE handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: fix potential NULL-dereference at probe (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: use default USB_RESUME_TIMEOUT when resuming ports (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: workaround for hosts missing CAS bit (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: add restart quirk for Intel Wildcatpoint PCH (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: fix tiocmget error handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusb: fix error return code in wusb_prf() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: add new products of Lenovo (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Infineon TriBoard TC2X7 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusb: Stop using the stack for sg crypto scratch space (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: Avoid looping when the device does not respond (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add support for Quectel EC21 and EC25 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: lan78xx: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: ehci-sead3: Remove SEAD-3 EHCI code (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] revert "usbtmc: convert to devm_kzalloc" (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: Add ID for a Juniper console (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] kconfig: using select for USB_COMMON dependency (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: change CLEAR_FEATURE to SET_FEATURE (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: Introduce a USB port LED trigger (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: hcd: add missing header dependencies (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: legousbtower: Fix NULL pointer deference (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: hardening against malicious devices (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: disable ALDPS and EEE before setting PHY (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: remove r8153_enable_eee (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: move PHY settings to hw_phy_cfg (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: move enabling PHY (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: move some functions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] change bInterval default to 10 ms (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ohci: Allow ohci on omap5 also (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci-tegra: Fix error return code in tegra_xusb_probe() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ezusb: constify local structures (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: add in missing white space in error message text (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: cleaning up debug in data submission path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: cleanup debugging in submission path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] scsi: introduce a quirk for false cache reporting (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] kconfig: let USB_ULPI_BUS depends on USB_COMMON (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: simple: add support for another Infineon flashloader (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: delete obsolete debug messages (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-wdm: add terminating newline (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] kconfig: move ulpi bus support out of host (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix null pointer dereference in stop command timeout function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] kaweth: remove obsolete debugging statements (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] lan78xx: mark symbols static where possible (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] hso: Convert printk to pr_ (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] hso: Use a more common logging style (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] smsc95xx: Add mdix control via ethtool (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] smsc95xx: Add register define (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ulpi: make ops struct constant (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ulpi: remove "dev" field from struct ulpi_ops (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ulpi: rename operations {read|write}_dev to simply {read|write} (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ulpi: remove calls to old api callbacks (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ulpi: add new api functions, {read|write}_dev() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ulpi: move setting of ulpi->dev parent up in ulpi_register() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for built-in or module (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] pegasus: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the coding style with (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: autoneg will set WRITE_MEDIUM reg (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: see 802.3 spec for phy reset (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: Fix AX88772x resume failures (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: Avoid looping when the device is disconnected (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: Add in_pm parameter (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: constify ethtool_ops structures (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: wa-nep: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: security: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: crypto: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] usb-skeleton: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: sddr09: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: alauda: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: yurex: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: uss720: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbsevseg: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usblcd: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: trancevibrator: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: lvstest: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: legousbtower: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: ldusb: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: iowarrior: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: idmouse: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: ftdi-elan: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: cytherm: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: cypress_cy7c63: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: appledisplay: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: adutux: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci-tegra: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: uhci-hcd: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: urb: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: message: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: hub: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: hcd: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] class: usbtmc: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: usbatm: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: ueagle-atm: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: speedtch: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: cxacru: don't print on ENOMEM (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add WeTelecom 0x6802 and 0x6803 products (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] avoid left shift by -1 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] fix typo in wMaxPacketSize validation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: remove unused variables (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: use C_X macros (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: remove useless NULL-testing (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: remove useless dev_dbg messages (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: do not use __uX types (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for built-in or module (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add WeTelecom WM-D200 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] kaweth: fix oops upon failed memory allocation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] kaweth: fix firmware download (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: don't dereference a xhci member after removing xhci (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: Fix panic if disconnect (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: really enqueue zero length TRBs (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: always handle "Command Ring Stopped" events (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix wrong pipe type on rx interrupt xfers (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: bcma: support old USB 2.0 controller on Northstar devices (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] whci: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-wdm: cleanup debug messages (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: wa-xfer: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: wa-nep: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] usb-skeleton: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: usb: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: yurex: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: uss720: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: sisusbvga: sisusb: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: lvstest: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: legousbtower: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: ldusb: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: iowarrior: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: ftdi-elan: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: appledisplay: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: adutux: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] class: usbtmc: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: usbatm: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: ueagle-atm: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] atm: cxacru: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7840: fix non-atomic allocation in write path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: mos7720: fix non-atomic allocation in write path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: usbnet: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: lan78xx: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: hso: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbtest: add fix for driver hang (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-wdm: Clear read pipeline in case of error (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: of.c: fix defined but not declare warning (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] remove redundant dependency on USB_SUPPORT (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] remove race condition in usbfs/libusb when using reap-after-disconnect (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] devio, do not warn when allocation fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ehci: change order of register cleanup during shutdown (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] validate wMaxPacketValue entries in endpoint descriptors (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ulpi: Automatically set driver::owner with ulpi_driver_register() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: fix runtime pm issue in usb_stor_probe2 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-wdm: fix "out-of-sync" due to missing notifications (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ftdi-elan: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] appledisplay: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] lvstest: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: Add driver for usb4604 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: ftdi-elan: Fix off-by-one memory corruptions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbtest: usbtest_do_ioctl may return positive integer (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: change the locking in hub_activate (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: fix up early-exit pathway in hub_activate (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: Fix unbalanced reference count/memory leak/deadlocks (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: fix memleak in driver-registration error path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Telit LE920A4 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add device ID for WICED USB UART dev board (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add PIDs for Ivium Technologies devices (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add D-Link DWM-156/A3 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] cdc_ether: Improve ZTE MF823/831/910 handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: beautify probe() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-wdm: use the common CDC parser (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: cleanup error handling (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: use the common parser (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] usbnet: move the CDC parser into USB core (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] rndis_host: Set valid random MAC on buggy devices (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: use variable for status (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Telit LE910 PID 0x1206 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: add MODULE_VERSION (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: use kmemdup (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: use functions rather than macros (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: remove ti_usb_3410_5052.h (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: use __packed (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: remove useless comments (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] quirks: Add no-lpm quirk for Elan (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: Add support for setting pass through MAC address on RTL8153-AD (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: remove cancel_delayed_work_sync in rtl8152_set_speed (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: remove a netif_carrier_off in rtl8152_open function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: remove rtl_phy_reset function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: remove the setting of LAN_WAKE_EN (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: fix runtime function for RTL8152 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] cdc_ncm: workaround for EM7455 "silent" data interface (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: free the correct ring (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: clear LINK_OFF_WAKE_EN after autoresume (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usbnet: Stop RX Q on MTU change (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] don't free bandwidth_mutex too early (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] xhci: get rid of platform data (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: rename and simplify last_trb_on_last_seg() helper (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: remove enqueue_is_link() helper (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: rework inc_deq() and fix off by one error (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: use and add separate function for checking for link trbs (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: clean up event ring checks from inc_enq() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: TD-fragment, align the unsplittable case with a bounce buffer (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: align the last trb before link if it is easily splittable (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: don't rely on precalculated value of needed trbs in the enqueue loop (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: use boolean to indicate last trb in td remainder calculation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: properly prepare zero packet TD after normal bulk TD (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: rename ep_ring variable in queue_bulk_tx(), no functional change (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] tty: vt, convert more macros to functions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] tty: vt, remove consw->con_bmove (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] tty: vt, consw->con_set_palette cleanup (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] tty: vt, consw->con_scrolldelta cleanup (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] sisusb: remove dummy variables (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: ehci: declare hostpc register as zero-length array (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] gadget: move gadget API functions to udc-core (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: remove outdated USB LED driver (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: modify the check of the flag of PHY_RESET in set_speed function (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: correct the rx early size (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: disable MAC clock speed down (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: save the speed (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: move the setting for the default speed (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: move the settings of PHY to a work queue (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] common: otg-fsm: add license to usb-otg-fsm (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] r8152: replace netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align with napi_alloc_skb (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usb3503: Clean up on driver unbind (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usb3503: Set platform data (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] microtek: Use "foo *bar" instead of "foo * bar" (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] cdc-acm: Space prohibited before close parenthesis ')' (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] echi-hcd: Add ehci_setup check before echi_shutdown (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ohci: Don't mark EDs as ED_OPER if scheduling fails (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hwrng: chaoskey - Fix URB warning due to timeout on Alea (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hwrng: chaoskey - Add support for Araneus Alea I USB RNG (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ehci: avoid undefined pointer arithmetic and placate UBSAN (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] quirks: Add no-lpm quirk for Acer C120 LED Projector (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] quirks: Fix sorting (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix platform quirks overwrite regression in 4.7-rc1 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: fix link detection for disabled autonegotiation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] pegasus: simplify logical constraint (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usb: ch9200: use kmemdup (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] cdc_ncm: update datagram size after changing mtu (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] revert "net: pegasus: remove dead coding" (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] pegasus: remove dead coding (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] asix: Fix offset calculation in asix_rx_fixup() causing slow transmissions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ohci-jz4740: Remove obsolete driver (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ti_usb_3410_5052: add MOXA UPORT 11x0 support (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: fix minor-number allocation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: quatech2: fix use-after-free in probe error path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: keyspan: fix debug and error messages (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: keyspan: fix URB unlink (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: keyspan: fix use-after-free in probe error path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix memory leaks in probe error path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: io_edgeport: fix memory leaks in attach error path (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] host: xhci-rcar: Avoid long wait in xhci_reset() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: Do not initialise statics to 0 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: Remove space before ', ' and '(' (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: clean up CRTSCTS flag code (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: get rid of magic numbers in CRTSCTS flag code (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: cp210x: fix hardware flow-control disable (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: silence an uninitialized variable warning (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usbnet/smsc75xx: silence uninitialized variable warning (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add even more ZTE device ids (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add more ZTE device ids (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] sisusbvga: correct speed testing (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbtest: fix pattern tests for scatterlists (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: leave LPM alone if possible when binding/unbinding interface drivers (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] rtl8152: correct speed testing (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [netdrv] usbnet: correct speed testing (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Cinterion PH8 and AHxx (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] tty: vt, make color_table const (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [net] tty: Replace TTY_THROTTLED bit tests with tty_throttled() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] ehci: make all debugging depend on CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] Add driver for UCSI (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: tegra: Add Tegra210 support (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: Add NVIDIA Tegra XUSB controller driver (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: move root hub's device node assignment after it is added to bus (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] Use "foo *bar" instead of "foo * bar" (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] Remove unnecessary space before function pointer arguments (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: core: hub: hub_port_init lock controller instead of bus (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] devio: declare usbdev_vm_ops as static (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] misc: usbtest: fix error of urb allocation (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] core: buffer: avoid NULL pointer dereferrence (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hcd: do not call whc_clean_up on wch_init call failure (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: remove duplicate code of interval checking (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: remove duplicate function xhci_urb_to_transfer_ring (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: merge xhci_queue_bulk_tx and queue_bulk_sg_tx functions (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] usb: core: Minimize irq disabling in usb_sg_cancel() (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] usb: core: Don't disable irqs in usb_sg_wait() during URB submit (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: fix multi-line comment style (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: scsiglue: limit USB3 devices to 2048 sectors (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] storage: scsiglue: further describe our 240 sector limit (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] hub: admit devices are SS+ (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: correct intervals for SS+ (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: LTM also for USB 3.1 (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for FOO || FOO_MODULE (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: constify ftdi_sio_quirk structures (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] wusbcore: remove unreachable code (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] whci-hcd: add more checks for dma mapping error (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] xhci: fix typo in babble endpoint handling comment (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [uapi] usb: pd: additional feature selectors (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [uapi] usb: pd: define specific requests (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [uapi] usb: add descriptors from USB Power Delivery spec (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [usb] common: rework CONFIG_USB_COMMON logic (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: otg-fsm: support multiple instances (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [kernel] usb: otg-fsm: Add documentation for struct otg_fsm (Torez Smith) [1383823] - [acpi] acpica: linux: Allow ACPICA inclusion for CONFIG_ACPI=n builds (Prarit Bhargava) [1432953 1383823] - [acpi] acpica: linux: Add support to exclude inclusion (Prarit Bhargava) [1432953 1383823] - [acpi] acpica: linux headers: Add to remove mis-ordered inclusion of (Prarit Bhargava) [1432953 1383823] - [acpi] acpica: linux headers: Add (Prarit Bhargava) [1432953 1383823] - [acpi] acpica: linux header: Add support for stubbed externals (Prarit Bhargava) [1432953 1383823] - [acpi] acpica: osl: Add configurability for generic external functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1383823 1432953] - [acpi] acpica: Add support to allow host OS to redefine individual OSL prototypes (Prarit Bhargava) [1432953 1383823]- [netdrv] nfp: consolidate two PCI device tables/structures into one (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: don't tell FW about the reserved buffer space (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: allow application firmware to limit number of SR-IOV VFs (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: return nfp_rtsym_read_le() errors correctly (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add very basic access to NSP logs (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: report NSP ABI version in ethtool FW version (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: store NSP ABI version in state structure (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: report manufacturing info on load (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: refactor NSP initialization and add error message (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add the PF driver (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: allocate irqs in lower driver (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add port layer to debugfs directories (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for service processor access (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add rtsym support (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add MIP reading support (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for reading nffw info (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add hwinfo support (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for resources (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add CPP access core (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: rename the driver and add new main file (John Linville) [1406197] - [kernel] bitfield.h: add FIELD_FIT() helper (John Linville) [1406197] - [kernel] add basic register-field manipulation macros (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] netronome: don't access real_num_rx_queues directly (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: reorganize nfp_net_rx() to get packet offsets early (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for ethtool .set_channels (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: move RSS indirection table init into a separate function (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add helper to reassign rings to IRQ vectors (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: loosen relation between rings and IRQs vectors (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: reuse ring helpers on .ndo_open() path (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: rename ring allocation helpers (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: centralize runtime reconfiguration logic (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add support for ethtool .get_channels (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: bring back support for different ring counts (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: replace num_irqs with max_r_vecs (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: remove nfp_net_irqs_wanted() (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: use unsigned int for vector/ring counts (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: create separate define for max number of vectors (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: use AND instead of modulo to get ring indexes (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add separate buffer allocation function for napi (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: use alloc_frag() and build_skb() (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: add buffer drop/recycle helper for RX (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: centralize the buffer size calculation (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: remove inline attributes and dead code (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: remove unnecessary call to ether_setup() (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: remove support for nfp3200 (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: backport definitions of nn_{read,write}* (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] nfp: simplify nfp_net_poll() (John Linville) [1406197] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Delete rx_refill_timer in xennet_disconnect_backend() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Improve error handling during initialization (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Rework the fix for Rx stall during OOM and network stress (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen/netfront: set default upper limit of tx/rx queues to 8 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Fix Rx stall during network stress and OOM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: cast grant table reference first to type int (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: do not cast grant table reference to signed short (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: only napi_synchronize() if running (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Use setup_timer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: request Tx response events more often (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: update num_queues to real created (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: always set num queues if possible (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: respect user provided max_queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Remove the meaningless code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: only clean up queues if present (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: properly destroy queues when removing device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: refactor making Tx requests (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [xen] add page_to_mfn() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: refactor skb slot counting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: use different locks for Rx and Tx stats (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: remove residual dead code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: always keep the Rx ring full of requests (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: print correct number of queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: release per-queue Tx and Rx resource when disconnecting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: fix locking in connect error path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: call netif_carrier_off() only once when disconnecting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: don't nest queue locks in xennet_connect() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: recreate queues correctly when reconnecting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: fix oops when disconnected from backend (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: initialise queue name in xennet_init_queue (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Add support for multiple queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Factor queue-specific data into queue struct (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: fix array initialization bug (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: handle backend CLOSED without CLOSING (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: fix missing rx_refill_timer when allocate memory failed (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1102638]- [net] sched: cls_u32: complete the check for non-forced case in u32_destroy() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix a use-after-free in tc_ctl_tfilter() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: destroy proto tp when all filters are gone (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fq_codel: return non zero qlen in class dumps (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: close another race condition in tcf_mirred_release() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: Add description for cpu_bstats argument (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix missing free per cpu on qstats (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act_pedit: check binding before calling tcf_hash_release() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix refcount imbalance in actions (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act_mirred: remove spinlock in fast path (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act_gact: remove spinlock in fast path (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act_gact: read tcfg_ptype once (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act_gact: use a separate packet counters for gact_determ() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act_gact: make tcfg_pval non zero (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: add percpu stats to actions (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: extend percpu stats helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: invoke ->attach() after setting dev->qdisc (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] set qdisc pkt len before tc_classify (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] kill useless net_*_ingress_queue() definitions when NET_CLS_ACT is unset (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: use counter to break reclassify loops (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix typo in net_device ifdef (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: further simplify handle_ing (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: consolidate handle_ing and ing_filter (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] tc: remove unused redirect ttl (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: run ingress qdisc without locks (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: remove TC_MUNGED bits (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] use jump label patching for ingress qdisc in __netif_receive_skb_core (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix panic in rate estimators (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls: use nla_nest_cancel instead of nlmsg_trim (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_basic: fix error path in basic_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls: remove unused op put from tcf_proto_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_cgroup: remove unnecessary if (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_flow: remove duplicate assignments (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_flow: remove faulty use of list_for_each_entry_rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_bpf: remove faulty use of list_for_each_entry_rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_bpf: remove unnecessary iteration and use passed arg (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: cls_basic: remove unnecessary iteration and use passed arg (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: tc_vlan: fix type of tcfv_push_vid (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: introduce vlan action (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: initialize bstats syncp (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix unused variables in __gnet_stats_copy_basic_cpu() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: do not use tcf_proto 'tp' argument from call_rcu (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: remove tcf_proto from ematch calls (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: enable per cpu qstats (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: restrict use of qstats qlen (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: make bstats per cpu and estimator RCU safe (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: fix errno in tcindex_set_parms() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: remove the first parameter from tcf_exts_destroy() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: hold tcf_lock in netdevice notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: add cond_resched() to class and qdisc dump (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: do not use rcu in tc_dump_qdisc() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: move the sanity test in qdisc_list_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: htb: do not acquire qdisc lock in dump operations (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: clean up tca_action_flush() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: refuse to remove bound action outside (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: move tcf_hashinfo_init() into tcf_register_action() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: remove capab from struct tc_action_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: refactor cleanup ops (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: hide struct tcf_common from API (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: export tcf_hash_search() instead of tcf_hash_lookup() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: fetch hinfo from a->ops->hinfo (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: replace macros net_random and net_srandom with direct calls to prandom (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: use tcf_hash_release() in net/sched/act_police.c (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: remove struct tcf_act_hdr (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: clean up notification functions (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: move idx_gen into struct tcf_hashinfo (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: action: make local function static (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: action flushing missaccounting (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: Remove unnecessary checks for act->ops (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: act: Dont increment refcnt on replace (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: set root qdisc before change() in attach_default_qdiscs() (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: remove unnecessary parentheses while return (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] sched: give visibility to mq slave qdiscs (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] netem: missing break in ge loss generator (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] netem: fix gemodel loss generator (Ivan Vecera) [1428588] - [net] gen_stats: Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1428588]- [nvme] redhat: mark NVMe over FC as tech preview (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Fix missing dma sync to nvme data structures (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: Call fatal_error from keep-alive timout expiration (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: cancel fatal error and flush async work before free controller (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: delete controllers deletion upon subsystem release (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet_fc: correct logic in disconnect queue LS handling (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: fix nvme_rdma_queue_is_ready (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet/fcloop: remove some logically dead code performing redundant ret checks (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: fix KATO offset in Set Features (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] fc: simplify error handling of nvme_fc_create_hw_io_queues (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] fc: correct some printk information (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] scsi: Remove START STOP emulation (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] pci: Delete misleading queue-wrap comment (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] simplify stripe quirk (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme : Use correct scnprintf in cmb show (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] pci: Log PCI_STATUS when the controller dies (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Add FC LLDD loopback driver to test FC-NVME (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Add target support for FC transport (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Add host support for FC transport (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] admin-cmd: Added smart-log command support (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Add host_traddr options field to host infrastructure (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] untangle 0 and BLK_MQ_RQ_QUEUE_OK (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] don't pass the full CQE to nvme_complete_async_event (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme: introduce struct nvme_request (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme-fabrics: Add FC transport LLDD api definitions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme-fabrics: Add FC transport FC-NVME definitions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme-fabrics: Add FC transport error codes to nvme.h (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [uapi] Add type 0x28 NVME type code to scsi fc headers (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: patch target code in prep for FC transport support (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: set sqe.command_id in core not transports (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [lib] parser: add u64 number parser (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: align to generic ib_event logging helper (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: align to generic ib_event logging helper (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: remove redundant define (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Adjust source code indentation (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] scsi: Remove set-but-not-used variables (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: Fix possible infinite loop triggered on hot namespace removal (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Fix a memory leak in an nvmf_create_ctrl() error path (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Fix memory leaks in nvmf_parse_options() (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: force queue size to respect controller capability (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Fix REJ status code (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme: move NVMe class code to pci_ids.h (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] blk-mq: blk_account_io_start() takes a bool (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] don't schedule multiple resets (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] pci: Don't free queues on error (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: drain the queue-pair just before freeing it (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: stop and free io queues on connect failure (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: don't forget to delete a queue from the list of connection failed (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: Don't queue fatal error work if csts.cfs is set (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: reject non-connect commands before the queue is live (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Fix possible NULL deref when handling rdma cm events (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: use symbolic constants for CNS values (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] use symbolic constants for CNS values (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: add an enum for cns values (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: resync with nvme-cli (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme: Add tertiary number to NVME_VS (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme : Add sysfs entry for NVMe CMBs when appropriate (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Delete created IO queues on reset (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Stop probing a removed device (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Pass pointers, not dma addresses, to nvme_get/set_features() (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] scsi: Remove power management support (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: Make dsm number of ranges zero based (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: Use direct IO for writes (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: revise host transport option descriptions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: rework nvmf_get_address() for variable options (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] blk-mq: account higher order dispatch (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] blk-mq: allow the driver to pass in a queue mapping (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] blk-mq: only allocate a single mq_map per tag_set (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] blk-mq: don't redistribute hardware queues on a CPU hotplug event (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] blk-mq: skip unmapped queues in blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: only clear queue flags after successful connect (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: fix null pointer dereference on req->mr (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: use ib_client API to detect device removal (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: add DELETING queue flag (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: destroy nvme queue rdma resources on connect failure (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme_rdma: keep a ref on the ctrl during delete/flush (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Get rid of redundant defines (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Get rid of duplicate variable (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: get a reference when reusing a nvme_host structure (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme-fabrics: change NQN UUID to big-endian format (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-loop: set sqsize to 0-based value, per spec (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: fix sqsize/hsqsize per spec (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] fabrics: define admin sqsize min default, per spec (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: +1 to *queue_size from hsqsize/hrqsize (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Fix use after free (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: initialize ret to zero to avoid returning garbage (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: start async event handler after reconnecting to a controller (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: Fix controller serial number inconsistency (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Don't use the inline buffer in order to avoid allocation for small reads (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: Correctly handle RDMA device hot removal (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Make sure to shutdown the controller if we can (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-loop: Remove duplicate call to nvme_remove_namespaces (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Free the I/O tags when we delete the controller (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Remove duplicate call to nvme_remove_namespaces (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Fix device removal handling (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Queue ns scanning after a sucessful reconnection (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Don't leak uninitialized memory in connect request private data (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] make NVME_RDMA depend on BLOCK (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] fabrics drivers don't need the nvme-pci driver (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] quirk: Add a delay before checking device ready for memblaze device (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Fix nvme_get/set_features() with a NULL result pointer (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] Fix race triggered by blk_set_queue_dying() (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Prevent controller state invalid transition (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] blk-mq: fix deadlock in blk_mq_register_disk() error path (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] pci: Provide SR-IOV support (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] don't allocate unused nvme_major (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Limit command retries (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-loop: fix nvme-loop Kconfig dependencies (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: fix return value check in nvmet_subsys_alloc() (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: add-remove ctrl repeat fix (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: Remove tl_retry_count (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: Don't use tl_retry_count (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: fix the return value of nvme_rdma_reinit_request() (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: use IB_PD_UNSAFE_GLOBAL_RKEY (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] ib/core: add support to create a unsafe global rkey to ib_create_pd (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-rdma: add a NVMe over Fabrics RDMA host driver (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet-rdma: add a NVMe over Fabrics RDMA target driver (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme-rdma.h: Add includes for nvme rdma_cm negotiation (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] add new reconnecting controller state (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] blk-mq: Introduce blk_mq_reinit_tagset (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvmet: fix an error code (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-loop: add configfs dependency (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-loop: add a NVMe loopback host driver (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [lib] scatterlist: move SG pool code from SCSI driver to lib/sg_pool.c (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [scsi] rename SG related struct and functions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [scsi] replace "mq" with "first_chunk" in SG functions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [scsi] replace "scsi_data_buffer" with "sg_table" in SG functions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvmet: add a generic NVMe target (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] configfs: switch ->default groups to a linked list (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] add keep-alive support (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: Add keep-alive opcode and identify controller attribute (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] nvme-fabrics: add a generic NVMe over Fabrics library (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: add NVMe over Fabrics definitions (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] add fabrics sysfs attributes (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Modify and export sync command submission for fabrics (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] allow transitioning from NEW to LIVE state (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] blk-mq: add blk_mq_alloc_request_hctx (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] move the workaround for I/O queue-less controllers from PCIe to core (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme: factor out a add nvme_is_write helper (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] blk-mq: add a flags parameter to blk_mq_alloc_request (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] allow for size limitations from transport drivers (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: add AER constants (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: add constants for PSDT and FUSE values (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: add NVM command set SQE/CQE size defines (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: Add get_log_page command strucure (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] nvme.h: add RTD3R, RTD3E and OAES fields (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [block] blk-mq: actually hook up defer list when running requests (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] Fix removal in case of active namespace list scanning method (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] move nvme_cancel_request() to common code (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [nvme] update and rename nvme_cancel_io to nvme_cancel_request (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [kernel] block: add REQ_OP definitions and helpers (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [lib] drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c: resolve sg buffer const-ness issue (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [lib] scatterlist: mark input buffer parameters as 'const' (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834] - [lib] scatterlist.c: fix kerneldoc for sg_pcopy_{to, from}_buffer() (David Milburn) [1384526 1389755 1366753 1374291 1383834]- [scsi] aacraid: Fix potential null access (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix typo in blink status (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: remove redundant zero check on ret (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fixed expander hotplug for SMART family (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Update driver version (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix a potential spinlock double unlock bug (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Save adapter fib log before an IOP reset (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Reorder Adapter status check (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Skip IOP reset on controller panic (SMART Family) (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Decrease adapter health check interval (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Reload offlined drives after controller reset (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Skip wellness sync on controller failure (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix sync fibs time out on controller reset (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added sysfs for driver version (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix memory leak in fib init path (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Prevent E3 lockup when deleting units (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix for excessive prints on EEH (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Use correct channel number for raw srb (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix camel case (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: avoid open-coded upper_32_bits (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: rcode is unsigned and should be signed int (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: update version (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Change Driver Version Prefix (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Update copyrights (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Retrieve HBA host information ioctl (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added ioctl to trigger IOP/IWBR reset (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added new IWBR reset (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: VPD 83 type3 support (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added support to abort cmd and reset lun (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Add task management functionality (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Include HBA direct interface (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added support for hotplug (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added support to set QD of attached drives (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Retrieve Queue Depth from Adapter FW (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added support for periodic wellness sync (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Reworked aac_command_thread (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added support for read medium error (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added support for response path (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Process Error for response I/O (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Reworked scsi command submission path (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Retrieve and update the device types (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added sa firmware support (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: added support for init_struct_8 (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Added aacraid.h include guard (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Remove duplicate irq management code (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Replace with globally (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix INTx/MSI-x issue with older controllers (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: mark aac_src_select_comm() static (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] aacraid: use kmemdup (Scott Benesh) [1384213] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix apparent cut-n-paste error (Chad Dupuis) [1414957] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix Target mode handling with Multiqueue changes (Chad Dupuis) [1414957] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add Block Multi Queue functionality (Chad Dupuis) [1414957] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add multiple queue pair functionality (Chad Dupuis) [1414957] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix NULL pointer deref in QLA interrupt (Chad Dupuis) [1414957] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add irq affinity notification (Chad Dupuis) [1414957]- [fs] vfs: In d_path don't call d_dname on a mount point (Aristeu Rozanski) [1418962] - [hv] util: don't forget to init host_ts.lock (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [hv] hv_utils: implement Hyper-V PTP source (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [hv] export current Hyper-V clocksource (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [hv] utils: Fix the mapping between host version and protocol to use (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [hv] hv_util: Avoid dynamic allocation in time synch (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [hv] utils: Support TimeSync version 4.0 protocol samples (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [hv] utils: Use TimeSync samples to adjust the clock after boot (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388419] - [mm] memory_hotplug: set magic number to page->freelist instead of page-> (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1417692] - [mm] sparse: use page_private() to get page->private value (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1417692] - [mm] sparsemem: fix a bug in free_map_bootmem when CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_VMEMMAP (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1417696] - [mm] sparsemem: use PAGES_PER_SECTION to remove redundant nr_pages parameter (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1417696] - [x86] numa: Online memory-less nodes at boot time (Rui Wang) [1405893] - [x86] mm/numa: Drop dead code and rename setup_node_data() to setup_alloc_data() (Rui Wang) [1405893] - [x86] revert "mce: Do not panic when single core has reached a timeout" (Xunlei Pang) [1256375] - [x86] mce: Handle broadcasted MCE gracefully with kexec (Xunlei Pang) [1256375] - [net] dccp/tcp: fix routing redirect race (Eric Garver) [1387485] - [net] ipv6: don't increase size when refragmenting forwarded ipv6 skbs (Florian Westphal) [1430571] - [net] bridge: drop netfilter fake rtable unconditionally (Florian Westphal) [1430571] - [net] ipv6: avoid write to a possibly cloned skb (Florian Westphal) [1430571] - [net] netfilter: bridge: honor frag_max_size when refragmenting (Florian Westphal) [1430571] - [net] l2tp: Avoid schedule while atomic in exit_net (Lance Richardson) [1429687] - [net] l2tp: protect tunnel->del_work by ref_count (Lance Richardson) [1429687] - [net] sctp: deny peeloff operation on asocs with threads sleeping on it (Hangbin Liu) [1429497] {CVE-2017-5986 CVE-2017-6353} - [net] sctp: avoid BUG_ON on sctp_wait_for_sndbuf (Hangbin Liu) [1429497] {CVE-2017-5986 CVE-2017-6353} - [net] sctp: set sin_port for addr param when checking duplicate address (Xin Long) [1308362] - [net] sctp: sctp_transport_dst_check should check if transport pmtu is dst mtu (Xin Long) [1412865] - [net] sctp: call rcu_read_lock before checking for duplicate transport nodes (Xin Long) [1383938] - [net] sctp: check duplicate node before inserting a new transport (Xin Long) [1383938] - [net] sctp: sctp_epaddr_lookup_transport should be protected by rcu_read_lock (Xin Long) [1383938] - [net] sctp: use new rhlist interface on sctp transport rhashtable (Xin Long) [1383938] - [net] Add netdev all_adj_list refcnt propagation to fix panic (Adrian Reber) [1425010] - [hid] usbhid: change return error of usbhid_output_report (Benjamin Tissoires) [1401381] - [scsi] storvsc: properly set residual data length on errors (Cathy Avery) [1364282] - [sound] alsa: hda - add support for docking station for HP 840 G3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1312217] - [sound] alsa: hda - add support for docking station for HP 820 G2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1312217] - [kernel] rcu: Reverse rcu_dereference_check() conditions (Waiman Long) [1432967] - [kernel] signals: avoid unnecessary taking of sighand->siglock (Waiman Long) [1412194]- [fs] autofs: take more care to not update last_used on path walk (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: remove duplicated AUTOFS_DEV_IOCTL_SIZE definition (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: add command enum/macros for root-dir ioctls (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: update ioctl documentation regarding struct autofs_dev_ioctl (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix wrong ioctl documentation regarding devid (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix typo in Documentation (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: remove wrong comment (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: constify find_autofs_mount() callback (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: refactor ioctl fn vector in iookup_dev_ioctl() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: remove possibly misleading /* #define DEBUG */ (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: move linux/auto_dev-ioctl.h to uapi/linux (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: move inclusion of linux/limits.h to uapi (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix print format for ioctl warning message (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: add autofs_dev_ioctl_version() for AUTOFS_DEV_IOCTL_VERSION_CMD (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix dev ioctl number range check (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix pr_debug() message (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: update struct autofs_dev_ioctl in Documentation (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix Documentation regarding devid on ioctl (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: remove AUTOFS_DEVID_LEN (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: don't fail to free_dev_ioctl(param) (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: remove obsolete sb fields (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: use autofs4_free_ino() to kfree dentry data (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: remove ino free in autofs4_dir_symlink() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: add WARN_ON(1) for non dir/link inode case (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix autofs4_fill_super() error exit handling (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: test autofs versions first on sb initialization (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: drop unnecessary extern in autofs_i.h (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: fix typos in Documentation/filesystems/autofs4.txt (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: use dentry flags to block walks during expire (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] qstr: constify instances in autofs4 (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: don't get stuck in a loop if vfs_write() returns an error (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs races (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: fix string.h include in auto_dev-ioctl.h (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: use pr_xxx() macros directly for logging (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: change log print macros to not insert newline (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: make autofs log prints consistent (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: fix some white space errors (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: fix invalid ioctl return in autofs4_root_ioctl_unlocked() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: fix coding style line length in autofs4_wait() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: fix coding style problem in autofs4_get_set_timeout() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: coding style fixes (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: show pipe inode in mount options (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: don't bother with d_instantiate(dentry, NULL) in ->lookup() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] vfs: normal filesystems (and lustre): d_inode() annotations (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] vfs: Convert S_ISLNK/DIR/REG(dentry->d_inode) to d_is_*(dentry) (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4 copy_dev_ioctl(): keep the value of ->size we'd used for allocation (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: Wrong format for printing dentry (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] assorted conversions to p[dD] (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: the documentation I wanted to read (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: d_manage() should return -EISDIR when appropriate in rcu-walk mode (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: avoid taking fs_lock during rcu-walk (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: make "autofs4_can_expire" idempotent (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: factor should_expire() out of autofs4_expire_indirect (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: allow RCU-walk to walk through autofs4 (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: comment typo: remove a a doubled word (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: remove some unused inline functions (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: don't take spinlock when not needed in autofs4_lookup_expiring (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: remove a redundant assignment (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: remove unused autofs4_ispending() (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] vfs: allow ->d_manage() to declare -EISDIR in rcu_walk mode (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: fix false positive compile error (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4/dev-ioctl.c: add __init to autofs_dev_ioctl_init (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: check dev ioctl size before allocating (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs: use IS_ROOT to replace root dentry checks (Ian Kent) [1413523] - [fs] autofs4: close the races around autofs4_notify_daemon() (Ian Kent) [1413523]- [fs] fix unpaired rcu lock in prepend_path() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] Add may_detach_mounts sysctl to hide new behavior ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] proc: Update proc_flush_task_mnt to use d_invalidate ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Protect the mountpoint hashtable with mount_lock ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Clear mnt_expire during pivot_root ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] clone_private_mount() doesn't need to touch namespace_sem ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] remove a bogus claim about namespace_sem being held by callers of mnt_alloc_id() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] namespace: update event counter when umounting a deleted dentry ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: In detach_mounts detach the appropriate unmounted mount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Clarify and correct the disconnect logic in umount_tree ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Update detach_mounts to leave mounts connected ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Fix the error check in __detach_mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Honor MNT_LOCKED when detaching mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fs_pin: Allow for the possibility that m_list or s_list go unused ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Factor umount_mnt from umount_tree ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Factor out unhash_mnt from detach_mnt and umount_tree ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Fail collect_mounts when applied to unmounted mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Don't propagate unmounts to locked mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: On an unmount propagate clearing of MNT_LOCKED ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Delay removal from the mount hash ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Add MNT_UMOUNT flag ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: In umount_tree reuse mnt_list instead of mnt_hash ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Don't propagate umounts in __detach_mounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Improve the umount_tree flags ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Use hlist_move_list in namespace_unlock ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] switch the IO-triggering parts of umount to fs_pin ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] new fs_pin killing logics ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] allow attaching fs_pin to a group not associated with some superblock ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] get rid of the second argument of acct_kill() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] take count and rcu_head out of fs_pin ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] pull bumping refcount into ->kill() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] kill pin_put() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] btrfs: don't invalidate root dentry when subvolume deletion fails ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt: Fix a memory stomp in umount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Remove d_drop calls from d_revalidate implementations ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Make d_invalidate return void ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Merge check_submounts_and_drop and d_invalidate ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Remove unnecessary calls of check_submounts_and_drop ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Lazily remove mounts on unlinked files and directories ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: More precise tests in d_invalidate ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Document the effect of d_revalidate on d_find_alias ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] autofs - remove obsolete d_invalidate() from expire ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Add a function to lazily unmount all mounts from any dentry ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: factor out lookup_mountpoint from new_mountpoint ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Keep a list of mounts on a mount point ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Don't allow overwriting mounts in the current mount namespace ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] delayed mntput ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] Add a missing permission check to do_umount ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fix EBUSY on umount() from MNT_SHRINKABLE ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] get rid of propagate_umount() mistakenly treating slaves as busy ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fix copy_tree() regression ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] death to mnt_pinned ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] make fs/{namespace, super}.c forget about acct.h ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] take fs_pin stuff to fs/* ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] start carving bsd_acct_struct up ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: move mnt_pin() upwards ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] make acct_kill() wait for file closing ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] drop ->s_umount around acct_auto_close() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: get rid of acct_lock for acct->count ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: get rid of acct_list ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: simplify check_free_space() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: new lifetime rules ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: serialize acct_on() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct() should honour the limits from the very beginning ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] split the slow path in acct_process() off ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] separate namespace-independent parts of filling acct_t ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: switch to __kernel_write() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] acct: encode_comp_t(0) is 0, fortunately.. ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Make delayed_free() call free_vfsmnt() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] switch mnt_hash to hlist ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] keep shadowed vfsmounts together ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] resizable namespace.c hashes ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: Is mounted should be testing mnt_ns for NULL or error ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fix bogus read_seqretry() checks introduced in b37199e ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] rcuwalk: recheck mount_lock after mountpoint crossing attempts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fix bogus path_put() of nd->root after some unlazy_walk() failures ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] get rid of {lock, unlock}_rcu_walk() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] Use RH_KABI_EXTEND to wrap nameidata.m_seq ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] RCU'd vfsmounts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] pid_namespace: make freeing struct pid_namespace rcu-delayed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fuse: rcu-delay freeing fuse_conn ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] ncpfs: rcu-delay unload_nls() and freeing ncp_server ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fat: rcu-delay unloading nls and freeing sbi ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] adfs: delayed freeing of sbi ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] hpfs: make freeing sbi and codetables rcu-delayed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] make freeing super_block rcu-delayed ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] move taking vfsmount_lock down into prepend_path() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: make d_path() get the root path under RCU ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: don't copy things to user space holding the rcu readlock ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: make getcwd() get the root and pwd path under rcu ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] vfs: move get_fs_root_and_pwd() to single caller ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] split __lookup_mnt() in two functions ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] Readd include of linux/lglock.h in fs/internal.h to preserve the kabi ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] new helpers: lock_mount_hash/unlock_mount_hash ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] don't bother with vfsmount_lock in mounts_poll() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] namespace.c: get rid of mnt_ghosts ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fold dup_mnt_ns() into its only surviving caller ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] mnt_set_expiry() doesn't need vfsmount_lock ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] finish_automount() doesn't need vfsmount_lock for removal from expiry list ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] namespace.c: bury long-dead define ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] fold mntfree() into mntput_no_expire() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] do_remount(): pull touch_mnt_namespace() up ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] dup_mnt_ns(): get rid of pointless grabbing of vfsmount_lock ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] initialize namespace_sem statically ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935] - [fs] put_mnt_ns(): use drop_collected_mounts() ("Eric W. Biederman") [1247935]- [fs] ext4: unmap metadata when zeroing blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: handle transient ENOSPC properly for DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1347247 1430424] - [mm] dax: fix deadlock with DAX 4k holes (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: avoid split extents for DAX writes (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: only set S_DAX if DAX is really supported (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: move put_(un)locked_mapping_entry() in dax.c (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: move RADIX_DAX_* defines to dax.h (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: remove dax_pmd_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [mm] dax: coordinate locking for offsets in PMD range (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: consistent variable naming for DAX entries (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: remove the last BUG_ON() from fs/dax.c (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: make 'wait_table' global variable static (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: remove buffer_size_valid() (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: tell DAX the size of allocation holes (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: more efficient SEEK_DATA implementation (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: return hole from ext4_map_blocks() (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: factor out determining of hole size (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: allow DAX writeback for hole punch (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: fix locking for DAX writes (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: don't pass buffer_head to copy_user_dax (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: don't pass buffer_head to dax_insert_mapping (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [mm] silently skip readahead for DAX inodes (Eric Sandeen) [1366943 1430424] - [fs] xfs: don't invalidate whole file on DAX read/write (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: remote unused fault wrappers (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Remove i_mmap_lock protection (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [mm] dax: Use radix tree entry lock to protect cow faults (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [mm] dax: New fault locking (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [mm] dax: Allow DAX code to replace exceptional entries (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Define DAX lock bit for radix tree exceptional entry (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Make huge page handling depend of CONFIG_BROKEN (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Fix condition for filling of PMD holes (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: fix a comment in dax_zero_page_range and dax_truncate_page (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: for truncate/hole-punch, do zeroing through the driver if possible (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: export a low-level __dax_zero_page_range helper (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: use sb_issue_zerout instead of calling dax_clear_sectors (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: fallback from pmd to pte on error (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Remove redundant inode size checks (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Remove pointless writeback from dax_do_io() (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Remove zeroing from dax_io() (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Remove dead zeroing code from fault handlers (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: Remove complete_unwritten argument (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: move RADIX_DAX_ definitions to dax.c (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] dax: call get_blocks() with create == 1 for write faults to unwritten extents (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: cleanup handling of bh->b_state in DAX mmap (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] ext4: fix bh->b_state corruption (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: split direct I/O and DAX path (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: direct calls in the direct I/O path (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: fold xfs_vm_do_dio into xfs_vm_direct_IO (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: using generic_file_direct_write() is unnecessary (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: stop using generic_file_read_iter for direct I/O (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_file_read_iter into buffered and direct I/O helpers (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: remove s_maxbytes enforcement in xfs_file_read_iter (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: kill ioflags (Eric Sandeen) [1430424] - [fs] xfs: don't pass ioflags around in the ioctl path (Eric Sandeen) [1430424]- [fs] vfs: pull btrfs clone API to vfs layer (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add .copy_file_range file operation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs_compat_ioctl failures on non-compat ioctls (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix truncate down when no_holes feature is enabled (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix deadlock between direct IO and fast fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix false enospc error when truncating heavily reflinked file (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: adjust outstanding_extents counter properly when dio write is split (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix lockdep warning about log_mutex (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use down_read_nested to make lockdep silent (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix locking when we put back a delayed ref that's too new (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix error handling when run_delayed_extent_op fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: return the actual error value from from btrfs_uuid_tree_iterate (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race in btrfs_free_dummy_fs_info() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: limit async_work allocation and worker func duration (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix tree search logic when replaying directory entry deletes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock caused by fsync when logging directory entries (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix enospc in hole punching (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: improve delayed refs iterations (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add comments explaining how btrfs qgroup works (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Ensure proper sector alignment for btrfs_free_reserved_data_space (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: abort transaction if fill_holes() fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix file extent corruption (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: use already calculated value in btrfs_should_throttle_delayed_refs() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix qgroup rescan worker initialization (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix emptiness check for dirtied extent buffers at check_leaf() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix BUG_ON in btrfs_mark_buffer_dirty (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix relocation incorrectly dropping data references (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix races on root_log_ctx lists (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix WARNING in btrfs_select_ref_head() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove some no-op casts (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: pass correct args to btrfs_async_run_delayed_refs() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make file clone aware of fatal signals (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Prevent qgroup->reserved from going subzero (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: kill BUG_ON in do_relocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix incremental send failure caused by balance (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] revert "btrfs: let btrfs_delete_unused_bgs() to clean relocated bgs" (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tests: uninline member definitions in free_space_extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tests: constify free space extent specs (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: expand free space tree sanity tests to catch endianness bug (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent buffer bitmap tests on big-endian systems (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: catch invalid free space trees (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix mount -o clear_cache, space_cache=v2 (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix free space tree bitmaps on big-endian systems (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary btrfs_mark_buffer_dirty in split_leaf (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't BUG() during drop snapshot (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs_no_printk stub helper (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: memset to avoid stale content in btree leaf (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: parent_start initialization cleanup (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Remove already completed TODO comment (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Do not reassign count in btrfs_run_delayed_refs (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix a possible umount deadlock (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak in do_walk_down (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: unsplit printed strings (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: clean the old superblocks before freeing the device (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: kill BUG_ON in run_delayed_tree_ref (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't leak reloc root nodes on error (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: squash lines for simple wrapper functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: improve check_node to avoid reading corrupted nodes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add error handling for extent buffer in print tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove BUG_ON in start_transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: memset to avoid stale content in btree node block (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: return gracefully from balance if fs tree is corrupted (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: kill BUG_ON()'s in btrfs_mark_extent_written (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: kill the start argument to read_extent_buffer_pages (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add a flags field to btrfs_fs_info (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: extend btrfs_set_extent_delalloc and its friends to support in-band dedupe and subpage size patchset (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add dynamic debug support (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix warning "variable 'gen' set but not used" (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix warning "variable 'blocksize' set but not used" (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: let btrfs_delete_unused_bgs() to clean relocated bgs (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: bail out if block group has different mixed flag (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak in reading btree blocks (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix check_shared for fiemap ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: create example debugfs file only in debugging build (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix perms on demonstration debugfs interface (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak of block group cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: ensure that file descriptor used with subvol ioctls is a dir (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: handle quota reserve failure properly (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use filemap_check_errors() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [mm] export filemap_check_errors() to modules (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce tickets_id to determine whether asynchronous metadata reclaim work makes progress (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove root_log_ctx from ctx list before btrfs_sync_log returns (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: do not decrease bytes_may_use when replaying extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix one bug that process may endlessly wait for ticket in wait_reserve_ticket() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix endless loop in balancing block groups (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: kill invalid ASSERT() in process_all_refs() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix lockdep warning on deadlock against an inode's log mutex (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: detect corruption when non-root leaf has zero item (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: check btree node's nritems (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't create or leak aliased root while cleaning up orphans (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix em leak in find_first_block_group (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: do not background blkdev_put() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: clarify do_chunk_alloc()'s return value (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsfreeze hang caused by delayed iputs deal (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: update btrfs_space_info's bytes_may_use timely (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: divide btrfs_update_reserved_bytes() into two functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use correct offset for reloc_inode in prealloc_file_extent_cluster() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix qgroup incorrectness caused by log replay (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: relocation: Fix leaking qgroups numbers on data extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Refactor btrfs_qgroup_insert_dirty_extent() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: waiting on qgroup rescan should not always be interruptible (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: properly track when rescan worker is running (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: flush_space: treat return value of do_chunk_alloc properly (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add ASSERT for block group's memory leak (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: backref: Fix soft lockup in __merge_refs function (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak of reloc_root (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix __MAX_CSUM_ITEMS (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused function btrfs_add_delayed_qgroup_reserve() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: improve performance on fsync against new inode after rename/unlink (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: be more precise on errors when getting an inode from disk (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send, don't bug on inconsistent snapshots (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send, avoid incorrect leaf accesses when sending utimes operations (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send, add missing error check for calls to path_loop() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix failure to move directories with the same name around (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add missing check for writeback errors on fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_relocate_chunk pass extent_root to btrfs_end_transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: convert nodesize macros to static inlines (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce BTRFS_MAX_ITEM_SIZE (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, remove prototype for btrfs_find_root_ref (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: copy_to_sk drop unused root parameter (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: simpilify btrfs_subvol_inherit_props (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tests, use BTRFS_FS_STATE_DUMMY_FS_INFO instead of dummy root (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tests, require fs_info for root (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tests, move initialization into tests/ (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_test_opt and friends should take a btrfs_fs_info (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: plumb fs_info into btrfs_work (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove obsolete part of comment in statfs (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: hide test-only member under ifdef (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Add ratelimit to btrfs printing (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [kernel] ratelimit: add initialization macro (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix unexpected balance crash due to BUG_ON (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix panic in balance due to EIO (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix eb memory leak due to readpage failure (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: change BUG_ON()'s to ASSERT()'s in backref_cache_cleanup() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix free space calculation in dump_space_info() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: subpage-blocksize: Rate limit scrub error message (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: expand cow_file_range() to support in-band dedup and subpage-blocksize (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make sure device is synced before return (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reorg btrfs_close_one_device() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup compress_file_range() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup BUG_ON in merge_bio (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix slab accounting flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Replace -ENOENT by -ERANGE in btrfs_get_acl() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Handle uninitialised inode eviction (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix read_node_slot to return errors (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix double free of fs root (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: error out if generic_bin_search get invalid arguments (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: check inconsistence between chunk and block group (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add missing bytes_readonly attribute file in sysfs (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix delalloc accounting after copy_from_user faults (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: avoid deadlocks during reservations in btrfs_truncate_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use FLUSH_LIMIT for relocation in reserve_metadata_bytes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fill relocation block rsv after allocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: always use trans->block_rsv for orphans (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: change how we calculate the global block rsv (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use root when checking need_async_flush (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't bother kicking async if there's nothing to reclaim (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix release reserved extents trace points (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add tracepoints for flush events (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix delalloc reservation amount tracepoint (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: trace pinned extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce ticketed enospc infrastructure (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add tracepoint for adding block groups (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: warn_on for unaccounted spaces (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: change delayed reservation fallback behavior (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: always reserve metadata for delalloc extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix callers of btrfs_block_rsv_migrate (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add bytes_readonly to the spaceinfo at once (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Force stripesize to the value of sectorsize (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix disk_i_size update bug when fallocate() fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix error handling in map_private_extent_buffer (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix error return code in btrfs_init_test_fs() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't do nocow check unless we have to (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock in delayed_ref_async_start (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: track transid for delayed ref flushing (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_check_super_valid: Allow 4096 as stripesize (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove build fixup for qgroup_account_snapshot (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use new error message helper in qgroup_account_snapshot (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: avoid blocking open_ctree from cleaner_kthread (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't BUG_ON() in btrfs_orphan_add (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: account for non-CoW'd blocks in btrfs_abort_transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: check if extent buffer is aligned to sectorsize (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Use correct format specifier (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: self-tests: Fix extent buffer bitmap test fail on BE system (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: self-tests: Fix test_bitmaps fail on 64k sectorsize (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: self-tests: Use macros instead of constants and add missing newline (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: self-tests: Support testing all possible sectorsizes and nodesizes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: self-tests: Execute page straddling test only when nodesize < PAGE_SIZE (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: advertise which crc32c implementation is being used at module load (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add validadtion checks for chunk loading (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add more validation checks for superblock (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: clear uptodate flags of pages in sys_array eb (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: deal with duplciates during extent_map insertion in btrfs_get_extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: self-tests: Support non-4k page size (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix integer overflow when calculating bytes_per_bitmap (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: test_check_exists: Fix infinite loop when searching for free space entries (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: end transaction if we abort when creating uuid root (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between device replace and read repair (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between device replace and discard (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between device replace and chunk allocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race setting block group back to RW mode during device replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected assignment of the left cursor for device replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race setting block group readonly during device replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between device replace and block group removal (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between readahead and device replace/removal (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix handling of faults from btrfs_copy_from_user (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: scrub: Set bbio to NULL before calling btrfs_map_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix unexpected return value of fiemap (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: free sys_array eb as soon as possible (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak during RAID 5/6 device replacement (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add semaphore to synchronize direct IO writes with fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between block group relocation and nocow writes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between fsync and direct IO writes for prealloc extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: pin log earlier when renaming (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: unpin log if rename operation fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't do unnecessary delalloc flushes when relocating (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't wait for unrelated IO to finish before relocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix empty symlink after creating symlink and fsync parent dir (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix for incorrect directory entries after fsync log replay (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: build fixup for qgroup_account_snapshot (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix qgroup accounting when creating snapshot (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix fspath error deallocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make find_workspace warn if there are no workspaces (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make find_workspace always succeed (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: preallocate compression workspaces (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: rename and document compression workspace members (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: GFP_NOFS does not GFP_HIGHMEM (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: switch to common message helpers in open_ctree, adjust messages (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix int32 overflow in shrink_delalloc() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't force mounts to wait for cleaner_kthread to delete one or more subvolumes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add write protection to SET_FEATURES ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix lock dep warning move scratch super outside of chunk_mutex (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix BUG_ON condition in scrub_setup_recheck_block() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove BUG_ON()'s in btrfs_map_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix divide error upon chunk's stripe_len (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: protect reading label by lock (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add check to sysfs handler of label (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add read-only check to sysfs handler of features (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reuse existing variable in scrub_stripe, reduce stack usage (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use dynamic allocation for root item in create_subvol (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: clone: use vmalloc only as fallback for nodesize bufer (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: use vmalloc only as fallback for clone_sources_tmp (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: use vmalloc only as fallback for clone_roots (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: use temporary variable to store allocation size (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: use vmalloc only as fallback for read_buf (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: use vmalloc only as fallback for send_buf (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix lock dep warning, move scratch dev out of device_list_mutex and uuid_mutex (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: silence an integer overflow warning (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: avoid overflowing f_bfree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix mixed block count of available space (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: allow balancing to dup with multi-device (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: ioctl: reorder exclusive op check in RM_DEV (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup assigning next active device with a check (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: s_bdev is not null after missing replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: pass the right error code to the btrfs_std_error (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to convert_extent_bit (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make state preallocation more speculative in __set_extent_bit (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: untangle gotos a bit in convert_extent_bit (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: untangle gotos a bit in __clear_extent_bit (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to set_record_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to set_extent_new (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to set_extent_defrag (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to set_extent_delalloc (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to clear_extent_dirty (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to clear_record_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to clear_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink gfp parameter to set_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: uapi/linux/btrfs_tree.h migration, item types and defines (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: uapi/linux/btrfs.h migration, move struct btrfs_ioctl_defrag_range_args (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: uapi/linux/btrfs.h migration, move balance flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: uapi/linux/btrfs.h migration, move feature flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: uapi/linux/btrfs.h migration, qgroup limit flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: uapi/linux/btrfs.h migration, move BTRFS_LABEL_SIZE (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: refactor btrfs_dev_replace_start for reuse (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use fs_info directly (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: rename flags for vol args v2 (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_find_device_by_user_input (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use existing device constraints table btrfs_raid_array (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce raid-type to error-code table, for minimum device constraint (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: pass number of devices to btrfs_check_raid_min_devices (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: rename __check_raid_min_devices (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: optimize check for stale device (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce device delete by devid (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make use of btrfs_scratch_superblocks() in btrfs_rm_device() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: enhance btrfs_find_device_by_user_input() to check device path (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make use of btrfs_find_device_by_user_input() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: create helper btrfs_find_device_by_user_input() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: clean up and optimize __check_raid_min_device() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: create helper function __check_raid_min_devices() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: create a helper function to read the disk super (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: do not create empty block group if we have allocated data (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: __btrfs_buffered_write: Pass valid file offset when releasing delalloc space (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup error handling in extent_write_cached_pages (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make mapping->writeback_index point to the last written page (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: bugfix: handle FS_IOC32_{GETFLAGS, SETFLAGS, GETVERSION} in btrfs_ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix typos in comments (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Refactor btrfs_lock_cluster() to kill compiler warning (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove save_error_info() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Simplify conditions about compress while mapping btrfs flags to inode flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: move error handling code together in ctree.h (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused function btrfs_assert() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_std_error to btrfs_handle_fs_error (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix file/data loss caused by fsync after rename and new inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Reset IO error counters before start of device replacing (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Add qgroup tracing (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't use src fd for printk (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fallback to vmalloc in btrfs_compare_tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: handle non-fatal errors in btrfs_qgroup_inherit() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Output more info for enospc_debug mount option (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix invalid reference in replace_path (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Improve FL_KEEP_SIZE handling in fallocate (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: transaction_kthread() is not freezable (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleaner_kthread() doesn't need explicit freeze (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: do not write corrupted metadata blocks to disk (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: csum_tree_block: return proper errno value (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use radix_tree_iter_retry() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix misspellings in comments (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Print Warning only if ENOSPC_DEBUG is enabled (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: scrub: silence an uninitialized variable warning (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: move btrfs_compression_type to compression.h (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_print_info to btrfs_print_mod_info (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Show a warning message if one of objectid reaches its highest value (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use kbasename in btrfsic_mount (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: do not collect ordered extents when logging that inode exists (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race when checking if we can skip fsync'ing an inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix listxattrs not listing all xattrs packed in the same item (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock between direct IO reads and buffered writes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent_same allowing destination offset beyond i_size (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix file loss on log replay after renaming a file and fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix unreplayable log after snapshot delete + parent dir fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix lockdep deadlock warning due to dev_replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: drop unused argument in btrfs_ioctl_get_supported_features (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES to the control device ioctls (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: change max_inline default to 2048 (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove error message from search ioctl for nonexistent tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak of fs_info in block group cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Continue write in case of can_not_nocow (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: drop null testing before destroy functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix build warning (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use proper type for failrec in extent_state (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Replace CURRENT_TIME by current_fs_time() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove open-coded swap() in backref.c:__merge_refs (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove redundant error check (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: simplify expression in btrfs_calc_trans_metadata_size() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: check reserved when deciding to background flush (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add transaction space reservation tracepoints (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix truncate_space_check (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: change how we update the global block rsv (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: ignore creating reada_extent for a non-existent device (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: avoid undone reada extents in btrfs_reada_wait (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: limit max works count (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: simplify dev->reada_in_flight processing (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Fix a debug code typo (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Jump into cleanup in direct way for __readahead_hook() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Use fs_info instead of root in __readahead_hook's argument (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Pass reada_extent into __readahead_hook directly (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: move reada_extent_put to place after __readahead_hook() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Remove level argument in severial functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: bypass adding extent when all zone failed (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: add all reachable mirrors into reada device list (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Move is_need_to_readahead contition earlier (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Avoid many times of empty loop (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Add missed segment checking in reada_find_zone (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: reduce additional fs_info->reada_lock in reada_find_zone (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Fix in-segment calculation for reada (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Introduce new mount option alias for nologreplay (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Introduce new mount option to disable tree log replay (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Introduce new mount option usebackuproot to replace recovery (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: teach print_leaf about temporary item subtypes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: teach print_leaf about permanent item subtypes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: switch dev stats item to the permanent item key (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce key type for persistent permanent items (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: switch balance item to the temporary item key (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce key type for persistent temporary items (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: switch to kcalloc in btrfs_cmp_data_prepare (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: extent same: use GFP_KERNEL for page array allocations (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: device add and remove: use GFP_KERNEL (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: readdir: use GFP_KERNEL (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fallocate: use GFP_KERNEL (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: let callers of btrfs_alloc_root pass gfp flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: scrub: use GFP_KERNEL on the submission path (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: reada: use GFP_KERNEL everywhere (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: send: use GFP_KERNEL everywhere (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove no longer used function extent_read_full_page_nolock() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_ioctl_clone: Truncate complete page after performing clone operation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix block size returned to user space (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Limit inline extents to root->sectorsize (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_submit_direct_hook: Handle map_length < bio vector length (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Use eb->start, seq as search key for tree modification log (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Search for all ordered extents that could span across a page (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_page_mkwrite: Reserve space in sectorsized units (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fallocate: Work with sectorsized blocks (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: direct i/o read: Work on sectorsized blocks (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: __btrfs_buffered_write: Reserve/release extents aligned to block size (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: revert: btrfs: synchronize incompat feature bits with sysfs files (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't use GFP_HIGHMEM for free-space-tree bitmap kzalloc (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: check initialization state before updating features (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between fsync and lockless direct IO writes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add free space tree to the cow-only list (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add free space tree to lockdep classes (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tweak free space tree bitmap allocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: tests: switch to GFP_KERNEL (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: synchronize incompat feature bits with sysfs files (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: introduce helper for syncing bits with sysfs files (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: add free-space-tree bit attribute (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: fix typo in compat_ro attribute definition (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: raid56: Use raid_write_end_io for scrub (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Remove unnecessary ClearPageUptodate for raid56 (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use rbio->nr_pages to reduce calculation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Use unified stripe_page's index calculation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Fix calculation of rbio->dbitmap's size calculation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: merge functions for wait snapshot creation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: delete unused argument in btrfs_copy_from_user (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Use direct way to determine raid56 write/recover mode (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Small cleanup for get index_srcdev loop (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Enhance chunk validation check (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Enhance super validation check (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix typo in log message when starting a balance (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove duplicate const specifier (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: clean up an error code in btrfs_init_space_info() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix iterator with update error in backref.c (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix output of compression message in btrfs_parse_options() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, stop casting for extent_map->lookup everywhere (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Check metadata redundancy on balance (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: preallocate path for snapshot creation at ioctl time (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: allocate root item at snapshot ioctl time (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: do an allocation earlier during snapshot creation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use smaller type for btrfs_path locks (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use smaller type for btrfs_path lowest_level (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use smaller type for btrfs_path reada (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, use enum values for btrfs_path reada (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: constify static arrays (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: constify remaining structs with function pointers (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs tests: replace whole ops structure for free space tests (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use list_for_each_entry* in backref.c (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use list_for_each_entry_safe in free-space-cache.c (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use list_for_each_entry* in check-integrity.c (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use linux/sizes.h to represent constants (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, remove stray return statements (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: zero out delayed node upon allocation (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: pass proper enum type to start_transaction() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: switch __btrfs_fs_incompat return type from int to bool (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused inode argument from uncompress_inline() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't use slab cache for struct btrfs_delalloc_work (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: drop duplicate prefix from scrub workqueues (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: verbose error when we find an unexpected item in sys_array (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: better packing of btrfs_delayed_extent_op (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: Support convert to -d dup for btrfs-convert (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't leave dangling dentry if symlink creation failed (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between free space endio workers and space cache writeout (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: don't run delayed references while we are creating the free space tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix compiling with CONFIG_BTRFS_DEBUG enabled (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected list operations at btrfs_write_dirty_block_groups (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix locking bugs when defragging leaves (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add free space tree mount option (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: wire up the free space tree to the extent tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add free space tree sanity tests (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: implement the free space B-tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: introduce the free space B-tree on-disk format (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: refactor caching_thread() (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add helpers for read-only compat bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add extent buffer bitmap sanity tests (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: add extent buffer bitmap operations (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock between direct IO write and defrag/readpages (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leaks after transaction is aborted (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: fix race when finishing dev replace leading to transaction abort (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make set_range_writeback return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make extent_range_redirty_for_io return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make extent_range_clear_dirty_for_io return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make end_extent_writepage return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make extent_clear_unlock_delalloc return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make clear_extent_buffer_uptodate return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make set_extent_buffer_uptodate return void (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove a trivial helper btrfs_set_buffer_uptodate (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use GFP_KERNEL for xattr and acl allocations (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use GFP_KERNEL for allocations of workqueues (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: use GFP_KERNEL for allocations in ioctl handlers (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: remove wait from struct btrfs_delalloc_work (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: sink parameter wait to btrfs_alloc_delalloc_work (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make btrfs_close_one_device static (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make lock_extent static inline (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: drop unused parameter from lock_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make clear_extent_bit helpers static inline (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590] - [fs] btrfs: make set_extent_bit helpers static inline (Bill O'Donnell) [1399590]- [mmc] core: fix multi-bit bus width without high-speed mode (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Ignore unexpected CARD_INT interrupts (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Restore parts of the polling policy when switch to HS/HS DDR (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Only powered up enabled acpi child devices (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sd: Meet alignment requirements for raw_ssr DMA (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Further fix thread wake-up (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix to handle MMC_POWER_UNDEFINED (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-cadence: add Socionext UniPhier specific compatible string (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Move files to core (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-cadence: add Cadence SD4HC support (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: export sdhci_execute_tuning() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Tidy tuning loop (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Simplify tuning block size logic (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Factor out tuning helper functions (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Use mmc_abort_tuning() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Introduce mmc_abort_tuning() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Always allow tuning to fall back to fixed sampling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix tuning reset after exhausting the maximum number of loops (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix recovery from tuning timeout (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] revert "mmc: sdhci: Reset cmd and data circuits after tuning failure" (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Relax checking for switch errors after HS200 switch (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: support 80860F14 UID 2 SDIO bus (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Use ACPI to get max frequency for Intel NI byt sdio (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add PCI ID for Intel NI byt sdio (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc_test: remove BUG_ONs and deploy error handling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: remove BUG_ON for bounce_sg (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdio_uart: remove meaningless BUG_ON (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove BUG_ONs from core.c (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove BUG_ONs from sd (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove BUG_ONs from mmc (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] debugfs: remove BUG_ON from mmc_ext_csd_open (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove BUG_ONs from sdio (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Add Command Queue definitions (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: Introduce queue depth and use it to allocate and free (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: Factor out mmc_queue_reqs_free_bufs() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: Factor out mmc_queue_alloc_sgs() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: Factor out mmc_queue_alloc_bounce_sgs() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: Factor out mmc_queue_alloc_bounce_bufs() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] queue: Fix queue thread wake-up (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Fix 4K native sector check (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Restore line inadvertently removed with packed commands (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-of-esdhc: fix host version for T4240-R1.0-R2.0 (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: delete packed command support (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] delete is_first_req parameter from pre-request callback (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Update CMD13 polling policy when switch to HS DDR mode (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Allow CMD13 polling when switching to HS mode for mmc (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Enable __mmc_switch() to change bus speed timing for the host (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Check SWITCH_ERROR bit from each CMD13 response when polling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Rename ignore_crc to retry_crc_err to reflect its purpose (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant __mmc_send_status() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Retry instead of ignore at CRC errors when polling for busy (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Allow deferred probe for sd card detect gpio (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add support for Intel GLK (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Factor out sdhci_enable_clk (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: use the cookie's enum values for post/pre_req() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: move packed command struct init (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: rename data to blkdata (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc_test: Uninitialized return value (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: remove unneeded (void *) casts in sdhci_(pltfm_)priv() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Add helper to see if a host can be retuned (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: use enum mmc_blk_status properly (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: convert ecc_err to a bool (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: make gen_err a bool variable (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Use sdhci-caps-mask and sdhci-caps to change the caps read during __sdhci_read_caps (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Don't power off the card when starting the host (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: expose the capability of gpio card detect (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Don't use ->card_busy() and CMD13 in combination when polling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Factor out code related to polling in __mmc_switch() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Clarify code which deals with polling in __mmc_switch() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Make mmc_switch_status() available for mmc core (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_usb_sdmmc: Enable runtime PM autosuspend (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: put together into one condition checking (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-of-esdhc: fixup PRESENT_STATE read (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Use 500ms as the default generic CMD6 timeout (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc_test: Fix "Commands during non-blocking write" tests (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix missing enhanced strobe setting during runtime resume (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Reset cmd and data circuits after tuning failure (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix unexpected data interrupt handling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix CMD line reset interfering with ongoing data transfer (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_usb_sdmmc: Handle runtime PM while changing the led (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_usb_sdmmc: Avoid keeping the device runtime resumed when unused (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: cast unsigned int to unsigned long long to avoid unexpeted error (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Fix bus power failing to enable for some Intel controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Let devices define their own sdhci_ops (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Rename sdhci_set_power() to sdhci_set_power_noreg() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix SDHCI_QUIRK2_STOP_WITH_TC (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Annotate cmd_hdr as __le32 (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: changes frequency to hs_max_dtr when selecting hs400es (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: switch to 1V8 or 1V2 for hs400es mode (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: add missing header dependencies (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mfd: rtsx_usb: Avoid setting ucr->current_sg.status (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: don't try to switch block size for dual rate mode (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-of-arasan: Set controller to test mode when no CD bit (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_usb: use new macro for R1 without CRC (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_pci: use new macro for R1 without CRC (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] add define for R1 response without CRC (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] card: do away with indirection pointer (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Set MMC_CAP_CMD_DURING_TFR for Intel eMMC controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Set MMC_CAP_CMD_DURING_TFR for Intel eMMC controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Support cap_cmd_during_tfr requests (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc_test: Add tests for sending commands during transfer (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Add support for sending commands during data transfer (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-brcmstb: Fix incorrect capability (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Optimize the mmc erase size alignment (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Factor out the alignment of erase size (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Use a default maximum erase timeout (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: enable SD card interface on Merrifield (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: enable SDIO interface on Intel Merrifield (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: refactor intel_mrfld_mmc_probe_slot() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: add reset support to dwmmc host controller (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: don't use CMD23 with very old MMC cards (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove ->platform_init() callback as it's no longer used (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Convert to use managed functions (part2) (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdio: deploy error handling instead of triggering BUG_ON (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: remove the check of packed for packed request routine (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Add error message when switching fails in mmc_select_hs() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Do not allow tuning procedure to be interrupted (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-brcmstb: Delete owner assignment (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sd: Export SD Status via "ssr" device attribute (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] vub300: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_pci: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_pci: Enable MMC_CAP_ERASE to allow erase/discard/trim requests (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] rtsx_pci: Use the provided busy timeout from the mmc core (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: Drop define for SDHCI_PLTFM_PMOPS (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: Convert to use the SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: Make sdhci_pltfm_suspend|resume() static (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Simplify code by using SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci-core: Simplify code by using SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] Change the max discard sectors and erase response when HW busy detect (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Request regulators before reading capabilities (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Use MRFLD as abbreviation of Merrifield (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: add standard hw auto retuning support (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: using common mmc_regulator_set_vqmmc() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Convert to use managed functions pcim_* and devm_* (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Extend sysfs with DSR register (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: expose MMC_CAP2_NO_* to dt (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Extend sysfs with OCR register (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: add define for suspend/resume capability (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Allow hosts to specify non-support for MMC commands (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: sdhci_execute_tuning() must delete timer (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Avoid STOP cmd triggering warning in sdhci_send_command() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Do not reset cmd or data circuits that are in use (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Factor out sdhci_auto_cmd12() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Allow for finishing multiple requests (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Separate timer timeout for command and data requests (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Factor out sdhci_data_line_cmd() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Ensure all requests get errored out (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Clear pointers when a request finishes (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Track whether a reset is pending (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Factor out sdhci_needs_reset() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Factor out sdhci_finish_mrq() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Move host->data warning (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Reduce the use of host->mrq (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Get rid of host->busy_handle (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Record what command is using the data lines (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Simplify sdhci_finish_command() by clearing host->cmd at the start (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Get rid of redundant BUG_ONs (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Move busy signal handling into sdhci_finish_cmd() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Do not runtime suspend at the end of sdhci_pci_probe() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Add sdhci_read_caps() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Tidy caps variables in sdhci_setup_host() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Make signal voltage support explicit (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Split sdhci_add_host() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Do not call implementations of mmc host ops directly (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: remove the quirks flags (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Allow hosts to specify non-support for SD commands (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: use pr_err for sdhci_dumpregs (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] host: use the defined function to check whether card is removable (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-of-arasan: Add ability to export card clock (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-brcmstb: Add driver for Broadcom BRCMSTB SoCs (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Fix tag condition with packed writes (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Disable HPI for certain Hynix eMMC cards (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Only change mode if mmc_select_bus_width() is successful (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] Set pref erase size based on size (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Fix HS switch failure in mmc_select_hs400() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: fix switch timeout issue caused by jiffies precision (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: do not use CMD13 to get status after speed mode switch (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Use ->card_busy() to detect busy cards in __mmc_switch() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix sdhci_card_busy() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] debugfs: add HS400 enhanced strobe description (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: implement enhanced strobe support (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: add mmc-hs400-enhanced-strobe support (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: fix wakeup configuration (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: correct 4KB alignment check (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: remove comment regarding timeout during tuning (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: fix packed command header endianness (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: fix free of uninitialized 'idata->buf' (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] x86, mmc: Use Intel family name macros for mmc driver (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] fix mmc mode selection for HS-DDR and higher (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] remove lots of IS_ERR_VALUE abuses (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Remove MMC_CAP_BUS_WIDTH_TEST for Intel controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Remove MMC_CAP_BUS_WIDTH_TEST for Intel controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] longer timeout for long read time quirk (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Pause re-tuning while switched to the RPMB partition (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Always switch back to main area after RPMB access (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Add a facility to "pause" re-tuning (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Fix partition switch timeout for some eMMCs (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdio: fall back to SDIO 1.0 for broken 1.1 cards (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: improve logging of handling emmc timeouts (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: removed unneeded function wrappers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove the invalid message in mmc_select_timing (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: fix using wrong io voltage if mmc_select_hs200 fails (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc: Attempt to flush cache before reset (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sh_mmcif: remove obsolete support for sh7372 (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Convert to IDA for partition device indexes (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Release index in partition allocation error path (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Convert from IDR to IDA for host indexes (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: use IS_ENABLE(CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS) to enable LED struct members (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: use IS_REACHABLE(CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS) to enable LED code (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove SDHCI_SDR104_NEEDS_TUNING (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: call platform_get_irq() before sdhci_alloc_host() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: move devm_ioremap_resource() up (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: use devm_ioremap_resource() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: use devm_ioremap() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: use devm_request_mem_region() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: check return value of platform_get_irq() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: drop error message for too small MMIO resource size (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: drop unnecessary bit checking (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Tidy together LED code (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix error paths in sdhci_add_host() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove redundant condition (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Set MMC_CAP_AGGRESSIVE_PM for Broxton controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Set MMC_CAP_AGGRESSIVE_PM for Broxton controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove SDHCI_QUIRK2_NEED_DELAY_AFTER_INT_CLK_RST (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Introduce sdhci_calc_clk() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Move sdhci_runtime_pm_bus_off|on() to avoid pre-definition (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pic32: remove owner assignment (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove redundant runtime PM calls (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Do regular power cycle when lacking eMMC HW reset support (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Remove redundant runtime PM calls (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Remove redundant runtime PM calls (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: remove unused EVENT_XFER_ERROR (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: fix warning reported by kernel-doc (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] host: add note that set_ios needs to handle 0Hz properly (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: Provide tracepoints for request processing (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Reduce Baytrail eMMC/SD/SDIO hangs (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: Use the mmc host device index as the mmcblk device index (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add support and PCI IDs for more Broxton host controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix regression setting power on Trats2 board (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Do not set DMA mask in enable_dma() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Remove enable_dma() hook (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Set DMA mask when adding host (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: fix ABI regression of mmc_blk_ioctl (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove redundant memset of sdio_read_cccr (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove redundant memset of mmc_decode_cid (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix override of timeout clk wrt max_busy_timeout (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: add QCOM controllers (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: remove priv variable from sdhci_pltfm_host (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: further code simplication (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: consolidate the DMA/ADMA size/address quicks (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: prepare DMA address/size quirk handling consolidation (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: cleanup DMA un-mapping (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up host cookie handling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: always unmap a mapped data transfer in sdhci_post_req() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: pass the cookie into sdhci_pre_dma_transfer() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: factor out sdhci_pre_dma_transfer() from sdhci_adma_table_pre() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: move sdhci_pre_dma_transfer() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: factor out common DMA cleanup in sdhci_finish_data() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: avoid walking SG list for writes (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up coding style in sdhci_adma_table_pre() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: allocate alignment and DMA descriptor buffer together (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: fix data timeout (part 2) (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: fix data timeout (part 1) (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: further fix for DMA unmapping in sdhci_post_req() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: plug DMA mapping leak on error (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: avoid unnecessary mapping/unmapping of align buffer (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: fix command response CRC error handling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up command error handling (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: move initialisation of command error member (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci: Allow CAPS check for SDHCI_CAN_64BIT to use overridden caps (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-pic32: Add PIC32 SDHCI host controller driver (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: remove DW_MCI_QUIRK_BROKEN_CARD_DETECTION quirk (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] dw_mmc: remove struct block_settings (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: report tuning command execution failure reason (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: shut up "retrying because a re-tune was needed" message (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: improve mmc_of_parse_voltage() to return better status (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: shut up "voltage-ranges unspecified" pr_info() (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] block: don't use the OR operation for flag of data (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: remove the MMC_DATA_STREAM flag (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sanitize 'bus width' in debug output (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: use the defined function to check whether card is removable (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmc_test: mention that '0' runs all tests (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] mmcif: don't depend on MMC_BLOCK (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] make MAN_BKOPS_EN message a debug (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: enable sdhci-acpi device to suspend/resume asynchronously (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] core: enable mmc host device to suspend/resume asynchronously (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] debugfs: Add a restriction to mmc debugfs clock setting (Don Zickus) [1430497] - [mmc] remove unnecessary assignment statements before return (Don Zickus) [1430497]- [fs] cifs: initialize file_info_lock (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix a possible double locking of mutex during reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix a possible memory corruption during reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix a possible memory corruption in push locks (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix missing nls unload in smb2_reconnect() (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Decrease verbosity of ioctl call (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] smb3: parsing for new snapshot timestamp mount parm (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Call echo service immediately after socket reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Retrieve uid and gid from special sid if enabled (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Add new mount option to set owner uid and gid from special sids in acl (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Reset read oplock to NONE if we have mandatory locks after reopen (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix persistent handles re-opening on reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] smb2: Separate RawNTLMSSP authentication from SMB2_sess_setup (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] smb2: Separate Kerberos authentication from SMB2_sess_setup (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Expose cifs module parameters in sysfs (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Cleanup missing frees on some ioctls (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Enable previous version support (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Do not send SMB3 SET_INFO request if nothing is changing (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] smb3: Add mount parameter to allow user to override max credits (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: reopen persistent handles on reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Clarify locking of cifs file and tcon structures and make more granular (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: keep guid when assigning fid to fileinfo (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] smb3: GUIDs should be constructed as random but valid uuids (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Set previous session id correctly on SMB3 reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Limit the overall credit acquired (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Display number of credits available (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: get rid of unused arguments of CIFSSMBWrite() (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: don't use ->d_time (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix a possible invalid memory access in smb2_query_symlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: fix crash due to race in hmac(md5) handling (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: unbreak TCP session reuse (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] File names with trailing period or space need special case conversion (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Fix reconnect to not defer smb3 session reconnect long after socket reconnect (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: check hash calculating succeeded (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: stuff the fl_owner into "pid" field in the lock request (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Remove some obsolete comments (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] remove directory incorrectly tries to set delete on close on non-empty directories (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Update cifs.ko version to 2.09 (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix removexattr for os2.* xattrs (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Check for equality with ACL_TYPE_ACCESS and ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Fix xattr name checks (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: kill more bogus checks in ->...xattr() methods (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] don't bother with ->d_inode->i_sb - it's always equal to ->d_sb (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] mm, fs: remove remaining PAGE_CACHE_* and page_cache_{get, release} usage(cifs only) (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] mm, fs: get rid of PAGE_CACHE_* and page_cache_{get, release} macros(cifs only) (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] lib: update single-char callers of strtobool()(cifs only) (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Add helper kstrtobool_from_user (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs_get_root(): use lookup_one_len_unlocked() (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] Fix cifs_uniqueid_to_ino_t() function for s390x (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] wrappers for ->i_mutex access (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: remove redundant check for null string pointer (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Add decryption and encryption key generation (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] cifs: Allow using O_DIRECT with cache=loose (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] posix acls: Remove duplicate xattr name definitions (cifs only) (Sachin Prabhu) [1416808] - [fs] libceph: don't set weight to IN when OSD is destroyed (Ilya Dryomov) [1427556] - [fs] xfs: allocate log vector buffers outside CIL context lock (Brian Foster) [1410906] - [fs] procfs: expose umask in /proc//status (Miklos Szeredi) [1391413] - [fs] gfs2: Prevent BUG from occurring when normal Withdraws occur (Robert S Peterson) [1404005] - [fs] ext4: fix mmp use after free during unmount (Lukas Czerner) [1386651] - [fs] jbd2: fix incorrect unlock on j_list_lock (Lukas Czerner) [1403346] - [fs] nfs: nfs_rename() handle -ERESTARTSYS dentry left behind (Benjamin Coddington) [1349647] - [fs] nfsv4.0: always send mode in SETATTR after EXCLUSIVE4 (Benjamin Coddington) [1415780] - [fs] xfs: split indlen reservations fairly when under reserved (Brian Foster) [1423393] - [fs] xfs: handle indlen shortage on delalloc extent merge (Brian Foster) [1423393] - [netdrv] bna: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Jonathan Toppins) [1386007] - [netdrv] bna: use correct type specifier (2) (Jonathan Toppins) [1386007] - [netdrv] bna: use correct type specifications (Jonathan Toppins) [1386007] - [scsi] bfa: Increase requested firmware version to (Jonathan Toppins) [1386007] - [netdrv] bna: Update the Driver and Firmware Version (Jonathan Toppins) [1386007] - [kernel] watchdog: prevent false hardlockup on overloaded system (Don Zickus) [1399881] - [security] keys: request_key() should reget expired keys rather than give EKEYEXPIRED (David Howells) [1408330] - [security] keys: Simplify KEYRING_SEARCH_{NO, DO}_STATE_CHECK flags (David Howells) [1408330]- [net] sched: sch_sfb: keep backlog updated with qlen (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: sch_qfq: keep backlog updated with qlen (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] switchdev: Fix return value of switchdev_port_fdb_dump() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: netem: fix a use after free (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fix pfifo_head_drop behavior vs backlog (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: fix NET_XMIT_CN behavior (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: keep backlog updated with qlen (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: sch_tbf: update backlog as well (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: sch_red: update backlog as well (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: sch_drr: update backlog as well (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: sch_prio: update backlog as well (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: sch_hfsc: always keep backlog updated (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: fix memory limitation drift (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: add memory limitation per queue (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: add batch ability to fq_codel_drop() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: explicitly reset flows in ->reset() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: fix return value of fq_codel_drop() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: fq_codel: fix a use-after-free (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: fix FDB size computation (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] dev: Fix non-RCU based lower dev walker (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Introduce new api for walking upper and lower devices (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: fdb dump: optimize by saving last interface markers (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: wrap .ndo_fdb_dump calls (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: Pass VLAN ID to rtnl_fdb_notify (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: fix fdb notification flags (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] fq: Port memory limit mechanism from fq_codel (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] fq: split out backlog update logic (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] fq: add fair queuing framework (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] codel: split into multiple files (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] codel: generalize the implementation (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Add skb_get_hash_perturb (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Only do flow_dissector hash computation once per packet (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_dsmark: update backlog as well (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_htb: update backlog as well (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: update hierarchical backlog too (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: introduce qdisc_replace() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] codel: add ce_threshold attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] codel: fix maxpacket/mtu confusion (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] use ktime_get_ns() and ktime_get_real_ns() helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] codel: Avoid undefined behavior from signed overflow (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sock: backport __sock_queue_rcv_skb() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sock: convert sk_peek_offset functions to WRITE_ONCE (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Add and use skb_copy_datagram_msg() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv6: Export fib6_get_table and nd_tbl (Ivan Vecera) [1382040]- [fs] nfsv4: Label stateids with the type (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Files and flexfiles always need to commit before layoutcommit (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Clean up calls to pnfs_set_layoutcommit() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix layoutcommit after a commit to DS (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/files: Fix layoutcommit after a commit to DS (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix a deadlock on LAYOUTGET (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Fix used uninitialized warn in nfs4_slot_seqid_in_use() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs4: fix missing-braces warning (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.2: Fix a reference leak in nfs42_proc_layoutstats_generic (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix atime updates on pNFS clients (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix a race when updating an open_stateid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix a race in nfs_inode_reclaim_delegation() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: Pass the stateid to the exception handler in nfs4_read/write_done_cb (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: nfs4_layoutget_handle_exception handle revoked state (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_handle_setlk_error() handle expiration as revoke case (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_handle_delegation_recall_error() handle expiration as revoke case (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_do_handle_exception() handle revoke/expiry of a single stateid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs_inode_find_state_and_recover() should check all stateids (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Ensure we call FREE_STATEID if needed on close/delegreturn/locku (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: FREE_STATEID can be asynchronous (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Ensure we always run TEST/FREE_STATEID on locks (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Allow revoked stateids to skip the call to TEST_STATEID (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Don't deadlock the state manager on the SEQUENCE status flags (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Remove obsolete and incorrrect assignment in nfs4_callback_sequence (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Close callback races for OPEN, LAYOUTGET and LAYOUTRETURN (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Defer bumping the slot sequence number until we free the slot (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Delay callback processing when there are referring triples (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix Oopsable condition in server callback races (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix the CREATE_SESSION slot number accounting (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Don't forget the layout stateid if there are outstanding LAYOUTGETs (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Clear out all layout segments if the server unsets lrp->res.lrs_present (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix pnfs_set_layout_stateid() to clear NFS_LAYOUT_INVALID_STID (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Don't recheck delegations that have already been checked (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Deal with server reboots during delegation expiration recovery (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Test delegation stateids when server declares "some state revoked" (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: Allow callers of nfs_remove_bad_delegation() to specify a stateid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Add a helper function to deal with expired stateids (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Allow test_stateid to handle session errors without waiting (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Don't check delegations that are already marked as revoked (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix an Oopsable condition when connection to the DS fails (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: The client must not do I/O to the DS if it's lease has expired (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Set reasonable default retrans values for the data channel (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Allow the mount option retrans=0 (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Handle NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID correctly in LAYOUTSTAT calls (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix layoutstat periodic reporting (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] Remove "tech preview" label for flexfile driver (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: Cap the transport reconnection timer at 1/2 lease period (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Limit the reconnect backoff timer to the max RPC message timeout (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix reconnection timeouts (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Reduce latency when send queue is congested (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: RPC transport queue must be low latency (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Consolidate xs_tcp_data_ready and xs_data_ready (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Small optimisation of client receive (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: Clean up lookup of SECINFO_NO_NAME (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Remove redundant smp_mb() from pnfs_init_lseg() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Cleanup - do layout segment initialisation in one place (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Remove redundant stateid invalidation (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Remove redundant pnfs_mark_layout_returned_if_empty() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Clear the layout metadata if the server changed the layout stateid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Cleanup - don't open code pnfs_mark_layout_stateid_invalid() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: pnfs_mark_matching_lsegs_return() should match the layout sequence id (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Do not set plh_return_seq for non-callback related layoutreturns (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Ensure layoutreturn acts as a completion for layout callbacks (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix CB_LAYOUTRECALL stateid verification (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Always update the layout barrier seqid on LAYOUTGET (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Always update the layout stateid if NFS_LAYOUT_INVALID_STID is set (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Clear the layout return tracking on layout reinitialisation (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: LAYOUTRETURN should only update the stateid if the layout is valid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/files: filelayout_write_done_cb must call nfs_writeback_update_inode() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] mount: use sec= that was specified on the command line (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] fixing infinite OPEN loop in 4.0 stateid recovery (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: Do not clobber existing pgio_done_cb in nfs4_proc_read_setup (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Detect immediate closure of accepted sockets (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: accept() may return sockets that are still in SYN_RECV (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix post-layoutget error handling in pnfs_update_layout() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix LAYOUTGET handling of NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID and NFS4ERR_EXPIRED (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Handle NFS4ERR_RECALLCONFLICT correctly in LAYOUTGET (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Separate handling of NFS4ERR_LAYOUTTRYLATER and RECALLCONFLICT (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Fix another OPEN_DOWNGRADE bug (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Fix potential race in nfs_fhget() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Mark the layout stateid invalid when all segments are removed (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Fix a double page unlock (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs_nfs: fix _cancel_empty_pagelist (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: handle bad delegation stateids in nfs4_layoutget_handle_exception (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Add sparse lock annotations for pnfs_find_alloc_layout (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Layout stateids start out as being invalid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure we handle delegation errors in nfs4_proc_layoutget() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: fix anonymous member initializer build failure with older compilers (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: pnfs_update_layout needs to consider if strict iomode checking is on (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs/flexfiles: Use the layout segment for reading unless it a IOMODE_RW and reading is disabled (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs/flexfiles: Helper function to detect FF_FLAGS_NO_READ_IO (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: avoid race that crashes nfs_init_commit (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: make pnfs_layout_process more robust (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: rework LAYOUTGET retry handling (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: lift retry logic from send_layoutget to pnfs_update_layout (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: fix bad error handling in send_layoutget (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] flexfiles: add kerneldoc header to nfs4_ff_layout_prepare_ds (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] flexfiles: remove pointless setting of NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN_REQUESTED (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: only tear down lsegs that precede seqid in LAYOUTRETURN args (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: keep track of the return sequence number in pnfs_layout_hdr (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: record sequence in pnfs_layout_segment when it's created (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: don't merge new ff lsegs with ones that have LAYOUTRETURN bit set (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: When initing reads or writes, we might have to retry connecting to DSes (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: When checking for available DSes, conditionally check for MDS io (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfile: Fix erroneous fall back to read/write through the MDS (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Reclaim writes via writepage are opportunistic (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix a leaked layoutstats flag (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs4: client: do not send empty SETATTR after OPEN_CREATE (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] Fixing oops in callback path (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: don't share mounts between network namespaces (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Save struct inode * inside nfs_commit_info to clarify usage of i_lock (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: set NFS_IOHDR_REDO in pnfs_read_resend_pnfs (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: missing wakeup in nfs_unblock_sillyrename() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x/pnfs: Fix a race between layoutget and bulk recalls (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x/pnfs: Fix a race between layoutget and pnfs_destroy_layout (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs4: fix stateid handling for the NFS v4.2 operations (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Always set NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN_REQUESTED with lo->plh_return_iomode (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix pnfs_mark_matching_lsegs_return() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: Fix NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP in nfs4_callback_sequence (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Cleanup - rename NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN_BEFORE_CLOSE (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Fix missing layoutreturn calls (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: Allow multiple callbacks in flight (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: Fix wraparound issues when validing the callback sequence id (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: Enforce the ca_maxresponsesize_cached on the back channel (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: CB_SEQUENCE should return NFS4ERR_DELAY if still executing (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.x: Remove hard coded slotids in callback channel (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Simplify nfs_request_add_commit_list() arguments (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Improve merging of errors in LAYOUTRETURN (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Fix a compile warning about unused variable in nfs_generic_pg_pgios() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Cleanup constify struct pnfs_layout_range arguments (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Cleanup copying of pnfs_layout_range structures (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Cleanup pnfs_mark_matching_lsegs_invalid() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fix a race in initiate_file_draining() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: pnfs_error_mark_layout_for_return() must always return layout (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: pnfs_mark_matching_lsegs_return() should set the iomode (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Use nfs4_stateid_copy for copying stateids (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Don't pass stateids by value to pnfs_send_layoutreturn() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Relax requirements in nfs_flush_incompatible (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Don't queue up a new commit if the layout segment is invalid (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Allow multiple commit requests in flight per file (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs/pnfs: Fix up pNFS write reschedule layering violations and bugs (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Ensure we revalidate attributes before using execute_ok() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: List stateid information in the callback tracepoints (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Don't return NFS4ERR_DELAY unnecessarily in CB_LAYOUTRECALL (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure we enforce RFC5661 Section (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: If we have to delay the layout callback, mark the layout for return (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Add a helper to mark the layout as returned (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Ensure nfs4_layoutget_prepare returns the correct error (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Ensure we record layoutstats even if RPC is terminated early (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs: Add flag to track if we've called nfs4_ff_layout_stat_io_start_read/write (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix a statistics gathering imbalance (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Don't mark the entire layout as failed, when returning it (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: count io stat in rpc_count_stats callback (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: do not mark delay-like status as DS failure (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Support server-supplied layoutstats sampling period (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Flush reclaim writes using FLUSH_COND_STABLE (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: Background flush should not be low priority (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: do not initialise statics to 0 (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix unused variable warnings in nfs4_init_*_client_string() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] Adding tracepoint to cached open (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs: fix missing assignment in nfs4_sequence_done tracepoint (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] nfs42: handle layoutstats stateid error (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: set SOCK_FASYNC (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: init xdr_stream for zero iov_len, page_len (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: fix off-by-one in qword_get() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a missing break in rpc_anyaddr() (Steve Dickson) [1349668] - [fs] sunrpc: drop unused xs_reclassify_socketX() helpers (Steve Dickson) [1349668]- [net] sctp: also copy sk_tsflags when copying the socket (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] timestamp: allow reading recv cmsg on errqueue with origin tstamp (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] timestamp: only report sw timestamp if reporting bit is set (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] timestamp: move timestamp flags out of sk_flags (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] timestamp: extend SCM_TIMESTAMPING ancillary data struct (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] Improve SO_TIMESTAMPING documentation and fix a minor code bug (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] ipv6: make IPV6_RECVPKTINFO work for ipv4 datagrams (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] ipv6: transp_v6.h: style neatening (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] ipv6: Clean up indentation in net/ipv6/transp_v6.h (Hangbin Liu) [1389283] - [net] tunnel: set inner protocol in network gro hooks (Paolo Abeni) [1427781] - [net] gro_cells: remove spinlock protecting receive queues (Jiri Benc) [1429597] - [netdrv] virtio-net: Update the mtu code to match virtio spec (Aaron Conole) [1412234] - [netdrv] virtio_net: Update the feature bit to comply with spec (Aaron Conole) [1412234] - [netdrv] virtio-net: Add initial MTU advice feature (Aaron Conole) [1412234] - [net] ipv6: Set skb->protocol properly for local output (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ipv4: Set skb->protocol properly for local output (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] sit: fix a double free on error path (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ipv6: pointer math error in ip6_tnl_parse_tlv_enc_lim() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ipv6: fix ip6_tnl_parse_tlv_enc_lim() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ip6_tunnel: must reload ipv6h in ip6ip6_tnl_xmit() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ip6_tunnel: Clear IP6CB in ip6tunnel_xmit() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ip6_tunnel: fix ip6_tnl_lookup (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] sit: correct IP protocol used in ipip6_err (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] tunnel: Clear IPCB(skb)->opt before dst_link_failure called (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix ipv4 pmtu check to honor inner ip header df (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ipip: fix one sparse error (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] sit: fix some __be16/u16 mismatches (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] fou: Fix typo in returning flags in netlink (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] ipip, sit: fix ipv4_{update_pmtu,redirect} calls (Jakub Sitnicki) [1336001] - [net] openvswitch: add NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_STAG_TX to internal dev (Eric Garver) [1155732] - [net] openvswitch: fix vlan subtraction from packet length (Eric Garver) [1155732] - [net] openvswitch: vlan: remove wrong likely statement (Eric Garver) [1155732] - [net] openvswitch: 802.1AD Flow handling, actions, vlan parsing, netlink attributes (Eric Garver) [1155732] - [net] vlan: Check for vlan ethernet types for 8021.q or 802.1ad (Eric Garver) [1155732] - [net] fib_trie: Correct /proc/net/route off by one error (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1426372] - [net] ipv4: panic in leaf_walk_rcu due to stale node pointer (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1426372] - [net] documentation: ipv6: add documentation for stable_secret, idgen_delay and idgen_retries knobs (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: always initialize sysctl table data (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: use stable address generator for ARPHRD_NONE (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: automatically enable stable privacy mode if stable_secret set (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: fix sparse warnings in privacy stable addresses generation (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: introduce idgen_delay and idgen_retries knobs (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: do retries on stable privacy addresses (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: collapse state_lock and lock (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: introduce IFA_F_STABLE_PRIVACY flag (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: generation of stable privacy addresses for link-local and autoconf (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: introduce secret_stable to ipv6_devconf (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] ipv6: remove unused function ipv6_inherit_linklocal() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1418812] - [net] tcp/dccp: avoid starving bh on connect (Paolo Abeni) [1401419]- [hid] hid-wacom: rename driver and dont use it on already supported devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [lib] kobject: grab an extra reference on kobject->sd to allow duplicate deletes (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Update last_slot_field during pre_report phase (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - add touch_arbitration parameter to wacom module (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Augment oVid and oPid with heuristics for HID_GENERIC (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add WACOM_DEVICETYPE_DIRECT for Cintiqs and similar (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: power_supply: provide the actual model_name (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: power_supply: remove ac information (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: power_supply: mark the type as USB (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: attach the power_supply on first connection (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: have one power_supply per remote (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: allocate one input node per remote (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: have one array of struct remotes instead of many arrays (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: use devres groups to manage resources (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: have proper allocator and destructor (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: rework fail path in probe() and parse_and_register() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: have the wacom resources dynamically allocated (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ekr: add a worker to add/remove resources on addition/removal (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: leds: dynamically allocate LED groups (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: devres manage the shared data too (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: use devres to allocate driver data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: use devm_kasprintf for allocating the name of the remote (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: convert LEDs to devres (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: put the managed resources in a group (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: switch inputs to devres (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: switch battery to devres (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: use one work queue per task (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: untie leds from inputs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: remove cleanup of wacom->remote_dir from wacom_clean_inputs() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: store the type in wacom->shared for INTUOSHT and INTUOSHT2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: actually report the battery level for wireless connected (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: add missed stylus_in_proximity line back (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add fuzz factor to distance and tilt axes (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for DTK-1651 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Support switching from vendor-defined device mode on G9 and G11 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Initialize hid_data.inputmode to -1 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: fix Bamboo ONE oops (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: close the wireless receiver on remove() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: cleanup input devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: reuse wacom_parse_and_register() in wireless_work (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: move down wireless_work() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: break out parsing of device and registering of input (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: break out wacom_intuos_get_tool_type (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - Add quirks for INTUOSHT2 in range events (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - Cleanup touch arbitration logic (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - make sure wacom_intuos_inout only process in/out events (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - request tool info only when we get general events (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Use correct report to query pen ID from INTUOSHT2 devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] use kobj_to_dev() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] use to_hid_device() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Fix pad button range for CINTIQ_COMPANION_2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Fix touchring value reporting (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report strip2 values in ABS_RY (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Limit touchstrip data to 13 bits (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: bitwise vs logical ORs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Apply lowres quirk to BAMBOO_TOUCH devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Rename wacom ID report ID macros (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Clean up value reading (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Further clean up wacom_intuos_general packet decoder (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Replace magic masks and comparisons with switch cases (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Centralize Intuos pen packet decoding (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Slim down wacom_intuos_pad processing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Move Intuos pad handling code into dedicated function (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Delete an unnecessary check before kobject_put() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: fixup quirks setup for WACOM_DEVICETYPE_PAD (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add outbounding area for DTU1141 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Call wacom_query_tablet_data only after hid_hw_start (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Fix ABS_MISC reporting for Cintiq Companion 2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Remove useless conditions from wacom_query_tablet_data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: fix Intuos wireless report id issue (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Expect touch_max touches if HID_DG_CONTACTCOUNT not present (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Tie cached HID_DG_CONTACTCOUNT indices to report ID (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report full pressure range for Intuos, Cintiq 13HD Touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for Cintiq Companion 2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add four new Intuos devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Cleanup unsupported device_type for BAMBOO_PT (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: wacom_setup_numbered_buttons is local to wacom_wac (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for Express Key Remote (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Set button bits based on a new numbered_buttons (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Use tablet-provided touch height/width values for INTUOSHT (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Simplify wacom_pl_irq (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report correct device resolution when using the wireless adapater (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Do not repeatedly attempt to set device mode on error (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Remove WACOM_QUIRK_NO_INPUT (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Replace WACOM_QUIRK_MONITOR with WACOM_DEVICETYPE_WL_MONITOR (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Use calculated pkglen for wireless touch interface (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report touch width/height/orientation for GENERIC devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Ignore contacts in excess of declared contact count (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Perform all event processing as part of report processing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Set default device name to value from wacom->features (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Properly free inputs if wacom_allocate_inputs fails (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: remove the extra Pen interface for Wacom Bamboo PAD (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Delete unnecessary checks before the function call "input_free_device" (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Enable pad device for older Bamboo Touch tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: NULL dereferences on error in probe() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Introduce new touch_input device (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Split apart wacom_setup_pentouch_input_capabilites (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Introduce a new WACOM_DEVICETYPE_PAD device_type (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Treat features->device_type values as flags (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Simplify wacom_update_name (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Handle failing HID_DG_CONTACTMAX requests (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Have wacom_{get, set}_report retry on -EAGAIN, not -EPIPE (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: fix an Oops caused by wacom_wac_finger_count_touches (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Fail probe if HID_GENERIC device has unknown device_type (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Discover device_type from HID descriptor for all devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Do not add suffix to name of devices with an unknown type (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: retrieve name from HID descriptor for generic devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for DTU-1141 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Simplify check for presence of single-finger touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: remove unused packet lengths (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: move unit and unitExpo initialization to wacom_calculate_res (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: move all quirks to wacom_setup_device_quirks (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for Cintiq 13HD Touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: set stylus_in_proximity before checking touch_down (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: use wacom_wac_finger_count_touches to set touch_down (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: remove hardcoded WACOM_QUIRK_MULTI_INPUT (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: check for wacom->shared before following the pointer (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: ask for a in-prox report when it was missed (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add battery presence indicator to wireless tablets (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: drop WACOM_PKGLEN_STATUS (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Status packet provides charging, not powered bit (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report battery status for Intuos Pro and Intuos5 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Provide battery charge state to system over USB if available (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Allow dynamic battery creation/destruction (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Centralize updating of wacom_wac battery status (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Move handling of Intuos status packets to seperate function (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: rely on actual touch down count to decide touch_down (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: do not send pen events before touch is up/forced out (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: add full support of the Wacom Bamboo PAD (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: store the hid_device pointers of the sibling devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for I2C connected devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: do not directly use input_mt_report_pointer_emulation (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add missing ABS_MISC event and feature declaration for 27QHD (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [uapi] hid: wacom: add support for Cintiq 27QHD and 27QHD touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: consolidate input capability settings for pen and touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: make sure touch arbitration is applied consistently (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report ABS_MISC event for Cintiq Companion Hybrid (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: peport In Range event according to the spec (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: process invalid Cintiq and Intuos data in wacom_intuos_inout() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: add support of the Pen of the Bamboo Pad (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: use WACOM_*_FIELD macros in wacom_usage_mapping() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report input events for each finger on generic devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Initialize MT slots for generic devices at post_parse_hid (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Update maximum X/Y accounding to outbound offset (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for DTU-1031X (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: add defines for new Cintiq and DTU outbound tracking (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Consult the application usage when determining field type (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: PAD is independent with pen/touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add angular resolution data to some ABS axes (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Report ABS_TILT_{X, Y} as signed values (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - Bamboo pen-only tablet does not support PAD (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - Cleanup input_capabilities for Graphire 4 and Bamboo Fun (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - return ENODEV for failed wacom_setup_pad_input_capabilities (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for Intuos Pen Medium (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - make sure touch_input is valid before using it (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] make hid_report_len as a static inline function in hid.h (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: fix freeze on open when autosuspend is on (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: re-add accidentally dropped Lenovo PID (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: implement the finger part of the HID generic handling (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [kernel] hid: wacom: implement generic HID handling for pen generic devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: move allocation of inputs earlier (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: split out input allocation and registration (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: rename failN with some meaningful information (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: fix timeout on probe for some wacoms (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: make the WL connection friendly for the desktop (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - enable LED support for Wireless Intuos5/Pro (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - remove report_id from wacom_get_report interface (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - Clean up of sysfs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom - Add default permission defines for sysfs attributes (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] wacom: Add support for the Cintiq Companion (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - cleanup multitouch code when touch_max is 2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - fix compiler warning if !CONFIG_PM (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - only register once the MODULE_* macros (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - add copyright note and bump version to 2.0 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - remove passing id for wacom_set_report (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - check for bluetooth protocol while setting OLEDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: HID - remove hid-wacom Bluetooth driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - handle Intuos 4 BT in wacom.ko (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - handle Graphire BT tablets in wacom.ko (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - prepare the driver to include BT devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - add support for 0x12C ISDv4 sensor (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - register an ac power supply for wireless devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - use a uniq name for the battery device (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - enhance Wireless Receiver battery reporting (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - put a flag when the led are initialized (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - support up to 2048 pressure levels with ISDv4 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [hid] input: wacom - move the USB (now hid) Wacom driver in drivers/hid (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [uapi] input: add SW_MUTE_DEVICE switch definition (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [kernel] input: wacom - switch from an USB driver to a HID driver (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [kernel] power_supply core: support use of devres to register/unregister a power supply (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [kernel] power_supply: allow power supply devices registered w/o wakeup source (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026] - [kernel] power_supply: Prevent suspend until power supply events are processed (Aristeu Rozanski) [1346348 1388646 1385026]- [fs] ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference in ext4_mark_inode_dirty() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: reject inodes with negative size (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: return EROFS if device is r/o and journal replay is needed (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: preserve the needs_recovery flag when the journal is aborted (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] jbd2: don't leak modified metadata buffers on an aborted journal (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: trim allocation requests to group size (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: return -ENOMEM instead of success (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: add sanity checking to count_overhead() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: use more strict checks for inodes_per_block on mount (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix in-superblock mount options processing (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix stack memory corruption with 64k block size (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix mballoc breakage with 64k block size (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: release bh in make_indexed_dir (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: bugfix for mmaped pages in mpage_release_unused_pages() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: reinforce check of i_dtime when clearing high fields of uid and gid (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: avoid deadlock when expanding inode size (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: properly align shifted xattrs when expanding inodes (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix xattr shifting when expanding inodes part 2 (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix xattr shifting when expanding inodes (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: validate that metadata blocks do not overlap superblock (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: short-cut orphan cleanup on error (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix reference counting bug on block allocation error (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: validate s_reserved_gdt_blocks on mount (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: don't call ext4_should_journal_data() on the journal inode (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: check for extents that wrap around (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: silence UBSAN in ext4_mb_init() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: address UBSAN warning in mb_find_order_for_block() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix oops on corrupted filesystem (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix hang when processing corrupted orphaned inode list (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: add lockdep annotations for i_data_sem (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] jbd2: fix FS corruption possibility in jbd2_journal_destroy() on umount path (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: iterate over buffer heads correctly in move_extent_per_page() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: don't read blocks from disk after extents being swapped (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] jbd2: Fix unreclaimed pages after truncate in data=journal mode (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4, jbd2: ensure entering into panic after recording an error in superblock (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] fix calculation of meta_bg descriptor backups (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: replace open coded nofail allocation in ext4_free_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: don't retry file block mapping on bigalloc fs with non-extent file (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] jbd2: fix ocfs2 corrupt when updating journal superblock fails (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] jbd2: use GFP_NOFS in jbd2_cleanup_journal_tail() (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] jbd2: fix r_count overflows leading to buffer overflow in journal recovery (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: move check under lock scope to close a race (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: Define EFSCORRUPTED error value (Lukas Czerner) [1429223] - [fs] ext4: fix deadlock during page writeback (Lukas Czerner) [1321523] - [fs] ext4: fix data exposure after a crash (Lukas Czerner) [1321523] - [fs] ext4: fix fencepost in s_first_meta_bg validation (Lukas Czerner) [1332503] {CVE-2016-10208} - [fs] ext4: sanity check the block and cluster size at mount time (Lukas Czerner) [1332503] {CVE-2016-10208} - [fs] ext4: validate s_first_meta_bg at mount time (Lukas Czerner) [1332503] {CVE-2016-10208}- [kernel] audit: Fix sleep in atomic (Paul Moore) [1410862] - [uio] uio-hv-generic: mark as Tech Preview (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396534] - [uio] uio-hv-generic: store physical addresses instead of virtual (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396534] - [documentation] doc: add documentation for uio-hv-generic (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396534] - [uio] uio-hv-generic: new userspace i/o driver for VMBus (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396534] - [kernel] vmbus: add support for dynamic device id's (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396534] - [kernel] hv: vmbus: add a hvsock flag in struct hv_driver (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396534] - [scsi] cxlflash: Cancel scheduled workers before stopping AFU (Gustavo Duarte) [1427396] - [vfio] Replace module request with softdep (Alex Williamson) [1420572] - [vfio] mdev: Use a module softdep for vfio_mdev (Alex Williamson) [1420572] - [x86] kvm: x86: bump KVM_SOFT_MAX_VCPUS to 288 (Radim Krcmar) [1388961] - [x86] kvm: x86: allow hotplug of VCPU with APIC ID over 0xff (Radim Krcmar) [1388961] - [x86] kvm: x86: make interrupt delivery fast and slow path behave the same (Radim Krcmar) [1388961] - [x86] kvm: x86: replace kvm_apic_id with kvm_{x, x2}apic_id (Radim Krcmar) [1388961] - [x86] pci: vmd: Synchronize with RCU freeing MSI IRQ descs (Myron Stowe) [1388664] - [x86] pci: vmd: Fix infinite loop executing irq's (Myron Stowe) [1388664] - [x86] pci: vmd: Initialize list item in IRQ disable (Myron Stowe) [1388688] - [pci] Allow additional bus numbers for hotplug bridges (Myron Stowe) [1388688] - [x86] pci/vmd: Use untracked irq handler (Myron Stowe) [1388688] - [kernel] genirq: Add untracked irq handler (Myron Stowe) [1388688] - [x86] pci: Retrofit Intel Volume Management Device (VMD) driver (Myron Stowe) [1388688] - [x86] pci: Allow DMA ops specific to a PCI domain (Myron Stowe) [1388688] - [x86] kvm/page_track: export symbols for external usage (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm/page_track: call notifiers with kvm_page_track_notifier_node (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: add track_flush_slot page track notifier (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: fix kvm_mtrr_check_gfn_range_consistency page fault (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: remove MSR 0x2f8 (Paul Lai) [1380113] {CVE-2016-3713} - [x86] kvm: page_track: fix access to NULL slot (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: apply page track notifier (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: simplify mmu_need_write_protect (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: use page track for non-leaf shadow pages (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: page track: add notifier support (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: clear write-flooding on the fast path of tracked page (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: let page fault handler be aware tracked page (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: page track: introduce kvm_slot_page_track_{add, remove}_page (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: page track: add the framework of guest page tracking (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: introduce kvm_mmu_slot_gfn_write_protect (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: introduce kvm_mmu_gfn_{allow, disallow}_lpage (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mmu: rename has_wrprotected_page to mmu_gfn_lpage_is_disallowed (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Move handle_mmio_page_fault() call to kvm_mmu_page_fault() (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Consolidate quickly_check_mmio_pf() and is_mmio_page_fault() (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: treat memory as writeback if MTRR is disabled in guest CPUID (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: observe maxphyaddr from guest CPUID, not host (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: fix fixed MTRR segment look up (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Encapsulate the type of rmap-chain head in a new struct (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Eliminate an extra memory slot search in mapping_level() (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Remove mapping_level_dirty_bitmap() (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Move mapping_level_dirty_bitmap() call in mapping_level() (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Simplify force_pt_level calculation code in FNAME(page_fault)() (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: Make force_pt_level bool (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: Use default type for non-MTRR-covered gfn before WARN_ON (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: simplify kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: fix memory type handling if MTRR is completely disabled (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: do not map huge page for non-consistent range (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: simplify kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: introduce mtrr_for_each_mem_type (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: introduce fixed_mtrr_addr_* functions (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: sort variable MTRRs (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: introduce var_mtrr_range (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: introduce fixed_mtrr_segment table (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: improve kvm_mtrr_get_guest_memory_type (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: do not split 64 bits MSR content (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: clean up mtrr default type (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: remove mtrr_state.have_fixed (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: mtrr: handle MSR_MTRRcap in kvm_mtrr_get_msr (Paul Lai) [1380113] - [x86] kvm: x86: move MTRR related code to a separate file (Paul Lai) [1380113]- [md] dm cache: significant rework to leverage dm-bio-prison-v2 (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm bio prison v2: new interface for the bio prison (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm: flush queued bios when process blocks to avoid deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm stats: fix a leaked s->histogram_boundaries array (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm space map metadata: constify dm_space_map structures (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm cache metadata: use cursor api in blocks_are_clean_separate_dirty() (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm persistent data: add cursor skip functions to the cursor APIs (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm cache metadata: use dm_bitset_new() to create the dirty bitset in format 2 (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm bitset: add dm_bitset_new() (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm cache metadata: name the cache block that couldn't be loaded (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm cache metadata: add "metadata2" feature (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm cache metadata: use bitset cursor api to load discard bitset (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm bitset: introduce cursor api (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm btree: use GFP_NOFS in dm_btree_del() (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm space map common: memcpy the disk root to ensure it's arch aligned (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm block manager: add unlikely() annotations on dm_bufio error paths (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm cache: fix corruption seen when using cache > 2TB (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: bump the target version (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: fix data corruption on reshape request (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: fix raid "check" regression due to improper cleanup in raid_message() (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: cleanup awkward branching in raid_message() option processing (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: use mddev rather than rdev->mddev (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: use read_disk_sb() throughout (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: add raid4/5/6 journaling support (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: be prepared to accept arbitrary '- -' tuples (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm raid: fix transient device failure processing (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [md] dm mpath: cleanup -Wbool-operation warning in choose_pgpath() (Mike Snitzer) [1430028] - [powerpc] pseries: Advertise HPT resizing support via CAS (David Gibson) [1305399] - [kernel] rh_kabi: Provide better error messages for size and align checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1425864] - [kernel] sched: Move p->nr_cpus_allowed check to select_task_rq() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1428028] - [char] random: printk notifications for urandom pool initialization (Herbert Xu) [1298643] - [acpi] acpica: utilities: Fix local printf issue (Prarit Bhargava) [1430397] - [block] relax check on sg gap (Cathy Avery) [1413656] - [block] check virt boundary in bio_will_gap() (Cathy Avery) [1413656] - [block] Check for gaps on front and back merges (Cathy Avery) [1413656] - [block] blk-mq: Avoid memory reclaim when remapping queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1356663] - [block] block: kmemleak: Track the page allocations for struct request (Gustavo Duarte) [1356663] - [block] blk-mq: Fix failed allocation path when mapping queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1356663] - [block] blk-mq: Always schedule hctx->next_cpu (Gustavo Duarte) [1356663] - [block] fix use-after-free in seq file (Denys Vlasenko) [1418551] {CVE-2016-7910} - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update driver version for RHEL 7.4 (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] libcxgb: fix error check for ip6_route_output() (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [netdrv] libcxgb: remove unused including (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [target] libcxgb: export ppm release and tagmask set api (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] libcxgbi: return error if interface is not up (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb4i: libcxgbi: add missing module_put() (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Add a missing call to neigh_release (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] libcxgbi: fix incorrect DDP resource cleanup (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Set completion bit in work request (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb3i, cxgb4i: fix symbol not declared sparse warning (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb3i: add iSCSI DDP support (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb4i,libcxgbi: add iSCSI DDP support (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [scsi] cxgb3i, cxgb4i, libcxgbi: remove iSCSI DDP support (Sai Vemuri) [1385866] - [iscsi] iscsi-target: fix iscsi cmd leak (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/iscsi: Fix unsolicited data seq_end_offset calculation (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/cxgbit: add T6 iSCSI DDP completion feature (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/cxgbit: Enable DDP for T6 only if data sequence and pdu are in order (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/cxgbit: Use T6 specific macros to get ETH/IP hdr len (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/cxgbit: use cxgb4_tp_smt_idx() to get smt idx (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/iscsi: split iscsit_check_dataout_hdr() (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/cxgbit: Use T6 specific macro to set the force bit (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [iscsi] target/cxgbit: Fix endianness annotations (Sai Vemuri) [1429179] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Implement ndo_get_phys_port_id for mgmt dev (Sai Vemuri) [1138664] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Initialize mbox lock and list for mgmt dev (Sai Vemuri) [1138664] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Synchronize access to mailbox (Sai Vemuri) [1138664] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add port description for new cards (Sai Vemuri) [1416916] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Display 25G and 100G link speed (Sai Vemuri) [1416916] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: set correct FetchBurstMax for QPs (Sai Vemuri) [1416910]- [char] tpm: Only call pm_runtime_get_sync if device has a parent (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402539] - [char] tmp/tpm_crb: implement runtime pm for tpm_crb (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402539] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: open code the crb_init into acpi_add (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402539] - [char] tmp/tpm_crb: fix Intel PTT hw bug during idle state (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402539] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: implement tpm crb idle state (Jerry Snitselaar) [1402539] - [char] tpm_tis: fix the error handling of init_tis() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: remove invalid min length check from tpm_do_selftest() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: add check for minimum buffer size in tpm_transmit() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: constify TPM 1.x header structures (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: fix the over 80 characters checkpatch warring (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: drop useless cpu_to_le32 when writing to registers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/tpm_crb: cache cmd_size register value (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tmp/tpm_crb: drop include to platform_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/tpm_tis: remove unused itpm variable (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_crb: fix incorrect values of cmdReady and goIdle bits (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_crb: refine the naming of constants (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_crb: remove wmb()'s (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_crb: fix crb_req_canceled behavior (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: use tpm_pcr_read_dev() in tpm_do_selftest() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: use tpm_transmit_cmd() in tpm2_probe() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: replace tpm_gen_interrupt() with tpm_tis_gen_interrupt() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: remove unnecessary externs from tpm.h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Remove useless tpm_gen_interrupt (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: fix a race condition in tpm2_unseal_trusted() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: invalid self test error message (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Add TPM 2.0 support to the Nuvoton i2c driver (NPCT6xx family) (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Factor out common startup code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: use devm_add_action_or_reset (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm2_i2c_nuvoton: add irq validity check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: read burstcount from TPM_STS in one 32-bit transaction (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: fix byte-order for the value read by tpm2_get_tpm_pt (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_tis_core: convert max timeouts from msec to jiffies (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_crb: fix address space of the return pointer in crb_map_res() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_vtpm_proxy: fix address space of a user pointer in vtpmx_fops_ioctl() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/tpm_tis_spi: Add support for spi phy (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/tpm_tis: Split tpm_tis driver into a core and TCG TIS compliant phy (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm_tis: Introduce intermediate layer for TPM access (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: tpm_tis: Share common data between phys (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Add include guards in tpm.h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Fix suspend regression (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: fix for typo in tpm/tpm_ibmvtpm.c (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: select ANON_INODES for proxy driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Fix IRQ unwind ordering in TIS (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Proxy driver for supporting multiple emulated TPMs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Introduce TPM_CHIP_FLAG_VIRTUAL (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Remove all uses of drvdata from the TPM Core (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Remove useless priv field in struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Move tpm_vendor_specific data related with PTP specification to tpm_chip (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop 'locality' from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop 'read_queue' from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop 'irq' from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop 'iobase' from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop list from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop the field 'time_expired' from struct tpm_chip (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop 'base' from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop manufacturer_id from struct tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop tpm_atmel specific fields from tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: drop int_queue from tpm_vendor_specific (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: check for TPM_CHIP_FLAG_TPM2 before calling tpm2_shutdown() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Remove unneeded tpm_reg in get_burstcount (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Drop two useless checks in ACPI probe path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/i2c: Drop two useless checks in ACPI probe path (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: fix crash in tpm_tis deinitialization (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: cleanup tpm_tis_remove() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: fix tpm_bios_log_setup stub prototype (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Replace device number bitmap with IDR (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Split out the devm stuff from tpmm_chip_alloc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Get rid of module locking (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Provide strong locking for device removal (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Get rid of devname (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: Get rid of chip->pdev (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Change xxx_request_resources header (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/i2c: Change xxx_request_resources header (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm: st33zp24: Add support for acpi probing for spi device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Add support for acpi probing for i2c device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Extend Copyright headers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Improve st33zp24_spi_evaluate_latency (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Auto-select core module (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Remove unneeded CONFIG_OF switches (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Remove field spi_xfer from st33zp24_spi_phy structure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Remove useless use of memcpy (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Use functions name with st33zp24_spi_ prefix (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Remove nbr_dummy_bytes variable usage (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Add missing device table for spi phy (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554] - [char] tpm/st33zp24/spi: Add st33zp24 spi phy (Jerry Snitselaar) [1383554]- [net] sched: respect rcu grace period on cls destruction (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_cgroup tear down exts and ematch from rcu callback (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: act_mirred: fix a race condition on mirred_list (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_flow: fix panic on filter replace (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_bpf: fix panic on filter replace (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix call_rcu() race on classifier module unloads (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix struct tc_u_hnode layout in u32 (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix suspicious rcu_dereference_check in net/sched/sch_fq_codel.c (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix another regression in cls_tcindex (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_cgroup need tcf_exts_init in all cases (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_u32: fix unsued cpu variable (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_fw: add missing tcf_exts_init call in fw_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix a null pointer dereference in tcindex_set_parms() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix memory leak in cls_tcindex (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: use tcindex_filter_result_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix suspicious RCU usage in tcindex_classify() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix an allocation bug in tcindex_set_parms() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix suspicious RCU usage in cls_bpf_classify() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: suspicious RCU usage in qdisc_watchdog (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_cgroup fix possible memory leak of 'new' (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix error return code in fw_change_attrs() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: rcu'ify cls_bpf (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: rcu'ify cls_rsvp (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: make cls_u32 lockless (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: avoid generating same handle for u32 filters (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: change "foo* bar" to "foo *bar" (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: make cls_u32 per cpu (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: RCU cls_tcindex (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: RCU cls_route (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fw use RCU (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_flow use RCU (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_cgroup use RCU (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls_basic use RCU (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: rcu-ify tcf_proto (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: qdisc: use rcu prefix and silence sparse warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: use no more than one page in struct fw_head (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: optimize tcf_match_indev() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: add struct net pointer to tcf_proto_ops->dump (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: Fix dumping of non-existing actions' stats (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: copy exts->type in tcf_exts_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix an oops in tcindex filter (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: act: allow to clear all actions as well (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls: check if we could overwrite actions when changing a filter (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: sch_htb: let skb->priority refer to non-leaf class (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: avoid casting void pointer (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix regression in tc_action_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix a regression in tcf_proto_lookup_ops() (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: fix a regression in tc actions (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: convert tcf_proto_ops to use struct list_head (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: convert tc_action_ops to use struct list_head (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: convert tcf_hashinfo to hlist and use spinlock (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: init struct tcf_hashinfo at register time (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: cls: refactor out struct tcf_ext_map (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: act: use standard struct list_head (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: remove get_stats from tc_action_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: Use default action walker methods (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: Provide default walker function for actions (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: Use default action lookup functions (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: Default action lookup method for actions (Ivan Vecera) [1420506] - [net] sched: Fail if missing mandatory action operation methods (Ivan Vecera) [1420506]- [misc] mei: bus: enable OS version only for SPT and newer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: send OS type to the FW (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: enable to set the internal flag for client write (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [watchdog] mei_wdt: use module_mei_cl_driver macro (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [kernel] mei: bus: add module_mei_cl_driver helper macro (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [nfc] mei: bus: fix received data size check in NFC fixup (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: demote error to debug level upon disconnect (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: show the HBM protocol versions in the device attributes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [documentation] mei: add ABI documentation for fw_status exported through sysfs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [documentation] mei: sysfs: add Documentation mei class attributes (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: txe: don't clean an unprocessed interrupt cause (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: stop the stall timer worker if not needed (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: me: add kaby point device ids (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: fix deadlock in initialization during a reset (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop unused file transaction states (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: drop mei_amthif_read (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: enqueue consecutive reads (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: add wrapper for queuing control commands (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: use consistent naming for TX control flow credits (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: rx flow control counter (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: prepare read cb for fixed address clients on the receive path only (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop redundant krealloc and checks in irq read (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: drop mei_clear_lists function (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: add read callback on demand for fixed_address clients (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: add file pointer to the host client structure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: move read cb to complete queue if not connected (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fix return value on disconnection (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop read complete queue emptiness check (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: hbm: add missing argument in the kdoc (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: recover after errors in runtime pm flow (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop mei_io_cb_alloc_buf (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: use mei_cl_alloc_cb for allocating cbs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: drop mei_amthif_send_cmd (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: enable poll for async events (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: drop iamthif_current_cb (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: fix request cancel (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: drop READ_COMPLETE state (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: don't use wake_up_interruptible for wr_ctrl (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop wr_msg from the mei_dev structure (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: call mei_cl_read_start under device lock (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fix waiting for wr_ctrl for corner cases (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: don't clean control queues on notify request timeout (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: discard not read messages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fix NULL dereferencing during FW initiated disconnection (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop global me_client_index (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: do not pin module if cldrv->probe() failed (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: use scnprintf in *_show (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: me: add broxton pci device ids (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fix format string in debug prints (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fix double freeing of a cb during link reset (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: split amthif client init from end of clients enumeration (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: hbm: send immediate reply flag in enum request (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: run rescan on me_clients list change (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop reserved host client ids (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: hbm: warn about fw-initiated disconnect (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fixed address clients for the new platforms (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fill file pointer in read cb for fixed address client (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: discard replies from unconnected fixed address clients (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: clean write queues and wake waiters on disconnect (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: wake blocked write on link reset (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop superfluous closing bracket from write traces (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: check if the device is enabled before data transfer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: fix notification event delivery (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: fix RX event scheduling (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: interrupt reader on link reset (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: use rx_wait queue also for amthif client (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: drop parameter validation from mei_amthif_write (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: replace amthif_rd_complete_list with rd_completed (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: allow only one request at a time (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: rename variable names 'file_object' to fp (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: constify struct file pointer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: don't drop read packets on timeout (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: amthif: don't copy from an empty buffer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: call stop on failed char device register (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: fix possible integer overflow issue (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: debugfs: allow hbm features list dump in earlier stages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: debugfs: adjust active clients print buffer (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: trace pci configuration space io (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: whitelist the watchdog client (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [watchdog] mei_wdt: re-register device on event (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [watchdog] mei_wdt: add activation debugfs entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [watchdog] mei_wdt: register wd device only if required (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [watchdog] mei_wdt: add status debugfs entry (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [watchdog] mei_wdt: implement MEI iAMT watchdog driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [kernel] mei: bus: complete variable rename of type struct mei_cl_device (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [kernel] mei: fixup function prototypes in mei_cl_bus.h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: wd: drop the watchdog code from the core mei driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: drop nfc leftovers from the mei driver (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: always copy the read buffer if data is ready (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: prevent queuing new flow control credit (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [misc] mei: bus: remove redundant uuid string in debug messages (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064] - [kernel] debugfs: Export bool read/write functions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1404064]- [infiniband] ib: Query ports via the core instead of direct into the driver (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Set maj_err and min_err in i40iw_sc_cqp_create (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: fix some indenting in i40iw_sc_vsi_init() (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: use designated initializers (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Set 128B as the only supported RQ WQE size (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Reorganize structures to align with HW capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix incorrect check for error (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Assign MSS only when it is a new MTU (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix race condition in terminate timer's handler (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix memory leak in CQP destroy when in reset (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix QP flush to not hang on empty queues or failure (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix double free of QP (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Use correct src address in memcpy to rdma stats counters (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove macros I40IW_STAG_KEY_FROM_STAG and I40IW_STAG_INDEX_FROM_STAG (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add request for reset on CQP timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Code cleanup, remove check of PBLE pages (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Correctly fail loopback connection if no listener (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fill in IRD value when on connect request (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Set TOS field in IP header (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add NULL check for ibqp event handler (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Replace list_for_each_entry macro with safe version (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add IP addr handling on netdev events (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add missing cleanup on device close (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add 2MB page support (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Utilize physically mapped memory regions (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix incorrect assignment of SQ head (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove variable flush_code and check to set qp->sq_flush (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove check on return from device_init_pestat() (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Use runtime check for IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Use actual page size (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove NULL check for cm_node->iwdev (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove checks for more than 48 bytes inline data (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Query device accounts for internal rsrc (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Optimize inline data copy (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Fix for LAN handler removal (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Correct values for max_recv_sge, max_send_sge (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Use vector when creating CQs (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Convert page_size to encoded value (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Set MAX IRD, MAX ORD size to max supported value (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove workaround for pre-production errata (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Enable message packing (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw: Add Quality of Service support (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] ib/i40iw: Remove debug prints after allocation failure (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw_cm: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [infiniband] i40iw_main: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1381753 1381749 1381740] - [netdrv] enic: add vxlan offload on tx path (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: add udp_tunnel ndo for vxlan offload (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: add devcmds for vxlan offload (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: Remove local ndo_busy_poll() implementation (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: set skb->hash type properly (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: fix rq disable (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: use correct type specifier (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: move to new ethtool api {get|set}_link_ksettings (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: add support for set/get rss hash key (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: remove #ifdef CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL around filter structures (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: Add Accelerated RFS support (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: Add tunable_ops support for rx_copybreak (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: use pci_zalloc_consistent (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: use spin_lock(wq_lock) instead of spin_lock_irqsave(wq_lock) (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: support skb->xmit_more (Stefan Assmann) [1388239] - [netdrv] enic: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Stefan Assmann) [1388239]- [netdrv] i40e: mark the value passed to csum_replace_by_diff as __wsum (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix TSO checksum pseudo-header adjustment (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor AQ CMD buffer debug printing (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Adaptive ITR enabling (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: add comment (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: free rings in remove function (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Save link FEC info from link up event (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add bus number info to i40e_bus_info struct (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf : Changed version from 1.6.25 to 1.6.27 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: eliminate i40e_pull_tail() (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Moves skb from i40e_rx_buffer to i40e_ring (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Limit DMA sync of RX buffers to actual packet size (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: track outstanding client request (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove FPK HyperV VF device ID (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Quick refactor to start moving data off stack and into Tx buffer info (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove unused device ID (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Deprecating unused macro (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add functions which apply correct PHY access method for read and write operation (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add FEC for 25g (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for 25G devices (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] Changed version from 1.6.21 to 1.6.25 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: napi_poll must return the work done (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: simplify txd use count calculation (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: protect against NULL msix_entries and q_vectors pointers (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: check for msix_entries null dereference (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: Move some i40evf_reset_task code to separate function (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add protocols over MCTP to i40e_aq_discover_capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: Be much more verbose about what we can and cannot offload (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Implementation of ERROR state for NVM update state machine (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Reorder logic for coalescing RS bits (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: avoid an extra msleep while (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Changed version from 1.6.19 to 1.6.21 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop redundant Rx descriptor processing code (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Changed version from 1.6.16 to 1.6.19 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix interrupt affinity bug (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: group base mode VF offload flags (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: support queue-specific settings for interrupt moderation (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add txring_txq function to match fm10k and ixgbe (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Flow Director raw_buf cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: enable adaptive interrupt throttling (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Changed version to 1.6.16 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: add encap csum VF offload flag (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove unnecessary error checking against i40e_shutdown_adminq (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Limit TX descriptor count in cases where frag size is greater than 16K (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove unnecessary error checking against i40evf_up_complete (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: Fix link state event handling (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid potential null pointer dereference when assigning len (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: Open RDMA Client after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for HMC resource and profile for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix byte ordering in ARP NS code for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor tail_bump check (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: report link speed (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: use alloc_workqueue instead of create_singlethread_workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf-Bump version from 1.6.11 to 1.6.12 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: add missing rtnl_lock() around i40evf_set_interrupt_capability (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf-bump version to 1.6.11 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: add hyperv dev ids (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove device ID 0x37D4 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove useless initializer (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix i40e_rx_checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version from 1.5.16 to 1.6.4 (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: always activate correct MAC address filter (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't overflow buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e: Add allmulti support for the VF (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: Allocate Rx buffers properly (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove unused hardware receive descriptor code (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: refactor receive routine (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: Drop packet split receive routine (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove reference to ring->dtype (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor tunnel interpretation (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for GSO partial with UDP_TUNNEL_CSUM and GRE_CSUM (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40evf: make use of BIT() macro to avoid signed left shift (Stefan Assmann) [1383523] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix I40E_MASK signed shift overflow warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1383523]- [infiniband] rdma/qedr: Return success when not changing QP state (Don Dutile) [1414913 1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Shrink send SGEs array (Don Dutile) [1416849 1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Reduce required number of send SGEs (Don Dutile) [1416849 1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Disable pad optimization by default (Don Dutile) [1416849 1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Per-connection pad optimization (Don Dutile) [1416849 1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix Read chunk padding (Don Dutile) [1416849 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix Kconfig help text (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Assign netdev->dev_port with port ID (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Change the SQ/RQ operational state to positive logic (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't flush SQ on error (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't notify HW when filling the edge of ICO SQ (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix query ISSI flow (Don Dutile) [1238192 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Remove duplicate pci dev name print (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Verify module parameters (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [net] rds: tcp: unregister_netdevice_notifier() in error path of rds_tcp_init_net (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add PCI device ID for new adapter (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix uninitialized fields in rule when adding promiscuous mode to device managed flow steering (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [kernel] revert "net/mlx4_en: Avoid unregister_netdev at shutdown flow" (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: drop duplicate header delay.h (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Free netdev resources under state lock (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: invalidate the mr when posting a read_w_inv wr (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Update qp state for user query (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Clear queue buffer when modifying QP to reset (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix handling of erroneous WR (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix kernel panic in UDP tunnel with GRO and RX checksum (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix create CQ error flow (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Check gid_index return value (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix NULL pointer dereference on debug print (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix fatal error dispatching (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Resolve soft lock on massive reg MRs (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use cache line size to select CQE stride (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Validate requested RQT size (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix memory leak in query device (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid unsigned int overflow in sg_alloc_table (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add missing check for addr_resolve callback return value (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/core: Set routable RoCE gid type for ipv4/ipv6 networks (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Mark stale CM id's whenever the mad agent was unregistered (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix leak of XRC target QPs (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: do not call napi_hash_del() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove incorrect IS_ERR check (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent hardware counter names from being cut off (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix ECN processing in prescan_rxq (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix status error code for unsupported packets (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Relocate rcvhdrcnt module parameter check (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix rnr_timer addition (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Delete unused lock (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up unused argument (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove leftover snoop references (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix a potential memory leak in hfi1_create_ctxts() (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return ENODEV for unsupported PCI device ids (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix an Oops on pci device force remove (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix integrity check flags default values (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove redundant sysfs irq affinity entry (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: rdmavt can handle non aligned page maps (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [infiniband] shut up a maybe-uninitialized warning (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix DMAR failure in frwr_op_map() after reconnect (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix invalid pointer reference when prof_sel parameter is invalid (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Set the actions for offloaded rules properly (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disallow changing name-space for VF representors (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: correct device ID of T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [net] svcrdma: backchannel cannot share a page for send and rcv buffers (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Simplify a test (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Save slave ethtool stats command (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix potential deadlock in port statistics flow (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [kernel] mlx4: Fix firmware command timeout during interrupt test (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Do not access comm channel if it has not yet been initialized (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Process all completions in RX rings after port goes up (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Resolve dividing by zero in 32-bit system (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Change the default value of enable_qos (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Avoid setting ports to auto when only one port type is supported (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix the resource-type enum in res tracker to conform to FW spec (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [net] rds: debug messages are enabled by default (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix error handling in alloc_uld_rxqs() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] ib/mlx4: avoid a -Wmaybe-uninitialize warning (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid passing dma address 0 to firmware (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: PCI error recovery health care simulation (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Fix race between PCI error handlers and health work (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Clear health sick bit when starting health poll (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Change the acl enable prototype to return status (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Unregister netdev before detaching it (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Choose best nearest LRO timeout (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Correctly initialize last use of flow counters (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix autogroups groups num not decreasing (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Keep autogroups list ordered (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Always Query HCA caps after setting them (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] {net, ib}/mlx5: Make cache line size determination at runtime (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [net] sunrpc: fix some missing rq_rbuffer assignments (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix number of queue sets corssing the limit (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix memory leak of qe on error exit path (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [infiniband] qedr: Add events support and register IB device (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [infiniband] qedr: Add GSI support (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [infiniband] qedr: Add LL2 RoCE interface (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [infiniband] qedr: Add support for data path (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [infiniband] qedr: Add support for memory registeration verbs (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [uapi] qedr: Add support for QP verbs (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [uapi] qedr: Add support for PD,PKEY and CQ verbs (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [uapi] qedr: Add support for user context verbs (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [infiniband] qedr: Add support for RoCE HW init (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [uapi] qedr: Add RoCE driver framework (Don Dutile) [1275823 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Add MLX5_ARRAY_SET64 to fix BUILD_BUG_ON (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: add fast-path for small REG_MR operations (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: advertise support for FR_NSMR_TPTE_WR (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/core: correctly handle rdma_rw_init_mrs() failure (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix infinite loop when FMR sg[0].offset != 0 (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove an unused argument (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/core: Improve ib_map_mr_sg() documentation (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [kernel] ib/mlx4: Fix possible vl/sl field mismatch in LRH header in QP1 packets (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [uapi] ib/mthca: Move user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [uapi] ib/nes: Move user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [uapi] ib/ocrdma: Move user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417285] - [uapi] ib/mlx4: Move user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [uapi] ib/cxgb4: Move user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [uapi] ib/cxgb3: Move user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [uapi] ib/mlx5: Move and decouple user vendor structures (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [rdma] ib/{core,hw}: Add constant for node_desc (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make ipoib_warn ratelimited (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4/alias_guid: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib_verbs: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/nes: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4/mcg: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4/mad: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5/odp: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb3: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/iwcm: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/addr: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/ucma: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/multicast: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/sa : Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: LAG QP load balancing (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set unique device name on LAG (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Port status track LAG master, when LAG is active (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Merge vports flow steering during LAG (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Port events in RoCE now rely on netdev events (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Track asynchronous events on a receive work queue (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support of more IPv6 fields to flow steering (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support in TOS and protocol to flow steering (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [uapi] ib/core: Add more fields to IPv6 flow specification (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Add more fields to IPv4 flow specification (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [rdma] ib/uverbs: Add support to extend flow steering specifications (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add validation to flow specifications parsing (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add validation to flow specifications parsing (Don Dutile) [1385308 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add sniffer support to steering (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Increase flow table reference count in create rule (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix coverity warning (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Save flow table priority handler instead of index (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix steering resource leak (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add port counter support for raw packet QP (Don Dutile) [1385307 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Refactor raw packet QP modify function (Don Dutile) [1385307 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose RSS related capabilities (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Expose RSS related capabilities (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [rdma] ib/core: Expose RSS related capabilities (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: improved debug prints & code cleanup (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] rdma_rxe: Ensure rdma_rxe init occurs at correct time (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Properly honor max IRD value for rd/atomic (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417285] - [rdma] ib/{rxe, core, rdmavt}: Fix kernel crash for reg MR (Don Dutile) [1385848 1384574 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Trivial function comment corrected (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: unexport cxgb4_dcb_enabled (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix trace of atomic ack (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Update SMA ingress checks for response packets (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use EPROM platform configuration read (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add ability to read platform config from the EPROM (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Restore EPROM read ability (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add new debugfs sdma_cpu_list file (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add irq affinity notification handler (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add a new VL sysfs attribute for sdma engines (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add sysfs interface for affinity setup (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix resource release in context allocation (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused variable from devdata (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Cleanup tasklet refs in comments (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust hardware buffering parameter (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Act on external device timeout (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix defered ack race with qp destroy (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Combine shift copy and byte copy for SGE reads (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not read more than a SGE length (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Extend i2c timeout (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Increase default settings of max_cqes and max_qps (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove filtering of Set(PkeyTable) in HFI SMA (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qpt_mask global (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Consolidate pio control masks into single definition (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/hfi1: Add lockdep asserts for lock debug (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add qp init function (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Move reset calldown to reset path (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move iowait_init() to priv allocate (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Correct sparse annotation (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix locking scheme for affinity settings (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix user-space buffers mapping with IOMMU enabled (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix the count of user packets submitted to an SDMA engine (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move serdes tune inside link start function (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/qib,ib/hfi: Use core common header file (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417285] - [rdma] ib/core: Add ib headers for general use (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add ndo_poll_controller() implementation (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unused fields (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: mark symbols static where possible (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix -ve error check on a signed iq (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [kernel] mlx4: Add VF vlan protocol 802.1ad support (Don Dutile) [1386553 1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Disable vlan HW acceleration when in VF vlan protocol 802.1ad mode (Don Dutile) [1386553 1385329 1417285] - [kernel] mlx4_core: Preparation for VF vlan protocol 802.1ad (Don Dutile) [1386553 1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix QUERY FUNC CAP flags (Don Dutile) [1386553 1385329 1417285] - [rdma] ib/core: remove ib_get_dma_mr (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/srp: use IB_PD_UNSAFE_GLOBAL_RKEY (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [infiniband] ib/iser: use IB_PD_UNSAFE_GLOBAL_RKEY (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] ib/core: add support to create a unsafe global rkey to ib_create_pd (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [rdma] ib/core: rename pd->local_mr to pd->__internal_mr (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] svcrdma: support Remote Invalidation (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] svcrdma: Server-side support for rpcrdma_connect_private (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] svcrdma: Skip put_page() when send_reply() fails (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] svcrdma: Tail iovec leaves an orphaned DMA mapping (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: use complete() instead complete_all() (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix signed wrap around when decrementing index idx (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Support VLAN actions in the offloads mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor retrival of skb from rx completion element (cqe) (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Put elements related to offloaded TC rule in one struct (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Allow fine tuning of eswitch vport push/pop vlan (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Set vport representor fields explicitly on registration (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Set the vport when registering the uplink rep (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Convert to use simple_open() (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Have a clear separation between different SQ types (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Dynamic RQ type infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Slightly reduce hardware LRO size (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Union RQ RX info per RQ type (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Build RX SKB on demand (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] ptp_clock: future-proofing drivers against PTP subsystem becoming optional (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add parser to translate u32 filters to internal spec (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add common api support for configuring filters (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: move common filter code to separate file (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix deadlock when switching between polling and event fw commands (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use RCU to perform radix tree lookup for SRQ (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix wrong indentation (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add branch prediction hints in RX data-path (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: add page recycle to prepare rx ring for tx support (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: clean function declarations in eswitch.c up (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Eliminate rpcrdma_receive_worker() (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Rename rpcrdma_receive_wc() (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrmda: Report address of frmr, not mw (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Support larger inline thresholds (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Use gathered Send for large inline messages (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Basic support for Remote Invalidation (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Client-side support for rpcrdma_connect_private (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [kernel] rpcrdma: RDMA/CM private message data structure (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Move recv_wr to struct rpcrdma_rep (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Move send_wr to struct rpcrdma_req (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Simplify rpcrdma_ep_post_recv() (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Eliminate "ia" argument in rpcrdma_{alloc, free}_regbuf (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Delay DMA mapping Send and Receive buffers (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Replace DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Use smaller buffers for RPC-over-RDMA headers (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Initialize separate RPC call and reply buffers (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] sunrpc: Add a transport-specific private field in rpc_rqst (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] sunrpc: Separate buffer pointers for RPC Call and Reply messages (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] sunrpc: Generalize the RPC buffer release API (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] sunrpc: Generalize the RPC buffer allocation API (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] sunrpc: Refactor rpc_xdr_buf_init() (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [net] xprtrdma: Eliminate INLINE_THRESHOLD macros (Don Dutile) [1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix return value check in cfg_queues_uld() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [crypto] chcr - Fix memory corruption (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] chcr/cxgb4i/cxgbit/rdma/cxgb4: Allocate resources dynamically for all cxgb4 ULD's (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [crypto] chcr: Fix non static symbol warning (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [crypto] Added Chelsio Menu to the Kconfig file (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [crypto] chcr: Support for Chelsio's Crypto Hardware (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Implement RX mapped page cache for page recycle (Don Dutile) [1385310 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce API for RX mapped pages (Don Dutile) [1385310 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Single flow order-0 pages for Striding RQ (Don Dutile) [1385310 1385330 1417285] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, ib/qib, ib/hfi1: Use new QP put get routines (Don Dutile) [1381986 1382806 1385848 1417285] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Add functions to get and release QP references (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_mk_rx_data_ack() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_mk_abort_rpl() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_mk_abort_req() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_mk_close_con_req() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_mk_tid_release() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_compute_wscale() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_best_mtu() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_is_neg_adv() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_find_route6() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_find_route() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [target] libcxgb, iw_cxgb4, cxgbit: add cxgb_get_4tuple() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: don't offload Rx checksums for IPv6 fragments (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Organize device list API in one place (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Restore vlan filter after seamless reset (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Implement mlx5e interface attach/detach callbacks (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Implement vports admin state backup/restore (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Align sriov/eswitch modules with the new load/unload flow (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Implement eswitch attach/detach flows (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Implement SRIOV attach/detach flows (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Split the load/unload flow into hardware and software flows (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Introduce attach/detach to interface API (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: SRIOV core code refactoring (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Skip waiting for vf pages in internal error (Don Dutile) [1385214 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for ndo_get_vf_config (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: fix spelling mistake "provissioned" -> "provisioned" (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove unused including (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add support for tx max rate limiting (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add support for per queue tx scheduling (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add support for tx traffic scheduling classes (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5/core: Use memdup_user() rather than duplicating its implementation (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Simplify the return expression (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Register changes and fw defines for crypto (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for dynamic allocation of resources for ULD (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Add sniffer namespaces (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Introduce sniffer steering hardware capabilities (Don Dutile) [1385256 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Configure IB devices according to LAG state (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Vport LAG creation support (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Add LAG flow steering namespace (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: LAG demux flow table support (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: LAG and SRIOV cannot be used together (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid port remapping of mlx5e netdev TISes (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Get RoCE netdev (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Implement RoCE LAG feature (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Add HW interfaces used by LAG (Don Dutile) [1385219 1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Separate query_port_proto_oper for IB and EN (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Expose mlx5e_link_mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Update struct mlx5_ifc_xrqc_bits (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Modify RQ bitmask from mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce alloc_encap and dealloc_encap commands (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Update mlx5_ifc.h for vxlan encap/decap (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Enable setting minimum inline header mode for VFs (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Improve driver log messages (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Unify and improve command interface (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] {net, ib}/mlx5: Modify QP commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] {net, ib}/mlx5: QP/XRCD commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] {net, ib}/mlx5: MKey/PSV commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] {net,ib}/mlx5: CQ commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: EQ commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: Pages management commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: MCG commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [netdrv] mlx5: PD and UAR commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Access register and MAD IFC commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [kernel] mlx5: Init/Teardown hca commands via mlx5 ifc (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417285] - [net] rds: add __printf format attribute to error reporting functions (Don Dutile) [1417285]- [netdrv] qed: Conserve RDMA resources when !QEDR (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Support Multicast on Tx-switching (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: RSS indirection based on queue-handles (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Remove unnecessary datapath dereference (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede - mark SKB as encapsulated (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Postpone reallocation until NAPI end (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Change maximal number of queues (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Split filtering logic to its own file (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Break datapath logic into its own file (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Update to dual-license (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Advance driver versions to (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: fix old-style function definition (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: fix general protection fault may occur on probe (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: use reset to set network header (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add iSCSI out of order packet handling (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for hardware offloaded iSCSI (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Better utilize the qede_[rt]x_queue (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Don't check netdevice for rx-hash (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Handle-based L2-queues (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Revise state locking scheme (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Refactor data-path Rx flow (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Refactor statistics gathering (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Remove 'num_tc' (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Optimize qed_chain datapath usage (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Optimize aggregation information size (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Correct rdma params configuration (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: configure ll2 RoCE v1/v2 flavor correctly (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent stack corruption on MFW interaction (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Correctly map aggregation replacement pages (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Correct VF mac number (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Don't override priv_flags (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Learn resources from management firmware (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Use VF-queue feature (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Learn of RDMA capabilities per-device (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Decouple ethtool caps from qed (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Add support for WoL (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add nvram selftest (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Management firmware - notifications and defaults (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix statistics' strings for Tx/Rx queues (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix out-of-bound fastpath memory access (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix incorrrect usage of APIs for un-mapping DMA memory (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Zero-out the buffer paased to dcbx_query() API (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Reconfigure rss indirection direction table when rss count is updated (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Reduce the memory footprint for Rx path (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Loopback implementation should ignore the normal traffic (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: get_channels() need to populate max tx/rx coalesce values (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Remove useless set memory to zero use memset() (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix possible race when reading firmware return code (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Handle malicious VFs events (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Allow chance for fast ramrod completions (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Allow unicast filtering (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Prevent GSO on long Geneve headers (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: GSO support for tunnels with outer csum (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Pass MAC hints to VFs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Additional work toward cleaning C=1 (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Do not allow RSS config for 100G devices (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Fix Kconfig dependencies with INFINIBAND_QEDR (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix static checker warning (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: fix old-style function definition (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix to use list_for_each_entry_safe() when delete items (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add RoCE ll2 & GSI support (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for memory registeration verbs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for QP verbs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: PD,PKEY and CQ verb support (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for RoCE hw init (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add qedr framework (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add Light L2 support (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix stack corruption on probe (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: mark symbols static where possible (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: mark qede_set_features() static (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Add support for the ethtool get_regs operation (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for debug data collection (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: add missing header dependencies (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add infrastructure for debug data collection (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Remove OOM messages (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: fix kzalloc-simple.cocci warnings (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Clear dcbx memory buffers before the usage (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Set selection-field while configuring the app entry in ieee mode (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Disallow dcbx configuration for VF interfaces (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: hide 32-bit compile warning (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for Tx/Rx-only queues (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix address macros (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Change locking scheme for VF channel (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Add support for VFs over legacy PFs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent VFs from pause flooding (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for legacy VFs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: FLR of active VFs might lead to FW assert (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: utilize FW (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix forcing high speeds (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Fix pause setting (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix Tx timeout due to xmit_more (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for NCSI statistics (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for per-queue stats (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for capturing additional stats in ethtool-stats display (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Add and modify some prints (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Trivial modifications (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Semantic changes (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix possible memory leak in qed_dcbnl_get_ieee_pfc() (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Add support for ethtool link_ksettings callbacks (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Update app count when adding a new dcbx app entry to the table (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add dcbx app support for IEEE Selection Field (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Use ieee mfw-mask to get ethtype in ieee-dcbx mode (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Remove the endian-ness conversion for pri_to_tc value (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Use DEFINE_SPINLOCK() for spinlock (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fail driver load in 100g MSI mode (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix error return code in qed_resc_alloc() (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: do not use unitialized variable (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent over-usage of vlan credits by PF (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Correct min bandwidth for 100g (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Reset statistics on explicit down (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Don't over-do producer cleanup for Rx (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix removal of spoof checking for VFs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Don't try removing unconfigured vlans (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix setting/clearing bit in completion bitmap (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Bump up driver version to (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add get/set rx copy break tunable support (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Utilize xmit_more (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: qede_poll refactoring (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for handling IP fragmented packets (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Protect the doorbell BAR with the write barriers (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix the static checker warnings (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix static checker warnings (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for coalescing config read/update (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for coalescing config read/update (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add missing port-mode (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix returning unlimited SPQ entries (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed*: Don't reset statistics on inner reload (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent VF from Tx-switching 'promisc' (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Correct default vlan behavior (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Add dcbnl support (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add dcbnl support (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for query/config dcbx (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: potential overflow in qed_cxt_src_t2_alloc() (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: PF to reply to unknown messages (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: PF enforce MAC limitation of VFs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Move doorbell calculation from VF to PF (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Make PF more robust against malicious VF (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: PF-VF resource negotiation (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Relax VF firmware requirements (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix next-ptr chains for BE / 32-bit (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Initialize hardware for new protocols (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add iscsi/rdma personalities (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add common HSI for new protocols (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Revisit chain implementation (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: fix qed_fill_link() error handling (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Don't config min BW on 100g on link flap (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent 100g from working in MSI (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Add missing 100g init mode (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Save min/max accross dcbx-change (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed: Fix allocation in interrupt context (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Don't expose self-test for VFs (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Reload on GRO changes (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qede: Fix VF minimum BW setting (Harish Patil) [1391272] - [netdrv] qed/qede: update driver version to (Harish Patil) [1372930]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix scsi scan hang triggered if adapter fails during init (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix spelling mistake "retyring" -> "retrying" (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: small cleanup in qla2x00_wait_for_hba_ready() (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix BBCR offset (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix duplicate message id (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Separate ISP type bits out from device type (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correction to function qla26xx_dport_diagnostics() (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support to handle Loop Init error Asynchronus event (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Let DPORT be enabled purely by nvram (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add bsg interface to support statistics counter reset (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add bsg interface to support D_Port Diagnostics (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for device state before unloading the driver (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly reset firmware statistics (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Make debug buffer log easier to view (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add module parameter alternate/short names (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set FLOGI retry in additional firmware options for P2P (N2N) mode (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Shutdown board on thermal shutdown aen (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ram area DDR for fwdump template entry T262 (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove sysfs node fw_dump_template (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: setup data needed in ISR before setting up the ISR (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove erroneous unused macro qla82xx_get_temp_val1() (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Indicate out-of-memory with -ENOMEM (Chad Dupuis) [1384091] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Reinit SGL handle, CID tables after TPE (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Use GFP_ATOMIC under spin lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update driver version (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add checks to validate CID alloc/free (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove wq_name from beiscsi_hba (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove unused struct members (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove redundant receive buffers posting (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix iSCSI cmd cleanup IOCTL (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Set WRB invalid bit for SkyHawk (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Take iscsi_task ref in abort handler (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix for crash in beiscsi_eh_device_reset (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix use of invalidate command table req (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: set errno on error path (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: set errno on error path (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: allocate enough memory in beiscsi_boot_get_sinfo() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: mark symbols static where possible (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Replace _bh with _irqsave/irqrestore (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: _bh for io_sgl_lock and mgmt_sgl_lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add missing unlock for mbox_lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove redundant iscsi_wrb desc memset (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix error return code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update the driver version (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update copyright information (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix queue and connection parameters (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix async PDU handling path (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add FUNCTION_RESET during driver unload (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fail the sessions immediately after TPE (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add TPE recovery feature (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add V1 of EPFW cleanup IOCTL (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix POST check and reset sequence (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Move functions to right files (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add IOCTL to check UER supported (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to add timer for UE detection (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to make boot discovery non-blocking (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix checks for HBA in error state (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove isr_lock and dead code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove alloc_mcc_tag & beiscsi_pci_soft_reset (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Check all zeroes IP before issuing IOCTL (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Handle only NET_PARAM in iface_get_param (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Rename iface get/set/create/destroy APIs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update iface handle before any set param (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Move VLAN code to common iface_set_param (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix release of DHCP IP in static mode (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix gateway APIs to support IPv4 & IPv6 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Set and return right iface v4/v6 states (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Reduce driver load/unload time (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Replace _bh version for mcc_lock spinlock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to use correct configuration values (Maurizio Lombardi) [1382263] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: handle dma_addr_t right on 32-bit (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: array overflow in megasas_dump_frame() (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Change RAID_1_10_RMW_CMDS to RAID_1_PEER_CMDS and set value to 2 (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Indentation and smatch warning fixes (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Cleanup VD_EXT_DEBUG and SPAN_DEBUG related debug prints (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Increase internal command pool (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use synchronize_irq to wait for IRQs to complete (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Bail out the driver load if ld_list_query fails (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Change build_mpt_mfi_pass_thru to return void (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: During OCR, if get_ctrl_info fails do not continue with OCR (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not set fp_possible if TM capable for non-RW syspdIO, change fp_possible to bool (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Remove unused pd_index from megasas_build_ld_nonrw_fusion (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: megasas_return_cmd does not memset IO frame to zero (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: max_fw_cmds are decremented twice, remove duplicate (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: update can_queue only if the new value is less (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Change max_cmd from u32 to u16 in all functions (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: set pd_after_lb from MR_BuildRaidContext and initialize pDevHandle to MR_DEVHANDLE_INVALID (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: latest controller OCR capability from FW before sending shutdown DCMD (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: avoid unaligned access in ioctl path (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: big endian support changes (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Big endian RDPQ mode fix (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: MR_TargetIdToLdGet u8 to u16 and avoid invalid raid-map access (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: In validate raid map, raid capability is not converted to cpu format for all lds (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: reduce size of fusion_context and use vmalloc if kmalloc fails (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add print in device removal path (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: enhance debug logs in OCR context (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: set residual bytes count during IO completion (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: raid 1 write performance for large io (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: NVME fast path io support (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: NVME interface target prop added (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: NVME Interface detection and prop settings (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: change issue_dcmd to return void from int (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: megasas_get_request_descriptor always return valid desc (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use DID_REQUEUE (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: RAID map is accessed for SYS PDs when use_seqnum_jbod_fp is not set (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Refactor MEGASAS_IS_LOGICAL macro using sdev (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: 32 bit descriptor fire cmd optimization (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: raid 1 fast path code optimize (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: cpu select rework (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [scsi] megaraid: Revert "scsi: megaraid_sas: Enable or Disable Fast path based on the PCI Threshold Bandwidth" (Tomas Henzl) [1417038] - [maintainers] Updating maintainers list for Cisco FNI and SNIC drivers (Maurizio Lombardi) [1388217] - [scsi] fnic: Avoid sending reset to firmware when another reset is in progress (Maurizio Lombardi) [1388217] - [scsi] fnic: Correcting rport check location in fnic_queuecommand_lck (Maurizio Lombardi) [1388217] - [scsi] fnic: use kernel's 'pM' format option to print MAC (Maurizio Lombardi) [1388217] - [scsi] fnic: pci_dma_mapping_error() doesn't return an error code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1388217]- [powerpc] pseries: Automatically resize HPT for memory hot add/remove (David Gibson) [1305399] - [mm] memblock: don't mark memblock_phys_mem_size() as __init (David Gibson) [1305399] - [powerpc] mm: Split hash page table sizing heuristic into a helper (David Gibson) [1305399] - [powerpc] pseries: Add support for hash table resizing (David Gibson) [1305399] - [powerpc] pseries: Add hypercall wrappers for hash page table resizing (David Gibson) [1305399] - [powerpc] Remove the celleb support (David Gibson) [1305399] - [tty] hvc: remove celleb-only beat driver (David Gibson) [1305399] - [powerpc] ptrace: Fix cppcheck issue in gpr32_set_common/gpr32_get_common() (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Fix coredump since ptrace TM changes (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for Performance Monitor registers (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for EBB registers (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for NT_PPPC_TAR, NT_PPC_PPR, NT_PPC_DSCR (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable NT_PPC_TM_CTAR, NT_PPC_TM_CPPR, NT_PPC_TM_CDSCR (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for TM SPR state (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for NT_PPC_CVSX (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for NT_PPC_CVMX (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for NT_PPC_CFPR (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable support for NT_PPC_CGPR (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Adapt gpr32_get, gpr32_set functions for transaction (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable in transaction NT_PPC_VSX ptrace requests (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable in transaction NT_PPC_VMX ptrace requests (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] ptrace: Enable in transaction NT_PRFPREG ptrace requests (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] process: Add the function flush_tmregs_to_thread (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] elf: Add powerpc specific core note sections (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] tm: Drop tm_orig_msr from thread_struct (Gustavo Duarte) [1187582] - [powerpc] pseries: Advertise Hot Plug Event support to firmware (Thomas Huth) [1305399 1323417] - [powerpc] prom: Switch to using structs for ibm_architecture_vec (Thomas Huth) [1305399 1323417] - [powerpc] prom: Define structs for client architecture vectors (Thomas Huth) [1305399 1323417] - [powerpc] prom: Fix sub-processor option passed to ibm, client-architecture-support (Thomas Huth) [1305399 1323417] - [powerpc] Add macros for the ibm_architecture_vec[] lengths (Thomas Huth) [1305399 1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Implement indexed-count hotplug memory remove (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Implement indexed-count hotplug memory add (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix build break when MEMORY_HOTREMOVE=n (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Introduce memory hotplug READD operation (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Revert 'Auto-online hotplugged memory' (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Make the acquire/release of the drc for memory a seperate step (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Remove call to memblock_add() (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Auto-online hotplugged memory (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Use lmb_is_removable() to check removability (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] Fix unused function warning 'lmb_to_memblock' (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] of: Introduce device tree node flag helpers (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Correct possible read beyond dlpar sysfs buffer (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: fix memory leak in queue_hotplug_event() error path (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Use kernel hotplug queue for PowerVM hotplug events (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Add support for hotplug interrupt source (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Add pseries hotplug workqueue (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Dynamic add entires to associativity lookup array (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Move property cloning into its own routine (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Update LMB associativity index during DLPAR add/remove (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Refactor dlpar_add_lmb() code (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Consolidate CPU hotplug code to hotplug-cpu.c (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] Ensure global functions include their prototype (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] arch/powerpc: replace obsolete strict_strto* calls (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Verify CPU doesn't exist before adding (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Release DRC when configure_connector fails (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: use kmemdup rather than duplicating its implementation (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix possible leaked device node reference (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix compile of memory hotplug without CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTREMOVE (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Correct memory hotplug locking (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Implement memory hotplug remove in the kernel (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Implement memory hotplug add in the kernel (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Create new device hotplug entry point (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Declare the acquire/release drc index routines (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] Remove ppc_md.remove_memory (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] Fix comment typos in hotplug-memory.c (Thomas Huth) [1323417] - [powerpc] pseries: Define rtas hotplug event sections (Thomas Huth) [1323417]- [kernel] tracing: Do not have 'comm' filter override event 'comm' field (Pratyush Anand) [1399999] - [kernel] tracing: Allow triggers to filter for CPU ids and process names (Pratyush Anand) [1399999] - [x86] apic: Order irq_enter/exit() calls correctly vs. ack_APIC_irq() (George Beshers) [1404816] - [x86] apic: Fix suspicious RCU usage in smp_trace_call_function_interrupt() (George Beshers) [1404816] - [x86] Consolidate irq entering inlines (George Beshers) [1404816] - [net] ip_tunnel: Create percpu gro_cell (Jiri Benc) [1424076] - [net] udp: fix errorneous sk_filter removal (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] l2tp: do not use udp_ioctl() (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] udp: properly cope with csum errors (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] udp: be less conservative with sock rmem accounting (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] udplite: fix NULL pointer dereference (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] udp: do fwd memory scheduling on dequeue (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] sock: add an explicit sk argument for ip_cmsg_recv_offset() (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] udp: use it's own memory accounting schema (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] udp: implement memory accounting helpers (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] sock: factor out helpers for memory and queue manipulation (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] Fix inverted test in __skb_recv_datagram (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] enable more fine-grained datagram reception control (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] add common accessor for setting dropcount on packets (Paolo Abeni) [1388467] - [net] ipvs: SH fallback and L4 hashing (Jakub Sitnicki) [1365002] - [net] ipvs: provide iph to schedulers (Jakub Sitnicki) [1365002] - [acpi] acpi / sysfs: Fix an issue for LoadTable opcode (Prarit Bhargava) [1425195] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Add new table events indicating table installation/uninstallation (Prarit Bhargava) [1425195] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Remove wrong table event macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1425195] - [misc] cxl: fix nested locking hang during EEH hotplug (Steve Best) [1429625] - [misc] cxl: Prevent read/write to AFU config space while AFU not configured (Steve Best) [1429625] - [edac] enable skx_edac (Aristeu Rozanski) [1273747] - [edac] skx_edac: Add EDAC driver for Skylake (Aristeu Rozanski) [1273747] - [netdrv] broadcom: bnx2x: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid two atomic ops per page on x86 (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix printk() message errors (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent tunnel config for 577xx (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct ringparam estimate when DOWN (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix improper return value (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use reset to set network header (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: switch to napi_complete_done() (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: cleanup ETH_* defines (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: free the mac filter group list before freeing the cmd (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allocate mac filtering pending list in PAGE_SIZE increments (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allocate mac filtering 'mcast_list' in PAGE_SIZE increments (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: don't reset chip on cleanup if PCI function is offline (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for segmentation of tunnels with outer checksums (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't flush multicast MACs (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move all UDP port notifiers to single function (Michal Schmidt) [1391238] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix queue allocation for 40G adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1250931] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix issue while re-registering VF mgmt netdev (Sai Vemuri) [1250931] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Add set VF mac address support (Sai Vemuri) [1250931] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add control net_device for configuring PCIe VF (Sai Vemuri) [1250931] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: set *bad_wr for post_send/post_recv errors (Sai Vemuri) [1416917]- [netdrv] e1000e: driver trying to free already-free irq (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e/ptp_clock: future-proofing drivers against PTP subsystem becoming optional (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use pci_(request|release)_mem_regions (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: don't modify SYSTIM registers during SIOCSHWTSTAMP ioctl (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: mark shifted values as unsigned (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: use BIT() macro for bit defines (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: e1000e_cyclecounter_read(): do overflow check only if needed (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: e1000e_cyclecounter_read(): fix er32(SYSTIML) overflow check (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup consistency in ret_val variable usage (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix ethtool autoneg off for non-copper (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] e1000e: call ndo_stop() instead of dev_close() when running offline selftest (Jarod Wilson) [1383529] - [netdrv] sfc: do not device_attach if a reset is pending (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: forget filters from sw table if hw replies ENOENT on removing them (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fix filter_id misinterpretation in edge case (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: only fall back to a lower interrupt mode if it is supported (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: MSI-X is the only interrupt mode for EF10 VFs (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fix swapped arguments to efx_ef10_handle_rx_event_errors (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: configure UDP tunnel offload ports (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: update mcdi_pcol definitions for MC_CMD_SET_TUNNEL_ENCAP_UDP_PORTS (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: call mcdi_reboot_detected() when MC reboots during an MCDI command (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: harden driver against MC resets during initial probe (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: set csum_level for encapsulated packets (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: process RX event inner checksum flags (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: report 4-tuple UDP hashing to ethtool, if it's enabled (Jarod Wilson) [1389480 1386061 1385378 1385133] - [netdrv] sfc: enable 4-tuple RSS hashing for UDP (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [net] Delete trailing semi-colon from definition of netdev_WARN() (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fix an off by one bug (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc-falcon: get rid of custom busy polling code (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: get rid of custom busy polling code (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fix an off-by-one compare on an array size (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: generalize napi_complete_done() (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: insert catch-all filters for encapsulated traffic (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: refactor debug-or-warnings printks (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [net] implement netif_cond_dbg macro (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: fixes to filter restore handling (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: reduce severity of PIO buffer alloc failures (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: read back RX hash config from the NIC when querying it with ethtool -x (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: support setting RSS hash key through ethtool API (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: get PIO buffer size from the NIC (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: allow PIO more often (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: Replace memset with eth_zero_addr (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: efx_get_phys_port_id() can be static (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: stop setting dev_port (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: implement ndo_get_phys_port_name (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: support ndo_get_phys_port_id even when !CONFIG_SFC_SRIOV (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: don't report RX hash keys to ethtool when RSS wasn't enabled (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc-falcon: declare module version (same as ethtool drvinfo version) (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: declare module version (same as ethtool drvinfo version) (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: remove EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID, use EFX_WARN_ON_[ONCE_]PARANOID instead (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: remove RESET_TYPE_RX_RECOVERY (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480 1389671] - [netdrv] ethernet: sfc: Add Kconfig entry for vendor Solarflare (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480 1389671] - [netdrv] sfc: don't select SFC_FALCON (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480 1389671] - [netdrv] sfc: fix debug message format string in efx_farch_handle_rx_not_ok (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480 1389671] - [netdrv] sfc: separate out SFC4000 ("Falcon") support into new sfc-falcon driver (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480 1389671] - [netdrv] sfc: remove unneeded variable (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: remove Software TSO (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: handle failure to allocate TSOv2 contexts (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: Firmware-Assisted TSO version 2 (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: Update EF10 register definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: Update MCDI protocol definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480] - [netdrv] sfc: remove napi_hash_del() call (Jarod Wilson) [1385133 1385378 1386061 1389480]- [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Don't use lco_csum to compute IPv4 checksum (Corinna Vinschen) [1383528] - [netdrv] igbvf: bump version to igbvf-2.4.0 (Corinna Vinschen) [1383528] - [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Add support for GSO partial (Corinna Vinschen) [1383528] - [netdrv] igb: Fix hw_dbg logging in igb_update_flash_i210 (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: add i211 to i210 PHY workaround (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: close/suspend race in netif_device_detach (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: reset the PHY before reading the PHY ID (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: use igb_adapter->io_addr instead of e1000_hw->hw_addr (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: Workaround for igb i210 firmware issue (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: correct register comments (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: Realign bad indentation (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Don't use lco_csum to compute IPv4 checksum (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: restore PPS signal on igb_ptp_reset (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: bump version to igb-5.4.0 (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: fix non static symbol warning (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] ptp_clock: future-proofing drivers against PTP subsystem becoming optional (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: fix error code in igb_add_ethtool_nfc_entry() (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: support RX flow classification by VLAN (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: support RX flow classification by ethertype (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: add support of RX network flow classification (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: fix adjusting PTP timestamps for Tx/Rx latency (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: Only DMA sync frame length (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: call igb_ptp_suspend during suspend/resume cycle (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: implement igb_ptp_suspend (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: re-use igb_ptp_reset in igb_ptp_init (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: introduce IGB_PTP_OVERFLOW_CHECK flag (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: introduce ptp_flags variable and use it to replace IGB_FLAG_PTP (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Use pci_(request|release)_mem_regions (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb/igbvf: Add support for GSO partial (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: adjust PTP timestamps for Tx/Rx latency (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: make igb_update_pf_vlvf static (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] igb: use BIT() macro or unsigned prefix (Corinna Vinschen) [1383527] - [netdrv] generalize napi_complete_done() (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: get rid of custom busy poll code (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: fix initial MAC setting (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: fix MAC addr setting on privileged BE3 VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: don't delete MAC on close on unprivileged BE3 VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: fix status check in be_cmd_pmac_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: fix unicast list filling (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: fix accesses to unicast list (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] benet: stricter vxlan offloading check in be_features_check (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] emulex: benet: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Add DEVSEC privilege to SET_HSW_CONFIG command (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: do not call napi_hash_del() (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Enable VF link state setting for BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix TX stats for TSO packets (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Update Copyright string in be_hw.h (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: NCSI FW section should be properly updated with ethtool for BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Provide an alternate way to read pf_num for BEx chips (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: fix non static symbol warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: mark symbols static where possible (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Update the driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix mac address collision in some configurations (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid redundant addition of mac address in HW (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Add privilege level check for OPCODE_COMMON_GET_EXT_FAT_CAPABILITIES SLI cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Issue COMMON_RESET_FUNCTION cmd during driver unload (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Support UE recovery in BEx/Skyhawk adapters (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: replace polling with sleeping in the FW completion path (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid unnecessary firmware updates of multicast list (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: do not remove vids from driver table if be_vid_config() fails (Ivan Vecera) [1382354] - [netdrv] be2net: clear vlan-promisc setting before programming the vlan list (Ivan Vecera) [1382354]- [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Check xgbe_init() return code (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add a hardware quirk for register definitions (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix IRQ processing when running in single IRQ mode (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] Rename CONFIG_PM to CONFIG_PM_SLEEP in XGBE driver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Update connection validation for backplane mode (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix maximum GPIO value check (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix possible uninitialized variable (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix up some coccinelle identified warnings (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix mask appliciation for Clause 37 register (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for a KR redriver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for MDIO attached PHYs (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for SFP+ modules (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add I2C support for sideband communication (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add ECC status support for the device memory (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for new DMA interrupt mode (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Allow for a greater number of Rx queues (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add PCI device support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add a workaround for Tx timestamp issue (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Guard against incorrectly generated interrupts (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] xgbe: use new api ethtool_{get|set}_link_ksettings (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Prepare for supporting PCI devices (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Update how to determine DMA channel status (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Support for 64-bit management counter registers (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Prepare for a new PCS register access method (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for clause 37 auto-negotiation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Prepare for introduction of clause 37 autoneg (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Prepare for working with more than one type of phy (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Perform priority-based hardware FIFO allocation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Prepare for priority-based FIFO allocation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix formatting of PCS register dump (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix error return code in xgbe_probe() (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] xgbe: constify get_netdev_ops and get_ethtool_ops (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Reset running devices after resume from hibernate (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: use correct format specifier (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] relax setup_tc ndo op handle restriction (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Mask auto-negotiation interrupts in ISR (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Check Rx queue fifos before stopping Rx DMA (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Do traffic class setup when called through dcbnl (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix the mapping of priorities to traffic classes (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Enable/disable PFC per traffic class (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Verify forced speed matches the active speedset (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use __napi_schedule_irqoff (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Change from napi_complete to napi_complete_done (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Disable VLAN filtering when in promiscuous mode (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] rework setup_tc ndo op to consume general tc operand (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] rework ndo tc op to consume additional qdisc handle parameter (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: fix a couple timeout loops (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] move skb_mark_napi_id() into core networking stack (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] device property: acpi: Make use of the new DMA Attribute APIs (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix race between access of desc and desc index (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use wmb before updating current descriptor count (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use system workqueue for device restart (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Check for successful buffer allocation before use (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove the XGBE_LINK state bit (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use device workqueue instead of system workqueue (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add receive buffer unavailable statistic (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Simplify calculation and setting of queue fifos (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add ethtool error and debug messages (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add ethtool support for setting the msglevel (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use proper DT / ACPI precedence checking (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove an unneeded semicolon on a switch statement (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: fix potential memory leak in xgbe-debugfs (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] treewide: fix typos in comment blocks (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix DMA API debug warning (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add the __GFP_NOWARN flag to Rx buffer allocation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Unify coherency checking logic with device_dma_is_coherent() (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use disable_irq_nosync from within timer function (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add more netif_dbg output to the driver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix initial mode when auto-negotiation is disabled (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add setting of a missing hardware feature (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove manual check and set of dma_mask pointer (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix flow control setting logic (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Support defining PHY resources in ETH device node (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Move the PHY support into amd-xgbe (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Fix initial mode when autoneg is disabled (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Rework the Rx path SKB allocation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add netif_* message support to the driver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add additional stats to be reported via ethtool (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] batch of last_rx update avoidance in ethernet drivers (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add hardware dependency (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] ethernet: amd: AMD_XGBE should depend on HAS_DMA (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for the netdev Tx watchdog (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Move Rx mode configuration into init (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Allow rx-frames coalescing to be changed anytime (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] ptp: xgbe: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use napi_alloc_skb when allocating skb in softirq (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix Rx coalescing reporting (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove Tx coalescing (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Set DMA mask based on hardware register value (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use the new DMA memory barriers where appropriate (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Clarify output message about queues (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Provide support for auto-negotiation timeout (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Use the phy_driver flags field (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Use phydev advertising field vs supported (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] ethernet: codespell comment spelling fixes (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Request IRQs only after driver is fully setup (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: PHY KX/KR mode differences (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Check per channel DMA interrupt use in main ISR (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Set RSS enablement based on hardware features (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Adjust for zero-based traffic class count (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use proper Rx flow control register (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Allow certain PHY settings to be set by UEFI (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add ACPI support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Use the proper auto-negotiation XNP registers (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Properly support the FEC auto-negotiation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Change auto-negotiation logic (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove need for Tx path spinlock (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Simplify the Rx desciptor ring tracking (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Clear all state during a device restart (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: On suspend, save CTRL1 reg for use on resume (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add check to be sure amd-xgbe-phy driver is used (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Checkpatch fixes (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Checkpatch fixes (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] rename vlan_tx_* helpers since "tx" is misleading there (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] xgbe: convert to timecounter adjtime (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] time: move the timecounter/cyclecounter code into its own file (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Let AMD_XGBE_PHY depend on HAS_IOMEM (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use disable_irq_nosync when in IRQ context (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Prevent Tx cleanup stall (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Associate Tx SKB with proper ring descriptor (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Do not clear interrupt indicator (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: IRQ names require allocated memory (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] ethtool: Support for configurable RSS hash function (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for the skb->xmit_more flag (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Perform Tx coalescing on a packet basis (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove unused variable (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add BQL support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Separate Tx/Rx ring data fields into new structs (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Incorporate Smatch coding suggestion (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Tx engine must not be active before stopping it (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add a read memory barrier to Tx/Rx path (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: fix ->rss_hash_type (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix sparse endian warnings (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Check for complete packet on skb allocation error (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Free channel/ring structures later (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Let AMD_XGBE depend on HAS_IOMEM (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Sync PCS and PHY modes after reset (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix a spelling error (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add receive side scaling ethtool support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Provide support for receive side scaling (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for per DMA channel interrupts (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Implement split header receive support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use page allocations for Rx buffers (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use the u32 data type for descriptors (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Rename pre_xmit function to dev_xmit (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Move ring allocation to device open (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix napi Rx budget accounting (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Properly handle feature changes via ethtool (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Fix build break for missing declaration (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Enable interrupts for all management counters (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Treat certain counter registers as 64 bit (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Checkpatch driver fixes (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Checkpatch driver fixes (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Enhance parallel detection to support KR speed (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Check device for current speed mode (KR/KX) (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix initialization of the wrong spin lock (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use the Tx queue count for Tx flow control support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix the xpcs mmd debugfs support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Reported fifo size from hardware is not correct (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Check for Tx hardware queue flushing support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd: xgbe: fix duplicate #include of linux/phy.h (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Perform phy connect/disconnect at dev open/stop (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Use dma_set_mask_and_coherent to set DMA mask (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Allow more time for Rx/Tx to become ready (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove unnecessary spinlocks (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add traffic class support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Print out the auto-negotiation method used (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Updates to KR training initiation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe-phy: Updates to rate change complete check (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Base queue fifo size and enablement on ring count (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Update/fix 2.5GbE support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add hardware timestamp support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add dma-coherent to device bindings documentation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix error return code in xgbe_probe() (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove the adjustments needed for fixed speed (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Base AXI DMA cache settings on device tree (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Performance enhancements (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Call netif_napi_del on ndo_stop operation (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Clear the proper MTL interrupt register (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Fix debugfs compatibility change with kstrtouint (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Resolve checkpatch warning about sscanf usage (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Change destination address filtering support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Add support for VLAN filtering (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: VLAN Rx tag stripping fix (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: VLAN Tx tag insertion fix (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Make defines in xgbe.h unique (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: unwind on error in xgbe_mdio_register() (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Rename MAX_DMA_CHANNELS to avoid powerpc conflict (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: fix unused variable compilation warning in phylib driver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Remove unnecessary include (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Maintainer information (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Configuration and build support (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Initial AMD 10GbE phylib driver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: Initial AMD 10GbE platform driver (David Arcari) [1339783] - [netdrv] amd-xgbe: AMD 10GbE device bindings documentation (David Arcari) [1339783]- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add support for VF promiscuous mode (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: restore hw_addr on resume or error (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix AER error handling (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: handle race between close and suspend on shutdown (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Handle previously-freed msix_entries (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add spinlocks for MTU change calls (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix incorrect MAC address on load (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: only check Tx queue enablement when debugging (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: change hw_dbg to use netdev_dbg (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Commonize mailbox write/read (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add range checking for setting MTU (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Protect ixgbevf_reset_subtask from remove event (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add lock around ixgbevf_reinit_locked call (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add VF support for new hardware (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: bump version number (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix NACK check in ixgbevf_set_uc_addr_vf() (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: ixgbevf_write/read_posted_mbx should use IXGBE_ERR_MBX to initialize ret_val (Ken Cox) [1383525] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add PF support for VF promiscuous mode (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Implement support for firmware-controlled PHYs (Ken Cox) [1333482 1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Implement firmware interface to access some PHYs (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unused firmware version functions and method (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix issues with EEPROM access (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Configure advertised speeds correctly for KR/KX backplane (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix incorrect bitwise operations of PTP Rx timestamp flags (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix AER error handling (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: handle close/suspend race with netif_device_detach/present (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix reporting of 100Mb capability (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reduce I2C retry count on X550 devices (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add bounds check for x540 LED functions (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add mask for 64 RSS queues (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix check for ixgbe_phy_x550em_ext_t reset (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Report driver version to firmware for x550 devices (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not disable FEC from the driver (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Don't use lco_csum to compute IPv4 checksum (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ixgbe_atr() compute l4_proto only if non-paged data has network/transport headers (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ixgbe_atr() should access udp_hdr(skb) only for UDP packets (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct X550 phy ID (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X553 FW ALEF support (Ken Cox) [1371722 1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: set device if before calling get_invariants (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use link instead of I2C combined abstraction (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove SFP ixfi support (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Handle previously-freed msix_entries (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X553 PHY FC autoneg support (Ken Cox) [1371722 1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix link status check for copper X550em (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not use ixgbe specific mdio defines (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update setup PHY link to unset all speeds (Ken Cox) [1371722 1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support to retrieve and store LED link active (Ken Cox) [1371722 1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X552 iXFI configuration helper function (Ken Cox) [1371722 1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix panic when using macvlan with l2-fwd-offload enabled (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable tx queues after link up (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: reset before SRIOV init to avoid mailbox issues (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Support 4 queue RSS on VFs with 1 or 2 queue RSS on PF (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit reporting of redirection table if SR-IOV is enabled (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow setting multiple queues when SR-IOV is enabled (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use MDIO_PRTAD_NONE consistently (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Indicate support for pause frames in all cases (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve NULL reference by setting {read, write}_reg_mdi (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: make ixgbe_led_on/off_t_x550em static (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: simplify the logic for setting VLAN filtering (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ptp_clock: future-proofing drivers against PTP subsystem becoming optional (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for built-in or module (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for new X557 device (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add device to MDIO speed setting (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix led interface for X557 devices (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for geneve Rx offload (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fully disable hardware RSC logic when disabling RSC (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: report correct media type for KR, KX and KX4 interfaces (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not clear RAR entry when clearing VMDq for SAN MAC (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use atomic bitwise operations when handling reset requests (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: only check Tx queue enablement when debugging (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Re-enable ability to toggle VLAN filtering (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Force VLNCTRL.VFE to be set in all VMDq paths (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup crosstalk fix (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove redundant check on ret_val (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add missing destroy_workqueue() on error in ixgbe_init_module() (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix minor typo while freeing irq (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Change register variable to unsigned (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Correct parameter sent to LED function (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: napi_poll must return the work done (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fixup comments after "Future-proof tunnel offload handlers" (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct reporting of timestamping for x550 (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Use pci_(request|release)_mem_regions (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix VLAN features error (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Add support for GSO partial (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: Add support for bulk free in Tx cleanup & cleanup boolean logic (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add a callback to set the maximum transmit bitrate (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use eth_platform_get_mac_address() (Ken Cox) [1383524] - [netdrv] ixgbe: bulk free SKBs during TX completion cleanup cycle (Ken Cox) [1383524]- [net] bridge: set error code on failure (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: multicast: restore perm router ports on multicast enable (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add the multicast_flood flag attribute to brport_attrs (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add address and vlan to fdb warning messages (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] netfilter: bridge: clarify bridge/netfilter message (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add helper to call /sbin/bridge-stp (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add per-port multicast flood flag (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: change unicast boolean to exact pkt_type (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: don't increment tx_dropped in br_do_proxy_arp (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: re-introduce 'fix parsing of MLDv2 reports' (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: switchdev: Add forward mark support for stacked devices (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] switchdev: Support parent ID comparison for stacked devices (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] team: loadbalance: push lacpdus to exact delivery (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: export also pvid flag in the xstats flags (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: export vlan flags with the stats (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: consolidate bridge and port linkxstats calls (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] switchdev: Put export declaration in the right place (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Fix problems around fdb entries pointing to the bridge device (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Fix incorrect re-injection of LLDP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: br_set_ageing_time takes a clock_t (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix br_stp_enable_bridge comment (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] switchdev: change ageing_time type to clock_t (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: remove _deliver functions and consolidate forward code (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: drop skb2/skb0 variables and use a local_rcv boolean (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: rearrange flood vs unicast receive paths (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: minor style adjustments in br_handle_frame_finish (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: extend MLD/IGMP query stats (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] net_sched: fix mirrored packets checksum (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] ipv4: Fix ip_skb_dst_mtu to use the sk passed by ip_finish_output (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add support for IGMP/MLD stats and export them via netlink (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] rtnetlink: add support for the IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS_SLAVE attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix vlan stats continue counter (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Fix ipv6 mc snooping if bridge has no ipv6 address (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Fix incorrect re-injection of STP packets (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix igmp / mld query parsing (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix old ioctl unlocked net device walk (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: netlink: export per-vlan stats (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: vlan: learn to count (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] rtnetlink: add linkxstats callbacks and attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] rtnetlink: allow rtnl_fill_statsinfo to save private state counter (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix potential use-after-free when hook returns QUEUE or STOLEN verdict (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: mcast: add support for more router port information dumping (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: mcast: add support for temporary port router (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: mcast: do nothing if port's multicast_router is set to the same val (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: mcast: use names for the different multicast_router types (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] fix bridge multicast packet checksum validation (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: use kobj_to_dev instead of to_dev (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] netlink: Rightsize IFLA_AF_SPEC size calculation (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] inet: ip_skb_dst_mtu() should use sk_fullsock() (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Add br_netif_receive_skb remove netif_receive_skb_sk (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Introduce br_send_bpdu_finish (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix igmpv3 / mldv2 report parsing (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] netfilter: bridge: fix IPv6 packets not being bridged with CONFIG_IPV6=n (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] fix wrong skb_get() usage / crash in IGMP/MLD parsing code (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: netlink: account for the IFLA_BRPORT_PROXYARP_WIFI attribute size and policy (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: netlink: account for the IFLA_BRPORT_PROXYARP attribute size and policy (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Don't segment multiple tagged packets on bridge device (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: stp: when using userspace stp stop kernel hello and hold timers (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: mdb: notify on router port add and del (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Fix setting a flag in br_fill_ifvlaninfo_range(). (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: mcast: fix br_multicast_dev_del warn when igmp snooping is not defined (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: multicast: treat igmpv3 report with INCLUDE and no sources as a leave (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: multicast: add a comment to br_port_state_selection about blocking state (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: multicast: restore router configuration on port link down/up (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix multicast router rlist endless loop (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix br_multicast_query_expired() bug (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: skip fdb add if the port shouldn't learn (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: allow setting hash_max + multicast_router if interface is down (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: change BR_GROUPFWD_RESTRICTED to allow forwarding of LLDP frames (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] fix two sparse warnings introduced by IGMP/MLD parsing exports (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] Export IGMP/MLD message validation code (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: multicast: call skb_checksum_{simple_, }validate (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge/mdb: remove wrong use of NLM_F_MULTI (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] act_mirred: Fix bogus header when redirecting from VLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Extend Proxy ARP design to allow optional rules for Wi-Fi (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add compile-time assert for cb struct size (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] mark some potential candidates __read_mostly (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: reject DSA-enabled master netdevices as bridge members (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: use MDBA_SET_ENTRY_MAX for maxtype in nlmsg_parse() (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: only provide proxy ARP when CONFIG_INET is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Add ability to enable TSO (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Add missing policy entry for IFLA_BRPORT_FAST_LEAVE (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Add support for IEEE 802.11 Proxy ARP (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] udp_tunnel: Only build ip6_udp_tunnel.c when IPV6 is selected (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] dsa: reduce number of protocol hooks (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] br_multicast: Replace rcu_assign_pointer() with RCU_INIT_POINTER() (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: export knowledge about the presence of IGMP/MLD queriers (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: adding stubs for multicast exports (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix smatch warning / potential null pointer dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix compile error when compiling without IPv6 support (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: memorize and export selected IGMP/MLD querier port (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: un-comment br_multicast_list_adjacent() (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: adhere to querier election mechanism specified by RFCs (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] vlan: rename __vlan_find_dev_deep() to __vlan_find_dev_deep_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] netpoll: Remove gfp parameter from __netpoll_setup (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: Use ether_addr_copy and ETH_ALEN (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix netconsole setup over bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: use spin_lock_bh() in br_multicast_set_hash_max (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] netlink: cleanup rntl_af_register (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: change "foo* bar" to "foo *bar" (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: add space before '(/{', after ', ', etc. (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: remove unnecessary condition judgment (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] more spelling fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] revert "bridge: only expire the mdb entry when query is received" (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: update mdb expiration timer upon reports. (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: correct the comment for file br_sysfs_br.c (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix rcu check warning in multicast port group (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: cleanup netpoll code (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: do not call setup_timer() multiple times (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix some kernel warning in multicast timer (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: fix a typo in comments (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [net] bridge: only expire the mdb entry when query is received (Ivan Vecera) [1352289] - [netdrv] phy: Don't increment MDIO bus refcount unless it's a different owner (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed_phy: fix of_node leak in fixed_phy_unregister (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] revert "phy: IRQ cannot be shared" (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Manage fixed PHY address space using IDA (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed: Fix removal of phys (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Avoid polling PHY with PHY_IGNORE_INTERRUPTS (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fix PHY_RUNNING in phy_state_machine (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Fix phy_mac_interrupt() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed_phy: pass 'irq' to fixed_phy_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed_phy: Add gpio to determine link up/down. (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed_phy: handle link-down case (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: adjust fixed_phy_register() return value (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] revert "net: phy: Set the driver when registering an MDIO bus device" (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: resume phydev when going to RESUMING (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Check for aneg completion before setting state to PHY_RUNNING (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: Remove unnecessary condition check in phy (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: re-apply PHY fixups during phy_register_device (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: expose phy_aneg_done API for use by drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ethtool: export conversion function between u32 and link mode (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] mdio: Move mdiobus_read/write operatings into mdio.h (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Add nested variants of mdiobus read/write (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: add phy_device_remove() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed-phy: properly validate phy in fixed_phy_update_state() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] of_mdio: fix MDIO phy device refcounting (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: add proper phy struct device refcounting (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fix mdiobus module safety (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fix of_mdio_find_bus() device refcount leak (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: add fixed_phy_update_state() - update state of fixed_phy (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Allow FIXED_PHY to be modular (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: export fixed_phy_register() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: provide stub for fixed_phy_set_link_update (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fix sparse warning in fixed.c (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fixed: return an error for Clause 45 over 22 reads (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: extend fixed driver with fixed_phy_register() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: decouple PHY id and PHY address in fixed PHY driver (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Ensure the MDIO bus module is held (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: Set the driver when registering an MDIO bus device (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] mdio_bus: fix devm_mdiobus_alloc_size export (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] mdio_bus: implement devm_mdiobus_alloc/devm_mdiobus_free (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: allow driver to implement their own aneg_done (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: add genphy_aneg_done() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: cleanup 10g code (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: Support attaching to generic 10g driver (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: Add generic 10G driver (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: turn genphy_driver to an array (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: introduce PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_XGMII for 10G PHY (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: Add Clause 45 read/write functions (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: make phy_scan_fixups() static (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: remove unused adjust_state() callback (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: kill excess empty lines (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: kill excess code (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: kill useless local variables (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: coding style fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: coding style fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: IRQ cannot be shared (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fix checkpatch errors (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: suspend phydev when going to HALTED (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: resume/suspend PHYs on attach/detach (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: provide phy_resume/phy_suspend helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: consolidate PHY reset in phy_init_hw() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: use phy_init_hw instead of open-coding it (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: allow drivers to flag a PHY device as internal (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: add phy_mac_interrupt() to use with PHY_IGNORE_INTERRUPT (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phy: fix the use of PHY_IGNORE_INTERRUPT (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] phylib: queue work on system_power_efficient_wq (Ivan Vecera) [1382040]- [fs] fsnotify: Remove fsnotify_duplicate_mark() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: Fix possible use-after-free in inode iteration on umount (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: constify the places working with ->f_path (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] constify fsnotify_parent() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: constify 'data' (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: constify 'data' passed to ->handle_event() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: clean up spinlock assertions (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: fix possible false warning when freeing events (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: use notification_lock instead of access_lock (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: convert notification_mutex to a spinlock (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: drop notification_mutex before destroying event (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: support overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: avoid spurious EMFILE errors from inotify_init() (Miklos Szeredi) [1421964] - [fs] fsnotify: turn fsnotify reaper thread into a workqueue job (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fs/notify/inode_mark.c: use list_next_entry in fsnotify_unmount_inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] inotify: actually check for invalid bits in sys_inotify_add_watch() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] inotify: hide internal kernel bits from fdinfo (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: get rid of fsnotify_destroy_mark_locked() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: remove mark->free_list (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: document mark locking (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: fix check in inotify fdinfo printing (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] notify: optimize inotify/fsnotify code for unwatched files (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: remove obsolete documentation (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] notify: don't use module_init for non-modular inotify_user code (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: fix event filtering with FAN_ONDIR set (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: don't set FAN_ONDIR implicitly on a marks ignored mask (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: don't recalculate a marks mask if only the ignored mask changed (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: only destroy mark when both mask and ignored_mask are cleared (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] sched, fanotify: Deal with nested sleeps (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: remove destroy_list from fsnotify_mark (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: unify inode and mount marks handling (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] sched, inotify: Deal with nested sleeps (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: enable close-on-exec on events' fd when requested in fanotify_init() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: don't put user context if it was never assigned (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fs/notify/group.c: make fsnotify_final_destroy_group() static (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] notify: don't show f_handle if exportfs_encode_inode_fh failed (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify/fdinfo: use named constants instead of hardcoded values (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] inotify: convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: check file flags passed in fanotify_init (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fs/notify/fanotify/fanotify_user.c: fix FAN_MARK_FLUSH flag checking (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fs/notify/mark.c: trivial cleanup (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: fan_mark_flush: avoid having to provide a fake/invalid fd and path (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: move unrelated handling from copy_event_to_user() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: reorganize loop in fanotify_read() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fsnotify: update comments concerning locking scheme (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] inotify: fix race when adding a new watch (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] dnotify: replace dnotify_mark_mutex with mark mutex of dnotify_group (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: put duplicate code for adding vfsmount/inode marks into an own function (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: fix races when adding/removing marks (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] fanotify: quit wanking with FASYNC in ->release() (Miklos Szeredi) [1427454] - [fs] devpts: clean up interface to pty drivers (Miklos Szeredi) [1421008] - [fs] devpts: if initialization failed, don't crash when opening /dev/ptmx (Miklos Szeredi) [1421008]- [fs] xfs: undo block reservation correctly in xfs_trans_reserve() (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: reset b_first_retry_time when clear the retry status of xfs_buf_t (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: clear _XBF_PAGES from buffers when readahead page (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: don't wrap ID in xfs_dq_get_next_id (Eric Sandeen) [1425557 1418182 1405626] - [fs] xfs: don't print warnings when xfs_log_force fails (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: fix max_retries _show and _store functions (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: ignore leaf attr ichdr.count in verifier during log replay (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: pass state not whichfork to trace_xfs_extlist (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: set AGI buffer type in xlog_recover_clear_agi_bucket (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: fix unbalanced inode reclaim flush locking (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: check minimum block size for CRC filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: fix up xfs_swap_extent_forks inline extent handling (Eric Sandeen) [1425557 1412945] - [fs] xfs: don't call xfs_sb_quota_from_disk twice (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: clean up _calc_dquots_per_chunk (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: normalize "infinite" retries in error configs (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: fix signed integer overflow (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] xfs: fix superblock inprogress check (Eric Sandeen) [1425557] - [fs] gfs2: Avoid alignment hole in struct lm_lockname (Robert S Peterson) [1425450] - [fs] gfs2: Add missing rcu locking for glock lookup (Robert S Peterson) [1425450] - [fs] nfs: Ignore connections that have cl_rpcclient uninitialized (Benjamin Coddington) [1421557] - [fs] nfsv4: fix getacl ERANGE for some ACL buffer sizes ("J. Bruce Fields") [1427974] - [fs] nfsv4: fix getacl head length estimation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1427974] - [fs] sunrpc: replace generic auth_cred hash with auth-specific function (Frank Sorenson) [1371693] - [fs] sunrpc: add RPCSEC_GSS hash_cred() function (Frank Sorenson) [1371693] - [fs] sunrpc: add auth_unix hash_cred() function (Frank Sorenson) [1371693] - [fs] sunrpc: add generic_auth hash_cred() function (Frank Sorenson) [1371693] - [fs] sunrpc: add hash_cred() function to rpc_authops struct (Frank Sorenson) [1371693]- [netdrv] scripts/spelling.txt: add "varible" pattern and fix typo instances (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Invoke softirqs after napi_reschedule (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove duplicate device id from PCI table (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: mark the value passed to csum_replace_by_diff as __wsum (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Error handling for link event (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: properly convert le16 value to CPU format (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: convert to cpu from le16 to generate switch_id correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor AQ CMD buffer debug printing (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Adaptive ITR enabling (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary call to i40e_update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: enable mc magic pkt wakeup during power down (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix disable overflow promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Save more link abilities when using ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid race condition when sending filters to firmware for addition (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: allow i40e_update_filter_state to skip broadcast filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't warn every time we clear an Rx timestamp register (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Save link FEC info from link up event (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add bus number info to i40e_bus_info struct (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Clean up dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf : Changed version from 1.6.25 to 1.6.27 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: update comment explaining where FDIR buffers are freed (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: eliminate i40e_pull_tail() (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Moves skb from i40e_rx_buffer to i40e_ring (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Limit DMA sync of RX buffers to actual packet size (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't check params until after checking for client instance (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: add interrupt rate limit verbosity (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor macro INTRL_USEC_TO_REG (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unused function (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Quick refactor to start moving data off stack and into Tx buffer info (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary __packed (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Deprecating unused macro (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: when adding or removing MAC filters, correctly handle VLANs (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid O(n^2) loop when deleting all filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: rename i40e_put_mac_in_vlan and i40e_del_mac_all_vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: no need to check is_vsi_in_vlan before calling i40e_del_mac_all_vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fold the i40e_is_vsi_in_vlan check into i40e_put_mac_in_vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't allow i40e_vsi_(add|kill)_vlan to operate when VID<1 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't truncate match_method assignment (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: move all updates for VLAN mode into i40e_sync_vsi_filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: use (add|rm)_vlan_all_mac helper functions when changing PVID (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: factor out addition/deletion of VLAN per each MAC address (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: delete filter after adding its replacement when converting (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor i40e_update_filter_state to avoid passing aq_err (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: recalculate vsi->active_filters from hash contents (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: defeature support for PTP L4 frame detection on XL710 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: lock service task correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add functions which apply correct PHY access method for read and write operation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add FEC for 25g (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for 25G devices (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: use unsigned printf format specifier for active_filters count (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] Changed version from 1.6.21 to 1.6.25 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Blink LED on 1G BaseT boards (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove code to handle dev_addr specially (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: napi_poll must return the work done (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: restore workaround for removing default MAC filter (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: simplify txd use count calculation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Driver prints log message on link speed change (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: change message to only appear when extra debug info is wanted (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: replace for memcpy with single memcpy call in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: set broadcast promiscuous mode for each active VLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for ethtool Supported link modes (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Pass unknown PHY type for unknown PHYs (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove unreachable code (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix panic on SPARC while changing num of desc (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add protocols over MCTP to i40e_aq_discover_capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix trivial typo in naming of i40e_sync_filters_subtask (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add Clause22 implementation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid duplicate private flags definitions (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove second check of VLAN_N_VID in i40e_vlan_rx_add_vid (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove error_param_int label from i40e_vc_config_promiscuous_mode_msg (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Be much more verbose about what we can and cannot offload (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: removed unreachable code (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Implementation of ERROR state for NVM update state machine (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for division by zero (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: clear mac filter count on reset (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Reorder logic for coalescing RS bits (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add common function for finding VSI by type (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: replace PTP Rx timestamp hang logic (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: use a mutex instead of spinlock in PTP user entry points (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: correct check for reading TSYNINDX from the receive descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove duplicate add/delete adminq command code for filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid looping to check whether we're in VLAN mode (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix MAC filters when removing VLANs (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: properly cleanup on allocation failure in i40e_sync_vsi_filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: store MAC/VLAN filters in a hash with the MAC Address as key (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: implement __i40e_del_filter and use where applicable (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: When searching all MAC/VLAN filters, ignore removed filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor i40e_put_mac_in_vlan to avoid changing f->vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: move i40e_put_mac_in_vlan and i40e_del_mac_all_vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: make use of __dev_uc_sync and __dev_mc_sync (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: drop is_vf and is_netdev fields in struct i40e_mac_filter (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add missing \n to end of dev_err message (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: disable MSI-X interrupts if we cannot reserve enough vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix configure TCs after initial DCB disable (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Clean up handling of msglevel flags and debug parameter (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix bit logic error in failure case (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Changed version from 1.6.19 to 1.6.21 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Removal of workaround for simple MAC address filter deletion (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for long link down notification time (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop redundant Rx descriptor processing code (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix confusing dmesg info for ethtool -L option (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Make struct i40e_stats const (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Changed version from 1.6.16 to 1.6.19 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix interrupt affinity bug (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: group base mode VF offload flags (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: reopen client after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop code for unsupported flow types (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove unused function i40e_vsi_lookup (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Bit test mask correction (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Rewrite Flow Director busy wait loop (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix client interaction (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid NULL pointer dereference and recursive errors on early PCI error (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix sideband flow director vector allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix MSI-X vector redistribution if hw limit is reached (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: check if vectors are already depleted when doing VMDq allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40evf: support queue-specific settings for interrupt moderation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't configure zero-size RSS table (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Strip out debugfs hook for Flow Director filter programming (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Split Flow Director descriptor config into separate function (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add txring_txq function to match fm10k and ixgbe (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Flow Director raw_buf cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Increase minimum number of allocated VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Changed version to 1.6.16 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: removing unreachable code (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: check conflicting ntuple/sideband rules when re-enabling ATR (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: cleanup ATR auto_disable_flags use (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: add encap csum VF offload flag (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix deleting mac filters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove 100 Mbps SGMII support for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Limit TX descriptor count in cases where frag size is greater than 16K (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for extra byte swap in tunnel setup (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix to check for NULL (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: return correct opcode to VF (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix "dump port" command when NPAR enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix setting user defined RSS hash key (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] ptp_clock: future-proofing drivers against PTP subsystem becoming optional (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix kernel panic on enable/disable LLDP (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove XSTRINGIFY macro definitions and uses (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: use matching format identifiers (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for HMC resource and profile for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix byte ordering in ARP NS code for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor tail_bump check (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: use alloc_workqueue instead of create_singlethread_workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Expose 'trust' flag to userspace via ndo_get_vf_config (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove a stray unlock (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf-Bump version from 1.6.11 to 1.6.12 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Allow RSS Hash set with less than four parameters (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix memory leak (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix lookup table when RSS disabled/enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Don't notify client of VF reset during VF creation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't allow reduction of channels below active FD rules (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix static analysis tool warning (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: reset RX csum error stat with other pf stats (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Reset VLAN filter count when resetting (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a bug where a client close can be called before an open is complete (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Use list_move instead of list_del/list_add (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Use pci_(request|release)_mem_regions (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Explicitly write platform-specific mac address after PF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: add missing link advertise setting (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf-bump version to 1.6.11 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor Rx filter handling (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove device ID 0x37D4 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove useless initializer (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix to show correct Advertised Link Modes when link is down (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid null pointer dereference (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: use valid online CPU on q_vector initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: enable VSI broadcast promiscuous mode instead of adding broadcast filter (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix i40e_rx_checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version from 1.5.16 to 1.6.4 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: add VSI info to macaddr messages (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: set default VSI without a reset (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix RSS to not be limited by the number of CPUs (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Removing unnecessary code which caused supported link mode bug (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix missing DA cable check (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Save PCI state before suspend (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Clean up MSIX IRQs before suspend (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add a call to set the client interface down (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: write HENA for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: add hw struct local variable (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: add functions to control default VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Move all UDP port notifiers to single function (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix an uninitialized variable bug (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version from 1.5.10 to 1.5.16 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: don't add broadcast filter for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: properly report Rx packet hash (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: set context to use VSI RSS LUT for SR-IOV (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Correct UDP packet header for non_tunnel-ipv6 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: change Rx hang message into a WARN_ONCE (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Refactor ethtool get_settings (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: lie to the VF (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add vf-true-promisc-support priv flag (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Implement the API function for aq_set_switch_config (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for disabling all link and change bits needed for PHY interactions (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fix misleading indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Test memory before ethtool alloc succeeds (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove unused hardware receive descriptor code (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40evf: Drop packet split receive routine (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Refactor receive routine (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove reference to ring->dtype (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop packet split receive routine (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor tunnel interpretation (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for GSO partial with UDP_TUNNEL_CSUM and GRE_CSUM (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: make use of BIT() macro to prevent left shift of signed values (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix I40E_MASK signed shift overflow warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: keep VFs trusted by default (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fixup of commit 4e312a9e3b (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fixup of commit f77ccd1220 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: fixup of commit e306fbc5e1 (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40e: remove RHEL-only FCOE message (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521] - [netdrv] i40iw: remove tech-preview (Stefan Assmann) [1374546 1390452 1390449 1385344 1384456 1378964 1371500 1348490 1383521]- [kernel] acpi / hotplug / pci: Make device_is_managed_by_native_pciehp() public (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] acpi / hotplug / pci: Use cached copy of PCI_EXP_SLTCAP_HPC bit (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Unfold conditions to block runtime PM on PCIe ports (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Consolidate conditions to allow runtime PM on PCIe ports (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Activate runtime PM on a PCIe port only if it can suspend (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Speed up algorithm in pci_bridge_d3_update() (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Autosense device removal in pci_bridge_d3_update() (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Don't acquire ref on parent in pci_bridge_d3_update() (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] pciehp: Clear attention LED on device add (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Fix bridge_d3 update on device removal (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] acpi / hotplug / pci: Runtime resume bridges before bus rescans (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] pciehp: Ignore interrupts during D3cold (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Add runtime PM support for PCIe ports (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Power on bridges before scanning new devices (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [kernel] pci: Put PCIe ports into D3 during suspend (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Don't clear d3cold_allowed for PCIe ports (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] pci / pm: Tune down retryable runtime suspend error messages (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [acpi] invoke acpi_device_wakeup() with correct parameters (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [pci] Shuffle pci-acpi.c functions to group them logically (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [acpi] acpi / pm: Always enable wakeup GPEs when enabling device wakeup (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [kernel] acpi / pm: Revork the handling of ACPI device wakeup notifications (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [kernel] pm: Create PM workqueue if runtime PM is not configured too (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [kernel] acpi: Clean up inclusions of ACPI header files (Myron Stowe) [1418060] - [kernel] tracing: Fix return value of ftrace_raw_output_prep() (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: remove unused ftrace_output_event() prototype (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Fix hwlat kthread migration (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Have max_latency be defined for HWLAT_TRACER as well (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: #ifdef out uses of max trace when CONFIG_TRACER_MAX_TRACE is not set (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Add NMI tracing in hwlat detector (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Have hwlat trace migrate across tracing_cpumask CPUs (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Add documentation for hwlat_detector tracer (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Added hardware latency tracer (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Make tracing_cpumask available for all instances (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Set up infrastructure to allow tracers for instances (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Move tracing_max_latency into trace_array (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Pass trace_array to flag_changed callback (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Pass trace_array to set_flag callback (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Add trace_seq_has_overflowed() and trace_handle_return() (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Move raw output code from macro to standalone function (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Add entry->next_cpu to trace_ctxwake_bin() (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] tracing: Use trace_seq_puts()/trace_seq_putc() where possible (Pratyush Anand) [1365958] - [kernel] x86/xen/kdump: Replace CONFIG_KEXEC with CONFIG_KEXEC_CORE (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] revert "x86/panic: Replace CONFIG_KEXEC_CORE with CONFIG_KEXEC" (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: move some memembers and definitions within the scope of CONFIG_KEXEC_FILE (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: split kexec_load syscall from kexec core code (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: split kexec_file syscall code to kexec_file.c (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] use macros from compiler.h instead of __attribute__((...)) (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec, kconfig: spell "architecture" properly (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: simplify conditional (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: remove never used member destination in kimage (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: fix a typo in comment (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: allocate the kexec control page with KEXEC_CONTROL_MEMORY_GFP (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: remove unnecessary KERN_ERR from kexec.c (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: remove the unused function parameter (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [kernel] kexec: take the segment adding out of locate_mem_hole functions (Xunlei Pang) [1415443] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: validate SCTP crc32c in PREROUTING (Davide Caratti) [1353218] - [net] netfilter: select LIBCRC32C together with SCTP conntrack (Davide Caratti) [1353218] - [net] netfilter: nat: skip checksum on offload SCTP packets (Davide Caratti) [1401578] - [net] dccp: fix freeing skb too early for IPV6_RECVPKTINFO (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1423463] {CVE-2017-6074} - [scsi] lpfc: Fix eh_deadline setting for sli3 adapters (Ewan Milne) [1366564] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix a print at driver exit and change version string (Tomas Henzl) [1417040] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updating driver version to v15.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [1417040] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix Firmware fault state 0x2100 during heavy 4K RR FIO stress test (Tomas Henzl) [1417040] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix for Crusader to achieve product targets with SAS devices (Tomas Henzl) [1417040] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added print to notify cable running at a degraded speed (Tomas Henzl) [1417040] - [scsi] mpt3sas: disable ASPM for MPI2 controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1417040] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Force request partial completion alignment (Tomas Henzl) [1418286] - [scsi] libfc: Don't have fc_exch_find log errors on a new exchange (Chris Leech) [1378320] - [net-next] treewide: use is_vlan_dev() helper function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1385134] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Mark symbols static where possible (Maurizio Lombardi) [1385134] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Simplify code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1385134]- [md] dm round robin: revert "use percpu 'repeat_count' and 'current_path'" (Mike Snitzer) [1422567] - [md] dm rq: cope with DM device destruction while in dm_old_request_fn() (Mike Snitzer) [1412854] - [x86] ptp_kvm: try to detect hypercall availability (Marcelo Tosatti) [1419783] - [x86] ptp: add kvm PTP driver (Marcelo Tosatti) [1419783] - [x86] kvm: x86: add KVM_HC_CLOCK_PAIRING hypercall (Marcelo Tosatti) [1419783] - [x86] kvmclock: export kvmclock clocksource pointer (Marcelo Tosatti) [1419783] - [x86] perf/x86/amd/uncore: Update sysfs attributes for Family17h processors (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1391664 1391662] - [x86] perf/x86/amd/uncore: Update the number of uncore counters (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1391664 1391662] - [x86] perf/x86/amd/uncore: Rename 'L2' to 'LLC' (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1391664 1391662] - [fs] binfmt_elf.c:load_elf_binary(): return -EINVAL on zero-length mappings (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [kernel] mm: fold arch_randomize_brk into ARCH_HAS_ELF_RANDOMIZE (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [fs] mm: split ET_DYN ASLR from mmap ASLR (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [s390] redefine randomize_et_dyn for ELF_ET_DYN_BASE (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [kernel] mm: expose arch_mmap_rnd when available (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [s390] standardize mmap_rnd() usage (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [s390] mmap: randomize mmap base for bottom up direction (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [powerpc] standardize mmap_rnd() usage (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [x86] standardize mmap_rnd() usage (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [fs] binfmt_elf.c: fix bug in loading of PIE binaries (Bhupesh Sharma) [1415893] - [lib] locking/spinlock/debug: Remove spinlock lockup detection code (Waiman Long) [1425209] - [tools] cpupower: Fix no-rounding MHz frequency output (Prarit Bhargava) [1427742] - [crypto] mcryptd - Check mcryptd algorithm compatibility (Herbert Xu) [1402133] {CVE-2016-10147} - [crypto] mcryptd - process CRYPTO_ALG_INTERNAL (Herbert Xu) [1402133] {CVE-2016-10147} - [crypto] vmx - Fix memory corruption caused by p8_ghash (Gustavo Duarte) [1403693] - [crypto] ghash-generic - move common definitions to a new header file (Gustavo Duarte) [1403693] - [crypto] vmx - Increase priority of aes-cbc cipher (Gustavo Duarte) [1403693] - [crypto] vmx - Fix ABI detection (Gustavo Duarte) [1403693] - [crypto] vmx - comply with ABIs that specify vrsave as reserved (Gustavo Duarte) [1403693] - [crypto] vmx - fix null dereference in p8_aes_xts_crypt (Gustavo Duarte) [1391563] - [crypto] vmx - Fix aes_p8_xts_decrypt build failure (Gustavo Duarte) [1391563] - [crypto] vmx - Adding asm subroutines for XTS (Gustavo Duarte) [1391563] - [crypto] vmx - Adding support for XTS (Gustavo Duarte) [1391563] - [kernel] printk: Do not disable preemption for accessing printk_func (Scott Wood) [1427305] - [firmware] dmi_scan: add SBMIOS entry and DMI tables (Prarit Bhargava) [1386195] - [firmware] efi: dmi: List SMBIOS3 table before SMBIOS table (Prarit Bhargava) [1386195] - [platform] x86: thinkpad_acpi: Initialize local in_tablet_mode and type (Lyude Paul) [1389438] - [platform] x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for X1 Yoga (2016) Tablet Mode (Lyude Paul) [1389438] - [platform] x86: thinkpad_acpi: Move tablet detection into separate function (Lyude Paul) [1389438]- [documentation] x86/boot: Fix KASLR and memmap= collision (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86, boot: Fix warning due to undeclared strlen() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/mm: Refactor KASLR entropy functions (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/power/64: Use __pa() for physical address computation (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/power/64: Always create temporary identity mapping correctly (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/power/64: Do not refer to __PAGE_OFFSET from assembly code (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/kaslr, x86/power: Remove x86 hibernation restrictions (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/power/64: Fix kernel text mapping corruption during image restoration (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/asm, x86/power/hibernate: Use local labels in asm (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/doc: Correct limits in Documentation/x86/x86_64/mm.txt (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [documentation] x86/kaslr: Fix typo in the KASLR_FLAG documentation (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] 64: Disable the mm track code during boot stage (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] __force_order doesn't need to be an actual variable (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Fix boot crash with certain memory configurations (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Allow randomization below the load address (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Extend kernel image physical address randomization to addresses larger than 4G (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Randomize virtual address separately (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Clarify identity map interface (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Refuse to build with data relocations (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Clarify purpose of each get_random_long() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Add virtual address choosing function (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Return earliest overlap when avoiding regions (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Add 'struct slot_area' to manage random_addr slots (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Add missing file header comments (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Initialize mapping_info every time (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Comment what finalize_identity_maps() does (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Build identity mappings on demand (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Split out kernel_ident_mapping_init() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Clean up indenting for asm/boot.h (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Double BOOT_HEAP_SIZE to 64KB (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Improve comments around the mem_avoid[] logic (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Simplify pointer casting in choose_random_location() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Consolidate mem_avoid[] entries (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Clean up pointer casting (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Warn on future overlapping memcpy() use (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Extract error reporting functions (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Correctly bounds-check relocations (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Clean up unused code from old 'run_size' and rename it to 'kernel_total_size' (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Fix "run_size" calculation (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Calculate decompression size during boot not build (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Move compressed kernel to the end of the decompression buffer (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] mm: Page align the '_end' symbol to avoid pfn conversion bugs (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Handle kernel relocations above 2G correctly (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Rename overlapping memcpy() to memmove() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Warn when KASLR is disabled (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Make memcpy() handle overlaps (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Clean up things used by decompressors (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Drop CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE_MAX_OFFSET (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Update description for decompressor worst case size (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Rename "random" to "random_addr" (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Clarify purpose of kaslr.c (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Clarify purpose of functions in misc.c (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Rename "real_mode" to "boot_params" (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Remove unneeded boot_params argument (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Rename aslr.c to kaslr.c (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Don't compile early_serial_console.c when !CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Don't compile aslr.c when !CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Use the usual -y -n mechanism for objects in vmlinux (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [lib] decompressors: use real out buf size for gunzip with kernel (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [lib] decompressors: fix "no limit" output buffer length (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [lib] initramfs: support initramfs that is bigger than 2GiB (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [lib] decompress_inflate.c: include appropriate header file (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Add hex output for debugging (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: fix build due to missing ALIGN definition (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] introduce kaslr_offset() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] mm/kaslr: Propagate KASLR status to kernel proper (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] revert "x86/mm/aslr: Propagate base load address calculation" (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] asm/boot/64: Use __BOOT_TSS instead of literal $0x20 (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] mm/aslr: Avoid PAGE_SIZE redefinition for UML subarch (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] mm/aslr: Propagate base load address calculation (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] asm/boot: Use already defined KEEP_SEGMENTS macro in head_{32, 64}.S (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] build: replace Perl script with Shell script (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Skip relocs when load address unchanged (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] Use $(OBJDUMP) instead of plain objdump (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Handle Gold linker for finding bss/brk (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] x86-64: Use RIP-relative addressing for most per-CPU accesses (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] x86-64: Handle PC-relative relocations on per-CPU data (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Prevent .bss from overlaping initrd (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Document intermediates more clearly (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot, kaslr: Fix nuisance warning on 32-bit builds (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Avoid the setup_data area when picking location (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [kernel] x86, kaslr: boot-time selectable with hibernation (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [kernel] pm / hibernate: introduce "nohibernate" boot parameter (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: fix module lock ordering problem (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: randomize module base load address (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] mm/arch: use NUMA_NO_NODE (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: add missed "static" declarations (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: export offset in VMCOREINFO ELF notes (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Clarify RANDOMIZE_BASE_MAX_OFFSET (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Remove unused including (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Use char array to gain sizeof sanity (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Add a circular multiply for better bit diffusion (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Mix entropy sources together as needed (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] relocs: Add percpu fixup for GNU ld 2.23 (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Rename get_flags() and check_flags() to *_cpuflags() (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Raise the maximum virtual address to -1 GiB on x86_64 (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Report kernel offset on panic (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Select random position from e820 maps (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Provide randomness functions (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] kaslr: Return location from decompress_kernel (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] boot: Move CPU flags out of cpucheck (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] relocs: Add more per-cpu gold special cases (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] mkpiggy.c: Explicitly close the output file (Baoquan He) [1290840] - [x86] relocs: Move ELF relocation handling to C (Baoquan He) [1290840]- [kernel] tasklist_lock: Change from rwlock_t to qrwlock_t (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] qrwlock: Build wrapper headers and functions on top of qrwlock (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qrwlock: Reduce reader/writer to reader lock transfer latency (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qrwlock: Better optimization for interrupt context readers (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qrwlock: Rename functions to queued_*() (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qrwlock: Don't contend with readers when setting _QW_WAITING (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qrwlock: Rename QUEUE_RWLOCK to QUEUED_RWLOCKS (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] x86, locking/rwlocks: Enable qrwlocks on x86 (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/rwlocks: Introduce 'qrwlocks' - fair, queued rwlocks (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Block kernel module loading on old kernel (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Handle ticket unlock code in old kernel modules (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Maintain same kABI signature as ticket locks (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Fix double hash race (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Fix spin_unlock_wait() some more (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvstat: Separate wait_again and spurious wakeup stats (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking, qspinlock: Fix spin_is_locked() and spin_unlock_wait() (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Fix division by zero in qstat_read() (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Move __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED to qspinlock_types.h (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] x86/locking: Create stack frame in PV unlock (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Queue node adaptive spinning (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Allow limited lock stealing (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Collect slowpath lock statistics (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock, x86: Optimize the PV unlock code path (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Avoid redundant read of next pointer (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Prefetch the next node cacheline (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Kick the PV CPU unconditionally when _Q_SLOW_VAL (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Fix performance regression under unaccelerated VMs (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Only kick CPU at unlock time (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Order pv_unhash() after cmpxchg() on unlock slowpath (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking: Clean up pvqspinlock warning (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Fix kernel panic in locking-selftest (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Rename QUEUED_SPINLOCK to QUEUED_SPINLOCKS (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: replace xchg() by the more descriptive set_mb() (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock, x86: Enable PV qspinlock for Xen (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock, x86: Enable PV qspinlock for KVM (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock, x86: Implement the paravirt qspinlock call patching (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/pvqspinlock: Implement simple paravirt support for the qspinlock (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Revert to test-and-set on hypervisors (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Use a simple write to grab the lock (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Optimize for smaller NR_CPUS (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Extract out code snippets for the next patch (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Add pending bit (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock, x86: Enable x86-64 to use queued spinlocks (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] locking/qspinlock: Introduce a simple generic 4-byte queued spinlock (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] percpu: Make __verify_pcu_ptr handle per cpu pointers to arrays (Waiman Long) [1241990] - [kernel] compiler: Allow 1- and 2-byte smp_load_acquire() and smp_store_release() (Waiman Long) [1241990]- [sound] alsa: remove unused dmaengine bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Replace MBI_REG_READ with constant 0x10 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-midi: correct speed checking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: correct speed checking (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Allow 32 bit sample format in IEC958 channel status helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pcm: add IEC958 channel status helper for hw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: set sel_i2s_pre_div1 to 2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5645 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add ACPI ID 10EC5640 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: add DAC1 soft volume func control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: set RT5645_PRIV_INDEX as volatile (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: fix reg-2f default value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: patch reg-0x8a (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rl6347a: Use dev_err for I2C communication error prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on ssm4567 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on ssm2518 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on sn95031 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: Add missing 10EC5072 ACPI ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: Enable Braswell platform workaround for Dell Wyse 3040 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: increse LDO power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: Enable MCLK detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5670 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: patch reg-0x8a (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5670: fix HP Playback Volume control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5651 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: polling jd status in all conditions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5645: Add dmi_system_id "Google Setzer" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: add Mono ADC Capture Switch control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: enable MCLK detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt5640: add internal clock source support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt5640 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on rt286 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rt286: set combo jack for Kabylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: rl6231: add 19.2M to 4.096M pll preset table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: fix invalid configuration in Pre-Scalar of FLL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: correct the function name of register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: disable sinc filter for high THD of ADC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: lock longer to avoid playback pop upon resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: FLL parameters finetune (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: AD/DA over sampling rate configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: Disable short Frame Sync detection logic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: fix bug in FLL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on nau8825 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: fix static check error about semaphone control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: fix bug in playback when suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: drop redundant idiom when converting integer to boolean (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: jack connection decision with different insertion logic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: mark pm functions __maybe_unused (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: cross talk suppression measurement function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: correct typo in biquad filter coefficients (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: non-clock jack detection for power saving at standby (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: add programmable biquad filter control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: Export I2C module alias information (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: assign DAC Ch to match headset L/R (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: change output power for interrupt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: reduce standby power consumption (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: improve FLL function for better performance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: nau8825: support different clock source for FLL function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on wm98357a (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: fix spelling mistake "montior" -> "monitor" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add device id for Kabylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Increase loglevel of hex dump printed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Fix potential NULL dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Remove the unused 'timeout' variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: add link management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Potential NULL deref in hdac_hdmi_get_spk_alloc() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Register chmap controls and ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: Add multichannel support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: hdac_hdmi: parse eld for channel map capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: codec duplicated callback function goes to component on dmic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: Add component pin control functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dpcm: Avoid putting stream state to STOP when FE stream is paused (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Make return type of dpcm_state_string() const char * (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dpcm: print dai_link name of BE other than FE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dpcm: Don't apply symmetry for BE with hw param fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dpcm: play nice with CODEC<->CODEC links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: fix shift used for second item in snd_soc_get_enum_double (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Implement stereo mixer control support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Support second register for DAPM control updates (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Fix kcontrol creation for output driver widget (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Fix value setting for _ENUM_DOUBLE MUX's second channel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Fix possible uninitialized variable in snd_soc_dapm_get_volsw() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Fix typos in comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Add a dummy snd_pcm_runtime to avoid NULL pointer access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Export snd_soc_dapm_new_control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: Fix to return correct path list in is_connected_ep (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: dapm: support user-defined stop condition in dai_get_connected_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Add support for compress dai ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Fix leak of a widget list in soc_compr_open_fe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: compress: Pass error out of soc_compr_pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: adjust for graph on snd_soc_of_parse_audio_simple_widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: adjust for graph on snd_soc_of_parse_card_name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: adjust for graph on snd_soc_of_parse_audio_prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: snd_soc_get_dai_name() become non static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: soc-core: adjust for graph on snd_soc_of_parse_audio_routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: If a platform doesn't have an of_node use parent's node (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: Clean up DAPM before the card debugfs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Fix leak of rtd in soc_bind_dai_link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: remove codec duplicated callback function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: use of_property_read_bool (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Add kerneldoc comments for snd_soc_find_dai (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Export snd_soc_find_dai() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Define API to find a dai link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Fix binding and probing of auxiliary components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: add Component level suspend/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: replace aux_comp_list to component_dev_list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: bump PCM protocol to 2.0.13 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: Provide a CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW timestamp type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Update physical DAI link configuration for version 5 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Rename be_dai_elems to dai_elems in manifest (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: kfree kcontrol->private_value before freeing kcontrol (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: avoid uninitialized kcontrol_type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Only free TLV for volume mixers of a widget (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Allow a widget to have multiple enum controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Check name strings of physical DAI links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Add voice wake up flag for DAI links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Rename functions & variables for physical DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Rename struct and type for physical DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Rename the function to create a FE link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Add support to configure existing physical DAI links (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Add flags and private data to PCM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Only use valid names of PCM for the kernel DAI & DAI link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Make PCM backward compatible from ABI v4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Make manifest backward compatible from ABI v4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Fix error return code in soc_tplg_dapm_widget_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Add support for configuring existing BE DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Fix memory leak in widget creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Check size mismatch of ABI objects before parsing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Check failure to create a widget (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Set CPU DAI name and enable DPCM by default for FE link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Support topology file of ABI v4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Define DAI physical PCM data formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Reenable use from userspace (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Add sig_bits to stream caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Add the types for BE DAI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: Set the link ID when creating a FE DAI link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: topology: ABI - Define types for vendor tuples (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Cannot adjust speaker's volume on a Dell AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - add sanity check to force the separate stream tags (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix Lewisburg audio issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/patch_sigmatel: Add AmigaOne X1000 pinconfigs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Always setup isochronous transfer properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add support headphone Mic for ALC221 of HP platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codec support of ALC1220 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Make single_cmd option to stop the fallback mechanism (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb: Constify snd_rawmidi_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pci: Constify snd_rawmidi_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: Constify snd_rawmidi_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: Constify snd_rawmidi_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Add const to snd_rawmidi_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132 - fix possible NULL pointer use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - add DP mst verb support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: vx: Don't try to update capture stream before running (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: vx: Fix possible transfer overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix deadlock of controller device lock at unbinding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add new codec ID ALC299 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix click noises on Samsung Ativ Book 8 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply ALC269_FIXUP_NO_SHUTUP on HDA_FIXUP_ACT_PROBE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: mixart: fix a comment typo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Support both DSD LE/BE Amanero firmware versions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: cs5535audio: fix unused warnings on resume/suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - adding a new NV HDMI/DP codec ID in the driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix race at creating a queue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: revert "alsa: line6: Only determine control port properties if needed" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: Don't handle loop timeout at snd_seq_pool_done() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add a quirk for Plantronics BT600 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Release FW ctx in cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr-rt5640: fix settings in internal clock mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: test EP_FLAG_RUNNING at urb completion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix irq/process data synchronization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply asus-mode8 fixup to ASUS X71SL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix up GPIO for ASUS ROG Ranger (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to fail safely if module not available in path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: revert "alsa: usb-audio: Fix race at stopping the stream" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: fallback mechanism if MCLK is not enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: printk/sound: handle more message headers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hiface: Fix M2Tech hiFace driver sampling rate change (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Eliminate noise at the start of DSD playback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add native DSD support for TEAC 501/503 DAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add QuickCam Communicate Deluxe/S7500 to volume_control_quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add implicit fb quirk for Axe-Fx II (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: add a new line (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: update bxt_da7219_max98357a to support quad ch dmic capture (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: more tolerant packetsize (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: avoid setting of sample rate multiple times on bus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Gate the mic jack on HP Z1 Gen3 AiO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda: when comparing pin configurations, ignore assoc in addition to seq (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: save FW version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Add sysfs entry in order to store FW version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix race at stopping the stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: core: replace codec_dev_list to component_dev_list on Card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: cht_bsw_rt5672: Use HID translation unit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Fix crash at suspend/resume without card registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Replace kthread with work (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add missing 10EC5672 ACPI ID matching for Cherry Trail (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix bogus error return in snd_usb_create_stream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Claim pod x3 usb data interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: echoaudio: Fix improper return value in function load_asic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Make some messages to debug level (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add support for headset MIC for ALC622 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132 - Add quirk for Alienware 15 R2 2016 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Removed the unused I2S blob structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't use dma I2S config structure in kernel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix headset-mic problem on a Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - ignore the assoc and seq when comparing pin configurations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: cht_bsw_rt5645: Fix leftover kmalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: mfld: Make static string arrays 'const 'char * const []' (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Use workqueue instead of kthread for emu1010 fw polling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Simplify firmware loader code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: Fix emu1010 dock attach check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ac97: Fix kernel-doc error with sphinx formatter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix use-after-free of usb_device at disconnect (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pci: don't opencode IS_REACHABLE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytct_rt5640: change default capture settings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: detect audio routing with CHAN package (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: common: add ACPI package extraction utility (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: oss: don't opencode IS_REACHABLE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: don't opencode IS_REACHABLE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: opl3: don't opencode IS_REACHABLE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix mic regression by ASRock mobo fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - add a new condition to check if it is thinkpad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Flush pending D0i3 request on suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: remove pci device enabling calls on suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix typo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: info: Return error for invalid read/write (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: info: Limit the proc text input size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add D0i3 mode ref counting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support for specifying D0i3 configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support for LPMode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add D0iX callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add support for programming D0i3C (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add D0iX IPCs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add sst_ipc_tx_message_nopm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add check_dsp_lp_on callback on IPC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Add debug information related to FW version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to turn off hdmi power on probe failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add quirk for Syntek STK1160 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix a shift wrapping bug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix time account regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix surround output pins for ASRock B150M mobo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: constify snd_soc_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: broadwell: constify snd_soc_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: sst-bxt-da7219_max98357a: fix obsoleted initializer for array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Always acquire runtime pm ref on unload (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: add terminate entry for dmi_system_id tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset mic detection problem for two Dell laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asihpi: fix kernel memory disclosure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Adding a new group of pin cfg into ALC295 pin quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - allow 40 bit DMA mask for NVidia devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: fix a crash in line6_hwdep_write() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: fix passing wrong pointer in function call of compatibility layer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix a failure of micmute led when having multi adcs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: treewide: remove redundant #include (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: kthread: kthread worker API cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: haswell depends on sst-firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Fix POD X3 Live audio input (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: report JACK_LINEOUT event (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use DPIB to update position for Playback stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix memory leak of module on error exit path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: sst-bxt-rt298: fix obsoleted initializers for array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: sst-bxt-da7219_max98357a: fix obsoleted initializers for array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add the top speaker pin config for HP Spectre x360 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add DMIC channel constraint for bxt machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Adding one more ALC255 pin definition for headset problem (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-line6: use the same declaration as definition in header for MIDI manufacturer ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Add bdw-rt5677 machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: remove status, it is shadowing status of a higher scope (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: add missing \n to end of dev_err/dev_dbg messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: add missing \n to end of dev_* messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add table for module id for quick ref (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update to use instance ids generated (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use private instance id of modules in IPC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add module instance id generation APIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Extend DragonFly dB scale quirk to cover other variants (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ali5451: Fix out-of-bound position reporting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: snd-usb-line6 depends on CONFIG_SND_HWDEP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: fix ifnullfree.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Add hwdep interface to access the POD control messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Cleanup podhd initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Only determine control port properties if needed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Add support for POD X3 Live (only USB ID differs from POD X3) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Add support for POD X3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Allow processing of raw incoming messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Distinguish device init (ctrl EP) and MIDI data transfer (int EP) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Add LINE6_CAP_IN_NEEDS_OUT, a void playback stream during capture (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Allow different channel numbers for in/out (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Support assymetrical in/out configurations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Add high-speed USB support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Enable different number of URBs for frame transfers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: compress: fix some missing and misplaced \n in messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hdac: add missing \n to end of dev_err messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: Add missing \n to end of dev_err message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add 32bit support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: fix to copy from/to user space (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pci: constify local structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset mic detection problem for several Dell laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Skip Realtek SKU check for Lenovo machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Fix possible deadlock with virmidi registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix zero-division by continue of uninitialized instance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: squash lines for simple wrapper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix avail to return error if stream is suspended (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix IOSF_MBI dependency (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: fix to spelling mistake: "susupend" -> "suspend" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: timer: fix NULL pointer dereference in read()/ioctl() race (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: bt87x: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: oxygen: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ad1889: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: cs5535audio: constify snd_pcm_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Unload all the loadable modules (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix DMA control config size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix the inverted logic check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: check manifest size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: add a missing star in a memcpy call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Fix message handling during drop stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: fix typo "seconadry" -> "secondary" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: initialize whole fields of automatic variable with union type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Enable subwoofer on Dell Inspiron 7559 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add headset mic quirk for Dell Inspiron 5468 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add sample rate inquiry quirk for B850V3 CP2114 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: timer: fix NULL pointer dereference on memory allocation failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: timer: fix division by zero after SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_CONTINUE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - fix headset mic detection for MSI MS-B120 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse manifest data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: uapi: intel: skylake: Define vendor specific tokens (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: uapi: Add three missing header files to Kbuild file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Remove dfw config and associated structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse vendor tokens to build module data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hdspm: fix spelling mistake "Externel" -> "External" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: compress: Use memdup_user() rather than duplicating its implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: rmove print for failure of kmalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb: fine-tune Tenor error compensation value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb: use TEAC UD-H01 quirk for more devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb: move udh01_fb_quirk setting to quirks.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Fix POD sysfs attributes segfault (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Give up on the lock while URBs are released (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: line6: Remove double line6_pcm_release() after failed acquire (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: obsolete change of address limit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: change ioctl command operation to get data in kernel space (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: add an alternative way to handle ioctl requests (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq: add documentation for snd_seq_kernel_client_ctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: sst: fix ix spelling mistake: "capablities" -> "capabilites" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: quirk for Acer Aspire SWS-012 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix 0-day warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: log quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add quirk for Teclast X98 Air 3G tablet (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add quirks for MinnowBoard MAX (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: add MCLK support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: add IN3 map (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: default routing and quirks on Baytrail-CR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: fix dai/clock setup for SSP0 routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt56040: additional routing quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: Change DAI link's be_id to a generic id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: add SSP2_AIF2 routing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: enable configuration of SSP0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: add definitions for modem/SSP0 interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: auto-detection of Baytrail-CR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: enable differential mic quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr_rt5640: quirk for mono speaker (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bytcr-rt5640: add Asus T100TAF quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix error return code in skl_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb: caiaq: audio: don't print error when allocating urb fails (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: remove module id query at runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Populate modules after loading (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: modify snd_skl_get_module_info args (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Manage power well properly for resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: alsa - hda: Add support for link audio time reporting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: alsa - hda: Add support for parsing new HDA capabilities (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: alsa - ext hda: remove bus_parse_capabilities (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: convert users to core bus_parse_capabilities (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - move bus_parse_capabilities to core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add quirk for ELP HD USB Camera (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add a sample rate quirk for Creative Live! Cam Socialize HD (VF0610) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add module processing domain support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix a comment style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add library loading support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: fix noderef.cocci warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add library loading IPCs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxt: Parse UUIDs once (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Parse UUIDs once (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: add additional args to module parsing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: add support for tplg manifest load (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: split fw and dsp initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: modify skl_get_dsp_ops() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Move modules query to runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset mic detection problem for two dell machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix krealloc() with __GFP_ZERO usage (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda: add AMD Bonaire AZ PCI ID with proper driver caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Check list empty while getting module info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - On-board speaker fixup on ACER Veriton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Can't adjust speaker's volume on a Dell AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "release_firmware" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix NULL Pointer exception in dynamic_debug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix quirks code is not called (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: echoaudio: purge contradictions between dimension matrix members and total number of members (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Fix conflicting pcm dev drvdata on haswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: add kabylake nau88l25_ssm4567 machine id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: add kabylake nau88l25_max98357a machine id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kbl: add kabylake additional machine entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: reduce machine name for skl_nau88l25_max98357a (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: reduce machine name for skl_nau88l25_ssm4567 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix fw reload failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: mixart: don't print an unintialized variable on error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ak4114: remove redundant check on err being < 0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ak4117: remove redundant check on err being < 0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda: add AMD Stoney PCI ID with proper driver caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: board: add kabylake machine id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add kablake device IDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix use-after-free after module unload (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Fix sst-dsp dependency on dw stuff (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: statify cht_quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: cht: fix uninit variable warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix to use the actual size for TLV control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add surface3 entry in CHT-RT5645 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: Add quirk for Surface 3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Free chmap at PCM free callback, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ctl: Stop notification after disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - add new pin definition in alc225 pin quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: control: add dimension validator for userspace elements (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek: Add Lenovo L460 to docking unit fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix negative queue usage by racy accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: riptide: Use DIV_ROUND_UP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: Fix calculation in vortex_wtdma_bufshift() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: echoaudio: Fix memory allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Increase loglevel of debug messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: common: increase the loglevel of "FW Poll Status" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix read before array start (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: dummy: Fix a use-after-free at closing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: atom: fix missing breaks that would cause the wrong operation to execute (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix the headset mic jack detection on Dell machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Support multi-core in Broxton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Support multi-core in Skylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add DSP muti-core infrastructure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update comment style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add pm ops for broxton-rt298 machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Disable async suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: revert "asoc: intel: Add support for PM ops in bxt-rt298" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kconfig: formatting update (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: kconfig: fix build when ACPI is not enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/tegra: iomem fixups for sparse warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq_timer: use monotonic times internally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: Change structure initialisation to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Change structure initialisation to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda: fix some klockwork scan warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: seq_oss: Change structure initialisation to C99 style (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - ALC891 headset mode for Dell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Check for module list being NULL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Initialize module list for Broxton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add support for PM ops in bxt-rt298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update DSP stall bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update FW purge for Broxton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Enable firmware reload in suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Update ignore suspend for bxt-rt298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add FE rate & channel constraints for bxt-rt298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add DMIC 4 channel support for bxt machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: compress: Add function to indicate the stream has gone bad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add DSP firmware manifest parsing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Report position in pointer query (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Copy the pipe parameter by pipe type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Set the DSP pipe type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Create Pipe to widget list in soc probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Clean up of driver resources in suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Avoid freeing up of unallocated memory/mcps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Disable SRAM Retention before D3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't pause stopped pipeline while deleting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Set the pipe state to paused when paused (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Reset DSP pipe when host/link DMA is reset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek: Add T560 docking unit fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset mic detection problem for Dell machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Turn off loopback mixing as default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Broxton-P Dialog+Maxim machine driver entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Broxton-P Dialog Maxim machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: configure DMIC for machine sklnau8825max (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: configure DMIC for machine sklnau8825adi (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Find uuids for Broxton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Find uuids for Skylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add strip extended manifest utility (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use UUID in binary format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Strip manifest for Broxton platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Strip manifest for Skylake platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Don't use local pointer for firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: bxtn: Add Broxton DSP support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add api to retrieve dmic array info from nhlt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Use refcap device for mono recording (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add channel constraints for refcap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: add function stub when ACPI is not enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add support for new codecs ALC700/ALC701/ALC703 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - ALC256 speaker noise issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset mic detection problem for one Dell machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headphone noise on Dell XPS 13 9360 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: add link management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hdac: add link pm and ref counting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: fix up for DAI link's be_id change (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Fix printk formatting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: Add Broxton-P machine driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add more SSP DAIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix memory leak in nhlt init (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: remove ignore_suspend for WoV streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Suspend PCMs when marked as active suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Prevent sending Set DMA Control IPC if the widget is "On" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix memory leak during init instance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Fix the NULL pointer exception in dsp_clean up (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: dmaengine: dw: pass platform data via struct dw_dma_chip (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Update channel map based on runtime params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: skylake: Add multichannel support for HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Update skl_nau88l25_ssm4567 driver to support chmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: intel: boards: Update skl_nau88l25_max98357a driver to support chmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: asoc: skl_rt286: Fix to support hdmi channel map support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503] - [sound] alsa: hda - add helper to get channels from cap bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [1399503]- [kernel] locking/mutex: Explicitly mark task as running after wakeup (Gustavo Duarte) [1423397] - [kernel] sched/core: Fix an SMP ordering race in try_to_wake_up() vs. schedule() (Gustavo Duarte) [1423400] - [kernel] sched/fair: Fix nohz.next_balance update (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Improve load balancing in the presence of idle CPUs (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched/fair: Fix stale overloaded status in the busiest group finding logic (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Improve sysbench performance by fixing spurious active migration (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Assign correct scheduling domain to 'sd_llc' (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Avoid NULL dereference on sd_busy (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Remove unnecessary iteration over sched domains to update nr_busy_cpus (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Pass 'struct rq' to rebalance_domains() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Pass 'struct rq' to nohz_idle_balance() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Use this_rq() helper (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1420450] - [kernel] sched: Fix potential near-infinite distribute_cfs_runtime() loop (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1399391] - [kernel] percpu-refcount: fix reference leak during percpu-atomic transition (Jeff Moyer) [1418333] - [kernel] prctl: take mmap sem for writing to protect against others (Mateusz Guzik) [1374860] - [fs] proc: read mm's {arg, env}_{start, end} with mmap semaphore taken (Mateusz Guzik) [1374860] - [fs] vfs: fix put_compat_statfs64() does not handle errors (Larry Woodman) [1366543] - [mm] hugetlb: don't use reserved during VM_SHARED mapping cow (Larry Woodman) [1385473] - [mm] filemap: optimize copy_page_to/from_iter_iovec (Mikulas Patocka) [1362715] - [mm] vma_merge: correct false positive from __vma_unlink->validate_mm_rb (Andrea Arcangeli) [1374548] - [mm] vma_merge: fix race vm_page_prot race condition against rmap_walk (Andrea Arcangeli) [1374548] - [mm] fix use-after-free if memory allocation failed in vma_adjust() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1374548] - [mm] thp: really limit transparent hugepage allocation to local node (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy.c: merge alloc_hugepage_vma to alloc_pages_vma (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] thp: allocate transparent hugepages on local node (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: unexport get_vma_policy() and remove its "task" arg (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: kill do_set_mempolicy()->down_write(&mm->mmap_sem) (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: fix show_numa_map() vs exec() + do_set_mempolicy() race (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: introduce __get_vma_policy(), export get_task_policy() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: remove the "task" arg of vma_policy_mof() and simplify it (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: sanitize the usage of get_task_policy() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: change get_task_policy() to return default_policy rather than NULL (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: change alloc_pages_vma() to use mpol_cond_put() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] proc/maps: make vm_is_stack() logic namespace-friendly (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/maps: replace proc_maps_private->pid with "struct inode *inode" (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: update m->version in the main loop in m_start() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: reintroduce m->version logic (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: introduce m_next_vma() helper (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: simplify m_start() to make it readable (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: kill the suboptimal and confusing m->version logic (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: shift "priv->task = NULL" from m_start() to m_stop() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: cleanup the "tail_vma" horror in m_next() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: simplify the vma_stop() logic (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: shift mm_access() from m_start() to proc_maps_open() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc: introduce proc_mem_open() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: unify/simplify do_maps_open() and numa_maps_open() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [fs] proc/task_mmu.c: don't use task->mm in m_start() and show_*map() (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy.c: parameter doc uniformization (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895] - [mm] mempolicy: return NULL if node is NUMA_NO_NODE in get_task_policy (Aaron Tomlin) [1425895]- [hv] make CPU offlining prevention fine-grained (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396335] - [hv] switch to cpuhp state machine for synic init/cleanup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396335] - [hv] don't reset hv_context.tsc_page on crash (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396335] - [hv] init percpu_list in hv_synic_alloc() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396335] - [hv] allocate synic pages for all present CPUs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396335] - [hv] change clockevents unbind tactics (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396335] - [x86] Make sure IDT is page aligned (Lenny Szubowicz) [1422235] - [drm] virtio-gpu: disable VIRGL with BE kernel (Laurent Vivier) [1413817] - [s390] topology/sysfs: provide drawer id and siblings attributes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380774] - [s390] topology: add drawer scheduling domain level (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380774] - [scsi] cxgb4i: libcxgbi: cxgb4: add T6 iSCSI completion feature (Sai Vemuri) [1417523] - [scsi] cxgb4i: libcxgbi: add active open cmd for T6 adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1417523] - [scsi] cxgb4i: use cxgb4_tp_smt_idx() to get smt_idx (Sai Vemuri) [1417523] - [block] mtip32xx: set error code on failure (David Milburn) [1384915 1385883] - [block] mtip32xx: Improvement in code readability when memdup_user() fails (David Milburn) [1384915 1385883] - [block] mtip32xx: mark symbols static where possible (David Milburn) [1384915 1385883] - [block] mtip32xx: fix checks for dma mapping errors (David Milburn) [1384915 1385883] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't over-free page table directories (Myron Stowe) [1418404] - [netdrv] be2net: Increase skb headroom size to 256 bytes (Ivan Vecera) [1379825] - [powerpc] eeh: Null check uses of eeh_pe_bus_get (Steve Best) [1427224] - [powerpc] pseries: Use H_CLEAR_HPT to clear MMU hash table during kexec (Steve Best) [1423396] - [security] don't crash when selinux is disabled (Miklos Szeredi) [1425499] - [security] selinux: fix off-by-one in setprocattr (Paul Moore) [1422369] {CVE-2017-2618}- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_setup_tc() error message (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Print FEC settings as part of the linkup dmesg (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do not setup PHY unless driving a single PF (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allow NETIF_F_NTUPLE to be enabled on VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Retry failed NVM_INSTALL_UPDATE with defragmentation flag (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update to firmware interface spec 1.7.0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: remove useless memset's in drivers get_stats64 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix RTNL lock usage on bnxt_get_port_module_status() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix RTNL lock usage on bnxt_update_link() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix bnxt_reset() in the slow path task (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix "uninitialized variable" bug in TPA code path (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add the ulp_sriov_cfg hooks for bnxt_re RDMA driver (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for ethtool -p (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update to firmware interface spec to 1.6.1 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Clear TPA flags when BNXT_FLAG_NO_AGG_RINGS is set (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix compiler warnings when CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL is not defined (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Handle no aggregation ring gracefully (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set default completion ring for async events (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement new scheme to reserve tx rings (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Assign additional vnics to VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add new hardware RFS mode (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor code that determines RFS capability (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add function to get vnic capability (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor TPA code path (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix and clarify link_info->advertising (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve the IRQ disable sequence during shutdown (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove busy poll logic in the driver (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add interface to support RDMA driver (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor the driver registration function with firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reserve RDMA resources by default (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve completion ring allocation for VFs (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Move function reset to bnxt_init_one() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Enable MSIX early in bnxt_init_one() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add bnxt_set_max_func_irqs() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] broadcom: propagate error code (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add PFC statistics (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement DCBNL to support host-based DCBX (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware header file to latest 1.6.0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Re-factor bnxt_setup_tc() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt: do not busy-poll when link is down (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix a VXLAN vs GENEVE issue (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt: add a missing rcu synchronization (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add ethtool -n|-N rx-flow-hash support (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add UDP RSS support for 57X1X chips (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Enhance autoneg support (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware interface spec to 1.5.4 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix VF virtual link state (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ring arithmetic in bnxt_setup_tc() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: do not call napi_hash_add() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix build error for kernesl without RTC-LIB (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fixed the VF link status after a link state change (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Support for "ethtool -r" command (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Pad TX packets below 52 bytes (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Call firmware to approve the random VF MAC address (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Re-arrange bnxt_hwrm_func_qcaps() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ethtool -l|-L inconsistent channel counts (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Added support for Secure Firmware Update (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update to firmware interface spec 1.5.1 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Simplify PCI device names and add additinal PCI IDs (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use RSS flags defined in the bnxt_hsi.h file (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix TX push operation on ARM64 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Log a message, if enabling NTUPLE filtering fails (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve ntuple filters by checking destination MAC address (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove locking around txr->dev_state (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add BCM58700 PCI device ID for NS2 Nitro (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Workaround Nitro A0 RX hardware bug (part 4) (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Workaround Nitro A0 hardware RX bug (part 3) (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Workaround Nitro A0 hardware RX bug (part 2) (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Workaround Nitro A0 hardware RX bug (part 1) (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic support for Nitro in North Star 2 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: initialize rc to zero to avoid returning garbage (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt: fix a condition (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allow statistics DMA to be configurable using ethtool -C (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Assign netdev->dev_port with port ID (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allow promiscuous mode for VF if default VLAN is enabled (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Increase maximum supported MTU to 9500 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Enable MRU enables bit when configuring VNIC MRU (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for firmware updates for additional processors (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Request firmware reset after successful firwmare update (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for updating flash more securely (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Do function reset on the 1st PF open only (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update firmware spec. to 1.3.0 (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: VF/NPAR should return -EOPNOTSUPP for unsupported ethtool ops (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt: Move GENEVE support from hard-coded port to using port notifier (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt: Update drivers to support unified UDP encapsulation offload functions (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Support new ETHTOOL_{G|S}LINKSETTINGS API (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't allow autoneg on cards that don't support it (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Handle VF_CFG_CHANGE event from firmware (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add new function bnxt_reset() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add function for VF driver to query default VLAN (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Simplify VLAN receive logic (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Enable and disable RX CTAG and RX STAG VLAN acceleration together (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378] - [netdrv] bnxt: Add support for segmentation of tunnels with outer checksums (Jonathan Toppins) [1382378]- [acpi] tools/power/acpi: Update Intel copyright (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: Remove direct kernel source include reference (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: macosx: Fix wrong sem_destroy definition (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: macosx: Fix anonymous semaphore implementation (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: fix typo in printk in ec help message (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Cleanup for all string-to-integer conversions (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: clib: Eliminate acpi_os_XXXFile()/acpi_log_error and link clibrary fxxx()/errno/perror() instead (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: clib: Add -nostdinc support for EFI layer (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: msvc9: Fix inclusion order issue (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: clib: Fix wrong mini C library usage (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: clib/efi: Fix wrong order of standard integer types/IO handles (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: clib: Fix build issues when ACPI_USE_STANDARD_HEADERS is not defined by converting size_t to acpi_size (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Fix a duplicate variable definition (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: osl: Add correct acpi_gbl_debug_timeout export to allow acpiexec to link (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: iasl/disassembler: Add a check for missing filename (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/acpi: use CROSS_COMPILE to define prefix (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Move all ASCII utilities to a common file (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: divergence: remove unwanted spaces for typedef (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: close file only if it is open (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utilities: Update for strtoul64 merger (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Add support for QNX 6.6 platform (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: getopt: Comment update, no functional change (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: core: Major update for code formatting, no functional changes (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: Add userspace AML interface support (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: iasl: General cleanup of the file suffix #defines (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: Enable build for EC userspace tool (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: Add descend support in ACPI tools Makefile (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: De-macroize calls to standard C library functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpi / acpidump: Update acpidump manual (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Convert the default behavior to dump from /sys/firmware/acpi/tables (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Allow customized tables to be dumped without accessing /dev/mem (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Add dragon_fly support to unix file mapping file (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Fix a sscanf format string (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: unix: Cleanup to use ACPI_TO_INTEGER() to calc page offset (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpiexec: Do not put STDIN into raw mode unless it is a terminal (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Add ACPI 1.0 RSDP support (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpihelp: Add UUID support, restructure some existing files (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utprint/oslibcfs: cleanup - no functional change (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: osl: Update acpidump to reduce source code differences (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utilities: Introduce acpi_log_error() to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Reduce freopen() invocations to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Replace file IOs with new APIs to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Remove exit() from generic layer to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Add memory/string OSL usage to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: common: Enhance acpi_getopt() to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: common: Enhance cm_get_file_size() to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: application: Enhance ACPI_USAGE_xxx/ACPI_OPTION with acpi_os_printf() to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utilities: Add formatted printing APIs (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: osl: Add portable file IO to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: osl: Clean up acpi_os_printf()/acpi_os_vprintf() stubs (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utilities: Cleanup DEFINE_ACPI_GLOBALS by moving acpi_ut_init_global() from utglobal.c to utinit.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: osl: Update environments to improve portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Add support for ACPI 1.0 GUID in Linux (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Fix repetitive table dump in -n mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Add new mechanism to skip NULL entries in RSDT and XSDT (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Add support to force using RSDT (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Fix truncated RSDP signature validation (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Fix code issue in invoking fread in the loop (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpi / tools: Introduce ec_access.c - tool to access the EC (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] tools/power/acpi: Minor bugfixes (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Update man page (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Remove old acpidump source (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Update Makefile to build acpidump from ACPICA (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Cleanup tools/power/acpi makefiles (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Remove bool usage from ACPICA (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] Fix x86 regression related to early mapping size limitation (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Add mechanism to control early table checksum verification (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Fix buffer allocation issue for generic_serial_bus region accesses (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Add support to generate acpidump release (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: table manager: Split tbinstal.c into two files (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: table manager: Misc cleanup and renames, no functional change (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Add acpi_install_table() API for early table installation (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Avoid SSDT installation with acpi_gbl_disable_ssdt_table_load (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Cleanup ACPI_TABLE_ORIGIN_xxx flags (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Fix table checksums verification before installation (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Fix unbalanced table validations (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Clean up split INSTALLED/VALIDATED table state logics (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Fix multiple ACPI_FREE()s around acpi_tb_add_table() (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tables: Fix the issues in handling virtual addressed tables (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Remove indent divergences to reduce maintenance overhead (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Add a missing field for debug dump of mutex objects (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Update use of acpi_os_wait_events_complete interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: disassembler: Add decoding of Notify() values (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Update new structures and add missing file (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: disassembler: Add support to decode _HID and _CID values (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: unload operator: Emit a warning if and when it is ever used (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Update comments for ACPICA name - no functional change (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utstring: Check array index bound before use (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Remove integer types translation protection (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: acpidump: Add sparse declarators support (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: utilities: Cleanup declarations of the acpi_gbl_debug_file global (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Cleanup the option of forcing the use of the RSDT (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Cleanup asmlinkage for ACPICA APIs (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Update acpidump related header file changes (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Cleanup exception codes (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] Export acpi_os_get*() functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Add new statistics interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Add EXPORT_ACPI_INTERFACES macro to external interface modules (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Cleanup memory allocation macros and configurability (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: tablemanager: Export acpi_tb_scan_memory_for_rsdp() (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180] - [acpi] acpica: Export acpi_tb_validate_rsdp() (Prarit Bhargava) [1425180]- [x86] kvm: vmx: use correct vmcs_read/write for guest segment selector/base (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: do not save guest-unsupported XSAVE state (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix emulation of "MOV SS, null selector" (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] {CVE-2017-2583} - [x86] kvm: x86: flush pending lapic jump label updates on module unload (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [kernel] jump_labels: API for flushing deferred jump label updates (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: reset MMU on KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: check for pic and ioapic presence before use (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: drop error recovery in em_jmp_far and em_ret_far (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix out-of-bounds access in lapic (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix missed SRCU usage in kvm_lapic_set_vapic_addr (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: Disable irq while unregistering user notifier (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: VMCLEAR an active shadow VMCS after last use (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix wbinvd_dirty_mask use-after-free (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix kernel panics induced by illegal INVEPT/INVVPID types (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: memset whole irq_eoi (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix the NMI IDT-vectoring handling (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: postpone VMCS changes on MSR_IA32_APICBASE write (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix msr bitmaps to prevent L2 from accessing L0 x2APIC (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: nvmx: maintain internal copy of current VMCS (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: vmx: handle PML full VMEXIT that occurs during event delivery (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [virt] kvm: nvmx: Fix memory corruption when using VMCS shadowing (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [virt] kvm: vmx: ensure VMCS is current while enabling PML (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [virt] kvm: nvmx: vmx instructions: fix segment checks when L1 is in long mode (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [virt] kvm: Fix irq route entries exceeding KVM_MAX_IRQ_ROUTES (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] svm: bitwise vs logical op typo (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [virt] kvm: cap halt polling at exactly halt_poll_ns (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [virt] kvm: async_pf: do not warn on page allocation failures (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix conversion of addresses to linear in 32-bit protected mode (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: only channel 0 of the i8254 is linked to the HPET (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix the writing POSTED_INTR_NV (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: x86: correctly print #AC in traces (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [kernel] static_key: WARN on usage before jump_label_init was called (Radim Krcmar) [1420755] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: check host CR3 on vmentry and vmexit (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: introduce nested_vmx_load_cr3 and call it on vmentry (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: propagate errors from prepare_vmcs02 (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix CR3 load if L2 uses PAE paging and EPT (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: support descriptor table exits (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: invvpid handling improvements (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: vmx: clean up declaration of VPID/EPT invalidation types (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] nvmx: mark ept single context invalidation as supported (Ladi Prosek) [1326138] - [x86] kvm: x86: drop TSC offsetting kvm_x86_ops to fix KVM_GET/SET_CLOCK (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [x86] kvm: x86: do not go through vcpu in __get_kvmclock_ns (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [uapi] kvm: kvmclock: let KVM_GET_CLOCK return whether the master clock is in use (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [x86] kvm: x86: introduce get_kvmclock_ns (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [x86] kvm: x86: initialize kvmclock_offset (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [x86] pvclock: introduce seqcount-like API (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [x86] pvclock: Get rid of __pvclock_read_cycles in function pvclock_read_flags (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766] - [x86] pvclock: Cleanup to remove function pvclock_get_nsec_offset (Marcelo Tosatti) [1415766]- [crypto] ccp - Fix double add when creating new DMA command (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820 1420977] - [crypto] ccp - Fix DMA operations when IOMMU is enabled (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820 1420977] - [crypto] ccp: Do not support CCP crypto API in RHEL7 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [dma] dmaengine: Make channel allocation callbacks optional (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [dma] dmaengine: Rework dma_chan_get (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix handling of RSA exponent on a v5 device (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Clean up the LSB slot allocation code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - remove unneeded code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - change bitfield type to unsigned ints (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix non static symbol warning (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - change type of struct member lsb to signed (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Make syslog errors human-readable (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - clean up data structure (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix return value check in ccp_dmaengine_register() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - use kmem_cache_zalloc instead of kmem_cache_alloc/memset (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - add missing release in ccp_dmaengine_register (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix non static symbol warning (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Enable use of the additional CCP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Enable DMA service on a v5 CCP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Add support for the RNG in a version 5 CCP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Let a v5 CCP provide the same function as v3 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Refactor code to enable checks for queue space (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Refactor code supporting the CCP's RNG (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Refactor the storage block allocation code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - refactoring: symbol cleanup (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Shorten the fields of the action structure (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Abstract PCI info for the CCP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix non-conforming comment style (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - constify ccp_actions structure (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Ensure all dependencies are specified (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Register the CCP as a DMA resource (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix RT breaking #include (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - fix lock acquisition code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Add abstraction for device-specific calls (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - CCP versioning support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Support for multiple CCPs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Remove check for x86 family and model (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - use to_pci_dev and to_platform_device (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Use precalculated hash from headers (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Use module name in driver structures (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Change references to accelerator to offload (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Replace BUG_ON with WARN_ON and a return code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] drivers - Fix Kconfig selects (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Protect against poorly marked end of sg list (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Remove unused structure field (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Convert calls to their devm_ counterparts (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Update CCP build support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Updates for checkpatch warnings/errors (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - terminate ccp_support array with empty element (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Check for CCP before registering crypto algs (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Do not sign extend input data to CCP (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Remove "select OF" from Kconfig (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Base AXI DMA cache settings on device tree (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Modify PCI support in prep for arm64 support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Perform completion callbacks using a tasklet (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Move HMAC calculation down to ccp ops file (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Fix ccp_run_passthru_cmd dma variable assignments (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - CCP device enabled/disabled changes (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Change data length declarations to u64 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - Remove redundant dev_set_drvdata (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - CCP Kconfig fixes (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] crytpo: ccp - fix coccinelle warnings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] crytpo: ccp - CCP device driver build files (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [crypto] ccp - CCP device driver and interface support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1390820] - [acpi] revert "acpi / apd: Remove CLK_IS_ROOT" (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1422966] - [tty] serial: 8250dw: Add device HID for future AMD UART controller (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1422966]- [fs] red hat kabi: Added flag signifying the use of file_operations_extend structure (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] red hat kabi: Remove the file operations that cause the kABI breakage (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] red hat kabi: Add new system call to nfs in a kABI compatible way (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] red hat kabi: introduce new calls to file_operations_extend (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] red hat kabi: Use #ifndef __GENKSYMS__ to maintain kAPI (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] try to clone files first in vfs_copy_file_range (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] nfs: Add COPY nfs operation (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] nfs: Add nfs_commit_file() (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] vfs: pull btrfs clone API to vfs layer (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] locks: new locks_mandatory_area calling convention (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] locks: make locks_mandatory_area check for file-private locks (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] vfs: Add vfs_copy_file_range() support for pagecache copies (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] powerpc: Wire up copy_file_range() syscall (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] s390: wire up copy_file_range syscall (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] x86: add sys_copy_file_range to syscall tables (Steve Dickson) [1356122 1356123] - [fs] vfs: add copy_file_range syscall and vfs helper (Steve Dickson) [1356123] - [fs] sunrpc: don't call sleeping functions from the notifier block callbacks (Scott Mayhew) [1422910] - [fs] lockd: unregister notifier blocks if the service fails to come up completely (Scott Mayhew) [1422910] - [fs] lockd: Register callbacks on the inetaddr_chain and inet6addr_chain (Scott Mayhew) [1422910] - [fs] nfsd: Implement the COPY call (Steve Dickson) [1356122] - [fs] nfsd: implement the NFSv4.2 CLONE operation (Steve Dickson) [1356122] - [fs] nfs: Don't take a reference on fl->fl_file for LOCK operation (Benjamin Coddington) [1386924] - [fs] gfs2: mark the journal idle to fix ro mounts (Robert S Peterson) [1213119] - [fs] auth_gss: fix panic in gss_pipe_downcall() in fips mode (Dave Wysochanski) [1316251] - [fs] fuse: add support for SEEK_HOLE and SEEK_DATA in lseek (Carlos Maiolino) [1306396] - [fs] ext4: Fix handling of extended tv_sec (Carlos Maiolino) [1278465]- [net] fix creation adjacent device symlinks (Adrian Reber) [1412898] - [net] prevent of emerging cross-namespace symlinks (Adrian Reber) [1412898] - [netdrv] macvlan: unregister net device when netdev_upper_dev_link() fails (Adrian Reber) [1412898] - [net] netfilter: nft_range: add the missing NULL pointer check (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: simplify the basic expressions' init routine (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nft_range: validate operation netlink attribute (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add range expression (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove useless U8_MAX validation (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix type mismatch with error return from nft_parse_u32_check (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nft_exthdr: fix error handling in nft_exthdr_init() (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: underflow in nft_parse_u32_check() (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: validate maximum value of u32 netlink attributes (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] netfilter: nft_exthdr: Add size check on u8 nft_exthdr attributes (Phil Sutter) [1418969] - [net] ipv6: Don't use ufo handling on later transformed packets (Jakub Sitnicki) [1388846] - [net] vxlan: fix oops in dev_fill_metadata_dst (Paolo Abeni) [1423068] - [net] ip_forward: Drop frames with attached skb->sk (Florian Westphal) [1421006] - [net] ipv4: ip_forward: perform skb->pkt_type check at the beginning (Florian Westphal) [1421006] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Get rid of previous workaround (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Fix max_size parameter description (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable-test: allow to retry even if -ENOMEM was returned (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable-test: retry insert operations (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable-test: add cond_resched() to thread test (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: Add rhlist interface (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: fix a memory leak in alloc_bucket_locks() (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: add rhashtable_lookup_get_insert_key() (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove GFP flag from rhashtable_walk_init (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: fix shift by 64 when shrinking (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: avoid large lock-array allocations (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [lib] rhashtable: accept GFP flags in rhashtable_walk_init (Phil Sutter) [1393817] - [net] netfilter: built-in NAT support for UDPlite (Davide Caratti) [1357840] - [net] netfilter: built-in NAT support for SCTP (Davide Caratti) [1357840] - [net] netfilter: built-in NAT support for DCCP (Davide Caratti) [1357840] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: built-in support for UDPlite (Davide Caratti) [1387537] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: built-in support for SCTP (Davide Caratti) [1387537] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: built-in support for DCCP (Davide Caratti) [1387537] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: simplify init/uninit of L4 protocol trackers (Davide Caratti) [1387537] - [net] igmp, mld: Fix memory leak in igmpv3/mld_del_delrec() (Hangbin Liu) [1420972] - [net] mld: do not remove mld souce list info when set link down (Hangbin Liu) [1383584] - [net] openvswitch: maintain correct checksum state in conntrack actions (Lance Richardson) [1409558]- [net] introduce net_device_extended (Jiri Benc) [1382040] - [net] bonding: update documentation section after dev->trans_start removal (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] deprecate dev->trans_start (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] replace dev->trans_start update with helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] netdevice: add helper to update trans_start (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [netdrv] replace dev->trans_start accesses with dev_trans_start (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: make dev_trans_start return vlan's real dev trans_start (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ptp: Introduce a high resolution frequency adjustment method (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipip: Properly mark ipip GRO packets as encapsulated (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] introduce csum_replace_by_diff() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv6: gro: support sit protocol (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] skb_segment() should preserve backpressure (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] skb_segment() provides list head and tail (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipip: Add gro callbacks to ipip offload (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] list: fix order of arguments for hlist_add_after(_rcu) (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] list: make hlist_add_after() argument names match hlist_add_after_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnl: stats - add missing netlink message size checks (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnl: info leak in rtnl_fill_vfinfo() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnl: avoid uninitialized data in IFLA_VF_VLAN_LIST handling (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Update API for VF vlan protocol 802.1ad support (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] introduce default neigh_construct/destroy ndo calls for L2 upper devices (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] add dev arg to ndo_neigh_construct/destroy (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] add netdev_lockdep_set_classes() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [documentation] taskstats: fix nl parsing in accounting/getdelays.c (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] neigh: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnl: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] openvswitch: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sock_diag: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [fs] quota: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] macsec: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] wireless: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ieee802154: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] l2tp: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] bridge: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] openvswitch: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnl: use nla_put_u64_64bit() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] taskstats: use the libnl API to align nlattr on 64-bit (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] xfrm: align nlattr properly when needed (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: add nla_put_u64_64bit() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: nla_put_msecs(): align on a 64-bit area (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: nla_put_s64(): align on a 64-bit area (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: nla_put_net64(): align on a 64-bit area (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: nla_put_be64(): align on a 64-bit area (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: nla_put_le64(): align on a 64-bit area (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: fix help of _64bit functions (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ip6mr: align RTA_MFC_STATS on 64-bit (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipmr: align RTA_MFC_STATS on 64-bit (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnl: use the new API to align IFLA_STATS* (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] libnl: add more helpers to align attributes on 64-bit (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] nla_align_64bit() needs to test the right pointer. (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: add new RTM_GETSTATS message to dump link stats (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] fix HAVE_EFFICIENT_UNALIGNED_ACCESS typos (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Add helpers for 64-bit aligning netlink attributes. (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] Align IFLA_STATS64 attributes properly on architectures that need it. (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: rtnl_fill_stats: avoid an unnecssary stats copy (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: do not requeue a NULL skb (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] netlink: use nla_get_in_addr and nla_put_in_addr for ipv4 address (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] rtnetlink: fix frame size warning in rtnl_fill_ifinfo (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_cthelper: Remove 'const' and '&' to avoid warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] qdisc: validate skb without holding lock (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] netlink: Fix shadow warning on jiffies (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_tbf: Fix potential memory leak in tbf_change() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_netem: support of 64bit rates (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_netem: more precise length of packets (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_tbf: add TBF_BURST/TBF_PBURST attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sch_tbf: use do_div() for 64-bit divide (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sched: tbf: fix the calculation of max_size (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [kernel] taskstats: add nla_nest_cancel() for failure processing between nla_nest_start() and nla_nest_end() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] net_sched: tbf: support of 64bit rates (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] netevent/netlink.h: Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] net_sched: htb: support of 64bit rates (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] net_sched: add u64 rate to psched_ratecfg_precompute() (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipv4: Update parameters for csum_tcpudp_magic to their original types (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] tcp: reserve tcp_skb_mss() to tcp stack (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] ipvs: properly declare tunnel encapsulation (Ivan Vecera) [1382040] - [net] sit: use kfree_skb to replace dev_kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1382040]- [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Allocate more queues for 25G and 100G adapter (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Handle mode change failures (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Fix error flow in the SRIOV e-switch init code (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix flow counter bulk command out mailbox allocation (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Don't vfree a kzalloc'ed memory region (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix kmem_cache leak (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix race condition between requester and completer (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix duplicate atomic request handling (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: Fix kernel panic in udp_setup_tunnel (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set source mac address in FTE (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable MAD_IFC commands for IB ports only (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Diagnostic HW counters are not supported in slave mode (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use correct subnet-prefix in QP1 mads under SR-IOV (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix code indentation in QP1 MAD flow (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix incorrect MC join state bit-masking on SR-IOV (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Don't allow MC joins during light MC flush (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rxe: fix GFP_KERNEL in spinlock context (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix off by one in error handling (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix panic on xmit while port is down (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fixes for DCBX (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix the return value of mlx4_en_dcbnl_set_state() (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix the return value of mlx4_en_dcbnl_set_all() (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix parsing of vlan packets when updating lro header (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix global PFC counters replication (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Prevent casting overflow (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move an_disable_cap bit to a new position (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix xmit_more counter race issue (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix receive buffer accounting (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: revert 3d4cf35bd4fa ("xprtrdma: Reply buffer exhaustion...") (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: block module unload until all ep resources are released (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: call dev_put() on l2t allocation failure (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Rework debugfs to use SRCU (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Make n_krcvqs be an unsigned long integer (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add QSFP sanity pre-check (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix AHG KDETH Intr shift (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix SGE length for misaligned PIO copy (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Don't return errors from poll_cq (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use TIR number based on selector (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Simplify code by removing return variable (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Return EINVAL when caller specifies too many SGEs (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Don't return errors from poll_cq (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] revert "ib/mlx4: Return EAGAIN for any error in mlx4_ib_poll_one" (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix memory corruption in ipoib cm mode connect flow (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix use after free in send_leave function (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb4: Make _free_qp static to silence build warning (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/isert: Properly release resources on DEVICE_REMOVAL (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix the size parameter to find_first_bit (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix the size parameter to find_first_bit (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Increase number of ethtool steering priorities (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add error prints when validate ETS failed (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix memory leak if refreshing TIRs fails (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add ethtool counter for TX xmit_more (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix ethtool -g/G rx ring parameter report with striding RQ (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't wait for SQ completions on close (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't post fragmented MPWQE when RQ is disabled (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't wait for RQ completions on close (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Limit UMR length to the device's limitation (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Clean up type used and casting (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Update sport->port_guid with each port refresh (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove superfluous include of io-mapping.h (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] i40iw: Do not set self-referencing pointer to NULL after kfree (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Fix cxgb4 arm CQ logic w/IB_CQ_REPORT_MISSED_EVENTS (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [rdma] ib/core: Use memdup_user() rather than duplicating its implementation (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use memdup_user() rather than duplicating its implementation (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: use the MPA initiator's IRD if < our ORD (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: limit IRD/ORD advertised to ULP by device max (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmvat: Fix double vfree() in rvt_create_qp() error path (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Improve J_KEY generation (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Return invalid field for non-QSFP CableInfo queries (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Fix error return code (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add missing error code assignment before test (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Using kfree_rcu() to simplify the code (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Validate header in set_armed_active (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Pass packet ptr to set_armed_active (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fetch monitor values on-demand for CableInfo query (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, ib/qib: Fix qp_stats sleep with rcu read lock held (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove duplicated include from affinity.c (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/isert: fix error return code in isert_alloc_login_buf() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix possible memory leak in cma_resolve_iboe_route() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allocate cpu mask on the heap to silence warning (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Return EAGAIN for any error in mlx4_ib_poll_one (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Make function use_tunnel_data return void (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Avoid ACLs in the offloads mode (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Set the send-to-vport rules in the correct table (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Return the correct devlink e-switch mode (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Retrieve the switchdev id from the firmware only once (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update last-use statistics for flow rules (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Added missing check of msg length in verifying its signature (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix pci error recovery flow (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Optimization for MTU change (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set port MTU on netdev creation rather on open (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fixes resource allocation for ULD's in kdump kernel (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] Soft RoCE driver (Don Dutile) [1384574 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix race between uverbs_close and remove_one (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Clean up error unwind flow in mthca_reset() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: NULL arg to pci_dev_put is OK (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: NULL arg to sc_return_credits is OK (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] Use smaller 512 byte messages for portmapper messages (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Report SG feature regardless of HW UD CSUM capability (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Don't use GFP_ATOMIC for CQ resize struct (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Expand reported serial number (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [uapi] ib/hfi1: Allow for non-double word multiple message sizes for user SDMA (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Eliminate redundant opcode test in mr ref clear (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Handle kzalloc failure in init_pervl_scs (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/qib, ib/hfi1: Fix grh creation in ud loopback (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use hdr2sc function to calculate 5-bit SC (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Cleanup UD packet handler (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Rename hfi1_pio_header to hfi1_sdma_header (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Rename struct ahg_ib_header to struct hfi1_ahg_info (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused elements from struct ahg_ib_header (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reset QSFP on every run through channel tuning (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ignore QSFP interrupts until power stabilizes (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Disable external device configuration requests (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt, hfi1: Fix NFSoRDMA failure with FRMR enabled (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/hfi1: Add the capability for reserved operations (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix trace message units (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add sysfs entry to override SDMA interrupt affinity (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [lib] cpumask: factor out show_cpumap into separate helper function (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add static PCIe Gen3 CTLE tuning (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix "suspicious rcu_dereference_check() usage" warnings (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add missing spin_lock_init call for rdi->n_cqs_lock (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Read all firmware versions (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Explain state complete frame details (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Modify the default number of kernel receive conexts (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add support for extended memory management (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Work request processing for fast register mr and invalidate (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Handle send with invalidate opcode in the RC recv path (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Handle local operations in post send (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Add mechanism to invalidate MR keys (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add support for ib_map_mr_sg (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Pull FECN/BECN processing to a common place (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix to fully initialize send context area (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix integrity errors counter value calculation (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Use new driver specific post send table (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Add qib post send table (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add hfi1 post send tables (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Add data structures and routines for table driven post send (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct receive packet handler assignment (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Improve SDMA engine assignment for user SDMA (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Refine user process affinity algorithm (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reserve and collapse CPU cores for contexts (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add global structure for affinity assignments (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cm: free cm_id resources on the last deref (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: don't block in destroy_qp awaiting the last deref (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: explicitly move the qp to ERROR state during flush (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: stop MPA_REPLY timer when disconnecting (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add flow control to the portmapper netlink calls (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb3: Use AF_INET for sin_family field (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Use kfree_skb instead of kfree (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix duplicate const warning (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/isert: Remove an unused member variable (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Simplify srpt_queue_response() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Limit the number of SG elements per work request (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [rdma] ib/core, rdma rw api: Do not exceed QP SGE send limit (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Make rdma_rw_ctx_init() initialize all used fields (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add counter to track unsupported packets drop (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add VL XmitDiscards counters to the opapmaquery (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix trace sparse errors (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Separate tracepoints into specific headers (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix typo (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unnecessary done label in hfi1_write_iter (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [rdma] ib/hfi1: Clean up port state structure definition (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5_core/health: Remove deprecated create_singlethread_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Check device state before unregistering it (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Query minimum required header copy during xmit (Don Dutile) [1383787 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Check the minimum inline header mode before xmit (Don Dutile) [1383787 1417284] - [target] libcxgb: add library module for Chelsio drivers (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Use PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO() to simplify the code (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: break out tx_desc write into separate function (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Enable multipath RDS for TCP (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Reduce code duplication in rds_tcp_reset_callbacks() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: avoid bad page reference in rds_tcp_listen_data_ready (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add API to configure rules for the offloaded mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Use two priorities for SRIOV offloads mode (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce bulk reading of flow counters (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Store counters in rbtree instead of list (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: No direct data placement with krb5i and krb5p (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up fixup_copy_count accounting (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Update only specific fields in private receive buffer (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Do not update {head, tail}.iov_len in rpcrdma_inline_fixup() (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: rpcrdma_inline_fixup() overruns the receive page list (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Chunk list encoders no longer share one rl_segments array (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Place registered MWs on a per-req list (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Release orphaned MRs immediately (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Allocate MRs on demand (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Chunk list encoders must not return zero (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Honor ->send_request API contract (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Reply buffer exhaustion can be catastrophic (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up device capability detection (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_map_one() and friends (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove ALLPHYSICAL memory registration mode (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Do not leak an MW during a DMA map failure (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor MR recovery work queues (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Use scatterlist for DMA mapping and unmapping under FMR (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Rename fields in rpcrdma_fmr (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Move init and release helpers (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Create common scatterlist fields in rpcrdma_mw (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove FMRs from the unmap list after unmapping (Don Dutile) [1401797 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Expose flow control counters to ethtool (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Expose RDMA VPort counters to ethtool (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support to get ethtool flow rules (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support l3/l4 flow type specs in ethtool flow steering (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add ethtool flow steering support (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Properly remove all steering objects (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce mlx5_flow_steering structure (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Refactor mlx5_add_flow_rule (Don Dutile) [1383601 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix some indent inconsistancy (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce SRIOV VF representors (Don Dutile) [1383788 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add Representors registration API (Don Dutile) [1383788 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for multiple profiles (Don Dutile) [1383788 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Mark enabled RQTs instances explicitly (Don Dutile) [1383788 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: TIRs management refactoring (Don Dutile) [1383788 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Create NIC global resources only once (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add devlink based SRIOV mode changes (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add devlink interface (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [net] devlink: Add E-Switch mode control (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add API to create vport rx rules (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add offloads table (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce offloads steering namespace (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add API to create send-to-vport rules (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add miss rule for offloads mode (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add support for the sriov offloads mode (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add operational mode to the SRIOV e-Switch (Don Dutile) [1383792 1417284] - [net] rds: Do not send a pong to an incoming ping with 0 src port (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Simplify reconnect to avoid duelling reconnnect attempts (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Hooks to set up a single connection path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: make receive path use the rds_conn_path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: make ->sk_user_data point to a rds_conn_path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Refactor connection destruction to handle multiple paths (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Make rds_tcp_connection track the rds_conn_path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Remove dead logic around c_passive in rds-tcp (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Rework path specific indirections (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] be2net: signedness bug in be_msix_enable() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Report correct auto negotiation and allow toggling (Don Dutile) [1383786 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use new ethtool get/set link ksettings API (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add missing 50G baseSR2 link mode (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [uapi] ethtool: Add 50G baseSR2 link mode (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Toggle link only after modifying port parameters (Don Dutile) [1383595 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support adaptive RX coalescing (Don Dutile) [1383595 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: CQE based moderation (Don Dutile) [1383595 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce net device priv flags infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TXQ set max rate support (Don Dutile) [1383785 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Rate limit tables support (Don Dutile) [1383785 1417284] - [netdrv] be2net: Change copyright markings in source files (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] be2net: support asymmetric rx/tx queue counts (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] be2net: fix definition of be_max_eqs() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Synchronize access to mailbox (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add DCB PFC support through CEE netlink commands (Don Dutile) [1383796 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Export a common fw_ver sysfs entry (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Use new device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/nes: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mthca: Supprot device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/i40iw: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb4: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb3: Support device FW version string (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [rdma] ib/core: Add get FW version string to the core (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] {net, ib}/mlx5: Refactor internal SRQ API (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Fix MODIFY_QP command input structure (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Report mlx5 TSO capabilities when querying device (Don Dutile) [1384619 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Enable flow steering for IPv6 traffic (Don Dutile) [1384580 1417284] - [uapi] ib/core: Add IPv6 support to flow steering (Don Dutile) [1384580 1417284] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Reset flow support for IB kernel ULPs (Don Dutile) [1384614 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Implements disassociate_ucontext API (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add RSS QP support (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Extend create QP to get RWQ indirection table (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [rdma] ib/core: Extend create QP to get indirection table (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add Receive Work Queue Indirection table operations (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Introduce RWQ Indirection table (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [rdma] ib/core: Introduce Receive Work Queue indirection table (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add receive Work Queue verbs (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [uapi] ib/uverbs: Add WQ support (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [rdma] ib/core: Introduce Work Queue object and its verbs (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Export required core functions to support RSS (Don Dutile) [1384576 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Low resource fixes for Completion queue (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Low resource fixes for Memory registration (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Configure 0B MRs to match HW implementation (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Low resource fixes for connection manager (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Add missing error codes for act open cmd (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: clean up c4iw_reject_cr() (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: allocate enough space for debugfs "qps" dump (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: only read markers_enabled mod param once (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Fix non static symbol warnings (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5_en: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] benet: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Synchronize all MAC addresses (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Enable SR-IOV configuration via PCI sysfs interface (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Force cxgb4 driver as MASTER in kdump kernel (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [net] rds: Update rds_conn_destroy to be MP capable (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Update rds_conn_shutdown to work with rds_conn_path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Initialize all RDS_MPATH_WORKERS in __rds_conn_create (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Add rds_conn_path_error() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: update rds-info related functions to traverse multiple conn_paths (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Add rds_conn_path_connect_if_down() for MP-aware callers (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Make rds_send_pong() take a rds_conn_path argument (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Extract rds_conn_path from i_conn_path in rds_send_drop_to() for MP-capable transports (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: fix possible double free on sock tear down (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Pass rds_conn_path to rds_send_xmit() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Make rds_send_queue_rm() rds_conn_path aware (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Remove stale function rds_send_get_message() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Add rds_send_path_drop_acked() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: Add rds_send_path_reset() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: rds_inc_path_init() helper function for MP capable transports (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: recv path gets the conn_path from rds_incoming for MP capable transports (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: add t_mp_capable bit to be set by MP capable transports (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: split out connection specific state from rds_connection to rds_conn_path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: call rds_conn_drop instead of open code it at rds_connect_complete (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: rds_cong_queue_updates needs to defer the congestion update transmission (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: ib: Remove deprecated create_workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] {net,ib}/mlx5: mlx5_ifc updates (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix ethtool -x (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: mlx4_en_netpoll() should schedule TX, not RX (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct issues with sc5 computation (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix del vxlan port command buffer memset (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: start/stop all tx queues upon open/close netdev (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix TX Timeout to detect queues stuck on BQL (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update latest firmware version supported (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid setting unused var when modifying vport node GUID (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [net] rds: fix rds_tcp_init() error path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Validate BW weight values of ETS (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix select queue callback (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Copy all L2 headers into inline segment (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Handle RQ flush in error cases (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Implement ndo_tx_timeout callback (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Timeout if SQ doesn't flush during close (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add timeout handle to commands with callback (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix potential deadlock in command mode change (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Use ktime_get_ns() (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix wait_vital for VFs and remove fixed sleep (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix incorrect page count when in internal error (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Avoid calling sleeping function by the health poll thread (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix teardown errors that happen in pci error handler (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Reorganize ethtool statistics (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix number of PFC counters reported to ethtool (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Prevent adding the same vxlan port (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Check for BlueFlame capability before allocating SQ uar (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Change enum to better reflect usage (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add ConnectX-5 PCIe 4.0 to list of supported devices (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Update command strings (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: use mlx5_buf_alloc_node instead of mlx5_buf_alloc in mlx5_wq_ll_create (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Reduce QP buffer size (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [rdma] ib/rdmavt: Correct qp_priv_alloc() return value test (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Don't zero out qp->s_ack_queue in rvt_reset_qp (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix deadlock with txreq allocation slow path (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Prevent cross page boundary allocation (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix memory leak if QP creation failed (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Verify port number in flow steering create flow (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix error flow when sending mads under SRIOV (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix the SQ size of an RC QP (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Fix post send fence logic (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix false search of the IB_SA_WELL_KNOWN_GUID (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix no default GIDs when netdevice reregisters (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Avoid unregister_netdev at shutdown flow (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [net] rds: fix coding style issues (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: rds_tcp_accept_one() should transition socket from RESETTING to UP (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Send a pkey change event on driver pkey update (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove FULL_MGMT_P_KEY from pkey table at link up (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix potential buffer overflow (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix potential NULL ptr dereference (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Prevent context loss (Don Dutile) [1381986 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent context loss (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Increase packet egress timeout (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Correct warning during QPN allocation (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Correct required callback functions for MODIFY_QP (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix credit return threshold adjustment (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Make the code easier to verify (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Properly initialize GRH TClass and FlowLabel in AHs (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4e: Do not attempt to offload VXLAN ports that are unrecognized (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: initialize cmd.context_lock spinlock earlier (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, always set mc_promisc for allmulti vports (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Fix vport enable flow (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Use the correct error check on returned pointers (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Use the correct free() function (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix flow steering NIC capabilities check (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix E-Switch flow steering capabilities check (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix MLX5_CMD_OP_MAX to be defined correctly (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add device id of T540-BT adapter (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: fix race windows in send-path quiescence by rds_tcp_accept_one() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Retransmit half-sent datagrams when switching sockets in rds_tcp_reset_callbacks (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Add/use rds_tcp_reset_callbacks to reset tcp socket safely (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Don't update neigh validity for unresolved entries (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Disable bottom half when dealing with device address (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix race between ipoib_remove_one to sysfs functions (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Suppress sparse warnings (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use bit 0 instead of bit 1 (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix indentation (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Annotate rvt_reset_qp() (Don Dutile) [1385848 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Fix indentation (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Fix indentation (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Remove unused DMA attributes (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: fix an error code in ib_core_init() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Avoid large frame size warning (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: fix some indenting (Don Dutile) [1382806 1417284] - [net] rds: fix an infoleak in rds_inc_info_copy (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Allow setting the device address (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Support SendOnlyFullMember MCG for SendOnly join (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/core: Support new type of join-state for multicast (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: Avoid rds connection churn from rogue SYNs (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: rds_tcp_accept_worker() must exit gracefully when terminating rds-tcp (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rds: tcp: block BH in TCP callbacks (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove qplock (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Faster server reboot recovery (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove ro_unmap() from all registration modes (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Add ro_unmap_safe memreg method (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor __fmr_dma_unmap() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Move fr_xprt and fr_worker to struct rpcrdma_mw (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor the FRWR recovery worker (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Reset MRs in frwr_op_unmap_sync() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Save I/O direction in struct rpcrdma_frwr (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Rename rpcrdma_frwr::sg and sg_nents (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Use core ib_drain_qp() API (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Allow Read list and Reply chunk simultaneously (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Update comments in rpcrdma_marshal_req() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Avoid using Write list for small NFS READ requests (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Prevent inline overflow (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Limit number of RDMA segments in RPC-over-RDMA headers (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Bound the inline threshold values (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] sunrpc: Advertise maximum backchannel payload size (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Flow counters infrastructure (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Introduce flow steering destination of type counter (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Firmware commands to support flow counters (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use a macro in mlx5_command_str() (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: replace custom print_hex_dump() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/nes: Deinline nes_free_qp_mem, save 1072 bytes (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Adding queue drain functions (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Fix for passing a valid QP pointer to the user space library (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add readout of statistics using ethtool (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ulp/ipoib: remove pkey_mutex (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Convert a __force cast (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Generalize svc_rdma_xdr_decode_req() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Eliminate code duplication in svc_rdma_recvfrom() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Drain QP before freeing svcrdma_xprt (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Post Receives only for forward channel requests (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: svc_rdma_put_context() is invoked twice in Send error path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Support IPv6 with NFS/RDMA (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/isert: convert to the generic RDMA READ/WRITE API (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: convert to the generic RDMA READ/WRITE API (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [target] enhance and export target_alloc_sgl/target_free_sgl (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [target] ensure se_cmd->t_prot_sg is allocated when required (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Enable CQE compression when PCI is slower than link (Don Dutile) [1383356 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Expand WQE stride when CQE compression is enabled (Don Dutile) [1383356 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: CQE compression (Don Dutile) [1383356 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix merge errors (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Reset dcb state machine and tx queue prio only if dcb is enabled (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] i40e: constify i40e_client_ops structure (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] replace dev->trans_start accesses with dev_trans_start (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Implement trust vf ndo (Don Dutile) [1383280 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Implement promiscuous rx modes vf request handling (Don Dutile) [1383280 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Add promiscuous and allmulti FDB flowtable groups (Don Dutile) [1383280 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Use vport event handler for vport cleanup (Don Dutile) [1383280 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Enable/disable ACL tables on demand (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Vport ingress/egress ACLs rules for spoofchk (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Vport ingress/egress ACLs rules for VST mode (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce VST vport ingress/egress ACLs (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Fix error flow memory leak (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Replace vport spin lock with synchronize_irq() (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Flow steering, Add vport ACL support (Don Dutile) [1383290 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix aRFS compilation dependency (Don Dutile) [1385330 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Check for firmware errors in the mailbox command loop (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't sleep when mbox cmd is issued from interrupt context (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix IPv6 tunnel checksum offload (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add support for UDP tunnel segmentation with outer checksum offload (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add support for UDP tunnel segmentation with outer checksum offload (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Enabling aRFS mechanism (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add accelerated RFS support (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Create aRFS flow tables (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Initializing CPU reverse mapping (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Split the main flow steering table (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Refactor mlx5e flow steering structs (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Support different attributes for priorities in namespace (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Add user chosen levels when allocating flow tables (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Introduce tc offload support (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Set number of allowed levels in priority (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5: Introduce modify flow rule destination (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Direct TIR per RQ (Don Dutile) [1383273 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support to enable logging of firmware mailbox commands (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Adding queue drain functions (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] treewide: Fix typos in printk (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: remove use of NETDEV_TX_LOCKED (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Decode link down reason code obtained from firmware (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: DCB message handler needs to use correct portid to netdev mapping (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Refactor t4_port_init function (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Properly decode port module type (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Avoids race and deadlock while freeing tx descriptor (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add llseek operation for flash debugfs entry (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new routine to get adapter info (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [scsi] rename SCSI_MAX_{SG, SG_CHAIN}_SEGMENTS (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix out of bounds read (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: don't leak skb if carrier down (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: handle draining an idle qp (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb3: initialize ibdev.iwcm->ifname for port mapping (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: initialize ibdev.iwcm->ifname for port mapping (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Use ib_drain_qp (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib_srpt: fix a WARN_ON() message (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb3: support for iWARP port mapping (Don Dutile) [1385866 1417284] - [infiniband] iw_nes: remove port mapper related code (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Report the actual address of the remote connecting peer (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Add support for iWARP Port Mapper user space service (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Fix error return code (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Use new CQ API for RPC-over-RDMA client send CQs (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Use an anonymous union in struct rpcrdma_mw (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Use new CQ API for RPC-over-RDMA client receive CQs (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Serialize credit accounting again (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Properly handle RDMA_ERROR replies (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Do not wait if ib_post_send() fails (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Segment head and tail XDR buffers on page boundaries (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up dprintk format string containing a newline (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] xprtrdma: Clean up physical_op_map() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Kill the ->isert_cmd back pointer in struct iser_tx_desc (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Kill struct isert_rdma_wr (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Convert to new CQ API (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Split and properly type the login buffer (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove ISER_RECV_DATA_SEG_LEN (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove impossible condition from isert_wait_conn (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove redundant wait in release_conn (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Rework connection termination (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Separate flows for np listeners and connections cma events (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Add new state ISER_CONN_BOUND to isert_conn (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser-target: Fix identification of login rx descriptor type (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] iser: Accept arbitrary sg lists mapping if the device supports it (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Skip using unneeded intermediate variable (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Skip using unneeded intermediate variable (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ocrdma: Delete unnecessary variable initialisations in 11 functions (Don Dutile) [1385876 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add handling for sending of skb with many frags (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Use new CQ API for RPC-over-RDMA server send CQs (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Use new CQ API for RPC-over-RDMA server receive CQs (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Remove close_out exit path (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Hook up the logic to return ERR_CHUNK (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] rpcrdma: Add RPCRDMA_HDRLEN_ERR (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Close connection when a send error occurs (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Do not send Write chunk XDR pad with inline content (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Do not write xdr_buf::tail in a Write chunk (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [net] svcrdma: Find client-provided write and reply chunks once per reply (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix wait list processing (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Introduce srpt_process_wait_list() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Log out all initiators if a port is disabled (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix srpt_write_pending() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Detect session shutdown reliably (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Use a mutex to protect the channel list (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Log private data associated with REJ (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Eliminate srpt_find_channel() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Inline trivial CM callback functions (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix how aborted commands are processed (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix srpt_handle_cmd() error paths (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix srpt_close_session() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Simplify srpt_shutdown_session() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Simplify channel state management (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Use scsilun_to_int() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Introduce target_reverse_dma_direction() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Inline srpt_get_ch_state() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Inline srpt_sdev_name() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Add parentheses around sizeof argument (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] nes: handling failed allocation when creating workqueue (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use boottime (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Use ib_drain_sq() (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [netdrv] mlx4: use new ETHTOOL_G/SSETTINGS API (Don Dutile) [1385329 1417284] - [infiniband] usnic: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] usnic: use __ethtool_get_settings (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] usnic: remove unused call to ethtool_ops::get_settings (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Replace LRO with GRO (Don Dutile) [1417284] - [infiniband] treewide: Fix typo in printk (Don Dutile) [1417284]- [tools] tools/power turbostat: RHEL Add additional RAPL features to Intel processors (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: remove obsolete -M, -m, -C, -c options (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: Make extensible via the --add parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: line up headers when -M is used (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: fix SKX PKG_CSTATE_LIMIT decoding (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: fix error case overflow read of slm_freq_table[] (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: Allocate correct amount of fd and irq entries (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: switch to tab delimited output (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: Gracefully handle ACPI S3 (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: tidy up output on Joule counter overflow (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] turbostat: allow user to alter DESTDIR and PREFIX (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: work around RC6 counter wrap (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: print IRTL MSRs (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: SGX state should print only if --debug (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: bugfix: TDP MSRs print bits fixing (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: correct output for MSR_NHM_SNB_PKG_CST_CFG_CTL dump (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: call __cpuid() instead of __get_cpuid() (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: indicate SMX and SGX support (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: detect and work around syscall jitter (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: show GFXrc6 (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: show GFXMHz (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: show IRQs per CPU (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: make fewer systems calls (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: add --out option for saving output in a file (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: re-name "Busy" field to "Busy" (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: decode more CPUID fields (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: CPUID(0x16) leaf shows base, max, and bus frequency (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: decode HWP registers (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: Decode MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: fix various build warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076] - [tools] power turbostat: allow sub-sec intervals (Prarit Bhargava) [1422076]- [netdrv] nfp: add to redhat build configuration (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: fix error return code in nfp_net_netdev_open() (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: don't pad frames on receive (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: drop support for old firmware ABIs (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: remove linux/version.h includes (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: check idx is -ENOSPC before using it is an index (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: implement ethtool .get_link() callback (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: remove unused parameter from nfp_net_write_mac_addr() (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: correct name of control BAR define (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: Replace ndo_add/del_vxlan_port with ndo_add/del_udp_enc_port (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: use correct index to mask link state irq (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: add async reconfiguration mechanism (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: remove buggy RX buffer length validation (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: remove unused suspicious mask defines (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: correct names of constants in comments (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: remove unnecessary static (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: check the right pointer for errors (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: allow ring size reconfiguration at runtime (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: pass ring count as function parameter (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: convert .ndo_change_mtu() to prepare/commit paradigm (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: propagate list buffer size in struct rx_ring (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: sync ring state during FW reconfiguration (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: slice .ndo_open() and .ndo_stop() up (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: move filling ring information to FW config (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: preallocate RX buffers early in .ndo_open (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: reorganize initial filling of RX rings (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: cleanup tx ring flush and rename to reset (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: allocate ring SW structs dynamically (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: make *x_ring_init do all the init (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: break up nfp_net_{alloc|free}_rings (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: move link state interrupt request/free calls (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: correct RX buffer length calculation (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: call netif_carrier_off() during init (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] nfp: clear ring delayed kick counters (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] net: Rename NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM to NETIF_F_CSUM_MASK (John Linville) [1377767] - [netdrv] net: add driver for Netronome NFP4000/NFP6000 NIC VFs (John Linville) [1377767]- [net] mac80211: fix legacy and invalid rx-rate report (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1411078] - [pci] msi: Simplify PCI MSI code by initializing msi_desc.nvec_used earlier (Prarit Bhargava) [1417650] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Make package handling more robust (Jiri Olsa) [1418688] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Convert to hotplug state machine (Jiri Olsa) [1418688] - [x86] perf/x86: Set pmu->module in Intel PMU modules (Jiri Olsa) [1418688] - [x86] kvm: vmx: enable guest access to LMCE related MSRs (Paul Lai) [1402102] - [x86] kvm: vmx: validate individual bits of guest MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL (Paul Lai) [1402102] - [x86] kvm: vmx: move msr_ia32_feature_control to vcpu_vmx (Paul Lai) [1402102] - [x86] pci: vmd: Use x86_vector_domain as parent domain (Myron Stowe) [1395404] - [x86] asm/irq: Stop relying on magic JMP behavior for early_idt_handlers (Prarit Bhargava) [1422146] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix use-after-free by not tracing WKA port open/close on failed send (Hendrik Brueckner) [1421749] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix rport unblock race with LUN recovery (Hendrik Brueckner) [1421750] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: do not trace pure benign residual HBA responses at default level (Hendrik Brueckner) [1421751] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: fix use-after-"free" in FC ingress path after TMF (Hendrik Brueckner) [1421752] - [block] Copy a user iovec if it includes gaps (Jeff Moyer) [1421263] - [tools] toops: Sync tools/include/uapi/linux/perf_event.h with the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [tools] perf record: Add clockid parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] perf: Add per event clockid support (Jiri Olsa) [1391242 1404539] - [kernel] perf: Pass the event to arch_perf_update_userpage() (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] time: Introduce tk_fast_raw (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] time: Parametrize all tk_fast_mono users (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] timekeeping: Pass readout base to update_fast_timekeeper() (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] timekeeping: Provide fast and NMI safe access to CLOCK_MONOTONIC (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] seqcount: Add raw_write_seqcount_latch() (Jiri Olsa) [1391242] - [kernel] audit: consistently record PIDs with task_tgid_nr() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1379453] - [kernel] audit: Simplify and correct audit_log_capset (Richard Guy Briggs) [1379453] - [kernel] audit: log module name on init_module (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382500] - [crypto] rsa - add .gitignore for crypto/*.-asn1.[ch] files (Prarit Bhargava) [1422663] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix txq aggregation bug (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1362524] - [powerpc] Convert cmp to cmpd in idle enter sequence (Steve Best) [1418770] - [powerpc] powerpc/vdso64: Use double word compare on pointers (Steve Best) [1418770]- [net] ipv6: Don't unset flowi6_proto in ipxip6_tnl_xmit() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ipv6: fix 4in6 tunnel receive path (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre6: add Kconfig dependency for NET_IPGRE_DEMUX (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_tunnel: Account for tunnel header in tunnel MTU (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: use nla_get_be32() to extract flowinfo (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: fix flowi6_proto value in ip6gre_xmit_other() (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: set inner_protocol on xmit (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: fix error handler (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ipv4: Add ability to have GRE ignore DF bit in IPv4 payloads (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6gre: Allow live link address change (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Set flowi6_proto as IPPROTO_GRE in xmit path. (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Fix MTU setting for ip6gretap (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: do not keep the GRE header around in collect medata mode (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: Fix wrong tpi->proto in WCCP (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Fix get_size calculation for gre6 tunnel (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Use correct flags for reading TUNNEL_SEQ (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Set inner protocol correctly in __gre6_xmit (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Fix MTU setting (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre6: Fix flag translations (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: receive also TEB packets for lwtunnels (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: move iptunnel_pull_header down to ipgre_rcv (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: change gre_parse_header to return the header length (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: remove superfluous pskb_may_pull (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre6: Cleanup GREv6 transmit path, call common GRE functions (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ipv6: Generic tunnel cleanup (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: Create common functions for transmit (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ipv6: Create ip6_tnl_xmit (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre6: Cleanup GREv6 receive path, call common GRE functions (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: Move utility functions to common headers (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ipv6: Cleanup IPv6 tunnel receive path (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6gre: Add support for GSO (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: Add support for GRO/GSO of IPv6 GRE traffic (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6gre: Add support for basic offloads offloads excluding GSO (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6gretap: Fix MTU to allow for Ethernet header (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: clear IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre6: allow to update all parameters via rtnl (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: Reduce log level in ip6gre_err() to debug (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: use be16 variants of netlink functions (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: fix endianness errors in ip6gre_err (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: allow live address change (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: Set inner mac header in gro complete (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: Fix typo in returning flags in netlink (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6gre: add a rtnl link alias for ip6gretap (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: allow changing mac address when device is up (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ip6_gre: don't allow to remove the fb_tunnel_dev (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] gre: use icmp_hdr() to get inner ip header (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] ipv6: Fix the upper MTU limit in GRE tunnel (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369158] - [net] geneve: avoid use-after-free of skb->data (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] vxlan: Add new UDP encapsulation offload type for VXLAN-GPE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] Merge VXLAN and GENEVE push notifiers into a single notifier (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] Combine GENEVE and VXLAN port notifiers into single functions (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] vxlan/geneve: Include udp_tunnel.h in vxlan/geneve.h and fixup includes (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] geneve: fix max_mtu setting (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] geneve: fix tx_errors statistics (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] geneve: testing the wrong variable in geneve6_build_skb() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] ip_tunnel_core: iptunnel_handle_offloads returns int and doesn't free skb (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] geneve: make access to tunnel options similar to vxlan (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326309] - [net] Optimize local checksum offload (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] documentation/networking: more accurate LCO explanation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] documentation/networking: add checksum-offloads.txt to explain LCO (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] ip_tunnel: remove 'csum_help' argument to iptunnel_handle_offloads (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] gre: Implement LCO for GRE over IPv4 (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] vxlan: enable local checksum offload (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] enable LCO for udp_tunnel_handle_offloads() users (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] udp: always set up for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL offload (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] local checksum offload for encapsulation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1326318] - [net] gso: Support partial splitting at the frag_list pointer (Eric Garver) [1405429] - [net] Add support for IP ID mangling TSO in cases that require encapsulation (Eric Garver) [1405429] - [net] Fix netdev_fix_features so that TSO_MANGLEID is only available with TSO (Eric Garver) [1405429] - [net] gso: Only allow GSO_PARTIAL if we can checksum the inner protocol (Eric Garver) [1405429] - [net] gso: Do not perform partial GSO if number of partial segments is 1 or less (Eric Garver) [1405429] - [net] gso: Reload iph after pskb_may_pull (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] relax expensive skb_unclone() in iptunnel_handle_offloads() (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] documentation: Add documentation for TSO and GSO features (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gso: Support partial segmentation offload (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gro: Add support for TCP with fixed IPv4 ID field, limit tunnel IP ID values (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gso: Add GSO type for fixed IPv4 ID (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] ethtool: Add support for toggling any of the GSO offloads (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Reset encap_level to avoid resetting features on inner IP headers (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] bridge: update max_gso_segs and max_gso_size (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] rtnetlink: add IFLA_GSO_MAX_SEGS and IFLA_GSO_MAX_SIZE attributes (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] bridge: reset bridge mtu after deleting an interface (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gso/udp: Use skb->len instead of udph->len to determine length of original skb (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gso: Provide software checksum of tunneled UDP fragmentation offload (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Allow tunnels to use inner checksum offloads with outer checksums needed (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] udp: Use uh->len instead of skb->len to compute checksum in segmentation (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] udp: Clean up the use of flags in UDP segmentation offload (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gre: Use inner_proto to obtain inner header protocol (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] gre: Use GSO flags to determine csum need instead of GRE flags (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Move skb_has_shared_frag check out of GRE code and into segmentation (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Store checksum result for offloaded GSO checksums (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Update remote checksum segmentation to support use of GSO checksum (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Move GSO csum into SKB_GSO_CB (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] fix two sparse errors (Eric Garver) [1326353] - [net] Drop unecessary enc_features variable from tunnel segmentation functions (Eric Garver) [1326353]- [vhost] vsock: lookup and setup guest_cid inside vhost_vsock_lock (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock/virtio: fix src/dst cid format (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock/virtio: mark an internal function static (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock/virtio: add a missing __le annotation (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [vhost] vhost-vsock: fix orphan connection reset (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [vhost] vhost-vsock: remove unused vq variable (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: add loopback to virtio_transport (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: Don't dec ack backlog twice for rejected connections (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vhost/vsock: drop space available check for TX vq (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [vhost] vsock: fix vhost virtio_vsock_pkt use-after-free (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [vhost] vsock: Use kvfree() (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: Add Makefile and Kconfig (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [maintainers] vsock: Introduce vhost_vsock.ko (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [maintainers] vsock: Introduce virtio_transport.ko (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [uapi] vsock: Introduce virtio_vsock_common.ko (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: defer sock removal to transports (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: transport-specific vsock_transport functions (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: make listener child lock ordering explicit (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: do not disconnect socket when peer has shutdown SEND only (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] af_vsock: Shrink the area influenced by prepare_to_wait (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: define VSOCK_SS_LISTEN once only (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: fix missing cleanup when misc_register failed (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [uapi] fix to export linux/vm_sockets.h (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vmci_transport: switch ->enqeue_dgram, ->enqueue_stream and ->dequeue_stream to msghdr (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [uapi] add missing network related headers to kbuild (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: Make transport the proto owner (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: Move af_vsock.h and vsock_addr.h to include/net (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: Fix VSOCK_HASH and VSOCK_CONN_HASH (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282] - [net] vsock: Introduce vsock_auto_bind helper (Stefan Hajnoczi) [1291282]- [x86] edac, amd64: Don't treat ECC disabled as failure (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] edac: Add routine to check if MC devices list is empty (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] amd_nb: Fix boot crash on non-AMD systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [kernel] edac: Document HW_EVENT_ERR_DEFERRED type (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Autoload amd64_edac_mod on Fam17h systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Autoload module using x86_cpu_id (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Define and register UMC error decode function (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64_edac: Simplify code around decode_bus_error (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Determine EDAC capabilities on Fam17h systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Determine EDAC MC capabilities on Fam17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Add Fam17h debug output (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Add Fam17h scrubber support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64_edac: Extend scrub rate support to F15hM60h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Read MC registers on AMD Fam17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Reserve correct PCI devices on AMD Fam17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Add AMD Fam17h family type and ops (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64_edac: Drop pci_register_driver() use (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Extend ecc_enabled() to Fam17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Don't force-enable ECC checking on newer systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] mce/amd: Add system physical address translation for AMD Fam17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [kernel] edac, amd64: Add Deferred Error type (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Rename __log_bus_error() to be more specific (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] amd64: Change target of pci_name from F2 to F3 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] mce_amd: Rename nb_bus_decoder to dram_ecc_decoder (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [kernel] edac: Add LRDDR4 DRAM type (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] amd_nb: Add SMN and Indirect Data Fabric access for AMD Fam17h (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] amd_nb: Add Fam17h Data Fabric as "Northbridge" (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] amd_nb: Make all exports EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] amd_nb: Make amd_northbridges internal to amd_nb.c (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] mce/amd: Fix HWID_MCATYPE calculation by grouping arguments (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] x86/ras: Rename smca_bank_names to smca_names (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [edac] x86/ras: Simplify SMCA HWID descriptor struct (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] ras: Simplify SMCA bank descriptor struct (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] mce: Update AMD mcheck init to use cpu_has() facilities (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] mce: Detect local MCEs properly (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] mce: Carve out writes to MCx_STATUS and MCx_CTL (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712] - [x86] mce: Grade uncorrected errors for SMCA-enabled systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1303712]- [hv] vmbus: finally fix hv_need_to_signal_on_read() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] acquire vmbus_connection.channel_mutex in vmbus_free_channels() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] hyperv: Fix spelling of HV_UNKOWN (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: On the read path cleanup the logic to interrupt the host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: On write cleanup the logic to interrupt the host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Base host signaling strictly on the ring state (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] balloon: Fix info request to show max page count (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vss: Operation timeouts should match host expectation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vss: Improve log messages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] balloon: Add logging for dynamic memory operations (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] balloon: Disable hot add when CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTPLUG is not set (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] utils: reduce HV_UTIL_NEGO_TIMEOUT timeout (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] ring_buffer: count on wrap around mappings in get_next_pkt_raw() (v2) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: make sysfs names consistent with PCI (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] get rid of id in struct vmbus_channel (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] make VMBus bus ids persistent (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] utils: Rename version definitions to reflect protocol version (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: suppress some "hv_vmbus: Unknown GUID" warnings (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Make mmio resource local (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] utils: Check VSS daemon is listening before a hot backup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] utils: Continue to poll VSS channel after handling requests (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] Introduce a policy for controlling channel affinity (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] ring_buffer: use wrap around mappings in hv_copy{from, to}_ringbuffer() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] ring_buffer: wrap around mappings for ring buffers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] cleanup vmbus_open() for wrap around mappings (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Implement a mechanism to tag the channel for low latency (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Reduce the delay between retries in vmbus_post_msg() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Enable explicit signaling policy for NIC channels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: fix the race when querying & updating the percpu list (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] utils: fix a race on userspace daemons registration (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] get rid of timeout in vmbus_open() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Give control over how the ring access is serialized (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: Eliminate the spin lock on the read path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: add an API vmbus_hvsock_device_unregister() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: add a per-channel rescind callback (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: vmbus_sendpacket_ctl: hvsock: avoid unnecessary signaling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: define the new offer type for Hyper-V socket (hvsock) (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889] - [hv] vmbus: add a helper function to set a channel's pending send size (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406404 1418889]- [tools] power turbostat: Denverton uses a 25 MHz crystal, not 19.2 MHz (Steve Best) [1379780] - [tools] power turbostat: fix Denverton BCLK (Steve Best) [1379780] - [tools] power turbostat: use intel-family.h model strings (Steve Best) [1379780] - [scsi] fcoe: fix reset of fip selection time (Neil Horman) [1410765] - [scsi] ipr: Fix async error WARN_ON (Gustavo Duarte) [1384383] - [scsi] ipr: Remove redundant messages at adapter init time (Gustavo Duarte) [1384383] - [scsi] ipr: Don't log unnecessary 9084 error details (Gustavo Duarte) [1384383] - [scsi] ipr: Add asynchronous error notification (Gustavo Duarte) [1384383] - [x86] kvm/x86: add sending hyper-v crash notification to user space (Bandan Das) [1357828] - [x86] kvm/x86: added hyper-v crash msrs into kvm hyperv context (Bandan Das) [1357828] - [x86] kvm: add hyper-v crash msrs values (Bandan Das) [1357828] - [x86] kvm: Add KVM_EXIT_SYSTEM_EVENT to user space API header (Bandan Das) [1357828] - [net] ethtool: page allocation failure (David Arcari) [1362219] - [net] audit: log 32-bit socketcalls (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382499] - [lib] bug.c: use common WARN helper (Pratyush Anand) [1310539] - [lib] bug.c: convert printk to pr_foo() (Pratyush Anand) [1310539] - [lib] bug.c: make panic_on_warn available for all architectures (Pratyush Anand) [1310539] - [kernel] panic: add cpu/pid to warn_slowpath_common in WARNING printk()s (Pratyush Anand) [1310539] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Prevent overflow of size in ring_buffer_resize() (Pratyush Anand) [1339451] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Use long for nr_pages to avoid overflow failures (Pratyush Anand) [1339451] - [kernel] tracing: Fix showing function event in available_events (Pratyush Anand) [1311824] - [kernel] nohz: Fix collision between tick and other hrtimers (Frederic Weisbecker) [1366043] - [netdrv] virtio-net: correctly enable multiqueue (Maxime Coquelin) [1396578] - [netdrv] virtio-net: enable multiqueue by default (Maxime Coquelin) [1396578] - [netdrv] alx: work around hardware bug in interrupt fallback path (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: fix fallback to msi or legacy interrupts (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: fix wrong condition to free descriptor memory (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add a proper check for the availability of the checksum features (Thomas Huth) [1414232] - [powerpc] fadump: Fix the race in crash_fadump() (Steve Best) [1420077] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add Knights Mill CPUID (Steve Best) [1381264]- [net] sctp: check af before verify address in sctp_addr_id2transport (Xin Long) [1414389] - [net] vti6: fix input path (Hangbin Liu) [1419421] - [net] xfrm_input: fix possible NULL deref of tunnel.ip6->parms.i_key (Hangbin Liu) [1419421] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: fix dev refcont leak when DAD failed (Hangbin Liu) [1416105] - [net] dctcp: avoid bogus doubling of cwnd after loss (Florian Westphal) [1386923] - [net] revert "dctcp: update cwnd on congestion event" (Florian Westphal) [1386923] - [net] avoid signed overflows for SO_{SND|RCV}BUFFORCE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1412474] {CVE-2016-9793} - [net] skbuff: Fix skb checksum partial check (Lance Richardson) [1411480] - [net] skbuff: Fix skb checksum flag on skb pull (Lance Richardson) [1411480] - [net] sctp: not copying duplicate addrs to the assoc's bind address list (Xin Long) [1308362] - [net] sctp: reduce indent level in sctp_copy_local_addr_list (Xin Long) [1308362] - [net] bonding: set carrier off for devices created through netlink (Beniamino Galvani) [1356197] - [net] bridge: a netlink notification should be sent when those attributes are changed by ioctl (Xin Long) [950243] - [net] bridge: a netlink notification should be sent when those attributes are changed by br_sysfs_if (Xin Long) [950243] - [net] bridge: a netlink notification should be sent when those attributes are changed by br_sysfs_br (Xin Long) [950243] - [net] bridge: simplify the stp_state_store by calling store_bridge_parm (Xin Long) [950243] - [net] bridge: simplify the forward_delay_store by calling store_bridge_parm (Xin Long) [950243] - [net] bridge: simplify the flush_store by calling store_bridge_parm (Xin Long) [950243] - [net] ipv6: correctly add local routes when lo goes up (Eelco Chaudron) [1386304] - [net] rtnetlink: Don't export empty RTAX_FEATURES (Phil Sutter) [1369421]- [fs] Make __xfs_xattr_put_listen preperly report errors (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: in _attrlist_by_handle, copy the cursor back to userspace (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: fix type confusion in xfs_ioc_swapext (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: fix warning in xfs_finish_page_writeback for non-debug builds (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: concurrent readdir hangs on data buffer locks (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: move reclaim tagging functions (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: simplify inode reclaim tagging interfaces (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: rename variables in xfs_iflush_cluster for clarity (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: xfs_iflush_cluster has range issues (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: mark reclaimed inodes invalid earlier (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: xfs_inode_free() isn't RCU safe (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: optimise xfs_iext_destroy (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: skip stale inodes in xfs_iflush_cluster (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: fix inode validity check in xfs_iflush_cluster (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: xfs_iflush_cluster fails to abort on error (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_fs_evict_inode() (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: buffer ->bi_end_io function requires irq-safe lock (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: mute some sparse warnings (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: improve kmem_realloc (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: Add caller function output to xfs_log_force tracepoint (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove transaction types (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: better xfs_trans_alloc interface (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: optimize bio handling in the buffer writeback path (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: don't release bios on completion immediately (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: build bios directly in xfs_add_to_ioend (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: collapse cases in xfs_attr3_leaf_list_int (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove put_value from attr ->put_listent context (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: don't pass value into attr ->put_listent (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: only return -errno or success from attr ->put_listent (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: set up inode operation vectors later (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: factor out a helper to initialize a local format inode fork (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: add missing break in xfs_parseargs() (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: Don't wrap growfs AGFL indexes (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: always set rvalp in xfs_dir2_node_trim_free (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: ensure committed is initialized in xfs_trans_roll (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: borrow indirect blocks from freed extent when available (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: refactor delalloc indlen reservation split into helper (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: update freeblocks counter after extent deletion (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: debug mode forced buffered write failure (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove impossible condition (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: check sizes of XFS on-disk structures at compile time (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: use named array initializers for log item dumping (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: fix computation of inode btree maxlevels (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: reinitialise per-AG structures if geometry changes during recovery (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_trans_get_block_res (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: fix up inode32/64 (re)mount handling (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: fix format specifier , should be llx and not llu (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: sanitize remount options (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: convert mount option parsing to tokens (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: XFS_DIFLAG2_DAX limited by PAGE_SIZE (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: dynamically switch modes when XFS_DIFLAG2_DAX is set/cleared (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: S_DAX is only for regular files (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: XFS_DIFLAG_DAX is only for regular files or directories (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove XFS_BUF_ZEROFLAGS macro (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove XBF_STALE flag wrapper macros (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove XBF_WRITE flag wrapper macros (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove XBF_READ flag wrapper macros (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove XBF_ASYNC flag wrapper macros (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove XBF_DONE flag wrapper macros (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: mode di_mode to vfs inode (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: move di_changecount to VFS inode (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: move inode generation count to VFS inode (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: use vfs inode nlink field everywhere (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: reinitialise recycled VFS inode correctly (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: move v1 inode conversion to xfs_inode_from_disk (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: cull unnecessary icdinode fields (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove timestamps from incore inode (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: introduce inode log format object (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: RT bitmap and summary buffers need verifiers (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: RT bitmap and summary buffers are not typed (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: move struct xfs_attr_shortform to xfs_da_format.h (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: Make xfsaild freezeable again (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: remove unused function definitions (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: move buffer invalidation to xfs_btree_free_block (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: factor btree block freeing into a helper (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: handle errors from ->free_blocks in xfs_btree_kill_iroot (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: lock rt summary inode on allocation (Brian Foster) [1419532] - [fs] xfs: Change how listxattr generates synthetic attributes (Brian Foster) [1419532]- [crypto] qat - zero esram only for DH85x devices (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix bar discovery for c62x (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix leak on error path (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix incorrect accelerator mask for C3X devices (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix constants table DMA (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix aes-xts key sizes (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Stop dropping leading zeros from RSA output (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Add DH support (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Add RSA CRT mode (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] rsa - Store rest of the private key components (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Use alternative reset methods depending on the specific device (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Switch to new rsa_helper functions (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] ecdh - Add ECDH software support (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] dh - Add DH software implementation (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] kpp - Key-agreement Protocol Primitives API (KPP) (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] rsa - return raw integers for the ASN.1 parser (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Remove deprecated create_workqueue (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix typos sizeof for ctx (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - change the adf_ctl_stop_devices to void (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - make adf_vf_isr.c dependant on IOV config (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Fix typo in comments (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix adf_ctl_drv.c:undefined reference to adf_init_pf_wq (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix invalid pf2vf_resp_wq logic (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix section mismatch warning (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - interrupts need to be enabled when VFs are disabled (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - check if PF is running (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - move vf2pf_init and vf2pf_exit to common (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - adf_dev_stop should not be called in atomic context (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - changed adf_dev_stop to void (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - explicitly stop all VFs first (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix address leaking of RSA public exponent (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - avoid memory corruption or undefined behaviour (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Remove redundant nrbg rings (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - make sure const_tab is 1024 bytes aligned (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - remove redundant arbiter configuration (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Change the definition of icp_qat_uof_regtype (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - The AE id should be less than the maximal AE number (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - fix leak on error path (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Reduced reqsize in qat_algs (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - Pack cfg ctl structs (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - remove redundant function call (Neil Horman) [1382849] - [crypto] qat - change name for c6xx dev type (Neil Horman) [1382849]- [x86] platform/uv: Clean up the NMI code to match current coding style (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Ensure uv_system_init is called when necessary (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Initialize PCH GPP_D_0 NMI Pin to be NMI source (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Verify NMI action is valid, default is standard (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Add basic CPU NMI health check (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Add Support for UV4 Hubless NMIs (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Add Support for UV4 Hubless systems (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix 2 socket config problem (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix panic with missing UVsystab support (Frank Ramsay) [1416460] - [fs] posix_acl: Clear SGID bit when setting file permissions (Andreas Grunbacher) [1371253] {CVE-2016-7097} - [fs] sunrpc: Remove unused callback xpo_adjust_wspace() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: Change TCP socket space reservation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: Add a server side per-connection limit ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: Micro optimisation for svc_data_ready ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: Call the default socket callbacks instead of open coding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: lock the socket while detaching it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: Add tracepoints for dropped and deferred requests ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [fs] sunrpc: Add a tracepoint for server socket out-of-space conditions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1314076] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Implement the PD Map support for SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: ldio_outstanding variable is not decremented in completion path (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Enable or Disable Fast path based on the PCI Threshold Bandwidth (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add the Support for SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers Capabilities (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Dynamic Raid Map Changes for SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers Fast Path for RAID 1/10 Writes (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers Stream Detection and IO Coalescing (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: EEDP Escape Mode Support for SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: 128 MSIX Support (Tomas Henzl) [1356672] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add new pci device Ids for SAS3.5 Generic Megaraid Controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1356672]- [fs] rpc: share one xps between all backchannels (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: fix xprt leak on xps allocation failure (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Clear xpt_bc_xprt if xs_setup_bc_tcp failed (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] nfsd4/rpc: move backchannel create logic into rpc code (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix suspicious RCU usage (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS pnfs data server multipath session trunking (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] nfs4: clnt: respect noresvport when establishing connections to DSes (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] nfs: Fix an Oops in the pNFS files and flexfiles connection setup to the DS (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS test session trunking with exchange id (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS add xprt switch addrs test to match client (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: rpc_clnt_add_xprt setup function for NFS layer (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] SUNRPC search xprt switch for sockaddr (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] SUNRPC rpc_clnt_xprt_switch_add_xprt (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] SUNRPC rpc_clnt_xprt_switch_put (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] nfsv4: Cleanup the setting of the nfs4 lease period (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] SUNRPC remove rpc_task_release_client from rpc_task_set_client (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS detect session trunking (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS refactor nfs4_check_serverowner_major_id (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS refactor nfs4_match_clientids (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS setup async exchange_id (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix infinite looping in rpc_clnt_iterate_for_each_xprt (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] NFS add callback_ops to nfs4_proc_bind_conn_to_session_callback (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] pnfs/nfsv4.1: Add multipath capabilities to pNFS flexfiles servers over NFSv3 (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Allow addition of new transports to a struct rpc_clnt (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] nfsv4.1: nfs4_proc_bind_conn_to_session must iterate over all connections (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Make NFS swap work with multipath (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Add a helper to apply a function to all the rpc_clnt's transports (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Allow caller to specify the transport to use (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Use the multipath iterator to assign a transport to each task (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Make rpc_clnt store the multipath iterators (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Add a structure to track multiple transports (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Make freeing of struct xprt rcu-safe (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Uninline xprt_get(); It isn't performance critical (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Reorder rpc_task to put waitqueue related info in same cachelines (Steve Dickson) [1336886] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove unused function rpc_task_reset_client (Steve Dickson) [1336886]- [fs] ovl: fix d_real() for stacked fs (Miklos Szeredi) [1414761] - [fs] ovl: fsync after copy-up (Miklos Szeredi) [1414757] - [fs] ovl: fix get_acl() on tmpfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1412247] - [fs] ovl: update S_ISGID when setting posix ACLs (Miklos Szeredi) [1414755] - [fs] ovl: use generic_readlink (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: explain error values when removing acl from workdir (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: Fix info leak in ovl_lookup_temp() (Miklos Szeredi) [1414754] - [fs] ovl: lookup: do getxattr with mounter's permission (Miklos Szeredi) [1414751] - [fs] ovl: copy_up_xattr(): use strnlen (Miklos Szeredi) [1412277] - [fs] vfs: do get_write_access() on upper layer of overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1414746] - [fs] vfs: make argument of d_real_inode() const (Miklos Szeredi) [1414746] - [fs] locks: fix file locking on overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1414738] - [fs] locks: fix locks_mandatory_locked to respect file-private locks (Miklos Szeredi) [1414738] - [fs] vfs: update ovl inode before relatime check (Miklos Szeredi) [1351860] - [fs] vfs: move permission checking into notify_change() for utimes(NULL) (Miklos Szeredi) [1413988] - [fs] ovl: fix workdir creation (Miklos Szeredi) [1410842] - [fs] ovl: update doc (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: listxattr: use strnlen() (Miklos Szeredi) [1412277] - [fs] ovl: Switch to generic_getxattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: Fix OVL_XATTR_PREFIX (Miklos Szeredi) [1412270] - [fs] ovl: fix spelling mistake: "directries" -> "directories" (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: use cached acl on underlying layer (Miklos Szeredi) [1412247] - [fs] fs: add get_acl helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1412247] - [fs] ovl: proper cleanup of workdir (Miklos Szeredi) [1410873] - [fs] ovl: remove posix_acl_default from workdir (Miklos Szeredi) [1410842] - [fs] ovl: don't copy up opaqueness (Miklos Szeredi) [1365150] - [fs] revert "vfs: add lookup_hash() helper" (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: simplify empty checking (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] qstr: constify instances in overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: disallow overlayfs as upperdir (Miklos Szeredi) [1410813] - [fs] ovl: fix warning (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: remove duplicated include from super.c (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: permission: return ECHILD instead of ENOENT (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: update atime on upper (Miklos Szeredi) [1351860] - [fs] ovl: fixed coding style warning (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] ovl: honor flag MS_SILENT at mount (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] fs/overlayfs/super.c needs pagemap.h (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] wrappers for ->i_mutex access (Miklos Szeredi) [1414769] - [fs] nfs: Fix inode corruption in nfs_prime_dcache() (Benjamin Coddington) [1416532] - [fs] nfs: Don't let readdirplus revalidate an inode that was marked as stale (Benjamin Coddington) [1416532] - [fs] gfs2: Reduce contention on gfs2_log_lock (Robert S Peterson) [1406850] - [fs] gfs2: Inline function meta_lo_add (Robert S Peterson) [1406850] - [fs] gfs2: Switch tr_touched to flag in transaction (Robert S Peterson) [1406850] - [fs] gfs2: Wake up io waiters whenever a flush is done (Robert S Peterson) [1404301] - [fs] gfs2: Made logd daemon take into account log demand (Robert S Peterson) [1404301] - [fs] gfs2: Limit number of transaction blocks requested for truncates (Robert S Peterson) [1404301]- [fs] fscache: Fix dead object requeue (David Howells) [1415402] - [fs] fscache: Clear outstanding writes when disabling a cookie (David Howells) [1371381] - [fs] fs-cache: Initialise stores_lock in netfs cookie (David Howells) [1371381] - [fs] dlm: free workqueues after the connections (Marcelo Leitner) [1383710] - [fs] xfs: Document error handlers behavior (Carlos Maiolino) [1077671] - [fs] xfs: remove racy hasattr check from attr ops (Brian Foster) [1395538] - [fs] xfs: ioends require logically contiguous file offsets (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] xfs: don't chain ioends during writepage submission (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] xfs: factor mapping out of xfs_do_writepage (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] xfs: xfs_cluster_write is redundant (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] xfs: Introduce writeback context for writepages (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_cancel_ioend (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] xfs: remove nonblocking mode from xfs_vm_writepage (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [fs] mm/filemap.c: make global sync not clear error status of individual inodes (Brian Foster) [1398005] - [mm] mmap.c: fix arithmetic overflow in __vm_enough_memory() (Jerome Marchand) [1413503] - [lib] uuid.c: use correct offset in uuid parser (Tarun Gupta) [1412840] - [scsi] virtio-scsi: Fix endianess bug in virtscsi_queuecommand (Thomas Huth) [1413921] - [nvme] apply DELAY_BEFORE_CHK_RDY quirk at probe time too (Gustavo Duarte) [1409122] - [misc] genwqe: Fix bad page access during abort of resource allocation (Gustavo Duarte) [1384401] - [misc] genwqe: ensure zero initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1384401] - [netdrv] r8169: fix the typo in the comment (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: add support for RTL8168 series add-on card (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: Add support for restarting auto-negotiation (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: set coherent DMA mask as well as streaming DMA mask (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: fix nic may not work after changing mac address (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: add checking driver's runtime pm status in rtl8169_get_ethtool_stats() (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: fix kernel log spam when set or get hardware wol setting (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] r8169: default to 64-bit DMA on recent PCIe chips (Corinna Vinschen) [1394855] - [netdrv] revert "bnx2: Reset device during driver initialization" (Neil Horman) [1417836] - [cpuidle] menu: Fix menu_select() for CPUIDLE_DRIVER_STATE_START == 0 (Gustavo Duarte) [1409211] - [powercap] rapl: reduce message loglevel (Prarit Bhargava) [1178491]- [xen] events: use xen_vcpu_id mapping for EVTCHNOP_status (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [xen] change the type of xen_vcpu_id to uint32_t (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [x86] xen/pvhvm: run xen_vcpu_setup() for the boot CPU (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [xen] events: use xen_vcpu_id mapping in events_base (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [x86] xen: use xen_vcpu_id mapping when pointing vcpu_info to shared_info (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [x86] xen: use xen_vcpu_id mapping for HYPERVISOR_vcpu_op (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [xen] introduce xen_vcpu_id mapping (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [x86] acpi: store ACPI ids from MADT for future usage (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [x86] x86 / acpi: simplify _acpi_map_lsapic() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1396554] - [x86] kvm: x86: Introduce segmented_write_std (Bandan Das) [1356762] - [x86] kvm: x86: emulate FXSAVE and FXRSTOR (Bandan Das) [1356762] - [x86] kvm: x86: add asm_safe wrapper (Bandan Das) [1356762] - [x86] kvm: x86: save one bit in ctxt->d (Bandan Das) [1356762] - [x86] kvm: x86: add Align16 instruction flag (Bandan Das) [1356762] - [x86] kvm: x86: don't print warning messages for unimplemented msrs (Bandan Das) [1297021] - [x86] intel_idle: Add Knights Mill CPUID (Steve Best) [1381259] - [x86] cpufreq: Use Intel family name macros for the intel_pstate cpufreq driver (Steve Best) [1416559] - [x86] perf/x86: Honor the architectural performance monitoring version (Cathy Avery) [1370023] - [vfio] vfio/type1: Remove pid_namespace.h include (Tarun Gupta) [1412329] - [vfio] iommu type1: fix the testing of capability for remote task (Tarun Gupta) [1412329] - [kernel] capability: export has_capability (Tarun Gupta) [1412329] - [kernel] taint/module: Fix problems when out-of-kernel driver defines true or false (Joe Lawrence) [1369704] - [kernel] taint/module: Clean up global and module taint flags handling (Joe Lawrence) [1369704] - [kernel] kernel/panic.c: reduce 1 byte usage for print tainted buffer (Joe Lawrence) [1369704] - [kernel] livepatch/module: print notice of TAINT_LIVEPATCH (Joe Lawrence) [1369704] - [kernel] livepatch/module: make TAINT_LIVEPATCH module-specific (Joe Lawrence) [1369704] - [kernel] debugobjects: Reduce contention on the global pool_lock (Waiman Long) [1078823] - [kernel] debugobjects: Scale thresholds with # of CPUs (Waiman Long) [1078823] - [kernel] debugobjects: track number of kmem_cache_alloc/kmem_cache_free done (Waiman Long) [1078823] - [kernel] debugobjects: Allow bigger number of early boot objects (Waiman Long) [1078823]- [scsi] mpt3sas: fix hang on ata passthrough commands (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Unblock device after controller reset (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix secure erase premature termination (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix for block device of raid exists even after deleting raid disk (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix some spelling mistakes in message and comments (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump driver version as "" (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix for Endianness issue (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Use the new MPI 2.6 32-bit Atomic Request Descriptors for SAS35 devices (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: set EEDP-escape-flags for SAS35 devices (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Increased/Additional MSIX support for SAS35 devices (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added Device ID's for SAS35 devices and updated MPI header (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump driver version as "" (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove unused macro "MPT_DEVICE_TLR_ON" (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Implement device_remove_in_progress check in IOCTL path (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix for incorrect numbers for MSIX vectors enabled when non RDPQ card is enumerated first (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix for improper info displayed in var log, while blocking or unblocking the device (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix resume on WarpDrive flash cards (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Don't spam logs if logging level is 0 (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix warnings exposed by W=1 (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Eliminate dead sleep_flag code (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Eliminate conditional locking in mpt3sas_scsih_issue_tm() (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Ensure the connector_name string is NUL-terminated (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: avoid mpt3sas_transport_port_add NULL parent_dev (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: set num_phys after allocating phy space (Tomas Henzl) [1306453] - [scsi] mpt3sas: add missing curly braces (Tomas Henzl) [1306453]- [net] sctp: sctp_addr_id2transport should verify the addr before looking up assoc (Xin Long) [1414389] - [net] netlink: Fix dump skb leak/double free (Hangbin Liu) [1414293] {CVE-2016-9806} - [net] openvswitch: Remove incorrect WARN_ONCE() (Lance Richardson) [1414587] - [net] ipv4: use l4 hash for locally generated multipath flows (Paolo Abeni) [1278833] - [net] flowi: introduce get_hash_from_flowi4 (Paolo Abeni) [1278833] - [net] sctp: do not loose window information if in rwnd_over (Marcelo Leitner) [1084802] - [net] sctp: fix recovering from 0 win with small data chunks (Marcelo Leitner) [1084802] - [net] igmp: Make igmp group member RFC 3376 compliant (Hangbin Liu) [1391428] - [net] tcp: take care of truncations done by sk_filter() (Davide Caratti) [1400217] {CVE-2016-8645} - [net] add sk_filter_trim_cap (Davide Caratti) [1400217] {CVE-2016-8645} - [net] tcp: allow to enable the repair mode for non-listening sockets (Adrian Reber) [1406475] - [net] flow: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Florian Westphal) [1401795] - [net] tcp: warn on bogus MSS and try to amend it (Marcelo Leitner) [1401701] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: use proper net namespace to operate CLUSTERIP (Eelco Chaudron) [1385923] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: create proc entry under proper ipt_CLUSTERIP directory (Eelco Chaudron) [1385923] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: add parameter net in clusterip_config_find_get (Eelco Chaudron) [1385923] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: make clusterip_lock per net namespace (Eelco Chaudron) [1385923] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: make clusterip_list per net namespace (Eelco Chaudron) [1385923] - [net] netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: make proc directory per net namespace (Eelco Chaudron) [1385923] - [net] sctp: implement rfc6458, 8.1.31. SCTP_DEFAULT_SNDINFO support (Xin Long) [1339791] - [net] sctp: implement rfc6458, 5.3.6. SCTP_NXTINFO cmsg support (Xin Long) [1339791] - [net] sctp: implement rfc6458, 5.3.5. SCTP_RCVINFO cmsg support (Xin Long) [1339791] - [net] sctp: implement rfc6458, 5.3.4. SCTP_SNDINFO cmsg support (Xin Long) [1339791] - [net] sctp: fix information leaks in ulpevent layer (Xin Long) [1339791] - [net] openvswitch: avoid resetting flow key while installing new flow (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1391696] - [net] openvswitch: Fix Frame-size larger than 1024 bytes warning (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1391696] - [net] openvswitch: use percpu flow stats (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1391696] - [net] openvswitch: fix flow stats accounting when node 0 is not possible (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1391696] - [net] sctp: hold transport instead of assoc when lookup assoc in rx path (Xin Long) [1371028] - [net] sctp: return back transport in __sctp_rcv_init_lookup (Xin Long) [1371028] - [net] sctp: hold transport instead of assoc in sctp_diag (Xin Long) [1371028] - [net] sctp: fix the issue sctp_diag uses lock_sock in rcu_read_lock (Xin Long) [1371028] - [net] tcp: allow dctcp alpha to drop to zero (Florian Westphal) [1370638] - [net] inet: add IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT to overcome bind(0) limitations (Davide Caratti) [1374498] - [net] tcp: add an ability to dump and restore window parameters (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1352642]- [scsi] sg_write()/bsg_write() is not fit to be called under KERNEL_DS (Ewan Milne) [1414834] {CVE-2016-10088 CVE-2016-9576} - [scsi] Add intermediate STARGET_REMOVE state to scsi_target_state (Ewan Milne) [1365651] - [scsi] restart list search after unlock in scsi_remove_target (Ewan Milne) [1365651] - [scsi] lpfc: driver update for rhel7.4 rev (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Adding the lpfc_use_blk_mq module parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix few small typos in lpfc_scsi.c (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix sg_reset on SCSI device causing kernel crash (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct issue leading to oops during link reset (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct error in setting OS Driver Version with FW (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Clear the VendorVersion in the PLOGI/PLOGI ACC payload (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct host name in symbolic_name field (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: FCoE VPort enable-disable does not bring up the VPort (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Xlane dynamic LUN set for LUN priority (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Deprecate lpfc_prot_sg_seg_cnt parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct oops on vport port resets (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Add missing memory barrier (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: fix oops/BUG in lpfc_sli_ringtxcmpl_put() (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Use zd format string for size_t (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix fw download on SLI-4 FC adapters (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Synchronize link speed with boot driver (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct panics with eh_timeout and eh_deadline (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix lost target in pt-to-pt connect (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Revise strings with full lpfc parameter name (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Code cleanup for lpfc_sriov_nr_virtfn parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Code cleanup for lpfc_max_scsicmpl_time parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Code cleanup for lpfc_topology parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Code cleanup for lpfc_aer_support parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Code cleanup for lpfc_enable_rrq parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Code clean up for lpfc_iocb_cnt parameter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Set driver environment data on adapter (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct embedded io wq element size (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Mark symbols static where possible (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: fix oops in lpfc_sli4_scmd_to_wqidx_distr() from lpfc_send_taskmgmt() (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for using block multi-queue (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: avoid harmless comparison warning (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: call lpfc_sli_validate_fcp_iocb() with the hbalock held (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Copyright updates (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct issue with ioremap() call on 32bit kernel (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Re-organize source for easier driver attribute management (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove global lpfc_sli_mode attribute in leiu of per-hba lpfc_sli_mode (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove global lpfc_delay_discovery attribute in leiu of per-hba lpfc_delay_discovery (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove global lpfc_enable_npiv attribute in leiu of per-hba lpfc_enable_npiv (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct Port reset resulting in FC port going offline (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for XLane LUN priority (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct RDP response Revision location (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Re-organize source for easier device-id management (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct FCOE discovery to avoid loss of storage devices after system reboot (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix SLI mode 2 config failure (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Add MDS Diagnostics Support (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Add recovery from adapter parity errors on some SLI4 adapters (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Utilize embedded CDB logic to minimize IO latency (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Add sysfs proc_name support (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Disable FDMI probing if not connected to a fabric (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Reject RDP ELS if port has no login (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct Buffer credit descriptor values in RDP response (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct RDP response sizing issue (Rob Evers) [1382101] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Transgression Flag of Optical Element descriptor for RDP on Linux (Rob Evers) [1382101]- [md] raid5: Use correct IS_ERR() variation on pointer check (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] separate flags for superblock changes (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] MD_RECOVERY_NEEDED is set for mddev->recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] takeover should clear unrelated bits (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: after recovery, increase journal seq by 10000 (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: fix crc in rewrite_data_only_stripes() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: no recovery is required when create super-block (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] fix refcount problem on mddev when stopping array (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: do r5c_update_log_state after log recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: adjust the write position of the empty block if no data blocks (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: run_no_space_stripes() when R5C_LOG_CRITICAL == 0 (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: limit request size according to implementation limits (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: do not need to set STRIPE_PREREAD_ACTIVE repeatedly (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: remove the unnecessary next_cp_seq field from the r5l_log (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: release the stripe_head at the appropriate location (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: use ring add to prevent overflow (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: remove unnecessary function parameters (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: don't set STRIPE_R5C_PARTIAL_STRIPE flag while load stripe into cache (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: add another check conditon before replaying one stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: enable IRQs on error path (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: handle alloc_page failure (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] stop write should stop journal reclaim (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: add failfast handling for writes (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: add failfast handling for reads (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: add failfast handling for writes (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: add failfast handling for reads (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] Use REQ_FAILFAST_* on metadata writes where appropriate (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] failfast: add failfast flag for md to be used by some personalities (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: r5cache recovery: part 2 (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: r5cache recovery: part 1 (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: refactoring journal recovery code (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: sysfs entry journal_mode (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: write-out phase and reclaim support (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: caching phase of r5cache (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: State machine for raid5-cache write back mode (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: move some code to raid5.h (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: Check array size in r5l_init_log (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: fix lockdep warning (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] remove md_super_wait() call after bitmap_flush() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: fix: IO can block resync indefinitely (Jes Sorensen) [1379764 1380016] - [md] bitmap: Don't write bitmap while earlier writes might be in-flight (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] perform async updates for metadata where possible (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: restrict the use area of the log_offset variable (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: change printk() to pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: change printk() to pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: change printk() to pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid0: replace printk() with pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] multipath: replace printk() with pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] linear: replace printk() with pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] bitmap: change all printk() to pr_*() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] change all printk() to pr_err() or pr_warn() etc (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] fix some issues with alloc_disk_sb() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] bitmap: call bitmap_file_unmap once bitmap_storage_alloc returns -ENOMEM (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: revert commit 11367799f3d1 (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] wake up personality thread after array state update (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] don't fail an array if there are unacknowledged bad blocks (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] add bad block support for external metadata (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] be careful not lot leak internal curr_resync value into metadata. -- (all) (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: handle read error also in readonly mode (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: correct condition for empty metadata write (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] report 'write_pending' state when array in sync (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: write an empty meta-block when creating log super-block (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: initialize next_checkpoint field before use (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] set rotational bit (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] fix a potential deadlock (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: allow arbitrary max_hw_sectors (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] lib/raid6: Add AVX512 optimized recovery functions (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] lib/raid6: Add AVX512 optimized gen_syndrome functions (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] changes for MD_STILL_CLOSED flag (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: fix a small race condition (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: guarantee enough stripes to avoid reshape hang (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5-cache: fix a deadlock in superblock write (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: avoid unnecessary bio data set (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: fix memory leak of bio integrity data (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: record correct address of bad block (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] r5cache: set MD_JOURNAL_CLEAN correctly (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] don't print the same repeated messages about delayed sync operation (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] do not count journal as spare in GET_ARRAY_INFO (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] Prevent IO hold during accessing to faulty raid5 array (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] hold mddev lock to change bitmap location (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: fix incorrectly counter of conf->empty_inactive_list_nr (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] fix null pointer deference (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: improve random reads performance (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] add missing sysfs_notify on array_state update (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] Fix kernel module refcount handling (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] documentation: fix wrong value in md.txt (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] reduce the number of synchronize_rcu() calls when multiple devices fail (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] be extra careful not to take a reference to a Faulty device (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] multipath: add rcu protection to rdev access in multipath_status (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: add rcu protection to rdev accesses in raid5_status (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: add rcu protection to rdev accesses in want_replace (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid5: add rcu protection to rdev accesses in handle_failed_sync (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: add rcu protection to rdev in fix_read_error (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: small code cleanup in end_sync_write (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1: small cleanup in raid1_end_read/write_request (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: simplify print_conf a little (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: minor code improvement in fix_read_error() (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: add rcu protection to rdev access during reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: add rcu protection to rdev access in raid10_sync_request (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: add rcu protection in raid10_status (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid10: fix refounct imbalance when resyncing an array with a replacement device (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] raid1, raid10: don't recheck "Faulty" flag in read-balance (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] disconnect device from personality before trying to remove it (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] MD:Update superblock when err == 0 in size_store (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] use a mutex to protect a global list (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] simplify the code with md_kick_rdev_from_array (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] right meaning of PARITY_ENABLE_RMW and PARITY_PREFER_RMW (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] set MD_CHANGE_PENDING in a atomic region (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] md.c: fix oops in mddev_suspend for raid0 (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] bitmap: clear bitmap if bitmap_create failed (Jes Sorensen) [1380016] - [md] warn for potential deadlock (Jes Sorensen) [1380016]- [acpi] acpi / apd: Add clock frequency for future AMD I2C controller (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1354637] - [acpi] acpi / apd: Add APM X-Gene ACPI I2C device support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1354637] - [acpi] Remove clk.h include (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1354637] - [acpi] acpi / apd: Remove CLK_IS_ROOT (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1354637] - [i2c] designware: Add device HID for future AMD I2C controller (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1354637] - [i2c] designware: fix IO timeout issue for AMD controller (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1354637] - [include] gpio: Increase ARCH_NR_GPIOs to 512 (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Drop pinctrl_unregister for devm_ registered device (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: avoid maybe-uninitalized warning (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: white space cleanups in amd_gpio_dbg_show() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: fix compilation warning (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Set the level based on ACPI tables (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Add support for additional GPIO (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [gpio] amdpt: Add a new ACPI HID (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [gpio] driver for AMD Promontory (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Use devm_pinctrl_register() for pinctrl registration (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Add device HID for future AMD GPIO controller (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: switch to using a bool for level (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Configure GPIO register using BIOS settings (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] amd: Remove the default de-bounce time (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] Fix return value check in amd_gpio_probe() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] Use irq_desc_get_xxx() to avoid redundant lookup of irq_desc (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] make pinctrl_register() return proper error code (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] Remove .owner field (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] Fix inconsistent spinlock of AMD GPIO driver which can be recognized by static analysis tool smatch. Declare constant Variables with Sparse's suggestion (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] Turn AMD support to tristate (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] add AMD GPIO driver support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [kernel] genirq: Export handle_bad_irq (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [pinctrl] zynq: Use devm_pinctrl_register() for pinctrl registration (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [gpio] pinctrl: Add devm_ apis for pinctrl_{register, unregister} (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [base] platform_device: use a macro instead of platform_driver_register (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005] - [acpi] acpica: Add "Windows 2015" string to _OSI support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329005 1354637]- [netdrv] igb: re-assign hw address pointer on reset after PCI error (Gustavo Duarte) [1413043] - [netdrv] netvsc: add rcu_read locking to netvsc callback (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: remove excessive logging on MTU change (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: fix a race between netvsc_send() and netvsc_init_buf() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: fix comments (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: count multicast packets received (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: remove VF in flight counters (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use RCU to protect vf_netdev (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: improve VF device matching (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: simplify callback event code (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: dev hold/put reference to VF (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use consume_skb (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: make variable local (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: make netvsc_destroy_buf void (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: refactor completion function (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: init completion during alloc (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: make device_remove void (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use ARRAY_SIZE() for NDIS versions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: style cleanups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add handler for physical link speed change (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add query for initial physical link speed (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use kcalloc (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: make RSS hash key static (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: fix rtnl locking in callback (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Implement batching of receive completions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] netvsc: Use the new in-place consumption APIs in the rx path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] netvsc: get rid of completion timeouts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: pass struct net_device to rndis_filter_set_offload_params() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: pass struct net_device to rndis_filter_set_device_mac() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: pass struct netvsc_device to rndis_filter_{open, close}() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: introduce {net, hv}_device_to_netvsc_device() helpers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: remove redundant assignment in netvsc_recv_callback() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv: vmbus: Implement APIs to support "in place" consumption of vmbus packets (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv: vmbus: Move some ring buffer functions to hyperv.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv: vmbus: Export the vmbus_set_event() API (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600] - [netdrv] hv: vmbus: define a new VMBus message type for hvsock (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1395600]- [kernel] timekeeping: Increment clock_was_set_seq in timekeeping_init() (Prarit Bhargava) [1409214] - [kernel] timekeeping: Use timekeeping_update() instead of memcpy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1409214] - [s390] pci: query fmb length (Hendrik Brueckner) [1400157] - [s390] pci: fmb enhancements (Hendrik Brueckner) [1400157] - [s390] pci: use unique UIDs for domain enumeration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380776] - [s390] pci: add some new arch specific pci attributes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380776] - [s390] pci: use macro for attribute creation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380776] - [s390] add support for ipl devices in subchannel sets > 0 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1381848] - [s390] ipl: cleanup macro usage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1381848] - [s390] ipl: cleanup shutdown_action attributes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1381848] - [s390] ipl: cleanup bin attr usage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1381848] - [s390] dasd: Add new ioctl BIODASDCHECKFMT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380773] - [s390] dasd: Refactor dasd format functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380773] - [s390] dasd: Simplify code in format logic (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380773] - [s390] dasd: Improve dasd format code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380773] - [s390] dasd: channel path aware error recovery (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380771] - [s390] dasd: extend dasd path handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380771] - [s390] dasd: fix double free in dasd_eckd_read_conf (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380771] - [s390] cio: introduce pathmask_to_pos (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380771] - [s390] dasd: make query host access interruptible (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274412] - [s390] dasd: add query host access to volume support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274412] - [s390] dasd: fix failing CUIR assignment under LPAR (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274456] - [s390] dasd: enhance CUIR scope detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274456] - [s390] dasd: add support for control unit initiated reconfiguration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274456] - [s390] kernel/ap_bus: Fix hang condition on crypto card config-off (Hendrik Brueckner) [1413663] - [s390] sysinfo: show partition extended name and UUID if available (Hendrik Brueckner) [1413122] - [s390] zcrypt: Improved invalid domain response handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1413662]- [kernel] vfio-mdev: fix non-standard ioctl return val causing i386 build fail (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Handle error from pci_iomap (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [samples] vfio-mdev: Make mdev_device private and abstract interfaces (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [samples] vfio-mdev: Make mdev_parent private (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [samples] vfio-mdev: de-polute the namespace, rename parent_device & parent_ops (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio-mdev: Fix remove race (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] type1: Restore mapping performance with mdev support (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Fix size argument to vfio_find_dma() in pin_pages/unpin_pages (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Fix size argument to vfio_find_dma() during DMA UNMAP (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: WARN_ON if notifier block is not unregistered (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [virt] kvm: set/clear kvm to/from vfio_group when group add/delete (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio: support notifier chain in vfio_group (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio: vfio_register_notifier: classify iommu notifier (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] Fix handling of error returned by 'vfio_group_get_from_dev()' (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] fix vfio_info_cap_add/shift (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [maintainers] maintainers: Add entry VFIO based Mediated device drivers (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [samples] docs: Sample driver to demonstrate how to use Mediated device framework (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [documentation] docs: Sysfs ABI for mediated device framework (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] docs: Add Documentation for Mediated devices (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [uapi] vfio: Define device_api strings (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio_pci: Updated to use vfio_set_irqs_validate_and_prepare() (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio: Introduce vfio_set_irqs_validate_and_prepare() (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio_pci: Update vfio_pci to use vfio_info_add_capability() (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio: Introduce common function to add capabilities (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio iommu: Add blocking notifier to notify DMA_UNMAP (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Add support for mediated devices (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Add task structure to vfio_dma (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Add find_iommu_group() function (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Update argument of vaddr_get_pfn() (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio iommu type1: Update arguments of vfio_lock_acct (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio iommu: Added pin and unpin callback functions to vfio_iommu_driver_ops (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] Common function to increment container_users (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] Rearrange functions to get vfio_group from dev (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] VFIO based driver for Mediated devices (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio: Mediated device Core driver (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [lib] uuid.c: introduce a few more generic helpers (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [lib] uuid.c: move generate_random_uuid() to uuid.c (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [virt] kvm: mmu: try to fix up page faults before giving up (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [virt] kvm: mmu: prepare to support mapping of VM_IO and VM_PFNMAP frames (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] pci: Fix typos in comments (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] fix possible use after free of vfio group (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Allow to mmap sub-page MMIO BARs if the mmio page is exclusive (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] type1: Fix build warning (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio_pci: Test for extended capabilities if config space > 256 bytes (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] pci: return -EFAULT if copy_to_user fails (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] pci: Enable virtual register in PCI config space (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] pci: Add infrastructure for additional device specific regions (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [uapi] vfio: Define device specific region type capability (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] pci: Include sparse mmap capability for MSI-X table regions (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [uapi] vfio: Define sparse mmap capability for regions (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [kernel] vfio: Add capability chain helpers (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [uapi] vfio: Define capability chains (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] If an IOMMU backend fails, keep looking (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] fix a warning message (Tarun Gupta) [1116064] - [vfio] vfio-pci: constify pci_error_handlers structures (Tarun Gupta) [1116064]- [kernel] perf/core: Fix sideband list-iteration vs. event ordering NULL pointer deference crash (Jiri Olsa) [1412115] - [tools] perf trace: Check if MAP_32BIT is defined (again) (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Fix column length on --hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix column indentation on --hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists browser: Show folded sign properly on --hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix indentation of folded sign on --hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hist browser: Fix hierarchy column counts (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf jit: Fix build issue on Ubuntu (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf header: Set nr_numa_nodes only when we parsed all the data (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf top: Fix refreshing hierarchy entries on TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools build: Add feature detection for g++ (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools build: Support compiling C++ source file (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf top/report: Add tips about a list option (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf report/top: Add a tip about system-wide collection from all CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf report/top: Add a tip about source line numbers with overhead (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf jevents: Fix Intel JSON fixed counter conversions (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Fix kbuffer_read_at_offset() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix MTC timestamp calculation for large MTC periods (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix estimated timestamps for cycle-accurate mode (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf uretprobe ppc64le: Fix probe location (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu-events: Add Skylake frontend MSR support (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu-events: Fix fixed counters on Intel (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Make alias matching case-insensitive (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Allow period= in perf stat CPU event descriptions (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Add README for info on parsing JSON/map files (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf list jevents: Add support for event list topics (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf list: Support long jevents descriptions (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf jevents: Add support for long descriptions (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu: Add override support for event list CPUID (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf list: Add a --no-desc flag (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Query terminal width and use in perf list (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu: Support alias descriptions (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf jevents: Handle header line in mapfile (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Support CPU id matching for x86 v2 (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf powerpc: Support CPU ID matching for Powerpc (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu: Use pmu_events table to create aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf jevents: Program to convert JSON file (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Add jsmn `jasmine' JSON parser (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools build: Make fixdep a hostprog (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools build: Add support for host programs format (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Experiment with cppcheck (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Check if *ptr2 is zero and not ptr2 (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tests: Add dwarf unwind test for powerpc (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Match linkage name with mangled name (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to cut off incompatible chars from group name (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Skip if the function address is 0 (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Ignore the error of finding inline instance (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix decoding when there are address filters (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Enable decoder to handle TIP.PGD with missing IP (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Read address filter from AUXTRACE_INFO event (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Record address filter in AUXTRACE_INFO event (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Add a helper function for processing AUXTRACE_INFO (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix missing error codes processing auxtrace_info (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for recording the max non-turbo ratio (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix snapshot overlap detection decoder errors (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Increase debug level of SDT debug messages (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Add support for using symbols in address filters (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Add dso__last_symbol() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Fix error paths (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Rename label 'out_symbol_exit' (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf script: Fix vanished idle symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf evsel: Add support for address filters (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf evsel: New tracepoint specific function (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Make perf_evsel__append_filter() generic (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Update documentation info about quipper (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify sched_[gs]et_attr return value (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf data: Fix building in 32 bit platform with libbabeltrace (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Fix MMAP event synthesis broken by MAP_HUGETLB change (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Fix documentation 'event_sources' -> 'event_source' (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Make hists__fprintf_headers function global (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Make __hist_entry__snprintf function global (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Make several display functions global (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Make several sorting functions global (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Make output_field_add and sort_dimension__add global (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Make reset_dimensions global (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Add __hist_entry__snprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Add PMU configuration to tools (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu: Push configuration down to PMU driver (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Confine __get_cpuid() to x86 architecture (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Use bigger buffer for stdio headers (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf evsel: Remove superfluous initialization of weight (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Do not open device files (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Factor out hists__reset_column_width() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf ui/tui: Reset output width for hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf annotate: Resolve 'call' operands to function names (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf annotate: Pass the symbol's map/dso to the instruction parsers (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf annotate: Do not ignore call instruction with indirect target (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Fix width computation for srcline sort entry (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf trace beauty mmap: Add missing MADV_FREE (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Add infrastructure for PMU specific configuration (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf report: Enable group view with hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf ui/stdio: Rename print_hierarchy_header() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf ui/stdio: Always reset output width for hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hist: Initialize hierarchy tree explicitly (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hists__link_hierarchy() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hists__match_hierarchy() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf build: Compare mman.h related headers against kernel originals (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Do hugetlb handling in more systems (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf trace beauty mmap: Fix defines for non !x86_64 (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools include: Add uapi mman.h for each architecture (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix event group display (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Fix dwarf regs table for x86_64 (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf powerpc: Fix build-test failure (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf pmu: Support alternative sysfs cpumask (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf evlist: Only open events on CPUs an evsel permits (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf annotate: Add branch stack / basic block (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Mark MAP_HUGETLB when synthesizing mmap events (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Add hugetlbfs filesystem detector (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Recognize hugetlb mapping as anon mapping (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Remove symbol_filter_t machinery (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf test vmlinux: Remove dead symbol_filter_t code (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf machine: Remove machine->symbol_filter and friends (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf top: Remove old kernel-only symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Mark if a symbol is idle in the library (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Fixup symbol sizes before picking best ones (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Check symbol_conf.allow_aliases for kallsyms loading too (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf test vmlinux: Tolerate symbol aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf test vmlinux: Avoid printing headers for empty lists (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf test vmlinux: Clarify which -v lines are errors or warning (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Ignore vmlinux Build-id when offline vmlinux given (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Support probing on offline cross-arch binary (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Ignore vmlinux buildid if offline kernel is given (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Show trace event definition (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf config: Show default report configuration in example and docs (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Demangle symbols for synthesized @plt entries (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Do not use map_load filters for function (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf symbols: Rename ->ignore to ->idle (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf annotate: Initialize the priv are in symbol__new() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Fix error handling of lzma decompression (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Remove unused tracing_dir variable (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Fix spelling mistake "Finshed" -> "Finished" (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: fix typo: "ehough" -> "enough" (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf probe: Add supported for type casting by the running kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists browser: Remove superfluous null check on map (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Skip running the feature tests for 'make install-doc' (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools: Use __weak definition from linux/compiler.h (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf report: Allow configuring the default sort order in ~/.perfconfig (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf disassemble: Extract logic to find file to pass to objdump to a separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf disassemble: Simplify logic for picking the filename to disassemble (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf disassemble: Move check for kallsyms + !kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Add support for header span (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools stdio: Display multiple header lines (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf tools tui: Display multiple header lines (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Add line argument into perf_hpp_fmt's header callback (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce nr_header_lines into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf top: Use MSEC_PER_SEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf bench futex: Use NSEC_PER_USEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf kvm: Use NSEC_PER_USEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf record: Use USEC_PER_MSEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf bench sched-messaging: Use USEC_PER_MSEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf bench mem: Use USEC_PER_SEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf stat: Use *SEC_PER_*SEC macros (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf bench sched-pipe: Use linux/time64.h, USEC_PER_SEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf timechart: Use NSEC_PER_U?SEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf sched: Use linux/time64.h (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] perf bench numa: Use NSEC_PER_U?SEC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [tools] Introduce tools/include/linux/time64.h for *SEC_PER_*SEC macros (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/intel/rapl: Make the Intel RAPL PMU driver modular (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] bitmap.h, perf/core: Fix the mask in perf_output_sample_regs() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix NMI measurements (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] Warn when NMI handlers take large amounts of time (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix full width counter, counter overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Allow only a single PMU/box within an events group (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Cure bogus unwind from PEBS entries (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix address filter parser (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/uncore: Fix crash by removing bogus event_list[] handling for SNB client uncore IMC (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add more Intel uncore IMC PCI IDs for SkyLake (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Honour the CPUID for number of fixed counters in hypervisors (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] perf/core: Protect PMU device removal with a 'pmu_bus_running' check, to fix CONFIG_DEBUG_TEST_DRIVER_REMOVE=y kernel panic (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add Knights Mill CPUID (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add Knights Mill CPUID (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Remove an inconsistent NULL check (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add support for PTWRITE and power event tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add Skylake server uncore support (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix aux_mmap_count vs aux_refcount order (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] perf/core: Don't pass PERF_EF_START to the PMU ->start callback (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix PEBS threshold initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Handle non-standard counter offset (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove hard-coded implementation for Node ID mapping location (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add enable_box for client MSR uncore (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add support for the Intel Skylake client uncore PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/uncore: Use Intel family name macros for uncore (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/intel/uncore: Make the Intel uncore PMU driver modular (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix embarrasing typo (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix compile warnings for intel_uncore (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Clean up LBR state tracking (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Remove redundant test from intel_pmu_lbr_add() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Eliminate dead code in intel_pmu_lbr_del() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [x86] perf/x86: Ensure perf_sched_cb_{inc, dec}() is only called from pmu::{add, del}() (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] perf/x86/intel: Rework the large PEBS setup code (Jiri Olsa) [1405101] - [kernel] perf/core: Sched out groups atomically (Jiri Olsa) [1405101]- [s390] mm: add support for 2GB hugepages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380775] - [mm] hugetlb: don't require CMA for runtime gigantic pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380775] - [s390] scm_block: fix off by one during cluster reservation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274409] - [s390] scm_block: make the number of reqs per HW req configurable (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274409] - [s390] scm_block: handle multiple requests in one HW request (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274409] - [s390] scm_block: allocate aidaw pages only when necessary (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274409] - [s390] scm_block: use mempool to manage aidaw requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274409] - [kernel] audit: add support for session ID user filter (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382504] - [kernel] audit: skip sessionid sentinel value when auto-incrementing (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382504] - [kernel] audit: convert all sessionid declaration to unsigned int (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382504] - [kernel] audit: add exclude filter extension to feature bitmap (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382508] - [kernel] audit: add fields to exclude filter by reusing user filter (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382508] - [kernel] audit: fix some horrible switch statement style crimes (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382508] - [kernel] audit: fixup: log on errors from filter user rules (Richard Guy Briggs) [1382508] - [security] selinux: Convert isec->lock into a spinlock (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Clean up initialization of isec->sclass (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] proc: Pass file mode to proc_pid_make_inode (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Minor cleanups (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: check ss_initialized before revalidating an inode label (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: delay inode label lookup as long as possible (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: don't revalidate an inode's label when explicitly setting it (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: simply inode label states to INVALID and INITIALIZED (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: don't revalidate inodes in selinux_socket_getpeersec_dgram() (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Don't sleep inside inode_getsecid hook (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Inode label revalidation performance fix (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] gfs2: Invalid security labels of inodes when they go invalid (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Revalidate invalid inode security labels (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] Add hook to invalidate inode security labels (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Add accessor functions for inode->i_security (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] Make inode argument of inode_getsecid non-const (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] Make inode argument of inode_getsecurity non-const (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984] - [security] selinux: Remove unused variable in selinux_inode_init_security (Andreas Grunbacher) [437984]- [scsi] avoid a permanent stop of the scsi device's request queue (Ewan Milne) [1400044] - [scsi] scsi_lib: correctly retry failed zero length REQ_TYPE_FS commands (Ewan Milne) [1403849] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Get mutex lock before checking optrom_state (Chad Dupuis) [1408387] - [edac] amd64: Fix channel decode on Fam15hMod60h systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1275714] - [tty] 8250_pci: Fix potential use-after-free in error path (Steve Best) [1414297] - [md] dm btree: fix a bug in dm_btree_find_next_single() (Mike Snitzer) [1414453] - [mm] memcontrol: do not recurse in direct reclaim (Rik van Riel) [1397330] - [x86] x86/smpboot: Make logical package management more robust (Prarit Bhargava) [1414054] - [x86] x86/cpu: Deal with broken firmware (VMWare/XEN) (Prarit Bhargava) [1414054] - [s390] zcrypt: Introduce CEX6 toleration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380777] - [s390] net/af_iucv: don't use paged skbs for TX on HiperSockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [1413659] - [kernel] x86/panic: Replace CONFIG_KEXEC_CORE with CONFIG_KEXEC (Xunlei Pang) [726846] - [kernel] mm, pcp: allow restoring percpu_pagelist_fraction default (Dave Anderson) [1405920] - [kernel] locking: Optimize lock_bh functions (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] sched/preempt, locking: Rework local_bh_{dis, en}able() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] locking/rtmutex: Implement lockless top-waiter wakeup (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] locking/mutex: Allow next waiter lockless wakeup (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] futex: Force hot variables into a single cache line (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] futex: Implement lockless wakeups (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] futex: Add another early deadlock detection check (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] sched/core: Reset task's lockless wake-queues on fork() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [kernel] sched: Implement lockless wake-queues (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1403356] - [virtio] balloon: check the number of available pages in leak balloon (David Hildenbrand) [1401615] - [drivers] Set dev->device_rh to NULL after free (Prarit Bhargava) [1414064] - [powerpc] kvm: Add halt polling documentation (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Comment style and print format fixups (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Decrease the powerpc default halt poll max value (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Add check for module parameter halt_poll_ns (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Use generic kvm module parameters (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: Export kvm module parameter variables (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: halt_polling: improve grow/shrink settings (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Implement existing and add new halt polling vcpu stats (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: Add provisioning for ulong vm stats and u64 vcpu stats (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Implement halt polling (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Change vcore element runnable_threads from linked-list to array (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [powerpc] kvm: disable halt_poll_ns as default for s390x (Thomas Huth) [1399882] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Only put mmap_info ref if it exists (Jonathan Toppins) [1391299]- [hv] balloon: Use available memory value in pressure report (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406413] - [perf] powerpc: Don't call perf_event_disable() from atomic context (Jiri Olsa) [1327164] - [tools] objtool: Resync vcvtph2ps definition (Prarit Bhargava) [1414095] - [kernel] hung_task: decrement sysctl_hung_task_warnings only if it is positive (Waiman Long) [1410295] - [kernel] hung_task: allow hung_task_panic when hung_task_warnings is 0 (Waiman Long) [1410295] - [kernel] hung_task: Display every hung task warning (Waiman Long) [1410295] - [netdrv] netxen: netxen_rom_fast_read() doesn't return -1 (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] netxen: reversed condition in netxen_nic_set_link_parameters() (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] netxen: fix error handling in netxen_get_flash_block() (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] netxen: Use kobj_to_dev() (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] qlogic: use pci_zalloc_consistent (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] netxen: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] ethernet: Fix FSF address in file headers (Harish Patil) [1391273] - [netdrv] qlge: remove superfluous statement (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Avoids recursive EEH error (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Replace create_singlethread_workqueue with alloc_ordered_workqueue (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Update version to (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix receive packets drop (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: fix a timeout loop in ql_change_rx_buffers() (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Move jiffies_to_usecs immediately before loop (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix compilation warning (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlogic: use pci_zalloc_consistent (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [netdrv] qlge: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Harish Patil) [1391271] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Always select KVM_VFIO, plus Makefile cleanup (Thomas Huth) [1399880] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: do not compile in vfio.o unconditionally (Thomas Huth) [1399880] - [powerpc] vfio: Enable VFIO device for powerpc (Thomas Huth) [1399880] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Add support for multiple-TCE hcalls (Thomas Huth) [1399880] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Move reusable bits of H_PUT_TCE handler to helpers (Thomas Huth) [1399880] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Replace SPAPR_TCE_SHIFT with IOMMU_PAGE_SHIFT_4K (Thomas Huth) [1399880] - [powerpc] Make vmalloc_to_phys() public (Thomas Huth) [1399880]- [x86] perf/x86: Add perf support for AMD family-17h processors (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1391660] - [x86] kvm: svm: Do not support AVIC if not CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: svm: Fix implicit declaration for __default_cpu_present_to_apicid() (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] svm: Manage vcpu load/unload when enable AVIC (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] svm: Do not intercept CR8 when enable AVIC (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] svm: Do not expose x2APIC when enable AVIC (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: x86: Introducing kvm_x86_ops.apicv_post_state_restore (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] svm: Add VMEXIT handlers for AVIC (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] svm: Add interrupt injection via AVIC (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: x86: Detect and Initialize AVIC support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] svm: Introduce new AVIC VMCB registers (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: split kvm_vcpu_wake_up from kvm_vcpu_kick (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: x86: Introducing kvm_x86_ops VCPU blocking/unblocking hooks (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: Add kvm_arch_vcpu_{un}blocking callbacks (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: x86: Introducing kvm_x86_ops VM init/destroy hooks (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: x86: Rename kvm_apic_get_reg to kvm_lapic_get_reg (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm: x86: Misc LAPIC changes to expose helper functions (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] kvm/x86: per-vcpu apicv deactivation support (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [x86] cpufeature: Add AMD AVIC bit (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1133711] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add checks to validate completions (Maurizio Lombardi) [1324918] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix bad WRB index error (Maurizio Lombardi) [1324918] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add lock to protect WRB alloc and free (Maurizio Lombardi) [1324918] - [char] ipmi: fix crash on reading version from proc after unregisted bmc (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi/bt-bmc: remove redundant return value check of platform_get_resource() (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi/bt-bmc: add a dependency on ARCH_ASPEED (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: Fix ioremap error handling in bt-bmc (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: add an Aspeed BT IPMI BMC driver (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: remove trydefaults parameter and default init (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: Fix the I2C address extraction from SPMI tables (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: reserve memio regions separately (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: Fix some minor coding style issues (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi: do not probe ACPI devices if si_tryacpi is unset (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi_si: Avoid a wrong long timeout on transaction done (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi_si: Fix module parameter doc names (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [char] ipmi_ssif: Fix logic around alert handling (Tony Camuso) [1410859] - [scripts] nmi_backtrace: generate one-line reports for idle cpus (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] x86/cpu: Rename "WESTMERE2" family to "NEHALEM_G" (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] drivers/idle: make intel_idle.c driver more explicitly non-modular (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] x86/intel_idle: Use Intel family macros for intel_idle (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Clean up all registered devices on exit (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Propagate hot plug errors (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Don't overreact to a cpuidle registration failure (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Setup the timer broadcast only on successful driver load (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Avoid a double free of the per-CPU data (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Fix dangling registration on error path (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Fix deallocation order on the driver exit path (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Remove redundant initialization calls (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: Fix a helper function's return value (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: remove useless return from void function (David Arcari) [1386012] - [kernel] cpuidle: Invert CPUIDLE_FLAG_TIME_VALID logic (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: allow sparse sub-state numbering, for Bay Trail (David Arcari) [1386012] - [idle] intel_idle: mark some functions with __init tag (David Arcari) [1386012]- [platform] dell-wmi: Ignore WMI event 0xe00e (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Add a WMI event code for display on/off (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Generate one sparse keymap for all machines (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Add information about other WMI event codes (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Sort WMI event codes and update comments (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Ignore WMI event code 0xe045 (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: support Dell Inspiron M5110 (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: properly process Dell Instant Launch hotkey (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-rbtn: Ignore ACPI notifications if device is suspended (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: enable receiving WMI events on Dell Vostro V131 (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: rename dell_smi_error() to dell_smbios_error() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: move dell_smi_error() to dell-smbios (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-rbtn: Add a comment about the XPS 13 9350 (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Support new hotkeys on the XPS 13 9350 (Skylake) (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Clean up hotkey table size check (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Stop storing pointers to DMI tables (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: make da_tokens static (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: remove find_token_{id, location}() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: use dell_smbios_find_token() instead of find_token_location() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: use dell_smbios_find_token() instead of find_token_id() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: implement new function for finding DMI table 0xDA tokens (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: make the SMBIOS buffer static (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: return the SMBIOS buffer from dell_smbios_get_buffer() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: don't return an SMBIOS buffer from dell_smbios_send_request() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: don't pass an SMBIOS buffer to dell_smbios_send_request() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: rename dell_send_request() to dell_smbios_send_request() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: rename release_buffer() to dell_smbios_release_buffer() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: rename clear_buffer() to dell_smbios_clear_buffer() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smbios: rename get_buffer() to dell_smbios_get_buffer() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: extract SMBIOS-related code to a separate module (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Process only one event on devices with interface version 0 (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Check if Dell WMI descriptor structure is valid (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Improve unknown hotkey handling (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell_wmi: Use a C99-style array for bios_to_linux_keycode (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Do not cache hwswitch state (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Check return value of each SMBIOS call (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Clear buffer before each SMBIOS call (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Fix allocating & freeing SMI buffer page (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Show info about WiGig and UWB in debugfs (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Update information about wireless control (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Use dell-rbtn instead i8042 filter when possible (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-rbtn: Export notifier for other kernel modules (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-rbtn: Dell Airplane Mode Switch driver (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] x86: dell-laptop: Add support for keyboard backlight (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] revert "platform: x86: dell-laptop: Add support for keyboard backlight" (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-smo8800: Add more ACPI ids and change description of driver (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] x86: dell-laptop: Add support for keyboard backlight (David Arcari) [1396495] - [kernel] leds: add led-class attribute-group support (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Don't report keypresses on keybord illumination change (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Don't report keypresses for radio state changes (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Update code for processing WMI events (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Fix access out of memory (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Mark dell_quirks[] DMI table as __initconst (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] x86: dell-smo8800: Dell Latitude freefall driver (ACPI SMO8800/SMO8810) (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Only install the i8042 filter when rfkill is active (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: rkill whitelist Precision models (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: fix to return error code in dell_send_intensity() (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] acpi: Clean up inclusions of ACPI header files (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-wmi: Add KEY_MICMUTE to bios_to_linux_keycode (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Only enable rfkill functionality on laptops with a hw killswitch (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Add a force_rfkill module parameter (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Wait less long before updating rfkill after an rfkill keypress (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Do not skip setting blocked bit rfkill_set while hw-blocked (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Sync current block state to BIOS on hw switch change (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Allow changing the sw_state while the radio is blocked by hw (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Don't read-back sw_state on machines with a hardware switch (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Don't set sw_state from the query callback (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Only get status from BIOS once when updating (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: If there is no hwswitch, then clear all hw-controlled bits (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: Only enable rfkill on Latitudes (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] revert "dell-laptop: Remove rfkill code" (David Arcari) [1396495] - [platform] dell-laptop: fix error return code in dell_init() (David Arcari) [1396495]- [md] dm thin: fix a race condition between discarding and provisioning a block (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm thin: unroll issue_discard() to create longer discard bio chains (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm thin: use __blkdev_issue_discard for async discard support (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm flakey: introduce "error_writes" feature (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm space map: always set ev if sm_ll_mutate() succeeds (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm space map metadata: skip useless memcpy in metadata_ll_init_index() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm space map metadata: fix 'struct sm_metadata' leak on failed create (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [documentation] dm raid: define data_offset status field (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm raid: fix discard support regression (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm raid: don't allow "write behind" with raid4_5_6 (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: use hw_handler_params if attached hw_handler is same as requested (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm array: remove a dead assignment in populate_ablock_with_values() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm ioctl: use offsetof() instead of open-coding it (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: simplify use_blk_mq initialization (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: use blk_set_queue_dying() in __dm_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm bufio: drop the lock when doing GFP_NOIO allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm bufio: avoid sleeping while holding the dm_bufio lock (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm table: simplify dm_table_determine_type() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm table: an 'all_blk_mq' table must be loaded for a blk-mq DM device (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm table: fix 'all_blk_mq' inconsistency when an empty table is loaded (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: do not modify *__clone if blk_mq_alloc_request() fails (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: change return type of pg_init_all_paths() from int to void (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: add checks for priority group count to avoid invalid memory access (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: add m->hw_handler_name NULL pointer check in parse_hw_handler() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm flakey: return -EINVAL on interval bounds error in flakey_ctr() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm crypt: constify crypt_iv_operations structures (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm raid: correct error messages on old metadata validation (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [documentation] dm raid: fix typos in Documentation_device-mapper_dm-raid.txt (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm cache: add missing cache device name to DMERR in set_cache_mode() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm cache metadata: remove an extra newline in DMERR and code (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm verity: fix incorrect error message (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm crypt: rename crypt_setkey_allcpus to crypt_setkey (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm crypt: mark key as invalid until properly loaded (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: fix a race condition in rq_completed() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm block manager: make block locking optional (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: Fix a race condition related to stopping and starting queues (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: Use BLK_MQ_S_STOPPED instead of QUEUE_FLAG_STOPPED in blk-mq code (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] blk-mq: Add a kick_requeue_list argument to blk_mq_requeue_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [block] blk-mq: blk_mq_try_issue_directly() should lookup hardware queue (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] blk-mq: Introduce blk_mq_quiesce_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] blk-mq: Remove blk_mq_cancel_requeue_work() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [scsi] blk-mq: Avoid that requeueing starts stopped queues (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [block] blk-mq: Move more code into blk_mq_direct_issue_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] blk-mq: Introduce blk_mq_queue_stopped() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [block] blk-mq: Introduce blk_mq_hctx_stopped() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [block] blk-mq: Do not invoke .queue_rq() for a stopped queue (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] blk-mq: add flag for drivers wanting blocking ->queue_rq() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm table: fix missing dm_put_target_type() in dm_table_add_target() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: clear kworker_task if kthread_run() returned an error (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: check kthread_run return for .request_fn request-based DM (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mirror: use all available legs on multiple failures (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: always return reservation conflict without failing over (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm bufio: remove dm_bufio_cond_resched() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm crypt: fix crash on exit (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm cache metadata: switch to using the new cursor api for loading metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm array: introduce cursor api (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm btree: introduce cursor api (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm cache policy smq: distribute entries to random levels when switching to smq (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm cache: speed up writing of the hint array (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm array: add dm_array_new() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: delay the requeue of blk-mq requests while all paths down (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: use dm_mq_kick_requeue_list() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: introduce dm_mq_kick_requeue_list() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: reduce arguments passed to map_request() and dm_requeue_original_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] dm rq: add DM_MAPIO_DELAY_REQUEUE to delay requeue of blk-mq requests (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: convert wait loops to use autoremove_wake_function() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: use signal_pending_state() in dm_wait_for_completion() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: rename task state function arguments (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: add two lockdep_assert_held() statements (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: simplify dm_old_stop_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: check if path's request_queue is dying in activate_path() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: take request_queue lock while clearing QUEUE_FLAG_STOPPED (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm rq: factor out dm_mq_stop_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: mark request_queue dead before destroying the DM device (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm: return correct error code in dm_resume()'s retry loop (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] blk-mq: introduce blk_mq_delay_kick_requeue_list() (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm crypt: fix free of bad values after tfm allocation failure (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm flakey: fix reads to be issued if drop_writes configured (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm crypt: increase mempool reserve to better support swapping (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm round robin: do not use this_cpu_ptr() without having preemption disabled (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [kernel] dm mpath: add optional "queue_mode" feature (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: remove bio-based bloat from struct dm_mpath_io (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225] - [md] dm mpath: reinstate bio-based support (Mike Snitzer) [1368193 1405225]- [x86] kvm: nvmx: Allow L1 to intercept software exceptions (#BP and #OF) (Bandan Das) [1404928] {CVE-2016-9588} - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix hardcoded socket 0 assumption in the Haswell init code (Prarit Bhargava) [1373738] - [pci] Add helpers to request/release memory and I/O regions (Myron Stowe) [1392577] - [pci] Move pci_set_flags() from asm-generic/pci-bridge.h to linux/pci.h (Myron Stowe) [1392577] - [char] random: Wake up all getrandom(2) callers when pool is ready (Herbert Xu) [1330000] - [char] random: introduce getrandom(2) system call (Herbert Xu) [1330000] - [iommu] vt-d: Flush old iommu caches for kdump when the device gets context mapped (Myron Stowe) [1340547] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix corruption when transferring large files (Stefan Assmann) [1404060 1406126] - [netdrv] netvsc: reduce maximum GSO size (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1406926] - [netdrv] fjes: fix format string for trace output (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: update fjes driver version : 1.2 (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: Add debugfs entry for EP status information in fjes driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: ethtool -w and -W support for fjes driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: Add tracepoints in fjes driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: Enhance ethtool -S for fjes driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: ethtool -d support for fjes driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] fjes: fjes_main: Remove create_workqueue (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [kernel] tracing: Add array printing helper (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [kernel] tracing: Add __get_dynamic_array_len() macro for trace events (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1388716] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use the correct divisor value for PHC clock readings (Michal Schmidt) [1175585]- [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: fix last_write_offset incorrectly set to page boundary (Benjamin Coddington) [1404245] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: update last_write_offset atomically with extents (Benjamin Coddington) [1404245] - [fs] seq_file: reset iterator to first record for zero offset (Miklos Szeredi) [1386642] - [fs] nfs: fix false positives in nfs40_walk_client_list() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1372782] - [fs] nfsd4: setclientid_confirm with unmatched verifier should fail ("J. Bruce Fields") [1372782] - [fs] nfsd: randomize SETCLIENTID reply to help distinguish servers ("J. Bruce Fields") [1372782] - [fs] nfsd: add support for the umask attribute ("J. Bruce Fields") [1217546] - [fs] nfsd: catch errors in decode_fattr earlier ("J. Bruce Fields") [1217546] - [fs] nfsd: clean up supported attribute handling ("J. Bruce Fields") [1217546] - [fs] nfs: add support for the umask attribute ("J. Bruce Fields") [1217546] - [fs] nfs4: remove unused CHANGE_SECURITY_LABEL ("J. Bruce Fields") [1217546] - [fs] libceph: no need to drop con->mutex for ->get_authorizer() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: drop len argument of *verify_authorizer_reply() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: verify authorize reply on connect (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: no need for GFP_NOFS in ceph_monc_init() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: stop allocating a new cipher on every crypto request (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: uninline ceph_crypto_key_destroy() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: remove now unused ceph_*{en, de}crypt*() functions (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: switch ceph_x_decrypt() to ceph_crypt() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: switch ceph_x_encrypt() to ceph_crypt() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: tweak calcu_signature() a little (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: rename and align ceph_x_authorizer::reply_buf (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: introduce ceph_crypt() for in-place en/decryption (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: introduce ceph_x_encrypt_offset() (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: old_key in process_one_ticket() is redundant (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: ceph_x_encrypt_buflen() takes in_len (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: Remove unnecessary ivsize variables (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] libceph: Use skcipher (Ilya Dryomov) [1408170] - [fs] nfs: Trim extra slash in v4 nfs_path (Benjamin Coddington) [1130893] - [fs] blocklayout: put deviceid node after releasing bl_ext_lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1348596] - [fs] xfs: don't BUG() on mixed direct and mapped I/O (Brian Foster) [1364856] - [fs] xfs: skip dirty pages in ->releasepage() (Brian Foster) [1079818] - [fs] sunrpc: svc_age_temp_xprts_now should not call setsockopt on non-tcp transports (Scott Mayhew) [1372444] - [fs] xfs: fix two memory leaks in xfs_attr_list.c error paths (Bill O'Donnell) [1391223] {CVE-2016-9685}- [mm] meminit: initialise more memory for inode/dentry hash tables in early boot (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1404584] - [s390] mem_detect: Revert "add DAT sanity check" (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391540] - [s390] cpuinfo: show maximum thread id (Hendrik Brueckner) [1399563] - [s390] qeth: omit outbound queue 3 for unicast packets in Priority Queuing on HiperSockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380787] - [s390] qeth: Add new priority queueing options (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380787] - [s390] qeth: Extend priority queueing to IPv6 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380787] - [s390] qeth: Fix default queue setting in priority queueing (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380787] - [s390] qeth: Fix IP version detection for VLAN traffic (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380787] - [s390] qeth: Removed unused parameter (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380787] - [s390] qeth: add network device features for VLAN devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274455] - [s390] qeth: add layer 2 RX/TX checksum offloading (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274455] - [s390] qeth: fix rx checksum offload handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1274455] - [s390] qeth: Include error message for "OS Mismatch" (Hendrik Brueckner) [1200409] - [s390] qeth: BRIDGEPORT "sanity check" (Hendrik Brueckner) [1200409] - [s390] qeth: OSA version of SETBRIDGEPORT command (Hendrik Brueckner) [1200409] - [s390] qeth: IFF_PROMISC flag to BRIDGE PORT mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [1200409] - [s390] qeth: fix handling of IPA return codes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380770] - [s390] qeth: fix build of s390 allmodconfig (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380770] - [s390] qeth: bridgeport support - address notifications (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380770] - [s390] qdio: bridgeport support - CHSC part (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380770] - [s390] qeth: bridgeport support - basic control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1380770] - [s390] qeth: check not more than 16 SBALEs on the completion queue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1399544] - [s390] time: LPAR offset handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391531] - [s390] time: move PTFF definitions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391531] - [s390] mm: handle PTE-mapped tail pages in fast gup (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391532] - [s390] cio: fix accidental interrupt enabling during resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391533] - [block] xen-blkfront: don't call talk_to_blkback when already connected to blkback (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1404734] - [block] xen-blkfront: Fix crash if backend doesn't follow the right states (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1404734] - [block] xen-blkfront: only talk_to_blkback() when in XenbusStateInitialising (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1404734] - [block] xen-blkfront: move talk_to_blkback to a more suitable place (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1404734] - [kernel] stop_machine: touch_nmi_watchdog() after MULTI_STOP_PREPARE (Oleg Nesterov) [1354850]- [netdrv] fm10k: wrap long line for alloc_workqueue (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use generic ethtool_op_get_ts_info callback (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't re-map queues when a mailbox message suffices (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't clear the RXQCTL register when enabling or disabling queues (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove unnecessary extra parenthesis around ((~value)) (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't try to stop queues if we've lost hw_addr (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't continue probe if PCI device not in normal IO state (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: print error code when pci_enable_device_mem fails during probe (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: NAPI polling routine must return actual work done (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: prefer READ_ONCE instead of ACCESS_ONCE (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove fm10k_get_reta_size from namespace (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use variadic form of alloc_workqueue (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use software values when checking for Tx hangs in hot path (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix PCI device enable_cnt leak in .io_slot_reset (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: bump version number (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: return proper error code when pci_enable_msix_range fails (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: force link to remain down for at least a second on resume events (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: implement request_lport_map pointer (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: check if PCIe link is restored (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: enable bus master after every reset (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use common flow for suspend and resume (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: implement reset_notify handler for PCIe FLR events (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use common reset flow when handling io errors from PCI stack (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: implement prepare_suspend and handle_resume (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: split fm10k_reinit into two functions (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: wait for queues to drain if stop_hw() fails once (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: only warn when stop_hw fails with FM10K_ERR_REQUESTS_PENDING (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use actual hardware registers when checking for pending Tx (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: perform data path reset even when switch is not ready (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't stop reset due to FM10K_ERR_REQUESTS_PENDING (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Reset mailbox global interrupts (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: prevent multiple threads updating statistics (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: avoid possible null pointer dereference in fm10k_update_stats (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: no need to continue in fm10k_down if __FM10K_DOWN already set (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Remove create_workqueue (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix incorrect index calculation in fm10k_write_reta (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Align Rx buffers to 512B blocks (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't use BIT() macro where the value isn't a bitmask (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix incorrect IPv6 extended header checksum (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: consistently use Intel(R) for driver names (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix possible null pointer deref after kcalloc (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Reset multicast mode when deleting lport (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: update comment regarding reserved bits check (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use different name than FM10K_VLAN_CLEAR for override bit (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use 8bit notation instead of 10bit notation for diagram (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix documentation of fm10k_tlv_parse_attr (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not disable PCI device in fm10k_io_error_detected (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: correctly handle LPORT_MAP error (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Fix multicast mode sync issues (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: drop 1588 support (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: prevent RCU issues during AER events (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use DRV_SUMMARY to reduce code duplication (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for bulk Tx cleanup & cleanup boolean logic (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove debug-statistics support (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: add helper functions to set strings and data for ethtool stats (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix multi-bit VLAN update requests from VF (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use ethtool_rxfh_indir_default for default redirection table (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix a minor typo in some comments (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: correctly clean up when init_queueing_scheme fails (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: prevent possibly uninitialized variable (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: add helper functions to set strings and data for ethtool stats (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: free MBX IRQ before clearing interrupt scheme (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: print error message when stop_hw fails (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: base queue scheme covered by RSS (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't initialize service task until later in probe (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: prevent null pointer dereference of msix_entries table (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use ether_addr_copy to copy MAC address (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: cleanup SPACE_BEFORE_TAB checkpatch warning (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: demote BUG_ON() to WARN_ON() where appropriate (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: cleanup remaining right-bit-shifted 1 (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Move constants to the right of binary operators (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't reinitialize RSS flow table when RXFH configured (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: IS_ENABLED() is not appropriate for boolean kconfig option (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: cleanup mailbox code comments etc (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use true/false for boolean get_host_state (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove unused struct element (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: constify fm10k_mac_ops, fm10k_iov_ops and fm10k_info structures (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: address operator not needed when declaring function pointers (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use ether_addr_equal instead of memcmp (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Cleanup exception handling for changing queues (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: correctly pack TLV structures and explain reasoning (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't initialize fm10k_workqueue at global level (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: initialize xps at driver load (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: cleanup overly long lines (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: cleanup namespace pollution (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use BIT() macro instead of open-coded bit-shifting (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: whitespace cleanups (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not inline fm10k_iov_select_vid() (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Cleanup exception handling for mailbox interrupt (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Cleanup MSI-X interrupts in case of failure (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: conditionally compile DCB and DebugFS support (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: bump driver version (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: consistently refer to VLANs and VLAN IDs (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove namespace pollution of fm10k_iov_msg_data_pf (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove unnecessary else block from if statements with return (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not use CamelCase (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use ether_addr_copy to copy MAC address (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: TRIVIAL cleanup order at top of fm10k_xmit_frame (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: TRIVIAL fix typo of hardware (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: change default Tx ITR to 25usec (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use macro for default Tx and Rx ITR values (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Update adaptive ITR algorithm (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: introduce ITR_IS_ADAPTIVE macro (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for ITR scaling based on PCIe link speed (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: rename mbx_tx_oversized statistic to mbx_tx_dropped (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: add statistics for actual DWORD count of mbmem mailbox (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: explicitly typecast vlan values to u16 (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Correct typecast in fm10k_update_xc_addr_pf (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: reinitialize queuing scheme after calling init_hw (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: always check init_hw for errors (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: reset max_queues on init_hw_vf failure (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: set netdev features in one location (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Fix handling of NAPI budget when multiple queues are enabled per vector (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: Correct MTU for jumbo frames (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not assume VF always has 1 queue (Neil Horman) [1383526] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix memory leak (Neil Horman) [1383526]- [thermal] powerclamp: add back module device table (Steve Best) [1410139] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix code ordering in intel_pstate_set_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1398072] - [x86] kvm: x86: make lapic hrtimer pinned (Luiz Capitulino) [1392593] - [kernel] sched/nohz: Fix affine unpinned timers mess (Luiz Capitulino) [1392593] - [kernel] nohz: Affine unpinned timers to housekeepers (Luiz Capitulino) [1392593] - [kernel] tick-sched: add housekeeping_mask cpumask (Luiz Capitulino) [1392593] - [kernel] kmod: use system_unbound_wq instead of khelper (Luiz Capitulino) [1395860] - [kernel] tracing/uprobes: Pass 'is_return' to traceprobe_parse_probe_arg() (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/uprobes: Add @+file_offset fetch method (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] uprobes: Allocate ->utask before handler_chain() for tracing handlers (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/uprobes: Add support for full argument access methods (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Implement 'memory' fetch method for uprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Add fetch{, _size} member into deref fetch method (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Move 'symbol' fetch method to kprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Implement 'stack' fetch method for uprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Split [ku]probes_fetch_type_table (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Move fetch function helpers to trace_probe.h (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [kernel] tracing/probes: Fix basic print type functions (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [tools] perf probe: Move dwarf specific functions to dwarf-aux.c (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [tools] perf uprobe: Skip prologue if program compiled without optimization (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781] - [tools] perf probe: Add helper function to check if probe with variable (Jiri Olsa) [1374759 1376533 1385781]- [tools] perf evsel: Do not access outside hw cache name arrays (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib: Reinstate strlcpy() header guard with __UCLIBC__ (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Use addr_location::addr instead of ip for entries (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix occasional decoding errors when tracing system-wide (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Release resources on error when handling exit paths (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Check for dup and fdopen failures (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix annotation of objects with debuginfo files (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Don't disable use_callchain if input is pipe (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Show proper message when failed list scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf jitdump: Add the right header to get the major()/minor() definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf ppc64le: Fix build failure when libelf is not present (Jiri Olsa) [1376534 1387909] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix ip compression (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe ppc64le: Fix probe location when using DWARF (Jiri Olsa) [1376534 1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Add function to post process kernel trace events (Jiri Olsa) [1376534 1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Support signedness casting (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stat: Avoid skew when reading events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Fix module name matching (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Adjust map->reloc offset when finding kernel symbol from map (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Trim libtraceevent trace_seq buffers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests: objdump output can contain multi byte chunks (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Add --sample-cpu option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce output_resort_cb method (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Move config/Makefile into Makefile.config (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests: Add test for bitmap_scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib: Add bitmap_and function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib: Add bitmap_scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib: Add bitmap_alloc function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Ignore generated library files (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build failure on perl script context (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Plug filename string leak (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Introduce strerror for handling symbol__disassemble() errors (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Rename symbol__annotate() to symbol__disassemble() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf target: str_error_r() always returns the buffer it receives (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Use pipe + fork instead of popen (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evsel: Introduce constructor for cycles event (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib api: Add str_error_c to libapi (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf s390: Fix 'start' address of module's map (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] revert "perf tools: event.h needs asm/perf_regs.h" (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools build: Fix objtool build with ARCH=x86_64 (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools build: Add HOSTARCH Makefile variable (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests kmod-path: Fix build on ubuntu:16.04-x-armhf (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add AVX-512 instructions to the new instructions test (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add AVX-512 support to the instruction decoder used by Intel PT (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Fix vcvtph2ps instruction decoding (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests: Add is_printable_array test (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Make is_printable_array global (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script python: Fix string vs byte array resolving (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Warn unmatched function filter correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add more helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stat: Balance opening and reading events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Copy linux/{hash, poison}.h and check for drift (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove include/linux/list.h from perf's MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Copy the bitops files accessed from the kernel and check for drift (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] remove: kernel unistd*h files from perf's MANIFEST, not used (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove tools/perf/util/include/linux/const.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove tools/perf/util/include/asm/byteorder.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing linux/compiler.h include to perf-sys.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf jit: Remove some no-op error handling (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf jit: Add missing curly braces (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Add --tail-synthesize option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf session: Don't warn about out of order event if write_backward is used (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Enable overwrite settings (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Make {pause, resume} internal helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Read from overwritable ring buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Setup backward mmap state machine (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Drop evlist->backward (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Map backward events to backward_mmap (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Introduce backward_mmap array for evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Extract common code in mmap failure processing (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Record mmap cookie into fdarray private field (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Decouple record__mmap_read() and evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Update mmap related APIs and helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib fd array: Allow associating a pointer cookie with each entry (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Simplify BITS_PER_LONG define (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Drop redundant evsel->overwrite indicator (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Use base 0 in filename__read_ull (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Bail out at "--sort dcacheline" and cacheline_size not known (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Just pr_debug() about not being able to read cacheline_size (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Make "__always_inline" just "inline" on Android (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Do not provide dup sched_getcpu() prototype on Android (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add correct header for ipv6 definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf build: Add sdt feature detection (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Support a special SDT probe format (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Support @BUILDID or @FILE suffix for SDT events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf list: Show SDT and pre-cached events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Search SDT/cached event from all probe caches (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Allow wildcard for cached events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe-cache: Add for_each_probe_cache_entry() wrapper (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Make --list show only available cached events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Accept sdt and cached event name (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to show correct error message for $vars and $params (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf event parser: Add const qualifier to evt_name and sys_name (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Fix up BITS_PER_LONG setting (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Work around BITS_PER_LONG related build failure in objtool (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add filter on task CPU id (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Add tracepoint example (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Add support to resolve tracepoint fields (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Add struct evsel into struct pyrf_event (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Add perf.tracepoint method (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Put perf.event objects into dictionary (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Fix pyrf_evlist__read_on_cpu event consuming (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf python: Init perf_event_attr::size in perf.evsel constructor (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce trace_event__tp_format_id() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Make event2evsel public (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf symbols: Add Rust demangling (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add feature detection for gelf_getnote() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf intel-pt-decoder: Avoid checking code drift on busibox's diff (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Don't add kernel directories to the header search path (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add the tools/ stringify copy to the MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Copy the bitsperlong.h files from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script python: Silence -Werror=maybe-uninitialized on gcc 5.3.0 (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf symbols: Provide a GElf_Nhdr typedef (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty seccomp: Remove seccomp.h include (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty futex_op: Add missing defines for older systems (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Fallback to reading sysfs to get cacheline size (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Copy the header files needed by perf tools (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace: Remove unused sys/ptrace.h include (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unneeded magic.h include from util.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce weak alternative to sched_getcpu() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Copy uapi/linux/hw_breakpoint.h from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Copy uapi/asm/perf_regs.h from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib bpf: Copy bpf.h and bpf_common.h from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Add copy of perf_event.h to tools/include/linux/ (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: event.h needs asm/perf_regs.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf bench futex: Add missing compiler.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Use str_error_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib: Guard the strlcpy() header with __GLIBC__ (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Use str_error_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Use str_error_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Uninline scnprintf() and vscnprint() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evsel: Uninline the is_function_event method (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove needless includes from cache.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf llvm: Use realpath to canonicalize paths (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing header to color.c (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests x86 rdpmc: Add missing headers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf test fdarray: Add missing poll.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests cpumap: Add missing headers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf quote: Disentangle headers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf strbuf: Add missing headers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Move syscall number fallbacks from perf-sys.h to tools/arch/x86/include/asm/ (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf bench: Disentangle headers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests openat-syscall-tp-fields: Add some conditional defines (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace: Add conditional define for AT_FDCWD (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests: Add missing pthread.h include for CPU_*() macros (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf bench: Add missing pthread.h include for CPU_*() macros (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Introduce str_error_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty open_flags: Add more conditional defines (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty flock: Add more conditional defines (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty mmap: Add more conditional defines (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty open_flags: Add missing headers (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty flock: Add missing fcntl.h include (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty msg_flags: Remove MSG_TRYHARD (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf report: Introduce --stdio-color to setup the color output mode selection (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Introduce --stdio-color to setup the color output mode selection (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf ui stdio: Add way to setup the color output mode selection (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hists__add_entry_ops function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hist_entry_ops (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hist_entry__init function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Update android build documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib subcmd: Respect WERROR=0 for build (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib api: Respect WERROR=0 for build (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Call unwind__prepare_access for forked thread (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Add initialized arg into unwind__prepare_access (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests: Fix hist accumulation test (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf header: Transform nodes string info to struct (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf buildid-cache: Scan and import user SDT events to probe cache (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Add group name support (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf sdt: ELF support for SDT (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf build: Add feature detection for libelf's elf_getshdrstrndx() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Remove caches when --cache is given (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Show all cached probes (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Use cache entry if possible (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Change cpu_map__fprintf output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf test: Add -F/--dont-fork option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests: Fix thread map test for -F option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Allow to reset open files counter (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty eventfd: No need to include eventfd.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf trace beauty sched_policy: Define SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK for older systems (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Add number of samples to the header (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Simplify header dotted line sizing (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evsel: Utility function to fetch arch (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add documentation for on disk format (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Generate fork and exit events to CTF output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Add '--all' option for 'perf data convert' (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Generate comm event to CTF output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Prepare collect non-sample events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Add 'all' option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Pass convert options through opts structure (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data ctf: Add value_set_string() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf symbols: Use proper dso name for is_regular_file (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Prepare picking perf_event_mmap_page from multiple evlists (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Prepare reading from multiple evlists in record__mmap_read_all() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Move mmap setup block to separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf data convert: Include config.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf build: Add libbabeltrace to build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add more toolchain triplets (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Generalize handling of 'ret' instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Update makefile message for installing slang devel package (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf annotate: Remove unused hist_entry__annotate function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Reimplement show_config() using config_set__for_each (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Introduce new init() and exit() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Add callindent option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add option to feed branches to the thread stack (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Print sample flags more nicely (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf intlist: Rename for_each() macros to for_each_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf rb_resort: Rename for_each() macros to for_each_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Rename strlist_for_each() macros to for_each_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Rename for_each() macros to for_each_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Fix wrongly used regs for aarch64 unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Fix wrongly used regs for x86_32 unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Change macro names of perf register (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Find right DSO taking into account if binary is 32 or 64-bit (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Move config declarations from util/cache.h to util/config.h (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Let python use correct gcc for build_ext (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf machine: Destructors should accept NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tests time-to-tsc: No need to disable an event before deleting it (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf session: Destructors should accept NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Destructors should accept NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Enlarge pid sort entry size (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists browser: Introduce init() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists browser: Introduce perf_evsel_browser constructor (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists browser: Move horizontal scroll init to new() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists browser: Introduce struct hist_browser title callback (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists browser: Make (new|delete|run) public (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists browser: Move hist_browser into header file (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script stackcollapse: Remove reference to the perl interpreter (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Add script (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evsel: Fix write_backwards fallback (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Add --dry-run option to check cmdline options (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove --perf-dir and --work-dir (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Remove some unused functions (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Rename __hists__add_entry to hists__add_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Fix documentation of '-f' when it should be '-F' (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Add --cache option to cache the probe definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Introduce perf_cache interfaces (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Replace perf_evsel arg perf_hpp_fmt's width callback (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf hists: Replace perf_evsel arg perf_hpp_fmt's header callback (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stdio: Add use_callchain parameter to hists__fprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stdio: Do not pass hists in hist_entry__fprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stdio: Separate standard headers output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stdio: Separate hierarchy headers output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stdio: Separate headers output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tui: Separate hierarchy and standard headers output (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Fix Data Object sort entry width index (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf mem: Add --ldlat option (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Fix compile error for static cross build (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Uncomment and export synthesize_perf_probe_point() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Add perf_probe_event__copy() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf buildid: Rename and export build_id_cache__cachedir() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to add NULL check for strndup (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Fix rm_rf() to handle non-regular files correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Handle NULL at perf_config_set__delete() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf callchain: Support aarch64 cross-platform (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf callchain: Support x86 target platform (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Introduce flag to separate local/remote unwind compilation (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Change fixed name of libunwind__arch_reg_id to macro (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Check the target platform before assigning unwind methods (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Export normalize_arch() function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Extract common API out of unwind-libunwind-local.c (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Rename unwind-libunwind.c to unwind-libunwind-local.c (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Separate local/remote libunwind config (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Don't mix LIBUNWIND_LIBS into LIBUNWIND_LDFLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Move unwind__prepare_access from thread_new into thread__insert_map (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Introduce 'struct unwind_libunwind_ops' for local unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Decouple thread->address_space on libunwind (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf unwind: Use LIBUNWIND_DIR for remote libunwind feature check (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Use new perf_config_set__init() to initialize config set (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Constructor should free its allocated memory when failing (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Fix crash in build_id_cache__kallsyms_path() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Handle the error when config set is NULL at collect_config() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf config: Fix abnormal termination at perf_parse_file() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stat: Add missing aggregation headers for --metric-only CSV (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stat: Print topology/time headers with --metric-only (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stat: Add computation of TopDown formulas (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf stat: Basic support for TopDown in perf stat (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf test: Ignore .scale and other special files (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf script: Show call graphs when 1st event doesn't have it but some other has (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] tools lib api: Respect CROSS_COMPILE for the linker (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix alloc_mmap() failure path (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evsel: Provide way to extract integer value from format_field (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf: Handle -EOPNOTSUPP for sampling events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf buildid-cache: Use path/to/bin/buildid/elf instead of path/to/bin/buildid (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf symbols: Cleanup the code flow of dso__find_kallsyms (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf symbols: Introduce filename__readable to check readability (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf tools: Add arch/*/include/generated/ to .gitignore (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] Pass arg to fdarray__filter's call back function (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Choose correct reading direction according to evlist->backward (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Check 'base' pointer before checking refcnt when put a mmap (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf evlist: Don't poll and mmap overwritable events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf record: Robustify perf_event__synth_time_conv() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [tools] perf thread: Adopt get_main_thread from db-export.c (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Limit matching exclusive events to one PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Make it an exclusive PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Make sure debug store is valid (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/amd: Make HW_CACHE_REFERENCES and HW_CACHE_MISSES measure L2 (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Do validate the size of a kernel address filter (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix kernel address filter's offset validation (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix an off-by-one in address filter configuration (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Don't disable "intel_bts" around "intel" event batching (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix PEBSv3 record drain (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Kill a silly warning (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Fix BTS PMI detection (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Fix confused ordering of PMU callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/amd/uncore: Prevent use after free (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Remove WARN from perf_event_read() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Use this_cpu_ptr() when stopping AUX events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Check return value of the perf_event_read() IPI (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Enable mapping of the stop filters (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Update filters only on executable mmap (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix file name handling for start/stop filters (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix event_function_local() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix uncore num_counters (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove redundant pci_get_drvdata() (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Use Intel family macros for core perf events (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix crash due to account/unaccount_sb_event() inconsistency (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/abi: Change the errno for sampling event not supported in hardware (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Locate specific box by checking full device info (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add 'static' keyword to locally used arrays (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix implicitly enable dynamic interrupt throttle (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Rename the perf_event_aux*() APIs to perf_event_sb*(), to separate them from AUX ring-buffer records (Jiri Olsa) [1387909] - [kernel] perf/core: Optimize side-band event delivery (Jiri Olsa) [1387909]- [tty] console: Move userspace I/O out of console_lock to fix lockdep warning (Waiman Long) [1371886] - [net] dctcp: update cwnd on congestion event (Florian Westphal) [1386923] - [net] packet: fix race condition in packet_set_ring (Hangbin Liu) [1401853] {CVE-2016-8655} - [net] ipv4: allow local fragmentation in ip_finish_output_gso() (Lance Richardson) [1387662] - [i2c] i2c / acpi: Assign IRQ for devices that have GpioInt automatically (David Arcari) [1383814] - [i2c] i2c / acpi: Use 0 to indicate that device does not have interrupt assigned (David Arcari) [1383814] - [gpio] gpio / acpi: Add support for retrieving GpioInt resources from a device (David Arcari) [1383814] - [gpio] gpio / acpi: Add support for _DSD device properties (David Arcari) [1383814] - [pinctrl] intel: sunrisepoint: Add Intel Sunrisepoint-H support (David Arcari) [1383814] - [pinctrl] intel: Add Intel Sunrisepoint pin controller and GPIO support (David Arcari) [1383814] - [kernel] pm / sleep: Add macro to define common late/early system PM callbacks (David Arcari) [1383814] - [kernel] pinctrl: Pass all configs to driver on pin_config_set() (David Arcari) [1383814] - [pinctrl] pinconf: fix comparison of different types (David Arcari) [1383814] - [pinctrl] shut up a couple of pinctrl warnings (David Arcari) [1383814] - [kernel] pinctrl: rip out the direct pinconf API (David Arcari) [1383814] - [kernel] gpio: add IRQ chip helpers in gpiolib (David Arcari) [1383814] - [kernel] genirq: Provide irq_request/release_resources chip callbacks (David Arcari) [1383814] - [netdrv] ena: change the return type of ena_set_push_mode() to be void (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1357491] - [netdrv] ena: Fix error return code in ena_device_init() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1357491] - [netdrv] ena: Remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1357491] - [netdrv] ena: Add a driver for Amazon Elastic Network Adapters (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1357491] - [netdrv] ibmveth: calculate gso_segs for large packets (Gustavo Duarte) [1361958] - [netdrv] ibmveth: set correct gso_size and gso_type (Gustavo Duarte) [1361958] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix crash in cxlflash_restore_luntable() (Gustavo Duarte) [1400524] - [scsi] cxlflash: Improve context_reset() logic (Gustavo Duarte) [1400524] - [scsi] cxlflash: Avoid command room violation (Gustavo Duarte) [1400524] - [s390] zfcp: close window with unblocked rport during rport gone (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391440] - [s390] zfcp: fix ELS/GS request&response length for hardware data router (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391435] - [s390] zfcp: fix fc_host port_type with NPIV (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391436] - [s390] scsi: zfcp: spin_lock_irqsave() is not nestable (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: trace full payload of all SAN records (req, resp, iels) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: fix payload trace length for SAN request&response (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: fix D_ID field with actual value on tracing SAN responses (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: restore tracing of handle for port and LUN with HBA records (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: trace on request for open and close of WKA port (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: restore: Dont use 0 to indicate invalid LUN in rec trace (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534] - [s390] zfcp: retain trace level for SCSI and HBA FSF response records (Hendrik Brueckner) [1391534]- [kernel] genirq: Add default affinity mask command line option (Clark Williams) [1336556] - [kernel] tick: hrtimer-broadcast: Prevent endless restarting when broadcast device is unused (Prarit Bhargava) [1393589] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Start completion queue negotiation at server-provided optimum values (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix missing brackets in init_sub_crq_irqs (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix releasing of sub-CRQ IRQs in interrupt context (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Update MTU after device initialization (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix GFP_KERNEL allocation in interrupt context (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix error return code in ibmvnic_probe() (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: convert to use simple_open() (Steve Best) [1403396] - [netdrv] slip: Fix deadlock in write_wakeup (Steve Best) [1403497] - [netdrv] slip: fix spinlock variant (Steve Best) [1403497] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Handle backing device failover and reinitialization (Steve Best) [1403692] - [scsi] storvsc: Use the specified target ID in device lookup (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [scsi] storvsc: Install the storvsc specific timeout handler for FC devices (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix typo in MODULE_PARM_DESC (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [scsi] storvsc: Tighten up the interrupt path (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [scsi] storvsc: Refactor the code in storvsc_channel_init() (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [scsi] storvsc: Properly support Fibre Channel devices (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix a bug in the layout of the hv_fc_wwn_packet (Cathy Avery) [1308632] - [char] random: add interrupt callback to VMBus IRQ handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1391433] - [x86] hyperv: manually clear IO-APIC IRR bit for migrating IRQs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1358691] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: fix nested tsc scaling (Bandan Das) [1370163] - [x86] smp: Don't try to poke disabled/non-existent APIC (Prarit Bhargava) [1373738] - [x86] revert "perf/uncore: Disable uncore on kdump kernel" (Prarit Bhargava) [1373738] - [x86] smpboot: Init apic mapping before usage (Prarit Bhargava) [1373738] - [x86] Handle non enumerated CPU after physical hotplug (Prarit Bhargava) [1373738] - [pci] hv: Allocate physically contiguous hypercall params buffer (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Delete the device earlier from hbus->children for hot-remove (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Fix hv_pci_remove() for hot-remove (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Use the correct buffer size in new_pcichild_device() (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Handle hv_pci_generic_compl() error case (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Handle vmbus_sendpacket() failure in hv_compose_msi_msg() (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Remove the unused 'wrk' in struct hv_pcibus_device (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Use pci_function_description[0] in struct definitions (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Use zero-length array in struct pci_packet (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [pci] hv: Use list_move_tail() instead of list_del() + list_add_tail() (Cathy Avery) [1364313] - [drm] i915/kbl: Remove preliminary_hw_support protection from KBL. (Rob Clark) [1305702] - [tty] serial: 8250_pci: Detach low-level driver during PCI error recovery (Steve Best) [1400506] - [mm] Change memory hotplug normal message to use pr_debug (Cathy Avery) [1370415]- [vfio] pci: make an array larger (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [kernel] arm/pci: Move align_resource function pointer to pci_host_bridge structure (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Wait 1 second between disabling VFs and clearing NumVFs (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Remove VFs in reverse order if virtfn_add() fails (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Remove redundant validation of SR-IOV offset/stride registers (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Enable SR-IOV ARI Capable Hierarchy before reading TotalVFs (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Expand Enhanced Allocation BAR output (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [uapi] pci: Make Enhanced Allocation bitmasks more obvious (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Handle Enhanced Allocation capability for SR-IOV devices (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Add support for Enhanced Allocation devices (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [uapi] pci: Add Enhanced Allocation register entries (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Handle IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED when assigning resources (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Handle IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED when sizing resources (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Clear IORESOURCE_UNSET when reverting to firmware-assigned address (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] msi: Export all remapped MSIs to sysfs attributes (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Disable MSI on SiS 761 (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [kernel] pci: Turn off Request Attributes to avoid Chelsio T5 Completion erratum (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [x86] pci: Make pci_subsys_init() static (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] Remove unnecessary "if" statement (Myron Stowe) [1405700] - [pci] pciehp: Queue power work requests in dedicated function (Myron Stowe) [1405700]- [pci] Disable async suspend/resume for JMicron multi-function SATA/AHCI (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [kernel] pci: Add pci_scan_root_bus_msi() (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] pciehp: Remove ignored MRL sensor interrupt events (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] pciehp: Remove unused interrupt events (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] pciehp: Handle invalid data when reading from non-existent devices (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [kernel] pci: Hold pci_slot_mutex while searching bus->slots list (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [kernel] pci: Protect pci_bus->slots with pci_slot_mutex, not pci_bus_sem (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] msi: Free legacy IRQ when enabling MSI/MSI-X (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [kernel] pci: Add pcibios_alloc_irq() and pcibios_free_irq() (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Restore ACS configuration as part of pci_restore_state() (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] pciehp: Simplify pcie_poll_cmd() (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Use "slot" and "pci_slot" for struct hotplug_slot and struct pci_slot (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] pci / acpi: Fix pci_acpi_optimize_delay() comment (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Remove a broken link in quirks.c (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Remove useless redundant code (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Simplify pci_find_(ext_)capability() return value checks (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Move PCI_FIND_CAP_TTL to pci.h and use it in quirks (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Add pcie_downstream_port() (true for Root and Switch Downstream Ports) (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Fix pcie_port_device_resume() comment (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Shift PCI_CLASS_NOT_DEFINED consistently with other classes (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] revert aeb30016fec3 ("pci: add Intel USB specific reset method") (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Fix TI816X class code quirk (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Fix generic NCR 53c810 class code quirk (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Add quirk for Intersil/Techwell TW686[4589] AV capture cards (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [pci] Remove Intel Cherrytrail D3 delays (Myron Stowe) [1403464] - [kernel] pci/msi: Rename "struct msi_chip" to "struct msi_controller" (Myron Stowe) [1403464]- [nvme] switch abort to blk_execute_rq_nowait (David Milburn) [1392923] - [nvme] Remove RCU namespace protection (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Only release requested regions (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: clear q->mq_ops if init fail (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Short-cut removal on surprise hot-unplug (David Milburn) [1384066] - [uapi] nvme: Allow user initiated rescan (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Reduce driver log spamming (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Unbind driver on failure (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Delete only created queues (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: fix undefined behaviour in order_to_size() (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] fix nvme_ns_remove() deadlock (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] switch to RCU freeing the namespace (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] correct comment for offset enum of controller registers in nvme.h (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] add helper nvme_cleanup_cmd() (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] move AER handling to common code (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] move namespace scanning to core (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] tighten up state check for namespace scanning (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] introduce a controller state machine (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] remove the io_incapable method (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] nvme_core_exit() should do cleanup in the reverse order as nvme_core_init does (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Fix check_flush_dependency warning (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] small typo in section BLK_DEV_NVME_SCSI of host/Kconfig (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] fix cntlid type (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] silence warning about unused 'dev' (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: Make blk_mq_all_tag_busy_iter static (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] mtip32xx: Convert to use blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Use blk-mq helper for IO termination (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Skip async events for degraded controllers (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] add helper nvme_setup_cmd() (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] rewrite discard support (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] add offset in blk_add_request_payload() (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] add helper nvme_map_len() (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: Export tagset iter function (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] avoid cqe corruption when update at the same time as read (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: Use proper cpumask iterator (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Expose ns wwid through single sysfs entry (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Remove unused sq_head read in completion path (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] expose cntlid in sysfs (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] return the whole CQE through the request passthrough interface (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] split pci module out of core module (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] make SG_IO support optional (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] split dev_list_lock (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] move timeout variables to core.c (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] host: reference the fabric module for each bdev open callout (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] fix drvdata setup for the nvme device (David Milburn) [1384066] - [nvme] Log the ctrl device name instead of the underlying pci device name (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: add bounds check on tag-to-rq conversion (David Milburn) [1384066] - [block] blk-mq: Fix NULL pointer updating nr_requests (David Milburn) [1384066]- [kernel] audit: move calcs after alloc and check when logging set loginuid (Richard Guy Briggs) [1155608] - [kernel] audit: add tty field to LOGIN event (Richard Guy Briggs) [1155608] - [netdrv] alx: enable multiple tx queues (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: enable msi-x interrupts by default (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: prepare tx path for multi queue support (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: prepare resource allocation for multi queue support (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: prepare interrupt functions for multiple queues (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: switch to per queue data structures (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: add ability to allocate and free alx_napi structures (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: extend data structures for multi queue support (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: refactor descriptor allocation (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: fix error handling in __alx_open (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: add module parameter to enable msi-x support (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: add msi-x support (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: factor out part of the interrupt handler (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: refactor msi enablement and disablement (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] Add Killer E2500 device ID in alx driver (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: add tso support (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: Work around the DMA RX overflow issue (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] alx: use custom skb allocator (Jarod Wilson) [1396261] - [netdrv] bnx2: fix locking when netconsole is used (Neil Horman) [1391233] - [netdrv] bnx2: Reset device during driver initialization (Neil Horman) [1391233] - [netdrv] bnx2: use IS_ENABLED() instead of checking for built-in or module (Neil Horman) [1391233] - [netdrv] qed: Utilize FW (Harish Patil) [1368248] - [pci] Limit config space size for Netronome NFP4000 (John Linville) [1377765] - [pci] Add Netronome NFP4000 PF device ID (John Linville) [1377765] - [pci] Limit config space size for Netronome NFP6000 family (John Linville) [1377765] - [pci] Add Netronome vendor and device IDs (John Linville) [1377765] - [pci] Support PCIe devices with short cfg_size (John Linville) [1377765] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Add Knights Mill CPUID (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Enable Apollo Lake RAPL support (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Add Skylake server model detection (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Use Intel family macros for RAPL (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/rapl: Add missing Broadwell model (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/rapl: Reorder model numbers (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Support Skylake RAPL domains (Jiri Olsa) [1381288] - [x86] perf/intel/rapl: Make the Intel RAPL PMU driver modular (Jiri Olsa) [1381288]- [net] sctp: validate chunk len before actually using it (Hangbin Liu) [1399459] {CVE-2016-9555} - [net] sctp: rename WORD_TRUNC/ROUND macros (Hangbin Liu) [1399459] {CVE-2016-9555} - [net] sctp: keep fragmentation point aligned to word size (Hangbin Liu) [1399459] {CVE-2016-9555} - [net] ipv6: bump genid when the IFA_F_TENTATIVE flag is clear (Paolo Abeni) [1380022] - [net] iucv: use basic blocks for iucv inline assemblies (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] add alloc_skb_with_frags() helper (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] af_iucv: Validate socket address length in iucv_sock_bind() (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] af_iucv: use paged SKBs for big outbound messages (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] af_iucv: use paged SKBs for big inbound messages (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] af_iucv: remove fragment_skb() to use paged SKBs (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] new helper memcpy_from_msg() (Neil Horman) [1364038] - [net] sctp: fix the panic caused by route update (Xin Long) [1380226] - [net] ipv6: Fix wrong direct fetch of hw_enc_features in ipv6_gso_segment() (Hangbin Liu) [1398723] - [net] Reserve skb headroom and set skb->dev even if using __alloc_skb (Hangbin Liu) [1395163] - [net] igmp: do not remove igmp souce list info when set link down (Hangbin Liu) [1383578] - [net] ipv4: fix all space errors in file igmp.c (Hangbin Liu) [1383578] - [documentation] net: ipv6: mld: document force_mld_version in ip-sysctl.txt (Hangbin Liu) [1389611] - [documentation] igmp: Document sysctl force_igmp_version (Hangbin Liu) [1383570] - [documentation] net: Fix indentation of the conf/ documentation block (Hangbin Liu) [1383570] - [net] rtnetlink: fix rtnl_vfinfo_size (Sabrina Dubroca) [1392128] - [net] l2tp: fix use-after-free during module unload (Eelco Chaudron) [1371621] - [net] tcp: fix race during timewait sk creation (Florian Westphal) [1376420] - [netdrv] bna: Add synchronization for tx ring (Jonathan Toppins) [1379588] - [netdrv] tg3: Avoid NULL pointer dereference in tg3_io_error_detected() (Jonathan Toppins) [1382379] - [netdrv] tg3: Report the correct number of RSS queues through tg3_get_rxnfc (Jonathan Toppins) [1382379]- [powerpc] eeh: Reworked eeh_pe_bus_get() (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: Synchronize recovery in host/guest (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: Don't remove passed VFs (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: Don't propagate error to guest (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: powerpc/eeh: Support error recovery for VF PE (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Support PCI config restore for VFs (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Support EEH reset for VF PE (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: Create PE for VFs (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: EEH device for VF (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: Cache normal BARs, not windows or IOV BARs (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] pci: Remove VFs prior to PF (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] pci: Add pcibios_bus_add_device() weak function (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] pci/iov: Rename and export virtfn_{add, remove} (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: allocate sparse PE# when using M64 BAR in Single PE mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: boundary the total VF BAR size instead of the individual one (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: replace the hard coded boundary with gate (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: use one M64 BAR in Single PE mode for one VF BAR (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: simplify the calculation of iov resource alignment (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: don't enable SRIOV when VF BAR has non 64bit-prefetchable BAR (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: More relaxed hotplug criterion (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] iommu: Set default DMA offset in dma_dev_setup (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] pci: Don't try to restore VF BARs (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Unfreeze VF PE on releasing it (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Include VF PE in PELTV of PF PE (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix the log message when disabling VF (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: remove unused macro IS_BRIDGE (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: fix powernv_eeh_wait_state delay logic (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: fix comment for wait_state() (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] eeh: fix start/end/flags type in struct pci_io_addr_range{} (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] pci: Add PCI resource alignment documentation (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Group VF PE when IOV BAR is big on PHB3 (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Reserve additional space for IOV BAR, with m64_per_iov supporte (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] powernv: Implement pcibios_iov_resource_alignment() on powernv (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131] - [powerpc] pci: Don't unset PCI resources for VFs (Gustavo Duarte) [1315131]- [kernel] audit: fix formatting of AUDIT_CONFIG_CHANGE events (Paul Moore) [1399823] - [kernel] x86/panic: replace smp_send_stop() with kdump friendly version in panic path (Xunlei Pang) [1182375 726846] - [kernel] kexec: use core_param for crash_kexec_post_notifiers boot option (Xunlei Pang) [1182375 726846] - [kernel] panic/kexec: fix "crash_kexec_post_notifiers" option issue in oops path (Xunlei Pang) [1182375 726846] - [kernel] panic: call the 2nd crash_kexec() only if crash_kexec_post_notifiers is enabled (Xunlei Pang) [1182375 726846] - [kernel] panic: add "crash_kexec_post_notifiers" option for kdump after panic_notifers (Xunlei Pang) [1182375 726846] - [kernel] panic: call panic handlers before kmsg_dump (Xunlei Pang) [1182375 726846] - [acpi] acpi / apd: Add device HID for future AMD UART controller (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329004] - [tty] serial: 8250_dw: add support for AMD SOC Carrizo (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329004] - [x86] acpi: add AMD ACPI2Platform device support for x86 system (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1329004] - [vfio] pci: Fix integer overflows, bitmask check (Mateusz Guzik) [1394628 1394992] {CVE-2016-9083 CVE-2016-9084} - [x86] kvm: x86: Check memopp before dereference (Mateusz Guzik) [1395806] {CVE-2016-8630} - [x86] Mark Intel Purley supported (Steve Best) [1371748] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Add UV4-specific functions (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Fix payload queue setup on UV4 hardware (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Disable software timeout on UV4 hardware (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Populate ->uvhub_version with UV4 version information (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Use generic function pointers (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Add generic function pointers (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Convert uv_physnodeaddr() use to uv_gpa_to_offset() (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Clean up pq_init() (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Clean up and update printks (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] platform/uv/bau: Clean up vertical alignment (Frank Ramsay) [1386692] - [x86] Mark Kaby Lake with Kaby Lake PCH as supported (David Arcari) [1391219] - [mfd] lpss: Fix Intel Kaby Lake PCH-H properties (David Arcari) [1391219] - [lib] mpi: Fix NULL ptr dereference in mpi_powm() (Mateusz Guzik) [1398458] {CVE-2016-8650} - [mm] tmpfs: fix SEEK_DATA/SEEK_HOLE regression (Adrian Reber) [1396390] - [powercap] rapl: Add support for Ivy Bridge server (Prarit Bhargava) [1379590]- [x86] mce/amd: Extract the error address on SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] x86/mce, edac/mce_amd: Print MCA_SYND and MCA_IPID during MCE on SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [trace] x86/mce/amd: Save MCA_IPID in MCE struct on SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Ensure the deferred error interrupt is of type APIC on SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Update sysfs bank names for SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] x86/mce/amd, edac/mce_amd: Define and use tables for known SMCA IP types (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce_amd: Use SMCA prefix for error descriptions arrays (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce_amd: Add missing SMCA error descriptions (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Read MSRs on the CPU allocating the threshold blocks (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce_amd: Print syndrome register value on SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [trace] x86/mce: Add support for new MCA_SYND register (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Use msr_ops.misc() in allocate_threshold_blocks() (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Increase size of the bank_map type (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce_amd: Detect SMCA using X86_FEATURE_SMCA (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] cpu: Add detection of AMD RAS Capabilities (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] cpufeature: Cleanup get_cpu_cap() (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Save an indentation level in prepare_threshold_block() (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Disable LogDeferredInMcaStat for SMCA systems (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Log Deferred Errors using SMCA MCA_DE{STAT, ADDR} registers (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce: Detect and use SMCA-specific msr_ops (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce: Define vendor-specific MSR accessors (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Document some functionality (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce: Clarify comments regarding deferred error (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Fix logic to obtain block address (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] x86/mce/amd, edac: Enable error decoding of Scalable MCA errors (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce: Move MCx_CONFIG MSR definitions (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Set MCAX Enable bit (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Carve out threshold block preparation (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Fix LVT offset configuration for thresholding (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Reduce number of blocks scanned per bank (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce/amd: Do not perform shared bank check for future processors (David Arcari) [1389383] - [x86] mce: Fix order of AMD MCE init function call (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce_amd: Don't emit 'CE' for Deferred error (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce, amd: Correct formatting of decoded text (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce, amd: Remove leftover unused mask (David Arcari) [1389383] - [edac] mce, amd: Fix decoding module loading on unsupported hw (David Arcari) [1389383] - [platform] intel-hid: Remove duplicated acpi_remove_notify_handler (David Arcari) [1389598] - [platform] intel-hid: add a workaround to ignore an event after waking up from S4 (David Arcari) [1389598] - [platform] intel-hid: allocate correct amount of memory for private struct (David Arcari) [1389598] - [platform] intel-hid: fix incorrect entries in intel_hid_keymap (David Arcari) [1389598] - [platform] intel-hid: new hid event driver for hotkeys (David Arcari) [1389598]- [iommu] vt-d: Fix dead-locks in disable_dmar_iommu() path (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Return error code in domain_context_mapping_one() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Reduce extra first level entry in iommu->domains (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Avoid duplicate device_domain_info structures (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Only insert alias dev_info if there is an alias (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Pass device_domain_info to __dmar_remove_one_dev_info (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove dmar_global_lock from device_notifier (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Get rid of domain->iommu_lock (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Only call domain_remove_one_dev_info to detach old domain (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Unify domain->iommu attach/detachment (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Establish domain<->iommu link in dmar_insert_one_dev_info (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Pass an iommu pointer to domain_init() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Rename iommu_detach_dependent_devices() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Rename domain_remove_one_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Rename dmar_insert_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify domain_remove_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify domain_remove_one_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify io/tlb flushing in intel_iommu_unmap (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Replace iommu_bmp with a refcount (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Kill dmar_domain->id (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't pre-allocate domain ids for si_domain (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Pass dmar_domain directly into iommu_flush_iotlb_psi (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify domain_context_mapping_one (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Get rid of iommu_attach_vm_domain() (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Split up iommu->domains array (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Add access functions for iommu->domains (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] vt-d: Keep track of per-iommu domain ids (Myron Stowe) [1374426] - [iommu] revert "vt-d: Disable passthrough mode on Kexec kernel" (Myron Stowe) [1374426]- [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Ensure connected devices are powered when probing (Rui Wang) [1320820] - [acpi] pm: Export acpi_device_fix_up_power() (Rui Wang) [1320820] - [x86] kvm: x86: export TSC information to user-space (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [virt] kvm: create per-vcpu dirs in debugfs (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [kernel] kvm: add stubs for arch specific debugfs support (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [virt] kvm: kvm_destroy_vm_debugfs(): check debugfs_stat_data pointer (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [x86] kvm: x86: drop read_tsc_offset() (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [x86] kvm: x86: add tsc_offset field to struct kvm_vcpu_arch (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [virt] kvm: don't use anon_inode_getfd() before possible failures (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [virt] kvm: Create debugfs dir and stat files for each VM (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [virt] kvm: Remove unnecessary debugfs dentry references (David Hildenbrand) [1379361] - [scsi] qla2xxx: do not abort all commands in the adapter during EEH recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1393254] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix invalid DMA access after command aborts in PCI device remove (Gustavo Duarte) [1393254] - [scsi] qla2xxx: do not queue commands when unloading (Gustavo Duarte) [1393254] - [scsi] cxlflash: Improve EEH recovery time (Steve Best) [1397588] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid EEH and host reset collisions (Steve Best) [1397588] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove the device cleanly in the system shutdown path (Steve Best) [1397588] - [scsi] cxlflash: Scan host only after the port is ready for I/O (Steve Best) [1397588] - [thermal] powerclamp: correct cpu support check (Steve Best) [1396121] - [thermal] powerclamp: Prevent division by zero when counting interval (Steve Best) [1396121]- [kernel] module: When modifying a module's text ignore modules which are going away too (Aaron Tomlin) [1386313] - [kernel] module: Ensure a module's state is set accordingly during module coming cleanup code (Aaron Tomlin) [1386313] - [netdrv] sfc: clear napi_hash state when copying channels (Jarod Wilson) [1394304] - [acpi] sleep: Do not save NVS for new machines to accelerate S3 (Prarit Bhargava) [1385527] - [misc] cxl: Fix coredump generation when cxl_get_fd() is used (Gustavo Duarte) [1397943] - [pci] cxl: use pcibios_free_controller_deferred() when removing vPHBs (Gustavo Duarte) [1395323] - [pci] Set Read Completion Boundary to 128 iff Root Port supports it (_HPX) (Myron Stowe) [1387674] - [pci] Export pcie_find_root_port() (Myron Stowe) [1387674] - [x86] pci: Mark Haswell Power Control Unit as having non-compliant BARs (Prarit Bhargava) [1395104] - [x86] amd: Fix cpu_llc_id for AMD Fam17h systems (Suravee Suthikulpanit) [1395399] - [x86] perf/intel/cqm: Check cqm/mbm enabled state in event init (Jiri Olsa) [1372344] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Add tunable to control H_IPI redirection (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Send IPI to host core to wake VCPU (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Host side kick VCPU when poked by real-mode KVM (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: kvmppc_host_rm_ops - handle offlining CPUs (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Manage core host state (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Host-side RM data structures (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] xics: Add icp_native_cause_ipi_rm (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] smp: Add smp_muxed_ipi_set_message (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] smp: Support more IPI messages (Thomas Huth) [1384437] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix TB corruption in guest exit path on HMI interrupt (Thomas Huth) [1373335] - [powerpc] powernv: Call opal_pci_poll() if needed (Steve Best) [1398577] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix stale PE primary bus (Steve Best) [1395275]- [net] i40e: fix call of ndo_dflt_bridge_getlink() (Ivan Vecera) [1297841] - [net] switchdev: Drop EXPERIMENTAL from description (Ivan Vecera) [1275772] - [net] switchdev: Export the same parent ID service function (Ivan Vecera) [1275772] - [net] switchdev: pass pointer to fib_info instead of copy (Ivan Vecera) [1275772] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't sleep during ndo_get_phys_port_name() (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make split flow match firmware requirements (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix ordering in mlxsw_sp_fini (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add missing rollback in flood configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix rollback order in LAG join failure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Don't insert unnecessary local fdb entry on changing mac address (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: Marking port-group as offloaded (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: Common function for mdb entry translation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: allow the user to delete mdb entry if there's a querier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Adding complete operation to deferred switchdev ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Use MLXSW_SP_PB_UNUSED define for unused pb (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Use designated initializers for mlxsw_sp_pbs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Implement occupancy monitoring (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Introduce support for asynchronous EMAD register access (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add mlxsw specific workqueue and use it for FDB notif. processing (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Extend SBPM register for occupancy control (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Shared Buffer Status register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add devlink shared buffer occupancy callbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Implement shared buffer configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add mlxsw_core_port_driver_priv helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Get max_buff defaults into limits exposed to user (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Change initialization of PG 9 (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Remove eg pool 3 default init and CPU port TC binding to it (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Cache shared buffer configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Rename "pool" to "pr" in initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Push out indexes and direction out of SB structs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum_buffers: Push out shared buffer register writes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add devlink shared buffer callbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix SBPM register name (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Share direction enum between SBPR, SBCM, SBPM (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Do not pass around driver_priv directly (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Pass mlxsw_core as a param of mlxsw_core_skb_transmit* (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Move devlink port registration into common core code (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add IEEE 802.1Qbb PFC support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Introduce per priority counters (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for PAUSE frames (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add lossless settings for PBMC register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Port Flow Control Configuration register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allow setting maximum rate for a TC (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add IEEE 802.1Qaz ETS support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce support for Data Center Bridging (DCB) (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Initialize egress scheduling (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add QoS Switch Traffic Class Table register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add QoS ETS Element Configuration register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set port's shared buffer size to 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Use correct PBMC register length (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Correctly configure headroom size (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add bytes to cells helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Map all switch priorities to priority group 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Port Prio To Buffer register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for physical port names (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Use switch ID in suggested udev rule (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Reduce number of supported 802.1D bridges (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] rtnl: fix msg size calculation in if_nlmsg_size() (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Allow set bridge ageing time when switchdev disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix typo in comments/doc (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add description for len argument of dev_get_phys_port_name (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Implement reset done check (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: move ageing_time from struct rocker to struct ofdpa (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: allow zero ageing time (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: set FDB cleanup timer according to lowest ageing time (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Check requested ageing time is valid (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Correctly determine if descriptor queue is full (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Always decrement bridge's ref count (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: add DEVLINK dependencies (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Introduce port splitting (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Mark unused ports using NULL (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Store local port to module mapping during init (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Unmap local port from module during teardown (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add devlink port splitter callbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Implement devlink interface (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix an error code (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: ndo_fdb_dump should report -EMSGSIZE to rtnl_fdb_dump (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix rocker_world_port_obj_vlan_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: add support for more attributes and export timer (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: reduce the indentation level in br_mdb_fill_info (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: log port STP state on change (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: switchdev: Offload VLAN flags to hardware bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allow for PVID deletion (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add the Switch Port Acceptable Frame Types register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: return -EOPNOTSUPP for undefined world ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: move OF-DPA stuff into separate file (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: call rocker_cmd_exec function with "nowait" boolean instead of flags (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove trans parameter to rocker_cmd_exec function (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: pre-allocate wait structures during cmd ring init (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: pass "learning" value as a parameter to rocker_port_set_learning (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: introduce worlds infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: move rocker and rocker_port structs into header (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: implement get settings mode command (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: push tlv processing into separate files (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: rename rocker.c to rocker_main.c (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: rename rocker.h to rocker_hw.h (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove unused rocker_port param from alloc funcs and shorten their names (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set STP state when leaving 802.1D bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Treat local port 64 as valid (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: Passing the port-group pointer to br_mdb module (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: Separate br_mdb_entry->state from net_bridge_port_group->state (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: add support for offloaded mdb entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Require RTNL mutex to be held when sending FDB notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Use correct offset in field definiton (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Compare local ports instead of pointers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Dump LAG FDB records only once (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use correct netdev when notifying bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't report VLAN for 802.1D FDB entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Notify bridge's FDB only based on learning_sync (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Disable learning according to STP state (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Don't forward packets when STP state is DISABLED (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Flush FDB when leaving bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add the Switch Filtering DB Flush register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Handle port leaving LAG while bridged (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix lockdep addr_list_lock false positive splat (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: fix SWITCHDEV_OBJ_ID_PORT_MDB (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add FDB lock to prevent session interleaving (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Adding IGMP snooping documentation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Adding layer 2 multicast support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Adding VID to FID translatation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Changing the maximum number of multicast group to a define (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Adding SMID register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add definition of multicast record for SFD register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Reflect MDB entries to hardware (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Adding MDB entry offload (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: remove FDB entry in case we get unknown object notification (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: pass local_port to mlxsw_sp_port_fdb_uc_op (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: remove an unnecessary condition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Remember untagged VLANs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] mlxsw: Disable vlan_filtering for non .1D bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Renaming local variable names for consistency (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Fixing vlans init range (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add vlan filtering change for new bridged device (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add vlan filtering change notification (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add bridge vlan_filtering attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Propagate vlan add failure to user (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Adjust value of CPU egress traffic class (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Only call /sbin/bridge-stp for the initial network namespace (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Change bridge port attributes only when bridged (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Set bridge status in appropriate functions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Return NOTIFY_BAD on bridge failure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Initialize PVID only once (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Use devm_kzalloc to allocate mlxsw_hwmon structure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Allow to reset temperature history via hwmon interface (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: bridge: Pass ageing time as clock_t instead of jiffies (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for VLAN devices on top of LAG (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Enable FDB records for VLAN devices on top of LAG (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add lag_vid field to SFD register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for VLAN devices bridging (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Handle VLAN devices linking / unlinking (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Adjust FDB notifications for VLAN devices (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Adjust switchdev ops for VLAN devices (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use FID instead of VID when accessing FDB (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add another flood table for vFIDs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use appropriate parameter name (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Split vFID range in two (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Allocate active VLANs only for port netdevs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Pass original device to port netdev driver (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: vlan: Use switchdev_port* in vlan_netdev_ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix temperature sensor index during initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix max temperature getting (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: remove an unneeded condition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: fix some error handling (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Change BUG to WARN in hwmon code (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement LAG tx enabled lower state change (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement FDB add/remove/dump for LAG (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Implement LAG port join/leave (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add definition of LAG unicast record for SFN register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add definition of LAG unicast record for SFD register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add link aggregation configuration registers definitions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Implement LAG processing for received packets (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Add support for packets received from LAG port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add set_rx_mode ndo stub (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bonding: set inactive flags on release (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bonding: implement lower state change propagation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bonding: allow notifications for bond_set_slave_link_state (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] team: implement lower state change propagation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] introduce lower state changed info structure for LAG lowers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] introduce change lower state notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bonding: fill-up LAG changeupper info struct and pass it along (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] team: fill-up LAG changeupper info struct and pass it along (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add info struct for LAG changeupper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add possibility to pass information about upper device via notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] propagate upper priv via netdev_master_upper_dev_link (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add netif_is_lag_port helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add netif_is_lag_master helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add netif_is_team_port helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add netif_is_team_master helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Implement fan control using hwmon (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add definition of fan management registers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Implement temperature hwmon interface (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add definition of temperature management registers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for port identification (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Management LED Control register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add error paths to __mlxsw_sp_port_vlans_add (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Unify setting of HW VLAN filters (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Use correct PVID value when removing VLANs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix return code of fdb_dump stub (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: bridge: Check return code is not EOPNOTSUPP (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: respect SKIP_EOPNOTSUPP flag in case there is no recursion (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: Use rcu_dereference instead of rtnl_dereference (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: Use correct flag name in comment (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: Prevent possible use-after-free (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix: pass correct obj size when deferring obj add (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix: erasing too much of vlan obj when handling multiple vlan specs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Make mlxsw_sp_port_switchdev_ops static (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Put braces on all arms of branch statement (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Put constant on the right side of comparisons (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Fix ageing time value (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Avoid unnecessary line wrap for mlxsw_reg_sfd_uc_unpack (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix desription typos of couple of SFN items (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Fix description for reg_sfd_uc_sub_port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for flood control (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add support for VLAN ranges in flooding configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: move "bridged" bool to u8 flags (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Make flood to CPU optional (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: Add support for flood control (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: set is_local and is_static before fdb entry is added to the fdb hashtable (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Adding switchdev ageing notification on port bridged (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: spectrum: Add initial support for Spectrum ASIC (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch Port VLAN MAC Learning register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch Filtering Database Aging Time register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch Virtual-Port Enabling register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch VID to FID Allocation register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch FID Management register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add shared buffer configuration registers definitions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch Port VID and Switch Port VLAN Membership registers definitions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch FDB Notification register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Add Switch Filtering Database register definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: item: Add MLXSW_ITEM_BUF_INDEXED helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: item: Make src arg of memcpy_to helper const (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: cmd: Introduce FID-offset flooding tables (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: cmd: Introduce per-FID flooding tables (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Enable configuration of flooding domains (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] introduce pre-change upper device notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: cmd: Update CONFIG_PROFILE command documentation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add trap group for control packets (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Simplify traps creation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Introduce mlxsw_reg_spms_vid_pack helper and use it (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Adjust definition of enum mlxsw_reg_sfgc_type (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Remove extra space in SFGC ID define (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: reg: Uppercase letters in register IDs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Use dev_level_ratelimited instead of net_ratelimit & dev_level (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Do not use EMADs in mlxsw_emad_fini (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Limit number of entries being sent in single MAP_FA cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Remove MLXSW_PCI_RDQS/SDQS defines and checks (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Do not use MLXSW_PCI_SDQS_COUNT define (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: pci: Use MLXSW_PCI_CQS_MAX instead of MLXSW_PCI_CQS_COUNT (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: Use ETH_ALEN for mac address length (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Remove multicast ID configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: assert rtnl mutex when going over lower netdevs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove nowait from switchdev callbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: defer switchdev fdb del call in fdb_del_external_learn (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce possibility to defer obj_add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove pointers from switchdev objects (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: allow caller to explicitly request attr_set as deferred (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: make struct switchdev_attr parameter const for attr_set calls (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce switchdev deferred ops infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: core: Fix race condition in __mlxsw_emad_transmit (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: move back vlan_flush (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: drop unnecessary flush code (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: use rcu for vlan_list traversal in br_fill_ifinfo (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: use proper rcu for the vlgrp member (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix gc_timer mod/del race condition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: check if the vlan id is in the proper vlan range (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: enforce no pvid flag in vlan ranges (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: enforce no pvid flag in vlan ranges (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: try switchdev op first in __vlan_vid_add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: handle setting bridge ageing_time (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: push bridge setting ageing_time down to switchdev (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: skip over ports returning -EOPNOTSUPP when recursing ports (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add bridge ageing_time attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: allow adding of fdb entries pointing to the bridge device (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix bug in __mlxsw_item_bit_array_offset (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: switchx2: changing order of exit fallbacks (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: fix warnings for big-endian 32-bit dma_addr_t (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for port's multicast_router attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: allow to flush port's fdb (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export port's timer values (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export port's topology_change_ack and config_pending (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export port's id and number (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export port's designated cost and port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export port's bridge id (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export port's root id (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: make br_fill_info's frame size smaller (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for default_pvid (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for netfilter tables config (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for igmp's intervals (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for multicast_startup_query_count (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for multicast_last_member_count (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for igmp's hash_max (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for igmp's hash_elasticity (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for multicast_querier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for multicast_query_use_ifaddr (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for multicast_snooping (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for multicast_router (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add fdb flush (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add group_addr support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export all timers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export topology_change and topology_change_detected (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export root path cost (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export root port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export bridge id (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: export root id (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add group_fwd_mask support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: use br_vlan_should_use to simplify __vlan_add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: drop master_flags from __vlan_add (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: use br_vlan_(get|put)_master to deal with refcounts (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: use rcu list for the ordered vlan list (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: push object ID back to object structure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: bring back switchdev_obj and use it as a generic object param (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: rename switchdev_obj_fdb to switchdev_obj_port_fdb (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: rename switchdev_obj_vlan to switchdev_obj_port_vlan (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: rename SWITCHDEV_ATTR_* enum values to SWITCHDEV_ATTR_ID_* (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: rename SWITCHDEV_OBJ_* enum values to SWITCHDEV_OBJ_ID_* (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: don't pass flags when creating context only (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: fix possible null ptr derefs on port init and deinit (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: move pvid inside net_bridge_vlan_group (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: fix possible null vlgrp deref while registering new port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: adjust rhashtable initial size and hash locks size (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: extract struct switchdev_obj_* (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: abstract object in add/del ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: pass callback to dump operation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove dev from switchdev_obj cb (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: move dev in switchdev_fdb_dump (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove dev in port_vlan_dump_put (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: add per-vlan struct and move to rhashtables (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: reduce transaction phase enum down to a boolean (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove "ABORT" transaction phase (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove "NONE" transaction phase (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: use switchdev transaction queue for allocated memory (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: push struct switchdev_trans down through rocker code (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add switchdev_trans_ph_prepare/commit helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: move transaction phase enum under transaction structure (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce transaction item queue for attr_set and obj_add (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: rename "trans" to "trans_ph". (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: update documentation on FDB ageing_time (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: don't age externally added FDB entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: add FDB cleanup timer (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: adding port ageing_time for ageing out FDB entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: define some min/max/default ageing time constants (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: store rocker_port in fdb key rather than pport (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: track when FDB entry is touched. (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] rtnetlink: catch -EOPNOTSUPP errors from ndo_bridge_getlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: remove unnecessary switchdev include (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: check __vlan_vid_del for error (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix return value of switchdev_port_fdb_dump in case of error (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Make mailboxes 4KB aligned (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: adjust transmit fail log message level in __mlxsw_emad_transmit (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Remove duplicate included header (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: use change upper info (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: use new helper to figure out master kind (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add netif_is_bridge_master helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Add netlink support for vlan_protocol attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: fix error return code (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix netlink max attr size (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: hook ndo_neigh_destroy to cleanup neigh refs in driver (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: print switch ID consistent with phys_switch_id sysfs node (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: support static FDB addresses (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Use 'zx' to print size_t format (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: add support for vlan_filtering attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Fix use-after-free bug in mlxsw_sx_port_xmit (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Use correct skb length when dumping payload (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Simplify mlxsw_sx_port_xmit function (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Strip FCS from incoming packets (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Make pci module dependent on HAS_DMA and HAS_IOMEM (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Make system port to local port mapping explicit (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Call free_netdev when removing port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: use netdev_err after register_netdev (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: NULL port if port probe fails (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: fix vlan_enabled access when vlans are not configured (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: add/del entry on all vlans if vlan_filter is enabled and vid is 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: linearize skb in case frags would not fit into tx descriptor (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: enable support for scattered packets (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: free netdevice during netdevice removal (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Introduce Mellanox SwitchX-2 ASIC support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add interface to access registers and process events (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Add PCI bus implementation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] mlxsw: Introduce Mellanox switch driver core (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: fix delmdb state in the notification (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mcast: give fast leave precedence over multicast router and querier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink: fix slave_changelink/br_setport race conditions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: update documentation for offload_fwd_mark (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: add offload_fwd_mark support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add offload_fwd_mark generator helper (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add phys ID compare helper to test if two IDs are the same (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] don't reforward packets already forwarded by offload device (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: forward packets to CPU when port is joined to openvswitch (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: multicast: fix handling of temp and perm entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: multicast: notify on group delete (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Handle protodown notifications (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] netlink: changes for setting and clearing protodown via netlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] Add protodown support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: add vlan support for user entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: don't abort unsupported operations (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: fill state in br_mdb_notify (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: add change MTU support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: zero out the local br_ip variable before use (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: mdb: start delete timer for temp static entries (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: vlan: flush the dynamically learned entries on port vlan delete (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: ignore unsupported bridge flags (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: call correct unregister function on error (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: change BUG_ON to WARN for attr set failure case (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add VLAN support for port's bridge_getlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: rename vlan vid_start to vid_begin (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: multicast: start querier timer when running user-space stp (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fdb filter_dev is always NULL for self (device), so remove check (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix br_stp_set_bridge_priority race conditions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: del external_learned fdbs from device on flush or ageout (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: move port stop to 'no wait' processing (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: move MAC learn event back to 'no wait' processing (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: mark STP update as 'no wait' processing (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: mark neigh update event processing as 'no wait' (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: revert back to support for nowait processes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix neigh tbl index increment race (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: gaurd against NULL rocker_port when removing ports (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: use either ndo VLAN ops or switchdev VLAN ops to install MASTER vlans (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix BUG when port driver doesn't support set attr op (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix handling for drivers not supporting IPv4 fib add/del ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: make br_fdb_delete also check if the port matches (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: documentation: use switchdev_port_obj_xxx for IPv4 FIB add/modify/delete ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: documentation: for static FDB ops, use switchdev_port_fdb_xxx ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: documentation: fix grammer error (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: documentation: fix longer-than-80-char lines (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove support for legacy VLAN ndo ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: install/remove router MAC for untagged VLAN when joining/leaving bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: install untagged VLAN (vid=0) support for each port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: cleanup vlan table on error adding vlan (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: zero allocate ports array (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove rocker parameter from functions that have rocker_port parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: mark parameters and local variables as const (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove unused rocker_port parameter from rocker_port_kfree (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix lockdep splat (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: make rocker_port_internal_vlan_id_{get, put}() non-transactional (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: do not make neighbour entry changes when preparing transactions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: do not modify fdb table in rocker_port_fdb() when preparing transactions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: do not delete fdb entries in rocker_port_fdb_flush() when preparing transactions (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add support for fdb add/del/dump via switchdev_port_obj ops. (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix a neigh entry leak issue (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] rename RTNH_F_EXTERNAL to RTNH_F_OFFLOAD (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: don't use anonymous union on switchdev attr/obj structs (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: apply review comments on documentation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: align comment with other comments in block (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: sparse warning: pass ipv4 fib dst as network-byte order (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: sparse warning: make __switchdev_port_obj_add static (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: bring documentation up-to-date (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: make checkpatch -f clean (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove NETIF_F_HW_SWITCH_OFFLOAD feature flag (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: convert fib_ipv4_add/del over to switchdev_port_obj_add/del (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: cut over to new switchdev_port_bridge_getlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add new switchdev_port_bridge_getlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: revert br_dellink change back to original (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove unused switchdev_port_bridge_dellink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: cut over to new switchdev_port_bridge_dellink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add new switchdev_port_bridge_dellink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: restore br_setlink back to original (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove old switchdev_port_bridge_setlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: cut over to new switchdev_port_bridge_setlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add new switchdev bridge setlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add bridge port flags attr (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: use switchdev add/del obj for bridge port vlans (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add port vlan obj (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce switchdev add/del obj ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: convert STP update to switchdev attr set (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: support prepare-commit transaction model (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: convert parent_id_get to switchdev attr get (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce get/set attrs ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: s/swdev_/switchdev_/ (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: s/netdev_switch_/switchdev_/ and s/NETDEV_SWITCH_/SWITCHDEV_/ (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Use ether_addr_equal (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix error return code in rocker_probe() (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: handle non-bridge master change (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix stp update API to work with layered netdevices (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: kernel-doc cleanup on swithdev ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add ageing_time, stp_state, priority over netlink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: add support for phys_port_name (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] add support for phys_port_name (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: replace fixed stack allocation with dynamic allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: remove ndo ops for switchdev (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: use new swdev ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add swdev ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: correct spelling of notifier in comments (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] fib_trie: call fib_table_flush_external under RTNL (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add netlink flags to IPv4 FIB add op (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: use gpl variant of symbol export (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: sparse: fix dynamic allocation on stack warning (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: quiet sparce endianess warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fib: make netdev_switch_fib_ipv4_abort in header file static inline (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix some sparse warnings (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES compile issue (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: implement IPv4 fib offloading (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] fib: hook IPv4 fib for hardware offload (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] ipv4: add net bool fib_offload_disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: implement IPv4 fib ndo wrappers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: don't support custom ip rules, for now (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add IPv4 fib ndo ops wrappers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] netdevice: add IPv4 fib add/del ops (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] rtnetlink: add RTNH_F_EXTERNAL flag for fib offload (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix bridge netlink RCU usage (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: add a check for NULL in rocker_probe_ports() (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: fix link notification skb size calculation to include vlan ranges (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: put port in FORWADING state after leaving bridge (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: rename lport to pport (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix non-portable err return codes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add vlan info to bridge setlink and dellink notification messages (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Fix inability to add non-vlan fdb entry (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add missing bridge port check for offloads (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Add support for retrieving port level statistics (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] team: handle NETIF_F_HW_SWITCH_OFFLOAD flag and add ndo_bridge_setlink/dellink handlers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bonding: handle NETIF_F_HW_SWITCH_OFFLOAD flag and add ndo_bridge_setlink/dellink handlers (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: set feature NETIF_F_HW_SWITCH_OFFLOAD (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: offload bridge port attributes to switch asic if feature flag set (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: add new apis to set and del bridge port attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] netdev: introduce new NETIF_F_HW_SWITCH_OFFLOAD feature flag for switch device offloads (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: fix typo in inline function definition (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Add basic netdev counters (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: replace br_fdb_external_learn_* calls with switchdev notifier events (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce switchdev notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix harmless warning on 32-bit machines (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Do not call ndo_dflt_fdb_dump if ndo_fdb_dump is defined (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: remove mode BRIDGE_MODE_SWDEV (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: remove swdev mode (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Add dependency to CONFIG_BRIDGE in Kconfig (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: fix eth_type type in struct rocker_ctrl (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: introduce be put/get variants and use it when appropriate (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Use logical operators on booleans (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: Add proper validation of Netlink attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: add ndo_bridge_setlink/getlink support for learning policy (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: implement ndo_fdb_dump (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: implement L2 bridge offloading (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: implement rocker ofdpa flow table manipulation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [netdrv] rocker: introduce rocker switch driver (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add new hwmode swdev (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add API to notify bridge driver of learned FBD on offloaded device (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: call netdev_sw_port_stp_update when bridge port STP status changes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] sysfs: expose physical switch id for particular device (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] rtnl: expose physical switch id for particular device (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] switchdev: introduce generic switch devices support (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: convert flags in fbd entry into bitfields (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] neigh: sort Neighbor Cache Entry Flags (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: rename fdb_*_hw to fdb_*_hw_addr to avoid confusion (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: add a br_set_state helper function (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Fix br_should_learn to check vlan_enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Allow clearing of pvid and untagged bitmap (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Check if vlan filtering is enabled only once (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: implement rtnl_link_ops->changelink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] revise "bridge: implement rtnl_link_ops->get_size and rtnl_link_ops->fill_info" (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: implement rtnl_link_ops->slave_changelink (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: implement rtnl_link_ops->get_slave_size and rtnl_link_ops->fill_slave_info (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: switch order of rx_handler reg and upper dev link (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [documentation] net: ABI/testing: Spelling s/calss/class/ (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Update outdated comment on promiscuous mode (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: netlink dump interface at par with brctl (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Support 802.1ad vlan filtering (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Prepare for forwarding another bridge group addresses (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: Add 802.1ad tx vlan acceleration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: rename struct bridge_mcast_query/querier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] revert "bridge: Program port vlan filters only if filtering is enabled in bridge" (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [documentation] net: sysfs: add missing phys_port_id documentation (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: make br_device_notifier static (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [documentation] net: sysfs: add Documentation entries for basic set of attributes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: use is_skb_forwardable in forward path (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: move br_net_exit() to br.c (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: use DEVICE_ATTR_xx macros (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: remove unnecessary parentheses (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: spelling fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] bridge: use the bridge IP addr as source addr for querier (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] devlink: fix sb register stub in case devlink is disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1297841] - [net] devlink: implement shared buffer occupancy monitoring interface (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] devlink: add shared buffer configuration (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] devlink: add missing install of header (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] devlink: share user_ptr pointer for both devlink and devlink_port (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748] - [net] devlink: remove implicit type set in port register (Ivan Vecera) [1275772 1297841 1331748]- [tools] perf ctf: Convert invalid chars in a string before set value (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Fix crash when kptr is restricted (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Check kptr_restrict for root (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] kbuild: rename cmd_cc_i_c to cmd_cpp_i_c (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Read from backward ring buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Rename variable to make code clear (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Prevent reading invalid data in record__mmap_read (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Add API to pause/resume (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Use the ptr->name beautifier as default for "filename" args (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Use the fd->name beautifier as default for "fd" args (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf report: Add srcline_from/to branch sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Record fd into perf_mmap (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Add overwrite attribute and check write_backward (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Set buildid dir under symfs when --symfs is provided (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Only auto set call-graph to "dwarf" when syscalls are being traced (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf annotate: Sort list of recognised instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix identification of ARM blt and bls instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Fix exit_group() formatting (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf top: Use machine->kptr_restrict_warned (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Warn when trying to resolve kernel addresses with kptr_restrict=1 (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf machine: Do not bail out if not managing to read ref reloc symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Introduce DSO__NAME_KALLSYMS and DSO__NAME_KCORE (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf stat: Use cpu-clock event for cpu targets (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf stat: Update runtime using cpu-clock event (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf stat: Fix indentation of stalled backend cycle (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Store vdso buildid unconditionally (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf stat: Avoid fractional digits for integer scales (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Fix perf regs mask generation (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf/powerpc: Add support for unwinding perf-stackdump (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf: Fix misspellings in comments (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf buildid-cache: Use lsdir() for looking up buildid caches (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Use lsdir() for the search in kcore cache directory (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Use SBUILD_ID_SIZE where applicable (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Fix lsdir to set errno correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move seccomp args beautifiers to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move flock op beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf build: Add build-test for debug-frame on arm/arm64 (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf build: Add build-test for libunwind cross-platforms support (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Fix export of callchains with recursion in db-export (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Fix callchain addresses in db-export (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Fix symbol insertion behavior in db-export (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Add dso__insert_symbol function (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf scripting python: Use Py_FatalError instead of die() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Remove xrealloc and ALLOC_GROW (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf help: Do not use ALLOC_GROW in add_cmd_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf pmu: Make pmu_formats_string to check return value of strbuf (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf header: Make topology checkers to check return value of strbuf (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Make alias handler to check return value of strbuf (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf help: Make check_emacsclient_version to check strbuf APIs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Check the return value of strbuf APIs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Rewrite strbuf not to die() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix handling of zero-length symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Print state of perf_event_attr.write_backward (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tests: Add test to check backward ring buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Support reading from backward ring buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Fix incorrect python db-export error message (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf stat: Scale values by unit before metrics (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf callchain: Recording 'dwarf' callchains do not need DWARF unwinding support (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move futex_op beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move open_flags beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move signum beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf stat: Add extra output of counter values with -vv (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Update export-to-postgresql to support callchain export (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Expose usage of the callchain db export via the python api (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Add call path id to exported sample in db export (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Enable db export to output sampled callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Refactor code to move call path handling out of thread-stack (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf callchain: Fix incorrect ordering of entries (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Do not print raw args list for syscalls with no args (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Rename variable in perf_mmap__read() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Extract perf_mmap__read() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix kallsyms perf test on ppc64le (Jiri Olsa) [1373817 1376534] - [tools] perf powerpc: Fix kprobe and kretprobe handling with kallsyms on ppc64le (Jiri Olsa) [1373817 1376534] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__has_comm into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__has_thread into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__has_socket into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__has_dso into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__has_sym into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__has_parent into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Move sort__need_collapse into struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools powerpc: Add support for generating bpf prologue (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Do not show the runtime_ms for a thread when not collecting it (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Sort syscalls stats by msecs in --summary (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Sort summary output by number of events (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Add template for generating rbtree resort class (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf machine: Introduce number of threads member (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tests: Do not use sizeof on pointer type (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move msg_flags beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Generate tracking events for process forked by perf (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Disable buildid cache options by default in switch output mode (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Force enable --timestamp-filename when --switch-output is provided (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Split output into multiple files via '--switch-output' (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Derive trigger class from auxtrace_snapshot (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce trigger class (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Use strbuf for making strings (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Remove two extraneous ending newlines in open_strerror() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Handle ENOMEM for perf_event_max_stack + PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Set the maximum allowed stack from /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_max_stack (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf bench: Remove one more die() call (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Fix module probe issue if no dwarf support (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Fix offline module name missmatch issue (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Read thread's COMM from /proc when not set (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf thread: Introduce method to set comm from /proc/pid/self (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] lib api fs: Add helper to read string from procfs file (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Do not beautify the 'pid' parameter as a simple integer (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move perf_flags beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Set default kprobe group name if it is not given (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Let probe_file__add_event return 0 if succeeded (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Add lsdir() helper to read a directory (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf probe: Close target file on error path (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Enforce ring buffer reading (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists: Clear dummy entry accumulated period (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix off-by-one comparison on maximum code (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf bench futex: Simplify wrapper for LOCK_PI (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tests: Replace assignment with comparison on assert check (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Remove duplicate const qualifier (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Make the x86 clean quiet (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Decode perf_event_attr->branch_sample_type (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Make --pf honour --min-stack too (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Make --event honour --min-stack too (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Fix segfault when printing callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Make --pf maj/min/all use callchains too (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Extract evsel contructor from perf_evlist__add_pgfault (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf buildid: Fix off-by-one in write_buildid() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf test: Add missing verbose output explaining the reason for failure (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf test: Ignore kcore files in the "vmlinux matches kallsyms" test (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Allow loading kallsyms without considering kcore files (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf build: Remove x86 references from arch-neutral Build (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf jit: memset() variable 'st' using the correct size (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Fix postgresql ubuntu install instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf top: Use callchain_param.enabled instead of symbol_conf.use_callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fold two consecutive symbol_conf.use_callchain ifs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Ditch record_opts.callgraph_set (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf report: Use callchain_param.enabled instead of tool specific knob (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf callchain: Set callchain_param.enabled when parsing --call-graph (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Check sample->callchain before using it (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Add missign class prefix to has_branch_stack method (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Fix build when DWARF unwind isn't available (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Bump --mmap-pages when --call-graph is used by the root user (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Expose perf_event_mlock_kb_in_pages() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Make --(min, max}-stack imply "--call-graph dwarf" (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Export record_opts based callchain parsing helper (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Introduce --min-stack filter (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Do not print interrupted syscalls when using --duration (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Move fprintf methods to separate source file (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Add --max-stack knob (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Add --max-stack knob (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Remove addr_location argument to sample__fprintf_callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Require that callchains be resolved before calling fprintf_{sym, callchain} (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Move fprintf routines to separate object file (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Remove symbol_conf usage (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf callchain: Start moving away from global per thread cursors (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move socket_type beautifier to tools/perf/trace/beauty/ (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf config: Make show_config() use perf_config_set (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf config: Introduce perf_config_set class (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Add '--timestamp-filename' option to append timestamp to output file name (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf record: Turns auxtrace_snapshot_enable into 3 states (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf data: Add perf_data_file__switch() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf session: Make ordered_events reusable (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf ordered_events: Introduce reinit() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move eventfd beautifiers to trace/beauty/ directory (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move mmap beautifiers to trace/beauty/ directory (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Do not accept --no-syscalls together with -e (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Move some methods from session.[ch] to evsel.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf sched map: Display only given cpus (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf sched map: Color given cpus (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf sched map: Color given pids (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf thread_map: Make new_by_tid_str constructor public (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf sched: Use color_fprintf for output (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf sched: Add compact display option (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add has() method (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf thread_map: Add has() method (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Support callchains for --event too (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Print unresolved symbol names as addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Allow unresolved symbol names to be printed as addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Make "--call-graph" affect just "raw_syscalls:sys_exit" (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Rename config_callgraph() to config_callchain() and make it public (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evlist: Add (reset, set)_sample_bit methods (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Do not use globals in config() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Exclude the kernel part of the callchain leading to a syscall (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Introduce fprintf_callchain() method out of fprintf_sym() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Rename print_ip() to fprintf_sym() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Add support for printing call chains on sys_exit events (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Allow passing a left alignment when printing a symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf evsel: Allow specifying a file to output in perf_evsel__print_ip (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Adjust symbol for shared objects (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf symbols: Record text offset in dso to calculate objdump address (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Build syscall table .c header from kernel's syscall_64.tbl (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Allow generating per-arch syscall table arrays (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Move syscall table id <-> name routines to separate class (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify mode_t arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script: Process event update events (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Add dedicated unwind addr_space member into thread struct (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce trim function (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify pid_t arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify set_tid_address, getpid, getppid return values (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Infrastructure to show COMM strings for syscalls returning PIDs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify wait4/waitid 'options' argument (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify sched_setscheduler 'policy' argument (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf list: Document event specifications better (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Remove superfluous ARCH Makefile includes (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script perl: Do error checking on new backtrace routine (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf config: Fix build with older toolchain (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Don't set the base timestamp using events without PERF_SAMPLE_TIME (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Introduce function to set the base timestamp (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Fix PMU term format max value calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf intel-pt/bts: Define JITDUMP_USE_ARCH_TIMESTAMP (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf jit: Add support for using TSC as a timestamp (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Add time conversion event (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Add getrandom beautifier related defines for older systems (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Add seccomp beautifier related defines for older systems (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Pretty print getrandom() args (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Pretty print seccomp() args (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf trace: Do not process PERF_RECORD_LOST twice (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for skipping itrace instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf script perl: Perl scripts now get a backtrace, like the python ones (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf config: Rename 'v' to 'home' in set_buildid_dir() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf config: Rework buildid_dir_command_config to perf_buildid_config (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf config: Remove duplicated set_buildid_dir calls (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tests: Add test to check for event times (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Make -f/--force option documentation consistent across tools (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf tools: Make hists__collapse_insert_entry static (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [tools] perf mem: Add -U/-K (--all-user/--all-kernel) options (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Update event constraints when HT is off (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Remove a redundant check (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove SBOX support for Broadwell server (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Fix pmus free during cleanup (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/p4: Trival indentation fix, remove space (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf: optimize perf_fetch_caller_regs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Convert ACCESS_ONCE()s (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Export CPU frequency ratios needed by PT decoders (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Bypass PT vs. LBR exclusivity if the core supports it (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Let userspace know if the PMU supports address filters (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add support for address range filtering in PT (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Introduce address range filtering (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Extend perf_event_aux_ctx() to optionally iterate through more events (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add IP filtering register/CPUID bits (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Move PT specific MSR bit definitions to a private header (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Move set_filter() out of CONFIG_EVENT_TRACING (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Add ::write_backward attribute to perf event (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add LBR filter support for Silvermont and Airmont CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/amd/uncore: Do not register a task ctx for uncore PMUs (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Use boot_cpu_has() because it's there (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/ring_buffer: Prepare writing into the ring-buffer from the end (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Set event's default ::overflow_handler() (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/ring_buffer: Introduce new ioctl options to pause and resume the ring-buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Move transaction start/stop to start/stop callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Move transaction start/stop to PMU start/stop callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/ring_buffer: Document AUX API usage (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Free AUX pages in unmap path (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/ring_buffer: Refuse to begin AUX transaction after rb->aux_mmap_count drops (Jiri Olsa) [1373817] - [kernel] perf/core: Verify we have a single perf_hw_context PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1373817]- [kernel] rcu: sysctl: Panic on RCU Stall (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1360867] - [kernel] sched/core: Panic on scheduling while atomic bugs if kernel.panic_on_warn is set (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1360867] - [kernel] sched: Fix possible divide by zero in avg_atom() calculation (Mateusz Guzik) [1392466] - [kernel] printk: avoid livelock if another CPU printks continuously (Denys Vlasenko) [1294066] - [x86] smp: Fix __max_logical_packages value setup (Prarit Bhargava) [1394239] - [x86] revert "smp: Fix __max_logical_packages value setup" (Prarit Bhargava) [1394239] - [net] ipv6: add mtu lock check in __ip6_rt_update_pmtu (Xin Long) [1389210] - [net] Fix use after free in the recvmmsg exit path (Davide Caratti) [1390047] {CVE-2016-7117} - [net] pktgen: fix pkt_size (Paolo Abeni) [1381652] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not set MPI2_TYPE_CUDA for JBOD FP path for FW which does not support JBOD sequence map (Tomas Henzl) [1380441] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Send SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE for VD to firmware (Tomas Henzl) [1380447] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not fire DCMDs during PCI shutdown/detach (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Send correct PhysArm to FW for R1 VD downgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: For SRIOV enabled firmware, ensure VF driver waits for 30secs before reset (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix data integrity failure for JBOD (passthrough) devices (Tomas Henzl) [1380447] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix macro MEGASAS_IS_LOGICAL to avoid regression (Tomas Henzl) [1380447] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: clean function declarations in megaraid_sas_base.c up (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add in missing white space in error message text (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix the search of first memory bar (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use memdup_user() rather than duplicating its implementation (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix probing cards without io port (Tomas Henzl) [1396165] - [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: return SUCCESS for successful command aborts (Ewan Milne) [1394172] - [virtio] virtio-pci: alloc only resources actually used (Laurent Vivier) [1375153] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Unmap ibmvnic_statistics structure (Steve Best) [1394911] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add function to enable live MAC address changes (Laurent Vivier) [1375165] - [security] keys: Fix short sprintf buffer in /proc/keys show function (Frantisek Hrbata) [1375209] {CVE-2016-7042}- [netdrv] net/hyperv: avoid uninitialized variable (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1392220] - [netdrv] netvsc: Remove mistaken udp.h inclusion (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1392220] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix checksum on UDP IPV6 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1392220] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: add ethtool statistics for tx packet issues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1392220] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: rearrange start_xmit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1392220] - [netdrv] allow macvlans to move to net namespace (Jarod Wilson) [1368830] - [netdrv] ixgbe: test for trust in macvlan adjustments for vf (Ken Cox) [1379787] - [kernel] timekeeping: Copy the shadow-timekeeper over the real timekeeper last (Prarit Bhargava) [1344747] - [x86] tsc: Add additional Intel CPU models to the crystal quirk list (Prarit Bhargava) [1369419] - [x86] tsc: Use cpu id defines instead of hex constants (Prarit Bhargava) [1369419] - [x86] kexec: Fix kexec crash in syscall kexec_file_load() (Pingfan Liu) [1385109] - [char] hwrng: core - sleep interruptible in read (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: core - correct error check of kthread_run call (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: core - Move hwrng_init call into set_current_rng (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: core - Drop current rng in set_current_rng (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: core - Do not register device opportunistically (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: core - Fix current_rng init/cleanup race yet again (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: core - Use struct completion for cleanup_done (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: don't init list element we're about to add to list (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: don't double-check old_rng (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: fix unregister race (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: use reference counts on each struct hwrng (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: move some code out mutex_lock for avoiding underlying deadlock (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] hwrng: place mutex around read functions and buffers (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] virtio-rng: skip reading when we start to remove the device (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [char] virtio-rng: fix stuck of hot-unplugging busy device (Amit Shah) [1081431 1271481 1376397 1377050] - [misc] cxl: Prevent adapter reset if an active context exists (Gustavo Duarte) [1388222] - [powerpc] rtas: Validate rtas.entry before calling enter_rtas() (Gustavo Duarte) [1386560] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop reference added by kset_find_obj() (Steve Best) [1394164] - [powerpc] mm: Prevent unlikely crash in copro_calculate_slb() (Steve Best) [1392448] - [powerpc] xmon: Add xmon command to dump process/task similar to ps(1) (Steve Best) [1391565] - [watchdog] hpwdt: remove email address from doc (Linda Knippers) [1323290] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Adjust documentation to match latest kernel module parameters (Linda Knippers) [1323290]- [fs] Retry operation on EREMOTEIO on an interrupted slot (Steve Dickson) [1378981] - [fs] ext4: pre-zero allocated blocks for DAX IO (Eric Sandeen) [1367989] - [x86] apic, doc: Justification for disabling IO APIC before Local APIC (Prarit Bhargava) [1384277] - [x86] apic: Disable I/O APIC before shutdown of the local APIC (Prarit Bhargava) [1384277] - [scsi] megaraid-sas: request irqs later (Tomas Henzl) [1392978] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix errors resulted while turning off TSO (Stefan Assmann) [1378509] - [powerpc] eeh: eeh_pci_enable(): fix checking of post-request state (Steve Best) [1383670]- [firmware] efi: Fix usage of illegal alignment on efi_low_alloc (Lenny Szubowicz) [1387689] - [net] tcp: fix use after free in tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue() (Mateusz Guzik) [1379531] {CVE-2016-6828} - [net] team: Fixing a bug in team driver due to incorrect 'unsigned int' to 'int' conversion (Hangbin Liu) [1382098] - [net] sctp: not return ENOMEM err back in sctp_packet_transmit (Xin Long) [1371362] - [net] sctp: make sctp_outq_flush/tail/uncork return void (Xin Long) [1371362] - [net] sctp: save transmit error to sk_err in sctp_outq_flush (Xin Long) [1371362] - [net] sctp: free msg->chunks when sctp_primitive_SEND return err (Xin Long) [1371362] - [net] sctp: do not return the transmit err back to sctp_sendmsg (Xin Long) [1371362] - [net] sctp: remove the unnecessary state check in sctp_outq_tail (Xin Long) [1371362] - [net] vxlan: fix duplicated and wrong error messages (Jiri Benc) [1366024] - [net] vxlan: reject multicast destination without an interface (Jiri Benc) [1366024] - [net] netdev, sched/wait: Fix sleeping inside wait event (Paolo Abeni) [1382175] - [net] Separate the close_list and the unreg_list (Paolo Abeni) [1382175]- [hv] do not lose pending heartbeat vmbus packets (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1378615] - [net] openvswitch: avoid deferred execution of recirc actions (Lance Richardson) [1370643] - [net] ipv4: Use math to point per net sysctls into the appropriate struct net (Eric Garver) [1363661] - [x86] cpu/intel: Add Knights Mill to Intel family (Steve Best) [1380829] - [x86] kvm: lapic: cap __delay at lapic_timer_advance_ns (Marcelo Tosatti) [1389431] - [x86] kvm: x86: move nsec_to_cycles from x86.c to x86.h (Marcelo Tosatti) [1389431] - [tty] serial/8250: Touch NMI watchdog in wait_for_xmitr (Jiri Olsa) [1377938] - [acpi] acpi / scan: use platform bus type by default for _HID enumeration (Tony Camuso) [1383505] - [acpi] acpi / scan: introduce platform_id device PNP type flag (Tony Camuso) [1383505] - [char] ipmi: Convert the IPMI SI ACPI handling to a platform device (Tony Camuso) [1383505] - [vfio] pci: Fix ordering of eventfd vs virqfd shutdown (Alex Williamson) [1322026] - [netdrv] netvsc: fix incorrect receive checksum offloading (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1388702] - [watchdog] hpwdt: add support for iLO5 (Linda Knippers) [1382798]- [spi] spi-gpio: Fix compiler warning when building for 64 bit systems (Prarit Bhargava) [1373655] - [spi] spi-gpio: Add dt support for a single device with no chip select (Prarit Bhargava) [1373655] - [misc] mei: me: disable driver on SPT SPS firmware (Jeremy McNicoll) [1369645] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Cleanup coding styles (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Cleanup some inclusion codes (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Cleanup some initialization codes (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Cleanup several acpi_ipmi_device members (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Add reference counting for ACPI IPMI transfers (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Use global IPMI operation region handler (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Fix race caused by the unprotected ACPI IPMI user (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Fix race caused by the timed out ACPI IPMI transfers (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Fix race caused by the unprotected ACPI IPMI transfers (David Arcari) [1373703] - [acpi] acpi / ipmi: Fix potential response buffer overflow (David Arcari) [1373703] - [kernel] sched/core, x86/topology: Fix NUMA in package topology bug (Jiri Olsa) [1369832] - [kernel] sched: Allow hotplug notifiers to be setup early (Jiri Olsa) [1369832] - [cpufreq] Ref the policy object sooner (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1382608] - [cpufreq] expose scaling_cur_freq sysfs file for set_policy() drivers (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1382608] - [lib] kobject: WARN as tip when call kobject_get() to a kobject not initialized (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1382608] - [cpufreq] Set cpufreq_cpu_data to NULL before putting kobject (Oleksandr Natalenko) [1382608]- [fs] fanotify: fix list corruption in fanotify_get_response() (Miklos Szeredi) [1362421] - [fs] fsnotify: add a way to stop queueing events on group shutdown (Miklos Szeredi) [1362421] - [fs] dlm: Remove lock_sock to avoid scheduling while atomic (Robert S Peterson) [1377391] - [fs] sunrpc: move NO_CRKEY_TIMEOUT to the auth->au_flags (Dave Wysochanski) [1384666] - [fs] rbd: don't retry watch reregistration if header object is gone (Ilya Dryomov) [1378186] - [fs] rbd: don't wait for the lock forever if blacklisted (Ilya Dryomov) [1378186] - [fs] rbd: lock_on_read map option (Ilya Dryomov) [1378186] - [fs] ovl: during copy up, switch to mounter's creds early (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] lsm, audit, selinux: Introduce a new audit data type LSM_AUDIT_DATA_FILE (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] selinux: Institute file_path_has_perm() (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] selinux: Implement dentry_create_files_as() hook (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] security, overlayfs: Provide hook to correctly label newly created files (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] selinux: Pass security pointer to determine_inode_label() (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] selinux: Implementation for inode_copy_up_xattr() hook (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] security, overlayfs: Provide security hook for copy up of xattrs for overlay file (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] selinux: Implementation for inode_copy_up() hook (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] security, overlayfs: provide copy up security hook for unioned files (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] selinux: Create a common helper to determine an inode label (Vivek Goyal) [1297929] - [fs] nfsd: don't return an unhashed lock stateid after taking mutex ("J. Bruce Fields") [1368577] - [fs] nfsd: Fix race between FREE_STATEID and LOCK ("J. Bruce Fields") [1368577] - [fs] nfsd: Close race between nfsd4_release_lockowner and nfsd4_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1368577] - [fs] nfsd: Extend the mutex holding region around in nfsd4_process_open2() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1368577] - [fs] nfsd: Always lock state exclusively ("J. Bruce Fields") [1368577] - [fs] Fix regression which breaks DFS mounting (Sachin Prabhu) [1302329] - [fs] Move check for prefix path to within cifs_get_root() (Sachin Prabhu) [1302329] - [fs] Compare prepaths when comparing superblocks (Sachin Prabhu) [1302329] - [fs] Fix memory leaks in cifs_do_mount() (Sachin Prabhu) [1302329] - [fs] cifs: make share unaccessible at root level mountable (Sachin Prabhu) [1302329]- [md] dm: free io_barrier after blk_cleanup_queue call (Mike Snitzer) [1385813] - [md] dm raid: fix activation of existing raid4/10 devices (Mike Snitzer) [1385149] - [rtc] cmos: Initialize hpet timer before irq is registered (Pratyush Anand) [1299001] - [x86] Add support for missing Kabylake Sunrise Point PCH (David Arcari) [1379401] - [x86] pci: vmd: Request userspace control of PCIe hotplug indicators (Myron Stowe) [1380181] - [pci] pciehp: Allow exclusive userspace control of indicators (Myron Stowe) [1380181] - [acpi] acpica: Fix for a Store->ArgX when ArgX contains a reference to a field (Lenny Szubowicz) [1330897] - [misc] cxl: Flush PSL cache before resetting the adapter (Steve Best) [1383478] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix I/O hang when port is not mapped (Steve Best) [1378001] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: avoid packet loss when ethernet header crosses page boundary (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1348581] - [powerpc] ppc64: Fix incorrect return value from __copy_tofrom_user (Steve Best) [1387244] - [powerpc] pseries: use pci_host_bridge.release_fn() to kfree(phb) (Steve Best) [1385635] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix stack corruption in htpe code (Steve Best) [1384099] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix stale cached primary bus (Steve Best) [1383281] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: move back IB LL address into the hard header (Jonathan Toppins) [1378656]- [kernel] sched/core: Fix a race between try_to_wake_up() and a woken up task (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1379256] - [kernel] pm/sleep: Fix request_firmware() error at resume (Don Zickus) [1375203] - [block] blk-mq: improve warning for running a queue on the wrong CPU (Gustavo Duarte) [1376948] - [block] blk-mq: don't overwrite rq->mq_ctx (Gustavo Duarte) [1376948] - [nvme] Don't suspend admin queue that wasn't created (Gustavo Duarte) [1370507] - [nvme] Suspend all queues before deletion (Gustavo Duarte) [1370507] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Increased the value of MAX_IMM_TX_PKT_LEN from 128 to 256 bytes (Sai Vemuri) [1379954] - [scsi] cxgb4i: fix credit check for tx_data_wr (Sai Vemuri) [1379954] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Disable INTx after MSI/X teardown (Alex Williamson) [1371495] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Virtualize PCIe & AF FLR (Alex Williamson) [1371495] - [misc] hpilo: Changes to support new security states in iLO5 FW (Nigel Croxon) [1376576] - [misc] genwqe: Change default access rights for device node (Steve Best) [1325797] - [hid] i2c-hid: exit if the IRQ is not valid (David Arcari) [1376599] - [x86] fix call location of smp_quirk_init_udelay() (Prarit Bhargava) [1377296] - [x86] hpet: Re-enable HPET on Purley 4S (Prarit Bhargava) [1372853] - [x86] hpet: Reduce HPET counter read contention (Prarit Bhargava) [1372853] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Take out virtual core piggybacking code (Thomas Huth) [1350719] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s: Treat VTB as a per-subcore register, not per-thread (Thomas Huth) [1350719] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Move struct kvmppc_vcore from kvm_host.h to kvm_book3s.h (Thomas Huth) [1350719] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix max_sectors calculation (Jonathan Toppins) [1380515]- [mm] remove gup_flags FOLL_WRITE games from __get_user_pages() (Larry Woodman) [1385124] {CVE-2016-5195}- [md] dm raid: fix compat_features validation (Mike Snitzer) [1383726]- [fs] revert "ext4: pre-zero allocated blocks for DAX IO" (Eric Sandeen) [1380571] - [fs] nfsd: fix corruption in notifier registration ("J. Bruce Fields") [1378363] - [fs] xfs: log recovery tracepoints to track current lsn and buffer submission (Brian Foster) [1362730] - [fs] xfs: update metadata LSN in buffers during log recovery (Brian Foster) [1362730] - [fs] xfs: don't warn on buffers not being recovered due to LSN (Brian Foster) [1362730] - [fs] xfs: pass current lsn to log recovery buffer validation (Brian Foster) [1362730] - [fs] xfs: rework log recovery to submit buffers on LSN boundaries (Brian Foster) [1362730] - [x86] perf/uncore: Disable uncore on kdump kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1379569] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix to clean devlink resources (Kamal Heib) [1379504]- [net] add recursion limit to GRO (Sabrina Dubroca) [1374191] {CVE-2016-7039} - [mm] cgroup: fix hugetlb_cgroup_read() (Jerome Marchand) [1378236] - [fs] nfs: change invalidatepage prototype to accept length (Benjamin Coddington) [1366131] - [fs] xfs: quiesce the filesystem after recovery on readonly mount (Eric Sandeen) [1375457] - [fs] xfs: rework buffer dispose list tracking (Brian Foster) [1349175] - [fs] ext4: pre-zero allocated blocks for DAX IO (Eric Sandeen) [1367989] - [fs] gfs2: Initialize atime of I_NEW inodes (Andreas Grunbacher) [1379447] - [fs] gfs2: Update file times after grabbing glock (Andreas Grunbacher) [1379447] - [x86] topology: Handle CPUID bogosity gracefully (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1377988] - [netdrv] sfc: check async completer is !NULL before calling (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix iteration overrun in GSI qps (Don Dutile) [1376941]- [kernel] audit: fix exe_file access in audit_exe_compare (Richard Guy Briggs) [1374478] - [kernel] mm: introduce get_task_exe_file (Richard Guy Briggs) [1374478] - [kernel] prctl: avoid using mmap_sem for exe_file serialization (Richard Guy Briggs) [1374478] - [kernel] mm: rcu-protected get_mm_exe_file() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1374478] - [dm] dm-raid: reverse validation of nosync+rebuild flags (Heinz Mauelshagen) [1371717] - [x86] kvm: correctly reset dest_map->vector when restoring LAPIC state (Paolo Bonzini) [1367716] - [s390] dasd: fix hanging device after clear subchannel (Gustavo Duarte) [1368068] - [netdrv] bna: fix crash in bnad_get_strings() (Ivan Vecera) [1376508] - [netdrv] bna: add missing per queue ethtool stat (Ivan Vecera) [1376508] - [powerpc] kvm: Implement kvm_arch_intc_initialized() for PPC (David Gibson) [1375778] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Don't crash if irqfd used with no in-kernel XICS emulation (David Gibson) [1375778]- [mm] sparse: use memblock apis for early memory allocations (Koki Sanagi) [1375453] - [mm] memblock: add memblock memory allocation apis (Koki Sanagi) [1375453] - [mm] thp: harden the debug kernel with a strict check for thp_mmu_gather (Andrea Arcangeli) [1369365] - [mm] thp: initialize thp_mmu_gather for newly allocated migrated pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1369365] - [mm] thp: put_huge_zero_page() with MMU gather #2 (Andrea Arcangeli) [1369365] - [fs] nfs: fix BUG() crash in notify_change() with patch to chown_common() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1342695] - [net] ipv6: gro: fix forwarding of tunneled packets (Jiri Benc) [1375438] - [net] sctp: hold the transport before using it in sctp_hash_cmp (Xin Long) [1368884] - [net] sctp: identify chunks that need to be fragmented at IP level (Xin Long) [1371377] - [scsi] be2iscsi: revert: _bh for io_sgl_lock and mgmt_sgl_lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1374223] - [block] blk-mq: Allow timeouts to run while queue is freezing (Gustavo Duarte) [1372483] - [block] defer timeouts to a workqueue (Gustavo Duarte) [1372483] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix for disallow tx coalescing time to be 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1368885] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix for diasllow rx coalescing time to be 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1368885] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Support user AH creation for RoCE-v2 (Don Dutile) [1376120] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Support RoCE-v2 in the RC path (Don Dutile) [1376120] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Support RoCE-v2 in the UD path (Don Dutile) [1376120] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Export udp encapsulation capability (Don Dutile) [1376120] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix wrong naming of port_rcv_data counter (Don Dutile) [1374862]- [drm] i915: Add GEN7_PCODE_MIN_FREQ_TABLE_GT_RATIO_OUT_OF_RANGE to SNB (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: implement missing case for SKL watermarks calculation (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: fix the watermark res_blocks value (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: fix plane_blocks_per_line on watermarks calculations (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: minimum scanlines for Y tile is not always 4 (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: fix the WaWmMemoryReadLatency implementation (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/skl: Don't try to update plane watermarks if they haven't changed (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/skl: Update DDB values atomically with wms/plane attrs (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915: Move CRTC updating in atomic_commit into it's own hook (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/skl: Ensure pipes with changed wms get added to the state (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/skl: Update plane watermarks atomically during plane updates (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: Only copy WM results for changed pipes to skl_hw (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/skl: Add support for the SAGV, fix underrun hangs (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen6+: Interpret mailbox error flags (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776] - [drm] i915/gen9: Only copy WM results for changed pipes to skl_hw (Lyude Paul) [1341633 1355776]- [netdrv] ixgbe: fix spoofed packets with macvlans (Ken Cox) [1324631] - [tools] perf mem: Fix -t store option for record command (Jiri Olsa) [1357531 1357543] - [x86] clock: Fix kvm guest tsc initialization (Prarit Bhargava) [1372759] - [x86] tsc: Enumerate BXT tsc_khz via CPUID (Prarit Bhargava) [1372759] - [drm] i915: Enable polling when we don't have hpd (Lyude Paul) [1277863] - [drm] i915/vlv: Disable HPD in valleyview_crt_detect_hotplug() (Lyude Paul) [1277863] - [drm] i915/vlv: Reset the ADPA in vlv_display_power_well_init() (Lyude Paul) [1277863] - [drm] i915/vlv: Make intel_crt_reset() per-encoder (Lyude Paul) [1277863] - [fs] Fix NULL pointer dereference in bl_free_device() (Benjamin Coddington) [1356796] - [fs] nfs/blocklayout: support RH/Fedora dm-mpath device nodes (Benjamin Coddington) [1356796] - [fs] nfs/blocklayout: refactor open-by-wwn (Benjamin Coddington) [1356796] - [fs] nfs/blocklayout: use proper fmode for opening block devices (Benjamin Coddington) [1356796] - [fs] sunrpc: fix UDP memory accounting (Paolo Abeni) [1298899]- [kernel] timekeeping: Cap adjustments so they don't exceed the maxadj value (Marcelo Tosatti) [1246218] - [kernel] fork: allocate idle task for a CPU always on its local node (Oleg Nesterov) [1339635] - [kernel] sys: do_sysinfo() use get_monotonic_boottime() (Milos Vyletel) [1373224] - [fs] proc/uptime: uptime_proc_show() use get_monotonic_boottime() (Milos Vyletel) [1373224] - [fs] exec: de_thread: mt-exec should update ->real_start_time (Milos Vyletel) [1373224] - [fs] ovl: clear nlink on rmdir (Miklos Szeredi) [1373787] - [fs] ovl: share inode for hard link (Miklos Szeredi) [1373787] - [fs] ovl: use generic_delete_inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1373787] - [fs] ovl: handle umask and posix_acl_default correctly on creation (Miklos Szeredi) [1351863] - [fs] ovl: fix sgid on directory (Miklos Szeredi) [1351863] - [fs] ovl: copyattr after setting POSIX ACL (Miklos Szeredi) [1371638] - [fs] ovl: Switch to generic_removexattr (Miklos Szeredi) [1371651] - [fs] ovl: Get rid of ovl_xattr_noacl_handlers array (Miklos Szeredi) [1371651] - [fs] ext4: print ext4 mount option data_err=abort correctly (Lukas Czerner) [1342403] - [fs] nfs4: Avoid migration loops (Benjamin Coddington) [1355977] - [fs] nfs: don't create zero-length requests (Benjamin Coddington) [1324635] - [fs] xfs: don't assert fail on non-async buffers on ioacct decrement (Brian Foster) [1363822] - [fs] btrfs: set S_IOPS_WRAPPER consistently (Eric Sandeen) [1182456] - [fs] xfs: prevent dropping ioend completions during buftarg wait (Brian Foster) [1370177] - [fs] gfs2: Fix extended attribute readahead optimization (Robert S Peterson) [1256539] - [mm] page_alloc: don't re-init pageset in zone_pcp_update() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1374114] - [mm] readahead: Move readahead limit outside of readahead, and advisory syscalls (Kyle Walker) [1351353] - [net] veth: sctp: add NETIF_F_SCTP_CRC to device features (Xin Long) [1367105] - [net] veth: Update features to include all tunnel GSO types (Xin Long) [1367105] - [tty] serial: 8250_dw: add ability to handle the peripheral clock (Prarit Bhargava) [1367476] - [x86] mm: Fix regression panic at boot time seen on some NUMA systems (Larry Woodman) [1372047] - [x86] mm: non-linear virtual memory fix for KNL4 erratum (Larry Woodman) [1372047] - [x86] tsc: Add rdtscll() merge helper (Mitsuhiro Tanino) [1372398] - [x86] kvm: Expose more Intel AVX512 feature to guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1369038] - [s390] pci: remove iomap sanity checks (Jason Wang) [1373503] - [nvme] Add device ID's with stripe quirk (David Milburn) [1371642] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix panic when aer correct error occurred (Frank Ramsay) [1374745] - [iommu] vt-d: Disable passthrough mode on Kexec kernel (Myron Stowe) [1367621] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Eliminate useless message and improve logic (Ken Cox) [1369519] - [netdrv] sfc: check MTU against minimum threshold (Jarod Wilson) [1363683]- [hv] balloon: replace ha_region_mutex with spinlock (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1361245] - [hv] balloon: don't wait for ol_waitevent when memhp_auto_online is enabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1361245] - [hv] balloon: account for gaps in hot add regions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1361245] - [hv] balloon: keep track of where ha_region starts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1361245] - [mm] memory-hotplug: add hot-added memory ranges to memblock before allocate node_data for a node (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1365766] - [mm] memory-hotplug: fix wrong edge when hot add a new node (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1365766] - [rtc] rtc-rx8581: Mark tech preview (Prarit Bhargava) [1362164] - [rtc] rtc-rx8581.c: add SMBus-only adapters support (Prarit Bhargava) [1362164] - [rtc] rtc-rx8581.c: remove empty function (Prarit Bhargava) [1362164] - [pci] Restore original checksums of pci symbols (Stanislav Kozina) [1370477] - [net] reserve kABI fields in struct packet_type (Jiri Benc) [1358738] - [net] openvswitch: Ignore negative headroom value (Jakub Sitnicki) [1369642] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update the driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1367530] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set FLOGI retry in additional firmware options for P2P (N2N) mode (Chad Dupuis) [1361279] - [scsi] qla2xxx: prevent board_disable from running during EEH (Chad Dupuis) [1367530] - [kernel] sched/fair: Fix typo in sync_throttle() (Xunlei Pang) [1341003] - [kernel] sched/fair: Rework throttle_count sync (Xunlei Pang) [1341003] - [kernel] sched/fair: Do not announce throttled next buddy in dequeue_task_fair() (Xunlei Pang) [1341003] - [kernel] sched/fair: Initialize throttle_count for new task-groups lazily (Xunlei Pang) [1341003] - [kernel] audit: fix a double fetch in audit_log_single_execve_arg() (Paul Moore) [1359306] {CVE-2016-6136} - [powerpc] revert "pci: Assign fixed PHB number based on device-tree properties" (Gustavo Duarte) [1360353 1373109] - [powerpc] revert "pci: Fix endian bug in fixed PHB numbering" (Gustavo Duarte) [1360353 1373109] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix the max_sge reported from FW (Honggang Li) [1369540]- [fs] dax: disable dax on ext2 and ext3 (Jeff Moyer) [1369900] - [fs] dax: mark tech preview (Jeff Moyer) [1369825] - [fs] pmem: disable dax mounting in the prsence of media errors (Jeff Moyer) [1367132] - [fs] xfs: Add alignment check for DAX mount (Jeff Moyer) [1367132] - [fs] ext4: Add alignment check for DAX mount (Jeff Moyer) [1367132] - [fs] block: Add bdev_dax_supported() for dax mount checks (Jeff Moyer) [1367132] - [fs] block: Add vfs_msg() interface (Jeff Moyer) [1367132] - [tools] x86/insn: remove pcommit (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [x86] revert "kvm: x86: add pcommit support" (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [tools] pmem: kill __pmem address space (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] pmem: kill wmb_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: use nvdimm_flush() for namespace I/O writes (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [fs] dax: remove wmb_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] libnvdimm, pmem: flush posted-write queues on shutdown (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: use REQ_FUA, REQ_FLUSH for nvdimm_flush() (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: cycle flush hints (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] libnvdimm: introduce nvdimm_flush() and nvdimm_has_flush() (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: keep region data alive over namespace removal (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: simulate multiple flush hints per-dimm (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] libnvdimm, nfit: move flush hint mapping to region-device driver-data (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] libnvdimm, nfit: remove nfit_spa_map() infrastructure (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] libnvdimm: introduce devm_nvdimm_memremap(), convert nfit_spa_map() users (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [acpi] nfit: don't override return value of nfit_mem_init (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [acpi] nfit: always associate flush hints (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: remove __wrap_devm_memremap_pages placeholder (Jeff Moyer) [1350153] - [kernel] devm: add helper devm_add_action_or_reset() (Jeff Moyer) [1350153]- [scsi] sas: remove is_sas_attached() (Ewan Milne) [1370231] - [scsi] ses: use scsi_is_sas_rphy instead of is_sas_attached (Ewan Milne) [1370231] - [scsi] sas: provide stub implementation for scsi_is_sas_rphy (Ewan Milne) [1370231] - [target] lio: assume a maximum of 1024 iovecs (Andy Grover) [1367597] - [scsi] smartpqi: bump driver version (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: add smartpqi.txt (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: update maintainers (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: update Kconfig (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: remove timeout for cache flush operations (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: scsi queuecommand cleanup (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: minor tweaks to update time support (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: minor function reformating (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: correct event acknowledgement timeout issue (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: correct controller offline issue (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: add kdump support (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: enhance reset logic (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: enhance drive offline informational message (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: simplify spanning (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: change tmf macro names (Scott Benesh) [1370631] - [scsi] smartpqi: change aio sg processing (Scott Benesh) [1370631]- [fs] rbd: add force close option (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: add 'config_info' sysfs rbd device attribute (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: add 'snap_id' sysfs rbd device attribute (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: add 'cluster_fsid' sysfs rbd device attribute (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: add 'client_addr' sysfs rbd device attribute (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: print capacity in decimal and features in hex (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: support for exclusive-lock feature (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: retry watch re-registration periodically (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] rbd: introduce a per-device ordered workqueue (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: rename ceph_client_id() -> ceph_client_gid() (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: support for blacklisting clients (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: support for lock.lock_info (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: support for advisory locking on RADOS objects (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: add ceph_osdc_call() single-page helper (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: support for CEPH_OSD_OP_LIST_WATCHERS (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: rename ceph_entity_name_encode() -> ceph_auth_entity_name_encode() (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: make cancel_generic_request() static (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: fix return value check in alloc_msg_with_page_vector() (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] ceph: fix symbol versioning for ceph_monc_do_statfs (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: add start en/decoding block helpers (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: add an ONSTACK initializer for oids (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [fs] libceph: fix some missing includes (Ilya Dryomov) [1196119] - [mm] swap: flush lru pvecs on compound page arrival (Jerome Marchand) [1341766 1343920] - [md] raid1/raid10: slow down resync if there is non-resync activity pending (Jes Sorensen) [1371545] - [x86] hibernate: Use hlt_play_dead() when resuming from hibernation (Lenny Szubowicz) [1229590] - [x86] Mark Intel Purley 2 socket processor as supported (Steve Best) [1362645] - [i2c] i801: Add support for Kaby Lake PCH-H (David Arcari) [1310953] - [mfd] lpss: Add Intel Kaby Lake PCH-H PCI IDs (David Arcari) [1310953] - [usb] dwc3: pci: add Intel Kabylake PCI ID (David Arcari) [1310953] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix channel reporting on Knights Landing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1367330] - [include] bluetooth: Fix kabi breakage in struct hci_core (Don Zickus) [1370583] - [powerpc] pci: Fix endian bug in fixed PHB numbering (Gustavo Duarte) [1360353] - [powerpc] pci: Assign fixed PHB number based on device-tree properties (Gustavo Duarte) [1360353]- [netdrv] sfc: work around TRIGGER_INTERRUPT command not working on SFC9140 (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: remove duplicate assignment (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: include size-binned TX stats on sfn8542q (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: fix potential stack corruption from running past stat bitmask (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: avoid division by zero (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: get timer configuration from adapter (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: set interrupt moderation via MCDI (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: use new performance based event queue init (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: retrieve second word of datapath capabilities (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: allow asynchronous MCDI without completion function (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: update MCDI protocol headers (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: avoid -Wtype-limits warning (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix VLAN filtering feature if vPort has VLAN_RESTRICT flag (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Update MCDI protocol definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Disable VLAN filtering by default if not strictly required (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: VLAN filters must only be created if the firmware supports this (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix dup unknown multicast/unicast filters after datapath reset (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor checks for invalid filter ID (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Take mac_lock before calling efx_ef10_filter_table_probe (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement ndo_vlan_rx_{add, kill}_vid() callbacks (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement list of VLANs added over interface (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Make EF10 filter management helper functions VLAN-aware (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Store unicast and multicast promisc flag with address cache (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Move filter IDs to per-VLAN data structure (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Forget filter ID when the filter is marked old (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Assert filter_sem write locked when required (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Add efx_nic member with fixed netdev features (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Move last mc_promisc flag to EF10 filter table state (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: Define macro with EF10 offload feature (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: on MC reset, clear PIO buffer linkage in TXQs (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: disable RSS when unsupported (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] sfc: implement IPv6 NFC (and IPV4_USER_FLOW) (Jarod Wilson) [1368201] - [netdrv] i40iw: Receive notification events correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Update hw_iwarp_state (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Send last streaming mode message for loopback connections (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Avoid writing to freed memory (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Fix double free of allocated_buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Add missing NULL check for MPA private data (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Add missing check for interface already open (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Protect req_resource_num update (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] i40iw: Change mem_resources pointer to a u8 (Stefan Assmann) [1371734] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: fix bonding devices check in netvsc_netdev_event() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1364333] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: protect module refcount by checking net_device_ctx->vf_netdev (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1364333] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: reset vf_inject on VF removal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1364333] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: avoid deadlocks between rtnl lock and vf_use_cnt wait (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1364333] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: don't lose VF information (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1364333] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add resilience in low memory systems (kamal heib) [1367818] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Move filters cleanup to a proper location (kamal heib) [1367818]- [drm] amdgpu: Disable RPM helpers while reprobing connectors on resume (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Kabylake uses the same GMS values as Skylake (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/bxt: Broxton uses the same GMS values as Skylake (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/skl: Add the additional graphics stolen sizes (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] x86/gpu: Sprinkle const, __init and __initconst to stolen memory quirks (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] x86/gpu: Implement stolen memory size early quirk for CHV (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] x86/gpu: Fix sign extension issue in Intel graphics stolen memory quirks (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] makefile: update DRM version (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Revert DisplayPort fast link training feature (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Fix error paths when mapping framebuffer (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Fix corner case screen target management (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Delay pinning fbdev framebuffer until after mode set (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Check pin count before attempting to move a buffer (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Work around mode set failure in 2D VMs (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Add an option to change assumed FB bpp (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] ttm: Make ttm_bo_mem_compat available (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] atomic: Make drm_atomic_legacy_backoff reset crtc->acquire_ctx (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amd/powerplay: fix incorrect voltage table value for tonga (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amd/powerplay: incorrectly use of the function return value (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amd/powerplay: fix logic error (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amd/powerplay: need to notify system bios pcie device ready (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amd/powerplay: fix bug that function parameter was incorect (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] make drm_atomic_set_mode_prop_for_crtc() more reliable (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] add missing drm_mode_set_crtcinfo call (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Refresh cached DP port register value on resume (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/ilk: Don't disable SSC source if it's in use (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] nouveau/disp/sor/gf119: select correct sor when poking training pattern (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] nouveau: fix for disabled fbdev emulation (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] nouveau/ltc/gm107-: fix typo in the address of NV_PLTCG_LTC0_LTS0_INTR (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] nouveau/gr/gf100-: update sm error decoding from gk20a nvgpu headers (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] nouveau/bios/disp: fix handling of "match any protocol" entries (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] dp/mst: Always clear proposed vcpi table for port (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amdgpu: initialize amdgpu_cgs_acpi_eval_object result value (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amdgpu: fix num_rbs exposed to userspace (v2) (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amdgpu/gfx7: fix broken condition check (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] radeon: fix asic initialization for virtualized environments (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Removing PCI IDs that are no longer listed as Kabylake (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Add more Kabylake PCI IDs (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Introduce the first official DMC for Kabylake (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/bxt: Reject DMC firmware versions with known bugs (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/gen9: implement WaConextSwitchWithConcurrentTLBInvalidate (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: implement WaClearTdlStateAckDirtyBits (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaClearSlmSpaceAtContextSwitch (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaDisableSbeCacheDispatchPortSharing (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaDisableGafsUnitClkGating (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaForGAMHang (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Add WaInsertDummyPushConstP for bxt and kbl (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaDisableDynamicCreditSharing (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaDisableLSQCROPERFforOCL (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaDisableFenceDestinationToSLM for A0 (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaEnableGapsTsvCreditFix (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Mimic skl with WaForceEnableNonCoherent (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/gen9: Always apply WaForceContextSaveRestoreNonCoherent (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add WaSkipStolenMemoryFirstPage for A0 (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Add REVID macro (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/kbl: Init gen9 workarounds (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/gen9: implement WaEnableSamplerGPGPUPreemptionSupport (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/gen9: add WaClearFlowControlGpgpuContextSave (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/skl: Add WaDisableGafsUnitClkGating (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/gen9: Add WaVFEStateAfterPipeControlwithMediaStateClear (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Introduce Kabypoint PCH for Kabylake H/DT (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] revert "drm/i915: Exit cherryview_irq_handler() after one pass" (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] core: Do not preserve framebuffer on rmfb, v4 (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Pass the correct crtc state to .update_plane() (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] Add helper for DP++ adaptors (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Fix watermarks for VLV/CHV (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Don't leave old junk in ilk active watermarks on readout (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Enable/disable TMDS output buffers in DP++ adaptor as needed (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915: Respect DP++ adaptor TMDS clock limit (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] i915/psr: Try to program link training times correctly (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amdgpu: Fix hdmi deep color support (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] amdgpu: use drm_mode_vrefresh() rather than mode->vrefresh (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] vmwgfx: Kill some lockdep warnings (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064] - [drm] gma500: Fix possible out of bounds read (Rob Clark) [1348329 1349064]- [drm] i915/hsw: Disable PSR by default (Lyude Paul) [1367930] - [x86] nmi: Enable nested do_nmi() handling for 64-bit kernels (Jiri Olsa) [1365704] - [net] ipv4: igmp: Allow removing groups from a removed interface (Jiri Benc) [1369427] - [net] netfilter: ebtables: put module reference when an incorrect extension is found (Sabrina Dubroca) [1369325] - [net] sctp: linearize early if it's not GSO (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp_diag: Respect ss adding TCPF_CLOSE to idiag_states (Phil Sutter) [1361728] - [net] sctp_diag: Fix T3_rtx timer export (Phil Sutter) [1361728] - [net] sctp: Export struct sctp_info to userspace (Phil Sutter) [1361728] - [net] macsec: ensure rx_sa is set when validation is disabled (Sabrina Dubroca) [1368429] - [net] macsec: use after free when deleting the underlying device (Sabrina Dubroca) [1368429] - [target] target/user: Fix failure to unlock a spinlock upon function return (Andy Grover) [1367873] - [target] target/user: Fix comments to not refer to data ring (Andy Grover) [1367873] - [target] target/user: Return an error if cmd data size is too large (Andy Grover) [1367873] - [target] target/user: Use sense_reason_t in tcmu_queue_cmd_ring (Andy Grover) [1367873] - [target] Backport tcm-user from 4.6 (Andy Grover) [1367873] - [uio] Export definition of struct uio_device (Andy Grover) [1367873] - [netdrv] i40iw: Add NULL check for puda buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Change dup_ack_thresh to u8 (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Remove unnecessary check for moving CQ head (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Simplify code to set fragments in SQ WQE (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Remove unnecessary parameter to i40iw_cq_poll_completion (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Do not access pointer after free (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Correct and use size parameter to i40iw_reg_phys_mr (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40iw: Fix return codes (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40e: Correcting mutex usage in client code (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40e: Initialize pointer in client_release function (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40e: Check client is open before calling client ops (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40e: Force register writes to mitigate sync issues with iwarp VF driver (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [netdrv] i40e: Move the mutex lock in i40e_client_unregister (Stefan Assmann) [1367425] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Initialize ib_qp_init_attr with zeros (Honggang Li) [1365720]- [scsi] aacraid: Check size values after double-fetch from user (Maurizio Lombardi) [1369771] {CVE-2016-6480} - [fs] block_dev.c: Remove WARN_ON() when inode writeback fails (Eric Sandeen) [1229014] - [fs] ext4: call sync_blockdev() before invalidate_bdev() in put_super() (Eric Sandeen) [1229014] - [mm] page_alloc: rename setup_pagelist_highmark() to match naming of pageset_set_batch() (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: in zone_pcp_update(), uze zone_pageset_init() (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: factor zone_pageset_init() out of setup_zone_pageset() (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: relocate comment to be directly above code it refers to (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: factor setup_pageset() into pageset_init() and pageset_set_batch() (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: when handling percpu_pagelist_fraction, don't unneedly recalulate high (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: convert zone_pcp_update() to rely on memory barriers instead of stop_machine() (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: protect pcp->batch accesses with ACCESS_ONCE (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: insert memory barriers to allow async update of pcp batch and high (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: prevent concurrent updaters of pcp ->batch and ->high (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [mm] page_alloc: factor out setting of pcp->high and pcp->batch (Pankaj Gupta) [1320834] - [hid] i2c-hid: Fix suspend/resume when already runtime suspended (David Arcari) [1361625] - [hid] i2c-hid: Only disable irq wake if it was successfully enabled during suspend (David Arcari) [1361625] - [hid] i2c-hid: Call device suspend callback before disabling irq (David Arcari) [1361625] - [hid] i2c-hid: call the hid driver's suspend and resume callbacks (David Arcari) [1361625] - [hid] i2c-hid: add runtime PM support (David Arcari) [1361625] - [hid] i2c-hid: disable interrupt on suspend (David Arcari) [1361625] - [lib] rhashtable-test: calculate max_entries value by default (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [x86] tsc: Enumerate SKL cpu_khz and tsc_khz via CPUID (Prarit Bhargava) [1366396] - [x86] Block HPET on Purley 4S (Prarit Bhargava) [1365997] - [base] regmap: Skip read-only registers in regcache_sync() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1365905 1367789] - [tools] perf: Add sample_reg_mask to include all perf_regs (Steve Best) [1368934] - [netdrv] i40e: Change some init flow for the client (Stefan Assmann) [1369275] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Log link state changes (kamal heib) [1367822]- [kernel] ftrace: fix traceoff_on_warning handling on boot command line ("Luis Claudio R. Goncalves") [1367650] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix setup_fc for x550em (Ken Cox) [1364896] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Fixes regression in perf when tx vlan offload is disabled (Sai Vemuri) [1319437] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Add link mode mask API to cxgb4 and cxgb4vf (Sai Vemuri) [1365689] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't assume FW_PORT_CMD reply is always port info msg (Sai Vemuri) [1365689] - [netdrv] ethtool: add support for 25G/50G/100G speed modes (Sai Vemuri) [1365689] - [netdrv] i40e: use configured RSS key and lookup table in i40e_vsi_config_rss (Stefan Assmann) [1359439] - [netdrv] i40e: fix broken i40e_config_rss_aq function (Stefan Assmann) [1359439] - [netdrv] i40e: move i40e_vsi_config_rss below i40e_get_rss_aq (Stefan Assmann) [1359439] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove redundant memset (Stefan Assmann) [1359439] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: restore stopping netdev queue when bus clogs up (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new 8265 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: add new 8260 PCI IDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: fix a race in firmware loading flow (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: enable interrupts before releasing the NIC's CPU (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] mac80211: fix purging multicast PS buffer queue (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] cfg80211: handle failed skb allocation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] nl80211: Move ACL parsing later to avoid a possible memory leak (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] cfg80211: fix proto in ieee80211_data_to_8023 for frames without LLC header (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] mac80211: Fix mesh estab_plinks counting in STA removal case (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix GPIO mask for AR9462 and AR9565 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] ath10k: fix deadlock while processing rx_in_ord_ind (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix a few firmware capability checks (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: set the encryption type of an IGTK key (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix potential NULL-dereference in iwl_mvm_reorder() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix RCU splat in TKIP's update_key (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: increase scan timeout to 20 seconds (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] cfg80211: remove get/set antenna and tx power warnings (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] ath10k: fix crash related to printing features (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] ath10k: fix deadlock when peer cannot be created (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] mac80211: fix fast_tx header alignment (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [net] mac80211: mesh: flush mesh paths unconditionally (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: Fix scheduling while atomic error from commit 49f86ec21c01 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: add fallback for devices that do not report per-chain values (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1365575]- [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: display ocrdma tech preview status (Honggang Li) [1334675] - [infiniband] ib/rdma_cm: fix panic when trying access default_roce_mode configfs (kamal heib) [1360276] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix mm_struct use after free (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add cache evict LRU list (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix memory leak during unexpected shutdown (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unneeded mm argument in remove function (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Consistently call ops->remove outside spinlock (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use evict mmu rb operation (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add evict operation to the mmu rb handler (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix TID caching actions (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Make the cache handler own its rb tree root (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Make use of mm consistent (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix user SDMA racy user request claim (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix error condition that needs to clean up (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Release node on insert failure (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Validate SDMA user iovector count (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Validate SDMA user request index (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use the same capability state for all shared contexts (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent null pointer dereference (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Rename TID mmu_rb_* functions (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unneeded empty check in hfi1_mmu_rb_unregister() (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Restructure hfi1_file_open (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Make iovec loop index easy to understand (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use "false" not 0 (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused sub-context parameter (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Consolidate __mmu_rb_remove and hfi1_mmu_rb_remove (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Always expect ops functions (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add parameter names to callback declarations (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add parameter names to function declarations (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused function hfi1_mmu_rb_search (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused uctxt->subpid and uctxt->pid (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix minor format error (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove TWSI references (Alex Estrin) [1360929] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use built-in i2c bit-shift bus adapter (Alex Estrin) [1360929]- [fs] ovl: append MAY_READ when diluting write checks (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: dilute permission checks on lower only if not special file (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: fix POSIX ACL setting (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: store real inode pointer in ->i_private (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: simplify permission checking (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: do not require mounter to have MAY_WRITE on lower (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: do operations on underlying file system in mounter's context (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: modify ovl_permission() to do checks on two inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: define ->get_acl() for overlay inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: move some common code in a function (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: store ovl_entry in inode->i_private for all inodes (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] ovl: check mounter creds on underlying lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1361590] - [fs] gfs2: Remove dirty buffer warning from gfs2_releasepage (Andreas Gruenbacher) [1222972] - [fs] xfs: copy correct inode info in xfs_qm_scall_getqstat (Eric Sandeen) [1359098] - [fs] vfs: fix deadlock in file_remove_privs() on overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1362392] - [fs] cifs: Use file_dentry() (Miklos Szeredi) [1343388] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash/invalid memory access on fsync when using overlayfs (Miklos Szeredi) [1343388] - [fs] nfs: use file_dentry() (Miklos Szeredi) [1343388] - [fs] vfs: document ->d_real() (Miklos Szeredi) [1343388] - [fs] vfs: merge .d_select_inode() into .d_real() (Miklos Szeredi) [1343388] - [fs] add file_dentry() (Miklos Szeredi) [1343388] - [fs] cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication for the NTLM(v2) authentication (Sachin Prabhu) [1361407] - [fs] cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication for the NTLM(v1) authentication (Sachin Prabhu) [1361407] - [fs] cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication for the LANMAN authentication (Sachin Prabhu) [1361407] - [fs] cifs: correctly to anonymous authentication via NTLMSSP (Sachin Prabhu) [1361407] - [scsi] Revert: restart list search after unlock in scsi_remove_target (Ewan Milne) [1369084] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove double scsi_host_put() from qla2x00_remove_one() (Ewan Milne) [1368149] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.65 (Harish Patil) [1367116] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix napi budget alteration (Harish Patil) [1367116] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix data structure corruption in async mbx command handling (Harish Patil) [1367116] - [netdrv] qlcnic: avoid superfluous assignement (Harish Patil) [1367116] - [netdrv] qlcnic: add wmb() call in transmit data path (Harish Patil) [1367116] - [netdrv] qlcnic: use the correct ring in qlcnic_83xx_process_rcv_ring_diag() (Harish Patil) [1367116] - [netdrv] qlcnic: don't set unused function argument (Harish Patil) [1367116]- [firmware] revert "Be a bit more verbose about direct firmware loading failure" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1351206] - [firmware] revert "Introduce request_firmware_direct()" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1351206] - [x86] revert "microcode: Use request_firmware_direct()" (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1351206] - [x86] smpboot: Re-enable init_udelay=0 by default on modern CPUs (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] smpboot: Fix CPU (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] smpboot: Fix cpu_init_udelay=10000 corner case boot parameter misbehavior (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] smpboot: Remove SIPI delays from cpu_up() (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] smpboot: Fix legacy SMP bootup slow-boot bug (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] smpboot: Remove 10ms delay from cpu_up() on modern processors (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] smpboot: Add cmdline "cpu_init_udelay=N" to specify cpu_up() delay (Steve Best) [1365413] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix kernel panic running RHEL kdump kernel on UV systems (Frank Ramsay) [1366020] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix problem with UV4 BIOS providing incorrect PXM values (Frank Ramsay) [1366020] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix bug with iounmap() of the UV4 EFI System Table causing a crash (Frank Ramsay) [1366020] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix problem with UV4 Socket IDs not being contiguous (Frank Ramsay) [1366020] - [x86] Add support for Kabylake H/S (David Arcari) [1306013] - [x86] smp: Fix __max_logical_packages value setup (Frank Ramsay) [1358312] - [fs] proc: convert /proc/$PID/schedstat to seq_file interface (Joe Lawrence) [1363745] - [fs] revert "userfaultfd: call mark_tech_preview" (Andrea Arcangeli) [1366639] - [x86] mm: Improve switch_mm() barrier comments (Rafael Aquini) [1332602] {CVE-2016-2069} - [x86] mm: Add barriers and document switch_mm()-vs-flush synchronization (Rafael Aquini) [1332602] {CVE-2016-2069} - [mm] dax,kabi: add special handling for ZONE_DEVICE (Jeff Moyer) [1367133 1367257] - [md] dm-raid: support raid0 with missing metadata devices (Mike Snitzer) [1364133 1367223] - [md] dm raid: enhance attempt_restore_of_faulty_devices() to support more devices (Mike Snitzer) [1364133] - [md] dm raid: fix restoring of failed devices regression (Mike Snitzer) [1364133] - [md] dm raid: fix frozen recovery regression (Mike Snitzer) [1364133] - [md] dm raid: fix use of wrong status char during resynchronization (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm raid: constructor fails on non-zero incompat_features (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm raid: fix processing of max_recovery_rate constructor flag (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm: set DMF_SUSPENDED* _before_ clearing DMF_NOFLUSH_SUSPENDING (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm rq: fix the starting and stopping of blk-mq queues (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm mpath: add locking to multipath_resume and must_push_back (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm flakey: error READ bios during the down_interval (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [md] dm: move request-based code out to dm-rq.[hc] (Mike Snitzer) [1361328 1364133] - [i2c] designware: fixup return handling of wait_for_completion_timeout (David Arcari) [1365529] - [i2c] designware: fix race between subsequent xfers (David Arcari) [1365529] - [i2c] designware: prevent signals from aborting I2C transfers (David Arcari) [1365529] - [net] openvswitch: do not ignore netdev errors when creating tunnel vports (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1367917] - [net] multicast: should not send source list records when have filter mode change (Hangbin Liu) [1322008] - [net] netfilter: physdev: add missed blank (Hangbin Liu) [1346175] - [net] netfilter: physdev: physdev-is-out should not work with OUTPUT chain (Hangbin Liu) [1346175] - [net] sctp: use event->chunk when it's valid (Xin Long) [1278912] - [net] openvswitch: fix conntrack netlink event delivery (Lance Richardson) [1321068] - [net] netfilter: ebtables: Fix extension lookup with identical name (Sabrina Dubroca) [1317751] - [net] sched: fix act_ipt for LOG target (Sabrina Dubroca) [1314398] - [net] vti: flush x-netns xfrm cache when vti interface is removed (Lance Richardson) [1332403] - [scsi] restart list search after unlock in scsi_remove_target (Ewan Milne) [1365651] - [scsi] smartpqi: add config files (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [scsi] smartpqi and aacraid: remove wildcard for series 9 controllers (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [scsi] smartpqi: port to RHEL73 (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [scsi] smartpqi: initial commit of Microsemi smartpqi driver (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [scsi] smartpqi: add smartpqi to drivers/scsi/Makefile (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [scsi] smartpqi: add smartpqi to scsi Kconfig (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [scsi] smartpqi: add smartpqi to MAINTAINERS (Scott Benesh) [1273115] - [vfio] pci: Fix NULL pointer oops in error interrupt setup handling (Alex Williamson) [1367906] - [misc] cxl: Set psl_fir_cntl to production environment value (Steve Best) [1365970] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix PTP on e1000_pch_lpt variants (Jarod Wilson) [1357921] - [netdrv] e1000e: factor out systim sanitization (Jarod Wilson) [1357921] - [netdrv] bna: remove global bnad_list_mutex (Ivan Vecera) [1359566] - [netdrv] bna: change type of bna_id to atomic_t (Ivan Vecera) [1359566] - [netdrv] bna: remove useless linked list (Ivan Vecera) [1359566] - [netdrv] i40e: check for and deal with non-contiguous TCs (Stefan Assmann) [1354052] - [kernel] module: Issue warnings when tainting kernel (Stanislav Kozina) [1366179]- [powerpc] mm: use get_user_pages_unlocked within get_user_pages_fast (Laurent Vivier) [1362454] - [net] udp_offload: put sk before returning (Florian Westphal) [1366515] - [fs] jbd2: limit number of reserved credits (Lukas Czerner) [1172496] - [fs] cachefiles: Fix attempt to read i_blocks after deleting file (David Howells) [1357234] - [fs] cachefiles: Fix race between inactivating and culling a cache object (David Howells) [1357234] - [fs] svcrdma: Remove superfluous line from rdma_read_chunks() (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: Do not add XDR padding to xdr_buf page vector (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: Use correct XID in error replies (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: Make RDMA_ERROR messages work (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: svc_rdma_post_recv() should close connection on error (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: Backport merge conflict resolution ab9f2faf (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: Find rmsgp more reliably (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [fs] svcrdma: Remove unused variable (Sachin Prabhu) [1353408] - [md] revert "raid10: make sync_request_write() call bio_copy_data()" (Jes Sorensen) [1354469]- [target] iscsi-target: Rework the configfs of cxgbit (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: Convert transport drivers to signal rdma_shutdown (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] cxgbit: add files for cxgbit.ko (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: export symbols (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: call complete on conn_logout_comp (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: clear tx_thread_active (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: use conn_transport->transport_type in text rsp (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: move iscsit_thread_check_cpumask() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: add void (*iscsit_get_r2t_ttt)() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: add int (*iscsit_validate_params)() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: split iscsi_target_rx_thread() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: Fix rx_login_comp hang after login failure (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: add void (*iscsit_get_rx_pdu)() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: add void (*iscsit_release_cmd)() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: add int (*iscsit_xmit_pdu)() (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [target] iscsi-target: Use shash and ahash (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update Kconfig and Makefile (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add iSCSI DDP page pod manager (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4, iw_cxgb4: move delayed ack macro definitions (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: move VLAN_NONE macro definition (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: update struct cxgb4_lld_info definition (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add definitions for iSCSI target ULD (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4, cxgb4i: move struct cpl_rx_data_ddp definition (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4, iw_cxgb4, cxgb4i: remove duplicate definitions (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4, iw_cxgb4: move definitions to common header file (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: large receive offload support (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: allocate resources for CXGB4_ULD_ISCSIT (Sai Vemuri) [1211351] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add new ULD type CXGB4_ULD_ISCSIT (Sai Vemuri) [1211351]- [net] ipv6: kill sk_dst_lock (Florian Westphal) [1350349] - [net] ipv6: remove useless spin_lock/spin_unlock (Florian Westphal) [1350349] - [net] macsec: RXSAs don't need to hold a reference on RXSCs (Sabrina Dubroca) [1354332] - [net] macsec: fix reference counting on RXSC in macsec_handle_frame (Sabrina Dubroca) [1354332] - [net] macsec: fix negative refcnt on parent link (Sabrina Dubroca) [1354232] - [net] rtnetlink: fix a memory leak when ->newlink fails (Sabrina Dubroca) [1354232] - [net] rtnetlink: correct error path in rtnl_newlink() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1354232] - [net] rtnetlink: remove an unneeded test (Sabrina Dubroca) [1354232] - [net] tcp: fix ipv4 mapped request socks (Hangbin Liu) [1360685] - [net] inet: introduce ireq_family (Hangbin Liu) [1360685] - [net] sctp: change to use TCP_CLOSE_WAIT as SCTP_SS_CLOSING (Xin Long) [1359219] - [net] sctp: allow receiving msg when TCP-style sk is in CLOSED state (Xin Long) [1358092] - [net] sctp: allow delivering notifications after receiving SHUTDOWN (Xin Long) [1251528] - [net] sctp: fix the issue sctp requeue auth chunk incorrectly (Xin Long) [1359378] - [net] af_packet: don't pass empty blocks for PACKET_V3 (Paolo Abeni) [1360213] - [net] packet: Fixed TPACKET V3 to signal poll when block is closed rather than every packet (Paolo Abeni) [1360213] - [x86] paravirt: Do not trace _paravirt_ident_*() functions (Steven Rostedt) [1339118] - [x86] pci: vmd: Separate MSI and MSI-X vector sharing (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] pci: vmd: Use lock save/restore in interrupt enable path (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] pci: vmd: Select device dma ops to override (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [pci] Remove return values from pcie_port_platform_notify() and relatives (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [pci] acpi: Allow all PCIe services on non-ACPI host bridges (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] pci: vmd: Remove development dev_info(s) (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] pci: vmd: Compose MSI message with correct IRQ index and clear useless data member (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] pci: vmd: Fix teardown_msi_irqs to upstream msi_free (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] pci: vmd: Add irq_mask/irq_unmaks ops (Myron Stowe) [1364796] - [x86] kvm: bump MAX_VCPUS to 288 (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: add a flag to disable KVM x2apic broadcast quirk (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: add KVM_CAP_X2APIC_API (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: pass struct kvm to kvm_set_routing_entry (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: reset APIC ID when enabling LAPIC (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: use hardware-compatible format for APIC ID register (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: use generic function for MSI parsing (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: dynamic kvm_apic_map (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: use physical LAPIC array for logical x2APIC (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: add kvm_apic_map_get_dest_lapic (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: Unify traced vector format (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [x86] kvm: cleanup kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic_fast (Radim Krcmar) [1273718] - [scsi] ipr: Fix sync scsi scan (Steve Best) [1365824] - [virtio] virtio-input: reset device and detach unused during remove (Jason Wang) [1248933] - [infiniband] ib/core: Support for CMA multicast join flags (Don Dutile) [1363579] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Add cached attribute containing SM information to SA port (Don Dutile) [1363579] - [infiniband] ib/sa: agent: Add support for SA agent get ClassPortInfo (Don Dutile) [1363579]- [tools] testing/nvdimm: open code dma_coerce_mask_and_coherent() (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: make DIMM DSMs optional (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: fix format interface code byte order (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: replace CONFIG_DMA_CMA dependency with vmalloc() (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] libnvdimm, pmem: allow nfit_test to override pmem_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: fix acpi_check_dsm() vs zero functions implemented (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, dax: fix initialization vs autodetect for mode + alignment (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [uapi] nfit: add Microsoft NVDIMM DSM command set to white list (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, dax: fix deletion (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, dax: fix alignment validation (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, dax: autodetect support (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: release ida resources (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: stop requiring a driver ->remove() method (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, dax: record the specified alignment of a dax-device instance (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, dax: reserve space to store labels for device-dax (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, dax: introduce device-dax infrastructure (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix ARCH=alpha allmodconfig build failure (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: add sysfs dimm 'family' and 'dsm_mask' attributes (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: ND_CMD_CALL support (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: disable vendor specific commands (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: fix translation of command status results (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix memmap reservation sizing (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: export subsystem ids as attributes (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: fix format interface code byte order per ACPI6.1 (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [uapi] nfit, libnvdimm: limited/whitelisted dimm command marshaling mechanism (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] nfit, libnvdimm: clarify "commands" vs "_DSMs" (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [kernel] libnvdimm: increase max envelope size for ioctl (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: Add sysfs "id" for NVDIMM ID (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] acpica: acpi 6.1: Update NFIT table for additional new fields (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: Update nfit driver to comply with ACPI 6.1 (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: cleanup nvdimm_namespace_common_probe(), kill 'host' (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: kill ->pmem_queue and ->pmem_disk (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem, pfn: move pfn setup to the core (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] libnvdimm, pmem, pfn: make pmem_rw_bytes generic and refactor pfn setup (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: clean up resource print / request (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: use devm_add_action to release bdev resources (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, blk: move i/o infrastructure to nd_namespace_blk (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, blk: quiet i/o error reporting (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: use ->queuedata for driver private data (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, blk: use ->queuedata for driver private data (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, blk: use devm_add_action to release bdev resources (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: add btt startup debug (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt, convert nd_btt_probe() to devm (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, convert nd_pfn_probe() to devm (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: kill pmem->ndns (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: clarify the write+clear_poison+write flow (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] widen acpi_evaluate_dsm() revision and function-index arguments (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] libnvdimm, nfit: Use ACPI_SIG_NFIT instead of hard coded string (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] libnvdimm, test: add mock SMART data payload (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] libnvdimm, nfit: report multiple interface codes per-dimm (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix nvdimm_namespace_add_poison() vs section alignment (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix uuid validation (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix smart data retrieval (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [mm] ZONE_DEVICE depends on SPARSEMEM_VMEMMAP (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [mm] exclude ZONE_DEVICE from GFP_ZONE_TABLE (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [kernel] libnvdimm, pmem: clear poison on write (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix kmap_atomic() leak in error path (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] btt: don't allocate unused major device number (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] blk: don't allocate unused major device number (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] pmem: don't allocate unused major device number (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix ia64 build, use PHYS_PFN (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] nfit, libnvdimm: clear poison command support (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: expand ars unit testing (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] nfit, tools/testing/nvdimm: test multiple control regions per-dimm (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: 'resource'-address and 'size' attributes for pfn devices (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: adjust for section collisions with 'System RAM' (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [kernel] mm: add PHYS_PFN, use it in __phys_to_pfn() (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [mm] fix type cast in __pfn_to_phys() (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix 'pfn' support for section-misaligned namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Fix security issue with DSM IOCTL (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: Clean-up access mode check (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [kernel] nfit: disable userspace initiated ars during scrub (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [acpi] nfit: scrub and register regions in a workqueue (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [kernel] nfit, libnvdimm: async region scrub workqueue (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] nfit, tools/testing/nvdimm: unify common init for acpi_nfit_desc (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [kernel] libnvdimm: async notification support (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: protect nvdimm_{bus|namespace}_add_poison() with nvdimm_bus_lock() (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] libnvdimm, nfit: centralize command status translation (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [tools] nfit, tools/testing/nvdimm: add format interface code definitions (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792] - [nvdimm] arm: 8522/1: nvdimm: ensure no negative value gets returned on positive match (Jeff Moyer) [1271957 1278621 1343736 1349587 1349702 1353614 1355792]- [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add diagnostic hardware counters (kamal heib) [1360924] - [netdrv] mlx4: Query performance and diagnostics counters (kamal heib) [1360924] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add diagnostic counters capability bit (kamal heib) [1360924] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add new NPAR and dual media device IDs (John Linville) [1360126] - [scsi] ipr: Fix error return code in ipr_probe_ioa() (Steve Best) [1364138] - [scsi] ipr: Wait to do async scan until scsi host is initialized (Steve Best) [1364138] - [scsi] ipr: Increase MSIX vectors number (Steve Best) [1364138] - [scsi] ipr: Add new CCIN for new adapters support (Steve Best) [1364138] - [acpi] Change NFIT driver to insert new resource (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [kernel] resource: Export insert_resource and remove_resource (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [kernel] resource: Add remove_resource interface (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [kernel] resource: Change __request_region to inherit from immediate parent (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [acpi] apei/einj: Allow memory error injection to NVDIMM (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [kernel] resource: Add region_intersects_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [kernel] resource: Add @flags to region_intersects() (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [acpi] apei: Cleanup alignment-aware accesses (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [acpi] apei, einj: Changes to the ACPI/APEI/EINJ debugfs interface (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [acpi] apei: Add parameter check before error injection (Jeff Moyer) [1342696] - [acpi] apei, einj: Fix error return code in einj_init() (Jeff Moyer) [1342696]- [block] revert "remove struct bio_batch" (Mike Snitzer) [1361484] - [block] revert "add __blkdev_issue_discard" (Mike Snitzer) [1361484] - [block] revert "reinstate early return of -EOPNOTSUPP from blkdev_issue_discard" (Mike Snitzer) [1361484] - [block] revert "missing bio_put following submit_bio_wait" (Mike Snitzer) [1361484] - [md] revert "dm thin: use __blkdev_issue_discard for async discard support" (Mike Snitzer) [1361484] - [md] revert "dm thin: unroll issue_discard() to create longer discard bio chains" (Mike Snitzer) [1361484] - [nvme] avoid crashes when node 0 is memoryless node (David Milburn) [1350682] - [mm] oom: ensure memoryless node zonelist always includes zones (David Milburn) [1350682] - [mm] hmm: select mmu-notifier (Andrew Jones) [1230959] - [rtc] opal: Enable alarms only when opal supports tpo (Steve Best) [1361858] - [x86] pci: vmd: Attach VMD resources to parent domain's resource tree (Myron Stowe) [1249224] - [x86] pci: vmd: Set bus resource start to 0 (Myron Stowe) [1249224] - [x86] pci: vmd: Document code for maintainability (Myron Stowe) [1249224] - [x86] pci: Add driver for Intel Volume Management Device (Myron Stowe) [1249224] - [x86] PCI bus specific MSI operations (Myron Stowe) [1249224] - [pci] aer: Use 32 bit PCI domain numbers (Myron Stowe) [1249224] - [x86] perf: Fix copy_from_user_nmi() return if range is not ok (Jiri Olsa) [1361670] - [x86] perf: Fix arch_perf_out_copy_user default (Jiri Olsa) [1361670] - [x86] perf: Further optimize copy_from_user_nmi() (Jiri Olsa) [1361670] - [x86] perf: Change offcore response masks for Knights Landing (Jiri Olsa) [1336681] - [gpio] use kzalloc to allocate gpio_device (Steve Best) [1358979] - [gpio] gpiolib: rewrite gpiodev_add_to_list (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] reflect base and ngpio into gpio_device (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] make the gpiochip a real device (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] gpiolib: fix chip order in gpio list (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] fix warning about iterator (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] gpiolib: improve overlap check of range of gpio (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] sysfs: rename gpiochip registration functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [gpio] remove gpio_descs global array (Prarit Bhargava) [1358979] - [netdrv] be2net: perform temperature query in adapter regardless of its interface state (Gustavo Duarte) [1361226] - [crypto] qat - make qat_asym_algs.o depend on asn1 headers (Herbert Xu) [1351563] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Save/restore TM state in H_CEDE (David Gibson) [1349244] {CVE-2016-5412} - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Pull out TM state save/restore into separate procedures (David Gibson) [1349244] {CVE-2016-5412} - [powerpc] pseries: Fix PCI config address for DDW (Gustavo Duarte) [1357809] - [powerpc] iommu: Remove the dependency on EEH struct in DDW mechanism (Gustavo Duarte) [1357809] - [powerpc] tm: Always reclaim in start_thread() for exec() class syscalls (David Gibson) [1349238] {CVE-2016-5828}- [infiniband] i40iw: Enable remote access rights for stag allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: do not print unitialized variables in error message (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Enable level-1 PBL for fast memory registration (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Return correct max_fast_reg_page_list_len (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Correct status check on i40iw_get_pble (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Correct CQ arming (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] ib/core: Make device counter infrastructure dynamic (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: pass hw_stats by reference rather than by value (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before free_irq() (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: constify i40iw_vf_cqp_ops structure (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] ib/core: Enhance ib_map_mr_sg() (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add passing an offset into the SG to ib_map_mr_sg (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix for removing quad hash entries (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix for checking if the QP is destroyed (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix for using one sge for RDMA READ (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix for the size of kernel mode SQ (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix for a NOP WQE size (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Correct STag mask to min of 14 bits (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fixes for WQE alignment (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix SD calculation for initial HMC creation (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix endian issues and warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Add base memory management extensions (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Initialize max enabled vfs variable (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Correct return code check in add_pble_pool (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Add virtual channel message queue (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Remove unused code and fix warning (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Populate vendor_id and vendor_part_id fields (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Set vendor_err only if there is an actual error (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Add qp table lock around AE processing (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Do not set self-referencing pointer to NULL after free (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Correct max message size in query port (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix refused connections (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Correct QP size calculation (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] rdma/i40iw: Fix overflow of region length (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: avoid potential uninitialized variable use (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: mark as tech-preview (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: fix for missing commit 2f8e2c877784a0b23f02b41550170a24e14f5c95 (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: changes for build of i40iw module (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Replace the obsolete crypto hash interface with shash (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: Kconfig and Makefile for iwarp module (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: virtual channel handling files (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: user kernel shared files (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add X722 register file (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add hardware related header files (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add file to handle cqp calls (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: use shared code for port mapper (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add files for iwarp interface (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add hw and utils files (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add hmc resource files (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add pble resource files (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add puda code (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add connection management code (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [infiniband] i40iw: add main, hdr, status (Stefan Assmann) [1283405] - [uapi] i40iw: add entry in rdma_netlink (Stefan Assmann) [1283405]- [mm] vfs: prevent buffered I/O reads to DAX inodes (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] xfs, ext4, splice: avoid the page cache for DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: check return value of dax_radix_entry() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] mm: fix mixed zone detection in devm_memremap_pages (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [lib] list: kill list_force_poison() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] nfit: Continue init even if ARS commands are unimplemented (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext2, ext4: fix issue with missing journal entry in ext4_dax_mkwrite() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] dax: move writeback calls into the filesystems (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] dax: give DAX clearing code correct bdev (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: online defrag not supported with DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext2, ext4: only set S_DAX for regular inodes (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] block: disable block device DAX by default (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] use 'u64' for pfn flags (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm_memremap: Fix error value when memremap failed (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [uapi] nfit: update address range scrub commands to the acpi 6.1 format (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] libnvdimm, tools/testing/nvdimm: fix 'ars_status' output buffer sizing (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] nfit: fix multi-interface dimm handling, acpi6.1 compatibility (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm_memremap_release(): fix memremap'd addr handling (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] mm, x86: fix pte_page() crash in gup_pte_range() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] mm: Fix vmalloc_fault() to handle large pages properly (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] uaccess/64: Handle the caching of 4-byte nocache copies properly in __copy_user_nocache() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] uaccess/64: Make the __copy_user_nocache() assembly code more readable (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] mm: fix pfn_t vs highmem (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: dirty inode only if required (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [lib] radix-tree: fix race in gang lookup (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] phys_to_pfn_t: use phys_addr_t (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] fix pfn_t to page conversion in vm_insert_mixed (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block: use DAX for partition table reads (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] fs, block: force direct-I/O for dax-enabled block devices (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm_memremap_pages: fix vmem_altmap lifetime + alignment handling (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix restoring memmap location (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix mode determination for e820 devices (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: never rely on bh.b_dev being set by get_block() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: call dax_pfn_mkwrite() for DAX fsync/msync (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: call dax_pfn_mkwrite() for DAX fsync/msync (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext2: call dax_pfn_mkwrite() for DAX fsync/msync (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] dax: add support for fsync/sync (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] add find_get_entries_tag() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] dax: support dirty DAX entries in radix tree (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] pmem: add wb_cache_pmem() to the PMEM API (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] x86: get_user_pages() for dax mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [lib] mm, dax, pmem: introduce {get|put}_dev_pagemap() for dax-gup (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: move request_queue allocation earlier in probe (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] dax: convert vmf_insert_pfn_pmd() to pfn_t (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] dax, gpu: convert vm_insert_mixed to pfn_t (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] mm: introduce _PAGE_DEVMAP (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] hugetlb: fix compile error on tile (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn, pmem: allocate memmap array in persistent memory (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] x86, mm: introduce vmem_altmap to augment vmemmap_populate() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] move __phys_to_pfn and __pfn_to_phys to asm/generic/memory_model.h (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] mm: introduce find_dev_pagemap() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] mm: skip memory block registration for ZONE_DEVICE (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] mm, dax, pmem: introduce pfn_t (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [virt] kvm: rename pfn_t to kvm_pfn_t (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] dax: fix livelock, allow dax pmd mappings to become writeable (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] dax: fix lifetime of in-kernel dax mappings with dax_map_atomic() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: guarantee page aligned results from bdev_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: increase granularity of dax_clear_blocks() operations (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] pmem, dax: clean up clear_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block: kill disk_{check|set|clear|alloc}_badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: nvdimm_read_bytes() badblocks support (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] pmem: fail io-requests to known bad blocks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: convert to statically allocated badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: don't fail init for full badblocks list (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block, badblocks: introduce devm_init_badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [block] clarify badblocks lifetime (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] badblocks: rename badblocks_free to badblocks_exit (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: move definition of nvdimm_namespace_add_poison to nd.h (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] libnvdimm: Add a poison list and export badblocks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] nfit_test: Enable DSMs for all test NFITs (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [md] convert to use the generic badblocks code (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block: Add badblock management for gendisks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] badblocks: Add core badblock management code (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [block] fix del_gendisk() vs blkdev_ioctl crash (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] block: introduce bdev_file_inode() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix namespace object confusion in is_uuid_busy() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] mm/pat: Change free_memtype() to support shrinking case (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [mm] x86/mm/pat: Add untrack_pfn_moved for mremap (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: introduce per-inode DAX enablement (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: fix recursive splice read locking with DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: Don't use reserved blocks for data blocks with DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: move 'memory mode' indication to sysfs (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] testing/libnvdimm: cleanup mock resource lookup (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix nd_pfn_validate() return value handling (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] libnvdimm, pfn: enable pfn sysfs interface unit testing (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: fix pfn seed creation (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: add parent uuid validation (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: add 'align' attribute, default to HPAGE_SIZE (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: clean up pfn create parameters (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pfn: kill ND_PFN_ALIGN (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] do not show pfn_seed for non pmem regions (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] improve diagnosibility of namespaces (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: use pre-zeroed blocks for DAX page faults (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [trace] ext4: implement allocation of pre-zeroed blocks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: provide ext4_issue_zeroout() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [trace] ext4: get rid of EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_NO_LOCK flag (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: fix races of writeback with punch hole and zero range (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: fix races between buffered IO and collapse / insert range (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: move unlocked dio protection from ext4_alloc_file_blocks() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: fix races between page faults and hole punching (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext4: wait for existing dio workers in ext4_alloc_file_blocks() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] nfit: acpi_nfit_notify(): Do not leave device locked (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] nfit: Adjust for different _FIT and NFIT headers (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] nfit: Fix the check for a successful NFIT merge (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] nfit: Account for table size length variation (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] libnvdimm, e820: skip module loading when no type-12 (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block: protect rw_page against device teardown (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: disable pmd mappings (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext2, ext4: warn when mounting with dax enabled (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] dax: fix __dax_pmd_fault crash (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [documentation] libnvdimm: documentation clarifications (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix size trim in pmem_direct_access() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, e820: fix numa node for e820-type-12 pmem ranges (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] testing/nvdimm, acpica: fix flag rename build breakage (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] coredump: add DAX filtering for FDPIC ELF coredumps (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] coredump: add DAX filtering for ELF coredumps (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: xfs_filemap_pmd_fault treats read faults as write faults (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: add ->pfn_mkwrite support for DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: DAX does not use IO completion callbacks (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: Don't use unwritten extents for DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: introduce BMAPI_ZERO for allocating zeroed extents (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] xfs: fix inode size update overflow in xfs_map_direct() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [tools] acpi: nfit: Add support for hot-add (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] nfit: in acpi_nfit_init, break on a 0-length table (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [acpi] acpica: Update NFIT table to rename a flags field (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] block: blk_flush_integrity() for bio-based drivers (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block: generic request_queue reference counting (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] block: use an atomic_t for mq_freeze_depth (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [fs] ext2: Add locking for DAX faults (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] pmem, memremap: convert to numa aware allocations (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm_memremap_pages: use numa_mem_id (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm: make allocations numa aware by default (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm_memremap: convert to return ERR_PTR (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] devm_memunmap: use devres_release() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [kernel] pmem: kill memremap_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [x86] mm: quiet arch_add_memory() (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [edac] Don't allow empty DIMM labels (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [edac] Fix sysfs dimm_label store operation (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806] - [edac] Fix sysfs dimm_label show operation (Jeff Moyer) [1346083 1346084 1346445 1346449 1346472 1347091 1359806]- [mm] percpu: fix synchronization between synchronous map extension and chunk destruction (Joe Lawrence) [1344569] {CVE-2016-4794} - [mm] percpu: fix synchronization between chunk->map_extend_work and chunk destruction (Joe Lawrence) [1344569] {CVE-2016-4794} - [mm] percpu: fix locking regression in the failure path of pcpu_alloc() (Joe Lawrence) [1344569] {CVE-2016-4794} - [s390] qeth: delete napi struct when removing a qeth device (Hendrik Brueckner) [1357030] - [s390] kprobes: Fix conflict between jprobes and function graph tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1347620] - [hid] hiddev: validate num_values for HIDIOCGUSAGES, HIDIOCSUSAGES commands (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1360029] {CVE-2016-5829} - [scsi] cxlflash: Verify problem state area is mapped before notifying shutdown (Steve Best) [1361359] - [scsi] cxlflash: Shutdown notify support for CXL Flash cards (Steve Best) [1361359] - [scsi] cxlflash: Add device dependent flags (Steve Best) [1361359] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to drain operations from previous reset (Steve Best) [1361359] - [scsi] cxl: Make vPHB device node match adapter's (Steve Best) [1361359] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to resolve dead-lock during EEH recovery (Steve Best) [1361359] - [scsi] fix race between simultaneous decrements of ->host_failed (Gustavo Duarte) [1357946] - [input] Enable VMMOUSE support (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1331578] - [input] vmmouse - remove port reservation (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1331578] - [input] vmmouse - fix absolute device registration (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1331578] - [input] add vmmouse driver (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1331578] - [kernel] modules: Add kernel parameter to blacklist modules (Prarit Bhargava) [1361585] - [kernel] rcu: Fix attempt to avoid unsolicited offloading of callbacks (Luiz Capitulino) [1356726] - [kernel] rcu: Fix CONFIG_RCU_NOCB_CPU_ALL panic on machines with sparse CPU mask (Luiz Capitulino) [1356726] - [kernel] rcu: Convert rcutree_plugin.h printk calls (Luiz Capitulino) [1356726] - [kernel] watchdog, sysctl: fix pointer to watch_cpumask in kernel_table (Jerome Marchand) [1360787] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix passive VNIC server login process (Gustavo Duarte) [1357915] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: simplify and improve driver probe function (Gustavo Duarte) [1357915] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: dispose irq mappings (Gustavo Duarte) [1357915] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: properly start and stop tx queues (Gustavo Duarte) [1357915] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: fix to use list_for_each_safe() when delete items (Gustavo Duarte) [1357915]- [net] geneve: fixup netdevice_notifier registration (Sabrina Dubroca) [1353790] - [wireless] convert to use netdev_notifier_info (Sabrina Dubroca) [1353790] - [netdrv] hyperv: convert to use netdev_notifier_info (Sabrina Dubroca) [1353790] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: on-stack struct netdev_notifier_info (Sabrina Dubroca) [1353790] - [net] ipv4: ip_check_defrag should not assume that skb_network_offset is zero (Paolo Abeni) [1354448] - [net] ipv4: ip_check_defrag should correctly check return value of skb_copy_bits (Paolo Abeni) [1354448] - [net] macsec: validate ICV length on link creation (Davide Caratti) [1360273] - [net] macsec: fix error codes when a SA is created (Davide Caratti) [1360273] - [net] macsec: limit ICV length to 16 octets (Davide Caratti) [1360273] - [net] sctp: also point GSO head_skb to the sk when it's available (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: fix GSO for IPv6 (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: support ipv6 nonlocal bind (Xin Long) [1355769] - [net] sctp: use inet_recvmsg to support sctp RFS well (Marcelo Leitner) [981353] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: speed up jump target validation (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] pktgen: fix null ptr deref in skb allocation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1356443] - [net] pktgen: Observe needed_headroom of the device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1356443] - [net] pktgen: ipv6: numa: consolidate skb allocation to pktgen_alloc_skb (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1356443] - [net] xfrm: Fix crash observed during device unregistration and decryption (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Reset encapsulation field of the skb before transformation (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: dst_entries_init() per-net dst_ops (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Increment statistic counter on inner mode error (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm4: Reload skb header pointers after calling pskb_may_pull (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm4: Fix header checks in _decode_session4 (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Fix unaligned access to stats in copy_to_user_state() (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Fix state threshold configuration from userspace (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: fix race between netns cleanup and state expire notification (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Fix unlink race when policies are deleted (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Clone states properly on migration (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Take xfrm_state_lock in xfrm_migrate_state_find (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: avoid creating temporary SA when there are no listeners (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Correct xfrm_state_lock usage in xfrm_stateonly_find (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: export verify_userspi_info for pkfey and netlink interface (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] Documentation: Document xfrm4_gc_thresh and xfrm6_gc_thresh (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Increase the garbage collector threshold (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: prevent ipcomp scratch buffer race condition (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Force SA to be lookup again if SA in acquire state (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Fix replay size checking on async events (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Make xfrm_state timer monotonic (Florian Westphal) [1243602] - [net] xfrm: Delete hold_timer when destroy policy (Florian Westphal) [1243602]- [fs] nfsv4: Don't perform cached access checks before we've OPENed the file (Steve Dickson) [1359944] - [fs] ovl: fix copy-up warning (Miklos Szeredi) [1354293] - [fs] nfsv4: Allow retry of operations that used a returned delegation stateid (Steve Dickson) [1358308] - [fs] nfsv4: Label stateids with the type (Steve Dickson) [1358308] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure get_rpccred() and put_rpccred() can take NULL arguments (Steve Dickson) [1358308] - [fs] nfsv4: Use the right stateid for delegations in setattr, read and write (Steve Dickson) [1358308] - [fs] nfs: have flexfiles mirror keep creds for both ro and rw layouts (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] nfs: get a reference to the credential in ff_layout_alloc_lseg (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] nfs: have ff_layout_get_ds_cred take a reference to the cred (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] nfs: don't call nfs4_ff_layout_prepare_ds from ff_layout_get_ds_cred (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] sunrpc: add a get_rpccred_rcu inline (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] sunrpc: add rpc_lookup_generic_cred (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] sunrpc: plumb gfp_t parm into crcreate operation (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] nfs4: nfs4_ff_layout_prepare_ds should return NULL if connection failed (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] pnfs: Don't prevent flexfiles client from retrying LAYOUTGET (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] pnfs: Modify pnfs_update_layout tracepoints to use layout stateid (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] nfs: add new tracepoint for pnfs_update_layout (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] Adding stateid information to tracepoints (Benjamin Coddington) [1358386] - [fs] xfs: track and serialize in-flight async buffers against unmount (Brian Foster) [1347744] - [fs] xfs: exclude never-released buffers from buftarg I/O accounting (Brian Foster) [1347744] - [fs] xfs: fix duplicate buffer flag bits (Brian Foster) [1347744 1358817]- [iscsi-target] Fix iser explicit logout TX kthread leak (Andy Grover) [1278224] - [iscsi-target] Fix iscsit_start_kthreads failure OOPs (Andy Grover) [1278224] - [iscsi-target] Fix use-after-free during TPG session shutdown (Andy Grover) [1278224] - [bnx2fc] replace printk() with BNX2FC_IO_DBG() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1360305] - [fs] cifs: dynamic allocation of ntlmssp blob (Jerome Marchand) [1358676] - [fs] cifs: use CIFS_MAX_DOMAINNAME_LEN when converting the domain name (Jerome Marchand) [1358676] - [mm] hmm: adjust HMM backport to work properly with rhel7 mm context (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [mm] hmm: only allow use of HMM through a kernel parameter (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [mm] hmm: mirror process address space on device with HMM helpers (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [mm] hmm: migration through heterogeneous memory management (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [mm] hmm: helper to walk CPU page table in parallel with generic table (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [mm] hmm: heterogeneous memory management support (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [mm] gpt: generic page table structure (Jerome Glisse) [1230959] - [x86] device: export device_rh_alloc() with EXPORT_SYMBOL (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1360400] - [s390] dasd: fix incorrect locking order for LCU device add/remove (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330095] - [acpi] battery: Accelerate battery resume callback (Jeremy McNicoll) [1270522] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: export 'available' memory to balloon statistics (Luiz Capitulino) [1351660] - [mm] page_alloc: calculate 'available' memory in a separate function (Luiz Capitulino) [1351660] - [fs] proc: meminfo: estimate available memory more conservatively (Luiz Capitulino) [1351660] - [fs] proc: meminfo: meminfo_proc_show() fix typo in comment (Luiz Capitulino) [1351660] - [kernel] sched/core: Fix sched_rt_global_validate (Luiz Capitulino) [1357928] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix VF register on bonding devices (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1357850] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix VF register on vlan devices (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1357850] - [security] keys: Don't leak a key reference if request_key() tries to use a revoked keyring (David Howells) [1282584] - [infiniband] hfi1: Fix sleep inside atomic issue in init_asic_data (Alex Estrin) [1355901]- [fs] gfs2: Extended attribute readahead optimization (Andreas Gruenbacher) [1256539] - [fs] gfs2: Extended attribute readahead (Andreas Gruenbacher) [1256539] - [fs] gfs2: Add meta readahead field in directory entries (Andreas Gruenbacher) [1256539] - [fs] lift file_*_write out of do_splice_direct() (Miklos Szeredi) [1359094] - [fs] lift file_*_write out of do_splice_from() (Miklos Szeredi) [1359094] - [fs] ovl: verify upper dentry in ovl_remove_and_whiteout() (Miklos Szeredi) [1359829] - [fs] ovl: Copy up underlying inode's ->i_mode to overlay inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1351861] - [fs] ovl: handle ATTR_KILL* (Miklos Szeredi) [1351861] - [fs] ovl: get_write_access() in truncate (Miklos Szeredi) [1359786] - [fs] ovl: xattr filter fix (Miklos Szeredi) [1359807] - [fs] libceph: use s instead of pE in seq_printf() in dump_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1360323] - [fs] libceph: apply new_state before new_up_client on incrementals (Ilya Dryomov) [1359746] - [fs] cifs: Fix SMB2+ interim response processing for read requests (Sachin Prabhu) [1305657] - [fs] make nfs_atomic_open() call d_drop() on all ->open_context() errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1342305] - [fs] gfs2: Fix gfs2_replay_incr_blk for multiple journal sizes (Robert S Peterson) [1358926] - [fs] xfs: don't reset b_retries to 0 on every failure (Carlos Maiolino) [1357663] - [fs] xfs: remove extraneous buffer flag changes (Carlos Maiolino) [1357663] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_error_get_cfg for negative errnos (Carlos Maiolino) [1357663] - [fs] userfaultfd: don't pin the user memory in userfaultfd_file_create() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1358957] - [mm] ksm: fix conflict between mmput and scan_get_next_rmap_item (Andrea Arcangeli) [1358958] - [mm] meminit: ensure node is online before checking whether pages are uninitialised (Koki Sanagi) [1359649] - [mm] meminit: always return a valid node from early_pfn_to_nid (Koki Sanagi) [1359649] - [mm] shm: add memfd.h to UAPI export list (Yauheni Kaliuta) [1282530 1354407] - [mm] slub: do not drop slab_mutex for sysfs_slab_add (Larry Woodman) [1282934] - [hv] don't leak memory in vmbus_establish_gpadl() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1341065] - [hv] get rid of redundant messagecount in create_gpadl_header() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1341065] - [hv] avoid vfree() on crash (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1337074] - [x86] hyperv: Avoid reporting bogus NMI status for Gen2 instances (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1337074] - [x86] Use pte_none() to test for empty PTE (Larry Woodman) [1347159] - [x86] Disallow running with 32-bit PTEs to work around erratum (Larry Woodman) [1347159] - [x86] Ignore A/D bits in pte/pmd/pud_none() (Larry Woodman) [1347159] - [x86] Move swap offset/type up in PTE to work around erratum (Larry Woodman) [1347159] - [pci] hyper-v: Fix crash in interrupt cleanup path (Cathy Avery) [1348475] - [i2c] designware: Add runtime PM hooks (David Arcari) [1358747] - [s390] fix test_fp_ctl inline assembly contraints (Hendrik Brueckner) [1356199] - [s390] qeth: switch to napi_gro_receive (Hendrik Brueckner) [1342108] - [kernel] sched: CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS kabi fix (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] kmod: remove unecessary explicit wide CPU affinity setting (Frederic Weisbecker) [1056801] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix broadcast echoes from EVB in BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [1249881] - [powerpc] Wire up sys_userfaultfd() (Laurent Vivier) [1353468] - [cpufreq] powernv: del_timer_sync when global and local pstate are equal (Gustavo Duarte) [1346255] - [cpufreq] powernv: Move smp_call_function_any() out of irq safe block (Gustavo Duarte) [1346255] - [cpufreq] powernv: Ramp-down global pstate slower than local-pstate (Gustavo Duarte) [1346255] - [cpufreq] Add support for per-policy driver data (Gustavo Duarte) [1346255]- [md] dm: call PR reserve_unreserve on each underlying device (Mike Snitzer) [1357031] - [scsi] sd: don't use the ALL_TG_PT bit for reservations (Mike Snitzer) [1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix random optimal_io_size for raid0 (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: address complaints (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: change logical functions to actually return bool (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: use rdev_for_each in status (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: use rs->raid_disks to avoid memory leaks on free (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: support delta_disks for raid1, fix table output (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: enhance reshape check and factor out reshape setup (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: allow resize during recovery (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix rs_is_recovering() to allow for lvextend (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix rebuild and catch bogus sync_resync flags (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix ctr memory leaks on error paths (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix typo in write_mostly flag (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: also reject size change during recovery (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix new superblock_bitmap creation on disk addition (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: add comments and fix typos (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix raid10 device size error on out-of-place reshape (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: prohibit 'nosync' on new raid6 and reject resize during reshape (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: clarify and fix recovery (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: fix rs_set_capacity on growing reshape (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: make rs_set_capacity to work on shrinking reshape (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: enhance comments in takeover checks (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: remove bogus comment and fix comment typos (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: more restricting data_offset value checks (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: reject too many write_mostly devices (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: the sync_page_io() metadata_op argument is bool (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: prohibit to pass in both sync and nosync ctr flags (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm raid: avoid superfluous memory barriers on static metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm thin: unroll issue_discard() to create longer discard bio chains (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm thin: use __blkdev_issue_discard for async discard support (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [block] missing bio_put following submit_bio_wait (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [block] reinstate early return of -EOPNOTSUPP from blkdev_issue_discard (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [block] add __blkdev_issue_discard (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [block] remove struct bio_batch (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm: fix second blk_delay_queue() parameter to be in msec units not jiffies (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031] - [md] dm ioctl: Simplify parameter buffer management code (Mike Snitzer) [1356244 1357031]- [crypto] rsa-pkcs1pad - fix rsa-pkcs1pad request struct (Neil Horman) [1356718] - [crypto] gcm - Fix rfc4543 decryption crash (Herbert Xu) [1298642] - [crypto] crc32 - Rename generic implementation (Herbert Xu) [1314773] - [crypto] x86/sha512_ssse3 - fixup for asm function prototype change (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha - Add build support for Intel SHA Extensions optimized SHA1 and SHA256 (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha - glue code for Intel SHA extensions optimized SHA1 & SHA256 (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha - Intel SHA Extensions optimized SHA256 transform function (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha - Intel SHA Extensions optimized SHA1 transform function (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha512_ssse3 - move SHA-384/512 SSSE3 implementation to base layer (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha256_ssse3 - move SHA-224/256 SSSE3 implementation to base layer (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] x86/sha1_ssse3 - move SHA-1 SSSE3 implementation to base layer (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha512-generic - move to generic glue implementation (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha256-generic - move to generic glue implementation (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha1-generic - move to generic glue implementation (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha512 - implement base layer for SHA-512 (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha256 - implement base layer for SHA-256 (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha1 - implement base layer for SHA-1 (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha - replace memset by memzero_explicit (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] memzero_explicit - make sure to clear out sensitive data (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha512_ssse3 - fix byte count to bit count conversion (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha256_ssse3 - use correct module alias for sha224 (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha256_ssse3 - add sha224 support (Herbert Xu) [1267049] - [crypto] sha512_ssse3 - add sha384 support (Herbert Xu) [1267049]- [netdrv] i40e: Don't notify client(s) for DCB changes on all VSIs (Stefan Assmann) [1276184] - [netdrv] virtio_net: add gro capability (Jason Wang) [1251908] - [powerpc] mm: don't do tlbie for updatepp request with NO HPTE fault (Gustavo Duarte) [1287289] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix port counter ID association to QP offset (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add per port counters (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add port protocol stats (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib core sysfs: Add port_xmit_wait_counter V2 (Don Dutile) [1258655 1356294] - [infiniband] ib/core: Initialize sysfs attributes before sysfs create group (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib/core: fix error unwind in sysfs hw counters code (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix array length allocation (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib/core: fix null pointer deref and mem leak in error handling (Don Dutile) [1258655] - [infiniband] ib/core: Make device counter infrastructure dynamic (Don Dutile) [1258655]- [infiniband] ib/srpt: Simplify srpt_handle_tsk_mgmt() (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix srp_map_sg_dma() (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Always initialize use_fast_reg and use_fmr (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix a debug kernel crash (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Do not register memory if never_register has been set (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Prevent mapping failures (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Swap two code blocks in srp_add_one() (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Enhance ib_map_mr_sg() (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix srp_create_target() error handling (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix a memory descriptor leak in an error path (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: print "ib_srp: " prefix once (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Move common code into the caller (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Move code out of a loop (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Avoid that mapping failure triggers an infinite loop (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Introduce target->mr_pool_size (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix srp_map_data() error paths (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Document srp_map_data() return value (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix a comment (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix a spelling error in a source code comment (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Use ib_drain_rq() (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Introduce capabilitymask2 field in ClassPortInfo mad (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add IP to GID netlink offload (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Register SA ibnl client during ib_core initialization (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/netlink: Add a new local service operation (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Integrate ib_sa module into ib_core module (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Integrate ib_mad module into ib_core module (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Integrate IB address resolution module into core (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Use correct free function (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix a potential array overrun in CMA and SA agent (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Remove unnecessary check in ibnl_rcv_msg (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/iwpm: Fix a potential skb leak (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] iwcm: Fix a sparse warning (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: add RW API support for signature MRs (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: generic RDMA READ/WRITE API (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: add a need_inval flag to struct ib_mr (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: add a simple MR pool (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: refactor ib_create_qp (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: add a helper to check for READ WITH INVALIDATE support (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add passing an offset into the SG to ib_map_mr_sg (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: tcp: Synchronize accept() and connect() paths on t_conn_lock (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: tcp: Synchronize rds_tcp_accept_one with rds_send_xmit when resetting t_sock (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: tcp: Call pskb_extract() helper function (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: Fix the atomicity for congestion map update (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: fix endianness for dp_ack_seq (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: fix congestion map corruption for PAGE_SIZE > 4k (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: memory allocated must be align to 8 (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: tcp: Remove unused constant (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: tcp: Add sysctl tunables for sndbuf/rcvbuf on rds-tcp socket (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: Support Fastreg MR (FRMR) memory registration mode (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: allocate extra space on queues for FRMR support (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: add Fastreg MR (FRMR) detection support (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: add mr reused stats (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: handle the RDMA CM time wait event (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: add connection info to ibmr (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: move FMR code to its own file (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: create struct rds_ib_fmr (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: Re-organise ibmr code (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: ib: Remove the RDS_IB_SEND_OP dependency (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: Add support for SO_TIMESTAMP for incoming messages (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: Drop stale iWARP RDMA transport (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [net] rds: duplicate include net/tcp.h (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/cma: pass the port number to ib_create_qp (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib/core: Don't drain non-existent rq queue-pair (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] iwpm: crash fix for large connections test (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: remove port mapper related code (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] iwcm: common code for port mapper (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: add queue drain functions (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] ib: new common API for draining queues (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604] - [infiniband] rdma: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Honggang Li) [1309411 1342604]- [scsi] cxgbi: fix uninitialized flowi6 (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add support to enable logging of firmware mailbox commands for VF (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Set number of queues in pci probe only (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add a couple more checks for invalid provisioning configurations (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Configure queue based on resource and interrupt type (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Enable interrupts before we register our network devices (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Stop Rx Queues before freeing it up (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Deprecate module parameter dflt_msg_enable (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Add arp failure handlers to send_mpa_reply/reject() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Always wake up waiter in c4iw_peer_abort_intr() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Handle ret value of process_mpa_reply() in rx_data (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: atomic find and reference for listening endpoints (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Handle ULP accept/reject during ABORTING (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Release ep for for FPDU_MODE and MPA_REQ_RCVD in process_timeout (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Free skb in case of arp failure in _c4iw_free_ep() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: atomically lookup ep and get a reference (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Handle return value of c4iw_ofld_send() in abort_arp_failure() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: in process_timeout() don't move ep state to ABORTING (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: handle return value of c4iw_l2t_send() and send_mpa_req() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: stop_ep_timer() after MPA negotiation (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Do not stop timer in case of incomplete messages (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: parent_ep has to be dereferenced in case of passive accept failure (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: set the correct FID value in DSGL commands (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Correct RFC number of MPA (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Add few history bits for ep (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: remove abort_connection() usage from ep_timeout() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: move QP -> ERROR on fatal disconnect errors (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: don't use abort_connection in process_mpa_request() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: remove abort_connection() usage from accept/reject (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: free resources when send_flowc() fails (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: remove connection abort from process_mpa_reply (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: ensure eps don't get freed while the mutex is held (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: stop ep timer on close failure (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: release ep resources on accept arp failure (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/iw_cxgb4: Fix bar2 virt addr calculation for T4 chips (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add pci device id for chelsio t520-cr adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Remove dead functions collect_netdev_[um]c_list_addrs (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Use __dev_uc_sync/__dev_mc_sync to sync MAC address (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix ethtool get_settings for VF driver (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Remove redundant adapter ready check during probe (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Make sge init code more readable (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: For T6 adapter, set FBMIN to 64 bytes (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Use fl capacity to check if fl needs to be replenished (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] cxgb4: use pR format string for printing resources (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Max fastreg depth depends on DSGL support (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: remove false error log entry (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: make queue allocation code more readable (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Cleanup register defines/MACROS defined in t4fw_ri_api.h (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: Cleanup register defines/MACROS defined in t4.h (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use __dev_uc_sync/__dev_mc_sync to sync MAC address (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] cxgb4/iw_cxgb4: TOS support (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [netdrv] vfs: Fix up some ->d_inode accesses in the chelsio driver (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [scsi] libcxgbi: use kvfree() in cxgbi_free_big_mem() (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [scsi] cxgb4i: set the initial sequence number (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [scsi] cxgbi: update driver versions (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [scsi] cxgbi: update copyright to 2015 (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [scsi] cxgbi: use per-connection link-speed dependent send/recv windows (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: use wildcard mapping for getting remote addr info (Sai Vemuri) [1275829] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: Report the actual address of the remote connecting peer (Sai Vemuri) [1275829]- [net] vlan: use a valid default mtu value for vlan over macsec (Paolo Abeni) [1355938] - [net] tcp: enable per-socket rate limiting of all 'challenge acks' (Florian Westphal) [1355605] {CVE-2016-5696} - [net] tcp: uninline tcp_oow_rate_limited() (Florian Westphal) [1355605] {CVE-2016-5696} - [net] tcp: make challenge acks less predictable (Florian Westphal) [1355605] {CVE-2016-5696} - [net] sctp: recvmsg should be able to run even if sock is in closing state (Xin Long) [1251529] - [net] sctp: implement prsctp PRIO policy (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: implement prsctp RTX policy (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: implement prsctp TTL policy (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: add SCTP_PR_ASSOC_STATUS on sctp sockopt (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: add SCTP_DEFAULT_PRINFO into sctp sockopt (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: add SCTP_PR_SUPPORTED on sctp sockopt (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: fix checkpatch errors with indent (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: remove the duplicate initialize (Xin Long) [965453] - [net] sctp: fix panic when sending auth chunks (Marcelo Leitner) [1352767] - [net] sctp: do not clear chunk->ecn_ce_done flag (Marcelo Leitner) [1354384] - [net] sctp: allow GSO frags to access the chunk too (Marcelo Leitner) [1354384] - [net] sctp: allow others to use sctp_input_cb (Marcelo Leitner) [1354384] - [net] sctp: reorder sctp_ulpevent and shrink msg_flags (Marcelo Leitner) [1354384] - [net] include/net/ip_fib: add missing semi-colon (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] remove incorrect assignment to skb->sender_cpu (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] netlink: Fix bugs in nlmsg_end() conversions (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] netlink: make nlmsg_end() and genlmsg_end() void (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [kernel] bitops: Fix shift overflow in GENMASK macros (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rtnl: do_setlink(): notify when a netdev is modified (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rtnl: do_setlink(): last arg is now a set of flags (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rtnl: do_setlink(): set modified when IFLA_LINKMODE is updated (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rtnl: do_setlink(): set modified when IFLA_TXQLEN is updated (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bridge: fdb dumping takes a filter device (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] sysfs: expose number of carrier on/off changes (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ipv6: fix checkpatch errors with assignment in if condition (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] fix build break when DEBUG is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: Fix potential bad memory access during bonding events (Ivan Vecera) [1268334]- [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not fire MR_DCMD_PD_LIST_QUERY to controllers which do not support it (Tomas Henzl) [1353946] - [scsi] hpsa: correct skipping masked peripherals (Joseph Szczypek) [1328271] - [fs] file.c: __const_max is actually __const_min (Mateusz Guzik) [1346114] - [fs] get rid of files_defer_init() (Mateusz Guzik) [1346114] - [fs] initmpfs: use initramfs if rootfstype= or root= specified (Carlos Maiolino) [1126102] - [fs] initmpfs: make rootfs use tmpfs when CONFIG_TMPFS enabled (Carlos Maiolino) [1126102] - [fs] initmpfs: move rootfs code from fs/ramfs/ to init/ (Carlos Maiolino) [1126102] - [fs] initmpfs: move bdi setup from init_rootfs to init_ramfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1126102] - [fs] direct-io: fix direct write stale data exposure from concurrent buffered read (Eryu Guan) [1349252] - [fs] cifs: remove any preceding delimiter from prefix_path (Sachin Prabhu) [1252721] - [fs] cifs: Create dedicated keyring for spnego operations (Sachin Prabhu) [1356500] - [fs] dax: fix offset overflow in dax_io (Jeff Moyer) [1347093] - [fs] ext4: add remap_file_pages support for dax mounts (Jeff Moyer) [1348428] - [fs] dax: fix partial completions for readv/writev (Jeff Moyer) [1348379] - [mm] avoid walking hugetlb pages in stratus memory tracking (David Bulkow) [1351779] - [nvme] quirk: Add a delay before checking for adapter readiness (David Milburn) [1356434] - [nvme] Create discard zero quirk white list (David Milburn) [1356434] - [nvme] Avoid reset work on watchdog timer function during error recovery (David Milburn) [1353264] - [nvme] Fix reset/remove race (David Milburn) [1353264] - [nvme] replace the kthread with a per-device watchdog timer (David Milburn) [1353264] - [nvme] don't poll the CQ from the kthread (David Milburn) [1353264] - [nvme] use a work item to submit async event requests (David Milburn) [1353264] - [kernel] revert "sched: Compute runnable load avg in cpu_load and cpu_avg_load_per_task" (Jiri Olsa) [1339165] - [kernel] revert "sched: Consider runnable load average in move_tasks()" (Jiri Olsa) [1339165] - [kernel] revert "sched: Change cfs_rq load avg to unsigned long" (Jiri Olsa) [1339165] - [kernel] revert "sched: Move h_load calculation to task_h_load()" (Jiri Olsa) [1339165] - [kernel] revert "sched: Fix cfs_rq->task_h_load calculation" (Jiri Olsa) [1339165] - [kernel] sched/docbook: Fix 'make htmldocs' warnings caused by missing description (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched/core: Fix htmldocs warnings (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched: Fix sched_policy < 0 comparison (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched: Disallow sched_attr::sched_policy < 0 (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched: Make sched_setattr() correctly return -EFBIG (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched: Add 'flags' argument to sched_{set, get}attr() syscalls (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched: Fix information leak in sys_sched_getattr() (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [kernel] sched: Fix __sched_setscheduler() nice test (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1352969] - [base] platform: Move device_remove_property_set() before device_del() (Prarit Bhargava) [1357318] - [acpi] ACPICA: acpi_get_sleep_type_data: Reduce warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1287163] - [ata] libata: alloc device_rh for ata_port elements (Prarit Bhargava) [1356095] - [ata] Revert "libata: Allocate device_rh() before use" (Prarit Bhargava) [1356095]- [net] ipv6: Clear flush_id to make GRO work (Jakub Sitnicki) [1326401] - [net] tcp: increase size at which tcp_bound_to_half_wnd bounds to > TCP_MSS_DEFAULT (Davide Caratti) [1353271] - [net] loopback: sctp: add NETIF_F_SCTP_CSUM to device features (Xin Long) [1353078] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Call vxlan_get_rx_port() with rtnl lock (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: Accept user specified MTU value when create new vxlan link (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: prevent skbs lingering in tunnel socket queues (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: set mac_header correctly in GPE mode (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp_offload: Set encapsulation before inner completes (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp_tunnel: Remove redundant udp_tunnel_gro_complete() (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: Add checksum check to the features check function (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] Disable segmentation if checksumming is not supported (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: fix initialization with custom link parameters (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] geneve: break dependency with netdev drivers (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: break dependency with netdev drivers (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [netdrv] mlx4: protect mlx4_en_start_port in mlx4_en_restart with rtnl_lock (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [netdrv] fm10k: protect fm10k_open in fm10k_io_resume with rtnl_lock (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: reduce usage of synchronize_net in ndo_stop (Jiri Benc) [1277131 1297504] - [net] vxlan: synchronously and race-free destruction of vxlan sockets (Jiri Benc) [1277131 1297504] - [net] vxlan: fix incorrect type (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Resolve NULL pointer dereference over flow-based vxlan device (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Remove udp_offloads (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] geneve: change to use UDP socket GRO (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: change vxlan to use UDP socket GRO (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Add socket based GRO and config (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Add GRO functions to UDP socket (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Add udp6_lib_lookup_skb and udp4_lib_lookup_skb (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] Checks skb_dst to be NULL in inet_iif (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Set SKB_GSO_UDP_TUNNEL* in UDP GRO path (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Fix ipv6 multicast socket filter regression (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Use hash2 for long hash1 chains in __udp*_lib_mcast_deliver (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: Simplify __udp*_lib_mcast_deliver (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: fix dst races with multicast early demux (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] merge cases where sock_efree and sock_edemux are the same function (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] ipv4: fix broadcast packets reception (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: Verify multicast group is ours in upd_v4_early_demux() (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: do not waste time in __udp4_lib_mcast_demux_lookup (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: do not use sk_dst_lock from softirq context (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: must add synchronization in udp_sk_rx_dst_set() (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: fix potential use after free in udp_v4_early_demux() (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: fix an use after free in __udp4_lib_rcv() (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: fix a typo in __udp4_lib_mcast_demux_lookup (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] ipv4 only populate IP_PKTINFO when needed (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] udp: ipv4: Add udp early demux (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: implement GPE (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] ip_tunnel: implement __iptunnel_pull_header (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: move fdb code to common location in vxlan_xmit (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: move Ethernet initialization to a separate function (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] tunnels: Remove encapsulation offloads on decap (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] tunnels: Don't apply GRO to multiple layers of encapsulation (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: fix too large pskb_may_pull with remote checksum (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] csum: Update csum_block_add to use rotate instead of byteswap (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] gro: Defer clearing of flush bit in tunnel paths (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: use reset to set header pointers (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] ndo_fdb_dump should report -EMSGSIZE to rtnl_fdb_dump (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] vxlan: change VXLAN_F_UDP_CSUM to VXLAN_F_UDP_ZERO_CSUM_TX (Jiri Benc) [1297504] - [net] openvswitch: geneve: fix rtnl notifications on iface deletion (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: gre: fix rtnl notifications on iface deletion (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: vxlan: fix rtnl notifications on iface deletion (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: gre, geneve: fix error path when creating an iface (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: update checksum in {push, pop}_mpls (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: use flow protocol when recalculating ipv6 checksums (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] netfilter: connlabels: change nf_connlabels_get bit arg to 'highest used' (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: Convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: add netif_is_ovs_master helper with IFF_OPENVSWITCH private flag (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: allow output of MPLS packets on tunnel vports (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: allow nl 'flow set' to use ufid without flow key (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: allow management from inside user namespaces (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: fix trivial comment typo (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: Remove invalid comment (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] Drop unlikely before IS_ERR(_OR_NULL) (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: Zero flows on allocation (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: retain parsed IPv6 header fields in flow on error skipping extension headers (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: Make 100 percents packets sampled when sampling rate is 1 (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: allocate nr_node_ids flow_stats instead of num_possible_nodes (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] openvswitch: Use eth_proto_is_802_3 (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] ethernet: Fix sparse error, make test usable by other functions (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] ethernet: Avoid unnecessary byte swap in check for Ethertype (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] ethernet: use likely() for common Ethernet encap (Eric Garver) [1297476] - [net] macsec: set actual real device for xmit when !protect_frames (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: fix SA initialization (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: allocate sg and iv on the heap (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: add rcu_barrier() on module exit (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: Convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: fix netlink attribute for key id (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: key identifier is 128 bits, not 64 (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: fix netlink attribute validation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: add missing macsec prefix in uapi (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: fix SA leak if initialization fails (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: fix memory leaks around rx_handler (un)registration (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: add consistency check to netlink dumps (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: fix rx_sa refcounting with decrypt callback (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: don't put a NULL rxsa (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: take rtnl lock before for_each_netdev (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: add missing NULL check after kmalloc (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] macsec: introduce IEEE 802.1AE driver (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] add MACsec netdevice priv_flags and helper (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151] - [net] uapi: add MACsec bits (Sabrina Dubroca) [1104151]- [scsi] libfc: sanity check cpu number extracted from xid (Chris Leech) [1190204] - [scsi] aacraid: do not activate events on non-SRC adapters (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Update driver version (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix for KDUMP driver hang (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Remove code to needlessly complete fib (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Log firmware AIF messages (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix for aac_command_thread hang (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Disable MSI mode for series 6, 7, 8 cards (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Relinquish CPU during timeout wait (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Start adapter after updating number of MSIX vectors (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix incorrectly named MACRO (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Removed unnecessary checks for NULL (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: add missing curly braces (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Update driver version (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix character device re-initialization (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix AIF triggered IOP_RESET (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Created new mutex for ioctl path (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fundamental reset support for Series 7 (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Set correct msix count for EEH recovery (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix memory leak in aac_fib_map_free (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Added EEH support (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix RRQ overload (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: SCSI blk tag support (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: aac_release_resources() can be static (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Update driver version (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Use pci_enable_msix_range() (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: IOCTL fix (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Reset irq affinity hints (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Tune response path if IsFastPath bit set (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Enable 64bit write to controller register (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Change interrupt mode to MSI for Series 6 (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Add Power Management support (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: Fix for LD name and UID not exposed to OS (Scott Benesh) [1274365] - [scsi] aacraid: aac_src_intr_message() can be static (Scott Benesh) [1274365]- [x86] kvm: Add output operand in vmx_handle_external_intr inline asm (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Create stack frame in asminline_call() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [watchdog] lto, watchdog/hpwdt.c: make assembler label global (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Create stack frames in rwsem functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/power: Create stack frames in hibernate_asm_64.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/xen: Set ELF function type for xen_adjust_exception_frame() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/xen: Create stack frames in xen-asm.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kvm: Make test_cc() always inline (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kvm: Set ELF function type for fastop functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kvm: Add stack frame dependency to fastop() inline asm (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] xen: Add stack frame dependency to hypercall inline asm calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] uaccess: Add stack frame output operand in get_user() inline asm (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] paravirt: Create a stack frame in PV_CALLEE_SAVE_REGS_THUNK (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asmlinkage, paravirt: Make paravirt thunks global (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/acpi: Create a stack frame in do_suspend_lowlevel() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] paravirt: Add stack frame dependency to PVOP inline asm calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] crypto: sha1-mb - make sha1_x8_avx2() conform to C function ABI (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Move jump_table to .rodata section (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Create stack frames in crypto functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Don't use RBP as a scratch register (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Simplify stack usage in sha-mb functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Move .Lbswap_mask data to .rodata section (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/bpf: Create stack frames in bpf_jit.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/bpf: Annotate callable functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] entry/64: Fix stack return address retrieval in thunk (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/entry: Create stack frames in thunk functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/64: Open-code register save/restore in trace_hardirqs*() thunks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asmlinkage: Make kprobes code visible and fix assembler code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Add several arch/x86/lib files to objtool whitelist (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/efi: Add efi stub code to objtool whitelist (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [kernel] sched: Mark __schedule() stack frame as non-standard (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] xen: Mark xen_cpuid() stack frame as non-standard (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kprobes: Mark kretprobe_trampoline() stack frame as non-standard (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Allow building with older libelf (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Detect falling through to the next function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add workaround for GCC switch jump table bug (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Only print one warning per function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add several performance improvements (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Fix false positive warnings for functions with multiple switch statements (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Rename some variables and functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Remove superflous INIT_LIST_HEAD (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add helper macros for traversing instructions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Fix false positive warnings related to sibling calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Compile with debugging symbols (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Detect infinite recursion (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Prevent infinite recursion in noreturn detection (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [scripts] objtool: Detect and warn if libelf is missing and don't break the build (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Support CROSS_COMPILE (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] x86/asm/decoder: Use explicitly signed chars (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] objtool: Enable stack metadata validation on 64-bit x86 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [scripts] objtool: Add CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION option (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add tool to perform compile-time stack metadata validation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [scripts] objtool: Mark non-standard object files and directories (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [include] objtool: Add STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD() macro (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Add C versions of frame pointer macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Clean up frame pointer macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] jump-label: Use best default nops for inital jump label calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/decoder: Create artificial 3rd byte for 2-byte VEX (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] lib: kill arch_fast_hash library bits (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [fs] replace remaining users of arch_fast_hash with jhash (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Extend definitions of _ASM_* with a raw format (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asmlinkage, xen, kvm: Make {xen, kvm}_lock_spinning global and visible (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250]- [block] blk: Fix bio_io_vec index when checking bvec gaps (David Milburn) [1283326] - [block] Replace SG_GAPS with new queue limits mask (David Milburn) [1283326] - [block] don't honor chunk sizes for data-less IO (David Milburn) [1283326] - [block] only honor SG gap prevention for merges that contain data (David Milburn) [1283326] - [block] fix blk_rq_get_max_sectors for driver private requests (David Milburn) [1349920] - [block] Initialize max_dev_sectors to 0 (David Milburn) [1349920] - [usb] printk: add and use LOGLEVEL_ defines for KERN_ equivalents (Torez Smith) [1356205] - [usb] revert "printk: add and use LOGLEVEL_ defines for KERN_ equivalents" (Torez Smith) [1356205] - [x86] build: Pass in additional -mno-mmx, -mno-sse options (Lenny Szubowicz) [1352386] - [fs] Add MF-Symlinks support for SMB 2.0 (Sachin Prabhu) [1334548] - [fs] cifs: Check for existing directory when opening file with O_CREAT (Sachin Prabhu) [1346118] - [fs] cachefiles: Provide read-and-reset release counters for cachefilesd (David Howells) [1356085] - [fs] fs-cache: Add missing initialization of ret in cachefiles_write_page() (David Howells) [1306442] - [fs] fs-cache: Handle a write to the page immediately beyond the EOF marker (David Howells) [1305112 1306442] - [fs] cachefiles: perform test on s_blocksize when opening cache file (David Howells) [1306442] - [fs] fs-cache: Don't override netfs's primary_index if registering failed (David Howells) [1306442] - [fs] fs-cache: Increase reference of parent after registering, netfs success (David Howells) [1306442] - [fs] gfs2: writeout truncated pages (Benjamin Marzinski) [1221210] - [fs] export __block_write_full_page (Benjamin Marzinski) [1221210] - [fs] gfs2: Lock holder cleanup (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Large-filesystem fix for 32-bit systems (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Get rid of gfs2_ilookup (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Fix gfs2_lookup_by_inum lock inversion (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Initialize iopen glock holder for new inodes (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Eliminate parameter non_block on gfs2_inode_lookup (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Don't filter out I_FREEING inodes anymore (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Check if iopen is held when deleting inode (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Don't do glock put on when inode creation fails (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Prevent delete work from occurring on glocks used for create (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Always use iopen glock for gl_deletes (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Release iopen glock in gfs2_create_inode error cases (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Wait for iopen glock dequeues (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] gfs2: Update master statfs buffer with sd_statfs_spin locked (Robert S Peterson) [1336011] - [fs] locks: use file_inode() (Miklos Szeredi) [1348902] - [fs] locks: Use more file_inode and fix a comment (Miklos Szeredi) [1348902] - [fs] nfs4: Fix potential use after free of state in nfs4_do_reclaim (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs41: map NFS4ERR_LAYOUTUNAVAILABLE to ENODATA (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: only remove page from mapping if launder_page fails (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: handle request add failure properly (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: Don't use d_inode as a variable name (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: centralize pgio error cleanup (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: clean up rest of reqs when failing to add one (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs41: pop some layoutget errors to application (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: Fix an LOCK/OPEN race when unlinking an open file (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] sunrpc/cache: drop reference when sunrpc_cache_pipe_upcall() detects a race (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix an XDR encoding bug in layoutreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix an Oopsable typo in ff_mirror_match_fh() (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: Fix attribute cache revalidation (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fixup an lo->plh_block_lgets imbalance in layoutreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271] - [fs] nfs: Fix race in __update_open_stateid() (Benjamin Coddington) [1339271]- [kernel] memremap: fix highmem support (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] dax: fix DAX deadlocks (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: fix NULL pointer in __dax_pmd_fault() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] dax: VMA with vm_ops->pfn_mkwrite wants to be write-notified (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] pmem: add proper fencing to pmem_rw_page() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: pfn_devs: Fix locking in namespace_store (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: btt_devs: Fix locking in namespace_store (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [scripts] checkpatch: add __pmem to $Sparse annotations (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: update PMD fault handler with PMEM API (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] take i_mmap_lock in unmap_mapping_range() for DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: use linear_page_index() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: ensure that zero pages are removed from other processes (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] dax: don't use set_huge_zero_page() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] thp: fix zap_huge_pmd() for DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] thp: decrement refcount on huge zero page if it is split (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] dax: fix race between simultaneous faults (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] ext4: start transaction before calling into DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] ext4: add ext4_get_block_dax() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: improve comment about truncate race (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] thp: change insert_pfn's return type to void (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] ext4: use ext4_get_block_write() for DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax.c: fix typo in #endif comment (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] xfs: huge page fault support (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] ext4: huge page fault support (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] ext2: huge page fault support (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: add huge page fault support (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] add vmf_insert_pfn_pmd() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] export various functions for the benefit of DAX (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] add a pmd_fault handler (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] thp: prepare for DAX huge pages (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] dax: revert userfaultfd change (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] thp: do not mark zero-page pmd write-protected explicitly (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: move DAX-related functions to a new header (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] thp: vma_adjust_trans_huge(): adjust file-backed VMA too (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] make GUP handle pfn mapping unless FOLL_GET is requested (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] move get_user_pages()-related code to separate file (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [x86] mm/srat: Print non-volatile flag in SRAT (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [include] libnvdimm, pmem: direct map legacy pmem by default (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] libnvdimm, pmem: 'struct page' for pmem (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] libnvdimm, pfn: 'struct page' provider infrastructure (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [include] x86, pmem: clarify that ARCH_HAS_PMEM_API implies PMEM mapped WB (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [kernel] add devm_memremap_pages (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [mm] ZONE_DEVICE for "device memory" (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [powerpc] memory-hotplug: ppc: suitable memory should go to ZONE_MOVABLE (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] nd_blk: change aperture mapping from WC to WB (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] change to use generic kvfree() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [x86] mm/pat: Add comments to cachemode translation tables (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [kernel] pmem, dax: have direct_access use __pmem annotation (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [fs] dax: update I/O path to do proper PMEM flushing (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [x86] pmem: add copy_from_iter_pmem() and clear_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [x86] pmem: clean up conditional pmem includes (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [x86] pmem: remove layer when calling arch_has_wmb_pmem() (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [x86] pmem: move x86 PMEM API to new pmem.h header (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] libnvdimm, e820: make CONFIG_X86_PMEM_LEGACY a tristate option (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] pmem: switch to devm_ allocations (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [kernel] devres: add devm_memremap (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: write and validate parent_uuid (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: consolidate arena validation (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: clean up internal interfaces (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] pmem: convert to generic memremap (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix leaked ioremap mapping (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] fix inline function return type warning (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [acpi] nfit: Don't check _STA on NVDIMM devices (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: Change pmem physical sector size to PAGE_SIZE (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [tools] libnvdimm: Add DSM support for Address Range Scrub commands (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [include] libnvdimm: Update name of the ars_status_record mask field (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: sparse fix (Jeff Moyer) [1345801 1348502 1348836 1350149 1350156]- [net] ipv6: Fix mem leak in rt6i_pcpu (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1353128] - [net] skb: preserve value for head_frag and xmit more (Paolo Abeni) [1334175] - [net] sctp: sctp_diag should fill RMEM_ALLOC with asoc->rmem_alloc when rcvbuf_policy is set (Xin Long) [1350871] - [net] team: Fix possible deadlock during team enslave (Xin Long) [1350865] - [net] Handle csum for CHECKSUM_COMPLETE VXLAN forwarding (Jakub Sitnicki) [1321674] - [net] bridge: disable softirqs around br_fdb_update to avoid lockup (Davide Caratti) [1330674] - [net] tcp: fix tcp_mark_head_lost to check skb len before fragmenting (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1215352] - [net] sctp: change sk state to CLOSED instead of CLOSING in sctp_sock_migrate (Xin Long) [1251529] - [net] sctp: sctp should change socket state when shutdown is received (Xin Long) [1251529] - [net] Add trace events for all receive entry points, exposing more skb fields (Davide Caratti) [1330669] - [net] netfilter: cttimeout: add netns support (Eric Garver) [1257397] - [net] netfilter: cttimeout: add rcu_barrier() on module removal (Eric Garver) [1257397] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: fix crash on timeout object removal (Eric Garver) [1257397] - [net] netfilter: cttimeout: allow to set/get default protocol timeouts (Eric Garver) [1257397] - [x86] kvm: set vector hashing default to false (Radim Krcmar) [1354561] - [ata] libata: Allocate device_rh() before use (Prarit Bhargava) [1354380] - [i2c] i2c-core: Allocate device_rh() before use (Prarit Bhargava) [1354389] - [usb] xhci: Add broken streams quirk for Frescologic device id 1009 (Torez Smith) [1342092] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix rank lookup on Broadwell (Aristeu Rozanski) [1275160] - [input] wacom: Fix a Cintiq 27QHD touch issue (Aristeu Rozanski) [1342989] - [input] hid: wacom: Add missing ABS_MISC event and feature declaration for 27QHD (Aristeu Rozanski) [1342989] - [input] hid: wacom: add support for Cintiq 27QHD and 27QHD touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1342989] - [input] hid: wacom: add defines for new Cintiq and DTU outbound tracking (Aristeu Rozanski) [1342989] - [input] wacom - process outbound for newer Cintiqs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1342989] - [iommu] amd: Fix unity mapping initialization race (Myron Stowe) [1340546] - [kernel] replace some read_lock(&tasklist_lock)'s with tasklist_read_lock() (Oleg Nesterov) [1243748] - [kernel] replace write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock) with tasklist_write_lock_irq() (Oleg Nesterov) [1243748] - [kernel] introduce tasklist_read_lock() and tasklist_write_lock_irq() (Oleg Nesterov) [1243748] - [netdrv] e1000e: prevent division by zero if TIMINCA is zero (Denys Vlasenko) [1340499] - [netdrv] e1000e: e1000e_cyclecounter_read(): incvalue is 32 bits, not 64 (Denys Vlasenko) [1340499] - [powerpc] jit: Disable classic BPF JIT on ppc64le (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1342922] - [powerpc] pseries: start rtasd before PCI probing (David Gibson) [1261718]- [fs] nfsd: allow SCSI layout support without Block layout (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd: better layoutupdate bounds-checking (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd: block and scsi layout drivers need to depend on CONFIG_BLOCK (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd: add SCSI layout support (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd: add a new config option for the block layout driver (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd: move some blocklayout code (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd/blocklayout: accept any minlength (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfsd: Printk blocklayout length and offset as format 0xllx (Benjamin Coddington) [1305094] - [fs] nfs: Mark block and SCSI layouts as tech preview on client (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] nfs/blocklayout: make sure making a aligned read request (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: fix a memeory leak when using, vmalloc_to_page (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] rpc_pipefs.c: get rid of f_dentry (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] nfs/blocklayout: add SCSI layout support (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] lib/vsprintf.c: fix potential NULL deref in hex_string (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] nfs4.h: add SCSI layout definitions (Benjamin Coddington) [1305092] - [fs] ovl: fix dentry leak for default_permissions (Miklos Szeredi) [1350818] - [fs] gfs2: Check rs_free with rd_rsspin protection (Robert S Peterson) [1349596] - [fs] xfs: cancel eofblocks background trimming on remount read-only (Brian Foster) [1339414] - [fs] ext4: verify block bitmap even after fresh initialization (Lukas Czerner) [1079962] - [fs] ext4: fix reservation release on invalidatepage for delalloc fs (Lukas Czerner) [1039029] - [fs] ext4: update c/mtime on truncate up (Lukas Czerner) [1227225] - [fs] ext4: only call ext4_truncate when size <= isize (Lukas Czerner) [1227225]- [bluetooth] Replace constant hw_variant from Intel Bluetooth firmware filename (Don Zickus) [1353256] - [bluetooth] Add support for Intel Bluetooth device 3168 [8087:0aa7] (Don Zickus) [1353256] - [bluetooth] Add support for Intel Bluetooth device 8265 [8087:0a2b] (Don Zickus) [1353256] - [net] bluetooth: 6lowpan: Fix memory corruption of ipv6 destination address (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] vhci: Fix race at creating hci device (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] vhci: purge unhandled skbs (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] vhci: fix open_timeout vs. hdev race (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Fix potential buffer overflow with Add Advertising (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Fix setting correct flags in AD (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Increment management interface revision (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Add support for limited privacy mode (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Fix adding discoverable to adv instance flags (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Move memset closer to where it's needed (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] btmrvl_sdio: fix firmware activation failure (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add a new AR3012 ID 13d3:3472 (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Add BCM2E55 ACPI ID used in Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 8 (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] hci_uart: Add diag and address support for Intel/AG6xx (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add a new AR3012 ID 04ca:3014 (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] hci_uart: Add Intel/AG6xx support (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: hci_core: cancel power off delayed work properly (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] Add new AR3012 ID 0489:e095 (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] btbcm: Fix handling of firmware not found (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Add BCM2E7C ACPI ID (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] hci_bcm: Add new ACPI ID for bcm43241 (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] btusb: Add new AR3012 ID 13d3:3395 (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] hci_intel: Fix a wrong comparison (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: Use managed version of led_trigger_register in LED trigger (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [bluetooth] ath3k: Fixed a blank line after declaration issue (Don Zickus) [1353035] - [net] bluetooth: add LED trigger for indicating HCI is powered up (Don Zickus) [1353035]- [kernel] printk: git rid of sched_delayed message for printk_deferred (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: enable interrupts before calling console_trylock_for_printk() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] timer: Fix lock inversion between hrtimer_bases.lock and scheduler locks (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] revert "printk: enable interrupts before calling console_trylock_for_printk()" (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] timekeeping: use printk_deferred when holding timekeeping seqlock (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: rename printk_sched to printk_deferred (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: Add printk_deferred_once (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: disable preemption for printk_sched (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: remove separate printk_sched buffers and use printk buf instead (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: enable interrupts before calling console_trylock_for_printk() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [kernel] printk: release lockbuf_lock before calling console_trylock_for_printk() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1340919] - [x86] cpufeature: Enable new AVX-512 features (Rui Wang) [1349737] - [x86] fpu: Disable dependent CPU features on "noxsave" (Rui Wang) [1349737] - [x86] Mark Kabylake-U/Y client processors as supported (David Arcari) [1305700] - [x86] Mark Intel Knights Landing-F processor as supported (Steve Best) [1333551] - [scsi] ipr: Clear interrupt on croc/crocodile when running with LSI (Steve Best) [1352978] - [netdrv] bonding: fix enslavement slave link notifications (Jarod Wilson) [1353686] - [cpufreq] powernv: Remove flag use-case of policy->driver_data (Gustavo Duarte) [1346246] - [cpufreq] powernv: Introduce ->ready() callback for cpufreq drivers (Gustavo Duarte) [1346246] - [cpufreq] powernv: Add sysfs attributes to show throttle stats (Gustavo Duarte) [1346246] - [cpufreq] Fix formatting issues in 'struct cpufreq_driver' (Gustavo Duarte) [1346246] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb3: device driver frees DMA memory with different size (Honggang Li) [1296807]- [fwnode] introduce get_rh_dev_fwnode() and set_rh_dev_fwnode() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: Add ACPI support (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: intel-lpss: Pass HSUART configuration via properties (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Convert to use unified device property API (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: add ACPI support for I2C mux ports (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: reverts "i2c: designware: Add support for AMD I2C controller" (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Do not use parameters from ACPI on Dell Inspiron 7348 (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Move common probe code into i2c_dw_probe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Make sure the device is suspended before disabling runtime PM (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi: Introduce has_acpi_companion() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Suppress error message if platform_get_irq() < 0 (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: remove FSF address (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Add support for AMD I2C controller (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Rework probe() to get clock a bit later (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Default to fast mode in case of ACPI (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: add support of platform data to set I2C mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: add support of I2C standard mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: Disable device on system suspend (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: make SCL and SDA falling time configurable (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: add new ACPI IDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: i2c-designware-platdrv: replace platform_driver_probe to support deferred probing (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: get SDA hold time, HCNT and LCNT configuration from ACPI (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c: designware: add CONFIG_PM_SLEEP to suspend/resume functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c-designware: use div_u64 to fix link (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] i2c-designware: make SDA hold time configurable (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] drivers/i2c/busses: don't check resource with devm_ioremap_resource (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: intel-lpss: Pass SDA hold time to I2C host controller driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: intel-lpss: Add support for passing device properties (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: Do not overwrite secondary fwnode with NULL if it is set (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: core: propagate device properties to sub devices drivers (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: platform: Add support for built-in device properties (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: fix data node parsing in acpi_get_next_subnode() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: fix for a case of use-after-free (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: fwnode->secondary may contain ERR_PTR(-ENODEV) (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: avoid allocations of 0 length (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: the secondary fwnode needs to depend on the primary (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: add spaces to PROPERTY_ENTRY_STRING macro (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] include/linux/property.h: fix build issues with gcc-4.4.4 (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Take a copy of the property set (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Fallback to secondary fwnode if primary misses the property (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: return -EINVAL when property isn't found in ACPI (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: improve readability of macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: helper macros for property entry creation (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: keep single value inplace (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: refactor built-in properties support (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: rename helper functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: always check for fwnode type (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] rhel: remove temporary device_dma_is_coherent() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Adding DMA Attribute APIs for Generic Devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Introducing enum dev_dma_attr (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Fix subnode lookup scope for data-only subnodes (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Add fwnode_property_match_string() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Extend device_get_next_child_node() to data-only nodes (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Extend fwnode_property_* to data-only subnodes (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Expose data-only subnodes via sysfs (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / scan: Move sysfs-related device code to a separate file (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Add support for data-only subnodes (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Add routine for extraction of _DSD properties (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Don't overwrite addr when failing in device_get_mac_address (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Return -ENXIO if there is no suitable FW interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: attach 'else if' to the proper 'if' (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: fallback to pset when gettng one string (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Add ETH_ALEN check, update comments (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] Add a matching set of device_ functions for determining mac/phy (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] phy: re-design phy_modes to be self-contained (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: fix potential NULL pointer dereference (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / of: Rename of_node() and acpi_node() to to_of_node() and to_acpi_node() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] rhel: add device_dma_is_coherent() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Define a symbol for PRP0001 (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / scan: Rework modalias creation when "compatible" is present (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / scan: Simplify acpi_match_device() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Refine consistency check for PRP0001 (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi: Allow drivers to match using Device Tree compatible property (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi: fix create_modalias() return value handling (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Introduce firmware node type for platform data (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device property: Make it possible to use secondary firmware nodes (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: Implement device property accessors through fwnode ones (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: property: Update fwnode_property_read_string_array() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: Fix missing whitespace in function argument (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: Add comments about returning array counts (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core / acpi: Represent ACPI companions using fwnode_handle (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / property: Drop size_prop from acpi_dev_get_property_reference() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] device, add device_rh_alloc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: Add support for Intel Sunrisepoint LPSS devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: add a driver for Intel integrated DMA 64-bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: make mfd_remove_devices() iterate in reverse order (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: wakeup the parent device before trying probe (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi / pm: Attach ACPI power domain only once (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] driver core: implement device_for_each_child_reverse() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] klist: implement klist_prev() (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] pm / qos: Make it possible to expose device latency tolerance to userspace (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] clkdev: add clkdev_create() helper (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: Create a generic dma_slave_caps callback (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: Introduce a device_config callback (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: Add device_terminate_all callback (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: split out pause/resume operations from device_control (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: Make the destination abbreviation coherent (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] acpi: Use ACPI companion to match only the first physical device (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dma: Indicate residue granularity in dma_slave_caps (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] mfd: Stop setting refcounting pointers in original mfd_cell arrays (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dma-api: provide a helper to setup DMA masks (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: use DMA_COMPLETE for dma completion status (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: dma_slave_caps: remove sg entries (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: add dma_slave_get_caps api (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018] - [x86] dmaengine: Remove the need to declare device_control (Prarit Bhargava) [1331018]- [virt] kvm: x86: Check dest_map->vector to match eoi signals for rtc (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Track irq vectors in ioapic->rtc_status.dest_map (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Convert ioapic->rtc_status.dest_map to a struct (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: add missing memory barrier in kvm_{make, check}_request (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: remove eager_fpu field of struct kvm_vcpu_arch (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: disable MPX if host did not enable MPX XSAVE features (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: consolidate different ways to test for in-kernel LAPIC (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: consolidate "has lapic" checks into irq.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: apic: remove unnecessary double checks on APIC existence (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: mmu: Use clear_page() instead of init_shadow_page_table() (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: don't notify userspace IOAPIC on edge EOI (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: request interrupt window when IRQ chip is split (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: set KVM_REQ_EVENT on local interrupt request from user space (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: split kvm_vcpu_ready_for_interrupt_injection out of dm_request_for_irq_injection (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: fix interrupt window handling in split IRQ chip case (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Add support for local interrupt requests from userspace (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Add EOI exit bitmap inference (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Add KVM exit for IOAPIC EOIs (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Split the APIC from the rest of IRQCHIP (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: unify handling of interrupt window (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: introduce lapic_in_kernel (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: replace vm_has_apicv hook with cpu_uses_apicv (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: store IOAPIC-handled vectors in each VCPU (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: set TMR when the interrupt is accepted (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: introduce vcpu_debug = kvm_debug + vcpu context (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm/x86: move Hyper-V MSR's/hypercall code into hyperv.c file (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: move kvm_set_irq_inatomic to legacy device assignment (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: device assignment: remove pointless #ifdefs (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Re-enable XICS fast path for irqfd-generated interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: merge kvm_arch_set_irq with kvm_set_msi_inatomic (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm/irqchip: allow only multiple irqchip routes per GSI (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm/eventfd: add arch-specific set_irq (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm/eventfd: factor out kvm_notify_acked_gsi() (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm/eventfd: avoid loop inside irqfd_update() (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: robustify steal time record (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: optimize steal time calculation (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: set page dirty only if page has been writable (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: mmu: fix reserved bit check for ept=0/CR0.WP=0/CR4.SMEP=1/EFER.NX=0 (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: mmu: fix ept=0/pte.u=1/pte.w=0/CR0.WP=0/CR4.SMEP=1/EFER.NX=0 combo (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: mmu: micro-optimize gpte_access (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: mmu: simplify last_pte_bitmap (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: vmx: use vmcs_clear/set_bits for debug register exits (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: i8254: change PIT discard tick policy (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: mmu: fix ubsan index-out-of-range warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: fix *NULL on invalid low-prio irq (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: vmx: Fix guest debugging while in L2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: vmx: Factor out is_exception_n helper (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] iommu, x86: Properly handle posted interrupts for IOMMU hotplug (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: rename process_smi to enter_smm, process_smi_request to process_smi (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: avoid simultaneous queueing of both IRQ and SMI (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: fix ordering of cr0 initialization code in vmx_cpu_reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: fix OOPS after invalid KVM_SET_DEBUGREGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: avoid vmalloc(0) in the KVM_SET_CPUID (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: irqfd: fix NULL pointer dereference in kvm_irq_map_gsi (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: fail KVM_SET_VCPU_EVENTS with invalid exception number (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: avoid vmalloc(0) in the KVM_SET_CPUID (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: avoid warning on repeated KVM_SET_TSS_ADDR (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: Handle MSR_IA32_PERF_CTL (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: avoid write-tearing of TDP (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: emulate: correct page fault error code for NoWrite instructions (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Emulation of call may use incorrect stack size (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: 32-bit wraparound read/write not emulated correctly (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Fix defines in emulator.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: ARPL emulation can cause spurious exceptions (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Wrong operand size for far ret (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: #PF error-code on R/W operations is wrong (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Access to LDT/GDT that wraparound is incorrect (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Do not set access bit on accessed segments (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: POP [ESP] is not emulated correctly (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: em_call_far should return failure result (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: JMP/CALL using call- or task-gate causes exception (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: fnstcw and fnstsw may cause spurious exception (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: pop sreg accesses only 2 bytes (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: Inject pending interrupt even if pending nmi exist (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: reduce default value of halt_poll_ns parameter (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: do not leak guest xcr0 into host interrupt handlers (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370] - [virt] kvm: x86: mask CPUID(0xD, 0x1).EAX against host value (Paolo Bonzini) [1347370]- [scsi] sd: Fix rw_max for devices that report an optimal xfer size (Maurizio Lombardi) [1298281] - [net] vmw_vsock/af_vsock: drop unneeded semicolon (Neil Horman) [1349017] - [net] vsock: Detach QP check should filter out non matching QPs (Neil Horman) [1349017] - [x86] perf: Add Goldmont support (Jiri Olsa) [1273758] - [x86] perf: Add model number for Skylake Server to perf (Jiri Olsa) [1273753] - [x86] Mark Intel Denverton processor as supported (Steve Best) [1312184] - [vhost] vhost-net: extend device allocation to vmalloc (Jason Wang) [1290392] - [sound] alsa: hda / realtek - add two more Thinkpad IDs (5050,5053) for tpt460 fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1349539] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add PCI ID for Kabylake-H (Jaroslav Kysela) [1304284] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add PCI ID for Kabylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1304284] - [sound] alsa: regmap: hdac_regmap - fix the register access for runtime PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1285520] - [sound] alsa: regmap: regcache: allow read-only regs to be cached (Jaroslav Kysela) [1285520] - [sound] alsa: regmap: rbtree: When adding a reg do a bsearch for target node (Jaroslav Kysela) [1285520] - [sound] alsa: regmap: regcache-rbtree: Clean new present bits on present bitmap resize (Jaroslav Kysela) [1285520] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix the return value of a failure in VLAN VID add/kill (kamal heib) [1243338] - [netdrv] mlx5: E-Switch, Modify node guid on vf set MAC (kamal heib) [1350475] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add support for inner IPv6 checksum offloads and TSO (kamal heib) [1192585] - [netdrv] bonding: prevent out of bound accesses (Jarod Wilson) [1352086] - [kernel] ptrace: task_clear_jobctl_trapping()->wake_up_bit() needs mb() (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1350624] - [powerpc] powernv: Handle irq_happened flag correctly in off-line loop (David Gibson) [1344224] - [powerpc] perf: Export Power8 generic and cache events to sysfs (Gustavo Duarte) [1305079] - [powerpc] perf: Remove PME_ prefix for power7 events (Gustavo Duarte) [1305079] - [powerpc] powerpc/pseries/eeh: Refactor the configure_bridge RTAS tokens (Gustavo Duarte) [1343071] - [powerpc] powerpc/pseries/eeh: Handle RTAS delay requests in configure_bridge (Gustavo Duarte) [1343071]- [net] dcb: fix accessing to extended ops (Ivan Vecera) [1341005] - [net] netlabel: handle sparse category maps in netlbl_catmap_getlong() (Paul Moore) [1321176] - [security] selinux: import NetLabel category bitmaps correctly (Paul Moore) [1321176] - [net] netlabel: fix a problem with netlbl_secattr_catmap_setrng() (Paul Moore) [1321176] - [net] sctp: do not leak chunks that are sent to unconfirmed paths (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: consolidate local_bh_disable/enable + spin_lock/unlock to _bh variant (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix copying more bytes than expected in sctp_add_bind_addr (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Fix port hash table size computation (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: move rcu_read_lock from __sctp_lookup_association to sctp_lookup_association (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove rcu_read_lock in sctp_seq_dump_remote_addrs() (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove the unused sctp_datamsg_free() (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: allow setting SCTP_SACK_IMMEDIATELY by the application (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix use-after-free in pr_debug statement (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: prevent writes to cookie_hmac_alg from accessing invalid memory (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: use GFP_USER for user-controlled kmalloc (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: dynamically enable or disable pf state (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: clone options to avoid use after free (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: only drop the reference on the datamsg after sending a msg (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: hold the chunks only after the chunk is enqueued in outq (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: implement sctp_v6_destroy_sock() (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: avoid incorrect time_t use (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Don't use 64 kilobyte lookup table for four elements (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Do not try to search for the transport twice (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Fix mangled IPv4 addresses on a IPv6 listening socket (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix passing wrong parameter header to param_type2af in sctp_process_param (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: not send SCTP_PEER_ADDR_CHANGE notifications with failed probe (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix possible seqlock seadlock in sctp_packet_transmit() (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] fix the counter ICMP_MIB_INERRORS/ICMP6_MIB_INERRORS (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Fixup v4mapped behaviour to comply with Sock API (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix incorrect type in gfp initializer (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: add a checking for sctp_sysctl_net_register (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Don't transition to PF state when transport has exhausted 'Path.Max.Retrans'. (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix skb leakage in COOKIE ECHO path of chunk->auth_chunk (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_bh_[un]lock_sock (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_{lock|release}_sock (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_read_[un]lock (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_write_[un]_lock (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_spin_[un]lock (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_local_bh_{disable|enable} (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove macros sctp_spin_[un]lock_irqrestore (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Remove outqueue empty state (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix checkpatch errors with open brace '{' and trailing statements (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix checkpatch errors with space required or prohibited (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix checkpatch errors with (foo*)|foo * bar|foo* bar (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove redundant null check on asoc (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: check the rto_min and rto_max in setsockopt (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: properly latch and use autoclose value from sock to association (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: disable max_burst when the max_burst is 0 (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: find the correct highest_new_tsn in sack (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: fix ASCONF to allow non SCTP_ADDR_SRC addresses in ipv6 (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: Remove extern from function prototypes (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: sctp_transport_destroy{, _rcu}: fix potential pointer corruption (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: sctp_assoc_control_transport: fix MTU size in SCTP_PF state (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: get rid of SCTP_DBG_TSNS entirely (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: rework debugging framework to use pr_debug and friends (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove TEST_FRAME ifdef (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: decouple cleaning some socket data from endpoint (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: remove SCTP_STATIC macro (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: get rid of t_new macro for kzalloc (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: sctp_sf_do_prm_asoc: do SCTP_CMD_INIT_CHOOSE_TRANSPORT first (Marcelo Leitner) [1337639] - [net] sctp: signal sk_data_ready earlier on data chunks reception (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: simplify sk_receive_queue locking (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: delay calls to sk_data_ready() as much as possible (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: compress bit-wide flags to a bitfield on sctp_sock (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: avoid refreshing heartbeat timer too often (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: do not update a_rwnd if we are not issuing a sack (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: improve timer slack calculation for transport HBs (Marcelo Leitner) [1058148] - [net] sctp: Fix warning in sctp_packet_transmit_chunk() (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: improve debug message to also log curr pkt and new chunk size (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: Add GSO support (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: delay as much as possible skb_linearize (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] skbuff: introduce skb_gso_validate_mtu (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] ipv4: test for IPSKB_FORWARDED in ip_finish_output_gso (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] skbuff: allow segmenting based on frag sizes (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] skbuff: export skb_gro_receive (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] loopback: make use of NETIF_F_GSO_SOFTWARE (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] gso: Remove arbitrary checks for unsupported GSO (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] netdev_features: Fold NETIF_F_ALL_TSO into NETIF_F_GSO_SOFTWARE (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] gro: remove obsolete code from skb_gro_receive() (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] do not export skb_gro_receive() (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: remove the unnecessary assignment (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: move skb_dst_set() a bit downwards in sctp_packet_transmit() (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: Restore 'resent' bit to avoid retransmitted chunks for RTT measurements (Marcelo Leitner) [1278912] - [net] sctp: flush if we can't fit another DATA chunk (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: really allow using GFP_KERNEL on sctp_packet_transmit (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: allow sctp_transmit_packet and others to use gfp (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: align MTU to a word (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: use MAX_HEADER for headroom reserve in output path (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: Open out the check for Nagle (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: Fix data chunk fragmentation for MTU values which are not multiple of 4 (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985] - [net] sctp: Add rudimentary infrastructure to account for control chunks (Marcelo Leitner) [1071985]- [fs] Call security_ops->inode_killpriv on truncate (Eric Sandeen) [1197686] - [fs] Provide function telling whether file_remove_privs() will do anything (Eric Sandeen) [1197686] - [fs] Rename file_remove_suid() to file_remove_privs() (Eric Sandeen) [1197686] - [fs] Fix S_NOSEC handling (Eric Sandeen) [1197686] - [fs] fanotify: fix double free of pending permission events (Richard Guy Briggs) [1339092] - [fs] fsnotify: rename event handling functions (Richard Guy Briggs) [1339092] - [fs] fanotify: convert access_mutex to spinlock (Richard Guy Briggs) [1339092] - [fs] fanotify: use fanotify event structure for permission response processing (Richard Guy Briggs) [1339092] - [fs] fanotify: remove useless bypass_perm check (Richard Guy Briggs) [1339092] - [fs] nfsd: recover: fix memory leak ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix deadlock secinfo+readdir compound ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: resfh unused in nfsd4_secinfo ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix a memory leak when meeting unsupported state_protect_how4 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: fix bad bounds checking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: add new io class tracepoint ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: don't hold i_mutex over userspace upcalls ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: give up on CB_LAYOUTRECALLs after two lease periods ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix nfsd leaks sunrpc module references ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] lockd: constify nlmsvc_binding structure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: use to_delayed_work ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Register callbacks on the inetaddr_chain and inet6addr_chain ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: Add a function to close temporary transports immediately ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: don't base cl_cb_status on stale information ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: don't hold ls_mutex across a layout recall ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Pass filehandle to nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix a warning message ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: constify nfsd4_callback_ops structure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: recover: constify nfsd4_client_tracking_ops structures ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] svcrpc: document lack of some memory barriers ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix race with open / open upgrade stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: eliminate sending duplicate and repeated delegations ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: drop stale comment in svc_setup_socket() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: ensure that seqid morphing operations are atomic wrt to copies ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: serialize layout stateid morphing operations ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: improve client_has_state to check for unused openowners ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix clid_inuse on mount with security change ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: move include of state.h from trace.c to trace.h ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: Use MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST when calling sendpage() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: switch unsigned char flags in svc_fh to bools ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: move svc_fh->fh_maxsize to just after fh_handle ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: drop null test before destroy functions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: serialize state seqid morphing operations ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: deal with DELEGRETURN racing with CB_RECALL ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: return CLID_INUSE for unexpected SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM case ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: allow more than one laundry job to run at a time ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: don't WARN/backtrace for invalid container deployment. ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Return word2 bitmask if setting security label in OPEN/CREATE ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Set the attributes used to store the verifier for EXCLUSIVE4_1 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: SUPPATTR_EXCLCREAT must be encoded before SECURITY_LABEL. ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix an FS_LAYOUT_TYPES/LAYOUT_TYPES encode bug ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Store parent's stat in a separate value ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix two typos in comments ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: include linux/nfs4.h in export.h ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc/nfsd: Remove redundant code by exports seq_operations functions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: Store cache_detail in seq_file's private ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: New helper nfsd4_cb_sequence_done() for processing more cb errors ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove unused clientid arguments from, find_lockowner_str{_locked} ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Use lk_new_xxx instead of for nfs4_lockowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove macro LOFF_OVERFLOW ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove duplicate checking of nfsd_net in nfs4_laundromat() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_set_claim_prev() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Drop duplicate checking of seqid in nfsd4_create_session() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove unneeded values in nfsd4_open() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Add missing gen_confirm in nfsd4_setclientid() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: New counter for generating client confirm verifier ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix memory leak of in nfs4_stateowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Add layouts checking in client_has_state() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix a memory leak of struct file_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: factor svc_rqst allocation and freeing from sv_nrthreads refcounting ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: move pool_mode definitions into svc.h ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: abstract out svc_set_num_threads to sv_ops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: turn enqueueing a svc_xprt into a svc_serv operation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: move sv_module parm into sv_ops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: move sv_function into sv_ops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/sunrpc: add a new svc_serv_ops struct and move sv_shutdown into it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: do nfs4_check_fh in nfs4_check_file instead of nfs4_check_olstateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Add macro NFS_ACL_MASK for ACL ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove duplicate define of IDMAP_NAMESZ/IDMAP_TYPE_xx ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Drop including client's header file nfs_fs.h ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Set lc_size_chg before ops->proc_layoutcommit ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix a memory leak in nfsd4_list_rec_dir() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix a file leak on nfsd4_layout_setlease failure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: wrap too long lines in nfsd4_encode_read ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fput rd_file from XDR encode context ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: take struct file setup fully into nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: refactor nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: clean up raparams handling ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: use swap() in sort_pacl_range() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Update callback sequnce id only CB_SEQUENCE success ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Reset cb_status in nfsd4_cb_prepare() at retrying ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: Move EXPORT_SYMBOL for svc_process ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove dead declarations ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: work around a gcc-5.1 warning ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Checking for acl support does not require fetching any acls ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Disable NFSv2 timestamp workaround for NFSv3+ ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: stop READDIRPLUS returning inconsistent attributes ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: remove nfsd_close ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: skip CB_NULL probes for 4.1 or later ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix callback restarts ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: split transport vs operation errors for callbacks ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix pNFS return on close semantics ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix the check for confirmed openowner in nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: fix READ permission checking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Remove duplicate macro define for max sec label length ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: allow setting acls with unenforceable DENYs ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: NFSD_FAULT_INJECTION depends on DEBUG_FS ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: remove unused status arg to nfsd4_cleanup_open_state ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: remove bogus setting of status in nfsd4_process_open2 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Use correct reply size calculating function ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Using path_equal() for checking two paths ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix bad update of layout in nfsd4_return_file_layout ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Take care the return value from nfsd4_encode_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Put exports after nfsd4_layout_verify fail ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Take care the return value from nfsd4_decode_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Check layout type when returning client layouts ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: fix v3-less build ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix comparison in fh_fsid_match() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc/lockd: fix references to the BKL ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix year-2038 nfs4 state problem ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4state: Remove unused function ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: tweak rd_dircount accounting ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fi_delegees doesn't need to be an atomic_t ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: don't keep a pointer to the lease in nfs4_file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix fi_delegees leak when fi_had_conflict returns true ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: only call test_bit once in svc_xprt_received ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix signedness bug in compare_blob ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: add some tracepoints around enqueue and dequeue of svc_xprt ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: convert to lockless lookup of queued server threads ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: fix potential races in pool_stats collection ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: add a rcu_head to svc_rqst and use kfree_rcu to free it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: require svc_create callers to pass in meaningful shutdown routine ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: have svc_wake_up only deal with pool 0 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: convert sp_task_pending flag to use atomic bitops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: move rq_cachetype field to better optimize space ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: move rq_splice_ok flag into rq_flags ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: move rq_dropme flag into rq_flags ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: move rq_usedeferral flag to rq_flags ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: move rq_local field to rq_flags ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: add a generic rq_flags field to svc_rqst and move rq_secure to it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: minor off by one checks in __write_versions() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: release svc_pool_map reference when serv allocation fails ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: eliminate the XPT_DETACHED flag ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Fix slot wake up race in the nfsv4.1 callback code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd_vfs_write(): use file_inode() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: get rid of ->f_dentry ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd/nfsctl.c: new helper ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: convert nfs4_file searches to use RCU ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] sunrpc: off by one in BUG_ON() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: clean up comments over nfs4_file definition ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: Always initialize cl_cb_addr ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd: fix inclusive vfs_fsync_range() end ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: fix crash on unknown operation number ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] nfsd4: fix response size estimation for OP_SEQUENCE ("J. Bruce Fields") [1344797] - [fs] af_unix: fix hard linked sockets on overlay (Miklos Szeredi) [1273111] - [fs] vfs: add d_real_inode() helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1273111] - [fs] gfs2: Automatically set GFS2_DIF_SYSTEM flag on system files (Abhijith Das) [1272086] - [fs] ovl: fix uid/gid when creating over whiteout (Miklos Szeredi) [1348113] - [fs] ext4: set S_IOPS_WRAPPER flag in ext4_mkdir() (Eryu Guan) [1231802]- [fs] allow no_seek_end_llseek to actually seek (David Arcari) [1350836] - [usb] revert "make "nousb" a clear module parameter" (Torez Smith) [1351227] - [acpi] add ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_REFERENCE support to acpi_extract_package() (David Arcari) [1350497] - [netdrv] e1000e: keep Rx/Tx HW_VLAN_CTAG in sync (Jarod Wilson) [1190077] - [netdrv] e1000e: keep VLAN interfaces functional after rxvlan off (Jarod Wilson) [1190077] - [powerpc] Uncomment and make enable_kernel_vsx() routine available (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - IV size failing on skcipher API (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx: Only call enable_kernel_vsx() (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Fixing opcode issue (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Fixing GHASH Key issue on little endian (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Fixing AES-CTR counter bug (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Adding enable_kernel_vsx() to access VSX instructions (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] sched/preempt, powerpc: Disable preemption in enable_kernel_altivec() explicitly (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Reindent to kernel style (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Remove duplicate PPC64 dependency (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - fix two mistyped texts (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Fix assembler perl to use _GLOBAL (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Enabling VMX module for PPC64 (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Add support for VMS instructions by ASM (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Adding GHASH routines for VMX module (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Adding CTR routines for VMX module (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Adding CBC routines for VMX module (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Adding AES routines for VMX module (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [crypto] vmx - Adding VMX module for Power 8 (Gustavo Duarte) [1274481] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Fix contents of SRR1 when injecting a program exception (Thomas Huth) [1349816] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Fix illegal opcode emulation (Thomas Huth) [1349816]- [net] netfilter: nf_dup_ipv6: set again FLOWI_FLAG_KNOWN_NH at flowi6_flags (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: check match/targetinfo attr size (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_masq: support port range (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_counter: fix erroneous return values (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: use original skbuff when acking batches (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: keep counters away from CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_LABELS (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_byteorder: avoid unneeded le/be conversion steps (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: add byte/packet counter support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_byteorder: provide 64bit le/be conversion (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Add new attributes into nft_set to store user data. (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: allow to invert matching criteria (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove check against removal of inactive objects (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: release objects on netns destruction (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: include direction when dumping NFT_CT_L3PROTOCOL key (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: meta: add support for setting skb->pkttype (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: fix splat due to incorrect socket memory accounting in skbuff clones (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: avoid recurrent netns lookups in call_batch (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix nf_log_trace based tracing (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: wrap tracing with a static key (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: extend tracing infrastructure (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_payload: add packet mangling support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove unused struct members (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add clone interface to expression operations (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] remove unnecessary semicolon in netdev_alloc_pcpu_stats() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] add __netdev_alloc_pcpu_stats() to indicate gfp flags (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: ipv6: code indentation (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: kill nft_pktinfo.ops (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: skip family comparison in case of NFPROTO_UNSPEC (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: work around wrong endianess in res_id field (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_dup: fix sparse warnings (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Use 32 bit addressing register from nft_type_to_reg() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_payload: work around vlan header stripping (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: add per-byte limiting (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: constant token cost per packet (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: add burst parameter (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: factor out shared code with per-byte limiting (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: convert to token-based limiting at nanosecond granularity (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_limit: rename to nft_limit_pkts (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: keep going batch handling on missing modules (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] configs: enable nft dup (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add nft_dup expression (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: tee: select NF_DUP_IPV6 unconditionally (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: fix xt_TEE and xt_TPROXY dependencies (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: xt_TEE: use IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NF_DUP_IPV6) (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: xt_TEE: fix NULL dereference (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_dup{4, 6}: fix build error when nf_conntrack disabled (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: factor out packet duplication for IPv4/IPv6 (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: move tee_active to core (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: xt_TEE: get rid of WITH_CONNTRACK definition (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_counter: convert it to use per-cpu counters (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nftables: Do not run chains in the wrong network namespace (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add nft_register_basechain() and nft_unregister_basechain() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: consolidate Kconfig options (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix bogus warning in nft_data_uninit() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: add context to know if extension runs from nft_compat (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter; Add some missing default cases to switch statements in nft_reject. (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix wrong length for jump/goto verdicts (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_dynset: dynamic stateful expression instantiation (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add flag to indicate set contains expressions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: mark stateful expressions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: prepare for expressions associated to set elements (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add helper functions for expression handling (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: variable sized set element keys / data (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: support variable sized data in nft_data_init() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: switch registers to 32 bit addressing (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add register parsing/dumping helpers (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: convert sets to u32 data pointers (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: kill nft_data_cmp() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: convert expressions to u32 register pointers (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use struct nft_verdict within struct nft_data (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: get rid of NFT_REG_VERDICT usage (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: introduce nft_validate_register_load() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: kill nft_validate_output_register() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_lookup: use nft_validate_register_store() to validate types (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: rename nft_validate_data_load() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: validate len in nft_validate_data_load() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: Fix switch statement warnings with recent gcc. (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: support optional userdata for set elements (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add support for dynamic set updates (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: support different set binding types (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: prepare set element accounting for async updates (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix set selection when timeouts are requested (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: fix cgroup matching (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: add support for timeouts (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add GC synchronization helpers (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add set garbage collection helpers (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add set element timeout support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add set timeout API support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: implement set transaction support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add transaction helper functions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: return set extensions from ->lookup() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: consolide set element destruction (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: convert hash and rbtree to set extensions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add set extensions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: convert to use rhashtable callbacks (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: indent rhashtable parameters (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: restore struct nft_hash (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: use raw_smp_processor_id() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: move struct net pointer to base chain (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: reject NFT_SET_ELEM_INTERVAL_END flag for non-interval sets (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_rbtree: fix locking (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: set IP6T_F_PROTO flag if protocol is set (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: restore rule tracing via nfnetlink_log (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: consolidate error path of nf_tables_newtable() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: use sk_fullsock() helper (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: allow to change chain policy without hook if it exists (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: Fix potential crash in nft_hash walker (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: fix sparse warnings in reject handling (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: limit maximum table name length to 32 bytes (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: cleanup nf_tables.h (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: consolidate tracing invocations (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: minor tracing cleanups (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix error handling of rule replacement (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix userdata length overflow (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: check for overflow of rule dlen field (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix transaction race condition (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: bridge: rework reject handling (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: reject: don't send icmp error if csum is invalid (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: add support for arptables extensions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: don't truncate ethernet protocol type to u8 (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: fix module refcount underflow (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: Use rhashtable walk iterator (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_lookup: add missing attribute validation for NFTA_LOOKUP_SET_ID (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: add ebtables support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix leaks in error path of nf_tables_newchain() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: disable preemption when restoring chain counters (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: validate hooks in NAT expressions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix port natting in little endian archs (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat_redirect: add missing NULL pointer check (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: combine IPv4 and IPv6 nf_nat_redirect code in one module (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables_bridge: replace nft_reject_ip*hdr_validate functions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: Deletion of unnecessary checks before two function calls (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: restore synchronous object release from commit/abort (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: use the match->table to validate dependencies (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: relax chain type validation (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: use current net namespace (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_redir: fix sparse warnings (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_masq: fix uninitialized range in nft_masq_{ipv4, ipv6}_eval (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: add cgroup support (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject_bridge: restrict reject to prerouting and input (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject_bridge: Fix powerpc build error (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject_bridge: don't use IP stack to reject traffic (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_reject_ipv6: split nf_send_reset6() in smaller functions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_reject_ipv4: split nf_send_reset() in smaller functions (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: missing module license in the nf_reject_ipvX modules (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: kill nf_send_reset6() from include/net/netfilter/ipv6/nf_reject.h (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: move nf_send_resetX() code to nf_reject_ipvX modules (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: fix spelling errors (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add new expression nft_redir (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: fix unmet dependencies in NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_REDIRECT (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: refactor NAT redirect IPv6 code to use it from nf_tables (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: refactor NAT redirect IPv4 to use it from nf_tables (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: fix wrong target lookup in nft_target_select_ops() (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: check for NULL in nf_tables_newchain pcpu stats allocation (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: dump attributes if they are set (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: NFTA_NAT_REG_ADDR_MAX depends on NFTA_NAT_REG_ADDR_MIN (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: insufficient attribute validation (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: validate chain type in match/target (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: fix hook validation for non-base chains (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: restrict nat/masq expressions to nat chain type (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: fix wrong arithmetics regarding NFT_REJECT_ICMPX_MAX (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: use original skbuff when committing/aborting (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: deliver netlink errors on batch completion (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: Fix use after free when it fails to process batch (Paolo Abeni) [1331757] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: don't reject valid target size on some architectures (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] ipv6: Skip XFRM lookup if dst_entry in socket cache is valid (Jakub Sitnicki) [1332217]- [netdrv] bonding: fix 802.3ad aggregator reselection (Jarod Wilson) [1350953] - [netdrv] i40e: enable geneve offloading (Stefan Assmann) [1350780] - [s390] ensure that syscall arguments are properly masked on s390 (Paul Moore) [1321096] - [tty] Update code comment in __proc_set_tty() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1350798] - [tty] Serialize proc_set_tty() with tty_lock ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1350798] - [tty] Fix multiple races when setting the controlling terminal ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1350798] - [tty] Remove !tty condition from __proc_set_tty() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1350798] - [tty] Remove tsk parameter from proc_set_tty() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1350798] - [tty] Reorder proc_set_tty() and related fns ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1350798] - [x86] efi: Avoid triple faults during EFI mixed mode calls (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Remove unused efi_call* macros (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] boot: EFI_MIXED should not prohibit loading above 4G (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Implement a __efi_call_virt macro (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Delete most of the efi_call* macros (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: Add shared printk wrapper for consistent prefixing (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: efi-stub-helper cleanup (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: Pass correct file handle to efi_file_{read, close} (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Correct EFI boot stub use of code32_start (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Fix boot failure with EFI stub (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] x86, efi: Abstract x86 efi_early calls (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Restore 'attr' argument to query_variable_info() (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Rip out phys_efi_get_time() (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Preserve segment registers in mixed mode (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] boot: Correct max ramdisk size name (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] boot: Fix non-EFI build (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] tools: Fix up compiler warnings (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Re-disable interrupts after calling firmware services (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] boot: Don't overwrite cr4 when enabling PAE (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Wire up CONFIG_EFI_MIXED (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Add mixed runtime services support (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Firmware agnostic handover entry points (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Split the boot stub into 32/64 code paths (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Add early thunk code to go from 64-bit to 32-bit (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] x86/efi: Build our own EFI services pointer table (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] build: Restore efi_stub_entry in arch/x86/boot/zoffset.h (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [include] efi: Add separate 32-bit/64-bit definitions (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] efi: Delete dead code when checking for non-native (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] tools: Consolidate #ifdef code (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] boot: Cleanup header.S by removing some #ifdefs (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: Use NULL instead of 0 for pointer (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] x86 efi: bugfix interrupt disabling sequence (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] build: move build output statistics away from stderr (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: resolve warnings found on ARM compile (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: Fix types in EFI calls to match EFI function definitions (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: Move unicode to ASCII conversion to shared function (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efi: Move relocate_kernel() to shared file (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [firmware] efivars: Mark local function as static (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154] - [x86] boot: Close opened file descriptor (Lenny Szubowicz) [1310154]- [fs] mntns: drop namespace reference if !CAP_SYS_ADMIN (Aristeu Rozanski) [1297446] - [usb] xhci: Cleanup only when releasing primary hcd (Torez Smith) [1334901] - [usb] xhci: Fix handling timeouted commands on hosts in weird states (Torez Smith) [1334901] - [char] ipmi: Remove smi_msg from waiting_rcv_msgs list before handle_one_recv_msg() (David Arcari) [1348013] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add BCM5731X and BCM5741X device IDs (John Linville) [1347031] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add GRO logic for BCM5731X chips (John Linville) [1347031] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor bnxt_gro_skb() (John Linville) [1347031] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Define the supported chip numbers (John Linville) [1347031] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add PCI device ID for 57404 NPAR devices (John Linville) [1347031] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Enable NPAR NIC Partitioning Support (John Linville) [1347031] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix tx push race condition (John Linville) [1347031] - [kernel] include/linux/poison.h: fix LIST_POISON{1,2} offset (Dean Nelson) [1343802] - [kernel] sched/debug: Fix deadlock when enabling sched events (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] printk: Add printk_deferred_once (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/debug: Fix 'schedstats=enable' cmdline option (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/debug: Fix /proc/sched_debug regression (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/debug: Make schedstats a runtime tunable that is disabled by default (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/debug: Add sum_sleep_runtime to /proc//sched (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/debug: Replace vruntime with wait_sum in /proc/sched_debug (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/debug: Properly format runnable tasks in /proc/sched_debug (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched: Add statistic for newidle load balance cost (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] sched/core: Rearrange schedstats code to more closely match upstream (Josh Poimboeuf) [1333444] - [kernel] perf: Make sysctl_perf_cpu_time_max_percent conform to documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [powerpc] hw_breakpoint: Fix oops when destroying hw_breakpoint event (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix time tracking bug with multiplexing (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix dynamic interrupt throttle (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix the unthrottle logic (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Robustify task_function_call() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix scaling vs. perf_install_in_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix scaling vs. perf_event_enable() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix scaling vs. perf_event_enable_on_exec() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix ctx time tracking by introducing EVENT_TIME (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Cure event->pending_disable race (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix cloning (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Only update context time when active (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Allow perf_release() with !event->ctx (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Do not double free (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Close install vs. exit race (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Remove/simplify lockdep annotation (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Synchronously clean up child events (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Untangle 'owner' confusion (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Add flags argument to perf_remove_from_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Clean up sync_child_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Robustify event->owner usage and SMP ordering (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix STATE_EXIT usage (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Update locking order (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Remove __free_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix NULL deref (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix race in perf_event_exit_task_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix orphan hole (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_event_exit_task() race (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Add more assertions (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Collapse and fix event_function_call() users (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Specialize perf_event_exit_task() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix task context scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Make ctx->is_active and cpuctx->task_ctx consistent (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Optimize perf_sched_events() usage (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Simplify/fix perf_event_enable() event scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Use task_ctx_sched_out() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_enable_on_exec() event scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix RCU problem with cgroup context switching code (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] sched,perf: Fix periodic timers (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Remove unused function perf_mux_hrtimer_cancel() (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: perf_mux_hrtimer_cancel() can be static (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [kernel] perf: Fix mux_interval hrtimer wreckage (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [scripts] genksyms: Regenerate parser (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [scripts] genksyms: Duplicate function pointer type definitions segfault (Jiri Olsa) [1341230] - [scripts] genksyms: fix typeof() handling (Jiri Olsa) [1341230]- [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move driver out of staging (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1, qib: Add ieth to the packet header definitions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use cache inhibitted and guarded mapping on powerpc (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove unused qib_7322_intr_msgs[] (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix pio map initialization (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct 8051 link parameter settings (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Update pkey table properly after link down or FM start (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdamvt: Fix rdmavt s_ack_queue sizing (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Max atomic value should be a u8 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add tracing support for send with invalidate opcode (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix hard lockup due to not using save/restore spin lock (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Do not free hfi1 cdev parent structure early (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add trace message in user IOCTL handling (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove write(), use ioctl() for user cmds (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add ioctl() interface for user commands (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused user command (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove snoop/diag interface (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove EPROM functionality from data device (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove UI char device (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove multiple device cdev (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove anti-pattern in cdev init (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix bug that blocks process on exit after port bounce (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unnecessary comment (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix sdma_event_names[] build warning (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Use kzalloc_node (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Insure QP vmalloc variants zero memory (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix an interval RB node reference count leak (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: use RCU_INIT_POINTER() when NULLing (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Change hfi1_init loop to preserve error returns (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib_pack.h: Add opcode definition for send with invalidate (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Keep SC_USER as the last send context type (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Immediately apply congestion setting MAD (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct log message strings (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Increase CQ callback thread priority (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix hfi_rcvhdr tracepoint (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unnecessary header (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Improve performance of interval RB trees (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix potential panic with sdma drained mechanism (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix pio wait counter double increment (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove no-op QSFP reset code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correct external device configuration shift (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Wait for QSFP modules to initialize (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ignore non-temperature warnings on a downed link (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Serialize hrtimer function calls (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix MAD port poll for active cables (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correctly report neighbor link down reason (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use the neighbor link down reason only when valid (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Ignore link downgrade with 0 lanes (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add RSM rule for user FECN handling (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Create a routine to set a receive side mapping rule (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move QOS decision logic into its own function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Extract RSM map table init from QOS (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reduce kernel context pio buffer allocation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: affinity.c backport for RHEL7.3 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Change default number of user contexts (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use global defines for upper bits in opcode (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unreachable code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix double QSFP resource acquire on cache refresh (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Guard against concurrent I2C access across all chains (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove module presence check outside pre-LNI checks (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Always turn on CDRs for low power QSFP modules (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Check P_KEY for all sent packets from user mode (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust default MTU to be 10KB (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Simplify init_qpmap_table() (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correctly obtain the full service class (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix QOS rule mappings (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove invalid QOS check (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix QOS num_vl bit width (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix i2c resource reservation checks (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix sysfs file offset usage (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, hfi1, qib: Fix memory leak (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix buffer cache races which may cause corruption (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Extract and reinsert MMU RB node on lookup (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Correctly compute node interval (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Protect the interval RB tree when cleaning up (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix memory leak in user ExpRcv and SDMA (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Don't remove list entries if they are not in a list (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib, ib/hfi1: Fix up UD loopback use of irq flags (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Fix adaptive pio hang (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use kernel default llseek for ui device (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Don't attempt to free resources if initialization failed (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix missing lock/unlock in verbs drain callback (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Fix send scheduling (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent unpinning of wrong pages (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix deadlock caused by locking with wrong scope (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent NULL pointer deferences in caching code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: select CRC32 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add SDMA cache eviction algorithm (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Switch to using the pin query function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Specify mm when releasing pages (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add pin query function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Implement SDMA-side buffer caching (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Adjust last address values for intervals (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add filter callback (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove compare callback (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add MMU tracing (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Use interval RB trees (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Notify remove MMU/RB callback of calling context (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove the use of add/remove RB function pointers (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allow remove MMU callbacks to free nodes (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Prevent NULL pointer dereference (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Allow MMU function execution in IRQ context (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Re-factor MMU notification code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Post receive for QP in ERR state (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Enable adaptive pio by default (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix adaptive pio packet corruption (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix panic in adaptive pio (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix PIO wakeup timing hole (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix ordering of trace for accuracy (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add unique trace point for pio and sdma send (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Fix issues with qp_stats print (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Report pid in qp_stats to aid debug (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Improve LED beaconing (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Don't call cond_resched in atomic mode when sending packets (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add adaptive cacheless verbs copy (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Handle host handshake timeout (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add ASIC flag view/clear (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Hold i2c resource across debugfs open/close (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Reduce hardware mutex timeout (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove unused HFI1_DO_INIT_ASIC flag (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Change thermal init to use resource reservation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Change QSFP functions to use resource reservation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Change SBus handling to use resource reservation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Change EPROM handling to use resource reservation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add ASIC resource reservation functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add shared ASIC structure (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Remove ASIC block clear (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Move constant to the right in bitwise operations (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add the break statement that was removed in an earlier patch (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: file_ops: Replace ALIGN with PAGE_ALIGN (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: driver: Replace IS_ALIGNED with PAGE_ALIGNED (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Replace ALIGN with PAGE_ALIGN (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: Use min macro instead of ternary operator (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: user_sdma.c: Drop void pointer cast (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Remove unnecessary parantheses (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Remove casts of pointer to same type (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Remove useless return variables (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Remove unnecessary kfree (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix memory leaks (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix reporting of LED status in Get(LedInfo) and Get(PortInfo) (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Check interrupt registers mapping (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Avoid using upstream component if it is not accessible (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix header size calculation for RC/UC QPs with GRH enabled (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Check lkey_table_size value before use (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix counter read for cp (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Guard i2c access against cp (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdamvt: fix cross build with rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Disclose more information when i2c fails (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix debugfs access race (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Cleanup comments and logs in PHY code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix xmit discard error weight (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: fix 0-day syntax error (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix header (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove else after break (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add braces on all arms of statement (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix code alignment (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix block comments (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add comment for spinlock_t definition (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove void function return statement (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use pointer instead of struct name (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove CamelCase (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix misspellings (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Split multiple assignments (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use BIT_ULL macro (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove unnecessary parentheses (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add blank link after declarations (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix logical continuations (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove blank line before close brace (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove blank line after an open brace (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix comparison to NULL (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove space after cast (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove multiple blank lines (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add spaces around binary operators (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: add cq head and tail information to qpstats (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add send context sw index (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Determine actual operational VLs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add qp to send context mapping for PIO (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi: fix CQ completion order issue (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib, rdma/hfi1, ib/rdmavt: progress selection changes (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Adaptive PIO for short messages (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: use u8 for vl/sl (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: fix panic in send engine (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: avoid passing pmtu (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add s_sendcontext priv field (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: remove s_rdma_mr (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove header memcpy from sdma send path (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: move txreq header code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmvt: close send engine struct holes (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: add s_avail to qp_stats (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Destroy SMI AH before de-allocating the protection domain (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Remove unnecessary exported functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Remove signal_supported and comments (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Remove RVT_FLAGs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib, rdmavt: Move smi_ah to qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Setup notify free/create mad agent callbacks for rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add per verb driver callback checking (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Clean up comments and add more documentation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Put QPs into error state after SL->SC table changes (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add trace and error print statements in post_one_wr (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib, rdma/hfi1: add s_hlock for use in post send (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Rename several functions by adding a "qib_" prefix (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt, rdma/hfi1: use qps to dynamically scale timeout value (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Turning off LED without checking if stepping is Ax (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: actually use new RNR timer API in loopback path (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Tune for unknown channel if configuration file is absent (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fetch platform configuration data from EFI variable (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib, rdma/hfi1: use setup_timer api (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: remove unused qp field (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Insure last cursor is updated prior to complete (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Insure last cursor is updated prior to complete (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: add s_retry to diagnostics (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: remove duplicate timeout print (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: use new RNR timer (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: add unique rnr timer (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: use mod_timer when appropriate (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: use new timer routines (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: centralize timer routines into rc (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Removing unused struct hfi1_verbs_counters (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Adding support for hfi counters via sysfs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Replacement of goto's for break/returns (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Change for data type of port number (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix bug that could block the process on context exit (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove unused variable nsbr (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Make EPROM check per device (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add credits for VL0 to VL7 in snoop mode (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Improve performance of user SDMA (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1, ib/core: Fix LinkDownReason define for consistency (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove modify_port and port_immutable functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Support query gid in rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Clean up init_cntrs() (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix snoop packet length calculation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Correct TWSI reset (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove PCIe AER diagnostic message (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Implement LED beaconing for maintenance (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Split last 8 bytes of copy to user buffer (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix fabric serdes reset by re-downloading firmware (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Report physical state changes per device instead of globally (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Properly determine error status of SDMA slots (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: correctly check for post-interrupt packets (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Improve performance of SDMA transfers (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use device file minor to identify EPROM (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Reduce syslog message severity and provide speed information (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Improve performance of TID cache look up (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix for module parameter rcvhdrcnt when it's 2097152 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Allow a fair scheduling of QPs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix for generic I2C interface (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Change send_schedule counter to a per cpu counter (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Verbs Mem affinity support (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Allocate send ctxt on device NUMA node (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Consolidate CPU/IRQ affinity support (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove unnecessary duplicated variable (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove unused code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix SL->SC checks (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add support for enabling/disabling PCIe ASPM (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Method to toggle "fast ECN" detection (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Correctly set RcvCtxtCtrl register (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix for 32-bit counter overflow in driver and hfi1stats (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Skip lcb init for simulation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: No firmware retry for simulation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Don't attempt to qualify or tune loopback plugs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Make firmware failure messages warnings (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Only warn when board description is not found (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix per-VL transmit discard counts (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix missing firmware NULL dereference (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Support external device configuration requests from 8051 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Get port type from configuration file (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add active and optical cable support (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix QSFP memory read/write across 128 byte boundary (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: cleanup messages on qsfp_read() failure (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: HFI reports wrong offline disabled reason when cable removed (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove srq functionality (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove hfi1_query_qp function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove create and free mad agents (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use rdmavt device allocation function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Clean up register device (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove post_recv and use rdmavt version (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove destroy qp verb (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove modify queue pair from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove multicast verbs functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use rdmavt version of post_send (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Clean up return handling (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove CQ data structures and functions from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove query_device function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove create_qp functionality (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove qpdev and qpn table from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use rdmavt send flags and recv flags (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove user context allocation and de-alloction functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use rdmavt pkey verbs function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove mmap from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove ibport and use rdmavt version (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove srq from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove hfi1 MR and hfi1 specific qp type (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Implement hfi1 support for AH notification (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use address handle in rdmavt and remove from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use correct rdmavt header files after move (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add device specific info prints (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove driver specific members from hfi1 qp type (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Remove MR data structures from hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Use rdmavt protection domain (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Consolidate dma ops for hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Add basic rdmavt capability flags for hfi1 (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Begin to use rdmavt for verbs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove modify_port and port_immutable functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Support query gid in rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove destroy queue pair code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove modify queue pair code (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qib_lookup_qpn and use rvt_lookup_qpn instead (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Clean up register_ib_device (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove srq functionality (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Properly pass gfp to hw driver function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add support for query_port, modify_port and get_port_immutable (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add query gid support (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Clean up distinction between port number and index (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add Mem affinity support (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add hardware driver send work request check (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add srq functionality to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qib_query_qp function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qib multicast verbs functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qib_post_receive and use rdmavt version (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use rdmavt version of post_send (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove completion queue data structures and functions from qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove create and free mad agents (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use rdmavt device allocation function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add support for rvt_query_qp (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Fix copyright date (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add mad agents to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add device structure allocation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: add modify queue pair driver helpers (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Remove unused variable from Queue Pair (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add misc dev register functionality (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add multicast functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add post receive to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add destroy qp verb (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add modify qp (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add support for tracing events (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add post send to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add completion queue functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove create qp and create qp table functionality (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use rdmavt send and receive flags (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qib_query_device function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Delete QIB user context allocation and de-alloction functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qpn, qp tables and related variables from qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use rdmavt pkey verbs function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove mmap from qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Implement qib support for AH notification (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove ibport and use rdmavt version (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Support creating qps with GFP_NOIO flag (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add support for rvt_query_device function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Allow reserving just one qpn (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Export reset_qp in rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add create queue pair functionality (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add R and S flags for queue pairs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add IB user context allocation and de-alloction functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove srq from qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use address handle in rdmavt and remove from qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove qp and mr functionality from qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Add device specific info prints (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove driver specific members from qib qp type (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use rdmavt lid defines in qib (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove most uses of QIB_PERMISSIVE_LID and QIB_MULTICAST_LID_BASE (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Use rdmavt protection domain (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove dma.c and use rdmavt version of dma functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Begin to use rdmavt for verbs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add pkey support (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add mmap related functions (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Initialize and teardown of qpn table (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Break rdma_vt main include header file up (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add driver notification for new AH (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add an ibport data structure to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Move SRQ data structure into rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add AH to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add common LID defines to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Do not use rvt prints which rely on driver too early (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Move memory registration into rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add the start of capability flags (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add device specific info prints (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Move driver helper functions to a common structure (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add queue pair data structure to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Move MR datastructures into rvt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add post send and recv stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add completion queue function stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add get port immutable stub (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add mmap stub (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add process MAD stub (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add multicast stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add SRQ stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add memory region stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add address handle stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add queue pair function stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Alloc and dealloc ucontexts (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add query gid stub (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add pkey query stub (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add query and modify port stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add query and modify device stubs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Macroize override checks during driver registration (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add ib core device attributes to rvt driver params list (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Add protection domain to rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Consolidate dma ops in rdmavt (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/rdmavt: Create module framework and handle driver registration (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: check for ARMED->ACTIVE change in recv int (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] uapi/hfi1_user: Correct comment for capability bit (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Clean up comments (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Remove unneeded variable index (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: add per SDMA engine stats to hfistats (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Change default krcvqs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: change krcvqs mod param from byte to uint (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Move s_sde to read mostly section of hfi1_qp (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Use BIT macro (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Enable TID caching feature (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add TID entry program function body (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add TID free/clear function bodies (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add MMU notifier callback function (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add TID cache receive init and free funcs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Convert lock to mutex (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add building blocks for TID caching (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: TID group definitions and support funcs (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Remove un-needed variable (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add definitions needed for TID cache (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] uapi/hfi1_user: Add command and event for TID caching (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add function stubs for TID caching (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Remove header file (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Use offset_in_page macro (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Use DIV_ROUND_UP (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Replace kmalloc and memcpy with kmemdup (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: hfi1: Delete NULL check before vfree (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma: Use kcalloc instead of kzalloc (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: Fix Xmit Wait calculation (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: add dd_dev_dbg (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] rdma/hfi1: set Gen3 half-swing for integrated devices (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170] - [infiniband] ib/hfi1: Add PSM2 user space header to header_install (Alex Estrin) [1272062 1273170]- [sound] alsa: pinctrl: export pinctrl_pm_select_*_state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: enable Intel SST audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: gpio: move GPIOD flags outside #ifdef (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: gpio: move varargs hack outside #ifdef GPIOLIB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: gpio: add flags argument to gpiod_get*() functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: gpio: Add helpers for optional GPIOs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: regmap: Simplify the initiation of async I/O (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: regmap: Don't generate gather writes for single register raw writes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: of: add functions to count number of elements in a property (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: of: Fix overflow bug in string property parsing functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: acpi / utils: Rename acpi_dev_present() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Add macro for hda ext devices entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: hdac: structure definition for ext_dma_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: acpi: Provide acpi_dev_name accessor for struct acpi_device device name (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: revert "asoc: intel: switch from ioremap_cache to memremap" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: doc: Fix uapi/sound/compress_offload.h kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: fix the struct alignment to 4 bytes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: Cancel the optimization of compiler and fix the size of struct for all platform (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: Fix 64bit ABI incompatibility (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: add num_sample_rates in snd_codec_desc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: update struct snd_codec_desc for sample rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: update comment for sample rate in snd_codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: compress: change the way sample rates are sent to kernel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: Add params_set_format helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: driver core: Unified interface for firmware node properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: driver core: Unified device properties interface for platform firmware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: acpi: Add support for device specific properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: Add params_width() helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: regmap: add regmap_parse_val api (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: regmap: Provide asynchronous write and update bits operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: devres: introduce API "devm_kmemdup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: devres: introduce API "devm_kstrdup" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: mm/util: add kstrdup_const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: pinctrl sleep and idle states in the core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: hda - add ASoC device type for hda core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: ALSA SoC tree cleanup - update the build files (Kconfig / Makefile) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: SoC tree cleanup - remove all old and unmaintaned files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299] - [sound] alsa: ALSA SoC tree sync from upstream v4.6 for intel sst (Jaroslav Kysela) [1220299]- [firmware] Simplify directory creation (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [crypto] testmgr - don't copy from source IV too much (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [crypto] testmgr - fix out of bound read in __test_aead() (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [crypto] testmgr - limit IV copy length in aead tests (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [lib] assoc_array: don't call compare_object() on a node (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [lib] keys: Fix use-after-free in assoc_array_gc() (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [virtio] virtio_pci: fix use after free on release (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [crypto] ghash-clmulni: specify context size for ghash async algorithm (Jerome Marchand) [1340073] - [mm] completely remove dumping per-cpu lists from show_mem() (Larry Woodman) [1285530] - [mm] hide per-cpu lists in output of show_mem() (Larry Woodman) [1285530] - [scsi] storvsc: Filter out storvsc messages CD-ROM medium not present (Cathy Avery) [1338687] - [scsi] storvsc: add logging for error/warning messages (Cathy Avery) [1338687] - [tools] perf: Add sample_reg_mask to include all perf_regs (Gustavo Duarte) [1289663] - [tools] perf: Map the ID values with register names (Gustavo Duarte) [1289663] - [powerpc] perf: Add support for sampling interrupt register state (Gustavo Duarte) [1289663] - [powerpc] perf: Assign an id to each powerpc register (Gustavo Duarte) [1289663] - [tools] perf kvm/{x86, s390}: Remove const from kvm_events_tp (Gustavo Duarte) [1223849] - [tools] perf kvm/powerpc: Add support for HCALL reasons (Gustavo Duarte) [1223849] - [tools] perf kvm/{x86, s390}: Remove dependency on uapi/kvm_perf.h (Gustavo Duarte) [1223849] - [tools] perf kvm/powerpc: Port perf kvm stat to powerpc (Gustavo Duarte) [1223849] - [pinctrl] protect pinctrl_list add (Prarit Bhargava) [1349296] - [netdrv] enic: set netdev->vlan_features (Stefan Assmann) [1276104] - [netdrv] cisco: enic: Update logging macros and uses (Stefan Assmann) [1276104] - [netdrv] enic: Update driver to use __dev_uc/mc_sync/unsync calls (Stefan Assmann) [1276104] - [netdrv] qede: use proper notifier registration function (Ivan Vecera) [1348286]- [include] ib/core: Make all casts in ib_device_cap_flags enum consistent (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Fix bit curruption in ib_device_cap_flags structure (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix removal of default GID cache entry (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix query port failure in RoCE (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix device managed flow steering support test (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix a recently introduced locking bug (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix blue flame quota logic (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use ndo_stop explicitly at shutdown flow (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix root flow table update (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix masking of reserved bits in XRCD number (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Fix the size of modify QP mailbox (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix alternate path code (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Fix pkey_index length in the QP path record (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix entries check in mlx5_ib_resize_cq (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix entries checks in mlx5_ib_create_cq (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Check BlueFlame HCA support (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix returned values of query QP (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Limit query HCA clock (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix FW version diaplay in sysfs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Return PORT_ERR in Active to Initializing tranisition (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Set flow steering capability bit (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Do not require CAP_NET_ADMIN for packet sniffing (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: get rid of private net_device_stats (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: get rid of ret_stats (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: clear some TX ring stats in mlx4_en_clear_stats() (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix tx_dropped bug (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fire the CQ completion handler from tasklet (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Use tasklet for user-space CQ completion events (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix unaligned access in send_reply_to_slave (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix access to uninitialized index (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Report Scatter FCS device capability when supported (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add Scatter FCS support for Raw Packet QP (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add Scatter FCS create flag (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add Raw Scatter FCS device capability (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add extended device capability flags (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add UARs write-combining and non-cached mapping (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Allow mapping the free running counter on PROT_EXEC (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use list_for_each_entry_safe (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: trivial fix of spelling mistake on "argument" (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx4: Avoid wrong virtual mappings (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: avoid stack overflow in mlx5e_open_channels (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix typos in printk (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Fix checksum handling for non-stripped vlan packets (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Add ethtool support for rxvlan-offload (vlan stripping) (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Add ethtool support for dump module EEPROM (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Add ethtool support for interface identify (LED blinking) (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Add support for RXALL netdev feature (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Improve set features ndo resiliency (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Add link down events counter (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add per priority group to PPort counters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Rename VPort counters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Statistics handling refactoring (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Report additional error statistics in get stats ndo (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add ethtool counter for RX buffer allocation failures (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Delay skb->data access (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove redundant barrier (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use napi_alloc_skb for RX SKB allocations (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add fragmented memory support for RX multi packet WQE (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Added ICO SQs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Support RX multi-packet WQE (Striding RQ) (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use function pointers for RX data path handling (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use only close NUMA node for default RSS (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Allocate set of queue counters per netdev (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Introduce device queue counters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix typos in printk (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Update mlx5_ifc hardware features (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Fix mlx5 ifc cmd_hca_cap bad offsets (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: make VXLAN support conditional (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use workqueue for vxlan ops (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Implement a mlx5e workqueue (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5: Unmap only the relevant IO memory mapping (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Expose correct max_sge_rd limit (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix spurious timestamping callbacks (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Add pci shutdown callback (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Remove static from local variable (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Use vport MTU rather than physical port MTU (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix minimum MTU (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Device's mtu field is u16 and not int (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Add ConnectX-5 to list of supported devices (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix MLX5E_100BASE_T define (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix soft lockup in steering error flow (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix oops in ib_cache_gid_set_default_gid (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Split SW RX dropped counter per RX ring (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Don't allow to VF change global pause settings (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx4_core: Avoid repeated calls to pci enable/disable (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Implement pci_resume callback (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: do batched put_page using atomic_sub (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: allocate non 0-order pages for RX ring with __GFP_NOMEMALLOC (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: fix VFs callback function prototypes (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Allow mcast packets from other VFs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Implement callbacks for manipulating VFs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Implement modify HCA vport command (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Add VF param when querying vport counter (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Add ndo operations for configuring VFs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add interfaces to control VF attributes (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Support accessing SA in virtualized environment (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add subnet prefix to port info (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix decision on using MAD_IFC (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] IB/{core, ulp} Support above 32 possible device capability flags (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Replace setting the zero values in ib_uverbs_ex_query_device (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Introduce offload arithmetic hardware capabilities (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Refactor device capability function (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix caching ATOMIC endian mode capability (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove unused array zero_gid[] (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix backward compatibility on VFs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4: add missing braces in verify_qp_parameters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5: use napi_consume_skb API to get bulk free operations (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4: use napi_consume_skb API to get bulk free operations (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add a new priority for kernel flow tables (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Relax ndo_setup_tc handle restriction (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Set flow steering dest only for forward rules (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add support for don't trap rules (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Introduce forward to next priority action (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Create anchor of last flow table (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add arbitrary sg list support (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add arbitrary sg_list support (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose correct max_fast_reg_page_list_len (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Make coding style more consistent (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Convert UMR CQ to new CQ API (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Documentation fix in the MAD header file (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: trivial prink cleanup (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Replace memset with eth_zero_addr (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Modify conditional on ucontext existence (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: ib/core: Allow legacy verbs through extended interfaces (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid duplicate code (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Fix global UAR mapping (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Make command timeout way shorter (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Set drop RQ's necessary parameters only (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move common case counters within sq_stats struct (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Changed naming convention of tx queues in ethtool stats (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Placement changed for carrier state updates (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Replace async events spinlock with synchronize_irq() (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4: Implement port type setting via devlink interface (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx4: Implement devlink interface (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add memory windows allocation support (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add vendor's specific data to alloc mw (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Refactor mlx5_core_mr to mkey (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Added support for re-registration of MRs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Refactoring register MR code (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Print warning on different inner and header P_Keys (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Eliminate GSI RX QP's send buffers (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Pick the right GSI transmission QP for sending (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Reorder GSI completions (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Generate completions in software (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Create GSI transmission QPs when P_Key table is changed (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Create multiple transmission GSI QPs (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add GSI QP wrapper (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Modify QP debugging prints (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add support for setting source QP number (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add support for CSUM in RX flow (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Implement UD QP offloads for IPoIB in the TX flow (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Define interface bits for IPoIB offloads (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx5: Modify MAD reading counters method to use counter registers (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Add helper function to read IB error counters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Add helper function to read virtual port counters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/mlx4: Add support for the don't trap rule (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] ib/core: Add don't trap flag to flow creation (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TX inner packet counters (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add TX stateless offloads for tunneling (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add netdev support for VXLAN tunneling (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Protect en header file from redefinitions (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Move to checksum complete (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Wake On LAN support (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5e: Implement DCBNL IEEE max rate (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support DCBNL IEEE PFC (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support DCBNL IEEE ETS (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Introduce physical port TC/prio access functions (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Introduce physical port PFC access functions (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5: Introduce a new header file for physical port functions (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/cma: allocating too much memory in make_cma_ports() (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Optimize do_slave_init (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: mlx4_en_set_tx_maxrate() can be static (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add tx queue maxrate support (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add QCN parameters and statistics handling (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx4_core: Add basic elements for QCN (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4: convert to timecounter adjtime (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Re-add MLX5_DEV_CAP_FLAG_ON_DMND_PG flag (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [include] mlx5_core: Remove unused dev cap enum fields (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use the new tx_copybreak to set inline threshold (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Convert the normal skb free path to dev_consume_skb_any() (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix errors in printk (kamal heib) [1275159 1296272 1296405 1298421 1298422 1298423 1298424 1298425]- [vhost] vhost_net: basic polling support (Jason Wang) [1345714] - [vhost] introduce vhost_vq_avail_empty() (Jason Wang) [1345714] - [vhost] introduce vhost_has_work() (Jason Wang) [1345714] - [target] target/stat: print full t10_wwn.model buffer (Mike Christie) [1196117] - [target] iscsi-target: Add tpg_enabled_sendtargets for disabled discovery (Mike Christie) [1196117] - [target] check DPO/FUA usage for COMPARE AND WRITE (Mike Christie) [1196117] - [tools] tools/power/turbostat: Add Denverton RAPL support (Steve Best) [1273770] - [tools] tools/power/turbostat: Add Denverton support (Steve Best) [1273770] - [tools] tools/power turbostat: decode BXT TSC frequency via CPUID (Steve Best) [1273770] - [tools] tools/power turbostat: initial BXT support (Steve Best) [1273770] - [tools] tools/power/turbostat: split core MSR support into status + limit (Steve Best) [1273770] - [documentation] Fix DocBook build with relative $(srctree) (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [makefile] tools: Support relative directory path for 'O=' (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [tools] tools build: Fix Makefile(s) to properly invoke tools build (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [makefile] kbuild: Use relative path when building in a subdir of the source tree (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [makefile] kbuild: Use relative path when building in the source tree (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [makefile] kbuild: Use relative path for $(objtree) (Stanislav Kozina) [1347186] - [pci] aer: Clear error status registers during enumeration and restore (Prarit Bhargava) [1347459] - [pci] hv: Handle all pending messages in hv_pci_onchannelcallback() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1341657] - [pci] hv: Don't leak buffer in hv_pci_onchannelcallback() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1341657] - [x86] xen: don't reset vcpu_info on a cancelled suspend (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1141249 1339592] - [x86] xen: Fix USB interaction issues when resuming (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1141249 1339592] - [x86] xen: Always freeze/thaw processes when suspend/resuming (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1141249 1339592] - [x86] xen: resume timer irqs early (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1141249 1339592] - [x86] xen: remove deprecated IRQF_DISABLED (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1141249 1339592] - [hid] hyperv: match wait_for_completion_timeout return type (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1347597] - [hid] hyperv: fix _raw_request() prototype (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1347597] - [hid] hyperv: Implement a stub raw_request() entry point (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1347597]- [md] dm raid: fix failed takeover_reshapes by keeping raid set frozen (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: support to change bitmap region size (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: update Documentation about reshaping_takeover_additonal RAID types (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: add reshaping support to the target (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: add prerequisite functions and definitions for reshaping (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] raid10: add prerequisite to run underneath dm-raid (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] raid5: add prerequisite to run underneath dm-raid (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] raid5: don't let shrink_slab shrink too far (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] raid5: avoid races when changing cache size (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] raid5: ignore released_stripes check (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] raid5: allow the stripe_cache to grow and shrink (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: inverse check for flags from invalid to valid flags (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: various code cleanups (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: rename functions that alloc and free struct raid_set (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: remove all the bitops wrappers (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: rename _in_range to __within_range (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: add missing "dm-raid0" module alias (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: rename _argname_by_flag to dm_raid_arg_name_by_flag (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: bump to v1.9.0 and make the extended SB feature flag reflect it (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: remove ti_error_* wrappers (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: tabify appropriate whitespace (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: enhance status interface and fixup takeover_raid0 (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: add raid level takeover support (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: enhance super_sync() to support new superblock members (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: add new reshaping_raid10 format table line options to parameter parser (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: introduce extended superblock and new raid types to support takeover_reshaping (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: use rt_is_raid*() in all appropriate checks (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: more use of flag testing wrappers (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: check constructor arguments for invalid raid level_argument combinations (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: cleanup _ provide infrastructure (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: use dm_arg_set API in constructor (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [md] dm raid: rename variable 'ret' to 'r' to conform to other dm code (Mike Snitzer) [1191641 1191955] - [netdrv] brcmfmac: add eth_type_trans back for PCIe full dongle (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1250889 1298446 1299383] - [netdrv] Remove old rtl818x directory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport rtl818x driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] configs: add new rtlwifi drivers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383 1314513] - [netdrv] Remove old rtlwifi directory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383 1314513] - [netdrv] Backport rtlwifi drivers from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383 1314513] - [netdrv] Remove old mwifiex directory and mwl8k.c file (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport marvell drivers to code from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] configs: add new brcmfmac_pcie driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1250889 1298446 1299383] - [netdrv] Remove old brcm80211 directory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1250889 1298446 1299383] - [netdrv] Backport brcm80211 drivers to code from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1250889 1298446 1299383] - [netdrv] Backport BCMA bus driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport SSB bus driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Remove old rt2x00 directory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport wil6210 driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport carl9170 driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] configs: add new ath10k driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1257698 1298484 1299383] - [netdrv] Backport ath10k driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1257698 1298484 1299383] - [netdrv] Backport ath9k driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Remove old iwlegacy directory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport iwlegacy from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Remove old iwlwifi directory (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1266685 1298113 1299383 1315535 1315537] - [netdrv] Backport mac80211 from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] Backport wireless core from linux-4.7-rc1 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [netdrv] gpio: drop retval check enforcing from gpiochip_remove() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1299383] - [kernel] locking: osq: No need for load/acquire when acquire-polling (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1342653] - [powerpc] Wire up sys_memfd_create() (Adrian Reber) [1348029] - [powercap] rapl: add support for Denverton (Steve Best) [1273778] - [powercap] rapl: Add Skylake Server model number (Steve Best) [1273778] - [powercap] rapl: Reorder CPU detection table (Steve Best) [1273778] - [powercap] rapl: Use Intel model macros intead of open-coding (Steve Best) [1273778] - [x86] cpu/intel: Introduce macros for Intel family numbers (Steve Best) [1273778]- [of] handle NULL node in next_child iterators (Torez Smith) [1348510] - [of] Create unlocked version of for_each_child_of_node() (Torez Smith) [1348510] - [scsi] vpd pages are mandatory for SPC-2 (Ewan Milne) [1347292] - [drm] revert "virtio: make find_vqs()" (Rob Clark) [1295900] - [drm] fix virtio backport (Rob Clark) [1295900] - [mm] hugetlb: use EOPNOTSUPP in hugetlb sysctl handlers (Jan Stancek) [1346873] - [vfio] pci: Allow VPD short read (Auger Eric) [1341417] - [kernel] rh_taint: introduce mark_hardware_deprecated() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1344392] - [gpu] drm/prime: fix error path deadlock fail (Rob Clark) [1335461] - [idle] intel: add denverton (Steve Best) [1273777] - [x86] Work around MPX erratum SKD046 (Rui Wang) [1340625] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Enable HWP by default (David Arcari) [1258085] - [security] keys: potential uninitialized variable (David Howells) [1341352] {CVE-2016-4470} - [lib] keys: Fix ASN.1 indefinite length object parsing (David Howells) [1308815] {CVE-2016-0758}- [fs] overlayfs: Warn instead of error if upper filesystem does not support d_type (Vivek Goyal) [1344057] - [fs] gfs2: don't set rgrp gl_object until it's inserted into rgrp tree (Robert S Peterson) [1344363] - [fs] xfs: disallow rw remount on fs with unknown ro-compat features (Eric Sandeen) [1321747] - [fs] dcache: d_walk/dentry_free race (Alexander Viro) [1344076] - [fs] bio: Need to free integrity payload if the split bio gets memory by itself (Xiao Ni) [1276454] - [fs] fanotify: fix notification of groups with inode & mount marks (Miklos Szeredi) [1308393] - [fs] libceph: use s instead of pE in dout()s (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: put request only if it's done in handle_reply() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: change ceph_osdmap_flag() to take osdc (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: tolerate bad i_size for symlink inode (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix inode reference leak (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: multiple filesystem support (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: support for subscribing to "mdsmap." maps (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: replace ceph_monc_request_next_osdmap() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: take osdc->lock in osdmap_show() and dump flags in hex (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: pool deletion detection (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: async MON client generic requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: support for checking on status of watch (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: support for sending notifies (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph, rbd: ceph_osd_linger_request, watch/notify v2 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: rbd_dev_header_unwatch_sync() variant (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: wait_request_timeout() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: request_init() and request_release_checks() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: a major OSD client update (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: protect osdc->osd_lru list with a spinlock (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: allocate ceph_osd with GFP_NOFAIL (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: osd_init() and osd_cleanup() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: handle_one_map() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: allocate dummy osdmap in ceph_osdc_init() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: schedule tick from ceph_osdc_init() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: move schedule_delayed_work() in ceph_osdc_init() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: redo callbacks and factor out MOSDOpReply decoding (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: drop msg argument from ceph_osdc_callback_t (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: switch to calc_target(), part 2 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: switch to calc_target(), part 1 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: introduce ceph_osd_request_target, calc_target() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: pi->min_size, pi->last_force_request_resend (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: make pgid_cmp() global (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: rename ceph_calc_pg_primary() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: ceph_osds, ceph_pg_to_up_acting_osds() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: rename ceph_oloc_oid_to_pg() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: fix ceph_eversion encoding (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: DEFINE_RB_FUNCS macro (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: open-code remove_{all,old}_osds() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: nuke unused fields and functions (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: use header_oid instead of header_name (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: variable-sized ceph_object_id (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: change how osd_op_reply message size is calculated (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: move message allocation out of ceph_osdc_alloc_request() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: grab snapc in ceph_osdc_alloc_request() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: make ceph_osdc_put_request() accept NULL (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: get/put img_request in rbd_img_request_submit() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: report unsupported features to syslog (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: fix rbd map vs notify races (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: make authorizer destruction independent of ceph_auth_client (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: use GFP_NOIO consistently for request allocations (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use KMEM_CACHE macro (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: use kmem_cache_zalloc (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: use KMEM_CACHE macro (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: use lookup request to revalidate dentry (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: kill ceph_get_dentry_parent_inode() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix security xattr deadlock (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: don't request vxattrs from MDS (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] configs: enable ceph filesystem ACL support (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: add acl, noacl options for cephfs mount (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: include the initial ACL in create/mkdir/mknod MDS requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: add missing init_acl() for mkdir() and atomic_open() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: remove useless ACL check (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: make ceph_forget_all_cached_acls() static inline (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix ceph_set_acl() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: Remove get/set acl on symlinks (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: add acl for cephfs (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix mounting same fs multiple times (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: remove unnecessary NULL check (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: avoid updating directory inode's i_size accidentally (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix race during filling readdir cache (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use sizeof_footer() more (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: kill ceph_empty_snapc (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix a wrong comparison (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: replace CURRENT_TIME by current_fs_time() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: scattered page writeback (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: add helper that duplicates last extent operation (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: enable large, variable-sized OSD requests (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: osdc->req_mempool should be backed by a slab pool (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: make r_request msg_size calculation clearer (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: move r_reply_op_{len, result} into struct ceph_osd_req_op (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: rename ceph_osd_req_op::payload_len to indata_len (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: remove useless BUG_ON (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: don't enable rbytes mount option by default (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: encode ctime in cap message (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: behave in mon_fault() if cur_mon < 0 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: reschedule tick in mon_fault() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: introduce and switch to reopen_session() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: monc hunt rate is 3s with backoff up to 30s (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: monc ping rate is 10s (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: pick a different monitor when reconnecting (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: revamp subs code, switch to SUBSCRIBE2 protocol (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: decouple hunting and subs management (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: move debugfs initialization into __ceph_open_session() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: initial CEPH_FEATURE_FS_FILE_LAYOUT_V2 support (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: don't spam dmesg with stray reply warnings (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use the right footer size when skipping a message (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: don't bail early from try_read() when skipping a message (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: MOSDOpReply v7 encoding (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: advertise support for TUNABLES5 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: decode and initialize chooseleaf_stable (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: add chooseleaf_stable tunable (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: ensure take bucket value is valid (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: ensure bucket id is valid before indexing buckets array (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix snap context leak in error path (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: checking for IS_ERR instead of NULL (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: remove outdated comment (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: kill off ceph_x_ticket_handler::validity (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: invalidate AUTH in addition to a service ticket (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: fix authorizer invalidation, take 2 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: clear messenger auth_retry flag if we fault (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: fix ceph_msg_revoke() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use list_for_each_entry_safe (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: use i_size_{read, write} to get/set i_size (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: re-send AIO write request when getting -EOLDSNAP error (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: Asynchronous IO support (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: Avoid to propagate the invalid page point (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: fix double page_unlock() in page_mkwrite() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: delete an unnecessary check before rbd_dev_destroy() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use list_next_entry instead of list_entry_next (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: ceph_frag_contains_value can be boolean (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: remove unused functions in ceph_frag.h (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: don't put snap_context twice in rbd_queue_workfn() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: clear msg->con in ceph_msg_release() only (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: add nocephx_sign_messages option (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: stop duplicating client fields in messenger (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: drop authorizer check from cephx msg signing routines (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: msg signing callouts don't need con argument (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: evaluate osd_req_op_data() arguments only once (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: introduce ceph_x_authorizer_cleanup() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: remove duplicate calls to rbd_dev_mapping_clear() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: set device_type::release instead of device::release (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: don't free rbd_dev outside of the release callback (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: return -ENOMEM instead of pool id if rbd_dev_create() fails (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use local variable cursor instead of &msg->cursor (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: remove con argument in handle_reply() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: combine as many iovec as possile into one OSD request (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: drop null test before destroy functions (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: require stable pages if message data CRCs are enabled (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: prevent kernel stack blow up on rbd map (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: don't leak parent_spec in rbd_dev_probe_parent() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: use writefull op for object size writes (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: set max_sectors explicitly (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: advertise support for keepalive2 (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: don't access invalid memory in keepalive2 path (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: check data_len in ->alloc_msg() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: use keepalive2 to verify the mon session is alive (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: plug rbd_dev->header.object_prefix memory leak (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: fix double free on rbd_dev->header_name (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: set 'exists' flag for newly up osd (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: rename con_work() to ceph_con_workfn() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: Avoid holding the zero page on ceph_msgr_slab_init errors (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: remove the unused macro AES_KEY_SIZE (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: fix copyup completion race (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: treat sockaddr_storage with uninitialized family as blank (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: enable ceph in a non-default network namespace (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: use GFP_NOIO in rbd_obj_request_create() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: fix a bug in tree bucket decode (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: Fix ceph_tcp_sendpage()'s more boolean usage (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: Remove spurious kunmap() of the zero page (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: queue_depth map option (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: store rbd_options in rbd_device (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: terminate rbd_opts_tokens with Opt_err (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: bump queue_max_segments (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ceph: rework dcache readdir (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: sync up with userspace (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] crush: fix crash from invalid 'take' argument (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: fix wrong name "Ceph filesystem for Linux" (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] rbd: timeout watch teardown on unmap with mount_timeout (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: a couple tweaks for wait loops (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: nuke time_sub() (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: properly release STAT request's raw_data_in (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] Revert "libceph: clear r_req_lru_item in __unregister_linger_request()" (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] libceph: request a new osdmap if lingering request maps to no osd (Ilya Dryomov) [1344930] - [fs] ovl: Do d_type check only if work dir creation was successful (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: update documentation (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: override creds with the ones from the superblock mounter (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: ignore permissions on underlying lookup (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] vfs: add lookup_hash() helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] vfs: rename: check backing inode being equal (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] vfs: add vfs_select_inode() helper (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: cleanup unused var in rename2 (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: rename is_merge to is_lowest (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: verify upper dentry before unlink and rename (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: copy new uid/gid into overlayfs runtime inode (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: ignore lower entries when checking purity of non-directory entries (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: fix getcwd() failure after unsuccessful rmdir (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: fix working on distributed fs as lower layer (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: Remove email address from Documentation/filesystems/overlayfs.txt (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: document lower layer ordering (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: add testsuite to docs (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795] - [fs] ovl: update MAINTAINERS (Miklos Szeredi) [1341795]- [infiniband] ib/core: Use GRH when the path hop-limit > 0 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/{core, mlx5}: Fix input len in vendor part of create_qp/srq (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Avoid using user-index for SRQs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Allow resetting VF admin mac to zero (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Check the correct limitation on VFs for HA mode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix lockdep warning in handling of mac/vlan tables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Provide correct packet/bytes statistics (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add rx/tx bytes software counters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Correctly handle RSS indirection table when changing number of channels (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Fix ethtool RX hash func configuration change (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix soft lockup when HW Timestamping is enabled (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix LRO modify (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove wrong poll CQ optimization (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix missed clean call in registration path (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb3: fix up vpd strings for kstrto*() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Avoid changing dev->features directly in run-time (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Set UAR page size to 4KB regardless of system page size (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Do not BUG_ON during reset when PCI is offline (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix potential corruption in counters database (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Choose time-stamping shift value according to HW frequency (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Count HW buffer overrun only once (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: rpcrdma_bc_receive_call() should init rq_private_buf.len (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for the port info class for RoCE ports (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for extended counters over RoCE ports (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix arm logic to align with new cq API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add pci device id for chelsio t540 lom adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use static constant netdevice ndos (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove select queue ndo initialization (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Use offset based reserved field names in the IFC header file (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: fix for rare multicast join race condition (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix reading capability mask of the port info class (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4: fix some error handling in mlx4_multi_func_init() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: increment devcmd2 result ring in case of timeout (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fixing ocrdma debugfs directory remove (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix pkey_index returned by driver in rq work completion (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: populate max_sge_rd in device attributes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Initialize stats resources in the driver before ib device registration (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sysfs: remove unused va_list args (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Do not set skb truesize since using one linearskb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1305593 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Set correct payload length for RoCEv2 over IPv6 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Use MLX5_GET to correctly get end of padding mode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix use of null pointer PD (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix reqlen validation in mlx5_ib_alloc_ucontext (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add CREATE_CQ and CREATE_QP to uverbs_ex_cmd_mask (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Unify CQ create flags check (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose Raw Packet QP to user space consumers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] {ib, net}/mlx5: Move the modify QP operation table to mlx5_ib (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Support setting Ethernet priority for Raw Packet QPs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add Raw Packet QP query functionality (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add create and destroy functionality for Raw Packet QP (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Refactor mlx5_ib_qp to accommodate other QP types (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Allocate a Transport Domain for each ucontext (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Warn on unsupported events of QP/RQ/SQ (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Add RQ and SQ event handling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Export transport objects (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose CQE version to user-space (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] ib/mlx5: Add CQE version 1 support to user QPs and SRQs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix data validation in mlx5_ib_alloc_ucontext (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Fix netlink local service GFP crash (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Remove redundant wc array (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Improve ipoib UD performance (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Advertise RoCE v2 support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Create and use another QP1 for RoCEv2 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx4: Enable send of RoCE QP1 packets with IP/UDP headers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Enable RoCE v2 when the IB device is added (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx4: Support modify_qp for RoCE v2 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add definition for the standard RoCE V2 UDP port (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Add support for RoCE v2 entropy (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Add support for configuring RoCE v2 UDP port (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx4: Add support for setting RoCEv2 gids in hardware (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Configure mlx4 hardware for mixed RoCE v1/v2 modes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add gid_type to GID properties (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4: Query RoCE support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svc_rdma: use local_dma_lkey (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Add class for RDMA backwards direction transport (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Define maximum number of backchannel requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Make map_xdr non-static (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Remove last two __GFP_NOFAIL call sites (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Add gfp flags to svc_rdma_post_recv() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Remove unused req_map and ctxt kmem_caches (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Improve allocation of struct svc_rdma_req_map (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Improve allocation of struct svc_rdma_op_ctxt (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up process_context() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up rdma_create_xprt() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Use hop-limit from IP stack for RoCE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Rename rdma_addr_find_dmac_by_grh (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix a recently introduced deadlock (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Fix the RDMA completion handlers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix dereference before check (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Eliminate sparse false context imbalance warning (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: sysfs.c: Fix PerfMgt ClassPortInfo handling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Remove set-but-not-used variable from ib_sg_to_pages() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Fix passing casted pointer in mlx5_query_port_roce (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mad: use CQ abstraction (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mad: pass ib_mad_send_buf explicitly to the recv_handler (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] Replace memset with eth_zero_addr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Delete locally redefined variable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4: Remove unused macro (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Take source mac from AH instead from the port (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Initialize hop_limit when creating address handle (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Expose correct maximum number of CQE capacity (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Take clip reference before starting IPv6 listen (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Fixes GW-Basic labels to meaningful error names (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Fixes static checker warning in c4iw_rdev_open() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Support creating qps with GFP_NOIO flag (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sysfs: Fix sparse warning on attr_id (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix RDMA port validation for iWarp (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: fix mcast detach when qp not attached (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix kernel panic on multicast flow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Fix trimming down IRQ number (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add flow steering support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Export flow steering API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Make ipv4/ipv6 location more clear (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Enable flow steering support for the IB driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Initialize namespaces only when supported by device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Set priority attributes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Connect flow tables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce modify flow table command (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Managing root flow table (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Add utilities to find next and prev flow-tables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce flow steering autogrouped flow table (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fixes static checker warning in mps_tcam_show() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Fix non negative ERR_PTR isert_device_get usage (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add PTP Hardware Clock (PHC) support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add HW timestamping (TS) support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce access function to read internal timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Do not modify the TX SKB (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] chelsio: constify cphy_ops structures (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Support the remote invalidation exception (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove deprecated module parameters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Get TID calculation right for IPv6 mode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Change the increment rkey flow logic (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/isert: Support the remote invalidation exception (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/isert: Declare correct flags when accepting a connection (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/isert: Remove unused file iser_proto.h (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/iser, isert: Create and use new shared header (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: set intuitive values for mr_valid (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Don't register memory for all immediate data writes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Reuse ib_sg_to_pages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix module init not cleaning up on error flow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: constify mmu_notifier_ops structures (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: constify iser_reg_ops structure (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: constify nes_cm_ops structure (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: report tx/rx checksum cap in query results (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Convert kmalloc to kmalloc_array for checkpatch (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Suppress non-fatal memory allocations (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Advertise atomic capabilities in query device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Add setting ATOMIC endian mode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb3: Fix incorrectly returning error on success (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Pass qid range to user space driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mad: Ensure fairness in ib_mad_completion_handler (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add driver cross-channel support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add cross-channel support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Align coding style of ib_device_cap_flags structure (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Mmap the HCA's core clock register to user-space (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add hca_core_clock_offset to udata in init_ucontext (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add support for hca_core_clock and timestamp_mask (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add ib_is_udata_cleared (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Add create_cq extended command (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Update to 128 byte mailbox size for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update SGE context congestion map change for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update mps_tcam output to include T6 fields (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update correct encoding of SGE Ingress DMA States for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update Congestion Channel map for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update register range and SGE registers for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Update Ingress padding boundary values for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update pm_stats for T6 adapter family (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Pass correct argument to t4_link_l1cfg() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Display extended counter set if available (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Specify attribute_id in port_table_attribute (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Create get_perf_mad function in sysfs.c (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: remove the write-only usecnt field from struct ib_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: remove the struct ib_phys_buf definition (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] nes: simplify nes_reg_phys_mr calling conventions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] cxgb3: simplify iwch_get_dma_wr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: remove in-kernel support for memory windows (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: remove support for phys MRs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: remove ib_query_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: start documenting device capabilities (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Move multicast specific code out of ipoib_main.c (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: factor out common multicast list removal code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support RoCE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Add RoCE fields to Address Vector (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Support IB device's callbacks for adding/deleting GIDs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Set network_hdr_type upon RoCE responder completion (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Extend query_device/port to support RoCE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce access functions to query vport RoCE fields (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce access functions to enable/disable RoCE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support IB device's callback for getting its netdev (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support IB device's callback for getting the link layer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use napi_complete_done() api in napi handler (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use the node info to alloc_ring() for RX queues (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: get naming correct for iscsi queues (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Warn if device doesn't have enough PCI bandwidth (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: delete unneeded IS_ERR test (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Handle 0 counts in resource allocation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Fix resource leak in error case (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Support more QP state transitions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Fix message typo (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Fix incorrect cast in usnic_ib_fw_string_to_u64 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Improve a failure message (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/usnic: Remove unused prototype (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/cma: Join and leave multicast groups with IGMP (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Initialize UD header structure with IP and UDP headers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Add configfs for rdma_cm (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] configfs: add show and store methods to struct configfs_attribute (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/rdma_cm: Add wrapper for cma reference count (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Validate route when we init ah (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Move rdma_is_upper_dev_rcu to header file (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add rdma_network_type to wc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add ROCE_UDP_ENCAP (RoCE V2) type (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add gid attributes to sysfs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Use the source GID index type (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add gid_type to gid attribute (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: don't search the GID table twice (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Change per-entry lock in RoCE GID table to one lock (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Refactor GID cache's ib_dispatch_event (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Remove ib_query_device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: don't pretend to use cpu notifiers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Avoid calling ib_query_device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Avoid calling ib_query_device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ulps: Avoid calling ib_query_device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid calling ib_query_device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Save the device attributes on the device structure (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix module parameter spelling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Remove incorrect link credit check (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Change num_rcv_contexts to num_user_contexts and its meaning (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix for module parameter hdrq_entsize when it's 0 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix a possible null pointer dereference (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: HFI now sends OPA Traps instead of IBTA (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: add definitions for OPA traps (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: convert buffers allocated atomic to per cpu (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: fix sdma build failures to always clean up (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: fix pio progress routine race with allocator (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Detect SDMA transmission error early (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Clean-up unnecessary goto statements (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add page lock limit check for SDMA requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Convert to use get_user_pages_fast (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Unconditionally clean-up SDMA queues (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Return immediately on error (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Reduce snoop locking scope in IOCTL handler (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Further clean up hfi1_ioctl parameter checks (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: hfi1_ioctl remove setlink state (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Return early from hfi1_ioctl parameter errors (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix camel case variables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c correct sizeof parameter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c add missing braces (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c change null comparisons (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c fix white space errors (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c fix logical continuations (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c fix alignment (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: diag.c use BIT macros (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Adding counter resolutions for DataPortCounters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Consider VL15 MTU also when calculating the maximum VL MTU (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: unknown frame messages are not errors (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: remove SPC freeze error messages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Unexpected link up pkey values are not an error (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Destroy workqueues if hfi1_register_ib_device() call returns error (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Adds software counters for bitfields within various error status fields (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Correctly limit VLs against SDMA engines (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add a credit push on diagpkt allocate fail (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Extend quiet timeout (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add one-time LCB reset (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix qp.h comments (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add aeth name syndrome decode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Decode CNP opcode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Support alternate firmware names (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Eliminate WARN_ON when VL is invalid (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix error in hfi1 driver build (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] staging/rdma/hfi1: Adjust EPROM partitions, add EPROM commands (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Read EFI variable for device description (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: rework is_a0() and is_bx() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add space between concatenated string elements (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Remove rcv bubbles code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: remove RxCtxRHQS from hfi1stats (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix downgrade race (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: revert commit e7104a2a9606 ('xprtrdma: Cap req_cqinit') (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Invalidate in the RPC reply handler (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Add ro_unmap_sync method for all-physical registration (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Add ro_unmap_sync method for FMR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Add ro_unmap_sync method for FRWR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Introduce ro_unmap_sync method (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Move struct ib_send_wr off the stack (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Disable RPC/RDMA backchannel debugging messages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: xprt_rdma_free() must not release backchannel reqs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Fix additional uses of spin_lock_irqsave(rb_lock) (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: clean up some curly braces (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Replace arpq_head/arpq_tail with SKB double link-list code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use t4_mgmt_tx() API for sending write l2t request ctrl packets (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add API to alloc l2t entry; also update existing ones (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use symbolic constant for VLAN priority calculation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rename en_flow_table.c to en_fs.c (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Use flow steering infrastructure for mlx5_en (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Flow steering tree initialization (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Introduce flow steering API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Add flow steering lookup algorithms (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Add flow steering base data structures (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce flow steering firmware commands (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Assign random MAC address if needed (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix query E-Switch capabilities (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Handle clip return values (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix incorrect 'c' suffix to pI4, use pISc instead (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Convert to CQ abstraction (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Use helper for container_of (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Use a dedicated descriptor for login (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: use the new CQ API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: chain RDMA READ/WRITE requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: add a proper completion queue abstraction (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Adds PCI device id for new T5 adapters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add FL DMA mapping error and low counter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Deal with wrap-around of queue for Work request (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: prevent simultaneous execution of service_ofldq() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use ACCES_ONCE macro to read queue's consumer index (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: update Kconfig file to include T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Align rest of the ethtool get stats (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Convert simple_strtoul to kstrtox (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Support the HA mode for SRIOV VFs too (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use the VF base-port when demuxing mad from wire (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Keep VLAN/MAC tables mirrored in multifunc HA mode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Support mirroring VF DMFS rules on both ports (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Use both physical ports to dispatch link state events to VF (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Use both physical ports to set the VF link state (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add support for SR-IOV ndos (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce get vf statistics (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce set vport vlan (VST mode) (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce HCA cap and E-Switch vport context (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce Vport administration functions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Add SR-IOV (FDB) support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: E-Switch, Introduce FDB hardware capabilities (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Introducing E-Switch and l2 table (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Write vlan list into vport context (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Write UC/MC list and promisc mode into vport context (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Introduce access functions to modify/query vport vlans (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Introduce access functions to modify/query vport promisc mode (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Introduce access functions to modify/query vport state (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Introduce access functions to modify/query vport mac lists (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Update access functions to Query/Modify vport MAC address (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5: Add HW capabilities and structs for SR-IOV E-Switch (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Add base sriov support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Modify enable/disable hca functions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Handle packets with invalid RHF on context 0 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Reduce number of parameters passed to send handlers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: add ACK coalescing logic (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: add common routine for queuing acks (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Workaround to prevent corruption during packet delivery (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: pre-compute sc and sde for RC/UC QPs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Use parallel workqueue for SDMA engines (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: move hfi1_migrate_qp (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: use one-shot LCB write (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Remove spurious error messages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix for opaportconfig ledon by not checking for portNum (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Select only devices with active links (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Disable thermal polling before sensor initialization (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Always download SBus firmware (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Enable WFR PCIe extended tags from the driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Clear the QSFP reset that is asserted on FLR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Convert dd_dev_info() to hfi1_cdbg() in process startup (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1 : Prefer using the BIT macro (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: optionally prescan rx queue for {B, F}ECNs - UC, RC (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: don't cache "prescan head" (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Move macros to a common header (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Remove unnecessary include files (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] staging/rdma/hfi1: Clean up macro indentation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Remove file pointer macros (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: chip: Remove wrapper function (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: sdma: Remove wrapper functions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: Remove hfi1_nomsix() wrapper function (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: Remove unnecessary variable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ehca: stop using struct ib_phys_buf (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: use kmalloc_array instead of kmalloc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ipath: Remove unneeded vairable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: ipath_init_chip: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: ipath_sdma: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: ipath_verbs: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: ipath_driver: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: remove sched.h header (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: use TASK_COMM_LEN in ipath_portdata (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: Replace kmalloc with kmalloc_array (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: ipath_eeprom: Remove useless intialisation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: ipath_init_chip: Remove useless initialisation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/path: Use kcalloc instead of kzalloc to allocate array (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: Use memdup_user (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ehca: fix handling idr_alloc result (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: use offset_in_page macro (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: correctly handling failed allocation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] rdma/be2net: Remove open and close entry points (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Depend on async link events from CNA (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Dispatch only port event when port state changes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Fix vlan-id assignment in qp parameters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Replace kfree with kvfree in mlx4_ib_destroy_srq (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: cma_match_net_dev needs to take into account port_num (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: fix handling return value of mlx4_slave_convert_port (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Postpone remove_keys under knowledge of coming preemption (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use vmalloc for WR buffers when needed (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] ib/mlx4: Use correct order of variables in log message (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove explicit mlx4 work-around (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] mlx4: Expose correct max_sge_rd limit (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mad: Require CM send method for everything except ClassPortInfo (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Add a missing rcu_read_unlock() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib core: Fix ib_sg_to_pages() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix srp_map_sg_fr() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix indirect data buffer rkey endianness (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Initialize dma_length in srp_map_idb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix possible send queue overflow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix a memory leak (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Put netlink request into the request list before sending (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: use sector_div instead of do_div (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: use RCU for uverbs id lookup (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Minor fixes to qib per SFF 8636 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix user mode post wr corruption (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Fix qib_mr structure (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: fix race condition when sending a message on unbound socket (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Avoid returning success in case of an error flow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix sleeping while holding spinlock at rem_slave_counters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use the right DMA free function on TX path (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Max mtu comparison fix (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Added self loopback prevention (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix inline header size calculation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Allow activation of scsi-mq for SRP in driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] scsi: use host wide tags by default (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix LSO vlan insertion (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Re-eanble client vlan TX acceleration (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Return error in case mlx5e_set_features() fails (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Don't allow more than max supported channels (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Use the the real irqn in eq->irqn (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Wait for RX buffers initialization in a more proper manner (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Avoid NULL pointer access in case of configuration failure (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] nfs: Enable client side NFSv4.1 backchannel to use other transports (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] sunrpc: Abstract backchannel operations (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: convert bind hash table to re-sizable hashtable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: changing the return type from int to void (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: assign affinity hint to interrupts (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Add backward direction service for RPC/RDMA transport (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Handle incoming backward direction RPC calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Add support for sending backward direction RPC replies (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Pre-allocate Work Requests for backchannel (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Pre-allocate backward rpc_rqst and send/receive buffers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Saving IRQs no longer needed for rb_lock (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Remove reply tasklet (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Use workqueue to process RPC/RDMA replies (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Replace send and receive arrays (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Refactor reply handler error handling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Prevent loss of completion signals (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Re-arm after missed events (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Enable swap-on-NFS/RDMA (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: don't log warnings for flushed completions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core, cma: Make __attribute_const__ declarations sparse-friendly (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Remove old fast registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: Remove fast registration from the code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Remove old FRWR API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Remove old FRWR API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Remove old FRWR API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb3: Remove old FRWR API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Remove old FRWR API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove old FRWR API support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove old FRWR API support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Dont allocate a page vector when using fast_reg (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove srp_finish_mapping (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Convert to new registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Split srp_map_sg (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds/iw: Convert to new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Port to new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Port to new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Port to new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Port to new fast registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/nes: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb3: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Support the new memory registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove dead fmr code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Introduce new fast registration API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ucma: Take the network namespace from the process (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] ib/cma: Add support for network namespaces (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Separate port allocation to network namespaces (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/addr: Pass network namespace as a parameter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Enable SG clustering (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: set block queue_virt_boundary (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Update driver version string to 0.9-294 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: add additional rc traces (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add unit # to verbs txreq cache name (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Load SBus firmware once per ASIC (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Thread the receive interrupt (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add irqsaves in the packet processing path (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Increase SDMA descriptor queue size (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Allow tuning of SDMA interrupt rate (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Wrong cast breaks desired pointer arithmetic (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Prevent silent data corruption with user SDMA (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix port bounce issues with 0.22 DC firmware (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add a schedule in send thread (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Reset firmware instead of reloading Sbus (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: close shared context security hole (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Add coalescing support for SDMA TX descriptors (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] staging/rdma/hfi1: Remove QSFP_ENABLED from HFI capability mask (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Prevent host software lock up (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Extend the offline timeout (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix code to reset ASIC CSRs on FLR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: Fix regression in send performance (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] hfi1: sdma: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] hfi1: driver: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: chip: Use setup_timer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove an unused variable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Remove an unused variable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update ethtool get_drvinfo to get regdump len (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use vmalloc, if kmalloc fails (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Return error if setup_rss is called before probe (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Update driver desc. to include Chelsio T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add info print to display number of MSI-X vectors allocated (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Restore L1 cfg, if FW rejects new L1 cfg settings (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't disallow turning off auto-negotiation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Align ethtool get stat settings (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Remove smac and vlan id from path record (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Remove smac and vlan id from qp_attr and ah_attr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Remove the usage of smac and vid of qp_attr and cm_av (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Use GID table in AH creation and dmac resolution (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/cache: Add ib_find_gid_by_filter cache API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: cma_validate_port should verify the port and netdevice (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cm: cm_init_av_by_path should find a GID by its netdevice (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add netdev to path record (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Expose and rename ib_find_cached_gid_by_port cache API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add netdev and gid attributes paramteres to cache (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add support for blocking multicast loopback QP creation user flag (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add counter based implementation for QP multicast loopback block (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Add IB counters table (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Implement mcast loopback prevention for ETH qps (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Add support for filtering multicast loopback (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Allow setting create flags in QP init attribute (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Extend ib_uverbs_create_qp (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4: Adds support for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: T6 adapter lld support for iw_cxgb4 driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Bump up ocrdma version number to (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Prevent CQ-Doorbell floods (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Check resource ids received in Async CQE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Avoid a possible crash in ocrdma_rem_port_stats (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Cleanup unused device list and rcu variables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: reverse the ord/ird in the ESTABLISHED upcall (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: fix misuse of ep->ord for minimum ird calculation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: pass the ord/ird in connect reply events (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: detect fatal errors while creating listening filters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: avoid 32-bit warning (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb4: re-fix 32-bit build warning (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib_pack.h: Fix commentary IBA reference for CNP in IB opcode enum (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: fix a comment typo (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] usnic: correctly handle kzalloc return value (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] usnic: correctly check failed allocation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: fix rds-ping deadlock over TCP transport (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: use TASK_COMM_LEN in hfi1_ctxtdata (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: Prefer using BIT Macro (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: delete unneeded tabs in conditional statement block (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: mad: Remove explicit cast (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: diag: Remove useless initialisation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: sysfs: Remove useless initialisation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: Remove unnecessary cast on void pointer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] mlx4: corretly check failed allocation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Replace VF zero mac with random mac in mlx4_core (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Wait for FW readiness on startup (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Add pci error handlers to mlx5_core driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Fix internal error detection conditions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] mlx5: stop including (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds-tcp: Reset tcp callbacks if re-using an outgoing socket in rds_tcp_accept_one() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Invoke ->laddr_check() in rds_bind() for explicitly bound transports (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: remove unnecessary out of memory messages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: hfi1: Use kcalloc instead of kzalloc to allocate array (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix resource tracker error flow in add_res_range (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix mailbox leak in error flow when performing update qp (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Add steering rules after RSS creation (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Use private health thread for each device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Use accessor functions to read from device memory (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Prepare cmd interface to system errors handling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Improve mlx5 messages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: remove xrc_remote_srq_num from struct ib_send_wr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: Remove fast registration from the code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] ib: split struct ib_send_wr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: split mr pool to improve 8K messages performance (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: use max_mr from HCA caps than max_fmr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: mark rds_ib_fmr_wq static (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: use already available pool handle from ibmr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: fix the rds_ib_fmr_wq kick call (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: handle rds_ibdev release case instead of crashing the kernel (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: split send completion handling and do batch ack (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: ib: ack more receive completions to improve performance (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: use rds_send_xmit() state instead of RDS_LL_SEND_FULL (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: defer the over_batch work to send worker (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: do hang reset only in case of tx timeout (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: handle spurious error interrupt (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Report correct link speed for unsupported ones (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Adds a new Device Log Facility FW_DEVLOG_FACILITY_CF (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: For T4, don't read the Firmware Mailbox Control register (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4 : Update T4/T5/T6 register ranges (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds-tcp: Set up MSG_MORE and MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST as appropriate in rds_tcp_xmit (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds-tcp: Do not bloat sndbuf/rcvbuf in rds_tcp_tune (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Use a single TCP socket for both send and receive (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: use offset_in_page macro (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Use per-bucket rw lock for bind hash-table (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: fix rds_sock reference bug while doing bind (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: make socket bind/release locking scheme simple and more efficient (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: use kfree_rcu in rds_ib_remove_ipaddr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add HW timesptamp support for RX (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Update health syndromes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Fix wrong name in struct (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: New init and exit flow for mlx5_core (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Fix notification of page supplement error (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Fix async commands return code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Remove redundant "err" variable usage (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Fix struct type in the DESTROY_TIR/TIS device commands (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Priv state flag not rolled-back upon netdev open error (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma: add a blank line after function (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: class_name_user() should be static (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: use kvfree() in sdma.c (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] rdma/hfi1: do not use u8 to store a 32-bit integer (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] hfi1: drop null test before destroy functions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: mask vs shift confusion (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: clean up some defines (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: info leak in get_ctxt_info() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: fix a locking bug (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: fix sdma_descq_cnt parameter parsing (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: fix copy_to/from_user() error handling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/hfi1: fix pstateinfo from returning improperly byteswapped value (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: Add CSRs for CONFIG_SDMA_VERBOSITY (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] ib/hfi1: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [staging] hfi1: replace indent spaces with tabs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4: Copy/set only sizeof struct mlx4_eqe bytes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Explicitly set no vlan tags in WQE ctrl segment when no vlan is present (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds-tcp: Recover correctly from pskb_pull()/pksb_trim() failure in rds_tcp_data_recv (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Fix rb-tree duplicate free and use-after-free (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Use inner P_Key to determine netdev (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ucma: check workqueue allocation before usage (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Potential NULL dereference in cma_id_from_event (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix use after free of ifa (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix memory corruption in ib_cache_gid_set_default_gid (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: For sendonly join free the multicast group on leave (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Fix NFS server crash triggered by 1MB NFS WRITE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5: Fix typo in mlx5_query_port_pvlc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Accept connection without a valid netdev on RoCE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Don't require LOCAL_DMA_LKEY support for fastreg (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] usnic: add missing clauses to BSD license (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: handle rdma read with a non-zero initial page offset (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: increase the max mcast backlog queue (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Make sendonly multicast joins create the mcast group (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Expire sendonly multicast joins (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove pa_lkey usages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx5: Remove support for IB_DEVICE_LOCAL_DMA_LKEY (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Add module parameter for always register memory (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma: Replace global lkey with lkey local to PD (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: really allow to change RSS key (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add device ID for few T5 adapters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Skip data copy if all the command data comes as immediate (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Change the recv buffers posting logic (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Fix pending connections handling in target stack shutdown sequnce (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove np_ prefix from isert_np members (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove unused variables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Put the reference on commands waiting for unsol data (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: remove command with state ISTATE_REMOVE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: changes for new firmware (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: verify the underlying transport exists before creating a connection (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix for write-combining stats configuration (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix usage of uninitialized variable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: rds_conn_lookup() should factor in the structfor a match (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Suppress warning for send only join failures (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Clean up send-only multicast joins (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix possible protection fault (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Move SM class defines from ib_mad.h to ib_smi.h (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Remove unnecessary defines from ib_mad.h (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix incorrect wc pkey_index assignment for GSI messages (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: avoid destroying a NULL mr in reg_user_mr error flow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: reject invalid or unknown opcodes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cxgb4: Fix if statement in pick_local_ip6adddrs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Fix rdma netlink message flags (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ucma: HW Device hot-removal support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4_ib: Disassociate support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/uverbs: Enable device removal when there are active user space applications (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Explicitly pass ib_dev to uverbs commands (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix race between ib_uverbs_open and remove_one (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/uverbs: Fix reference counting usage of event files (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] ib/core: Make ib_dealloc_pd return void (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Create an insecure all physical rkey only if needed (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Register the indirect data buffer descriptor (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Introduce srp_device.use_fmr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove use_mr argument from srp_map_sg_entry() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove the memory registration backtracking code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Add memory descriptor array pointer range checking (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Use multiple registrations for large memory regions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Re-enable FMR for non-page aligned buffers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds/ib: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib_srpt: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Use pd->local_dma_lkey (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Use pd->local_dma_lkey (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mad: Remove ib_get_dma_mr calls (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Guarantee that a local_dma_lkey is available (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Chain all iser transaction send work requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Add debug prints to the various memory registration methods (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Support up to 8MB data transfer in a single command (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Pass registration pool a size parameter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Unify fast memory registration flows (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Make reg_desc_get a per device routine (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Rename iser_reg_page_vec to iser_fast_reg_fmr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Maintain connection fmr_pool under a single registration descriptor (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Introduce iser registration pool struct (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Move fastreg descriptor allocation to iser_create_fastreg_desc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Introduce iser_reg_ops (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Remove dead code in fmr_pool alloc/free (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Rename struct fast_reg_descriptor -> iser_fr_desc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Introduce struct iser_reg_resources (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Remove an unneeded print for unaligned memory (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Remove a redundant always-false condition (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix possible bogus DMA unmapping (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Get rid of un-maintained counters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Fix missing return status check in iser_send_data_out (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Remove '.' from log message (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Change minor assignments and logging prints (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Change some module parameters to be RO (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Route SA pathrecord query through netlink (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/sa: Allocate SA query with kzalloc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add rdma netlink helper functions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/netlink: Add defines for local service requests through netlink (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Stop the scsi_eh_ and scsi_tmf_ threads if login fails (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Bump driver version and release date (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Handle partial connection success correctly (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Constify a function argument (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix incorrect cq flushing in error state (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Use correct SL on AH query under RoCE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Forbid using sysfs to change RoCE pkeys (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Demote mcg message from warning to debug (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix potential deadlock when sending mad to wire (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Remove needless bracketization (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: Incorporate the moving of GID Table mgmt to IB/Core (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Replace mechanism for RoCE GID management (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/mlx4: Implement ib_device callbacks (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4: Postpone the registration of net_device (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Port aggregation configuration (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add RoCE table bonding support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: missing curly braces in ib_find_gid() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Add RoCE GID table management (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Make ib_alloc_device init the kobject (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Drop ib_alloc_fast_reg_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] qib: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] nes: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] mlx4: Support ib_alloc_mr verb (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] mlx5: Drop mlx5_ib_alloc_fast_reg_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Convert to ib_alloc_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: limit FRMR page list lengths to device max (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma, svcrdma: Convert to ib_alloc_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Convert to ib_alloc_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Convert to ib_alloc_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Convert to ib_alloc_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib: Modify ib_create_mr API (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Get rid of redundant verb ib_destroy_mr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix net_dev reference leak with failed requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/cm: Remove compare_data checks (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Share ib_cm_ids between rdma_cm_ids (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Use found net_dev for passive connections (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Validate routing of incoming requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Add net_dev and private data checks to RDMA CM (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/cm: Expose BTH P_Key in CM and SIDR request events (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Helper functions to access port space IDRs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Refactor RDMA IP CM private-data parsing code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/cm: Share listening CM IDs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/cm: Expose service ID in request events (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Return IPoIB devices matching connection parameters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/core: Find the network device matching connection parameters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] ib/core: lock client data with lists_rwsem (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add rwsem to allow reading device list or client list (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] rdma/core: remove rdma_cap_read_multi_sge() helper (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Use max_sge_rd for destination read depths (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ipath,qib: Expose max_sge_rd correctly (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] mlx4, mlx5, mthca: Expose max_sge_rd correctly (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Add support for clip (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/cma: fix IPv6 address resolution (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ucma: Fix theoretical user triggered use-after-free (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: set the default MPA version to 2 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/iser: Limit sgs to the device fastreg depth (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx5: Remove dead code from alloc_cached_mr() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/qib: Change lkey table allocation to support more MRs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] mlx5: Expose correct page_size_cap in device attributes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] mlx5: Fix missing device local_dma_lkey (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Force uninitialized state if FW in adapter is unsupported (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix unintialized variable used in error path (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] target/iscsi: Replace __kernel_sockaddr_storage with sockaddr_storage (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] target/iscsi: Replace conn->login_ip with login_sockaddr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] target/iscsi: Keep local_ip as the actual sockaddr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: remove superfluous from rds_ib_alloc_fmr() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: flush the FMR pool less often (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: push FMR pool flush work to its own worker (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: fix fmr pool dirty_count (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Fix rds MR reference count in rds_rdma_unuse() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: fix the dangling reference to rds_ib_incoming_slab (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: reduce ioread in devcmd2 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Fix improper gfp_t usage (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Avoid accessing NULL pointer at ndo_select_queue (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: check for valid cm_id before initiating connection (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: return EMSGSIZE for oversize requests before processing/queueing (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: make sure rds_send_drop_to properly takes the m_rs_lock (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Don't destroy the rdma id until after we're done using it (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Fix assertion level from fatal to warning (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Make sure we do a signaled send for large-send (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Mark message mapped before transmit (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: add a sock_destruct callback debug aid (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: check for congestion updates during rds_send_xmit (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: make sure not to loop forever inside rds_send_xmit (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: make sure we post recv buffers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: don't update ip address tables if the address hasn't changed (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: destroy the ib state earlier during shutdown (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: always free recv frag as we free its ring entry (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: restore return value in rds_cmsg_rdma_args() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: Fix build failure with SRIOV disabled (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: memory corruption in debugfs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: Fix namespace pollution causing build errors (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: Fix sparse warning in vnic_devcmd_init() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix sparse warnings in mlx5e_handle_csum() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support RX CHECKSUM_COMPLETE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Support ethtool get/set_pauseparam (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Ethtool link speed setting fixes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: HW LRO changes/fixes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support smaller RX/TX ring sizes (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add ethtool RSS configuration options (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Make RSS indirection table size a constant (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Have a single RSS Toeplitz hash key (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: add devcmd2 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: add devcmd2 resources (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: use netdev_ or dev_ instead of pr_ (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: move struct definition from .c to .h file (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add MPS tracing support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs support to dump tid info (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Differentiate between stids between server and filter region (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Differentiates between TIDs being used in TCAM and HASH (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add some more details to sge qinfo (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: cleanup some indenting (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Change maximum server payload back to RPCSVC_MAXPAYLOAD (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds-tcp: Support multiple RDS-TCP listen endpoints, one per netns (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: do proper house keeping if connection fails in rds_tcp_conn_connect (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds-tcp: Make RDS-TCP work correctly when it is set up in a netns other than init_net (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: rds-tcp: Always create a new rds_sock for an incoming connection (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Support physical port counters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Take advantage of the light-weight netdev open/stop (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Disable async events before unregister_netdev() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Rename/move functions following the ndo_stop flow change (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Light-weight netdev open/stop (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5_core: Introduce access function to modify RSS/LRO params (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Introduce the "Drop RQ" (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Unify the RX flow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update T6 register ranges (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: read the correct bits of PL Who Am I register (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support to dump edc bist status (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs support to dump meminfo (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove the mlx5e_update_priv_params() function (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Introduce create/destroy RSS indir table access functions (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Do not use netdev_err() before the netdev is registered (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Avoid redundant de-reference (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove redundant assignment of sq->user_index (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Remove redundant field mlx5e_priv->num_tc (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Use hard-coded 4K page size for RQ/SQ/CQ (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5_core: Check the return value of mlx5_command_exec() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Hardware accelerated 802.1ad works only on the first port (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_en: Add support for hardware accelerated 802.1ad vlan (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4: Prepare VLAN macros for 802.1ad Hardware accelerated support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_en: Prepare ethtool private flags to support more flags (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx4_core: Preparations for 802.1ad VLAN support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Input IPSEC.SPI into the RX RSS hash function (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: cosmetics: use BIT() instead of "1 <<", and others (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: TX latency optimization to save DMA reads (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Support TX packet copy into WQE (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Allocate DMA coherent memory on reader NUMA node (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] net/mlx5e: Support ETH_RSS_HASH_XOR (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Read correct FL congestion threshold for T5 and T6 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Adds SRIOV driver changes for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Allow firmware flash, only if cxgb4 is the master driver (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs entry to enable backdoor access (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4 : Fill DCB priority in vlan control headers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4 : Fill in number of DCB traffic classes supported (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4 : Allow firmware DCB info to be queried in host state (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4 : Only pass app selector of 0 or 3 to firmware (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: allow adaptive coalesce setting for msi/legacy intr (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: add adaptive coalescing intr for intx and msi poll (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_fastreg() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up svc_rdma_get_reply_array() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] NFS/RDMA Release resources in svcrdma when device is removed (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix check to use new User Doorbell mechanism (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Enable cim_la dump to support T6 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Read stats for only available channels (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update register ranges for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't use entire L2T table, use only its slice (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add PCI device ids for few more T5 and T6 adapters (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Add extra check for total vfs for SRIOV (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] mlx4: TCP/UDP packets have L4 hash (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: missing curly braces in t4_setup_debugfs() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: fix an integer overflow test in rds_info_getsockopt() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: gracefully handle unknown CQE status errors (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Relieve cpu load average on the port sending flow (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] net/mlx4_core: Fix wrong index in propagating port change event to VFs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Fix REJECT CM event use-after-free OOPs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: update ocrdma module license string (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/ocrdma: update ocrdma license to dual-license (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipoib: Fix CONFIG_INFINIBAND_IPOIB_CM (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] rdma/cxgb3: fail get_dma_mr on 64 bit arches (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Fix memory leak in do_slave_init (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/mlx4: Optimize freeing of items on error unwind (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ipath: Convert use of __constant_ to (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/srp: Avoid using uninitialized variable (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srpt: Convert use of __constant_cpu_to_beXX to cpu_to_beXX (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] net-rds: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "module_put" (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: fix issues in enic_poll (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/ehca: use kvfree() in ipz_queue_{cd}tor() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: use kvfree() in t4_free_mem() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb3: use kvfree() in cxgb_free_mem() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] enic: use atomic_t instead of spin_lock in busy poll (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add PCI device ID for custom T522 & T520 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb3: avoid needless buffer copy for firmware (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: use for_each_sg() for scatterlist parsing (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] xprtrdma, svcrdma: Switch to generic logging helpers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: support for bar2 qid densities exceeding the page size (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Support for user mode bar2 mappings with T4 (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs entry to dump channel rate (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs entry to dump CIM PIF logic analyzer contents (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add a debugfs entry to dump CIM MA logic analyzer logs (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: release stale iser connections (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix static checker warning (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use FW LDST cmd to access TP_PIO_{ADDR, DATA} register first (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: program pci completion timeout (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Rename t4_link_start() to t4_link_l1cfg (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add sge ec context flush service (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Free Virtual Interfaces in remove routine (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Add a separate "max data segs macro for svcrdma (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Replace GFP_KERNEL in a loop with GFP_NOFAIL (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Keep rpcrdma_msg fields in network byte-order (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Handle additional inline content (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Move read list XDR round-up logic (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Support RDMA_NOMSG requests (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: rc_position sanity checking (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Plant reader function in struct svcxprt_rdma (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up read chunk counting (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Clean up dprintk (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Fix byte-swapping in svc_rdma_sendto.c (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove WOL get/set ethtool support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support to dump loopback port stats (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support in ethtool to dump channel stats (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add ethtool support to get adapter stats (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] svcrdma: Remove svc_rdma_xdr_decode_deferred_req() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Adds support for T6 adapter (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add is_t6 macro and T6 register ranges (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds Add getsockopt support for SO_RDS_TRANSPORT (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Add setsockopt support for SO_RDS_TRANSPORT (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [net] rds: Declare SO_RDS_TRANSPORT and RDS_TRANS_* constants in uapi/linux/rds.h (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib_srpt: Remove set-but-not-used variables (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] target: Remove first argument of target_{get, put}_sess_cmd() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] iser-target: Align to generic logging helpers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/iser: Align to generic logging helpers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Align to generic logging helpers (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] ib/srp: Add 64-bit LUN support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove !ch->target tests from the reconnect code (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove a superfluous check from srp_free_req_data() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Rearrange module description (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove superfluous casts (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Reduce failover time (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix reconnection failure handling (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix connection state tracking (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Fix a connection setup race (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Remove an extraneous scsi_host_put() from an error path (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Add multichannel support (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [infiniband] ib/srp: Use block layer tags (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [scsi] always assign block layer tags if enabled (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Fix a race condition (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Introduce srp_wait_for_queuecommand() (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156] - [include] scsi_transport_srp: Fix a race condition (Don Dutile) [1169955 1259940 1262728 1275187 1275209 1275423 1275425 1289615 1291874 1292284 1292872 1296195 1296269 1296338 1296344 1298707 1302166 1310156]- [include] crypto: skcipher - Fix driver name helper (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] crypto: skcipher - Add helper to retrieve driver name (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] crypto: skcipher - Add helper to zero stack request (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] crypto: skcipher - Add default key size helper (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] crypto: skcipher - Add crypto_skcipher_has_setkey (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] crypto: skcipher - Add top-level skcipher interface (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] crypto: Resolve shadow warnings (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usbfs: fix potential infoleak in devio (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: devio: Add ioctl to disallow detaching kernel USB drivers (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] revert "lan78xx: add ndo_get_stats64" (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: add ndo_get_stats64 (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: handle statistics counter rollover (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] fsl: drop USB_FSL_MPH_DR_OF Kconfig symbol (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: add ethtool set & get pause functions (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: remove unnecessary code (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: replace devid to chipid & chiprev (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: Add support for usbfs zerocopy (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: core: rename mutex usb_bus_list_lock to usb_bus_idr_lock (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] no locking for reading descriptors in sysfs (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: sysfs: make locking interruptible (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: define USB_SPEED_SUPER_PLUS speed for SuperSpeedPlus USB3.1 devices (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: change to use updated phy-ignore-interrupts (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [fs] helpers: no_seek_end_llseek{, _size}() (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] asix: silence log message from oversize packet (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: musb: core: Fix handling of the phy notifications (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] cdc_ncm: add "ndp_to_end" sysfs attribute (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] whci: fhci: remove comparison to bool (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: core: lpm: remove usb3_lpm_enabled in usb_device (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core: lpm: add sysfs node for usb3 lpm permit (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: core: lpm: fix usb3_hardware_lpm sysfs node (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] uvcvideo: Enable UVC 1.5 device detection (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] revert "usb / pm: Allow USB devices to remain runtime-suspended when sleeping" (Torez Smith) [1332712 1344296] - [netdrv] net/smscx5xx: use the device tree for mac address (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] pegasus: fixes reported packet length (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] pegasus: fixes URB buffer allocation size; (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: workaround of forced 100 Full/Half duplex mode error (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] lan78xx: fix statistics counter error (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add Straizona Focusers device ids (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add ID for Link ECU (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] cdc_mbim: apply "NDP to end" quirk to all Huawei devices (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] hcd: out of bounds access in for_each_companion (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: uas: Add a new NO_REPORT_LUNS quirk (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: fix 10 second timeout on removal of PCI hotpluggable xhci controllers (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: fix wild pointers in xhci_mem_cleanup (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: xhci: add a new quirk XHCI_NO_64BIT_SUPPORT (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: resume USB 3 roothub first (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: applying XHCI_PME_STUCK_QUIRK to Intel BXT B0 host (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix crash if flushed with nothing buffered (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] option: add "D-Link DWM-221 B1" device id (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: cp210x: Adding GE Healthcare Device ID (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: Add support for ICP DAS I-756xU devices (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] usb: cdc_ncm: adding Telit LE910 V2 mobile broadband card (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] digi_acceleport: do sanity checking for the number of ports (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] cypress_m8: add endpoint sanity check (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] mct_u232: add sanity checking in probe (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] fix regression in SuperSpeed endpoint descriptor parsing (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: Workaround to get Intel xHCI reset working more reliably (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: ch9: Fix SSP Device Cap wFunctionalitySupport type (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add "D-Link DWM-221 B1" device id (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] usb/plusb.c: Fix typo (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] uas: Reduce can_queue to MAX_CMNDS (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] cdc-acm: more sanity checking (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb_driver_claim_interface: add sanity checking (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core: usb_alloc_dev(): fix setting of ->portnum (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] iowarrior: fix oops with malicious USB descriptors (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Added support for Gemalto's Cinterion PHxx WWAN interface (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: core: let USB device know device node (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-host: Remove fusbh200 driver (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: otg-fsm: add B_AIDL_BDIS timer (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: common: otg-fsm: add HNP polling support (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: add OTG status selector definition for HNP polling (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: ch9: Add size macro for SSP dev cap descriptor (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] asix: Continue processing URB if no RX netdev buffer (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] asix: On RX avoid creating bad Ethernet frames (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] asix: Simplify asix_rx_fixup_internal() netdev alloc (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci-mtk: use __maybe_unused to hide pm functions (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] asix: Tidy-up 32-bit header word synchronisation (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: unhide suspend/resume declarations (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [netdrv] asix: Rename remaining and size for clarity (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: Host drivers relying on DMA should depend on HAS_DMA (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] idmouse.c: Put the interface on error (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] hub: fix a typo in hub_port_init() leading to wrong logic (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add new access functions for large registers (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add 8-bit and 32-bit register access functions (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add 16-bit register access functions (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: fix boolinit.cocci warnings (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: fix returnvar.cocci warnings (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] serial: fix compare_const_fl.cocci warnings (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core: Allow compilation on platforms where NO_DMA=y (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] storage: use usb_store_dbg instead of US_DEBUGPX (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usbtmc: Fix disconnect/poll interaction (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: xhci-rcar: Use ARCH_RENESAS (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] misc/chaoskey: introduce an URB for asynchronous reads (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] misc/chaoskey: Cleanup probe failure paths (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] revert "usb: add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_APPLEDISPLAY" (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] retry reset if a device times out (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: pci_quirks: fix memory leak, by adding iounmap (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_ISP1362_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_OXU210HP_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_OHCI_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_APPLEDISPLAY (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_FOTG210_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_XHCI_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_EHCI_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_SL811_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_C67X00_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_R8A66597_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_XHCI_MVEBU (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add HAS_IOMEM dependency to USB_ISP116X_HCD (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] cdc-acm: implement put_char() and flush_chars() (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: Support extended burst isoc TRB structure used by xhci 1.1 for USB 3.1 (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: cleanup isoc tranfers queuing code (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: Add SuperSpeedPlus high bandwidth isoc support to xhci endpoints (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: refactor and cleanup endpoint initialization (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: Add USB 3.1 Precision time measurement capability descriptor support (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: Parse the new USB 3.1 SuperSpeedPlus Isoc endpoint companion descriptor (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: Add USB3.1 SuperSpeedPlus Isoc Endpoint Companion descriptor (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb: removed assignment of 0 to static variables (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] pci: Remove includes of asm/pci-bridge.h (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci: fix compiler warning introduced by commit 2a40f324541e (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] Add ioctls to enable and disable local controls on an instrument (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] Add ioctl to retrieve USBTMC-USB488 capabilities (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] Add support for receiving USBTMC USB488 SRQ notifications via poll/select (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] Add support for USBTMC USB488 SRQ notification with fasync (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] Implement an ioctl to support the USMTMC-USB488 READ_STATUS_BYTE operation (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] cxacru: fix an bounds check warning (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb/storage: misc fixes to comments in include/linux/usb/storage.h (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] storage: ene_ub6250: Remove unnecessary cast in kfree (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: remove unnecessary braces (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: use sizeof operator with parens (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: add line after declarations (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: use C89-style comments (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: remove useless else branch (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: remove prohibited spaces (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: add spaces around operators (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: remove useless initializations (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: move constants to right (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-sched: refactor scan_isoc function (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci: remove old stub_debug_files definition (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: add function output_buf_tds_dir() (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: prefer kmalloc_array over kmalloc times size (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: enclose conditional blocks with braces (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: replace sizeof operand (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: remove blank line before close brace (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: add blank line after declarations (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: convert macro to inline function (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: use a blank line after struct declarations (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: fix up function definitions (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: use scnprintf() in qh_lines() (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: put spaces around operators (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: fix up closing parenthesis (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: move trailing statements to next line (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: use C89-style comments (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: remove space before open square bracket (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci-dbg: remove space before open parenthesis (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: move constant to right (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: move pointer operator to name side (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: remove macros trailing semicolon (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: use space after comma (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: remove direct use of __attribute__ keyword (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: fix single statement macros (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: remove space before open square bracket (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: remove space before function open parenthesis (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] host: ehci.h: remove space before comma (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: core: switch bus numbering to using idr (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: set slot context speed field to SuperSpeedPlus for USB 3.1 SSP devices (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: USB 3.1 add default Speed Attributes to SuperSpeedPlus device capability (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: set roothub speed to USB_SPEED_SUPER_PLUS for USB3.1 capable controllers (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] xhci: Make sure xhci handles USB_SPEED_SUPER_PLUS devices (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci: improvements to unlink_empty_async_suspended() (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci: add a delay when unlinking an active QH (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci: improve handling of the ehci->iaa_in_progress flag (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci: store reason for unlinking a QH (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] wusb: Use skcipher (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: fix error path (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: Remove memory allocation logs (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: Remove null test before calls to kfree() (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: fix coding style: remove assignment from if tests (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: fix coding style: braces, parenthesis, comment (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: fix coding style: vertical whitespace changes (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] usb-misc: sisusbvga: fix coding style: horizontal whitespace changes (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core, wusbcore: use bus_to_hcd (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core, devio: use to_usb_device (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] uas: add full support for RESPONSE IU (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci-hcd: Disable memory-write-invalidate when the driver is removed (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] ehci-hcd: Cleanup memory resources when ehci_halt fails (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core: use kbasename() instead of open-coded variant (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [include] usb: Support USB 3.1 extended port status request (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] add device descriptor for usb 3.1 root hub (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] show speed "10000" in sysfs for USB 3.1 SuperSpeedPlus devices (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] set USB 3.1 roothub device speed to USB_SPEED_SUPER_PLUS (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] Use memdup_user to reuse the code (Torez Smith) [1332712] - [usb] core: devio.c: Removed unnecessary space (Torez Smith) [1332712]- [pinctrl] baytrail: Be sure to clamp return value (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [include] pinctrl: baytrail: Fix compilation warnings when !CONFIG_PM (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [spi] spi-pxa2xx: Check status register to determine if SSSR_TINT is disabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Use raw_spinlock for locking (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Serialize all register access (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Drop FSF mailing address (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] platform/intel/baytrail: Add comments about why we disabled HPET on Baytrail (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [include] spi: pxa2xx: Prepare for new Intel LPSS SPI type (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [usb] dwc3: pci: add quirk for Baytrails (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: set BYT MSR with wrmsrl_on_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Change the setpoint for Atom params (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] reboot: Add ASRock Q1900DC-ITX mainboard reboot quirk (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [idle] intel_idle: Update support for Silvermont Core in Baytrail SOC (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [idle] intel_idle: support Bay Trail (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: baytrail_i2c_acquire() might sleep (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: cross-check lock functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: fix sparse warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: fix typo in error path (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: describe magic numbers (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Save pin context over system sleep (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Rework interrupt handling (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Clear interrupt triggering from pins that are in GPIO mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Relax GPIO request rules (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: another fixup for proper Kconfig dependencies (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [acpi] acpi / lpss: Always disable I2C host controllers (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-baytrail: use proper Kconfig dependencies (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware: Add i2c bus locking support (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-pci: no need to provide clk_khz (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [include] acpi: Eliminate CONFIG_.*{, _MODULE} #ifdef in favor of IS_ENABLED() (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [acpi] int340x_thermal: add missing CONFIG_ prefix (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [acpi] int340x_thermal: enumerate INT3401 for Intel SoC DTS thermal driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [thermal] acpi/int340x_thermal: enumerate INT340X devices even if they're not in _ART/_TRT (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [thermal] int340x: Handle properly the case when _trt or _art acpi entry is missing (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [thermal] int340x: Clear the error value of the last acpi_bus_get_device() call (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [thermal] int340x: avoid unnecessary pointer casting (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [thermal] introduce int3400 thermal driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [thermal] acpi: introduce ACPI int340x thermal scan handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [include] acpi: make acpi_create_platform_device() an external API (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] Move Intel Baytrail pinctrl driver under intel directory (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: add missing module removal support (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: show output gpio state correctly on Intel Baytrail (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Clear DIRECT_IRQ bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] serial: 8250_pci: remove rts_n override from Baytrail quirk (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: resolve unbalanced IRQ wake disable warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [acpi] acpi / lpss: support for 133MHz I2C source clock on Baytrail (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [idle] intel_idle: Disable Baytrail Core and Module C6 auto-demotion (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Warn if direct IRQ GPIO set to output (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] serial: 8250_dw: clock rate handling for all ACPI platforms (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [spi] pxa2xx: fix incorrect SW mode chipselect setting for BayTrail LPSS SPI (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-pci: Add Haswell PCI IDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Add pull type, strength and open drain to debugfs output (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Register GPIO chip after chip->to_irq is set (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: Add back Baytrail-T ACPI ID (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware: Mask all interrupts during i2c controller enable (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] iosf: Add PCI ID macros for better readability (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] intel: Add quirk to disable HPET for the Baytrail platform (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] hpet: Make boot_hpet_disable extern (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] 8250_dw: Support all baudrates on baytrail (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] serial: 8250_dw: Report CTS asserted for auto flow (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [spi] pxa2xx-pci: Add PCI mode support for BayTrail LPSS SPI (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [net] rfkill: gpio: add ACPI IDs for a Broadcom bluetooth chip (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-pci: set ideal HCNT, LCNT and SDA hold time value (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: add function mux checking in gpio pin request (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-pci: add 10-bit addressing mode functionality for BYT I2C (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] i801: enable Intel BayTrail SMBUS (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware-pci: Add Baytrail PCI IDs (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] serial: 8250_pci: change BayTrail default uartclk (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] serial: 8250_pci: more BayTrail error-free bauds (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] tsc: Add missing Baytrail frequency to the table (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] tsc: Fallback to normal calibration if fast MSR calibration fails (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] tsc, apic: Unbreak static (MSR) calibration when CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC=n (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [x86] tsc: Add static (MSR) TSC calibration on Intel Atom SoCs (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [acpi] acpi / lpss: Add Intel BayTrail ACPI mode PWM (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] baytrail: lock IRQs when starting them (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: show pin label with the reset of the gpio debug data (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [tty] serial: 8250_pci: add support for Intel BayTrail (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [i2c] designware: make HCNT/LCNT values configurable (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: fix to avoid sparse warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: introduce to_byt_gpio() macro (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: remove redundant ptr variable (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: change lvl to level (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] pinctrl-baytrail: fix indentations (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [include] pinctrl: add pin list based GPIO ranges (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [pinctrl] add Intel BayTrail GPIO/pinctrl support (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663] - [spi] pxa2xx: add Intel BayTrail ACPI ID (Prarit Bhargava) [1339663]- [netdrv] be2net: Fix provisioning of RSS for VFs in multi-partition configurations (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Enable Wake-On-LAN from shutdown for Skyhawk (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: use max-TXQs limit too while provisioning VF queue pairs (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] benet: be_resume needs to protect be_open with rtnl_lock (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: don't enable multicast flag in be_enable_if_filters() routine (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix a UE caused by passing large frames to the ASIC (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Declare some u16 fields as u32 to improve performance (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix pcie error recovery in case of NIC+RoCE adapters (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Interpret and log new data that's added to the port misconfigure async event (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Request RSS capability of Rx interface depending on number of Rx rings (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix interval calculation in interrupt moderation (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Add retry in case of error recovery failure (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix Lancer error recovery (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Don't run ethtool self-tests for VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: SRIOV Queue distribution should factor in EQ-count of VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix be_vlan_rem_vid() to check vlan id being removed (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: check for INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES error (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: return error status from be_set_phys_id() (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: bump up the driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: fix port-res desc query of GET_PROFILE_CONFIG FW cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unused error variables (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: remove a line of code that has no effect (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: log digital signature errors while flashing FW image (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: move FW flash cmd code to be_cmds.c (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup FW flash image related macro defines (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid configuring VEPA mode on BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: fix VF link state transition from disabled to auto (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Avoid accessing eq object in be_msix_register routine, when i < 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: remove local variable 'status' (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: replace hardcoded values with existing define (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: remove unused local rsstable array (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: set pci_func_num while issuing GET_PROFILE_CONFIG cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: pad skb to meet minimum TX pkt size in BE3 (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: release mcc-lock in a failure case in be_cmd_notify_wait() (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: allow offloading with the same port for IPv4 and IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: protect eqo->affinity_mask from getting freed twice (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: post buffers before destroying RXQs in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: enable IFACE filters only after creating RXQs (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] be2net: Support vxlan offload stats in the driver (Ivan Vecera) [1274911] - [netdrv] bna: fix error handling (Ivan Vecera) [1288625] - [netdrv] bna: fix interrupts storm caused by erroneous packets (Ivan Vecera) [1288625] - [netdrv] bna: remove superfluous parentheses (Ivan Vecera) [1288625] - [netdrv] bna: make pointers to read-only inputs const (Ivan Vecera) [1288625] - [netdrv] bna: remove unnecessary cast of BIT value (Ivan Vecera) [1288625] - [netdrv] bna: Mass conversion of smp_mb__*() (Ivan Vecera) [1288625] - [netdrv] bna: fix Rx data corruption with VLAN stripping enabled and MTU > 4096 (Ivan Vecera) [1183969] - [netdrv] bna: fix list corruption (Ivan Vecera) [1342457] - [netdrv] bnx2: free temp_stats_blk on error path (Ivan Vecera) [1275798] - [netdrv] bnx2: fix a Null Pointer for stats_blk (Ivan Vecera) [1275798] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update version number to 2.10.3 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Check sc_cmd device and host pointer before returning the command to the mid-layer (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Print netdev device name when FCoE is successfully initialized (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Print when we send a fip keep alive (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Add driver tunables (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: bnx2fc_eh_abort(): fix wrong return code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Show information about log levels in 'modinfo' (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update version number to 2.9.6 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Set ELS transfer length correctly for middle path commands (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove 'NetXtreme II' from source files (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Update copyright for 2015 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: reduce stack usage in __bnx2fc_enable (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Read npiv table from nvram and create vports (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273084] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add warning message for unsupported adapter (Maurizio Lombardi) [1346307] - [scsi] bnx2i: fix spelling mistake "complection" -> "completion" (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273086] - [scsi] bnx2i: silence uninitialized variable warnings (Maurizio Lombardi) [1273086] - [net] Introduce devlink infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [netdrv] get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bridge/nl: remove wrong use of NLM_F_MULTI (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] netdevice.h: fix ndo_bridge_* comments (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rename netdev_phys_port_id to more generic name (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bridge: add flags argument to ndo_bridge_setlink and ndo_bridge_dellink (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] new helper: memdup_user_nul() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [include] Add IS_REACHABLE macro (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [kernel] timekeeping: Provide ktime_get[*]_ns() helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] tso: add support for IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] tso: fix unaligned access to crafted TCP header in helper API (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] tso: Export symbols for modular build (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add a software TSO helper API (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [include] average: provide macro to create static EWMA (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add support for configuring VF GUIDs (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] adjust napi_consume_skb to handle non-NAPI callers (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add skb_inner_transport_offset function (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add SKB_GSO_TUNNEL_REMCSUM to SKB_GSO2_MASK (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] leave space to allow adding new GSO bits (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: Notify state change on slaves (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add event for a change in slave state (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ipv6: Export addrconf_ifid_eui48 (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] openvswitch: Fix cached ct with helper (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: __nf_ct_l{3, 4}proto_find() always return a valid pointer (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: call only into reachable nf-nat code (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Fix checking for new expected connections (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Use proper buffer size in nla_memcpy (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Interface with NAT (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Delay conntrack helper call for new connections (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Handle NF_REPEAT in conntrack action (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Find existing conntrack entry after upcall (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Update the CT state key only after nf_conntrack_in() (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Add commentary to conntrack.c (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] netfilter: Allow calling into nat helper without skb_dst (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] netfilter: Remove IP_CT_NEW_REPLY definition (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] Fix typo in netdev_intersect_features (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] Eliminate NETIF_F_GEN_CSUM and NETIF_F_V[46]_CSUM (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] openvswitch: Fix conntrack compilation without mark (Lance Richardson) [1297465] - [net] sctp: Potentially-Failed state should not be reached from unconfirmed state (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: fix the transports round robin issue when init is retransmitted (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: fix suboptimal edge-case on non-active active/retrans path selection (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: spare unnecessary comparison in sctp_trans_elect_best (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: improve sctp_select_active_and_retran_path selection (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: migrate most recently used transport to ktime (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: refactor active path selection (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: remove NULL check in sctp_assoc_update_retran_path (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: rework multihoming retransmission path selection to rfc4960 (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] sctp: retran_path not set properly after transports recovering (Xin Long) [1333696] - [net] iucv: properly clone LSM attributes to newly created child sockets (Paul Moore) [1164429] - [net] tun: don't require serialization lock on tx (Paolo Abeni) [1328874] - [net] tun: use per cpu variables for stats accounting (Paolo Abeni) [1328874]- [kernel] sched/deadline: Disable SCHED_DEADLINE programmatically (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Fix sched_setparam() policy == -1 logic (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Move SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK into attr::sched_flags (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Preserve the nice level over sched_setscheduler() and sched_setparam() calls (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/core: Clear the root_domain cpumasks in init_rootdomain() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove dl_new from struct sched_dl_entity (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove superfluous call to (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Always calculate end of period on sched_yield() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Optimize sequential update_curr_dl() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix trivial typo in printk() message (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix the logic (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix migration of SCHED_DEADLINE tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline, rtmutex: Fix open coded check in rt_mutex_waiter_less() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Unify dl_time_before() usage (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove a redundant condition from task_woken_dl() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove needless parameter in dl_runtime_exceeded() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Remove superfluous resetting of the p->dl_throttled flag (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Reduce rq lock contention by eliminating locking of non-feasible target (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Make init_sched_dl_class() __init (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Optimize pull_dl_task() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix sched class hopping CBS hole (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/core: Fix regression in cpuset_cpu_inactive() for suspend (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/core: Drop debugging leftover trace_printk call (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Support DL task migration during CPU hotplug (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Always enqueue on previous rq when dl_task_timer() fires (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/core: Check for available DL bandwidth in cpuset_cpu_inactive() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix rt runtime corruption when dl fails its global constraints (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Avoid a superfluous check (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add rq->clock update skip for dl task yield (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Do update_rq_clock() in yield_task_dl() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Prevent enqueue of a sleeping task in dl_task_timer() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Make dl_task_time() use task_rq_lock() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove cpu_active_mask from cpudl_find() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Fix hrtick_start() on UP (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix stale yield state (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix hrtick for a non-leftmost task (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix deadline parameter modification handling (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Modify cpudl::free_cpus to reflect rd->online (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Fix crash if cpuset_cpumask_can_shrink() is passed an empty cpumask (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Avoid double-accounting in case of missed deadlines (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix migration of SCHED_DEADLINE tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Introduce start_hrtick_dl() for !CONFIG_SCHED_HRTICK (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix rq->dl.pushable_tasks bug in push_dl_task() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Don't check CONFIG_SMP in switched_from_dl() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Reschedule from switched_from_dl() after a successful pull (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Push task away if the deadline is equal to curr during wakeup (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix artificial overrun introduced by yield_task_dl() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/core: Use dl_bw_of() under rcu_read_lock_sched() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Implement cancel_dl_timer() to use in switched_from_dl() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Don't balance during wakeup if wakee is pinned (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Don't check SD_BALANCE_FORK (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Ensure that updates to exclusive cpusets don't break AC (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix bandwidth check/update when migrating tasks between exclusive cpusets (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Do not try to push tasks if pinned task switches to dl (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix preemption checks (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix races between rt_mutex_setprio() and dl_task_timer() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Don't replenish from a !SCHED_DEADLINE entity (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Use dl_bw_of() under rcu_read_lock_sched() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Use dl_bw_of() under RCU read lock (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix inter- exclusive cpusets migrations (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Clear dl_entity params when setscheduling to different class (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Simplify pick_dl_task() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix a precision problem in the microseconds range (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Delete extraneous extern for to_ratio() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix race in dl_task_timer() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Restrict user params max value to 2^63 ns (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix sched_yield() behavior (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Deny unprivileged users to set/change SCHED_DEADLINE policy (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Prevent rt_time growth to infinity (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Cleanup RT leftovers from {inc/dec}_dl_migration (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove useless dl_nr_total (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/core: Make dl_b->lock IRQ safe (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix overflow to handle period==0 and deadline!=0 (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix bad accounting of nr_running (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Skip in switched_to_dl() if task is current (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: No need to check p if dl_se is valid (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Fix up attr::sched_priority warning (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Fix up scheduler syscall LTP fails (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove unused variables (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [powerpc] Wire up sched_setattr and sched_getattr syscalls (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [s390] wire up sys_sched_setattr/sys_sched_getattr (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Replace NR_CPUS arrays (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix memory leak (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Switch CPU's presence test order (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Test for CPU's presence explicitly (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix sparse static warnings (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [documentation] sched/deadline: sched/deadline: Add deadline documentation (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix hotplug admission control (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Remove the sysctl_sched_dl knobs (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix up the smp-affinity mask tests (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: speed up SCHED_DEADLINE pushes with a push-heap (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add bandwidth management for SCHED_DEADLINE tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add SCHED_DEADLINE inheritance logic (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] rtmutex: Turn the plist into an rb-tree (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add latency tracing for SCHED_DEADLINE tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add period support for SCHED_DEADLINE tasks (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add SCHED_DEADLINE avg_update accounting (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add SCHED_DEADLINE SMP-related data structures & logic (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Provide update_curr callback for dl_sched_class (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: deadline: Use hrtimer_start() (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched/deadline: Add SCHED_DEADLINE structures & implementation (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Add sched_class->task_dead() method (Xunlei Pang) [1298387] - [kernel] sched: Add new scheduler syscalls to support an extended scheduling parameters ABI (Xunlei Pang) [1298387]- [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Fix inconsistent mute LED after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1261896 1288173] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Try to use full software mute control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1261896 1288173] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Add support for HKEY version 0x200 (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: off by one in adaptive_keyboard_hotkey_notify_hotkey() (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Add support for more adaptive kbd buttons (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Add adaptive_kbd_mode sysfs attr (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Factor out get/set adaptive kbd mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Remember adaptive kbd presence (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Update mapping for F12 hotkey on *40 models to KEY_FILE (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Add mappings for F9 - F12 hotkeys on X240 / T440 / T540 (Prarit Bhargava) [1344403] - [gpu] i915/fbc: Disable on HSW by default for now (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/disp/sor/gm107: training pattern registers are like gm200 (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/disp/sor/gf119: both links use the same training register (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/nouveau/fbcon: fix out-of-bounds memory accesses (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/radeon: hard reset r600 and newer GPU when hibernating (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/radeon: allow to force hard GPU reset (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/mgag200: Black screen fix for G200e rev 4 (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/amdkfd: destroy dbgmgr in notifier release (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/amdkfd: unbind only existing processes (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Remove wm_config from dev_priv/intel_atomic_state (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Reject display updates that exceed wm limitations (v2) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Calculate watermarks during atomic 'check' (v2) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Propagate watermark calculation failures up the call chain (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Use a bitmask to track dirty pipe watermarks (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Allow watermark calculation on in-flight atomic state (v3) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Calculate plane WM's from state (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Drop re-allocation of DDB at atomic commit (v2) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Compute DDB allocation at atomic check time (v4) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Add distrust_bios_wm flag to dev_priv (v2) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Allow skl_allocate_pipe_ddb() to operate on in-flight state (v3) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Track whether an atomic transaction changes the active CRTC's (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Store plane minimum blocks in CRTC wm state (v2) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Allow calculation of data rate for in-flight state (v2) (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/gen9: Cache plane data rates in CRTC state (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Rename s/skl_compute_pipe_wm/skl_build_pipe_wm/ (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Reorganize WM structs/unions in CRTC state (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/atomic: Verify connector->funcs != NULL when clearing states (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Discard previous atomic state on resume if connectors change (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/fb_helper: Fix references to dev->mode_config.num_connector (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915/fbdev: Fix num_connector references in intel_fb_initial_config() (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [gpu] drm/i915: Change WARN_ON(!wm_changed) to I915_STATE_WARN_ON() (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510] - [drm] upstream sync to v4.6 (Rob Clark) [1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1273363 1293302 1300583 1310232] - [kernel] time: Expose getrawmonotonic64 for in-kernel uses (Rob Clark) [1021582 1171268 1171270 1238635 1243336 1243398 1255760 1269009 1273363 1287757 1293302 1300583 1310232 1328491 1336544 1344498 1344510]- [x86] revert "asmlinkage, xen, kvm: Make {xen, kvm}_lock_spinning global and visible" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm: Extend definitions of _ASM_* with a raw format" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [fs] revert "replace remaining users of arch_fast_hash with jhash" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "lib: kill arch_fast_hash library bits" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/decoder: Create artificial 3rd byte for 2-byte VEX" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "jump-label: Use best default nops for inital jump label calls" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm: Clean up frame pointer macros" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm: Add C versions of frame pointer macros" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [include] revert "objtool: Add STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD() macro" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [scripts] revert "objtool: Mark non-standard object files and directories" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Add tool to perform compile-time stack metadata validation" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [scripts] revert "objtool: Add CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION option" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "objtool: Enable stack metadata validation on 64-bit x86" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "x86/asm/decoder: Use explicitly signed chars" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Support CROSS_COMPILE" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [makefile] revert "tools: Support relative directory path for 'O='" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [scripts] revert "objtool: Detect and warn if libelf is missing and don't break the build" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Prevent infinite recursion in noreturn detection" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Detect infinite recursion" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Compile with debugging symbols" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Fix false positive warnings related to sibling calls" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Add helper macros for traversing instructions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Remove superflous INIT_LIST_HEAD" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Rename some variables and functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Fix false positive warnings for functions with multiple switch statements" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Add several performance improvements" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Only print one warning per function" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Add workaround for GCC switch jump table bug" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Detect falling through to the next function" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [tools] revert "objtool: Allow building with older libelf" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "kprobes: Mark kretprobe_trampoline() stack frame as non-standard" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "xen: Mark xen_cpuid() stack frame as non-standard" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [kernel] revert "sched: Mark __schedule() stack frame as non-standard" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/efi: Add efi stub code to objtool whitelist" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm: Add several arch/x86/lib files to objtool whitelist" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asmlinkage: Make kprobes code visible and fix assembler code" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/64: Open-code register save/restore in trace_hardirqs*() thunks" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/entry: Create stack frames in thunk functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "entry/64: Fix stack return address retrieval in thunk" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/bpf: Annotate callable functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/bpf: Create stack frames in bpf_jit.S" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/crypto: Move .Lbswap_mask data to .rodata section" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/crypto: Simplify stack usage in sha-mb functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/crypto: Don't use RBP as a scratch register" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/crypto: Create stack frames in crypto functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/crypto: Move jump_table to .rodata section" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "crypto: sha1-mb - make sha1_x8_avx2() conform to C function ABI" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "paravirt: Add stack frame dependency to PVOP inline asm calls" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/acpi: Create a stack frame in do_suspend_lowlevel()" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asmlinkage, paravirt: Make paravirt thunks global" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "paravirt: Create a stack frame in PV_CALLEE_SAVE_REGS_THUNK" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "uaccess: Add stack frame output operand in get_user() inline asm" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "xen: Add stack frame dependency to hypercall inline asm calls" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "kvm: Add stack frame dependency to fastop() inline asm" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "kvm: Set ELF function type for fastop functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "kvm: Make test_cc() always inline" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/xen: Create stack frames in xen-asm.S" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/xen: Set ELF function type for xen_adjust_exception_frame()" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm/power: Create stack frames in hibernate_asm_64.S" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "asm: Create stack frames in rwsem functions" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [watchdog] revert "lto, watchdog/hpwdt.c: make assembler label global" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [watchdog] revert "hpwdt: Create stack frame in asminline_call()" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232] - [x86] revert "kvm: Add stack frame dependency to vmcs_readl()" (Josh Poimboeuf) [1347232]- [net] sctp: sctp_diag should dump sctp socket type (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: fix double EPs display in sctp_diag (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] fix INET_DIAG_MAX value (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] use jiffies_to_msecs to replace EXPIRES_IN_MS in inet/sctp_diag (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: fix some rhashtable functions using in sctp proc/diag (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: merge the seq_start/next/exits in remaddrs and assocs (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: add the sctp_diag.c file (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: export some functions for sctp_diag in inet_diag (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: export some apis or variables for sctp_diag and reuse some for proc (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sctp: add sctp_info dump api for sctp_diag (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sock_diag: specify info_size per inet protocol (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] sock_diag: add SK_MEMINFO_DROPS (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] inet_diag: factorize code in new inet_diag_msg_common_fill() helper (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] inet_diag: add const to inet_diag_req_v2 (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] inet_diag: cleanups (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] constify sock_diag_check_cookie() (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] inet_diag: remove duplicate code from inet_twsk_diag_dump() (Xin Long) [1223783] - [net] vxlan: allow setting ipv6 traffic class (dst_cache part) (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix preempt warning in ip tunnel creation/updating (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] Make DST_CACHE a silent config option (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] tunnels: fix usage of dst_cache on xmit (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv4: add dst cache support for gre lwtunnels (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] geneve: add dst caching support (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] add dst_cache to ovs vxlan lwtunnel (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] use dst_cache for vxlan device (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ip_tunnel: replace dst_cache with generic implementation (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] replace dst_cache ip6_tunnel implementation with the generic one (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] add dst_cache support (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Check expire on DST_NOCACHE route (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Check rt->dst.from for the DST_NOCACHE route (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ip6_tunnel: fix dst leak (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Replace spinlock with seqlock and rcu in ip6_tunnel (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Avoid double dst_free (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Fix dst_entry refcnt bugs in ip6_tunnel (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Rename the dst_cache helper functions in ip6_tunnel (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Refactor common ip6gre_tunnel_init codes (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Avoid creating RTF_CACHE from a rt that is not managed by fib6 tree (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Don't call with rt6_uncached_list_flush_dev (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [mm] kmemleak_alloc_percpu() should follow the gfp from per_alloc() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: ipv6_select_ident() returns a __be32 (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: udp: Do a route lookup and update during release_cb (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: datagram: Update dst cache of a connected datagram sk during pmtu update (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: datagram: Refactor dst lookup and update codes to a new function (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: datagram: Refactor flowi6 init codes to a new function (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Fix a potential deadlock when creating pcpu rt (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Add rt6_make_pcpu_route() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Remove un-used argument from ip6_dst_alloc() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Initialize rt6_info properly in ip6_blackhole_route() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Move common init code for rt6_info to a new function rt6_info_init() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Create percpu rt6_info (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Keep track of DST_NOCACHE routes in case of iface down/unregister (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Create RTF_CACHE clone when FLOWI_FLAG_KNOWN_NH is set (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Set FLOWI_FLAG_KNOWN_NH at flowi6_flags (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Add rt6_get_cookie() function (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Only create RTF_CACHE routes after encountering pmtu exception (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Remove external dependency on rt6i_dst and rt6i_src (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Clean up ipv6_select_ident() and ip6_fragment() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Remove DST_METRICS_FORCE_OVERWRITE and _rt6i_peer (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] sit: fix sit0 percpu double allocations (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] sit: Use ipip6_tunnel_init as the ndo_init function. (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: do not erase dst address with flow label destination (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: remove old conditions on flow label sharing (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv4: do not use this_cpu_ptr() in preemptible context (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: use addrconf_get_prefix_route() to remove peer addr (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: fix a refcnt leak with peer addr (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: use ipv6_addr_any() helper (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: minor fib6 cleanups like type safety, bool conversion, inline removal (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: remove parameter rt from fib6_prune_clones() (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: namespace cleanups (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: Remove rebundant rt6i_nsiblings initialization (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] sctp: Don't lookup dst if transport dst is still valid (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: stop sending PTB packets for MTU < 1280 (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv4: ip_tunnel: use net namespace from rtable not socket (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv6: hash net ptr into fragmentation bucket selection (Jiri Benc) [1323141] - [net] ipv4: hash net ptr into fragmentation bucket selection (Jiri Benc) [1323141]- [x86] kvm: Add stack frame dependency to vmcs_readl() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Create stack frame in asminline_call() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [watchdog] lto, watchdog/hpwdt.c: make assembler label global (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Create stack frames in rwsem functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/power: Create stack frames in hibernate_asm_64.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/xen: Set ELF function type for xen_adjust_exception_frame() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/xen: Create stack frames in xen-asm.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kvm: Make test_cc() always inline (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kvm: Set ELF function type for fastop functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kvm: Add stack frame dependency to fastop() inline asm (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] xen: Add stack frame dependency to hypercall inline asm calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] uaccess: Add stack frame output operand in get_user() inline asm (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] paravirt: Create a stack frame in PV_CALLEE_SAVE_REGS_THUNK (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asmlinkage, paravirt: Make paravirt thunks global (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/acpi: Create a stack frame in do_suspend_lowlevel() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] paravirt: Add stack frame dependency to PVOP inline asm calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] crypto: sha1-mb - make sha1_x8_avx2() conform to C function ABI (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Move jump_table to .rodata section (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Create stack frames in crypto functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Don't use RBP as a scratch register (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Simplify stack usage in sha-mb functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/crypto: Move .Lbswap_mask data to .rodata section (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/bpf: Create stack frames in bpf_jit.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/bpf: Annotate callable functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] entry/64: Fix stack return address retrieval in thunk (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/entry: Create stack frames in thunk functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/64: Open-code register save/restore in trace_hardirqs*() thunks (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asmlinkage: Make kprobes code visible and fix assembler code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Add several arch/x86/lib files to objtool whitelist (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/efi: Add efi stub code to objtool whitelist (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [kernel] sched: Mark __schedule() stack frame as non-standard (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] xen: Mark xen_cpuid() stack frame as non-standard (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] kprobes: Mark kretprobe_trampoline() stack frame as non-standard (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Allow building with older libelf (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Detect falling through to the next function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add workaround for GCC switch jump table bug (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Only print one warning per function (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add several performance improvements (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Fix false positive warnings for functions with multiple switch statements (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Rename some variables and functions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Remove superflous INIT_LIST_HEAD (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add helper macros for traversing instructions (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Fix false positive warnings related to sibling calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Compile with debugging symbols (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Detect infinite recursion (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Prevent infinite recursion in noreturn detection (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [scripts] objtool: Detect and warn if libelf is missing and don't break the build (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [makefile] tools: Support relative directory path for 'O=' (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Support CROSS_COMPILE (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] x86/asm/decoder: Use explicitly signed chars (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] objtool: Enable stack metadata validation on 64-bit x86 (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [scripts] objtool: Add CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION option (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] objtool: Add tool to perform compile-time stack metadata validation (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [scripts] objtool: Mark non-standard object files and directories (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [include] objtool: Add STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD() macro (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Add C versions of frame pointer macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Clean up frame pointer macros (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] jump-label: Use best default nops for inital jump label calls (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm/decoder: Create artificial 3rd byte for 2-byte VEX (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [tools] lib: kill arch_fast_hash library bits (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [fs] replace remaining users of arch_fast_hash with jhash (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asm: Extend definitions of _ASM_* with a raw format (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250] - [x86] asmlinkage, xen, kvm: Make {xen, kvm}_lock_spinning global and visible (Josh Poimboeuf) [1320250]- [x86] perf: Add constraint for IVB CYCLE_ACTIVITY:CYCLES_LDM_PENDING (Jiri Olsa) [1337884] - [x86] perf: Make L1D_PEND_MISS.FB_FULL not constrained on Haswell (Jiri Olsa) [1337884] - [x86] perf: Fix INTEL_FLAGS_UEVENT_CONSTRAINT_DATALA_NA macro (Jiri Olsa) [1337884] - [powerpc] eeh: Restore initial state in eeh_pe_reset_and_recover() (David Gibson) [1266833] - [powerpc] eeh: Don't report error in eeh_pe_reset_and_recover() (David Gibson) [1266833] - [powerpc] Fix definition of SIAR and SDAR registers (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [powerpc] kvm: Fix emulated MMIO sign-extension (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_pr: Manage single-step mode (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [powerpc] kvm: Account TCE-containing pages in locked_vm (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [powerpc] kvm: Use RCU for arch.spapr_tce_tables (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [powerpc] kvm: Rework H_PUT_TCE/H_GET_TCE handlers (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [kernel] list: Add lockless list traversal primitives (Thomas Huth) [1342027] - [s390] ftrace: enforce DYNAMIC_FTRACE if FUNCTION_TRACER is selected (Jessica Yu) [1117927] - [s390] ftrace: add HAVE_DYNAMIC_FTRACE_WITH_REGS support (Jessica Yu) [1117927] - [s390] ftrace: optimize function graph caller code (Jessica Yu) [1117927] - [s390] pass march flag to assembly files as well (Jessica Yu) [1117927] - [scsi] libsas: remove task_collector mode (David Milburn) [1295910] - [scsi] libsas: use ata_dev_classify() (David Milburn) [1295910] - [scsi] isci: remove SCSI host before detaching from SAS transport (David Milburn) [1295910] - [scsi] isci: Spelling s/stucture/structure/ (David Milburn) [1295910] - [scsi] isci: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (David Milburn) [1295910] - [scsi] isci: update version to 1.2 (David Milburn) [1295910] - [scsi] isci: Fix a infinite loop (David Milburn) [1295910] - [hv] vmbus: Use READ_ONCE() to read variables that are volatile (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1339684] - [hv] vmbus: Introduce functions for estimating room in the ring buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1339684] - [hv] vmbus: Fix signaling logic in hv_need_to_signal_on_read() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1339684] - [md] dm thin: remove __bio_inc_remaining() and switch to using bio_inc_remaining() (Mike Snitzer) [1337254]- [acpi] acpi / lpss: Fix up acpi_lpss_create_device() (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] x86/pci/acpi: Make all resources except io 0xcf8-0xcff available on PCI bus (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] x86/pci/acpi: Relax ACPI resource descriptor checks to work around BIOS bugs (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [x86] pci/acpi: Ignore resources consumed by host bridge itself (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] acpi / resources: Change pr_info() to pr_debug() for debug information (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [x86] pci/acpi: Use common ACPI resource interfaces to simplify implementation (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [x86] pci: Fix the range check for IO resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [include] pci: Use common resource list management code instead of private implementation (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [kernel] resources: Move struct resource_list_entry from ACPI into resource core (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [include] acpi: Introduce helper function acpi_dev_filter_resource_type() (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [include] acpi: Add field offset to struct resource_list_entry (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Translate resource into master side address for bridge window resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [include] acpi: Return translation offset when parsing ACPI address space resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Enforce stricter checks for address space descriptors (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Set flag IORESOURCE_UNSET for unassigned resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Normalize return value of resource parser functions (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Fix a bug in parsing ACPI Memory24 resource (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Add prefetch decoding to the address space parser (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Move the window flag logic to the combined parser (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Unify the parsing of address_space and ext_address_space (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Let the parser return false for disabled resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Use the length check for io resources as well (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Implement proper length checks for mem resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Remove redundant check in function acpi_dev_resource_address_space() (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [include] acpica: resources: Provide common part for struct acpi_resource_address structures (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] Correct return value of acpi_dev_resource_address_space() (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] acpi / resources: only reject zero length resources based at address zero (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [pnp] pnp / acpi: proper handling of ACPI IO/Memory resource parsing failures (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] acpi / resources: ignore invalid ACPI device resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [dma] acpi-dma: remove ugly conversion (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] acpi / scan: Drop unnecessary label from acpi_create_platform_device() (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [acpi] acpi / scan: Allow platform device creation without any IO resources (Myron Stowe) [1344513] - [sound] pci: hda/ca0132 - use generic parser for some models (Jaroslav Kysela) [918176] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add support for ALC295/ALC3254 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1331010] - [sound] revert "alsa: hda_intel: add card number to irq description" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [s390] mm: fix asce_bits handling with dynamic pagetable levels (Hendrik Brueckner) [1337933] - [nvme] add missing lock nesting notation (David Milburn) [1344385] - [x86] amd: Fix last level cache topology for AMD Fam17h systems (Kim Naru) [1303705] - [x86] pci: Mark Intel Grangeville ixgbe variant 0x15AC as supported (Prarit Bhargava) [1342078] - [x86] efi: Include a .bss section within the PE/COFF headers (Denys Vlasenko) [1335188] - [x86] kvm: Conditionally register IRQ bypass consumer (Alex Williamson) [1341790] - [virt] irqbypass: Disallow NULL token (Alex Williamson) [1341790] - [pci] Work around Intel Sunrise Point PCH incorrect ACS capability (Alex Williamson) [1320742] - [pci] Reverse standard ACS vs device-specific ACS enabling (Alex Williamson) [1320742] - [vfio] pci: Add test for BAR restore (Alex Williamson) [1286274] - [pci] Hide broken INTx support from user (Alex Williamson) [1286274] - [vfio] make vfio run on s390 (Alex Williamson) [1286274] - [pci] Mark Intel i40e NIC INTx masking as broken (Alex Williamson) [1286274] - [powerpc] kernel: Enable seccomp filter (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] Use orig_gpr3 in syscall_get_arguments() (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] Drop unused syscall_get_error() (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] Rework syscall_get_arguments() so there is only one loop (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] kernel: Change the do_syscall_trace_enter() API (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] kernel: Add SIG_SYS support for compat tasks (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] Change syscall_get_nr() to return int (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] Don't negate error in syscall_set_return_value() (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] kernel: Switch to using MAX_ERRNO (0/9) (Gustavo Duarte) [1186835] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix IBM_ARCH_VEC_NRCORES_OFFSET since POWER8NVL was added (Thomas Huth) [1340445] - [powerpc] pseries: Add POWER8NVL support to ibm, client-architecture-support call (Thomas Huth) [1340445]- [md] block: make bio_inc_remaining() interface accessible again (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm raid: make sure no feature flags are set in metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm ioctl: drop use of __GFP_REPEAT in copy_params()'s __vmalloc() call (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm stats: fix spelling mistake in Documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm cache: update cache-policies.txt now that mq is an alias for smq (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm mpath: eliminate use of spinlock in IO fast-paths (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm mpath: move trigger_event member to the end of 'struct multipath' (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm mpath: use atomic_t for counting members of 'struct multipath' (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm mpath: switch to using bitops for state flags (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm thin: Remove return statement from void function (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [md] dm: remove unused mapped_device argument from free_tio() (Mike Snitzer) [1337254] - [mm] document improved handling of swappiness==0 (Jerome Marchand) [1341488] - [mm] vmstat: make vmstat_update deferrable (Jerome Marchand) [1294987] - [mm] vmstat: make quiet_vmstat lighter (Jerome Marchand) [1294987] - [mm] vmstat: Remove BUG_ON from vmstat_update (Jerome Marchand) [1294987] - [mm] vmstat: make vmstat_updater deferrable again and shut down on idle (Jerome Marchand) [1294987] - [mm] fix anon_vma->degree underflow in anon_vma endless growing prevention (Jerome Marchand) [1341497] - [mm] fix corner case in anon_vma endless growing prevention (Jerome Marchand) [1341497] - [mm] prevent endless growth of anon_vma hierarchy (Jerome Marchand) [1341497] - [mm] memory_hotplug: check for missing sections in test_pages_in_a_zone() (George Beshers) [1326837] - [mm] compaction: make isolate_freepages start at pageblock boundary ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [mm] compaction: detect when scanners meet in isolate_freepages ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [mm] compaction: reset cached scanner pfn's before reading them ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [mm] rmap: fix use-after-free in __put_anon_vma ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] sched: Use CPUPRI_NR_PRIORITIES instead of MAX_RT_PRIO in cpupri check ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] workqueue: fix a possible race condition between rescuer and pwq-release ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] workqueue: make rescuer_thread() empty wq->maydays list before exiting ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] workqueue: fix bugs in wq_update_unbound_numa() failure path ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [include] trace: module: Maintain a valid user count ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] hrtimer: Set expiry time before switch_hrtimer_base() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] timer: Prevent overflow in apply_slack ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [mm] make fixup_user_fault() check the vma access rights too ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] futex: Prevent attaching to kernel threads ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] tracepoint: Do not waste memory on mods with no tracepoints ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] hung_task: check the value of "sysctl_hung_task_timeout_sec" ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] exit: call disassociate_ctty() before exit_task_namespaces() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] wait: fix reparent_leader() vs EXIT_DEAD->EXIT_ZOMBIE race ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] tracing: Fix array size mismatch in format string ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1344770] - [kernel] cpuset: fix a locking issue in cpuset_migrate_mm() (Mateusz Guzik) [1342400] - [kernel] ptrace: make wait_on_bit(JOBCTL_TRAPPING_BIT) in ptrace_attach() killable (Jiri Olsa) [1334503] - [kernel] sched/numa: Cap PTE scanning overhead to 3 of run time (Rik van Riel) [1276398] - [kernel] sched/numa: Fix math underflow in task_tick_numa() (Rik van Riel) [1276398]- [net] openvswitch: internal_set_rx_headroom() can be static (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] veth: implement ndo_set_rx_headroom (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] tun: implement ndo_set_rx_headroom (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] openvswitch: propagate per dp max headroom to all vports (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] bridge: notify enslaved devices of headroom changes (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] netdev: introduce ndo_set_rx_headroom (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] bridge: inherit slave devices needed_headroom (Jakub Sitnicki) [1322337] - [net] ndo: consolidate reserved fields (Jiri Benc) [1339642] - [net] move ndo_set_vf_trust to net_device_ops_extended (Jiri Benc) [1339642] - [net] move ndo_dfwd_add/del_station to net_device_ops_extended (Jiri Benc) [1339642] - [net] move ndo_set_tx_maxrate to net_device_ops_extended (Jiri Benc) [1339642] - [net] fix wrong merge of ndo_set_vf_rate documentation (Jiri Benc) [1339642] - [net] introduce net_device_ops_extended (Jiri Benc) [1339642] - [net] vlan: pull on __vlan_insert_tag error path and fix csum correction (Aaron Conole) [1328847] - [net] use skb_postpush_rcsum instead of own implementations (Aaron Conole) [1328847] - [net] add skb_postpush_rcsum and fix dev_forward_skb occasions (Aaron Conole) [1328847] - [net] sctp: add support for RPS and RFS (Marcelo Leitner) [981353]- [netdrv] sfc: report supported link speeds on SFP connections (Jarod Wilson) [1166525] - [netdrv] be2net: Don't leak iomapped memory on removal (Ivan Vecera) [1315715] - [netdrv] be2net: don't report EVB for older chipsets when SR-IOV is disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1304414] - [netdrv] be2net: remove vlan promisc capability from VF's profile descriptors (Ivan Vecera) [1251919] - [netdrv] be2net: support ethtool get-dump option (Ivan Vecera) [1271067] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix for tg3 transmit queue 0 timed out when too many gso_segs (Ivan Vecera) [1287875] - [netdrv] tg3: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Ivan Vecera) [1287875] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix temperature reporting (Ivan Vecera) [1287875] - [netdrv] tg3: use napi_complete_done() (Ivan Vecera) [1287875] - [netdrv] bnx2x, tg3: Replace put_page(virt_to_head_page()) with skb_free_frag() (Ivan Vecera) [1287875] - [netdrv] qlcnic: potential NULL dereference in qlcnic_83xx_get_minidump_template() (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.64 (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: protect qlicnic_attach_func with rtnl_lock (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix mailbox completion handling during spurious interrupt (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove unnecessary usage of atomic_t (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: correctly handle qlcnic_alloc_mbx_args (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: constify qlcnic_dcb_ops structures (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix a loop exit condition better (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix a timeout loop (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: constify qlcnic_mbx_ops structure (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: track vxlan port count (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: delete redundant memsets (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.63 (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Don't use kzalloc unncecessarily for allocating large chunk of memory (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add new VF device ID 0x8C30 (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Print firmware minidump buffer and template header addresses (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support to enable capability to extend minidump for iSCSI (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Rearrange ordering of header files inclusion (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix corruption while copying (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Deletion of unnecessary memset (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] qlcnic: clean up sysfs error codes (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] ethernet: codespell comment spelling fixes (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] treewide: Fix typo in printk messages (Harish Patil) [1275799] - [netdrv] bnx2x: allow adding VLANs while interface is down (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid leaking memory on bnx2x_init_one() failures (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent false warning for lack of FC NPIV (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: don't wait for Tx completion on recovery (Michal Schmidt) [1275795 1320748] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix indentation in bnx2x_sp_task() (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: define event data reserved fields as little-endian (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: define fields of struct cfc_del_event_data as little-endian (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: access cfc_del_event only if the opcode is CFC_DEL (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix receive of VF->PF mailbox messages by the PF on big-endian (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix sending VF->PF messages on big-endian (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix crash on big-endian when adding VLAN (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add a separate GENEVE Kconfig symbol (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 84833 phy command handler (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix led setting for 84858 phy (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct 84858 PHY fw version (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 84833 RX CRC (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix link-forcing for KR2 (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Warn about grc timeouts in register dump (Michal Schmidt) [1271075 1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add missing HSI for big-endian machines (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: extend DCBx support (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add support for single-port DCBx (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add Geneve inner-RSS support (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove unneccessary EXPORT_SYMBOL (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent FW assertion when using Vxlan (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove rx_pkt/rx_calls (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: avoid soft lockup in bnx2x_poll() (Michal Schmidt) [1178598 1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: simplify distinction between port and func stats (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: change FW GRO error message to WARN_ONCE (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: drop redundant error message about allocation failure (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Utilize FW (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Show port statistics in Multi-function (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add new SW stat 'tx_exhaustion_events' (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent UDP 4-tuple configurations on older adapters (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: byte swap rss_key to comply to Toeplitz specs (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix vxlan removal (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: track vxlan port count (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add new device ids under the Qlogic vendor (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix vxlan endianity issue (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add vxlan RSS support (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix bandwidth allocation for some MF modes (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Free NVRAM lock at end of each page (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent null pointer dereference on SKB release (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add BD support for storage (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] cnic: Add the interfaces to get FC-NPIV table (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] cnic: Populate upper layer driver state in MFW (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct logic for pvid configuration (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VLANs null-pointer for 57710, 57711 (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix compilation when CONFIG_BNX2X_SRIOV is not set (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add vlan filtering offload (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Bump up driver version to 1.712.30 (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add MFW dump support (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: new Multi-function mode - BD (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add 84858 phy support (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Rebrand from 'broadcom' into 'qlogic' (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Utilize FW 7.12.30 (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: only report most generic filters in get_ts_info (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Replace put_page(virt_to_head_page()) with skb_free_frag() (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] ptp: bnx2x: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: convert to CYCLECOUNTER_MASK macro (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [netdrv] bnx2x: conversion of smp_mb__*() (Michal Schmidt) [1275795] - [net] can: replace timestamp as unique skb attribute (John Linville) [1333130] - [net] can: introduce new raw socket option to join the given CAN filters (John Linville) [1333130] - [net] can: fix loss of CAN frames in raw_rcv (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: usb_8dev: fix urb leak on failure path in usb_8dev_start() (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: esd_usb2: check index of array before accessing (John Linville) [1333130] - [net] can: add missing initialisations in CAN related skbuffs (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: ems_usb: fix coding style (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: ems_usb: Fix possible tx overflow (John Linville) [1333130] - [net] can: fix multiple delivery of a single CAN frame for overlapping CAN filters (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: ems_usb: fix endianess of CAN ID (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Do not sleep in atomic context (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Reset all URB tx contexts upon channel close (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: Don't free packets when tight on URBs (John Linville) [1333130] - [net] can: fix spelling errors (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: peak_usb: fix multi-byte values endianess (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: peak_usb: fix cleanup sequence order in case of error during init (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: peak_usb: fix memset() usage (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: esd_usb2: fix memory leak on disconnect (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: sja1000_isa: add locking for indirect register access mode (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: c_can: use proper type for 'instance' (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: c_can: Provide protection in the xmit path (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: c_can: Remove EOB exit (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: move sanity check for bitrate and tq into can_get_bittiming (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: preserve skbuff protocol in can_put_echo_skb (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: peak_usb: fix mem leak in pcan_usb_pro_init() (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: ems_usb: fix urb leaks on failure paths (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: c_can: fix calculation of transmitted bytes on tx complete (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: kvaser_usb: fix usb endpoints detection (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: c_can: Fix RX message handling, handle lost message before EOB (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] slip/slcan: added locking in wakeup function (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: pcan_usb_core: fix memory leak on failure paths in peak_usb_start() (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: c_can: fix error checking of priv->instance in probe() (John Linville) [1333130] - [netdrv] can: Convert to use devm_ioremap_resource (John Linville) [1333130]- [net] netfilter: fix oops with metadata dst (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: reject GUE and FOU in collect metadata mode (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: build header correctly for collect metadata tunnels (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: do not assign header_ops in collect metadata mode (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Orphan skbs before IPv6 defrag (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: Fix returned tc and hoplimit values for route with IPv6 encapsulation (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix sparse warnings (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: fix populating tclass in geneve_get_v6_dst (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix populating tclass in vxlan6_get_route (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: support setting IPv6 flow label (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: support setting IPv6 flow label (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: add support for setting flow label via collect metadata (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: allow setting ipv6 traffic class (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix missing options_len update on RX with collect metadata (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: simplify metadata_dst usage in vxlan_rcv (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: consolidate rx handling to a single function (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: move ECN decapsulation to a separate function (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: move inner L2 header processing to a separate function (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: consolidate GBP handling even more (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Support outer IPv4 Tx checksums by default (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: fix rx checksum setting for lwt devices tunneling over ipv6 (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: do not use fdb in metadata mode (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: clear IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: clear IFF_TX_SKB_SHARING (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] iptunnel: scrub packet in iptunnel_pull_header (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: move vxlan device lookup before iptunnel_pull_header (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: move geneve device lookup before iptunnel_pull_header (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: implement geneve_get_sk_family helper (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Refine MTU limit (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: tun_id is 64bit, not 32bit (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: treat vni in metadata based tunnels consistently (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: clean up rx error path (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: clean up extension handling on rx (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: move GBP header parsing to a separate function (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: simplify vxlan_remcsum (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: keep flags and vni in network byte order (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: introduce vxlan_hdr (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: udp_tunnel duplicate include net/udp_tunnel.h (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan, gre, geneve: Set a large MTU on ovs-created tunnel devices (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Relax MTU constraints (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Relax MTU constraints (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: consolidate vxlan_xmit_skb and vxlan6_xmit_skb (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: consolidate csum flag handling (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: consolidate output route calculation (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: restructure vxlan.h definitions (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: remove duplicated macros (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: cleanup types (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix a out of bounds access in __vxlan_find_mac (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] inet: frag: Always orphan skbs inside ip_defrag() (Lance Richardson) [1283886 1338099] - [net] tunnels: Allow IPv6 UDP checksums to be correctly controlled (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gro: Make GRO aware of lightweight tunnels (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: update kernel doc for struct vport (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: fix struct geneve_port member name (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] udp: restrict offloads to one namespace (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix test which detect duplicate vxlan iface (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: fix endianness warnings in ip_tunnel_core.c (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip6_tunnel: make ip6tunnel_xmit definition conditional (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: Move stats update to iptunnel_xmit() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: initialize needed_headroom (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: correct encoding of set tunnel action attributes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Add geneve_get_rx_port support (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Add geneve udp port offload for ethernet devices (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: UDP checksum configuration via netlink (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Fix IPv6 xmit stats update (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: interpret IP headers for ECN correctly (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: support ndo_fill_metadata_dst also for IPv6 (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: move IPv6 outpute route calculation to a function (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix incorrect RCO bit in VXLAN header (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: fix hangup on vxlan/gre/geneve device deletion (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: properly refcount vport-vxlan module (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: disable preemption when updating per-cpu tstats (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] tun_dst: Fix potential NULL dereference (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: add IPv6 bits to geneve_fill_metadata_dst (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: handle ipv6 priority like ipv4 tos (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: implement support for IPv6-based tunnels (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Fix egress tunnel info (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Use dev_queue_xmit for vport send (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Fix incorrect type use (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Allocate memory for ovs internal device stats. (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] tunnels: Don't require remote endpoint or ID during creation (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Scrub skb between namespaces (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: netlink attributes for IPv6 tunneling (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: add tunnel protocol to sw_flow_key (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_vport_get_stats() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: fix reply_dst leakage on arp reply (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: support both IPv4 and IPv6 sockets in a single vxlan device (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: make vxlan_sock_add and vxlan_sock_release complementary (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: remove source and destination UDP port config option (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: send arp replies to the correct tunnel (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: use network byte order for destination port config parameter (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: ensure ECN info is handled properly in all tx/rx paths (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: remove vlan-related feature assignment (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip6tunnel: make rx/tx bytes counters consistent (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] iptunnel: make rx/tx bytes counters consistent (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: reject IPv6 addresses if IPv6 is not configured (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: set needed headroom correctly (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Fix mask generation for nested attributes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Refactor vxlan_udp_encap_recv() to kill compiler warning (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: Use API to access tunnel metadata options (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Remove vport-net (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Remove vport stats (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Remove egress_tun_info (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Remove vport get_name() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Use GRO cells infrastructure (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: do not receive IPv4 packets on IPv6 socket (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: record IP version in tunnel info (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: convert the mode field of ip_tunnel_info to flags (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Move device hash table to geneve socket (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Consolidate Geneve functionality in single module (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Use Geneve device (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Add support to collect tunnel metadata (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Make dst-port configurable (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] tunnel: introduce udp_tun_rx_dst() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Use skb mark and protocol to lookup route (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Initialize ethernet address in device setup (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix multiple inclusion of vxlan.h (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] route: fix a use-after-free (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: Add cfg argument to build_state (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: GRO support at tunnel layer (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gro: Fix remcsum offload to deal with frags in GRO (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: route: per route IP tunnel metadata via lightweight tunnel (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: route: extend flow representation with tunnel key (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: metadata based tunneling for IPv6 (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: do not shadow flags variable (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: provide access function for vxlan socket address family (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: drop metadata dst in ip6_route_input (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] route: move lwtunnel state to dst_entry (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: use tos and ttl fields also for IPv6 (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: add IPv6 addresses to ip_tunnel_key (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: use offsetofend (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: use u8/u16/u32 (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnels: remove custom alignment and packing (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: Make fib_encap_match static (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: Fix the sparse warnings in fib_encap_match (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: ip tunnel: fix multiple routes with different encap (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: fix memory leak (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: Add support to redirect dst.input (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: rename ip lwtunnel attributes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: fix fdb_dump index calculation (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: Remove support for sharing GRE protocol hook (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Use regular GRE net_device instead of vport (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: Add support to collect tunnel metadata (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Move tunnel destroy function to oppenvswitch module (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: combine VXLAN_FLOWBASED into VXLAN_COLLECT_METADATA (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: apply lwtunnel encap for locally-generated packets (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: set skb protocol and dev (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: expose COLLECT_METADATA flag to user space (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: change ipv6_stub_impl.ipv6_dst_lookup to take net argument (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Re-add CONFIG_OPENVSWITCH_VXLAN (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: Make lwtun_encaps[] static (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: use kfree_skb() instead of vanilla kfree() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: change prototype of lwtunnel_state_get() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: copy lwtstate in ip6_rt_copy_init() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: use lwtunnel_output6() only if flag redirect is set (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: export linux/lwtunnel.h to userspace (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Retrieve tunnel metadata when receiving from vport-netdev (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: fix compilation when vxlan is a module (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: fix crash over flow-based vxlan device (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Use proper endian type for vni in vxlan[6]_xmit_skb (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: Call ip_tunnel_core_init() from inet_init() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: Provide tunnel metadata API for CONFIG_INET=n (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Use regular VXLAN net_device device (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Abstract vport name through ovs_vport_name() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] openvswitch: Make tunnel set action attach a metadata dst (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Factor out device configuration (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] fib: Add fib rule match on tunnel id (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] route: Per route IP tunnel metadata via lightweight tunnel (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] route: Extend flow representation with tunnel key (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Flow based tunneling (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] arp: Inherit metadata dst when creating ARP requests (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] dst: Metadata destinations (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] icmp: Don't leak original dst into ip_route_input() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip_tunnel: Make ovs_tunnel_info and ovs_key_ipv4_tunnel generic (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: rt6_info output redirect to tunnel output (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: redirect dst output to lwtunnel output (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: support dst output redirect function (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: support for fib route lwtunnel encap attributes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv4: support for fib route lwtunnel encap attributes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] lwtunnel: infrastructure for handling light weight tunnels like mpls (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] rtnetlink: introduce new RTA_ENCAP_TYPE and RTA_ENCAP attributes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Fix kernel unaligned access in __vxlan_find_mac (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [include] stddef: move offsetofend inside #ifndef/#endif guard, neaten (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: allow user to specify TOS info for tunnel frames (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: allow user to specify TTL for tunnel frames (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: release lock after each bucket in vxlan_cleanup (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Break up ip6_rt_copy() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Combine rt6_alloc_cow and rt6_alloc_clone (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Remove external dependency on rt6i_gateway and RTF_ANYCAST (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: correct typo in call to unregister_netdevice_queue (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: add initial netdev driver for GENEVE tunnels (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: identify as driver library in modules description (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: Rename support library as geneve_core (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: move definition of geneve_hdr() to geneve.h (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] geneve: remove MODULE_ALIAS_RTNL_LINK from net/ipv4/geneve.c (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Correctly set flow*i_mark and flow4i_proto in route lookups (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Check RTF_LOCAL on rt->rt6i_flags instead of rt->dst.flags (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Stop rt6_info from using inet_peer's metrics (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Stop /128 route from disappearing after pmtu update (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Extend the route lookups to low priority metrics (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Consider RTF_CACHE when searching the fib6 tree (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: remove the unnecessary codes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] rtnetlink: Mark name argument of rtnl_create_link() const (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: correct spelling in comments (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: call ipv6_proxy_select_ident instead of ipv6_select_ident in udp6_ufo_fragment (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] vxlan: Don't set s_addr in vxlan_create_sock (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Make __ipv6_select_ident static (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Fix fragment id assignment on LE arches (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Select fragment id during UFO segmentation if not set (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Fix __ip6_route_redirect (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: add ipv6_proxy_select_ident() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Avoid redoing fib6_lookup() with reachable = 0 by saving fn (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Avoid redoing fib6_lookup() for RTF_CACHE hit case (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Remove BACKTRACK macro (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: Setup and TX path for gre/UDP foo-over-udp encapsulation (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] sit: Setup and TX path for sit/UDP foo-over-udp encapsulation (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ip: make IP identifiers less predictable (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] inetpeer: get rid of ip_id_count (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: Limit mtu to 65575 bytes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] inet: remove now unused flag DST_NOPEER (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: reuse ip6_frag_id from ip6_ufo_append_data (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: move IPV6_TCLASS_SHIFT into ipv6.h and define a helper (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: add the option to use anycast addresses as source addresses in echo reply (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] gre: fix msg_name parsing for recvfrom/recvmsg (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: fix incorrect type in declaration (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: remove rcv_tclass of ipv6_pinfo (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: add flowinfo for tcp6 pkt_options for all cases (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: drop the judgement in rt6_alloc_cow() (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] rtnetlink: Remove extern from function prototypes (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] ipv6: fix ecmp lookup when oif is specified (Lance Richardson) [1283886] - [net] revert "rhel: use dummy net_device for tunnels" (Lance Richardson) [1283886]- [scsi] disable automatic target scan (Ewan Milne) [1088445] - [scsi] hpsa: update MAINTAINERS with new e-mail (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: update copyright information (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct abort tmf for hba devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct lun data caching bitmap definition (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: do not get enclosure info for external devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: Add box and bay information for enclosure devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: Change SAS transport devices to bus 0 (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: fix path_info_show (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: select CONFIG_SCSI_SAS_ATTR (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: logical vs bitwise AND typo (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: Update revision to reflect Red Hat version (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: bump the driver version (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add in sas transport class (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: fix multiple issues in path_info_show (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: enhance device messages (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: disable report lun data caching (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add discovery polling for PT RAID devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: eliminate fake lun0 enclosures (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: generalize external arrays (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: move scsi_add_device and scsi_remove_device calls to new function (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: refactor hpsa_figure_bus_target_lun (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: enhance hpsa_get_device_id (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add function is_logical_device (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: simplify update scsi devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: simplify check for device exposure (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct ioaccel2 sg chain len (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct check for non-disk devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: fix physical target reset (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: fix hpsa_adjust_hpsa_scsi_table (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct transfer length for 6 byte read/write commands (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: abandon rescans on memory alloaction failures (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: allow driver requested rescans (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: fix null device issues (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: check for null arguments to dev_printk (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: change devtype to unsigned (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused hpsa_tag_discard_error_bits (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: stop zeroing reset_cmds_out and ioaccel_cmds_out during rescan (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused parameter hostno (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add in new offline mode (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] Change how controllers in mixed mode are handled (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add in new controllers (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup update scsi devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add sysfs entry path_info to show box and bay information (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: add PMC to copyright (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct static checker warnings on driver init cleanup (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: correct decode sense data (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: Correct double unlock of mutex (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] hpsa: fix an sprintf() overflow in the reset handler (Joseph Szczypek) [1274467] - [scsi] sd: get disk reference in sd_check_events() (Ewan Milne) [1330047] - [scsi] lpfc: Revert: Add lockdep assertions (Rob Evers) [1340057] - [scsi] lpfc: Revert: remove incorrect lockdep assertion (Rob Evers) [1340057] - [scsi] be2iscsi: set the boot_kset pointer to NULL in case of failure (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before free_irq() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add missing error check in beiscsi_eeh_resume (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory leak in beiscsi_alloc_mem() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: _bh for io_sgl_lock and mgmt_sgl_lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix ExpStatSn in management tasks (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Couple MCC tag and WRB alloc and free (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix MCC WRB leak in open_connection (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Cleanup processing of BMBX completion (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix be_mcc_compl_poll to use tag_state (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove be_mbox_notify_wait function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Rename MCC and BMBX processing functions (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove redundant MCC processing code (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Use macros for MCC WRB and CQE fields (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Remove unused mcc_cq_lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: add checks for dma mapping errors (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update the driver version (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix WRB leak in login/logout path (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix async link event processing (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to process 25G link speed info from FW (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix IOPOLL implementation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix return value for MCC completion (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Add FW config validation (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to handle misconfigured optics events (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix VLAN support for IPv6 network (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to remove shutdown entry point (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Added return value check for mgmt_get_all_if_id (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Set mbox timeout to 30s (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to synchronize tag allocation using spin_lock (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix to use atomic bit operations for tag_state (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix mbox synchronization replacing spinlock with mutex (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix soft lockup in mgmt_get_all_if_id path using bmbx (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix bogus WARN_ON length check (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump the driver version (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Revert ownership to Emulex (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: change email domain (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: revert: Update the copyright year (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix memory leak in error path (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory leak in mgmt_set_ip() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1274912]- [netdrv] qed: Reset the enable flag for eth protocol (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: signedness bug in qed_dcbx_process_tlv() (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Fix DMA address APIs usage (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] mm: rename _count, field of the struct page, to _refcount (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] mm/page_ref: use page_ref helper instead of direct modification of _count (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: add support for dcbx (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Remove a stray tab (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: VFs gracefully accept lack of PM (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Allow more than 16 VFs (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Reset link on IOV disable (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Improve VF interrupt reset (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Correct PF-sanity check (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: Tx-switching configuration (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: support ndo_get_vf_config (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: IOV support spoof-checking (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: IOV link control (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: Support forced MAC (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: Support PVID configuration (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add VF support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Align TLVs (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Bulletin and Link (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: IOV l2 functionality (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: IOV configure and FLR (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Introduce VFs (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add VF->PF channel infrastructure (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add CONFIG_QED_SRIOV (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: uninitialized variable in qede_start_xmit() (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: prevent chip hang when increasing channels (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Apply tunnel configurations after PF start (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: add implementation for internal loopback test (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: add support for selftests (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: add infrastructure for device self tests (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add PF min bandwidth configuration support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add PF max bandwidth configuration support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add vport WFQ configuration APIs (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: add support for link pause configuration (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: Conditions for changing link (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for ethtool private flags (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: Align statistics names (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Fix single MTU sized packet from firmware GRO flow (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Fix setting Skb network header (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Fix various memory allocation error flows for fastpath (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add fastpath support for tunneling (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Enable GRE tunnel slowpath configuration (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed/qede: Add GENEVE tunnel slowpath configuration support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed/qede: Add VXLAN tunnel slowpath configuration support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add infrastructure support for tunneling (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed* - bump driver versions to (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: add Rx flow hash/indirection support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: add Rx flow hash/indirection support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed*: remove version dependency (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: initialize return rc to avoid returning garbage (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Enlrage the drain timeout (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Notify of transciever changes (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Major changes to MB locking (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent MF link notifications (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Fix net-next "make ARCH=x86_64" (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add slowpath/fastpath support and enable hardware GRO (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed/qede: Add infrastructure support for hardware GRO (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Remove unused NVM vendor ID (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Fix error flow on slowpath start (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Move statistics to L2 code (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Support B0 instead of A0 (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Correct BAR sizes for older MFW (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Print additional HW attention info (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Print HW attention reasons (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for HW attentions (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Semantic refactoring of interrupt code (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed, qede: rebrand module description (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Prevent probe on previous error (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: add MODULE_FIRMWARE() (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Don't report link change needlessly (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Linearize SKBs when needed (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Change pci DID for 10g device (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed,qede: Bump driver versions to (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Introduce DMA_REGPAIR_LE (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Change metadata needed for SPQ entries (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Handle possible race in SB config (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Turn most GFP_ATOMIC into GFP_KERNEL (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add vlan filtering offload support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Lay infrastructure for vlan filtering offload (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed/qede: use FW (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Correct slowpath interrupt scheme (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Fix BAR size split for some servers (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: fix handling of concurrent ramrods (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for {get, set}_pauseparam (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Fix corner case for chain in-between pages (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for nway_reset (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for set_phys_id (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add support for changing LED state (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for {get, set}_ringparam (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for {get, set}_channels (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: select ZLIB_INFLATE (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qlogic: qed: fix error codes in qed_resc_alloc() (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qlogic: qed: fix a test for MODE_MF_SI (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qlogic/qed: remove bogus NULL check (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add basic ethtool support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add statistics support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add support for link (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add link support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: classification configuration (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add basic network device support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add slowpath L2 support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qede: Add basic Network driver (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add basic L2 interface (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811] - [netdrv] qed: Add module with basic common support (Harish Patil) [1275807 1275811]- [char] tpm_crb: fix mapping of the buffers (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_crb: drop struct resource res from struct crb_priv (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: Allow compile test of GPIO consumers if !GPIOLIB (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: fix build warning with tpm_tis_resume (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_crb: tpm2_shutdown() must be called before tpm_chip_unregister() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_crb/tis: fix: use dev_name() for /proc/iomem (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_eventlog.c: fix binary_bios_measurements (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix: return rc when devm_add_action() fails (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix: set continueSession attribute for the unseal operation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix the cleanup of struct tpm_chip (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix the rollback in tpm_chip_register() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_crb: Use devm_ioremap_resource (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_crb: Drop le32_to_cpu(ioread32(..)) (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Clean up the force=1 module parameter (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Use devm_ioremap_resource (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Do not fall back to a hardcoded address for TPM2 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Disable interrupt auto probing on a per-device basis (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_crb: Use the common ACPI definition of struct acpi_tpm2 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [include] acpica: Update TPM2 ACPI table (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [include] acpica: Update definitions for the TCPA and TPM2 ACPI tables (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [security] tpm: fix checks for policy digest existence in tpm2_seal_trusted() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [security] keys, trusted: seal with a TPM2 authorization policy (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [security] keys, trusted: select hash algorithm for TPM2 chips (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [security] keys, trusted: fix: *do not* allow duplicate key options (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_ibmvtpm: properly handle interrupted packet receptions (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Tighten IRQ auto-probing (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Refactor the interrupt setup (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Get rid of the duplicate IRQ probing code (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: rework tpm_get_timeouts() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Ensure interrupts are disabled when the driver starts (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: Use devm_free_irq not free_irq (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: further simplify calculation of ordinal duration (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix compat 'ppi' link handling in tpm_chip_register() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix missing migratable flag in sealing functionality for TPM2 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: revert the list handling logic fixed in 398a1e7 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: Avoid reference to potentially freed memory (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: restore IRQ vector in IO memory after failed probing (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_tis: free irq after probing (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: remove unnecessary little endian conversion (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] vtpm: support little endian guests (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [powerpc] vtpm: get the buffer allocated for event log instead of the actual log (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [powerpc] vtpm: reformat event log to be byte-aligned (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] vtpm: fix searching for the right vTPM node in device tree (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [security] keys, trusted: seal/unseal with TPM 2.0 chips (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [include] tpm: seal/unseal for TPM 2.0 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [security] keys, trusted: move struct trusted_key_options to trusted-type.h (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: introduce tpm_buf (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [documentation] tpm: update PPI documentation to address the location change (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: move the PPI attributes to character device directory (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [include] sysfs: added __compat_only_sysfs_link_entry_to_kobj() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm, tpm_crb: fix unaligned read of the command buffer address (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: Fix initialization of the cdev (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm, tpm_crb: fix le64_to_cpu conversions in crb_acpi_add() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] vtpm: set virtual device before passing to ibmvtpm_reset_crq (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm_ibmvtpm: remove unneccessary message level (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm/st33zp24: Add proper wait for ordinal duration in case of irq mode (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm/tpm_infineon: Use struct dev_pm_ops for power management (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: Update KConfig text to include TPM2.0 FIFO chips (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [include] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Split tpm_i2c_tpm_st33 in 2 layers (core + phy) (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Replace access to io_lpcpd from struct st33zp24_platform_data to tpm_stm_dev (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657] - [char] tpm: fix: sanitized code paths in tpm_chip_register() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1269527 1273499 1275023 1275024 1275026 1278604 1300754 1304124 1324657]- [md] raid5: delete unnecessary warnning (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid0: fix uninitialized variable bug (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] fix a trivial typo in comments (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid1: fix a dead loop when read from a WriteMostly disk (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: Cleanup cpu hotplug notifier (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid10: include bio_end_io_list in nr_queued to prevent freeze_array hang (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid1: include bio_end_io_list in nr_queued to prevent freeze_array hang (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] fix typos for stipe (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] bitmap: remove redundant return in bitmap_checkpage (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid1: remove unnecessary BUG_ON (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: output stripe state for debug (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: preserve STRIPE_PREREAD_ACTIVE in break_stripe_batch_list (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] bitmap: remove redundant check (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] Drop sending a change uevent when stopping (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: revert e9e4c377e2f563 to fix a livelock (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: check_reshape() shouldn't call mddev_suspend (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: Compare apples to apples (or sectors to sectors) (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] rename some functions (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid: only permit hot-add of compatible integrity profiles (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: handle journal hotadd in quiesce (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] add journal with array suspended (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] set MD_HAS_JOURNAL in correct places (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] Remove 'ready' field from mddev (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] remove unnecesary md_new_event_inintr (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: allow r5l_io_unit allocations to fail (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: use a mempool for the metadata block (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: use a bio_set (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: add journal hot add/remove support (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] avoid warning for 32-bit sector_t (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: simplify r5l_move_io_unit_list (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] update comment for md_allow_write (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: remove redundant check in stripe_add_to_batch_list() (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] remove check for MD_RECOVERY_NEEDED in action_store (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] Fix remove_and_add_spares removes drive added as spare in slot_store (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] fix bug due to nested suspend (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] change journal disk role to disk 0 (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid10: fix data corruption and crash during resync (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] treewide: Fix typos in printk (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] when RAID journal is missing/faulty, block RESTART_ARRAY_RW (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] set journal disk ->raid_disk (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] kick out journal disk if it's not fresh (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: start raid5 readonly if journal is missing (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] add new bit to indicate raid array with journal (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: IO error handling (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: journal disk can't be removed (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: add trim support for log (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] fix info output for journal disk (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: small log->seq cleanup (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: new helper: r5_reserve_log_entry (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: inline r5l_alloc_io_unit into r5l_new_meta (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: take rdev->data_offset into account early on (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: refactor bio allocation (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: clean up r5l_get_meta (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: simplify state machine when caches flushes are not needed (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: factor out a helper to run all stripes for an I/O unit (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: rename flushed_ios to finished_ios (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: free I/O units earlier (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: move reclaim stop to quiesce (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] show journal for journal disk in disk state sysfs (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] skip match_mddev_units check for special roles (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: don't delay stripe captured in log (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: check stripe finish out of order (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] skip resync for raid array with journal (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: optimize FLUSH IO with log enabled (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: move functionality out of __r5l_set_io_unit_state (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: fix a user-after-free bug (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: switching to state machine for log disk cache flush (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: enable log for raid array with cache disk (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: don't allow resize/reshape with cache(log) support (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: disable batch with log enabled (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5-cache: use crc32c checksum (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] revert "md: allow a partially recovered device to be hot-added to an array." (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: fix locking in handle_stripe_clean_event() (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: log recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: log reclaim support (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] rhel-only: EXPORT_SYMBOL(md_update_sb) (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: add basic stripe log (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: add a new state for stripe log handling (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: export some functions (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] override md superblock recovery_offset for journal device (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] add a new disk role to present write journal device (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] replace special disk roles with macros (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid10: fix the 'new' raid10 layout to work correctly (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] suspend i/o during runtime blk_integrity_unregister (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] remove_and_add_spares() to activate specific rdev (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] drop null test before destroy functions (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] clear CHANGE_PENDING in readonly array (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: don't index beyond end of array in need_this_block() (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: update analysis state for failed stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] wait for pending superblock updates before switching to read-only (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: ensure device failure recorded before write request returns (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: use bio_list for the list of bios to return (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] setup safemode_timer before it's being used (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: handle possible race as reshape completes (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] sync sync_completed has correct value as recovery finishes (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] be careful when testing resync_max against curr_resync_completed (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] set MD_RECOVERY_RECOVER when starting a degraded array (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: remove incorrect "min_t()" when calculating writepos (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: strengthen check on reshape_position at run (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: switch to use conf->chunk_sectors in place of mddev->chunk_sectors where possible (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: always set conf->prev_chunk_sectors and ->prev_algo (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid10: fix a few typos in comments (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: consider updating reshape_position at start of reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] close some races between setting and checking sync_action (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] Keep /proc/mdstat reporting recovery until fully DONE (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] simplify get_bitmap_file now that "file" is zeroed (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] use kzalloc() when bitmap is disabled (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: clear R5_NeedReplace when no longer needed (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] flush ->event_work before stopping array (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid10: always set reshape_safe when initializing reshape_position (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] unlock mddev_lock on an error path (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] clear mddev->private when it has been freed (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] doc: fix typo in md.txt (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] fix a build warning (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: per hash value and exclusive wait_for_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid5: split wait_for_stripe and introduce wait_for_quiescent (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] convert to kstrto*() (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] raid10: make sync_request_write() call bio_copy_data() (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] fix problems with freeing private data after ->run failure (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [md] Export and rename kick_rdev_from_array (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839] - [kernel] wait: introduce wait_event_exclusive_cmd (Jes Sorensen) [1250578 1265947 1273343 1299140 1307091 1312828 1320563 1340839]- [fs] xfs: add "fail at unmount" error handling configuration (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] xfs: add configuration handlers for specific errors (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] xfs: add configuration of error failure speed (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] xfs: introduce table-based init for error behaviors (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] xfs: add configurable error support to metadata buffers (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] xfs: introduce metadata IO error class (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] xfs: configurable error behavior via sysfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1267042] - [fs] cifs: fix out-of-bounds access in lease parsing (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: fix erroneous return value (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: fix potential overflow in cifs_compose_mount_options (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs_dbg() outputs an uninitialized buffer in cifs_readdir() (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: fix race between call_async() and reconnect() (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: Make echo interval tunable (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: Check uniqueid for SMB2+ and return -ESTALE if necessary (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Print IP address of unresponsive server (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Allow copy offload (CopyChunk) across shares (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add resilienthandles mount parm (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Send durable handle v2 contexts when use of persistent handles required (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Display persistenthandles in /proc/mounts for SMB3 shares if enabled (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Enable checking for continuous availability and persistent handle support (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add parsing for new mount option controlling persistent handles (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Allow duplicate extents in SMB3 not just SMB3.1.1 (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Update cifs version number (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Do not fall back to SMBWriteX in set_file_size error cases (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] fs: Drop unlikely before IS_ERR(_OR_NULL) (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Missing null tcon check (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] fix encryption error checks on mount (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Fix sec=krb5 on smb3 mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: use server timestamp for ntlmv2 authentication (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] disabling oplocks/leases via module parm enable_oplocks broken for SMB3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] mount option sec=none not displayed properly in /proc/mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: Fix use-after-free on mid_q_entry (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Update cifs version number (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add way to query server fs info for smb3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: Unset CIFS_MOUNT_POSIX_PATHS flag when following dfs mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Update negotiate protocol for SMB3.11 dialect (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add ioctl to set integrity (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add Get/Set Integrity Information structure definitions (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add reflink copy over SMB3.11 with new FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add SMB3.11 mount option synonym for new dialect (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] add struct FILE_STANDARD_INFO (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Make dialect negotiation warning message easier to read (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Add defines and structs for smb3.1 dialect (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Allow parsing vers=3.11 on cifs mount (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] client MUST ignore EncryptionKeyLength if CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY is set (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: Fix race condition on RFC1002_NEGATIVE_SESSION_RESPONSE (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Fix to convert SURROGATE PAIR (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: potential missing check for posix_lock_file_wait (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Fix to check Unique id and FileType when client refer file directly (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: remove an unneeded NULL check (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] fix null pointer check (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] Fix that several functions handle incorrect value of mapchars (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] cifs: Don't replace dentries for dfs mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] vfs: normal filesystems and lustre d_inode() annotations - CIFS only (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] vfs: Add owner-filesystem positive/negative dentry checks (Sachin Prabhu) [1337587] - [fs] dlm: Save and restore socket callbacks properly (Robert S Peterson) [1267339] - [fs] dlm: Replace nodeid_to_addr with kernel_getpeername (Robert S Peterson) [1267339] - [fs] xfs: fix broken multi-fsb buffer logging (Brian Foster) [1334671] - [fs] propogate_mnt: Handle the first propogated copy being a slave (Miklos Szeredi) [1338808] {CVE-2016-4581} - [fs] pnode: treat zero mnt_group_id-s as unequal (Miklos Szeredi) [1331162] - [fs] svcrpc: autoload rdma module (Steve Dickson) [1337599] - [fs] nfsd: Drop BUG_ON and ignore SECLABEL on absent filesystem ("J. Bruce Fields") [1340690] - [fs] nfsd: fix nsfd startup race triggering BUG_ON ("J. Bruce Fields") [1340714]- [fs] dax: fix O_DIRECT I/O to the last block of a blockdev (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [acpi] nfit: Clarify memory device state flags strings (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [acpi] nfit, nd_blk: BLK status register is only 32 bits (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [fs] xfs: call dax_fault on read page faults for DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: fix namespace seed creation (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [acpi] nfit: add support for NVDIMM "latch" flag (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [acpi] nfit: update block I/O path to use PMEM API (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: add mock acpi_nfit_flush_address entries to nfit_test (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: fix return code for unimplemented commands (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [maintainers] pmem: add maintainer for include/linux/pmem.h (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [fs] dax: bdev_direct_access() may sleep (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] block: Add support for DAX reads/writes to block devices (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax: Use copy_from_iter_nocache (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [net] iovec.c: add memcpy_fromiovecend_nocache (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [acpi] nfit: fix smatch "use after null check" report (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] Fix return value of nvdimm_bus_init() if class_create() fails (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: smatch cleanups in __nd_ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] sparse: fix misplaced __pmem definition (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [x86] pmem api for ensuring durability of persistent memory updates (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043 1274459] - [include] libnvdimm: Add sysfs numa_node to NVDIMM devices (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: Set numa_node to NVDIMM devices (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] acpi: Add acpi_map_pxm_to_online_node() (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [tools] libnvdimm, nfit: handle unarmed dimms, mark namespaces read-only (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] pmem: flag pmem block devices as non-rotational (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: enable iostat (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] pmem: make_request cleanups (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: fix up max_hw_sectors (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, blk: add support for blk integrity (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, btt: add support for blk integrity (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [fs] block_dev.c: skip rw_page if bdev has integrity (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [maintainers] libnvdimm: Non-Volatile Devices (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [tools] testing/nvdimm: libnvdimm unit test infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm, nfit, nd_blk: driver for BLK-mode access persistent memory (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] nd_btt: atomic sector updates (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: infrastructure for btt devices (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: write blk label set (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm: write pmem label set (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: blk labels and namespace instantiation (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: pmem label sets and namespace instantiation (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: namespace indices: read and validate (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm, nfit: add interleave-set state-tracking infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: add libnvdimm support to the pmem driver (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [nvdimm] libnvdimm, pmem: move pmem to drivers/nvdimm/ (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: support for legacy (non-aliasing) nvdimms (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm, nfit: regions (block-data-window, persistent memory, volatile memory) (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm, nvdimm: dimm driver and base libnvdimm device-driver infrastructure (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: control (ioctl) messages for nvdimm_bus and nvdimm devices (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm, nfit: dimm/memory-devices (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm: control character device and nvdimm_bus sysfs attributes (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] libnvdimm, nfit: initial libnvdimm infrastructure and NFIT support (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [fs] xfs: add initial DAX support (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] xfs: add DAX IO path support (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] xfs: add DAX truncate support (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] xfs: add DAX block zeroing support (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] xfs: add DAX file operations support (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_zero_remaining_bytes (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] dax: expose __dax_fault for filesystems with locking constraints (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] dax: don't abuse get_block mapping for endio callbacks (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] e820, efi: add ACPI 6.0 persistent memory types (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm/mtrr: Enhance MTRR checks in kernel mapping helpers (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm/mtrr: Clean up mtrr_type_lookup() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm/mtrr: Use symbolic define as a retval for disabled MTRRs (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm/mtrr: Fix MTRR state checks in mtrr_type_lookup() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm/mtrr: Fix MTRR lookup to handle an inclusive entry (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] acpica: Fix for ill-formed GUID strings for NFIT tables (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] acpica: acpihelp: Update for new NFIT table GUIDs (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [include] acpica: acpi 6.0: Add support for NFIT table (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [x86] mm/mtrr: Remove incorrect address check in __mtrr_type_lookup() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm: Do not flush last cacheline twice in clflush_cache_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] Make page cache mode a real type (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [lib] x86, mm: support huge KVA mappings on x86 (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [x86] mm: support huge I/O mapping capability I/F (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] change vunmap to tear down huge KVA mappings (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [lib] mm: change ioremap to set up huge I/O mappings (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [lib] ioremap: add huge I/O map capability interfaces (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] change __get_vm_area_node() to use fls_long() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] fix pfn_mkwrite KABI (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax: unify ext2/4_{dax,}_file_operations (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] dax: use pfn_mkwrite to update c/mtime + freeze protection (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] new pfn_mkwrite same as page_mkwrite for VM_PFNMAP (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] refactor do_wp_page handling of shared vma into a function (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] refactor do_wp_page, extract the page copy flow (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] refactor do_wp_page - rewrite the unlock flow (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] refactor do_wp_page, extract the reuse case (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [block] drivers/block/pmem: Fix 32-bit build warning in pmem_alloc() (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [block] drivers/block/pmem: Add a driver for persistent memory (Eric Sandeen) [1028649 1269626 1271953 1274043] - [x86] mm: Add support for the non-standard protected e820 type (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax: does not work correctly with virtual aliasing caches (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [block] brd: rename XIP to DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] ext4: add DAX functionality (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax: add dax_zero_page_range (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] ext2: get rid of most mentions of XIP in ext2 (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] ext2: remove ext2_aops_xip (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] vfs, ext2: remove CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP and rename CONFIG_FS_XIP to CONFIG_FS_DAX (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] ext2: remove xip.c and xip.h (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] ext2: remove ext2_use_xip (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] ext2: remove ext2_xip_verify_sb() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] vfs: remove get_xip_mem (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax: replace XIP documentation with DAX documentation (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax, ext2: replace xip_truncate_page with dax_truncate_page (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax, ext2: replace the XIP page fault handler with the DAX page fault handler (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax, ext2: replace ext2_clear_xip_target with dax_clear_blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] dax, ext2: replace XIP read and write with DAX I/O (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] vfs,ext2: introduce IS_DAX(inode) (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] allow page fault handlers to perform the COW (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] fix XIP fault vs truncate race (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] dax: drop size parameter to ->direct_access() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [include] block: Change direct_access calling convention (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [block] brd: return -ENOSPC rather than -ENOMEM on page allocation failure (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [block] brd: add support for rw_page() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] swap: use bdev_read_page() / bdev_write_page() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] block_dev: add bdev_read_page() and bdev_write_page() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] mpage: factor page_endio() out of mpage_end_io() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] mpage: factor clean_buffers() out of __mpage_writepage() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] buffer: remove block_write_full_page_endio() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] consolidate code to setup pte (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] consolidate code to call vm_ops->page_mkwrite() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] introduce do_shared_fault() and drop do_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] introduce do_cow_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] introduce do_read_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] do_fault(): extract to call vm_ops->do_fault() to separate function (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [mm] rename __do_fault() -> do_fault() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459] - [fs] block: Convert various code to bio_for_each_segment() (Eric Sandeen) [1274459]- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: set nvdev link after populating chn_table (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: synchronize netvsc_change_mtu()/netvsc_set_channels() with netvsc_remove() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: get rid of struct net_device pointer in struct netvsc_device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: untangle the pointer mess (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use start_remove flag to protect netvsc_link_change() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: move start_remove flag to net_device_context (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the list processing for network change event (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Implement support for VF drivers on Hyper-V (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1333284] - [pci] hv: Add explicit barriers to config space access (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [pci] hv: Report resources release after stopping the bus (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [hv] Separate out frame buffer logic when picking MMIO range (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [hv] Record MMIO range in use by frame buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [hv] Track allocations of children of hv_vmbus in private resource tree (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [hv] Reverse order of resources in hyperv_mmio (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [video] hv: Use new vmbus_mmio_free() from client drivers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [include] hv: Make a function to free mmio regions through vmbus (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [hv] Lock access to hyperv_mmio resource tree (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [pci] hv: Add paravirtual PCI front-end for Microsoft Hyper-V VMs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [x86] export __ioapic_set_affinity to modules (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [x86] export x86_msi to modules (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [hv] Allow for MMIO claims that span ACPI _CRS records (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [include] stddef.h: Move offsetofend() from vfio.h to a generic kernel header (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1302147] - [x86] nmi: Fix use of unallocated cpumask_var_t (Jerry Snitselaar) [1069217] - [x86] nmi: Perform a safe NMI stack trace on all CPUs (Jerry Snitselaar) [1069217] - [kernel] printk: Add per_cpu printk func to allow printk to be diverted (Jerry Snitselaar) [1069217] - [lib] seq: Add minimal support for seq_buf (Jerry Snitselaar) [1069217] - [scsi] ipr: Fix regression when loading firmware (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Fix out-of-bounds null overwrite (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.6.3 (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Issue Configure Cache Parameters command (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Inquiry IOA page 0xC4 during initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Don't set NO_ULEN_CHK bit when resource is a vset (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Add delay to ensure coherent dumps (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Enable SIS pipe commands for SIS-32 devices (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [scsi] ipr: Inhibit underlength data check for AFDASD in raw mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1274357] - [nvme] Allocate queues only for online cpus (David Milburn) [1331884] - [s390] mm: four page table levels vs. fork (Hendrik Brueckner) [1308879] {CVE-2016-2143} - [s390] cpumf: add missing lpp magic initialization (Hendrik Brueckner) [1339534] - [s390] cpumf: Fix lpp detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1339534] - [s390] cpumf: Improve guest detection heuristics (Hendrik Brueckner) [1339534] - [s390] cpumf: rework program parameter setting to detect guest samples (Hendrik Brueckner) [1339534] - [s390] pci: fix use after free in dma_init (Hendrik Brueckner) [1338925] - [s390] compat: correct sign-extension of the brk() compat system call (Hendrik Brueckner) [1197172] - [s390] fix normalization bug in exception table sorting (Hendrik Brueckner) [1298601] - [net] iucv: call skb_linearize() when needed (Hendrik Brueckner) [1335607] - [x86] topology: Use total_cpus not nr_cpu_ids for logical packages (Jiri Olsa) [1337866] - [x86] topology: Fix Intel HT disable (Jiri Olsa) [1337866] - [x86] topology: Fix AMD core count (Jiri Olsa) [1337866] - [x86] cpu/amd: Give access to the number of nodes in a physical package (Jiri Olsa) [1337866] - [x86] thinkpad_acpi: Convert to snd_card_new() with a device pointer (Jarod Wilson) [1341744] - [x86] microcode: Use request_firmware_direct() (Prarit Bhargava) [1340431] - [firmware] Introduce request_firmware_direct() (Prarit Bhargava) [1340431] - [firmware] Be a bit more verbose about direct firmware loading failure (Prarit Bhargava) [1340431]- [netdrv] ixgbevf: update driver versions to indicate RHEL7.3 (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Remove unused parameter (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Change the relaxed order settings in VF driver for sparc (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use mac_ops instead of trying to identify NIC type (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Support Windows hosts (Hyper-V) (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add the device ID's presented while running on Hyper-V (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Move API negotiation function into mac_ops (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: make use of BIT() macro to avoid shift of signed values (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add support for per-queue ethtool stats (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: refactor ethtool stats handling (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add support for generic Tx checksums (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: use bit operations for setting and checking resets (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix error code path when setting MAC address (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: call ndo_stop() instead of dev_close() when running offline selftest (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: minor cleanups for ixgbevf_set_itr() (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix handling of NAPI budget when multiple queues are enabled per vector (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Handle extended IPv6 headers in Tx path (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Minor cleanups (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use a private workqueue to avoid certain possible hangs (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Limit lowest interrupt rate for adaptive interrupt moderation to 12K (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Enables TSO for stacked VLAN (Ken Cox) [1274175] - [netdrv] igbvf: use BIT() macro instead of shifts (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: remove unused variable and dead code (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: remove "link is Up" message when registering mcast address (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: Add support for generic Tx checksums (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: don't give up (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: use napi_complete_done() (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] igbvf: Enable TSO for stacked VLAN (Corinna Vinschen) [1274173] - [netdrv] revert "igb: Fix a deadlock in igb_sriov_reinit" (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Garbled output for "ethtool -m" (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: allow setting MAC address on i211 using a device tree blob (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for bulk Tx cleanup & cleanup boolean logic (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Fix sparse warning about passing __beXX into leXX_to_cpup (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: call ndo_stop() instead of dev_close() when running offline selftest (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Fix VLAN tag stripping on Intel i350 (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for generic Tx checksums (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: rename igb define to be more generic (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: add conditions for I210 to generate periodic clock output (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: enable WoL for OEM devices regardless of EEPROM setting (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: constify e1000_phy_operations structure (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: When GbE link up, wait for Remote receiver status condition (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Add workaround for VLAN tag stripping on 82576 (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Enable use of "bridge fdb add" to set unicast table entries (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Drop unnecessary checks in transmit path (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Add support for VLAN promiscuous with SR-IOV and NTUPLE (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Clean-up configuration of VF port VLANs (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Merge VLVF configuration into igb_vfta_set (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Always enable VLAN 0 even if 8021q is not loaded (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Do not factor VLANs into RLPML calculation (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Allow asymmetric configuration of MTU versus Rx frame size (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Refactor VFTA configuration (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: clean up code for setting MAC address (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: don't give up (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Unpair the queues when changing the number of queues (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Remove unnecessary flag setting in igb_set_flag_queue_pairs() (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Explicitly label self-test result indices (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Improve cable length function for I210, etc (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Don't add PHY address to PCDL address (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Remove GS40G specific defines/functions (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: improve handling of disconnected adapters (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: fix NULL derefs due to skipped SR-IOV enabling (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: use the correct i210 register for EEMNGCTL (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: don't unmap NULL hw_addr (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: add 88E1543 initialization code (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: use napi_complete_done() (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: avoid using timespec (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Fix a memory leak in igb_probe (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Fix a deadlock in igb_sriov_reinit (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: implement high frequency periodic output signals (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: missing rtnl_unlock in igb_sriov_reinit() (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Fix oops caused by missing queue pairing (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: bump version to igb-5.3.0 (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: use ARRAY_SIZE to replace calculating sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: report unsupported ethtool settings in set_coalesce (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Fix i354 88E1112 PHY on RCC boards using AutoMediaDetect (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: Pull timestamp from fragment before adding it to skb (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: only report generic filters in get_ts_info (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: bump version of igb to 5.2.18 (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: disable IPv6 extension header processing (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172] - [netdrv] igb: fix the start time for periodic output signals (Corinna Vinschen) [1274172]- [netdrv] ibmvnic: Enable use of multiple tx/rx scrqs (Steve Best) [1332848] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: enable RX checksum offload (Steve Best) [1332848] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: map L2/L3/L4 header descriptors to firmware (Steve Best) [1332848] - [netdrv] ibmvnic: Fix ibmvnic_capability struct (Steve Best) [1332848] - [x86] kvm: simplify kvm_apic_map (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] vmx: Add host irq information in trace event when updating IRTE for posted interrupts (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: Add lowest-priority support for vt-d posted-interrupts (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: Use vector-hashing to deliver lowest-priority interrupts (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: Recover IRTE to remapped mode if the interrupt is not single-destination (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: avoid logical_map when it is invalid (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: fix mixed APIC mode broadcast (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: use MDA for interrupt matching (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: fix x2apic logical address matching (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: replace 0 with APIC_DEST_PHYSICAL (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: cleanup kvm_apic_match_*() (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [x86] kvm: return bool from kvm_apic_match*() (Paul Lai) [1319021] - [tty] don't leak cdev in tty_cdev_add() (Prarit Bhargava) [1173155] - [tty] Avoid usb reset crashes by making tty_io cdevs truly dynamic (Prarit Bhargava) [1173155] - [pci] Set MPS to match upstream bridge (Myron Stowe) [1256951] - [pci] Move MPS configuration check to pci_configure_device() (Myron Stowe) [1256951] - [x86] perf: uncore: Remove WARN_ON_ONCE in uncore_pci_probe (Jiri Olsa) [1337804] - [x86] perf/intel/uncore: Fix CHA registers configuration procedure for Knights Landing platform (Jiri Olsa) [1334752] - [x86] uv: Disable UV BAU by default (Frank Ramsay) [1329656] - [hwmon] coretemp: Replace cpu_sibling_mask() with topology_sibling_cpumask() (David Arcari) [1338826] - [kernel] sched/topology: Rename topology_thread_cpumask() to topology_sibling_cpumask() (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Allow format checking (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Convert to use devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Allocate platform data with devm_kzalloc (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Use sysfs_create_group to create sysfs attributes (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Do not return -EAGAIN for low temperatures (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Add PCI device ID for CE41x0 CPUs (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Use PCI host bridge ID to identify CPU if necessary (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Fix truncated name of alarm attributes (David Arcari) [1338826] - [hwmon] coretemp: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (David Arcari) [1338826] - [scsi] Add QEMU CD-ROM to VPD Inquiry Blacklist (Ewan Milne) [1340360] - [documentation] ip-sysctl.txt: clarify secure_redirects (Eric Garver) [1300442] - [net] avoid reference counter overflows on fib_rules in multicast forwarding (Eric Garver) [1335918] - [net] team: don't call netdev_change_features under team->lock (Ivan Vecera) [1339570] - [net] Add compatible kAPI for skb_get_rxhash (William Townsend) [1329650] - [net] multicast: Extend ip address command to enable multicast group join/leave on (Eric Garver) [1267398] - [net] ipv6: support IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR for address deletion too (Jakub Sitnicki) [1263384] - [net] ipv6: don't disable interface if last ipv6 address is removed (Jakub Sitnicki) [1263384] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: Unregister pernet subsys in case of init failure (Paolo Abeni) [1337024] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_{log, queue}: Register pernet in first place (Paolo Abeni) [1337024] - [net] team: remove duplicate set of flag IFF_MULTICAST (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: Replace rcu_read_lock with a mutex in team_vlan_rx_kill_vid (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: Advertise tunneling offload features (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: rtnl_lock for options set (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: Don't segment multiple tagged packets on team device (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: Remove dead code (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: Simplify return path of team_newlink (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: lb: use sizeof(*fprog) in __fprog_create (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: fix vlan_features computing (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: block mtu change before it happens via NETDEV_PRECHANGEMTU (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: inherit addr_assign_type along with dev_addr (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] team: cleanup netpoll clode (Xin Long) [1302771] - [net] make all team port device link events urgent (Xin Long) [1302771]- [infiniband] security: Restrict use of the write() interface (Don Dutile) [1316685] {CVE-2016-4565} - [mm] add support for __GFP_ZERO flag to dma_pool_alloc() (Torez Smith) [1337075] - [hv] balloon: reset host_specified_ha_region (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1325967] - [hv] balloon: don't crash when memory is added in non-sorted order (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1325967] - [hv] hv_balloon: match var type to return type of wait_for_completion (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1325967] - [hv] balloon: check if ha_region_mutex was acquired in MEM_CANCEL_ONLINE case (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1325967] - [pci] Add DMA alias quirk for mic_x200_dma (Jerry Snitselaar) [1299853] - [pci] Add support for multiple DMA aliases (Jerry Snitselaar) [1299853] - [pci] Move informational printk to pci_add_dma_alias() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1299853] - [pci] Add pci_add_dma_alias() to abstract implementation (Jerry Snitselaar) [1299853] - [drivers] avoid format strings in names passed to alloc_workqueue() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336867] - [kernel] rcu: Improve diagnostics for spurious RCU CPU stall warnings ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Don't use NMIs to dump other CPUs' stacks ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Protect uses of jiffies_stall field with ACCESS_ONCE() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Print negatives for stall-warning counter wraparound ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Convert rcutree.c printk calls ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Kick CPU halfway to RCU CPU stall warning ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Reject memory-order-induced stall-warning false positives ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [kernel] rcu: Drive quiescent-state-forcing delay from HZ ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1320261] - [mm] memcg: reparent charges of children before processing parent ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [include] jiffies: Avoid undefined behavior from signed overflow ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [mm] compaction: break out of loop on !PageBuddy in isolate_freepages_block ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [ipc] Fix 2 bugs in msgrcv() MSG_COPY implementation ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] tracing: Do not add event files for modules that fail tracepoints ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] cpuset: fix a race condition in __cpuset_node_allowed_softwall() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] genirq: Remove racy waitqueue_active check ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] workqueue: ensure @task is valid across kthread_stop() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [mm] memcg: fix endless loop caused by mem_cgroup_iter ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1297381 1336863] - [include] compiler/gcc4: Make quirk for asm_volatile_goto() unconditional ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [scripts] modpost: fixed USB alias generation for ranges including 0x9 and 0xA ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix missing timekeeping_update in suspend path ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix CLOCK_TAI timer/nanosleep delays ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] ftrace: Have function graph only trace based on global_ops filters ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] ftrace: Fix synchronization location disabling and freeing ftrace_ops ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] ftrace: Synchronize setting function_trace_op with ftrace_trace_function ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [mm] slub: Fix calculation of cpu slabs ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] tracing: Have trace buffer point back to trace_array ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [mm] mempolicy.c: fix mempolicy printing in numa_maps ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] sched/fair: Fix unlocked reads of some cfs_b->quota/period ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] sched/fair: Fix tg_set_cfs_bandwidth() deadlock on rq->lock ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] sched: Guarantee new group-entities always have weight ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] sched: Fix hrtimer_cancel()/rq->lock deadlock ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] sched: Fix cfs_bandwidth misuse of hrtimer_expires_remaining ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863] - [kernel] sched: Fix race on toggling cfs_bandwidth_used ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1336863]- [net] bluetooth: KABI cleanups (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] sched/wait: Introduce wait_on_bit_timeout() (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] netlink: add nla_get for le32 and le64 (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] 6lowpan: nuke net_ieee802154_lowpan() accessor when 6lowpan is disabled (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] 6lowpan: add helper to get 6lowpan namespace (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] if_arp: add ARPHRD_6LOWPAN type (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] net: ns: add ieee802154_6lowpan namespace (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] ipv6: add ipv6_addr_prefix_copy (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] netdevice: add ieee802154_ptr to net_device (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [net] 802154 and 6lowpan: Rebase to v4.5 (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [bluetooth] intel: Use request_firmware instead (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] of: restructure for_each macros to fix compile warnings (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] of: Add empty for_each_available_child_of_node() macro definition (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] of: make for_each_child_of_node() reference its args when CONFIG_OF=n (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] of: introduce of_get_available_child_count (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [kernel] sched/wait: Fix a kthread race with wait_woken() (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [kernel] sched/wait: Provide infrastructure to deal with nested blocking (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [include] device coredump: add new device coredump class (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [net] bluetooth: Rebase to v4.5 (Don Zickus) [1296707] - [drm] revert "drm/i915: start adding dp mst audio" (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1329087] - [drm] dp_mst: Restore primary hub guid on resume (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1336546] - [drm] dp_mst: Validate port in drm_dp_payload_send_msg() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1329087 1331031] - [drm] dp_mst: Get validated port ref in drm_dp_update_payload_part1() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1329087] - [drm] i915: Call intel_dp_mst_resume() before resuming displays (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1329087] - [drm] i915: Get rid of intel_dp_dpcd_read_wake() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1235963 1272159] - [drm] dp_helper: Perform throw-away read before actual read in drm_dp_dpcd_read() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1235963 1272159] - [drm] dp_helper: Retry aux transactions on all errors (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1235963 1272159] - [drm] dp_helper: Always wait before retrying native aux transactions (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1235963 1272159] - [drm] dp: move hw_mutex up the call stack (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1274157] - [drm] i915: Fix race condition in intel_dp_destroy_mst_connector() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1329087] - [drm] upstream sync to v4.5 (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] tracing: Add trace__enabled() function (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] compat: add in_compat_syscall to ask whether we're in a compat syscall (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [mm] Export nr_swap_pages (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [lib] string: introduce match_string() helper (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] async: export current_is_async() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [pci] Decouple quirks.c from i915_reg.h (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [mm] introduce mapping_gfp_constraint() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] bitops.h: add sign_extend64() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [vga] vga_switcheroo: Constify vga_switcheroo_handler (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] arch: introduce memremap() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] mm: enhance region_is_ram() to region_intersects() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [x86] mm: Remove region_is_ram() call from ioremap (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [x86] mm: Move warning from __ioremap_check_ram() to the call site (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] mm: Fix bugs in region_is_ram() (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [kernel] locking: Add WARN_ON_ONCE lock assertion (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231] - [pwm] Add sysfs interface (Rob Clark) [1072036 1115530 1202702 1211398 1272159 1310228 1310229 1310230 1310231]- [netdrv] ixgbe: update driver versions to indicate RHEL7.3 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use correct mask when enabling sriov (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: replace dev->trans_start accesses with dev_trans_start (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Disable DCB and FCoE for X550EM_x and x550em_a (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Revise populating few registers and macro definitions (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove duplicate and unused device ID definitions (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Return 64 bit stats values (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: check EEPROM for WOL support for X540 and above (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add WoL support for some 82599 subdevice IDs (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use msleep for long delays (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: resolve shift of negative value warning (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use BIT() macro (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add work around for empty SFP+ cage crosstalk (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use correct FC setup function for x550em_a (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add register wait for slow links (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: make 'action' field in struct ixgbe_fdir_filter a u64 value (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix default mac->ops.setup_link for X550EM (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: set VLAN spoof checking unconditionally (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: consolidate the configuration of spoof checking (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: protect vxlan_get_rx_port in ixgbe_service_task with rtnl_lock (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Bump version number (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add KR backplane support for x550em_a (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for SGMII backplane interface (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for SFPs with retimer (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Introduce function to control MDIO speed (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Read and parse NW_MNG_IF_SEL register (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Read and set instance id (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use new methods for PHY access (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for x550em_a 10G MAC type (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use method pointer to access IOSF devices (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add definitions for x550em_a 10G MAC (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for single-port X550 device (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Take manageability semaphore for firmware commands (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean up interface for firmware commands (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct length check for round up (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Change the lan_id and func fields to a u8 to avoid casts (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Delete some unused register definitions (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for toggling VLAN filtering flag via ethtool (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Place SWFW semaphore in known valid state at probe (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix flow control for Xeon D KR backplane (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for generic Tx checksums (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Look up MAC address in Open Firmware or IDPROM (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make all unchanging ops structures const (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Avoid adding VLAN 0 twice to VLVF and VFTA (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not allow PF to add VLVF entry unless it actually needs it (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Extend trust to allow guest to set unicast address (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: slight optimization of addr compare (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: make __ixgbe_setup_tc static (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: call ndo_stop() instead of dev_close() when running offline selftest (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use udelay to avoid sleeping while atomic (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix ATR so that it correctly handles IPv6 extension headers (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Store VXLAN port number in network order (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix for RAR0 not being set to default MAC addr (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix dates on header of ixgbe_model.h (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use u32 instead of __u32 in model header (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add minimal parser details for ixgbe (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make ATR recognize IPv6 extended headers (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix MDD events generated when FCoE+SRIOV are enabled (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix to get FDMI HBA attributes information with X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct handling of any outer UDP checksum setting (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not call check_link for ethtool in ixgbe_get_settings() (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix broken PFC with X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use correct FCoE DDP max check (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fill at least min credits to a TC credit refills (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix bugs in ixgbe_clear_vf_vlans() (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct X550EM_x revision check (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix RSS limit for X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean up redundancy in hw_enc_features (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: report correct media type for KR, KX and KX4 interfaces (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for QSFP PHY types in ixgbe_get_settings() (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: do not report 2.5 Gbps as supported (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean stale VLANs when changing port VLAN or resetting (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clear stale pool mappings (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix VLAN promisc in relation to SR-IOV (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for VLAN promiscuous with SR-IOV (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix inconsistent clearing of the multicast table (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reorder search to work from the top down instead of bottom up (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for adding/removing VLAN on PF bypassing the VLVF (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Simplify configuration of setting VLVF and VLVFB (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reduce VT code indent in set_vfta by introducing jump label (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Simplify definitions for regidx and bit in set_vfta (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix SR-IOV VLAN pool configuration (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Return error on failure to allocate mac_table (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Reset interface after enabling SR-IOV (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Always turn PHY power on when requested (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Handle extended IPv6 headers in Tx path (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Save VF info and take references (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Wait for master disable to be set (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct spec violations by waiting after reset (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update PTP to support X550EM_x devices (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow FDB entries access to more RAR filters (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use __dev_uc_sync and __dev_uc_unsync for unicast addresses (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Refactor MAC address configuration code (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use private workqueue to avoid certain possible hangs (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for newer thermal alarm (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Prevent KR PHY reset in ixgbe_init_phy_ops_x550em (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove CS4227 diagnostic code (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe/ixgbevf: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add KR mode support for CS4227 chip (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix handling of NAPI budget when multiple queues are enabled per vector (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix multiple kernel-doc errors (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Delete redundant include file (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: drop null test before destroy functions (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe, ixgbevf: Add new mbox API xcast mode (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add new ndo to trust VF (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use napi_complete_done() (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check for setup_internal_link method (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix CS4227-related semaphore error on reset failure (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: disable LRO by default (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add flow control ethertype to the anti-spoofing filter (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Advance version to 4.2.1 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: X540 thermal warning interrupt not a GPI (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix FCRTH value in VM-to-VM loopback mode (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Only clear adapter_stopped if ixgbe_setup_fc succeeded (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct several flaws with with DCA setup (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add new X550EM SFP+ device ID (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Update ixgbe_disable_pcie_master flow for X550* (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add small packet padding support for X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct setting of RDRXCTL register for X550* devices (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct error path in semaphore handling (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add I2C bus mux support (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit SFP polling rate (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow SFP+ on more than 82598 and 82599 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add logic to reset CS4227 when needed (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix 1G and 10G link stability for X550EM_x SFP+ (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X550EM_x dual-speed SFP+ support (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow reduced delays during SFP detection (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clear I2C destination location (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Enable bit-banging mode on X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Set lan_id before first I2C eeprom access (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Provide unlocked I2C methods (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Provide I2C combined on X550EM (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add X550EM support for SFP insertion interrupt (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Accept SFP not present errors on all devices (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add fdir support for SCTP on X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add SFP+ detection for X550 hardware (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Limit lowest interrupt rate for adaptive interrupt moderation to 12K (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix issue with SFP events with new X550 devices (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve "initialized field overwritten" warnings (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for reporting 2.5G link speed (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix bounds checking in ixgbe_setup_tc for 82598 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: support for ethtool set_rxfh (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Avoid needless PHY access on copper phys (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup to use cached mask value (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove second instance of lan_id variable (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove unused PCI bus types (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new bus type for intergrated I/O interface (IOSF) (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add get_bus_info method for X550 (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for entering low power link up state (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for VXLAN RX offloads (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for UDP-encapsulated tx checksum offload (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add VXLAN offload support for X550 devices (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check whether FDIRCMD writes actually complete (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Assign set_phy_power dynamically where needed (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new function to check for management presence (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: TRIVIAL fix up double 'the' and comment style (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Simplify port-specific macros (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Convert to use devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups (Ken Cox) [1274174] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable l2 forwarding acceleration for macvlans (Ken Cox) [1274174]- [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use dma_rmb() instead of rmb() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add BCM57314 device ID (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Simplify and improve unsupported SFP+ module reporting (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix length value in dmesg log firmware error message (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve the delay logic for firmware response (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reduce maximum ring pages if page size is 64K (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Report PCIe link speed and width during driver load (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add Support for ETHTOOL_GMODULEINFO and ETHTOOL_GMODULEEEPRO (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix invalid max channel parameter in ethtool -l (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add workaround to detect bad opaque in rx completion (part 2) (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add workaround to detect bad opaque in rx completion (part 1) (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Setup multicast properly after resetting device (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Need memory barrier when processing the completion ring (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Divide a page into 32K buffers for the aggregation ring if necessary (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Limit RX BD pages to be no bigger than 32K (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't fallback to INTA on VF (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add async event handling for speed config changes (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Call firmware to approve VF MAC address change (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Shutdown link when device is closed (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Disallow forced speed for 10GBaseT devices (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve ethtool .get_settings() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check for valid forced speed during ethtool -s (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add unsupported SFP+ module warnings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Set async event bits when registering with the firmware (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add get_eee() and set_eee() ethtool support (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add EEE setup code (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add basic EEE support (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve flow control autoneg with Firmware 1.2.1 interface (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update to Firmware 1.2.2 spec (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ethtool -a reporting (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix typo in bnxt_hwrm_set_pause_common() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement proper firmware message padding (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Initialize CP doorbell value before ring allocation (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Enable AER support (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Include hardware port statistics in ethtool -S (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Include some hardware port statistics in ndo_get_stats64() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add port statistics support (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Extend autoneg to all speeds (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use common function to get ethtool supported flags (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add reporting of link partner advertisement (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor bnxt_fw_to_ethtool_advertised_spds() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add hwrm_send_message_silent() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor _hwrm_send_message() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add installed-package firmware version reporting via Ethtool GDRVINFO (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix dmesg log firmware error messages (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Use firmware provided message timeout value (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add coalescing support for tx rings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor bnxt_hwrm_set_coal() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Store irq coalescing timer values in micro seconds (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Send PF driver unload notification to all VFs (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve bnxt_vf_update_mac() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix zero padding of tx push data (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Failure to update PHY is not fatal condition (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove unnecessary call to update PHY settings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Poll link at the end of __bnxt_open_nic() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reduce default ring sizes (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix implementation of tx push operation (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Remove 20G support and advertise only 40GbaseCR4 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Cleanup and Fix flow control setup logic (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix ethtool autoneg logic (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix crash in bnxt_free_tx_skbs() during tx timeout (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Exclude rx_drop_pkts hw counter from the stack's rx_dropped counter (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Ring free response from close path should use completion ring (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt: always return values from _bnxt_get_max_rings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Reset embedded processor after applying firmware upgrade (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Zero pad firmware messages to 128 bytes (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Modify ethtool -l|-L to support combined or rx/tx rings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Modify init sequence to support shared or non shared rings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Modify bnxt_get_max_rings() to support shared or non shared rings (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Re-structure ring indexing and mapping (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check for NULL rx or tx ring (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Separate bnxt_{rx|tx}_ring_info structs from bnxt_napi struct (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Refactor bnxt_dbg_dump_states() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add BCM57301 & BCM57402 devices (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Update to Firmware interface spec 1.0.0 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Keep track of the ring group resource (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Improve VF resource accounting (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Cleanup bnxt_hwrm_func_cfg() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Check hardware resources before enabling NTUPLE (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't treat single segment rx frames as GRO frames (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Allocate rx_cpu_rmap only if Accelerated RFS is enabled (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Increment checksum error counter only if NETIF_F_RXCSUM is set (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Add support for upgrading APE/NC-SI firmware via Ethtool FLASHDEV (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Optimize ring alloc and ring free functions (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: support hwrm_func_drv_unrgtr command (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Implement missing tx timeout reset logic (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Don't cancel sp_task from bnxt_close_nic() (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Change bp->state to bitmap (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix bitmap declaration to work on 32-bit arches (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Setup uc_list mac filters after resetting the chip (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: enforce proper storing of MAC address (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fixed incorrect implementation of ndo_set_mac_address (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: More robust SRIOV cleanup sequence (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix comparison of u16 sw_id against negative value (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: map CAG_REG_LEGACY_INT_STATUS_MASK to GRC window #4 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Determine tcp/ipv6 RSS hash type correctly (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Change sp events definitions to represent bit position (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix compile warnings when CONFIG_INET is not set (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Fix compile errors when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV is not set (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt: rewrite flow dissector bits for RHEL 7.3 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Backport bnxt portions of upstream commit 93d05d4a320c (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Backport bnxt portions of upstream commit 5eb4dce3b347 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Backport bnxt portions of upstream commit 16e5cc647173 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: Backport bnxt portions of upstream commit e4c6734eaab9 (John Linville) [1184635 1312277] - [netdrv] bnxt_en: New Broadcom ethernet driver (John Linville) [1184635 1312277]- [misc] cxl: Check periodically the coherent platform function's state (Steve Best) [1338865] - [misc] cxl: Allow initialization on timebase sync failures (Steve Best) [1338865] - [powercap] rapl: add support for skx (Steve Best) [1273742] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix PFN format for virtio-1 (Thomas Huth) [1337945] - [powerpc] perf/24x7: Eliminate domain suffix in event names (Jiri Olsa) [1320561] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Display domain indices in sysfs (Jiri Olsa) [1320561] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Display change in counter values (Jiri Olsa) [1320561] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Fix usage with chip events (Jiri Olsa) [1320561] - [mm] move MM_SHMEMPAGES counter into reserved slot of {task, mm}_struct (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [mm] procfs: breakdown RSS for anon, shmem and file in /proc/pid/status (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [mm] shmem: add internal shmem resident memory accounting (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [mm] proc: reduce cost of /proc/pid/smaps for unpopulated shmem mappings (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [mm] proc: reduce cost of /proc/pid/smaps for shmem mappings (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [mm] proc: account for shmem swap in /proc/pid/smaps (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [mm] documentation: clarify /proc/pid/status VmSwap limitations for shmem (Jerome Marchand) [838926] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updating mpt3sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1270168] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Update MPI header to 2.00.42 (Tomas Henzl) [1270168] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Set maximum transfer length per IO to 4MB for VDs (Tomas Henzl) [1270168] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Handle active cable exception event (Tomas Henzl) [1270168] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Used "synchronize_irq()"API to synchronize timed-out IO & TMs (Tomas Henzl) [1270168] - [irq_poll] Fix irq_poll_sched() (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [irq_poll] remove unused data and max fields (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [irq_poll] mark __irq_poll_complete static (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [scsi] irq_poll: fold irq_poll_disable_pending into irq_poll_softirq (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [irq_poll] fold irq_poll_sched_prep into irq_poll_sched (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [irq_poll] don't disable new irq_poll instances (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [irq_poll] make blk-iopoll available outside the block layer (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [block] blk-iopoll.c: use iop instead of iopoll (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [block] remove old blk_iopoll_enabled variable (Jeff Moyer) [1336479] - [fs] nfsd: return correct lockowner when there is a race on hash insert ("J. Bruce Fields") [1329485] - [fs] nfsd: return correct openowner when there is a race to put one in the hash ("J. Bruce Fields") [1329485] - [fs] gfs2: Cache ACLs read from disk (Andreas Gruenbacher) [1334817] - [fs] revert "libxfs: pack the agfl header structure so XFS_AGFL_SIZE is correct" (Eric Sandeen) [1336918] - [fs] svcrdma: Fix send_reply() scatter/gather set-up (Steve Dickson) [1327280] - [fs] svcrdma: Scrub BUG_ON() and WARN_ON() call sites (Steve Dickson) [1327280]- [include] alsa: acpi / utils: Add acpi_dev_present() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: pci: Add QEMU top-level IDs for (sub)vendor & device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: drm/i915: Add get_eld audio component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: drm/i915: set proper N/CTS in modeset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915: implement sync_audio_rate callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: drm/i915: Add audio sync_audio_rate callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915: fix kernel-doc warnings in intel_audio.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: drm: Remove the 'mode' argument from drm_select_eld() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915: Add locks around audio component bind/unbind (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915/audio: clarify HD audio documentation wrt modeset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915/audio: do not mess with audio registers if port is invalid (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915/audio: remove duplicated include from intel_audio.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915: Convert the ddi cdclk code to get_display_clock_speed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: drm/i915: Drop port_mst_index parameter from pin/eld callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [gpu] alsa: drm/i915: Call audio pin/ELD notify function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: drm/i915: Add audio pin sense / ELD callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: pm / runtime: Add new helper for conditional usage count incrementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] revert "alsa: hda - Set patch_ops before calling auto-parser" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Create AFG sysfs node at last (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Expose codec type sysfs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add hdac stream trace (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add HDA default codec match function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: consolidate the reassignments of ->f_op in ->open() instances (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hrtimer: Handle start/stop more properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Use mod_timer() for rearming the system timer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: fix gparams ioctl compatibility for different architectures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Bind with i915 only when Intel graphics is present (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix possible race on regmap bypass flip (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Don't trust the reported actual power state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: add AMD Polaris-10/11 AZ PCI IDs with proper driver caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add PCI ID for Intel Broxton-T (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix broken reconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Keep powering up ADCs on Cirrus codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix inconsistent monitor_present state until repoll (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix regression of monitor_present flag in eld proc file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: alsa - hda: hdmi check NULL pointer in hdmi_set_chmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix regression on ATI HDMI audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix subwoofer pin on ASUS N751 and N551 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add dock support for ThinkPad X260 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Add ALC3234 headset mode for Optiplex 9020m (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Enable the ALC292 dock fixup on the Thinkpad T460s (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix front mic problem for a HP desktop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply fix for white noise on Asus N550JV, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix white noise on Asus N750JV headphone (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Asus N750JV external subwoofer fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix white noise on Asus UX501VW headset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcxhr: Fix missing mutex unlock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Skip volume controls triggers hangup on Dell USB Dock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Yet another Phoneix Audio device quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Quirk for yet another Phoenix Audio devices (v2) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add a sample rate quirk for Phoenix Audio TMX320 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add a quirk for Plantronics BT300 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add Microsoft HD-5001 to quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix double-free in error paths after snd_usb_add_audio_stream() call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: Fix zero clear of stream->resources (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Bail out when chmap is already present (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Clarify CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Replace complex if statement with switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Fix poll error return codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Remove pointless NULL check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Use snd_compr_get_poll on error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix poll error return codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: fix to wait for RIRB & CORB DMA to set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: fix the missing ptr initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codecs support for ALC234/ALC274/ALC294 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix leak in events via snd_timer_user_tinterrupt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix leak in events via snd_timer_user_ccallback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix leak in SNDRV_TIMER_IOCTL_PARAMS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Limit retrying sample rate reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: au88x0: Fix overlapped PCM pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: remove legacy rtctimer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: ens1371: Fix "Line In->Rear Out Switch" control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: lx646es: Fix possible uninitialized variable reference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm : Call kill_fasync() in stream lock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add missing capture_hook calls for dyn-ADC PCM streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: allow clock source validity interrupts (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add UAC2 clock sources as mixer controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: constify ct_timer_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: intel8x0: Drop superfluous VM checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Update chmap tlv to report sink's capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix yet another i915 pointer leftover in error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Clear the leftover component assignment at snd_hdac_i915_exit() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Enable i915 ELD notifier for Intel IronLake and Baytrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add the pin / port mapping on Intel ILK and VLV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix missing ELD update at unplugging (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Update BCLK also at hotplug for i915 HSW/BDW (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use eld notifier for Intel SandyBridge and IvyBridge HDMI/DP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Introduce pin_cvt_fixup() ops to hdmi parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Override HDMI setup_stream ops for Intel HSW+ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply AMP fix in hdmi_setup_audio_infoframe() generically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Split out Intel-specific codes from patch_generic_hdmi() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi defer to register acomp eld notifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Workaround for unbalanced i915 power refcount by concurrent probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix spurious kernel WARNING on Baytrail HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix forgotten HDMI monitor_present update (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Really restrict i915 notifier to HSW+ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix mutex deadlock at HDMI/DP hotplug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: ctl: change return value in compatibility layer so that it's the same value in core implementation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: mixart: silence an uninitialized variable warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add sanity checks for endpoint accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Minor code cleanup in create_fixed_stream_quirk() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix NULL dereference in create_fixed_stream_quirk() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: use list macro for parsing on cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Limit i915 HDMI binding only for HSW and later (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix unconditional GPIO toggle via automute (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: mixart: silence unitialized variable warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fixes double fault in nvhdmi_chmap_cea_alloc_validate_get_type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: intel8x0: Add clock quirk entry for AD1981B on IBM ThinkPad X41 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add new GPU codec ID 0x10de0082 to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix the mic mute button and led problem for a Lenovo AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Avoid "BUG:" string for warnings again (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add a sanity check of pin / port mapping on i915 HDMI/DP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Don't handle ELD notify from invalid port (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply reboot D3 fix for CX20724 codec, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pci: Add QEMU top-level IDs for (sub)vendor & device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Provide card number / PID via sequencer client info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix unexpected resume through regmap code path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use snd_hdac namespace prefix for chmap exported APIs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Move chmap support helpers/ops to core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - chmap helper args modified to use generic hdac objs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add hdmi chmap verb programming ops to chmap object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use hdac name space for CEA spk alloc structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Register chmap obj as priv data instead of codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Create common chmap object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: fix more typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: fix some typos (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Add SNDRV_PCM_STATE_PREPARED state explanation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: allow writes in SNDRV_PCM_STATE_PREPARED state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi add wmb barrier for audio component (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix mic issues on Acer Aspire E1-472 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: portman2x4: fix NULL pointer dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: oss: Don't drain at closing a client (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add a quirk for Plantronics DA45 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi_find_pcm_slot return value bug fix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdsp: Fix wrong boolean ctl value accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdspm: Fix zero-division (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdspm: Fix wrong boolean ctl value accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: mts64: fix NULL pointer dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix ioctls for X32 ABI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix broken compat timer user status ioctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Fix ioctls X32 ABI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Use comapt_put_timespec() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix ioctls for X32 ABI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: ctl: Fix ioctls for X32 ABI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Autosuspend controller after probe even if codecs are already suspended (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Loop interrupt handling until really cleared (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headset support and noise on HP EliteBook 755 G2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fixup speaker pass-through control for nid 0x14 on ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fixing background noise on Dell Inspiron 3162 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi eld control created based on pcm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: jack: Allow building the jack layer without input device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply clock gate workaround to Skylake, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: mts64: use new parport device model (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use acpi_dev_present() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi get jack from hda_jack_tbl when not dyn_pcm_assign (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix rwsem deadlock for non-atomic PCM stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: portman2x4 - use new parport device model (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix double port list deletion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Cancel probe work instead of flush at remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix leak of pool buffer at concurrent writes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Call notifier in the same spinlock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Protect the whole snd_timer_close() with open race (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix race at concurrent reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix bad dereference of jack object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix race between stop and interrupt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix wrong instance passed to slave callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: dummy: Implement timer backend switching more safely (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix speaker output from VAIO AiO machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: revert "alsa: hda - Fix noise on Gigabyte Z170X mobo" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Add snd_pcm_rate_range_to_bits() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix static checker warning in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix leftover link at closing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix lockdep warnings due to double mutex locks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Fix race at copying & updating the position (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Make snd_rawmidi_transmit() race-free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add fixup for Mac Mini 7,1 model (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Support headset mode for ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - New codec support of ALC225 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - build chmap kctl based on pcm in hdmi audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Sync timer deletion at closing the system timer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix link corruption due to double start or stop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix yet another races among ALSA timer accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix potential deadlock in OSS emulation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rawmidi: Remove kernel WARNING for NULL user-space buffer check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix race at closing in virmidi driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: correctly handling failed thread creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add quirk for Microsoft LifeCam HD-6000 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add native DSD support for PS Audio NuWave DAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix OPPO HA-1 vendor ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - disable dynamic clock gating on Broxton before reset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add quirk_alias option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Refer to chip->usb_id for quirks and MIDI creation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi create spdif ctl based on pcm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi jack created based on pcm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add hdmi_pcm to manage hdmi pcm related features (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi setup pin when monitor hotplug in pcm dynamic assignment mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi dynamically bind PCM to pin when monitor hotplug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi operate spdif based on pcm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi playback without monitor in dynamic pcm bind mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - hdmi begin to support dynamic PCM assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add new GPU codec ID 0x10de0083 to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: dummy: Disable switching timer backend via sysfs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: fix SND_PCM_TIMER Kconfig text (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: Add missing dependency on CONFIG_SND_TIMER (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix TEAC UD-501/UD-503/NT-503 usb delay (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Disable GET_CODEC_CAPS ioctl for some architectures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Degrade the error message for too many opens (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix incorrect sanity check at snd_seq_oss_synth_cleanup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Introduce disconnect op to snd_timer_instance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Handle disconnection more safely (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Flush the pending probe work at remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix missing module loading with model=generic option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Degrade i915 binding failure message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: control: Avoid kernel warnings from tlv ioctl with numid 0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix snd_seq_call_port_info_ioctl in compat mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix snd_pcm_hw_params struct copy in compat mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hrtimer: Fix stall by hrtimer_cancel() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix bass pin fixup for ASUS N550JX (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Code cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Harden slave timer list handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add fixup for Dell Latitidue E6540 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix race among timer ioctls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add codec support for Kabylake display audio codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: Fix double unlink of active_list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix mixer ctl regression of Native Instrument devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix the headset mic detection problem for a Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix white noise on Dell Latitude E5550 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda_intel: add card number to irq description (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix race at timer setup and close (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq: Fix missing NULL check at remove_events ioctl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Avoid calling usb_autopm_put_interface() at disconnect (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fixup inverted internal mic for Lenovo E50-80 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb: Add native DSD support for Oppo HA-1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: add snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_power_up_all (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Increase timeout value for link power check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: couple the hda DMA stream in cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Add support for hda DMA Resume capability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: dummy: constify dummy_timer_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: cs5535audio: constify cs5535audio_dma_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: atiixp: constify atiixp_dma_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add keycode map for alc input device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add mic mute hotkey quirk for Lenovo ThinkCentre AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: use list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Fix silent headphone output on MacPro 4,1 (v2) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: restore TEA575x state on resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: save context before suspend devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: no need to suspend absent codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: detect FM-only card earlier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: propagate TUNER_ONLY bit when autodetected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: store struct device instead of pci_dev (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: put curly braces around empty if-body (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: convert rest outw() / inw() to use helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: fm801: explicitly free IRQ line (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: oss: consolidate kmalloc/memset 0 call to kzalloc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Set SKL+ hda controller power at freeze() and thaw() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Drop unused AZX_DCAPS_REVERSE_ASSIGN (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Drop AZX_DCAPS_POSFIX_VIA bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Raise AZX_DCAPS_RIRB_DELAY handling into top drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Merge RIRB_PRE_DELAY into CTX_WORKAROUND caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add a fixup for Thinkpad X1 Carbon 2nd (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Set codec to D3 at reboot/shutdown on Thinkpads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply click noise workaround for Thinkpads generically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headphone mic input on a few Dell ALC293 machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Increase default bdl_pos_adj for Baytrail/Braswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Clean up the code to check bdl_pos_adj option (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Move audio component accesses to hdac_i915.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use component ops for i915 HDMI/DP audio jack handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: treewide: Fix typos in printk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm_dmaengine: Properly synchronize DMA on shutdown (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add sample rate inquiry quirk for AudioQuest DragonFly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add a more accurate volume quirk for AudioQuest DragonFly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: constify usb_protocol_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix superfluous HDMI jack repoll (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Allow i915 binding later in codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Optimize audio component check in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Don't try to bind i915 unless CONFIG_SND_HDA_I915 is set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Less grumbling about lack of i915 binding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Implement loopback control switch for Realtek and other codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Make snd_hda_parse_nid_path() local (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Remove unused snd_hda_get_nid_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: add support for 32bit calls in a 64bit kernel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Enable audio component for old Intel PCH devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Split ELD update code from hdmi_present_sense() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Do zero-clear in snd_hdmi_parse_eld() itself (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: Fix compat_ioctl handling for OSS emulations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Skip ELD notification during PM process (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Enable power_save_node for CX20722 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usx2y: fix inconsistent indenting on if statement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Pass id string to snd_compress_new (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: compress: Add procfs info file for compressed nodes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: i2c: constify snd_i2c_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: constify action_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: midi: constify snd_rawmidi_global_ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: azt3328: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq() before free_irq() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: ua101: replace le16_to_cpu() with usb_endpoint_maxp() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132 - quirk for Alienware 17 2015 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix noise problems on Thinkpad T440s (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fixing speaker noise on the two latest thinkpad models (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add inverted dmic for Packard Bell DOTS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix playback noise with 24/32 bit sample size on BXT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Fix unexpected volume reset after rate changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add Conexant CX8200 (14f1:2008) codec entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Correct codec names for 14f1:50f1 and 14f1:50f3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Skip ELD notification during system suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix noise on Gigabyte Z170X mobo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix headphone noise after Dell XPS 13 resume back from S3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply HP headphone fixups more generically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add fixup for Acer Aspire One Cloudbook 14 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - apply SKL display power request/release patch to BXT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add PCI IDs for Intel Broxton (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: work around CH345 input SysEx corruption (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: prevent CH345 multiport output SysEx corruption (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add packet size quirk for the Medeli DD305 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix noise on Dell Latitude E6440 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pci: depend on ZONE_DMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Simplify phantom jack handling for HDMI/DP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/hdmi - apply Skylake fix-ups to Broxton display codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: ctxfi: constify rsc ops structures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb: Add native DSD support for Aune X1S (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply pin fixup for HP ProBook 6550b (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix lost 4k BDL boundary workaround (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: maestro3: Fix Allegro mute until master volume/mute is touched (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: maestro3: Enable docking support for Dell Latitude C810 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: Fix suspend for all channels (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: cs46xx: Fix Duplicate front for CS4294 and CS4298 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add / fix kernel doc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: Constify ratden/ratnum constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Disable 64bit address for Creative HDA controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek - Dell XPS one ALC3260 speaker no sound after resume back (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/ca0132 - Convert leftover pr_info() and pr_err() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: Remove transfer_ack_{begin,end} callbacks from struct snd_pcm_runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rme9652: Use snd_pcm_hw_constraint_single() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rme96: Use snd_pcm_hw_constraint_single() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: rme32: Use snd_pcm_hw_constraint_single() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: lx6464es: Use snd_pcm_hw_constraint_single() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: korg1212: Use snd_pcm_hw_constraint_single() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: Add helper function to add single value constraint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix deadlock at error in building PCM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Advertise MODALIAS in uevent (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - convert to hda_device_id (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add hdaudio bus modalias support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add a common helper to give the codec modalias string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add hduadio support to DEVTABLE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Remove mixer entry from Zoom R16/24 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Adjust max packet size calculation for tx_length_quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add quirk for Zoom R16/24 playback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add offset parameter to copy_to_urb() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Break out creation of silent urbs from prepare_outbound_urb() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Also move out hwptr_done wrap from prepare_playback_urb() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Break out copying to urb from prepare_playback_urb() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Spell vga_switcheroo consistently (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Remove leftover snd_hda_bus() prototype (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix bogus codec address check for mixer name assignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: timer: add config item to export PCM timer disabling for expert (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add support for Novation Nocturn MIDIcontrol surface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Update mixer name for the lower codec address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - consolidate chip rename functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Enable widget power saving for Cirrus codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: oss: underflow in snd_mixer_oss_proc_write() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix max packet size calculation for USB audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix inverted internal mic on Lenovo G50-80 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Explicitly add io.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Allow any MIDI endpoint to drive use of interrupt transfer on newer Roland devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: seq_oss: fix waitqueue_active without memory barrier in snd-seq-oss (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: make use of core codec fns (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Copy codec helpers to core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Fix to check if stream not in use in release (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Fix incorrect update of stream id mapping (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Disable power_save_node for IDT 92HD73xx chips (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply SPDIF pin ctl to MacBookPro 12,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: Add dock support for ThinkPad T550 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Avoid double hw_free calls at releasing a stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: harmless underflow in snd_audigy2nx_led_put() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - display audio call sync_audio_rate callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Disable power_save_node for Thinkpads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/tegra - async probe for avoiding module loading deadlock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: core: check for underflow in snd_pcm_sw_params() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: remove structure member of 'struct snd_pcm_hwptr_log *' type because this structure had been removed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdsp: fix memory leak (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Change internal PCM order (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix white noise on Dell M3800 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Use ALC880_FIXUP_FUJITSU for FSC Amilo M1437 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Enable headphone jack detect on old Fujitsu laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add some FIXUP quirks for white noise on Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: drm/i915: Drop port_mst_index parameter from pin/eld callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Wake the codec up on pin/ELD notify events (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - allow codecs to access the i915 pin/ELD callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: correct the value cache check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Handle normal and auto-suspend equally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Replace probing flag with active refcount (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Avoid nested autoresume calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Remove superfluous pcm NULL check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix widget sysfs tree corruption after refresh (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Refresh sysfs at snd_hda_codec_update_widgets() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix path power activation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Check all inputs for is_active_nid_for_any() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: fix possible NULL dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Add snd_hdac_get_hdac_stream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: fix the spbmaxfifo API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Fix size allocation for ext device allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdsp: silence a sprinft() overflow warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Remove the usage of key for host stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Add support to enable SPIB for hdac ext stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [include] alsa: hda - add new HDA registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Add snd_hdac_ext_bus_link_power_down_all() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Fix to read the correct offset of spcap/link register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Refresh widgets sysfs at probing Haswell+ HDMI codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdsp: silence and underflow warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: add snd_hdac_refresh_widget_sysfs() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: add extended device driver registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: add hdac extended device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: Add API for removing hdac extended device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Shutdown CX20722 on reboot/free to avoid spurious noises (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb: Add native DSD support for Gustard DAC-X20U (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Recurse before saving terminal properties (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/eld - Add const to possible places (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/proc - Fix racy string access for power states (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/proc - Add const to possible places (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Make some helper functions local (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb: handle descriptor with SYNC_NONE illegal value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb: fix corrupted pointers due to interface setting change (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix parameter block size for UAC2 control requests (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix pin config and mapping on Alienware 15 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: echoaudio: Use standard C definitions of true and false (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - yet another fix for Dell headset mic with ALC3266 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix Dell laptop for internal mic/headset mic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - remove no physical connection pins from pin_quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Check the return value from pm_runtime_get/put*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix another race in runtime PM refcounting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: fix kstrdup return value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "kobject_put" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: rename Audigy Analog Capture Boost control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: enable TAD mic out on Audigy (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: emu10k1: remove unused AC'97 mixer controls on Audigy (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add dock support for Thinkpad W541 (17aa:2211) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Fix runtime PM unbalance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix the white noise on Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - one Dell machine needs the headphone white noise fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: Dont check return for snd_hdac_chip_readl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: Fix stream assignment for host in decoupled mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: oxygen: Fix logical-not-parentheses warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix MacBook Pro 5,2 quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix race between PM ops and HDA init/probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: add dB range mapping for some devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply a fixup to Dell Vostro 5480 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add pin quirk for the headset mic jack detection on Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Apply fixup for another Toshiba Satellite S50D (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix the headset mic that will not work on Dell desktop machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix cs4210_spdif_automute() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add headset mic pin quirk for a Dell device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - remove one pin from ALC292_STANDARD_PINS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add new GPU codec ID 0x10de007d to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: add new AMD PCI IDs with proper driver caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add headset mic support for Acer Aspire V5-573G (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix lockdep warning with nonatomic PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda/realtek: Enable HP amp and mute LED on HP Folio 9480m (v3) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: line6: Fix -EBUSY error during active monitoring (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix a wrong busy check in alt PCM open (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - add codec ID for Broxton display audio codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Add MIDI support for Steinberg MI2/MI4 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: Fix uninintialized error return (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "snd_info_free_entry" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add a fixup for Dell E7450 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix the dock headphone output on Fujitsu Lifebook E780 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add headset support to Acer Aspire V5 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - restore the MIC FIXUP for some Dell machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: jack: Fix endless loop at unique index detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - set proper caps for newer AMD hda audio in KB/KV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: pcm: Fix pcm_class sysfs output (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda-beep: Update authors dead email address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: provide default bus io ops extended hdac (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: add hda link cleanup routine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: add hdac_ext stream creation and cleanup routines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac: move SND_HDA_PREALLOC_SIZE to core (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix noisy outputs on Dell XPS13 (2015 model) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix audio crackles on Dell Latitude E7x40 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda - adding a DAC/pin preference map for a HP Envy TS machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda-beep: Update authors dead email address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac_ext: add extended stream capabilities (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac_ext: add hdac extended controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hdac_ext: add extended HDA bus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: Set correct type for some UAC2 mixer controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993] - [sound] alsa: hda: intel: enable automatic runtime pm for HDMI codecs by default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1288993]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf : Bump driver version from 1.5.5 to 1.5.10 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: RSS Hash Option parameters (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove HMC AQ API implementation (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add driver support for promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Only offload VLAN tag if enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Add DeviceID for X722 QSFP+ (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Add device capability which defines if update is available (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Allow PF driver to configure RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Specify AQ event opcode to wait for (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Don't Panic (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for IPIP and SIT offloads (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean up feature flags (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Limit TSO to 7 descriptors for payload instead of 8 per packet (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: properly handle VLAN features (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump patch from 1.5.2 to 1.5.5 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Input set mask constants for RSS, flow director, and flex bytes (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Add RSS configuration to virtual channel (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Move NVM variable out of AQ struct (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Faster RX via avoiding FCoE (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Drop unused tx_ring argument (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Move stack var deeper (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump patch from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Fix get_rss_aq (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add longer wait after remove module (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Add new device ID for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Fix VLAN features (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump patch from 1.4.25 to 1.5.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add additional check for reset (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix casting in transmit code (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for bulk free in Tx cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix handling of boolean logic in polling routines (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Allow up to 12K bytes of data per Tx descriptor instead of 8K (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.25 and i40evf to 1.4.15 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: implement and use Rx CTL helper functions (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: add adminq commands for Rx CTL registers (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Add functions to blink led on 10GBaseT PHY (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Move Tx checksum closer to TSO (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Rewrite logic for 8 descriptor per packet check (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Break up xmit_descriptor_count from maybe_stop_tx (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Update feature flags to reflect newly enabled features (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Enable support for SKB_GSO_UDP_TUNNEL_CSUM (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean-up Rx packet checksum handling (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add exception handling for Tx checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Do not write to descriptor unless we complete (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Handle IPv6 extension headers in checksum offload (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for IPv4 encapsulated in IPv6 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Replace header pointers with unions of pointers in Tx checksum path (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Consolidate all header changes into TSO function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Factor out L4 header and checksum from L3 bits in TSO path (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use u64 values instead of casting them in TSO function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Drop outer checksum offload that was not requested (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.15 and i40evf to 1.4.11 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: When in promisc mode apply promisc mode to Tx Traffic as well (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: clean event descriptor before use (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: set adapter state on reset failure (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid atomics (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Add a SW workaround for lost interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: support packet split receive (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: properly show packet split status in debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use logical operators, not bitwise (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use pages correctly in Rx (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use __GFP_NOWARN (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: try again after failure (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: don't lose interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Change vf driver string to reflect all products i40evf supports (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Refactor force_wb and WB_ON_ITR functionality code (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bump version to 1.4.12/1.4.8 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: do TSO only if CHECKSUM_PARTIAL is set (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: fix bug in dma sync (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.11 and i40evf to 1.4.7 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: enable bus master after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: fix write-back-on-itr to work with legacy itr (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump AQ minor version to 1.5 for new FW features (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ thermal sensor control struct (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add VXLAN-GPE tunnel type (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add set_switch_config (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Shared resource flags (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add external power class to get link status (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Geneve cloud tunnel type (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add Run PHY Activity struct (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: add new proxy-wol bit for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use private workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: add new write-back mode (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix for UDP/TCP RSS for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: null out ring pointers on free (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: define function capabilities in only one place (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: allow channel bonding of VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix RSS rx-flow-hash configuration through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] treewide: Fix typos in printk (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: remove forever unused ID (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Rx hash reported to the stack by our driver (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.8 and i40evf to 1.4.4 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: change version string generation (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a new offload for RSS PCTYPE V2 for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Opcode and structures required by OEM Post Update AQ command and add new NVM arq message (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: check rings before freeing resources (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: trivial fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version to 1.4.7 for i40e and 1.4.3 for i40evf (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use logical operator (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: use correct types (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't use atomic allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix memory leaks, sideband filter programming (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: Detection and recovery of TX queue hung logic moved to service_task from tx_timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove duplicate string (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: set real num queues (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: increase max number of queues (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e version to 1.4.4 and i40evf to 1.4.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: allocate ring structs dynamically (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: allocate queue vectors dynamically (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: quoth the VF driver, Nevermore (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: add new fields to store user configuration of RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: create a generic get RSS function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: create a generic config RSS function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: rename VF adapter specific RSS function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: prefetch skb data on transmit (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix RS bit update in Tx path and disable force WB workaround (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: handle many MAC filters correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: clean up error messages (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add comment to #endif (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a stat to track how many times we have to do a force WB (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove unused tunnel parameter (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix compiler warning of unused variable (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: clean up local variable initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: add missing kernel-doc argument (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e: re-use *ph specifier to hexdump a data (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.46 and i40evf to 1.3.33 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: use correct struct for list manipulation (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a workaround to drop all flow control frames (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.38 and i40evf to 1.3.25 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix an accidental error with BIT_ULL replacement (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: adjust interrupt throttle less frequently (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: change dynamic interrupt thresholds (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix bug in throttle rate math (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: refactor IRQ enable function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't give up (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix overlong BIT defines (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.34 and i40evf to 1.3.21 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: relax and stagger init timing a bit (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: correctly populate vlan_features (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: moderate interrupts differently (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix compile issue related to const string (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: use napi_complete_done() (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add support for netpoll (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Drop useless "IN_NETPOLL" flag (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix handling of napi budget (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e version to 1.3.28 and i40evf to 1.3.19 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: speed up init (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove redundant declarations of a variable and a function (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add WB_ON_ITR offload support (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e version to 1.3.25 and i40evf to 1.3.17 (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor PHY structure and add phy_capabilities enum (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add module_types and update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: split device ids into a separate file (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add info to nvm info struct for OEM version data (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: properly handle ndo_set_mac_address calls (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add new link status defines (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: pass QOS handle to VF (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: use capabilities flags properly (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: clean up some code (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: detect reset more reliably (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Explicitly assign enum index for VSI type (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Store CEE DCBX DesiredCfg and RemoteCfg (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove unused opcode (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40evf: propagate interrupt allocation failure (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a stat to keep track of linearization count (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix unicast mac address add (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: give up the __func__ (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: assure clean asq status report (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix a potential type compare issue (Stefan Assmann) [1274177] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add driver support for new device ids (Stefan Assmann) [1274177]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump driver version from 1.5.5 to 1.5.10 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Update device ids for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Drop extra copy of function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Use consistent type for vf_id (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: PTP - avoid aggregate return warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix uninitialized variable (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove HMC AQ API implementation (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Prevent falling to promiscuous if the VF is not trusted (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Limit the number of MAC and VLAN addresses that can be added for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Change the default for VFs to be not privileged (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add driver support for promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add VF promiscuous mode driver support (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add promiscuous on VLAN support (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Only offload VLAN tag if enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove zero check (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add DeviceID for X722 QSFP+ (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add device capability which defines if update is available (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Specify AQ event opcode to wait for (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Code cleanup in i40e_add_fdir_ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for configuring VF RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for IPIP and SIT offloads (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean up feature flags (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Limit TSO to 7 descriptors for payload instead of 8 per packet (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix errant PCIe bandwidth message (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump patch from 1.5.2 to 1.5.5 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Input set mask constants for RSS, flow director, and flex bytes (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Move NVM event wait check to NVM code (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add RSS configuration to virtual channel (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Move NVM variable out of AQ struct (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Restrict VF poll mode to only single function mode devices (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Patch to support trusted VF (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Faster RX via avoiding FCoE (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Drop unused tx_ring argument (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Move stack var deeper (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Move HW flush (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Leave debug_mask cleared at init (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Inserting a HW capability display info (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add inline csum_replace_by_diff workaround (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix TSO checksum pseudo-header adjustment (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump patch from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Request PHY media event at reset time (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Lower some message levels (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for supported link modes in 10GBaseT PHY's (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Disable link polling (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Make VF resets more reliable (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add new device ID for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove unused variable (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Enable Geneve offload for FW API ver > 1.4 for XL710/X710 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove redundant check on vsi->active_vlans (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump patch from 1.4.25 to 1.5.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Change comment to reflect correct function name (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Change unknown event error msg to ignore message (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Added code to prevent double resets (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Notify VFs of all resets (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove timer and task only if created (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Assure that adminq is alive in debug mode (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove MSIx only if created (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix up return code (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Save off VSI resource count when updating VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove I40E_MAX_USER_PRIORITY define (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix casting in transmit code (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for bulk free in Tx cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix handling of boolean logic in polling routines (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Allow up to 12K bytes of data per Tx descriptor instead of 8K (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: call ndo_stop() instead of dev_close() when running offline selftest (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for client interface for IWARP driver (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/ethtool: support coalesce setting by queue (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/ethtool: support coalesce getting by queue (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: queue-specific settings for interrupt moderation (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.25 and i40evf to 1.4.15 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: let go of the past (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: suspend scheduling during driver unload (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Use the new rx ctl register helpers. Don't use AQ calls from clear_hw (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: implement and use Rx CTL helper functions (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add adminq commands for Rx CTL registers (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add check for null VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Expose some registers to program parser, FD and RSS logic (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for unexpected messaging (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Do not wait for Rx queue disable in DCB reconfig (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Increase timeout when checking GLGEN_RSTAT_DEVSTATE bit (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix led blink capability for 10GBaseT PHY (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add functions to blink led on 10GBaseT PHY (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Move Tx checksum closer to TSO (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Rewrite logic for 8 descriptor per packet check (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Break up xmit_descriptor_count from maybe_stop_tx (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for ATR w/ IPv6 extension headers (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Update feature flags to reflect newly enabled features (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Do not drop support for IPv6 VXLAN or GENEVE tunnels (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix ATR in relation to tunnels (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Enable support for SKB_GSO_UDP_TUNNEL_CSUM (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean-up Rx packet checksum handling (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add exception handling for Tx checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Do not write to descriptor unless we complete (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Handle IPv6 extension headers in checksum offload (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for IPv4 encapsulated in IPv6 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Replace header pointers with unions of pointers in Tx checksum path (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Consolidate all header changes into TSO function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Factor out L4 header and checksum from L3 bits in TSO path (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use u64 values instead of casting them in TSO function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Drop outer checksum offload that was not requested (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.15 and i40evf to 1.4.11 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: When in promisc mode apply promisc mode to Tx Traffic as well (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: clean event descriptor before use (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: better error reporting for nvmupdate (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: expand comment (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Do not disable queues in the Legacy/MSI Interrupt handler (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid atomics (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Removal of code which relies on BASE VEB SEID (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix PROMISC mode for Multi-function per port (MFP) devices (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add a SW workaround for lost interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: trivial: cleanup use of pf->hw (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: drop unused debugfs file "dump" (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: get rid of magic number (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: properly show packet split status in debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use logical operators, not bitwise (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use pages correctly in Rx (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use __GFP_NOWARN (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: dump descriptor indexes in hex (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: try again after failure (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: don't lose interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Refactor force_wb and WB_ON_ITR functionality code (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: use new add_veb calling with VEB stats control (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add VEB stat control and remove L2 cloud filter (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: set shared bit for multicast filters (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Make the DCB firmware checks for X710/XL710 only (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: move sync_vsi_filters up in service_task (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: use eth_platform_get_mac_address() (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add priv flag for automatic rule eviction (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Enable Geneve offload for FW API ver > 1.4 for XL710/X710 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: bump version to 1.4.12/1.4.8 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid large memcpy by assigning struct (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: count allocation errors (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: drop unused function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: negate PHY int mask bits (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: APIs to Add/remove port mirroring rules (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix: do not sleep in netdev_ops (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: allocate memory safer (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: do TSO only if CHECKSUM_PARTIAL is set (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix bug in dma sync (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: trivial: fix missing space (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: trivial: drop duplicate definition (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.11 and i40evf to 1.4.7 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: trivial: remove unnecessary local var (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove VF device IDs from PF (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add netdev info to VSI dump (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add a little more to an NVM update debug message (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor DCB function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add 20G speed for Tx bandwidth calculations (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add counter for arq overflows (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix write-back-on-itr to work with legacy itr (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Store lan_vsi_idx and lan_vsi_id in the right size (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump AQ minor version to 1.5 for new FW features (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ thermal sensor control struct (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add VXLAN-GPE tunnel type (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add set_switch_config (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Shared resource flags (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add 100Mb ethtool reporting (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add external power class to get link status (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Geneve cloud tunnel type (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ Add Run PHY Activity struct (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Limit DCB FW version checks to X710/XL710 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add new proxy-wol bit for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use private workqueue (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40evf: add new write-back mode (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix for UDP/TCP RSS for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Extend ethtool RSS hooks for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add new device IDs for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: bump version to 1.4.10 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: update features with right offload (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Cleanup the code with respect to restarting autoneg (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: define function capabilities in only one place (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Replace X722 mac check in ethtool get_settings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix RSS rx-flow-hash configuration through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add mac_filter_element at the end of the list instead of HEAD (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: shut up uninitialized variable warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix build warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove forever unused ID (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Rx hash reported to the stack by our driver (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Look up MAC address in Open Firmware or IDPROM (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: allow zero MAC address for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: change log messages and error returns (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Call geneve_get_rx_port to get the existing Geneve ports (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: geneve tunnel offload support (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.4.8 and i40evf to 1.4.4 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: clean whole mac filter list (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a new offload for RSS PCTYPE V2 for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: hush little warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Opcode and structures required by OEM Post Update AQ command and add new NVM arq message (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: use explicit cast from u16 to u8 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: don't add zero MAC filter (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: properly delete VF MAC filters (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: chomp the BIT(_ULL) (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: trivial fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version to 1.4.7 for i40e and 1.4.3 for i40evf (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use logical operator (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix whitespace (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove separate functions gathering XOFF Rx stats (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: use priv flags to control packet split (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: propagate properly (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix memory leaks, sideband filter programming (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Detection and recovery of TX queue hung logic moved to service_task from tx_timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix i40e_print_features() VEB mode output (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e version to 1.4.4 and i40evf to 1.4.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: make error message more useful (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix confusing message (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Update error messaging (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: prefetch skb data on transmit (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: rename rss_size to alloc_rss_size in i40e_pf (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add new fields to store user configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version to 1.4.2 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: create a generic configure rss function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: rework the functions to configure RSS with similar parameters (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: return the number of enabled queues for ETHTOOL_GRXRINGS (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: clean up error messages (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add comment to #endif (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Move the saving of old link info from handle_link_event to link_event (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a stat to track how many times we have to do a force WB (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Workaround fix for mss < 256 issue (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove BUG_ON from FCoE setup (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove BUG_ON from feature string building (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Change BUG_ON to WARN_ON in service event complete (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove unused tunnel parameter (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] intel: i40e: fix confused code (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix annoying message (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix stats offsets (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix unconditional execution of cpu_to_le16() (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up local variable initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add missing kernel-doc argument (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: re-use *ph specifier to hexdump a data (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.46 and i40evf to 1.3.33 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Disable VEB bridge mode with SR-IOV failure (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix an incorrect OEM version string (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix inconsistent statuses after a PF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix VEB/VEPA bridge mode mismatch issue (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix a bug in debugfs with add/del macaddr (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a workaround to drop all flow control frames (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.38 and i40evf to 1.3.25 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: declare rather than initialize int object (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix kernel-doc argument name (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Move error message to debug level (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix order of checks when enabling/disabling autoneg in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix an accidental error with BIT_ULL replacement (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix for PHY NVM interaction problem (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for Tools loopback test failing after driver load (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: adjust interrupt throttle less frequently (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: change dynamic interrupt thresholds (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix bug in throttle rate math (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: refactor IRQ enable function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Lock for VSI's MAC filter list (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.34 and i40evf to 1.3.21 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: increase AQ work limit (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Recognize 1000Base_T_Optical phy type when link is up (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: reset the invalid msg counter in vf when a valid msg is received (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: moderate interrupts differently (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for non-willing Apps (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: priv flag for controlling VEB stats (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Removed unused defines (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove read/write failed messages from nvmupdate (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix compile issue related to const string (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: generate fewer startup messages (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: use napi_complete_done() (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Drop useless "IN_NETPOLL" flag (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix handling of napi budget (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e version to 1.3.28 and i40evf to 1.3.19 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unnecessary string copy operations (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: X722 is on the IOSF bus and does not report the PCI bus info (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Store off PHY capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove redundant declarations of a variable and a function (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove FD atr control from debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: allow FD SB if MFP mode only has 1 partition (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove obsolete version check (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add WB_ON_ITR offload support (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove 100M SGMII unless hw is X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Change some messages from info to debug only (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: use priv flags to control flow director (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add missing parameter comment to ndo_bridge_setlink (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e version to 1.3.25 and i40evf to 1.3.17 (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor PHY structure and add phy_capabilities enum (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add module_types and update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: split device ids into a separate file (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: update fw version text string per previous product formats (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: don't panic on VSI allocation failure (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: remove redundant call (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Convert CEE App TLV selector to IEEE selector (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add info to nvm info struct for OEM version data (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Use BIT() macro for priority map parsing (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add new link status defines (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: print neato new features (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: pass QOS handle to VF (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor code to remove indent (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: clean up some code (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Support FW CEE DCB UP to TC map nibble swap (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Explicitly assign enum index for VSI type (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add switch for link polling (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix multiple link up messages (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for extra Flow Director filter in table after error (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Store CEE DCBX DesiredCfg and RemoteCfg (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Add parsing for CEE DCBX TLVs (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add more verbose error messages (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: inline interrupt enable (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove unused opcode (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Additional checks for CEE APP priority validity (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add a stat to keep track of linearization count (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix unicast mac address add (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix bug in return from get_link_status and avoid spurious link messages (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: add little endian conversion for checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: give up the __func__ (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Never let speed get set to 0 in get_settings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for truncated interrupt name (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: assure clean asq status report (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: make i40e_init_pf_fcoe to void (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: fix bad CEE status shift value (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix a potential type compare issue (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add driver support for new device ids (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: stop VF rings (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: enable WoL operation if config bit show WoL capable (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436] - [netdrv] i40e: Increase the amount of time we wait for reset to be done (Stefan Assmann) [1269238 1272322 1274176 1281279 1293277 1310436]- [kernel] param: convert some "on"/"off" users to strtobool (Jiri Olsa) [1331008] - [kernel] lib: add "on"/"off" support to kstrtobool (Jiri Olsa) [1331008] - [kernel] lib: move strtobool() to kstrtobool() (Jiri Olsa) [1331008] - [edac] sb_edac: Repair damage introduced when "fixing" channel address (Aristeu Rozanski) [1319939] - [edac] sb_edac: Take account of channel hashing when needed (Aristeu Rozanski) [1319939] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix computation of channel address (Aristeu Rozanski) [1319939] - [mm] thp: put_huge_zero_page() with MMU gather (Andrea Arcangeli) [1322616] - [mm] thp: introduce thp_mmu_gather to pin tail pages during MMU gather (Andrea Arcangeli) [1322616] - [net] bulk free SKBs that were delay free'ed due to IRQ context (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] remove a dubious unlikely() clause (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: clean up code for kmem cgroup support to kmem_cache_free_bulk (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] introduce page reference manipulation functions (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bulk free infrastructure for NAPI context, use napi_consume_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slab/slub: adjust kmem_cache_alloc_bulk API (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: add missing kmem cgroup support to kmem_cache_free_bulk (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: fix kmem cgroup bug in kmem_cache_alloc_bulk (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: optimize bulk slowpath free by detached freelist (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: support for bulk free with SLUB freelists (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: mark the dangling ifdef #else of CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: avoid irqoff/on in bulk allocation (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: create new ___slab_alloc function that can be called with irqs disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: add support for kmem_cache_debug in bulk calls (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: initial bulk free implementation (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: improve bulk alloc strategy (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slub: bulk alloc: extract objects from the per cpu slab (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] slab: infrastructure for bulk object allocation and freeing (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add skb_free_frag to replace use of put_page in freeing skb->head (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] rename and move page fragment handling from net/ to mm/ (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Store virtual address instead of page in netdev_alloc_cache (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Use cached copy of pfmemalloc to avoid accessing page (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] fix crash in build_skb() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] do not deplete pfmemalloc reserve (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] dcb: Add IEEE QCN attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add netdev_txq_bql_{enqueue, complete}_prefetchw() helpers (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] fix feature changes on devices without ndo_set_features (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ensure features get disabled on new lower devs (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] fix for_each_netdev_feature (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] generic support for disabling netdev features down stack (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add NETDEV_PRECHANGEMTU to notify before mtu change happens (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] make dev_set_mtu() honor notification return code (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] etherdevice: add address inherit helper (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Check CHANGEUPPER notifier return value (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] introduce change upper device notifier change info (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] netdev: remove potentially harmful checks (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] always pass struct netdev_notifier_info to netdevice notifiers (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] pass changed flags along with NETDEV_CHANGE event (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] pass info struct via netdevice notifier (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] sysfs: get_netdev_queue_index() cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] relax setup_tc ndo op handle restriction (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] avoid NULL deref in napi_get_frags() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334]- [crypto] qat - update init_esram for C3xxx dev type (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix timeout issues (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove to call get_sram_bar_id for qat_c3xxx (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix SKU definiftion for c3xxx dev (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Fix random config build issue (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Rename dh895xcc mmp firmware (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - use list_for_each_entry* (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix some timeout tests (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix CTX_ENABLES bits shift direction issue (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - uint8_t is not large enough for accel_id (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - enable VF irq after guest exits ungracefully (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - select PCI_IOV when VF are enabled (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - ring returning retry even though ring has BW (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for c62xvf accel type (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for c3xxxvf accel type (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for c62x accel type (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for c3xxx accel type (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - move isr files to qat common so that they can be reused (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for new devices to FW loader (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add new device definitions (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - constify pci_error_handlers structures (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove superfluous check from adf_probe (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix get instance function (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - when stopping all devices make fure VF are stopped first (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix crypto_get_instance_node function (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: akcipher - Changes to asymmetric key API (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] mpi: Add mpi sgl helpers (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove unneeded variable (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for ctr(aes) and xts(aes) (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove empty functions and turn qat_uregister fn to void (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - VF should never trigger SBR on PH (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Add load balancing across devices (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - don't check for iommu (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] drivers/crypto/qat: use seq_hex_dump() to dump buffers (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] seq_file: provide an analogue of print_hex_dump() (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] hexdump: make it return number of bytes placed in buffer (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] hexdump: do a few calculations ahead (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] hexdump: fix ascii column for the tail of a dump (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] Provide a binary to hex conversion function (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] introduce upper case hex ascii helpers (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] seq_file: Rename seq_overflow() to seq_has_overflowed() and make public (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - enable legacy VFs (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - silence a static checker warning (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Don't move data inside output buffer (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Remove reference to crypto_aead_crt (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix simple_return.cocci warnings (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Fix unmet direct dependencies for QAT_DH895xCCVF (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Fix adf_isr_resource_free name clash (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Add FW const table (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Add qat dh895xcc VF driver (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Add support for SRIOV (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Move adf admin and adf hw arbitrer to common code (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: aead - Add crypto_aead_set_reqsize helper (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove unnecessary list iteration (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Fix typo othewise->otherwise (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove unused define (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix bug in ADF_RING_SIZE_BYTES_MIN macro (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove redundant struct elem (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Don't attempt to register algorithm multiple times (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Fix invalid synchronization between register/unregister sym algs (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - fix invalid check for RSA keylen in fips mode (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: rsa - RSA padding algorithm (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: akcipher - add akcipher declarations needed by templates (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: api - Add crypto_grab_spawn primitive (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: api - Add instance free function to crypto_type (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] scatterlist: introduce sg_nents_for_len (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] rsa - limit supported key lengths (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Add support for RSA algorithm (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] testmgr - add tests vectors for RSA (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: api - prevent helper ciphers from being used (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] testmgr - remove unused function argument (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: rsa - add a new rsa generic implementation (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [lib] mpilib: add mpi_read_buf() and mpi_get_size() helpers (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [include] crypto: akcipher - add PKE API (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] api - Add crypto_alg_extsize helper (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add MMP FW support to accel engine (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add support for MMP FW (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Deletion of unnecessary checks before two function calls (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] drivers - Fix Kconfig selects (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat: fix issue when mapping assoc to internal AD struct (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Set max request size (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - rm unneeded header include (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - remove unused structure members (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Use crypto_aead_set_reqsize helper (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - Include internal/aead.h (Neil Horman) [1274179] - [crypto] qat - add driver version (Neil Horman) [1274179]- [scsi] scsi: Do not attach VPD to devices that don't support it (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Fix excessive capacity printing on devices with blocks bigger than 512 bytes (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sg: fix dxferp in from_to case (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Fix discard granularity when LBPRZ=1 (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] st: Fix MTMKPART to work with newer drives (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Export function scsi_scan.c:sanitize_inquiry_string (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add 25G and 40G speed definition (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Add Marvell configuration device to VPD blacklist (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Add Marvell Console to VPD blacklist (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: always retry MODE SELECT on command lock violation (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sg.c: mark VMA as VM_IO to prevent migration (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix crashes in sd and sr runtime PM (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Optimal I/O size is in bytes, not sectors (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: add Synology to 1024 sector blacklist (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Reject optimal transfer length smaller than page size (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Fix a memory leak in scsi_host_dev_release() (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Introduce scsi_host_get, scsi_host_put (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: rescan VPD attributes (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi/block] sd: Fix device-imposed transfer length limits (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Make discard granularity match logical block size when LBPRZ=1 (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Clear PS bit before Mode Select (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi_sysfs: Fix queue_ramp_up_period return code (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: Export SCSI Inquiry data to sysfs (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sg: Fix double-free when drives detach during SG_IO (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Increase REPORT_LUNS timeout (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix bug in scsi_dev_info_list matching (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] refactor device-matching code in scsi_devinfo.c (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Kconfig: remove comment about scsi_wait_scan module (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix scsi_error_handler vs. scsi_host_dev_release race (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Fix maximum I/O size for BLOCK_PC requests (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Fix printk typos in drivers/scsi (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] retry MODE SENSE on unit attention (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: fix an error return in probe() (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi_scan: fix queue depth initialisation problem (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] add 1024 max sectors black list flag (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Unregister integrity profile (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] proper state checking and module refcount handling in scsi_device_get (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: always increment reference count (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: don't grab a device references from driver methods (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: serialize ->rescan against ->remove (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sg: remove an unused variable (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Fix max transfer length for 4k disks (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Limit transfer length (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] always use format argumets for dev_printk (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] annotate sdev_prefix_printk and scmd_printk as printf-like (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: fix scsi_error.c kernel-doc warning (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: asc/ascq codes, sync to T10 2014/12/21 (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: tweak discard heuristics to work around QEMU SCSI issue (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi_debug: improve driver description in Kconfig (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] blacklist RSOC for Microsoft iSCSI target devices (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: disable discard_zeroes_data for UNMAP (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] PC partition tables are little endian (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] resolve some missing-field-initializers warnings (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix off-by-one LUN check in scsi_scan_host_selected() (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix trivial typos in scsi_scan.c comment (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] Fix "choir" and "beeing" malaprops (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix the type for well known LUs (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix for bidi use after free (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: Avoid sending medium write commands if device is write protected (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] fix various kernel-doc problems in scsi_error.c (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: use short driver name for per-driver cmd slab caches (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] add a blacklist flag which enables VPD page inquiries (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] scsi: handle flush errors properly (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [block] SG_IO: add SG_FLAG_Q_AT_HEAD flag (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Ewan Milne) [1292896] - [scsi] sd: convert class code to use dev_groups (Ewan Milne) [1292896]- [x86] microcode/intel: Drop orig_sum from ext signature checksum (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Improve microcode sanity-checking error messages (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Merge two consecutive if-statements (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Get rid of DWSIZE (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Change checksum variables to u32 (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Use kmemdup() rather than duplicating its implementation (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Remove unnecessary paravirt_enabled check (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Issue microcode updated message later (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Cleanup get_matching_model_microcode() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Remove unused arg of get_matching_model_microcode() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename mc_saved_in_initrd (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Use *wrmsrl variants (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Cleanup apply_microcode_intel() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Move the BUG_ON up and turn it into WARN_ON (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename mc_intel variable to mc (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename mc_saved_count to num_saved (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename local variables of type struct mc_saved_data (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Drop redundant printk prefix (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Issue update message only once (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Remove an unneeded NULL check (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Remove redundant __setup() param parsing (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Make early loader look for builtin microcode too (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Untangle from BLK_DEV_INITRD (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] cpu: Unify CPU family, model, stepping calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Initialize the driver late when facilities are up (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Move #ifdef DEBUG inside the function (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Remove maintainers from comments (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Remove modularization leftovers (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Merge the early microcode loader (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] ramdisk: Export relocated ramdisk VA (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Unmodularize the microcode driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Do not overwrite final patch levels (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Extract current patch level read to a function (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [include] bus: subsys: update return type of ->remove_dev() to void (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Correct CPU family related variable types (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Disable builtin microcode loading on 32-bit for now (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename get_matching_sig() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Simplify get_matching_sig() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Simplify update_match_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename get_matching_microcode (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] cpu/microcode: Zap changelog (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Parse built-in microcode early (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Remove unused @rev arg of get_matching_sig() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Get rid of revision_is_newer() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Drop the pci_ids.h dependency (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Fix printing of microcode blobs in show_saved_mc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Check scan_microcode()'s retval (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Sanitize microcode_pointer() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Move mc arg last in get_matching_{microcode|sig} (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Simplify generic_load_microcode_early() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Consolidate family, model, ... code (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Rename update_match_revision() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Sanitize _save_mc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Make _save_mc() return the updated saved count (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Simplify load_ucode_intel_bsp() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Get rid of last arg to load_ucode_intel_bsp() (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Do the mc_saved_src NULL check first (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Check if microcode was found before applying (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Fix out of bounds memory access to the extended header (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Handle truncated microcode images more robustly (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Return error from driver init code when loader is disabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/intel: Fish out the stashed microcode for the BSP (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Reload microcode on resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Don't initialize microcode code on paravirt (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, intel: Drop unused parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, amd: Do not use smp_processor_id() in preemtible context (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Limit the microcode reloading to 64-bit for now (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Update BSPs microcode on resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, amd: Fix ucode patch stashing on 32-bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Fix accessing dis_ucode_ldr on 32-bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, amd: Fix early ucode loading on 32-bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, intel: Rename apply_microcode and declare it static (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, intel: Fix typos (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, intel: Add missing static declarations (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, amd: Fix missing static declaration (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, amd: Unify valid container checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Move to a proper location (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode, amd: Fix early ucode loading (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode: Share native MSR accessing variants (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] microcode/amd: Tone down printk(), don't treat a missing firmware file as an error (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762] - [x86] revert "kernel: microcode, amd, avoid allocating with vmalloc & GFP_KERNEL when IRQs are disabled" (Prarit Bhargava) [1253762]- [mfd] avoid newly introduced compiler warning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mfd: rtsx: Add support for rts522A (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx: Simplify function return logic (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx_usb: Prevent DMA from stack (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx_usb: Defer autosuspend while card exists (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx_usb: Fix runtime PM deadlock (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx_usb: Fix decimal printf format specifiers prefixed with 0x (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] drivers/mfd/rtsx_usb.c: export device table (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx_usb: Add comment in rtsx_usb_suspend (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mfd] rtsx_usb: Fix possible race condition (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mfd: Add realtek USB card reader driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] revert "mmc: block: don't use parameter prefix if built as module" (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Fix card detect race for Intel BXT/APL (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Fix card detect race for Intel BXT/APL (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Allow override of get_cd() called from sdhci_request() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Allow override of mmc host operations (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: return error on failed mmc_blk_get() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdio_cis: fix unknown tuple for CISTPL_SDIO_STD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] debugfs: correct wrong voltage value (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Enable tuning according to the actual timing (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sd: limit SD card power limit according to cards capabilities (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: remove the unused quirks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: use to_pci_dev() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] cb710: use to_platform_device() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: restore behavior when setting VDD via external regulator (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] It is not an error for the card to be removed while suspended (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Allow more than 8 partitions per card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Optimize boot time by detecting cards simultaneously (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: use resource_size_t to store physical address (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: fix __mmc_switch timeout caused by preempt (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] enable MMC/SD/SDIO device to suspend/resume asynchronously (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix sdhci_runtime_pm_bus_on/off() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: 64-bit DMA actually has 4-byte alignment (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix DMA descriptor with zero data length (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdio: Fix invalid vdd in voltage switch power cycle (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Do not BUG on invalid vdd (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Do not default to 33 Ohm driver strength for Intel SPT (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc: Fix incorrect use of driver strength switching HS200 and HS400 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Introduce MMC_CAP2_NO_SDIO cap (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mvsdio: delete platform data code path (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] fix mmc_{un, }register_pm_notifier prototypes (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix strings broken across multiple lines (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: change to use kmalloc when copy data from userspace (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Check for non-removable cards earlier in the error path (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Refactor code to register the MMC PM notifier (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove MMC_CAP_RUNTIME_RESUME as it's redundant (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Make runtime resume default behavior for MMC/SD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Keep host claimed in mmc_rescan() while calling host ops (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Invoke ->card_event() callback only when needed (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: enable support for the standard "wakeup-source" property (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] remove bondage between REQ_META and reliable write (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] MMC_GOLDFISH should depend on HAS_DMA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc: Improve reliability of mmc_select_hs400() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc: Move mmc_switch_status() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc: Fix HS setting in mmc_select_hs400() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc: Improve reliability of mmc_select_hs200() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: mmc: extend the mmc_send_tuning() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add DT bindings for eMMC hardware reset support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] omap_hsmmc: Enable omap_hsmmc for Keystone 2 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add more ACPI HIDs for Intel controllers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add more PCI IDs for Intel controllers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Add external dma interface support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] skip reclaiming host on mmc_add_card() error (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] android-goldfish: Allow compiling the driver with COMPILE_TEST (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Add mmc_regulator_set_vqmmc() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: move ocr-bit to voltage translation into separate function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove MMC_CLKGATE (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] kconfig: reconfigure MMC_SDHCI_OF_ESDHC option (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add another PCI ID for an Intel eMMC host controller (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: fix simple_return.cocci warnings (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Make sdhci_pci_o2_fujin2_pci_init() static (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Build o2micro support in the same module (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: enable tuning for DDR50 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: enable CMD19 tuning for DDR50 mode (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: copy resp[] data on err for MMC_IOC_MULTI_CMD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] debugfs: implement ios show for SDR12 and SDR25 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Wait for card_busy before starting sdio requests (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Add mmc_is_io_op helper function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: block: Add new ioctl to send multi commands (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] debugfs: implement ios show for driver type (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: Use of_property_read_u32 instead of open-coding it (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: call sdhci_init() before request irq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Convert __mmc_switch() into an internal core function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] vub300: Remove unneded semicolons (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sd: Remove superfluous error code assignment (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Keep host claimed while invoking mmc_power_off|up() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: detect sd card reader on asus x205ta (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] pci_ids: Add AMD KERNCZ device ID support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fix init_card in 52Mhz (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add quirk SDHCI_QUIRK2_NEED_DELAY_AFTER_INT_CLK_RST (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: fix dead loop of mmc_retune (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Don't return an error for CD/WP GPIOs when GPIOLIB is unset (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: fix race condition in mmc_wait_data_done (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: also get preset value and driver type for MMC_DDR52 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: block: skip trim for some kingston eMMCs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix dma memory leak in sdhci_pre_req() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: use of_property_read_bool() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: set the clear transfer mode register quirk for O2Micro (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fixed bug in one erase-group budget TRIM (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: switch from programmable clock mode to divided one if needed (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] scatterlist: remove open coded sg_unmark_end instances (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: add quirk for broken data transfer over scheme (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: remove the unused blk_setting (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: fix pio mode when internal dmac is enabled (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: add fixup of broken CMD23 for Sandisk card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdio: avoid using NULL sdio_irq_thread pointer (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: properly check card present state when quirk NO_CARD_NO_RESET is set (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: don't use card state polling when CD GPIO is defined (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: let GPIO based card detection have higher precedence (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: don't use parameter prefix if built as module (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add quirk SDHCI_QUIRK_CLOCK_DIV_ZERO_BROKEN (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Optimize case for exactly one erase-group budget (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: make max-frequency property in device tree work (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Add missing mmc_blk_put() in power_ro_lock_show() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] MMC_MTK should depend on HAS_DMA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci check parameters before call dma_free_coherent (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: have drivers use blk_queue_max_discard_sectors() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] queue: prevent soft lockups on PREEMPT=n (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: mediatek: Add Mediatek MMC driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] card: Fixup request missing in mmc_blk_issue_rw_rq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix low memory corruption (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Change AMD SDHCI quirk application scope (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] queue: use swap() in mmc_queue_thread() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Restore behavior while creating OCR mask (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant ->power_restore() callback for SD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant ->power_restore() callback for MMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Enable HS400 for some Intel host controllers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci-pci: Add support for drive strength selection for SPT (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Add a callback to select drive strength (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: mmc: Add driver strength selection (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: mmc: Read card's valid driver strength mask (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Record card drive strength (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Factor out common code in drive strength selection (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Add 'card' to drive strength selection callback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Simplify card drive strength mask (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Allow card drive strength to be different to host (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Reset driver type to default (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix driver type B and D handling in sdhci_do_set_ios() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc-test: use swap() in mmc_test_nonblock_transfer() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Increase delay for voltage to stabilize from 3.3V to 1.8V (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Use core to handle absent write protect line (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] cast unsigned int to typeof(sector_t) to avoid unexpected error (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] cast u8 to unsigned long long to avoid unexpected error (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: sdhci: Use BUG_ON() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] card: mmc_test: Simplify a trivial if-return sequence (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dt: Allow to specify that no write protect signal is present (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Add support for disabling write-protect detection (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Don't print reset warning if reset is not supported (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Retry errored data requests when re-tuning is needed (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Check re-tuning in the recovery path (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Flag re-tuning is needed on CRC errors (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Change to new way of doing re-tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add support for HS400 re-tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Separate out the mmc_switch status check so it can be re-used (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc: Hold re-tuning in mmc_sleep() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Hold re-tuning while bkops ongoing (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Hold re-tuning during erase commands (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Hold re-tuning during switch commands (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add support for re-tuning before each request (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Enable / disable re-tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: host: Add facility to support re-tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: Constify platform_device_id (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-sirf: fake version and capbility registers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdio: add reset callback to bus operations (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] card: Don't access RPMB partitions for normal read/write (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: add missing pm event in mmc_pm_notify to fix hib restore (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] revert "mmc: core: Convert mmc_driver to device_driver" (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: fix fifo ordering in big endian (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Convert the error field in struct mmc_command|data into an int (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: fix 64 BIT DMA quirks for rtsx (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Add support for marking hpi as broken through devicetree (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Add a timeout for sending CMD11 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Enable runtime PM management of host devices (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove the ->enable|disable() callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: fold mmc_set_bus_width calls into sdio_enable_4bit_bus (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix card presence logic in sdhci_request function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci-spear: Remove exported header (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-spear: Simplify by adding build dependency to CONFIG_OF (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Remove the sdhci exported header file (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: remove the unneeded check of disabled device (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Fix hardware dependencies for sdhci-pxav3 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] kconfig: replace PPC_OF with PPC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-iproc: add IPROC SDHCI driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: do not set AUTO_CMD12 for multi-block CMD53 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: add quirk for ACMD23 broken (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: disable the clock in sdhci_pltfm_unregister() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] treewide: Fix typo in printk messages (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_data has .chan_priv_?x (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Add hardware dependencies for sdhci-pxav3 and sdhci-pxav2 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: switch voltage before sdhci_set_ios in runtime resume (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Resolve BKOPS compatability issue (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Fix menuconfig alignment of MMC_SDHCI_* options (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Enable Ricoh MMC quirk by default (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Remove unnecessary temporary variable (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: check sg_count before long data xfer (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: finish request if no card exist (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] vub300: remove unreachable return value handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: fix format string warning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: remove TMIO_MMC_HAVE_CTL_DMA_REG flag (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mobile_sdhi: remove .init/.cleanup (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_data has .dma_rx_offset (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_data has .alignment_shift (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_host has .bus_shift (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_host has .multi_io_quirk (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_host has .clk_disable (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_host has .clk_enable (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_host has .write16_hook (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: tmio_mmc_host has .dma (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: add tmio_mmc_host_alloc/free() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: host: add new f_sdh30 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: add a quirk for single block transactions (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: add a quirk for tuning work around (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add a voltage switch callback function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: sdhci: Added a space before ( (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Always init buf_ready_int (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Move mmc_card_removed() into mmc_start_request() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Simplify by adding mmc_execute_tuning() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: slot-gpio: Allow host driver to provide isr for card-detect interrupts (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: fix copy'n'paste typos in the comments (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sd: add reset bus_ops callback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: refactor the hw_reset routines (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: always check status after reset (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Add SDIO function devicetree subnode parsing (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Remove redundant runtime PM idle callback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: use pipeline mmc requests to improve performance (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove redundant ADMA page boundary warnings (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Make tuning block patterns static (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Remove redundant runtime PM idle callback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: swap function position to avoid pre declaration (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: add support for sdio card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: add helper function to simplify code (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: init cookie at probe/card_event (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: add dump_reg_range to simplify dump register (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: slot-gpio: Rework how to handle allocation of slot-gpio data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Free all resources for the class device at ->dev_release() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] slot-gpio: Make mmc_gpio_alloc() available for MMC core (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] slot-gpio: Use the parent device while allocating data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: slot-gpio: Remove option to explicitly free requested CD/WP GPIOs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Return error at failure of request CD/WP in mmc_of_parse() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Support the optional init_card() callback for MMC and SD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [documentation] mmc: sunxi: Convert MMC driver to the standard clock phase API (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Set SDHCI_POWER_ON with external vmmc (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add support for Intel SPT (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add ACPI HID INT344D (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix sleep in atomic after inserting SD card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Disable re-tuning for HS400 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Simplify use of tuning timer (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Add out_unlock to sdhci_execute_tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Tuning should not change max_blk_count (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: stop trying to switch width when only one bit is supported (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Let mmc_send_tuning() to take struct mmc_host* as parameter (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] queue: Improve error handling during allocation of bounce buffers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc / pm: Replace CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME with CONFIG_PM (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add two host capabilities for Intel (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add two host capabilities for BYT (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add SDHCI_QUIRK_NO_ENDATTR_IN_NOPDESC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add SDHCI_QUIRK_NO_ENDATTR_IN_NOPDESC to BYT (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: add core-level function for sending tuning commands (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: hold SD Clock before CMD11 during Signal (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: add support for the other bit of sdio interrupt (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Increase max_devices (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: add support for ARM64 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: reset sdio card properly on resume (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: use card->ocr when negotiating voltage setting in mmc_sdio_power_restore (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] add Toshiba PCI SD controller driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: consistent handling of initial values (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Add HS400 support to SDHCI driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Clear also HS400 1.2V capability if 1.2V is not supported (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix vqmmc error setting (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove unused SDHCI_CTRL_HS_SDR200 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Add IDMAC 64-bit address mode support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: enable sdhci doesn't support hs200 quirk for AMD sdhci (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: enable the clear transfer mode register quirk for AMD sdhci (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Add a quirk for AMD SDHC transfer mode register need to be cleared for cmd without data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: use mmc_send_status to check hw_reset (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc_test: Extend "Badly aligned" tests for 8-byte alignment (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add 64-bit DMA support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add 64-bit DMA support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Add 64-bit ADMA support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Define ADMA descriptor structure (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Define ADMA constants (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Define maximum segments (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Parameterize ADMA sizes and alignment (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Use 'void *' for not 'u8 *' for ADMA data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Add sdhci_adma_mark_end() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Rename adma_desc to adma_table (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Rename two ADMA-related functions for consistency (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix ADMA table size warning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix ADMA page boundary warnings (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Fix incorrect ADMA2 descriptor table size (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Convert to use kzalloc() for CXD register buffers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Don't handle buffers on stack while fetching CXD registers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove the redundant mmc_send_ext_csd() API (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Use mmc_get_ext_csd() instead of mmc_send_ext_csd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Use mmc_get_ext_csd() instead of mmc_send_ext_csd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Export mmc_get_ext_csd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Don't panic when fetching EXT_CSD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Let's callers of from mmc_get_ext_csd() do error handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fetch and decode EXT_CSD from mmc_read_ext_csd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add helper function for EXT_CSD support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove unnecessary 'out of memory' message (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant check of max_dtr while selecting timings (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant check while selecting powerclass (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove duplicated definition of mmc_send_ext_csd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove mmc_free_ext_csd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Remove old card detect infrastructure (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: silence a shift wrapping warning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Report firmware version for eMMC 5.0 devices (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove unused mmc_list_to_card() macro (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: block: Use dev_set|get_drvdata() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] msm_sdcc: Use platform_set|get_drvdata (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Convert mmc_driver to device_driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Convert the mmc_driver to use the modern PM ops (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Don't export the to_sdio_driver macro (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove superfluous ifdefs for SDIO bus' PM callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: fix prepared requests while doing bkops (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fix error paths and messages in mmc_init_card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add debug message for SET_BLOCK_COUNT result (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Initialize SET_BLOCK_COUNT request fields (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix error conditions for controller reset (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Balance vmmc regulator_disable() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci-o2micro: Fix Dell E5440 issue (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: add newline to sysfs display of force_ro (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: fix card detection regression (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Fix Braswell eMMC timeout clock frequency (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Pass HID and UID to probe_slot (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Get UID directly from acpi_device (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Fix Braswell eMMC timeout clock frequency (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Let a driver override timeout clock frequency (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add Bay Trail and Braswell SD card detect (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Set SDHCI_QUIRK2_STOP_WITH_TC for Intel BYT host controllers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add a HID and UID for a SD Card host controller (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Set SDHCI_QUIRK2_STOP_WITH_TC for Intel host controllers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Add quirk for always getting TC with stop cmd (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: restore detect line inversion semantics (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Fix incorrect warning when setting 0 Hz via debugfs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Fix use of wrong device in mmc_gpiod_free_cd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx_pci: Set power related cap2 macros (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Add new power_mode MMC_POWER_UNDEFINED (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: execute tuning when device is not busy (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Convert pr_warning to pr_warn (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Consolidate emmc tuning blocks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] don't request CD IRQ until mmc_start_host() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: change stop errors to info (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Checks EXT_CSD_PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED before partitions computation (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Replace "enhanced_area_en" attribute by "partition_setting_completed" (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Move code that manages user area and gp partitions into functions (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: switch OF parser to use gpio descriptors (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: slot-gpio: add gpiod variant to get wp GPIO (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] card: Prevent partition scan for the eMMC boot areas (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: remove MMC_CAP2_NO_MULTI_READ flags (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: use .multi_io_quirk on tmio_mmc (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: disable preset register for Baytrail and Merrifield (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Add .multi_io_quirk callback for multi I/O HW bug (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: check 1.2v IO capability for SDHC host (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fix sequence for I/O voltage in DDR mode for eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: add probe_slot method for emmc/sd/sdio (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: enable runtime pm for Intel Merrifield platform (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: handle busy-end interrupt during command (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Make sdhci_disable_irq_wakeups() static (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: move timeout_clk dynamically calculation code into common code (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: calculate timeout_clk conditionally in sdhci_add_host (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add platform set_timeout hook (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add platform get_max_timeout_count hook (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Support voltage changes (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: use mmc_regulator_get_supply to handle regulators (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: resolve divded by zero panic (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Add PCI IDs for Intel Braswell (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: move rockchip related code to a separate file (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: add actual clock support as option (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: remove Renesas specific #ifdef (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: add TMIO_MMC_SDIO_STATUS_QUIRK (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: control multiple block transfer mode (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: care about DMA tx/rx addr offset (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Use regulator_get_voltage() if OCR mask is empty (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: implement Driver Stage Register handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi.c: Use SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS macro to set runtime pm callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Use SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS macro to set runtime pm callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] remove .owner field for drivers using module_platform_driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: sdio: Fix unconditional wake_up_process() on sdio thread (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: Add support for MIPS (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: Add dependency on DMA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci : recompute timeout_clk when needed (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci : handle busy timeout irq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx_usb_sdmmc: fix incorrect last byte in R2 response (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx_pci_sdmmc: fix incorrect last byte in R2 response (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Correct the value of MMC_NUM_PHY_PARTITION (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix the wrong type of curr (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: Do not use parent as the host's device (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove fixed voltage regulator logic (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmci: Add qcom dml support to the driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: Slot quirk "disable-wp" is deprecated (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: remove PCI PM functions in suspend/resume callback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Do not advertise secure discard if it is blacklisted (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-msm: Get COMPILE_TEST support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add DDR50 1.8V mode support for BayTrail eMMC Controller (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Preset value not supported in Baytrail eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] MMC_USDHI6ROL0 should depend on HAS_DMA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] MMC_SH_MMCIF should depend on HAS_DMA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] MMC_OMAP_HS should depend on HAS_DMA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-st: Intial support for ST SDHCI controller (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: add support for async request (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] s3cmci: port DMA code to dmaengine API (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Allow forward compatibility for eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Replace host->mmc with mmc where possible (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: avoid double-delay while transitioning to 1.8V (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: SDIO host controller support for Intel Quark X1000 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove blank line (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Improve external VDD regulator support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sd: warn if card stays busy during init (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] quirks: Fixup debug message (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Remove unused ret variables (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: Use mmc core regulator infrastucture (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant runtime_idle callback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] simplify SDHCI Kconfig dependencies (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] omap: don't select TPS65010 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] add a driver for the Renesas usdhi6rol0 SD/SDIO host controller (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dove: fix missing MACH_DOVE dependency (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: SD tuning is broken for some controllers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sunxi: Add driver for SD/MMC hosts found on Allwinner sunxi SoCs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: track whether preset mode is currently enabled in hardware (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: move remaining power handling into sdhci_set_power() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: move regulator handling into sdhci_set_power() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: remove platform_suspend/platform_resume callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up sdhci_execute_tuning() decision (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: cache timing information locally (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: convert sdhci_set_uhs_signaling() into a library function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: set_uhs_signaling() need not return a value (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: convert sdhci_set_clock() into a library function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: move setting mmc->actual_clock into set_clock handlers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: move setting host->clock into sdhci_do_set_ios() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up sdhci_update_clock()/sdhci_set_clock() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: convert ADMA descriptors to a coherent allocation (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: avoid sync'ing the SG if there's no misalignment (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: move FSL ESDHC reset handling quirk into esdhc code (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: convert reset into a library function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: convert generic bus width setup to library function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: plug hole in disabling card detection interrupts (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: more efficient interrupt enable register handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: allow sdio interrupts while sdhci runtime suspended (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: push card_tasklet into threaded irq handler (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: convert to new SDIO IRQ handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up sdio interrupt enable handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: clean up interrupt handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdio_irq: rework sdio irq handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: remove mdelay in eMMC tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Improve support for deferred regulators (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: fix possible linking error if built-in (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: add DT bindings for eMMC HS400 1.8/1.2V (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: add support for HS400 mode of eMMC5.0 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: rework selection of bus speed mode (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] step power class after final selection of bus mode (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: identify available device type to select (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: drop the speed mode of card's state (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Try other signal levels during power up (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] moxart: Add MOXA ART SD/MMC driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: remove unused member variable (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Add realtek USB sdmmc host driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: add R1-no-CRC mmc command type handle (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Invoke sdio func driver's PM callbacks from the sdio bus (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Use maximum timeout values in case TACC field is zero (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Convert to use ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: card.h: Use NULL instead of 0 for END_FIXUP (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Delay the card_event callback into the mmc_rescan worker (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: clarify DDR timing mode between SD-UHS and eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: clarify DDR timing mode between SD-UHS and eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: clarify DDR timing mode between SD-UHS and eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Intel SDIO has broken card detect (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-msm: Initial support for Qualcomm chipsets (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: only reprogram retuning timer when flag is set (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rename ARCH_BCM to ARCH_BCM_MOBILE (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Allow for irq being shared (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Add device id 80860F16 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: Fix broken card detect for ACPI HID 80860F14 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: slot-gpio: Add GPIO descriptor based CD GPIO API (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] slot-gpio: Split out CD IRQ request into a separate function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] slot-gpio: Record GPIO descriptors instead of GPIO numbers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: typo fix in printk specifier (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci-spear: remove support for power gpio (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc-socfpga: Remove the SOCFPGA specific platform for dw_mmc (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] ushc: Fix incorrect parameter in sizeof (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Fixup busy detection while invoking stop cmd at recovery (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Respect hw busy detection in card_busy_detect() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Implement card_busy_detect() for busy detection (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] block: Use R1 responses for stop cmds for read requests (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Respect host's max_busy_timeout when sending sleep cmd (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Use generic CMD6 time while switching to eMMC HS200 mode (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fixup busy detection for mmc switch operations (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Minor simplifications to __mmc_switch (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Add ignore_crc flag to __mmc_switch (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Rename cmd_timeout_ms to busy_timeout (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Rename max_discard_to to max_busy_timeout (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add DT bindings for eMMC HS200 1.8/1.2V (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add DT bindings for eMMC high-speed DDR 1.8/1.2V (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add DT bindings for SD card's UHS bus speed modes (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: fix card poweroff bug (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: add support for realtek rts5250 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Enable MMC_CAP2_CACHE_CTRL as default (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Use mmc_flush_cache() during mmc suspend (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove support for MMC_CAP2_NO_SLEEP_CMD (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove unused host cap MMC_CAP2_BROKEN_VOLTAGE (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: card: Remove host cap MMC_CAP2_SANITIZE (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove unnecessary validations for bus_ops callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Fix possibility of chip->fixes being null (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Fix BYT sd card getting stuck in runtime suspend (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Allow for long command timeouts (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdio: add a quirk for broken SDIO_CCCR_INTx polling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix lockdep error in tuning routine (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: add broken HS200 quirk for Intel Merrifield (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: add quirk for broken HS200 support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sh_mmcif: Enable driver compilation with COMPILE_TEST (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhi: Enable driver compilation with COMPILE_TEST (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: add new TMIO_MMC_HAVE_HIGH_REG flags (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio: bus_shift become tmio_mmc_data member (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] Do not call get_cd for non removable cards (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: add new ACPI ID (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Setting the host->mrq to NULL before executing tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] fix host release issue after discard operation (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: export pltfm suspend/resume api (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: mmc DDR mode should not depend on UHS_DDR50 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] msm_sdcc: Limit driver to platforms that use it (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: convert to use GPIO descriptor API (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: clear auto cmd setting bits for no data cmds (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Silence compiler warning in __mmc_switch (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Avoid needless loop while handling SDIO interrupts in sdhci_irq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dma-api: mmc: sdhci-acpi: use dma_coerce_mask_and_coherent() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Add MMC_CAP_RUNTIME_RESUME to resume at runtime_resume (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Improve runtime PM support during suspend/resume for sd/mmc (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove redundant mmc_power_up|off at runtime callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: Don't force card to active state when entering suspend/shutdown (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Remove deprecated mmc_suspend|resume_host APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] via-sdmmc: Move away from using deprecated APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: Remove redundant suspend and resume callbacks (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] tifm_sd: Move away from using deprecated APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Move away from using deprecated APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] vub300: Move away from using deprecated APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] msm_sdcc: Move away from using deprecated APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] cb710: Move away from using deprecated APIs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Signal wakeup event at card insert/removal (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Collect common code for card ocr validation (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Prevent violation of specs while initializing cards (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Move cached value of the negotiated ocr mask to card struct (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Cleanup code for setting ocr mask for SDIO (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Remove unnecessary retry mechanism at SDIO attach (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Let mmc_set_signal_voltage take ocr as parameter (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Let mmc_power_up|cycle take ocr as parameter (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Do not poll for busy with status cmd for all switch cmds (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: Add SDIO/MMC device ID support for Intel Clovertrail (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: remove unneeded call when have preset value quirk (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: report error once the maximum tuning loops exhausted or timeout (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: add Intel Merrifield support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] convert bus code to use dev_groups (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: allow platform access of sdhci_send_command (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add hooks for platform specific tuning (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: clean up duplicate macros (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] add ignorance case for CMD13 CRC error (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: guarantee stop-abort cmd in data errors (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: control card read threshold (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: dw_mmc: adjust the fifoth with block size (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: remove dead function mmc_try_claim_host (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] revert "mmc: tmio-mmc: Remove .set_pwr() callback from platform data" (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] memstick: rtsx: Modify copyright comments (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] rtsx: Clear SD_CLK toggle enable bit if switching voltage fail (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: Add support for ARC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: get voltage from sdhc host (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: parse voltage from device-tree (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] omap_hsmmc: use the generic config for omap2plus devices (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mmcif: revision-specific CLK_CTRL2 handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mmcif: revision-specific Command Completion Signal handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mmcif: move header include from header into .c (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio-mmc: Remove .set_pwr() callback from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: tmio-mmc: Remove .get_cd() callback from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mobile_sdhi: Remove .set_pwr() callback from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mobile_sdhi: Remove .get_cd() callback from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mmcif: Remove .set_pwr() callback from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sh_mmcif: Remove .down_pwr() callback from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: slot-gpio: Add debouncing capability to mmc_gpio_request_cd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: add missing MFD_SYSCON dependency for SOCFPGA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Set data timeout for mmc bus test commands (CMD14 and CMD19) (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] fix null pointer use in mmc_blk_remove_req (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] mmc_test: replace strict_strtol() with kstrtol_from_user() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: free mmc_card if cmd 3, 9, 7 fails in mmc_sd_init_card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: Remove a duplicate line in Makefile (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: request irq after sdhci_init() is called (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] vub300: Staticize vub300_init_card (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Indicate that regulators may be absent (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Indicate that vmmcq may be absent (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] bcm281xx SDHCI driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: add card_event callback to sdhci (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Fixup Oops for SDIO shutdown (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: add another device id (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: esdhc: Fix bug when writing to SDHCI_HOST_CONTROL register (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: production year for eMMC 4.41 and later (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: fix ctrl_2 on super-speed selection (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [documentation] mmc: dw_mmc-pltfm: add Rockchip variant (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: add support for eMMC hardware reset for HID 80860F14 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: add support for eMMC hardware reset for BYT eMMC (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] dw_mmc: Add support DW SD/MMC driver on SOCFPGA (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: fix caps2 for HS200 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Add DT-bindings for MMC_CAP2_FULL_PWR_CYCLE (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Invent MMC_CAP2_FULL_PWR_CYCLE (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Enable power_off_notify for eMMC shutdown sequence (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: improve card removal check in sdhci_card_event() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [documentation] mmc: dw_mmc: Add the ability to set the ciu clock frequency (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [documentation] mmc: dw_mmc: Handle late vmmc regulators with EPROBE_DEFER (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] card: fixing an false identification of SANITIZE command (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] host: use platform_{get,set}_drvdata() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: fix error return code in sdhci_acpi_add_own_cd() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Update the ext-csd.rev check for eMMC5.1 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: return mmc_of_parse() errors to caller (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] msm_sdcc: Convert to clk_prepare/unprepare (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci: Add size for caller in init+register (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: support runtime PM for BYT SD cards (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-acpi: support runtime PM for ACPI HID 80860F14 SD cards (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhci: add ability to stay runtime-resumed if the card is powered up (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] remove unnecessary platform_set_drvdata() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] sdhci-pltfm: Allow drivers to set quirks2 from platform data (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhi/tmio: switch to using dmaengine_slave_config() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: sdhi/tmio: make DMA filter implementation specific (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Fix select power class after resume (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: card: Adding support for sanitize in eMMC 4.5 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] mmc: core: Re-use code for MMC_CAP2_DETECT_ON_ERR in polling mode (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [mmc] core: Only execute tuning for SDR50 and SDR104 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: include gpio/consumer.h in of_gpio.h for desc_to_gpio() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio: consumer.h: Move forward declarations outside #ifdef (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] mcp23s08: depend on OF_GPIO (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] mcp23s08: Add irq functionality for i2c chips (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio / acpi: get rid of acpi_gpio.h (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio / acpi: register to ACPI events automatically (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] clps711x: Enable driver compilation with COMPILE_TEST (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] add GPIO support for SMSC SCH311x (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio / acpi: return -ENOENT when no mapping exists (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] msm: Add module device table and mark table const (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] msm: Fix irq mask/unmask by writing bits instead of numbers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: return -ENOENT if no GPIO mapping exists (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] driver for Xtensa GPIO32 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: update inline documentation of gpiod_get_index() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: convert gpiod_lookup description to kernel-doc (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: introduce chip_* to print with chip->label prefix (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: unify pr_* messages format (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio: better lookup method for platform GPIOs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [documentation] documentation: gpiolib: document new interface (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio/pinctrl: make gpio_chip members typed boolean (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] rewrite gpiochip_offset_to_desc() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: change a warning to debug message when failing to get gpio (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: use platform GPIO mappings as fallback (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: fix lookup of platform-mapped GPIOs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: add missing declarations (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] Add MOXA ART GPIO driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-lynxpoint: Allow building as a module (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio: Remove duplicate include of errno.h (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: fix of_find_gpio() when OF not defined (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] fix memory leak in error path (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] msm: make msm_gpio.summary_irq signed for error handling (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: use dedicated flags for GPIO properties (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: fix find_chip_by_name() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pl061: don't depend on CONFIG_ARM (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: provide a declaration of seq_file in gpio/driver.h (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio: provide stubs for devres gpio functions (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: devres: add missing headers (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: make GPIO_DEVRES depend on GPIOLIB (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: devres: fix devm_gpiod_get_index() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib / acpi: allow passing GPIOF_ACTIVE_LOW for GpioInt resources (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib / acpi: add ACPI support for gpiod_get_index() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib / acpi: convert to gpiod interfaces (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: add gpiod_get() and gpiod_put() functions (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: port of_ functions to use gpiod (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpiolib: export descriptor-based GPIO interface (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] pinctrl/gpio: non-linear GPIO ranges accesible from gpiolib (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [documentation] gpio: clean up gpio-ranges documentation (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] gpio: add API to be strict about GPIO IRQ usage (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: let gpiod_request() return -EPROBE_DEFER (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: safer implementation of desc_to_gpio() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib / acpi: move acpi_gpiochip_free_interrupts next to the request function (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] samsung: Use CONFIG_ARCH_S3C64XX to check for S3C64XX support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: Add OF support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pca953x: Don't flip bits on PCA957x GPIO expanders when probing them (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] arm: plat-iop: move the GPIO driver to drivers/gpio (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] ucb1400: Can be built as a module (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: factorize gpiod_get/set functions (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] emev2: gpiolib: Enable support for OF (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: Include GPIO label in log messages for GPIOs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: Provide helper macros for logging of GPIO events (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: only use set_irq_flags() on ARM (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib-acpi: convert acpi_evaluate_object() to acpi_execute_simple_method() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: call the gpio user handler iff gpio_to_irq is done (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: remove the irq_demux_work and gpio->irq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: change to devm_request_threaded_irq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] return -ENOTSUPP if debounce cannot be set (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] improve error path in gpiolib (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] add GPIO support for F71882FG and F71889F (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] implement gpio-ranges binding document fix (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] samsung: Drop support for Exynos SoCs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio mips/octeon: Add a driver for OCTEON's on-chip GPIO pins (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: Remove pdata argument to pcf857x_irq_domain_init() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pcf857x: Sort headers alphabetically (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] pca953x: fix gpio input on gpio offsets >= 8 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] msm: Staticize local variable 'msm_gpio' (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib-of.c: make error message more meaningful by adding the node name and index (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] use dev_get_platdata() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio_msm: Fix build error due to missing err.h (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] Kontron PLD gpio driver (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: replace strict_strtol() with kstrtol() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio: msm: Fix the error condition for reading ngpio (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpiolib: remove warnning of allocations with IRQs disabled (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-langwell: remove Withney point support (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] arm: samsung: Introduce GPIO_SAMSUNG Kconfig entry (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio_msm: Convert to use devm_ioremap_resource (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] devres: make comments proper (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] xilinx: Enable driver for Xilinx zynq (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] msm: Add device tree and irqdomain support for gpio-msm-v2 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] msm-v1: Remove errant __devinit to fix compile (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] arm: msm: Remove gpiomux-v2 and re-organize MSM_GPIOMUX configs (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] clps711x: Rewrite driver for using generic GPIO code (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-langwell: drop away explicit casting (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-langwell: amend error messages (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-langwell: use managed functions pcim_* and devm_* (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-langwell: do not use direct access to iomapped memory (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] gpio-langwell: initialize lock before usage (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] max7300: Fix trivial typo in Kconfig help text (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [gpio] langwell: remove unnecessary platform_set_drvdata() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [include] regulator: Sync regulator/consumer.h with v4.5 (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039] - [kernel] genirq: Provide synchronize_hardirq() (Don Zickus) [1127975 1277866 1280133 1286932 1297039]- [tools] perf stat: Fallback to user only counters when perf_event_paranoid > 1 (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf evsel: Handle EACCESS + perf_event_paranoid=2 in fallback() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf evsel: Improve EPERM error handling in open_strerror() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Do not reassign parg after collapse_tree() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf probe: Check if dwarf_getlocations() is available (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf dwarf: Guard !x86_64 definitions under #ifdef else clause (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Use readdir() instead of deprecated readdir_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf thread_map: Use readdir() instead of deprecated readdir_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Use readdir() instead of deprecated readdir_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Use readdir() instead of deprecated readdir_r() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf diff: Fix duplicated output column (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix segfault tracing transactions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jit: genelf makes assumptions about endian (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Fix determination of a callchain node's childlessness (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing initialization of perf_sample.cpumode in synthesized samples (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build break on powerpc (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf bench: Fix detached tarball building due to missing 'perf bench memcpy' headers (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tests: Fix tarpkg build test error output redirection (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Unexport some methods unused outside strbuf.c (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf probe: No need to use formatting strbuf method (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf help: Use asprintf instead of adhoc equivalents (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unused perf_pathdup, xstrdup functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Do not include stringify.h from the kernel sources (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools include: Copy linux/stringify.h from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Remove redundant CPU output (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove needless 'extern' from function prototypes (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Simplify die() mechanism (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unused DIE_IF macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Remove lots of unused arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf thread: Rename perf_event__preprocess_sample_addr to thread__resolve (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf machine: Rename perf_event__preprocess_sample to machine__resolve (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add cpumode to struct perf_sample (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tests: Forward the perf_sample in the dwarf unwind test (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove misplaced __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf list: Fix documentation of :ppp (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf bench numa: Fix assertion for nodes bitfield (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf symbols: Record text offset in dso to calculate objdump address (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] Move utilities.mak from perf to tools/scripts/ (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf test: Remove 'core_id' check in topo test (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] Copy hashtable.h into tools directory (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools, perf: make gfp_compact_table up to date (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Add --metric-only support for -A (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Implement --metric-only mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Document CSV format in manpage (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Check sort keys before hot key actions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Allow thread filtering for comm sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add sort__has_comm variable (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Recalc total periods using top-level entries in hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove nr_sort_keys field (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Cleanup hist_browser__fprintf_hierarchy_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove hist_entry->fmt field (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix command line filters in hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add more sort entry check functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix hist_entry__filter() for hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jitdump: Build only on supported archs (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Add '~' operation within arg_num_eval() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Omit unnecessary cast in perf_pmu__parse_scale (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Pass perf_hpp_list all the way through setup_sort_list (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix perf script python database export crash (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jitdump: DWARF is also needed (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Use hierarchy hpp list on gtk (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Use hierarchy hpp list (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Use hierarchy hpp list on stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Fix indent for multiple hierarchy sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Support multiple sort keys in a hierarchy level (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Use own hpp_list for hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_hpp__setup_hists_formats() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Document --detailed option (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add level field to struct perf_hpp_fmt (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Use 64-bit shifts with (TSC) time conversion (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jit: Move clockid validation (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jit: Let jit_process() return errors (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf session: Simplify tool stubs (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf inject: Hit all DSOs for AUX data in JIT and other cases (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Explicitly declare inc_group_count as a void function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Check for frontend stalled for metrics (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tests: Initialize sa.sa_flags (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf test: Fix hists related entries (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Fix output of llu for 64 bit values read on 32 bit machines (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Set int_array fields to NULL if freeing from error (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Fix time stamp rounding issue (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Fix double free on command_line (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools build: Use .s extension for preprocessed assembler code (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Support metrics in --per-core/socket mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Implement CSV metrics output (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf record: Ensure return non-zero rc when mmap fail (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf record: Introduce record__finish_output() to finish a (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf record: Extract synthesize code to record__synthesize() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf record: Use WARN_ONCE to replace 'if' condition (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf data: Explicitly set byte order for integer types (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf data: Support converting data from bpf_perf_event_output() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Check existence of frontend/backed stalled cycles (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix locale handling in pmu parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Split pevent_print_event() into specific functionality functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf trace: Check and discard not only 'nr' but also '__syscall_nr' (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix python extension build (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Only set filter for tracepoints events (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Bring perf_default_config to the very beginning at main() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Update column width of dynamic entries (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Fix dynamic entry display in hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Left align dynamic entries in hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Fix indentation of dynamic entries in hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Fix comparing of dynamic entries (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Show message for percent limit on gtk (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Show message for percent limit (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Cleanup hist_browser__update_percent_limit() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Show message for percent limit on stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add more helper functions for the hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Remove duplicated code and needless script_spec__findnew() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Exception handling when the print fmt is empty (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix parsing of pmu events with empty list of modifiers (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jvmti: improve error message in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Use asprintf() for simple string formatting/allocation (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf top: Add --hierarchy option (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Support decaying in hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Add --hierarchy option (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf ui/gtk: Implement hierarchy output mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Align column header in hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Implement hierarchy output (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Support collapsing/expanding whole entries in hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Count number of hierarchy entries (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf ui/stdio: Align column header for hierarchy output (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf ui/stdio: Implement hierarchy output mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Count number of sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Resort after filtering hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Support filtering in hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hist_entry__filter() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add helper functions for hierarchy mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Resort hist entries with hierarchy (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Basic support of hierarchical report view (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add helper functions for some sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Make binary data printer code in trace_event public available (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Display data_src values (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Change perf_mem__lck_scnprintf to return nb of displayed bytes (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Change perf_mem__snp_scnprintf to return nb of displayed bytes (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Change perf_mem__lvl_scnprintf to return nb of displayed bytes (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Change perf_mem__tlb_scnprintf to return nb of displayed bytes (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce perf_mem__lck_scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce perf_mem__snp_scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce perf_mem__lvl_scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce perf_mem__tlb_scnprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf mem: Introduce perf_mem_events__name function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf mem record: Check for memory events support (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove strbuf_{remove, splice}() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf help: No need to use strbuf_remove() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Dont stop PMU parsing on alias parse error (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Display addr/data_src/weight columns for raw events (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf script: Add data_src and weight column definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Use ARRAY_SIZE in mem sort display functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf mem: Add -e record option (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add monitored events array (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce cl_offset function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Make cl_address global (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib traceevent: Implement '' operation (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix assertion failure on dynamic entry (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix column width setting on 'trace' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix alignment on some sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Update srcline/file if needed (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix segfault on dynamic entries (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Remove duplicate typedef config_term_func_t definition (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build on older systems (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Check error during report__collapse_hists() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Return error from hists__collapse_resort() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf callchain: Check return value of append_chain_children() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf callchain: Check return value of split_add_child() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf callchain: Add enum match_result for match_chain() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf callchain: Check return value of fill_node() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf callchain: Check return value of add_child() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix percentage update on key press (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Enable config and setting names for legacy cache events (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Enable config raw and numeric events (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce opt_event_config nonterminal (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Rename and move pmu_event_name to get_config_name (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Bail out on unsupported event config modifiers (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Create config_term_names array (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix checking asprintf return value (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Handled scaled == -1 case for counters (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf test: Reduce the sample_freq for the 'object code reading' test (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tests: Use perf_evlist__strerror_open() to provide hints about max_freq (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf evlist: Handle -EINVAL for sample_freq > max_sample_rate in strerror_open() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf record: Add --all-user/--all-kernel options (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf evlist: Reference count the cpu and thread maps at set_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Move noise/running printing into printout (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Add support for metrics in interval mode (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Abstract stat metrics printing (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add perf data cache feature (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Initialize libapi debug output (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf debug: Rename __eprintf(va_list args) to veprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Add sysfs__read_str function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib api fs: Adopt filename__read_str from perf (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools lib api: Add debug output support (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jvmti: Add check for java alternatives cmd in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tests: Fix build on older systems where 'signal' is reserved (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf data: Fix releasing event_class (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Rename parse_events__free_terms() to parse_events_terms__delete() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Free the terms list_head in parse_events__free_terms() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Use perf_event_terms__purge() for non-malloced terms (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce parse_events_terms__purge() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Unlink entries from terms list (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Do column alignment on the format iterator (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add comment explaining the repsep_snprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf python scripting: Append examples to err msg about audit-libs-python (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Add EXTRA_LDFLAGS option to makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix symbols searching for module in buildid-cache (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Add '--system' and '--user' options to select which config file is used (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf jit: add source line info support (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: add JVMTI agent library (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf inject: Add jitdump mmap injection support (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf inject: Make sure mmap records are ordered when injecting build_ids (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Add libcrypto feature detection (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf symbols: add Java demangling support (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: handle spaces in file names obtained from /proc/pid/maps (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build tests: Do parallell builds with 'build-test' (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Fix parallel build including 'clean' target (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document '' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document 'kmem.default' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document 'pager.subcommand' variables in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document 'man.viewer' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document 'top.children' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document variables for 'report' section in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document variables for 'call-graph' section in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document '' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build tests: Move the feature related vars to the front of the make cmdline (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build tests: Elide "-f Makefile" from make invokation (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Add 'L' hotkey to change percent limit (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Update documention of --percent-limit option (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Update documentation of --sort option (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hists__for_each_sort_list macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce hists__for_each_format macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Add hpp_list into struct hists object (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add struct perf_hpp_list argument to helper functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_hpp_list__for_each_sort_list_safe macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_hpp_list__for_each_sort_list macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_hpp_list__for_each_format_safe macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_hpp_list__for_each_format macro (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Pass perf_hpp_list all the way through setup_output_list (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add perf_hpp_list register helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_hpp_list__init function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce struct perf_hpp_list (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Separate output fields parsing into setup_output_list function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Separate sort fields parsing into setup_sort_list function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Properly release format fields (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Remove perf_hpp__column_(disable|enable) (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Allocate output sort field (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf top: Move UI initialization ahead of sort setup (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Move UI initialization ahead of sort setup (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Make hpp setup function generic (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add 'hpp__equal' callback function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add 'equal' method to perf_hpp_fmt struct (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Use struct perf_hpp_fmt::idx in perf_hpp__reset_width (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Add _idx fields into struct perf_hpp_fmt (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Introduce perf_evsel__output_resort function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Factor output_resort from hists__output_resort (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Don't show blank lines if entry has no callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix percent display in callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Pass parent_total to callchain print functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix dump to show correct callchain style (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Fix percent display in callchains on --stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf callchain: Pass parent_samples to __callchain__fprintf_graph() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Get rid of hist_entry__callchain_fprintf() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf report: Apply --percent-limit to callchains also (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Update hists' total period when adding entries (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Fix min callchain hits calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Align the names of the build tests: (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf record: Use OPT_BOOLEAN_SET for buildid cache related options (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Move timestamp creation to util (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf test: Improve bp_signal (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf buildid: Fix cpumode of buildid event (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add perf_evlist pointer to *info_priv_size() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Speed up build-tests by reducing the number of builds tested (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Use feature dump file for build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Remove all condition feature check {C, LD}FLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Fix feature-dump checks, we need to test all features (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools build: Check basic headers for test-compile feature checker (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf cpumap: Auto initialize cpu__max_{node, cpu} (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Skip scripting when file not available (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf build: Select all feature checkers for feature-dump (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] tools build: Allow subprojects select all feature checkers (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf test: Fixup aliases checking in the 'vmlinux matches kallsyms' test (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf machine: Introduce machine__find_kernel_symbol_by_name() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Offer non-symbol specific menu options for --sort without 'sym' (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Be a bit more strict about presenting CPU socket zoom (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Offer 'Zoom into DSO'/'Map details' only when sort order has 'dso' (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Only offer symbol scripting when a symbol is under the cursor (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists browser: Only 'Zoom into thread' only when sort order has 'pid' (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf sort: Provide a way to find out if per-thread bucketing is in place (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document 'hist.percentage' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document variables for 'annotate' section in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document 'buildid.dir' variable in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document variables for 'tui' and 'gtk' sections in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf config: Document variables for 'colors' section in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf annotate: Rename 'colors.code' to 'colors.jump_arrows' (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf tools: Document the perf sysctls (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Cleanup filtering functions (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf hists: Remove parent filter check in DSO filter function (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf stat: Making several helper functions static (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf symbols: Do not read symbols/data from device files (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [tools] perf pmu: Fix misleadingly indented assignment (whitespace) (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [kernel] perf/core: Disable the event on a truncated AUX record (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Generate PMI in the STOP region as well (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86: Add model numbers for Kabylake CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix incorrect lbr_sel_mask value (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Don't die on VMXON (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/amd: Set the size of event map array to PERF_COUNT_HW_MAX (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Add missing Haswell model (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/amd/ibs: Fix pmu::stop() nesting (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [kernel] perf/core: Don't leak event in the syscall error path (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/amd: Cleanup Fam10h NB event constraints (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Add missing Broadwell models (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove ev_sel_ext bit support for PCU (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix Undefined behaviour in rb_alloc() (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/ibs: Add IBS interrupt to the dynamic throttle (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/ibs: Fix race with IBS_STARTING state (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/ibs: Fix IBS throttle (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Simplify quirk handling even more (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [kernel] perf/core: Fix perf_sched_count derailment (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Convert it to a per package facility (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Utilize event->pmu_private (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Make PMU lock raw (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Refactor the code some more (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Clean up the printk output (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Calculate timing once (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Sanitize the quirk handling (Jiri Olsa) [1336447] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Add proper error handling (Jiri Olsa) [1336447]- [ata] ahci: don't mark HotPlugCapable Ports as external/removable (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Align ata_device's id on a cacheline (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] sata_via: Implement hotplug for VT6421 (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] sata_via: Apply WD workaround only when needed on VT6421 (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: Cache host controller version (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: fix unbalanced spin_lock_irqsave/spin_unlock_irq() in ata_scsi_park_show() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: fix HDIO_GET_32BIT ioctl (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: fix sff host state machine locking while polling (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata-sff: use WARN instead of BUG on illegal host state machine state (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: disable forced PORTS_IMPL for >= AHCI 1.3 (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] sata_sx4: correctly handling failed allocation (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata-eh.c: Introduce new ata port flag for controller which lockup on read log page (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] sata_sil: disable trim (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: Fix softreset failed issue of Port Multiplier (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: kill 'intr_status' (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: switch from 'threaded' to 'hardirq' interrupt handling (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: per-port msix support (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: Add Marvell 88se91a2 device id (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: cleanup ahci_host_activate_multi_irqs (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: ahci_host_activate: kill IRQF_SHARED (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: enable LBA flag in taskfile for ata_scsi_pass_thru() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: add support for NCQ commands for SG interface (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] pata_it821x: use "const char *" for string literals (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: cleanup ata_scsi_qc_complete (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] ata: ahci: find eSATA ports and flag them as removable (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] Add factory recertified Crucial M500s to blacklist (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] sata_sx4: Check return code from pdc20621_i2c_read() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] revert "libata: Implement NCQ autosense" (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] revert "libata: Implement support for sense data reporting" (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] revert "libata-eh: Set 'information' field for autosense" (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: Do not blacklist M510DC (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: increase the timeout when setting transfer mode (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: force disable trim for SuperSSpeed S238 (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_NOTRIM (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_BROKEN_FPDMA_AA quirk for HP 250GB SATA disk VB0250EAVER (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: Do not blacklist Micron M500DC (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci, msix: Fix build error for !PCI_MSI (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: Add generic MSI-X support for single interrupts to SATA PCI driver (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: finally use __initconst in ata_parse_force_one() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: Store irq number in struct ahci_host_priv (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] ahci: Move interrupt enablement code to a separate function (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] doc: libata: Fix spelling typo found in libata.xml (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] sata_nv - Change 1 to true for bool type variable (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: Fix regression when the NCQ Send and Receive log page is absent (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] hpt366: fix constant cast warning (David Milburn) [1286946] - [documentation] libata: Fix sysfs documentation bug (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Fall back to unqueued READ LOG EXT if the DMA variant fails (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: READ LOG DMA EXT support can be in either page 119 or 120 (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: Expose TRIM capability in sysfs (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: Allow NCQ TRIM to be enabled or disabled with a module parameter (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Ignore spurious PHY event on LPM policy change (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Add helper to determine when PHY events should be ignored (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Add tracepoints (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata-eh: Set 'information' field for autosense (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Implement support for sense data reporting (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: Implement NCQ autosense (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: use status bit definitions in ata_dump_status() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] ide, ata: Rename ATA_IDX to ATA_SENSE (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: whitespace fixes in ata_to_sense_error() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [ata] libata: whitespace cleanup in ata_get_cmd_descript() (David Milburn) [1286946] - [include] libata: use READ_LOG_DMA_EXT (David Milburn) [1286946] - [netdrv] fjes: Fix unnecessary spinlock_irqsave (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: update fjes driver version 1.1 (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: Introduce spinlock for rx_status (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: Enhance changing MTU related work (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: fix bitwise check bug in fjes_raise_intr_rxdata_task (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: fix incorrect statistics information in fjes_xmit_frame() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: optimize timeout value (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: Use resource_size (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: fix inconsistent indenting (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "vfree" (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939] - [netdrv] fjes: fix off-by-one error at fjes_hw_update_zone_task() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1328939]- [security] capabilities: add a securebit to disable PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE (Paul Moore) [1165316] - [security] selftests/capabilities: Add tests for capability evolution (Paul Moore) [1165316] - [security] capabilities: ambient capabilities (Paul Moore) [1165316] - [powercap] intel_rapl: Add support for Kabylake (David Arcari) [1310935] - [virtio] virtio 1.0 cs04 spec compliance for reset ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1334106] - [tools] power turbostat: initial KBL support (David Arcari) [1310931] - [idle] intel_idle: Add KBL support (David Arcari) [1310933] - [acpi] acpica: dispatcher: Update thread ID for recursive method calls (Prarit Bhargava) [1336832] - [x86] pci: Mark Broadwell-EP Home Agent 1 as having non-compliant BARs (Prarit Bhargava) [1334199] - [x86] pci: Disable all BAR sizing for devices with non-compliant BARs (Prarit Bhargava) [1334199] - [x86] pci: Mark Broadwell-EP Home Agent & PCU as having non-compliant BARs (Prarit Bhargava) [1334199] - [x86] pci: Disable IO/MEM decoding for devices with non-compliant BARs (Prarit Bhargava) [1334199] - [x86] mm: update memory tracking for criu soft dirty (David Bulkow) [1329312] - [mm] Fix kmalloc slab creation sequence (Sterling Alexander) [1324668] - [mm] slab_common: support the slub_debug boot option on specific object size (Sterling Alexander) [1324668] - [mm] defer flush of writable TLB entries (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] send one IPI per CPU to TLB flush all entries after unmapping pages (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: initialize enough pages for struct page (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: use early_pfn_to_nid for page_cgroup_init (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] initialize hotplugged pages as reserved (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] reinit files_stat.max_files after deferred memory initialisation (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] Include file needed for next patch to compile (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: replace rwsem with completion (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: allow early_pfn_to_nid to be used during runtime (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: suppress unused memory variable warning (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: finish initialisation of struct pages before basic setup (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: remove mminit_verify_page_links (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: reduce number of times pageblocks are set during struct page in (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: free pages in large chunks where possible (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] enable deferred struct page initialisation on x86-64 (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: minimise number of pfn->page lookups during initialisation (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: initialise remaining struct pages in parallel with kswapd (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: initialise a subset of struct pages if CONFIG_DEFERRED_STRUCT_PAGE_INIT is set (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: inline some helper functions (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: make __early_pfn_to_nid SMP-safe and introduce meminit_pfn_in_nid (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] remove ifdef condition (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] memblock: binary search node id (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] page_alloc: pass PFN to __free_pages_bootmem (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] bootmem: remove unused local `map' (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] bootmem: remove duplicated declaration of __free_pages_bootmem() (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] nobootmem: have __free_pages_memory() free in larger chunks (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: only set page reserved in the memblock region (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] memblock: introduce a for_each_reserved_mem_region iterator (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] mem-hotplug: let memblock skip the hotpluggable memory regions in __next_mem_range() (George Beshers) [727269] - [mm] meminit: move page initialization into a separate function (George Beshers) [727269]- [scsi] cxlflash: scsi_change_queue_depth backport (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: lun size in scsi_device (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Move to exponential back-off when cmd_room is not available (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix regression issue with re-ordering patch (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Use new cxl_pci_read_adapter_vpd() API (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Increase cmd_per_lun for better throughput (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid unnecessary scan with internal LUNs (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Reorder user context initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Simplify attach path error cleanup (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Split out context initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Unmap problem state area before detaching master context (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Simplify PCI registration (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Enable device id for future IBM CXL adapter (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Resolve oops in wait_port_offline (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to resolve cmd leak after host reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Removed driver date print (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [include] cxlflash: Fix to avoid virtual LUN failover failure (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to escalate LINK_RESET also on port 1 (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: drop unlikely before IS_ERR_OR_NULL (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: a couple off by one bugs (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid bypassing context cleanup (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid lock instrumentation rejection (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid corrupting port selection mask (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to escalate to LINK_RESET on login timeout (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid leaving dangling interrupt resources (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid potential deadlock on EEH (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Correct trace string (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid corrupting adapter fops (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to double the delay each time (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [maintainers] maintainers: Add cxlflash driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to prevent stale AFU RRQ (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Correct spelling, grammar, and alignment mistakes (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to prevent EEH recovery failure (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix MMIO and endianness errors (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix function prolog parameters and return codes (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unnecessary scsi_block_requests (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Correct behavior in device reset handler following EEH (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to prevent workq from accessing freed memory (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Correct usage of scsi_host_put() (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix AFU version access/storage and add check (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove dual port online dependency (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix async interrupt bypass logic (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix host link up event handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix location of setting resid (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid stall while waiting on TMF (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid spamming the kernel log (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Refine host/device attributes (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Make functions static (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Correct naming of limbo state and waitq (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid CXL services during EEH (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix context encode mask width (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid sizeof(bool) (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix data corruption when vLUN used over multiple cards (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix potential oops following LUN removal (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix read capacity timeout (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Replace magic numbers with literals (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Fix to avoid invalid port_sel value (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Remove unused variable from queuecommand (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: shift wrapping bug in afu_link_reset() (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: off by one bug in cxlflash_show_port_status() (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [include] cxlflash: Virtual LUN support (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [include] cxlflash: Superpipe support (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Base error recovery support (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [scsi] cxlflash: Base support for IBM CXL Flash Adapter (Gustavo Duarte) [1182021] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: use napi_complete() correctly to prevent Rx stalling (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: convert to GRO API (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [netdrv] virtio_net: Fix napi poll list corruption (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [netdrv] caif: Fix napi poll list corruption (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [netdrv] bgmac: fix requests for extra polling calls from NAPI (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [netdrv] bgmac: leave interrupts disabled as long as there is work to do (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [net] Rearrange loop in net_rx_action (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [net] Always poll at least one device in net_rx_action (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [net] Detect drivers that reschedule NAPI and exhaust budget (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [net] Move napi polling code out of net_rx_action (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [net] less interrupt masking in NAPI (Ivan Vecera) [1334372] - [net] route: enforce hoplimit max value (Paolo Abeni) [1313892] - [net] netem: Segment GSO packets on enqueue (Neil Horman) [980835] - [netdrv] macvlan: resolve ENOENT errors on creation (Ivan Vecera) [1333314] - [net] rename sysfs symlinks on device name change (Ivan Vecera) [1333228] - [net] add sysfs helpers for netdev_adjacent logic (Ivan Vecera) [1333228]- [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Update frequencies of policy->cpus only from ->set_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1329088] - [kernel] kprobes: Add IPMODIFY flag to kprobe_ftrace_ops (Jessica Yu) [1113830] - [kernel] ftrace, kprobes: Support IPMODIFY flag to find IP modify conflict (Jessica Yu) [1113830] - [x86] kprobes/ftrace: Recover original IP if pre_handler doesn't change it (Jessica Yu) [1113830] - [kernel] ftrace: Simplify ftrace_hash_disable/enable path in ftrace_hash_move (Jessica Yu) [1113830] - [kernel] ftrace: Use macros for numbers in ftrace rec shift bits (Jessica Yu) [1113830] - [netdrv] cnic: call cp->stop_hw() in cnic_start_hw() on allocation failure (Ivan Vecera) [1327015] - [virtio] virtio-pci: use possible fallback queue size ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1320152] - [input] synaptics - handle spurious release of trackstick buttons, again (Benjamin Tissoires) [1317809] - [nvme] host: Always use MSI/MSI-x interrupts (David Milburn) [1334462] - [misc] cxl: Poll for outstanding IRQs when detaching a context (Steve Best) [1332487] - [misc] cxl: Keep IRQ mappings on context teardown (Steve Best) [1332487] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Set VPD size so we can read both VPD structures (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Add pci_set_vpd_size() to set VPD size (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Prevent VPD access for buggy devices (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Sleep rather than busy-wait for VPD access completion (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Fold struct pci_vpd_pci22 into struct pci_vpd (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Rename VPD symbols to remove unnecessary "pci22" (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Remove struct pci_vpd_ops.release function pointer (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Move pci_vpd_release() from header file to pci/access.c (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Move pci_read_vpd() and pci_write_vpd() close to other VPD code (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Determine actual VPD size on first access (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Use bitfield instead of bool for struct pci_vpd_pci22.busy (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Allow access to VPD attributes with size 0 (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Update VPD definitions (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [pci] Use kobj_to_dev() instead of open-coding it (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Set mac addr from vpd, when we can't contact firmware (Myron Stowe) [1289561 1332667] - [x86] platform/uv: Fix incorrect nodes and pnodes for cpuless and memoryless nodes (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [misc] x86/platform/uv: Remove Obsolete GRU MMR address translation (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Update physical address conversions for UV4 (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Build GAM reference tables (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Support UV4 socket address changes (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add obtaining GAM Range Table from UV BIOS (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add UV4 addressing discovery function (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Fold blade info into per node hub info structs (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Allocate common per node hub info structs on local node (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Move blade local processor ID to the per cpu info struct (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Move scir info to the per cpu info struct (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Create per cpu info structs to replace per hub info structs (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Update MMIOH setup function to work for both UV3 and UV4 (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Clean up redunduncies after merge of UV4 MMR definitions (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add UV4 Specific MMR definitions (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Prep for UV4 MMR updates (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add UV MMR Illegal Access Function (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add UV4 Specific Defines (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add UV Architecture Defines (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] platform/uv: Add Initial UV4 definitions (Frank Ramsay) [1276458] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix nested vpid for old KVM guests (Bandan Das) [1319020] - [x86] kvm: vmx: avoid guest hang on invalid invvpid instruction (Bandan Das) [1319020] - [x86] kvm: vmx: avoid guest hang on invalid invept instruction (Bandan Das) [1319020] - [x86] setup/crash: Check memblock_reserve() retval (Baoquan He) [1241236] - [x86] setup/crash: Cleanup some more (Baoquan He) [1241236] - [x86] setup/crash: Remove alignment variable (Baoquan He) [1241236] - [x86] setup: Cleanup crashkernel reservation functions (Baoquan He) [1241236] - [x86] setup: Do not reserve crashkernel high memory if low reservation failed (Baoquan He) [1241236] - [x86] perf/x86/cqm: Factor out some common code (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/mbm: Add support for MBM counter overflow handling (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/mbm: Implement RMID recycling (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/mbm: Add memory bandwidth monitoring event management (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/mbm: Add Intel Memory B/W Monitoring enumeration and init (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/cqm: Fix CQM memory leak and notifier leak (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [include] perf/x86/cqm: Fix CQM handling of grouping events into a cache_group (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Use 'u32' data type for RMIDs (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Add storage for 'closid' and clean up 'struct intel_pqr_state' (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Remove useless wrapper function (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Avoid pointless MSR write (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Remove pointless spinlock from state cache (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Document PQR MSR abuse (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [include] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Use proper data types (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] topology: Fix logical package mapping (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] topology: Create logical package id (Jiri Olsa) [1084618] - [x86] perf: Fix uncore build (Jiri Olsa) [1330700] - [perf] Allow storage of PMU private data in event (Jiri Olsa) [1330700]- [fs] cifs: fix type confusion in copy offload ioctl (Sachin Prabhu) [1335974] - [fs] locks: inline posix_lock_file_wait and flock_lock_file_wait (Benjamin Coddington) [1329488] - [fs] nfs4: have do_vfs_lock take an inode pointer (Benjamin Coddington) [1329488] - [fs] locks: new helpers - flock_lock_inode_wait and posix_lock_inode_wait (Benjamin Coddington) [1329488] - [fs] locks: have flock_lock_file take an inode pointer instead of a filp (Benjamin Coddington) [1329488] - [fs] revert "nfs: take extra reference to fl->fl_file when running a LOCKU operation" (Benjamin Coddington) [1329488] - [fs] ext4: correctly migrate a file with a hole at the beginning (Eryu Guan) [1187078] - [fs] ext4: be more strict when migrating to non-extent based file (Eryu Guan) [1187078] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix kerneldoc (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Downgrade two success messages to info (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: task management code optimizations (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: call ISR function to clean up pending replies in OCR path (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: reduce memory footprints in kdump mode (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add missing curly braces in ioctl handler (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Don't issue kill adapter for MFI controllers in case of PD list DCMD failure (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add an i/o barrier (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix SMAP issue (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix for IO failing post OCR in SRIOV environment (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid: fix null pointer check in megasas_detach_one() (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: SPERC OCR changes (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Introduce module parameter for SCSI command timeout (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: MFI adapter OCR changes (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Make adprecovery variable atomic (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: IO throttling support (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Dual queue depth support (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Code optimization build_and_issue_cmd return-type (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Reply Descriptor Post Queue (RDPQ) support (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fastpath region lock bypass (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update device queue depth based on interface type (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Task management support (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Syncing request flags macro names with firmware (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: MFI IO timeout handling (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not allow PCI access during OCR (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix sparse warning (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Make tape drives visible on PERC5 controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Remove debug print from function megasas_update_span_set (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Driver version upgrade (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Make PI enabled VD 8 byte DMA aligned (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Indicate online firmware upgrade support for Secure JBOD feature (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update OCR capability on controller properties change (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not use PAGE_SIZE for max_sectors (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Support for Cutlass (12 Gbps) controller (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Support for Intruder (12 Gbps) controller (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Remove PCI id checks (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Expose TAPE drives unconditionally (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version update (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Print critical firmware event messages (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Support for max_io_size 1MB (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Code cleanup-use local variable drv_ops inside megasas_ioc_init_fusion (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: JBOD sequence number support (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Increase timeout to 60 secs for abort frames during shutdown (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Synchronize driver headers with firmware APIs (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix whitespace errors (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: use dev_printk when possible (Tomas Henzl) [1262033] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix TRUE and FALSE re-define build error (Tomas Henzl) [1262033]- [scsi] st: fix potential null pointer dereference (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] st: Destroy st_index_idr on module exit (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] st: convert DRIVER_ATTR macros to DRIVER_ATTR_RO (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] st: convert to using driver attr groups for sysfs (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] st: implement tape statistics (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] st: convert class code to use dev_groups (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] st: call scsi_set_medium_removal directly (Maurizio Lombardi) [902531] - [scsi] mpt3sas: create two binaries from a single source (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas - remove unused fw_event_work elements (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove usage of 'struct timeval' (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Don't overreach ioc reply_post during initialization (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove unnecessary synchronize_irq before free_irq (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Free memory pools before retrying to allocate with different value (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove cpumask_clear for zalloc_cpumask_var and don't free free_cpu_mask_var before reply_q (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updating mpt3sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updated MPI Header to 2.00.42 (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Add support for configurable Chain Frame Size (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added smp_affinity_enable module parameter (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Make use of additional HighPriority credit message frames for sending SCSI IO's (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Never block the Enclosure device (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix static analyzer(coverity) tool identified defects (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Used IEEE SGL instead of MPI SGL while framing a SMP Passthrough request message (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added support for high port count HBA variants (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: A correction in unmap_resources (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix Kconfig dependency problem for mpt2sas back compatibility (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Add dummy Kconfig option for backwards compatibility (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix use sas_is_tlr_enabled API before enabling MPI2_SCSIIO_CONTROL_TLR_ON flag (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix inline markers on non inline function declarations (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Single driver module which supports both SAS 2.0 & SAS 3.0 HBAs (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: mpt3sas: Update the driver versions (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: setpci reset kernel oops fix (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added OEM Gen2 PnP ID branding names (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Refcount fw_events and fix unsafe list usage (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Refcount sas_device objects and fix unsafe list usage (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: sysfs attribute to report Backup Rail Monitor Status (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Ported WarpDrive product SSS6200 support (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix for driver fails EEH, recovery from injected pci bus error (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Manage MSI-X vectors according to HBA device type (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Don't send PHYDISK_HIDDEN RAID action request on SAS2 HBAs (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Build MPI SGL LIST on GEN2 HBAs and IEEE SGL LIST on GEN3 HBAs (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas, mpt3sas: Remove SCSI_MPTXSAS_LOGGING entry from Kconfig (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Define 'hba_mpi_version_belonged' IOC variable (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove .c and .h files from mpt2sas driver (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Move Gen2 HBA's device registration to a separate file (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Move Gen3 HBA's device registration to a separate file (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added mpt2sas driver definitions (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Use mpi headers from mpt3sas (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: setpci reset kernel oops fix (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Refcount fw_events and fix unsafe list usage (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Refcount sas_device objects and fix unsafe list usage (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: When device is blocked followed by unblock fails, unfreeze the I/Os (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Call dma_mapping_error() API after mapping an address with dma_map_single() API (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Use alloc_ordered_workqueue() API instead of create_singlethread_workqueue() API (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added support for customer specific branding (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Return host busy error status to SML when DMA mapping of scatter gather list fails for a SCSI command (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Complete the SCSI command with DID_RESET status for log_info value 0x0x32010081 (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI 2.5 Rev K (2.5.6) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to v6.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Add branding string support for OEM custom HBA (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Add branding string support for OEM's HBA (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI 2.5 Rev J (2.5.5) specification and 2.00.34 header files (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Update MPI2 strings to MPI2.5 (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas Driver version to v5.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Provides the physical location of sas drives (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI 2.5 Rev I (2.5.4) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove redundancy code while freeing the controller resources (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Don't block the drive when drive addition under the control of SML (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Get IOC_FACTS information using handshake protocol only after HBA card gets into READY or Operational state (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added Combined Reply Queue feature to extend up-to 96 MSIX vector support (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] mpt2sas, mpt3sas: Abort initialization if no memory I/O resources detected (Tomas Henzl) [1262031] - [scsi] bfa: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1273082] - [scsi] bfa: File header and user visible string changes (Chad Dupuis) [1273082] - [scsi] bfa: Updating copyright messages (Chad Dupuis) [1273082] - [scsi] bfa: Fix indentation (Chad Dupuis) [1273082] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix rwlock recursion (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update the driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set relogin flag when we fail to queue login requests (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable T10-DIF for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Provide mbx info in BBCR data after mbx failure (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid side effects when using endianizer macros (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for Private link statistics counters (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for buffer to buffer credit value for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for online flash update for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow fw to hold status before sending ABTS response (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Seed init-cb login timeout from nvram exclusively (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unneeded link offline message (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add pci device id 0x2261 (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix missing device login retries (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support to show MPI and PEP FW version for ISP27xx (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not reset ISP for error entry with an out of range handle (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add adapter checks for FAWWN functionality (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Pause risc before manipulating risc semaphore (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use ssdid to gate semaphore manipulation (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Handle AEN8014 incoming port logout (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add serdes register read/write support for ISP25xx (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Return the fabric command state for non-task management requests (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid that sparse complains about context imbalances (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove dead code (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove a superfluous test (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse annotations (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid that sparse complains about duplicate (noderef) attributes (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove __constant_ prefix (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace two macros with an inline function (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove set-but-not-used variables (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Declare local functions static (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Report both rsp_info and rsp_info_len (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix indentation (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Comment out unreachable code (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prevent probe and board_disable race (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prevent removal and board_disable race (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Schedule board_disable only once (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Collect PCI register checks and board_disable scheduling (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use qla2x00_clear_drv_active on probe failure (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable adapter when we encounter a PCI disconnect (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix shost use-after-free on device removal (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Refactor shutdown code so some functionality can be reused (Chad Dupuis) [1273080] - [scsi] fnic: Using rport->dd_data to check rport online instead of rport_lookup (Maurizio Lombardi) [1276102] - [scsi] fnic: Cleanup the I/O pending with fw and has timed out and is used to issue LUN reset (Maurizio Lombardi) [1276102] - [scsi] fnic: Fix to cleanup aborted IO to avoid device being offlined by mid-layer (Maurizio Lombardi) [1276102] - [scsi] fnic: Use the local variable instead of I/O flag to acquire io_req_lock in fnic_queuecommand() to avoid deadloack (Maurizio Lombardi) [1276102] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: set CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY for IPv6 packets (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix lock imbalance in vmxnet3_tq_xmit() (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: avoid calling pskb_may_pull with interrupts disabled (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Update Rx ring 2 max size (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix regression caused by 5738a09 (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix checks for dma mapping errors (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix use of mfTableLen for big endian architectures (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Extend register dump support (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: prevent receive getting out of sequence on napi poll (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Bump up driver version number (Neil Horman) [1329403] - [netdrv] be2net: fix BE3-R FW download compatibility check (Ivan Vecera) [1306516] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix endianness bug in IPV6 csum calculation (Kamal Heib) [1249733 1325358]- [x86] mm: Drop WARN from multi-BAR check (Jiri Olsa) [1318419] - [mm] fix mlock accouting (Hendrik Brueckner) [1334242] - [mm] vmstat: fix overflow in mod_zone_page_state() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1334242] - [s390] pci: add extra padding to function measurement block (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330111] - [s390] pci: enforce fmb page boundary rule (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330111] - [s390] pci: extract software counters from fmb (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330111] - [s390] pci: remove pdev pointer from arch data (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330099] - [s390] pci_dma: improve debugging of errors during dma map (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330100] - [s390] pci_dma: handle dma table failures (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330100] - [s390] pci_dma: unify label of invalid translation table entries (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330100] - [s390] pci_dma: fix DMA table corruption with > 4 TB main memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330112] - [s390] pci: use pci_rescan_remove_lock (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330092] - [kernel] sched: Fix potential kabi breakage on wait_bit_queue (Benjamin Coddington) [1333024] - [watchdog] hpwdt: use nmi_panic() when kernel panics in NMI handler (David Arcari) [1327401] - [ipmi] watchdog: use nmi_panic() when kernel panics in NMI handler (David Arcari) [1327401] - [kernel] panic: change nmi_panic from macro to function (David Arcari) [1327401] - [x86] nmi: Save regs in crash dump on external NMI (David Arcari) [1327401] - [x86] apic: Introduce apic_extnmi command line parameter (David Arcari) [1327401] - [kernel] kexec: Fix race between panic() and crash_kexec() (David Arcari) [1327401] - [kernel] panic, x86: Allow CPUs to save registers even if looping in NMI context (David Arcari) [1327401] - [kernel] panic, x86: Fix re-entrance problem due to panic on NMI (David Arcari) [1327401] - [kernel] watchdog: keep rhel7 old-behaviour compatibility (David Arcari) [1290573] - [x86] re-enable fixup_ht_bug (David Arcari) [1290573] - [lib] workqueue: implement lockup detector (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce touch_softlockup_watchdog_sched() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: fix race between proc_watchdog_thresh() and watchdog_timer_fn() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: remove {get|put}_online_cpus() from watchdog_{park|unpark}_threads() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: avoid races between /proc handlers and CPU hotplug (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: avoid race between lockup detector suspend/resume and CPU hotplug (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: add sysctl knob hardlockup_panic (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: perform all-CPU backtrace in case of hard lockup (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: do not unpark threads in watchdog_park_threads() on error (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: implement error handling in lockup_detector_suspend() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: implement error handling in update_watchdog_all_cpus() and callers (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: move watchdog_disable_all_cpus() outside of ifdef (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: fix error handling in proc_watchdog_thresh() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: is_hardlockup can be boolean (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: rename watchdog_suspend() and watchdog_resume() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: use suspend/resume interface in fixup_ht_bug() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: use park/unpark functions in update_watchdog_all_cpus() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce watchdog_suspend() and watchdog_resume() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce watchdog_park_threads() and watchdog_unpark_threads() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: move NMI function header declarations from watchdog.h to nmi.h (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: add watchdog_cpumask sysctl to assist nohz (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] smpboot: allow excluding cpus from the smpboot threads (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] smpboot: Add common code for notification from dying CPU (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] smpboot: Add missing get_online_cpus() in smpboot_register_percpu_thread() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] sched, smp: Correctly deal with nested sleeps (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: fix double lock in watchdog_nmi_enable_all (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: Fix merge 'conflict' (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce the hardlockup_detector_disable() function (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: clean up some function names and arguments (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: enable the new user interface of the watchdog mechanism (David Arcari) [1290573] - [documentation] watchdog: Document watchdog_thresh sysctl (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: Disallow setting watchdog_thresh to -1 (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: implement error handling for failure to set up hardware perf events (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce separate handlers for parameters in /proc/sys/kernel (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce proc_watchdog_common() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: move definition of 'watchdog_proc_mutex' outside of proc_dowatchdog() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: introduce the proc_watchdog_update() function (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: new definitions and variables, initialization (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] softlockup: make detector be aware of task switch of processes hogging cpu (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: Remove unnecessary header files (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: convert printk/pr_warning to pr_foo() (David Arcari) [1290573] - [kernel] watchdog: remove preemption restrictions when restarting lockup detector (David Arcari) [1290573]- [thermal] powerclamp: remove cpu whitelist (Steve Best) [1273740] - [acpi] srat: fix SRAT parsing order with both LAPIC and X2APIC present (Prarit Bhargava) [1331394] - [s390] spinlock: avoid yield to non existent cpu (Hendrik Brueckner) [1334236] - [tty] Drop krefs for interrupted tty lock ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] rocket: Remove private close_wait ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Retry failed reopen if tty teardown in-progress ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Prevent hw state corruption in exclusive mode reopen ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Wait interruptibly for tty lock on reopen ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove wait_event_interruptible_tty() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] r3964: Replace/remove bogus tty lock use ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] r3964: Use tty->read_wait waitqueue ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove tty_port::close_wait ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] usb: gadget: gserial: Privatize close_wait ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] usb: gadget: serial: fix re-ordering of tx data ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove ASYNC_CLOSING checks in open()/hangup() methods ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove tty_hung_up_p() tests from tty drivers' open() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] serial_core: fix uart PORT_UNKNOWN handling ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] synclink: avoid sleep_on race ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove tty_wait_until_sent_from_close() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Document locking for tty_port_close{, start, end}() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove warning in tty_lock_slave() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Fix timeout on pty set ldisc ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Fix hung task on pty hangup ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Prefix tty_ldisc_{lock, lock_nested, unlock} functions ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] pty: Don't drop pty master tty lock to hangup slave ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Preset lock subclass for nested tty locks ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Change tty lock order to master->slave ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Simplify tty_release() state checks ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Simplify tty_release_checks() interface ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Simplify tty_ldisc_release() interface ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Fold pty pair handling into tty_flush_works() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Simplify pty pair teardown logic ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Don't release tty locks for wait queue sanity check ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Don't take tty_mutex for tty count changes ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove TTY_CLOSING ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Drop tty_mutex before tty reopen ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Re-open /dev/tty without tty_mutex ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] pty: Always return -EIO if slave BSD pty opened first ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Fix use-after-free in pty_common_install ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Merge alloc_tty_struct and initialize_tty_struct ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Check tty->count instead of TTY_CLOSING in tty_reopen() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Clarify re-open behavior of master ptys ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Remove TTY_HUPPING ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Invert tty_lock/ldisc_sem lock order ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Don't hold tty_lock for ldisc release ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Reset hupped state on open ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Only hangup once ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Fix hangup race with TIOCSETD ioctl ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403] - [tty] Clarify ldisc variable ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327403]- [scsi] 3w-9xxx: version string touch (Tomas Henzl) [1322447] - [scsi] 3w-9xxx: don't unmap bounce buffered commands (Tomas Henzl) [1322447] - [scsi] 3w-9xxx: fix command completion race (Tomas Henzl) [1322447] - [scsi] lpfc: update version for rhel7.3 to (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: remove incorrect lockdep assertion (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: fix misleading indentation (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: fix missing zero termination in debugfs (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Add lockdep assertions (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove redundant code block in lpfc_scsi_cmd_iocb_cmpl (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Grammar s/an negative/a negative/ (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Update modified file copyrights (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix interaction between fdmi_on and enable_SmartSAN (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for SmartSAN 2.0 (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Device discovery failures during switch reboot test (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash when unregistering default rpi (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix DMA faults observed upon plugging loopback connector (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct LOGO handling during login (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Add logging for misconfigured optics (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix external loopback failure (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix mbox reuse in PLOGI completion (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Use new FDMI speed definitions for 10G, 25G and 40G FCoE (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Make write check error processing more resilient (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix RDP ACC being too long (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix RDP Speed reporting (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Modularize and cleanup FDMI code in driver (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in fcp command completion path (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver crash when module parameter lpfc_fcp_io_channel set to 16 (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix RegLogin failed error seen on Lancer FC during port bounce (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix the FLOGI discovery logic to comply with T11 standards (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FCF Infinite loop in lpfc_sli4_fcf_rr_next_index_get (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: fix memory leak and NULL dereference (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix default RA_TOV and ED_TOV in the FC/FCoE driver for all topologies (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: The linux driver does not reinitiate discovery after a failed FLOGI (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix for discovery failure in PT2PT when FLOGI's ELS ACC response gets aborted (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for Lancer G6 and 32G FC links (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: fix lpfc_send_rscn_event sends bigger buffer size (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: remove set but not used variables (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Make the function lpfc_sli4_mbox_completions_pending static in order to comply with function prototype (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix kmalloc overflow in LPFC driver at large core count (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Destroy lpfc_hba_index IDR on module exit (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: in sli3 use configured sg_seg_cnt for sg_tablesize (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Remove unnessary cast (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: fix model description (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix possible use-after-free and double free in lpfc_mbx_cmpl_rdp_page_a2() (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Use && instead of & for boolean expression (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyright to 2015 (Rob Evers) [1274910] - [scsi] lpfc: Update Copyright on changed files (Rob Evers) [1274910]- [fs] configfs: fix race between dentry put and lookup (Robert S Peterson) [1333473] - [fs] nfsd: use short read as well as i_size to set eof (Benjamin Coddington) [1332694] - [mm] vmscan: catch and fix shrinker overflows (Rafael Aquini) [1245773] - [i2c] ismt: Add Intel DNV PCI ID (Steve Best) [1334006] - [idle] intel_idle: prevent SKL-H boot failure when C8+C9+C10 enabled (Steve Best) [1322358] - [acpi] acpica: Remove extraneous error message for large number of GPEs (Prarit Bhargava) [1305532] - [s390] kdump: fix wrong BUG_ON() statement (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330093] - [s390] zcrypt: HWRNG registration cause kernel panic on CEX hotplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [1330094] - [include] pci/msi: Initialize MSI capability for all architectures (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Make pci_msi_setup_pci_dev() non-static for use by arch code (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] pci, parisc: Enable 64-bit bus addresses on PA-RISC (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] Don't use 64-bit bus addresses on PA-RISC (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] Tolerate hierarchies with no Root Port (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Restore PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_BIRMASK definition (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] pciehp: Inline the "handle event" functions into the ISR (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] pciehp: Rename queue_interrupt_event() to pciehp_queue_interrupt_event() (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] pciehp: Make queue_interrupt_event() void (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] pciehp: Clean up debug logging (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [x86] pci: Use host bridge _CRS info on systems with >32 bit addressing (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Remove unused pci_scan_bus_parented() (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] aspm: Simplify Clock Power Management setting (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [x86] pci: Use host bridge _CRS info on Foxconn K8M890-8237A (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Remove unused pci_dma_burst_advice() (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Remove unused pcibios_select_root() (again) (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [x86] pci: Remove unnecessary #includes of (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [s390] pci: Include , not (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Add pci_bus_addr_t (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] Use dev->has_secondary_link to find downstream PCIe links (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] aspm: Use dev->has_secondary_link to find downstream links (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Propagate the "ignore hotplug" setting to parent (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] acpi / hotplug / pci: Check ignore_hotplug for all downstream devices (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] pciehp: Drop pointless label from pciehp_probe() (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci: Add dev->has_secondary_link to track downstream PCIe links (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for Marvell 9120 (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] aspm: Remove redundant PCIe port type checking (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [include] pci/msi: Remove unused pci_msi_off() (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] msi: Drop pci_msi_off() calls from quirks (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [ntb] Drop pci_msi_off() call during probe (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [virtio] virtio_pci: drop pci_msi_off() call during probe (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] msi: Disable MSI at enumeration even if kernel doesn't support MSI (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] msi: Export pci_msi_set_enable(), pci_msix_clear_and_set_ctrl() (Myron Stowe) [1334107] - [pci] msi: Rename msi_set_enable(), msix_clear_and_set_ctrl() (Myron Stowe) [1334107]- [netdrv] cdc_ncm: do not call usbnet_link_change from cdc_ncm_bind (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] cdc_ncm: toggle altsetting to force reset before setup (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: cleanup after bind() in probe() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] asix: do not free array priv->mdio->irq (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add Sierra Wireless EM74xx device ID (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: add Sierra Wireless EM74xx device ID (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: serial: add Moxa UPORT 11x0 driver" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Quectel UC20 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Telit LE922 PID 0x1045 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: Add ID for Parrot NMEA GPS Flight Recorder (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: add Dell Wireless 5809e Gobi 4G HSPA+ (rev3) (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] Add Dell Wireless 5809e Gobi 4G HSPA+ Mobile Broadband Card (rev3) to qmi_wwan (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: hub: do not clear BOS field during reset device" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usb: cdc_subset: only build when one driver is enabled (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: add "4G LTE usb-modem U901" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: add IDs for GE B650V3 and B850V3 boards (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: add support for SIM7100E (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add "4G LTE usb-modem U901" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: harden xhci_find_next_ext_cap against device removal (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Fix list corruption in urb dequeue at host removal (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci-mtk: fix AHB bus hang up caused by roothubs polling (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci-mtk: fix bpkts value of LS/HS periodic eps not behind TT (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: apply XHCI_PME_STUCK_QUIRK to Intel Broxton-M platforms (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: set SSIC port unused only if xhci_suspend succeeds (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: add a quirk bit for ssic port unused (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: handle both SSIC ports in PME stuck quirk (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "xhci: don't finish a TD if we get a short-transfer event mid TD" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: throttle TX path at slower than SuperSpeed USB (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Add to handle mux control per chip id (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: fix Cinterion AHxx enumeration (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: fix memory leak on usb_serial private data (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Yaesu SCU-18 cable (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: option: Adding support for Telit LE922 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: visor: fix crash on detecting device without write_urbs (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] visor: fix null-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: add ID for IAI USB to RS485 adaptor (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] hub: do not clear BOS field during reset device (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm:exclude Samsung phone 04e8:685d (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: send zero packet for intel 7260 modem (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: handle unlinked urb in acm read callback (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: Add SIMCom 7230E (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] cdc-acm: fix NULL pointer reference (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust ALDPS function (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: use test_and_clear_bit (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the wake event (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] pm: Allow USB devices to remain runtime-suspended when sleeping (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: lan78xx: Fix to write to OTP(One Time Programmable) per magic number (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usbmon: remove assignment from IS_ERR argument (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: drop redundant function name from error messages (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: fix debug-message typos (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: rename usb-serial driver (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: fix modem-control handling on B0-transitions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: fix memory leak on firmware download (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mxu11x0: fix memory leak in port-probe error path (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: add Moxa UPORT 11x0 driver (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: add ID for ELV Marble Sound Board 1 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: ignore bogus CDC Union descriptors (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mos7840: remove redundant condition (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_edgeport: remove redundant conditions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: allow mini-drivers to consume L2 headers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: remove 1199:9070 device id (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: MDM9x30 specific power management (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ehci: ohci: fix bool assignments (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: refuse loading if nousb is used (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] make "nousb" a clear module parameter (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Add connected retry on resume for non SS devices (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usbmon: Use 64bit timestamp for mon_bin_hdr (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: Remove timeval usage (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usbmon: Remove timeval usage for timestamp (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: constify usb_mon_operations structure (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: improve the description for error message (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] uas: no gfp argument to uas_submit_urbs() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] uas: use the BIT() macro (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usb-ehci: Delete unnecessary checks before the function call "dma_pool_destroy" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] replace dma_pool_alloc and memset with dma_pool_zalloc (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: rework xhci extended capability list parsing functions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: use debug level when printing out interval rounding messages (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: mediatek: support MTK xHCI host controller (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: xhci: add a platform-private field (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: xhci: cleanup hcd private size (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: use the correct define to indicate port status suspend change (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ehci: warn on unexpectedly active QH (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ehci: enhance "async" debugfs output (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] add usbfs snooping for REAP and DISCARD (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] limit usbfs snooping of URB contents (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: add tx_empty() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: work around cp2108 GET_LINE_CTL bug (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: relocate private data from USB interface to port (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: flush device queues at close (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: Add WeTelecom-WPD600N (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: add reset_resume function (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: avoid changing RX/TX buffers on MTU changes (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: usb: cdc_ncm: Adding Dell DW5813 LTE AT&T Mobile Broadband Card (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: usb: cdc_ncm: Adding Dell DW5812 LTE Verizon Mobile Broadband Card (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] fix invalid memory access in hub_activate() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ipaq.c: fix a timeout loop (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: add quirk for devices with broken LPM (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: fix usb2 resume timing and races (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: fix lockup when runtime PM is enabled (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: add "NDP to end" quirk for Huawei E3372 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Quiet down false peer failure messages (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: fix config fail of FS hub behind a HS hub with MTT (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Fix memory leak in xhci_pme_acpi_rtd3_enable() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Use the USB_SS_MULT() macro to decode burst multiplier for log message (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] whci-hcd: add check for dma mapping error (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core : hub: Fix BOS 'NULL pointer' kernel panic (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] quirks: Fix another ELAN touchscreen (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: fix NULL pointer deref in cdc_ncm_bind_common (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: Another Infineon flash loader USB ID (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc_acm: Ignore Infineon Flash Loader utility (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: Remove CP2110 ID from compatibility list (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usblp: do not set TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE before lock (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: add XS Stick W100-2 from 4G Systems (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add XS Stick W100-2 from 4G Systems (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Fix a race in usb2 LPM resume, blocking U3 for usb2 devices (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: fix checking ep busy for CFC (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: usb: cdc_ether: add Dell DW5580 as a mobile broadband adapter (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: Fix support for HP lt4112 LTE/HSPA+ Gobi 4G Modem (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ti_usb_3410_5052: Add Honeywell HGI80 ID (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: option: add support for Novatel MiFi USB620L (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: Add support for Quectel EC20 Mini PCIe module (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: remove ifdefed out call to dma_supported (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] kaweth: remove ifdefed out call to dma_supported (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] dma: remove external references to dma_supported (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] kernel.h: make abs() work with 64-bit types (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usb: qmi_wwan: Add quirk for Quectel EC20 Mini PCIe module (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: fix entry for HP lt4112 LTE/HSPA+ Gobi 4G Module (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: Codestyle fix in urb.c (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usb3503: Use i2c_add_driver helper macro (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: add Sierra Wireless MC74xx/EM74xx (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] hcd: use USB_DT_* (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: configure 32-bit DMA if the controller does not support 64-bit DMA (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: makefile: move xhci-pci and xhci-plat-hcd after xhci-hcd (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: replace custom implementation of readq / writeq (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: create one unified function to calculate TRB TD remainder (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb-gadget: use per-attribute show and store methods (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: add bulk queue test (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: update comment for Sierra Wireless MC7304/MC7354 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: qcserial/option: make AT URCs work for Sierra Wireless MC73xx" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: qcserial/option: make AT URCs work for Sierra Wireless MC7305/MC7355" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: make AT URCs work for Sierra Wireless devices (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usb_wwan/option: generalize option_send_setup for other drivers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: revert introduction of struct option_private (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_ti: Remove extra blank lines separating functions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_ti: Fix non-standard comment formatting (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_ti: Move request_firmware from edge_startup to download_fw (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_ti: Move download and boot mode code out of download_fw (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_ti: Use serial->interface for messages in download_fw (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] io_ti: Remove obsolete dev parameter from build_i2c_fw_hdr (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] rewrite isd200_init_info for readability (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] otg: don't set a_alt_hnp_support feature for OTG 2.0 device (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: driver: Use kmalloc_array (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] message: remove redundant declaration (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] uas: also check for ESHUTDOWN in error reporting (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] hub: remove redundant declarations (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: hub: Removed some warnings generated by (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: drop null test before destroy functions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] whci: drop null test before destroy functions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: support new USB 3.1 hub request to get extended port status (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: check xhci hardware for USB 3.1 support (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: define HCD_USB31 speed option for hosts that support USB 3.1 features (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: define the new default speed ID for SuperSpeedPlus used by xhci hw (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Add a SuperSpeedPlus capability descriptor for xhci USB 3.1 roothub (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: parse xhci protocol speed ID list for usb 3.1 usage (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: store the new usb 3.1 SuperSpeedPlus device capability descriptor (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: Add USB 3.1 SuperSpeedPlus device capability descriptor (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Read and parse new xhci 1.1 capability register (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Return 0 when lan78xx_suspend() has no error (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: Added forgotten parameter description for authorized attribute in usb.h (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: phy: change some comments (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: format the data pattern according to max packet size (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: using the same data format among write/compare/output (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: delete useless memset for urbs array (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: allocate size of urb array according to user parameter (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: remove invalid check (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: interface authorization: Use a flag for the default device authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] interface authorization: SysFS part of USB interface authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] interface authorization: Introduces the USB interface authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] interface authorization: Control interface probing and claiming (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: interface authorization: Introduces the default interface authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: interface authorization: Declare authorized attribute (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Remove not defined MAC_CR_GMII_EN_ bit from MAC_CR (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Create lan78xx_get_mdix_status() and lan78xx_set_mdix_status() for MDIX control (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Remove phy defines in lan78xx.h and use defines in include/linux/microchipphy.h (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Update to use phylib instead of mii_if_info (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Add PHYLIB and MICROCHIP_PHY as default config (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Check device ready bit (PMT_CTL_READY_) after reset the PHY (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: fix cdc-phonet.c dependency and build error (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] cdc: add header guards (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] cdc: Fix build warning (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] cdc-phonet: use common parser (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi-wwan: use common parser (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] cdc-ether: switch to common CDC parser (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] cdc-ncm: use common parser (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] cdc: common parser for extra headers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add Sierra Wireless MC74xx/EM74xx (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: asix: add support for the Billionton GUSB2AM-1G-B USB adapter (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Add spurious wakeup quirk for LynxPoint-LP controllers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: handle no ping response error properly (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: don't finish a TD if we get a short transfer event mid TD (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: usb: asix: Fix crash on skb alloc failure (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Add device quirk for Logitech PTZ cameras (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] chaoskey read offset bug (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Add reset-resume quirk for two Plantronics usb headphones (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] whiteheat: fix potential null-deref at probe (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] ch9200: Convert to use module_usb_driver (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: init command timeout timer earlier to avoid deleting it uninitialized (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: change xhci 1.0 only restrictions to support xhci 1.1 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: exit early in xhci_setup_device() if we're halted or dying (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: stop everything on the first call to xhci_stop (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Clear XHCI_STATE_DYING on start (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: lock mutex on xhci_stop (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Move xhci_pme_quirk() behind #ifdef CONFIG_PM (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: give command abortion one more chance before killing xhci (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Use the USB_SS_MULT() macro to get the burst multiplier (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: New driver for QinHeng CH9200 devices (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: add ZTE PIDs (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the runtime suspend issues (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: split DRIVER_VERSION (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: Fix a race between usbnet_stop() and the BH (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Fix ladv/radv error handling in lan78xx_link_reset() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: Sierra Wireless MC73xx -> Sierra Wireless MC7304/MC7354 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: add HP lt4111 LTE/EV-DO/HSPA+ Gobi 4G Module (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Added custom PID for CustomWare products (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usb_wwan: silence read errors on disconnect (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: silence interrupt errors (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] symbolserial: Correct transferred data size (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] symbolserial: Use usb_get_serial_port_data (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: usbtest: format max packet size for iso transfer (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: ehci-sys: delete useless bus_to_hcd conversion (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] revert "usb: interface authorization: Declare authorized attribute" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] revert "usb: interface authorization: Introduces the default interface authorization" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: interface authorization: Control interface probing and claiming" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: interface authorization: Introduces the USB interface authorization" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] revert "usb: interface authorization: SysFS part of USB interface authorization" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] revert "usb: interface authorization: Use a flag for the default device authorization" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: hub: Removed some warnings generated by (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: ohci-at91: depend on OF (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: interface authorization: Use a flag for the default device authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] interface authorization: SysFS part of USB interface authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] interface authorization: Introduces the USB interface authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] interface authorization: Control interface probing and claiming (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: interface authorization: Introduces the default interface authorization (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: interface authorization: Declare authorized attribute (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] hub: remove assignment from if condition (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] endpoint: convert spaces to tabs (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] otg_whitelist: remove whitespace (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: fsl: Workaround for USB erratum-A005275 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Remove BUG_ON() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] lan78xx: Fix Smatch Warnings (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: hcd.h: Fix the values of SetHubDepth and GetPortErrorCount to match USB 3.1 specification (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: hub.c: Removed some warnings generated by (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] devio: fix spacing (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: xhci 1.1: Stopped - Short Packet Capability (SPC) (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: xhci 1.1: Contiguous Frame ID Capability (CFC) (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Add support for URB_ZERO_PACKET to bulk/sg transfers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: make USB_XHCI_PLATFORM selectable (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] misc: ftdi-elan: Simplify return statement (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: xhci: Simplify return statement (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] devio: remove assignment from if condition (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: disable the capability of zero length (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] Microchip's LAN7800 family USB 2/3 to 10/100/1000 Ethernet device driver (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] pl2303: fix baud-rate divisor calculations (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: common: add API to update usb otg capabilities by device tree (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: otg: add usb_otg_caps structure for otg capabilities (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: add USB_OTG_ADP definition (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: add usb_otg20_descriptor for OTG 2.0 and above (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: fsl: Modify phy clk valid bit checking (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: fsl: Introduce FSL_USB2_PHY_UTMI_DUAL macro (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: fsl: Implement Workaround for USB Erratum A007792 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: fsl: Replace macros with enumerated type (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usleep_range is preferred over udelay where wakeup is flexible (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usbcore: add sysfs support to xHCI usb3 hardware LPM (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] move assignment out of if condition (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: xhci: remove typo in function documentation (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] atm: cxacru: fix blank line after declaration (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] class: Use USB_CLASS_PRINTER instead of number 7 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] fix coding style issue (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: support the new RTL8153 chip (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Add support for Dell Wireless 5809e 4G Modem (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: Fix broken URL in comment (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usbnet: Get EVENT_NO_RUNTIME_PM bit before it is cleared (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add HP lt4111 LTE/EV-DO/HSPA+ Gobi 4G Module (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Delete XHCI command timer if necessary (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: fix off by one error in TRB DMA address boundary check (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: reset device when tx timeout (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: add pre_reset and post_reset (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] sierra: add 1199:68AB device ID (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: don't enable napi before rx ready (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: fix wakeup settings (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the issue about U1/U2 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: Destroy acm_minors IDR on module exit (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usb-storage: Add ignore-device quirk for gm12u320 based usb mini projectors (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usb-storage: ignore ZTE MF 823 card reader in mode 0x1225 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ohci: Fix race between ED unlink and URB submission (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: lpm: set lpm_capable for root hub device (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: do not report PLC when link is in internal resume state (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: prevent bus_suspend if SS port resuming in phase 1 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: report U3 when link is in resume state (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Calculate old endpoints correctly on device reset (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Bugfix for NULL pointer deference in xhci_endpoint_init() function (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Workaround to get D3 working in Intel xHCI (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: call BIOS workaround to enable runtime suspend on Intel Braswell (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add the second QMI/network interface for Sierra Wireless MC7305/MC7355 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ulpi: ulpi_init should be executed in subsys_initcall (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial: Add support for Dell Wireless 5809e 4G Modem (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] qcserial/option: make AT URCs work for Sierra Wireless MC7305/MC7355 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [fs] configfs: fix kernel infoleak through user-controlled format string (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: Destroy serial_minors IDR on module exit (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [netdrv] usb: add device id for NVIDIA Tegra USB 3.0 Ethernet (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cp210x: add ID for Aruba Networks controllers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mos7720: rename registers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] option: add 2020:4000 ID (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mips: octeon: Set OHCI and EHCI MMIO byte order to match CPU (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: Add support of ATOL FPrint fiscal printers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usbtmc: add device quirk for Rigol DS6104 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: mos7840: Use setup_timer (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usb, hid: Remove Vernier devices from lsusb and hid_ignore_list (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] fsl: Fix compilation error for fsl ehci drv (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb:fsl: Add support for USB controller version-2.5 (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: Fix USB 3.0 devices lost in NOTATTACHED state after a hub port reset (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: hcd.h : Removed an unnecessary function prototype usb_find_interface_driver() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] host: xhci: remove incorrect comment about mutex (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Return correct number of tranferred bytes for stalled control endpoints (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: optimize xhci bus resume time (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Fix suspend/resume when used with OTG core (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: fix xhci locking up during hcd remove (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: Allow usb_add/remove_hcd() to be called repeatedly (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xhci: cleanup xhci_hcd allocation (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: phy: add static inline wrapper for devm_usb_get_phy_by_node (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: phy: Add interface to get phy give of device_node (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: gadget: net2280: fix use of GPEP in both directions (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [include] usb: gadget: net2280: check interrupts for all endpoints (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] serial: fix grammar in Kconfig help text for FTDI_SIO (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: use swap() in acm_probe() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: add support for up to 256 devices (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] cdc-acm: use idr to manage minor numbers (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] devio: fix a condition in async_completed() (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] fsl: Make fsl ehci drv an independent driver module (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [scripts] usb: add bus type for USB ULPI (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] storage: fix module reference for scsi host (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] xusbatm.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] uss720.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usblp.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] usbatm.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] speedtch.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] sisusb_con.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] sisusb.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ohci-q.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ohci-hcd.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ohci-dbg.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mon_stat.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mon_main.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] mon_bin.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] hub.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] hcd.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] ehci-dbg.c: move assignment out of if () block (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] core: buffer: fixed the checkpatch warning (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Enable LPM for USB 2.01+ full-speed devices (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] storage: scsiglue: Remove SPRINTF macro use (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] don't build PCI quirks if USB support isn't configured (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Set unused ports to "fixed" rather than "unknown" (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [usb] Prefer firmware values when determining whether a port is removable (Torez Smith) [1303955] - [mm] add dma_pool_zalloc() call to DMA API (Torez Smith) [1303955]- [powerpc] powernv: Fix OPAL_CONSOLE_FLUSH prototype and usages (Gustavo Duarte) [1313758] - [powerpc] powernv: Add a kmsg_dumper that flushes console output on panic (Gustavo Duarte) [1313758] - [kernel] change TRACE_EVENT(writeback_dirty_page) to check bdi->dev != NULL (Oleg Nesterov) [1306851] {CVE-2016-3070} - [kernel] hrtimer: Prevent remote enqueue of leftmost timers (David Bulkow) [1323752] - [s390] sclp: introduce check for SIE (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310710] - [s390] kvm: don't load kvm without virtualization support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310710] - [s390] show virtualization support in /proc/cpuinfo (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310710] - [s390] sclp: correctly set eca siif bit (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310710] - [md] add rdev reference for super write (Xiao Ni) [1312720] - [pci] Fix sriov_enable() error path for pcibios_enable_sriov() failures (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Reorder pcibios_sriov_disable() (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Set SR-IOV NumVFs to zero after enumeration (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Clear IORESOURCE_UNSET when clipping a bridge window (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Preserve resource size during alignment reordering (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Fix IOV resource sorting by alignment requirement (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] aspm: Drop __pci_disable_link_state() useless "force" parameter (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Consider additional PF's IOV BAR alignment in sizing and assigning (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Add pcibios_iov_resource_alignment() interface (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Add pcibios_sriov_enable() and pcibios_sriov_disable() (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Calculate maximum number of buses required for VFs (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Refresh First VF Offset and VF Stride when updating NumVFs (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Index IOV resources in the conventional style (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Read capability list as dwords, not bytes (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Don't clear ASPM bits when the FADT declares it's unsupported (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Clarify policy for vendor IDs in pci.txt (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Assign resources before drivers claim devices (pci_scan_root_bus()) (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Fail pci_ioremap_bar() on unassigned resources (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Show driver, BAR#, and resource on pci_ioremap_bar() failure (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Mark invalid BARs as unassigned (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Assign resources before drivers claim devices (pci_scan_bus()) (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] pnp: Don't check for overlaps with unassigned PCI BARs (Myron Stowe) [1332667] - [pci] Add helper functions pci_get[put]_host_bridge_device() (Myron Stowe) [1332667]- [hid] remove hid_output_raw_report transport implementations (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: remove duplicated code (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] hidp: remove duplicated coded (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] i2c-hid: use generic .request() implementation (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] i2c-hid: implement ll_driver transport-layer callbacks (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] sony: do not rely on hid_output_raw_report (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] rmi: remove hdev->hid_output_raw_report() stubs (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] aw: replace hid_output_raw_report() calls by appropriates ones (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Synchronize MT frame on reset_resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: warn on sysfs group creation failure (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Release all touch slots on reset_resume (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: force retrieving of Win8 signature blob (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] fix ignore_special_drivers modparam description (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] fix hid_ignore_special_drivers module parameter (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: do not scan reports if the group is already set (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: prevent out-of-bound readings (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] fix out of bound access in extract() and implement() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: fix input mode switching on some Elan panels (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: enable palm rejection if device implements confidence usage (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] use to_hid_device() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] expose country code in sysfs (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] move to_hid_device() to hid.h (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Fetch feature reports on demand for Win8 devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Add suffix for HID_DG_TOUCHPAD (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: Avoid uninitialized buffer access (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] input: allow input_configured callback return errors (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Add support for CJTouch MultiTouch (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: do not reject devices when they declare too many usages (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Fix fields from pen report ID being interpreted for multitouch (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Export hid_field_extract() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] input: Fix coding style issue (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] input: Simplify conditional expression (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] input: Add parentheses to quell gcc warning (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] remove 2 unused usb.h includes (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Add support for button type usage (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: add support of clickpads (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] make hid_report_len as a static inline function in hid.h (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: Add quirk for VTL touch panels (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: cleanup .claimed field on disconnect (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: quirk for PM1610 and PM1640 Touchscreen (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: add two new usages for digitizer (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: fix validation of report id 0 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: fix computation of the report size (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: add support of EliteGroup 05D8 panels (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: do not scan constant input report (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: add support for Win 8.1 multitouch touchpads (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: add support of other generic collections in hid-mt (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: remove pen special handling (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: remove registered devices with default behavior (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] wiimote: replace hid_output_raw_report with hid_hw_output_report for output requests (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] logitech-dj: remove hid_output_raw_report call (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] revert "revert "hid: fix logitech-dj: missing Unifying device issue"" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] replace hid_output_raw_report with hid_hw_raw_request for feature requests (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] make .raw_request mandatory (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: check parameters when sending/receiving data from the device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Add HID transport driver documentation (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] input: hid-input remove hid_output_raw_report call (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: implement generic .request() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] introduce helper to access hid_output_raw_report() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] remove hidinput_input_event handler (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: use generic hidinput_input_event() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: update LED fields unlocked (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: make usbhid_set_leds() static (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] i2c: use generic hidinput_input_event() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] uhid: use generic hidinput_input_event() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] uhid: implement .raw_request (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] uhid: remove duplicated code (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] remove hid_get_raw_report in struct hid_device (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] aw: make comment more accurate and nicer (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] hidp: remove hidp_hidinput_event (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] logitech-dj: remove hidinput_input_event (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] logitech-dj: Fix non-atomic kmalloc in logi_dj_ll_input_event() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] add inliners for ll_driver transport-layer callbacks (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Add the transport-driver functions to the HIDP driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] bluetooth: hidp: implement hidinput_input_event callback (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Add the transport-driver function to the uhid driver (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Add transport-driver functions to the USB HID interface (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Add transport-driver callbacks to the hid_ll_driver struct (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] fix buffer allocations (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: add FocalTech FTxxxx support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] remove SIS entries from hid_have_special_driver[] (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] add support for SiS multitouch panel in the touch monitor LG 23ET83V (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: fix sis quirk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] usbhid: merge the sis quirk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] remove self-assignment from hid_input_report (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Fix unit exponent parsing again (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: fix hid delimiter local tag parsing (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] input: generic hidinput_input_event handler (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] do not init input reports for Win 8 multitouch devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] detect Win 8 multitouch devices in core (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] Use hid_parser for pre-scanning the report descriptors (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: devm conversion (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] explain out-of-range check better (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] fix false positive out of range values (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] core: fix reporting of raw events (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] remove duplicate ID for D-WAV eGalax 0x7224 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] sort IDs for D-WAV eGalax multitouch devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883] - [hid] multitouch: add support for Data Modul easyMaxTouch (Benjamin Tissoires) [1311883]- [powerpc] copro: Fix faulting kernel segments (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Ignore probes for virtual afu pci devices (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [include] cxl: Remove cxl_get_phys_dev() kernel API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Add tracepoints around the cxl hcall (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Adapter failure handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [include] cxl: Support the cxl kernel API from a guest (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Parse device tree and create cxl device(s) at boot (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [include] cxl: Support to flash a new image on the adapter from a guest (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: sysfs support for guests (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Add guest-specific code (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Separate bare-metal fields in adapter and AFU data structures (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: New hcalls to support cxl adapters (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [powerpc] New possible return value from hcall (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: IRQ allocation for guests (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Update cxl_irq() prototype (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Isolate a few bare-metal-specific calls (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Rename some bare-metal specific functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Introduce implementation-specific API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Define process problem state area at attach time only (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Move bare-metal specific code to specialized files (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Move common code away from bare-metal-specific files (Gustavo Duarte) [1275967] - [misc] cxl: Increase timeout for detection of AFU mmio hang (Steve Best) [1329682] - [x86] Mark Intel Knights Landing-F processor as not supported (Steve Best) [1331516] - [block] sysfs/blk-sysfs: fix uninitialized var usage (Ewan Milne) [1301477] - [kernel] ftrace: Update dynamic ftrace calls only if necessary (Jiri Olsa) [1255039] - [kernel] ftrace: Make ftrace_hash_rec_enable return update bool (Jiri Olsa) [1255039] - [kernel] nohz: Fix !HIGH_RES_TIMERS hang (Prarit Bhargava) [1329357] - [netdrv] myri10ge: fix sleeping with bh disabled (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1287506] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix spoofed packets with random MAC (Ken Cox) [1247345] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: use ether_addr_copy instead of memcpy (Ken Cox) [1247345] - [cpufreq] powernv: Define per_cpu chip pointer to optimize hot-path (Steve Best) [1329176] - [cpufreq] powernv: Fix bugs in powernv_cpufreq_{init/exit} (Steve Best) [1329176] - [cpufreq] powernv: Replace pr_info with trace print for throttle event (Steve Best) [1329176] - [cpufreq] powernv/tracing: Add powernv_throttle tracepoint (Steve Best) [1329176] - [cpufreq] powernv: Remove cpu_to_chip_id() from hot-path (Steve Best) [1329176] - [cpufreq] powernv: Free 'chips' on module exit (Steve Best) [1329176]- [x86] compat: Add missing CLAC to entry_INT80_32 (Lauro Ramos Venancio) [1316055] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: enforce nul-terminated table name from getsockopt GET_ENTRIES (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: make sure e->next_offset covers remaining blob size (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] ipv4/fib: don't warn when primary address is missing if in_dev is dead (Paolo Abeni) [1318271] {CVE-2016-3156} - [net] ipv4: Don't do expensive useless work during inetdev destroy (Paolo Abeni) [1318271] {CVE-2016-3156} - [net] bridge: fdb: rearrange net_bridge_fdb_entry (Jakub Sitnicki) [1311131] - [net] ipv6: Count in extension headers in skb->network_header (Jakub Sitnicki) [1323716] - [net] if_link: Add control trust VF (Jakub Sitnicki) [1302101] - [net] rtnetlink: verify IFLA_VF_INFO attributes before passing them to driver (Jakub Sitnicki) [1302101] - [net] ip6_tunnel: set rtnl_link_ops before calling register_netdevice (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1306774] - [net] ipvs: correct initial offset of Call-ID header search in SIP persistence engine (Paolo Abeni) [1322716] - [net] ipvs: allow rescheduling after RST (Paolo Abeni) [1322716] - [net] ipvs: drop first packet to redirect conntrack (Paolo Abeni) [1322716] - [net] ipvs: handle ip_vs_fill_iph_skb_off failure (Paolo Abeni) [1322716] - [net] ipvs: replace ip_vs_fill_ip4hdr with ip_vs_fill_iph_skb_off (Paolo Abeni) [1322716] - [net] tuntap: restore default qdisc (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] IFF_NO_QUEUE: Fix for drivers not calling ether_setup() (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] macvlan: convert to use IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] qdisc: enhance default_qdisc documentation (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] sched: simplify attach_one_default_qdisc() (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] sched: register noqueue qdisc (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] sched: ignore tx_queue_len when assigning default qdisc (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] fix IFF_NO_QUEUE for drivers using alloc_netdev (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] sched: drop all special handling of tx_queue_len == 0 (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] net_sched: gred: add TCA_GRED_LIMIT attribute (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] warn if drivers set tx_queue_len = 0 (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] bonding: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] bridge: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] 8021q: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] vxlan: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] team: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] nlmon: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] loopback: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] allow setting mac address of loopback device (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] dummy: convert to using IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] veth: enable noqueue operation by default (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] sch_generic: react upon IFF_NO_QUEUE flag (Phil Sutter) [1152231] - [net] declare new net_device priv_flag IFF_NO_QUEUE (Phil Sutter) [1152231]- [hv] vmbus: handle various crash scenarios (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: Support kexec on ws2012 r2 and above (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: avoid unneeded compiler optimizations in vmbus_wait_for_unload() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: remove code duplication in message handling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: avoid wait_for_completion() on crash (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: don't manipulate with clocksources on crash (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: avoid scheduling in interrupt context in vmbus_initiate_unload() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [hv] vmbus: do cleanup on all vmbus_open() failure paths (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1298093] - [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: Fix the issue of DMA-API related warnings (Ewan Milne) [1287291] - [block] mtip32xx: remove unneeded variable in mtip_cmd_timeout() (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Cleanup queued requests after surprise removal (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Implement timeout handler (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Handle FTL rebuild failure state during device initialization (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Handle safe removal during IO (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix for rmmod crash when drive is in FTL rebuild (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Avoid issuing standby immediate cmd during FTL rebuild (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Print exact time when an internal command is interrupted (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Remove unwanted code from taskfile error handler (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix broken service thread handling (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618 1284383] - [block] mtip32xx: restrict variables visible in current code module (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: don't open-code memdup_user() (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix accessing freed memory (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: increase wait time for hba reset (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: fix minor number (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: remove unnecessary sleep in mtip_ftl_rebuild_poll() (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: fix crash on surprise removal of the drive (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: Abort I/O during secure erase operation (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: fix incorrectly setting MTIP_DDF_SEC_LOCK_BIT (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: remove unused variable 'port->allocated' (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618] - [block] mtip32xx: fix rmmod issue (David Milburn) [1269525 1273618]- [netdrv] e1000: Double Tx descriptors needed check for 82544 (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Do not overestimate descriptor counts in Tx pre-check (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Elementary checkpatch warnings and checks removed (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: get rid of duplicate exit path (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: fix kernel-doc argument being missing (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: fix a typo in the comment (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: clean up the checking logic (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Remove checkpatch coding style errors (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: fix data race between tx_ring->next_to_clean (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: make eeprom read/write scheduler friendly (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: remove dead e1000_init_eeprom_params calls (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Use napi_alloc_skb (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Use eth_skb_pad and skb_put_padto helpers (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: unset IFF_UNICAST_FLT on WMware 82545EM (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: switch to napi_gro_frags api (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: convert to build_skb (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: rename struct e1000_buffer to e1000_tx_buffer (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: add and use e1000_rx_buffer info for Rx (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: perform copybreak ahead of DMA unmap (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: move tbi workaround code into helper function (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: move e1000_tbi_adjust_stats to where its used (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: e1000_ethertool.c coding style fixes (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: remove unnecessary break after return (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Use time_after() for time comparison (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: remove the check: skb->len<=0 (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: Use is_broadcast_ether_addr/is_multicast_ether_addr helpers (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: remove debug messages with function names (Jarod Wilson) [1274170] - [netdrv] e1000: delete non-required instances of include (Jarod Wilson) [1274170]- [netdrv] fm10k: use napi_complete_done() (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: do not use enum as boolean (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: use snprintf() instead of sprintf() to avoid buffer overflow (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: add support for extra debug statistics (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: TRIVIAL remove unnecessary comma (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: create "correct" header for the remote end on connect (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: drop transmitted messages in Tx FIFO as part of reset_work (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove comment about rtnl_lock around mbx operations (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix iov_msg_mac_vlan_pf VID checks (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: Only trigger data path reset if fabric is up (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: re-enable VF after a full reset on detection of a Malicious event (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: TRIVIAL fix typo in fm10k_netdev.c (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: send traffic on default VID to VLAN device if we have one (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: TRIVIAL fix up ordering of __always_unused and style (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove is_slot_appropriate (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't store sw_vid at reset (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: allow creation of VLAN interfaces even while down (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: Report MAC address on driver load (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: Don't assume page fragments are page size (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: update netdev perm_addr during reinit, instead of at up (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: update fm10k_slot_warn to use pcie_get_minimum link (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: only prevent removal of default VID rules (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: disable service task during suspend (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: Fix missing braces after if statement (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix iov_msg_lport_state_pf issue (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove err_no reference in fm10k_mbx.c (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix incorrect DIR_NEVATIVE bit in 1588 code (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: pack TLV overlay structures (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: re-map all possible VF queues after a VFLR (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: force LPORT delete when updating VLAN or MAC address (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: use dma_set_mask_and_coherent in fm10k_probe (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: trivial fixup message style to include a colon (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove extraneous NULL check on l2_accel (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: use an unsigned int for i in ethtool_get_strings (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: add call to fm10k_clean_all_rx_rings in fm10k_down (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix incorrect free on skb in ts_tx_enqueue (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: move setting shinfo inside ts_tx_enqueue (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: use correct ethernet driver Tx timestamp function (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: ignore invalid multicast address entries (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: fold fm10k_pull_tail into fm10k_add_rx_frag (Neil Horman) [1274178] - [netdrv] fm10k: Do not assume budget will never be 0 for NAPI (Neil Horman) [1274178]- [misc] cxl: Fix PSL timebase synchronization detection (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: use kobj_to_dev() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Enable PCI device ID for future IBM CXL adapter (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: use -Werror only with CONFIG_PPC_WERROR (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: fix build for GCC 4.6.x (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix DSI misses when the context owning task exits (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Set endianess of kernel contexts (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: use correct operator when writing pcie config space values (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix possible idr warning when contexts are released (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Free virtual PHB when removing (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [powerpc] pci: export pcibios_free_controller() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix number of allocated pages in SPA (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Workaround malformed pcie packets on some cards (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: fix leak of ctx->mapping when releasing kernel API contexts (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: fix leak of ctx->irq_bitmap when releasing context via kernel API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: fix leak of IRQ names in cxl_free_afu_irqs() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix lockdep warning while creating afu_err_buff attribute (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix build failure due to -Wunused-variable behaviour change (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: abort cxl_pci_enable_device_hook() if PCI channel is offline (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Set up and enable PSL Timebase (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix force unmapping mmaps of contexts allocated through the kernel api (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix + cleanup error paths in cxl_dev_context_init (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Remove racy attempt to force EEH invocation in reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Release irqs if memory allocation fails (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Remove use of macro DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Allow release of contexts which have been OPENED but not STARTED (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [include] cxl: Add alternate MMIO error handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Plug irq_bitmap getting leaked in cxl_context (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Add CONFIG_CXL_EEH symbol (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: EEH support (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [include] cxl: Allow the kernel to trust that an image won't change on PERST (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Don't remove AFUs/vPHBs in cxl_reset (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Refactor AFU init/teardown (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Refactor adaptor init/teardown (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Clean up adapter MMIO unmap path (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Make IRQ release idempotent (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Allocate and release the SPA with the AFU (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Drop commands if the PCI channel is not in normal state (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Convert MMIO read/write macros to inline functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: sparse: Silence iomem warning in debugfs file creation (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: sparse: Make declarations static (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Compile with -Werror (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Don't ignore add_process_element() result when attaching context (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: clean up afu_read_config() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Destroy afu->contexts_idr on release of an afu (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Destroy cxl_adapter_idr on module_exit (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: use more common format specifier (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Add explicit precision specifiers (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Check if afu is not null in cxl_slbia (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix off by one error allowing subsequent mmap page to be accessed (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fail mmap if requested mapping is larger than assigned problem state area (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix refcounting in kernel API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Test the correct mmio space before unmapping (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl/vphb.c: Use phb pointer after NULL check (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix typo in debug print (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Add CXL_KERNEL_API config option (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Reset default context for vPHB on release (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [include] cxl: Add AFU virtual PHB and kernel API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Export file ops for use by API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [include] cxl: Move include file cxl.h -> cxl-base.h (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Cleanup Makefile (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Rework context lifetimes (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Configure PSL for kernel contexts and merge code (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Split afu_register_irqs() function (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Only check pid for userspace contexts (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Export some symbols (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: cxl_afu_reset() -> __cxl_afu_reset() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Rework detach context functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Add cookie parameter to afu_release_irqs() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Dump debug info on the AFU configuration record (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Fix error path on probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Re-order card init to check the VSEC earlier (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Remove unnecessarily verbose print in cxl_remove() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Add shutdown hook (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [documentation] cxl: Document external user of existing API (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [powerpc] pci: Add pcibios_disable_device() hook (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [powerpc] Add cxl context to device archdata (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [powerpc] pci: Add release_device() hook to phb ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [powerpc] pci: Export symbols for CXL (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Use call_rcu to reduce latency when releasing the afu fd (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [misc] cxl: Export AFU error buffer via sysfs (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [include] cxl: Implement an ioctl to fetch afu card-id, offset-id and mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [documentation] cxl: Fix a typo in ABI documentation (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968] - [pci] Export symbols required for loadable host driver modules (Gustavo Duarte) [1275968]- [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the order of num_sc_offered decrement (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the array sizes to be max supported channels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix accessing freed memory in netvsc_change_mtu() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Move subchannel waiting to rndis_filter_device_remove() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: add ethtool support for set and get of settings (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: add software transmit timestamp support (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Restore needed_headroom request (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: cleanup netdev feature flags for netvsc (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix book keeping of skb during batching process (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use skb_get_hash() instead of a homegrown implementation (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix race condition on Multi-Send Data field (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate vlan_tci from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate status from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate xmit_more from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate completion_func from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate is_data_pkt from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate send_completion_tid from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate page_buf from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: remove locking in netvsc_send() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: move subchannel existence check to netvsc_select_queue() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Don't ask for additional head room in the skb (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate send_completion_ctx from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate send_completion from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminatte the data field from struct hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate rndis_msg pointer from hv_netvsc_packet structure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate the channel field in hv_netvsc_packet structure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Rearrange the hv_negtvsc_packet to be space efficient (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Resize some of the variables in hv_netvsc_packet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: rework link status change handling (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix dereference of nvdev before check (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Implement set_channels ethtool op (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Set vRSS with num_chn in RNDIS filter (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add structs and handlers for VF messages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Wait for sub-channels to be processed during probe (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add close of RNDIS filter into change mtu call (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Add support to set MTU reservation from guest side (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Allocate the sendbuf in a NUMA aware way (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Allocate the receive buffer from the correct NUMA node (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Properly size the vrss queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: change member name of struct netvsc_stats (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use per_cpu stats to calculate TX/RX data (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Use the xmit_more skb flag to optimize signaling the host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: remove unused variable in netvsc_send() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix a bug in netvsc_start_xmit() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: introduce netif-msg into netvsc module (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Implement partial copy into send buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: try linearizing big SKBs before dropping them (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: use single existing drop path in netvsc_start_xmit (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Fix the packet free when it is in skb headroom (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Define a macro RNDIS_AND_PPI_SIZE (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Clean up two unused variables (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Eliminate memory allocation in the packet send path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Cleanup the test for freeing skb when we use sendbuf mechanism (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: remove vmbus_are_subchannels_present() in rndis_filter_device_add() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hv_netvsc: Implement batching in send buffer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: Implement netvsc_get_channels() ethool op (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: fix sparse warnings (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix the error processing in netvsc_send() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: match wait_for_completion_timeout return type (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: netvsc.c: match wait_for_completion_timeout return type (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: Fix some variable name typos in send-buffer init/revoke (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: Deletion of an unnecessary check before the function call "vfree" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add handler for RNDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE event (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1257293]- [netdrv] bonding: fix bond_get_stats() (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: remove duplicate set of flag IFF_MULTICAST (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: use __ethtool_get_ksettings (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: don't use stale speed and duplex information (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Fix ARP monitor validation (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Prevent IPv6 link local address on enslaved devices (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: drop unused to_dev macro in bond_sysfs.c (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: remove redudant brackets (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: add 802.3ad support for 100G speeds (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: fix panic on non-ARPHRD_ETHER enslave failure (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: simplify / unify event handling code for 3ad mode (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: unify all places where actor-oper key needs to be updated (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Simplify __get_duplex function (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: use l4 hash if available (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Export bond_option_active_slave_get_rcu (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: fix bond_poll_controller bh_enable warning (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Gratuitous ARP gets dropped when first slave added (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: add tlb_dynamic_lb netlink support (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: convert num_grat_arp to the new bonding option API (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: correct the MAC address for "follow" fail_over_mac policy (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: correctly handle bonding type change on enslave failure (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: trivial: remove unused variables (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Display LACP info only to CAP_NET_ADMIN capable user (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: export slave's partner_oper_port_state via sysfs and netlink (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: export slave's actor_oper_port_state via sysfs and netlink (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [net] rtnl/bond: don't send rtnl msg for unregistered iface (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: add netlink support for sys prio, actor sys mac, and port key (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Implement user key part of port_key in an AD system (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Allow userspace to set actors' macaddr in an AD-system (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Allow userspace to set actors' system_priority in AD system (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: fix kernel panic in bonding driver debugfs file: rlb_hash_table (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Make DRV macros private (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Remove unnecessary initialization (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Code re-factoring for admin, oper-key operations (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Fix another case of LACPDU not sent on slave (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: deprecate BOND_MONITOR_CHURNED in favor of existing definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Bonding Overriding Configuration logic restored (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Remove hardcoded initialization (Jarod Wilson) [1297931] - [netdrv] bonding: Don't segment multiple tagged packets on bonding device (Jarod Wilson) [1297931]- [net] ethtool: Set cmd field in ETHTOOL_GLINKSETTINGS response to wrong nwords (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: add new ETHTOOL_xLINKSETTINGS API (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: support set coalesce per queue (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: support get coalesce per queue (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [scsi] cxgb4i: don't redefine DIV_ROUND_UP (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [include] define DIV_ROUND_UP for userland (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: introduce a new ioctl for per queue setting (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [lib] bitmap: conversion routines to/from u32 array (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add tc offload feature flag (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rework setup_tc ndo op to consume general tc operand (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rework ndo tc op to consume additional qdisc handle parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: ensure channel counts are within bounds during SCHANNELS (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: correctly ensure {GS}CHANNELS doesn't conflict with GS{RXFH} (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: define INT_MAX for userland (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: make validate_speed accept all speeds between 0 and INT_MAX (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: future-proof interface for speed extensions (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: add IPv6 to the NFC API (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: add speed/duplex validation functions (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Declare netdev_rss_key as __read_mostly. (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Use kcalloc instead of kmalloc for ethtool_get_strings (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: clarify implementation of ethtool's get_ts_info op (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Add current supported tunable options (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: use "ops" name consistenty in ethtool_set_rxfh() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Return -EOPNOTSUPP if user space tries to read EEPROM with lengh 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Ethtool parameter to dynamically change tx_copybreak (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Add generic options for tunables (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Fix unwanted section breaks in kernel-doc (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Move kernel-doc comment next to struct ethtool_dump definition (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Document the general convention for VLAs in kernel space (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_perm_addr (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_stats (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_test (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of string set types (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Update documentation of struct ethtool_pauseparam (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_ringparam (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_eeprom (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_regs (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_wol (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_drvinfo (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of struct ethtool_cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: fixed trailing statements in ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: make .get_dump_data() harder to misuse by drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Fix comment regarding location of dev_ethtool() call (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: disambiguate XCVR_* meaning (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Disallow providing non zero VLAN ID for NIC drivers FDB add flow (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] make vid as a parameter for ndo_fdb_add/ndo_fdb_del (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add eth_platform_get_mac_address() helper. (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [pci] Add pci_device_to_OF_node() stub for !CONFIG_OF (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Rename NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM to NETIF_F_CSUM_MASK (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] sctp: Rename NETIF_F_SCTP_CSUM to NETIF_F_SCTP_CRC (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] provide generic busy polling to all NAPI drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] napi_hash_del() returns a boolean status (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] move napi_hash[] into read mostly section (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add netif_tx_napi_add() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] move skb_mark_napi_id() into core networking stack (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [netdrv] mlx4: remove mlx4_en_low_latency_recv() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove bnx2x_low_latency_recv() support (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [netdrv] mlx5: support napi_complete_done() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [netdrv] mlx5: add busy polling support (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] network drivers no longer need to implement ndo_busy_poll() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] allow BH servicing in sk_busy_loop() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] un-inline sk_busy_loop() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [netdrv] mlx4: mlx4_en_low_latency_recv() called with BH disabled (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] sched, net: Fixup busy_loop_us_clock() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add cpu_relax to busy poll loop (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] better skb->sender_cpu and skb->napi_id cohabitation (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] move netdev_pick_tx and dependencies to net/core/dev.c (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] netdevice: move netdev_cap_txqueue for shared usage to header (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] use reciprocal_scale() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] netdevice: add queue selection fallback handler for ndo_select_queue (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] core: explicitly select a txq before doing l2 forwarding (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] xps: fix xps for stacked devices (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [mm] make page pfmemalloc check more robust (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] generic dev_disable_lro() stacked device handling (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: add slave netlink policy and put slave-related ops together (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: add slave_changelink support and use it for queue_id (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] core: lockdep_rtnl_is_held can be boolean (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] allow netdev_all_upper_get_next_dev_rcu with rtnl lock held (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: Fix stacked device detection in arp monitoring (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] ethtool: Added port speed macros (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Find the nesting level of a given device by type. (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: create bond_first_slave_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] create sysfs symlinks for neighbour devices (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] expose the master link to sysfs, and remove it from bond (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] vlan: unlink the upper neighbour before unregistering (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] vlan: link the upper neighbour only after registering (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: remove slave lists (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: use neighbours for bond_next_slave() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: add __bond_next_slave() which uses neighbours (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: convert first/last slave logic to use neighbours (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add a possibility to get private from netdev_adjacent->list (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: convert bond_has_slaves() to use the neighbour list (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: make bond_for_each_slave() use lower neighbour's private (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add for_each iterators through neighbour lower link's private (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: modify bond_get_slave_by_dev() to use neighbours (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: populate neighbour's private on enslave (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add netdev_adjacent->private and allow to use it (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add RCU variant to search for netdev_adjacent link (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add adj_list to save only neighbours (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] use lists as arguments instead of bool upper (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: make alb_send_learning_packets() use upper dev list (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: convert bond_has_this_ip() to use upper devices (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] bonding: make bond_arp_send_all use upper device list (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add netdev_for_each_upper_dev_rcu() (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add netdev_upper_get_next_dev_rcu(dev, iter) (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] remove search_list from netdev_adjacent (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add lower_dev_list to net_device and make a full mesh (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] rename netdev_upper to netdev_adjacent (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] revert "[netdrv] bonding: propagate LRO disable to slave devices" (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] add netnotifier event for upper device change (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] Add max rate tx queue attribute (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] sysfs: get_netdev_queue_index() cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [1268334] - [net] sysfs: add documentation entries for /sys/class//queues (Ivan Vecera) [1268334]- [netdrv] e1000e: Adds hardware supported cross timestamp on e1000e nic (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Initial support for KabeLake (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Clear ULP configuration register on ULP exit (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Set HW FIFO minimum pointer gap for non-gig speeds (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Increase PHY PLL clock gate timing (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Increase ULP timer (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix msi-x interrupt automask (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Do not write lsc to ics in msi-x mode (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Do not read ICR in Other interrupt (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Remove unreachable code (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Switch e1000e_up to void, drop code checking for error result (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: initial support for i219-LM (3) (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Increase timeout of polling bit RSPCIPHY (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix division by zero on jumbo MTUs (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: clean up the local variable (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: use napi_complete_done() (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: get rid of unnecessary initializations in .get_drvinfo() (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Enable TSO for stacked VLAN (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Modify Tx/Rx configurations to avoid null pointer dereferences in e1000_open (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Increase driver version number (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix tight loop implementation of systime read algorithm (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix incorrect ASPM locking (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cosmetic changes (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix EEE in Sx implementation (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup qos request in error handling of e1000_open (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: i219 - k1 workaround for LPT is not required for SPT (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: i219 - Increase minimum FIFO read/write min gap (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: i219 - increase IPG for speed 10/100 full duplex (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: i219 - fix to enable both ULP and EEE in Sx state (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: synchronization of MAC-PHY interface only on non- ME systems (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix locking issue with e1000e_disable_aspm (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Move pm_qos_req to e1000e adapter (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Fix 82572EI that has no hardware timestamp support (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert to CYCLECOUNTER_MASK macro (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Include clocksource.h to get CLOCKSOURCE_MASK (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: convert to timecounter adjtime (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use napi_alloc_skb (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Resolve issues with Management Engine (ME) briefly blocking PHY resets (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add missing branding strings in ich8lan.c (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup unecessary references (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: PTP lock in e1000e_phc_adjustfreq (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix compiler warning (maybe-unitialized variable) (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix compiler warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: Validate hwtstamp_config completely before applying it (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Jarod Wilson) [1274171] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup boolean comparison to true (Jarod Wilson) [1274171]- [pci] cpcihp: Add missing curly braces in cpci_configure_slot() (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] aer: Avoid info leak in __print_tlp_header() (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] Don't read past the end of sysfs "driver_override" buffer (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] Fail MSI-X mappings if there's no space assigned to MSI-X BAR (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] Fix infinite loop with ROM image of size 0 (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [powerpc] rpc/pci: Add struct pci_ops member names to initialization (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] pciehp: Handle surprise add even if surprise removal isn't supported (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] pci/aspm: Use standard parsing functions for sysfs setters (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] Delete unnecessary NULL pointer checks (Myron Stowe) [1331507] - [pci] Prevent out of bounds access in numa_node override (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [pci] Prevent out of bounds access in numa_node override (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [pci] Remove unused and broken to_hotplug_slot() (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [pci] Make FLR and AF FLR reset warning messages different (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [pci] Simplify if-return sequences (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [pci] Delete unnecessary NULL pointer checks (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [pci] Allow numa_node override via sysfs (Myron Stowe) [1331488] - [x86] mm: pat: Avoid truncation when converting cpa->numpages to address (Larry Woodman) [1328755] - [fs] gfs2: Use gfs2 wrapper to sync inode before calling generic_file_splice_read() (Abhijith Das) [1331071] - [fs] lockd: create NSM handles per net namespace ("J. Bruce Fields") [1328938] - [fs] lockd: NLM grace period shouldn't block NFSv4 opens ("J. Bruce Fields") [1328938] - [fs] ext4: rate limit printk in buffer_io_error() (Carlos Maiolino) [1142771] - [fs] clarify rate limit suppressed buffer I/O errors (Carlos Maiolino) [1142771] - [fs] merge I/O error prints into one line (Carlos Maiolino) [1142771] - [fs] block: Remove annoying "unknown partition table" message (Carlos Maiolino) [1142771] - [fs] ovl: Ensure upper filesystem supports d_type (Vivek Goyal) [1288162] - [fs] epoll: restrict EPOLLEXCLUSIVE to POLLIN and POLLOUT (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1245628] - [fs] epoll: add EPOLLEXCLUSIVE flag (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1245628] - [fs] pipe: limit the per-user amount of pages allocated in pipes (Mateusz Guzik) [1313960] {CVE-2016-2847} - [sound] alsa: usb-audio: avoid freeing umidi object twice (Mateusz Guzik) [1310663] {CVE-2016-2384} - [netdrv] atl2: Disable unimplemented scatter/gather feature (Mateusz Guzik) [1320106] {CVE-2016-2117} - [misc] cxl: Configure the PSL for two CAPI ports on POWER8NVL (Steve Best) [1278793] - [powerpc] Define PVR value for POWER8NVL processor (Steve Best) [1278793] - [powerpc] powernv: Silence SYSPARAM warning on boot (Steve Best) [1331179] - [infiniband] hfi1: Move hfi1 driver to match upstream tree (Alex Estrin) [1328249]- [tools] power turbostat: intel xeon x200: fix erroneous bclk value (Steve Best) [1330164] - [tools] power turbostat: intel xeon x200: fix turbo-ratio decoding (Steve Best) [1330167] - [x86] kvm: vmx: disable PEBS before a guest entry (Radim Krcmar) [1272097] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: introduce and use xt_copy_counters_from_user (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: do compat validation via translate_table (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: xt_compat_match_from_user doesn't need a retval (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: arp_tables: simplify translate_compat_table args (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: ip6_tables: simplify translate_compat_table args (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: ip_tables: simplify translate_compat_table args (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: remove unused comefrom hookmask argument (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: validate all offsets and sizes in a rule (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: check for bogus target offset (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: check standard target size too (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: add compat version of xt_check_entry_offsets (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: assert minimum target size (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: kill check_entry helper (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: add and use xt_check_entry_offsets (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: validate targets of jumps (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: don't move to non-existent next rule (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: fix unconditional helper (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: validate e->target_offset early (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] netfilter: x_tables: check for size overflow (Florian Westphal) [1318693] {CVE-2016-3134} - [net] ipv6: sit: set rtnl_link_ops before calling register_netdevice (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1284001] - [net] team: team should sync the port's uc/mc addrs when add a port (Xin Long) [1225396] - [net] ipv6: always add flag an address that failed DAD with DADFAILED (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv6: keep existing flags when setting IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv6: restrict hop_limit sysctl setting to range [1; 255] (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv6: Only act upon NETDEV_*_TYPE_CHANGE if we have ipv6 addresses (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv6: clean up dev_snmp6 proc entry when we fail to initialize inet6_dev (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv6: fail early when creating netdev named all or default (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv4: fail early when creating netdev named all or default (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] ipv6: gre: setup default multicast routes over PtP links (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825] - [net] addr IFLA_OPERSTATE to netlink message for ipv6 ifinfo (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299825]- [block] nvme: Automatic namespace rescan fixup (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: mark request queue as mq asap (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix possible queue use after freed (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: dynamic h/w context count (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fix max_segments integer truncation (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: set queue limits for the admin queue (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix 0-length integrity payload (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Don't allow unsupported flags (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Move error handling to failed reset handler (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Simplify device reset failure (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix namespace removal deadlock (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Use IDA for namespace disk naming (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Don't unmap controller registers on reset (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Rate limit nvme IO warnings (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Poll device while still active during remove (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Requeue requests on suspended queues (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Allow request merges (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix io incapable return values (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: End unstarted requests on dying queue (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] uapi: update install list after nvme.h rename (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Export NVMe attributes to sysfs group (David Milburn) [1251944 1288601] - [block] nvme: Shutdown controller only for power-off (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: IO queue deletion re-write (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Remove queue freezing on resets (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Use a retryable error code on reset (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix admin queue ring wrap (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fixes for NVME_IOCTL_IO_CMD on the char device (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: synchronize access to ctrl->namespaces (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Move nvme_freeze/unfreeze_queues to nvme core (David Milburn) [1288601] - [pci] aer: include header file (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Export namespace attributes to sysfs (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Add pci error handlers (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] remove REQ_NO_TIMEOUT flag (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: merge iod and cmd_info (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move struct nvme_iod to pci.c (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: properly free resources for cancelled command (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: simplify completion handling (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: switch abort to blk_execute_rq_nowait (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: special case AEN requests (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: switch delete SQ/CQ to blk_execute_rq_nowait (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: factor out a few helpers from req_completion (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fix admin queue depth (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Simplify metadata setup (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Remove device management handles on remove (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Use unbounded work queue for all work (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Implement namespace list scanning (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: switch abort_limit to an atomic_t (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: remove dead controllers from a work item (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: merge probe_work and reset_work (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: do not restart the request timeout if we're resetting the controller (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: simplify resets (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add NVME_SC_CANCELLED (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: merge nvme_abort_req and nvme_timeout (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: don't take the I/O queue q_lock in nvme_timeout (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: protect against simultaneous shutdown invocations (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: only add a controller to dev_list after it's been fully initialized (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: only ignore hardware errors in nvme_create_io_queues (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: precedence bug in nvme_pr_clear() (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: Avoid memoryless numa node encoded in hctx numa_node (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: Reuse hardware context cpumask for tags (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: refactor set_queue_count (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move chardev and sysfs interface to common code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move namespace scanning to common code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move the call to nvme_init_identify earlier (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add a common helper to read Identify Controller data (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move nvme_enable,disable,shutdown_ctrl to common code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move remaining CC setup into nvme_enable_ctrl (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add explicit quirk handling (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move block_device_operations and ns/ctrl freeing to common code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: use the block layer for userspace passthrough metadata (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: split __nvme_submit_sync_cmd (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move nvme_setup_flush and nvme_setup_rw to common code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move nvme_error_status to common code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: factor out a nvme_unmap_data helper (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: refactor nvme_queue_rq (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: simplify nvme_setup_prps calling convention (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: split a new struct nvme_ctrl out of struct nvme_dev (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: use vendor it from identify (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: split nvme_trans_device_id_page (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: use offset instead of a struct for registers (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: split command submission helpers out of pci.c (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] clarify blk_add_timer() use case for blk-mq (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] fix blk_abort_request for blk-mq drivers (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add missing unmaps in nvme_queue_rq (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix calling unplug callbacks with preempt disabled (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: reap completion entries when deleting queue (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix possible arithmetic overflow for max segments (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: use split lo_hi_readq, lo_write_q (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: mark __blk_mq_complete_request() static (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Increase the max transfer size when mdts is 0 (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Precedence error in nvme_pr_clear() (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add missing endianess annotations in nvme_pr_command (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Add persistent reservation ops (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: avoid excessive boot delays with large lun counts (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: mark ctx as pending at batch in flush plug path (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix for trace_block_plug() (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: check bio_mergeable() early before merging (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: suspend i/o during runtime blk_integrity_unregister (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: initialize error to '0' (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: use an integer value to Linux errno values (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix use-after-free in blk_mq_free_tag_set() (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: factor out a helper to iterate all tags for a request_queue (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix racy updates of rq->errors (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fix 32-bit build warning (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Add explicit block config dependency (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: remove unused blk_mq_clone_flush_request prototype (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix waitqueue_active without memory barrier in block/blk-mq-tag.c (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: include in (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move to a new drivers/nvme/host directory (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add missing nvme_id_ctrl endianess annotations (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: move hardware structures out of the uapi version of nvme.h (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: add a local nvme.h header (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: properly handle partially initialized queues in nvme_create_io_queues (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: merge nvme_dev_start, nvme_dev_resume and nvme_async_probe (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: factor reset code into a common helper (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: merge nvme_dev_reset into nvme_reset_failed_dev (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: delete dev from dev_list in nvme_reset (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Simplify device resume on io queue failure (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Namespace removal simplifications (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Reference count open namespaces (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Set affinity after allocating request queues (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Using PRACT bit to generate and verify PI by controller (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Remove unreachable code in nvme_abort_req (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Add nvme subsystem reset IOCTL (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Add nvme subsystem reset support (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: removed unused nn var from nvme_dev_add (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Set queue max segments (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix race between timeout and freeing request (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: fix buffer overflow when reading sysfs file of 'pending' (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fixes u64 division which breaks i386 builds (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Use CMB for the IO SQes if available (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Unify SQ entry writing and doorbell ringing (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] blk-mq: set default timeout as 30 seconds (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Reread partitions on metadata formats (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix irq freeing when queue_request_irq fails (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme-core: fix build with gcc-4.4.4 (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Don't use fake status on cancelled command (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix device cleanup on initialization failure (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme-scsi: Catch kcalloc failure (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix IO for extended metadata formats (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: don't overwrite req->cmd_flags on sync cmd (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Memory barrier before queue_count is incremented (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: End sync requests immediately on failure (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Use requested sync command timeout (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fix type warning on 32-bit (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix obtaining command result (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: submit internal commands through the block layer (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] rename REQ_TYPE_SPECIAL to REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fail SCSI read/write command with unsupported protection bit (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: report the DPOFUA in MODE_SENSE (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: simplify and cleanup the READ/WRITE SCSI CDB parsing code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: first round at deobsfucating the SCSI translation code (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fix scsi translation error handling (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: split nvme_trans_send_fw_cmd (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: store a struct device pointer in struct nvme_dev (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: consolidate synchronous command submission helpers (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: fix kernel memory corruption with short INQUIRY buffers (David Milburn) [1288601] - [block] nvme: Fix VPD B0 max sectors translation (David Milburn) [1288601]- [hv] kvp: fix IP Failover (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: Remove util transport handler from list if registration fails (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: Pass the channel information during the init call (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: fix hvt_op_poll() return value on transport destroy (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: fix crash when device is removed from host side (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: introduce HVUTIL_TRANSPORT_DESTROY mode (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: rename outmsg_lock (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: fix memory leak on on_msg() failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: Invoke the poll function after handshake (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] vss: run only on supported host versions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: use memdup_user in hvt_op_write (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: catch allocation errors (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] tools: hv: report ENOSPC errors in hv_fcopy_daemon (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: run polling callback always in interrupt context (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: Increase the timeout for util services (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: checking the wrong variable (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] fcopy: dynamically allocate smsg_out in fcopy_send_data() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] kvp: check kzalloc return value (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: unify driver registration reporting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] fcopy: full handshake support (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] vss: full handshake support (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] kvp: convert to hv_utils_transport (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] fcopy: convert to hv_utils_transport (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] vss: convert to hv_utils_transport (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: introduce hv_utils_transport abstraction (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] fcopy: switch to using the hvutil_device_state state machine (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] vss: switch to using the hvutil_device_state state machine (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] kvp: switch to using the hvutil_device_state state machine (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: introduce state machine for util drivers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] fcopy: rename fcopy_work -> fcopy_timeout_work (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] kvp: rename kvp_work -> kvp_timeout_work (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] vss: process deferred messages when we complete the transaction (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] fcopy: process deferred messages when we complete the transaction (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] kvp: move poll_channel() to hyperv_vmbus.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] kvp: reset kvp_context (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: move kvp/vss function declarations to hyperv_vmbus.h (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] utils: move vmbus_open() to a later place (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [hv] Change variable type to bool (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1074407 1309368] - [fs] Restore inode_dio_done declaration (George Beshers) [1321161] - [x86] Reinstate pv_cpu_ops.read_tsc() (George Beshers) [1321161] - [x86] tsc: Restore rdtsc_barrier() (George Beshers) [1321161] - [netdrv] ibmveth: enable interrupts after napi_complete() (Thomas Huth) [1317487] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Fix endian issues with rx_no_buffer statistic (Thomas Huth) [1317487] - [netdrv] r8169: Remove unnecessary phy reset for pcie nic when setting link spped (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: Enable RX_MULTI_EN for RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_41~48 (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: fix "rtl_counters_cond == 1 (loop: 1000, delay: 10)" log spam (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: fix system hang problem (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: Correct the way of setting RTL8168DP ephy (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix typo in setting RTL8168H PHY PFM mode (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix typo in setting RTL8168EP and RTL8168H D3cold PFM mode (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: Update the way of reading RTL8168H PHY register "rg_saw_cnt" (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix typo in setting RTL8168H PHY parameter (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [netdrv] r8169: fix handling rtl_readphy result (Corinna Vinschen) [1298541] - [leds] powernv: removing NULL check (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix mis-merge of OPAL support for LEDS driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413] - [leds] powernv: Add driver for PowerNV platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413] - [powerpc] powernv: Create LED platform device (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413] - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL interfaces for accessing and modifying system LED states (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413] - [powerpc] leds: Introduce devres helper for led_classdev_register (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413] - [powerpc] devres: Add devm_kasprintf and devm_kvasprintf API (Gustavo Duarte) [1274413]- [x86] dmi: Switch dmi_remap() from ioremap() uncached to ioremap_cache() (Luiz Capitulino) [961581] - [pci] Generate uppercase hex for modalias var in uevent (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Don't look for ACPI hotplug parameters if ACPI is disabled (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Support 64-bit bridge windows if we have 64-bit dma_addr_t (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Apply _HPX Link Control settings to all devices with a link (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Don't oops on virtual buses in acpi_pci_get_bridge_handle() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Add ACS quirk for AMD A88X southbridge devices (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] msi: Remove unnecessary temporary variable (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] msi: Use __write_msi_msg() instead of write_msi_msg() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [powerpc] msi/powerpc: Use __read_msi_msg() instead of read_msi_msg() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci/msi: Remove "pos" from the struct msi_desc msi_attrib (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci/msi: Remove unused kobject from struct msi_desc (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] msi: Rename pci_msi_check_device() to pci_msi_supported() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] msi: Move D0 check into pci_msi_check_device() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci/msi: Remove arch_msi_check_device() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Add pci_remap_iospace() to map bus I/O resources (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Add generic domain handling (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] asm-generic/io.h: Fix ioport_map() for !CONFIG_GENERIC_IOMAP (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci/aer: Rename PCI_ERR_UNC_TRAIN to PCI_ERR_UNC_UND (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] aer: Add additional PCIe AER error strings (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] trace, ras: Add additional PCIe AER error strings (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] trace, ras: Replace bare numbers with #defines for PCIe AER error strings (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Remove assignment from complicated "if" conditions (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Remove assignment from "if" conditions (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Remove unnecessary curly braces (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Add space before open parenthesis (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [x86] pci: Mark PCI BIOS initialization code as such (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [x86] pci: Constify pci_mmcfg_probes[] array (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [x86] pci: Mark constants of pci_mmcfg_nvidia_mcp55() as __initconst (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [x86] pci: Move __init annotation to the correct place (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Remove unused pci_get_dma_source() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Remove unused pci_find_upstream_pcie_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [x86] pci: Mark DMI tables as initialization data (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Generate uppercase hex for modalias interface class (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Parenthesize PCI_DEVID and PCI_VPD_LRDT_ID parameters (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Use device flag helper functions (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Add device flag helper functions (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Configure *all* devices, not just hot-added ones (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Preserve MPS and MRRS when applying _HPX settings (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Apply _HPP settings to all hot-added PCI devices (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Preserve BIOS PCI_COMMAND_SERR and PCI_COMMAND_PARITY settings (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Apply _HPP settings to PCIe devices as well as PCI and PCI-X (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Remove unused pci_configure_slot() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] acpi / hotplug / pci: Remove pci_configure_slot() usage (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] shpchp: Remove pci_configure_slot() usage (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] hp: Remove pci_configure_slot() usage (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Add pci_configure_device() during enumeration (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Move pci_configure_slot() to drivers/pci/probe.c (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Whitespace cleanup in pci-acpi.c (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Move pci_get_hp_params() to drivers/pci/pci-acpi.c (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] hp: Configure hot-added display devices (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci: Enable CRS Software Visibility for root port if it is supported (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Check only the Vendor ID to identify Configuration Request Retry (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [include] pci/aer: Make standalone includable (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [kernel] resources: Add device-managed request/release_resource() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] Remove unnecessary variable in pci_add_dynid() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] pm: Allow PCI devices to be put into D3cold during system suspend (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [pci] pm: Drop unused runtime PM support code for PCIe ports (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [scsi] ipr: Use pci_enable_msi_range() and pci_enable_msix_range() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [scsi] ipr: Get rid of superfluous call to pci_disbale_msi/msix() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [block] nvme: Use pci_enable_msi_range() and pci_enable_msix_range() (Myron Stowe) [1325402] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: fix cmd_read_lock() acquiring write lock (Mike Snitzer) [1327629] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: fix READ_LOCK macros and cleanup WRITE_LOCK macros (Mike Snitzer) [1327629] - [md] dm: fix dm_target_io leak if clone_bio() returns an error (Mike Snitzer) [1327629] - [fs] nfsd: default NFSv4.2 to on ("J. Bruce Fields") [1272142] - [fs] ceph: don't increase filp->f_pos when readdir run out of buffer (Zheng Yan) [1320427] - [fs] gfs2: ignore unlock failures after withdraw (Benjamin Marzinski) [1250224] - [fs] fs: initmpfs replace MS_NOUSER in initramfs (Carlos Maiolino) [1225554] - [mm] actually clear pmd_numa before invalidating ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265] - [mm] memcg: fix memcg_size() calculation ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265] - [mm] hugetlb: check for pte NULL pointer in __page_check_address() ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265] - [mm] compaction: respect ignore_skip_hint in update_pageblock_skip ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265] - [kernel] sched/rt: Fix rq's cpupri leak while enqueue/dequeue child RT entities ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265] - [kernel] ftrace: Initialize the ftrace profiler for each possible cpu ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265] - [ipc] shm: correct error return value in shmctl(SHM_UNLOCK) ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1327265]- [powerpc] Align TOC to 256 bytes (Jan Stancek) [1327767] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix callback channel (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs4: resend LAYOUTGET when there is a race that changes the seqid (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: if we have no valid attrs, then don't declare the attribute cache valid (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: ensure that attrcache is revalidated after a SETATTR (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs4: limit callback decoding to received bytes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs4: start callback_ident at idr 1 (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: use sliding delay when LAYOUTGET gets NFS4ERR_DELAY (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs4: Cleanup FATTR4_WORD0_FS_LOCATIONS after decoding success (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Properly set NFS v4.2 NFSDBG_FACILITY (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: reduce the amount of ifdefs for v4.2 in nfs4file.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: use btrfs ioctl defintions for clone (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: allow intra-file CLONE (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: offer native ioctls even if CONFIG_COMPAT is set (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: pass on count for CLONE operations (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Supports hexadecimal number for sysctl files of sunrpc debug (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix GETATTR bitmap verification (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused xdr page offsets in getacl/setacl arguments (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] fs/nfs: remove unnecessary new_valid_dev check (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: fix variable type (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Add support for FF_FLAGS_NO_IO_THRU_MDS (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: When mirrored, retry failed reads by switching mirrors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Retry through MDS when getting bad length of data (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs/blocklayout: Fix bad using of page offset in bl_read_pagelist (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Return directly if encode_sessionid fail (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix bad checking of max taglen in callback request (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix bad defines of callback response maxsize (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Use NFS4_MAX_SESSIONID_LEN directly for decode/encode sessionid (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unneeded NFS_DEBUG checking before define NFSDBG_FACILITY (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove the left function defines in callback.h (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove the left global variable nfs_callback_tcpport (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Get rid of the unneeded addr stored in callback arguments (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsroot: make nfsroot to accept the 1024 bytes long directory name (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: add missing linux/types.h (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix an 'unused variable' complaint when #ifndef CONFIG_NFS_V4_2 (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: add NFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE ioctl (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: respect clone_blksize (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: get clone_blksize when probing fsinfo (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: add NFS_IOC_CLONE ioctl (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: add CLONE proc functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: add CLONE xdr functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Unify synchronous and asynchronous error handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't use synchronous delegation recall in exception handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_async_handle_error should take a non-const nfs_server (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Update the delay statistics counter for synchronous delays (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Refactor NFSv4 error handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix a tracepoint NULL-pointer dereference (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs4: reset states to use open_stateid when returning delegation voluntarily (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: nfs4_opendata_check_deleg needs to handle NFS4_OPEN_CLAIM_DELEG_CUR_FH (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't try to reclaim unused state owners (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix up page writeback accounting (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: disconnect and flush cqs before freeing buffers (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs41: make close wait for layoutreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Skip checking ds_cinfo.buckets when lseg's commit_through_mds is set (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.x/pnfs: Don't try to recover stateids twice in layoutget (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Recovery of recalled read delegations is broken (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix an infinite loop when layoutget fail with BAD_STATEID (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Do cleanup before resetting pageio read/write to mds (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: xs_sock_mark_closed() does not need to trigger socket autoclose (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Lock the transport layer on shutdown (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: Fix NULL reference caused by double freeing of fh_array (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that we wait for connections to complete before retrying (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: drop null test before destroy functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: fix pg_test page count calculation (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Optimise away the close-to-open getattr if there is no cached data (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Clean up ff_layout_write_done_cb/ff_layout_commit_done_cb (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Mark the layout for return in ff_layout_io_track_ds_error() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unneeded checking of the return value from scnprintf (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix truncated client owner id without proto type (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Mark layout for return if the mirrors are invalid (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: RW layouts are valid only if all mirrors are valid (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Fix incorrect usage of pnfs_generic_mark_devid_invalid() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Fix freeing of mirrors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Don't request a minimal read layout beyond the end of file (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Handle LAYOUTGET return values correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Don't ask for a read layout for an empty file (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a protocol issue with CLOSE stateids (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Don't mark the entire deviceid as bad for file errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Prevent SYN+SYNACK+RST storms (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: xs_reset_transport must mark the connection as disconnected (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure layoutreturn reserves space for the opaque payload (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Fix a protocol error in layoutreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Send attributes in OPEN request for NFS4_CREATE_EXCLUSIVE4_1 (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Get suppattr_exclcreat when getting server capabilities (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Update NFS4_BITMAP_SIZE (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Make opened as optional argument in _nfs4_do_open (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Check size by inode_newsize_ok in nfs_setattr (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: pnfs_mark_matching_lsegs_return must notify of layout return (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: remove unused declaration (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: decode_layoutstats does not need res parameter (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Allow coalescing of new layout segments and existing ones (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Allow pNFS device drivers to customise layout segment insertion (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Add sanity check for the layout range returned by the server (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] NFSv4.1/pnfs Improve the packing of struct pnfs_layout_hdr (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfile: ff_layout_remove_mirror can be static (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.2/pnfs: Make the layoutstats timer configurable (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfile: Ensure uniqueness of mirrors across layout segments (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Remove mirror backpointer to lseg (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/flexfiles: Add refcounting to struct nfs4_ff_layout_mirror (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs41/flexfiles: zero out DS write wcc (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs41: remove NFS_LAYOUT_ROC flag (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Add a tracepoint for CB_LAYOUTRECALL (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Add a tracepoint for CB_GETATTR (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Add a tracepoint for return-on-close events (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Force a post-op attribute update when holding a delegation (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure flexfiles reports all connection related errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure the flexfiles layoutstats timers are consistent (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs41: fix list splice type (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Enable delegated opens even when reboot recovery is pending (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: Fix an unused variable warning in pnfs_roc_get_barrier (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Allow sockets to do GFP_NOIO allocations (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs41/flexfiles: update inode after write finishes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs41: make sure sending LAYOUTRETURN before close if marked so (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] revert "nfsv4: Remove incorrect check in can_open_delegated()" (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Play safe w.r.t. close() races when return-on-close is set (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fix a close/delegreturn hang when return-on-close is set (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't fsync twice for O_SYNC/IS_SYNC files (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Drop double-underscores from __rpc_cmp_addr6() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't let the ctime override attribute barriers (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove nfs_release() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Rename nfs_commit_unstable_pages() to nfs_write_inode() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove nfs41_server_notify_{target|highest}_slotid_update() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Combine nfs_idmap_{init|quit}() and nfs_idmap_{init|quit}_keyring() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Use RPC functions for matching sockaddrs (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Add an rpc_cmp_addr_port() function (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Drop double-underscores from rpc_cmp_addr{4|6}() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Rename nfs_readdir_free_pagearray() and nfs_readdir_large_page() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused variable "pages_ptr" (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: remove some dead code in ff_layout_pg_get_mirror_count_write (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: move common blocklayout XDR defintions to nfs4.h (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: pass proper file mode to blkdev_get/put (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: reject too long signatures (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: set up layoutupdate_pages properly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: calculate layoutupdate size correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a thinko in xs_connect() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fix borken function _same_data_server_addrs_locked() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: nfs_set_pgio_error sometimes misses errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Remove redundant wakeup in pnfs_send_layoutreturn() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Remove redundant check in pnfs_layoutgets_blocked() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Remove redundant lo->plh_block_lgets in layoutreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Don't prevent layoutgets when doing return-on-close (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fix serialisation of layout return and layoutget (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Remove redundant checks in pnfs_layoutgets_blocked() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: Tighten up locking around DS commit buckets (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove duplicate svc_xprt_put from nfs41_callback_up (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: increase UNX_MAXNODENAME from 32 to __NEW_UTS_LEN bytes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.2/pnfs: Use GFP_NOIO for layoutstat reporting in the writeback path (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: LAYOUTSTATS ii_count should be ops instead of bytes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fix atomicity of commit list updates (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: take HCA driver refcount at client (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] core: Remove the ib_reg_phys_mr() and ib_rereg_phys_mr() verbs (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Count RDMA_NOMSG type calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Clean up xprt_rdma_print_stats() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Fix large NFS SYMLINK calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Fix XDR tail buffer marshalling (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Don't provide a reply chunk when expecting a short reply (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Always provide a write list when sending NFS READ (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Account for RPC/RDMA header size when deciding to inline (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove logic that constructs RDMA_MSGP type calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Clean up rpcrdma_ia_open() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove last ib_reg_phys_mr() call site (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Don't fall back to PHYSICAL memory registration (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Increase default credit limit (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Raise maximum payload size to one megabyte (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Make xprt_setup_rdma() agnostic to family of server address (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix an oops caused by using other thread's stack space in ASYNC mode (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: plug memory leak when ->prepare_layoutcommit fails (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Report TCP errors to the caller (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: translate -EAGAIN to -ENOBUFS when socket is writable (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't clear desc->pg_moreio in nfs_do_recoalesce() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix a memory leak in nfs_do_recoalesce (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: nfs_mark_for_revalidate should always set NFS_INO_REVAL_PAGECACHE (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove the "NFS_CAP_CHANGE_ATTR" capability (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Set NFS_INO_REVAL_PAGECACHE if the change attribute is uninitialised (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't revalidate the mapping if both size and change attr are up to date (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4/pnfs: Ensure we don't miss a file extension (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: xprt_complete_bc_request must also decrement the free slot count (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a backchannel deadlock (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: Don't throw out valid layout segments (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: pnfs_roc_drain() fix a race with open (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: Fix races between return-on-close and layoutreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: pnfs_roc_drain should return 'true' when sleeping (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: Layoutreturn must invalidate all existing layout segments (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.2/flexfiles: Fix a typo in the flexfiles layoutstats code (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Leases are renewed in sequence_done when we have sessions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: nfs41_sequence_done should handle sequence flag errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Handle SEQ4_STATUS_BACKCHANNEL_FAULT correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Handle SEQ4_STATUS_RECALLABLE_STATE_REVOKED status bit correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Handle SEQ4_STATUS_EXPIRED_SOME_STATE_REVOKED status bit correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Don't confuse ENOBUFS with a write_space issue (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Don't reencode message if transmission failed with ENOBUFS (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove invalid tk_pid from debug message (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove invalid NFS_ATTR_FATTR_V4_REFERRAL checking in nfs4_get_rootfh (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Drop bad comment in nfs41_walk_client_list() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unneeded micro checking of CONFIG_PROC_FS (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't setting FILE_CREATED flags always (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Use remove_proc_subtree() instead remove_proc_entry() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused argument in nfs_server_set_fsinfo() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix a memory leak when meeting an unsupported state protect (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: take extra reference to fl->fl_file when running a LOCKU operation (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: When returning a delegation, don't reclaim an incompatible open mode (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.2: LAYOUTSTATS is optional to implement (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.2: Fix up a decoding error in layoutstats (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Fix the reset of struct pgio_header when resending (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Turn off layoutcommit for servers that don't need it (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: protect ktime manipulation with mirror lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: provide pnfs_report_layoutstat when NFS42 is disabled (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: always update creds in mirror, even when we have an already connected ds (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: fix potential credential leak in ff_layout_update_mirror_cred (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: report layoutstat regularly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs42: serialize LAYOUTSTATS calls of the same file (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: encode LAYOUTSTATS flexfiles specific data (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: add ff_layout_prepare_layoutstats (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: track when layout is first used (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: add layoutstats tracking (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Remove unused struct members user_name, group_name (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: add pnfs_report_layoutstat helper function (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: fill in nfs42_layoutstat_ops (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs: Add a LAYOUTSTATS rpc function (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Set the TCP user timeout option on client sockets (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure we release the TCP socket once it has been closed (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Handle connection issues correctly on the back channel (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix comment for nfs_pageio_init() and nfs_pageio_complete_mirror() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: use sg_init_one() in krb5_rc4_setup_enc/seq_key() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Ensure we set NFS_CONTEXT_RESEND_WRITES when requeuing writes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix stateid recovery on revoked delegations (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix showing truncated fsid/dev in, /proc/net/nfsfs/volumes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: make nfs4_init_uniform_client_string use a dynamically allocated buffer (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: make nfs4_init_nonuniform_client_string use a dynamically allocated buffer (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: update maxsz values for SETCLIENTID and EXCHANGE_ID (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: convert setclientid and exchange_id encoders to use clp->cl_owner_id (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: use swap() in ff_layout_sort_mirrors() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Reduce per-transport MR allocation (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Stack relief in fmr_op_map() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Split rb_lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_ia::ri_memreg_strategy (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove ->ro_reset (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove unused LOCAL_INV recovery logic (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Acquire MRs in rpcrdma_register_external() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Introduce an FRMR recovery workqueue (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Acquire FMRs in rpcrdma_fmr_register_external() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Introduce helpers for allocating MWs (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Use ib_device pointer safely (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove rr_func (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Replace rpcrdma_rep::rr_buffer with rr_rxprt (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Warn when there are orphaned IB objects (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we update the sequence id under the slot table lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Initialize cb_sequenceres information before validate_seqid() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: deny backchannel RPCs with an incorrect authflavor instead of dropping them (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Address kbuild warning in net/sunrpc/debugfs.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Only update callback sequnce id when CB_SEQUENCE success (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Convert use of __constant_htonl to htonl (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Transport fault injection (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused nfs_rw_ops->rw_release() function (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: turn swapper_enable/disable functions into rpc_xprt_ops (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: lock xprt before trying to set memalloc on the sockets (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: if we're closing down a socket, clear memalloc on it first (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: make xprt->swapper an atomic_t (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: keep a count of swapfiles associated with the rpc_clnt (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a backchannel race (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Clean up allocation and freeing of back channel requests (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove unused argument 'tk_ops' in rpc_run_bc_task (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_handle_delegation_recall_error should ignore EAGAIN (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Clean up bc_send() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Backchannel handle socket nospace (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a memory leak in the backchannel code (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: drop unneeded goto (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix size of NFSACL SETACL operations (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: report more appropriate block size for directories (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: stat(2) fails during cthon04 basic test5 on NFSv4.0 (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] fs/nfs: fix new compiler warning about boolean in switch (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove unneeded casts in nfs (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] revert "nfs: replace nfs_add_stats with nfs_inc_stats when add one" (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Rename idmap.c to nfs4idmap.c (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Move nfs_idmap.h into fs/nfs/ (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove CONFIG_NFS_V4 checks from nfs_idmap.h (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Make rpcrdma_{un}map_one() into inline functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Handle non-SEND completions via a callout (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add "open" memreg op (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add "destroy MRs" memreg op (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add "reset MRs" memreg op (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add "init MRs" memreg op (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add a "deregister_external" op for each memreg mode (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add a "register_external" op for each memreg mode (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add a "max_payload" op for each memreg mode (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add vector of ops for each memory registration strategy (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Prevent infinite loop in rpcrdma_ep_create() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Byte-align FRWR registration (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Perform a full marshal on retransmit (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Display IPv6 addresses and port numbers correctly (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Introduce missing well-known netids (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Block new writes while syncing data in nfs_getattr() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Separate out metadata and data consistency for pNFS (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure we send layoutcommit before return-on-close (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Ensure that writes respect the O_SYNC flag when doing O_DIRECT (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Truncating file opens should also sync O_DIRECT writes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: File unlock needs to be a metadata synchronisation point (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Add a helper to sync both O_DIRECT and buffered writes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Refactor pnfs_set_layoutcommit() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: Fix setting of layoutcommit last write byte (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Return the delegation before returning the layout in evict_inode() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Allow tracing of NFSv4 fsync calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix free_deveiceid -> free_deviceid (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Don't cache deviceids that have no notifications (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Allow getdeviceinfo to return notification info back to caller (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Cleanup - don't opencode nfs4_put_deviceid_node() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Convert pNFS deviceid to use kfree_rcu() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Return delegations synchronously in evict_inode (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a regression when reconnecting (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: clean up nfs_direct_IO (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: fix build-warning due to format missmatch (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Append delegations to the per-client list instead of prepending (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: use jiffies_to_msecs for converting jiffies (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: remount with security change should return EINVAL (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: do not export discarded symbols (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: don't export static symbol (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Clear the old state by our client id before establishing a new lease (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix a race in NFSv4.1 server trunking discovery (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't write enable new pages while an invalidation is proceeding (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Don't require a filehandle to refresh the inode in nfs_prime_dcache() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Set a barrier in the update_changeattr() helper (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Fix nfs_post_op_update_inode() to set an attribute barrier (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove size hack in nfs_inode_attrs_need_update() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Add attribute update barriers to delegreturn and pNFS layoutcommit (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Add attribute update barriers to NFS writebacks (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Set an attribute barrier on all updates (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Add attribute update barriers to nfs_setattr_update_inode() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Add a helper to set attribute barriers (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that buffered writes wait for O_DIRECT writes to complete (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_open_recover_helper() must set share access (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Store RDMA credits in unsigned variables (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Clean up bind_conn_to_session (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Always set up a forward channel when binding the session (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Don't set up a backchannel if the server didn't agree to do so (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Clean up create_session (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Kill unused nfs_inode->delegation_state field (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Can call nfs_clear_page_commit() instead (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Provide and use helper functions for marking a page as unstable (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Always manipulate rpc_rqst::rq_bc_pa_list under xprt->bc_pa_lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Convert open-coded array allocation calls to kmalloc_array() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Cleanup to remove xs_tcp_close() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Optimise layout return-on-close (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Address sparse complaint in rpcr_to_rdmar() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Ask for no delegation on OPEN if using O_DIRECT (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Add Anna Schumaker as co-maintainer for the NFS client (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: a couple off by ones (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: prevent truncate on active swapfile (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Update the GFP flags used in xprt_rdma_allocate() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Clean up after adding regbuf management (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Allocate zero pad separately from rpcrdma_buffer (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Allocate RPC/RDMA receive buffer separately from struct rpcrdma_rep (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Allocate RPC/RDMA send buffer separately from struct rpcrdma_req (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Allocate RPC send buffer separately from struct rpcrdma_req (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Add struct rpcrdma_regbuf and helpers (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Refactor rpcrdma_buffer_create() and rpcrdma_buffer_destroy() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Simplify synopsis of rpcrdma_buffer_create() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Take struct ib_qp_attr and ib_qp_init_attr off the stack (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Take struct ib_device_attr off the stack (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Free the pd if ib_query_qp() fails (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_ep::rep_func and ::rep_xprt (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Move credit update to RPC reply handler (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove rl_mr field, and the mr_chunk union (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove rpcrdma_ep::rep_ia (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Rename "xprt" and "rdma_connect" fields in struct rpcrdma_xprt (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Clean up hdrlen (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Display XIDs in host byte order (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Modernize htonl and ntohl (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: human-readable completion status (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Deal with atomic upgrades of an existing delegation (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Replace usage of nfs_client->cl_addr in encode_create_session (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Allow waiting on memory allocation (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Remove incorrect check in can_open_delegated() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Ignore transport protocol when detecting server trunking (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4/v4.1: Verify the client owner id during trunking detection (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfsv4: Cache the NFSv4/v4.1 client owner_id in the struct nfs_client (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: fix end calculation in pnfs_num_cont_bytes (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: add some tracepoints in svc_rqst handling functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Display async errors (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Enable pad optimization (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Re-write rpcrdma_flush_cqs() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Refactor tasklet scheduling (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: unmap all FMRs during transport disconnect (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Cap req_cqinit (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] xprtrdma: Return an errno from rpcrdma_register_external() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: define nfs_inc_fscache_stats and using it as possible (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: replace nfs_add_stats with nfs_inc_stats when add one (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Deletion of unnecessary checks before the function call "nfs_put_client" (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Remove dead case from nfs4_map_errors() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs/sunrpc: Remove other deadlock-avoidance mechanisms in nfs_release_page() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: avoid waiting at all in nfs_release_page when congested (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: avoid deadlocks with loop-back mounted NFS filesystems (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Enforce an upper limit on the number of cached credentials (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Enforce an upper limit on the number of cached access call (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix potential memory scribble in xprt_free_bc_request() (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that gss_auth isn't freed before its upcall messages (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Use PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO in 'nfs41_callback_up' function (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390] - [fs] nfs: Use PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO in 'nfs/nfs4super.c' (Benjamin Coddington) [1315390]- [netdrv] ptp: Add PTP_SYS_OFFSET_PRECISE for driver crosstimestamping (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [x86] tsc: Always Running Timer correlated clocksource (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] time: Add history to cross timestamp interface supporting slower devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] time: Add driver cross timestamp interface for higher precision time synchronization (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] time: Remove duplicated code in ktime_get_raw_and_real() (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] time: Add timekeeping snapshot code capturing system time and counter (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] time: Add cycles to nanoseconds translation (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] timekeeping: Add timekeeping_get_delta() (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] timekeeping: Simplify arch_gettimeoffset() (Prarit Bhargava) [1273198] - [kernel] time: Add timerkeeper::tkr_raw (Prarit Bhargava) [1321924] - [kernel] time: Rename timekeeper::tkr to timekeeper::tkr_mono (Prarit Bhargava) [1321924] - [kernel] timekeeping: Use tk_read_base as argument for timekeeping_get_ns() (Prarit Bhargava) [1321924] - [kernel] timekeeping: Create struct tk_read_base and use it in struct timekeeper (Prarit Bhargava) [1321924] - [kernel] timekeeping: Provide ktime_get_raw() (Prarit Bhargava) [1321924] - [kernel] time: Consolidate the time accessor prototypes (Prarit Bhargava) [1321924] - [usb] xhci: Workaround to get Intel xHCI reset working more reliably (Torez Smith) [1288941 1318570] - [idle] intel_idle: Add SKX support (Steve Best) [1258088] - [scsi] hpsa: update rev to 3.4.10-0-RH3 (Joseph Szczypek) [1296287] - [scsi] hpsa: check for a null phys_disk pointer in ioaccel2 path (Joseph Szczypek) [1296287] - [scsi] ses: fix discovery of SATA devices in SAS enclosures (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] scsi_transport_sas: add function to get SAS endpoint address (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] scsi_transport_sas: add is_sas_attached() function (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] ses: fix additional element traversal bug (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] ses: Add power_status to SES device slot (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] ses: add reliable slot attribute (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] ses: add enclosure logical id (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] ses: generate KOBJ_CHANGE on enclosure attach (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] ses: close potential registration race (Maurizio Lombardi) [1251124] - [scsi] add support for multiple hardware queues in scsi_(host_)find_tag (Ewan Milne) [1320306] - [scsi] fnic: move printk()s outside of the critical code section (Maurizio Lombardi) [1269289] - [tools] power turbostat: initial SKX support (Steve Best) [1273744] - [scripts] module: set ksymtab/kcrctab* section addresses to 0x0 (Phillip Lougher) [892004] - [cpufreq] powernv: Hot-plug safe the kworker thread (Steve Best) [1325776] - [powercap] intel_rapl: Add missing Haswell model (Steve Best) [1326231]- [scripts] kbuild: create directory for dir/file.o (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tests: Fix attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Fix interval output values (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf probe: Search both .eh_frame and .debug_frame sections for probe location (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix thread lifetime related segfaut in intel_pt (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: tracepoint_error() can receive e=NULL, robustify it (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Do not clean event's private stats (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists: Fix HISTC_MEM_DCACHELINE width setting (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf annotate browser: Fix behaviour of Shift-Tab with nothing focussed (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tests: Remove wrong semicolon in while loop in CQM test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Introduce FEATURES_DUMP make variable (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Add feature-dump target (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Pass O option to kernel makefile in build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Test correct path of perf in build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Pass O option to Makefile.perf in build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Set parallel making options build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix reading of build-id from vDSO (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf kvm record/report: 'unprocessable sample' error while recording/reporting guest data (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fallback to srcdir/Documentation/tips.txt (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf ui/tui: Print helpline message as is (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Set and pass DOCDIR to builtin-report.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add file_only config option to strlist (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add more usage tips (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf record: Add --buildid-all option (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] subcmd: Add missing NORETURN define for parse-options.h (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] Make list.h self-sufficient (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix mmap2 event allocation in synthesize code (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Fix recort_usage typo (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Reset err after using it hold errcode in hist testcases (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Fix false TEST_OK result for 'perf test hist' (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] Move Makefile.arch from perf/config to tools/scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix phony build target for build-test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add -lutil in python lib list for broken python-config (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing sources to perf's MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Add --trace-fields option to show trace fields (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf record: Store data mmaps for dwarf unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf libdw: Check for mmaps also in MAP__VARIABLE tree (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf unwind: Check for mmaps also in MAP__VARIABLE tree (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf unwind: Use find_map function in access_dso_mem (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Remove perf_evlist__(enable|disable)_event functions (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Make perf_evlist__open() open evsels with their cpus and threads (like perf record does) (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Show random usage tip on the help line (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists: Export a couple of hist functions (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf diff: Use perf_hpp__register_sort_field interface (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add overhead/overhead_children keys defaults via string (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Remove list entry from struct sort_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Include all tools/lib directory for tags/cscope/TAGS targets (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Align event name properly (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing headers in perf's MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Do not show trace command if it's not compiled in (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Change default to use event group view (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Decay periods in callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] lib: Move bitmap.[ch] from tools/perf/ to tools/{lib, include}/ (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] lib: Sync tools/lib/find_bit.c with the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] lib: Move find_next_bit.c to tools/lib/ (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tests: Give a bit more information on the CQM test failure path (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tests: No need to set attr.sample_freq for tracking !PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf python: Add missing files to binding link list (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: No need for setting attr.sample_freq on the RECORD test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Use "dummy" events in the PERF_RECORD_ test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__new_dummy constructor (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tests: No need to set attr.sample_freq in the perf time to TSC test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf pmu: fix alias->snapshot missing initialization bug (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Add script (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Display stat events by default (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf cpumap: Fix cpu conversion in cpu_map__from_entries (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Add python support for stat events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Add stat default handlers (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Add process_stat/process_stat_interval scripting interface (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Process stat config event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Process cpu/threads maps (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Keep sample_type 0 for pipe session (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Add documentation for dynamic sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add all matching dynamic sort keys for field name (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build feature: Use value assignment form for FEATURE-DUMP file (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build feature: Introduce feature_assign macro (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build feature: Move dwarf post unwind choice output into perf (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build feature: Fix feature_check_display_code typo (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Make 'trace' or 'trace_fields' sort key default for tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add 'trace_fields' dynamic sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Skip dynamic fields not defined for current event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Support '.*' dynamic sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Support shortcuts for events in dynamic sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report/top: Add --raw-trace option (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add 'trace' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Try to show pretty printed output for dynamic sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add dynamic sort key for tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Pass evlist to setup_sorting() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Create the evlist sooner (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] lib traceevent: Factor out and export print_event_field[s]() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hist: Save raw_data/size for tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hist: Pass struct sample to __hists__add_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Allow to override aggr_mode (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Process event update events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Process stat and stat round events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Move csv_sep initialization before report command (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Add support to initialize aggr_map from file (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Process stat config event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Process cpu/threads maps (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat report: Add report command (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Synthesize event update events (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Do not allow record with multiple runs mode (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Write stat round events on record (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Write stat events on record (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Add pipe support for record command (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Store events IDs in perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Export id_add_fd() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Synthesize stat record data (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Initialize record features (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat record: Add record command (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce stat header feature (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Display newly added events in raw dump (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add perf_event__fprintf_event_update function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add event_update event cpus type (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add event_update event name type (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add event_update event scale type (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add event_update event unit type (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add event_update user level event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat events fprintf functions (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat round event synthesize function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat round user level event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat event read function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat event synthesize function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat user level event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat config event read function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat config event synthesize function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add stat config user level event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add perf_event__fprintf_cpu_map function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add cpu_map__new_event function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add cpu_map event synthesize function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add cpu_map user level event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf thread_map: Add perf_event__fprintf_thread_map function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf thread_map: Add thread_map__new_event function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf thread_map: Add thread_map event sythesize function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf thread_map: Add thread_map user level event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] subcmd: Rename subcmd header include guards (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf subcmd: Create subcmd library (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Finalize subcmd independence (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Remove 'perf' from subcmd function and variable names (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Remove subcmd dependencies on strbuf (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Provide subcmd configuration at runtime (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Document the fact that parse_options*() may exit (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Move strlcpy() from perf to tools/lib/string.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build: Fix feature Makefile issues with 'O=' (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf record: Add config option (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Make options always available, even if required libs not linked (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Convert parse-options.c internal functions to static (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Move help_unknown_cmd() to its own file (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Remove check for unused PERF_PAGER_IN_USE (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Create pager.h (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Rename LIB_PATH -> API_PATH (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Fix 'make clean' (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Remove tarpkg at end of test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Remove unnecessary line in Makefile.feature (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Fix hist testcases when kptr_restrict is on (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf thread: Fix reference count initial state (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Dump the stack when test segfaults when in verbose mode (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Use same signal handling strategy as 'record' (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Clear struct machine during machine__init() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Add support for PERF_TYPE_BREAKPOINT (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf data: Add u32_hex data type (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Cleanup condition in perf_top__record_precise_ip() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Fix annotation on --stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Access hists->lock only if needed (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Do not convert address for perf_top__record_precise_ip() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix dso__load_sym to put dso (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Make perf_session__register_idle_thread drop the refcount (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] revert "perf tools: Improve setting of gcc debug option" (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Delete half-processed hist entries when exit (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Get rid of exit_browser() from usage_with_options() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf thread_map: Free strlist on constructor error path (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Do show usage message when failing to create cpu/thread maps (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Check argument before calling setup_browser() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf kvm: Remove invocation of setup/exit_browser() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf annotate: Delay UI browser setup after initialization is done (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf annotate: Check argument before calling setup_browser() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Move cmd_version() to builtin-version.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Save cmdline arguments earlier (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Move term functions out of util.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Remove unused pager_use_color variable (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix write_numa_topology to put cpu_map instead of free (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Fix machine.vmlinux_maps to make sure to clear the old one (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix maps__fixup_overlappings to put used maps (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists: Fix hists_evsel to release hists (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Fix cmd_stat to release cpu_map (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix map_groups__clone to put cloned map (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tui: Change default selection background color to yellow (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf annotate: ARM support (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Move enable_on_exec setup under earlier code (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Create events as disabled (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Use perf_evlist__enable in handle_initial_delay (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Factor perf_evlist__(enable|disable) functions (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evsel: Introduce disable() method (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evsel: Use event maps directly in perf_evsel__enable (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Create kernel maps properly for hist entries test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Prevent using bpf-output event in round trip name test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Fix cpus and thread maps reference in error path (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Use machine__new_host in mmap thread code reading test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Use machine__new_host in mmap thread lookup test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Use machine__new_host in dwarf unwind test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Pass correct string to dso__adjust_kmod_long_name (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists browser: Update nr entries regardless of min percent (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists: Do not skip elided fields when processing samples (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Show error message when processing sample fails (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf list: Robustify event printing routine (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: 'unwind' test should create kernel maps (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf evlist: Display WEIGHT sample type bit (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf stat: Clear sample_(type|period) for counting (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf symbols: Add the path to vmlinux.debug (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf symbols: Refactor vmlinux_path__init() to ease path additions (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build: Use fixdep with OUTPUT path prefix (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Pass perf_script into process_event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Correctly identify anon_hugepage when generating map (v2) (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Adjust dso->long_name for offline module (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf build: Fix traceevent plugins build race (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf script: Remove default_scripting_ops (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf top: Fix freeze on --call-graph flat/folded (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Honor hide_unresolved (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] build: Clean CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for fixdep (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to free temporal Dwarf_Frame correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] lib traceevent: Fix output of llu for 64 bit values read on 32 bit machines (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Add missing parent_val initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf config: Add initial man page (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Add 'perf config' command (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Add order support for libdw DWARF unwinder (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Add callchain order setup for DWARF unwinder test (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Add order support for libunwind DWARF unwinder (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Move initial entry call into get_entries function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf ui/gtk: Support folded callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf ui/gtk: Support flat callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists browser: Support folded callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists browser: Support flat callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf hists browser: Factor out hist_browser__show_callchain_list() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Add callchain value option (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Add count fields to struct callchain_node (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf callchain: Abstract callchain print function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf report: Support folded callchain mode on --stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Fix machine__findnew_module_map to put dso (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix machine__create_kernel_maps to put kernel dso refcount (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix __dsos__addnew to put dso after adding it to the list (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Fix to put new map after inserting to map_groups in dso__load_sym (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tools: Make perf_exec_path() always return malloc'd string (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Fix to destroy kernel maps when machine exits (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Fix machine__destroy_kernel_maps to drop vmlinux_maps references (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf machine: Fix machine__findnew_module_map to put registered map (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to free temporal Dwarf_Frame (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf test: Mute test cases error messages if verbose == 0 (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] perf tests: Pass the subtest index to each test routine (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] Clone the kernel's strtobool function (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [tools] Adopt memdup() from tools/perf, moving it to tools/lib/string.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix PEBS data source interpretation on Nehalem/Westmere (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/pebs: Add proper PEBS constraints for Broadwell (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/pebs: Add workaround for broken OVFL status on HSW+ (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add definition for PT PMI bit (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix PEBS warning by only restoring active PMU in pmi (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Use PAGE_SIZE for PEBS buffer size on Core2 (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/uncore: Fix build on UP-IOAPIC configs (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Get rid of the silly for_each_cpu() lookups (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Make PCI and MSR uncore independent (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Clear all hardware state on exit (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/uncore: Track packages, not per CPU data (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Store box in event->pmu_private (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/uncore: Make uncore_pcibus_to_physid() static (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Make code more readable (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Clean up hardware on exit (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add sanity checks for PCI dev package id (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix error handling (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Simplify error rollback (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove pointless mask check (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove SBOX support for BDX-DE (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event.h to its new home (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_p6.c ............... => x86/events/intel/p6.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_p4.c ............... => x86/events/intel/p4.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_knc.c .............. => x86/events/intel/knc.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_uncore_snbep.c => x86/events/intel/uncore_snbep.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_uncore_snb.c => x86/events/intel/uncore_snb.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_uncore_nhmex.c => x86/events/intel/uncore_nmhex.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_uncore.[ch] .. => x86/events/intel/uncore.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_rapl.c ....... => x86/events/intel/rapl.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_pt.[ch] ...... => x86/events/intel/pt.[ch] (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_lbr.c ........ => x86/events/intel/lbr.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_ds.c ......... => x86/events/intel/ds.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_cqm.c ........ => x86/events/intel/cqm.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel.c ............ => x86/events/intel/core.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_intel_bts.c ........ => x86/events/intel/bts.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_amd_uncore.c .... => x86/events/amd/uncore.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_amd_ibs.c ....... => x86/events/amd/ibs.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event_amd.c ........... => x86/events/amd/core.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Move perf_event.c ............... => x86/events/core.c (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: De-obfuscate code (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: add Intel SkyLake uncore IMC PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/amd: Remove l1-dcache-stores event for AMD (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Use unified perf_event_sysfs_show instead of special interface (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Enable cycles:pp for Intel Atom (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: fix PEBS issues on Intel Atom/Core2 (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix filter_events() bug with event mappings (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: use inst_retired.prec_dist for cycles: ppp (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Use INST_RETIRED.TOTAL_CYCLES_PS for cycles:pp for Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Allow zero PEBS status with only single active event (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Remove warning for zero PEBS status (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Remove old MSR perf tracing code (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix __initconst declaration in the RAPL perf driver (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [x86] perf/x86: Handle multiple umask bits for BDW CYCLE_ACTIVITY.* (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf: Synchronously free aux pages in case of allocation failure (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf: Remove stale comment (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf: Fix cgroup scheduling in perf_enable_on_exec() (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf: Fix cgroup event scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf: Add lockdep assertions (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf/core: Collapse more IPI loops (Jiri Olsa) [1323852] - [kernel] perf/core: Collapse common IPI pattern (Jiri Olsa) [1323852]- [drm] vmwgfx: respect 'nomodeset' (Rob Clark) [1284936] - [mm] export page_wakeup functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [kernel] sched/wait: Fix the signal handling fix (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [kernel] sched/wait: Fix signal handling in bit wait helpers (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [kernel] sched: add some "wait..on_bit...timeout()" interfaces (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [kernel] sched: Allow wait_on_bit_action() functions to support a timeout (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [fs] cifs: remove unused function cifs_oplock_break_wait (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [kernel] sched: Remove proliferation of wait_on_bit() action functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1315327] - [iommu] vt-d: Create RMRR mappings in newly allocated domains (Myron Stowe) [1311267] - [iommu] vt-d: Split iommu_prepare_identity_map (Myron Stowe) [1311267] - [iommu] vt-d: Move context-mapping into dmar_insert_dev_info (Myron Stowe) [1311267] - [iommu] vt-d: Calculate translation in domain_context_mapping_one (Myron Stowe) [1311267] - [x86] mm: suitable memory should go to ZONE_MOVABLE (Igor Mammedov) [1265880] - [mm] memory-hotplug: add zone_for_memory() for selecting zone for new memory (Igor Mammedov) [1265880] - [s390] mm: Fix memory hotplug for unaligned standby memory (Igor Mammedov) [1265880] - [mm] memory-hotplug: Remove "weak" from memory_block_size_bytes() declaration (Igor Mammedov) [1265880] - [mm] Add prototype declaration to the header file (Igor Mammedov) [1265880] - [mm] hotplug: verify hotplug memory range (Igor Mammedov) [1265880] - [fs] /proc/pid/smaps: show VM_SOFTDIRTY flag in VmFlags line (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] softdirty: enable write notifications on VMAs after VM_SOFTDIRTY cleared (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [fs] mm: softdirty: clear VM_SOFTDIRTY flag inside clear_refs_write() instead of clear_soft_dirty() (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] memory.c: don't forget to set softdirty on file mapped fault (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] softdirty: don't forget to save file map softdiry bit on unmap (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] softdirty: make freshly remapped file pages being softdirty unconditionally (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [x86] mm: don't lose the SOFT_DIRTY flag on mprotect (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] ignore VM_SOFTDIRTY on VMA merging (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [fs] mm: /proc/pid/pagemap: inspect _PAGE_SOFT_DIRTY only on present pages (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] track vma changes with VM_SOFTDIRTY bit (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] migration: do not lose soft dirty bit if page is in migration state (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] move_ptes -- Set soft dirty bit depending on pte type (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] save soft-dirty bits on file pages (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] save soft-dirty bits on swapped pages (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [fs] pagemap: prepare to reuse constant bits with page-shift (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [mm] soft-dirty bits for user memory changes tracking (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [fs] pagemap: introduce pagemap_entry_t without pmshift bits (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [fs] clear_refs: introduce private struct for mm_walk (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [fs] clear_refs: sanitize accepted commands declaration (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [x86] Revert the PAGE_BIT_SOFTDIRTY part from "mm: add memory tracking hooks" (Oleg Nesterov) [1269561] - [i2c] i801: Add support for Intel DNV (Steve Best) [1322042] - [scsi] ibmvfc: byteswap scsi_id, wwpn, and node_name prior to logging (Steve Best) [1322913] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: should hold RTNL while changing netdev type (Lubomir Rintel) [1322870] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: support "raw IP" mode (Lubomir Rintel) [1322870] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix IRQ affinity on s390x (Kamal Heib) [1264148 1287146]- [x86] irq: Cleanup ordering of vector numbers (Kim Naru) [1134596] - [x86] acpi: Disable ACPI table override if securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [1316304] - [pci] acpi: Optimize device state transition delays (Rui Wang) [1225272] - [pci] acpi: Install wakeup notify handlers for all PCI devs with ACPI (Rui Wang) [1225272] - [pci] Export pci_find_host_bridge() for use inside PCI core (Rui Wang) [1225272] - [pci] Make a shareable UUID for PCI firmware ACPI _DSM (Rui Wang) [1225272] - [ata] ahci: Intel DNV device IDs SATA (David Arcari) [1288612] - [acpi] processor: Request native thermal interrupt handling via _OSC (David Arcari) [1322158] - [acpi] pnp: add two IDs to list for PNPACPI device enumeration (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] pnp: remove Fujitsu device IDs from ACPI PNP ID list (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] pnp: Replace faulty is_hex_digit() by isxdigit() (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] pnp: add soc_button_array device ID to PNP IDs list (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] scan: drop unsupported serial IDs from PNP ACPI scan handler ID list (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] scan: drop IDs that do not comply with the ACPI PNP ID rule (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] scan: Allow ACPI drivers to bind to PNP device objects (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] pnp: use device ID list for PNPACPI device enumeration (David Arcari) [1320823] - [acpi] scan: .match() callback for ACPI scan handlers (David Arcari) [1320823] - [vfio] Enable No-IOMMU option for RHEL (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] fix ioctl error handling (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] iommu_type1: make use of info.flags (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Fix unsigned comparison overflow (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] noiommu: Don't use iommu_present() to track fake groups (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] Include No-IOMMU mode (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Use kernel VPD access functions (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] Whitelist PCI bridges (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Remove warning if try-reset fails (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Fix use after free (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Allow PCI IDs to be specified as module options (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Add VGA arbiter client (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577] - [vfio] pci: Add module option to disable VGA region access (Alex Williamson) [1299662 1322577]- [hv] vmbus: Support handling messages on multiple CPUs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: don't loose HVMSG_TIMER_EXPIRED messages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: avoid infinite loop in init_vp_index() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Add vendor and device atttributes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup vmbus_set_event() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Treat Fibre Channel devices as performance critical (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: fix the building warning with hyperv-keyboard (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] replace enum hv_message_type by u32 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] ring_buffer: eliminate hv_ringbuffer_peek() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] remove code duplication between vmbus_recvpacket()/vmbus_recvpacket_raw() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] ring_buffer: remove code duplication from hv_ringbuffer_peek/read() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] ring_buffer: remove stray smp_read_barrier_depends() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] ring_buffer: fix comment style (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Force all channel messages to be delivered on CPU 0 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a Host signaling bug (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: briefly comment num_sc and next_oc (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: channge vmbus_connection.channel_lock to mutex (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: release relid on error in vmbus_process_offer() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: fix rescind-offer handling for device without a driver (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: do sanity check of channel state in vmbus_close_internal() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: serialize process_chn_event() and vmbus_close_internal() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Use uuid_le_cmp() for comparing GUIDs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Use uuid_le type consistently (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] Define the channel type for Hyper-V PCI Express pass-through (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] Export the API to invoke a hypercall on Hyper-V (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] Export a function that maps Linux CPU num onto Hyper-V proc num (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] cleanup synic msrs if vmbus connect failed (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] share Hyper-V SynIC constants with userspace (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: fix init_vp_index() for reloading hv_netvsc (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: add a sysfs attr to show the binding of channel/VP (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Fix signal to host condition (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Further improve CPU affiliation logic (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Improve the CPU affiliation for channels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] Move MMIO range picking from hyper_fb to hv_vmbus (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] Modify hv_vmbus to search for all MMIO ranges available (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Consider ND NIC in binding channels to CPUs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: fix typo in hv_port_info struct (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Permit sending of packets without payload (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Allocate ring buffer memory in NUMA aware fashion (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Implement NUMA aware CPU affinity for channels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Use the vp_index map even for channels bound to CPU 0 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: distribute subchannels among all vcpus (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: move init_vp_index() call to vmbus_process_offer() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: decrease num_sc on subchannel removal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: unify calls to percpu_channel_enq() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: remove the redundant free_channel() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Add gradually increased delay for retries in vmbus_post_msg() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a siganlling host signalling issue (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Export the vmbus_sendpacket_pagebuffer_ctl() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Suport an API to send packet with additional control (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Suport an API to send pagebuffers with additional control (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Use a round-robin algorithm for picking the outgoing channel (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] vmbus: Add support for the NetworkDirect GUID (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] channel: match var type to return type of wait_for_completion (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [hv] make uuid_le const (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1321073] - [kernel] clocksource: Allow unregistering the watchdog (Cathy Avery) [1300325] - [hv] correct tsc page sequence invalid value (Cathy Avery) [1300325] - [hv] vmbus: fix build warning (Cathy Avery) [1300325] - [hv] vmbus: Implement a clocksource based on the TSC page (Cathy Avery) [1300325] - [kernel] clocksource: Reselect clocksource when watchdog validated high-res capability (Cathy Avery) [1300325]- [x86] kABI fix (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix load xsave feature warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix vmwrite to SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] vt-d: Use cmpxchg16b to update posted format IRTE atomically (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: move tracepoints outside extended quiescent state (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: mmu: always set accessed bit in shadow PTEs (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: expose MSR_TSC_AUX to userspace (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Reload pit counters for all channels when restoring state (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: rename update_db_bp_intercept to update_bp_intercept (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix root cause for missed hardware breakpoints (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix missed hardware breakpoints (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Update tsc multiplier on change (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Dump TSC multiplier in dump_vmcs() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Use a scaled host TSC for guest readings of MSR_IA32_TSC (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Setup TSC scaling ratio when a vcpu is loaded (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Enable and initialize VMX TSC scaling (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Use the correct vcpu's TSC rate to compute time scale (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Move TSC scaling logic out of call-back read_l1_tsc() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Move TSC scaling logic out of call-back adjust_tsc_offset() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Replace call-back compute_tsc_offset() with a common function (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] kvm: x86: Replace call-back set_tsc_khz() with a common function (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] kvm: x86: Add a common TSC scaling function (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Add a common TSC scaling ratio field in kvm_vcpu_arch (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Replace __get_cpu_var uses (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Collect information for setting TSC scaling ratio (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: declare a few variables as __read_mostly (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: merge handle_mmio_page_fault and handle_mmio_page_fault_common (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix SMEP and SMAP without EPT (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: zero apic_arb_prio on reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: removing unused variable (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: move steal time initialization to vcpu entry time (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: manually unroll bad_mt_xwr loop (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: remove incorrect vpid check in nested invvpid emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: expose VPID capability to L1 (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: nested VPID emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: emulate the INVVPID instruction (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: introduce __vmx_flush_tlb to handle specific vpid (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: adjust interface to allocate/free_vpid (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix waitqueue_active without memory barrier in virt/kvm/async_pf.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: Update Posted-Interrupts Descriptor when vCPU is blocked (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: Update Posted-Interrupts Descriptor when vCPU is preempted (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix build without CONFIG_SMP (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: select IRQ_BYPASS_MANAGER (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Update IRTE for posted-interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: make kvm_set_msi_irq() public (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: Define a new interface kvm_intr_is_single_vcpu() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: Add some helper functions for Posted-Interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: Extend struct pi_desc for VT-d Posted-Interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: Add an arch specific hooks in 'struct kvm_kernel_irqfd' (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: eventfd: add irq bypass consumer management (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: introduce kvm_arch functions for IRQ bypass (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: create kvm_irqfd.h (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: count number of assigned devices (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: make struct kvm_irq_routing_table public (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [vfio] Register/unregister irq_bypass_producer (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] IRQ bypass manager (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] Add virt directory to the top Makefile (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] irq: Show statistics information for posted-interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] irq: Define a global vector for VT-d Posted-Interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] x86: Implement irq_set_vcpu_affinity for intel_ir_chip (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] x86: Avoid migrating VT-d posted interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] x86: Save the mode (posted or remapped) of an IRTE (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] x86: cache IRTE in struct irq_2_iommu (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] genirq: Introduce irq_set_vcpu_affinity() to target an interrupt to a VCPU (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] iommu: dmar: Provide helper to copy shared irte fields (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] iommu: dmar: Extend struct irte for VT-d Posted-Interrupts (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] iommu, x86: Add cap_pi_support() to detect VT-d PI capability (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] x86: Provide irq_remapping_cap() interface (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] Add new member capability to struct irq_remap_ops (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [iommu] x86: Setup Posted-Interrupts capability for Intel iommu (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix host initiated access to guest MSR_TSC_AUX (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: drop rdtscp_enabled field (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: clean up bit operation on SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Fix commit which broke PML (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: unify SECONDARY_VM_EXEC_CONTROL update (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: align vmx->nested.nested_vmx_secondary_ctls_high to vmx->rdtscp_enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: simplify invpcid handling in vmx_cpuid_update() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: simplify rdtscp handling in vmx_cpuid_update() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: drop rdtscp_enabled check in prepare_vmcs02() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: add pcommit support (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: allow guest to use cflushopt and clwb (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: allow RSM from 64-bit mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: handle SMBASE as physical address in RSM (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: add read_phys to x86_emulate_ops (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix RSM into 64-bit protected mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix previous commit for 32-bit (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix SMI to halted VCPU (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: clean up kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: map/unmap private slots in __x86_set_memory_region (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: build kvm_userspace_memory_region in x86_set_memory_region (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: compile process_smi_save_seg_64() only for x86_64 (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: zero IDT limit on entry to SMM (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: svm: Only propagate next_rip when guest supports it (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] Use WARN_ON_ONCE for missing X86_FEATURE_NRIPS (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: svm: do not call kvm_set_cr0 from init_vmcb (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: trap AMD MSRs for the TSeg base and mask (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix VPID is 0000H in non-root operation (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: add capability for any-length ioeventfds (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: add tracepoint for fast mmio (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: use kmalloc() instead of kzalloc() during iodev register/unregister (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix zero length mmio searching (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix double free for fast mmio eventfd (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: factor out core eventfd assign/deassign logic (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: don't try to register to KVM_FAST_MMIO_BUS for non mmio eventfd (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: make the declaration of functions within 80 characters (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: irqchip: fix memory leak (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix polling for guest halt continued even if disable it (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: add halt_attempted_poll to VCPU stats (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] kvm: move new trace event outside #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_ASYNC_PF (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: trace kvm_halt_poll_ns grow/shrink (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: dynamic halt-polling (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: make halt_poll_ns per-vCPU (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: make halt_poll_ns static (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: Rename VMX's segment access rights defines (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86/vpmu: Fix unnecessary signed extension for AMD PERFCTRn (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix error handling in the function kvm_lapic_sync_from_vapic (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Use adjustment in guest cycles when handling MSR_IA32_TSC_ADJUST (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: drop ept misconfig check (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix off-by-one in reserved bits check (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: use correct page table format to check nested page table reserved bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: avoid uninitialized variable warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: fully check zero bits for sptes (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: introduce is_shadow_zero_bits_set() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: introduce the framework to check zero bits on sptes (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: split reset_rsvds_bits_mask_ept (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: split reset_rsvds_bits_mask (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: introduce rsvd_bits_validate (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: move FNAME(is_rsvd_bits_set) to mmu.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: clean/fix memory barriers in irqchip_in_kernel (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: document memory barriers for kvm->vcpus/kvm->online_vcpus (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: remove unnecessary memory barriers for shared MSRs (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: move code related to KVM_SET_BOOT_CPU_ID to x86 (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm/x86: add support for MONITOR_TRAP_FLAG (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: vmx instructions: add checks for #GP/#SS exceptions (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: reintroduce kvm_is_mmio_pfn (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: remove data variable from kvm_get_msr_common (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: obey KVM_X86_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED in kvm_set_cr0() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: rename quirk constants to KVM_X86_QUIRK_* (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: obey KVM_QUIRK_CD_NW_CLEARED (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: introduce kvm_check_has_quirk (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix CR0.CD virtualization (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix errors in kvm/coalesced_mmio.h (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix errors in kvm/async_pf.h (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: irqchip: Break up high order allocations of kvm_irq_routing_table (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Fix host crash when loading MSRs with userspace irqchip (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Add support for rdtscp (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: inline kvm_ioapic_handles_vector() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: Eliminate extra function calls in kvm_get_dirty_log_protect() (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: svm: Fix confusing message if no exit handlers are installed (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: For the symbols used locally only should be static type (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Avoid using plain integer as NULL pointer warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Do not emulate #UD while in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix re-execution of patched vmmcall (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: make kvm_emulate_* consistant (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: Fix indentation in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: no space before tabs in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: Missing blank line after declarations in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: EXPORT_SYMBOL should immediately follow its function (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix error: do not initialise statics to 0 or NULL in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix warning: labels should not be indented in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: Fix WARNINGs for 'sizeof(X)' instead of 'sizeof X' in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: fix errors in kvm/irqchip.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: white space formatting in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: fix initial PAT value (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Deliver MSI IRQ to only lowest prio cpu if msi_redir_hint is true (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Extended struct kvm_lapic_irq with msi_redir_hint for MSI delivery (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: tweak types of fields in kvm_lapic_irq (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: zero EFER on INIT (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: INIT and reset sequences are different (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: arm/mips/x86/power use __kvm_guest_{enter|exit} (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] kvm: provide irq_unsafe kvm_guest_{enter|exit} (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Fix MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS in msrs_to_save (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: fix comment in kvm_mmu_zap_collapsible_spte (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: mmu: lazy collapse small sptes into large sptes (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Clear CR2 on VCPU reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: DR0-DR3 are not clear on reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [include] kvm: x86: BSP in MSR_IA32_APICBASE is writable (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: remove unnecessary double caching of MAXPHYADDR (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: checks for address bits beyond MAXPHYADDR on VM-entry (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: cache maxphyaddr CPUID leaf in struct kvm_vcpu (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: pass error code with internal error #2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: optimize delivery of TSC deadline timer interrupt (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: extract blocking logic from __vcpu_run (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] Use bool function return values of true/false not 1/0 (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: remove useless check of "ret" variable prior to returning the same value (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Remove redundant definitions (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: removing redundant eflags bits definitions (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: BSF and BSR emulation change register unnecassarily (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: CMOV emulation on legacy mode is wrong (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: x86: Dirty the dest op page on cmpxchg emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Set msr bitmap correctly if vcpu is in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Enable nested posted interrupt processing (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Enable nested virtual interrupt delivery (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Enable nested apic register virtualization (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Make nested control MSRs per-cpu (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Enable nested virtualize x2apic mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: nvmx: Prepare for using hardware MSR bitmap (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: disable posted interrupts if no local APIC (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [x86] kvm: vmx: Preserve host CR4.MCE value while in guest mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888] - [virt] kvm: use slowpath for cross page cached accesses (Paolo Bonzini) [1301888]- [fs] btrfs: fix loading of orphan roots leading to BUG_ON (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: async-thread: Fix a use-after-free error for trace (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix no_space in write and rm loop (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock running delayed iputs at transaction commit time (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: initialize the seq counter in struct btrfs_device (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Initialize btrfs_root->highest_objectid when loading tree root and subvolume roots (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix transaction handle leak on failure to create hard link (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix number of transaction units required to create symlink (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: send, don't BUG_ON() when an empty symlink is found (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: statfs: report zero available if metadata are exhausted (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: igrab inode in writepage (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add missing brelse when superblock checksum fails (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix hang on extent buffer lock caused by the inode_paths ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix page reading in extent_same ioctl leading to csum errors (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix invalid page accesses in extent_same (dedup) ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: properly set the termination value of ctx->pos in readdir (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] revert "btrfs: clear PF_NOFREEZE in cleaner_kthread()" (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix fitrim discarding device area reserved for boot loader's use (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: handle invalid num_stripes in sys_array (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check prepare_uptodate_page() error code earlier (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check for empty bitmap list in setup_cluster_bitmaps (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix misleading warning when space cache failed to load (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix transaction handle leak in balance (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected list move from unused_bgs to deleted_bgs list (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix balance range usage filters in 4.4-rc (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: account shared subtree during snapshot delete (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use btrfs_get_fs_root in resolve_indirect_ref (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: fix quota disable during rescan (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between cleaner kthread and space cache writeout (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix scrub preventing unused block groups from being deleted (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between scrub and block group deletion (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix rcu warning during device replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Continue replace when set_block_ro failed (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix clashing number of the enhanced balance usage filter (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix the number of transaction units needed to remove a block group (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use global reserve when deleting unused block group after ENOSPC (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: tests: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix signed overflows in btrfs_sync_file (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Use fs_info directly in btrfs_delete_unused_bgs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix lost-data-profile caused by balance bg (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix lost-data-profile caused by auto removing bg (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove len argument from scrub_find_csum (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Reduce unnecessary arguments in scrub_recheck_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Use scrub_checksum_data and scrub_checksum_tree_block for scrub_recheck_block_checksum (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Reset sblock->xxx_error stats before calling scrub_recheck_block_checksum (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: scrub: setup all fields for sblock_to_check (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: scrub: set error stats when tree block spanning stripes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary new_valid_dev() check (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race when listing an inode's xattrs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race leading to BUG_ON when running delalloc for nodatacow (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race leading to incorrect item deletion when dropping extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix sleeping inside atomic context in qgroup rescan worker (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race waiting for qgroup rescan worker (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: exit the rescan worker during umount (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent accounting for partial direct IO writes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix hole punching when using the no-holes feature (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: find_free_extent: Do not erroneously skip LOOP_CACHING_WAIT state (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix a data space underflow warning (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix a rebase bug which will cause qgroup double free (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix a race in delayed_ref which leads to abort trans (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: clear PF_NOFREEZE in cleaner_kthread() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Don't copy extent buffer to do qgroup rescan (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add balance filters limits, stripes and usage to supported mask (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extend balance filter usage to take minimum and maximum (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add balance filter for stripes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extend balance filter limit to take minimum and maximum (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix regression running delayed references when using qgroups (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix regression when running delayed references (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't do extra bitmap search in one bit case (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: keep track of largest extent in bitmaps (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't keep trying to build clusters if we are fragmented (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cut down on loops through the allocator (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't continue setting up space cache when enospc (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: keep track of max_extent_size per space_info (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't loop in allocator for space cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add a flags field to btrfs_transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix prealloc under heavy fragmentation conditions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add fragment=* debug mount option (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix qgroup sanity tests (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: change how we wait for pending ordered extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Check if qgroup reserved space leaked (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Avoid calling btrfs_free_reserved_data_space in clear_bit_hook (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fallocate: Add support to accurate qgroup reserve (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add new trace point for qgroup data reserve (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Add handler for invalidate page (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add handler for NOCOW and inline (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Cleanup old inaccurate facilities (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent-tree: Switch to new delalloc space reserve and release (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent-tree: Add new version of btrfs_delalloc_reserve/release_space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent-tree: Switch to new check_data_free_space and free_reserved_data_space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent-tree: Add new version of btrfs_check_data_free_space and btrfs_free_reserved_data_space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Use new metadata reservation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Introduce new functions to reserve/free metadata (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delayed_ref: release and free qgroup reserved at proper timing (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delayed_ref: Add new function to record reserved space into delayed ref (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Introduce functions to release/free qgroup reserve data space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Introduce btrfs_qgroup_reserve_data function (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent_io: Introduce new function clear_record_extent_bits() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent_io: Introduce new function set_record_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent_io: Introduce needed structure for recoding set/clear bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: reada: Fix returned errno code (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check-integrity: Fix returned errno codes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: compress: put variables defined per compress type in struct to make cache friendly (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup iterating over prop_handlers array (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix a comment typo (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: declare rsv_count as unsigned int instead of int (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: change num_items type from u64 to unsigned int (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup btrfs_balance profile validity checks (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove an unsed varialbe first_index (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use btrfs_raid_array in btrfs_reduce_alloc_profile (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use btrfs_raid_array for btrfs_get_num_tolerated_disk_barrier_failures() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Move btrfs_raid_array to public (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use a single if() statement for one outcome in get_block_rsv() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: memset cur_trans->delayed_refs to zero (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary list_del (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: replace unnecessary list_for_each_entry_safe to list_for_each_entry (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: trimming some start_transaction() code away (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fixed declaration of old_len (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fixed dsize and last_off declarations (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_submit_bio_hook: Use btrfs_wq_endio_type values instead of integer constants (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix truncation of compressed and inlined extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix double range unlock of hole region when reading page (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix file corruption and data loss after cloning inline extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix resending received snapshot with parent (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix file corruption due to incorrect cloning operations (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: comment the rest of implicit barriers before waitqueue_active (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove extra barrier before waitqueue_active (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add comments to barriers before waitqueue_active (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: comment waitqueue_active implied by locks (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add barrier for waitqueue_active in clear_btree_io_tree (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove waitqueue_active check from btrfs_rm_dev_replace_unblocked (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch more printks to our helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch message printers to ratelimited variants (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: introduce ratelimited variants of message printing functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch message printers to ratelimited _in_rcu variants (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: introduce ratelimited _in_rcu variants of message printing functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch message printers to _in_rcu variants (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: introduce _in_rcu variants of message printing functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: move kobj stuff out of dev_replace lock range (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add helper for closing one device (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't log error from btrfs_get_bdev_and_sb (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: kernel operation should come after user input has been verified (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: enhance btrfs_scratch_superblock to scratch all superblocks (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add btrfs_read_dev_one_super() to read one specific SB (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use BTRFS_ERROR_DEV_MISSING_NOT_FOUND when missing device is not found (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: consolidate btrfs_error() to btrfs_std_error() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: __btrfs_std_error() logic should be consistent w/out CONFIG_PRINTK defined (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: SB read failure should return EIO for __bread failure (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: rename super_kobj to fsid_kobj (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_kobj_rm_device to btrfs_sysfs_rm_device_link (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_kobj_add_device to btrfs_sysfs_add_device_link (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_sysfs_remove_one to btrfs_sysfs_remove_mounted (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_sysfs_add_one to btrfs_sysfs_add_mounted (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix possible leak in btrfs_ioctl_balance() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Avoid truncate tailing page if fallocate range doesn't exceed inode size (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix use after free iterating extrefs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check unsupported filters in balance arguments (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: support NFSv2 export (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: open_ctree: Fix possible memory leak (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock when finalizing block group creation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: update fix for read corruption of compressed and shared extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix corner case for reference overwrite detection (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: keep dropped roots in cache until transaction commit (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: direct i/o: Fix space accounting (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: skip waiting on ordered range for special files (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix read corruption of compressed and shared extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary locking of cleaner_mutex to avoid deadlock (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't initialize a space info as full to prevent ENOSPC (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: remove unnecessary check before btrfs_free_path is called (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: async_thread: Fix workqueue 'max_active' value when initializing (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Add raid56 support for updating num_tolerated_disk_barrier_failures in btrfs_balance (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup for btrfs_calc_num_tolerated_disk_barrier_failures (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove noused chunk_tree and chunk_objectid from scrub_enumerate_chunks and scrub_chunk (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Update out-of-date "skip parity stripe" comment (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix file read corruption after extent cloning and fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check if previous transaction aborted to avoid fs corruption (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use __GFP_NOFAIL in alloc_btrfs_bio (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Prevent from early transaction abort (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove unused arguments in tree-log.c (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove useless condition in start_log_trans() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused mutex from struct 'btrfs_fs_info' (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix parity scrub of RAID 5/6 with missing device (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix device replace of a missing RAID 5/6 device (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add RAID 5/6 BTRFS_RBIO_REBUILD_MISSING operation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: count devices correctly in readahead during RAID 5/6 replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove misleading handling of missing device scrub (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix clone / extent-same deadlocks (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix defrag to merge tail file extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix warning in backref walking (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Add WARN_ON() for double lock in btrfs_tree_lock() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove root argument in extent_data_ref_count() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix wrong comment of btrfs_alloc_tree_block() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: abort transaction on btrfs_reloc_cow_block() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove unnecessary variants in relocation.c (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: Remove chunk_objectid argument from btrfs_relocate_chunk() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: Remove objectid's init-value in create_reloc_inode() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Error handle for get_ref_objectid_v0() in relocate_block_group() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix data checksum error cause by replace with io-load (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use scrub_pause_on/off() to reduce code in scrub_enumerate_chunks() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Separate scrub_blocked_if_needed() to scrub_pause_on/off() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Use ref_cnt for set_block_group_ro() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Bypass unrelated items before accessing its contents in scrub (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Load only necessary csums into list in scrub (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix calculate typo caused by ambiguous meaning of logic_end (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Free checksum list on scrub_extent() fail (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Check cancel and pause in interval of scrub operation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Show detail information when mount failed on missing devices (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix scrub panic when leaf crosses stripes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix stale dir entries after removing a link and fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix search key advancing condition (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: teach backref walking about backrefs with underflowed offset values (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix stale dir entries after unlink, inode eviction and fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix stale directory entries after fsync log replay (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Spelling s/consitent/consistent/ (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add missing discards when unpinning extents with -o discard (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: explictly delete unused block groups in close_ctree and ro-remount (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: iterate over unused chunk space in FITRIM (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: skip superblocks during discard (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_issue_discard ensure offset/length are aligned to sector boundaries (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: make btrfs_issue_discard return bytes discarded (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix a regression in qgroup reserved space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix quick exhaustion of the system array in the superblock (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: its btrfs_err() instead of btrfs_error() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Avoid NULL pointer dereference of free_extent_buffer when read_tree_block() fail (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix lockdep warning of btrfs_run_delayed_iputs() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix file corruption after cloning inline extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix order by which delayed references are run (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix list transaction->pending_ordered corruption (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak in the extent_same ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix shrinking truncate when the no_holes feature is enabled (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong check for btrfs_force_chunk_alloc() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix warning of bytes_may_use (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix hang when failing to submit bio of directIO (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix a comment in inode.c:evict_inode_truncate_pages() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory corruption on failure to submit bio for direct IO (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't update mtime/ctime on deduped inodes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: allow dedupe of same inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock with extent-same and readpage (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: pass unaligned length to btrfs_cmp_data() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync after truncate when no_holes feature is enabled (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync xattr loss in the fast fsync path (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync data loss after append write (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash on close_ctree() if cleaner starts new transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between caching kthread and returning inode to inode cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use kmem_cache_free when freeing entry in inode cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between balance and unused block group deletion (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add error handling for scrub_workers_get() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup noused initialization of dev in btrfs_end_bio() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: allow user to clear the limitation on qgroup (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delayed-ref: double free in btrfs_add_delayed_tree_ref() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Check if kobject is initialized before put (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: add support to show replacing target in the sysfs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: free the stale device (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use received_uuid of parent during send (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix use-after-free in btrfs_replay_log (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: wait for delayed iputs on no space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Make snapshot accounting work with new extent-oriented qgroup (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add the ability to skip given qgroup for old/new_roots (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: ulist: Add ulist_del() function (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Cleanup the old ref_node-oriented mechanism (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Switch self test to extent-oriented qgroup mechanism (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Switch to new extent-oriented qgroup mechanism (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Switch rescan to new mechanism (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add new qgroup calculation function btrfs_qgroup_account_extents() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: backref: Add special time_seq == (u64)-1 case for btrfs_find_all_roots() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add new function to record old_roots (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Record possible quota-related extent for qgroup (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add function qgroup_update_counters() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Add function qgroup_update_refcnt() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: extent-tree: Use ref_node to replace unneeded parameters in __inc_extent_ref() and __free_extent() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Cleanup open-coded old/new_refcnt update and read (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delayed-ref: Cleanup the unneeded functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delayed-ref: Use list to replace the ref_root in ref_head (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: backref: Don't merge refs which are not for same block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix lockdep warning of wr_ctx->wr_lock in scrub_free_wr_ctx() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Handle unaligned length in extent_same (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_defrag_file: Fix calculation of max_to_defrag (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_defrag_file: Fix ra_index computation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix necessary chunk tree space calculation when allocating a chunk (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't attach unnecessary extents to transaction on fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: avoid syncing log in the fast fsync path when not necessary (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix hang during inode eviction due to concurrent readahead (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix up read_tree_block to return proper error (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add missing free_extent_buffer (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove csum_bytes_left (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix -ENOSPC on block group removal (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix -ENOSPC when finishing block group creation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: set UNWRITTEN for prealloc'ed extents in fiemap (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: show subvol= and subvolid= in /proc/mounts (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: unify subvol= and subvolid= mounting (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fail on mismatched subvol and subvolid mount options (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] vfs: Introduce inode-getting helpers for layered/unioned fs environments (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: clean up error handling in mount_subvol() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove all subvol options before mounting top-level (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] lib: add glibc style strchrnul() variant (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: lock superblock before remounting for rw subvol (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: wake up extent state waiters on unlock through clear_extent_bits (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix chunk allocation regression leading to transaction abort (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use after free when closing devices (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: make root id query unprivileged (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix block group ->space_info null pointer dereference (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check error before reporting missing device and add uuid (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix superblock csum type check (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, fix clone operations for compressed extents (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix possible leak in btrfs_add_qgroup_relation() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix mutex unlock without prior lock on space cache truncation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: log when missing device is created (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix warnings after changes in btrfs_abort_transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add 'cold' compiler annotations to all error handling functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: report exact callsite where transaction abort occurs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: let tree defrag work in SSD mode (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs: check pending chunks when shrinking fs to avoid corruption (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, check if orphanized dir inode needs delayed rename (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, don't delay directory renames unnecessarily (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: don't fail seeding for the sake of sysfs kobject issue (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: add support to add parent for fsid (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: separate kobject and attribute creation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: btrfs_sysfs_remove_fsid() make it non static (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: make btrfs_sysfs_add_device() non static (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: make btrfs_sysfs_add_fsid() non static (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs btrfs_kobj_rm_device() pass fs_devices instead of fs_info (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs btrfs_kobj_add_device() pass fs_devices instead of fs_info (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: provide framework to remove all fsid sysfs kobject (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: add pointer to access fs_info from fs_devices (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: introduce btrfs_get_fs_uuids to get fs_uuids (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: move super_kobj and device_dir_kobj from fs_info to btrfs_fs_devices (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: separate device kobject and its attribute creation (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: let default_attrs be separate from the kset (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: introduce function btrfs_sysfs_add_fsid() to create sysfs fsid (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: rename __btrfs_sysfs_remove_one to btrfs_sysfs_remove_fsid (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: reorder the kobject creations (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: fix, check if device_dir_kobj is init before destroy (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: fix, kobject pointer clean up needed after kobject release (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: fix, undo sysfs device links (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: fix, fs_info kobject_unregister has init_completion() twice (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: fix, btrfs_release_super_kobj() should to clean up the kobject data (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix regression in raid level conversion (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix racy system chunk allocation when setting block group ro (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: clear 'ret' in btrfs_check_shared() loop (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race when reusing stale extent buffers that leads to BUG_ON (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between block group creation and their cache writeout (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix panic when starting bg cache writeout after IO error (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash after inode cache writeback failure (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong mapping flags for free space inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_release_extent_buffer_page didn't free pages of dummy extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fill ->last_trans for delayed inode in btrfs_fill_inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: unlock i_mutex after attempting to delete subvolume during send (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: check io_ctl_prepare_pages return in __btrfs_write_out_cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race on ENOMEM in alloc_extent_buffer (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: handle ENOMEM in btrfs_alloc_tree_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix find_free_dev_extent() malfunction in case device tree has hole (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't check for delalloc_bytes in cache_save_setup (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock when starting writeback of bg caches (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between start dirty bg cache writeout and bg deletion (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: prevent list corruption during free space cache processing (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix inode cache writeout (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: quota: Update quota tree after qgroup relationship change (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: quota: Automatically update related qgroups or mark INCONSISTENT flags when assigning/deleting a qgroup relations (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: clear STATUS_FLAG_ON in disabling quota (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Update btrfs qgroup status item when rescan is done (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Fix dead judgement on qgroup_rescan_leaf() return value (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Don't allow subvolid >= (1 << BTRFS_QGROUP_LEVEL_SHIFT) to be created (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Check qgroup level in kernel qgroup assign (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: allow to remove qgroup which has parent but no child (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: return EINVAL if level of parent is not higher than child's (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: do a reservation in a higher level (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup, Account data space in more proper timings (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: Introduce a may_use to account space_info->bytes_may_use (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: free reserved in exceeding quota (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: cleanup, remove an unsued parameter in btrfs_create_qgroup() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: fix limit args override whole limit struct (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: update limit info in function btrfs_run_qgroups() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: consolidate the parameter of fucntion update_qgroup_limit_item() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: update qgroup in memory at the same time when we update it in btree (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: inherit limit info from srcgroup in creating snapshot (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Support busy loop of write and delete (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix NO_SPACE bug caused by delayed-iput (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add WARN_ON() to check is space_info op current (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Set relative data on clear btrfs_block_group_cache->pinned (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Adjust commit-transaction condition to avoid NO_SPACE more (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix tail space processing in find_free_dev_extent() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix condition of commit transaction (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix uninit variable in clone ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix inode eviction infinite loop after cloning into it (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix inode eviction infinite loop after extent_same ioctl (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix range cloning when same inode used as source and destination (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix use after free when close_ctree frees the orphan_rsv (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: allow block group cache writeout outside critical section in commit (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't use highmem for free space cache pages (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: two stage dirty block group writeout (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: move struct io_ctl into ctree.h and rename it (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't steal from the global reserve if we don't have the space (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't commit the transaction in the async space flushing (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: reserve space for block groups (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: refill block reserves during truncate (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: account for crcs in delayed ref processing (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: actively run the delayed refs while deleting large files (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Add missing include file (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: free and unlock our path before btrfs_free_and_pin_reserved_extent() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove the check for old-style mkfs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup orphans while looking up default subvolume (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: explicitly set control file's private_data (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incorrect handling for fiemap_fill_next_extent return (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't accept bare namespace as a valid xattr (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix log tree corruption when fs mounted with -o discard (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix metadata inconsistencies after directory fsync (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: change the insertion criteria for the qgroup operations rbtree (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add missing inode item update in fallocate() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, remove dead code (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, clear name from cache after orphanization (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: send, don't leave without decrementing clone root's send_progress (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: send, add missing check for dead clone root (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove deleted xattrs on fsync log replay (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove shadowing variables in __btrfs_map_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch helper macros to static inlines in sysfs.h (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, use correct type in div_u64_rem (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: replace remaining do_div calls with div_u64 variants (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup 64bit/32bit divs, provably bounded values (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use explicit initializer for seq_elem (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove shadowing variables in __btrfs_buffered_write (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, use kmalloc_array/kcalloc array helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup 64bit/32bit divs, compile time constants (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use cond_resched_lock where possible (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: need_resched not needed with cond_resched (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, reduce temporary variables in btrfs_read_roots (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use correct type for workqueue flags (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_read_roots() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_replay_log() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_init_workqueues() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_init_qgroup() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_init_dev_replace_locks() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_init_btree_inode() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_init_balance() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: factor btrfs_init_scrub() out of open_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: consistently use fs_info in close_ctree() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused fs_info arg from btrfs_close_extra_devices() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: use for() loop in btrfs_map_bio() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused chunk_tree argument in several functions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: remove no-used alloc_chunk in btrfs_check_data_free_space() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: constify structs with op functions or static definitions (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch to kvfree() helper (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: disk-io: replace root args iff only fs_info used (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delayed-inode: replace root args iff only fs_info used (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: ctree: reduce args where only fs_info used (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix outstanding_extents accounting in DIO (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add sanity test for outstanding_extents accounting (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: just free dummy extent buffers (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: account merges/splits properly (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: prepare block group cache before writing (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix ASSERT(list_empty(&cur_trans->dirty_bgs_list) (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: account for the correct number of extents for delalloc reservations (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix merge delalloc logic (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix comp_oper to get right order (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: catch transaction abortion after waiting for it (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix sizeof format specifier in btrfs_check_super_valid() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove extra run_delayed_refs in update_cowonly_root (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, don't rename a directory too soon (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: do not ignore errors from btrfs_lookup_xattr in do_setxattr (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix off-by-one logic error in btrfs_realloc_node (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add missing inode update when punching hole (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: abort the transaction if we fail to update the free space cache inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix allocation size calculations in alloc_btrfs_bio (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't remove extents and xattrs when logging new names (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix BUG_ON in btrfs_orphan_add() when delete unused block group (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: account for large extents with enospc (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: don't set and clear delalloc for O_DIRECT writes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: only adjust outstanding_extents when we do a short write (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix out-of-space bug (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: scrub, fix sleep in atomic context (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix scheduler warning when syncing log (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] page_writeback: put account_page_redirty() after set_page_dirty() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup init for list in free-space-cache (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: delete chunk allocation attemp when setting block group ro (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: clear bio reference after submit_one_bio() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix scrub race leading to use-after-free (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add missing cleanup on sysfs init failure (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between transaction commit and empty block group removal (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add more checks to btrfs_read_sys_array (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, rename a few variables in btrfs_read_sys_array (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add checks for sys_chunk_array sizes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: more superblock checks, lower bounds on devices and sectorsize/nodesize (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Add code to support file creation time (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: kill btrfs_inode_*time helpers (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: insert_new_root: Fix lock type of the extent buffer (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix unused members in struct btrfs_root (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: move WARN_ON() to the correct location (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup unused run_most (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Introduce BTRFS_BLOCK_GROUP_RAID56_MASK to check raid56 simply (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Include map_type in raid_bio (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Simplify scrub_setup_recheck_block()'s argument (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Combine per-page recover in dev-replace and scrub (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Separate finding-right-mirror and writing-to-target's process in scrub_handle_errored_block() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Break loop when reach BTRFS_MAX_MIRRORS in scrub_setup_recheck_block() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_rm_dev_replace_blocked(): Use wait_event() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup btrfs_bio_counter_inc_blocked() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Remove noneed force_write in scrub_write_block_to_dev_replace (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Fix a jump typo of nodatasum_case to avoid wrong WARN_ON() (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: add ref_count and free function for btrfs_bio (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: Make raid_map array be inlined in btrfs_bio structure (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sort raid_map before adding tgtdev stripes (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix a out-of-bound access of raid_map (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync log replay for inodes with a mix of regular refs and extrefs (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync when extend references are added to an inode (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix directory inconsistency after fsync log replay (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: lookup for block group only if needed when freeing a tree block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove a no-op unfreeze superbock callback (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: switch extent_state state to unsigned (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: update message levels after checksum errors (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: update message levels during failed mount (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: update message levels for errors (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: fix setup_leaf_for_split() to avoid leaf corruption (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: track dirty block groups on their own list (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: change how we track dirty roots (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: expand btrfs_find_item if found_key is NULL (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, remove inode_ref_info helper (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, remove inode_item_info helper (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sink parameter len to alloc_extent_buffer (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: unify extent buffer allocation api (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: use GFP_NOFS in __alloc_extent_buffer directly (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sink blocksize parameter to tree_block_processed (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sink blocksize parameter to btrfs_find_create_tree_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sink blocksize parameter to btrfs_init_new_buffer (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sink blocksize parameter to reada_tree_block_flagged (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: remove blocksize from reada_extent (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680] - [fs] btrfs: sink blocksize parameter to readahead_tree_block (Bill O'Donnell) [1298680]- [net] ipv6: Nonlocal bind (Sabrina Dubroca) [1315968] - [net] ipv4: bind ip_nonlocal_bind to current netns (Sabrina Dubroca) [1315968] - [net] sctp: fix race for one-to-many sockets in sendmsg's auto associate (Xin Long) [1138256] - [net] sctp: label accepted/peeled off sockets (Marcelo Leitner) [1247756] - [net] sctp: start t5 timer only when peer rwnd is 0 and local state is SHUTDOWN_PENDING (Xin Long) [1314699] - [net] sctp: convert sack_needed and sack_generation to bits (Xin Long) [1314699] - [net] sctp: update the netstamp_needed counter when copying sockets (Marcelo Leitner) [1317647] - [net] sctp: use the same clock as if sock source timestamps were on (Marcelo Leitner) [1317647] - [net] bridge: Handle IFLA_ADDRESS correctly when creating bridge device (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] bridge: Prevent possible race condition in br_fdb_change_mac_address (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] bridge: Properly check if local fdb entry can be deleted when deleting vlan (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] bridge: Properly check if local fdb entry can be deleted in br_fdb_delete_by_port (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] bridge: Properly check if local fdb entry can be deleted in br_fdb_change_mac_address (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] bridge: Change local fdb entries whenever mac address of bridge device changes (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] bridge: Fix the way to find old local fdb entries in br_fdb_change_mac_address (Paolo Abeni) [1314779] - [net] sctp: sctp_remaddr_seq_show use the wrong variable to dump transport info (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: lack the check for ports in sctp_v6_cmp_addr (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: remove the dead field of sctp_transport (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: hold transport before we access t->asoc in sctp proc (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: fix the transport dead race check by using atomic_add_unless on refcnt (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: the temp asoc's transports should not be hashed/unhashed (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: Move sequence start handling into sctp_transport_get_idx() (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: support to lookup with ep+paddr in transport rhashtable (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: remove the local_bh_disable/enable in sctp_endpoint_lookup_assoc (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: drop the old assoc hashtable of sctp (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: do not trigger BUG_ON in sctp_cmd_delete_tcb (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: sideeffect: throw BUG if primary_path is NULL (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: use GFP_KERNEL in sctp_init() (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: apply rhashtable api to sctp procfs (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: apply rhashtable api to send/recv path (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: add the rhashtable apis for sctp global transport hashtable (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] sctp: reorder sctp_globals to reduce cacheline usage (Xin Long) [1187584] - [net] ipv4: only create late gso-skb if skb is already set up with CHECKSUM_PARTIAL (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277095] - [net] ipv6: add defensive check for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL skbs in ip_fragment (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277095] - [net] ipv6: no CHECKSUM_PARTIAL on MSG_MORE corked sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277095] - [net] ipv4: add defensive check for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL skbs in ip_fragment (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277095] - [net] ipv4: no CHECKSUM_PARTIAL on MSG_MORE corked sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277095] - [net] revert "ipv6: don't use CHECKSUM_PARTIAL on MSG_MORE/UDP_CORK sockets" (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277095]- [kernel] cgroup: pids: rhel-specific hack to fix zombie accounting (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [kernel] cgroup: pids: fix kABI breakage (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [kernel] cgroup: pids: adapt cgroup_pids.c to RHEL7 (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [kernel] cgroup: implement task_get_css() (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [kernel] cgroup: pids: fix invalid get/put usage (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [kernel] cgroup: implement the PIDs subsystem (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [kernel] cgroup: allow a cgroup subsystem to reject a fork (Oleg Nesterov) [1265339] - [fs] gfs2: Set s_mode before parsing mount options (Andrew Price) [1264523] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix a dentry leak on alias use (Benjamin Coddington) [1269198] - [fs] sunrpc: never enqueue a ->rq_cong request on ->sending (Benjamin Coddington) [1315463] - [fs] gfs2: Reintroduce a timeout in function gfs2_gl_hash_clear (Robert S Peterson) [1292582] - [fs] xfs: fix splice/direct-IO deadlock (Bill O'Donnell) [824796] - [fs] vfs: split generic splice code from i_mutex locking (Bill O'Donnell) [824796] - [fs] dlm: sctp_accept_from_sock() can be static (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: fix reconnecting but not sending data (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: replace BUG_ON with a less severe handling (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: use sctp 1-to-1 API (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: fix not reconnecting on connecting error handling (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: fix race while closing connections (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: fix connection stealing if using SCTP (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: keep listening connection alive with sctp mode (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: set zero linger time on sctp socket (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: remove duplicated include from lowcomms.c (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: disable nagle for SCTP (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: retry failed SCTP sends (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: try other IPs when sctp init assoc fails (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: clear correct bit during sctp init failure handling (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: set sctp assoc id during setup (Xin Long) [1235699] - [fs] dlm: clear correct init bit during sctp setup (Xin Long) [1235699] - [hid] usbhid: add Chicony/Pixart usb optical mouse that needs QUIRK_ALWAYS_POLL ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1254369] - [x86] kernel: Call out into INT3 handler directly instead of using notifier (Luiz Capitulino) [1291899] - [x86] Make jump_label use int3-based patching (Luiz Capitulino) [1291899] - [x86] Introduce int3 (breakpoint)-based instruction patching (Luiz Capitulino) [1291899] - [kernel] audit: try harder to send to auditd upon netlink failure (Richard Guy Briggs) [1253123] - [kernel] audit: stop an old auditd being starved out by a new auditd (Richard Guy Briggs) [1253123] - [kernel] audit: remove stray newlines from audit_log_lost messages (Richard Guy Briggs) [1253123] - [kernel] audit: get rid of *NO* daemon at audit_pid=0 message (Richard Guy Briggs) [1253123] - [kernel] audit: prevent an older auditd shutdown from orphaning a newer auditd startup (Richard Guy Briggs) [1253123] - [kernel] prctl: more prctl(PR_SET_MM_*) checks (Zorro Lang) [1298820] - [security] selinux: quiet the filesystem labeling behavior message (Paul Moore) [1295807]- [fs] nfsv4: Respect the server imposed limit on how many changes we may cache (Benjamin Coddington) [1314511] - [fs] nfsv4: Express delegation limit in units of pages (Benjamin Coddington) [1314511] - [fs] eventfd: document lockless access in eventfd_poll (Paolo Bonzini) [1293632] - [fs] eventfd: don't take the spinlock in eventfd_poll (Paolo Bonzini) [1293632] - [fs] gfs2: Use resizable hash table for glocks (Robert S Peterson) [1172819] - [fs] gfs2: Move glock superblock pointer to field gl_name (Robert S Peterson) [1172819] - [fs] gfs2: Simplify the seq file code for "sbstats" (Robert S Peterson) [1172819] - [fs] xfs: only run torn log write detection on dirty logs (Brian Foster) [1314355] - [fs] xfs: refactor in-core log state update to helper (Brian Foster) [1314355] - [fs] xfs: refactor unmount record detection into helper (Brian Foster) [1314355] - [fs] xfs: separate log head record discovery from verification (Brian Foster) [1314355] - [fs] cifs: fold cifs_iovec_write() into the only caller (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix another dereference before null check warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: session servername can't be null (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix warning on impossible comparison (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix coverity warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix dereference before null check warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Don't ignore errors on encrypting password in SMBTcon (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix warning on uninitialized buftype (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: potential memory leaks when parsing mnt opts (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: smb2_clone_range() - exit on unhandled error (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: fix MUST SecurityFlags filtering (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: use memzero_explicit to clear stack buffer (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: make new inode cache when file type is different (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Fix signed/unsigned pointer warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: smb2file: replace count*size kzalloc by kcalloc (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: file: replace count*size kzalloc by kcalloc (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: remove obsolete __constant (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: convert to print_hex_dump() instead of custom implementation (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: call strtobool instead of custom implementation (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Update modinfo cifs version for cifs.ko (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: decode_negTokenInit had wrong calling sequence (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Add missing defines for ACL query support (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Add support for original fallocate (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: kill f_dentry uses (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: get rid of ->f_path.dentry->d_sb uses, add a new helper (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Remove obsolete comment (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Check minimum response length on query_network_interface (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Workaround Mac server problem (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Remap reserved posix characters by default - part 3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Allow conversion of characters in Mac remap range - part 2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Allow conversion of characters in Mac remap range - part 1 (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: mfsymlinks support for SMB2.1/SMB3. Part 2 query symlink (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Add mfsymlinks support for SMB2.1/SMB3. Part 1 create symlink (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: Allow mknod and mkfifo on SMB2/SMB3 mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: add defines for two new file attributes (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: replace strnicmp with strncasecmp (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] cifs: switch to use of p[dD] (Sachin Prabhu) [1303850] - [fs] mnt: Move the clear of MNT_LOCKED from copy_tree to its callers (Aristeu Rozanski) [1304328] - [fs] umount: Do not allow unmounting rootfs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1304328] - [fs] vfs: Lock in place mounts from more privileged users (Aristeu Rozanski) [1304328] - [tools] perf evsel: Disable branch flags/cycles for --callgraph lbr (Jiri Olsa) [1316684] - [x86] perf/x86: Fix LBR related crashes on Intel Atom (Jiri Olsa) [1316684] - [include] perf/x86: Add option to disable reading branch flags/cycles (Jiri Olsa) [1316684] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix static checker warning in lbr enable (Jiri Olsa) [1316684] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix LBR callstack issue caused by FREEZE_LBRS_ON_PMI (Jiri Olsa) [1316684] - [kernel] sched/fair: Fix division by zero sysctl_numa_balancing_scan_size ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1314106]- [mm] mempolicy: convert the shared_policy lock to a rwlock (George Beshers) [1303771] - [x86] Mark Intel Knights Landing processor as supported (Steve Best) [1158238] - [acpi] Workaround Cisco Systems _DSM ACPI bug (Prarit Bhargava) [1311315] - [drivers] core: Avoid NULL pointer dereferences in device_is_bound() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309527] - [misc] pm: Avoid false-positive warnings in dev_pm_domain_set() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309527] - [misc] mei: validate request value in client notify request ioctl (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309527] - [drivers] core: add device_is_bound() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309527] - [misc] pm/domains: add setter for dev.pm_domain (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309527] - [misc] mei: fix fasync return value on error (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309527] - [misc] vmware_balloon: Support 2m page ballooning (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: Do not limit the amount of frees and allocations in non-sleep mode (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: Show capabilities of balloon and resulting capabilities in the debug-fs node (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: Update balloon target on each lock/unlock (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: add batching to the vmw_balloon (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: Add support for balloon capabilities (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: partially inline vmballoon_reserve_page (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [misc] vmware_balloon: Remove braces to fix build for clang (Dave Anderson) [1300078] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: Add OF compatibility table entry (Steve Best) [1321122] - [netdrv] ibmveth: check return of skb_linearize in ibmveth_start_xmit (Gustavo Duarte) [1313256] - [kernel] cpuset: fix sleeping function called from invalid context (Mateusz Guzik) [1069467] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Add support for WDIOC_SETOPTIONS (Nigel Croxon) [1316536] - [scsi] storvsc: fix SRB_STATUS_ABORTED handling (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix a bug in the handling of SRB status flags (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: get rid of bounce buffer (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Don't set the SRB_FLAGS_QUEUE_ACTION_ENABLE flag (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Set the error code correctly in failure conditions (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Set the error code correctly in failure conditions (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: use shost_for_each_device() instead of open coding (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: be more picky about scmnd->sc_data_direction (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Set the tablesize based on the information given by the host (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Don't assume that the scatterlist is not chained (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Retrieve information about the capability of the target (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Always send on the selected outgoing channel (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Size the queue depth based on the ringbuffer size (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] storvsc: Increase the ring buffer size (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [scsi] vmbus: Support a vmbus API for efficiently sending page arrays (Cathy Avery) [1287040] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Handle unexpected traps in guest entry/exit code better (Thomas Huth) [1320162] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Prohibit setting illegal transaction state in MSR (Thomas Huth) [1320162] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't modify CQ before it was created (Kamal Heib) [1316951] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Don't try to modify CQ moderation if it is not supported (Kamal Heib) [1316951] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix HW timestamp init issue upon system startup (Kamal Heib) [1295875] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove dependency between timestamping capability and service_task (Kamal Heib) [1295875] - [x86] kernel: Fix time_shift in perf_event_mmap_page (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [x86] kernel: Improve accuracy of perf/sched clock (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [x86] kernel: Use preempt_disable_notrace() in cycles_2_ns() (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [x86] kernel: Initialize multiplier to 0 (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [x86] Rewrite cyc2ns() to avoid the need to disable IRQs (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [x86] Move some cyc2ns() code around (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [x86] Use mul_u64_u32_shr() for native_sched_clock() (Prarit Bhargava) [1303663] - [tools] cpupower: Fix build error in cpufreq-info (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: fix how "cpupower frequency-info" interprets latency (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: rework the "cpupower frequency-info" command (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: Do not analyse offlined cpus (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: Provide STATIC variable in Makefile for debug builds (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: Fix precedence issue (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: use new name for MSR_PLATFORM_INFO (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] Creating a common structure initialization pattern for struct option (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: Enable disabled Cstates if they are below max latency (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: Remove debug message when using cpupower idle-set -D switch (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: cpupower monitor reports uninitialized values for offline cpus (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: bugfix: print MAX_NON_TURBO_RATIO (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: simplify Bzy_MHz calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbosat: update version number (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: skl: Adjust for TSC difference from base frequency (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: ivb xeon: fix --debug regression (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: fix typo on DRAM column in Joules-mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: fix parameter passing for forked command (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: dump CONFIG_TDP (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: cpu0 is no longer hard-coded, so update output (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] x86/uapi: Do not export as part of the user API headers (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] power turbostat: update turbostat(8) (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657] - [tools] cpupower: mperf monitor: fix output in MAX_FREQ_SYSFS mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1316657]- [md] dm: fix rq_end_stats() NULL pointer in dm_requeue_original_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: use RHEL7's old blk_mq_alloc_request and blk_mq_complete_request interfaces (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm-bufio: virt_to_phys() doesn't change remainder modulo PAGE_SIZE (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin: consistently return -ENOSPC if pool has run out of data space (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm cache: bump the target version (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm cache: make sure every metadata function checks fail_io (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: add missing newline between DM_DEBUG_BLOCK_STACK_TRACING and DM_BUFIO (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm cache policy smq: clarify that mq registration failure was for 'mq' (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: return error if bio_integrity_clone() fails in clone_bio() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin metadata: don't issue prefetches if a transaction abort has failed (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [include] dm snapshot: disallow the COW and origin devices from being identical (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm cache: make the 'mq' policy an alias for 'smq' (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: drop unnecessary assignment of md->queue (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: reorder 'struct mapped_device' members to fix alignment and holes (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: remove dummy definition of 'struct dm_table' (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: add 'dm_numa_node' module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin metadata: remove needless newline from subtree_dec() DMERR message (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: cleanup reinstate_path() et al based on code review (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: remove __pgpath_busy forward declaration, rename to pgpath_busy (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: switch from 'unsigned' to 'bool' for flags where appropriate (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm round robin: use percpu 'repeat_count' and 'current_path' (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm path selector: remove 'repeat_count' return from .select_path hook (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: push path selector locking down to path selectors (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: remove repeat_count support from multipath core (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: remove unnecessary casts in front of ti->private (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: use blk_mq_alloc_request() and blk_mq_free_request() directly (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: cleanup 'struct dm_mpath_io' management code (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: use blk-mq pdu for per-request 'struct dm_mpath_io' (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: allow immutable request-based targets to use blk-mq pdu (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [include] dm: rename target's per_bio_data_size to per_io_data_size (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: distinquish old .request_fn (dm-old) vs dm-mq request-based DM (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: remove support for stacking dm-mq on .request_fn device(s) (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: fix a couple locking issues with use of block interfaces (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: cleanup methods that requeue requests (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: allocate blk_mq_tag_set rather than embed in mapped_device (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: add 'dm_mq_nr_hw_queues' and 'dm_mq_queue_depth' module params (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: optimize dm_request_fn() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: optimize dm_mq_queue_rq() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [include] dm: set DM_TARGET_WILDCARD feature on "error" target (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: cleanup dm_any_congested() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: remove unused dm_get_rq_mapinfo() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: fix excessive dm-mq context switching (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: fix sparse "unexpected unlock" warnings in ioctl code (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: do not return target from dm_get_live_table_for_ioctl() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm mpath: fix infinite recursion in ioctl when no paths and !queue_if_no_path (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: do not reuse dm_blk_ioctl block_device input as local variable (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: fix ioctl retry termination with signal (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [include] dm: add support for passing through persistent reservations (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [include] dm: refactor ioctl handling (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: fix dm_rq_target_io leak on faults with .request_fn DM w_ blk-mq paths (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm snapshot: fix hung bios when copy error occurs (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin: bump thin and thin-pool target versions (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm verity: factor out structures and functions useful to separate object (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm verity: move dm-verity.c to dm-verity-target.c (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm verity: separate function for parsing opt args (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm verity: clean up duplicate hashing code (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm btree: factor out need_insert() helper (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm bufio: use BUG_ON instead of conditional call to BUG (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm bufio: store stacktrace in buffers to help find buffer leaks (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm bufio: return NULL to improve code clarity (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm block manager: cleanup code that prints stacktrace (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: don't save and restore bi_private (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin metadata: make dm_thin_find_mapped_range() atomic (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin metadata: speed up discard of partially mapped volumes (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm crypt: fix a possible hang due to race condition on exit (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin: restore requested 'error_if_no_space' setting on OODS to WRITE transition (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm switch: simplify conditional in alloc_region_table() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm delay: document that offsets are specified in sectors (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm delay: capitalize the start of an delay_ctr() error message (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm delay: Use DM_MAPIO macros instead of open-coded equivalents (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm linear: remove redundant target name from error messages (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm persistent data: eliminate unnecessary return values (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: convert ffs to __ffs (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: drop NULL test before kmem_cache_destroy() and mempool_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: initialize non-blk-mq queue data before queue is used (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm thin: fix missing pool reference count decrement in pool_ctr error path (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm snapshot persistent: fix missing cleanup in persistent_ctr error path (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm raid: fix round up of default region size (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [documentation] dm raid: document RAID 4_5_6 discard support (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm snapshot: add new persistent store option to support overflow (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm snapshot: don't invalidate on-disk image on snapshot write overflow (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: remove unlikely() before IS_ERR() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: do not override error code returned from dm_get_device() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm: test return value for DM_MAPIO_SUBMITTED (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm btree remove: remove unused function get_nr_entries() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm btree: remove unused "dm_block_t root" parameter in btree_split_sibling() (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [md] dm cache policy smq: change the mutex to a spinlock (Mike Snitzer) [1314530 1317073] - [scsi] only re-lock door after EH on devices that were reset (Ewan Milne) [1316290] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix FCP RSP residual parsing (Maurizio Lombardi) [1306342] - [scsi] 3w-sas: fix command completion race (Tomas Henzl) [1294538] - [scsi] add use_cmd_list flag (Ewan Milne) [1265985]- [net] netlink: Properly unbind in error conditions (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Replace rhash_portid with bound (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: have netlink per-protocol bind function return an error code (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: simplify nfnetlink_bind (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Fix autobind race condition that leads to zero port ID (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Kill harmless RCU warning in rhashtable_walk_init (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Enforce minimum size on initial hash table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix walker list corruption (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: add function to replace an element (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove unnecessary wmb for future_tbl (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Prevent spurious EBUSY errors on insertion (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: fix data race in rhashtable_rehash_one (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: extend to test concurrency (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: don't hold mutex in rcu callback when releasing mmapd ring (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Allow other tasks to be scheduled in large lookup loops (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: fix for resize events during table walk (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: add missing import (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Reset portid after netlink_insert failure (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add cap on number of elements in hash table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Fix 64bit division (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Simplify iterator code (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Detect insertion failures (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Use walker to test bucket statistics (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Do not allocate individual test objects (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Get rid of ptr in test_obj structure (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Measure time to insert, remove & traverse entries (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Remove unused TEST_NEXPANDS (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: don't attempt to grow when at max_size (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Do not schedule more than one rehash if we can't grow further (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Schedule async resize when sync realloc fails (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Remove bogus max_size setting (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: provide len to obj_hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Disable automatic shrinking by default (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add rhashtable_free_and_destroy() (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Mark internal/private inline functions as such (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Use 'unsigned int' consistently (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Extend RCU read lock into rhashtable_insert_rehash() (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add comment on choice of elasticity value (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix sleeping inside RCU critical section in walk_stop (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add immediate rehash during insertion (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Allow GFP_ATOMIC bucket table allocation (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add multiple rehash support (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Shrink to fit (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] netlink: Use default rhashtable hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Allow hashfn to be unset (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Eliminate unnecessary branch in rht_key_hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add barrier to ensure we see new tables in walker (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix undeclared EEXIST build error on ia64 (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Rip out obsolete out-of-line interface (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Use inlined rhashtable interface (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netfilter: Convert nft_hash to inlined rhashtable (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Move namespace into hash key (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Allow hash/comparison functions to be inlined (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Make rhashtable_init params argument const (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Round up/down min/max_size to ensure we respect limit (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove max_shift and min_shift (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable-test: Use rhashtable max_size instead of max_shift (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Use rhashtable max_size instead of max_shift (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Introduce max_size/min_size (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove shift from bucket_table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Annotate RCU locking of walkers (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Avoid calculating hash again to unlock (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix rhashtable_remove failures (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix use-after-free in rhashtable_walk_stop (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Move future_tbl into struct bucket_table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add rehash counter to bucket_table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Free bucket tables asynchronously after rehash (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Move seed init into bucket_table_alloc (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Use SINGLE_DEPTH_NESTING (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix walker behaviour during rehash (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix read-side crash during rehash (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: kill ht->shift atomic operations (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix reader/rehash race (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove obj_raw_hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove key length argument to key_hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Use head_hashfn instead of obj_raw_hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Move masking back into key_hashfn (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add annotation to nested lock (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add arbitrary rehash function (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Move hash_rnd into bucket_table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: use cond_resched() (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: remove indirection for grow/shrink decision functions (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: unconditionally grow when max_shift is not specified (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: initialize all rhashtable walker members (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: don't allocate ht structure on stack in test_rht_init (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: ensure cache line alignment on bucket_table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: allow to unload test module (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: better high order allocation attempts (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: don't test for shrink on insert, expansion on delete (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: using ERR_PTR requires linux/err.h (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix remove logic to avoid cross references between buckets (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Avoid bucket cross reference after removal (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Add more lock verification (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Dump bucket tables on locking violation under PROVE_LOCKING (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Wait for RCU readers after final unzip work (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Use a single bucket lock for sibling buckets (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: key_hashfn() must return full hash value (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Use rhashtable walk iterator (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Introduce rhashtable_walk_* (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix potential crash on destroy in rhashtable_shrink (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Make selftest modular (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Kill redundant net argument in netlink_insert (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: rhashtable_remove() must unlink in both tbl and future_tbl (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: fix rht_for_each_entry_safe() endless loop (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Fix netlink_insert EADDRINUSE error (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Fix race in rhashtable_destroy() and use regular work_struct (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Lower/upper bucket may map to same lock while shrinking (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: add a note for grow and shrink decision functions (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: eliminate nl_sk_hash_lock (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: involve rhashtable_lookup_compare_insert routine (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: initialize atomic nelems variable (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: avoid unnecessary wakeup for worker queue (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: future table needs to be traversed when remove an object (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: involve rhashtable_lookup_insert routine (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: introduce rhashtable_wakeup_worker helper function (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: optimize rhashtable_lookup routine (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: fix missing header (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Lockless lookup with RCU grace period in socket release (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Supports for nulls marker (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Per bucket locks & deferred expansion/shrinking (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [kernel] spinlock: Add spin_lock_bh_nested() (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: nft_hash: Remove rhashtable_remove_pprev() (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Factor out bucket_tail() function (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Convert bucket iterators to take table and index (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Use rht_obj() instead of manual offset calculation (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Do hashing inside of rhashtable_lookup_compare() (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: Don't reorder loads/stores before marking mmap netlink frame as available (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [net] netlink: use jhash as hashfn for rhashtable (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Check for count mismatch while iterating in selftest (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Drop gfp_flags arg in insert/remove functions (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Remove weird non-ASCII characters from comments (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [lib] rhashtable: Resizable, Scalable, Concurrent Hash Table (Phil Sutter) [1238749] - [kernel] softirq: Use _RET_IP_ (Phil Sutter) [1238749]- [fs] userfaultfd: don't block on the last VM updates at exit time (Andrea Arcangeli) [1314136] - [mm] thp: fix SMP race condition between THP page fault and MADV_DONTNEED (Andrea Arcangeli) [1314132] - [x86] Remove get_hbp_len and replace with bp_len (Kim Naru) [928536] - [x86] perf: AMD support for bp_len > HW_BREAKPOINT_LEN_8 (Kim Naru) [928536] - [scsi] sd: implement the Persistent Reservation API (Mike Snitzer) [1317629] - [block] add an API for Persistent Reservations (Mike Snitzer) [1317629] - [block] cleanup blkdev_ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1317629] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Add bit masking for tdp_limit (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Add support for AMD new 15h processors (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Add max compute unit accumulated power (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Enable power1_input on AMD Carrizo (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Refactor attributes for dynamically added (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Add ratio of Tsample to the PTSC period (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Update running_avg_capture bit field to 28 (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Rename fam15h_power_is_internal_node0 function (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Add support for AMD Carrizo (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Fix NB device ID for F16h M30h (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Make actual power reporting conditional (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Add support for two more processors (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Remove needless pci dev id (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [hwmon] fam15h_power: Convert to devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups (Kim Naru) [1135023] - [kernel] sched, time: Switch VIRT_CPU_ACCOUNTING_GEN to jiffy granularity (Rik van Riel) [1217244] - [kernel] time, acct: Drop irq save & restore from __acct_update_integrals() (Rik van Riel) [1217244] - [kernel] acct, time: Change indentation in __acct_update_integrals() (Rik van Riel) [1217244] - [kernel] sched, time: Remove non-power-of-two divides from __acct_update_integrals() (Rik van Riel) [1217244] - [kernel] sched/cputime: Convert vtime_seqlock to seqcount (Rik van Riel) [1217244] - [netdrv] mlx4: Handle return codes in mlx4_qp_attach_common (Kamal Heib) [1184526] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Minor cleanup for FRAC_BITS (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Account for non C0 time (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Configurable algorithm to get target pstate (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix "performance" mode behavior with HWP enabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Replace BYT with ATOM (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix intel_pstate powersave min_perf_pct value (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: get P1 from TAR when available (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use separate max pstate for scaling (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix user input of min/max to legal policy region (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: append more Oracle OEM table id to vendor bypass list (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix possible overflow complained by Coverity (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: honor user space min_perf_pct override on resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add tsc collection and keep previous target pstate (Prarit Bhargava) [1283337] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix PE location code (Gustavo Duarte) [1302537]- [mm] revert "write to force_empty will cause soft lockup" (Rafael Aquini) [1317568] - [mm] madvise: fix MADV_WILLNEED on shmem swapouts (Mitsuhiro Tanino) [1312729] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: remove unused variable in brb_pop() (Mike Snitzer) [1286500] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix ref counting bug when bootstrapping a new space map (Mike Snitzer) [1286500] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: fix bug when taking a metadata snapshot (Mike Snitzer) [1286500] - [md] dm-btree: fix bufio buffer leaks in dm_btree_del() error path (Mike Snitzer) [1290911] - [md] dm-btree: fix leak of bufio-backed block in btree_split_sibling error path (Mike Snitzer) [1290911] - [tty] pty: make sure super_block is still valid in final /dev/tty close ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1291313] - [tty] pty: fix possible use after free of tty->driver_data ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1291313] - [ata] ahci: Remove obsolete Intel Lewisburg SATA RAID device IDs (Steve Best) [1317039] - [idle] intel_idle: Support for Intel Xeon Phi Processor x200 Product Family (Steve Best) [1145367] - [idle] intel_idle: Skylake Client Support - updated (Prarit Bhargava) [1274037] - [s390] compat: correct restore of high gprs on signal return (Hendrik Brueckner) [1313722] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix logic when computing DIMM sizes on Xeon Phi (Aristeu Rozanski) [1145354] - [edac] sb_edac: Set fixed DIMM width on Xeon Knights Landing (Aristeu Rozanski) [1145354] - [edac] sb_edac: Add Knights Landing (Xeon Phi gen 2) support (Aristeu Rozanski) [1145354] - [edac] sb_edac: Add support for duplicate device IDs (Aristeu Rozanski) [1145354] - [edac] sb_edac: Virtualize several hard-coded functions (Aristeu Rozanski) [1145354] - [edac] Add DDR4 flag (Aristeu Rozanski) [1145354] - [block] virtio-blk: use VIRTIO_BLK_F_WCE and VIRTIO_BLK_F_CONFIG_WCE in virtio1 (Fam Zheng) [1266008] - [include] perf/core: Drop PERF_EVENT_TXN (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/powerpc/hv-24x7: Use PMU_TXN_READ interface (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Simplify extracting counter from result buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Whitespace - fix parameter alignment (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Add missing put_cpu_var() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Break up single_24x7_request (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Define update_event_count() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Whitespace cleanup (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Define add_event_to_24x7_request() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Rename hv_24x7_event_update (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Move debug prints to separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Drop event_24x7_request() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Use pr_devel() to log message (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Remove unnecessary parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Modify definition of request and result buffers (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Define PERF_PMU_TXN_READ interface (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Add return value for perf_event_read() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Invert perf_read_group() loops (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Add group reads to perf_event_read() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Rename perf_event_read_{one, group}, perf_read_hw (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Split perf_event_read() and perf_event_count() (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [kernel] perf/core: Add a 'flags' parameter to the PMU transactional interfaces (Jiri Olsa) [1274454] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Sanitize special-purpose register values on guest exit (Thomas Huth) [1313725] - [powerpc] pseries: Limit EPOW reset event warnings (Gustavo Duarte) [1303078] - [powerpc] ioda: Set "read" permission when "write" is set (Gustavo Duarte) [1297885]- [include] usb: Add phy/phy.h to help keep files in sync (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] cp210x: add ID for HubZ dual ZigBee and Z-Wave dongle (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cdc_ncm: Fix tx_bytes statistics (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: avoid integer overflow in start_xmit (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] drivers/net/usb: Add support for 'Lenovo OneLink Pro Dock' (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] cp210x: add ID for KCF Technologies PRN device (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: rename work handler (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r8152: add device id for Lenovo TP USB 3.0 Ethernet (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usbnet: Fix tx_bytes statistic running backward in cdc_ncm (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: fix some minor style issues (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: modify/add author (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: cleanup non-used define (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: clarify f81232_ioctl() and fix (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: implement set_termios() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: implement port enable/disable method (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: implement MCR/MSR function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: implement read IIR/MSR with endpoint (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: change lock mechanism (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: implement RX bulk-in EP (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: rename private struct member name (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: otg-fsm: move 2 otg fsm timers definition to otg_fsm_timer (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] Move usb_disabled() towards top of the file (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cx82310_eth: fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cx82310_eth: wait for firmware to become ready (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] revert "net: cx82310_eth: use common match macro" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ehci-msm: Remove dead dependency (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] load usb phy earlier (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] common: otg-fsm: only signal connect after switching to peripheral (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usb: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Add jtag quirk support for Cyber Cortex AV boards (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usbnet: Fix tx_packets stat for FLAG_MULTI_FRAME drivers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: asix: add support for the Sitecom LN-028 USB adapter (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add PIDs for Actisense USB devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: replace current->state by __set_current_state() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: always read interface number from the current altsetting (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb: plusb: Add support for National Instruments host-to-host cable (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support setting rx coalesce (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: change rx early size when the mtu is changed (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: separate USB_RX_EARLY_AGG (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: restore hw settings (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] use *pb[l] to print bitmaps including cpumasks and nodemasks (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix rx parsing logic when skb allocation fails (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] pm: Remove unneeded #ifdef and associated dead code (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: use BIT macro (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace get_protocol with vlan_get_protocol (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust the line feed for hw_features (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check RTL8152_UNPLUG for rtl8152_close (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check linking status with netif_carrier_ok (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust lpm timer (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust rx_bottom (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: Use static attribute groups for sysfs entry (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usb: sr9700: Use 'SR_' prefix for the common register macros (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix rfkill name conflicts (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: add missing cancel_work_sync in disconnect() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: update serial_table in usb disconnect method (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: move tty_unregister outside hso_serial_common_free() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: replace reset_device work by usb_queue_reset_device() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: rename hso_dev into serial in hso_free_interface() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix small indentation error (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix memory leak in hso_create_rfkill() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix memory leak when device disconnects (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix crash when device disappears while serial port is open (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: remove useless header file timer.h (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] isp1760: Add device controller support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] isp1760: Move core code to isp1760-core.c (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] cp210x: add ID for RUGGEDCOM USB Serial Console (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: host: Introduce flag to enable use of 64-bit dma_mask for ehci-platform (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: re-use native hex2bin() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove sram_read (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove generic_ocp_read before writing (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace tasklet with NAPI (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: rename vlan_tx_* helpers since "tx" is misleading there (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb/kaweth: use GFP_ATOMIC under spin_lock in usb_start_wait_urb() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check the status before submitting rx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: call rtl_start_rx after netif_carrier_on (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: generic: add vbus support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: change some comments (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: ehci-platform: Support ehci reset after resume quirk (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] kconfig: use bool instead of boolean for type definition attributes (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support ndo_features_check (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] cp210x: add IDs for CEL USB sticks and MeshWorks devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Set random MAC on devices with buggy fw (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] cp210x: fix ID for production CEL MeshConnect USB Stick (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] pm / kconfig: Replace PM_RUNTIME with PM in dependencies (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] printk: add and use LOGLEVEL_ defines for KERN_ equivalents (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: redefine REALTEK_USB_DEVICE (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb / pm: Drop CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME from the USB core (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] usb: host: Remove ehci-octeon and ohci-octeon drivers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] uas: Add no-uas quirk for Hitachi usb-3 enclosures 4971:1012 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usb: Deletion of unnecessary checks before the function call "kfree" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust rtl_start_rx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust r8152_submit_rx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: introduce usb_phy_set_event interface (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] treewide: fix typo in printk and Kconfig (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: rtl8150: remove unused variable (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] hid: yet another buggy ELAN touchscreen (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: Add support for HP lt4112 LTE/HSPA+ Gobi 4G Modem (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check RTL8152_UNPLUG and netif_running before autoresume (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: clear the flag of SCHEDULE_TASKLET in tasklet (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove the duplicate init for the list of rx_done (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: dereferencing NULL pointer (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] asix: Do full reset during ax88772_bind (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cdc-ether: implement MULTICAST flag on the device (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove the definitions of the PID (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: modify rtl_ops_init (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: move r8152b_get_version (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: disable the tasklet by default (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] core: notify disconnection when core detects disconnect (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] core: need to call usb_phy_notify_connect after device setup (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] Remove references to non-existent PLAT_S5P symbol (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] allow to supply the PHY in the drivers when using HCD (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: add support to the generic PHY framework in OTG (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: rename phy to usb_phy in OTG (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: move the OTG state from the USB PHY to the OTG structure (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: stop submitting intr for -EPROTO (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: set RTL8152_UNPLUG when finding -ENODEV (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check WORK_ENABLE in suspend function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: reset tp->speed before autoresuming in open function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: clear SELECTIVE_SUSPEND when autoresuming (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support nway_reset of ethtool (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: rename tx_underun (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cdc-ether: handle promiscuous mode with a set_rx_mode callback (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cdc-ether: extract usbnet_cdc_update_filter function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: fix bonding failure (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: return -EBUSY for runtime suspend (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: add mutex for hw settings (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust usb_autopm_xxx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: autoresume before setting feature (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: nway reset after setting eee (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: autoresume before setting MAC address (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] asix: Don't reset PHY on if_up for ASIX 88772 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: st: fix typo 'CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD_ST' (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: disable power cut for RTL8153 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove clearing bp (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix setting RTL8152_UNPLUG (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: hcd: add generic PHY support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: rename phy to usb_phy in HCD (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: st: fix ehci/ohci driver selection (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] core: log higher level message on malformed LANGID descriptor (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support ethtool eee (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: add functions to set EEE (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: change the EEE definition (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the carrier off when autoresuming (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] treewide: Fix typos in Kconfig (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: ohci-st: Add OHCI driver support for ST STB devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: common: add API to get if the platform supports TPL (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: disable ALDPS (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] serial: remove zte_ev driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support VLAN (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: use usleep_range (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: use eth_hw_addr_random (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: change the location of rtl8152_set_mac_address (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: rename rx_buf_sz (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: reduce the number of Tx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] zte_ev: fix removed PIDs (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace strncpy with strlcpy (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check code with (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] zte_ev: remove duplicate Qualcom PID (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] zte_ev: remove duplicate Gobi PID (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: fix USB network driver config option (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: reduce USB network driver config options (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: remove spurious zd1201 rule (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/hso: Add support for Option GTM671WFS (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: Add ethtool ops for EEE support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] cdc-ether: clean packet filter upon probe (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the checking of the usb speed (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] staging: keucr: remove driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add two Sierra Wireless/Netgear devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] scsi: Remove CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix deadlock when receiving bursts of data (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: remove unused workqueue (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix r8152_csum_workaround function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: smsc95xx: add reset_resume function with reset operation (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support jumbo frame for RTL8153 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: xhci-plat: add support for the R-Car H2 and M2 xHCI controllers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: wake up the device before dumping the hw counter (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: increase the tx timeout (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: Add ID for Telewell TW-LTE 4G v2 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] kconfig: make EHCI_MSM selectable for QCOM SOCs (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb: gadget: net2280: Add support for PLX USB338X (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] revert "tools: ffs-test: convert to new descriptor format fixing compilation error" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] tools: ffs-test: convert to new descriptor format fixing compilation error (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Olivetti Olicard modems (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ipheth: Add support for iPad 2 and iPad 3 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: interface #11 in Sierra Wireless MC73xx is not QMI (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add additional Sierra Wireless QMI devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Netgear AirCard 341U (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: Use kmemdup instead of kmalloc + memcpy (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] revert "usb: gadget: net2280: Add support for PLX USB338X" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: cdc-wdm: properly include types.h (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: cdc-wdm: export cdc-wdm uapi header (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: gadget: net2280: Add support for PLX USB338X (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: sort out dependencies for lpc32xx and omap (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci-da8xx can only be built-in (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: xhci-plat: add support for the Armada 375/38x XHCI controllers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] common: rename phy-fsm-usb.c to usb-otg-fsm.c (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] Add support for using a MAX3421E chip as a host driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] phy: msm: reset controller is mandatory now (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add a number of Dell devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add a number of CMOTech devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Alcatel L800MA (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Olivetti Olicard 500 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Sierra Wireless MC7305/MC7355 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Sierra Wireless MC73xx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Sierra Wireless EM7355 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ehci: Export the ehci_hub_control function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: Export the OHCI hub control and status_data functions (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: generic: switch over to IS_ENABLED() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: generic: allow multiples calls to usb_phy_generic_register() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: rename to (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: rename usb_nop_xceiv to usb_phy_generic (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] arch: Mass conversion of smp_mb__*() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check RTL8152_UNPLUG (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan/cdc_ether: move Novatel E371 (1410:9011) to qmi_wwan (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] lg-vl600: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support dumping the hw counters (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: add skb_cow_head (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usbcore: rename struct dev_state to struct usb_dev_state (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] staging: usbip: claim ports used by shared devices (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support IPv6 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support TSO (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support rx checksum (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: calculate the dropped packets for rx (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: up the priority of the transmission (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: check tx agg list before spin lock (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace spin_lock_irqsave and spin_unlock_irqrestore (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] revert "usbnet: ax88179_178a: enable tso if usb host supports sg dma" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] don't use PREPARE_DELAYED_WORK (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove rtl8152_get_stats (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace tp->netdev with netdev (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: deal with the empty line and space (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: disable the ECM mode (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: Add set_wakeup API (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb ax88179/178a: Support D-Link DUB-1312 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: Add VID:DID for Lenovo OneLinkDock Gigabit LAN (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] kconfig: Remove useless "default N" lines (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] treewide: Fix typo in Documentation/DocBook (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support get_msglevel and set_msglevel (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: set disable_hub_initiated_lpm (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace netif_rx with netif_receive_skb (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: disable teredo for RTL8152 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support runtime suspend (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support WOL (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: move some functions from probe to open (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: combine PHY reset with set_speed (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: clear BMCR_PDOWN (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: reduce the frequency of spin_lock (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: load the default MAC address (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace some types from int to bool (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: add three functions (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: move some functions (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: remove USB_ARCH_HAS_?HCI (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: asix: add missing flag to struct driver_info (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb2net: Fix Default to 'y' for SR9800 Device Driver, setting to 'n' (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb2net: sr9800: use zu for size_t (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add support for Cinterion PXS8 and PHS8 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ehci-platform: Change compatible string from usb-ehci to generic-ehci (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb2net: sr9800: One chip USB2.0 USB2NET SR9800 Device Driver Support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add ZTE MF667 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] move hub init and LED blink work to power efficient workqueue (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [gpu] drm: Remove now duplicated usage of system_power_efficient_wq (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [kernel] workqueue: Add system wide power_efficient workqueues (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [kernel] workqueues: Introduce new flag WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT for power oriented workqueues (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] ehci-platform: Add support for clks and phy passed through devicetree (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] staging: usbip: convert usbip-host driver to usb_device_driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: remove some dead code (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the submission of the interrupt transfer (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add Tagsys RFID Reader IDs (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Netgear Aircard 340U (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] storage: enable multi-LUN scanning when needed (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] simple: add Dynastream ANT USB-m Stick device support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] storage: add unusual-devs entry for BlackBerry 9000 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] storage: restrict bcdDevice range for Super Top in Cypress ATACB (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add Mindstorms EV3 console adapter (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] drivers/net: delete non-required instances of include (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: ecm and vendor modes coexist (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the warnings and a error from (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: change the descriptor (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] dm9601: add USB IDs for new dm96xx variants (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usbnet: fix SG initialisation (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ehci: add freescale imx28 special write register method (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] cdc-wdm: resp_count can be 0 even if WDM_READ is set (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] image: correct spelling mistake in comment (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] treewide: fix comments and printk msgs (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: correct some messages (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: fix handling of modem port SERIAL_STATE notifications (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace the return value of rtl_ops_init (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: move the actions of saving the information of the device (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace some tabs with spaces (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix the wrong return value (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] serial: add Moxa UPORT 12XX/14XX/16XX driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: switch to generic tiocmiwait (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] f81232: remove bogus call to wake up MSR queue (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support RTL8153 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: split rtl8152_enable (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: add rtl_ops (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: change some definitions (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: modify the method of accessing PHY (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: move rtl8152_unload and ocp_reg_write (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: mcs7830: rework link state detection (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] musb: Rework USB and USB_GADGET dependency (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] dm9601: work around tx fifo sync issue on dm962x (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] dm9601: make it clear that dm9620/dm9621a are also supported (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] dm9601: fix reception of full size ethernet frames on dm9620/dm9621a (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] dm9601: add support for dm9621a based dongle (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] storage: fix compile warning (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] usb: hcd: move controller wakeup setting initialization to individual driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] atm: usbatm: fixed a pointer variable format issue (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] hcd: Initialize USB phy if needed (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: hcd: Remove USB phy if needed (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] storage: use sg_miter_* APIs to access scsi buffer (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [lib] scatterlist: export sg_miter_skip() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [documentation] usb: ohci: Properly handle OHCI controller suspend (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] acpi: Clean up inclusions of ACPI header files (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb: Fix FSF address in file headers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] arm: at91: move at91_pmc.h to include/linux/clk/at91_pmc.h (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: move OTG FSM header (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix incorrect type in assignment (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: support stopping/waking tx queue (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: modify the tx flow (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: fix tx/rx memory overflow (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] tree-wide: use reinit_completion instead of INIT_COMPLETION (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: no need to check for resume if suspend exists (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: manage_power should always set needs_remote_wakeup (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] tm: Fix dynamic_debug / ratelimited atm_dbg and atm_rldbg macros (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb: ohci: remove ep93xx bus glue platform driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: Remove AX_MEDIUM_ALWAYS_ONE bit in AX_MEDIUM_STATUS_MODE register to avoid TX throttling (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] consolidate the reassignments of ->f_op in ->open() instances (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: Add VID:DID for Samsung USB Ethernet Adapter (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: Correct the RX error definition in RX header (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: Olivetti Olicard 200 support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: fix error return code in usbnet_probe() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: usb_phy_gen: refine conditional declaration of usb_nop_xceiv_register (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] revert "usb: ohci: Properly handle OHCI controller suspend" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] treewide: Fix typo in Kconfig (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: Rename ehci-s5p to ehci-exynos (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] Remove unnecessary semicolons (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: Properly handle OHCI controller suspend (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: generic: Add gpio_reset to platform data (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: fix Cinterion PLXX product ID (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: fix checkpatch warnings (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Telit LE920 newer firmware support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-pxa27x a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb: ohci: make ohci-ep93xx a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-nxp a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-s3c2410 a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-at91 a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-spear a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-omap3 a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-omap a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-exynos a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ehci: make ehci-w90X900 a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: cdc-phonet: Staticize usbpn_probe (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usb: cdc_ether: use usb.h macros whenever possible (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usb: cdc_ether: fix checkpatch errors and warnings (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] Remove GENERIC_HARDIRQ config option (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: usbnet: update addr_assign_type if appropriate (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] drivers/net: Convert uses of compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb2net: sr9700: One chip USB 1.1 USB2NET SR9700Device Driver Support (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] serial: convert bus code to use drv_groups (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: Fix stack corruption on some architectures (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] hso: Earlier catch of error condition (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: add comments (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust tx_bottom function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: move some declearation of variables (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: adjust some duplicated code (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace lockflags with flags (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: replace void * with struct r8152 * (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] r8152: remove clearing the memory to zero for netdev priv (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r8152: enable interrupt transfer (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r8152: enable tx checksum (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r8152: support aggregation (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: asix: Move declaration of ax88172a_info to shared header (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: asix: Staticise non-exported symbols (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] misc: Fix swapped properties in usb3503 DT parsing (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: ax88179_178a: enable tso if usb host supports sg dma (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: add has_tdi_phy_lpm capability bit (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: rename nop_usb_xceiv => usb_phy_gen_xceiv (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] ax88179_178a: avoid copy of tx tcp packets (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r8152: adjust relative ocp function (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r8152: make sure the USB buffer is DMA-able (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r815x: change the return value for bind functions (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r815x: avoid to call mdio functions for runtime-suspended device (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/r815x: replace USB buffer from stack to DMA-able (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: of: fix build breakage caused by recent patches (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: host: Faraday fotg210-hcd driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ehci-omap: select NOP_USB_XCEIV PHY driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] phy: make PHY driver selection possible by controller drivers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: common: introduce of_usb_get_maximum_speed() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: phy: protect against NULL phy pointers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: increase max rx/tx qlen for improving USB3 thoughtput (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] revert "usb: host: Faraday fotg210-hcd driver" (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: Faraday fotg210-hcd driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb/net/r815x: fix cast to restricted __le32 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usb/net/r8152: fix integer overflow in expression (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb: add relative mii functions for r815x (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ether: allow combined control and data interface (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: ipheth: Add USB ID for iPad mini (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] qmi_wwan: add ONDA MT689DC device ID (fwd) (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add TP-LINK MA260 (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: add Option GTM681W (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: qmi_wwan: fixup Sierra Wireless MC8305 entry (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: ax88179_178a: add .reset_resume hook (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] usbnet: ax88179_178a: Correct a typo in description (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: fix build error without CONFIG_USB_PHY (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] console/font: Refactor font support code selection logic (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net: Move MII out from under NET_CORE and hide it (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] Check for ARCH_EXYNOS separately (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] ehci: make ehci-tegra a separate driver (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [include] usb: add devicetree helpers for determining dr_mode and phy_type (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] mips: octeon: Rename Kconfig CAVIUM_OCTEON_REFERENCE_BOARD to CAVIUM_OCTEON_SOC (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb/kalmia: use *phC to dump small buffers (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] tty: vt: convert remain take_over_console's users to do_take_over_console (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb: r8152: Use module_usb_driver() (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [netdrv] net/usb: r8152: Remove redundant version.h header inclusion (Don Zickus) [1303209] - [usb] host: Faraday USB2.0 FUSBH200-HCD driver (Don Zickus) [1303209]- [kernel] sysrq: Fix warning in sysrq generated crash (Rafael Aquini) [1090498] - [kernel] sysrq, rcu: suppress RCU stall warnings while sysrq runs (Rafael Aquini) [1090498] - [kernel] rcu: Provide API to suppress stall warnings while sysrc runs (Rafael Aquini) [1090498] - [kernel] sysrq: rcu-ify __handle_sysrq (Rafael Aquini) [1090498] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: include linux/virtio_types.h (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] balloon_compaction: fix race between migration and ballooning (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: fix race by fill and leak (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] balloon_compaction: fix deflation when compaction is disabled (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: do not change memory amount visible via /proc/meminfo (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: change stub of release_pages_by_pfn (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: free some memory from balloon on OOM (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: return the amount of freed memory from leak_balloon() (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] balloon_compaction: add vmstat counters and kpageflags bit (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] balloon_compaction: remove balloon mapping and flag AS_BALLOON_MAP (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] balloon_compaction: redesign ballooned pages management (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: don't crash if virtqueue is broken (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] virtio_balloon: don't softlockup on huge balloon changes (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [virtio] Mark function virtballoon_migratepage() as static in virtio_balloon.c (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] correctly update zone->managed_pages (Luiz Capitulino) [1263649] - [mm] mmu_notifier: fix memory corruption (Jerome Glisse) [1307042] - [mm] write to force_empty will cause soft lockup (Gustavo Duarte) [1297381] - [mm] dmapool: allow NULL `pool' pointer in dma_pool_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1314893] - [mm] mempool: allow NULL `pool' pointer in mempool_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1314893] - [mm] slab_common: allow NULL cache pointer in kmem_cache_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1314893] - [mm] page_alloc.c: rework code layout in memmap_init_zone() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] page_alloc.c: introduce kernelcore=mirror option (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] page_alloc.c: calculate zone_start_pfn at zone_spanned_pages_in_node() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [x86] mirror: x86 enabling - find mirrored memory ranges (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: allocate boot time data structures from mirrored memory (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: add extra "flags" to memblock to allow selection of memory based on attribute (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] hotplug: init the zone's size when calculating node totalpages (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: refactor functions to set/clear MEMBLOCK_HOTPLUG (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [lib] Add a generic cmdline parse function parse_option_str (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: fix wrong type in memblock_find_in_range_node() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: use for_each_memblock() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: Do some refactoring, enhance API (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: use WARN_ONCE when MAX_NUMNODES passed as input parameter (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [x86] mm: memblock: switch to use NUMA_NO_NODE (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: switch to use NUMA_NO_NODE instead of MAX_NUMNODES (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: reorder parameters of memblock_find_in_range_node (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [x86] Use memblock_set_current_limit() to set limit for memblock (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] memblock: fix wrong comment in __next_free_mem_range() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] remove duplicated call of get_pfn_range_for_nid (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270209] - [mm] shm: wait for pins to be released when sealing (Vlad Yasevich) [1282530] - [kernel] sched: add cond_resched_rcu() helper (Vlad Yasevich) [1282530] - [mm] shm: Add memory sealing support memfd_create (Vlad Yasevich) [1282530] - [mm] shm: add sealing API (Vlad Yasevich) [1282530] - [mm] allow drivers to prevent new writable mappings (Vlad Yasevich) [1282530] - [mm] mmap: kill correct_wcount/inode, use allow_write_access() (Vlad Yasevich) [1282530]- [mm] add VM_WARN_ON() and VM_WARN_ON_ONCE() (Dave Anderson) [1274624] - [mm] hugetlbfs: optimize when NUMA=n (Dave Anderson) [1274624] - [mm] hugetlb: use memory policy when available (Dave Anderson) [1274624] - [mm] optimize put_mems_allowed() usage (Dave Anderson) [1274624] - [mm] new_vma_page() cannot see NULL vma for hugetlb pages (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] mempolicy: fix !vma in new_vma_page() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: call huge_pte_alloc() only if ptep is null (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] migrate: hugetlb: putback destination hugepage to active list (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: cleanup using paeg_huge_active() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [fs] hugetlb: fix lockdep splat caused by pmd sharing (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [tools] vm: fix page-flags build (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: fix hugepage memory leak caused by wrong reserve count (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: use pmd_page() in follow_huge_pmd() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: add migration entry check in __unmap_hugepage_range (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: add migration/hwpoisoned entry check in hugetlb_change_protection (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: fix getting refcount 0 page in hugetlb_fault() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: take page table lock in follow_huge_pmd() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [x86] mm: hugetlb: pmd_huge() returns true for non-present hugepage (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: reduce arch dependent code around follow_huge_* (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] unmapped page migration avoid unmap+remap overhead (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: fix copy_hugetlb_page_range() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] rmap: calculate page offset when needed (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] rmap: fix pgoff calculation to handle hugepage correctly (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: fix copy_hugetlb_page_range() to handle migration/hwpoisoned entry (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: rename hugepage_migration_support() to ..._supported() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: restrict hugepage_migration_support() to x86_64 (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] migrate: correct failure handling if !hugepage_migration_support() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] mbind: add BUG_ON(!vma) in new_vma_page() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] mempolicy: rename check_*range to queue_pages_*range (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] prepare to remove /proc/sys/vm/hugepages_treat_as_movable (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] migrate: check movability of hugepage in unmap_and_move_huge_page() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] memory-hotplug: enable memory hotplug to handle hugepage (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] migrate: remove VM_HUGETLB from vma flag check in vma_migratable() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] mbind: add hugepage migration code to mbind() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] migrate: add hugepage migration code to move_pages() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] migrate: add hugepage migration code to migrate_pages() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: remove useless check about mapping type (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: remove redundant list_empty check in gather_surplus_pages() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: move up the code which check availability of free huge page (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [x86] mm: Remove general hugetlb code from x86 (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: Copy general hugetlb code from x86 to mm (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [x86] mm: Remove x86 version of huge_pmd_share (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] hugetlb: Copy huge_pmd_share from x86 to mm (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1287322] - [mm] memcontrol: switch soft limit default back to infinity (Jerome Marchand) [1217771] - [kernel] res_counter: remove the unused API (Jerome Marchand) [1217771] - [mm] hugetlb_cgroup: convert to lockless page counters (Jerome Marchand) [1217771] - [mm] memcontrol: lockless page counters (Jerome Marchand) [1217771] - [net] tcp_memcontrol: Remove tcp_max_memory (Jerome Marchand) [1217771] - [mm] memcontrol: lockless page counters (Jerome Marchand) [1217771]- [fs] proc: fix for infinite loop in proc_device_tree_update_prop (Carlos Maiolino) [1210350 1314928] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add perf core PMU support for Intel Knights Landing (Jiri Olsa) [1145362 1224374 1259976] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove hard coding of PMON box control MSR offset (Jiri Olsa) [1145362 1224374 1259976] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add Knights Landing uncore PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1145362 1224374 1259976] - [x86] x86/perf/intel_rapl: Make Knights Landings support functional (Jiri Olsa) [1145362 1224374 1259976] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add Broadwell-EP uncore support (Jiri Olsa) [1145362 1224374 1259976] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix segfault if use symbol filter in cmdline (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Reset selection when refresh (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Add NULL pointer check to prevent crash (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf buildid-list: Fix return value of perf buildid-list -k (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf buildid-list: Show running kernel build id fix (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Clear probe_trace_event when add_probe_trace_event() fails (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Fix memory leaking on failure by clearing all probe_trace_events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf inject: Also re-pipe lost_samples event (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf buildid-list: Requires ordered events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix dso lookup by long name and missing buildids (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: Allow forcing reading of non-root owned files by root (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: The dso can be obtained from popup_action->>dso (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix 'd' hotkey action to filter by DSO (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: Rebuild rbtree when adjusting symbols for kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] include: Add compiler.h to list.h (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Verify parameters in two functions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf session: Add missing newlines to some pr_err() calls (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf annotate: Support full source file paths for srcline fix (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf test: Do not be case sensitive when searching for matching tests (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Cleanup find_perf_probe_point_from_map to reduce redundancy (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf annotate: Inform the user about objdump failures in --stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Make stat options global (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf sched latency: Fix thread pid reuse issue (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Fix find_perf_probe_point_from_map() which incorrectly returns success (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf trace: Fix documentation for -i (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Allow shuffling the build tests (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Insert split maps correctly into origin group (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Use common printout function to avoid duplicated code (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Move sw clock metrics printout to stat-shadow (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf test: Keep test result clean if '-v' not set (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: pad raw data samples automatically (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf unwind: Pass symbol source to libunwind (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Fix libiberty feature detection (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf script: Enable printing of branch stack (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix endless loop in dso__split_kallsyms_for_kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Enable pre-event inherit setting by config terms (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: we can now read separate debug-info files based on a build ID (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix type error when reading a build-id (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Search for more options when passing args to -h (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Cache aggregated map entries in extra cpumap (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add cpu_map__empty_new function (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evsel: Move id_offset out of struct perf_evsel union member (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce usage_with_options_msg() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Setup pager when printing usage and help (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Rename to --show-cpu-utilization (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Improve ambiguous option help message (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Provide help for subset of options (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Show tool command line options ordered (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf annotate: Don't die() when finding an invalid config option (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf ui tui: Register the error callbacks before initializing the widgets (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix 'annotate.use_offset' config variable usage (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Improve call graph documents and help messages (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Defaults to 'caller' callchain order only if --children is enabled (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf top: Support call-graph display options also (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Move callchain help messages to callchain.h (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib traceevent: Support ps/pS (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf annotate: Add debug message for out of bounds sample (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evsel: Print branch filter state with -vv (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Fix core dump caused by per-socket/core system-wide stat (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib traceevent: update KVM plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf build: Add fixdep to .gitignore (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf record: Add ability to sample call branches (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [include] perf: Add PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_CALL (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Use named initializers in the trailer too (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf script: Check output fields only for samples (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Add data arg to cpu_map__build_map callback (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Make cpu_map__build_map global (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Add AGGR_UNSET mode (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Rename perf_stat struct into perf_stat_evsel (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf help: Change 'usage' to 'Usage' for consistency (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Run benchmarks, don't test them (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench mem: Rename 'routine' to 'function' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Harmonize all the -l/--nr_loops options (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench mem: Reorganize the code a bit (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench mem: Improve user visible strings (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench mem: Fix 'length' vs. 'size' naming confusion (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench mem: Rename 'routine' to 'routine_str' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench mem: Change 'cycle' to 'cycles' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: List output formatting options on 'perf bench -h' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Remove the prefaulting complication from 'perf bench mem mem*' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Rename 'mem-memcpy.c' => 'mem-functions.c' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Eliminate unused argument from bench_mem_common() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Default to all routines in 'perf bench mem' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf bench: Improve the 'perf bench mem memcpy' code readability (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf test: Suppress libtraceevent warnings (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf test: Silence tracepoint event failures (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Fix cross compile build (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] include: Fix strict-aliasing rules breakage (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Add 'm' key for context menu display (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf callchains: Fix unw_word_t pointer casts (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf callchain: Use debug_frame if eh_frame is unusable (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Inform how to reset the symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf ui browsers: Remove help messages about use of right and arrow keys (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf symbols: Try the .debug/ DSO cache as a last resort (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf python: Support the PERF_RECORD_SWITCH event (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Fix handling read result using a signed variable (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Use hpp_dimension__add_output to register hpp columns (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce hpp_dimension__add_output function (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Get rid of superfluos call to reset_dimensions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Fail properly in case pattern matching fails to find tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Implement horizontal scrolling (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf ui browser: Optional horizontal scrolling key binding (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf callchain: Switch default to 'graph, 0.5, caller' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Add Intel CQM test (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Move x86 tests into arch directory (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Add arch tests (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Handle -h and -v options (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Setup proper width for symbol_iaddr field (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for sorting on the iaddr (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Add parsing test for 'P' modifier (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce 'P' modifier to request max precision (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Export perf_event_attr__set_max_precise_ip() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix sizeof_sym_hist overflow issue (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evlist: Display DATA_SRC sample type bit (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: No need to use PATH_MAX + 1 (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Reduce min --interval-print to 10ms (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf record: Change 'record.samples' type to unsigned long long (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Allow probing on kmodules without dwarf (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf list: Honour 'event_glob' whem printing selectable PMUs (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf list: Do event name substring search as last resort when no events found (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf callchain: Allow for max_stack greater than PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Fix a bug on "--call-graph none" option (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf top: Register idle thread (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf top: Fix unresolved comm when -s comm is used (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf record: Allocate area for sample_id_hdr in a synthesized comm event (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: By default use the most precise "cycles" hw counter available (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf list: Remove blank lines, headers when piping output (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Improve error message when return is on inlined function (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Fix a segfault bug in debuginfo_cache (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Show correct source lines of probes on kmodules (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Begin and end libdwfl report session correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to remove dot suffix from second or latter events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib symbol: Introduce kallsyms2elf_type (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib symbol: Rename kallsyms2elf_type to kallsyms2elf_binding (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf machine: Add method for common kernel_map(FUNCTION) operation (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf machine: Use machine__kernel_map() thoroughly (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Amend documentation about max_stack and synthesized callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf maps: Introduce maps__find_symbol_by_name() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Fix shadowed declaration in parse-events.c (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] Fix shadowed declaration in err.h (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Enable event_config terms to tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Adds the tracepoint name parsing support (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Show proper error message for wrong terms of hw/sw events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Adds the config_term callback for different type events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Add mispred-all config option to aid use with autofdo (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf inject: Add --strip option to strip out non-synthesized events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf inject: Remove more aux-related stuff when processing instruction traces (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evlist: Add perf_evlist__remove() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evlist: Add perf_evlist__id2evsel_strict() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf script: Make scripting_max_stack value allow for synthesized callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf scripting python: Allow for max_stack greater than PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf script: Add a setting for maximum stack depth (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists: Allow for max_stack greater than PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Make max_stack value allow for synthesized callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Support generating branch stack (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Move branch filter logic (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf inject: Set branch stack feature flag when synthesizing branch stacks (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Skip events with null branch stacks (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Also do default setup for synthesized branch stacks (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Adjust sample type validation for synthesized branch stacks (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add option to synthesize branch stacks on samples (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Add more documentation to script (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf session: Warn when AUX data has been lost (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf script: Allow time to be displayed in nanoseconds (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Make logging slightly more efficient (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Fix potential loop forever (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Fix sample type validation for synthesized callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Fix 'instructions' period of zero (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Build fixdep helper from perf and basic libs (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Rename the 'single_dep' target to 'prepare' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Make the fixdep helper part of the build process (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Move dependency copy into function (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Add fixdep dependency helper (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Add test for missing include (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Add Makefile.include (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Store tracing mountpoint for better error message (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Use __map__is_kernel() when synthesizing kernel module mmap records (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Use the map to determine if a DSO is being used as a kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf top: Filter symbols based on __map__is_kernel(map) (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf record: Synthesize COMM event for a command line workload (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Add include/err.h into MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Allow setting the feature detection user (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] build: Fixup feature detection display function name (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Don't assume that the parser returns non empty evsel list (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Fix a segfault when removing uprobe events (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce regs_query_register_offset() for x86 (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: regs_query_register_offset() infrastructure (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Enhance parsing events tracepoint error output (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evsel: Propagate error info from tp_format (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Propagate error info for the tracepoint parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] Add err.h with ERR_PTR PTR_ERR interface (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Export init/exit_probe_symbol_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Free perf_probe_event in cleanup_perf_probe_events() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf test: Add entry for hists socket filter (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Zoom in/out for processor socket (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf report: Introduce --socket-filter option (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce new sort type "socket" for the processor socket (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Add processor socket info to hist_entry and addr_location (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf machine: Add pointer to sample's environment (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf env: Introduce read_cpu_topology_map() method (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf cpu_map: Use sysfs__read_int in get_{core, socket}_id() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api cpu: Introduce cpu.[ch] to obtain cpu related information (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Introduce sysfs__read_{int, ull}() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf env: Read msr pmu type from header (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Add tools/include into tags directories (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf evsel: Remove forward declaration of 'struct perf_evlist' (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fixup the "cpu" column width calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf env: Adopt perf_header__set_cmdline (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf env: Rename some leftovers from rename to perf_env (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf env: Move perf_env out of header.h and session.c into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Introduce iterator function for tests (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf test: Add entry to test cpu topology (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Switch to tracing_path interface on appropriate places (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Remove debugfs, tracefs and findfs objects (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Replace debugfs/tracefs objects interface with fs.c (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Make tracing_path_strerror_open message generic (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Print objdump/dso buffers if they don't match (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Stop reading if objdump output crossed sections (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Make objdump disassemble zero blocks (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tests: Take into account address of each objdump line (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf trace: Add read/write to the file group (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Print deleted events in cmd_probe() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Split del_perf_probe_events() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Move print logic into cmd_probe() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Link trace_probe_event into perf_probe_event (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf probe: Split add_perf_probe_events() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Add support for PERF_RECORD_SWITCH (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf session: Don't call dump_sample() when evsel is NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Add new xsave instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Add new memory protection keys instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Add new memory instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Add new SHA instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] x86/insn: perf tools: Pedantically tweak opcode map for MPX instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [x86] asm/decoder: Explain CALLW discrepancy between Intel and AMD (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [x86] mpx: Add MPX related opcodes to the x86 opcode map (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [x86] insn: Add new opcodes as of June, 2013 (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Add a test for decoding of new x86 instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Display build warning if x86 instruction decoder differs from kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Add FSTYPE__configured() method (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Add FSTYPE__mount() method (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Add tracefs into fs.c object (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Add debugfs into fs.c object (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Move SYSFS_MAGIC PROC_SUPER_MAGIC into fs.c (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Add STR and PATH_MAX macros to fs object (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Move debugfs__strerror_open into tracing_path.c object (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib api fs: Move tracing_path interface into api/fs/tracing_path.c (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Move tracing_path stuff under same namespace (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Remove mountpoint arg from perf_debugfs_mount (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf stat: Quieten failed to read counter message (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Store the cpu socket and core ids in the header (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf cpumap: Factor out functions to get core_id and socket_id (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] lib traceevent: Support function __get_dynamic_array_len (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Copy linux/filter.h to tools/include (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [tools] perf tools: Always use non inlined file name for 'srcfile' sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: Fix race in swevent hash (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: Fix race in perf_event_exec() (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: Do not send exit event twice (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: Fix PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD deadlock (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: Fix inherited events vs. tracepoint filters (Jiri Olsa) [1308570] - [kernel] perf: Disable IRQs across RCU RS CS that acquires scheduler lock (Jiri Olsa) [1308570]- [tools] perf tools: Fix build break on powerpc due to sample_reg_masks (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix copying of /proc/kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf intel-pt: Remove no_force_psb from documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Use existing routine to look for a kernel module by dso->short_name (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] lib traceevent: Fix string handling in heterogeneous arch environments (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Avoid infinite loop at buildid processing with no samples (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Bool functions shouldn't return -1 (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] build: Add test for presence of __get_cpuid() gcc builtin (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] build: Add test for presence of numa_num_possible_cpus() in libnuma (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] revert "perf symbols: Fix mismatched declarations for elf_getphdrnum" (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Fix per-pkg event reporting bug (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tests: Fix software clock events test setting maps (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tests: Fix task exit test setting maps (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix create_syswide_maps() not propagating maps (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix add() not propagating maps (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Factor out a function to propagate maps for a single evsel (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Make create_maps() use set_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Make set_maps() more resilient (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evsel: Add own_cpus member (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix missing thread_map__put in propagate_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Fix splice_list_tail() not setting evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Add has_user_cpus member (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Remove redundant validation from propagate_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Simplify set_maps() logic (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Simplify propagate_maps() logic (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf top: Fix segfault pressing -> with no hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf header: Fixup reading of HEADER_NRCPUS feature (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix use of wrong event when processing exit events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix parse_events_add_pmu caller (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix link time error with sample_reg_masks on non x86 (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf build: Fix Intel PT instruction decoder dependency problem (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf dwarf: Fix potential array out of bounds access (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Add ability to name registers to record (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf/x86: Add list of register names (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Enable printing of interrupted machine state (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Open event on evsel cpus and threads (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build on powerpc broken by pt/bts (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [kernel] perf: add the necessary core perf APIs when accessing events counters in eBPF programs (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Add backpointer for perf_env to evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Rename perf_session_env to perf_env (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Do not change lib/api/fs/debugfs directly (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add tracing_path and remove unneeded functions (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf buildid: Introduce sysfs/filename__sprintf_build_id (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evsel: Add a backpointer to the evlist a evsel is in (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Add header with copyright and background info (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf scripts python: Add new compaction-times script (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] lib traceeveent: Allow for negative numbers in print format (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Add --[no-]-demangle/--[no-]-demangle-kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Get correct cpu id for print_aggr (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Support probing at absolute address (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Fix error reported when offset without function (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Fix list result when address is zero (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Fix list result when symbol can't be found (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] build: Allow duplicate objects in the object list (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Remove export.h from MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Prevent segfault when reading probe point with absolute address (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Update Intel PT documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support for decoding TRACESTOP packets (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support for using CYC packets (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support for decoding CYC packets (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support for using MTC packets (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support for decoding MTC packets (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Pass Intel PT information for decoding MTC and CYC (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add new Intel PT packet definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support for PSB periods (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix Intel PT 'instructions' sample period (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf ordered_events: Clear the progress bar at the end of a flush (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf ui tui progress: Implement the ui_progress_ops->finish() method (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf annotate: Reset the dso find_symbol cache when removing symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix tarball build broken by pt/bts (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Try to use symbol table if searching debug info failed (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Initialize reference counts in map__clone() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add example call-graph script (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Put itrace options into an asciidoc include (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel BTS support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] lib traceevent: Add checks for returned EVENT_ERROR type (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix Intel PT timestamp handling (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: /proc/kcore requires CAP_SYS_RAWIO message too noisy (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Fix segfault using --show-mmap-events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Take Intel PT into use (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT decoder (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT log (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT instruction decoder (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add Intel PT packet decoder (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add Intel PT as an AUX area tracing type (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add a helper function to probe whether cpu-wide tracing is possible (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix annotation of vdso (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix 32-bit compilation error in util/annotate.c (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Initialize callchain_param.record_mode (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Move vfs_getname storage to per thread area (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to add missed brace around if block (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Support static linking with libdw (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tests: Add tests to callgraph and time parse (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf report: Show call graph from reference events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf callchain: Allow disabling call graphs per event (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf callchain: Per-event type selection support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to show lines of sys_ functions correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf hists browser: Make ESC unzoom as well (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf ui browser: Introduce ui_browser__printf() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf ui browser: Introduce ui_browser__write_nstring() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Beautify keyctl's option arg (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Use the FD beautifier for socket syscall fds (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf sort: Check for SRCLINE_UNKNOWN case in "srcfile" processing (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Add missing clockid entries (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Associate some more syscall args with the getname beautifier (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Be more specific on -F/--freq (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Support per-event freq term (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf report: Add support for srcfile sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf hists: Update the column width for the "srcline" sort key (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf hists: hist_entry__cmp() may use he_tmp.hists, initialize it (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Unset perf_event_attr::freq when period term is set (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Support full source file paths for srcline (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf callchain: Move option parsing code to util.c (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Move perf_counts struct and functions into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Auto detecting kernel include options (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Auto detecting kernel build directory (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Call clang to compile C source to object code (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce llvm config options (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Extend the event parser maximum error index (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Validate config term maximum value (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add perf_pmu__format_bits() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix perf-with-kcore handling of arguments containing spaces (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Fix period type 'i' not working (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools xtensa: Add DWARF register names (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf report: Display cycles in branch sort mode (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf top: Add branch annotation code to top (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf annotate: Finally display IPC and cycle accounting (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf annotate: Compute IPC and basic block cycles (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf report: Add processing for cycle histograms (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf report: Add infrastructure for a cycles histogram (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf report: Add flag for non ANY branch mode (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for cycles, weight branch_info field (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add empty Build files for architectures lacking them (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Move counter processing code into stat object (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Pass 'struct perf_stat_config' into process_counter() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Move 'interval' into struct perf_stat_config (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Move 'output' into struct perf_stat_config (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Move 'scale' into struct perf_stat_config (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce struct perf_stat_config (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing forward declaration of struct map to probe-event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce veprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Add total time column to summary (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build errors with mipsel-linux-uclibc compiler (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Write to stderr by default (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Do not include escape sequences in color_vfprintf return (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Remove trail argument to color vsprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Refine parse/config callchain functions (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Per-event time support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Use vfs_getname syscall arg beautifier in more syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Deref sys_enter pointer args with contents from probe:vfs_getname (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Use a constant for the syscall formatting buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Remember if the vfs_getname tracepoint/kprobe is in place (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Do not show syscall tracepoint filter in the --no-syscalls case (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: No tracepoints? Don't call libtraceevent (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tests: Adding build test for having ending double slash (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce callgraph_set for callgraph option (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Force period term to overload global settings (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for event post configuration (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf session env: Rename exit method (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf symbols: Fix mismatched declarations for elf_getphdrnum (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf python: Make use soft dummy event, freq=0 (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf python: Add missing PERF_RECORD_{MMAP2, AUX, etc} (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf python: Add macro to simplify maintainance of the constants array (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf python: Remove dependency on 'machine' methods (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Add option --show-switch-events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Don't assume evsel position of tracking events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Add option --switch-events to select PERF_RECORD_SWITCH events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Add new PERF_RECORD_SWITCH event (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Stop copying kallsyms into the file header (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Stop reading the kallsyms data from (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf script: Switch from's kallsyms to perf's symbol resolver (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Provide libtracevent with a kernel symbol resolver (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf symbols: Provide libtraceevent callback to resolve kernel symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] lib traceevent: Allow setting an alternative symbol resolver (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf symbols: Introduce map__is_(kernel, kmodule)() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf symbols: Add front end cache for DSO symbol lookup (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf header: Use argv style storage for cmdline feature data (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Tolerate NULL maps in propagate_maps (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Use bool instead of target argument in propagate_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Force perf_evlist__set_maps to propagate maps through events (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf test: Check for refcnt in thread_map test (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf bench futex: Add lock_pi stresser (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Fix makefile generation under dash (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf buildid: Use SBUILD_ID_SIZE macro (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Move ftrace probe-event operations to probe-file.c (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Simplify __add_probe_trace_events code (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Allow filtering perf's pid via --exclude-perf (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Apply filter to all events in a glob matching (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Support 'strace' syscall event groups (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf strlist: Make parse_list() private (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf strlist: Allow substitutions from file contents in a given directory (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf strlist: Make dupstr be the default and part of an extensible config parm (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf strlist: load() should return a negative errno (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Document setting '-e pmu/period=N/' in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] lib api debugfs: Check for tracefs when reporting errors (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf record: Let user have timestamps with per-thread recording (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf probe: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "strfilter__delete" (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Use event filters for the event qualifier list (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evsel: Introduce append_filter() method (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evlist: Make perf_evlist__set_filter use perf_evsel__set_filter (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evsel: Introduce set_filter method (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf evsel: Rename set_filter to apply_filter (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Store the syscall ids for the event qualifiers in a table (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf trace: Remember what are the syscalls tracepoint evsels (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] perf tools: Asprintf like functions to format integer filter expression (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [tools] Restore export.h (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [kernel] perf: Fix races in computing the header sizes (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [kernel] perf: Fix u16 overflows (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [kernel] perf: Restructure perf syscall point of no return (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix Skylake FRONTEND MSR extrareg mask (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pebs: Add PEBS frontend profiling for Skylake (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Make the CYCLE_ACTIVITY.* constraint on Broadwell more specific (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix constraint access (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [kernel] perf/ring-buffer: Clarify the use of page::private for high-order AUX allocations (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pebs: Robustify PEBS buffer drain (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pebs: Fix event disable PEBS buffer drain (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Add Broadwell-DE uncore support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Use 0x11 as extra reg test value (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86: Make merge_attr() global to use from perf_event_intel (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Limit LBR accesses to TOS in callstack mode (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Use correct index to save/restore LBR_INFO with call stack (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add Intel Skylake PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Optimize v4 LBR unfreezing (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Streamline LBR MSR handling in PMI (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Move PMU ACK to after LBR read (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Handle new arch perfmon v4 status bits (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Add support for LBRv5 (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] Add new MSRs and MSR bits used for Intel Skylake PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [include] perf: Add cycles to branch_info (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [include] perf: Export struct perf_branch_entry to userspace (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Allow time stamp for free running PEBSv3 (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add support for PEBSv3 profiling (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Remove use of macro DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/rapl: Add support for Knights Landing (KNL) (Jiri Olsa) [1306834] - [x86] perf/x86: Add a native_perf_sched_clock_from_tsc() (Jiri Olsa) [1306834]- [tools] perf top: Show backtrace when handling a SIGSEGV on --stdio mode (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix buildid processing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Make fork event processing more resilient (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Avoid deadlock when map_groups are broken (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix test build error when bindir contains double slash (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Fix transaction lenght metrics (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Really allow to specify custom CC, AR or LD (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Fix misplaced check for HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Take the --comm, --dsos, etc filters into account (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf symbols: Store if there is a filter in place (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Copy lib/hweight.c from the kernel sources (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix the detached tarball wrt rbtree copy (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf thread_map: Fix the sizeof() calculation for map entries (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib: Improve clean target (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Fix shadow declaration of close (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix lockup using 32-bit compat vdso (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Copy rbtree_augmented.h from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Move rbtree.h from tools/perf/ (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Copy lib/rbtree.c to tools/lib/ (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Copy rbtree.h from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Adopt {READ, WRITE_ONCE} from the kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Allow to specify custom linker command (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Create config.detected into OUTPUT directory (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf mem: Fill in the missing session freeing after an error occurs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kvm: Fill in the missing session freeing after an error occurs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Fill in the missing session freeing after an error occurs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Fill in the missing session freeing after an error occurs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf inject: Fill in the missing session freeing after an error occurs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add missing break for PERF_RECORD_ITRACE_START (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf symbols: Check access permission when reading symbol files (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce --per-thread option (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce print_counters function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Using init_stats instead of memset (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Rename print_interval to process_interval (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Remove perf_evsel__read_cb function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Move perf_stat initialization counter process code (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Move zero_per_pkg into counter process code (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Separate counters reading and processing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce read_counters function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce perf_evsel__read function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce perf_evsel__alloc_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Move perf_evlist__(alloc|free|reset)_stats into stat object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Move perf_evsel__(alloc|free)_prev_raw_counts into stat object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Move perf_evsel__(alloc|free|reset)_stat_priv into stat object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce perf_evlist__reset_stats (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Rename struct perf_counts::cpu member to values (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Make stats work over the thread dimension (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Use xyarray for cpu evsel counts (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce perf_counts function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Add thread_map object tests (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf thrad_map: Add comm string into array (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf thread_map: Introduce thread_map__reset function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf trace: Validate syscall list passed via -e argument (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Make perf_evsel__(nr_)cpus generic (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evlist: Propagate thread maps through the evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evlist: Propagate cpu maps to evsels in an evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add reference counting for thread_map object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add reference counting for cpu_map object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf header: Delete an unnecessary check before the calling free_event_desc() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Future-proof thread_map allocation size calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Allow auxtrace data alignment (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf thread_map: Change map entries into a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf thread_map: Don't access the array entries directly (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix failure to probe events on arm (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Print a newline before dumping Aggregated stats (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf session: Print a newline when dumping PERF_RECORD_FINISHED_ROUND (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Allow events with dot (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf pmu: Split perf_pmu__new_alias() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf pmu: Use __weak definition from (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf build: Fix single target build dependency check (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Add test for make install with prefix (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Add testing for Makefile.perf (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build breakage if prefix= is specified (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf top: Move toggling event logic into hists browser (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Configurable per thread proc map processing time out (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add time out to force stop proc map processing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Fix sort__sym_cmp to also compare end of symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: React to unassigned hotkey pressing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf top: Tell the user how to unfreeze events after pressing 'f' (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Honour the help line provided by builtin-{top, report}.c (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Do not exit when 'f' is pressed in 'report' mode (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf top: Replace CTRL+z with 'f' as hotkey for enable/disable events (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf annotate: Rename source_line_percent to source_line_samples (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf annotate: Display total number of samples with --show-total-period (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Ensure thread-stack is flushed (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf top: Allow disabling/enabling events dynamicly (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evlist: Add toggle_enable() method (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Speed up perf probe --list by caching debuginfo (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Show usage even if the last event is skipped (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move libtraceevent dynamic list to separated LDFLAGS variable (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix a problem when opening old with different byte order (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Ignore .config-detected in .gitignore (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to return error if no probe is added (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf unwind: Fix a compile error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce perf_counts__(new|delete|reset) functions (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move perf_evsel__(alloc|free|reset)_counts into stat object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add thread_map__(alloc|realloc) helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce xyarray__reset function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: List probes in stdout (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib traceevent: Fix python/ compiling error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Replace map->referenced & maps->removed_maps with map->refcnt (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Cut off the gcc optimization postfixes from function name (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Update MANIFEST per files removed from kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] trace: Beautify perf_event_open syscall (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix build failure on 32-bit arch (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Error out unsupported group leader immediately (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evsel: Display 0x for hex values when printing the attribute (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf record: Amend option summaries (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Avoid possible race condition in copyfile() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Reference count struct dso (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Protect accesses the dso rbtrees/lists with a rw lock (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Fix up some more method names (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf record: Fix size in no-buildid mode (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib traceevent: Ignore libtrace-dynamic-list file (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib traceevent: Export dynamic symbols used by traceevent plugins (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Move shadow stat counters into separate object (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Add aggr_mode argument to print_shadow_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Add output file argument to print_shadow_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce print_shadow_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Introduce reset_shadow_stats function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Remove transaction_run from shadow update/print code (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Remove setup_events function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Replace transaction event possition check with id check (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Add id into perf_stat struct (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: handle PERF_RECORD_LOST_SAMPLES (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf record: Add support for sampling indirect jumps (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Deal with kernel module names in '[]' correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Move tools/perf/util/include/linux/{list.h, poison.h} to tools/include (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move linux/kernel.h to tools/include (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Fix the search for the kernel DSO on the unified list (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Remove newline char when reading event scale and unit (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix segfault when glob matching function without debuginfo (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Make Ctrl-C stop processing on TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf build: Do not fail on missing Build file (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Fix up vdso methods names (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Introduce machine__findnew_dso() method (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: No need to have two DSOs lists (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Adopt findnew_kernel method (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Remove getpgrp from mmap-basic (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Aename open*.c to openat*.c (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Switch from open to openat (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add ARM64 perf_regs_load to support libunwind and enable testing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Fix compiler warning about may be accessing uninitialized variable (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf db-export: Fix thread ref-counting (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix 'function unused' warning (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf annotate: Fix -i option, which is currently ignored (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move branch option parsing to own file (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf annotation: Add symbol__get_annotation (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Reference count struct map (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Check if a map is still in use when deleting it (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Protect accesses the map rbtrees with a rw lock (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce struct maps (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix an error when deleting probes successfully (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Show the error reason comes from invalid DSO (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Disallow PMU events intel_pt and intel_bts until there is support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf sched: Add option to merge like comms to lat output (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Improve setting of gcc debug option (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Assign default value for some pointers (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Use maps__first()/map__next() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Leave DSO destruction to the map destruction (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Mark removed threads as such (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Import rb_erase_init from block/ in the kernel sources (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Nuke unused map_groups__flush() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Remove redundant initialization of thread linkage members (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Rename maps__next (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add dso__data_get/put_fd() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Get rid of dso__data_fd() from dso__data_size() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix dso__data_read_offset() file opening (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Do not call map_groups__delete(), drop refcnt instead (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf comm: Use atomic.h for refcounting (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists: Rename add_hist_entry to hists__findnew_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists: Reducing arguments of hist_entry_iter__add() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf session: Fix perf_session__peek_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf build: Fix libunwind feature detection on 32-bit x86 (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix parse_events_error dereferences (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix function declarations needed by parse-events.y (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Separate the tests and tools in installation (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf bench numa: Share sched_getcpu() __weak def with cloexec.c (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] build: Change FEATURE_TESTS and FEATURE_DISPLAY to weak binding (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib traceevent: Install libtraceevent.a into libdir (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Set vmlinux_path__nr_entries to 0 in vmlinux_path__exit (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Protect dso cache fd with a mutex (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf symbols: Protect dso cache tree using dso->lock (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf symbols: Protect dso symbol loading using a mutex (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce copyfile_offset() function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add rm_rf() utility function (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Elliminate alignment holes (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] include: add __aligned_u64 to types.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Load map before glob matching (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix dwarf-aux.c compilation on i386 (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf cgroup: Use atomic.h for refcounting (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evlist: Use atomic.h for the perf_mmap refcount (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Stop accessing atomic_t::counter directly (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Use atomic.h for the map_groups refcount (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Make flex/bison calls honour V=1 (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf trace: Fix the build on older distros (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib traceevent: Provide le16toh define for older systems (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Fix some option handling on --stdio (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Fix map_groups refcount test (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: No need to keep a refcnt for last_match (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Show refcounting broken expectations in thread-mg-share test (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Do not restrict -T option by other options (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Fix to get negative exit codes (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Show better error message when failed to find variable (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Add --range option to show a variable's location range (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Remove length limitation for showing available variables (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf trace: Removed duplicated NULL test (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Force tty output if -T/--thread option is given (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Document relation of per-thread event count feature (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Fix compiler warning about may be accessing uninitialized variable (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf build: Disable libdw DWARF unwind when built with NO_DWARF (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Support glob wildcards for function name (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Add --no-inlines option to avoid searching inline functions (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Introduce probe_conf global configs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Use instead of passing as an argument (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf bench futex: Handle spurious wakeups (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf bench futex: Support parallel waker threads (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf machine: Protect the machine->threads with a rwlock (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Use atomic_t to implement thread__{get, put} refcnt (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] include: Add basic atomic.h implementation from the kernel sources (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move generic barriers out of perf-sys.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move tile barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/tile/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move mips barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/mips/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move xtensa barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/xtensa/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move arm(64) barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/arm*/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move ia64 barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/ia64/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move alpha barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/alpha/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move sparc barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/sparc/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move sh barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/sh/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] Adopt asm-generic/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move barrier() definition to tools/include/linux/compiler.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move s390 barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/s390/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move powerpc barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/powerpc/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move x86 barrier.h stuff to tools/arch/x86/include/asm/barrier.h (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Support $params special probe argument (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Skip kernel symbols which is out of .text (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Make --line checks validate C-style function name (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to return 0 when positive value returned (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix a typo for the flags of open (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Fix to close probe_events file in error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move TUI-specific fields out of map_symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Simplify zooming code using pstack_peek() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Introduce pstack_peek() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Split popup menu actions - part 2 (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Split popup menu actions (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Save perf_session_env in the hist_browser (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Save pstack in the hist_browser (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Save hist_browser_timer pointer in hist_browser (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists browser: Fix possible memory leak (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move init_have_children field to the unnamed union (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Move TUI-specific fields into unnamed union (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Show warning when trying to run stat without record (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Cleanup and consolidate command parsers (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Remove redundant cleanup of params.filter (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Accept filter argument for --funcs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Allow to use filter on --del command (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf record: Add AUX area tracing Snapshot Mode support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add AUX area tracing Snapshot Mode (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for PERF_RECORD_ITRACE_START (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add support for PERF_RECORD_AUX (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add option to synthesize events for transactions (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add build option NO_AUXTRACE to exclude AUX area tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Hit all build ids when AUX area tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add AUX area tracing index (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Fix placement of itrace option in documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Add kmem.default config option (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Print gfp flags in human readable string (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Add --live option for current allocation stat (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Support sort keys on page analysis (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf kmem: Implement stat --page --caller (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Accept filter argument for --list (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Accept multiple filter options (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add strfilter__string to recover rules string (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Improve strfilter to append additional rules (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Fix bison-related build failure on CentOS 6 (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf report: Add Instruction Tracing support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf script: Always allow fields 'addr' and 'cpu' for auxtrace (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evlist: Amend mmap ref counting for the AUX area mmap (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf symbols: Warn on build id mismatch (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf: Document --children option in more detail (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Add metrics support for exclude_idle (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Add metrics support for exclude_(host|guest) (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Add metrics support for exclude_hv (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Change metrics context calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf stat: Fix metrics calculation with event qualifiers (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf trace: Clarify that -e is about syscalls, not perf events in general (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf trace: Fix --filter-pids OPTION description (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Remove all probes matches given pattern at once (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf probe: Make --funcs option exclusive (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add symbolic events support for parse_events_error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add tracepoint support for parse_events_error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add static terms support for parse_events_error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add term support for parse_events_error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add location to pmu event terms (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Change parse_events_add_pmu interface (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Always bail out when config_attr function fails (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add flex support for parse_events_error (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add parse_events_error interface (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add aux_watermark member of struct perf_event_attr (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf script: Add field option 'flags' to print sample flags (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf inject: Add Instruction Tracing support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf inject: Re-pipe AUX area tracing events (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf script: Add Instruction Tracing support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add member to struct dso for an instruction cache (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add a hashtable for caching (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add processing for AUX area tracing events (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add a heap for sorting AUX area tracing queues (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add helpers for queuing AUX area tracing data (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add helpers for AUX area tracing errors (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf session: Add instruction tracing options (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf session: Add hooks to allow transparent decoding of AUX area tracing data (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add a user event for AUX area tracing errors (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf record: Extend -m option for AUX area tracing mmap pages (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf record: Add basic AUX area tracing support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf auxtrace: Add support for AUX area recording (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Add user events for AUX area tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf evlist: Add support for mmapping an AUX area buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf header: Add AUX area tracing feature (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf data: Fix signedness of value (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf data: Fix duplicate field names and avoid reserved keywords (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf data: Add support for setting ordered_events queue size (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf data: Enable stream flush within processing (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf data: Switch to multiple cpu stream files (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tests: Add build tests for building perf from kernel source root and tools (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] lib traceevent: Add alias field to struct format_field (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf data: Show error message when conversion failed (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf diff: Make hist_entry_diff fields union (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf hists: Get rid of position field from struct hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [tools] perf tools: Use getconf to determine number of online CPUs (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix memory leak on hot-plug allocation fail (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf: Fix PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD migration race (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf: Fix double-free of the AUX buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf: Fix fasync handling on inherited events (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf: Fix running time accounting (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/cqm: Return cached counter value from IRQ context (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf: Fix AUX buffer refcounting (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pebs: Add PEBSv3 decoding (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf/x86/intel: Introduce PERF_RECORD_LOST_SAMPLES (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Drain the PEBS buffer during context switches (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Implement batched PEBS interrupt handling (large PEBS interrupt threshold) (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Handle multiple records in the PEBS buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Introduce setup_pebs_sample_data() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Use the PEBS auto reload mechanism when possible (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: add support for PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_IND_JUMP (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [include] perf: add new PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_IND_JUMP branch sample type (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Simplify put_exclusive_constraints() (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86: Simplify the x86_schedule_events() logic (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Remove intel_excl_states::init_state (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Remove pointless tests (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Clean up intel_commit_scheduling() placement (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Make WARN()ings consistent (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Simplify the dynamic constraint code somewhat (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Add lockdep assert (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Correct local vs remote sibling state (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] revert "perf/x86/intel/uncore: Move uncore_box_init() out of driver initialization" (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix CBOX bit wide and UBOX reg on Haswell-EP (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [x86] perf/x86/rapl: Enable Broadwell-U RAPL support (Jiri Olsa) [1305882] - [kernel] perf: Annotate inherited event ctx->mutex recursion (Jiri Olsa) [1305882]- [scsi] storvsc: use storage protocol version to determine storage capabilities (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [scsi] storvsc: use correct defaults for values determined by protocol negotiation (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [scsi] storvsc: Untangle the storage protocol negotiation from the vmbus protocol negotiation (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [scsi] storvsc: Use a single value to track protocol versions (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [scsi] storvsc: Rather than look for sets of specific protocol versions, make decisions based on ranges (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [hv] balloon: Enable dynamic memory protocol negotiation with Windows 10 hosts (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [hv] vmbus: Update preferred vmbus protocol version to windows 10 (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [hv] vmbus: Use get_cpu() to get the current CPU (Cathy Avery) [1287037] - [net] fix behaviour of unreachable, blackhole and prohibit routes (Xin Long) [1270662] - [net] route: check and remove route cache when we get route (Xin Long) [1296260] - [net] ipv4: use next hop exceptions also for input routes (Xin Long) [1296260] - [net] tcp, dccp: warn user for preferred ip_local_port_range (Florian Westphal) [1305525] - [net] tcp, dccp: try to not exhaust ip_local_port_range in connect() (Florian Westphal) [1305525] - [net] tcp: improve REUSEADDR/NOREUSEADDR cohabitation (Florian Westphal) [1305525] - [net] sctp: translate network order to host order when users get a hmacid (Xin Long) [1303823] - [net] fix __copy_skb_header() (Paolo Abeni) [1298447] - [net] don't wait for order-3 page allocation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1284940] - [net] fix skb_page_frag_refill() kerneldoc (Sabrina Dubroca) [1284940] - [net] attempt a single high order allocation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1284940] - [net] use __GFP_NORETRY for high order allocations (Sabrina Dubroca) [1284940] - [net] allow > 0 order atomic page alloc in skb_page_frag_refill (Sabrina Dubroca) [1284940] - [net] refactor sk_page_frag_refill() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1284940] - [net] add pfmemalloc check in sk_add_backlog() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1285944] - [net] af_unix: passcred support for sendpage (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1282574] - [net] af_unix: take receive queue lock while appending new skb (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1282574] - [net] af_unix: don't append consumed skbs to sk_receive_queue (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1282574] - [net] af_unix: fix use-after-free with concurrent readers while splicing (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1282574] - [net] bridge: Fix network header pointer for vlan tagged packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1282536] - [net] Allow modules to use is_skb_forwardable (Vlad Yasevich) [1282536] - [net] netfilter: bridge: Use __in6_dev_get rather than in6_dev_get in br_validate_ipv6 (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: fix NULL deref in physin/out ifindex helpers (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: avoid unused label warning (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: Cache net in br_nf_pre_routing_finish (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: Pass net into br_nf_push_frag_xmit (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: Pass net into br_nf_ip_fragment (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: fix routing of bridge frames with call-iptables=1 (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: do not initialize statics to 0 or NULL (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: reduce nf_bridge_info to 32 bytes again (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: don't leak skb in error paths (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: fix CONFIG_NF_DEFRAG_IPV4/6 related warnings/errors (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: split ipv6 code into separated file (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: rename br_netfilter.c to br_netfilter_hooks.c (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: restore vlan tag when refragmenting (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] ip_fragment: remove BRIDGE_NETFILTER mtu special handling (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: forward IPv6 fragmented packets (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: re-order check_hbh_len() (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: rename br_parse_ip_options (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: refactor frag_max_size (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: detect NAT66 correctly and change MAC address (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: re-order br_nf_pre_routing_finish_ipv6() (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: refactor clearing BRNF_NF_BRIDGE_PREROUTING (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: ebtables: fix comment grammar (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: free nf_bridge info on xmit (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: neigh_head and physoutdev can't be used at same time (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] revert "netfilter: bridge: query conntrack about skb dnat" (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: make BRNF_PKT_TYPE flag a bool (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: start splitting mask into public/private chunks (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: add and use nf_bridge_info_get helper (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: add helpers for fetching physin/outdev (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: don't use nf_bridge_info data to store mac header (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: really save frag_max_size between PRE and POST_ROUTING (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: kill nf_bridge_pad (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: remove BRNF_STATE_BRIDGED flag (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: query conntrack about skb dnat (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: use rcu hook to resolve br_netfilter dependency (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: move DNAT helper to br_netfilter (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: refactor conditional in br_nf_dev_queue_xmit (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: move nf_bridge_update_protocol to where its used (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: move mac header copying into br_netfilter (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: netfilter: Move sysctl-specific error code inside #ifdef (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables_bridge: set the pktinfo for IPv4/IPv6 traffic (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables_bridge: export nft_reject_ip*hdr_validate functions (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: fix various sparse warnings (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables_bridge: update hook_mask to allow {pre, post}routing (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: Do not compile options in br_parse_ip_options (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: Save frag_max_size between PRE_ROUTING and POST_ROUTING (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: explicit module dependency between br_netfilter and physdev (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: use IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BRIDGE_NETFILTER) (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: build br_nf_core only if required (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: move br_netfilter out of the core (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: nf_bridge_copy_header as static inline in header (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: ebtables: create audit records for replaces (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: add generic packet logger (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: bridge: fix Kconfig unmet dependencies (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: superfluous skb->nfct check in br_nf_dev_queue_xmit (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: netfilter: Use ether_addr_copy (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: change the position of '{' to the pre line (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] netfilter: ebt_ip6: fix source and destination matching (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: netfilter: orphan skb before invoking ip netfilter hooks (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [net] bridge: netfilter: using strlcpy() instead of strncpy() (Paolo Abeni) [1265259] - [s390] kernel: inadvertent free of the vector register save area (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310706] - [misc] mei: remove artificial singleton requirement (Prarit Bhargava) [1313268] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: decrease number of "HWP enabled" messages (David Arcari) [1310927] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: enable HWP per CPU (David Arcari) [1310927]- [scsi] Revert libiscsi: Reduce locking contention in fast path (Chris Leech) [1297876] - [scsi] add support for multiple hardware queues (Ewan Milne) [1308703] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Fix for Asynchronous completion of timedout IO and task abort of timedout IO (Tomas Henzl) [1259907] - [scsi] scsi_error: should not get sense for timeout IO in scsi error handler (Tomas Henzl) [1259907] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Remove explicit logouts (Maurizio Lombardi) [1303027] - [fs] ovl: check dentry positiveness in ovl_cleanup_whiteouts() (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: setattr: check permissions before copy-up (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: root: copy attr (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: get rid of the dead code left from broken (and disabled) optimizations (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: fix permission checking for setattr (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: move super block magic number to magic.h (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: use a minimal buffer in ovl_copy_xattr (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: allow zero size xattr (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: default permissions (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: free lower_mnt array in ovl_put_super (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: free stack of paths in ovl_fill_super (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: fix open in stacked overlay (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] ovl: use O_LARGEFILE in ovl_copy_up() (Vivek Goyal) [1262256 1306358] - [fs] create and use seq_show_option for escaping (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] fix a braino in ovl_d_select_inode() (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] overlayfs: Make f_path always point to the overlay and f_inode to the underlay (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] overlay: Call ovl_drop_write() earlier in ovl_dentry_open() (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] Replace a bunch of file->dentry->d_inode refs with file_inode() (Vivek Goyal) [1306358] - [fs] procfs: fix error handling of proc_register() (Carlos Maiolino) [1210350] - [fs] proc: use rb_entry_safe() instead of rb_entry() (Carlos Maiolino) [1210350] - [fs] proc: use a rb tree for the directory entries (Carlos Maiolino) [1210350] - [fs] xfs: Split default quota limits by quota type (Eric Sandeen) [1297477] - [fs] quota: Fixup comments about return value of Q_[X]GETNEXTQUOTA (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] xfs: wire up Q_XGETNEXTQUOTA / get_nextdqblk (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] xfs: Factor xfs_seek_hole_data into helper (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] xfs: get quota inode from mp & flags rather than dqp (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] xfs: don't overflow quota ID when initializing dqblk (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] quota: add new quotactl Q_GETNEXTQUOTA (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] quota: add new quotactl Q_XGETNEXTQUOTA (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] quota: remove unused cmd argument from quota_quotaon() (Eric Sandeen) [1305967] - [fs] gfs2: Reduce size of incore inode (Robert S Peterson) [1240663] - [fs] gfs2: Make rgrp reservations part of the gfs2_inode structure (Robert S Peterson) [1240663] - [fs] gfs2: Extract quota data from reservations structure (revert 5407e24) (Robert S Peterson) [1240663] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up reservation removal (Robert S Peterson) [1240663] - [fs] ceph: make fsync() wait unsafe requests that created/modified inode (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: add request to i_unsafe_dirops when getting unsafe reply (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: don't invalidate page cache when inode is no longer used (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: fix message length computation (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: improve readahead for file holes (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: get inode size for each append write (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: cleanup use of ceph_msg_get (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: no need to get parent inode in ceph_open (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: remove the useless judgement (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: remove redundant test of head->safe and silence static analysis warnings (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: fix queuing inode to mdsdir's snaprealm (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: invalidate dirty pages after forced umount (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: EIO all operations after forced umount (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: always re-send cap flushes when MDS recovers (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: fix ceph_writepages_start() (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: switch some GFP_NOFS memory allocation to GFP_KERNEL (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: pre-allocate data structure that tracks caps flushing (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: re-send flushing caps (which are revoked) in reconnect stage (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: send TID of the oldest pending caps flush to MDS (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: track pending caps flushing globally (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: track pending caps flushing accurately (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: fix directory fsync (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: fix flushing caps (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: don't include used caps in cap_wanted (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: ratelimit warn messages for MDS closes session (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: simplify two mount_timeout sites (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] libceph: store timeouts in jiffies, verify user input (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: exclude setfilelock requests when calculating oldest tid (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: don't pre-allocate space for cap release messages (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: make sure syncfs flushes all cap snaps (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: don't trim auth cap when there are cap snaps (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: take snap_rwsem when accessing snap realm's cached_context (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: avoid sending unnessesary FLUSHSNAP message (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: set i_head_snapc when getting CEPH_CAP_FILE_WR reference (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: use empty snap context for uninline_data and get_pool_perm (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] ceph: check OSD caps before read/write (Zheng Yan) [1291193] - [fs] libceph: allow setting osd_req_op's flags (Zheng Yan) [1291193]- [powerpc] mm: tracking vDSO remap (Adrian Reber) [1274399] - [mm] new arch_remap() hook (Adrian Reber) [1274399] - [mm] new mm hook framework (Adrian Reber) [1274399] - [powerpc] Enable sys_kcmp() for CRIU (Adrian Reber) [1274399] - [powerpc] pci: Remove unused force_32bit_msi quirk (Oded Gabbay) [1274362] - [powerpc] pseries: Honor the generic "no_64bit_msi" flag (Oded Gabbay) [1274362] - [powerpc] powernv: Honor the generic "no_64bit_msi" flag (Oded Gabbay) [1274362] - [powerpc] powernv: Reserve PE#0 on NPU (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Change NPU PE# assignment (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix update of NVLink DMA mask (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Add support for Nvlink NPUs (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Add __raw_rm_writeq() function (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pci: Add shutdown hook to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pasemi: Only the build the pasemi MSI code for PASEMI=y (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Move dma_set_mask() from pnv_phb to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pci: add dma_set_mask to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Specialise pci_controller_ops for each controller type (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Remove MSI-related PCI controller ops from ppc_md (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] mpic_u3msi: Move MSI-related ops to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] ppc4xx_msi: Move MSI-related ops to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] fsl_msi: Move MSI-related ops to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pseries: Move MSI-related ops to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] cell: Move MSI-related ops to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Move MSI-related ops to pci_controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Add MSI operations to pci_controller_ops struct (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix early pci_controller_ops loading (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] dart_iommu: Remove check for controller_ops == NULL case (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Remove shims for pci_controller_ops operations (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] cell: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] fsl_pci, swiotlb: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] maple: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pasemi: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pseries: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powermac: Move controller ops from ppc_md to controller_ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] dart_iommu: optionally populate controller_ops on init (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Create pci_controller_ops.reset_secondary_bus and shim (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Create pci_controller_ops.window_alignment and shim (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Create pci_controller_ops.enable_device_hook and shim (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Create pci_controller_ops.probe_mode and shim (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Create pci_controller_ops.dma_bus_setup and shim (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Create pci_controller_ops.dma_dev_setup and shim (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pcibios_enable_device_hook: return bool rather than int (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powermac: move pmac_pci_probe_mode from setup.c to pci.c (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] move find_and_init_phbs() to pSeries specific code (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove pnv_pci_probe_mode() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Initialize M64 PE in time (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [include] device: Add dev__once variants (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Override dma_get_required_mask() (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] pci/msi/ppc: Remove arch_msi_check_device() (Gustavo Duarte) [1274362 1275657] - [powerpc] powernv: Update dev->dma_mask in pci_set_dma_mask() path (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657] - [powerpc] Add PVR for POWER8NVL processor (Gustavo Duarte) [1275657]- [netdrv] Driver for IBM System i/p VNIC protocol (Gustavo Duarte) [947163] - [hwmon] Disable F71868 and F81866 (Eric Sandeen) [1310888] - [hwmon] Add support for f81768d (Eric Sandeen) [1310888] - [hwmon] Add support for F81866 and F71868 (Eric Sandeen) [1310888] - [watchdog] hpwdt: HP rebranding (Nigel Croxon) [1274435] - [misc] hpilo: Change e-mail address from to (Nigel Croxon) [1274436] - [misc] hpilo: Add min and max value of module parameter in description (Nigel Croxon) [1274436] - [char] ipmi: Remove unnecessary pci_disable_device (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Drop owner assignment from i2c_driver (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: constify some struct and char arrays (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: move timer init to before irq is setup (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: watchdog: add panic_wdt_timeout parameter (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Move MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() to follow struct (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Stop the timer immediately if idle (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Start the timer and thread on internal msgs (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: ipmi_ssif: Replace timeval with timespec64 (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: ssif: Add a module parm to specify that SMBus alerts don't work (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: add of_device_id in MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Compensate for BMCs that wont set the irq enable bit (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Don't call receive handler in the panic context (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Avoid touching possible corrupted lists in the panic context (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Don't flush messages in sender() in run-to-completion mode (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Factor out message flushing procedure (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Remove unneeded set_run_to_completion call (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Make some data const that was only read (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: constify SSIF ACPI device ids (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "cleanup_one_si" (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Change 1 to true for bool type variables during initialization (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] impi: Remove unneeded setting of module owner to THIS_MODULE in the platform structure, powernv_ipmi_driver (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Add a comment in how messages are delivered from the lower layer (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: Convert the IPMI SI ACPI handling to a platform device (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [char] ipmi: put acpi.h with the other headers (Tony Camuso) [1274306] - [s390] vtime: correct scaled cputime of partially idle CPUs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1308883] - [s390] vtime: correct scaled cputime for SMT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1308883] - [s390] vtime: limit MT scaling value updates (Hendrik Brueckner) [1308883] - [s390] dasd: prevent incorrect length error under z/VM after PAV changes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310825] - [s390] qeth: initialize net_device with carrier off (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310824] - [s390] dasd: fix failfast for disconnected devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1309251] - [s390] cio: update measurement characteristics (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310822] - [s390] cio: ensure consistent measurement state (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310822] - [s390] cio: fix measurement characteristics memleak (Hendrik Brueckner) [1310822] - [s390] stacktrace: add save_stack_trace_regs() (Pratyush Anand) [1297488] - [s390] stacktrace: save full stack traces (Pratyush Anand) [1297488] - [s390] stacktrace: add missing end marker (Pratyush Anand) [1297488] - [s390] stacktrace: fix address ranges for asynchronous and panic stack (Pratyush Anand) [1297488] - [s390] stacktrace: fix save_stack_trace_tsk() for current task (Pratyush Anand) [1297488] - [x86] perf: Fix 'active_events' imbalance (Jiri Olsa) [1312571] - [tty] Add support for PCIe WCH382 2S multi-IO card (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309575] - [tty] Add support for the WCH384 4S multi-IO card (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309575] - [tty] parport: Add support for the WCH382 2S/1P multi-IO card (Jeremy McNicoll) [1309575]- [ib] mlx5: Fix RC transport send queue overhead computation (Don Dutile) [1293336] - [hv] vmbus: restore hv_synic_clockevents_cleanup() call in hv_kexec_handler() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [hv] vmbus: Teardown clockevent devices on module unload (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [hv] vmbus: Implement a clockevent device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clockevents: export clockevents_unbind_device instead of clockevents_unbind (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] tick-common: Fix wrong check in tick_check_replacement() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clockevents: Implement unbind functionality (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clockevents: Provide sysfs interface (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clockevents: Move the tick_notify() switch case to clockevents_notify() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clockevents: Simplify locking (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Let clocksource_unregister() return success/error (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Provide unbind interface in sysfs (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Split out user string input (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Allow clocksource select to skip current clocksource (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Add module refcount (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Let timekeeping_notify return success/error (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [kernel] clocksource: Always verify highres capability (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1202375] - [netdrv] cdc_ncm: update specs URL (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] cdc_ncm: Add support for moving NDP to end of NCM frame (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: allow tuning min_tx_pkt (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: export NCM Transfer Block (NTB) parameters (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: drop ethtool coalesce support (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: use sysfs for rx/tx aggregation tuning (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: inform usbnet when rx buffers are reduced (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: always reallocate tx_curr_skb when tx_max increases (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: reduce skb truesize in rx path (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: fix typo in test for supported formats (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: fix 64bit division build error (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: do not start timer on an empty skb (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: remove redundant "disconnected" flag (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: fix argument alignment (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: use sane defaults for rx/tx buffers (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm/cdc_mbim: adding NCM protocol statistics (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: set reasonable padding limits (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: use true max dgram count for header estimates (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: use ethtool to tune coalescing settings (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: support rx_max/tx_max updates when running (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: split .bind device initialization (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: factor out one-time device initialization (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: split out rx_max/tx_max update of setup (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm/cdc_mbim: rework probing of NCM/MBIM functions (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: reject IP packets on DSS VLANs (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: optionally use VLAN ID 4094 for IP session 0 (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: handle unaccelerated VLAN tagged frames (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: __vlan_find_dev_deep need rcu_read_lock (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: fix buffer overflow (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] net: cdc_ncm: respect operator preferred MTU reported by MBIM (John Linville) [1260556] - [include] usb: cdc: add MBIM extended functional descriptor structure (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: cleanup a type issue in cdc_ncm_setup() (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: fixup error return value (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: no need to check for resume if suspend exists (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: manage_power should always set needs_remote_wakeup (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: no not set tx_max higher than the device supports (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: improve bind error debug messages (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: return proper error if setup fails (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: refactoring cdc_ncm_setup (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: endian convert constants instead of variables (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: log signatures in hex (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: use netif_* and dev_* instead of pr_* (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: log the length we warn about (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: set correct dev->hard_mtu (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: remove ethtool ops (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: remove probe and disconnect wrappers (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: no point in filling up the NTBs if we send ZLPs (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: only the control intf can be probed (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_ncm: fix SET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: change the default to send ZLPs (John Linville) [1260556] - [netdrv] net: cdc_mbim: handle IPv6 Neigbor Solicitations (John Linville) [1260556]- [fs] xfs: fix xfs_log_ticket leak in xfs_end_io() after fs shutdown (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: clean up unwritten buffers on write failure (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix endianness error when checking log block crc on big endian platforms (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: log mount failures don't wait for buffers to be released (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] revert "xfs: clear PF_NOFREEZE for xfsaild kthread" (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: handle dquot buffer readahead in log recovery correctly (Brian Foster) [1234586 1298684] - [fs] xfs: inode recovery readahead can race with inode buffer creation (Brian Foster) [1234586 1298684] - [fs] xfs: eliminate committed arg from xfs_bmap_finish (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: bmapbt checking on debug kernels too expensive (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: add tracepoints to readpage calls (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: debug mode log record crc error injection (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: detect and trim torn writes during log recovery (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Use a signed return type for suffix_kstrtoint() (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: refactor short btree block verification (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: pack the agfl header structure so XFS_AGFL_SIZE is correct (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: use a convenience variable instead of open-coding the fork (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix log ticket type printing (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: make xfs_alloc_fix_freelist non-static (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_buf_ioend_async() static (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: send warning of project quota to userspace via netlink (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: get mp from bma->ip in xfs_bmap code (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: print name of verifier if it fails (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: Optimize the loop for xfs_bitmap_empty (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: refactor log record start detection into a new helper (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: support a crc verification only log record pass (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: return start block of first bad log record during recovery (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: refactor and open code log record crc check (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: refactor log record unpack and data processing (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: detect and handle invalid iclog size set by mkfs (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: give all workqueues rescuer threads (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix log recovery op header validation assert (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Fix error path in xfs_get_acl (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: optimise away log forces on timestamp updates for fdatasync (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: don't leak uuid table on rmmod (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: invalidate cached acl if set via ioctl (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Plug memory leak in xfs_attrmulti_attr_set (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Validate the length of on-disk ACLs (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: invalidate cached acl if set directly via xattr (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: clear PF_NOFREEZE for xfsaild kthread (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: simplify /proc teardown & error handling (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: more info from kmem deadlocks and high-level error msgs (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: avoid null *src in memcpy call in xlog_write (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: pass total block res. as total xfs_bmapi_write() parameter (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: avoid dependency on Linux XATTR_SIZE_MAX (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: prefix XATTR_LIST_MAX with XFS_ (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: fix two comment typos (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: validate metadata LSNs against log on v5 superblocks (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Print name and pid when memory allocation loops (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: log local to remote symlink conversions correctly on v5 supers (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: add missing ilock around dio write last extent alignment (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] cancel the setfilesize transation when io error happen (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix error gotos in xfs_setattr_nonsize (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: bad magic number should set da block buffer error (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix non-debug build warnings (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: collapse allocsize and biosize mount option handling (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Fix file type directory corruption for btree directories (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: lockdep annotations throw warnings on non-debug builds (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Fix uninitialized return value in xfs_alloc_fix_freelist() (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: inode lockdep annotations broke non-lockdep build (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Fix xfs_attr_leafblock definition (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: readahead of dir3 data blocks should use the read verifier (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: stop holding ILOCK over filldir callbacks (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: clean up inode lockdep annotations (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: swap leaf buffer into path struct atomically during path shift (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: relocate sparse inode mount warning (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: dquots should be stamped with sb_meta_uuid (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: log recovery needs to validate against sb_meta_uuid (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: growfs not aware of sb_meta_uuid (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix sb_meta_uuid usage (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: set XFS_DA_OP_OKNOENT in xfs_attr_get (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: add missing bmap cancel calls in error paths (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: add helper to conditionally remove items from the AIL (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix btree cursor error cleanups (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: clean up root inode properly on mount failure (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix broken icreate log item cancellation (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: icreate log item recovery and cancellation tracepoints (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: don't leave EFIs on AIL on mount failure (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: use EFI refcount consistently in log recovery (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: ensure EFD trans aborts on log recovery extent free failure (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix efi/efd error handling to avoid fs shutdown hangs (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: return committed status from xfs_trans_roll() (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: disentagle EFI release from the extent count (Brian Foster) [1297875 1298684] - [fs] xfs: create new metadata UUID field and incompat flag (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] libxfs: add xfs_bit.c (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Remove duplicate jumps to the same label (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Use consistent logging message prefixes (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: xfs_bunmapi() does not need XFS_BMAPI_METADATA flag (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: remote attributes need to be considered data (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: remote attribute headers contain an invalid LSN (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Correctly lock inode when removing suid and file capabilities (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: clean up XFS_MIN_FREELIST macros (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: sanitise error handling in xfs_alloc_fix_freelist (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: factor out free space extent length check (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: xfs_alloc_fix_freelist() can use incore perag structures (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_caddr_t (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: use void pointers in log validation helpers (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: return a void pointer from xfs_buf_offset (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: remove inst_t (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: remove __psint_t and __psunsigned_t (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix remote symlinks on V5/CRC filesystems (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_log_done interface (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: saner xfs_trans_commit interface (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: remove the flags argument to xfs_trans_cancel (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: pass a boolean flag to xfs_trans_free_items (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: switch remaining xfs_trans_dup users to xfs_trans_roll (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: check min blks for random debug mode sparse allocations (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: fix sparse inodes 32-bit compile failure (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: mmap lock needs to be inside freeze protection (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: Clean up xfs_trans_dup_dqinfo (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: don't cast string literals (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: enable sparse inode chunks for v5 superblocks (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: skip unallocated regions of inode chunks in xfs_ifree_cluster() (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: only free allocated regions of inode chunks (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: filter out sparse regions from individual inode allocation (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: randomly do sparse inode allocations in DEBUG mode (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: allocate sparse inode chunks on full chunk allocation failure (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: helper to convert holemask to inode alloc. bitmap (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: handle sparse inode chunks in icreate log recovery (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: pass inode count through ordered icreate log item (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: use actual inode count for sparse records in bulkstat/inumbers (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: introduce inode record hole mask for sparse inode chunks (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: add fs geometry bit for sparse inode chunks (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: sparse inode chunks feature helpers and mount requirements (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: use sparse chunk alignment for min. inode allocation requirement (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: add sparse inode chunk alignment superblock field (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: support min/max agbno args in block allocator (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: update free inode record logic to support sparse inode records (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: create individual inode alloc. helper (Brian Foster) [1298684] - [fs] xfs: DIO writes within EOF don't need an ioend (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] xfs: handle DIO overwrite EOF update completion correctly (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] xfs: DIO needs an ioend for writes (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] xfs: move DIO mapping size calculation (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] xfs: factor DIO write mapping from get_blocks (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] xfs: don't allocate an ioend for direct I/O completions (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] direct-io: only inc/dec inode->i_dio_count for file systems (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] direct-io: Handle O_(D)SYNC AIO (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] direct-io: Implement generic deferred AIO completions (Brian Foster) [1305118] - [fs] revert 'direct-io: only inc_dec inode->i_dio_count for file systems' (Brian Foster) [1305118]- [misc] mei: bus: set the device name before running fixup (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: use correct lock ordering (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: Fix debugfs filename in error output (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: amthif: Do not compare bool to 0/1 (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: fix c&p issue in the kdoc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix the KDoc formating (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: keep the device awake during reads in chunks (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: cancel driver workers only after client devices were removed (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: fix d0i3 register offset in tracing (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: use mei_cl_bus_ prefix consistently (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: use mei_cldev_ prefix for the API functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: export mei_cldev_enabled function (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: export uuid and protocol version to mei_cl bus drivers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: add client protocol version to the device alias (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: export client protocol version (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [scripts] mei: make modules.alias UUID information easier to read (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: hbm: fix error in state check logic (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix debugfs files leak on error path (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [watchdog] mei: Fix parent of watchdog_device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: remove check on pm_runtime_active in __mei_cl_disconnect (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: hbm: bump supported HBM version to 2.0 (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: add sunrise point device ids (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: d0i3: exit d0i3 on driver start and enter it on stop (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: d0i3: move mei_me_hw_reset down in the file (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: d0i3: add d0i3 enter/exit state machine (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: hbm: reorganize the power gating responses (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: d0i3: enable d0i3 interrupts (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: d0i3: add flag to indicate D0i3 support (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: d0i3: add the control registers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: hbm: add new error code MEI_CL_CONN_NOT_ALLOWED (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: add and call callback on notify event (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: implement fasync for event notification (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: support polling for event notification (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add async event notification ioctls (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add a handler that waits for notification on event (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add mei_cl_notify_request command (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: enable async event notifications only from hbm version 2.0 (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: implement async notification hbm messages (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: define async notification hbm commands (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: disconnect on connection request timeout (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: support for dynamic clients (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: link client devices instead of host clients (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: simplify how we build nfc bus name (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: blacklist clients by number of connections (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: blacklist the nfc info client (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: enable running fixup routines before device registration (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: add me client device list infrastructure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: add reference to bus device in struct mei_cl_client (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: revamp probe and remove functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: revamp device matching (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: report if event registration failed (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: don't enable events implicitly in device enable (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: rename uevent handler to mei_cl_device_uevent (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: move driver api functions at the start of the file (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: rename nfc.c to bus-fixup.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: fix drivers and devices names confusion (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: do not access freed cb in blocking write (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: prevent unloading mei hw modules while the device is opened (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: nfc: fix deadlock on shutdown/suspend path (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: wait for power gating exit confirmation (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: reset flow control on the last client disconnection (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix up uuid matching (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: export hbm features to debugfs under devstate (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [include] mei: export mei client device struct to external use (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: kill mei_cl_ops (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [nfc] mei_phy: move all nfc logic from mei driver to nfc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: add name and uuid into device attributes (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: report also uuid in module alias (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add also write waiting list to runtime pm blockers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: request autosuspend at the end of write (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: consume flow control on the first chunk of writing (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: debug prints with client info in read (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: txe: fix incorrect indentation (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: drop iamthif_mtu from device structure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: connection to fixed address clients from user-space (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: support for fixed address clients (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix flow control for single buffer clients (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add a reference from the host client to the me client (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: revamp client connection (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: revamp client disconnection flow (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: txe: reduce suspend/resume time (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: trace: remove unused TRACE_SYSTEM_STRING (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: replace check for connection instead of transitioning (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use mei_cl_is_connected consistently (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix mei_poll operation (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix regression on NFC connection (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: trace: fix missing include to linux/device.h (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: free me client references on host init (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: call device disable handler prior to disconnection (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: allow read concurrency (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: simplify io callback disposal (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add mei_cl_alloc_linked function (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: always initialize the callback with the intended operation type (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use only one buffer in callback (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: iamthif: use regular client read functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: iamthif: use client write functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: iamthif: send flow control as a regular client (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: iamthif: remove useless iamthif_ioctl variable (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: iamthif: fix device reset on mei_amthif_irq_read_msg (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix device reset on mei_cl_irq_read_msg allocation failure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix function names and format in KDoc (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: change power gating function name conventions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: add io register tracing (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: use io register wrappers consistently (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: revamp me clients list handling (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: release hw from reset only during the reset flow (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: mask interrupt set bit on clean reset bit (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add reference counting for me clients (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use uuid, me_addr tuple addressing also for flow control credits (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: use ssize_t as the return type for send and receive (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: clean reset bit before reset (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: export fw status registers through sysfs (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: read and print all six FW status registers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: txe: add cherrytrail device id (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: kill cached host and me csr values (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix hbm MEI_HBM_STARTED ambiguity (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: nfc: clean nfc internal struct on host exit (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: hbm: use client specific print functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: debugfs: display also connectionless clients (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use local cl variables in wd and amthif (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: drop unneeded client NULL check in cb structure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: Replace CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME with CONFIG_PM (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: mei_txe_fw_sts can be static (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix kernel-doc warnings (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix KDoc documentation formatting (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: drop me_client_presentation_num (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: trivial: fix errors in prints in comments (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: remove include to pci header from mei module files (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: push pci cfg structure me hw (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: remove the reference to pdev from mei_device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: move fw_status back to hw ops handlers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: get rid of most of the pci dependencies in mei (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: push all standard settings into mei_device_init (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: move mei_hbm_hdr function from hbm.h the hbm.c (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: kill error message for allocation failure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: nfc: fix style warning (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix style warning: Missing a blank line after declarations (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: pg: fix cat and paste error in comments (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: debugfs: add single buffer indicator (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: debugfs: adjust print buffer (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add hbm and pg state in devstate debugfs print (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: bus: fix possible boundaries violation (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use connect_data on the stack (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: enable adding more IOCTL handlers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: extract supported features from the hbm version (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: simplify handling of hbm client events (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: wait for hbm start non-interruptible (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: revamp connect and disconnect response handling (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use disconnect name consistently (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add hbm commands return status values (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add mei_me_cl_by_uuid_id function (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add me client remove functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use list for me clients book keeping (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me_client lookup function to return me_client object (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use wrapper for simple hbm client message (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use consistently me_addr in the hbm structures (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: amthif: don't check amthif client identity on amthif queues (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: amthif: use service function to flush amthif queue (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: wait for hw ready non-interruptible (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix comments (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: nfc: fix memory leak in error path (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: reset client state on queued connect request (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: drop unused hw dependent fw status functions (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix return value on disconnect timeout (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: don't schedule suspend in pm idle (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: start disconnect request timer consistently (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: reset client connection state on timeout (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add WPT second mei interface (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: move from misc to char device (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: move probe quirk to cfg structure (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add per device configuration (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: read H_CSR after asserting reset (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: drop harmful wait optimization (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: fix hw ready reset flow (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix memory leak of mei_clients array (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: set connecting state just upon connection request is sent to the fw (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: make return values consistent across the driver (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: extract fw status registers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: bump hbm version to 1.1 to support power gating (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: txe: use runtime PG pm domain for non wakeable devices (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: use runtime PG pm domain for non wakeable devices (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: use runtime pm in write and read flow (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: txe: add runtime pm framework (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: add runtime pm framework (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: add function to check write queues (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: add pg exit and entry flow commands (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: expose hardware power gating state to mei layer (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: condition PGI support on HW and HBM version (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: add power gating isolation register write wrappers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: introduce power gating registers (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: implement power gating isolation hbm layer (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: me: fix hardware reset flow (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: fix read after read scenario (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503] - [misc] mei: deprecate the mei_wd_state_independence_msg (Jeremy McNicoll) [1273503]- [net] veth: don't modify ip_summed; doing so treats packets with bad checksums as good (Sabrina Dubroca) [1307099] - [net] nf_tables: use reverse traversal commit_list in nf_tables_abort (Xin Long) [1275964] - [net] nf_tables: fix addition/deletion of elements from commit/abort (Xin Long) [1275964] - [net] ipv6: addrlabel: fix ip6addrlbl_get() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1299324] - [net] packet: race condition in packet_bind (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1298365] - [net] packet: missing dev_put() in packet_do_bind() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1298365] - [net] af_unix: Guard against other == sk in unix_dgram_sendmsg (Jakub Sitnicki) [1285792] - [net] unix: avoid use-after-free in ep_remove_wait_queue (Paolo Abeni) [1285792] - [net] unix: correctly track in-flight fds in sending process user_struct (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1297403] {CVE-2013-4312} - [net] unix: properly account for FDs passed over unix sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1297403] {CVE-2013-4312} - [net] unix: garbage: fixed several comment and whitespace style issues (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1297403] {CVE-2013-4312} - [net] sctp: Prevent soft lockup when sctp_accept() is called during a timeout event (Xin Long) [1270586] {CVE-2015-8767} - [net] sctp: Whitespace fix (Xin Long) [1270586] {CVE-2015-8767} - [net] fib_trie: leaf_walk_rcu should not compute key if key is less than pn->key (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1275851] - [net] ipv4: implement support for NOPREFIXROUTE ifa flag for ipv4 address (Paolo Abeni) [1221311] - [net] tcp: fix a potential deadlock in tcp_get_info() (Paolo Abeni) [1269051] - [net] tcp: add tcpi_segs_in and tcpi_segs_out to tcp_info (Paolo Abeni) [1269051] - [net] tcp: add tcpi_bytes_received to tcp_info (Paolo Abeni) [1269051] - [net] tcp: add tcpi_bytes_acked to tcp_info (Paolo Abeni) [1269051] - [net] tcp_cubic: do not set epoch_start in the future (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1268538] - [net] tcp_cubic: better follow cubic curve after idle period (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1268538] - [netdrv] bond: track sum of rx_nohandler for all slaves (Jarod Wilson) [1289198] - [netdrv] team: track sum of rx_nohandler for all slaves (Jarod Wilson) [1289198] - [net] add rx_nohandler stat counter (Jarod Wilson) [1289198] - [net] core: relax BUILD_BUG_ON in netdev_stats_to_stats64 (Jarod Wilson) [1289198] - [net] preserve IP control block during GSO segmentation (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1283392] - [net] xfrm: add XFRMA_REPLAY_VAL attribute to SA messages (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] xfrm: Don't prohibit AH from using ESN feature (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] ipv6: xfrm: Add ESN support for AH ingress part (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] ipv6: xfrm: Add ESN support for AH egress part (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] ipv4: xfrm: Add ESN support for AH ingress part (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] ipv4: xfrm: Add ESN support for AH egress part (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] skbuff: Introduce skb_to_sgvec_nomark to map skb without mark new end (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] xfrm: Fix aevent generation for each received packet (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] xfrm: Guard IPsec anti replay window against replay bitmap (Herbert Xu) [1210745] - [net] ipv6: udp: use sticky pktinfo egress ifindex on connect() (Paolo Abeni) [1291792] - [documentation] net: change tcp_syn_retries documentation (Xin Long) [1299301] - [net] ipv6: sctp: fix lockdep splat in sctp_v6_get_dst() (Aaron Conole) [1286695] - [net] ipv6: tcp: add rcu locking in tcp_v6_send_synack() (Aaron Conole) [1286695] - [net] ipv6: sctp: add rcu protection around np->opt (Aaron Conole) [1286695] - [net] ipv6: add complete rcu protection around np->opt (Aaron Conole) [1286695] - [net] openvswitch: limit ovs recursions in ovs_execute_actions to not corrupt stack (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1297881] - [net] scm: fix PaX detected msg_controllen overflow in scm_detach_fds (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1284046] - [x86] perf, x86: Stop Intel PT before kdump starts (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add interface to stop Intel PT logging (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix KVM warning due to doing rdmsr() before the CPUID test (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Disallow use by unprivileged users on paranoid systems (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Clean up files of Intel Processor Trace (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Set event->hw.itrace_started in pmu::start to match the new logic (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add new timing packet enables (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Do not force sync packets on every schedule-in (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/lbr: Kill off intel_pmu_needs_lbr_smpl for good (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Drop redundant declarations (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add PERF_RECORD_SWITCH to indicate context switches (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel: Fix PMI handling for Intel PT (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Fix DS area sharing with x86_pmu events (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf_event_intel_pt.c: use arch_initcall to hook in enabling (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf_event_intel_bts.c: use arch_initcall to hook in enabling (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix a refactoring bug (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Disallow sparse AUX allocations for non-SG PMUs in overwrite mode (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Remove redundant variable declaration (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Kill pt_is_running() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Document pt_buffer_reset_offsets() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Document pt_buffer_reset_markers() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Kill an unused variable (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Untangle pt_buffer_reset_markers() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix and clean up error handling in pt_event_add() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Clean up the control flow in pt_pmu_hw_init() (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Fix the 32-bit build (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/bts: Add BTS PMU driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86/intel/pt: Add Intel PT PMU driver (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] perf/x86: Mark Intel PT and LBR/BTS as mutually exclusive (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [x86] Add Intel Processor Trace (INTEL_PT) cpu feature detection (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add ITRACE_START record to indicate that tracing has started (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add wakeup watermark control to the AUX area (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Support overwrite mode for the AUX area (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add API for PMUs to write to the AUX area (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add AUX record (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add a pmu capability for "exclusive" events (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add a capability for AUX_NO_SG pmus to do software double buffering (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Support high-order allocations for AUX space (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [kernel] perf: Add AUX area to ring buffer for raw data streams (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [include] perf: Add data_{offset,size} to user_page (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1270539] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix basic support for X722 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1305242] - [ata] Adding Intel Lewisburg device IDs for SATA (Steve Best) [1310241] - [block] Always check queue limits for cloned requests (Mike Snitzer) [1286749]- [fs] cifs: Ratelimit kernel log messages (Jamie Bainbridge) [1264251] - [fs] cifs: convert printk(LEVEL...) to pr_ (Jamie Bainbridge) [1264251] - [fs] pnfs: adjust backport for bit_wait check API change (Benjamin Coddington) [1296270] - [fs] ovl: fix dentry reference leak (David Howells) [1261073] - [fs] fs: __generic_file_splice_read retry lookup on AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE (Abhijith Das) [1196335] - [fs] nfsd: fix clp->cl_revoked list deletion causing softlock in nfsd ("J. Bruce Fields") [1300023] - [fs] gfs2: Add missing else in trans_add_meta/data (Robert S Peterson) [1268436] - [fs] gfs2: Fix direct IO write rounding error (Robert S Peterson) [1289630] - [fs] nfsv4: handle nfs4_get_referral failure (Dave Wysochanski) [1228711] - [fs] fixup: audit: implement audit by executable (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: implement audit by executable (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: clean simple fsnotify implementation (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: use macros for unset inode and device values (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: make audit_del_rule() more robust (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: fix uninitialized variable in audit_add_rule() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: eliminate unnecessary extra layer of watch parent references (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: eliminate unnecessary extra layer of watch references (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fsnotify: Allocate overflow events with proper type (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fanotify: Handle overflow in case of permission events (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fsnotify: Fix detection whether overflow event is queued (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] inotify: Fix reporting of cookies for inotify events (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fanotify: Fix use after free for permission events (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fsnotify: Do not return merged event from fsnotify_add_notify_event() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fanotify: Fix use after free in mask checking (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fsnotify: remove pointless NULL initializers (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fsnotify: remove .should_send_event callback (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] fsnotify: do not share events between notification groups (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] inotify: provide function for name length rounding (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] revert "inotify: don't add consecutive overflow events to the queue" (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: WARN if audit_rule_change called illegally (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: cull redundancy in audit_rule_change (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: refactor audit_receive_msg() to clarify AUDIT_*_RULE* cases (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: fix netlink portid naming and types (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] audit: rename audit_log_remove_rule to disambiguate for trees (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [fs] kernel/auditfilter.c: fix leak in audit_add_rule() error path (Richard Guy Briggs) [1135562] - [lib] klist: fix starting point removed bug in klist iterators (Ewan Milne) [1309433] - [i2c] i801: Fix the alignment of the device table (Steve Best) [1307147] - [x86] tsc: Add native_read_tsc() to maintain KABI (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Remove rdtsc_barrier() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] kvm: Drop open-coded barrier and use rdtsc_ordered() in kvmclock (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Use rdtsc_ordered() in read_tsc() instead of get_cycles() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Use rdtsc_ordered() in check_tsc_warp() and drop extra barriers (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Add rdtsc_ordered() and use it in trivial call sites (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Rename native_read_tsc() to rdtsc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Remove rdtscl() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Use the full 64-bit TSC to detect the 2.6.2 bug (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Use the full 64-bit TSC in delay_tsc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Remove the rdtscp() and rdtscpll() macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Replace rdtscll() with native_read_tsc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] paravirt: Remove read_tsc() and read_tscp() paravirt hooks (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] kvm: Remove vget_cycles() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] tsc: Inline native_read_tsc() and remove __native_read_tsc() (Prarit Bhargava) [1302325] - [x86] mm: Enable SWIOTLB if system has SRAT memory regions above MAX_DMA32_PFN (Igor Mammedov) [1271527] - [x86] mm: Introduce max_possible_pfn (Igor Mammedov) [1271527] - [x86] xen: Support kexec/kdump in HVM guests by doing a soft reset (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1007328] - [kernel] sched: Output warning when the 'isolcpus=' kernel parameter is invalid (Prarit Bhargava) [1305052] - [kernel] hung_task debugging: Add tracepoint to report the hang (Oleg Nesterov) [1146199] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix divide by zero on Knights Landing (Steve Best) [1273305] - [security] selinux: don't waste ebitmap space when importing NetLabel categories (Paul Moore) [1237425]- [iommu] amd: Allow non-ATS devices in IOMMUv2 domains (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Set global dma_ops if swiotlb is disabled (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Use swiotlb in passthrough mode (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Allow non-IOMMUv2 devices in IOMMUv2 domains (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Use iommu core for passthrough mode (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Use iommu_attach_group() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Introduce protection_domain_init() function (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Ignore -ENODEV errors from add_device call-back (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Handle large pages correctly in free_pagetable (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't disable IR when it was previously enabled (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Make sure copied over IR entries are not reused (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Copy IR table from old kernel when in kdump mode (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Set IRTA in intel_setup_irq_remapping (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Disable IRQ remapping in intel_prepare_irq_remapping (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Move QI initializationt to intel_setup_irq_remapping (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Move EIM detection to intel_prepare_irq_remapping (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Enable Translation only if it was previously disabled (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't disable translation prior to OS handover (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't copy translation tables if RTT bit needs to be changed (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't do early domain assignment if kdump kernel (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Allocate si_domain in init_dmars() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Mark copied context entries (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Do not re-use domain-ids from the old kernel (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Copy translation tables from old kernel (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Detect pre enabled translation (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Make root entry visible for hardware right after allocation (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Init QI before root entry is allocated (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Cleanup log messages (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Handle errors returned from iommu_init_device (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Propagate errors from amd_iommu_init_api (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Remove unused fields from struct dma_ops_domain (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Get rid of device_dma_ops_init() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Put IOMMUv2 devices in a direct mapped domain (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Support IOMMU_DOMAIN_IDENTITY type allocation (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Support IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA type allocation (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Implement add_device and remove_device (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Remove pci_ats_enabled() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Stop caching ATS Invalidate Queue Depth (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Move ATS declarations to linux/pci.h so they're all together (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Clean up ATS error handling (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Use pci_physfn() rather than looking up physfn by hand (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Inline the ATS setup code into pci_ats_init() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Rationalize pci_ats_queue_depth() error checking (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Reduce size of ATS structure elements (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Embed ATS info directly into struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [pci] Allocate ATS struct during enumeration (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Cache PCI ATS state and Invalidate Queue Depth (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Use default domain if available for DMA-API (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Implement dm_region call-backs (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Introduce iommu_request_dm_for_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Add function to query the default domain of a group (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Create direct mappings in default domains (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Introduce direct mapped region handling (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Add iommu_get_domain_for_dev function (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Make sure a device is always attached to a domain (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Limit iommu_attach/detach_device to devices with their own group (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Allocate a default domain for iommu groups (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Call remove_device call-back after driver release (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Clean up after a failed bus initialization (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Propagate error in add_iommu_group (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Add a few printk messages to group handling code (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Remove function name from pr_fmt() (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] amd: Handle integer overflow in dma_ops_area_alloc (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Init iommu-groups support earlier, in core_initcall (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] Fix checkpatch warnings for Missing a blank line after declarations (Myron Stowe) [1050021] - [iommu] vt-d: Only enable extended context tables if PASID is supported (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Change PASID support to bit 40 of Extended Capability Register (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix passthrough mode with translation-disabled devices (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Really use upper context table when necessary (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: support extended root and context entries (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Add new extended capabilities from v2.3 VT-d specification (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Allow RMRR on graphics devices too (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Print x2apic opt out info instead of printing a warning (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: kill bogus ecap_niotlb_iunits() (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Correctly encode huge pages in iommu page tables (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Optimize amd_iommu_iova_to_phys for new fetch_pte interface (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Optimize alloc_new_range for new fetch_pte interface (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Optimize iommu_unmap_page for new fetch_pte interface (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Return the pte page-size in fetch_pte (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Add support for contiguous dma allocator (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Ignore BUS_NOTIFY_UNBOUND_DRIVER event (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Use BUS_NOTIFY_REMOVED_DEVICE (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] Remove domain_init and domain_free iommu_ops (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Make use of domain_alloc and domain_free (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Make use of domain_alloc and domain_free (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] Only allow iommu_map/unmap for paging domains (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] Introduce iommu domain types (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] Introduce domain_alloc and domain_free iommu_ops (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Small cleanup in mn_release() (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] vt-d: Convert non-returned local variable to boolean when relevant (Myron Stowe) [1299039] - [iommu] amd: Convert non-returned local variable to boolean when relevant (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Update my email address (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Disable on !MMU builds (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Fix trace_map() to report original iova and original size (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] iopoll: Introduce memory-mapped IO polling macros (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Change trace unmap api to report unmapped size (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Fix trace_unmap() to report original iova (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Make IOVA domain page size explicit (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Make IOVA domain low limit flexible (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Consolidate IOVA allocator code (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] Allow building iova.c independently (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] irq_remapping: Normailize the way to detect whether IR is enabled (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] amd: Fix irq remapping detection logic (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] irq_remapping: Change variable disable_irq_remap to be static (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] irq_remapping: Refine function irq_remapping_prepare() for maintenance (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] irq_remapping: Kill function irq_remapping_supported() and related code (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] amd: Check for irq-remap support amd_iommu_prepare() (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] vt-d: Allow IR works in XAPIC mode though CPU works in X2APIC mode (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] vt-d: Allocate IRQ remapping data structures only for all IOMMUs (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] vt-d: Prepare for killing function irq_remapping_supported() (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [x86] apic: Handle XAPIC remap mode proper (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [x86] apic: Refine enable_IR_x2apic() and related functions (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [x86] apic: Correctly detect X2APIC status in function enable_IR() (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [x86] apic: Kill useless variable x2apic_enabled in function enable_IR_x2apic() (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [x86] apic: Panic if kernel doesn't support x2apic but BIOS has enabled x2apic (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [x86] apic: Clear stale x2apic mode (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] vt-d: Convert allocations to GFP_KERNEL (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] vt-d: Move iommu preparatory allocations to irq_remap_ops.prepare (Myron Stowe) [1299036] - [iommu] x86: Restructure setup of the irq remapping feature (Myron Stowe) [1299036]- [net] ipv6: Fix regression in udp_v6_mcast_next() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1298790] - [net] vlan: Invoke driver vlan hooks only if device is present (Ivan Vecera) [1276628] - [net] udp: properly support MSG_PEEK with truncated buffers (Sabrina Dubroca) [1294384] - [net] sctp: release assoc when sctp_make_abort_user return NULL in sctp_close (Xin Long) [1285945] - [net] tcp: allow one skb to be received per socket under memory pressure (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] tcp: fix behavior for epoll edge trigger (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] tcp: introduce tcp_under_memory_pressure() (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] tcp: rename sk_forced_wmem_schedule() to sk_forced_mem_schedule() (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] tcp: implement sk_forced_wmem_schedule (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] fix sk_mem_reclaim_partial() (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] tcp: set SOCK_NOSPACE under memory pressure (Paolo Abeni) [1290901] - [net] netfilter: ipt_rpfilter: remove the nh_scope test in rpfilter_lookup_reverse (Xin Long) [1261761] - [net] tcp: honour SO_BINDTODEVICE for TW_RST case too (Florian Westphal) [1295557] - [net] tcp: send_reset: test for non-NULL sk first (Florian Westphal) [1295557] - [net] add inet_sk_transparent() helper (Florian Westphal) [1295557] - [net] add sk_fullsock() helper (Florian Westphal) [1295557] - [net] rtnetlink: delay RTM_DELLINK notification until after ndo_uninit() (Jarod Wilson) [1285719] - [net] unregister_netdevice: move RTM_DELLINK to until after ndo_uninit (Jarod Wilson) [1285719] - [net] ipv6: Dont add RT6_LOOKUP_F_IFACE flag if saddr set (Xin Long) [1273235] - [net] ipv6: Add RT6_LOOKUP_F_IFACE flag if oif is set (Xin Long) [1273235] - [net] ipv6: fix the incorrect return value of throw route (Xin Long) [1270665] - [net] ipv6: allow routes to be configured with expire (Xin Long) [1275587] - [security] selinux: Permit bounded transitions under NO_NEW_PRIVS or NOSUID (Paul Moore) [1264963] - [security] selinux: reject setexeccon() on MNT_NOSUID applications with -EACCES (Paul Moore) [1264963] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove BUG_ON assert when checking if ring is full (Kamal Heib) [1258136] - [x86] fpu: Check tsk_used_math() in kernel_fpu_end() for eager FPU (Prarit Bhargava) [1268913] - [i2c] Adding Intel Lewisburg support for iTCO (Steve Best) [1273640] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Intel device IDs for PCH (Steve Best) [1273640] - [i2c] i801: add Intel Lewisburg device IDs (Steve Best) [1273640] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add Intel Lewisburg device IDs Audio (Steve Best) [1273640] - [ata] ahci: add new Intel device IDs (Steve Best) [1273640] - [scsi] ses: Fix problems with simple enclosures (Ewan Milne) [1290825] - [scsi] Add ALUA state change UA handling (Ewan Milne) [1292569] - [scsi] fnic: check pci_map_single() return value (Maurizio Lombardi) [1246232] - [scsi] hpsa: Update driver revision to RH2 (Joseph Szczypek) [1268073] - [scsi] hpsa: fix issues with multilun devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1268073] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: touch version string (Tomas Henzl) [1267911] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: SMAP restriction--do not access user memory from IOCTL code (Tomas Henzl) [1267911] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Do not log error for netevents that need no action (Maurizio Lombardi) [1266884] - [scsi] iscsi: make mutex for target scanning and unbinding per-session (Chris Leech) [1253032]- [documentation] filesystems: describe the shared memory usage/accounting (Rodrigo Freire) [1293616] - [netdrv] sfc: Downgrade or remove some error messages (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Downgrade EPERM messages from MCDI to debug (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Make failed filter removal less noisy (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Handle MCDI proxy authorisation (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Retry MCDI after NO_EVB_PORT error on a VF (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: fix a timeout loop (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: only use RSS filters if we're using RSS (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: check warm_boot_count after other functions have been reset (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: use ALIGN macro for aligning frame sizes (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Add PCI ID for Solarflare 8000 series 10/40G NIC (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: make TSO version a per-queue parameter (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: constify pci_error_handlers structures (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: don't call dma_supported (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: fully reset if MC_REBOOT event received without warm_boot_count increment (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: avoid using timespec (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow driver to cope with a lower number of VIs than it needs for RSS (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: MC allocations must be restored following an entity reset (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: allow ethtool selftest and MC reboot to complete on an unprivileged function (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: clean fallbacks between promisc/normal in efx_ef10_filter_sync_rx_mode (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: support cascaded multicast filters (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: re-factor efx_ef10_filter_sync_rx_mode() (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: Insert multicast filters as well as mismatch filters in promiscuous mode (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: warn if other functions have been reset by MCFW (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: add output flag decoding to efx_mcdi_set_workaround (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: cope with ENOSYS from efx_mcdi_get_workarounds() (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: enable cascaded multicast filters in MCFW (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] sfc: update MCDI protocol definitions (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] siena: only report generic filters in get_ts_info (Jarod Wilson) [1282734] - [netdrv] bonding: "primary_reselect" with "failure" is not working properly (Jarod Wilson) [1301451] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Teardown SR-IOV before unregister_netdev() (Alex Williamson) [1245562] - [netdrv] igb: Teardown SR-IOV before unregister_netdev() (Alex Williamson) [1245562] - [vfio] Fix bug in vfio_device_get_from_name() (Alex Williamson) [1282546] - [scsi] report 'INQUIRY result too short' once per host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1270253] - [scsi] Revert "report 'INQUIRY result too short' once" (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1270253] - [x86] cpu: Call verify_cpu() after having entered long mode too (Lenny Szubowicz) [1240181] - [modsign] asn.1: Handle 'ANY OPTIONAL' in grammar (David Howells) [1250405] - [modsign] asn.1: Fix non-match detection failure on data overrun (David Howells) [1250405] - [modsign] asn.1: Fix actions on CHOICE elements with IMPLICIT tags (David Howells) [1250405] - [modsign] asn.1: Fix handling of CHOICE in ASN.1 compiler (David Howells) [1250405] - [watchdog] Read device status through sysfs attributes (Pratyush Anand) [1256787] - [watchdog] Use static struct class watchdog_class in stead of pointer (Pratyush Anand) [1256787] - [watchdog] Fix parent of watchdog_devices (Pratyush Anand) [1256787] - [watchdog] itco_wdt: Fix the parent device (Pratyush Anand) [1256787] - [cpufreq] powernv: Report Pmax throttling if capped below nominal frequency (Gustavo Duarte) [1277087] - [powerpc] cxl: Fix unbalanced pci_dev_get in cxl_probe (Gustavo Duarte) [1288112] - [powerpc] eeh: Probe after unbalanced kref check (Gustavo Duarte) [1288112]- [netdrv] fjes: ethtool support (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: handle receive cancellation request interrupt (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: epstop_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: update_zone_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: unshare_watch_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: force_close_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: interrupt_watch_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: net_device_ops.ndo_vlan_rx_add/kill_vid (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: net_device_ops.ndo_tx_timeout (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: net_device_ops.ndo_change_mtu (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: net_device_ops.ndo_get_stats64 (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: NAPI polling function (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: tx_stall_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: raise_intr_rxdata_task (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: net_device_ops.ndo_start_xmit (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: net_device_ops.ndo_open and .ndo_stop (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: buffer address regist/unregistration routine (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: ES information acquisition routine (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: platform_driver's .probe and .remove routine (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: Hardware cleanup routine (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: Hardware initialization routine (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] fjes: Introduce FUJITSU Extended Socket Network Device driver (Neil Horman) [1226804] - [netdrv] r8169: fix kasan reported skb use-after-free (Corinna Vinschen) [1280393] - [netdrv] cxgb4: changes for new firmware (Sai Vemuri) [1275825] - [netdrv] netxen: correct sysfs bin attribute return code (Tony Camuso) [1274300] - [mm] thp: don't hold mmap_sem in khugepaged when allocating THP (Aaron Tomlin) [1282435] - [mm] ksm: add reschedule points to unmerge_and_remove_all_rmap_items (Andrea Arcangeli) [1298618] - [mm] ksm: introduce ksm_max_page_sharing per page deduplication limit (Andrea Arcangeli) [1298618] - [mm] hugetlbfs: skip shared VMAs when unmapping private pages to satisfy a fault (Andrea Arcangeli) [1291247] - [fs] dlm: fix lvb copy for user locks (David Teigland) [1256947] - [x86] watchdog: itco_wdt: Add support for TCO on Intel Sunrisepoint (Prarit Bhargava) [1181799] - [x86] i2c: i801: Create iTCO device on newer Intel PCHs (Prarit Bhargava) [1181799] - [x86] mfd: watchdog: itco_wdt: Expose watchdog properties using platform data (Prarit Bhargava) [1181799] - [x86] Broadwell EP and EX have the same cpuid (David Arcari) [1299948] - [x86] pvpanic: Set high notifier priority (Peter Xu) [1282794] - [x86] tsc: Let high latency PIT fail fast in quick_pit_calibrate() (Prarit Bhargava) [1276201] - [base] memory: fix kernel warning during memory hotplug on ppc64 (Laurent Vivier) [1276205] - [char] tpm, tpm_tis: fix tpm_tis ACPI detection issue with TPM 2.0 (Jerry Snitselaar) [1293577] - [crypto] nx-842: Mask XERS0 bit in return value (Gustavo Duarte) [1294090] - [kernel] sched/stat: Expose /proc/pid/schedstat if CONFIG_SCHED_INFO=y (Gustavo Duarte) [1289664] - [kernel] sched/stat: Simplify the sched_info accounting dependency (Gustavo Duarte) [1289664] - [kernel] sched: tracing: Stop/start critical timings around the idle=poll idle loop (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1280434] - [kernel] watchdog: touch_nmi_watchdog should only touch local cpu not every one (Don Zickus) [1266622] - [kernel] sysctl: detect overflows when converting to int (Prarit Bhargava) [1303083] - [kernel] rh_kabi: add RH_KABI_DEPRECATE_FN (Prarit Bhargava) [1302150] - [kernel] time: Avoid signed overflow in timekeeping_get_ns() (David Gibson) [1248958] - [kernel] module: Add missing 'T' in /proc/modules when a module has the TAINT_TECH_PREVIEW bit set (Dave Wysochanski) [1299013] - [kernel] signal: remove warning about using SI_TKILL in rt_[tg]sigqueueinfo (Oleg Nesterov) [1015985] - [kernel] kexec: align crash_notes allocation to make it be inside one physical page (Baoquan He) [1073651] - [kernel] audit/fix non-modular users of module_init in core code (Baoquan He) [1073651] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Fix UUID endianness for SMBIOS >= 2.6 (Prarit Bhargava) [1294461] - [powercap] rapl: fix BIOS lock check (David Arcari) [1297950] - [security] keys: Fix keyring ref leak in join_session_keyring() (David Howells) [1298036] {CVE-2016-0728}- [x86] mce: Ensure offline CPUs don't participate in rendezvous process (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Make usable address checks Intel-only (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add the missing memory error check on AMD (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] ras: Remove mce.usable_addr (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Do not enter deferred errors into the generic pool twice (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add a default case to the switch in __mcheck_cpu_ancient_init() (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add a Scalable MCA vendor flags bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Fix thermal throttling reporting after kexec (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Don't clear shared banks on Intel when offlining CPUs (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add a wrapper around mce_log() for injection (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Rename rcu_dereference_check_mce() to mce_log_get_idx_check() (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Reenable CMCI banks when swiching back to interrupt mode (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Clear Local MCE opt-in before kexec (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Kill drain_mcelog_buffer() (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Avoid potential deadlock due to printk() in MCE context (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Remove the MCE ring for Action Optional errors (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Reuse one of the u16 padding fields in 'struct mce' (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Don't use percpu workqueues (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Provide a lockless memory pool to save error records (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Handle Local MCE events (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add Local MCE definitions (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add infrastructure to support Local MCE (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: mce_chrdev_write() can be static (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Stop using array-index-based RCU primitives (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Fix monarch timeout setting through the mce= cmdline option (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Fix MCE severity messages (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce/amd: Zap changelog (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce/amd: Rename setup_APIC_mce (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce/amd: Introduce deferred error interrupt handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Add support for deferred errors on AMD (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce/amd: Collect valid address before logging an error (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce/amd: Factor out logging mechanism (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Spell "panicked" correctly (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [x86] mce: Support memory error recovery for both UCNA and Deferred error in machine_check_poll (Prarit Bhargava) [1301710] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove dead code in device_notifier (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] add new iommu_ops callback for adding an OF device (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] provide early initialisation hook for IOMMU drivers (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [mm] export find_extend_vma() and handle_mm_fault() for driver use (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] Decouple iommu_map_sg from CPU page size (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] pci: Enhance pci_root to support DMAR device hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Enhance intel-iommu driver to support DMAR unit hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Enhance error recovery in function intel_enable_irq_remapping() (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Enhance intel_irq_remapping driver to support DMAR unit hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Search for ACPI _DSM method for DMAR hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Implement DMAR unit hotplug framework (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Dynamically allocate and free seq_id for DMAR units (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce helper function dmar_walk_resources() (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] acpica: tables: Update for DMAR table changes (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] acpica: tables: Merge DMAR table structure updates (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] amd: remove compiler warning due to IOMMU_CAP_NOEXEC (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] add capability IOMMU_CAP_NOEXEC (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix incorrect bit operations in setting values (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] Improve error handling when setting bus iommu (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] fix initialization without 'add_device' callback (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] Do more input validation in iommu_map_sg() (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] Add iommu_map_sg() function (Myron Stowe) [1287300] - [iommu] powerpc: Rename iommu_[un]map_sg functions (Myron Stowe) [1287300]- [net] sctp: ASCONF-ACK with Unresolvable Address should be sent (Xin Long) [1245510] - [net] sctp: donot reset the overall_error_count in SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE state (Xin Long) [1256019] - [net] sctp: asconf's process should verify address parameter is in the beginning (Xin Long) [1246418] - [net] sctp: translate host order to network order when setting a hmacid (Xin Long) [1270431] - [net] tcp: initialize tp->copied_seq in case of cross SYN connection (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1287754] - [net] ipv6: Fix IPsec pre-encap fragmentation check (Herbert Xu) [1257952] - [net] xfrm: fix xfrm_input/xfrm_tunnel_check oops (Herbert Xu) [1275397] - [net] ipv6: distinguish frag queues by device for multicast and link-local packets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1285250] - [net] netfilter: nf_log: wait for rcu grace after logger unregistration (Florian Westphal) [1260905] - [net] netfilter: nf_log: don't zap all loggers on unregister (Florian Westphal) [1260905] - [net] netfilter: nf_log: Introduce nft_log_dereference() macro (Florian Westphal) [1260905] - [net] ipv6: fix crash on ICMPv6 redirects with prohibited/blackholed source (Xin Long) [1278257] - [net] sock: don't enable netstamp for af_unix sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1277130] - [net] ipv4: Fix compilation errors in fib_rebalance (Paolo Abeni) [1275573] - [net] ipv4: ICMP packet inspection for multipath (Paolo Abeni) [1275573] - [net] ipv4: L3 hash-based multipath (Paolo Abeni) [1275573] - [net] bridge: implement rtnl_link_ops->get_size and rtnl_link_ops->fill_info (Paolo Abeni) [1270763] - [net] bridge: include in6.h in if_bridge.h for struct in6_addr (Jiri Benc) [1268057] - [net] inet: defines IPPROTO_* needed for module alias generation (Jiri Benc) [1268057] - [net] sync some IP headers with glibc (Jiri Benc) [1268057] - [net] ipvs: fix crash if scheduler is changed (Paolo Abeni) [1233382] - [net] ipv6: use common fib_default_rule_pref (Paolo Abeni) [1264431] - [net] documentation: Update netlink_mmap.txt (Paolo Abeni) [1263708] - [net] netlink: Always copy on mmap TX (Paolo Abeni) [1263708] - [net] xfrm: configure policy hash table thresholds by netlink (Herbert Xu) [1136860 1222936] - [net] xfrm: hash prefixed policies based on preflen thresholds (Herbert Xu) [1136860 1222936] - [netdrv] bna: check for dma mapping errors (Ivan Vecera) [1244166] - [netdrv] qlcnic: fix mac address restore in bond mode 5/6 (Jarod Wilson) [1265058] - [netdrv] bonding: make mii_status sysfs node consistent (Jarod Wilson) [1297933] - [netdrv] bonding: support encapsulated ipv6 TSO (Jarod Wilson) [1277950] - [netdrv] bonding: handle more gso types (Jarod Wilson) [1277950] - [netdrv] alx: sanitize buffer sizing and padding (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: remove pointless assignment (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add Killer E2400 device ID (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: fix alx_poll() (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: Remove casts of pointer to same type (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: Use dma_set_mask_and_coherent and fix a bug (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add missing stats_lock spinlock init (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add stats to ethtool (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add alx_get_stats64 operation (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add stats update function (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add constants for the stats fields (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: add a hardware stats structure (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: Reset phy speed after resume (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: remove redundant D0 power state set (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: remove WoL support (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: fix ethtool support code (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: fix MAC address alignment problem (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: separate link speed/duplex fields (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: make sizes unsigned (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: fix 100mbit/half duplex speed translation (Jarod Wilson) [1090432] - [netdrv] alx: treat flow control correctly in alx_set_pauseparam() (Jarod Wilson) [1090432]- [block] zram: don't call idr_remove() from zram_remove() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: fix possible use after free in zcomp_create() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: unify error reporting (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: check comp algorithm availability earlier (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: cut trailing newline in algorithm name (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: cosmetic zram_bvec_write() cleanup (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: add dynamic device add/remove functionality (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: close race by open overriding (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: return zram device_id from zram_add() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: trivial: correct flag operations comment (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: report every added and removed device (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove max_num_devices limitation (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: reorganize code layout (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use idr instead of `zram_devices' array (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: cosmetic ZRAM_ATTR_RO code formatting tweak (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove obsolete ZRAM_DEBUG option (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: clear disk io accounting when reset zram device (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: fix error return code (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [documentation] zram: deprecate zram attrs sysfs nodes (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [documentation] zram: describe device attrs in documentation (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: export new 'mm_stat' sysfs attrs (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: export new 'io_stat' sysfs attrs (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use proper type to update max_used_pages (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [mm] zpool: add name argument to create zpool (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove request_queue from struct zram (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove init_lock in zram_make_request (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: check bd_openers instead of bd_holders (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: rework reset and destroy path (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: fix umount-reset_store-mount race condition (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: free meta table in zram_meta_free (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: clean up zram_meta_alloc() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use DEVICE_ATTR_[RW|RO|WO] to define zram sys device attribute (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: correct ZRAM_ZERO flag bit position (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: change parameter from vaild_io_request() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove bio parameter from zram_bvec_rw() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: avoid kunmap_atomic() of a NULL pointer (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: avoid NULL pointer access in concurrent situation (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [documentation] zram: use notify_free to account all free notifications (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: report maximum used memory (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: zram memory size limitation (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [mm] zsmalloc: change return value unit of zs_get_total_size_bytes (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: fix incorrect stat with failed_reads (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: replace global tb_lock with fine grain lock (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use size_t instead of u16 (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove unused SECTOR_SIZE define (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: rename struct `table' to `zram_table_entry' (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: avoid lockdep splat by revalidate_disk (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: revalidate disk after capacity change (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: correct offset usage in zram_bio_discard (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: support REQ_DISCARD (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use scnprintf() in attrs show() methods (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: propagate error to user (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: return error-valued pointer from zcomp_create() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: move comp allocation out of init_lock (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: make compression algorithm selection possible (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: add set_max_streams knob (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: add multi stream functionality (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [documentation] zram: document failed_reads, failed_writes stats (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [documentation] zram: doc fixes (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: factor out single stream compression (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use zcomp compressing backends (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: introduce compressing backend abstraction (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: delete zram_init_device() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: move zram size warning to documentation (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: drop not used table `count' member (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: report failed read and write stats (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove zram stats code duplication (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use atomic64_t for all zram stats (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove good and bad compress stats (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: do not pass rw argument to __zram_make_request() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: drop `init_done' struct zram member (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: avoid null access when fail to alloc meta (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove zram->lock in read path and change it with mutex (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove workqueue for freeing removed pending slot (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: introduce zram->tb_lock (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: use atomic operation for stat (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: remove unnecessary free (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: delay pending free request in read path (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: fix race between reset and flushing pending work (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: add copyright (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [documentation] zram: remove old private project comment (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: promote zram from staging (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: Fix memory leak by refcount mismatch (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: Fix access of NULL pointer (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: Fix variable dereferenced before check (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] zram: prevent data loss in error cases of function zram_bvec_write() (Seth Jennings) [1244276] - [block] Fixes string split across lines in zram (Seth Jennings) [1244276]- [iommu] amd: Fix devid mapping for ivrs_ioapic override (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] irq_remapping: Fix the regression of hpet irq remapping (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] Fix bus notifier breakage (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] amd_iommu: do not dereference a NULL pointer address (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] Remove iommu_domain_has_cap() API function (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] ib/usnic: Convert to use new iommu_capable() API function (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] vfio: Convert to use new iommu_capable() API function (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] vt-d: Convert to iommu_capable() API function (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] amd: Convert to iommu_capable() API function (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] Introduce iommu_capable API function (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] Convert iommu-caps from define to enum (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] amd: Remove device binding reference count (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] amd: Attach and detach complete alias group (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] amd: Keep a list of devices in an alias group (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] amd: Move struct iommu_dev_data to amd_iommu.c (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] Replace rcu_assign_pointer() with RCU_INIT_POINTER() (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't store SIRTP request (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [iommu] Constify struct iommu_ops (Myron Stowe) [1279620] - [fs] namespaces: Use task_lock and not rcu to protect nsproxy (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1297032] - [fs] proc_namespace: simplify testing nsp and nsp->mnt_ns (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1297032] - [net] ipv6: recreate ipv6 link-local addresses when increasing MTU over IPV6_MIN_MTU (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1191156] - [net] possible use after free in dst_release (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1296299] - [net] fix a race in dst_release() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1296299] - [net] ratelimit warnings about dst entry refcount underflow or overflow (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1296299] - [net] fix IP early demux races (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1296299] - [of] return NUMA_NO_NODE from fallback of_node_to_nid() (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1294398] - [net] openvswitch: do not allocate memory from offline numa node (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1294398] - [net] skbuff: Fix offset error in skb_reorder_vlan_header (Lance Richardson) [1247264] - [net] vlan: Do not put vlan headers back on bridge and macvlan ports (Lance Richardson) [1247264] - [net] vlan: Fix untag operations of stacked vlans with REORDER_HEADER off (Lance Richardson) [1247264] - [net] Add a function to check macvlan port (Lance Richardson) [1247264] - [net] Always untag vlan-tagged traffic on input (Lance Richardson) [1247264] - [usb] xhci: init command timeout timer earlier to avoid deleting it uninitialized (Don Zickus) [1290202] - [acpi] processor: Fix failure of loading acpi-cpufreq driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1262898] - [block] nvme: default to 4k device page size (David Milburn) [1245140] - [kernel] makefile: use the gnu89 standard explicitly (Lance Richardson) [1227950] - [security] keys: Fix race between read and revoke (David Howells) [1293401] {CVE-2015-7550}- [kernel] sched/fair: Disable tg load_avg/runnable_avg update for root_task_group (Jiri Olsa) [1289261] - [kernel] sched/fair: Move hot load_avg/runnable_avg into separate cacheline (Jiri Olsa) [1289261] - [kernel] sched: Fix avg_load computation (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Allow calculate_imbalance() to move idle cpus (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Make update_sd_pick_busiest() return 'true' on a busier sd (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Make calculate_imbalance() independent (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Disambiguate existing/remaining "capacity" usage (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Change "has_capacity" to "has_free_capacity" (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Remove "power" from 'struct numa_stats' (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix the rq->next_balance logic in rebalance_domains() and idle_balance() (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix double normalization of vruntime (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Initialize power_orig for overlapping groups (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Clean up update_sg_lb_stats() a bit (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix a trivial syntax misuse (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Check sched_domain before computing group power (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix cfs_rq->task_h_load calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix 'local->avg_load > busiest->avg_load' case in fix_small_imbalance() (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix 'local->avg_load > sds->avg_load' case in calculate_imbalance() (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix the group_capacity computation (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Rework and comment the group_capacity code (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix group power_orig computation (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Reduce local_group logic (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Fix redo label position (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Shrink sg_lb_stats and play memset games (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Keep upstream 'local' namespace (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Move h_load calculation to task_h_load() (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Change cfs_rq load avg to unsigned long (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Consider runnable load average in move_tasks() (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Compute runnable load avg in cpu_load and cpu_avg_load_per_task (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Set an initial value of runnable avg for new forked task (Jiri Olsa) [1211784] - [kernel] sched: Move cpu_active() tests from stop_two_cpus() into migrate_swap_stop() (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281] - [kernel] stop_machine: Change cpu_stop_queue_two_works() to rely on stopper->enabled (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281] - [kernel] stop_machine: Introduce __cpu_stop_queue_work() and cpu_stop_queue_two_works() (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281] - [kernel] stop_machine: Ensure that a queued callback will be called before cpu_stop_park() (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281] - [kernel] stop_machine: Remove cpu_stop_work's from list in cpu_stop_park() (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281] - [kernel] stop_machine: Don't do for_each_cpu() twice in queue_stop_cpus_work() (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281] - [kernel] stop_machine: Move 'cpu_stopper_task' and 'stop_cpus_work' into 'struct cpu_stopper' (Oleg Nesterov) [1252281]- [powerpc] kvm: Fix alignment bug in powerpc kvm_cma_declare_contiguous() (Thomas Huth) [1296933] - [powerpc] Implement save_stack_trace_regs() to enable kprobe stack tracing (Steven Rostedt) [1251361] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Fix infinite spin in reading buffer (Steven Rostedt) [1248856] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Always reset iterator to reader page (Steven Rostedt) [1248856] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Up rb_iter_peek() loop count to 3 (Steven Rostedt) [1248856] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Use rb_page_size() instead of open coded head_page size (Steven Rostedt) [1248856] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Fix first commit on sub-buffer having non-zero delta (Steven Rostedt) [1248856] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: avoid mutex re-init (Neil Horman) [1274219] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unused argument (Neil Horman) [1272360] - [netdrv] i40e: do not sleep in netdev_ops (Neil Horman) [1272360] - [netdrv] i40e: fix erroneous WARN_ON (Neil Horman) [1272833] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix updating the next pointer during WRB posting (Maurizio Lombardi) [1229330] - [scsi] scsi_error: fix stray switch detected by smatch in scsi_noretry_cmd (Ewan Milne) [1296976] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Allow parallel LOCK/LOCKU calls (Benjamin Coddington) [1287788] - [fs] nfsv4: Update of VFS byte range lock must be atomic with the stateid update (Benjamin Coddington) [1287788] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix lock on-wire reordering issues (Benjamin Coddington) [1287788] - [fs] nfsv4: Always do open_to_lock_owner if the lock stateid is uninitialised (Benjamin Coddington) [1287788] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix atomicity problems with lock stateid updates (Benjamin Coddington) [1287788] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Allow parallel OPEN/OPEN_DOWNGRADE/CLOSE (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] nfsv4: Check for NULL argument in nfs_*_seqid() functions (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] nfsv4: Convert nfs_alloc_seqid() to return an ERR_PTR() if allocation fails (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] nfsv4: We must set NFS_OPEN_STATE flag in nfs_resync_open_stateid_locked (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] nfsv4: More CLOSE/OPEN races (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] nfs: Fix stateid used for NFS v4 closes (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix an atomicity problem in CLOSE (Benjamin Coddington) [1287789] - [fs] gfs2: change gfs2 readdir cookie (Benjamin Marzinski) [1138749] - [fs] gfs2: keep offset when splitting dir leaf blocks (Benjamin Marzinski) [1138749] - [fs] sunrpc: Use MSG_SENDPAGE_NOTLAST in xs_send_pagedata() (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: Move AF_LOCAL receive data path into a workqueue context (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: Move UDP receive data path into a workqueue context (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: drop stale doc comments in xprtsock.c (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: Move TCP receive data path into a workqueue context (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix races between socket connection and destroy code (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: add tracepoints in xs_tcp_data_recv (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: Refactor TCP receive (Steve Dickson) [1278540] - [fs] sunrpc: add new tracepoints in xprt handling code (Steve Dickson) [1278540]- [net] add validation for the socket syscall protocol argument (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1291618] {CVE-2015-8543} - [net] openvswitch: Fix template leak in error cases (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Respect conntrack zone even if invalid (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix helper reference leak (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix skb leak using IPv6 defrag (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] ipv6: Export nf_ct_frag6_consume_orig() (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix double-free on ip_defrag() errors (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: checking for IS_ERR() instead of NULL (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] inet: frags: fix defragmented packet's IP header for af_packet (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Serialize nested ct actions if provided (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Mark connections new when not confirmed (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Clarify conntrack COMMIT behaviour (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Reject ct_state masks for unknown bits (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Change CT_ATTR_FLAGS to CT_ATTR_COMMIT (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Extend ct_state match field to 32 bits (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Reject ct_state unsupported bits (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Ensure flow is valid before executing ct (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix skb leak in ovs_fragment() (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix typos in CT headers (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix IPv6 exthdr handling with ct helpers (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Rename LABEL->LABELS (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openswitch: fix typo CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_LABEL (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Fix dependency on IPv6 defrag (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Remove conntrack Kconfig option (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Include ip6_fib.h (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: Define v6ops in !CONFIG_NETFILTER case (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Allow attaching helpers to ct action (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Allow matching on conntrack label (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: connlabels: Export setting connlabel length (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: Always export nf_connlabels_replace() (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Allow matching on conntrack mark (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Add conntrack action (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] rhel: use dummy net_device for tunnels (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Move dev pointer into vport itself (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] dst: Metadata destinations (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] ipv4: don't forward defragmented DF packet (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] ipv4: avoid repeated calls to ip_skb_dst_mtu helper (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: bridge: No ICMP packet on IPv4 fragmentation error (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: provide v6ops->fragment to forward IPv6 fragmented packets (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: make nf_ct_zone_dflt built-in (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: add efficient mark to zone mapping (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: add direction support for zones (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: push zone object into functions (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: remove dead code (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: use nf_ct_tmpl_free in CT/synproxy error paths (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: Use flags in nf_ct_tmpl_alloc() (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: xt_connlimit: honor conntrack zone if available (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: add zone size to length (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: bridge: simplify test with nf_bridge_in_prerouting (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] netfilter: fix netns dependencies with conntrack templates (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Make tunnel set action attach a metadata dst (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: include datapath actions with sampled-packet upcall to userspace (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] dst: Add __skb_dst_copy() variation (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] ipv6: Export nf_ct_frag6_gather() (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Move MASKED* macros to datapath.h (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845] - [net] openvswitch: Serialize acts with original netlink len (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1274845]- [kernel] rcu: Make rcu_barrier() understand about missing rcuo kthreads (Seth Jennings) [1208895] - [kernel] rcu: create rcu threads only for online cpus at boot time (Seth Jennings) [1208895] - [kernel] rcu: Rationalize kthread spawning (Seth Jennings) [1208895] - [kernel] tracing: Cleanup saved_cmdlines_size changes (Steven Rostedt) [1117093] - [kernel] tracing: Introduce saved_cmdlines_size file (Steven Rostedt) [1117093] - [kernel] tracing: Move locking of trace_cmdline_lock into start/stop seq calls (Steven Rostedt) [1117093] - [kernel] tracing: Try again for saved cmdline if failed due to locking (Steven Rostedt) [1117093] - [kernel] tracing: Have saved_cmdlines use the seq_read infrastructure (Steven Rostedt) [1117093] - [x86] mm: Fix CR2 corruption when tracing page faults (Steven Rostedt) [1260605] - [lib] idr: fix out-of-bounds pointer dereference (Jerome Marchand) [1285333] - [kernel] sched/numa: Fix initialization of sched_domain_topology for NUMA (Jerome Marchand) [1285333] - [mm] fix use-after-free in sys_remap_file_pages (Jerome Marchand) [1285333] - [mm] memcg: oom_notify use-after-free fix (Rafael Aquini) [1294114] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Don't dynamically split core when already split (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] mm: Differentiate between hugetlb and THP during page walk (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Handle H_DOORBELL on the guest exit path (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Make H_REMOVE return correct HPTE value for absent HPTEs (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Don't fall back to smaller HPT size in allocation ioctl (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Deliver machine check with MSR(RI=0) to guest as MCE (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Pass the correct trap argument to kvmhv_commence_exit (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Fix typo in top comment about locking (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Fix size of the PSPB register (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Implement H_CLEAR_REF and H_CLEAR_MOD (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Fix bug in dirty page tracking (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Fix race in reading change bit when removing HPTE (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: Fix warnings from sparse (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: Use READ_ONCE when dereferencing pte_t pointer (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] mm: Fix compile errors with STRICT_MM_TYPECHECKS enabled (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Minor cleanups (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Accumulate timing information for real-mode code (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Add ICP real mode counters (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Move virtual mode ICP functions to real-mode (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: Fix SMP=n build error in book3s_xics.c (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Convert ICS mutex lock to spin lock (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] lib: Export __spin_yield (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: Add guest->host real mode completion counters (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: Cleanup KVM emulated load/store endian handling (Thomas Huth) [1287474] - [powerpc] kvm: Create proper names for the kvm_host_state PMU fields (Thomas Huth) [1287474]- [powercap] rapl: Enable Broxton RAPL support (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: disable the 2nd power limit properly (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: Add support for Broadwell-H (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: Add support for Skylake H/S (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: Support Knights Landing (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: Floor frequency setting in Atom SoC (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: Add support for Intel Skylake processors (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: mark rapl_ids array as __initconst (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: add ID for Broadwell server (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: handle domains with different energy units (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: add IDs for future Xeon CPUs (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: add new model ids (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: handle atom and core differences (Steve Best) [1274035] - [x86] iosf: Added Quark MBI identifiers (Steve Best) [1274035] - [x86] iosf: Make IOSF driver modular and usable by more drivers (Steve Best) [1274035] - [x86] New MailBox support driver for Intel SOC's (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] rapl: abstract per cpu type functions (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powercap] intel-rapl: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Steve Best) [1274035] - [powerpc] kvm: Increase memslots to 512 (Thomas Huth) [1248390 1276254] - [powerpc] kvm: Implement extension to report number of memslots (Thomas Huth) [1248390 1276254] - [mmc] core: Use MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME as default behavior (Don Zickus) [1105882 1250748] - [mmc] core: Add shutdown callback for (e)MMC bus_ops (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Handle both poweroff notification types for eMMC (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Add shutdown callback for SD bus_ops (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Extend shutdown sequence to handle bus operations (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Handle card shutdown from mmc_bus (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Initiate suspend|resume from mmc bus instead of mmc host (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Push common suspend|resume code into each bus_ops (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Validate suspend prerequisites for SDIO at SUSPEND_PREPARE (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Remove unnecessary check for the remove callback (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Restructure and simplify code for mmc sleep|awake (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Support aggressive power management for (e)MMC/SD (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] block: Enable runtime pm for mmc blkdevice (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Add bus_ops for runtime pm callbacks (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: Stop bkops for eMMC only from mmc suspend (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] reordered shutdown sequence in mmc_bld_remove_req (Don Zickus) [1250748] - [mmc] core: sd: implement proper support for sd3.0 au sizes (Don Zickus) [1246798] - [mmc] sd: fix the maximum au_size for SD3.0 (Don Zickus) [1246798]- [powerpc] kvm: Fix emulation of H_SET_DABR/X on POWER8 (Thomas Huth) [1219234] - [hwmon] coretemp: Increase limit of maximum core ID from 32 to 128 (Prarit Bhargava) [1262752] - [block] Return EBUSY from BLKRRPART for mounted whole-dev fs (Eric Sandeen) [1285549] - [block] nvme: Fix filesystem deadlock on removal (David Milburn) [1279699] - [x86] fix KABI wreckage in xsave_hdr_struct (Prarit Bhargava) [1296120] - [x86] acpi: Enhance error injection tolerance level (Steve Best) [1271809] - [x86] cpu: Fix trivial printk formatting issues with dmesg (Stanislav Kozina) [1232441] - [fs] nfsd4: fix gss-proxy 4.1 mounts for some AD principals ("J. Bruce Fields") [1283341] - [fs] nfsd: fix unlikely NULL deref in mach_creds_match ("J. Bruce Fields") [1283341] - [fs] nfsd: minor consolidation of mach_cred handling code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1283341] - [fs] nfsd: helper for dup of possibly NULL string ("J. Bruce Fields") [1283341] - [fs] svcrpc: move some initialization to common code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1283341] - [fs] gfs2: Protect freeing directory hash table with i_lock spin_lock (Robert S Peterson) [1276477] - [fs] nfs: Fix a NULL pointer dereference of migration recovery ops for v4.2 client (Benjamin Coddington) [1290679] - [fs] ext4: fix race between truncate and __ext4_journalled_writepage() (Lukas Czerner) [1169730] - [fs] cache: make cache flushing more reliable ("J. Bruce Fields") [1274897] - [md] dm-thin: fix race condition when destroying thin pool workqueue (Mike Snitzer) [1292603] - [md] dm: fix AB-BA deadlock in __dm_destroy() (Mike Snitzer) [1292481] - [md] dm-thin: fix regression in advertised discard limits (Mike Snitzer) [1284833] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: fix bug in dm_thin_remove_range() (Mike Snitzer) [1284833]- [x86] mpx: Do not set ->vm_ops on MPX VMAs (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] remove trailing slash from define to please debugedit (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Allow 32-bit binaries on 64-bit kernels again (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Do not count MPX VMAs as neighbors when unmapping (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Rewrite the unmap code (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Support 32-bit binaries on 64-bit kernels (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Use 32-bit-only cmpxchg() for 32-bit apps (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Introduce new 'directory entry' to 'addr' helper function (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Add temporary variable to reduce masking (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Make is_64bit_mm() widely available (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Trace allocation of new bounds tables (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Trace the attempts to find bounds tables (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Trace entry to bounds exception paths (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Trace #BR exceptions (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Introduce a boot-time disable flag (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Restrict the mmap() size check to bounds tables (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Remove redundant MPX_BNDCFG_ADDR_MASK (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Clean up the code by not passing a task pointer around when unnecessary (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Use the new get_xsave_field_ptr()API (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] fpu/xstate: Wrap get_xsave_addr() to make it safer (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] fpu/xstate: Fix up bad get_xsave_addr() assumptions (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] kvm: support XSAVES usage in the host (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] asm/decoder: Fix and enforce max instruction size in the insn decoder (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Fix off-by-one in instruction decoder (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] add user_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic at uaccess.h (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] asm/entry/32: Fix user_mode() misuses (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Explicitly disable 32-bit MPX support on 64-bit kernels (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] traps: Fix always true condition (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] export get_xsave_addr (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Change return type of get_reg_offset() (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Add documentation on Intel MPX (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [mm] Make arch_unmap()/bprm_mm_init() available to all architectures (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Cleanup unused bound tables (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: On-demand kernel allocation of bounds tables (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Decode MPX instruction to get bound violation information (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Extend siginfo structure to include bound violation information (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Add MPX to disabled features (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Rename cfg_reg_u and status_reg (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Add MPX-specific mmap interface (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Introduce VM_MPX to indicate that a VMA is MPX specific (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] mpx: Give bndX registers actual names (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Remove arbitrary instruction size limit in instruction decoder (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] perf: Fix arch_perf_out_copy_user default (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Add more disabled features (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Introduce disabled-features (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Axe the lightly-used cpu_has_pae (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] cpu: Kill cpu_has_mp (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] fpu/xsaves: Fix improper uses of __ex_table (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] fpu: Disable XSAVES* support for now (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsave: Add forgotten inline annotation (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Clean up code in xstate offsets computation in xsave area (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsave: Make it clear that the XSAVE macros use (edi)/(rdi) (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Define kernel API to get address of each state in xsave area (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Enable xsaves/xrstors (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Call booting time xsaves and xrstors in setup_init_fpu_buf (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Save xstate to task's xsave area in __save_fpu during booting time (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Add xsaves and xrstors support for booting time (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Clear reserved bits in xsave header (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Use xsave/xrstor for saving and restoring user space context (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Use xsaves/xrstors for context switch (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Use xsaves/xrstors to save and restore xsave area (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Define a macro for handling xsave/xrstor instruction fault (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Define macros for xsave instructions (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Change compacted format xsave area header (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] Add alternative_input_2 to support alternative with two features and input (Rui Wang) [1138650] - [x86] xsaves: Add a kernel parameter noxsaves to disable xsaves/xrstors (Rui Wang) [1138650]- [acpi] tables: test the correct variable (Prarit Bhargava) [1242556] - [x86] acpi: Handle apic/x2apic entries in MADT in correct order (Prarit Bhargava) [1242556] - [acpi] tables: Add acpi_subtable_proc to ACPI table parsers (Prarit Bhargava) [1242556] - [acpi] table: Always count matched and successfully parsed entries (Prarit Bhargava) [1242556] - [acpi] table: Add new function to get table entries (Prarit Bhargava) [1242556] - [scsi] scsi_sysfs: protect against double execution of __scsi_remove_device() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1273723] - [s390] dasd: fix list_del corruption after lcu changes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1284020] - [s390] dasd: fix disconnected device with valid path mask (Hendrik Brueckner) [1284021] - [s390] dasd: fix invalid PAV assignment after suspend/resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [1284022] - [netdrv] bonding: propagate LRO disable to slave devices (Jarod Wilson) [1266578] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: edit the 3165 series and 8000 series PCI IDs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1279780] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: Add new PCI IDs for the 8260 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1279780] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pci: add a few more PCI subvendor IDs for the 7265 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1287564] - [kernel] pidns: alloc_pid() leaks pid_namespace if child_reaper is exiting (Aristeu Rozanski) [1284819] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix limits->max_perf rounding error (Prarit Bhargava) [1279617] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix limits->max_policy_pct rounding error (Prarit Bhargava) [1279617] - [cpufreq] revert "intel_pstate: fix rounding error in max_freq_pct" (Prarit Bhargava) [1279617] - [powerpc] kvm: Remove PPC970 from KVM_BOOK3S_64_HV text in Kconfig (Thomas Huth) [1287973] - [powerpc] kvm: Fix ppc64_defconfig + PPC_POWERNV=n build error (Thomas Huth) [1287973] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Remove RMA-related variables from code (Thomas Huth) [1287973] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Remove code for PPC970 processors (Thomas Huth) [1287973] - [powerpc] Add POWER8 CPU selection (Gustavo Duarte) [1213264] - [powerpc] tm: Check for already reclaimed tasks (Gustavo Duarte) [1276293] - [powerpc] tm: Block signal return setting invalid MSR state (Gustavo Duarte) [1276293] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: add __init / __exit annotations (Steve Best) [1274036] - [thermal] powerclamp: add id for braswell cpu (Steve Best) [1274036]- [mm] use only per-device readahead limit (Eric Sandeen) [1280355] - [md] revert "dm-mpath: fix stalls when handling invalid ioctls" (Mike Snitzer) [1277194] - [net] ipvs: fix ipv6 hook registration for local replies (Florian Westphal) [1272673] - [net] ipv6: update ip6_rt_last_gc every time GC is run (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1270092] - [net] vsock: Fix lockdep issue (Dave Anderson) [1253971] - [net] vsock: sock_put wasn't safe to call in interrupt context (Dave Anderson) [1253971] - [net] af_iucv: avoid path quiesce of severed path in shutdown() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1272089] - [x86] kernel: Set X86_FEATURE_EXTD_APICID for future processors (Kim Naru) [1271351] - [x86] gart: Check for GART support before accessing GART registers (Kim Naru) [1271351] - [x86] asm: Add support for the CLWB instruction (Steve Best) [1253832] - [x86] mm: Add kerneldoc comments for pcommit_sfence() (Steve Best) [1253104] - [x86] asm: Add support for the pcommit instruction (Steve Best) [1253104] - [x86] kernel: Use larger chunks in mtrr_cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) [1243952] - [x86] cpu: Trim model ID whitespace (Prarit Bhargava) [1192048] - [x86] cpu: Strip any /proc/cpuinfo model name field whitespace (Prarit Bhargava) [1192048] - [acpi] add dynamic_debug support (Prarit Bhargava) [1267582] - [acpi] processor: use acpi_evaluate_ost() to replace open-coded version (Prarit Bhargava) [1275178] - [tools] cpupower: Fix error when running cpupower monitor (Prarit Bhargava) [1260055] - [kernel] module: fix sprintf format specifier in param_get_byte() (Jeremy McNicoll) [1261189] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix recursive fenced PHB on Broadcom shiner adapter (Steve Best) [1274631] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix fenced PHB caused by eeh_slot_error_detail() (Steve Best) [1274631]- [fs] sunrpc: Fix stupid typo in xs_sock_set_reuseport (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Define xs_tcp_fin_timeout only if CONFIG_SUNRPC_DEBUG (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Handle connection reset more efficiently (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove the redundant XPRT_CONNECTION_CLOSE flag (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Make xs_tcp_close() do a socket shutdown rather than a sock_release (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure xs_tcp_shutdown() requests a full close of the connection (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Cleanup to remove remaining uses of XPRT_CONNECTION_ABORT (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove TCP socket linger code (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Remove TCP client connection reset hack (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: TCP/UDP always close the old socket before reconnecting (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Add helpers to prevent socket create from racing (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure xs_reset_transport() resets the close connection flags (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Do not clear the source port in xs_reset_transport (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Handle EADDRINUSE on connect (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] sunrpc: Set SO_REUSEPORT socket option for TCP connections (Steve Dickson) [1270038] - [fs] xfs: stats are no longer dependent on CONFIG_PROC_FS (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: fix an error code in xfs_fs_fill_super() (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: per-filesystem stats counter implementation (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: per-filesystem stats in sysfs (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: pass xfsstats structures to handlers and macros (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: consolidate sysfs ops (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: remove unused procfs code (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: create symlink proc/fs/xfs/stat to sys/fs/xfs/stats (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: create global stats and stats_clear in sysfs (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] xfs: add mssing inode cache attempts counter increment (Bill O'Donnell) [1269281] - [fs] dlm: print error from kernel_sendpage (Robert S Peterson) [1267339] - [fs] svcrdma: Add zero padding if the client doesn't send it (Sachin Prabhu) [1272151] - [fs] xfs: return errors from partial I/O failures to files (David Jeffery) [1256940] - [fs] nfsv4: don't set SETATTR for O_RDONLY|O_EXCL (Benjamin Coddington) [1269974]- [x86] paravirt: Replace the paravirt nop with a bona fide empty function (Mateusz Guzik) [1259583] {CVE-2015-5157} - [x86] nmi: Fix a paravirt stack-clobbering bug in the NMI code (Mateusz Guzik) [1259583] {CVE-2015-5157} - [x86] nmi: Use DF to avoid userspace RSP confusing nested NMI detection (Mateusz Guzik) [1259583] {CVE-2015-5157} - [x86] nmi: Reorder nested NMI checks (Mateusz Guzik) [1259583] {CVE-2015-5157} - [x86] nmi: Improve nested NMI comments (Mateusz Guzik) [1259583] {CVE-2015-5157} - [x86] nmi: Switch stacks on userspace NMI entry (Mateusz Guzik) [1259583] {CVE-2015-5157} - [x86] cpufeatures: Enable cpuid for Intel SHA extensions (Prarit Bhargava) [1260249] - [kernel] tick: broadcast: Prevent livelock from event handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1265283] - [kernel] clockevents: Serialize calls to clockevents_update_freq() in the core (Prarit Bhargava) [1265283] - [kernel] sched: Robustify topology setup (Gustavo Duarte) [1278875] - [kernel] sched: Don't set sd->child to NULL when it is already NULL (Gustavo Duarte) [1278875] - [cpufreq] pcc-cpufreq: Fix wait_event() under spinlock (Linda Knippers) [1275327] - [security] keys: Don't permit request_key() to construct a new keyring (David Howells) [1273465] {CVE-2015-7872} - [security] keys: Fix crash when attempt to garbage collect an uninstantiated keyring (David Howells) [1273465] {CVE-2015-7872} - [security] keys: Fix race between key destruction and finding a keyring by name (David Howells) [1273465] {CVE-2015-7872}- [ata] ahci: Add Device ID for Intel Sunrise Point PCH (Charles Rose) [1278402] - [s390] pci: handle events for unused functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1272098] - [s390] pci: improve handling of hotplug event 0x301 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1272098] - [s390] pci: improve state check when processing hotplug events (Hendrik Brueckner) [1272098] - [s390] 3270: redraw screen on unsolicited device end (Hendrik Brueckner) [1262729] - [s390] dasd: fix kernel panic when alias is set offline (Hendrik Brueckner) [1256431] - [s390] dasd: check for availability of prefix command during format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1272991] - [s390] kernel: correct uc_sigmask of the compat signal frame (Hendrik Brueckner) [1272096] - [misc] genwqe: get rid of atomic allocations (Hendrik Brueckner) [1270244] - [char] vtpm: fix memory allocation flag for rtce buffer at kernel boot (Gustavo Duarte) [1263595] - [tools] power: turbostat: KNL workaround for Busy and Avg_MHz (Steve Best) [1263965] - [block] virtio-blk: Allow extended partitions (Fam Zheng) [1232471] - [netdrv] igb: add support for 1512 PHY (Stefan Assmann) [1262946] - [netdrv] sfc: push partner queue for skb->xmit_more (Jarod Wilson) [1267167] - [netdrv] sfc: replace spinlocks with bit ops for busy poll locking (Jarod Wilson) [1267167] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disable VLAN filter in promiscuous mode (Kamal Heib) [1271846] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove shared_ports variable at mlx4_enable_msi_x (Kamal Heib) [1266690] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Avoid failing the interrupts test (Kamal Heib) [1266690] - [crypto] nx: 842 - Add CRC and validation support (Gustavo Duarte) [1264905] - [powerpc] mm: Recompute hash value after a failed update (Gustavo Duarte) [1264920] - [powerpc] eeh: More relaxed condition for enabled IO path (Steve Best) [1274731] - [powerpc] eeh: Wrong place to call pci_get_slot() (Steve Best) [1273996]- [of] implement of_node_to_nid as a weak function (Steve Best) [1273978] - [pci] Use function 0 VPD for identical functions, regular VPD for others (Myron Stowe) [1258319] - [pci] Fix devfn for VPD access through function 0 (Myron Stowe) [1258319] - [pci] Add VPD function 0 quirk for Intel Ethernet devices (Myron Stowe) [1258319] - [pci] Add dev_flags bit to access VPD through function 0 (Myron Stowe) [1258319] - [net] ipv6: drop frames with attached skb->sk in forwarding (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1243966] - [net] ipv6: ip6_forward: perform skb->pkt_type check at the beginning (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1243966] - [x86] kvm: svm: unconditionally intercept #DB (Paolo Bonzini) [1279470] {CVE-2015-8104} - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: fix rounding error in max_freq_pct (Prarit Bhargava) [1263866]- [mm] let mm_find_pmd fix buggy race with THP fault (Larry Woodman) [1273993] - [mm] ksm: unstable_tree_search_insert error checking cleanup (Andrea Arcangeli) [1274871] - [mm] ksm: use find_mergeable_vma in try_to_merge_with_ksm_page (Andrea Arcangeli) [1274871] - [mm] ksm: use the helper method to do the hlist_empty check (Andrea Arcangeli) [1274871] - [mm] ksm: don't fail stable tree lookups if walking over stale stable_nodes (Andrea Arcangeli) [1274871] - [mm] ksm: add cond_resched() to the rmap_walks (Andrea Arcangeli) [1274871] - [x86] mm: fix VM_FAULT_RETRY handling (Andrea Arcangeli) [1277226] - [x86] mm: consolidate VM_FAULT_RETRY handling (Andrea Arcangeli) [1277226] - [x86] mm: move mmap_sem unlock from mm_fault_error() to caller (Andrea Arcangeli) [1277226] - [x86] virt: guest to host DoS by triggering an infinite loop in microcode (Paolo Bonzini) [1277561] {CVE-2015-5307} - [net] sctp: Fix race between OOTB responce and route removal (Jamie Bainbridge) [1277309] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Synthesize segment fault if SLB lookup fails (Thomas Huth) [1269467] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Create debugfs file for each guest's HPT (David Gibson) [1273692] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Add helpers for lock/unlock hpte (David Gibson) [1273692]- [md] raid10: don't clear bitmap bit when bad-block-list write fails (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [md] raid1: don't clear bitmap bit when bad-block-list write fails (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [md] raid10: submit_bio_wait() returns 0 on success (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [md] raid1: submit_bio_wait() returns 0 on success (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [md] crash in md-raid1 and md-raid10 due to incorrect list manipulation (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [md] raid10: ensure device failure recorded before write request returns (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [md] raid1: ensure device failure recorded before write request returns (Jes Sorensen) [1267652] - [x86] kvm: mmu: fix validation of mmio page fault (Bandan Das) [1267128] - [block] nvme: Fix memory leak on retried commands (David Milburn) [1271860] - [netdrv] macvtap: unbreak receiving of gro skb with frag list (Jason Wang) [1273737] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: fix PCT_TO_HWP macro (Prarit Bhargava) [1264990] - [cpufreq] revert "intel_pstate: add quirk to disable HWP on Skylake-S processors" (Prarit Bhargava) [1264990] - [cpufreq] revert "intel_pstate: disable Skylake processors" (Prarit Bhargava) [1264990] - [powerpc] pci: initialize hybrid_dma_data before use (Laurent Vivier) [1270717]- [mm] free compound page with correct order (Andrea Arcangeli) [1274867] - [netdrv] revert "ixgbe: Refactor busy poll socket code to address multiple issues" (John Greene) [1261275] - [powerpc] dma: dma_set_coherent_mask() should not be GPL only (Gustavo Duarte) [1275976]- [md] dm-cache: the CLEAN_SHUTDOWN flag was not being set (Mike Snitzer) [1274450] - [md] dm-btree: fix leak of bufio-backed block in btree_split_beneath error path (Mike Snitzer) [1274393] - [md] dm-btree-remove: fix a bug when rebalancing nodes after removal (Mike Snitzer) [1274396] - [fs] nfsd: fix duplicated destroy_delegation code introduced by backport ("J. Bruce Fields") [1273228] - [fs] xfs: validate transaction header length on log recovery (Brian Foster) [1164135] - [net] ipv6: don't use CHECKSUM_PARTIAL on MSG_MORE/UDP_CORK sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1271759] - [net] add length argument to skb_copy_and_csum_datagram_iovec (Sabrina Dubroca) [1269228] - [x86] kvm: fix edge EOI and IOAPIC reconfig race (Radim Krcmar) [1271333] - [x86] kvm: set KVM_REQ_EVENT when updating IRR (Radim Krcmar) [1271333] - [kernel] Initialize msg/shm IPC objects before doing ipc_addid() (Lennert Buytenhek) [1271507] {CVE-2015-7613}- [fs] nfsd: ensure that delegation stateid hash references are only put once ("J. Bruce Fields") [1233284] - [fs] nfsd: ensure that the ol stateid hash reference is only put once ("J. Bruce Fields") [1233284] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix a nograce recovery hang (Benjamin Coddington) [1264478] - [fs] vfs: Test for and handle paths that are unreachable from their mnt_root ("Eric W. Biederman") [1209371] {CVE-2015-2925} - [fs] dcache: Handle escaped paths in prepend_path ("Eric W. Biederman") [1209371] {CVE-2015-2925} - [fs] xfs: add an xfs_zero_eof() tracepoint (Brian Foster) [1260383] - [fs] xfs: always drain dio before extending aio write submission (Brian Foster) [1260383] - [md] dm-cache: fix NULL pointer when switching from cleaner policy (Mike Snitzer) [1269959] - [mm] Temporary fix for BUG_ON() triggered by THP vs. gup() race (David Gibson) [1268999] - [hid] usbhid: improve handling of Clear-Halt and reset (Don Zickus) [1260123] - [drm] qxl: fix framebuffer dirty rectangle tracking (Gerd Hoffmann) [1268293] - [s390] hmcdrv: fix interrupt registration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1262735] - [block] blk-mq: fix deadlock when reading cpu_list (Jeff Moyer) [1260615] - [block] blk-mq: avoid inserting requests before establishing new mapping (Jeff Moyer) [1260615] - [block] blk-mq: fix q->mq_usage_counter access race (Jeff Moyer) [1260615] - [block] blk-mq: Fix use after of free q->mq_map (Jeff Moyer) [1260615] - [block] blk-mq: fix sysfs registration/unregistration race (Jeff Moyer) [1260615] - [block] blk-mq: avoid setting hctx->tags->cpumask before allocation (Jeff Moyer) [1260615] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Enhance driver to update FW, when FW is too old (Sai Vemuri) [1077966] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Force uninitialized state if FW in adapter is unsupported (Sai Vemuri) [1077966] - [powerpc] revert "Use the POWER8 Micro Partition Prefetch Engine in KVM HV on POWER8" (Thomas Huth) [1269653]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: set AQ count after memory allocation (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: fix offload of GRE tunnels (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't blow away MAC address (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: grab the AQ spinlocks before clearing registers (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a memory leak in X722 rss config path (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use numa_mem_id() to better support memoryless node (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: Use numa_mem_id() to better support memoryless node (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: fix 32 bit build warnings (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: fix kbuild warnings (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40evf: tweak init timing (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: warn on double free (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: refactor interrupt enable (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: Strip VEB stats if they are disabled in HW (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add new device id 1588 (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove useless message (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: limit debugfs io ops (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: use QOS field consistently (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: count drops in netstat interface (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix Tx hang workaround code (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: fixup padding issue in get_cee_dcb_cfg_v1_resp (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a port VLAN configuration bug (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix up type clash in i40e_aq_rc_to_posix conversion (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40e: rtnl_lock called twice in i40e_pci_error_resume() (Neil Horman) [1267663] - [netdrv] i40evf: missing rtnl_unlock in i40evf_resume() (Neil Horman) [1267663]- [scsi] report 'INQUIRY result too short' once (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1254049] - [scsi] scsi_scan: don't dump trace when scsi_prep_async_scan() is called twice (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1254049] - [fs] userfaultfd: add missing mmput() in error path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1263480] - [mm] check if section present during memory block registering (Jan Stancek) [1256723] - [mm] avoid setting up anonymous pages into file mapping (Larry Woodman) [1261582] - [mm] add p[te|md] revert "protnone helpers for use by NUMA balancing" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [powerpc] revert "mm: convert p[te|md]_numa users to p[te|md]_protnone_numa" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [powerpc] revert "mm: add paranoid warnings for unexpected DSISR_PROTFAULT" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [mm] revert "convert p[te|md]_mknonnuma and remaining page table manipulations" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [mm] revert "numa: Do not mark PTEs pte_numa when splitting huge pages" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [mm] revert "remove remaining references to NUMA hinting bits and helpers" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [mm] revert "numa: do not trap faults on the huge zero page" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [mm] revert "numa: add paranoid check around pte_protnone_numa" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [mm] revert "numa: avoid unnecessary TLB flushes when setting NUMA hinting entries" (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [powerpc] mm: Change the swap encoding in pte (Thomas Huth) [1256718] - [x86] perf: Fix multi-segment problem of perf_event_intel_uncore (Jiri Olsa) [1257825] - [lib] partially revert "[lib] vsprintf: implement bitmap printing through '*pb[l]'" (Maurizio Lombardi) [1260118] - [drm] radeon: update no_64bit_msi flag for certain ASICs (Oded Gabbay) [1262429] - [drm] nouveau: fbcon: take runpm reference when userspace has an open fd (Ben Skeggs) [1176163] - [drm] qxl: validate monitors config modes (Dave Airlie) [1242847] - [drm] radeon: don't attempt WC mappings on powerpc (Dave Airlie) [1262429] - [drm] drm/qxl: recreate the primary surface when the bo is not primary (Dave Airlie) [1258301] - [drm] qxl: only report first monitor as connected if we have no state (Dave Airlie) [1258301] - [drm] dp_mst: drop cancel work sync in the mstb destroy path (Dave Airlie) [1251331] - [drm] dp_mst: split connector registration into two parts (Dave Airlie) [1251331] - [drm] dp_mst: update the link_address_sent before sending the link address (Dave Airlie) [1251331] - [drm] dp_mst: fixup handling hotplug on port removal (Dave Airlie) [1251331] - [drm] dp_mst: don't pass port into the path builder function (Dave Airlie) [1251331] - [drm] dp_mst: make functions that always return 0 return void (Dave Airlie) [1251331] - [kernel] uprobes: fix kABI broken by the exported return_instance (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Make arch_uretprobe_is_alive(RP_CHECK_CALL) more clever (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Add the "enum rp_check ctx" arg to arch_uretprobe_is_alive() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Change prepare_uretprobe() to (try to) flush the dead frames (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Change handle_trampoline() to flush the frames invalidated by longjmp() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Reimplement arch_uretprobe_is_alive() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Export 'struct return_instance', introduce arch_uretprobe_is_alive() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Change handle_trampoline() to find the next chain beforehand (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Change prepare_uretprobe() to use uprobe_warn() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Send SIGILL if handle_trampoline() fails (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce free_ret_instance() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce get_uprobe() (Oleg Nesterov) [1207373] - [kernel] lockdep: Fix a race between /proc/lock_stat and module unload (Jerome Marchand) [1183891] - [kernel] lockdep: Fix the module unload key range freeing logic (Jerome Marchand) [1183891] - [kernel] module: Free lock-classes if parse_args failed (Jerome Marchand) [1183891] - [cpufreq] revert "intel_pstate: honor user space min_perf_pct override on resume" (Prarit Bhargava) [1269518]- [fs] nfs: fix v4.2 SEEK on files over 2 gigs ("J. Bruce Fields") [1262181] - [fs] nfs: verify open flags before allowing open (Benjamin Coddington) [1164431] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix pnfs_put_lseg races (Benjamin Coddington) [1263155] - [fs] nfsv4.1: pnfs_send_layoutreturn should use GFP_NOFS (Benjamin Coddington) [1263155] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Pin the inode and super block in asynchronous layoutreturns (Benjamin Coddington) [1263155] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Pin the inode and super block in asynchronous layoutcommit (Benjamin Coddington) [1263155] - [md] raid0: apply base queue limits *before* disk_stack_limits (Jes Sorensen) [1265182] - [net] revert "ipv6: Don't reduce hop limit for an interface" (Sabrina Dubroca) [1258324] - [x86] kvmclock: abolish PVCLOCK_COUNTS_FROM_ZERO (Radim Krcmar) [1263030] - [x86] revert "kvm: x86: zero kvmclock_offset when vcpu0 initializes kvmclock system MSR" (Radim Krcmar) [1263030] - [x86] kvm: svm: reset mmu on VCPU reset (Igor Mammedov) [1255217] - [edac] sb_edac: correctly fetch DIMM width on Ivy Bridge and Haswell (Aristeu Rozanski) [1112413] - [edac] sb_edac: look harder for DDRIO on Haswell systems (Aristeu Rozanski) [1112413] - [tools] perf-trace: Fix race condition at the end of started workloads (Jiri Olsa) [1250068] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix tx flit calculation (Sai Vemuri) [1266248] - [netdrv] igb: assume MSI-X interrupts during initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1263625] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: disable Skylake processors (Prarit Bhargava) [1267343] - [infiniband] mlx4: Report checksum offload cap for RAW QP when query device (Doug Ledford) [1265795] - [infiniband] core: Add support of checksum capability reporting for RC and RAW (Doug Ledford) [1265795]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: check for stopped admin queue (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: refactor tx timeout logic (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.21 and i40evf to 1.3.13 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add get AQ result command to nvmupdate utility (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add exec_aq command to nvmupdate utility (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add wait states to NVM state machine (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add GetStatus command for nvmupdate (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add handling of writeback descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: save aq writeback for future inspection (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.9 and i40evf to 1.3.5 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Cache the CEE TLV status returned from firmware (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD flag (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: Remove PF specific register definitions from the VF (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: Use the correct defines to match the VF registers (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add capability to gather VEB per TC stats (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add TX/RX outer UDP checksum support for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for writeback on ITR feature for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: RSS changes for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update register.h file for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update FW API with X722 support (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add flags for X722 capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add device ids for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e: use BIT and BIT_ULL macros (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up error status messages (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: support virtual channel API version 1.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: handle big resets (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add macros for virtual channel API version and device capability (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e: add VF capabilities to virtual channel interface (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix and refactor dynamic ITR code (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version to 1.3.6 for i40e and 1.3.2 for i40evf (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for pre-allocated pages for PD (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: add MAC address filter in open, not init (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't delete all the filters (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update the admin queue command header (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40evf: Allow for an abundance of vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: improve Tx performance with a small tweak (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update Flex-10 related device/function capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add stats to track FD ATR and SB dynamic enable state (Stefan Assmann) [1267255] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for recursive RTNL lock during PROMISC change (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix RS bit update in Tx path and disable force WB workaround (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: add GRE tunnel type to csum encoding (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: refactor tx timeout logic (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Move i40e_get_head into header file (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: check for stopped admin queue (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: fix VLAN inside VXLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.21 and i40evf to 1.3.13 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add get AQ result command to nvmupdate utility (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add exec_aq command to nvmupdate utility (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add wait states to NVM state machine (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add GetStatus command for nvmupdate (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add handling of writeback descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: save aq writeback for future inspection (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: rename variable to prevent clash of understanding (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 1.3.9 and i40evf to 1.3.5 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Cache the CEE TLV status returned from firmware (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD flag (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove redundant and unneeded messages (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: correct spelling error (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix comment for ethtool diagnostic link test (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add capability to gather VEB per TC stats (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix ethtool offline diagnostic with netqueues (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix legacy interrupt mode in the driver (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Move function calls to i40e_shutdown instead of i40e_suspend (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: add RX to port CRC errors label (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: don't degrade __le16 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Add AQ commands for NVM Update for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add ATR HW eviction support for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Add IWARP support for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add TX/RX outer UDP checksum support for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for writeback on ITR feature for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: RSS changes for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update register.h file for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update FW API with X722 support (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add flags for X722 capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add device ids for X722 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: use BIT and BIT_ULL macros (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: provide correct API version to older VF drivers (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: support virtual channel API 1.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: add macros for virtual channel API version and device capability (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: add VF capabilities to virtual channel interface (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up unneeded gotos (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix and refactor dynamic ITR code (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: only report generic filters in get_ts_info (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version to 1.3.6 for i40e and 1.3.2 for i40evf (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Refine an error message to avoid confusion (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add support for pre-allocated pages for PD (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: un-disable VF after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: do a proper reset when disabling a VF (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: correctly program filters for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update the admin queue command header (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove incorrect #ifdef's (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: ignore duplicate port VLAN requests (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: improve Tx performance with a small tweak (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update Flex-10 related device/function capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add stats to track FD ATR and SB dynamic enable state (Stefan Assmann) [1267254] - [netdrv] i40e: Implement ndo_features_check() (Stefan Assmann) [1267254]- [md] raid1: Avoid raid1 resync getting stuck (Jes Sorensen) [1256954] - [fs] gfs2: fallocate: do not rely on file_update_time to mark the inode dirty (Andrew Price) [1264521] - [fs] gfs2: Update timestamps on fallocate (Andrew Price) [1264521] - [fs] gfs2: Update i_size properly on fallocate (Andrew Price) [1264521] - [fs] gfs2: Use inode_newsize_ok and get_write_access in fallocate (Andrew Price) [1264521] - [fs] revert "nfs: Make close(2) asynchronous when closing NFS O_DIRECT files" (Benjamin Coddington) [1263385] - [fs] gfs2: Average in only non-zero round-trip times for congestion stats (Robert S Peterson) [1162821] - [fs] lockd: fix rpcbind crash on lockd startup failure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1253782] - [fs] Failing to send a CLOSE if file is opened WRONLY and server reboots on a 4.x mount (Benjamin Coddington) [1263376] - [fs] fsnotify: fix oops in fsnotify_clear_marks_by_group_flags() (Lukas Czerner) [1247436] - [net] sctp: fix race on protocol/netns initialization (Marcelo Leitner) [1251807] {CVE-2015-5283} - [x86] Mark Broadwell-DE SoC Supported (Prarit Bhargava) [1131685] - [kernel] sched,numa: limit amount of virtual memory scanned in task_numa_work (Rik van Riel) [1261722] - [drivers] base: show nohz_full cpus in sysfs (Rik van Riel) [1212618] - [drivers] base: show isolated cpus in sysfs (Rik van Riel) [1212618] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: add quirk to disable HWP on Skylake-S processors (Jerry Snitselaar) [1263069] - [drivers] core: Add symlink to device-tree from devices with an OF node (Gustavo Duarte) [1258828] - [powerpc] device: Add dev_of_node() accessor (Gustavo Duarte) [1258828] - [powerpc] iommu: Support "hybrid" iommu/direct DMA ops for coherent_mask < dma_mask (Gustavo Duarte) [1246880] - [powerpc] iommu: Cleanup setting of DMA base/offset (Gustavo Duarte) [1246880] - [powerpc] iommu: Remove dma_data union (Gustavo Duarte) [1246880] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s-hv: Fix handling of interrupted VCPUs (Thomas Huth) [1263568] - [powerpc] kvm: Take the kvm->srcu lock in kvmppc_h_logical_ci_load/store() (Thomas Huth) [1263577]- [netdrv] cxgb4: Make necessary changes after reverting FCoE (Sai Vemuri) [1258657] - [netdrv] revert "cxgb4: add cxgb4_fcoe.c for FCoE" (Sai Vemuri) [1258657] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Cleanup register defines/MACROS (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: 32b platform fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: use BAR2 GTS register for T5 kernel mode CQs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: enforce qp/cq id requirements (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix incorrect sequence numbers shown in devlog (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove unused fn to enable/disable db coalescing (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: function and argument name cleanup (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs facility to inject FL starvation (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add PHY firmware support for T420-BT cards (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update T4/T5 adapter register ranges (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Optimize and cleanup setup memory window code (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: replace ntoh{s, l} and hton{s, l} calls with the generic byteorder (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove dead function t4_read_edc and t4_read_mc (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Cleanup macros, add comments and add new MACROS (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb3/4/4vf: Update drivers to use dma_rmb/wmb where appropriate (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: add cxgb4_fcoe.c for FCoE (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] iw_cxgb4: Remove negative advice dmesg warnings (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Initialize RSS mode for all Ports (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Discard the packet if the length is greater than mtu (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Move SGE Ingress DMA state monitor code to a new routine (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add device node to ULD info (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Pass in a Congestion Channel Map to t4_sge_alloc_rxq() (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Enable congestion notification from SGE for IQs and FLs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Make sure that Freelist size is larger than Egress Congestion Threshold (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: drop __GFP_NOFAIL allocation (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix MC1 memory offset calculation (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Don't call t4_slow_intr_handler when we're not the Master PF (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add comment for calculate tx flits and sge length code (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use device node in page allocation (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Freelist starving threshold varies from adapter to adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Increased the value of MAX_IMM_TX_PKT_LEN from 128 to 256 bytes (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Move ethtool related code to a separate file (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix to dump devlog, even if FW is crashed (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Firmware macro changes for fw verison (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Serialize CQ event upcalls with CQ destruction (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't hang threads forever waiting on WR replies (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Fix sparse warnings (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Disable interrupts and napi before unregistering netdev (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Allocate dynamic mem. for egress and ingress queue maps (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix frame size warning for 32 bit arch (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Make PCI Device ID Tables be "const" (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add device ID for new adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: fix coccinelle warnings (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Try and provide an RDMA CIQ per cpu (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Move offload Rx queue allocation to separate function (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix PCI-E Memory window interface for big-endian systems (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support in cxgb4 to get expansion rom version via ethtool (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix trace observed while dumping clip_tbl (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support in debugfs to dump the congestion control table (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support to dump mailbox content in debugfs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for ULP RX logic analyzer output in debugfs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Added support in debugfs to display TP logic analyzer output (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support in debugfs to display sensor information (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] chelsio: cxgb4: fix sparse warning (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "release_firmware" (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add low latency socket busy_poll support (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Improve IEEE DCBx support, other minor open-lldp fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Remove preprocessor check for CONFIG_CXGB4_DCB (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Move firmware version MACRO to t4fw_version.h (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Added support in debugfs to dump different timer and clock values of the adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Added support in debugfs to dump PM module stats (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Addded support in debugfs to dump CIM outbound queue content (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Added support in debugfs to dump cim ingress bound queue contents (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Added support in debugfs to dump sge_qinfo (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fixes cxgb4_inet6addr_notifier unregister call (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] mode_t whack-a-mole: chelsio (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs options to dump the rss key, config for PF, VF, etc (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add debugfs entry to dump the contents of the flash (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update ipv6 address handling api (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Ripping out old hard-wired initialization code in driver (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4/cxgb4/cxgb4vf/cxgb4i/csiostor: Cleanup register defines/macros related to all other cpl messages (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] iw_cxgb4/cxgb4/cxgb4i: Cleanup register defines/MACROS related to CM CPL messages (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for mps_tcam debugfs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for cim_qcfg entry in debugfs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for cim_la entry in debugfs (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for devlog (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add PCI device ID for new T5 adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Cleanup PL, XGMAC, SF and MC related register defines (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/csiostor: Cleanup TP, MPS and TCAM related register defines (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxg4vf/csiostor: Cleanup MC, MA and CIM related register defines (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Cleanup SGE and PCI related register defines (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Cleanup SGE register defines (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix decoding QSA module for ethtool get settings (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add support for QSA modules (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/csiostor: Don't use MASTER_MUST for fw_hello call (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: global named must be unique (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update firmware version after flashing it via ethtool (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Use new interfaces to calculate BAR2 SGE Queue Register addresses (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf: Add code to calculate T5 BAR2 Offsets for SGE Queue Registers (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4vf: Add and initialize some sge params for VF driver (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update FW version string to match FW binary version (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add a check for flashing FW using ethtool (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fill in supported link mode for SFP modules (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Add T4/T5 PCI ID Table (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Cleanup macros/register defines related to PCIE, RSS and FW (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Cleanup macros/register defines related to port and VI (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Disable recursive mailbox commands when enabling vi (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4/cxgb4vf/csiostor: Cleanup macros/register defines related to queues (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] cxgb4/csiostor: Cleansup FW related macros/register defines for PF/VF and LDST (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Cleanup Filter related macros/register defines (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix DCB priority groups being returned in wrong order (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4i/cxgb4: Refactor macros to conform to uniform standards (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix static checker warning (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: dcb open-lldp interop fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix bug in DCB app deletion (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [scsi] cxgb4: Cleanup macros so they follow the same style and look consistent, part 2 (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Cleanup macros so they follow the same style and look consistent (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add cxgb4_debugfs.c, move all debugfs code to new file (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Handle dcb enable correctly (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Improve handling of DCB negotiation or loss thereof (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: IEEE fixes for DCBx state machine (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Fix endian bug introduced in cxgb4 dcb patchset (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update copyright year on all cxgb4 files (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Makefile & Kconfig changes for DCBx support (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Integrate DCBx support into cxgb4 module. Register dbcnl_ops to give access to DCBx functions (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Add DCBx support codebase and dcbnl_ops (Sai Vemuri) [1251611] - [netdrv] cxgb4: Update fw interface file for DCBx support. Adds all the required fields to fw interface to communicate DCBx info (Sai Vemuri) [1251611]- [net] vlan: Add GRO support for non hardware accelerated vlan (Ivan Vecera) [1235229] - [net] Add priority to packet_offload objects (Ivan Vecera) [1235229] - [net] sctp: add routing output fallback (Marcelo Leitner) [1258494] - [net] sctp: fix dst leak (Marcelo Leitner) [1258494] - [scsi] hpsa: move lockup_detected attribute to host attr (Joseph Szczypek) [1259673] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix subsystem ID read regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Set patch_ops before calling auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Disable widget power-save for VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix Dock Headphone on Thinkpad X250 seen as a Line Out (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix link power unbalance at device removal (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Re-add the lost fake mute support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Don't actually write registers for caps overwrites (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - set GET bit when adding a vendor verb to the codec regmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Always allow access for POWER_STATE verbs via regmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Set use_single_rw flag for regmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Handle a few verbs as read-only (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Add cache support for COEF read/write (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - Handle get/set power verb symmetrically via regmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1256578] - [sound] alsa: hda - fix i915 probe for HSW/BDW (Jaroslav Kysela) [1253837] - [sound] alsa: hda - Fix NULL dereference from CA0132 DSP loader (Jaroslav Kysela) [1251483] - [tools] cpupower: Do not change the frequency of offline cpu (Gustavo Duarte) [1260293] - [crypto] nx - add LE support to pSeries platform driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1261375] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Gustavo Duarte) [1264158] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: fix prepare card flow (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: Fix NULL dereference when PCI driver used as an AP (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [net] mac80211: fix invalid read in minstrel_sort_best_tp_rates() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: pcie: prepare the device before accessing it (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: nvm: remove mac address byte swapping in 8000 family (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix antenna selection when BT is active (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [net] mac80211: clear subdir_stations when removing debugfs (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [net] mac80211: prevent possible crypto tx tailroom corruption (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [wireless] cfg80211: ignore netif running state when changing iftype (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] iwlwifi: mvm: fix ROC reference accounting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [net] mac80211: fix the beacon csa counter for mesh and ibss (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] rtlwifi: Remove the clear interrupt routine from all drivers (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] ath9k_htc: memory corruption calling set_bit() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] ath9k: fix DMA stop sequence for AR9003+ (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [net] mac80211: fix locking in update_vlan_tailroom_need_count() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [wireless] cfg80211: wext: clear sinfo struct before calling driver (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [netdrv] ssb: Fix handling of ssb_pmu_get_alp_clock() (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1256419] - [infiniband] hfi: Properly set permissions for user device files (Don Dutile) [1255736]- [fs] nfs: Don't attempt to decode missing directory entries (Benjamin Coddington) [1261725] - [fs] xfs: flush entire file on dio read/write to cached file (Brian Foster) [1229074] - [fs] gfs2: Don't support fallocate on jdata files (Abhijith Das) [1221331] - [fs] xfs: checksum log record ext headers based on record size (Brian Foster) [1256593] - [md] dm-crypt: constrain crypt device's max_segment_size to PAGE_SIZE (Mike Snitzer) [1252726] - [md] dm-thin: disable discard support for thin devices if pool's is disabled (Mike Snitzer) [1260135] - [md] dm-cache: small cleanups related to deferred prison cell cleanup (Mike Snitzer) [1250832] - [md] dm-cache: fix leaking of deferred bio prison cells (Mike Snitzer) [1250832] - [md] dm-cache: fix use after freeing migrations (Mike Snitzer) [1250832] - [md] dm-cache: move wake_waker() from free_migrations() to where it is needed (Mike Snitzer) [1250832] - [md] raid1: count resync requests in nr_pending (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid1: update next_resync under resync_lock (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid1: Don't use next_resync to determine how far resync has progressed (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid1: make sure resync waits for conflicting writes to complete (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid1: clean up request counts properly in close_sync() (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid1: be more cautious where we read-balance during resync (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid1: intialise start_next_window for READ case to avoid hang (Jes Sorensen) [1261114] - [md] raid0: update queue parameter in a safer location (Jes Sorensen) [1247854] - [x86] perf/uncore: Use Sandy Bridge client PMU on Haswell/Broadwell (Jiri Olsa) [1250642] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add support for ARB uncore PMU on Sandy/IvyBridge (Jiri Olsa) [1250642] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add Broadwell-U uncore IMC PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1250642] - [x86] perf: Disable fixup_ht_bug function (Jiri Olsa) [1246669] - [base] pm: add Red Hat dev_pm_info_rh struct (Prarit Bhargava) [1261130] - [base] device: allocate/free Red Hat only struct device_rh (Prarit Bhargava) [1261130] - [idle] intel_idle: Add CPU model 54 (Atom N2000 series) (Prarit Bhargava) [1230936] - [block] blk-mq: don't lose requests if a stopped queue restarts (Jeff Moyer) [1251417] - [block] blk-mq: fix FUA request hang (Jeff Moyer) [1251417] - [block] blk-mq: fix CPU hotplug handling (Jeff Moyer) [1251417] - [block] blk-mq: fix race between timeout and CPU hotplug (Jeff Moyer) [1251417] - [block] blk-mq: initialize 'struct request' and associated data to zero (Jeff Moyer) [1251417] - [netdrv] be2net: Revert "make the RX_FILTER command asynchronous" commit (Ivan Vecera) [1253268] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Capping number of requested MSIXs to MAX_MSIX (Amir Vadai) [1260507] - [scripts] modpost: Keep hfi1 driver in staging from tainting kernel (Don Dutile) [1257994] - [powerpc] kdump: Increase the amount of memory reserved for crashkernel=auto (Dave Young) [1222059]- [fs] Set UID in sess_auth_rawntlmssp_authenticate too (Sachin Prabhu) [1258490] - [drm] radeon: fix hotplug race at startup (Dave Airlie) [1262218] - [net] fix NULL pointer dereference in skb_copy_and_csum_datagram_iovec when using NFS (Sabrina Dubroca) [1258907] - [net] ipv4: suppress NETDEV_UP notification on address lifetime update (Aaron Conole) [1250705] - [lib] radix-tree: handle allocation failure in radix_tree_insert() (Seth Jennings) [1260613] - [x86] efi: Use all 64 bit of efi_memmap in setup_e820() (Larry Woodman) [1248452] - [x86] Fix misapplied XSTATE_LAZY patch (Prarit Bhargava) [1258840] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix sleeping function called during get_stats64 (Corinna Vinschen) [1261973] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove bimodal SR-IOV disabling (Alex Williamson) [1243821] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s-hv: Exit on H_DOORBELL if HOST_IPI is set (David Gibson) [1259571] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s-hv: Fix race in starting secondary threads (David Gibson) [1259571] - [powerpc] powernv/pci-ioda: fix kdump with non-power-of-2 crashkernel= (Gustavo Duarte) [1258491] - [powerpc] powernv/pci-ioda: fix 32-bit TCE table init in kdump kernel (Gustavo Duarte) [1258491]- [unisys] Add modalias files to visorbus devices (Erik Arfvidson) [1259509] - [net] tcp: use dctcp if enabled on the route to the initiator (Florian Westphal) [1254839] - [net] fib, fib6: reject invalid feature bits (Florian Westphal) [1254839] - [net] fib6: reduce identation in ip6_convert_metrics (Florian Westphal) [1254839] - [net] fib: move metrics parsing to a helper (Florian Westphal) [1254839] - [net] tunnels: enable module autoloading (Phil Sutter) [1258861] - [net] ip6_gre: release cached dst on tunnel removal (Sabrina Dubroca) [1210346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix backporting error in "Fix virtual port configuration, when switch port is disabled/enabled" (Chad Dupuis) [1240912] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Code refactor for use of requestorId (Tomas Henzl) [1257604] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix validHandles check in io path (Tomas Henzl) [1257604] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Chip reset if driver fail to bring ioc ready (Tomas Henzl) [1257604] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: init tasklet earlier (Tomas Henzl) [1252127] - [misc] enclosure: handle non-unique element descriptors (Jose Castillo) [1188248] - [edac] ie31200_edac: Allocate mci and map mchbar first (Seth Jennings) [1241708] - [edac] ie31200_edac: Introduce the driver (Seth Jennings) [1241708] - [kernel] readq/writeq: Add explicit lo_hi_[read|write]_q and hi_lo_[read|write]_q (Seth Jennings) [1241708] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix use of flow-counters for process_mad (Amir Vadai) [1251740] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use sink counter for the VF default as fallback (Amir Vadai) [1251740] - [netdrv] i40e: Set defport behavior for the Main VSI when in promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1190049 1226826] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up error status messages (Stefan Assmann) [1190049 1226826] - [pci] Add ACS quirks for Intel I219-LM/V (Alex Williamson) [1252128] - [ipc] sem: fix use after free on IPC_RMID after a task using same semaphore set exits ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1254322] - [x86] mce: Do not panic when single core has reached a timeout (Prarit Bhargava) [1195534] - [x86] fpu: Fix double-increment in setup_xstate_features() (Herbert Xu) [1232494] - [x86] fpu/xstate: Don't assume the first zero xfeatures zero bit means the end (Herbert Xu) [1232494] - [fs] cifs: Terminate cifs_smb_version_tokens with NULL (Sachin Prabhu) [1247446] - [mm] numa: disable change protection for vma(VM_HUGETLB) (Larry Woodman) [1251007] - [kenrel] trace: Check permission only for parent tracepoint event (Jiri Olsa) [1253487]- [drm] nouveau/pmu/gk104: implement a hackish workaround for a hw bug (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/disp/dp: gm1xx appears to have same dp lane ordering as gm2xx (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/disp/dp: fix some tx_pu mishandling (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/bios/dp: use alternate set of drvctl values where necessary (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/bios/dcb: accept "maxwell" lane count values for dcb 4.0 (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] dp/mst: dump branch OUI in debugfs (v2) (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] dp-mst: Remove debug WARN_ON (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: Don't link train DisplayPort on HPD until we get the dpcd (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] dp/mst: Remove port after removing connector (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/drm/nv04-nv40/instmem: protect access to priv->heap by mutex (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau: hold mutex when calling nouveau_abi16_fini() (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/kms/nv50-: guard against enabling cursor on disabled heads (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] nouveau/fbcon/nv11-: correctly account for ring space usage (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] Stop resetting connector state to unknown (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] Provide compat ioctl for addfb2.1 (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] add a check for x/y in drm_mode_setcrtc (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon/ci: silence a harmless PCC warning (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: fix user ptr race condition (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: add a dpm quirk for Sapphire Radeon R9 270X 2GB GDDR5 (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: Don't flush the GART TLB if rdev->gart.ptr == NULL (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: unpin cursor BOs on suspend and pin them again on resume (v2) (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: Clean up reference counting and pinning of the cursor BOs (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: Handle irqs only based on irq ring, not irq status regs (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: fix HDP flushing (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: only check the sink type on DP connectors (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] revert "drm/radeon: dont switch vt on suspend" (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: SDMA fix hibernation (CI GPU family) (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: compute ring fix hibernation (CI GPU family) v2 (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915: Use two 32bit reads for select 64bit REG_READ ioctls (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915: Forward all core DRM ioctls to core compat handling (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915: Snapshot seqno of most recently submitted request (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915: fix backlight after resume on 855gm (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915: Fix IPS related flicker (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915/ppgtt: Break loop in gen8_ppgtt_clear_range failure path (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: clean up radeon_audio_enable (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: take the mode_config mutex when dealing with hpds (v2) (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] atomic: fix out of bounds read in for_each_*_in_state helpers (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] bridge: ptn3460: Include linux/gpio/consumer.h (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] qxl: Do not leak memory if qxl_release_list_add fails (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] qxl: Do not cause spice-server to clean our objects (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] dp/mst: make sure mst_primary mstb is valid in work function (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] dp/mst: take lock around looking up the branch device on hpd irq (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] dp/mst: close deadlock in connector destruction (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: don't probe MST on hw we don't support it on (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: Add RADEON_INFO_VA_UNMAP_WORKING query (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] mgag200: Reject non-character-cell-aligned mode widths (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] revert "drm/i915: Don't skip request retirement if the active list is empty" (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] i915: Always reset vma->ggtt_view.pages cache on unbinding (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: Make sure radeon_vm_bo_set_addr always unreserves the BO (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] revert "drm/radeon: adjust pll when audio is not enabled" (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] revert "drm/radeon: don't share plls if monitors differ in audio support" (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [drm] radeon: fix freeze for laptop with Turks/Thames GPU (Rob Clark) [1249805] - [mm] hugetlb: fix race in region tracking (Aristeu Rozanski) [1252129] - [mm] hugetlb: improve, cleanup resv_map parameters (Aristeu Rozanski) [1252129] - [mm] hugetlb: unify region structure handling (Aristeu Rozanski) [1252129] - [hv] mshyperv: fix recognition of Hyper-V guest crash MSR's (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1235998] - [hv] vmbus: prefer 'die' notification chain to 'panic' (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1235998] - [usb] Delete XHCI command timer if necessary (Dave Young) [1242851] - [x86] perf: cqm: Do not access cpu_data() from CPU_UP_PREPARE handler (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1257502] - [x86] kprobes: Fix conflict between jprobes and function graph tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1242825] - [netdrv] sfc: only use vadaptor stats if firmware is capable (Jarod Wilson) [1248331] - [netdrv] r8169: Add software counter for multicast packages (Corinna Vinschen) [1253102] - [powerpc] powernv: Invoke opal_cec_reboot2() on unrecoverable HMI (Gustavo Duarte) [1253477] - [powerpc] powernv: Invoke opal_cec_reboot2() on unrecoverable machine check errors (Gustavo Duarte) [1253477] - [powerpc] powernv: Pull all HMI events before panic (Gustavo Duarte) [1253477] - [powerpc] powernv: display reason for Malfunction Alert HMI (Gustavo Duarte) [1253477] - [powerpc] powernv: Add poweroff (EPOW, DPO) events support for PowerNV platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1257315] - [powerpc] pseries: Cleanup on pci_dn_reconfig_notifier() (Laurent Vivier) [1254200] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix corrupted pdn list (Laurent Vivier) [1254200] - [powercap] rapl: change domain detection message (Prarit Bhargava) [1238347] - [powercap] rapl: further relax energy counter checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1238347]- [fs] locks: remove i_have_this_lease check from __break_lease (Steve Dickson) [1258337] - [fs] locks: set fl_owner for leases to filp instead of current->files (Steve Dickson) [1258337] - [fs] locks: fix NULL-deref in generic_delete_lease (Steve Dickson) [1258337] - [fs] ext4: fix potential use after free in __ext4_journal_stop (Lukas Czerner) [1210588] - [fs] ext4: fix NULL pointer dereference when journal restart fails (Lukas Czerner) [1210588] - [fs] cifs: fix use-after-free bug in find_writable_file (Sachin Prabhu) [1186260] - [fs] ext4: check for zero length extent explicitly (Eryu Guan) [1221905] - [fs] ioctx_alloc(): fix vma (and file) leak on failure (Jarod Wilson) [1209536] - [fs] ext4: reject journal options for ext2 mounts (Carlos Maiolino) [839466] - [fs] fanotify: fix -EOVERFLOW with large files on 64-bit (Carlos Maiolino) [981181] - [fs] xfs: close xc_cil list_empty() races with cil commit sequence (Brian Foster) [1028505] - [fs] xfs: fix quota block reservation leak when tp allocates and frees blocks (Brian Foster) [1068915] - [fs] xfs: always log the inode on unwritten extent conversion (Brian Foster) [1053384] - [fs] xfs: direct IO EOF zeroing needs to drain AIO (Brian Foster) [1213370] - [fs] xfs: DIO write completion size updates race (Brian Foster) [1213370] - [fs] nfsv4.2: handle NFS-specific llseek errors ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfsd4: disallow SEEK with special stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfsd4: disallow ALLOCATE with special stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfs: Reduce time spent holding the i_mutex during fallocate() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfs: Don't zap caches on fallocate() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfs: Add DEALLOCATE support ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfs: Add ALLOCATE support ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfs: Use nfs_server_capable() for checknig NFS_CAP_SEEK ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfsd: correctly define v4.2 support attributes ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfsd: Add DEALLOCATE support ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfsd: Add ALLOCATE support (Steve Dickson) [1079385] - [fs] vfs: Rename do_fallocate() to vfs_fallocate() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfs: Implement SEEK ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] nfsd: Implement SEEK (Steve Dickson) [1079385] - [fs] nfsd: Add generic v4.2 infrastructure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] vfs: export lseek_execute() to modules ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] lseek_execute() doesn't need an inode passed to it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1079385] - [fs] flexfilelayout: Mark the Flexfile layout driver as a tech preview (Steve Dickson) [1246230] - [fs] blocklayout: Mark the NFSv4 Block Layout Driver layout driver as a tech preview (Steve Dickson) [1246237] - [fs] nfs4layouts: Remove unnecessary BUG_ON in nfsd4_layout_setlease() (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: restore trace event lost in mismerge (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: don't recursively call nfsd4_cb_layout_fail (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd/blocklayout: pretend we can send deviceid notifications (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: add NFSEXP_PNFS to the exflags array (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: require an explicit option to enable pNFS (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: pNFS block layout driver (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: add trace events (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: update documentation for pNFS support (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: implement pNFS layout recalls (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: implement pNFS operations (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: factor out a helper to decode nfstime4 values (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: make find_any_file available outside nfs4state.c (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: make find/get/put file available outside nfs4state.c (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: make lookup/alloc/unhash_stid available outside nfs4state.c (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: add fh_fsid_match helper (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfsd: move nfsd_fh_match to nfsfh.h (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfs: add LAYOUT_TYPE_MAX enum value (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] exportfs: add methods for block layout exports (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] fs: track fl_owner for leases (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] locks: plumb a "priv" pointer into the setlease routines (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] locks: generic_delete_lease doesn't need a file_lock at all (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] locks: add some tracepoints in the lease handling code (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] fs: add FL_LAYOUT lease type (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] locks: close potential race between setlease and open (Steve Dickson) [1195496] - [fs] nfs: Fetch MOUNTED_ON_FILEID when updating an inode (Steve Dickson) [1225090] - [fs] nfsv3: Use the readdir fileid as the mounted-on-fileid (Steve Dickson) [1225090] - [fs] nfs: Fix use of nfs_attr_use_mounted_on_fileid() (Steve Dickson) [1225090] - [x86] kernel: microcode, amd, avoid allocating with vmalloc & GFP_KERNEL when IRQs are disabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1080951]- [target] iscsi: Fix np_ip bracket issue by removing np_ip (Andy Grover) [1249107] - [scsi] libiscsi: Fix host busy blocking during connection teardown (Chris Leech) [1253032] - [md] raid1: extend spinlock to protect raid1_end_read_request against inconsistencies (Jes Sorensen) [1255758] - [md] raid1: fix test for 'was read error from last working device' (Jes Sorensen) [1255758] - [net] pktgen: fix race between pktgen_thread_worker() and kthread_stop() (Oleg Nesterov) [1054125] - [net] vxlan: re-ignore EADDRINUSE from igmp_join (Marcelo Leitner) [1256976] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_sctp: minimal multihoming support (Marcelo Leitner) [1256795] - [net] Fix skb_set_peeked use-after-free bug (Sabrina Dubroca) [1243993] - [net] Fix skb csum races when peeking (Sabrina Dubroca) [1243993] - [net] Clone skb before setting peeked flag (Sabrina Dubroca) [1243993] - [net] sock: fix SO_MAX_PACING_RATE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: don't reject clashing expectation if its in another ct zone (Florian Westphal) [1253847] - [net] flowcache: Fix kernel panic in flow_cache_flush_task (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] flowcache: Fix resource leaks on namespace exit (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Fix refcount imbalance in xfrm_lookup (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] flowcache: restore a single flow_cache kmem_cache (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: release dst_orig in case of error in xfrm_lookup() (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: remove irrelevant comment in xfrm_input(). (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Generate queueing routes only from route lookup functions (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Remove caching of xfrm_policy_sk_bundles (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] flowcache: Make flow cache name space aware (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Fix null pointer dereference when decoding sessions (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] ipv6: update flowi6_oif in ip6_dst_lookup_flow if not set (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] Remove FLOWI_FLAG_CAN_SLEEP (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Remove ancient sleeping when the SA is in acquire state (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Fix NULL pointer dereference on sub policy usage (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Namespacify xfrm state/policy locks (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Using the right namespace to migrate key info (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Remove extern from function prototypes (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: constify mark argument of xfrm_find_acq() (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] ip: Remove extern from function prototypes (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] ipv6: prevent fib6_run_gc() contention (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] ipv4: remove fib_update_nh_saddrs() declaration (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Generate blackhole routes only from route lookup functions (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: check for a vaild skb in xfrm_policy_queue_process (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Add refcount handling to queued policies (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [net] xfrm: Decode sessions with output interface (Phil Sutter) [1243591] - [drm] qxl: rewrite framebuffer support (Gerd Hoffmann) [1072350] - [x86] hyperv: Mark the Hyper-V TSC as unstable (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1235523]- [hv] vmbus: don't send CHANNELMSG_UNLOAD on pre-Win2012R2 hosts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] vmbus: add special crash handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] don't do hypercalls when hypercall_page is NULL (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] vmbus: add special kexec handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] vmbus: remove hv_synic_free_cpu() call from hv_synic_cleanup() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] vmbus: kill tasklets on module unload (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] vmbus: Implement the protocol for tearing down vmbus state (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hv] vmbus: Get rid of some unused definitions (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1248352] - [hid] usbhid: Fix the check for HID_RESET_PENDING in hid_io_error (Don Zickus) [1167266] - [x86] documentation: add kernel-parameters.txt entry for dis_ucode_ldr (Prarit Bhargava) [1256913] - [x86] microcode: Add a disable chicken bit (Prarit Bhargava) [1256913] - [x86] boot: Carve out early cmdline parsing function (Prarit Bhargava) [1256913] - [block] mtip32x: fix regression introduced by blk-mq per-hctx flush (Jeff Moyer) [1228812] - [hwmon] coretemp: Atom CPUs don't support TjMax; no warning needed (Prarit Bhargava) [1253935] - [crypto] nx - Removing CTR mode from NX driver (Herbert Xu) [1241751] - [unisys] add visorhid driver (Erik Arfvidson) [1232017] - [unisys] add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE and temporary MODULE_ALIAS lines to visornic (Erik Arfvidson) [1232014] - [unisys] Add s-Par visorhba (Erik Arfvidson) [1232014] - [netdrv] r8169: Add values missing in @get_stats64 from HW counters (Corinna Vinschen) [1253102] - [netdrv] enic: fix work done in tx napi_poll (Stefan Assmann) [1247856] - [netdrv] enic: update desc properly in rx_copybreak (Stefan Assmann) [1247856] - [netdrv] enic: handle error condition properly in enic_rq_indicate_buf (Stefan Assmann) [1247856] - [netdrv] enic: implement rx_copybreak (Stefan Assmann) [1247856] - [thermal] powerclamp: support Knights Landing (Steve Best) [1158597] - [thermal] powerclamp: add cpu id for Skylake u/y (Steve Best) [1179991] - [thermal] powerclamp: add cpu id for skylake h/s (Steve Best) [1179991] - [thermal] powerclamp: Remove tick_nohz_idle abuse (Steve Best) [1255864] - [thermal] powerclamp: Clean up preempt_enable_no_resched() abuse (Steve Best) [1255864]- [infiniband] Move hfi1 to staging (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] core: Add opa driver to kbuild (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] revert "ib/hfi1: Switch to topology_sibling_mask()" (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] revert "ib/hfi1: Switch to the ->write_iter() API" (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: Remove inline from trace functions (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: Add Infiniband dependency to Kconfig (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add driver make/config files (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add multicast routines (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add general verbs handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add PSM sdma hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add low level page locking (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add UD QP handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add UC QP handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add QSFP twsi routines (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add tracepoint debug routines (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add sysfs routines and documentation (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add SRQ handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add sdma header file (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add sdma routines (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add common routines for RC/UC (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add RC QP handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add qsfp handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add qp handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add platform config definitions (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add pio handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add pcie routines (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add misc OPA defines (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add memory region handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add user/kernel memory sharing hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add local mad header (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add OPA mad handling part2 (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add OPA mad handling part1 (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add rkey/lkey validation (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add progress delay/restart hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add interrupt hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add module init hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add general hfi header file (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add firmware hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add PSM driver control/data path (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add eeprom hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add low level receive functions (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add dma operation hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add diagnostic hooks (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add char device instantiation code (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add debugfs handling (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add completion queue processing (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add common header file definitions (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add chip specific headers (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add chip register definitions (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add chip specific support part4 (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add chip specific support part3 (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add chip specific support part2 (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] hfi1: add chip specific support part1 (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] core: Add header definitions (David Sowa) [1173291] - [infiniband] core: Add CNP opcode enumeration (David Sowa) [1173291]- [netdrv] ixgbevf: Driver version update to indicate RHEL 7.2 (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add support for reporting RSS key and hash table for X550 (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Set Rx hash type for ingress packets (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fold ixgbevf_pull_tail into ixgbevf_add_rx_frag (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use dev_kfree_skb_any in xmit path, not dev_kfree_skb (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add the appropriate ethtool ops to query RSS indirection table and key (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add RSS Key query code (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add a RETA query code (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use ether_addr_copy() instead of memcpy() (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix code comments and whitespace (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: codespell comment spelling fixes (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: combine all of the tasks into a single service task (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: rewrite watchdog task to function similar to igbvf (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Add code to check for Tx hang (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix ordering of shutdown to correctly disable Rx and Tx (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: set vlan_features in a single write instead of several ORs (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add RSS support for X550 (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: enable multiple queue support (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Fix checksum error when using stacked vlan (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Use eth_skb_pad and skb_put_padto helpers (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: fix possible crashes in probe and remove (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add support for X550 VFs (John Greene) [1173787 1187248] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: add netpoll support (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: compare total_rx_packets and budget in ixgbevf_clean_rx_irq (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Change receive model to use double buffered page based receives (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Update Rx next to clean in real time (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: reorder main loop in ixgbe_clean_rx_irq to allow for do/while/continue (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Cleanup variable usage, improve stack performance (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Combine the logic for post Rx processing into single function (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Test Rx status bits directly out of the descriptor (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Update ixgbevf_alloc_rx_buffers to handle clearing of status bits (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: remove useless bd_number from struct ixgbevf_adapter (John Greene) [1173787 1187248] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: Resolve missing-field-initializers warnings (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: introduce delay for checking VFLINKS on 82599 (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbevf: implement ethtool get/set coalesce (John Greene) [1173787] - [netdrv] ixgbe: update driver version to indicate RHEL7.2 (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Don't report flow director filter's status (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Specify Rx hash type WRT Rx desc RSS type (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: only report generic filters in get_ts_info (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remember to write ixfi changes after modifying (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix X550 default set_phy_power method (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Set lan_id before using I2C (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add link check for X550 copper (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add support for another X550 device (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix X550 PHY function pointers (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix X550 devices init flow (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix bug in not clearing counters for X550 devices (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix issue with sfp events with new X550 devices (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for interrupts from X550 external PHY (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add const string for overheat message (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add reset for X550 device (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add X550 support for external PHY and forced 1G/10G support (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Restore ESDP settings after MAC reset (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add a PHY power state method (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add define for X557 PHY ID (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for WoL and autoneg FC for some X550 devices (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add array of MAC type dependent values (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use a signed type to hold error codes (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Release semaphore bits in the right order (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix IOSF SB access issues (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add GET_RSS_KEY command to VF-PF channel commands set (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add a RETA query command to VF-PF channel API (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add a new netdev op to allow/prevent a VF from querying an RSS info (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Add the appropriate ethtool ops to query RSS indirection table and key (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Refactor the RSS configuration code (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop unnecessary call to rcu_barrier (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_FILTER from hw_features (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: adds x550 specific FCoE offloads (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for X550 source_address_prunning (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new bridge mode support function (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Move bridge mode from flag to variable (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use helpers for converting ns to timespec (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use bool function returns of true/false instead of 1/0 (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove IXGBE_FLAG_IN_NETPOLL since it doesn't do anything (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: enable relaxed ordering for SPARC (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup make ixgbe_set_ethertype_anti_spoofing_X550 static (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean up type inconsistency (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new wrapper for X550 support (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: codespell comment spelling fixes (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use eth__addr instead of memset (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add Tx anti spoofing support (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup redundant default method set_rxpba (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix setting port VLAN (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: allow multiple queues in SRIOV mode (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup sparse errors in new ixgbe_x550.c file (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix checksum error when using stacked vlan (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to CYCLECOUNTER_MASK macro (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert to timecounter adjtime (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use dma_rmb on Rx descriptor reads (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use napi_alloc_skb (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use eth_skb_pad and skb_put_padto helpers (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix crash on rmmod after probe fail (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for X550 extended RSS support (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Remove tail write abstraction and add missing barrier (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clean-up page reuse code (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check for presence of IFLA_AF_SPEC (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Validate IFLA_BRIDGE_MODE attribute length (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix use after free adapter->state test in ixgbe_remove/ixgbe_probe (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correctly disable VLAN filter in promiscuous mode (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Replace __skb_alloc_page with dev_alloc_page (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: phy: fix uninitialized status in ixgbe_setup_phy_link_tnx (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup move setting PFQDE.HIDE_VLAN to support function (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup ixgbe_ndo_set_vf_vlan (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix X540 Completion timeout (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix race when setting advertised speed (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: need not repeat init skb with NULL (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: check for vfs outside of sriov_num_vfs before dereference (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix race accessing page->_count (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix setting of TXDCTL.WTRHESH when ITR is set to 0 and no BQL (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove wait loop on autoneg for copper devices (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Convert the normal transmit complete path to dev_consume_skb_any() (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove IXGBE_FLAG_MSI(X)_CAPABLE flags (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add warnings for other disabled features without MSI-X support (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use e_dev_warn instead of netif_printk (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use e_dev_warn instead of e_err for displaying warning (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: determine vector count inside ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: move msix_entries allocation into ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: return integer from ixgbe_acquire_msix_vectors (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use e_dev_warn instead of netif_printk (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Do not schedule an uninitialized workqueue entry (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove useless bd_number from adapter struct (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Refactor busy poll socket code to address multiple issues (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Drop Rx alloc at end of Rx cleanup (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use new eth_get_headlen interface (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Resolve warnings produced in W=2 builds (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add comment noting recalculation of queues (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: reset interface on link loss with pending Tx work from the VF (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Cleanup FDB handling code (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Make return values more direct (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Delete a bunch of dead code (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix ixgbe_write_mbx error result (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Correct X540 semaphore error (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix spurious release of semaphore in EEPROM access REDUX (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Convert some udelays to usleep_range (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: don't check minimum link when direct assigned to virtual machine (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix use of list_for_each in ixgbe_enumerate_functions (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Change some uses of strncpy to strlcpy (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix possible null-dereference in error path (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove unnecessary break after return (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove unnecessary break after goto (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: change PTP NSECS_PER_SEC to IXGBE_PTP_PPS_HALF_SECOND (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove linux/export.h header from ixgbe_ptp.c (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix detection of SFP+ capable interfaces (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: avoid duplicate code in suspend and stop paths (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: separate the PTP suspend and stop actions (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: extract PTP clock device from ptp_init (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: allow ixgbe_ptp_reset to maintain current hwtstamp config (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: extract the hardware setup from the ixgbe_ptp_set_ts_config (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: rename ixgbe_ptp_enable to ixgbe_ptp_feature_enable (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix linking at 100Mbps on copper devices with MNG FW enabled (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove return statements for void functions (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add /* fallthrough */ comment to case statements (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add space between operands to & (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: don't check NULL for debugfs_remove_recursive (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add braces around else block (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix several concatenated strings to single line (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix checkpatch style of blank line after declaration (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix function-like macro, remove semicolon (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clean up checkpatch warnings about CODE_INDENT and LEADING_SPACE (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove unnecessary duplication of PCIe bandwidth display (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: improve mac filter handling (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: change handling of multicast filters (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove vlan_filter_disable and enable functions (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use out-of-line function for register reads (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: convert low_water into an array (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove CIAA/D register reads from bad VF check (John Greene) [1173786 1205903] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add helper function for setting RSS key in preparation of X550 (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Mass conversion of smp_mb__*() (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Clear head write-back registers on VF reset (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Force QDE via PFQDE for VFs during reset (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup ixgbe_enumerate_functions (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: remove marketing names from busy poll code (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: reinit_locked() should be called with rtnl_lock (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix rx-usecs range checks for BQL (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: ethtool DCB registers dump for 82599 and x540 (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] ixgbe: limit setting speed to only one at a time for QSFP modules (John Greene) [1173786] - [net] if_link: Add an additional parameter to ifla_vf_info for RSS querying (John Greene) [1173786] - [net] rtnetlink: ifla_vf_policy: fix misuses of NLA_BINARY (John Greene) [1173786] - [net] core: Add VF link state control policy (John Greene) [1173786] - [netdrv] igb: make sure SR-IOV init uses the right number of queues (Stefan Assmann) [1229219] - [netdrv] igb: do not re-init SR-IOV during probe (Stefan Assmann) [1229219] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid vxlan offloading on multichannel configs (Ivan Vecera) [1232327] - [thermal] powerclamp: fix missing newer package c-states (Steve Best) [1255413]- [fs] inotify: don't add consecutive overflow events to the queue (Eric Sandeen) [1168465] - [md] dm-stats: report precise_timestamps and histogram in @stats_list output (Mike Snitzer) [1254801] - [md] dm-stats: add support for request-based DM devices (Mike Snitzer) [1254801] - [md] dm-stats: collect and report histogram of IO latencies (Mike Snitzer) [1254801] - [md] dm-stats: support precise timestamps (Mike Snitzer) [1254801] - [md] dm-stats: fix divide by zero if 'number_of_areas' arg is zero (Mike Snitzer) [1254801] - [md] dm-stats: Use kvfree() in dm_kvfree() (Mike Snitzer) [1254801] - [net] bridge: mdb: fix double add notification (Xin Long) [1245012] - [net] ipt_ulog: do not fail init after creating socket (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1235978] - [net] ipv4: off-by-one in continuation handling in /proc/net/route (Alexander Duyck) [1253783] - [x86] kernel: Allocate enough low memory when crashkernel=high (Baoquan He) [1123039] - [vfio] Fix lockdep issue (Alex Williamson) [1250237] - [idle] intel_idle: Skylake Client Support (Steve Best) [1189910] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Set log_uar_page_sz for non 4K page size architecture (Honggang Li) [1248676] - [netdrv] igbvf: clear buffer_info->dma after dma_unmap_single() (Stefan Assmann) [1248335] - [netdrv] ibmveth: add support for TSO6 (Gustavo Duarte) [1251393]- [firmware] dmi_scan: Coding style cleanups (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Trim DMI table length before exporting it (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Rename dmi_table to dmi_decode_table (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Only honor end-of-table for 64-bit tables (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Fix ordering of product_uuid (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Simplified displayed version (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Use direct access to static vars (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Use full dmi version for SMBIOS3 (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [powerpc] mm: Change the swap encoding in pte (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] numa: avoid unnecessary TLB flushes when setting NUMA hinting entries (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] numa: add paranoid check around pte_protnone_numa (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] numa: do not trap faults on the huge zero page (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] remove remaining references to NUMA hinting bits and helpers (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] numa: Do not mark PTEs pte_numa when splitting huge pages (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] convert p[te|md]_mknonnuma and remaining page table manipulations (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [powerpc] mm: add paranoid warnings for unexpected DSISR_PROTFAULT (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [powerpc] mm: convert p[te|md]_numa users to p[te|md]_protnone_numa (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] add p[te|md] protnone helpers for use by NUMA balancing (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [mm] numa: do not dereference pmd outside of the lock during NUMA hinting fault (Gustavo Duarte) [1217743] - [md] dm-btree-remove: fix bug in remove_one() (Mike Snitzer) [1250905] - [md] dm-cache-policy-smq: move 'dm-cache-default' module alias to SMQ (Mike Snitzer) [1253505] - [md] dm-btree: add ref counting ops for the leaves of top level btrees (Mike Snitzer) [1253505] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: delete btrees when releasing metadata snapshot (Mike Snitzer) [1253505] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix vmwrite to invalid VMCS (Radim Krcmar) [1238320 1251552] - [x86] kvm: add missed use_eager_fpu() (Radim Krcmar) [1251552] - [iommu] amd: Fix bug in put_pasid_state_wait (Jerome Glisse) [1210495] - [iommu] amd: Use wait_event in put_pasid_state_wait (Jerome Glisse) [1210495] - [iommu] amd: Fix amd_iommu_free_device() (Jerome Glisse) [1210495] - [iommu] amd: use handle_mm_fault directly (Jerome Glisse) [1210495] - [iommu] amd: fix accounting of device_state (Jerome Glisse) [1210495] - [iommu] amd: use new invalidate_range mmu-notifier (Jerome Glisse) [1210495] - [unisys] visornic: Convert to using napi (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visorchannel: Add peek function (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic - consolidate+simplify xmit watermark checks (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: enable skb->len error-check, remove DEBUG blocks (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic_resume needs to mirror _serverdown_complete (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic - correctly reset flag prior to send_enbdis() (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic - prevent lock recursion after IO recovery (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] avoid format string parsing (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic - prevent NETDEV WATCHDOG timeouts after IO recovery (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic - check visorchannel_signalinsert/remove failures (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic - ensure proper net locking in tx reset logic (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Process more than one response per check (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] remove bogus error checking (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] remove visornic_ioctl (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Remove trans_start (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Fix improper use of NETDEV_TX_BUSY (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Remove some extraneous start/stop queue operations (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Change enable/disable to wait forever (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Make serverdown synchronous (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] simplify visornic_serverdown_complete (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Guard against task leakage (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Clean up kthread usage (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Linarize skbs (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] BUG halt on error in I/O channel (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Check return code properly on visor_copy_fragsinfo_from_skb (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Remove num_visornic_open array (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] fix copyright statements (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: prevent erroneous kfree of devdata pointer (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: use preferred interface for setting netdev's parent (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: delay start of worker thread until netdev created (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: don't destroy global workqueues until devs destroyed (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: correctly clean up device on removal (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: correct obvious double-allocation of workqueues (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] add error messages to visornic (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] neglect to NULL rcvbuf pointer (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] prevent faults in visornic_pause (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] visornic: correct visornic_pause (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018] - [unisys] Add s-Par visornic ethernet driver (Erik Arfvidson) [1232018]- [misc] redhat: roll back to pre-release secureboot keys [1254992]- [net] ipv6: don't reject link-local nexthop on other interface (Florian Westphal) [1228700] - [net] vlan: Correctly propagate promisc|allmulti flags in notifier (Alexander Duyck) [1166516] - [net] chunk lost from bd9b51 (Oleg Nesterov) [1246968] - [net] openvswitch: Fix L4 checksum handling when dealing with IP fragments (Flavio Leitner) [1249863] - [net] tcp: fix recv with flags MSG_WAITALL | MSG_PEEK (Sabrina Dubroca) [1205258] - [net] netfilter: synproxy: fix sending window update to client (Phil Sutter) [1242094 1251031] - [net] netfilter: ip6t_synproxy: fix NULL pointer dereference (Phil Sutter) [1242094 1251031] - [net] sctp: fix src address selection if using secondary addresses (Xin Long) [1245205] - [net] sctp: reduce indent level on sctp_v4_get_dst (Xin Long) [1245205] - [net] sctp: reset flowi4_oif parameter on route lookup (Xin Long) [1245205] - [scsi] hpsa: update driver version (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: fix rmmod issues (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add in new controller id (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup reset (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: propagate the error code in hpsa_kdump_soft_reset (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add support for tagged queueing (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: use scsi host_no as hpsa controller number (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: use block layer tag for command allocation (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add interrupt number to /proc/interrupts interrupt name (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: create workqueue after the driver is ready for use (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: fix try_soft_reset error handling (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: cleanup for init_one step 2 in kdump (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: skip free_irq calls if irqs are not allocated (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: call pci_release_regions after pci_disable_device (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: performance tweak for hpsa_scatter_gather() (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: refactor and rework support for sending TEST_UNIT_READY (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: don't return abort request until target is complete (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: use helper routines for finishing commands (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add support sending aborts to physical devices via the ioaccel2 path (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: do not print ioaccel2 warning messages about unusual completions (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: clean up some error reporting output in abort handler (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: clean up driver init (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: correct return values from driver functions (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: do not check cmd_alloc return value - it cannnot return NULL (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add more ioaccel2 error handling, including underrun statuses (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add ioaccel sg chaining for the ioaccel2 path (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: refactor freeing of resources into more logical functions (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: clean up error handling (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: break hpsa_free_irqs_and_disable_msix into two functions (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: Get queue depth from identify physical bmic for physical disks (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: use ioaccel2 path to submit IOs to physical drives in HBA mode (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: print accurate SSD Smart Path Enabled status (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_ioaccel_submit function (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: try resubmitting down raid path on task set full (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: do not ignore return value of hpsa_register_scsi (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_init_cmd function (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: make function names consistent (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: allow lockup detected to be viewed via sysfs (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: hpsa decode sense data for io and tmf (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: decrement h->commands_outstanding in fail_all_outstanding_cmds (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: clean up aborts (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: rework controller command submission (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: clean up host, channel, target, lun prints (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: add masked physical devices into h->dev array (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: dont meddle with hw which isn't ours (cciss) (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [scsi] hpsa: Fix weird uses of num_online_cpus() (Joseph Szczypek) [1227171] - [kernel] livepatch: kernel: add TAINT_LIVEPATCH (Josh Poimboeuf) [1090549] - [kernel] fix TAINT_SOFTLOCKUP printable character (Josh Poimboeuf) [1090549] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add SKY-S support (Steve Best) [1199346] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: correct width in XER handling (David Gibson) [1178502]- [kernel] Call mark_tech_preview() for user namespace (Adrian Reber) [1243523] - [kernel] ntp: Do leapsecond adjustment in adjtimex read path (Prarit Bhargava) [1250754] - [kernel] time: Prevent early expiry of hrtimers[CLOCK_REALTIME] at the leap second edge (Prarit Bhargava) [1250754] - [kernel] ntp: Introduce and use SECS_PER_DAY macro instead of 86400 (Prarit Bhargava) [1250754] - [kernel] hrtimer: Make offset update smarter (Prarit Bhargava) [1250754] - [kernel] timekeeping: Use ktime_t data for ktime_get_update_offsets_now() (Prarit Bhargava) [1250754] - [netdrv] macvtap: fix network header pointer for VLAN tagged pkts (Ivan Vecera) [1251987] - [net] core: Fix vlan_get_protocol for stacked vlan (Ivan Vecera) [1251987] - [netdrv] r8169: enforce RX_MULTI_EN on rtl8168ep/8111ep chips (Ivan Vecera) [1218279] - [netdrv] virtio-net: drop NETIF_F_FRAGLIST (Jason Wang) [1247840] {CVE-2015-5156} - [netdrv] usbnet: remove generic hard_header_len check (Don Zickus) [1164735] - [usb] usb: io_ti: Add heartbeat to keep idle EP/416 ports from disconnecting (Don Zickus) [1207487 1208644] - [usb] usb: io_ti: Add firmware image sanity checks (Don Zickus) [1208644] - [usb] usb: io_ti: Increase insufficient timeout for firmware downloads (Don Zickus) [1208644] - [usb] usb: io_ti: Fix firmware version handling (Don Zickus) [1208644] - [x86] perf: Tweak broken BIOS rules during check_hw_exists() (Don Zickus) [1082511] - [x86] uefi: copy secure_boot flag in boot params across kexec (Dave Young) [1243998] - [mm] vm_is_stack: use for_each_thread() rather then buggy while_each_thread() (Jerry Snitselaar) [1252188] - [fs] dcache: d_walk() might skip too much (Denys Vlasenko) [1173813] {CVE-2014-8559} - [fs] dcache: deal with deadlock in d_walk() (Denys Vlasenko) [1173813] {CVE-2014-8559} - [fs] dcache: move d_rcu from overlapping d_child to overlapping d_alias (Denys Vlasenko) [1173813] {CVE-2014-8559} - [fs] dcache: fold try_to_ascend() into the sole remaining caller (Denys Vlasenko) [1173813] {CVE-2014-8559} - [fs] pipe: fix offset and len mismatch on pipe_iov_copy_to_user() failure (Seth Jennings) [1239006] - [fs] overlayfs: Warn on copy up if a process has a R/O fd open to the lower file V2 (David Howells) [1226346] - [md] dm: revert dm_merge_bvec changes (Mike Snitzer) [1250148] - [pci] pciehp: Handle invalid data when reading from non-existent devices (Jarod Wilson) [1108793 1172014] - [edac] sb_edac: fix TAD presence check for sbridge_mci_bind_devs() (Seth Jennings) [1250709] - [perf] bench-numa: Fix to show proper convergence stats (Petr Holasek) [1222518] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.6.2 (Gustavo Duarte) [1251842] - [scsi] ipr: Endian / sparse fixes (Gustavo Duarte) [1251842] - [scsi] ipr: Fix locking for unit attention handling (Gustavo Duarte) [1251842] - [scsi] ipr: Re-enable write same (Gustavo Duarte) [1251842] - [scsi] ipr: Fix invalid array indexing for HRRQ (Gustavo Duarte) [1251184] - [scsi] ipr: Fix incorrect trace indexing (Gustavo Duarte) [1251184] - [scsi] ipr: Byte swapping for device_id attribute in sysfs (Gustavo Duarte) [1214645] - [crypto] nx - respect sg limit bounds when building sg lists for SHA (Herbert Xu) [1250733] - [crypto] nx - Fix reentrancy bugs (Herbert Xu) [1250733] - [crypto] nx - Fixing SHA update bug (Herbert Xu) [1250733] - [crypto] nx - Fixing NX data alignment with nx_sg list (Herbert Xu) [1250733] - [crypto] nx - make platform drivers directly register with crypto (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - rename nx-842-crypto.c to nx-842.c (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - merge nx-compress and nx-compress-crypto (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - use common code for both NX decompress success cases (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - don't register pSeries driver if ENODEV (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - move kzalloc() out of spinlock (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - remove pSeries NX 'status' field (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - remove __init/__exit from VIO functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx/842 - Fix context corruption (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - reduce chattiness of platform drivers (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - do not emit extra output if status is disabled (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - rename nx842_{init, exit} to nx842_pseries_{init, exit} (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [crypto] nx - nx842_OF_upd_status should return ENODEV if device is not 'okay' (Gustavo Duarte) [1238571 1245132] - [cpufreq] powernv: Restore cpu frequency to policy->cur on unthrottling (Gustavo Duarte) [1249561] - [cpufreq] powernv: Report Psafe only if PMSR.psafe_mode_active bit is set (Gustavo Duarte) [1249561] - [cpufreq] powernv: Call throttle_check() on receiving OCC_THROTTLE (Gustavo Duarte) [1249561] - [cpufreq] powernv: Register for OCC related opal_message notification (Gustavo Duarte) [1249561] - [powerpc] powernv: Add definition of OPAL_MSG_OCC message type (Gustavo Duarte) [1249561] - [cpufreq] powernv: Handle throttling due to Pmax capping at chip level (Gustavo Duarte) [1249561] - [cpuidle] menu: Return (-1) if there are no suitable states (Gustavo Duarte) [1226250] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix trivial error in eeh_restore_dev_state() (David Gibson) [1227573] - [powercap] rapl: Add support for Broadwell-H (Steve Best) [1249855]- [md] dm-cache: fix device destroy hang due to improper prealloc_used accounting (Mike Snitzer) [1247192] - [md] revert "dm-cache: do not wake_worker() in free_migration()" (Mike Snitzer) [1247192] - [ipc] mqueue: remove limits for the amount of system-wide queues (Milos Vyletel) [1247632] - [scsi] fix memory leak with scsi-mq (Ewan Milne) [1248739] - [scsi] qla2xxx: do not clear slot in outstanding cmd array (Chad Dupuis) [1188168] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove decrement of sp reference count in abort handler (Chad Dupuis) [1188168] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not reset adapter if SRB handle is in range (Chad Dupuis) [1188168] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not crash system for sp ref count zero (Chad Dupuis) [1188168] - [tools] power turbostat: enable turbostat to support Knights Landing (KNL) (Steve Best) [1214141] - [vhost] fix error handling for memory region alloc (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] add max_mem_regions module parameter (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] extend memory regions allocation to vmalloc (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] use binary search instead of linear in find_region() (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] Make vhost a separate module (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] move memory pointer to VQs (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] move acked_features to VQs (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] replace rcu with mutex (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] Remove custom vhost rcu usage (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] scsi: Always access vq->private_data under vq mutex (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [vhost] net: Always access vq->private_data under vq mutex (Igor Mammedov) [1152962] - [powercap] rapl: Add support for Skylake H/S (Steve Best) [1249848] - [wireless] Backport rtlwifi driver family from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport mwl8k driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport brcm80211 common code from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport brcmsmac driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport brcmfmac driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport BCMA bus driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport SSB bus driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport mwifiex driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport wil6210 driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport carl9170 from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport ath common code from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport ath9k driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport iwlegacy driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport mac80211 from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] Backport wireless core from linux-4.1-rc6 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] debugfs: add helper function to create device related seq_file (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [wireless] net: Add EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(get_net_ns_by_fd) (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1169606 1229225] - [security] keys: Ensure we free the assoc array edit if edit is valid (David Howells) [1244171] {CVE-2015-1333}- [powerpc] powernv: Fix vma page prot flags in opal-prd driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1241177] - [powerpc] rtas: Introduce rtas_get_sensor_fast() for IRQ handlers (Thomas Huth) [1243779] - [thermal] powerclamp: add cpu id for denlow platform (Steve Best) [1177872] - [powercap] rapl: Support Knights Landing (Steve Best) [1145372] - [s390] nmi: fix vector register corruption (Hendrik Brueckner) [1247500] - [s390] ctl_reg: add union type for control register 0 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1247500] - [s390] revert "dasd: add support for control unit initiated reconfiguration" (Hendrik Brueckner) [1243498] - [mm] tmpfs: ZERO_RANGE and COLLAPSE_RANGE not currently supported (Eric Sandeen) [1237080] - [md] dm-cache-policy-smq: fix alloc_bitset check that always evaluates as false (Mike Snitzer) [1247192] - [md] dm-thin: return -ENOSPC when erroring retry list due to out of data space (Mike Snitzer) [1247192] - [md] clear Blocked flag on failed devices when array is read-only (Xiao Ni) [1177912] - [acpi] ghes: Make NMI handler have a single reader (Jiri Olsa) [1230934] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix VM domain ID leak (Alex Williamson) [1242331] - [video] hyperv_fb: match wait_for_completion_timeout return type (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1247678] - [video] hyperv_fb: refresh the VM screen by force on VM panic (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1247678] - [video] hyperv-fb: add blanking support (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1247678] - [block] nvme: Failed controller initialization fixes (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: Unify controller probe and resume (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: Automatic namespace rescan (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: add sysfs and ioctl controller reset (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: Remove hctx reliance for multi-namespace (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] blk-mq: Shared tag enhancements (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] add blk_set_queue_dying() to blkdev.h (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: disable irqs in nvme_freeze_queues (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: Meta data handling through submit io ioctl (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: Fix for BLK_DEV_INTEGRITY not set (David Milburn) [1223515] - [block] nvme: Metadata format support (David Milburn) [1223515] - [netdrv] bonding: fix destruction of bond with devices different from arphrd_ether (Gustavo Duarte) [1061028] - [netdrv] fix copyright statements (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] Lock visorchannels associated with devices (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] fix random hangs with network stress in visornic (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] Reduce indent (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc/memset (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] correctly NULL-terminate visorbus sysfs attribute array (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] fix random memory corruption in visorchannel_write() (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] Fix broken build when ARCH=um (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] Allow visorbus to autoload (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] prevent faults processing messages (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362] - [unisys] respond to msgs post device_create (Erik Arfvidson) [1245362]- [fs] nfs: objectlayout: Mark the object layout driver as a tech preview (Steve Dickson) [1248070] - [x86] Tell irq work about self IPI support (Rafael Aquini) [1240799] - [acpi] scan: reduce log level of "acpi: \_pr_.cpu4: failed to get CPU APIC ID" (Lenny Szubowicz) [1246077] - [netdrv] mlx4: restore conditional call to napi_complete_done() (Honggang Li) [1248338] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add get_scaling cpu_defaults param to Knights Landing (Steve Best) [1145366] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Knights Landing support (Steve Best) [1145366] - [powerpc] add running_clock for powerpc to prevent spurious softlockup warnings (Gustavo Duarte) [1197000] - [kernel] sched/clock: add another clock for use with the soft lockup watchdog (Gustavo Duarte) [1197000] - [kernel] fork: Allow CLONE_PARENT after setns(CLONE_NEWPID) (Adrian Reber) [1241560] - [kernel] fork: unify and tighten up CLONE_NEWUSER/CLONE_NEWPID checks (Adrian Reber) [1241560] - [kernel] pidns: kill the unnecessary CLONE_NEWPID in copy_process() (Adrian Reber) [1241560] - [kernel] workqueue: Allow modifying low level unbound workqueue cpumask (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1176155] - [kernel] workqueue: Create low-level unbound workqueues cpumask (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1176155] - [kernel] workqueue: split apply_workqueue_attrs() into 3 stages (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1176155] - [kernel] cpumask, nodemask: implement cpumask/nodemask_pr_args() (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1176155] - [documentation] add print bitmap description (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1176155] - [lib] vsprintf: implement bitmap printing through '*pb[l]' (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1176155] - [fs] userfaultfd: call mark_tech_preview (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [fs] userfaultfd: avoid missing wakeups during refile in userfaultfd_read (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: propagate the full address in THP faults (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [fs] userfaultfd: allow signals to interrupt a userfault (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [fs] userfaultfd: require UFFDIO_API before other ioctls (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: switch to exclusive wakeup for blocking reads (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [fs] userfaultfd: fs/userfaultfd.c add more comments (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: documentation update (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: UFFDIO_COPY and UFFDIO_ZEROPAGE (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: avoid mmap_sem read recursion in mcopy_atomic (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: mcopy_atomic|mfill_zeropage: UFFDIO_COPY|UFFDIO_ZEROPAGE preparation (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: UFFDIO_COPY|UFFDIO_ZEROPAGE uAPI (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [x86] userfaultfd: activate syscall (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: buildsystem activation (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: solve the race between UFFDIO_COPY|ZEROPAGE and read (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: allocate the userfaultfd_ctx cacheline aligned (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: optimize read() and poll() to be O(1) (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: wake pending userfaults (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: update the uffd_msg structure to be the same on 32/64bit (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: change the read API to return a uffd_msg (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: Rename uffd_api.bits into .features fixup (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: Rename uffd_api.bits into .features (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: waitqueue_active() race fix (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: cleanup superfluous _irq locking (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: add new syscall to provide memory externalization (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: prevent khugepaged to merge if userfaultfd is armed (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: teach vma_merge to merge across vma->vm_userfaultfd_ctx (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: call handle_userfault() for userfaultfd_missing() faults (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: add VM_UFFD_MISSING and VM_UFFD_WP (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: add vm_userfaultfd_ctx to the vm_area_struct (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: linux/userfaultfd_k.h (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: uapi: add missing include/types.h (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: uAPI (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] userfaultfd: linux/Documentation/vm/userfaultfd.txt (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [fs] nfs: use get_user_pages_unlocked (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] gup: kvm use get_user_pages_unlocked (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] gup: use get_user_pages_unlocked within get_user_pages_fast (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] gup: add __get_user_pages_unlocked to customize gup_flags (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [mm] gup: add get_user_pages_locked and get_user_pages_unlocked (Andrea Arcangeli) [965657] - [net] bridge: vlan: fix usage of vlan 0 and 4095 again (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: new mode flag to indicate mode 'undefined' (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: simplify br_getlink() a bit (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: remove oflags from setlink/dellink (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: fix setlink/dellink notifications (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: fix uninitialized variable warning (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: new function to pack vlans into ranges during gets (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] rtnetlink: new filter RTEXT_FILTER_BRVLAN_COMPRESSED (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: support for multiple vlans and vlan ranges in setlink and dellink requests (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: add brport flags to dflt bridge_getlink (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: add new brport flag LEARNING_SYNC (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: move private brport flags to if_bridge.h so port drivers can use flags (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] bridge: add export of multicast database adjacent to net_dev (John Greene) [1236709] - [net] fib_trie: Drop unnecessary calls to leaf_pull_suffix (Alexander Duyck) [1247411] - [net] inet_diag: always export IPV6_V6ONLY sockopt for listening sockets (Phil Sutter) [1247309] - [net] inet_diag: export IPV6_V6ONLY sockopt (Phil Sutter) [1247309]- [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Fix preempted vcore stolen time calculation (Laurent Vivier) [1242757] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv: Fix preempted vcore list locking (Laurent Vivier) [1242757] - [netdrv] be2net: support ndo_get_phys_port_id() (Ivan Vecera) [1138670] - [fs] ovl: Enable copy-up fd checking by default (David Howells) [1246555] - [fs] nfs: increase size of EXCHANGE_ID name string buffer (Benjamin Coddington) [1243961] - [fs] vfs: avoid creation of inode number 0 in get_next_ino (Carlos Maiolino) [1241665] - [fs] dlm: adopt orphan locks (David Teigland) [1208288] - [tools] turbostat: Revert to old -v/-V options (Prarit Bhargava) [1245299] - [perf] x86: Add more Broadwell model numbers (Jiri Olsa) [1242695] - [scsi] save command pool address of Scsi_Host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1245857] - [iser-target] Fix possible use-after-free (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] release stale iser connections (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Fix variable-length response error completion (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Bump version to 1.0 (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove conn_ prefix from struct isert_conn members (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove un-needed rdma_listen backlog (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove redundant check on the device (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Get rid of redundant max_accept (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Split some logic in isert_connect_request to routines (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Rename device find/release routines (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Rename rend/recv completion routines (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove redundant assignment to local variable (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Introduce isert_alloc|free_comps (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Split isert_setup_qp (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove redundant casting on void pointers (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove redundant local variable (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove dead code (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Remove redundant check on recv completion (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Use a single DMA MR and PD per device (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [iser-target] Rebase to v4.0.5 (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [infiniband] mlx5: iser,isert: Add Signature API additions (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [scsi] add SPC-3 command definitions (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [scsi] rename SERVICE_ACTION_IN to SERVICE_ACTION_IN_16 (Andy Grover) [1136558 1185396] - [scsi] st: null pointer dereference panic caused by use after kref_put by st_open (Maurizio Lombardi) [1239060]- [watchdog] hpwdt: Fix initialization message in hpwdt.c (Nigel Croxon) [1204514] - [fs] autofs: fix the return value of autofs4_fill_super (Ian Kent) [1207319] - [fs] autofs4: translate pids to the right namespace for the daemon (Ian Kent) [1207319] - [fs] autofs4: allow autofs to work outside the initial PID namespace (Ian Kent) [1207319] - [fs] autofs4: make freeing sbi rcu-delayed (Ian Kent) [1207319] - [net] call rcu_read_lock early in process_backlog (Jiri Benc) [1243980] - [net] do not process device backlog during unregistration (Jiri Benc) [1243980] - [net] graceful exit from netif_alloc_netdev_queues() (Jiri Benc) [1245278] - [net] extend net_device allocation to vmalloc() (Jiri Benc) [1245278] - [net] rtnetlink: remove ndo_get_slave (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] rtnetlink: remove IFLA_BOND_SLAVE definition (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] rtnetlink: fix oops in rtnl_link_get_slave_info_data_size (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] rtnetlink: remove check for fill_slave_info in rtnl_have_link_slave_info (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] bonding: convert netlink to use slave data info api (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] rtnetlink: add missing IFLA_BOND_AD_INFO_UNSPEC (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] rtnetlink: provide api for getting and setting slave info (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] rtnetlink: put "BOND" into nl attribute names which are related to bonding (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] bonding: add netlink attributes to slave link dev (Jarod Wilson) [1210322] - [net] ipv4: take rtnl_lock and mark mrt table as freed on namespace cleanup (Phil Sutter) [1240747] - [bluetooth] Fix RFCOMM parent device for reused dlc (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix unsafe RFCOMM device parenting (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Directly close dlc for not yet started RFCOMM session (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Refactor dlc disconnect logic in rfcomm_dlc_close() (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Refactor deferred setup test in rfcomm_dlc_close() (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Simplify RFCOMM session state eval (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Verify dlci not in use before rfcomm_dev create (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix RFCOMM tty teardown race (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix unreleased rfcomm_dev reference (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Release rfcomm_dev only once (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Exclude released devices from RFCOMMGETDEVLIST ioctl (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix racy acquire of rfcomm_dev reference (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] revert "bluetooth: Move rfcomm_get_device() before rfcomm_dev_activate()" (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] revert "bluetooth: Always wait for a connection on RFCOMM open()" (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] revert "bluetooth: Remove rfcomm_carrier_raised()" (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Refuse peer RFCOMM address reading when not connected (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Remove rfcomm_carrier_raised() (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Always wait for a connection on RFCOMM open() (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Move rfcomm_get_device() before rfcomm_dev_activate() (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Release RFCOMM port when the last user closes the TTY (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix to set proper bdaddr_type for RFCOMM connect (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix RFCOMM bind fail for L2CAP sock (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix issue with RFCOMM getsockopt operation (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL for checking bt_debugfs (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Store RFCOMM address information in its own socket structure (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] don't release the port in rfcomm_dev_state_change() (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix waiting for clearing of BT_SK_SUSPEND flag (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Purge the dlc->tx_queue to avoid circular dependency (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Fix the reference counting of tty_port (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Implement .activate, .shutdown and .carrier_raised methods (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Move the tty initialization and cleanup out of open/close (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Remove the device from the list in the destructor (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [bluetooth] Take proper tty_struct references (Lubomir Rintel) [1241844] - [net] netfilter: arptables: use percpu jumpstack (Florian Westphal) [1237126] - [pci] pciehp: Stop disabling notifications during init (Myron Stowe) [1243009] - [x86] build: Don't get confused by local symbols (Prarit Bhargava) [1245781] - [x86] perf: Fix CQM feature detection (Jiri Olsa) [1036948] - [crypto] nx - Fixing the limit number of bytes to be processed (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Fix SHA concurrence issue and sg limit bounds (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Moving NX-AES-XCBC to be processed logic (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Moving NX-AES-GCM to be processed logic (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Moving NX-AES-ECB to be processed logic (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Moving limit and bound logic in CTR and fix IV vector (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Moving NX-AES-CCM to be processed logic and sg_list bounds (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Moving NX-AES-CBC to be processed logic (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [crypto] nx - Check for bogus firmware properties (Herbert Xu) [1190103] - [kernel] kabi: remove RH_KABI_CHANGE_TYPE (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1241854] - [kernel] kabi: alignment and sizeof checks in RH_KABI_REPLACE/CHANGE_TYPE macros (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1241854] - [block] use RH_KABI_REPLACE_UNSAFE in blk-mq.h (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1241854] - [kernel] kabi: introduce RH_KABI_REPLACE_UNSAFE (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1241854] - [kernel] kabi: introduce RH_KABI_USE2_P (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [kernel] kabi: remove RH_KABI_REPLACE_P (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [kernel] include/*: stop using RH_KABI_REPLACE_P (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [kernel] kabi: introduce RH_KABI_RENAME (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [net] sk_buff: don't use RH_KABI_REPLACE_P for bitfields (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [kernel] kabi: modify _RH_KABI_REPLACE to integrate RH_KABI_REPLACE_P with RH_KABI_REPLACE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix use of ifla_vf_info->tx_rate (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [netdrv] sfc: fix use of ifla_vf_info->tx_rate (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [kernel] revert "softirq: Add support for triggering softirq work on softirqs" (Sabrina Dubroca) [1241515] - [netdrv] be2net: bump up the driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: make SET_LOOPBACK_MODE cmd asynchrounous (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: make the RX_FILTER command asynchronous (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: return error status from be_mcc_notify() (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: convert dest field in udp-hdr to host-endian (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: fix wrong return value in be_check_ufi_compatibility() (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: remove redundant D0 power state set (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: query FW to check if EVB is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] be2net: remove duplicate code in be_setup_wol() (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [netdrv] remove all references to obsolete Ethernet-HOWTO (Ivan Vecera) [1245683] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Destroy ocrdma_dev_id IDR on module exit (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] ucma: Destroy multcast_idr on module exit (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] ipoib: Set MTU to max allowed by mode when mode changes (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] ipoib: Scatter-Gather support in connected mode (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] ucm: Fix bitmap wrap when devnum > IB_UCM_MAX_DEVICES (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] ipoib: Prevent lockdep warning in __ipoib_ib_dev_flush (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] ucma: Fix lockdep warning in ucma_lock_files (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [net] rds: rds_ib_device.refcount overflow (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] nes: Fix for incorrect recording of the MAC address (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] nes: Fix for resolving the neigh (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] core: Fixes for port mapper client registration (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] cm: Do not queue work to a device that's going away (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] mad: Remove improper use of BUG_ON (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] mad: Fix compare between big endian and cpu endian (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] Add rdma_cap_ib_switch helper and use where appropriate (Honggang Li) [1244604] - [infiniband] mlx4: Do not attemp to report HCA clock offset on VFs (Amir Vadai) [1238185] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix bad error flow in ipoib_add_port() (Amir Vadai) [1238185] - [security] selinux: reduce the number of calls to synchronize_net() when flushing caches (Paul Moore) [1030405] - [security] selinux: conditionally reschedule in hashtab_insert while loading selinux policy (Paul Moore) [1030405] - [security] selinux: conditionally reschedule in mls_convert_context while loading selinux policy (Paul Moore) [1030405]- [inifniband] mlx4: Add support for CQ time-stamping (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] mlx4: Add mmap call to map the hardware clock (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] core: Pass hardware specific data in query_device (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] core: Add timestamp_mask and hca_core_clock to query_device (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] core: Extend ib_uverbs_create_cq (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] core: Add CQ creation time-stamping flag (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] core: Change ib_create_cq to use struct ib_cq_init_attr (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] core: Change provider's API of create_cq to be extendible (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Disable HA for SRIOV PF RoCE devices (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [inifniband] mlx4: Fix error paths in mlx4_ib_create_flow() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix wrong csum complete report when rxvlan offload is disabled (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Wake TX queues only when there's enough room (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Release TX QP when destroying TX ring (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use HW counters for rx/tx bytes/packets in PF device (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix off-by-four in ethtool (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Prefetch skb data on RX (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Pop cq outside mlx5e_get_cqe (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove mlx5e_cq.sqrq back-pointer (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove extra spaces (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid TX CQE generation if more xmit packets expected (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Avoid redundant dev_kfree_skb() upon NOP completion (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Remove re-assignment of wq type in mlx5e_enable_rq() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Use skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs rather than counting them (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Static mapping of netdev priv resources to/from netdev TX queues (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Support NETIF_F_SG (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Enable TX rate limit per VF (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: use napi_complete_done() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Disable Granular QoS per VF under IB/Eth VPI configuration (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Support ndo_get_vf_stats (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Show PF own statistics via ethtool (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add helper to query counters (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Set VF to read from QP counters (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add RoCE/IB dedicated counters (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Allocate default counter per port (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add port attribute when tracking counters (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Adjust counter grant policy in the resource tracker (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Remove counters table allocation from VF flow (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add sink counter (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Reset counters data when freed (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Check before cleaning counters bitmap (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add transport domain to the ethernet TIRs/TISs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Add transport domain alloc/dealloc support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Enforce max flow-tables level >= 3 (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Disable client vlan TX acceleration (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Add HW cacheline start padding (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5e: Fix HW MTU settings (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: fix an error code (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: use swap() in mlx4_make_profile() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: use swap() in mlx4_init_qp_table() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Prevent setting invalid RSS hash function (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Support for configurable RSS hash function (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] ptp: mlx4: use helpers for converting ns to timespec (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] ptp: mlx4: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: only pull headers into skb head (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] configs: Enable ConnectX-4 IB/Ethernet HCA (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix static checker warnings around system guid query flow (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: Enable mutual support for IB and Ethernet (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Don't create IB instance over Ethernet ports (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Avoid using the MAD_IFC command under ISSI > 0 mode (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Add more query port helpers (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use port number when querying port ptys (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use port number in the query port mtu helpers (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Get vendor-id using the query adapter command (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Add new query HCA vport commands (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Make the vport helpers available for the IB driver too (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Check the return bitmask when querying ISSI (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Enable XRCs and SRQs when using ISSI > 0 (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Apply proper name convention to helpers (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_en: Add missing check for memory allocation failure (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: fix typo in mlx4_set_vf_mac (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: need to call close fw if alloc icm is called twice (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: double free of dev_vfs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix build failure introduced by the EQ pool changes (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Make sure there are no pending async events when freeing CQ (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Move affinity hints to mlx4_core ownership (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add EQ pool (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Demote simple multicast and broadcast flow steering rules (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: Extend mlx5_core to support ConnectX-4 Ethernet functionality (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: Ethernet resource handling files (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: Ethernet Datapath files (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Set/Query port MTU commands (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Modify CQ moderation parameters (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Implement get/set port status (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Implement access functions of ptys register fields (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: New device capabilities handling (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: HW data structs/types definitions cleanup (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Set irq affinity hints (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core, mlx5_ib: Do not use vmap() on coherent memory (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix fallback from MSI-X to INTx (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enable single ported IB VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Adjust the schedule queue port in reset-to-init too (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Adjust the schedule queue port for single ported IB VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Modify port values when generting EQEs for VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Convert slave port before building address-handle (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enhance the MAD_IFC wrapper to convert VF port to physical (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Avoid 'may be used uninitialized' warnings (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] infiniband: Remove duplicated KERN_ from pr_ uses (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Work properly with EQ numbers > 256 in SRIOV (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix off-by-one in counters manipulation (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Schedule napi when RX buffers allocation fails (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix unaligned accesses (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use correct loop cursor in error path (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix reading HCA max message size in mlx4_QUERY_DEV_CAP (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: wrong page mask if CONFIG_ARCH_DMA_ADDR_T_64BIT enabled for 32Bit architectures (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] infiniband/mlx4: check for mapping error (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix WQE LSO segment calculation (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Change alias guids default to be host assigned (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Return the admin alias GUID upon host view request (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Raise slave shutdown event upon FLR (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Request alias GUID on demand (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Change init flow to request alias GUIDs for active VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Manage admin alias GUID upon admin request (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Set initial admin GUIDs for VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Manage alias GUID per VF (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Alias GUID adding persistency support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4/mlx5: Use dma_wmb/rmb where appropriate (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix error message deprecation for ConnectX-2 cards (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Extend struct mlx5_interface to support multiple protocols (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Modify arm CQ in preparation for upcoming Ethernet driver (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Move completion eqs from mlx5_ib to mlx5_core (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Update module info macros for ConnectX4 Support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix Mellanox copyright note (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix Mellanox copyright note (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix a bug in alloc_token (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Avoid usage command work entry after writing command doorbell (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Avoid copying outbox in aysnc command completion (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use coherent memory for command interface page (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use the right inbox struct in destroy mkey command (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Clear doorbell record inside mlx5_db_alloc() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Avoid setting DC requestor/responder resources (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Coding style fix (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix call to mlx5_core_qp_modify (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Allocate firmware pages from device's NUMA node (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add RX-ALL support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add RX-FCS support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add interface identify support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add SET_PORT opcode modifiers enumeration (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Set enhanced QoS support by default when ETS supported (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Warn users of depracated QoS Firmware (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Added qos_vport QP configuration in VST mode (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Allocate VPPs for each port on PF init (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Query device for QoS per VF support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add mlx4_SET_VPORT_QOS implementation (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add mlx4_ALLOCATE_VPP implementation (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: New file for QoS related firmware commands (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Aesthetic code changes in multi_func_init (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Make mlx4_is_eth visible inline funcion (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Change loopback only upon feature change (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add RSS support for fragmented IP datagrams (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Moderate ethtool callback to show more statistics (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add Flow control statistics display via ethtool (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Protect access to the statistics bitmap (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Support general selective view of ethtool statistics (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Move statistics bitmap setting to the Ethernet driver (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Create new header file for all statistics info (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix port counters statistics bitmask (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix GEN_EQE accessing uninitialixed mutex (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Call register_netdevice in the proper location (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Set statistics bitmap at port init (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Saturate RoCE port PMA counters in case of overflow (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix off-by-one in ethtool statistics display (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Verify net device validity on port change event (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add basic support for QP max-rate limiting (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: don't export static symbol (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: codespell comment spelling fixes (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Disbale GRO for incoming loopback/selftest packets (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix wrong mask and error flow for the update-qp command (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Update the dev in reg_create (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: In mlx4_ib_demux_cm, print out GUID in host-endian order (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Bug fixes in mlx4_ib_resize_cq (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix memory leak in __mlx4_ib_modify_qp (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix error code in get_port_caps() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix configuration of log_uar_page_sz (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] net: mellanox: Delete unnecessary checks before the function call "vunmap" (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Reset flow support for IB kernel ULPs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Always use the correct port for mirrored multicast attachments (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Notify TX Vlan offload change (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Adjust RX frag strides to frag sizes (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Print page allocator information (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Move to use hex PCI device IDs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix misleading debug print on CQE stride support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix mpt_entry initialization in mlx4_mr_rereg_mem_write() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Load balance ports in port aggregation mode (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Create mirror flows in port aggregation mode (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add port aggregation support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Reuse mlx4_mac_to_u64() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Port aggregation upper layer interface (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Port aggregation low level interface (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix kernel Oops (mem corruption) when working with more than 80 VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Update the HCA core clock frequency after INIT_PORT (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix device capabilities dumping (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix memory corruption in mlx4_MAD_IFC_wrapper (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use ethtool cmd->autoneg as a hint for ethtool set settings (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Remove duplicate code line from procedure mlx4_bf_alloc (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix struct mlx4_vhcr_cmd to make implicit padding explicit (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix HW2SW_EQ to conform to the firmware spec (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Adjust command timeouts to conform to the firmware spec (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix mem leak in SRIOV mlx4_init_one error flow (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add reserved lkey for VFs to QUERY_FUNC_CAP (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add bad-cable event support (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Reset flow activation upon SRIOV fatal command cases (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enable device recovery flow with SRIOV (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Handle AER flow properly (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Manage interface state for Reset flow cases (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Activate reset flow upon fatal command cases (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Enhance the catas flow to support device reset (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Refactor the catas flow to work per device (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Set device configuration data to be persistent across reset (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Maintain a persistent memory for mlx4 device (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Don't disable vxlan offloads under DMFS-A0 optimized steering (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] infiniband: mlx5: avoid a compile-time warning (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: avoid build warnings on 32-bit (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: include clocksource.h again (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix error flow in mlx4_init_hca() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Correcly update the mtt's offset in the MR re-reg flow (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Doorbell is byteswapped in Little Endian archs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Implement on demand paging by adding support for MMU notifiers (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add support for RDMA read/write responder page faults (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Handle page faults (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Page faults handling infrastructure (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add mlx5_ib_update_mtt to update page tables after creation (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Changes in memory region creation to support on-demand paging (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Implement the ODP capability query verb (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Add support for page faults events and low level handling (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add function to read WQE from user-space (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Enhance UMR support to allow partial page table update (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove per-MR pas and dma pointers (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Check for DPDP violation only when DPDP is not supported (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix an incorrectly shadowed variable in mlx4_ib_rereg_user_mr (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Avoid double dumping of the PF device capabilities (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fixed memory leak and incorrect refcount in mlx4_load_one (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add support for A0 steering (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Refactor QUERY_PORT (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add explicit error message when rule doesn't meet configuration (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add A0 hybrid steering (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add mlx4_bitmap zone allocator (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add a check if there are too many reserved QPs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Change QP allocation scheme (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use tasklet for user-space CQ completion events (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Mask out host side virtualization features for guests (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Set csum level for encapsulated packets (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix error flow in add_keys (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix sparse warnings (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Clear outbox of dealloc uar (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Print resource number on QP/SRQ async events (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix command queue size enforcement (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix min vectors value in mlx5_enable_msix (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Request the mlx5 IB module on driver load (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Limit count field to 24 bits in qp_alloc_res (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: don't duplicate kvfree() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5: don't duplicate kvfree() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Support more than 64 VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Flexible (asymmetric) allocation of EQs and MSI-X vectors for PF/VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add QUERY_FUNC firmware command (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Refactor mlx4_load_one (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Refactor mlx4_cmd_init and mlx4_cmd_cleanup (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Use correct variable type for mlx4_slave_cap (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Fix wrong reading of reserved_eqs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Extend checksum offloading by CHECKSUM COMPLETE (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Extend usage of napi_gro_frags (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix race on driver load (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Fix race in create EQ (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Add retrieval of CONFIG_DEV parameters (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add __GFP_COLD gfp flags in alloc_pages (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Remove RX buffers alignment to IP_ALIGN (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Prevent VF from changing port configuration (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Report actual number of rings in indirection table (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Move spinlocks and work initalizations to beginning of init_netdev (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Call napi_synchronize on stop_port (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Cleanups suggested by clang static checker (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add ethtool support for [rx|tx]vlan offload set to OFF/ON (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add support for setting rxvlan offload OFF/ON (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Call synchronize_irq() before freeing EQ buffer (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Call synchronize_irq() before freeing EQ buffer (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix race accessing page->_count (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Use extended internal signature layout (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Use enumerations for PI copy mask (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Modify to work with arbitrary page size (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove duplicate code from mlx5_set_path (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix possible array overflow (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Improve debug prints in mlx5_ib_reg_user_mr (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx5: Clear umr resources after ib_unregister_device (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: remove NETDEV_TX_BUSY (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Enable the compiler to make is_inline() inlined (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use local var for skb_headlen(skb) (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use local var in tx flow for skb_shinfo(skb) (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: mlx4_en_xmit() reads ring->cons once, and ahead of time to avoid stalls (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Avoid false sharing in mlx4_en_en_process_tx_cq() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Use prefetch in tx path (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Avoid a cache line miss in TX completion for single frag skb's (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: tx_info allocated with kmalloc() instead of vmalloc() (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Avoid calling bswap in tx fast path (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Align tx path structures to cache lines (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Code cleanups in tx path (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: add a new xmit_more counter (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Identify resources by their type (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: use set/get macros in device caps (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Use hardware registers description header file (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx5_core: Update device capabilities handling (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Deprecate error message at ConnectX-2 cards startup to debug (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Protect QUERY_PORT wrapper from untrusted guests (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: New init and exit flow for mlx4_core (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Don't disable SRIOV if there are active VFs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: exploit skb->xmit_more to conditionally send doorbell (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4_core: Allow not to specify probe_vf in SRIOV IB mode (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mellanox: Change en_print to return void (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix VF mac handling in RoCE (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Do not allow APM under RoCE (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Don't update QP1 in native mode (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Avoid accessing netdevice when building RoCE qp1 header (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix mlx4 reg/unreg mac to work properly with 0-mac addresses (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [netdrv] mlx4: Correct error flows in rereg_mr (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [infiniband] mlx4: Disable TSO for Connect-X rev. A0 HCAs (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [net] netif_set_xps_queue: make cpu mask const (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537] - [net] core: Add reading VF statistics through the PF netdevice (Amir Vadai) [1164527 1164530 1164531 1164536 1164537]- [fs] sunrpc: Adjust rpciod workqueue parameters (Benjamin Coddington) [1191956] - [fs] ovl: lookup whiteouts outside iterate_dir() (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: allow distributed fs as lower layer (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: don't traverse automount points (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: mount read-only if workdir can't be created (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: don't remove non-empty opaque directory (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: rearrange ovl_follow_link to it doesn't need to call ->put_link (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: upper fs should not be R/O (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: check lowerdir amount for non-upper mount (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: print error message for invalid mount options (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: discard independent cursor in readdir() (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: Prevent rw remount when it should be ro mount (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: Fix opaque regression in ovl_lookup (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: Fix kernel panic while mounting overlayfs (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: Use macros to present ovl_xattr (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: Cleanup redundant blank lines (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: support multiple lower layers (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: make upperdir optional (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: improve mount helpers (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: mount: change order of initialization (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: allow statfs if no upper layer (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: lookup ENAMETOOLONG on lower means ENOENT (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: check whiteout on lowest layer as well (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: multi-layer lookup (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: multi-layer readdir (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: helper to iterate layers (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: add mutli-layer infrastructure (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: dont replace opaque dir (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: make path-type a bitmap (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] ovl: check whiteout while reading directory (David Howells) [1178942] - [fs] coredump: add i/I in core_pattern to report the tid of the crashed thread (Oleg Nesterov) [1240966] - [fs] bio-integrity: do not assume bio_integrity_pool exists if bioset exists (Mike Snitzer) [1198035] - [md] dm-btree: silence lockdep lock inversion in dm_btree_del() (Mike Snitzer) [1186625] - [md] dm-thin: allocate the cell_sort_array dynamically (Mike Snitzer) [1244318] - [md] dm-cache: avoid calls to prealloc_free_structs() if possible (Mike Snitzer) [1244247] - [md] dm-cache: avoid preallocation if no work in writeback_some_dirty_blocks() (Mike Snitzer) [1244247] - [md] dm-cache: do not wake_worker() in free_migration() (Mike Snitzer) [1244247] - [md] dm-cache: display 'needs_check' in status if it is set (Mike Snitzer) [1243916] - [md] dm-thin: display 'needs_check' in status if it is set (Mike Snitzer) [1243916] - [md] dm-thin: stay in out-of-data-space mode once no_space_timeout expires (Mike Snitzer) [1243913] - [char] ipmi_ssif: add arguments that were removed upstream (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [powerpc] msi: Use WARN_ON() in msi bitmap selftests (Steve Best) [1241612] - [powerpc] msi: Fix the msi bitmap alignment tests (Steve Best) [1241612]- [kernel] Make some warnings non-fatal for powerpc builds (Thomas Huth) [1243836] - [edac] amd64_edac: Add F15h M60h support (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [edac] Sync memory types and names (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [edac] mc: Add DDR3 LRDIMM entries to edac_mem_types (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [x86] amd_nb: Add device IDs to NB tables for F15h M60h (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [edac] amd64_edac: Modify usage of amd64_read_dct_pci_cfg() (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [edac] mce_amd: Add MCE decoding for F15h M60h (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [edac] amd64_edac: Remove "amd64" prefix from static functions (Kim Naru) [1135004] - [zram] don't grab mutex in zram_slot_free_noity (Seth Jennings) [1236697] - [fs] revert "nfs: Fixing lease renewal" (Carlos Maiolino) [1205048] - [md] raid0: Disable discard per default due to performance uncertainty (Jes Sorensen) [1215280] - [net] udp: fix behavior of wrong checksums (Denys Vlasenko) [1240761] {CVE-2015-5364 CVE-2015-5366} - [net] tcp: always send a quick ack when quickacks are enabled (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1241718] - [net] tcp: tcp_get_info() should fetch socket fields once (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] tcp: add pacing_rate information into tcp_info (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] tcp: do not pace pure ack packets (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] ipv4: tcp: get rid of ugly unicast_sock (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] ipv4: dst_entry leak in ip_send_unicast_reply() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] ipv4: rename ip_options_echo to __ip_options_echo() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] tcp: ipv4: initialize unicast_sock sk_pacing_rate (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] tcp: refine TSO autosizing (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] tcp: use ACCESS_ONCE() in tcp_update_pacing_rate() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] introduce SO_MAX_PACING_RATE (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235100] - [net] configs: enable Fair Queue scheduler (CONFIG_NET_SCH_FQ) (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: correct spelling of locally (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: better control of DDOS traffic (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: avoid hang when quantum 0 (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: remove useless TIME_WAIT check (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: increase max delay from 125 ms to one second (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] net_sched: avoid costly atomic operation in fq_dequeue() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] netem: Fixes byte backlog accounting for the first of two chained netem instances (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] net_sched: implement qstat helper routines (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] sch_tbf: handle too small burst (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] sch_tbf: segment too big GSO packets (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] netem: update backlog after drop (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] net_sched: increment drop counters in qdisc_tree_decrease_qlen() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] netem: fix possible NULL deref in netem_dequeue() (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] netem: use rb tree to implement the time queue (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] net_sched: return nla_nest_end() instead of skb->len (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: do not hold qdisc lock while allocating memory (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: more robust memory allocation (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: fix pacing for small frames (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: warn users using defrate (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: change classification of control packets (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: clear time_next_packet for reused flows (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: fix non TCP flows pacing (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: fix typo for initial_quantum (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: rate limiting improvements (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: qdisc dismantle fixes (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: prefetch() fix (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102] - [net] pkt_sched: fq: Fair Queue packet scheduler (Sabrina Dubroca) [1235102]- [x86] irq: hide HYP in /proc/interrupts when not on Xen/Hyper-V (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1238596 1238599] - [x86] hyperv: restore irq accounting (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1238596 1238599] - [x86] xen: Add proper irq accounting for HYPERCALL vector (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1238596 1238599] - [x86] irq: Properly tag virtualization entry in /proc/interrupts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1238596 1238599] - [x86] Add proper vector accounting for HYPERVISOR_CALLBACK_VECTOR (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1238596 1238599] - [x86] kvm: keep track of LVT0 changes under APICv (Radim Krcmar) [1236434] - [x86] kvm: properly restore LVT0 (Radim Krcmar) [1236434] - [x86] kvm: make vapics_in_nmi_mode atomic (Radim Krcmar) [1236434] - [netdrv] sfc: Report TX completions to BQL after all TX events in interrupt (Jarod Wilson) [1242006] - [netdrv] sfc: Ensure down_write(&filter_sem) and up_write() are matched before calling efx_net_open() (Jarod Wilson) [1242006] - [netdrv] sfc: suppress handled MCDI failures when changing the MAC address (Jarod Wilson) [1242006] - [netdrv] sfc: add legacy method for changing a PF's MAC address (Jarod Wilson) [1242006] - [netdrv] sfc: refactor code in efx_ef10_set_mac_address() (Jarod Wilson) [1242006] - [crypto] nx - replace NX842_MEM_COMPRESS with function (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - move include/linux/nx842.h into drivers/crypto/nx/nx-842.h (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - fix nx-842 pSeries driver minimum buffer size (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - prevent nx 842 load if no hw driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - remove 842-nx null checks (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [lib] correct 842 decompress for 32 bit (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [lib] make lib/842 decompress functions static (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - add hardware 842 crypto comp alg (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - simplify pSeries nx842 driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - add PowerNV platform NX-842 driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - add nx842 constraints (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - add NX-842 platform frontend driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - rename nx-842.c to nx-842-pseries.c (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] 842 - change 842 alg to use software (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [lib] add software 842 compression/decompression (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [powerpc] Add ICSWX instruction (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [powerpc] export of_get_ibm_chip_id function (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] Add 2 missing __exit_p (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx-842: dev_set_drvdata can no longer fail (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx - Use RCU_INIT_POINTER(x, NULL) (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [crypto] nx-842: Fix handling of vmalloc addresses (Gustavo Duarte) [1221925] - [powerpc] perf: Fail 24x7 initcall if create_events_from_catalog() fails (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: 24x7: Fix lockdep warning (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: Document sysfs event description entries (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: add the remaining gpci requests (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: generate requests with counters annotated (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: parse catalog and populate sysfs with events (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: define EVENT_DEFINE_RANGE_FORMAT_LITE helper (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: documentation: Add event parameters (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: documentation: Remove duplicated docs for powerpc cpu specific events (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: documentation: sysfs events/ interfaces (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] perf: Use common PMU interrupt disabled code (Gustavo Duarte) [1182055] - [powerpc] mm: Serialize pmd clear against a linux page table walk (Gustavo Duarte) [1233071] - [powerpc] mm: Return NULL for not present hugetlb page (Gustavo Duarte) [1233071] - [powerpc] mm: Return pte address if we find trans_splitting (Gustavo Duarte) [1233071] - [powerpc] mm: Make page table walk safe against thp split/collapse (Gustavo Duarte) [1233071] - [powerpc] kvm: Remove page table walk helpers (Gustavo Duarte) [1233071]- [powerpc] powernv: Fix race in updating core_idle_state (Steve Best) [1237270] - [cpuidle] powernv: Auto-promotion of snooze to deeper idle state (Gustavo Duarte) [1235256] - [netdrv] e1000, e1000e: Use dma_rmb instead of rmb for descriptor read ordering (John Greene) [1173781] - [netdrv] e1000: add dummy allocator to fix race condition between mtu change and netpoll (John Greene) [1173781] - [netdrv] e1000: call netif_carrier_off early on down (John Greene) [1173781] - [netdrv] e1000: support txtd update delay via xmit_more (John Greene) [1173781] - [netdrv] e1000: fix time comparison (John Greene) [1173781] - [netdrv] bna: revert "Update the Driver and Firmware Version" (Ivan Vecera) [1240644] - [kernel] module: remove TAINT_CRAP on staging modules (Prarit Bhargava) [1242024] - [block] revert "remove artifical max_hw_sectors cap" (Jeff Moyer) [1238922] - [perf] bench-numa: Show more stats of particular threads in verbose mode (Petr Holasek) [1018954] - [scsi] don't add scsi_device if its already visible (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1242390] - [scsi] iscsi: let session recovery_tmo sysfs writes persist across recovery (Chris Leech) [1139038] - [edac] Properly unwind on failure path in edac_init() (Seth Jennings) [1240814] - [edac] Allow to pass driver-specific attribute groups (Seth Jennings) [1240814] - [edac] Use static attribute groups for managing sysfs entries (Seth Jennings) [1240814] - [edac] edac: edac_mc_sysfs: Make stuff static (Seth Jennings) [1240814] - [edac] Fix the leak of mci->bus->name when bus_register fails (Seth Jennings) [1240814] - [edac] Mark edac_create_debug_nodes as static (Seth Jennings) [1240814] - [x86] revert "pci: Refine the way to release PCI IRQ resources" (Steve Best) [1231358 1238216] - [x86] pci: Refine the way to release PCI IRQ resources (Steve Best) [1231358 1238216] - [x86] irq: Keep balance of IOAPIC pin reference count (Steve Best) [1231358 1238216] - [x86] irq: Fix placement of mp_should_keep_irq() (Steve Best) [1231358 1238216] - [x86] irq, pci: Keep IRQ assignment for runtime power management (Steve Best) [1231358 1238216] - [x86] irq, pci: Keep IRQ assignment for PCI devices during suspend/hibernation (Steve Best) [1231358 1238216] - [x86] Mark Intel Skylake-S processor as supported (Steve Best) [1131729] - [x86] bpf_jit: fix compilation of large bpf programs (Denys Vlasenko) [1236939] {CVE-2015-4700} - [x86] ASLR bruteforce possible for vdso library (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1184899] {CVE-2014-9585} - [x86] mm: Improve AMD Bulldozer ASLR workaround (Prarit Bhargava) [1240884] - [dma] ioat: fix tasklet tear down ("Herton R. Krzesinski") [1210093] - [md] revert "dm: only run the queue on completion if congested or no requests pending" (Mike Snitzer) [1241237] - [fs] nfsv4: Always drain the slot table before re-establishing the lease (Benjamin Coddington) [1240790] - [mm] export find_extend_vma() and handle_mm_fault() for driver use (Jerome Glisse) [1210492] - [mm] mmu_notifier: add new callback for mmu_notifier without breaking kabi (Jerome Glisse) [1210492] - [mm] mmu_notifier: call mmu_notifier_invalidate_range() from VMM (Jerome Glisse) [1210492] - [mm] mmu_notifier: add mmu_notifier_invalidate_range() (Jerome Glisse) [1210492]- [video] radeon: Conditionally compile PM code (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [char] ipmi: Fix backport of powernv IPMI driver (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [of] Silence warning due to bad backport in drivers/of/base.c (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [powerpc] boot/fdt: Use unsigned long for pointer casts (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [char] hwrng: pseries - remove incorrect __init/__exit markups (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [mm] page_alloc.c: use '__paginginit' instead of '__init' (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [fs] fuse: fix "uninitialized variable" warning (Thomas Huth) [1238568] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix merge issue for opal-prd channel (Rafael Aquini) [1221110 1229224] - [powerpc] PowerNV kernel is not able to manage 16G pages (Laurent Vivier) [1212273] - [s390] kdump: fix REGSET_VX_LOW vector register ELF notes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1236566] - [s390] zcrypt: Fixed reset and interrupt handling of AP queues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1238230] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Implement dynamic micro-threading on POWER8 (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Make use of unused threads when running guests (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Use msgsnd for signalling threads on POWER8 (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Translate kvmhv_commence_exit to C (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Streamline guest entry and exit (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Use bitmap of active threads rather than count (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Use decrementer to wake napping threads (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Don't wake thread with no vcpu on guest IPI (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Get rid of vcore nap_count and n_woken (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Fix list traversal in error case (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Move vcore preemption point up into kvmppc_run_vcpu (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [kvm] ppc: book3s-hv: Simplify handling of VCPUs that need a VPA update (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [powerpc] powernv: Fixes for hypervisor doorbell handling (Laurent Vivier) [1213669] - [x86] kvm: nsvm: Check for NRIPS support before updating control field (Bandan Das) [1167228] - [security] keys: Increase root_maxkeys and root_maxbytes sizes (David Howells) [1014573]- [fs] gfs2: add support for rename2 and RENAME_EXCHANGE (Benjamin Marzinski) [1163824] - [fs] ext4: allocate entire range in zero range (Lukas Czerner) [1187071] {CVE-2015-0275} - [fs] overlayfs: Warn on copy up if a process has a R/O fd open to the lower file (David Howells) [1226346] - [fs] gfs2: make sure S_NOSEC flag isn't overwritten (Benjamin Marzinski) [1203446] - [net] revert "[net] openvswitch: remove GFP_THISNODE" (Jiri Benc) [1238680] - [net] revert "[net] dev: set iflink to 0 for virtual interfaces" (Jiri Benc) [1238672] - [net] ipv4: __ip_local_out_sk() is static (Jiri Benc) [1234508] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Allow flow director to use entire queue space (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1238421] - [net] ethtool: Add helper routines to pass vf to rx_flow_spec (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1238421] - [net] inet: remove old fragmentation hash initializing (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] ipv6: split inet6_hash_frag for netfilter and initialize secrets with net_get_random_once (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] ipv4: initialize ip4_frags hash secret as late as possible (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] switch net_secret key generation to net_get_random_once (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] tcp: Do not call tcp_fastopen_reset_cipher from interrupt context (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] tcp: switch tcp_fastopen key generation to net_get_random_once (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] inet: convert inet_ehash_secret and ipv6_hash_secret to net_get_random_once (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] ipv6: split inet6_ehashfn to hash functions per compilation unit (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] ipv4: split inet_ehashfn to hash functions per compilation unit (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] ipv4: harden fnhe_hashfun() (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_log: remove unused code (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] inet: split syncookie keys for ipv4 and ipv6 and initialize with net_get_random_once (Phil Sutter) [1235733] - [net] tcp: fix child sockets to use system default congestion control if not set (Phil Sutter) [1235252] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: align per cpu xt_counter (Phil Sutter) [1235240] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: remove XT_TABLE_INFO_SZ and a dereference (Phil Sutter) [1235240] - [net] esp6: Use high-order sequence number bits for IV generation (Herbert Xu) [1232741] - [net] esp4: Use high-order sequence number bits for IV generation (Herbert Xu) [1232741] - [net] xfrm: Always zero high-order sequence number bits (Herbert Xu) [1232741] - [net] drop the packet when fails to do software segmentation or header check (Jason Wang) [1232621] - [net] keep original skb which only needs header checking during software GSO (Jason Wang) [1232621] - [net] remove some unless free on failure in alloc_netdev_mqs() (Jason Wang) [1231604] - [netdrv] tuntap: Increase the number of queues in tun (Jason Wang) [1231604] - [net] allow large number of rx queues (Jason Wang) [1231604] - [net] allow large number of tx queues (Jason Wang) [1231604] - [kernel] hrtimer: Avoid locking in hrtimer_cancel() if timer not active (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Remove bogus hrtimer_active() check (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] alarmtimer: Get rid of unused return value (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] net: core: pktgen: Remove bogus hrtimer_active() check (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] rtmutex: Remove bogus hrtimer_active() check (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] futex: Remove bogus hrtimer_active() check (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Get rid of __hrtimer_start_range_ns() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] sched: core: Use hrtimer_start[_expires]() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] perf: core: Use hrtimer_start() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] x86: perf: uncore: Use hrtimer_start() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] x86: perf: Use hrtimer_start() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] tick: nohz: Rework next timer evaluation (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] tick: sched: Restructure code (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] tick: sched: Force tick interrupt and get rid of softirq magic (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] tick: sched: Remove hrtimer_active() checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Get rid of hrtimer softirq (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Get rid of softirq time (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Fix incorrect tai offset calculation for non high-res timer systems (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Cleanup hrtimer accessors to the timekepeing state (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Prevent stale expiry time in hrtimer_interrupt() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Remove hrtimer_enqueue_reprogram() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Kick lowres dynticks targets on timer enqueue (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140] - [kernel] hrtimer: Store cpu-number in struct hrtimer_cpu_base (Prarit Bhargava) [1217140]- [fs] gfs2: handle NULL rgd in set_rgrp_preferences (Abhijith Das) [1211663] - [fs] gfs2: Don't add all glocks to the lru (Robert S Peterson) [1232841] - [fs] gfs2: Don't brelse rgrp buffer_heads every allocation (Robert S Peterson) [1154782] - [char] ipmi: Fix merge issue for IPMI SMBus handler (SSFIF) (Rafael Aquini) [1229675] - [kernel] sched: Avoid throttle_cfs_rq() racing with period_timer stopping (Rik van Riel) [1236413] - [kernel] add support for gcc 5 (Prarit Bhargava) [1227950] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Changes for vmxnet3 adapter version 2 (fwd) (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix memory leaks in rx path (fwd) (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Register shutdown handler for device (fwd) (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: spelling fixes (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Copy TCP header to mapped frame for IPv6 packets (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Change the hex constant to its decimal equivalent (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix ethtool -S to return correct rx queue stats (Neil Horman) [1237012] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix DMA API usage (Michal Schmidt) [1234874 1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix lockdep splat (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix linearization for encapsulated packets (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Release nvram lock on error flow (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix statistics gathering on link change (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix self-test for 20g devices (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF MAC removal (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Don't notify about scratchpad parities (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent false warning when accessing MACs (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct speed from baseT into KR (Michal Schmidt) [1236582] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Correct asymmetric flow-control (Michal Schmidt) [1236582]- [x86] perf: ibs: Update IBS MSRs and feature definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1135033] - [x86] Mark Intel Skylake-Y processor as supported (Steve Best) [1176665] - [edac] sb_edac: support for Broadwell -EP and -EX (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix support for systems with two home agents per socket (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix a typo and a thinko in address handling for Haswell (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] Remove arbitrary limit on number of channels (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix detection on SNB machines (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix erroneous bytes->gigabytes conversion (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] sb_edac: Claim a different PCI device (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] Move Intel SNB device ids from sb_edac to pci_ids.h (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [edac] sb_edac: Mark get_mci_for_node_id as static (Seth Jennings) [1223598] - [kernel] genirq: Fix memory leak when calling irq_free_hwirqs() (Steve Best) [1237186] - [kernel] module: Call module notifier on failure after complete_formation() (Bandan Das) [1236273] - [documentation] intel_pstate: Improve legacy mode internal governors description (Prarit Bhargava) [1236586]- [hv] fcopy: set .owner reference for file operations (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1236557] - [md] dm-btree-remove: fix bug in redistribute3 (Mike Snitzer) [1236092] - [x86] kvm: Enable PMU handling for AMD PERFCTRn and EVNTSELn MSRs (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: Implement AMD vPMU code for KVM (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: Define kvm_pmu_ops to support vPMU function dispatch (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: vpmu: introduce kvm_pmu_msr_idx_to_pmc (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: vpmu: reorder PMU functions (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: vpmu: whitespace and stylistic adjustments in PMU code (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: vpmu: use the new macros to go between PMC, PMU and VCPU (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: vpmu: introduce pmu.h header (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [x86] kvm: vpmu: rename a few PMU functions (Wei Huang) [1076010] - [s390] crypto: ghash - Fix incorrect ghash icv buffer handling (Herbert Xu) [1207598] - [video] vt_buffer: drop console buffer copying optimisations (Dave Airlie) [1187449] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix panic during MTU change (Stefan Assmann) [1233585] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't configure unused RSS queues (Stefan Assmann) [1233649] - [security] lsm: get comm using lock to avoid race in string printing (Richard Guy Briggs) [1056327] - [kernel] audit: get comm using lock to avoid race in string printing (Richard Guy Briggs) [1056327] - [kernel] sched: cope with kabi constraints (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1064059] - [kernel] sched: Provide update_curr callbacks for stop/idle scheduling classes (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1064059] - [kernel] sched/cputime: Fix clock_nanosleep()/clock_gettime() inconsistency (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1064059] - [kernel] sched/cputime: Fix cpu_timer_sample_group() double accounting (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1064059]- [crypto] krng: Remove krng (Herbert Xu) [1229738] - [crypto] drbg: Add stdrng alias and increase priority (Herbert Xu) [1229738] - [crypto] seqiv: Move IV seeding into init function (Herbert Xu) [1229738] - [crypto] eseqiv: Move IV seeding into init function (Herbert Xu) [1229738] - [crypto] chainiv: Move IV seeding into init function (Herbert Xu) [1229738] - [security] selinux: convert WARN_ONCE() to printk() in selinux_nlmsg_perm() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1066686] - [security] selinux: cleanup error reporting in selinux_nlmsg_perm() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1066686] - [security] audit: fix dangling keywords in integrity ima message output (Richard Guy Briggs) [1066686] - [security] audit: invalid op= values for rules (Richard Guy Briggs) [1066686] - [security] selinux: normalize audit log formatting (Richard Guy Briggs) [1066686] - [fs] Fix problem recognizing symlinks (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Fix mfsymlinks file size check (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Update version number displayed by modinfo for cifs.ko (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: remove dead code (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Fix setting time before epoch (negative time values) (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Clarify Kconfig help text for CIFS and SMB2/SMB3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: Fix wrong filename length for SMB2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: Fix wrong restart readdir for SMB1 (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: Fix directory rename error (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: Allow directIO read/write during cache=strict (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: remove unneeded check of null checking in if condition (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: fix a possible use of uninit variable in SMB2_sess_setup (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: fix memory leak when password is supplied multiple times (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: fix a possible null pointer deref in decode_ascii_ssetup (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Trivial whitespace fix (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Enable fallocate -z support for SMB3 mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] enable fallocate punch hole ("fallocate -p") for SMB3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Incorrect error returned on setting file compressed on SMB2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: Fix wrong directory attributes after rename (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: Fix SMB2 readdir error handling (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Workaround MacOS server problem with SMB2.1 write response (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] cifs: handle lease F_UNLCK requests properly (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Cleanup sparse file support by creating worker function for it (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Add sparse file support to SMB2/SMB3 mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Add missing definitions for CIFS File System Attributes (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Add worker function to set allocation size (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Fix incorrect hex vs. decimal in some debug print statements (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Delete cifs specific helper functions for iter operations (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Backport iov_iter_truncate() (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] new helper: copy_page_from_iter() (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] Introduce copy_page_to_iter (Sachin Prabhu) [1232788] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure we skip delegations that are already being returned (Benjamin Coddington) [1206610] - [fs] nfsv4: Pin the superblock while we're returning the delegation (Benjamin Coddington) [1206610] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure we honour NFS_DELEGATION_RETURNING in nfs_inode_set_delegation() (Benjamin Coddington) [1206610] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure that we don't reap a delegation that is being returned (Benjamin Coddington) [1206610] - [fs] sunrpc: make debugfs file creation failure non-fatal (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] sunrpc: add a debugfs rpc_xprt directory with an info file in it (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] sunrpc: add debugfs file for displaying client rpc_task queue (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] sunrpc: eliminate RPC_TRACEPOINTS (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] nfsd: eliminate NFSD_DEBUG (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] sunrpc: eliminate RPC_DEBUG (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] lockd: eliminate LOCKD_DEBUG (Benjamin Coddington) [1235634] - [fs] nfs: take extra reference to fl->fl_file when running a setlk (Benjamin Coddington) [1236569] - [fs] xfs: don't truncate attribute extents if no extents exist (Brian Foster) [1236045] - [fs] fixing infinite OPEN loop in 4.0 stateid recovery (Benjamin Coddington) [1219184] - [fs] Recover from stateid-type error on SETATTR (Benjamin Coddington) [1214410] - [fs] pnfs: Fix a memory leak when attempted pnfs fails (Steve Dickson) [1234986] - [fs] nfs: Add a stub for GETDEVICELIST (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: fix high load average due to callback thread sleeping (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] sunrpc: fix braino in ->poll() (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: Fix a regression in the read() syscall (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't call put_rpccred() under the rcu_read_lock() (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: Don't invalidate a submounted dentry in nfs_prime_dcache() (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: struct nfs_commit_info.lock must always point to inode->i_lock (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix a kfree() of uninitialised pointers in decode_cb_sequence_args (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure we reference the inode for return-on-close in delegreturn (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] sunrpc: NULL utsname dereference on NFS umount during namespace cleanup (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: don't call blocking operations while !TASK_RUNNING (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: fix dio deadlock when O_DIRECT flag is flipped (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix client id trunking on Linux (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs41: fix nfs4_proc_layoutget error handling (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] nfs: fix subtle change in COMMIT behavior (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix locking around callback channel reply receive (Benjamin Coddington) [1234797]- [unisys] add visorbus (Erik Arfvidson) [1228343] - [acpi] pci: Account for ARI in _PRT lookups (Alex Williamson) [1222066] - [pci] Move pci_ari_enabled() to global header (Alex Williamson) [1222066] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix overflow in busy_scaled due to long delay (Prarit Bhargava) [1228346] - [perf] tools: Add hint for 'Too many events are opened.' error message (Jiri Olsa) [990937] - [tools] perf: Fix "Command" sort_entry's cmp and collapse function (Jiri Olsa) [1220686] - [net] sctp: fix ASCONF list handling (Marcelo Leitner) [1206474] {CVE-2015-3212} - [md] dm-cache-policy-smq: fix "default" version to be 1.4.0 (Mike Snitzer) [1236618] - [of] Eliminate of_allnodes list (Gustavo Duarte) [1210533] - [of] Fix sysfs_dirent cache integrity issue (Gustavo Duarte) [1225539] - [powerpc] include: Add opal-prd to installed uapi headers (Gustavo Duarte) [1234370] - [powerpc] powernv: fix construction of opal PRD messages (Gustavo Duarte) [1234370] - [infiniband] mad: Add final OPA MAD processing (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Add partial Intel OPA MAD support (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Add partial Intel OPA MAD support (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Add OPA MAD core capability flag (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Add support for additional MAD info to/from drivers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Convert allocations from kmem_cache to kzalloc (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Add ability for drivers to report an alternate MAD size (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Support alternate Base Versions when creating MADs (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Create a generic helper for DR forwarding checks (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Create a generic helper for DR SMP Recv processing (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Create a generic helper for DR SMP Send processing (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Split IB SMI handling from MAD Recv handler (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad cleanup: Generalize processing of MAD data (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad cleanup: Clean up function params -- find_mad_agent (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ocrdma: fix double free on pd (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] usnic: clean up some error handling code (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mthca: use swap() in mthca_make_profile() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Don't warn on no SA support in event handler (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Don't advertise SA in RoCE port capabilities (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core cleanup: Add const to args - agent_send_response (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core cleanup: Add const on args - device->process_mad (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core cleanup: Add const to RDMA helpers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix memory leak in _ocrdma_alloc_pd() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [net] rds: re-entry of rds_ib_xmit/rds_iw_xmit (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix RCU annotations in ipoib_neigh_hash_init() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] nes: Enable the use of the tos field in the nes driver (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] iw_cm: Export tos field to iwarp providers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Change rdma_protocol_iboe to roce (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Convert core to use bitfield for caps (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Add per port immutable struct to ib_device (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] user_mad: Fix buggy usage of port index (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] user_mad: Use new start/end port functions (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Add const qualifiers to query only functions (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Clean up rcv_has_same_class (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Change ib_response_mad signature arguments (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Change validate_mad signature arguments (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [net] rds: Switch to generic logging helpers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core, cma: Nice log-friendly string helpers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Clean up comments in smi.c (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] mad: Rename is_data_mad to is_rmpp_data_mad (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] core: Create common start/end port functions (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Improve docs for rdma-helpers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_eth_ah() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_af_ib() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_read_multi_sge() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_ib_mcast() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_ib_sa() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_iw_cm() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_ib_cm() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_ib_smi() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Use management helper rdma_cap_ib_mad() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform rest part in IB-core cma (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform cma_acquire_dev() (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform mcast related part in IB-core cma (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform route related part in IB-core cma (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform cm related part in IB-core cma/ucm (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-core verbs (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-ulp xprtrdma (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-ulp ipoib (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-core multicast (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-core sa_query (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-core cm (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Reform IB-core mad/agent/user_mad (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Implement raw management helpers (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] verbs: Implement new callback query_protocol() (Honggang Li) [1229265]- [powerpc] misc: cxl: Add tracepoints (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Enable CAPP recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Add missing return statement after handling AFU errror (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Fail AFU initialisation if an invalid configuration record is found (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Export optional AFU configuration record in sysfs (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Fix device_node reference counting (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Add ability to reset the card (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Use image state defaults for reloading FPGA (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Add image control to sysfs (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Update CXL ABI documentation (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: remove redundant increment of hwirq (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Fix issues when unmapping contexts (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Disable SPAP register when freeing SPA (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Disable AFU debug flag (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Early return from cxl_handle_fault for a shut down context (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Fix leaking interrupts if attach process fails (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Unmap MMIO regions when detaching a context (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Add timeout to process element commands (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Change contexts_lock to a mutex to fix sleep while atomic bug (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] mm: don't do tlbie for updatepp request with NO HPTE fault (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Name interrupts in /proc/interrupt (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Return error to PSL if IRQ demultiplexing fails & print clearer warning (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Fix PSL error due to duplicate segment table entries (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Refactor cxl_load_segment() and find_free_sste() (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Disable secondary hash in segment table (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [powerpc] cxl: Fix afu_read() not doing finish_wait() on signal or non-blocking (Gustavo Duarte) [1223004] - [kernel] idr: Add new function idr_is_empty() (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [kernel] idr: remove unused prototype of idr_free() (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [misc] cxl: Add documentation for userspace APIs (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [misc] cxl: Add driver to Kbuild and Makefiles (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [misc] cxl: Add userspace header file (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [misc] cxl: Driver code for powernv PCIe based cards for userspace access (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [misc] cxl: Add base builtin support (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] mm: Add hooks for cxl (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] opal: Add PHB to cxl mode call (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] mm: Add new hash_page_mm() (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] Add new PCIe functions for allocating cxl interrupts (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] cxl: Add new header for call backs and structs (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] powernv: Split out set MSI IRQ chip code (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] mm: Export mmu_kernel_ssize and mmu_linear_psize (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] msi: Improve IRQ bitmap allocator (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] cell: Make spu_flush_all_slbs() generic (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] cell: Move data segment faulting code out of cell platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [powerpc] cell: Move spu_handle_mm_fault() out of cell platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1182022] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update the driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Restore physical port WWPN only, when port down detected for FA-WWPN port (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix virtual port configuration, when switch port is disabled/enabled (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Prevent multiple firmware dump collection for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable Interrupt handshake for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add debugging info for MBX timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add serdes read/write support for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add udev notification to save fw dump for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add message for sucessful FW dump collected for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support to load firmware from file for ISP 26XX/27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix beacon blink for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Increase the wait time for firmware to be ready for P3P (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix crash due to wrong casting of reg for ISP27XX (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix warnings reported by static checker (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix printks in ql_log message (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix printk in qla25xx_setup_mode (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix busy wait regression (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix race in handling rport deletion during recovery causes panic (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: remove redundant declaration in 'qla_gbl.h' (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Increase room in request queue for sending priority packets (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning in qla_iocb.c file (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move warning message to debug level (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fail adapter initialization on load ram failure (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Mark port lost when we receive an RSCN for it (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Restore WWPN in case of Loop Dead (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Honor FCP_RSP retry delay timer field (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add missing ISP27xx checks to optrom code (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Force use of mailbox interface for flash access commands for ISP27xx (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Free sysfs attributes for ISP27xx (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable laser for ISP2031 while unloading driver (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable diagnostic port using NVRAM parameters (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Declaration error cause stack corruption (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add fix in driver unload for pending activity (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Unload of qla2xxx driver crashes the machine (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow user to change ql2xfdmienable value (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix driver version string message (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add diagnostic port functionality (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FA-WWN functionality (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add FDMI-2 functionality (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISPFx00 unexpected resets during adapter boot sequence (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Incorrect linked list semantic in qlafx00_get_fcport() (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Incorrect debug level on mailbox command print 0x1111 (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISPFX00 avoid writing semaphore register in request_irqs() (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix potential return count bug in qla2xxx_get_vpd_field() (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx fwdump template error print simplification (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP25xx multiqueue shadow register crash fix (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add endianizer to max_payload_size modifier (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable fast flash access for ISP83xx (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ISP27xx fwdump template entry T275 (insert buffer) (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx fwdump template fix insertbuf() routine (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx fwdump template remove high frequency debug logs (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx optimize fwdump entry table lookup (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx add tests for incomplete template (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove restriction on starting remote device discovery on port update (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use dma_zalloc_coherent (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Restrict max_lun to 16-bit for older HBAs (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use kmemdup instead of kmalloc + memcpy (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix incorrect debug printk (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx queue index shadow registers (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP27xx firmware dump template spec updates (including T274) (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update entry type 270 to match spec update (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correction to ISP27xx template entry types 256 and 258 (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add pci device id 0x2271 (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct ISP83xx/ISP27xx mislogic in setting out_mb in qla25xx_init_req_que() (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow ISP83XX and ISP27XX both to write req_q_out register (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct operations for ISP27xx template types 270 and 271 (Chad Dupuis) [1187302] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for ISP2071 (Chad Dupuis) [1187302]- [usb] host: xhci: add mutex for non-thread-safe data (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] make module xhci_hcd removable (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: Add support for a Motion Tracker Development Board (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-storage: Add NO_WP_DETECT quirk for Lacie 059f:0651 devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Added another USB product ID for ELAN touchscreen quirks (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: gracefully handle xhci_irq dead device (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Solve full event ring by increasing TRBS_PER_SEGMENT to 256 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: fix isoc endpoint dequeue from advancing too far on transaction error (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] visor: Match I330 phone more precisely (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] pl2303: Remove support for Samsung I330 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: prevent infinite loop when parsing CDC headers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Set max_sectors_240 quirk for ASM1053 devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_MAX_SECTORS_240 flag (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Allow uas_use_uas_driver to return usb-storage flags (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] drivers/usb/core: devio.c: Removed an uneeded space before tab (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: hub: use new USB_RESUME_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: uhci: use new USB_RESUME_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: ehci: use new USB_RESUME_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: xhci: use new USB_RESUME_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] define a generic USB_RESUME_TIMEOUT macro (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] tracing: Add TRACE_SYSTEM_VAR to xhci-hcd (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci-hub: use USB_DT_HUB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] fhci-hub: use USB_DT_HUB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci-hub: use USB_DT_HUB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uhci-hub: use USB_DT_HUB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: rh: use USB_DT_HUB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb/misc: fix chaoskey build, needs HW_RANDOM (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Fix warnings in chaoskey driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-wdm: error returns need to be translated (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-wdm: fix endianness bug in debug statements (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-wdm: unify error handling in write (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: convert to not directly using urb->status (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: surpress misleading message (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix race between callback and unthrottle (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb/misc/usb3503: Always read refclk frequency from DT (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-wdm: return correct error codes (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Move usb_disabled() towards top of the file (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Use usb_disabled() consistently (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Add driver for Altus Metrum ChaosKey device (v2) (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Use jtag quirk for SNAP Connect E10 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: apply XHCI_AVOID_BEI quirk to all Intel xHCI controllers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: handle Config Error Change (CEC) in xhci driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] keyspan_pda: add new device id (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Fix trivial typo in isd200_log_config() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] drivers: usb: storage: cypress_atacb.c: trivial checkpatch fixes (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] drivers: usb: storage: alauda.c: properly place braces after function declarations (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] appledisplay: Deletion of a check before backlight_device_unregister() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ueagle-atm: Delete unnecessary checks before the function call "release_firmware" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] whci-hcd: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "usb_put_hcd" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: plat: Add USB phy support (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: unify cycle state toggling operation with 'XOR' (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] legotower: use msecs_to_jiffies for time conversion (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] image: use msecs_to_jiffies for time conversion (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_ATA_1X for Initio Corporation controllers / devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Added custom PID for Synapse Wireless product (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] revert "xhci: Clear the host side toggle manually when endpoint is 'soft reset'" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: fix infinite wait_until_sent timeout (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Workaround for PME stuck issues in Intel xhci (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: fix reporting of 0-sized URBs in control endpoint (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ch341: set tty baud speed according to tty struct (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: cp210x: Adding Seletek device id's (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ch341: remove redundant close from open error path (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] pl2303: disable break on shutdown (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: clean up bus probe error handling (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: fix port attribute-creation race (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: fix tty-device error handling at probe (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: fix potential use-after-free after failed probe (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] console: add dummy __module_get (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] revert "usb: serial: make bulk_out_size a lower limit" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: Add support for Denso cradle CU-321 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-storage: support for more than 8 LUNs (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_REPORT_OPCODES for JMicron JMS539 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usbfs: don't leak kernel data in siginfo (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Clear the host side toggle manually when endpoint is 'soft reset' (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Allocate correct amount of scratchpad buffers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Retry port status check on resume to work around RH bugs (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] revert "usb: Reset USB-3 devices on USB-3 link bounce" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uhci-hub: use HUB_CHAR_* (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] kconfig: replace PPC_OF with PPC (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci-pci: disable for Intel MID platforms (update) (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci-pci: disable for Intel MID platforms (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci-pci: USB host controller support for Intel Quark X1000 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: pci_quirks: joing string literals (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] add flag for HCDs that can't receive wakeup requests (isp1760-hcd) (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usbfs: allow URBs to be reaped after disconnection (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: kill unnecessary messages (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: add sanity checks (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Add OTG PET device to TPL (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-storage/scsi: blacklist FUA on JMicron 152d:2566 USB-SATA controller (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add no-report-opcodes quirk for Simpletech devices with id 4971:8017 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Revise/fix quirk for 04E6:000F SCM USB-SCSI converter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: hub: modify hub reset logic in hub driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: rh: use HUB_CHAR_* (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci-hub: use HUB_CHAR_* (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci-hub: use HUB_CHAR_* (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Silence "xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called with disabled ep ..." messages (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Print hcc params, version and quirks on init (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] don't cancel queued resets when unbinding drivers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Fix typo in `struct usb_host_interface' comment (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] mos7840: remove unused code (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] option: clean up blacklist handling (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: handle -ENODEV quietly in generic_submit_read_urb (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: silence all non-critical read errors (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] console: fix potential use after free (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] console: fix uninitialised ldisc semaphore (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: add a quirk for ULi M5237 blocking on reset (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] use *ph specifier in uss720 driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] use *ph specifier in mikrotek driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: buffer: smallest buffer should start at ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Add completion code to the debug ouput of unhandled transfer events (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: clean up work to remove unused parameters for functions in xhci-mem.c (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci-mem: Use setup_timer (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Use setup_timer (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: remove unused parameter 'xhci' in function xhci_handshake() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Clean up work to xhci_add_endpoint() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_ATA_1X for 2 more Seagate disk enclosures (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Do not blacklist ASM1153 disk enclosures (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: disable UAS on Apricorn SATA dongles (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_REPORT_OPCODES for JMicron JMS566 with usb-id 0bc2:a013 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_ATA_1X for Seagate devices with usb-id 0bc2:a013 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Add broken-streams quirk for Fresco Logic FL1000G xhci controllers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci: adjust error return code (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci: fix initialization bug in iso_stream_schedule() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Check if slot is already in default state before moving it there (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] qcserial/option: make AT URCs work for Sierra Wireless MC73xx (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] keyspan: fix null-deref at probe (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] mos7720: delete some unneeded code (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusb: replace memset by memzero_explicit (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: fix comment for PORT_DEV_REMOVE (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: don't use the same variable for stopped and halted rings current TD (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: clear extra bits from slot context when setting max exit latency (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: cleanup finish_td function (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] adutux: NULL dereferences on disconnect (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] pci-quirks: Deletion of unnecessary checks before the function call "pci_dev_put" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-sis: Deletion of an unnecessary check before the function call "usb_put_dev" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Fix bus scan and multi-LUN support for SCM eUSCSI devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Enable multi-target mode as vendor driver does for SCM eUSCSI bridge (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: check for valid interfaces (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: memory leak in error case (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-quirks: Add reset-resume quirk for MS Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: rework root port wake bits if controller isn't allowed to wakeup (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Reset a halted endpoint immediately when we encounter a stall (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] revert "xhci: clear root port wake on bits if controller isn't wake-up capable" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: don't start a halted endpoint before its new dequeue is set (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ssu100: fix overrun-error reporting (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] keyspan: fix overrun-error reporting (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] keyspan: fix tty line-status reporting (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] qcserial: Add support for HP lt4112 LTE/HSPA+ Gobi 4G Modem (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add PIDs for Matrix Orbital products (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] phonet: Replace calls to __skb_alloc_page with __dev_alloc_page (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add IDs for CEL MeshConnect USB Stick (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Remove __init from early_dbgp_init() prototype (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Create separate header for ehci-dbgp (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: xhci-plat: remove duplicate check on resource (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: uhci-platform: fix NULL pointer dereference on resource (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Reject bogus max LUN values (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: add quirk for control-line state requests (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Fix timeout in usb_stor_euscsi_init() and usb_stor_huawei_e220_init() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: only raise DTR on transitions from B0 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] revert "storage: Replace magic number with define in usb_stor_euscsi_init()" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: add Google simple serial SubClass support (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_ATA_1X quirk for 2 more Seagate models (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: no switching back on non-ULT Haswell (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] misc: usb3503: delete unnecessary 'out of memory' messages (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] class: usbtmc: delete unnecessary 'out of memory' messages (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci/ohci-platform: use SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS to support hibernation (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: remove unused variable (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Convert usb_stor_dbg to return void (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: Eliminate platform-specific test in ohci.h (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci: add ehci_port_power interface (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Make uas work with blk-mq (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] yurex: fixed sparse warning of incorrect type (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Do not re-read descriptors for wired devices in usb_authorize_device() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: Drop the warning for unusual capabilities (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] quirks: enable device-qualifier quirk for yet another Elan touchscreen (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] quirks: enable device-qualifier quirk for another Elan touchscreen (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: fix build warnings !CONFIG_PM (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add NO_ATA_1X for VIA VL711 devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Disable streams on Asmedia 1042 xhci controllers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hwa: fix a warning message (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_ATA_1X quirk for 1 more Seagate model (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-storage: handle a skipped data phase (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Do not allow usb_alloc_streams on unconfigured devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: ensure that termios get set when the port is activated (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc-acm: add device id for GW Instek AFG-2225 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] mos7840: replace unnecessary atomic allocations (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] mos7720: replace unnecessary atomic allocations (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] kobil_sct: replace unnecessary atomic allocation (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] opticon: fix non-atomic allocation in write path (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] kobil_sct: fix non-atomic allocation in write path (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Fix typo in usb-serial-simple.c (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usbnet: add a callback for set_rx_mode (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add "bricked" FTDI device PID (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: keyspan_pda: fix Entrega company name spelling (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] kobil_sct: Remove unused transfer buffer allocs (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] option: add Haier CE81B CDMA modem (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] option: add support for Telit LE910 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: add Awinda Station and Dongle products (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: cp210x: add Silicon Labs 358x VID and PID (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] misc: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Reduce number of function arguments for uas_alloc_foo functions (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Allow xHCI drivers to be built as separate modules (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Export symbols used by host-controller drivers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Check for XHCI_COMP_MODE_QUIRK when disabling D3cold (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Introduce xhci_init_driver() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: disable use of blk-mq I/O path (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: return -ENOTSUPP for all targeted hosts (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Add LED triggers for USB activity (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Rename usb-common.c (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: allow to process more usb hub events in parallel (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: rename khubd to hub_wq in documentation and comments (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: rename usb_kick_khubd() to usb_kick_hub_wq() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: convert khubd into workqueue (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: rename hub_events() to hub_event() and handle only one event there (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: keep hub->dev reference all the time when struct usb_hub lives (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Add quirk for another SCM-based USB-SCSI converter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Add quirks for Castlewood and Double-H USB-SCSI converters (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Replace magic number with define in usb_stor_euscsi_init() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] quirks.h: use BIT() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Add device quirk for ASUS T100 Base Station keyboard (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb3503: clarify what the registers 'PDS' and 'CFG1' really do (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb3503: correct error message in probe ('connect' to 'interrupt') (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Fixed a few typos (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: use *ph specifier to dump small buffers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: fix device disconnect on rekey timeout (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: skip done segs before completing aborted transfer (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: USB_WUSB_CBAF depends on USB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: remove USB_WUSB build dependency on PCI (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hwa: add USB build dependency for USB_HWA_HCD (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusb: delete double assignment (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] misc: yurex: remove useless casting of private_data (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Log extra info on "ERROR Transfer event TRB DMA ptr not part of current TD" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Remove "FIXME - check all the stream rings for pending cancellations" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Always ring the doorbell for active eps when a Set TR deq ptr cmd completes (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Fold queue_set_tr_deq into xhci_queue_new_dequeue_state (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: xhci_ring_device: Ring stream ring bells for endpoints with streams (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci_suspend is not stopping the root hub timer for the shared HCD (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Move allocating of command for new_dequeue_state to queue_set_tr_deq() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add response iu handling (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Log error codes when logging errors (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Cleanup uas_log_cmd_state usage (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Remove protype hardware usb interface info (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Remove support for old sense ui as used in pre-production hardware (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Drop COMMAND_COMPLETED flag (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Use scsi_print_command (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Do not log urb status error on cancellation (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Use streams on upcoming 10Gbps / 3.1 USB (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: pre_reset and suspend: Fix a few races (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Fix memleak of non-submitted urbs (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Drop all references to a scsi_cmnd once it has been aborted (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Remove cmnd reference from the cmd urb (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Drop inflight list (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: zap_pending: data urbs should have completed at this time (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Simplify reset / disconnect handling (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Free data urbs on completion (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Simplify unlink of data urbs on error (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Check against unexpected completions (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Do not use scsi_host_find_tag (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add uas_get_tag() helper function (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Fix resetting flag handling (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Remove task-management / abort error handling code (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add another ASM1051 usb-id to the uas blacklist (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add US_FL_NO_ATA_1X quirk for Seagate (0bc2:ab20) drives (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add no-report-opcodes quirk (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add a quirk for rejecting ATA_12 and ATA_16 commands (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] document the 'u' flag for usb-storage quirks parameter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: replace WARN_ON_ONCE() with lockdep_assert_held() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: ehci-st: Add EHCI support for ST STB devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: kconfig: TPL should apply for both OTG and EH (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: TPL should apply for both OTG and EH (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hcd: add TPL support flag (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: Remove unused tty->hw_stopped (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] quirks: enable device-qualifier quirk for Elan Touchscreen (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: add device-qualifier quirk (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cp210x: add support for Seluxit USB dongle (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: cp210x: added Ketra N1 wireless interface support (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Add quirks for Entrega/Xircom USB to SCSI converters (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Add quirk for Ariston Technologies iConnect USB to SCSI adapter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Add quirk for Adaptec USBConnect 2000 USB-to-SCSI Adapter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [scsi] don't store LUN bits in CDB[1] for USB mass-storage devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: fix oops when xhci resumes from hibernate with hw lpm capable devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Fix OOPS in xhci error handling code (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Fix null pointer dereference if xhci initialization fails (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: Add single-LUN quirk for Jaz USB Adapter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Add missing le16_to_cpu calls to asm1051 / asm1053 usb-id check (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Disable uas on ASM1051 devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] bcma: store more alternative addresses (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Add support for GE Healthcare Nemo Tracker device (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: xhci: fix compliance mode workaround (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: xsens_mt: always bind to interface number 1 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: xsens_mt: add author and description (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: add Medtronic CareLink USB driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: add Novatel Wireless GPS driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: add support for multi-port simple drivers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] pl2303: use divisors for unsupported baud rates (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] sierra: add 1199:68AA device ID (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] sierra: avoid CDC class functions on "68A3" devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add support for NOVITUS Bono E thermal printer (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usbtest: Add interrupt EP testcases (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] fix build error with CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME disabled (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Disable streams on Via XHCI with device-id 0x3432 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: fix potential heap buffer overflow (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: fix potential stack buffer overflow (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] hub: Prevent hub autosuspend if usbcore.autosuspend is -1 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] sisusb: add device id for Magic Control USB video (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci: using wIndex + 1 for hub port (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] storage: add quirk for Newer Technology uSCSI SCSI-USB converter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] wusbcore: fix below build warning (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: fix below build warning (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: rework cycle bit checking for new dequeue pointers (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: amd chipset also needs short TX quirk (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Treat not finding the event_seg on COMP_STOP the same as COMP_STOP_INVAL (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usbcore: Fix wrong device in an error message in hub_port_connect() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Added PID for new ekey device (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: pl2303: add device id for ztek device (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add Basic Micro ATOM Nano USB2Serial PID (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] revert "usb: option, zte_ev: move most ZTE CDMA devices to zte_ev" (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] option: add VIA Telecom CDS7 chipset device id (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] option: reduce interrupt-urb logging verbosity (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] cdc_subset: deal with a device that needs reset for timeout (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] devio: fix issue with log flooding (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Log a warning when we cannot use uas because the hcd lacks streams (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Only complain about missing sg if all other checks succeed (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Add missing checks for xhci_alloc_command failure (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Rename Asrock P67 pci product-id to EJ168 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Blacklist using streams on the Etron EJ168 controller (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uas: Limit qdepth to 32 when connected over usb-2 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-core bInterval quirk (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: Add support for new Xsens devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: ftdi_sio: Annotate the current Xsens PID assignments (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] core: allow zero packet flag for interrupt urbs (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] lvstest: Fix sparse warnings generated by kbuild test bot (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: add check for stopped frame counter (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: add I/O watchdog for orphan TDs (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: make URB completions single-threaded (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: redesign the TD done list (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: no shortcut for unlinking URBS from a dead controller (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: revert the ZF Micro orphan-TD quirk (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Fix persist resume of some SS USB devices (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb-core: Remove Fix mes in file hcd.c (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usbcore: don't log on consecutive debounce failures of the same port (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] serial: cp210x: Removing unncessary `usb_reset_device` on startup (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Add LVS Test device driver (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] Add EXPORT_SYMBOL for usb_alloc_dev (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: don't lose track of EDs when a controller dies (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: fix bugs in debug routines (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: add SG support (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] shutdown all URBs after controller death (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] add reset resume quirk for usb3503 (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] usb3503: add PM functions (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uhci-platform: use devm_ioremap resource (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ohci: don't allocate HCCA atomically (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] uhci: don't allocate frame list atomically (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ehci: don't allocate hardware periodic table atomically by default (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] drivers/usb/host/fhci-dbg.c: remove unnecessary null test before debugfs_remove (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] class: usbtmc.c: Cleaning up uninitialized variables (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] host: xhci-plat: use devm_functions (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: make error messages grepable (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] force warm reset to break link re-connect livelock (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] allow lpm (en/dis)able only if device is atleast in default state (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: platform: Set xhci lpm support quirk based on platform data (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] documentation: dt-bindings: update xhci-platform DT binding (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: platform: Add (en/dis)able_usb3_lpm_timeout (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: A default implementation for Ux timeout calculation and tier policy check (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] kl5kusb105: Remove klsi_105_tiocmset function (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] mos7840: remove unnecessary null test before kfree (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: remove redundant mtxorb quirk (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: clean up ftdi_set_max_packet_size() (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: fix max-packet-size warning (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] ftdi_sio: make port probe less verbose (Don Zickus) [1232920] - [usb] xhci: Correct last context entry calculation for Configure Endpoint (Don Zickus) [1232920]- [x86] perf: Fix bug in unused code (Don Dugger) [1036948] - [x86] Someone fat fingered a merge conflict and lost the Makefile hunk (Don Dugger) [1036948] - [x86] perf: Enable conflicting event scheduling for CQM (Don Dugger) [1036948] - [x86] perf: Perform rotation on Intel CQM RMIDs (Don Dugger) [1036948] - [x86] perf: Implement LRU monitoring ID allocation for CQM (Don Dugger) [1036948] - [x86] Add support for Intel Cache QoS Monitoring (CQM) detection (Don Dugger) [1036948] - [x86] Mark Intel Broadwell-H processor as supported (Steve Best) [1131290] - [kernel] sched/stop_machine: Fix deadlock between multiple stop_two_cpus() (Jiri Olsa) [1223796] - [x86] edac: Disable EDAC debug logging by default (Prarit Bhargava) [1232712] - [kernel] sched/clock: Fixup early initialization (Prarit Bhargava) [1234322] - [kernel] sched/clock: Fix up clear_sched_clock_stable() (Prarit Bhargava) [1234322] - [mm] memory-hotplug: set zone->wait_table to null after freeing it (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1222754] - [mm] memory-hotplug: postpone the reset of obsolete pgdat (Yasuaki Ishimatsu) [1222754] - [mm] memory-failure: me_huge_page() does nothing for thp (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] soft-offline: don't free target page in successful page migration (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] memory-failure: introduce get_hwpoison_page() for consistent refcount handling (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] memory-failure: split thp earlier in memory error handling (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] soft-offline: fix num_poisoned_pages counting on concurrent events (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hugetlb: cleanup using paeg_huge_active() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hugetlb: introduce page_huge_active (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] soft-offline: use migrate_pages() instead of migrate_huge_page() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] migrate: make core migration code aware of hugepage (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: drop lru_add_drain_all() in __soft_offline_page() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison-inject: check PageLRU of hpage (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison-inject: fix refcounting in no-injection case (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: fix the lack of one reference count against poisoned page (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] memory-failure: call shake_page() when error hits thp tail page (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: fix race with changing page during offlining (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: Fix wrong error recovery status (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: call action_result() in failure path of hwpoison_user_mappings() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: fix hugetlbfs/thp precheck in hwpoison_user_mappings() (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: fix the handling path of the victimized page frame that belong to non-LRU (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] memory-failure: fix memory leak by race between poison and unpoison (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] hwpoison: lock_page/unlock_page does not match for handling a free hugepage (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [mm] memory-failure: move refcount only in !MF_COUNT_INCREASED (Tomoaki Nishimura) [1226196] - [infiniband] iser: Rewrite bounce buffer code path (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Bump version to 1.6 (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Remove code duplication for a single DMA entry (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Pass struct iser_mem_reg to iser_fast_reg_mr and iser_reg_sig_mr (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Modify struct iser_mem_reg members (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Make fastreg pool cache friendly (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Move PI context alloc/free to routines (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Move fastreg descriptor pool get/put to helper functions (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Merge build page-vec into register page-vec (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Get rid of struct iser_rdma_regd (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Remove redundant assignments in iser_reg_page_vec (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Move memory reg/dereg routines to iser_memory.c (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Don't pass ib_device to fall_to_bounce_buff routine (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Remove a redundant struct iser_data_buf (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Remove redundant cmd_data_len calculation (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix wrong calculation of protection buffer length (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Handle fastreg/local_inv completion errors (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix unload during ep_poll wrong dereference (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Release the iscsi endpoint if ep_disconnect wasn't called (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix memory regions possible leak (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Use correct dma direction when unmapping SGs (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Bump version to 1.5 (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Micro-optimize iser_handle_wc (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Micro-optimize iser logging (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Use more completion queues (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Remove redundant is_mr indicator (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Centralize memory region invalidation to a function (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Terminate connection before cleaning inflight tasks (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix race between iser connection teardown and scsi TMFs (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix possible NULL derefernce ib_conn->device in session_create (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix sparse warnings (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix possible SQ overflow (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Decrement CQ's active QPs accounting when QP creation fails (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Collapse cleanup and disconnect handlers (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix catastrophic error flow hang (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Re-adjust CQ and QP send ring sizes to HW limits (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Centralize ib_sig_domain settings (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Bump version, add maintainer (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix/add kernel-doc style description in iscsi_iser.c (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Add/Fix kernel doc style descriptions in iscsi_iser.h (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Nit - add space after __func__ in iser logging (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Change iscsi_conn_stop log level to info (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Suppress scsi command send completions (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Optimize completion polling (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Use beacon to indicate all completions were consumed (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Use single CQ for RX and TX (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Use internal polling budget to avoid possible live-lock (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Centralize iser completion contexts (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Use iser_warn instead of BUG_ON in iser_conn_release (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Signal iSCSI layer that transport is broken in error completions (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Protect tasks cleanup in case IB device was already released (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Unbind at conn_stop stage (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Don't bound release_work completions timeouts (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Fix DEVICE REMOVAL handling in the absence of iscsi daemon (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Extend iser_free_ib_conn_res() (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Remove unused variables and dead code (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Re-introduce ib_conn (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [infiniband] iser: Rename ib_conn -> iser_conn (Amir Vadai) [1164539] - [netdrv] tun: Allow to skip filter on attach (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [netdrv] tun: Report whether the queue is attached or not (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [netdrv] tun: Get skfilter layout (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [netdrv] tun: Add ability to create tun device with given index (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [mm] introduce VM_F_OP_EXTEND to fix KABI broken by file_operations->mremap (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [fs] aio: Make it possible to remap aio ring (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [net] make default ->i_fop have ->open() fail with ENXIO (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [fs] proc: show locks in /proc/pid/fdinfo/X (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [security] userns: Allow PR_CAPBSET_DROP in a user namespace (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [mm] shm: add memfd_create() syscall (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [kernel] prctl: PR_SET_MM -- introduce PR_SET_MM_MAP operation (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [kernel] prctl: PR_SET_MM -- factor out mmap_sem when updating mm::exe_file (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [mm] introduce check_data_rlimit helper (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [fs] timerfd: Implement timerfd_ioctl method to restore timerfd_ctx::ticks, v3 (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [documentation] procfs: Document timerfd output (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [fs] timerfd: Implement show_fdinfo method (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [fs] proc: show mnt_id in /proc/pid/fdinfo (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [uapi] ptrace: add ability to get/set signal-blocked mask (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [init] actually enable CONFIG_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE (Oleg Nesterov) [1108829] - [kernel] userns: Allow creation of user namespaces if user_namespace.enable=1 ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782] - [fs] userns: Only allow privileged creation of the mount namespace ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782] - [kernel] userns: Correct the comment in map_write ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Allow setting gid_maps without privilege when setgroups is disabled ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: fix KABI broken by introduction of struct user_namespace.flags ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Add a knob to disable setgroups on a per user namespace basis ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Rename id_map_mutex to userns_state_mutex ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Only allow the creator of the userns unprivileged mappings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Check euid no fsuid when establishing an unprivileged uid mapping ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Don't allow unprivileged creation of gid mappings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Don't allow setgroups until a gid mapping has been established ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] userns: Document what the invariant required for safe unprivileged mappings ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [kernel] groups: Consolidate the setgroups permission checks ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782 1170689] {CVE-2014-8989} - [fs] userns: Change inode_capable to capable_wrt_inode_uidgid ("Eric W. Biederman") [1109837 1138782] {CVE-2014-4014} - [kernel] userns: Kill nsown_capable it makes the wrong thing easy ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782] - [kernel] userns: fix KABI broken by introduction of struct user_namespace.level ("Eric W. Biederman") [1138782] - [kernel] userns: limit the maximum depth of user_namespace->parent chain ("Eric W. Biederman") [1109837]- [md] make sure MD_RECOVERY_DONE is clear before starting recovery/resync (Jes Sorensen) [1173510 1231997] - [md] Close race when setting 'action' to 'idle' (Jes Sorensen) [1173510 1231997] - [md] don't return 0 from array_state_store (Jes Sorensen) [1173510 1231997] - [md] dm-cache: switch the "default" cache replacement policy from mq to smq (Mike Snitzer) [1189059] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: remove in-core 'read_only' flag (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: prefix all DMERR and DMINFO messages with cache device name (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: add fail io mode and needs_check flag (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: age and write back cache entries even without active IO (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: wake the worker thread every time we free a migration object (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: add stochastic-multi-queue (smq) policy (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: boost promotion of blocks that will be overwritten (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: defer whole cells (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-bio-prison: add dm_cell_promote_or_release() (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: pull out some bitset utility functions for reuse (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: pass a new 'critical' flag to the policies when requesting writeback work (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: track IO to the origin device using io_tracker (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: add io_tracker (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-cache: fix race when issuing a POLICY_REPLACE operation (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-raid: add support for the MD RAID0 personality (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-raid: a few cleanups (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [md] dm-raid: fixup documentation for discard support (Mike Snitzer) [1189058 1189059 1191604] - [perf] x86: Enforce HT bug workaround with PEBS for SNB/IVB/HSW (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Fix SLM cache event list (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Improve HT workaround GP counter constraint (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Fix event/group validation (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Disable PEBS-LL in intel_pmu_pebs_disable() (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Reset more state in PMU reset (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Make the HT bug workaround conditional on HT enabled (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Limit to half counters when the HT workaround is enabled, to avoid exclusive mode starvation (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Fix intel_get_event_constraints() for dynamic constraints (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Enforce HT bug workaround for SNB/IVB/HSW (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Implement cross-HT corruption bug workaround (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86/intel: Add cross-HT counter exclusion infrastructure (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] watchdog: Add watchdog enable/disable all functions (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Add 'index' param to get_event_constraint() callback (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Add 3 new scheduling callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Vectorize cpuc->kfree_on_online (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [perf] x86: Rename x86_pmu::er_flags to 'flags' (Jiri Olsa) [1210494] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add support for Large Receive Offload (Gustavo Duarte) [1233261] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add GRO support (Gustavo Duarte) [1233261] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Add support for TSO (Gustavo Duarte) [1233261] - [netdrv] ibmveth: change rx buffer default allocation for CMO (Gustavo Duarte) [1233261] - [powerpc] powernv: reboot when requested by firmware (Gustavo Duarte) [1221072] - [kernel] reboot: add orderly_reboot for graceful reboot (Gustavo Duarte) [1221072] - [powerpc] sbus: ignore orderly_poweroff return value (Gustavo Duarte) [1221072] - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL soft-poweroff routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1221072] - [net] openvswitch: remove GFP_THISNODE (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Return vport module ref before destruction (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] mpls: Fix the openvswitch select of NET_MPLS_GSO (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix serialization of non-masked set actions (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix key serialization (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add missing initialization in validate_and_copy_set_tun() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Reset key metadata for packet execution (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Only set TUNNEL_VXLAN_OPT if VXLAN-GBP metadata is set (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Initialize unmasked key and uid len (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Support masked set actions (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] udptunnels: Call handle_offloads after inserting vlan tag (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add support for checksums on UDP tunnels (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add support for unique flow IDs (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] genetlink: Add genlmsg_parse() helper function (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Use sw_flow_key_range for key ranges (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor ovs_flow_tbl_insert() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor ovs_nla_fill_match() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: pass vxflags to vxlan_xmit_skb (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: ignore genlmsg_end return value (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Support VXLAN Group Policy extension (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Allow for any level of nesting in flow attributes (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Rename GENEVE_TUN_OPTS() to TUN_METADATA_OPTS() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: packet messages need their own probe attribtue (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Introduce ovs_tunnel_route_lookup (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unnecessary version.h inclusion (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Consistently include VLAN header in flow and port stats (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] genetlink: pass only network namespace to genl_has_listeners() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: fix odd_ptr_err.cocci warnings (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix vport_send double free (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix GSO with multiple MPLS label (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix MPLS action validation (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: replace remaining users of arch_fast_hash with jhash (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: set correct protocol on route lookup (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix flow mask validation (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: move vlan pop/push functions into common code (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] move make_writable helper into common code (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: introduce __vlan_insert_tag helper which does not free skb (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of kfree_skb (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: introduce *vlan_hwaccel_push_inside helpers (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: validate_xmit_vlan() is static (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: rename __vlan_put_tag to vlan_insert_tag_set_proto (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: kill vlan_put_tag helper (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vlan: remove unused HAVE_VLAN_PUT_TAG (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: actions: use skb_postpull_rcsum when possible (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Don't validate IPv6 label masks (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: use PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Validate IPv6 flow key and mask values (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Convert dp rcu read operation to locked operations (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix NDP flow mask validation (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix checksum calculation when modifying ICMPv6 packets (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix memory leak (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix build failure (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add support for OVS_FLOW_ATTR_PROBE (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Constify various function arguments (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Remove redundant key ref from upcall_info (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Optimize recirc action (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Extend packet attribute for egress tunnel info (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Export symbols as GPL symbols (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Avoid NULL mask check while building mask (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor action alloc and copy api (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Move key_attr_size() to flow_netlink.h (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Remove flow member from struct ovs_skb_cb (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix the type of struct ovs_key_nd nd_target field (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Drop packets when interdev is not up (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor get_dp() function into multiple access APIs (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Refactor ovs_flow_cmd_fill_info() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: refactor do_output() to move NULL check out of fast path (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Additional logging for -EINVAL on flow setups (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Remove redundant tcp_flags code (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Move table destroy to dp-rcu callback (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add basic MPLS support to kernel (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Export lockdep_ovsl_is_held to modules (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Rename last_action() as nla_is_last() and move to netlink.h (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Turn vports with dependencies into separate modules (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Set flow-key members (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Create right mask with disabled megaflows (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: fix a use after free (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: use vport instead of p (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: kerneldoc warning fix (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: fix a sparse warning (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add support for Geneve tunneling (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Factor out allocation and verification of actions (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Wrap struct ovs_key_ipv4_tunnel in a new structure (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Add support for matching on OAM packets (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Eliminate memset() from flow_extract (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] mpls: Fix config check for mpls (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] mpls: Use mpls_features to activate software MPLS GSO segmentation (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Pass UDP socket down through udp_tunnel{, 6}_xmit_skb() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: coding style: comparison for inequality with NULL (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: coding style: comparison for equality with NULL (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Do not require sock in udp_tunnel_xmit_skb (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: pass udp_offload struct to UDP gro callbacks (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Check family when reusing sockets (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Remove socket hash table (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Simplify locking (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Remove workqueue (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Add Geneve GRO support (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Fix races between socket add and release (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Remove socket and offload handlers at destruction (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Unregister pernet subsys on module unload (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Set GSO type on transmit (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] ipv4: minor spelling fixes (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: fix a compilation error when CONFIG_INET is not set (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: fix a sparse warning (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] geneve: Add Geneve tunneling protocol driver (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Replace rcu_dereference() with rcu_access_pointer() (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: replace macros net_random and net_srandom with direct calls to prandom (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: check CONFIG_OPENVSWITCH_GRE in makefile (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] openvswitch: Fix struct comment (Jiri Benc) [1156461 1211348] - [net] vxlan: fix a shadow local variable (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] ipv6: call iptunnel_xmit with NULL sock pointer if no tunnel sock is available (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] udp_tunnel: Pass UDP socket down through udp_tunnel{, 6}_xmit_skb() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] kabi: whitelist struct nf_hook_state (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass socket pointer down through okfn() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Add socket pointer to nf_hook_state (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Add nf_hook_state initializer function (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass nf_hook_state through arpt_do_table() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass nf_hook_state through nft_set_pktinfo*() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass nf_hook_state through ip6t_do_table() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass nf_hook_state through nf_nat_ipv6_{in, out, fn, local_fn}() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass nf_hook_state through ipt_do_table() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Pass nf_hook_state through nf_nat_ipv4_{in, out, fn, local_fn}() (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Make nf_hookfn use nf_hook_state (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Use nf_hook_state in nf_queue_entry (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Create and use nf_hook_state (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] netfilter: Remove extern from function prototypes (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] bridge: fix netfilter/NF_BR_LOCAL_OUT for own, locally generated queries (Jiri Benc) [1230935] - [net] ipv6: Fix udp checksums with raw sockets (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064]- [scsi] storvsc: Set the SRB flags correctly when no data transfer is needed (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1075441 1209811 1221298 1228231] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix a bug in copy_from_bounce_buffer() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1075441 1209811 1221298 1228231] - [scsi] storvsc: force SPC-3 compliance on win8 and win8 r2 hosts (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1075441 1209811 1221298 1228231] - [scsi] storvsc: use cmd_size to allocate per-command data (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1075441 1209811 1221298 1228231] - [hv] vmbus: unregister panic notifier on module unload (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1210721] - [hv] vmbus: hyperv_panic_event() can be static (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1210721] - [hv] vmbus: Correcting truncation error for constant HV_CRASH_CTL_CRASH_NOTIFY (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1210721] - [hv] vmbus: Add support for VMBus panic notifier handler (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1210721] - [hv] vmbus: Don't wait after requesting offers (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] channel_mgmt: match var type to return type of wait_for_completion (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Get rid of some unnecessary messages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a bug in the error path in vmbus_open() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus_open(): reset the channel state on ENOMEM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus_post_msg: retry the hypercall on some transient errors (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a bug in vmbus_establish_gpadl() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] x86: Mark the Hyper-V clocksource as being continuous (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Enable interrupt driven flow control (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup hv_post_message() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup vmbus_establish_gpadl() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup vmbus_teardown_gpadl() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup vmbus_post_msg() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup the packet send path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1211914] - [hv] hv_balloon: do not online pages in offline blocks (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1133403 1218868] - [hv] hv_balloon: don't lose memory when onlining order is not natural (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1133403 1218868] - [pnp] convert bus code to use dev_groups (Jarod Wilson) [1232626] - [rtc] convert rtc-cmos to dev_pm_ops from legacy pm_ops (Jarod Wilson) [1232626] - [pnp] fix restoring devices after hibernation (Jarod Wilson) [1232626] - [pnp] convert PNP driver bus legacy pm_ops to dev_pm_ops (Jarod Wilson) [1232626] - [pnp] change pnp bus pm_ops to invoke pnp driver dev_pm_ops if specified (Jarod Wilson) [1232626] - [pci] pciehp: Wait for hotplug command completion where necessary (Myron Stowe) [1227034] - [pci] pciehp: Add more Slot Control debug output (Myron Stowe) [1227034] - [pci] pciehp: Fix wait time in timeout message (Myron Stowe) [1227034] - [pci] pciehp: Reduce PCIe slot_ctrl to 16 bits (Myron Stowe) [1227034] - [infiniband] srp: Use P_Key cache for P_Key lookups (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Allow newline separator for connection string (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix a race condition triggered by destroying a queue pair (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Separate target and channel variables (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce two new srp_target_port member variables (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid that I/O hangs due to a cable pull during LUN scanning (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Remove stale connection retry mechanism (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Move ib_destroy_cm_id() call into srp_free_ch_ib() (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix return value check in srp_init_module() (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix residual handling (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix deadlock between host removal and multipathd (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid problems if a header uses pr_fmt (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Add fast registration support (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Rename FMR-related variables (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: One FMR pool per SRP connection (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce the 'register_always' kernel module parameter (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce srp_finish_mapping() (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce srp_map_fmr() (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce an additional local variable (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix kernel-doc warnings (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix a sporadic crash triggered by cable pulling (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Fix a race condition between failing I/O and I/O completion (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid that writing into "add_target" hangs due to a cable pull (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Make writing into the "add_target" sysfs attribute interruptible (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid duplicate connections (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Add more logging (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] srp: Check ib_query_gid return value (Honggang Li) [1164541] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Update ocrdma version number (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fail connection for MTU lesser than 512 (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix dmac resolution for link local address (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Prevent allocation of DPP PDs if FW doesnt support it (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix the request length for RDMA_QUERY_QP mailbox command to FW (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Use VID 0 if PFC is enabled and vlan is not configured (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix QP state transition in destroy_qp (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Report EQ full fatal error (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix EQ destroy failure during driver unload (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix off by one in ocrdma_query_gid() (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Use unsigned for bit index (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Help gcc generate better code for ocrdma_srq_toggle_bit (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Update the ocrdma module version string (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: set vlan present bit for user AH (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: remove reference of ocrdma_dev out of ocrdma_qp structure (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add support for interrupt moderation (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Honor return value of ocrdma_resolve_dmac (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Allow expansion of the SQ CQEs via buddy CQ expansion of the QP (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Discontinue support of RDMA-READ-WITH-INVALIDATE (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Host crash on destroying device resources (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Report correct state in ibv_query_qp (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Debugfs enhancments for ocrdma driver (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Report correct count of interrupt vectors while registering ocrdma device (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Move PD resource management to driver (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increase the GID table size (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add support for IB stack compliant stats in sysfs (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Save the bit environment, spare unncessary parenthesis (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: The kernel has a perfectly good BIT() macro - use it (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Don't memset() buffers we just allocated with kzalloc() (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove a unused-label warning (Honggang Li) [1184955] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix indentation level (Honggang Li) [1230203] - [infiniband] ipoib: Remove IPOIB_MCAST_RUN bit (Honggang Li) [1230203] - [infiniband] ipoib: Save only IPOIB_MAX_PATH_REC_QUEUE skb's (Honggang Li) [1230203] - [infiniband] ipoib: Handle QP in SQE state (Honggang Li) [1230203] - [infiniband] ipoib: Update broadcast record values after each successful join request (Honggang Li) [1230203] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use one linear skb in RX flow (Honggang Li) [1230203] - [fs] rbd: end I/O the entire obj_request on error (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: rbd_wq comment is obsolete (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: announce support for straw2 buckets (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] crush: straw2 bucket type with an efficient 64-bit crush_ln() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] crush: ensuring at most num-rep osds are selected (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] crush: drop unnecessary include from mapper.c (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix uninline data function (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: rename snapshot support (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix null pointer dereference in send_mds_reconnect() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: hold on to exclusive caps on complete directories (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: simplify our debugfs attr macro (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: show non-default options only (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: expose client options through debugfs (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph, ceph: split ceph_show_options() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: mark block queue as non-rotational (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: don't overwrite specific con error msgs (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: cleanup unsafe requests when reconnecting is denied (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: don't zero i_wrbuffer_ref when reconnecting is denied (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: don't mark dirty caps when there is no auth cap (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: keep i_snap_realm while there are writers (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: osdmap.h: Add missing format newlines (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: kstrdup() memory handling (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: properly release page upon error (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: be more informative on -ENOENT failures (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: match wait_for_completion_timeout return type (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: use msecs_to_jiffies for time conversion (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: remove redundant declaration (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix dcache/nocache mount option (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: drop cap releases in requests composed before cap reconnect (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] Revert "libceph: use memalloc flags for net IO" (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: kfree() in put_osd() shouldn't depend on authorizer (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: fix double __remove_osd() problem (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: convert to blk-mq (Carlos Maiolino) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: return error for traceless reply race (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix dentry leaks (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: re-send requests when MDS enters reconnecting stage (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: show nocephx_require_signatures and notcp_nodelay options (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: do not treat standalone as flatten (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix atomic_open snapdir (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: properly mark empty directory as complete (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] client: include kernel version in client metadata (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: provide seperate {inode, file}_operations for snapdir (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix request time stamp encoding (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix reading inline data when i_size > PAGE_SIZE (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: avoid block operation when !TASK_RUNNING (ceph_mdsc_close_sessions) (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: avoid block operation when !TASK_RUNNING (ceph_get_caps) (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: avoid block operation when !TASK_RUNNING (ceph_mdsc_sync) (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: fix error paths in rbd_dev_refresh() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: improve reference tracking for snaprealm (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: properly zero data pages for file holes (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: nuke copy_token() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: handle SESSION_FORCE_RO message (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: use mon_client.c/put_generic_request() more (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: nuke pool op infrastructure (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: drop parent_ref in rbd_dev_unprobe() unconditionally (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: fix rbd_dev_parent_get() when parent_overlap == 0 (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: fix sparse endianness warnings (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: use zu for len in ceph_fill_inline_data() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix setting empty extended attribute (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix mksnap crash (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: do_sync is never initialized (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: support inline data feature (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: flush inline version (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: convert inline data to normal data before data write (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: sync read inline data (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fetch inline data when getting Fcr cap refs (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: use getattr request to fetch inline data (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: add inline data to pagecache (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: parse inline data in MClientReply and MClientCaps (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: specify position of extent operation (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: add CREATE osd operation support (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: add SETXATTR/CMPXATTR osd operations support (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] rbd: don't treat CEPH_OSD_OP_DELETE as extent op (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: remove unused stringification macros (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: require cephx message signature by default (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: introduce global empty snap context (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: message versioning fixes (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: update ceph_msg_header structure (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: message signature support (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: store session key in cephx authorizer (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph, rbd: delete unnecessary checks before two function calls (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: introduce a new inode flag indicating if cached dentries are ordered (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] libceph: nuke ceph_kvfree() (Sage Weil) [1229488] - [fs] ceph: fix file lock interruption (Sage Weil) [1229488]- [mtd] powernv: Add powernv flash MTD abstraction driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1221094] - [of] Ensure unique names without sacrificing determinism (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [of] kill off of_can_translate_address (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [of] platform: fix device naming for non-translatable addresses (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [of] base: Fix PowerPC address parsing hack (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [of] address: Don't throw errors on absent ranges properties (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [of] platform: Move platform devices under /sys/devices/platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [of] Fix dereferencing node name in debug output to be safe (Gustavo Duarte) [1230093] - [powerpc] powernv: Add opal-prd channel (Gustavo Duarte) [1221110 1229224] - [powerpc] powernv: Expose OPAL APIs required by PRD interface (Gustavo Duarte) [1221110 1229224] - [powerpc] powernv: Merge common platform device initialisation (Gustavo Duarte) [1221110 1229224] - [powerpc] powernv: Add interfaces for flash device access (Gustavo Duarte) [1221072 1229224] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Support Dynamic DMA windows (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Register memory and define IOMMU v2 (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] mmu: Add userspace-to-physical addresses translation cache (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: powerpc/powernv/ioda2: Use DMA windows API in ownership control (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu/ioda2: Add get_table_size() to calculate the size of future table (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda2: Use new helpers to do proper cleanup on PE release (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: powerpc/powernv/ioda: Define and implement DMA windows API (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv: Implement multilevel TCE tables (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda2: Introduce pnv_pci_ioda2_set_window (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda2: Introduce helpers to allocate TCE pages (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda2: Rework iommu_table creation (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu/powernv: Release replaced TCE (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv: Implement accessor to TCE entry (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda2: Add TCE invalidation for all attached groups (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda2: Move TCE kill register address to PE (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu: Fix IOMMU ownership control functions (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr/iommu/powernv/ioda2: Rework IOMMU ownership control (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] spapr: vfio: Switch from iommu_table to new iommu_table_group (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] spapr: vfio: Replace iommu_table with iommu_table_group (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda/ioda2: Rework TCE invalidation in tce_build()/tce_free() (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu: Move tce_xxx callbacks from ppc_md to iommu_table (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv: Do not set "read" flag if direction==DMA_NONE (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Rework groups attaching (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Moving pinning/unpinning to helpers (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Disable DMA mappings on disabled container (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Move locked_vm accounting to helpers (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Use it_page_size (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Check that IOMMU page is fully contained by system page (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] vfio: powerpc/spapr: Move page pinning from arch code to VFIO IOMMU driver (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu: Always release iommu_table in iommu_free_table() (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu: Put IOMMU group explicitly (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] powernv/ioda: Clean up IOMMU group registration (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] iommu/powernv: Get rid of set_iommu_table_base_and_group (David Gibson) [1213665] - [powerpc] eeh/ioda2: Use device::iommu_group to check IOMMU group (David Gibson) [1213665] - [netdrv] sfc: mark state UNINIT after unregister (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: leak vports if a VF is assigned during PF unload (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: force removal of VF and vport on driver removal (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: do not allow VFs to be destroyed if assigned to guests (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: don't update stats on VF when called in atomic context (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: suppress vadaptor stats when EVB is not present (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: suppress ENOENT error messages from MC_CMD_MAC_STATS (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: update netdevice statistics to use vadaptor stats (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: DMA the VF stats only when requested (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: display vadaptor statistics for all interfaces (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: set the port-id when calling MC_CMD_MAC_STATS (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add "port_" prefix to MAC stats (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement ndo_gets_phys_port_id() for EF10 VFs (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add sysfs entry for flags (link control and primary) (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add paranthesis correctly on all branches of the if statement (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add code to export port_num in netdev->dev_port (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: free multiple Rx buffers when required (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add module parameter to enable MCDI logging on new functions (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add sysfs entry to control MCDI tracing (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add tracing of MCDI commands (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: set the MAC address using MC_CMD_VADAPTOR_SET_MAC (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement dummy disable of VF spoof check for EF10 (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add ndo_set_vf_link_state() function for EF10 (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add ndo_set_vf_vlan() function for EF10 (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Change entity reset on MC reboot to a new datapath-only reset (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add ndo_get_vf_config() function for EF10 (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add ndo_set_vf_mac() function for EF10 (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Initialise MCDI buffers to 0 on declaration (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable a VF to get its own MAC address (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: protect filter table against use-after-free (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Store the efx_nic struct of the current VF in the VF data struct (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: save old MAC address in case sriov_mac_address_changed fails (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Store vf_index in nic_data for Ef10 (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: MC_CMD_SET_MAC can only be called by the link control Function (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: change definition of MC_CMD_VADAPTOR_ALLOC (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add permissions to MCDI commands (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: nicer log message on Siena SR-IOV probe fail (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: suppress some MCDI error messages in PTP (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: nicer log message on PTP probe fail (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Bind the sfc driver to any available VF's (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add use of shared RSS contexts (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Cope with permissions enforcement added to firmware for SR-IOV (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: manually allocate and free vadaptors (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: create vports for VFs and assign random MAC addresses (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Prepare to bind the sfc driver to the VF (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: get the PF number and record in nic_data (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: create VEB vswitch and vport above default firmware setup (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: record the PF's vport ID in nic_data (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Record [rt]x_dpcpu_fw_id in EF10 nic_data (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Use MCDI to set FILTER_OP_IN_TX_DOMAIN (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable VF's via a write to the sysfs file sriov_numvfs (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Move and rename efx_vf struct to siena_vf (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Own header for nic-specific sriov functions, single instance of netdev_ops and sriov removed from Falcon code (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix memcpy() with const destination compiler warning (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Revert SRIOV changes (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable VF's via a write to the sysfs file sriov_numvfs (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Own header for nic-specific sriov functions, single instance of netdev_ops and sriov removed from Falcon code (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: codespell comment spelling fixes (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: don't BUG_ON efx->max_channels == 0 in probe (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Add NIC type operations to replace direct calls from efx.c into siena_sriov.c (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename implementations in siena_sriov.c to have a 'siena' prefix (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Move the current VF state from efx_nic into siena_nic_data (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: remove incorrect EFX_BUG_ON_PARANOID check (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: add support for skb->xmit_more (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: fix addr_list_lock spinlock use before init (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Convert the normal transmit complete path to dev_consume_skb_any() (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] sfc: Use ether_addr_copy and eth_broadcast_addr (Jarod Wilson) [1199178] - [netdrv] fm10k: Support for configurable RSS hash function (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add CONFIG_FM10K_VXLAN configuration option (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Bump driver version to 0.15.2 (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: corrected VF multicast update (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: mbx_update_max_size does not drop all oversized messages (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: reset head instead of calling update_max_size (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: renamed mbx_tx_dropped to mbx_tx_oversized (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: update xcast mode before synchronizing multicast addresses (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: start service timer on probe (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix function header comment (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: comment next_vf_mbx flow (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: don't handle mailbox events in iov_event path and always process mailbox (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: use separate workqueue for fm10k driver (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Set PF queues to unlimited bandwidth during virtualization (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: expose tx_timeout_count as an ethtool stat (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: only increment tx_timeout_count in Tx hang path (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: remove extraneous "Reset interface" message (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: separate PF only stats so that VF does not display them (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: use hw->mac.max_queues for stats (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: only show actual queues, not the maximum in hardware (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: allow creation of VLAN on default vid (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix unused warnings (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add netconsole support (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Have the VF get the default VLAN during init (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Correct spelling mistake (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Remove redundant rx_errors in ethtool (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Corrected an error in Tx statistics (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Resolve various spelling errors and checkpatch warnings (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Resolve compile warnings with W=1 (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Validate VLAN ID in fm10k_update_xc_addr_pf (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Increase the timeout for the data path reset (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Check tunnel header length in encap offload (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Avoid double setting of NETIF_F_SG for the HW encapsulation feature mask (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Clean-up page reuse code (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Use dma_rmb on Rx descriptor reads (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Unlock mailbox on VLAN addition failures (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Check the host state when bringing the interface up (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: fix race accessing page->_count (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Correctly set the number of Tx queues (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Reduce buffer size when pages are larger than 4K (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: using vmalloc requires including linux/vmalloc.h (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for PTP (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for ptp to hw specific files (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for debugfs (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for IEEE DCBx (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for SR-IOV to driver (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for SR-IOV to PF core files (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for VF (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for PF <-> VF mailbox (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for MACVLAN acceleration (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for netdev offloads (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for multiple queues (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for PCI power management and error handling (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add ethtool support (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add transmit and receive fastpath and interrupt handlers (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add Tx/Rx hardware ring bring-up/tear-down (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add service task to handle delayed events (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: add support for Tx/Rx rings (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add interrupt support (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for ndo_open/stop (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for L2 filtering (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [net] Add support for device specific address syncing (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [net] remove dead code for add/del multiple (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add netdev (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for configuring PF interface (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for PF (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Implement PF <-> SM mailbox operations (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for mailbox (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for basic interaction with hardware (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add support for TLV message parsing and generation (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add register defines and basic structures (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] fm10k: Add skeletal frame for Intel(R) FM10000 Ethernet Switch Host Interface Driver (Neil Horman) [1173790] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix trivial typo in comment (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Delete existing multicast MAC list before adding new (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlogic: Deletion of unnecessary checks before two function calls (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix NAPI poll routine for Tx completion (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix dump_skb output (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix return value in qlcnic_probe() (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix number of arguments in destroy tx context command (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix programming number of arguments in a command (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix ordering of stats in stats buffer (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Remove __QLCNIC_DEV_UP bit check to read TX queues statistics (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix memory corruption while reading stats using ethtool (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Use qlcnic_83xx_flash_read32() API instead of lockless version of the API (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Set skb->csum_level for encapsulated checksum (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.62 (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support to run firmware POST (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Use usleep_range() instead of msleep() for sleep less than 20ms (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Add support for 0x8830 device ID (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Update Link speed and port type info for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix endianess issue in firmware load from file operation (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix endianess issue in FW dump template header (Chad Dupuis) [1187297] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Fix flash access interface to application (Chad Dupuis) [1187297]- [scsi] megaraid: initialise block layer for using tagged commands (Tomas Henzl) [1234834] - [x86] irq: Fix bug in setting IOAPIC pin attributes (Steve Best) [1231358 1234860] - [x86] mm: Fix missing change to call of flush_tlb_others() in flush_tlb_mm_range() (Larry Woodman) [1172891] - [net] svcrpc: fix potential GSSX_ACCEPT_SEC_CONTEXT decoding failures (Scott Mayhew) [1120860] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix occasional leak of a metadata block on resize (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: fix a race when entering fail mode (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin: fail messages with EOPNOTSUPP when pool cannot handle messages (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin: range discard support (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: add dm_thin_remove_range() (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: add dm_thin_find_mapped_range() (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-btree: add dm_btree_remove_leaves() (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup schedule_zero() to read more logically (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup overwrite's endio restore to be centralized (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] bio: fix kABI breakage when __bi_remaining was added to struct bio (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] bio: extend struct bio with RHEL-specific struct bio_aux (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] block: remove management of bi_remaining when restoring original bi_end_io (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] bio: skip atomic inc_dec of ->bi_remaining for non-chains (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] block: remove unused BIO_RW_BLOCK and BIO_EOF flags (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] block: Fix BUG_ON when pi errors occur (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] dm-raid1: fix immutable biovec related BUG when retrying read bio (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] btrfs: fix wrong error handle when the device is missing or is not writeable (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] btrfs: fix deadlock when mounting a degraded fs (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] btrfs: use bio_endio_nodec instead of open code (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] btrfs: fix missing increment of bi_remaining (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] block: fixup for generic bio chaining (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [md] block: Generic bio chaining (Mike Snitzer) [1222004] - [vhost] relax used address alignment (Thomas Huth) [1227341] - [virtio] virtio_ring: document alignment requirements (Thomas Huth) [1227341] - [s390] pci: fix possible information leak in mmio syscall (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182169] - [s390] pci: add missing address space annotation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182169] - [s390] kernel: add system calls for PCI memory access (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182169] - [s390] hmcdrv: HMC drive CD/DVD access (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182294] - [s390] irq: Use defines for external interruption codes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182294] - [s390] irq: Add defines for external interruption codes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182294] - [vfio] Fix runaway interruptible timeout (Alex Williamson) [1211739] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Log device requests more verbosely (Alex Williamson) [1211739] - [vfio] pci: Fix racy vfio_device_get_from_dev() call (Alex Williamson) [1230362] - [scsi] iscsi: Fix iscsi endpoints leak (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: fix potential buffer overrun in (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi_tcp: export port being used (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi_class: Fix freeing of skb in get host error path (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: return new error code when nop times out (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi_class: fix get_host_stats return code when not (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi_class: fix get_host_stats error handling (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi: kill redundant casts (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: Fix static checker warning on bh locking (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi_tcp: check for valid session before accessing (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi_boot_sysfs: Fix a memory leak in (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: remove unneeded queue work when max_cmdsn is (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: Reduce locking contention in fast path (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: Restructure iscsi_tcp r2t response logic (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] iscsi: fix wrong order of opcode and itt in (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [scsi] libiscsi: Add local_ipaddr parameter in iscsi_conn (Chris Leech) [1231606] - [net] rename local_df to ignore_df (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] netlink: implement nla_get_in_addr and nla_get_in6_addr (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] netlink: implement nla_put_in_addr and nla_put_in6_addr (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] xfrm: simplify xfrm_address_t use (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] tcp: simplify inetpeer_addr_base use (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] Introduce possible_net_t (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] Replace u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh to u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq (Jiri Benc) [1200759] - [net] Add support to configure SR-IOV VF minimum and maximum Tx rate through ip tool (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] gro: add a per device gro flush timer (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] introduce extended napi_struct (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] xfrm: announce deleation of temporary SA (Herbert Xu) [1210334] - [net] rtnetlink: fix userspace API breakage for iproute2 < v3.9.0 (Michal Schmidt) [1191660] - [net] netlink: rate-limit leftover bytes warning and print process name (Michal Schmidt) [1191660] - [net] tcp: RFC7413 option support for Fast Open client (Marcelo Leitner) [1219204] - [net] tcp: RFC7413 option support for Fast Open server (Marcelo Leitner) [1219204] - [net] tcp: fix saving TX flow hash in sock for outgoing connections (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] flow_dissector: Call skb_get_hash in get_xps_queue and __skb_tx_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] ipv6: provide stubs for ip6_set_txhash and ip6_make_flowlabel (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] ip: Save TX flow hash in sock and set in skbuf on xmit (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] flow_dissector: Abstract out hash computation (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] Rename skb->rxhash to skb->hash (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [netdrv] sky2: sky2 calls skb_set_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [netdrv] cxgb4: cxgb4 calls skb_set_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] flow_dissector: initialize hashrnd in flow_dissector with net_get_random_once (Ivan Vecera) [1215920] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: avoid percpu ruleset duplication (Phil Sutter) [1231910] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: xt_free_table_info() cleanup (Phil Sutter) [1231910] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: use percpu rule counters (Phil Sutter) [1231910] - [net] fix wrong mac_len calculation for vlans (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] Start with correct mac_len in skb_network_protocol (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] Account for all vlan headers in skb_mac_gso_segment (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] vti6: Add pmtu handling to vti6_xmit (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti, vti6: Preserve skb->mark after rcv_cb call (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] xfrm: Override skb->mark with tunnel->parm.i_key in xfrm_input (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti, vti6: Do not touch skb->mark on xmit (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ip_tunnel: Report Rx dropped in ip_tunnel_get_stats64 (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: implement ndo_get_iflink (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: advertise link netns via netlink (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ah6: Use the IPsec protocol multiplexer API (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ipcomp6: Use the IPsec protocol multiplexer API (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] esp6: Use the IPsec protocol multiplexer API (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] esp: fix potential MTU calculation overflows (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti: Simplify error handling in module init and exit (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] xfrm6: Properly handle unsupported protocols (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: fix uninit when using x-netns (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Add a lookup method for tunnels with wildcard endpoints (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Allow sending packets through tunnels with wildcard endpoints (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Use vti6_dev_init as the ndo_init function (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] better IFF_XMIT_DST_RELEASE support (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] move net_device priv_flags out from UAPI (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] kdoc struct net_device flags and priv_flags (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Return an error when adding an existing tunnel (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Simplify error handling in module init and exit (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: delete unneeded call to netdev_priv (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Use the tunnel mark for lookup in the error handlers (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Don't unregister pernet ops twice on init errors (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Enable namespace changing (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Check the tunnel endpoints of the xfrm state and the vti interface (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Support inter address family tunneling (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Update the ipv6 side to use its own receive hook (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] xfrm6: Add IPsec protocol multiplexer (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] xfrm: Introduce xfrm_input_afinfo to access the the callbacks properly (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Remove caching of flow informations (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: Remove dst_entry caching (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] vti6: unify the pcpu_tstats and br_cpu_netstats as one (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ipv6: fix the use of pcpu_tstats in ip6_vti.c (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ip_tunnel: the lack of vti_link_ops' dellink() cause kernel panic (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ipv6: Add support for IPsec virtual tunnel interfaces (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [net] ipv6: Add a receive path hook for vti6 in xfrm6_mode_tunnel (Alexander Duyck) [1129761] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: use spin_[un]lock_bh around tx_clean_lock (2) (Tony Camuso) [1217748] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: use spin_[un]lock_bh around tx_clean_lock (Tony Camuso) [1217748]- [block] xen-blkfront: fix accounting of reqs when migrating (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: remove redundant flush_op (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: improve protection against issuing unsupported REQ_FUA (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: factor out flush-related checks from do_blkif_request() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: remove type check from blkfront_setup_discard (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkif: drop struct blkif_request_segment_aligned (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: Fix possible NULL ptr dereference (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: Silence pfn maybe-uninitialized warning (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: restore the non-persistent data path (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: improve aproximation of required grants per request (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [block] xen-blkfront: revoke foreign access for grants not mapped by the backend (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1096909] - [netdrv] e1000e: Bump the version to 3.2.5 (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix unit hang during loopback test (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix systim issues (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix legacy interrupt handling in i219 (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix flush_desc_ring implementation (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix logical error in flush_desc_rings (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove call to do_div and sign mismatch warning (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: i219 execute unit hang fix on every reset or power state transition (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: i219 fix unit hang on reset and runtime D3 (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add pm_qos header (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix call to do_div() to use u64 arg (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Do not allow CRC stripping to be disabled on 82579 w/ jumbo frames (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup handling of VLAN_HLEN as a part of max frame size (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use dma_rmb instead of rmb for descriptor read ordering (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: NVM write protect access removed from SPT HW (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: call netif_carrier_off early on down (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: remove calls to ioremap/unmap for NVM addr (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix obscure comments (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: initial support for i219 (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: support txtd update delay via xmit_more (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use eth_skb_pad and skb_put_padto helpers (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Eliminate CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: Cleanup return values in ethtool (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: delete excessive space character in debug message (John Greene) [1173782] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix trivial kernel doc typos (John Greene) [1173782] - [virtio] Add virtio-input driver (Gerd Hoffmann) [1231743] - [kvm] ioapic: Record edge-triggered interrupts delivery status (Gerd Hoffmann) [1173817] - [kernel] sched: Fix KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE overflow during cpumask allocation (Frank Ramsay) [1209156] - [x86] kvm: fix lapic.timer_mode on restore (Radim Krcmar) [1228342] - [pci] Add ACS quirks for Intel 1G NICs (Alex Williamson) [1176512] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Assign subdevice ids automatically (Prarit Bhargava) [1231296] - [x86] kernel: Load TLS descriptors before switching DS and ES (Adrian Reber) [1223330] {CVE-2014-9419} - [powerpc] kvm: Correct backport of h_logical_ci_{load, store} (David Gibson) [1229952] - [powerpc] rcu: Make list_splice_init_rcu() account for RCU readers (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove powernv RTAS support (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv/iommu: disable IOMMU bypass with param iommu=nobypass (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] pseries: Avoid deadlock on removing ddw (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] iommu: Remove IOMMU device references via bus notifier (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Use it_page_shift for TCE invalidation (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Use it_page_shift in TCE build (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] iommu: Fix comments with it_page_shift (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Shift VF resource with an offset (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Set PELTV for compound PEs (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Reserve additional space for IOV BAR according to the number of total_pe (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] pci: Keep individual VF BAR size in struct pci_sriov (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] pci: Remove fixed parameter in pci_iov_resource_bar() (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] pci: Print PF SR-IOV resource that contains all VF(n) BAR space (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] pci-ioda: Use a single function to emit logging messages (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] pci-ioda: Remove unnecessary return value from printk (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Allocate struct pnv_ioda_pe iommu_table dynamically (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] add real mode support for dma operations on powernv (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: Add a page size parameter to pnv_pci_setup_iommu_table() (David Gibson) [1232550] - [powerpc] powernv: only register log if OPAL supports doing so (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: only call OPAL_ELOG_RESEND if firmware supports it (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: Check OPAL elog calls exist before using (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: fix world-writable sysfs files (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: only call OPAL_RESEND_DUMP if firmware supports it (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: Check OPAL dump calls exist before using (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: Improve error messages in dump code (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [powerpc] powernv: fix world-writable sysfs files (0/8) (Gustavo Duarte) [1221918] - [perf] probe: Ignore tail calls to probed functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: ppc64le: Fixup function entry if using kallsyms lookup (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: ppc64le: Prefer symbol table lookup over DWARF (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: ppc64le: Fix ppc64 ABIv2 symbol decoding (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: ppc: Enable matching against dot symbols automatically (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: ppc: Use the right prefix when ignoring SyS symbols on ppc (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: ppc: Fix symbol fixup issues due to ELF type (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] probe: Improve detection of file/function name in the probe: pattern (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [perf] powerpc/kprobes: Fix kallsyms lookup across powerpc ABIv1 and ABIv2 (Gustavo Duarte) [1223850] - [powerpc] eeprom: at24: extend driver to allow writing via i2c_smbus_write_byte_data (Gustavo Duarte) [1221093] - [powerpc] misc/at24: avoid infinite loop on write() (Gustavo Duarte) [1221093] - [powerpc] misc: at24: move header to linux/platform_data/ (Gustavo Duarte) [1221093] - [powerpc] drivers/misc: at24: convert to use devm_kzalloc (Gustavo Duarte) [1221093] - [hwmon] config: Enable IBM POWERNV platform sensors for ppc64le (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] powerpc/powernv: handle OPAL_SUCCESS return in opal_sensor_read (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] powerpc/powernv: convert codes returned by OPAL calls (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: Fix build error seen for some configurations (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: pretty print labels (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: add a label attribute (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: add support for the new device tree (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: add a helper routine create_hwmon_attr (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: do not use the OPAL index for hwmon attribute names (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: change create_hwmon_attr_name() prototype (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: add a convert_opal_attr_name() routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: add a get_sensor_type() routine (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: replace AMBIENT_TEMP by TEMP (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: Convert to module_platform_driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: Use platform 'id_table' to probe the device (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: Quieten when probing finds no device (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: Use of_property_read_u32 at appropriate place (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [hwmon] ibmpowernv: hwmon driver for power, fan rpm, voltage and temperature (Gustavo Duarte) [1224367] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s: hv: Fix an issue where guest is paused on receiving HMI (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix the hmi event version check (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] powernv: Fallback to old HMI handling behavior for old firmware (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] book3s: Don't clear MSR_RI in hmi handler (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] use machine_subsys_initcall() for opal_hmi_handler_init() (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix endianess issue for HMI handling on napping cpus (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] book3s: handle HMIs for cpus in nap mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] powernv: Invoke opal call to handle hmi (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [powerpc] book3s: Add basic infrastructure to handle HMI in Linux (Gustavo Duarte) [1221091] - [i2c] move OF helpers into the core (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] Improve logging on failure to probe for ->class devices (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] add sanity check to i2c_put_adapter (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] opal: Update quirk flags to do write-then-anything (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] opal: make use of the new infrastructure for quirks (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] add quirk checks to core (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] add quirk structure to describe adapter flaws (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075] - [i2c] Driver to expose PowerNV platform i2c busses (Gustavo Duarte) [1221075]- [fs] vfs: atomic f_pos access in llseek() (Zach Brown) [1175954] - [fs] vfs: atomic f_pos accesses as per POSIX (Zach Brown) [1175954] - [fs] nfs: remove WARN_ON_ONCE from nfs_direct_good_bytes (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: fix DIO good bytes calculation (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: Refactor the *_layout_mark_request_commit to use pnfs_layout_mark_request_commit (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix a compile error when #undef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Do not dprintk after the free (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: mirroring support for direct io (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: lookup new lseg at lseg boundary (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: .init_read and .init_write can be called with valid pg_lseg (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: Update documentation on the Layout Drivers (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs/flexfiles: Add the FlexFile Layout Driver (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: count DIO good bytes correctly with mirroring (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: wait for LAYOUTRETURN before retrying LAYOUTGET (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: add a helper to set NFS_ODIRECT_RESCHED_WRITES to direct writes (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: add NFS_LAYOUT_RETRY_LAYOUTGET to layout header flags (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs/flexfiles: send layoutreturn before freeing lseg (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: introduce NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN_BEFORE_CLOSE (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: allow async version layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: add range to layoutreturn args (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: allow LD to ask to resend read through pnfs (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: add nfs_pgio_current_mirror helper (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: only reset desc->pg_mirror_idx when mirroring is supported (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: add a debug warning if we destroy an unempty layout (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: fail comparison when bucket verifier not set (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: add mirroring support to pgio layer (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: pass ds_commit_idx through the commit path (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: rename pgio header ds_idx to ds_commit_idx (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: handle overlapping reqs in lock_and_join (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: release lseg in pnfs_generic_pg_cleanup (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: introduce pg_cleanup op for pgio descriptors (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: use pnfs_error_mark_layout_for_return (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: clear NFS_LAYOUT_RETURN if layoutreturn is sent or failed to send (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: send layoutreturn in last put_lseg (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: don't use a layout if it is marked for returning (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: add a helper to mark layout for return (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: make a helper function to send layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: pass iomode through layoutreturn args (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: save server READ/WRITE/COMMIT status (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: serialize first layoutget of a file (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: close a small race window when adding new layout to global list (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs/flexclient: export pnfs_layoutcommit_inode (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: set hostname when creating nfsv3 ds connection (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] sunrpc: add rpc_count_iostats_idx (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] sunrpc: serialize iostats updates (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfsv4.1/nfsv3: Add pNFS callbacks for nfs3_(read|write|commit)_done() (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: allow to specify cred in nfs_initiate_pgio (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs4: export nfs4_sequence_done (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs4: pass slot table to nfs40_setup_sequence (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs: allow different protocol in nfs_initiate_commit (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: Add nfs_rpc_ops in calls to nfs_initiate_pgio (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: create NFSv3 DS connection if specified (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: allow LD to choose DS connection version/minor_version (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfsv3: introduce nfs3_set_ds_client (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: move file layout macros to generic pnfs (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: allow LD to choose DS connection auth flavor (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: pull nfs4_ds_connect from file layout to generic pnfs (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: pull decode_ds_addr from file layout to generic pnfs (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] nfs41: pull data server cache from file layout to generic pnfs (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: Do not grab the commit_info lock twice when rescheduling writes (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] pnfs: Prepare for flexfiles by pulling out common code (Steve Dickson) [1217590] - [fs] cifs: Fix readpages retrying on reconnects (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] Update cifs version (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE error mapping for SMB2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Optimize readpages in a short read case on reconnects (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Optimize cifs_user_read() in a short read case on reconnects (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Improve indentation in cifs_user_read() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix possible buffer corruption in cifs_user_read() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Count got bytes in read_into_pages() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Use separate var for the number of bytes got in async read (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Indicate reconnect with ECONNABORTED error code (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Use multicredits for SMB 2.1/3 reads (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix rsize usage for sync read (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix rsize usage in user read (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate page reading from user read (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix rsize usage in readpages (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate page search from readpages (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Use multicredits for SMB 2.1/3 writes (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix wsize usage in iovec write (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate writing from iovec write (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate filling pages from iovec write (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix cifs_writev_requeue when wsize changes (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix wsize usage in writepages (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate pages initialization from writepages (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate page sending from writepages (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] Remove sparse build warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate page processing from writepages (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Fix async reading on reconnects (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Separate rawntlmssp auth from CIFS_SessSetup() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Split Kerberos authentication off CIFS_SessSetup() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Split ntlm and ntlmv2 authentication methods off CIFS_SessSetup() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Split lanman auth from CIFS_SessSetup() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: replace code with free_rsp_buf() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] fix mount failure with broken pathnames when smb3 mount with mapchars option (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: revalidate mapping prior to satisfying read_iter request with cache=loose (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: switch to ->write_iter() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: switch to ->read_iter() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] kill iov_iter_copy_from_user() (Partial) (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Use min_t() when comparing "size_t" and "unsigned long" (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] fold cifs_iovec_read() into its (only) caller (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs_iovec_read: keep iov_iter between the calls of cifs_readdata_to_iov() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs: Add helpers copy_page_from_iter(), copy_page_to_iter() and iov_iter_truncate() (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] cifs_iovec_read(): resubmit shouldn't restart the loop (Sachin Prabhu) [1197696] - [fs] gfs2: limit quota log messages (Abhijith Das) [1174295] - [fs] gfs2: fix quota updates on block boundaries (Abhijith Das) [1174295] - [fs] gfs2: fix quota refresh race in do_glock() (Abhijith Das) [1174295] - [fs] gfs2: allow fallocate to max out quotas/fs efficiently (Abhijith Das) [1174295] - [fs] gfs2: allow quota_check and inplace_reserve to return available blocks (Abhijith Das) [1174295] - [fs] gfs2: perform quota checks against allocation parameters (Abhijith Das) [1174295]- [alsa] regmap: regcache-rbtree: Fix present bitmap resize (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: rbtree: improve 64bits memory alignment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: rbtree: Make cache_present bitmap per node (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: Add support for discarding parts of the register cache (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: rbtree: Reduce number of nodes, take 2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: rbtree: Simplify adjacent node look-up (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regcache-rbtree: Fix reg_stride != 1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: rbtree: Use range information to allocate nodes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] regmap: rbtree: Factor out node allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pci/msi: Add device flag indicating that 64-bit MSIs don't work (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pm: Add pm_runtime_suspend|resume_force functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pm / runtime: Implement the pm_generic_runtime functions for CONFIG_PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pm / runtime: Fetch runtime PM callbacks using a macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pm / runtime: Respect autosuspend when idle triggers suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] drm/i915/audio: add codec wakeup override enabled/disable callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - fix number of devices query on hotplug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: add native DSD support for JLsounds I2SoverUSB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - remove controller dependency on i915 power well for SKL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: fix missing input volume controls in MAYA44 USB(+) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: add MAYA44 USB+ mixer control names (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Add a fixup for another Acer Aspire 9420 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - moved alloc/free stream pages function to controller library (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - add generic functions to set hdac stream params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Close holes in struct snd_pcm_constraint_list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Close holes in struct snd_pcm_hw_rule (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: remove .wall_clock (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: selection of audio_tstamp type and accuracy reports (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix jack detection at resume with VT codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: don't try to get Outlaw RR2150 sample rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: Fix the id uniqueness check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add mic volume fix quirk for Logitech Quickcam Fusion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Suooprt Dell headset mode for ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Set patch_ops before calling auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pci: Drop superfluous ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Fix/cleanup ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cs46xx: Fix old ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ca0106: Fix/cleanup ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ac97: Fix ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak4xxx-adda: Drop unnecessary ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] opl4: Fix / cleanup ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] dummy: Replace CONFIG_PROC_FS with CONFIG_SND_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] aloop: Drop unnecessary ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Fix randconfig build wrt CONFIG_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Drop unused fields from struct hda_codec_preset (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] replace CONFIG_PROC_FS with CONFIG_SND_PROC_FS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] kconfig: add config item SND_PROC_FS for expert (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] bcd2000: Make local data static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] lx6464es: Use NULL for pointers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] lx6464es: Fix duplicated SSID entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] dummy: make local data static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: add IEC958 channel status helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: add DRM ELD helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: Remove MODULE_*() macros (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move hda_i915.c from sound/pci/hda to sound/hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add headset-mode* model options for ALC269 & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: support for Alienware 15 Creative Sound Core3D-EX (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - add hda_intel_trace.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - rename hda_intel_trace.h to hda_controller_trace.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/hdmi - Add Tegra210 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/hdmi - Add Tegra114 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/hdmi - Add Tegra30 support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/tegra - Improve error reporting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/hdmi - Implement Tegra-specific patch (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/tegra - Set CORBRP self-clear flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] info: Drop kerneldoc comment from snd_info_create_entry() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] info: Move list addition to snd_info_create_entry() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] info: Register proc entries recursively, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] info: Fix leaks of child entries at snd_info_free_entry() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Support headset mode for ALC298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Remove unused call to "get_pin" in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/tegra - Fix oops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - reset display codec when power on (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: fix a randconfig build issue (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: Fix another NULL dereference due to empty input jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: don't report input event for phantom jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Reduce ifdef CONFIG_SND_HDA_I915 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - remove controller dependency on i915 power well for Baytrail/Braswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - divide controller and codec dependency on i915 gfx power well (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - implement link_power ops for i915 display power control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - allow a codec to control the link power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - implement a refcount for i915 power well switch (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: remove exporting ctljack functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Update to use the new jack kctls method (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: extend snd_jack_new to support phantom jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: handle jack embedded kcontrol creating within ctljack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] jack: implement kctl creating for jack devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Clean up OSS proc file management (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Build conditionally and remove superfluous ifdefs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Don't ignore errors at creating proc files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Remove superfluous exit calls for proc entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Manage asound root directory with snd_info_entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Remove child proc file elements recursively (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Fix possible memory leaks at error path in info.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Replace with IS_ENABLED() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Use seq_file for text proc file reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Replace open codes with snd_hdac_stream_set_params() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move prepared flag into struct hdac_stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Replace hda_bus_ops with static binding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] remove deprecated use of pci api (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Drop azx_sd_read*/write*() macros (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/tegra - Fix build error and warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Reenable tracepoints for controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move PCM format and rate handling code to core library (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Minor refactoring (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Embed bus into controller object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Migrate more hdac_stream codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Migrate hdac_stream into legacy driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Pass bus io_ops directly from the top-level driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move send_cmd / get_response to hdac_bus_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Merge codec and controller helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add DSP loader to core library code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add the controller helper codes to hda-core module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Handle error from get_response bus ops directly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix lost sound due to stream_pm ops cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Disable Headphone Mic boost for ALC662 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Disable power_save_node for IDT92HD71bxx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix noise on AMD radeon 290x controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Set stream_pm ops automatically by generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Add ALC256 alias name for Dell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] revert "alsa: hda - Add mute-LED mode control to Thinkpad" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add quirk for MS LifeCam HD-3000 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Disable widget power-saving for ALC292 & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Reduce verbs by node power-saves (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add quirk for MS LifeCam Studio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Modify double acknowledged interrupts check condition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - ALC292 dock fix for Thinkpad L450 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add Conexant codecs CX20721, CX20722, CX20723 and CX20724 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix headset mic and mic-in for a Dell desktop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add headset mic quirk for Dell Inspiron 5548 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Add ALC298 alias name for Dell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Fix typo for ALC286/ALC288 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add headphone quirk for Lifebook E752 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Emu10k2 32 bit DMA mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix missing va_end() call in snd_hda_codec_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Fix card shortname string buffer overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add mute-LED mode control to Thinkpad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix mute-LED fixed mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix click noise at start on Dell XPS13 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - fix headset mic detection problem for one more machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Fix Headphone Mic doesn't recording for ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - fix "num_steps = 0" error on ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix audio output on Roland SC-D70 sound module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - add AZX_DCAPS_I915_POWERWELL to Baytrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - only sync BCLK to the display clock for Haswell & Broadwell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Mute headphone pin on suspend on XPS13 9333 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - potential (but unlikely) uninitialized variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix regression for slave SPDIF setups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] intel8x0: Check pci_iomap() success for DEVICE_ALI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - simplify azx_has_pm_runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Enable the ALC292 dock fixup on the Thinkpad T450 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctl: fix to handle several elements added by one operation for userspace element (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Fix a typo of SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_ACCESS_TLV_* with SNDRV_CTL_TLV_OP_* (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Don't attempt to get Microsoft Lifecam Cinema sample rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: add toggles for E-mu 1010 optical ports (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctl: fill identical information to return value when adding userspace elements (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctl: fix a bug to return no identical information in info operation for userspace controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctl: confirm to return all identical information in 'activate' event (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: handle dock disconnects (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add dock support for ThinkPad X250 (17aa:2226) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: fill client ID in return value of pool operation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: don't deadlock in proc-functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Fix a typo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctl: evaluate macro instead of numerical value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb - Creative USB X-Fi Pro SB1095 volume knob support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/via - Add missing stream_pm ops setup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Fix the regression by widget power-saving (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/generic - Don't override power_filter when power_save_node is set (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/generic - Make snd_hda_gen_path_power_filter() always applicable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/generic - Fix wrong initial power state for fixed pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/generic - Check power state cap at updating the widget power (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix headphone pin config for Lifebook T731 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Work around races of power up/down with runtime PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC288 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Support headset mode for ALC286/288 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Make more stable to get pin sense for ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda_intel: add AZX_DCAPS_I915_POWERWELL for SKL and BSW (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: add Audigy 5/Rx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Use const struct ac97_quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: fix possible null dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: don't try to get Benchmark DAC1 sample rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Support Dell headset mode for ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Enable widget power saving for Realtek codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Sync node attributes at resume from widget power saving (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add a fake stereo amp register support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Allow driver to add vendor-specific verbs for regmap (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add one more node in the EAPD supporting candidate list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda_intel: apply the Seperate stream_tag for Sunrise Point (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/via - Add beep controls to VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Remove superfluous hda_nid_t definition in hda_codec.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Fix duplicate const for clock sources (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add dock support for Thinkpad T450s (17aa:5036) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: read past end of array (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak411x: simplify snd_ak4113_create() a bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use regmap for command verb caches, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use regmap for parameter caches, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use regmap for amp accesses (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Implement uncached version of parameter reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use regmap for codec parameter reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add regmap support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move generic array helpers to core lib (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Re-add tracepoints to HD-audio core driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix possible runtime PM refcount unbalance (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Support indirect execution of verbs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add widget sysfs tree (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move a part of hda_codec stuff into hdac_device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move some codes up to hdac_bus struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Make snd_hda_bus_type public (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Rename power_mgmt flag with power_save_node (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix power of pins used for mute LED with vrefs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Adjust power of beep widget and outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use the new power control for VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Support advanced power state controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: esi w192m: Add sampling rate control of the ADC/DAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: esi w192m: Add text Line in/Mic for selecting input gain state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: esi w192m: Add TLV support for control value in dB scale (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: esi w192m: Enable midi i/o of port envy24 chip as available (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: esi w192m: Update eeprom structure to C99 standard (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: esi w192m: Correct copy/paste from prodigy driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Simplify PCM setup overrides (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Treat stereo-to-mono mix properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use shutdown driver ops instead of reboot notifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Don't access stereo amps for mono channel widgets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Fix breakage of user ctl element addition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add workaround for MacBook Air 5,2 built-in mic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Set single_adc_amp flag for CS420x codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] snd-usb: add quirks for Roland UA-22 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Add sanity checks for user ctl id name string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix built-in mic on Compaq Presario CQ60 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Fix init order of snd_seq_device stuff (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Drop superfluous error/debug messages after malloc failures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Drop superfluous error/debug messages after malloc failures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq_oss: Drop superfluous error/debug messages after malloc failures (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: reduce stack usage related to snd_ctl_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: use precomputed table to check userspace control params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix regression of HD-audio controller fallback modes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ac97: ac97_patch: Simplify patch_vt1613_specific() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ac97: Add VT1613 AC97 codec support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - One more Dell macine needs DELL1_MIC_NO_PRESENCE quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] opl3: small array underflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Clamp values correctly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Check Marantz/Denon USB DACs in a single place (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Fix spelling typo in Documentation/DocBook/alsa-driver-api.xml (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Release resources in device release callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use standard workqueue for unsol and jack events (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Build PCMs and controls at codec driver probe (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Implement unbind more safely (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Re-add snd_device_disconnect() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Don't assume non-NULL PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Allocate hda_pcm objects dynamically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Remove superfluous memory allocation error messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add card field to hda_codec struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Split snd_hda_build_pcms() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Clear pcm pointer assigned to hda_pcm at device removal (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Remove channel mode helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Set parent of input beep devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Power down codec automatically at registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Replace bus pm_notify with the standard runtime PM framework (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Drop power_save value indirection in hda_bus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cmipci: remove a stray space character (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] azt3328: some indenting cleanups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Disable runtime PM for Panther Point again (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: controller code - do not export static functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Don't leave PREPARED state after draining (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use standard runtime PM for codec power-save control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move codec suspend/resume to codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Bind codecs via standard bus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Decouple PCM and hwdep devices from codec object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add pin configs for ASUS mobo with IDT 92HD73XX codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Don't ignore internal PCMs in snd_pcm_dev_disconnect() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Don't notify internal PCMs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Don't add internal PCMs to PCM device list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Minor refactoring in snd_pcm_attach_substream() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: replace .wallclock by .get_time_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: add .get_time_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: pass audio tstamp config from userspace in compat mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: pass audio tstamp config from userspace (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Avoid unnecessary power-up at mixer amp changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Split azx_codec_create() to two phases (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Drop azx_mixer_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fold hda_priv.h into hda_controller.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Introduce azx_has_pm_runtime() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb: Fix support for Denon DA-300USB DAC (ID 154e:1003) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Embed struct hda_bus_unsolicited into struct hda_bus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Drop hda_bus_template for snd_hda_bus_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm - DRY cleanup of snd_pcm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm - DRY cleanup in .release callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm - DRY cleanup in .open callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Consolidate snd_find_free_minor() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Don't attempt to get Lifecam HD-5000 sample rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/tegra check correct return value from ioremap_resource (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm - Constrain periods to 2 on older cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - enable mute led quirk for one more hp machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Drop snd_seq_autoload_lock() and _unlock() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Define driver object in each driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Clean up device and driver structs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Rewrite sequencer device binding with standard bus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Don't compile snd_seq_device_load_drivers() for built-in (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Move EXPORT_SYMBOL() after each function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: potential out of bounds in do_control() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Improve line6_read/write_data() interfaces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: toneport: Use explicit type for firmware version (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Use explicit type for serial number (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Return EIO if read/write not successful (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Return error if device not responding (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Add delay before reading status (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add docking station support for another HP machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: fix failure to return new numerical ID in 'replace' event data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb: update trigger timestamp on first non-zero URB submitted (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: read trigger_timestamp immediately after starting DMA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: allow for trigger_tstamp snapshot in .trigger (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: don't override timestamp unconditionally (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] off by one bug in snd_riptide_joystick_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: fix failure to return numerical ID in 'add' event (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Pass driver name to line6_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Pass toneport pointer to toneport_has_led() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Add toneport_has_source_select() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Get rid of unused variable in pod.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Create sysfs via snd_card_add_dev_attr() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Add a helper to add a new attribute group to card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Set up GPIO for Toshiba Satellite S50D (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: fixup of line6_start_timer argument type (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: use msecs_to_jiffies for conversion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Drop snd_get_device() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Simplify snd_device_register() variants (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] compress: Embed struct device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Handle the device directly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] timer: Handle the device directly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] timer: Propagate the error at initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rawmidi: Use rawmidi device file for kernel messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rawmidi: Embed struct device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Embed struct device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hwdep: Embed struct device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Embed struct device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Add a helper to initialize device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Provide a helper to look for the preferred subdevice (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Allow to pass the device object to snd_register_device*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove unused line6_midibuf_skip_message() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove unused line6_midibuf_status() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak411x: Fix race of reinit() calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak411x: Add PM helper functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak4114: Move EXPORT_SYMBOL() after each function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak411x: Fix stall in work callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove snd_line6_ prefix of pcm property fields (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove invalid capability bits for PODxt Live Variax (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove struct usb_line6_podhd (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Move the contents of usbdefs.h into driver.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove revision.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Tidy up and typo fixes in comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Fix volume calculation for big-endian (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Add snd_interval_ranges() and snd_pcm_hw_constraint_ranges() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usx2y: Move UAPI definition into include/uapi/sound/usb_stream.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] au88x0: Remove superfluous ifdef __KERNEL__ (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Include linux/uaccess.h and linux/bitopts.h instead of asm/* (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Include linux/io.h instead of asm/io.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Handle error from line6_pcm_acquire() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Make common PCM pointer callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Reorganize PCM stream handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Clear prev_fbuf and prev_fsize properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Fix racy loopback handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Minor tidy up in line6_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Let snd_card_new() allocate private data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop interface argument from private_init and disconnect callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Skip volume manipulation during silence copying (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Do clipping in volume / monitor manipulations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Consolidate PCM stream buffer allocation and free (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Use dev_err() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Consolidate URB unlink and sync helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Rearrange PCM structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop voodoo workarounds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Use incremental loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop superfluous spinlock for trigger (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Fix the error recovery in line6_pcm_acquire() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Use logical OR (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Fix missing error handling in line6_pcm_acquire() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Reduce superfluous spinlock in midi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove unused line6_nop_read() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Fix memory leak at probe error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Minor refactoring (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6/toneport: Implement LED controls via LED class (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6/toneport: Fix wrong argument for toneport_has_led() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Don't forget to call driver's destructor at error path (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6/toneport: Move setup_timer() at the beginning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove superfluous NULL checks in each driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Abort if inconsistent usbdev is found at disconnect (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Yet more cleanup of superfluous NULL checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: remove unused callback_all field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: fix off-by-one error in port limit check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: correctly report maximum number of ports (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq-dummy: remove deadlock-causing events on close (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Enable docking station for an HP machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove driver version from header comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Refer to manufacturer as "Line 6" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove superfluous NULL checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop line6_send_program() and line6_transmit_parameter() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Make line6_send_raw_message() static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Sync PCM stop at disconnect (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove superfluous disconnect call in suspend handler (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove CHECK_RETURN macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop MISSING_CASE macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove driver version string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Reorganize card resource handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop superfluous irqsave/irqrestore in PCM trigger callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Don't handle PCM trigger for other cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Remove superfluous out-of-memory error messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop usb_device sysfs symlink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop invalid SNDRV_PCM_INFO_RESUME flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop superfluous snd_device for rawmidi (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Drop superfluous snd_device for PCM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Handle impulse response via control API (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Split to each driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] line6: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdsp: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] korg1212: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak4117: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] serial-u16550: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] opl3: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] mtpav: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] mpu401: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] aloop: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] timer: Use setup_timer() and mod_timer() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] dummy: use setup_timer and mod_timer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add mic volume fix quirk for Logitech Webcam C210 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] add Studio Evolution SE6X support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: add XIO2001 initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: add support for third analog input (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: do not create useless S/PDIF controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix typo in hda_controller.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Select INPUT for Realtek HD-audio codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] move line6 usb driver into sound/usb (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rme*: Use snd_pcm_format_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: add component support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: pass intel_hda to all i915 interface functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: export struct hda_intel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: wm8766: Remove some unused functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] fm801: remove FSF address (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - fixup input_free_device called after input_unregister_device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ymfpci: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] vx222: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] via82xx-modem: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] via82xx: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] trident: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] sis7019: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rme96: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] riptide: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] nm256: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] maestro3: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] intel8x0m: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] intel8x0: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] es1968: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] es1938: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ens137x: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cs5535audio: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cs46xx: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cs4281: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cmipci: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ca0106: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] azt3328: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] atiixp-modem: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] atiixp: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] als4000: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] als300: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ali5451: Simplify PM callbacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add support for Akai MPC Element USB MIDI controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] fm801: PCI core handles power state for us (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Enable mic mute hotkey and LEDs for an HP machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] fm801: move to pcim_* and devm_* functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Debug output which type of fixup was selected (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Print codec->chip_name in autoconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Deletion of checks before the function call "iounmap" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "snd_pcm_suspend" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "kfree" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Deletion of unnecessary checks before the function call "snd_midi_event_free" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: Remove unnecessary snd_pcm_lib_preallocate_free_for_all() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ymfpci: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] trident: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] sonicvibes: Remove always NULL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] riptide: Remove always NULL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] fm801: Remove always NULL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ens1370: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cs46xx: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] cs4281: Remove always NULL parameters (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Remove always NULL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asla: ad1889: Remove always NULL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asoc: sb16: Simplify snd_sb16dsp_pcm() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ml403-ac97cr: Remove always NULL parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: add SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_DRAIN trigger (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: fix an information leak in asihpi_hpi_ioctl() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] snd_pcm_oss_period_size: Use round{up,down}_pow_of_two() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Add support for wildcard msbits constraints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Fix handling of multiple msbits constraints on the same runtime (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - patch_analog.c: Remove some unused functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: wm8776.c: Remove some unused functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add new GPU codec ID 0x10de0072 to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix wrong gpio_dir & gpio_mask hint setups for IDT/STAC codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: fix stream count check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda_intel: apply the Seperate stream_tag for Skylake (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda_controller: Separate stream_tag for input and output streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: extend KEF X300A FU 10 tweak to Arcam rPAC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - New codec support for ALC298 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: update to HPI version 4.14 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: increase tuner pad cache size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: relax firmware version check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix Scarlett 6i6 initialization typo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add quirk for Packard Bell EasyNote MX65 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: add native DSD support for Matrix Audio DACs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - New codec support for ALC256 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Add new Dell desktop for ALC3234 headset mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/hdmi - apply Haswell fix-ups to Skylake display codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Make add_stereo_mix_input flag tristate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Create capture source ctls when stereo mix input is added (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix typos in snd_hda_get_int_hint() kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - add codec ID for Skylake display audio codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] sound / pm: Replace CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME with CONFIG_PM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcxhr: NULL dereference on probe failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] lola: NULL dereference on probe failure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add "eapd" model string for AD1986A codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add EAPD fixup for ASUS Z99He laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Don't resubmit pending URBs at MIDI error recovery (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix built-in mic at resume on Lenovo Ideapad S210 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: Neaten get_daio_rsc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Drop AZX_DCAPS_ALIGN_BUFSIZE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Define the DCAPS preset for the old Intel chipsets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] trident: Deletion of a check before snd_util_memhdr_free() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: Deletion of a check before release_and_free_resource() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Deletion of an unnecessary check before the function call "vfree" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for new Dell machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add support for Zoom R16/24 capture and midi interfaces (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] virmidi: Fix wrong error check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] virmidi: fixed code style issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add mode select quirk for Denon/Marantz DACs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add native DSD support for Denon/Marantz DACs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Allow forcibly enabling/disabling snoop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add AZX_DCAPS_SNOOP_OFF (and refactor snoop setup) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - using uninitialized data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] sound/radeon: Move 64-bit MSI quirk from arch to driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Limit 40bit DMA for AMD HDMI controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: used parts of message/response are zeroed before use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: don't fail probe if adapter mode read fails (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Turn off msg/resp logging after DSP has crashed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Add support for stream interrupt (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Refactor control cache code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Use CONFIG_64BIT directly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Logging format improvements (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: New I/O types - AVB & BLUlink, DAB Rf receiver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Minor string and dead code cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] core: Deletion of unnecessary checks before two function calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Add big-endian DSD sample formats and fix XMOS DSD sample format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add resume support for Scarlett mixers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add resume support for MicroII SPDIF ctls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add resume support for FTU controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add resume support for Native Instruments controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add Digidesign Mbox 1 resume support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add Xonar U1 resume support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add Emu0204 channel switch resume support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add audigy2nx resume support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Allow quirks to handle own resume and proc dump (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - One more HP machine needs to change mute led quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Supported HP mute Led for ALC286 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Refactor ignore_ctl_error checks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use snd_usb_ctl_msg() for Native Instruments quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Clean up mute/mic GPIO LED handling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - fix the mic mute led problem for Latitude E5550 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - move DELL_WMI_MIC_MUTE_LED to the tail in the quirk chain (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Set the Control Selector to SU_SELECTOR_CONTROL for UAC2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdsp: Deletion of an unnecessary check before the function call "release_firmware" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] lola: Deletion of an unnecessary check before the function call "vfree" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice17xx: Deletion of unnecessary checks before the function call "snd_ac97_resume" (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: Deletion of unnecessary checks before two function calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add ctrl message delay quirk for Marantz/Denon devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: consider error value (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: remove unneeded return statement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] 6fire: Convert byte_rev_table uses to bitrev8 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add mute LED control for Lenovo Ideapad Z560 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Scarlett mixer interface for 6i6, 18i6, 18i8 and 18i20 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: make set_*_mix_values functions public (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add private_data pointer to usb_mixer_elem_info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] revert "alsa: usb-audio: Add quirk for Focusrite Scarlett (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Change EAPD to verb control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix memory leak in FTU quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add duplex mode for Digidesign Mbox 1 and enable mixer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add mixer control for Digidesign Mbox 1 clock source (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Fix invalid kerneldoc markers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] mixart: Fix kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix kerneldoc errors in patch_ca0132.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] vx: Fix missing kerneldoc parameter descriptions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix Oops by composite quirk enhancement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Fix document for snd_pcm_stop_xrun() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Allow multiple entries for the same iface in composite quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Add snd_pcm_stop_xrun() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] snd_ctl_activate_id(): Fix index look-up (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Trigger PCM XRUN at XRUN (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Update the state properly before notification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Restore default value for ALC668 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix device_del() sysfs warnings at disconnect (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: cleanup of unnecessary messages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - fix mute led problem for three HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use strim() instead of open code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Pass direct struct pointer instead of list_head (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Flatten probe and disconnect functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Add xrun_injection proc entry (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Replace PCM hwptr tracking with tracepoints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Correct PCM BUG error message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Deletion of unnecessary checks before three function calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: remove all snd_printk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: add reference of struct echoaudio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Refactoring snd_pcm_action() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Simplify snd_pcm_action_lock_irq() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] doc: More kerneldoc comments on core components (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: More kerneldoc updates (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Add missing kerneldoc comments to exported functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Update au0828 quirks table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] simplify au0828 quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add kerneldoc comments to hda_generic.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Update Initial AMP for EAPD control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - change three SSID quirks to one pin quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Set GPIO 4 low for a few HP machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] es1968: Replace timeval with ktime_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add ultra dock support for Thinkpad X240 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add workaround for CMI8888 snoop behavior (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm: remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - More kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Correct kerneldoc comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] au88x0: Kill the rest snd_print*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcxhr: Kill the rest snd_print*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: Kill the rest snd_print*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcxhr: convert timeval to ktime_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Zero-clear reserved fields of PCM status ioctl in compat mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Pass printf argument directly to request_module() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - New SSID for Headset quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ad1889: Fix probable mask then right shift defects (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Update restore default value for ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - Update restore default value for ALC282 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Avoid mmap warnings on x86 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add missing terminating entry to SND_HDA_PIN_QUIRK macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Disable mmap for known broken archs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Remove arch-dependent mmap kludges (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Fix false lockdep warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] 6fire: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] via82xx: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] sonicvibes: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rme9652: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdspm: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hdsp: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rme96: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] rme32: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcxhr: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] korg1212: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1724: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ice1712: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] fm801: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] es1938: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] echoaudio: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ca0106: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] azt3328: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] aw2: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] asihpi: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ac97: Constify more text arrays (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ac97: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ak4xxx-adda: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] vx: Use snd_ctl_elem_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] mts64: Use snd_ctl_elem_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Allow to pass items zero to snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] control: Warn if too long string is passed to snd_ctl_enum_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] drivers: pcsp: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] drivers: mpu401: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] drivers: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use "Line Out" name instead of "PCM" when there are other outputs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix "PCM" name being used on one DAC when there are two DACs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix inverted LED gpio setup for Lenovo Ideapad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - hdmi: Fix missing ELD change event on plug/unplug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add support for Steinberg UR22 USB interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ALC283 codec - Avoid pop noise on headphones during suspend/resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] snd-usb: drop unused varible assigments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] subject: alsa: seq: Remove autoload locks in driver registration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: bind seq driver automatically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: use the same dma mmap codepath both for arm and arm64 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] seq: Use atomic ops for autoload refcount (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] au88x0: pr_* replaced with dev_* (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] au88x0: added reference of vortex_t (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] emu10k1: Fix deadlock in synth voice lookup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Fix referred substream in snd_pcm_action_group() unlock loop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add dock port support to Thinkpad L440 (71aa:501e) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] Allow pass NULL dev for snd_pci_quirk_lookup() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add dock support for Thinkpad T440 (17aa:2212) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb: caiaq: check for cdev->n_streams > 1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Make the inv dmic handling for Realtek use generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add Inverted Internal mic for Samsung Ativ book 9 (NP900X3G) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add inverted internal mic for Asus Aspire 4830T (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: pr_* replaced with dev_* (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: ctatc: added reference to snd_card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: initialized snd_card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: added reference of snd_card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: removed typecast to (struct hw *) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: changed void * to struct hw * (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb: hub: rename khubd to hub_wq in documentation and comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] ctxfi: sparse warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Sort input pins depending on amp caps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Move the function "check_amp_caps" to hda_codec.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - add explicit include of err.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] oxygen: set fifo_size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] virtuoso: add partial Xonar Xense support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: Fix LED commands for Kore controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: fix fifo_size frame calculation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add fixup model name lookup for Lemote A1205 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Replace strnicmp with strncasecmp (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Use standard hda_jack infrastructure for CA0132 driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Remove superfluous hooks from VIA driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Remove superfluous callbacks from STAC/IDT codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Allow multiple callbacks for jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] lx6464es: Use nonatomic PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcxhr: Use nonatomic PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] mixart: Use nonatomic PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] vx: Use nonatomic PCM ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Make snd_hda_jack_detect_enable_callback() returning the jack object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Make snd_hda_jack_tbl_new() static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Get rid of action field from struct hda_jack_tbl (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix invalid pin powermap without jack detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pci: au88x0: printk replacement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: add native DSD support for XMOS based DACs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: add new DSD sampleformat for native DSD playback on XMOS based devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] virtuoso: add Xonar Essence STX II daughterboard support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] virtuoso: add one more headphone impedance setting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] usb-audio: add MIDI port names for the Yamaha MOTIF XF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: snd_interval_step: fix changes of open intervals (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: snd_interval_step: drop the min parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add TLV_DB_SCALE_MUTE bit for relevant controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Uninline snd_pcm_stream_lock() and _unlock() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] pcm: Allow nonatomic trigger operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Make the ALC269 pin quirk table shorter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Add common pin macros for ALC269 family (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move HP_GPIO_MIC1_LED quirk for alc280 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move HP_LINE1_MIC1_LED quirk for alc282 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move HP_MUTE_LED_MIC1 quirk for alc290 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move HP_MUTE_LED_MIC1 quirk for alc282 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move DELL2_MIC_NO_PRESENCE quirk for alc255 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move DELL1_MIC_NO_PRESENCE quirk for alc255 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move DELL1_MIC_NO_PRESENCE quirk for alc283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda/realtek - move DELL2_MIC_NO_PRESENCE quirk for alc292 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix COEF setups for ALC1150 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064] - [alsa] hda - Fix digital mic on Acer Aspire 3830TG (Jaroslav Kysela) [1197064]- [kernel] sched: Fix compiler warnings (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [block] fix ext_dev_lock lockdep report (Jeff Moyer) [1230924] - [net] dcbnl: Disable software interrupts before taking dcb_lock (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [net] dcbnl: Fix misleading dcb_app->priority explanation (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [net] dcb: use __dev_get_by_name instead of dev_get_by_name to find (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [net] dcbevent.h: Remove extern from function prototypes (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [scsi] fcoe: extend ethtool to FC port speed mapping (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Add support for 25Gbit speed (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [scsi] add defines for new FC port speeds (Chris Leech) [1175797] - [scsi] megaraid: regression - fix irq setup process (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Modify return value of megasas_issue_blocked_cmd() and wait_and_poll() to consider command status returned by firmware (Tomas Henzl) [1207092] - [scsi] megaraid: --grep and Kconfig (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix bug in handling return value of pci_enable_msix_range() (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid: use pci_zalloc_consistent (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid: fixed several typos in comments (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: swap whole register in megasas_register_aen (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix megasas_fire_cmd_fusion calling convention (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add missing byte swaps to the sriov code (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: bytewise or should be done on native endian variables (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: move endianness conversion into caller of megasas_get_seq_num (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add endianness conversions for all ones (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add endianness annotations (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add missing __iomem annotations (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: megasas_complete_outstanding_ioctls() can be static (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Support for Avago's Single server High Availability product (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add release date and update driver version (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Modify driver's meta data to reflect Avago (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use Block layer tag support for internal command indexing (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Enhanced few prints (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Move controller's queue depth calculation in adapter specific function (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add separate functions for building sysPD IOs and non RW LDIOs (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add separate function for refiring MFI commands (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add separate function for setting up IRQs (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: use raw_smp_processor_id() (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version update (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: remove redundant memset call (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: reserve commands for IOCTLs and internal DCMDs (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: complete outstanding IOCTLs before killing adapter (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: disable interrupt_mask before enabling hardware interrupts (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix the problem of non-existing VD exposed to host (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: add support for secure JBOD (Tomas Henzl) [1185944] - [scsi] mptsas: fix depth param in scsi_track_queue_full (Tomas Henzl) [1117348] - [scsi] lpfc: Update version for RHEL 7.2 release (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix to drop PLOGIs from fabric node till LOGO processing completes (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix cq_id masking problem (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix scsi prep dma buf error (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Devices are not discovered during takeaway/giveback testing (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix vport deletion failure (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Check for active portpeerbeacon (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Change buffer pool empty message to miscellaneous category (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix incorrect log message reported for empty FCF record (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix rport leak (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct loss of RSCNs during array takeaway/giveback testing (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in vport_delete (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix to remove IRQF_SHARED flag for MSI/MSI-X vectors (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix discovery issue when changing from Pt2Pt to Fabric (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct reporting of vport state on fdisc command failure (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for RDP ELS command (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix ABORTs WQ selection in terminate_rport_io (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct reference counting of rport (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for ELS LCB (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Correct loss of target discovery after cable swap (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash in device reset handler (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix OS crash when running loopback test in applications (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix internal loopback failure (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix premature release of rpi bit in bitmask (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Initiator sends wrong BBCredit value for either FLOGI or FLOGI_ACC (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix FDMI Fabric support in driver for Brocade (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix null ndlp dereference in target_reset_handler (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Parse the new 20G, 25G and 40G link speeds in the lpfc driver (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix provide host name and OS name in RSNN-NN FC-GS command (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Add support for reporting option_rom_version on newer adapters (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix setting of EQ (interrupt) delay Multiplier (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: fix low priority issues from fortify source code scan (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: fix high priority issues from fortify source code scan (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix host reset escalation killing all IOs (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: correct device removal deadlock after link bounce (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Linux lpfc driver doesn't re-establish the link after a cable pull on LPe12002 (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix to handle PLOGI when already logged in (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Add new mbx cmd recognition (Rob Evers) [1225165] - [scsi] lpfc: Add Lancer Temperature Event support to the lpfc driver (Rob Evers) [1225165]- [pci] msi: Remove unnecessary braces around single statements (Steve Best) [1231358] - [usb] core: hcd-pci: free IRQ before disabling PCI device when shutting down (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Clean up irqdomain transition code (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, devicetree: Release IOAPIC pin when PCI device is disabled (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, mpparse: Release IOAPIC pin when PCI device is disabled (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, acpi: Release IOAPIC pin when PCI device is disabled (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Introduce helper functions to release IOAPIC pin (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Simplify the way to handle ISA IRQ (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Clean up unused IOAPIC interface (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, devicetree: Use common irqdomain map interface to program IOAPIC pins (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, mpparse: Use common irqdomain map interface to program IOAPIC pins (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, acpi: Use common irqdomain map interface to program IOAPIC pins (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Introduce two helper functions to support irqdomain map operation (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] devicetree, irq: Use common mechanism to support irqdomain (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] mpparse, irq: Provide basic irqdomain support (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi, irq: Provide basic irqdomain support (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Enhance mp_register_ioapic() to support irqdomain (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Introduce mechanisms to support dynamically allocate IRQ for IOAPIC (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, acpi: Change __acpi_register_gsi to return IRQ number instead of GSI (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi, irq: Consolidate algorithm of mapping (ioapic, pin) to IRQ number (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Simplify arch_early_irq_init() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Count legacy IRQs by legacy_pic->nr_legacy_irqs instead of NR_IRQS_LEGACY (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ce4100, irq: Do not set legacy_pic to null_legacy_pic (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ce4100, irq: Make CE4100 depend on CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Introduce some helper utilities to improve readability (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq: Reorganize IO_APIC_get_PCI_irq_vector() to prepare for irqdomain (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ioapic: Use irq_cfg() instead of irq_get_chip_data() for better readability (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ioapic: Introduce helper utilities to walk ioapics and pins (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ioapic: Kill static variable nr_irqs_gsi (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ioapic: Keep get_nr_irqs_gsi() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] genirq: Ensure that dynamic irq allocation does not conflict (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] Remove create/destroy_irq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] iommu: dmar: Provide arch specific irq allocation (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] iommu: smar: Fix return value check of create_irq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] hpet: Use irq_alloc/free_hwirq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] uv: Use irq_alloc/free_hwirq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq_remapping: Use irq_alloc/free_hwirq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] htirq: Use irq_alloc/free_irq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ioapic: Use irq_alloc/free_hwirq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] genirq: Provide generic hwirq allocation facility (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] Implement arch_setup/teardown_hwirq() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] ioapic: Kill unused global variable timer_through_8259 (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] irq, trivial: Minor improvements of IRQ related code (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi, irq: Fix possible eror in GSI to IRQ mapping for legacy IRQ (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi, irq: Enhance error handling in function acpi_register_gsi() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi, trivial: Minor improvements to arch/x86/kernel/acpi/boot.c (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi, irq: Kill static function irq_to_gsi() (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] pci, acpi: Use kmalloc_node() to optimize for performance (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] acpi: Reorganize code to avoid forward declaration in boot.c (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] apic: Remove support for ia32-based Unisys ES7000 (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] mpparse: Simplify arch/x86/include/asm/mpspec.h (Steve Best) [1231358] - [x86] mpparse: Use pr_lvl() helper utilities to replace printk(KERN_LVL) (Steve Best) [1231358]- [char] ipmi: Update timespec usage to timespec64 (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix multi-part message handling (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Add alert handling to SSIF (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix a problem that messages are not issued in run_to_completion mode (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Report an error if ACPI _IFT doesn't exist (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove unused including (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Don't report err in the SI driver for SSIF devices (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove incorrect use of seq_has_overflowed (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi_ssif: Ignore spaces when comparing I2C adapter names (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi_ssif: Fix the logic on user-supplied addresses (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi_ssif: Use interruptible completion for waiting in the thread (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Handle BMCs that don't allow clearing the rcv irq bit (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: constify of_device_id array (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix a memory ordering issue (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove uses of return value of seq_printf (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Use is_visible callback for conditional sysfs entries (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Free ipmi_recv_msg messages from the linked list on close (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: avoid gcc warning (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Cleanup DEBUG_TIMING ifdef usage (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove unneeded FIXME comment in the file, ipmi_si_intf.c (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove obsolete cleanup for clientdata (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove a FIXME for slab conversion (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix compile warning with tv_usec (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix compile issue with isspace() (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Finish cleanup of BMC attributes (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Check the BT interrupt enable periodically (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix attention handling for system interfaces (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Periodically check to see if irqs and messages are set right (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Add SMBus interface driver (SSIF) (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove the now unnecessary message queue (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Make the message handler easier to use for SMI interfaces (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Move message sending into its own function (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: rename waiting_msgs to waiting_rcv_msgs (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix handling of BMC flags (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Initialize BMC device attributes (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Unregister previously registered driver in error case (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Fix a bug in hot add/remove (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Remove useless sysfs_name parameters (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: clean up the device handling for the bmc device (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Move the address source to string to ipmi-generic code (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: Ignore SSIF in the PNP handling (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [char] ipmi: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Tony Camuso) [1229675] - [powerpc] rtc/tpo: Driver to support rtc and wakeup on PowerNV platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1223687] - [powerpc] powernv: Check OPAL RTC calls exists before using (Gustavo Duarte) [1223687] - [base] devres: restore zeroing behavior of devres_alloc() (Gustavo Duarte) [1221064 1230136] - [char] ipmi/powernv: Fix minor locking bug (Gustavo Duarte) [1221064] - [char] ipmi: Add powernv IPMI driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1221064] - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL IPMI interface (Gustavo Duarte) [1221064] - [powerpc] devres: add kernel standard devm_k.alloc functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1221064]- [netdrv] macvtap/tun: cross-endian support for little-endian hosts (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [vhost] cross-endian support for legacy devices (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [virtio] add explicit big-endian support to memory accessors (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [vhost] introduce vhost_is_little_endian() helper (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [virtio] vringh: introduce vringh_is_little_endian() helper (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [netdrv] macvtap: introduce macvtap_is_little_endian() helper (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [netdrv] tun: add tun_is_little_endian() helper (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [virtio] introduce virtio_is_little_endian() helper (Thomas Huth) [1213658] - [netdrv] tun: remove bogus hardware vlan acceleration flags from vlan_features (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [kvm] move advertising of KVM_CAP_IRQFD to common code (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [kvm] Give IRQFD its own separate enabling Kconfig option (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] vringh: update for virtio 1.0 APIs (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] vringh: 64 bit features (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] net: fix up num_buffers endian-ness (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] net: enable virtio 1.0 (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] net: larger header for virtio 1.0 (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] net: length miscalculation (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] net: virtio 1.0 byte swap (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] virtio 1.0 endian-ness support (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] switch to __get/__put_user exclusively (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] net: force len for TX to host endian (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] add memory access wrappers (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] make features 64 bit (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [vhost] switch to use vhost_add_used_n() (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] macvtap: drop broken IFF_VNET_LE (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] macvtap: TUN_VNET_LE support (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] macvtap: Fix csum_start when VLAN tags are present (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] macvtap: remove the dead branch (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: drop broken IFF_VNET_LE (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] if_tun: add TUNSETVNETLE/TUNGETVNETLE (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: TUN_VNET_LE support, fix sparse warnings for virtio headers (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: drop most type defines (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: move internal flag defines out of uapi (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: Report "persist" flag to userspace (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: Fix TUN_PKT_STRIP setting (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: Fix csum_start with VLAN acceleration (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tun: unbreak truncated packet signalling (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] tuntap: hardware vlan tx support (Thomas Huth) [1231879] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Alloc 4k fragment for each rx ring buffer element (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290 1229122] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Move statistics implementation into semaphores (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: limit fw delay in kdump to 5s after boot (Michal Schmidt) [1179882 1182054 1182736 1187290 1211883 1217325 1224087] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix to prevent inner-reload (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290 1191799] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Delay during kdump load (Michal Schmidt) [1179882 1182054 1182736 1187290 1211883 1217325 1224087] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove {TPA,GRO}_ENABLE_FLAG (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: merge fp->disable_tpa with fp->mode (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: mark LRO as a fixed disabled feature if disable_tpa is set (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290 1215700] - [netdrv] bnx2x: really disable TPA if 'disable_tpa' option is set (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290 1215700] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent inner-reload while VFs exist (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290 1191799] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix busy_poll vs netpoll (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] ptp: bnx2x: use helpers for converting ns to timespec (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use bool function returns of true/false instead of 1/0 (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Prevent probe as early as possible (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Count number of link changes (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Configure IFir et al. according to nvram (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: codespell comment spelling fixes (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix typo in printk messages (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix kdump when iommu=on (Michal Schmidt) [1179882 1182054 1182736 1187290 1211883 1217325 1224087] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix kdump on 4-port device (Michal Schmidt) [1179882 1182054 1182736 1187290 1211883 1217325 1224087] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix statistics locking scheme (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Force fundamental reset for EEH recovery (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290 1198641] - [netdrv] net: bnx2x: fix sparse warnings (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix napi poll return value for repoll (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] net: bnx2x: avoid macro redefinition (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] net: bnx2x: convert to timecounter adjtime (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix typos in "configure" (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Limit 1G link enforcement (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] ethernet/broadcom: Use napi_alloc_skb instead of netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use correct fastpath version for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use napi_schedule_irqoff() (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add a fallback multi-function mode NPAR1.5 (Michal Schmidt) [1146035 1182054 1182298 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: new multi-function mode: UFP (Michal Schmidt) [1146035 1182054 1182298 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Changes with storage & MAC macros (Michal Schmidt) [1146035 1182054 1182298 1182736 1187290] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix link problems for 1G SFP RJ45 module (Michal Schmidt) [1182054 1182736 1187290] - [fs] xfs: fix broken i_nlink accounting for whiteout tmpfile inode (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: xfs_iozero can return positive errno (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: xfs_attr_inactive leaves inconsistent attr fork state behind (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: extent size hints can round up extents past MAXEXTLEN (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: inode and free block counters need to use __percpu_counter_compare (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] percpu_counter: batch size aware __percpu_counter_compare() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use percpu_counter_read_positive for mp->m_icount (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: unlock i_mutex in xfs_break_layouts (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: kill unnecessary firstused overflow check on attr3 leaf removal (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use larger in-core attr firstused field and detect overflow (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: pass attr geometry to attr leaf header conversion functions (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: Fix incorrect positive ENOMEM return (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: xfs_mru_cache_insert() should use GFP_NOFS (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: pF is only for function pointers (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: fix shadow warning in xfs_da3_root_split() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use bool instead of int in xfs_rename() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: fix NULL pointer dereference in xfs_filestream_lookup_ag() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_bmap_sanity_check() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: xfs_alloc_fix_minleft can underflow near ENOSPC (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: cancel failed transaction in xfs_fs_commit_blocks() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: remove old and redundant comment in xfs_mount_validate_sb (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: clarify async write failure ratelimit message (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: log unmount events on console (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: pass mp to XFS_WANT_CORRUPTED_RETURN (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: pass mp to XFS_WANT_CORRUPTED_GOTO (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: ensure truncate forces zeroed blocks to disk (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: Fix quota type in quota structures when reusing quota file (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: lock out page faults from extent swap operations (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: xfs_setattr_size no longer races with page faults (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: take i_mmap_lock on extent manipulation operations (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use i_mmaplock on write faults (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use i_mmaplock on read faults (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: introduce mmap/truncate lock (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_mod_incore_sb API (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: replace xfs_mod_incore_sb_batched (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_mod_frextents (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: Remove icsb infrastructure (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use generic percpu counters for free block counter (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use generic percpu counters for free inode counter (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: use generic percpu counters for inode counter (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: recall pNFS layouts on conflicting access (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: implement pNFS export operations (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: report proper f_files in statfs if we overshoot imaxpct (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: xfs_ioctl_setattr_check_projid can be static (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: growfs should use synchronous transactions (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: change kmem_free to use generic kvfree() (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: factor out a xfs_update_prealloc_flags() helper (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: remove incorrect error negation in attr_multi ioctl (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: set superblock buffer type correctly (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: set buf types when converting extent formats (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: inode unlink does not set AGI buffer type (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: ensure buffer types are set correctly (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: sanitise sb_bad_features2 handling (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: consolidate superblock logging functions (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: remove bitfield based superblock updates (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: Remove some pointless quota checks (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: Remove some useless flags tests (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: Remove useless test (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: fix implicit bool to int conversion (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: pass a 64-bit count argument to xfs_iomap_write_unwritten (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: move xfs_bmap_finish prototype (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: move struct xfs_bmalloca to libxfs (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: move xfs_types.h to libxfs (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: move xfs_fs.h to libxfs (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: remove extra newlines from xfs messages (Brian Foster) [1225075] - [fs] xfs: initialize log buf I/O completion wq on log alloc (Brian Foster) [1225075]- [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix mixed size frags and linearization (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove time_stamp member (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: force inline transmit functions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: skb->xmit_more support (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove unneeded TODO (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add stats to count Tunnel ATR hits (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add ATR support for tunneled TCP/IPv4/IPv6 packets (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] net: batch of last_rx update avoidance in ethernet drivers (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Save WR_CSR_PROT field from DEV/FUNC capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove aq_pending (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: fix bad indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use dma_rmb where appropriate (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Refactor VF RSS code (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: protect VLAN filter list (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Set Ethernet protocol correctly when Tx VLAN offloads are disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix bug when skb allocation fails (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Fix Outer UDP RX checksum code (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: add FW version to ethtool info (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: resequence close operations (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: delay releasing rings (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: implement KR2 support (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e/i40evf version (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix accidental write to ITR registers (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40vf: don't stop me now (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] ethernet: codespell comment spelling fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: enable prefetch of Tx descriptors during cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Simplify tunnel selection logic (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor i40e_debug_aq and make some functions static (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Version bump (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean up some formatting and other things (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: grab NVM devstarter version not image version (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: ethtool RSS fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add missing packet types for VXLAN encapsulated packet types (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: print FW build number in version string (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: TCP/IPv6 over Vxlan Tx checksum offload fix (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: fix race in hang check (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix TSO with more than 8 frags per segment issue (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update driver versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add more info to interrupt vector names (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: allow enabling of debug prints via ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use advertised speed settings in ethtool and refactor get_settings (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix output of i40e_debug_aq() for big endian machines (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't wait forever (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: refactor reset (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: disable NAPI polling sooner (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump Driver Versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove unused variable an_enable and function update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: i40e_register.h updates (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: restrict VC opcodes to their initial values (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor the receive routines (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for stats init function call in Rx setup (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add call to u64_stats_init to init (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Force Tx writeback on ITR (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: stop the watchdog for shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: ignore bogus messages from FW (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: reset on module unload (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e and i40evf versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Support for NPAR iSCSI partition with DCB (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ API updates for new commands (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ API updates (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: add more struct size checks (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e/i40evf versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Increase ASQ timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: AdminQ updates ww36 (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: find partition_id in npar mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: kick a stalled admin queue (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: enable interrupt 0 appropriately (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't fire traffic IRQs when the interface is down (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove leftover VLAN filters (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: refactor shutdown code (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Remove some scary log messages (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove redundant code (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Convert macro to static inline (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: check for AQ timeout in aq_rc decode (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: set max limit for access polling (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unused nvm_semaphore_wait (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: add range check to i40e_aq_rc_to_posix (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: let firmware catch the NVM busy error (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump i40e version to 1.2.2 and i40evf version to 1.0.6 (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: make early init sequence even more robust (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Define and use i40e_is_vf macro (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Add a virtual channel op to config RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: remove useless debug noise (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: remove unnecessary else (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: make comparisons consistent (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: make checkpatch happy (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: update header comments (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: don't overload fields (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: don't use more queues than CPUs (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: make early init processing more robust (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up throttle rate code (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: poll firmware slower (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Add support for 10G base T parts (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: properly handle multiple AQ messages (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use usleep_range() instead of udelay() (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix whitespace indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e/i40evf versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40evf: Set skb->csum_level for encapsulated checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1173789] - [netdrv] i40e: Make sure to be in VEB mode if SRIOV is enabled at probe (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: start up in VEPA mode by default (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix mixed size frags and linearization (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version to 1.3.4 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: remove time_stamp member (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: force inline transmit functions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Move the FD ATR/SB messages to a higher debug level (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix unrecognized FCOE EOF case (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove unneeded TODO (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove unnecessary pf members (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add stats to count Tunnel ATR hits (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add ATR support for tunneled TCP/IPv4/IPv6 packets (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Disable offline diagnostics if VFs are enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Collect PFC XOFF RX stats even in single TC case (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] net: batch of last_rx update avoidance in ethernet drivers (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version to 1.3.2 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Use new 40G speeds (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: get rid of unused locals (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: handle possible memory allocation failure (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Save WR_CSR_PROT field from DEV/FUNC capabilities (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: enable user dump of internal hardware state (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: print FCoE capability reported by the device function (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: For VF reset (VFR and VFLR) add some more delay (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: move VF notification routines up (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: notify VFs of link state (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support to program FDir SB rules for VF from PF through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: stop VF rings (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use dma_rmb where appropriate (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump to version 1.3.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Communicate VSI id in place of VSI index to the VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: stop flow director on shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix up VXLAN messages (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Don't register/de-register apps on NIC partitions in MFP mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Set Ethernet protocol correctly when Tx VLAN offloads are disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: warn at the right time (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix invalid void return in FCoE code (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix bug when skb allocation fails (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Change some memcpys to struct assignments (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Print some more info to help figure out the cause of HMC error (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: validate VSI param from VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version to 1.2.43 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Increase PF reset max loop limit (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: implement KR2 support (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add NVM update events to AQ clean (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add ethtool RSS support (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e/i40evf version (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add MAC printing to debugfs dump VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix inconsistent use of PF/VF vs pf/vf (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: tame the nvmupdate read and write complaints (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: fix accidental write to ITR registers (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: future proof some sizeof calls (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove "hello world" strings from i40e driver (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Strip configfs code (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: enable prefetch of Tx descriptors during cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Simplify code for rss_size_max config (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Simplify tunnel selection logic (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: FD filters flush policy changes (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Avoid logs while adding/deleting FD-SB filters (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: print port stats only on partition 1 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Move code to enable/disable Loopback to the main file (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: rework vector reservation (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up debug_read_register (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: store msg_enable in the right size (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove unneeded conversion (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove duplicate code (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor i40e_debug_aq and make some functions static (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix mismatching type for ioremap_len (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Version bump (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: don't spam the system log (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: move IRQ tracking setup into MSIX setup (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Ioremap changes (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Clean up some formatting and other things (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add AOC PHY types to case statements (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix ethtool offline test (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Reassign incorrect PHY type to fix a FW bug (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix XPS mask when resetting (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: use more portable sign extension (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: grab NVM devstarter version not image version (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Don't check operational or sync bit for App TLV (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: during LED interaction ignore activity LED src modes (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix NPAR Tx Scheduler init (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix dependencies in the i40e driver on configfs (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Only enable TC0 for NIC partition type (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Register DCBNL ops in MFP mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix RSS size at init since default num queue calculation has changed (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Move RSS table size for VSIs to the VSI struct (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add missing packet types for VXLAN encapsulated packet types (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix issue with removal of apps from DBCNL app table (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add FW check to disable DCB and wrap autoneg workaround with FW check (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Enable more than 64 qps for the Main VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: don't disable PF LB when disabling VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add safety net for switch calling (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: print FW build number in version string (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Skip the priority tagging if DCB is not enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: check pointers before use (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: catch NVM write semaphore timeout and retry (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: stop flow director on shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: disconnect irqs on shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Issue a PF reset if Tx queue disable timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix the Tx ring qset handle when DCB reconfigures (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix the case where per TC queue count was higher than queues enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix race in hang check (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix TSO with more than 8 frags per segment issue (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Don't check for Tx hang when PF down (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix shift precedence issue (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix memory leak at failure path in i40e_dbg_command_write() (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Update driver versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Use ethtool private flags to display NPAR status (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Set FLAG_RD when sending buffer FW must read (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: print Rx packet split status (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: setup FCoE device type (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Set BUF flag for Set Version AQ command (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support for getlink, setlink ndo ops (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Implement configfs for NPAR BW configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add NPAR BW get and set functions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: enable packet split only when IOMMU present (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add method to keep track of current rxnfc settings (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use advertised speed settings in ethtool and refactor get_settings (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix output of i40e_debug_aq() for big endian machines (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix i40e_ndo_set_vf_spoofchk (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump Driver Versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Remove unused variable an_enable and function update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix the EMPR interrupt received handling (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: i40e_register.h updates (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Use #define for the VSI connection type (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: restrict VC opcodes to their initial values (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Refactor the receive routines (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: rename debugfs clear_stats option (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: update Shadow RAM read/write functions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix for stats init function call in Rx setup (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Add call to u64_stats_init to init (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Enable Loopback for the FCOE vsi as well (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: use dev_port for fcoe netdev (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix function header (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix led blink toggle to enable steady state (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40evf: Force Tx writeback on ITR (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: stop the service task at shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add locking around VF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Use even more ARQ descriptors (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: delay after VF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid use of uninitialized v_budget in i40e_init_msix (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: i40e_fcoe.c: Remove unused function (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e and i40evf versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Support for NPAR iSCSI partition with DCB (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: when Rx timestamps disabled set specific mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: use same check for Rx hang as for Rx timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ API updates for new commands (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: AQ API updates (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add more struct size checks (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Issue "Stop LLDP" command for firmware older than v4.3 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: check I40E_FLAG_PTP before handling Tx or Rx timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: only enable PTP interrupt cause if PTP is enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e/i40evf versions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Dump Stats string removed from debugfs help command (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add define for interrupt name string len (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: don't give up on DCB error after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix proc/int descriptions (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Increase ASQ timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: AdminQ updates ww36 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: adds FCoE configure option (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: limit sriov to partition 1 of NPAR configurations (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Don't exit link event early if link speed has changed (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: limit WoL and link settings to partition 1 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Adding function for reading PBA String (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: find partition_id in npar mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: remove VN2VN related mac filters (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add warning for NPAR partitions with link speed less than 10Gbps (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: disable IOV before freeing resources (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix bug with TCP over IPv6 over VXLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix Rx checksum error counter (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix un-necessary Tx hangs (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix possible memory leak in i40e_dbg_dump_desc (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Convert macro to static inline (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add to NVM update debug message (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: check for AQ timeout in aq_rc decode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: poll on NVM semaphore only if not other error (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix up NVM update sm error handling (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: set max limit for access polling (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: remove unused nvm_semaphore_wait (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: init NVM update state on adminq init (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: add range check to i40e_aq_rc_to_posix (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: rework debug messages for NVM update (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: let firmware catch the NVM busy error (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: better error messages for NVM update issues (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: clear NVM update state on ethtool test (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] ptp: i40e: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Use eth_skb_pad and skb_put_padto helpers (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Reduce stack in i40e_dbg_dump_desc (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump i40e version to 1.2.2 and i40evf version to 1.0.6 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Re enable Main VSI loopback setting in the reset path (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add new update VSI flow to accommodate FW fix with VSI Loopback mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Increase reset delay (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix netdev_stat macro definition (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Define and use i40e_is_vf macro (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add a virtual channel op to config RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: don't enable PTP support on more than one PF per port (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add description to misc and fd interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: allow various base numbers in debugfs aq commands (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: remove useless debug noise (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Remove unneeded break statement (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: enable fdb add code, remove unused code (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: trigger SW INT with no ITR wait (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: don't overload fields (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Set XPS bit mask to zero in DCB mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Prevent link flow control settings when PFC is enabled (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Do not disable/enable FCoE VSI with DCB reconfig (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Modify Tx disable wait flow in case of DCB reconfiguration (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Update VEB's enabled_tc after reconfiguration (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Check for LLDP AdminStatus before querying DCBX (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add support to firmware CEE DCBX mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Resume Port Tx after DCB event (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version to 1.1.23 (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: re-enable VFLR interrupt sooner (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: only warn once of PTP nonsupport in 100Mbit speed (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: clean up throttle rate code (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: don't do link_status or stats collection on every ARQ (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: poll firmware slower (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: properly parse MDET registers (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: configure VM ID in qtx_ctl (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: enable debug earlier (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: better wording for resource tracking errors (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: scale msix vector use when more cores than vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: remove debugfs dump stats (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: avoid disable of interrupt when changing ITR (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: fix link checking logic (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add condition to enter fdir flush and reinit (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: _MASK vs _SHIFT typo in i40e_handle_mdd_event() (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Moving variable declaration out of the loops (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Add 10GBaseT support (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: process link events when setting up switch (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Fix a bug where Rx would stop after some time (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Use usleep_range() instead of udelay() (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/i40evf: Fix whitespace indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: enable LSE poke and simplify link state (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: mask phy events (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: skb->xmit_more support (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e/igb: Convert to dev_consume_skb_any() (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: use global pci_vfs_assigned() to replace local i40e_vfs_are_assigned() (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: Set skb->csum_level for encapsulated checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1173788] - [netdrv] i40e: enable CONFIG_I40E_VXLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1173788]- [netdrv] enic: fix memory leak in rq_clean (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: check return value for stat dump (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: unlock napi busy poll before unmasking intr (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: Grammar s/an negative/a negative/ (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] ethernet: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: do notify_check before returning credits (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: enic_main: fix sparse warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: enic_ethtool: fix sparse warning (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: fix rx napi poll return value (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: reconfigure resources for kdump crash kernel (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: free all rq buffs when allocation fails (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] net: ethernet: cisco: enic: enic_dev: Remove some unused functions (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: add stats for dma mapping error (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: check dma_mapping_error (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] enic: make vnic_wq_buf doubly linked (Stefan Assmann) [1159148] - [netdrv] igbvf: use netif_carrier_off earlier when bringing if down (Stefan Assmann) [1173785] - [netdrv] igbvf: cleanup msleep() and min/max() usage (Stefan Assmann) [1173785] - [netdrv] igbvf: Fix code comments and whitespace (Stefan Assmann) [1173785] - [netdrv] igbvf: Fix checksum error when using stacked vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1173785] - [netdrv] igb: Don't use NETDEV_FRAG_PAGE_MAX_SIZE in descriptor calculation (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Fix NULL assignment to incorrect variable in igb_reset_q_vector (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Fix oops on changing number of rings (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: simplify and clean up igb_enable_mas() (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ptp: igb: use helpers for converting ns to timespec (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ptp: igb: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Enable TSO for stacked vlan (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: use netif_carrier_off earlier when bringing if down (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ethernet: codespell comment spelling fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Make arrays on stack static const to avoid reallocation (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Fix warning pin may be used uninitialized (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Indicate failure on vf reset for empty mac address (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: enable auxiliary PHC functions for the i210 (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ptp: introduce programmable pins (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: enable internal PPS for the i210 (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: serialize access to the time sync interrupt registers (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: refactor time sync interrupt handling (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Clean-up page reuse code (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: convert to CYCLECOUNTER_MASK macro (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb_ptp: Include clocksource.h to get CLOCKSOURCE_MASK (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Remove unneeded FIXME (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] net: igb: convert to timecounter adjtime (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] fm10k/igb/ixgbe: Use dma_rmb on Rx descriptor reads (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Use napi_alloc_skb (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ethernet/intel: Use eth_skb_pad and skb_put_padto helpers (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] e1000e / igb / pm: Eliminate CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Fixes needed for surprise removal support (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] fm10k/igb/ixgbe: Replace __skb_alloc_page with dev_alloc_page (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: don't reuse pages with pfmemalloc flag (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: fix race accessing page->_count (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: bump version to 5.2.15 (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] i40e/igb: Convert to dev_consume_skb_any() (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: remove blocking phy read from inside spinlock (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: add flags to set eee advertisement mode (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: use new eth_get_headlen interface (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] igb: Convert to use devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups (Stefan Assmann) [1173784] - [netdrv] ptp: tg3: use helpers for converting ns to timespec (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] ptp: tg3: convert to the 64 bit get/set time methods (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: Hold tp->lock before calling tg3_halt() from tg3_init_one() (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: Release tp->lock before invoking synchronize_irq() (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: tg3_reset_task() needs to use rtnl_lock to synchronize (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: tg3_timer() should grab tp->lock before checking for tp->irq_sync (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: tg3_disable_ints using uninitialized mailbox value to disable interrupts (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: fix ring init when there are more TX than RX channels (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: Add skb->xmit_more support (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: Allow for recieve of full-size 8021AD frames (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: Work around HW/FW limitations with vlan encapsulated frames (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] tg3: Convert to use hwmon_device_register_with_groups (Ivan Vecera) [1182731] - [netdrv] bnx2-cnic: Driver Version Update (Ivan Vecera) [1182732] - [netdrv] bnx2: Fix for Chip Initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1182732] - [netdrv] bnx2-cnic: Driver Rebranding Changes (Ivan Vecera) [1182732] - [netdrv] bnx2: Correctly receive full sized 802.1ad frames (Ivan Vecera) [1182732] - [netdrv] be2net: enable config options (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Replace dma/pci_alloc_coherent() calls with dma_zalloc_coherent() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: make hwmon interface optional (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Support for OS2BMC (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Report a "link down" to the stack when a fatal error or fw reset happens (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Export board temperature using hwmon-sysfs interface (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: update the driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: update copyright year to 2015 (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: use be_virtfn() instead of !be_physfn() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: simplify UFI compatibility checking (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: post full RXQ on interface enable (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: check for INSUFFICIENT_VLANS error (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: receive pkts with L3, L4 errors on VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: set interrupt moderation for Skyhawk-R using EQ-DB (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: add support for spoofchk setting (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: log link status (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix a bug in Rx buffer posting (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: bump up the driver version to (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: setup xps queue mapping (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: restrict MODIFY_EQ_DELAY cmd to a max of 8 EQs (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Prevent VFs from enabling VLAN promiscuous mode (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: codespell comment spelling fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: implement .sriov_configure() PCI callback (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: re-distribute SRIOV resources allowed by FW (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid creating the non-RSS default RXQ if FW allows to (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: move be_func_init() call inside be_setup() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor adapter resource cleanup sequence into be_cleanup() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor adapter resource initialzation sequence into be_resume() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: remove code duplication relating to Lancer reset sequence (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor error detect/recovery function (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: use a wrapper to schedule and cancel error detection task (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor function initalization sequence into be_func_init() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: get rid of be_get_initial_config() call from be_probe() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: move adapter fields alloc/free code to new routines (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Add a few inline functions to test TXQ conditions (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Minor code cleanup in tx completion process (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Refactor be_xmit_enqueue() routine (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Refactor wrb_fill_hdr() routine (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid unncessary swapping of fields in eth_tx_wrb (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: process port misconfig async event (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor be_set_rx_mode() and be_vid_config() for readability (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: remove duplicate code in be_cmd_rx_filter() (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: use offset based FW flashing for Skyhawk chip (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: avoid flashing SH-B0 UFI image on SH-P2 chip (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor code that checks flash file compatibility (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: replace (1 << x) with BIT(x) (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: move un-exported routines from be.h to respective src files (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: fix sparse warning (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: move definitions related to FW cmdsfrom be_hw.h to be_cmds.h (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: issue function reset cmd in resume path (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: add a log message for POST timeout in Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: fix failure case in setting flow control (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: move interface create code to a separate routine (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Allow GRE to work concurrently while a VxLAN tunnel is configured (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: support TX batching using skb->xmit_more flag (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix incorrect setting of tunnel offload flag in netdev features (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Export tunnel offloads only when a VxLAN tunnel is created (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] emulex: Use skb_put_padto instead of skb_padto() and skb->len assignment (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Check for presence of IFLA_AF_SPEC (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Validate IFLA_BRIDGE_MODE attribute length (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] be2net: Use dev_consume_skb_any() in the non-drop path (Ivan Vecera) [1182733] - [netdrv] r8169: Do not use dev_kfree_skb in xmit path (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: Fix trivial typo in rtl_check_firmware (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: Revert BQL and xmit_more support (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: use PCI define for Max_Read_Request_Size (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] pci: Add defines for PCIe Max_Read_Request_Size (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: add support for xmit_more (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: update rtl8168g pcie ephy parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: Use dma_rmb() and dma_wmb() for DescOwn checks (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: use napi_alloc_skb instead of netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: Use eth_skb_pad function (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: disable rtl8168ep cmac engine (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] r8169: prevent enable hardware tx/rx too early (Ivan Vecera) [1232244] - [netdrv] bna: use netdev_* and dev_* instead of printk and pr_* (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: fix timeout API argument type (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: use list_for_each_entry where appropriate (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: get rid of private macros for manipulation with lists (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove useless pointer assignment (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: use memdup_user to copy userspace buffers (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: correct comparisons/assignments to bool (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove TX_E_PRIO_CHANGE event and BNA_TX_F_PRIO_CHANGED flag (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove paused from bna_rx_config and flags from bna_rxf (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove RXF_E_PAUSE and RXF_E_RESUME events (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove prio_change_cbfn oper_state_cbfn from struct bna_tx (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove oper_state_cbfn from struct bna_rxf (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove pause_cbfn from struct bna_enet (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove unused cbfn parameter (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: use BIT(x) instead of (1 << x) (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: get rid of duplicate and unused macros (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: replace pragma(pack) with attribute __packed (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: get rid of mac_t (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: use ether_addr_copy instead of memcpy (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove obsolete use of EXTRA_CFLAGS (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: fix soft lock-up during firmware initialization failure (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: remove unreasonable iocpf timer start (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: fix firmware loading on big-endian machines (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: codespell comment spelling fixes (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: Update the Driver and Firmware Version (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: QLogic BR-series Adapters Driver Rebranding (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: incorrect use of init_completion fixup (Ivan Vecera) [1187298] - [netdrv] bna: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1187298]- [net] inet_diag: use READ_ONCE (Phil Sutter) [1230886] - [net] nfnetlink_log: unset nf_loggers for netns when unloading module (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1231135] - [net] sctp: allow authenticating DATA chunks that are bundled with COOKIE_ECHO (Marcelo Leitner) [1161510] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: warn the user if there is a better helper to use (Marcelo Leitner) [1208239] - [net] tcp: dctcp_update_alpha() fixes (Phil Sutter) [1230878] - [net] sched: use pinned timers (Phil Sutter) [1230135] - [net] add skb_clone_sk() and sock_efree() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [lib] cpumask: cpumask_set_cpu_local_first => cpumask_local_spread, lament (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Fix tx ring affinity_mask creation (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] be2net: assign CPU affinity hints to be2net IRQs (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [kernel] ktime: Introduce ktime_ms_delta (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] sctp: migrate cookie life from timeval to ktime (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [kernel] timecounter: provide a macro to initialize the cyclecounter mask field (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [kernel] timecounter: keep track of accumulated fractional nanoseconds (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [kernel] timecounter: provide a helper function to shift the time (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [kernel] time: move the timecounter/cyclecounter code into its own file (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Introduce passthru_features_check (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: Move check for multiple vlans to drivers (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: Introduce helper functions to check if skb is tagged (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: rename vlan_tx_* helpers since "tx" is misleading there (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: make __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag return void (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: Add features for stacked vlan device (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Add device Rx page allocation function (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] fix comment typo for __skb_alloc_pages() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] flow: Add function for parsing the header length out of linear ethernet frames (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] flow: make skb an optional parameter for__skb_flow_dissect() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] flow: Allow raw buffers to be passed into the flow dissector (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] ethtool: Support for configurable RSS hash function (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: fix mlx4_en_set_rxfh() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: use netdev_rss_key_fill() helper (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] Replace ethtool_ops::{get, set}_rxfh_indir() with {get, set}_rxfh() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Add functions for handling padding frame and adding to length (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] introduce napi_schedule_irqoff() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Replace get_cpu_var through this_cpu_ptr (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] introduce dev_consume_skb_any() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] provide a per host RSS key generic infrastructure (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] avoid dependency of net_get_random_once on nop patching (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] make net_get_random_once irq safe (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] fix build warnings because of net_get_random_once merge (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] introduce new macro net_get_random_once (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] net.h, skbuff.h: Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] remove unused 'dev' argument from netif_needs_gso() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Generalize ndo_gso_check to ndo_features_check (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: Fix stacked vlan offload features computation (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] fix checksum features handling in netif_skb_features() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] vlan: more careful checksum features handling (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Add VXLAN ndo calls to the PF net device ops too (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Implement ndo_gso_check() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] qlcnic: Implement ndo_gso_check() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] be2net: Implement ndo_gso_check() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: Implement ndo_gso_check() (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] Add ndo_gso_check (Ivan Vecera) [1200759] - [net] ipv6: reject locally assigned nexthop addresses (Phil Sutter) [1228700] - [net] ipv6: allow explicitly choosing optimistic addresses (Phil Sutter) [1228700] - [net] openvswitch: disable LRO (Jiri Benc) [1181282] - [net] unix, caif: sk_socket can disappear when state is unlocked (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] af_unix: implement splice for stream af_unix sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] make skb_splice_bits more configureable (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] af_unix: implement stream sendpage support (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] skbuff: add skb_append_pagefrags and use it (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] af_unix: remove 0 assignment on static (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] unix: Align send data_len up to PAGE_SIZE (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] unix: non blocking recvmsg() should not return -EINTR (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] unix: allow bind to fail on mutex lock (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] af_unix: fix bug on large send() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] attempt high order allocations in sock_alloc_send_pskb() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230] - [net] af_unix: improve STREAM behavior with fragmented memory (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1226230]- [md] fix race when unfreezing sync_action (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: break stripe-batches when the array has failed (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: call break_stripe_batch_list from handle_stripe_clean_event (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: be more selective about distributing flags across batch (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: add handle_flags arg to break_stripe_batch_list (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: duplicate some more handle_stripe_clean_event code in break_stripe_batch_list (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: remove condition test from check_break_stripe_batch_list (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: Ensure a batch member is not handled prematurely (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: close race between STRIPE_BIT_DELAY and batching (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: ensure whole batch is delayed for all required bitmap updates (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] bitmap: remove rcu annotation from pointer arithmetic (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: fix broken async operation chain (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: fix handling of degraded stripes in batches (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: fix allocation of 'scribble' array (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: don't record new size if resize_stripes fails (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: avoid reading parity blocks for full-stripe write to degraded array (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: more incorrect BUG_ON in handle_stripe_fill (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: new alloc_stripe() to allocate an initialize a stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid0: conditional mddev->queue access to suit dm-raid (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: don't do chunk aligned read on degraded array (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: change ->inactive_blocked to a bit-flag (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: move max_nr_stripes management into grow_one_stripe and drop_one_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: pass gfp_t arg to grow_one_stripe() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: introduce configuration option rmw_level (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: activate raid6 rmw feature (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid6 algorithms: delta syndrome functions (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: handle expansion/resync case with stripe batching (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: handle io error of batch list (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: batch adjacent full stripe write (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: track overwrite disk count (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: add a new flag to track if a stripe can be batched (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: use flex_array for scribble data (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid0: access mddev->queue (request queue member) conditionally because it is not set when accessed from dm-raid (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] allow resync to go faster when there is competing IO (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove 'go_faster' option from ->sync_request() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] don't require sync_min to be a multiple of chunk_size (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] re-add a failed disk (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] Export and rename find_rdev_nr_rcu (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: check faulty flag for array status during recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid1: fix read balance when a drive is write-mostly (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: Fix livelock when array is both resyncing and degraded (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid10: round up to bdev_logical_block_size in narrow_write_error (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid1: round up to bdev_logical_block_size in narrow_write_error (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid10: fix conversion from RAID0 to RAID10 (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] wakeup thread upon rdev_dec_pending() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] make reconfig_mutex optional for writes to md sysfs files (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] move mddev_lock and related to md.h (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] use mddev->lock to protect updates to resync_{min, max} (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] minor cleanup in safe_delay_store (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] move GET_BITMAP_FILE ioctl out from mddev_lock (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] tidy up set_bitmap_file (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove unnecessary 'buf' from get_bitmap_file (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove mddev_lock from rdev_attr_show() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove mddev_lock() from md_attr_show() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: use ->lock to protect accessing raid5 sysfs attributes (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove need for mddev_lock() in md_seq_show() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] bitmap: protect clearing of ->bitmap by mddev->lock (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] protect ->pers changes with mddev->lock (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] level_store: group all important changes into one place (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] rename ->stop to ->free (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] split detach operation out from ->stop (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] linear: remove rcu protections in favour of suspend/resume (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] make merge_bvec_fn more robust in face of personality changes (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] make ->congested robust against personality changes (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] rename mddev->write_lock to mddev->lock (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: need_this_block: tidy/fix last condition (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: need_this_block: start simplifying the last two conditions (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: separate out the easy conditions in need_this_block (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: separate large if clause out of fetch_block() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] do_release_stripe(): No need to call md_wakeup_thread() twice (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: fix another livelock caused by non-aligned writes (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] Check MD_RECOVERY_RUNNING as well as ->sync_thread (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] fix semicolon.cocci warnings (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: fetch_block must fetch all the blocks handle_stripe_dirtying wants (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] Always set RECOVERY_NEEDED when clearing RECOVERY_FROZEN (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] move EXPORT_SYMBOL to after function in md.c (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] discard PRINT_RAID_DEBUG ioctl (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove MD_BUG() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] clean up 'exit' labels in md_ioctl() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove unnecessary test for MD_MAJOR in md_ioctl() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] don't allow "-sync" to be set for device in an active array (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] remove unwanted white space from md.c (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] don't start resync thread directly from md thread (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] Just use RCU when checking for overlap between arrays (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] avoid potential long delay under pers_lock (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] simplify export_array() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] discard find_rdev_nr in favour of find_rdev_nr_rcu (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] use wait_event() to simplify md_super_wait() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] be more relaxed about stopping an array which isn't started (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid1: process_checks doesn't use its return value (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: fix init_stripe() inconsistencies (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid10: another memory leak due to reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] use set_bit/clear_bit instead of shift/mask for bi_flags changes (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid1: minor typos and reformatting (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] bitmap: always wait for writes on unplug (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid5: avoid livelock caused by non-aligned writes (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid56: Don't perform reads to support writes until stripe is ready (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid1: fix request counting bug in new 'barrier' code (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [md] raid1: Rewrite the implementation of iobarrier (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720] - [fs] ext4: atomically set inode->i_flags in ext4_set_inode_flags() (Jes Sorensen) [1150149 1173510 1194720]- [virtio] drop virtio-device_is_legacy_only (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: support non-legacy balloon devices (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-mmio: support non-legacy balloon devices (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ccw: support non-legacy balloon devices (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] balloon might not be a legacy device (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: transitional interface (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci_modern: switch to type-safe io accessors (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci_modern: type-safe io accessors (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] drop a useless config read (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-config: reorder functions (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-mmio: fix access width for mmio (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-mmio: generation support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-rpmsg: set DRIVER_OK before using device (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: fix comment for virtio 1.0 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: typo fix (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: set DRIVER_OK before using device (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] don't set VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_DRIVER_OK twice (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: unconditionally define struct virtio_net_hdr_v1 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] Don't expose legacy net features when VIRTIO_NET_NO_LEGACY defined (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] don't require a config space on the console device (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: use 16-bit accessor for queue_enable (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] Don't expose legacy config features when VIRTIO_CONFIG_NO_LEGACY defined (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] Don't expose legacy block features when VIRTIO_BLK_NO_LEGACY defined (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] define VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_PCI_CFG in header (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] Avoid possible kernel panic if DEBUG is enabled (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-mmio: Update the device to OASIS spec version (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: add module param to force legacy mode (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: add an option to disable legacy driver (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] redhat: enable virtio-pci_legacy (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: drop Kconfig warnings (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: Kconfig grammar fix (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-rng: drop extra empty line (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ring: coding style fix (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: coding style fixes (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: coding style fixes (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci_modern: support devices with no config (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci_modern: reduce number of mappings (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: macros for PCI layout offsets (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: modern driver (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: define layout for virtio 1.0 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: move probe/remove code to common (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: drop useless del_vqs call (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] s390: add pci_iomap_range (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] pci: add pci_iomap_range (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] balloon: verify device has config space (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] scsi: verify device has config space (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] net: verify device has config space (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] console: verify device has config space (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] blk: verify device has config space (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] 9p: verify device has config space (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: drop virtio_config dependency (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: document why we defer kfree (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: defer kfree until release callback (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: device-specific release callback (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] make del_vqs idempotent (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: restore module attributes (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] core support for config generation (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: add VIRTIO_PCI_NO_LEGACY (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: move probe to common file (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci_common.h: drop VIRTIO_PCI_NO_LEGACY (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-config: fix virtio_cread_bytes (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] set VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_FEATURES_OK on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ccw: finalize_features error handling (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ccw: future-proof finalize_features (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: rename virtio_pci -> virtio_pci_common (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: update file descriptions and copyright (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: split out legacy device support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: setup config vector indirectly (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: setup vqs indirectly (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: delete vqs indirectly (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: use priv for vq notification (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: free up vq->priv (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: fix coding style for structs (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: add isr field (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] drop legacy_only driver flag (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: drop legacy_only driver flag (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ccw: rev 1 devices set VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] allow finalize_features to fail (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ccw: legacy: don't negotiate rev 1/features (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] add API to detect legacy devices (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-console: fix sparse warnings (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] drop VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1 from drivers (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] make VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1 a transport bit (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: add legacy_only flag (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-console: virtio 1.0 support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] af_packet: virtio 1.0 stubs (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-scsi: export to userspace (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-scsi: move to uapi (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-scsi: v1.0 support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: enable v1.0 support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: disable mac write for virtio 1.0 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: bigger header when VERSION_1 is set (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: stricter short buffer length checks (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: get rid of virtio_net_hdr/skb_vnet_hdr (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: Set needed_headroom for virtio-net when VIRTIO_F_ANY_LAYOUT is true (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: pass vi around (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: fix race at module removal (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: make serial attribute static (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] kvm: s390: enable virtio-ccw revision 1 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] kvm: s390 allow virtio-ccw status writes to fail (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] kvm: s390: virtio-ccw revision 1 SET_VQ (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] kvm: s390: Set virtio-ccw transport revision (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: v1.0 support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: v1.0 endianness (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] add legacy feature table support (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] simplify feature bit handling (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] set FEATURES_OK (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] allow transports to get avail/used addresses (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-config: endian conversion for v1.0 (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ring: switch to new memory access APIs (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] memory access APIs (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] add virtio 1.0 feature bit (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ccw: add support for 64 bit features (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] assert 32 bit features in transports (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] add support for 64 bit features (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] use u32, not bitmap for features (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-balloon: enable VQs early on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-console: move early VQ enablement (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: enable VQs early on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-console: enable VQs early on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-scsi: enable VQs early on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: enable VQs early on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-scsi: move kick event out from virtscsi_init (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: fix use after free on allocation failure (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] 9p/trans_virtio: enable VQs early (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-console: enable VQs early (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: enable VQs early (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: enable VQs early (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: minor cleanup (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: drop config_mutex (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: drop config_enable (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: drop config_mutex (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-blk: drop config_enable (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: move freeze/restore to virtio core (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: fix virtio spec compliance on restore (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] add low-level APIs for feature bits (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] add API to enable VQs early (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ring: unify direct/indirect code paths (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-ring: assume sgs are always well-formed (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-net: pass well-formed sgs to virtqueue_add_*() (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] remove virtqueue_add_buf() (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] pci: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: pm: Use CONFIG_PM_SLEEP instead of CONFIG_PM (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: fix leaks of msix_affinity_masks (Jason Wang) [1227339] - [virtio] virtio-pci: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Jason Wang) [1227339]- [x86] mm: add memory tracking to native_pmdp_get_and_clear (David Bulkow) [1227357] - [kvm] x86: advertise KVM_CAP_X86_SMM (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: add SMM to the MMU role, support SMRAM address space (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] arch/x86/kvm/mmu.c: work around gcc-4.4.4 bug (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: work on all available address spaces (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: use vcpu-specific functions to read/write/translate GFNs (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: pass struct kvm_mmu_page to gfn_to_rmap (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] implement multiple address spaces (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] add vcpu-specific functions to read/write/translate GFNs (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: save/load state on SMM switch (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: latch INITs while in system management mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: stubs for SMM support (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: API changes for SMM support (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: pass the whole hflags field to emulator and back (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: pass host_initiated to functions that read MSRs (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: introduce num_emulated_msrs (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: clear hidden CPU state at reset time (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: fix kvm_apic_has_events to check for NULL pointer (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] remove unused argument from mark_page_dirty_in_slot (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Allow ARAT CPU feature (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: preserve x2APIC LDR on INIT (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: use correct APIC ID on x2APIC transition (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: pass struct kvm_mmu_page to account/unaccount_shadowed (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] remove __gfn_to_pfn (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] pass kvm_memory_slot to gfn_to_page_many_atomic (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] add "new" argument to kvm_arch_commit_memory_region (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] add memslots argument to kvm_arch_memslots_updated (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] const-ify uses of struct kvm_userspace_memory_region (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] use kvm_memslots whenever possible (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] introduce kvm_alloc/free_memslots (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Make functions that have no external callers static (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] export __gfn_to_pfn_memslot, drop gfn_to_pfn_async (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: do not reset mmu if CR0.CD and CR0.NW are changed (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: fix MTRR update (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: fix decoding cache type from MTRR (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: introduce kvm_zap_rmapp (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: use slot_handle_level and its helper to clean up the code (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: introduce slot_handle_level_range() and its helpers (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: introduce for_each_slot_rmap_range (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: introduce PT_MAX_HUGEPAGE_LEVEL (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: introduce for_each_rmap_spte() (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Fix zero iterations REP-string (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Fix update RCX/RDI/RSI on REP-string (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Fix DR7 mask on task-switch while debugging (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] remove pointless cpu hotplug messages (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Call-far should not be emulated as stack op (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] reuse memslot in kvm_write_guest_page (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: dump VMCS on invalid entry (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: kvmclock: drop rdtsc_barrier() (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: drop unneeded null test (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: load guest FPU context more eagerly (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: Support for disabling quirks (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] fpu: Enable eager restore kvm FPU for MPX (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] revert "kvm: x86: drop fpu_activate hook" (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] fix crash in kvm_vcpu_reload_apic_access_page (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: fix SMAP virtualization (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: fix CR4.SMEP=1, CR0.WP=0 with shadow pages (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] mmu: fix smap permission check (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: pvclock: Really remove the sched notifier for cross-cpu migrations (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: vdso: fix pvclock races with task migration (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: fix kvmclock update protocol (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] svm: use kvm_register_write()/read() (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] async_pf: Add missing call for async page present (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] async_pf: Provide additional direct page notification (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] remove kvm_read_hva and kvm_read_hva_atomic (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: IRET emulation does not clear NMI masking (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] x86: POPA emulation may not clear bits [63:32] (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] remove unneeded return value of vcpu_postcreate (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] Get rid of kvm_kvfree() (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825] - [kvm] Use pr_info/pr_err in kvm_main.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1202825]- [infiniband] disable INFINIBAND_ON_DEMAND_PAGING for s390 platform (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/ehca: use correct destination for memcpy (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/cma: Fix broken AF_IB UD support (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/cm: Change reject message type when destroying cm_id (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Fix for parsing netlink string attribute (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix unaligned accesses (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: change rdma_gid2ip into void function as it always return zero (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: dma unmap optimizations (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: dma map/unmap locking optimizations (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Enable the iWarp Port Mapper to provide the actual address of the connecting peer to its clients (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] rdma/cma: Canonize IPv4 on IPV6 sockets properly (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib_uverbs: Fix pages leak when using XRC SRQs (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: don't disallow registering region starting at 0x0 (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: disallow registering 0-sized memory region (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add on demand paging caps to ib_uverbs_ex_query_device (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for extended query device caps (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Properly handle registration of on-demand paging MRs after dereg (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix deadlock on uverbs modify_qp error flow (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: When marshaling ucma path from user-space, clear unused fields (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] revert "ib/core: Add support for extended query device caps" (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Temporarily disable ex_query_device uverb (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Implement support for MMU notifiers regarding on demand paging regions (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for on demand paging regions (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add flags for on demand paging support (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add support for extended query device caps (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Add umem function to read data from user-space (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Replace ib_umem's offset field with a full address (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/addr: Improve address resolution callback scheduling (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix mgid key handling in SA agent multicast data-base (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Do not resolve VLAN if already resolved (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Fix XRC race condition in ib_uverbs_open_qp (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Clear AH attr variable to prevent garbage data (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: Avoid leakage from kernel to user space (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [infiniband] ib/core: ib_umem_release() should decrement mm->pinned_vm from ib_umem_get (Honggang Li) [1229265] - [fs] proc: fix BUG_ON() introduced by PAGE_SIZE cmdline limit fix (Jarod Wilson) [1193998 1225363] - [pci] Add ACS quirks for Intel 9-series PCH root ports (Myron Stowe) [1206198] - [pci] Add Wellsburg (X99) to Intel PCH root port ACS quirk (Myron Stowe) [1162360] - [pci] Add DMA alias quirk for Adaptec 3405 (Myron Stowe) [1171802] - [pci] Mark AMD/ATI VGA devices that don't reset on D3hot->D0 transition (Myron Stowe) [1171802] - [pci] Add flag for devices that don't reset on D3hot->D0 transition (Myron Stowe) [1171802] - [pci] Mark Atheros AR93xx to avoid bus reset (Myron Stowe) [1171802] - [pci] Add flag for devices where we can't use bus reset (Myron Stowe) [1171802] - [hid] i2c-hid: Limit reads to wMaxInputLength bytes for input events (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: only bind the hid-rmi driver to the mouse interface of composite USB devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: check that report ids exist in the report_id_hash before accessing their size (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [i2c] move ACPI helpers into the core (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [i2c] designware: remove HAVE_CLK build dependecy (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: do not handle touchscreens through hid-rmi (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: fix masks for x and w_x data (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: fix wrong struct field name (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: do not fetch more than 16 bytes in a query (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: check for the existence of some optional queries before reading query 12 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: do not stop the device at the end of probe (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] rmi: introduce RMI driver for Synaptics touchpads (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [hid] i2c-hid: support sending HID output reports using the output register (Aristeu Rozanski) [1075108 1075114] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix an error code in _bnx2fc_create() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187300] - [scsi] bnx2fc: check IS_ERR() instead of NULL (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187300] - [scsi] iscsi_ibft: filter null v4-mapped v6 addresses (Chris Leech) [1212673] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt2sas+mpt3sas: set cpu affinity for each MSIX vectors (Tomas Henzl) [1189021 1200405] - [scsi] mpt2sas+mpt3sas: Update attribution language to Avago (Tomas Henzl) [1189021 1200405] - [scsi] mpt2sas: map log_info value 0x0x32010081 to DID_RESET (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt2sas+mpt3sas: fix upper bound for the module parameter max_sgl_entries (Tomas Henzl) [1053119] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev BB (2.00.20) specification and 2.00.35 header files (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt2sas+mpt3sas: Fail the host reset initiated due to discovery related I/O timeouts at driver load time (Tomas Henzl) [1189021 1200405] - [scsi] mpt2sas+mpt3sas: log exceeded temperature thresholds (Tomas Henzl) [1189021 1200405] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev AA (2.00.19) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt3sas: issue_reset is uninitialized (Tomas Henzl) [1200405] - [scsi] mpt2sas: issue_reset is uninitialized (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Revert " mpt3sas: Remove phys on topology change" (Tomas Henzl) [1200405] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Revert "mpt2sas: Remove phys on topology change." (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix ioctl in comment (Tomas Henzl) [1189021] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fixed firmware assert, during target logout (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187301] - [scsi] fix regression in SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] set REQ_QUEUE for the blk-mq case (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] move blk_mq_start_request call earlier (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] fix regression that accidentally disabled block-based tcq (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [lib] scatterlist: fix memory leak with scsi-mq (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sg: fix EWOULDBLOCK errors with scsi-mq (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sg: fix unkillable I/O wait deadlock with scsi-mq (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sg: fix read() error reporting (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] fix random memory corruption with scsi-mq + T10 PI (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] Fix qemu boot hang problem (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] scsi-mq: Add call to mark_tech_preview() if "use_blk_mq" is specified (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] fnic: reject device resets without assigned tags for the blk-mq case (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] add support for a blk-mq based I/O path (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] scatterlist: allow chaining to preallocated chunks (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] unwind blk_end_request_all and blk_end_request_err calls (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] only maintain target_blocked if the driver has a target queue limit (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] fix the host/target/device_blocked counter mess (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] convert device_busy to atomic_t (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] convert host_busy to atomic_t (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] convert target_busy to an atomic_t (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] push host_lock down into scsi_host/target_queue_ready (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] set ->scsi_done before calling scsi_dispatch_cmd (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] centralize command re-queueing in scsi_dispatch_fn (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] split __scsi_queue_insert (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] add scsi_setup_cmnd helper (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] mark scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd static (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sd: split sd_init_command (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sd: retry discard commands (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sd: retry write same commands (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sd: don't use scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd for discard requests (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sd: don't use scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd for write same requests (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] sd: don't use scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd for flush requests (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] set sc_data_direction in common code (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] restructure command initialization for TYPE_FS requests (Ewan Milne) [1109348] - [scsi] move the nr_phys_segments assert into scsi_init_io (Ewan Milne) [1109348]- [drm] upstream sync to v4.1-rc7 (Rob Clark) [1206718] - [drm] i915: Fix DDC probe for passive adapters (Rob Clark) [1206718] - [drm] i915: Properly initialize SDVO analog connectors (Rob Clark) [1206718] - [acpi] video: Allow forcing native backlight on non win8 machines (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] i915: Update the condition to ignore firmware backlight change request (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Propagate the error code for acpi_video_register (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Load the module even if ACPI is disabled (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Disable native backlight on Samsung Series 9 laptops (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add disable_native_backlight quirk for Samsung 510R (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add disable_native_backlight quirk for Samsung 730U3E/740U3E (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add disable_native_backlight quirk for Dell XPS15 L521X (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add some Samsung models to disable_native_backlight list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: update the skip case for acpi_video_device_in_dod() (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: update condition to check if device is in _DOD list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Run _BCL before deciding registering backlight (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: check _DOD list when creating backlight devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: disable native backlight for ThinkPad X201s (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Remove video_set_use_native_backlight quirk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Disable native_backlight on HP ENVY 15 Notebook PC (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add a disable_native_backlight quirk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Fix use_native_backlight selection logic (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add use_native_backlight quirk for HP EliteBook 2014 models (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] move models with win8 brightness problems from win8 blacklist to use_native_backlight (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] blacklist: Add dmi_enable_osi_linux quirk for Asus EEE PC 1015PX (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] blacklist win8 OSI for Dell Inspiron 7737 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] revert "acpi: Blacklist Win8 OSI for some HP laptop 2013 models" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Fix backlight taking 2 steps on a brightness up/down keypress (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add use_native_backlight quirk for HP ProBook 4540s (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] revert "acpi video: change acpi-video brightness_switch_enabled default to 0" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add Acer TravelMate B113 to native backlight blacklist (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] i915: ignore firmware requests for backlight change (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Change the default for video.use_native_backlight to 1 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add 4 new models to the use_native_backlight DMI list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add use native backlight quirk for the ThinkPad W530 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Unregister the backlight device if a raw one shows up later (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add an acpi_video_unregister_backlight function (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Revert native brightness quirk for ThinkPad T530 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Don't register acpi_video_resume notifier without backlight devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: correct DMI tag for Dell Inspiron 7520 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: change acpi-video brightness_switch_enabled default to 0 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add use_native_backlight quirks for more systems (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Favor native backlight interface for ThinkPad Helix (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Add systems that should favour native backlight interface (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] Blacklist Win8 OSI for some HP laptop 2013 models (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] delete CONFIG_ACPI_BLACKLIST_YEAR (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] blacklist: fix name of ThinkPad Edge E530 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] Add Toshiba NB100 to Vista _OSI blacklist (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] add missing win8 OSI comment to blacklist (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] update win8 OSI blacklist (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] blacklist win8 OSI for buggy laptops (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] blacklist win8 OSI for ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Filter the _BCL table for duplicate brightness values (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: clean up DMI table for initial black screen problem (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] revert "acpi video: Ignore BIOS initial backlight value for HP 250 G1" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Quirk initial backlight level 0 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Fix initial level validity test (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Ignore BIOS initial backlight value for HP 250 G1 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Do not register backlight if win8 and native interface exists (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: seperate backlight control and event interface (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] revert "acpi video: Always call acpi_video_init_brightness() on init" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: drop unused fields from struct acpi_video_brightness_flags (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: remove unnecessary type casting (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: trivial style cleanups (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: trivial costmetic cleanups (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] revert "acpi video / i915: No ACPI backlight if firmware expects Windows 8" (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: no automatic brightness changes by win8-compatible firmware (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video / i915: No ACPI backlight if firmware expects Windows 8 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] video: Always call acpi_video_init_brightness() on init (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] backlight: Add backlight device (un)registration notification (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] backlight: fix KABI breakage (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] backlight: introduce backlight_device_registered (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [acpi] acpica: expose OSI version (Benjamin Tissoires) [1218354] - [x86] kvm: add module parameter to disable periodic kvmclock sync (Marcelo Tosatti) [1220952] - [x86] kvm: increase user memory slots to 509 (Igor Mammedov) [1155581] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix an off-by-one bug in __domain_mapping() (Myron Stowe) [1171802] - [kernel] lockdep: Increase static allocations (Jiri Olsa) [1158087]- [md] dm: fix casting bug in dm_merge_bvec() (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: fix reload failure of 0 path multipath mapping on blk-mq devices (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: fix false warning in free_rq_clone() for unmapped requests (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-mpath: fix leak of dm_mpath_io structure in blk-mq .queue_rq error path (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: requeue from blk-mq dm_mq_queue_rq() using BLK_MQ_RQ_QUEUE_BUSY (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: fix NULL pointer when clone_and_map_rq returns !DM_MAPIO_REMAPPED (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: run queue on re-queue (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-log-userspace-base: fix compile warning (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-log-userspace-transfer: match wait_for_completion_timeout return type (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-log-userspace: split flush_entry_pool to be per dirty-log (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-table: fall back to getting device using name_to_dev_t() (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [init] fix regression by supporting devices with major:minor:offset format (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [init] stricter checking of major:minor root= values (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [init] export name_to_dev_t and mark name argument as const (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: fix free_rq_clone() NULL pointer when requeueing unmapped request (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: only initialize the request_queue once (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: add 'use_blk_mq' module param and expose in per-device ro sysfs attr (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: optimize dm_mq_queue_rq to _not_ use kthread if using pure blk-mq (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: add full blk-mq support to request-based DM (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-table: use bool function return values of true/false not 1/0 (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-delay: use msecs_to_jiffies for time conversion (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-verity: add error handling modes for corrupted blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-crypt: fix missing error code return from crypt_ctr error path (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-crypt: update URLs to new cryptsetup project page (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-switch: fix Documentation to use plain text (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-thin: remove stale 'trim' message documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: try not to writeback data that changed in the last second (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: remove unused generation member of struct entry (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: track entries hit this 'tick' via sentinel objects (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: remove queue_shift_down() (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: keep track of the number of entries in a multiqueue (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: impose configurable deadline for dm_request_fn's merge heuristic (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [kernel] ktime: add ktime_after and ktime_before helper (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm-sysfs: introduce ability to add writable attributes (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: don't start current request if it would've merged with the previous (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: reduce the queue delay used in dm_request_fn from 100ms to 10ms (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: don't schedule delayed run of the queue if nothing to do (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: only run the queue on completion if congested or no requests pending (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: remove request-based logic from make_request_fn wrapper (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: remove request-based DM queue's lld_busy_fn hook (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: remove unnecessary wrapper around blk_lld_busy (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [md] dm: rename __dm_get_reserved_ios() helper to __dm_get_module_param() (Mike Snitzer) [1166127 1208542] - [powerpc] eeh: Delay probing EEH device during hotplug (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix race condition in pcibios_set_pcie_reset_state() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] tg3: Release IRQs on permanent error (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Don't map M64 segments using M32DT (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix PE#0 check in eeh_add_to_parent_pe() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pci: Create pci_dn for VFs (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pci: Export pci_iov_virtfn_bus() and pci_iov_virtfn_devfn() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] sfc: Don't use of_node_to_eeh_dev() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Remove device_node dependency (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Replace device_node with pci_dn in eeh_ops (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Do probe on pci_dn (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Create eeh_dev from pci_dn instead of device_node (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pci: Trace more information from pci_dn (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Use pci_dn, not device_node, in PCI config accessor (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pci: Refactor pci_dn (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pci: remove the multi-init for pci_dn->phb (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove unused file (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation reset() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation next_error() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation get_state() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation set_option() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation configure_bridge() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation get_log() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation post_init() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop PHB operation err_inject() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Shorten EEH function names (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Enhance pcibios_set_pcie_reset_state() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Allow to set maximal frozen times (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Introduce flag EEH_PE_REMOVED (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix missed PE#0 on P7IOC (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Dump PHB diag-data early (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Recover EEH error on ownership change for BCM5719 (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Set EEH_PE_RESET on PE reset (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Refactor eeh_reset_pe() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Replace OPAL_DEASSERT_RESET with EEH_RESET_DEACTIVATE (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix PE state format (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Block CFG upon frozen Shiner adapter (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Don't collect logs on PE with blocked config space (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Block PCI config access upon frozen PE (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Drop config requests in EEH accessors (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Rename flag EEH_PE_RESET to EEH_PE_CFG_BLOCKED (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix condition for isolated state (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Show hex prefix for PE state sysfs (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Fetch frozen PE on top level (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Dump PCI config space for all child devices (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Emulate EEH recovery for VFIO devices (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Tag reset state for user owned PE (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Block PCI config access during reset (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Use eeh_unfreeze_pe() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Unfreeze PE on enabling EEH functionality (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix improper condition in eeh_pci_enable() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Clear frozen device state in time (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Clear PAPR error injection registers (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Add PCI error injection debugfs entry (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Introduce eeh_ops::err_inject (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] powernv: Sync header with firmware (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Clear frozen state on passing device (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Reenable PCI devices after reset (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Freeze PE before PE reset (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Add eeh_pe_state sysfs entry (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Drop unused argument in eeh_check_failure() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix kernel crash when passing through VF (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] vfio: Export vfio_spapr_iommu_eeh_ioctl() with GPL (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] vfio/pci: Restore MSIx message prior to enabling (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pci: Assume all Mellanox devices have broken INTx masking (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] pseries: Failure on removing device node (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Export eeh_iommu_group_to_pe() (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] eeh: Add missing #ifdef CONFIG_IOMMU_API (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] vfio: Enable VFIO if EEH is not supported (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] vfio: Allow EEH to be built as module (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] vfio: Fix EEH build error (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [powerpc] vfio: EEH support for VFIO PCI device (Laurent Vivier) [1213675] - [hid] usbhid: yet another mouse with ALWAYS_POLL (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: more mice with ALWAYS_POLL (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] add quirk for PIXART OEM mouse used by HP (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] add HP OEM mouse to quirk ALWAYS_POLL (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] add ALWAYS_POLL quirk for a Logitech 0xc007 (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: enable always-poll quirk for Elan Touchscreen 0103 (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: prevent unwanted events to be sent when re-opening the device (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: enable always-poll quirk for Elan Touchscreen 016f (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: enable always-poll quirk for Elan Touchscreen 009b (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: add another mouse that needs QUIRK_ALWAYS_POLL (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: fix PIXART optical mouse (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: enable always-poll quirk for Elan Touchscreen (Don Zickus) [914682] - [hid] usbhid: add always-poll quirk (Don Zickus) [914682] - [tools] turbostat: update version number to 4.7 (Prarit Bhargava) [1224005] - [tools] turbostat: allow running without cpu0 (Prarit Bhargava) [1224005] - [tools] turbostat: correctly decode of ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_BIAS (Prarit Bhargava) [1224005] - [tools] turbostat: correctly display more than 2 threads/core (Prarit Bhargava) [1224005] - [net] tcp: double default TSQ output bytes limit (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1228113] - [net] bridge: fix parsing of MLDv2 reports (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1219092] - [net] conntrack: RFC5961 challenge ACK confuse conntrack LAST-ACK transition (Jesper Brouer) [1212829] - [net] tcp: Restore RFC5961-compliant behavior for SYN packets (Jesper Brouer) [1212829]- [powerpc] perf: hv-24x7: Add missing put_cpu_var() (Jiri Olsa) [1220106] - [block] blk-mq: make plug work for mutiple disks and queues (Jeff Moyer) [1185689] - [block] blk-mq: do limited block plug for multiple queue case (Jeff Moyer) [1185689] - [block] blk-mq: avoid re-initialize request which is failed in direct dispatch (Jeff Moyer) [1185689] - [block] blk-mq: fix plugging in blk_sq_make_request (Jeff Moyer) [1185689] - [kernel] sched: Prevent recursion in io_schedule() (Jeff Moyer) [1185689] - [scsi] ipr: Increase default adapter init stage change timeout (Steve Best) [1229217] - [fs] fs-cache: Retain the netfs context in the retrieval op earlier (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: The operation cancellation method needs calling in more places (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Put an aborted initialised op so that it is accounted correctly (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Fix cancellation of in-progress operation (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Count the number of initialised operations (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Out of line fscache_operation_init() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Permit fscache_cancel_op() to cancel in-progress operations too (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: fscache_object_is_dead() has wrong logic, kill it (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Synchronise object death state change vs operation submission (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Handle a new operation submitted against a killed object (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: When submitting an op, cancel it if the target object is dying (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Move fscache_report_unexpected_submission() to make it more available (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Count culled objects and objects rejected due to lack of space (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: use __seq_open_private() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: Fix incorrect test for in-memory object collision (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: Handle object being killed before being set up (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: add missing \n to kerror conversions (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: remove two unused pagevecs (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: refcount becomes corrupt under vma pressure (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Reduce cookie ref count if submit fails (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Timeout for releasepage() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: make ctl_table static (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: replace kerror by pr_err (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: convert printk to pr_foo() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: replace seq_printf by seq_puts (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: convert printk to pr_foo() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] get rid of pointless checks for NULL ->i_op (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Handle removal of unadded object to the fscache_object_list rb tree (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] nfs: Use i_writecount to control whether to get an fscache cookie in nfs_open() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Provide the ability to enable/disable cookies (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Add use/unuse/wake cookie wrappers (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: Don't try to dump the index key if the cookie has been cleared (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: Fix memory leak in cachefiles_check_auxdata error paths (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: check consistency does not decrement refcount (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: Netfs function for cleanup post readpages (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: Implement interface to check cache consistency (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Add interface to check consistency of a cached object (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Don't use spin_is_locked() in assertions (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: The retrieval remaining-pages counter needs to be atomic_t (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: remove unused macro list_to_page() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Simplify cookie retention for fscache_objects, fixing oops (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Fix object state machine to have separate work and wait states (David Howells) [1129693 1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Wrap checks on object state (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Uninline fscache_object_init() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fs-cache: Don't sleep in page release if __GFP_FS is not set (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] cachefiles: name i_mutex lock class explicitly (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [fs] fscache: remove spin_lock() from the condition in while() (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [kernel] wait: fix new kernel-doc warning in wait.c (David Howells) [1130457 1204964] - [kernel] wait: Fix __wait_on_atomic_t() to call the action func if the counter != 0 (David Howells) [1130457 1204964]- [fs] pipe: fix pipe corruption and iovec overrun on partial copy (Seth Jennings) [1198843] {CVE-2015-1805} - [fs] xfs: add RENAME_WHITEOUT support (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: make xfs_cross_rename() complete fully (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: factor out xfs_finish_rename() (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: cleanup xfs_rename error handling (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: clean up inode locking for RENAME_WHITEOUT (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: inodes are new until the dentry cache is set up (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: fix tmpfile/selinux deadlock and initialize security (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] allow the temp files created by open() to be linked to (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: allow linkat() on O_TMPFILE files (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: add O_TMPFILE support (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: Add support to RENAME_EXCHANGE flag (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: Make xfs_vn_rename compliant with renameat2() syscall (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [fs] xfs: Wrap dir inode operations inside inode_operation_wrapper (Carlos Maiolino) [1158888] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Endian fix for accessing VPA yield count (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Fix spinlock/mutex ordering issue in kvmppc_set_lpcr() (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Enable in-kernel XICS emulation by default (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Improve H_CONFER implementation (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Fix instruction emulation (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Fix endianness of instruction obtained from HEIR register (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] powerpc/kvm: support to handle sw breakpoint (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] powerpc/kvm: Define struct kvm_debug_exit_arch for powerpc (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Tracepoints for KVM HV guest interactions (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Simplify locking around stolen time calculations (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] arch: powerpc: kvm: book3s_paired_singles.c: Remove unused function (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] arch: powerpc: kvm: book3s_pr.c: Remove unused function (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] arch: powerpc: kvm: book3s.c: Remove some unused functions (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] arch: powerpc: kvm: book3s_32_mmu.c: Remove unused function (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Fix computation of tlbie operand (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Check wait conditions before sleeping in kvmppc_vcore_blocked (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Fix inaccuracies in ICP emulation for H_IPI (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Add missing HPTE unlock (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Only accept host PVR value for guest PVR (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Increase timeout for grabbing secondary threads (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Remove the tasklet used by the hrtimer (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Add register name when loading toc (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: pr: Handle FSCR feature deselects (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: drop duplicate tracepoint (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: hv: Remove generic instruction emulation (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Expose helper functions for data/inst faults (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Separate loadstore emulation from priv emulation (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Handle magic page in kvmppc_ld/st (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Use kvm_read_guest in kvmppc_ld (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Remove kvmppc_bad_hva() (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Move kvmppc_ld/st to common code (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Implement kvmppc_xlate for all targets (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: hv: Update compute_tlbie_rb to handle 16MB base page (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Provide different CAPs based on HV or PR mode (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] Use the POWER8 Micro Partition Prefetch Engine in KVM HV on POWER8 (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] Split out struct kvmppc_vcore creation to separate function (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Make kvmppc_ld return a more accurate error indication (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Fix LPCR one_reg interface (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Allow kvmppc_get_last_inst() to fail (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Remove kvmppc_read_inst() function (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Make magic page properly 4k mappable (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Add hack for split real mode (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: Stop PTE lookup on write errors (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: Deflect page write faults properly in kvmppc_st (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s pr: Fix sparse endian checks (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s pr: Handle hyp doorbell exits (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s hv: Fix tlbie compile error (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: pr: Emulate instruction counter (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: pr: Emulate virtual timebase register (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [kvm] ppc: book3s: pr: Fix PURR and SPURR emulation (Thomas Huth) [1226884 1227323] - [x86] mm: numa: Fix kernel stack corruption in numa_init()->numa_clear_kernel_node_hotplug() (Dave Young) [1188542] - [x86] mm: numa: fix boot failure when all nodes are hotpluggable (Dave Young) [1188542] - [x86] mm: numa: use for_each_memblock() (Dave Young) [1188542] - [ata] ahci: avoton port-disable reset-quirk (David Milburn) [1223189] - [ata] libata: Blacklist queued TRIM on all Samsung 800-series (David Milburn) [1225622] - [pci] hotplug: Drop pointless ACPI-based "slot detection" check (Jarod Wilson) [1211805] - [block] loop: remove (now) unused 'out' label (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] s390: dasd: remove obsolete while -EBUSY loop (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] s390: dasd_genhd: convert to blkdev_reread_part (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] nbd: convert to blkdev_reread_part() (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] loop: fix another reread part failure (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] loop: don't hold lo_ctl_mutex in lo_open (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] replace trylock with mutex_lock in blkdev_reread_part() (Jarod Wilson) [1182243] - [block] export blkdev_reread_part() and __blkdev_reread_part() (Jarod Wilson) [1182243]- [drm] upstream sync to 4.0 (Rob Clark) [1195474] - [drm] upstream sync to 3.19.0 (Rob Clark) [1195473] - [drm] upstream sync to 3.18.0 (Rob Clark) [1195472] - [drm] upstream sync to 3.17.0 (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [drm] add drm_backport (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [kernel] implement DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST_ULL (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [mm] mmu_notifier: add call_srcu and sync function for listener to delay call and sync (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [kernel] time: Export nsecs_to_jiffies() (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [kernel] time: export nsec_to_jiffies64 (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [acpi] pm: Export acpi_target_system_state() to modules (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [base] component: fix bug with legacy API (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [base] component: add support for component match array (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [base] component: ignore multiple additions of the same component (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [base] component: fix missed cleanup in case of devres failure (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [base] fix devres handling for master device (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [base] provide an infrastructure for componentised subsystems (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [kernel] seqcount: backport __seqcount_init() (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [drm] vgaswitcheroo: add vga_switcheroo_fini_domain_pm_ops (Rob Clark) [1195471] - [netdrv] myri10ge: check for DMA mapping errors (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1120674] - [cpufreq] powernv: Add pr_warn() on OPAL firmware failures (Steve Best) [1224148] - [x86] perf: uncore: Move uncore_box_init() out of driver initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1220682] - [input] elantech - fix semi-mt protocol for v3 HW (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - fix absolute mode setting on some ASUS laptops (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - add more Fujtisu notebooks to force crc_enabled (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - support new ICs types for version 4 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - trust firmware about trackpoint presence (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - provide a sysfs knob for crc_enabled (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - report the middle button of the touchpad (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - fix crc_enabled for Fujitsu H730 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - use elantech_report_trackpoint for hardware v4 too (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] add missing POINTER / DIRECT properties to a bunch of drivers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] add INPUT_PROP_POINTING_STICK property (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - fix detection of touchpad on ASUS s301l (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - add support for trackpoint found on some v3 models (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - reset the device when elantech probe fails (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - don't set bit 1 of reg_10 when the no_hw_res quirk is set (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - deal with clickpads reporting right button events (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - fix touchpad initialization on Gigabyte U2442 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - add support for newer elantech touchpads (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - improve clickpad detection (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - add support for newer (August 2013) devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - fix packet check for v3 and v4 hardware (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [input] elantech - fix for newer hardware versions (v7) (Benjamin Tissoires) [1157840 1188234] - [x86] kvm: zero kvmclock_offset when vcpu0 initializes kvmclock system MSR (Marcelo Tosatti) [1184155] - [x86] kvmclock: set scheduler clock stable (Marcelo Tosatti) [1184155] - [x86] kvmclock: add flag to indicate pvclock counts from zero (Marcelo Tosatti) [1184155] - [pci] Expose pci_load_saved_state for public consumption (Myron Stowe) [1202603] - [iommu] vt-d: Check return value of acpi_bus_get_device() (Myron Stowe) [1205900] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove unused variable (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Detach domain *only* from attached iommus (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] core: Check for the right function pointer in iommu_map() (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Fix cleanup_domain for mass device removal (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Defer domain removal if device is assigned to a driver (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] powerpc/powernv: Fix IOMMU group lost (Myron Stowe) [1222546] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix race setting IRQ CPU affinity while freeing IRQ (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Fix 2 typos in comments (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Fix device_state reference counting (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Remove change_pte mmu_notifier call-back (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Don't set pasid_state->mm to NULL in unbind_pasid (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix issue in computing domain's iommu_snooping flag (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce helper function iova_size() to improve code readability (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce helper domain_pfn_within_range() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify intel_unmap_sg() and kill duplicated code (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Change iommu_enable/disable_translation to return void (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify include/linux/dmar.h (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Avoid freeing virtual machine domain in free_dmar_iommu() (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix possible invalid memory access caused by free_dmar_iommu() (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Allocate dynamic domain id for virtual domains only (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce helper functions to make code symmetric for readability (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix dmar_domain leak in iommu_attach_device (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce helper functions to improve code readability (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Match segment number when searching for dev_iotlb capable devices (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Don't call the inv_ctx_cb when pasid is not set up (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Don't hold a reference to task_struct (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Don't hold a reference to mm_struct (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Add pasid_state->invalid flag (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Drop pasid_state reference in ppr_notifer error path (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Get rid of __unbind_pasid (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Don't free pasid_state in mn_release path (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Don't call mmu_notifer_unregister in __unbind_pasid (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Fix typo in amd_iommu_v2 driver (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Drop oprofile dependency (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Moving PPR fault flags macros definitions (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Fix for pasid initialization (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove the useless dma_pte_addr (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Don't use magic number in dma_pte_superpage (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Use inline function dma_pte_superpage instead of macros (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Clear the redundant assignment for domain->nid (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Clear the redundant assignment in dmar_enable_qi (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] vt-d: Use list_for_each_safe() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1225193] - [iommu] amd: Fix small race between invalidate_range_end/start (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Fix recently introduced compile warnings (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Remove duplicate checking code (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Handle parallel invalidate_range_start/end calls correctly (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Remove IOMMUv2 pasid_state_list (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Implement mmu_notifier_release call-back (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Convert IOMMUv2 state_table into state_list (Myron Stowe) [1225636] - [iommu] amd: Don't access IOMMUv2 state_table directly (Myron Stowe) [1225636]- [block] nvme: Add translation for block limits (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix error handling of class_create("nvme") (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: increase depth of admin queue (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix PRP list calculation for non-4k system page size (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix blk-mq hot cpu notification (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: embedded iod mask cleanup (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Freeze admin queue on device failure (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Initialize device list head before starting (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix potential corruption on sync commands (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Remove unused variables (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix scsi mode select llbaa setting (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix potential corruption during shutdown (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Asynchronous controller probe (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Register management handle under nvme class (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Update SCSI Inquiry VPD 83h translation (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: avoid kmalloc/kfree for smaller IO (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: within nvme_free_queues(), delete RCU sychro/deferred free (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: cq_vector should be signed (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix locking on abort handling (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Start and stop h/w queues on reset (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Command abort handling fixes (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Admin queue removal handling (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Reference count admin queue usage (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Start all requests (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix double free irq (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: fix race condition in nvme_submit_sync_cmd() (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: fix retry/error logic in nvme_queue_rq() (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix FS mount issue (hot-remove followed by hot-add) (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: fix error return checking from blk_mq_alloc_request() (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: fix freeing of wrong request in abort path (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix command setup on IO retry (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Update module version major number (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: fail pci initialization if the device doesn't have any BARs (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: add ->exit_hctx() hook (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: make setup work for devices that don't do INTx (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: enable IO stats by default (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: nvme_submit_async_admin_req() must use atomic rq allocation (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: replace blk_put_request() with blk_mq_free_request() (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: __nvme_submit_admin_cmd() can be static (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: blk_mq_alloc_request() returns error pointers (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Convert to blk-mq (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Do not over allocate for discard requests (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Do not open disks that are being deleted (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix device probe waiting on kthread (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Updates for 1.1 spec (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Passthrough IOCTL for IO commands (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Add revalidate_disk callback (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix nvmeq waitqueue entry initialization (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Translate NVMe status to errno (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix SG_IO status values (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Remove duplicate compat SG_IO code (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Reference count pci device (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Replace rcu_assign_pointer() with RCU_INIT_POINTER() (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Correctly handle IOCTL_SUBMIT_IO when cpus > online queues (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Fix filesystem sync deadlock on removal (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Call nvme_free_queue directly (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Add shutdown timeout as module parameter (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Skip orderly shutdown on failed devices (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Whitespace fixes (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Use pci_stop_and_remove_bus_device_locked() (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Handling devices incapable of I/O (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Change nvme_enable_ctrl to set EN and manage CC thru ctrl_config (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Mismatched host/device page size support (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Update list of status codes (David Milburn) [1179447] - [block] nvme: Async event request (David Milburn) [1179447] - [s390] mm: implement software referenced bits (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182320] - [s390] mm: cleanup page table definitions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182320] - [s390] mm: remove dead pfmf inline assembly (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182320] - [s390] dasd: add support for control unit initiated reconfiguration (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182290] - [s390] cio: fix multiple structure definitions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182290] - [s390] perf: make print_debug_cf() static (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: fix printk format warnings (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] use IS_ENABLED to check if a CONFIG is set to y or m (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] perf: Add service level information for CPU-Measurement Facilities (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] delete new instances of __cpuinit usage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: Add flag to process full SDBs only (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: Add raw data sampling to support the diagnostic-sampling function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: Filter perf events based event->attr.exclude_* settings (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: Detect KVM guest samples (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: Add helper to read TOD from trailer entries (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_sf: Dynamically extend the sampling buffer if overflows occur (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] perf, oprofile: Share sampling facility (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] perf: Improve PMU selection for PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES events (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] perf: add support for the CPU-Measurement Sampling Facility (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] irq: rework irq subclass handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] cpum_cf: Export event names in sysfs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] oprofile: move hwsampler interfaces to cpu_mf.h (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] hwsampler: Updated misleading member names in hws_data_entry (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] perf: Remove print_hex_dump_bytes() debug output (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182189] - [s390] hypfs: Eliminate hypfs interval (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182292] - [s390] hypfs: Add diagnose 0c support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182292] - [s390] smp: reenable smt after resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182149] - [s390] ftrace: fix crashes when switching tracers / add notrace to cpu_relax() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182149] - [s390] reintroduce diag 44 calls for cpu_relax() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182149] - [s390] remove diag 44 calls from cpu_relax() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182149] - [s390] add SMT support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182149] - [s390] process: free vx save area when releasing tasks (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] ptrace: always include vector registers in core files (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] simd: clear vector register pointer on fork/clone (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] fix ptrace of user area if the inferior uses vector registers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] kdump: add support for vector extension (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] disassembler: add vector instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] add support for vector extension (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] compat: correct ucontext layout for high gprs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1102206] - [s390] uprobes: fix user space PER events (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] uprobes: fix kprobes dependency (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] uprobes: architecture backend for uprobes (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] uprobes: common library for kprobes and uprobes (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] ptrace: add struct psw and accessor function (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] kprobes: allow kprobes only on known instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] dis: move disassembler function prototypes to proper header file (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] kprobes: use insn_length helper function (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] dis: move common definitions to a header file (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] dis: rename structures for unique types (Hendrik Brueckner) [879647] - [s390] mm: limit STACK_RND_MASK for compat tasks (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] mm: align 64-bit PIE binaries to 4GB (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] avoid z13 cache aliasing (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] add z13 code generation support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] kernel: use stnsm 255 instead of stosm 0 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] time: use stck clock fast for do_account_vtime (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] spinlock: optimize spin_unlock code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] spinlock: refactor arch_spin_lock_wait[_flags] (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] rwlock: add missing local_irq_restore calls (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] spinlock, rwlock: always to a load-and-test first (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] spinlock: optimize spinlock code sequence (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] spinlock: cleanup spinlock code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] enable ARCH_USE_CMPXCHG_LOCKREF (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] fix control register update (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] optimize control register update (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] smp: only send external call ipi if needed (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] ptrace: PTRACE_TE_ABORT_RAND (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] Remove zfcpdump NR_CPUS dependency (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] mm: do not initialize storage keys (Hendrik Brueckner) [1204860] - [s390] zcrypt: Add support for new crypto express (CEX5S) adapter (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182171] - [s390] zcrypt: Introduce new SHA-512 based Pseudo Random Generator (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182313]- [netdrv] macvlan: fix a race on port dismantle and possible skb leaks (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvlan: optimize the receive path (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvlan: pass 'bool' type to macvlan_count_rx() (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvlan: allow to enqueue broadcast pkt on virtual device (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvlan: Fix leak and NULL dereference on error path (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvlan: Move broadcasts into a work queue (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [net] core: Add __dev_forward_skb (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvlan: Remove custom recieve and forward handlers (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvtap: Add support of packet capture on macvtap device (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [netdrv] macvtap: fix two races (Herbert Xu) [971693] - [net] ipv4: Missing sk_nulls_node_init() in ping_unhash() (Denys Vlasenko) [1218105] {CVE-2015-3636} - [net] ipv6: some ipv6 statistic counters failed to disable bh (Sabrina Dubroca) [1222129] - [net] ipv6: move DAD and addrconf_verify processing to workqueue (Sabrina Dubroca) [1222129] - [net] ipv6: remove old token ipv6 address as soon as possible (Sabrina Dubroca) [1222129] - [net] ipv6: convert the uses of ADBG and remove the superfluous parentheses (Sabrina Dubroca) [1222129] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add RTM_DELNSID (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: make nsid_lock per net (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: fix unbalanced spin_lock on error (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: return RTM_NEWNSID instead of RTM_GETNSID on a get (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netlink: allow to listen "all" netns (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netlink: rename private flags and states (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: use a spin_lock to protect nsid management (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: notify new nsid outside __peernet2id() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: rename peernet2id() to peernet2id_alloc() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: always provide the id to rtnl_net_fill() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: returns always an id in __peernet2id() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: remove duplicated include from net_namespace.c (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: allow to dump netns ids (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: notify netns id events (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: minor cleanup in rtnl_net_getid() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: don't allocate an id for dead netns (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] veth: set iflink to the peer veth (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] dev: set iflink to 0 for virtual interfaces (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [infiniband] ipoib: implement ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] macvlan: implement ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] vlan: implement ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] ipmr,ip6mr: implement ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] ipip, gre, vti, sit: implement ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] sit: Fix ipip6_tunnel_lookup device matching criteria (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] ip6tnl, gre6, vti6: implement ndo_get_iflink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] introduce dev_get_iflink() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] Kill hold_net release_net (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] Handle unregister properly when netdev namespace change fails. (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] rtnetlink: call ->dellink on failure when ->newlink exists (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] do not use rcu in rtnl_dump_ifinfo() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] Verify permission to link_net in newlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] Verify permission to dest_net in newlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] rtnetlink: pass link_net to the newlink handler (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] vxlan: setup the right link netns in newlink hdlr (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] vxlan: advertise link netns in fdb messages (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] vxlan: advertise netns of vxlan dev in fdb msg (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] veth: advertise link netns via netlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] macvlan: advertise link netns via netlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] macvlan: introduce macvlan_dev_real_dev() helper function (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] vlan: advertise link netns via netlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] ip6gretap: advertise link netns via netlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] rtnl: fix error path when adding an iface with a link net (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] rtnl: allow to create device with IFLA_LINK_NETNSID set (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] tunnels: advertise link netns via netlink (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] rtnl: add link netns id to interface messages (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: add rtnl cmd to add and get peer netns ids (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add RTM_NEWNSID and RTM_GETNSID (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] add a pre-check of net_ns in sk_change_net() (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netns: remove one sparse warning (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] netlink: Fix do_one_broadcast() prototype. (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] net_namespace: trivial cleanup (Jiri Benc) [1210260] - [net] dst: no need to take reference on DST_NOCACHE dsts (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] skbuff: Do not scrub skb mark within the same name space (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: invert join/leave anycast rtnl/socket locking order (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: restore the behavior of ipv6_sock_ac_drop() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: remove ipv6_sk_ac_lock (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: drop useless rcu_read_lock() in anycast (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: fix a free after use (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: do not exit on error in vxlan_stop() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: fix indentation (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: simplify if clause in dev_close (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: fix possible use of uninitialized in vxlan_igmp_{join, leave} (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Move socket initialization to within rtnl scope (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv4, ipv6: kill ip_mc_{join, leave}_group and ipv6_sock_mc_{join, drop} (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv4, ipv6: grab rtnl before locking the socket (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: fix error code when tunnel exists (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: fix wrong usage of VXLAN_VID_MASK (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Correct path typo in comment (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: igmp: add __ipv6_sock_mc_join and __ipv6_sock_mc_drop (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: remove dead debug code from ip6_tunnel.c (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] igmp: add __ip_mc_{join|leave}_group() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] igmp: fix the problem when mc leave group (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: Use checksum partial with remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Use checksum partial with remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Infrastructure for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL with remote checsum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Use more bit fields in napi_gro_cb (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Clarify meaning of CHECKSUM_PARTIAL for receive path (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gro: Fix remcsum in GRO path to not change packet (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Wrong type passed to pIS (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Only set has-GBP bit in header if any other bits would be set (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] add skb functions to process remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Eliminate dependency on UDP socket in transmit path (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Do not require sock in udp_tunnel_xmit_skb (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Only bind to sockets with compatible flags enabled (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Group Policy extension (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: pass udp_offload struct to UDP gro callbacks (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Improve support for header flags (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip: Move checksum convert defines to inet (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Add Transparent Ethernet Bridging GRO support (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Fix double free of skb (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add missing validation of encap type to ip_tunnel_encap_setup() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add sanity checks to ip_tunnel_encap_add_ops() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Fix race condition between vxlan_sock_add and vxlan_sock_release (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: Call remcsum_adjust (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Add remcsum_adjust as common function for remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_udp_tunnel: Fix checksum calculation (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Fix boolean flip in VXLAN_F_UDP_ZERO_CSUM6_[TX|RX] (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Inline vxlan_gso_check(). (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Add vxlan_gso_check() helper (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] fou: Fix no return statement warning for !CONFIG_NET_FOU_IP_TUNNELS (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Ops registration for secondary encap (fou, gue) (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp_tunnel: Add SKB_GSO_UDP_TUNNEL during gro_complete (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Fix to enable UDP checksums on interface (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: Add support for wildcard tunnel endpoints. (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: Allow sending packets through tunnels with wildcard endpoints (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: Receive side of remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: TX support for using remote checksum offload option (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gso: fix kABI (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Changes to udp_offload to support remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: Protocol constants for remote checksum offload (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: Add infrastructure for flags and options (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Offload outer UDP tunnel csum if available (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] fou: Move fou_build_header into fou.c and refactor (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: Use ip6_tnl_dev_init as the ndo_init function. (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: allow to change mode for the ip6tnl0 (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] fou: fix a potential use after free in fou.c (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: using pskb_may_pull as early as possible (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: fix a use after free in vxlan_encap_bypass (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add GUE support (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gue: Receive side for Generic UDP Encapsulation (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] fou: eliminate IPv4, v6 specific GRO functions (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Account for secondary encapsulation header in max_headroom (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Set inner protocol before transmit (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] gre: Set inner protocol in v4 and v6 GRE transmit (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipip: Set inner IP protocol in ipip (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] sit: Set inner IP protocol in sit (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Generalize skb_udp_segment (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Remove gso_send_check as an offload callback (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: move logic out of udp[46]_ufo_send_check (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] tcp: move logic out of tcp_v[64]_gso_send_check (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Fix bug introduced by commit acbf74a76300 (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Need to make ip6_udp_tunnel.c have GPL license (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Changes to ip_tunnel to support foo-over-udp encapsulation (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] fou: Add GRO support (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] fou: Support for foo-over-udp RX path (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Export inet_offloads and inet6_offloads (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Refactor vxlan driver to make use of the common UDP tunnel functions (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp_tunnel: Add a few more UDP tunnel APIs (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp_tunnel: Seperate ipv6 functions into its own file. (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: drop some rcu_read_lock in mcast (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: drop ipv6_sk_mc_lock in mcast (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv4: udp4_gro_complete() is static (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: fix rtnl locking in setsockopt for anycast and multicast (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix tunnels with "local any remote $remote_ip" (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] neighbour: fix ndm_type type error issue (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Call udp_sock_create (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Add udp_sock_create for UDP tunnels to open listener socket (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] udp: Move udp_tunnel_segment into udp_offload.c (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix ip_tunnel_lookup (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix dst race in sk_dst_get() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: use dev->needed_headroom instead of dev->hard_header_len (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_vti: Fix 'ip tunnel add' with 'key' parameters (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] bridge: Add bridge ifindex to bridge fdb notify msgs (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Initialize the fallback device properly (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: ip_tunnels: disable cache for nbma gre tunnels (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan, bridge: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: add x-netns support (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: ensure to advertise the right fdb remote (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: use the right netns in ioctl handler (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: use the right netns in ioctl handler (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] sit: fix panic with route cache in ip tunnels (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Move ip_tunnel_get_stats64 into ip_tunnel_core.c (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_gre: use netdev_alloc_pcpu_stats() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] introduce netdev_alloc_pcpu_stats() for drivers (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] unify the pcpu_tstats and br_cpu_netstats as one (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix panic in ip_tunnel_xmit() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: remove the useless argument from ip_tunnel_hash() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: add vxlan description (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix a dst leak in tunnels (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix sparse non static symbol warning (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Use percpu Cache route in IP tunnels (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: Cache dst in tunnels (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: fix the use of pcpu_tstats in ip6_tunnel (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: leave multicast group when vxlan device down (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: move IPV6_TCLASS_MASK definition in ipv6.h (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: add ip6_flowlabel helper (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] do not ignore dmac in dev_forward_skb() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] Explicitly initialize u64_stats_sync structures for lockdep (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: Allow the MTU of ipip6 tunnel to be set below 1280 (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] tunnels: harmonize cleanup done on skb on rx path (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] tunnels: harmonize cleanup done on skb on xmit path (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: remove net arg from vxlan[6]_xmit_skb() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: Convert uses of compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip6_tunnel: ensure to always have a link local address (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] vxlan: using kfree_rcu() to simplify the code (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ip_tunnel: use net_eq() helper to check netns (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] move skb_scrub_packet() after eth_type_trans() (Marcelo Leitner) [1206570] - [net] ipv6: fix ipv6_cow_metrics for non DST_HOST case (Marcelo Leitner) [1199862] - [netdrv] pppoe: drop pppoe device in pppoe_unbind_sock_work (Beniamino Galvani) [1221922] - [net] udp_diag: Fix socket skipping within chain (Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo) [1179617] - [net] ptp: use the 64 bit get/set time methods for the posix clock (Jiri Benc) [1217408] - [net] ptp: use the 64 bit gettime method for the SYS_OFFSET ioctl (Jiri Benc) [1217408] - [net] ptp: introduce get/set time methods with explicit 64 bit seconds (Jiri Benc) [1217408] - [kernel] timekeeping: Provide timespec64 based interfaces (Jiri Benc) [1217408] - [kernel] timekeeping: Convert timekeeping core to use timespec64s (Jiri Benc) [1217408] - [net] tcp: mitigate ACK loops for connections as tcp_timewait_sock (Florian Westphal) [1191261] - [net] tcp: mitigate ACK loops for connections as tcp_sock (Florian Westphal) [1191261] - [net] tcp: mitigate ACK loops for connections as tcp_request_sock (Florian Westphal) [1191261] - [net] tcp: helpers to mitigate ACK loops by rate-limiting out-of-window dupacks (Florian Westphal) [1191261] - [net] ipv6: Don't reduce hop limit for an interface (Denys Vlasenko) [1208496] {CVE-2015-2922} - [x86] mm: Clean up the TLB flushing code (Larry Woodman) [1172891] - [powerpc] Add a test of the switch_endian() syscall (Gustavo Duarte) [1221073] - [powerpc] Add a proper syscall for switching endianness (Gustavo Duarte) [1221073] - [powerpc] kernel: Make syscall_exit a local label (Gustavo Duarte) [1221073] - [powerpc] Remove old compile time disabled syscall tracing code (Gustavo Duarte) [1221073] - [scsi] libsas: Fix Kernel Crash in smp_execute_task (David Milburn) [1226041] - [scsi] mvsas: fix panic on expander attached SATA devices (David Milburn) [1226041] - [scsi] mvsas: Fix for possible null pointer dereference (David Milburn) [1226041] - [netdrv] hyperv: Add IPv6 into the hash computation for vRSS (Jason Wang) [1174846] - [x86] use optimized ioresource lookup in ioremap function (Frank Ramsay) [1217221] - [kernel] optimize resource lookups for ioremap (Frank Ramsay) [1217221] - [x86] ioremap: Speed up check for RAM pages (Frank Ramsay) [1217221] - [fs] exec: take i_mutex during prepare_binprm for set[ug]id executables (Mateusz Guzik) [1216270] {CVE-2015-3339} - [kernel] locking: Remove atomicy checks from {READ, WRITE}_ONCE (Mateusz Guzik) [1216270] {CVE-2015-3339} - [kernel] make READ_ONCE() valid on const arguments (Mateusz Guzik) [1216270] {CVE-2015-3339} - [kernel] Change ASSIGN_ONCE(val, x) to WRITE_ONCE(x, val) (Mateusz Guzik) [1216270] {CVE-2015-3339} - [kernel] Provide READ_ONCE and ASSIGN_ONCE (Mateusz Guzik) [1216270] {CVE-2015-3339} - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL check token call (Gustavo Duarte) [1223784] - [powerpc] pseries: Correct cpu affinity for dlpar added cpus (Steve Best) [1226527] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: add id for Avoton SoC (Steve Best) [1225606] - [platform] hp-wireless: new driver for hp wireless button for Windows 8 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1174328] - [include] pci-dma-compat: add pci_zalloc_consistent helper (Maurizio Lombardi) [1193494] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s-hv: ptes are big endian (Thomas Huth) [1222472]- [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [1225437] - [scsi] qla4xxx: fix get_host_stats error propagation (Chad Dupuis) [1225437] - [scsi] qla4xxx: check the return value of dma_alloc_coherent() (Chad Dupuis) [1225437] - [scsi] qla4xxx: ql4_mbx.c: Cleaning up missing null-terminate in conjunction with strncpy (Chad Dupuis) [1225437] - [scsi] qla4xxx: ql4_os.c: Cleaning up missing null-terminate in conjunction with strncpy (Chad Dupuis) [1225437] - [net] bnx2-cnic: Driver Version Update (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187299] - [net] bnx2-cnic: Driver Rebranding Changes (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187299] - [net] cnic: Update the rcu_access_pointer() usages (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187299] - [net] cnic: Cleanup CONFIG_IPV6 & VLAN check (Maurizio Lombardi) [1187299] - [scsi] aacraid: driver version change (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: AIF raw device remove support (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: performance improvement changes (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: IOCTL fix (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: IOP RESET command handling changes (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: 240 simple volume support (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: vpd page code 0x83 support (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: MSI-x support (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: 4KB sector support (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: IOCTL pass-through command fix (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: AIF support for SES device add/remove (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] aacraid: remove deprecated IRQF_DISABLED from aacraid (Rajinikanth Pandurangan) [1205339] - [scsi] hpsa: Cleanup pci_id entries (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Update driver revision to 3.4.4-1-RH4 (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: correct compiler warnings introduced by hpsa-add-local-workqueue patch (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Use local workqueues instead of system workqueues (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: detect and report failures changing controller transport modes (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: shorten the wait for the CISS doorbell mode change ack (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: refactor duplicated scan completion code into a new routine (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: move SG descriptor set-up out of hpsa_scatter_gather() (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not use function pointers in fast path command submission (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: print CDBs instead of kernel virtual addresses for uncommon errors (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not use a void pointer for scsi_cmd field of struct CommandList (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: return failed from device reset/abort handlers (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: check for ctlr lockup after command allocation in main io path (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: guard against overflowing raid map array (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not ack controller events on controllers that do not support it (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: remove incorrect BUG_ONs checking for raid offload enable (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not check for msi(x) in interrupt_pending (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: slightly optimize SA5_performant_completed (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: count passthru cmds with atomics, not a spin locked int (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: optimize cmd_alloc function by remembering last allocation (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: fix race between abort handler and main i/o path (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: honor queue depth of physical devices (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: use workqueue to resubmit failed ioaccel commands (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: factor out hpsa_ciss_submit function (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not request device rescan on every ioaccel path error (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not queue commands internally in driver (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: get rid of cmd_special_alloc and cmd_special_free (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: reserve some commands for use by driver (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: avoid unneccesary calls to resource freeing functions (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: fix memory leak in hpsa_alloc_cmd_pool (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: report allocation failures while allocating SG chain blocks (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: pass error from pci_set_consistent_dma_mask from hpsa_message (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: rename hpsa_request_irq to hpsa_request_irqs (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: report failure to ioremap config table (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: trivial message and comment clean ups (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: refactor hpsa_find_board_params() to encapsulate legacy test (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: downgrade the Waiting for no-op print to dev_info (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: propagate return value from board ID lookup (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: propagate hard_reset failures in reset_devices mode (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: remove 0x from queue depth print which is in decimal (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: notice all request_irq errors (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Fix -Wunused-but-set-variable warning (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: rename free_irqs to hpsa_free_irqs (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: adjust RAID-1, RAID-1ADM, and RAID-6 names (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: change how SA controllers are reset (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: turn off interrupts when kdump starts (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: fix memory leak in kdump hard reset (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: correct endian sparse warnings (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: remove spin lock around command allocation (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: always call pci_set_master after pci_enable_device (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Convert SCSI LLD ->queuecommand() for host_lock less operation (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: do not be so noisy about check conditions (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: use atomics for commands_outstanding (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: get rid of type/attribute/direction bit field where possible (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: fix endianness issue with scatter gather elements (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: fix allocation sizes for CISS_REPORT_LUNs commands (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: remove 'action required' phrasing (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: correct off-by-one sizing of chained SG block (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: fix a couple pci id table mistakes (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: remove dev_warn prints from RAID-1ADM (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Clean up warnings from sparse (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] maintainers: change hpsa and cciss maintainer (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: add missing pci_set_master in kdump path (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: refine the pci enable/disable handling (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313] - [scsi] hpsa: Fallback to MSI rather than to INTx if MSI-X failed (Joseph Szczypek) [1181313]- [kvm] avoid page allocation failure in kvm_set_memory_region() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: call irq notifiers with directed EOI (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: mask unrestricted_guest if disabled on L0 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] svm: fix interrupt injection (apic->isr_count always 0) (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: fix CMPXCHG8B on 32-bit hosts (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] add halt_poll_ns module parameter (Bandan Das) [1198205 1209995] - [kvm] x86: revert "add method to test PIR bitmap vector" (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: Add PML support in VMX (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Add new dirty logging kvm_x86_ops for PML (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Change parameter of kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] mmu: Explicitly set D-bit for writable spte (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] mmu: Add mmu help functions to support PML (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Rename kvm_arch_mmu_write_protect_pt_masked to be more generic for log dirty (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] update_memslots: clean flags for invalid memslots (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Remove unused config symbol (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] fix "Should it be static?" warnings from sparse (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Optimize TLB flush in kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: kvm: vmx: Remove some unused functions (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: switch to kvm_get_dirty_log_protect (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Add generic support for dirty page logging (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Add architecture-defined TLB flush support (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: flush TLB when D bit is manually changed (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: allow TSC deadline timer on all hosts (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: replace assertions with MMU_WARN_ON, a conditional WARN_ON (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: remove ASSERT(vcpu) (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: remove argument to kvm_init_shadow_mmu and kvm_init_shadow_ept_mmu (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: do not use return to tail-call functions that return void (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: add method to test PIR bitmap vector (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: NULL out hwapic_isr_update() in case of !enable_apicv (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Remove FIXMEs in emulate.c for the function, task_switch_32 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: consult PFEC_MASK and PFEC_MATCH when generating #PF VM-exit (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Improve nested msr switch checking (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Add nested msr load/restore algorithm (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: check LAPIC presence when building apic_map (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix of previously incomplete fix for CVE-2014-8480 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] warn on more invariant breakage (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] fix sorting of memslots with base_gfn == 0 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: drop severity of "generation wraparound" message (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: reorder some msr writing (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] move APIC types to arch/x86/ (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: em_ret_far overrides cpl (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] nvmx: Disable unrestricted mode if ept=0 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulate should check #UD before #GP (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Do not push eflags.vm on pushf (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Remove prefix flag when GP macro is used (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] cpuid: recompute CPUID 0xD.0:EBX,ECX (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] cpuid: mask more bits in leaf 0xd and subleaves (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] cpuid: set CPUID(EAX=0xd, ECX=1).EBX correctly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: use F() macro throughout cpuid.c (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] track pid for VCPU only on KVM_RUN ioctl (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] don't check for PF_VCPU when yielding (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] optimize GFN to memslot lookup with large slots amount (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] change memslot sorting rule from size to GFN (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] search_memslots: add simple LRU memslot caching (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] update_memslots: drop not needed check for the same slot (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] update_memslots: drop not needed check for the same number of pages (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: allow 256 logical x2APICs again (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: check bounds of APIC maps (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix APIC physical destination wrapping (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: deliver phys lowest-prio (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: don't retry hopeless APIC delivery (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: use MSR_ICR instead of a number (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix reserved x2apic registers (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Generate #UD when memory operand is required (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] add a memslot flag for incoherent memory regions (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] fix kvm_is_mmio_pfn() and rename to kvm_is_reserved_pfn() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: avoid warning about potential shift wrapping bug (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: move device assignment out of kvm_host.h (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mask out XSAVES (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86/xsaves: Detect xsaves/xrstors feature (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: move assigned-dev.c and iommu.c to arch/x86/ (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] remove IA64 ioctls (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] remove CONFIG_X86 #ifdefs from files formerly shared with ia64 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: move ioapic.c and irq_comm.c back to arch/x86/ (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] documentation: remove ia64 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] ia64: remove (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86/kvm/tracing: Use helper function trace_seq_buffer_ptr() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Remove FIXMEs in emulate.c (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulator: remove duplicated limit check (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulator: remove code duplication in register_address{, _increment} (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Move __linearize masking of la into switch (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Non-canonical access using SS should cause #SS (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Perform limit checks when assigning EIP (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator performs privilege checks on __linearize (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Stack size is overridden by __linearize (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Revert NoBigReal patch in the emulator (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: remove MMIO_MAX_GEN (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: cleanup handle_ept_violation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix lost interrupt on irr_pending race (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] compute correct map even if all APICs are software disabled (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Software disabled APIC should still deliver NMIs (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] simplify update_memslots invocation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] commonize allocation of the new memory slots (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] memslots: track id_to_index changes during the insertion sort (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] memslots: replace heap sort with an insertion sort pass (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] svm: move WARN_ON in svm_adjust_tsc_offset (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86, kvm, vmx: Don't set LOAD_IA32_EFER when host and guest match (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86, kvm, vmx: Always use LOAD_IA32_EFER if available (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix warning on 32-bit compilation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: add trace event for pvclock updates (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix kvm clock versioning (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: MOVNTI emulation min opsize is not respected (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Return UNHANDLABLE on unsupported SYSENTER (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Warn on APIC base relocation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator mis-decodes VEX instructions on real-mode (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Remove redundant and incorrect cpl check on task-switch (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Inject #GP when loading system segments with non-canonical base (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Combine the lgdt and lidt emulation logic (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Do not update EFLAGS on faulting emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: MOV to CR3 can set bit 63 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulate push sreg as done in Core (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Wrong flags on CMPS and SCAS emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: SYSCALL cannot clear eflags[1] (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulation of MOV-sreg to memory uses incorrect size (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Breakpoints do not consider CS.base (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Clear DR6[0:3] on #DB during handle_dr (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator should set DR6 upon GD like real CPU (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: No error-code on real-mode exceptions (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: decode_modrm does not regard modrm correctly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: reset RVI upon system reset (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: avoid returning bool to distinguish success from error (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: move some vmx setting from vmx_init() to hardware_setup() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: move down hardware_setup() and hardware_unsetup() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix uninitialized op->type for some immediate values (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: optimize some accesses to LVTT and SPIV (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] trivial fix comment regarding __kvm_set_memory_region (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Enable Intel AVX-512 for guest (Bandan Das) [1178982 1209995] - [kvm] drop unsupported capabilities, fix documentation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix deadline tsc interrupt injection (Bandan Das) [1179067 1209995] - [kvm] x86: add apic_timer_expired() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] documentation: virtual: kvm: correct one bit description in APF case (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: Unavailable DR4/5 is checked before CPL (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator performs code segment checks on read access (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Clear DR7.LE during task-switch (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator does not calculate address correctly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: DR7.GD should be cleared upon any #DB exception (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: some apic broadcast modes does not work (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86,kvm,vmx: Don't trap writes to CR4.TSD (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Sysexit emulation does not mask RIP/RSP (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Distinguish between stack operation and near branches (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Getting rid of grp45 in emulator (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Use new is_noncanonical_address in _linearize (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulator: always inline __linearize (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Disable preemption while reading from shadow VMCS (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix far-jump to non-canonical check (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] emulator: fix execution close to the segment limit (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulator: fix error code for __linearize (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vfio: fix unregister kvm_device_ops of vfio (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Wrong assertion on paging_tmpl.h (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] fix excessive pages un-pinning in kvm_iommu_map error path (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: PREFETCH and HINT_NOP should have SrcMem flag (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator does not decode clflush well (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: avoid accessing NULL ctxt->memopp (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Decoding guest instructions which cross page boundary may fail (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: don't kill guest on unknown exit reason (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Handle errors when RIP is set during far jumps (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] x86: Emulator fixes for eip canonical checks on near branches (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] x86: Fix wrong masking on relative jump/call (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] Fix kvm_get_page_retry_io __gup retval check (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] iommu: Convert to use new iommu_capable() API function (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] kvm/x86/mmu: Pass gfn and level to rmapp callback (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: use macros to compute bank MSRs (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Remove debug assertion of non-PAE reserved bits (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] don't take vcpu mutex for obviously invalid vcpu ioctls (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Faults which trigger IO release the mmap_sem (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix two typos in comment (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: Inject #GP on invalid PAT CR (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: emulating descriptor load misses long-mode case (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: directly use kvm_make_request again (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: count actual tlb flushes (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Don't report guest userspace emulation error to userspace (Bandan Das) [1163766 1209995] {CVE-2010-5313 CVE-2014-7842} - [kvm] Make init_rmode_tss() return 0 on success (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Warn if guest virtual address space is not 48-bits (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] kvm-vfio: do not use module_init (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] eventfd: Remove inclusion of irq.h (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] correct null pid check in kvm_vcpu_yield_to() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Make init_rmode_identity_map() return 0 on success (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vfio: register kvm_device_ops dynamically (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] device: add simple registration mechanism for kvm_device_ops (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Use PCI device flag helper functions (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Use kvm_make_request when applicable (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] mm: export symbol dependencies of is_zero_pfn() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] check for !is_zero_pfn() in kvm_is_mmio_pfn() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: make apic_accept_irq tracepoint more generic (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] fix api documentation of KVM_GET_EMULATED_CPUID (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] document KVM_SET_GUEST_DEBUG api (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] remove redundant assignments in __kvm_set_memory_region (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] remove redundant assigment of return value in kvm_dev_ioctl (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] remove redundant check of in_spin_loop (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: propagate exception from permission checks on the nested page fault (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: skip writeback on injection of nested exception (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nsvm: propagate the NPF EXITINFO to the guest (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: reserve bit 8 of non-leaf PDPEs and PML4Es in 64-bit mode on AMD (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] mmio: cleanup kvm_set_mmio_spte_mask (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix stale mmio cache bug (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] fix potentially corrupt mmio cache (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] do not bias the generation number in kvm_current_mmio_generation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: use guest maxphyaddr to check MTRR values (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] remove garbage arg to *hardware_{en, dis}able (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] forward declare structs in kvm_types.h (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: remove Aligned bit from movntps/movntpd (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: VMXOFF emulation in vm86 should cause #UD (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix some sparse warnings (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: nested TPR shadow/threshold emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: introduce nested_get_vmcs12_pages (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Unconditionally export KVM_CAP_USER_NMI (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Unconditionally export KVM_CAP_READONLY_MEM (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Introduce gfn_to_hva_memslot_prot (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix tracing for 32-bit (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] clarify the idea of kvm_dirty_regs (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Replace X86_FEATURE_NX offset with the definition (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] avoid unnecessary synchronize_rcu (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: warn on invalid or uninitialized exception numbers (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: do not return X86EMUL_PROPAGATE_FAULT explicitly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Clarify PMU related features bit manipulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: fix ept reserved bits for 1-GByte page (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Clear apic tsc-deadline after deadline (Bandan Das) [1179067 1209995] - [kvm] x86: #GP when attempts to write reserved bits of Variable Range MTRRs (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: fix check legal type of Variable Range MTRRs (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] arch/x86: Use RCU_INIT_POINTER(x, NULL) in kvm/vmx.c (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] virt/kvm/assigned-dev.c: Set 'dev->irq_source_id' to '-1' after free it (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: raise invalid TSS exceptions during a task switch (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: drop fpu_activate hook (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: do not check CS.DPL against RPL during task switch (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] svm: add rdmsr support for AMD event registers (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Avoid emulating instructions on #UD mistakenly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] iommu: fix the third parameter of kvm_iommu_put_pages (CVE-2014-3601) (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: fix "acknowledge interrupt on exit" when APICv is in use (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Fix nested vmexit ack intr before load vmcs01 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Allow KVM_CHECK_EXTENSION on the vm fd (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Rename and add argument to check_extension (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86/kvm: Resolve shadow warning from min macro (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Resolve missing-field-initializers warnings (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Replace NR_VMX_MSR with its definition (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Assertions to check no overrun in MSR lists (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: set rflags.rf during fault injection (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Setting rflags.rf during rep-string emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: kvm: Make kvm_get_time_and_clockread() nanoseconds based (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: DR6/7.RTM cannot be written (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: clean up nested_release_vmcs12 and code around it (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: fix lifetime issues for vmcs02 (Bandan Das) [1209995 1220461] - [kvm] x86: emulator injects #DB when RFLAGS.RF is set (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Cleanup of rflags.rf cleaning (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Clear rflags.rf on emulated instructions (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: popf emulation should not change RF (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Clearing rflags.rf upon skipped emulated instruction (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Fix virtual interrupt delivery injection (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator support for #UD on CPL>0 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Emulator flag for instruction that only support 16-bit addresses in real mode (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: use kvm_read_guest_page for emulator accesses (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] x86: ensure emulator fetches do not span multiple pages (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: put pointers in the fetch_cache (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: avoid per-byte copying in instruction fetches (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: avoid repeated calls to do_insn_fetch_bytes (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: speed up do_insn_fetch (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: do not initialize memopp (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: rework seg_override (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: clean up initializations in init_decode_cache (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: cleanup decode_modrm (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: Remove ctxt->intercept and ctxt->check_perm checks (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: move init_decode_cache to emulate.c (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: simplify writeback (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: speed up emulated moves (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: protect checks on ctxt->d by a common "if (unlikely())" (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] emulate: move around some checks (Bandan Das) [1036792 1209995] - [kvm] x86: avoid useless set of KVM_REQ_EVENT after emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: return all bits from get_interrupt_shadow (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: speed up emulation of invalid guest state (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] svm: writes to MSR_K7_HWCR generates GPE in guest (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Pending interrupt may be delivered after INIT (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] Synthesize G bit for all segments (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix lapic.c debug prints (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nsvm: Set correct port for IOIO interception evaluation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nsvm: Fix IOIO size reported on emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nsvm: Fix IOIO bitmap evaluation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nsvm: Do not report CLTS via SVM_EXIT_WRITE_CR0 to L1 (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] tracing: Add trace_seq_buffer_ptr() helper function (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] arch: x86: kvm: x86.c: Cleaning up variable is set more than once (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: vmx instructions handling does not consider cs.l (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] vmx: handle_cr ignores 32/64-bit mode (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Hypercall handling does not considers opsize correctly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: check DR6/7 high-bits are clear only on long-mode (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Fix returned value of MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Allow to disable VM_{ENTRY_LOAD, EXIT_SAVE}_DEBUG_CONTROLS (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Fix returned value of MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Allow to disable CR3 access interception (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] nvmx: Advertise support for MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_*_CTLS (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Fix constant value of VM_{EXIT_SAVE, ENTRY_LOAD}_DEBUG_CONTROLS (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: NOP emulation clears (incorrectly) the high 32-bits of RAX (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: emulation of dword cmov on long-mode should clear [63:32] (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Inter-privilege level ret emulation is not implemeneted (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] x86: Wrong emulation on 'xadd X, X' (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: bit-ops emulation ignores offset on 64-bit (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: vmx: use PAGE_ALIGNED instead of IS_ALIGNED(..., PAGE_SIZE) (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: fix harmless typo in MMX decoding (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: simplify BitOp handling (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] emulate: POP SS triggers a MOV SS shadow too (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: smsw emulation is incorrect in 64-bit mode (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Return error on cmpxchg16b emulation (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: rdpmc emulation checks the counter incorrectly (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: movnti minimum op size of 32-bit is not kept (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: cmpxchg emulation should compare in reverse order (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: sgdt and sidt are not privilaged (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: Loading segments on 64-bit mode may be wrong (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] x86: Emulator ignores LDTR/TR extended base on LLDT/LTR (Bandan Das) [1152997 1209995] {CVE-2014-3647} - [kvm] x86: Mark VEX-prefix instructions emulation as unimplemented (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: flush tlb out of mmu lock when write-protect the sptes (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: flush tlb if the spte can be locklessly modified (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: lazily drop large spte (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: mmu: properly check last spte in fast_page_fault() (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kvm] x86: optimize out smp_mb after srcu_read_unlock (Bandan Das) [1209995] - [kernel] srcu: API for barrier after srcu read unlock (Bandan Das) [1209995]- [pci] pciehp: Fix pcie_wait_cmd() timeout (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] revert "pci: Make sure bus number resources stay within their parents bounds" (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] revert "pci: Don't scan random busses in pci_scan_bridge()" (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] acpiphp / radeon / nouveau: Remove acpi_bus_no_hotplug() (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Remove "no hotplug settings from platform" warning (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Add pci_ignore_hotplug() to ignore hotplug events for a device (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] maintainers: Add Lucas Stach as co-maintainer for i.MX6 PCI driver (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Use irq_get_msi_desc() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Remove unused list access in __pci_restore_msix_state() (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Retrieve first MSI IRQ from msi_desc rather than pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Remove unused function msi_remove_pci_irq_vectors() (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Add msi_setup_entry() to clean up MSI initialization (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Configure ASPM when enabling device (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] x86: don't exclude low BIOS area when allocating address space for non-PCI c (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Tidy resource assignment messages (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Return conventional error values from pci_revert_fw_address() (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Cleanup control flow (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] cpqphp: Remove unnecessary null test before debugfs_remove() (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] pciehp: Remove struct controller.no_cmd_complete (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Cache Multiple Message Capable in struct msi_desc (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Remove unused msi_enabled_mask() (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] msi: Add internal msix_clear_and_set_ctrl() function (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] powerpc: Remove duplicate logic (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] Make resetting secondary bus logic common (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] pci: Fix sysfs acpi_index and label errors (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] portdrv: Remove warning about invalid IRQ for hot-added PCIe ports (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] pciehp: Remove assumptions about which commands cause completion events (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] pciehp: Compute timeout from hotplug command start time (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] pciehp: Wait for hotplug command completion lazily (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] pciehp: Make pcie_wait_cmd() self-contained (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] label: treat PCI label with index 0 as valid label (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] acpi: replace open-coded _DSM code with helper functions (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] label: release allocated ACPI object on error recovery path (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [pci] acpi: Eliminate the DEVICE_ACPI_HANDLE() macro (Myron Stowe) [1223472] - [fs] ext4: fix overflow when updating superblock backups after resize (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix growing of tiny filesystems (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: make fsync to sync parent dir in no-journal for real this time (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: don't release reserved space for previously allocated cluster (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix loss of delalloc extent info in ext4_zero_range() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: remove unnecessary lock/unlock of i_block_reservation_lock (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: remove useless condition in if statement (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix comments in ext4_can_extents_be_merged() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix transposition typo in format string (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix bh leak on error paths in ext4_rename() and ext4_cross_rename() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix indirect punch hole corruption (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: ignore journal checksum on remount; don't fail (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: remove duplicate remount check for JOURNAL_CHECKSUM change (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] jbd2: complain about descriptor block checksum errors (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: remove spurious KERN_INFO from ext4_warning call (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: prevent online resize with backup superblock (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] move_extent_per_page(): get rid of unused w_flags (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: ext4_da_convert_inline_data_to_extent drop locked page after error (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: ext4_inline_data_fiemap should respect callers argument (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: prevent fsreentrance deadlock for inline_data (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] jbd2: fix regression where we fail to initialize checksum seed when loading (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: forbid journal_async_commit in data=ordered mode (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] jbd2: remove unnecessary NULL check before iput() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: Remove an unnecessary check for NULL before iput() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: remove unneeded code in ext4_unlink (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: remove never taken branch from ext4_ext_shift_path_extents() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: create nojournal_checksum mount option (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: update comments regarding ext4_delete_inode() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: cleanup GFP flags inside resize path (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: cache extent hole in extent status tree for ext4_da_map_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix block reservation for bigalloc filesystems (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix end of region partial cluster handling (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: miscellaneous partial cluster cleanups (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix end of leaf partial cluster handling (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix partial cluster initialization (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: move_extent improve bh vanishing success factor (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: make ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized() return proper number of blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: bail early when clearing inode journal flag fails (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: bail out from make_indexed_dir() on first error (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] jbd2: use a better hash function for the revoke table (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: disallow changing journal_csum option during remount (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: enable journal checksum when metadata checksum feature enabled (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] ext4: fix oops when loading block bitmap failed (Lukas Czerner) [1220312] - [fs] xfs: allow appending aio writes (Eric Sandeen) [1053615] - [fs] direct-io: add flag to allow aio writes beyond i_size (Eric Sandeen) [1053615] - [fs] ext4: fix data corruption caused by unwritten and delayed extents (Lukas Czerner) [1213487] - [fs] gfs2: Use average srttb value in congestion calculations (Robert S Peterson) [1162821] - [fs] xfs: disallow ro->rw remount on norecovery mount (Eric Sandeen) [1206220] - [fs] nfs: Fixing lease renewal (Benjamin Coddington) [1205048] - [fs] bio: modify __bio_add_page() to accept pages that don't start a new segment (Maurizio Lombardi) [1094392]- [perf] probe: Fix segfault if passed with '' (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] report: Fix -T/--threads option to work again (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] bench numa: Fix immediate meeting of convergence condition (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] bench numa: Fixes of --quiet argument (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] bench futex: Fix hung wakeup tasks after requeueing (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix bug with global variables handling (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] top: Fix a segfault when kernel map is restricted (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Fix build failure on 32-bit arch (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Fix compiles on RHEL6/OL6 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib api: Undefine _FORTIFY_SOURCE before setting it (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Consistently use PRIu64 for printing u64 values (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Disable events and drain events when forked workload ends (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Enable events when doing system wide tracing and starting a workload (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix segfault when probe with lazy_line to file (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Find compilation directory path for lazy matching (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Set retprobe flag when probe in address-based alternative mode (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Analyze page allocator events also (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Fix type for references to data_head/tail (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Check the orphaned -x option (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Support multiple probes on different binaries (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-list: Fix segfault when show DSOs with hits (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix cross-endian analysis (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix error path to do closedir() when synthesizing threads (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix synthesizing fork_event.ppid for non-main thread (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add 'I' event modifier for exclude_idle bit (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] report: Don't call map__kmap if map is NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix ARM 32 building error (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Merge all perf_event_attr print functions (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Use replay_repeat to calculate the runavg of cpu usage instead of the default value 10 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Fix the EMFILE error caused by the limitation of the maximum open files (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Handle the dead halt of sem_wait when create_tasks() fails for any task (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Fix the segmentation fault problem caused by pr_err in threads (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Realloc the memory of pid_to_task stepwise to adapt to the different pid_max configurations (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Alloc the memory of pid_to_task dynamically to adapt to the unexpected change of pid_max (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Increase the MAX_PID value to fix assertion failure problem (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched replay: Use struct task_desc instead of struct task_task for correct meaning (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Respect -i option (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Honor operator priority (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmaps: Check kmaps to make code more robust (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Fix inverted logic in perf_mmap__empty (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] data: Support using -f to override file ownership for 'convert' (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] timechart: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] script: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] mem: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] lock: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kvm: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] inject: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Support using -f to override file ownership (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix to track down unnamed union/structure members (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] db-export: No need to have ->thread twice in struct export_sample (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] db-export: No need to pass thread twice to db_export__sample (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] scripting: No need to pass thread twice to the scripting callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] script: No need to lookup thread twice (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] ordered_samples: Remove references to perf_{evlist, tool} and machines (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] session: Always initialize ordered_events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix ppid for synthesized fork events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Refactor comm/tgid lookup (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] callchain: Fix kernel symbol resolution by remembering the cpumode (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Disable libbabeltrace check by default (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Zero should not be considered "not found" in eval_flag() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Fix syscall enter formatting bug (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Set JOBS based on CPU or processor (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Bump max number of cpus to 1024 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Return the first evsel with an invalid filter in apply_filters() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] timechart: Fix SIBGUS error on sparc64 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add pid/tid filtering to report and script commands (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] diff: Add kallsyms option (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Add support for __print_array() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Free filter tokens in process_filter() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Add way to find sub buffer boundary (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent kbuffer: Remove extra update to data pointer in PADDING (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Make plugin options either string or boolean (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Add pevent_data_pid_from_comm() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Handle z in bprint format (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Copy trace_clock and free it (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Handle NULL comm name (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] symbols: Save DSO loading errno to better report errors (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] target: Simplify handling of strerror_r return (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Work around lack of sched_getcpu in glibc < 2.6 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Print big numbers using thousands' group (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Factor out allocating and processing args (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix to get ummapped symbol address on kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove (null) value of "Sort order" for perf mem report (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] annotate: Allow annotation for decompressed kernel modules (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Try to lookup kernel module map before creating one (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove is_kmodule_extension function (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove compressed argument from is_kernel_module (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Use kmod_path__parse in is_kernel_module (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Use kmod_path__parse in decompress_kmodule (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Use kmod_path__parse in map_groups__set_modules_path_dir (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Use kmod_path__parse for machine__new_dso (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add machine__module_dso function (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add dsos__addnew function (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add kmod_path__parse function (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add lzma decompression support for kernel module (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools build: Add feature check for lzma library (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Add destructor for format_field (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists browser: Indicate which callchain entries are annotated (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Handle legacy syscalls tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Move feature checks code under tools/build (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Make features checks directory configurable (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Separate feature make support into config/Makefile.feature (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Fix feature_check name clash (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Fix summary_only option (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix failure to add multiple probes without debuginfo (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add config/feature-checks/*.output to the .gitignore file (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Use FEATURE-DUMP instead of PERF-FEATURES in the .gitignore file (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Don't allow empty argument for field-separator (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] report: Don't allow empty argument for '-t' (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] callchain: Separate eh/debug frame offset cache (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Avoid confusion with preloaded bash function for perf bash completion (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf trace (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf timechart (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf test (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf script (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf help (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf data (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix the bash completion for listing subcommands of perf (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix the bash completion to support listing events for --event (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix the bash completion for listing events of perf subcommand record|stat|top -e (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Provide the right bash completion for listing options of perf subcommand subsubcommand (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix the bash completion for listing subsubcommands of perf subcommand (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix the bash completion for listing options of perf subcommand (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix perf-read-vdsox32 not building and lib64 install dir (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Rename feature_print_var_code to print_var_code (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Rename PERF-FEATURES into FEATURE-DUMP (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Rename display_vf to feature_verbose (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Rename display_lib into feature_display (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Get rid of VF_FEATURE_TESTS (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Rename CORE_FEATURE_TESTS to FEATURE_TESTS (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Get rid of LIB_INCLUDE variable (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Fix pthread-attr-setaffinity-np include in test-all (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Move features build output under features directory (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Disable default check for libbabeltrace (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix building error for arm64 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists browser: Allow annotating entries in callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists: Remove hist_entry->used, not used anymore (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists browser: Fix up some branch alignment (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists browser: Simplify symbol annotation menu setup (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] data: Add tracepoint events fields CTF conversion support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Fix alignment of slab result table (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Allow -v option (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] kmem: Fix segfault when invalid sort key is given (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] stat: Always correctly indent ratio column (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] stat: Fix IPC and other formulas with -A (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] stat: Output running time and run/enabled ratio in CSV mode (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists browser: Fix UI bug after fold/unfold (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix compiles due to declarations using perf_probe_point (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] hists browser: Fix UI bug after zoom into thread/dso/symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix possible double free on error (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Output feature detection's gcc output to a file (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Fix libbabeltrace detection (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Allow weak symbols to be probed (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] symbols: Allow symbol alias when loading map for symbol name (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] revert "perf probe: Fix to fall back to find probe point in symbols" (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix --line to handle aliased symbols in glibc (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix to handle aliased symbols in glibc (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] ordered_events: Adopt queue() method (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove superfluous thread->comm_set setting (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: tool->finished_round() doesn't need perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] ordered_events: Allow tools to specify a deliver method (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] ordered_events: Shorten function signatures (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] ordered_events: Untangle from perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] sched: No need to keep the session around (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Reference count struct thread (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Initialize cpu set in pthread_attr_setaffinity_np feature test (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Remove bias offset to find probe point by address (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Warn if given uprobe event accesses memory on older kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Improve 'libbabel' feature check failure message (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Improve feature test debuggability (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Improve libbfd detection message (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Improve libperl detection message (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Improve Python feature detection messages (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove annoying extra message from the features build (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add PERF-FEATURES to the .gitignore file (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] record: Document --group option (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] record: Get rid of -l option from Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix build error on ARCH=i386/x86_64/sparc64 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix FORK after COMM when synthesizing records for pre-existing threads (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] stat: Report unsupported events properly (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Compare JOBS to 0 after grep (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Only include tsc file for x86 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] report: Fix branch stack mode cannot be set (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-cache: Show usage with incorrect params (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-cache: Use pr_debug instead of verbose && pr_info (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-cache: Add --purge FILE to remove all caches of FILE (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix the bash completion problem of 'perf --*' (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] list: Extend raw-dump to certain kind of events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] list: Clean up the printing functions of hardware/software events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove the '--(null)' long_name for --list-opts (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] list: Avoid confusion of perf output and the next command prompt (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] list: Allow listing events with 'tracepoint' prefix (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] list: Sort the output of 'perf list' to view more clearly (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] data: Fix sentinel setting for data_cmds array (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix a precedence bug (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] diff: Support for different binaries (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-cache: Add new buildid cache if update target is not cached (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Handle strdup() failure (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix get_real_path to free allocated memory in error path (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Check kprobes blacklist when adding new events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Fix SIGBUS failures due to misaligned accesses (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] data: Add a 'perf' prefix to the generic fields (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] data: Add perf data to CTF conversion support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add new 'perf data' command (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Add feature check for libbabeltrace (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] record: Support recording running/enabled time (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Print the thread's tid on PERF_RECORD_COMM events when -D is asked (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Dump stack on segfaults (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Introduce dump_stack signal helper (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] ordered_events: Stop using tool->ordered_events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] session: Remove perf_session from dump_event (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] session: Remove perf_session from some deliver event routines (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] session: Remove perf_session from warn_errors signature (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Adopt events_stats from perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] session: Remove wrappers to machines__find (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Separate routine that handles an event from the one that reads it (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Add man page entry for --event (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Introduce --filter-pids (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Introduce set_filter_pids method (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Filter out the trace pid when no threads are specified (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Introduce set_filter_pid method (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Only insert blank duration bracket when tracing syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Support --events foo:bar --no-syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Allow mixing with other events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Handle multiple threads better wrt syscalls being intermixed (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: Print thread info when following children (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] list: Place the header text in its right position (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix a bug of segmentation fault (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Display make commands on V=1 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Use tools build framework (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib api: Rename libapikfs.a to libapi.a (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib api: Use tools build framework (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add build documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Remove PERF-CFLAGS file (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Remove uneeded variables (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Remove directory dependency rules (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add single target build framework support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch sparc objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch sh objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch s390 objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch powerpc objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch arm64 objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch arm objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add arch x86 objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add perf.o object building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add zlib objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add perf regs objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add scripts objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add gtk objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add slang objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add ui objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add dwarf unwind objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add dwarf objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add probe objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add libperf objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add builtin objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add tests objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Add bench objects building (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] build: Disable make's built-in rules (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Remove api fs object from python build (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools build: Add subdir support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools build: Add detected config support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools build: Add new build support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-cache: Consolidate .build-id cache path generators (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] buildid-cache: Remove unneeded debugdir parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] symbols: Define STT_GNU_IFUNC for glibc 2.9 and older (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Make perf aware of tracefs (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib api fs: Add {tracefs, debugfs}_configured() functions (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib api debugfs: Add DEBUGFS_DEFAULT_PATH macro (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib api fs: Add tracefs mount helper functions (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib fs: Add helper to find mounted file systems (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Do not check debugfs MAGIC for tracing files (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] evlist: Fix typo in comment (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] trace: No need to enable evsels for workload started from perf (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Introduce event_format__fprintf method (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Introduce trace_seq_do_fprintf function (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] symbols: debuglink should take symfs option into account (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] symbols: Ignore mapping symbols on aarch64 (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Update man page (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] probe: Fix to handle optimized not-inlined functions (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Fix a dso open fail message (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tests: Do not rely on dso__data_read_offset() to open dso (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] test: Fix dso cache testcase (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Construct LBR call chain (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] tools: Enable LBR call stack support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] treewide: Fix typo in printk messages (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] annotate: Fix fallback to unparsed disassembler line (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] bench: Add -r all so that you can run all mem* routines (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] bench: Carve out mem routine benchmarking (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel/uncore: Move PCI IDs for IMC to uncore driver (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel/uncore: Add support for Intel Haswell ULT (lower power Mobile Processor) IMC uncore PMUs (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Add cpu_(prepare|starting|dying) for core_pmu (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Add Broadwell support for the LBR callstack (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel/rapl: Fix energy counter measurements but supporing per domain energy units (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Fix Core2, Atom, NHM, WSM cycles:pp events (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Fix racy group access (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86: Remove redundant calls to perf_pmu_{dis|en}able() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Remove type specific target pointers (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Support task events with Intel CQM (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Add Intel Cache QoS Monitoring support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Move cgroup init before PMU ->event_init() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Add ->count() function to read per-package counters (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Make perf_cgroup_from_task() global (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] powerpc: Fix up flush_branch_stack() users (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Expose LBR callstack to user space tooling (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Discard zero length call entries in LBR call stack (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Disable FREEZE_LBRS_ON_PMI when LBR operates in callstack mode (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Re-organize code that implicitly enables LBR/PEBS (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Simplify the branch stack check (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Save/restore LBR stack during context switch (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Track number of events that use the LBR callstack (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Allocate space for storing LBR stack (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Always switch pmu specific data during context switch (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Add pmu specific data for perf task context (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Add basic Haswell LBR call stack support (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Use context switch callback to flush LBR stack (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Introduce pmu context switch callback (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/intel: Reduce lbr_sel_map[] size (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/amd/ibs: Convert force_ibs_eilvt_setup() to void (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Update userspace page info for software event (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Update shadow timestamp before add event (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/asm/entry: Explicitly optimize vm86 handling in code_segment_base() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] Fix context leak in put_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189] - [perf] x86/asm/entry: Fix incorrect TIF_IA32 check in code_segment_base() (Jiri Olsa) [1222189]- [pci] Keep original resource if we fail to expand it (Myron Stowe) [1221057] - [x86] Mark Intel Broadwell-EP processor as supported (Steve Best) [1131674] - [s390] pci: reenable per default (Hendrik Brueckner) [1200410] - [kernel] ftrace: Have control op function callback only trace when RCU is watching (Jiri Olsa) [1197062] - [kernel] rcu: Do not trace rcu_is_watching() functions (Jiri Olsa) [1197062] - [kernel] rcu: Consistent rcu_is_watching() naming (Jiri Olsa) [1197062] - [kernel] rcu: Is it safe to enter an RCU read-side critical section? (Jiri Olsa) [1197062] - [kernel] time: Revert to calling clock_was_set_delayed() while in irq context (Prarit Bhargava) [1222767] - [kernel] tracing: Disable tracing on warning (Josh Poimboeuf) [1149340] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: use correct linear area after linearizing an skb (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1144931] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Remove BUGs on paged skb data which crosses a page boundary (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1144931] - [netdrv] xen-netfront: Fix handling packets on compound pages with skb_linearize (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1144931] - [powercap] rapl: add IDs for future Xeon CPUs (Steve Best) [1179961] - [thermal] powerclamp: add ids for future xeon cpus (Steve Best) [1179953] - [powerpc] powernv: Use _GLOBAL_TOC for opal wrappers (Steve Best) [1223481] - [powerpc] pseries: Simplify check for suspendability during suspend/migration (Gustavo Duarte) [1207295] - [powerpc] pseries: Introduce api_version to migration sysfs interface (Gustavo Duarte) [1207295] - [powerpc] pseries: Little endian fixes for post mobility device tree update (Gustavo Duarte) [1207295] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix partial invalidation of TLBs in MCE code (Steve Best) [1221090] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix the MCE code to use CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_64_HANDLER (Steve Best) [1221090] - [powerpc] powernv: Separate function for OPAL IRQ setup (Steve Best) [1221071] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove "opal" prefix from pr_xxx()s (Steve Best) [1221071] - [powerpc] powernv: Support OPAL requested heartbeat (Steve Best) [1221071]- [fs] aio: Skip timer for io_getevents if timeout=0 (Carlos Maiolino) [1161535] - [fs] proc: fix page_size limit of proc pid cmdline fix (Jarod Wilson) [1193998] - [fs] proc: fix PAGE_SIZE limit of /proc/$PID/cmdline (Jarod Wilson) [1193998] - [hv] remove the per-channel workqueue (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] don't schedule new works in vmbus_onoffer()/vmbus_onoffer_rescind() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] run non-blocking message handlers in the dispatch tasklet (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a bug in rescind processing in vmbus_close_internal() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Cleanup vmbus_close_internal() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: missing curly braces in vmbus_process_offer() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Perform device register in the per-channel work element (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] util: On device remove, close the channel after de-initializing the service (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Remove the channel from the channel list(s) on failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Handle both rescind and offer messages in the same context (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Introduce a function to remove a rescinded offer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Properly handle child device remove (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: serialize Offer and Rescind offer (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] net: Add support for vNIC hot removal (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] rename sc_lock to the more generic lock (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] check vmbus_device_create() return value in vmbus_process_offer() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: Fix a race condition when unregistering a device (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203682] - [hv] vmbus: prevent cpu offlining on newer hypervisors (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1167380] - [netdrv] qlge: Fix qlge_update_hw_vlan_features to handle if interface is down (Chad Dupuis) [1164114] - [libata] fixup oops in ata_eh_link_report() (Ewan Milne) [1220144] - [kernel] watchdog: update watchdog_thresh properly (Ulrich Obergfell) [1216074] - [kernel] watchdog: update watchdog attributes atomically (Ulrich Obergfell) [1216074] - [cpufreq] powernv: Report cpu frequency throttling (Gustavo Duarte) [1218970] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix the overflow of OPAL message notifiers head array (Steve Best) [1221089] - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL message notifier unregister function (Steve Best) [1221089] - [powerpc] powernv: Add pstore support on powernv (Steve Best) [1220165] - [powerpc] pstore: Add pstore type id for PPC64 opal nvram partition (Steve Best) [1220165] - [powerpc] nvram: Move generic code for nvram and pstore (Steve Best) [1220165] - [powerpc] powernv: Handle compound PE in config accessors (Steve Best) [1211946] - [powerpc] powernv: Handle compound PE for EEH (Steve Best) [1211946] - [powerpc] powernv: Handle compound PE (Steve Best) [1211946] - [powerpc] powernv: Split ioda_eeh_get_state() (Steve Best) [1211946] - [powerpc] powernv: Allow to freeze PE (Steve Best) [1211946] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable M64 aperatus for PHB3 (Steve Best) [1211946] - [infiniband] qib: Add blank line after declaration (Doug Ledford) [1185097 1188513] - [infiniband] qib: Fix checkpatch warnings (Doug Ledford) [1185097 1188513] - [infiniband] qib: Fix potential NULL d_inode dereference (Doug Ledford) [1185097 1188513] - [infiniband] qib: Fix sizeof checkpatch warnings (Doug Ledford) [1185097 1188513] - [infiniband] qib: Add support for the new QMH7360 card (Doug Ledford) [1185097 1188513] - [infiniband] qib: Do not write EEPROM (Doug Ledford) [1185097 1188513] - [infiniband] ipoib: drop mcast_mutex usage (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: deserialize multicast joins (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: fix MCAST_FLAG_BUSY usage (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: No longer use flush as a parameter (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use dedicated workqueues per interface (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make the carrier_on_task race aware (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: Consolidate rtnl_lock tasks in workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: change init sequence ordering (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: factor out ah flushing (Doug Ledford) [1183881] - [infiniband] ipoib: Remove unnecessary port query (Doug Ledford) [1183881]- [block] scsi-mq: fix requests that use a separate CDB buffer (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] Fix bug in blk_rq_merge_ok (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blkmq: Fix NULL pointer deref when all reserved tags in (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: fix double-free in error path (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] prevent request-to-request merging with gaps if not allowed (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: fix false negative out-of-tags condition (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: get rid of ->cmd_size in the hardware queue (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] revert "blk-mq: Micro-optimize bt_get()" (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Use all available hardware queues (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Micro-optimize bt_get() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Fix a race between bt_clear_tag() and bt_get() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Avoid that __bt_get_word() wraps multiple times (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: re-check for available tags after running the hardware queue (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: fix hang in bt_get() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: cleanup tag free handling (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: use 'nr_cpu_ids' as highest CPU ID count for hwq <-> cpu map (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] Fix computation of merged request priority (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] Return short read or 0 at end of a raw device, not EIO (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] revert "block: all blk-mq requests are tagged" (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] fix wrong error return in elevator_init() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] scsi: Fix error handling in SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] remove artifical max_hw_sectors cap (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] include func name in __get_request prints (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] make blk_update_request print prefix match ratelimited prefix (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] include/linux/blkdev.h: use NULL instead of zero (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] block_dev: implement readpages() to optimize sequential read (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Make bt_clear_tag() easier to read (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: fix potential hang if rolling wakeup depth is too high (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] misplaced rq_complete tracepoint (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] bdi: reimplement bdev_inode_switch_bdi() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] bsg: fix potential error pointer dereference (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: add BLK_MQ_F_DEFER_ISSUE support flag (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: put blk_queue_rq_timeout together in blk_mq_init_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] remove redundant check about 'set->nr_hw_queues' in blk_mq_alloc_tag_set() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: release mq's kobjects in blk_release_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: End unstarted requests on a dying queue (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Allow requests to never expire (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Add helper to abort requeued requests (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Let drivers cancel requeue_work (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Export if requests were started (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Wake tasks entering queue on dying (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: export blk_mq_freeze_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] wake up waiters when a queue is marked dying (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Export freeze_unfreeze functions (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: Exit queue on alloc failure (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: prevent unmapped hw queue from being scheduled (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: move the kdump check to blk_mq_alloc_tag_set (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: handle the single queue case in blk_mq_hctx_next_cpu (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_free_hctx_request() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: export blk_mq_free_request() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_unique_tag() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: add a 'list' parameter to ->queue_rq() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: allocate cpumask on the home node (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: don't wait in blk_mq_queue_enter() if __GFP_WAIT isn't set (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] block, scsi: fixup blk_get_request dead queue scenarios (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: export blk_mq_run_hw_queues (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: make blk_mq_run_queues() static (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: use get_cpu/put_cpu instead of preempt_disable_preempt_enable (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: call preempt_disable/enable in blk_mq_run_hw_queue, and only if needed (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_init_allocated_queue and export blk_mq_register_disk (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: fix use of incorrect goto label in blk_mq_init_queue error path (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: support per-distpatch_queue flush machinery (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] introduce 'blk_mq_ctx' parameter to blk_get_flush_queue (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] flush: avoid to figure out flush queue unnecessarily (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] remove blk_init_flush() and its pair (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] introduce blk_flush_queue to drive flush machinery (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] avoid to use q->flush_rq directly (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] move flush initialization to blk_flush_init (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] introduce blk_init_flush and its pair (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: allocate flush_rq in blk_mq_init_flush() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: handle failure path for initializing hctx (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: make mq_queue_reinit_notify() freeze queues in parallel (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq, percpu-ref: start q->mq_usage_counter in atomic mode (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: blk_mq_freeze_queue() should allow nesting (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: implement percpu_ref_is_dying() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: remove unnecessary ACCESS_ONCE() in percpu_ref_tryget_live() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: fix DEAD flag contamination of percpu pointer (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: Replace smp_read_barrier_depends() with lockless_dereference() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: make INIT_ATOMIC and switch_to_atomic() sticky (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: add PERCPU_REF_INIT_* flags (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: decouple switching to percpu mode and reinit (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: decouple switching to atomic mode and killing (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: add PCPU_REF_DEAD (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: rename things to prepare for decoupling percpu_atomic mode switch (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: replace pcpu_ prefix with percpu_ (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: minor code and comment updates (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: relocate percpu_ref_reinit() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: make percpu_ref based on longs instead of ints (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: add @gfp to percpu_ref_init() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [block] blk-mq: use percpu_ref for mq usage count (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-counter: add @gfp to percpu_counter_init() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-counter: make percpu_counters_lock irq-safe (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: implement asynchronous chunk population (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: rename pcpu_reclaim_work to pcpu_balance_work (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: implmeent pcpu_nr_empty_pop_pages and chunk->nr_populated (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: make sure chunk->map array has available space (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: implement [__]alloc_percpu_gfp() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: indent the population block in pcpu_alloc() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: make pcpu_alloc_area() capable of allocating only from populated areas (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: restructure locking (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: make percpu-km set chunk->populated bitmap properly (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: move region iterations out of pcpu_[de]populate_chunk() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: move common parts out of pcpu_[de]populate_chunk() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: remove @may_alloc from pcpu_get_pages() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: remove the usage of separate populated bitmap in percpu-vm (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: perform tlb flush after pcpu_map_pages() failure (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: fix pcpu_alloc_pages() failure path (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: Use ALIGN macro instead of hand coding alignment calculation (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: make pcpu_alloc_chunk() use pcpu_mem_free() instead of kfree() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: renew the max_contig if we merge the head and previous block (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: allocation size should be even (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: speed alloc_pcpu_area() up (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: store offsets instead of lengths in ->map[] (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] percpu: fold pcpu_split_block() into the only caller (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [mm] revert "percpu scalability fixes" (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: improve WARN messages (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: fix synchronize_rcu() in comments (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: implement percpu_ref_reinit() and percpu_ref_is_zero() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: require percpu_ref to be exited explicitly (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: use unsigned long for pcpu_count pointer (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: add helpers for ->percpu_count accesses (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: one bit is enough for REF_STATUS (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: fix usage of this_cpu_ops (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: implement percpu_ref_tryget() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: rename percpu_ref_tryget() to percpu_ref_tryget_live() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: Add a WARN() for ref going negative (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: export symbols (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: use RCU-sched insted of normal RCU (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: implement percpu_tryget() along with percpu_ref_kill_and_confirm() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: implement percpu_ref_cancel_init() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: add __must_check to percpu_ref_init() and don't use ACCESS_ONCE() in percpu_ref_kill_rcu() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: cosmetic updates (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: consistently use plain (non-sched) RCU (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu-refcount: Don't use silly cmpxchg() (Jeff Moyer) [1209624] - [lib] percpu: implement generic percpu refcounting (Jeff Moyer) [1209624]- [powercap] rapl: Add support for Intel Skylake processors (Steve Best) [1169598] - [tools] turbostat: support additional Broadwell model (Steve Best) [1189945] - [x86] kernel: execution in the early microcode loader (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1206830] {CVE-2015-2666} - [x86] kernel: Update the UV APIC HUB check (Frank Ramsay) [1215695] - [x86] kernel: Update the UV APIC driver check (Frank Ramsay) [1215695] - [x86] kernel: Update the APIC UV OEM check (Frank Ramsay) [1215695] - [mfd] rtsx: Clear hardware PFM mode in rtl8411b (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Using pcr_dbg replace dev_dbg (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Add support for rts525A (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Add support for rts524A (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Remove LCTLR defination (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Update phy register (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Update driving settings (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Update PETXCFG address (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Place register address and values togather (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Replace TAB by SPC after #define (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Add func to split u32 into register (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Fix PM suspend for 5227 & 5249 (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Fix build warnings for !PM (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx_pcr: Fix MSI enable error handling (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Add dma transfer function (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: modify phase searching method for tuning (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Add support for card reader rtl8402 (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Add set pull control macro and simplify rtl8411 (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx_pcr: Disable interrupts before cancelling delayed works (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] mc12xx-i2c: rtsx_pcr: ti-ssp: Remove redundant dev_set_drvdata (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [mfd] rtsx: Modify rts5249_optimize_phy (Jarod Wilson) [1220506] - [acpi] lpss: add LPSS device for Wildcat Point PCH (Prarit Bhargava) [1208093] - [acpi] lpss: provide con_id for the clkdev (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: check the result of ioremap() (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: allow to use specific PM domain during ->probe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: add all LPSS devices to the specific power domain (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: not using UART RTS override with Auto Flow Control (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: disable async suspend/resume of LPSS devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] clk: fractional-divider: cast parent_rate to u64 before multiplying (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: complete PM entries for LPSS power domain (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: drop clkdev_name member from lpss_device_desc (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: introduce flags (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: remove struct lpss_shared_clock (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: Take I2C host controllers out of reset (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] scan: always register ACPI LPSS scan handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: support for fractional divider clock (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] clk: new basic clk type for fractional divider (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] clk: wrap I/O access for improved portability (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: custom power domain for LPSS (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: Enable async suspend/resume of LPSS devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: Support for device latency tolerance PM QoS (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] scan: Add bind/unbind callbacks to struct acpi_scan_handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] pm: qos: Introcuce latency tolerance device PM QoS type (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] lpss: fix UART Auto Flow Control (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [acpi] enable CONFIG_X86_INTEL_LPSS (Prarit Bhargava) [1178891] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add a build time check for rtnl/xfrm cmds (Alexander Duyck) [1210224] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_MAPPING (Alexander Duyck) [1210224] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_MIGRATE (Alexander Duyck) [1210224] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_REPORT (Alexander Duyck) [1210224] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_[NEW|GET]SADINFO (Alexander Duyck) [1210224] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_GETSPDINFO (Alexander Duyck) [1210224] - [security] selinux/nlmsg: add XFRM_MSG_NEWSPDINFO (Alexander Duyck) [1210224]- [x86] perf: Add INST_RETIRED.ALL workarounds (Jiri Olsa) [1086843] - [x86] perf: Add Broadwell core support (Jiri Olsa) [1086843] - [x86] perf: Add new cache events table for Haswell (Jiri Olsa) [1086843] - [x86] perf/uncore: Delete an unnecessary check before pci_dev_put() call (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore/hsw-ep: Handle systems with only two SBOXes (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add scaling units to the EP iMC events (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix boot crash on SBOX PMU on Haswell-EP (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix IRP uncore register offsets on Haswell EP (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix minor race in box set up (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Update support for client uncore IMC PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix PCU filter setup for Sandy/Ivy/Haswell EP (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add missing cbox filter flags on IvyBridge-EP uncore driver (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Register the PMU only if the uncore pci device exists (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add Haswell-EP uncore support (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Rename IvyTown to IvyBridge-EP (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Export basic memory events for IVT IMC PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix coccinelle warnings (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: move NHM-EX/WSM-EX specific code to seperate file (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Move SNB/IVB-EP specific code to seperate file (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Move NHM/SNB/IVB specific code to seperate file (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Declare some functions and variables (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix SNB-EP/IVT Cbox filter mappings (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix missing end markers for SNB/IVB/HSW IMC PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Fix compilation warning in snb_uncore_imc_init_box() (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add __init for uncore_cpumask_init() (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: use MiB unit for events for SNB/IVB/HSW IMC (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: add hrtimer to SNB uncore IMC PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: add SNB/IVB/HSW client uncore memory controller support (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: move uncore_event_to_box() and uncore_pmu_to_box() (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: make hrtimer timeout configurable per box (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: add PCI ids for SNB/IVB/HSW IMC (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: add ability to customize pmu callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: fix initialization of cpumask (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf: Add Ivy Bridge-EP uncore IRP box support (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add filter support for IvyBridge-EP QPI boxes (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Don't use smp_processor_id() in validate_group() (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf: Fix uncore PCI fixed counter handling (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf: Convert kmalloc_node(...GFP_ZERO...) to kzalloc_node() (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Enable EV_SEL_EXT bit for PCU (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add filter support for QPI boxes (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf/uncore: Add auxiliary pci device support (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf: Fix sparse warning (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf: Reduce stack usage of x86_schedule_events() (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [x86] perf: Prevent some shift wrapping bugs in the Intel uncore driver (Jiri Olsa) [1176340] - [perf] tools: Make sparc64 arch point to sparc (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Define EM_AARCH64 for older OSes (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] top: Fix SIGBUS on sparc64 (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix probing for PERF_FLAG_FD_CLOEXEC flag (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix pthread_attr_setaffinity_np build error (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Define _GNU_SOURCE on pthread_attr_setaffinity_np feature check (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] bench: Fix order of arguments to memcpy_alloc_mem (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Convert lseek + read to pread (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Use perf_data_file__fd() consistently (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Support to read compressed module from build-id cache (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Set attr.task bit for a tracking event (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] header: Set header version correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] record: Show precise number of samples (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Do not use __perf_session__process_events() directly (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Cache eh/debug frame offset for dwarf unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Provide stub for missing pthread_attr_setaffinity_np (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Don't rely on malloc working for sz 0 (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: add hardware breakpoint bp_len test cases (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: allow user to specify hardware breakpoint bp_len (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib traceevent: Add support for IP address formats (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] ui/tui: Show fatal error message only if exists (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tests: Fix typo in sample-parsing.c (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib fs debugfs: Check if debugfs is mounted when handling ENOENT (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib fs debugfs: Introduce debugfs__strerror_open_tp (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] trace: Fix error reporting for evsel pgfault constructor (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib fs: Pass filename to debugfs__strerror_open (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib fs: Adopt debugfs open strerrno method (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Fix -o/--order option behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Fix output ordering to honor next column (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Pass struct perf_hpp_fmt to its callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Introduce fmt_to_data_file() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Print diff result more precisely (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Get rid of hists__compute_resort() (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Allow use of an exclusive option more than once (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Document parameterized and symbolic events (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Extend format_alias() to include event parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Support parsing parameterized events (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Remove some unused functions from color.c (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] report: Get rid of report__inc_stat() (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists: Introduce function for deleting/removing hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists: Rename hist_entry__free to __delete (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Remove EOL whitespaces (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] mem: Move the mem_operations global to struct perf_mem (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] mem: Enable sampling loads and stores simultaneously (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Fix probing kretprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Introduce 'for' method to iterate over the symbols with a given name (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Do not rely on map__load() filter to find symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Introduce method to iterate symbols ordered by name (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Return the first entry with a given name in find_by_name method (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] annotate: Fix memory leaks in LOCK handling (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] annotate: Handle ins parsing failures (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] scripting perl: Force to use stdbool (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Remove extraneous 'was' on error message (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix segfault for symbol annotation on TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] test: Fix dwarf unwind using libunwind (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Avoid build splat for syscall numbers with uclibc (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Elide strlcpy warning with uclibc (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix statfs.f_type data type mismatch build error with uclibc (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] machine: Fix __machine__findnew_thread() error path (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix building error in x86_64 when dwarf unwind is on (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Propagate error code when write(2) failed (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists browser: Fix segfault when showing callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Free callchains when hist entries are deleted (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists: Fix children sort key behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Fix to sort by baseline field by default (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] list: Fix --raw-dump option (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Fix crash in dwarf_getcfi_elf (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Fix to fall back to find probe point in symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Append callchains only when requested (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] ui/tui: Print backtrace symbols when segfault occurs (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] report: Show progress bar for output resorting (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Fix building warning on ARM 32 (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Fix use after free in filename__read_build_id (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Use roundup_pow_of_two (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Make the mmap length autotuning more robust (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] bitops: Fix signedness of compile-time hweight implementations (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Remove bitops/hweight usage of bits in tools/perf (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Adopt roundup_pow_of_two (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Adopt rounddown_pow_of_two and deps (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Adopt fls_long and deps (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Move bitops.h from tools/perf/util to tools/ (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Introduce asm-generic/bitops.h (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib: Move asm-generic/bitops/find.h code to tools/include and tools/lib (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Whitespace prep patches for moving bitops.h (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Move code originally from asm-generic/atomic.h into tools/include/asm-generic/ (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Move code originally from linux/log2.h to tools/include/linux/ (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Move __ffs implementation to tools/include/asm-generic/bitops/__ffs.h (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Do not use hard coded value for a mmap_pages default (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] trace: Let the perf_evlist__mmap autosize the number of pages to use (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Improve the strerror_mmap method (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Clarify sterror_mmap variable names (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Fixup brown paper bag on "hint" for --mmap-pages cmdline arg (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] trace: Provide a better explanation when mmap fails (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Introduce strerror_mmap method (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Use sysctl__read_int instead of ad-hoc copies (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib fs: Add sysctl__read_int helper (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools lib fs: Adopt filename__read_int from tools/perf/ (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] kvm stat live: Mark events as (x86 only) in help output (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tests: Fix attr tests size values to cope with machine state on interrupt ABI changes (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] calloc/xcalloc: Fix argument order (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Move cpumode resolve code to add_callchain_ip (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Fixup parameter handling error message (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add --buildid-dir option to set cache directory (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] buildid cache: Fix -a segfault related to kcore handling (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] buildid-cache: Remove extra debugdir variables (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Use single strcmp call instead of two (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists browser: Change print format from lu to PRIu64 (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] bench: Fix memcpy/memset output (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] bench: Merge memset into memcpy (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] bench: Prepare memcpy for merge (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] session: Do not fail on processing out of order event (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] report: In branch stack mode use address history sorting (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] report: Add --branch-history option (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Support handling complete branch stacks as histograms (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] stat: Add support for snapshot counters (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] stat: Add support for per-pkg counters (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Remove perf_evsel__read interface (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] stat: Use read_counter in read_counter_aggr (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] stat: Make read_counter work over the thread dimension (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] stat: Use perf_evsel__read_cb in read_counter (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add snapshot format file parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add per-pkg format file parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__read_cb function (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Introduce perf_counts_values__scale function (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__compute_deltas function (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Allow to force redirect pr_debug to stderr (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix segfault due to invalid kernel dso access (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Make get_srcline fall back to sym+offset (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Move bfd_demangle stubbing to its only user (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Enable printing the srcline in the history (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Collapse first level callchain entry if it has sibling (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists browser: Print overhead percent value for first-level callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Only override the default :tid comm entry (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add perf-read-vdso32 and perf-read-vdsox32 to .gitignore (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evlist: Do not poll events that use the system_wide flag (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Fix ftrace:function event recording (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] diff: Add missing handler for PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 events (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] hists: Fix up srcline histogram key formatting (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] annotate: Support source line numbers in annotate (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Only print base source file for srcline (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Use a common function to resolve symbol or name (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Use al.addr to set up call chain (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchain: Factor out adding new call chain entries (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix annotation with kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] test: fix typo in python test (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Fallback to kallsyms when using the minimal 'ELF' loader (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Clean up libelf feature support code (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] build-id: Move disable_buildid_cache() to util/build-id.c (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] record: Add new -I option to sample interrupted machine state (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tests: Add interrupted state sample parsing test (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add core support for sampling intr machine state regs (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] evsel: Do not call pevent_free_format when deleting tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] script python: Removing event cache as it's no longer needed (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] script perl: Removing event cache as it's no longer needed (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add test_and_set_bit function (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Make vmlinux short name more like kallsyms short name (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Fix build-id matching on vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] record: Do not save pathname in ./debug/.build-id directory for vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] build-id: Move build-id related functions to util/build-id.c (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] build-id: Rename dsos__write_buildid_table() (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add gzip decompression support for kernel module (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] symbols: Preparation for compressed kernel module support (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Defer export of comms that were not 'set' (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add call information to Python export (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add call information to the database export API (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add branch_type and in_tx to Python export (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add branch type to db export (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Enhance the thread stack to output call/return data (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add a thread stack for synthesizing call chains (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] session: Add perf_session__deliver_synth_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Use evlist__for_each in a few remaining places (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add id index (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Add --quiet option to suppress output result message (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] script: Add Python script to export to postgresql (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] scripting python: Extend interface to export data in a database-friendly way (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add facility to export data in database-friendly way (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] pmu: Add proper error handling to print_pmu_events() (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Do not attempt to run perf-read-vdso32 if it wasn't built (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add support for 32-bit compatibility VDSOs (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Build programs to copy 32-bit compatibility (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] pmu: Let pmu's with no events show up on perf list (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Ensure return negative value when write header error (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] probe: Use PARSE_OPT_EXCLUSIVE flag (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add support for exclusive option (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] kvm: Print kvm specific --help output (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Export usage string and option table of perf record (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Add PARSE_OPT_DISABLED flag (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tests: Use thread->mg->machine (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tests: Remove misplaced __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] callchains: Use thread->mg->machine (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] thread: Adopt resolve_callchain method from machine (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: A thread's machine can be found via thread->mg->machine (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] tools: Set thread->mg.machine in all places (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Fix Haswell CYCLE_ACTIVITY.* counter constraints (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Filter branches for PEBS event (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Fix irq_work 'tail' recursion (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] add PMU_EVENT_ATTR_STRING() helper (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] provide sysfs_show for struct perf_pmu_events_attr (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Decouple unthrottling and rotating (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Drop module reference on event init failure (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Use POLLIN instead of POLL_IN for perf poll data in flag (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Fix put_event() ctx lock (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Fix move_group() order (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Fix event->ctx locking (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Add a bit of paranoia (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Tighten (and fix) the grouping condition (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Add model number for Airmont (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Fix bug for "cycles:p" and "cycles:pp" on SLM (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] rapl: Fix sysfs_show() initialization for RAPL PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Avoid horrible stack usage (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Move task_pt_regs sampling into arch code (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Improve the perf_sample_data struct layout (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Disallow flags for most Core2/Atom/Nehalem/Westmere events (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Use INTEL_FLAGS_UEVENT_CONSTRAINT for PRECDIST (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Add INTEL_FLAGS_UEVENT_CONSTRAINT (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] x86: Add support for sampling PEBS machine state registers (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] Add ability to sample machine state on interrupt (Jiri Olsa) [1209607] - [perf] list: introduce list_last_entry(), use list_{first, last}_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1209607]- [powercap] rapl: add ID for Broadwell server (Steve Best) [1169551] - [powerpc] powernv: Restore LPCR with LPCR_PECE1 cleared (Gustavo Duarte) [1193516] - [kernel] clockevents: Fix cpu_down() race for hrtimer based broadcasting (Gustavo Duarte) [1193516] - [tty] vt: don't set font mappings on vc not supporting this (Jarod Wilson) [1192395 1213538] - [x86] kernel: Remove a bogus 'ret_from_fork' optimization (Mateusz Guzik) [1209235] {CVE-2015-2830} - [x86] mm: Linux stack ASLR implementation (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1195685] {CVE-2015-1593} - [char] redhat/configs: Kconfig settings for new TPM drivers/support (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix call order in tpm-chip.c (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Additional LE support for tpm_ibmvtpm_send (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm, tpm_tis: fix TPM 2.0 probing (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix suspend/resume paths for TPM 2.0 (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_tis: Add missing ifdef CONFIG_ACPI for pnp_acpi_device (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix format string error in tpm-chip.c (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] char/tpm/tpm_crb: fix build error (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fixed white spaces coding style issues (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Change tpm_i2c_stm_st33.h to tpm_stm_st33.h (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Replace remaining r by ret (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Sanity cleanup (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Remove sparse spaces (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Add status check when reading data on the FIFO (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: TPM 2.0 FIFO Interface (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: TPM 2.0 CRB Interface (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: TPM 2.0 baseline support (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: device class for tpm (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: rename chip->dev to chip->pdev (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix raciness of PPI interface lookup (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: two-phase chip management functions (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: merge duplicate transmit_cmd() functions (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Update email address in maintainers list and ibmvtpm driver (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Fix coccinelle warnings. Possible NULL pointer dereference (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Increment driver version to 1.2.1 (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Remove useless i2c read on interrupt registers (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Interrupt management improvement (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Few code cleanup (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Add devicetree structure (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Replace tpm_st33_* function with tpm_stm_* (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Replace err/rc/ret by ret for a function return code (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Remove reference to io_serirq (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Add new tpm_stm_dev structure and remove tpm_i2c_buffer[0], [1] buffer (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Move tpm registers to tpm_i2c_stm_st33.c (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Fix few coding style error reported by scripts/ (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Change License header to have up to date address information (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Update Kconfig in order to be inline to other similar product (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Fix potential bug in tpm_stm_i2c_send (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Deletion of unnecessary checks before the function call "tpm_dev_vendor_release" (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: remove unnecessary sizeof(u8) (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm_tis: verify interrupt during init (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Add missing error check for devm_kzalloc (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Add new TPMs to the tail of the list to prevent inadvertent change of dev (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: drop owner assignment from platform_drivers (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: simplify code by using *phN specifier (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Provide a generic means to override the chip returned timeouts (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: missing tpm_chip_put in tpm_get_random() (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Properly clean sysfs entries in error path (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Add missing tpm_do_selftest to ST33 I2C driver (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Fix resume regression on Chromebooks (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] drivers/char: delete non-required instances of include (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm-sysfs: active_show() can be static (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: tpm_tis: Fix compile problems with CONFIG_PM_SLEEP/CONFIG_PNP (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Make tpm-dev allocate a per-file structure (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Use the ops structure instead of a copy in tpm_vendor_specific (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Create a tpm_class_ops structure and use it in the drivers (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Pull all driver sysfs code into tpm-sysfs.c (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Move sysfs functions from tpm-interface to tpm-sysfs (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Pull everything related to /dev/tpmX into tpm-dev.c (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: nuvoton: remove unused variable (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_atmel: fix coccinelle warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix unreachable code warning (smatch warning) (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_stm_st33: Check return code of get_burstcount (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: detect PPI features by checking availability of _DSM functions (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: replace open-coded _DSM code with helper functions (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] acpi: introduce helper interfaces for _DSM method (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: match node name instead of full path when searching for TPM device (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix memory leak when walking ACPI namespace (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] xen/pvhvm: If xen_platform_pci=0 is set don't blow up (v4) (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] acpi: Clean up inclusions of ACPI header files (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: use tabs instead of whitespaces in Kconfig (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Fix module name description in Kconfig for tpm_i2c_infineon (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Add support for Atmel I2C TPMs (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Add support for the Nuvoton NPCT501 I2C TPM (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Merge the tpm-bios module with tpm.o (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Rename tpm.c to tpm-interface.c (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: cleanup checkpatch warnings (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Remove tpm_show_caps_1_2 (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: st33: Remove chip->data_buffer access from this driver (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Remove redundant dev_set_drvdata (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Use container_of to locate the tpm_chip in tpm_open (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Store devname in the tpm_chip (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: atmel: Call request_region with the correct base (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: Use zd formatting for size_t format arguments (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: xen-tpmfront: fix missing declaration of xen_domain (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: xen-tpmfront: Remove the locality sysfs attribute (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: xen-tpmfront: Fix default durations (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: convert tpm_tis driver to use dev_pm_ops from legacy pm_ops (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] drivers/xen-tpmfront: Fix compile issue with missing option (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: add xen tpmfront interface (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm/tpm_i2c_infineon: Remove unused header file (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: tpm_i2c_infinion: Don't modify i2c_client->driver (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: fix regression caused by section type conflict of tpm_dev_release() in ppc builds (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm: move TPM_DIGEST_SIZE defintion (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [char] tpm_tis: missing platform_driver_unregister() on error in init_tis() (Jarod Wilson) [1182709] - [enclosure] fix WARN_ON removing an adapter in multi-path devices (Maurizio Lombardi) [1204955] - [scsi] scsi_sysfs: make unpriv_sgio queue attribute accessible for non-block devices (Ewan Milne) [1072734] - [scsi] increase max_scsi_report_luns from 511 to 16k-1 (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] trim initial allocation in report_luns if limited by max_report_luns (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] re-implement 'max_report_luns' merged with latest report_luns code (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] re-introduce 'max_report_luns' parameter (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] retry report-luns when reported LU count requires more memory (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] use set/get_unaligned_be32 in report_luns (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] avoid unnecessary GFP_ATOMIC allocation in scsi_report_lun_scan (Rob Evers) [874231] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump the driver version (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Logout of FW Boot Session (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Update the copyright year (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory check before unmapping (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory leak in the unload path (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the PCI request region reserving (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the retry count for boot targets (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix kernel panic when device initialization fails (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: treewide: Fix typo in printk messages (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fixed invalid assignment of 64bit mask to host dma_boundary for scatter gather segment boundary limit (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: check ip buffer before copying (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix kernel panic during reboot/shutdown (Rob Evers) [1183800] - [scsi] fix regression in scsi_send_eh_cmnd() (Ewan Milne) [1167454] - [scsi] fnic: IOMMU Fault occurs when IO and abort IO is out of order (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: Fnic Driver crashed with NULL pointer reference (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: For Standalone C series, "sending VLAN request" message seen even if the link is down (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: Improper resue of exchange Ids (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: Memcopy only mimumum of data or trace buffer (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: Not probing all the vNICS via fnic_probe on boot (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: assign FIP_ALL_FCF_MACS to fcoe_all_fcfs (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] fnic: fnic Control Path Trace Utility (Maurizio Lombardi) [1159398] - [scsi] bnx2fc: do not add shared skbs to the fcoe_rx_list (Maurizio Lombardi) [1087796] - [scsi] do not display kernel pointer in message logs (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] Do not display buffer pointers in scsi_log_send() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] Conditionally compile in constants.c (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] use per-cpu buffer for formatting scsi_print_result() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] use per-cpu buffer for formatting sense (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [ata] libata: use __scsi_format_command() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] use external buffer for command logging (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] log request tag for scmd_printk() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] Implement per-cpu logging buffer (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] set fmt to NULL scsi_extd_sense_format() by default (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] ratelimit I/O error messages (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] correct return values for .eh_abort_handler implementations (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] document scsi_try_to_abort_cmd (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] use shost argument in scsi_eh_prt_fail_stats (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] fixup logging messages in scsi_error.c (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] simplify scsi_log_(send|completion) (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] scsi_lib: Revert "rate-limit the error message from failing commands" (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] remove scsi_show_result() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] separate out scsi_(host|driver)byte_string() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] Remove scsi_print_command when calling abort (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] repurpose the last argument from print_opcode_name() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] consolidate opcode lookup in scsi_opcode_sa_name() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] merge print_opcode_name() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] implement scsi_opcode_sa_name (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] remove scsi_print_status() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] use 'bool' as return value for scsi_normalize_sense() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] do not decode sense extras (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] stop decoding if scsi_normalize_sense() fails (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] 53c700: remove scsi_print_sense() usage (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] fas216: update logging messages (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] fas216: return DID_ERROR for incomplete data transfer (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] acornscsi: use scsi_print_command() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] use sdev as argument for sense code printing (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] introduce sdev_prefix_printk() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] aha152x: debug output update and whitespace cleanup (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] sd: remove scsi_print_sense() in sd_done() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] remove scsi_cmd_print_sense_hdr() (Ewan Milne) [1124082] - [scsi] st: add a debug_flag module parameter request (Maurizio Lombardi) [1156041]- [cpuidle] powernv: Read target_residency value of idle states from DT if available (Gustavo Duarte) [1199939] - [cpuidle] powernv: Populate cpuidle state details by querying the device-tree (Gustavo Duarte) [1199939] - [kernel] timers/tick/broadcast-hrtimer: Fix suspicious RCU usage in idle loop (Gustavo Duarte) [1199939] - [scsi] ipr: Driver version 2.6.1 (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [scsi] ipr: AF DASD raw mode implementation in ipr driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [scsi] ipr: Fix possible error path oops during initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [scsi] ipr: Reset in task context (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [scsi] ipr: Reboot speed improvements (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [scsi] ipr: set scsi_level correctly for disk arrays (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [scsi] ipr: add support for async scanning to speed up boot (Gustavo Duarte) [1182037] - [ata] libata: Blacklist queued TRIM on Samsung SSD 850 Pro (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Update Crucial/Micron blacklist (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: prevent HSM state change race between ISR and PIO (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: allow sata_sil24 to opt-out of tag ordered submission (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: libata-core: Remove unused function (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Use dev_info() to inform about the lack of Device Sleep support (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Whitelist SSDs that are known to properly return zeroes after TRIM (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Remove FIXME comment in atapi_eh_request_sense (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: s/ata_id_removeable()/ata_id_removable()/ (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Remove FIXME comment in atapi_request_sense() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: disable MSI instead of NCQ on Samsung pci-e SSDs on macbooks (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] revert "ahci: Optimize single IRQ interrupt processing" (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] revert "ahci: Do not acquire ata_host::lock from single IRQ handler" (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Do not acquire ata_host::lock from single IRQ handler (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Optimize single IRQ interrupt processing (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Do not read HOST_IRQ_STAT reg in multi-MSI mode (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Make few function names more descriptive (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Move host activation code into ahci_host_activate() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Move ahci_host_activate() function to libahci.c (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Pass SCSI host template as arg to ahci_host_activate() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Cleanup checking of multiple MSIs/SLM modes (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata-sff: Fix controllers with no ctl port (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: change ata__printk routines to return void (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: add pcid for Marvel 0x9182 controller (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: Disabling the async PM for JMicron chip 363/361 (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Use dev_name() for request_irq() to distinguish devices (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: widen Crucial M550 blacklist matching (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] sata_sil24: Identify which card suffered IRQ status error (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: introduce ata_host->n_tags to avoid oops on SAS controllers (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: EH should handle AMNF error condition as a media error (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: support the ata host which implements a queue depth less than 32 (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libahci: export ahci_qc_issue() and ahci_start_fix_rx() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Blacklist queued trim for Crucial M500 (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: add PCI ID for Marvell 88SE91A0 SATA Controller (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: ahci: append new hflag AHCI_HFLAG_NO_FBS (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: SATL compliance for Inquiry Product Revision (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Use pci_enable_msi_exact() instead of pci_enable_msi_range() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Ensure "MSI Revert to Single Message" mode is not enforced (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Update queued trim blacklist for M5x0 drives (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: use wider match for blacklisting Crucial M500 (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: async resume (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata, libsas: kill pm_result and related cleanup (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: end the r-word (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_BROKEN_FPDMA_AA quirk for Seagate Momentus SpinPoint M8 (2BA30001) (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: disable queued TRIM for Crucial M500 mSATA SSDs (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: libahci: replace obsolete simple_strtoul() with kstrtouint() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: libahci: make ahci_pmp_retry_softreset() as static (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: CONFIG_ATA is libata (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: disable NCQ on Samsung pci-e SSDs on macbooks (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: delete non-required instances of include (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] sata_sil: apply MOD15WRITE quirk to TOSHIBA MK2561GSYN (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: enable quirk from jmicron JMB350 for JMB394 (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: disable LPM for some WD SATA-I devices (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: add PCI ID for Marvell 88SE9170 SATA controller (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: implement ATA_HORKAGE_NO_NCQ_TRIM and apply it to Micro M500 SSDs (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: disable a disk via libata.force params (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: bail out on ICH6 before using AHCI BAR (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] drivers: ata: Mark the function as static in libahci.c (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: add ATA_HORKAGE_BROKEN_FPDMA_AA quirk for Seagate Momentus SpinPoint M8 (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: libata-eh: Remove unnecessary snprintf arithmetic (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Add some missing command descriptions (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci_platform: use dev_info() instead of printk() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: use dev_info() instead of printk() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: Changing two module params with static and __read_mostly (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: bugfix: Remove __le32 in ata_tf_to_fis() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Add support for queued DSM TRIM (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Add support for SEND/RECEIVE FPDMA QUEUED (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Add H2D FIS "auxiliary" port flag (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Populate host-to-device FIS "auxiliary" field (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: pata_arasan: Staticize local symbols (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] sata_mv: Remove unneeded CONFIG_HAVE_CLK ifdefs (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] sata_mv: Remove unneeded forward declaration (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ata: use dev_get_platdata() (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: use ATA_BUSY (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: move 'struct ata_taskfile' and friends from ata.h to libata.h (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: cleanup SAT error translation (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] ahci: make ahci_transmit_led_message into a function pointer (David Milburn) [1217179] - [ata] libata: Add atapi_dmadir force flag (David Milburn) [1217179] - [virtio] defer config changed notifications (David Gibson) [1196009] - [virtio] unify config_changed handling (David Gibson) [1196009] - [netdrv] ibmveth: Fix off-by-one error in ibmveth_change_mtu() (David Gibson) [1209310] - [scripts] checkpatch: fix code broken by backport (Jerry Snitselaar) [1218494] - [powerpc] powernv: Check image loaded or not before calling flash (Steve Best) [1182056] - [security] keys: memory corruption or panic during key garbage collection (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1179852] {CVE-2014-9529}- [cpufreq] intel_pstate: remove MSR test (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: provide option to only use intel_pstate with HWP (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add num_pstates to sysfs (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: honor user space min_perf_pct override on resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: respect cpufreq policy request (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: expose turbo range to sysfs (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add a few comments (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: add kernel parameter to force loading (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: skip this driver if Sun server has _PPC method (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [x86] intel_pstate: Add support for HWP (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [x86] Add support for Intel HWP feature detection (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Correct BYT VID values (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Don't lose sysfs settings during cpu offline (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix BYT frequency reporting (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Reflect current no_turbo state correctly (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix setting max_perf_pct in performance policy (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove unneeded variable (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Turn per cpu printk into pr_debug (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [cpufreq] Documentation, add cpu-freq/intel-pstate.txt (Prarit Bhargava) [1214335] - [pci] Support BAR sizes up to 128GB (Myron Stowe) [1211947] - [x86] mce: Fix warning about indented braces (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Define mce_severity function pointer (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Add an AMD severities-grading function (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Reindent __mcheck_cpu_apply_quirks() properly (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Use safe MSR accesses for AMD quirk (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] Add another set of MSR accessor functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Enable thresholding interrupts by default if supported (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Make mce_panic() fatal machine check msg in the same pattern (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Cleanup CMCI storm logic (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Drop bogus const modifier from AMD's bank4_names() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Get rid of TIF_MCE_NOTIFY and associated mce tricks (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Fix sparse errors (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Improve timeout error messages (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Extend the the mce_severity mechanism to handle UCNA/DEFERRED error (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Assign interrupt handler only when bank supports it (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Drop software-defined bank in error thresholding (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Move invariant code out from loop body (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Correct thresholding error logging (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Use macros to compute bank MSRs (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Avoid showing repetitive message from intel_init_thermal() (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] replace strict_strto calls (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] mce: Robustify mcheck_init_device (Prarit Bhargava) [1217770] - [x86] msr-index: define MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT, 1, 2 (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: correct dumped pkg-cstate-limit value (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: calculate TSC frequency from CPUID(0x15) on SKL (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: correct DRAM RAPL units on recent Xeon processors (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: Use $(CURDIR) instead of $(PWD) and add support for O= option in Makefile (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: modprobe msr, if needed (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: Initial Skylake support (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: dump MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT2 (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: use new MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT names (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: update PERF_LIMIT_REASONS decoding (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: label base frequency (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: simplify default output (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: support additional Broadwell model (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: update parameters, documentation (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: Skip printing disabled package C-states (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: relax dependency on APERF_MSR (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: relax dependency on invariant TSC (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: decode MSR_*_PERF_LIMIT_REASONS (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [tools] turbostat: relax dependency on root permission (Prarit Bhargava) [1187329] - [hwmon] k10temp: Convert to devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] k10temp: Add support for F15h M60h (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [pci] Add include guard to include/linux/pci_ids.h (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] k10temp: Add support for AMD F16 M30h processor (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] Do not accept invalid name attributes (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] k10temp: Add support for Kaveri CPUs (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [kernel] pci_ids: Add PCI device IDs for F15h M60h (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [kernel] pci_ids: add AMD F16h M30h device IDs (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] Provide managed hwmon registration (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] Introduce hwmon_device_register_with_groups (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [hwmon] k10temp: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Jarod Wilson) [1135029] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Prevent dmi_num integer overflow (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Fix dmi_len type (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: Fix dmi scan to handle "End of Table" structure (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi: add support for SMBIOS 3.0 64-bit entry point (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] efi: dmi: add support for SMBIOS 3.0 UEFI configuration table (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: generalize for use by other archs (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: constify strings (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: drop OOM messages (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: fix most checkpatch errors and warnings (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: drop obsolete comment (Jarod Wilson) [853192] - [firmware] dmi_scan: add comments on dmi_present() and the loop in dmi_scan_machine() (Jarod Wilson) [853192]- [powerpc] eeh: Aux PE data for error log (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Make diag-data not endian dependent (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Replace pr_warning() with pr_warn() (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Reduce lines of log dump (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Selectively enable IO for error log (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Refactor EEH flag accessors (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Fetch IOMMU table in reliable way (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix IOMMU table for VFIO dev (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: sysfs entries lost (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: EEH support for VFIO PCI device (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] eeh: Avoid event on passed PE (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] powernv: Switch powernv drivers to use machine_xxx_initcall() (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] Add machine_early_initcall() (Steve Best) [1211945] - [powerpc] perf: Cap 64bit userspace backtraces to PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH (Steve Best) [1213950] - [powerpc] kvm: Implement H_LOGICAL_CI_{LOAD,STORE} in KVM (David Gibson) [1184290] - [mm] zbud: avoid accessing last unused freelist (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: simplify init_zspage free obj linking (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: correct comment for fullness group computation (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: move pages_allocated to zs_pool (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zpool: use prefixed module loading (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: add __init to zswap_entry_cache_destroy() (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zpool: update zswap to use zpool (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zpool: zbud/zsmalloc implement zpool (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zpool: implement common zpool api to zbud/zsmalloc (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zbud: change zbud_alloc size type to size_t (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: NUMA aware allocation for zswap_dstmem (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: make zsmalloc module-buildable (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: fixup trivial zs size classes value in comments (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zbud: make size unsigned like unique callsite (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: change zswap/zbud maintainer email address (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: remove unnecessary parentheses (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: support multiple swap devices (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: update zsmalloc in comment to zbud (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: fix trivial typo and arrange indentation (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] Kconfig: fix URL for zsmalloc benchmark (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: add maintainers (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: add copyright (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: move it under mm (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: change params from hidden to ro (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: add more comment (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: add Kconfig for enabling page table method (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: refactor the get/put routines (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: fix memory leak when invalidate and reclaim occur concurrently (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: avoid unnecessary page scanning (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [Documentation] zswap: fix typos (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: fix memory leak when re-swapon (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: Fix map_vm_area undefined reference errors (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: use postorder iteration when destroying rbtree (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [lib] rbtree: fix rbtree_postorder_for_each_entry_safe() iterator (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [lib] rbtree: add rbtree_postorder_for_each_entry_safe() helper (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [lib] rbtree: add postorder iteration functions (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zbud: fix some trivial typos in comments (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zswap: get swapper address_space by using macro (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: access page->private by using page_private macro (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: Fixed up incorrect formatted comments (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [mm] zsmalloc: Fixes string split across lines in zsmalloc zsmalloc-main (Seth Jennings) [1141434] - [s390] zfcp: auto port scan resiliency (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182316] - [s390] zfcp: bring back unit sysfs attributes for automatic LUN scan (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182314] - [tools] perf: Fix race in build_id_cache__add_s() (Milos Vyletel) [1204077] - [kernel] sched/rt/nohz: Stop scheduler tick if running realtime task (Rik van Riel) [1193629] - [kernel] sched: rt: Reduce rq lock contention by eliminating locking of non-feasible target (Larry Woodman) [1195521]- [kernel] audit: convert status version to a feature bitmap (Richard Guy Briggs) [1155589] - [kernel] audit: use define's for audit version (Richard Guy Briggs) [1155589] - [kernel] audit: clean up AUDIT_GET/SET local variables and future-proof API (Richard Guy Briggs) [1155589] - [kernel] audit: use memset instead of trying to initialize field by field (Richard Guy Briggs) [1155589] - [net] libceph: tcp_nodelay support (Sage Weil) [1197952] - [net] pppoe: Use workqueue to die properly when a PADT is received (Beniamino Galvani) [1025871] - [net] tcp: restore 1.5x per RTT limit to CUBIC cwnd growth in congestion avoidance (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp: fix tcp_cong_avoid_ai() credit accumulation bug with decreases in w (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp: fix timing issue in CUBIC slope calculation (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp: fix stretch ACK bugs in CUBIC (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp: fix stretch ACK bugs in Reno (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp: fix the timid additive increase on stretch ACKs (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp: stretch ACK fixes prep (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp_cubic: refine Hystart delay threshold (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] tcp_cubic: add SNMP counters to track how effective is Hystart (Florian Westphal) [1191260] - [net] inet_diag: fix access to tcp cc information (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] inet_diag: fix possible overflow in inet_diag_dump_one_icsk() (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] inet_diag: zero out uninitialized idiag_{src, dst} fields (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] tcp: add per route congestion control (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] tcp: add RTAX_CC_ALGO fib handling (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] tcp: add key management to congestion control (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] tcp: refactor reinitialization of congestion control (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] fib6: convert cfg metric to u32 outside of table write lock (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] fib6: fib6_commit_metrics: fix potential NULL pointer dereference (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] ipv6: do not overwrite inetpeer metrics prematurely (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] dctcp: loosen requirement to assert ECT(0) during 3WHS (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] tcp: allow setting ecn via routing table (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] tcp: move TCP_ECN_create_request out of header (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] syncookies: split cookie_check_timestamp() into two functions (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] syncookies: avoid magic values and document which-bit-is-what-option (Florian Westphal) [1212624] - [net] fib_trie: Fix regression in handling of inflate/halve failure (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Address possible NULL pointer dereference in resize (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Correctly handle case of key == 0 in leaf_walk_rcu (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Add key vector to root, return parent key_vector in resize (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Move parent from key_vector to tnode (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Pull empty_children and full_children into tnode (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Move rcu from key_vector to tnode, add accessors. (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Add tnode struct as a container for fields not needed in key_vector (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Rename tnode_child_length to child_length (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: replace tnode_get_child functions with get_child macros (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Rename tnode to key_vector (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Make fib_table rcu safe (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Return pointer to tnode pointer in resize/inflate/halve (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Fix RCU bug and merge similar bits of inflate/halve (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Prevent allocating tnode if bits is too big for size_t (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Update last spot w/ idx >> n->bits code and explanation (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: move leaf and tnode to occupy the same spot in the key vector (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Update insert and delete to make use of tp from find_node (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Fib find node should return parent (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Fib walk rcu should take a tnode and key instead of a trie and a leaf (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Only resize tnodes once instead of on each leaf removal in fib_table_flush (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Remove leaf_info (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Add slen to fib alias (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Replace plen with slen in leaf_info (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Convert fib_alias to hlist from list (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Various clean-ups for handling slen (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Move fib_find_alias to file where it is used (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Use empty_children instead of counting empty nodes in stats collection (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Add collapse() and should_collapse() to resize (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Fall back to slen update on inflate/halve failure (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Use index & (~0ul << n->bits) instead of index >> n->bits (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Add tracking value for suffix length (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Remove checks for index >= tnode_child_length from tnode_get_child (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: inflate/halve nodes in a more RCU friendly way (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Push tnode flushing down to inflate/halve (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Push assignment of child to parent down into inflate/halve (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Add functions should_inflate and should_halve (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Move resize to after inflate/halve (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Push rcu_read_lock/unlock to callers (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Use unsigned long for anything dealing with a shift by bits (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Update meaning of pos to represent unchecked bits (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Optimize fib_table_insert (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Optimize fib_find_node (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Optimize fib_table_lookup to avoid wasting time on loops/variables (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Merge leaf into tnode (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Merge tnode_free and leaf_free into node_free (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Make leaf and tnode more uniform (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Update usage stats to be percpu instead of global variables (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Fix trie balancing issue if new node pushes down existing node (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: only calc for the un-first node (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: avoid a redundant bit judgement in inflate (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] fib_trie: Fix /proc/net/fib_trie when CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES is not defined (Alexander Duyck) [1205277] - [net] ipv6: gre: add x-netns support (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1210346 1210390] - [net] gre: add x-netns support (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1210346 1210390] - [net] ip6_gre: fix flowi6_proto value in xmit path (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1210346 1210390] - [net] ipv6: Initialize ip6_tnl.hlen in gre tunnel even if no route is found (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1210346 1210390] - [net] ipv6: protect skb->sk accesses from recursive dereference inside the stack (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1129707] - [net] ip_tunnel: Change __skb_push back to skb_push (Florian Westphal) [1187739] - [net] ip_tunnel: fix possible rtable leak (Florian Westphal) [1187739] - [net] ip_tunnel: clear IPCB in ip_tunnel_xmit() in case dst_link_failure() is called (Florian Westphal) [1187739] - [net] ipv4: be friend with drop monitor (Florian Westphal) [1187739] - [net] ip_tunnel: Fix a memory corruption in ip_tunnel_xmit (Florian Westphal) [1187739] - [net] ip_tunnel: Do not use stale inner_iph pointer (Florian Westphal) [1187739]- [mm] memcg: use proper memcg in limit bypass (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [mm] memcg: do not allow task about to OOM kill to bypass the limit (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [mm] memcg: do not declare OOM from __GFP_NOFAIL allocations (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [fs] buffer: move allocation failure loop into the allocator (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [mm] memcg: handle non-error OOM situations more gracefully (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [mm] memcg: do not trap chargers with full callstack on OOM (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [mm] memcg: rework and document OOM waiting and wakeup (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [mm] memcg: enable memcg OOM killer only for user faults (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [x86] finish user fault error path with fatal signal (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [arch] mm: pass userspace fault flag to generic fault handler (Johannes Weiner) [1213903] {CVE-2014-8171} - [block] cfq-iosched: handle failure of cfq group allocation (Vivek Goyal) [1190716] - [crypto] qat - do not duplicate string containing firmware name (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix double release_firmware on error path (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - print ring name in debug output (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix checkpatch CODE_INDENT issue (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix checkpatch COMPARISON_TO_NULL issue (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix checkpatch BIT_MACRO issues (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix checkpatch CONCATENATED_STRING issues (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - checkpatch PARENTHESIS_ALIGNMENT and LOGICAL_CONTINUATIONS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix checkpatch CHECK_SPACING issues (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix typo (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - make error and info log messages more descriptive (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix typo in string (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - remove duplicate definition of Intel PCI vendor id (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - remove incorrect __exit markup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - don't need qat_auth_state struct (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Ensure ipad and opad are zeroed (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - remove unnecessary include of atomic.h header file (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - use pci_wait_for_pending_transaction() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - adf_ae_stop() is never called (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - correctly type a boolean (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix device reset flow (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Fix incorrect uses of memzero_explicit (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - add support for cbc(aes) ablkcipher (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Fix assumption that sg in and out will have the same nents (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix problem with coalescing enable logic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Fix 64 bytes requests (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Use memzero_explicit (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Move BAR definitions to device specific module (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - misspelling typo - "reseting" should be "resetting" (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - cleanup unnecessary break checkpatch warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - cleanup coccicheck warning - NULL check before freeing functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - fix bad unlock balance (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] llvmlinux: Remove VLAIS from crypto/.../qat_algs.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] llvmlinux: Add macro to remove use of VLAIS in crypto code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Removed unneeded partial state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] qat - Fix typo in name of tasklet_struct (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [crypto] treewide: fix errors in printk (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1173791] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix trivial typos in comments (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Use eth__addr instead of memset (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix typo in printk (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Delete an unnecessary check before the function call "kfree" (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: fix netxen_nic_poll() logic (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix link event handling (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix bug in Tx completion path (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Fix BUG "sleeping function called from invalid context" (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [netdrv] netxen: Convert remaining uses of pr_warning to pr_warn (Tony Camuso) [1187294] - [kernel] time: More core infrastructure for timespec64 (Prarit Bhargava) [1215108] - [kernel] time64: Add time64.h header and define struct timespec64 (Prarit Bhargava) [1215108]- [kernel] timers: Reduce future __run_timers() latency for first add to empty list (Rik van Riel) [1193625] - [kernel] subject timers: Reduce future __run_timers() latency for newly emptied list (Rik van Riel) [1193625] - [kernel] timers: Reduce __run_timers() latency for empty list (Rik van Riel) [1193625] - [kernel] timers: Track total number of timers in list (Rik van Riel) [1193625] - [misc] genwqe: remove unnecessary version.h inclusion (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] assorted conversions to p[dD] (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: check for error from get_user_pages_fast() (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Support blocking when DDCB queue is busy (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Fix checkpatch complaints (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Check return code of pci_sriov_enable (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Do not modify return code of genwqe_set_interrupt_capability (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Update author information (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Remove sysfs entry for driver version (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: Check pci_get_totalvfs return code (Steve Best) [1182052] - [misc] genwqe: fix pci_enable_msi usage (Steve Best) [1182052] - [s390] dasd: fix inability to set a DASD device offline (Hendrik Brueckner) [1213888] - [s390] dasd: Fix unresumed device after suspend/resume having no paths (Hendrik Brueckner) [1213889] - [s390] af_iucv: fix AF_IUCV sendmsg() errno (Hendrik Brueckner) [1213885] - [s390] dasd: fix unresumed device after suspend/resume (Hendrik Brueckner) [1213884] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: revert: Add release date and update driver version (Tomas Henzl) [1207175] - [pci] Fix RHEL7 specific possible Null pointer dereference (Myron Stowe) [1215237] - [x86] mce: Fix regression. All error records should report via /dev/mcelog (Seth Jennings) [1183957] - [fs] isofs: Fix unchecked printing of ER records (Mateusz Guzik) [1180483] {CVE-2014-9584} - [fs] isofs: infinite loop in CE record entries (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1175248] {CVE-2014-9420}- [fs] xfs: fix behaviour of XFS_IOC_FSSETXATTR on directories (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: factor projid hint checking out of xfs_ioctl_setattr (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: factor extsize hint checking out of xfs_ioctl_setattr (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: XFS_IOCTL_SETXATTR can run in user namespaces (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_ioctl_setattr behaviour mask (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: disaggregate xfs_ioctl_setattr (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: factor out xfs_ioctl_setattr transaciton preamble (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: separate xflags from xfs_ioctl_setattr (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: FSX_NONBLOCK is not used (Brian Foster) [1200652] - [fs] xfs: split metadata and log buffer completion to separate workqueues (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: check xfs_buf_read_uncached returns correctly (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_buf_submit[_wait] (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_bioerror_relse (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_bioerror can die (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_bdstrat_cb (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: rework xfs_buf_bio_endio error handling (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_buf_ioend and xfs_buf_iodone_work duplicate functionality (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: synchronous buffer IO needs a reference (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: Keep sb_bad_features2 consistent with sb_features2 (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix set-but-unused warnings (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move type conversion functions to xfs_dir.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move ftype conversion functions to libxfs (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: active inodes stat is broken (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: cleanup xfs_bmse_merge returns (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: cleanup xfs_bmse_shift_one goto mess (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix premature enospc on inode allocation (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: overflow in xfs_iomap_eof_align_last_fsb (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix simple_return.cocci warning in xfs_bmse_shift_one (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix simple_return.cocci warning in xfs_file_readdir (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] libxfs: fix simple_return.cocci warnings (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unnecessary null checks (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: merge xfs_inum.h into xfs_format.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move most of xfs_sb.h to xfs_format.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: merge xfs_ag.h into xfs_format.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move acl structures to xfs_format.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: merge xfs_dinode.h into xfs_format.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: allow lazy sb counter sync during filesystem freeze sequence (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix error handling in xfs_qm_log_quotaoff() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: replace on-stack xfs_trans_res with pointer in xfs_create() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: track bulkstat progress by agino (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: bulkstat error handling is broken (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: bulkstat main loop logic is a mess (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: bulkstat chunk-formatter has issues (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: bulkstat chunk formatting cursor is broken (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: bulkstat btree walk doesn't terminate (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: rework zero range to prevent invalid i_size updates (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: Check error during inode btree iteration in xfs_bulkstat() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: bulkstat doesn't release AGI buffer on error (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix agno increment in xfs_inumbers() loop (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_iflush_done checks the wrong log item callback (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: check for null dquot in xfs_quota_calc_throttle() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix crc field handling in xfs_sb_to/from_disk (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: don't send null bp to xfs_trans_brelse() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: check for inode size overflow in xfs_new_eof() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill time.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: compat_xfs_bstat does not have forkoff (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: Don't use xfs_buf_iowait in the delwri buffer code (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: force the log before shutting down (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: annotate user variables passed as void (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_kset should be static (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix use of agi_newino in finobt lookup (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: refactor recovery transaction start handling (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: reorganise transaction recovery item code (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix double free in xlog_recover_commit_trans (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: recovery of XLOG_UNMOUNT_TRANS leaks memory (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: refactor xlog_recover_process_data() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: flush entire last page of old EOF on truncate up (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_swap_extent_flush can be static (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_buf_write_fail_rl_state can be static (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_rtget_summary can be static (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove second xfs_quota.h inclusion in xfs_icache.c (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: don't ASSERT on corrupt ftype (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xlog_cil_force_lsn doesn't always wait correctly (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: only writeback and truncate pages for the freed range (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: writeback and inval. file range to be shifted by collapse (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: refactor single extent shift into xfs_bmse_shift_one() helper (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: refactor shift-by-merge into xfs_bmse_merge() helper (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: track collapse via file offset rather than extent index (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: ensure WB_SYNC_ALL writeback handles partial pages correctly (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove rbpp check from xfs_rtmodify_summary_int (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: combine xfs_rtmodify_summary and xfs_rtget_summary (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: combine xfs_dir_canenter into xfs_dir_createname (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: check resblks before calling xfs_dir_canenter (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: deduplicate xlog_do_recovery_pass() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: lseek: the "whence" argument is called "whence" (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: combine xfs_seek_hole & xfs_seek_data (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: export log_recovery_delay to delay mount time log recovery (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add debug sysfs attribute set (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: trim eofblocks before collapse range (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: xfs_file_collapse_range is delalloc challenged (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: don't log inode unless extent shift makes extent modifications (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_vnode.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill VN_MAPPED (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill VN_CACHED (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill VN_DIRTY() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_bulkstat_ag_ichunk (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: require 64-bit sector_t (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove XFS_IS_OQUOTA_ON macros (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: tidy up xfs_set_inode32 (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: mark xfs_qm_quotacheck as static (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_bulkstat_grab_ichunk (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_bulkstat_ichunk_ra (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix error handling at xfs_bulkstat (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove redundant user buffer count checks at xfs_bulkstat (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix error handling at xfs_inumbers (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: consolidate xfs_inumbers (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_bulkstat_single (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove redundant stat assignment in xfs_bulkstat_one_int (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add log attributes for log lsn and grant head data (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add xlog sysfs kobject and attribute handlers (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add xfs_mount sysfs kobject (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add a sysfs kset (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: global error sign conversion (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] libxfs: move source files (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] libxfs: move header files (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: create libxfs infrastructure (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: Nuke XFS_ERROR macro (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: return is not a function (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix xfs_da_args sparse warning in xfs_readdir (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: small cleanup in xfs_lowbit64() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_buf_geterror() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove redundant geometry information from xfs_da_state (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: replace attr LBSIZE with xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: pass xfs_da_args to xfs_attr_leaf_newentsize (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_da_geometry for block size in attr code (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove mp->m_dir_geo from directory logging (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: reduce direct usage of mp->m_dir_geo (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move node entry counts to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert dir/attr btree threshold to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert m_dirblksize to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert m_dirblkfsbs to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert directory segment limits to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert directory db conversion to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert directory dablk conversion to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: convert dir byte/off conversion to xfs_da_geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: kill XFS_DIR2...FIRSTDB macros (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move directory block translatiosn to xfs_dir2_priv.h (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: introduce directory geometry structure (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix compile error when libxfs header used in C++ code (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix infinite loop at xfs_vm_writepage on 32bit system (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove XFS_TRANS_RESERVE in collapse range (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove shared supberlock feature checking (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: don't need dirv2 checks anymore (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: turn NLINK feature on by default (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: make superblock version checks reflect reality (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: pass struct da_args to xfs_attr_calc_size (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: simplify attr name setup (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fold xfs_attr_remove_int into xfs_attr_remove (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fold xfs_attr_get_int into xfs_attr_get (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fold xfs_attr_set_int into xfs_attr_set (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove dquot hints (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: enable the finobt feature on v5 superblocks (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: report finobt status in fs geometry (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add finobt support to growfs (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: update the finobt on inode free (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_difree() inobt bits into xfs_difree_inobt() helper (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: use and update the finobt on inode allocation (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: insert newly allocated inode chunks into the finobt (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: update inode allocation/free transaction reservations for finobt (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: support the XFS_BTNUM_FINOBT free inode btree type (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: reserve v5 superblock read-only compat. feature bit for finobt (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_ialloc_btree.c to support multiple inobt numbers (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: add filestream allocator tracepoints (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_filestream_associate (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: don't create a slab cache for filestream items (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: rewrite the filestream allocator using the dentry cache (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove XFS_IFILESTREAM (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: embedd mru_elem into parent structure (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: handle duplicate entries in xfs_mru_cache_insert (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_bmap_btalloc_nullfb (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: don't try to use the filestream allocator for metadata allocations (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused calculation in xfs_dir2_sf_addname() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove pointless pointer increment in xfs_dir2_block_compact() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused trans pointer arg from xlog_recover_unmount_trans() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused ail pointer arg from xfs_trans_ail_cursor_done() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused xfs_mount arg from xfs_symlink_hdr_ok() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused bp arg from xfs_iflush_fork() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused pag ptr arg from iterator execute functions (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused length arg from alloc_block ops (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused mp arg from xfs_calc_dquots_per_chunk() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused mp arg from xfs_dir2 dataptr/byte functions (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused tp arg from xfs_da_reada_buf & callers (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused bip arg from xfs_buf_item_log_segment() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused flags arg from _xfs_buf_get_pages() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused args from xfs_alloc_buftarg() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused blocksize arg from xfs_setsize_buftarg() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused level arg from xfs_btree_read_buf_block() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused mp arg from xfs_bmap_forkoff_reset() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused mp arg from xfs_bmdr_maxrecs() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused mp arg from xfs_attr3_rmt_hdr_ok() (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: remove unused tp arg from xfs_bmap_last_offset() and callers (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: correct error sign on COLLAPSE_RANGE errors (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: collapse range is delalloc challenged (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: move falloc collapse range check into the filesystem methods (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: Add support for FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: use NOIO contexts for vm_map_ram (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: fix directory inode iolock lockdep false positive (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: allocate xfs_da_args to reduce stack footprint (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: Add support FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE for fallocate (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: always use unwritten extents for direct I/O writes (Brian Foster) [1184177] - [fs] xfs: factor prid related codes into xfs_get_initial_prid() (Brian Foster) [1184177]- [netdrv] hyperv: Add processing of MTU reduced by the host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1196420] - [x86] crypto: aesni - fix memory usage in GCM decryption (Kurt Stutsman) [1212178] {CVE-2015-3331} - [usb] fix use-after-free bug in usb_hcd_unlink_urb() (Don Zickus) [1187256] - [pci] Mark RTL8110SC INTx masking as broken (Myron Stowe) [1205911] - [powerpc] pci: Clip bridge windows to fit in upstream windows (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Clip bridge windows to fit in upstream windows (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Add pci_claim_bridge_resource() to clip window if necessary (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Add pci_bus_clip_resource() to clip to fit upstream window (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Pass bridge device, not bus, when updating bridge windows (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Add missing MEM_64 mask in pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] maintainers: Update mx6 PCI driver maintainer's email (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for HighPoint RocketRaid 642L (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] msi: Fix memory leak in free_msi_irqs() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Merge multi-line quoted strings (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Whitespace cleanup (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Move EXPORT_SYMBOL so it immediately follows function/variable (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Make pci_bus_add_device() void (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Introduce new device binding path using pci_dev.driver_override (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] cpqphp: Fix possible null pointer dereference (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Fix return value from pci_user_{read, write}_config_*() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Turn pcibios_penalize_isa_irq() into a weak function (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] pcmcia: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] pciehp: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] acpiphp: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] cpcihp: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] shpchp: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] rpaphp: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] nvme: Implement PCIe reset notification callback (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Notify driver before and after device reset (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Clean up and mark early_root_info_init() as deprecated (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] dma-api: Update dma_pool_create ()and dma_pool_alloc() descriptions (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] dma-api: Fix duplicated word in DMA-API-HOWTO.txt (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] dma-api: Capitalize "CPU" consistently (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Add resource allocation comments (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Simplify __pci_assign_resource() coding style (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Change pbus_size_mem() return values to be more conventional (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Restrict 64-bit prefetchable bridge windows to 64-bit resources (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Support BAR sizes up to 8GB (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] gart: Tidy messages and add bridge device info (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] gart: Replace printk() with pr_info() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Move pcibios_assign_resources() annotation to definition (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Remove pcibios_add_platform_entries() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [s390] pci: use pdev->dev.groups for attribute creation (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Work around AMD Fam15h BIOSes that fail to provide _PXM (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Warn if we have to "guess" host bridge node information (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] dma-api: Change dma_declare_coherent_memory() CPU address to phys_addr_t (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] dma-api: Clarify physical/bus address distinction (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] msi: Remove pci_enable_msi_block() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Move Open Firmware devspec attribute to PCI common code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Fix use of uninitialized MPS value (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Remove dead code (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] maintainers: Add arch/x86/kernel/quirks.c to PCI file patterns (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Remove unnecessary __ref annotations (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Add new ID for Intel GPU "spurious interrupt" quirk (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] genwqe: Use pci_enable_msi_exact() instead of pci_enable_msi_block() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Fix incorrect vgaarb conditional in WARN_ON() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Mark ATI SBx00 HPET BAR as IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Don't try to move IORESOURCE_PCI_FIXED resources (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [x86] pci: Fix Broadcom CNB20LE unintended sign extension (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Use designated initialization in PCI_VDEVICE (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Allow hotplug service drivers to operate in polling mode (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] pciehp: Acknowledge spurious "cmd completed" event (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Remove old serial device IDs (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] Remove unnecessary includes of (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] pciehp: Use PCI_EXP_SLTCAP_PSN define (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] hotplug: Remove unnecessary "dev->bus" test (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] msi: Simplify populate_msi_sysfs() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [pci] portdrv: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Myron Stowe) [1110898] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Enable for little endian hosts (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix ABIv2 on LE (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Access XICS in BE (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Access host lppaca and shadow slb in BE (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Access guest VPA in BE (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Make HTAB code LE host aware (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] Add asm helpers for BE 32bit load/store (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: Assembly functions exported to modules need _GLOBAL_TOC() (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: rtas: Do byte swaps explicitly (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s pr: Fix ABIv2 on LE (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] kvm: ppc: book3s hv: Fix ABIv2 indirect branch issue (David Gibson) [1193257] - [powerpc] perf: add missing put_cpu_var in power_pmu_event_init (Jan Stancek) [1202283] - [s390] watchdog: support for KVM hypervisors and delete pr_info messages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182310] - [s390] watchdog: enable KEEPALIVE for /dev/watchdog (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182310] - [s390] kernel: Update /proc/sysinfo file with Extended Name and UUID (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182311] - [s390] qeth: Display adjacent switch attributes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1182287] - [x86] kvm: vmx: fix oops with explicit flexpriority=0 option (Radim Krcmar) [1185276]- [hv] hv_fcopy: drop the obsolete message on transfer failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1162100] - [virtio] virtio_ring: Update weak barriers to use dma_wmb/rmb (Alexander Duyck) [1205268] - [arch] Add lightweight memory barriers dma_rmb() and dma_wmb() (Alexander Duyck) [1205268] - [arch] Cleanup read_barrier_depends() and comments (Alexander Duyck) [1205268] - [arch] Clean up asm/barrier.h implementations using asm-generic/barrier.h (Alexander Duyck) [1205268] - [x86] kernel: Remove CONFIG_X86_OOSTORE (Alexander Duyck) [1205268] - [kernel] sched/idle: Optimize try-to-wake-up IPI (Rik van Riel) [1197889] - [kernel] sched, trace: Add a tracepoint for IPI-less remote wakeups (Rik van Riel) [1197889] - [kernel] sched/idle: Avoid spurious wakeup IPIs (Rik van Riel) [1197889] - [kernel] sched/idle: Clear polling before descheduling the idle thread (Rik van Riel) [1197889] - [x86] sched/idle: Switch from TS_POLLING to TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG (Rik van Riel) [1197889] - [hv] vss: Fast propagation of userspace communication failure (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1092780] - [hv] vss: Introduce timeout for communication with userspace (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1092780] - [pci] Increase IBM ipr SAS Crocodile BARs to at least system page size (Steve Best) [1211951] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: add id for broadwell server (Steve Best) [1169554] - [powerpc] Fail remap_4k_pfn() if PFN doesn't fit inside PTE (Steve Best) [1211954] - [kernel] perf: Fix events installation during moving group (Jiri Olsa) [1066402] - [x86] perf_event_intel_uncore: Make sure only uncore events are collected (Jiri Olsa) [1066402] - [kernel] futex: Mention key referencing differences between shared and private futexes (Larry Woodman) [1205862] - [kernel] futex: Ensure get_futex_key_refs() always implies a barrier (Larry Woodman) [1205862] - [scripts] kconfig: Fix warning "'jump' may be used uninitialized" (Prarit Bhargava) [1184972] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix encapsulation features on 57710/57711 (Michal Schmidt) [1164997] - [netdrv] be2net: use PCI MMIO read instead of config read for errors (Ivan Vecera) [1171839] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix TX rate limiting on Lancer/Skyhawk-R VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1186613] - [netdrv] be2net: fail VF link config change via ndo_set_vf_link_state() on BE3/Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [1186607] - [pci] Add ACS quirk for Emulex NICs (Ivan Vecera) [1183443] - [pci] Test for std config alias when testing extended config space (Myron Stowe) [1205915] - [hv] hv_balloon: correctly handle num_pages>INT_MAX case (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1203790] - [hv] hv_balloon: correctly handle val.freeramxmit_more (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] pktgen: add flag NO_TIMESTAMP to disable timestamping (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] qdisc: dequeue bulking also pickup GSO/TSO packets (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] qdisc: bulk dequeue support for qdiscs with TCQ_F_ONETXQUEUE (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] qdisc: validate frames going through the direct_xmit path (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] qdisc: exit case fixes for skb list handling in qdisc layer (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] qdisc: adjustments for API allowing skb list xmits (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] xmit_list() becomes dev_hard_start_xmit() (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Don't keep around original SKB when we software segment GSO frames (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Validate xmit SKBs right when we pull them out of the qdisc (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Separate out SKB validation logic from transmit path (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Have xmit_list() signal more==true when appropriate (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Pass a "more" indication down into netdev_start_xmit() code paths (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Move main gso loop out of dev_hard_start_xmit() into helper (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Create xmit_one() helper for dev_hard_start_xmit() (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] move inline skb_needs_linearize helper to header (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Do txq_trans_update() in netdev_start_xmit() (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [netdrv] virtio_net: flush when in xmit_more mode and under descriptor pressure (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [netdrv] igb: flush when in xmit_more mode and under descriptor pressure (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [netdrv] ixgbe: flush when in xmit_more mode and under descriptor pressure (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [netdrv] ixgbe: support skb->xmit_more in netdev_ops->ndo_start_xmit() (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Remove ndo_xmit_flush netdev operation, use signalling instead (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Add ops->ndo_xmit_flush() (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] add skb_get_tx_queue() helper (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] netpoll: Only call ndo_start_xmit from a single place (Alexander Duyck) [1205266] - [net] Pull out core bits of __netdev_alloc_skb and add __napi_alloc_skb (Alexander Duyck) [1205273] - [net] Split netdev_alloc_frag into __alloc_page_frag and add __napi_alloc_frag (Alexander Duyck) [1205273] - [net] nf_conntrack: reserve two bytes for nf_ct_ext->len (Marcelo Leitner) [1206164] {CVE-2014-9715} - [net] ipv6: Partial checksum only UDP packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] ipv6: Allow for partial checksums on non-ufo packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] udpv6: Add lockless sendmsg() support (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] ipv6: Introduce udpv6_send_skb() (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] ipv6: introduce ipv6_make_skb (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] ipv6: Append sending data to arbitrary queue (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] ipv6: pull cork initialization into its own function (Vlad Yasevich) [1105064] - [net] do not enable tx-nocache-copy by default (Alexander Duyck) [1205271] - [net] tcp: add DCTCP congestion control algorithm (Florian Westphal) [970613] - [net] tcp: more detailed ACK events and events for CE marked packets (Florian Westphal) [970613] - [net] tcp: split ack slow/fast events from cwnd_event (Florian Westphal) [970613] - [net] tcp: add flag for ca to indicate that ECN is required (Florian Westphal) [970613] - [net] tcp: assign tcp cong_ops when tcp sk is created (Florian Westphal) [970613] - [net] tcp: don't include Fast Open option in SYN-ACK on pure SYN-data (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: abort orphan sockets stalling on zero window probes (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix more NULL deref after prequeue changes (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix possible NULL dereference in tcp_vX_send_reset() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] skb_fclone_busy() needs to detect orphaned skb (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] cleanup and document skb fclone layout (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: md5: do not use alloc_percpu() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: tcp_conn_request: fix build error when IPv6 is disabled (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] introduce __skb_header_release() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add coalescing attempt in tcp_ofo_queue() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: avoid possible arithmetic overflows (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: do not fake tcp headers in tcp_send_rcvq() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: do not copy headers in tcp_collapse() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: allow segment with FIN in tcp_try_coalesce() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: use tcp_flags in tcp_data_queue() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: use TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->tcp_flags in input path (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove dst refcount false sharing for prequeue mode (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove obsolete comment about TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when in tcp_fragment() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: introduce TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->tcp_tw_isn (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: whitespace fixes (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: improve undo on timeout (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix ssthresh and undo for consecutive short FRTO episodes (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: don't allow syn packets without timestamps to pass tcp_tw_recycle logic (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix tcp_release_cb() to dispatch via address family for mtu_reduced() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: don't use timestamp from repaired skb-s to calculate RTT (v2) (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: md5: check md5 signature without socket lock (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: reduce spurious retransmits due to transient SACK reneging (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: md5: remove unneeded check in tcp_v4_parse_md5_keys (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Fix integer-overflow in TCP vegas (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Fix integer-overflows in TCP veno (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Remove unnecessary arg from tcp_enter_cwr and tcp_init_cwnd_reduction (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix false undo corner cases (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: switch snt_synack back to measuring transmit time of first SYNACK (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Fix divide by zero when pushing during tcp-repair (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add tcp_conn_request (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add queue_add_hash to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add mss_clamp to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: unify tcp_v4_rtx_synack and tcp_v6_rtx_synack (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add send_synack method to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv6: cleanup for tcp_ipv6.c (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add init_seq method to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: move around a few calls in tcp_v6_conn_request (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add route_req method to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add init_cookie_seq method to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add init_req method to tcp_request_sock_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] remove inet6_reqsk_alloc (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: tcp_v[46]_conn_request: fix snt_synack initialization (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: cookie_v4_init_sequence: skb should be const (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix tcp_match_skb_to_sack() for unaligned SACK at end of an skb (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fixing TLP's FIN recovery (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix cwnd undo on DSACK in F-RTO (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: make cwnd-limited checks measurement-based, and gentler (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: IPv6 support for fastopen server (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] net: ipv6: Fix oif in TCP SYN+ACK route lookup. (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv6: tcp_ipv6 policy route issue (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv6: reuse rt6_need_strict (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: improve fastopen icmp handling (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: use tcp_v4_send_synack on first SYN-ACK (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: simplify fast open cookie processing (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: move fastopen functions to tcp_fastopen.c (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove in_flight parameter from cong_avoid() methods (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix cwnd limited checking to improve congestion control (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp_cubic: fix the range of delayed_ack (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: increment retransmit counters in tlp and fast open (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: avoid retransmits of TCP packets hanging in host queues (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: make tcp_cwnd_application_limited() static (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv6: tcp_ipv6 do some cleanup (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix get_timewait4_sock() delay computation on 64bit (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: tcp_make_synack() minor changes (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: delete unused parameter in tcp_nagle_check() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: tcp_release_cb() should release socket ownership (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: timestamp SYN+DATA messages (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: do not leak non zero tstamp in output packets (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Use NET_ADD_STATS instead of NET_ADD_STATS_BH in tcp_event_new_data_sent() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: snmp stats for Fast Open, SYN rtx, and data pkts (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix bogus RTT on special retransmission (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: switch rtt estimations to usec resolution (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] kabi: don't make kabi-check trip over sk_buff change (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] add skb_mstamp infrastructure (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add mib counters to track zero window transitions (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: use zero-window when free_space is low (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: reduce the bloat caused by tcp_is_cwnd_limited() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fastopen: fix high order allocations (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove unused min_cwnd member of tcp_congestion_ops (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove 1ms offset in srtt computation (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: delete redundant calls of tcp_mtup_init() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv6: tcp: fix flowlabel value in ACK messages send from TIME_WAIT (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: initialize passive-side sk_pacing_rate after 3WHS (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: tcp_transmit_skb() optimizations (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: Handle v6/v4-mapped sockets in tcp-metrics (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: Fix rcu-race when deleting multiple entries (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: Avoid duplicate entries with the same destination-IP (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: Allow selective get/del of tcp-metrics based on src IP (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: Delete all entries matching a certain destination (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: New netlink attribute for src IP and dumped in netlink reply (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: Add source-address to tcp-metrics (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: metrics: rename tcpm_addr to tcpm_daddr (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: out_of_order_queue do not use its lock (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: make local functions static (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: autocork should not hold first packet in write queue (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: refine TSO splits (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: auto corking (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: optimize some skb_shinfo(skb) uses (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: properly handle stretch acks in slow start (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: temporarily disable Fast Open on SYN timeout (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: do not rearm RTO when future data are sacked (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: only take RTT from timestamps if new data is acked (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix SYNACK RTT estimation in Fast Open (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove redundant code in __tcp_retransmit_skb() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv4: shrink rt_cache_stat (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: sndbuf autotuning improvements (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Always set options to 0 before calling tcp_established_options (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix dynamic right sizing (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Remove extern from function prototypes (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix RTO calculated from cached RTT (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: properly increase rcv_ssthresh for ofo packets (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix no cwnd growth after timeout (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: better comments for RTO initiallization (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Change return value of tcp_rcv_established() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: do not use cached RTT for RTT estimation (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: increase throughput when reordering is high (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: trivial: Remove nocache argument from tcp_v4_send_synack (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: reset reordering est. selectively on timeout (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: add server ip to encrypt cookie in fast open (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ip: add SNMP counters tracking incoming ECN bits (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Remove unused tcpct declarations and comments (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT socket option (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] add sk_stream_is_writeable() helper (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] fib_trie: potential out of bounds access in trie_show_stats() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: use RTT from SACK for RTO (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: measure RTT from new SACK (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: prefer packet timing to TS-ECR for RTT (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: consolidate SYNACK RTT sampling (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: account all retransmit failures (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv4: fix spacing in assignment (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] net: sock: fix TCP_SKB_MIN_TRUESIZE (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove invalid __rcu annotation (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv6: remove a useless pr_info() in addrconf_gre_config() (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] inet_fragment: remove an empty ifdef (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: typo unset should be unsent (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] net: sock: adapt SOCK_MIN_RCVBUF and SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: properly send new data in fast recovery in first RTT (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] udp: fix two sparse errors (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] ipv4: Update RFS target at poll for tcp/udp (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: undo on DSACK during recovery (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: fix undo on partial ack in recovery (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: refactor undo functions (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: consolidate PRR packet accounting (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Remove 2 indentation levels in tcp_rcv_state_process (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: Remove another indentation level in tcp_rcv_state_process (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove one indentation level in tcp_rcv_state_process (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: md5: remove spinlock usage in fast path (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: remove bad timeout logic in fast recovery (Florian Westphal) [1151756] - [net] tcp: speedup tcp_fixup_rcvbuf() (Florian Westphal) [1151756]- [fs] proc/task_mmu: bump kernelpagesize_kB to EOL in /proc/pid/numa_maps (Petr Holasek) [1071987] - [Documentation] filesystems/proc.txt: add /proc/pid/numa_maps interface explanation snippet (Petr Holasek) [1071987] - [fs] proc/task_mmu: show page size in /proc//numa_maps (Petr Holasek) [1071987] - [mm] vmscan: use proportional scanning during direct reclaim and full scan at DEF_PRIORITY (Larry Woodman) [1178988] - [fs] superblock: avoid locking counting inodes and dentries before reclaiming them (Larry Woodman) [1178988] - [fs] superblock: unregister sb shrinker before ->kill_sb() (Larry Woodman) [1178988] - [mm] vmstat: Reduce time interval to stat update on idle cpu (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: do not use deferrable delayed work for vmstat_update (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: on-demand vmstat workers V8 (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: use this_cpu() to avoid irqon/off sequence in refresh_cpu_vm_stats (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: create fold_diff (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: create separate function to fold per cpu diffs into local counters (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] msync: fix incorrect fstart calculation (Larry Woodman) [1172896] - [mm] msync: sync only the requested range in msync() (Larry Woodman) [1172896] - [drm] Missed clflushopt in drm_clflush_virt_range (Steve Best) [1170846] - [x86] cpufeature: If we disable CLFLUSH, we should disable CLFLUSHOPT (Steve Best) [1170846] - [x86] Use clflushopt in drm_clflush_virt_range (Steve Best) [1170846] - [x86] Use clflushopt in drm_clflush_page (Steve Best) [1170846] - [x86] Use clflushopt in clflush_cache_range (Steve Best) [1170846] - [x86] Add support for the clflushopt instruction (Steve Best) [1170846] - [x86] mm: register 1G page size if we can allocate them at runtime (Petr Holasek) [1197899] - [x86] kvm: insufficient sysenter emulation when invoked from 16-bit code (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1186452] {CVE-2015-0239} - [kernel] module: Clean up ro/nx after early module load failures (Pratyush Anand) [1202866] - [kernel] panic: add TAINT_SOFTLOCKUP (Aaron Tomlin) [1194353] - [kernel] watchdog: print traces for all cpus on lockup detection (Aaron Tomlin) [1194353] - [x86] nmi: provide the option to issue an NMI back trace to every cpu but current (Aaron Tomlin) [1194353] - [kernel] Use 'E' instead of 'X' for unsigned module taint flag (Jiri Olsa) [1179759] - [kernel] fix module signature vs tracepoints add new TAINT_UNSIGNED_MODULE (Jiri Olsa) [1179759] - [kernel] kvm: rcu: nohz: use RCU extended quiescent state when running KVM guest (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Export context_tracking_user_enter/exit (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Run vtime_user_enter/exit only when state == CONTEXT_USER (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Add stub context_tracking_is_enabled (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Generalize context tracking APIs to support user and guest (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Rename context symbols to prepare for transition state (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Restore previous state in schedule_user (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [powerpc] Remove unused cpp symbols in kvm headers (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Rename context_tracking_active() to context_tracking_cpu_is_enabled() (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] context_tracking: Wrap static key check into more intuitive function name (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] arm: Fix build error with context tracking calls (Rik van Riel) [1194681] - [kernel] irq_work: Remove BUG_ON in irq_work_run() (Jan Stancek) [1210986] - [kernel] rcu: Remove "Experimental" flags (Prarit Bhargava) [1182093]- [md] dm-snapshot: suspend merging snapshot when doing exception handover (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-snapshot: suspend origin when doing exception handover (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-snapshot: allocate a per-target structure for snapshot-origin target (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-crypt: sort writes (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm-crypt: add 'submit_from_crypt_cpus' option (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm-crypt: offload writes to thread (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm-crypt: remove unused io_pool and _crypt_io_pool (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm-crypt: avoid deadlock in mempools (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm-crypt: don't allocate pages for a partial request (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm-crypt: use unbound workqueue for request processing (Mike Snitzer) [1205955 752438] - [md] dm: fix add_disk() NULL pointer due to race with free_dev() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-io: deal with wandering queue limits when handling REQ_DISCARD and REQ_WRITE_SAME (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: hold suspend_lock while suspending device during device deletion (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-thin: fix to consistently zero-fill reads to unprovisioned blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-snapshot: fix a possible invalid memory access on unload (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: fix a race condition in dm_get_md (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-io: reject unsupported DISCARD requests with EOPNOTSUPP (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-mirror: do not degrade the mirror on discard error (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-space-map-disk: fix sm_disk_count_is_more_than_one() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: inherit QUEUE_FLAG_SG_GAPS flags from underlying queues (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-snapshot: remove unnecessary NULL checks before vfree() calls (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-mpath: simplify failure path of dm_multipath_init() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: remove unused dm_pool_get_data_block_size() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-ioctl: fix stale comment above dm_get_inactive_table() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-crypt: update url in CONFIG_DM_CRYPT help text (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-bufio: fix time comparison to use time_after_eq() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: use time_in_range() and time_after() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-raid: fix a couple integer overflows (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-table: train hybrid target type detection to select blk-mq if appropriate (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: allocate requests in target when stacking on blk-mq devices (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: prepare for allocating blk-mq clone requests in target (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: submit stacked requests in irq enabled context (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: split request structure out from dm_rq_target_io structure (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: remove exports for request-based interfaces without external callers (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] block: mark blk-mq devices as stackable (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] block: keep established cmd_flags when cloning into a blk-mq request (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] block: add blk-mq support to blk_insert_cloned_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: fix multipath regression due to initializing wrong request (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] block: require blk_rq_prep_clone() be given an initialized clone request (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: fix handling of multiple internal suspends (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm: fix missed error code if .end_io isn't implemented by target_type (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-crypt: use memzero_explicit for on-stack buffer (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] lib: memzero_explicit: add comment for its usage (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] random: add and use memzero_explicit() for clearing data (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] crypto: define OPTIMIZER_HIDE_VAR for future use in memzero_explicit (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix sm_bootstrap_get_count() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix sm_bootstrap_get_nr_blocks() (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-stripe: fix potential for leak in stripe_ctr error path (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-log-userspace: fix memory leak in dm_ulog_tfr_init failure path (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-raid: fix inaccessible superblocks causing oops in configure_discard_support (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-raid: add discard support for RAID levels 4, 5 and 6 (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-raid: add discard support for RAID levels 1 and 10 (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-switch: efficiently support repetitive patterns (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-switch: factor out switch_region_table_read (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-table: fix RHEL7 inconsistency with location of dm_table_run_md_queue_async (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [md] dm-mpath: fix stalls when handling invalid ioctls (Mike Snitzer) [1205955] - [tty] fix kABI broken by introduction of ldisc_sem (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] Fix hang at ldsem_down_read() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] Replace ldisc locking with ldisc_sem (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] Add lock/unlock ldisc pair functions (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] Fix tty_ldisc_lock name collision (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] n_tty: Buffer work should not reschedule itself (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] n_tty: Fix unsafe update of available buffer space (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] n_tty: Untangle read completion variables (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] n_tty: Encapsulate minimum_to_wake within N_TTY (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] Add timed, writer-prioritized rw semaphore (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [tty] Remove TTY_HW_COOK_IN/OUT (Aristeu Rozanski) [1183479] - [char] random: account for entropy loss due to overwrites (Herbert Xu) [1110044] - [char] random: allow fractional bits to be tracked (Herbert Xu) [1110044] - [char] random: statically compute poolbitshift, poolbytes, poolbits (Herbert Xu) [1110044] - [kernel] jiffies: Fix timeval conversion to jiffies (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Update timekeeper before updating vsyscall and pvclock (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Provide internal ktime_t based data (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] irq_work: Force raised irq work to run on irq work interrupt (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] irq_work: Introduce arch_irq_work_has_interrupt() (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Restore NMI safe local irq work for local nohz kick (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Avoid tick's double reprogramming in highres mode (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Fix spurious periodic tick behaviour in low-res dynticks mode (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Support nohz full remote kick (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] irq_work: Implement remote queueing (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] irq_work: Split raised and lazy lists (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] tick-sched: Check tick_nohz_enabled in tick_nohz_switch_to_nohz() (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] tick-sched: Don't call update_wall_time() when delta is lesser than tick_period (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Get timekeeping max deferment outside jiffies_lock (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] sched/clock, x86: Avoid a runtime condition in native_sched_clock() (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz_full: fix code style issue of tick_nohz_full_stop_tick (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] sched/clock, x86: Use a static_key for sched_clock_stable (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] sched/clock: Remove local_irq_disable() from the clocks (George Beshers) [1182693] - [x86] perf: Clean up cap_user_time setting (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Call update_wall_time outside the jiffies lock (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Avoid possible deadlock from clock_was_set_delayed (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix lost updates to tai adjustment (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Fix potential lost pv notification of time change (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Indicate that clock was set in the pvclock gtod notifier (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] timekeeping: Pass flags instead of multiple bools to timekeeping_update() (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Convert a few places to use local per cpu accesses (George Beshers) [1182693] - [kernel] nohz: Check for nohz active instead of nohz enabled (George Beshers) [1182693] - [crypto] sha-mb: sha1_mb_alg_state can be static (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] mcryptd: mcryptd_flist can be static (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] sha-mb: SHA1 multibuffer job manager and glue code (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] sha-mb: SHA1 multibuffer crypto computation (x8 AVX2) (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] sha-mb: SHA1 multibuffer submit and flush routines for AVX2 (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] sha-mb: SHA1 multibuffer algorithm data structures (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] sha-mb: multibuffer crypto infrastructure (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [kernel] sched: Add function single_task_running to let a task check if it is the only task running on a cpu (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] ahash: initialize entry len for null input in crypto hash sg list walk (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] ahash: Add real ahash walk interface (Herbert Xu) [1173756] - [crypto] x86: sha256_ssse3 - also test for BMI2 (Herbert Xu) [1201563] - [crypto] x86: sha1 - reduce size of the AVX2 asm implementation (Herbert Xu) [1177968] - [crypto] x86: sha1 - fix stack alignment of AVX2 variant (Herbert Xu) [1177968] - [crypto] x86: sha1 - re-enable the AVX variant (Herbert Xu) [1177968] - [crypto] sha: SHA1 transform x86_64 AVX2 (Herbert Xu) [1177968] - [crypto] testmgr: fix RNG return code enforcement (Herbert Xu) [1198978]- [fs] btrfs: simplify insert_orphan_item (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: __add_inode_ref out of bounds memory read when looking for extended ref (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix data loss in the fast fsync path (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix lost return value due to variable shadowing (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync race leading to ordered extent memory leaks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync data loss after adding hard link to inode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix leak of path in btrfs_find_item (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: set proper message level for skinny metadata (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add missing blk_finish_plug in btrfs_sync_log() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix raid56 scrub failed in xfstests btrfs/072 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Don't call btrfs_start_transaction() on frozen fs to avoid deadlock (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix the bug that fs_info->pending_changes is never cleared (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix state->private cast on 32 bit machines (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix race deleting block group from space_info->ro_bgs list (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix incorrect freeing in scrub_stripe (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: sync ioctl, handle errors after transaction start (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't delay inode ref updates during log replay (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: correctly get tree level in tree_backref_for_extent (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: call inode_dec_link_count() on mkdir error path (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: abort transaction if we don't find the block group (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, scrub: uninitialized variable in scrub_extent_for_parity() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: filp_open() returns ERR_PTR() on failure, not NULL (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove non-sense btrfs_error_discard_extent() function (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix fs corruption on transaction abort if device supports discard (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: always clear a block group node when removing it from the tree (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: ensure deletion from pinned_chunks list is protected (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make get_caching_control unconditionally return the ctl (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected deletion from pending_chunks list (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix fs mapping extent map leak (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak after block remove + trimming (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make btrfs_abort_transaction consider existence of new block groups (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between writing free space cache and trimming (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between fs trimming and block group remove/allocation (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, replace: enable dev-replace for raid56 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix freeing used extents after removing empty block group (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash caused by block group removal (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix invalid block group rbtree access after bg is removed (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, raid56: fix use-after-free problem in the final device replace procedure on raid56 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, replace: write raid56 parity into the replace target device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, replace: write dirty pages into the replace target device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, raid56: support parity scrub on raid56 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, raid56: use a variant to record the operation type (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, scrub: repair the common data on RAID5/6 if it is corrupted (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs, raid56: don't change bbio and raid_map (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary code of stripe_index assignment in __btrfs_map_block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove noused bbio_ret in __btrfs_map_block in condition (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: zero out left over bytes after processing compression streams (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix snapshot inconsistency after a file write followed by truncate (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] Add wait_on_atomic_t() and wake_up_atomic_t() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: ensure send always works on roots without orphans (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix freeing used extent after removing empty block group (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: include vmalloc.h in check-integrity.c (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix a lockdep warning when running xfstest (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: ensure ordered extent errors aren't missed on fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: collect only the necessary ordered extents on ranged fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't ignore log btree writeback errors (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: do not move em to modified list when unpinning (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make sure logged extents complete in the current transaction V3 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make sure we wait on logged extents when fsycning two subvols (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong accounting of raid1 data profile in statfs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix dead lock while running replace and defrag concurrently (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make xattr replace operations atomic (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: avoid premature -ENOMEM in clear_extent_bit() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't take the chunk_mutex/dev_list mutex in statfs V2 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: move read only block groups onto their own list V2 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix typos in btrfs_check_super_valid (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: check-int: don't complain about balanced blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: check_int: use the known block location (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: avoid returning -ENOMEM in convert_extent_bit() too early (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make find_first_extent_bit be able to cache any state (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: deal with convert_extent_bit errors to avoid fs corruption (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: return failure if btrfs_dev_replace_finishing() failed (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix allocationg memory failure for btrfsic_state structure (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: report error after failure inlining extent in compressed write path (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add helper btrfs_fdatawrite_range (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: correctly flush compressed data before/after direct IO (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make inode.c:compress_file_range() return void (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix incorrect compression ratio detection (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't ignore compressed bio write errors (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make inode.c:submit_compressed_extents() return void (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: process all async extents on compressed write failure (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't leak pages and memory on compressed write error (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix hang on compressed write error (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: set page and mapping error on compressed write failure (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix lockups from btrfs_clear_path_blocking (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: get rid of f_dentry use (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: move commit out of sysfs when changing label (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: move commit out of sysfs when changing features (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: introduce pending action: commit (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: switch inode_cache option handling to pending changes (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: do commit in sync_fs if there are pending changes (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add support for processing pending changes (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix kfree on list_head in btrfs_lookup_csums_range error cleanup (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix race that makes btrfs_lookup_extent_info miss skinny extent items (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: properly clean up btrfs_end_io_wq_cache (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix invalid leaf slot access in btrfs_lookup_extent() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use macro accessors in superblock validation checks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] revert "btrfs: race free update of commit root for ro snapshots" (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix compile error when CONFIG_SECURITY is not set (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Make btrfs handle security mount options internally to avoid losing security label (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: send, don't delay dir move if there's a new parent inode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add more superblock checks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix race in WAIT_SYNC ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: be aware of btree inode write errors to avoid fs corruption (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove redundant btrfs_verify_qgroup_counts declaration (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix shadow warning on cmp (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix compilation errors under DEBUG (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash of btrfs_release_extent_buffer_page (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add missing end_page_writeback on submit_extent_page failure (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix the wrong condition judgment about subset extent map (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix build_backref_tree issue with multiple shared blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup error handling in build_backref_tree (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: move checks for DUMMY_ROOT into a helper (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: new define for the inline extent data start (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: kill extent_buffer_page helper (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: drop constant param from btrfs_release_extent_buffer_page (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: hide typecast to definition of BTRFS_SEND_TRANS_STUB (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: let merge_reloc_roots return void (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused members from struct scrub_warning (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use slab for end_io_wq structures (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix error labels in init_btrfs_fs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use enum for wq endio metadata type (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused extent state bits (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: set default max_inline to 8KiB instead of 8MiB (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove blocksize from btrfs_alloc_free_block and rename (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused parameter blocksize from btrfs_find_tree_block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove parameter blocksize from read_tree_block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: inline code of reada_tree_block and remove it (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: return void from readahead_tree_block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused parameter from readahead_tree_block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unlikely from data-dependent branches and slow paths (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unlikely from NULL checks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variable from btrfs_parse_options (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: defrag, use unsigned type for extent thresh (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: try not to ENOSPC on log replay (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't do async reclaim during log replay (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove empty block groups automatically (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix data corruption after fast fsync and writeback error (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync race leading to invalid data after log replay (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] revert "btrfs: device_list_add() should not update list when mounted" (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix and enhance merge_extent_mapping() to insert best fitted extent map (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix up bounds checking in lseek (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup the read failure record after write or when the inode is freeing (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: implement repair function when direct read fails (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Set real mirror number for read operation on RAID0/5/6 (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: modify clean_io_failure and make it suit direct io (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: modify repair_io_failure and make it suit direct io (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: split bio_readpage_error into several functions (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup unused variant and argument of IO failure handlers (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix missing error handler if submiting re-read bio fails (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: do file data check by sub-bio's self (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup similar code of the buffered data data check and dio read data check (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Convert various code to bio_for_each_segment() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: load checksum data once when submitting a direct read io (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: modify rw_devices counter under chunk_mutex context (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: move the missing device to its own fs device list (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: stop mounting the fs if the non-ENOENT errors happen when opening seed fs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make the logic of source device removing more clear (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix use-after-free problem of the device during device replace (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected device list access when cloning fs devices (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix misuse of chunk mutex (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected device list access when getting the fs information (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected system chunk array insertion (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected device's variants on 32bits machine (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: update free_chunk_space during allocting a new chunk (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected device->bytes_used update (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix wrong free_chunk_space assignment during removing a device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong device bytes_used in the super block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong disk size when writing super blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected assignment of the target device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup double assignment of device->bytes_used when device replace finishes (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup unused num_can_discard in fs_devices (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove the wrong comments (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix directory recovery from fsync log (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix loop writing of async reclaim (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make fiemap not blow when you have lots of snapshots (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add missing compression property remove in btrfs_ioctl_setflags (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix a deadlock in btrfs_dev_replace_finishing() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup the same name in end_bio_extent_readpage (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't go readonly on existing qgroup items (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: shrink further sizeof(struct extent_buffer) (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: send, lower mem requirements for processing xattrs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove stale define after removing ordered operations (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: improve free space cache management and space allocation (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: rename total_bytes to avoid confusion (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix typo in the log message (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: rw_devices shouldn't be incremented for seed fs in btrfs_rm_dev_replace_srcdev() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak when there is no more seed device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: update sprout seed pointer when seed fs is relinquished (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix rw_devices miss match after seed replace (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: replace seed device followed by unmount causes kernel WARNING (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: preparatory to make btrfs_rm_dev_replace_srcdev() seed aware (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Drop stray check of fixup_workers creation (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make btrfs_search_forward return with nodes unlocked (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs label interface should check for read only FS (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: code optimize: BTRFS_ATTR_RW could set the mode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: code optimize: BTRFS_ATTR could handle the mode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use BTRFS_ATTR instead of btrfs_no_store() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: avoid unnecessary switch of path locks to blocking mode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: unlock nodes earlier when inserting items in a btree (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use IS_ALIGNED() for assertion in btrfs_lookup_csums_range() for simplicity (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: add trace for qgroup accounting (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup unused latest_devid and latest_trans in fs_devices (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: update the comment of total_bytes and disk_total_bytes of btrfs_devie (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix the problem that the dirty flag of dev stats is cleared (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make the device lock and its protected data in the same cacheline (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong generation check of super block on a seed device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong fsid check of scrub (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: wake up transaction thread from SYNC_FS ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong max inline data size limit (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix off-by-one in cow_file_range_inline() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fall into nocompression codes quickly if possible (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong skipping compression for an inode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix sparse warning (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use BUG_ON (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs compression: merge inflate and deflate z_streams (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: set error return value in btrfs_get_blocks_direct (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: reduce size of struct extent_state (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: print btrfs specific info for some fatal error cases (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix writing data into the seed filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make defragment work with nodatacow option (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: label should not contain return char (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: device delete must be sysloged (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: device add must be sysloged (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: clear compress-force when remounting with compress option (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use DIV_ROUND_UP instead of open-coded variants (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: clean away stripe_align helper (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use nodesize everywhere, kill leafsize (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: kill the key type accessor helpers (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: make close_ctree return void (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup ino cache members of btrfs_root (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: clenaup: don't call btrfs_release_path before free_path (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: remove obsolete comment in btrfs_clean_one_deleted_snapshot (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: set inode's logged_trans/last_log_commit after ranged fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: use insert_inode_locked4 for inode creation (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix fsync data loss after a ranged fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: kfree()ing ERR_PTRs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash while doing a ranged fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix corruption after write/fsync failure + fsync + log recovery (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix autodefrag with compression (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] fs/btrfs/tree-log.c: Fix closing brace followed by if (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix task hang under heavy compressed write (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix filemap_flush call in btrfs_file_release (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash on endio of reading corrupted block (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix leak in qgroup_subtree_accounting() error path (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Use right extent length when inserting overlap extent map (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: clone, don't create invalid hole extent map (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't monopolize a core when evicting inode (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix hole detection during file fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: race free update of commit root for ro snapshots (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't consider the missing device when allocating new chunks (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix wrong device size when we are resizing the device (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: don't write any data into a readonly device when scrub (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix the problem that the replace destroys the seed filesystem (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Return right extent when fiemap gives unaligned offset and len (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong extent mapping for DirectIO (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong write range for filemap_fdatawrite_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong missing device counter decrease (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix unzeroed members in fs_devices when creating a fs from seed fs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: check generation as replace duplicates devid+uuid (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: device_list_add() should not update list when mounted (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fill_holes: Fix slot number passed to hole_mergeable() call (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix put dio bio twice when we submit dio bio fail (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: disable strict file flushes for renames and truncates (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix csum tree corruption, duplicate and outdated checksums (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: Fix memory corruption by ulist_add_merge() on 32bit arch (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: fix compressed write corruption on enospc (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: correctly handle return from ulist_add (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: qgroup: account shared subtrees during snapshot delete (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: read lock extent buffer while walking backrefs (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: __btrfs_mod_ref should always use no_quota (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] btrfs: adjust statfs calculations according to raid profiles (Eric Sandeen) [1205873] - [fs] sunrpc: fix sleeping under rcu_read_lock in gss_stringify_acceptor (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Fix use of uninitialized variable in nfs_getattr() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Remove bogus assignment (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: remove spurious WARN_ON_ONCE in write path (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: serialize GETDEVICEINFO calls (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: fix pnfs direct write memory leak (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] revert "nfs: nfs4_do_open should add negative results to the dcache." (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] revert "nfs: remove BUG possibility in nfs4_open_and_get_state" (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4: Ensure nfs_atomic_open set the dentry verifier on ENOENT (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4.1/pnfs: replace broken pnfs_put_lseg_async (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4: Remove dead prototype for nfs4_insert_deviceid_node() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] svcrdma: advertise the correct max payload (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: introduce nfsd4_callback_ops (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: split nfsd4_callback initialization and use (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: introduce a generic nfsd4_cb (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: remove nfsd4_callback.cb_op (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: do not clear rpc_resp in nfsd4_cb_done_sequence (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: fix nfsd4_cb_recall_done error handling (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd4: clarify how grace period ends (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd4: stop grace_time update at end of grace period (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: skip subsequent UMH "create" operations after the first one for v4.0 clients (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: set and test NFSD4_CLIENT_STABLE bit to reduce nfsdcltrack upcalls (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: serialize nfsdcltrack upcalls for a particular client (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: pass extra info in env vars to upcalls to allow for early grace period end (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: add a v4_end_grace file to /proc/fs/nfsd (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] lockd: add a /proc/fs/lockd/nlm_end_grace file (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: reject reclaim request when client has already sent RECLAIM_COMPLETE (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: remove redundant boot_time parm from grace_done client tracking op (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] lockd: move lockd's grace period handling into its own module (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Put export if prepare_creds() fail (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Full checking of authentication name (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Fix bad using of return value from qword_get (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Fix a memory leak if nfsd4_recdir_load fail (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Reset creds after mnt_want_write_file() fail (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Put file after ima_file_check fail in nfsd_open() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: do not start the callback thread until we set rqstp->rq_task (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] lockd: Do not start the lockd thread before we've set nlmsvc_rqst->rq_task (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd4: remove labeled NFS warning from config help (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: fix byte-swapping of displayed XID (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Update some as-yet unused 4.2 error codes (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Remove duplicate initialization of file_lock (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix compile on non-x86 (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd4: reserve adequate space for LOCK op (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd4: remove obsolete comment (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd3: Check write permission after checking existence (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: call nfs4_put_deleg_lease outside of state_lock (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: protect lease-related nfs4_file fields with fi_lock (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Reorder nfsd_cache_match to check more powerful discriminators first (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: split DRC global spinlock into per-bucket locks (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: convert num_drc_entries to an atomic_t (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Remove the cache_hash list (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: convert the lru list into a per-bucket thing (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsd: Clean up drc cache in preparation for global spinlock elimination (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: Optimise away svc_recv_available (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: More optimisations of svc_xprt_enqueue() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: Fix broken kthread_should_stop test in svc_get_next_xprt (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: get rid of the request wait queue (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: Do not grab pool->sp_lock unnecessarily in svc_get_next_xprt (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that nfs_callback_start_svc sets the server rq_task (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] lockd: Ensure that lockd_start_svc sets the server rq_task (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: Do not override wspace tests in svc_handle_xprt (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4.1: Fix an NFSv4.1 state renewal regression (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4: fix open/lock state recovery error handling (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix lock recovery when CREATE_SESSION/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM fails (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Fabricate fscache server index key correctly (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] sunrpc: Add missing support for RPC_CLNT_CREATE_NO_RETRANS_TIMEOUT (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv3: Fix missing includes of nfs3_fs.h (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: don't use STABLE writes during writeback (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfsv4: use exponential retry on NFS4ERR_DELAY for async requests (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] rpc: Add -EPERM processing for xs_udp_send_request() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] rpc: return sent and err from xs_sendpages() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] Fixing lease renewal (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: fix duplicate proc entries (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: Fix a 64-bit division/remainder issue in bl_map_stripe (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: include vmalloc.h for __vmalloc (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs41: change PNFS_LAYOUTRET_ON_SETATTR to only return on truncation to smaller size (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Move NFS v3 acl functions to nfs3_fs.h (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Remove v3 not compiled check from validate_mount_data() (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Move v3 declarations out of internal.h (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Unconditionally enable commit code (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: Remove a couple of unused variables (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: enable CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID support (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: in-kernel GETDEVICEINFO XDR parsing (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: move all rpc_pipefs related code into a single file (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: refactor extent processing (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: move extent processing to blocklayout.c (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: allocate separate pages for the layoutcommit payload (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: remove GETDEVICELIST implementation (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/objlayout: fix endianess annotation in objio_alloc_deviceid_node (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: remove some debugging (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: add __acquires and __releases annotations to seqfile start/stop routines (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: fix RCU cl_xprt handling in nfs_swap_activate/deactivate (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: setattr can only change regular file sizes (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: use the device id cache (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: add a nfs4_get_deviceid helper (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: add a common GETDEVICELIST implementation (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: factor GETDEVICEINFO implementations (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: return layouts on setattr (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: implement the return_range method (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: rewrite extent tracking (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: don't set pages uptodate (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: remove read-modify-write handling in bl_write_pagelist (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: add return_range method (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: add flag to force read-modify-write in ->write_begin (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: force a layout commit when encountering busy segments during recall (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Fix a compile warning when !(CONFIG_NFS_V3 || CONFIG_NFS_V4) (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: correctly decrement extent length (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: plug block queues (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: improve GETDEVICEINFO error reporting (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs/blocklayout: reject pnfs blocksize larger than page size (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: allow splicing pre-encoded pages into the layoutcommit args (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: avoid using stale stateids after layoutreturn (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: retry after a bad stateid error from layoutget (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: don't check sequence on new stateids in layoutget (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] pnfs: do not pass uninitialized lsegs to ->free_lseg (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: cap request size to fit a kmalloced page array (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs/filelayout: set layoutcommit depending on write verifier (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs41: add a helper function to set layoutcommit after commit (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] nfs: Clear up state owner lock usage (Steve Dickson) [1111712] - [fs] rpc: xs_bind - do not bind when requesting a random ephemeral port (Steve Dickson) [1111712]- [documentation] cpuset: isolcpus: document relationship between cpusets & isolcpus (Rik van Riel) [1194687] - [kernel] cpusets: isolcpus: exclude isolcpus from load balancing in cpusets (Rik van Riel) [1194687] - [kernel] sched: isolcpu: make cpu_isolated_map visible outside scheduler (Rik van Riel) [1194687] - [powerpc] fix memory corruption by pnv_alloc_idle_core_states (Jan Stancek) [1205856] - [kernel] trace: Check if tracing is enabled in trace_puts() (Luiz Capitulino) [1198836] - [net] ipvs: allow rescheduling of new connections when port reuse is detected (Marcelo Leitner) [1196781] - [net] ipv6: gre: fix wrong skb->protocol in WCCP (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1196478] - [net] ipv6: mld: fix add_grhead skb_over_panic for devs with large MTUs (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1194694] - [net] team: don't traverse port list using rcu in team_set_mac_address (Jiri Pirko) [1182208] - [net] ipv6: replacing a rt6_info needs to purge possible propagated rt6_infos too (Jiri Pirko) [1198402] - [net] team: allow TSO being set on master (Jiri Pirko) [1189844] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: validate new MTU before applying it (Marcelo Leitner) [1194011] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: adjust nf_conntrack_buckets default value (Marcelo Leitner) [1176947] - [net] ipv6: fix possible deadlock in ip6_fl_purge / ip6_fl_gc (Jan Stancek) [1191411] - [netdrv] ppp: deflate: never return len larger than output buffer (Florian Westphal) [1187574] - [net] ipv4: kABI fix for 0bbf87d backport (Aristeu Rozanski) [1184764] - [net] ipv4: Convert ipv4.ip_local_port_range to be per netns (Aristeu Rozanski) [1184764] - [net] xfrm: Fix crash with ipv6 IPsec tunnel and NAT (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1162395] - [net] bonding: implement bond_poll_controller() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Implement port churn-machine (AD standard 43.4.17) (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Verify RX LACPDU has proper dest mac-addr (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: simple code refactor (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Move slave state changes to a helper function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: cleanup and remove dead code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix LACP PDU not sent on slave port sometimes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix incorrect lacp mux state when agg not active (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix bond_open() don't always set slave active flag (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: update bond carrier state when min_links option changes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: cleanup bond_opts array (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: change error message to debug message in __bond_release_one() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Check length of IFLA_BOND_ARP_IP_TARGET attributes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Introduce 4 AD link speed to fix agg_bandwidth (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: change AD_LINK_SPEED_BITMASK to enum to suport more speed (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: squash a warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix curr_active_slave/carrier with loadbalance arp monitoring (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Move bonding headers under include/net (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add bond_tx_drop() helper (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Simplify the xmit function for modes that use xmit_hash (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: display xmit_hash_policy for non-dynamic-tlb mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make global bonding stats more reliable (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the unnecessary notes for bond_xmit_broadcast() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: slight optimization for bond_xmit_roundrobin() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: consolidate ASSERT_RTNL()s and remove the unnecessary (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: style and comment fixes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: consolidate the two rlb_next_rx_slave functions into one (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix div by zero while enslaving and transmitting (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: adjust locking comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: 3ad: convert to bond->mode_lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: alb: convert to bond->mode_lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert curr_slave_lock to a spinlock and rename it (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: clean curr_slave_lock use (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: alb: remove curr_slave_lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: 3ad: clean up curr_slave_lock usage (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Add missing space in bonding driver parameter description (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove last users of bond->lock and bond->lock itself (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: options: remove bond->lock usage (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: procfs: clean bond->lock usage and use RCU (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert primary_slave to use RCU (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: alb: clean bond->lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: 3ad: use curr_slave_lock instead of bond->lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [netdrv] cxgb4: remove bond->lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Fix typo in printk (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: create netlink event when bonding option is changed (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Replace rcu_dereference() with rcu_access_pointer() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use kobject_put instead of _del after kobject_add (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: destroy proc directory only after all bonds are gone (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use rtnl_deref in bond_change_rx_flags() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: enhance L2 hash helper with packet type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Do not try to send packets over dead link in TLB mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove pr_fmt from bond_options.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_options.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_procfs.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove pr_fmt from bond_netlink.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_netlink.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_debugfs.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove pr_fmt from bond_alb.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_alb.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove pr_fmt from bond_3ad.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_3ad.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove pr_fmt from bond_main.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_main.c to use netdev_printk instead of pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix bond_option_mode_set warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: permit enslaving interfaces without set_mac support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add proper __rcu annotation for current_arp_slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add proper __rcu annotation for curr_active_slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use rcu_access_pointer() in bonding_show_mii_status() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: get rid of bond_option_active_slave_get() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix ad_select module param check (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Advertize vxlan offload features when supported (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Turn on IFF_UNICAST_FLT on bond devices (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove NULL verification from bond_get_bond_by_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: populate essential new_slave->bond/dev early (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Don't assume 802.1Q when sending alb learning packets (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix vlan_features computing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: replace SLAVE_IS_OK() with bond_slave_can_tx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rename {, bond_}slave_can_tx and clean it up (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert IS_UP(slave->dev) to inline function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make IS_IP_TARGET_UNUSABLE_ADDRESS an inline function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: create a macro for bond mode and use it (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make USES_PRIMARY inline functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make BOND_NO_USES_ARP an inline function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make TX_QUEUE_OVERRIDE() macro an inline function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove BOND_MODE_IS_LB macro (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix out of range parameters for bond_intmax_tbl (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: alloc the structure ad_info dynamically in per slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make a generic sysfs option store and fix comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the unused macro (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: simplify the slave_do_arp_validate_only() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the unnecessary struct bond_net (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Fix format string mismatch in bond_sysfs.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Add tlb_dynamic_lb parameter for tlb mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Added bond_tlb_xmit() for tlb mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Reorg bond_alb_xmit code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Changed hashing function to just provide hash (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Remove debug_fs files when module init fails (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Inactive slaves should keep inactive flag's value (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Use RCU_INIT_POINTER(x, NULL) in bonding/bond_options.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add net_ratelimt to avoid spam in arp interval (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: support QinQ for bond arp interval (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] vlan: make a new function vlan_dev_vlan_proto() and export (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: ratelimit pr_err() for bond xmit broadcast (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: slight optimization for bond xmit path (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: ratelimit pr_warn()s in 802.3ad mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use the correct ether type for alb (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] ether: add loopback type ETH_P_LOOPBACK (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: set correct vlan id for alb xmit path (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of kfree_skb (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: force cast of IP address in options (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix const in options processing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: correctly handle out of range parameters for lp_interval (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: options handling cleanup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove dead code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make slave status notifications GFP_ATOMIC (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: send arp requests even if there's no route to them (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: disallow enslaving a bond to itself (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix a div error caused by the slave release path (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix rtnl: assertion failed at net/core/rtnetlink.c for ab arp monitor (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix rtnl: assertion failed at net/core/rtnetlink.c for 802.3ad mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove no longer needed lock for bond_xxx_info_query() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use rcu_dereference() to access curr_active_slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: netpoll: remove unwanted slave_dev_support_netpoll() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix bond_arp_rcv() race of curr_active_slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Invert test (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Remove unnecessary else (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: More use of ether_addr_copy (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rename last_arp_rx to last_rx (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: rename slave->jiffies to ->last_link_up (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove useless updating of slave->dev->last_rx (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use last_arp_rx in bond_loadbalance_arp_mon() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use last_arp_rx in slave_last_rx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use the new options to correctly set last_arp_rx (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: extend arp_validate to be able to receive unvalidated arp-only traffic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: always set recv_probe to bond_arp_rcv in arp monitor (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: always update last_arp_rx on packet recieve (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: permit using arp_validate with non-ab modes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond->lock from bond_arp_rcv (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: 802.3ad: make aggregator_identifier bond-private (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Convert memcpy(foo, bar, ETH_ALEN) to ether_addr_copy(foo, bar) (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Convert c99 comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Neaten pr_ (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Convert pr_warning to pr_warn, neatening (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix checkpatch warnings braces {} (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix checkpatch warnings braces {} (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix checkpatch warnings braces {} (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix checkpatch warnings braces {} (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix checkpatch errors comments and space (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix checkpatch errors with foo* bar|foo * bar (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix bond_options.c direct rwlock.h include (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the redundant judgements for bond_option_queue_id_set() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the redundant judgements for bond_set_mac_address() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Fix deadlock in bonding driver when using netpoll (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unwanted bond lock for enslave processing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fail_over_mac should only affect AB mode in bond_set_mac_address() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fail_over_mac should only affect AB mode at enslave and removal processing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix locking in bond_loadbalance_arp_mon() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: restructure locking of bond_ab_arp_probe() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: RCUify bond_ab_arp_probe (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix u64 division (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Don't allow bond devices to change network namespaces (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: change name of sysfs dir for bonding slaves (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: clean the primary slave if there is no slave matching new primary (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert slaves to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert lp_interval to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert resend_igmp to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert all_slaves_active to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert queue_id to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert active_slave to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert use_carrier to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert primary_reselect to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert primary to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert miimon to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert num_peer_notif to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert ad_select to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert min_links to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert lacp_rate to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert updelay to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert downdelay to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert arp_ip_target to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert arp_interval to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert fail_over_mac to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert arp_all_targets to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert arp_validate to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert xmit_hash_policy to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert packets_per_slave to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert mode setting to use the new option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add infrastructure for an option API (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: reciprocal_divide: update/correction of the algorithm (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make slave_sysfs_ops static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add sysfs /slave dir for bond slave devices (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: handle slave's name change with primary_slave logic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use __dev_get_by_name instead of dev_get_by_name to find interface (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix __get_active_agg() RCU logic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix __get_first_agg RCU usage (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix bond_3ad_set_carrier() RCU usage (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove dead code from 3ad (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert 3ad to use pr_warn instead of pr_warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: clean up style for bond_3ad.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix kstrtou8() return value verification in num_peer_notif (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add bounds checking for tbl params (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix netlink msg size (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add ad_info attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add ad_select attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add lacp_rate attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make more functions static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use ether_addr_equal_64bits to instead of ether_addr_equal (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the return value for bond_3ad_bind_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unwanted return value for bond_dev_queue_xmit() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: slight optimizztion for bond_slave_override() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: slight optimization for bond_alb_xmit() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: slight optimization for bond_3ad_xmit_xor() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use ether_addr_equal_unaligned for bond addr compare (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: ust micro BOND_NO_USE_ARP to simplify the mode check (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add option lp_interval for loading module (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make local function static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add packets_per_slave attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add lp_interval attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add min_links attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add all_slaves_active attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add num_grat_arp attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: protect port for bond_3ad_handle_link_change() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: protect port for bond_3ad_adapter_duplex_changed() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: protect port for bond_3ad_adapter_speed_changed() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add resend_igmp attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add xmit_hash_policy attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add fail_over_mac attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add primary_select attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add primary attribute netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use be32 nla put/get for be32 values (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rebuild the bond_resend_igmp_join_requests_delayed() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unwanted lock for bond_store_primaryxxx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unwanted lock for bond_option_active_slave_set() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add RCU for bond_3ad_state_machine_handler() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unwanted lock for bond enslave and release (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rebuild the lock use for bond_activebackup_arp_mon() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: create bond_first_slave_rcu() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rebuild the lock use for bond_loadbalance_arp_mon() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rebuild the lock use for bond_alb_monitor() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rebuild the lock use for bond_mii_monitor() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove the no effect lock for bond_select_active_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add arp_all_targets netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add arp_validate netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add arp_ip_target netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add arp_interval netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add use_carrier netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add downdelay netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add updelay netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add miimon netlink support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Use RCU_INIT_POINTER() for better overhead and for sparse (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix packets_per_slave showing (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Fix FSF address in file headers (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add arp_ip_target checks when install the module (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: disable arp and enable mii monitoring when bond change to no uses arp mode (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add ip checks when store ip target (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: extend round-robin mode with packets_per_slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: bond_get_size() returns wrong size (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] Revert "Merge branch 'bonding_monitor_locking'" (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond read lock for bond_3ad_state_machine_handler() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond read lock for bond_activebackup_arp_mon() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond read lock for bond_loadbalance_arp_mon() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond read lock for bond_alb_monitor() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond read lock for bond_mii_monitor() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: move bond-specific init after enslave happens (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Remove __exit tag from bond_netlink_fini() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add Netlink support active_slave option (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add Netlink support mode option (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: move active_slave getting into separate function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond_ioctl_change_active() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: move active_slave setting into separate function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: move mode setting into separate function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: push Netlink bits into separate file (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add rtnl lock and remove read lock for bond sysfs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use RCU protection for alb xmit path (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use RCU protection for 3ad xmit path (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: modify the old and add new xmit hash policies (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] flow_dissector: factor out the ports extraction in skb_flow_get_ports (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] flow: Remove extern from function prototypes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: RCUify bond_set_rx_mode() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: remove forgotten bond_next_vlan() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond_next_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: don't use bond_next_slave() in bond_info_seq_next() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unused __get_next_agg() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make bond_3ad_unbind_slave() use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make ad_agg_selection_logic() use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make __get_active_agg() use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make ad_port_selection_logic() use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove __get_first_port() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove __get_next_port() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: verify if we still have slaves in bond_3ad_unbind_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: correctly verify for the first slave in bond_enslave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: move bond_attach/detach_slave in the proper position (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond_prev_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add bond_has_slaves() and use it (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unused bond_for_each_slave_from() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rework bond_ab_arp_probe() to use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rework bond_find_best_slave() to use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rework rlb_next_rx_slave() to use bond_for_each_slave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: rework bond_3ad_xmit_xor() to use bond_for_each_slave() only (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use bond_for_each_slave() in bond_uninit() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make bond_for_each_slave() use lower neighbour's private (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond_for_each_slave_continue_reverse() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: populate neighbour's private on enslave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Make alb learning packet interval configurable (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix bond_arp_rcv setting and arp validate desync state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix store_arp_validate race with mode change (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: drop read_lock in bond_compute_features (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: drop read_lock in bond_fix_features (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: simplify bond_3ad_update_lacp_rate and use RTNL for sync (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: remove outdated comment and braces (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: simplify and fix peer notification (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use rlb_client_info->vlan_id instead of ->tag (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove bond_vlan_used() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: pr_debug instead of pr_warn in bond_arp_send_all (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove vlan_list/current_alb_vlan (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make alb_send_learning_packets() use upper dev list (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: split alb_send_learning_packets() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert bond_has_this_ip() to use upper devices (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: make bond_arp_send_all use upper device list (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use netdev_upper list in bond_vlan_used (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix error return code in bond_enslave() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: unwind on bond_add_vlan failure (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: change the bond's vlan syncing functions with the standard ones (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove locking from bond_set_rx_mode() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add bond_time_in_interval() and use it for time comparison (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: call slave_last_rx() only once per slave (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: initial RCU conversion (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: factor out slave id tx code and simplify xmit paths (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: simplify broadcast_xmit function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unnecessary read_locks of curr_slave_lock (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: convert to list API and replace bond's custom list (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: fix system hang due to fast igmp timer rescheduling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bond: cleanup netpoll code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: use pre-defined macro in bond_mode_name instead of magic number 0 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Fixed up a error "do not initialise statics to 0 or NULL" in bond_main.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add rtnl protection for bonding_store_fail_over_mac (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: bond_sysfs.c checkpatch cleanup (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: don't call slave_xxx_netpoll under spinlocks (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: remove unnecessary setup_by_slave member (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add an option to fail when any of arp_ip_target is inaccessible (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: don't trust arp requests unless active slave really works (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: don't validate arp if we don't have to (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: don't add duplicate targets to arp_ip_target (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: add helper function bond_get_targets_ip(targets, ip) (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: make alb use bond_slave_has_mac() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: don't call alb_set_slave_mac_addr() while atomic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: disallow change of MAC if fail_over_mac enabled (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: Convert hw addr handling to sync/unsync, support ucast addresses (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: update the comments to reflect the reality (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: trivial: remove unused parameter from alb_swap_mac_addr() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] bonding: allow xmit hash policy change while bond dev is up (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1166647] - [net] nf_conntrack: allow server to become a client in TW handling (Marcelo Leitner) [1160431]- [crypto] add missing crypto module aliases (Denys Vlasenko) [1190631] {CVE-2013-7421 CVE-2014-9644} - [crypto] include crypto- module prefix in template (Denys Vlasenko) [1190631] {CVE-2013-7421 CVE-2014-9644} - [crypto] prefix module autoloading with "crypto-" (Denys Vlasenko) [1190631] {CVE-2013-7421 CVE-2014-9644} - [hv] vmbus: introduce vmbus_acpi_remove (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] vmbus: Teardown synthetic interrupt controllers on module unload (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] vmbus: teardown hv_vmbus_con workqueue and vmbus_connection pages on shutdown (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] vmbus: avoid double kfree for device_obj (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] vmbus: rename channel work queues (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] use correct order when freeing monitor_pages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [x86] hyperv: Fixup the (brain) damage caused by the irq cleanup (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [x86] hyperv: Fix brown paperbag typos reported by Fenguangs build robot (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [x86] hyperv: Make it build with CONFIG_HYPERV=m again (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [x86] hyperv: Cleanup the irq mess (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move ringbuffer bus attributes to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] delete struct hv_dev_port_info (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] delete vmbus_get_debug_info() (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "client/server_monitor_conn_id" bus attributes to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "client/server_monitor_latency" bus attributes to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "client/server_monitor_pending" bus attributes to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] make "monitor_pages" a "real" pointer array (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "device_id" bus attribute to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "class_id" bus attribute to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "modalias" bus attribute to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "monitor_id" bus attribute to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] move "state" bus attribute to dev_groups (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [hv] use dev_groups for device attributes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1201889] - [drm] radeon: fix kernel segfault in hwmonitor (Jerome Glisse) [1187817] - [pci] Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Prarit Bhargava) [1198151] - [scsi] storvsc: get rid of overly verbose warning messages (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1035213 1206437] - [scsi] storvsc: force discovery of LUNs that may have been removed (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1035213 1206437] - [scsi] storvsc: in responce to a scan event, scan the host (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1035213 1206437] - [scsi] storvsc: NULL pointer dereference fix (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1035213 1206437] - [netdrv] bnx2: disable toggling of rxvlan if necessary (Ivan Vecera) [1190094] - [netdrv] tg3: move init/deinit from open/close to probe/remove (Ivan Vecera) [1172960] - [netdrv] mlx4_en: tx_info->ts_requested was not cleared (Doug Ledford) [1178070] - [input] serio: hyperv-keyboard - register as a wakeup source (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1086100] - [hid] hyperv: register as a wakeup source (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1086100] - [hid] hyperv: make sure input buffer is big enough (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1086100] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix typo computing number of banks (Seth Jennings) [1165448] - [edac] sb_edac: Add support for Broadwell-DE processor (Seth Jennings) [1165448] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix discovery of top-of-low-memory for Haswell (Seth Jennings) [1158624] - [perf] powerpc: Use dwfl_report_elf() instead of offline (Gustavo Duarte) [1113736] - [perf] powerpc: Cache the DWARF debug info (Gustavo Duarte) [1113736] - [kernel] ring-buffer: Check if buffer exists before polling (Gustavo Duarte) [1199699] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Add tracepoints to track hugepage invalidate (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: Use read barrier when creating real_pte (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Use ACCESS_ONCE when loading pmdp (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Invalidate with vpn in loop (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Handle combo pages in invalidate (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Invalidate old 64K based hash page mapping before insert of 4k pte (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Don't recompute vsid and ssize in loop on invalidate (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [powerpc] mm: thp: Add write barrier after updating the valid bit (Gustavo Duarte) [1199016] - [cpufreq] powernv: Set the cpus to nominal frequency during reboot/kexec (Gustavo Duarte) [1182062] - [cpufreq] powernv: Set the pstate of the last hotplugged out cpu in policy->cpus to minimum (Gustavo Duarte) [1182062] - [cpufreq] Allow stop CPU callback to be used by all cpufreq drivers (Gustavo Duarte) [1182062] - [i2c] i801: Add DeviceIDs for SunrisePoint LP (David Milburn) [1129470] - [sound] alsa: hda_intel: Add DeviceIDs for Sunrise Point-LP (David Milburn) [1129470] - [ata] ahci: Add DeviceIDs for Sunrise Point-LP SATA controller (David Milburn) [1129470] - [ata] ahci: Remove Device ID for Intel Sunrise Point PCH (David Milburn) [1082114] - [i2c] i801: Check if interrupts are disabled (David Milburn) [1082114] - [i2c] i801: Fallback to polling if request_irq() fails (David Milburn) [1082114] - [i2c] i801: Use wait_event_timeout to wait for interrupts (David Milburn) [1082114] - [ata] ahci: Add Device IDs for Intel Sunrise Point PCH (David Milburn) [1082114] - [i2c] i801: Add Device IDs for Intel Sunrise Point PCH (David Milburn) [1082114] - [sound] alsa: hda_intel: Add Device IDs for Intel Sunrise Point PCH (David Milburn) [1082114]- [tools] perf/probe: Trivial typo fix for --demangle (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F dso_from for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F dso_to for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F symbol_from for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F symbol_to for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F mispredict for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F in_tx for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix report -F abort for data without branch info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Make CPUINFO_PROC an array to support different kernel versions (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Use global caching provided by libunwind (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/diff: Add missing hists__init() call at tool start (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Add period as a default output column (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Add period data column (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: No need to drag util/cgroup.h (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add missing 'struct option' forward declaration (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Move exit stuff from __delete to __exit (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/live: Enable events copying (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Add option to copy events when queueing (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/Documentation: Fix typos in perf/Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Use thread_{, _set}_priv helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Use thread_{, _set}_priv helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Create an address space per thread (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/report: Set callchain_param.record_mode for future use (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix for double free in tools/perf stat (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/test: Add test case for pmu event new style format (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add support to new style format of kernel PMU event (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Parse the pmu event prefix and suffix (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] Revert: perf: Default to cpu// for events v5 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Add a visual cue for toggle zeroing of samples (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Make sym->end be the first address after the symbol range (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix map->end fixup (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fixup off-by-one comparision in maps__find (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: fix off-by-one error in maps (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Add missing dsos->root rbtree root initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Make some exit routines static (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add missing 'target' struct forward declaration (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Default to syswide target when no thread/cpu maps set (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Check that there is a thread_map when preparing a workload (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/thread_map: Create dummy constructor out of open coded equivalent (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Remove hists from evsel (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Move the callchain_param extern to callchain.h (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Subclassing (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Remove last reference to hists struct (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/ui/browsers: Add missing include (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Move events_stats struct to event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Don't count per evsel events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add hists helper (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Stop updating hists stats, not used (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/sched: Stop updating hists stats, not used (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Move callchain_param to util object in to fix python test (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/live: Use fdarray object instead of pollfd (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/live: Use perf_evlist__add_pollfd return fd position (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/live: Fix perf_evlist__add_pollfd error handling (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Fix error message for --filter option not coming after tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix build breakage on arm64 targets (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Improve DSO long names lookup speed with rbtree (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Encapsulate dsos list head into struct dsos (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench/futex: Sanitize -q option in requeue (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench/futex: Support operations for shared futexes (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix mmap return address truncation to 32-bit (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Refactor unit and scale function parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix line number in the config file error message (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Convert {record, top}.call-graph option to call-graph.record-mode (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Introduce perf_callchain_config() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Move some parser functions to callchain.c (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Move callchain config from record_opts to callchain_param (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Fix callchain print bug on TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Use ACCESS_ONCE() instead of volatile cast (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Modify error code for when perf_session__new() fails (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix perf record as non root with kptr_restrict == 1 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/stat: Fix --per-core on multi socket systems (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Filter out POLLHUP'ed file descriptors (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Filter out POLLHUP'ed file descriptors (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Unmap when all refcounts to fd are gone and events drained (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/fd/array: Allow associating an integer cookie with each entry (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Refcount mmaps (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/api: Adopt fdarray class from perf's evlist (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce poll method for common code idiom (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/live: Use perf_evlist__add_pollfd() instead of local equivalent (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/tests: Add pollfd growing test (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Allow growing pollfd on add method (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: We need to poll all event file descriptors (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Monitor POLLERR and POLLHUP events too (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/tests: Add test for perf_evlist__filter_pollfd() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__filter_pollfd method (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Use ring buffer consume method to look like other tools (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Do not use dwfl_module_addrsym if dwarf_diename finds symbol name (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Do not access kallsyms when analyzing user binaries (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add path to Ubuntu kernel debuginfo file (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Ignore stripped vmlinux and fallback to kallsyms (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: define _DEFAULT_SOURCE for glibc_2.20 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Don't include sys/poll.h directly (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix GNU-only grep usage in Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/tool: fix compilation for ARM (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add perf_pmu__scan_file() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Let default config be defined for a PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add perf-with-kcore script (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Let a user specify a PMU event without any config terms (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/report: Unify the title bar output (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/report: Enable the target.system_wide flag (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat/report: Save pid string in (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/powerpc: Fix build issue when DWARF support is disabled (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add +field argument support for --sort option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Consolidate callchain print functions in TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add +field argument support for --field option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Use set_term_quiet() instead of open coded equivalent (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Fallback to MAP__FUNCTION if daddr maps are NULL (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Cleanup callchain print functions (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add machine__kernel_ip() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Rename machine__get_kernel_start_addr() method (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/scripting: Add 'flush' callback to scripting API (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/tests: Add a test for tracking with sched_switch (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Factor out hist_browser__show_callchain_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Fix children overhead dump (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Get rid of unused 'remaining' variable (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/powerpc: Explicitly include util/debug.h (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Don't try to find DSOs in SYSV maps (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/stat: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/help: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/buildid-cache: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/sched: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/test: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/util: Replace strerror with strerror_r for thread-safety (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Make error messages thread-safe (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Use strerror_r instead of strerror (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Don't use strerror if strlist__add failed (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/report: Relax -g option parsing not to limit the option order (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Annotate PMU related list_head members with type info (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add arm64 triplets (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/annotate: Don't truncate Intel style addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Warn user to rebuild target with debuginfo (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add perf_evlist__enable_event_idx() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add flags and insn_len to struct sample (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Add machine__thread_exec_comm() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Identify which comms are from exec (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script/python: Add helpers for calling Python objects (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Allow callchains if any event samples them (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Add perf_session__peek_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add perf_evlist__set_tracking_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add 'system_wide' option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix missing label symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Handle 'z' key for toggle zeroing samples in TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Fix -z option behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/report: Set proper sort__mode for the branch option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Fix a small callchain display bug (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Check recorded kernel version when finding vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Move call to symbol__init() after creating session (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/timechart: Move call to symbol__init() after creating session (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Move call to symbol__init() after creating session (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/sched: Move call to symbol__init() after creating session (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/lock: Move call to symbol__init() after creating session (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Move call to symbol__init() after creating session (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kmem: Move session handling out of __cmd_kmem() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/inject: Move session handling out of __cmd_inject() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/buildid-cache: Move session handling into cmd_buildid_cache() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/annotate: Move session handling out of __cmd_annotate() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix a memory leak in vmlinux_path__init() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Fix possible memory leaks (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Prefer to use a cpu-wide event for probing CLOEXEC (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix probing the kernel API with cpu-wide events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix one of the probe events to exclude kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix CLOEXEC probe for perf_event_paranoid == 2 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for mremap flags param (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix --del option to delete events only with uprobe events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix --list option to show events only with uprobe events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix stdin handling for 'kvm stat live' command (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Setup signals for terminal output (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Introduce set_term_quiet_input helper function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Join the display thread on exit (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add cpu_startup_entry to the list of kernel idle symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Don't look for kernel idle symbols in all DSOs (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Default to python version 2 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix PERF_FLAG_FD_CLOEXEC flag probing event type open counters due to EBUSY error (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix column alignment when headers aren't shown on TUI (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add name field into perf_hpp_fmt (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/top: Add -w option for setting column width (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/report: Honor column width setting (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Save column length in perf_hpp_fmt (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Make __hpp__fmt() receive an additional len argument (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Left-align output contents (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix make PYTHON override (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kmem: Do not ignore mmap events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Show better error message in case we fail to open counters due to EBUSY error (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Allow out of order messages in forced flush (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add debug prints for ordered events queue (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add report.queue-size config file option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add perf_config_u64 function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add ordered_events__free function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add ordered_events__init function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Use list_move in ordered_events_delete function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Create ordered-events object (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Make perf_session__deliver_event global (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Flush ordered events in case of allocation failure (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Limit ordered events queue size (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Factor ordered_events__flush to be more generic (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add ordered_events__(new (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Rename ordered_events members (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Rename ordered_samples struct to ordered_events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Rename ordered_samples bool to ordered_events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Honour --no-time command line option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm/stat: Properly show submicrosecond times (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Make sure --symfs usage includes the path separator (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Don't run workload if not told to (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix arm64 build error (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: saner perf_atoll() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] Revert: perf: Fix jump label always changing during tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix perf usage string leftover (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Store PERF_RECORD_FINISHED_ROUND only for nonempty rounds (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Always force PERF_RECORD_FINISHED_ROUND event (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/inject: Add --kallsyms parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Expose 'addr' functions so they can be reused (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Fix accounting of ordered samples queue (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/powerpc: Include util/util.h and remove stringify macros (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix build on gcc 4.4.7 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add thread parameter to vdso__dso_findnew() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add dso__type() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Separate the VDSO map name from the VDSO dso name (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add vdso__new() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Fix the lifetime of the VDSO temporary file (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Group VDSO global variables into a structure (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Add ability to skip 4GiB or more (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Add ability to 'skip' a non-piped event stream (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Pass machine to vdso__dso_findnew() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add dso__data_size() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Move rdtsc() function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Add ability to record the current tid for each cpu (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add cpu to struct thread (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add dsos__hit_all() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add dso__data_status_seen() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Record whether a dso has data (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Do not print dangling '=>' for BTS (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Improve srcline display for BTS (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix jump label always changing during tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix incorrect fd error comparison (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/tests: Update attr test with PERF_FLAG_FD_CLOEXEC flag (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Enable close-on-exec flag on perf file descriptor (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Allow TSC conversion on any arch (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Remove needless getopt.h includes (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add --debug optionto set debug variable (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Factor eprintf to allow different debug variables (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Move pr_* debug macros into debug object (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Remove verbose from functions prototypes (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Fix leak of 'struct thread' on error path (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/thread: Allow deletion of a thread with no map groups (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Fix map groups of threads with unknown pids (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add 'immediate' option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add 'no_aux_samples' option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add option macro OPT_CALLBACK_OPTARG (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add feature test for __sync_val_compare_and_swap (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Pass mmap parameters in a struct (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/session: Flag if the event stream is entirely in memory (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add ability to iterate over a dso's symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Do not attempt to read data from kallsyms (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Record whether a dso is 64-bit (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/buildid-cache: Apply force option to copying kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Fix appending a callchain from a previous sample (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/inject: Fix build id injection (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix missing GNU IFUNC symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix missing kernel map load (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/record: Select comm_exec flag if supported (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Display PERF_RECORD_MISC_COMM_EXEC flag (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/machine: Fix the value used for unknown pids (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Provide additional sample information on generic events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Add callchain to generic and tracepoint events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Add missing calls to Py_DECREF for return values (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Add skip_event() for --duration option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Move arch specific code into arch/ (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Use defines of kvm events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add more options to IO mode (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/timechart: Conditionally update start_time on fork (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/timechart: Implement IO mode (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/timechart: Fix rendering in Firefox (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix build on 32-bit systems (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Add pagefault statistics (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Suggest using -f to override file ownership message (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Convert open coded equivalents to asprintf() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Allow to use cpuinfo on s390 (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Refactoring of cpu_isa_config() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Simplify exit reasons tables definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/kvm: Introduce HAVE_KVM_STAT_SUPPORT flag (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Left justify column headers (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Add config file option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Display columns header text on 'H' press (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Add support for showing columns header (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Override ui_browser refresh_dimensions method (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Introduce gotorc method (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/ui/browser: Allow overriding refresh_dimensions method (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/ui/browser: Add ->rows to disambiguate from ->height (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/amd: Try to fix some mem allocation failure handling (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Handle the num array type in python properly (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/script: Move the number processing into its own function (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix wrong condition for allocation failure (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Fix a risk for doing free on uninitialized pointer (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Add possibility to switch off syscall events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Add pagefaults record and replay support (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Add support for pagefault tracing (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Add perf_event parameter to tracepoint_handler (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/scripts: Fallback to syscalls:* when raw_syscalls:* is not available (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Clean up format of args in jbd2 plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Clean up format of args in cfg80211 plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Fix format in plugin_kvm (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Fix and cleanup kvm_nested_vmexit tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add back in kvm plugins nested_vmexit events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Factor out print_exit_reason in kvm plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Report unknown VMX exit reasons with code (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench/sched-messaging: Drop barf() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench/mem: The -o and -n options are mutually exclusive (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench/futex: Use global --repeat option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench: Add --repeat option (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/bench/sched-messaging: Plug memleak (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/ui/browser: Fix scrollbar refresh row index (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/hists/browser: Remove ev_name argument from perf_evsel__hists_browse (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Cache the is_exit syscall test (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Remove needless reassignments (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add suggestion of how to set perf_event_paranoid sysctl (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix up fd -> pathname resolution (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix corruption of sibling list with hotplug (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Revert incomplete and undocumented Broadwell client support (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix typos in sample code in the perf_event.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix and clean up initialization of pmu::event_idx (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix bogus kernel printk (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix unclone_ctx() vs. locking (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Tone down kernel messages when the PMU check fails in a virtual environment (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Use Broadwell cache event list for Haswell (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Add INST_RETIRED.ALL workarounds (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Add Broadwell core support (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Document all Haswell models (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Remove incorrect model number from Haswell perf (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] Revert: perf: Do not allow optimized switch for non-cloned events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix child event initial state setup (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Do not POLLHUP event if it has children (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Do not check PERF_EVENT_STATE_EXIT on syscall read path (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Fix section mismatch in split uncore driver (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Mark initialization code as such (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/core: Replace rcu_assign_pointer() with RCU_INIT_POINTER() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/callchain: Replace rcu_assign_pointer() with RCU_INIT_POINTER() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add PERF_EVENT_STATE_EXIT state for events with exited task (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix perf_poll to return proper POLLHUP value (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Clean up __intel_pmu_pebs_event() code (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Fix data source encoding issues for load latency/precise store (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Don't mark DataLA addresses as store (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Revamp PEBS event selection (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Mark MEM_LOAD_UOPS_MISS_RETIRED as precise on SNB (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Fix pp without LBR (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Do poll_wait() before checking condition in perf_poll() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Add queued work to remove orphaned child events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Set owner pointer for kernel events (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86/intel: Update Intel models (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/cgroup: Remove perf_put_cgroup() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: fix perf bug in fork() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Fix a race condition in perf_remove_from_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Handle compat ioctl (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf/x86: Micro-optimize nhmex_rbox_get_constraint() (Jiri Olsa) [1169436] - [tools] perf: Make perf_event_init_context() function static (Jiri Olsa) [1169436]- [x86] kvm: Prevent guest from writing non-canonical shared MSR addresses (Petr Matousek) [1144885] {CVE-2014-3610} - [x86] kvm: Check non-canonical addresses upon WRMSR (Petr Matousek) [1144885] {CVE-2014-3610} - [infiniband] core: Prevent integer overflow in ib_umem_get address arithmetic (Doug Ledford) [1179347] {CVE-2014-8159} - [fs] bio: fix argument of __bio_add_page() for max_sectors > 0xffff (Fam Zheng) [1184759] - [x86] pci: Add NEC variants to Stratus ftServer PCIe DMI check (Myron Stowe) [1187761] - [s390] zcrypt: enable s390 hwrng to seed kernel entropy (Hendrik Brueckner) [1196398] - [s390] zcrypt: improve device probing for zcrypt adapter cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1196398] - [acpi] fan: Use bus id as the name for non PNP0C0B (Fan) devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: support INT3404 thermal device (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: add ACPI 4.0 style fan support (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: convert to platform driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: use acpi_device_xxx_power instead of acpi_bus equivelant (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: remove unused macro (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: remove no need check for device pointer (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: printk replacement (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: do nothing in suspend and poweroff callback (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] fan: fix fan driver compile error when CONFIG_PM_SLEEP is undefined (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] thermal: step_wise: return instance->target by default (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [acpi] thermal: step_wise: cdev only needs update on a new target state (Prarit Bhargava) [1174059] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Reinitialize vmxnet3 backend on wakeup from hibernate (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Make Rx ring 2 size configurable (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Move PCI_VENDOR_ID_VMWARE to pci_ids.h (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Check for map error in vmxnet3_set_mc (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix decimal printf format specifiers prefixed with 0x (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: adjust ring sizes when interface is down (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: fix building without CONFIG_PCI_MSI (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Fix MSI-X/MSI enablement code (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: delete non-required instances of include (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: use initialized skb pointer to set hash (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: calls skb_set_hash (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Remove extern from function prototypes (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [netdrv] vmxnet3: Add support for virtual IOMMU (Neil Horman) [1181807] - [net] netpoll: Remove dead packet receive code (CONFIG_NETPOLL_TRAP) (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Move all receive processing under CONFIG_NETPOLL_TRAP (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Consolidate neigh_tx processing in service_neigh_queue (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Move netpoll_trap under CONFIG_NETPOLL_TRAP (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Don't drop all received packets (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Add netpoll_rx_processing (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Warn if more packets are processed than are budgeted (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Visit all napi handlers in poll_napi (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Pass budget into poll_napi (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: move setting of NETPOLL_RX_DROP into netpoll_poll_dev (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: fix netconsole IPv6 setup (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Use ether_addr_copy (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: Fix missing TXQ unlock and and OOPS (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [net] netpoll: fix rx_hook() interface by passing the skb (Neil Horman) [1181906] - [iommu] vt-d: Work around broken RMRR firmware entries (Myron Stowe) [1195802] - [iommu] vt-d: Store bus information in RMRR PCI device path (Myron Stowe) [1195802] - [pci] Handle read-only BARs on AMD CS553x devices (Myron Stowe) [1198314] - [x86] kvm: add tracepoint to wait_lapic_expire (Marcelo Tosatti) [1175445] - [x86] kvm: add option to advance tscdeadline hrtimer expiration (Marcelo Tosatti) [1175445] - [powerpc] powernv: Add winkle support for offline cpus (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [powerpc] powernv: Redesign idle states management (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable Offline CPUs to enter deep idle states (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [powerpc] powernv: Return to cpu offline loop when finished in KVM guest (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [powerpc] powernv: Switch off MMU before entering nap/sleep/rvwinkle mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [powerpc] powernv: Don't call generic code on offline cpus (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [cpuidle] powernv: Back-end cpuidle driver for powernv platform (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [cpuidle] powernv: Only clear LPCR decrementer wakeup bit on fast sleep entry (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [kernel] tick: Fixup more fallout from hrtimer broadcast mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [kernel] time: Fixup fallout from recent clockevent/tick changes (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [kernel] tick: Introduce hrtimer based broadcast (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [cpuidle] Handle clockevents_notify(BROADCAST_ENTER) failure (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [kernel] time: Change the return type of clockevents_notify() to integer (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [cpuidle] powernv: Fix parsing of idle state flags from device-tree (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [cpuidle] powernv: Parse device tree to setup idle states (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [cpuidle] powernv: Add "Fast-Sleep" CPU idle state (Gustavo Duarte) [1123121] - [input] mouse: synaptics - remove X250 from the topbuttonpad list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - remove X1 Carbon 3rd gen from the topbuttonpad list (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - re-route tracksticks buttons on the Lenovo 2015 series (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - remove TOPBUTTONPAD property for Lenovos 2015 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - retrieve the extended capabilities in query $10 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - do not retrieve the board id on old firmwares (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - handle spurious release of trackstick buttons (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - fix middle button on Lenovo 2015 products (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - skip quirks when post-2013 dimensions (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - support min/max board id in min_max_pnpid_table (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - remove obsolete min/max quirk for X240 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - query min dimensions for fw v8.1 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - log queried and quirked dimension values (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - split synaptics_resolution(), query first (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - adjust min/max for Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2nd (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - adjust min/max on Thinkpad E540 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - add min/max quirk for Lenovo T440s (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: psmouse - add psmouse_matches_pnp_id helper function (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112] - [input] mouse: synaptics - add min/max quirk for pnp-id LEN2002 (Edge E531) (Benjamin Tissoires) [1186106 1186112]- [fs] fsnotify: fix handling of renames in audit (Paul Moore) [1191562] - [crypto] rng: RNGs must return 0 in success case (Herbert Xu) [1198978] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add support for SkyLake (Steve Best) [1189908] - [s390] zcrypt: fixed domain scanning problem again (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] zcrypt: Number of supported ap domains is not retrievable (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] kprobes: add exrl to list of prohibited opcodes (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193608] - [s390] kprobes: add support for compare and branch instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193608] - [s390] bpf: jit: initialize A register if 1st insn is BPF_S_LDX_B_MSH (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: jit: fix 32 bit divisions, use unsigned divide instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Zero extend parameters before calling C function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Fix sk_load_byte_msh() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Fix offset parameter for skb_copy_bits() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Fix skb_copy_bits() parameter passing (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Fix JMP_JGE_K (A >= K) and JMP_JGT_K (A > K) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Fix JMP_JGE_X (A > X) and JMP_JGT_X (A >= X) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] bpf: Fix ALU_NEG (A = -A) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193604] - [s390] dasd: remove unused code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1186326] - [s390] dasd: fix infinite loop during format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1186326] - [kernel] module: set nx before marking module MODULE_STATE_COMING (Hendrik Brueckner) [1196977] - [s390] vdso: fix clock_gettime for CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, -2 and -3 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1195671] - [s390] dasd: retry partition detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1193605] - [s390] dasd: fix list corruption for sleep_on requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1186319] - [net] openvswitch: Fix net exit (Jiri Benc) [1200859] - [net] team: fix possible null pointer dereference in team_handle_frame (Jiri Pirko) [1188496]- [crypto] aesni: fix "by8" variant for 128 bit keys (Herbert Xu) [1174971] - [crypto] aesni: remove unused defines in "by8" variant (Herbert Xu) [1174971] - [crypto] aesni: fix counter overflow handling in "by8" variant (Herbert Xu) [1174971] - [crypto] aes: AES CTR x86_64 "by8" AVX optimization (Herbert Xu) [1174971] - [fs] gfs2: Move gfs2_file_splice_write outside of #ifdef (Robert S Peterson) [1193910] - [fs] gfs2: Allocate reservation during splice_write (Robert S Peterson) [1193910] - [fs] Convert MessageID in smb2_hdr to LE (Sachin Prabhu) [1161441] - [fs] nfsd: update mtime on truncate ("J. Bruce Fields") [1162558] - [virt] kvm: ensure hard lockup detection is disabled by default (Andrew Jones) [1111262] - [watchdog] control hard lockup detection default (Andrew Jones) [1111262] - [watchdog] Fix print-once on enable (Andrew Jones) [1111262] - [tools] cpupower: Fix no idle state information return value (Prarit Bhargava) [1168046] - [misc] genwqe: Fix problem when reading HSI and Retc (Steve Best) [1188653] - [char] tpm: Added Little Endian support to vtpm module (Steve Best) [1189017] - [idle] intel_idle: support additional Broadwell model (Steve Best) [1166315] - [powerpc] iommu: ddw: Fix endianness (Steve Best) [1189040] - [powerpc] Fix sys_call_table declaration to enable syscall tracing (Steve Best) [1172684] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian problems with LE migration (Steve Best) [1183198] - [powerpc] powernv: Ignore smt-enabled on Power8 and later (Steve Best) [1180254] - [powerpc] xmon: Fix another endiannes issue in RTAS call from xmon (Steve Best) [1186803] - [pci] Add informational printk for invalid BARs (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Shrink decoding-disabled window while sizing BARs (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Restore detection of read-only BARs (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [kernel] resources: Clarify sanity check message (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Don't add disabled subtractive decode bus resources (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Don't print anything while decoding is disabled (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Don't set BAR to zero if dma_addr_t is too small (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Don't convert BAR address to resource if dma_addr_t is too small (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Reject BAR above 4GB if dma_addr_t is too small (Myron Stowe) [1130170] - [pci] Fail safely if we can't handle BARs larger than 4GB (Myron Stowe) [1130170]- [net] sctp: fix slab corruption from use after free on INIT collisions (Daniel Borkmann) [1183959] {CVE-2015-1421} - [net] ipv6: Fixed support for blackhole and prohibit routes (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1129731] - [kernel] audit: replace getname()/putname() hacks with reference counters (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [kernel] audit: fix filename matching in __audit_inode() and __audit_inode_child() (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [kernel] audit: enable filename recording via getname_kernel() (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [fs] namei: simpler calling conventions for filename_mountpoint() (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [fs] namei: create proper filename objects using getname_kernel() (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [fs] namei: rework getname_kernel to handle up to PATH_MAX sized filenames (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [fs] namei: cut down the number of do_path_lookup() callers (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [fs] execve: use 'struct filename *' for executable name passing (Paul Moore) [1155208] - [x86] ioapic: kcrash: Prevent crash_kexec() from deadlocking on ioapic_lock (Baoquan He) [1182424] - [md] dm-thin: don't allow messages to be sent to a pool target in READ_ONLY or FAIL mode (Mike Snitzer) [1184592] - [kernel] workqueue: fix subtle pool management issue which can stall whole worker_pool (Eric Sandeen) [1165535] - [platform] thinkpad_acpi: support new BIOS version string pattern (Benjamin Tissoires) [1194830] - [virt] storvsc: ring buffer failures may result in I/O freeze (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1171409] - [kernel] audit: restore AUDIT_LOGINUID unset ABI (Richard Guy Briggs) [1120491] - [crypto] testmgr: mark rfc4106(gcm(aes)) as fips_allowed (Jarod Wilson) [1185400]- [net] rtnetlink: allow to register ops without ops->setup set (Jiri Benc) [1186492]- [fs] NFSv4.1: Fix an Oops in nfs41_walk_client_list (Steve Dickson) [1185784] - [misc] redhat: don't suppress Revert patches from changelog (Jarod Wilson) [1187353] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: Consolidate rtnl_lock tasks in workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: Make the carrier_on_task race aware (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: fix MCAST_FLAG_BUSY usage (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: fix mcast_dev_flush/mcast_restart_task race (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: change init sequence ordering (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: Use dedicated workqueues per interface (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: Make ipoib_mcast_stop_thread flush the workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [infiniband] Revert: ipoib: No longer use flush as a parameter (Doug Ledford) [1179740] - [fs] fix deadlock in cifs_ioctl_clone() (Sachin Prabhu) [1183980] - [md] dm-cache: fix missing ERR_PTR returns and handling (Mike Snitzer) [1182665] - [fs] cifs: fix regression in cifs_create_mf_symlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1186324] - [net] ipv4: try to cache dst_entries which would cause a redirect (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1181819] - [fs] coredump: add new P variable in core_pattern (Jiri Olsa) [1186360] - [drm] fix fb-helper vs MST dangling connector ptrs (Rob Clark) [1184968] - [net] bridge: Program port vlan filters only if filtering is enabled in bridge (Vlad Yasevich) [1183958] - [fs] cifs: Complete oplock break jobs before closing file handle (Sachin Prabhu) [1177215] - [fs] LOCKD: Fix a race when initialising nlmsvc_timeout (Benjamin Coddington) [1144982] - [scsi] hpsa: add in P840ar controller model name (Joseph Szczypek) [1185467] - [scsi] hpsa: add in gen9 controller model names (Joseph Szczypek) [1185467]- [fs] ext4: fix overwrite race condition (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1152607] {CVE-2014-8086} - [media] ttusb-dec: buffer overflow in ioctl (Alexander Gordeev) [1167116] {CVE-2014-8884} - [drm] i915: demote opregion excessive timeout WARN_ONCE to DRM_INFO_ONCE (Rob Clark) [1145627] - [md] Revert: raid56: Don't perform reads to support writes until stripe is ready (Jes Sorensen) [1153796] - [md] Revert: raid5: avoid livelock caused by non-aligned writes (Jes Sorensen) [1153796] - [drm] i915: further quiet i915 (Rob Clark) [1163074] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: endianness related bug fixes and code optimization (Tomas Henzl) [1179748] - [s390] crypto: kernel oops at insmod of the z90crypt device driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [1172136] - [drm] mgag200: Add command line option to specify preferred depth (Dave Airlie) [1044555] - [drm] mgag200: Consolidate depth/bpp handling (Dave Airlie) [1044555] - [fs] Revert: ext4: revert Disable punch hole on non-extent mapped files (Lukas Czerner) [1176840]- [md] dm-cache: fix problematic dual use of a single migration count variable (Mike Snitzer) [1182665] - [md] dm-cache: share cache-metadata object across inactive and active DM tables (Mike Snitzer) [1182665] - [net] tun/macvtap: use consume_skb() instead of kfree_skb() when needed (Jiri Pirko) [1182805] - [virt] Revert: hyperv: Add handler for RNDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE event (Jason Wang) [1164163] - [virt] kvm/vmx: invalid host cr4 handling across vm entries (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1153329] {CVE-2014-3690} - [virt] virtio-scsi: Fix the race condition in virtscsi_handle_event (Fam Zheng) [1152140] - [virt] kvm: workaround SuSE's 2.6.16 pvclock vs masterclock issue (Marcelo Tosatti) [1177718] - [fs] bdi: avoid oops on device removal (Fam Zheng) [1087179] - [mm] backing_dev: fix hung task on sync (Fam Zheng) [1087179] - [mm] Revert: vmstat: create separate function to fold per cpu diffs into local counters (Larry Woodman) [1179654] - [mm] Revert: vmstat: create fold_diff (Larry Woodman) [1179654] - [mm] Revert: vmstat: use this_cpu() to avoid irqon/off sequence in refresh_cpu_vm_stats (Larry Woodman) [1179654] - [mm] Revert: vmstat: on-demand vmstat workers V8 (Larry Woodman) [1179654]- [net] team: avoid possible underflow of count_pending value for notify_peers and mcast_rejoin (Jiri Pirko) [1176697] - [fs] seq_file: don't include mm.h in genksyms calculation (Ian Kent) [1183280] - [scsi] Avoid crashing if device uses DIX but adapter does not support it (Ewan Milne) [1093012]- [fs] xfs: catch invalid negative blknos in _xfs_buf_find() (Eric Sandeen) [1164128] - [fs] proc: make proc_fd_permission() thread-friendly (Carlos Maiolino) [1171242] - [fs] rpc: fix xdr_truncate_encode to handle buffer ending on page boundary ("J. Bruce Fields") [1176641] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_fl_prepare_ds, fix bugs when the connect attempt fails (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] gfs2: fix bad inode i_goal values during block allocation (Abhijith Das) [1144209] - [fs] nfsd: allow turning off nfsv3 readdir_plus (Steve Dickson) [1178949] - [fs] nfsd4: fix xdr4 count of server in fs_location4 (Benjamin Coddington) [1164055] - [fs] nfsd4: fix xdr4 inclusion of escaped char (Benjamin Coddington) [1164055] - [fs] xfs: replace global xfslogd wq with per-mount wq (Brian Foster) [1155929] - [fs] xfs: mark all internal workqueues as freezable (Brian Foster) [1155929] - [fs] overlayfs: Add call to mark_tech_preview (BZ 1180613) (David Howells) [1180613] - [fs] aio: fix uncorrent dirty pages accouting when truncating AIO ring buffer (Jeff Moyer) [1159346] - [infiniband] ocrdma: fix hardcoded max cqe and max send wr (Doug Ledford) [1158148] - [crypto] aesni-intel: Add support for 192 & 256 bit keys to AESNI RFC4106 (Jarod Wilson) [1176266] - [block] blk-mq: Fix a use-after-free (Fam Zheng) [1152159] - [crypto] drbg: panic on continuous self test error (Jarod Wilson) [1179496] - [ethernet] mlx4: Cache line CQE/EQE stride fixes (Doug Ledford) [1088499 1173483] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add mlx4_en_get_cqe helper (Doug Ledford) [1088499 1173483] - [ethernet] mlx4: Cache line EQE size support (Doug Ledford) [1088499 1173483] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix ocrdma_query_qp() to report q_key value for UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1167256] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Always resolve destination mac from GRH for UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1167256] - [net] gre: fix the inner mac header in nbma tunnel xmit path (Alexander Duyck) [1168608]- [md] dm-thin: fix crash by initializing thin device's refcount and completion earlier (Mike Snitzer) [1175282] - [scsi] storvsc: Fix a bug in storvsc limits (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1174162] - [iser-target] Ignore non TEXT + LOGOUT opcodes for discovery (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iser-target] Add support for ISCSI_OP_TEXT opcode + payload handling (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iser-target] Rename sense_buf_dma/len to pdu_dma/len (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iscsi-target] Add IFC_SENDTARGETS_SINGLE support (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iscsi-target] Move sendtargets parsing into iscsit_process_text_cmd (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iscsi-target] Allow ->MaxXmitDataSegmentLength assignment for iser discovery (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iscsi-target] Refactor ISCSI_OP_TEXT_RSP TX handling (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iscsi-target] Refactor ISCSI_OP_TEXT RX handling (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [iscsi] isert-target: Refactor ISCSI_OP_NOOP RX handling (Andy Grover) [1058736] - [net] description of dma_cookie cause make xmldocs warning (Jiri Benc) [1173444] - [net] tcp: make tcp_cleanup_rbuf private (Jiri Benc) [1173444] - [net] net_dma: revert 'copied_early' (Jiri Benc) [1173444] - [net] net_dma: mark broken (Jiri Benc) [1173444] - [net] unix: allow set_peek_off to fail (Jiri Benc) [1123777] - [net] ppp: ppp-ioctl.h: pull in ppp_defs.h (Jiri Benc) [1159802] - [net] bridge: Add filtering support for default_pvid (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [net] bridge: Simplify pvid checks (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [net] bridge: Add a default_pvid sysfs attribute (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [net] bridge: Prepare for 802.1ad vlan filtering support (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [net] bridge: Fix the way to check if a local fdb entry can be deleted (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [net] bridge: Fix the way to insert new local fdb entries in br_fdb_changeaddr (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [net] Remove extern from function prototypes (Vlad Yasevich) [1164653] - [ethernet] mlx5: Add more supported devices (Amir Vadai) [1169277] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix wrong usage of IPv4 protocol for multicast attach/detach (Amir Vadai) [1151331] - [ethernet] mlx4: mlx4_en_set_settings() always fails when autoneg is set (Amir Vadai) [1170129]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [1085239] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move mailbox failure messages to a default debug level (Chad Dupuis) [1085239] - [security] commoncap: don't alloc the credential unless needed in cap_task_prctl (Paul Moore) [1056347] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix dmar_domain leak in iommu_attach_device (Myron Stowe) [1109829] - [iommu] vt-d: Only remove domain when device is removed (Myron Stowe) [1109829] - [base] core: Add BUS_NOTIFY_REMOVED_DEVICE event (Myron Stowe) [1109829] - [powerpc] kdump: Ignore failure in enabling big endian exception during crash (Steve Best) [1170362] - [infiniband] srpt: convert printk's to pr_* functions (Doug Ledford) [1174910] - [infiniband] srpt: Handle GID change events (Doug Ledford) [1174910] - [input] alps: fix v4 button press recognition (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: v7 - document the v7 touchpad packet protocol (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: v7 - fix finger counting for > 2 fingers on clickpads (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: v7 - sometimes a single touch is reported in mt[1] (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: v7 - ignore new packets (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Use kmem_cache_free() instead of kfree (Gustavo Duarte) [1171795] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Use per-cpu page buffer (Gustavo Duarte) [1171795] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: use kmem_cache instead of aligned stack allocations (Gustavo Duarte) [1171795] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Use kmem_cache_free (Gustavo Duarte) [1171795] - [powerpc] Fill in si_addr_lsb siginfo field (Gustavo Duarte) [1173267] - [powerpc] Add VM_FAULT_HWPOISON handling to powerpc page fault handler (Gustavo Duarte) [1173267] - [fs] dlm: fix missing endian conversion of rcom_status flags (Andrew Price) [1175900] - [scsi] add Intel Multi-Flex to scsi scan blacklist (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1175862] - [scsi] do not issue SCSI RSOC command to Promise Vtrak E610f (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1175862] - [scsi] scsi_lib: rate-limit the error message from failing commands (Tomas Henzl) [1175785] - [scsi] iscsi_ibft: Fix finding Broadcom specific ibft sign (Chris Leech) [1095169]- [ethernet] enic: fix rx skb checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1154182] - [x86] uv: make kdump default action for 'power nmi' (George Beshers) [1175560] - [virt] powerpc/kvm: book3s_hv - Fix KSM memory corruption (David Gibson) [1170394] - [pci] Revert: Remove from bus_list and release resources in pci_release_dev() (Prarit Bhargava) [1172946] - [powercap] rapl: add support for CPU model 0x3f (Rui Wang) [1177579] - [kernel] audit: don't attempt to lookup PIDs when changing PID filtering audit rules (Paul Moore) [1172624] - [ethernet] ixgbe: avoid possible read_reg panic caused by late method binding (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: bump version number (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add X550 support function pointers (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add new support for X550 MAC's (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add x550 SW/FW semaphore support (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: add methods for combined read and write operations (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: cleanup checksum to allow error results (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add timeout parameter to ixgbe_host_interface_command (John Greene) [1145772] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Fix spurious release of semaphore in EEPROM access (John Greene) [1145772] - [drm] i915: remove the IRQs enabled WARN from intel_disable_gt_powersave (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: tame the chattermouth (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ttm: Avoid memory allocation from shrinker functions (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ttm: Fix possible stack overflow by recursive shrinker calls (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ttm: Use mutex_trylock() to avoid deadlock inside shrinker functions (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] video/fb: Propagate error code from failing to unregister conflicting fb (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: save/restore GMBUS freq across suspend/resume on gen4 (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: resume MST after reading back hw state (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] dp-mst: Remove branches before dropping the reference (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] fb_helper: move deferred fb checking into restore mode (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] dp: retry AUX transactions 32 times (v1.1) (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Ignore long hpds on eDP ports (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915/dp: only use training pattern 3 on platforms that support it (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: sync all BOs involved in a CS (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: kernel panic in drm_calc_vbltimestamp_from_scanoutpos with 3.18.0-rc6 (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Unlock panel even when LVDS is disabled (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: More cautious with pch fifo underruns (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Ignore SURFLIVE and flip counter when the GPU gets reset (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Kick fbdev before vgacon (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Handle failure to kick out a conflicting fb driver (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: drop WaSetupGtModeTdRowDispatch:snb (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: add locking around atombios scratch space usage (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: add missing crtc unlock when setting up the MC (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Disable caches for Global GTT (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Do not leak pages when freeing userptr objects (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ast: Fix HW cursor image (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: Use drm_malloc_ab instead of kmalloc_array (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon/dpm: disable ulv support on SI (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Do a dummy DPCD read before the actual read (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau/bios: memset dcb struct to zero before parsing (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nv50/disp: fix dpms regression on certain boards (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau/ltc: fix cbc issues on certain boards (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau/ltc: fix tag base address getting truncated if above 4GiB (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nvc0-/fb/ram: fix use of non-existant ram if partitions aren't uniform (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau/bar: behave better if ioremap failed (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau: make sure display hardware is reinitialised on runtime resume (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau: punt fbcon resume out to a workqueue (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau/kms: restore acceleration before fb_set_suspend() resumes (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau/kms: take more care when pulling down accelerated fbcon (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Flush the PTEs after updating them before suspend (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] radeon/cik: use a separate counter for CP init timeout (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon/dpm: fix resume on mullins (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: don't reset dma on r6xx-evergreen init (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: don't reset sdma on CIK init (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: don't reset dma on NI/SI init (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: add connector quirk for fujitsu board (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon/dpm: set the thermal type properly for special configs (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: fix semaphore value init (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: handle broken disabled rb mask gracefully (6xx/7xx) (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: fix active_cu mask on SI and CIK after re-init (v3) (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: fix active cu count for SI and CIK (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: fix pm handling in radeon_gpu_reset (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: properly document reloc priority mask (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon/dpm: select the appropriate vce power state for KV/KB/ML (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: Add missing lines to ci_set_thermal_temperature_range (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: Add ability to get and change dpm state when radeon PX card is turned off (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] vmwgfx: Fix a potential infinite spin waiting for fifo idle (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ast: AST2000 cannot be detected correctly (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ast: open key before detect chips (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] i915: Don't leak command parser tables on suspend/resume (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915/hdmi: fix hdmi audio state readout (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Wait for vblank before enabling the TV encoder (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Fix EIO/wedged handling in gem fault handler (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Fix lock dropping in intel_tv_detect() (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Remove bogus __init annotation from DMI callbacks (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Ignore VBT backlight presence check on Acer C720 (4005U) (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: fix plane/cursor handling when runtime suspended (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: don't try to retrain a DP link on an inactive CRTC (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Fix locking for intel_enable_pipe_a() (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Skip load detect when intel_crtc->new_enable==true (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Disable RCS flips on Ivybridge (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: read HEAD register back in init_ring_common() to enforce ordering (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] i915: Fix crash when failing to parse MIPI VBT (Rob Clark) [1153301] - [drm] radeon: tweak ACCEL_WORKING2 query for hawaii (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon/atom: add new voltage fetch function for hawaii (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: set VM base addr using the PFP (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: load the lm63 driver for an lm64 thermal chip (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: re-enable dpm by default on BTC (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: re-enable dpm by default on cayman (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon/dpm: handle voltage info fetching on hawaii (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ttm: Choose a pool to shrink correctly in ttm_dma_pool_shrink_scan() (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ttm: Fix possible division by 0 in ttm_dma_pool_shrink_scan() (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] ttm: fix handling of TTM_PL_FLAG_TOPDOWN (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau: Bump version from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] nouveau: Dis/Enable vblank irqs during suspend/resume (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: add additional SI pci ids (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: add new bonaire pci ids (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [drm] radeon: add new KV pci id (Rob Clark) [1173317] - [powerpc] add little endian flag to syscall_get_arch() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1169461] - [powerpc] simplify syscall_get_arch() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1169461]- [scsi] libcxgbi: fix freeing skb prematurely (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [scsi] cxgb4i: use set_wr_txq() to set tx queues (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [scsi] cxgb4i: handle non-pdu-aligned rx data (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [scsi] cxgb4i: additional types of negative advice (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [scsi] cxgb4i: set the max. pdu length in firmware (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [scsi] cxgb4i: fix credit check for tx_data_wr (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [scsi] cxgb4i: fix tx immediate data credit check (Sai Vemuri) [1174982] - [net] ipv6: update Destination Cache entries when gateway turn into host (Jiri Pirko) [1114781] - [net] ipsec: Don't update the pmtu on ICMPV6_DEST_UNREACH (Herbert Xu) [1158771] - [s390] zfcp: remove access control tables interface (port leftovers) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1173553] - [x86] perf: Use extended offcore mask on Haswell (Don Zickus) [1170795] - [fs] ovl: ovl_dir_fsync() cleanup (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ovl: pass dentry into ovl_dir_read_merged() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ovl: use lockless_dereference() for upperdentry (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ovl: allow filenames with comma (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ovl: fix race in private xattr checks (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ovl: fix remove/copy-up race (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ovl: rename filesystem type to "overlay" (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] Don't warn if both ->rename() and ->rename2() iops are defined (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: Fix the kABI for overlayfs (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: don't poison cursor (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: initialize ->is_cursor (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: fix lockdep misannotation (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: fix check for cursor (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: barriers for opening upper-layer directory (David Howells) [985875] - [kernel] rcu: Provide counterpart to rcu_dereference() for non-RCU situations (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: embed middle into overlay_readdir_data (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: embed root into overlay_readdir_data (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: make ovl_cache_entry->name an array instead of pointer (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: don't hold ->i_mutex over opening the real directory (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: limit filesystem stacking depth (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: overlay filesystem documentation (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: implement show_options (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: add statfs support (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] overlayfs: filesystem (David Howells) [985875] - [mm] shmem: support RENAME_WHITEOUT (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ext4: support RENAME_WHITEOUT (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add RENAME_WHITEOUT (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add whiteout support (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: export check_sticky() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: introduce clone_private_mount() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: export __inode_permission() to modules (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: export do_splice_direct() to modules (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add i_op->dentry_open() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] namei: trivial fix to vfs_rename_dir comment (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] cifs: support RENAME_NOREPLACE (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] hostfs: support rename flags (David Howells) [985875] - [mm] shmem: support RENAME_EXCHANGE (David Howells) [985875] - [mm] shmem: support RENAME_NOREPLACE (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] btrfs: add RENAME_NOREPLACE (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] bad_inode: add ->rename2() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] call rename2 if exists (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] fuse: restructure ->rename2() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] fuse: add renameat2 support (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] dcache: fix races between __d_instantiate() and checks of dentry flags (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] ext4: add cross rename support (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add cross-rename (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: lock_two_nondirectories - allow directory args (David Howells) [985875] - [security] add flags to rename hooks (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add RENAME_NOREPLACE flag (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add renameat2 syscall (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] namei: use common code for dir and non-dir (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] namei: move d_move() up (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: add d_is_dir() (David Howells) [985875] - [fs] vfs: Put a small type field into struct dentry::d_flags (David Howells) [985875]- [mm] vmstat: on-demand vmstat workers V8 (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: use this_cpu() to avoid irqon/off sequence in refresh_cpu_vm_stats (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: create fold_diff (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [mm] vmstat: create separate function to fold per cpu diffs into local counters (Larry Woodman) [1157802] - [block] blk-mq: Fix uninitialized kobject at CPU hotplugging (Jeff Moyer) [1169232] - [kernel] audit: AUDIT_FEATURE_CHANGE message format missing delimiting space (Richard Guy Briggs) [1165469] - [fs] NFSv4.1: nfs41_clear_delegation_stateid shouldn't trust NFS_DELEGATED_STATE (Steve Dickson) [1166845] - [fs] NFSv4: Fix races between nfs_remove_bad_delegation() and delegation return (Steve Dickson) [1166845] - [fs] NFS: Don't try to reclaim delegation open state if recovery failed (Steve Dickson) [1166845] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure that we call FREE_STATEID when NFSv4.x stateids are revoked (Steve Dickson) [1166845] - [fs] NFSv4: Ensure that we remove NFSv4.0 delegations when state has expired (Steve Dickson) [1166845]- [scsi] cxgb4i: Don't block unload/cxgb4 unload when remote closes TCP connection (Sai Vemuri) [1169941] - [kernel] kthread: partial revert of 81c98869faa5 ("kthread: ensure locality of task_struct allocations") (Gustavo Duarte) [953583] - [mm] slub: fall back to node_to_mem_node() node if allocating on memoryless node (Gustavo Duarte) [953583] - [mm] topology: add support for node_to_mem_node() to determine the fallback node (Gustavo Duarte) [953583] - [mm] slub: search partial list on numa_mem_id(), instead of numa_node_id() (Gustavo Duarte) [953583] - [kernel] kthread: ensure locality of task_struct allocations (Gustavo Duarte) [953583] - [md] dm-thin: fix missing out-of-data-space to write mode transition if blocks are released (Mike Snitzer) [1173181] - [md] dm-thin: fix inability to discard blocks when in out-of-data-space mode (Mike Snitzer) [1173181] - [wireless] iwlwifi/mvm: update values for Smart Fifo (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi/dvm: fix flush support for old firmware (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] ath5k: fix hardware queue index assignment (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] ath9k: fix BE/BK queue order (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] ath9k_hw: fix hardware queue allocation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] ath9k: Fix RTC_DERIVED_CLK usage (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] rt2x00: do not align payload on modern H/W (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] mac80211: Fix regression that triggers a kernel BUG with CCMP (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi: fix RFkill while calibrating (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] mac80211: fix use-after-free in defragmentation (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] mac80211: properly flush delayed scan work on interface removal (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] mac80211: schedule the actual switch of the station before CSA count 0 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] mac80211: use secondary channel offset IE also beacons during CSA (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] rt2x00: add new rt2800usb device (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] Revert: iwlwifi/mvm: treat EAPOLs like mgmt frames wrt rate (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi/dvm: drop non VO frames when flushing (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi: configure the LTR (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] mac80211: fix typo in starting baserate for rts_cts_rate_idx (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] rt2x00: add new rt2800usb devices (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] rt2x00: support Ralink 5362 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] Revert: ath9k: reduce ANI firstep range for older chips (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] rt2800: correct BBP1_TX_POWER_CTRL mask (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi: Add missing PCI IDs for the 7260 series (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi/mvm: disable BT Co-running by default (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] nl80211: clear skb cb before passing to netlink (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] ath9k/htc: fix random decryption failure (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] brcmfmac: handle IF event for P2P_DEVICE interface (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] Revert: mac80211: disable uAPSD if all ACs are under ACM (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] rtlwifi/rtl8192cu: Add new ID (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi/mvm: set MAC_FILTER_IN_BEACON correctly for STA/P2P client (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi/mvm: treat EAPOLs like mgmt frames wrt rate (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi: increase DEFAULT_MAX_TX_POWER (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] iwlwifi/mvm: fix endianity issues with Smart Fifo commands (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] Revert: iwlwifi/dvm: don't enable CTS to self (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538] - [wireless] carl9170: fix sending URBs with wrong type when using full-speed (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1155538]- [net] ipv6: yet another new IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER option IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv4: yet another new IP_MTU_DISCOVER option IP_PMTUDISC_OMIT (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv4: use ip_skb_dst_mtu to determine mtu in ip_fragment (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv4: introduce ip_dst_mtu_maybe_forward and protect forwarding path against pmtu spoofing (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv6: move ip6_sk_accept_pmtu from generic pmtu update path to ipv6 one (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv6: support IPV6_PMTU_INTERFACE on sockets (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] udp: do not report ICMP redirects to user space (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv4: new ip_no_pmtu_disc mode to always discard incoming frag needed msgs (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] inet: make no_pmtu_disc per namespace and kill ipv4_config (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv4: improve documentation of ip_no_pmtu_disc (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] ipv4: introduce new IP_MTU_DISCOVER mode IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] xfrm: revert ipv4 mtu determination to dst_mtu (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] xfrm: introduce helper for safe determination of mtu (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1170116] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: disable generic tracking for known protocols (Daniel Borkmann) [1170520] - [net] gre: Fix use-after-free panic in ipgre_rcv() (Panu Matilainen) [1117543] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_h323: lookup route from proper net namespace (Florian Westphal) [1163847] - [net] netfilter: xt_tcpmss: lookup route from proper net namespace (Florian Westphal) [1163847] - [net] netfilter: xt_tcpmss: Get mtu only if clamp-mss-to-pmtu is specified (Florian Westphal) [1163847] - [wireless] cfg80211: don't WARN about two consecutive Country IE hint (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1164282] - [fs] aio: fix race between aio event completion and reaping (Jeff Moyer) [1131312] - [fs] proc/task_mmu: fix missing check during hugepage migration (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1105040] {CVE-2014-3940} - [kernel] trace: insufficient syscall number validation in perf and ftrace subsystems (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1161570] {CVE-2014-7825 CVE-2014-7826} - [ethernet] i40e: get pf_id from HW rather than PCI function (Stefan Assmann) [1078740] - [ethernet] i40e: increase ARQ size (Stefan Assmann) [1078740] - [x86] uv: Update the UV3 TLB shootdown logic (Frank Ramsay) [1170253] - [tools] peeksiginfo: add PAGE_SIZE definition (Steve Best) [1172250] - [base] bus: Fix unbalanced device reference in drivers_probe (Alex Williamson) [1158862] - [char] tpm: Fix NULL return in tpm_ibmvtpm_get_desired_dma (Gustavo Duarte) [1154818] - [powerpc] kvm: book3s_hv - Reserve cma region only in hypervisor mode (Gustavo Duarte) [1147740] - [x86] traps: stop using IST for #SS (Petr Matousek) [1172813] {CVE-2014-9322}- [acpi] Revert: hotplug/pci: Simplify disable_slot() (Prarit Bhargava) [1158720] - [infiniband] iser: Adjust data_length to include protection information (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Bump version to 1.4.1 (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Allow bind only when connection state is UP (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Fix RX/TX CQ resource leak on error flow (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Clarify a duplicate counters check (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Replace connection waitqueue with completion object (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Protect iser state machine with a mutex (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Remove redundant return code in iser_free_ib_conn_res() (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Seperate iser_conn and iscsi_endpoint storage space (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Fix responder resources advertisement (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Add TIMEWAIT_EXIT event handling (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Support IPv6 address family (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Bump version to 1.4 (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Add missing newlines to logging messages (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Fix a possible race in iser connection states transition (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Simplify connection management (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Bump driver version to 1.3 (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Update Mellanox copyright note (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Print QP information once connection is established (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Remove struct iscsi_iser_conn (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Drain the tx cq once before looping on the rx cq (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Fix sector_t format warning (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Publish T10-PI support to SCSI midlayer (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Implement check_protection (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Support T10-PI operations (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Initialize T10-PI resources (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Introduce pi_enable, pi_guard module parameters (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Generalize fall_to_bounce_buf routine (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Generalize iser_unmap_task_data and finalize_rdma_unaligned_sg (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Replace fastreg descriptor valid bool with indicators container (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Keep IB device attributes under iser_device (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Move fast_reg_descriptor initialization to a function (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Push the decision what memory key to use into fast_reg_mr routine (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Avoid FRWR notation, use fastreg instead (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Suppress completions for fast registration work requests (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [infiniband] iser: Fix use after free in iser_snd_completion() (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [scsi] libiscsi: Add check_protection callback for transports (Amir Vadai) [1107622] - [mm] mem-hotplug: reset node present pages when hot-adding a new pgdat (Motohiro Kosaki) [1156396] - [mm] mem-hotplug: reset node managed pages when hot-adding a new pgdat (Motohiro Kosaki) [1156396] - [mm] make __free_pages_bootmem() only available at boot time (Motohiro Kosaki) [1156396] - [mm] use a dedicated lock to protect totalram_pages and zone->managed_pages (Motohiro Kosaki) [1156396] - [mm] accurately calculate zone->managed_pages for highmem zones (Motohiro Kosaki) [1156396] - [md] dm-cache: fix spurious cell_defer when dealing with partial block at end of device (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-cache: dirty flag was mistakenly being cleared when promoting via overwrite (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-cache: only use overwrite optimisation for promotion when in writeback mode (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-cache: discard block size must be a multiple of cache block size (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-cache: fix a harmless race when working out if a block is discarded (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-cache: when reloading a discard bitset allow for a different discard block size (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-cache: fix some issues with the new discard range support (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-array: if resizing the array is a noop set the new root to the old one (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm-bufio: fix memleak when using a dm_buffer's inline bio (Mike Snitzer) [1165050] - [md] dm: use rcu_dereference_protected instead of rcu_dereference (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm-thin: suspend/resume active thin devices when reloading thin-pool (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm-thin: do not allow thin device activation while pool is suspended (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm-thin: fix a race in thin_dtr (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm-thin: remove stale 'trim' message in block comment above pool_message (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: update wait_on_bit calls for RHEL (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: enhance internal suspend and resume interface (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: add presuspend_undo hook to target_type (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: return earlier from dm_blk_ioctl if target doesn't implement .ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: do not call dm_sync_table() when creating new devices (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: sparse - Annotate field with __rcu for checking (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: Use rcu_dereference() for accessing rcu pointer (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm: allow active and inactive tables to share dm_devs (Mike Snitzer) [1165246] - [md] dm-mpath: stop queueing IO when no valid paths exist (Mike Snitzer) [1165246]- [net] vxlan: Do not reuse sockets for a different address family (Marcelo Leitner) [1146107] - [net] vti: Fix kernel panic due to tunnel not being removed on link deletion (Panu Matilainen) [1167725] - [net] sctp: test if association is dead in sctp_wake_up_waiters (Daniel Borkmann) [1166467] - [net] sctp: wake up all assocs if sndbuf policy is per socket (Daniel Borkmann) [1166467] - [net] ip: better estimate tunnel header cut for correct ufo handling (Alexander Duyck) [1159577] - [net] ipv6: gso: remove redundant locking (Alexander Duyck) [1159577] - [net] ipv6: Do not treat a GSO_TCPV4 request from UDP tunnel over IPv6 as invalid (Alexander Duyck) [1159577] - [net] ipv6: fib: fix fib dump restart (Panu Matilainen) [1163605] - [net] ipv6: drop unused fib6_clean_all_ro() function and rt6_proc_arg struct (Panu Matilainen) [1163605] - [net] ipv6: avoid high order memory allocations for /proc/net/ipv6_route (Panu Matilainen) [1163605] - [net] ipv4: Fix incorrect error code when adding an unreachable route (Panu Matilainen) [1165552] - [net] sctp: replace seq_printf with seq_puts (Daniel Borkmann) [1164214] - [net] sctp: add transport state in /proc/net/sctp/remaddr (Daniel Borkmann) [1164214] - [IB] isert: Adjust CQ size to HW limits (Andy Grover) [1166314] - [ib_isert] Add max_send_sge=2 minimum for control PDU responses (Andy Grover) [1166314] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: do not process IOCTLs and SCSI commands during driver removal (Tomas Henzl) [1162645] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: dndinaness related bug fixes (Tomas Henzl) [1162645] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: corrected return of wait_event from abort frame path (Tomas Henzl) [1162645] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: make HBA operational after LD_MAP_SYNC DCMD in OCR path (Tomas Henzl) [1162645] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: online Firmware upgrade support for Extended VD feature (Tomas Henzl) [1162645] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: update MAINTAINERS and copyright information for megaraid drivers (Tomas Henzl) [1162645] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade and remove some meta data of driver (06.805.06.01-rc1) (Tomas Henzl) [1162645]- [powerpc] Drop useless warning in eeh_init() (Gustavo Duarte) [1156651] - [powerpc] pseries: Decrease message level on EEH initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1156651] - [net] ceph: fixup includes in pagelist.h (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: change from BUG to WARN for __remove_osd() asserts (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: clear r_req_lru_item in __unregister_linger_request() (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: unlink from o_linger_requests when clearing r_osd (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: do not crash on large auth tickets (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: fix flush tid comparision (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: eliminate unnecessary allocation in process_one_ticket() (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: Fix error recovery in rbd_obj_read_sync() (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: use memalloc flags for net IO (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: use a single workqueue for all devices (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: fix divide-by-zero in __validate_layout() (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: rbd workqueues need a resque worker (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: ceph-msgr workqueue needs a resque worker (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: fix bool assignments (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: separate multiple ops with commas in debugfs output (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: sync osd op definitions in rados.h (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: remove redundant declaration (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: additional debugfs output (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: export ceph_session_state_name function (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: use pagelist to present MDS request data (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: reference counting pagelist (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: fix llistxattr on symlink (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: send client metadata to MDS (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: remove redundant code for max file size verification (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: move ceph_find_inode() outside the s_mutex (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: request xattrs if xattr_version is zero (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: set the remaining discard properties to enable support (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: use helpers to handle discard for layered images correctly (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: extract a method for adding object operations (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: make discard trigger copy-on-write (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: tolerate -ENOENT for discard operations (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: fix snapshot context reference count for discards (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: read image size for discard check safely (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: initial discard bits (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: extend the operation type (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: skip the copyup when an entire object writing (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: add img_obj_request_simple() helper (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: access snapshot context and mapping size safely (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: do not return -ERANGE on auth failures (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: don't try checking queue_work() return value (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: make sure request isn't in any waiting list when kicking request (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: protect kick_requests() with mdsc->mutex (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: Convert pr_warning to pr_warn (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [fs] ceph: trim unused inodes before reconnecting to recovering MDS (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: fix a use after free issue in osdmap_set_max_osd (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: select CRYPTO_CBC in addition to CRYPTO_AES (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: resend lingering requests with a new tid (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [net] ceph: abstract out ceph_osd_request enqueue logic (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: fix error return code in rbd_dev_device_setup() (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [block] rbd: avoid format-security warning inside alloc_workqueue() (Ilya Dryomov) [1165232] - [kernel] printk/register_console: prevent adding the same console twice (Artem Savkov) [1169766] - [mm] hugetlb: add cond_resched_lock() in, return_unused_surplus_pages() (Motohiro Kosaki) [1142698] - [mm] hugetlb: fix softlockup when a large number of, hugepages are freed (Motohiro Kosaki) [1142698] - [kernel] sched: Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [net] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [scsi] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [kernel] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [block] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [block] include: Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [misc] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [x86] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383] - [powerpc] Use new KABI macros (Don Zickus) [1164383]- [scsi] ipr: don't log error messages when applications issues illegal requests (Gustavo Duarte) [1163019] - [net] macvlan: Allow setting multicast filter on all macvlan types (Vlad Yasevich) [848197] - [block] genhd: fix leftover might_sleep() in blk_free_devt() (Jeff Moyer) [1167728] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add VXLAN ndo calls to the PF net device ops too (Florian Westphal) [1168212] - [powerpc] xmon: le - Fix endiannes issue in RTAS call from xmon (Steve Best) [1160650] - [mm] thp: close race between split and zap huge pages (Seth Jennings) [1165268] - [mm] thp: close race between mremap() and split_huge_page() (Seth Jennings) [1165268] - [mmc] rtsx: Change default tx phase (Don Zickus) [1106204] - [mfd] rtsx: Copyright modifications (Don Zickus) [1106204] - [mfd] rtsx: Configure to enter a deeper power-saving mode in S3 (Don Zickus) [1106204] - [mfd] rtsx: Move some actions from rtsx_pci_init_hw to individual extra_init_hw (Don Zickus) [1106204] - [mfd] rtsx: Add shutdown callback in rtsx_pci_driver (Don Zickus) [1106204] - [mfd] rtsx: Read vendor setting from config space (Don Zickus) [1106204] - [mfd] rtsx: Add support for RTL8411B (Don Zickus) [1106204]- [fs] fsnotify: next_i is freed during fsnotify_unmount_inodes (Eric Sandeen) [1124997] - [fs] btrfs: fix regression of btrfs device replace (Eric Sandeen) [1162983] - [fs] ext4: don't count external journal blocks as overhead (Eric Sandeen) [1164366] - [fs] Fix oops when creating symlinks on smb3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1161429]- [net] sctp: fix memory leak in auth key management (Daniel Borkmann) [1160928] - [net] sctp: fix NULL pointer dereference in af->from_addr_param on malformed packet (Daniel Borkmann) [1154002] {CVE-2014-7841} - [net] tcp: zero retrans_stamp if all retrans were acked (Marcelo Leitner) [1162193] - [net] netfilter: log: protect nf_log_register against double registering (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: ulog: compat with new structure (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: nat expression must select CONFIG_NF_NAT (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: add explicit Kconfig for NETFILTER_XT_NAT (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: masquerading needs to be independent of x_tables in Kconfig (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: NFT_CHAIN_NAT_IPV* is independent of NFT_NAT (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: move NAT Kconfig switches out of the iptables scope (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_LOG selects NF_LOG_* (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: fix several Kconfig problems in NF_LOG_* (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_masq: register/unregister notifiers on module init/exit (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: allow to filter from prerouting and postrouting (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: remove incomplete 32/64 bits arch compat code (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: wait for call_rcu completion on module removal (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject: introduce icmp code abstraction for inet and bridge (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: store and dump set policy (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: export rule-set generation ID (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add NFTA_MASQ_UNSPEC to nft_masq_attributes (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add new nft_masq expression (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: include a flag attribute (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: extend NFT_MSG_DELTABLE to support flushing the ruleset (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add helpers to schedule objects deletion (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add devgroup support in meta expresion (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: rename nf_table_delrule_by_chain() (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add helper to unregister chain hooks (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: refactor rule deletion helper (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_chain_nat_ipv6: use generic IPv6 NAT code from core (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nat: move specific NAT IPv6 to core (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_rbtree: no need for spinlock from set destroy path (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: no need for rcu in the hash set destroy path (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: generalize IPv6 masquerading support for nf_tables (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: generalize IPv4 masquerading support for nf_tables (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_chain_nat_ipv4: use generic IPv4 NAT code from core (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nat: move specific NAT IPv4 to core (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: Add cpu attribute support (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: add pkttype support (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix error return code (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: don't update chain with unset counters (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: uninitialize element key/data from the commit path (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] nftables: Convert nft_hash to use generic rhashtable (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Avoid duplicate call to nft_data_uninit() for same key (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: check for unset NFTA_SET_ELEM_LIST_ELEMENTS attribute (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: simplify set dump through netlink (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: bridge: add reject support (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: 64bit stats need some extra synchronization (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: set NLM_F_DUMP_INTR if netlink dumping is stale (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: safe RCU iteration on list when dumping (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: skip transaction if no update flags in tables (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_log: fix coccinelle warnings (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_log: complete logging support (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_log: request explicit logger when loading rules (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: don't dump port information if unset (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: indicate family when dumping set elements (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: call {target, match}->destroy() to cleanup entry (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix wrong type in transaction when replacing rules (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: decrement chain use counter when replacing rules (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use u32 for chain use counter (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use RCU-safe list insertion when replacing rules (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: atomic allocation in set notifications from rcu callback (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: allow to delete several objects from a batch (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_rbtree: introduce locking (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: release objects in reverse order in the abort path (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix wrong transaction ordering in set elements (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: defer all object release via rcu (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove skb and nlh from context structure (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: simplify nf_tables_*_notify (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use new transaction infrastructure to handle elements (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use new transaction infrastructure to handle table (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: pass context to nf_tables_updtable() (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: disabling table hooks always succeeds (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use new transaction infrastructure to handle chain (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: refactor chain statistic routines (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: use new transaction infrastructure to handle sets (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add message type to transactions (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: relocate commit and abort routines in the source file (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: generalise transaction infrastructure (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: deconstify table and chain in context structure (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix trace of matching non-terminal rule (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix missing return trace at the end of non-base chain (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix bogus rulenum after goto action (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix tracing of the goto action (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix goto action (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: reset rule number counter after jump and goto (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: add helper for adding nat extension (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: relax string validation of NFTA_CHAIN_TYPE (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Add meta expression key for bridge interface name (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Make meta expression core functions public (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Stack expression type depending on their family (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix nft_cmp_fast failure on big endian for size < 4 (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: handle more than 8 * PAGE_SIZE set name allocations (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix wrong format in request_module() (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: set names cannot be larger than 15 bytes (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add set_elem notifications (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: use set global element counter instead of private one (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: implement proper set selection (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: split nft_ct_init() into two functions for get/set (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: split nft_meta_init() into two functions for get/set (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: add missing ifdef for NFT_MARK setting (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: Add missing vmalloc.h include to nft_hash.c (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: fix family validation (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: remove family from struct nft_ct (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: restore notifications for anonymous set destruction (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: restore context for expression destructors (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: clean up nf_tables_trans_add() argument order (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_hash: bug fixes and resizing (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add optional user data area to rules (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: accept QUEUE/DROP verdict parameters (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add nft_dereference() macro (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: labels get support (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: add full port randomization support (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] nf_tables: Include appropriate header file in netfilter/nft_lookup.c (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: xt_log: add missing string format in nf_log_packet() (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: log: nf_log_packet() as real unified interface (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: log: split family specific code to nf_log_{ip, ip6, common}.c files (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_log: move log buffering to core logging (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nf_log: use an array of loggers instead of list (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] introduce netdev_alloc_pcpu_stats() for drivers (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: add rcu_dereference_protected() helpers (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: ip_set: rename nfnl_dereference()/nfnl_set() (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: ipset: remove unused code (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: Remove extern from function prototypes (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] netfilter: Remove extern from function prototypes (Marcelo Leitner) [1148041 1155088] - [net] openvswitch: remove dup comment in vport.h (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: restore OVS_FLOW_CMD_NEW notifications (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Add recirc and hash action (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: simplify sample action implementation (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Use tun_key only for egress tunnel path (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: refactor ovs flow extract API (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Remove pkt_key from OVS_CB (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: change the data type of error status to atomic_long_t (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] genetlink: add function genl_has_listeners() (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] vxlan: Call udp_flow_src_port (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] udp: Add function to make source port for UDP tunnels (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: distinguish between the dropped and consumed skb (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: fix a memory leak (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix memory leak in ovs_vport_alloc() error path (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: fix duplicate #include headers (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unlikely() for WARN_ON() conditions (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Add skb_clone NULL check for the sampling action (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Sample action without side effects (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Avoid memory corruption in queue_userspace_packet() (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Enable tunnel GSO for OVS bridge (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Allow each vport to have an array of 'port_id's (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: make generic netlink group const (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: introduce rtnl ops stub (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Use exact lookup for flow_get and flow_del (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix tracking of flags seen in TCP flows (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: supply a dummy err_handler of gre_cisco_protocol to prevent kernel crash (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix a double free bug for the sample action (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify genetlink code (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Minimize ovs_flow_cmd_new (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Split ovs_flow_cmd_new_or_set() (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Minimize ovs_flow_cmd_del critical section (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Reduce locking requirements (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_flow_stats_get/clear RCU dereference (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix typo (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Minimize dp and vport critical sections (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Make flow mask removal symmetric (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Build flow cmd netlink reply only if needed (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Clarify locking (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Avoid assigning a NULL pointer to flow actions (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Compact sw_flow_key (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] net/openvswitch: Use with RCU_INIT_POINTER(x, NULL) in vport-gre.c (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Use TCP flags in the flow key for stats (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix output of SCTP mask (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Per NUMA node flow stats (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Remove 5-tuple optimization (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Use ether_addr_copy (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: flow_netlink: Use pr_fmt to OVS_NLERR output (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Use net_ratelimit in OVS_NLERR (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Added (unsigned long long) cast in printf (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: avoid cast-qual warning in vport_priv (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: avoid warnings in vport_from_priv (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: use const in some local vars and casts (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Correctly report flow used times for first 5 minutes after boot (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Fix race (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: Read tcp flags only then the tranport header is present (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: rename ->sync to ->syncp (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] openvswitch: make functions local (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] Add utility function to copy skb hash (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] Change skb_get_rxhash to skb_get_hash (Jiri Benc) [1110384] - [net] netlink: Re-add locking to netlink_lookup() and seq walker (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: remove second linux/log2.h inclusion (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: allow user to set the minimum shifts of shrinking (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: fix lockdep splat in rhashtable_destroy() (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: Spelling s/compuate/compute/ (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: Annotate RCU locking for seq_file walker (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: hold nl_sock_hash_lock during diag dump (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: fix lockdep splats (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: Convert netlink_lookup() to use RCU protected hash table (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: make compare exist all the time (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: Add compare function for netlink_table (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: fix annotations for rht_for_each_entry_rcu() (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: unexport and make rht_obj() static (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: RCU annotations for next pointers (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [lib] rhashtable: Resizable, Scalable, Concurrent Hash Table (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [mm] add kvfree() (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: Fix handling of error from netlink_dump() (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: autosize skb lengthes (Jiri Benc) [1140661] - [net] netlink: Eliminate kmalloc in netlink dump operation (Jiri Benc) [1140661]- [misc] kabi: revert two kabi additions that need updated ppc64 sums (Jarod Wilson)- [fs] xfs: write failure beyond EOF truncates too much data (Brian Foster) [1032968] - [fs] xfs: xfs_vm_write_end truncates too much on failure (Brian Foster) [1032968] - [fs] xfs: use ->invalidatepage() length argument (Brian Foster) [1032968] - [fs] xfs: change invalidatepage prototype to accept length (Brian Foster) [1032968] - [fs] xfs: restore buffer_head unwritten bit on ioend cancel (Brian Foster) [1162953] - [fs] xfs: allow inode allocations in post-growfs disk space (Eric Sandeen) [1115201] - [scsi] pm8001: Update nvmd response data to request buffer (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: fix pm8001_store_update_fw (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: Fix erratic calculation in update_flash (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: Fix invalid return when request_irq() failed (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: fix a memory leak in nvmd_resp (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: fix update_flash (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: fix a memory leak in flash_update (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: Cleaning up uninitialized variables (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: Fix to remove null pointer checks that could never happen (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: more fixes to honor return value (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: add a new spinlock to protect the CCB (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: honor return value (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: clean bitmap management functions (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: Fix hibernation issue (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm8001: Fix potential null pointer dereference and memory leak (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix missing NULL pointer checks and memory leaks (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] drivers/scsi/pm8001/pm8001_ctl.c: avoid world-writable sysfs files (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm80xx: fix problem of pm8001_work_fn reseting incorrect phy device (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix missing NULL pointer checks and memory leaks (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm80xx: Enable BAR shift to avoid BIOS conflict with MPI space for ATTO pm8001 based HBAs (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm80xx: Read saved WWN from NVMD for ATTO pm8001 based HBAs (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fixed return value issue (Rich Bono) [1110943] - [md] dm-thin: fix pool_io_hints to avoid looking at max_hw_sectors (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [kernel] audit: keep inode pinned (Paul Moore) [1162261] - [block] nvme: cleanup nvme_split_flush_data() (David Milburn) [1161766] - [scsi] ibmvfc: fix little endian issues (Steve Best) [1159781] - [scsi] ibmvfc: Fix for offlining devices during error recovery (Steve Best) [1159781]- [scsi] cxgb4i: send abort_rpl correctly (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [Documentation] cxgbi: add maintainer for cxgb3i/cxgb4i (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: FL Starvation Threshold needs to be larger than the SGE's Egress Congestion Threshold (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: For T5 use Packing and Padding Boundaries for SGE DMA transfers (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Move fl_starv_thres into adapter->sge data structure (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Replace repetitive pci device ID's with right ones (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [infinband] cxgb4: Make c4iw_wr_log_size_order static (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [infinband] cxgb4: Add missing neigh_release in find_route (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [infinband] cxgb4: Fix ntuple calculation for ipv6 and remove duplicate line (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix FW flash logic using ethtool (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Take IPv6 into account for best_mtu and set_emss (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Wait for device to get ready before reading any register (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Add 40G support for cxgb4vf driver (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Updated the LSO transfer length in CPL_TX_PKT_LSO for T5 (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add support for adaptive rx (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Change default Interrupt Holdoff Packet Count Threshold (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add Devicde ID for two more adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Remove superfluous "idx" parameter of CH_DEVICE() macro (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Use BAR2 Going To Sleep (GTS) for T5 and later (Sai Vemuri) [1163467] - [scsi] cxgbi: support ipv6 address host_param (Sai Vemuri) [1153834] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (Sai Vemuri) [1153834] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Remove duplicate call to dst_neigh_lookup() (Sai Vemuri) [1153834] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Fix -Wunused-function warning (Sai Vemuri) [1153834] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix build failure in cxgb4 when ipv6 is disabled/not in-built (Sai Vemuri) [1153834] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Remove duplicated CLIP handling code (Sai Vemuri) [1153834] - [ethernet] be2net: fix alignment on line wrap (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: remove multiple assignments on a single line (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: remove space after typecasts (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: remove unnecessary blank lines after an open brace (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: insert a blank line after function/struct//enum definitions (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: remove multiple blank lines (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: add blank line after declarations (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: remove return statements for void functions (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: add speed reporting for 20G-KR interface (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: add speed reporting for 40G/KR interface (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: fix sparse warnings in be_cmd_req_port_type{} (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: fix a sparse warning in be_cmd_modify_eqd() (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: enable PCIe error reporting on VFs too (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: send a max of 8 EQs to be_cmd_modify_eqd() on Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: fix port-type reporting in get_settings (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: add ethtool "-m" option support (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: fix RX fragment posting for jumbo frames (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: replace strcpy with strlcpy (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] be2net: fix some log messages (Ivan Vecera) [1165755] - [ethernet] bna: fix skb->truesize underestimation (Ivan Vecera) [1165759] - [ethernet] bna: allow transmit tagged frames (Ivan Vecera) [1165759] - [ethernet] bna: use container_of to resolve bufdesc_ex from bufdesc (Ivan Vecera) [1165759] - [ethernet] r8169: add support for RTL8168EP (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: add support for Byte Queue Limits (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: call "rtl8168_driver_start" "rtl8168_driver_stop" only when hardware dash function is enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: modify the behavior of function "rtl8168_oob_notify" (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: change the name of function "r8168dp_check_dash" to "r8168_check_dash" (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: change the name of function"rtl_w1w0_eri" (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: for function "rtl_w1w0_phy" change its name and behavior (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: add more chips to support magic packet v2 (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: add support more chips to get mac address from backup mac address register (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: add disable/enable RTL8411B pll function (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: add disable/enable RTL8168G pll function (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: change uppercase number to lowercase number (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: fix an if condition (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: adjust __rtl8169_set_features (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: fix setting rx vlan (Ivan Vecera) [1165764] - [ethernet] r8169: fix the default setting of rx vlan (Ivan Vecera) [1165764]- [powerpc] use device_online/offline() instead of cpu_up/down() (Gustavo Duarte) [1157737] - [ethernet] i40e: disable FCoE (Stefan Assmann) [1165175] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add CPUID for BDW-H CPU (Steve Best) [1164379] - [mm] do not overwrite reserved pages counter at show_mem() (Rafael Aquini) [1125433] - [alsa] Revert: Kconfig: rename HAS_IOPORT to HAS_IOPORT_MAP (Jarod Wilson) [1112200] - [ethernet] enic: Do not call napi_disable when preemption is disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1145019] - [ethernet] enic: fix possible deadlock in enic_stop/ enic_rfs_flw_tbl_free (Stefan Assmann) [1145019] - [x86] uv_bau: Avoid NULL pointer reference in ptc_seq_show (Frank Ramsay) [1161183] - [x86] uv_bau: Increase maximum CPUs per socket/hub (Frank Ramsay) [1161183] - [mm] vmscan: do not throttle based on pfmemalloc reserves if node has no ZONE_NORMAL (Gustavo Duarte) [1148925] - [char] hwrng/pseries: port to new read API and fix stack corruption (Gustavo Duarte) [1163659] - [md] Revert: dm-cache: add call to mark_tech_preview (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-cache: emit a warning message if there are a lot of cache blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-cache: improve discard support (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-cache: revert "prevent corruption caused by discard_block_size > cache_block_size" (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-cache: revert "remove remainder of distinct discard block size" (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-bio-prison: introduce support for locking ranges of blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-btree: fix a recursion depth bug in btree walking code (Mike Snitzer) [1080894] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: simplify ability to promote sequential IO to the cache (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: tweak algorithm that decides when to promote a block (Mike Snitzer) [1159001] - [security] selinux: fix inode security list corruption (Paul Moore) [1152274]- [x86] quirks: Print the Intel graphics stolen memory range (Rob Clark) [1154053] - [x86] quirks: Add Intel graphics stolen memory quirk for gen2 platforms (Rob Clark) [1154053] - [x86] quirks: Add vfunc for Intel graphics stolen memory base address (Rob Clark) [1154053] - [x86] quirks: use gen6 stolen detection for VLV (Rob Clark) [1154053] - [x86] quirks: support GMS and GGMS changes on i915/bdw (Rob Clark) [1154053] - [x86] quirks: add early quirk for reserving Intel graphics stolen memory v5 (Rob Clark) [1154053] - [net] vmxnet3: fix netpoll race condition (Neil Horman) [1158001] - [virt] virtio_balloon: update_balloon_size() - update correct field (Luiz Capitulino) [1163567] - [firmware] memmap: don't create memmap sysfs of same firmware_map_entry (Takahiro MUNEDA) [1160173] - [mm] memory-hotplug: clear pgdat which is allocated by bootmem in try_offline_node() (Larry Woodman) [1156393] - [kernel] add panic_on_warn (Prarit Bhargava) [1163852] - [virt] hyperv: Fix the total_data_buflen in send path (Jason Wang) [1156305] - [virt] hyperv: Add handling of IP header with option field in netvsc_set_hash() (Jason Wang) [1156305] - [virt] hyperv: Fix a bug in netvsc_start_xmit() (Jason Wang) [1156305] - [virt] hyperv: Fix a bug in netvsc_send() (Jason Wang) [1156305] - [powerpc] kexec: adjust crashkernel reservation for 2GB-4GB systems (Gustavo Duarte) [1074924] - [virt] kvm/ioapic: conditionally delay irq delivery duringeoi broadcast (John Snow) [921526] - [fs] file_table: get rid of s_files and files_lock (Gustavo Duarte) [1112805] - [fs] super: uninline destroy_super(), consolidate alloc_super() (Gustavo Duarte) [1112805] - [ethernet] mlx4: Advertize encapsulation offloads features only when VXLAN tunnel is set (Florian Westphal) [1097478] - [ethernet] mlx4: Avoid leaking steering rules on flow creation error flow (Florian Westphal) [1097478] - [ethernet] mlx4: Don't attempt to TX offload the outer UDP checksum for VXLAN (Florian Westphal) [1097478] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix tgt spinlock locking (Maurizio Lombardi) [1165169] - [scsi] TUR path is down after adapter gets reset with multipath (Ewan Milne) [1153738] - [scsi] call device handler for failed TUR command (Ewan Milne) [1153738]- [mm] shmem: fix splicing from a hole while it's punched (Denys Vlasenko) [1118245] {CVE-2014-4171} - [mm] shmem: fix faulting into a hole, not taking i_mutex (Denys Vlasenko) [1118245] {CVE-2014-4171} - [mm] shmem: fix faulting into a hole while it's punched (Denys Vlasenko) [1118245] {CVE-2014-4171} - [virt] kvm: detect LVTT changes under APICv (Radim Krcmar) [1151174] - [virt] kvm: detect SPIV changes under APICv (Radim Krcmar) [1151174] - [virt] kvm: recalculate_apic_map after enabling apic (Radim Krcmar) [1151174] - [virt] kvm: trace kvm_ple_window grow/shrink (Radim Krcmar) [1163296] - [virt] kvm/vmx: dynamise PLE window (Radim Krcmar) [1163296] - [virt] kvm/vmx: make PLE window per-VCPU (Radim Krcmar) [1163296] - [virt] kvm: introduce sched_in to kvm_x86_ops (Radim Krcmar) [1163296] - [virt] kvm: add kvm_arch_sched_in (Radim Krcmar) [1163296] - [kernel] uprobes: Don't assume that arch_uprobe->insn/ixol is u8[MAX_UINSN_BYTES] (Steve Best) [1159365] - [drm] qxl: don't create too large primary surface (Dave Airlie) [1158233] - [powerpc] pseries: Quieten ibm, pcie-link-speed-stats warning (Steve Best) [1162287] - [md] dm-thin: fix potential for infinite loop in pool_io_hints (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Increase the limit on the number of pfns we can handle (Jason Wang) [1160130] - [virt] kvm: update masterclock values on TSC writes (Marcelo Tosatti) [1158039] - [virt] kvm: emulate MOVNTDQ (Paolo Bonzini) [1117542] - [crypto] af_alg: properly label AF_ALG socket (Ondrej Kozina) [1161148] - [powerpc] vphn: NUMA node code expects big-endian (Steve Best) [1154673]- [net] ip6_gre: Return an error when adding an existing tunnel (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] ip6_tunnel: Return an error when adding an existing tunnel (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] ip_tunnel: Don't allow to add the same tunnel multiple times (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] gre: Use inner mac length when computing tunnel length (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] gre: enable offloads for GRE (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] ipv4: fix a potential use after free in gre_offload.c (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] ipv4: fix a potential use after free in ip_tunnel_core.c (Alexander Duyck) [1151886 1152368] - [net] gro: fix aggregation for skb using frag_list (Alexander Duyck) [1154239] - [net] gro: make sure skb->cb[] initial content has not to be zero (Alexander Duyck) [1154239] - [net] bridge: notify user space after fdb update (Alexander Duyck) [1109605] - [net] bridge: Fix the way to find old local fdb entries in br_fdb_changeaddr (Alexander Duyck) [1109605] - [net] handle encapsulation offloads when computing segment lengths (Jiri Benc) [1144571] - [net] gso: make skb_gso_segment error handling more robust (Jiri Benc) [1144571] - [net] gso: use feature flag argument in all protocol gso handlers (Jiri Benc) [1144571] - [net] udp_offload: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL (Jiri Benc) [1144571] - [net] ipv4: Use IS_ERR_OR_NULL (Jiri Benc) [1144571]- [fs] GFS2: If we use up our block reservation, request more next time (Robert S Peterson) [1142238] - [fs] GFS2: Only increase rs_sizehint (Robert S Peterson) [1142238] - [fs] GFS2: Set of distributed preferences for rgrps (Robert S Peterson) [1142238] - [fs] autofs: fix symlinks aren't checked for expiry (Ian Kent) [1116182] - [fs] GFS2: fix regression in dir_double_exhash (Robert S Peterson) [1160229] - [fs] gfs2_atomic_open(): skip lookups on hashed dentry (Robert S Peterson) [1158150] - [fs] splice: perform generic write checks (Eric Sandeen) [1155907] - [fs] fs: seq_file: fallback to vmalloc allocation (Ian Kent) [1095623] - [fs] fs: /proc/stat: convert to single_open_size() (Ian Kent) [1095623] - [fs] fs: seq_file: always clear m->count when we free m->buf (Ian Kent) [1095623]- [ethernet] mlx4: Use PTYS register to set ethtool settings (Speed) (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use PTYS register to query ethtool settings (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add 100M, 20G, 56G speeds ethtool reporting support (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add ethernet backplane autoneg device capability (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Introduce ACCESS_REG CMD and eth_prot_ctrl dev cap (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Cable info, get_module_info/eeprom ethtool support (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Introduce mlx4_get_module_info for cable module info reading (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [ethernet] mlx4: Enable CQE/EQE stride support (Amir Vadai) [1060221] - [virt] kvm/vmx: defer load of APIC access page address during reset (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: do not handle APIC access page if in-kernel irqchip is not in use (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: Unpin and remove kvm_arch->apic_access_page (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Implement set_apic_access_page_addr (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: Add request bit to reload APIC access page address (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: Add arch specific mmu notifier for page invalidation (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: Rename make_all_cpus_request() to kvm_make_all_cpus_request() and make it non-static (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: Remove ept_identity_pagetable from struct kvm_arch (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [virt] kvm: Use APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE macro as the apic access page address (Paolo Bonzini) [1140974] - [drm] vmwgfx: respect 'nomodeset' (Rob Clark) [1101381] - [s390] qeth: don't query for info if hardware not ready (Hendrik Brueckner) [1147573] - [block] Fix dev_t minor allocation lifetime (Jeff Moyer) [1139898] - [md] dm-crypt: fix access beyond the end of allocated space (Mike Snitzer) [1135066] - [fs] isofs: unbound recursion when processing relocated directories (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1142271] {CVE-2014-5471 CVE-2014-5472} - [ethernet] be2net: use v1 of SET_FLOW_CONTROL command (Ivan Vecera) [1087128] - [acpi] return 1 after successfully install cmos_rtc space handler (Amos Kong) [1159465] - [x86] hyperv: Bypass the timer_irq_works() check (Jason Wang) [1058105] - [mm] hugetlb: initialize PG_reserved for tail pages of gigantic compound pages (Luiz Capitulino) [1158506] - [kernel] cpuset: PF_SPREAD_PAGE and PF_SPREAD_SLAB should be atomic flags (Aaron Tomlin) [1160360] - [infiniband] qib: Correct reference counting in debugfs qp_stats (Rui Wang) [1150001] - [x86] uv: Check for alloc_cpumask_var() failures properly in uv_nmi_setup() (George Beshers) [1155754] - [powerpc] fadump: Fix endianess issues in firmware assisted dump handling (Steve Best) [1159773]- [scsi] ipr: wait for aborted command responses (Gustavo Duarte) [1156530] - [ethernet] mlx4: Protect port type setting by mutex (Amir Vadai) [1095345] - [acpi] pm: Only set power states of devices that are power manageable (Amos Kong) [1142683] - [x86] setup: Mark Intel Haswell ULT as supported (Prarit Bhargava) [1159006] - [kernel] sched: Fix unreleased llc_shared_mask bit during CPU hotplug (Takahiro MUNEDA) [1116294] - [mm] do not walk all of system memory during show_mem (Johannes Weiner) [1125433] - [mm] remove noisy remainder of the scan_unevictable interface (Johannes Weiner) [1111215] - [pci] Rename sysfs 'enabled' file back to 'enable' (Myron Stowe) [1159655] - [kernel] sched/fair: Care divide error in update_task_scan_period() (Motohiro Kosaki) [1140979] - [powerpc] numa: ensure per-cpu NUMA mappings are correct on topology update (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] numa: use cached value of update->cpu in update_cpu_topology (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] numa: Add ability to disable and debug topology updates (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] numa: check error return from proc_create (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] some changes in numa_setup_cpu() (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] Only set numa node information for present cpus at boottime (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] Fix warning reported by verify_cpu_node_mapping() (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] reorder per-cpu NUMA information's initialization (Gustavo Duarte) [1150097] - [powerpc] pseries: Make CPU hotplug path endian safe (Steve Best) [1159579] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in cpu hot-removal (Steve Best) [1159579] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in onlining cpu threads (Steve Best) [1159579] - [x86] smpboot: Fix up typo in topology detection (Prarit Bhargava) [1156655] - [x86] smpboot: Add new topology for multi-NUMA-node CPUs (Prarit Bhargava) [1158269] - [kernel] sched: Rework sched_domain topology definition (Prarit Bhargava) [1158269] - [usb] hub: take hub->hdev reference when processing from eventlist (Don Zickus) [1151508] - [usb] ehci: unlink QHs even after the controller has stopped (Don Zickus) [1151491] - [tools] testing/selftests/powerpc: Correct DSCR during TM context switch (Gustavo Duarte) [1134511] - [tools] testing/selftests: Add infrastructure for powerpc selftests (Gustavo Duarte) [1134511] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Abort init sequence during error recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1105496] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Add memory barriers for send / receive (Gustavo Duarte) [1105496] - [x86] fpu: __restore_xstate_sig()->math_state_restore() needs preempt_disable() (Oleg Nesterov) [1121784] - [x86] fpu: shift drop_init_fpu() from save_xstate_sig() to handle_signal() (Oleg Nesterov) [1121784]- [fs] ext4: fix wrong assert in ext4_mb_normalize_request() (Lukas Czerner) [1146046] - [mm] Remove false WARN_ON from pagecache_isize_extended() (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: check s_chksum_driver when looking for bg csum presence (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: move error report out of atomic context in ext4_init_block_bitmap() (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: Replace open coded mdata csum feature to helper function (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix reservation overflow in ext4_da_write_begin (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: add ext4_iget_normal() which is to be used for dir tree lookups (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: don't orphan or truncate the boot loader inode (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: grab missed write_count for EXT4_IOC_SWAP_BOOT (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: get rid of code duplication (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix over-defensive complaint after journal abort (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix return value of ext4_do_update_inode (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix mmap data corruption when blocksize < pagesize (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] vfs: fix data corruption when blocksize < pagesize for mmaped data (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: don't check quota format when there are no quota files (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] jbd2: avoid pointless scanning of checkpoint lists (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: explicitly inform user about orphan list cleanup (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] jbd2: jbd2_log_wait_for_space improve error detetcion (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] jbd2: free bh when descriptor block checksum fails (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: check EA value offset when loading (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: don't keep using page if inline conversion fails (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: validate external journal superblock checksum (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] jbd2: fix journal checksum feature flag handling (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: provide separate operations for sysfs feature files (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: add sysfs entry showing whether the fs contains errors (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: renumber EXT4_EX_* flags to avoid flag aliasing problems (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix comments about get_blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix accidental flag aliasing in ext4_map_blocks flags (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix ZERO_RANGE bug hidden by flag aliasing (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: use ext4_update_i_disksize instead of opencoded ones (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: remove a duplicate call in ext4_init_new_dir() (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: add missing BUFFER_TRACE before ext4_journal_get_write_access (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: check inline directory before converting (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix incorrect locking in move_extent_per_page (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: use correct depth value (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: add i_data_sem sanity check (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix wrong size computation in ext4_mb_normalize_request() (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: make ext4_has_inline_data() as a inline function (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: remove readpage() check in ext4_mmap_file() (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: remove metadata reservation checks (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: rearrange initialization to fix EXT4FS_DEBUG (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix potential null pointer dereference in ext4_free_inode (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: decrement free clusters/inodes counters when block group declared bad (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: handle symlink properly with inline_data (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: reduce contention on s_orphan_lock (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: use sbi in ext4_orphan_[add|del]() (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: remove unnecessary double parentheses (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: do not destroy ext4_groupinfo_caches if ext4_mb_init() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: make local functions static (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix block bitmap validation when bigalloc, ^flex_bg (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: fix block bitmap initialization under sparse_super2 (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: find the group descriptors on a 1k-block bigalloc, meta_bg filesystem (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: avoid unneeded lookup when xattr name is invalid (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: remove obsoleted check (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: add a new spinlock i_raw_lock to protect the ext4's raw inode (Lukas Czerner) [1156096] - [fs] ext4: revert Disable punch hole on non-extent mapped files (Lukas Czerner) [1150178] - [fs] ext4: fix transaction issues for ext4_fallocate and ext_zero_range (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: move i_size, i_disksize update routines to helper function (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix incorect journal credits reservation in ext4_zero_range (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix COLLAPSE RANGE test for bigalloc file systems (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix punch hole on files with indirect mapping (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: Fix block zeroing when punching holes in indirect block files (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix ZERO_RANGE test failure in data journalling (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: use EXT_MAX_BLOCKS in ext4_es_can_be_merged() (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: rename uninitialized extents to unwritten (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: disable COLLAPSE_RANGE for bigalloc (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix COLLAPSE_RANGE failure with 1KB block size (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: use EINVAL if not a regular file in ext4_collapse_range() (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: enforce we are operating on a regular file in ext4_zero_range() (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix extent merging in ext4_ext_shift_path_extents() (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: discard preallocations after removing space (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: no need to truncate pagecache twice in collapse range (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix removing status extents in ext4_collapse_range() (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: use filemap_write_and_wait_range() correctly in collapse range (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: use truncate_pagecache() in collapse range (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: always check ext4_ext_find_extent result (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: COLLAPSE_RANGE only works on extent-based files (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix byte order problems introduced by the COLLAPSE_RANGE patches (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: disallow all fallocate operation on active swapfile (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: move falloc collapse range check into the filesystem methods (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: fix COLLAPSE_RANGE test failure in data journalling mode (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: remove unneeded test of ret variable (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: Introduce FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE flag for fallocate (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: Introduce FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE flag for fallocate (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: refactor ext4_fallocate code (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: Update inode i_size after the preallocation (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: Add new flag(FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE) for fallocate (Lukas Czerner) [1150171] - [fs] ext4: Add support FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE for fallocate (Lukas Czerner) [1150171]- [fs] quota: remove dqptr_sem (Lukas Czerner) [1053111] - [fs] quota: simplify remove_inode_dquot_ref() (Lukas Czerner) [1053111] - [fs] quota: avoid unnecessary dqget()/dqput() calls (Lukas Czerner) [1053111] - [fs] quota: protect Q_GETFMT by dqonoff_mutex (Lukas Czerner) [1053111] - [fs] xfs: add a few more verifier tests (Eric Sandeen) [1059330 1061656] - [fs] pipe: skip file_update_time on frozen fs (Eric Sandeen) [1107499] - [fs] xfs: don't sleep in xlog_cil_force_lsn on shutdown (Eric Sandeen) [1088240] - [fs] buffer: increase the buffer-head per-CPU LRU size (Zach Brown) [1053108] - [fs] fs: check bh blocknr earlier when searching lru (Zach Brown) [1053108] - [fs] truncate: drop 'oldsize' truncate_pagecache() parameter (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: avoid trying to kfree an ERR_PTR pointer (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix same-dir rename when inline data directory overflows (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: fix descriptor block size handling errors with journal_csum (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: fix infinite loop when recovering corrupt journal blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: update i_disksize coherently with block allocation on error path (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix BUG_ON in mb_free_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: propagate errors up to ext4_find_entry()'s callers (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix ext4_discard_allocated_blocks() if we can't allocate the pa struct (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix a potential deadlock in __ext4_es_shrink() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: revert commit which was causing fs corruption after journal replays (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: disable synchronous transaction batching if max_batch_time==0 (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: clarify ext4_error message in ext4_mb_generate_buddy_error() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: clarify error count warning messages (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix unjournalled bg descriptor while initializing inode bitmap (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Fix hole punching for files with indirect blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Fix buffer double free in ext4_alloc_branch() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix zeroing of page during writeback (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix data integrity sync in ordered mode (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: get rid of EXT4_MAP_UNINIT flag (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix ext4_count_free_clusters() with EXT4FS_DEBUG and bigalloc enabled (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: silence sparse check warning for function ext4_trim_extent (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use i_size_read in ext4_unaligned_aio() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: move ext4_update_i_disksize() into mpage_map_and_submit_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: return ENOMEM rather than EIO when find_###_page() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: update PF_MEMALLOC handling in ext4_write_inode() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix jbd2 warning under heavy xattr load (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: note the error in ext4_end_bio() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: initialize multi-block allocator before checking block descriptors (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: FIBMAP ioctl causes BUG_ON due to handle EXT_MAX_BLOCKS (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix 64-bit number truncation warning (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix premature freeing of partial clusters split across leaf blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: rename: split out helper functions (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: rename: move EMLINK check up (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: rename: create ext4_renament structure for local vars (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: make ext4_block_zero_page_range static (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: atomically set inode->i_flags in ext4_set_inode_flags() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: optimize Hurd tests when reading/writing inodes (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: kill i_version support for Hurd-castrated file systems (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix partial cluster handling for bigalloc file systems (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: delete path dealloc code in ext4_ext_handle_uninitialized_extents (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: improve error messages for inconsistent journal heads (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: minimize region locked by j_list_lock in jbd2_journal_forget() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: minimize region locked by j_list_lock in journal_get_create_access() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: check jh->b_transaction without taking j_list_lock (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: add transaction to checkpoint list earlier (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: calculate statistics without holding j_state_lock and j_list_lock (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: don't hold j_state_lock while calling wake_up() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: don't unplug after writing revoke records (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Speedup WB_SYNC_ALL pass called from sync(2) (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: translate fallocate mode bits to strings (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: merge uninitialized extents (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: avoid exposure of stale data in ext4_punch_hole() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: silence warnings in extent status tree debugging code (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove unused ac_ex_scanned (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: avoid possible overflow in ext4_map_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: make sure ex.fe_logical is initialized (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't calculate total xattr header size unless needed (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: add ext4_es_store_pblock_status() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix error return from ext4_ext_handle_uninitialized_extents() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: address a benign compiler warning (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: mark file-local functions as static (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove an unneeded check in mext_page_mkuptodate() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: clean up error handling in swap_inode_boot_loader() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Add __init marking to init_inodecache (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't leave i_crtime.tv_sec uninitialized (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix online resize with a non-standard blocks per group setting (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix online resize with very large inode tables (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't try to modify s_flags if the the file system is read-only (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix error paths in swap_inode_boot_loader() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix xfstest generic/299 block validity failures (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: delete "set but not used" variables (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't pass freed handle to ext4_walk_page_buffers (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: avoid clearing beyond i_blocks when truncating an inline data file (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: ext4_inode_is_fast_symlink should use EXT4_CLUSTER_SIZE (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix a typo in extents.c (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use pd printk specificer (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: standardize error handling in ext4_da_write_inline_data_begin() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: retry allocation when inline->extent conversion failed (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: enable punch hole for bigalloc (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix bigalloc regression (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: add explicit casts when masking cluster sizes (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix deadlock when writing in ENOSPC conditions (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: rename obsoleted msg JBD->JBD2 (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: revise KERN_EMERG error messages (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: don't BUG but return ENOSPC if a handle runs out of space (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Do not reserve clusters when fs doesn't support extents (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix del_timer() misuse for ->s_err_report (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: check for overlapping extents in ext4_valid_extent_entries() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix use-after-free in ext4_mb_new_blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: call ext4_error_inode() if jbd2_journal_dirty_metadata() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: add prototypes for macro-generated functions (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: return non-zero st_blocks for inline data (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use prandom_u32() instead of get_random_bytes() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove unreachable code after ext4_can_extents_be_merged() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove unreachable code in ext4_can_extents_be_merged() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't count free clusters from a corrupt block group (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: drop set but otherwise unused variable from ext4_add_dirent_to_inline() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: change ext4_read_inline_dir() to return 0 on success (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: pair trace_ext4_writepages & trace_ext4_writepages_result (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix performance regression in ext4_writepages (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fixup kerndoc annotation of mpage_map_and_submit_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix performance regression in writeback of random writes (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: allow specifying external journal by pathname mount option (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: mark group corrupt on group descriptor checksum (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: mark block group as corrupt on inode bitmap error (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: mark block group as corrupt on block bitmap error (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: Fix endian mixing problems in the checksumming code (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: isolate ext4_extents.h file (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Fix misspellings using 'codespell' tool (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: convert write_begin methods to stable_page_writes semantics (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix lost truncate due to race with writeback (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix ext4_writepages() in presence of truncate (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: move test whether extent to map can be extended to one place (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: avoid reusing recently deleted inodes in no journal mode (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: allocate delayed allocation blocks before rename (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: start handle at least possible moment when renaming files (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: add support for extent pre-caching (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: cache all of an extent tree's leaf block upon reading (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use unsigned int for es_status values (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: print the block number of invalid extent tree blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: refactor code to read the extent tree block (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: add WARN_ON to check the length of allocated blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: call ext4_es_lru_add() after handling cache miss (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: make the extent_status code more robust against ENOMEM failures (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: simplify calculation of blocks to free on error (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix spelling errors and a comment in extent_status tree (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix warning in ext4_evict_inode() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: optimize starting extent in ext4_ext_rm_leaf() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: invalidate handle if jbd2_journal_restart() fails (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix up error handling for mpage_map_and_submit_extent() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: delete unnecessary C statements (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: pass inode pointer instead of file pointer to punch hole (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: improve free space calculation for inline_data (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: reduce object size when !CONFIG_PRINTK (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: improve extent cache shrink mechanism to avoid to burn CPU time (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: delete unused variables (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: remove debug dependency on debug_fs and update Kconfig help text (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: use a single printk for jbd_debug() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: fix data integrity for ext4_sync_fs (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: optimize jbd2_journal_force_commit (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't use EXT4_FREE_BLOCKS_FORGET unnecessarily (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use ext4_da_writepages() for all modes (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove ext4_ioend_wait() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: don't wait for extent conversion in ext4_punch_hole() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: Remove wait for unwritten extents in ext4_ind_direct_IO() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove i_mutex from ext4_file_sync() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use generic_file_fsync() in ext4_file_fsync() in nojournal mode (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove wait for unwritten extent conversion from ext4_truncate() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: protect extent conversion after DIO with i_dio_count (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: defer clearing of PageWriteback after extent conversion (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: split extent conversion lists to reserved & unreserved parts (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use transaction reservation for extent conversion in ext4_end_io (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: remove buffer_uninit handling (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: silence warning in ext4_writepages() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: restructure writeback path (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: use io_end for multiple bios (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: better estimate credits needed for ext4_da_writepages() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: improve writepage credit estimate for files with indirect blocks (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: deprecate max_writeback_mb_bump sysfs attribute (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: stop messing with nr_to_write in ext4_da_writepages() (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: provide wrappers for transaction reservation calls (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: transaction reservation support (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: cleanup needed free block estimates when starting a transaction (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: remove outdated comment (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: refine waiting for shadow buffers (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: remove journal_head from descriptor buffers (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: don't create journal_head for temporary journal buffers (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] ext4: suppress ext4 orphan messages on mount (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: fix block tag checksum verification brokenness (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: use kmem_cache_zalloc for allocating journal head (Lukas Czerner) [1150139] - [fs] jbd2: Fix oops in jbd2_journal_file_inode() (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: only zero partial blocks in ext4_zero_partial_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: make punch hole code path work with bigalloc (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: update ext4_ext_remove_space trace point (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: remove unused code from ext4_remove_blocks() (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: remove unused discard_partial_page_buffers (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: use ext4_zero_partial_blocks in punch_hole (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: truncate_inode_pages() in orphan cleanup path (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] Revert "ext4: fix fsx truncate failure" (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: Call ext4_jbd2_file_inode() after zeroing block (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] Revert "ext4: remove no longer used functions in inode.c" (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] mm: teach truncate_inode_pages_range() to handle non page aligned ranges (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] ext4: use ->invalidatepage() length argument (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] jbd2: change jbd2_journal_invalidatepage to accept length (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] mm: change invalidatepage prototype to accept length (Lukas Czerner) [1144326] - [fs] nfs: Fix a bogus warning in nfs_generic_pgio (Steve Dickson) [1150227] - [fs] nfs: Fix an uninitialised pointer Oops in the writeback error path (Steve Dickson) [1150227]- [block] nvme: Clear QUEUE_FLAG_STACKABLE (David Milburn) [1155716] - [md] dm-raid: ensure superblock's size matches device's logical block size (Mike Snitzer) [1112804] - [md] dm-thin: refactor requeue_io to eliminate spinlock bouncing (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: optimize retry_bios_on_resume (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: sort the deferred cells (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: direct dispatch when breaking sharing (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: remap the bios in a cell immediately (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: defer whole cells rather than individual bios (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: factor out remap_and_issue_overwrite (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: performance improvement to discard processing (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: grab a virtual cell before looking up the mapping (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: implement thin_merge (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm: improve documentation and code clarity in dm_merge_bvec (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: adjust max_sectors_kb based on thinp blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [block] fix alignment_offset math that assumes io_min is a power-of-2 (Mike Snitzer) [1156164] - [md] dm-thin: throttle incoming IO (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-thin: prefetch missing metadata pages (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-transaction-manager: add support for prefetching blocks of metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: change dm_thin_find_block to allow blocking, but not issuing, IO (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bio-prison: switch to using a red black tree (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bufio: evict buffers that are past the max age but retain some buffers (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bufio: switch from a huge hash table to an rbtree (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bufio: change __GFP_IO to __GFP_FS in shrinker callbacks (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bufio: when done scanning return from __scan immediately (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bufio: update last_accessed when relinking a buffer (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [md] dm-bufio: fully initialize shrinker (Mike Snitzer) [1156161] - [misc] genwqe: Remove unnecessary include (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Increase driver version number (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Improve hardware error recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Add support for EEH error recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Add sysfs interface for bitstream reload (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: fix uninitialized return value in genwqe_free_sync_sgl() (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Fix format string mismatch in card_debugfs.c (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Increase driver version number (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Fix multithreading problems (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Ensure rc is not returning an uninitialized value (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Add wmb before DDCB is started (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Enable access to VPD flash area (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Fix potential memory leak when pinning memory (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: delete non-required instances of include (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: fix return value check in genwqe_device_create() (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Fix warnings for sparc (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Fix compile problems for Alpha (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Rework return code for flash-update ioctl (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Accidently casting to u32 where u64 is required (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Replace dynamic_hex_dump with print_hex_dump_debug (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Fix endian issues detected by sparse (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Enable driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Sysfs interfaces (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Debugfs interfaces (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Utility functions (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: Character device and DDCB queue (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [misc] genwqe: GenWQE PCI support, health monitoring and recovery (Gustavo Duarte) [1088491] - [virt] kvm/vmx: handle invvpid vm exit gracefully (Petr Matousek) [1144829] {CVE-2014-3646} - [virt] kvm: fix PIT timer race condition (Petr Matousek) [1144880] {CVE-2014-3611}- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [1067179] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable PCI device in shutdown handler (Chad Dupuis) [1067179] - [wireless] rt2x00: Delete accidentally committed .rej file (Prarit Bhargava) [1158457] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Allow T4/T5 firmware sizes up to 1MB (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4i: avoid holding mutex in interrupt context (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Don't allocate adapter structure for all PF's (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add device ID for new adapter and remove for dbg adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add warning msg when attaching to adapters which have FLASHes smaller than 2Mb (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix t4_flash_erase_sectors() to throw an error when requested to erase sectors which aren't in the FLASH (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add support to S25FL032P flash (Sai Vemuri) [1147683] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Call dev_kfree/consume_skb_any instead of [dev_]kfree_skb (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Turn off SGE RX/TX Callback Timers and interrupts in PCI shutdown routine (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio T4 Adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Check if rx checksum offload is enabled, while reading hardware calculated checksum (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Adds device Id for few more Chelsio adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Remove superfluous call to pci_disable_msix() (Sai Vemuri) [1070945] - [kernel] printk: bump LOG_BUF_SHIFT (Jeff Moyer) [1156189] - [net] cdc_ncm: fix control message ordering (Neil Horman) [1129796] - [net] usb/huawei_cdc_ncm: add "subclass 3" devices (Neil Horman) [1129796] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove non-standard NCM device IDs (Neil Horman) [1129796] - [net] usb/huawei_cdc_ncm: increase command buffer size (Neil Horman) [1129796] - [net] usb: Introduce the huawei_cdc_ncm driver (Neil Horman) [1129796] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Simplify catalog_read() (Steve Best) [1155924] - [acpi] container: Fix error code path in container_device_attach() (Prarit Bhargava) [1128634] - [kernel] timekeeping: Use cached ntp_tick_length when accumulating error (Prarit Bhargava) [1136839] - [kernel] timekeeping: Rework frequency adjustments to work better w/ nohz (Prarit Bhargava) [1136839] - [s390] zcrypt: Toleration of new crypto hardware (Hendrik Brueckner) [1136494] - [s390] zcrypt: support for extended number of ap domains (Hendrik Brueckner) [1136494] - [kernel] smp: flush any pending IPI callbacks before CPU offline (Gustavo Duarte) [1100093] - [kernel] smp: print more useful debug info upon receiving IPI on an offline CPU (Gustavo Duarte) [1100093]- [ethernet] mlx5: Add ConnectX-4 to list of supported devices (Amir Vadai) [1149439] - [fs] cifs: NULL pointer dereference in SMB2_tcon (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1147529] {CVE-2014-7145} - [x86] build: Add arch/x86/purgatory/ make generated files to gitignore (Prarit Bhargava) [1155577] - [acpi] acpica: Add "Windows 2013" string to _OSI support (Lenny Szubowicz) [1087674] - [pci] Export MSI message relevant functions (Myron Stowe) [1123366] - [cpufreq] store_scaling_governor requires policy->rwsem to be held for duration of changing governors (Prarit Bhargava) [1089255] - [edac] sb_edac: avoid INTERNAL ERROR message in EDAC with unspecified channel (Seth Jennings) [1056990] - [kernel] module: lock around setting of MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED (Prarit Bhargava) [1127741] - [acpi] Add container online uevent to acpi_bus_attach (Prarit Bhargava) [1140572] - [scsi] fcoe: Convert uses of compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix missing mutex_unlock in fcoe_sysfs_fcf_add error path (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: Make fcoe_sysfs optional / fix fnic NULL exception (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: fix build error (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: convert bus code to use bus_groups (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: Reduce fcoe_sysfs_fcf_add() stack usage (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: Add missing newlines in debug messages (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [scsi] fcoe: Declare fcoe_ctlr_mode_set() static (Neil Horman) [1087099] - [fs] gfs2: Hash the negative dentry during inode lookup (Robert S Peterson) [1123986]- [block] fix blk_abort_request on blk-mq (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-timeout: fix blk_add_timer (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: limit memory consumption if a crash dump is active (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: remove unnecessary blk_clear_rq_complete() (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: pass a reserved argument to the timeout handler (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: unshared timeout handler (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: fix and simplify tag iteration for the timeout handler (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: rename blk_mq_end_io to blk_mq_end_request (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: call blk_mq_start_request from ->queue_rq (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: remove REQ_END (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: use blk_mq_start_hw_queues() when running requeue work (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: fix potential oops on out-of-memory in __blk_mq_alloc_rq_maps() (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: avoid infinite recursion with the FUA flag (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: Avoid race condition with uninitialized requests (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: request deadline must be visible before marking rq as started (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: scale depth and rq map appropriate if low on memory (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: cleanup after blk_mq_init_rq_map failures (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] fix unbalanced bypass-disable in blk_register_queue (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] bdi: an active gendisk always has a request_queue associated with it (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: pass along blk_mq_alloc_tag_set return values (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-merge: fix blk_recount_segments (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: correct a few wrong/bad comments (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: don't allow merges if turned off for the queue (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: fix WARNING "percpu_ref_kill() called more than once!" (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] provide compat ioctl for BLKZEROOUT (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blkcg: don't call into policy draining if root_blkg is already gone (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] don't assume last put of shared tags is for the host (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] fix SG_[GS]ET_RESERVED_SIZE ioctl when max_sectors is huge (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] fix BLKSECTGET ioctl when max_sectors is greater than USHRT_MAX (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: collapse __blk_mq_drain_queue() into blk_mq_freeze_queue() (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: decouble blk-mq freezing from generic bypassing (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: draining can't be skipped even if bypass_depth was non-zero (Jeff Moyer) [1146660] - [block] blk-mq: fix a memory ordering bug in blk_mq_queue_enter() (Jeff Moyer) [1146660]- [fs] xfs: flush the range before zero range conversion (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: only set extent size hint when asked (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: project id inheritance is a directory only flag (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: use ranged writeback and invalidation for direct IO (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: don't zero partial page cache pages during O_DIRECT writes (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: don't zero partial page cache pages during O_DIRECT reads (Eric Sandeen) [1130294 1145837] - [fs] xfs: don't dirty buffers beyond EOF (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix coccinelle warnings (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: flush both inodes in xfs_swap_extents (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix swapext ilock deadlock (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: dquot recovery needs verifiers (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: quotacheck leaves dquot buffers without verifiers (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: ensure verifiers are attached to recovered buffers (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: catch buffers written without verifiers attached (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: avoid false quotacheck after unclean shutdown (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix rounding error of fiemap length parameter (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix uflags detection at xfs_fs_rm_xquota (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix cil push sequence after log recovery (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: squash prealloc while over quota free space as well (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: run an eofblocks scan on ENOSPC/EDQUOT (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: support a union-based filter for eofblocks scans (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: add scan owner field to xfs_eofblocks (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix a couple error sequence jumps in xfs_mountfs() (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: null unused quota inodes when quota is on (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: refine the allocation stack switch (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: Fix rounding in xfs_alloc_fix_len() (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: tone down writepage/releasepage WARN_ONs (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: remove redundant checks from xfs_da_read_buf (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: keep sb_bad_features2 the same a sb_features2 (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: negate xfs_icsb_init_counters error value (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: negate mount workqueue init error value (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix wrong errno from xfs_initxattrs (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: xfs_commit_metadata returns wrong errno (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix incorrect error sign in xfs_file_aio_read (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: xfs_dir_fsync() returns positive errno (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix directory readahead offset off-by-one (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: remote attribute overwrite causes transaction overrun (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: Fix wrong error codes being returned (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: bulletfproof xfs_qm_scall_trunc_qfiles() (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fix Q_XQUOTARM ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: fully support v5 format filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: wrong error sign conversion during failed DIO writes (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: unmount does not wait for shutdown during unmount (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: don't map ranges that span EOF for direct IO (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: zeroing space needs to punch delalloc blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: kill buffers over failed write ranges properly (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: extra semi-colon breaks a condition (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [fs] xfs: xfs_check_page_type buffer checks need help (Eric Sandeen) [1145837] - [wireless] Backport mwl8k driver from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport mwifiex driver from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport brcm80211 drivers from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport rtlwifi drivers from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport rt2x00 driver from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport ath drivers from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport iwlegacy drivers from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport iwlwifi driver from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1085079 1107878 1136324] - [wireless] Backport mac80211 from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [wireless] Backport wireless core from linux 3.16 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [kernel] if_ether: add IEEE 802.21 Ethertype (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [kernel] PTR_RET is now PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324] - [net] etherdevice: Add ether_addr_equal_unaligned (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1136324]- [net] ipv4: fix a race in update_or_create_fnhe() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1155155] - [net] ipv4: irq safe sk_dst_[re]set() and ipv4_sk_update_pmtu() fix (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1155155] - [net] ipv4: fix dst race in sk_dst_get() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1155155] - [net] ipv4: fix a race in ip4_datagram_release_cb() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1155155] - [net] sctp: fix remote memory pressure from excessive queueing (Daniel Borkmann) [1152755] {CVE-2014-3688} - [net] sctp: fix panic on duplicate ASCONF chunks (Daniel Borkmann) [1152755] {CVE-2014-3687} - [net] sctp: fix skb_over_panic when receiving malformed ASCONF chunks (Daniel Borkmann) [1152755] {CVE-2014-3673} - [net] sctp: handle association restarts when the socket is closed (Daniel Borkmann) [1152755] - [net] ipv4: fix nexthop attlen check in fib_nh_match (Jiri Pirko) [1153654] - [net] packet: handle too big packets for PACKET_V3 (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1152248] - [net] sendmsg: fix NULL pointer dereference (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1152251] - [net] ipv6: remove rt6i_genid (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1150017] - [net] ipv6: remove prune parameter for fib6_clean_all (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1150017] - [net] ipv6: bump genid when delete/add address (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1150017] - [net] split rt_genid for ipv4 and ipv6 (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1150017] - [net] ipv4: use separate genid for next hop exceptions (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1150017] - [net] ipv4: properly refresh rtable entries on pmtu/redirect events (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1150017] - [net] bridge: Don't include NDA_VLAN for FDB entries with vid 0 (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Prevent insertion of FDB entry with disallowed vlan (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Fix double free and memory leak around br_allowed_ingress (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Fix crash with vlan filtering and tcpdump (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Fix handling stacked vlan tags (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Fix inabillity to retrieve vlan tags when tx offload is disabled (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Use RCU_INIT_POINTER(x, NULL) in br_vlan.c (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: Remove unnecessary vlan_put_tag in br_handle_vlan (Vlad Yasevich) [1139809] - [net] bridge: use list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Fix incorrect judgment of promisc (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: fix the unbalanced promiscuous count when add_if failed (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: fix spelling of promiscuous (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: fix build (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Automatically manage port promiscuous mode (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Add addresses from static fdbs to non-promisc ports (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Introduce BR_PROMISC flag (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Add functionality to sync static fdb entries to hw (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Keep track of ports capable of automatic discovery (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Turn flag change macro into a function (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Add a flag to control unicast packet flood (Vlad Yasevich) [896669] - [net] bridge: Add flag to control mac learning (Vlad Yasevich) [896669]- [infiniband] ocrdma: convert kernel va to pa for mmap in user (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: use right macro in query ah (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: resolve L2 address when creating user AH (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: get vlan tag from ib_qp_attrs (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: add default gid at index 0 (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: do not skip setting deffered_arm (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Report actual value of max_fast_reg_page_list_len (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: report asic-id in query device (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Update sli data structure for endianness (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Obtain SL from device structure (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Update the ocrdma module version string (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix a sparse warning (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Initialize the GID table while registering the device (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increase the size of STAG array in dev structure to 16K (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add missing adapter mailbox opcodes (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Return proper value for max_mr_size (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Do proper cleanup even if FW is in error state (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Allow only SEND opcode in case of UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Avoid reporting wrong completions in case of error CQEs (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Delete AH table if ocrdma_init_hw fails after AH table creation (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove hardcoding of the max DPP QPs supported (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Handle shutdown event from be2net driver (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add hca_type and fixing fw_version string in device atrributes (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Query and initalize the PFC SL (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Avoid posting DPP requests for RDMA READ (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Convert to use simple_open() (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Unregister inet notifier when unloading ocrdma (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix warnings about pointer <-> integer casts (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Code clean-up (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Display FW version (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Query controller information (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Support non-embedded mailbox commands (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Handle CQ overrun error (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Display proper value for max_mw (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Use non-zero tag in SRQ posting (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Memory leak fix in ocrdma_dereg_mr() (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increment abi version count (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Update version string (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: ABI versioning between ocrdma and be2net (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Allow DPP QP creation (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Read ASIC_ID register to select asic_gen (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: SQ and RQ doorbell offset clean up (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: EQ full catastrophe avoidance (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix load time panic during GID table init (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix traffic class shift (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add dependency on INET (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Move ocrdma_inetaddr_event outside of "#if CONFIG_IPV6" (Doug Ledford) [1081067 1088577] - [mm] thp: do not allow thp faults to avoid cpuset restrictions (Frank Ramsay) [1149786] - [mm] thp: add VM_INIT_DEF_MASK and PRCTL_THP_DISABLE (Frank Ramsay) [1149786] - [fs] exec: kill the unnecessary mm->def_flags setting in load_elf_binary() (Frank Ramsay) [1149786] - [mm] Revert: thp: make MADV_HUGEPAGE check for mm->def_flags (Frank Ramsay) [1149786] - [block] disable entropy contributions for nonrot devices (Mike Snitzer) [852425] - [crypto] qat: Enforce valid numa configuration (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1152642] - [crypto] qat: Prevent dma mapping zero length assoc data (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1152642] - [pci] Add ACS quirk for Intel 10G NICs (Alex Williamson) [1141399] - [pci] Add ACS quirk for Solarflare SFC9120 & SFC9140 (Alex Williamson) [1131552] - [infiniband] ipoib: validate struct ipoib_cb size (Doug Ledford) [1107621 1140601] - [infiniband] ipoib: No longer use flush as a parameter (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make ipoib_mcast_stop_thread flush the workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use dedicated workqueues per interface (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: change init sequence ordering (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: fix mcast_dev_flush/mcast_restart_task race (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: fix MCAST_FLAG_BUSY usage (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make the carrier_on_task race aware (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Consolidate rtnl_lock tasks in workqueue (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Remove unnecessary test for NULL before debugfs_remove() (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid multicast join attempts with invalid P_key (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid flushing the workqueue from worker context (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Use P_Key change event instead of P_Key polling mechanism (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ipoib: Report operstate consistently when brought up without a link (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] svcrdma: remove rdma_create_qp() failure recovery logic (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] svcrdma: send_write() must not overflow the device's max sge (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] svcrdma: Fence LOCAL_INV work requests (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] svcrdma: refactor marshalling logic (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] sunrpc: Fix regression in NFSRDMA server (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] svcrdma: fix printk when memory allocation fails (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [kernel] uapi: Include socket.h in rdma_user_cm.h (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] Return error for unsupported QP creation flags (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] Allow build of hw/ and ulp/ subdirectories independently (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [infiniband] ehca: Returns an error on ib_copy_to_udata() failure (Doug Ledford) [1107621] - [net] sched: shrink struct qdisc_skb_cb to 28 bytes (Doug Ledford) [1107621 1140601]- [fs] fuse: ignore entry-timeout LOOKUP_REVAL (Carlos Maiolino) [1124880] - [fs] fuse: Timeout comparison fix (Carlos Maiolino) [1128802] - [fs] lockd: Try to reconnect if statd has moved (Benjamin Coddington) [1120850] - [fs] sunrpc: Don't wake tasks during connection abort (Benjamin Coddington) [1120850] - [fs] Revert: writeback: do not sync data dirtied after sync start (Brian Foster [1085828] - [fs] nfsd4: fix corruption of NFSv4 read data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1148055] - [fs] gfs2: revert "GFS2: d_splice_alias() can't return error" (Robert S Peterson) [1141899]- [scsi] mpt3sas: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix undefined reference to `__udivdi3' compilation errors (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas, mpt2sas: fix scsi_add_host error handling problems in _scsih_probe (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added Reply Descriptor Post Queue (RDPQ) Array support (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added OEM branding Strings (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Copyright in driver sources is updated for year the 2014 (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI2.5 Rev H (2.5.3) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump mpt3sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Clear PFA Status on SGPIO when PFA Drive is Removed or Replaced (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI2.5 Rev G (2.5.2) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: delay scsi_add_host call to work with scsi-mq (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Rework the MSI-X grouping code (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: combine fw_event_work and its event_data (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: correct scsi_(target, device) hostdata allocation (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove phys on topology change (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump mpt2sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Get IOC_FACTS information using handshake protocol only after HBA card gets into READY or Operational state (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added Reply Descriptor Post Queue (RDPQ) Array support (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Avoid type casting for direct I/O commands (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump mpt2sas driver version to (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Clear PFA Status on SGPIO when PFA Drive is Removed or Replaced (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Copyright in driver sources is updated for year the 2014 (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev Y (2.00.17) and Rev Z (2.00.18) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Added driver module parameter max_msix_vectors (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: delay scsi_add_host call to work with scsi-mq (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Rework the MSI-X grouping code (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: annotate ioc->reply_post_host_index as __iomem (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: combine fw_event_work and its event_data (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: correct scsi_(target, device) hostdata allocation (Tomas Henzl) [1088524] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Don't disable device twice at suspend (Tomas Henzl) [1088524]- [scsi] lpfc: driver release 10.2.8021.1 for RHEL7 (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [scsi] lpfc: 10.4.8000.0: Fixed crash from page fault caused by use after rport delete (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [scsi] lpfc: 10.4.8000.0: Fix locking issues with abort data paths (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [scsi] lpfc: 10.4.8000.0: Fix race between LOGO/PLOGI handling causing NULL pointer (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [scsi] lpfc: 10.4.8000.0: Fix IP Reset processing - wait for RDY before proceeding (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [scsi] lpfc: 10.4.8000.0: Fix quarantined XRI recovery qualifier state in link bounce (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [scsi] lpfc: 10.4.8000.0: Fix discovery timeout during nameserver login (Rob Evers) [1149846] - [net] ipv6: mld: answer mldv2 queries with mldv1 reports in mldv1 fallback (Daniel Borkmann) [1143429] - [net] team: avoid race condition in scheduling delayed work (Jiri Pirko) [1149239] - [net] fix UDP tunnel GSO of frag_list GRO packets (Jiri Benc) [1119392] - [net] vxlan: fix incorrect initializer in union vxlan_addr (Daniel Borkmann) [1130643] - [net] vxlan: fix crash when interface is created with no group (Daniel Borkmann) [1130643] - [net] vxlan: fix nonfunctional neigh_reduce() (Daniel Borkmann) [1130643] - [net] vxlan: fix potential NULL dereference in arp_reduce() (Daniel Borkmann) [1130643] - [net] vxlan: remove unused port variable in vxlan_udp_encap_recv() (Daniel Borkmann) [1130643] - [net] vxlan: remove extra newline after function definition (Daniel Borkmann) [1130643]- [kernel] workqueue: Add quiescent state between work items (Jiri Pirko) [1149250] - [crypto] qat: Enable interrupts from all 32 bundles (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [char] ipmi: Clear drvdata when interface is removed (Tony Camuso) [1136589] - [md] raid5: disable 'DISCARD' by default due to safety concerns (Jes Sorensen) [1149931] - [md] raid1: fix_read_error should act on all non-faulty devices (Jes Sorensen) [1149931] - [virt] hyperv: NULL dereference on error (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Increase the buffer length for netvsc_channel_cb() (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Adjust the size of sendbuf region to support ws2008r2 (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Increase the size of the sendbuf region (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Fix error return code in netvsc_init_buf() (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Add netpoll support (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: remove unnecessary null test before kfree (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Add handler for RNDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE event (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: fix apparent cut-n-paste error in send path teardown (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Add hash value into RNDIS Per-packet info (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Add support for netvsc build without CONFIG_SYSFS flag (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Properly handle checksum offload (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Enable sendbuf mechanism on the send path (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Simplify the send_completion variables (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Remove recv_pkt_list and lock (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Add support for virtual Receive Side Scaling (vRSS) (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Address UDP checksum issues (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Negotiate suitable ndis version for offload support (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Allocate memory for all possible per-pecket information (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Enable large send offload (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Enable send side checksum offload (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Enable receive side IP checksum offload (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Enable offloads on the host (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Cleanup the send path (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Enable scatter gather I/O (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Move state setting for link query (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Add latest NetVSP versions to auto negotiation (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Cleanup the netvsc receive callback functio (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Cleanup the receive path (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/net: Get rid of the rndis_filter_packet structure (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: Fix the carrier status setting (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv/util: Fix a bug in the KVP code (Jason Wang) [1102584] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Fix a bug in the channel callback dispatch code (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] hyperv: remove meaningless pr_err() in vmbus_recvpacket_raw() (Jason Wang) [1146357] - [virt] tools/hyperv: Handle the case when the target file exists correctly (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv/hv_fcopy: fix a race condition for SMP guest (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv: fcopy_open() can be static (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv: Implement the file copy service (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv: Add hyperv.h to uapi headers (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Fix a bug in vmbus_open() (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Properly protect calls to smp_processor_id() (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv: Remove unnecessary comparison of unsigned against 0 (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Implement per-CPU mapping of relid to channel (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv: Eliminate the channel spinlock in the callback path (Jason Wang) [1146358] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Support per-channel driver state (Jason Wang) [1146358]- [ethernet] qlcnic: Remove duplicate object file from Makefile (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Initialize dcbnl_ops before register_netdev (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Set driver version before registering netdev (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix update of ethtool stats (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.61 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance Tx timeout debug data collection (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.60 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Optimize ring count validations (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Pre-allocate DMA buffer used for minidump collection (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: remove duplicate QLC_83XX_GET_LSO_CAPABILITY define (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Initialize mailbox cmd structure to zero (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: info leak in qlcnic_dcb_peer_app_info() (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Use time_before() (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.59 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Collect firmware dump using DMA on 82xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add mac learning support to SR-IOV VF (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add support to process commands in atomic context (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Allow SR-IOV VF probe in hypervisor (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Set real_num_{tx|rx}_queues properly (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix panic while dumping TX queues on TX timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.58 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Limit vNIC support in legacy interrupt mode (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add driver logs in error path (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Allow setting TX interrupt coalescing parameters from VF (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add hwmon interface to export board temperature (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Optimize MAC learning code (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix memory leak (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Reset firmware API lock at driver load time (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix MSI-X initialization code (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Do not disable SR-IOV when VFs are assigned to VMs (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix QLogic application/driver interface for virtual NIC configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix PVID configuration on eSwitch port (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix max ring count calculation (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix to send INIT_NIC_FUNC as first mailbox (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix panic due to uninitialzed delayed_work struct in use (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: include irq.h for irq definitions (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix build failure due to undefined reference to `vxlan_get_rx_port' (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Remove casts of pointer to same type (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.57 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add VXLAN Rx offload support (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add VXLAN Tx offload support (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: dcb, a couple off by one bugs (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix number of rings when we fall back from msix to legacy (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Allow any VLAN to be configured from VF (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix usage of use_msi and use_msi_x module parameters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix function return error check (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.56 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance semaphore lock access failure error message (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Allow vlan0 traffic (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance driver message in failed state (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Updates to QLogic application/driver interface for virtual NIC configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Re-factor firmware minidump template header handling (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Cleanup qlcnic_enable_msix() return values (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.55 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix loopback test failure (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix initialization of vlan list (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Correct off-by-one errors in bounds checks (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance logic to calculate msix vectors (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Refactor interrupt coalescing code for all adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update poll controller code path (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Interrupt code cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance Tx timeout debugging (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Use bool for rx_mac_learn (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: fix sparse warnings (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: remove unused code (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: make local functions static (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.54 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable IPv6 LRO even if IP address is not programmed (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix SR-IOV cleanup code path (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable beaconing for 83xx/84xx Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Do MAC learning for SRIOV PF (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Turn on promiscous mode for SRIOV PF (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable VF flood bit on PF (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Restrict VF from configuring any VLAN mode (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Convert vmalloc/memset to kcalloc (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix ethtool statistics length calculation (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix bug in TX statistics (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix resource allocation for TX queues (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix loopback diagnostic test (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Mark functions as static in qlcnic_83xx_hw.c (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Mark functions as static in qlcnic_io.c (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.53 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Support for 16 virtual NIC functions (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: VLAN enhancement for 84XX adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Allow single Tx/Rx queue for all adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Refactor initialize nic code path (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Issue INIT_NIC command only once (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Disable DCB operations from SR-IOV VFs (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Dump mailbox registers when mailbox command times out (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix mailbox processing during diagnostic test (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Allow firmware dump collection when auto firmware recovery is disabled (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix memory allocation (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix TSS/RSS validation for 83xx/84xx series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix TSS/RSS ring validation logic (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix typo in printk (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.52 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable multiple Tx queue support for 83xx/84xx Series adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: refactor Tx/SDS ring calculation and validation in driver (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance ethtool Statistics for Multiple Tx queue (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Register netdev in FAILED state for 83xx/84xx (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Do not read QLCNIC_FW_CAPABILITY_MORE_CAPS bit for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Do not force adapter to perform LRO without destination IP check (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Validate Tx queue only for 82xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: update version to 5.3.51 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Skip unknown entry type while collecting firmware dump (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: dcb code cleanup and refactoring (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Remove redundant eSwitch enable commands (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update ethtool standard pause settings (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Firmware dump collection when auto recovery is disabled (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance ethtool to display ring indices and interrupt mask (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Print informational messages only once during driver load (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: add missing destroy_workqueue() on error path in qlcnic_probe() (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix SR-IOV configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix register device in FAILED state for 82xx (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix warning reported by kbuild test robot (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: use standard NAPI weights (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: remove a stray semicolon (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix sparse warning (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Convert uses of compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.50 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add support for per port eswitch configuration (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Restructuring of qlc_83xx_fw_info structure (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add AER support for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add AER callback handlers (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Store firmware dump state in CAMRAM register (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Use firmware recommended dump capture mask as default (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Remove inline keyword (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance PVID handling for 84xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Convert dma_alloc_coherent(...__GFP_ZERO) to dma_zalloc_coherent (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.49 (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: dcb, Add support for CEE Netlink interface (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: dcb: Register DCB AEN handler (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: dcb, Get DCB parameters from the adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: dcb, Query adapter DCB capabilities (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Back off patch for the upstream commit "d6e9c89a8d3cf0a5184badbcd50169179af27721" (Chad Dupuis) [1089352] - [ethernet] be2net: query max_tx_qs for BE3 super-nic profile from FW (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: define macro for_all_tx_queues_on_eq() (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: get rid of TX budget (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: make be_cmd_get_regs() return a status (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: define BE_MAX_MTU (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: remove unncessary gotos (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix log messages in lancer FW download path (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Add a dma_mapping_error counter in ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Add TX completion error statistics in ethtool (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: add a description for counter rx_input_fifo_overflow_drop (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: shorten AMAP_GET/SET_BITS() macro calls (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: add a few log messages (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Set skb->csum_level for encapsulated checksum (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: support deleting FW dump via ethtool (only for Lancer) (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: ignore VF mac address setting for the same mac (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: ignore get/set profile FW cmd failures (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Issue shutdown event to ocrdma driver (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: update driver version to 10.4 (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: use adapter->flags to track SRIOV state (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: avoid SRIOV config for BE2 chip (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: use be_max_vfs() macro to access max-vfs (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: use "if (!foo)" test style (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: remove unused structures in be_cmds.h (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: reduce arguments passed to FW-cmd routines (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: update UE bit description strings (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix return status of some ndo methods (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix return status of some ethtool methods (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: return -ENOMEM for memory allocation failures (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: return -ETIMEDOUT when a FW-cmd times out (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix error status for FW-download (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: use -ENETDOWN error status when interface is down (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: set EQ DB clear-intr bit in be_open() (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: re-enable vlan filtering mode asap (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: create optimal number of queues on SR-IOV config (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: read VF's capabilities from GET_PROFILE_CONFIG cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: remove be_cmd_get_profile_config_mbox/mccq() variants (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix qnq mode detection on VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: cleanup MCC async event processing code (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: move async cmd processing to a separate routine (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: re-factor MCCQ error status handling code (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: support flashing new regions on Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fixup TX-rate setting code for Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: skip multicast promiscuos setting in already set (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Add support to configure SR-IOV VF minimum and maximum Tx rate through ip tool (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: use MCCQ instead of MBOX in be_cmd_rss_config() (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: include rx-compl error counter in ethtool stats (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: remove unused code in be_cmd_vlan_config() (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: covert vlan array to bit-map (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix line wrap and function call indentation in be_ethtool.c (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix function call indentation in be_cmds.c (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix line wrap and function call indentation in be_main.c (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Support for configurable RSS hash key (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix to reap TX compls till HW doesn't respond for some time (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Add abi version between be2net and ocrdma (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix build dependency on VxLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1088575 1093399 1099545] - [ethernet] be2net: csum, tso and rss steering offload support for VxLAN (Ivan Vecera) [1088575 1093399 1099545] - [ethernet] be2net: add FW cmds needed for VxLAN offloads (Ivan Vecera) [1088575 1093399 1099545] - [ethernet] be2net: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: update driver version to 10.2 (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix vlans_added counter (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Create multiple TXQs on RSS capable multi-channel BE3-R interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: fix pmac_id[] allocation size (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: log LPVID used in multi-channel configs (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Add link state control for VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Use GET_PROFILE_CONFIG cmd for BE3-R to query max-vfs (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: dma_sync each RX frag before passing it to the stack (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: isolate TX workarounds not applicable to Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix skb double free in be_xmit_wrokarounds() failure path (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: clear promiscuous bits in adapter->flags while disabling promiscuous mode (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix to reset transparent vlan tagging (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: refactor multi-channel config code for Skyhawk-R chip (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Update copyright year (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Log a kernel message when UE is detected in BE & Skyhawk (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [ethernet] be2net: Explicitly initialize u64_stats_sync structures for lockdep (Ivan Vecera) [1088575] - [drm] bochs: changes from 3.14..3.15 for bochs (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: replace ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE) by PAGE_ALIGN (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: Remove unecessary NULL check in gem_free (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: Remove unnecessary NULL check in bo_unref (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: drop unused struct fields (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: add power management support (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: fix bochs kconfig dependencies (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [drm] bochs: new driver (Gerd Hoffmann) [1043379] - [iommu] amd: Split init_iommu_group() from iommu_init_device() (Myron Stowe) [1141937] - [iommu] Rework iommu_group_get_for_pci_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1141937]- [kernel] sched/balancing: Reduce the rate of needless idle load balancing (Larry Woodman) [1120318] - [kernel] sched/fair: Implement fast idling of CPUs when the system is partially loaded (Larry Woodman) [1120318] - [kernel] sched: Skip double execution of pick_next_task_fair() (Larry Woodman) [1120318] - [md] Revert: dm: change sector_count member in clone_info from sector_t to unsigned (Mike Snitzer) [1147574] - [md] Revert: dm: introduce dm_accept_partial_bio (Mike Snitzer) [1147574] - [md] Revert: dm-snapshot: allocate a per-target structure for snapshot-origin target (Mike Snitzer) [1147574] - [md] Revert: dm-snapshot: do not split read bios sent to snapshot-origin target (Mike Snitzer) [1147574] - [virt] kvm: nested vmx - disable perf cpuid reporting (Marcelo Tosatti) [1083969] - [mm] slub: Handle NULL parameter in kmem_cache_flags (Ilya Dryomov) [1143028] - [crypto] algif: avoid excessive use of socket buffer in skcipher (Ondrej Kozina) [1136075] - [kernel] time/clocksource: Move cycle_last validation to core code (Prarit Bhargava) [1148398] - [kernel] time/clocksource: Make delta calculation a function (Prarit Bhargava) [1148398] - [mm] vmscan: clear kswapd's special reclaim powers before exiting (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm/numa: fix array index overflow when synchronizing nid to memblock.reserved (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm/numa: initialize numa_kernel_nodes in numa_clear_kernel_node_hotplug() (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] page_alloc: make movable_node have higher priority (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] memblock, mem_hotplug: make memblock skip hotpluggable regions if needed (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm: mark all nodes the kernel resides un-hotpluggable (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm: mark hotpluggable memory in memblock (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] memblock: make memblock_set_node() support different memblock_type (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] memblock/mem_hotplug: introduce MEMBLOCK_HOTPLUG flag to mark hotpluggable regions (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] memblock: numa - introduce flags field into memblock (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] memblock: debug - correct displaying of upper memory boundary (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm: get pg_data_t's memory from other node (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] mem-hotplug: introduce movable_node boot option (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] kernel/setup: do reserve_crashkernel() after SRAT is parsed (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mem-hotplug: support initialize page tables in bottom-up (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm: factor out of top-down direct mapping setup (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] memblock: introduce bottom-up allocation mode (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [mm] memblock: factor out of top-down allocation (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] mm: Add 'step_size' comments to init_mem_mapping() (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042] - [x86] srat: Print Hot-Pluggable Field in SRAT (Motohiro Kosaki) [810042]- [fs] udf: Avoid infinite loop when processing indirect ICBs (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1142322] {CVE-2014-6410} - [fs] eliminate BUG() call when there's an unexpected lock on file close (Frank Sorenson) [1148130] - [hid] fix off by one error in various _report_fixup routines (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1141394] {CVE-2014-3184} - [hid] logitech-dj: fix OOB array access (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1141212] {CVE-2014-3182} - [hid] picolcd: fix memory corruption via OOB write (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1141409] {CVE-2014-3186} - [usb] serial/whiteheat: fix memory corruption flaw (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1141404] {CVE-2014-3185} - [hid] fix OOB write in magicmouse driver (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1141177] {CVE-2014-3181} - [x86] uv/nmi: Fix UV NMI handler when KDB not configured (George Beshers) [1138519] - [x86] uv/nmi: Fix Sparse warnings (George Beshers) [1138519] - [kernel] debug: Fix no KDB config problem (George Beshers) [1138519] - [x86] uv: Add call to KGDB/KDB from NMI handler (George Beshers) [1138519] - [kernel] debug: Add support for external NMI handler to call KGDB/KDB (George Beshers) [1138519] - [x86] uv: Add kdump to UV NMI handler (George Beshers) [1138519] - [x86] uv: Add summary of cpu activity to UV NMI handler (George Beshers) [1138519] - [x86] uv: Update UV support for external NMI signals (George Beshers) [1138519] - [x86] uv: Move NMI support (George Beshers) [1138519] - [infiniband] ipath: Add P_Key change event support (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Additional Intel branding changes (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] ipath: Use time_before()/_after() (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] ipath: Translate legacy diagpkt into newer extended diagpkt (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Fix port in pkey change event (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Cleanup qib_register_observer() (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Change SDMA progression mode depending on single- or multi-rail (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Remove duplicate check in get_a_ctxt() (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Fix memory leak of recv context when driver fails to initialize (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: fixup indentation in qib_ib_rcv() (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: add missing braces in do_qib_user_sdma_queue_create() (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Modify software pma counters to use percpu variables (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Add percpu counter replacing qib_devdata int_counter (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Fix debugfs ordering issue with multiple HCAs (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] ipath: Fix potential buffer overrun in sending diag packet routine (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Fix potential buffer overrun in sending diag packet routine (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Add missing serdes init sequence (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [infiniband] qib: Fix QP check when looping back to/from QP1 (Doug Ledford) [1085961] - [kernel] audit: drop arch from __audit_syscall_entry() interface (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] audit: fix build error when asm/syscall.h does not exist (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] audit: add arch field to seccomp event log (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] audit: __audit_syscall_entry - ignore arch arg and call syscall_get_arch() directly (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] audit: audit_syscall_entry() should not require the arch (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] audit: implement syscall_get_arch for all arches (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] syscall.h: fix doc text for syscall_get_arch() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] audit: use uapi/linux/audit.h for AUDIT_ARCH declarations (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921] - [kernel] syscall_get_arch: remove useless function arguments (Richard Guy Briggs) [1053921]- [scsi] cxgb4i: Fix ipv6 build failure caught with randconfig (Sai Vemuri) [1126539] - [scsi] cxgb4i: remove spurious use of rcu (Sai Vemuri) [1126539] - [scsi] cxgb4i Guard ipv6 code with a config check (Sai Vemuri) [1126539] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Add ipv6 code to driver, call into libcxgbi ipv6 api (Sai Vemuri) [1126539] - [scsi] libcxgbi: Add ipv6 api to driver (Sai Vemuri) [1126539] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Use cxgb4_select_ntuple to correctly calculate ntuple fields (Sai Vemuri) [1126539] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Issue mbox commands on correct mbox (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Avoid dumping Write-only registers in register dump (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Detect and display firmware reported errors (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix T5 adapter accessing T4 adapter registers (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fixed the code to use correct length for part number (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix for handling 1Gb/s SFP+ Transceiver Modules (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Free completed tx skbs promptly (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix race condition in cleanup (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Update FW version string to match FW binary version (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix for SR-IOV VF initialization (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [scsi] cxgb4i: Move stray CPL definitions to cxgb4 driver (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: only free allocated fls (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Only call CQ completion handler if it is armed (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fixed incorrect check for memory operation in t4_memory_rw (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't limit TPTE count to 32KB (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: advertise the correct device max attributes (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Support query_qp() verb (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: log detailed warnings for negative advice (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add the MC1 registers to read in the interrupt handler (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: fix for 64-bit integer division (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Export symbols required by cxgb4i for ipv6 support and required defines (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Move common defines to cxgb4 (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: work request logging feature (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: display TPTE on errors (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: use firmware ord/ird resource limits (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Detect Ing. Padding Boundary at run-time (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Call iwpm_init() only once (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Initialize the device status page (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Clean up connection on ARP error (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix skb_leak in reject_cr() (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: remove unnecessary null test before debugfs_remove_recursive (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio T4 Adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Replaced the backdoor mechanism to access the HW memory with PCIe Window method (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Use FW interface to get BAR0 value (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fixes cxgb4 probe failure in VM when PF is exposed through PCI Passthrough (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: use dev_port to identify ports (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Not need to hold the adap_rcu_lock lock when read adap_rcu_list (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: don't truncate the recv window size (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Choose appropriate hw mtu index and ISS for iWARP connections (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Allocate and use IQs specifically for indirect interrupts (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add support for iWARP Port Mapper user space service (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: add missing padding at end of struct c4iw_alloc_ucontext_resp (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing padding at end of struct c4iw_create_cq_resp (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix vlan support (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix memory leaks in c4iw_alloc() error paths (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Check if rx checksum offload is enabled, while reading hardware calculated checksum (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Decode the firmware port and module type a bit more for ethtool (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Decode PCIe Gen3 link speed (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Update Kconfig to include Chelsio T5 adapter (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Only allow kernel db ringing for T4 devs (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Force T5 connections to use TAHOE congestion control (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix endpoint mutex deadlocks (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: use the correct max size for firmware flash (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Save the correct mac addr for hw-loopback connections in the L2T (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix over-dereference when terminating (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use uninitialized_var() (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing debug stats (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Initialize reserved fields in a FW work request (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use pr_warn_ratelimited (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Max fastreg depth depends on DSGL support (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: SQ flush fix (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: rmb() after reading valid gen bit (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Endpoint timeout fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use the BAR2/WC path for kernel QPs and T5 devices (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Disable DSGL use by default (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: rx_data() needs to hold the ep mutex (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Drop RX_DATA packets if the endpoint is gone (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Lock around accept/reject downcalls (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: set error code on kmalloc() failure (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Adds device ID for few more Chelsio Adapters (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Remove addressof casts to same type (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Call dev_kfree/consume_skb_any instead of [dev_]kfree_skb (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Update snd_seq when sending MPA messages (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Connect_request_upcall fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Ignore read reponse type 1 CQEs (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix possible memory leak in RX_PKT processing (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Don't leak skb in c4iw_uld_rx_handler() (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Save the correct map length for fast_reg_page_lists (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Default peer2peer mode to 1 (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Mind the sq_sig_all/sq_sig_type QP attributes (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix incorrect BUG_ON conditions (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Always release neigh entry (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Allow loopback connections (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Cap CQ size at T4_MAX_IQ_SIZE (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix four byte info leak in c4iw_create_cq() (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix underflows in c4iw_create_qp() (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Doorbell Drop Avoidance Bug Fixes (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Treat CPL_ERR_KEEPALV_NEG_ADVICE as negative advice (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Calculate len properly for LSO path (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Updates for T5 SGE's Egress Congestion Threshold (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Rectify emitting messages about SGE Ingress DMA channels being potentially stuck (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add code to dump SGE registers when hitting idma hangs (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix some small bugs in t4_sge_init_soft() when our Page Size is 64KB (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Stop using ethtool SPEED_* constants (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add more PCI device ids (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Don't assume LSO only uses SGL path in t4_eth_xmit() (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Remove unused registers and add missing ones (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Query firmware for T5 ULPTX MEMWRITE DSGL capabilities (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: LE-Workaround is not atomic in firmware (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Allow >10G ports to have multiple queues (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Print adapter VPD Part Number instead of Engineering Change field (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add support to recognize 40G links (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add missing neigh_release in LE-Workaround path (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix gcc warning on 32-bit arch (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: silence shift wrapping static checker warning (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Changed FW check version to match FW binary version (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [ethernet] cxgb4: make functions static and remove dead code (Sai Vemuri) [1124947] - [tools] perf: Disable kernel symbol demangling by default (Jiri Olsa) [1140522] - [tools] perf/symbols: Don't demangle parameters and such by default (Jiri Olsa) [1140522] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in memory hotplug (Steve Best) [1142244] - [powerpc] pseries/hvcserver: Fix endian issue in hvcs_get_partner_info (Steve Best) [1142244] - [powerpc] powernv: Interface to register/unregister opal dump region (Steve Best) [1142244] - [kernel] printk: Add function to return log buffer address and size (Steve Best) [1142244] - [acpi] hotplug: Check scan handlers in acpi_scan_hot_remove() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug: Simplify acpi_set_hp_context() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Eliminate acpiphp_dev_to_bridge() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Add hotplug contexts to PCI host bridges (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] Remove duplicate definitions of PREFIX (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Use pci_device_is_present() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug: Rework deferred execution of acpi_device_hotplug() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [ata] libata-acpi: Add hotplug contexts to ACPI companions of SATA devices (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] dock: Add .uevent() callback to struct acpi_hotplug_context (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] dock: Use callback pointers from devices' ACPI hotplug contexts (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] dock: Use ACPI device object pointers instead of ACPI handles (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug: Add .fixup() callback to struct acpi_hotplug_context (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Do not clear event callback pointer for docks (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] Drop acpi_evaluate_hotplug_ost() and ACPI_HOTPLUG_OST (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] rename acpi_evaluate_hotplug_ost() to acpi_evaluate_ost() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] dock: Dispatch dock notifications from the global notify handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Add ACPIPHP contexts to devices handled by PCIeHP (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Rename register_slot() to acpiphp_add_context() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Relax the checking of _STA return values (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Execute _EJ0 under the ACPI scan lock (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Hotplug notifications from acpi_bus_notify() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Simplify acpi_install_hotplug_notify_handler() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Rework acpiphp_check_host_bridge() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Rework the handling of eject requests (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Consolidate ACPIPHP with ACPI core hotplug (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Define hotplug context lock in the core (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug: Fix potential race in acpi_bus_notify() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] acpica: Introduce acpi_get_data_full() and rework acpi_get_data() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Do not pass ACPI handle to hotplug_event() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Use acpi_handle_debug() in hotplug_event() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Simplify hotplug_event() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop crit_sect locking (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop acpiphp_bus_add() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Store acpi_device pointer in acpiphp_context (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Rework acpiphp_no_hotplug() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop acpiphp_bus_trim() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Simplify register_slot() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Proper kerneldoc comments for enumeration/removal (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Simplify disable_slot() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Fix bridge removal race vs dock events (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Fix bridge removal race in handle_hotplug_event() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Scan root bus under the PCI rescan-remove lock (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Move PCI rescan-remove locking to hotplug_event() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Remove entries from bus->devices in reverse order (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] acpiphp: Fix radeon/nouveau VGA switcheroo problem related to hotplug (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug: Handle containers in a special way (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] hotplug: Add demand_offline hotplug profile flag (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Move acpi_get_child() to drivers/ide/ide-acpi.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Pass struct acpi_device pointer to acpi_bind_one() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Rework struct acpi_bus_type (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Redefine acpi_preset_companion() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Redefine acpi_get_child() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [pci] acpi: Use acpi_find_child_device() for child devices lookup (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Simplify child device lookups (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] libata: Store an ACPI device pointer in struct acpi_dev_node (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [ata] libata: remove power dependent device handling (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] bind: Prefer device objects with _STA to those without it (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [drm] nouveau/nouveau_acpi: convert acpi_get_handle() to acpi_has_method() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] libata: Remove ata_dev_acpi_handle stub in libata.h (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [ata] libata-acpi: rework the ata acpi bind support (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846] - [acpi] Cleanup sparse warning on acpi_os_initialize1() (Prarit Bhargava) [1141846]- [infiniband] usnic: backport to older netdev notifier arguments (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix source file missing copyright and license (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove '0x' when using pa format (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix smatch endianness error (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove unused includes of (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Use GFP_ATOMIC under spinlock (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove unused variable in usnic_debugfs_exit() (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Set userspace/kernel ABI ver to 4 (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Advertise usNIC devices as RDMA_NODE_USNIC_UDP (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add dependency on CONFIG_INET (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix endianness-related warnings (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Append documentation to usnic_transport.h and cleanup (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Fix typo "Ignorning" -> "Ignoring" (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Expose flows via debugfs (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Use for_each_sg instead of a for-loop (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Remove superflous parentheses (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support in usnic_ib_qp_grp.[hc] (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support in u*verbs.c, u*main.c and u*util.h (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support to usnic_transport.[hc] (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add UDP support to usnic_fwd.[hc] (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Update ABI and Version file for UDP support (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Port over sysfs to new usnic_fwd.h (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Port over usnic_ib_qp_grp.[hc] to new usnic_fwd.h (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Port over main.c and verbs.c to the usnic_fwd.h (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Push all forwarding state to usnic_fwd.[hc] (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add struct usnic_transport_spec (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Change WARN_ON to lockdep_assert_held (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [infiniband] usnic: Add Cisco VIC low-level hardware driver (Doug Ledford) [916382] - [md] dm-table: propagate QUEUE_FLAG_NO_SG_MERGE (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: support multi virt queues per virtio-blk device (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: introduce feature of VIRTIO_BLK_F_MQ (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: don't hold spin lock during world switch (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk, blk-mq: remove alloc_hctx and free_hctx methods (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: fix race between start and stop queue (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk, blk-mq: add async parameter to blk_mq_start_stopped_hw_queues (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk, blk-mq: split out tag initialization, support shared tags (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk, blk-mq: add ->init_request and ->exit_request methods (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk, blk-mq: do not initialize req->special (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: base queue-depth on virtqueue ringsize or module param (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk, blk-mq: allow blk_mq_init_commands() to return failure (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: don't crash, report error if virtqueue is broken (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: use blk_mq_complete_request (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: virtqueue_kick() must be ordered with other virtqueue operations (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: blk-mq support (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio: use size-based config accessors (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_config: introduce size-based accessors (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [virt] virtio_blk: Add missing 'static' qualifiers (Jeff Moyer) [1105698] - [block] cfq-iosched: Add comments on update timing of weight (Vivek Goyal) [1116126] - [block] cfq-iosched: Fix wrong children_weight calculation (Vivek Goyal) [1116126] - [fs] aio: block exit_aio() until all context requests are completed (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [fs] aio: add missing smp_rmb() in read_events_ring (Jeff Moyer) [1131312] - [fs] aio: fix reqs_available handling (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [fs] aio: report error from io_destroy() when threads race in io_destroy() (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [fs] aio: block io_destroy() until all context requests are completed (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [fs] aio: v4 ensure access to ctx->ring_pages is correctly serialised for migration (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [fs] aio/migratepages: make aio migrate pages sane (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [fs] aio: clean up and fix aio_setup_ring page mapping (Jeff Moyer) [1122092] - [md] dm-cache: fix race affecting dirty block count (Mike Snitzer) [1140362] - [md] dm-cache: fix race causing dirty blocks to be marked as clean (Mike Snitzer) [1140362] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix wrong endianess access with QP context flags (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Set vlan stripping policy by the right command (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Avoid dealing with MAC index in UPDATE_QP wrapper if not needed (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use the correct VSD mask in UPDATE_QP (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Correctly configure single ported VFs from the host (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: do not ignore autoneg in mlx4_en_set_pauseparam() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Set user-space raw Ethernet QPs to properly handle VXLAN traffic (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Move the tunnel steering helper function to mlx4_core (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Set skb->csum_level for encapsulated checksum (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Avoid executing gid task when device is being removed (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix lockdep splat for the iboe lock (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Get upper dev addresses as RoCE GIDs when port comes up (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Reorder steps in RoCE GID table initialization (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Don't duplicate the default RoCE GID (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Avoid null pointer dereference in mlx4_ib_scan_netdevs() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use is_kdump_kernel() to detect kdump kernel (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Use ARRAY_SIZE instead of sizeof/sizeof[0] (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use ARRAY_SIZE instead of sizeof/sizeof[0] (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add support for secure-host and SMP firewall (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4_ib: Add support for user MR re-registration (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add helper functions to support MR re-registration (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Adjust events to use unsigned long param instead of void ptr (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: minor fixes (mainly avoidance of hidden casts) (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Move pci device handling from mlx5_ib to mlx5_core (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: mlx4_en_[gs]et_priv_flags() can be static (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Reduce memory consumption on kdump kernel (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use low memory profile on kdump kernel (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Disable blueflame using ethtool private flags (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: current_mac isn't updated in port up (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: cq->irq_desc wasn't set in legacy EQ's (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Remove MCG in case it is attached to promiscuous QPs only (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: In SR-IOV mode host should add promisc QP to default entry only (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Make sure the max number of QPs per MCG isn't exceeded (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Make sure that negative array index isn't used (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix leakage of SW multicast entries (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Enable "block multicast loopback" for kernel consumers (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: mark napi id for gro_skb (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx5: Fix possible race between mr tree insert/delete (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Ignore budget on TX napi polling (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix mac_hash database inconsistency (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Do not count LLC/SNAP in MTU calculation (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Do not disable vlan filter during promiscuous mode (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Verify port number in __mlx4_unregister_mac (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Run loopback test only when port is up (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix set port ratelimit for 40GE (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Don't configure the HW vxlan parser when vxlan offloading isn't set (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: IRQ affinity hint is not cleared on port down (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Don't use irq_affinity_notifier to track changes in IRQ affinity map (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix the error flow when probing with invalid VF configuration (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use affinity hint (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Keep only one driver entry release mlx4_priv (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix SRIOV free-pool management when enforcing resource quotas (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix gfp passing in create_qp_common() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix GFP flags parameters to be gfp_t (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Implement IB_QP_CREATE_USE_GFP_NOIO (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Reset RoCE VF gids when guest driver goes down (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add interface for selecting VFs to enable QP0 via MLX proxy QPs (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add infrastructure for selecting VFs to enable QP0 via MLX proxy QPs (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Preparation for VFs to issue/receive SMI (QP0) requests/responses (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: SET_PORT called by mlx4_ib_modify_port should be wrapped (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix incorrect FLAGS1 bitmap test in mlx4_QUERY_FUNC_CAP (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix memory leaks in SR-IOV error paths (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: fix unitialised variable is_mcast (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix warning about cast of wr_id back to pointer on 32 bits (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: add missing padding at end of struct mlx5_ib_create_srq (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: add missing padding at end of struct mlx5_ib_create_cq (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Refactor UMR to have its own context struct (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Set QP offsets and parameters for user QPs and not just for kernel QPs (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Store MR attributes in mlx5_mr_core during creation and after UMR (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add MR to radix tree in reg_mr_callback (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix error handling in reg_umr (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Copy DIF fields only when input and output space values match (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Simplify signature handover wqe for interleaved buffers (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix signature handover operation for interleaved buffers (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Replace pr_warning() with pr_warn() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Deprecate use_prio module parameter (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix uninitialized use of 'port_up' in mlx4_en_set_channels() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Invoke UPDATE_QP for proxy QP1 on MAC changes (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add UPDATE_QP SRIOV wrapper support (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix inaccurate return value of mlx4_flow_attach() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Using positive error value for unsigned (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Protect MAC address modification with the state_lock mutex (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Removed unnecessary bit operation condition (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix smatch error - possible access to a null variable (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix errors in MAC address changing when port is down (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: User prio mapping gets corrupted when changing number of channels (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Enforce irq affinity changes immediatly (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mellanox: Logging message cleanups (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Don't issue PCIe speed/width checks for VFs (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Load the Eth driver first (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix slave id computation for single port VF (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Adjust port number in qp_attach wrapper when detaching (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: don't use napi_synchronize inside mlx4_en_netpoll (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Defer VF initialization till PF is fully initialized (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Preserve pci_dev_data after __mlx4_remove_one() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add block multicast loopback support (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mthca: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Set proper build dependancy with vxlan (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Make buffer larger to avoid overflow warning (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix some indenting in mlx4_ib_add() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mthca: Return an error on ib_copy_to_udata() failure (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Implement vxlan ndo calls (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add support for CONFIG_DEV command (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: USe one wrapper that returns -EPERM (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: pass pci_device_id.driver_data to __mlx4_init_one during reset (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use actual number of PCI functions (PF + VFs) for alias GUID logic (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Adapt num_vfs/probed_vf params for single port VF (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Adapt code for N-Port VF (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add utils for N-Port VFs (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add data structures to support N-Ports per VF (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4_ib: Adapt code to use caps.num_ports instead of a constant (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix a sparse endianness warning (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Deregister multicast vxlan steering rules when going down (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Load the IB driver when the device supports IBoE (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Handle vxlan steering rules for mac address changes (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix wrong dump of the vxlan offloads device capability (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Activate RoCE/SRIOV (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix SIDR support of for UD QPs under SRIOV/RoCE (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Implement IP based gids support for RoCE/SRIOV (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add ref counting to port MAC table for RoCE (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: In RoCE allow guests to have multiple GIDS (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: For RoCE, allow slaves to set the GID entry at that slave's index (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Adjust QP1 multiplexing for RoCE/SRIOV (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5_core: remove unreachable function call in module init (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Expose support for signature MR feature (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Collect signature error completion (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Support IB_WR_REG_SIG_MR (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Keep mlx5 MRs in a radix tree under device (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove MTT access mode from umr flags helper function (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Break up wqe handling into begin & finish routines (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Initialize mlx5_ib_qp signature-related members (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx5: Implement create_mr and destroy_mr (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: mlx4_en_verify_params() can be static (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Change Connect-X description in kconfig (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use union for BlueFlame WQE (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix sparse warning (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix selftest failing on non 10G link speed (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Replace mlx4_en_mac_to_u64() with mlx4_mac_to_u64() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Move queue stopped/waked counters to be per ring (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Pad ethernet packets smaller than 17 bytes (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Verify mlx4_en module parameters (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix UP limit in ieee_ets->prio_tc (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix bad use of dev_id (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Expose port number through sysfs (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx: Bump all Mellanox driver versions (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix limiting number of IRQ's instead of RSS queues (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Set number of RX rings in a utility function (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx5: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6) (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add dependency INET (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix error return code (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: call gro handler for encapsulated frames (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Select PTP_1588_CLOCK (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: fix error return code in mlx4_en_get_qp() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: slight optimization of addr compare (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: mlx4 calls skb_set_hash (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx4: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: When marsheling uverbs path, clear unused fields (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mad: Add user space RMPP support (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mad: add new ioctl to ABI to support new registration options (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mad: Add dev_notice messages for various umad/mad registration failures (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mad: Update module to [pr|dev]_* style print messages (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] umad: Update module to [pr|dev]_* style print messages (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] iwcm: Use a default listen backlog if needed (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Add user MR re-registration support (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] rdma/core: Add support for iWARP Port Mapper user space service (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] umad: Fix use-after-free on close (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] umad: Fix error handling (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Fix kobject leak on device register error flow (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Fix port kobject deletion during error flow (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Remove unneeded kobject_get/put calls (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Fix sparse warnings about redeclared functions (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mad: Fix sparse warning about gfp_t use (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] Add a QP creation flag to use GFP_NOIO allocations (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Remove overload in ib_sg_dma* (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] ehca: Remove ib_sg_dma_address() and ib_sg_dma_len() overloads (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] ipath: Remove ib_sg_dma_address() and ib_sg_dma_len() overloads (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] qib: Remove ib_sg_dma_address() and ib_sg_dma_len() overloads (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] mad: Check and handle potential DMA mapping errors (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Introduce signature verbs API (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Introduce protected memory regions (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] Refactor umem to use linear SG table (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Fix unused variable warning (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] cma: Handle global/non-linklocal IPv6 addresses in cma_check_linklocal() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] cm: Fix missing unlock on error in cm_init_qp_rtr_attr() (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Make ib_addr a core IB module (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Add support for RDMA_NODE_USNIC_UDP (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [infiniband] core: Add RDMA_TRANSPORT_USNIC_UDP (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [kernel] genirq: Allow forcing cpu affinity of interrupts (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [lib] cpumask: cpumask_set_cpu_local_first to use all cores when numa node is not defined (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [lib] cpumask: Utility function to set n'th cpu - local cpu first (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [ethernet] mlx: Convert ethernet mac address declarations to use ETH_ALEN (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620] - [net] core: Add sysfs file for port number (Amir Vadai) [1107617 1107618 1107619 1107620]- [ethernet] qlge: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Convert /n to \n (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Do not propaged vlan tag offloads to vlans (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Get rid of an redundant assignment (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: delete non-required instances of include (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Fix vlan netdev features (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: make local function static (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Allow enable/disable rx/tx vlan acceleration independently (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Fix ethtool statistics (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: Enhance nested VLAN (Q-in-Q) handling (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [ethernet] qlge: call ql_core_dump() only if dump memory was allocated (Chad Dupuis) [1089357] - [kernel] audit: allow user processes to log from another PID namespace (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010455] - [kernel] audit: anchor all pid references in the initial pid namespace (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010455] - [kernel] audit: convert PPIDs to the inital PID namespace (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010455] - [kernel] sched: declare pid_alive as inline (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010455] - [kernel] pid: get pid_t ppid of task in init_pid_ns (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010455] - [net] netlabel: shorter names for the NetLabel catmap funcs/structs (Paul Moore) [1119662] - [net] netlabel: fix the catmap walking functions (Paul Moore) [1119662] - [net] netlabel: fix the horribly broken catmap functions (Paul Moore) [1119662] - [net] netlabel: fix a problem when setting bits below the previously lowest bit (Paul Moore) [1119662] - [kernel] sched/time: fix lock inversion in thread_group_cputime (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] seqlock: add irqsave variant of read_seqbegin_or_lock (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] sched: make lockless sys_times kABI-friendly (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] sched/cputime: atomically increment stime & utime (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] time, signal: protect resource use statistics with seqlock (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] exit: always reap resource stats in __exit_signal (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] seqcount: Provide raw_read_seqcount() (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] take read_seqbegin_or_lock() and friends to seqlock.h (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [kernel] sched: change thread_group_cputime() to use for_each_thread() (Rik van Riel) [1120307] - [usb] usb3503: Fix a warning for using an uninitialized variable (Don Zickus) [1148954] - [ethernet] tg3: prevent ifup/ifdown during PCI error recovery (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: fix return value in tg3_get_stats64 (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Modify tg3_tso_bug() to handle multiple TX rings (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Clear NETIF_F_TSO6 flag before doing software GSO (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Replace ethtool_ops::{get, set}_rxfh_indir() with {get, set}_rxfh() (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Update copyright and version to 3.137 (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Prevent page allocation failure during TSO workaround (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Don't modify ip header fields when doing GSO (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: update rx_jumbo_pending ring param only when jumbo frames are enabled (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: remove empty MDIO bus reset function (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Do not include vlan acceleration features in vlan_features (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Fix deadlock in tg3_change_mtu() (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: cleanup an error path in tg3_phy_reset_5703_4_5() (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: delete non-required instances of include (Ivan Vecera) [1088637] - [ethernet] tg3: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Ivan Vecera) [1088637]- [tools] perf/powerpc: Adjust callchain based on DWARF debug info (Jiri Olsa) [1113736] - [tools] perf: Allow to specify lib compile variable for spec usage (Jiri Olsa) [879133] - [tools] perf/symbols: Get kernel start address by symbol name (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix segfault in cumulative.callchain report (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add test for closing dso objects on EMFILE error (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add test for caching dso file descriptors (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Allow reuse of test_file function (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Spawn child for each test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add dso__data_* interface descriptons (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Allow to close dso fd in case of open failure (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add file size check and factor dso__data_read_offset (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Cache dso data file descriptor (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add global count of opened dso objects (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add global list of opened dso objects (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add data_fd into dso object (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Separate dso data related variables (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Cache register accesses for unwind processing (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/record: Fix to honor user freq/interval properly (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/timechart: Reflow documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Improve error messages in --line option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Improve an error message of perf probe --vars mode (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Show error code and description in verbose mode (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Improve error message for unknown member of data structure (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Show the inner make output when an error happens (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Emit more precise message for missing glibc static library (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add dcacheline sort (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add support to dynamically get cacheline size (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add cpumode to struct hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Add mem-mode documentation to report command (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Update mmap2 interface with protection and flag bits (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/script/python: Print array argument as string (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Prettify the tags/TAGS/cscope targets output (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix pipe check regression in attr event callback (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Added support for __get_bitmask() macro (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Add options to function plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Add options to plugins (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Add flag to not load event plugins (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/documentation: Add description for conditional branch filter (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] Revert: perf: Disable PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 support (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add conditional branch filter 'cond' to perf record (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix 'make help' message error (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/record: Fix poll return value propagation (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move elide bool into perf_hpp_fmt struct (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove elide setup for SORT_MODE__MEMORY mode (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix "==" into "=" in ui_browser__warning assignment (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Allow overriding sysfs and proc finding with env var (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Consider header files outside perf directory in tags target (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add warning when disabling perl scripting support due to missing devel files (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/trace: Warn the user when not available (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add a test case for cumulating callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Define and use symbolic names for fake symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Reset output/sort order to default (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Fix callchain display (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/stdio: Fix invalid percentage value of cumulated hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Enable --children option by default (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top: Add top.children config option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top: Add --children option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top: Convert to hist_entry_iter (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add callback function to hist_entry_iter (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Do not auto-remove Children column if --fields given (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Add report.children config option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Add --children option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add more hpp helper functions (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Apply percent-limit to cumulative percentage (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Add support to accumulated hist stat (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/browser: Add support to accumulated hist stat (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/hist: Add support to accumulated hist stat (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Save callchain info for each cumulative entry (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Add callchain_cursor_snapshot() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Cache cumulative callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Update cpumode for each cumulative entry (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Accumulate hist entry stat based on the callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Check if accumulated when adding a hist entry (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Add support for accumulated stat of hist entry (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Introduce struct hist_entry_iter (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Introduce hists__inc_nr_samples() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add automatic remapping of Android libraries (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add cat as fallback pager (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add a testcase for histogram output sorting (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Factor out print_hists_*() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Introduce reset_output_field() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Get rid of obsolete hist_entry__sort_list (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Reset width of output fields with header length (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Skip elided sort entries (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top: Add --fields option to specify output fields (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report/tui: Fix a bug when --fields/sort is given (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add ->sort() member to struct sort_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Add -F option to specify output fields (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Call perf_hpp__init() before setting up GUI browsers (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Consolidate management of default sort orders (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Allow hpp fields to be sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui: Get rid of callback from __hpp__fmt() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Consolidate output field handling to hpp format routines (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Use hpp formats to sort final output (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Support event grouping in hpp ->sort() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Use hpp formats to sort hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Convert sort entries to hpp formats (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add ->cmp(), ->collapse() and ->sort() to perf_hpp_fmt (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add libdw DWARF post unwind support for ARM (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add dwarf unwind test on ARM (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Introduce perf_regs_load function on ARM (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Consolidate types.h for ARM and ARM64 (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/session: Fix possible null pointer dereference in session.c (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/sched: Cleanup, remove unused variables in map_switch_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/sched: Remove nr_state_machine_bugs in perf latency (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove usage of trace_sched_wakeup(.success) (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Use tid for finding thread (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Get rid of on_exit() feature test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/record: Propagate exit status of a command line workload (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Clarify the output of perf sched map (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Adapt the TASK_STATE_TO_CHAR_STR to new value in kernel space (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add missing event for perf sched record (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move ACCESS_ONCE from perf.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move sys_perf_event_open function from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move syscall and arch specific defines from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move perf_call_graph_mode enum from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move sample data structures from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_* from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove asmlinkage define from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove min define from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove unlikely define from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove MAX_COUNTERS define from perf.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Consolidate types.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Unify export.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/arm64: Wire up perf_regs and unwind support (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move u64_swap union (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: add a test of kvm-390 trace event (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add numeric identifier to evlist_test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Parse tracepoints with '-' in system name (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Handle EINTR error for readn/writen (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add map groups sharing with thread object test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Share map_groups among threads of the same group (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Reference count map_groups objects (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Allocate thread map_groups's dynamically (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add thread maps lookup automated tests (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add a test case for hists filtering (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Factor out fake_setup_machine() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists/tui: Count callchain rows separately (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top/tui: Update nr_entries properly after a filter is applied (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Rename hist_browser__update_nr_entries() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Fix off-by-one in hist_browser__update_nr_entries() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Add missing update on filtered stats in hists__decay_entries() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Account entry stats when it's added to the output tree (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Collapse expanded callchains after filter is applied (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Add a couple of hists stat helper functions (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Move column length calculation out of hists__inc_stats() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Rename hists__inc_stats() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Count number of entries separately (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Add generic report parse callchain callback function (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/kmem: Utilize the new generic cpunode_map (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Use cpu/possible instead of cpu/kernel_max (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Allow ability to map cpus to nodes easily (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix pmu object compilation error (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/sched: Introduce --list-cmds for use by scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lock: Introduce --list-cmds for use by scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/mem: Introduce --list-cmds for use by scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/kmem: Introduce --list-cmds for use by scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Show absolute percentage by default (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Add 'F' hotkey to toggle percentage output (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add hist.percentage config option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/diff: Add --percentage option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top: Add --percentage option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Add --percentage option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/hists: Add support for showing relative percentage (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix perf probe to find correct variable DIE (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix a segfault if asked for variable it doesn't find (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests/x86: Fix stack map lookup in dwarf unwind test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/x86: Fix perf to use non-executable stack, again (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove extra '/' character in events file path (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/machine: Search for modules in s/lib/modules/s (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add static build make test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix bfd dependency libraries detection (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Use LDFLAGS instead of ALL_LDFLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Fix memory leak in pretty_print() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Fix backward compatibility macros for pevent filter enums (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Disable libdw unwind for all but x86 arch (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests/x86: Fix memory leak in sample_ustack() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Improve error reporting (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Adjust symbols in VDSO (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix 'Min time' counting in report command (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Instead of redirecting flex output, use -o (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix double free in perf test 21 (code-reading.c) (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/stat: Initialize statistics correctly (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/bench: Set more defaults in the 'numa' suite (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/bench: Update manpage to mention numa and futex (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Use dwarf_getcfi_elf() instead of dwarf_getcfi() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix to handle errors in line_range searching (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix --line option behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Pick up libdw without explicit LIBDW_DIR (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchains: Disable unwind libraries when libelf isn't found (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Do not call warning() directly (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/lib/traceevent: Print event name when show warning if possible (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/top: Fix documentation of invalid -s option (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Allow building for tile (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove unused simple_strtoul() function (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Update some code references in design.txt (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/evsel: Update function names in debug messages (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Remove thread__find_map function (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/annotate: Print the evsel name in the stdio output (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Use ui__has_annotation() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix memory leak when synthesizing thread records (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Use tid in mmap/mmap2 events to find maps (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Merge al->filtered with hist_entry->filtered (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/symbols: Apply all filters to an addr_location (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/symbols: Record the reason for filtering an address_location (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/sched: Fixup header alignment in 'latency' output (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/timechart: Fix off-by-one error in 'record' argv handling (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/machine: Factor machine__find_thread to take tid argument (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Speed up thread map generation (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/kvm: introduce --list-cmds for use by scripts (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/hists: Pass evsel to hpp->header/width functions explicitly (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/symbols: Introduce thread__find_cpumode_addr_location (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/session: Change header.misc dump from decimal to hex (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Reuse generic __hpp__fmt() code (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/hists: Pass struct hpp to print functions (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Reuse generic __hpp__fmt() code (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/ui/stdio: Fix invalid output on event group report (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix synthesizing mmaps for threads (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Clarify x86 register naming for perf probe (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/mem: Clarify load-latency in documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/bench: Add futex-requeue microbenchmark (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/bench: Add futex-wake microbenchmark (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/bench: Add futex-hash microbenchmark (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Disable user-space callchain/stack dumps for function trace events (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/symbols: Check compatible symtab type before loading dso (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/symbols: Check return value of filename__read_debuglink() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add NO_LIBDW_DWARF_UNWIND make test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Setup default dwarf post unwinder (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add libdw DWARF post unwind support (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add feature check for libdw dwarf unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Warn the user about how to enable libunwind support (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add variable display for VF make output (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Factor features display code (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix bison OUTPUT directories dependency (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Add pmu-bison.o make test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix *.o make tests (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Support distro-style debuginfo for uprobe (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Allow to add events on the local functions (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Show source-level or symbol-level info for uprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Show appropriate symbol for ref_reloc_sym based kprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Find given address from offline dwarf (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Use ref_reloc_sym based address instead of the symbol name (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Show in what binaries/modules probes are set (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Unify show_available_functions for uprobes/kprobes (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Replace line_list with intlist (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Remove incorrect symbol check for --list (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix to do exit call for symbol maps (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/symbols: No need to export dso__first_symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Drop prefetch.h (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move hash.h header (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Move fs.* to lib/api/fs/ (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Separate perf_reg_value function in perf_regs object (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Introduce HAVE_DWARF_UNWIND_SUPPORT macro (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Rename unwind__arch_reg_id into libunwind__arch_reg_id (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Separate libunwind code to special object (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Add mask into struct regs_dump (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/callchain: Do not report zero address in unwind (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix dwarf unwind max_stack processing (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests/x86: Add dwarf unwind test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/tests/x86: Introduce perf_regs_load function (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Fix memory leak in event_format__print function (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/record: Add readable output for callchain debug (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Add call-graph option support into .perfconfig (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Put proper period for for samples without PERIOD sample_type (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Remove some needless container_of usage (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Shorten sample symbol resolving function signature (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf: Shorten sample symbol resolving function signature (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [tools] perf/report: Use al->cpumode where applicable (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/intel: Avoid spamming kernel log for BTS buffer failure (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/intel: Protect LBR and extra_regs against KVM lying (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix lockdep warning on process exit (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/intel: Use proper dTLB-load-misses event on IvyBridge (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] Revert: perf: Always destroy groups on exit (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Do not allow optimized switch for non-cloned events (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Pass protection and flags bits through mmap2 interface (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Differentiate exec() and non-exec() comm events (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_event_comm() vs. exec() assumption (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Add conditional branch filtering support (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Add new conditional branch filter 'PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_COND' (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Use common PMU interrupt disabled code (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Disable sampled events if no PMU interrupt (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix use after free in perf_remove_from_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf/events/core: Drop unused variable after cleanup (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/intel: fix Haswell precise store data source encoding (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_event_open(.flags) test (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Simplify perf_event_exit_task_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Rework free paths (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Validate locking assumption (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Always destroy groups on exit (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Ensure consistent inherit state in groups (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Export perf_assign_events() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Allow building PMU drivers as modules (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Prevent false warning in perf_swevent_add (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Limit perf_event_attr::sample_period to 63 bits (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_event_init_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix race in removing an event (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Fix RAPL rdmsrl_safe() usage (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/intel: Use rdmsrl_safe() when initializing RAPL PMU (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/intel/rapl: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Enable DRAM RAPL support on Intel Haswell (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Optimize group_sched_in() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Add a few more comments (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Remove redundant PMU assignment (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] perf: Fix prototype of find_pmu_context() (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Warn to early_printk() in case irq_work is too slow (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/p4: Block PMIs on init to prevent a stream of unkown NMIs (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf/p4: Fix counter corruption when using lots of perf groups (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [x86] perf: Push the duration-logging printk() to IRQ context (Jiri Olsa) [1134356] - [kernel] workqueue: apply __WQ_ORDERED to create_singlethread_workqueue() (Tomas Henzl) [1131563] - [md] raid10: always initialise ->state on newly allocated r10_bio (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid10: avoid memory leak on error path during reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid10: Fix memory leak when raid10 reshape completes (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid10: fix memory leak when reshaping a RAID10 (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: avoid livelock caused by non-aligned writes (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] don't allow bitmap file to be added to raid0/linear (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid0: check for bitmap compatability when changing raid levels (Jes Sorensen) [1085530 1126348] - [md] Recovery speed is wrong (Jes Sorensen) [1085530 1128517] - [md] disable probing for md devices 512 and over (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid1, raid10: always abort recover on write error (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] flush writes before starting a recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1085530 1115749] - [md] make sure GET_ARRAY_INFO ioctl reports correct "clean" status (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: speedup sync_request processing (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: deadlock between retry_aligned_read with barrier io (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: add an option to avoid copy data from bio to stripe cache (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] bitmap: remove confusing code from filemap_get_page (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: avoid release list until last reference of the stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] md_clear_badblocks should return an error code on failure (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid56: Don't perform reads to support writes until stripe is ready (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] refuse to change shape of array if it is active but read-only (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] always set MD_RECOVERY_INTR when interrupting a reshape thread (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] always set MD_RECOVERY_INTR when aborting a reshape or other "resync" (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] avoid possible spinning md thread at shutdown (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix a race of stripe count check (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: get_active_stripe avoids device_lock (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: make_request does less prepare wait (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] avoid oops on unload if some process is in poll or select (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid1: r1buf_pool_alloc, free allocate pages when subsequent allocation fails (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] bitmap: don't abuse i_writecount for bitmap files (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid1: restore ability for check and repair to fix read errors (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: close recently introduced race in stripe_head management (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix long-standing problem with bitmap handling on write failure (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] check command validity early in md_ioctl() (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] ensure metadata is writen after raid level change (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid10: avoid fullsync when not necessary (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] allow a partially recovered device to be hot-added to an array (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] fix problem when adding device to read-only array with bitmap (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid10: fix bug when raid10 recovery fails to recover a block (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix a recently broken BUG_ON() (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid10: fix two bugs in handling of known-bad-blocks (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: Fix possible confusion when multiple write errors occur (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [Documentation] fix some typos in md documentation (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix newly-broken locking in get_active_stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] test mddev->flags more safely in md_check_recovery (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix new memory-reference bug in alloc_thread_groups (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [block] submit_bio_wait() conversions (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: Use conf->device_lock protect changing of multi-thread resources (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: Before freeing old multi-thread worker, it should flush them (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: For stripe with R5_ReadNoMerge, we replace REQ_FLUSH with REQ_NOMERGE (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid1: Add some macros to make code clearly (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid1: Replace raise_barrier/lower_barrier with freeze_array/unfreeze_array when reconfiguring the array (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid1: Add a field array_frozen to indicate whether raid in freeze state (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: avoid deadlock when raid5 array has unack badblocks during md_stop_writes (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] use MD_RECOVERY_INTR instead of kthread_should_stop in resync thread (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] fix some places where mddev_lock return value is not checked (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: Retry R5_ReadNoMerge flag when hit a read error (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: relieve lock contention in get_active_stripe() (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: relieve lock contention in get_active_stripe() (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: add proper locking to error path of raid5_start_reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [kernel] wait: add wait_event_cmd() (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: Use slow_path to release stripe when mddev->thread is null (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [block] Consolidate duplicated bio_trim() implementations (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix "distingush" typo (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: only wakeup necessary threads (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: flush out all pending requests before proceeding with reshape (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: use seqcount to protect access to shape in make_request (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: sysfs entry to control worker thread number (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: offload stripe handle to workqueue (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: fix stripe release order (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] raid5: make release_stripe lockless (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] Don't test all of mddev->flags at once (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] Fix apparent cut-and-paste error in super_90_validate (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] fix safe_mode buglet (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [md] don't call md_allow_write in get_bitmap_file (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [lib] raid6: add ARM-NEON accelerated syndrome calculation (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [kernel] wait: Make the __wait_event*() interface more friendly (Jes Sorensen) [1085530] - [kernel] sched/wait: Introduce ___wait_event() (Jes Sorensen) [1085530]- [net] ethtool: Check that reserved fields of struct ethtool_rxfh are 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Replace ethtool_ops::{get, set}_rxfh_indir() with {get, set}_rxfh() (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: constify array pointer parameters to ethtool_ops::set_rxfh (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Disallow ETHTOOL_SRSSH with both indir table and hash key unchanged (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Expand documentation of ethtool_ops::{get, set}_rxfh() (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Improve explanation of the two arrays following struct ethtool_rxfh (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Name the 'no change' value for setting RSS hash key but not indir table (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Return immediately on error in ethtool_copy_validate_indir() (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: exit the loop when invalid index occurs (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [net] ethtool: Support for configurable RSS hash key (Ivan Vecera) [1138823] - [lib] reciprocal_divide: update/correction of the algorithm (Jiri Benc) [1140665] - [net] introduce reciprocal_scale helper and convert users (Jiri Benc) [1140665] - [net] random32: add prandom_u32_max and convert open coded users (Jiri Benc) [1140665] - [net] bpf: do not use reciprocal divide (Jiri Benc) [1140665] - [net] genetlink: remove superfluous assignment (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [scsi] pmcraid: use proper genetlink multicast API (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: Fix uninitialized variable in genl_validate_assign_mc_groups() (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: fix genlmsg_multicast() bug (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: make multicast groups const, prevent abuse (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: pass family to functions using groups (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: add and use genl_set_err() (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: remove family pointer from genl_multicast_group (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: remove genl_unregister_mc_group() (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [fs] quota: use proper genetlink multicast APIs (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] drop_monitor: use proper genetlink multicast APIs (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: only pass array to genl_register_family_with_ops() (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: rename shadowed variable (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: unify registration functions (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: make genl_ops flags a u8 and move to end (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: make all genl_ops users const (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: allow making ops const (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: register family ops as array (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: remove genl_register_ops/genl_unregister_ops (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] ieee802154: use genl_register_family_with_ops() (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [kernel] taskstats: use genl_register_family_with_ops() (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: Remove extern from function prototypes (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] genetlink: fix usage of NLM_F_EXCL or NLM_F_REPLACE (Jiri Benc) [1140656] - [net] udp: Fix inverted NAPI_GRO_CB(skb)->flush test (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: gro: Fix a bug that breaks the forwarding path (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gro: reset skb->truesize in napi_reuse_skb() (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] netdev_features: work around NETIF_F kabi breakage (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] l2tp: Enable checksum unnecessary conversions for l2tp/UDP sockets (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] vxlan: Enable checksum unnecessary conversions for vxlan/UDP sockets (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: Add support for checksum unnecessary conversions (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: Add support for doing checksum unnecessary conversion (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Infrastructure for checksum unnecessary conversions (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Support for csum_bad in skbuff (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] sctp: Change sctp to implement csum_levels (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Allow GRO to use and set levels of checksum unnecessary (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Clarification of CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] skbuff: improve comment on checksumming (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] skbuff: Use ALIGN macro instead of open coding it (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Allocate a new 16 bits for flags in skbuff (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: When GRE csum is present count as encap layer wrt csum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: additional GRO support (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] tcp: Call skb_gro_checksum_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] ipv6: gro: fix CHECKSUM_COMPLETE support (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: call skb_gro_checksum_simple_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] add gro_compute_pseudo functions (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] skb_gro_checksum_* functions (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] fix setting csum_start in skb_segment() (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] vxlan: Checksum fixes (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] add skb_pop_rcv_encapsulation (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: call __skb_checksum_complete when doing full checksum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Fix save software checksum complete (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Fix GSO constants to match NETIF flags (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Add skb_gro_postpull_rcsum to udp and vxlan (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Save software checksum complete (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Preserve CHECKSUM_COMPLETE at validation (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] vxlan: Add support for UDP checksums (v4 sending, v6 zero csums) (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: Call gso_make_checksum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: simplify GRE header length calculation in gre_gso_segment() (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Add GSO support for UDP tunnels with checksum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] tcp: Call gso_make_checksum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Support for multiple checksums with gso (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] l2tp: call udp{6}_set_csum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: Generic functions to set checksum (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] l2tp: Add support for zero IPv6 checksums (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: Make enabling of zero UDP6 csums more restrictive (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Split sk_no_check into sk_no_check_{rx, tx} (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Eliminate no_check from protosw (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] sunrpc: Remove sk_no_check setting (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] l2tp: Remove UDP checksum verification (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: Verify UDP checksum before handoff to encap (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] icmp6: Call skb_checksum_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] icmp: Call skb_checksum_simple_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] igmp: Call skb_checksum_simple_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre6: Call skb_checksum_simple_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] gre: Call skb_checksum_simple_validate (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] ipv6: Need to sock_put on csum error (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] ipv6: Implmement RFC 6936 (zero RX csums for UDP/IPv6) (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] udp: Only allow busy read/poll on connected sockets (Florian Westphal) [1078978 1131999] - [net] ipv6: log src and dst along with "udp checksum is 0" (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] ipv6: Call skb_checksum_init in IPv6 (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] ipv4: Call skb_checksum_init in IPv4 (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Generalize checksum_init functions (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Change x86_64 add32_with_carry to allow memory operand (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [x86_64] csum_add for x86_64 (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] Allow csum_add to be provided in arch (Florian Westphal) [1131999] - [net] ipv4: add a sock pointer to dst->output() path (Jiri Pirko) [1081956] - [net] iptunnels: remove net arg from iptunnel_xmit() (Jiri Pirko) [1081956] - [net] vti: Use the tunnel mark for lookup in the error handlers (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] xfrm4: Remove duplicate semicolon (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] xfrm4: Properly handle unsupported protocols (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: Don't count header length twice (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: don't allow to add the same tunnel twice (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: Enable namespace changing (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: Check the tunnel endpoints of the xfrm state and the vti interface (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: Support inter address family tunneling (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: Use the on xfrm_lookup returned dst_entry directly (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: Update the ipv4 side to use it's own receive hook (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] skb: allow skb_scrub_packet() to be used by tunnels (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] ipv4: xfrm: Introduce xfrm_tunnel_notifier for xfrm tunnel mode callback (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] ip_tunnel: Remove double unregister of the fallback device (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] ipip: add x-netns support (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] vti4: switch to new ip tunnel code (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] ip_tunnel: Make vti work with i_key set (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] xfrm: Add xfrm_tunnel_skb_cb to the skb common buffer (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] ipcomp4: Use the IPsec protocol multiplexer API (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] ah4: Use the IPsec protocol multiplexer API (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] esp4: Use the IPsec protocol multiplexer API (Jiri Pirko) [1091561] - [net] xfrm4: Add IPsec protocol multiplexer (Jiri Pirko) [1091561]- [drm] i915: don't crash if unable to setup stolen (Rob Clark) [1128939] - [fs] nfs: Don't reset pg_moreio in __nfs_pageio_add_request (Steve Dickson) [1120728] - [fs] nfs: Remove 2 unused variables (Steve Dickson) [1120728] - [fs] nfs: handle multiple reqs in nfs_wb_page_cancel (Steve Dickson) [1120728] - [fs] nfs: nfs_page should take a ref on the head req (Steve Dickson) [1120728] - [fs] nfsv4: test SECINFO RPC_AUTH_GSS pseudoflavors for support (Steve Dickson) [1120728] - [fs] nfs: Return -EPERM if no supported or matching SECINFO flavor (Steve Dickson) [1120728] - [fs] nfs: check the return of nfs4_negotiate_security in nfs4_submount (Steve Dickson) [1120728]- [crypto] drbg: fix maximum value checks on 32 bit systems (Herbert Xu) [1138311] - [crypto] drbg: remove configuration of fixed values (Herbert Xu) [1138311] - [crypto] drbg: fix failure of generating multiple of 2**16 bytes (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: drbg_exit() can be static (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: HMAC-SHA1 DRBG has crypto strength of 128 bits (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: Mix a time stamp into DRBG state (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: Select correct DRBG core for stdrng (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: Call CTR DRBG DF function only once (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: Fix format string for debugging statements (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: cleanup of preprocessor macros (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: Use Kconfig to ensure at least one RNG option is set (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: use of kernel linked list (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: fix memory corruption for AES192 (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: simplify ordering of linked list in drbg_ctr_df (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: Add DRBG test code to testmgr (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: DRBG testmgr test vectors (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: compile the DRBG code (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: DRBG kernel configuration options (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: header file for DRBG (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [crypto] drbg: SP800-90A Deterministic Random Bit Generator (Herbert Xu) [1011562] - [virt] virtio_scsi: avoid cancelling uninitialized work items (Paolo Bonzini) [1050834] - [net] macvtap: Fix race between device delete and open (Vlad Yasevich) [1075904] - [video] offb: Little endian fixes (David Gibson) [1144937] - [cpufreq] release policy->rwsem on error (Prarit Bhargava) [1140184] - [char] ipmi: Turn off all activity on an idle ipmi interface (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: Turn off default probing of interfaces (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: Reset the KCS timeout when starting error recovery (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: Fix a race restarting the timer (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: ipmi_bt_sm, fix infinite loop (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: delete non-required instances of include (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: Cleanup error return (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: fix timeout calculation when bmc is disconnected (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: use USEC_PER_SEC instead of 1000000 for more meaningful (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: remove deprecated IRQF_DISABLED (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: Initialize locals to avoid warning (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: info leak in compat_ipmi_ioctl() (Tony Camuso) [1111214] - [char] ipmi: Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Tony Camuso) [1111214]- [x86] uv: Set n_lshift based on GAM_GR_CONFIG MMR for UV3 (George Beshers) [1098325] - [kernel] audit: correct AUDIT_GET_FEATURE return message type (Richard Guy Briggs) [1141791] - [mm] fix the theoretical compound_lock() vs prep_new_page() race (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] hugetlb: call MMU notifiers when copying a hugetlb page range (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] page_alloc: convert hot/cold parameter and immediate callers to bool (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] introdule compound_head_by_tail() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] swap: split put_compound_page() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] slub: do not VM_BUG_ON_PAGE() for temporary on-stack pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] page_alloc: change mm debug routines back to EXPORT_SYMBOL (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] dump page when hitting a VM_BUG_ON using VM_BUG_ON_PAGE (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] thp: __get_page_tail_foll() can use get_huge_page_tail() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] print more details for bad_page() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] thp: turn compound_head() into BUG_ON(!PageTail) in get_huge_page_tail() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] hugetlbfs: Add some VM_BUG_ON()s to catch non-hugetlbfs pages (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] swap: introduce put_[un]refcounted_compound_page helpers for splitting put_compound_page() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] close PageTail race (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [block] aoe: adjust ref of head for compound page tails (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] swap: reorganize put_compound_page() (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] hugetlbfs: use __compound_tail_refcounted in __get_page_tail too (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] tail page refcounting optimization for slab and hugetlbfs (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] hugetlbfs: move the put/get_page slab and hugetlbfs optimization in a faster path (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] hugetlbfs: fix hugetlbfs optimization (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] make lru_add_drain_all() selective (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [mm] fix aio performance regression for database caused by THP (Andrea Arcangeli) [1135506] - [powerpc] Add smp_mb()s to arch_spin_unlock_wait() (Gustavo Duarte) [1136528] - [powerpc] Add smp_mb() to arch_spin_is_locked() (Gustavo Duarte) [1136528] - [acpi] scan: not cache _SUN value in struct acpi_device_pnp (Prarit Bhargava) [1140567] - [acpi] scan: ACPI device object sysfs attribute for _STA evaluation (Prarit Bhargava) [1140567]- [alsa] hda: Set up initial pins for Acer Aspire V5 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: Replacing hex with #defines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ctxfi: fix broken user-visible string (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ctxfi: prink replacement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ctxfi: ctpcm.c printk replacement (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: Fix the silence data for DSD formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ctxfi: ct20k1reg Fix typo in include guard (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: ca0132_regs.h Fix typo in include guard (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] core: fix buffer overflow in snd_info_get_line() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Use tables for batch COEF writes/updtes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add alc_update_coef*_idx() helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Use alc_write_coef_idx() in alc269_quanta_automake() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Optimize alc888_coef_init() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove obsoleted EXPORT_SYMBOL_HDA() macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove obsoleted snd_hda_check_board_config() & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: apply Valleyview fix-ups to Cherryview display codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: set depop_delay for haswell plus (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: restore the gpio led after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] core: create write-only attribute macros for devices and drivers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] sysfs: create __ATTR_WO() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] dell-led: add mic mute led interface (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Avoid setting wrong COEF on ALC269 & co (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Set TLV_DB_SCALE_MUTE bit for cx5051 vmaster (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pci: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Don't try loading firmware at resume when already failed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix pop noises on reboot for Dell XPS 13 9333 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Set internal mic as default input source on Dell XPS 13 9333 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: fix BOSS ME-25 MIDI regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix parsing of CMI8888 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix probing and stuttering on CMI8888 HD-audio controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fixed ALC286/ALC288 recording delay for Headset Mic (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Whitespace cleanups for sound/usb/midi.* (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Respond to suspend and resume callbacks for MIDI input (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] virtuoso: add Xonar Essence STX II support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] riptide: fix d confusingly prefixed with 0x in format strings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add codec ID for Braswell display audio codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add PCI IDs for Intel Braswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Adjust Gamecom 780 volume level (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: improve dmesg source grepability (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add mic mute led hook for dell machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: fix an external mic jack problem on a HP machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix loopback noise on Dell XPS 15 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make vendor quirks lowest prio for ALC2xx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Refactor quirk picking and change quirk priority (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add mic fixup for Gigabyte BXBT-2807 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add mute LED pin quirk for HP 15 touchsmart (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: Add tstamp_type and proto to sw_params compat layer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: Introduce protocol version field to sw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add NULL check to all PM ops in hda_intel.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: init_flag is in struct hda_intel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] compress: fix an integer overflow check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add the pin fixup for HP Envy TS bass speaker (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] control: Define SNDRV_CTL_TLV_OP_* constants (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix broken PM due to incomplete i915 initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Revert stream assignment order for Intel controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: Add timestamp type to sw_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: simplify snd_pcm_tstamp() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add capture mute led support in led_power_filter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: fix a typo by changing mute_led_nid to cap_mute_led_nid (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add new GPU codec ID 0x10de0070 to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix build warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add several entries for enabling HP mute led (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix and neaten print_nid_path/debug_badness (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm_dmaengine: Correct support for 24bits physical sample widths (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm_dmaengine: Use the available wrapper to get physical width (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: Correcting/completing #defines for REGS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: restore BCLK M/N value as per CDCLK for HSW/BDW display HDA controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] mixart: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] echoaudio: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix build error in hda_tegra.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] trident: Remove unused variable in trident_memory.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] trident: Remove unused variable in trident_main.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix invalid function call in snd_hda_add_vmaster() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add a fixup for Thinkpad T540p (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add another headset pin quirk for some Dell machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Replace ICH6_ prefix (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove obsoleted SFX definitions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move SD nums definitions to hda_intel.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Use common reboot notifier (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move more PCI-controller-specific stuff from generic code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make position_fix as generic callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous MAX_AZX_DEV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: restore BCLK M/N values when resuming HSW/BDW display controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix races at disconnection and PCM closing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Adjust speaker HPF and add LED support for HP Spectre 13 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove the obsoleted static quirk codes from patch_cmedia.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove the obsoleted static quirk codes from patch_conexant.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Kill the rest of snd_print*() usages (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Kill snd_printd*() in HDMI debug / info prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make the pin quirk tables use the SND_HDA_PIN_QUIRK macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make a SND_HDA_PIN_QUIRK macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add pin quirk for Dell XPS 15 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] seq/seq_memory: Fix closing brace followed by if (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: call overridden init on resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix usage of "model" module parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Support HP mute led for output and input (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add more entry for enable HP mute led (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] control: Make sure that id->index does not overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200 1117314] {CVE-2014-4656} - [alsa] control: Handle numid overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200 1117314] {CVE-2014-4656} - [alsa] control: Fix replacing user controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200 1117324] {CVE-2014-4654 CVE-2014-4655} - [alsa] control: Protect user controls against concurrent access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200 1117339] {CVE-2014-4652} - [alsa] hd-audio: Don't continue probing i915 when nomodeset is given (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add quirk for external mic on Lifebook U904 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: fix a fixup value for codec alc293 in the pin_quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] intel8x0: Use ktime and ktime_get() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] core: Use ktime_get_ts() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: verify pin-converter connection on unsol event for HSW and VLV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add quirk for ABit AA8XE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Revert: hda: mask buggy stream DMA0 for Broadwell display controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: using POS_FIX_LPIB on Broadwell HDMI Audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add support of ALC667 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add more codec rename (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: New vendor ID for ALC233 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add two new pin tables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add support of ALC891 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] seq: Continue broadcasting events to ports if one of them fails (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] seq: correctly detect input buffer overflow (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix COEF widget NID for ALC260 replacer fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Correction of fixup codes for PB V7900 laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/analog: Fix silent output on ASUS A8JN (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: move some alc662 family machines to hda_pin_quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: move some alc269 family machines to hda_pin_quirk table (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Revert: hda: drop def association and sequence from pinconf comparing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: fix tegra build (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Pop noises fix for XPS13 9333 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add an instance to use snd_hda_pick_pin_fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: drop def association and sequence from pinconf comparing (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: get subvendor from codec rather than pci_dev (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add a new quirk match based on default pin configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup_forced flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] snd-usb/mixer: remove error messages on failed kmalloc() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] snd-usb/mixer: coding style fixups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix onboard audio on Intel H97/Z97 chipsets (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Replace DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add support headset mode for ALC233 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lola: fix format type mismatch in sound/pci/lola/lola_proc.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: fix format type mismatch in sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Disable AA-mix on Sony Vaio S13 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: White noise fix for XPS13 9333 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/tegra: Fix MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE typo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add driver for Tegra SoC HDA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Add Nvidia Tegra124 HDMI support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] fm801: convert struct description to kernel-doc (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm_dmaengine: Add check during device suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirk for a Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirks for three Dell laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add new GPU codec ID to snd-hda (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: if statement not indented (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: mask buggy stream DMA0 for Broadwell display controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add dock pin setups for Thinkpad T440 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Set infoframe and channel mapping even without sink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] fm801: introduce fm801_ac97_is_ready()/fm801_ac97_is_valid() helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] fm801: introduce macros to access the hardware (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Set converter channel count even without sink (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: work around corrupted TEAC UD-H01 feedback data (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix deadlocks at resuming (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Save mixer status only once at suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Prevent printk ratelimiting from spamming kernel log while DEBUG not defined (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Suppress CORBRP clear on Nvidia controller chips (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add more entry for enable HP mute led (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirk for a Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix format string mismatch in mixer.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] core: Fix format string mismatch in seq_midi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add new codec ALC293/ALC3235 UAJ supported (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add two codecs alias name for Dell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx_core: Translate comments from french to english (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx_core: Remove useless #if 0 .. #endif (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx_core: Remove dead code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx_core: Fix dev_dbg typo (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx_core: Switch to using BIT macro (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx_core: Remove unused defines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: BUG message unnecessarily triggers kerneloops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] MIDI driver for Behringer BCD2000 USB device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add headset Mic support for Dell machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirk for a Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add support of ALC288 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Suppress repetitive debug messages from retire_playback_urb() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make full_reset boolean (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirk for a Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Use runtime helper to check active state (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: Fix boundary checks in PCM pointer ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Do not assign streams in reverse order (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add eapd shutup to ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Change model name alias for ChromeOS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Kconfig: rename HAS_IOPORT to HAS_IOPORT_MAP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Improve HP depop when system change power state on Chromebook (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: Save/restore routing and rate registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: restore AK4xxx volumes on resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: Add S/PDIF suspend support for ICE1712-based M-Audio cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs8427: separate HW initialization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent speaker output due to mute LED fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fixed single output machine get empty hp sense (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: Add suspend support for M-Audio ICE1712-based cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice1712: add suspend support for ICE1712 chip (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Enable beep for ASUS 1015E (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] asihpi: fix some indenting in snd_card_asihpi_pcm_new() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirks for three Dell laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Inform the unexpectedly ignored pins by auto-parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: verify pin-cvt connection on preparing a stream for Intel HDMI codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] compress: Pass through return value of open ops callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Restore default value for ALC282 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) fix Stereo Upmixing regression (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Fix the noise after suspend and resume on ALC282 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Restore default value for ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] sis7019: Simplify dependencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs5535audio: Also needed on MIPS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: initialize audio InfoFrame to be all zero (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs553*: Fix dependencies (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix loud click noise with IdeaPad 410Y (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add quirk for Logitech Webcam C500 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] emu10k1: Fix possible NULL dereference (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] echoaudio: use after free on error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lola: NULL deref on allocation error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Use analog beep for Thinkpads with AD1984 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add missing loopback merge path for AD1884/1984 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add automute fix for another dell AIO model (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add headset quirk for Dell DT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Added inverted digital-mic handling for Acer TravelMate 8371 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Mark reg op args as iomem (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Rename reg access ops in hda_controller_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make azx_attach_pcm_stream static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: remove PCI dependency in Kconfig (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move codec create to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move azx_interrupt to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add position_check op (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move low level functions to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: move alloc_cmd_io to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Relocate RIRB/CORB interface to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move the dsp loader to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Pull pages allocation to hda_controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add hda_controller.c and move pcm ops from hda_intel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add pcm_mmap_prepare op (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move snd page allocation to ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Pass max_slots and power_save to codec_create (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add jackpoll_ms to struct azx (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: remove unused clear of STATESTS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add function pointer for disabling MSI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Use device pointer from the card instead of pci (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Keep pointer to bdl_pos_fix in chip struct (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Allow different ops to read/write registers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move some definitions to new hda_priv.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix CORB reset to follow specification (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix registration of beep input device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/sigmatel: Allow auto-switching for dock line-in of HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Move EXPORT_SYMBOL() in appropriate places (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make codec object as a parent for input beep devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] 6fire: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ymfpci: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] vx222: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] trident: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] rme9652: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hdspm: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hdsp: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcxhr: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] nm256: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] mixart: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx6464es: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lola: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ice17xx: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] emu10k1: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] emu10k1x: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] echoaudio: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs46xx: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs5535audio: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ca0106: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] aw2: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ali5451: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ac97: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] via82xx_modem: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] via82xx: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] sonicvibes: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] rme96: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] rme32: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] maestro3: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] intel8x0m: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] intel8x0: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] fm801: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] es1968: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] es1938: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ens137x: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs5530: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs4281: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cmipci: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] bt87x: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] azt3328: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] azt3328: Remove function debug prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] atiixp-modem: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] atiixp: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] als4000: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] als300: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] als300: Remove function debug prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ad1889: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] rme96: Convert to the new pm_ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Replace with standard printk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Enable sysfs attributes without CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add sysfs to codec object, too (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Create own device struct for each codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Manage each codec instance individually (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Clean up snd_device_*() codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Use priority list for managing device list (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hwdep: Allow to assign the given parent (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hwdep: Take private_data as drvdata for sysfs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Create sysfs attribute files via groups (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Avoid codec D3 for keeping mute LED up on Lenovo Yxx0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add a fixup for HP Folio 13 mute LED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add more entry for enable HP mute led (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Export snd_pcm_constraint_mask64() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Enable front audio jacks on one HP desktop model (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] core: Fix missing card sysfs contents (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add QEMU codec vendor ID (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Fix recording from mode id 0x8 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: setup/cleanup streams (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirks for two Dell laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usx2y: Don't peep the card internal object (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: work around KEF X300A firmware bug (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous inclusion of linux/pci.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Allow NULL bus->pci (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Remove dependency on bus->pci in hda_beep.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ak4117: Do not free priv until timer handler hasn't actually stopped using it (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Drop __bitwise and typedefs for snd_device attributes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] i2c/ak413x: Use SNDRV_DEV_CODEC for ak413x codec objects (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use SNDRV_DEV_CODEC for mixer objects (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] seq_oss: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] seq: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] timer: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oss: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hwdep: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] rawmidi: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] core: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] control: Use standard printk helpers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] seq_oss: Drop debug prints (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Use standard device refcount for card accounting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Use static groups for id and number card sysfs attr files (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Embed card device into struct snd_card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Mandate to pass a device pointer at card creation time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb: Convert to snd_card_new() with a device pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pci: Convert to snd_card_new() with a device pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] drivers: Convert to snd_card_new() with a device pointer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Mandate to pass a device pointer at card creation time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Drop unused name argument in snd_register_oss_device() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make snd_hda_gen_spec_free() static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Disable static quirks for C-Media codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Move HDA_FIXUP_ACT_FREE call in snd_hda_gen_free() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix undefined symbol due to builtin/module mixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Fix typos in alsa-driver-api.xml (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] lx6464es: Remove unused function in pci/lx6464es/lx_core.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcsp: Include appropriate header file in pcsp/pcsp_input.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add subwoofer quirks for Asus UX51VZH and N55SF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Rename ASUS subwoofer quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix mic capture on Sony VAIO Pro 11 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add a headset quirk for Dell XPS 13 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix inconsistent Mic mute LED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix leftover ifdef checks after modularization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Improve loopback path lookups for AD1983 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing VREF setup for Mac Pro 1,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add missing mixer widget for AD1983 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent output on Toshiba Satellite L40 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add mute LED support to Lenovo Ideapad (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Resume mixer values properly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add missing kconfig dependecy (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: allow PIN_OUT to be dynamically enabled (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Do not accept responses from non-existing codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Disable static quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Enable stereo mix input for CX20549 and CX20551 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Add analog loopback mixing to CX20549 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Apply cap of mix amp volume on CX20551 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Use generic parser for HP 530 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Use generic parser for Toshiba P105 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Apply the amp cap override for CX20549 mixer (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/conexant: Re-implement OLPC XO workarounds via fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Avoid unnecessary verbs write in snd_hda_activate_path() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup name lookup for CX5051 and 5066 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirks for another Dell laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) cleanup and minor changes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) modify high-pass filter control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) modify input select functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) modify capture volume functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) use headphone volume control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) modify playback output select (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) capture from I2S channel 1, not 2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) move the mixer code into another file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: modify CS4245 register dumping function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: modify adjust_dg_dac_routing function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) modify DAC/ADC parameters function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) modify initialization functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: Xonar DG(X) add new CS4245 SPI functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: additional definitions for the Xonar DG/DGX card (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: change description of the xonar_dg.c file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: export oxygen_update_dac_routing symbol (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: add mute mask for the OXYGEN_PLAY_ROUTING register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: modify the SPI writing function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] oxygen: add the separate SPI waiting function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add parameter for dumping processing coefficients (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent output on MacBook Air 1,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Refactor slot assignment code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] bits vs bytes bug in snd_card_create() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Apply +5dB output amp on ASUS Zenbook UX31A (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add headset mic detect quirks for some Dell machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Add helper function for intersecting two rate masks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix endless vmaster hook call in thinkpad_helper.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] snd-usb: re-order some quirk entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Fix Creative VF0420 rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add support for Focusrite Saffire 6 USB (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: automute via amp instead of pinctl on some AIO models (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Apply codec power_filter to FG nodes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Don't set indep_hp flag for old AD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Enable CONFIG_ZONE_DMA for smaller PCI DMA masks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] pcm: Warn when buffer preallocation fails (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] ctxfi: Work around emu20k1 glitch to prevent buffered sound data loss (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Merge memalloc code into snd-pcm module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Remove superfluous header inclusions in memalloc.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Remove memory reservation code from memalloc helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Remove memory accounting in memalloc helper (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: apply all Haswell fix-ups to Broadwell display codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add codec ID for Broadwell display audio codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: add device ID for Broadwell display audio controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Split Thinkpad ACPI-related code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Don't create duplicated ctls for loopback paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Correct AD1986A 3stack pin configs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add consistent tag names for firmware patch (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: firmware patch code cleanup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Increment default stream numbers for AMD HDMI controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Minor code optimization for patch_realtek.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] compress: remove the sample rate check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] rme9652: fix a missing comma in channel_map_9636_ds (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] cs5535audio: use named constants for pci_power_t values (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Disable Front HP jack detection on Gigabyte Z87X-UD3H (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hiface: Fix typo in 352800 rate definition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add a quirk for Plantronics Gamecom 780 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Enable subwoofer on Dell Vostro 5460/5470 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Fix wrong inclusion in Thinkpad ACPI users (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add warning texts when codec driver Kconfig doesn't match (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Kill EXPORT_SYMBOL_HDA() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Make CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_* tristate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Explicitly keep codec powered up in hdmi_present_sense (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] hda: Add Dell headset detection quirk for one more laptop model (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200] - [alsa] Add SNDRV_PCM_STATE_PAUSED case in wait_for_avail function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1112200]- [misc] mei: ignore client writing state during cb completion (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: don't use deprecated DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: amthif: fix checkpatch error (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix Unnecessary space after function pointer name (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: use cl_dbg where appropriate (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: client.h fix checkpatch errors (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: report consistently copy_from/to_user failures (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: drop pr_fmt macros (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: make me hw headers private to me hw (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix memory leak of pending write cb objects (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: me: do not reset when less than expected data is received (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix regressions caused by removing ext_msg (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: wd: fix stop completion failure (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: wd: simplify wd_send command (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: make return values consistent across the driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: revamp writing slot counting (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: add mei_hbuf_acquire wrapper (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: include irqreturn.h for irqreturn_t etc (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: set client's read_cb to NULL when flow control fails (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: put pm callbacks under PM_SLEEP ifdef (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: me: put pm callbacks under PM_SLEEP ifdef (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: don't of list_for_each_entry_safe when not deleting (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: use helper function to find me client by id (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix potential read outside of array bounds (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: wd and amthif use mei_cl_ api for dis/connection (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: hbm: revamp client connect and disconnection status (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: Remove all bus devices from the mei_dev list when stopping the MEI (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: get rid of ext_msg (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: rename MEI_FOP_IOCTL to MEI_FOP_CONNECT (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix compilation error with missing WATCHDOG_CORE (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: allow multiple retries if the hw reset has failed (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: export active connections to debugfs (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: add Kbuild for TXE device (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: add pci-txe.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: add hw-txe-regs.h header file (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: add hw-txe.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: txe: add hw-txe.h header file (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: don't unset read cb ptr on reset (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: clear write cb from waiting list on reset (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: limit the number of consecutive resets (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: revamp mei reset state machine (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix syntax in comments and debug output (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: nfc: mei_nfc_free has to be called under lock (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: use hbm idle state to prevent spurious resets (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: do not run reset flow from the interrupt thread (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: enable marking internal commands (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: me: set dma mask using DMA mapping API (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: cleanup mei_irq_read_handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: remove flash_work_queue (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: drop redundant list_del_init (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: bus: propagate error code returned by mei_me_cl_by_id (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: mei_cl_link remove duplicated check for open_handle_count (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: replace stray pr_debug with dev_dbg (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: wd: host_init propagate error codes from called functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: print correct device state during unexpected reset (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: nfc: fix memory leak in error path (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: move host_clients_map cleanup to device init (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: me: downgrade two errors to debug level (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: amthif: mei_amthif_host_init: propagate errors from called functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: revamp open handler counts (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: simplify mei_open error handling (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: mei_cl_unlink: no need to loop over dev list (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: push credentials inside the irq write handler (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: propagate error from write routines instead of ENODEV (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix function names in debug prints (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: prefix client log messages with client me and host ids (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: mei_release: drop redundant check if cb is NULL (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: fix format compilation warrning on 32 bit architecture (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: revamp read and write length checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: mei_write correct checks for copy_from_user (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: mei_cl_link protect open_handle_count from overflow (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: make sure that me_clients_map big enough before copying (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: convert bus code to use dev_groups (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [misc] mei: client.h cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) [1088953] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix Runtime PM blocks EEE link negotiation in S5 (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix EEE in S5 w/ Runtime PM enabled (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Add support for EEE in Sx states (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Add code to check return values on NVM accesses (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix CRC errors with jumbo traffic (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: remove unnecessary break after return (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Out of line __ew32_prepare/__ew32 (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix expand setting EEE link info to all affected parts (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Failure to write SHRA turns on PROMISC mode (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Restrict MDIO Slow Mode workaround to relevant parts (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix issue with link flap on 82579 (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Expand workaround for 10Mb HD throughput bug (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Workaround for dropped packets in Gig/100 speeds on 82579 (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: fix message terminations (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Enclose e1000e_pm_thaw() with CONFIG_PM_SLEEP (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Correctly include VLAN_HLEN when changing interface MTU (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix no connectivity when driver loaded with cable out (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: add timeout for TX HW time stamping work (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix Explicitly set Transmit Control Register (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix Hardware Unit Hang (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: fix the build error when PM is disabled (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix ethtool offline tests for 82579 parts (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix not generating an error on invalid load parameter (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Feature Enable PHY Ultra Low Power Mode (ULP) (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Refactor of Runtime Power Management (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: calls skb_set_hash (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Refactor PM flows (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix compilation warning when !CONFIG_PM_SLEEP (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix a compile flag mis-match for suspend/resume (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Remove extern from function prototypes (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Cleanup - Update GPL header and Copyright (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix 82579 sets LPI too early (John Greene) [1091119] - [ethernet] e1000e: 82574/82583 TimeSync errata for SYSTIM read (John Greene) [1091119] - [kernel] sched/fair: Stop searching for tasks in idle_balance if there are runnable tasks (Larry Woodman) [1103828] - [kernel] sched/numa: Initialize new idle_balance stats in sd_numa_init() (Larry Woodman) [1103828]- [kernel] tty: Add C_CMSPAR(tty) (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: fixed handling of CS5 setting (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: switch to generic TIOCMIWAIT implementation (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: only wake up MSR queue on changes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: clean up line-status handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: make type data const (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: use C_CMSPAR macro (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: use direct baud-rate encoding when possible (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add helper function for direct baud-rate encoding (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: refactor baud-rate divisor handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: enforce baud-rate limits before lookup (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: refactor baud-rate table lookup (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: rename pl2303_encode_baud_rate (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add device-type abstraction (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add quirk for legacy devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: clean up type handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: use speed_t for baud rates (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add line-status quirk for Siemens phones (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: remove redundant line-request call (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add error handling to line requests (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: fix data corruption on termios updates (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add error handling to set_control_lines (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add error handling to vendor read and write functions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: restrict the divisor based baud rate encoding method to the "HX" chip type (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: fix+improve the divsor based baud rate encoding method (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: do not round to the next nearest standard baud rate for the divisor based baud rate encoding method (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: remove 500000 baud from the list of standard baud rates (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: move the two baud rate encoding methods to separate functions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: increase the allowed baud rate range for the divisor based encoding method (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: also use the divisor based baud rate encoding method for baud rates < 115200 with HX chips (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: add two comments concerning the supported baud rates with HX chips (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: simplify the else-if contruct for type_1 chips in pl2303_startup() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: pl2303: improve the chip type information output on startup - [usb] Revert: pl2303: improve the chip type detection/distinction - [usb] Revert: pl2303: distinguish between original and cloned HX chips - [usb] pl2303: clean up driver somewhat (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: remove bogus delta_msr_wait wake up (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: let dynamic ids override static ids (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Fix potential memory leak adding dyn USBdevice IDs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: add sanity checks when using bInterfaceClass with new_id (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: check for valid id_table when using the RefId feature (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: bail out if user gives an unknown RefId when using new_id (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: allow a reference device for new_id (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [lib] radix-tree: make radix_tree_node_alloc() work correctly within interrupt (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Check if port status is equal to RxDetect (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial/ftdi_sio: Add Infineon Triboard (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi_sio: Add extra PID (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: Add ID for Telewell TW-LTE 4G v2 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cp210x: add support for Corsair usb dongle (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] storage/scsi: Add broken_fua blacklist flag (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Fix runtime suspended xhci from blocking system suspend (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: clear root port wake on bits if controller isn't wake-up capable (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: correct burst count field for isoc transfers on 1.0 xhci hosts (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Use correct SLOT ID when handling a reset device command (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add/modify Olivetti Olicard modems (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi_sio: fix null deref at port probe (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add device ID for SpeedUp SU9800 usb 3g modem (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: add a timeout for scatter-gather tests (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: avoid BIOS handover on the HASEE E200 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fix hub-port pm_runtime_enable() vs runtime pm transitions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] quiet peer failure warning, disable poweroff (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] improve "not suspended yet" message in hub_suspend() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Fix sleeping with IRQs disabled in xhci_stop_device() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fix ->update_hub_device() vs hdev->maxchild (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hub_handle_remote_wakeup() only exists for CONFIG_PM=y (Don Zickus) [821903] - [usb] qcserial: add additional Sierra Wireless QMI devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: add Netgear AirCard 341U (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: delete endpoints from bandwidth list before freeing whole device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host/xhci-plat: add xhci_plat_start() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pci-quirks: Prevent Sony VAIO t-series from switching usb ports (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] resume child device when port is powered on (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hub_handle_remote_wakeup() depends on CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME=y (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] introduce port status lock (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] synchronize port poweroff and khubd (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] refactor port handling in hub_events() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb3 ports do not support FEAT_C_ENABLE (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] don't clear FEAT_C_ENABLE on usb_port_runtime_resume failure (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] block suspension of superspeed port while hispeed peer is active (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] make usb_port flags atomic, rename did_runtime_put to child_usage (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sysfs link peer ports (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] find internal hub tier mismatch via acpi (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] assign usb3 external hub port peers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] assign default peer ports for root hubs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cleanup setting udev->removable from port_dev->connect_type (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] rename usb_port device objects (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] disable port power control if not supported in wHubCharacteristics (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] mutual exclusion for resetting a hub and power-managing a port (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pci_quirks: fix sparse 'symbol not declared' warning (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] storage/ene_ub6250: Use kmemdup instead of kmalloc + memcpy (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: add pattern check on pipe in phase of unlink read (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: fix unlink write error with pattern 1 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb5303: add support for reference clock specified in device tree (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] separate usb_address0 mutexes for each bus (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Switch only Intel Lynx Point-LP ports to EHCI on shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] yurex: fix race between probe() and read() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] appledisplay: fix race between reading and writing from the device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtmc: fix DMA on stack (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: use BIT macro (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: unified loggig of RESET_ON_RESUME (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: avoid warning for !PM_SLEEP (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host/xhci-plat: add clock support (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host/xhci-plat: sort the headers in alphabetic order (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] move usb/usb-common.c to usb/common/usb-common.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: remove the Kconfig entry for USB_DEBUG (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] remove redundant D0 power state set (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] keyspan: fix potential null pointer dereference (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial/option: add support for Novatel E371 PCIe card (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add NovaTech OrionLXm product ID (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] io_ti: fix firmware download on big-endian machines (part 2) (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: use tty-port dtr_rts (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: remove redundant usb_mark_last_busy (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: do not update PM busy on read errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: minimise no-suspend window during shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: remove redundant disconnected test from shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: simplify runtime PM locking (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix runtime PM imbalance at shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix I/O after failed open (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix failed open not being detected (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix open and suspend race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix potential urb leak and PM imbalance in write (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix shutdown and suspend race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix runtime PM for control messages (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix broken runtime suspend (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix write and resume race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix write and suspend race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] kobil_sct: fix control requests without data stage (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: remove overly defensive port tests (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: fix potential runtime pm imbalance at device remove (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: do not resume I/O on closing ports (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: report failed submissions as errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: remove bogus function prototype (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: remove some superfluous comments (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: remove comment from close (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: clean up delayed-urb submission (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: use interface-data accessors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: make resume error messages uniform (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: kill interrupt urb explicitly at suspend (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: remove redundant urb kill from port remove (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: remove unimplemented set_termios (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: remove redundant modem-control request (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix discarded writes on resume errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix potential blocked I/O after resume (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix potential NULL-deref at resume (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix urb leak at shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix write and suspend race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix race between write and resume (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix urb leak in write error path (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add missing usb_mark_last_busy (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: fix line-control pipe direction (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: fix runtime PM handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: do not resume I/O on closing ports (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: minimise no-suspend window during close (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: refactor delayed-urb submission (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: clean up suspend (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: use interface-data accessors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: remove redundant modem-control requests (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: do not resume I/O on closed ports (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: remove disconnected test from close (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: remove unimplemented set_termios (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: remove unused variable (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: remove bogus endpoint test (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix line-control pipe direction (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix resume error reporting (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix urbs not being killed on shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix characters being dropped at close (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix urb and memory leak on disconnect (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix urb and memory leak in resume error path (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix use after free at suspend/resume (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sierra: fix AA deadlock in open error path (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] iowarrior: Convert local dbg macro to dev_dbg (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] appledisplay: Convert /n to n (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: remove interface number matching (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: define and use Sierra Wireless layout (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: refactor device layout selection (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: fix multiline comment coding style (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Avoid runtime suspend loops for HCDs that can't handle suspend/resume (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: rework command timeout and cancellation, (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: xhci: replace xhci_read_64() with readq() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: xhci: replace xhci_write_64() with writeq() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: core: set lpm_capable field for LPM capable root hubs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Use completion and status in global command queue (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Add a global command queue (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Use command structures when queuing commands on the command ring (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Report max device limit when Enable Slot command fails (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Use IS_ENABLED() macro (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] catch attempts to submit urbs with a vmalloc'd transfer buffer (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix wrong port number reported when setting USB2.0 hardware LPM (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Nokia 5300 should be treated as unusual dev (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Nokia 305 should be treated as unusual dev (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fsl: do not test for PHY_CLK_VALID bit on controller version 1.6 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] storage/shuttle_usbat: fix discs being detected twice (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: add a number of Dell devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: fix problem with global suspend on ATI controllers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add and update a number of CMOTech devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add Alcatel L800MA (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add Olivetti Olicard 500 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: add Sierra Wireless MC7305/MC7355 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: add Sierra Wireless MC73xx (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] qcserial: add Sierra Wireless EM7355 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] io_ti: fix firmware download on big-endian machines (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix compilation warning when !CONFIG_PCI && !CONFIG_PM (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: extend quirk for Renesas cards (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Switch Intel Lynx Point ports to EHCI on shutdown (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Prefer endpoint context dequeue pointer over stopped_trb (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi-elan: Use pr_ (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi-elan: Coalesce string fragment (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi-elan: Coalesce formats (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi-elan: Convert leading spaces to tabs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi-elan: Fix format fragments (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: fix sysfs-attribute removal deadlock (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: fix deadlocky memory allocations (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: fix error handling during scsi_scan() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: fix GFP_NOIO under spinlock (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: Remove Motorola/Telit H24 serial interfaces from ACM driver (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci-platform: Return immediately from suspend if ehci_suspend fails (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci-exynos: Return immediately from suspend if ehci_suspend fails (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fix crash during hotplug of PCI USB controller card (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-acm: fix double usb_autopm_put_interface() in acm_port_activate() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usb_wwan: fix handling of missing bulk endpoints (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pl2303: add ids for Hewlett-Packard HP POS pole displays (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cp210x: Add 8281 (Nanotec Plug & Drive) (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option driver, add support for Telit UE910v2 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: serial: add usbid for dell wwan card to sierra.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial/ftdi_sio: add id for Brainboxes serial cards (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb: include wait queue head in device structure (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] disable reset-resume when USB_QUIRK_RESET is set (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] unbind all interfaces before rebinding any (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] keyspan: remove dead debugging code (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: add missing newlines to dev_ messages (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: add missing braces (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: continue to write on errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: continue to read on errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: make bulk_out_size a lower limit (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cypress_m8: fix potential scheduling while atomic (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: xhci: Limit arbitrarily-aligned scatter gather (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Make DELAY_INIT quirk wait 100ms between Get Configuration requests (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Add device quirk for Logitech HD Pro Webcams C920 and C930e (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: add the meaningful IRQ description if it is empty (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Prevent runtime pm from autosuspending during initialization (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] storage: accept some UAS devices if streams are unavailable (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Kill streams URBs when the host dies (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Refactor command watchdog and fix split string (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Remove comment about registering a uas scsi controller for each usb bus (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Add Hans de Goede as uas maintainer (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: remove BROKEN (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Make sure sg elements are properly aligned (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Add some data in/out ready iu sanity checks (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Improve error reporting (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Use the right error codes for different kinds of errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Clear cmdinfo on command queue-ing (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix memory management (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix command / task mgmt submission racing with disconnect (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: cmdinfo - use only one list head (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: add uas_mark_cmd_dead helper function (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Properly complete inflight commands on bus-reset or disconnect (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: uas_alloc_data_urb - Remove unnecessary use_streams check (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix task-management not working when connected over USB-2 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Reset device on reboot (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Add suspend/resume support (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Use GFP_NOIO rather then GFP_ATOMIC where possible (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Don't allow more then one task to run at the same time (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: task_mgmt - Kill the sense-urb if we fail to submit the cmd urb (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Not being able to alloc streams when connected through usb-3 is an error (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Verify endpoint descriptors from uas_use_uas_driver() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Drop fixed endpoint config handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Move uas_find_endpoints to uas-detect.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix bounds check in uas_find_endpoints (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Add uas_find_endpoints() helper function (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Honor no-uas quirk set in usb-storage's quirks module parameter (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] storage: Modify and export adjust_quirks so that it can be used by uas (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] storage: Don't bind to uas devices if the uas driver is enabled (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Add the posibilty to blacklist uas devices from using the uas driver (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Reset USB-3 devices on USB-3 link bounce (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Clear host_endpoint->streams when implicitly freeing streams (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Handle MaxPSASize == 0 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: The trb_address_map radix tree expects 1KB segment memory aligment (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: xhci_mem_cleanup - make sure cmd_ring_reserved_trbs really is 0 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Move uas detect code to uas-detect.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Add a uas_find_uas_alt_setting helper function (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Use all available stream ids (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Pack iu struct definitions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix response iu struct definition (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: s/response_ui/response_iu/ (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix reset handling for externally triggered reset (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix reset locking (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Fix uas not working when plugged into an ehci port (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: uas_alloc_cmd_urb - drop unused stream_id parameter (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Avoid unnecessary unlock / lock calls around unlink_data_urbs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Properly set interface to altsetting 0 on probe failure (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: Urbs must be anchored before submitting them (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: replace BUG_ON() + WARN_ON() with WARN_ON_ONCE() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: add dead request list (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: make work list per-device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uas: properly reinitialize in uas_eh_bus_reset_handler (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fs: Add support for allocating / freeing streams (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fs: Add ep_to_host_endpoint helper function (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fs: Add support for bulk stream ids (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fs: proc_do_submiturb use a local variable for number_of_packets (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbfs: Kill urbs on interface before doing a set_interface (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Free bulk streams on interface release (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Track if an endpoint has streams (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Move USB_MAXENDPOINTS definitions to usb.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Fix usb_free_streams return value documentation (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Remove segments from radix tree on failed insert (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: use usb_ss_max_streams in xhci_check_streams_endpoint (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: For streams the dequeue ptr must be read from the stream ctx (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Set SCT field for Set TR dequeue on streams (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: For streams the css flag most be read from the stream-ctx on ep stop (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Check size rather then number of streams when allocating stream ctxs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Free streams when they are still allocated on a set_interface call (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix usb3 streams (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: make warnings greppable (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Change how we indicate a host supports Link PM (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] sisusb: Use static const, fix typo (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hub: usb_ext_cap_descriptor.bmAttributes is le32 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hub: debug message for failing to enable device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: fix deadlock when threadirqs option is used (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi_sio: add Cressi Leonardo PID (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] complain if userspace resets an active endpoint (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial/option: blacklist interface 4 for Cinterion PHS8 and PXS8 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: add delay during suspend to prevent erroneous wakeups (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Change compatible string from xhci-platform to generic-xhci (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uhci-platform: Change compatible string from platform-uhci to generic-uhci (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: blacklist ZTE MF667 net interface (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] misc/usbled: Add Riso Kagaku Webmail Notifier (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] elan: Remove useless "default M" lines (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: xhci: Link TRB must not occur within a USB payload burst (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: xhci: Avoid infinite loop when sg urb requires too many trbs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: xhci: Set scatter-gather limit to avoid failed block writes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Limit arbitrarily-aligned scatter gather (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] delete non-required instances of include (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hub set hub->change_bits when over-current happens (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Set scatter-gather limit to avoid failed block writes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Avoid infinite loop when sg urb requires too many trbs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ftdi_sio: added CS5 quirk for broken smartcard readers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: correct spelling mistakes in comments and warning (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fix race between hub_disconnect and recursively_mark_NOTATTACHED (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] oti6858: switch to generic TIOCMIWAIT implementation (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] oti6858: only wake up MSR queue on changes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ch341: clean up interrupt handler (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ch341: switch to generic TIOCMIWAIT implementation (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ch341: only wake up MSR queue on changes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ch341: fix ignored TIOCMIWAIT mask (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ch341: clean up line-status handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ch341: refactor line-status handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cypress_m8: switch to generic TIOCMIWAIT implementation (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cypress_m8: only wake up MSR queue on changes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cypress_m8: clean up protocol definitions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cypress_m8: fix ring-indicator detection and reporting (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Nokia 502 is an unusual device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: add support for iBall 3.5G connect usb modem (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: correct spelling mistakes in comments (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] misc/idmouse: correct spelling mistake in error string (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] yurex: fix spelling mistake in comment (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] iowarrior: fix spelling mistake in comment (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: remove redundant OOM messages (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: clean up ioctl debugging (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: constify device-id tables (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: remove CONFIG_USB_DEBUG usage (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-wdm: avoid hanging on zero length reads (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Check for XHCI_PLAT in xhci_cleanup_msix() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Mark function as static in metro-usb.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Mark function as static in usbsevseg.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: add new zte 3g modem pids to option driver (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: Always clear halt else further tests will fail (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: Add timetout to simple_io() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Remove unused variable 'addr' in inc_deq() and inc_enq() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: Fix BOS control test for USB 2.01 devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: Add quirks module option (Don Zickus) [1069460] - [usb] xhci: clarify logging in xhci_setup_device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: change enumeration scheme to 'new scheme' by default (Don Zickus) [1069460] - [usb] xhci: Limit the spurious wakeup fix only to HP machines (Don Zickus) [1069461] - [usb] core: get config and string descriptors for unauthorized devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: allow isoc URBs for wireless devices with an interval < 6 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial/zte_ev: move support for ZTE AC2726 from zte_ev back to option (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-wdm: manage_power should always set needs_remote_wakeup (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Revert: quirks: add touchscreen that is dazzeled by remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] Use dev_is_pci() to check whether it is pci device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: update bos test coverage to usb 2.1 device (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: fix the bit mask of usb 2.0 extension descriptor (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: add a test case to support bos for queue control (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fix coccinelle warnings (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hub: Use correct reset for wedged USB3 devices that are NOTATTACHED (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host: Remove superfluous name casts (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Remove superfluous name casts (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] kill #undef VERBOSE_DEBUG (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] kill DEBUG compile option (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uhci: compile debugfs conditional on CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uhci: change dependency for debug parameter (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: Remove debugging at every interrupt (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: no conditional compilation for interestingness (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: no conditional debugging in root hub hadling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: always register debug files (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: kill ohci_vdbg (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: remove conditional compilation (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] net/cdc-acm: fix power management in ioctl (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc-acm: add TIOCGICOUNT (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] net/cdc-acm: add TIOCMIWAIT (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] option: support new huawei devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial/option: blacklist interface 1 for Huawei E173s-6 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_write_64() with writeq() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_read_64() with readq() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_writel() with writel() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_readl() with readl() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: remove conversion from generic to pci device in xhci_mem.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in xhci_count_num_dropped_endpoints() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in xhci_count_num_new_endpoints() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: remove unnecessary check in xhci_free_stream_info() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix SCT_FOR_CTX(p) macro (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: replace USB_MAXINTERFACES with config->desc.bNumInterface (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in xhci_address_device() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix sparse warning in xhci-trace.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: fix derivation of TRB's DMA address in xhci_log_event Trace Event Class (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] r8a66597-hcd: Convert to clk_prepare/unprepare (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: fix write memory-allocation flag (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: fix race in generic write (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: Export cdc_ncm_{tx, rx}_fixup functions for re-use (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: drop "extern" from header declarations (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove descriptor pointers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove ncm_parm field (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove tx_speed and rx_speed fields (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove unused udev field (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove redundant netdev field (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: simplify and optimize frame padding (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove redundant endpoint pointers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: remove redundant "intf" field (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [net] usb/cdc_ncm: add include protection to cdc_ncm.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ssb-hcd: replace dma_set_mask()+dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] bcma: replace dma_set_mask()+dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: support container id descriptor test (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: support superspeed device capbility descriptor test (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: support usb2 extension descriptor test (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci-atmel: add usb_clk for transition to CCF (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-wdm: ignore speed change notifications (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cdc-wdm: support back-to-back USB_CDC_NOTIFY_RESPONSE_AVAILABLE notifications (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: support bos descriptor test for usb 3.0 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix control-pipe directions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix panic in wusbhc_chid_set (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: convert nested lock to use spin_lock instead of spin_lock_irq (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: use multiple urbs for HWA iso transfer result frame reads (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: combine iso transfer result frame reads when possible (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: disable transfer notifications for Alereon HWAs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: don't mark WA_SEG_DTI_PENDING segs as done in urb_dequeue (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix potential double list_del on urb dequeue (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix compile warnings (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add info to HWA debug prints (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: read actual_length bytes isoc in segments (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: adjust iterator correctly when searching for ep comp descriptor (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add a convenience function for completing a transfer segment (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: prevent urb dequeue and giveback race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix stranded URB after HWA unplug (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix kernel panic on HWA unplug (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up coding style issues in wa-nep.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up coding style issues in wa-rpipe.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up coding style issues in wusbhc.c and wusbhc.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up line break coding style issues in mmc.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up line break coding style issues in security.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up line break coding style issues in wa-hc.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix up minor coding style issues in cbaf.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: correct spelling mistakes in comments and error string (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add debug prints to reservation and channel change (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add isochronous IN support to HWA (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: set packet count correctly on isoc transfers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: move isoc_frame_index from wa_xfer to wa_seg (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: use USB_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT and USB_CTRL_GET_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix short transfers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: return -ENOENT for unlinked URBs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add more info to debug prints in urb_unlink path (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add calls to usb_hcd_link_urb_to_ep, usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep, and (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix deadlock in wusbhc_gtk_rekey (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: do device lookup while holding the hc mutex (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: send keepalives to unauthenticated devices (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: change WA_SEGS_MAX to a legal value (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add a quirk for Alereon HWA device isoc behavior (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: combine multiple isoc frames in a single transfer request (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: set the RPIPE wMaxPacketSize value correctly (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix usb_dev leaks (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: serialize access to the HWA data out endpoint (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix string formatting warnings on 64-bit builds (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: add support for isoc out transfers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: set the RPIPE bOverTheAirInterval for isoc endpoints (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: avoid stack overflow in URB enqueue error path (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix build warning on 64-bit builds (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: clean up urb dequeue process (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: include the xfer_id in debug prints (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: fix endianess issues when using dwTransferID (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: set pointers to NULL after freeing in error cases (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: clean up the sg list that was created for out transfers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: resource cleanup fix in __wa_xfer_setup_segs (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: allow wa_xfer_destroy to clean up partially constructed xfers (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: rename fields in struct wahc (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: rename urb to tr_urb in struct wa_seg (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: use list_move_tail instead of list_del/list_add_tail (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: fix checkpatch warning as sizeof code style (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] uhci: check for wakeup/suspend race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: add check for wakeup/suspend race (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] change dev_warn about missing reset-resume to dev_dbg (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: fix and explain sparse errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: fix sparse errors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: fix type mismatch in check_intr_schedule (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: preserve endianness of cached descriptors (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: remove the unused ->address field (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: kill a conditional when toggling cycle (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] hub_activate kill an 'else' (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] hub: Clear Port Reset Change during init/resume (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/devio: Spaces to tabs for proc_control_compat() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/devio: Spaces to tabs for proc_reapurbnonblock() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] xhci: replace 'event' with 'cmd_comp_code' in set_deq and reset_ep handlers (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: add argument 'slot_id' in stop_ep, set_deq and reset_ep cmd handlers (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: replace 'xhci->cmd_ring->dequeue' with 'trb' in stop_ep cmd handler (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: add variable 'cmd_type' in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: add variable 'cmd_trb' in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: add variable 'cmd_comp_code' in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_CONFIG_EP case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: remove unused 'ep_ring' variable in handle_cmd_completion() (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_EVAL_CONTEXT case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_NEC_GET_FW case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_RESET_DEV case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: use completion event's slot id rather than dig it out of command (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_ADDR_DEV case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_DISABLE_SLOT case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: refactor TRB_ENABLE_SLOT case into function (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: rename existing Command Completion Event handlers (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: remove unused argument from xhci_giveback_urb_in_irq() (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: correct the usage of USB_CTRL_SET_TIMEOUT (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: Staticize xhci_del_comp_mod_timer (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] Push USB2 LPM disable on disconnect into USB core (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: Enable LPM support only for hardwired or BESL devices (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] Don't enable USB 2.0 Link PM by default (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] xhci: Set L1 device slot on USB2 LPM enable/disable (Don Zickus) [1032371] - [usb] Disable USB 2.0 Link PM before device reset (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] hcd: remove unnecessary local_irq_save (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: start new isochronous streams ASAP (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: create per-TT bandwidth tables (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hub: Comments shouldnt be C99 // comment style (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/file: moved asterisk to variable name (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: {file, hub, sysfs, usb}.c - Whitespace fixes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] mos7840: fix tiocmget error handling (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: export usb_serial_generic_write_start (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: add memory flags to usb_serial_generic_write_start (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: clean up comments in generic driver (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hcd: converted busmap from struct to bitmap (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] add a private-data pointer to struct usb_tt (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: use a bandwidth-allocation table (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: create a "periodic schedule info" struct (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: use consistent NO_FRAME value (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: change toggle only upon successful reset (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: No SSPLIT allowed in uframe 7 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: compute full-speed bandwidth usage correctly (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: check the right uframes for CSPLIT (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] NS_TO_US should round up (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] anchor: Delay usb_wait_anchor_empty_timeout wake up till completion is done (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] anchor: Ensure poisened gets initialized to 0 (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] cyberjack: fix buggy integer overflow test (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host: bugfix - Return length of copied buffer in uhci_hub_control() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host: uhci-platform - remove deprecated IRQF_DISABLED (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hcd: if-else-braces fixed (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hcd: removed braces for return statements (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hcd: replaced C99 // comments (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hcd: Whitespace fixes (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core/hcd: moved asterix to variable (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host: Use existing macros instead of hard-coded values in uhci-debug.c (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] remove intel_mid_otg.h (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: Add isoc transfer type enum and packet definitions (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] wusbcore: implement hwahc_op_get_frame_number (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: use amd_chipset_type to filter for SB800 prefetch (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: use amd_chipset_type to filter for usb subsystem hang bug (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci: ohci_init_driver() - sanity check overrides (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: usb_amd_resume_quirk() can be static (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pci-quirks: amd_chipset_sb_type_init() can be static (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: invoke dcd_change ldisc's handler (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] serial: call handle_dcd_change in ftdi driver (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] correct the usb_disconnect() comment about usb_bus_list_lock (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] fix substandard locking for the sysfs files (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] usbtest: bmAttributes would better be masked (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: implement AMD remote wakeup quirk (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] pci-quirks: refactor AMD quirk to abstract AMD chipset types (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] host: delete chipidea dependency (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ohci/uhci: add soft dependencies on ehci_pci (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: support running URB giveback in tasklet context"" (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: fix read of usbdevfs_ctrltransfer fields in proc_control() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: fix incorrect type in assignment in usb_set_lpm_parameters() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] core: Make usb_free_streams return an error (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: handle isochronous underruns with tasklets (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] ehci: code rearrangement in iso_stream_schedule() (Don Zickus) [1110939] - [usb] see if URB comes from a completion handler (Don Zickus) [1110939]- [crypto] pefile: Relax the check on the length of the PKCS#7 cert (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec, purgatory: add clean-up for purgatory directory (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] purgatory: use approprate -m64/-32 build flag for arch/x86/purgatory (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: remove CONFIG_KEXEC dependency on crypto (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: create a new config option CONFIG_KEXEC_FILE for new syscall (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] resource: fix the case of null pointer access (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: verify the signature of signed PE bzImage (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: support kexec/kdump on EFI systems (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: support for kexec on panic using new system call (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] kexec-bzimage64: support for loading bzImage using 64bit entry (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: load and relocate purgatory at kernel load time (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] purgatory: core purgatory functionality (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] purgatory/sha256: provide implementation of sha256 in purgaotory context (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: implementation of new syscall kexec_file_load (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: new syscall kexec_file_load() declaration (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: make kexec_segment user buffer pointer a union (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] resource: provide new functions to walk through resources (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: use common function for kimage_normal_alloc() and kimage_crash_alloc() (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: move segment verification code in a separate function (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: rename unusebale_pages to unusable_pages (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [scripts] build bin2c based on config option CONFIG_BUILD_BIN2C (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [scripts] bin2c: move bin2c in scripts/basic (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: convert printk to pr_foo() (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec/compat: convert to COMPAT_SYSCALL_DEFINE with changing parameter types (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: use vscnprintf() instead of vsnprintf() in vmcoreinfo_append_str() (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: add sysctl to disable kexec_load (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: Typo s/the/then/ (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [kernel] kexec: remove unnecessary return (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [asm] crash: Remove the original asm/crash.h files (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [asm] crash: Rename crash.h to crash-driver.h (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Remove misc.h inclusion from compressed/string.c (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Do not include boot.h in string.c (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Move memset() definition in compressed/string.c (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Move memcmp() into string.h and string.c (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Move optimized memcpy() 32/64 bit versions to compressed/string.c (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Create a separate string.h file to provide standard string functions (Vivek Goyal) [852066] - [x86] boot: Undef memcmp before providing a new definition (Vivek Goyal) [852066]- [fs] nfsd4: fix rd_dircount enforcement ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add some comments to the nfsd4 object definitions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: remove the client_mutex and the nfs4_lock/unlock_state wrappers ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: remove nfs4_lock_state: nfs4_state_shutdown_net ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: remove nfs4_lock_state: nfs4_laundromat ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): reclaim_complete() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): setclientid, setclientid_confirm, renew ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): exchange_id, create/destroy_session() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfsd4_open and nfsd4_open_confirm ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfsd4_delegreturn() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfsd4_open_downgrade + nfsd4_close ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfsd4_lock/locku/lockt() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfsd4_release_lockowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfsd4_test_stateid/nfsd4_free_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove nfs4_lock_state(): nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: remove old fault injection infrastructure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add more granular locking to *_delegations fault injectors ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add more granular locking to forget_openowners fault injector ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add more granular locking to forget_locks fault injector ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add a list_head arg to nfsd_foreach_client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add nfsd_inject_forget_clients ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add a forget_client set_clnt routine ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add a forget_clients "get" routine with proper locking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: abstract out the get and set routines into the fault injection ops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: protect clid and verifier generation with client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: don't destroy clients that are busy ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Put the reference of nfs4_file when freeing stid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: don't destroy client if mark_client_expired_locked fails ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: move unhash_client_locked call into mark_client_expired_locked ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: protect the close_lru list and oo_last_closed_stid with client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add lockdep assertions to document the nfs4_client/session locking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Ensure lookup_clientid() takes client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Protect nfsd4_destroy_clientid using client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Protect session creation and client confirm using client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Protect unconfirmed client creation using client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Move create_client() call outside the lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Don't require client_lock in free_client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Ensure that the laundromat unhashes the client before releasing locks ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Ensure struct nfs4_client is unhashed before we try to destroy it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: fix out of date comment ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Decrease nfsd_users in nfsd_startup_generic fail ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: rename unhash_generic_stateid to unhash_ol_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: don't thrash the cl_lock while freeing an open stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: reduce cl_lock thrashing in release_openowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: close potential race in nfsd4_free_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: optimize destroy_lockowner cl_lock thrashing ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add locking to stateowner release ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up and reorganize release_lockowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Move the open owner hash table into struct nfs4_client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Protect adding/removing lock owners using client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Protect adding/removing open state owners using client_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: don't allow CLOSE to proceed until refcount on stateid drops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: make openstateids hold references to their openowners ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up refcounting for lockowners ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Make lock stateid take a reference to the lockowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add an operation for unhashing a stateowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up lockowner refcounting when finding them ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add a mutex to protect the NFSv4.0 open owner replay cache ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add reference counting to state owners ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Migrate the stateid reference into nfs4_find_stateid_by_type() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Migrate the stateid reference into nfs4_lookup_stateid() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Migrate the stateid reference into nfs4_preprocess_seqid_op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add reference counting to nfs4_preprocess_confirmed_seqid_op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_open_confirm() must reference the open stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Prepare nfsd4_close() for open stateid referencing ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_process_open2() must reference the open stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_process_open2() must reference the delegation stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Ensure that nfs4_open_delegation() references the delegation stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_locku() must reference the lock stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add reference counting to lock stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: ensure atomicity in nfsd4_free_stateid and nfsd4_validate_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up races in lock stateid searching and creation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add locking to protect the state owner lists ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: do filp_close in sc_free callback for lock stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: use cl_lock to synchronize all stateid idr calls ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add a struct nfs4_file field to struct nfs4_stid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add reference counting to the lock and open stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: print status when nfsd4_open fails to open file it just created ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] sunrpc: Allow svc_reserve() to notify TCP socket that space has been freed ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] sunrpc: svc_tcp_write_space: don't clear SOCK_NOSPACE prematurely ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] sunrpc: Reduce contention in svc_xprt_enqueue() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: remove dl_fh field from struct nfs4_delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: give block_delegation and delegation_blocked its own spinlock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up nfs4_set_delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up arguments to nfs4_open_delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: drop unused stp arg to alloc_init_deleg ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Convert delegation counter to an atomic_long_t type ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: ensure that clp->cl_revoked list is protected by clp->cl_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: fully unhash delegations when revoking them ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: simplify stateid allocation and file handling ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Do not let nfs4_file pin the struct inode ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4_check_fh - make it actually check the filehandle ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Use the filehandle to look up the struct nfs4_file instead of inode ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Store the filehandle with the struct nfs4_file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: convert comma to semicolon ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] svcrdma: Double the default credit limit ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: ensure that st_access_bmap and st_deny_bmap are initialized to 0 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: bump dl_time when unhashing delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Move the delegation reference counter into the struct nfs4_stid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: fix race that grants unrecallable delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: CREATE_SESSION should update backchannel immediately ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] svcrdma: Select NFSv4.1 backchannel transport based on forward channel ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: zero op arguments beyond the 8th compound op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: silence sparse warning about accessing credentials ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Ensure stateids remain unique until they are freed ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4_alloc_init_lease should take a nfs4_file arg ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Avoid taking state_lock while holding inode lock in nfsd_break_one_deleg ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: eliminate nfsd4_init_callback ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Fix bad checking of space for padding in splice read ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: cleanup and rename nfs4_check_open ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: make deny mode enforcement more efficient and close races in it ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: always hold the fi_lock when bumping fi_access refcounts ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up reset_union_bmap_deny ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: set stateid access and deny bits in nfs4_get_vfs_file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: shrink st_access_bmap and st_deny_bmap ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: remove nfs4_file_put_fd ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: refactor nfs4_file_get_access and nfs4_file_put_access ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up helper __release_lock_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add locking to the nfs4_file->fi_fds[] array ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Add fine grained protection for the nfs4_file->fi_stateids list ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: reduce some spinlocking in put_client_renew ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: close potential race between delegation break and laundromat ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Fix crash encoding lock reply on 32-bit ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Convert nfs4_check_open_reclaim() to work with lookup_clientid() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Always use lookup_clientid() in nfsd4_process_open1 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Convert nfsd4_process_open1() to work with lookup_clientid() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Allow struct nfsd4_compound_state to cache the nfs4_client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add a nfserrno mapping for -E2BIG to nfserr_fbig ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: properly convert return from commit_metadata to __be32 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Cleanup - Let nfsd4_lookup_stateid() take a cstate argument ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Don't get a session reference without a client reference ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up nfsd4_release_lockowner ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: NFSv4 lock-owners are not associated to a specific file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Allow lockowners to hold several stateids ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: lock owners are not per open stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up nfsd4_close_open_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: declare v4.1+ openowners confirmed on creation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Cleanup nfs4svc_encode_compoundres ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4_preprocess_seqid_op should only set *stpp on success ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add a new /proc/fs/nfsd/max_connections file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Ensure that nfsd_create_setattr commits files to stable storage ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Remove iattr parameter from nfsd_symlink() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Protect addition to the file_hashtbl ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: fix file access refcount leak when nfsd4_truncate fails ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Avoid warning message when compile at i686 arch ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: replace defer_free by svcxdr_tmpalloc ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: remove nfs4_acl_new ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: define svcxdr_dupstr to share some common code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: remove unused defer_free argument ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd4: rename cr_linkname->cr_data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: let nfsd_symlink assume null-terminated data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: make NFSv2 null terminate symlink data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Fix bad reserving space for encoding rdattr_error ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfs: fix nfs4d readlink truncated packet ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: fix rare symlink decoding bug ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: properly handle embedded newlines in fault_injection input ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: fix return of nfs4_acl_write_who ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add appropriate __force directives to filehandle generation code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd_splice_read and nfsd_readv should return __be32 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: clean up sparse endianness warnings in nfscache.c ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: add __force to opaque verifier field casts ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Using exp_get for export getting ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Using path_get when assigning path for export ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] sunrpc/nfsd: Change to type of bool for rq_usedeferral and rq_splice_ok ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsd: Using min/max/min_t/max_t for calculate ("J. Bruce Fields") [1044798 1123721 1141932] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix another bug in the close/open_downgrade code (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv4: nfs4_state_manager() vs. nfs_server_remove_lists() (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: remove BUG possibility in nfs4_open_and_get_state (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] pnfs: fix filelayout_retry_commit when idx > 0 (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: revert "nfs4: queue free_lock_state job submission to nfsiod" (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: fix kernel warning when removing proc entry (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: Fix /proc/fs/nfsfs/servers and /proc/fs/nfsfs/volumes (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv3: Fix another acl regression (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv4: Don't clear the open state when we just did an OPEN_DOWNGRADE (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix problems with close in the presence of a delegation (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: Don't busy-wait on SIGKILL in __nfs_iocounter_wait (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: can_coalesce_requests must enforce contiguity (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: disallow duplicate pages in pgio page vectors (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: don't sleep with inode lock in lock_and_join_requests (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: fix error handling in lock_and_join_requests (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: fix nonblocking calls to nfs_page_group_lock (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: use blocking page_group_lock in add_request (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: change nfs_page_group_lock argument (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: reject changes to resvport and sharecache during remount (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: Avoid infinite loop when RELEASE_LOCKOWNER getting expired error (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: remove all refcounting of groupinfo from rpcauth_lookupcred (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: fix two problems in lookup_revalidate in RCU-walk (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: allow lockless access to access_cache (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: teach nfs_lookup_verify_inode to handle LOOKUP_RCU (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: teach nfs_neg_need_reval to understand LOOKUP_RCU (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: support RCU_WALK in nfs_permission() (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc/auth: allow lockless (rcu) lookup of credential cache (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: prepare for RCU-walk support but pushing tests later in code (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_lookup_revalidate: only evaluate parent if it will be used (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: add checks for returned value of try_module_get() (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: clear_request_commit while holding i_lock (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] pnfs: add pnfs_put_lseg_async (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] pnfs: find swapped pages on pnfs commit lists too (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: fix comment and add warn_on for PG_INODE_REF (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: mark nfs_page reqs with flag for extra ref (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: check wait_on_bit_lock err in page_group_lock (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: handle multiple reqs in nfs_page_async_flush (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: change find_request to find_head_request (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: remove "ec" argument from encrypt_v2 operation (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: clean up sparse endianness warnings in gss_krb5_wrap.c (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: clean up sparse endianness warnings in gss_krb5_seal.c (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: fix RCU handling of gc_ctx field (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: remove __rcu annotation from struct gss_cl_ctx->gc_gss_ctx (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_do_open should add negative results to the dcache (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Handle additional connection events (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Remove RPCRDMA_PERSISTENT_REGISTRATION macro (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Make rpcrdma_ep_disconnect() return void (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Schedule reply tasklet once per upcall (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Allocate each struct rpcrdma_mw separately (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Rename frmr_wr (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Disable completions for LOCAL_INV Work Requests (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Disable completions for FAST_REG_MR Work Requests (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Don't post a LOCAL_INV in rpcrdma_register_frmr_external() (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Reset FRMRs after a flushed LOCAL_INV Work Request (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Reset FRMRs when FAST_REG_MR is flushed by a disconnect (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Properly handle exhaustion of the rb_mws list (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Chain together all MWs in same buffer pool (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Back off rkey when FAST_REG_MR fails (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Unclutter struct rpcrdma_mr_seg (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Don't invalidate FRMRs if registration fails (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: On disconnect, don't ignore pending CQEs (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Update rkeys after transport reconnect (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Limit data payload size for ALLPHYSICAL (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Protect ia->ri_id when unmapping/invalidating MRs (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Fix panic in rpcrdma_register_frmr_external() (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] xprtrdma: Fix DMA-API-DEBUG warning by checking dma_map result (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] replace strict_strto calls (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: use ARRAY_SIZE instead of sizeof/sizeof[0] (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv4: Drop cast (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] rpc_pipe: Drop memory allocation cast (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs_common/nfsacl: move EXPORT symbol after functions (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs4: copy acceptor name from context to nfs_client (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: add a new "stringify_acceptor" rpc_credop (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] auth_gss: fetch the acceptor name out of the downcall (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs4: turn free_lock_state into a void return operation (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs4: queue free_lock_state job submission to nfsiod (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs4: treat lock owners as opaque values (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs41: layout return on close in delegation return (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs41: return layout on last close (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs4: add nfs4_check_delegation (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] pnfs/filelayout: retry ds commit if nfs_commitdata_alloc fails (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] pnfs/filelayout: fix race between mark_request_commit and scan_commit_lists (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv4: Fix OPEN w/create access mode checking (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: check hostname in nfs_get_client (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfsv4: set hostname when creating nfsv4 ds connection (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: Handle EPIPE in xprt_connect_status (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that we handle ENOBUFS errors correctly (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: replace count*size kzalloc by kcalloc (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: get rid of duplicate dprintk (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: Fix unused variable error (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: remove unneeded EXPORTs (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] pnfs: clean up *_resend_to_mds (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: remove pgio_header refcount, related cleanup (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: remove unused writeverf code (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: merge nfs_pgio_data into _header (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: rename members of nfs_pgio_data (Steve Dickson) [1111708] - [fs] nfs: move nfs_pgio_data and remove nfs_rw_header (Steve Dickson) [1111708]- [scsi] bnx2fc: Improve stats update mechanism (Neil Horman) [1096023] - [security] have cap_dentry_init_security return error (Jeff Layton) [1070910] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Change Avoton to iTCO v3 (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [watchdog] itco_wdt: Add support for v3 silicon (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add support for iTCO v3 (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Remove lpc_ich_cfg struct use (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Fix ACPI enable bitmask (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Only configure watchdog or GPIO when present (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add support for Intel Avoton GPIOs (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Convert ICH GPIOs IDs to enum (Prarit Bhargava) [1084134] - [net] ceph: do not hard code max auth ticket len (Ilya Dryomov) [1142285] {CVE-2014-6416} - [net] ceph: add process_one_ticket() helper (Ilya Dryomov) [1142285] {CVE-2014-6416} - [net] ceph: gracefully handle large reply messages from the mon (Ilya Dryomov) [1142285] {CVE-2014-6416} - [powercap] intel_rapl: add new CPU IDs (Steve Best) [1142597] - [powercap] intel_rapl: spell out SoC names (Steve Best) [1142597] - [powercap] intel_rapl: add support for ValleyView Soc (Steve Best) [1142597] - [x86] smpboot: initialize secondary CPU only if master CPU will wait for it (Igor Mammedov) [968147] - [x86] smpboot: Log error on secondary CPU wakeup failure at ERR level (Igor Mammedov) [968147] - [x86] smpboot: Fix list/memory corruption on CPU hotplug (Igor Mammedov) [968147] - [acpi] processor: do not mark present at boot but not onlined CPU as onlined (Igor Mammedov) [968147] - [tools] thermal: Introduce tmon, a tool for thermal subsystem (Neil Horman) [1085101] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: add newer cpu ids (Steve Best) [1141895] - [mm] swapfile: do not skip lowest_bit in scan_swap_map() scan loop (Seth Jennings) [1128277] - [dma] ioatdma: disable RAID on non-Atom platforms and reenable unaligned copies (Prarit Bhargava) [1069441] - [security] selinux: make the netif cache namespace aware (Paul Moore) [1112815] - [kernel] sched: Fix clock_gettime(CLOCK_[PROCESS/THREAD]_CPUTIME_ID) monotonicity (Seth Jennings) [1113932] - [kernel] hashtable: add hash_for_each_possible_rcu_notrace() (Steve Best) [1123126] - [media] media-device: fix an information leakage (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1109777] {CVE-2014-1739} - [fs] vfs: fix ref count leak in path_mountpoint() (Ian Kent) [1122376] {CVE-2014-5045} - [kernel] ptrace: get_dumpable() incorrect tests (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1111606] {CVE-2013-2929} - [fs] fanotify/compat: fix sys_fanotify_mark (Jan Stancek) [1119318] - [target] rd: Refactor rd_build_device_space + rd_release_device_space (Denys Vlasenko) [1108755] {CVE-2014-4027} - [ipc] fix compat msgrcv with negative msgtyp (Mateusz Guzik) [1042807] - [Documentation] fix incorrect formula to calculate CommitLimit value (Petr Oros) [1060570] - [acpi] apci_pad: in power_saving_thread(), call schedule() when need_resched is true (Tony Camuso) [1092076]- [powerpc] Revert: Add iommu domain pointer to device archdata (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [powerpc] Enable IOMMU and VFIO for ppc64 (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s_32/pr - Access HTAB in big endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Rework SLB switching code (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Move little endian conflict to HV KVM (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Do dcbz32 patching with big endian instructions (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Fill pvinfo hcall instructions in big endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - PAPR - Access RTAS in big endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - PAPR - Access HTAB in big endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s_64/pr - Access shadow slb in big endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s_64/pr - Access HTAB in big endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - ifdef on CONFIG_KVM_book3s_32_HANDLER for 32bit (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Disable AIL mode with OPAL (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Use SLB entry 0 (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Graciously fail broken LE hypercalls (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Remove open coded make_dsisr in alignment handler (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Always use the saved DAR value (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Make NX bit available with magic page (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Disable NX for old magic page using guests (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Expose TM registers (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Expose EBB registers (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Expose TAR facility to guest (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Handle Facility interrupt and FSCR (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Emulate TIR register (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Ignore PMU SPRs (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Default to big endian guest (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Fix C/R bit setting (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Fix WARN_ON with debug options on (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Enable Little Endian PR guest (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Enable interrupts earlier (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Make svcpu -> vcpu store preempt savvy (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Ignore DABR register (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Ignore PIR writes (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm: add PR mode KVM (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm: Move more code under CONFIG_HAVE_KVM_IRQFD (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Enable IRQFD support for the XICS interrupt controller (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/s390: adapter interrupt sources (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm: Move irq notifier implementation into eventfd.c (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm: Move all accesses to kvm::irq_routing into irqchip.c (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/irqchip: Provide and use accessors for irq routing table (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm: Don't keep reference to irq routing table in irqfd struct (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: IRQ disabling cleanup (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: use fdget (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Put huge-page HPTEs in rmap chain for base address (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Move KVM_REG_PPC_WORT to an unused register number (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Add ONE_REG register names that were missed (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Add missing code for transaction reclaim on guest exit (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - make _PAGE_NUMA take effect (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc/book3s: rename lookup_linux_pte() to lookup_linux_pte_and_update() (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Fix KVM hang with CONFIG_KVM_XICS=n (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Fix incorrect userspace exit on ioeventfd write (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Remove bogus duplicate code (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - use xics_wake_cpu only when defined (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: NULL return of kvmppc_mmu_hpte_cache_next should be handled (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Add devname:kvm aliases for modules (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Don't drop low-order page address bits (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Get rid of KVM_HPAGE defines (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Guard doorbell exception with CONFIG_PPC_DOORBELL (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Make shared struct aka magic page guest endian (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Use base page size when comparing against slb value (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Fix machine check delivery to guest (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Add mixed page-size support for guest (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: fix couple of memory leaks in MPIC/XICS devices (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Don't clobber our exit handler id (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Fix physical address calculations (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Take SRCU read lock around RTAS kvm_read_guest() call (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Add H_SET_MODE hcall handling (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Allow only implemented hcalls to be enabled or disabled (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Controls for in-kernel sPAPR hypercall handling (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Move vcore definition to end of kvm_arch struct (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Export kvmppc_copy_to (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Add CAP to indicate hcall fixes (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Prefer CMA region for hash page table allocation (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/hv - Add software abort codes for transactional memory (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Unify kvmppc_get_last_inst and sc (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Load/save FP/VMX/VSX state directly to/from vcpu struct (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Fix compilation without CONFIG_ALTIVEC (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [virt] kvm: Add per-vm capability enablement (David Gibson) [1123145 1123133 1123367] - [iommu] vt-d: Exclude devices using RMRRs from IOMMU API domains (Myron Stowe) [1097907] - [s390] uaccess: fix possible register corruption in strnlen_user_srst() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: rework uaccess code - fix locking issues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: introduce 'uaccesspt' kernel parameter (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: remove dead kernel parameter 'user_mode=' (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] setup: get rid of MACHINE_HAS_MVCOS machine flag (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: consistent types (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: get rid of indirect function calls (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: normalize order of parameters of indirect uaccess function calls (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: remove dead extern declarations, make functions static (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: test if current->mm is set before walking page tables (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] compat: fix PSW32_USER_BITS definition (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] compat: make psw32_user_bits a constant value again (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] uaccess: always run the kernel in home space (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [s390] kernel: remove page table walk for user space accesses (Hendrik Brueckner) [1099147] - [powerpc] start loop at section start of start in vmemmap_populated() (Gustavo Duarte) [1090174] - [powerpc] implement vmemmap_free() (Gustavo Duarte) [1090174] - [powerpc] implement vmemmap_remove_mapping() for BOOK3S (Gustavo Duarte) [1090174] - [powerpc] implement vmemmap_list_free() (Gustavo Duarte) [1090174] - [x86] Makefile: Add stack frame check (Prarit Bhargava) [1058753] - [virt] kvm/x86: fix TSC matching (Marcelo Tosatti) [1115764] - [drm] radeon: tweak ACCEL_WORKING2 query for hawaii (Jerome Glisse) [1140789]- [lib] assoc_array: Fix termination condition in assoc array garbage collection (David Howells) [1139431] {CVE-2014-3631} - [acpi] x86/ras: Fix build warnings in (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [acpi] ras/extlog: Adjust init flow (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [acpi] trace/emca: Add a knob to adjust where to save event log (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [ras] trace: Add eMCA trace event interface (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [ras] debugfs: Add debugfs interface for RAS subsystem (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [firmware] efi/cper: Adjust code flow of some functions (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [trace] aer: Move trace into unified interface (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [trace] ras: Add basic RAS trace event (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [trace] Add __field_struct macro for TRACE_EVENT() (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [trace] pci/aer: Fix severity usage in aer trace event (Rui Wang) [1085141] - [acpi] emca: Combine eMCA/EDAC event reporting priority (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [edac] sb_edac: Modify H/W event reporting policy (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [edac] Add an edac_report parameter to EDAC (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] Clean up inclusions of ACPI header files (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] x86: Export 'boot_cpu_physical_apicid' to modules (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] x86: Fix extended error log driver to depend on CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [firmware] dmi: Avoid unaligned memory access in save_mem_devices() (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [firmware] efi: Move cper.c from drivers/acpi/apei to drivers/firmware/efi (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [edac] ghes: Update ghes error record info (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] apei/cper: Cleanup CPER memory error output format (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] apei/cper: Enhance memory reporting capability (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [firmware] dmi: Parse memory device (type 17) in SMBIOS (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] x86: Extended error log driver for x86 platform (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] cper: Update cper info (Rui Wang) [1076655] - [acpi] apei/cper: Fix status check during error printing (Rui Wang) [1076655]- [ethernet] bnx2x: Configure device endianity on driver load and reset endianity on removal (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Be more forgiving toward SW GRO (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: VF clean statistics (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix stop-on-error (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: ethtool -d might cause timeout in log (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Use is_kdump_kernel() to detect kdump kernel (Michal Schmidt) [1059554 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: FW assertion changes (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Make BP_VF more robust (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent pci_disable_sriov with assigned VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent IOV if no entries in CAM (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix static checker warning regarding `txdata_ptr' (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Safe bnx2x_panic_dump() (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Update driver version to 1.710.51 (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Code cleanup (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix sparse warnings (Michal Schmidt) [1119861 1060671 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix timesync endianity (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add timestamping and PTP hardware clock support (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix tunneled GSO over IPv6 (Michal Schmidt) [1119861 1060671 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: prevent incorrect byte-swap in BE (Michal Schmidt) [1119861 1060671 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Utilize FW 7.10.51 (Michal Schmidt) [1119861 1060671 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove redundant #ifdef (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Revert UNDI flushing mechanism (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix set_setting for some PHYs (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix possible panic under memory stress (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix the MSI flags (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fail probe of VFs using an old incompatible driver (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: enlarge minimal alignemnt of data offset (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: VF can report link speed (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: remove null test before kfree (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Enlarge the dorq threshold for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Check for UNDI in uncommon branch (Michal Schmidt) [1094099 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix 1G-baseT link (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix link for KR with swapped polarity lane (Michal Schmidt) [1123867 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove useless return variables (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: update MAINTAINERS for bnx2x and e-mail addresses (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix build when BNX2X_SRIOV is not enabled (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Convert return 0 to return rc (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix UNDI driver unload (Michal Schmidt) [1094099 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Memory leak during VF removal (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: include irq.h for irqreturn_t definitions (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix possible memory leak on iov error flow (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix compilation when CONFIG_BNX2X_SRIOV is not set (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Don't allow VFs to become promiscuous (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Don't show port statistics for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix failure to configure VF multicast filters (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix vlan credit issues for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove the sriov VFOP mechanism (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Create workqueue for IOV related tasks (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Support mng. request for driver version (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: save RAM in kdump kernel by disabling TPA (Michal Schmidt) [1059554 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: save RAM in kdump kernel by using a single queue (Michal Schmidt) [1059554 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: clamp num_queues to prevent passing a negative value (Michal Schmidt) [1059554 1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove hidden flow control goto from BNX2X_ALLOC macros (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: (semantic) revise scheduling of sp_rtnl (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix bnx2x_panic_dump for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Revise IOV vlan/mac validation (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add support in PF driver for RSC (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Semantic Validate vlan/mac changes (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove unnecessary internal mem config (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Remove unused iov code (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Debug - change verbosity of some prints (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix L2-GRE TCP issues (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix sparse warning (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: prevent WARN during driver unload (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [ethernet] bnx2x: slight optimization of addr compare (Michal Schmidt) [1089402] - [kernel] crash_dump: Make is_kdump_kernel() accessible from modules (Michal Schmidt) [1089402 1059554] - [ethernet] qlge: Fix TSO for non-accelerated vlan traffic (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [ethernet] mvneta: Fix TSO and checksum for non-acceleration vlan traffic (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [ethernet] i40evf: Fix TSO and hw checksums for non-accelerated vlan packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix TSO and hw checksums for non-accelerated vlan packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [ethernet] ehea: Fix TSO and hw checksums with non-accelerated vlan packets (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [ethernet] e1000: Fix TSO for non-accelerated vlan traffic (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix TSO with non-accelerated vlans (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] macvlan: Initialize vlan_features to turn on offload support (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] macvtap: Fix checksum errors for non-gso packets in bridge mode (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] Revert: macvlan: fix checksums error when we are in bridge mode (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [net] Correctly set segment mac_len in skb_segment() (Vlad Yasevich) [1135619] - [crypto] pkcs7: Fix the parser cleanup to drain parsed out X.509 certs (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Provide a single place to do signed info block freeing (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [security] keys: Reinstate EPERM for a key type name beginning with a '.' (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Add a missing static (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] x509: Need to export x509_request_asymmetric_key() (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: X.509 certificate issuer and subject are mandatory fields in the ASN.1 (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Use x509_request_asymmetric_key() (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] x509: x509_request_asymmetric_keys() doesn't need string length arguments (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: fix sparse non static symbol warning (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Missing inclusion of linux/err.h (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [security] ima: define '.ima' as a builtin 'trusted' keyring (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] keys: validate certificate trust only with builtin keys (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] keys: validate certificate trust only with selected key (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] keys: make partial key id matching as a dedicated function (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] keys: verify a certificate is signed by a 'trusted' key (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [security] keys: special dot prefixed keyring name bug fix (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] Revert: keys: verify a certificate is signed by a 'trusted' key (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Validate PKCS#7 trust chain (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Digest the PE binary and compare to the PKCS#7 data (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Handle pesign using the wrong OID (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Parse the "Microsoft individual code signing" data blob (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Parse the presumed PKCS#7 content of the certificate blob (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Strip the wrapper off of the cert data block (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pefile: Parse a PE binary to find a key and a signature contained therein (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [misc] Provide PE binary definitions (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] keys/x509: Fix a spelling mistake (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Provide a key type for testing PKCS#7 (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Find intersection between PKCS#7 message and known, trusted keys (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Verify internal certificate chain (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Find the right key in the PKCS#7 key list and verify the signature (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Digest the data in a signed-data message (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] pkcs7: Implement a parser for RFC 2315 (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] x509: Export certificate parse and free functions (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] x509: Add bits needed for PKCS#7 (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] keys: change asymmetric keys to use common hash definitions (Vivek Goyal) [1129779] - [crypto] provide single place for hash algo information (Vivek Goyal) [1129779]- [fs] ceph: remove extra definitions of U32_MAX (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] vfs: call d_op->d_prune() before unhashing dentry (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: set last_piece in ceph_msg_data_pages_cursor_init() correctly (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: remove extra newlines from rbd_warn() messages (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: allocate img_request with GFP_NOIO instead GFP_ATOMIC (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: rework rbd_request_fn() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix kick_requests() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix sizeof(struct tYpO *) typo (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove redundant memset(0) (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: take snap_id into account when reading in parent info (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: do not read in parent info before snap context (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: update mapping size only on refresh (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: harden rbd_dev_refresh() and callers a bit (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: split rbd_dev_spec_update() into two functions (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: remove unnecessary asserts in rbd_dev_image_probe() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: introduce rbd_dev_header_info() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: show the entire chain of parent images (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: replace comma with a semicolon (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: use rbd_segment_name_free() instead of kfree() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check zero length in ceph_sync_read() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: reset r_resend_mds after receiving -ESTALE (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: include time stamp in replayed MDS requests (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: do not leak image_id in rbd_dev_v2_parent_info() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check unsupported fallocate mode (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: drop osd ref when canceling con work (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: nuke ceph_osdc_unregister_linger_request() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: use rbd_obj_watch_request_helper() helper (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: add rbd_obj_watch_request_helper() helper (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: rbd_obj_request_wait() should cancel the request if interrupted (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce ceph_osdc_cancel_request() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix linger request check in __unregister_request() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: unregister only registered linger requests (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: assert both regular and lingering lists in __remove_osd() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: harden ceph_osdc_request_release() a bit (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: move and add dout()s to ceph_osdc_request_{get, put}() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: move and add dout()s to ceph_msg_{get, put}() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add maybe_move_osd_to_lru() and switch to it (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: rename ceph_osd_request::r_linger_osd to r_linger_osd_item (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: handle parent_overlap on writes correctly (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove bogus extern (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: only set disk to read-only once (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: move calls that may sleep out of spin lock range (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: add ioctl for rbd (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use truncate_pagecache() instead of truncate_inode_pages() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: debugfs, replace seq_printf by seq_puts (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: replace pr_warning by pr_warn (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: include time stamp in every MDS request (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix ida/idr memory leak (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: use reference counts for image requests (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix osd_request memory leak in __rbd_dev_header_watch_sync() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: make sure we have latest osdmap on 'rbd map' (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add ceph_monc_wait_osdmap() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: mon_get_version request infrastructure (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: recognize poolop requests in debugfs (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: refactor readpage_nounlock() to make the logic clearer (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: mds - check cap ID when handling cap export message (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remember subtree root dirfrag's auth MDS (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: introduce ceph_fill_fragtree() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: handle cap import atomically (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: pre-allocate ceph_cap struct for ceph_add_cap() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: update inode fields according to issued caps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: queue vmtruncate if necessary when handing cap grant/revoke (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: ceph_get_parent() can be static (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: decode and initialize chooseleaf_vary_r (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix corruption when using page_count 0 page in rbd (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: reserve caps for file layout/lock MDS requests (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: avoid releasing caps that are being used (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: clear directory's completeness when creating file (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix non-default values check in apply_primary_affinity() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use fpos_cmp() to compare dentry positions (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check directory's completeness before emitting directory entry (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix pr_fmt() redefinition (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: ceph_sync_{, direct_}write, fix an oops on ceph_osdc_new_request() failure (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: skip invalid dentry during dcache readdir (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: dump pool {read,write}_tier to debugfs (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: output primary affinity values on osdmap updates (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: flush cap release queue when trimming session caps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: don't grabs open file reference for aborted request (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: drop extra open file reference in ceph_atomic_open() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: preallocate buffer for readdir reply (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: enable PRIMARY_AFFINITY feature bit (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: redo ceph_calc_pg_primary() in terms of ceph_calc_pg_acting() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add support for osd primary affinity (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add support for primary_temp mappings (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: return primary from ceph_calc_pg_acting() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: switch ceph_calc_pg_acting() to new helpers (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce apply_temps() helper (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce pg_to_raw_osds() and raw_to_up_osds() helpers (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: ceph_can_shift_osds(pool) and pool type defines (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: ceph_osd_{exists, is_up, is_down}(osd) definitions (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: enable OSDMAP_ENC feature bit (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: primary_affinity decode bits (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: primary_affinity infrastructure (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: primary_temp decode bits (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: primary_temp infrastructure (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: generalize ceph_pg_mapping (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce get_osdmap_client_data_v() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce decode{, _new}_pg_temp() and switch to them (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: switch osdmap_set_max_osd() to krealloc() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce decode{, _new}_pools() and switch to them (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: rename __decode_pool{, _names}() to decode_pool{, _names}() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix and clarify ceph_decode_need() sizes (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: nuke bogus encoding version check in osdmap_apply_incremental() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fixup error handling in osdmap_apply_incremental() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix crush_decode() call site in osdmap_decode() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: check length of osdmap osd arrays (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: safely decode max_osd value in osdmap_decode() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fixup error handling in osdmap_decode() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: split osdmap allocation and decode steps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: dump osdmap and enhance output on decode errors (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: dump pg_temp mappings to debugfs (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: do not prefix osd lines with t in debugfs output (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: refer to osdmap directly in osdmap_show() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: support chooseleaf_vary_r tunable (tunables3) by default (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: add SET_CHOOSELEAF_VARY_R step (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: add chooseleaf_vary_r tunable (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: allow crush rules to set (re)tries counts to 0 (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: fix off-by-one errors in total_tries refactor (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: don't include ceph.{file, dir}.layout vxattr in listxattr() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check buffer size in ceph_vxattrcb_layout() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix null pointer dereference in discard_cap_releases() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix oops in ceph_msg_data_{pages, pagelist}_advance() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: set mds_wanted when MDS reply changes a cap to auth cap (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use fl->fl_file as owner identifier of flock and posix lock (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: forbid mandatory file lock (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use fl->fl_type to decide flock operation (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: update i_max_size even if inode version does not change (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: make sure write caps are registered with auth MDS (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: print inode number for LOOKUPINO request (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: add get_name() NFS export callback (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix ceph_fh_to_parent() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: add get_parent() NFS export callback (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: simplify ceph_fh_to_dentry() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: do not set r_old_dentry_dir on link() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: do not assume r_old_dentry[_dir] always set together (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: do not chain inode updates to parent fsync (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: avoid useless ceph_get_dentry_parent_inode() in ceph_rename() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: let MDS adjust readdir 'frag' (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: prefix rbd writes with CEPH_OSD_OP_SETALLOCHINT osd op (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: num_ops parameter for rbd_osd_req_create() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: bump CEPH_OSD_MAX_OP to 3 (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add support for CEPH_OSD_OP_SETALLOCHINT osd op (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: encode CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_* op flags (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix error paths in rbd_img_request_fill() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: remove out_partial label in rbd_img_request_fill() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: a per-osdc crush scratch buffer (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: drop an unsafe assertion (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix reset_readdir() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix ceph_dir_llseek() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix __dcache_readdir() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix ceph_removexattr() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove xattr when null value is given to setxattr() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: properly handle XATTR_CREATE and XATTR_REPLACE (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: take map_sem for read in handle_reply() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: factor out logic from ceph_osdc_start_request() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix error handling in ceph_osdc_init() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: cast PAGE_SIZE to size_t in ceph_sync_write() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix dout() compile warnings in ceph_filemap_fault() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: support CEPH_FEATURE_OSD_CACHEPOOL feature (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: follow redirect replies from osds (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: rename ceph_osd_request::r_{oloc, oid} to r_base_{oloc, oid} (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: follow {read, write}_tier fields on osd request submission (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add ceph_pg_pool_by_id() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: CEPH_OSD_FLAG_* enum update (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: replace ceph_calc_ceph_pg() with ceph_oloc_oid_to_pg() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: introduce and start using oid abstraction (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: move ceph_file_layout helpers to ceph_fs.h (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: rename MAX_OBJ_NAME_SIZE to CEPH_MAX_OID_NAME_LEN (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: start using oloc abstraction (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: dout() is missing a newline (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add ceph_kv{malloc, free}() and switch to them (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: support CEPH_FEATURE_EXPORT_PEER (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: add imported caps when handling cap export message (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: add open export target session helper (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove exported caps when handling cap import message (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: handle session flush message (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check inode caps in ceph_d_revalidate (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: handle -ESTALE reply (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix trim caps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix cache revoke race (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use ceph_seq_cmp() to compare migrate_seq (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: handle cap export race in try_flush_caps() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: trivial comment fix (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix preallocation check in get_reply() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: rename front to front_len in get_reply() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: rename ceph_msg::front_max to front_alloc_len (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: use CEPH_MON_PORT when the specified port is 0 (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: support new indep mode and SET_* steps (crush v2) by default (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: fix crush_choose_firstn comment (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: attempts -> tries (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: add set_choose_local_[fallback_]tries steps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: generalize descend_once (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: CHOOSE_LEAF -> CHOOSELEAF throughout (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: add SET_CHOOSE_TRIES rule step (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: apply chooseleaf_tries to firstn mode too (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: new SET_CHOOSE_LEAF_TRIES command (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: pass parent r value for indep call (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: clarify numrep vs endpos (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: strip firstn conditionals out of crush_choose, rename (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: add note about r in recursive choose (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: use breadth-first search for indep mode (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: return CRUSH_ITEM_UNDEF for failed placements with indep (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: eliminate CRUSH_MAX_SET result size limitation (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: fix some comments (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: reduce scope of some local variables (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: factor out (trivial) crush_destroy_rule() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] crush: pass weight vector size to map function (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: update ceph_features.h (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: all features fields must be u64 (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: tear down watch request if rbd_dev_device_setup() fails (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: introduce rbd_dev_header_unwatch_sync() and switch to it (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: enable extended devt in single-major mode (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check caps in filemap_fault and page_mkwrite (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: add support for single-major device number allocation scheme (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: add 'minor' sysfs rbd device attribute (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: switch to ida for rbd id assignments (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: refactor rbd_init() a bit (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: tweak "loaded" message and module description (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: rbd_device::dev_id is an int, format it as such (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: resend all writes after the osdmap loses the full flag (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: block I/O when PAUSE or FULL osd map flags are set (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: new helper, file_inode(file) (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Add necessary clean up if invalid reply received in handle_reply() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Clean up if error occurred in finish_read() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: implement readv/preadv for sync operation (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Implement writev/pwritev for sync operation (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: drop unconnected inodes (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Avoid data inconsistency due to d-cache aliasing in readpage() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: initialize inode before instantiating dentry (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: allocate non-zero page to fscache in readpage() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: wake up 'safe' waiters when unregistering request (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: cleanup aborted requests when re-sending requests (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: handle race between cap reconnect and cap release (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: set caps count after composing cap reconnect message (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: queue cap release in __ceph_remove_cap() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: handle frag mismatch between readdir request and reply (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove outdated frag information (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix error handling from rbd_snap_name() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: ignore unmapped snapshots that no longer exist (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix use-after free of rbd_dev->disk (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: make rbd_obj_notify_ack() synchronous (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: complete notifies before cleaning up osd_client and rbd_dev (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add function to ensure notifies are complete (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use d_invalidate() to invalidate aliases (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove ceph_lookup_inode() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix null dereference in dout (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix buffer size for writes to images with snapshots (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: use vfs __set_page_dirty_nobuffers interface instead of doing it inside filesystem (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: allow sync_read/write return partial successed size of read/write (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix bugs about handling short-read for sync read mode (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove useless variable revoked_rdcache (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: create_singlethread_workqueue() doesn't return ERR_PTRs (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: potential NULL dereference in ceph_osdc_handle_map() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix error handling in handle_reply() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix fallocate division (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: punch hole support (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix request max size (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: introduce i_truncate_mutex (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: cleanup the logic in ceph_invalidatepage (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Remove bogus check in invalidatepage (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: replace hold_mutex flag with goto (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Move the place for EOLDSNAPC handle in ceph_aio_write to easily understand (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: use NULL instead of 0 (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix freeing inode vs removing session caps race (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Add check returned value on func ceph_calc_ceph_pg (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Don't use ceph-sync-mode for synchronous-fs (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: cleanup types in striped_read() (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: trim deleted inode (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: wake up writer if vmtruncate work get blocked (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: drop CAP_LINK_SHARED when sending "link" request to MDS (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix null pointer dereference (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: call r_unsafe_callback when unsafe reply is received (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix race between cap issue and revoke (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix cap revoke race (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix pending vmtruncate race (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: avoid accessing invalid memory (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Reconstruct the func ceph_reserve_caps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: Free mdsc if alloc mdsc->mdsmap failed (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: remove sb_start/end_write in ceph_aio_write (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: avoid meaningless calling ceph_caps_revoking if sync_mode == WB_SYNC_ALL (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: move inode to proper flushing list when auth MDS changes (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: fix a couple warnings (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: clear migrate seq when MDS restarts (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: check migrate seq before changing auth cap (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix race between page writeback and truncate (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: reset iov_len when discarding cap release messages (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix cap release race (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix truncate size calculation (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: fix safe completion (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: take a little credit (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: use rwsem to protect header updates (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: don't hold ctl_mutex to get/put device (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: protect against concurrent unmaps (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: set removing flag while holding list lock (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: print more info for short message header (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: protect against duplicate client creation (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: clean up a few things in the refresh path (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: flush dcache after zeroing page data (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [net] libceph: add lingering request reference when registered (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: tidy ceph_mdsmap_decode() a little (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: improve error handling in ceph_mdsmap_decode (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: drop original request earlier for existence check (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [fs] ceph: fix up comment for ceph_count_locks() as to which lock to hold (Sage Weil) [1122174] - [block] rbd: Use min_t() to fix comparison of distinct pointer types warning (Sage Weil) [1122174]- [scsi] megaraid_sas: Driver version update (06.805.06.00-rc1) (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: MFI MPT linked list corruption fix (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: N-drive primary raid level 1 load balancing (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add module parameter to disable IRQ-CPU affinity hint (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Round down max sge supported by controller to power of two (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Host lock less mode to enabled asynchronous IO submission (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Extended VD support (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Firmware crash dump feature support (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update threshold based reply post host index register (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Use writeq for 64bit pci write to avoid spinlock overhead (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Do not scan non syspd drives (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix reset_mutex leak (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Remove unused variables in megasas_instance (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add missing initial call to megasas_get_ld_vf_affiliation() (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix LD/VF affiliation parsing (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid: Fail resume if MSI-X re-initialization failed (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add Dell PowerEdge VRTX SR-IOV VF support (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Return leaked MPT frames to MPT frame pool (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix megasas_ioc_init_fusion (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Load correct raid context timeout (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: check return value for megasas_get_pd_list() (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas_fusion: Return correct error value in megasas_get_ld_map_info() (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas_fusion: correctly pass queue info pointer (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid: Use resource_size_t for PCI resources, not long (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid: minor cut and paste error fixed (Tomas Henzl) [1088523] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix a bug for 64 bit arches (Tomas Henzl) [1088523]- [virt] virtio_scsi: fix various bad behavior on aborted requests (Paolo Bonzini) [1098506] - [x86] perf/intel: ignore CondChgd bit to avoid false NMI handling (Don Zickus) [1110264] - [lib] cmdline: add size unit t/p/e to memparse (Eric Sandeen) [1058608] - [virt] virtio_net: fix packets dropping issue (Marcel Apfelbaum) [1131733] - [pci] hotplug: Prevent NULL dereference during pciehp probe (Myron Stowe) [1133107] - [security] selinux: fix a problem with IPv6 traffic denials in selinux_ip_postroute() (Paul Moore) [1102641] - [platform] toshiba: re-enable acpi hotkeys after suspend to disk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107814] - [ethernet] cxgb4: use remove handler as shutdown handler (Steve Best) [1123146] - [idle] intel_idle: Broadwell support (Steve Best) [1086453] - [s390] dasd: fix unresponsive device during format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132370] - [s390] dasd: validate request size before building CCW/TCW request (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132386] - [s390] dasd: fix error recovery for alias devices during format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132372] - [s390] pci: introduce lazy IOTLB flushing for DMA unmap (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132382] - [s390] dasd: use aliases for formatted devices during format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132369] - [s390] dasd: fix list_del corruption during format (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132371] - [s390] con3215: fix hanging console issue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1132345] - [mm] hugetlb: improve page-fault scalability (Larry Woodman) [1087955] - [s390] spinlock: fix system hang with spin_retry <= 0 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1096329] - [s390] qeth: Accurate ethtool output (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088581] - [s390] smp: limit number of cpus in possible cpu mask (Hendrik Brueckner) [1103711] - [scsi] isci: fix needless ata reset escalation (David Milburn) [1074984] - [idle] intel_idle: close avn_cstates array with correct marker (Steve Best) [1048050] - [idle] intel_idle: Fixed C6 state on Avoton/Rangeley processors (Steve Best) [1048050] - [idle] intel_idle: Support Intel Atom Processor C2000 Product Family (Steve Best) [1048050] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump i40e/i40evf versions (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: fix panic due to too-early Tx queue enable (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix an issue when PF reset fails (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: make warning less verbose (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: Tell OS link is going down when calling set_phy_config (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove unnecessary assignment (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: Change wording to be more consistent (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: Allow user to change link settings if link is down (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [ethernet] i40e: Add dual speed module support (Stefan Assmann) [1140994] - [mm] memory-failure: support use of a dedicated thread to handle SIGBUS(BUS_MCEERR_AO) (Rui Wang) [1108357] - [mm] memory-failure: don't let collect_procs() skip over processes for MF_ACTION_REQUIRED (Rui Wang) [1108357] - [mm] memory-failure: send right signal code to correct thread (Rui Wang) [1108357] - [crypto] qat: Use pci_enable_msix_exact() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Fix return value check in adf_chr_drv_create() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Fixed SKU1 dev issue (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Use hweight for bit counting (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Updated print outputs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: change ae_num to ae_id (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: change slice->regions to slice->region (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: use min_t macro (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: remove unnecessary parentheses (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: remove unneeded header (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: checkpatch blank lines (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: remove unnecessary return codes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: remove an unneeded cast (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Fix error path crash when no firmware is present (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Fixed new checkpatch warnings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Updated Firmware Info Metadata (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Fix random config build warnings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Fix build problem with O= (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Update to makefiles (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT DH895xcc accelerator (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT accelengine part of fw loader (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT ucode part of fw loader (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT crypto interface (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT FW interface (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT transport code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] qat: Intel(R) QAT driver framework (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] Sort drivers/crypto/Makefile (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130] - [crypto] authenc: Export key parsing helper function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1091130]- [drm] mst: rework payload table allocation to conform better (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] dp: Staticize a couple of DP utility functions (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] dp-mst-helper: Don't use uninitialized fields of the sideband message header (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] dp-mst-helper: Avoid reading uninitialized value (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] mst: fix build with debugfs off (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: handle G45/GM45 pulse detection connected state (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: take display port power domain in DP HPD handler (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: only hook up hpd pulse for DP outputs (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: lock around link status and link training (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: mst topology dumper in debugfs (v0.2) (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: add DP 1.2 MST support (v0.7) (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: split some conversion functions out into separate functions (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: check connector->encoder before using it (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: split some DP modesetting code into a separate function (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] helper: add Displayport multi-stream helper (v0.6) (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: rework digital port IRQ handling (v2) (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] add a path blob property (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] fb_helper: allow adding/removing connectors later (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] crtc: add interface to reinitialise the legacy mode group (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: add some registers need for displayport MST support (Dave Airlie) [1140440] - [drm] i915: silence some scary new warnings (Rob Clark) [1128915] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.16.0 (Rob Clark) [1128915] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.15.0 (Rob Clark) [1101269] - [lib] Export interval_tree (Rob Clark) [1101269] - [mm] introduce helper function mem_init_print_info() to simplify mem_init() (Rob Clark) [1101269] - [kernel] bitops: Introduce a more generic BITMASK macro (Rob Clark) [1101269] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.14.2 (Rob Clark) [1119341] - [drm] upstream sync to v3.13.11 (Rob Clark) [1119339] - [fs] dcache: missing EXPORT_SYMBOL(simple_dname) (Rob Clark) [1119339] - [kernel] define u8, s8, u32, etc. limits (Rob Clark) [1119339] - [fs] consolidate the reassignments of ->f_op in ->open() instances (Rob Clark) [1119339] - [kernel] sched: replace INIT_COMPLETION with reinit_completion (Rob Clark) [1119339]- [fs] gfs2: Request demote when a "try" flock fails (Robert S Peterson) [1132154] - [fs] gfs2: Change maxlen variables to size_t (Robert S Peterson) [1127251] - [fs] gfs2: Fix return value in slot_get() (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: replace kmalloc - __vmalloc / memset 0 (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Fix kbuild test robot reported warning (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Move quota bitmap operations under their own lock (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Clean up quota slot allocation (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Only run logd and quota when mounted read/write (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Use RCU/hlist_bl based hash for quotas (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Remove gfs2_quota_change_host structure (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Use generic list_lru for quota (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] list: add a new LRU list type (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Rename quota qd_lru_lock qd_lock (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Use reflink for quota data cache (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Protect quota sync generation (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Inline qd_trylock into gfs2_quota_unlock (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Make two similar quota code fragments into a function (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Remove obsolete quota tunable (Abhijith Das) [1026406] - [fs] gfs2: Move gfs2_icbit_munge into quota.c (Abhijith Das) [1026406]- [powerpc] powernv: Fix permissions on sysparam sysfs entries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [pci] rphahp: Fix endianess issues (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [scripts] modpost: handle non ABS crc symbols (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [ethernet] ibmveth: Fix endian issues with MAC addresses (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [ethernet] ibmveth: Fix little endian issues (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [scsi] ibmvscsi: Fix little endian issues (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Add H_SET_MODE to change exception endianness (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Move precessing of MCE queued event out from syscall exit path (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] of: compiles fixes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [fs] pstore: Introduce new argument 'compressed' in the read callback (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [cpufreq] powernv: make local function static (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [cpufreq] powernv: Fix build failure on UP (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [cpufreq] powernv: Use cpufreq_frequency_table.driver_data to store pstate ids (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [cpufreq] powernv: cpufreq driver for powernv platform (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [fs] pstore: Add new argument 'compressed' in pstore write callback (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] of: implement pci_address_to_pio as weak function (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [kernel] panic: Make panic_timeout configurable (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [pci] Add new pci_is_bridge() interface (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [pci] Rename pci_is_bridge() to pci_has_subordinate() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] of: device_node kobject lifecycle fixes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix endianness of flash_block_list in rtas_flash (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Change BUG_ON to WARN_ON in elog code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Fix MMCR2 handling for EBB (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] use _GLOBAL_TOC for memmove (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: dynamically added OF nodes need to call of_node_init (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] subpage_protect: Increase the array size to take care of 64TB (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix bugs in emulate_step() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Disable doorbells on Power8 DD1.x (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Never program book3s PMCs with values >= 0x80000000 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Clear MMCR2 when enabling PMU (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Add PPMU_ARCH_207S define (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: Remove redundant save of SIER AND MMCR2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Check for IRQHAPPENED before sleeping (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] bpf: Fix the broken LD_VLAN_TAG_PRESENT test (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] bpf: Use correct mask while accessing the VLAN tag (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] module: Fix TOC symbol CRC (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove OPAL v1 takeover (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kprobes: Fix jprobes on ABI v2 (LE) (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: Use pr_fmt() to namespace error messages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: Fix nop of modules on 64bit LE (ABIv2) (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: Fix inverted check of create_branch() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: Fix typo in mask of opcode (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add ppc_global_function_entry() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove __arch_swab* (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove ancient DEBUG_SIG code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kerenl: Enable EEH for IO accessors (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Avoid circular dependency with zImage. (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix some ABIv2 issues in machine check code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix guest MC delivery mechanism to avoid soft lockups in guest (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Increment the mce counter during machine_check_early call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Add stack overflow check in machine check handler (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix machine check handling for unhandled errors (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Dump PE location code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable POWER8 doorbell IPIs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix killed EEH event (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] fix typo 'CONFIG_PMAC' (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] fix typo 'CONFIG_PPC_CPU' (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Don't escalate non-existing frozen PE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Report frozen parent PE prior to child PE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Clear frozen state for child PE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Reduce panic timeout from 180s to 10s (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] xmon: avoid format string leaking to printk (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Ensure all EBB register state is cleared on fork() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix reading of OPAL msglog (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endianness problems in EEH (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Disable subcore for UP configs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Include asm/smp.h to fix UP build failure (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Don't setup CPUs with bad status (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add AT_HWCAP2 to indicate V.CRYPTO category support (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] update comments for generic idle conversion (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add missing include to LPC code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Pass buffer size to OPAL validate flash call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: hcall functions are exported to modules, need _GLOBAL_TOC() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Exported functions __clear_user and copy_page use r2 so need _GLOBAL_TOC() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Set memory_block_size_bytes to 256MB (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Allow ppc_md platform hook to override memory_block_size_bytes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues in memory error handling code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Skip eeh sysfs when eeh is disabled (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Provide debugfs access to the LPC bus via OPAL (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] serial: Use saner flags when creating legacy ports (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add cpu family documentation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] xmon: Fix up xmon format strings (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add calls to support little endian host (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Document sysfs DSCR interface (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix regression of per-CPU DSCR setting (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Split __SYSFS_SPRSETUP macro (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] fadump: Cleaning up inconsistent NULL checks (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add support for POWER8 split core on powernv (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm/book3s_hv: Use threads_per_subcore in KVM (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Check cpu_thread_in_subcore() in __cpu_up() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add threads_per_subcore (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Make it possible to skip the IRQHAPPENED check in power7_nap() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm/book3s_hv: Rework the secondary inhibit code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] numa: Enable CONFIG_HAVE_MEMORYLESS_NODES (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] numa: Enable USE_PERCPU_NUMA_NODE_ID (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix 64 bit builds with binutils 2.24 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pci: Use pci_is_bridge() to simplify code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] module: Fix stubs for BE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Clear ELF personality flag if ELFv2 is not requested (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix smp_processor_id() in preemptible splat in set_breakpoint (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Drop return value from set_breakpoint as it is unused (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove non-uapi linkage.h export (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] irq work racing with timer interrupt can result in timer interrupt hang (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] mm: use macro PGTABLE_EADDR_SIZE instead of digital (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] le: Show the endianess of the LPAR under PowerVM (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Use 64k io pages when we never see an HEA (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] use libfdt accessors for header data (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] memcpy optimization for 64bit LE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] tm: Add checking to treclaim/trechkpt (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] tm: Remove unnecessary r1 save (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Implement ppc_md.get_proc_freq() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [cpuidle] powernv: Remove redundant cpuidle_idle_call() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Framework to show the correct clock in /proc/cpuinfo (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Return secondary CPUs to firmware before FW update (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Add support for 64bit little endian wrapper (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Add a global entry point for pseries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Modify entry point for 64bit (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Define a routine to enter prom (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Add little endian support to elf utils (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Add 64bit and little endian support to addnote (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Define byteswapping routines for little endian (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Fix compile warning in 64bit (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Define typedef ihandle as u32 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Rework of_claim() to make it 64bit friendly (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Add PROM_ERROR define in oflib (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Add byteswapping routines in oflib (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Use prom_arg_t in oflib (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Use a common prom_args struct in oflib (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Fix do_div for 64bit wrapper (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] prom: Stop scanning dev-tree for fdump early (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Don't use pe->pbus to get the domain number (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix VFIO support with PHB3 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Missed IOMMU table type (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Can't recover from non-PE-reset case (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pci: Mask linkDown on resetting PCI bus (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Reset root port in firmware (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix overwritten PE state (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endless reporting frozen PE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: No hotplug on permanently removed dev (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Allow to disable EEH (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Cleanup EEH subsystem variables (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Use cached capability for log dump (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Cleanup eeh_gather_pci_data() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Avoid I/O access during PE reset (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Use EEH PCI config accessors (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Block PCI-CFG access during PE reset (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: EEH_PE_ISOLATED not reflect HW state (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove fields in PHB diag-data dump (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Move PNV_EEH_STATE_ENABLED around (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove PNV_EEH_STATE_REMOVED (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Remove EEH_PE_PHB_DEAD (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Protect remove_memory() with device hotplug lock (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix error return in rtas_flash module init (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Bump BOOT_COMMAND_LINE_SIZE to 2048 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Bump COMMAND_LINE_SIZE to 2048 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Rename duplicate COMMAND_LINE_SIZE define (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] mm: Fix tlbie to add AVAL fields for 64K pages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix little endian issues in OPAL dump code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Create OPAL sglist helper functions and fix endian issues (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix little endian issues in OPAL error log code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix little endian issues with opal_do_notifier calls (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove some OPAL function declaration duplication (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Use uint64_t instead of size_t in OPAL APIs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Release the refcount for pci_dev (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Reduce multi-hit of iommu_add_device() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix little endian issues in OPAL flash code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix kexec races going back to OPAL (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Check sysparam size before creation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix typos in sysparam code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Check sysfs size before copying (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Use ssize_t for sysparam return values (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix sysparam sysfs error handling (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix Oops in rtas_stop_self() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Export flush_icache_range (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Build little endian ppc64 kernel with ABIv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: Fix ABIv2 issues with __ftrace_make_call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: Use module loader helpers to parse trampolines (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: Create module_trampoline_target() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: Create is_module_trampoline() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kprobes: Fix ABIv2 issues with kprobe_lookup_name (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace_caller, _mcount is exported to modules so needs _GLOBAL_TOC() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add _GLOBAL_TOC for ABIv2 assembly functions exported to modules (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: implement stubs for ELFv2 ABI (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: skip r2 setup for ELFv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: use r12 for stub jump address (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: change r2 save/restore offset for ELFv2 ABI (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules: comment about de-dotifying symbols when using the ELFv2 ABI (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Handle new ELFv2 module relocations (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix up TOC. for modules (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] module: handle MODVERSION for .TOC (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] EXPORT_SYMBOL(.TOC.) (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] modules implement R_PPC64_TOCSAVE relocation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] make module stub code endian independent (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix ABIv2 issue with dereference_function_descriptor (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix SMP issues with ppc64le ABIv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] tracing: TRACE_WITH_FRAME_BUFFER creates invalid stack frames (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] tm: Fix GOT save offset for ABIv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] tm: Use STK_PARAM (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix unsafe accesses to parameter area in ELFv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix ABIv2 issues with stack offsets in assembly code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix kernel thread creation on ABIv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix branch patching code for ABIv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Use ppc_function_entry instead of open coding it (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add ABIv2 support to ppc_function_entry (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Ignore .TOC. relocations (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ABIv2 function calls must place target address in r12 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove function descriptors and dot symbols on new ABI (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Create DOTSYM to wrap dot symbol usage (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Introduce hypervisor call H_GET_TCE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Add support for DABRX register on POWER7 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove dot symbol usage in exception macros (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove _INIT_GLOBAL(), _STATIC() and _INIT_STATIC() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove some unnecessary uses of _GLOBAL() and _STATIC() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Don't use a function descriptor for system call table (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove superflous function descriptors in assembly only code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] No need to use dot symbols when branching to a function (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Don't build assembly files with ABIv2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Don't try to set LPCR unless we're in hypervisor mode (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] le: Avoid creatng R_PPC64_TOCSAVE relocations for modules (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] opal: Add missing include (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Convert last uses of __FUNCTION__ to __func__ (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add lq/stq emulation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add invalid OPAL call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL message log interface (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix mc_recoverable_range buffer overrun issue (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove dead code in sycall entry (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Use of_node_init() for the fakenode in msi_bitmap.c (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] of: Make device nodes kobjects so they show up in sysfs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] mm: NUMA pte should be handled via slow path in get_user_pages_fast() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues with sensor code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues with OPAL async code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add opal_notifier_unregister() and export to modules (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ppc64: Do not turn AIL (reloc-on interrupts) too early (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ppc64: Gracefully handle early interrupts (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] prom: early_init_dt_scan_cpus() updates cpu features only once (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make boot_cpuid common between 32 and 64-bit (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Adjust CPU_FTR_SMT on all platforms (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] le: Enable RTAS events support (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Fix CFAR clobbering issue in machine check handler (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] compat: 32-bit little endian machine name is ppcle, not ppc (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] le: Big endian arguments for ppc_rtas() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] mm: Make sure a local_irq_disable prevent a parallel THP split (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Rate-limit users spamming kernel log buffer (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Fix handling of L3 events with bank == 1 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Work around POWER8 performance monitor bugs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Make sure we don't miss dirty pages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Add transactional memory support (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Fix dirty map for hugepages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Fix check for running inside guest in global_invalidates() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Reset PHB in kdump kernel (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Make the delay for PE reset unified (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Clear the runlatch bit of a vcpu before napping (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Set the runlatch bit of a CPU just before starting guest (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Set the runlatch bits correctly for offline cpus (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Save/restore host PMU registers that are new in POWER8 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Fix decrementer timeouts with non-zero TB offset (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Don't use kvm_memslots() in real mode (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Return ENODEV error rather than EIO (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Trim top 4 bits of physical address in RTAS code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Add get/set_one_reg for new TM state (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Basic little-endian guest support (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Fix register usage when loading/saving VRSAVE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Cope with doorbell interrupts (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Add new state for transactional memory (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Prepare for host using hypervisor doorbells (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Handle new LPCR bits on POWER8 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Handle guest using doorbells for IPIs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Consolidate code that checks reason for wake from nap (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Implement architecture compatibility modes for POWER8 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Add handler for HV facility unavailable (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Flush the correct number of TLB sets on POWER8 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Context-switch new POWER8 SPRs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Align physical and virtual CPU thread numbers (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Don't set DABR on POWER8 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - MMIO emulation support for little endian guests (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Use load/store_fp_state functions in HV guest entry/exit (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Store FP/VSX/VMX state in thread_fp/vr_state structures (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Use load_fp/vr_state rather than load_up_fpu/altivec (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv/eeh: Add buffer for P7IOC hub error data (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove get/set_rtc_time when they are not present (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Take SRCU read lock around kvm_read_guest() call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Make tbacct_lock irq-safe (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Refine barriers in guest entry/exit (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm: Add struct kvm arg to memslot APIs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Define perf_event_print_debug() to print PMU register values (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Make some new raw event codes available in sysfs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable fetching of platform sensor data (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable reading and updating of system parameters (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Infrastructure to support OPAL async completion (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv Platform dump interface (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Read OPAL error log and export it through sysfs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add "force config cmd line" Kconfig option (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Use remove_memory() to remove memory (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Recover from MC in sapphire on SCOM read via MMIO (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Don't try to register pseries cpu hotplug on non-pseries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix xmon disassembler for little-endian (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Revert c6102609 and replace it with the correct fix for vio dma mask setting (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Kill CONFIG_MTD_PARTITIONS (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Align p_dyn, p_rela and p_st symbols (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add OPAL call to resync timebase on wakeup (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add context management for Fast Sleep (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Split timer_interrupt() into timer handling and interrupt handling routines (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Implement tick broadcast IPI as a fixed IPI message (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Free up the slot of PPC_MSG_CALL_FUNC_SINGLE IPI message (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Fixup the brown paperbag fallout of the "cleanup" (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Kill another abuse of irq_desc (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] irq: Use generic_handle_irq (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix indirect XSCOM unmangling (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix opal_xscom_{read, write} prototype (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Refactor PHB diag-data dump (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Dump PHB diag-data immediately (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Increase stack redzone for 64-bit userspace to 512 bytes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ftrace: bugfix for test_24bit_addr (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] crashdump: Fix page frame number check in copy_oldmem_page (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] le: Ensure that the 'stop-self' RTAS token is handled correctly (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Disable EEH on reboot (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Cleanup on eeh_subsystem_enabled (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Rework EEH reset (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add iommu DMA bypass support for IODA2 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix endian issues in kexec and crash dump code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Configure BHRB filter before enabling PMU interrupts (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Select ARCH_RANDOM on pseries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Add Power8 cache & TLB events (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] relocate fix relocate processing in LE mode (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] hugetlb: Replace __get_cpu_var with get_cpu_var (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make sure "cache" directory is removed when offlining cpu (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv/cpuidle: Back-end cpuidle driver for powernv platform (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries/cpuidle: smt-snooze-delay cleanup (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries/cpuidle: Remove MAX_IDLE_STATE macro (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries/cpuidle: Make cpuidle-pseries backend driver a non-module (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries/cpuidle: Use cpuidle_register() for initialisation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries/cpuidle: Move processor_idle.c to drivers/cpuidle (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] numa: Fix decimal permissions (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix hw breakpoints on !HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT configurations (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Implement arch_spin_is_locked() using arch_spin_value_unlocked() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add support for the optimised lockref implementation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Kconfig: Make TM select VSX and VMX (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Call OPAL sync before kexec'ing (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Escalate error on non-existing PE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Handle multiple EEH errors (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix races with irq_work (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make add_system_ram_resources() __init (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] add SATA_MV to ppc64_defconfig (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Increase candidate fw image size (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] iommu: Don't detach device without IOMMU group (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Hotplug improvement (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Call opal_pci_reinit() on powernv for restoring config space (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Add restore_config operation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove unnecessary assignment (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Delete non-required instances of include (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add vr save/restore functions (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Check return value of instance-to-package OF call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] add barrier after writing kernel PTE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] introduce macro LOAD_REG_ADDR_PIC (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: define a linux pte lookup function (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix endian issues in power7/8 machine check handler (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] iommu: Update the generic code to use dynamic iommu page sizes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] iommu: Add it_page_shift field to determine iommu page size (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] iommu: Update constant names to reflect their hardcoded page size (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: move iommu_add_device earlier (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] vfio: Enable on pSeries platform (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] vfio: Implement IOMMU driver for VFIO (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] vfio: Enable on PowerNV platform (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix "attempt to move .org backwards" error (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix alignment of secondary cpu spin vars (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Align p_end (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make 64-bit non-VMX __copy_tofrom_user bi-endian (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make unaligned accesses endian-safe for powerpc (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix bad stack check in exception entry (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Don't abuse host r2 in exit path (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Full barrier for smp_mb__after_unlock_lock() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix OPAL LPC access in Little Endian (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issue in opal_xscom_read (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in /proc/ppc64/lparcfg (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix up the kdump base cap to 128M (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix PTE page address mismatch in pgtable ctor/dtor (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Get FSP memory errors and plumb into memory poison infrastructure (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add config option for hwpoisoning (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Dynamically allocate slb_shadow from memblock (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make slb_shadow a local (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add real mode cache inhibited IO accessors (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Increase EEH recovery timeout for SR-IOV (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Output PHB diag-data (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Move PHB-diag dump functions around (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Move SG list structure to header file (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Infrastructure to read opal messages in generic format (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Machine check exception handling (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Remove machine check handling in OPAL (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Queue up and process delayed MCE events (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Decode and save machine check event (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Flush SLB/TLBs if we get SLB/TLB machine check errors on power8 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Flush SLB/TLBs if we get SLB/TLB machine check errors on power7 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Add flush_tlb operation in cpu_spec (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Introduce a early machine check hook in cpu_spec (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Return from interrupt if coming from evil context (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: handle machine check in Linux host (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Introduce exclusive emergency stack for machine check exception (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] book3s: Split the common exception prolog logic into two section (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Replace CONFIG_POWERNV_MSI with just CONFIG_PPC_POWERNV (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: CONFIG_PSERIES_MSI should depend on PPC_PSERIES (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kernel/sysfs: Cleanup set up macros for PMC/non-PMC SPRs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make irq_stat.timers_irqs counting more specific (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] purge all the prefetched instructions for the coherent icache flush (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kernel: remove useless code which related with 'max_cpus' (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Ignore .dtb files (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Clean up panic_timeout usage (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kernel: Use 12.12s instead of 12s to avoid memory overflow (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: optimize "sc 1" as fast return (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix SMP=n build of rng.c (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make cpu_to_chip_id() available when SMP=n (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] vio: Fix a dma_mask issue of vio (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Only print PACATMSCRATCH in oops when TM is active (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Duplicate dtl entries sometimes sent to userspace (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove a few lines of oops output (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Print DAR and DSISR on machine check oopses (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix __get_user_pages_fast() irq handling (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: More accurate log (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Enable PCI_COMMAND_MASTER for PCI bridges (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add pseries_le_defconfig (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [kernel] uprobes/powerpc: Kill arch_uprobe->ainsn (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: fix rare but potential deadlock scene (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] add missing explicit OF includes for ppc (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add support for indirect XSCOM via debugfs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: Improve debugfs interface (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: Enable 64-bit addresses (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Properly handle the base "of" boot wrapper (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] bpf: Support MOD operation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] bpf: Fix DIVWU instruction opcode (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] tm: Remove interrupt disable in __switch_to() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] nvram: Scan partitions only once (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Code update interface (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Create opal sysfs directory (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add VMX optimised xor for RAID5 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kexec: kexec_sequence() is in misc_64.S (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Use 32 bit loads and stores when operating on condition register values (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Enable multipath modules on ppc64 and pseries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix dedicated processor partition detection (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] vio: use strcpy in modalias_show (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] FA_DUMP depends on KEXEC (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix a typo in comments of va to pa conversion (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Move local setup.h declarations to arch includes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix warnings for arch/powerpc/mm/numa.c (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] boot: Don't change link address for OF-based platforms (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add includes to fix powernv/rng.c build (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix PPC_EMULATED_STATS build break with sync patch (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] select ARCH_MIGHT_HAVE_PC_PARPORT (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Don't corrupt user registers on 32-bit (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kgdb: use DEFINE_PER_CPU to allocate kgdb's thread_info (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - drop is_hv_enabled (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Allow the HV and PR selection per virtual machine (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Support building HV and PR KVM as module (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - move PR related tracepoints to a separate header (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Add is_hv_enabled to kvmppc_ops (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Cleanup interrupt handling code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Add kvmppc_ops callback (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Add a new config variable CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_HV_POSSIBLE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s/pr - Rename KVM_BOOK3S_PR to KVM_BOOK3S_PR_POSSIBLE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - move book3s_64_vio_hv.c into the main kernel binary (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - remove kvmppc_handler_highmem label (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] export debug registers save function for KVM (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] move debug registers in a structure (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] remove unnecessary line continuations (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Fix vcore leak (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Better handling of exceptions that happen in real mode (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Reduce number of shadow PTEs invalidated by MMU notifiers (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Mark pages accessed, and dirty if being written (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Use mmu_notifier_retry() in kvmppc_mmu_map_page() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Book3S PR - Better handling of host-side read-only pages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Move skip-interrupt handlers to common code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Allocate kvm_vcpu structs from kvm_vcpu_cache (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Make HPT accesses and updates SMP-safe (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Book3S PR - Correct errors in H_ENTER implementation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Handle PP0 page-protection bit in guest HPTEs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Use 64k host pages where possible (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Allow guest to use 64k pages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Book3S PR - Keep volatile reg values in vcpu rather than shadow_vcpu (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Don't crash host on unknown guest interrupt (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Support POWER6 compatibility mode on POWER7 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Add support for guest Program Priority Register (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Store LPCR value for each virtual core (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Avoid unbalanced increments of VPA yield count (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Pull out interrupt-reading code into a subroutine (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Restructure kvmppc_hv_entry to be a subroutine (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Implement H_CONFER (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s - Add GET/SET_ONE_REG interface for VRSAVE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Implement timebase offset for guests (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Save/restore SIAR and SDAR along with other PMU registers (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Reserve POWER8 space in get/set_one_reg (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Rework kvmppc_mmu_book3s_64_xlate() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Make instruction fetch fallback work for system calls (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Move plpar_wrapper.h to powerpc common include/asm location (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries/cpuidle: Remove dependency of pseries.h file (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: use anon_inode_getfd() with O_CLOEXEC flag (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Load up SPRG3 register with guest value on guest entry (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Call trace_hardirqs_on before entry (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Allow negative offsets to real-mode hcall handlers (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s hv - Correct tlbie usage (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Invalidate SLB entries properly (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Allow guest to use 1TB segments (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Don't keep scanning HPTEG after we find a match (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Fix invalidation of SLB entry 0 on guest entry (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: book3s pr - Fix proto-VSID calculations (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove the unneeded trigger of decrementer interrupt in decrementer_check_overflow (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: fix imbalance srcu_read_[un]lock() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Emulate sync instruction variants (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Reorder output messages (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: Use "devspec" rather than "path" in debugfs entries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: CONFIG_SCOM_DEBUGFS should depend on CONFIG_DEBUG_FS (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add scom support under OPALv3 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: Create debugfs files using ibm, chip-id if available (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: Add support for "reg" property (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] scom: Change scom_read() and scom_write() to return errors (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Enable /dev/port when isa_io_special is set (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make ftrace endian-safe (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Implement arch_get_random_long() based on H_RANDOM (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Implement arch_get_random_long/int() for powernv (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Added __cmpdi2 for signed 64bit comparision (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix section mismatch warning in free_lppacas (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ppc64: Remove the unneeded load of ti_flags in resume_kernel (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] legacy_serial: Fix incorrect placement of __initdata tag (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [serial] tty/hvc_opal: powerpc - Make OPAL HVC device tree accesses endian safe (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix some PCI sparse errors and one LE bug (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] add explicit OF includes (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] clean-up include ordering in prom.h (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Tell about irq stack coverage (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix section mismatch warning for prom_rtas_call (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Export cpu_to_chip_id() to fix build error (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] xmon: Fix printing of set of CPUs in xmon (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Move lparcfg.c to platforms/pseries (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Return secondary CPUs to firmware on kexec (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Cleanup handling of the DSCR bit in the FSCR register (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Skip emulating & leave interrupts off for kernel program checks (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add more exception trampolines for hypervisor exceptions (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix location and rename exception trampolines (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add more trap names to xmon (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Add a warning in the case of cross-cpu VPA registration (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Update the 00-Index in Documentation/powerpc (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Never handle VSX alignment exceptions from kernel (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Unaligned stores and stmw are broken in emulation code (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: Copy the pvr value after memset (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] refactor of_get_cpu_node to support other architectures (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Convert some mftb/mftbu into mfspr (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Read and write to the 'compressed' flag of pstore (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Remove (de)compression in nvram with pstore enabled (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make device tree accesses in HVC VIO console endian safe (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Make chip-id information available to userspace (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Use ibm, chip-id property to compute cpu_core_mask if available (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Pull out cpu_core_mask updates into a separate function (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix denormalized exception handler (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove the redundant flush_fp_to_thread() in setup_sigcontext() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable detection of legacy UARTs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Check "status" property before adding legacy ISA serial ports (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Cleanup udbg_16550 and add support for LPC PIO-only UARTs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add PIO accessors for Power8 LPC bus (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Add helper to get ibm, chip-id of a node (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Update opal.h to add new LPC and XSCOM functions (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Better split CONFIG_PPC_INDIRECT_PIO and CONFIG_PPC_INDIRECT_MMIO (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] ppc64: Rename SOFT_DISABLE_INTS with RECONCILE_IRQ_STATE (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Implement __get_user_pages_fast() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Convert platforms to smp_generic_cpu_bootable (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Add smp_generic_cpu_bootable (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove the symbol __flush_icache_range (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Move the testing of CPU_FTR_COHERENT_ICACHE into __flush_icache_range (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pci: Don't use bitfield for force_32bit_msi (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove SAVE_VSRU and REST_VSRU macros (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Align p_toc (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm/book3s_pr: Return appropriate error when allocation fails (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [virt] kvm/ppc: Add signed type cast for comparation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Add missing procfs entry for PowerNV (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pci: fix PCI-e check link issue (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: increase the perf HW events to 6 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: correct typos in counter enumeration (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Rename PMU interrupts from CNT to PMI (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Move opcode definitions from kvm/emulate.c to asm/ppc-opcode.h (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] powernv: Mark pnv_pci_init_ioda2_phb() as __init (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix a typo in pSeries_lpar_hpte_insert() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix the corrupt r3 error during MCE handling (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Access local paca after hard irq disabled (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Revert: hw_breakpoints: Fix racy access to ptrace breakpoints (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: Use 256K chunk to track both RMA and hash page table allocation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: Contiguous memory allocator based RMA allocation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] kvm: Contiguous memory allocator based hash page table allocation (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove savemaxmem parameter setup (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Handle both new style and old style reserve maps (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] prom: Scan reserved-ranges node for memory reservations (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] perf: Drop MMCRA from thread_struct (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Remove unreachable relocation on exception handlers (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Update MAINTAINERS (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] nvram64: Need return the related error code on failure occurs (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Set cpu sibling mask before online cpu (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] idle: Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] iommu: Remove unused pci_iommu_init() and pci_direct_iommu_init() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Don't flush/invalidate the d/icache for an unknown relocation type (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix string instr. emulation for 32-bit processes on ppc64 (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] Fix typo in ioei_interrupt() description (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] proc: switch to fixed_size_llseek() (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] eeh: Remove eeh_mutex (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Enable PSTORE in pseries_defconfig (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] pseries: Use 'true' instead of '1' for orderly_poweroff (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [powerpc] smp: Use '==' instead of '<' for system_state (Don Zickus) [1127366] - [cpufreq] Various RHEL cleanups (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] move policy kobj to update_policy_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] propagate error returned by kobject_move() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] don't restore policy->cpus on failure to move kobj (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove core_pct rounding (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] ondemand: Eliminate the deadband effect (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Introduce new relation for freq selection (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Simplify P state adjustment logic (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Align multiple lines to open parenthesis (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Keep values in aperf/mperf in full precision (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove unnecessary intermediate variable sample_time (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add missing blank lines after declarations (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Disable interrupts during MSRs reading (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fit code in a single line where possible (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Cleanup parentheses (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove unnecessary type casting in div_s64() call (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Make intel_pstate_kobject and debugfs_parent locals (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] move policy kobj to policy->cpu at resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set CPU number before accessing MSRs (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: don't touch turbo bit if turbo disabled or unavailable (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix setting VID (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] unlock when failing cpufreq_update_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Correct rounding in busy calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Correct rounding in busy calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove duplicate CPU ID check (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] governor: remove copy_prev_load from 'struct cpu_dbs_common_info' (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] governor: Be friendly towards latency-sensitive bursty workloads (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] add support for intermediate (stable) frequencies (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Improve initial busy calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: add sample time scaling (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove C0 tracking (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] handle calls to ->target_index() in separate routine (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove unused member name of cpudata (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Break out early when frequency equals target_freq (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove race while accessing cur_policy (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] powernow-k8: Suppress checkpatch warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: remove setting P state to MAX on init (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Use cpufreq_for_each_* macros for frequency table iteration (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] don't print value of .driver_data from core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set turbo VID for BayTrail (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix build error on some platforms that use cpufreq_for_each_* (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Catch double invocations of cpufreq_freq_transition_begin/end (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Kconfig: Fix spelling errors (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove sample parameter in intel_pstate_calc_busy (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Introduce macros for cpufreq_frequency_table iteration (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] use kzalloc() to allocate memory for cpufreq_frequency_table (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] create another field .flags in cpufreq_frequency_table (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Use sizeof(*ptr) convetion for computing sizes (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Convert existing drivers to use cpufreq_freq_transition_{begin|end} (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Make cpufreq_notify_transition & cpufreq_notify_post_transition static (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Make sure frequency transitions are serialized (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use del_timer_sync in intel_pstate_cpu_stop (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] resume drivers before enabling governors (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Set core to min P state during core offline (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Add stop CPU callback to cpufreq_driver interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove unnecessary braces (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix checkpatch errors and warnings (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove unused notifier CPUFREQ_{SUSPENDCHANGE|RESUMECHANGE} (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Do not allow ->setpolicy drivers to provide ->target (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Skip current frequency initialization for ->setpolicy drivers (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove unnecessary variable/parameter 'frozen' (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove cpufreq_generic_exit() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] add 'freq_table' in struct cpufreq_policy (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Reformat printk() statements (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Implement cpufreq_generic_suspend() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] suspend governors on system suspend/hibernate (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] move call to __find_governor() to cpufreq_init_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Initialize governor for a new policy under policy->rwsem (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Initialize policy before making it available for others to use (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] use cpufreq_cpu_get() to avoid cpufreq_get() race conditions (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: Remove redundant cpufreq_cpu_get() call (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: Refactor common code into __cpufreq_stats_create_table() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: Fix error handling in __cpufreq_stats_create_table() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: fix pid_reset to use fixed point values (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: remove unneeded sample buffers (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Return error if ->get() failed in cpufreq_update_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Mark function as static in cpufreq.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Change busy calculation to use fixed point math (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Refactor cpufreq_set_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] don't call cpufreq_update_policy() on CPU addition (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add support for Baytrail turbo P states (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Use LFM bus ratio as min ratio/P state (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] powernow-k8: Initialize per-cpu data-structures properly (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove sysfs link when a cpu != policy->cpu, is removed (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove energy reporting from pstate_sample tracepoint (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Take core C0 time into account for core busy calculation (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: De-register CPU notifier and free struct msr on error (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Adjust the code to use the common boost attribute (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add trace point to report internal state (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: create sysfs entries when cpufreq_stats is a module (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Add boost frequency support in core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] introduce cpufreq_generic_get() routine (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: free table and remove sysfs entry in a single routine (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: remove hotplug notifiers (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] stats: handle cpufreq_unregister_driver() and suspend/resume properly (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Make sure CPU is running on a freq from freq-table (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Introduce cpufreq_notify_post_transition() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] send new set of notification for transition failures (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix timer/workqueue corruption by protecting reading governor_enabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] preserve user_policy across suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Clean up after a failing light-weight initialization (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Remove periodic P state boost (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add setting voltage value for baytrail P states (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove sysfs files for CPUs which failed to come back after resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] governor: Remove fossil comment in the cpufreq_governor_dbs() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] conservative: set requested_freq to policy max when it is over policy max (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] conservative: fix requested_freq reduction issue (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] move freq change notifications to cpufreq core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] distinguish drivers that do asynchronous notifications (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] create per policy rwsem instead of per CPU cpu_policy_rwsem (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Implement light weight ->target_index() routine (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Fail initialization if driver cannot be registered (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Detect spurious invocations of update_policy_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Add comment under ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_IO case (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_TABLE (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] create cpufreq_generic_init() routine (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] powernow: don't initialize part of policy set by core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] p4: don't initialize part of policy set by core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] pcc: don't initialize part of policy set by core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] call cpufreq_driver->get() after calling ->init() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: don't initialize part of policy set by core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] powernow: Use generic cpufreq routines (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] p4-clockmod: Use generic cpufreq routines (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi: Use generic cpufreq routines (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] define generic .attr, .exit() and .verify() routines (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] use cpufreq_driver->flags to mark CPUFREQ_HAVE_GOVERNOR_PER_POLICY (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] rename __cpufreq_set_policy() as cpufreq_set_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove extra blank line (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] don't break string in print statements (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove __cpufreq_remove_dev() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove invalid comment from __cpufreq_remove_dev() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] make return type of lock_policy_rwsem_{read|write}() as void (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] powernow: use cpufreq_table_validate_and_show() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] p4-clockmod: use cpufreq_table_validate_and_show() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: use cpufreq_table_validate_and_show() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Add new helper cpufreq_table_validate_and_show() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] pcc_freq: convert acpi_get_handle() to acpi_has_method() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] return EEXIST instead of EBUSY for second registering (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] unlock correct rwsem while updating policy->cpu (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Clear policy->cpus bits in __cpufreq_remove_dev_finish() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Acquire the lock in cpufreq_policy_restore() for reading (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Prevent problems in update_policy_cpu() if last_cpu == new_cpu (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Restructure if/else block to avoid unintended behavior (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix crash in cpufreq-stats during suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Revert: make sure frequency transitions are serialized (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Use signed type for 'ret' variable, to store negative error values (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove temporary fix for race between CPU hotplug and sysfs-writes (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Synchronize the cpufreq store_*() routines with CPU hotplug (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Invoke __cpufreq_remove_dev_finish() after releasing cpu_hotplug.lock (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Split __cpufreq_remove_dev() into two parts (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix wrong time unit conversion (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] serialize calls to __cpufreq_governor() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] don't allow governor limits to be changed when it is disabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Don't use smp_processor_id() in preemptible context (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] governor: Fix typos in comments (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] governors: Remove duplicate check of target freq in supported range (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix timer/workqueue corruption due to double queueing (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] fix bad unlock balance on !CONFIG_SMP (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix white space in __cpufreq_remove_dev() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove unnecessary check in __cpufreq_governor() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove policy from cpufreq_policy_list during suspend (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] remove cpufreq_policy_cpu per-cpu variable (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Use cpufreq_policy_list for iterating over policies (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Use cpufreq_freq_attr_rw to define the cpb attribute (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] ondemand: Remove redundant return statement (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] improve error checking on return values of __cpufreq_governor() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix broken usage of governor->owner's refcount (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Store cpufreq policies in a list (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Give consistent names to cpufreq_policy objects (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Clean up header files included in the core (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Pass policy to cpufreq_add_policy_cpu() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Avoid double kobject_put() for the same kobject in error code path (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Preserve policy structure across suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Perform light-weight init/teardown during suspend/resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Do not hold driver module references for additional policy CPUs (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Don't pass CPU to cpufreq_add_dev_{symlink|interface}() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Introduce a flag ('frozen') to separate full vs temporary init/teardown (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Extract the handover of policy cpu to a helper function (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Add helper to perform alloc/free of policy structure (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Extract non-interface related stuff from cpufreq_add_dev_interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Fix misplaced call to cpufreq_update_policy() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove unused function __cpufreq_driver_getavg() (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] ondemand: Change the calculation of target frequency (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [cpufreq] Remove unused APERF/MPERF support (Prarit Bhargava) [1134369] - [char] hwrng: Add a driver for the hwrng found in power7+ systems (Steve Best) [1123116]- [target] iscsi: Explicily clear login response PDU in exception path (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Avoid rejecting incorrect ITT for Data-Out (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Fix left-over se_lun->lun_sep pointer OOPs (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] ulp/isert: Wait for proper cleanup before unloading (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] ulp/isert: Improve cm events handling (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Explicitly clear ramdisk_mcp backend pages (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Report correct response length for some commands (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Fix ABORT_TASK + connection reset iscsi_queue_req memory leak (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Use complete_all for se_cmd->t_transport_stop_comp (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] lio: Set CMD_T_ACTIVE bit for Task Management Requests (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi, iser: Fix hangs in connection teardown (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] iser: Bail from accept_np if np_thread is trying to close (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Reject mutual authentication with reflected CHAP_C (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Fix alua_access_state attribute OOPs for un-configured devices (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] iser: Add missing target_put_sess_cmd for ImmedateData failure (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Don't allow setting WC emulation if device doesn't support (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] iser: Add missing se_cmd put for WRITE_PENDING in tx_comp_err (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Fix ERL=2 ASYNC_EVENT connection pointer bug (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] ib_srpt: Use correct ib_sg_dma primitives (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] iser: Fix post_send_buf_count for RDMA READ/WRITE (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi, iser: Fix isert_conn->state hung shutdown issues (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi, iser: Use list_del_init for ->i_conn_node (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Fix iscsit_get_tpg_from_np tpg_state bug (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Update hw_max_sectors based on current block_size (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Fix-up all zero data-length CDBs with R/W_BIT set (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] Allow READ_CAPACITY opcode in ALUA Standby access state (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Fix wrong buffer / buffer overrun in iscsi_change_param_value() (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi: Fix multi network portal shutdown regression (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [target] iscsi, iser: Avoid accepting transport connections during stop stage (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] ulp/isert: Fix iscsit_accept_np and rdma_cm racy flow (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [infiniband] ulp/isert: Fix wrong connection requests list addition (Andy Grover) [1129387] - [scsi] hpsa: do not require board "not ready" status after hard reset (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: make tech preview info more verbose (Tomas Henzl) [1083556] - [scsi] hpsa: fix bad -ENOMEM return value in hpsa_big_passthru_ioctl (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove online devices from offline device list (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix non-x86 builds (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: do not unconditionally copy sense data (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix 6-byte READ/WRITE with 0 length data xfer (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: make hpsa_init_one return -ENOMEM if allocation of h->lockup_detected fails (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix handling of hpsa_volume_offline return value (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: return -ENOMEM not -1 on kzalloc failure in hpsa_get_device_id (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove messages about volume status VPD inquiry page not supported (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: report check condition even if no sense data present for ioaccel2 mode (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove bad unlikely annotation from device list updating code (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix event filtering to prevent excessive rescans with old firmware (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: kill annoying messages about SSD Smart Path retries (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: define extended_report_lun_entry data structure (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: Rearrange start_io to avoid one unlock/lock sequence in main io path (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: avoid unnecessary readl on every command submission (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: use per-cpu variable for lockup_detected (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: set irq affinity hints to route MSI-X vectors across CPUs (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: allocate reply queues individually (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: choose number of reply queues more intelligently (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove dev_dbg() calls from hot paths (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: use gcc aligned attribute instead of manually padding structs (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: change doorbell reset delay to ten seconds (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: allow passthru ioctls to work with bidirectional commands (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused fields from struct ctlr_info (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix bad comparison of signed with unsigned in hpsa_update_scsi_devices (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: do not ignore failure of sense controller parameters command (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix memory leak in hpsa_hba_mode_enabled (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: Checking for a NULL return from a kzalloc call (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix NULL dereference in hpsa_put_ctlr_into_performant_mode() (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: update driver version to 3.4.4-1 (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix bad endif placement in RAID 5 mapper code (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: Do not zero fields of ioaccel2 command structure twice (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: Add hba mode to the hpsa driver (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused struct request from CommandList (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: increase the probability of a reported success after a device reset (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: bring format-in-progress drives online when ready (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused kthread.h header (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: Add support for a few HP Storage controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add HP/3PAR vendor id to pci_ids.h (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add sysfs debug switch for raid map debugging messages (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: improve error messages for driver initiated commands (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: only do device rescan for certain events (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: when switching out of accel mode await only accel command completions (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add controller base data-at-rest encryption compatibility ioaccel2 (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: update source file copyrights (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: retry certain ioaccel error cases on the RAID path (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: do not inquire for unsupported ioaccel status vpd page (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: allow VPD page zero to be queried (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: rescan devices on ioaccel2 error (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: allow user to disable accelerated i/o path (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: complete the ioaccel raidmap code (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: make device update copy the raid map also (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add task management for ioaccel mode 2 (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: teach hpsa_device_reset to do either target or lun reset (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: get ioaccel mode 2 i/o working (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: initialize controller to perform io accelerator mode 2 (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: get physical device handles for io accel mode 2 as well as mode 1 (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: do ioaccel mode 2 resource allocations (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: Acknowledge controller events in ioaccell mode 2 as well as mode 1 (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add ioaccel mode 2 structure definitions (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: complain if physical or logical aborts are not supported (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add hp_ssd_smart_path_enabled sysfs attribute (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: do not rescan controllers known to be locked up (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: poll controller to detect device change event (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: update raid offload status on device rescan (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add ioaccell mode 1 RAID offload support (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix task management for mode-1 ioaccell path (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: only allow REQ_TYPE_FS to use fast path (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add support for 'fastpath' i/o (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: mark last scatter gather element as the last (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: use extended report luns command for HP SSD SmartPath (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fixup MSI-X registration (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: prevent stalled i/o (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: cap CCISS_PASSTHRU at 20 concurrent commands (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add MSA 2040 to list of external target devices (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: fix memory leak in CCISS_BIG_PASSTHRU ioctl (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unneeded include of seq_file.h (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: add 5 second delay after doorbell reset (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] hpsa: do not attempt to flush the cache on locked up controllers (Tomas Henzl) [1069185] - [scsi] bnx2i: Make boot_nic entry visible in the sysfs session objects (Maurizio Lombardi) [1139139] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix incorrect DMA memory mapping in bnx2fc_unmap_sg_list() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1102526] - [ethernet] cnic: Replace rcu_dereference() with rcu_access_pointer() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089401] - [ethernet] cnic: Rebranding cnic driver (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089401] - [ethernet] cnic: Fix missing ISCSI_KEVENT_IF_DOWN message (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089401] - [ethernet] cnic: Update version to 2.5.20 and copyright year (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089401] - [ethernet] cnic: Use proper ulp_ops for per device operations (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089401] - [ethernet] broadcom: Remove extern from function prototypes (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089401] - [scsi] bnx2i: Update driver version to (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089400] - [scsi] bnx2i: Rebranding bnx2i driver (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089400] - [scsi] bnx2i, be2iscsi: fix custom stats length (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089400] - [ethernet] cnic, bnx2i, bnx2fc: Fix inconsistent use of page size (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089400 1089399 1089401] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Rebranding bnx2fc driver (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] bnx2fc: do not scan uninitialized lists in case of error (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix memory leak in bnx2fc_allocate_hash_table() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] bnx2fc: fix memory leak and potential NULL pointer dereference (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] bnx2fc: remove unused variable hash_table_size (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Updated version to 2.4.2 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fixed the handling for the SCSI retry delay (Maurizio Lombardi) [1089399] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump driver version (Rob Evers) [1130072] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix processing CQE before connection resources are freed (Rob Evers) [1130072] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix updating the boot enteries in sysfs (Rob Evers) [1130072] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the copyright year (Rob Evers) [1130072] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the sparse warning introduced in previous submission (Rob Evers) [1130072]- [x86] module: work around kabi module breakage when 16K stacks are enabled (Kyle McMartin) [1108378] - [kernel] redhat: bump RHEL_MINOR to 1 (Kyle McMartin) [1108378] - [kernel] modules: export check_module_rhelversion (Kyle McMartin) [1108378] - [kernel] modules: Add module_ext struct (Prarit Bhargava) [1110315] - [kernel] modules: add rhelversion MODULE_INFO tag (Kyle McMartin) [1110315] - [x86] expand 64-bit kernel stack to 16K (Johannes Weiner) [1108378]- [ethernet] bna: Support TSO and partial checksum with non-accelerated vlans (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: fix performance regression (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: fill the magic in bnad_get_eeprom() instead of validating (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: remove unnecessary break after return (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: Replace large udelay() with mdelay() (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] bna: bnad code cleanup (Ivan Vecera) [1136912] - [ethernet] e1000: fix possible reset_task running after adapter down (John Greene) [1091129] - [ethernet] e1000: prevent oops when adapter is being closed and reset simultaneously (John Greene) [1091129] - [ethernet] r8169: add missing MODULE_FIRMWARE (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: add support for RTL8168H and RTL8107E (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: Enable RX_MULTI_EN for RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_40 (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: support IPv6 (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: use Giant Send (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: split rtl8169_tso_csum (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: disable L23 (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: fix the incorrect tx descriptor version (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: initialize rtl8169_stats seqlock (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] r8169: delete non-required instances of include (Ivan Vecera) [1139247] - [ethernet] bnx2: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: Rebranding bnx2 driver (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: Don't build unused suspend/resume functions not enabled (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: Call dev_kfree_skby_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] bnx2: delete non-required instances of include (Michal Schmidt) [1092495] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Remove unused get_supported_physical_layer pointer (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: remove 82599 from the module description (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Add bit to mark work queue initialization (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Fix rcu warnings induced by LER (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Change ixgbe_read_reg to ixgbevf_read_reg (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Additional adapter removal checks (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Check for adapter removal on register writes (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Check register reads for adapter removal (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Make the ethtool register test use accessors (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Use static inlines instead of macros (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Convert uses of __constant_ to (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Protect ixgbevf_down with __IXGBEVF_DOWN bit (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Indicate removal state explicitly (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: delete unneeded call to pci_set_power_state (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: fix skb->pkt_type checks (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: add check for CHECKSUM_PARTIAL when doing TSO (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: fix handling of tx checksumming (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: merge ixgbevf_tx_map and ixgbevf_tx_queue into a single function (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: redo dma mapping using the tx buffer info (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: make the first tx_buffer a repository for most of the skb info (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: add tx counters (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: remove counters for Tx/Rx checksum offload (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: move ring specific stats into ring specific structure (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: make use of the dev pointer in the ixgbevf_ring struct (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: bump version (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: create function for all of ring init (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Convert ring storage form pointer to an array to array of pointers (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: use pci drvdata correctly in ixgbevf_suspend() (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: set the disable state when ixgbevf_qv_disable is called (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: add DCB configuration into queue setup (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Focus config of head, tail ntc, and ntu all into a single function (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbe: cleanup IXGBE_DESC_UNUSED (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: remove redundant workaround (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Add zero_base handler to network statistics (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: add BP_EXTENDED_STATS for CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: implement CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: have clean_rx_irq return total_rx_packets cleaned (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: add ixgbevf_rx_skb (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: bump driver version (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Remove extern from function prototypes (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Adds function to set PSRTYPE register (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (John Greene) [1091124] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: add wait for Rx queue disable (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix message terminations (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: clean up Rx time stamping code (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add bit to mark service task initialization (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Fix rcu warnings induced by LER (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Indicate removal state explicitly (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_check_reset_blocked() declaration (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix race conditions on queuing skb for HW time stamp (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: never generate both software and hardware timestamps (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: remove redundant if clause from PTP work (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Break recursion in case of removal (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Stop cacheing if the MNG FW enabled (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: clean up ixgbe_atr_compute_perfect_hash_82599 (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: use ixgbe_read_pci_cfg_word (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: remove unused media type (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_setup_mac_link_82599 autoc variables (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix ixgbe_stop_mac_link_on_d3_82599 to check mng correctly (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: check Core Clock Disable bit (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix errors related to protected AUTOC calls (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Convert uses of __constant_ to (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: add ixgbe_write_pci_cfg_word with ixgbe_removed check (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix some multiline hw_dbg prints (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fixup header for ixgbe_set_rxpba_82598 (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: add Linux NICS mailing list to contact info (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: move setting rx_pb_size into get_invariants (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Fix format string in ixgbe_fcoe.c (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: ixgbe calls skb_set_hash (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: implement SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Check config reads for removal (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Fix up some ethtool results when adapter is removed (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Restore hw_addr in LER recovery paths (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Additional adapter removal checks (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Check for adapter removal on register writes (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Check register reads for adapter removal (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Use static inlines instead of macros (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add check for FW veto bit (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix bit toggled for 82599 reset fix (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: collect all 82599 AUTOC code in one function (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Remove extern from function prototypes (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix to use correct timeout interval for memory read completion (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Add WoL support for a new device (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: don't use magic size number to assign (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: modify behavior on receiving a HW ECC error (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: bump version number (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: add braces around else condition in ixgbe_qv_lock_* calls (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: fix qv_lock_napi call in ixgbe_napi_disable_all (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Reduce memory consumption with larger page sizes (John Greene) [1091123] - [ethernet] ixgbe: Cleanup the use of tabs and spaces (John Greene) [1091124 1091123]- [net] ipv4: implement igmp_qrv sysctl to tune igmp robustness variable (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1110118] - [net] ipv6: add sysctl_mld_qrv to configure query robustness variable (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1110118] - [net] rtnetlink: wait for unregistering devices in rtnl_link_unregister() (Florian Westphal) [1133741] - [net] netns: Delay default_device_exit_batch until no devices are unregistering (Florian Westphal) [1133741] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix refcnt leak in dying/unconfirmed list dumper (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix dumping of dying/unconfirmed conntracks (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: initialize net.ct.generation (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: Fix UP builds (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: remove central spinlock nf_conntrack_lock (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: seperate expect locking from nf_conntrack_lock (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: avoid race with exp->master ct (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: conntrack: spinlock per cpu to protect special lists (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] netfilter: trivial code cleanup and doc changes (Florian Westphal) [1043012] - [net] sctp: fix ABI mismatch through sctp_assoc_to_state helper (Daniel Borkmann) [1135389] - [net] tcp: tsq: fix nonagle handling (Jiri Pirko) [1134402] - [netdrv] veth: extend features to support tunneling (Florian Westphal) [1098138] - [net] openvswitch: fix panic with multiple vlan headers (Jiri Benc) [1133109] - [net] netfilter: synproxy target: restrict to INPUT/FORWARD (Jesper Brouer) [1081339] - [net] fix rtnl notification in atomic context (Jiri Pirko) [1113925] - [net] always advertise rx_flags changes via netlink (Jiri Pirko) [1113925] - [net] update __dev_notify_flags() to send rtnl msg (Jiri Pirko) [1113925]- [scsi] fusion: Remove use of DEF_SCSI_QCMD (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] fusion: Add free msg frames to the head, not tail of list (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Add free smids to the head, not tail of list (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove use of DEF_SCSI_QCMD (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove uses of serial_number (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove use of DEF_SCSI_QCMD (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Remove uses of serial_number (Tomas Henzl) [1041675] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Improve loopback failure messages (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: from treewide: fix comments and printk msgs (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use kmemdup instead of kmalloc + memcpy (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix smatch warning in func qla4xxx_conn_get_param (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix smatch warning in func qla4xxx_get_ep_param (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory leak for ha->saved_acb (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Export sysfs DDBs from DPC handler (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Disable INTx interrupt for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Check for correct return status (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Move qla4_8xxx_ms_mem_write_128b to ql4_nx.c (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added PEX DMA Support for ISP8022 Adapter (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added new opcodes for 84XX Minidump template (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support of 0xFF capture mask for minidump (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Change default capture to firmware defined capture mask (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for ISCSI_PARAM_LOCAL_IPADDR sysfs attr (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Export ISCSI_PARAM_LOCAL_IPADDR attr for iscsi_connection (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add host statistics support (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add host statistics support (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for Diagnostics MBOX command (Chad Dupuis) [1089349] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove wait for online from host reset handler (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do logins from a chip reset in DPC thread instead of the error handler thread (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove mapped vp index iterator macro dead code (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add MBC option for fast SFP data access (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix beacon blink logic for ISP26xx/83xx (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Delay driver unload if there is any pending activity going on (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check the QLA8044_CRB_DRV_ACTIVE_INDEX register when we are not the owner of the reset (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Adjust adapter reset routine to the changes in firmware specification for ISPFx00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: IOCB data should be copied to I/O mem using memcpy_toio (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: ISP8044 poll ipmdio bus timeout improvement (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unnecessary printk_ratelimited from qla_nx2.c (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Include file for msleep declartion in qla_nx2.c file (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use proper log message for flash lock failed error (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Decrease pci access for response queue processing for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Change copyright year to 2014 in all the source files (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable fw_dump_size for ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Introduce fw_dump_flag to track fw dump progress (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove unnecessary delays from fw dump code path (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Track the process when the ROM_LOCK failure happens (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ISP8044 serdes bsg interface (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Check for peg alive counter and clear any outstanding mailbox command (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Support of new firmware dump opcodes QLA8044_RDDFE(38), QLA8044_RDMDIO(39), QLA8044_POLLWR(40) (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Allow the next firmware dump if the previous dump capture fails for ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Log when device state is moved to failed state (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not schedule reset when one is already active when receiving an invalid status handle (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Wait for reset completion without lock for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Re-sync module parameter descriptions with the code (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: fix error handling of qla2x00_mem_alloc() (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add IOCB Abort command asynchronous handling (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix Task Management command asynchronous handling (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct the port no assignment for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Read capture firmware dump on mailbox timeout for ISP8044 and ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Simplify the ISPFX00 interrupt handler code for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid poisoning in the response queue for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove ISP_ABORT_NEEDED and ISP_ABORT_RETRY checks from watchdog function for ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove Marker type IOCB logic for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly handle 32 bit mailbox register for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Enable the Flash Access Control (FAC) mailbox command (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Select correct request queue for error type IOCB for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove init control block related dead code for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use proper message for Non owner reset ACK Timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace constant value for IOCTL IOCB abort execution status with a macro for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add handling for boot indication progress AENs for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add mutex around optrom calls to serialize accesses (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Poll during initialization for ISP25xx and ISP83xx (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix multiqueue MSI-X registration (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix warning reported by smatch (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Replace a constant with a macro definition for host->canqueue assigmnment (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reset nic_core_reset_owner on moving from COLD to READY for ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Only complete dcbx_comp and lb_portup_comp for virtual port index 0 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use scnprintf() instead of snprintf() in the sysfs handlers (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use the correct mailbox registers when acknowledging an IDC request on ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add changes to obtain ISPFX00 adapters product information in accordance with firmware update (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add logic to abort BSG commands for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear RISC INT reg only for an event and not always while polling (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix undefined behavior in call to snprintf() (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add BSG interface for read/write serdes register (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix issue with not displaying node name after system reboot (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't consider the drivers knocked out of IDC participation for future reset recovery process (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add BPM support for ISP25xx (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly set mailboxes for extended init control block (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Disable INTx interrupt for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Honor execute firmware failures (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print proper QLAFX00 product name at probe (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: print MAC via pMR (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correction to message ids (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly print out/in mailbox registers (Chad Dupuis) [1089346] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add a new interface to update versions (Chad Dupuis) [1089346]- [tty] hvc_console: Fix wakeup of HVC thread on hvc_kick() (Steve Best) [1123045] - [tty] hvc_opal: Kick the HVC thread on OPAL console events (Steve Best) [1123045] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Catalog version number is be64, not be32 (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Remove [static 4096], sparse chokes on it (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf/hv-24x7: Use (unsigned long) not (u32) values when calling plpar_hcall_norets() (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf/hv-gpci: Make device attr static (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf/hv_gpci: Probe failures use pr_debug(), and padding reduced (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf/hv_24x7: Probe errors changed to pr_debug(), padding fixed (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [Documentation] powerpc/perf/hv_{gpci, 24x7}: Add documentation of device attributes (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add kconfig option for hypervisor provided counters (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add support for the hv 24x7 interface (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add support for the hv gpci (get performance counter info) interface (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add macros for defining event fields & formats (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add a shared interface to get gpci version and capabilities (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add 24x7 interface headers (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] perf: Add hv_gpci interface header (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [powerpc] Add hvcalls for 24x7 and gpci (Get Performance Counter Info) (Gustavo Duarte) [947159] - [ethernet] sfc: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Use __iowrite64_copy instead of a slightly different local function (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Add support for busy polling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Add per-queue statistics in ethtool (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: add extra RX drop counters for nodesc_trunc and noskb_drop (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Add 40G link capability decoding (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Adding PCI ID for Solarflare 7000 series 40G network adapter (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: fix calling of free_irq with already free vector (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: On MCDI timeout, issue an FLR (and mark MCDI to fail-fast) (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Call efx_set_channels() before efx->type->dimension_resources() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: check for NULL efx->ptp_data in efx_ptp_event (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Add/remove blank lines to taste (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Fail self-test with -EBUSY, not -EIO, if the device is busy (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Cosmetic changes to self-test from the out-of-tree driver (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Update product naming (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Use canonical pointer type for MAC address in efx_set_mac_address() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Rename 'use_options' variable in tso_start() to clearer 'use_opt_desc' (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Preserve rx_frm_trunc counters when resizing DMA rings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Correct comment about number of TX queues used on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Remove unused definitions of EF10 user-mode DMA descriptors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Replace TSOH_OFFSET with the equivalent NET_IP_ALIGN (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Rewrite adjustment of PPS event in a clearer way (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Cache skb->data in local variable in efx_ptp_rx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Removed adhoc scheme to rate limit PTP event queue overflow message (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: fix build warning in ethernet/sfc/tx.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Use the correct maximum TX DMA ring size for SFC9100 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Fix transposed ptp_{under, over}size_sync_windows statistics (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: Change efx_mcdi_reset_port to use ENTITY_RESET MC command (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [ethernet] sfc: calls skb_set_hash (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1110888] - [iommu] vt-d: Use correct domain id to flush virtual machine domains (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [iommu] Fix IOMMU sysfs stubs (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [iommu] Fix compile error in iommu-sysfs.c (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [pci] Add bridge DMA alias quirk for Intel 82801 bridge (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [iommu] amd: Add sysfs support (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [iommu] vt-d: Make use of IOMMU sysfs support (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [iommu] Add sysfs support for IOMMUs (Myron Stowe) [1136539] - [iommu] core: Make iommu_group_get_for_dev() more robust (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] Remove pci.h (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] vt-d: Update to use PCI DMA aliases (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] vt-d: Use iommu_group_get_for_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] amd: Use iommu_group_get_for_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] amd: Update to use PCI DMA aliases (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] core: Create central IOMMU group lookup/creation interface (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] vt-d: Suppress compiler warnings (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix reference count in iommu_prepare_isa (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] vt-d: fix bug in handling multiple RMRRs for the same PCI device (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add bridge DMA alias quirk for ITE bridge (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add bridge DMA alias quirk for ASMedia and Tundra bridges (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add support for PCIe-to-PCI bridge DMA alias quirks (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add function 1 DMA alias quirk for Marvell devices (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add function 0 DMA alias quirk for Ricoh devices (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add support for DMA alias quirks (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Convert pci_dev_flags definitions to bit shifts (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [pci] Add DMA alias iterator (Myron Stowe) [1136537] - [iommu] amd: fix enabling exclusion range for an exact device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] amd: Take mmap_sem when calling get_user_pages (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: fix bug in matching PCI devices with DRHD/RMRR descriptors (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix get_domain_for_dev() handling of upstream PCIe bridges (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: fix memory leakage caused by commit ea8ea46 (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix error handling in ANDD processing (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: returning free pointer in get_domain_for_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Only call dmar_acpi_dev_scope_init() if DRHD units present (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Check for NULL pointer in dmar_acpi_dev_scope_init() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] amd: Fix logic to determine and checking max PASID (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Include ACPI devices in iommu=pt (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Finally enable translation for non-PCI devices (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove to_pci_dev() in intel_map_page() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove pdev from intel_iommu_attach_device() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove pdev from iommu_no_mapping() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make domain_add_dev_info() take struct device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make domain_remove_one_dev_info() take struct device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Rename 'hwdev' variables to 'dev' now that that's the norm (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove some pointless to_pci_dev() calls (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make get_valid_domain_for_dev() take struct device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make iommu_should_identity_map() take struct device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Handle RMRRs for non-PCI devices (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make get_domain_for_dev() take struct device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make domain_context_mapp{ed, ing}() take struct device (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make device_to_iommu() cope with non-PCI devices (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make identity_mapping() take struct device not struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove segment from struct device_domain_info() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Store PCI segment number in struct intel_iommu (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Remove device_to_iommu() call from domain_remove_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify iommu check in domain_remove_one_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Always store iommu in device_domain_info (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Use domain_remove_one_dev_info() in domain_add_dev_info() error path (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: use dmar_insert_dev_info() from dma_add_dev_info() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Stop dmar_insert_dev_info() freeing domains on losing race (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Pass iommu to domain_context_mapping_one() and iommu_support_dev_iotlb() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Use struct device in device_domain_info, not struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make dmar_insert_dev_info() take struct device instead of struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Make iommu_dummy() take struct device instead of struct pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Add ACPI devices into dmaru->devices[] array (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Change scope lists to struct device, bus, devfn (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Allocate space for ACPI devices (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Parse ANDD records (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Add ACPI namespace device reporting structures (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Be less pessimistic about domain coherency where possible (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Honour intel_iommu=sp_off for non-VMM domains (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Clean up and fix page table clear/free behaviour (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Clean up size handling for intel_iommu_unmap() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Update IOMMU state when memory hotplug happens (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Unify the way to process DMAR device scope array (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Update DRHD/RMRR/ATSR device scope caches when PCI hotplug happe (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Use RCU to protect global resources in interrupt context (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce a rwsem to protect global data structures (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Introduce macro for_each_dev_scope() to walk device scope entrie (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix error in detect ATS capability (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Check for NULL pointer when freeing IOMMU data structure (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix incorrect iommu_count for si_domain (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Reduce duplicated code to handle virtual machine domains (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Free resources if failed to create domain for PCIe endpoint (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Simplify function get_domain_for_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Move private structures and variables into intel-iommu.c (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Factor out dmar_alloc_dev_scope() for later reuse (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Avoid caching stale domain_device_info when hot-removing PCI dev (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Avoid caching stale domain_device_info and fix memory leak (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Avoid double free of g_iommus on error recovery path (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] amd: Fix PASID format in INVALIDATE_IOTLB_PAGES command (Myron Stowe) [1129880 1087643] - [iommu] vt-d: Fix signedness bug in alloc_irte() (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: free all resources if failed to initialize DMARs (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: clean sparse warnings (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: fix wrong return value of dmar_table_init() (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: release invalidation queue when destroying IOMMU unit (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: fix access after free issue in function free_dmar_iommu() (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: keep shared resources when failed to initialize iommu devices (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: fix invalid memory access when freeing DMAR irq (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: simplify code with existing macros (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: use defined macro instead of hardcoding (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: mark internal functions as static (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: clean up unused code (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: check suitable flag in function detect_intel_iommu() (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: print correct domain id of static identity domain (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: refine support of 64bit guest address (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: fix resource leakage on error recovery path in iommu_init_domain (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: fix a race window in allocating domain ID for virtual machines (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: fix PCI device reference leakage on error recovery path (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: use dedicated bitmap to track remapping entry allocation status (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] Rename domain_has_cap to iommu_domain_has_cap (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: Use dev_is_pci() to check whether it is pci device (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] amd: Use dev_is_pci() to check whether it is pci device (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] add missing include (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: Mark function eoi_ioapic_pin_remapped() as static in irq_remappi (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: Mark functions as static in intel_irq_remapping.c (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] vt-d: Mark functions as static in dmar.c (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] add IOMMU_EXEC flag for safely allowing XN mappings (Myron Stowe) [1129808] - [iommu] acpica: Update DMAR table definitions (Myron Stowe) [1129808]- [tools] perf/bench: Fix NULL pointer dereference in "perf bench all" (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/bench/numa: Make no args mean 'run all tests' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/machine: Use map as success in ip__resolve_ams (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix crash in elf_section_by_name (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Decode architecture-specific signal numbers (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix strict alias issue for find_first_bit (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: fix BFD detection on opensuse (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Destroy unused symsrcs (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/annotate: Check availability of annotate when processing samples (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix ioctl 'request' beautifier build problems on !(i386 (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Add fallback definition of EFD_SEMAPHORE (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/list: Fix checking for supported events on older kernels (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Handle PERF_RECORD_HEADER_EVENT_TYPE properly (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/probe: Do not add offset twice to uprobe address (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/buildid-cache: Check relocation when checking for existing kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Adjust kallsyms for relocated kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/tests: No need to set up ref_reloc_sym (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Prevent the use of kcore if the kernel has moved (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Get ref_reloc_sym from kernel map (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/machine: Set up ref_reloc_sym in machine__create_kernel_maps() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/machine: Add machine__get_kallsyms_filename() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add kallsyms__get_function_start() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix symbol annotation for relocated kernel (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix AAAAARGH64 memory barriers (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Demangle kernel and kernel module symbols too (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/doc: Remove mention of non-existent set_perf_event_pending() from design.txt (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Load map before using map->map_ip() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix traceevent plugin path definitions (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix JIT symbol resolution on heap (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/stat: Fix memory corruption of xyarray when cpumask is used (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evsel: Remove duplicate member zeroing after free (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Ensure sscanf does not overrun the "mem" field (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/stat: fix NULL pointer reference bug with event unit (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add support for the xtensa architecture (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/session: Free cpu_map in perf_session__cpu_bitmap (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Fix wrong SVG height (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Remove unnecessary callchain cursor state restore on unmatch (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/callchain: Spare double comparison of callchain first entry (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Do proper comm override error handling (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Export elf_section_by_name and reuse (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/probe: Release all dynamically allocated parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/probe: Release allocated probe_trace_event if failed (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add 'build-test' make target (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when xen plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when scsi plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when jbd2 plugin is is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when cfg80211 plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when mac80211 plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when sched_switch plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when kvm plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when kmem plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when hrtimer plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Unregister handler when function plugin is unloaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add pevent_unregister_print_function() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add pevent_unregister_event_handler() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: fix pointer-integer size mismatch (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/hists: Convert hist entry functions to use struct he_stat (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Factor out sample__resolve_callchain() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Remove symbol_conf.use_callchain check (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix cross building (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Make plugin unload function receive pevent (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die() finally!! (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in trace_seq_init() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Check return value of realloc() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add state member to struct trace_seq (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix build error due to zfree() cast (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Rename --initial-delay to --delay (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Rename --no-delay to --no-buffering (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Remove unused test-volatile-register-var.c (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix build when DWARF support libraries not present (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/diff: Color the Weighted Diff column (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/diff: Color the Ratio column (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/diff: Color the Delta column (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Generalize percent_color_snprintf() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] include: Include from asm/bug.h (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Add --initial-delay option (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Use the DWARF unwind info only if loaded (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add test for building detached source tarballs (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Include tools/lib/api/ in MANIFEST (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] include: Move perf's bug.h to a generic place (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] include: Define likely/unlikely in linux/compiler.h (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] include: Move perf's linux/compiler.h to a generic place (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce evlist__for_each() & friends (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Move histogram entries collapsing to separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Move hist browser selection code to separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Move logic to warn about kptr_restrict'ed kernels to separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Comment typo fix (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/stat: Fix --delay option in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Make perf_event__synthesize_mmap_events global (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/machine: Fix id_hdr_size initialization (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Automate setup of FEATURE_CHECK_(C (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Pack 'struct trace' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/header: Pack 'struct perf_session_env' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Shut up plugins make message (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Replace tabs with spaces for all non-commands statements (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix installation tests path setup (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Move arch setup into seprate Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/stat: Remove misplaced __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/tests: Fixup leak on error path in parse events test (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Auto unmap on destructor (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Close fds on destructor (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Move destruction of maps to evlist destructor (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Remove old evsel_list usage (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Move the SIGUSR1 error reporting logic to prepare_workload (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Send the errno in the signal when workload fails (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/stat: Don't show counter information when workload fails (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Use zfree to help detect use after free bugs (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Introduce zfree (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: No need to test against NULL before calling free() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Implement header window (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Split help message for perf top and report (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/ui/tui: Protect windows by ui__lock (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/probe: Support basic dwarf-based operations on uprobe events (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/probe: Expand given path to absolute path (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/config: Ignore generated files in feature-checks (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Do not synthesize the treads of default guest (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Use machine->pid for tgid if machine is guest (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Set event->header.misc to PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_USER if machine is guest (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Find the proc info under machine->root_dir (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add support for PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_USER in thread__find_addr_map() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Print session information only if --stdio is given (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Use pr_*() functions where applicable (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add 'machine' member to struct addr_location (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/mem: Remove unused parameter from dump_raw_samples() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/scripting/perl: Shorten function signatures (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/scripting/python: Shorten function signatures (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/ui/browser: Remove misplaced __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Rename 'perf_report' to 'report' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use global 'O' processing code (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use global QUIET_CLEAN build output (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use global QUIET_INSTALL build output (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use global QUIET_LINK build output (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add global QUIET_CC_FPIC build output (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use global QUIET_CC build output (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Remove print_app_build variable (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Making QUIET_(CLEAN (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/tests: Factor make install tests (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Rename 'perf_record_opts' to 'record_opts (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Rename 'perf_record' to plain 'record' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Simplify perf_record__write (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Use perf_data_file__write for output file (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/inject: Handle output file via perf_data_file object (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Get rid of a duplicate va_end() in error reporting routine (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Introduce helpers for processing callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/annotate: Make symbol__inc_addr_samples private (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/annotate: Adopt methods from hists (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/top: Use hist_entry__inc_addr_sample (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/annotate: Add inc_samples method to addr_map_symbol (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/hists: Leave symbol addr hist bucket auto alloc to symbol layer (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/annotate: Auto allocate symbol per addr hist buckets (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Introduce pevent_filter_strerror() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/hists: Do not pass period and weight to add_hist_entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/sort: Do not compare dso again (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/sort: Compare addresses if no symbol info (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die() in some string conversion functions (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Use consistent name for the DSO binary type member (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add --highlight option (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Clarify method to get DSO binary_type filename (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove needless static binary_type array (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add support for topology (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Get number of CPUs from perf header (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Print pid along the name (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add backtrace support to CPU info (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] Convert to new topic libraries (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Refactor pevent_filter_match() to get rid of die() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Make pevent_filter_add_filter_str() return pevent_errno (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Refactor process_filter() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Refactor create_arg_item() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die() in reparent_op_arg() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Make add_left() return pevent_errno (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die() in add_right() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in find_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in read_token() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() allocate_arg() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die in add_filter_type() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in show_error() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/completion: Complete 'perf kvm' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add perf_evlist__to_front() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix inverted error verification bug in thread__fork (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Move mem_bswap32/64 to util.c (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add can_select_event() method (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/header: Allow header->data_offset to be predetermined (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add perf_event_paranoid() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/symbol: Start carving out symbol parsing routines from perf (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/unwinding: Use the per-feature check flags (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add per-feature check flags (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix bug in usage of the basename() function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Rename filename argument (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Constify some DSO methods parameters (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Set freed members to NULL in dso destructor (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Constify dso->long_name (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove open coded management of long_name_allocated member (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Set alloc flag close to setting the long_name (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Remove open coded management of short_name_allocated member (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/machine: Don't open code assign dso->short_name (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Rename [sl]name_alloc to match the members they refer to (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Add --header/--header-only options (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/report: Add --header/--header-only options (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die() in pevent_filter_clear_trivial() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in pevent_filter_add_filter_str() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of die() in create_arg_item() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in add_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of malloc_or_die() in pevent_filter_alloc() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Make perf kvm diff support --guestmount (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Move code to generate filename for perf-kvm to function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/annotate: Fix typo (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/archive: Remove duplicated 'runs' in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix bug in 'stat report' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Introduce option -v for perf kvm command (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix mmap pages rounding to power of 2 (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix max mmap_pages (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evlist: Remove unnecessary parentheses (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Fix display of incorrect mmap pages (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Add an option to print the source line number (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Fix symoff printing in callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Report better error message on bad function args (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix summary percentage when processing files (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Add support for syscalls vs raw_syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/build: Fix install dependency (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Update kvm plugin with is_writable_pte helper (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Remove malloc_or_die from plugin_function.c (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Several cleanups for function plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use pevent_print_func_field in hrtimer_start handler (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use static functions in jbd2 plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Remove malloc_or_die from event-plugin.c (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add cfg80211 plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add scsi plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add xen plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add function plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add sched_switch plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add mac80211 plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add kvm plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add kmem plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add hrtimer plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add jbd2 plugin (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Overload pr_stat traceevent print function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add trace-event global object for tracepoint interface (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add trace-event object (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add filename__read_str util function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add build and install plugins targets (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Harmonize the install messages in lib-traceevent (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Change pevent_parse_format to include pevent handle (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add traceevent_host_bigendian function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add plugin build support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add plugin support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Do not call perf_event__preprocess_sample() twice) (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix random fd closing with no libelf (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Update the 'record' man page entry for new --guest/--host behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix spurious '=' use in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/kvm: Add more detail about buildid-list in man page (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/target: Move the checking of which map function to call into function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Remove condition in machine__get_kernel_start_addr (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Remove stackprotector feature check (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Do not disable source line lookup just because of 1 failure (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Retain symbol source file name to lookup source line numbers (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Retain bfd reference to lookup source line numbers (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Use asprintf instead of malloc plus snprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Honour -m option (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Include test-stackprotector-all.c in test-all (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Correct the message in feature-libnuma checking (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Move wake_events list to 'struct timechart' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Move power_events list to 'struct timechart' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Move all_data per_pid list to 'struct timechart' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Introduce tool struct (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add perf_data_file__write interface (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add writen function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fine tune readn function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Use correct return type for readn function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Unify data output code into perf_record__write function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Fix tags/TAGS targets rebuilding (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Remove misplaced __maybe_unused (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Remove some needless struct forward declarations (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: dynamically determine event fields offset (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix not finding kcore in buildid cache (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Print mmap[2] events also (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Print comm, fork and exit events also (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Print callchains and symbols if they exist (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Export setup_list (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/thread: Move comm_list check into function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/symbols: Move idle syms check from top to generic function (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/evsel: Skip ignored symbols while printing callchain (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add backtrace support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add support for -P and -T in timechart recording (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Group figures and add title with details (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add support for displaying only tasks related data (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Use proc_num to implement --power-only (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add option to limit number of tasks (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/timechart: Always try to print at least 15 tasks (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Default -t option to no inheritance (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Add option macro OPT_BOOLEAN_SET (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf: Allow '--inherit' as the negation of '--no-inherit' (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/record: Make per-cpu mmaps the default (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/script: Move evname print code to process_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/completion: Rename file to reflect zsh support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/completion: Introduce zsh support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/completion: Factor out call to __ltrim_colon_completions (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/completion: Factor out compgen stuff (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/completion: Introduce a layer of indirection (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/top: Make -g refer to callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/trace: Remove thread summary coloring (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Use helper trace-seq in print functions like kernel does (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/stat: Add event unit and scale support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Optimize ring-buffer write by depending on control dependencies (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Fix leak in uncore_type_init failure paths (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Fix hotplug splat (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Fix event scheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Fix IVT/SNB-EP uncore CBOX NID filter table (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Correctly use FEATURE_PDCM (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Fix unknown NMI warning (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Fix Userspace RDPMC switch (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Add userspace RDPMC quirk for PPro (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] uapi: convert u64 to __u64 in exported headers (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Document the new transaction sample type (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Introduce a flag to enable close-on-exec in perf_event_open() (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Add Intel RAPL PP1 energy counter support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Fix PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD to force-reset the period (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Add RAPL hrtimer support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [x86] perf: Add Intel RAPL PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Add active_entry list head to struct perf_event (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_pmu_migrate_context (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [kernel] ktime: add ms_to_ktime() and ktime_add_ms() helpers (Jiri Olsa) [1133083] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Fix conversion of pointer to integer of different size (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Fix use of multiple options in processing field (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/header: Fix possible memory leaks in process_group_desc() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/header: Fix bogus group name (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Tag thread comm as overriden (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Add an option to force per-cpu mmaps (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/probe: Add '--demangle'/'--no-demangle' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/ui/browser: Fix segfault caused by off by one handling END key (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Limit max callchain using max_stack on DWARF unwinding too (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Introduce perf_evsel__prev() method (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Use perf_evlist__{first, last}, perf_evsel__next (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Synthesize anon MMAP records again (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/top: Add missing newline if the 'uid' is invalid (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Remove trivial extra semincolon (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Tweak summary output (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix feature-libunwind-debug-frame handling (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix timerfd feature check (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: parse the .debug_frame section in case .eh_frame is not present (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Check libunwind for availability of dwarf parsing feature (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Add direct access to dynamic arrays (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/target: Shorten perf_target__ to target__ (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/tests: Handle throttle events in 'object code reading' test (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Refactor mmap_pages parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Round mmap pages to power 2 - v2 (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Fix segfault with --no-mmap-pages (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add summary only option (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Simplify '--summary' output (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Change syscall summary duration order (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/tests: Compensate lower sample freq with longer test loop (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix segfault on perf trace -i (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Separate tp syscall field caching into init routine to be reused (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify fifth argument of mmap() as fd (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/tests: Use lower sample_freq in sw clock event period test (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/tests: Check return of perf_evlist__open sw clock event period test (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Move existing write_output into helper function (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Use correct return type for write() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Prevent condition that all sort keys are elided (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/machine: Simplify synthesize_threads method (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/machine: Introduce synthesize_threads method out of open coded equivalent (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Synthesize non-exec MMAP records when --data used (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Remove idx parm from constructor (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/ui/tui/progress: Don't force a refresh during progress update (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Remove unneeded include (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Remove post_processing_offset variable (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Remove advance_output function (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Refactor feature handling into a separate function (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Don't relookup fields by name in each sample (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix version when building out of tree (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Ditch evsel-> field (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add required memory barriers (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Finish the removal of 'self' arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Check maximum frequency rate for record/top (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/fs: Add procfs support (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/fs: Rename NAME_find_mountpoint() to NAME__mountpoint() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Factor sysfs code into generic fs object (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/list: Add usage (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/list: Remove a level of indentation (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix detection of non-core features (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/kvm: Disable live command if timerfd is not supported (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/hists: Consolidate __hists__add_*entry() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Add pevent_print_func_field() helper function (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Add flags NOHANDLE and PRINTRAW to individual events (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Check for spaces in character array (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Have bprintk output the same as the kernel does (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Handle __print_hex(__get_dynamic_array(fieldname), len) (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: If s is a pointer, check printk formats (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Update printk formats when entered (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/traceevent: Add support for extracting trace_clock in report (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/stat: Enhance option parse error message (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/top: Use parse_options_usage() for -s option failure (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/report: Use parse_options_usage() for -s option failure (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/report: Postpone setting up browser after parsing options (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Show single option when failed to parse (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Synthesize PERF_SAMPLE_TRANSACTION (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/test: Update "sample parsing" test for PERF_SAMPLE_TRANSACTION (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add missing overflow check for TRANSACTION (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Always use perf_evsel__set_sample_bit() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add a debug print if event buffer mmap fails (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix libunwind build and feature detection for 32-bit build (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix 32-bit cross build (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/script: Set up output options for in-stream attributes (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add a debug print if perf_event_open fails (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Get current comm instead of last one (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Compare hists comm by addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add new COMM infrastructure (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add time argument on COMM setting (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Use an accessor to read thread comm (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add missing data.h into LIB_H headers (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix typo (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/bench: Fix two warnings (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Show progress on histogram collapsing (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/ui/progress: Per progress bar state (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/ui: Rename ui_progress to ui_progress_ops (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix non-debug build (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Validate that mmap_pages is not too big (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Do not accept parse_tag_value() overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/inject: Do not repipe attributes to a file (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/script: Make perf_script a local variable (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/sched: Optimize build time (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/sched: Make struct perf_sched sched a local variable (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/bench: Change the procps visible command-name of invididual benchmark tests plus cleanups (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/probe: Find fentry mcount fuzzed parameter location (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/probe: Support "$vars" meta argument syntax for local variables (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Stop using 'self' in some more places (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/test: Consider PERF_SAMPLE_TRANSACTION in the "sample parsing" test (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/test: Clarify the "sample parsing" test entry (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/top: Add --max-stack option to limit callchain stack scan (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/report: Add --max-stack option to limit callchain stack scan (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/session: Separating data file properties from session (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add perf_data_file__open interface to data object (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add data object to handle perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Compare dso's also when comparing symbols (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/callchain: Convert children list to rbtree (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/list: Show error if tracepoints not available (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/script: Print addr by default for BTS (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Factor out duplicated mmap code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix perf_evlist__mmap comments (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix bench/numa.c for 32-bit build (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix test_on_exit for 32-bit build (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix 32-bit build error (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/session: Add missing members to perf_event__attr_swap() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/session: Add missing sample flush for piped events (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Improve write_output error message (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add missing decrement in id sample parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add missing 'mmap2' from debug print (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Improve messages related to /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Introduce filename__read_int helper (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__strerror_tp method (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Improve event processing exit (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Use vfs_getname hook if available (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Split fd -> pathname array handling (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix a mmap and munmap mismatched bug (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix a memory leak due to symbol__delete not being used (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/annotate: Another fix for annotate_browser__callq() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/buildid-cache: Add ability to add kcore to the cache (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/annotate: Fix annotate_browser__callq() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add ability to find kcore in build-id cache (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add copyfile_mode() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/annotate: Find kcore symbols on other maps (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Simplify the autodep inclusion rule (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Improve the 'stackprotector' feature test (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Remove the volatile-register-var feature check (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Simplify the libelf logic (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix DPACKAGE definitions for the libbfd et al testcases (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Pass through DEBUG parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix non-existent build directory handling (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add map_groups__find_ams() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Workaround objdump difficulties with kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Validate kcore module addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Separate lbfd check out of NO_DEMANGLE condition (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix memory leak in dso-data.c (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix old GCC build error in 'get_srcline' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add summary option to dump syscall statistics (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/util: Add findnew method to intlist (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Improve the error messages (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/timechart: Add example in the documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Implement summary output for 'make install' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Align perf version output to other build messages (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Harmonize the various build messages in perf, lib-traceevent, lib-lk (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Implement summary output for 'make clean' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix redirection printouts (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Initial beautifier for ioctl's 'cmd' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Prepare the strarray scnprintf method for reuse (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Allow specifying index offset in strarrays (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Make a separate function to parse /proc/modules (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/intlist: Add priv member (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Use new machine method to loop over threads (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/machine: Add method to loop over threads and invoke handler (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add record option (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Fix comm resolution when reading events from file (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/stat: Add units to nanosec-based counters (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/stat: Don't require a workload when using system wide or CPU options (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/stat: Fix misleading message when specifying cpu list or system wide (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix perf_evlist__mmap_read event overflow (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Ignore 'perf timechart' output file (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/stat: Don't print bogus data on -e instructions (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/stat: Don't print bogus data on -e cycles (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Move start conditions to start of the flex file (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add missing -ldl for gtk build (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/machine: Use snprintf instead of sprintf (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/bench sched: Add --threaded option (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add 'trace' alias to 'perf trace' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Show path associated with fd in live sessions (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify mlock & friends 'addr' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Handle MSG_WAITFORONE not defined (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for clock_gettime's clk_id argument (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify pipe2 'flags' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Use socket's beautifiers in socketpair (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Don't supress zeroed args when there is an strarray entry for it (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add helper for syscalls with a single strarray arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify flock 'cmd' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify epoll_ctl 'op' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix srcline sort key behavior (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Implement addr2line directly using libbfd (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Save failed result of get_srcline() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/annotate: Pass dso instead of dso_name to get_srcline() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Do not try to call addr2line on non-binary files (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/annotate: Factor out get/free_srcline() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/hists: Free srcline when freeing hist_entry (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/annotate: Reuse path from the result of addr2line (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/sort: Fix a memory leak on srcline (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Separate out GTK codes to (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add new option --ignore-vmlinux for perf top (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Adding throttle event data struct support (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/evlist: Introduce perf_evlist__new_default function (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add possibility to specify mmap size (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Check mmap pages value early (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/lock: Account for lock average wait time (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/lock: Limit bad rate precision (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/lock: Redo __cmd_report (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/lock: Plug some memleaks (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/lock: Return proper code in report_lock_*_event (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/lock: Remove dead code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Unify page_size usage (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Remove unused trace-event-* code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/symbols: Support for Openembedded/Yocto -dbg packages (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/completion: Use more comp words (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/completion: Strip dependency on bash-completion (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/completion: Strip function_exists () (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/completion: Strip dependency on _filedir (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/completion: Update __ltrim_colon_completions (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/completion: Don't dictate perf install location (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add option to show process COMM (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify eventfd2 'flags' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify send/recv syscall 'flags' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Don't print zeroed args (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Remove duplicate mmap entry in syscall_fmts array (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Add option to show full timestamp (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify rlmimit resources (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify access 'mode' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify socket 'type' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify socket 'family' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify signal number arg in several syscalls (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify rt_sigprocmask 'how' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify fcntl 'cmd' arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Use strarray for ltrace's whence arg (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Allow passing parms to arg formatters (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/trace: Put syscall formatter parms into struct (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Clean up feature_print_code() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Pass through LDFLAGS to feature tests (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Harmonize the style of the feature testcases (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix O=/some/dir perf.o type of targets (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Fix non-canonical directory names in O= (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Exclude MAKEFLAGS from nested invocation (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Make sure autodep feature binaries honor the O= setting (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Pass through all targets to Makefile.perf (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Collapse the test-all.c testcase (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Clean up various testcases (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Remove unused config/feature-tests.mak (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature checks 'liberty', 'liberty-z', 'cplus-demangle' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Standardize the various messages output by parallel make (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Flip Makefile.parallel and Makefile.perf (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Automatically build in parallel, based on number of CPUs in the system (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Improve printout-of auto-detected features (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Speed up auto-detection (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Invoke feature-checks 'clean' target from the main Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix double/triple-build of the feature detection logic during 'make install' et al (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Speed up the final link (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Speed up git-version test on re-make (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Speed up auto-detection of features by adding a 'test-all' target (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Turn strlcpy() into a __weak function (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Clean up util/include/linux/compiler.h (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'backtrace' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'on-exit' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'strlcpy' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libbfd' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libpython-version' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libpython' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libperl' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'gtk2-infobar' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'gtk2' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libslang' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libaudit' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libunwind' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Clean up the libunwind logic in config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libelf-getphdrnum' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libelf-mmap' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Clean up the mmap logic in config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'dwarf' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'glibc' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libelf' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Clean up the libelf logic in config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'bionic' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'fortify-source' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'volatile-register-var' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'stackprotector' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'stackprotector-all' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: split out feature check 'libnuma' (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Add 'autodep' functionality, generate feature test dependencies automatically (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/build: Add feature check core code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: standardize feature support define names to HAVE_{FEATURE}_SUPPORT (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add support for record transaction flags (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf/record: Add abort_tx, no_tx, in_tx branch filter options to perf record -j (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Support sorting by in_tx or abort branch flags (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix sorting for 64bit entries (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Disable all pmus on unthrottling and rescheduling (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf: Fix constraint table end marker bug (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Remove fragile swevent hlist optimization (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Factor out strncpy() in perf_event_mmap_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Update a stale comment (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Optimize perf_output_begin() -- address calculation (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Optimize perf_output_begin() -- lost_event case (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Optimize perf_output_begin() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add unlikely() to the ring-buffer code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Simplify the ring-buffer code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Fix the perf context switch optimization (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Change zero-padding of strings in perf_event_mmap_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Do not waste PAGE_SIZE bytes for ALIGN(8) in perf_event_mmap_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Kill the dead !vma->vm_mm code in perf_event_mmap_event() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Remove useless atomic_t (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf: Optimize intel_pmu_pebs_fixup_ip() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf: Suppress duplicated abort LBR records (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf: Add Haswell specific transaction flag reporting (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Add generic transaction flags (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [tools] perf: Enforce 1 as lower limit for perf_event_max_sample_rate (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Fix build warning in intel_pmu_drain_pebs_nhm() (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Remove division from the intel_pmu_drain_pebs_nhm() hot path (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Clean up EVENT_ATTR_STR() muck (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Clean-up/reduce PEBS code (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Clean up checkpoint-interrupt bits (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Add Haswell TSX event aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf: Report TSX transaction abort cost as weight (Jiri Olsa) [1131394] - [x86] perf/intel: Avoid checkpointed counters causing excessive TSX aborts (Jiri Olsa) [1131394]- [scsi] ipr: Add new CCIN definition for Grand Canyon support (Gustavo Duarte) [1088561] - [scsi] ipr: Format HCAM overlay ID 0x21 (Gustavo Duarte) [1088561] - [scsi] ipr: Handle early EEH (Gustavo Duarte) [1088561] - [scsi] ipr: Add new CCIN definition for new hardware support (Gustavo Duarte) [1088561] - [scsi] ipr: Remove extended delay bit on GSCSI reads/writes ops (Gustavo Duarte) [1088561] - [scsi] ipr: increase dump size in ipr driver (Gustavo Duarte) [1088561] - [kernel] trace: Remove function_trace_stop and HAVE_FUNCTION_TRACE_MCOUNT_TEST (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [s390] ftrace: remove check of obsolete variable function_trace_stop (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [x86] ftrace: Remove check of obsolete variable function_trace_stop (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove check for HAVE_FUNCTION_TRACE_MCOUNT_TEST (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove function_trace_stop check from list func (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Do no disable function tracing on enabling function tracing (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Remove ftrace_start/stop() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace-graph: Remove usage of ftrace_stop() in ftrace_graph_stop() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [powerpc] kernel/ftrace: Add call to ftrace_graph_is_dead() in function graph code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Add call to ftrace_graph_is_dead() in function graph code (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace-graph: Remove dependency of ftrace_stop() from ftrace_graph_stop() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] trace: Remove ftrace_stop/start() from reading the trace file (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] power: Remove ftrace_stop/start() from suspend and hibernate (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [x86] power/cpu: Annotate restore_processor_state() with notrace (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Move the mcount/fentry code out of entry_64.S (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Load ftrace_ops in parameter not the variable holding it (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] trace: Remove unused function ftrace_off_permanent() (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: BUG when ftrace recovery fails (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Have ftrace_write() return -EPERM and clean up callers (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: One more missing sync after fixup of function modification failure (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Run a sync after fixup on failure (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: Use breakpoints for converting function graph caller (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [kernel] ftrace: skip over the breakpoint for ftrace caller (Josh Poimboeuf) [1113829] - [s390] kprobes: add support for pc-relative long displacement instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1123429] - [kernel] kprobes: allow to specify custom allocator for insn caches (Hendrik Brueckner) [1123429] - [kernel] kprobes: unify insn caches (Hendrik Brueckner) [1123429] - [kernel] uprobes: Rename arch_uprobe->def to ->defparam, minor comment updates (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Fix scratch register selection for rip-relative fixups (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Simplify rip-relative handling (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Simplify riprel_{pre,post}_xol() and make them similar (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Kill the "autask" arg of riprel_pre_xol() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Rename *riprel* helpers to make the naming consistent (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Cleanup the usage of UPROBE_FIX_IP/UPROBE_FIX_CALL (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Kill adjust_ret_addr(), simplify UPROBE_FIX_CALL logic (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce push_ret_address() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Cleanup the usage of arch_uprobe->def.fixups, make it u8 (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Move default_xol_ops's data into arch_uprobe->def (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Move UPROBE_FIX_SETF logic from arch_uprobe_post_xol() to default_post_xol_op() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Don't use arch_uprobe_abort_xol() in arch_uprobe_post_xol() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce uprobe_xol_ops->abort() and default_abort_op() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Don't change the task's state if ->pre_xol() fails (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Fix is_64bit_mm() with CONFIG_X86_X32 (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Make good_insns_* depend on CONFIG_X86_* (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Shift "insn_complete" from branch_setup_xol_ops() to uprobe_init_insn() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Add is_64bit_mm(), kill validate_insn_bits() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Add uprobe_init_insn(), kill validate_insn_{32,64}bits() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Refuse to attach uprobe to "word-sized" branch insns (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Emulate relative conditional "near" jmp's (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Emulate relative conditional "short" jmp's (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Emulate relative call's (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Emulate nop's using ops->emulate() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Emulate unconditional relative jmp's (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce sizeof_long(), cleanup adjust_ret_addr() and arch_uretprobe_hijack_return_addr() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Teach arch_uprobe_post_xol() to restart if possible (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Send SIGILL if arch_uprobe_post_xol() fails (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Conditionalize the usage of handle_riprel_insn() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce uprobe_xol_ops and arch_uprobe->ops (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: move the UPROBE_FIX_{RIP,IP,CALL} code at the end of pre/post hooks (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Gather "riprel" functions together (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Kill the "ia32_compat" check in handle_riprel_insn(), remove "mm" arg (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Fold prepare_fixups() into arch_uprobe_analyze_insn() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627] - [kernel] uprobes: Kill UPROBE_SKIP_SSTEP and can_skip_sstep() (Oleg Nesterov) [1073627]- [ethernet] enic: Add ethtool support to show classifier filters added by the driver (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: remove #ifdef CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL around filter structures (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: fix return values in enic_set_coalesce (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Make dummy rfs functions inline to fix !CONFIG_RFS_ACCEL build (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: do tx cleanup in napi poll (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: add low latency socket busy_poll support (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: fix lockdep around devcmd_lock (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Add Accelerated RFS support (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [net] Add skb_get_hash_raw (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [net] flow_keys: Record IP layer protocol in skb_flow_dissect() (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: alloc/free rx_cpu_rmap (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: devcmd for adding IP 5 tuple hardware filters (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: fix return value in _vnic_dev_cmd (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Fix 64 bit divide on 32bit system (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Add support for adaptive interrupt coalescing (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: include irq.h for irqreturn_t definitions (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Call dev_kfree_skb_any instead of dev_kfree_skb (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: slight optimization of addr compare (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: cisco-enic calls skb_set_hash (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] enic: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Stefan Assmann) [1107934] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e & i40evf version (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Ignore a driver perceived Tx hang if the number of desc pending < 4 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add max buf len to aq debug print helper (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Fixed guest OS panic when removing vf driver (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix memory leak on unused interfaces (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't leak queue vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: do not re-arm watchdog after remove (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: future-proof vfr_stat state check (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix scan warning on sprintf (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e: always print aqtx answer (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: ARQ copy desc data even for failed commands (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't wait so long (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix extension header csum logic (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add nvmupdate support (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Clean up code (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove unnecessary break after goto (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.21 and i40evf to 0.9.40 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add set_fc and init of FC settings (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add new HW link info variable an_enabled and function update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: invite vector 0 to the interrupt party (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Force a shifted '1' to be unsigned (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't violate scope (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Do not free the dummy packet buffer synchronously (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.19 and i40evf to 0.9.38 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: change branding string (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: initialize context descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add ASQ write back timeout variable to AQ structure (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: set flags before sending message (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: clear aq bah-bal on shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add base address registers to aq struct (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: resend FW request if no response (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix typo (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: return more useful error information (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't stop watchdog if it hasn't started (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Big endian fixes for handling HMC (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.17 and i40evf to 0.9.36 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove reserved type (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.13 and i40evf to 0.9.35 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: modify debug prints to avoid seg faults (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Update RSS configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix off-by-one (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Reset Head and Tail on AQ initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: i40e_register.h update (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to version 0.4.10 and i40evf to 0.9.34 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add Flow director stats to PF stats (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove FTYPE (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: check admin queue error bits (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: User ether_addr_copy instead of memcpy (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't go further down (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: AdminQ API update for new FW (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: set headwb Tx context flags and use them (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: bump version to 0.4.7 for i40e and 0.9.31 for i40evf (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add PPRS bit to error bits and fix bug in Rx checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Fix function header (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build version (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove deprecated device IDs (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix poll weight (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix TSO accounting (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove chatty reset messages (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: use correct format for printing MAC addresses (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: clean up log message formatting (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove bogus comment (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove unnecessary log messages (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Clean up a few things (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Fix code to accommodate i40e_register.h changes (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix rx descriptor status (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build version (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add Tx pre queue disable function (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: check AQ register for valid data (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: make messages less dire (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove rx_errors and rx_missed (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: VEB structure added, GTIME macro update (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix crash when changing ring sizes (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: set descriptor multiple to 32 (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove unused RX_LRO define (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't use RESETTING state during reinit (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Change type to u32 to avoid sparse error (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove storm control (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Remove reserved PCTYPE defines (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Update check for AQ aliveness (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Use is_multicast_ether_addr helper (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: control auto ITR through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: set proper default for ITR registers (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: make ethtool_ops const (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't lie to ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Use macro param for ethtool stats (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Fix the headers and update copyright year (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Remove unused defines (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Update AdminQ interface (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build version (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Retrieve and store missing link config information (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove debugging message (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix panic on PF driver fail (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add driver version string to driver version command (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: support ethtool RSS options (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: update AdminQ API (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add tracking to NVM busy state (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: unhide and enable to one prefena field (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: program RSS LUT correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Remove addressof casts to same type (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix error checking path (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add an FD message level (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove double space after return (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix oops in watchdog handler (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: clean up init error messages (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't shut down admin queue on error (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add EEE LPI stats (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: reduce context descriptors (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: enable hardware feature head write back (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: use min_t (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: correctly program RSS HLUT table (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Rename i40e_ptype_lookup i40evf_ptype_lookup (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Use dma_set_mask_and_coherent (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Use correct number of VF vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Some flow director HW definition fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump pf&vf build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: carefully fill tx ring (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: i40e implementation for skb_set_hash (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Enable the ndo_set_features netdev op (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump driver versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e: Change MSIX to MSI-X (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove errant space (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: update version and copyright date (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: store ring size in ring structs (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't guess device name (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove bogus comment (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix up strings in init task (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: get rid of pci_using_dac (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix multiple crashes on remove (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: remove VLAN filters on close (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: request reset on tx hang (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: Remove duplicate include (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: refactor reset handling (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: change type of flags variable (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't store unnecessary array of strings (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix bogus comment (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: clean up adapter struct (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40evf: trivial fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e: spelling error (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix device ID define names to align to standard (Stefan Assmann) [1091127] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e & i40evf version (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Ignore a driver perceived Tx hang if the number of desc pending < 4 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: quiet complaints when removing default MAC VLAN filter and make set_mac reversible (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add max buf len to aq debug print helper (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add checks and message for Qualified Module info (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: set num_queue_pairs to num configured by VF (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Enable l2tsel bit for VLAN tag control (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add a FD flush counter to ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: ATR policy change to flush the table to clean stale ATR rules (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Some FD message fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Update flow director error messages to reduce user confusion (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix PTP bug (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix a few potential VF dereferences (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix for recent kernel panic (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Cleaning up missing null-terminate in conjunction with strncpy (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: use correct structure type name in sizeof (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix sparse non static symbol warning (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix missing uapi/linux/dcbnl.h include in i40e_fcoe.c (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove support for vf unicast promiscuous mode (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Minor comment changes (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: disable local loopback on vmdq vsi (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: use correct vf_id offset for virtchnl message (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: expose debug_write_register request (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: adds FCoE to build and updates its documentation (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Adds FCoE related code to i40e core driver (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: adds FCoE code to the i40e driver (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: always print aqtx answer (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Give link more time after setting flow control (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix firmware API version errors (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: ARQ copy desc data even for failed commands (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix extension header csum logic (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add nvmupdate support (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix format mismatch in drivers/net/ethernet/intel/i40e/i40e_debugfs.c (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: (ptp) warn when PF_ID does not match in PRTTSYN_CTL0 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Clean up code (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix race conditions on queuing skb for HW time stamp (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: never generate both software and hardware timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add ndo_get_phys_port_id() callback support (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove unnecessary break after goto (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [net] bridge: fdb dumping takes a filter device (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.21 and i40evf to 0.9.40 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Implement set_settings for ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add set_pauseparam to ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add set_fc and init of FC settings (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: move nway reset (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add new HW link info variable an_enabled and function update_link_info (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Finish implementation of ethtool get settings (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: disable TPH (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix a boundary condition and turning off of ntuple (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: tolerate lost interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Force a shifted '1' to be unsigned (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Do not free the dummy packet buffer synchronously (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.19 and i40evf to 0.9.38 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove linux/export.h header from i40e_ptp.c (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: limit GLLAN_TXPRE_QDIS to QINDX 0-127 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: initialize context descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: FD filter replay logic bug fix (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add ASQ write back timeout variable to AQ structure (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Correct mask assignment value (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: clear all queues and interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: clear aq bah-bal on shutdown (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add base address registers to aq struct (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix fdir programming (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add debugfs hooks to print current total FD filter count (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix the FD sideband logic to detect a FD table full condition (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Avoid adding the TCP-IPv4 filter twice (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: only create PTP device node once (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: don't store user requested mode until we've validated it (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: break PTP hardware control from ioctl command for timestamp mode (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: rename i40e_ptp_enable to i40e_ptp_feature_enable (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Big endian fixes for handling HMC (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: do not take NVM ownership for SR read (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.17 and i40evf to 0.9.36 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Bypass timeout recovery level 0 so as to not cause MDD (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: no pf reset at pci remove (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: reapply LAA after reset (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: allow user to set LAA again (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: use WoL flag when setting LAA (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add ablitity to enable/disable link from set_link_restart_an (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove reserved type (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix ethtool coalesce settings (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix a stray print message (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: warn on newer/older firmware API rev (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add PF reset when Malicious driver event for PF (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: make prep_for_reset void (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Stop the VF device after setting its MAC address (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to 0.4.13 and i40evf to 0.9.35 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: modify debug prints to avoid seg faults (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Update RSS configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: keep service tasks out of reset process (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: clear VEB stats when pf stats are cleared (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix scheduling while atomic bug during NAPI (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: debugfs fix to dump remote LLDPDU (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Helper routine for Rx/Tx queue enable/disable wait (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix dangling ring pointers upon driver removal (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Reset Head and Tail on AQ initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: workaround NVM GLQF_HKEY (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: i40e_register.h update (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump i40e to version 0.4.10 and i40evf to 0.9.34 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: use stored base_queue value (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix a bug in ethtool for FD drop packet filter action (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add Flow director stats to PF stats (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove FTYPE (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: User ether_addr_copy instead of memcpy (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [net] etherdevice: Use ether_addr_copy to copy an Ethernet address (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not accept tagged packets by default (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Separate out DCB capability and enabled flags (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Change the notion of src and dst for FD_SB in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: AdminQ API update for new FW (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: set headwb Tx context flags and use them (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: bump version to 0.4.7 for i40e and 0.9.31 for i40evf (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Allow RSS table entry range and GPS to be any number, not necessarily power of 2 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Delete stale MAC filters after change (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not fall back to one queue model if the only feature enabled is ATR (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add PPRS bit to error bits and fix bug in Rx checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: keep SR-IOV enabled in the case that RSS, VMDQ, FD_SB and DCB are disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Changes to Interrupt distribution policy (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: implement anti-spoofing for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: don't complain about removing non-existent addresses (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove unused variable and memory allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: allow for more VSIs (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add checks for AQ error status bits (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build version (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove deprecated device IDs (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix poll weight (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix TSO accounting (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove chatty reset messages (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: not all VSIs have rings (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: clear pxe after adminq is rebuilt (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix incorrect feature configuration status (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Clean up a few things (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Fix code to accommodate i40e_register.h changes (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix rx descriptor status (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build version (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove irqs only when they are set up (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: don't remove HMC that doesn't exist (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: print full link message (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add xcast stats for port (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add vsi x-cast stats (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: increase reset wait time (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add Tx pre queue disable function (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: check AQ register for valid data (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: print message for pre-production hardware (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add VEB stats to ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: set lan_veb index (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add missing VSI statistics (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove rx_errors and rx_missed (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor stats collection (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor send version (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: VEB structure added, GTIME macro update (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: notify VF of all types of resets (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: clamp jumbo frame size (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove unused RX_LRO define (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove check for large buffer (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Rework register diagnostic (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: don't use OR to check a value (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: relax the firmware API version check (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: disable FCoE for MFP modes (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add clear_pxe AdminQ request (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Clear recovery pending, if reset failed (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Change type to u32 to avoid sparse error (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: remove storm control (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Use the new i40e_get_fd_cnt_all function in other places (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Report cmd->data in ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLCNT instead of ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRULE (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Remove reserved PCTYPE defines (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Tx/Rx rings declaration (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40evf: tweak Tx rate params and de-magic-ify (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40evf: don't round Tx rate down to 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: enable descriptor prefetch for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Update check for AQ aliveness (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix passing wrong error code to i40e_open() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Check PCI_IOV config to avoid compile error (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove Tx work for ptp (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Don't disable SR-IOV when VFs are assigned (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove hardcode of stats struct size in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: control auto ITR through ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: set proper default for ITR registers (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: add required include (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build version (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Retrieve and store missing link config information (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Update function formal parameters (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not expose fd-sb commands from debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not enable NTUPLE feature control in MFP mode (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Change variable type to avoid typecheck failure (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Don't stop driver probe when querying DCB config fails (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Redistribute queue vectors after DCB reconfiguration (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add driver version string to driver version command (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Use port VLAN in MAC/VLAN filter configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Retain MAC filters when changing port VLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove ptp_tx_work timestamp work item (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix Timesync Tx interrupt handler code (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: report VF link state correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Tweak for-loop in i40e_ethtool.c (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Cleanup if/else statements (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: rework fdir setup and teardown (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: use generic vsi_open to unquiesce vsi (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: abstract the close path for better netdev vsis (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: prep vsi_open logic for non-netdev cases (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: update AdminQ API (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: add tracking to NVM busy state (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix an issue with displaying IPv4 FD filters (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove a FW workaround (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Enable VF Tx bandwidth setting (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Reset the VF upon conflicting VLAN configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: unhide and enable to one prefena field (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add bridge FDB add/del/dump ops (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix message terminations (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix TCP flag replication for hardware offload (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Mass conversion of smp_mb__*() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [powerpc] asm: Convert smp_mb__*() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [s390] asm: Convert smp_mb__*() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [x86] asm: Convert smp_mb__*() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [kernel] sched: Prepare for smp_mb__{before, after}_atomic() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove casts of pointer to same type (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Remove addressof casts to same type (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: fix error checking path (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix function kernel doc description (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Use DEBUG_FD message level for an FD message (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add an FD message level (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: check for netdev before debugfs use (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add functionality for FD SB to drop packets (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Cleanup in FDIR SB ethtool code (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: eeprom integrity check on load and empr (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Make the alloc and free queue vector calls orthogonal (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Delete ATR filter on RST (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix a message string (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Add EEE LPI stats (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: potential array underflow in i40e_vc_process_vf_msg() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: reduce context descriptors (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: enable hardware feature head write back (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Refactor and cleanup i40e_open(), adding i40e_vsi_open() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Patch to enable Ethtool/netdev feature flag for NTUPLE control (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: support VF link state ndo (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Avoid double setting of NETIF_F_SG for the HW encapsulation feature mask (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Use dma_set_mask_and_coherent (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Use correct number of VF vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Let MDD events be handled by MDD handler (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Bug fix for FDIR replay logic (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add code to handle FD table full condition (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Define a new state variable to keep track of feature auto disable (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix function comments (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: simplified init string (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: cleanup strings (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: make string references to q be queue (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Some flow director HW definition fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix a bug in the update logic for FDIR SB filter (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: delete netdev after deleting napi and vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump pf&vf build versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: carefully fill tx ring (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: fix nvm version and remove firmware report (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix static checker warning (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove a redundant filter addition (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: count timeout events (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove a FW workaround for Number of MSIX vectors (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: clean up comment style (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: i40e implementation for skb_set_hash (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Prevent overflow due to kzalloc (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Flow Director sideband accounting (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e/i40evf: Bump driver versions (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Change MSIX to MSI-X (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: tighten up ring enable/disable flow (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove unnecessary delay (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: don't handle VF reset on unload (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: enable extant VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: reset VFs after PF reset (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: set VF state to active when reset is complete (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: remove dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Setting i40e_down bit for tx_timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40evf: clean up memsets (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: bump driver version (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: spelling error (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [ethernet] i40e: Add missing braces to i40e_dcb_need_reconfig() (Stefan Assmann) [1091126] - [net] sunrpc: get rid of use_gssp_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1117914] - [net] sunrpc: fix potential race between setting use_gss_proxy and the upcall rpc_clnt ("J. Bruce Fields") [1117914] - [net] sunrpc: don't wait for write before allowing reads from use-gss-proxy file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1117914] - [net] sunrpc: trim off EC bytes in GSSAPI v2 unwrap ("J. Bruce Fields") [1117914] - [net] svcrpc: handle some gssproxy encoding errors ("J. Bruce Fields") [1117914] - [net] svcrpc: fix error-handling on badd gssproxy downcall ("J. Bruce Fields") [1117914]- [scsi] scsi_lib: remove the description string in scsi_io_completion() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1045998] - [scsi] sd: fix a bug in deriving the FLUSH_TIMEOUT from the basic I/O timeout (Ewan Milne) [1123906] - [scsi] scsi_debug: simple short transfer injection (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: add ability to enable clustering (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: protect device access with atomic_rw lock (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: prepare to enable clustering (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix resp_xdwriteread() return value when running out of memory (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix duplicate dif_errors increment (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: make pseudo_primary static (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix false positive logical block reference tag check fail (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: simplify creation and destruction of driver attribute files (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix sparse warnings related to data integrity field (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix invalid value check for guard module parameter (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: avoid partial copying PI from prot_sglist to dif_storep (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: factor out copying PI from dif_storep to prot_sglist (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix buffer overrun when DIF/DIX is enabled and virtual_gb > 0 (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix logical block provisioning support when unmap_alignment != 0 (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix do_device_access() with wrap around range (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] lib/scatterlist: introduce sg_pcopy_from_buffer() and sg_pcopy_to_buffer() (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] lib/scatterlist: factor out sg_miter_get_next_page() from sg_miter_next() (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: reduce duplication between prot_verify_read and prot_verify_write (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: simplify offset calculation for dif_storep (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: invalidate protection info for unmapped region (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix NULL pointer dereference with parameters dif=0 dix=1 (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix incorrectly nested kmap_atomic() (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix invalid address passed to kunmap_atomic() (Ewan Milne) [1132100] - [scsi] use dev_printk variants where possible (Ewan Milne) [998695] - [scsi] use dev_printk() variants for ioctl (Ewan Milne) [998695] - [scsi] Implement st_printk() (Ewan Milne) [998695] - [scsi] Implement ch_printk() (Ewan Milne) [998695] - [scsi] Implement sg_printk() (Ewan Milne) [998695] - [scsi] Implement sr_printk() (Ewan Milne) [998695] - [scsi] ses: Use vpd information from scsi_device (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] Add EVPD page 0x83 and 0x80 to sysfs (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] Return VPD page length in scsi_vpd_inquiry() (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] Workaround for disks that report bad optimal transfer length (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sg: O_EXCL and other lock handling (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sg: add SG_FLAG_Q_AT_TAIL flag (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sg: relax 16 byte cdb restriction (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] scsi constants: command, sense key + additional sense strings (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] scsi_error: disable eh_deadline if no host_reset_handler is set (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] cleanup switch in scsi_adjust_queue_depth (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] set correct completion code in scsi_send_eh_cmnd() (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] Spelling hsot -> host (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] scsi_sysfs: Implement 'is_visible' callback (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] export device_busy for sdev (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] fc: ensure scan_work isn't active when freeing fc_rport (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] scsi_transport_fc: Add 32Gbps speed definition (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sd: bad return code of init_sd (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sd: notify block layer when using temporary change to cache_type (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sd: medium access timeout counter fails to reset (Ewan Milne) [1101729] - [scsi] sd: Quiesce mode sense error messages (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sd: Do not call do_div() with a 64-bit divisor (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sd: Reduce buffer size for vpd request (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] sd: avoid deadlocks when running under multipath (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] st: fix enlarge_buffer (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] use the scsi data buffer length to extract transfer size (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] scsi_cmnd: Introduce scsi_transfer_length helper (Ewan Milne) [1132092] - [scsi] Add CDB definition for COMPARE_AND_WRITE (Ewan Milne) [1132092]- [md] raid6: avoid data corruption during recovery of double-degraded RAID6 (Jes Sorensen) [1130905] - [block] scsi_ioctl: verify return pointer from blk_get_request (Jeff Moyer) [1104324] - [pnp] pnpacpi: Fix acpi_pnp_match() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [pnp] pnpacpi: Do not return errors if _DIS or _SRS are not present (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] dock: Make 'docked' sysfs attribute work as documented (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] dock: Use acpi_device_enumerated() to check if dock is present (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Fix panic on eject to ejected device (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] scan: Clear match_driver flag in acpi_bus_trim() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] scan: Use direct recurrence for device hierarchy walks (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Introduce acpi_set_device_status() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Drop unfinished global notification handling routines (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Rework generic code to handle suprise removals (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Move container-specific code out of the core (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Make ACPI PCI root hotplug use common hotplug code (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Introduce common hotplug function acpi_device_hotplug() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] hotplug: Do not fail bus and device checks for disabled hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] scan: Add acpi_device objects for all device nodes in the namespace (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] scan: Define non-empty device removal handler (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] core: Store an ACPI device pointer in struct acpi_dev_node (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] pm: Drop two functions that are not used any more (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] power: Drop automaitc resume of power resource dependent devices (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Use EXPORT_SYMBOL() for acpi_bus_get_device() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Print diagnostic messages if device links cannot be created (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Drop unnecessary label from acpi_bind_one() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Clean up error code path in acpi_unbind_one() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Use list_for_each_entry() in acpi_unbind_one() (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] acpi_bind_one()/acpi_unbind_one() whitespace cleanups (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Create symlinks in acpi_bind_one() under physical_node_lock (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Reduce acpi_bind_one()/acpi_unbind_one() code duplication (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Do not fail acpi_bind_one() if device is already bound correctly (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] Move acpi_bus_get_device() from bus.c to scan.c (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [acpi] pm: Use ACPI_STATE_D3_COLD instead of ACPI_STATE_D3 everywhere (Myron Stowe) [1128632] - [usb] xhci: convert TRB_CYCLE to le32 before using it to set Link TRB's cycle bit (Steve Best) [1123119] - [usb] xhci: fix incorrect type in assignment in handle_device_notification() (Steve Best) [1123119] - [input] alps: Rushmore and v7 resolution support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: add support for v7 devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: cache firmware version (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: change decode function prototype to return an int (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: report 2 touches when we've > 2 fingers (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: add an alps_report_semi_mt_data function (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: use single touch data when v3 mt data contains only one finger (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: use standard contact tracking instead of DIY (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: use struct input_mt_pos to track coordinates (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: process_bitmap, round down when spreading adjescent fingers over 2 points (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: process_bitmap, fix counting of high point bits (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: process_bitmap, add alps_get_bitmap_points() helper function (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: process_bitmap, don't invert the Y-axis on Rushmore (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: improve 2-finger reporting on v3 models (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: fix rushmore packet decoding (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: add support for "Dolphin" devices (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: add support for DualPoint device on Dell XT2 model (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [input] alps: change secondary device's name (Benjamin Tissoires) [1107819] - [tools] turbostat: tweak whitespace in output format (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: bench/parse.c, Fix several minor errors (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Remove redundant error check (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: mperf monitor, Correct use of ! and & (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: drop negativity check on unsigned value (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Remove mc and smt power aware scheduler info/settings (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: cpupower info -b should return 0 on success, not the perf bias value (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Remove dead link to homepage, and update the targets built (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Rename cpufrequtils -> cpupower, and libcpufreq -> libcpupower (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: If root, try to load msr driver on x86 if /dev/cpu/0/msr is not available (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Install recently added cpupower-idle-{set, info} manpages (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Remove all manpages on make uninstall (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Introduce idle state disable-by-latency and enable-all (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Drop temperature checks (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpufreq: Make official mailing list (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: simplify output, add Avg_MHz (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: introduce -s to dump counters (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: remove unused command line option (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Add option to report joules consumed per sample (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Clean up error handling; disambiguate error messages; use err and errx (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Add a .gitignore to ignore the compiled turbostat binary (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Factor out common function to open file and exit on failure (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Add a helper to parse a single int out of a file (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Check return value of fscanf (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Don't attempt to printf an off_t with zx (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Use GCC's CPUID functions to support PIC (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] turbostat: Don't put unprocessed uapi headers in the include path (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Fix sscanf robustness in cpufreq-set (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Fix segfault due to incorrect getopt_long arugments (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: fix wrong err msg not supported vs not available (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [tools] cpupower: Add cpupower-idle-set(1) manpage (Prarit Bhargava) [1133893] - [virt] virtio-scsi: Skip setting affinity on uninitialized vq (Fam Zheng) [1083860] - [mm] memcontrol: remove hierarchy restrictions for swappiness and oom_control (Johannes Weiner) [1124110] - [mm] thp: fix copy_page_rep GPF by testing is_huge_zero_pmd once only (Rik van Riel) [1123040] - [mm] numa: Remove BUG_ON() in __handle_mm_fault() (Rik van Riel) [1119439] - [iommu] Add empty stub for iommu_group_get_by_id() (Steve Best) [1123122] - [input] Revert: wacom: testing result shows get_report is unnecessary (Aristeu Rozanski) [1079541] - [kernel] kexec: fix build error when hugetlbfs is disabled (Baoquan He) [1115240] - [kernel] kexec: export free_huge_page to VMCOREINFO (Baoquan He) [1115240] - [kernel] kexec: save PG_head_mask in VMCOREINFO (Baoquan He) [1115240] - [block] nvme: Fix START_STOP_UNIT Scsi->NVMe translation (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Use Log Page constants in SCSI emulation (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Define Log Page constants (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Fix hot cpu notification dead lock (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Rename io_timeout to nvme_io_timeout (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Use last bytes of f/w rev SCSI Inquiry (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Adhere to request queue block accounting enable/disable (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Fix nvme get/put queue semantics (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Delete NVME_GET_FEAT_TEMP_THRESH (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Make admin timeout a module parameter (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Make iod bio timeout a parameter (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Prevent possible NULL pointer dereference (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Fix the buffer size passed in GetLogPage(CDW10.NUMD) (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Update data structures for NVMe 1.2 (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Enable BUILD_BUG_ON checks (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Update namespace and controller identify structures to the 1.1a spec (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Flush with data support (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Configure support for block flush (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Add tracepoints (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Protect against badly formatted CQEs (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Improve error messages (David Milburn) [1111259] - [block] nvme: Update copyright headers (David Milburn) [1111259] - [powerpc] 64bit sendfile is capped at 2GB (Gustavo Duarte) [1107774] - [powerpc] sched: stop updating inside arch_update_cpu_topology() when nothing to be update (Gustavo Duarte) [1098372] - [firewire] ohci: fix probe failure with Agere/LSI controllers (Neil Horman) [994878] - [firewire] ohci: beautify some macro definitions (Neil Horman) [994878] - [s390] airq: silence lockdep warning (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_scsi: don't call virtqueue_add_sgs(... GFP_NOIO) holding spinlock (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_ccw: introduce device_lost in virtio_ccw_device (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio: virtio_break_device() to mark all virtqueues broken (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] s390/sclp_vt220: Fix kernel panic due to early terminal input (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio: fail adding buffer on broken queues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_net: don't crash if virtqueue is broken (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] s390/virtio_ccw: fix hang in set offline processing (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [s390] irq: improve displayed interrupt order in /proc/interrupts (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio-ccw: virtio-ccw adapter interrupt support (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_ccw: fix vcdev pointer handling issues (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] s390/airq: add support for irq ranges (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] kvm/s390/virtio-ccw: Handle command rejects (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_scsi: verify if queue is broken after virtqueue_get_buf() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_ring: adapt to notify() returning bool (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_net: verify if queue is broken after virtqueue_get_buf() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_blk: verify if queue is broken after virtqueue_get_buf() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_ring: add new function virtqueue_is_broken() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_ring: let virtqueue_{kick()/notify()} return a bool (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] tools/virtio: fix missing kmemleak_ignore symbol (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [virt] virtio_ring: plug kmemleak false positive (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088554] - [mm] page_alloc: do not cache reclaim distances (Larry Woodman) [1120342] - [mm] disable zone_reclaim_mode by default (Larry Woodman) [1120342]- [net] team: set IFF_TEAM_PORT priv_flag after rx_handler is registered (Jiri Pirko) [1132943] - [net] ipv6: fix calculation of option len in ip6_append_data (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1127218] - [net] ipv6: pmtudisc setting not respected with UFO/CORK (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1127218] - [net] ipv4: fix DO and PROBE pmtu mode regarding local fragmentation with UFO/CORK (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1127218] - [net] clear local_df when passing skb between namespaces (Jiri Pirko) [1128223] - [net] rtnetlink: fix VF info size (Jiri Benc) [1128267] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: move lock array out of struct connlimit_data (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: use rbtree for per-host conntrack obj storage (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: make same_source_net signed (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: use keyed locks (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: use kmem_cache for conn objects (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: move insertion of new element out of count function (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: improve packet-to-closed-connection logic (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] netfilter: connlimit: factor hlist search into new function (Florian Westphal) [1052282] - [net] ipv6: increase ip6_rt_max_size to 16384 (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1119364] - [net] ipv6: don't count addrconf generated routes against gc limit (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1119364] - [net] tcp: add tcp_syncookies mode to allow unconditionally generation of syncookies (Florian Westphal) [1084439] - [net] tcp: syncookies: do not use getnstimeofday() (Florian Westphal) [1084439] - [net] tcp: syncookies: reduce mss table to four values (Florian Westphal) [1084439] - [net] tcp: syncookies: reduce cookie lifetime to 128 seconds (Florian Westphal) [1084439] - [net] sctp: only warn in proc_sctp_do_alpha_beta if write (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: check proc_dointvec result in proc_sctp_do_auth (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: propagate sysctl errors from proc_do* properly (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: fix permissions for rto_alpha and rto_beta knobs (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: cache auth_enable per endpoint (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: fix a missed .data initialization (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: fix up a spacing (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] sctp: add check rto_min and rto_max in sysctl (Daniel Borkmann) [1110290] - [net] Revert: introduce netif_skb_dev_features (Florian Westphal) [1109214] - [net] ip: push gso skb forwarding handling down the stack (Florian Westphal) [1109214] - [net] ipv6: send pkttoobig immediately if orig frag size > mtu (Florian Westphal) [1109214] - [net] ipv4: ip_forward: fix inverted local_df test (Florian Westphal) [1109214] - [net] netfilter: ipv4: defrag: set local_df flag on defragmented skb (Florian Westphal) [1109214] - [net] don't account for udp header size when computing seglen (Florian Westphal) [1109214]- [fs] ext4: fix type declaration of ext4_validate_block_bitmap (Lukas Czerner) [1091055] - [fs] ext4: error out if verifying the block bitmap fails (Lukas Czerner) [1091055] - [fs] cifs: Fix memory leaks in SMB2_open (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: ensure that vol->username is not NULL before running strlen on it (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Clarify SMB2/SMB3 create context and add missing ones (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Do not send ClientGUID on SMB2.02 dialect (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Set client guid on per connection basis (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs/netmisc: convert printk to pr_foo() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: replace seq_printf by seq_puts (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Update cifs version number to 2.03 (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: new helper file_inode(file) (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: fix potential races in cifs_revalidate_mapping (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: new helper function: cifs_revalidate_mapping (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: convert booleans in cifsInodeInfo to a flags field (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: fix cifs_uniqueid_to_ino_t not to ever return 0 (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: fix actimeo=0 corner case when cifs_i->time == jiffies (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: fix dead code (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: fix error handling cifs_user_readv (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: remove unused variable (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Return correct error on query of xattr on file with empty xattrs (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: fix the race in cifs_writev() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: add __init to cifs_init_inodecache() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: ->rename() without ->lookup() makes no sense (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix too big maxBuf size for SMB3 mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix cifsacl mounts over smb2 to not call cifs (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: retrieving CIFS ACLs when mounted with SMB2 fails dropping session (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Add protocol specific operation for CIFS xattrs (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix SMB2 mounts so they don't try to set or get xattrs via cifs (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup cifs open codepath (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Remove extra indentation in cifs_sfu_type (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup cifs_mknod (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Cleanup CIFSSMBOpen (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix memory leak in cifs_hardlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Add missing end of line termination to some cifs messages (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Do not use btrfs refcopy ioctl for SMB2 copy offload (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Check SMB3 dialects against downgrade attacks (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Removed duplicated (and unneeded) goto (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix SMB2/SMB3 Copy offload support (refcopy) for large files (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Warn if SMB3 encryption required by server (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Set copychunk defaults (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: SMB2/SMB3 Copy offload support (refcopy) phase 1 (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Use data structures to compute NTLMv2 response offsets (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: O_DIRECT opens should work on directio mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: don't spam the logs on unexpected lookup errors (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: change ERRnomem error mapping from ENOMEM to EREMOTEIO (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix symbolic links usage (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Query network adapter info at mount time for debugging (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix unused variable warning when CIFS POSIX disabled (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Allow setting per-file compression via CIFS protocol (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Query File System Alignment (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Query device characteristics at mount time from server on SMB2/3 not just on cifs mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Send a logoff request before removing a smb session (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Make big endian multiplex ID sequences monotonic on the wire (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Remove redundant multiplex identifier check from check_smb_hdr() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Query file system attributes from server on SMB2, not just cifs, mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Allow setting per-file compression via SMB2/3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix corrupt SMB2 ioctl requests (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: rcu-delay unload_nls() and freeing sbi (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: new helper kfree_put_link() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: ntstatus_to_dos_map[] is not terminated (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Allow LANMAN auth method for servers supporting unencapsulated authentication methods (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix inability to write files >2GB to SMB2/3 shares (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Avoid umount hangs with smb2 when server is unresponsive (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: do not treat non-symlink reparse points as valid symlinks (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: update cifs.ko version (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Provide sane values for nlink (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: FS-Cache: Uncache unread pages in cifs_readpages() before freeing them (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Avoid calling unlock_page() twice in cifs_readpage() when using fscache (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Do not take a reference to the page in cifs_readpage_worker() (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049] - [fs] cifs: Fix wrong pos argument of cifs_find_lock_conflict (Sachin Prabhu) [1082049]- [ethernet] igbvf: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: slight optimization of addr compare (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: add missing iounmap() on error in igbvf_probe() (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: integer wrapping bug setting the mtu (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: Remove extern from function prototypes (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igbvf: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Stefan Assmann) [1091122] - [ethernet] igb: bump igb version to 5.2.13 (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add message when malformed packets detected by hw (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove unnecessary break after return (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove unnecessary break after goto (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: do a reset on SR-IOV re-init if device is down (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: workaround for i210 errata 25, Slow System Clock (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: bring link up when PHY is powered up (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: separate hardware setting from the set_ts_config ioctl (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Replace 1/0 return values with true/false (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: unhide invariant returns (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: use ethtool_cmd_speed_set helper to set ethtool speed value (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: use SPEED_UNKNOWN and DUPLEX_UNKNOWN when appropriate (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: add defaults for i210 TX/RX PBSIZE (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: use mac loopback for i354 backplane (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: rename igb_ptp_enable to igb_ptp_feature_enable (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove redundant PHY power down register write (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove usless return statements (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove return statements for void functions (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Change memcpy to struct assignment (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to remove unneeded extern declaration (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to replace deprecated DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix static initialization (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix msleep warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix line length warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to remove return parentheses (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix missing break in switch statements (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix assignment in if error (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to change comment style on license headers (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix for trailing statement (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix pointer location error (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix incorrect indentation (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups to fix braces location warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Cleanups for messaging (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix message terminations (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix stats for i210 rx_fifo_errors (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix last_rx_timestamp usage (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove open-coded skb_cow_head (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Convert iounmap to pci_iounmap (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix race conditions on queuing skb for HW time stamp (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: never generate both software and hardware timestamps (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Unset IGB_FLAG_HAS_MSIX-flag when falling back to msi-only (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix Null-pointer dereference in igb_reset_q_vector (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: specify phc_index of 82575 for get_ts_info (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix memory leak in igb_get_module_eeprom() (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: add register rd/wr for surprise removal (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: implement SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Convert uses of __constant_ to (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: enable VLAN stripping for VMs with i350 (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add register defines needed for time sync functions (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: remove references to long gone command line parameters (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Don't receive packets when the napi budget == 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix code comment (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix for devices using ethtool for EEE settings (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix calls to skb_set_hash (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix warning if !CONFIG_IGB_HWMON (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix array size calculation (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Update license text to remove FSF address and update copyright (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: make local functions static and remove dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Change to use statically allocated array for MSIx entries (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix queue allocation method to accommodate changing during runtime (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix for issue where values could be too high for udelay function (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Start temperature sensor attribute index with 1 (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add new feature Media Auto Sense for 82580 devices only (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Support ports mapped in 64-bit PCI space (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add media switching feature for i354 PHY's (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fixed Wake On LAN support (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Update link modes display in ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Explicitly initialize u64_stats_sync structures for lockdep (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Don't let ethtool try to write to iNVM in i210/i211 (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix master/slave mode for all m88 i354 PHY's (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Avoid uninitialized advertised variable in eee_set_cur (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add ethtool support to configure number of channels (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add ethtool offline tests for i354 (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Fix ethtool loopback test for 82580 copper (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Remove extern from function prototypes (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Read flow control for i350 from correct EEPROM section (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [ethernet] igb: Add additional get_phy_id call for i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [1091121] - [kernel] workqueue: zero cpumask of wq_numa_possible_cpumask on init (Motohiro Kosaki) [1117184] - [firmware] memmap: don't allocate firmware_map_entry of same memory range (Motohiro Kosaki) [1117186] - [firmware] memmap: pass the correct argument to firmware_map_find_entry_bootmem() (Motohiro Kosaki) [1117186] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: skip loading acpi_cpufreq after intel_pstate (Motohiro Kosaki) [1123250] - [x86] mem-hotplug: modify PGD entry when removing memory (Motohiro Kosaki) [1116286] - [x86] mem-hotplug: pass sync_global_pgds() a correct argument in remove_pagetable() (Motohiro Kosaki) [1116286] - [virt] kvm: increase x86 VCPU limit to 240 (Radim Krcmar) [1061403] - [kernel] sched/fair: Rework sched_fair time accounting (Rik van Riel) [1123731] - [kernel] math64: Add mul_u64_u32_shr() (Rik van Riel) [1123731]- [s390] fix restore of invalid floating-point-control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1121965] - [s390] crypto: fix aes_s390 crypto module unload problem (Hendrik Brueckner) [1103114] - [x86] avx-512: Enable AVX-512 States Context Switch (Rui Wang) [1085563] - [x86] avx-512: AVX-512 Feature Detection (Rui Wang) [1085563] - [ethernet] netxen: Remove DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE macro use (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: slight optimization of addr compare (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: Update version to 4.0.82 (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: get rid of SET_ETHTOOL_OPS (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: Correct off-by-one errors in bounds checks (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: Print ULA information (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: lower NAPI weight (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [ethernet] netxen: Remove extern from function prototypes (Veaceslav Falico) [1089356] - [x86] Mark Intel Broadwell processor as supported (Steve Best) [1089025] - [mm] Fix NULL pointer dereference in madvise(MADV_WILLNEED) support (Jan Stancek) [1072385] - [hid] logitech-dj: Fix USB 3.0 issue (Benjamin Tissoires) [1110523] - [lib] percpu_counter: fix bad percpu counter state during suspend (Eric Sandeen) [1129839] - [kernel] user_namespace: fix incorrect memory barriers (Mikulas Patocka) [1128950] - [kernel] capabilities: remove undefined caps from all processes (Paul Moore) [1123063] - [tty] hvc: don't free hvc_console_setup after init (Luiz Capitulino) [976490] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH (Steve Best) [1086359] - [i2c] i801: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH (Steve Best) [1086359] - [x86] perf: Add model number for Avoton Silvermont (Steve Best) [1086821] - [x86] perf: Add Silvermont (22nm Atom) support (Steve Best) [1086821] - [x86] perf: use INTEL_UEVENT_EXTRA_REG to define MSR_OFFCORE_RSP_X (Steve Best) [1086821] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Correctly handle TEST_UNIT_READY failure (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Set srb_flags in all cases (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Implement a eh_timed_out handler (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Fix a bug in handling VMBUS protocol version (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Filter commands based on the storage protocol version (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Set cmd_per_lun to reflect value supported by the Host (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Change the limits to reflect the values on the host (Fam Zheng) [1122317] - [powerpc] perf: Add BHRB constraint and IFM MMCRA handling for EBB (Gustavo Duarte) [1121408] - [powerpc] perf: Reject EBB events which specify a sample_type (Gustavo Duarte) [1121408] - [powerpc] perf: Enable BHRB access for EBB events (Gustavo Duarte) [1121408] - [powerpc] perf: Avoid mutating event in power8_get_constraint() (Gustavo Duarte) [1121408] - [powerpc] perf: Clean up the EBB hash defines a little (Gustavo Duarte) [1121408] - [powerpc] mm: Check paca psize is up to date for huge mappings (Gustavo Duarte) [1107337] - [powerpc] perf: Add lost exception workaround (Gustavo Duarte) [1121407] - [powerpc] Add a cpu feature CPU_FTR_PMAO_BUG (Gustavo Duarte) [1121407]- [edac] sb_edac: add support for Haswell based systems (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] add DDR4 and RDDR4 (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: update Kconfig description (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: Fix mix tab/spaces alignments (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: remove bogus assumption on mc ordering (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: make minimal use of channel_mask (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: fix socket detection on Ivy Bridge controllers (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: search devices using product id (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: Degrade log level for device registration (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: make RIR limit retrieval per model (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: make node id retrieval per model (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [edac] sb_edac: make memory type detection per memory controller (Seth Jennings) [1127019] - [hwrng] virtio-rng: add derating factor for use by hwrng core (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [hwrng] Pass entropy to add_hwgenerator_randomness() in bits, not bytes (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [hwrng] hw_random: fix sparse warning (NULL vs 0 for pointer) (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [hwrng] add per-device entropy derating (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [hwrng] create filler thread (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [hwrng] random: add_hwgenerator_randomness() for feeding entropy from devices (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [char] Revert: hwrng: virtio - ensure reads happen after successful probe (Amit Shah) [1129195] - [char] hwrng: virtio - delay hwrng_register() till driver is ready (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [char] hwrng: virtio - re-arrange struct elements for better packing (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [char] hwrng: virtio - remove unused struct element (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [char] hwrng: virtio - ensure reads happen after successful probe (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [char] hwrng: fetch randomness only after device init (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [char] hwrng: add randomness to system from rng sources (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [char] hwrng: cleanup in hwrng_register() (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [virt] virtio/pm: use CONFIG_PM_SLEEP instead of CONFIG_PM (Amit Shah) [1119299] - [virt] virtio-rng: fixes for device registration/unregistration (Amos Kong) [915335] - [virt] virtio-rng: fix boot with virtio-rng device (Amos Kong) [915335] - [virt] virtio-rng: support multiple virtio-rng devices (Amos Kong) [915335] - [virt] virtio-rng: don't crash if virtqueue is broken (Amos Kong) [915335] - [pci] Fix unaligned access in AF transaction pending test (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Wrong register used to check pending traffic (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] shpchp: Check bridge's secondary (not primary) bus speed (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Update maintainer email address (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [powerpc] pci: Fix NULL dereference in sys_pciconfig_iobase() list traversal (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Log IDE resource quirk in dmesg (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Change pci_bus_alloc_resource() type_mask to unsigned long (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Check all IORESOURCE_TYPE_BITS in pci_bus_alloc_from_region() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [kernel] resources: Set type in __request_region() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [s390] pci: Use generic pci_enable_resources() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Add "weak" generic pcibios_enable_device() implementation (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Don't enable decoding if BAR hasn't been assigned an address (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Mark 64-bit resource as IORESOURCE_UNSET if we only support 32-bit (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Don't try to claim IORESOURCE_UNSET resources (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Check IORESOURCE_UNSET before updating BAR (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Don't clear IORESOURCE_UNSET when updating BAR (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Mark resources as IORESOURCE_UNSET if we can't assign them (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Remove pci_find_parent_resource() use for allocation (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [lib] vsprintf: Add support for IORESOURCE_UNSET in pR (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [kernel] resource: Add resource_contains() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [message] i2o: Use pci_bus_alloc_resource(), not allocate_resource() directly (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [message] i2o: Refactor i2o_iop_systab_set() PCI space allocation (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [message] i2o: Fix I/O space alignment requirement (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [message] i2o: Fix I/O space allocation copy/paste error (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] pciehp: Cleanup whitespace (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] pciehp: Remove a non-existent card, regardless of "surprise" capability (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Remove unused SR-IOV VF Migration support (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [iommu] amd: Add include of (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [misc] mei: Add include of (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [vfio] pci: Use pci_enable_msi_range() and pci_enable_msix_range() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [ata] ahci: Use pci_enable_msi_range() instead of pci_enable_msi_block() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Set IORESOURCE_ROM_SHADOW only for the default VGA device (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Remove pci_bus_b() and use list_for_each_entry() directly (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pcmcia] Use list_for_each_entry() for bus traversal (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [powerpc] pci: Use list_for_each_entry() for bus traversal (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [drm] Use list_for_each_entry() for bus traversal (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] hotplug/apci: Use list_for_each_entry() for bus traversal (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] pciehp: Don't turn slot off when hot-added device already exists (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Cleanup per-arch list of object files (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] hotplug/cpqphp: Fix hex vs decimal typo in cpqhpc_probe() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Fix function definition whitespace (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Reword comments (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Remove unnecessary local variable initialization (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Don't scan random busses in pci_scan_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Check for child busses which use more bus numbers than allocated (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Remove pci_fixup_parent_subordinate_busnr() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Make sure bus number resources stay within their parents bounds (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Use request_resource_conflict() instead of insert_ for bus numbers (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Assign CardBus bus number only during the second pass (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Clarify the "scan anyway" comment in pci_scan_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Increment max correctly in pci_scan_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [pci] Remove unnecessary list_empty(&pci_pme_list) check (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [acpi] numa: Use __weak, not the gcc-specific version (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [acpi] numa: Make __acpi_map_pxm_to_node(), acpi_get_pxm() static (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [acpi] numa: Simplify acpi_get_node() style (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [acpi] numa: Fix acpi_get_node() prototype (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Remove acpi_get_pxm() usage (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Use NUMA_NO_NODE, not -1, for unknown node (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Remove unnecessary list_empty(&pci_root_infos) check (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Remove mp_bus_to_node[], set_mp_bus_to_node(), get_mp_bus_to_node() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Use x86_pci_root_bus_node() instead of get_mp_bus_to_node() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Add x86_pci_root_bus_node() to look up NUMA node from PCI bus (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Drop return value of pcibios_scan_root() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Merge pci_scan_bus_on_node() into pcibios_scan_root() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Use pcibios_scan_root() instead of pci_scan_bus_on_node() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Use pcibios_scan_root() instead of pci_scan_bus_with_sysdata() (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [x86] pci: Drop pcibios_scan_root() check for bus already scanned (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [ata] ahci: convert ahci_init_interrupts to a static routine (Myron Stowe) [1110896] - [acpi] mm: use NUMA_NO_NODE (Myron Stowe) [1110896]- [fs] btrfs: test for valid bdev before kobj removal in btrfs_rm_device (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix abnormal long waiting in fsync (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash when starting transaction (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs_print_leaf for skinny metadata (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix race of using total_bytes_pinned (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use E2BIG instead of EIO if compression does not help (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove stale comment from btrfs_flush_all_pending_stuffs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix use-after-free when cloning a trailing file hole (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix null pointer dereference in btrfs_show_devname when name is null (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix null pointer dereference in clone_fs_devices when name is null (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix nossd and ssd_spread mount option regression (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between balance recovery and root deletion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: only unlock block in verify_parent_transid if we locked it (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: assert send doesn't attempt to start transactions (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: compression - reuse recently used workspace (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash when mounting raid5 btrfs with missing disks (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: create sprout should rename fsid on the sysfs as well (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: dev replace should replace the sysfs entry (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: dev add should add its sysfs entry (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: dev delete should remove sysfs entry (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: rename add_device_membership to btrfs_kobj_add_device (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock when mounting a degraded fs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix NULL pointer crash when running balance and scrub concurrently (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Skip scrubbing removed chunks to avoid -ENOENT (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix broken free space cache after the system crashed (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make free space cache write out functions more readable (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused wait queue in struct extent_buffer (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlocks with trylock on tree nodes (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix error handling in create_pending_snapshot (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix use of uninit "ret" in end_extent_writepage() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: free ulist in qgroup_shared_accounting() error path (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix qgroups sanity test crash or hang (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: prevent RCU warning when dereferencing radix tree slot (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix unfinished readahead thread for raid5/6 degraded mounting (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: new ioctl TREE_SEARCH_V2 (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: tree_search, search_ioctl: direct copy to userspace (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: new function read_extent_buffer_to_user (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: tree_search, copy_to_sk: return needed size on EOVERFLOW (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: tree_search, copy_to_sk: return EOVERFLOW for too small buffer (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: tree_search, search_ioctl: accept varying buffer (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: tree_search: eliminate redundant nr_items check (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix scrub_print_warning to handle skinny metadata extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make fsync work after cloning into a file (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use right type to get real comparison (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't check nodes for extent items (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't release invalid page in btrfs_page_exists_in_range() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make sure we retry if page is a retriable exception (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make sure we retry if we couldn't get the page (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: replace EINVAL with EOPNOTSUPP for dev_replace raid56 (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: ioctl - fix typo s/substract/subtract/ (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix leaf corruption after __btrfs_drop_extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: ensure btrfs_prev_leaf doesn't miss 1 item (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix clone to deal with holes when NO_HOLES feature is enabled (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: free delayed node outside of root->inode_lock (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: replace EINVAL with ERANGE for resize when ULLONG_MAX (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix transaction leak during fsync call (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Avoid truncating page or punching hole in a already existed hole (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: update commit root on snapshot creation after orphan cleanup (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: ioctl, don't re-lock extent range when not necessary (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: avoid visiting all extent items when cloning a range (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: set dead flag on the right root when destroying snapshot (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: ensure readers see new data after a clone operation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: volumes - Fix for possible null pointer dereference (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: allocate raid type kobjects dynamically (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, use the right limits for xattr names and values (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, don't error in the presence of subvols/snapshots (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: async delayed refs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: split up __extent_writepage to lower stack usage (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Drop EXTENT_UPTODATE check in hole punching and direct locking (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cut down stack usage in btree_write_cache_pages (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: break up __btrfs_write_out_cache to cut down stack usage (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: free tmp ulist for qgroup rescan (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: usage error should not be logged into system log (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove newline from inode cache kthread name (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove stale newlines from log messages (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix double free in find_lock_delalloc_range (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: replace simple_strtoull() with kstrtoull() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: set right total device count for seeding support (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove OPT_acl parse when acl disabled (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add sanity tests for new qgroup accounting code (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: rework qgroup accounting (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: mark mapping with error flag to report errors to userspace (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix NULL pointer crash of deleting a seed device (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix joining same transaction handle more than twice (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use helpers for last_trans_log_full_commit instead of opencode (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: check if items are ordered when a leaf is marked dirty (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't access non-existent key when csum tree is empty (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make sure there are not any read requests before stopping workers (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix possible memory leak in btrfs_create_tree() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove useless ACL check (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_rm_device() should zero mirror SB as well (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use bitfield instead of integer data type for the some variants in btrfs_root (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix more issues related to directory renames (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, remove dead code from __get_cur_name_and_parent (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, account for orphan directories when building path strings (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, avoid unnecessary inode item lookup in the btree (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add dev maxs limit for __btrfs_alloc_chunk in kernel space (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong max system array size check in kernel space (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add check to avoid cleanup roots already in fs_info->dead_roots (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: reclaim the reserved metadata space at background (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: output warning instead of error when loading free space cache failed (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add ctime/mtime update for btrfs device add/remove (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: assert that send is not in progres before root deletion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: protect snapshots from deleting during send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove redundant null check in btrfs_dentry_release() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make FS_INFO ioctl available to anyone (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make DEV_INFO ioctl available to anyone (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: export more from FS_INFO to sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: retrieve more info from FS_INFO ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: balance filter: add limit of processed chunks (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix leaf corruption caused by ENOSPC while hole punching (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: do not increment on bio_index one by one (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: read inode size after acquiring the mutex when punching a hole (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Remove unnecessary check for NULL (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix inline compressed read err corruption (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: return ptr error from compression workspace (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: return errno instead of -1 from compression (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: check_int: propagate out-of-memory error upwards (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix hang on error (such as ENOSPC) when writing extent pages (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix corrupted path strings for long paths (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix incorrect ref access when using extrefs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix EIO on reading file after ioctl clone works on it (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: limit the path size in send to PATH_MAX (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: correctly set profile flags on seqlock retry (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use correct key when repeating search for extent item (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix inode caching vs tree log (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix possible memory leaks in open_ctree() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: avoid triggering bug_on() when we fail to start inode caching task (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: move btrfs_{set, clear}_and_info() to ctree.h (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: replace error code from btrfs_drop_extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Change the hole range to a more accurate value (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix use-after-free in mount_subvol() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix compile warnings on on avr32 platform (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: allow mounting btrfs subvolumes with different ro/rw options (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: export global block reserve size as space_info (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash in remount(thread_pool=) case (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: abort the transaction when we don't find our extent ref (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix EINVAL checks in btrfs_clone (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix unlock in __start_delalloc_inodes() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: scrub raid56 stripes in the right way (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't compress for a small write (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: more efficient io tree navigation on wait_extent_bit (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, build path string only once in send_hole (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: filter invalid arg for btrfs resize (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, fix data corruption due to incorrect hole detection (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: kmalloc() doesn't return an ERR_PTR (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix snapshot vs nocow writting (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Change the expanding write sequence to fix snapshot related bug (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make device scan less noisy (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix lockdep warning with reclaim lock inversion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: hold the commit_root_sem when getting the commit root during send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove transaction from send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't clear uptodate if the eb is under IO (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: check for an extent_op on the locked ref (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: do not reset last_snapshot after relocation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix a crash of clone with inline extents's split (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix uninit variable warning (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: take into account total references when doing backref lookup (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: part 2, fix incremental send's decision to delay a dir move/rename (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix incremental send's decision to delay a dir move/rename (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary inode generation lookup in send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix race when updating existing ref head (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add trace for btrfs_workqueue alloc/destroy (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: less fs tree lock contention when using autodefrag (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: return EPERM when deleting a default subvolume (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add missing kfree in btrfs_destroy_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cache extent states in defrag code path (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock with nested trans handles (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix possible empty list access when flushing the delalloc inodes (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: split the global ordered extents mutex (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't flush all delalloc inodes when we doesn't get s_umount lock (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: reclaim delalloc metadata more aggressively (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary lock in may_commit_transaction() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove the unnecessary flush when preparing the pages (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: just do dirty page flush for the inode with compression before direct IO (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: wake up the tasks that wait for the io earlier (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix early enospc due to the race of the two ordered extent wait (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: introduce btrfs_{start, end}_nocow_write() for each subvolume (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add ftrace for btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup the btrfs_workqueue related function type (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add readahead for send_write (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: share the same code for __record_{new, deleted}_ref (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: avoid unnecessary utimes update in incremental send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make defrag not fragment files when using prealloc extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: correctly flush data on defrag when compression is enabled (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup the "_struct" suffix in btrfs_workequeue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup the old btrfs_worker (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->scrub_* workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->qgroup_rescan_worker workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->delayed_workers workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->fixup_workers workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->readahead_workers workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->cache_workers workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->rmw_workers workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->endio_* workqueue with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->flush_workers with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->submit_workers with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->delalloc_workers with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Replace fs_info->workers with btrfs_workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add threshold workqueue based on kernel workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add high priority workqueue support for btrfs_workqueue_struct (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Added btrfs_workqueue_struct implemented ordered execution based on kernel workqueue (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup the unused struct async_sched (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: skip search tree for REG files (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix preallocate vs double nocow write (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong lock range and write size in check_can_nocow() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: simplify allocation code in fs_path_ensure_buf (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: fix old buffer length in fs_path_ensure_buf (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: more efficient btrfs_drop_extent_cache (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: more efficient split extent state insertion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unneeded field / smaller extent_map structure (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: skip locking when searching commit root (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: wake up @scrub_pause_wait as much as we can (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cancel scrub on transaction abortion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: device_replace: fix deadlock for nocow case (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix a possible deadlock between scrub and transaction committing (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix send issuing outdated paths for utimes, chown and chmod (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: correctly determine if blocks are shared in btrfs_compare_trees (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix send attempting to rmdir non-empty directories (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send, don't send rmdir for same target multiple times (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: incremental send, fix invalid path after dir rename (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't insert useless holes when punching beyond the inode's size (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup delayed-ref.c:find_ref_head() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary ref heads rb tree search (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: wake up transaction thread upon remount (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: stop joining the log transaction if sync log fails (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: just wait or commit our own log sub-transaction (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix skipped error handle when log sync failed (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use signed integer instead of unsigned long integer for log transid (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary memory barrier in btrfs_sync_log() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't start the log transaction if the log tree init fails (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix the skipped transaction commit during the file sync (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use ACCESS_ONCE to prevent the optimize accesses to ->last_trans_log_full_commit (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: avoid warning bomb of btrfs_invalidate_inodes (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix possible deadlock in btrfs_cleanup_transaction (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: faster/more efficient insertion of file extent items (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: always choose work from prio_head first (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] Revert: btrfs: remove transaction from btrfs send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: skip readonly root for snapshot-aware defragment (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: switch to btrfs_previous_extent_item() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: skip submitting barrier for missing device (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: unlock extent and pages on error in cow_file_range (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: balance delayed inode updates (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add simple debugfs interface (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: lower memory requirements in common case (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make some tree searches in send.c more efficient (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use right extent item position in send when finding extent clones (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: remove BUG_ON from name_cache_delete (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: remove BUG from process_all_refs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: squeeze bitfilelds in fs_path (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: remove virtual_mem member from fs_path (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: remove prepared member from fs_path (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: replace check with an assert in gen_unique_name (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: more send support for parent/child dir relationship inversion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix send dealing with file renames and directory moves (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: only add roots if necessary in find_parent_nodes() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Fix 32/64-bit problem with BTRFS_SET_RECEIVED_SUBVOL ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add missing error check in incremental send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix use-after-free in the finishing procedure of the device replace (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix unprotected alloc list insertion during the finishing procedure of replace (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Return EXDEV for cross file system snapshot (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't mix the ordered extents of all files together during logging the inodes (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use right clone root offset for compressed extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix null pointer deference at btrfs_sysfs_add_one+0x105 (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: unset DCACHE_DISCONNECTED when mounting default subvol (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix max_inline mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix a lockdep warning when cleaning up aborted transaction (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] Revert: btrfs: add ioctl to export size of global metadata reservation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix data corruption when reading/updating compressed extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't loop forever if we can't run because of the tree mod log (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: reserve no transaction units in btrfs_ioctl_set_features (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: commit transaction after setting label and features (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix assert screwup for the pending move stuff (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use late_initcall instead of module_init (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use btrfs_crc32c everywhere instead of libcrc32c (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: disable snapshot aware defrag for now (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix spin_unlock in check_ref_cleanup (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: setup inode location during btrfs_init_inode_locked (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't use ram_bytes for uncompressed inline items (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs_search_slot_for_read backwards iteration (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: do not export ulist functions (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: rework ulist with list+rb_tree (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leaks on walking backrefs failure (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix send file hole detection leading to data corruption (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add a reschedule point in btrfs_find_all_roots() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make send's file extent item search more efficient (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix to catch all errors when resolving indirect ref (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix protection between walking backrefs and root deletion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix warning while merging two adjacent extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix infinite path build loops in incremental send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: undo sysfs when open_ctree() fails (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix snprintf usage by send's gen_unique_name (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix defrag 32-bit integer overflow (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: list the NO_HOLES feature (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: sysfs: don't show reserved incompat feature (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: call permission checks earlier in ioctls and return EPERM (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: restrict snapshotting to own subvolumes (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong block group in trace during the free space allocation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup the code of used_block_group in find_free_extent() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup the redundant code for the block group allocation and init (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: change the members' order of btrfs_space_info structure to reduce the cache miss (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong search path initialization before searching tree root (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: flush the dirty pages of the ordered extent aggressively during logging csum (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix transaction abortion when remounting btrfs from RW to RO (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: faster file extent item search in clone ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent state leak on transaction abortion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup the btrfs_parse_options for remount (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add noinode_cache mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix to search previous metadata extent item since skinny metadata (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix missing skinny metadata check in scrub_stripe() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix send to not send non-aligned clone operations (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs boot when compiled as built-in (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: unlock inodes in correct order in clone ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: optimize to remove unnecessary removal with ulist reallocation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: release subvolume's block_rsv before transaction commit (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: only process as many file extents as there are refs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix qgroup rescan to work with skinny metadata (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent_from_logical to deal with skinny metadata (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: throttle delayed refs better (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: attach delayed ref updates to delayed ref heads (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make fsync latency less sucky (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add support for inode properties (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: faster file extent item replace operations (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: handle EAGAIN case properly in btrfs_drop_snapshot() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary transaction commit before send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix protection between send and root deletion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong send_in_progress accounting (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add treelog mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add datasum mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add datacow mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add acl mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add noflushoncommit mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add noenospc_debug mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add nodiscard mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add noautodefrag mount option (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Add "barrier" option to support "-o remount, barrier" (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: only fua the first superblock when writting supers (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: return free space to global_rsv as much as possible (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix an oops when we fail to relocate tree blocks (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix an oops when we fail to merge reloc roots (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused argument from select_reloc_root() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: reduce btree node locking duration on item update (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Integer overflow in btrfs_ioctl_resize() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: stop caching thread if extent_commit_sem is contended (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] rwsem: add rwsem_is_contended (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: introduce the delayed inode ref deletion for the single link inode (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use flags instead of the bool variants in delayed node (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove btrfs_end_transaction_dmeta() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup code of btrfs_balance_delayed_items() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: don't run delayed nodes again after all nodes flush (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove residual code in delayed inode async helper (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: convert printk to btrfs_ and fix BTRFS prefix (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix tree mod logging (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: check balance of send_in_progress (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove transaction from btrfs send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix double initialization of the raid kobject (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix a warning when iput a file (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Check read-only status of roots during send (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused mnt from send_ctx (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: send: clean up dead code (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock when iterating inode refs and running delayed inodes (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove dead comments for read_csums() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove field tree_mod_seq_elem from btrfs_fs_info struct (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix use of uninitialized err variable (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary filemap writting and waiting after block group relocation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix error check of btrfs_lookup_dentry() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: return immediately if tree log mod is not necessary (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: move the extent buffer radix tree into the fs_info (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use a bit to track if we're in the radix tree (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: deal with io_tree->mapping being NULL (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: more efficient push_leaf_right (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: wrap repeated code into scrub_blocked_if_needed() (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong super generation mismatch when scrubbing supers (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix pass of transid with wrong endianness in send.c (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent_map block_len after merging (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove dead code (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix max dir item size calculation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: more efficient extent state insertions (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add missing extent state caching calls (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: faster and more efficient extent map insertion (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent boundary check in bio_readpage_error (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: try harder to avoid btree node splits (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: avoid unnecessary ordered extent cache resets (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix leaks during sysfs teardown (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix static checker warnings (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix very slow inode eviction and fs unmount (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: improve forever loop when doing balance relocation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix ordered extent check in btrfs_punch_hole (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: replace BUG in can_modify_feature (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: reserve no transaction units in btrfs_feature_attr_store (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: make btrfs_debug match pr_debug handling related to DEBUG (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: removed unused 'btrfs_get_inode_ref_index' (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: expand btrfs_find_item() to include find_orphan_item functionality (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: expand btrfs_find_item() to include find_root_ref functionality (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: bootstrap generic btrfs_find_item interface (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix unused variables in qgroup.c (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: replace path->slots[0] with otherwise unused variable 'slot' (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variable from scrub_fixup_nodatasum (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variable from setup_cluster_no_bitmap (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variables from extent_io.c (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variable from find_free_extent (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variables from disk-io.c (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused variable from btrfs_new_inode (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish fs label in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish device membership in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish allocation data in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add ioctl to export size of global metadata reservation (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: use feature attribute names to print better error messages (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add ability to change features via sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish unknown feature bits in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish per-super features in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish per-super attributes in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] kobject: export kobj_sysfs_ops (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: publish supported featured in sysfs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: add ioctls to query/change feature bits online (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: skip merge part for delayed data refs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: introduce a head ref rbtree (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix check-integrity to look at the referenced data properly (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: incompatible format change to remove hole extents (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: sanitize BTRFS_IOC_FILE_EXTENT_SAME (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: fix comments and printk msgs (Eric Sandeen) [1071179] - [fs] btrfs: Fix typos in printk (Eric Sandeen) [1071179]- [net] ipv6: Fix MLD Query message check (Jiri Pirko) [1114650] - [net] sctp: inherit auth_capable on INIT collisions (Daniel Borkmann) [1123763] {CVE-2014-5077} - [net] ipv6: ipv6_find_hdr restore prev functionality (Jesper Brouer) [1074516] - [net] ipvs: fix AF assignment in ip_vs_conn_new() (Jesper Brouer) [1074516] - [virt] kvm: always exit on EOIs for interrupts listed in the IOAPIC redir table (Alex Williamson) [1126997] - [iommu] amd: Fix interrupt remapping for aliased devices (Alex Williamson) [1090139] - [pci] Add Patsburg (X79) to Intel PCH root port ACS quirk (Alex Williamson) [1081428] - [kernel] time/alarmtimer: Fix bug where relative alarm timers were treated as absolute (Prarit Bhargava) [1124941] - [acpi] processor: Fix STARTING/DYING action in acpi_cpu_soft_notify() (Prarit Bhargava) [1099594] - [x86] mce_intel: Add raw_lock conversion again (Prarit Bhargava) [1127257] - [sound] alsa/control: Don't access controls outside of protected regions (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1117331] {CVE-2014-4653} - [kernel] tick: Clear broadcast pending bit when switching to oneshot (Alex Williamson) [1109996] - [x86] efi: Do not export efi runtime map in case old map (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: Quirk out SGI UV (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: Split efi_enter_virtual_mode (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: Make efi virtual runtime map passing more robust (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Export page unmapping interface (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: Dump the EFI page table (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/ptdump: Add the functionality to dump an arbitrary pagetable (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: Style neatening (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: parse_efi_setup() build fix (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] ksysfs.c build fix (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] efi: Delete superfluous global variables (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] setup: Reserve setup_data ranges late after parsing memmap cmdline (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] Export x86 boot_params to sysfs (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] boot: Add xloadflags bit for EFI runtime support on kexec (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Pass necessary EFI data for kexec via setup_data (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Export EFI runtime memory mapping to sysfs (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Export more EFI table variables to sysfs (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Cleanup efi_enter_virtual_mode() function (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Fix off-by-one bug in EFI Boot Services reservation (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Add a wrapper function efi_map_region_fixed() (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Remove unused variables in __map_region() (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Check krealloc return value (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Runtime services virtual mapping (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Map in an arbitrary pgd (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Add last levels of error path (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Add a PUD error unwinding path (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Add a PTE pagetable populating function (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Add a PMD pagetable populating function (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Add a PUD pagetable populating function (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Add a PGD pagetable populating function (Dave Young) [1080109] - [x86] mm/pageattr: Lookup address in an arbitrary PGD (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Convert runtime services function ptrs (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Simplify EFI_DEBUG (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: Fix config_table_type array termination (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: make efi_lookup_mapped_addr() a common function (Dave Young) [1080109] - [firmware] efi: provide a generic efi_config_init() (Dave Young) [1080109] - [iommu] vt-d: Use list_for_each_entry_safe() for dmar_domain->devices traversa (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] vt-d: Use for_each_drhd_unit() instead of list_for_each_entry() (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call io_page_fault trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Add iommu_error class event to iommu trace (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] No need to pass '0x' when 'pa' is used (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call unmap trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call map trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call detach_device_to_domain trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call attach_device_to_domain trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call remove_device_to_group trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Change iommu driver to call add_device_to_group trace event (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] Add event tracing feature to iommu (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] intel: correct ICS register offset (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: add overall IOMMU section (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] amd: Fix resource leak in iommu_init_device() (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] amd: Clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [powerpc] Add iommu domain pointer to device archdata (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] vt-d: DMAR reporting table needs at least one DRHD (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [iommu] vt-d: Downgrade the warning if enabling irq remapping fails (Myron Stowe) [1127467] - [net] l2tp: don't fall back on UDP [get|set]sockopt (Petr Matousek) [1119466] {CVE-2014-4943} - [x86] ptrace: force IRET path after a ptrace_stop() (Oleg Nesterov) [1115935] {CVE-2014-4699} - [s390] ptrace: correct insufficient sanitization when setting psw mask (Hendrik Brueckner) [1113673] {CVE-2014-3534}- [virt] kvm/async_pf: kill the unnecessary use_mm/unuse_mm async_pf_execute() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/async_pf: change async_pf_execute() to use get_user_pages(tsk => NULL) (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: support any-length wildcard ioeventfd (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: return an error code in kvm_vm_ioctl_register_coalesced_mmio() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: preserve the high 32-bits of the PAT register (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: fix wrong address when writing Hyper-V tsc page (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [kernel] sched: Fix signedness bug in yield_to() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Check for nested events if there is an injectable interrupt (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/svm: Fix CPL export via SS.DPL (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: disable APIC virtualization in nested guests (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Check for host supported fields in shadow vmcs (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: MOV CR/DR emulation should ignore mod (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/lapic: sync highest ISR to hardware apic on EOI (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: get CPL from SS.DPL (Paolo Bonzini) [1078775 1088784 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: check CS.DPL against RPL during task switch (Paolo Bonzini) [1078775 1088784 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: drop set_rflags callback (Paolo Bonzini) [1078775 1088784 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: use new CS.RPL as CPL during task switch (Paolo Bonzini) [1078775 1088784 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: fix page fault tracing when KVM guest support enabled (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: DR7 masking on task switch emulation is wrong (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix CR3 reserved bits check in long mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: emulate monitor and mwait instructions as nop (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: implement hv EOI assist (Paolo Bonzini) [1086663 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Mark bit 7 in long-mode PDPTE according to 1GB pages support (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: handle_dr does not handle RSP correctly (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: move vmclear and vmptrld pre-checks to nested_vmx_check_vmptr (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: fail on invalid vmclear/vmptrld pointer (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: additional checks on vmxon region (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: rearrange get_vmx_mem_address (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: improve the usability of the 'kvm_pio' tracepoint (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Processor mode may be determined incorrectly (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: IN instruction emulation should ignore REP-prefix (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix CR3 reserved bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix wrong/stuck PMU when guest does not use PMI (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Advertise support for interrupt acknowledgement (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Ack and write vector info to intr_info if L1 asks us to (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Don't advertise single context invalidation for invept (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Advance rip to after an ICEBP instruction (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix CR3 and LDT sel should not be saved in TSS (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: speed up wildcard MMIO EVENTFD (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix page-tables reserved bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: remove WARN_ON from get_kernel_ns() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Rename variable smep to cr4_smep (Paolo Bonzini) [1084616 1116936] - [virt] kvm: expose SMAP feature to guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1084616 1116936] - [virt] kvm: Disable SMAP for guests in EPT realmode and EPT unpaging mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1074747 1084616 1116936] - [virt] kvm: Add SMAP support when setting CR4 (Paolo Bonzini) [1084616 1116936] - [virt] kvm: Remove SMAP bit from CR4_RESERVED_BITS (Paolo Bonzini) [1084616 1116936] - [x86] processor-flags: Fix the datatypes and add bit number defines (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [kernel] const: Add _BITUL() and _BITULL() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: fix MPX detection (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: handle missing MPX in nested virtualization (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Add nested virtualization support for MPX (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/svm: Allow the guest to run with dirty debug registers (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/svm: set/clear all DR intercepts in one swoop (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Allow nested guests to run with dirty debug registers (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Allow the guest to run with dirty debug registers (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Allow the guest to run with dirty debug registers (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: change vcpu->arch.switch_db_regs to a bit mask (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: we do rely on loading DR7 on entry (Paolo Bonzini) [1068627 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Remove return code from enable_irq/nmi_window (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Do not inject NMI vmexits when L2 has a pending interrupt (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Fully emulate preemption timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Rework interception of IRQs and NMIs (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Break kvm_for_each_vcpu loop after finding the VP_INDEX (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [x86] cpufeature: Rename X86_FEATURE_CLFLSH to X86_FEATURE_CLFLUSH (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: drop read-only large sptes when creating lower level sptes (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Enable Intel MPX for guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: add MSR_IA32_BNDCFGS to msrs_to_save (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Intel MPX vmx and msr handle (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: introduce kvm_supported_xcr0() (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [virt] kvm: kABI fixup for MPX patches (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [x86] xsave: Support eager-only xsave features, add MPX support (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [x86] cpufeature: Define the Intel MPX feature flag (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix xsave cpuid exposing bug (Paolo Bonzini) [1076194 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: expose ADX feature to guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1084614 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: expose new instruction RDSEED to guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1084614 1116936] - [virt] kvm: remove redundant registration of BSP's hv_clock area (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: remove unused last_kernel_ns variable (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: correctly access the KVM_CPUID_FEATURES leaf at 0x40000101 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: cache the base of the KVM cpuid leaves (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Validate guest writes to MSR_IA32_APICBASE (Paolo Bonzini) [1110125 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: mark hyper-v vapic assist page as dirty (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: mark hyper-v hypercall page as dirty (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: make KVM_MMU_AUDIT help text more readable (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Update guest activity state field on L2 exits (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Fix nested_run_pending on activity state HLT (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Clean up handling of VMX-related MSRs (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Add tracepoints for nested_vmexit and nested_vmexit_inject (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Pass vmexit parameters to nested_vmx_vmexit (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Leave VMX mode on clearing of feature control MSR (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Fix DR6 update on #DB exception (Paolo Bonzini) [1079841 1116936] - [virt] kvm/svm: Fix reading of DR6 (Paolo Bonzini) [1079841 1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Sync DR7 on KVM_SET_DEBUGREGS (Paolo Bonzini) [1079841 1116936] - [virt] kvm: remove useless write to vcpu->hv_clock.tsc_timestamp (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Fix debug typo error in lapic (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: check use I/O bitmap first before unconditional I/O exit (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Unconditionally uninit the MMU on nested vmexit (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Do not skip the instruction if handle_dr injects a fault (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Support direct APIC access from L2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Add comment on vcpu_enter_guest()'s return value (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Add support for activity state HLT (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: shadow VM_(ENTRY (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: delay mmu audit activation (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Really fix lazy FPU on nested guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Fix lazy FPU on nested guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/cpuid: Fix sparse warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Delete prototype for non-existent function kvm_check_iopl (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Delete prototype for non-existent function complete_pio (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: trace cpuid emulation when called from emulator (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/emulator: cleanup decode_register_operand() a bit (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/emulator: check rex prefix inside decode_register() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: error message typo fix (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Emulate MOVBE (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/emulator: Add initial three-byte insns support (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/emulator: Rename VendorSpecific flag (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/emulator: Use opcode length (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Add KVM_GET_EMULATED_CPUID (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Report CPU_BASED_VIRTUAL_NMI_PENDING as supported (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Report 2MB EPT pages as supported (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Move gfn_to_index to x86 specific code (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Fully support nested VMX preemption timer (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: change useless int return types to void (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: unify destroy_kvm_mmu with kvm_mmu_unload (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: remove uninteresting MMU "new_cr3" callbacks (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: remove uninteresting MMU "free" callbacks (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Convert kvm_lock back to non-raw spinlock (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: protect kvm_usage_count with its own spinlock (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: cleanup (physical) CPU hotplug (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Do not generate #DF if #PF happens during exception delivery into L2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Check all exceptions for intercept during delivery to L2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Do not put exception that caused vmexit to IDT_VECTORING_INFO (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Amend nested_run_pending logic (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Enable unrestricted guest mode support (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Implement support for EFER saving on VM-exit (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Do not set identity page map for L2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Replace kvm_set_cr0 with vmx_set_cr0 in load_vmcs12_host_state (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: fix shadow on EPT (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: reset PDPTR register cache on nested vmentry emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Fix NULL dereference in gfn_to_hva_prot() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: allow page tables to be in read-only slots (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: emulate RETF imm (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: remove unused parameter (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: add comments where MMIO does not return to the emulator (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: count exits to userspace during invalid guest emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Advertise IA32_PAT in VM exit control (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Fix up VM_ENTRY_IA32E_MODE control feature reporting (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Advertise WB type EPTP (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Keep arch.pat in sync on L1-L2 switches (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Miscelleneous cleanups (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Some additional comments (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm: Advertise the support of EPT to the L1 guest, through the appropriate MSR (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Nested INVEPT (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: MMU context for nested EPT (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Add nept violation/misconfigration support (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: correctly check if remote tlb flush is needed for shadowed EPT tables (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Redefine EPT-specific link_shadow_page() (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Add EPT tables support to paging_tmpl.h (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Support shadow paging for guest paging without A/D bits (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: make guest's A/D bits depends on guest's paging mode (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Move common code to paging_tmpl.h (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Fix wrong test in kvm_set_cr3 (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Fix cr3 handling in nested exit and entry (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/nept: Support LOAD_IA32_EFER entry/exit controls for L1 (Paolo Bonzini) [1048496 1116936] - [virt] kvm/mmu: fix check the reserved bits on the gpte of L2 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: correctly set tr base on nested vmexit emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: reset rflags register cache during nested vmentry (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: handle singlestep during emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: handle hardware breakpoints during emulation (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: rename EMULATE_DO_MMIO (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Drop some unused functions from lapic (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Simplify __apic_accept_irq (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/perf: Support the in_tx/in_tx_cp modifiers in KVM arch perfmon emulation v5 (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Set segment infomation of L1 when L2 exits (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Fix read/write to MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Drop useless cast (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vmx: Use proper types to access const arrays (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Set success rflags when emulate VMXON/VMXOFF in nested virt (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Change location of 3 functions in vmx.c (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Avoid zapping mmio sptes twice for generation wraparound (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: add missing cleanup_srcu_struct (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/irqchip: Speed up KVM_SET_GSI_ROUTING (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/async_pf: mm->mm_users can not pin apf->mm (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Specify byte order for KVM_EXIT_MMIO (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/eventfd: Fix lock order inversion (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: add kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable() test to kvm_vcpu_on_spin() loop (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/asmlinkage: Make kvm_rebooting visible (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Provide kvm_vcpu_eligible_for_directed_yield() stub (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/vfio: silence GCC warning (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: remove dead code (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: make local functions static (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/doc: Fix typo in doc/virtual/kvm (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Use cond_resched() directly and remove useless kvm_resched() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: kvm_clear_guest_page(), fix empty_zero_page usage (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: remove vm mmap method (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/iommu: hva align mapping page size (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm_host: typo fix (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [Documentation] kvm: add a 00-INDEX file (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: use a more sensible error number when debugfs directory creation fails (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Fix modprobe failure for kvm_intel/kvm_amd (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Enable pvspinlock after jump_label_init() to avoid VM hang (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Drop FOLL_GET in GUP when doing async page fault (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/iommu: Add leading zeros to device's BDF notation in debug messages (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [Documentation] kvm: Update cpuid documentation for steal time and pv eoi (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: remove .done from struct kvm_async_pf (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Add documentation for kvm->srcu lock (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: free resources after canceling async_pf (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/eventfd: switch to fdget (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: Introduce kvm_arch_memslots_updated() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/x86: Rename X86_CR4_RDWRGSFS to X86_CR4_FSGSBASE (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: rename __kvm_io_bus_sort_cmp to kvm_io_bus_cmp (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: optimize away THP checks in kvm_is_mmio_pfn() (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: use anon_inode_getfd() with O_CLOEXEC flag (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm: introduce __kvm_io_bus_sort_cmp (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [Documentation] virtual/kvm/api.txt fix a typo (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] kvm/ppc: reserve a capability number for multitce support (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [virt] virtio_ring: change host notification API (Paolo Bonzini) [1116936] - [x86] quirks: Mark Cave Creek chipset device id as supported (Steve Best) [1087659] - [mm] memcg, vmscan: Fix forced scan of anonymous pages (Jerome Marchand) [1125240] - [drm] qxl: return IRQ_NONE if it was not our irq (Jason Wang) [1095099] - [kernel] sched/autogroup: Fix race with task_groups list (Gustavo Duarte) [1081406] - [lib] percpu_counter: unbreak __percpu_counter_add() (Eric Sandeen) [1123968] - [lib] percpu_counter: fix __percpu_counter_add() (Eric Sandeen) [1123968]- [x86] Revert: Insert GART region into resource map (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Don't check resource_size() in pci_bus_alloc_resource() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Enable INTx in pci_reenable_device() only when MSI/MSI-X not enabled (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [ahci] Fix broken fallback to single MSI mode (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Enable INTx if BIOS left them disabled (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Add pci_enable_msi_exact() and pci_enable_msix_exact() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Fix cut-and-paste errors in documentation (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Add pci_enable_msi() documentation back (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Fix pci_msix_vec_count() htmldocs failure (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Fix leak of msi_attrs (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Check kmalloc() return value, fix leak of name (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [eisa] Revert: Initialize device before its resources (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [eisa] Revert: Log device resources in dmesg (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Check parent kobject in pci_destroy_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [powerpc] eeh: Use global PCI rescan-remove locking (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Fix pci_check_and_unmask_intx() comment typos (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [scsi] mpt: Use pci_stop_and_remove_bus_device_locked() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [platform] x86: Use global PCI rescan-remove locking (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] hotplug: Use global PCI rescan-remove locking (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pcmcia] Use global PCI rescan-remove locking (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] hotplug: Use global PCI rescan-remove locking (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [acpi] pci: Use global PCI rescan-remove locking in PCI root hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Add global pci_lock_rescan_remove() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Cleanup pci.h whitespace (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Reorder so actual code comes before stubs (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] aer: Support ACPI HEST AER error sources for PCI domains other than 0 (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [acpi] acpica: Add helper macros to extract bus/segment numbers from HEST table (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Make local functions static (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused alloc_pci_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused pci_renumber_slot() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused pcie_aspm_enabled() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused pci_vpd_truncate() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused ID-Based Ordering support (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused Optimized Buffer Flush/Fill support (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove unused Latency Tolerance Reporting support (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Removed unused parts of Page Request Interface support (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Update documentation 00-INDEX file (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Allocate 64-bit BARs above 4G when possible (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Enforce bus address limits in resource allocation (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Split out bridge window override of minimum allocation address (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] ati: Use PCI_COMMAND instead of hard-coded 4 (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] intel: Use CPU physical address, not bus address, for ioremap() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] intel: Use pci_bus_address() to get GTTADR bus address (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] intel: Use pci_bus_address() to get MMADR bus address (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] intel: Support 64-bit GMADR (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] intel: Rename gtt_bus_addr to gtt_phys_addr (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [drm] i915: Rename gtt_bus_addr to gtt_phys_addr (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] Use pci_resource_start() to get CPU physical address for BAR (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [agp] Support 64-bit APBASE (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Add pci_enable_msi_range() and pci_enable_msix_range() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Add pci_msix_vec_count() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Remove pci_enable_msi_block_auto() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Add pci_msi_vec_count() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Convert ioapic to be builtin only, not modular (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Add pci_bus_address() to get bus address of a BAR (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Convert pcibios_resource_to_bus() to take a pci_bus, not a pci_dev (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Change pci_bus_region addresses to dma_addr_t (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Return -ENOSYS for unimplemented interfaces, not -1 (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Return msix_capability_init() failure if populate_msi_sysfs() fails (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [s390] pci: Remove superfluous check of MSI type (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [s390] pci: Fix single MSI only check (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] msi: Export MSI mode using attributes, not kobjects (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] portdrv: Remove extra get_device()/put_device() for pcie_device (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] portdrv: Add put_device() after device_register() failure (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] portdrv: Cleanup error paths (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Remove from bus_list and release resources in pci_release_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Move pci_proc_attach_device() to pci_bus_add_device() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Use device_release_driver() in pci_stop_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] aer: Consolidate HEST error source parsers (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] aer: Ignore non-PCIe AER error sources in aer_hest_parse() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] aer: Clean up error printing code a bit (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] aer: Add a TLP header print helper (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [eisa] Call put_device() if device_register() fails (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] checkpatch: Deprecate DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Stop clearing bridge Secondary Status when setting up I/O aperture (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Prevent bus conflicts while checking for bridge apertures (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Drop "irq" param from *_restore_msi_irqs() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] portdrv: Remove superfluous name cast (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [x86] pci: Use dev_is_pci() to identify PCI devices (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Use dev_is_pci() to identify PCI devices (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [pci] Clear NumVFs when disabling SR-IOV in sriov_init() (Myron Stowe) [1110895] - [s390] watchdog: add support for LPAR operation (diag288) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088540] - [s390] watchdog: use watchdog API (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088540] - [scripts] headers_check: special case seqbuf_dump() (Prarit Bhargava) [1090078] - [Documentation] mei-amt-version: remove unneeded call of mei_deinit() (Prarit Bhargava) [1090078] - [drm] tegra: Include header drm/drm.h (Prarit Bhargava) [1090078] - [mfd] lpc_ich: iTCO_wdt patch for Intel Coleto Creek DeviceIDs (Neil Horman) [1053912] - [i2c] i801: SMBus patch for Intel Coleto Creek DeviceIDs (Neil Horman) [1053912] - [x86] efi: earlyprintk-efi, keep fix (Rui Wang) [1085558] - [x86] efi: Fix earlyprintk off-by-one bug (Rui Wang) [1085558] - [x86] efi: Add EFI framebuffer earlyprintk support (Rui Wang) [1085558] - [s390] zcrypt: remove zcrypt kmsg documentation again (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088511] - [s390] zcrypt: add support for EP11 coprocessor cards (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088511] - [s390] sclp_vt220: Enable ASCII console per default (Hendrik Brueckner) [1112739] - [block] blkcg: fix use-after-free in __blkg_release_rcu() by making blkcg_gq refcnt an atomic_t (Vivek Goyal) [1118436] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix crash during TSO tunneling (Michal Schmidt) [1119133] - [ethernet] cxgb4: allow large buffer size to have page size (Gustavo Duarte) [1078977] - [fs] vfs: Don't copy mount bind mounts of /proc//ns/mnt between namespaces (Aristeu Rozanski) [1098632] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add CPU IDs for Broadwell processors (Steve Best) [1086874] - [pci] pciehp: Clear Data Link Layer State Changed during init (Myron Stowe) [1101097] - [acpi] Fix bug when ACPI reset register is implemented in system memory (Nigel Croxon) [1109971] - [ipc] shm: increase the defaults for SHMALL, SHMMAX (Larry Woodman) [1101821] - [tools] power/turbostat: Run on Broadwell (Steve Best) [1086455] - [drm] i915: make i915 less chatty on resume (Rob Clark) [1086777] - [tools] cpupower: add option to display values without round offs (Prarit Bhargava) [1090540] - [scripts] kbuild: fix make headers_install when path is too long (Frank Ramsay) [1099575] - [kernel] audit: fix AUDIT_FEATURE_CHANGE record number (Richard Guy Briggs) [1085928] - [usb] xhci: Link TRB must not occur within a USB payload burst (Don Zickus) [1049077] - [virt] xen-netfront: fix resource leak in netfront (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1070868] - [virt] xen-blkfront: handle backend CLOSED without CLOSING (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1070868]- [misc] no animals were harmed in the making of this kernel (Jarod Wilson)- [net] ipv6: addrconf: implement address generation modes (Jiri Pirko) [1107369] - [net] gre: add link local route when local addr is any (Jiri Pirko) [1107369] - [net] gre6: don't try to add the same route two times (Jiri Pirko) [1107369] - [netdrv] bonding: remove no longer relevant vlan warnings (Jiri Pirko) [1048814] - [netdrv] bonding: allow to add vlans on top of empty bond (Jiri Pirko) [1048814] - [net] netfilter: nf_ct_timestamp: Fix BUG_ON after netns deletion (Jiri Pirko) [1085667] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: fix oops on netns removal (Florian Westphal) [1089581] - [net] unix socket code abuses csum_partial (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1106402] - [net] ip_tunnel: Set network header properly for IP_ECN_decapsulate() (Jiri Pirko) [1094419]- [fs] GFS2: fix potential NULL pointer dereference (Robert S Peterson) [1095835] - [input] synaptics: fix resolution for manually provided min/max (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: change min/max quirk table to pnp-id matching (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: add a matches_pnp_id helper function (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: T540p - unify with other LEN0034 models (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: add min/max quirk for the ThinkPad W540 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: add min/max quirk for ThinkPad Edge E431 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: add min/max quirk for ThinkPad T431s, L440, L540, S1 Yoga and X1 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: report INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD property (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] Add INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD device property (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] i8042: add firmware_id support (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] serio: add firmware_id sysfs attribute (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: add manual min/max quirk for ThinkPad X240 (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: add manual min/max quirk (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [input] synaptics: fix incorrect placement of __initconst (Benjamin Tissoires) [1093449] - [s390] sclp_early: Return correct HSA block count also for zero (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp_early: Add function to detect sclp console capabilities (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp_early: Pass sccb pointer to every *_detect() function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp_early: Replace early_read_info_sccb with sccb_early (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp_early: Get rid of sclp_early_read_info_sccb_valid (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: replace uninitialized early_event_mask_sccb variable with sccb_early (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: Consolidate early sclp init calls to sclp_early_detect() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: Move declarations for sclp_sdias into separate header file (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: Move early code from sclp_cmd.c to sclp_early.c (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: Determine HSA size dynamically for zfcpdump (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: properly detect line mode console (Hendrik Brueckner) [1107730] - [s390] sclp: add parameter to specify number of buffer pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1103744] - [md] dm-cache: set minimum_io_size to cache's data block size (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-thin: set minimum_io_size to pool's data block size (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-crypt: use per-bio data (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [block] use kmalloc alignment for bio slab (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-crypt: fix cpu hotplug crash by removing per-cpu structure (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: print more useful warnings in multipath_message() (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: do not activate failed paths (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: eliminate pg_ready() wrapper (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: remove extra nesting in map function (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: remove map_io() (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: reduce memory pressure when requeuing (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: really fix lockdep warning (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: fix lock order inconsistency in multipath_ioctl (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: remove process_queued_ios() (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: fix IO hang due to logic bug in multipath_busy (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: push back requests instead of queueing (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-table: add dm_table_run_md_queue_async (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-mpath: do not call pg_init when it is already running (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-cache: fail migrations in the do_worker error path (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-cache: simplify deferred set reference count increments (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: use dm-space-map-metadata.h defined size limits (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: do not allow the data block size to change (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-thin-metadata: do not allow the data block size to change (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-thin: relax external origin size constraints (Mike Snitzer) [1065474] - [md] dm-thin: switch to an atomic_t for tracking pending new block preparations (Mike Snitzer) [1065474] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup noflush_work to use a proper completion (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-era: check for a non-NULL metadata object before closing it (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-io: simplify dec_count and sync_io (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-io: fix a race condition in the wake up code for sync_io (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-crypt, dm-zero: update author name following legal name change (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: allocate a special workqueue for deferred device removal (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-snapshot: do not split read bios sent to snapshot-origin target (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-snapshot: allocate a per-target structure for snapshot-origin target (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: introduce dm_accept_partial_bio (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: change sector_count member in clone_info from sector_t to unsigned (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: remove symbol export for dm_set_device_limits (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: disable WRITE SAME if it fails (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: use RCU_INIT_POINTER instead of rcu_assign_pointer in __unbind (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: stop using bi_private (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: remove dm_get_mapinfo (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm-table: make dm_table_supports_discards static (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [md] dm: make dm_table_alloc_md_mempools static (Mike Snitzer) [1117872] - [mm] Revert: vmscan: do not swap anon pages just because free+file is low (Johannes Weiner) [1102991] - [crypto] fips: only panic on bad/missing crypto mod signatures (Jarod Wilson) [903562] - [x86] hugetlb: Add missing TLB page invalidation for hugetlb_cow() (Larry Woodman) [1097919]- [mm] hugetlb: ensure hugepage access is denied if hugepages are not supported (David Gibson) [1081671] - [x86] Delete non-required instances of include (Prarit Bhargava) [1119074] - [mmc] sdhci-pci-o2micro: Add SeaBird SeaEagle SD3 support (David Milburn) [968020] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: add support of O2Micro/BayHubTech SD hosts (David Milburn) [968020] - [mmc] sdhci-pci: break out definitions to header file (David Milburn) [968020] - [ethernet] cnic: Don't take cnic_dev_lock in cnic_alloc_uio_rings() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1079384 1094613] - [ethernet] cnic: Don't take rcu_read_lock in cnic_rcv_netevent() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1079384 1094613] - [idle] intel_idle: fix IVT idle state table setting (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [idle] intel_idle: fine-tune IVT residency targets (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [idle] intel_idle: do C1E promotion disable quirk for hotplugged CPUs (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [idle] intel_idle: remove superfluous dev->state_count initialization (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [x86] acpi, idle: Restructure the mwait idle routines (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [idle] intel_idle: use CPU_TASKS_FROZEN instead of a numeric constant (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [idle] intel_idle: shrink states tables (Prarit Bhargava) [1119374] - [md] dm-thin: update discard_granularity to reflect the thin-pool blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [1099936] - [md] dm-bio-prison: implement per bucket locking in the dm_bio_prison hash table (Mike Snitzer) [1099936] - [md] dm-thin: return ENOSPC instead of EIO when error_if_no_space enabled (Mike Snitzer) [1099936] - [md] dm-cache: always split discards on cache block boundaries (Mike Snitzer) [1103836] - [md] dm-cache: fix writethrough mode quiescing in cache_map (Mike Snitzer) [1103836] - [md] dm-cache: fix a lock-inversion (Mike Snitzer) [1103836] - [md] dm-thin: add 'no_space_timeout' dm-thin-pool module param (Mike Snitzer) [1095639] - [md] dm-thin: add timeout to stop out-of-data-space mode holding IO forever (Mike Snitzer) [1095639] - [md] dm-thin: allow metadata commit if pool is in PM_OUT_OF_DATA_SPACE mode (Mike Snitzer) [1091852] - [md] dm-thin: use INIT_WORK_ONSTACK in noflush_work to avoid ODEBUG warning (Mike Snitzer) [1098643] - [md] dm-thin: fix rcu_read_lock being held in code that can sleep (Mike Snitzer) [1098643] - [md] dm-thin: irqsave must always be used with the pool->lock spinlock (Mike Snitzer) [1098643] - [md] dm-thin: sort the per thin deferred bios using an rb_tree (Mike Snitzer) [1098643] - [md] dm-thin: use per thin device deferred bio lists (Mike Snitzer) [1098643] - [md] dm-thin: simplify pool_is_congested (Mike Snitzer) [1098643]- [powercap] Add to drivers Kconfig and Makefile (Steve Best) [1085575] - [powercap] add Documentation (Steve Best) [1085575] - [powercap] Fix build error with option -Werror=format-security (Steve Best) [1085575] - [powercap] Introduce Intel RAPL power capping driver (Steve Best) [1085575] - [powercap] Add class driver (Steve Best) [1085575] - [x86] msr: add 64bit _on_cpu access functions (Steve Best) [1085575] - [misc] bitops: Introduce BIT_ULL (Steve Best) [1085575] - [virt] xen/spinlock: Don't use __initdate for xen_pv_spin (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1006977] - [virt] Revert: xen/spinlock: Disable IRQ spinlock (PV) allocation on PVHVM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1006977] - [virt] xen/spinlock: Don't setup xen spinlock IPI kicker if disabled (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1006977] - [virt] xen/smp: Update pv_lock_ops functions before alternative code starts under PVHVM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1006977] - [virt] xen/spinlock: We don't need the old structure anymore (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1006977] - [virt] xen/spinlock: Fix locking path engaging too soon under PVHVM (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1006977] - [ata] ahci: Do not receive interrupts sent by dummy ports (David Milburn) [1067838] - [ata] ahci: do not request irq for dummy port (David Milburn) [1067838] - [ata] ahci: fix Null pointer dereference in achi_host_active() (David Milburn) [1067838] - [ata] ahci: Make distinct names for ports in /proc/interrupts (David Milburn) [1067838] - [s390] 3270: fix crash with multiple reset device requests (Hendrik Brueckner) [1088320] - [ata] ahci: accommodate tag ordered controller (David Milburn) [1083746] - [scsi] libsas: introduce scmd_dbg() to quiet false positive "timeout" messages (David Milburn) [1074987] - [ethernet] be2net: enable interrupts in EEH resume (Ivan Vecera) [1076682] - [ethernet] bnx2: Fix shutdown sequence (Neil Horman) [1074656] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix invocation of be_close() after be_clear() (Ivan Vecera) [1066644] - [virt] hv/balloon: Ensure pressure reports are posted regularly (Luiz Capitulino) [1102888] - [virt] kvm/x86: expose invariant tsc cpuid bit (Marcelo Tosatti) [1095990] - [virt] kvm/x86: disable master clock if TSC is reset during suspend (Marcelo Tosatti) [1098604] - [virt] xen/pvhvm: Initialize xen panic handler for PVHVM guests (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [839966] - [fs] cifs: Wait for writebacks to complete before attempting write (Sachin Prabhu) [1040329] - [fs] xfs: xfs_readsb needs to check for magic numbers (Eric Sandeen) [1102940] - [net] svcrdma: fix offset calculation for non-page aligned sge entries (Jeff Layton) [1088954] - [fs] lockd: ensure we tear down any live sockets when socket creation fails during lockd_up (Jeff Layton) [1085774] - [net] svcrpc: fix gss-proxy NULL dereference in some error cases (Jeff Layton) [1085616] - [mm] use paravirt friendly ops for NUMA hinting ptes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1101274] - [mm] swap: discard while swapping only if SWAP_FLAG_DISCARD_PAGES (Rafael Aquini) [1053189] - [x86] hwpoison: remove unused global variable in do_machine_check() (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Panic when a core has reached a timeout (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Improve mcheck_init_device() error handling (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Fix CMCI preemption bugs (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] cmci: Add proper detection of end of CMCI storms (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] acpi, apei, ghes: Do not report only correctable errors with SCI (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Call put_device on device_register failure (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [acpi] apei, cper: Add UEFI 2.4 support for memory error (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Fix mce regression from recent cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Update MCE severity condition check (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Add comments to clarify usage of the various bitfields in the MCA subsystem (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mcheck, therm_throt: Process package thresholds (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [x86] mce: Fix "braodcast" typo (Prarit Bhargava) [1119306] - [mm] vmstat: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [mm] vmstat: set N_CPU to node_states during boot (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [kernel] trace, ring-buffer: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [kernel] profile: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [mm] zswap: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [hwmon] via-cputemp: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [hwmon] coretemp: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [oprofile] nmi-timer: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [idle] intel-idle: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [base] topology: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [scsi] fcoe: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [virt] x86, kvm: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] amd, uncore: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] pci, amd-bus: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] hpet: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] intel, cacheinfo: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] therm_throt: Remove unused therm_cpu_lock (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] oprofile, nmi: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] amd, ibs: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] msr: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [powerpc] sysfs: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] mce: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] therm_throt: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] cpuid: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] vsyscall: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [x86] intel, uncore: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [s390] smp: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [s390] cacheinfo: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [kernel] cpu_hotplug, perf: Fix CPU hotplug callback registration (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [kernel] cpu/hotplug: Add lockdep annotations to get/put_online_cpus() (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [kernel] cpu/hotplug: Provide lockless versions of callback registration functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [Documentation] cpu-hotplug: Specify race-free way to register CPU hotplug callbacks (Prarit Bhargava) [1119078] - [pci] Fail new_id for vendor/device values already built into driver (Bandan Das) [1055867] - [init] main: add initcall_blacklist kernel parameter (Prarit Bhargava) [1080995] - [kernel] pid_namespace: pidns_get() should check task_active_pid_ns() != NULL (Jan Stancek) [1106368] - [i2c] i2c-ismt: support I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA transaction type (Neil Horman) [1094516] - [misc] mei: fix lockdep warning when registering mei watchdog (Prarit Bhargava) [971855]- [block] mtip32xx: minor performance enhancements (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: let blk_mq_tag_to_rq() take blk_mq_tags as the main parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: move error handling to service thread (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: stop block hardware queues before quiescing IO (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: blk_mq_init_queue() returns an ERR_PTR (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: convert to use blk-mq (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Fix ERO and NoSnoop values in PCIe upstream on AMD systems (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Remove dfs_parent after pci unregister (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Increase timeout for STANDBY IMMEDIATE command (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Set queue bounce limit (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Use pci_enable_msi() instead of pci_enable_msi_range() (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: fix bad use of smp_processor_id() (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Use pci_enable_msix_range() instead of pci_enable_msix() (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Remove superfluous call to pci_disable_msi() (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Reduce the number of unaligned writes to 2 (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Correctly handle security locked condition (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: Make SGL container per-command to eliminate high order dma allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] mtip32xx: dynamically allocate buffer in debugfs functions (Mike Snitzer) [1105703] - [block] blk-mq: fix RHEL kABI breakage (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: blk_mq_start_hw_queue() should use blk_mq_run_hw_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] add support for limiting gaps in SG lists (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: bitmap tag, fix races in bt_get() function (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: bitmap tag, fix race on blk_mq_bitmap_tags::wake_cnt (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: bitmap tag, fix races on shared ::wake_index fields (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk_max_size_offset() should check ->max_sectors (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] null_blk: fix softirq completions for queue_mode == 1 (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: merge blk_mq_drain_queue and __blk_mq_drain_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: properly drain stopped queues (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: for_each_* macro correctness (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] reintroduce scsi_driver.init_command (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] remove scsi_end_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] explicitly release bidi buffers (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] don't reference freed command in scsi_prep_return (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] don't reference freed command in scsi_init_sgtable (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] add support for per-host cmd pools (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] simplify command allocation and freeing a bit (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] megaraid: simplify internal command handling (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] remove a useless get_put_device pair in scsi_requeue_command (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] remove a useless get_put_device pair in scsi_next_command (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] remove a useless get_put_device pair in scsi_request_fn (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] do not manipulate device reference counts in scsi_get_put_command (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] avoid taking host_lock in scsi_run_queue unless nessecary (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] avoid useless free_list lock roundtrips (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] enable destruction of blocked devices which fail LUN scanning (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] Revert: reintroduce scsi_driver.init_command (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] implement an unprep function corresponding directly to prep (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] handle command allocation failure in scsi_reset_provider (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] properly stack underlying max_segment_size to DM device (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] remove elv_abort_queue and blk_abort_flushes (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] __elv_next_request() shouldn't call into the elevator if bypassing (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] trace all devices plug operation (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Reserve only one queue tag for sync IO if only 3 tags are available (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-exec: Cleaning up local variable address returned (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] use __blk_end_request_all to free bios and also call rq->end_io (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] fix RHEL kABI breakage (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] null_blk: fix name and description of 'queue_mode' module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] all blk-mq requests are tagged (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] bsg: update check for rq based driver for blk-mq (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add timer in blk_mq_start_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: always initialize request->start_time (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: ->timeout should be cleared in blk_mq_rq_ctx_init() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: don't allow queue entering for a dying queue (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: bump max tag depth to 10K tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] add blk_rq_set_block_pc() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] ensure that bio_add_page() always accepts a page for an empty bio (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] add notion of a chunk size for request merging (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-flush: clear flush_rq's tag in flush_end_io() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: let blk_mq_tag_to_rq() take blk_mq_tags as the main parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix regression from commit 624dbe475416 (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: handle NULL req return from blk_map_request in single queue mode (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix sparse warning on missed __percpu annotation (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix schedule from atomic context (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: move blk_mq_get_ctx_blk_mq_put_ctx to mq private header (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: push IPI or local end_io decision to __blk_mq_complete_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remember to start timeout handler for direct queue (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: blk_mq_unregister_hctx() can be static (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: make the sysfs mq/ layout reflect current mappings (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: blk_mq_tag_to_rq should handle flush request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: request initialization optimizations (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] add queue flag for disabling SG merging (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove alloc_hctx and free_hctx methods (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add file comments and update copyright notices (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove blk_mq_alloc_request_pinned (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: do not use blk_mq_alloc_request_pinned in blk_mq_map_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove blk_mq_wait_for_tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: initialize request in __blk_mq_alloc_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: merge blk_mq_alloc_reserved_request into blk_mq_alloc_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add helper to insert requests from irq context (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove stale comment for blk_mq_complete_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: allow non-softirq completions (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: pass in suggested NUMA node to ->alloc_hctx() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] only allocate/free mq_usage_counter in blk-mq (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: avoid code duplication (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix leak of hctx->ctx_map (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: idle all hardware contexts before freeing a queue (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: allow setting of per-request timeouts (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: export blk_mq_tag_busy_iter (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: split make request handler for multi and single queue (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: save memory by freeing requests on unused hardware queues (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: allow the hctx cpu hotplug notifier to return errors (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: Micro-optimize blk_queue_nomerges() check (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Enable sysfs nomerge control for I/O requests in the plug list (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: initialize q->nr_requests after calling blk_queue_make_request() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: allow changing of queue depth through sysfs (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: switch ctx pending map to the sparser blk_align_bitmap (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: move the cache friendly bitmap type of out blk-mq-tag (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: improve support for shared tags maps (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: cleanup blk_mq_init_tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: select random tag betweet 0 and (depth - 1) (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove barrier in bt_clear_tag() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: use clear_bit_unlock in bt_clear_tag() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix race in IO start accounting (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: use sparser tag layout for lower queue depth (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: implement new and more efficient tagging scheme (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: initialize struct request fields individually (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: update a hotplug comment for grammar (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add basic round-robin of what CPU to queue workqueue work on (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove extra requeue trace (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] null_blk: fix use after free (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: refactor request insertion_merging (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: remove debug BUG_ON() when draining software queues (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix waiting for reserved tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] ensure that the timer is always added (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] fold __blk_add_timer into blk_add_timer (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: respect rq_affinity (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix race with timeouts and requeue events (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Revert: blk-mq: initialize req->q in allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix leak of set->tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: initialize req->q in allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: user (1 << order) to implement order_to_size() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix allocation of set->tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: free hctx->ctx_map when init failed (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] export blk_finish_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: rename mq_flush_work struct request member (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_requeue_request (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_start_hw_queues (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_delay_queue (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add async parameter to blk_mq_start_stopped_hw_queues (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: bidi support (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: allow drivers to hook into I_O completion (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: kill preempt disable_enable in blk_mq_work_fn() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: don't use preempt_count() to check for right CPU (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: split out tag initialization, support shared tags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: initialize request on allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add ->init_request and ->exit_request methods (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: make ->flush_rq fully transparent to drivers (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: do not initialize req->special (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: initialize resid_len (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: simplify blk_mq_hw_sysfs_cpus_show() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: ensure that hardware queues are always run on the mapped CPUs (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] add kblockd_schedule_delayed_work_on() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] remove 'q' parameter from kblockd_schedule_*_work() (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix potential stall during CPU unplug with IO pending (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] remove dead code in scsi_ioctl:blk_verify_command (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] only calculate part_in_flight() once (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] relax when to modify the timeout timer (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [char] random: export add_disk_randomness (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: add REQ_SYNC early (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: Make blk_mq_cpu_notify_lock a raw spinlock (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: don't dump CPU -> hw queue map on driver load (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: fix wrong usage of hctx->state vs hctx->flags (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blk-mq: allow blk_mq_init_commands() to return failure (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] fix regression with block enabled tagging (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Stop abusing rq->csd.list in blk-softirq (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [scsi] Make sure cmd_flags are 64-bit (Mike Snitzer) [1109271] - [block] Replace __get_cpu_var uses (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Remove useless IPI struct initialization (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Stop abusing csd.list for fifo_time (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] blktrace: fix accounting of partially completed requests (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [fs] bio: don't write "bio: create slab" messages to syslog (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] make __blkdev_issue_zeroout static (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] Do not call sector_div() with a 64-bit divisor (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [block] add cond_resched() to potentially long running ioctl discard loop (Mike Snitzer) [1105204] - [kernel] smp: Rename __smp_call_function_single() to smp_call_function_single_async() (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: Remove wait argument from __smp_call_function_single() (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: Move __smp_call_function_single() below its safe version (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: Consolidate the various smp_call_function_single() declensions (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: Teach __smp_call_function_single() to check for offline cpus (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: Iterate functions through llist_for_each_entry_safe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] llist: lock-less list, Add llist_for_each_entry_safe() (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: remove cpumask_ipi (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: use lockless list for smp_call_function_single (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: fix generic_exec_single indentation (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: quit unconditionally enabling irqs in on_each_cpu_mask() (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp: free related resources when failure occurs in hotplug_cfd() (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp/generic-ipi/locking: Fix misleading smp_call_function_any() description (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] smp/generic-ipi: Kill unnecessary variable - csd_flags (Prarit Bhargava) [1105192] - [kernel] init: remove __cpuinit sections from the kernel (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [block] blk-mq: remove newly added instances of __cpuinit (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [misc] delete __cpuinit usage from all remaining drivers files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [kernel] delete __cpuinit usage from all core kernel files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [block] delete __cpuinit usage from all block files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [acpi] delete __cpuinit usage from all acpi files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [kernel] rcu: delete __cpuinit usage from all rcu files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [net] delete __cpuinit usage from all net files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [hwmon] delete __cpuinit usage from all hwmon files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [clocksource] delete __cpuinit usage from all related files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [x86] delete __cpuinit usage from all x86 files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [s390] delete __cpuinit usage from all s390 files (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893] - [powerpc] Delete __cpuinit usage from all users (Prarit Bhargava) [1105893]- [pci] hotplug: Avoid warning when _ADR not present (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [pci] hotplug/acpi: Drop unused acpiphp_debug declaration (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] scan: Set flags.match_driver in acpi_bus_scan_fixed() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] pci_root: Clear driver_data before failing enumeration (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Fix PCI host bridge hot removal (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Fix acpi_bus_get_device() return value check (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Consolidate deferred execution of ACPI hotplug routines (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Do not execute "insert in progress" _OST (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Carry out PCI root eject directly (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Merge device hot-removal routines (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Make acpi_bus_hot_remove_device() internal (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Simplify device ejection routines (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Fix handle_root_bridge_removal() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Refuse to hot-remove all objects with disabled hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] scan: Start matching drivers after trying scan handlers (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] Remove acpi_pci_slot_init() headers from internal.h (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [pci] Revert: acpi / hotplug / pci: Avoid doing too much for spurious notifies (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] Release device_hotplug_lock when store_mem_state returns EINVAL (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop WARN_ON() from acpiphp_enumerate_slots() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Fix error code path in acpiphp_enumerate_slots() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] memhotplug: Use defined marco METHOD_NAME__STA (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Use kobject_init_and_add() instead of _init() and _add() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Don't set kobject parent pointer explicitly (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Set kobject name via kobject_add(), not kobject_set_name() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] hotplug: Remove cpu_hotplug_driver_lock() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [x86] hotplug: Disable ARCH_CPU_PROBE_RELEASE on x86 (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [x86] hotplug: Add hotplug lock to missing places (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [x86] hotplug: Fix online state in cpu0 debug interface (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Avoid parent bus rescans on spurious device checks (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Use _OST to notify firmware about notify status (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Avoid doing too much for spurious notifies (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Don't trim devices before scanning the namespace (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [kernel] power/hibernate/memory_hotplug: Rework mutual exclusion (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [kernel] power/hibernate: Create memory bitmaps after freezing user space (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] scan: Change ordering of locks for device hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug: Remove containers synchronously (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] core/acpi: Avoid device hot remove locking issues (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] introduce help macro to_memory_block (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] use standard device online/offline for state change (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] refactor add_memory_section() to add_memory_block() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] remove improper get/put in add_memory_section() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] reduce add_memory_section() for boot-time only (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] unshare add_memory_section() from hotplug (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] use device get/put functions (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] remove unneeded variable (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] move mutex lock out of add_memory_section() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] sleep: Hold acpi_scan_lock over system PM transitions (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Fix NULL pointer dereference in cleanup_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] cpu: Check if NUMA node is valid before bringing CPU up (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [pci] acpi: Use dev_dbg() instead of dev_info() in acpi_pci_set_power_state() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] sleep: Introduce acpi_os_prepare_extended_sleep() for extended sleep (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] core: replace strict_strto*() with kstrto*() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: fix error return code in dock_add() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Get rid of check_sub_bridges() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Clean up bridge_mutex usage (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Redefine enable_device() and disable_device() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Sanitize acpiphp_get_(latch) (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Get rid of unused constants in acpiphp.h (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Check for new devices on enabled slots (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Allow slots without new devices to be rescanned (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Do not check SLOT_ENABLED in enable_device() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Do not exectute _PS0 and _PS3 directly (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Do not queue up event handling work items in vain (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Consolidate slot disabling and ejecting (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop redundant checks from check_hotplug_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Rework namespace scanning and trimming routines (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Store parent in functions and bus in slots (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop handle field from struct acpiphp_bridge (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop handle field from struct acpiphp_func (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Embed function struct into struct acpiphp_context (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop flags field from struct acpiphp_bridge (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop sun field from struct acpiphp_slot (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Register all devices under the given bridge (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Refactor slot allocation code in register_slot() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Drop func field from struct acpiphp_bridge (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Merge hotplug event handling functions (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Pass hotplug context objects to event handlers (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Rework acpiphp_handle_to_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Unified notify handler for hotplug events (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Hotplug context objects for bridges and functions (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Always return success after adding a function (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] hotplug/pci: Consolidate acpiphp_enumerate_slots() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] pci: Make bus registration and unregistration symmetric (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [x86] pci: prevent re-allocation of already existing bridge and ROM resource (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Drop unnecessary local variable from dock_add() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock/pci: Drop ACPI dock notifier chain (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Do not check CONFIG_ACPI_DOCK_MODULE (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Do not leak memory on falilures to add a dock station (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] Drop ACPI bus notifier call chain (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Rework the handling of notifications (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Simplify dock_init_hotplug() and dock_release_hotplug() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Walk list in reverse order during removal of devices (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Rework and simplify find_dock_devices() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: Drop the hp_lock mutex from struct dock_station (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] simplify acpiphp driver with new helper functions (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] simplify dock driver with new helper functions (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] Export acpi_(bay) (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] introduce two helper functions for _EJ0 and _LCK (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] introduce helper function acpi_execute_simple_method() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] introduce helper function acpi_has_method() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: simplify dock_create_acpi_device() (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: mark initialization functions with __init (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: drop redundant spin lock in dock station object (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [acpi] dock: avoid initializing acpi_dock_notifier_list multiple times (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [base] Use attribute groups to create sysfs memory files (Myron Stowe) [1114228] - [mm] hugetlb: add support for gigantic page allocation at runtime (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [mm] hugetlb: move helpers up in the file (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [mm] hugetlb: update_and_free_page(), don't clear PG_reserved bit (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [mm] hugetlb: add hstate_is_gigantic() (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [mm] hugetlb: fix and clean-up node iteration code to alloc or free (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [mm] dma-contiguous: clean source code and prepare for device tree (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [mm] cma: Move dma contiguous changes into a seperate config (Luiz Capitulino) [996763] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: Fix cstate counter detection (Steve Best) [1103376] - [thermal] Tidy up error handling in powerclamp_init (Steve Best) [1103376] - [thermal] intel_powerclamp: Add newer CPU models (Steve Best) [1103376] - [security] selinux: Increase ebitmap_node size for 64-bit configuration (Paul Moore) [922752] - [security] selinux: Reduce overhead of mls_level_isvalid() function call (Paul Moore) [922752] - [powerpc] mm: fix ".__node_distance" undefined (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Retry failed commands with non-fatal error (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Fix divide-by-zero in nvme_trans_io_get_num_cmds (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Add getgeo to block ops (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Start-stop nvme_thread during device add-remove (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Make I/O timeout a module parameter (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: CPU hot plug notification (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: per-cpu io queues (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Replace DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: IOCTL path RCU protect queue access (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: RCU protected access to io queues (David Milburn) [1081734] - [block] nvme: Initialize device reference count earlier (David Milburn) [1081734] - [scsi] fnic: fix broken FIP discovery by initializing multicast address (Chris Leech) [1100078] - [scsi] libfcoe: Make fcoe_sysfs optional / fix fnic NULL exception (Chris Leech) [1100078]- [fs] nfs: populate ->net in mount data when remounting (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: fix lockup caused by pnfs_generic_pg_test (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Fix typo in dprintk (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Comment is now wrong and redundant to code (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Disconnect on registration failure (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Remove BUG_ON() call sites (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Avoid deadlock when credit window is reset (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc: Move congestion window constants to header file (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Reset connection timeout after successful reconnect (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Use macros for reconnection timeout constants (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Allocate missing pagelist (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Remove Tavor MTU setting (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Ensure ia->ri_id->qp is not NULL when reconnecting (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Reduce the number of hardway buffer allocations (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Limit work done by completion handler (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Reduce calls to ib_poll_cq() in completion handlers (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Reduce lock contention in completion handlers (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Split the completion queue (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Make rpcrdma_ep_destroy() return void (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Simplify rpcrdma_deregister_external() synopsis (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: mount reports "Invalid mount option" if memreg mode not supported (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Fall back to MTHCAFMR when FRMR is not supported (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Remove REGISTER memory registration mode (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Remove MEMWINDOWS registration modes (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Remove BOUNCEBUFFERS memory registration mode (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: RPC/RDMA must invoke xprt_wake_pending_tasks() in process context (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: Fix for FMR leaks (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: mind the device's max fast register page list depth (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Push the file layout driver into a subdirectory (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Handle allocation errors correctly in objlayout_alloc_layout_hdr() (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Handle allocation errors correctly in filelayout_alloc_layout_hdr() (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Use error handler on failed GETATTR with successful OPEN (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Fix a potential busy wait in nfs_page_group_lock (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Fix error handling in __nfs_pageio_add_request (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc: suppress allocation warning in rpc_malloc() (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: support page groups in nfs_read_completion (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: support non page aligned layouts (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: allow non page aligned pnfs layout segments (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: support multiple verfs per direct req (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: remove data list from pgio header (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: use > 1 request to handle bsize < PAGE_SIZE (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: chain calls to pg_test (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: allow coalescing of subpage requests (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: clean up filelayout_alloc_commit_info (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: page group support in nfs_mark_uptodate (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: page group syncing in write path (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: page group syncing in read path (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: add support for multiple nfs reqs per page (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: call nfs_can_coalesce_requests for every req (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: modify pg_test interface to return size_t (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: remove unused arg from nfs_create_request (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: clean up PG_* flags (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: fix race in filelayout commit path (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common nfs_pageio_ops struct (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common generic_pg_pgios() (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common multiple_pgios() function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common initiate_pgio() function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a generic_pgio function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common pgio_error function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common rpcsetup function for reads and writes (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common rpc_call_ops struct (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common nfs_pgio_result_common function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common pgio_rpc_prepare function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common rw_header_alloc and rw_header_free function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common pgio_alloc and pgio_release function (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Move the write verifier into the nfs_pgio_header (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common read and write header struct (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common read and write data struct (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common results structure for reads and writes (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Create a common argument structure for reads and writes (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: remove ->read_pageio_init from rpc ops (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: remove ->write_pageio_init from rpc ops (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: commit layouts in fdatasync (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a module reference issue in rpcsec_gss (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Don't ignore suid/sgid bit changes after a successful write (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Don't declare inode uptodate unless all attributes were checked (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: Fix memroy leak for double mounts (Steve Dickson) [1113248] - [fs] nfs: pass string length to pr_notice message about readdir loops (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [net] sunrpc: rpc_restart_call/rpc_restart_call_prepare should clear task->tk_status (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [net] sunrpc: Don't let rpc_delay() clobber non-timeout errors (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure call_status() deals correctly with SOFTCONN tasks (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Clear the open state flags if the new stateid does not match (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Use correct locking when updating nfs4_state in nfs4_close_done (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we free existing layout segments if we get a new layout (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Minor optimisation in get_layout_by_fh_locked() (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that the layout recall callback matches layout stateids (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Don't update the open stateid unless it is newer than the old one (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Fix wraparound issues in pnfs_seqid_is_newer() (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Be more aggressive in using readdirplus for 'ls -l' situations (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [net] sunrpc: RPC callbacks may be split across several TCP segments (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [net] sunrpc: Fix oops when trace sunrpc_task events in nfs client (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Fail the truncate() if the lock/open stateid is invalid (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Fail data server I/O if stateid represents a lost lock (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Fix the return value of nfs4_select_rw_stateid (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_stateid_is_current should return 'true' for an invalid stateid (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Fix a delegation callback race (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfs: Fix another nfs4_sequence corruptor (Steve Dickson) [1111170] - [fs] nfsd: fix bug for readdir of pseudofs ("J. Bruce Fields") [1109733 1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Don't hand out delegations for 30 seconds after recalling them ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111227 1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix FREE_STATEID lockowner leak ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: don't halt scanning the DRC LRU list when there's an RC_INPROG entry ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: kill READ64 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: kill READ32 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: simplify server xdr->next_page use ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: hash deleg stateid only on successful nfs4_set_delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: rename recall_lock to state_lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove unneeded zeroing of fields in nfsd4_proc_compound ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix setting of NFS4_OO_CONFIRMED in nfsd4_open ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: use recall_lock for delegation hashing ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix laundromat next-run-time calculation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: make nfsd4_encode_fattr static ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: Remove using of dprintk with KERN_WARNING ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove unused function nfsd_read_file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: getattr for FATTR4_WORD0_FILES_AVAIL needs the statfs buffer ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Error out when getting more than one fsloc/secinfo/uuid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Using type of uint32_t for ex_nflavors instead of int ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Add missing comment of "expiry" in expkey_parse() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Remove typedef of svc_client and svc_export in export.c ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Cleanup unneeded including net/ipv6.h ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove unneeded linux/user_namespace.h include ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Adds macro EX_UUID_LEN for exports uuid's length ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Helper function for parsing uuid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd:Avoid NULL reference or double free in nfsd4_fslocs_free() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1109733 1111719] - [fs] nfsd: better reservation of head space for krb5 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: kill write32, write64 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: kill WRITEMEM ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: kill WRITE64 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: kill WRITE32 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: really fix nfs4err_resource in 4.1 case ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: allow exotic read compounds ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: more read encoding cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: read encoding cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: separate splice and readv cases ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd_vfs_read doesn't use file handle parameter ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: turn off zero-copy-read in exotic cases ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: estimate sequence response size ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: better estimate of getattr response size ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: don't treat readlink like a zero-copy operation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: enforce rd_dircount ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: allow large readdirs ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: use session limits to release send buffer reservation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: adjust buflen to session channel limit ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: define xdr_restrict_buflen ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix buflen calculation after read encoding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_check_resp_size should check against whole buffer ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: minor encode_read cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: more precise nfsd4_max_reply ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: don't try to encode conflicting owner if low on space ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: convert 4.1 replay encoding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: allow encoding across page boundaries ("J. Bruce Fields") [1023319 1111719] - [fs] nfsd: size-checking cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove redundant encode buffer size checking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_check_resp_size needn't recalculate length ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: reserve space before inlining 0-copy pages ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: teach encoders to handle reserve_space failures ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: "backfill" using write_bytes_to_xdr_buf ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: use xdr_truncate_encode ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: xdr_truncate_encode ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: keep xdr buf length updated ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: no need for encode_compoundres to adjust lengths ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove ADJUST_ARGS ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: use xdr_stream throughout compound encoding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: use xdr_reserve_space in attribute encoding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: allow space for final error return ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix encoding of out-of-space replies ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: reserve head space for krb5 integ/priv info ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: move proc_compound xdr encode init to helper ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: tweak nfsd4_encode_getattr to take xdr_stream ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: embed xdr_stream in nfsd4_compoundres ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: decoding errors can still be cached and require space ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix write reply size estimate ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: read size estimate should include padding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: allow larger 4.1 session drc slots ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: READ, READDIR, etc., are idempotent ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Only set PF_LESS_THROTTLE when really needed ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: track whether a request is coming from a loop-back interface ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a module reference leak in svc_handle_xprt ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Ignore client's source port on RDMA transports ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove nfsd4_free_slab ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Remove assignments inside conditions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix delegation cleanup on error ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Don't clear SUID/SGID after root writing data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: warn on finding lockowner without stateid's ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove lockowner when removing lock stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix corruption on setting an ACL ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Get rid of empty function nfs4_state_init ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Use simple_read_from_buffer for coping data to userspace ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: clean up fh_auth usage ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: cleanup unneeded including linux/export.h ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Clean up nfs4_preprocess_stateid_op ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Mark nfs4_free_lockowner and nfs4_free_openowner as static functions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: move to fs/nfsd ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: move to fs/nfsd ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Remove 'inline' designation for free_client() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: call rpc_destroy_wait_queue() from free_client() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Move default initialisers from create_client() to alloc_client() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: set timeparms.to_maxval in setup_callback_client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: don't create unnecessary mask acl ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: don't return high mode bits" ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix memory leak in nfsd4_encode_fattr() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: check passed socket's net matches NFSd superblock's one ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Check rpc_xprt out of xs_setup_bc_tcp ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: New helper for creating client with rpc_xprt ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Free backchannel xprt in bc_destroy ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: fix memory leak of peer addresses in XPRT ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Clear wcc data between compound ops ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Don't return NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID for NFSv4.1+ ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix setclientid encode size ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: remove redundant check from nfsd4_check_resp_size ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: use more generous NFS4_ACL_MAX ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: minor nfsd4_replay_cache_entry cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_replay_cache_entry should be static ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: update comments with obsolete function name ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Using free_conn free connection ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: typo in nfsd_rename comment ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: simplify saved/current fh uses in nfsd4_proc_compound ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Traverse unconfirmed client through hash-table ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] svcrpc: explicitly reject compounds that are not padded out to 4-byte multiple ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: notify_change needs elevated write count ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719 1115034] - [fs] nfsd: fix test_stateid error reply encoding ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: leave reply buffer space for failed setattr ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: make set of large acl return efbig, not resource ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: session needs room for following op to error out ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: buffer-length check for SUPPATTR_EXCLCREAT ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix lost nfserrno() call in nfsd_setattr() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: Mark functions as static in net/sunrpc/svc_xprt.c ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: decrease nfsd4_encode_fattr stack usage ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix encode_entryplus_baggage stack usage ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: simplify xdr encoding of nfsv4 names ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: encode_rdattr_error cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_encode_fattr cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: better VERIFY comment ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Fix a memory leak in nfsd4_create_session ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: get rid of unused function definition ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd:Define op_iattr for nfsd4_open instead using macro ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix compile warning without CONFIG_NFSD_V3 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Don't start lockd when only NFSv4 is running ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: Support a new option for ignoring the result of svc_register ("J. Bruce Fields") [1103348 1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix bad length checking for backchannel ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix a leak which can cause CREATE_SESSION failures ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd:Add missing recording of back channel attrs in nfsd4_session ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: get rid of unused macro definition ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: clean up unnecessary temporary variable in nfsd4_decode_fattr ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: using nfsd4_encode_noop for encoding destroy_session/free_stateid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: clean up an xdr reserved space calculation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: get rid of unused function definition ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: calculate the missing length of bitmap in EXCHANGE_ID ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: revoking of suid/sgid bits after chown() in a consistent way ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] sunrpc: fix some typos ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: start documenting some XDR handling functions ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: don't return high mode bits ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: export proper maximum file size to the client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: improve write performance with better sendspace reservations ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] svcrpc: remove an unnecessary assignment ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Add support for NFS v4.2 operation checking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd_shutdown_net needs state lock ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Combine decode operations for v4 and v4.1 ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: -EINVAL on invalid anonuid/gid instead of silent failure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: return better errors to exportfs ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fh_update should error out in unexpected cases ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix Kconfig syntax ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: switch to p(dD) ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: racy access to ->d_name in nsfd4_encode_path() ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [net] svcrpc: remove unused rq_resused ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: nfsd4_create_clid_dir prints uninitialized data ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: Fix MACH_CRED NULL dereference ("J. Bruce Fields") [1111719] - [fs] nfsd: fix xdr decoding of large non-write compounds ("J. Bruce Fields") [1095061 1111719] - [fs] gfs2: When using flock() a GFS2 filesystem hangs (Robert S Peterson) [1111624] - [fs] nfs: emit a fsnotify_nameremove call in sillyrename codepath (Jeff Layton) [919347] - [fs] nfs: remove synchronous rename code (Jeff Layton) [919347] - [fs] nfs: convert nfs_rename to use async_rename infrastructure (Jeff Layton) [919347] - [fs] nfs: make nfs_async_rename non-static (Jeff Layton) [919347] - [fs] nfs: abstract out code needed to complete a sillyrename (Jeff Layton) [919347] - [fs] gfs2: Fix race in glock lru glock disposal (Robert S Peterson) [1095835] - [fs] gfs2: Use lockref for glocks (Robert S Peterson) [1095835] - [fs] cifs: Fix check for regular file in couldbe_mf_symlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230] - [fs] cifs: Re-order M-F Symlink code (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230] - [fs] cifs: Add create MFSymlinks to protocol ops struct (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230] - [fs] cifs: use protocol specific call for query_mf_symlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230] - [fs] cifs: Rename MF symlink function names (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230] - [fs] cifs: Rename and cleanup open_query_close_cifs_symlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230] - [fs] cifs: We do not drop reference to tlink in CIFSCheckMFSymlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1077230]- [s390] af_iucv: recvmsg problem for SOCK_STREAM sockets (Hendrik Brueckner) [1109703] - [s390] af_iucv: correct cleanup if listen backlog is full (Hendrik Brueckner) [1109033] - [kernel] auditsc: audit_krule mask accesses need bounds checking (Denys Vlasenko) [1102710] {CVE-2014-3917} - [fs] nfs: Don't mark the data cache as invalid if it has been flushed (Scott Mayhew) [1114054] - [fs] nfs: Clear NFS_INO_REVAL_PAGECACHE when we update the file size (Scott Mayhew) [1114054] - [fs] nfs: Fix cache_validity check in nfs_write_pageuptodate() (Scott Mayhew) [1114054] - [mm] avoid kABI breakage (Jerome Marchand) [1097419] - [mm] swap: change swap_list_head to plist, add swap_avail_head (Jerome Marchand) [1097419] - [lib] plist: add plist_requeue (Jerome Marchand) [1097419] - [lib] plist: add helper functions (Jerome Marchand) [1097419] - [mm] swap: change swap_info singly-linked list to list_head (Jerome Marchand) [1097419] - [block] mtip32xx: mtip_async_complete() bug fixes (Jeff Moyer) [1102281] - [block] mtip32xx: Unmap the DMA segments before completing the IO request (Jeff Moyer) [1102281] - [ethernet] tg3: Change nvram command timeout value to 50ms (Ivan Vecera) [1086397] - [ethernet] tg3: Override clock, link aware and link idle mode during NVRAM dump (Ivan Vecera) [1086397] - [edac] sb_edac: mark MCE messages as KERN_DEBUG (Aristeu Rozanski) [1056785] - [edac] sb_edac: use "event" instead of "exception" when MC wasnt signaled (Aristeu Rozanski) [1056785] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: Add DesignWare, i.MX6, Armada, R-Car PCI host maintainers (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [pci] Disable Bus Master only on kexec reboot (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [pci] Omit PCI ID macro strings to shorten quirk names (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [pci] Move device_del() from pci_stop_dev() to pci_destroy_dev() (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [pci] Avoid unnecessary CPU switch when calling driver .probe() method (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: Add Jingoo Han as Samsung Exynos PCIe driver maintainer (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: Add Tegra PCIe maintainer (Myron Stowe) [1110890] - [ethernet] ixgbe: set driver_max_VFs should be done before enabling SRIOV (Alex Williamson) [1090154] - [ethernet] ixgbe: define IXGBE_MAX_VFS_DRV_LIMIT macro and cleanup const 63 (Alex Williamson) [1090154] - [fs] nfs: advertise only supported callback netids (Jeff Layton) [1048477] - [fs] nfs: clean up, revert increase in READDIR RPC buffer max size (Jeff Layton) [1048477] - [net] sunrpc: Fix large reads on NFS/RDMA (Jeff Layton) [1048477] - [net] sunrpc: remove KERN_INFO from dprintk() call sites (Jeff Layton) [1048477] - [kernel] ftrace: Hardcode ftrace_module_init() call into load_module() (Takahiro MUNEDA) [1061553] - [kernel] trace: Make register/unregister_ftrace_command __init (Takahiro MUNEDA) [1061553] - [tools] turbostat: run on HSX (Prarit Bhargava) [1081657] - [tools] Revert: turbostat: servers do not support uncore power register (Prarit Bhargava) [1081657]- [net] neigh: set nud_state to NUD_INCOMPLETE when probing router reachability (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1110193] - [net] bridge: Set vlan_features to allow offloads on vlans (Florian Westphal) [1058544] - [net] team: fix mtu setting (Jiri Pirko) [1103083] - [net] ptp: validate the requested frequency adjustment (Jiri Benc) [1092969] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: don't add null bindings if no nat requested (Florian Westphal) [1089929] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: force null nat binding on insert (Florian Westphal) [1089929] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: don't release a conntrack with non-zero refcnt (Florian Westphal) [1089929] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: fix RCU race in nf_conntrack_find_get (Florian Westphal) [1089929] - [net] rtnetlink: Only supply IFLA_VF_PORTS information when RTEXT_FILTER_VF is set (Jiri Pirko) [1092400] - [net] rtnetlink: Warn when interface's information won't fit in our packet (Jiri Pirko) [1092400] - [net] fib_frontend: fix possible NULL pointer dereference (Jiri Benc) [1091142] - [net] team: forbid incorrect fall-through in notifier (Jiri Pirko) [1090495] - [net] gre: don't allow to add the same tunnel twice (Florian Westphal) [1086498] - [net] sctp: confirm route during forward progress (Daniel Borkmann) [1089629] - [net] nf_conntrack: decrement global counter after object release (Jiri Pirko) [1089191] - [net] add busy_poll device feature (Jiri Pirko) [1080093] - [net] ipv6: reallocate addrconf router for ipv6 address when lo device up (Jiri Benc) [1077053] - [net] macvlan: Add support for 'always_on' offload features (Florian Westphal) [928644] - [net] macvlan: fix netdev feature propagation from lower device (Florian Westphal) [928644]- [scsi] pm80xx: Spinlock fix (Rich Bono) [1044636] - [scsi] aacraid: Update unsupported card list (Rich Bono) [1080712] - [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: Some improvements in pvscsi driver (Ewan Milne) [1075090] - [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: Add support for I/O requests coalescing (Ewan Milne) [1075090] - [scsi] vmw_pvscsi: Fix pvscsi_abort() function (Ewan Milne) [1075090] - [net] sctp: Fix sk_ack_backlog wrap-around problem (Daniel Borkmann) [1112726] {CVE-2014-4667} - [net] ipv4/tunnels: fix an oops when using ipip/sit with IPsec (Jiri Pirko) [1108857] - [net] filter: let bpf_tell_extensions return SKF_AD_MAX (Jiri Benc) [1079524] - [net] filter: introduce SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS (Jiri Benc) [1079524]- [scsi] qla2xxx: Update version number to (Chad Dupuis) [1090378] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reduce the time we wait for a command to complete during SCSI error handling (Chad Dupuis) [1090378] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear loop_id for ports that are marked lost during fabric scanning (Chad Dupuis) [1090378] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Avoid escalating the SCSI error handler if the command is not found in firmware (Chad Dupuis) [1090378] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Don't check for firmware hung during the reset context for ISP82XX (Chad Dupuis) [1090378] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Issue abort command for outstanding commands during cleanup when only firmware is alive (Chad Dupuis) [1090378] - [scsi] set DID_TIME_OUT correctly (Ewan Milne) [1103881] - [scsi] fix invalid setting of host byte (Ewan Milne) [1103881] - [scsi] More USB deadlock fixes (Ewan Milne) [1103881] - [scsi] Fix USB deadlock caused by SCSI error handling (Ewan Milne) [1103881] - [scsi] Fix command result state propagation (Ewan Milne) [1103881] - [scsi] Fix spurious request sense in error handling (Ewan Milne) [1103881] - [scsi] Add timeout to avoid infinite command retry (Ewan Milne) [1061871] - [scsi] lpfc: Update version for 10.2.8021.0 driver release (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Fix ExpressLane priority setup (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Removed obsolete PCI IDs from the driver (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Fix for initializing RRQ bitmap (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8001.0: Fix for cleaning up stale ring flag and sp_queue_event entries (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc: Add iotag memory barrier (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Update Copyright on changed files from 8.3.45 patches (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fixed locking for scsi task management commands (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Convert runtime references to old xlane cfg param to fof cfg param (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix FW dump using sysfs (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix SLI4 s abort loop to process all FCP rings and under ring_lock (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fixed kernel panic in lpfc_abort_handler (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix locking for postbufq when freeing (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc: remove self-assignments (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc: Using plain integer as NULL pointer (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix locking for lpfc_hba_down_post (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 10.2.8000.0: Fix dynamic transitions of FirstBurst from on to off (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fixed crash during driver unload (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fixed driver error messages after firmware download (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fixed missing initialization for task management IOCBs (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Fix sysfs buffer overrun in read of lpfc_fcp_cpu_map for 128 CPUs (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Incorporate changes to use reason in change_queue_depth function (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Incorporated support of a low-latency io path (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] lpfc 8.3.45: Added dport mailbox pass through support (Rob Evers) [1088574] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump the driver version (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix bad if expression (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: fix memory leak in error path (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Jump to 'free_memory' is apparently missing (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix destroy MCC-CQ before MCC-EQ is destroyed (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix memory corruption in MBX path (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix TCP parameters while connection offloading (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix interrupt Coalescing mechanism (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix exposing Host in sysfs after adapter initialization is complete (Rob Evers) [1088576] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix retreving MCCQ_WRB in non-embedded Mbox path (Rob Evers) [1088576]- [drm] nouveau/bios: fix a bit shift error introduced by recent commit (Ulrich Obergfell) [1089936] - [ethernet] sfc: PIO:Restrict to 64bit arch and use 64-bit writes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1089024] - [fs] nfs: Apply NFS_MOUNT_CMP_FLAGMASK to nfs_compare_remount_data() (Scott Mayhew) [1103805] - [fs] gfs2: Prevent recovery before the local journal is set (Robert S Peterson) [1079433] - [fs] gfs2: Increase the max number of ACLs (Robert S Peterson) [1078231] - [fs] gfs2: check NULL return value in gfs2_ok_to_move (Abhijith Das) [1097042] - [fs] gfs2: Refresh quota after setting through quotactl (Abhijith Das) [1088740] - [kernel] hrtimer: Prevent all reprogramming if hang detected (Prarit Bhargava) [1094732] - [tty] Set correct tty name in 'active' sysfs attribute (Denys Vlasenko) [1066403] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix kernel crash and data miscompare after EEH recovery (Michal Schmidt) [1101808] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Adapter not recovery from EEH error injection (Michal Schmidt) [1067154] - [powerpc] tm: Disable IRQ in tm_recheckpoint (Larry Woodman) [1088224] - [x86] thinkpad: save and restore adaptive keyboard mode for suspend and, resume (Don Zickus) [1094476] - [x86] thinkpad: support Thinkpad X1 Carbon 2nd generation's adaptive keyboard (Don Zickus) [1094476]- [lib] random32: minor cleanups and kdoc fix (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: avoid attempt to late reseed if in the middle of seeding (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: use msecs_to_jiffies for reseed timer (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: add __init prefix to prandom_start_seed_timer (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: add test cases for taus113 implementation (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: upgrade taus88 generator to taus113 from errata paper (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: move rnd_state to linux/random.h (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: add prandom_reseed_late() and call when nonblocking pool becomes initialized (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random32: add periodic reseeding (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [lib] random: allow architectures to optionally define random_get_entropy() (Hannes Frederic Sowa) [1100299] - [net] packet: use percpu mmap tx frame pending refcount (Daniel Borkmann) [1052366] - [net] packet: use reciprocal_divide in fanout_demux_hash (Daniel Borkmann) [1052366] - [net] packet: add randomized fanout scheduler (Daniel Borkmann) [1052366] - [net] packet: don't unconditionally schedule() in case of MSG_DONTWAIT (Daniel Borkmann) [1052366] - [net] packet: improve socket create/bind latency in some cases (Daniel Borkmann) [1052366] - [net] vxlan: convert to act as a pernet subsystem (Daniel Borkmann) [1039587] - [net] vxlan: do not use vxlan_net before checking event type (Daniel Borkmann) [1039587] - [net] vxlan: properly cleanup devs on module unload (Daniel Borkmann) [1039587] - [net] vxlan: when lower dev unregisters remove vxlan dev as well (Daniel Borkmann) [1039587] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: lightweight process control group matching (Daniel Borkmann) [1005839] - [net] sctp: fix and consolidate SCTP checksumming code (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [net] checksum: fix warning in skb_checksum (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [net] skb_checksum: allow custom update/combine for walking skb (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [lib] crc32: reduce number of cases for crc32{, c}_combine (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [lib] crc32: conditionally resched when running testcases (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [lib] crc32: add test cases for crc32{, c}_combine routines (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [lib] crc32: add functionality to combine two crc32{, c}s in GF(2) (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [lib] crc32: clean up spacing in test cases (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [lib] crc32: update the comments of crc32_{be, le}_generic() (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [net] ipvs: sctp: do not recalc sctp csum when ports didn't change (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [net] ipvs: sctp: add missing verdict assignments in sctp_conn_schedule (Daniel Borkmann) [1054215] - [tools] bpf_exp: free duplicated labels at exit time (Daniel Borkmann) [958035] - [tools] bpf_dbg: always close socket in bpf_runnable (Daniel Borkmann) [958035] - [net] filter: doc: improve BPF documentation (Daniel Borkmann) [958035] - [tools] filter: bpf_asm: add minimal bpf asm tool (Daniel Borkmann) [958035] - [tools] filter: bpf_dbg: add minimal bpf debugger (Daniel Borkmann) [958035] - [net] sched: cls_bpf: add BPF-based classifier (Daniel Borkmann) [958035] - [net] Use netlink_ns_capable to verify the permisions of netlink messages (Jiri Benc) [1094272] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Add variants of capable for use on netlink messages (Jiri Benc) [1094272] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] diag: Move the permission check in sock_diag_put_filterinfo to packet_diag_dump (Jiri Benc) [1094272] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Rename netlink_capable netlink_allowed (Jiri Benc) [1094272] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] diag: Fix ns_capable check in sock_diag_put_filterinfo (Jiri Benc) [1094272] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] netlink: Fix permission check in netlink_connect() (Jiri Benc) [1094272] {CVE-2014-0181} - [net] filter: prevent nla extensions to peek beyond the end of the message (Jiri Benc) [1096781] {CVE-2014-3144 CVE-2014-3145}- [net] mac80211: fix crash due to AP powersave TX vs. wakeup race (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1083534] {CVE-2014-2706} - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix ethtool statistics length calculation (Michal Schmidt) [1099634] - [kernel] futex: Make lookup_pi_state more robust (Larry Woodman) [1104520] {CVE-2014-3153} - [kernel] futex: Always cleanup owner tid in unlock_pi (Larry Woodman) [1104520] {CVE-2014-3153} - [kernel] futex: Validate atomic acquisition in futex_lock_pi_atomic() (Larry Woodman) [1104520] {CVE-2014-3153} - [kernel] futex: prevent requeue pi on same futex (Larry Woodman) [1104520] {CVE-2014-3153} - [net] gro: restore frag0 optimization (and fix crash) (Michal Schmidt) [1069741] - [net] ipv4: current group_info should be put after using (Jiri Benc) [1087416] {CVE-2014-2851} - [net] core, nfqueue, openvswitch: Orphan frags in skb_zerocopy and handle errors (Jiri Pirko) [1079014] {CVE-2014-2568} - [fs] aio: fix plug memory disclosure and fix reqs_active accounting backport (Jeff Moyer) [1094605] {CVE-2014-0206}- [fs] aio: plug memory disclosure and fix reqs_active accounting (Mateusz Guzik) [1094605] {CVE-2014-0206} - [kernel] mutexes: Give more informative mutex warning in the !lock->owner case (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] mutex: replace CONFIG_HAVE_ARCH_MUTEX_CPU_RELAX with simple ifdef (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] locking/mutexes: Introduce cancelable MCS lock for adaptive spinning (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] locking/mutexes: Modify the way optimistic spinners are queued (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] locking/mutexes: Return false if task need_resched() in mutex_can_spin_on_owner() (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] Restructure the MCS lock defines and locking & Move mcs_spinlock.h into kernel/locking/ (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [misc] arch: Introduce smp_load_acquire(), smp_store_release() (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] locking/mutex: Fix debug_mutexes (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] locking/mutex: Fix debug checks (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922] - [kernel] locking/mutexes: Unlock the mutex without the wait_lock (Larry Woodman) [1087655 1087919 1087922]- [scsi] st: fix corruption of the st_modedef structures in st_set_options() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1084968] - [net] openvswitch: fix a possible deadlock and lockdep warning (Flavio Leitner) [1094867] - [fs] dcache: make prepend_name() work correctly when called with negative *buflen (Mikulas Patocka) [1092746] - [fs] dcache: __dentry_path() fixes (Mikulas Patocka) [1092746] - [fs] dcache: prepend_path() needs to reinitialize dentry/vfsmount/mnt on restarts (Mikulas Patocka) [1092746] - [net] ip: generate unique IP identificator if local fragmentation is allowed (Jiri Pirko) [1076106] - [target] tcm_fc: Fix use-after-free of ft_tpg (Andy Grover) [1071340] - [wireless] ath9k: tid->sched race in ath_tx_aggr_sleep() (Jacob Tanenbaum) [1083252] {CVE-2014-2672} - [kernel] futex: Fix pthread_cond_broadcast() to wake up all threads (Larry Woodman) [1084757] - [watchdog] hpwdt: display informative string (Nigel Croxon) [1074038] - [mm] page-writeback: fix divide by zero in pos_ratio_polynom (Rik van Riel) [1091784] - [mm] page-writeback: add strictlimit feature (Rik van Riel) [1091784] - [powerpc] tm: Fix crash when forking inside a transaction (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1083215] {CVE-2014-2673} - [block] floppy: don't write kernel-only members to FDRAWCMD ioctl output (Denys Vlasenko) [1094318] {CVE-2014-1737 CVE-2014-1738} - [block] floppy: ignore kernel-only members in FDRAWCMD ioctl input (Denys Vlasenko) [1094318] {CVE-2014-1737 CVE-2014-1738} - [s390] kernel: avoid page table walk on user space access (Hendrik Brueckner) [1097687] - [s390] af_iucv: wrong mapping of sent and confirmed skbs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1098513] - [s390] crypto: fix aes, des ctr mode concurrency finding (Hendrik Brueckner) [1097686] - [mm] filemap: update find_get_pages_tag() to deal with shadow entries (Johannes Weiner) [1091795] - [fs] xfs: log vector rounding leaks log space (Brian Foster) [1091136] - [fs] xfs: truncate_setsize should be outside transactions (Brian Foster) [1091136]- [tty] n_tty: Fix n_tty_write crash when echoing in raw mode (Aristeu Rozanski) [1094242] {CVE-2014-0196} - [fs] gfs2: Fix uninitialized VFS inode in gfs2_create_inode (Abhijith Das) [1087995] - [kernel] cputime: Fix jiffies based cputime assumption on steal accounting (Frederic Weisbecker) [1047732] - [kernel] cputime: Bring cputime -> nsecs conversion (Frederic Weisbecker) [1047732] - [kernel] cputime: Default implementation of nsecs -> cputime conversion (Frederic Weisbecker) [1047732] - [x86] irq, pic: Probe for legacy PIC and set legacy_pic appropriately (Vivek Goyal) [1037957] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Negotiate version 3.0 when running on ws2012r2 hosts (Vivek Goyal) [1037957]- [mm] rmap: try_to_unmap_cluster() should lock_page() before mlocking (Larry Woodman) [1078349] {CVE-2014-3122} - [mm] huge_memory: Fix cpuset cgroups so all pages for a task remain on correct node (Larry Woodman) [1076613] - [mm] mprotect: fix oops in change_pmd_range called from task_numa_work (Rik van Riel) [1085050]- [security] device_cgroup: check if exception removal is allowed (Aristeu Rozanski) [1086057] - [security] device_cgroup: rework device access check and rule checking (Aristeu Rozanski) [1086057] - [fs] autofs: fix lockref lookup (Ian Kent) [1083815] - [mei] me: do not load the driver if the FW doesn't support MEI interface (Prarit Bhargava) [1082789]- [virt] vhost/net: fix total length when packets are too short ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1064446] {CVE-2014-0077} - [virt] vhost/net: validate vhost_get_vq_desc return value ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1070940] {CVE-2014-0055}- [net] netfilter: fix panic when oom during rule replacement (Florian Westphal) [985657] - [net] netfilter: x_tables: fix ordering of jumpstack allocation and table update (Florian Westphal) [985657] - [virt] kvm/ioapic: try to recover if pending_eoi goes out of range (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478] - [virt] kvm/ioapic: fix assignment of ioapic->rtc_status.pending_eoi (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478 1081590] {CVE-2014-0155} - [virt] kvm/ioapic: reinject pending interrupts on KVM_SET_IRQCHIP (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478] - [virt] kvm/ioapic: extract body of kvm_ioapic_set_irq (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478] - [virt] kvm/ioapic: clear IRR for edge-triggered interrupts at delivery (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478] - [virt] kvm/ioapic: merge ioapic_deliver into ioapic_service (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478] - [virt] kvm: ignore ioapic polarity (Paolo Bonzini) [1036478] - [core] device: Create 'device_driver_rh' KABI shadowing structure (Myron Stowe) [1083692] - [core] device: Create 'device_rh' KABI shadowing structure (Myron Stowe) [1083692] - [scsi] Reserve space in structures for future XCOPY support (Ewan Milne) [1080430] - [fs] xfs: fix bad hash ordering (Brian Foster) [1083206] - [fs] xfs: always do log forces via the workqueue (Brian Foster) [1052004]- [net] bonding: remove bond_resend_igmp_join_requests read_unlock leftover (Veaceslav Falico) [1080924] - [ethernet] mlx4: Support shutdown() interface (Amir Vadai) [1046216] - [zram] fix invalid memory access (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [zram] protect zram_reset_device() call (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [zram] remove zram_sysfs file (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [zram] use atomic64_xxx() to replace zram_stat64_xxx() (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [zram] optimize memory operations with clear_page()/copy_page() (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [zram] kill unused zram_get_num_devices() (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [zram] simplify and optimize dev_to_zram() (Jerome Marchand) [1081936] - [kernel] futex: revert back to the explicit waiter counting code (Larry Woodman) [1081100] - [kernel] audit: Allow login in non-init namespaces (Richard Guy Briggs) [1082597]- [wireless] ath9k: Fix LNA gpio for AR9485 (John Green) [1082017] - [infiniband] core: Don't resolve passive side RoCE L2 address in cma req handler (Amir Vadai) [1075852] - [fs] xfs: fix buffer use after free on IO error (Eric Sandeen) [924301] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump the driver version (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix DMA Out of SW-IOMMU space error (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix scsi_cmnd leakage in driver (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the session cleanup when reboot/shutdown happens (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix doorbell format for EQ/CQ/RQ s per SLI spec (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix port speed typo in driver (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix handling timed out MBX completion from FW (Rob Evers) [1052416] - [fs] nfs: Fix a use-after-free problem in open() (Steve Dickson) [1062809]- [md] dm-thin: fix dangling bio in process_deferred_bios error path (Mike Snitzer) [1081781] - [md] dm: take care to copy the space map roots before locking the superblock (Mike Snitzer) [1081781] - [md] dm-transaction-manager: fix corruption due to non-atomic transaction commit (Mike Snitzer) [1081781] - [md] dm-era: fixes for issues identified upstream (Mike Snitzer) [1081781] - [md] dm-cache: remove remainder of distinct discard block size (Mike Snitzer) [1062679] - [md] dm-cache: prevent corruption caused by discard_block_size > cache_block_size (Mike Snitzer) [1062679] - [ipc] change kern_ipc_perm.deleted type to bool (Phillip Lougher) [1043807] {CVE-2013-7026} - [ipc] introduce ipc_valid_object() helper to sort out IPC_RMID races (Phillip Lougher) [1043807] {CVE-2013-7026} - [ipc] shm: fix shm_file deletion races (Phillip Lougher) [1043807] {CVE-2013-7026} - [drm] udl: take reference to device struct for dma-bufs (Dave Airlie) [1077774] - [security] keys: Allow special keys (eg. DNS results) to be invalidated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN (David Howells) [1074240]- [s390] qeth: postpone freeing of qdio memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [1077650] - [kernel] rh_taint: Remove taint and update unsupported hardware message (Prarit Bhargava) [1076974] - [fs] proc/vmcore: continue vmcore initialization if PT_NOTE is found empty (Chao WANG) [1077535] - [net] ipv6: ip6_append_data_mtu do not handle the mtu of the second fragment properly (Jiri Pirko) [1079873]- [block] free q->flush_rq in blk_init_allocated_queue error paths (Mike Snitzer) [1078522] - [x86] fpu: Clear exceptions in AMD FXSAVE workaround (Phillip Lougher) [1053596] {CVE-2014-1438} - [mm] page_alloc: spill to remote nodes before waking kswapd (Johannes Weiner) [1076546] - [mm] vmscan: do not swap anon pages just because free+file is low (Johannes Weiner) [1076546] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure call_connect_status() deals correctly with SOFTCONN tasks (Steve Dickson) [1071532] - [fs] nfs: Ensure we respect soft mount timeouts during trunking discovery (Steve Dickson) [1071532] - [fs] nfs: Schedule recovery if nfs40_walk_client_list() is interrupted (Steve Dickson) [1071532] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that call_bind times out correctly (Steve Dickson) [1071532] - [fs] sunrpc: Ensure that call_connect times out correctly (Steve Dickson) [1071532]- [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack_dccp: fix skb_header_pointer API usages (Jiri Pirko) [1077351] {CVE-2014-2523} - [net] ipv6: don't set DST_NOCOUNT for remotely added routes (Jiri Pirko) [1075060] {CVE-2014-2309} - [net] skbuff: skb_segment: orphan frags before copying ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1056934] {CVE-2014-0131} - [net] skbuff: skb_segment: s/fskb/list_skb/ ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1056934] {CVE-2014-0131} - [net] skbuff: skb_segment: s/skb/head_skb/ ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1056934] {CVE-2014-0131} - [net] skbuff: skb_segment: s/skb_frag/frag/ ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1056934] {CVE-2014-0131} - [net] skbuff: skb_segment: s/frag/nskb_frag/ ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1056934] {CVE-2014-0131} - [net] use kfree_skb_list() helper ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1056934] {CVE-2014-0131} - [net] veth: fix veth vlan features (Flavio Leitner) [1076077] - [net] sunrpc/xprtrdma: add separate Kconfig options for NFSoRDMA client and server support (Jeff Layton) [1077957] - [virt] kvm/x86: emulate MOVAPD (Igor Mammedov) [1052090] - [virt] kvm/x86: emulate MOVAPS (Igor Mammedov) [1052090] - [mm] x86: Wrong page freed on preallocate_pmds() failure exit (Larry Woodman) [1073641] - [mm] x86: do not leak page->ptl for pmd page tables (Larry Woodman) [1073641] - [virt] kvm/x86: fix emulator buffer overflow (Andrew Jones) [1071836] {CVE-2014-0049} - [virt] hyperv: Change the receive buffer size for legacy hosts (Jason Wang) [1075279] - [x86] quirks: Update DH8900CC Unsupported Device ID (Prarit Bhargava) [1076137]- [security] selinux: fix broken peer recv check (Paul Moore) [1043165] - [md] dm-raid: Fix possibility of skipping device recovery (Jonathan E Brassow) [1069927] - [fs] xfs: avoid AGI/AGF deadlock scenario for inode chunk allocation (Brian Foster) [1052789] - [md] dm-cache: fix access beyond end of origin device (Mike Snitzer) [1074606] - [md] dm-cache: fix truncation bug when copying a block to/from >2TB fast device (Mike Snitzer) [1075709] - [ethernet] bna: don't disable VLAN tag stripping in promisc mode (Ivan Vecera) [1057842] - [kernel] posix-timers: Spare workqueue if there is no full dynticks CPU to kick (Frederic Weisbecker) [1074168]- [net] bridge: multicast: enable snooping on general queries only (Florian Westphal) [1074491] - [net] bridge: multicast: add sanity check for general query destination (Florian Westphal) [1074491] - [net] bridge: multicast: add sanity check for query source addresses (Florian Westphal) [1074491] - [net] inet: frag: fix oops when unloading inetfrag modules (Florian Westphal) [1073962] - [virt] vhost/net: fix ref cnt checking deadlock ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1065878] - [virt] vhost_net: correctly limit the max pending buffers ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1065878] - [virt] vhost/net: fix a theoretical race in device cleanup ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [1065878] - [powerpc] pseries: Expose in kernel device tree update to drmgr (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Update dynamic cache nodes for suspend/resume operation (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Device tree should only be updated once after suspend/migrate (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Child nodes are not detached by dlpar_detach_node (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Add mising of_node_put in delete_dt_node (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Make dlpar_configure_connector parent node aware (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Do all node initialization in dlpar_parse_cc_node (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix parsing of initial node path in update_dt_node (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Pack update_props_workarea to map correctly to rtas buffer header (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix over writing of rtas return code in update_dt_node (Steve Best) [1064745] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix creation of loop in device node property list (Steve Best) [1064745] - [infiniband] mlx4: Don't allocate range of steerable UD QPs for Ethernet-only device (Doug Ledford) [1061795] - [ethernet] e1000: fix lockdep warning in e1000_reset_task (John Green) [1056355] - [ethernet] mlx4: mlx4_init_slave() shouldn't access comm channel before PF is ready (Amir Vadai) [1058413] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix memory access error in mlx4_QUERY_DEV_CAP_wrapper() (Amir Vadai) [1058413] - [mm] numa: recheck for transhuge pages under lock during protection changes (Rik van Riel) [1073674]- [net] inet: fix for a race condition in the inet frag code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1070711] {CVE-2014-0100} - [scsi] aacraid: Print warning message if unsupported card is being used (Rich Bono) [1019091] - [drm] ttm: don't oops if no invalidate_caches() (Rob Clark) [1073470 1075068] - [security] selinux: bigendian problems with filename trans rules (Paul Moore) [1029837] - [security] selinux: Fix memory leak upon loading policy (Paul Moore) [1051042] - [x86] apic: Plug racy xAPIC access of CPU hotplug code (Igor Mammedov) [1073568] - [kernel] sched: Remove redundant update_runtime notifier (Igor Mammedov) [1074476] - [virt] kvm/svm: fix cr8 intercept window (Radim Krcmar) [1056982] - [video] fb: reorder the lock sequence to fix potential dead lock (Jason Wang) [1040781] - [virt] hv/vmbus: Don't timeout during the initial connection with host (Jason Wang) [1037957] - [virt] hv/vmbus: Specify the target CPU that should receive notification (Jason Wang) [1037957] - [mm] percpu scalability fixes (Alexander Viro) [1072446] - [x86] fix compile error due to X86_TRAP_NMI use in asm files (Don Zickus) [1051428] - [x86] Ignore NMIs that come in during early boot (Don Zickus) [1051428] - [fs] cifs: Add support for follow_link on dfs shares under posix extensions (Sachin Prabhu) [1020715] - [fs] cifs: move unix extension call to cifs_query_symlink() (Sachin Prabhu) [1020715] - [kernel] audit: include subject in login records (Richard Guy Briggs) [1075155] - [kernel] audit: remove superfluous new- prefix in AUDIT_LOGIN messages (Richard Guy Briggs) [1075155] - [ethernet] tg3: Don't check undefined error bits in RXBD (Ivan Vecera) [1071483] - [fs] gfs2: Move recovery variables to journal structure in memory (Robert S Peterson) [1059439] - [security] keys: Make the keyring cycle detector ignore other keyrings of the same name (David Howells) [1071346] {CVE-2014-0102} - [x86] fix x86 fixup_irqs() error handling (Prarit Bhargava) [1074644] - [fs] gfs2: Re-add a call to log_flush_wait when flushing the journal (Robert S Peterson) [1074556] - [fs] gfs2: Ensure workqueue is scheduled after noexp request (Robert S Peterson) [1074556]- [mm] Revert: percpu scalability fixes (Jarod Wilson) [1072446]- [block] change flush sequence list addition back to front add (Mike Snitzer) [1072577] - [block] fix q->flush_rq NULL pointer crash on dm-mpath flush (Mike Snitzer) [1072577] - [md] dm-era: mark as tech preview for RHEL7.0 (Mike Snitzer) [995644] - [md] dm-bitset: only flush the current word if it has been dirtied (Mike Snitzer) [995644] - [md] dm-era: support non power-of-2 blocksize (Mike Snitzer) [995644] - [md] dm: add era target (Mike Snitzer) [995644] - [md] dm-cache-mq: fix memory allocation failure for large cache devices (Mike Snitzer) [995644] - [md] dm-cache: fix truncation bug when mapping I/O to >2TB fast device (Mike Snitzer) [995644] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix refcount decrement below 0 which caused corruption (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [Documentation] dm-thin: fix Documentation for held metadata root feature (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: fix noflush suspend IO queueing (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: fix deadlock in __requeue_bio_list (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: fix out of data space handling (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: ensure user takes action to validate data and metadata consistency (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: synchronize the pool mode during suspend (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm: fix Kconfig indentation (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: allow metadata space larger than supported to go unused (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: fix the error path for the thin device constructor (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [md] dm-thin: avoid metadata commit if a pool's thin devices haven't changed (Mike Snitzer) [1065051] - [virt] hyperv: Add support for physically discontinuous receive buffer (Jason Wang) [988689] - [virt] virtio-scsi: Fix hotcpu_notifier use-after-free with virtscsi_freeze (Jason Wang) [1024220] - [fs] pnode: smarter propagate_mnt() (Alexander Viro) [1072457] - [kernel] perf: Allow mmap2 interface (Jiri Olsa) [1071945] - [crypto] ansi_cprng: Fix off by one error in non-block size request (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1009139] - [fs] xfs: don't leak EFSBADCRC to userspace (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: modify verifiers to differentiate CRC from other errors (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: print useful caller information in xfs_error_report (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: add xfs_verifier_error() (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: add helper for updating checksums on xfs_bufs (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: add helper for verifying checksums on xfs_bufs (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: Use defines for CRC offsets in all cases (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: skip pointless CRC updates after verifier failures (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: limit superblock corruption errors to actual corruption (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: skip verification on initial "guess" superblock read (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [fs] xfs: xfs_sb_read_verify() doesn't flag bad crcs on primary sb (Brian Foster) [1071925] - [md] dm-snapshot: fix data corruption (Mikulas Patocka) [1070291] - [ethernet] e1000e: Fix SHRA register access for 82579 (John Green) [1040315] - [ethernet] be2net: do external loopback test only when it is requested (Ivan Vecera) [1065833] - [drm] i915: fix potential oops in early irqs (Rob Clark) [1073136] - [security] selinux: correctly label /proc inodes in use before the policy is loaded (Paul Moore) [1071858] - [fs] vfs: unexport the getname() symbol (Jeff Layton) [1060739] - [mm] percpu scalability fixes (Alexander Viro) [1072446] - [kernel] uprobes: Fix the memory out of bound overwrite in copy_insn() (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Fix the wrong usage of current->utask in uprobe_copy_process() (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Teach uprobe_copy_process() to handle CLONE_VFORK (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Change uprobe_copy_process() to dup xol_area (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Change uprobe_copy_process() to dup return_instances (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Teach __create_xol_area() to accept the predefined vaddr (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Introduce __create_xol_area() (Oleg Nesterov) [984056] - [kernel] uprobes: Change the callsite of uprobe_copy_process() (Oleg Nesterov) [984056]- [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix a small problem when reading state value from hw (Tomas Henzl) [1070563] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: driver bug fix (Tomas Henzl) [1064509] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [1066003] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fixup looking for a space in the outstanding_cmds array in qla2x00_alloc_iocbs() (Chad Dupuis) [1066003] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set host can_queue value based on available resources (Chad Dupuis) [1066003] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix request queue null dereference (Chad Dupuis) [1058624] - [mm] add overcommit_kbytes sysctl variable (Jerome Marchand) [1058788] - [mm] factor commit limit calculation (Jerome Marchand) [1058788] - [drm] radeon/uvd: add kernel parameter to make uvd optional on evergreen (Jerome Glisse) [1056702] - [drm] radeon: free uvd ring on unload (Jerome Glisse) [1056702] - [s390] pci: obtain function handle in hotplug notifier (Hendrik Brueckner) [1059247] - [s390] pci/dma: fix accounting of allocated_pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1059247] - [s390] pci: set error state for unavailable functions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1059247] - [s390] pci: fix removal of nonexistent pci bus (Hendrik Brueckner) [1059247] - [s390] pci: prevent inadvertently triggered bus scans (Hendrik Brueckner) [1059247] - [pci] msi: Make pci_enable_msi/msix() 'nvec' argument type as int (Myron Stowe) [1070909] - [pci] msi: Export MSI mode using attributes, not kobjects (Myron Stowe) [1070909] - [drm] nouveau: attempt to disarm all interrupts before request_irq() (Ben Skeggs) [986654] - [drm] nouveau: disable runtime pm by default (Ben Skeggs) [1072481] - [s390] appldata_os: fix cpu array size calculation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071354] - [s390] cio: Fix missing subchannels after CHPID configure on (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071248] - [s390] pci/dma: use correct segment boundary size (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071239] - [scsi] isci: fix reset timeout handling (David Milburn) [1040402] - [wireless] ath9k: Add custom parameters for CUS198 (John Green) [1044005] - [ethernet] bnx2x: utilize FW 7.8.19 (Michal Schmidt) [1058008] - [fs] fix the performance of reading /proc/mounts and friends (Alexander Viro) [1072461] - [fs] namespace: mount hash table is too small (Alexander Viro) [1072451] - [fs] xfs: inode log reservations are still too small (Brian Foster) [1071068] - [fs] aio, memory-hotplug: Fix confliction when migrating and accessing ring pages (Motohiro Kosaki) [1060974] - [x86] only add -Werror when using RHEL7 gcc (Stefan Assmann) [1073055] - [mm] filemap: fix truncation crash due to exceptional entries (Johannes Weiner) [1069295 1071162] - [mm] Add kernel and mm data structure padding before kABI freeze (Larry Woodman) [1071438] - [pci] add pci_hw_vendor_status() (Prarit Bhargava) [1073062] - [cpufreq] pcc: Enable autoload of pcc-cpufreq for all ACPI processors (Lenny Szubowicz) [928152] - [idle] intel_idle: Repair large-server 50-watt idle-power regression (Lenny Szubowicz) [1054325] - [fs] clean up page array when uncached write send fails (Sachin Prabhu) [1063780] - [fs] cifs: use a flexarray in cifs_writedata (Sachin Prabhu) [1063780] - [mm] oom_kill: add rcu_read_lock() into find_lock_task_mm() (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [mm] oom_kill: has_intersects_mems_allowed() needs rcu_read_lock() (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [mm] oom_kill: change oom_kill.c to use for_each_thread() (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [kernel] fork: introduce for_each_thread() to replace the buggy while_each_thread() (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [kernel] fork: copy_process(), consolidate the lockless CLONE_THREAD checks (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [kernel] fork: copy_process(), don't add the uninitialized child to thread/task/pid lists (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [kernel] fork: copy_process(), unify CLONE_THREAD-or-thread_group_leader code (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [fs] exec: de_thread(), use change_pid() rather than detach_pid/attach_pid (Oleg Nesterov) [1000335] - [powerpc] xmon: Don't signal we've entered until we're finished printing (Steve Best) [1072790] - [powerpc] xmon: Fix timeout loop in get_output_lock() (Steve Best) [1072790] - [powerpc] xmon: Don't loop forever in get_output_lock() (Steve Best) [1072790]- [net] make neigh_priv_len in struct net_device 16bit instead of 8bit (Jiri Benc) [1062308] - [net] sctp: fix sctp_sf_do_5_1D_ce to verify if we/peer is AUTH capable (Daniel Borkmann) [1070716] {CVE-2014-0101} - [net] sctp: fix sctp_connectx abi for ia32 emulation/compat mode (Daniel Borkmann) [1058284] - [net] ip_tunnel: return more precise errno value when adding tunnel fails (Florian Westphal) [1070135] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add fallback tunnels to the hash lists (Florian Westphal) [1070135] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_dp_cmd_msg_size() (Francesco Fusco) [1069577] - [net] team: Don't allow team devices to change network namespaces (Jiri Pirko) [1069527] - [net] team: add support for sending multicast rejoins (Jiri Pirko) [1069520] - [net] convert resend IGMP to notifier event (Jiri Pirko) [1069520] - [net] team: add peer notification (Jiri Pirko) [1069490] - [net] team: remove synchronize_rcu() called during port disable (Jiri Pirko) [1069498] - [net] team: use kfree_rcu instead of synchronize_rcu in team_port_dev (Jiri Pirko) [1069498] - [net] team: remove synchronize_rcu() called during queue override change (Jiri Pirko) [1069498] - [net] remove last caller of skb_tail_offset() and itself (Jiri Pirko) [1068666] - [net] netpoll: fix position of network header (Jiri Pirko) [1068666] - [net] neigh: fix setting of default gc_* values (Jiri Pirko) [1067274]- [drm] nouveau/devinit: lock/unlock crtc regs for all devices, not just pre-nv50 (Ben Skeggs) [928744] - [drm] nouveau: use correct register to determine DP display bpp (Ben Skeggs) [928744] - [pci] Enable quirks for PCIe ACS on Intel PCH root ports (Alex Williamson) [1037684] - [pci] Add pci_dev_flag for ACS enable quirks (Alex Williamson) [1037684] - [pci] Add device-specific PCI ACS enable (Alex Williamson) [1037684] - [virt] hyperv-fb: kick off efifb early (Gerd Hoffmann) [1038900] - [virt] hyperv-fb: add support for generation 2 virtual machines (Gerd Hoffmann) [1038900] - [virt] hv/vmbus: use resource for hyperv mmio region (Gerd Hoffmann) [1038900] - [virt] hv/vmbus: add missing breaks (Gerd Hoffmann) [1038900] - [virt] hv/vmbus: Extract the mmio information from DSDT (Gerd Hoffmann) [1038900] - [s390] cio/blacklist: Perform subchannel scan only when needed (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071244] - [s390] css: Prevent unnecessary allocation in subchannel loop (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071244] - [s390] cio: Delay scan for newly available I/O devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071244] - [s390] cio: Relax subchannel scan loop (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071244] - [s390] cio: More efficient handling of CHPID availability events (Hendrik Brueckner) [1071244] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add API to correctly calculate tuple fields (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Account for stid entries properly in case of IPv6 (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Assign filter server TIDs properly (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Include TCP as protocol when creating server filters (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Reserve stid 0 for T4/T5 adapters (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add new scheme to update T4/T5 firmware (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Much cleaner implementation of is_t4()/is_t5() (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cgxb4: remove duplicate include in cxgb4.h (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: remove workqueue when driver registration fails (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add CLIP support to store compressed IPv6 address (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Add routines to create and remove listening IPv6 servers (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Do not set net_device::dev_id to VI index (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Force uninitialized state if FW_ON_ADAPTER is < FW_VERSION and we're the MASTER_PF (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use cxgb4_select_ntuple to correctly calculate ntuple fields (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Server filters are supported only for IPv4 (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Calculate the filter server TID properly (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Make _c4iw_write_mem_dma() static (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix formatting of physical address (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Issue RI.FINI before closing when entering TERM (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Advertise ~0ULL as max MR size (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Always do GTS write if cidx_inc == CIDXINC_MASK (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Set arp error handler for PASS_ACCEPT_RPL messages (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix accounting for unsignaled SQ WRs to deal with wrap (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix QP flush logic (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Handle newer firmware changes (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Use correct bit shift macros for vlan filter tuples (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Add support for active and passive open connection with IPv6 address (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] cxgb4: Fix stack info leak in c4iw_create_qp() (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [scsi] cxgb4i: add support for T5 adapter (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: added much cleaner implementation of is_t4() (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: use DEFINE_PCI_DEVICE_TABLE (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [ethernet] cxgb4vf: Staticize local symbols (Jay Fenlason) [1060264] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove dependency on X86 (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add include of because of kzalloc()/kfree() use (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Don't set "block multicast loopback" capability (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix binary compatibility with libmlx5 (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix RC transport send queue overhead computation (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Verify reserved fields are cleared (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove old field for create mkey mailbox (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Abort driver cleanup if teardown hca fails (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Allow creation of QPs with zero-length work queues (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [ethernet] mlx5: Fix PowerPC support (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [ethernet] mlx5: Improve debugfs readability (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add support for resize CQ (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Implement modify CQ (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Make sure doorbell record is visible before doorbell (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [ethernet] mlx5: Use mlx5 core style warning (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [ethernet] mlx5: Clear out struct before create QP command (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [ethernet] mlx5: Fix out arg size in access_register command (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix micro UAR allocator (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [ethernet] mlx5: Remove dead code (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove unused code in mr.c (Doug Ledford) [1058614] - [virt] kvm/x86: introduce periodic global clock updates (Andrew Jones) [1036457] - [virt] kvm/x86: rate-limit global clock updates (Andrew Jones) [1036457] - [mm] slub: fix page->_count corruption (again) (Rik van Riel) [1070918] - [kernel] stop_machine: Fix^2 race between stop_two_cpus() and stop_cpus() (Rik van Riel) [1061778 1071454] - [fs] proc/vmcore: prevent PT_NOTE p_memsz overflow during header update (Nigel Croxon) [1061368] - [ioat] dma: check DMA mapping error in ioat_dma_self_test() (Kyle McMartin) [922694] - [drm] nouveau/bios: add more checks to PRAMIN image fetching (Ben Skeggs) [1033345] - [fs] block: Fix nr_vecs for inline integrity vectors (David Milburn) [1040893]- [redhat] kabi: actually add symbols to the whitelists this time (Jarod Wilson) [726863]- [redhat] kabi: add initial whitelist checksums (Jiri Olsa) [726863]- [fs] epoll: do not take the nested ep->mtx on EPOLL_CTL_DEL (Rik van Riel) [1069371] - [fs] epoll: do not take global 'epmutex' for simple topologies (Rik van Riel) [1069371] - [fs] epoll: optimize EPOLL_CTL_DEL using rcu (Rik van Riel) [1069371] - [fs] epoll: add a reschedule point in ep_free() (Rik van Riel) [1069371] - [fs] eventpoll: switch epoll_ctl() to fdget (Rik van Riel) [1069371] - [fs] eventpoll: do not use sigprocmask() (Rik van Riel) [1069371] - [target] iscsi-target: Add demo-mode TPG authentication context support (Andy Grover) [1066726] - [target] Add se_portal_group->tpg_auth_group (Andy Grover) [1066726] - [mm] page-writeback: do not count anon pages as dirtyable memory (Johannes Weiner) [832482] - [mm] page-writeback: fix dirty_balance_reserve subtraction from dirtyable memory (Johannes Weiner) [832482] - [misc] stackprotector: Introduce CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG (Jarod Wilson) [1069367] - [misc] stackprotector: Unify the HAVE_CC_STACKPROTECTOR logic between architectures (Jarod Wilson) [1069367] - [kernel] futexes: Fix futex_hashsize initialization (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [kernel] futexes: Avoid taking the hb->lock if there's nothing to wake up (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [kernel] futexes: Document multiprocessor ordering guarantees (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [kernel] futexes: Increase hash table size for better performance (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [kernel] futexes: Clean up various details (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [kernel] futex: move user address verification up to common code (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [kernel] futex: fix handling of read-only-mapped hugepages (Larry Woodman) [1069800] - [powerpc] Support crashkernel auto memory reservation on a system with 2GB or more (Steve Best) [1051974] - [powerpc] Set crashkernel 'auto' memory reservation threshold to 2GB (Steve Best) [1051974] - [s390] cio: improve cio_commit_config (Hendrik Brueckner) [1064781] - [s390] zfcpdump: Fix mount order for XFS and ext4 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1058307] - [scsi] iSCSI connection errors on logout (Chris Leech) [1000356] - [block] add padding to queue_limits structure (Mike Snitzer) [973669] - [virt] kvm/nvmx: Fix pick-up of uninjected NMIs (Marcelo Tosatti) [1069089] - [virt] kvm/svm: fix NMI window after iret (Radim Krcmar) [1049862] - [mm] exclude memoryless nodes from zone_reclaim (Steve Best) [1070491] - [x86] mm/srat: Skip NUMA_NO_NODE while parsing SLIT (Prarit Bhargava) [1063539]- [ethernet] cxgb3: remove duplicate defines (Jay Fenlason) [1060263] - [ethernet] cxgb3: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Jay Fenlason) [1060263] - [ethernet] cxgb3: Add __GFP_NOWARN to k.alloc calls with v.alloc fallbacks (Jay Fenlason) [1060263] - [ethernet] cxgb3: Missing rtnl lock in error recovery (Jay Fenlason) [1060263] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Fix stack info leak in iwch_create_cq() (Jay Fenlason) [1060263] - [infiniband] cxgb3: Timeout condition is never true (Jay Fenlason) [1060263] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [1063848] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix tx timeout (Chad Dupuis) [1063848] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix diagnostic test for all adapters (Chad Dupuis) [1063848] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix VF reset recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1063848] - [ethernet] qlcnic: underflow in qlcnic_validate_max_tx_rings() (Chad Dupuis) [1063848] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix backporting BUG while doing inbox submission upto 5.3.48 (Chad Dupuis) [1063848] - [pci] pciehp: Add hotplug_lock to serialize hotplug events (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Ensure very fast hotplug events are also processed (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Disable link notification across slot reset (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Don't check adapter or latch status while disabling (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Don't disable the link permanently during removal (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Enable link state change notifications (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Use link change notifications for hot-plug and removal (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Make check_link_active() non-static (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Move Attention & Power Indicator support tests to accessors (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Use symbolic constants for Slot Control fields (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Use symbolic constants, not hard-coded bitmask (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Simplify "Power Fault Detected" checking/clearing (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Announce slot capabilities (slot #, button, LEDs, etc) (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Make various functions void since they can't fail (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Remove error checks when accessing PCIe Capability (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [pci] pciehp: Drop pciehp_readw()/pciehp_writew() wrappers (Myron Stowe) [1061514] - [drm] mgag200: on cards with < 2MB VRAM default to 16-bit (Dave Airlie) [1056356] - [drm] cirrus: correct register values for 16bpp (Dave Airlie) [1056352] - [infiniband] mlx4: Build the port IBoE GID table properly under bonding (Doug Ledford) [1061729] - [infiniband] mlx4: Do IBoE GID table resets in port based manner (Doug Ledford) [1061729] - [infiniband] mlx4: Do IBoE locking earlier when initializing the GID table (Doug Ledford) [1061729] - [infiniband] mlx4: Move rtnl locking to the right location (Doug Ledford) [1061729] - [infiniband] mlx4: Make sure GID index 0 is always occupied (Doug Ledford) [1061729] - [infiniband] mlx4: Report using RoCE IP based gids in port caps (Doug Ledford) [1061729] - [mm] thp: fix infinite loop on memcg OOM (Motohiro Kosaki) [1054655] - [mm] thp: count thp_fault_fallback anytime thp fault fails (Motohiro Kosaki) [1054655] - [mm] thp: consolidate code between handle_mm_fault() and, do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page() (Motohiro Kosaki) [1054655] - [mm] thp: do_huge_pmd_anonymous_page() cleanup (Motohiro Kosaki) [1054655] - [fs] nfs: fix error return in nfs4_select_rw_stateid (Steve Dickson) [1071041] - [fs] nfs: Use the correct net namespace in nfs4_update_server (Steve Dickson) [1071041] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a pipe_version reference leak (Steve Dickson) [1071041] - [net] sunrpc: Fix races in xs_nospace() (Steve Dickson) [1071041] - [fs] nfs: Do not set NFS_INO_INVALID_LABEL unless server supports labeled NFS (Steve Dickson) [1071041] - [target] iscsi: Fix network portal creation race (Andy Grover) [1055064] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add missing bit in default Tx switching (Michal Schmidt) [1070726] - [pci] dev_num_vf needs to return an int, not a bool (Alex Williamson) [1066825] - [kernel] cgroup: update cgroup_enable_task_cg_lists() to grab siglock (Rik van Riel) [1070919] - [powerpc] mm: Fix mmap errno when MAP_FIXED is set and mapping exceeds the allowed address space (Jerome Marchand) [1053681]- [fs] btrfs: fix the race between write back and nocow buffered write (Zach Brown) [1051406] - [fs] btrfs: fix the wrong nocow range check (Zach Brown) [1051406] - [fs] btrfs: fix the reserved space leak caused by the race between nonlock dio and buffered io (Zach Brown) [1051406] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup unnecessary parameter and variant of prepare_pages() (Zach Brown) [1051406] - [fs] btrfs: fix access_ok() check in btrfs_ioctl_send() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: make sure we cleanup all reloc roots if error happens (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: skip building backref tree for uuid and quota tree when doing balance relocation (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix an oops when doing balance relocation (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't miss skinny extent items on delayed ref head contention (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: call mnt_drop_write after interrupted subvol deletion (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't clear the default compression type (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: backport of btrfs part of "block: submit_bio_wait() conversions" (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [Documentation] filesystems: update btrfs tools section (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [Documentation] filesystems: add new btrfs mount options (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: update kconfig help text (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix bio_size_ok() for max_sectors > 0xffff (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Use trace condition for get_extent tracepoint (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix typo in the log message (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix list delete warning when removing ordered root from the list (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: print bytenr instead of page pointer in check-int (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove dead codes from ctree.h (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't wait for ordered data outside desired range (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix lockdep error in async commit (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: avoid heavy operations in btrfs_commit_super (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix __btrfs_start_workers retval (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: disable online raid-repair on ro mounts (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: do not inc uncorrectable_errors counter on ro scrubs (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: only drop modified extents if we logged the whole inode (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: make sure to copy everything if we rename (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't BUG_ON() if we get an error walking backrefs (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: get rid of fdentry() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix empty_zero_page misusage (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: rename btrfs_start_all_delalloc_inodes (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't wait for the completion of all the ordered extents (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't wait for all the async delalloc when shrinking delalloc (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix the confusion between delalloc bytes and metadata bytes (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: pick up the code for the item number calculation in flush_space() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: wait for the ordered extent only when we want (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary initialization and memory barrier in shrink_delalloc() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: avoid unnecessary scrub workers allocation (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: check file extent type before anything else (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Remove useless variable in write_ctree_super() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Fix warning of spacing issues (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Replace kmalloc with kmalloc_array (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Enclose macros with complex values within parenthesis (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Use WARN_ON()'s return value in place of WARN_ON(1) (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Remove redundant local zero structure (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Pack struct btrfs_device (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Replace multiple atomic_inc() with atomic_add() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Add helper function for free_root_pointers() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix a crash when running balance and defrag concurrently (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: do not run snapshot-aware defragment on error (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: log recovery, don't unlink inode always on error (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix csum search offset/length calculation in log tree (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix verification of dir_item (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove scrub_super_lock holding in btrfs_sync_log() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: use 'u64' rather than 'int' to get extent's generation (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix the free space write out failure when there is no data space (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: stop committing the transaction so much during relocate (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: make sure the delalloc workers actually flush compressed writes (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: take ordered root lock when removing ordered operations inode (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't abort transaction in run_delalloc_nocow (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: do not bug_on if we try to cow a free space cache inode (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: return an error from btrfs_wait_ordered_range (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: stop using vfs_read in send (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: check_int, remove warning for mixed-mode (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix check_int 'leaf item out of bounce' regression (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: optimize extent item search in run_delayed_extent_op (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: add tracing for failed reservations (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove fs/btrfs/compat.h (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove move_pages() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: use get_seconds() instead of btrfs wrapper (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix incorrect inode acl reset (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Don't allocate inode that is already in use (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs_prev_leaf() previous key computation (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: optimize tree-log.c:count_inode_refs() (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: simplify kmalloc+copy_from_user to memdup_user (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_add_ordered_operation, Fix last modified transaction comparison (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't leak delayed node on path allocation failure (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Wait for uuid-tree rebuild task on remount read-only (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: init device stats for new devices (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fixup error path in __btrfs_inc_extent_ref (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: disallow 'btrfs (balance, replace) cancel' on ro mounts (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't leak ioctl args in btrfs_ioctl_dev_replace (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: nuke a bogus rw_devices decrement in __btrfs_close_devices (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Fix memory leakage in the tree-log.c (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: kill unused code in btrfs_search_forward (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup dead code of defragment (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary key copy when logging inode (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: Simplify the logic in alloc_extent_buffer() for existing extent buffer case (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix up seek_hole/seek_data handling (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: add an assert to btrfs_lookup_csums_range for alignment (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix hole check in log_one_extent (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: add a sanity test for a vacant extent at the front of a file (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: handle a missing extent for the first file extent (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: stop all workers after we free block groups (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: add tests for btrfs_get_extent (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: add tests for find_lock_delalloc_range (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: free reserved space on error in a few places (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fixup reserved trace points (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: free up block groups after everything (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup reserved space when freeing tree log on error (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: do not free the dirty bytes from the trans block rsv on cleanup (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leaks on transaction commit failure (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix the dev-replace suspend sequence (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: improve inode hash function/inode lookup (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary tree search when logging inode (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused max_key arg from btrfs_search_forward (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak of chunks' extent map (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: improve jitter performance of the sequential buffered write (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix BUG_ON() casued by the reserved space migration (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused parameter from btrfs_header_fsid (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix two use-after-free bugs with transaction cleanup (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove all BUG_ON()'s from commit_cowonly_roots (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't delete ordered roots from list during cleanup (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup transaction on abort (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: do not release metadata for space cache inodes (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: reset intwrite on transaction abort (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't leak block group on error (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix sync fs to actually wait for all data to be persisted (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: fix tracking of orphan inode count (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: export btrfs space shared info to userspace (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove path arg from btrfs_truncate_free_space_cache (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: remove duplicated ino cache's inode lookup (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: do a full search everytime in btrfs_search_old_slot (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: add a sanity test for btrfs_split_item (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: drop unused parameter from btrfs_item_nr (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: don't store NULL byte in symlink extents (Zach Brown) [1051282] - [fs] btrfs: eliminate the exceptional root_tree refs=0 (Zach Brown) [1051282]- [scsi] report sense even for TEST UNIT READY commands (Ewan Milne) [1070982] - [bfa] Fix for crash during sfpshow command (Chad Dupuis) [1065950] - [mm] fix GFP_THISNODE callers and clarify (Johannes Weiner) [1069551 1069639] - [mm] page_alloc: exempt GFP_THISNODE allocations from zone fairness (Johannes Weiner) [1069551 1069639] - [scsi] reserve space in structures for future scsi-mq changes (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] remove unprep_rq_fn (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [scsi] reintroduce scsi_driver.init_command (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: support partial I/O completions (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: merge blk_mq_insert_request and blk_mq_run_request (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: remove blk_mq_alloc_rq (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: pair blk_mq_start_request / blk_mq_requeue_request (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: dont assume rq->errors is set when returning an error from ->queue_rq (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] Fix type mismatch in ssize_t_blk_mq_tag_sysfs_show (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: rework flush sequencing logic (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: use blk_complete_request and blk_mq_complete_request (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: rework I/O completions (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: Fix completion processing from LIFO to FIFO (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [lib] llist: move llist_reverse_order from raid5 to llist.c (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [lib] llist: llist_add() can use llist_add_batch() (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [lib] llist: fix_simplify llist_add() and llist_add_batch() (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: Add bio_integrity setup to blk_mq_make_request (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: initialize sg_reserved_size (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: handle dma_drain_size (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: divert __blk_put_request for MQ ops (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: support at_head inserations for blk_execute_rq (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: Null pointer deference problem in alloc_page_buffers (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: fix queue leak inside removing device (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: support submit_queues on use_per_node_hctx (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: set use_per_node_hctx param to false (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: warning on ignored submit_queues param (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: refactor init and init errors code paths (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: mem garbage on NUMA systems during init (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: corrections to documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] null_blk: fix differences between RHEL7 and upstream (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [target] iscsi-target: Fix connection reset hang with percpu_ida_alloc (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [lib] percpu_ida: Make percpu_ida_alloc + callers accept task state bitmask (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [lib] percpu_ida: Removing unused arguement from alloc_local_tag (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: use hotcpu_notifier() (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: uses page->list incorrectly (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: use __smp_call_function_single directly (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [kernel] provide a __smp_call_function_single stub for !CONFIG_SMP (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: fix initializing request's start time (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: don't export blk_mq_free_queue() (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: make blk_sync_queue support mq (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [block] blk-mq: support draining mq queue (Mike Snitzer) [1071014] - [virt] kvm/x86: emulator_cmpxchg_emulated should mark_page_dirty (Marcelo Tosatti) [994431] - [x86] irq: Fix kbuild warning in smp_irq_move_cleanup_interrupt() (Prarit Bhargava) [1065735] - [security] selinux: put the mmap() DAC controls before the MAC controls (Paul Moore) [1070827] - [infiniband] iser: Avoid dereferncing iscsi_iser conn object when not bound to iser connection (Doug Ledford) [1061129] - [mm] Use ptep/pmdp_set_numa() for updating _PAGE_NUMA bit (Steve Best) [1049012] - [mm] Dirty accountable change only apply to non prot numa case (Steve Best) [1049012] - [powerpc] mm: Add new "set" flag argument to pte/pmd update function (Steve Best) [1049012] - [powerpc] mm: Enable _PAGE_NUMA for book3s (Steve Best) [1049012] - [powerpc] mm: Only check for _PAGE_PRESENT in set_pte/pmd functions (Steve Best) [1049012] - [powerpc] mm: Free up _PAGE_COHERENCE for numa fault use later (Steve Best) [1049012] - [powerpc] mm: Use HPTE constants when updating hpte bits (Steve Best) [1049012] - [mm] Move change_prot_numa outside CONFIG_ARCH_USES_NUMA_PROT_NONE (Steve Best) [1049012]- [target] Pass through I/O topology for block backstores (Andy Grover) [873474] - [target] iscsi-target: ST response on IN6ADDR_ANY socket (Andy Grover) [913033] - [security] keys: Fix searching of nested keyrings (David Howells) [1033467] - [security] keys: Fix multiple key add into associative array (David Howells) [1033467] - [security] keys: Fix the keyring hash function (David Howells) [1033467] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix generic option settings (Michal Schmidt) [1066076] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix kvm report without guestmount (Jiri Olsa) [1051298] - [mm] readahead: fix readahead failure for memoryless NUMA nodes and limit readahead pages (Steve Best) [1062288] - [ethernet] Mark Intel DH8900CC Series Gigabit Network Device Unsupported (Prarit Bhargava) [727275] - [drm] nouveau/mxm: fix null deref on load (Ben Skeggs) [1067807] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix device ID define names to align to standard (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: add DCB option to Kconfig (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: add DCB and DCBNL support (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: implement DCB support infastructure (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor flow director (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: rename defines (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: whitespace fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Change firmware workaround (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: fix compile warning on checksum_local (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: updates to AdminQ interface (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: check desc pointer before printing (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: delete non-required instances of include (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Retain MAC filters on port VLAN deletion (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Warn admin to reload VF driver on port VLAN configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version number (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: trivial cleanup (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: whitespace fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: make message meaningful (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: associate VMDq queue with VM type (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: remove extra register write (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: fix log message wording (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: enable PTP (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: call clear_pxe after adminq is initialized (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: clear qtx_head before enabling Tx queue (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: adjust ITR max and min values (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: check for possible incorrect ipv6 checksum (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: allow VF to remove any MAC filter (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: do not bail when disabling if Tx queue disable fails (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Setting queue count to 1 using ethtool is valid (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Cleanup Doxygen warnings (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: fix long lines (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Update the Current NVM version Low value (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: drop unused macros (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: use assignment instead of memcpy (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Turn flow director off in MFP mode (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Add a dummy packet template (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: fix spelling errors (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: formatting and checkpatch fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: shorten wordy fields (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: accept pf to pf adminq messages (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: remove interrupt on AQ error (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: release NVM resource reservation on startup (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Cleanup reconfig rss path (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: disable packet split (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: add a comment on barrier and fix panic on reset (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix MAC format in Write MAC address AQ cmd (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix GPL header (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: use kernel specific defines (Stefan Assmann) [1057192] - [ethernet] i40e: Re-enable interrupt on ICR0 (Stefan Assmann) [1057192]- [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [1063205] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Initialize hardware queue for ISP40XX (Chad Dupuis) [1063205] - [fs] cifs: mask off top byte in get_rfc1002_length() (Sachin Prabhu) [1062588] {CVE-2014-0069} - [infiniband] mlx4: Add support for steerable IB UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1058518] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add mechanism to support flow steering over IB links (Doug Ledford) [1058518] - [infiniband] mlx4: Enable device-managed steering support for IB ports too (Doug Ledford) [1058518] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add support for steerable IB UD QPs (Doug Ledford) [1058518] - [infiniband] core: Add support for IB L2 device-managed steering (Doug Ledford) [1058518] - [infiniband] core: Add flow steering support for IPoIB UD traffic (Doug Ledford) [1058518] - [scsi] isci: correct erroneous for_each_isci_host macro (David Milburn) [1054302] - [virt] vhost/net: disable zero copy by default (Jason Wang) [1069045] - [x86] cpu-hotplug: Fix stack frame warning in check_irq_vectors_for_cpu_disable() (Prarit Bhargava) [1061317] - [drm] radeon/kms: add crtc_disable function for legacy crtc (Jerome Glisse) [1029570] - [drm] radeon/kms: unpin fb in atombios crtc disable (Jerome Glisse) [1029570] - [powerpc] Fix 32-bit frames for signals delivered when transactional (Steve Best) [1059703] - [edac] Correct workqueue setup path (Aristeu Rozanski) [1055892] - [edac] Poll timeout cannot be zero, p2 (Aristeu Rozanski) [1055892] - [edac] edac_mc_sysfs: poll timeout cannot be zero (Aristeu Rozanski) [1055892]- [fs] cifs: sanity check length of data to send before sending (Sachin Prabhu) [1062588] {CVE-2014-0069} - [fs] cifs: ensure that uncached writes handle unmapped areas correctly (Sachin Prabhu) [1062588] {CVE-2014-0069} - [fs] cifs: set FILE_CREATED (Sachin Prabhu) [1065982] - [fs] ext4: Disable punch hole on non-extent mapped files (Lukas Czerner) [1033438] - [fs] Fix mountpoint reference leakage in linkat (Jeff Layton) [1063287] - [fs] NFSD/sunrpc: avoid deadlock on TCP connection due to memory pressure ("J. Bruce Fields") [994257] - [fs] nfsd: consider CLAIM_FH when handing out delegation ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: minor nfs4_setlease cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: need to destroy revoked delegations in destroy_client ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd: no need to unhash_stid before free ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4_open_delegation needs to remove_stid rather than unhash_stid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd: nfs4_free_stid ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: fix leak of inode reference on delegation failure ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: fix setlease error return ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: fix delegation-unlink/rename race ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: delay setting current_fh in open ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd4: break only delegations when appropriate ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd: make sure to balance get/put_write_access ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] nfsd: split up nfsd_setattr ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: break delegations on any attribute modification ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: break delegations on link ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: break delegations on rename ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: helper functions for delegation breaking ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: break delegations on unlink ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] namei: minor vfs_unlink cleanup ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: implement delegations ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] locks: introduce new FL_DELEG lock flag ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] vfs: take i_mutex on renamed file ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] vfs: rename I_MUTEX_QUOTA now that it's not used for quotas ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] vfs: don't use PARENT/CHILD lock classes for non-directories ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] vfs: pull ext4's double-i_mutex-locking into common code ("J. Bruce Fields") [1031097] - [fs] ext4: fix FITRIM in no journal mode (Lukas Czerner) [1044519] - [fs] ext4: add ratelimiting to ext4 messages (Lukas Czerner) [1044513] - [fs] ext4: rate limit printk in buffer_io_error() (Lukas Czerner) [1044513] - [fs] ext4: translate flag bits to strings in tracepoints (Lukas Czerner) [1044505] - [fs] ext4: Fix fsync error handling after filesystem abort (Lukas Czerner) [1044501]- [x86] Makefile: add -Werror to compile (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [edac] sb_edac: Shut up compiler warning when EDAC_DEBUG is enabled (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [kernel] mutex: Avoid label warning when !CONFIG_MUTEX_SPIN_ON_OWNER (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix compiler warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [isdn] hfcpci_softirq: get func return to suppress compiler warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [x86] Fix return value in generic_processor_info() (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [wireless] rtlwifi: initialize local array and set value (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [ethernet] mlx4: clean up srq_res_start_move_to() (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [ethernet] mlx4: clean up cq_res_start_move_to() (Prarit Bhargava) [1006333] - [powerpc] Link VDSOs at 0x0 (Steve Best) [1066468] - [powerpc] Use unstripped VDSO image for more accurate profiling data (Steve Best) [1066468] - [scsi] fnic: Incremented driver version (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: Fnic Statistics Collection (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: host reset returns nonzero value(errno) on (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: Convert uses of compare_ether_addr to ether_addr_equal (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: fnic Driver Tuneables Exposed through CLI (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: Kernel panic while running sh/nosh with max lun (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: Hitting BUG_ON(io_req->abts_done) in (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: Remove QUEUE_FULL handling code (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: On system with >1.1TB RAM, VIC fails multipath (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: FC stat param seconds_since_last_reset not (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: BUG, sleeping function called from invalid (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: switch to fixed_size_llseek() (Chris Leech) [831836] - [scsi] fnic: potential dead lock in fnic_is_abts_pending() (Chris Leech) [831836] - [powerpc] mm: Fix compile error of pgtable-ppc64.h (Steve Best) [1047636] - [powerpc] thp: Fix crash on mremap (Steve Best) [1047636] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Allow VF rss on higher PFs (Michal Schmidt) [1062634] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix VF flr flow (Michal Schmidt) [1062634] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Correct default Tx switching behaviour (Michal Schmidt) [1058592] - [block] sg_io: allow WRITE SAME without CAP_SYS_RAWIO (Paolo Bonzini) [966883] - [block] sg_io: introduce unpriv_sgio queue flag (Paolo Bonzini) [966883] - [block] sg_io: pass request_queue to blk_verify_command (Paolo Bonzini) [966883] - [scsi] aacraid: prevent invalid pointer dereference (Frantisek Hrbata) [1034301] {CVE-2013-6380} - [ethernet] be2net: Fix be_vlan_add/rem_vid() routines (Ivan Vecera) [1065829] - [wireless] libertas: potential oops in debugfs (Denys Vlasenko) [1034178] {CVE-2013-6378} - [mm] remove bogus warning in copy_huge_pmd() (Rik van Riel) [1067326] - [wireless] ath9k: properly set MAC address and BSSID mask (Denys Vlasenko) [1033071] {CVE-2013-4579} - [video] matroxfb: Default to 1024x768 @ 60 (Adam Jackson) [1055533] - [powerpc] pseries: Add Gen3 definitions for PCIE link speed (Jerome Glisse) [1056701] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix regression on PCI link speed (Jerome Glisse) [1056701]- [fs] nfs: nfs4_destroy_session must call rpc_destroy_waitqueue (Steve Dickson) [1061707] - [fs] nfs: Fix memory corruption in nfs4_proc_open_confirm (Steve Dickson) [1061707] - [fs] nfs: initialize the ACL support bits to zero (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: Cleanup (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs41_sequence_done (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: Fix a slot leak in nfs40_sequence_done (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: free slot before resending I/O to MDS (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: add memory barriers around NFS_INO_INVALID_DATA and NFS_INO_INVALIDATING (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: Fix races in nfs_revalidate_mapping (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [net] sunrpc: turn warn_gssd() log message into a dprintk() (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: fix the handling of NFS_INO_INVALID_DATA flag in nfs_revalidate_mapping (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: handle servers that support only ALLOW ACE type (Steve Dickson) [1059241 919382] - [fs] nfs: Proper delay for NFS4ERR_RECALLCONFLICT in layout_get_done (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: fix BUG in filelayout_recover_commit_reqs (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: fix discover_server_trunking use after free (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: Handle errors correctly in nfs41_walk_client_list (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: always make sure page is up-to-date before extending a write to cover the entire page (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: page cache invalidation for dio (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: take i_mutex during direct I/O reads (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: merge nfs_direct_write into nfs_file_direct_write (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: merge nfs_direct_read into nfs_file_direct_read (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: increment i_dio_count for reads, too (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: defer inode_dio_done call until size update is done (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: fix size updates for aio writes (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: properly handle ENOTSUP in SECINFO_NO_NAME (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: Fix a race in nfs4_write_inode (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: Don't trust attributes if a pNFS LAYOUTCOMMIT is outstanding (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: use p(dD) point to the right include file in a comment (left over from a9004abc3) (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: dprintk() should not print negative fileids and inode numbers (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: use (dD) instead of open-coded (and often racy) equivalents (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [lib] vsprintf: document formats for dentry and struct file (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [lib] vsprintf: add formats for dentry/file pathnames (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: fix dead code of ipv6_addr_scope (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [net] sunrpc: Fix infinite loop in RPC state machine (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [net] sunrpc: Add tracepoint for socket errors (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [net] sunrpc: Report connection error values to rpc_tasks on the pending queue (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [net] sunrpc: Handle connect errors ECONNABORTED and EHOSTUNREACH (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure xprt_connect_status handles all potential connection errors (Steve Dickson) [1059622] - [fs] nfs: OPEN must handle the NFS4ERR_IO return code correctly (Steve Dickson) [1059622]- [powerpc] finish off merge to put FP/VSX and VR state into structures (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in pseries EEH code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in nvram code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix endian issues in crash dump code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in MSI code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix PCIE link speed endian issue (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix topology core_id endian issue on LE builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix endian issue in setup-common.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] allyesconfig should not select CONFIG_CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix error when cross building TAGS & cscope (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] kvm: allow guest control "E" attribute in mas2 (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Wrong DWARF CFI in the kernel vdso for little-endian / ELFv2 (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add CONFIG_CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN kernel config option (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Don't use ELFv2 ABI to build the kernel (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] ELF2 binaries signal handling (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] ELF2 binaries launched directly (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Set eflags correctly for ELF ABIv2 core dumps (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add TIF_ELF2ABI flag (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Remove big endianness assumption in of_find_next_cache_node (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] word-at-a-time optimization for 64-bit Little Endian (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] bpf: BPF JIT compiler for 64-bit Little Endian (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] nvram: Fix endian issue when using the partition length (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] nvram: Fix endian issue when reading the NVRAM size (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Use -mcpu=power7 on ppc64 little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] booke64: Use appropriate -mcpu (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix Unaligned LE Floating Point Loads and Stores (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix Unaligned Loads and Stores (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Enable Little Endian Alignment Handler for Float Pair Instructions (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix Handler of Unaligned Load/Store Strings (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in pseries iommu code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix little endian issue in OF PCI scan (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make kernel module helper endian-safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] prom_init exception when updating core value (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] kernel: Fix endian issue in rtas_pci (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Work around little endian gcc bug (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Don't set HAVE_EFFICIENT_UNALIGNED_ACCESS on little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add ability to build little endian kernels (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] kvm: Disable KVM on little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] hvsi: Fix endian issues in HVSI driver (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: More little endian issues in OPAL RTC driver (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Don't register exception handlers in little endian mode (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix OPAL entry and exit in little endian mode (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues in OPAL console and udbg backend (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues in powernv PCI code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Make OPAL NVRAM device tree accesses endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues in OPAL ICS backend (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix endian issues in OPAL RTC driver (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian sparse clean up for arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/pci-ioda.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian fix for arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/pci-p5ioc2.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian fix for arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/pci.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian fixes for platforms/powernv/opal.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] uname should return ppc64le/ppcle on little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Use generic memcpy code in little endian (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Use generic checksum code in little endian (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Handle VSX alignment faults in little endian mode (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add little endian support to alignment handler (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Alignment handler shouldn't access VSX registers with TS_FPR (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Remove hard coded FP offsets in alignment handler (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Remove open coded byte swap macro in alignment handler (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Endian safe trampoline (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Include the appropriate endianness header (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Set MSR_LE bit on little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add little endian support for word-at-a-time functions (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Support endian agnostic MMIO (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian builds double word swap VSX state during context save/restore (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] PTRACE_PEEKUSR/PTRACE_POKEUSER of FPR registers in little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix offset of FPRs in VSX registers in little endian builds (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Book 3S MMU little endian support (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix endian issues in VMX copy loops (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make rwlocks endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix little endian coredumps (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Simplify logic in include/uapi/asm/elf.h (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix endian issues in H_GET_TERM_CHAR/H_PUT_TERM_CHAR (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] pseries: Simplify H_GET_TERM_CHAR (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian SMP IPI demux (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Emulate instructions in little endian mode (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix little endian lppaca, slb_shadow and dtl_entry (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add endian annotations to lppaca, slb_shadow and dtl_entry (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Stop using non-architected shared_proc field in lppaca (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make NUMA device node code endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Little endian fixes for legacy_serial.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make PCI device node device tree accesses endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make OF PCI device tree accesses endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make device tree accesses in VIO subsystem endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make device tree accesses in cache info code endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] of_parse_dma_window should take a __be32 *dma_window (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Fix some endian issues in xics code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Add some endian annotations to time and xics code (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] More little endian fixes for setup-common.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make logical to real cpu mapping code endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make RTAS calls endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make cache info device tree accesses endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make RTAS device tree accesses endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] More little endian fixes for prom.c (Steve Best) [1051192] - [powerpc] Make prom.c device tree accesses endian safe (Steve Best) [1051192]- [net] netfilter: xt_nfqueue: fix --queue-bypass regression (Florian Westphal) [1067042] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject_inet: fix unintended fall-through in switch-statatement (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix log/queue expressions for NFPROTO_INET (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add reject module for NFPROTO_INET (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject: split up reject module into IPv4 and IPv6 specifc parts (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add hook ops to struct nft_pktinfo (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject: fix compilation warning if NF_TABLES_IPV6 is disabled (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: add help information to new nf_tables Kconfig options (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject: support for IPv6 and TCP reset (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: reject: separate reusable code (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nft: add queue module (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: xt_nfqueue: separate reusable code (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: ip6t_reject: skip checksum verification for outgoing ipv6 packets (Jiri Benc) [1066156] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: check if payload length is a power of 2 (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: fix typo "CONFIG_NET_CLS_ROUTE" (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: unininline nft_trace_packet() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix loop checking with end interval elements (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_rbtree: fix data handling of end interval elements (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: do not allow NFT_SET_ELEM_INTERVAL_END flag and data (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix racy rule deletion (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix log/queue expressions for NFPROTO_INET (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add AF specific expression support (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: fix missing NFT_CT_L3PROTOCOL key in validity checks (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix potential oops when dumping sets (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix overrun in nf_tables_set_alloc_name() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix oops when deleting a chain with references (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: fix unconditional dump of 'dir' attr (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: fix compilation warning if NF_CONNTRACK_MARK is not set (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: Add dependency on IPV6 for NF_TABLES_INET (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix missing byteorder conversion in policy (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix error path in the init functions (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: rename nft_do_chain_pktinfo() to nft_do_chain() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: prohibit deletion of a table with existing sets (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: take AF module reference when creating a table (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: perform flags validation before table allocation (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: minor nf_chain_type cleanups (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: constify chain type definitions and pointers (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: replay request after dropping locks to load chain type (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add missing module references to chain types (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix chain type module reference handling (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix check for table overflow (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: restore chain change atomicity (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: split chain policy validation from actually setting it (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: fix lack of validation of the input register (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: Add support to set the connmark (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_ct: load both IPv4 and IPv6 conntrack modules for NFPROTO_INET (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_meta: add l4proto support (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add nfproto support to meta expression (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add "inet" table for IPv4/IPv6 (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add support for multi family tables (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add hook ops to struct nft_pktinfo (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: make chain types override the default AF functions (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: dump sets in all existing families (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove unused variable in nf_tables_dump_set() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix type in parsing in nf_tables_set_alloc_name() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: add help information to new nf_tables Kconfig options (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: select NFNETLINK when enabling NF_TABLES (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove nft_meta_target (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: nft_meta module get/set ops (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Expose the table usage counter via netlink (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix issue with verdict support (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix wrong datatype in nft_validate_data_load() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix oops when updating table with user chains (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix dumping with large number of sets (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_exthdr: call ipv6_find_hdr() with explicitly initialized offset (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_reject: fix endianness in dump function (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] nf_tables*.h: Remove extern from function prototypes (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: fix missing rules flushing per table (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: fix error path in nft_parse_compat() (Jiri Benc) [1034791] - [net] pktgen: Fix position of ip and udp header (Jiri Pirko) [1067485] - [net] nf: remove automatic helper assignment removal warning (Jiri Pirko) [1066453] - [net] inet_diag: fix inet_diag_dump_icsk() to use correct state for timewait sockets (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: use sock_gen_put() (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] inet_diag: use sock_gen_put() (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] inet: rename ir_loc_port to ir_num (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] inet: includes a sock_common in request_sock (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] inet: inet_timewait_sock.h missing semi-colon when KMEMCHECK is enabled (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] fix build errors if ipv6 is disabled (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] sctp: fix initialization of local source address on accepted ipv6 sockets (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] ipv6: make lookups simpler and faster (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] tcp/dccp: remove twchain (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] tcp: shrink tcp6_timewait_sock by one cache line (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] inet: consolidate INET_TW_MATCH (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] inet*.h: Remove extern from function prototypes (Jesper Brouer) [1059721] - [net] openvswitch: datapath: fix dp check in ovs_dp_reset_user_features (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Suppress error messages on megaflow updates (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Fix ovs_flow_free() ovs-lock assert (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Fix kernel panic on ovs_flow_free (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Pad OVS_PACKET_ATTR_PACKET if linear copy was performed (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [tools] perf: Fix include for non x86 architectures (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Use kmem_cache_free() instead of kfree() (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Compute checksum in skb_gso_segment() if needed (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Use skb_zerocopy() for upcall (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Pass datapath into userspace queue functions (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Drop user features if old user space attempted to create datapath (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Allow user space to announce ability to accept unaligned Netlink messages (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] Export skb_zerocopy() to zerocopy from one skb to another (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] nf_queue: add NFQA_SKB_CSUM_NOTVERIFIED info flag (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: remove duplicated include from flow_table.c (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: use kfree_rcu instead of rcu_free_{sw_flow_mask_cb, acts_callback} (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Per cpu flow stats (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Enable memory mapped Netlink i/o (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] netlink: Avoid netlink mmap alloc if msg size exceeds frame size (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] genl: Add genlmsg_new_unicast() for unicast message allocation (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Silence RCU lockdep checks from flow lookup (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Change ovs_flow_tbl_lookup_xx() APIs (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Shrink sw_flow_mask by 8 bytes (64-bit) or 4 bytes (32-bit) (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: Correct comment (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] Add utility functions to clear rxhash (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] openvswitch: use CRC32 accelerated flow hash if available (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [lib] hash: follow-up fixups for arch hash (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [lib] hash: Add missing arch generic-y entries for asm-generic/hash.h (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [lib] hash: introduce arch optimized hash library (Francesco Fusco) [1057099] - [net] rtnl: make ifla_policy static (Jiri Pirko) [1066614] - [net] ip, ipv6: handle gso skbs in forwarding path (Florian Westphal) [1065299] - [net] introduce netif_skb_dev_features (Florian Westphal) [1065299] - [net] add and use skb_gso_transport_seglen() (Florian Westphal) [1065299] - [net] bridge: separate querier and query timer into IGMP/IPv4 and MLD/IPv6 ones (Florian Westphal) [1065257] - [net] bridge: send query as soon as leave is received (Florian Westphal) [1065257] - [net] gro: remove a sparse error (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] ipv4: Use proper RCU APIs for writer-side in udp_offload.c (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Go over all candidate streams for GRO matching (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] ipv4: Use non-atomic allocation of udp offloads structure instance (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] ipv4: udp_offload: Handle static checker complaints (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Share RX skb de-marking and checksum checks with ovs (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Add GRO support for vxlan traffic (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: use __dev_get_by_index instead of dev_get_by_index to find interface (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: keep original skb ownership (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: remove vxlan_group_used in vxlan_open (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: release rt when found circular route (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Use ERR_CAST inlined function instead of ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(...)) (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Have the NIC drivers do less work for offloads (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: silence one build warning (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Use RCU apis to access sk_user_data (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Avoid creating fdb entry with NULL destination (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Fix sparse warnings (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Notify drivers for listening UDP port changes (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] vxlan: Optimize vxlan rcv (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] Export gro_find_by_type helpers (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] Add GRO support for UDP encapsulating protocols (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: change GRO overflow strategy (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gre_offload: fix sparse non static symbol warning (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gre: gro: Add GRE support to the GRO stack (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] ipv4: don't use module_init in non-modular gre_offload (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gre_offload: statically build GRE offloading support (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] ipv6: Fix alleged compiler warning in ipv6_exthdrs_len() (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] ipv6: fix compiler warning in ipv6_exthdrs_len (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: Prepare GRO stack for the upcoming tunneling support (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: small napi_get_frags() optim (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] tcp: do not export tcp_gso_segment() and tcp_gro_receive() (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: Clean up tcpX_gro_receive checksum verification (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: Only verify TCP checksums for candidates (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gso: handle new frag_list of frags GRO packets (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: allow to build full sized skb (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] tcp: gso: fix truesize tracking (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] tcp: rename tcp_tso_segment() (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] gro: should aggregate frames without DF (Thomas Graf) [1051111] - [net] sit: fix use after free of fb_tunnel_dev (Jiri Pirko) [1060210] - [net] sit: allow to use rtnl ops on fb tunnel (Jiri Pirko) [1060210] - [net] ip6tnl: fix use after free of fb_tnl_dev (Jiri Pirko) [1012835] - [net] ip6tnl: allow to use rtnl ops on fb tunnel (Jiri Pirko) [1012835] - [net] ip6tnl: add x-netns support (Jiri Pirko) [1012835] - [net] Correctly sync addresses from multiple sources to single device (Vlad Yasevich) [1059394]- [fs] xfs: ensure correct log item buffer alignment (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: ensure correct timestamp updates from truncate (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove XFS_TRANS_DEBUG dead code (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: return -E2BIG if hit the maximum size limits of ACLs (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: sanitize sb_inopblock in xfs_mount_validate_sb (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: convert xfs_log_commit_cil() to void (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use tr_qm_dqalloc log reservation for dquot alloc (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove unused tr_swrite (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use tr_growrtalloc for growing rt files (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: Calling destroy_work_on_stack() to pair with INIT_WORK_ONSTACK() (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix off-by-one error in xfs_attr3_rmt_verify (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: assert that we hold the ilock for extent map access (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_ilock_attr_map_shared in xfs_attr_list_int (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_ilock_attr_map_shared in xfs_attr_get (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_ilock_data_map_shared in xfs_qm_dqiterate (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_ilock_data_map_shared in xfs_qm_dqtobp (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: take the ilock around xfs_bmapi_read in xfs_zero_remaining_bytes (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: reinstate the ilock in xfs_readdir (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: add xfs_ilock_attr_map_shared (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: rename xfs_ilock_map_shared (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove xfs_iunlock_map_shared (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: no need to lock the inode in xfs_find_handle (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: abort metadata writeback on permanent errors (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: swalloc doesn't align allocations properly (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove xfsbdstrat error (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_icluster_size_fsb in xfs_imap (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_icluster_size_fsb in xfs_ifree_cluster (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_icluster_size_fsb in xfs_ialloc_inode_init (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: use xfs_icluster_size_fsb in xfs_bulkstat (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: introduce a common helper xfs_icluster_size_fsb (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: get rid of XFS_IALLOC_BLOCKS macros (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: get rid of XFS_INODE_CLUSTER_SIZE macros (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: get rid of XFS_IALLOC_INODES macros (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove the quotaoff log format from the quotaoff log item (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove the dquot log format from the dquot log item (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove the inode log format from the inode log item (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: format logged extents directly into the CIL (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: format log items write directly into the linear CIL buffer (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: introduce xlog_copy_iovec (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_inode_item_format (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_inode_item_size (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_buf_item_format_segment (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove duplicate code in xlog_cil_insert_format_items (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: align initial file allocations correctly (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix calculation of freed inode cluster blocks (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: xfs_dir2_block_to_sf temp buffer allocation fails (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix infinite loop by detaching the group/project hints from user dquot (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix assertion failure at xfs_setattr_nonsize (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: add xfs_setattr_time (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: tiny xfs_setattr_mode cleanup (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix false assertion at xfs_qm_vop_create_dqattach (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: integrate xfs_quota_priv header file to xfs_qm (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: make quota metadata truncation behavior consistent to user space (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix memory leak in xfs_dir2_node_removename (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: free the list of recovery items on error (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: growfs overruns AGFL buffer on V4 filesystems (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: don't perform discard if the given range length is less than block size (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment explaining xfs_trans_dqlockedjoin (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: underflow bug in xfs_attrlist_by_handle() (Brian Foster) [1059843 1034667] {CVE-2013-6382} - [fs] xfs: remove unused FI_ flags (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: open code inc_inode_iversion when logging an inode (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: increase inode cluster size for v5 filesystems (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix unlock in xfs_bmap_add_attrfork (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: simplify kmem_(zone_)zalloc (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: add tracepoints to AGF/AGI read operations (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: trace AIL manipulations (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: xfs_remove deadlocks due to inverted AGF vs AGI lock ordering (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix the extent count when allocating an new indirection array entry (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: be more forgiving of a v4 secondary sb w/ junk in v5 fields (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix possible NULL dereference in xlog_verify_iclog (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs:xfs_dir2_node.c: pointer use before check for null (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: prevent stack overflows from page cache allocation (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix static and extern sparse warnings (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: validity check the directory block leaf entry count (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: make dir2 ftype offset pointers explicit (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: convert directory vector functions to constants (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: convert directory vector functions to constants (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: vectorise encoding/decoding directory headers (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: vectorise DA btree operations (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: vectorise directory leaf operations (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: vectorise directory data operations part 2 (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: vectorise directory data operations (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: vectorise remaining shortform dir2 ops (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: abstract the differences in dir2/dir3 via an ops vector (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: split xfs_rtalloc.c for userspace sanity (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: decouple inode and bmap btree header files (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: decouple log and transaction headers (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove unused transaction callback variables (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: split dquot buffer operations out (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: unify directory/attribute format definitions (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: create a shared header file for format-related information (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fold xfs_change_file_space into xfs_ioc_space (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: simplify the fallocate path (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: always hold the iolock when calling xfs_change_file_space (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove the unused XFS_ATTR_NONBLOCK flag (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: always take the iolock around xfs_setattr_size (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: don't break from growfs ag update loop on error (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: don't emit corruption noise on fs probes (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove newlines from strings passed to __xfs_printk (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: prevent deadlock trying to cover an active log (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_inactive() error handling, kill VN_INACTIVE_(NO)CACHE (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: push down inactive transaction mgmt for ifree (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: push down inactive transaction mgmt for truncate (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: push down inactive transaction mgmt for remote symlinks (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: add the inode directory type support to XFS_IOC_FSGEOM (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: remove usage of is_bad_inode (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix the wrong new_size/rnew_size at xfs_iext_realloc_direct() (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: get rid of count from xfs_iomap_write_allocate() (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: Use kmem_free() instead of free() (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix memory leak in xlog_recover_add_to_trans (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: dirent dtype presence is dependent on directory magic numbers (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: lockdep needs to know about 3 dquot-deep nesting (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: log recovery lsn ordering needs uuid check (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: fix XFS_IOC_FREE_EOFBLOCKS definition (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: asserting lock not held during freeing not valid (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] xfs: lock the AIL before removing the buffer item (Brian Foster) [1059843] - [fs] ext4: yield during large unlinks (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: implement error handling of ext4_mb_new_preallocation() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: return FIEMAP_EXTENT_UNKNOWN for delalloc extents (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] jbd2: fix duplicate debug label for phase 2 (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] jbd2: drop checkpoint mutex when waiting in __jbd2_log_wait_for_space() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] jbd2: remove unused waitqueues (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] jbd2: fix race in t_outstanding_credits update in jbd2_journal_extend() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: fix use of potentially uninitialized variables in debugging code (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: check error return from ext4_write_inline_data_end() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] jbd2: relocate assert after state lock in journal_commit_transaction() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: add cond_resched() to ext4_free_blocks() & ext4_mb_regular_allocator() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: optimize test_root() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: add sanity check to ext4_get_group_info() (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: verify group number in verify_group_input() before using it (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] ext4: add check to io_submit_init_bio (Lukas Czerner) [1044544] - [fs] Fix race when checking i_size on direct i/o read (Robert S Peterson) [1052927] - [fs] gfs2: No need to invalidate pages for a dio read (Robert S Peterson) [1052927] - [fs] gfs2: Wait for async DIO in glock state changes (Robert S Peterson) [1052927] - [fs] gfs2: Fix incorrect invalidation for DIO/buffered I/O (Robert S Peterson) [1052927] - [fs] xfs: allow logical-sector sized O_DIRECT (Eric Sandeen) [999239] - [fs] xfs: rename xfs_buftarg structure members (Eric Sandeen) [999239] - [fs] xfs: clean up xfs_buftarg (Eric Sandeen) [999239] - [fs] xfs: simplify xfs_setsize_buftarg callchain; remove unused arg (Eric Sandeen) [999239] - [fs] sunrpc: Don't create a gss auth cache unless rpc.gssd is running (Steve Dickson) [1063752] - [fs] gfs2: journal data writepages update (Robert S Peterson) [1010452] - [fs] nfs: Fix SP4_MACH_CRED negotiation in EXCHANGE_ID (Steve Dickson) [1063509] - [fs] gfs2: Add hints to directory leaf blocks (Robert S Peterson) [1062143] - [fs] gfs2: Lock i_mutex and use a local gfs2_holder for fallocate (Robert S Peterson) [1062305] - [fs] compat: fix lookup_dcookie() parameter handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1060203] - [fs] compat: fix parameter handling for compat readv/writev syscalls (Hendrik Brueckner) [1049599]- [kernel] sched: Fix endless sync_sched/rcu() loop inside _cpu_down() (Rik van Riel) [1062647] - [kernel] sched: Remove extra put_online_cpus() inside sched_setaffinity() (Rik van Riel) [1062647] - [kernel] sched: Remove get_online_cpus() usage (Rik van Riel) [1062647] - [mm] move mmu notifier call from change_protection to change_pmd_range (Rik van Riel) [1066655] - [mm] numa: reorganize change_pmd_range (Rik van Riel) [1066655] - [kernel] sched/numa: add cond_resched to task_numa_work (Rik van Riel) [1066655] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fail initialization if P-state information is missing (Marcelo Tosatti) [1061481] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add X86_FEATURE_APERFMPERF to cpu match (Marcelo Tosatti) [1061481] - [ethernet] bnx2x: More Shutdown revisions (Michal Schmidt) [1046885] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Don't release PCI bars on shutdown (Michal Schmidt) [1046885] - [security] keys, shmem: implement kernel private shmem inodes (Paul Moore) [1031154 1034833]- [drm] nouveau/devinit: prevent use of engines marked as disabled by hw/vbios (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/device: provide a way for devinit to mark engines as disabled (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/devinit: tidy up the subdev class definition (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: populate master subdev pointer only when fully constructed (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/i2c: use a custom bitbanging delay for the adt7473 (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/bios: fix offset calculation for BMPv1 bioses (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: return offset of allocated notifier (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/bios: make jump conditional (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: fix mthd data submission (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/disp: min/max are reversed in nv50_crtc_gamma_set() (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/sw: fix oops if gpu has its display block disabled (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau/kms: send timestamp data for correct head in flip completion events (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: do not map evicted vram buffers in nouveau_bo_vma_add (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: shift wrapping bug in nvc0_grctx_generate_r406800 (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: allow nouveau_fence_ref() to be a noop (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: consider CLASS_DISPLAY_3D devices while detecting dsm/optimus (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] nouveau: only runtime suspend by default in optimus configuration (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: set correct pipe config for Hawaii in DCE (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: 0x9649 is SUMO2 not SUMO (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: expose render backend mask to the userspace (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fix render backend setup for SI and CIK (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fix UVD 256MB check (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Use the correct GMCH_CTRL register for Sandybridge+ (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: change CRTC assertion on LCPLL disable (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Fix erroneous dereference of batch_obj inside reset_status (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fix asic gfx values for scrapper asics (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: check for 0 count in speaker allocation and SAD code (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon/dpm: disable ss on Cayman (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: don't update the dri1 breadcrumb with modesetting (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Fix use-after-free in do_switch (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Hold mutex across i915_gem_release (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Take modeset locks around intel_modeset_setup_hw_state() (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: add missing display tiling setup for oland (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fix typo in cik_copy_dma (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: Fix sideport problems on certain RS690 boards (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] ttm: Fix accesses through vmas with only partial coverage (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] edid: add quirk for BPC in Samsung NP700G7A-S01PL notebook (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915/vlv: fix up broken precision in vlv_crtc_clock_get (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915/vlv: add VLV specific clock_get function v3 (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915/vlv: untangle integrated clock source handling v4 (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon/atom: fix bus probes when hw_i2c is set (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fixup bad vram size on SI (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: program DCE2 audio dto just like DCE3 (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fix typo in fetching mpll params (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: use the correct force_wake function at the PC8 code (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Fix pipe CSC post offset calculation (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] udl: fix issue with imported prime buffers (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: adjust TN dpm parameters for stability (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: hook up backlight functions for CI and KV family (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon/i2c: do not count reg index in number of i2c byte we are writing (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: fix UVD destroy IB size (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Replicate BIOS eDP bpp clamping hack for hsw (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: restore the early forcewake cleanup (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915/dvo: call ->mode_set callback only when the port is running (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] vmwgfx: Resource evict fixes (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: fix compiler warning (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] allow DRM_IOCTL_VERSION on render-nodes (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Fix the PPT fdi lane bifurcate state handling on ivb (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: No LVDS hardware on Intel D410PT and D425KT (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915/dp: workaround BIOS eDP bpp clamping issue (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Add HSW CRT output readout support (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] i915: Add support for pipe_bpp readout (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon/dpm: fix incompatible casting on big endian (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: disable bapm on KB (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [drm] radeon: use sw CTS/N values for audio on DCE4+ (Rob Clark) [1054409] - [s390] crypto: Fix aes-cbc IV corruption (Hendrik Brueckner) [1063810] - [s390] appldata: restore missing init_virt_timer() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1064246] - [s390] mm: Fix dump memory detection (Hendrik Brueckner) [1064244] - [s390] fix kernel crash due to linkage stack instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1059732] - [s390] crypto: fix des and des3_ede ctr concurrency issue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1062269] - [s390] crypto: fix des and des3_ede cbc concurrency issue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1062266] - [s390] crypto: fix concurrency issue in aes-ctr mode (Hendrik Brueckner) [1062260] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Fix referencing freed adapter (Steve Best) [1063483] - [mm] oom: base root bonus on current usage (Johannes Weiner) [822790] - [kernel] lockdep: increase MAX_LOCKDEP_ENTRIES (Kyle McMartin) [989385] - [scripts] ignore redhat/rpm (Prarit Bhargava) [1065511] - [security] selinux: Fix kernel BUG on empty security contexts (Paul Moore) [1064548] - [security] selinux: add SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY to the list of netlink message types (Paul Moore) [1022394] - [powerpc] eeh: Drop taken reference to driver on eeh_rmv_device (Steve Best) [1059851] - [scripts] Ignore *.mod.c (Mark Langsdorf) [1062383] - [mm] keep page cache radix tree nodes in check (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [lib] radix_tree: tree node interface (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] thrash detection-based file cache sizing (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] store shadow entries in page cache (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [lib] radix-tree: radix_tree_delete_item() (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] shmem: save one radix tree lookup when truncating swapped pages (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] prepare for non-page entries in page cache radix trees (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] vmstat: fix UP zone state accounting (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] filemap: move radix tree hole searching here (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [fs] cachefiles: use add_to_page_cache_lru() (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] page_alloc: revert NUMA aspect of fair allocation policy (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] page_alloc: fair zone allocator policy (Johannes Weiner) [1062372] - [mm] memory-failure: shift page lock from head page to tail page after thp split (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [fs] proc/page: add PageAnon check to surely detect thp (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] memory-failure: transfer page count from head page to tail page after split thp (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] memory-failure: recheck PageHuge() after hugetlb page migrate successfully (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] memory-failure: move set_migratetype_isolate() outside get_any_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: fix false report on 2nd attempt at page recovery (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: fix test for a transparent huge page (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] memory-failure: fix bug triggered by unpoisoning empty zero page (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: don't set migration type twice to avoid holding heavily contend zone->lock (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: replace atomic_long_sub() with atomic_long_dec() (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: fix race against poison thp (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: don't need to hold compound lock for hugetlbfs page (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: fix loss of PG_dirty for errors on mlocked pages (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] hwpoison: always unset MIGRATE_ISOLATE before returning from soft_offline_page() (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [mm] memory-failure: fix memory leak in successful soft offlining (Naoya Horiguchi) [1051704] - [virt] kvm: move KVM_CAP_HYPERV_TIME outside #ifdef (Vadim Rozenfeld) [1057170] - [virt] kvm: add support for Hyper-V reference time counter (Vadim Rozenfeld) [1057170] - [input] wacom: not all multi-interface devices support touch (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [input] wacom: add support for three new Intuos Pro devices (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [input] wacom: LED is only supported through digitizer interface (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [input] wacom: testing result shows get_report is unnecessary (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [input] wacom: send proper tablet state info when pen leaves proximity (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [input] wacom: fix error return code in wacom_probe() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [input] wacom: integrate resolution calculation (Aristeu Rozanski) [1022595] - [fs] buffer: __set_page_dirty uses spin_lock_irqsave instead of spin_lock_irq (Motohiro Kosaki) [1057270] - [mm] __set_page_dirty_nobuffers uses spin_lock_irqseve instead of spin_lock_irq (Motohiro Kosaki) [1057270] - [virt] hv/ballon: Make pressure posting thread sleep interruptibly (Luiz Capitulino) [1065107] - [input] hyperv-keyboard: pass through 0xE1 prefix (Jason Wang) [1044874] - [mm] drop_caches: add some documentation and info message (Johannes Weiner) [838935] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Performance boost fixes (Tomas Henzl) [1064509] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Set 32-bit DMA mask (Tomas Henzl) [1064509] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Big endian code related fixes (Tomas Henzl) [1064509] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Don't wait forever for non-IOCTL DCMDs (Tomas Henzl) [1064509]- [powerpc] Fix kdump hang issue on p8 with relocation on exception enabled (Steve Best) [1056321] - [powerpc] pseries: Disable relocation on exception while going down during crash (Steve Best) [1056321] - [kernel] sched/debug: Fix formatting of /proc//sched (Rik van Riel) [1064583] - [kernel] sched/fair: Remove unused variable from expire_cfs_rq_runtime() (Rik van Riel) [1064583] - [mm] vmscan: do not scale writeback pages when deciding whether to set ZONE_WRITEBACK (Rafael Aquini) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: do not continue scanning if reclaim was aborted for compaction (Rafael Aquini) [1009508] - [ethernet] bnx2{,x}: Make module parameters readable (Neil Horman) [1062836] - [ethernet] bnx2x: namespace and dead code cleanups (Neil Horman) [1062836] - [drm] radeon: remove generic rptr/wptr functions (Steve Best) [1048290] - [block] nvme: Namespace use after free on surprise removal (David Milburn) [1062640] - [block] nvme: Correct uses of INIT_WORK (David Milburn) [1062640] - [block] nvme: Include device and queue numbers in interrupt name (David Milburn) [1062640] - [block] nvme: Add a pci_driver shutdown method (David Milburn) [1062640]- [mm] hugetlb: correct missing private flag clearing (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: return a reserved page to a reserved pool if failed (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: fix subpool accounting handling (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: protect reserved pages when soft offlining a hugepage (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: decrement reserve count if VM_NORESERVE alloc page cache (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: remove decrement_hugepage_resv_vma() (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: clean-up alloc_huge_page() (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: add VM_NORESERVE check in vma_has_reserves() (Steve Best) [1062671] - [mm] hugetlb: do not use a page in page cache for cow optimization (Steve Best) [1062671] - [s390] uapi: fix struct statfs64 definition (Hendrik Brueckner) [1060191] - [ethernet] myri10ge: Add support for ndo_busy_poll (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1059561] - [ethernet] be2net: add dma_mapping_error() check for dma_map_page() (Ivan Vecera) [995992] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid offlining operational SCSI devices (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Remove target from list before freeing Scsi_Host structure (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Add change_queue_depth and change_queue_type support (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Make queue size configurable (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Introduce srp_alloc_req_data() (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Export sgid to sysfs (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Add periodic reconnect functionality (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Add periodic reconnect support (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Start timers if a transport layer error occurs (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Use SRP transport layer error recovery (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [scsi] scsi_transport_srp: Add transport layer error handling (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Keep rport as long as the IB transport layer (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Make transport layer retry count configurable (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Let srp_abort() return FAST_IO_FAIL if TL offline (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Bump driver version and release date (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Make HCA completion vector configurable (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Maintain a single connection per I_T nexus (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Fail I/O fast if target offline (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Skip host settle delay (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Avoid skipping srp_reset_host() after a transport error (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] srp: Fix remove_one crash due to resource exhaustion (Doug Ledford) [1046103] - [infiniband] iser-target: Move INIT_WORK setup into isert_create_device_ib_res (Andy Grover) [1051179] - [infiniband] iser-target: fix error return code in isert_create_device_ib_res() (Andy Grover) [1051179] - [target] Fix delayed Task Aborted Status (TAS) handling bug (Andy Grover) [1051179] - [x86] cpu: Always print SMP information in /proc/cpuinfo (Takahiro MUNEDA) [1062485] - [x86] add rh_cpuinfo_x86 shadow struct (Prarit Bhargava) [1010325] - [mm] thp: move preallocated PTE page table on move_huge_pmd() (Rik van Riel) [1063404] - [mm] numa: initialise numa balancing after jump label initialisation (Rik van Riel) [1059459] - [firmware] efivars: check for EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES (Kyle McMartin) [1058525]- [fs] nfs: fix mm page leak at nfs_symlink() (Rafael Aquini) [1060565] - [kernel] sched/balancing: Periodically decay max cost of idle balance (Larry Woodman) [1031475] - [kernel] sched/balancing: Consider max cost of idle balance per sched domain (Larry Woodman) [1031475] - [kernel] sched: Reduce overestimating rq->avg_idle (Larry Woodman) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: make sure we don't have a stale root path if unlazy_walk() fails (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] dcache: get/release read lock in read_seqbegin_or_lock() & friend (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] split read_seqretry_or_unlock(), convert d_walk() to resulting primitives (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] seqlock: Add a new locking reader type (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] dcache: Translating dentry into pathname without taking rename_lock (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: fix dentry RCU to refcounting possibly sleeping dput() (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: use lockred "dead" flag to mark unrecoverably dead dentries (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: reorganize dput() memory accesses (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: reimplement d_rcu_to_refcount() using lockref_get_or_lock() (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: use lockref_get_not_zero() for optimistic lockless dget_parent() (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: make the dentry cache use the lockref infrastructure (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] vfs: constify dentry parameter in d_count() (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [fs] helper for reading ->d_count (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: use arch_mutex_cpu_relax() in CMPXCHG_LOOP() (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: allow relaxed cmpxchg64 variant for lockless updates (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: use cmpxchg64 explicitly for lockless updates (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: add ability to mark lockrefs "dead" (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: fix docbook argument names (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: Relax in cmpxchg loop (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: implement lockless reference count updates using cmpxchg() (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: uninline lockref helper functions (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] lockref: add 'lockref_get_or_lock() helper (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [lib] Add new lockref infrastructure reference implementation (Rafael Aquini) [1031475] - [s390] kdump: Increase crashkernel=auto base reservation from 128M to 160M (Baoquan He) [1052769] - [scsi] Derive the FLUSH_TIMEOUT from the basic I/O timeout (Fam Zheng) [1047563] - [acpi] Enhance ACPI warning for memory/IO address conflicts (Prarit Bhargava) [1047974]- [scsi] hpsa: mark hpsa as a tech preview (Tomas Henzl) [1061210] - [x86] mark known Intel processors as supported (Prarit Bhargava) [920766] - [drm] mgag200: fix oops in cursor code (Dave Airlie) [1044701 1045159 1052739] - [kernel] audit: printk USER_AVC messages when audit isn't enabled (Richard Guy Briggs) [1051539] - [cpufreq] Do not hold driver module references for additional policy CPUs (Prarit Bhargava) [1043788] - [cpufreq] Remove extra variables from cpufreq_add_dev_symlink() (Prarit Bhargava) [1043788] - [net] tuntap: Fix for a race in accessing numqueues (Jason Wang) [1056399] - [mm] numa: add a sysctl for numa_balancing (Rik van Riel) [1059782] - [pci] Create 'pci_driver_rh' KABI shadowing structure (Myron Stowe) [1053796] - [pci] Convert 'pci_bus' allocations and frees (Myron Stowe) [1053796] - [pci] Create 'pci_bus_rh' KABI shadowing structure (Myron Stowe) [1053796] - [pci] Convert specific 'pci_dev' related constructs (Myron Stowe) [1053796] - [pci] Convert 'pci_dev' allocations and frees (Myron Stowe) [1053796] - [pci] Create 'pci_dev_rh' KABI shadowing structure (Myron Stowe) [1053796] - [fs] proc/meminfo: provide estimated available memory (Luiz Capitulino) [1058977] - [x86] apic, kexec: Add disable_cpu_apicid kernel parameter (Baoquan He) [994688] - [drm] mgag200: fix typo causing bw limits to be ignored on some chips (Dave Airlie) [1045495] - [drm] ast, cirrus, mgag200: use drm_can_sleep (Dave Airlie) [1056989] - [mm] prevent setting of a value less than 0 to min_free_kbytes (Steve Best) [1050899] - [powerpc] perf: BHRB filter configuration should follow the task (Steve Best) [1061191] - [powerpc] perf: Ignore separate BHRB privilege state filter request (Steve Best) [1061191] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Avoid disabling PCI device twice (Steve Best) [1055438] - [ethernet] cxgb4: Don't retrieve stats during recovery (Steve Best) [1055438]- [kernel] errno: remove "NFS" from descriptions in comments (Eric Sandeen) [1009682] - [md] dm-cache: do not add migration to completed list before unhooking bio (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-cache: move hook_info into common portion of per_bio_data structure (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [powerpc] Add debug checks to catch invalid cpu-to-node mappings (Steve Best) [1042526] - [powerpc] Fix the setup of CPU-to-Node mappings during CPU online (Steve Best) [1042526] - [md] avoid deadlock when dirty buffers during md_stop (Jes Sorensen) [1060027] - [powerpc] Fix transactional FP/VMX/VSX unavailable handlers (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Don't corrupt transactional state when using FP/VMX in kernel (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Reclaim two unused thread_info flag bits (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Reset MSR_LE on signal entry (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Wrap MSR macros with parentheses (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Make flush_fp_to_thread() nop when CONFIG_PPC_FPU is disabled (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] math-emu: Move the flush FPU state function into do_mathemu (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] math-emu: Allow math-emu to be used for HW FPU (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] remove the unused function disable_kernel_fp() (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Restore dbcr0 on user space exit (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Provide for giveup_fpu/altivec to save state in alternate location (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Put FP/VSX and VR state into structures (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] kvm: Don't corrupt guest state when kernel uses VMX (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Fix VRSAVE handling (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Fix a number of sparse warnings (Steve Best) [1052083] - [powerpc] Align thread->fpr to 16 bytes (Steve Best) [1052083]- [s390] Unrevert kvm support patches (Jarod Wilson) [1035261] - [security] selinux: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in selinux_inode_permission() (Eric Sandeen) [829715] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correctly set the read_optrom pointer for ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [1057643] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fixed scsi_remove_target soft lockup when rmmod bnx2x (Maurizio Lombardi) [1031770] - [scsi] config: remove LSI Logic New Generation RAID Device Drivers (Tomas Henzl) [979031] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Recreate chap data list during get chap operation (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: overflow in qla4xxx_set_chap_entry() (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory leak in qla4xxx_destroy_ddb (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix sparse warnings (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Handle IPv6 AEN notifications (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update print statements in func qla4xxx_do_dpc() (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update print statements in func qla4xxx_eh_abort() (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update print statements in qla4xxx_mailbox_command() (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Updated print for device login, logout path (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Remove unused code from qla4xxx_set_ifcb() (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix failure of mbox 0x31 (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Reduce rom-lock contention during reset recovery (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Driver not able to collect minidump for ISP84xx (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix pending IO completion in reset path before initiating chip reset (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix processing response queue during probe (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix failure of IDC Time Extend mailbox command (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Clear DDB index map upon connection close failure (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Return correct error status from func qla4xxx_request_irqs() (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fixed AER reset sequence for ISP83xx/ISP84xx (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correctly handle msleep_interruptible (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Rename ACB_STATE macros with IP_ADDRSTATE macros (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use IDC_CTRL bit1 directly instead of AF_83XX_NO_FWDUMP flag (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix comments in code (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Print WARN_ONCE() if iSCSI function presence bit removed (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] qla4xxx: ISP8xxx: Correct retry of adapter initialization (Chad Dupuis) [1049707] - [scsi] hpsa: allow SCSI mid layer to handle unit attention (Tomas Henzl) [1056703] - [scsi] hpsa: do not require board "not ready" status after hard reset (Tomas Henzl) [1056703] - [scsi] hpsa: enable unit attention reporting (Tomas Henzl) [1056703] - [scsi] hpsa: rename scsi prefetch field (Tomas Henzl) [1056703] - [scsi] hpsa: use workqueue instead of kernel thread for lockup detection (Tomas Henzl) [1056703] - [scsi] hpsa: fix pci-ids (Tomas Henzl) [1056703]- [tools] perf/stat: Add perf stat --transaction (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf: Add Haswell ULT model number used in Macbook Air and other systems (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf_event_intel: Support full width counting (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf_event_intel: Add mem-loads/stores support for Haswell (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf_event_intel: Support Haswell/v4 LBR format (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf_event_intel: Move NMI clearing to end of PMI handler (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf_event_intel: Add Haswell PEBS support (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [kernel] perf_event_intel: Add Haswell PEBS record support (Prarit Bhargava) [829878] - [md] dm-log-userspace: allow mark requests to piggyback on flush requests (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix bug in resizing of thin metadata (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-cache: add policy name to status output (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-thin: fix pool feature parsing (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-sysfs: fix a module unload race (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-snapshot: use dm-bufio prefetch (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-snapshot: use dm-bufio (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-snapshot: prepare for switch to using dm-bufio (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [md] dm-snapshot: use GFP_KERNEL when initializing exceptions (Mike Snitzer) [1057197] - [pci] Rename PCI_VC_PORT_REG1/2 to PCI_VC_PORT_CAP1/2 (Alex Williamson) [1053168] - [pci] Add Virtual Channel to save/restore support (Alex Williamson) [1053168] - [pci] Add support for save/restore of extended capabilities (Alex Williamson) [1053168] - [pci] Add pci_wait_for_pending() (refactor pci_wait_for_pending_transaction()) (Alex Williamson) [1053168] - [s390] increase CONFIG_NR_CPUS limit (Hendrik Brueckner) [1043827] - [s390] sclp: fix size of sclp_cpu_info structure (Hendrik Brueckner) [1043827] - [mm] create a separate slab for page->ptl allocation (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] properly separate the bloated ptl from the regular case (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] dynamically allocate page->ptl if it cannot be embedded to struct page (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] x86: handle pgtable_page_ctor() fail (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] s390: handle pgtable_page_ctor() fail (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] powerpc: handle pgtable_page_ctor() fail (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] allow pgtable_page_ctor() to fail (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] x86: add missed pgtable_pmd_page_ctor/dtor calls for preallocated pmds (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] x86: enable split page table lock for PMD level (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] implement split page table lock for PMD level (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] convert the rest to new page table lock api (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] hugetlb: convert hugetlbfs to use split pmd lock (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] hugetlb: grab a page_table_lock after page_cache_release (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] thp: do not access mm->pmd_huge_pte directly (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] thp: move ptl taking inside page_check_address_pmd() (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] thp: change pmd_trans_huge_lock() to return taken lock (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] introduce api for split page table lock for PMD level (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] convert mm->nr_ptes to atomic_long_t (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] rename USE_SPLIT_PTLOCKS to USE_SPLIT_PTE_PTLOCKS (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [mm] avoid increase sizeof(struct page) due to split page table lock (Rik van Riel) [1058896] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Don't use device_lock around AER interrupt setup (Alex Williamson) [1045175] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Use pci "try" reset interface (Alex Williamson) [1045175] - [pci] Add pci_try_reset_function(), pci_try_reset_slot(), pci_try_reset_bus() (Alex Williamson) [1045175] - [infiniband] make sure the src net is infiniband when create new link (Jay Fenlason) [1049143]- [mm] Revisit tlb_flushall_shift tuning for page flushes except on IvyBridge (Rik van Riel) [1058886] - [mm] change tlb_flushall_shift for IvyBridge (Rik van Riel) [1058886] - [mm] Eliminate redundant page table walk during TLB range flushing (Rik van Riel) [1058886] - [mm] Clean up inconsistencies when flushing TLB ranges (Rik van Riel) [1058886] - [mm] thp: avoid PageUnevictable on active/inactive lru lists (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [mm] swap: clear PageActive before adding pages onto unevictable list (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [mm] remove lru parameter from __lru_cache_add and lru_cache_add_lru (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [mm] remove lru parameter from __pagevec_lru_add and remove parts of pagevec API (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [mm] activate !PageLRU pages on mark_page_accessed if page is on local pagevec (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [mm] pagevec: defer deciding which LRU to add a page to until pagevec drain time (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [mm] add tracepoints for LRU activation and insertions (Rafael Aquini) [982739] - [kernel] audit: fix dangling keywords in audit_log_set_loginuid() output (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: don't generate loginuid log when audit disabled (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: fix type of sessionid in audit_set_loginuid() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: audit feature to set loginuid immutable (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: audit feature to only allow unsetting the loginuid (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: allow unsetting the loginuid (with priv) (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: remove CONFIG_AUDIT_LOGINUID_IMMUTABLE (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: loginuid functions coding style (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [kernel] audit: change decimal constant to macro for invalid uid (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045670] - [mm] sched/numa: Turn some magic numbers into #defines (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Rename variables in task_numa_fault() (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Do statistics calculation using local variables only (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Normalize faults_cpu stats and weigh by CPU use (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Use active_nodes nodemask to limit numa migrations (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Build per numa_group active node mask from numa_faults_cpu statistics (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Track from which nodes NUMA faults are triggered (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Rename p->numa_faults to numa_faults_memory (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched/numa: Remove p->numa_migrate_deferred (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [mm] sched: Calculate effective load even if local weight is 0 (Rik van Riel) [1049096] - [net] ipv4: fix tunneled VM traffic over hw VXLAN/GRE GSO NIC (Michal Schmidt) [1031869] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: fix access to uninitialized buffer in IRC NAT helper (Daniel Borkmann) [1058782] {CVE-2014-1690} - [net] packet: fix send path when running with proto == 0 (Jesper Brouer) [1058729] - [net] packet: fix use after free race in send path when dev is released (Jesper Brouer) [1058729] - [net] Fix memory leak if TPROXY used with TCP early demux (Florian Westphal) [1054483] - [net] ipv6: simplify detection of first operational link-local address on interface (Jiri Pirko) [1047425]- [infiniband] core: Resolve Ethernet L2 addresses when modifying QP (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Populate GID table with IP based gids (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Handle Ethernet L2 parameters for IP based GID addressing (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] mlx4: Handle Ethernet L2 parameters for IP based GID addressing (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use IBoE (RoCE) IP based GIDs in the port GID table (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: IBoE (RoCE) IP based GID addressing (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] core: Ethernet L2 attributes in verbs/cm structures (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix OCRDMA_GEN2_FAMILY macro definition (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix AV_VALID bit position (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: enable build (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove redundant check in ocrdma_build_fr() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix a crash in rmmod (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Silence an integer underflow warning (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] Remove unnecessary semicolons (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix compiler warning about int/pointer size mismatch (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix passing wrong opcode to modify_srq (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fill PVID in UMC case (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add ABI versioning support (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Consider multiple SGES in case of DPP (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix for displaying proper link speed (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Increase STAG array size (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Dont use PD 0 for userpace CQ DB (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: FRMA code cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: For ERX2 irrespective of Qid, num_posted offset is 24 (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix to work with even a single MSI-X vector (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove the MTU check based on Ethernet MTU (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Add support for fast register work requests (FRWR) (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Create IRD queue fix (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Cache recv DB until QP moved to RTR (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove __packed (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove driver QP state machine (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Don't allow zero/invalid sgid usage (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove redundant dev reference (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Style and redundant code cleanup (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix several stack info leaks (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove unused include (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Fix error return code in ocrdma_set_create_qp_rq_cmd() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Reorg structures to avoid padding (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Change macros to inline funtions (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Set bad_wr in error case (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Replace ocrdma_err with pr_err (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Use MCC_CREATE_EXT_V1 for MCC create (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ocrdma: Remove use_cnt for queues (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check access to userspace response buffer in extended command (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check input length in flow steering uverbs (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Set error code when fail to consume all flow_spec items (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check reserved fields in create_flow (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check comp_mask in destroy_flow (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Check reserved field in extended command header (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: New macro to set pointers to NULL if length is 0 in INIT_UDATA() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] core: const'ify inbuf in struct ib_udata (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] iwcm: Don't touch cm_id after deref in rem_ref (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cm: Convert to using idr_alloc_cyclic() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] core: Encorce MR access rights rules on kernel consumers (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Remove unused argument and minor dead code (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Discard events for IDs not yet claimed by user space (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] core: Add Cisco usNIC rdma node and transport types (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] netlink: Remove superfluous RDMA_NL_GET_OP() masking (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] core: Pass imm_data from ib_uverbs_send_wr to ib_send_wr correctly (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Check for GID on listening device first (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Use cached gids (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Set IBoE SL (user-priority) by egress map when using vlans (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Add IPv6 support for iWARP (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Only call cma_save_ib_info() for CM REQs (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Fix accessing invalid private data for UD (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Fix gcc warning (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] uverbs: Use get_unused_fd_flags(O_CLOEXEC) instead of get_unused_fd() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [misc] drivers: avoid format string in dev_set_name (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] core: Fix error return code in add_port() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Export AF_IB statistics (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Allow user space to specify AF_IB when joining multicast (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Allow user space to pass AF_IB into resolve (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Allow user space to bind to AF_IB (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Name changes to indicate only IP addresses supported (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Add ability to query GID addresses (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Export cma_get_service_id() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Support querying when IB paths are not reversible (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] sa: Export function to pack a path record into wire format (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] ucma: Support querying for AF_IB addresses (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Only listen on IB devices when using AF_IB (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Set qkey for AF_IB (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Expose private data when using AF_IB (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Merge cma_get/save_net_info (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Remove unused SDP related code (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Add support for AF_IB to cma_get_service_id() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Add support for AF_IB to rdma_resolve_route() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Add support for AF_IB to rdma_resolve_addr() (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Verify that source and dest sa_family are the same (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Restrict AF_IB loopback to binding to IB devices only (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Add helper functions to return id address information (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Do not modify sa_family when setting loopback address (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Allow user to specify AF_IB when binding (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Update port reservation to support AF_IB (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] addr: Add AF_IB support to ip_addr_size (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Include AF_IB in loopback and any address checks (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Allow enabling reuseaddr in any state (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [infiniband] cma: Define native IB address (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [net] vlan: Fix header ops passthru when doing TX VLAN offload (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [net] vlan: Implement vlan_dev_get_egress_qos_mask as an inline (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [net] vlan: Provide read access to the vlan egress map (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [net] vlan: make vlan_dev_real_dev work over stacked vlans (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [net] vlan: cleanup the usage of vlan_dev_priv(dev) (Doug Ledford) [1051187] - [ethernet] mlx4: Remove unnecessary validation for port number (Amir Vadai) [1030563] - [ethernet] mlx4: Warn if device doesn't have enough PCI bandwidth (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: lower NAPI weight (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Start multicast join process only on active ports (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Add path query flushing in ipoib_ib_dev_cleanup (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix usage of uninitialized multicast objects (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Avoid flushing the driver workqueue on dev_down (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix deadlock between dev_change_flags() and __ipoib_dev_flush() (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Change CM skb memory allocation to be non-atomic during init (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix crash in dev_open error flow (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix race in deleting ipoib_neigh entries (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Only cycle port if HW timestamp config changes (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add PTP hardware clock (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix layout of struct mlx5_init_seg (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Flush cache workqueue before destroying it (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add netdev support for TCP/IP offloads of vxlan tunneling (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add basic support for TCP/IP offloads under tunneling (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Check port number for validity before accessing data (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add NAPI support for transmit side (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Ignore irrelevant hypervisor events (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Set CQE/EQE size to 64B by default (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Configure the XPS queue mapping on driver load (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Implement ndo_get_phys_port_id (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Expose physical port id as PF/VF capability (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Introduce nic_info new flag in QUERY_FUNC_CAP (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Rename QUERY_FUNC_CAP fields (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Remove zeroed out of explicit QUERY_FUNC_CAP fields (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Roll back round robin bitmap allocation commit for CQs, SRQs, and MPTs (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: destroy workqueue when driver fails to register (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Remove selftest TX queues empty condition (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: Re-enable create_flow/destroy_flow uverbs (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: extended command: an improved infrastructure for uverbs commands (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: Remove ib_uverbs_flow_spec structure from userspace (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: Use a common header for uverbs flow_specs (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: Make uverbs flow structure use names like verbs ones (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: Rename 'flow' structs to match other uverbs structs (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: clarify overflow/underflow checks on ib_create/destroy_flow (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix page shift in create CQ for userspace (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix device max capabilities check (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix list_del of empty list (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove dead code (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx4: Fix endless loop in resize CQ (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Use enum to indicate adapter page size (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Update opt param mask for RTS2RTS (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove "Always false" comparison (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Remove dead code in mr.c (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Change optimal_reclaimed_pages for better performance (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Clear reserved area in set_hca_cap() (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Support communicating arbitrary host page size to firmware (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Fix cleanup flow when DMA mapping fails (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix srq free in destroy qp (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Simplify mlx5_ib_destroy_srq (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix overflow check in IB_WR_FAST_REG_MR (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Multithreaded create MR (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix check of number of entries in create CQ (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Datapath structures are allocated per NUMA node (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: ICM pages are allocated on device NUMA node (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Datapath resources allocated dynamically (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add immediate activate for VGT->VST->VGT (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Initialize all mailbox buffers to zero before use (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Add RFS support in UDP (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Implement resource quota enforcement (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix quota handling in the QUERY_FUNC_CAP wrapper (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Structures and init/teardown for VF resource quotas (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix checking order in MR table init (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Don't fail reg/unreg vlan for older guests (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Resource tracker for reg/unreg vlans (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Use vlan id instead of vlan index for unregistration (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix reg/unreg vlan/mac to conform to the firmware spec (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix register/unreg vlan flow (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] core: Temporarily disable create_flow/destroy_flow uverbs (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Load higher level modules according to ports type (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Unused local variable in mlx4_opreq_action (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Fix typo, move similar defs to same location (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Clean the code to eliminate trivial build warnings (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Ensure proper synchronization accessing memory (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix alignment of reg umr gather buffers (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix eq names to display nicely in /proc/interrupts (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Fix error code translation from firmware to driver (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix opt param mask according to firmware spec (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix opt param mask for sq err to rts transition (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Disable atomic operations (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Keep polling to reclaim pages while any returned (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Avoid async events on invalid port number (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Decrease memory consumption of mr caches (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx5: Remove checksum on command interface commands (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix memory leak in mlx5_ib_create_srq (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix send work queue size calculation (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Rename name of mlx4_en_rx_alloc members (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Check device state when setting coalescing (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [ethernet] mlx4: Reduce scope of local variables in mlx4_en_xmit (Amir Vadai) [1030563 1030565 1030568 1030570 1030571 1030573 1030575] - [scsi] reserve extension space to prevent KABI breakages (Maurizio Lombardi) [1029903] - [security] selinux: selinux_setprocattr()->ptrace_parent() needs rcu_read_lock() (Paul Moore) [800159]- [misc] synchronize with upstream linux-3.10.y stable branch up to 3.10.24 (Veaceslav Falico) [1040946] - [acpi] memhotplug: add parameter to disable memory hotplug (Prarit Bhargava) [1046555] - [kernel] kdump: Increase x86 crashkernel=auto base reservation from 128M to 160M (Baoquan He) [1044832] - [mfd] lpc_ich: Add support for Intel Avoton SoC (Prarit Bhargava) [1049638] - [net] ipv6: send Change Status Report after DAD is completed (Flavio Leitner) [1049092] - [mm] Revert: new shrinker count/scan API (Mike Snitzer) [1056647] - [drm] Revert: convert shrinkers to new count/scan API (Mike Snitzer) [1056647]- [virt] virtio-net: put virtio net header inline with data ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [990993] - [virt] virtio: VIRTIO_F_ANY_LAYOUT feature ("Michael S. Tsirkin") [990993] - [tools] turbostat: servers do not support uncore power register (Prarit Bhargava) [1037706] - [alsa] pcsp: Fix the order of input device unregistration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ak4114: Fix wrong register array size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcsp: Fix initialization with nopcm=1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] opl3: Fix possible negative array index access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] tea575x-tuner: move HW init to a separate function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ak4xx-adda: info leak in ak4xxx_capture_source_info() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] vx_core: off by one in vx_read_status() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Remove the rest of *_set_drvdata(NULL) calls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] virmidi: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] serial-u16550: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcsp: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] mtpav: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] mpu401: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ml403-ac97cr: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] aloop: Remove redundant platform_set_drvdata() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] firewire-lib: use inlune function to calculate frame bytes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] firewire-speakers: remove not-reused member from structure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] snd-firewire-lib: remove unused header inclusion (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] firewire: fix error return code in scs_probe() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add Dell headset detection quirk for three laptop models (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add enable_msi=0 workaround for four HP machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Split verb definitions into sound/hda_verbs.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable stereo mix as default for AD and VIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Ignore small negative LPIB delay correction (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add missing initialization of aamix paths (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Allow capture-only configuration (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: skip depop delay before D3 for Haswell and Valleyview2 display codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Clean up async codec PM using standard async infrastructure (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: fixup ALC262 to skip depop delay before D3 on Intel BayleyBay (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Always do delayed probes for HD-audio devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: allow a codec to define its own depop delay time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: fixup ALC262 to remove depop delay on Intel BayleyBay board (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Remove depop delay for suspend and resume if applicable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add more codecs alias name for Dell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: resume codecs in parallel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: suspend codecs in parallel (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Disable runtime PM when EPSS is unavailable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable runtime PM on Panther Point (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Refactor pm notification in hda_codec.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Bind with HDMI codec parser automatically (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Split the generic parser as an individual module (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add static DAC/pin mapping for AD1986A codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: One more Dell headset detection quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix IEC958 ctl indexes for some simple HDMI devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Mute all aamix inputs as default (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Another Dell headset detection quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: A Dell headset detection quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove quirk for Dell Vostro 131 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: fix uninitialized variable compile warning (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: fix mic issues on Acer Aspire E-572 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent output on MacBook Air 2,1 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing ELD info when using jackpoll_ms parameter (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: remove hp_automute_hook from alc283_fixup_chromebook (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Independent of model for HP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix headset mic input after muted internal mic (Dell/Realtek) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Use always amps for auto-mute on AD1986A codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/analog: Handle inverted EAPD properly in vmaster hook (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Another fixup for ASUS laptop with ALC660 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix complete_all() timing in deferred probes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix bad EAPD setup for HP machines with AD1984A (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent output on ASUS W7J laptop (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add mono speaker quirk for Dell Inspiron 5439 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add LFE chmap to ASUS ET2700 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Initialize missing bass speaker pin for ASUS AIO ET2700 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: limit mic boost on Asus UX31[A,E] (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Check leaf nodes to find aamix amps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix hp-mic mode without VREF bits (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Create Headhpone Mic Jack Mode when really needed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb: use multiple packets per urb for Wireless USB inbound audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable mute/mic-mute LEDs for more Thinkpads with Conexant codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Drop bus->avoid_link_reset flag (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Set pcbeep amp for ALC668 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add support of ALC231 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Set current_headset_type to ALC_HEADSET_TYPE_ENUM (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Provide missing pin configs for VAIO with ALC260 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add headset quirk for Dell Inspiron 3135 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix the headphone jack detection on Sony VAIO TX (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix missing bass speaker on ASUS N550 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix unbalanced runtime PM notification at resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: A casual Dell Headset quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Also enable mute/micmute LED control for "Lenovo dock" fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Select FW_LOADER from CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_CA0132_DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable mute/mic-mute LEDs for more Thinkpads with Realtek codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: load EQ params into IDT codec on HP bNB13 systems (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] jack: Unregister input device at disconnection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: add front jack channel selector for EMU0204 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Don't clear the power state at snd_hda_codec_reset() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Control EAPD for Master volume on Lenovo N100 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Don't turn off EAPD for headphone on Lenovo N100 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Check keep_eapd_on before inv_eapd (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix Line Out automute on Realtek multifunction jacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] compress_core: don't return -EBADFD from poll if paused (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix wrong baseline length in ATI/AMD generated ELD (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Skip out-of-range latency values in AMD ELD generator (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Add error-checking to some codec reads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb: Fix wrong mapping of RLC and RRC channels (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Use TFx channel positions instead of FxH (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Control SPDIF out pin on MacBookPro 11,2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Add new codec ALC255/ALC3234 UAJ supported (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Apply MacBook fixups for CS4208 correctly (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Make fixup regs persist after resume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda_intel: ratelimit "spurious response" message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Get rid of AMD HDMI exception in hdmi_present_sense() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ice1724: Fix compile warning with CONFIG_PROC_FS=n (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: block HDMI jack reports while repolling (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add a block_report flag to jacks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Delay HDMI presence reports while waiting for ELD information (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] compress: fix drain calls blocking other compress functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Another Dell headset quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add pincfg fixup for ASUS W5A (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add support for CX20952 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] lx6464es: Fix pointer cast compile warnings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Limit mic boost and add mute LED for an HP machine (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Make sure mute LEDs stay on during runtime suspend (Realtek) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ctxfi: Use WARN_ON() instead of BUG_ON() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] intel8x0: Fix chmap application (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Apply GPIO setup for MacBooks with CS4208 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Name Haswell HDMI controllers better (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Force buffer alignment for Haswell HDMI controllers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable Thinkpad mute/micmute LEDs for Realtek (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add device IDs for AMD Evergreen/Northern Islands HDMI (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Introduce the bitmask for excluding output volume (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add sanity check of vmaster slave dB steps (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix possible zero-division (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb: Don't trust the channel config if the channel count changed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb: For class 2 devices, use channel map from altsettings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb: supply channel maps even when wChannelConfig is unspecified (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable SPDIF for Acer TravelMate 6293 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add Device IDs for Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: rename function not_share_unassigned_cvt() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Disallow unsupported 2ch remapping on NVIDIA codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: not choose assigned converters for unused pins of Valleyview (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add extra chmap for 2.1 outputs on ASUS laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Disable AA-loopback on ALC283 Chromebook (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] lola: Fix uninitialized variable access in error message (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ice1724: Fix uninitialized variable access (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] rme96: Return error code in PCM copy ops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ali5451: Drop unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ad1889: Fix right attenuation proc output (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Use strlcpy() instead of strncpy() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Limit the fallback card id string size (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] memalloc: NULL-initialize in snd_malloc_dev_iram() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] memalloc: Make snd_{malloc|free}_dev_iram() static (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Optimize module name check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcm: Add fallthru comments (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove locally dead codes (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add a fallthru comment (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix possible NULL dereference in snd_hda_get_pin_label() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] 6fire: Fix probe of multiple cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] memalloc: Yet another ifdef CONFIG_GENERIC_ALLOCATOR protection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcm_dmaengine: Remove hardcoded PCM formats (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Sync EAPD with vmaster on AD1984A Thinkpads (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix silent headphone on Thinkpads with AD1984A codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Re-setup pin and infoframe on plug-in on all codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Disable ramp-up/down for non-PCM on AMD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Add HBR bitstreaming support for ATI/AMD HDMI codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Add ELD emulation for ATI/AMD codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Add ATI/AMD multi-channel audio support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Allow HDA patches to customize more operations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Raise the delay for alc283_shutup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] compress: fix drain calls blocking other compress functions (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Add ifdef CONFIG_GENERIC_ALLOCATOR for SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_IRAM code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix mute LED on HP laptops in runtime suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add support of ALC285 / ALC293 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add support of ALC255 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove OOM message after input_allocate_device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Add SoC on-chip internal ram support for DMA buffer allocation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix typos in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add codec ID for Valleyview2 display codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] emu10k1: code refactoring (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Move mutex from hda_eld to per_pin in HDMI codec driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix possible races in HDMI driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Treat zero connection as non-error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add connection to thinkpad_acpi to control mute/micmute LEDs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add HDA_FIXUP_ACT_FREE action (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdsp: info leak in snd_hdsp_hwdep_ioctl() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Remove unnecessary semicolons (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Sony VAIO Pro 13 (haswell) now has a working headset jack (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add a headset mic model for ALC269 and friends (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable surround speakers (when line out is also present) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: Use module_usb_driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: support wireless devices in snd_usb_parse_datainterval (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: add support for wireless USB devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Tweak debug messages to be more useful (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix available channel maps missing from TLV (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix channel maps with less common speakers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix unused slots being enabled in manual and non-PCM mappings (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix programmed active channel count (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: Fix incorrect default channel mapping for unusual CAs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove unused endpoint flag EP_FLAG_ACTIVATED (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: rename alt_idx to altsetting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: clear SUBSTREAM_FLAG_SYNC_EP_STARTED on error (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: void return type of snd_usb_endpoint_deactivate() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: don't deactivate URBs on in-use EP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove deactivate_endpoints() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove unused parameter from sync_ep_set_params (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix mono speakers and headset mic on Dell Vostro 5470 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: LED support for Maschine Controller (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ac97: Add ID for TI TLV320AIC27 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable internal mic on a Thinkpad machine with ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix Internal Mic boost can't control with ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup for MacBook Air 6,1 and 6,2 with CS4208 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] improve buffer size computations for USB PCM audio (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: not use assigned converters for all unused pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] compress: Make sure we trigger STOP before closing the stream (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] rme9652: Remove redundant break (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] au88x0: Remove redundant break (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/ca0132: Staticize codec_send_command (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ctxfi: Staticize local symbols (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] asihpi: a couple array out of bounds issues (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add CS4208 codec support for MacBook 6,1 and 6,2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: unmute pin amplifier in infoframe setup for Haswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: define is_haswell() to check if a display audio codec is Haswell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add dock speaker support for ASUS TX300 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] snd/hda: add runtime suspend/resume on optimus support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Simplify CONFIG_SND_HDA_I915 condition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add device entry and inactive flag to unsolicited response (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Haswell codec exposes device list/select info on pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add device list & select info of display pins to codec proc file (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add flags and routines to get devices selection info for DP1.2 MST (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] treewide: Fix printks with 0x# (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] alsa/rme96: Add missing inclusion of linux/vmalloc.h (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] rme96: Check the return value of pci_enable_device() in resume callback (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add workarounds for pop-noise on Chromebook with ALC283 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix ALC283 headphone pop-noise better (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] rme96: Add PM support v3 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Use enums in hdspm_tco_ltc_frames() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Fix default value in SNDRV_HDSPM_IOCTL_GET_LTC (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcm: Use snd_printd_ratelimit() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcm: Add snd_printd_ratelimit() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Try to allow haswell HDMI audio even without powerwell (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Limit internal mic boost for a few more Thinkpad machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix the order of a quirk table (janitorial) (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix internal mic boost on three Thinkpad machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] rme96: Add pcm stream synchronization (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Mute the right widget in auto_mute_via_amp mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Allow auto_mute_via_amp on bind mute controls (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: fix automatic Roland/Yamaha MIDI detection (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] don't push static constants on stack for *ph (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: WARN_ON when alts is passed as NULL (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove implicit_fb from quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove is_playback from implicit feedback quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: do not initialize and check implicit_fb (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: reverse condition logic in set_sync_endpoint (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: move implicit fb quirks to separate function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: separate sync endpoint setting from set_format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove assignment from if condition (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove disabled debug code in set_format (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix jack gating when auto_{mute,mic} is suppressed (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix invalid multi-io creation on VAIO-Z laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove analog mic pin override from STAC9228 dell-bios quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: WAKEEN feature enabling for runtime pm (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: jack poll once if jackpoll_interval==0 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Clearing jackpoll_interval avoid pending work (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usx2y: remove an unneeded check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: use azx_writew() for 16-bit length register (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix the noise after suspend on ALC283 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/realtek: Selectively call snd_hda_shutup_pins() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hiface: return correct XRUN indication (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] replace strict_strto*() with kstrto*() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add snd_hda_jack_detect_state() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] thinkpad-acpi: Add mute and mic-mute LED functionality (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Headphone mic support for an Asus/Conexant device (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: remove unneeded semicolon (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: fix regression for fixed stream quirk (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove static quirks for AD1986A codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Drop a few other static quirks for AD1986A (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Drop static quirk for Toshiba Satellite L40-10Q (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Drop static quirks for other AD1986A Samsung machines (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Convert static quirks for AD1986A Samsung laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Convert the static quirk for Samsung Q1 Ultra (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove static quirks for AD1988 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove static quirks for AD1981 and AD1983 codecs (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove static quirks for AD1884/1984 & variants (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove static quirks for AD1882 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup for HP TouchSmart with AD1984A codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add fixup for Lenovo Thinkpad with AD1984 codec (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add GPIO control to AD1884 HP fixup (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Move azx_first_init() into azx_probe_continue() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Fix runtime PM check (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add power-welll support for haswell HDA (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Keep halting ALC5505 DSP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Added some comments and control register documentation (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() in snd_hdspm_info_autosync_ref (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Use snd_ctl_enum_info() for texts_autosync (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Use snd_ctl_enum_info for most text arrays (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Enable TCO support (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Report external sample rate to userspace (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Introduce hdspm_external_rate_to_enum() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Include TCO and Sync-In in proc output (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Enable TCO/Sync-In in snd_hdspm_put_sync_ref() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Enable TCO input in hdspm_external_sample_rate() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Ignore float/int format bit (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Enable AES32 in hdspm_get_tco_sample_rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Enable AES32 in hdspm_get_wc_sample_rate (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Add prototype declarations (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Introduce hdspm_get_aes_sample_rate() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Add TCO and Sync-In text entries (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aio: Drop superfluous HDSPM_AUTOSYNC_REF (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Cosmetics, no real change (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm/aes32: Fix TCO sync check reporting (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Create TCO readout function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Fix S/PDIF Sync status and frequency on RME AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Add support for AEBs on RME AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Enable AD/DA/PH gains and S/PDIF-Input select on AIO (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Introduce generic AIO tristate control (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Refactor ENUMERATED_CTL_INFO into function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Add S/PDIF, XLR, WCK48 and ADAT-in controls for RME AIO cards (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Add S/PDIF and WCK48 controls for RME RayDAT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Drop duplicate code in hdspm_set_system_clock_mode() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Augment HDSPM_TOGGLE_SETTING for AIO/RayDAT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Introduce hdspm_is_raydat_or_aio() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Add missing defines for RME AIO and RayDAT (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] vmaster: Fix the regression of missing vmaster hook call (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add Dell SSID to support Headset Mic recording (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pcm_native: switch to fdget()/fdput() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] treewide: relase -> release (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: Add Audio Advantage Micro II (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Replace the magic number 44 with const (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add support for ALC5505 DSP power-save mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: add quirks for Roland QUAD/OCTO-CAPTURE (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: claim autodetected PCM interfaces all at once (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: remove superfluous Roland quirks (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: add MIDI port names for some Roland devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: add support for many Roland/Yamaha devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: detect implicit feedback on Roland devices (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb-audio: store protocol version in struct audioformat (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pci: replace numeric with standard PM state macros (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add missing alc_inv_dmic_sync() call in alc269_resume() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove superfluous stac_resume() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/hdmi: poll eld at resume time (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: clean up code to reset hda link (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add In-driver connection info (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Use auto_mute_via_amp=1 for VT1708 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Add auto_mute_via_amp flag to generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] vmaster: Add snd_ctl_sync_vmaster() helper function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Remove unused variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: reset hda link during system/runtime suspend (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Add M2Tech hiFace USB-SPDIF driver (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usb: uniform style used in MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] snd-usb-6fire: use vmalloc buffers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: use vmalloc buffers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] snd-usb-caiaq: remove the unused snd_card_used variable (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Make Thinkpad X220-tablet use generic parser (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Use snd_hda_check_power_state() in patch_hdmi.c (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Avoid choose same converter for unused pins (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Haswell converter power state D0 verify (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] ua101: convert __list_for_each usage to list_for_each (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] usx2y: remove some old dead code (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Don't take unresponsive D3 transition too serious (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Introduce bit flags to snd_hda_codec_read/write() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Drop hard dependency on CONFIG_SND_DYNAMIC_MINORS (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda/via: Use standard snd_hda_shutup_pins() (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add mic fixup for ALC269VB on Ordissimo EVE2 (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Allow SingleSpeed WordClock when in DS/QS mode (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Refactor SS/DS/QS clock multiplier into function (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hdspm: Add support for 128-192kHz WordClock input (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] es1968: Add radio support for MediaForte M56VAP (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] pci: Remove superfluous pci_set_drvdata(pci, NULL) at remove (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: Enable mic-mute LED on more HP laptops (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Add kconfig to specify the max card numbers (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Fix the default suffix string with high card number (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Constify the snd_pcm_substream struct ops field (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] hda: add PCI IDs for Intel BayTrail (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022] - [alsa] Fix assignment of 0/1 to bool variables (Jaroslav Kysela) [1044022]- [scsi] hpsa: remove cancelled ID's and add a new one (Tomas Henzl) [1040644] - [scsi] hpsa: bump driver version to 3.4.2-1 (Tomas Henzl) [1040644] - [scsi] hpsa: add 4 new PCI ID's for HP Gen9 servers (Tomas Henzl) [1040644]- [s390] revert kvm support patches (Jarod Wilson) [1035261 1049469] - [block] nvme: Disable admin queue on init failure (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Dynamically allocate partition numbers (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Async IO queue deletion (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Surprise removal handling (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Abort timed out commands (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Schedule reset for failed controllers (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Device resume error handling (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Cache dev->pci_dev in a local pointer (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Fix lockdep warnings (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: compat SG_IO ioctl (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: remove deprecated IRQF_DISABLED (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme: Avoid shift operation when writing cq head doorbell (David Milburn) [1049584] - [block] nvme-core: replace dma_set_mask()+dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (David Milburn) [1049584] - [ethernet] be2net: update driver version to 10.0.x (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: cleanup wake-on-lan code (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: use GET_MAC_LIST cmd to query mac-address from a pmac-id (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: do not use frag index in the RX-compl entry (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: Remove "10Gbps" from driver description string (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: fix incorrect setting of cmd_privileges for VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: ignore mac-addr set call for an already programmed mac-addr (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: do not call be_set/get_fw_log_level() on Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: Log the profile-id used by FW during driver initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: don't set "pport" field when querying "pvid" (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [ethernet] be2net: Use MCC_CREATE_EXT_V1 cmd for Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1054092] - [infiniband] qib: Convert qib_user_sdma_pin_pages() to use get_user_pages_fast() (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Improve SDMA performance (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Fix txselect regression (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Fix checkpatch __packed warnings (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: fix (some) dcache abuses (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Remove GENERIC_HARDIRQ config option (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Move COUNTER_MASK definition within qib_mad.h header guards (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Make qib_driver static (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Add err_decode() call for ring dump (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Log all SDMA errors unconditionally (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Fix module-level leak (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: New transmitter tunning settings for Dell 1.1 backplane (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Add qp_stats debug file (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Add per-context stats interface (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Convert opcode counters to per-context (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Optimize CQ callbacks (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Add dual-rail NUMA awareness for PSM processes (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Add optional NUMA affinity (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Update minor version number (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Remove atomic_inc_not_zero() from QP RCU (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: Add DCA support (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [infiniband] qib: avoid format string in dev_set_name (Jay Fenlason) [725023] - [tools] power/turbostat: Support Silvermont (Lenny Szubowicz) [1048051] - [ethernet] bnx2: Update version to 2.2.5 (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [ethernet] bnx2: Report MDI/MDIX status to ethtool (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [ethernet] bnx2: Enable auto-mdix when autoneg is disabled (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [ethernet] bnx2: Advertise nothing when speed is forced (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [ethernet] bnx2: calls skb_set_hash (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [ethernet] bnx2: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [ethernet] bnx2: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Neil Horman) [1051172] - [kernel] thermal: Disable power limit notification interrupt by default (Prarit Bhargava) [1050198] - [kernel] thermal: Delete power-limit-notification console messages (Prarit Bhargava) [1050198] - [x86] mce: Fix mce_start_timer semantics (Prarit Bhargava) [1045845] - [x86] Add check for number of available vectors before CPU down (Prarit Bhargava) [1045845] - [ethernet] i40evf: fix s390 build failure due to implicit prefetch.h (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: A0 silicon specific (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: add driver to kernel build system (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: init code and hardware support (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: driver core headers (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: virtual channel interface (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: core ethtool functionality (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: transmit and receive functionality (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [ethernet] i40evf: main driver core (Stefan Assmann) [1053147] - [pci] Never treat a VF as a multifunction device (Alex Williamson) [1049716]- [scsi] aacraid: kdump fix (Rich Bono) [1019091] - [scsi] lpfc: update version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed unassigned variable in ELS timeout message (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed incorrect allocation of iDiags directories/files in debugfs (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix kernel panics from corrupted ndlp list (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix Crash in lpfc_els_timeout_handler (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed stopped FCF discovery on failed FCF record read (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed IO hang when in msi mode (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix wrong assignment in lpfc_debugfs.c (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix typo on NULL assignment (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not processing task management IOCB response status (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed spinlock hang (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed invalid Total_Data_Placed value received for els and ct command responses (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed invalid fcp_rsp length fir FCP_ICMND (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed invalid mailbox timeouts (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed spinlock inversion problem (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash after xri limit is reached (Rob Evers) [1025854] - [scsi] lpfc: remove unnecessary read of PCI_CAP_ID_EXP (Rob Evers) [1025854]- [kernel] audit: log task info on feature change (Richard Guy Briggs) [1050425] - [kernel] keys: correct alignment of system_certificate_list content in assembly file (Hendrik Brueckner) [1038139] - [kernel] system_certificate: use real contents instead of macro GLOBAL() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1038139] - [kernel] audit: don't generate audit feature changed log when audit disabled (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045668] - [kernel] audit: fix incorrect order of log new and old feature (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045668] - [kernel] selinux: apply selinux checks on new audit message types (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045668] - [kernel] audit: implement generic feature setting and retrieving (Richard Guy Briggs) [1045668] - [s390] smp: improve setup of possible cpu mask (Hendrik Brueckner) [1052906] - [iommu] intel-iommu: fix off-by-one in pagetable freeing (Myron Stowe) [1048955] - [mm] page_alloc: honor min_free_kbytes set by user (Steve Best) [1047779] - [kernel] mutex: Do not unnecessarily deal with waiters (Larry Woodman) [1031475] - [ethernet] tg3: Update version to 3.136 (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Poll cpmu link state on APE + ASF enabled devices (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Set the MAC clock to the fastest speed during boot code load (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Add unicast filtering support (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Refactor __tg3_set_mac_addr() (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Expand 4g_overflow_test workaround to skb fragments of any size (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Initialize REG_BASE_ADDR at PCI config offset 120 to 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Update version to 3.135 (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Expand multicast drop counter miscounting fix to 5762 (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Fix bit definition for the nvram Auto Power Down setting (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Add flag to disable 1G Half Duplex advertisement (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Don't add rxbds_empty to rx_over_errors (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Give up chip reset and carrier loss handling if PCI device is not present (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: Validate hwtstamp_config completely before applying it (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] tg3: avoid double-freeing of rx data memory (Ivan Vecera) [1048557] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix DMA unmapping of TSO split BDs (Michal Schmidt) [1043794] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix VLAN configuration for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix AFEX memory overflow (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Clean before update RSS arrives (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Correct number of MSI-X vectors for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: limit number of interrupt vectors for 57711 (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix KR2 work-around detection of BCM8073 (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix incorrect link-up report (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix Duplex setting for 54618se (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix passive DAC cable detection (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix 578xx-KR 1G link (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix build with SRIOV disabled (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: add VF Multicast filters support (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add num of VFs to Management statistics (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: no error when RSS configuration fails (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: add Big-Endian ethtool comment (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add AER support (missing bits) (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add support for Multi-Function UNDI (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: downgrade "valid ME register value" message level (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: cleanup skb_set_hash (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: calls skb_set_hash (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: avoid null pointer dereference when enabling SR-IOV (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: add TSO support for SIT tunnels (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: add TSO support for IPIP (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent "timeout waiting for state X" (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: prevent CFC attention (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent panic during DMAE timeout (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Clean the sp rtnl task upon unload (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [ethernet] bnx2x: replace dma_set_mask()+dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [misc] list: introduce list_next_entry() and list_prev_entry() (Michal Schmidt) [1038666] - [virt] kvm: fix apic_base enable check (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: fix x86 emulation of "movzbl bpl, eax" (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: limit PIT timer frequency (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: fix tsc catchup issue with tsc scaling (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: handle invalid root_hpa everywhere (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm/mmu: handle invalid root_hpa at __direct_map (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm/vmx: fix use after free of vmx->loaded_vmcs (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: Fix APIC map calculation after re-enabling (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: emulate SAHF instruction (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] flags: Rename X86_EFLAGS_BIT1 to X86_EFLAGS_FIXED (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [virt] kvm: Mapping IOMMU pages after updating memslot (Marcelo Tosatti) [1053143] - [fs] aio: checking for NULL instead of IS_ERR (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323]- [net] bridge: Fix memory leak when deleting bridge with vlan filtering enabled (Vlad Yasevich) [1031068] - [net] bridge: Call vlan_vid_del for all vids at nbp_vlan_flush (Vlad Yasevich) [1031068] - [net] bridge: Use vlan_vid_[add/del] instead of direct ndo_vlan_rx_[add/kill]_vid calls (Vlad Yasevich) [1031068] - [net] ipv6: add link-local, sit and loopback address with INFINITY_LIFE_TIME (Jiri Pirko) [1054095] - [net] ipv6: don't install anycast address for /128 addresses on routers (Jiri Pirko) [1054095] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: fix preferred lifetime state-changing behavior while valid_lft is infinity (Jiri Pirko) [1054095] - [net] ipv4: processing ancillary IP_TOS or IP_TTL (Francesco Fusco) [1054160] - [net] ipv4: IP_TOS and IP_TTL can be specified as ancillary data (Francesco Fusco) [1054160] - [net] netfilter: synproxy: correct wscale option passing (Jesper Brouer) [1054076] - [net] netfilter: synproxy: send mss option to backend (Jesper Brouer) [1054076] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: don't cleanup prefix route for IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE (Jiri Pirko) [1052884] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: add IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE flag to suppress creation of IP6 routes (Jiri Pirko) [1052884] - [net] ipv6: addrconf spelling fixes (Jiri Pirko) [1052884] - [net] ipv6: unneccessary to get address prefix in addrconf_get_prefix_route (Jiri Pirko) [1052884] - [net] bridge: apply multicast snooping to IPv6 link-local, too (Francesco Fusco) [1051501] - [net] bridge: prevent flooding IPv6 packets that do not have a listener (Francesco Fusco) [1051501] - [net] ipv6: don't call fib6_run_gc() until routing is ready (Florian Westphal) [1052111] - [net] ipv6: always set the new created dst's from in ip6_rt_copy (Neil Horman) [1050828] - [net] vxlan: Mark vxlan_dev flags with VXLAN_F_IPV6 properly (Thomas Graf) [1049141] - [net] netfilter: RHEL7 kABI prepare struct netns_ct (Jesper Brouer) [1030994] - [net] reorder struct netns_ct for better cache-line usage (Jesper Brouer) [1030994] - [net] ipv6: release dst properly in ipip6_tunnel_xmit (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv6: sit: update mtu check to take care of gso packets (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv6: sit: add GSO/TSO support (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv6: gso: make ipv6_gso_segment() stackable (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv6: wire up skb->encapsulation (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipip: add GSO/TSO support (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] inet: fix a UFO regression (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] inet: restore gso for vxlan (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv4: gso: make inet_gso_segment() stackable (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv4: gso: send_check() & segment() cleanups (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] generalize skb_segment() (Michal Schmidt) [1038708] - [net] ipv4: generalize gre_handle_offloads (Michal Schmidt) [1038708]- [kernel] audit: audit_log_start running on auditd should not stop (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019895] - [kernel] audit: drop audit_cmd_lock in AUDIT_USER family of cases (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019895] - [security] smack: call WARN_ONCE() instead of calling audit_log_start() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019895] - [security] selinux: call WARN_ONCE() instead of calling audit_log_start() (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019895] - [virt] vfio: Convert control interface to misc driver (Alex Williamson) [1044595] - [virt] vfio: Reserve minor for VFIO (Alex Williamson) [1044595] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to (Chad Dupuis) [1048773] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix bug in Tx completion path (Chad Dupuis) [1048773] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix usage of netif_tx_{wake, stop} api during link change (Chad Dupuis) [1048773] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix system hang while running traffic and bringing interface down (Chad Dupuis) [1048773] - [virt] hyperv/netvsc: don't flush peers notifying work during setting mtu (Jason Wang) [1040785 983434] - [virt] hyperv: Fix race between probe and open calls (Jason Wang) [983434] - [s390] kvm: mark as Tech Preview (Hendrik Brueckner) [1049469] - [x86] irq: Fix do_IRQ() interrupt warning for cpu hotplug retriggered irqs (Prarit Bhargava) [1052179] - [kernel] audit: log on errors from filter user rules (Richard Guy Briggs) [1034446] - [x86] uv: Add GRU distributed mode mappings (George Beshers) [1032365] - [iommu] dmar: Modify warn_invalid_dmar() message to do a less loud warning (Prarit Bhargava) [968249] - [dma] ioat: Modify ioat3_dca_init() message to do a less loud warning (Prarit Bhargava) [968235]- [ethernet] sfc: fix sparse non static symbol warning (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Fix RX drop filters for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add PTP counters to ethtool stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Changed the statistic name emerg_{fetch, wait} to hlb_{fetch, wait} (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: remove unused 'enum efx_rx_alloc_method' (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: remove unused 'refcnt' from efx_rx_page_state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Implement efx_nic_type::filter_clear_rx operation for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Allow filter removal only with exactly matching priority (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Don't refer to 'stack' in filter implementation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Change priority and flags for automatic MAC filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Change efx_nic_type::rx_push_indir_table to push hash key as well (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add more information to many warnings using WARN() and netdev_WARN() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Remove unnecessary condition for processing the TX timestamp queue (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Don't clear timestamps in efx_ptp_rx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Enable PTP clock and timestamping for all functions on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Associate primary and secondary functions of controller (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Store VPD serial number at probe time (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add RX packet timestamping for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Copy RX prefix into skb head area in efx_rx_mk_skb() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: split setup of hardware timestamping into NIC-type operation (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add support for SFC9100 timestamp format (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Tidy up PTP synchronization code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: PTP - tidy up unused/useless variables (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Remove kernel-doc for efx_ptp_data fields not present in this version (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Initialise efx_ptp_data::phc_clock_info from a static template (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Do not use MAC address as clock name (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Store flags from MC_CMD_DRV_ATTACH for later use (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Remove dependency of PTP on having a dedicated channel (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Split PTP multicast filter insertion/removal out of efx_ptp_{start, stop}() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Return EBUSY for filter insertion on EF10, matching Falcon/Siena (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Expose NVRAM_PARTITION_TYPE_LICENSE on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Fold efx_flush_all() into efx_stop_port() and update comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Map MCDI error MC_CMD_ERR_ENOTSUP to Linux EOPNOTSUPP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Log all unexpected MCDI errors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add new sensor names (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Revise sensor names to be more understandable and consistent (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Report units in sensor warnings (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Correct RX dropped count for drops while interface is down (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Make initial fill of RX descriptors synchronous (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Tighten the check for RX merged completion events (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add MC BISTs to ethtool offline self test on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Update MCDI protocol definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Demote "MC Scheduler error" messages (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Poll for MCDI completion once before timeout occurs (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Refactor efx_mcdi_poll() by introducing efx_mcdi_poll_once() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: RX buffer allocation takes prefix size into account in IP header alignment (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Maintain current frequency adjustment when applying a time offset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Stop/re-start PTP when stopping/starting the datapath (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Rate-limit log message for PTP packets without a matching timestamp event (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc/ptp: Moderate log message on event queue overflow (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add length checks to efx_xmit_with_hwtstamp() and efx_ptp_is_ptp_tx() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Implement the SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: replace dma_set_mask()+dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Fix DMA unmapping issue with firmware assisted TSO (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Only bind to EF10 functions with the LinkCtrl and Trusted flags (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add PM and RXDP drop counters to ethtool stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add definitions for new stats counters and capability flag (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Refactor EF10 stat mask code to allow for more conditional stats (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Fix internal indices of ethtool stats for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add rmb() between reading stats and generation count to ensure consistency (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Increase MCDI status timeout to 250ms (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Wait for MC reboot to complete before scheduling driver reset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Remove extern from function prototypes (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Support ARFS for IPv6 flows (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Use TX PIO for sufficiently small packets (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Introduce inline functions to simplify TX insertion (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Separate out queue-empty check from efx_nic_may_push_tx_desc() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Allocate and link PIO buffers; map them with write-combining (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Implement firmware-assisted TSO for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Fold tso_get_head_fragment() into tso_start() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Add EF10 registers to register dump (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: efx_ef10_filter_update_rx_scatter() can be static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: efx_ethtool_get_ts_info() can be static (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Reinitialise and re-validate datapath caps after MC reboot (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Clean up validation of datapath capabilities (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Reset derived rx_bad_bytes statistic when EF10 MC is rebooted (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Disable PTP on EF10 until we're ready to handle inline RX timestamps (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Minimal support for 40G link speed (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [net] net_tstamp: Add SIOCGHWTSTAMP ioctl to match SIOCSHWTSTAMP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [net] socket: Merge multiple implementations of ifreq::ifr_data conversion (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [net] socket: Fix minor information leak in siocdevprivate_ioctl() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [net] net_tstamp: Improve kernel-doc for struct hwtstamp_config (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [ethernet] sfc: Convert dma_alloc_coherent(...__GFP_ZERO) to dma_zalloc_coherent (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1028038] - [virt] virtio-net: fix refill races during restore (Jason Wang) [1040802] - [virt] virtio: delete napi structures from netdev before releasing memory (Jason Wang) [1040802] - [virt] virtio-net: make all RX paths handle errors consistently (Jason Wang) [1032457] - [virt] virtio_net: fix error handling for mergeable buffers (Jason Wang) [1032457] - [firmware] efi-pstore: Make efi-pstore return a unique id (Seiji Aguchi) [1039150] - [firmware] efivars, efi-pstore: Hold off deletion of sysfs entry until the scan is completed (Seiji Aguchi) [1039145] - [firmware] efi-pstore: Cocci spatch "memdup.spatch" (Seiji Aguchi) [1039145] - [virt] kvm/svm: nested virt support off by default (Marcelo Tosatti) [1034974] - [x86] uv: Fix NULL pointer dereference in uv_flush_tlb_others() (George Beshers) [1049559] - [fs] kill anon_inode_getfile_private() (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] rework aio migrate pages to use aio fs (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] take anon inode allocation to libfs.c (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] libfs: get exports to definitions of objects being exported (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] aio: fix use-after-free in aio_migratepage (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] aio: remove unnecessary debugging from aio_free_ring() (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] aio: fix race in ring buffer page lookup introduced by page migration support (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] aio: fix build when migration is disabled (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] aio: Add support to aio ring pages migration (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323] - [fs] anon_inode: Introduce a new lib function anon_inode_getfile_private() (Motohiro Kosaki) [995323]- [md] dm-cache: add block sizes and total cache blocks to status output (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-btree: add dm_btree_find_lowest_key (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: fix extending the space map (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-space-map-common: make sure new space is used during extend (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm: wait until embedded kobject is released before destroying a device (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm: remove pointless kobject comparison in dm_get_from_kobject (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-snapshot: call destroy_work_on_stack() to pair with INIT_WORK_ONSTACK() (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: introduce three promotion threshold tunables (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: use list_del_init instead of list_del + INIT_LIST_HEAD (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: fix set_pool_mode exposed pool operation races (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: eliminate the no_free_space flag (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: add error_if_no_space feature (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: requeue bios to DM core if no_free_space and in read-only mode (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: cleanup and improve no space handling (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: log info when growing the data or metadata device (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: handle metadata failures more consistently (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: factor out check_low_water_mark and use bools (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: add mappings to end of prepared_* lists (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: return error from alloc_data_block if pool is not in write mode (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: use bool rather than unsigned for flags in structures (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-persistent-data: cleanup dm-thin specific references in text (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: limit errors in sm_metadata_new_block (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-delay: use per-bio data instead of a mempool and slab cache (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-table: remove unused buggy code that extends the targets array (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: fix discard support to a previously shared block (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: initialize dm_thin_new_mapping returned by get_next_mapping (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-array: fix a reference counting bug in shadow_ablock (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-space-map: disallow decrementing a reference count below zero (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-stats: initialize read-only module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-bufio: initialize read-only module parameters (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: actually resize cache (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: fix promotions to occur as expected (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: allow pool in read-only mode to transition to read-write mode (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: re-establish read-only state when switching to fail mode (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: always fallback the pool mode if commit fails (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: switch to read-only mode if metadata space is exhausted (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-thin: switch to read only mode if a mapping insert fails (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-space-map-metadata: return on failure in sm_metadata_new_block (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-table: fail dm_table_create on dm_round_up overflow (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-snapshot: avoid snapshot space leak on crash (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-delay: fix a possible deadlock due to shared workqueue (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: resolve small nits and improve Documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: add cache block invalidation support (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: add remove_cblock method to policy interface (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: reduce memory requirements (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: check the metadata version when reading the superblock (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: add passthrough mode (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: cache shrinking support (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: promotion optimisation for writes (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: be much more aggressive about promoting writes to discarded blocks (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: implement writeback_work() and mq_{set, clear}_dirty() (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: optimize commit_if_needed (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-space-map-disk: optimise sm_disk_dec_block (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm: fix Kconfig menu indentation (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm: allow remove to be deferred (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-table: print error on preresume failure (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-crypt: add TCW IV mode for old CBC TCRYPT containers (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-crypt: properly handle extra key string in initialization (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: log error message if dm_kcopyd_copy() fails (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: use cell_defer() boolean argument consistently (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: return -EINVAL if the user specifies unknown cache policy (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-metadata: return bool from __superblock_all_zeroes (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: a few small fixes (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy: remove return from void policy_remove_mapping (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: improve efficiency of quiescing flag management (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: fix a race condition between queuing new migrations and quiescing for a shutdown (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache: io destined for the cache device can now serve as tick bios (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-cache-policy-mq: protect residency method with existing mutex (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-array: fix bug in growing array (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-mpath: requeue I/O during pg_init (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm-mpath: fix race condition between multipath_dtr and pg_init_done (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [md] dm: allocate buffer for messages with small number of arguments using GFP_NOIO (Mike Snitzer) [1049591] - [ethernet] be2net: fix max_evt_qs calculation for BE3 in SR-IOV config (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: increase the timeout value for loopback-test FW cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: disable RSS when number of RXQs is reduced to 1 via set-channels (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: slight optimization of addr compare (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: calls skb_set_hash (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [net] Add function to set the rxhash (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: Free/delete pmacs (in be_clear()) only if they exist (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix Lancer error recovery to distinguish FW download (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: Avoid programming permenant MAC by BE3-R VFs (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: set coalesce-wm in CQ_CREATE_V2 cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: Disabling and enabling interrupts in suspend and resume (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: Delete secondary unicast MAC addresses during be_close (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix unconditional enabling of Rx interface options (Ivan Vecera) [1049512] - [ethernet] be2net: replace dma_set_mask()+dma_set_coherent_mask() with new helper (Ivan Vecera) [1049512]- [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [948116] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support for additional network parameters settings (Chad Dupuis) [1006152] - [scsi] qla4xxx: v5. (Chad Dupuis) [1006152] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support to get CHAP details for flash target session (Chad Dupuis) [1006152] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add support to set CHAP entries (Chad Dupuis) [1006152] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use offset based on adapter type to set CHAP entry in flash (Chad Dupuis) [1006152] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Additional parameters for network settings (Chad Dupuis) [948116] - [scsi] iscsi_transport: Remove net param enum values (Chad Dupuis) [948116] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Add support to set CHAP entries (Chad Dupuis) [1006152] - [scsi] Update documentation for scsi eh patchset (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] Set the minimum valid value of 'eh_deadline' as 0 (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] Unlock accesses to eh_deadline (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] improved eh timeout handler (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] Fix erratic device offline during EH (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] scsi_error: Escalate to LUN reset if abort fails (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] Adjust eh_deadline changes to match final upstream version (Ewan Milne) [987784] - [scsi] Disable WRITE SAME for RAID and virtual host adapter drivers (Ewan Milne) [1010379] - [scsi] pm80xx: Removing redundant code snippets (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [scsi] pm80xx: Tasklets synchronization fix (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [scsi] pm8001: clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [scsi] pm8001: use pdev->pm_cap instead of pci_find_capability(.., PCI_CAP_ID_PM) (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [scsi] pm80xx: Module author addition (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [scsi] pm80xx: Resetting the phy state (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix for direct attached device (Rich Bono) [1044113] - [net] cnic: Add a signature to indicate valid doorbell offset (Maurizio Lombardi) [1051181] - [scsi] bfa: Driver version upgrade to (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: Fix smatch warnings (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: change FC_ELS_TOV to 20sec (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: Observed auto D-port mode instead of manual (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: Fix for bcu or hcm faa query hang (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: LUN discovery issue in direct attach mode (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: Register port with SCSI even on port init failure (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [scsi] bfa: Firmware patch simplification (Vijay Guvva) [1032723] - [ethernet] bna: Fix build due to missing use of dma_unmap_len_set() (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Update the Driver Version to (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Firmware Patch Simplification (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Embed SKB Length in TX Vector (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Handle the TX Setup Failures (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Add NULL Check Before Dereferencing TCB (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: CQ Read Fix (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: RX Processing and Config Changes (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Enable Multi Buffer RX (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: RX Filter Enhancements (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Fix Filter Add Del (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Set Get IOC fw State (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Add software timestamping support (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: make local variable static (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [ethernet] bna: fix 32-bit DMA mask handling (Ivan Vecera) [1030679] - [kernel] dma-api: provide a helper to set both DMA and coherent DMA masks (Ivan Vecera) [1030679]- [firmware] efi: generalize efi_get_memory_map() (George Beshers) [973417] - [firmware] efi: Rename __get_map() to efi_get_memory_map() (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] EFI stub support for large memory maps (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: Allow efi_free() to be called with size of 0 (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: use efi_get_memory_map() to get final map for x86 (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: Rename memory allocation/free functions (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: Add system table pointer argument to shared functions (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: Move common EFI stub code from x86 arch code to common location (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: Add proper definitions for some EFI function pointers (George Beshers) [973417] - [x86] efi: correct call to free_pages (George Beshers) [973417] - [ethernet] i40e: correctly setup ARQ descriptors (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: remove redundant AQ enable (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Enable/Disable PF switch LB on SR-IOV configure changes (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: whitespace paren and comment tweaks (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: rework shadow ram read functions (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: check MAC type before any REG access (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: move PF ID init from PF reset to SC init (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Reduce range of interrupt reg in reg test (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: update firmware api to 1.1 (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Add code to wait for FW to complete in reset path (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Allow VF to set already assigned MAC address (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Stop accepting any VLAN tag on VLAN 0 filter set (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not enable broadcast promiscuous by default (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Expose AQ debugfs hooks (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not allow AQ calls from ndo-ops (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: check asq alive before notify (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Admin queue shutdown fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Hide the Port VLAN VLAN ID (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: use correct struct for get and update vsi params (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix VF driver MAC address configuration (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: support VFs on PFs other than 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: acknowledge VFLR when disabling SR-IOV (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: don't allocate zero size (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: use struct assign instead of memcpy (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not enable default port on the VEB (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: avoid unnecessary register read (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix whitespace (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix SR-IOV VF port VLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Record dma buffer info for dummy packets (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: remove un-necessary io-write (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove unnecessary prototypes (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: I40E_FLAG_MQ_ENABLED is not used (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix ring allocation (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: catch unset q_vector (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: keep allocated memory in structs (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix error handling when alloc of vsi array fails (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: reinit buffer size each time (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: use functions to enable and disable icr 0 (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: add header file flag _I40E_TXRX_H_ (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: guard against vf message races (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix constant cast issues (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Change the ethtool NVM read method to use AQ (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix mac address checking (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Dump the whole NVM, not half (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: report VF MAC addresses correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: update led set args (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: make a define from a large constant (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: be more informative (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix error return (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: remove chatty log messages (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: remove redundant code (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor VF reset flow (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: move i40e_reset_vf (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Rx checksum offload for VXLAN (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Implementation of VXLAN ndo's (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix curly brace use and return type (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: add wake-on-lan support (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Populate and check pci bus speed and width (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [uapi] pci_regs: Add PCI bus link speed and width defines (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Suppress HMC error to Interrupt message level (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: using for_each_set_bit to simplify the code (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: make functions static and remove dead code (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix off by one in i40e_dbg_command_write (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version number (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix wrong mask bits being used in misc interrupt (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: more print_hex_dump use (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix up scanf decoders (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: simplify error messages for dump descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: prevent null pointer exception in dump descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Fix dump output from debugfs calls (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Remove FCoE in i40e_virtchnl_pf.c code (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: support for suspend and resume (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: rtnl_lock in reset path fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Add basic support for get/set channels for RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: function to reconfigure RSS queues and rebuild (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: reinit flow for the main VSI (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: use same number of queues as CPUs (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: trivial fixes (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: init flow control settings to disabled (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Tell the stack about our actual number of queues (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix pf reset after offline test (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix up some of the ethtool connection reporting (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix null dereference (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version number (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: remove and fix confusing define name (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: complain about out-of-range descriptor request (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: loopback info and set loopback fix (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: restrict diag test messages (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Add a new variable to track number of pf instances (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: add num_VFs message (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor ethtool tests (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: clear test state bit after all ethtool tests (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: only set up the rings to be used (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Enable all PCTYPEs except FCOE for RSS (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor reset code (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: whitespace (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: enable early hardware support (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Add flag for L2 VEB filtering (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: get media type during link info (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: check multi-bit state correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: separate TSYNVALID and TSYNINDX fields in Rx descriptor (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: sync header files with hardware (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: restrict diag test length (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: add support for triggering EMPR (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: add interrupt test (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: default debug mask setting (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix debugging messages (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: properly add VF MAC addresses (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: retry call on timeout (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: select reset counters correctly (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: allow one more vector for VFs (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: firmware version fields offsets update (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: simplify aq head-tail-len setups (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: clear AQ head and tail registers (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: register file updates (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: set pf_id based on device and function numbers (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix error return code in i40e_probe() (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: remove unused including (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: use pf_id for pf function id in qtx_ctl (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: check vsi ptrs before dumping them (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: reorder block declarations in debugfs (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: tweaking icr0 handling for legacy irq (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: refactor fdir setup function (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix sign extension issue (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fix use of untrusted scalar value warning (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: clamp debugfs nvm read command (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: debugfs fixups (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: fixup legacy interrupt handling (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: assign correct vector to VF (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: don't free nonexistent rings (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: do not flush after re-enabling interrupts (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Bump version (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Add support for 64 bit netstats (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Move rings from pointer to array to array of pointers (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Replace ring container array with linked list (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Move q_vectors from pointer to array to array of pointers (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Split bytes and packets from Rx/Tx stats (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Add support for Tx byte queue limits (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Drop dead code and flags from Tx hotpath (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: clean up Tx fast path (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Do not directly increment Tx next_to_use (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Cleanup Tx buffer info layout (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Drop unused completed stat (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: Link code updates (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: clean up coccicheck reported errors (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: better return values (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: convert ret to aq_ret (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: small clean ups from review (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [ethernet] i40e: use common failure flow (Stefan Assmann) [1011561] - [net] sunrpc/rpc_pipe: fix cleanup of dummy gssd directory when notification fails (Jeff Layton) [1048105] - [net] sunrpc: add an "info" file for the dummy gssd pipe (Jeff Layton) [1048105] - [net] sunrpc/rpc_pipe: remove the clntXX dir if creating the pipe fails (Jeff Layton) [1048105] - [fs] nfs: fix do_div() warning by instead using sector_div() (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [misc] MAINTAINERS: Update contact information for Trond Myklebust (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Prevent a 3-way deadlock between layoutreturn, open and state recovery (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: do not fail gss proc NULL calls with EACCES (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: close needs to handle NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Update list of irrecoverable errors on DELEGRETURN (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: wait on recovery for async session errors (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Fix a warning in nfs_setsecurity (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Enabling v4.2 should not recompile nfsd and lockd (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: fix pnfs Kconfig defaults (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: correctly report misuse of "migration" mount option (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [ethernet] igb: fix driver reload with VF assigned to guest (Stefan Assmann) [986817] - [net] sunrpc: Cleanup xs_destroy() (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: close a rare race in xs_tcp_setup_socket (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: remove duplicated include from clnt.c (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: use IS_ROOT not DCACHE_DISCONNECTED (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Fix buffer overflow checking in gss_encode_v0_msg/gss_encode_v1_msg (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: gss_alloc_msg - choose _either_ a v0 message or a v1 message (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: remove an unnecessary if statement (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Remove useless 'error' assignment (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: comment typo fix (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Add correct rcu_dereference annotation in rpc_clnt_set_transport (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: add support for multiple sec= mount options (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: stop using NFS_MOUNT_SECFLAVOUR server flag (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: cache parsed auth_info in nfs_server (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: separate passed security flavs from selected (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: make nfs_find_best_sec static (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Fix possible endless state recovery wait (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Set EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_MIGR (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Handle SEQ4_STATUS_LEASE_MOVED (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Handle NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED during async RENEW (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Migration support for RELEASE_LOCKOWNER (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Implement support for NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Support NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED recovery in state manager (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add method to detect whether an FSID is still on the server (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Handle NFS4ERR_MOVED during delegation recall (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add migration recovery callouts in nfs4proc.c (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Rename "stateid_invalid" label (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Re-use exit code in nfs4_async_handle_error() (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add basic migration support to state manager thread (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add a super_block backpointer to the nfs_server struct (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add method to retrieve fs_locations during migration recovery (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Export _nfs_display_fhandle() (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Introduce a vector of migration recovery ops (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add functions to swap transports during migration recovery (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Add nfs4_update_server (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Add a helper to switch the transport of an rpc_clnt (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Modify synopsis of rpc_client_register() (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: don't reprocess cached open CLAIM_PREVIOUS (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Fix state reference counting in _nfs4_opendata_reclaim_to_nfs4_state (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: don't fail on missing fattr in open recover (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: fix NULL dereference in open recover (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Don't change the security label as part of open reclaim (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Remove zeroing state kern warnings (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: call_connect_status should recheck bind and connect status on error (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Remove redundant initialisations of request rq_bytes_sent (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Fix RPC call retransmission statistics (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that we disable the resend timeout for NFSv4 (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Add RPC task and client level options to disable the resend timeout (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Clean up - convert xprt_prepare_transmit to return a bool (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Clear the request rq_bytes_sent field in xprt_release_write (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Don't set the request connect_cookie until a successful transmit (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Only update the TCP connect cookie on a successful connect (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [net] sunrpc: Enable the keepalive option for TCP sockets (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [fs] nfs: Fix a use-after-free situation in _nfs4_proc_getlk() (Steve Dickson) [769365] - [wireless] iwlwifi: enable shadow registers for 7000 (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1016320] - [wireless] iwlwifi: support BSS only (Stanislaw Gruszka) [1016320] - [fs] gfs2: Increase i_writecount during gfs2_setattr_chown (Robert S Peterson) [1049045] - [mm] thp: give transparent hugepage code a separate copy_page (Rik van Riel) [1044367] - [kernel] time: menu governor broken when nohz=off (George Beshers) [1043652] - [s390] perf: fix compile error (undefined reference sie_exit) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] mm: page_table_realloc returns failure (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [virt] virtio-net: Set RXCSUM feature if GUEST_CSUM is available (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Add helper function for setting condition code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Make KVM_HVA_ERR_BAD usable on s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: use cookies for ioeventfd (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm/kvm-io: support cookies (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: fix pfmf non-quiescing control handling (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Fix sparse warnings in priv.c (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: declare virtual HW facilities (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: fix task size check (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: allow sie enablement for multi-threaded programs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] qeth: Increase default MTU for OSA devices (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Fixed priority of execution in STSI (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Reworked LCTL and LCTLG instructions (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Check for access exceptions during TPI (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Check for PSTATE when handling DIAGNOSE (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Privileged operation checks moved to instruction handlers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Privileged operation check for TPROT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Renamed PGM_PRIVILEGED_OPERATION (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Fix epsw instruction decoding (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Use common waitqueue (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: code cleanup to use common vcpu slab cache (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Detect if perf samples belong to KVM host or guest (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: guest large pages (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: avoid automatic sie reentry (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Kick guests out of sie if prefix page host pte is touched (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Provide a way to prevent reentering SIE (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Mark if a cpu is in SIE (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: rename RCP_xxx defines to PGSTE_xxx (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: fix psw rewinding in handle_skey (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] kvm: Provide function for setting the guest storage key (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261] - [s390] facility: decompose test_facility() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1035261]- [kernel] perf: Account freq events globally (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Roll back callchain buffer refcount under the callchain mutex (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] watchdog: Make it work under full dynticks (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] watchdog: Boot-disable by default on full dynticks (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] watchdog: Rename confusing state variable (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] watchdog: Register / unregister watchdog kthreads on sysctl control (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Implement finer grained full dynticks kick (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Account freq events per cpu (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Migrate per cpu event accounting (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Split the per-cpu accounting part of the event accounting code (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Factor out event accounting code to account_event()/__free_event() (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Sanitize get_callchain_buffer() (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [kernel] perf: Fix branch stack refcount leak on callchain init failure (Jeremy Eder) [1025775] - [tools] perf/test: Update command line callchain attribute tests (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fixup mmap event consumption (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/top: Split -G and --call-graph (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/record: Split -g and --call-graph (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/hists: Add color overhead for stdio output buffer (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix up /proc/PID/maps parsing (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/script: Fix mem leak due to missing Py_DECREFs on dict entries (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Disable PERF_RECORD_MMAP2 support (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/scripting/perl: Fix build error on Fedora 12 (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix to initialize fname always before use it (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Fix infinite loop on invalid file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix installation of libexec components (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix to find line information for probe list (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix libaudit test (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/stat: Set child_pid after perf_evlist__prepare_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add default handler for mmap2 events (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/symbols: Demangle cloned functions (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/machine: Fix path unpopulated in machine__create_modules() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Explicitly add libdl dependency (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix probing symbols with optimization suffix (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add mmap2 handler (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kmem: Make it work again on non NUMA machines (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix capabilities bitfield compatibility in 'struct perf_event_mmap_page' (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix old GCC build error in trace-event-parse.c:parse_proc_kallsyms() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/probe: Fix finder to find lines of given function (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Check for SIGINT in more loops (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix compile with libelf without get_phdrnum (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix buildid cache handling of kallsyms with kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Fix objdump line parsing offset validation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fill in new definitions for madvise()/mmap() flags (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Sharpen the libaudit dependencies test (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add attr->mmap2 support (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Fix sample_type manipulation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix id pos in perf_evlist__open() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Handle files with no tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Separate progress bar update when processing events (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Check if MAP_32BIT is defined (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/hists: Fix formatting of long symbol names (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix parsing with no sample_id_all bit set (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add test for parsing with no sample_id_all bit (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Check control+C more often (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Tell arg formatters the arg index (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for open's flags arg (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for lseek's whence arg (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix symbol offset computation for some dsos (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/list: Skip unsupported events (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add 'keep tracking' test (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add support for PERF_COUNT_SW_DUMMY (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for futex 'operation' parm (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Allow syscall arg formatters to mask args (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Handle missing HUGEPAGE defines (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Honor target pid / tid options when analyzing a file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add option to analyze events in a file versus live (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add tracepoint lookup by name (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add a sample parsing test (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add a function to calculate sample event size (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Expand perf_event__synthesize_sample() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add missing 'abi' member to 'struct regs_dump' (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add support for PERF_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Move perf_evlist__config() to a new source file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove references to struct ip_event (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/callchain: Remove unnecessary validation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evsel: Tidy up sample parsing overflow checking (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: change machine__findnew_thread() to set thread pid (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Fixup jobserver setup (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add pid to struct thread (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for madvise behaviour/advice parm (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for mmap flags parm (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add beautifier for mmap prot parm (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Allow overiding the formatting of syscall fields (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add aliases to remaining syscalls of the sys_enter_newfoo (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Allow printing syscall return values in hex (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Simplify sys_exit return printing (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Introduce syscall arg formatters (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Hide sys_exit messages about syscall id = -1 (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Add --verbose option (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Support ! in -e expressions (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Don't install scripting files files when disabled (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Sample after exit loses thread correlation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Make command line arguments consistent with perf-record (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Implement -o/--output filename (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add debug prints (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Re-implement debug print function for linking python/ (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Try to increase the file descriptor limits on EMFILE (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Remove force option to cmd_record (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Allow specifying which syscalls to trace (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Improve robustness of topology parsing code (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix compile failure on do_sort_something (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove filter parameter of thread__find_addr_map() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove filter parameter of thread__find_addr_location() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove filter parameter of perf_event__preprocess_sample() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Set the machines symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/mem: Remove unused symbol filter member (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/report: Set the machines symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/top: Set the machines symbol filter (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/machine: Add symbol filter to struct machine (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Change perf_session__has_traces to actually check for tracepoints (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add option to limit stack depth in callchain dumps (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add option to print stack trace on single line (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tool: Simplify options to perf_evsel__print_ip (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/sched: Remove sched_process_fork tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/sched: Remove sched_process_exit tracepoint (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/sched: Remove thread lookup in sample handler (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/sched: Simplify arguments to read_events (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Update documentation with live command (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Option to print events that exceed a duration (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/machine: Do not require /lib/modules/* on a guest (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add tests of new pinned modifier (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add support for pinned modifier (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/ui/gtk: Fix segmentation fault on perf_hpp__for_each_format loop (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Add option to analyze specific VM (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Add min and max stats to display (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Add live mode (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Export queue_event function (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Fix typo (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Improve description of '?' hotkey (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Add call target name if it is missing (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Remove nop at end of annotation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Put dso name in symbol annotation title (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/annotate: Allow disassembly using /proc/kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add kcore to the object code reading test (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Adjust the vmlinux symtab matches kallsyms test again (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/symbols: Add support for reading from /proc/kcore (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Make it possible to read object code from kernel modules (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Adjust the vmlinux symtab matches kallsyms test (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Make it possible to read object code from vmlinux (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/symbols: Load kernel maps before using (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add test for reading object code (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/symbols: avoid SyS kernel syscall aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/stat: Flush output after each line in interval mode (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/stat: Add support for --initial-delay option (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add support for enabling counters (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Remove obsolete dummy execve (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/kvm: Split out tracepoints from record args (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Export a few functions for event processing (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/stats: Add max and min stats (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/top: move CONSOLE_CLEAR to header file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Add parse_nsec_time() function (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/python: Remove duplicate TID bit from mask (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/trace: Beautify 'connect' result (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix compile of util/tsc.c (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evsel: Actually show symbol offset in stack trace when requested (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add test for converting perf time to/from TSC (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Move weight back to common sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add broken install-* tests into tests/make (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add 'make install/install-bin' tests into tests/make (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Add DESTDIR=TMP_DEST tests/make variable (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Rename TMP to TMP_O tests/make variable (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Run ctags/cscope make tests only with needed binaries (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix build with perl 5.18 (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Support callchain sorting based on addresses (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/bench: Fix memcpy benchmark for large sizes (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evsel: Handle ENODEV on default cycles event (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/script: Fix named threads support (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/header: Recognize version number for perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/header: Introduce feat_offset into perf_header (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/header: Remove attr_offset from perf_header (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/header: Remove data_offset seek as it's not needed (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/session: Use session->fd instead of passing fd as argument (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/symbols: Do not apply symfs for an absolute vmlinux path (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix 'make tools/perf' (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove event types framework completely (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/record: Remove event types pushing (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove event types from perf data file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/timechart: Remove event types framework only user (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/timechart: Use traceevent lib event-parse.h include (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Move hist_entry__period_snprintf into stdio code (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/report/top: Add option to collapse undesired parts of call graph (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/list: List kernel supplied event aliases (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Default to cpu// for events v5 (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: struct thread has a tid not a pid (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Validate perf event header size (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Tidy duplicated munmap code (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add const specifier to perf_pmu__find name parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/inject: Add missing 'finished_round' (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix missing tool parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/inject: Remove unused parameter (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/gtk/hists: Set rules hint for the hist browser (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/gtk/hists: Add a double-click handler for callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/gtk/hists: Make column headers resizable (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/gtk/hists: Display callchain overhead also (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/gtk/hists: Add support for callchains (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/gtk/hists: Use GtkTreeStore instead of GtkListStore (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/sched: Move struct perf_sched definition out of cmd_sched() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Remove unused enum and macro in trace-event.h (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: No need to call read_trace_init() in tracing_data_header() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Rename read_*() functions in trace-event-info.c (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/script: Adopt latency_format variable (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Get rid of unused header_page_* variables (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Parse header_page to get proper long size (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Skip reading header_event file (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Make file/host_bigendian variable local (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Save long size of traced system (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Save page size in a trace file to pevent (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Port kbuffer parser routines (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add page_size field to pevent (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add trace_seq_reset() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Add const qualifier to string arguments (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Get rid of unused gui target (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] lib/traceevent: Remove unused install targets (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/parse events: Demystify memory allocations (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Make terms a stack variable in test_term (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Don't free list head in parse_events__free_terms (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix use of uninitialized variable (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/report: Fix perf_session__delete removal (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Do not elide parent symbol column (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Use evsel->name to get tracepoint_paths (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/util: Move debugfs/tracing helper functions to util.c (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove callchain_cursor_reset call (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add methods for setting/retrieving priv element of thread struct (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Use default include path notation for libtraceevent headers (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/tests: Make TEST_ASSERT_VAL global (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove cwd from perf_session struct (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/top: Add --objdump option (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Rename cpu_map__all() to cpu_map__empty() (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Update ABI comment (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix UAPI export of PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add a dummy software event to keep tracking (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix up MMAP2 buffer space reservation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Add attr->mmap2 attribute to an event (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: make events stream always parsable (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf/x86: Add ability to calculate TSC from perf sample timestamps (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Fix broken union in 'struct perf_event_mmap_page' (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Update perf_event_type documentation (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [tools] perf: Remove the 'match' callback for auxiliary events processing (Jiri Olsa) [1036665] - [edac] amd64_edac: Correct erratum 505 range (Kim Naru) [1013820] - [edac] mce_amd: Add an MCE signature for new Fam15h models (Kim Naru) [1013820] - [edac] amd64_edac: Fix incorrect wraparounds (Kim Naru) [1013820] - [edac] amd64_edac: Get rid of boot_cpu_data accesses (Kim Naru) [1013820] - [edac] amd64_edac: Add ECC decoding support for newer F15h model (Kim Naru) [1013820] - [block] blk-mq: Don't reserve a tag for flush request (Mike Snitzer) [1048301] - [lib] percpu_ida: fix a live lock (Mike Snitzer) [1048301] - [net] ipv4: loopback device: ignore value changes after device is upped (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] netfilter: only warn once on wrong seqadj usage (Jesper Brouer) [1031968] - [net] ipvs: correct usage/allocation of seqadj ext in ipvs (Jesper Brouer) [1031968] - [net] netfilter: WARN about wrong usage of sequence number adjustments (Jesper Brouer) [1031968] - [net] vxlan: use custom ndo_change_mtu handler (Daniel Borkmann) [1039848] - [net] Loosen constraints for recalculating checksum in skb_segment() (Vlad Yasevich) [1042762] - [net] core: convert class code to use dev_groups (Jiri Benc) [1037452] - [net] ptp: convert class code to use dev_groups (Jiri Benc) [1037452]- [s390] time, vdso: fix clock_gettime for CLOCK_MONOTONIC (Hendrik Brueckner) [1036677] - [s390] vdso: ectg gettime support for CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID (Hendrik Brueckner) [1036677] - [s390] vdso: fix access-list entry initialization (Hendrik Brueckner) [1036677] - [s390] time, vdso: convert to the new update_vsyscall interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [1036677]- [net] netfilter: fix wrong byte order in nf_ct_seqadj_set internal information (Jesper Brouer) [1045360] - [net] br: fix use of ->rx_handler_data in code executed on non-rx_handler path (Jiri Pirko) [1039118] - [net] openvswitch: Use flow hash during flow lookup operation (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: TCP flags matching support (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Widen TCP flags handling (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Enable all GSO features on internal port (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: collect mega flow mask stats (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify mega-flow APIs (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Move mega-flow list out of rehashing struct (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Restructure datapath.c and flow.c (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: remove duplicated include from vport-gre.c (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: remove duplicated include from vport-vxlan.c (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Move flow table rehashing to flow install (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: flow: fix potential illegal memory access in __parse_flow_nlattrs (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] openvswitch: Fix alignment of struct sw_flow_key (Francesco Fusco) [1043536] - [net] add BUG_ON if kernel advertises msg_namelen > sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage) (Florian Westphal) [1039870] {CVE-2013-7266 CVE-2013-7267 CVE-2013-7268 CVE-2013-7269 CVE-2013-7270 CVE-2013-7271} - [net] rework recvmsg handler msg_name and msg_namelen logic (Florian Westphal) [1039870] {CVE-2013-7266 CVE-2013-7267 CVE-2013-7268 CVE-2013-7269 CVE-2013-7270 CVE-2013-7271} - [acpi] acpi_gpio: protect against future KABI breakage (Prarit Bhargava) [1037769] - [acpi] processor: Introduce apic_id in struct processor to save parsed APIC id (Prarit Bhargava) [1037769] - [edac] sb_edac: add support for Ivy Bridge (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: avoid decoding the same error multiple times (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: rename mci_bind_devs() (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: enable multiple PCI id tables to be used (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: rework sad_pkg (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: allow different interleave lists (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: allow different dram_rule arrays (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: isolate TOHM retrieval (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: rename pci_br (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: isolate TOLM retrieval (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [edac] sb_edac: make RANK_CFG_A value part of sbridge_info (Aristeu Rozanski) [1029153] - [s390] time: revert direct ktime path for s390 clockevent device (Hendrik Brueckner) [1036682] - [security] keys: fix uninitialized persistent_keyring_register_sem (Steve Best) [1030472] - [sched] idle: Fix the idle polling state logic (Jeremy Eder) [1038152] - [misc] enclosure: fix WARN_ON in dual path device removing (Steve Best) [1030291] - [security] keys: Pre-clear struct key on allocation (David Howells) [1032980] - [powerpc] eeh: Use interruptible sleep in keehd (Steve Best) [1044378]- [md] fix calculation of stacking limits on level change (Jes Sorensen) [1033479] - [x86] better solution for x86 single cpu support check (Prarit Bhargava) [1032604] - [kernel] sched: Fix asymmetric scheduling for POWER7 (Steve Best) [1032796] - [fs] writeback: Fix data corruption on NFS (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] writeback: do not sync data dirtied after sync start (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] writeback: fix race that cause writeback hung (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] writeback: make writeback_inodes_wb static (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] writeback: fix occasional slow sync(1) (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] writeback: don't check force_wait to handle bdi->work_list (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] fs-writeback: make wb_do_writeback() as static (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] writeback: Do not sort b_io list only because of block device inode (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [fs] sync: don't block the flusher thread waiting on IO (Jeff Layton) [1042112] - [security] selinux: process labeled IPsec TCP SYN-ACK packets properly in selinux_ip_postroute() (Paul Moore) [1040183] - [security] selinux: look for IPsec labels on both inbound and outbound packets (Paul Moore) [1040183] - [security] selinux: handle TCP SYN-ACK packets correctly in selinux_ip_postroute() (Paul Moore) [1040183] - [security] selinux: handle TCP SYN-ACK packets correctly in selinux_ip_output() (Paul Moore) [1040183] - [s390] signal: always restore saved runtime instrumentation psw bit (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029884] - [s390] fix handling of runtime instrumentation psw bit (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029884] - [platform] asus-nb-wmi: set wapf=4 for ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. 1015E/U (Prarit Bhargava) [1043248] - [platform] asus-nb-wmi: ignore ALS notification key code (Prarit Bhargava) [1043248] - [fs] gfs2: Fix slab memory leak in gfs2_bufdata (Robert S Peterson) [1038123] - [fs] gfs2: Fix use-after-free race when calling gfs2_remove_from_ail (Robert S Peterson) [1038123] - [virt] kvm: fix guest-initiated crash with x2apic (Andrew Jones) [1042101] {CVE-2013-6376} - [drm] qxl: fix memory leak in release list handling (Dave Airlie) [1035564] - [scsi] ipr: Increase msi-x interrupt vectors to 16 (Steve Best) [1038501]- [powerpc] powernv: Don't crash if there are no OPAL consoles (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Reserve the correct PE number (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Add PE to its own PELTV (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Output PHB3 diag-data (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Double size of log blob (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Output error number (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Support inbound error injection (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Enable EEH for PHB3 (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix undefined variable (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] pci: Remove duplicate check in pcibios_fixup_bus() (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Needn't IO segment map for PHB3 (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Check primary PHB through ID (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Fetch PHB bus range from dev-tree (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Free PHB instance upon error (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Introdce flag to protect sysfs (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix unbalanced enable for IRQ (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Don't use pci_dev during BAR restore (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Use partial hotplug for EEH unaware drivers (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] pci: Partial tree hotplug support (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Use safe list traversal when walking EEH devices (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Keep PE during hotplug (Steve Best) [1033086] - [pci] hotplug: Don't need to remove from EEH cache twice (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] pci: Override pcibios_release_device() (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Export functions for hotplug (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Remove reference to PCI device (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Use dev-node in PCI config accessors (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Avoid build warnings (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Refactor the output message (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Fix address catch for PowerNV (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Replace variables with flags (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Check PCIe link after reset (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Don't collect PCI-CFG data on PHB (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Debugfs for error injection (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv: Debugfs directory for PHB (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Register OPAL notifier for PCI error (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv/opal: Disable OPAL notifier upon poweroff (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] powernv/opal: Notifier for OPAL events (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Allow to check fenced PHB proactively (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Enable EEH check for config access (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Initialization for PowerNV (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: PowerNV EEH backends (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: I/O chip next error (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: I/O chip PE log and bridge setup (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: I/O chip PE reset (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: I/O chip EEH state retrieval (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: I/O chip EEH enable option (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: I/O chip post initialization (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: EEH backend for P7IOC (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Sync OPAL API with firmware (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: EEH core to handle special event (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Export confirm_error_lock (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Allow to purge EEH events (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Trace time on first error for PE (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Single kthread to handle events (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Delay EEH probe during hotplug (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Refactor eeh_reset_pe_once() (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: EEH post initialization operation (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Make eeh_init() public (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Trace PCI bus from PE (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Make eeh_pe_get() public (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Make eeh_phb_pe_get() public (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Move common part to kernel directory (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Cleanup for EEH core (Steve Best) [1033086] - [powerpc] eeh: Enhance converting EEH dev (Steve Best) [1033086] - [s390] crypto: Fix aes-xts parameter corruption (Hendrik Brueckner) [1039937] - [fs] aio: restore locking of ioctx list on removal (Mateusz Guzik) [1013373] - [virt] kvm: Convert vapic synchronization to _cached functions (Andrew Jones) [1042092] {CVE-2013-6368} - [virt] kvm: Fix potential divide by 0 in lapic (Andrew Jones) [1042084] {CVE-2013-6367} - [virt] kvm: Improve create VCPU parameter (Andrew Jones) [1042074] {CVE-2013-4587} - [cpufreq] check cpufreq driver is valid and cpufreq isn't disabled in cpufreq_get() (Jan Stancek) [1040409] - [block] blk-mq: fix memory leaks on unplugging block device (Mike Snitzer) [1040675] - [block] blk-mq: fix use-after-free of request (Mike Snitzer) [1040675] - [block] blk-mq: fix dereference of rq->mq_ctx if allocation fails (Mike Snitzer) [1040675] - [block] blk-mq: add blktrace insert event trace (Mike Snitzer) [1040675] - [block] blk-mq: ensure that we set REQ_IO_STAT so diskstats work (Mike Snitzer) [1040675] - [mm] numa: write pte_numa pte back to the page tables (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] migrate: fix set cpupid on page migration twice against thp (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Guarantee that tlb_flush_pending updates are visible before page table updates (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [sched] fix the theoretical signal_wake_up() vs schedule() race (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [sched] Add tracepoints related to NUMA task migration (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Do not automatically migrate KSM pages (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Trace tasks that fail migration due to rate limiting (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Limit scope of lock for NUMA migrate rate limiting (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Make NUMA-migrate related functions static (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Defer TLB flush for THP migration as long as possible (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] fix TLB flush race between migration, and change_protection_range (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Avoid unnecessary disruption of NUMA hinting during migration (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Clear numa hinting information on mprotect (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [sched] numa: Skip inaccessible VMAs (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Avoid unnecessary work on the failure path (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Ensure anon_vma is locked to prevent parallel THP splits (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Do not clear PTE for pte_numa update (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Do not clear PMD during PTE update scan (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] Clear pmd_numa before invalidating (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Call MMU notifiers on THP migration (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: Serialise parallel get_user_page against THP migration (Rik van Riel) [1040200] - [mm] numa: return the number of base pages altered by protection changes (Rik van Riel) [1040200]- [net] ipv6: router reachability probing (Jiri Benc) [1032118] - [net] ipv6: remove the unnecessary statement in find_match() (Jiri Benc) [1032118] - [net] arp/neighbour.h: Remove extern from function prototypes (Jiri Benc) [1032118] - [net] netfilter: tproxy: fix build with IP6_NF_IPTABLES=n (Jiri Benc) [1035295] - [net] netfilter: tproxy: remove nf_tproxy_core.h (Jiri Benc) [1035295] - [net] netfilter: tproxy: remove nf_tproxy_core, keep tw sk assigned to skb (Jiri Benc) [1035295] - [net] neigh: ipv6: respect default values set before an address is assigned to device (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] neigh: restore old behaviour of default parms values (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] neigh: use tbl->family to distinguish ipv4 from ipv6 (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] neigh: wrap proc dointvec functions (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] neigh: convert parms to an array (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] net: neighbour: Remove CONFIG_ARPD (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] ndisc: bool initializations should use true and false (Jiri Pirko) [1040347] - [net] ipv4: add support for IFA_FLAGS nl attribute (Jiri Pirko) [1021871] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: revert /proc/net/if_inet6 ifa_flag format (Jiri Pirko) [1021871] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: introduce IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR to tell kernel to manage temporary addresses (Jiri Pirko) [1021871] - [net] ipv6: addrconf: extend ifa_flags to u32 (Jiri Pirko) [1021871] - [net] ipv6: Remove privacy config option (Jiri Pirko) [1021871] - [net] ipv6: fix leaking uninitialized port number of offender sockaddr (Florian Westphal) [1035884] {CVE-2013-6405} - [net] inet: fix addr_len/msg->msg_namelen assignment in recv_error and rxpmtu functions (Florian Westphal) [1035884] {CVE-2013-6405} - [net] inet: prevent leakage of uninitialized memory to user in recv syscalls (Florian Westphal) [1035884] {CVE-2013-6405} - [net] rename busy poll MIB counter (Michal Schmidt) [1038631] - [net] rename CONFIG_NET_LL_RX_POLL to CONFIG_NET_RX_BUSY_POLL (Michal Schmidt) [1038631] - [net] fix a compile error when CONFIG_NET_LL_RX_POLL is not set (Michal Schmidt) [1038631] - [net] af_packet: block BH in prb_shutdown_retire_blk_timer() (Veaceslav Falico) [1034605]- [scsi] pm80xx: remove unneeded NULL check (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Fix for 32 bit compilation warning (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Firmware logging support (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Phy settings support for motherboard controller (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: IButton security feature support for motherboard controllers (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Print SAS address of IO failed device (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: 4G boundary fix (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Queue rotation logic for inbound and outbound queues (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Set device state response logic fix (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Display controller BIOS version (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Indirect SMP request fix (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] pm80xx: Device id changes to support series 8 controllers (Rich Bono) [1019457] - [scsi] bfa: firmware update to (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Update the driver version to (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Chinook quad port 16G FC HBA claim issue (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: switch to fixed_size_llseek() (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Fix crash when symb name set for offline vport (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: dis-associate bfa path_tov with dev_loss_tmo (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Support for chinook-quad port card (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: fix endianess issue for firmware stats (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Fix bug_on condition in RPSC rsp handling (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Allow rsp queue process during ioc disable (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: firmware statistics update (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: fru vpd date update changes (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: driver compatibility with 32bit libs (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: kdump fix on 815 and 825 adapters (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Fix FDISC timeout handling (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Fix 1860 port initialize when ATC is enabled (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: FDMI enhancements (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Fix WARN_ON condition check (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Add dynamic diagnostic port support (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Forward Error Correction status query (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Support for FC BB credit recovery (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: Fixes for 0-terminated strncpy and possible null pointer dereference (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: fix for FC Direct Attach LUN discovery failure (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [scsi] bfa: fix faulty handling of events in lps sm (Vijay Guvva) [726968] - [maintainers] Add maintainer info for bnx2i (Maurizio Lombardi) [725065] - [scsi] bnx2i: Update version and copyright year 2013 (Maurizio Lombardi) [725065] - [s390] uaccess: add missing page table walk range check (Hendrik Brueckner) [1036690] - [fs] nfsd: don't try to reuse an expired DRC entry off the list (Jeff Layton) [1036971] - [fs] nfsd: when reusing an existing repcache entry, unhash it first (Jeff Layton) [1036971] - [s390] pci: implement hotplug notifications (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312] - [s390] pci: implement pcibios_remove_bus (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312] - [s390] pci: improve handling of bus resources (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312] - [s390] pci: cleanup function information block (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312] - [s390] pci: remove CONFIG_PCI_DEBUG dependancy (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312] - [s390] pci: message cleanup (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312] - [s390] pci: implement hibernation hooks (Hendrik Brueckner) [1030312]- [ethernet] cxgb3: Fix warning about using rcu_dereference when not in a rcu-locked section (Veaceslav Falico) [1038494] - [fs] btrfs: relocate csums properly with prealloc extents (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: release path before starting transaction in can_nocow_extent (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: fix oops caused by the space balance and dead roots (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: insert orphan roots into fs radix tree (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: limit delalloc pages outside of find_delalloc_range (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: Fix crash due to not allocating integrity data for a bioset (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: fix a use-after-free bug in btrfs_dev_replace_finishing (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: eliminate races in worker stopping code (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash of compressed writes (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] btrfs: fix transid verify errors when recovering log tree (Eric Sandeen) [1030074] - [fs] vfs: fix subtle use-after-free of pipe_inode_info (Steve Best) [1033905] - [powerpc] signals: Mark VSX not saved with small contexts (Steve Best) [1019549] - [security] selinux: correct locking in selinux_netlbl_socket_connect() (Paul Moore) [991605] - [net] xfrm: Fix potential null pointer dereference in xdst_queue_output (Herbert Xu) [1034891] - [net] ipv6: introduce function to find route for redirect (Jiri Pirko) [1035996] - [net] ipv6: handle Redirect ICMP Message with no Redirected Header option (Jiri Pirko) [1035996]- [misc] synchronize with upstream linux-3.10.y stable branch up to 3.10.20 (Veaceslav Falico) [1034281] - [s390] allow to set gcc -mtune flag (Hendrik Brueckner) [1032642] - [net] team: fix master carrier set when user linkup is enabled (Jiri Pirko) [1035258] - [net] openvswitch: fix vport-netdev unregister (Francesco Fusco) [1004267]- [pci] Fix whitespace, capitalization, and spelling errors (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Remove duplicate pci_disable_device() from pcie_portdrv_remove() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Enable upstream bridges even for VFs on virtual buses (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Add pci_upstream_bridge() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Add x86_msi.msi_mask_irq() and msix_mask_irq() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Warn on driver probe return value greater than zero (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Drop warning about drivers that don't use pci_set_master() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Workaround missing pci_set_master in pci drivers (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [powerpc] pci: Use pci_is_pcie() to simplify code fix (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Update pcie_ports 'auto' behavior for non-ACPI platforms (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Report pci_pme_active() kmalloc failure (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Fail MSI/MSI-X initialization if device is not in PCI_D0 (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [x86] pci: Coalesce multiple overlapping host bridge windows (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [misc] MAINTAINERS: Add arch/x86/pci to PCI file patterns (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] pm: Remove pci_pm_complete() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Add pci_dev_show_local_cpu() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Make pci_dev_pm_ops static (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Make pci_bus_attrs, pci_dev_attrs, dev_rescan_attr, dev_remove_attr, vga_attr static (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] convert bus code to use dev_groups (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] convert bus code to use drv_groups (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] convert bus code to use bus_groups (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [drm] radeon: use pcie_get_readrq() and pcie_set_readrq() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [infiniband] qib: Drop qib_tune_pcie_caps() and qib_tune_pcie_coalesce() return values (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Remove unused PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_BIRMASK definition (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] acpiphp_ibm: Convert to dynamic debug (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] acpiphp: Convert to dynamic debug (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Remove Intel Haswell D3 delays (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Pass type, width, and prefetchability for window alignment (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Document reason for using pci_is_root_bus() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Use pci_is_root_bus() to check for root bus (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Remove unused "is_pcie" from pci_dev structure (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Update pci_find_slot() description in pci.txt (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use standard PCIe Capability Link register field names (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Fix comment typo, remove unnecessary !! in pci_is_pcie() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Drop "setting latency timer" messages (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [infiniband] qib: Use pcie_set_mps() and pcie_get_mps() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [infiniband] qib: Use pci_is_root_bus() to check whether it is a root bus (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Export pcie_set_mps() and pcie_get_mps() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Decode _OSC bitmasks symbolically (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Separate out _OSC "we don't support enough services" path (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Separate out _OSC "PCIe port services disabled" path (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Skip _OSC control tests if _OSC support call failed (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Run _OSC only once for OSPM feature support (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Split _OSC "support" and "control" flags into separate variables (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Move _OSC stuff from acpi_pci_root_add() to negotiate_os_control() (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Drop unnecessary _OSC existence tests (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Name _OSC #defines more consistently (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Write OSC_PCI_CONTROL_MASKS like OSC_PCI_SUPPORT_MASKS (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Remove unused OSC_PCI_NATIVE_HOTPLUG (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Tidy acpi_run_osc() declarations (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Rename OSC_QUERY_TYPE to OSC_QUERY_DWORD (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [acpi] Write _OSC bit field definitions in hex (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [powerpc] pci: Use pci_is_pcie() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Use pcie_is_pcie() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [scsi] csiostor: Use pcie_capability_clear_and_set_word() to simplify (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [scsi] bfa: Use pcie_set()/get_readrq() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [x86] pci: Use cached pci_dev->pcie_cap to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [pci] Use pci_is_pcie() to simplify code (Myron Stowe) [1033834] - [ethernet] be2net: call napi_disable() for all event queues (Ivan Vecera) [1032872] - [mm] get rid of unnecessary pageblock scanning in setup_zone_migrate_reserve (Motohiro Kosaki) [1023873] - [s390] mm: handle asce-type exceptions as normal page fault (Hendrik Brueckner) [1033645] - [s390] 3270: fix missing device_destroy() call (Hendrik Brueckner) [1032553] - [s390] boot: Install bzImage as default kernel image (Hendrik Brueckner) [1032548] - [x86] perf: Fix shared register mutual exclusion enforcement (Jiri Olsa) [1032093] - [mm] readahead: fix sequential read cache miss detection (Rik van Riel) [1032279] - [block] fix a race between request completion and timeout handling (Jeff Moyer) [1032138] - [s390] mm: correct tlb flush on page table upgrade (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029601]- [pci] msi: add default MSI operations for !HAVE_GENERIC_HARDIRQS platforms (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [of] of_pci: add registry of MSI chips (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [pci] Introduce new MSI chip infrastructure (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [pci] remove ARCH_SUPPORTS_MSI kconfig option (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [pci] use weak functions for MSI arch-specific functions (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [of] of_pci: Add of_pci_parse_bus_range() function (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [of] of_pci: Add of_pci_get_devfn() function (Myron Stowe) [1034514] - [fs] sysfs: sysfs_create_groups returns a value (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_create/remove_groups for when SYSFS is not enabled (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: fix up kerneldoc (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: update copyright to add myself and the LF (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: add kerneldoc for sysfs_remove_group (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: fix up broken string coding style (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: fix up some * coding style issues (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: fix trailing whitespace (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs/group: move EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL() to the proper location (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [fs] sysfs: add sysfs_create/remove_groups() (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [base] bus_type: add bus_groups (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [base] bus_type: add drv_groups (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [base] bus_type: add dev_groups (Myron Stowe) [1034491] - [ethernet] e1000e: fix overrun of PHY RAR array (John Green) [1031123] - [kernel] perf/ftrace: Fix paranoid level for enabling function tracer (Jiri Olsa) [1027778] {CVE-2013-2930} - [powerpc] kdump: Adding symbols in vmcoreinfo to facilitate dump filtering (Steve Best) [1025746] - [s390] block/dasd: hold request queue sysfs lock when calling elevator_init() (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1030615] - [block] elevator: acquire q->sysfs_lock in elevator_change() (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1030615] - [block] elevator: Fix a race in elevator switching and dm device initialization (Tomoki Sekiyama) [1030615] - [s390] vtime: correct idle time calculation (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029891] - [s390] time: fix get_tod_clock_ext inline assembly (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029891] - [s390] time: correct use of store clock fast (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029891] - [s390] time: return with irqs disabled from psw_idle (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029891] - [s390] fix save and restore of the floating-point-control register (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029602] - [s390] compat, signal: change return values to -EFAULT (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029602] - [net] flow_dissector: fail on evil iph->ihl (Jason Wang) [1007955] {CVE-2013-4348}- [acpi] Correct faulty check of Secure Level in acpi_os_get_root_pointer() (Lenny Szubowicz) [1034598]- [net] netfilter: push reasm skb through instead of original frag skbs (Jiri Pirko) [1032012] - [net] ip6_output: fragment outgoing reassembled skb properly (Jiri Pirko) [1032012] - [net] ipv6: fix headroom calculation in udp6_ufo_fragment (Jiri Pirko) [1030016] {CVE-2013-4563} - [net] macvtap: limit head length of skb allocated (Jason Wang) [1029380] - [net] tuntap: limit head length of skb allocated (Jason Wang) [1029380] - [fs] nfs: check if gssd is running before attempting to use krb5i auth in SETCLIENTID call (Jeff Layton) [998616] - [net] sunrpc: replace sunrpc_net->gssd_running flag with a more reliable check (Jeff Layton) [998616] - [net] sunrpc: create a new dummy pipe for gssd to hold open (Jeff Layton) [998616] - [s390] scm_block: do not hide eadm subchannel dependency (Hendrik Brueckner) [1032542] - [s390] qeth: avoid buffer overflow in snmp ioctl (Hendrik Brueckner) [1029890] - [s390] zfcpdump: Add support for XFS (Hendrik Brueckner) [1028103] - [x86] setup: print out a message if !ACPI (Prarit Bhargava) [1033181] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: skip the driver if ACPI has power mgmt option (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add static declarations to internal functions (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add Baytrail support (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Refactor driver to support CPUs with different MSR layouts (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Correct calculation of min pstate value (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Improve accuracy by not truncating until final result (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix type mismatch warning (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Fix max_perf_pct on resume (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] add new routine cpufreq_verify_within_cpu_limits() (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] Optimize cpufreq_frequency_table_verify() (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: fix no_turbo (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Add Haswell CPU models (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] Drop the owner field from struct cpufreq_driver (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] Use rwsem for protecting critical sections (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [cpufreq] delete __cpuinit usage from all cpufreq files (Prarit Bhargava) [1031793] - [powerpc] ppc64 address space capped at 32TB, mmap randomisation disabled (Steve Best) [1031762]- [kernel] hung_task: add method to reset detector (Marcelo Tosatti) [987202] - [virt] pvclock: detect watchdog reset at pvclock read (Marcelo Tosatti) [987202] - [fs] cifs: stop trying to use virtual circuits (Sachin Prabhu) [1026387] - [security] keys: Fix keyring content gc scanner (David Howells) [1030482] - [fs] ext4: fix warning in ext4_da_update_reserve_space() (Lukas Czerner) [1022185] - [fs] quota: provide interface for readding allocated space into reserved space (Lukas Czerner) [1022185] - [fs] nfs: don't retry detect_trunking with RPC_AUTH_UNIX more than once (Jeff Layton) [1030404] - [net] sunrpc: Avoid deep recursion in rpc_release_client (Jeff Layton) [1030404] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a data corruption issue when retransmitting RPC calls (Jeff Layton) [1030062] - [fs] nfs: Remove redundant checks in nfs_setsecurity+nfs4_label_init_security (Jeff Layton) [1030725] - [fs] nfs: Sanity check the server reply in _nfs4_server_capabilities (Jeff Layton) [1030725] - [fs] nfs: encode_readdir - only ask for labels when doing readdirplus (Jeff Layton) [1030725] - [fs] nfs: set security label when revalidating inode (Jeff Layton) [1030725] - [fs] nfs: Fix a mismatch between Linux labeled NFS and the NFSv4.2 spec (Jeff Layton) [1030725] - [misc] synchronize with upstream linux-3.10.y stable branch up to 3.10.18 (Veaceslav Falico) [1028210]- [fs] gfs2: Fix ref count bug relating to atomic_open (Robert S Peterson) [1032800]- [ethernet] mlx4: Fix pages never dma unmapped on rx (Steve Best) [1030192] - [kernel] Add method for displaying affection for Red Hat (Prarit Bhargava) [1025450] - [powerpc] Fix fatal SLB miss when restoring PPR (Steve Best) [1027633] - [fs] gfs2: Implement a "rgrp has no extents longer than X" scheme (Robert S Peterson) [1019462] - [fs] gfs2: Drop inadequate rgrps from the reservation tree (Robert S Peterson) [1019462] - [fs] gfs2: If requested is too large, use the largest extent in the rgrp (Robert S Peterson) [1019462] - [fs] gfs2: Add allocation parameters structure (Robert S Peterson) [1019462] - [security] keys: Fix error handling in big_key instantiation (David Howells) [1029877] - [kernel] move get_online_cpus/put_online_cpus locking out (Rik van Riel) [1027267] - [kernel] sched/numa: Cure update_numa_stats() vs. hotplug (Rik van Riel) [1027267] - [kernel] sched/numa: Fix NULL pointer dereference in task_numa_migrate() (Rik van Riel) [1028100] - [scsi] hpsa: remove P822se PCI ID (Tomas Henzl) [1029009] - [scsi] hpsa: correct gen9 PCI IDs (Tomas Henzl) [1029009] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: ALUA handler attach should succeed while TPG is transitioning (Ewan Milne) [1020355] - [scsi] scsi_dh_alua: ALUA check sense should retry device internal reset unit attention (Ewan Milne) [1020355] - [scsi] scsi_debug: fix endianness bug in sdebug_build_parts() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1017128] - [block] blk-mq: don't disallow request merges for req->special being set (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: mq plug list breakage (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: fix for flush deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: add blk_mq_stop_hw_queues (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: fix permissions for ipi_redirect sysfs attribute (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: zero out ctx_map during initialization (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: cache rq->q (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: use a separate plug list for blk-mq requests (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: switch to percpu-ida for tag management (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [lib] percpu_ida: add an API to return free tags (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [lib] percpu_ida: add percpu_ida_for_each_free (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [lib] percpu_ida: make percpu_ida percpu size/batch configurable (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [lib] idr: Percpu ida (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: call exit_hctx on hw queue teardown (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [lib] percpu_counter: __this_cpu_write() doesn't need to be protected by spinlock (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: fix blk_mq_start_stopped_hw_queues from irq context (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: cleanup blk_mq_bio_to_request (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: kill blk_mq_finish_request (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: always complete bios in blk_mq_complete_request (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: dont call blk_mq_free_request from blk_mq_finish_request (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: more careful bio completion (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] use blk-exec.c infrastructure for blk-mq (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] make blk_get_put_request work for blk-mq drivers (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] remove request ref_count (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: Lower minimum queue depth from 4 to 1 (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: Do not fail blk_mq_reg::queue_depth value of zero (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: Do not allocate more cache entries than used (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: Check queue depth is valid (Mike Snitzer) [1016109] - [block] blk-mq: Sanity check reserved tags (Mike Snitzer) [1016109]- [x86] trace: Change user|kernel_page_fault to page_fault_user|kernel (Seiji Aguchi) [726853] - [x86] trace: Add page fault tracepoints (Seiji Aguchi) [726853] - [x86] trace: Delete __trace_alloc_intr_gate() (Seiji Aguchi) [726853] - [x86] trace: Register exception handler to trace IDT (Seiji Aguchi) [726853] - [x86] trace: Remove __alloc_intr_gate() (Seiji Aguchi) [726853] - [kernel] audit: call audit_bprm() only once to add AUDIT_EXECVE information (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010367] - [kernel] audit: move audit_aux_data_execve contents into audit_context union (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010367] - [kernel] audit: remove unused envc member of audit_aux_data_execve (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010367] - [kernel] audit: Kill the unused struct audit_aux_data_capset (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010367] - [fs] gfs2: fix dentry leaks (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [fs] gfs2: d_splice_alias() can't return error (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [fs] atomic_open: take care of EEXIST in no-open case with O_CREAT|O_EXCL in fs/namei.c (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [fs] vfs: don't set FILE_CREATED before calling ->atomic_open() (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [fs] nfs: set FILE_CREATED (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [fs] gfs2: set FILE_CREATED (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [fs] vfs: improve i_op->atomic_open() documentation (Abhijith Das) [1010350] - [net] svcrpc: set cr_gss_mech from gss-proxy as well as legacy upcall (J. Bruce Fields) [1026643] - [mm] zbud: fix condition check on allocation size (Jerome Marchand) [1009496] - [kernel] sched: Optimize task_sched_runtime() (Larry Woodman) [986058] - [x86] setup: add a customer friendly message for single cpu systems (Prarit Bhargava) [1009066] - [x86] efi: Disable secure boot if shim is in insecure mode (Lenny Szubowicz) [1004888] - [kernel] modsign: Support not importing certs from db (Lenny Szubowicz) [1004888] - [kernel] modsign: Import certificates from UEFI Secure Boot (Lenny Szubowicz) [1004888] - [kernel] keys: Add a system blacklist keyring (Lenny Szubowicz) [1004888] - [crypto] asymmetric_keys: Add an EFI signature blob parser and key loader (Lenny Szubowicz) [1004888] - [kernel] efi: Add EFI signature data types (Lenny Szubowicz) [1004888] - [kernel] hibernate: Disable if securelevel above zero (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] efi: Add EFI_SECURE_BOOT bit (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] Add option to automatically set securelevel when in Secure Boot mode (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [platform] asus-wmi: Restrict debugfs interface when securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] Restrict MSR access when securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] uswsusp: Disable when securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] kexec: Disable at runtime if securelevel has been set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [acpi] Ignore acpi_rsdp kernel parameter when securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [acpi] Limit access to custom_method if securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [char] mem: Restrict /dev/mem and /dev/kmem when securelevel is set (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] Lock down IO port access when securelevel is enabled (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [pci] Lock down BAR access when securelevel is enabled (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] Enforce module signatures when securelevel is greater than 0 (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] Add BSD-style securelevel support (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815]- [net] nfnetlink: do not ack malformed messages (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nft_compat: use _safe version of list_for_each (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: remove duplicated include from nf_tables_ipv4.c (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: bridge: nf_tables: add filter chain type (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nft_nat: Fix endianness issue reported by sparse (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: bridge: fix nf_tables bridge dependencies with main core (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] nf_tables: mark as Tech Preview (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] nf_tables: stuff structures to preserve kABI in the future (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add ARP filtering support (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add trace support (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink: add batch support and use it from nf_tables (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add insert operation (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: complete net namespace support (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: Add support for IPv6 NAT (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add support for dormant tables (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: nft_payload: fix transport header base (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add compatibility layer for x_tables (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: convert built-in tables/chains to chain types (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nft_payload: add optimized payload implementation for small loads (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add optimized data comparison for small values (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: expression ops overloading (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_tables: add netlink set API (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: add nftables (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: move alloc_null_binding to nf_nat_core.c (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netfilter: pass hook ops to hookfn (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netlink: fix splat in skb_clone with large messages (Jiri Benc) [1023123] - [net] netlink: allow large data transfers from user-space (Jiri Benc) [1023123]- [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Fix a bug in channel rescind code (Jason Wang) [1017564] - [virt] hyperv: Fix wrong check for synic_event_page (Jason Wang) [1017564] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: fix vmbus_recvpacket_raw() return code (Jason Wang) [1017564] - [virt] hyperv/input: add a driver to support Hyper-V synthetic keyboard (Jason Wang) [1017564] - [virt] hyperv: Correctly guard the local APIC calibration code (Jason Wang) [1017564] - [virt] hyperv: Get the local APIC timer frequency from the hypervisor (Jason Wang) [1017564] - [kernel] stop_machine: fix race between stop_two_cpus and stop_cpus (Rik van Riel) [1023627] - [video] fb: make fp_get_options name argument const (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/device: recognise GK208 (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/graph: fix a number of missing explicit array terminators (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/disp: semi-complete link training sequence even if display disappears (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/bios: some older boards have shorter displayport tables (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/fbcon: bracket entrypoints with a per-device enabled check (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/disp: reorder writes to lane current control regs (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/disp: reorder writes to lane current control regs (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/disp: log if DP link training fails (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/disp: disable display underflow reporting at init (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/clock: fix accidental limiting of pll coefficients (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/device: use an additional bit from NV_PMC_BOOT_0 to identify chipset (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/bios/init: return failure condition on invalid opcodes (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/therm: ack any pending IRQ at init (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau/therm: kill some over-zealous debugging (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] radeon: don't use PACKET2 on CIK (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: split lock into list+exec and enable refcount locks (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: convert event handler apis to split create/enable semantics (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: share engine/channel constructor between implementations (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: prepare for the sharing of constructors between implementations (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: make vblank tracking data private to the implementations (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: share engine/channel struct definitions between implementations (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: Allow asymmetric nouveau_event_get/_put (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: Move event index check from critical section (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: Add priv field for event handlers (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] nouveau: off by one in nouveau_drm_vblank_enable() (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [drm] backport to Linux 3.12-rc7 (Rob Clark) [1018414] - [firmware] dmi: add support for exact DMI matches in addition to substring matching (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [vga] vga_switcheroo: add driver control power feature (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [mm] vmscan: new shrinker API (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] Add arch_phys_wc_{add, del} to manipulate WC MTRRs if needed (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Move ww_mutex definitions to ww_mutex.h (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] reservation: cross-device reservation support (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] locking-selftests: Handle unexpected failures more strictly (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Add more w/w tests to test EDEADLK path handling (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Add more tests to lib/locking-selftest.c (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Add w/w tests to lib/locking-selftest.c (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Add w/w mutex slowpath debugging (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Add support for wound/wait style locks (Rob Clark) [1025360] - [kernel] mutex: Make __mutex_fastpath_lock_retval return whether fastpath succeeded or not (Rob Clark) [1025360]- [usb] misc/usb3503: Fix compile error due to incorrect regmap depedency (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] storage: add quirk for mandatory READ_CAPACITY_16 (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/option: blacklist Olivetti Olicard200 (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] quirks: add touchscreen that is dazzeled by remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] quirks: add one device that cannot deal with suspension (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/option: add support for Inovia SEW858 device (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/ti_usb_3410_5052: add Abbott strip port ID to combined table as well (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] support new huawei devices in option.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Fix spurious wakeups after S5 on Haswell (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: fix write to USB3_PSSEN and XUSB2PRM pci config registers (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: quirk for extra long delay for S4 (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Don't enable/disable RWE on bus suspend/resume (Don Zickus) [895641] - [net] usbnet: fix handling padding packet (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] imx21: accept very late isochronous URBs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] core: check usb device's state before sending a Set SEL control transfer (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Fix xHCI host issues on remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] serial/pl2303: distinguish between original and cloned HX chips (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fix typo in usb serial simple driver Kconfig (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] core: fix incorrect type in assignment in descriptors_changed() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] core: compare and release one bos descriptor in usb_reset_and_verify_device() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: remove debugging statement with ehci statistics in ehci_stop() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: remove duplicate debug_async_open() prototype in ehci-dbg.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: enable debugging code when CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG is set (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: remove ehci_vdbg() verbose debugging statements (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Fix warning introduced by disabling runtime PM (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] storage: audit sysfs attribute permissions (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: prevent "callbacks suppressed" when debug is not enabled (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: fix port BESL LPM capability checking (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] ohci: fix build error related to ohci_suspend/resume (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: clean up attribute permissions (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: fix up attribute permissions (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] core: be specific about attribute permissions (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] core: use DRIVER_ATTR_RW() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] don't use bNbrPorts after initialization (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fail on usb_hub_create_port_device() errors (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fix cleanup after failure in hub_configure() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: add missing PCI PM callbacks to ohci-pci.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: fix stringify operator in usb-serial-simple (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: Use usb_init_urb instead of creating the URB manually (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: fix leak of urb in wa_xfer_destroy (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: fix resource cleanup in error path in __wa_xfer_setup_segs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: clear RPIPE stall for control endpoints (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] uss720: fix DMA-buffer allocation (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] quatech2: fix port DMA-buffer allocations (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] quatech2: fix serial DMA-buffer allocations (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] keyspan: fix port DMA-buffer allocations (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] keyspan: fix serial DMA-buffer allocations (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] rh_call_control tbuf overflow fix (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] host: add Kconfig option for EHSET (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: improve the chip type detection/distinction (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: improve the chip type information output on startup (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: simplify the else-if contruct for type_1 chips in pl2303_startup() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: fix dma mask setup in xhci.c (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: trace debug statements related to ring expansion (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: trace debug messages related to driver initialization and unload (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: trace debug statements for urb cancellation (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add xhci_cmd_completion trace event (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add xhci_address_ctx trace event (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add trace for debug messages related to endpoint reset (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add trace for debug messages related to quirks (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add trace for debug messages related to changing contexts (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add traces for debug messages in xhci_address_device() (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: remove CONFIG_USB_XHCI_HCD_DEBUGGING and unused code (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: replace printk(KERN_DEBUG ...) (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: replace xhci_info() with xhci_dbg() (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: Add Device Tree support to XHCI Platform driver (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] serial/pl2303: add two comments concerning the supported baud rates with HX chips (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: also use the divisor based baud rate encoding method for baud rates < 115200 with HX chips (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: increase the allowed baud rate range for the divisor based encoding method (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: move the two baud rate encoding methods to separate functions (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: remove 500000 baud from the list of standard baud rates (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: do not round to the next nearest standard baud rate for the divisor based baud rate encoding method (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: fix the upper baud rate limit check for type_0/1 chips (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial/pl2303: fix+improve the divsor based baud rate encoding method (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] hwa: avoid constant suspend and resume on the root hub (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] adutux: fix big-endian device-type reporting (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: fix big-endian probe of Rigol devices (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: clean up list locking in urb enqueue (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: fix root hub hub_status_data to only return > 0 if status has actually changed (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: Add support for SINGLE_STEP_SET_FEATURE test of EHSET (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] hcd: Log error code if reset() fails (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Support operation with no I2C control (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Add USB3503A to the compatible list (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Default to hub mode (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Fix typos in error messages (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Factor out I2C probe (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Convert to regmap (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Actively manage Hub Connect GPIO (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Use gpio_set_value_cansleep() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] Move definition of USB_EHCI_BIG_ENDIAN_MMIO et al. out side of the ifs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Convert to devm_ APIs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: move the "simple" drivers into usb-serial-simple.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [net] usbnet: support DMA SG (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: mark no_sg_constraint (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] introduce usb_device_no_sg_constraint() helper (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: support running URB giveback in tasklet context (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: improve interrupt qh unlink (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: improve ehci_endpoint_disable (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] hcd: support giveback of URB in tasklet context (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fix some scripts/kernel-doc warnings (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: don't depend on hardware for tracking port resets and resumes (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: keep better track of resuming ports (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] pl2303: restrict the divisor based baud rate encoding method to the "HX" chip type (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] refactor code for enabling/disabling remote wakeup (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] simplify the interface of usb_get_status() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: add missing dma-mapping.h includes (Don Zickus) [895641] - [net] usbnet: centralize computing of max rx/tx qlen (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: add driver for Suunto ANT+ USB device (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci_usb warn "irq nobody cared" on shutdown (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci-ep93xx: tidy up driver (*probe) and (*remove) (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci-ep93xx: use devm_clk_get() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci-ep93xx: use platform_get_irq() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci-ep93xx: use devm_ioremap_resource() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usb-skeleton: add retry for nonblocking read (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: convert to devm_kzalloc (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: remove redundant braces (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: call pr_err instead of plain printk (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: remove trailing spaces (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbfs: Allow printer class 'get_device_id' without needing to claim the intf (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] remove redundant "#if" (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: EHSET Test Fixture device driver for host compliance (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] clamp bInterval to allowed range (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] atm/speedtch: be careful with bInterval (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] cdc-acm: be careful with bInterval (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fix build warning in pci-quirks.h when CONFIG_PCI is not enabled (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Mark two functions __maybe_unused (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] check sg buffer size in usb_submit_urb (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] isp1362: move debug files from proc to debugfs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] sl811: move debug files from proc to debugfs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] remove unneeded idr.h include (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] sl811: remove CONFIG_USB_DEBUG dependency (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] isp116x: remove dependency on CONFIG_USB_DEBUG (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] isp1362: remove CONFIG_USB_DEBUG dependency (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] isp1362: remove _DBG() usage (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] isp1362: remove unused _WARN_ON() calls (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] isp1362: remove unused _BUG_ON() calls (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbatm: remove CONFIG_USB_DEBUG dependancy (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbatm: move the atm_dbg() call to use dynamic debug (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbatm: don't rely on CONFIG_USB_DEBUG (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbatm: remove unneeded trace printk calls (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbatm: remove unused UDSL_ASSERT macro (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ti_usb_3410_5052: remove vendor/product module parameters (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ti_usb_3410_5052: remove unused wait queue (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ti_usb_3410_5052: kill private fifo (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] safe_serial: remove vendor/product module parameters (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] mos7840: remove broken chase implementation (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] io_ti: move port initialisation to probe (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] io_ti: kill private fifo (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] io_edgeport: remove unused defines (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ftdi_sio: remove unused defines (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ftdi_sio: remove vendor/product module parameters (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ftdi_sio: remove redundant raise of DTR/RTS at open (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ftdi_sio: clean up device initialisation (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] oti6858: do not call set_termios with uninitialised data (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] pl2303: remove debugging noise (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] pl2303: clean up set_termios (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] pl2303: clean up baud-rate handling (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] pl2303: refactor baud-rate handling (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] console: remove unnecessary operations test (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] console: use dev_dbg (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: set drain delay at port probe (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: clean up dtr_rts (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: remove hupping check from tiocmiwait (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: remove defensive test from set_termios (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: remove CONFIG_USB_DEBUG from Makefile (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] adutux: remove direct calls to printk() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] adutux: remove custom debug macro and module parameter (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] adutux: remove custom debug macro (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] adutux: remove unneeded tracing macros (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] legotower: remove direct calls to printk() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] legotower: remove custom debug macro and module parameter (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] legousbtower: remove custom debug macro (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] legotower: remove unneeded tracing macros (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ldusb: remove custom dbg_info() macro (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Correct misplaced newlines (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: refactor EHCI/xHCI port switching (Don Zickus) [1016889 970717] - [usb] xhci: Report USB 2.1 link status for L1 (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: Refactor port status into a new function (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] xhci: add the suspend/resume functionality (Don Zickus) [1016889] - [usb] move the definition of USB_MAXCHILDREN (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] atm: avoid parsing names as kthread_run() format strings (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Add missing unlocks on error paths (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci-atmel: prepare clk before calling enable (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] hwa: fix device probe failure (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: add sysfs attribute for retry count (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: add sysfs attribute for DNTS count and interval (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] check usb_hub_to_struct_hub() return value (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: Remove double assignment of .start in ehci_msp_hc_driver (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: export ehci_handshake for ehci-hcd sub-drivers (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: add scatter gather support (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] cdc-acm: remove unneeded spin_lock_irqsave/restore on write path (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: increase the number of devices we support (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: make minor allocation dynamic (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: remove BUG() in xhci_get_endpoint_type() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Remove BUG in xhci_setup_addressable_virt_dev (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Remove BUG_ON in xhci_get_input_control_ctx (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: Remove BUG_ON() in xhci_alloc_container_ctx (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci-platform: add pre_setup() method to platform data (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: add minor and port number (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: ignore HWA_NOTIF_BPST_ADJ notifications (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: add HWA-specific fields to usb_rpipe_descriptor (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbhc: disable suspend and resume on the root hub (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fix PTR_ERR translation in init_usb_class() (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] wusbcore: reduce keepalive threshold from timeout/2 to timeout/3 (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] host: make USB_ARCH_HAS_?HCI obsolete (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: remove bogus #error (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] add usb2 Link PM variables to sysfs and usb_device (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: add USB2 Link power management BESL support (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: define port register names and use them instead of magic numbers (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: check usb2 port capabilities before adding hw link PM support (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci: unify parameter of xhci_msi_irq (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] xhci-dbg: Display endpoint number and direction in context dump (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: pl2303 works at 500kbps (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: add a name for the platform-private field (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-platform a separate driver (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Remove 100ms sleep on reset, conform to data sheet (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Fix up whitespace (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] Allow the USB HCD to create Wireless USB root hubs (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: add support Infineon modem USB flashloader driver (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: make ohci-pci a separate driver (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: Generic changes to make ohci-pci a separate driver (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ohci: prepare to make ohci-hcd a library module (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fhci: upgrade the isochronous API (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] imx21: upgrade the isochronous API (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] serial: dump small buffers with help of *ph (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] host: remove leftover release_mem_region (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Adding device tree entry 'disabled-ports' (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc/usb3503: Add to select the ports to disable (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] ehci: Only sleep for post-resume handover if devices use persist (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] message: Fixed parenthesis error in sizeof function (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] message: fixed error 'no space before bracket' (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] devio: fixed error 'do not use assignment in if condition' (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] devio: Fixed macro parenthesis error (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] devio: fixed warning 'use instead ' (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: Change magic number to constant (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: usbtmc_read sends multiple TMC header based on rigol_quirk (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: Set rigol_quirk if device is listed (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: TMC request code segregated from usbtmc_read (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] usbtmc: Add flag rigol_quirk to usbtmc_device_data (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] storage/alauda: initialize variables directly (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] storage/sddr09: initialize variables directly (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] fsl: add missing platform_driver owner (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] quatech2: Staticize local symbol (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: Fixed assignment error in if statement (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: Added space after closing brace in adutux.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: Added space after comma in adutux.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: Reformatted pointer variables in adutux.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: Removed space before tabs in adutux.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [usb] misc: Replaced deprecated preprocessor in adutux.c (Don Zickus) [895641] - [fs] nfsd: fix discarded security labels on setattr (J. Bruce Fields) [1025832] - [fs] nfs: fix inverted test for delegation in nfs4_reclaim_open_state (Jeff Layton) [1025457] - [x86] kdump: crashkernel=X try to reserve below 896M first, then try below 4G, then MAXMEM (Chao WANG) [994685] - [kernel] audit: format user messages to size of MAX_AUDIT_MESSAGE_LENGTH (Richard Guy Briggs) [1019913] - [kernel] audit_alloc: clear TIF_SYSCALL_AUDIT if !audit_context (Richard Guy Briggs) [1026043]- [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.48 (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Implement ndo_get_phys_port_id for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable diagnostic test for multiple Tx queues (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable Tx queue changes using ethtool for 82xx Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Multi Tx queue support for 82xx Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.3.47 (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add support for 84xx adapters to load firmware from file (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Loopback Inter Driver Communication AEN handler (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add PVID support for 84xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable support for 844X adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.46 (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Dump mailbox command data when a command times out (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix driver initialization for 83xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Flush mailbox command list when mailbox is not available (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Reinitialize mailbox data structures after firmware reset (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix diagnostic interrupt test for 83xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix beacon state return status handling (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix set driver version command (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix for flash update failure on 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix link speed and duplex display for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix link speed display for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix external loopback test (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Removed adapter series name from warning messages (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Free up memory in error path (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix ingress MAC learning (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix MAC address filter issue on 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.45 (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enable mailbox interface in poll mode when interrupts are not available (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Replace poll mode mailbox interface with interrupt based mailbox interface (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Interrupt based driver firmware mailbox mechanism (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance diagnostic loopback error codes (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix diagnostic interrupt test for 83xx adapters (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix setting Guest VLAN (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix operation type and command type (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix initialization of work function (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix guest VLAN (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix releasing of Tx frag which was never mapped (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix dump template version mask (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix ethtool display for 83xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix panic while setting VF's MAC address (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix multicast packet handling for PF and VF (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix NULL pointer dereference in VF probe path (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Set __QLCNIC_DEV_UP in adapter state before enabling interrupts (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix invalid register offset calculation (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.44 (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add support for 83xx suspend and resume (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add support for 'set driver version' in 83XX (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Cleanup of structure qlcnic_hardware_context (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Add support for PEX DMA method to read memory section of adapter dump (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Minimize sleep duration within loopback diagnostic test (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Secondary unicast MAC address support (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Handle qlcnic_alloc_mbx_args() failure (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: replace strict_strtoul() with kstrtoul() (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: remove redundant D0 power state set (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Fix typo in printk (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update version to 5.2.43 (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Enhance virtual NIC logging (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: qlcnic_get_board_name() function cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Implement GET_LED_STATUS command for 82xx adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: modify reset recovery path in diag mode (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: diagnostics routine changes (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Convert nested if-else to switch-case (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Initialize trans_work and idc_aen_work at VF probe (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Remove qlcnic_config_npars module parameter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Update IRQ name for 8200 and 8300 Series adapter (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Disable INT-x interrupt for 83xx on driver unload (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [ethernet] qlcnic: Support spoof check config (Chad Dupuis) [725018] - [x86] Fix x86 invalid cpu boot failure message (Prarit Bhargava) [1024731] - [virt] virtio-net: refill only when device is up during setting queues (Jason Wang) [1016469] - [crypto] crc-t10dif: add MODULE_SOFTDEP (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [crypto] crct10dif: Add fallback for broken initrds (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [crypto] crct10dif: Use PTR_RET (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [crypto] crct10dif: Simple correctness and speed test for CRCT10DIF hash (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [crypto] crct10dif: Glue code to cast accelerated CRCT10DIF assembly as a crypto transform (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [crypto] crct10dif: Accelerated CRC T10 DIF computation with PCLMULQDQ instruction (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [crypto] crct10dif: Wrap crc_t10dif function all to use crypto transform framework (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [kernel] modules: add support for soft module dependencies (Kyle McMartin) [968869] - [misc] mei: don't get stuck in select during reset (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei/bus: do not overflow the device name buffer (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: wake also writers on reset (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei/hbm: fix typo in error message (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: check whether hw start has succeeded (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: check if the hardware reset succeeded (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: mei_cl_connect, don't multiply the timeout twice (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: do not override a client writing state when buffering (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: move mei_cl_irq_write_complete to client.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: support HBM versioning (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [nfc] mei_phy: Clean up file (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: move mei_cl_complete to client.c (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [misc] mei: revamp interrupt thread handlers (Prarit Bhargava) [1025420] - [virt] virtio-net: correctly handle cpu hotplug notifier during resuming (Jason Wang) [1016996] - [virt] virtio-net: don't respond to cpu hotplug notifier if we're not ready (Jason Wang) [1016996] - [fs] nfs: fix handling of invalid mount options in nfs_remount (Jeff Layton) [1021538] - [fs] nfs: reject version and minorversion changes on remount attempts (Jeff Layton) [1021538] - [drm] qxl: avoid an oops in the deferred io code (Dave Airlie) [1003728 1026182] - [drm] qxl: fix disabling extra monitors from client (Dave Airlie) [1026182] - [drm] qxl: remove unnecessary check (Dave Airlie) [1026182] - [drm] qxl: prefer the monitor config resolution (Dave Airlie) [1026182] - [drm] copy mode type in drm_mode_connector_list_update() (Dave Airlie) [1026182] - [drm] qxl: notify that the monitor config changed (Dave Airlie) [1026182] - [drm] return if changed in drm_helper_hpd_irq_event() (Dave Airlie) [1026182] - [block] rsxx: Fix possible kernel panic with invalid config (Steve Best) [1024550] - [block] rsxx: Disallow discards from being unmapped (Steve Best) [1024550] - [virt] hid-hyperv: convert alloc+memcpy to memdup (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Increase the value of STORVSC_MAX_IO_REQUESTS (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Support FC devices (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv: Add the GUID fot synthetic fibre channel device (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Implement multi-channel support (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Update the storage protocol to win8 level (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/storvsc: Increase the value of scsi timeout for storvsc devices (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Terminate vmbus version negotiation on timeout (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hv_util: Correctly support ws2008R2 and earlier (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Do not attempt to negoatiate a new version prematurely (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Fix a bug in the handling of channel offers (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv: remove HV_DRV_VERSION (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hv_balloon: Initialize the transaction ID just before sending the packet (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hv_util: Fix a bug in version negotiation code for util services (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: incorrect device name is printed when child device is unregistered (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv: allocate synic structures before hv_synic_init() (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv: check interrupt mask before read_index (Jason Wang) [1026618] - [virt] hyperv/vmbus: Implement multi-channel support (Jason Wang) [1026618]- [net] bridge: pass correct vlan id to multicast code (Vlad Yasevich) [912737] - [net] bridge: Fix updating FDB entries when the PVID is applied (Vlad Yasevich) [912737] - [net] bridge: Fix the way the PVID is referenced (Vlad Yasevich) [912737] - [net] bridge: Apply the PVID to priority-tagged frames (Vlad Yasevich) [912737] - [net] bridge: Don't use VID 0 and 4095 in vlan filtering (Vlad Yasevich) [912737] - [net] bridge: Correctly clamp MAX forward_delay when enabling STP (Vlad Yasevich) [997814] - [net] bridge: Clamp forward_delay when enabling STP (Vlad Yasevich) [997814] - [net] ipv6: mld: introduce mld_{gq, ifc, dad}_stop_timer functions (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mld: refactor query processing into v1/v2 functions (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mld: similarly to MLDv2 have min max_delay of 1 (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mld: implement RFC3810 MLDv2 mode only (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mld: get rid of MLDV2_MRC and simplify calculation (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mld: clean up MLD_V1_SEEN macro (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mld: fix v1/v2 switchback timeout to rfc3810, 9.12. (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: mcast: use defines for rfc3810/8.1 lengths (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: *_start_timer: rather use unsigned long (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: igmp6_event_query: use msecs_to_jiffies (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv6: make unsolicited report intervals configurable for mld (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] ipv4, ipv6: send igmpv3/mld packets with TC_PRIO_CONTROL (Daniel Borkmann) [1023947] - [net] bridge: disable snooping if there is no querier (Vlad Yasevich) [1019950] - [net] unix: inherit SOCK_PASS{CRED, SEC} flags from socket to fix race (Daniel Borkmann) [1023964]- [scsi] aacraid: missing capable() check in compat ioctl (Rich Bono) [1025840] - [scsi] scsi_dh_rdac: Add new IBM 1813 product id to rdac devlist (Rob Evers) [1020969] - [scsi] aic94xx: remove driver (Rich Bono) [978980] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Populate local CHAP credentials for flash target sessions (Chad Dupuis) [1006158] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Support setting of local CHAP index for flash target entry (Chad Dupuis) [1006158] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Correct the check for local CHAP entry type (Chad Dupuis) [1006158] - [scsi] qla4xxx: correctly update session discovery_parent_idx (Chad Dupuis) [1020197] - [scsi] aacraid: avoid parsing names as kthread_run() format strings (Rich Bono) [752081] - [scsi] hpsa: return 0 from driver probe function on success, not 1 (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unused Smart Array ID (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: bump driver version to reflect changes (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: housekeeping patch for device_id and product arrays (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: add HP Smart Array Gen8 names (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: add HP Smart Array Gen9 PCI ID's (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [treewide] Convert retrun typos to return (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: fix warning with smp_processor_id() in preemptible (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: remove unneeded variable (Tomas Henzl) [862713] - [scsi] hpsa: fix a race in cmd_free/scsi_done (Tomas Henzl) [862713]- [ethernet] tg3: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Miscellaneous conversions to ETH_ALEN (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: use phylib when robo switch is in use (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [netdrv] ssb: provide phy address for Gigabit Ethernet driver (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: add support a phy at an address different than 01 (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Update version to 3.134 (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Remove unnecessary spinlock (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Appropriately classify interrupts during request_irq (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Remove redundant if check (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Remove if 0'd code (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: LED in shared mode does not blink during traffic (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Add support for new 577xx device ids (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Add function tg3_phy_shdw_write() (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Use pci_dev pm_cap (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [ethernet] tg3: Expand led off fix to include 5720 (Ivan Vecera) [1024060] - [s390] cio: Introduce on-close CHSC IOCTLs (Hendrik Brueckner) [1022446] - [s390] cio: Make /dev/chsc a single-open device (Hendrik Brueckner) [1022442] - [s390] cio: Introduce generic synchronous CHSC IOCTL (Hendrik Brueckner) [1022441] - [s390] sclp: Add SCLP character device driver (Hendrik Brueckner) [1022425] - [virt] kvm: Create non-coherent DMA registeration (Alex Williamson) [1025470] - [virt] kvm: Convert iommu_flags to iommu_noncoherent (Alex Williamson) [1025470] - [virt] kvm: Add VFIO device (Alex Williamson) [1025470] - [vfio] vfio_iommu_type1: fix bug caused by break in nested loop (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] fix documentation more (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] vfio-pci: PCI hot reset interface (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Test for extended config space (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Use fdget() rather than eventfd_fget() (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] Add O_CLOEXEC flag to vfio device fd (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] use get_unused_fd_flags(0) instead of get_unused_fd() (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] add external user support (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [vfio] fix documentation (Alex Williamson) [1025468] - [block] blk-throttle: Enable hierarchy even when sane mount flag is not specified (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: implement proper hierarchy support (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: implement throtl_grp->has_rules[] (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: Account for child group's start time in parent while bio climbs up (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: add throtl_qnode for dispatch fairness (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: make throtl_pending_timer_fn() ready for hierarchy (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: make tg_dispatch_one_bio() ready for hierarchy (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: make blk_throtl_bio() ready for hierarchy (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: make blk_throtl_drain() ready for hierarchy (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: dispatch from throtl_pending_timer_fn() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: implement dispatch looping (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: separate out throtl_service_queue->pending_timer from throtl_data->dispatch_work (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: set REQ_THROTTLED from throtl_charge_bio() and gate stats update with it (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: move bio_lists[], implement sq_to_tg(), sq_to_td() and throtl_log() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: add throtl_service_queue->parent_sq (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: generalize update_disptime optimization in blk_throtl_bio() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: move bio_lists[] blk-throttle: dispatch to throtl_data->service_queue.bio_lists[] (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: move bio_lists[] and friends to throtl_service_queue (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: add throtl_grp->service_queue (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: reorganize throtl_service_queue passed around as argument (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: pass around throtl_service_queue instead of throtl_data (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: add backlink pointer from throtl_grp to throtl_data (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: simplify throtl_grp flag handling (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: rename throtl_rb_root to throtl_service_queue (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: remove pointless throtl_nr_queued() optimizations (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: relocate throtl_schedule_delayed_work() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: collapse throtl_dispatch() into the work function (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: remove deferred config application mechanism (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blk-throttle: remove spurious throtl_enqueue_tg() call from throtl_select_dispatch() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blkcg: move bulk of blkcg_gq release operations to the RCU callback (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blkcg: invoke blkcg_policy->pd_init() after parent is linked (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blkcg: implement blkg_for_each_descendant_post() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blkcg: move blkg_for_each_descendant_pre() to block/blk-cgroup.h (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [block] blkcg: fix error return path in blkg_create() (Vivek Goyal) [1015648] - [char] ipmi: Add MODULE_ALIAS for autoloading ipmi driver on ACPI systems (Shyam Iyer) [844867]- [security] keys: Fix UID check in keyctl_get_persistent() (David Howells) [991110] - [security] keys: fix error return code in big_key_instantiate() (David Howells) [991110] - [powerpc] tm: Switch out userspace PPR and DSCR sooner (Steve Best) [1016823] - [virt] kvm: fix KVM_SET_XCRS loop (Paolo Bonzini) [1007897] - [virt] kvm: fix KVM_SET_XCRS for CPUs that do not support XSAVE (Paolo Bonzini) [1007897] - [virt] kvm: only copy XSAVE state for the supported features (Paolo Bonzini) [1007897] - [virt] kvm: prevent setting unsupported XSAVE states (Paolo Bonzini) [1007897] - [virt] kvm: mask unsupported XSAVE entries from leaf 0Dh index 0 (Paolo Bonzini) [1007897] - [ethernet] bnx2x: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add ndo_get_phys_port_id support (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Change variable type to bool (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: skb_is_gso_v6() requires skb_is_gso() (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: use pcie_get_minimum_link() (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add support for EXTPHY2 LED mode (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Change function prototype (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Don't disable/enable SR-IOV when loading (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Correct VF driver info (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Test nvram when interface is down (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Staticize local symbols (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Disable VF access on PF removal (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: prevent FW assert on low mem during unload (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Set NETIF_F_HIGHDMA unconditionally (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Don't pretend during register dump (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Lock DMAE when used by statistic flow (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent null pointer dereference on error flow (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix config when SR-IOV and iSCSI are enabled (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix Coalescing configuration (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Unlock VF-PF channel on MAC/VLAN config error (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent an illegal pointer dereference during panic (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix Maximum CoS estimation for VFs (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: record rx queue for LRO packets (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: handle known but unsupported VF messages (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: prevent masked MCP parities from appearing (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: prevent masking error from cnic (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: add missing VF resource allocation during init (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix support for VFs on some PFs (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Prevent mistaken hangup between driver & FW (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix 848xx duplex settings (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Specific Active-DAC is not detected on 57810 (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: 57840 non-external loopback test fail on 1G (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: KR2 disablement fix (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Generalize KR work-around (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix bnx2i and bnx2fc regressions (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Use pci_dev pm_cap (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: avoid atomic allocations during initialization (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Fix configuration of doorbell block (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Restore a call to config_init (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: fix broken compilation with CONFIG_BNX2X_SRIOV is not set (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: Add missing braces in bnx2x:bnx2x_link_initialize (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: VF RSS support - VF side (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [ethernet] bnx2x: VF RSS support - PF side (Michal Schmidt) [1022068] - [virt] hyperv-fb: add pci stub (Gerd Hoffmann) [1019185] - [ethernet] ixgbevf: move API neg to reset path (Andy Gospodarek) [1023107] - [ethernet] bna: firmware update to (Ivan Vecera) [1007080] - [fs] nfs: Fix a missing initialisation when reading the SELinux label (Jeff Layton) [1019591] - [fs] nfs: fix oops when trying to set SELinux label (Jeff Layton) [1019591] - [ethernet] r8169: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] r8169: fix invalid register dump (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] r8169: remember WOL preferences on driver load (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] r8169, sis190: remove unnecessary length check (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] r8169: remove "PHY reset until link up" log spam (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] r8169: fix lockdep warning when removing interface (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] r8169: add a new chip for RTL8411 (Ivan Vecera) [1025463] - [ethernet] be2net: Make lancer_wait_ready() static (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Remove interface type (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: add support for ndo_busy_poll (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Warn users of possible broken functionality on BE2 cards with very old FW versions with latest driver (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: remove unnecessary pci_set_drvdata() (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Rework PCIe error report log messaging (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: change the driver version number to (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Display RoCE specific counters in ethtool -S (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Call version 2 of GET_STATS ioctl for Skyhawk-R (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: add a counter for pkts dropped in xmit path (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: fix adaptive interrupt coalescing (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: call ENABLE_VF cmd for Skyhawk-R too (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Create single TXQ on BE3-R 1G ports (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: pass if_id for v1 and V2 versions of TX_CREATE cmd (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Call be_vf_setup() even when VFs are enbaled from previous load (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix to display the VLAN priority for a VF (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix to configure VLAN priority for a VF interface (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix to allow VLAN configuration on VF interfaces (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix number of VLANs supported in UMC mode for BE3-R (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix VLAN promiscuous mode programming (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix the size of be_nic_res_desc structure (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Fix to prevent Tx stall on SH-R when packet size < 32 (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: Remove extern from function prototypes (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [ethernet] be2net: missing variable initialization (Ivan Vecera) [1025412] - [drm] cirrus: do not attempt to acquire a reservation while in an interrupt handler (Gerd Hoffmann) [1017433] - [drm] cirrus: Invalidate page tables when pinning a BO (Gerd Hoffmann) [1017433] - [virt] kvm: introduce guest count uevent (Paolo Bonzini) [1004799] - [ata] libahci: fix turning on LEDs in ahci_start_port() (David Milburn) [1024388] - [kernel] audit: do not reject all AUDIT_INODE filter types (Richard Guy Briggs) [985971] - [fs] fuse: drop dentry on failed revalidate (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] fuse: clean up return in fuse_dentry_revalidate() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] fuse: use d_materialise_unique() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] sysfs: use check_submounts_and_drop() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] nfs: use check_submounts_and_drop() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] gfs2: use check_submounts_and_drop() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] vfs: check unlinked ancestors before mount (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] vfs: check submounts and drop atomically (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] vfs: add d_walk() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [fs] vfs: restructure d_genocide() (Brian Foster) [1006514] - [powerpc] Only save/restore SDR1 if in hypervisor mode (Steve Best) [1018639] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Further reduce log spam from tx phy messages (John Green) [974223] - [wireless] brcmsmac: Reduce log spam in heavy tx, make err print in debug (John Green) [974223]- [misc] synchronize with upstream linux-3.10.y stable branch up to 3.10.17 (Veaceslav Falico) [1006938]- [kernel] keys: align system_certificate_list (Jan Stancek) [985961] - [security] keys: Fix keyring quota misaccounting on key replacement and unlink (David Howells) [1017806 991110] - [security] keys: Fix a race between negating a key and reading the error set (David Howells) [991110] - [security] keys: Make BIG_KEYS boolean (David Howells) [991110] - [crypto] x.509: remove possible code fragility, enumeration values not handled (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] x.509: add module description and license (David Howells) [985961] - [lib] mpi: add module description and license (David Howells) [985961] - [security] keys: initialize root uid and session keyrings early (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: verify a certificate is signed by a 'trusted' key (David Howells) [985961] - [kernel] keys: Make the system 'trusted' keyring viewable by userspace (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: Set the asymmetric-key type default search method (David Howells) [985961] - [security] keys: Add a 'trusted' flag and a 'trusted only' flag (David Howells) [985961] - [kernel] keys: Separate the kernel signature checking keyring from module signing (David Howells) [985961] - [kernel] keys: Have make canonicalise the paths of the X.509 certs better to deduplicate (David Howells) [985961] - [kernel] modsign: Load *.x509 files into kernel keyring (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] x.509: Remove certificate date checks (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] x.509: Handle certificates that lack an authorityKeyIdentifier field (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] x.509: Check the algorithm IDs obtained from parsing an X.509 certificate (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] x.509: Embed public_key_signature struct and create filler function (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] x.509: struct x509_certificate needs struct tm declaring (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: Store public key algo ID in public_key_signature struct (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: Split public_key_verify_signature() and make available (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: Store public key algo ID in public_key struct (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: Move the algorithm pointer array from x509 to public_key.c (David Howells) [985961] - [crypto] keys: Rename public key parameter name arrays (David Howells) [985961] - [security] keys: Add per-user_namespace registers for persistent per-UID kerberos caches (David Howells) [991110] - [security] keys: Implement a big key type that can save to tmpfs (David Howells) [991110] - [security] keys: Expand the capacity of a keyring (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [lib] assoc_array: Add a generic associative array implementation (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Drop the permissions argument from __keyring_search_one() (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Define a __key_get() wrapper to use rather than atomic_inc() (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Search for auth-key by name rather than target key ID (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Introduce a search context structure (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Consolidate the concept of an 'index key' for key access (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: key_is_dead() should take a const key pointer argument (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Use bool in make_key_ref() and is_key_possessed() (David Howells) [1014573 985961] - [security] keys: Skip key state checks when checking for possession (David Howells) [1014573 985961 991110]- [net] bonding: ensure that TLB mode's active slave has correct mac filter (Veaceslav Falico) [1017573] - [net] netfilter: synproxy: fix BUG_ON triggered by corrupt TCP packets (Jesper Brouer) [1015035] - [net] proc_fs: print UIDs as unsigned int (Francesco Fusco) [996122] - [net] ipv6: Unify {raw,udp}6_sock_seq_show (Francesco Fusco) [996122] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix memory leak in func qla4_84xx_config_acb() (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.04.00-k1 (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Return error if minidump data collection fails (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Fix the minidump data collection check in for loop (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Add pex-dma support for capturing minidump (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.04.00-k0 (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update Copyright header (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Implementation of ACB configuration during Loopback for ISP8042 (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Added support for ISP8042 (Chad Dupuis) [998557] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.03.00-k11 (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Export more firmware info in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Only BIOS boot target entries should be at index 0 and 1 (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: discovery_parent_idx can be shown without any check (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Set IPv6 traffic class if device type is IPv6 (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Use discovery_parent_idx instead of discovery_parent_type (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Allow removal of failed session using logout (Chad Dupuis) [948123] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Update driver version to 5.03.00-k10 (Chad Dupuis) [948118] - [scsi] qla4xxx: Exporting new attrs for iscsi session and connection in sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [948118] - [scsi] libiscsi: Add missing prints for session and connection sysfs attrs (Chad Dupuis) [948118] - [scsi] libiscsi: Added new boot entries in the session sysfs (Chad Dupuis) [948118] - [fs] nfs: inform the VM about pages being committed or unstable (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: take page buffers dirty and locked state into account (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: treat pages marked for immediate reclaim as zone congestion (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: move direct reclaim wait_iff_congested into shrink_list (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: set zone flags before blocking (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: stall page reclaim after a list of pages have been processed (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: stall page reclaim and writeback pages based on dirty/writepage pages encountered (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: move logic from balance_pgdat() to kswapd_shrink_zone() (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: check if kswapd should writepage once per pgdat scan (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: block kswapd if it is encountering pages under writeback (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: have kswapd writeback pages based on dirty pages encountered, not priority (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: do not allow kswapd to scan at maximum priority (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: decide whether to compact the pgdat based on reclaim progress (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: flatten kswapd priority loop (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: obey proportional scanning requirements for kswapd (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [mm] vmscan: limit the number of pages kswapd reclaims at each priority (Jerome Marchand) [1009508] - [iommu] Remove stack trace from broken irq remapping warning (Neil Horman) [1012860] - [kernel] audit: remove newline accidentally added during session id helper refactor (Richard Guy Briggs) [1010438] - [security] audit: suppress stock memalloc failure warnings since already managed (Richard Guy Briggs) [1016852] - [kernel] ntp: Make periodic RTC update more reliable (Prarit Bhargava) [1010351]- [virt] kvm/ppc/Book3S: Fix compile error in XICS emulation (Veaceslav Falico) [1006938] - [block] rsxx: fix Kernel Panic caused by mapping Discards (Steve Best) [1013995] - [block] rsxx: Moving pci_map_page to prevent overflow (Steve Best) [1011024] - [block] rsxx: Handling failed pci_map_page on PowerPC and double free (Steve Best) [1011024] - [block] rsxx: Adding in debugfs entries (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Fixes incorrect stats calculation (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Adding EEH check inside cregs timeout (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Adapter address space sanity check (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Fixes DLPAR add kernel panic if partition still mounted (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Changing the adapter name to the official name (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Adding in sync_start module paramenter (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Allow block size to be determined by configuration (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Fixes soft-lockup issues during DMAs (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Restructured DMA cancel scheme (Steve Best) [1002025] - [block] rsxx: Individual workqueues for interruptible events (Steve Best) [1002025] - [md] Fix skipping recovery for read-only arrays (Jes Sorensen) [1016694] - [kernel] nohz: Include local CPU in full dynticks global kick (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Optimize full dynticks's sched hooks with static keys (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Optimize full dynticks state checks with static keys (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Rename a few state variables (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Always debug check snapshot source _before_ updating it (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Always scale generic vtime accounting results (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Optimize full dynticks accounting off case with static keys (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Describe overriden functions in dedicated arch headers (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] hardirq: Split preempt count mask definitions (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Split low level state headers (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Fix racy cputime delta update (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Remove a few unneeded generic vtime state checks (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: User/kernel broundary cross trace events (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Optimize context switch off case with static keys (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Optimize guest APIs off case with static key (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Optimize main APIs off case with static key (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Ground setup for static key use (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Remove full dynticks' hacky dependency on wide context tracking (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Only enable context tracking on full dynticks CPUs (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Fix runtime CPU off-case (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] vtime: Update a few comments (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] context_tracking: Fix guest accounting with native vtime (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] sched: Consolidate open coded preemptible() checks (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: fix compile warning in tick_nohz_init() (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Do not warn about unstable tsc unless user uses nohz_full (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Remove obsolete check for full dynticks CPUs to be RCU nocbs (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [kernel] nohz: Warn if the machine can not perform nohz_full (Jarod Wilson) [988015] - [md] raid5: avoid finding "discard" stripe (Jes Sorensen) [1023485] - [md] raid5: set bio bi_vcnt 0 for discard request (Jes Sorensen) [1023485] - [powerpc] make lorax work again (Steve Best) [1022797]- [netdrv] cnic: Fix crash in cnic_bnx2x_service_kcq() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1011203] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Bump version from 1.0.14 to 2.4.1 (Maurizio Lombardi) [1011211] - [scsi] bnx2fc: hung task timeout warning observed when rmmod bnx2x with active FCoE targets (Maurizio Lombardi) [1011211] - [scsi] bnx2fc: Fixed a SCSI CMD cmpl race condition between ABTS and CLEANUP (Maurizio Lombardi) [1011211] - [scsi] Allow error handling timeout to be specified (Ewan Milne) [1020944] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Bump driver version (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix SGL posting for unaligned ICD values (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix AER handling in driver (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Invalidate WRB in Abort/Reset Path (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Insufficient Buffer Error returned in MBX Completion (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix log level for protocol specific logs (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix MSIx creation for SKH-R adapter (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Display Port Identifier for each iSCSI function (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Dispaly CID available for connection offload (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix chute cleanup during drivers unload (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix connection offload to support Dual Chute (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix CID allocation/freeing to support Dual chute mode (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix WRB_Q posting to support Dual Chute mode (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix SGL Initilization and posting Pages for Dual Chute (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Template HDR support for Dual Chute mode (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix changes in ASYNC Path for SKH-R adapter (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Config parameters update for Dual Chute Support (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix soft lock up issue during UE or if FW taking time to respond (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix locking mechanism in Unsol Path (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix negotiated parameters upload to FW (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix repeated issue of MAC ADDR get IOCTL (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix the MCCQ count leakage (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] be2iscsi: Fix Template HDR IOCTL (Rob Evers) [726165] - [scsi] lpfc: Update lpfc version for driver release (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed issue of task management commands having a fixed timeout (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed inconsistent spin lock usage (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix driver's abort loop functionality to skip IOs already getting aborted (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure to allocate SCSI buffer on PPC64 platform for SLI4 devices (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix WARN_ON when driver unloads (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Avoided making pci bar ioremap call during dual-chute WQ/RQ pci bar selection (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed driver iocbq structure's iocb_flag field running out of space (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix crash on driver load due to cpu affinity logic (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed logging format of setting driver sysfs attributes hard to interpret (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed back to back RSCNs discovery failure (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed race condition between BSG I/O dispatch and timeout handling (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed function mode field defined too small for not recognizing dual-chute mode (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Back out data count, (residual fcfi_parm) fix for bad target (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed mailbox memory leak (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix random errors using first burst (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not able to log informational messages at early stage of driver init time (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed using unsafe linked list macro for walking and deleting linked list (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Removed obsolete fcp_eq_count and fcp_wq_count driver attributes (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Update copyrights for 8.3.41 modifications (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed the format of some log message fields (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Add first burst support to driver (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed not able to perform PCI function reset when board was not in online mode (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed failure in setting SLI3 board mode (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed SLI3 failing FCP write on check-condition no-sense with residual zero (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed support for 128 byte WQEs (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Ensure driver properly zeros unused fields in SLI4 mailbox commands (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed max value of lpfc_lun_queue_depth (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed Receive Queue varied frame size handling (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix mailbox byteswap issue on PPC (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed freeing of iocb when internal loopback times out (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Update Copyrights to 2013 for 8.3.38, 8.3.39, and 8.3.40 modifications (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a race condition between SLI host and port failed FCF rediscovery (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed issue mailbox wait routine failed to issue dump memory mbox command (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system panic due to unsafe walking and deleting linked list (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed FCoE connection list vlan identifier and add FCF list debug (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Clarified the behavior of the lpfc_max_luns module parameter (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix to allow OCM to report FEC status (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed a missing return code in a logging message (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed some logging message fields (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed list corruption when lpfc_drain_tx runs (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix starting reference tag when calculating BG error (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix inconsistent list removal causes crash (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed system panic during handling unsolicited receive buffer error condition (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix BlockGuard error checking (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fixed crash during FCoE failover testing (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] lpfc: Fix lpfc_used_cpu to be more dynamic (Rob Evers) [726157] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix synchronization problem between sysPD IO path and AEN path (Tomas Henzl) [1019819] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fixes for few endianess issues (Tomas Henzl) [1019819] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: addded support for big endian architecture (Tomas Henzl) [1005934] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Version and Changelog update (Tomas Henzl) [1005934] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add High Availability clustering support using shared Logical Disks (Tomas Henzl) [1005934] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: fix memory leak if SGL has zero length entries (Tomas Henzl) [1005934] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Changelog and driver version update (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support to differentiate between iMR vs MR Firmware (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support for Uneven Span PRL11 (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support for Extended MSI-x vectors for 12Gb/s controller (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Set IoFlags to enable Fast Path for JBODs for 12 Gb/s controllers (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support to display Customer branding details in syslog (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Add support for MegaRAID Fury (device ID-0x005f) 12Gb/s controllers (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Set IO request timeout value provided by OS timeout for Tape devices (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Free event detail memory without device ID check (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Update balance count in driver to be in sync of firmware (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Fix the interrupt mask for Gen2 controller (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] megaraid_sas: Return DID_ERROR for SCSI IO, when controller is in critical h/w error (Tomas Henzl) [726228] - [scsi] Add 'eh_deadline' to limit SCSI EH runtime (Ewan Milne) [988042] - [scsi] remove check for 'resetting' (Ewan Milne) [988042] - [scsi] dc395: Move 'last_reset' into internal host structure (Ewan Milne) [988042] - [scsi] tmscsim: Move 'last_reset' into host structure (Ewan Milne) [988042] - [scsi] advansys: Remove 'last_reset' references (Ewan Milne) [988042] - [scsi] dpt_i2o: return SCSI_MLQUEUE_HOST_BUSY when in reset (Ewan Milne) [988042] - [scsi] dpt_i2o: Remove DPTI_STATE_IOCTL (Ewan Milne) [988042]- [net] ip_output: do skb ufo init for peeked non ufo skb as well (Jiri Pirko) [1014599] - [net] ip6_output: do skb ufo init for peeked non ufo skb as well (Jiri Pirko) [1014599] - [net] udp6: respect IPV6_DONTFRAG sockopt in case there are pending frames (Jiri Pirko) [1014599] - [net] ipv6: udp packets following an UFO enqueued packet need also be handled by UFO (Jiri Pirko) [1011931] {CVE-2013-4387} - [net] bonding: combine pr_debugs in bond_set_dev_addr into one (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1020621] - [net] bonding: when cloning a MAC use NET_ADDR_STOLEN (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1020621] - [net] bonding: remove unnecessary dev_addr_from_first member (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1020621] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: use RCU safe kfree for conntrack extensions (Jesper Brouer) [1010252] - [net] tcp: TSQ can use a dynamic limit (Jiri Pirko) [998775] - [net] tcp: TSO packets automatic sizing (Jiri Pirko) [998775] - [security] selinux: fix selinuxfs policy file on big endian systems (Eric Paris) [839671] - [powerpc] Fix memory hotplug with sparse vmemmap (Steve Best) [805181] - [powerpc] mm: Mark Memory Resources as busy (Steve Best) [805181] - [tools] perf/bench: Fix failing assertions in numa bench (Petr Holasek) [1011923] - [hid] pantherlord: heap overflow flaw (Radomir Vrbovsky) [1000436] {CVE-2013-2892} - [powerpc] tm: Turn interrupts hard off in tm_reclaim() (Steve Best) [1017135] - [powerpc] tm: Clear MSR RI in non-recoverable TM code (Steve Best) [1017135] - [powerpc] perf: Fix handling of FAB events (Steve Best) [1015439]- [fs] xfs: remove dead code from xlog_recover_inode_pass2 (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: = vs == typo in ASSERT() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: don't assert fail on bad inode numbers (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: aborted buf items can be in the AIL (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: factor all the kmalloc-or-vmalloc fallback allocations (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix memory allocation failures with ACLs (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: ensure we copy buffer type in da btree root splits (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: set remote symlink buffer type for recovery (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: recovery of swap extents operations for CRC filesystems (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: swap extents operations for CRC filesystems (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: check magic numbers in dir3 leaf verifier first (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix some minor sparse warnings (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix endian warning in xlog_recover_get_buf_lsn() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: XFS_MOUNT_QUOTA_ALL needed by userspace (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: dtype changed xfs_dir2_sfe_put_ino to xfs_dir3_sfe_put_ino (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Fix wrong flag ASSERT in xfs_attr_shortform_getvalue (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: finish removing IOP_* macros (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: inode log reservations are too small (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: check correct status variable for xfs_inobt_get_rec() call (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: inode buffers may not be valid during recovery readahead (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: check LSN ordering for v5 superblocks during recovery (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: btree block LSN escaping to disk uninitialised (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Assertion failed: first <= last && last < BBTOB(bp->b_length), file: fs/xfs/xfs_trans_buf.c, line: 568 (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix bad dquot buffer size in log recovery readahead (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: don't account buffer cancellation during log recovery readahead (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: check for underflow in xfs_iformat_fork() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: xfs_dir3_sfe_put_ino can be static (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: introduce object readahead to log recovery (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Simplify xfs_ail_min() with list_first_entry_or_null() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Register hotcpu notifier after initialization (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: add xfs sb v4 support for dirent filetype field (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Add write support for dirent filetype field (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Add read-only support for dirent filetype field (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Add support for the Q_XGETQSTATV (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] quota: Add a new quotactl command Q_XGETQSTATV (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_mountfs() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_sb_quiet_read_verify() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xlog_recover_do_dquot_buffer() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_log_unmount_write() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_ifree_cluster() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_ialloc_ag_select() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_extent_busy_update_extent() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_setsize_buftarg_early() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_bmap_punch_delalloc_range() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_bmap_last_before() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_bmap_validate_ret() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_bmap_count_tree() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: rename bio_add_buffer() to xfs_bio_add_buffer() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xlog_find_head() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xlog_recover_buffer_pass2() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: remove two unused macro definitions in xfs_linux.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_btree_get_iroot() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_iroot_realloc() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: remove one blank line in xfs_btree_make_block_unfull() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xlog_write_setup_copy() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_mod_incore_sb_unlocked() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_btree_lookup() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_buf_free() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the comment of xfs_check_sizes() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: use reference counts to free clean buffer items (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split the CIL lock (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Combine CIL insert and prepare passes (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: avoid CIL allocation during insert (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Reduce allocations during CIL insertion (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: return log item size in IOP_SIZE (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: free bp in xlog_find_tail() error path (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: free bp in xlog_find_zeroed() error path (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: avoid double-free in xfs_attr_node_addname (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: call roundup_64() to calculate the min_logblks (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Validate log space at mount time (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Add xfs_log_rlimit.c (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Refactor xfs_ticket_alloc() to extract a new helper (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Get rid of all XFS_XXX_LOG_RES() macro (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: refactor xfs_trans_reserve() interface (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Make writeid transaction use tr_writeid (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Introduce tr_fsyncts to m_reservation (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Introduce a new structure to hold transaction reservation items (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: make struct xfs_perag kernel only (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: move kernel specific type definitions to xfs.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: xfs_filestreams.h doesn't need __KERNEL__ (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: remove __KERNEL__ check from xfs_dir2_leaf.c (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: remove __KERNEL__ from debug code (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: kill __KERNEL__ check for debug code in allocation code (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: don't special case shared superblock mounts (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: consolidate extent swap code (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: consolidate xfs_utils.c (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: consolidate xfs_rename.c (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: kill xfs_vnodeops.[ch] (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix issues that cause userspace warnings (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: minor cleanups (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: create xfs_bmap_util.[ch] (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_sb.c for sharing with libxfs (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out the remote symlink handling (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out attribute fork truncation code into separate file (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out attribute listing code into separate file (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: reshuffle dir2 definitions around for userspace (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: move getdents code into it's own file (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_inode_buf.c for inode buffer operations (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: move unrelated definitions out of xfs_inode.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: move inode fork definitions to a new header file (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out transaction reservation code (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: sync minor header differences needed by userspace (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_quota_defs.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: introduce xfs_rtalloc_defs.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out on-disk transaction definitions (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: separate icreate log format definitions from xfs_icreate_item.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: separate dquot on disk format definitions out of xfs_quota.h (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out EFI/EFD log item format definition (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out buf log item format definitions (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: split out inode log item format definition (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: separate out log format definitions (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: di_flushiter considered harmful (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Start using pquotaino from the superblock (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Initialize all quota inodes to be NULLFSINO (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Fix a deadlock in xfs_log_commit_cil() code path (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix assertion failure in xfs_vm_write_failed() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Fix the logic check for all quotas being turned off (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Add pquota fields where gquota is used (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix sgid inheritance for subdirectories inheriting default acls (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: dquot log reservations are too small (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: remove local fork format handling from xfs_bmapi_write() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: use get_unused_fd_flags(0) instead of get_unused_fd() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: clean up unused codes at xfs_bulkstat() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: use XFS_BMAP_BMDR_SPACE vs. XFS_BROOT_SIZE_ADJ (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove incore use of XFS_OQUOTA_ENFD and XFS_OQUOTA_CHKD (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Change xfs_dquot_acct to be a 2-dimensional array (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Code cleanup and removal of some typedef usage (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Replace macro XFS_DQ_TO_QIP with a function (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Replace macro XFS_DQUOT_TREE with a function (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Define a new function xfs_is_quota_inode() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: implement inode change count (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Use inode create transaction (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Inode create item recovery (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Inode create transaction reservations (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Inode create log items (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Introduce an ordered buffer item (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Introduce ordered log vector support (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: xfs_ifree doesn't need to modify the inode buffer (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: don't do IO when creating an new inode (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: don't use speculative prealloc for small files (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: plug directory buffer readahead (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: add pluging for bulkstat readahead (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove dead function prototype xfs_sync_inode_grab() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove the left function variable from xfs_ialloc_get_rec() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: check on-disk (not incore) btree root size in dfrag.c (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove XFS_MOUNT_RETERR (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove two dead transaction log reservaion macros (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: return FIEMAP_EXTENT_UNKNOWN for delayed allocation extent (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: fix the symbolic link assert in xfs_ifree (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove struct xfs_chash from xfs_mount (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Don't keep silent if sunit/swidth can not be changed via mount (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Remove redundant error variable from xfs_growfs_data_private() (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Convert use of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Dave Chinner) [1001861] - [fs] xfs: Avoid pathological backwards allocation (Dave Chinner) [1001861]- [fs] btrfs: create the uuid tree on remount rw (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: change extent-same to copy entire argument struct (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: dir_inode_operations should use btrfs_update_time also (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add btrfs prefix to kernel log output (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: refuse to remount read-write after abort (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't leak transaction in btrfs_sync_file() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add the missing mutex unlock in write_all_supers() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: iput inode on allocation failure (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove space_info->reservation_progress (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: kill delay_iput arg to the wait_ordered functions (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix worst case calculator for space usage (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: improve replacing nocow extents (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: drop dir i_size when adding new names on replay (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: replay dir_index items before other items (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check roots last log commit when checking if an inode has been logged (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: actually log directory we are fsync()'ing (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: actually limit the size of delalloc range (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: allocate the free space by the existed max extent size when ENOSPC (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add lockdep and tracing annotations for uuid tree (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: show compiled-in config features at module load time (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: more efficient inode tree replace operation (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: do not add replace target to the alloc_list (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fixup error handling in btrfs_reloc_cow (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: optimize key searches in btrfs_search_slot (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't use an async starter for most of our workers (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: only update disk_i_size as we remove extents (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix deadlock in uuid scan kthread (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: stop refusing the relocation of chunk 0 (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak of uuid_root in free_fs_info (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: reuse kbasename helper (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: return btrfs error code for dev excl ops err (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: allow partial ordered extent completion (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: convert all bug_ons in free-space-cache.c (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add support for asserts (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: adjust the fs_devices->missing count on unmount (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't check for root_refs == 0 twice (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix for patch "cleanup: don't check the same thing twice" (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: get rid of one BUG() in write_all_supers() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: allocate prelim_ref with a slab allocater (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: pass gfp_t to __add_prelim_ref() to avoid always using GFP_ATOMIC (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix race conditions in BTRFS_IOC_FS_INFO ioctl (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix race between removing a dev and writing sbs (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove ourselves from the cluster list under lock (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: do not clear our orphan item runtime flag on eexist (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix send to deal with sparse files properly (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix printing of non NULL terminated string (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Use z to format size_t (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Do not truncate sector_t on 32-bit with CONFIG_LBDAF=y (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: PAGE_CACHE_SIZE is already unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Make btrfs_header_chunk_tree_uuid() return unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Make btrfs_header_fsid() return unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Make btrfs_dev_extent_chunk_tree_uuid() return unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Make btrfs_device_fsid() return unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Make btrfs_device_uuid() return unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Format mirror_num as int (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Format PAGE_SIZE as unsigned long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Make BTRFS_DEV_REPLACE_DEVID an unsigned long long constant (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Remove superfluous casts from u64 to unsigned long long (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak of orphan block rsv (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: rollback btrfs_device fields on umount (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add alloc_fs_devices and switch to it (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add btrfs_alloc_device and switch to it (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: find_next_devid: root -> fs_info (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't allow the replace procedure on read only filesystems (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: reset force_compress on btrfs_file_defrag failure (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: use __u64 in exported user headers (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add mount option to force UUID tree checking (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check UUID tree during mount if required (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: introduce uuid-tree-gen field (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fill UUID tree initially (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: maintain subvolume items in the UUID tree (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: create UUID tree if required (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: support printing UUID tree elements (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: introduce a tree for items that map UUIDs to something (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: mark some local function as 'static' (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: get rid of sparse warnings (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't miss inode ref items in BTRFS_IOC_INO_LOOKUP (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add missing error code to BTRFS_IOC_INO_LOOKUP handler (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove reduplicate check when disabling quota (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: move btrfs_free_qgroup_config() out of spin_lock and fix comments (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix oops when writing dirty qgroups to disk (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix send issues related to inode number reuse (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: separate out tests into their own directory (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: avoid starting a transaction in the write path (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix heavy delalloc related deadlock (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix the error handling wrt orphan items (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't allow a subvol to be deleted if it is the default subovl (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: skip subvol entries when checking if we've created a dir already (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: offline dedupe (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Introduce extent_read_full_page_nolock() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_ioctl_clone, Move clone code into it's own function (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: abtract out range locking in clone ioctl() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix possible memory leak in find_parent_nodes() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: return ENOSPC when target space is full (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't ignore errors from btrfs_run_delayed_items (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix inode leak on kmalloc failure in tree-log.c (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: allow compressed extents to be merged during defragment (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add mount option to set commit interval (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: stop using GFP_ATOMIC when allocating rewind ebs (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: deal with enomem in the rewind path (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check our parent dir when doing a compare send (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: handle errors when doing slow caching (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add missing error handling to read_tree_block (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Fix leak in __btrfs_map_block error path (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add missing error check to find_parent_nodes (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: optimize function btrfs_read_chunk_tree (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't bug_on when we fail when cleaning up transactions (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: change how we queue blocks for backref checking (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check to see if we have an inline item properly (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix what bits we clear when erroring out from delalloc (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup arguments to extent_clear_unlock_delalloc (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: use BTRFS_SUPER_INFO_SIZE macro at btrfs_read_dev_super() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cache the extent map struct when reading several pages (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: batch the extent state operation when reading pages (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: batch the extent state operation in the end io handle of the read page (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't cache the csum value into the extent state tree (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add branch prediction hints in the read page end IO function (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary argument of bio_readpage_error() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add missing mounting options in btrfs_show_options() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: use u64 for subvolid when parsing mount options (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add sanity checks regarding to parsing mount options (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory leak when allocating pages for p/q stripes failed in raid56 (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix and cleanup some error paths in raid56 (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't bother autodefragging if our root is going away (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup reloc roots properly on error (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: reset ret in record_one_backref (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix get set label blocking against balance (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Print key type in decimal everywhere (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: update delayed ref tracepoints (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: btrfs_read_block_groups, Use enums to index (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Cleanup for using BTRFS_SETGET_STACK instead of raw convert (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: set qgroup_ulist to be null after calling ulist_free() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add missing error checks to add_data_references (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make errors in btrfs_num_copies less noisy (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make free space caching faster with many non-inline extent references (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fall back to global reservation when removing subvolumes (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: optimize btrfs_lookup_extent_info() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Release uuid_mutex for shrink during device delete (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: set lockdep class before locking new extent buffer (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: return -1 when lzo compression makes data bigger (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: stop using GFP_ATOMIC for the tree mod log allocations (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: treewide: Add __GFP_NOWARN to k.alloc calls with v.alloc fallbacks (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't loop on large offsets in readdir (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check to see if root_list is empty before adding it to dead roots (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: release both paths before logging dir/changed extents (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: allow splitting of hole em's when dropping extent cache (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make sure the backref walker catches all refs to our extent (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix backref walking when we hit a compressed extent (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: do not offset physical if we're compressed (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix extent buffer leak after backref walking (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix a bug of snapshot-aware defrag to make it work on partial extents (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix file truncation if FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE is specified (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong write offset when replacing a device (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: re-add root to dead root list if we stop dropping it (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix lock leak when resuming snapshot deletion (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: update drop progress before stopping snapshot dropping (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: wait ordered range before doing direct io (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: only do the tree_mod_log_free_eb if this is our last ref (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: hold the tree mod lock in __tree_mod_log_rewind (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make backref walking code handle skinny metadata (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix crash regarding to ulist_add_merge (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix several potential problems in copy_nocow_pages_for_inode (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup the code of copy_nocow_pages_for_inode() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix oops when recovering the file data by scrub function (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make the chunk allocator completely tree lockless (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup orphaned root orphan item (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix wrong mirror number tuning (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup redundant code in btrfs_submit_direct() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove btrfs_sector_sum structure (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check if we can nocow if we don't have data space (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: stop using try_to_writeback_inodes_sb_nr to flush delalloc (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: use a percpu to keep track of possibly pinned bytes (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check for actual acls rather than just xattrs when caching no acl (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: move btrfs_truncate_page to btrfs_cont_expand instead of btrfs_truncate (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: optimize reada_for_balance (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: optimize read_block_for_search (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: unlock extent range on enospc in compressed submit (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix the comment typo for btrfs_attach_transaction_barrier (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix not being able to find skinny extents during relocate (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup backref search commit root flag stuff (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: free csums when we're done scrubbing an extent (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix transaction throttling for delayed refs (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: stop waiting on current trans if we aborted (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: wake up delayed ref flushing waiters on abort (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix the code comments for LZO compression workspace (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix broken nocow after balance (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: more open-coded file_inode() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: exclude logged extents before replying when we are mixed (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: put our inode if orphan cleanup fails (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add some missing iput()'s in btrfs_orphan_cleanup (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: do not pin while under spin lock (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Cocci spatch "memdup.spatch" (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Cocci spatch "ptr_ret.spatch" (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix qgroup rescan resume on mount (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: avoid double free of fs_info->qgroup_ulist (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix memory patcher through fs_info->qgroup_ulist (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: simplify unlink reservations (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: merge pending IO for tree log write back (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: allow file data clone within a file (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove unused code in btrfs_del_root (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: kill replicate code in replay_one_buffer (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: check if leaf's parent exists before pushing items around (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: update new flags for tracepoint (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: dont do log_removal in insert_new_root (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: return error code in btrfs_check_trunc_cache_free_space() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix estale with btrfs send (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: device delete to get errors from the kernel (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: do delay iput in sync_fs (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make the state of the transaction more readable (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove the time check in btrfs_commit_transaction() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary varient ->num_joined in btrfs_transaction structure (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't flush the delalloc inodes in the while loop if flushoncommit is set (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: don't wait for all the writers circularly during the transaction commit (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove the code for the impossible case in cleanup_transaction() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup unnecessary assignment when cleaning up all the residual transaction (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: just flush the delalloc inodes in the source tree before snapshot creation (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: introduce per-subvolume ordered extent list (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: introduce per-subvolume delalloc inode list (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: introduce grab/put functions for the root of the fs/file tree (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup the similar code of the fs root read (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make the snap/subv deletion end more early when the fs is R/O (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: move the R/O check out of btrfs_clean_one_deleted_snapshot() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: make the cleaner complete early when the fs is going to be umounted (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove unnecessary ->s_umount in cleaner_kthread() (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup: don't check the same thing twice (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup, btrfs_read_fs_root_no_name() doesn't return NULL (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: delete unused function (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: remove useless copy in quota_ctl (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Minor format cleanup (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: cleanup unused arguments in send.c (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add ioctl to wait for qgroup rescan completion (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: introduce qgroup_ulist to avoid frequently allocating/freeing ulist (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: show compiled-in config features at module load time (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: move ifdef around sanity checks out of init_btrfs_fs (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add prefix to sanity tests messages (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: add debug check for extent_io range alignment (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix check on same raid type flag twice (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: Fix typo in printk (Eric Sandeen) [1010071] - [fs] btrfs: fix btrfs_extend_item() comment (Eric Sandeen) [1010071]- [netdrv] mlx4: Fix handling of dma_map failure (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Notify user when TX ring in error state (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Disable global flow control when PFC enabled (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Coding style cleanup in mlx4_en_dcbnl_ieee_setpfc() (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Staticize local functions (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: VFs must ignore the enable_64b_cqe_eqe module param (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Don't give VFs MAC addresses which are derived from the PF MAC (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Respond to operation request by firmware (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix BlueFlame race (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: fix small memory leak on error (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add HW enforcement to VF link state (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Dynamic VST to VST vlan/qos changes (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fail device init if num_vfs is negative (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add warning in case of command timeouts (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Replace sscanf() with kstrtoint() (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Remove an unnecessary test (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add prints when TX timeout occurs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix a race between napi poll function and RX ring cleanup (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Change log level from error to debug for vlan related messages (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Move register_netdev() to the end of initialization function (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Do not query stats when device port is down (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix resource leak in error flow (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: allow order-0 memory allocations in RX path (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add support for busy poll (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Add VF link state support (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [net] core: Add VF link state control (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: use __netdev_pick_tx instead of __skb_tx_hash in mlx4_en_select_queue (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: use one page fragment per incoming frame (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] ipoib: Fix pkey change flow for virtualization environments (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] ipoib: Make sure child devices use valid/proper pkeys (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Create QP1 using the pkey index which contains the default pkey (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] mlx4: Use default pkey when creating tunnel QPs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Fix redundant pointer check in dealloc flow (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Fix possible memory leak in iser_create_frwr_pool() (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Introduce fast memory registration model (FRWR) (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Place the fmr pool into a union in iser's IB conn struct (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Handle unaligned SG in separate function (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Generalize rdma memory registration (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Accept session->cmds_max from user space (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Restructure allocation/deallocation of connection resources (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Use proper debug level value for info prints (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] iser: Add Discovery support (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [scsi] libiscsi: Exporting new attrs for iscsi session and connection in sysfs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [scsi] scsi_transport_iscsi: Exporting new attrs for iscsi session and connection in sysfs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Better checking of userspace values for receive flow steering (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] mlx4: Add receive flow steering support (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Export ib_create/destroy_flow through uverbs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Infrastructure for extensible uverbs commands (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Add receive flow steering support (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Fixes to XRC reference counting in uverbs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [infiniband] core: Add locking around event dispatching on XRC target QPs (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [netdrv] mlx4: Fix XRC QPs detection in the resource tracker (Amir Vadai) [862498 868244 920465 978058 998202] - [powerpc] irq: Don't switch to irq stack from softirq stack (Steve Best) [1016454] - [powerpc] hvsi: Increase handshake timeout from 200ms to 400ms (Steve Best) [1012654] - [powerpc] zimage: make the "OF" wrapper support ePAPR boot (Steve Best) [1012654] - [powerpc] pseries: Do not start secondaries in Open Firmware (Steve Best) [1012654] - [powerpc] Make prom_init.c endian safe (Steve Best) [1012654] - [powerpc] Remove ksp_limit on ppc64 (Steve Best) [1012654] - [powerpc] irq: Run softirqs off the top of the irq stack (Steve Best) [1012654] - [mm] avoid reinserting isolated balloon pages into LRU lists (Rafael Aquini) [1017445] - [kernel] sched: fix race in migrate_swap_stop (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Retry task_numa_migrate() periodically (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Use unsigned longs for numa group fault stats (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Skip some page migrations after a shared fault (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Remove the numa_balancing_scan_period_reset sysctl (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Adjust scan rate in task_numa_placement (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Take false sharing into account when adapting scan rate (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Be more careful about joining numa groups (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Avoid migrating tasks that are placed on their preferred node (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Fix task or group comparison (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Decide whether to favour task or group weights based on swap candidate relationships (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Add debugging (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Prevent parallel updates to group stats during placement (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Call task_numa_free() from do_execve () (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Use group fault statistics in numa placement (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Stay on the same node if CLONE_VM (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Do not batch handle PMD pages (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Do not group on RO pages (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Copy cpupid on page migration (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Report a NUMA task group ID (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Use {cpu, pid} to create task groups for shared faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Change page last {nid, pid} into {cpu, pid} (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Fix placement of workloads spread across multiple nodes (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Favor placing a task on the preferred node (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Use a system-wide search to find swap/migration candidates (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Introduce migrate_swap() (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] stop_machine: Introduce stop_two_cpus() (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Trap pmd hinting faults only if we would otherwise trap PTE faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Do not trap hinting faults for shared libraries (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Increment numa_migrate_seq when task runs in correct location (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Retry migration of tasks to CPU on a preferred node (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Avoid overloading CPUs on a preferred NUMA node (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] numa: Limit NUMA scanning to migrate-on-fault VMAs (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Do not migrate memory immediately after switching node (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Set preferred NUMA node based on number of private faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Remove check that skips small VMAs (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Scan pages with elevated page_mapcount (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Check current-> mm before allocating NUMA faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Add infrastructure for split shared/ private accounting of NUMA hinting faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Reschedule task on preferred NUMA node once selected (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Resist moving tasks towards nodes with fewer hinting faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Favour moving tasks towards the preferred node (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Update NUMA hinting faults once per scan (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched/numa: Select a preferred node with the most numa hinting faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Track NUMA hinting faults on per-node basis (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Slow scan rate if no NUMA hinting faults are being recorded (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Set the scan rate proportional to the memory usage of the task being scanned (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Initialise numa_next_scan properly (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Continue PTE scanning even if migrate rate limited (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Mitigate chance that same task always updates PTEs (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Do not migrate or account for hinting faults on the zero page (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] Only flush TLBs if a transhuge PMD is modified for NUMA pte scanning (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] Do not flush TLB during protection change if !pte_present && !migration_entry (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] Account for a THP NUMA hinting update as one PTE update (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] Close races between THP migration and PMD numa clearing (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Sanitize task_numa_fault() callsites (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] Prevent parallel splits during THP migration (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] Wait for THP migrations to complete during NUMA hinting faults (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Do not account for a hinting fault if we raced (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] sched/numa: Fix comments (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [mm] numa: Document automatic NUMA balancing sysctls (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched: monolithic code dump of what is being pushed (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched: Use an accessor to read the rq clock (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched: fix NUMA balancing when !SCHED_DEBUG (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched: Ensure update_cfs_shares() is called for parents of continuously-running tasks (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [kernel] sched: Fix some kernel-doc warnings (Rik van Riel) [683513] - [virt] kvm/vmx: do not check bit 12 of EPT violation exit qualification when undefined (Gleb Natapov) [1009441] - [virt] kvm/vmx: set "blocked by NMI" flag if EPT violation happens during IRET from NMI (Gleb Natapov) [1009441]- [netdrv] netxen_nic: Update version to 4.0.81 (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Convert mac address uses of 6 to ETH_ALEN (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: replace strict_strtoul() with kstrtoul() (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Avoid mixed mode interrupts (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: netxen_setup_intr() function code cleanup (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Log proper error message in case of mismatched adapter type (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [netdrv] netxen_nic: Log driver version with firmware version (Chad Dupuis) [725019] - [tools] perf/diff: Add generic order option for compute sorting (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Making compute functions static (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Update perf diff documentation for multiple data comparison (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Change diff command to work over multiple data files (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Move columns into struct data__file (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Move diff related columns into diff command (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Display data file info ahead of the diff output (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/hists: Marking dummy hists entries (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Switching the base hists to be pairs head (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf/diff: Introducing diff_data object to hold files (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf: Centralize default columns init in perf_hpp__init (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [tools] perf: Add struct perf_hpp_fmt into hpp callbacks (Jiri Olsa) [1011529] - [s390] vmcore: use vmcore for zfcpdump (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [fs] proc/vmcore: enable /proc/vmcore mmap for s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [s390] vmcore: implement remap_oldmem_pfn_range for s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [fs] proc/vmcore: introduce remap_oldmem_pfn_range() (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [s390] vmcore: use ELF header in new memory feature (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [fs] proc/vmcore: introduce ELF header in new memory feature (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [fs] proc/vmcore: Disable mmap for s390 (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [s390] kdump: Allow copy_oldmem_page() copy to virtual memory (Hendrik Brueckner) [1012102] - [tracing] Add function probe to trigger a ftrace dump of current CPU trace (Jiri Olsa) [1011527] - [tracing] Add function probe to trigger a ftrace dump to console (Jiri Olsa) [1011527] - [virt] xen-gnt: prevent adding duplicate gnt callbacks (Radim Krcmar) [1013818] - [x86] microcode_amd: Fix patch level reporting for family 15h (Prarit Bhargava) [1014400] - [tty] Fix SIGTTOU not sent with tcflush() (Oleg Nesterov) [1012397] - [powerpc] sysfs: Disable writing to PURR in guest mode (Steve Best) [1015450] - [powerpc] vio: fix modalias_show return values (Prarit Bhargava) [1007924] - [powerpc] Correct FSCR bit definitions (Steve Best) [1008893] - [x86] microcode/amd: Fix early microcode loading (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Make cpu_has_amd_erratum() use the correct struct cpuinfo_x86 (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Fix error path in apply_microcode_amd() (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Another early loading fixup (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Allow multiple families' bin files appended together (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Make find_ucode_in_initrd() __init (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Fix warnings and errors on with CONFIG_MICROCODE=m (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Early microcode patch loading support for AMD (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/amd: Refactor functions to prepare for early loading (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode: Vendor abstract out save_microcode_in_initrd() (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [x86] microcode/intel: Correct typo in printk (Jarod Wilson) [1016168] - [block] nvme: Update nvme_id_power_state with latest spec (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Split header file into user-visible and kernel-visible pieces (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Merge issue on character device bring-up (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Handle ioremap failure (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Add pci suspend/resume driver callbacks (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Use normal shutdown (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Separate controller init from disk discovery (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Separate queue alloc/free from create/delete (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Group pci related actions in functions (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Disk stats for read/write commands only (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Bring up cdev on set feature failure (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Fix checkpatch issues (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Namespace IDs are unsigned (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Call nvme_process_cq from submission path (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Remove "process_cq did something" message (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Return correct value from interrupt handler (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Disk IO statistics (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Restructure MSI / MSI-X setup (David Milburn) [1005908] - [block] nvme: Use kzalloc instead of kmalloc+memset (David Milburn) [1005908]- [fs] nfs: Give "flavor" an initial value to fix a compile warning (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: try SECINFO_NO_NAME flavs until one works (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Ensure memory ordering between nfs4_ds_connect and nfs4_fl_prepare_ds (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: nfs4_fl_prepare_ds, fix bugs when the connect attempt fails (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Honour the 'opened' parameter in the atomic_open() filesystem method (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: rpcsec_gss, fix crash on destroying gss auth (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: No, I did not intend to create a 256KiB hashtable (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Add missing kuids conversion for printing (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: sp4_mach_cred, WARN_ON -> WARN_ON_ONCE (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: sp4_mach_cred, no need to ref count creds (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: fix SECINFO* use of put_rpccred (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: sp4_mach_cred: ask for WRITE and COMMIT (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: fix decode_free_stateid (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: use mach cred for SECINFO_NO_NAME w/ integrity (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: nfs_compare_super shouldn't check the auth flavour unless 'sec=' was set (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Allow security autonegotiation for submounts (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Disallow security negotiation for lookups when 'sec=' is specified (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix security auto-negotiation (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs_parse_security_flavors() (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Clean up the auth flavour array mess (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Use MDS auth flavor for data server connection (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Map NFS4ERR_WRONG_CRED to EPERM (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add SP4_MACH_CRED write and commit support (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add SP4_MACH_CRED stateid support (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add SP4_MACH_CRED secinfo suppor (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add SP4_MACH_CRED cleanup support (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add state protection handler (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Minimal SP4_MACH_CRED implementation (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Replace pointer values with task->tk_pid and rpc_clnt->cl_clid (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Add an identifier for struct rpc_clnt (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Ensure rpc_task->tk_pid is available for tracepoints (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Document the recover_lost_locks kernel parameter (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Don't try to recover NFSv4 locks when they are lost (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Add tracepoints to help debug socket connection issues (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix warning introduced by NFSv4.0 transport blocking patches (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: fix CONFIG_NFS_V4_1 not enabled "make C=2" warning (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Update session draining barriers for NFSv4.0 transport blocking (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add nfs4_sequence calls for OPEN_CONFIRM (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add nfs4_sequence calls for RELEASE_LOCKOWNER (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Enable nfs4_setup_sequence() for DELEGRETURN (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: NFSv4.0 transport blocking (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add a slot table to struct nfs_client for NFSv4.0 transport blocking (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add global helper for releasing slot table resources (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add global helper to set up a stand-along nfs4_slot_table (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Enable slot table helpers for NFSv4.0 (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused call_sync minor version op (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add RPC callouts to start NFSv4.0 synchronous requests (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Common versions of sequence helper functions (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs4_setup_sequence() (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Rename nfs41_call_sync_data as a common data structure (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: When displaying session slot numbers, use "u" consistently (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that rmdir() waits for sillyrenames to complete (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: use the mach cred for SECINFO w/ integrity (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: refactor rpcauth_checkverf error returns (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: avoid expired credential keys for buffered writes (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: new rpc_credops to test credential expiry (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: don't map EKEYEXPIRED to EACCES in call_refreshresult (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix up two use-after-free issues with the new tracing code (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: remove incorrect "Lock reclaim failed!" warning (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging test_stateid events (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging slot table operations (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging layoutget/return/commit (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging reads and writes (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging getattr (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging the idmapper (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging delegations (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging rename (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging inode manipulations (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging lookup/create operations (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging file locking (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging file open (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging state management problems (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging NFS hard links (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging NFS rename and sillyrename issues (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging directory changes (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add tracepoints for debugging generic file create events (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add event tracing for generic NFS lookups (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Pass in lookup flags from nfs_atomic_open to nfs_lookup (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Add event tracing for generic NFS events (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: refactor code for calculating the crc32 hash of a filehandle (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Clean up nfs_sillyrename() (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix an incorrect pointer declaration in decode_first_pnfs_layout_type (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Deal with a sparse warning in nfs_idmap_get_key() (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Deal with some more sparse warnings (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Deal with a sparse warning in nfs4_opendata_alloc (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Deal with a sparse warning in nfs3_proc_create (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Remove the NFSv4 "open optimisation" from nfs_permission (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Use clientid management rpc_clnt for secinfo_no_name (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Use clientid management rpc_clnt for secinfo (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Increase NFS4_DEF_SLOT_TABLE_SIZE (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Remove unused authflavour parameter from init_client (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Never use user credentials for lease renewal (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Use root's credential for lease management when keytab is missing (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Refuse mount attempts with proto=udp (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix nfs4_init_uniform_client_string for net namespaces (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Use the mount point rpc_clnt for layoutreturn (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix return type of nfs4_end_drain_session() stub (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: encode_attrs should not backfill the bitmap and attribute length (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Fix memory corruption issue on 32-bit highmem systems (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Remove unnecessary call to nfs_setsecurity in nfs_fhget() (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix the sync mount option for nfs4 mounts (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [fs] nfs: Fix writeback performance issue on cache invalidation (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: If the rpcbind channel is disconnected, fail the call to unregister (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [net] sunrpc: Don't auto-disconnect from the local rpcbind socket (Jeff Layton) [1009119] - [hid] zeroplus: validate output report details (Frantisek Hrbata) [999907] {CVE-2013-2889} - [hid] provide a helper for validating hid reports (Frantisek Hrbata) [999907] {CVE-2013-2889} - [s390] zfcp: enable FCP hardware data router by default (Hendrik Brueckner) [980146] - [scsi] csiostor: fix failure to communicate with firmware, error -110 (Jay Fenlason) [917907] - [block] mtip32xx: add SRSI support (David Milburn) [842533] - [misc] hpilo: Correct panic when an AUX iLO is detected (Nigel Croxon) [996603] - [Documentation] add write up on module signing (Kyle McMartin) [905495] - [net] netfilter: SYNPROXY: let unrelated packets continue (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: synproxy_core: fix warning in __nf_ct_ext_add_length() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: more strict TCP flag matching in SYNPROXY (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: add IPv6 SYNPROXY target (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] syncookies: export cookie_v6_init_sequence/cookie_v6_check (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: add SYNPROXY core/target (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] syncookies: export cookie_v4_init_sequence/cookie_v4_check (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: make sequence number adjustments usuable without NAT (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_defrag_ipv6.o included twice (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ip[6]t_REJECT, tcp-reset using wrong MAC source if bridged (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: export xt_HMARK.h to userland (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: export xt_rpfilter.h to userland (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix uninitialized variable (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: allow to attach expectations to conntracks (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: refactor ctnetlink_create_expect (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: fix tcp_in_window for Fast Open (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: don't send destroy events from iterator (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_{log, queue}, fix information leaks in netlink message (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: correct return value in tcpmss_mangle_packet (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPOPTSTRIP: fix possible off by one access (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: fix handling of malformed TCP header and options (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: use per-conntrack locking for sequence number adjustments (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: change sequence number adjustments to 32 bits (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: fix locking in nf_nat_seq_adjust() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: remove duplicate code in ctnetlink (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: constify sk_buff argument to nf_ct_attach() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: remove net_ratelimit() for LOG_INVALID() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix incorrect NAT expectation dumping (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: Fix build errors with xt_socket.c (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: fix broken v0 support (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: add XT_SOCKET_NOWILDCARD flag (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: avoid large timeout for mid-stream pickup (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: check return code from nla_parse_tested (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] Convert uses of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: Implement RFC 1123 for FTP conntrack (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: avoid peer_portid test (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: don't panic on error while walking through the init path (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: use IP early demux (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_CT: optimize XT_CT_NOTRACK (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] qdisc: fix build with !CONFIG_NET_SCHED (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] qdisc: make args to qdisc_create_default const (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] qdisc: allow setting default queuing discipline (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] Remove extern from include/net/ scheduling prototypes (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: fix sign extension bug (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: refactor struct htb_sched fields for performance (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: reorder struct htb_class fields for performance (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: do not setup default rate estimators (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] net_sched: add 64bit rate estimators (Jesper Brouer) [1000395]- [net] netfilter: SYNPROXY: let unrelated packets continue (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: synproxy_core: fix warning in __nf_ct_ext_add_length() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: more strict TCP flag matching in SYNPROXY (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: add IPv6 SYNPROXY target (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] syncookies: export cookie_v6_init_sequence/cookie_v6_check (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: add SYNPROXY core/target (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] syncookies: export cookie_v4_init_sequence/cookie_v4_check (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: make sequence number adjustments usuable without NAT (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_defrag_ipv6.o included twice (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ip[6]t_REJECT, tcp-reset using wrong MAC source if bridged (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: export xt_HMARK.h to userland (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: export xt_rpfilter.h to userland (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix uninitialized variable (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: allow to attach expectations to conntracks (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: refactor ctnetlink_create_expect (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: fix tcp_in_window for Fast Open (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: don't send destroy events from iterator (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_{log, queue}, fix information leaks in netlink message (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: correct return value in tcpmss_mangle_packet (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPOPTSTRIP: fix possible off by one access (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_TCPMSS: fix handling of malformed TCP header and options (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: use per-conntrack locking for sequence number adjustments (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: change sequence number adjustments to 32 bits (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_nat: fix locking in nf_nat_seq_adjust() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: remove duplicate code in ctnetlink (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: constify sk_buff argument to nf_ct_attach() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: remove net_ratelimit() for LOG_INVALID() (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: ctnetlink: fix incorrect NAT expectation dumping (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: Fix build errors with xt_socket.c (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: fix broken v0 support (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: add XT_SOCKET_NOWILDCARD flag (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nf_conntrack: avoid large timeout for mid-stream pickup (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: check return code from nla_parse_tested (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] Convert uses of typedef ctl_table to struct ctl_table (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: Implement RFC 1123 for FTP conntrack (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: nfnetlink_queue: avoid peer_portid test (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: don't panic on error while walking through the init path (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_socket: use IP early demux (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] netfilter: xt_CT: optimize XT_CT_NOTRACK (Jesper Brouer) [1007439] - [net] qdisc: fix build with !CONFIG_NET_SCHED (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] qdisc: make args to qdisc_create_default const (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] qdisc: allow setting default queuing discipline (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] Remove extern from include/net/ scheduling prototypes (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: fix sign extension bug (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: refactor struct htb_sched fields for performance (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: reorder struct htb_class fields for performance (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] htb: do not setup default rate estimators (Jesper Brouer) [1000395] - [net] net_sched: add 64bit rate estimators (Jesper Brouer) [1000395]- [watchdog] hpwdt: Patch to ignore auxilary iLO devices (Nigel Croxon) [996605] - [s390] tx: allow program interruption filtering in user space (Hendrik Brueckner) [1006517] - [block] add padding for kabi to block_device_operations (Don Zickus) [988500] - [fs] gfs2: Don't flag consistency error if first mounter is a spectator (Robert S Peterson) [1004448] - [tty] disassociate_ctty() sends the extra SIGCONT (Oleg Nesterov) [1011820] - [x86] mm: Add memory tracking support for 1G hugepages (David Bulkow) [1000149] - [tty] hvc_iucv: Disconnect IUCV connection when lowering DTR (Hendrik Brueckner) [1007571] - [tty] hvc_console: Add DTR/RTS callback to handle HUPCL control (Hendrik Brueckner) [1007571] - [netdrv] enic: update enic maintainers and driver (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Exposing symbols for Cisco's low latency driver (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Try DMA 64 first, then failover to DMA (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: record q_number and rss_hash for skb (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Add multi tx support for enic (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Generate notification of hardware crash (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Add an interface for USNIC to interact with firmware (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Adding support for Cisco Low Latency NIC (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: Move ethtool code to a separate file (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [netdrv] enic: release rtnl_lock on error-path (Stefan Assmann) [747385] - [powerpc] perf: Power7 Update testing ABI to list CPI-stack events (Steve Best) [1009105] - [powerpc] perf: Make Power7 events available for perf (Steve Best) [1009105] - [powerpc] perf: fix a typo of a Power7 event name (Steve Best) [1009105] - [tools] perf/tests: Add parse events tests for leader sampling (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [tools] perf/tests: Add attr record group sampling test (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [tools] perf: Add 'S' event/group modifier to read sample value (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [tools] perf/evsel: Add PERF_SAMPLE_READ sample related processing (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [tools] perf/evlist: Add perf_evlist__id2sid method to get event ID related data (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [tools] perf/evlist: Fix event ID retrieval for group format read case (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [tools] perf: Add support for parsing PERF_SAMPLE_READ sample type (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [kernel] perf/evlist: Use PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID perf ioctl to read event id (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [kernel] perf: Do not get values from disabled counters in group format read (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [kernel] perf: Add PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID ioctl to return event ID (Jiri Olsa) [1011533] - [kernel] add support for init_array constructors fix (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] add support for init_array constructors (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: compile specific gcov implementation based on gcc version (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: add support for gcc 47 gcov format fix 3 (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: add support for gcc 47 gcov format checkpatch fixes (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: add support for gcc 47 gcov format fix fix (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: add support for gcc 47 gcov format fix (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: add support for gcc 4.7 gcov format (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466] - [kernel] gcov: move gcov structs definitions to a gcc version specific file (Frantisek Hrbata) [824466]- [drm] qxl: add delayed fb operations (Dave Airlie) [1002056] - [edac] Fix lockdep splat (Aristeu Rozanski) [967459] - [mm] vmalloc: fix memleak in __vunmap (Jan Stancek) [1012358] - [x86] perf_event_amd: Rework AMD PMU init code (Prarit Bhargava) [1000672] - [md] dm: add reserved_bio_based_ios module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1010450] - [md] dm: add reserved_rq_based_ios module parameter (Mike Snitzer) [1010450] - [md] dm: lower bio-based mempool reservation (Mike Snitzer) [1010450] - [block] Add nr_bios to block_rq_remap tracepoint (Mike Snitzer) [1010450] - [md] dm-mpath: disable WRITE SAME if it fails (Mike Snitzer) [987454] - [md] dm-mpath: do not fail path on -ENOSPC (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [scsi] Return ENODATA on medium error (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [scsi] return ENOSPC on thin provisioning failure (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [scsi] Set hostbyte status in scsi_check_sense() (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [scsi] Document enhanced error codes (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-thin: do not expose non-zero discard limits if discards disabled (Mike Snitzer) [998421] - [md] dm-snapshot: fix performance degradation due to small hash size (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-snapshot: workaround for a false positive lockdep warning (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-stripe: silence a couple sparse warnings (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-stats: fix possible counter corruption on 32-bit systems (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm: add statistics support (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [lib] math64: New separate div64_u64_rem helper (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-thin: always return -ENOSPC if no_free_space is set (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-ioctl: cleanup error handling in table_load (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-ioctl: increase granularity of type_lock when loading table (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-ioctl: prevent rename to empty name or uuid (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-thin: set pool read-only if breaking_sharing fails block allocation (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-thin: prefix pool error messages with pool device name (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm: allow error target to replace bio-based and request-based targets (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-space-map: optimise sm_ll_dec and sm_ll_inc (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-btree: prefetch child nodes when walking tree for a dm_btree_del (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-btree: use pop_frame in dm_btree_del to cleanup code (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-cache: eliminate holes in cache structure (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-cache: fix stacking of geometry limits (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-thin: fix stacking of geometry limits (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-cache: add data block size limits to code and Documentation (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm: stop using WQ_NON_REENTRANT (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-cache: avoid conflicting remove_mapping() in mq policy (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm: optimize reorder structure (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm: optimize use SRCU and RCU (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-bufio: submit writes outside lock (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-cache: fix arm link errors with inline (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-verity: use __ffs and __fls (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-flakey: correct ctr alloc failure mesg (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-verity: remove pointless comparison (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm: use __GFP_HIGHMEM in __vmalloc (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-verity: fix inability to use a few specific devices sizes (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-ioctl: set noio flag to avoid __vmalloc deadlock (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [md] dm-mpath: fix ioctl deadlock when no paths (Mike Snitzer) [1010437] - [powerpc] Default arch idle could cede processor on pseries (Steve Best) [1008895]- [s390] zfcp: remove access control tables interface (keep sysfs files) (Hendrik Brueckner) [1006516] - [s390] zfcp: fix lock imbalance by reworking request queue locking (Hendrik Brueckner) [1006525] - [s390] zfcp: fix schedule-inside-lock in scsi_device list loops (Hendrik Brueckner) [1006524] - [x86] setup: avoid remapping data in parse_setup_data() (Nigel Croxon) [1004428] - [hid] validate HID report id size (Frantisek Hrbata) [1000454] {CVE-2013-2888} - [kernel] userns: prevent the use of user namespaces (Aristeu Rozanski) [993320] - [crypto] x509: don't reject not-yet-valid keys (kyle mcmartin) [905910] - [kernel] perf: Prevent race in unthrottling code (Jiri Olsa) [992941] - [s390] pci: use adapter interrupt vector helpers (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: cleanup function names (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] airq: introduce adapter interrupt vector helper (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: use virtual memory for iommu bitmap (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] cio: fix unlocked access of global bitmap (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: update function handle after resume from hibernate (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: try harder to modify a function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: split lpf (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] hibernate: add early resume function (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: add recover sysfs knob (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: use claim_resource (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci/hotplug: convert to be builtin only (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] airq: simplify adapter interrupt code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] qdio: cleanup chsc SADC usage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] qdio: cleanup chsc SSQD usage (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: remove per device debug attribute (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: sysfs remove strlen (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: remove pdev during unplug (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: cleanup hotplug code (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: implement pcibios_release_device (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [s390] pci: use to_pci_dev (Hendrik Brueckner) [1005896] - [netdrv] sfc: check for allocation failure (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Update copyright banners (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for Solarflare SFC9100 family (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Make efx_mcdi_{init, fini}() call efx_mcdi_drv_attach() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Allocate NVRAM partition ID range for PHY images (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add EF10 register and structure definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Extend struct efx_tx_buffer to allow pushing option descriptors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Use a global count of active queues instead of pending drains (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Prepare for RX scatter on EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Initialise IRQ moderation for all NIC types from efx_init_eventq() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow efx_nic_type::dimension_resources to fail (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Allow event queue initialisation to fail (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Document conditions for multicast replication vs filter replacement (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Implement asynchronous MCDI requests (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unnecessary use of atomic_t (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor efx_mcdi_rpc_start() and efx_mcdi_copyin() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for new board sensors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Use extended MC_CMD_SENSOR_INFO and MC_CMD_READ_SENSORS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Return an error code when a sensor is busy (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for reading packet length from prefix (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add TX merged completion counter (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Generalise packet hash lookup to support EF10 RX prefix (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename EFX_PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE to EFX_VI_PAGE_SIZE and adjust comments (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove early call to efx_nic_type::reconfigure_mac in efx_reset_up() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: use MCDI epoch flag to improve MC reboot detection in the driver (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add EF10 support for TX/RX DMA error events handling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add a function pointer to abstract write of host time into NIC shared memory (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: PTP MCDI requests need to initialise periph ID field (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Delegate MAC/NIC statistic description to efx_nic_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove driver-local struct ethtool_string (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove more left-overs from Falcon GMAC support (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move MTD operations into efx_nic_type (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move NIC-type-specific MTD partition date into separate structures (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Eliminate struct efx_mtd (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename SPI stuff to show that it is Falcon-specific (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Cleanup Falcon-arch simple MAC filter state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Define and use MCDI_POPULATE_DWORD_{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add flag for stack-owned RX MAC filters (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor Falcon-arch filter removal (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Make most filter operations NIC-type-specific (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor Falcon-arch search limit reset (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Split Falcon-arch-specific and common filter state (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Extend and abstract efx_filter_spec to cover Huntington/EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Name the RX drop queue ID (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename Falcon-arch filter implementation types and functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove unused filter_flags variables and efx_farch_filter_id_flags() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not assume efx_nic_type::ev_fini is idempotent (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: EFX_WORKAROUND_ALWAYS is really specific to Falcon-architecture (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Get rid of per-NIC-type phys_addr_channels and mem_map_size (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Update and improve kernel-doc for efx_mcdi_state & efx_mcdi_iface (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix race in completion handling (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add support for MCDI v2 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Update MCDI protocol definitions for EF10 (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Translate MCDI error numbers received in events (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move and rename Falcon/Siena common NIC operations (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Refactor queue teardown sequence to allow for EF10 flush behaviour (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove bogus call to efx_release_tx_buffers() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Stop RX refill before flushing RX queues (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Limit scope of a Falcon A1 IRQ workaround (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Rework IRQ enable/disable (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Remove efx_process_channel_now() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Rename Falcon-architecture register definitions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Make struct efx_special_buffer less special (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add GFP flags to efx_nic_alloc_buffer() and make most callers allow blocking (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Make MCDI independent of Siena (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Make efx_mcdi_init() call efx_mcdi_handle_assertion() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Collect all MCDI port functions into mcdi_port.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move efx_mcdi_mac_reconfigure() to siena.c and rename (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move siena_reset_hw() and siena_map_reset_reason() into MCDI module (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Add and use MCDI_SET_QWORD() and MCDI_SET_ARRAY_QWORD() (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Ensure MCDI buffers, but not lengths, are dword aligned (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Use proper macros to declare and access MCDI arrays (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Introduce and use MCDI_CTL_SDU_LEN_MAX_V1 macro for Siena-specific code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Fill out the set of MCDI accessors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Rationalise MCDI buffer accessors (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Introduce and use MCDI_DECLARE_BUF macro (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move more Falcon-specific code and definitions into falcon.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Move details of a Falcon bug workaround out of ethtool.c (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Use efx_mcdi_mon() to find efx_mcdi_mon structure from efx_nic (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: const-qualify source pointers for MMIO write functions (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix lookup of default RX MAC filters when steered using ethtool (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable RX scatter for flows steered by RFS (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix memory leak when discarding scattered packets (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Improve test for IOMMU in use (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix IRQ cleanup in case of a probe failure (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Do not pass non-TCP packets into GRO code (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Define and set RX buffer flag for packets parsed as TCP (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable accelerated RFS on vlans (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Report software timestamping capabilities (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Increase size of RX SKB header area (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Enable RX checksum offload for packets not handled by GRO (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Fix EEH with legacy interrupts (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248] - [netdrv] sfc: Store port number in private data, not net_device::dev_id (Nikolay Aleksandrov) [1005248]- [fs] namei: Add missing unlocks to error paths of mountpoint_last (Jeff Layton) [980172] - [fs] autofs4: fix device ioctl mount lookup (Jeff Layton) [980172] - [fs] namei: introduce kern_path_mountpoint() (Jeff Layton) [980172] - [fs] namei: rename user_path_umountat() to user_path_mountpoint_at() (Jeff Layton) [980172] - [fs] namei: take unlazy_walk() into umount_lookup_last() (Jeff Layton) [980172] - [fs] vfs: allow umount to handle mountpoints without revalidating them (Jeff Layton) [980172] - [acpi] apei: Soft-offline a page on firmware GHES notification (Janet Morgan) [984133] - [acpi] apei: Add a boot option to disable ff mode for corrected errors (Janet Morgan) [984133] - [mcheck] mce: Honour Firmware First for MCA banks listed in APEI HEST CMC (Janet Morgan) [984133] - [fs] cifs: Respect epoch value from create lease context v2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Add create lease v2 context for SMB3 (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Move parsing lease buffer to ops struct (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Move creating lease buffer to ops struct (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Store lease state itself rather than a mapped oplock value (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Replace clientCanCache* bools with an integer (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: quiet sparse compile warning (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Start using per session key for smb2/3 for signature generation (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Add a variable specific to NTLMSSP for key exchange (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Process post session setup code in respective dialect functions (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: convert to use le32_add_cpu() (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Fix missing lease break (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Fix a memory leak when a lease break comes (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: convert case-insensitive dentry ops to use new case conversion routines (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: add new case-insensitive conversion routines that are based on wchar_t's (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Move and expand MAX_SERVER_SIZE definition (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Expand max share name length to 256 (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Move string length definitions to uapi (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Implement follow_link for nounix CIFS mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Implement follow_link for SMB2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: display iocharset= option in /proc/mounts (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: create a new Documentation/ directory and move docfiles into it (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: ensure that srv_mutex is held when dealing with ssocket pointer (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: don't instantiate new dentries in readdir for inodes that need to be revalidated immediately (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: set sb->s_d_op before calling d_make_root() (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: file, initialize oparms.reconnect before using it (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: Do not attempt to do cifs operations reading symlinks with SMB2 (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] cifs: extend the buffer length enought for sprintf() using (Sachin Prabhu) [1007981] - [fs] dlm: log an error for unmanaged lockspaces (David Teigland) [1008005] - [acpi] acpi_ipmi, replace mutex with spin_lock_irqsave (Tony Camuso) [1007574] - [kernel] sched: Micro-optimize the smart wake-affine logic (Larry Woodman) [947186] - [kernel] sched: Implement smarter wake-affine logic (Larry Woodman) [947186] - [net] sunrpc: rpcauth_create needs to know about rpc_clnt clone status (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: RPCSEC_GSS, Share all credential caches on a per-transport basis (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: RPCSEC_GSS, Share rpc_pipes when an rpc_clnt owns multiple rpcsec auth caches (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Add a helper to allow sharing of rpc_pipefs directory objects (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Remove the rpc_client->cl_dentry (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [fs] nfs: Convert idmapper to use the new framework for pipefs dentries (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Remove the obsolete auth-only interface for pipefs dentry management (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: RPCSEC_GSS, Switch auth_gss to use the new framework for pipefs dentries (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Add a framework to clean up management of rpc_pipefs directories (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [fs] nfs: Fix a potentially Oopsable condition in __nfs_idmap_unregister (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: RPCSEC_GSS, Fix an Oopsable condition when creating/destroying pipefs objects (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: RPCSEC_GSS, Further cleanups (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Replace clnt->cl_principal (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: RPCSEC_GSS, Clean up upcall message allocation (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Cleanup rpc_setup_pipedir (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Remove unused struct rpc_clnt field cl_protname (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: Deprecate rpc_client->cl_protname (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc/rpc_pipe: convert back to simple_dir_inode_operations (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [fs] libfs: make simple_lookup() usable for filesystems that set ->s_d_op (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: __rpc_lookup_create_exclusive, pass string instead of qstr (Jeff Layton) [1002576] - [net] sunrpc: rpc_create_*_dir, don't bother with qstr (Jeff Layton) [1002576]- [netdrv] i40e: include i40e in kernel proper (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: debugfs interface (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: init code and hardware support (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: implement virtual device interface (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: driver core headers (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: driver ethtool core (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: transmit, receive, and NAPI (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] i40e: main driver core (Stefan Assmann) [726825] - [netdrv] e1000e: balance semaphore put/get for 82573 (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: resolve checkpatch JIFFIES_COMPARISON warning (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: Avoid kernel crash during shutdown (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: Add code to check for failure of pci_disable_link_state call (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup whitespace in recent commit (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: fix I217/I218 PHY initialization flow (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: do not resume device from RPM suspend to read PHY status registers (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: enable support for new device IDs (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: ethtool unnecessarily takes device out of RPM suspend (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: Tx hang on I218 when linked at 100Half and slow response at 10Mbps (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: low throughput using 4K jumbos on I218 (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: iAMT connections drop on driver unload when jumbo frames enabled (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: disable ASPM L1 on 82583 (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: Use marco instead of digit for defining e1000_rx_desc_packet_split (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: Remove duplicate assignment of default rx/tx ring size (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: restore call to pci_clear_master() (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: Release mutex lock only if it has been initially acquired (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: prevent warning from -Wunused-parameter (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] e1000e: cleanup whitespace (Dean Nelson) [726816] - [netdrv] bna: Staticize local functions (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [netdrv] bna: switch to fixed_size_llseek() (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [fs] read_write: new helper, fixed_size_llseek() (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [netdrv] bna: Driver and Firmware Updated (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [netdrv] bna: Enahncement to Identify Default IOC Function (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [netdrv] bna: Fix Ucast Failure Handling (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [netdrv] bna: Clear Driver Config Flags When HW Resets (Ivan Vecera) [978045] - [netdrv] tg3: Don't turn off led on 5719 serdes port 0 (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Convert dma_alloc_coherent(...__GFP_ZERO) to dma_zalloc_coherent (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: fix NULL pointer dereference in tg3_io_error_detected and tg3_io_slot_reset (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix warning from pci_disable_device() (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix kernel crash (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Update version to 3.133 (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix UDP fragments treated as RMCP (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Enable support for timesync gpio output (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Implement the shutdown handler (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Allow NVRAM programming when interface is down (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove incorrect switch to aux power (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Prevent system hang during repeated EEH errors (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: remove redundant pm init code (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Remove unnecessary lock around tg3_flag_set (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Fix misplaced empty line (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Use descriptive label names in tg3_start (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Make tg3_rings_reset() more concise (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Simplify ring control block setup (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Split APE driver state change out of boot reset signature update (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Use module_pci_driver to register driver (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Implement set/get_eee handlers (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Simplify tg3_phy_eee_config_ok() by reusing tg3_eee_pull_config() (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Add tg3_eee_pull_config() function (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] tg3: Add ethtool_eee struct and tg3_setup_eee() (Ivan Vecera) [1006987] - [netdrv] be2net: set and query VEB/VEPA mode of the PF interface (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Convert dma_alloc_coherent(...__GFP_ZERO) to dma_zalloc_coherent (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: implement ethtool set/get_channel hooks (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor be_setup() to consolidate queue creation routines (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix be_cmd_if_create() to use MBOX if MCCQ is not created (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor be_get_resources() code (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Fixup profile management routines (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: use EQ_CREATEv2 for SH-R (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Check for POST state in suspend-resume sequence (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: fix disabling TX in be_close() (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Clear any capability flags that driver is not interested in (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: update driver version (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Initialize "status" in be_cmd_get_die_temperature() (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: fixup log msgs for async events (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix displaying supported speeds for BE2 (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: don't limit max MAC and VLAN counts (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Do not call get_die_temperature cmd for VF (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Adding more speeds reported by get_settings (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Staticize local functions (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: don't use dev_err when AER enabling fails (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: delete primary MAC address while unloading (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: use SET/GET_MAC_LIST for SH-R (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor MAC-addr setup code (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: fix pmac_id for BE3 VFs (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: allow VFs to program MAC and VLAN filters (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: fix MAC address modification for VF (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: replace numeric with standard PM state macros (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: use pci_vfs_assigned()/pci_num_vf() instead of be_find_vfs() (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Implement initiate FW dump feature for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Trim padded packets for Lancer (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: Pad skb to meet min Tx pkt size in lancer (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: cleanup be_get_drvinfo() (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] be2net: refactor HW workarounds in be_xmit() (Ivan Vecera) [726160] - [netdrv] mlx5: remove unused MLX5_DEBUG param in Kconfig (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: Support MANAGE_PAGES and QUERY_PAGES firmware command changes (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: remove health handler plugin (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [infiniband] mlx5: Variable may be used uninitialized (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: Implement new initialization sequence (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix stack info leak in mlx5_ib_alloc_ucontext() (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [infiniband] mlx5: Fix error return code in init_one() (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: fix error return code in mlx5_alloc_uuars() (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: use after free in mlx5_cmd_comp_handler() (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fix __udivdi3 when compiling for 32 bit arches (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: Return -EFAULT instead of -EPERM (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: Adjust hca_cap.uar_page_sz to conform to Connect-IB spec (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [netdrv] mlx5: Fixes for sparse warnings (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [infiniband] mlx5: Make profile[] static in main.c (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [infiniband] mlx5: Add driver for Mellanox Connect-IB adapters (Amir Vadai) [864578] - [infiniband] core: Add reserved values to enums for low-level driver use (Amir Vadai) [864578]- [net] tuntap: correctly handle error in tun_set_iff() (Jiri Benc) [1007739] {CVE-2013-4343} - [net] sctp: fix ipv6 ipsec encryption bug in sctp_v6_xmit (Daniel Borkmann) [998398] {CVE-2013-4350} - [net] netlink: filter particular protocols from analyzers (Daniel Borkmann) [957721] - [net] ipv6: accept tlv which includes only padding (Jiri Pirko) [990968]- [scsi] mpt2sas: Bump driver version to v16.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Remove phys on topology change (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for kernel panic when driver loads with HBA connected to non LUN 0 configured expander (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: when Async scanning is enabled then while scanning, devices are removed but their transport layer entries are not removed (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Infinite loop can occur if MPI2_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE is not returned (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: The copyright in driver sources is updated for the year 2013 (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev X (2.00.16) specifications (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Change in MPI2_RAID_ACTION_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_INITIATED notification methodology (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Null pointer deference possibility in mpt2sas_ctl_event_callback function (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix cleanup on controller resource mapping failure (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix for unused variable 'event_data' warning (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Calulate the Reply post queue depth calculation as per the MPI spec (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: fix firmware failure with wrong task attribute (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Fix for device scan following host reset could get stuck in a infinite loop (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: Update the timing requirements for issuing a Hard Reset (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [scsi] mpt2sas: MPI2 Rev W (2.00.15) specification (Tomas Henzl) [736230] - [powerpc] Fix possible deadlock on page fault (Steve Best) [999374] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Update driver version to (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Select link initialization option bits from current operating mode (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add loopback IDC-TIME-EXTEND aen handling support (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set default critical temperature value in cases when ISPFX00 firmware doesn't provide it (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: QLAFX00 make over temperature AEN handling informational, add log for normal temperature AEN (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct Interrupt Register offset for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove handling of Shutdown Requested AEN from qlafx00_process_aen() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Send all AENs for ISPFx00 to above layers (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add changes in initialization for ISPFX00 cards with BIOS (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add changes to support extended IOs for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add missing FCP statistics to sysfs interface (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Make log message that prints when a completion status requires a port down more readable (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add critical temperature handling for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Notify ISPFX00 firmware when driver is unloaded or system is shut down (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Reconfigure thermal temperature (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add setting of driver version string for vendor application (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove QL_DEBUG_LEVEL_17 defines from qla_nx.c (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add ISPFX00 specific bus reset routine (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Perform warm reset every 2 minutes if firmware load fails for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set factory reset recovery timeout to 10 min. for ISPFX00 (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Correct multiqueue offset calculations (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix incorrect test after list_for_each_entry() exits (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Add support for ISP8044 (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Print some variables to hexadecimal string via *phN format (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warnings in qlafx00_fxdisc_iocb function (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Properly set the tagging for commands (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix a memory leak in an error path of qla2x00_process_els() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove an unused variable from qla2x00_remove_one() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix qla2xxx_check_risc_status() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Help Coverity with analyzing ct_sns_pkt initialization (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove redundant assignments (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove a dead assignment in qla24xx_build_scsi_crc_2_iocbs() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove two superfluous tests (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Remove dead code in qla2x00_configure_hba() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clean up qla84xx_mgmt_cmd() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clean up qla24xx_iidma() (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Fix sparse warning from qla_mr.c and qla_iocb.c (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not take a second firmware dump when intentionally generating one (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Do not query FC statistics during chip reset (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Move qla2x00_free_device to the correct location (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Set the index in outstanding command array to NULL when cmd is aborted when the request timeout (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] qla2xxx: Clear the MBX_INTR_WAIT flag when the mailbox time-out happens (Chad Dupuis) [725014] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Bump driver version to v02.100.00.00 (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Added a driver module parameter max_msix_vectors (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix cleanup on controller resource mapping failure (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: when async scanning is enabled then while scanning, devices are removed but their transport layer entries are not removed (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: MPI2.5 Rev F v2.5.1.1 specification (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Infinite loops can occur if MPI2_IOCSTATUS_CONFIG_INVALID_PAGE is not returned (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: fix for kernel panic when driver loads with HBA conected to non LUN 0 configured expander (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: Updated the Hardware timing requirements (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [scsi] mpt3sas: 2013 source code copyright (Tomas Henzl) [889435] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for older QSFP active DA cables (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: include QSFP PHY types in ixgbe_is_sfp() (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add 1Gbps support for QSFP+ (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix SFF data dumps of SFP+ modules from an offset (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: cleanup some log messages (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: zero out mailbox buffer on init (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix link test when connected to 1Gbps link partner (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix incorrect limit value in ring transverse (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Check return value on eeprom reads (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: disable link when adapter goes down (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for quad-port x520 adapter (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: clear semaphore bits on timeouts (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: rename LL_EXTENDED_STATS to use queue instead of q (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix lockdep annotation issue for ptp's work item (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: call pcie_get_mimimum_link to check if device has enough bandwidth (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix SFF data dumps of SFP+ modules (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix semaphore lock for I2C read/writes on 82598 (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: bump version number (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add new media type (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: fix fc autoneg ethtool reporting (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Use pci_vfs_assigned instead of ixgbe_vfs_are_assigned (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Retain VLAN filtering in promiscuous + VT mode (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Fix Tx Hang issue with lldpad on 82598EB (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] ixgbe: Set the SW prio_tc values at initialization to the HW setting (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [pci] expose pcie_link_speed and pcix_bus_speed arrays (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [pci] move enum pcie_link_width into pci.h (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [pci] Add function to obtain minimum link width and speed (Andy Gospodarek) [726818] - [netdrv] cnic: Update version to 2.5.18 (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Eliminate local copy of pfid (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Eliminate CNIC_PORT macro and port_mode in local struct (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Redefine BNX2X_HW_CID using existing bnx2x macros (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Use CHIP_NUM macros from bnx2x.h (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Convert mac address uses of 6 to ETH_ALEN (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Update version to 2.5.17 and copyright year (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Add missing error checking for RAMROD_CMD_ID_CLOSE (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Update TCP options setup for iSCSI (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Reset tcp_flags during cnic_cm_create() (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Simplify cnic_release() (Tomas Henzl) [725064] - [netdrv] cnic: Simplify netdev events handling (Tomas Henzl) [725064]- [Documentation] kvm: Add documentation on Hypercalls and features used for PV spinlock (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] kvm: Simplify kvm_for_each_vcpu with kvm_irq_delivery_to_apic (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] kvm: Add a hypercall to KVM hypervisor to support pv-ticketlocks (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] kvm: Paravirtual ticketlocks support for linux guests running on KVM hypervisor (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] kvm: Add configuration support to enable debug information for KVM Guests (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] kvm: Add KICK_CPU and PV_UNHALT definition to uapi (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] pvticketlock: Allow interrupts to be enabled while blocking (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] ticketlock: Add slowpath logic (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [kernel] jump_label: Split jumplabel ratelimit (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] pvticketlock: Use callee-save for lock_spinning (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] pvticketlocks: Add xen_nopvspin parameter to disable xen pv ticketlocks (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] pvticketlock: Xen implementation for PV ticket locks (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] xen: Defer spinlock setup until boot CPU setup (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] ticketlock: Collapse a layer of functions (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] ticketlock: Don't inline _spin_unlock when using paravirt spinlocks (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [virt] spinlock: Replace pv spinlocks with pv ticketlocks (Andrew Jones) [981581] - [fs] proc/vmcore: support mmap() on /proc/vmcore (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] proc/vmcore: calculate vmcore file size from buffer size and total size of vmcore objects (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] proc/vmcore: allow user process to remap ELF note segment buffer (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] proc/vmcore: allocate ELF note segment in the 2nd kernel vmalloc memory (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [mm] vmalloc: introduce remap_vmalloc_range_partial (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [mm] vmalloc: make find_vm_area check in range (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] proc/vmcore: treat memory chunks referenced by PT_LOAD program header entries in page-size boundary in vmcore_list (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] proc/vmcore: allocate buffer for ELF headers on page-size alignment (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] proc/vmcore: clean up read_vmcore() (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [mm] add PAGE_ALIGNED() helper (Nigel Croxon) [990298] - [fs] nfs Fix up nfs4_proc_lookup_mountpoint (Jeff Layton) [1007357] - [fs] nfs: Don't check lock owner compatability unless file is locked (part 2) (Jeff Layton) [1007035] - [fs] nfs: Don't check lock owner compatibility in writes unless file is locked (Jeff Layton) [1007035] - [pci] Remove pcie_cap_has_devctl() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Support PCIe Capability Slot registers only for ports with slots (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Remove PCIe Capability version checks (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Allow PCIe Capability link-related register access for switches (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add offsets of PCIe capability registers (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Tidy bitmasks and spacing of PCIe capability definitions (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Remove obsolete comment reference to pci_pcie_cap2() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Clarify PCI_EXP_TYPE_PCI_BRIDGE comment (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Rename PCIe capability definitions to follow convention (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Warn if unsafe MPS settings detected (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Fix MPS peer-to-peer DMA comment syntax (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Disable decoding for BAR sizing only when it was actually enabled (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add comment about needing pci_msi_off() even when CONFIG_PCI_MSI=n (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add pcibios_pm_ops for optional arch-specific hibernate functionality (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Don't restrict MPS for slots below Root Ports (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Simplify MPS test for Downstream Port (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Remove unnecessary check for pcie_get_mps() failure (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Simplify pcie_bus_configure_settings() interface (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Drop "PCI-E" prefix from Max Payload Size message (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add pci_probe_reset_slot() and pci_probe_reset_bus() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Remove aer_do_secondary_bus_reset() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Tune secondary bus reset timing (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Wake-up devices before saving config space for reset (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add pci_reset_slot() and pci_reset_bus() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Split out pci_dev lock/unlock and save/restore (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add slot reset option to pci_dev_reset() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] pciehp: Add reset_slot() method (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add hotplug_slot_ops.reset_slot() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] quirks: Use pci_wait_for_pending_transaction() instead of for loop (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Use pci_wait_for_pending_transaction() instead of for loop (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] quirks: Enable Bus Master during Function-Level Reset on Chelsio (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add pci_wait_for_pending_transaction() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add pci_reset_bridge_secondary_bus() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Align bridge I/O windows as required by downstream devices & bridges (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Fix types in pbus_size_io() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Add comments for pbus_size_mem() parameters (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Enumerate subordinate buses, not devices, in pci_bus_get_depth() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Fix comment typo for pci_add_cap_save_buffer() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Return -ENOSYS for SR-IOV operations on non-SR-IOV devices (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Update NumVFs register when disabling SR-IOV (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] mmconfig: Check earlier for MMCONFIG region at address zero (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Assign resources for hot-added host bridge more aggressively (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Move resource reallocation code to non-__init (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Delay enabling bridges until they're needed (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Assign resources on a per-bus basis (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Enable unassigned resource reallocation on per-bus basis (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Turn on reallocation for unassigned resources with host bridge offset (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Look for unassigned resources on per-bus basis (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Drop temporary variable in pci_assign_unassigned_resources() (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Claim ACS support for AMD southbridge devices (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Differentiate ACS controllable from enabled (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Check all ACS features for multifunction downstream ports (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Convert class code to use dev_groups (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] mrst: Cleanup warnings (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Rename "PCI Express support" kconfig title (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [pci] Fix comment typo in iov.c (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [fs] sysfs: use file mode defines from stat.h (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [fs] sysfs: add more helper macro's for (bin_)attribute(_groups) (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [misc] device: add default groups to struct class (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [misc] device: Introduce device_create_groups (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [fs] sysfs: prevent warning when only using binary attributes (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [fs] sysfs: add support for binary attributes in groups (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [misc] device: add RW and RO attribute macros (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [misc] sysfs: add BIN_ATTR macro (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [misc] sysfs: add ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS() macro (Myron Stowe) [1005229] - [misc] sysfs: add __ATTR_RW() macro (Myron Stowe) [1005229]- [kernel] kexec: improve logging when crashkernel=auto can't be satisfied (Steve Best) [989576]- [netdrv] bnx2: Convert dma_alloc_coherent(...__GFP_ZERO) to dma_zalloc_coherent (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Update version to 2.2.4 (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Add pci shutdown handler (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Refactor WoL setup into a separate function (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use kernel APIs for WoL and power state changes (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Handle error condition in ->slot_reset() (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: use pdev->pm_cap instead of pci_find_capability(.., PCI_CAP_ID_PM) (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] bnx2: Use module_pci_driver to register driver (Neil Horman) [725061] - [netdrv] igb: Update version number (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Implementation to report advertised/supported link on i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Get speed and duplex for 1G non_copper devices (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Support to get 2_5G link status for appropriate media type (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: No PHPM support in i354 devices (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: M88E1543 PHY downshift implementation (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: New PHY_ID for i354 device (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Implementation of 1-sec delay for i210 devices (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Don't look for a PBA in the iNVM when flashless (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Expose RSS indirection table for ethtool (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Add macro for size of RETA indirection table (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Fix get_fw_version function for all parts (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Add device support for flashless SKU of i210 device (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Refactor NVM read functions to accommodate devices with no flash (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Refactor of init_nvm_params (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Update MTU so that it is always at least a standard frame size (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: don't allow SR-IOV without MSI-X (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Added rcu_lock to avoid race (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Read register for latch_on without return value (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Reset the link when EEE setting changed (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: fix vlan filtering in promisc mode when not in VT mode (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: relase -> release (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Removed unused i2c function (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Implementation of i210/i211 LED support (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Fix possible panic caused by Rx traffic arrival while interface is down (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Fix set_ethtool function to call update nvm for entire image (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: SerDes flow control setting (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Support for SFP modules discovery (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Add update to last_rx_timestamp in Rx rings (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [netdrv] igb: Changed LEDs blink mechanism to include designs using cathode (Stefan Assmann) [726817] - [virt] kvm/mmu: avoid fast page fault fixing mmio page fault (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm/vmx: mark unusable segment as nonpresent (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: get rid of $(addprefix ../../../virt/kvm/, ...) in Makefiles (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: Fix RTC interrupt coalescing tracking (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: Add a tracepoint write_tsc_offset (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: Inform users of mmio generation wraparound (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: document fast invalidate all mmio sptes (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: document fast invalidate all pages (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: document fast page fault (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: document mmio page fault (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: document write_flooding_count (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: document clear_spte_count (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: drop kvm_mmu_zap_mmio_sptes (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: init kvm generation close to mmio wrap-around value (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: add tracepoint for check_mmio_spte (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: fast invalidate all mmio sptes (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: make return value of mmio page fault handler more readable (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: store generation-number into mmio spte (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: retain more available bits on mmio spte (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: update the documentation for reverse mapping of parent_pte (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [Documentation] kvm: fix section numbers (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: handle idiv overflow at kvm_write_tsc (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: reduce KVM_REQ_MMU_RELOAD when root page is zapped (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: reclaim the zapped-obsolete page first (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: collapse TLB flushes when zap all pages (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: zap pages in batch (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: do not reuse the obsolete page (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: add tracepoint for kvm_mmu_invalidate_all_pages (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: show mmu_valid_gen in shadow page related tracepoints (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: use the fast way to invalidate all pages (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: fast invalidate all pages (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: drop unnecessary kvm_reload_remote_mmus (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: drop calling kvm_mmu_zap_all in emulator_fix_hypercall (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: exclude ioeventfd from counting kvm_io_range limit (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: convert XADD to fastop (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: drop unused old-style inline emulation (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: convert DIV/IDIV to fastop (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: convert single-operand MUL/IMUL to fastop (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: Switch fastop src operand to RDX (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: switch MUL/DIV to DstXacc (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: decode extended accumulator explicity (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: add support for writing back the source operand (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: clenaup locking in mmu_free_roots() (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: limit difference between kvmclock updates (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: Remove support for reporting coalesced APIC IRQs (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: Use kvm_mmu_sync_roots() in kvm_mmu_load() (Gleb Natapov) [981979] - [virt] kvm: add missing misc_deregister() on error in kvm_init() (Gleb Natapov) [981979]- [net] net_sched: fix a typo in htb_change_class() (Jesper Brouer) [998588] - [net] tcp_probe: adapt tbuf size for recent changes (Daniel Borkmann) [1000470] - [net] tcp_probe: allow more advanced ingress filtering by mark (Daniel Borkmann) [1000470] - [net] tcp_probe: add IPv6 support (Daniel Borkmann) [1000470] - [net] tcp_probe: kprobes: adapt jtcp_rcv_established signature (Daniel Borkmann) [1000470] - [net] tcp_probe: also include rcv_wnd next to snd_wnd (Daniel Borkmann) [1000470] - [lib] vsprintf: add IPv4/v6 generic p[Ii]S[pfs] format specifier (Daniel Borkmann) [1000470] - [net] ipv6: fix potential use after free in tcp_v6_do_rcv (Jiri Benc) [1004165] - [net] netlabel: use domain based selectors when address based selectors are not available (Paul Moore) [983949]- [fs] gfs2: dirty inode correctly in gfs2_write_end (Benjamin Marzinski) [1004054] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Convert dma_alloc_coherent(...__GFP_ZERO) to dma_zalloc_coherent (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: clean up unnecessary MSI/MSI-X capability find (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revising locking scheme for MAC configuration (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF stats sync (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix VF memory leak unload (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix functionality of configuring vlan list (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix move FP memory deallocations (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: vf mark stats started (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: set VF DMAE when first function has 0 supported VFs (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Protect against VFs' ndos when SR-IOV is disabled (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent VF benign attentions (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Consider DCBX remote error (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change DCB context handling (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: dropless flow control not always functional (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: prevent crash in shutdown flow with CNIC (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix PTE write access error (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix memory leak in VF (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: update fairness parameters following DCB negotiation (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: protect different statistics flows (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix tunneling CSUM calculation (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fill in sane dump flag information (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix dump flag handling (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove zeroing of dump data buffer (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Remove sparse and coccinelle warnings (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix compilation with no IOV support (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Fix 20G KR2 support claims (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: improve VF timings (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: VF ndo sanity (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Improve PF behaviour toward VF (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: remove redundant D0 power state set (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: replace mechanism to check for next available packet (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: add support for busy-poll (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: fix a power state test (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: semi-Semantic changes (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revise prints (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Semantic removal and beautification (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Revise comments and alignment (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Semantic change of empty lines (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: use XPS if possible for bnx2x_select_queue instead of pure hash (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Change to D3hot only on removal (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Implement PCI shutdown (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Count number of possible FCoE interfaces (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Ack unknown VF messages (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add and correct PCI link speed prints (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Zero VFs starting MACs (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Enable `set_phys_id' for all functions (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Link-flap avoidance in switch dependent mode (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Add Private Flags Support (Michal Schmidt) [819849] - [netdrv] bnx2x: dont reload on GRO change (Michal Schmidt) [819849]- [crypto] nx: fix SHA-2 for chunks bigger than block size (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix GCM for zero length messages (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix XCBC for zero length messages (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-CCM (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-XCBC (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-GCM (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-CTR (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-CBC (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for AES-ECB (Steve Best) [999606] - [crypto] nx: add offset to nx_build_sg_lists() (Steve Best) [999606] - [virt] virtio_console: prevent use-after-free of port name in port unplug (Amit Shah) [990419] - [virt] virtio_console: fix locking around send_sigio_to_port() (Amit Shah) [986968] - [virt] virtio_console: add locking in port unplug path (Amit Shah) [990419] - [virt] virtio_console: add locks around buffer removal in port unplug path (Amit Shah) [990419] - [virt] virtio_console: return -ENODEV on all read operations after unplug (Amit Shah) [975716] - [virt] virtio_console: fix raising SIGIO after port unplug (Amit Shah) [986968] - [virt] virtio_console: clean up port data immediately at time of unplug (Amit Shah) [990419] - [virt] virtio_console: fix race in port_fops_open() and port unplug (Amit Shah) [990419] - [virt] virtio_console: fix race with port unplug and open/close (Amit Shah) [990419] - [virt] virtio_console: Add pipe_lock/unlock for splice_write (Amit Shah) [987722] - [virt] virtio_console: Quit from splice_write if pipe->nrbufs is 0 (Amit Shah) [987722] - [scsi] Generate uevents on certain unit attention codes (Ewan Milne) [740795] - [virt] kvm: update masterclock when kvmclock_offset is calculated (Marcelo Tosatti) [978425] - [acpi] pci_root: Fix _OSC ordering to allow PCIe hotplug use when available (Neil Horman) [990078]- [net] ipv4: make snmp_mib_free static inline (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] vxlan: include net/ip6_checksum.h for csum_ipv6_magic() (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] vxlan: fix flowi6_proto value (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] udp: unify skb_udp_tunnel_segment() and skb_udp6_tunnel_segment() (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: Add generic UDP Tunnel segmentation (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] vxlan: add ipv6 proxy support (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: move in6_dev_finish_destroy() into core kernel (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: add include file to suppress sparse warnings (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] vxlan: add ipv6 route short circuit support (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] vxlan: add ipv6 support (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: do not call ndisc_send_rs() with write lock (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: export in6addr_loopback to modules (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: export a stub for IPv6 symbols used by vxlan (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: Remove extern function prototypes (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: always hold idev->lock before mca_lock (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: move ip6_local_out into core kernel (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: move ip6_dst_hoplimit() into core kernel (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] udp: move GSO functions to udp_offload (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] tcp: move GRO/GSO functions to tcp_offload (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] tcp: use tcp_skb_mss helper in tcp_tso_segment (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [scsi] csgb4i: convert skb->transport_header into skb_transport_header(skb) (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] pass correct parameter to skb_headers_offset_update() (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] clean up skb headers code (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] Fix build warnings after mac_header and transport_header became __u16 (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] netfilter: Correct calculation using skb->tail and skb-network_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] Correct assignment of skb->network_header to skb->tail (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] sctp: Correct access to skb->{network, transport}_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv4: Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] ipv6: Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [netdrv] cxgb3: Correct comparisons and calculations using skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [netdrv] isdn: Correct comparison of skb->tail and skb-transport_header (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] Copy inner_protocol in copy_skb_header() (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] mpls: Add limited GSO support (Amerigo Wang) [970585] - [net] Use 16bits for *_headers fields of struct skbuff (Amerigo Wang) [970585]- [fs] lockd: Don't call utsname()->nodename from nlmclnt_setlockargs (Jan Stancek) [999289] - [scsi] ipr: Add sereral new CCIN definitions for new adapters support (Steve Best) [1002200] - [virt] x86/xen: Sync the CMOS RTC as well as the Xen wallclock (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] x86/xen: Sync the wallclock when the system time is set (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] x86: Increase precision of x86_platform.get/set_wallclock() (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [powerpc] Don't Oops when accessing /proc/powerpc/lparcfg without hypervisor (Steve Best) [1002206] - [virt] xen/smp: initialize IPI vectors before marking CPU online (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/events: mask events when changing their VCPU binding (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/events: initialize local per-cpu mask for all possible events (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] x86/xen: do not identity map UNUSABLE regions in the machine E820 (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/evtchn: avoid a deadlock when unbinding an event channel (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xenbus: frontend resume cleanup (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-netfront: pull on receive skb may need to happen earlier (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen: Use more current logging styles (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/time: remove blocked time accounting from xen "clockchip" (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen: Convert printks to pr_ (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen: ifdef CONFIG_HIBERNATE_CALLBACKS xen_*_suspend (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-blkfront: set blk_queue_max_hw_sectors correctly (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/io: new macro to detect whether there are too many requests on the ring (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-netfront: use skb_partial_csum_set() to simplify the codes (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/time: Free onlined per-cpu data structure if we want to online it again (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/time: Check that the per_cpu data structure has data before freeing (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/time: Don't leak interrupt name when offlining (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/time: Encapsulate the struct clock_event_device in another structure (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/spinlock: Don't leak interrupt name when offlining (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/smp: Don't leak interrupt name when offlining (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/smp: Set the per-cpu IRQ number to a valid default (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/smp: Introduce a common structure to contain the IRQ name and interrupt line (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/smp: Coalesce the free_irq calls in one function (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-blkback: Use physical sector size for setup (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-blkfront: Introduce a 'max' module parameter to alter the amount of indirect segments (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen/netif: document feature-split-event-channels (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-netfront: split event channels support for Xen frontend driver (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-netfront: avoid leaking resources when setup_netfront fails (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-blkfront: use a different scatterlist for each request (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [virt] xen-block: implement indirect descriptors (Radim Krcmar) [1003683] - [acpi] Try harder to resolve _ADR collisions for bridges (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [cpufreq] rename ignore_nice as ignore_nice_load (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] processor: move try_offline_node() after acpi_unmap_lsapic() (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] Drop physical_node_id_bitmap from struct acpi_device (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] pm: Walk physical_node_list under physical_node_lock (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] video: improve quirk check in acpi_video_bqc_quirk() (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [kernel] freezer: set PF_SUSPEND_TASK flag on tasks that call freeze_processes (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] battery: Fix parsing _BIX return value (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [cpufreq] Fix cpufreq driver module refcount balance after suspend/resume (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [cpufreq] intel_pstate: Change to scale off of max P-state (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] video: ignore BIOS initial backlight value for Fujitsu E753 (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [pnp] acpi: avoid garbage in resource name (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [power] sleep: Fix comment typo in pm_wakeup.h (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [power] sleep: avoid 'autosleep' in shutdown progress (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] scan: Always call acpi_bus_scan() for bus check notifications (Myron Stowe) [1003183] - [acpi] scan: Do not try to attach scan handlers to devices having them (Myron Stowe) [1003183]- [powerpc] Avoid link stack corruption for MMU on exceptions (Steve Best) [999556] - [virt] net/hyperv: Fix the NETIF_F_SG flag setting in netvsc (Jason Wang) [984810] - [pci] Retry allocation of only the resource type that failed (Myron Stowe) [1001217] - [pci] pciehp: Convert pciehp to be builtin only, not modular (Myron Stowe) [1001217] - [pci] hotplug: Convert to be builtin only, not modular (Myron Stowe) [1001217] - [pci] pciehp: Fix null pointer deref when hot-removing SR-IOV device (Myron Stowe) [1001217]- [drm] qxl: backport updates from v3.11-rc1 (Dave Airlie) [979176] - [drm] add hotspot support for cursors (Dave Airlie) [983312] - [virt] x86: Correctly detect hypervisor (Jason Wang) [985743] - [virt] kvm: Switch to use hypervisor_cpuid_base() (Jason Wang) [985743] - [virt] xen: Switch to use hypervisor_cpuid_base() (Jason Wang) [985743] - [virt] x86: Introduce hypervisor_cpuid_base() (Jason Wang) [985743] - [net] sunrpc: prepare NFS for 2038 (Harshula Jayasuriya) [847926] - [netdrv] macvtap: Ignore tap features when VNET_HDR is off (Vlad Yasevich) [1001053] - [netdrv] macvtap: Correctly set tap features when IFF_VNET_HDR is disabled (Vlad Yasevich) [1001053] - [netdrv] macvtap: simplify usage of tap_features (Vlad Yasevich) [1001053]- [net] openvswitch: optimize flow compare and mask functions (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Rename key_len to key_end (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Add SCTP support (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] ipv6: Add NEXTHDR_SCTP to ipv6.h (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] sctp: Refactor SCTP skb checksum computation (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] sctp: prevent checksum.h from double inclusion (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Mega flow implementation (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Fix argument descriptions in vport.c (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: link upper device for port devices (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Use non rcu hlist_del() flow table entry (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Use RCU lock for dp dump operation (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] openvswitch: Use RCU lock for flow dump operation (Thomas Graf) [1002051] - [net] ipv6: prevent race between address creation and removal (Jiri Benc) [991392] - [net] ipv6: move peer_addr init into ipv6_add_addr() (Jiri Benc) [991392] - [net] ipv6: use ipv6_addr_scope() helper (Jiri Benc) [991392] - [net] ipv6: add support of peer address (Jiri Benc) [991392] - [net] rtm_to_ifaddr: free ifa if ifa_cacheinfo processing fails (Daniel Borkmann) [992908] - [net] net_sched: restore "linklayer atm" handling (Jesper Brouer) [998588] - [net] net_sched: psched_ratecfg_precompute() improvements (Jesper Brouer) [998588] - [net] ip_tunnel: Do not use inner ip-header-id for tunnel ip-header-id (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] openvswitch: Add vxlan tunneling support (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Add tx-vlan offload support (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Improve vxlan headroom calculation (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Factor out vxlan send api (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Extend vxlan handlers for openvswitch (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Add vxlan recv demux (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Restructure vxlan receive (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Restructure vxlan socket apis (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] openvswitch: Reset tunnel key between input and output (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] openvswitch: Use correct type while allocating flex array (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] openvswitch: Fix bad merge resolution (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] rtnetlink: Fix inverted check in ndo_dflt_fdb_del() (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] rtnetlink: allow using zero MAC address in rtnl_fdb_{add, del} (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix a soft lockup in vxlan module removal (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix a regression of igmp join (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix rcu related warning (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fdb: replace an existing entry (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix igmp races (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: unregister on namespace exit (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: add necessary locking on device removal (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Fix kernel crash on rmmod (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix function name spelling (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fdb: allow specifying multiple destinations for zero MAC (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: allow removal of single destination from fdb entry (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: introduce vxlan_fdb_parse (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: introduce vxlan_fdb_find_rdst (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: add implicit fdb entry for default destination (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Fix sparse warnings (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: cosmetic cleanup's (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: Use initializer for dummy structures (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: port module param should be ushort (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: convert remotes list to list_rcu (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: make vxlan_xmit_one void (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: move cleanup to uninit (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix race caused by dropping rtnl_unlock (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: send notification when MAC migrates (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: move IGMP join/leave to work queue (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix crash from work pending on module removal (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: fix out of order operation on module removal (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: defer vxlan init as late as possible (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: use unsigned int instead of unsigned (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: remove the unused rcu head from struct vxlan_rdst (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [net] vxlan: listen on multiple ports (Amerigo Wang) [989522] - [rhel] Kconfig: enable CONFIG_OPENVSWITCH_GRE (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ip_tunnel: embed hash list head (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] sit: fix tunnel update via netlink (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ipv6: only apply anti-spoofing checks to not-pointopoint tunnels (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: Fix MTU sizing check for gretap tunnels (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ip_tunnels: Use skb-len to PMTU check (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gso: Update tunnel segmentation to support Tx checksum offload (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: move GSO functions to gre_offload (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: fix a regression in ioctl (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] sit: add support of x-netns (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] dev: introduce skb_scrub_packet() (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] dev: remove duplicate 'skb->dev = dev' in dev_forward_skb() (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] sit: fix an oops when IFLA_IPTUN_PROTO is not set (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] sit: fix 4in4 + IPsec scenario (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Add Kconfig dependency on GRE-DEMUX (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ip_tunnel: Protect tunnel functions with CONFIG_INET guard (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Use correct config guard (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Add gre tunnel support (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Optimize flow key match for non tunnel flows (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Expand action buffer size (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Add tunneling interface (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Copy individual actions (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ip_tunnel: Add dont fragment flag (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ip_tunnel: push generic protocol handling to ip_tunnel module (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] ip_tunnel: extend iptunnel_xmit() (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: export gre_handle_offloads() function (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: export gre_build_header() function (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: Allow multiple protocol listener for gre protocol (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] gre: Simplify gre protocol registration locking (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: make skb->csum consistent with rest of networking stack (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Simplify interface ovs_flow_metadata_from_nlattrs() (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Fix misspellings in comments and docs (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Unify vport error stats handling (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: fix variable names in comment (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Immediately exit on error in ovs_vport_cmd_set() (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] openvswitch: Remove unused get_config vport op (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] iptunnel: specify protocol outside IP header (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] sit: add IPv4 over IPv4 support (Amerigo Wang) [992917] - [net] export physical port id via sysfs (Jiri Pirko) [991026] - [net] rtnl: export physical port id via RT netlink (Jiri Pirko) [991026] - [net] add ndo to get id of physical port of the device (Jiri Pirko) [991026] - [net] busy_poll: revert unsupported bits from creation of BUSY_POLL socket option (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: rename busy poll socket op and globals (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: rename ll methods to busy-poll (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: rename include/net/ll_poll.h to include/net/busy_poll.h (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: change busy poll time accounting (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: rename low latency sockets functions to busy poll (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: lls fix build with allnoconfig (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: convert lls to use time_in_range() (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: avoid calling sched_clock when LLS is off (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: fix LLS debug_smp_processor_id() warning (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: poll/select low latency socket support (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: add socket option for low latency polling (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: remove NET_LL_RX_POLL config menu (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: convert low latency sockets to sched_clock() (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: change sysctl_net_ll_poll into an unsigned int (Neil Horman) [958330] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add extra stats for ndo_ll_poll (Neil Horman) [958330] - [netdrv] ixgbe: add support for ndo_ll_poll (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] tcp: add low latency socket poll support (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] udp: add low latency socket poll support (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] busy_poll: add low latency socket poll (Neil Horman) [958330] - [net] add napi_id and hash (Neil Horman) [958330]- [powerpc] pseries: Drop "select HOTPLUG" (Myron Stowe) [999178] - [misc] Finally eradicate CONFIG_HOTPLUG (Myron Stowe) [999178] - [vfio] vfio-pci: Avoid deadlock on remove (Alex Williamson) [912293] - [vfio] Ignore sprurious notifies (Alex Williamson) [912293] - [vfio] Don't overreact to DEL_DEVICE (Alex Williamson) [912293] - [s390] qeth: Fix crash on initial MTU size change (Hendrik Brueckner) [997607] - [s390] qeth: change default standard blkt settings for OSA (Hendrik Brueckner) [997635] - [s390] dasd: fix hanging devices after path events (Hendrik Brueckner) [996178] - [s390] zcrypt: Alias for new zcrypt device driver base module (Hendrik Brueckner) [996731] - [s390] zfcp: status read buffers on first adapter open with link down (Hendrik Brueckner) [976636] - [s390] zfcp: fix adapter (re)open recovery while link to SAN is down (Hendrik Brueckner) [889079] - [netdrv] be2net: Fix to avoid hardware workaround when not needed (Ivan Vecera) [982900] - [fs] gfs2: Take glock reference in examine_bucket() (Steven Whitehouse) [999897] - [fs] gfs2: Check for glock already held in gfs2_getxattr (Steven Whitehouse) [997604] - [crypto] nx: fix nx-aes-gcm verification (Steve Best) [997057] - [s390] zfcp: remove access control tables interface (Hendrik Brueckner) [994519] - [s390] zfcp: cfdc fops add owner (Hendrik Brueckner) [994519] - [scsi] fcoe: cleanup return codes from fcoe_rcv (Neil Horman) [984876] - [scsi] fcoe: make sure fcoe frames are unshared prior to manipulating them (Neil Horman) [984876] - [scsi] fcoe: ensure that skb placed on the fip_recv_list are unshared (Neil Horman) [984876] - [mm] zswap: add documentation (Steve Best) [731499] - [mm] zswap: add to mm (Steve Best) [731499] - [mm] zbud: add to mm (Steve Best) [731499] - [misc] MAINTAINERS: add zswap and zbud maintainer (Steve Best) [731499] - [fs] debugfs: add get/set for atomic types (Steve Best) [731499]- [acpi] memhotplug: Fix a stale pointer in error path (Lenny Szubowicz) [995322] - [powerpc] Add second POWER8 PVR entry (Steve Best) [995355] - [acpi] power: add missing newline to debug messages (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [tools] cpupower: Add Haswell family 0x45 specific idle monitor to show PC8, 9, 10 states (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [tools] cpupower: Haswell also supports the C-states introduced with SandyBridge (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [tools] cpupower: Introduce idle-set subcommand and C-state enabling/disabling (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [tools] cpupower: Implement disabling of cstate interface (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [tools] cpupower: Make idlestate usage unsigned (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [acpi] fan: Initialize acpi_state variable (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [acpi] scan: remove unused LIST_HEAD(acpi_device_list) (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [acpi] dock: Actually define acpi_dock_init() as void (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [acpi] pm: Fix corner case in acpi_bus_update_power() (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [cpufreq] Fix serialization of frequency transitions (Myron Stowe) [998633] - [cpufreq] Fix cpufreq regression after suspend/resume (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] pm: Fix possible NULL pointer deref in acpi_pm_device_sleep_state() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power: Warn about system time after resume with pm_trace (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] don't leave stale policy pointer in cdbs->cur_policy (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Add new sysfs attribute freqdomain_cpus (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] make sure frequency transitions are serialized (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] implement acpi_os_get_timer() according the spec (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] ec: Add HP Folio 13 to ec_dmi_table in order to skip DSDT scan (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] Add CMOS RTC Operation Region handler support (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] processor: Drop unused variable from processor_perflib.c (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] powernow-k8: call CPUFREQ_POSTCHANGE notfier in error cases (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] pcc: call CPUFREQ_POSTCHANGE notfier in error cases (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: call CPUFREQ_POSTCHANGE notfier in error cases (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] power: Add pm_qos and dev_pm_qos to events-power.txt (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] power/qos: Add dev_pm_qos_request tracepoints (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power/qos: Add pm_qos_request tracepoints (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power/qos: Add pm_qos_update_target/flags tracepoints (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] processor: Remove unused macros in processor_driver.c (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] power: Update Documentation/power/pm_qos_interface.txt (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] cpu-hotplug: Rephrase the outdated description for MADT entries (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] make __cpufreq_notify_transition() static (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] Fix minor formatting issues (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] Fix governor start/stop race condition (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power: Print last wakeup source on failed wakeup_count write (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power/qos: correct the valid range of pm_qos_class (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] video: update video_extension.txt for backlight control (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] video: move video_extension.txt to Documentation/acpi (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] video: add description for brightness_switch_enabled (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] Add ACPI namespace documentation (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] Add sysfs ABI documentation (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: include Documentation/acpi (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Update version to 20130517 (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: _CST repair, handle null package entries (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Add several repairs for _CST predefined name (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Move _PRT repair into the standard complex repair module (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] scan: Do not bind ACPI drivers to objects with scan handlers (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] pm: Rework and clean up acpi_dev_pm_get_state() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] pm: Replace ACPI_STATE_D3 with ACPI_STATE_D3_COLD in device_pm.c (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] pm: Rename function acpi_device_power_state() and make it static (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] pm: acpi_processor_suspend() can be static (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [virt] xen/acpi: Register an acpi_suspend_lowlevel callback (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [x86] acpi/sleep: Provide registration for acpi_suspend_lowlevel (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] Remove unused flags in acpi_device_flags (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] Remove useless initializers (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] battery: Make sure all spaces are in correct places (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] add _STA evaluation at do_acpi_find_child() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] ec: access user space with get_user()/put_user() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] Simplify userspace governor (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] lpss: override SDIO private register space size from ACPI tables (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] lpss: mask the UART TX completion interrupt (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] lpss: add support for Intel BayTrail (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] Do not use CONFIG_ACPI_HOTPLUG_MEMORY_MODULE (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] x86: make X86_AMD_FREQ_SENSITIVITY select CPU_FREQ_TABLE (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] powerpc: make CBE_RAS select CPU_FREQ_TABLE (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] blackfin: enable driver for CONFIG_BFIN_CPU_FREQ (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Clear events initialized flag upon event component termination (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Fix possible memory leak in GPE init error path (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: on termination, delete global lock pending lock (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Update interface to acpi_ut_valid_acpi_name() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Do not use extended sleep registers unless HW-reduced bit is set (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Split table print utilities to a new a separate file (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Add option to disable loading of SSDTs from the RSDT/XSDT (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Standardize all switch() blocks (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Split internal error msg routines to a separate file (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Split buffer dump routines into separate file (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] scan: Simplify ACPI driver probing (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] power/wakeup: Adjust messaging for wake events during suspend (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpuidle] Fix ARCH_NEEDS_CPU_IDLE_COUPLED dependency warning (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpuidle] Comment the driver's framework code (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpuidle] simplify multiple driver support (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] powerpc: move cpufreq driver to drivers/cpufreq (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] acpi-cpufreq: Add ACPI processor device IDs to acpi-cpufreq (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] remove unnecessary cpufreq_cpu_{get,put}() calls (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: Add git tree path for ARM specific updates to cpufreq (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] rename index as driver_data in cpufreq_frequency_table (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] power: Update .runtime_idle() callback documentation (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power: Rework the "runtime idle" helper routine (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power: print physical addresses consistently with other parts of kernel (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpuidle] improve governor Kconfig options (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [Documentation] MAINTAINERS: update mailing list for devfreq(DVFS) (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [devfreq] fix typo "CPU_EXYNOS4.12" twice (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [devfreq] add comments and Documentation (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [devfreq] account suspend/resume for stats (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [mm] memory_hotplug: Move alternative function definitions to header (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] processor: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in acpi_processor_add() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Update version to 20130418 (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Update for "orphan" embedded controller _REG method support (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Remove unused macros, no functional change (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Predefined name support, remove unused local variable (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Add argument typechecking for all predefined ACPI names (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Add BIOS error interface for predefined name validation support (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] acpica: Change an exception code for the ASL UnLoad() operator (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] memhotplug: Simplify memory removal (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] scan: Add second pass of companion offlining to hot-remove code (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] memory: Drop offline_memory_block() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] processor: Pass processor object handle to acpi_bind_one() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] Drop removal_type field from struct acpi_device (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] memory: Simplify __memory_block_change_state() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] processor: Initialize per_cpu(processors, pr->id) properly (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] cpu: Fix sysfs cpu/online of offlined CPUs (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] Don't create empty /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq directory (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] Move get_cpu_idle_time() to cpufreq.c (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] governors: Move get_governor_parent_kobj() to cpufreq.c (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [cpufreq] Add EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL for have_governor_per_policy (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [pnp] restore automatic resolution of DMA conflicts (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [net] af_unix: use freezable blocking calls in read (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] sigtimedwait: use freezable blocking call (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] nanosleep: use freezable blocking call (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] futex: use freezable blocking call (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [fs] select: use freezable blocking call (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [fs] epoll: use freezable blocking call (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] freezer: add new freezable helpers using freezer_do_not_count() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] freezer: convert freezable helpers to static inline where possible (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] freezer: convert freezable helpers to freezer_do_not_count() (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] freezer: skip waking up tasks with PF_FREEZER_SKIP set (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] power: shorten freezer sleep time using exponential backoff (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] lockdep: check that no locks held at freeze time (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [kernel] lockdep: remove task argument from debug_check_no_locks_held (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [fs] cifs: add unsafe versions of freezable helpers for CIFS (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [fs] nfs: add unsafe versions of freezable helpers for NFS (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] memory: Introduce offline/online callbacks for memory blocks (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] memhotplug: Bind removable memory blocks to ACPI device nodes (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] processor: Use common hotplug infrastructure (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [acpi] hotplug: Use device offline/online for graceful hot-removal (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] cpu: Use generic offline/online for CPU offline/online (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [base] core: Add offline/online device operations (Myron Stowe) [991615] - [scsi] bnx2i: Fix bug on some bnx2x devices that don't support iSCSI (Tomas Henzl) [957024] - [x86] tracing: Add irq_enter/exit() in smp_trace_reschedule_interrupt() (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [x86] trace: Add config option checking to the definitions of mce handlers (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [x86] trace: Do not call local_irq_save() in load_current_idt() (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [x86] trace: Move creation of irq tracepoints from apic.c to irq.c (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [x86] trace: Add irq vector tracepoints (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [x86] trace: Rename variables for debugging (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [x86] trace: Introduce entering/exiting_irq() (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [tracing] Add DEFINE_EVENT_FN() macro (Seiji Aguchi) [741673] - [fs] pstore: Fail to unlink if a driver has not defined pstore_erase (Steve Best) [996930] - [powerpc] pseries: Inform the hypervisor we are using EBB regs (Steve Best) [997646] - [powerpc] perf: Export PERF_EVENT_CONFIG_EBB_SHIFT to userspace (Steve Best) [997646] - [powerpc] perf: Set PPC_FEATURE2_EBB when we register the power8 PMU (Steve Best) [997646] - [powerpc] Fix hypervisor facility unavaliable vector number (Steve Best) [995354] - [powerpc] Fix context switch DSCR on POWER8 (Steve Best) [995354] - [powerpc] Rework setting up H/FSCR bit definitions (Steve Best) [995354] - [powerpc] Wire up the HV facility unavailable exception (Steve Best) [995354] - [powerpc] Rename and flesh out the facility unavailable exception handler (Steve Best) [995354] - [powerpc] Remove KVMTEST from RELON exception handlers (Steve Best) [995354] - [powerpc] tm: Fix context switching TAR, PPR and DSCR SPRs (Steve Best) [988340] - [powerpc] Save the TAR register earlier (Steve Best) [988340]- [security] Revert: Secure Boot related kernel enforcements (Jarod Wilson) [903815]- [block] blk-mq: blk-mq should free bios in pass through case (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: add missing percpu_counter_destroy for mq_usage_counter (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [fs] direct-io: only inc_dec inode->i_dio_count for file systems (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [lib] percpu_counter: make APIs irq safe (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] null_blk: multi queue aware block test driver (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [kernel] smp: Export __smp_call_function_single() (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: change sw <-> hw queue mappings on hotplug events (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: re-initialize queue data structure after CPU hotplug (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: add queue freeze/unfreeze support (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: fix timer infinite loop after first timeout event (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: timeout fixes (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: cpu hot plug_unplug fixes (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: flush handling (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] blk-mq: new multi-queue block IO queueing mechanism (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [block] make rq->cmd_flags be 64-bit (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [kernel] smp: don't warn about csd->flags having CSD_FLAG_LOCK cleared for !wait (Mike Snitzer) [960150] - [mm] sched: Allow uaccess in atomic with pagefault_disable() (Michael S. Tsirkin) [988029] - [mm] sched: Drop voluntary schedule from might_fault() (Michael S. Tsirkin) [988029] - [x86] uaccess s/might_sleep/might_fault/ (Michael S. Tsirkin) [988029] - [powerpc] uaccess s/might_sleep/might_fault/ (Michael S. Tsirkin) [988029] - [misc] asm-generic: uaccess s/might_sleep/might_fault/ (Michael S. Tsirkin) [988029] - [x86] efi: Disable secure boot if shim is in insecure mode (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] modsign: Import certificates from UEFI Secure Boot (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] keys: Add a system blacklist keyring (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [crypto] asymmetric_keys: Add an EFI signature blob parser and key loader (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] modsign: Fix including certificate twice when the signing_key.x509 already exists (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] keys: Add a 'trusted' flag and a 'trusted only' flag (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] modsign: Separate the kernel signature checking keyring from module signing (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] modsign: Load *.x509 files into kernel keyring (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [efi] Add EFI signature data types (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] modsign: Always enforce module signing in a Secure Boot environment (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] hibernate: Disable in a Secure Boot environment (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] kexec: Disable in a secure boot environment (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] Lock down MSR writing in secure boot (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [acpi] Ignore acpi_rsdp kernel parameter in a secure boot environment (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [char] mem: Restrict /dev/mem and /dev/kmem in secure boot setups (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [platform] asus-wmi: Restrict debugfs interface (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [acpi] Limit access to custom_method (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] Lock down IO port access in secure boot environments (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [pci] Lock down BAR access in secure boot environments (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [x86] efi: Enable secure boot lockdown automatically when enabled in firmware (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] Add a kernel parameter that will force on Secure Boot mode (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [security] selinux: define mapping for new Secure Boot capability (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [uapi] Add new secure boot capability (Lenny Szubowicz) [903815] - [kernel] audit: fix mq_open and mq_unlink to add the MQ root as a hidden parent audit_names record (Jeff Layton) [908885 953186] - [kernel] audit: log the audit_names record type (Jeff Layton) [908885 953186] - [kernel] audit: add child record before the create to handle case where create fails (Jeff Layton) [908885 953186] - [md] dm-raid: silence compiler warning on rebuilds_per_group (Jonathan E Brassow) [970782] - [md] dm-raid: Fix raid_resume not reviving failed devices in all cases (Jonathan E Brassow) [970782] - [md] dm-raid: Break-up untidy function (Jonathan E Brassow) [970782] - [s390] zfcp: block queue limits with data router (Hendrik Brueckner) [976657] - [scsi] scsi_lib: Fix race between starved list and device removal (Ewan Milne) [986037] - [md] dm-switch: add switch target (Mike Snitzer) [983188] - [wireless] disable WiMAX support (John Linville) [915650] - [fs] gfs2: don't overrun reserved revokes (Benjamin Marzinski) [950622] - [fs] gfs2: Reserve journal space for quota change in do_grow (Robert S Peterson) [979131] - [x86] setup: Add cpu_has_hypervisor check to rh_check_supported() (Prarit Bhargava) [986048] - [x86] sched: Optimize switch_mm() for multi-threaded workloads (Rik van Riel) [990747] - [crypto] nx: fix concurrency issue (Steve Best) [996565] - [powerpc] mm: Fix fallthrough bug in hpte_decode (Steve Best) [993326] - [misc] Kconfig: enable building user namespace with xfs (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [fs] xfs: add capability check to free eofblocks ioctl (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [fs] xfs: create internal eofblocks structure with kuid_t types (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [fs] xfs: convert kuid_t to/from uid_t for internal structures (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [fs] xfs: ioctl check for capabilities in the current user namespace (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [fs] xfs: convert kuid_t to/from uid_t in ACLs (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [fs] xfs: create wrappers for converting kuid_t to/from uid_t (Dave Chinner) [987255] - [md] raid5: fix interaction of 'replace' and 'recovery' (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid10: remove use-after-free bug (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid1: fix bio handling problems in process_checks() (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] Remove recent change which allows devices to skip recovery (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid10: fix two problems with RAID10 resync (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid10: fix bug which causes all RAID10 reshapes to move no data (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid5: allow 5-device RAID6 to be reshaped to 4-device (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid10: fix two bugs affecting RAID10 reshape (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] Remember the last sync operation that was performed (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid0: fix buglet in RAID5 -> RAID0 conversion (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid10: check In_sync flag in 'enough()' (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] raid10: locking changes for 'enough()' (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] replace strict_strto*() with kstrto*() (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] Wait for md_check_recovery before attempting device removal (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [md] dm-raid: Add ability to restore transiently failed devices on resume (Jes Sorensen) [978055] - [net] ipv6: resend MLD report if a link-local address completes DAD (Flavio Leitner) [889455] - [net] ipv6: introduce per-interface counter for dad-completed ipv6 addresses (Flavio Leitner) [889455] - [net] ipv6: split duplicate address detection and router solicitation timer (Flavio Leitner) [889455] - [net] tcp: introduce a per-route knob for quick ack (Amerigo Wang) [984504] - [net] nlmon: use standard rtnetlink link api for add/del devices (Daniel Borkmann) [957721] - [net] nlmon: fix comparison in nlmon_is_valid_mtu (Daniel Borkmann) [957721] - [net] packet: nlmon: virtual netlink monitoring device for packet sockets (Daniel Borkmann) [957721] - [net] netlink: virtual tap device management (Daniel Borkmann) [957721] - [net] if_arp: add ARPHRD_NETLINK type (Daniel Borkmann) [957721]- [kernel] sched: disable autogroups by default (Josh Poimboeuf) [989741] - [powerpc] pseries: Add backward compatibilty to read old kernel oops-log (Steve Best) [991831] - [powerpc] pseries: Fix buffer overflow when reading from pstore (Steve Best) [991831] - [crypto] nx: saves chaining value from co-processor (Steve Best) [972656] - [crypto] nx: fix limits to sg lists for SHA-2 (Steve Best) [972656] - [crypto] nx: fix physical addresses added to sg lists (Steve Best) [972656]- [net] ipv6: ip6_append_data_mtu did not care about pmtudisc and frag_size (Francesco Fusco) [994346] {CVE-2013-4163} - [net] ipv6: call udp_push_pending_frames when uncorking a socket with AF_INET pending data (Francesco Fusco) [988355] {CVE-2013-4162} - [kernel] sysctl: range checking in do_proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies_conv (Francesco Fusco) [972393] - [net] neigh: prevent overflowing params in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/ (Francesco Fusco) [972393] - [net] vhost-net: fix use-after-free in vhost_net_flush (Thomas Graf) [984723] {CVE-2013-4127} - [powerpc] tm: Fix return of active 64bit signals (Steve Best) [731886] - [powerpc] tm: Fix return of 32bit rt signals to active transactions (Steve Best) [731886] - [powerpc] tm: Fix restoration of MSR on 32bit signal return (Steve Best) [731886] - [powerpc] tm: Fix 32 bit non-rt signals (Steve Best) [731886] - [powerpc] tm: Fix writing top half of MSR on 32 bit signals (Steve Best) [731886] - [fs] nfs: verify open flags before allowing an atomic open (Jeff Layton) [984823] - [s390] zfcp: module parameter dbflevel for early debugging (Hendrik Brueckner) [994597] - [virt] virtio_net: fix the race between channels setting and refill (Jason Wang) [978153] - [kernel] audit: restore order of tty and ses fields in log output (Richard Guy Briggs) [983157] - [kernel] time/tick: Make oneshot broadcast robust vs. CPU offlining (Prarit Bhargava) [967464] - [virt] virtio_net: fix race in RX VQ processing (Jason Wang) [989409] - [virt] virtio: support unlocked queue poll (Jason Wang) [989409] - [powerpc] mm: Use the correct SLB(LLP) encoding in tlbie instruction (Steve Best) [993448] - [net] tuntap: do not zerocopy if iov needs more pages than MAX_SKB_FRAGS (Jason Wang) [982513] - [net] tuntap: correctly linearize skb when zerocopy is used (Jason Wang) [982513] - [virt] macvtap: do not zerocopy if iov needs more pages than MAX_SKB_FRAGS (Jason Wang) [990786] - [virt] macvtap: do not assume 802.1Q when send vlan packets (Jason Wang) [990786] - [virt] macvtap: fix the missing ret value of TUNSETQUEUE (Jason Wang) [990786] - [virt] macvtap: correctly linearize skb when zerocopy is used (Jason Wang) [982513] - [virt] macvtap: Perform GSO on forwarding path (Jason Wang) [895484] - [virt] macvtap: Let TUNSETOFFLOAD actually controll offload features (Jason Wang) [895484] - [virt] macvtap: Consistently use rcu functions (Jason Wang) [895484] - [virt] macvtap: Convert to using rtnl lock (Jason Wang) [895484] - [virt] macvtap: fix uninitialized return value macvtap_ioctl_set_queue() (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: slient sparse warnings (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: enable multiqueue flag (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: add TUNSETQUEUE ioctl (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: eliminate linear search (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: introduce macvtap_get_vlan() (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: do not add self to waitqueue if doing a nonblock read (Jason Wang) [731550] - [virt] macvtap: fix a possible race between queue selection and changing queues (Jason Wang) [731550]- [vfio] type1: Fix leak on error path (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [vfio] Limit group opens (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [vfio] type1: Fix missed frees and zero sized removes (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [vfio] Provide module option to disable vfio_iommu_type1 hugepage support (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [vfio] hugepage support for vfio_iommu_type1 (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [vfio] Convert type1 iommu to use rbtree (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [iommu] Use pa and zx instead of casting (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [iommu] amd: Only unmap large pages from the first pte (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [iommu] Fix compiler warning on pr_debug (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [iommu] amd: Fix memory leak in free_pagetable (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [iommu] Split iommu_unmaps (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [iommu] intel, amd: Remove multifunction assumption around grouping (Alex Williamson) [984081] - [x86] spinlock: make ticket lock increment 2, unconditionally (Rik van Riel) [970737] - [virt] pvticketlock: When paravirtualizing ticket locks, increment by 2 (Rik van Riel) [970737] - [scsi] isci: Fix a race condition in the SSP task management path (David Milburn) [990201] - [netdrv] bnx2x: Wait for MCP validity during AER (Michal Schmidt) [797460] - [virt] virtio_scsi: Fix virtqueue affinity setup (Asias He) [971826] - [fs] nfs: fix open(O_RDONLY|O_TRUNC) in NFS4.0 (Jeff Layton) [987615] - [watchdog] hpwdt: Add check for UEFI bits (Linda Knippers) [985195] - [powerpc] mm/numa: VPHN topology change updates all siblings (Steve Best) [973594] - [powerpc] powernv: Fix iommu initialization again (Steve Best) [979523] - [firmware] efivars: If pstore_register fails, free unneeded pstore buffer (Lenny Szubowicz) [983597] - [acpi] Eliminate console msg if pstore.backend excludes ERST (Lenny Szubowicz) [983597] - [fs] pstore: Return unique error if backend registration excluded by kernel param (Lenny Szubowicz) [983597]- [fs] locks: move file_lock_list to a set of percpu hlist_heads and convert file_lock_lock to an lglock (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] seq_file: add seq_list_*_percpu helpers (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: give the blocked_hash its own spinlock (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: add a new "lm_owner_key" lock operation (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: turn the blocked_list into a hashtable (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: convert fl_link to a hlist_node (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: avoid taking global lock if possible when waking up blocked waiters (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: protect most of the file_lock handling with i_lock (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: encapsulate the fl_link list handling (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: make "added" in __posix_lock_file a bool (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: comment cleanups and clarifications (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: make generic_add_lease and generic_delete_lease static (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] cifs: use posix_unblock_lock instead of locks_delete_block (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [fs] locks: drop the unused filp argument to posix_unblock_lock (Jeff Layton) [976876] - [scsi] ipr: IOA Status Code(IOASC) update (Steve Best) [731129] - [scsi] ipr: qc_fill_rtf() method should not store alternate status register (Steve Best) [731129] - [scsi] ipr: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected (Steve Best) [731129] - [fs] nfsd: when dentry_open returns an error do not propagate as struct file (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: underflow issue in decode_write_list() (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: fix minorversion support interface (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] lockd: protect nlm_blocked access in nlmsvc_retry_blocked (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: support minorversion 1 by default (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: allow destroy_session over destroyed session (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: fix failures to handle -1 uid's (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: Don't schedule an upcall on a replaced cache entry (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: xpt_auth_cache should be ignored when expired (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc/cache: ensure items removed from cache do not have pending upcalls (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc/cache: use cache_fresh_unlocked consistently and correctly (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc/cache: remove races with queuing an upcall (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: return delegation immediately if lease fails (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: do not throw away 4.1 lock state on last unlock (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: delegation-based open reclaims should bypass permissions (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: don't error out on small tcp fragment (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: fix handling of too-short rpc's (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: minor read_buf cleanup (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: fix decoding of compounds across page boundaries (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: clean up nfs4_open_delegation (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: Don't give out read delegations on creates (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: allow client to send no cb_sec flavors (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: fail attempts to request gss on the backchannel (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: implement minimal SP4_MACH_CRED (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: store gss mech in svc_cred (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: introduce init_svc_cred (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: avoid undefined signed overflow (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: the cache_detail in cache_is_valid is unused any more (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: server back channel needs no rpcbind method (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: fix compile in !CONFIG_NFSD_V4_SECURITY_LABEL case (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: Server implementation of MAC Labeling (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: Add NFS v4.2 support to the NFS server (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [security] fix cap_inode_getsecctx returning garbage (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: store correct client minorversion for >=4.2 (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfsd: get rid of the unused functions in vfs (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Fix brainfart in attribute length calculation (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Fix a regression against the FreeBSD server (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc/rpc_pipe: rpc_dir_inode_operations can be static (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Allow nfs_updatepage to extend a write under additional circumstances (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Make nfs_readdir revalidate less often (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Make nfs_attribute_cache_expired() non-static (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc/rpc_pipe: set dentry operations at d_alloc time (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: set verifier on existing dentries in nfs_prime_dcache (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Set NFS_CS_MIGRATION for NFSv4 mounts (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Refactor nfs4_init_session and nfs4_init_channel_attrs (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: use pnfs_device maxcount for the objectlayout gdia_maxcount (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: use pnfs_device maxcount for the blocklayout gdia_maxcount (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Fix gdia_maxcount calculation to fit in ca_maxresponsesize (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Improve legacy idmapping fallback (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: end back channel session draining (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Apply v4.1 capabilities to v4.2 (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Clean up layout segment comparison helper names (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: layout segment comparison helpers should take 'const' parameters (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Move the DNS resolver into the NFSv4 module (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc/rpc_pipefs: only set rpc_dentry_ops if d_op isn't already set (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: SETCLIENTID add the format string for the NETID (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Add in v4.2 callback operation (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Make callbacks minor version generic (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Add Kconfig entry for Labeled NFS V4 client (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Extend NFS xattr handlers to accept the security namespace (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Client implementation of Labeled-NFS (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Add label lifecycle management (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Add labels to client function prototypes (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Extend fattr bitmaps to support all 3 words (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Introduce new label structure (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Add label recommended attribute and NFSv4 flags (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Added NFS v4.2 support to the NFS client (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [security] selinux: Add new labeling type native labels (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [security] lsm: Add flags field to security_sb_set_mnt_opts for in kernel mount data (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [security] Add Hook to test if the particular xattr is part of a MAC model (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [security] Add hook to calculate context based on a negative dentry (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Close another NFSv4 recovery race (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Move dentry instantiation into the NFSv4-specific atomic open code (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Refactor _nfs4_open_and_get_state to set ctx->state (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: pass the nfs_open_context to nfs4_do_open (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Remove redundant check for FMODE_EXEC in nfs_finish_open (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: Remove redundant call to rpc_set_running() in __rpc_execute() (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: Remove unused functions rpc_task_set/has_priority (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: Remove the unused helpers task_for_each() and task_for_first() (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: Remove unused function rpc_queue_empty (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a potential race in rpc_execute (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Simplify setting the layout header credential (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Enable state protection (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Use layout credentials for get_deviceinfo calls (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that test_stateid and free_stateid use correct credentials (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that reclaim_complete uses the right credential (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that layoutreturn uses the correct credential (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Ensure that layoutget is called using the layout credential (Steve Dickson) [987090] - [fs] nfs: Add NFSv4.2 protocol constants (Steve Dickson) [987090]- [fs] cifs: fix bad error handling in crypto code (Jeff Layton) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Fix a deadlock when a file is reopened (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Reopen the file if reconnect durable handle failed (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Fix minor endian error in durable handle patch series (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Reconnect durable handles for SMB2 (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Make SMB2_open use cifs_open_parms struct (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Introduce cifs_open_parms struct (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Request durable open for SMB2 opens (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Simplify SMB2 create context handling (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Simplify SMB2_open code path (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Respect create_options in smb2_open_file (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Fix lease context buffer parsing (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: use sensible file nlink values if unprovided (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Limit allocation of crypto mechanisms to dialect which requires (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Don't pass inode to ->d_hash() and ->d_compare() (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: fill TRANS2_QUERY_FILE_INFO ByteCount fields (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: fix SMB2 signing enablement in cifs_enable_signing (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Fix build warning (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: SMB3 Signing enablement (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Do not set DFS flag on SMB2 open (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: fix static checker warning (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: try to handle the MUST SecurityFlags sanely (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: When server doesn't provide SecurityBuffer on SMB2Negotiate pick default (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Handle big endianness in NTLM (ntlmv2) authentication (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: revalidate directories instiantiated via FIND_* in order to handle DFS referrals (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: SMB2 FSCTL and IOCTL worker function (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Charge at least one credit, if server says that it supports multicredit (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Remove typo (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Some missing share flags (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: using strlcpy instead of strncpy (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Update headers to update various SMB3 ioctl definitions (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Update cifs version number (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Add ability to dipslay SMB3 share flags and capabilities for debugging (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Add some missing SMB3 and SMB3.02 flags (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Add SMB3.02 dialect support (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: Fix endian error in SMB2 protocol negotiation (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: clean up the SecurityFlags write handler (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: update the default global_secflags to include "raw" NTLMv2 (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] move sectype to the cifs_ses instead of TCP_Server_Info (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: track the enablement of signing in the TCP_Server_Info (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] add new fields to smb_vol to track the requested security flavor (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: add new fields to cifs_ses to track requested security flavor (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: track the flavor of the NEGOTIATE reponse (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: add new "Unspecified" securityEnum value (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: factor out check for extended security bit into separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: move handling of signed connections into separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: break out lanman NEGOTIATE handling into separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: break out decoding of security blob into separate function (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: remove the cifs_ses->flags field (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: throw a warning if negotiate or sess_setup ops are passed NULL server or session pointers (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: make decode_ascii_ssetup void return (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: remove useless memset in LANMAN auth code (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: remove protocolEnum definition (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] cifs: add a "nosharesock" mount option to force new sockets to server to be created (Sachin Prabhu) [988398] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus cleanup (Niels de Vos) [988312] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus change attributes once (Niels de Vos) [988312] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus fix instantiate (Niels de Vos) [988312] - [fs] fuse: readdirplus sanity checks (Niels de Vos) [988312] - [fs] fuse: fix readdirplus dentry leak (Niels de Vos) [988312] - [powerpc] hw_brk: Fix off by one error when validating DAWR region end (Steve Best) [843485] - [powerpc] hw_brk: Fix clearing of extraneous IRQ (Steve Best) [843485] - [powerpc] hw_brk: Fix setting of length for exact mode breakpoints (Steve Best) [843485] - [powerpc] perf: Add power8 EBB support (Steve Best) [969176] - [powerpc] perf: Core EBB support for 64-bit book3s (Steve Best) [969176] - [powerpc] perf: Don't enable if we have zero events (Steve Best) [969176] - [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Use existing out label in power_pmu_enable() (Steve Best) [969176] - [powerpc] perf: Freeze PMC5/6 if we're not using them (Steve Best) [969176] - [powerpc] powerpc/perf: Rework disable logic in pmu_disable() (Steve Best) [969176] - [powerpc] perf: Check that events only include valid bits on Power8 (Steve Best) [969176] - [ipc] sem: rename try_atomic_semop() to perform_atomic_semop(), docu update (Rik van Riel) [881820] - [ipc] sem: replace shared sem_otime with per-semaphore value (Rik van Riel) [881820] - [ipc] sem: always use only one queue for alter operations (Rik van Riel) [881820] - [ipc] sem: separate wait-for-zero and alter tasks into seperate queues (Rik van Riel) [881820] - [ipc] sem: cacheline align the semaphore structures (Rik van Riel) [881820] - [fs] gfs2: Add atomic_open support (Steven Whitehouse) [983098] - [fs] gfs2: Only do one directory search on create (Steven Whitehouse) [983098] - [fs] pstore: Add hsize argument in write_buf call of pstore_ftrace_call (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Support compression of oops text via pstore (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Re-organise the oops compression code (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pstore: Pass header size in the pstore write callback (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Read common partition via pstore (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Read of-config partition via pstore (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Distinguish between a os-partition and non-os partition (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Read rtas partition via pstore (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Read/Write oops nvram partition via pstore (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Introduce generic read function to read nvram-partitions (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Add version and timestamp to oops header (Steve Best) [947161] - [powerpc] pseries: Remove syslog prefix in uncompressed oops text (Steve Best) [947161]- [x86] signals: Merge EFLAGS bit clearing into a single statement (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [x86] signals: Clear RF EFLAGS bit for signal handler (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [x86] signals: Propagate RF EFLAGS bit through the signal restore call (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Fix perf_lock_task_context() vs RCU (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Remove WARN_ON_ONCE() check in __perf_event_enable() for valid scenario (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Clone child context from parent context pmu (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Fix interrupt handler timing harness (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Drop sample rate when sampling is too slow (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] hw_breakpoint: Introduce "struct bp_cpuinfo" (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] hw_breakpoint: Simplify *register_wide_hw_breakpoint() (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] hw_breakpoint: Introduce cpumask_of_bp() (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] hw_breakpoint: Simplify the "weight" usage in toggle_bp_slot() paths (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] hw_breakpoint: Simplify list/idx mess in toggle_bp_slot() paths (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Add simple Haswell PMU support (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Add const qualifier to perf_pmu_register's 'name' arg (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Fix hypervisor branch sampling permission check (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Check branch sampling priv level in generic code (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Add sysfs entry to adjust multiplexing interval per PMU (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Use hrtimers for event multiplexing (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [kernel] perf: Fix hw breakpoints overflow period sampling (Jiri Olsa) [986216] - [tools] perf/tests: Check proper prev_state size for sched_switch tp (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/tests: Omit end of the symbol check failure for test 1 (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/script: Fix broken include in Context.xs (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix -ldw/-lelf link test when static linking (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix perf version generation (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/stat: Fix per-socket output bug for uncore events (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/symbols: Fix vdso list searching (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/evsel: Fix missing increment in sample parsing (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Update symbol_conf.nr_events when processing attribute events (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix new_term() missing free on error path (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix parse_events_terms() segfault on error path (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/evsel: Fix count parameter to read call in event_format__new (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix -x/--exclude-other option for report command (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/evlist: Enhance perf_evlist__start_workload() (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/record: Remove -f/--force option (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/record: Remove -A/--append option (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/stat: Avoid sending SIGTERM to random processes (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Include termios.h explicitly (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/bench: Fix memory allocation fail check in mem{set, cpy} workloads (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix build errors with O and DESTDIR make vars set (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix output directory of Documentation/ (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Get only verbose output with V=1 (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Add missing liblk.a dependency for python/ (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Remove '?=' Makefile STRIP assignment (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Replace multiple line assignment with multiple statements (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Replace tabs with spaces for all non-commands statements (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Add NO_BIONIC variable to confiure bionic setup (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Switch to full path C include directories (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Merge all *LDFLAGS* make variable into LDFLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Merge all *CFLAGS* make variable into CFLAGS (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/evlist: Reset SIGTERM handler in workload child process (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Remove cwdlen from struct perf_session (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Remove frozen from perf_header struct (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix exclude_guest|exclude_host checking for attr tests (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix attr test for record -d option (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Final touches for CHK config move (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move paths config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libnuma check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move stdlib check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libbfd check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libpython check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libperl check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move gtk2 check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move slang check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libaudit check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libunwind check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libdw check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move libelf check config into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move compiler and linker flags check into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move programs check into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Move arch check into config/Makefile (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Add automated make test suite (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Save parent pid in thread struct (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/stats: Fix divide by 0 in variance (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/kvm: Handle realloc failures (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/evsel: Fix printing of perf_event_paranoid message (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/test: Fix typo (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/hists: Rename hist_entry__add_pair arguments (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/diff: Use internal rb tree for hists__precompute (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/report: Add report.percent-limit config variable (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/top: Add --percent-limit option (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/report: Add --percent-limit option (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/report: Don't bother locking when adding hist entries (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/hists: Move locking to its call-sites (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/top: Get rid of *_threaded() functions (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/top: Fix percent output when no samples collected (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/top: Fix -E option behavior (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/record: handle death by SIGTERM (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Handle JITed code in shared memory (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/tests: Fix compile errors in bp_signal files (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix tab vs spaces issue in Makefile ifdef/endif (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/hists browser: Use sort__has_sym (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/top: Use sort__has_sym (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/sort: Cleanup sort__has_sym setting (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/sort: Reorder HISTC_SRCLINE index (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/archive: Fix typo on Documentation (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/sort: Consolidate sort_entry__setup_elide() (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/sort: Separate out memory-specific sort keys (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/sort: Factor out common code in sort_dimension__add() (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/sort: Introduce sort__mode variable (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/report: Fix alignment of symbol column when -v is given (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/hists: Free unused mem info of a matched hist entry (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf/hists: Fix an invalid memory free on he->branch_info (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [tools] perf: Fix bug in isupper() and islower() (Jiri Olsa) [984998] - [mm] thp: define HPAGE_PMD_* constants as BUILD_BUG() if !THP (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Fix build warnings with CONFIG_TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE disabled (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Optimize hugepage invalidate (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] thp: Enable THP on PPC64 (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: split hugepage when using subpage protection (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: disable assert_pte_locked for collapse_huge_page (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Prevent gcc to re-read the pagetables (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Make linux pagetable walk safe with THP enabled (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] thp: Add code to handle HPTE faults for hugepages (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Update gup_pmd_range to handle transparent hugepages (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] kvm: Handle transparent hugepage in KVM (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Replace find_linux_pte with find_linux_pte_or_hugepte (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: Update find_linux_pte_or_hugepte to handle transparent hugepages (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: move find_linux_pte_or_hugepte and gup_hugepte to common code (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] thp: Implement transparent hugepages for ppc64 (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] thp: Double the PMD table size for THP (Steve Best) [947166] - [powerpc] mm: handle hugepage size correctly when invalidating hpte entries (Steve Best) [947166] - [mm] thp: deposit the transpare huge pgtable before set_pmd (Steve Best) [947166] - [mm] thp: don't use HPAGE_SHIFT in transparent hugepage code (Steve Best) [947166] - [mm] thp: withdraw the pgtable after pmdp related operations (Steve Best) [947166] - [mm] thp: add pmd args to pgtable deposit and withdraw APIs (Steve Best) [947166] - [mm] thp: use the correct function when updating access flags (Steve Best) [947166]- [powerpc] mm/numa: Do not update sysfs cpu registration from invalid context (Steve Best) [967447] - [misc] MAINTAINERS: Add ACPI folks for ACPI-related things under drivers/pci (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Add CircuitCo vendor ID and subsystem ID (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Use pdev->pm_cap instead of pci_find_capability(.., PCI_CAP_ID_PM) (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Return early on allocation failures to unindent mainline code (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Simplify IOV implementation and fix reference count races (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Drop redundant setting of bus->is_added in virtfn_add_bus() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] pci-acpi: Use correct power state strings in messages (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Fix comment typo for pcie_pme_remove() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Rename pci_release_bus_bridge_dev() to pci_release_host_bridge_dev() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Fix refcount issue in pci_create_root_bus() error recovery path (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Convert alloc_pci_dev(void) to pci_alloc_dev(bus) (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Hide remove and rescan sysfs interfaces for SR-IOV virtual functions (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Add pcibios_release_device() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [iommu] irq_remapping: Conserve interrupt resources when using multiple-MSIs (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [i2c] i2c-piix4: Add AMD CZ SMBus device ID (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [ata] ahci: Add AMD CZ SATA device ID (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Put Hudson-2 device IDs together (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Replace strict_strtoul() with kstrtoul() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Finish SR-IOV VF setup before adding the device (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Fix comment typo for PCI_EXP_LNKCAP_CLKPM (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [acpi] pci_root: Use dev_printk(), acpi_handle_print(), pr_xxx() when possible (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [acpi] pci_root: Remove unused global list acpi_pci_roots (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [acpi] pci_root: Introduce "handle" local for economy of expression (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [acpi] pci_root: Combine duplicate adjacent "if" tests (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Allocate only as many MSI vectors as requested by driver (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Replace printks with appropriate pr_*() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Fix kerneldoc for pci_disable_link_state() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [x86] pci: Increase info->res_num before checking pci_use_crs (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Fix INTC comment typo for pci_swizzle_interrupt_pin() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Convert ioapic.c to module_pci_driver (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Introduce pci_alloc_dev(struct pci_bus*) to replace alloc_pci_dev() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Introduce pci_bus_{get|put}() to manage PCI bus reference count (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Unset resource if initial BAR value is invalid (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Consolidate calls to pcibios_bus_to_resource() in __pci_read_base() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Add 0x prefix to BAR register position in __pci_read_base() (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] aspm: Warn when driver asks to disable ASPM, but we can't do it (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [powerpc] pci: Use PCI_UNKNOWN for unknown power state (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [acpi] pci_root: Check acpi_resource_to_address64() return value (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [pci] Work around Ivytown NTB BAR size issue (Myron Stowe) [984759] - [net] sunrpc: Fix another issue with rpc_client_register() (Jeff Layton) [924649] - [net] sunrpc: Fix a deadlock in rpc_client_register() (Jeff Layton) [924649] - [net] sunrpc: PipeFS MOUNT notification optimization for dying clients (Jeff Layton) [924649] - [net] sunrpc: split client creation routine into setup and registration (Jeff Layton) [924649] - [net] sunrpc: fix races on PipeFS UMOUNT notifications (Jeff Layton) [924649] - [net] sunrpc: fix races on PipeFS MOUNT notifications (Jeff Layton) [924649]- [scsi] sd: fix crash when UA received on DIF enabled device (Ewan Milne) [979440] - [md] dm-cache: add call to mark_tech_preview (Mike Snitzer) [982752] - [fs] nfs: have NFSv3 try server-specified auth flavors in turn (Jeff Layton) [977649] - [fs] nfs: have nfs_mount fake up a auth_flavs list when the server didn't provide it (Jeff Layton) [977649] - [fs] nfs: move server_authlist into nfs_try_mount_request (Jeff Layton) [977649] - [fs] nfs: refactor "need_mount" code out of nfs_try_mount (Jeff Layton) [977649] - [pci] ear: Reset link for devices below Root Port or Downstream Port (Myron Stowe) [797485] - [acpi] apei: Force fatal AER severity when component has been reset (Myron Stowe) [797485] - [pci] aer: Remove "extern" from function declarations (Myron Stowe) [797485] - [pci] aer: Move AER severity defines to aer.h (Myron Stowe) [797485] - [pci] aer: Set dev->__aer_firmware_first only for matching devices (Myron Stowe) [797485] - [pci] aer: Factor out HEST device type matching (Myron Stowe) [797485] - [pci] aer: Don't parse HEST table for non-PCIe devices (Myron Stowe) [797485]- [x86] fix !CONFIG_HYPERVISOR_GUEST compile (Andrew Jones) - [s390x] crash: Fuzzy live dump for Linux on System z (Hendrik Brueckner) [805120] - [xen] xenfv: fix hangs when kdumping (Andrew Jones) [845471] - [libata] export ata_port port_no attribute via /sys (David Milburn) [951181] - [s390x] kdump: Use 4 GiB for KEXEC_AUTO_THRESHOLD (Hendrik Brueckner) [953044] - [x86] hpet: allow user controlled mmap for user processes (Prarit Bhargava) [788727] - [mm] add memory tracking hooks (James Paradis) [725860] - [kernel] clocksource, fix !CONFIG_CLOCKSOURCE_WATCHDOG compile (Prarit Bhargava) [914709] - [x86] disable clocksource watchdog (Prarit Bhargava) [914709] - [kdump] x86, fix kdump and unsupported HW check (Prarit Bhargava) [923256] - [x86] support single cpu on guests only (Prarit Bhargava) [873806] - [kernel] Mark power5, power6, !Intel, and !AMD systems as unsupported (Prarit Bhargava) [870129] - [kernel] Backport RH specific TAINT flags (Prarit Bhargava) [870129] - [s390x] zfcpdump: Add user space tool (Hendrik Brueckner) [825189] - [kdump] crashkernel=auto fixes and cleanup (Dave Young) [804077] - [fedora] /dev/crash driver (Kyle McMartin) [808839] - [kdump] forward port crashkernel auto reservation code (Dave Young) [804077] - [block] Change scheduler to CFQ for ATA/SATA (Vivek Goyal) [811016] - [kernel] kbuild: AFTER_LINK (Roland McGrath) - [ppc64] disable INFINIBAND_EHCA temporarily, it ftbfs (Kyle McMartin) - [kernel] Add RHEL_{MAJOR,MINOR,RELEASE} to top level Makefile (Kyle McMartin)- Trimmed changelog for rhel7.git, see rhpkg git for earlier history./bin/sh/bin/ 1526949551  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~                           ! 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3.10.0-862.3.2.el73.10.0-862.3.2.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